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Space Weather & Earth's Paradigm Shift – Joyfire Review
Space Weather & Earth's Paradigm Shift – Joyfire Review
* Susan Joy Rennison, Joyfire Publishing
* E-book
* Publication date: June 2012
* 134 pages + Cover
* 57 colour illus. 3 b/w illus.
* Print dimensions: 21.6 x 27.9 cm
* Size: approx. 6.3 MB
* £3.00 (GBP), €3.50 (EUR), $3.75 (USD),
Download Contents here.
Author's Note
This e-book is the accumulation of writings for the UK Paradigm Shift magazine and the articles date from May 2009 until May 2012. In November 2008, I first submitted an article to the editor, Claire Williams concerning the new phenomenon of Space Weather. The article explained my belief that this was related to energy driven evolutionary change and the metaphysical idea that the veil was lifting and that is why there was a huge increase in Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAPs), but nothing happened. Only after I got so frustrated that I got on the phone and spoke to her personally that I got a 'maybe' and a request to submit a shorter article. After this submission, I was actually told that my article was 'too technical' and there was 'no room' in the magazine. At this point, I resigned myself to the fact that I would have to find another way to give out my message to a UK audience. Thus, I was surprised to receive an email in April 2009, informing me that that my short article would be printed. It now seems that the timing was perfect as the published article coincided with major sightings of UAPs, 'swarming' in the skies in the United Kingdom.
I actually started off with a one page column, but I could not stick to writing one page and made Claire's life difficult by continuously submitting long Space Weather reports. Due to the obvious importance of the information, these became two page spreads where at least a few images could be accommodated. These articles were written for average readers and there was no attempt at providing a technical viewpoint. Thus, I just stated the facts that were being given out in the mainstream media and then gave an opinion based on my integration of science, metaphysics and ancient knowledge that explains how this all related to the transformation of our world and reality. Thus, this e-book Joyfire Review is for those who are interested in a general overview of the new phenomenon of Space Weather and provides a basic but important introduction to my research. The writings are only slightly edited to provide some additional clarity and as a bonus, includes additional quotes, images and references.
Purchasing Info
This e-book will be about 6.3 MB so your email in-box will need to be able to accept this large file (gmail can take up to 25MB), hotmail and yahoo also don't have problems accepting large files. When this book is available for purchase as a .pdf, the security will mean you will be able to search and print but not copy. Delivery will not be automatic but I endeavour to send copies within 48 hours of payment.
Susan Joy Rennison, February 2014