- Introduction
- Collective consciousness and the Cosmic Life Force
- The Pillar Celestial Fire
- The Sacred Sciences and the Philosopher's Stone
- Siddhis, or Perfection of Life
- The Three Means of Spiritual Evolution
- The Ravages and Promise of Time
- The Cosmic Clock — Precession of the Equinoxes
- Major Epochal Transformations Every 13,000 Years
- The Revelation of John
- The Divine Messenger
- The Wheel of Time
- Emanuations of Divine Power
- The Seven Layers of Universal Life
- The Four Living Creatures
- The Sphinx
- The Nature Of Pure Knowledge
- Pure Consciousness
- Nonlocal Intuition
- The Unmanifest Blueprint of Creation
- Expressions of Pure Knowledge
- The Sacred Science of the Seers
- Experience of Subtle Matter-Energy
- Subtle Matter Technologies
- The Holographic Spectrum of Creation
- Frequency Bands of Consciousness
- Holograms of Primordial Sound and Light
- The Mechanics of Creation
- The 108 Bands of the Spectrum
- The Seven–Layered Structure of the Universe
- The Inner Celestial Regions
- The Highest Heaven
- The One Sumpreme Being and the Gods
- The Universal Being
- The Tree of Life
- The Milky Way Galaxy
- Cosmic Life Spans
- The Subtle Body of the Galactic Being
- The Central Star of the Galactic Being
- The worlds of Light at the Galactic Center
- Galactic Civilization
- The Divine Ka
- The Universal song of Divine Love
- The Crystalline heart of the Sun
- The Divine Ka inthe Human Heart
- The Vedic Tradition
- The Egyptian Tradition
- The Mortal Soul
- Subtle Matter Metabolism
- Subtle Matter Generation
- Polarized Subtle Matter
- Condensed Subtle Matter
- Streams of Subtle matter
- The Theory of Morphic Fields
- Morphic Resonance
- Subtle Matter as Morphic Fields
- Subtle Beings as Morphic Fields
- Mechanics of Morphic Resonance
- Superliminal Transfers of Matter, Energy and Information
- Exotic Matter
- Negative Matter-Energy
- The Spiritual Name of the Soul
- The concept of Spiritual Purity
- The Principal of Divine Correspondence
- "As Above,So Below"
- A Hypothetical Journey
- The Seed and the Tree
- The Immortal Soul
- The Higher Soul
- The Sons and Daughters of Imortality
- The Marriage of Heaven and Earth
- Polarized and Unpolarized subtle Matter — Chitta and Chitta – Vritti
- The Cosmic Network of Celestial Rays
- The Science of Astrology
- The three Main Celestial Rays
- The Two Paths of Enlightenment
- Eridanus — The River of Celestial Fire
- Cooking With Celestial Fire
- SubtleFusion or Tapas
- The Judgement Day
- The Divine Messenger
- The Pleiadian Connection
- The Pleiades in the Greek Tradition
- The Pleiades in the Polynesian Tradition
- The Pleiades in the Mesoamerican Tradition
- The Pleiades in the Vedic Tradition
- The Pleiades in the Mesopotamian Tradition
- The Divine Covenant
- Subtle Matter Technologies
- The Four Ages of Human Civilisation
- The Celestial Yugas or Ages
- Krita or Sat Yuga: The Golden Age
- Treta Yuga: The Silver Age
- Dwapana Yuga: The Bronze Age
- Kali Yuga: The Iron Age
- The Present Time of Transition
- The Solar of Lunar Races
- Integrating Earth's Planetary Awareness
- The Spiritual Foundations of Human Civilization
- The Antediluvian World
- The Nature Spirits and Terrestrial Gods
- The Innocent Reflection of the Age
- The Antediluvian End Times
- The Shift of the Geographic Poles
- The Magnetic Interaction of the Stream of Celestial Fire
- The Gravitational Interaction of the Streams of Celestial Fire
- Earth Crust Displacement
- Evidence of Pole Shifts
- Earth, Water and Fire
- The Survivors
- A New Illumination
- Ancient Legends of the Flood
- The Legend of Utnapishtim
- Mesoamerican Legends of the Flood
- Chinese and Vedic Legends of the Flood
- The Legend of Atlantis
- The Tradition of the Enlightened Seers
- The Ancient Vedic Tradition
- The Vedic Rishis
- The Sacred Mantras
- The Universal Language of Nature
- The Secret of Divine Invocation
- The Tradition of Oral Recitation
- The Status of the Vedic Literature
- The Ancient Egyptian Civilisation
- Egyptian Prehistory
- The Ancient Esoteric Tradition
- A Secret Radiation Technology
- The Breath of a Serpent
- The Djed Pillar
- The Mortuary Rites
- The Process of Spiritual Ascension
- The Myth of Osiris
- The Golden Basis of Spiritual Resurrection
- The Giver of Eternal Life
- The Pillar of Light
- The Chamber of Light
- The Bread of light
- Levitation Technology?
- The Builder of Gods and the New World Order
- The Hidden Legacy
- The Lost Tradition
- The Tradition of Alchemy
- Hermetic Alchemy
- Vedic Alchemy
- Chinese Alchemy
- Hebrew Alchemy
- The Aquarian Legacy
- Churning the Sea of Consciousness
- Yagya
- Churning the Milky Ocean
- The Alchemical Significance of the Churning Process
- The Alchemical Stone, Salt, or Ash
- The Rites of Immortality
- Traditions of Immortality
- The Mechanics of Ascension
- Preparation of the Soma
- The Secret Purpose of the Pyramids
- Gateways to the Cosmos
- The Pyramids of Giza and the Orion Constellation
- The Great Seal of the United States
- The Secret Purpose of the Pyramids
- Gateways to the Cosmos
- The Pyramids of Giza and the Orion Constellation
- The Great Seal of the United States
- The Ark of the Covenant
- The Need of the Time
- The Light of the Dawn
- A Vision of Possibilities
- A Time for Spiritual Rejuvenation
- Centers of Light
About the Author
The Celestial Science Foundation
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