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April 2013 E-book Version at 50% (UK Price) Discount!
Tuning the Diamonds: Electromagnetism & Spiritual Evolution (The E-book)
Tuning the Diamonds: Electromagnetism & Spiritual Evolution (The E-book)
* Susan Joy Rennison, Joyfire Publishing
* E-book
* Publication date: April 2013
* 567 pages + Cover
* 100 colour illus. 73 b/w illus.
* Print dimensions: 165 x 254 mm
* Size: approx. 17.8 MB
* Original Price: $16.00 (USD), £10.00 (GBP) & €12.00 (EUR)
Download Contents, 2013 Preface & Introduction (13 pages) here.
Download Chapter 1, The Electromagnetic Universe (39 pages)here.
April 2013 E-book Version at 50% (UK Price) Discount !
Author Comments
This e-book is substantially larger than the original version of Tuning the Diamonds. The book will be about 568 pages and there are now about 1190 references that substantiate the existence of space weather and the technological impact, some relevant science about the affect of an unstable geomagnetic evironment on humans, with science and metaphysics that supports why some in the metaphysical community have taken matters into their own hands and have been strengthening their own energy fields to act as cosmic shields.
Amongst the updates to this book, the author is most pleased to provide information concerning the process of evolutionary change that pertains to energetic states. There is some additional information based on the work of Dr Valerie Hunt who provides some hints that people need more 'transactors' to process various energetic states more affectively. This leads into the question of a relationship between transactors and archetypes, and a question already being raised by intellectuals about the nature of these transactors, starts to lead us away from some of the New Age silliness about the process of spiritual evolution. However, some New Age ideas are given some credence based on recent scientific discoveries.
Purchasing Info
This e-book will be about 17.8 MB so your email in-box will need to be able to accept this large file (gmail can take up to 25MB). When this book is available for purchase as a .pdf, the security will mean you will be able to search and print but not copy. Delivery will not be automatic but I endeavour to send copies within 48 hours of payment.
Susan Joy Rennison, 2nd April 2012
April 2013 E-book Version at 50% (UK Price) Discount!