The Pot Calling the Kettle Black
Lest We Forget - History Repeats
I am very busy at the moment promoting my New book but whilst travelling I decided to re-read the book the The Vicars of Christ: Dark Side of the Papacy. I feel so strong about the latest controversy with the Pope stating that the Prophet Mohammed used violent means to spread Islam that I feel compelled to inform, and reveal who exactly gave the Islamic world the idea of a Holy War in the first place.
Whenever, I pick up this book and start to read, I have real difficulty holding back the tears, as I read the history of how the leadership of Catholic Chuch abused their power and convinced people to kill, torture and steal in the name of Christ. This time, as I wept again, I wondered "when will I hardened up?" I am beginning to think I may never change and that is what keeps me moving upward on the evolutionary ladder, my emotions work.
As an energy practitioner, I have the ability to go into resonance with my clients. This means at times, I have sensations in my head or body that indicates where the client has issues to be dealt with. Here in Norway, on more than the odd occasion, when conducting an EMF Balancing Technique "Mini-Session", I have had a sudden blinding headache, that occurred as I pass my hands over the "third-eye" of the client. When questioning the client afterward, they have confessed that they have deliberately closed their Third-Eye out of fear. Intuitively, I have realised that these women have a massive fear of opening up to their spiritual gifts and this is a fear that they are carrying from previous lives when they were accused and burnt as witches. It is quite common for people to talk about Auswitch and the persecution of the Jews by Hitler and the Nazis but you very rarely come across media articles talking about the six million women burnt or drown by the Church. Here I would like to briefly highlight a few examples, documented historical events, which illustrate the depth of depravity exercised by those in power..
Since, I am very pressured for time at the moment, I have just done the deed and scanned chapter 10 of the book, The Vicars of Christ: The Dark side of the Papacy. This is the first installment, next I will do the stuff on the burning of witches and jews. When you read about the depth of injustice carried out on ordinary people and the ensuing terror, it is not difficult to see how this level of fear can be carried forward from lifetime to lifetime. Here in Norway are the Laws of Yanteloven that people teach their children. Totally disempowering. I am here to tell you to be empowered, you have to deal with wasted energy trapped as fear in your energy fields. There is a tremendous need for people to shine their light and re-calibrate others around them to higher states of consciousness. Now we have discovered that the government of the so-called Land of the Free, grab victims off the street to be whisked away to torture facilities in other foreign lands. Since this is all done in secret, we don't know whether these people have actually done anything wrong. Hence we must conclude that there are some very dark forces at work. Please note what happened when Napoleon discovered Dominican torture chambers in Spain, read pg172. The French troops were so sickened by what was discovered, that they decided to blow the place up! Compare the torture dungeons of the bishops with secret dungeons of the CIA! Folks, what exactly is the difference...... read about the water torture....pg168, not much has changed..... Please read a little history and understand. Knowing this history has given me tremendous compassion for people. The fear is deeply routed, but to evolve, we have to re-balance the energy of the past to create empowerment for the future.
Chapter 10 The Imposition of Truth
Page no.........Section
Pg 152-153...A bloody Crusade
Pg 154-155...Violence in Christian Tradition
Pg 156-157
Pg 158-159...Let Murder Commence
Pg 160-161...The Lesson of the Crusade
Pg 162-163...The Long Reign of Terror/The Inquisition is Born/ Everything is permitted
Pg 164-165...
Pg 166-167...The Victims/The Process
Pg 168-169...The Water-Torture
Pg 170-171...The Spanish Inquisition
Pg 172-173...The Roman Inquisition
Pg 174-175...The Judgement of the Popes
Pg 176-177...
Pg 178-179...The Judgement of Historians
Pg 180
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Susan Joy Rennison
October 2006