Susan Joy Rennison's Website

Welcome to the Susan Joy Rennison website!
We Are At The Start Of A Golden Age!
It is now clear that the Trump Administration with the support of White Hat military worldwide, understand the significance of the Signs Of The Times. My main focus since 2004 has been to understand and convey the implications of the downpour of aetheric energy on this planet that NASA called Space Weather. However in recent years, Truth Seekers have been referring to The Great Awakening, to explain the dramatic shift in consciousness.
In order to progress, humanity needs to face some shocking truths and revelations. Many different sources reveal how this world has been held captive, but due to White Hat military intervention, there is going to be many socio-economic changes. This is explained in my Deliverance From Evil series. The crackdown on censorship will also encourage a widespread evolution and flowering of consciousness. Still, my Enlightenment Corner section is dedicated to help steer those currently seeking advancement in their understanding of the true nature of reality, free from cultic milieu nonsense.
We are living in exciting times!
First Upload: 23rd January 2025,
Last Update: 23rd January 2025
The ‘Red Hat’ People
President Trump’s third presidential race and latest outright win has been achieved because millions of ordinary people switched off from mainstream media to seek truth. This has been mostly achieved through social media, with an army of bloggers and podcasters supplying relevant information, often delivered by hilarious memes that get the point quickly across.
Recently, the more metaphysically minded have started to focus on the meaning of MAGA and grass roots movements in general, and a link has been made with Hopi prophecy of the ‘Red Hat’ People, see Link 1,
Link 2 & Link 3. The interest here is that there are many Hopi prophecies and other prophecies about the times that we live in now. This came to a head with the New Age movement 2012 hysteria with over 1,000 books written on this subject according to UK documentary producers. However, it was no surprise to me that nothing specific happened on the 21st December 2012, because prophecies had been largely hijacked and lots of ridiculous ideas promoted instead.
According to my understanding of these prophecies, we were being primarily told that over a period of a few decades, there would be a dramatic arrival of New Energy that woud drive an evolution of conciousness. I also believe this was foretold in the Bible with the arrival of Christ Energy. Biblical passages of seas turning blood red and the sounds of trumpets only make sense if they are geophysical phenomena. In Hindu cosmology, these cycles of change are called Yugas. I believe that the scientific evidence has been largely provided by NASA, who invented the term “Space Weather” to explain the deluge of cosmic energy. This website has a huge amount of information concerning Space Weather and related topics.
What has been a mystery, is how the evolution of consciousness would translate into a promised Golden Age. Well, today it is well understood that people have been ‘waking up’ in their millions. The revelations of how our world is run means that millions seek leaders who are ready to implement change to benefit the whole of mankind, not just a few elites. My Deliverance From Evil series is my summary of relevant information as to why and how our world needs to change. The Enlightenment Corner section is for more evolved souls researching Christianity and looking for the best metaphysical literature available to mankind.
First Upload: 11th November 2024,
Last Update: 11th November 2024
Joining The Dots
This website will be helpful for those who want to join the dots and truly understand their reality. This is only possible by linking up information from many different quarters that includes science and metaphysics. Great efforts have been made here, as I know there are increasing numbers of people who want to find truth and see ‘The Big Picture’.
Many years ago, I discovered that psychologists had developed various systems of human development based on their observations. Dr. Clare W. Graves, late emeritus psychologist at Union College in Schenectady, New York, spent about twenty years researching human development. In the 1950s, he called his theory: “The Emergent, Cyclical, Double-Helix Model of Adult Biopsychosocial Systems Development”, this was later modified to: “The Theory of Levels of Human Existence”. This theory was developed because it was very clear that not everyone thinks the same way and that there is a big gap between Tier I and Tier II thinkers.
This theory was successfully promoted by Don E. Beck and Chris C. Cowan, who published the essence of Graves’s research in the book, Spiral Dynamics: Mastering Values, Leadership, and Change (Blackwell, 1996). I would also like to add that this was originally thought of as a model of ethical behaviour. See an original 1959 article AN EMERGENT THEORY OF ETHICAL BEHAVIOR: BASED UPON AN EPIGENETIC MODEL.
Well, Dr. W. Clare Graves all those decades ago warned that the next big evolutionary bomb was on the way. Other very famous names also warned that a massive change was coming. This website attempts to provide some answers.
It is likely that there will be broken links, but on the internet, information never really disappears, so old images and websites migrate elsewhere and very important information can be found on internet archives, but you may still have to work hard against the efforts of the censors!
Please note: I am NOT a New Ager and this is NOT a New Age website. Please read my Joyfire Philosophy webpage and my essay
Spiritual Evolution in the Cultic Milieu , where I make it very clear that not every Seeker in the Cultic Milieu is a New Ager and thus steeped in certain New Age beliefs.
Susan Joy Rennison,
B.Sc. Hons. (Physics with Geophysics)
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Joyfire Science & Metaphysics Integration
Copyright © 2003 – 2025. All rights reserved.
Susan Joy Rennison quotes:
Space Weather is now a fact of life.
We are all astronauts now!
Tuning The Diamonds, September 2006
We must spiritually evolve as part of the new terms & conditions for living on Earth.
Joyfire Tour – Evolutionary Change, December 2006
Space Weather will force many changes in how we do business on this planet.
News of the Imbalance, April 2007
NASA Press Release:
Earth and space are about to come into contact in a way that’s new to human history.
We’re on the threshold of a new era in which space weather can be as influential in our daily lives as ordinary terrestrial weather.
As the Sun Awakens, NASA Keeps a Wary Eye on Space Weather
NASA News, 4th June 2010
White House Executive Order:
Space weather has the potential to simultaneously affect and disrupt health and safety across entire continents. Successfully preparing for space weather events is an all-of-nation endeavor that requires partnerships across governments, emergency managers, academia, the media, the insurance industry, non-profits, and the private sector.
Executive Order –– Coordinating Efforts to Prepare the Nation for Space Weather Events
The White House, 13th October 2016
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