Susan Joy Rennison's

Financial Chaos is Coming? Got Gold & Silver? Bank failures and bail-ins coming? Don't leave all your money in the bank! Make sure you have enough provisions at home for at least a few weeks and make sure you have cash at hand. TROUBLE COMING...

Black Swan Blog
30th January 2024

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March 2021

The Great Awakening
October 2020

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October 2020

Deliverance From
The Media Matrix

November 2020

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Deep Fakes - Part 1

November 2020

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Deep Fakes - Part 2

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Essential Swamp Draining:
The Epstein Files

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Human Trafficking

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Everyday Satanism Blog

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Everyday Pedophilia Blog

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Hollyweird - Part 3

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Hollyweird Vibes Blog

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Puppet Masters
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Everyday Satånism Blog
[Minimum update ~ Every 2-3 Weeks]

Trump On QAnon Believing He Is Saving World From Pedophiles:
'Is That Supposed To Be A Bad Thing?'

Daily Caller, August 19, 2020

First Upload: 11th April 2021,
Last Update: 16th October 2024



I have been collecting reports concerning Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA) and the disgusting goings on amongst the elite and celebrities. Then I just started to realise that straight up satanism was just so prevalent in society, that I started to refer to it as "Everyday Satanism". My tipping point came when I recently came across the NOT Nike? satanic trainers promoted by Rapper Lil Nas X. The ‘Satan Shoes’ containing human blood, were limited to 666 Pairs and when they were released for sale, of course they sold out immediately. Even though they were initially advertised as Nike, Nike were forced to deny they had anything to do with Lil Nas X and did not collaborate on the production of the ‘Satanic shoes’. The story does not end there and further disgusting antics have ensued. Just gross.

Satanists are not all the same. Many come from multi-generational satanic families and can trace their bloodlines back many hundreds and even thousands of years. The main difference is that, the Illuminati Elite have more reptilian DNA (that allows them to shapeshift?) and consider themselves rulers of the world.

As satanists in general have become more and more blatant, the information below is what I have found in a wide variety of sources on social media.

Excerpt: Confessions of a Sydney Satanist

The following chapter, "Confessions of a Sydney Satanist", is from the book Eyes Wide Open by Fiona Barnett. The information provided is the best summary of the modus operandi and motivation of those involved in satanism. This chapter has to be read a few times, but I believe it provides the answer to why serious action is being taken to eliminate this destructive force in society. If you are too sensitive then I recommend that you don't bother with this webpage because with this subject matter, things get gross very quickly. Thankfully with this chapter, Fiona did enough editing to stop normal people becoming nauseous, but presumably the complete original can be found.

Due to the voluminous amount of reports and articles that concern the satanic signalling, degrading behaviour, debauchery and crimes against humanity of the elite, celebrities, and the rest of the rabble, I have decided to restrict this webpage to where satanic beliefs and policies encroach on the unwitting mainsteam of humanity.

For those struggling to believe the depths of horror that is continuing to come to light about how this planet is run. Please know: The truth will set you free. The word on the street is that great strides are being made to remove the most evil influences on the planet.


    Comment: This is a good commentary on this essay with an emphasis on the reasons WHY satanists do what they do i.e. degrade, degenerate, dumb down and delude the populace. The idea is they want to create a New Satanic Age / New World Order.... The only religion allowed will be Satanism.

    Everyday Satanism Blog

    (145 Images)

    Satan 'Not Nike' Shoes: 'Not Nike' Air Max 97s with human blood in the sole. MSCHF x Lil Nas X.


    Luke 10:18 - And he said unto them them I beheld Satan fall as lighting from Heaven.

    • Rapper Lil Nas X Unveils ‘Satan Shoes’ Containing Human Blood, Limited to 666 Pairs
      “Satan Shoes” are expected to be released on Monday, March 29. They contain “60cc ink and 1 drop of human blood,” according to the streetwear culture and news account, Saint.

      In selling the sneakers, the rapper has partnered with MSCHF — a company that runs on “structured chaos,” and has been “creating some of the most absurd, cynical, and viral projects and products that have spread across the internet,” according to a report last year by Business Insider. [...]

      Moreover, the release of the satanic sneakers will arrive on the heels of Lil Nas X’s latest music video, “Montero (Call Me By Your Name),” in which the rapper can be seen dancing on a stripper pole while descending to hell, where he subsequently gives Satan a lap dance. The title video, “Montero,” is a reference to the rapper’s real name, which is Montero Lamar Hill.

    • Breaking: Nike Sues MSCHF After Satanic Shoe Release with Rapper Lil Nas
      Gateway Pundit, 29 March 2021

    Latest Update Starts Here

    Please note that entries related to the music industry have been removed and placed in the new blog Deliverance From Hollyweird Vibes.

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    Comment: The claim to this being new in this XTwitter post is wrong, see below.

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    Comment: This is a miniature version of the Georgia Guidestones, but placed at the same latitude in Japan. This monument has been there since 1983, outside the Takamatsushi Muresogo Center or Mure Community Center, in the southern part of Japan, East of Hiroshima. This thread includes a clear photo that provides better details of location and scale. Link. It's not exactly a salubrious upmarket location.... Info about the worldwide depopulation agenda's 10 commandments written on these stones, can be found in the Everyday Satanism archive 1 link here. Maybe it's low down on the list of priorities for destruction by White Hats.

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    Comment: Just creepy. I note some of the comments here, but it seems that this is part of a widespread and general introduction of illuminati/satanic values. It's not just a game.

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  • Kentucky Woman Who Was Casting Spells, Arrested After Cooked Body Parts Discovered in Home

    A spell-caster in Kentucky was arrested after authorities discovered her mother’s dismembered body cooking inside a kitchen pot.

    Authorities discovered the gruesome scene after a man who was hired by the homeowner, Trudy Fields, discovered a bloody mattress and hair on the side of the house. [...]

    A further search by authorities after obtaining a search warrant revealed body parts inside a kitchen pot were located in an oven inside the home.

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  • Kamala Harris Campaign Co-Chair Gretchen Whitmer Mocks Catholic Communion With Doritos While Wearing Harris-Walz Hat in Bizarre Dominatrix Video
    Gateway Pundit, 10th Oct 2024

    While appearing to play-act as a dominatrix, Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer (D) participated in video that mocks the sacred Catholic ritual of a priest giving the Holy Eucharist to a parishioner at mass. The silent video shows Whitmer, wearing a Harris-Walz camo ballcap standing over a kneeling young woman, podcaster Liz Plank, and feeding her a solitary Doritos corn chip.

    Doritos are Kamala Harris’ favorite snack. The choice to mock the Holy Eucharist with Harris’ fave Doritos is surely not a coincidence.

    Comment: Things are getting very strange. So, is this a new type of campaign ad? The satanists appear to be getting really desperate with the Christian mockery. Why do they think it will make any difference? I initially saw the video and thought it was all very bizarre, but this article really breaks it all down.....

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    Caption: Haitians, in their own words tell you the truth about eating cats and dogs. Please share this with someone who only consumes state run media.

    Comment: This is a very interesting dialogue between family members with one recent arrival from Haiti who entered the country LEGALLY. Apparently, eating cats is normal practice in Haiti, but not so dogs. Apparently, 70% Haitians like to eat cat every weekend, like I suppose people have a roast chicken on Sunday.... They only briefly mention the Voodoo aspect as being an element to this. Quite frankly, I compare this to black celebrities posting on social media about sacrificing chickens.... Same thing. The comment about running away from problems in Haiti made be angry, see below.

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    Comment: Haiti has been turned into a sh#thole so that the people are mostly very poor and desperate making them far easier to pillage. After the massive 2010 earthquake, the Clintons stole the contents of their gold mines and most of the relief money. Now look at this map above: There is a recently built tunnel Carribean highway I-95U between the United States and Haiti. Who built it and for what purpose? Well, I can tell you it is used for trafficking and probably mostly human trafficking. Children are just grabbed off the streets. Why do you think the Democrats are terrified of Trump/Worldwide White Hat Alliance? The Cartel/Cabal high level crime will be revealed to the masses. Therefore, normies will be shocked and outraged when they find out that the elites are pedovores i.e. eat human children.

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    Comment: This is the future if the satanists get their way.

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    Comment: This is hilarious......

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    Comment: Translation | 😈Coca Cola launches a new satanic version of its drink. Nothing new, they just don't hide it anymore😈👇👇👇

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    Comment: Banning Trump and Jesus in the United States is going to get you Bud-lighted! LOL!! Another post with 7.9M views Link

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  • Has Coke gone woke? Iconic American company in hot water over can personalization that won't allow conservative phrases
    Daily Mail, 26th Sep 2024

    Coca-Cola sparked backlash after reportedly banning the words 'Jesus' and 'Trump 2024' from its personalized cans - while seemingly allowing support for Kamala Harris and 'Satan' and 'Allah'.

    The company fixed the glitch after the outrage from conservatives when the problem was documented and posted on X by Liberals of TikTok.

    Female "pastor" praises abortions while wearing a Planned Parenthood sash. She said she felt "no guilt, no shame, no sin" when she had two abortions.

    "I felt God’s presence with me as I made the decision to end two pregnancies."

    Click image right for link

    Comment: The Planned Parenthood sash? I view this in the same light as young women bragging about how many abortions they have had (whether true of not) and those bragging about how much they enjoy aborting babies.

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    Caption: Trans activist dressed as a half-n*ked Satan dances provocatively while holding a cross in front of The Heritage Foundation building in DC

    Comment: Why did they need a cross? It's to remind others that they have no ethical or spiritual values that will limit their debauchery, a religious 'strawman' that low-life satanists like to oppose. Quite pathetic really.

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    Comment: Currently, social medis is in uproar over pets being eaten by migrants...... Elon Musk posted this link of a women whose father immigrated from Haiti in the late 1960s. She says that sacrificing small animals is part of their practice of Voodoo and that Voodoo is a demonic religion. By the way, Haitians are not the only people doing sacrifices, the elite sacrifice and eat children. So, it seems 'normies' are just getting a small red-pill, but a far bigger red-pill is coming.... There is already information pictures posted on this website like the infamous 1972 Rothschild dinner party spread that was photographed with a baby doll at the centre of the table. Then there is Hollywood celebs casually posting info on social media about baby eating etc and their cannibalism. However, new info will be posted on my Sick Elite Blog because disclosure just keeps on coming. DYOR.

  • “The Haitian immigrants are indeed eating animals. Let me tell you something about these people. Not only are they harvesting cats for food, but also for witchcraft purposes, voodoo purposes. Understand this, if you don't wanna take my word for it, go out there. | Xtwitter Link

    Comment: This guy is American (Jamaica Heritage), so he knows Haitians and that a large percentage of Haitians practive Voodoo. Currently, 3.4 Million views.

  • Cat on the grill | EXCLUSIVE: We have discovered that migrants are, in fact, eating cats in Ohio. We have verified, with multiple witnesses and visual cross-references, that African migrants in Dayton, the next city over from Springfield, barbecued these cats last summer. | XTwitter Link


  • Meme re Springfild, Ohio. | Xtwitter Link

  • Song - The Kiffness - Eating the Cats ft. Donald Trump (Debate Remix) | XTwitter Link

    Comment: The Kiffness is well known for his cat songs but this is next level. I think money made is going to animal shelters. YouTube Link

  • Haitian tutorial on how to properly prepare a cat for lunch Link

    Comment: XTwitter and the internet is undefeated!!

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  • Ameti faces consequences after tasteless shooting exercise
    GLP politician and Operation Libero leader Sanija Ameti targeted Jesus during a shooting exercise. The GLP condemns the action. It could also have legal consequences.
    Blick, 8th Sep 2024

    She aimed directly at Jesus' head. The Zurich GLP politician Sanija Ameti (32), co-president of Operation Libero, has sparked outrage with a tasteless post on Instagram. Ameti published photos of a shooting exercise in which she aimed at a picture of Mary and Jesus instead of a target . "Switch off," the local councilor wrote. The holes in the heads of Mary and the baby Jesus were visible.

    The reactions are fierce.

  • GLP Switzerland wants to exclude Ameti from the party
    The Zurich GLP politician Sanija Ameti resigns from the party leadership of the GLP Canton of Zurich after a tasteless Instagram post. The incident is having more and more consequences. The 32-year-old now needs police protection.
    Blick, 9th Sep 2024

    Comment: So, we have a leading politician shooting up a picture of Mary and baby Jesus...... What's next? Well, I think this is satanic and this liberal needs a mental health check. I also think the Swiss have a right to be highly disturbed about this incident. I am not surprised about the police protection. Sane people do not shoot at baby Jesus, so I am not surprised that some people now consider her a direct threat.

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    Father Chad Ripperger unveils the sinister hierarchy of Satan's influence over our culture, explaining how five powerful demons, acting as his generals, carry out his dark plan for control.

    The five demons he mentions are:

    1. Baal 2. Asmodeus 3. Leviathan 4. Lilith 5. Baphomet

    Comment: Hmmmm..... Father Chad also says that this is a repeating historical pattern. This reminds me of my Through The Curtain (1983) book extracts. When you look at what is happening, this old information that describes 'Black Masters' seems eerily similar Link.

  • Well-known exorcist Fr. Chad Ripperger speaks on the "Levels of Spiritual Warfare" at St. Mary of Pine Bluff Catholic Church in Pine Bluff, Wisconsin, on Nov. 5, 2018. | Full sermon here also on XTwitter Link. Rumble Link

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    Comment: A ouiji board for Christians? I do think that 'contacts' can be made, but I certainly don't think it will be specifically Jesus...... Discernment required which most people don't have much of.....

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    Comment: This is the influencing of young minds towards the New World Order satanic religion. Here is a Reaction to Amazon's SATANIC Show Link

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    Comment: Satanist have a strong interest in blood.... I think this is awful.....

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    Comment: WARNING!! GRAPHIC CONTENT!! This is a similar account to those who suffered satanic ritual abuse who were then sold to become MK Ultra+ slaves. A few survivors have written books, see my webpage on MIND CONTROL & MASS PSYCHOSIS. Please note: This kind of abuse takes place in illuminati/satanic families, but nowadays, some members of these families are managing to escape the cycle of evil.

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    Comment: This is just image 1/4. The claim here is that this is Asmodeus, king of the shedim, demon of lust, associated with child sacrifice. Quite frankly, it is just offensive.

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    Comment: Totally offensive.....

    Knife Angel Outside Chester Cathedral on tour around the UK.
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  • Sculpture made with 100,000 blades highlights UK knife crime problem
    YouTube, 30 Nov 2018

    The 8-metre-tall 'Knife Angel' sculpture, made of 100,000 blades confiscated by the British police, highlights the country's knife crime.…

    Comment: There is some discussion in the above XTwitter thread about the UK "Knife Angel", see BBC article Knife Angel visits Leeds. With all the terrible knife crime which the government is not taking seriously, I am starting to wonder if this is a demon rather than an angel.

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    Comment: This V sign is mentioned in my webpage Christianity Unveiled where I outline the gods of the Old Testament and link this sign with a volcano god. However, there is a lot of evidence that the god of Judaism is Satan, please note the famous quote by Harold Rosenthal who stated: 'Most Jews do not like to admit it, but our god is Lucifer -- so I wasn't lying -- and we are his chosen people. Lucifer is very much alive.' See Is Lucifer the God of Judaism? & DYOR.

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    Comment: These people are so OTT. The last Monkey Pox scare ended quickly when CDC Director Rochelle Walensky admitted that gay individuals had infected children with Monkey Pox. Of course, the MSM don't want to admit how that happened and then the ‘Pandemic’ quickly disappeared link.

  • This is a very incriminating video....XTwitter link

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    Comment: We are learning that these sporting events were just a cover for a lot of Cabal nefarious activity...... Tired of these garandiose satanic rituals too.

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    Comment: The constant reminder of the Cabal's ‘light-bringer’ should worry those of us not in the club. This thread went viral. Here it is on Thread Reader Link. Please note that in Tarot the hangman pose has two different meanings. There some info in the replies link

  • Closing ceremonies for the Paris Summer Olympics 2024 are underway and they are off to a dark creepy start…. XTwitter Video: Link

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  • Some have been calling this the 'Golden Bee Man' but others don't like this interpretation. | XTwitter link

    Comment: The claim here is that this is not a Bee, it's a locust. This post states:

    And the shapes of the locusts were like unto horses prepared unto battle; and on their heads were as it were crowns like gold, and their faces were as the faces of men. – Revelation 9 : 7 (King James Version)

    "Locusts are one of the few creatures said not to be created by God, but made in Hell. They are heavily associated with The Apocalyptic Narrative. They also connect to the demon, Abaddon, who is known as the King of The Locusts, and chief demon of the seventh hierarchy in Hell."

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    Comment: There are a lot of different thoughts about the Olympics closing ceremony, but it has something in common with the 2016 Gotthard Base Tunnel opening ceremony (that took place in Switzerland), see previous entries. Hence, we see a portal with entities coming through it, a theme that is now being used for 'light' entertainment, see PURE EVIL! TV SHOW DEPICTS CERN WHILE OPENING PORTAL TO HELL!

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    Comment: Now Simone has removed any doubt that she is in the cabal club with her 666 hand sign. Apparently, she wore a boot at the closing ceremony so no doubt she is in trouble link

  • In the celebrity boot club | Twitter (xlarge image) link

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    Peter H. Gilmore, who is the current High Priest of the Church of Satan, has thanked the organizers of the Olympic Games for the opening ceremony.

    Comment: The first link disappeared here.

  • They’re friends. They’re Satanists. They have a plan to save American democracy.
    How a Salem-based temple is staging a rebellion against the religious right.
    Boston Globe, 6th August 2024

    Comment: This linked worked for me.... Other links are behind a paywall. Briefly, Christianity and those who are considered religious right have been set up as a religious 'straw-man' and the 'evil' Left are being used to cause serious strife by world controllers. Whatever anyone thinks of Christianity and similar religions with high levels of ethics, it will create societies that are strong and stable. However, at this stage, the world is in serious trouble and attempts are being made to hide serious issues with moral decline and all methods of de-stablisation.

    Satanism is more like a circus for the ignorant (non illuminati), the serious occultists are Luciferanists.

  • The dark side of the 2024 Paris Olympics
    Business Insider, 6th August 2024

    • An organization says it has rescued women who were sex trafficked around the Paris Olympics.
    • Some experts say major sporting events can increase the risk of human trafficking.
    • When asked about sex trafficking, Paris police said they are working to combat "pimping" amid the games.

    Comment: So, the reference to children and tunnels under Paris has been followed up with sex trafficking rescues. The White Hats are working hard to wake up the sleepers as to what ALL these major sporting events are able to hide.

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    Comment: Is the necklace a nod to the baphomet or does it signify G.O.A.T. The Greatest of all Time? Below, Is more G.O.A.T. promotion. There is no clear indication that she is a satanist.

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    Comment: The threads here have some debate on the issue. Btw, I think she is a MTF, altered in the womb with hormones.

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    Comment: In the Olympics Opening Ceremony there is a scene in a library where a French book is picked off a shelf. The PDF (pedophile) reference is because the book 'Le Diablo Au Corps' translated means ---> 'Devil In The Flesh'. It's about a women who has an affair with an under age boy. This is all totally inappropriate and a disgrace for an event that has always been family orientated. There are other things mentioned that have already been covered below.

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    The Satanic symbolism of the Olympic opening ceremony explained

    Comment: Only the rider on the pale horse, who eventually ends up riding through the arch of the Eiffel Tower with United Nations Reps behind him..... Don't worry, this is all for show.....

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    Comment: Things are so bad that the Olympic Committee have even taken down their own highlights. What a disaster.... Russians relieved that they are not part of this fiasco. Sorry, still not 100% convinced that the Cabal exposed themselves to this level of scrutiny. Yes, orders were given to promote LGBTQ+++++, but who is ultimately in charge?

  • Russia is absolutely making fun of the woke Olympics. | XTwitter link

    Comment: WARNING. This is very crude.

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    Comment: People are getting a serious education in satanic symbolism.... Sorry the Olympic Opening Ceremony links below might not work as the Olympics Committee are now scrubbing the internet of the opening ceremony footage after the outcry that included complaints about a man's nuts being on display at the parody of the Lord's Supper.

  • 7.27.24: Tales from the CRYPT, Demonic OLYMPICS=ENEMY is angry, FEAR NOT, Their PAIN is coming. Pray
    Rumble, 27th July 2024

    Comment: Start ~24:45. Since this is part of a regular show, it might not be automatically deleted. Sorry, the commentator is a Christian and is certainly not familiar with all the symbolism and where it comes from.

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    Caption: Snoop Dogg at the Olympics making sure to pay homage to the Baphomet

    Comment: Snoop Dog was a torch bearer. I can't find video footage of him wearing this outfit, so it might only be for a promo picture or even fake.

    Comment: Update: Snoop says it's just a GOAT.... Xtwitter video link

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    Comment: Verified by The New York Times Olympians Are Getting Loads and Loads of Gear

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    Caption: What do you notice about the Canadian Teams clothing ?

    Comment: This is horrible. The Candian Olympic team's outfits make them looks like they have been splattered by blood.

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    Comment: XTwitter post edited. There are more photos and videos, but I found the last supper parody shocking. More: Drag Last Supper only XTwitter video link.

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    Comment: Satanic started trending on XTwitter again.... Due to the bright sky blue skin, I believe the god could be Zeus. In Greek mythology, Zeus was the highest ranking god among the pantheon of Olympian gods. He held jurisdiction over Mount Olympus, as well as the sky and thunder. However, Zeus was a serious and powerful god. In this disgusting parody, the behaviour is more akin to Bacchus, a title for Dionysus the son of Zeus, who was the god of wine. Cults associated with the god Bacchus were depraved.

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    Comment: Not exactly subtle....

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    Comment: Obviously we have to have the demonic dance routines.... More symbolism, including the masonic square and compasss in the background. Tbh, at the end, it looks more like dancing in a sea of blood than fire to me.

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    Comment: So, viewers are are being exposed to children being held underground too? Overall, this Olympic Games Opening Ceremony is so terrible that I must agree that this is another operation to wake up sleepers.... The Elite would not expose themselves to this level on such a grand scale. Obviously, participants are mostly oblivious to how they are being used and why.

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    A beheaded Marie Antoinette is one of the wildest and craziest things ever at the Olympics. Performance by French heavy metal band Gojira at the Conciergerie, Paris, where Marie Antoinette was trialled for treason in 1793. XTwitter | Shorter version here.

    Comment: A nod to the French revolution? A lot of people LOVED this opening performance, but it sounded demonic to me..... So is this COMMS? Blood in the streets coming soon?

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    Comment: Well, if you do the research, it seems that these old gods are still worshipped today and most only get to see the most basic (i.e. no sacrifice) rituals at events like the Olympics. I don't think anyonw can describe this as satanic but the gods associated with child sacrifice are a problem for me.

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    Comment: Hmmm.... this does look suspicious.

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  • Shahzia Sikander Sculpture Beheaded at the University of Houston
    ART News, July 9, 2024

    A Shahzia Sikander statue at the University of Houston was vandalized following previous protests by right-wing groups.

    The 18-foot-tall bronze monument to women and justice was beheaded in the early morning on July 8 while the campus was experiencing harsh weather and power outages due to Hurricane Beryl.

    Footage of the vandalism was obtained by campus police, according to the New York Times, which first reported the news.

    [...] The sculpture was installed in a plaza at the University of Houston after five months of display to critical acclaim at Madison Square Park in New York City. But when it traveled to Houston, it drew criticism from the anti-abortion Christian group Texas Right to Life, which called for a campus-wide protest “to keep the Satanic abortion idol out of Texas.” The University of Houston responded by cancelling a planned opening and artist talk, as well as choosing not to show an accompanying video work also by Sikander.

    It’s worth noting that Sikander’s artist statement about the work contains no mention of Satanism. “The rams’ horns are universal symbols of strength and wisdom,” Sikander told Art in America earlier this year. “There is nothing Satanic about them.”

    Comment: The ram symbology is often solely associated with Aries the ram in the Zodiac.

    Well, I have recently discovered the mysterious “helmet” of the Lady of Elche, see below. The claim is that this enigmatic ancient sculptures could be a link to a long-lost prehistoric civilization or visitors from other worlds.

    Left: So, this Lady of Eiche sculpture, has been compared to the Star Wars Princess Leia character played by Carrie Fisher.
    Note the hairstyle.

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    Quite frankly, satanists like to use the ignorance of the masses against them for their own entertainment. XTwitter version link.

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  • Satan Asks Democrats To Tone Down All The Evil

    In a regularly scheduled marketing meeting with Democrats, Satan asks them to tone down all the evil just a little bit.

    Comment: I wonder what Democrats think of this spoof? The Babylon Bee is making a serious point here....

    This is the sign of Osiris Risen, often seen in celeb poses. Aleister Crowley (1875 - 1947) is a famous English satanist, see wikipedia.
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    Christian pastors/leaders making the sign of Osris Risen.
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  • If You Don't Believe Satan Exists Watch This Now
    YouTube, 26th Jun 2024

    Welcome to "Beyond the Discord"! In this video, we dive deep into the lives, ministries, and impacts of some of the most influential figures in modern Christianity. [...]

    We also take a look at how these leaders interact with mainstream media, including appearances on Inside Edition, The View, CNN, and interviews with Larry King and Katie Couric.

    Comment: So we have these multi-millionaire mega church leaders/pastors throwing up illuminati gangs signs..... Big subject, but churches, especially these 501c3s are just another revenue producing corporation and they attract predators.... Moreover, it's the usual problem that satanists like to mock the ignorant masses.... The real problem is most people go to church for entertainment, not to seek truth and enlightenment. If they knew about these signs then they would also know not to trust anyone who is doing them. Obviously, I don't agree with the mentality that people need to be constantly reminded they are worms that need salvation. (There is the usual fire and damnation rhetoric with this video which I would suggest you ignore, as the carrot and stick approach does not generate enlightenment....) But, these pastors/leaders KNOW they are working for the wrong side and are misleading their flock. Anyway, there are a lot more worrisome examples of issues in this video.

  • Male stripper pole dances at Men's Christian Conference. Pastor gets kick off stage when he complains. Link

    Comment: The above video indicates just how far Christianity has degenerated in the United States. Obviously, this does not include the illegal activity that is also going on. Please note: Satanic means an inhibiting or opposing force.... Going to watch a pantomine at Christmas is not evil, but nobody can say it will provide enlightenment. See more below:

  • Texas megachurch is slammed for extravagant Christmas service with 1,000-strong cast, live camels and flying angels
    Daily Mail, 14 December 2023

    • Prestonwood Baptist Church in Dallas has held the lavish event for 25 years
    • The Gift of Christmas show retells the story of the birth of Jesus
    • The church was not faced, saying they believe 'Jesus deserves the best'

    Comment: Note the video with Michael Jackson's 'Thriller' being played by a band in church, which is absolutely bizarre or hilarious depending on how you think.... Below are video clips of some the entertainment on offer at these mega churches. Looks like after the Thriller video the next is the same church performance with a 16 minute video.

  • Christmas show at a Texas mega church with flying drummers+ | XTwitter Link

  • Texas Mega Church at Xmas, with Santa, horses, camels and zebras. | Xtwitter Link 1 & here is more and an elephant Link 2

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  • Minister arrested for ‘witchcraft’
    The Maldives’ head of environment, energy and climate change has been accused of ‘black magic’
    RT News, 27th Jun 2024

    The state secretary for environment, climate change and energy of the Maldives has been jailed, reportedly on suspicion of casting spells against the country’s president.

    The Maldives are an archipelago located southwest of India, known for their sandy beaches and luxury resorts which are popular with tourists worldwide. Most of the local residents are Muslim.

    Fathimath Shamnaz Ali Saleem was arrested on Sunday, along with two suspected accomplices, police in the capital, Male, said on Thursday. A magistrate has ordered her to stay in jail for a week, pending investigation.

    Comment: Wow....

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    Jbear' hosts a TikTok in which he claims abilities to converse, summon, personally host & infest one with demons. Weekly, dozens of people, many only 18, eagerly request demonic possession.

    Comment: Sorry to say this, but there are a lot of people being featured on social media that act as if they are possessed and people are noticing....

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    Comment: This is actor and comedian Jack Black. He was brilliant in the film School of Rock..... How disappointing....

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    Comment: See below re Disney.

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    The Art of Disney stores with a logo of three hidden 6s.

  • More: Dark Disney Facts link

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    Comment: Wendy's. Gender inverted child wearing slave stripes.....

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    Comment: Yes, it's a fake AI generated voice.... However, a lot of people are starting to realise that satanic symbolism is EVERYWHERE.....

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    Comment: More info in thread.

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    Comments: Believe it or not, true terrorists are satanists and their removal from society is ongoing...

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  • Inside CECOT: Locked-up MS13 + Barrio 18 gang members. El Slavador is now safe! | XTwitter documentary ~ 12 minutes link.

    Comment: In this documentary, it states that these gang members worked for politicians..... There are claims that MS13 gang memebers worked for politicians in the United States too.

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    Comment: This is next level gross....

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    Comment: Adventurers find an underground satanic sacrifice site filled with thousands of bones. This reminds me of the Vatican skull and bones.... Pure evil. Vatican, skulls and bones


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    Comment: So, could not watch this all.... WARNING nudity!!

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    Comment: Can you imagine turning up at someone's house and a baphomet statue can be seen standing guard over a high wall? Then we get a mini-tour. Apparently, the black and white floor tiles, represent black and white magic..... Yes, and you see the black and white check everywhere in society....

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    Comment: Baphomet trending on XTwitter again..... Mainly due to the King Charles portrait disclosures. It's interesting that lots of knitters refused. Respect to them!

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    Caption: The Eurovision Song Contest is no longer a fun family event. This year most of the acts couldnt sing and were either Satanic, Sexual or are a few examples if you missed it😯

    Comment: It use to be fun, now Eurovision is satanic.

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  • The Satanic Temple announces plan to have its ministers in Oklahoma Public Schools
    KSWO, May 3, 2024

    OKLAHOMA CITY (KSWO) - After the Oklahoma House passed Senate Bill 36, which would allow chaplains in public schools, The Satanic Temple announced a plan to have their ministers within Oklahoma Public Schools.

    SB36 was originally a bill dealing with disclosure of law enforcement records. However, that language was thrown out at the last second to transform the measure into allowing public school districts in the state to employ or accept volunteer chaplains.

    Comment: There is a lot of info about the Satanic Temple here, almost like an advert.....

  • DeSantis says Satanists can't be part of school chaplain program; Satanic Temple responds
    Christian Post, April 20, 2024

    The co-founder of The Satanic Temple has challenged Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis to a debate on religious freedom in America after the governor said this week that Satanists can't be part of a recently approved chaplains program for public schools.

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    If you ever wondered who inspired Marina Abromavitch to create bizarre, sick, and perverted art steeped in ritual sacrifice, I present to you Hermann Nitsch. His use of blood, entrails, and feces was his MO

    Comment: WARNING!! This link goes to the middle of a thread, but from the top of the thread there are lots of bloody images. The caption is from the top of the thread. It's a slow creep, first there are satanic after school clubs, then chaplains and then before you know it there are satanic "art" classes etc etc. Please note that Marina Abromavitch was promoted by the BBC! I wonder if there was any complaints!!

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    Comment: I think the vote was rigged, this is simply horrible. It's also so in your face, that it might be a White Hat Op to wake up the sleeping masses.

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    Comment: This is worse.... Another video clip on XTwitter

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    Comment: It looks like social media has started an investigation into the Eurovision finalist for Ireland Bambie Thug, what a name!

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    Comment: Yes, I know this is nearly 6 years old but still, it was mainstream news.... That demon Jimmy Savile was into corpses and he was best friends with our now King Charles (who by the way I think is dead already..... Spiked adrenochrome got him very early on in the scamdemic, so we have been getting doubles ever since).

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    Comment: This is a thread on satanist views on karmic retribution and predictive programming. I am impressed with the 3.2 million views on this XTwitter video alone. The Great Awakening is real!

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    Comment: Presumabley these images and video are AI fake, but popular on social media.... Hence, the message that McDonalds is evil using a baphomet meme is significant.

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    The first Apple One computer sold in 1975 for $666.66

    Comment: In modern belief, apples equate to forbidden pleasure. Hence, satanists were way ahead of the masses when it came to their dirty dealings using computers.

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    Comment: Why would an AG get involved, it's not even her state? This is here post on the matter. Blogger Doug in Exile explains the story She's WORSE Than You Thought. Below is an article about the infamous 2018 d**do cake furore.

  • Colorado Baker's Protagonist Allegedly Requested Satanic Cakes That Other Bakeries Wouldn't Create
    Newsweek, Aug 17, 2018

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    Comment: Here is a compilation video of mostly Andrew Tate complaining about how things work.... It must be all too much for the pedophile satanic elite. Far too many people now understand what is really going on.

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    Right image: Click link below

    Comment: I have seen these Canadian dollar images around for a while, but could not confirm it was not a hoax. Imagine my surprise that it was confirmed by the Bank of Canada on their website! Somebody kindly provided the Bank of Canada link via a Community Note on XTwitter. We read:
    1954 series The term “Devil's Head” is commonly used to describe this series. The notes caused quite a controversy because, in the engraving of the portrait, an area of the Queen's hair gave the illusion of a grinning devil. Modifications to the printing plates for all denominations were made in 1956 to exorcise the demon!
    Source: 1954 series
    Do you think this is acceptable? I don't! Truly, Everyday Satanism.

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    Comment: Of greater interest is the Harvard plaque design that reveals a hidden goat. That is not another coincidence.

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    Comment: Another coincidence?

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    Comment: This is not blackface. These are actors wearing red facepaint and devil horns. This is for those who still don't get that we are in a spiritual war with evil that MUST be erradicated. It's them or us!

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    David Wilcock explains how the satanic Cabal follows occult rules that allows them to exist, he then goes on to reveal how they use black magic to access demons.

    Comment: The video is poor but the sound is good. (I have changed the image here). The Cabal are now desperate and think putting satanism in our faces is going to allow them to exist and maintain their power. They wanted full control by 2030, but they are nowhere near obtaining their goal and losing badly to the International White Hat Alliance. Btw, most people are born into the Cabal and they are forced to submit via mind control (think about all those who are gender inverted before birth, at birth or very early on in childhood). Many try to rebel, some succeed, some become whistle blowers, some whistle blowers even write books. That might explain why even z-list celebrities like Paris Hilton are replaced by a doubles/clones. (Saying that, she may have gone into witness protection like maybe nearly a thousand other celebrities). We the people are winning!!!!!!! The revelations are going to be incredible!!!!!!!!!!!! On Rumble: link

  • David Wilcock Fall Of cabal documentary
    Rumble, 15 Nov 2020

    Comment: Better quality video. David Wilcock starts talking about the Luciferian Cabal ~16:50. The only problem is that he likes to go all around the houses and talk about our extraterrestrial overlords.... Don't miss this if you want to understand why Cabal members think Lucifer is the Light. If you are short on time you can start ~23:30. He talks about the Cabal occult rules ~45:20. Wilcock is a detail person. So, I have learned important insights on this documentary that I have not found anywhere else.... Quite impressive, David Wilcock speaks the truth!!

    Click image for more Krampus pictures.

  • The Story Of Krampus, The Anti-Santa Who Punishes Naughty Children With Season’s Beatings
    All that's Interesting, October 29, 2022

    A half-goat demon said to be the son of the Norse god of the underworld, Krampus punishes naughty children at Christmastime — and drags some to hell.

    They say he comes on the evening of December 5th, a night called “Krampusnacht.” You can usually hear him coming, as the soft steps of his bare human foot alternate with the clip-clop of his cloven hoof.

    Comment: So, we have a Nordic tradition of explaining away abducted children by telling children that if they are naughty they will be taken away like the others.... Sick!

  • More | Krampus Slideshow of Getty Images: Link

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    Comment: Krampus parade in Australia. I have been collecting images of paintings for a while, I had no idea there were parades....

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    Comment: Rihanna's collaboration with a bunch of satanists. ⚠️🔞WARNING!! VERY DARK!!🔞⚠️

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    @libsoftiktok | The Satanic statue was put up a few days ago on Capitol grounds. 7 Republican Michigan State Representatives signed a letter urging for the removal of the statue. The Michigan Capitol Commission should remove it immediately! link

    Comment: The terms satanism, satanic and satanists just keep trending on social media. This is going to cause a major problem for those who realise that these same people might be causing a lot of problems in society.....

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    Comment: AI generated image

  • BREAKING: Satanic idol at Iowa State Capitol BEHEADED by Christian veteran
    "I saw this blasphemous statue and was outraged,” Cassidy said. “My conscience is held captive to the word of God, not to bureaucratic decree. And so I acted."
    The Post Millennial, Dec 14 2023

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    Comment: I have seen videos of women bragging about how many abortions they have had.... The satanists are happy to tell you that they are doing it as a ritual.....

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    @ClownWorld_ | Starting to feel bad for these people

    Comment: 2 million views..... We are witnessing the results of the effort to destroy western civilisation... Satanists are behind the transgender movement.

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    The Baalenciaga scandal re-cap

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    "High fashion" in Paris 2023.

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    Dangerous Minds, 13th December 2016

    In 2014 Argentina-based artists Marianela Perelli and Pool Paolini “redesigned” 33 Barbie, Ken and Skipper dolls into various historical religious figures such as Judas, Jesus, the Virgin Mary, Buddha and Baphomet among others. The figures were a part of a show called “Barbie, the Plastic Religion” and as you might imagine there was a contentious backlash to Perelli and Paolini modified Barbie’s. Though it’s important to note that the talented pair presented one of their Barbies to Pope Francis which he accepted. So there’s that.

    Though fans of organized religion will likely hurl the word “blasphemous” around when it comes to Perelli and Paolini’s plastic “gods” the artists have been very clear about their intentions, which believe it or not came from a positive place. Here’s more on that

    Comment: There is quite an assortment of religious figures provided... Perfect for satanist parents to give to their kids.

    Comment: This is just a standard meme these days.

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    Comment: This is rare video footage. WARNING!! THIS IS GRAPHIC AND DISTURBING. Thankfully, a good thing about the new energy on the planet is that more multi-generational satanists now have the strength to walk from the darkness....

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  • Win this liquid-cooled Diablo IV PC with human blood if players donate 666 quarts
    Blizzard is giving away a high-end gaming PC with a water cooling system that is supposed to contain real human blood as part of a blood donation campaign.
    PC World, 23rd Oct 2023

    Blizzard has come up with a very special competition to fuel a blood donation campaign: It’s giving away a high-end Diablo IV-themed gaming PC whose water cooling system is infused with “real human blood” if players donate enough of the life-giving liquid.

    In the “Diablo IV Blood Harvest” blood drive, the Diablo community aims to collectively donate 666 quarts of blood (the equivalent of around 640 liters). The entire Diablo community will benefit from this, as hitting 220 quarts, 440 quarts, and 666 quarts will also unlock various cosmetic items in the Diablo 4 game. Once the blood donation goal has been reached, the competition for the custom gaming PC, which is infused with “real human blood” to some degree, will start.#

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    Bitchute, April 14th, 2023

    SUMMARY | Late Night with Jimmy Kimmel. Metallica performing with puppets to a group of children. One of the puppets is satan.

    Comment: Jimmy Kimmel (previously featured in my Hollweird blog series) with another awful and not funny skit.

  • Nov 2022 | Also on Late Night with Jimmy Kimmel. This time we have a horror skit featuring a mock 1980s Snuggle Bear commercial and sacrificing babies as the theme. Twitter link

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  • Degree in magic to be offered at University of Exeter
    BBC News, 3rd Oct 2023

    The "innovative" MA in Magic and Occult Science has been created following a "recent surge in interest in magic", the course leader said.

    It would offering an opportunity to study the history and impact of witchcraft and magic around the world on society and science, bosses said.

    The one-year programme starts in September 2024. [...]

    Prof Selove said: "This MA will allow people to re-examine the assumption that the West is the place of rationalism and science, while the rest of the world is a place of magic and superstition."

    Comment: So, will this course include how magic is being used in the MSM to mislead the masses? They can start with all the fakery related to the Ukraine war....

  • A SATANIC REBELLION | Social justice collides with the Satanic Temple.
    The Atlantic (Web Archive), 1st October 2023

    The most important thing to know about the Satanic Temple is that its members don’t really believe in Satan. They are atheists, and if they venerate anything, it’s the establishment clause of the United States Constitution, which prohibits the creation of a state religion. They have adopted Satan as their emblem because, in the Christian tradition, he is the ultimate revolutionary—the fallen angel of Paradise Lost who decides it is better to “reign in hell than serve in Heaven.”

    Comment: Maybe this strange article is just trying to downplay the existence of this particular group of satanists because it also talks about them not taking part in marches and rallies held by other groups. This group is not serious compared to what else is really going on....

  • FBI Issues Warning About Newly Discovered Pedophilic, Satanist Extortion Cult Targeting Children Online
    Gateway Pundit, Sep 2023

    The cult uses platforms including Roblox, Discord, Twitch, Soundcloud, and Telegram to find new victims.

    The FBI said in their public notice that the cult uses many names, including 676, 764, CVLT, Court, Kaskar, Harm Nation, Leak Society, and H3ll, but “continuously evolve and form subgroups under different monikers.”

    “To gain access to a majority of these groups, prospective members are required to live-stream or upload videos depicting their minor victims harming animals or committing self-harm, suicide, murder, or other acts of violence,” the FBI said. “The key motivators of these groups are to gain notoriety and rise in status within their groups.”

    Comment: Hard to know what to say as politicians in the main have never cared about children's safety, as evidenced by the MANY hundreds of thousands that go missing. However, maybe the White Hats are trying to start the disclosure that THERE IS A GLOBAL SATANIC CULT...... Another version of this story: A 23-year-old was arrested for gun possession. It led the FBI to a global Satanic cult

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    Comment: Judges and lawyers dressing up with satan horns and mocking their clients is the modus operandi of satanists. Caught red-handed....

  • Misc

    From what I understand not all witches are satanists. Satanism is a death cult and appears to regard being Anti-Christ as a top priority. In the Bible, Christ is stated to say "I am here to give you life and life more abundantly". I believe that 'Christ' or Christos is the highest spiritual energy available to humans. Therefore, I believe that Satanism is fundamentally anti-life and anti-Christ energy.

    Everyday Satanism Archive 1

    First Upload: 11th April 2021,
    Last Update: 11th October 2024


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