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 Joyfire Space Weather “Facts”
Introductory Slideshow 

 Our world has changed. 

Whilst many voices proclaimed that our world is in transition, the 21st December 2012 was wrongly portrayed as an apocalyptic 'End of the World' event. The so-called 'Mayan Apocalypse' came and went and nothing appeared to happen, but that is because most have been looking in the wrong direction.

For the last 25 years or so, our world has been facing a major cosmic onslaught and the evidence is now overwhelming that we are facing a New World Age where Space Weather will dominate how humans are able to live on planet Earth.

In 2010, NASA scientists admitted:

"Earth and space are about to come into contact in a way that's new to human history."

"We're on the threshold of a new era in which space weather can be as influential in our daily lives as ordinary terrestrial weather."

As the Sun Awakens, NASA Keeps a Wary Eye on Space Weather
NASA Science News, 4th June 2010.

Are you aware that NASA and the European Space Agency have been releasing a variety of ominous press releases in recent years concerning Space Weather?

In short, our planet is being blasted by cosmic energies at the same time that Earth's planetary and solar system defenses are deteriorating with many repercussions that affect the future of mankind.

In March 2010, one commentator stated:

"These discoveries about the outer fringe of our solar system come at a time when new NASA revelations have piled up so fast and so frequently that our paradigm is completely changing again and again without the general public even really being aware."

"It's a whole new ball game in space."

J.S. Holland, NASA Baffled by Giant Space Ribbon,
14th March 2010, Louisville Mojo,

Earth is surrounded by a magnetosphere, a complex magnetic field that acts like a cosmic umbrella, a bubble in space, tens of thousands of miles wide. It was a fairly reliable protective shield from the worst effects of space weather, but things have changed.

In December 2003, a NASA press release titled, Cracks in Earth's Magnetic Shield stated:

"We've discovered that our magnetic shield is drafty, like a house with a window stuck open during a storm. The house deflects most of the storm, but the couch is ruined. Similarly, our magnetic shield takes the brunt of space storms, but some energy slips through its cracks, sometimes enough to cause problems with satellites, radio communication, and power systems."

Cracks in Earth's Magnetic Shield,
NASA Science news, Dec. 3, 2003

In September 2008, a NASA press release revealed that our planet is now being flooded by galactic cosmic rays as part of a long term trend that started in the mid 1990s. Shockingly, astronomers openly speculated that the shielding around our solar system might 'evaporate'.

"The protective shield of energy that surrounds our solar system, has weakened by 25 per cent over the past decade and is now at it lowest level since the space race began 50 years ago."

Solar Wind Loses Power, Hits 50-year Low
NASA News, 23rd September 2008

Like opening the windows to allow in some fresh air, it seems that Mother Earth is deliberately lowering her shields to allow in more New Energy.

Yes, that is right. NASA has reported that there are massive breaches where Earth's cosmic protection affectively disappears on the daylight side. The entire day-side of the magnetosphere is open to the solar wind.

A Giant Breach in Earth's Magnetic Field, NASA News, 16th December 2008
Sun Often 'Tears Out A Wall' In Earth's Solar Storm Shield,, December 16, 2008,

Earth's magnetic field no longer fully protects against Space Weather, but neither does the atmosphere! In 2010, the European Space Agency press release, Multiple rifts in Earth's magnetic shield, made the following claim.

"Fortunately, these fissures don't expose Earth's surface to the solar wind; our atmosphere protects us, even when our magnetic field doesn't."

Multiple rifts in Earth's magnetic shield,
European Space Agency, 20 January 2010

Less than three years later, in October 2012, the European Space Agency disclosed that Earth's cosmic shielding had dramatically deteriorated.

"Earth's Magnetosphere Is Like A Sieve"

Masson A, Multiple rifts in Earth's magnetic shield,
Science and Robotic Exploration, Directorate, ESA, The Netherlands, 20 Jan 2010
Earth's Magnetosphere Behaves Like a Sieve,
Science Daily, 24th October 2012

We are being told in no uncertain terms, Earth is NOT a closed energetic system! Prof. Dr. Elchin Khalilov, Chairman of World Forum - International Congress GEOCATACLYSM-2011, stated:

...we are at the beginning of the so-called "global energy leap" on our planet and in the Solar system in general.

Geoscientists have realised that theories that seek to blame an anthropogenic (manmade) cause for climate change are incorrect. In 2011, an international conference was attended by scientists from 30 countries that heard 200 presentations with research papers included in a massive 600 page final report, "NATURAL CATACLYSMS AND GLOBAL PROBLEMS OF THE MODERN CIVILIZATION", Geocataclysm 2011.

The Honorary Chairman Dr. Elchin Khalilov of the World Forum International Congress "GEOCATACLYSM-2011" states in this paper the following:

"An important role in climate change is attributed to global changes in the parameters of the geomagnetic field and magnetosphere; this refers in particular to the more than 500% increase in the North Magnetic Pole's drift rate and reduction of the geomagnetic field intensity. Today, the impact of magnetospheric processes on Earth's climate is considered a proven scientific fact."

PROCEEDINGS: Natural Cataclysms and Global Problems of the Modern Civilization, WORLD FORUM - INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS September 19-21, 2011 - Istanbul, Turkey

In 2009, a NASA commissioned a report conducted by the National Science Foundation warning that a solar "superstorm" could have serious consequences. Earth's communications satellites could be knocked out and dangerous power surges in the national grid could destroy transformers and disrupt crucial navigation aids and aircraft avionics.

Severe Space Weather--Social and Economic Impacts,
NASA Science News, 21st January 2009

This report was preceded and followed by many others. Most notable is the Lloyd's of London 360 Space Weather Report published in November 2010. Lloyds's is the world's leading insurance market providing specialist insurance services to businesses in over 200 countries and territories. They state:

"A major space weather event in the approaching solar maximum could cause widespread disruption for unprepared businesses."

Space Weather, Its impact on Earth & Implications for business
Lloyd's, November 2010,

In August 2011, NASA released a video depicting what looks like a hurricane in space. Craig DeForest of the Southwest Research Institute in Boulder, Colorado said:

"The movie sent chills down my spine."

"It shows a CME swelling into an enormous wall of plasma and then washing over the tiny blue speck of Earth where we live. I felt very small."

Spacecraft Sees Solar Storm Engulf Earth,
NASA Science News, 18th August 2011

We can expect an extreme solar storm about once every 150 years caused by the Sun ejecting a trillion tonnes of highly-energetic matter travelling at a million miles an hour and then hitting the Earth.

The major solar storm known as The Carrington Event occurred in 1859 so we are already overdue. Yet, this apocalyptic event is impossible to predict more than about 30 minutes before it actually happens. Regardless, world controllers are taking action to prevent a total meltdown of the technological infrastructure of our modern world.

"Electric power is modern society's cornerstone technology on which virtually all other infrastructures and services depend…. Yet it is particularly vulnerable to bad space weather."

Severe Space Weather--Social and Economic Impacts,
NASA Science News, 21st January 2009

However, according to NASA scientists, almost nothing is immune from space weather. Here are some of the most important impacts on human activities and welfare.

Space weather is affecting our weather. After Superstorm Sandy, there were some major confessions. The well known physicist Michio Kaku declared that the term "global warming" is a misnomer, as we are not experiencing a uniform warming of the Earth. Rather he states,

"It's global swings. In other words, the weather on steroids. So think of 100-year forest fires, 100-year droughts, 100-year floods, 100-year hurricanes. That could be a new way of life in the future because there's more energy circulating in the atmosphere."

Source: Professor Michio Kaku, of the City University of New York.
Is "weather on steroids" the new normal?, CBS News, 2nd November 2012

In January 2013, Prof. Paul Song at UMass Lowell's Center for Atmospheric Research (CAR) stated:

"Predicting space weather is the next frontier in weather forecasting."

Study Will Explore How Solar Storms Affect Earth's Atmosphere,
UMass Lowell, 4th January 2013

The U.S. military have warned that space weather is having an impact on communications. Chief of Staff Gen. Norton Schwartz publicly warned there is too much reliance on GPS. In January 2010, The Air Force Times reported:

"Our operations cannot grind to a halt for a degraded or denied system,"

"Our reliance on information technologies, for example, is very well known."

Schwartz warns against dependence on GPS,
Air Force Times, 23rd January 2010

Satellite navigational systems used to be accurate to within 1 metre, but this has drastically changed. In October 2012, it was reported: "Studies have revealed how space weather can cut the accuracy of GPS by tens of metres."

Arctic probe into solar storm sat-nav disruption,
BBC News, 10th October 2012

The UK military have already understood the issues and back to basics military exercises without GPS have been undertaken.

MoD Halts GPS Jamming After Safety Complaints,
Eweek Europe, 11th October 2011

Obviously, due to worsening space weather, frequent flyers cannot expect trouble free skies. The warnings have already started informing air travellers to expect a greater radiation hazard in the following decades.

"When space weather is bad, dangerous particles abound. These include protons and ions, known as galactic cosmic rays (GRCs), raining down at near-light speed from space, and similar particles coming in bursts from the sun, called solar energetic particles (SEPs)."

Space Storms to Pose Greater Risk to Flyers and Astronauts
Science Now, 23rd September 2011

Have you been wondering about all the high profile major computer system failures in recent years? Have you heard about the stock market breakdowns around the world? Massive banking meltdowns and continuous "glitches", even ATM machines giving away free money? More cosmic rays mean more bit-flips and translates to more software and hardware corruption.

"The space era has so far experienced a time of relatively low cosmic ray activity."

"We may now be returning to levels typical of past centuries."

Richard Mewaldt, Caltech

Energetic iron nuclei counted by the Cosmic Ray Isotope Spectrometer on NASA's Advanced Composition Explorer (ACE) spacecraft eveal that cosmic ray levels have jumped 19% above the previous Space Age high. Credit: Richard Mewaldt/Caltech.

Cosmic Rays Hit Space Age High! NASA Science News, 28th September 2009

In the next 40 years, Trans Atlantic flights are expected to encounter twice as much turbulence while enroute due the jet stream is being accelerated and having a destabilising effect that is making air turbulence more likely to form.

"There are 600 transatlantic crossings every day, so a lot of fights will be affected by this."

Flights to get bumpier as turbulence to double,
The Telegraph, 8th April 2013

Engineers are now looking for new ways to prevent autopilot systems from being corrupted by cosmic rays. The airline industry was badly spooked on October 7, 2008, when a Qantas plane flight QF72 from Singapore to Perth was cruising at 11,000 metres when the autopilot disengaged and the plane suddenly plunged 200 metres in 20 seconds. Three minutes later it plunged a further 120 metres, this time over 16 seconds. 122 crew and passengers, 13 seriously were injured.

Passengers sue Qantas and Airbus over flight scare
ABC News, 19th September 2010

A few atmospheric scientists are concerned. There are extreme flashes of gamma-ray energy that explode in Earth's atmosphere. This 'dark' lightning delivers a million times as much energy as the radiation in visible lightning. If an airline passenger is in the wrong place at the wrong time, they could be exposed to 400 chest X-rays worth of radiation.

It's not just solar storms, more cosmic rays and radiation that humans are now facing. Astronomers stress that Earth is experiencing an upsurge of space rocks. There are so many asteroid flybys that some compare this to Earth being in a cosmic bowling alley!

We Live in a Cosmic Shooting Gallery,
Universe Today, 13th March 2013

The belief is that it's a matter of when not if Earth will get hit by an asteroid and this means the inhabitants of Earth need an effective asteroid detection and deflection system.

This was sharply brought to the attention of the general public when asteroid 2012 DA14, passed Earth on Feb. 15, 2013 at a minuscule astronomical distance of just 27,700km (17,200 miles). Some astronomers believe that a piece broke off and entered Earth's atmosphere. The estimated 55-foot (17 m) 10,000 tonnes meteor exploded over Russia with the force of about 30 nuclear bombs, injuring more than 1,200 people in the city of Chelyabinsk, causing extensive damage to city buildings.

Russian meteor hit atmosphere with force of 30 Hiroshima bombs,
Telegraph, 16th February 2013

The problem of a flood of Near Earth Objects (asteroids, comets and meteoroids) has been apparent for some time, but the seriousness of the threat has been generally hidden from the general public. In May 2007, the website Secrecy News, a publication of the Federation of American Scientists, reported an article headlined, NASA Tries, Fails to Withhold Planetary Defense Report. It read:

"The National Aeronautics and Space Administration earlier this year attempted to block public access to a comprehensive report on planetary defense against asteroids, but the document found its way into the public domain anyway."

Aftergood S, NASA Tries, Fails to Withhold Planetary Defense Report,
Secrecy News, May 15th, 2007

NASA sought to prevent public disclosure of an important 272 pages Planetary Defense Report that provided the underlying analysis for NASA's recommended conclusions strategy recommendation. An abbreviated version (28 pages, pdf) was provided to Congress and the public in March 2007, recommending against the initiation of a new planetary defense program.

Then, in June 2009, in keeping with the climate of secrecy, it was reported that the U.S. military had withdrawn their fireball data from the astronomers. The news was delivered to the space community as follows:

"For 15 years, scientists have benefited from data gleaned by U.S. classified satellites of natural fireball events in Earth's atmosphere - but no longer. A recent U.S. military policy decision now explicitly states that observations by hush-hush government spacecraft of incoming bolides and fireballs are classified secret and are not to be released, has learned."

David L, Military Hush-Up: Incoming Space Rocks Now Classified,, 10 June 2009

So, it is no surprise that when NASA administrator Charles Bolden Jr. at a House Committee hearing was asked in March 2013 what America would do if a meteor similar to the one that hit in Russia on February 15th 2013 was found to be on a path toward New York City, with impact three weeks away. His response was the only thing we could do is "Pray".

NASA's advice for near-term meteor strike: "Pray",
CBS News, 19th March 2013

Have you read that oceans, lakes and rivers are occasionally turning blood red all over the planet? Have you heard what sounds like 'trumpets' in the heavens? Should humanity be paying attention to Biblical Prophecy and esoteric astrotheology?

The river that DID run red: Residents of Chinese city left baffled after Yangtze turns scarlet,
Daily Mail, 7th September 2012

In December 2012, Reuters reported the results of a poll by the Public Religion Research Institute in partnership with the Religion News Service found a considerable proportion of U.S. citizens think we are in the "End Times". 36% thought the severity of recent natural disasters such as Superstorm Sandy is evidence the world is coming to an end, as predicted by the Bible, while more than 63% blame climate change.

Nearly four in 10 U.S. residents blame weather on "end
Yahoo News, 13th December 2012

Interestingly, in 2008, it is known that The Obama Administration in the White House approached metaphysical leaders in the United States about "planetary challenges". Specifically they asked:

" communicate about what is transpiring on the planet, and how we can change the course of the unprecedented events that are challenging this planet."

Regretfully this small group of New Age leaders had no idea why they were being asked, but it is now clear they were being tested. Recent revelations prove that major religious institutions, metaphysical and esoteric groups have been tracking the date 2012 as the end/start of a major astronomical cycle.

Obama Administration Requests Info on Planetary Challenges, Intent, 5th March 2009

"Cortez and Montezuma at Mexican Temple" Scene from the frieze decorating the United States Capitol Rotunda. Painted sometime between 1878 and 1880 by Constantino Brumidi. It features the Aztec Calendar Stone and other important Masonic symbolism.

This new cosmic dispensation was expected by those who have preserved ancient knowledge about the existence of long astronomical cycles. Strong evidence suggests an assortment of religious, metaphysical, esoteric and indigenous groups were using calendars derived from ancient knowledge that were carefully preserved to keep track of the time when we could expect a major period of cosmic transition and possible conflagration.

T. Horn & C. Putnam, Apollyon Rising 2012: The Lost Symbol Found & the Final Mystery of the Great Seal Revealed,
Defender Publishing, (2012)
T. Horn & C. Putnam, Petrus Romanus - The Final Pope is Here,
Defender Publishing (2013)

According to scientists, there is a belief that planet Earth is being swamped by a new stream of dark matter. Certainly, there is new evidence that the spacetime around Earth is changing and the European Space Agency have a new mission to determine what is going on.

Hidefumi Tomita, Detector development for direction-sensitive dark matter research,
ProQuest Dissertations and Theses, 2011,
Probing The Flyby Anomaly With The Future STE-QUEST Mission
Technology Review, 31st October 2012

The realm of the quantum is the fundamental source of spiritual energies, so spiritual leaders in theory should understand exactly what is going on. The issue of planetary challenges is because the violent delivery mechanism is causing problems for our modern technological world!

If you want to know more, you can download the report:

Planetary Challenges & Spiritual Evolution
Summary For Citizens of Planet Earth Joyfire_Planetary_Challenges.php

Finally, more and more scientists are admitting that evolution is driven by changes in the environment and that organisms will intelligently engineer their own DNA and control their own evolution in response to environmental stress. This means that natural selection over hundreds of thousands of years has been superseded by evidence that genetic changes can appear quickly in a matter of 15 generations and that translates to decades.

James A. Shapiro, Evolution: A View from the 21st Century
(Upper Saddle River, N.J.: FT Press Science, 2011
Environmental change triggers rapid evolution,
Phys.Org News, 9th April 2013

So, what about humans? Do we have the ability to intelligently control our own evolution? Whatever the truth of the matter, some suspect we are in for some big surprises.

"Human evolution could soon occur at a rate and with a set of rules that may be very different than what the Darwinian model has characterized so far." Bruce Lahn, Geneticist

Evolution Up to Speed, Wired News, 4th October 2006

We know that 40,000 years ago, Homo sapiens underwent a transition to modern behaviour but there is no consensus of opinion for how that occurred either. Yet, Greenland ice core data clearly shows there was a significant surge in cosmic radiation that lasted for about 3,000 years.

During this period, the Earth's magnetic field dropped in strength to about 10% of today's value and without the normal protective magnetic shielding, cosmic radiation penetrated the Earth's atmosphere with ease. The facts reveal that the climate changed and there was a host of evolutionary changes, where numerous species in the Northern Hemisphere either underwent significant change or disappeared altogether.

Cosmic Radiation and Clouds, Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology, EAWAG News 58, January 2005,

Cosmic radiation levels are once again rising so we should expect rapid evolutionary changes that will affect all life forms on Earth.

Are you ready for evolutionary change?

'The Terms and Conditions for Living on Planet Earth Have Changed!'

Susan Joy Rennison, April 2013