Susan Joy Rennison's

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Mayan Counsel Warning
for Earth Changes

April 2007

Mayan Elders Warn

Joyfire Comment:

After my interview by Mitch Battros on (3rd April), he next interviewed Mayan Elders from Guatemala. They confirm my hypothesis of great electromagnetic imbalance on the planet. They also predict major Earth events will take place in August and September, which confirms the interpretation of crop circles that inform us that massive blasts of energy will be arriving from the galactic center.

Here are a few excerpts from the ECMedia Newsletter, which is only available by subscription at (archived version here).

Part II: Mayan Counsel Warning for Earth Changes
By Mitch Battros - Earth Changes Media
Apr 13, 2007, 06:55

Carlos tells us the environment is in a more delicate state than officials are telling us. He describes a great imbalance, and the Earth will naturally begin to 'right itself'. Carlos and the Mayan elders tell us it is part of a "natural occurrence" that happens as part of a greater cycle. He reminded us of the 23,000 year cycle as related to the galactic center, and the end of the 4th cycle (last cycle) is coming December 2012. Then comes back again the beginning of the 1st cycle.

He tells us of the Sun to become extreme causing great turmoil as our galaxy (Milky Way), which of course includes our solar system and Earth itself, will be coming back into balance with the galactic center. There is both an "external" adjustment, and "internal" adjustment. The 'external' adjustment will come in the way of extreme earth changing events such as earthquakes, volcanoes, hurricanes, tsunami's, floods.

The 'internal' adjustment will come in the way of personal (human) and all living things, bringing itself back into harmony and balance with the universe. Yes, this sounds like a wonderful spiritual unfolding, But wait--- we are told this could also be a very very challenging time for those of us who are out of harmony, or balance, with our true selves. This is to say if we are now working to maintain our balance and seek our true path with integrity and humility, we shall do well. But if we are out of harmony and our actions and behaviors are inconsistent with our truth and integrity, we too will go through a shifting to bring back balance. This could mean our world might be turned upside down. Not to punish us, but to help us remember why we are here, what is our passion, what is our true journey.

Part III – Mayan Elders Warning "The Sea and Beaches are going to Burn"
By Mitch Battros - Earth Changes Media
Apr 16, 2007, 18:08

Don Diego tells us "The weather is going crazy, we are going crazy. The Earth is out of balance, we are out of balance. The sea and beaches are going to burn. The beaches will burn so bad we will not be able to walk on the beach." We have to action to prevent the full extent of what is coming. We will not stop the changes, but we can gain mastery over them. It is up to us.


It's upto people to wake up and realise what is happening, we have to take responsibility and inform the world how to work with these powerful energies that are about to deluge our planet.

If you consider yourself to be spiritual, but you are not actively re-calibrating your energy field and do not even understand how the world is facing evolutionary change, then please consider whether you are part of the solution or part of the problem.

With truth & respect,

Susan Joy Rennison, 18th April 2007

If you want to know more about the new phenomena of Space Weather , Earth
changes and the impact on human consciousness, then you can obtain a copy of

Tuning the Diamonds: Electromagnetism & Spiritual Evolution


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