Susan Joy Rennison's

Financial Chaos is Coming? Got Gold & Silver? Bank failures and bail-ins coming? Don't leave all your money in the bank! Make sure you have enough provisions at home for at least a few weeks and make sure you have cash at hand. TROUBLE COMING...

Black Swan Blog
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REDRUM, Cabal & Banking Corruption

First Upload: 23rd March 2023,
Last Update: 31st December 2023

⚠️🔞Some of this information is very disturbing.🔞⚠️



The following is a collection of information not commonly known that indicates there is an alternative economy based on murder. R+E+D+R+U+M ====> M+U+R+D+E+R backwards, facilatated by top-level and evil bankers. The term banksters (bankers + gangsters ===> banksters) is often used as a joke, but that is being too kind. At the most senior level, banksters are made up of the most evil satanist psychopaths on the planet and to get into that circle, you have to be willing to do some nasty child sacrifice ritualistic stuff to prove that you are worthy. This is easy to prove as 1. a few have refused the offer to join these elite and their confessions are in the public domain and some references are provided below. 2. These people like to use symbolism that is easy to decode and 3. they are quite happy to be seen in public with their own kind.

This new webpage is timely because we are about to see some serious events as we witness the financial system being completely destroyed. Some of this information is already provided on this website scattered across half a dozen webpages, but this info and more will be collated below. As usual the public are told the truth using symbolism and so it is important to reveal the truth of why the book The Wizard of Oz was picked up and subverted, as it provides a solution to the current desperately failing Cabal financial system.

The Bankers Manifesto of 1892

Revealed by US Congressman Charles A. Lindbergh, SR from Minnesota before the US Congress sometime during his term of office between the years of 1907 and 1917 to warn the citizens.

"We (the bankers) must proceed with caution and guard every move made, for the lower order of people are already showing signs of restless commotion. Prudence will therefore show a policy of apparently yielding to the popular will until our plans are so far consummated that we can declare our designs without fear of any organized resistance.

The Farmers Alliance and Knights of Labor organizations in the United States should be carefully watched by our trusted men, and we must take immediate steps to control these organizations in our interest or disrupt them.

At the coming Omaha Convention to be held July 4th (1892), our men must attend and direct its movement, or else there will be set on foot such antagonism to our designs as may require force to overcome. This at the present time would be premature. We are not yet ready for such a crisis. Capital must protect itself in every possible manner through combination (conspiracy) and legislation.

The courts must be called to our aid, debts must be collected, bonds and mortgages foreclosed as rapidly as possible.

When through the process of the law, the common people have lost their homes; they will be more tractable and easily governed through the influence of the strong arm of the government applied to a central power of imperial wealth under the control of the leading financiers. People without homes will not quarrel with their leaders.

History repeats itself in regular cycles. This truth is well known among our principal men who are engaged in forming an imperialism of the world. While they are doing this, the people must be kept in a state of political antagonism.

The question of tariff reform must be urged through the organization known as the Democratic Party, and the question of protection with the reciprocity must be forced to view through the Republican Party.

By thus dividing voters, we can get them to expand their energies in fighting over questions of no importance to us, except as teachers to the common herd. Thus, by discrete action, we can secure all that has been so generously planned and successfully accomplished."

From New American, February, 1934.

"Capital must protect itself in every way, through combination and through legislation. Debts must be collected and loans and mortgages foreclosed as soon as possible. When through a process of law, the common people have lost their homes, they will be more tractable and more easily governed by the strong arm of the law applied by the central power of wealth, under control of leading financiers. People without homes will not quarrel with their leaders. This is well known among our principle men now engaged in forming an IMPERIALISM of capital to govern the world. By dividing the people we can get them to expend their energies in fighting over questions of no importance to us except as teachers of the common herd. Thus by discrete action we can secure for ourselves what has been generally planned and successfully accomplished." their leaders. This is well known among our principle men now engaged in forming an IMPERIALISM of capital to govern the world. By dividing the people we can get them to expend their energies in fighting over questions of no importance to us except as teachers of the common herd. Thus by discrete action we can secure for ourselves what has been generally planned and successfully accomplished." Source: Link

Decoding The Wizard Of Oz

There are people who find it difficult to comprehend why economist Baum, L. Frank (Lyman Frank), 1856-1919, would write a children's book with hidden meaning. Maybe, they can't imagine a book that is over 120 years old having much to offer. Or maybe, Baum's book being popularised by Hollywood, has overshadowed the original book too much and has made some sceptical of any hidden meanings. Well, the use of allegory to simplify complex topics and at the same time disguise true beliefs is not new. So, for the truth seekers and curious, the viewpoint of financial analysts using history and economics to easily decode the meaning, is important. This is especially important as the world faces severe difficulties in the world's financial systems.

As the current financial system is failing, many economic and financial analysts believe the clear solution is that we need to return to financial system that has been proven over thousands of years (if not trifled with) to produce financial stability. Unfortunately, returning to a gold standard based on precious metals that in today's world which can be combined with modern technology like blockchain for added integrity, is a problem for criminal cheating central bankers and the fraudulent money market milieu.

These banksters and their friends have honed and perfected ways to cheat the general public over many decades using the system called fractional reserve banking. This system allows banks to lend money that they don't have and gamble money using financial instruments (derivatives), a term credited to legendary investor Warren Buffett as 'weapons of mass financial destruction'.

Over decades, inflation makes the money derivative (currency) worth less and less and has resulted in most banks being broke. This will always happen with fractional reserve banking. In May 2013, this was eloquently and forcefully eplained by UK MEP Sir Geoffrey Bloom at an EU debate on banking Twitter | Why the whole banking system is a scam - Godfrey Bloom MEP & YouTube | Why the whole banking system is a scam - Godfrey Bloom MEP. In mid March 2023, with the latest financial disaster brewing, many others are repeating the refrain that ALL BANKS ARE BROKE, see Entire Financial System Is Bankrupt | Bob Moriarty

The following May 2014 Yahoo Finance write-up decodes some of the most basics truths hidden behind the Wizard of Oz children's story.

'The Wizard of Oz', written by L. Frank Baum and originally published in 1900, may have been inspired by the real-life economic struggles during the Gold Standard. Many economists and historians insist that the book is a political allegory.

In their telling, each character represents a person or group active in the late 1800s. The scarecrow represents the farmers in the west. Most of these farmers had mortgages and owed money to the bankers in the east. When deflation hit, the value of the farmers' debts rose. The amount they owed the bankers was now worth much more than at the time of the loan - bad for the farmers but great for the bankers.

The yellow brick road is the gold standard. The gold standard was blamed for the rise in prices and many believed the end of the gold standard would fix everything. But the citizens of the East (who are represented by the munchkins) wanted to keep the gold standard in place. They urge Dorothy to "follow the yellow brick road".

The farmers weren't the only group suffering and seeking an end to the gold standard. Industrial workers are represented by the tin man. His joints are rusted and he can no longer work much like the 18% of Americans that were unemployed in 1894.

The cowardly lion is William Jennings Bryan, A populist leader and the face of the Free Silver Movement. He believed that adding silver to the gold standard would ease deflation and solve the nation's economic woes. And of course there is a nod to gold in the title. The Wonderful Wizard of Oz or O-Z the abbreviation for an ounce of gold.

The Emerald City is America's capital, Washington, D.C. where everything is seen through dollar colored glasses literally (which is why everything appears to be green). In the end, it is Dorothy's shoes that save her — HER SILVER SHOES. The shoes were silver in the book but were changed to ruby for the movie. It turns out, The solution was right under her nose the entire time. Adding silver to the money supply.

  • Here's The Real, Forgotten Meaning Of 'The Wizard Of Oz'
    Yahoo Fiance, May 30 2014

  • Click image for video link

    Click image for video link

    "Follow the yellow brick road" basically means follow the money, which I've been trying to tell you for years

    Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain...

    The wonderful wizard of oz🤔.

    The Wizard of "Oz" = Ounces of Gold. The Yellow Brick Road = Bricks or Gold Ingot.

    The Straw Man represents that fictional ALL CAPS legal fiction — PERSON. The Straw Man wanted a Brain but got a Certificate — the Birth Certificate for a new legal creation & he was proud of his new legal status, plus all these other legalisms he was granted.

    The Tin Man — (TIN) Taxpayer Identification Number, a robotic avatar, who worked tirelessly until his body literally froze up & stopped functioning. The heartless & emotionless robot creature who worked himself to death because he had no heart or soul. He wanted a HEART.

    The Cowardly Lion was a bully, but was a true coward when someone stood up to him. He lacks true courage. That was what he wanted — Courage. At the end, the Wizard gave him an Official Recognition Award — Authority & Status.

    The Wizard of Oz — uses magic, smoke, flames & holograms, but all of it were tricks & illusions to push fear & compliance into doing what he commanded. — The TRUTH is the Wizard have NO real power & only uses illusions to create FALSE power & authority.

    The Wicked Witch — pushed fear through intimidation. She was after Toto. She controlled the flying monkey police — the policy enforcers— the mischievous demons, which also represents the BAR Association attorneys who attack & control all the little people for the Great Crown Wizard, the crooked Bankers of Oz - Gold.

    In the field of poppies, they were not REAL humans, so drugs had no effect on them, but Dorothy was drugged. The Wizard of Oz was written at the time when the Rockefeller & pharmaceutical begin to take over the medicine & education — the DRUGGING of America. The Crown was the largest drug dealers & after their take-over of drug distribution in China, they began to expand all around the world.

    Toto the Dog — was what the Wicked Witch was after. Toto in Latin means ‘in total, all TOGETHER’. Toto was the One who exposed the Wizard of Oz. Toto had no fear & was very small compared to the Great Wizard so no one noticed him. Toto pulled the curtain on the Wizard & his magical scams. ‘Curtain’ also means the End of an Act or scene — The End. He pulled the curtain & started barking until others paid attention & Red Pill the others.

    The curtain ‘VEIL’ that hides the corporate legal fiction & its false courts is exposed. The jig is up. No matter how small your bark is — it can be heard.

    Source: Mike Harrigan.

    Comment: 25th Oct 2023 | Another explanation of the meaning behind the original story of The Wizard of Oz. Even more relevant as interesting messages have been appearing on the US Debt Clock where the Tin Man briefly appeared! This can also be found in the image link thread,

    Click image for video link

    Comment: Start ~3.30 mins. This video is a brief synopsis of the true meaning of the Wizard of Oz and explains the Hollywood twist, changing Dorothy's shoes from silver to ruby/red. SGT explains that the red represents the cabal currency of child sacrifice. Hollywood and the cabal elites like to use a lot of symbolism, but few realise that the red carpet has the same meaning.

  • How GOLD & SILVER Influenced the Wizard of Oz

    The concept of financial experts covertly writing about the need to return to a Gold Standard, is echoed by the Federal Reserve Bank, Boston who produced a comic called Wishes and Rainbows in 1981. When this was discovered, it led to The Road to Roota theory that postulates that there is a group of people in the United States as well as around the world that are working to remove and destroy the financial banking powers that have secretly controlled all aspects of our lives for hundreds of years.

    The importance here is that the Cabal prefer a financial system that facilitates highly illegal and murderous activities. When the book became popular, Hollywood, controlled by the Cabal, subverted the main meaning of Baum's book 'The Wizard of Oz'. This was simply achieved by changing Dorothy's shoes from silver – representing the precious metal silver – to ruby or red for blood. As an aside, what is known as The Gold Standard (gold for the very wealthy and the banks and silver for ordinary people) has been a tried and tested manner for controlling money supply for thousands of years. This is also a direct link to the elite Red Shoe Club, another group of satanists who believe that their nefarious activities are the only way to operate.

  • The Road to Roota Theory

  • The Road to Roota or The Implementation of a New Gold Standard?

    Agreed, if Gerry McCann was part of the Red Shoe Club made up of satanists, then the speculation that the family were involved in the disappearance of their daughter must have weight. All that can be stated here is that it is well established that satanists routinely pimp out their children.

  • Madeleine McCann disappearance: 48 questions Kate McCann refused to answer reemerge Gerry McCann hits out at hurt that speculation and conspiracy theories have caused family
    Independent, 14 March 2017

  • Macaulay Culkin EXPOSES the “Red Shoe Men”
    AUGUST 30, 2019
    Former child star exposes entertainment industry execs who sacrifice young actors

    COMMENT: WARNING. Macaulay Culkin the Home Alone star, gave this massive truth bomb during a radio interview in Paris, France. Since then, great efforts have been made to removed this testimony from the internet.

    This painting used to hang in the main building at Epstein Island...

    Comment: Most likely the red shoes was indicating the high level crimes of the Clinton Foundation, see more below.

    Click image to see enlarged version.

  • Big Bank Money Laundering

    The following section reveals that bankers are facilating crimes against humanity by laundering Cabal money. Bankers are commonly known to be sharks defrauding their customers. However, the following data dump will illustrate the documented activites of cabal organisations operatimg on an industrial level that facilatate much higher levels of profit for banks.

    This section will start with some historical and undisputed sources and then recent instances of banks that have been caught either directly trafficking or laundering dirty money, implying that nothing much has changed.

    Source: What is "Money Laundering" and how is it done?
    Jagran Josh, MAR 12, 2021

    The scale of trafficking is so huge and blatant that books like Dope, Inc. (1978, 1991 & 2010) were written accusing royalty, royal chartered organisations, commerical and retail banks of being involved. Each edition has a different subtitle as follows:
  • DOPE, Inc.: Britain's Opium War Against the U.S (1978)
  • DOPE, INC.: The Book That Drove Henry Kissinger Crazy (1991) [international drug trafficking, money-laundering, and state power]
  • DOPE, Inc.: Britain's Opium War Against the World (2010)

    It is well beyond the scope of this webpage to analyse the huge amount of information provided in the three editions of this book, but references are provided for further study and analysis.

    Dope, Inc. (1978, 1991 & 2010) was written by Executive Intelligence Review (EIR) a weekly newsmagazine founded in 1974 by the American political activist Lyndon LaRouche, and is considered an expanded book-length piece. Dope, Inc. connects the dots with indisputable documentation, that "the worlds Heroin trade was and still is controlled by an octopus network of "respectable" world elites, including British aristocrats leading all the way up to the House of Windsor, British based Jewish bankers who finance and launder money for drug operations, a handful of super wealthy blue blood WASP families from the New England area of the USA, with underlings like the so called Mafia, the Chinese Triads and also shows how the drug trade is tightly interwoven with the gold and diamond trade. Another thing I found interesting is how their servants like the Bronfmans and Kennedys moved up the ladder from being disreputable gangsters to high level servants of the elites. Bronfmans have intermarried with Rothschilds and Kennedys with the British aristocracy." Source: link

    Click image for link.

  • Dope, Inc. Bankers Above Suspicion [1999]
    EIR Vol. 26, No. 50, December 17, 1999

    Comment: This is the original .pdf source for the above tweet graphics.

    Additional References:

  • Dope, Inc. Britain's Opium War Against the U.S (1978) [Online] & .pdf download

  • Excerpts | Dope Inc The Book That Drove Henry Kissinger Crazy (1991)
    Third World Traveller

    Comment: Other archived versions of these books can be easily found on the internet.

    Click image for link.

  • World's biggest banks 'allowed criminals to launder dirty money',
    leaked documents allege

    Thousands of documents obtained by journalists allegedly reveal trillions of dollars of dirty money being moved around the world.
    Sky News, 21st September 2020

    [...] Five global banks were named in the investigation: JPMorgan Chase, HSBC, Standard Chartered, Deutsche Bank and Bank of New York Mellon.

    Covering transactions between 1999 and 2017, the SARs were leaked from the US Financial Crimes Investigation Network (FinCEN), an agency which is part of the US Treasury and tasked with tackling money laundering.

  • Leaked documents reveal some of the world’s biggest banks
    allowed criminals to move dirty money around the world

    BBC, 21 September 2020

    They also show how Russian oligarchs have used banks to avoid sanctions that were supposed to stop them getting their money into the West.

    It's the latest in a string of leaks over the past five years that have exposed secret deals, money laundering and financial crime.

    Comment: Then the US has the nerve to state that the leak would compromise national security.... Really?

    Click image for link

  • HSBC knowingly helped Mexican cartels launder billions, lawsuit claims
    Fox News, January 10, 2017

    Click image for link

  • HSBC fined $85 mln for anti-money laundering failings
    Reuters, 17th Dec 2021

    LONDON, Dec 17 (Reuters) - Britain's financial regulator said on Friday that it had fined HSBC (HSBA.L) 63.95 million pounds ($85.16 million) for failings in its anti-money laundering processes.

    The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) said it had found that three key parts of HSBC's transaction monitoring systems showed serious weaknesses over a period of eight years from 31 March 2010 to 31 March 2018.

    The regulator said HSBC had made a string of failings, including inadequate monitoring of money laundering and terrorist financing scenarios until 2014, and poor risk assessment of "new scenarios" after 2016.

    Comment: Basically, they were not even pretending to try....

    Click image for link

  • Natwest fined £264m after taking deposits of laundered cash in bin bags
    Bank admits anti-money-laundering failures after Bradford jeweller deposited £365m over five years
    Guardian, 13 Dec 2021

    Click image for video link

  • Credit Suisse found guilty in ‘cocaine cash laundering’ case
    Dawn, June 28, 2022

  • Credit Suisse found guilty in cocaine cash laundering case
    Reuters, June 28, 2022

    BELLINZONA, Switzerland, June 27 (Reuters) - Credit Suisse (CSGN.S) was convicted by Switzerland's Federal Criminal Court on Monday of failing to prevent money-laundering by a Bulgarian cocaine trafficking gang in the country's first criminal trial of one of its major banks.

  • Crooks, kleptocrats and crises: a timeline of Credit Suisse scandals
    Guardian, 21st Feb 2022

    Click image for link.

  • Danske Bank pays $2bn to settle Estonian money-laundering scandal
    IntelliNews, December 14, 2022

    [...] The US Department of Justice (DoJ) said in a statement that Danske had defrauded US lenders over its anti-money-laundering measures at its Estonia branch, allowing “high-risk customers”, including many from Russia, to access the US financial system.

    According to court documents cited by the DoJ, Danske’s Estonia branch attracted foreign customers between 2008 and 2016 by allowing them to transfer large sums of money through it “with little, if any, oversight”. The DoJ added the branch processed $160bn through US institutions on behalf of these clients, and conspired with these individuals to mask the real nature of the transactions, sometimes via shell companies.

    According to a bne IntelliNews investigation in 2019,

    Source: Bank Fines 2020 | Finbold
    Click image for link

    Comment: Banks routinely conduct their criminal activities and pay the fine when the authorities pretend to get tough and they get "caught". The fines are considered chicken feed and just get added to the cost of doing business.

  • Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Fines of 2021
    Sanctions Scanner

    [...] Overall, the following are the primary reasons why regulatory bodies punished banks:

    · Inadequate compliance culture, values, norms, and ethics
    · Failure to report suspicious activities (SARs),
    · Insufficient risk assessment regarding KYC, PEP, and CDD
    · AML controls vulnerabilities.

    Comment: Another long list of banks.

    Click image for link.

  • Drug money saved banks in global crisis, claims UN advisor
    Drugs and crime chief says $352bn in criminal proceeds was effectively laundered by financial institutions
    Guardian, 13 Dec 2009

    [...] Antonio Maria Costa, head of the UN Office on Drugs and Crime, said he has seen evidence that the proceeds of organised crime were "the only liquid investment capital" available to some banks on the brink of collapse last year. He said that a majority of the $352bn (£216bn) of drugs profits was absorbed into the economic system as a result.

    This will raise questions about crime's influence on the economic system at times of crisis.

    Gangs are now believed to make most of their profits from the drugs trade and are estimated to be worth £352bn, the UN says. They have traditionally kept proceeds in cash or moved it offshore to hide it from the authorities. It is understood that evidence that drug money has flowed into banks came from officials in Britain, Switzerland, Italy and the US.

    Comment: So..... Criminal activity is OK then according to this United Nations official..... Is it any wonder the world is in such a mess, with this kind of satanic "silver lining" thinking held by so many in charge?

  • The Cabal Economy & Red Market
    REDRUM Blog

    ️🔞Most of the information in this preview window is highly disturbing.🔞⚠️

    The following is a dump of information related to industrial levels of human and drug trafficking combined with the 'Red market', where the money all has to be laundered by big banks. A basic definition of the Red Market is the trading of human organs, tissues, or other body products. Unfortunately, it is much much worse than just body organs from unwilling donors, as it will include the adrenochrome harvesting and subsequent shipments.

    Briefly, it is widely known that in China, hospitals are harvesting organs from thousands of political prisoners each year. Apparently, the United States alone has an estimated 200 million illegal human body-derived products sold annually. This practice is especially common in India, where it is estimated that 2,000 Indians sell a kidney annually. Adrenochrome has already been disclosed on this website but some duplication will be provided here too. Since it is important to outline the horrific trading that is supported by the big banks, articles will be provided as to the guesome discoveries that have been found in transit to prove there is a massive Red Market trade.

  • Need a Kidney? A Skull? Just Bring Cash
    New York Times, June 16, 2011

    Whereas black markets trade in illegal goods like guns and drugs, the “red market,” the journalist Scott Carney says in his revealing if somewhat scattershot new book, trades in human flesh — in kidneys and other organs, in human corneas, blood, bones and eggs. Many of the real-life examples he cites in this chilling volume cannot help but remind the reader of a horror movie, or of Kazuo Ishiguro’s devastating dystopian novel “Never Let Me Go” (2005), in which we learn that a group of children are clones who have been raised to “donate” replacement body parts.

    In “The Red Market” Mr. Carney recounts the story of a police raid on a dairy farmer’s land in a small Indian border town that freed 17 people who had been confined in shacks and who said they’d been bled at least two times per week. “The Blood Factory,” as it was called in the local press, he writes, “was supplying a sizable percentage” of the city hospitals’ blood supply.

    Comment: Ths article is behind a paywall.

    Click image for link

    Click image for link.

  • Human smugglers try new tactic
    NBC News, Oct. 23, 2003

    Adding new peril to an already dangerous practice, China’s human smugglers have dispatched at least one group of illegal immigrants to the United States inside a hard-top shipping container - a 40-foot-long steel box that gives its occupants no chance of escape if something goes wrong.

    [...] since the metal boxes aren’t air-tight, enough air seeps in through the doors to allow people inside to breathe, though the stench from human waste, spoiling food and bodies in almost-unbearably tight quarters is by all accounts overwhelming.

    Right: Worker exposes human trafficking as cargo on container ships.

    Comment: It's not just the Chinese human smuggling/trafficking, see more below:

    Senator Roy Blunt Twitter link
    Children Trafficked In Cardboard, Crates, Shipping Containers &
    Secret Underground Facilities. Image source & more information: link

  • Modern Art Scandal Uncovered: Are Children Shipped In Boxes as “LIVE ART” Under The “ART FOR EMBASSIES PROGRAM” To Feed Pedophiles and Cannibals?
    Ella Cruz, 24th April 2018


    The Clintons in Haiti standing in front of an Evergreen container
    as a backdrop for a photo op.... Really? These satanists really like to mock...

  • Evergreen – Hillary Clinton’s Code-Word Connection to Haiti, Trafficking and More
    Decyrpted Matrix, Aug 9, 2020

    Click image for link.

    Large image detail | Part 1 Part 2

    A man talks about Evergreen and the missing children | link

    Old headlines - Use Way Back Machine (internet archive) if links dead

    Click image for link.

  • Aborted babies: 17,000 bodies found in shipping container
    YouTube, 9 Sept 2013

    Comment: According to social media: "In 1981 a pathologist by the name of Malvin Weisberg was found to be storing 17,000 aborted bodies on his residential property, stored at room temperature in a shipping container, his garage, and through out his house. He had aquired the bodies between 1976 and 1981." link The TV News report avoids revealing WHO placed the fetuses in the container and WHY.

    ⚠️🔞WARNING!!🔞⚠️ ⚠️🔞GRAPHIC!!🔞⚠️

  • 64 Bodies Found in Shipping Container in Mozambique (03/24/20)
    CNN, 24th March 2020

  • 5,000 Pets Found Dead in Boxes at Chinese Shipping Depot (10/30/20)
    CBS 17, 30th October 2020

  • 25 migrants in refrigerated container on UK-bound ferry (11/19/19)
    DW, 19th November 2019

  • 39 Bodies Found in Shipping Container from Bulgaria (10/24/19)
    Sydney Morning Herald, 24th October 2019

  • 100 UK shipping containers found containing body parts & organs (07/24/19)
    Mirror, 24th July 2019

  • Shipping Container Full of Body Parts of Americans on Chinese Cargo Ship (07/2018)
    Western Journal, July 2018

  • 1 Man Found Dead and 34 Others Still Alive in a Container at UK Port (08/17/2014)
    Yahoo News, 17th August, 2014

    The Baby Snatchers

    Please note: this is going on all over the world. There is also a lot of historical artwork available that alludes to this activity. Anyway, this is just a few reports and instances.

    Click image for link

  • Ukraine baby theft claims probed
    BBC News, 26 August 2005

    Harrowing reports of babies stolen at birth and human organ removal in an Ukrainian city are to be investigated by a top European political body.

    Comment: Obviously nothing was done about criminals stealing babies and it's been going on for a long time..... See more below:

    Lviv and the surrounding area, located in western Ukraine near the borders with Belarus and Poland, has traditionally enjoyed strong ties to its western neighbors. [...] Organized crime is very active in the region.[...]

    In the mid- 1990s, the trafficking in persons-specifically the sale of babies-began to flourish in the region. In 1995, in the city of Lviv, at least 130 newborns were stolen from their mothers and sold to couples in the US and Western Europe. The ring was part of a larger conspiracy that secreted over 800 babies out of Ukraine. The babies sold for an estimated 40,000 USD per baby. When the baby smuggling ring was first identified, it involved three doctors and other unidentified officials who helped forge the paperwork necessary to shield the disappearance and the transfer of the babies. During the investigation, however, ties to organized crime were identified and it emerged that criminal penetration of critical ministries had led to protection of the smuggling ring. In addition, an attempt was made on the life of the chief investigator of the case, Igor Pilipchuk, and one of his colleagues.

    Source: Organized Crime in Ukraine: Challenge and Response [2002]

    A 2007 breakdown of organ prices on the black market.
    Source: Bloody Harvest Matas & Kilgour (2007)


    Comment: So, organs are only removed when you are still alive. This information is shocking.

    Russian volunteer reveals his troops in Izyum stumbled upon a Ukrainian satanic “child organ network”.

  • Human trafficking in Ukraine, an investigative series.
    Part one: Illegal Organ Harvest

    Gibraltor Messenger, February 2, 2023

    [...] In early December of 2022, Colonel Vitaly Kiselev of the Lugansk Police in the Lugansk People’s Republic (LPR), told Russian media that a black-market organ harvester from the EU had arrived in the Bakhmut region of Ukraine, where there has been heavy fighting, and therefore, mortally wounded soldiers.

    Kiselev told that at least one of these people, a Dutch doctor named Elizabeth de Brück was previously in Ukraine, according to an investigation by the LPR, and that she and others in her group harvested organs from Ukrainian soldiers and civilians without their consent, in 2014 and 2015. [...]

    Kiselev says that the names of several people, including de Brück, were given to authorities by a former officer of the Ukrainian Security Services (SBU) during a confession in 2015. The unidentified man said that he witnessed de Brück and her group removing organs without consent from soldiers, as well as from civilians whose wounds were not life threatening.

    Comment: Wow.... This is a long article.... It includes a written English translation of a whistleblower confession and 4 videos with more confessions.

  • Putin Finds Mass Graves of Children from Sex Trafficking in Ukraine in April 2022
    Australian Morning Herald, September 30, 2022

    Young children for sale on racks.

    Click mage for link

  • Exposed: Hollywood Elite’s Adrenochrome Rituals Revealed on French TV – Media Blackout
    Newspunch, March 17, 2023

    A man with close links to the political and entertainment industry elite dropped a series of truth bombs on French TV this week, naming and shaming multiple celebrities for using adrenochrome as part of depraved occult rituals to get high and stay young.

    Gérard Fauré is well-known in France due to his previous career as drug dealer to the stars. Because there are few secrets of the elite Fauré does not know about, he’s a regular guest on TV shows...

    [...] But the producers of the show got more than they bargained for when Fauré decided to reveal the truth....

    Another guest (who seemed less outraged than the others) stated that the adrenochrome “conspiracy theory” is rather plausible. She explained that the substance is extracted from children’s blood and is consumed by rich and powerful people to remain youthful.

    Fauré claimed that several celebrities consume adrenochrome on a regular basis and named Celine Dion as a prime example. In recent months, Fauré stated that Dion’s mysterious degenerative illness was due to her abusive consumption of adrenochrome.

    When asked by an incredulous guest where these sacrificed children come from, Fauré answered that they’re mainly kidnapped. He stated that over 58,000 children are kidnapped in France every year and that only two-thirds are found. He then asked: Where is the remaining third?

    Later, Fauré stated that he testified in a case where a woman was looking to sell her daughter to an adrenochrome lab in Dijon. Seemingly on a roll, he added that Yves St-Laurent and other people in the fashion industry were pedo criminals.

    When Fauré mentioned the names of France’s President Emmanuel Macron and his 69-year-old wife Brigitte, the interview was suddenly cut short. One can only wonder what he was about to reveal.

    Comment: The rest of the article is information that is already on this website. However, what is interesting is that Fauré linked approx. 20,000 missing kids in France and a woman selling her daughter to an adrenochrome lab in Dijon.... There is a lot of evidence this is going on, see correspondence below:

    Young children held in cages and tortured.....Children are farmed.

  • Adrenochrome - Leaked Documents

    Comment: Attempts have been made to scrub this extremely important PROOF (that adrenochrome is BIG BUSINESS) off the internet, but it can still be found mostly on smaller websites.....

    Comment: There are rumours that HUGE corporations (NAMED) use their distribution networks to supply adrenochrome to their users....

    The above links leads to a banned Twitter account.

    This is hard to believe.... Take it or leave it.

  • Satanic Bankers - Naming Names

    Click image for video link

  • Revealed: Credit Suisse leak unmasks criminals, fraudsters and corrupt politicians
    Guardian, 20th Feb 2022

    · Massive leak reveals secret owners of £80bn held in Swiss bank
    · Whistleblower leaked bank’s data to expose ‘immoral’ secrecy laws
    · Clients included human trafficker and billionaire who ordered girlfriend’s murder
    · Vatican-owned account used to spend €350m in allegedly fraudulent investment
    · Scandal-hit Credit Suisse rejects allegations it may be ‘rogue bank’

    A massive leak from one of the world’s biggest private banks, Credit Suisse, has exposed the hidden wealth of clients involved in torture, drug trafficking, money laundering, corruption and other serious crimes.

    Details of accounts linked to 30,000 Credit Suisse clients all over the world are contained in the leak, which unmasks the beneficiaries of more than 100bn Swiss francs (£80bn)* held in one of Switzerland’s best-known financial institutions.

    The leak points to widespread failures of due diligence by Credit Suisse, despite repeated pledges over decades to weed out dubious clients and illicit funds. The Guardian is part of a consortium of media outlets given exclusive access to the data.

    Comment: I presume the torture refers to child torture to produce adrenochrome......

    Click image for link

  • Virgin Islands subpoena multiple banks for Jeffrey Epstein's financial records
    ABC7 News, July 29, 2020

    The government of the U.S. Virgin Islands is upping the ante in its quest to pierce the veil of secrecy that cloaked the life and wealth of financier Jeffrey Epstein, the deceased sex-offender who accrued a fortune of more than $650 million under mysterious circumstances.

    At least ten financial institutions -- including Deutsche Bank, JPMorgan Chase and Citibank -- have been issued subpoenas in recent weeks from the office of USVI Attorney General Denise George, according to court filings reviewed by ABC News. The subpoenas seek account records, transaction details and communications concerning Epstein, his estate, and more than 30 corporations, trusts and nonprofit entities connected to him.

    The move comes as lawyers for Epstein's estate are locked in an increasingly acrimonious duel with George, who filed a civil forfeiture lawsuit against the estate in January, five months after Epstein died while in a federal jail in New York. The complaint alleges that Epstein constructed a network of companies and individuals to enable and conceal his alleged sex-trafficking of girls and young women to Little St. James, his luxurious private island resort off the east coast of St. Thomas.

    "Epstein, through and in association with defendants, trafficked, raped, sexually assaulted and held captive underage girls and young women at his properties in the Virgin Islands," the suit said.

    Click image for link

  • JPMorgan must hand over CEO Dimon's records in Jeffrey Epstein lawsuit
    Reuters, 9th Marh 2023

    The U.S. Virgin Islands has called Dimon "a likely source of relevant and unique information" about why JPMorgan kept Epstein on, and discussions on Epstein's referrals of prominent and wealthy potential clients.

    JPMorgan countered by accusing the U.S. Virgin Islands of going on a "fishing expedition" after having obtained a "massive trove" of information in litigation in which the territory recovered more than $105 million from Epstein's estate.

    Comment: Jamie Dimon is the undisputed top banker in the world. This will be an interesting story to follow. John Perez makes a prediction about what is going to happen, ~ 20 mins, MARGIN CALL! John Perez and Mike Adams cover SilverGate, Silicon Valley Bank COLLAPSES (Explicit). Perez has a very good track record on his predictions.

  • Update 8th Dec 2023 | Remixed the hecking heck out of Jamie Dimon. | XTwitter link

    Click image for link.

  • Former Barclays boss Jes Staley to face US deposition over Epstein ties
    JP Morgan to depose ex-employee as part of lawsuit claiming he hid key information about sex trafficker client
    Guardian, 17 Mar 2023

    Jes Staley, the former boss of Barclays, will face a two-day deposition next week over allegations he knew about Jeffrey Epstein’s sex trafficking operation.

    JP Morgan, the US bank where Staley worked and had the convicted sex offender as a client, said it would depose him next Thursday and Friday as part of its lawsuit alleging he concealed crucial information about the late financier.

    It has accused Staley of “intentional and outrageous conduct” in concealing key information and called for the former Barclays chief executive to be made liable for penalties the US bank may face as a result of two separate lawsuits accusing it of facilitating Epstein’s trafficking of women and girls by failing to spot red flags.

    Comment: JP Morgan bankers are a bunch of criminals with even it's own Body Count. So it's ridiculous that executives are now pretending they did not know who the Chief Executive of their Investment Bank (Staley) was involved with. Staley had been at JP Morgan for 30+ years and Epstein became a top client (presumably for laundering his dirty money). I suppose Staley is now a sacrificial wolf (can't call him a lamb).... Probably, the exchange of 1,200 emails with Epstein between 2008 - 2012 is highly suspicious..... Besides that, JP Morgan probably don't want any scrutiny because investigators might find some previously unknown serious dirt. Btw states, "Wall Street is a jungle of devices to effect an institutionalized wealth transfer system." Hmmmm.... That definition might apply to all financial institutions worldwide.

    Click image for links

    Comment: Update: 27 June 2023 | Lots of info links on this Telegram post as billionaire JP Morgan board member dies in "car accident" or probably murdered.

    The Financial Watchers

    There are a few financial analysts that talk about criminal banks and how the cabal economy impacts banks' balance sheets. For example, Jim Willie, produces the Hat Trick Letter which provides financial insights. Willie states: "Golden Jackass is the site of numerous important mega-forecasts related to the degradation and destruction of the global financial system." Willie claims that his friend and mentor Rob Kirby was killed for speaking about the corruption in the financial system. Jim Willie gives regular interviews and he is much loved by regular and discerning listeners. Other financial anaysts know the financial system is rotten, so even if they will not voice what they know, their solution is to promote people protecting themselves by buying silver and gold.

    Click image for video link

  • Short Seller That Nailed FTX, SVB, and Silvergate Says ‘They’ May Be Next; It’s a Global Scheme

    "People fall in love with the shiny object, and in the case of FTX it turned out to be a fake," says legendary short seller Marc Cohodes. "The world right now lacks people's ability to actually think. The more I dug in on Silvergate's clients, one was worse than the next [Signature Bank]," he tells Daniela Cambone. "I told people Silvergate is a publicly traded crime scene and the CEO needs to go to jail," Cohodes says. "I'm very proud of the work I did here and the time I put in because two really bad outfits are now out of business," he continues. "I had three bullets in my gun and all three hit the target...

    Comment: So, we now have banks (Silvergate, Signature Bank & others?) going under for their role in allowing customer/client fiat money to be transfered into offshore exchanges and onto digital platforms (like FTX) where these platforms were used to launder cash via losing trades. Yes it's complicated, but this interview will provide some additional information.

  • Shadow Banking Whistleblower: “They have the Names”, Pandora Papers w/ Mike Gill, 18th March 2023

    Shadow Banking Whistleblower, Mike Gill, joins the program to discuss the alleged crimes he encountered. He is asking Congress to release the names from the Pandora Papers so the American people can learn the truth about the shadowy banking underworld. Gill once owned the largest mortgage company in the United States and the most successful Thoroughbred Horse racing stable in the world.

    Comment: There is a podcast link here.

  • Shadow Banking Whistleblower: "They have the Names", Pandora Papers w/ Mike Gill
    Rumble, March 2023

    Comment: Update 2nd May 2023 | This is a complex topic but Sarah Westall provides a good intoduction and asks good questions to help people understand. There are many documentaries about the Pandora Papers and interviews with Mike Gill. This has become very pertinent as Mike Gill states that the recent bank collapses in the US were caused by the cabal yanking their money from corrupt banks. For more info search on Rumble and Bitchute.

  • Mike Gill: Guns, Drugs, & Human Trafficking April 27, 2023
    Rumble, Apr 27 2023

    Mike Gill joins Michelle to share the details of how, when, and where the gun, drugs, and human trafficking is happening. He’s really breaking it down bluntly. A must-see!

    Comment: Start at 5 minutes to avoid adverts.

    Rumble, 8th March 2023

    Comment: Jim starts talking about the banking fraud and money laundering at ~17 mins. More Jim Willie interviews can be found on Rumble here. Jim Willie only runs his own website and gives interviews, but he does not have ANY social media channels, what can be found in his name are all fake.

  • The Epstein - Crypto Conspiracy Connection
    YouTube, 22nd Nov 2021

    John Perez joins David Morgan [...] The Crypto Conspiracy Podcast – Episode 3 The Jeffrey Epstein Network

    Comment: 21st June 2022 | The original podcast title is "The Crypto Conspiracy Podcast – Episode 3". Hmmmm... There have been rumours for a long time that Bitcoin was originally used for human trafficking transactions. Hence, the Jeffrey Epstein Network & Graph Commons map linking Epstein with Harvard University, MIT and other high profile people and organisations are an eye opener..... Also the claim made in this podcast that the Tether Network (largest stable coin in the world) acts as an offshore Federal Reserve for a digital/crypto fiat system is very interesting.... This is Part 4 of 23.... Obviously, there's a lot to talk about.

    Click image for link

    Jack Straw @JackStr42679640 writes:

    "You think they are successful entrepreneurs :))) They are mannequins in the shop window, a front for the Intelligence Complex that is involved in money laundering. The masks are falling...the bad guys are being arrested as we speak".

    Comment: The Crypto fraud seriously requires some attention. Besides that, this list does not includes all the high level crypto suicides either. See an example below:

    Click image for link

  • Top-Level Bankers Are Satanists - Witness Testimony

  • [Ronald Bernard] Did The Dirty-Work For NWO (Bankers, Multinationals & Governments) Says “An Evil Force Enjoys Destroying Life” (Testimony, 2018)

    Ronald Bernard – Bank Crime & Vatican Expert Witness / Survivor / Perpetrator testimony to the ITNJ Judicial Commission of Inquiry into Human Trafficking with Child Sex Abuse, about the inner-workings of the criminal cartel / who we call the elite, and the way they think:

    Once he was trusted, they started giving him higher assignments – doing the dirty work for central banks, multinationals and for governments, for what they call now terrorist organizations and all secret services., and on top is the churches, and even the Vatican. You move all the money they want to move world-wide, to start wars.
    His turning point was when he was invited into the last stage – the sacrifice of children. That’s what hit him.

    · He couldn’t handle it, and he started to malfunction.
    · They started to notice and take him out of the system and torch him.

    Comment: This is a write-up of the ITNJ testimony. Bernard skirts over the shocking revelation of laundering money for the Churches and Vatican. Since I have just found out that even the Church of England has an ethics problem, I more than believe Bernard. See link below:

  • The Church of England: Ethically investing in pornography,
    weapons and embryonic stem cells

    UK Column, 4th February 2023

    Click image for YouTube link

  • Ronald Bernard Former NWO (Testimony, 2018)

  • Find Ronald Bernard interviews on Bitchute here

  • Find Ronald Bernard interviews on Rumble here

  • First Upload: 23rd March 2023,
    Last Update: 31st October 2023


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