Susan Joy Rennison's Website
Enlightenment Corner Antiquity Unveiled
Part 3
Antiquity Unveiled: Ancient Voices From the Spirit Realms Disclose the Most Startling Revelations Proving Christianity to Be of Heathen Origin (1892) Kessinger Paperback Front Cover
First Upload: 8th October 2023,
Last Update: 14th October 2023
Critic of the Seventeenth Century.
EXCERPT Notes | Pg 315
“I am very happy to have the chance of giving testimony.
My name was John Frederick Gronovius. I occupied the chair
of belle-letters in the University of Leyden. I was the translator
of Sallust, Livy, Pliny, Seneca, etc., and I must say, in
all truth, that the translations of these works are not very correct.
I must also say that the manuscripts from which those
translations were made, were very much changed from the
originals by Christian priests and professors, in order to conceal
the real origin of Christianity. It was worth as much as your
place would bring you pecuniarily, in my day, to show up the
truth. But I here declare that the real text of the letter of
Pliny to Trajan, proves that he was not speaking of the Christians,
but of the Essenes of that time. And a great many other
passages have been interpolated or suppressed. You will never
get the truth as long as Christians fill the professorships in
your colleges and control your libraries. But the spirit of free
inquiry which is being aroused by writers of your time in relation
to ancient literature, will soon obtain the proof that what
these spirits have stated through this medium is true.
It is astonishing to me that any Spiritualist writer, or one who
claims to be such, would try to show that the Christos of India,
on the authority of Bently, a Christian bigot, was born about
A. D. 600, in Arjourn, when the real facts of the case, on an
ancient authority I have seen, are, that he was worshipped by
the soldiers of Alexander the Great, and that at that time that
worship was nine hundred years old. I read in that ancient
authority that the soldiers of Alexander the Great, when they
arrived at Thebes, in Upper Egypt, they found their god
Chrisna, and fell to worshipping him. It is therefore preposterous
to pretend that Chrisna was born 600 years after Jesus
of Nazareth. The great trouble has been, and ever will be,
with Christian writers, that they cannot get over the identity
of the name Christ with Christos; and it will always be a
cause of grief to them, because they cannot escape from the
truth of what I here state.”
EXCERPT Notes | Pg 315 J.M. Roberts Commentary
Refer to the Biographie Universelle for account of Gronovius.
We are grateful to the deeply learned man whose spirit gave
that important testimony to the fact that the letter of Pliny to
Trajan did not relate to the followers of Jesus of Nazareth, but
to the Essenian followers of the Hindoo Christos. In the light
of these spirit communications, Christian writers could have
made no greater blunder than to claim their identity with the
Essenes of the Asiatic provinces of the Roman Empire; and
especially, that Ignatius of Antioch, the very originator of the
Essenian name was a Christian bishop. By taking this insensate
course, they have forever made an end of their theological
and ecclesiastical fraud. The Essenes were beyond all question,
the followers of a blended Hindoo and Magian philosophy
or religion, the great central object of their worship being the
most pure and mediumistic member of their sect, who, (as the
Grand Lama of Thibet, was supposed to be animated by the
spirit of Gautama Buddha), was supposed to be animated by
the spirit of Christos, the Hindoo Saviour. They were in no
sense followers of Jesus, and had been swallowed up in the
Paulite sect founded by Apollonius, and the subsequent Gnostic
and Neo-Platonic sects of philosophy, at least two hundred
years before the name of Jesus of Nazareth was ever heard of. [...]
[Pg 316] Gronovius rightfully says that
the great cause of Christian grief has been, and ever will be,
that they cannot get over the identity of the name Christ with
Christos who was the object of divine worship by the soldiers
of Alexander, more than three centuries before it is pretended
Jesus Christ was born.
Bishop of Guba.
EXCERPT Notes | Pg 317
“You have had here, before, a German Jesuit priest,
(Charles Francis Alter), you shall now have the testimony of
a Roman Catholic bishop. A variety of testimony, all bearing
upon one point, is always calculated to strengthen it; but the
direction of my studies was a little different from that of the
other spirits who have communicated here. Mine reaches
in the direction of the Armenian writers, Moses Chorensis and
Meisrob. (That was the way the name was spelled and not
Mesrob). After a close examination of the Armenian, Greek
and Latin Testaments, I came to the conclusion that the Armenian
version combined with the Coptic, wTas from the
original Gheez, which showed a mixture of the idioms of
Upper and Lower Egypt as they were found at Alexandria.
The whole secret of what is called Christianity, is made plain
by the New Testament, and one book of the Old Testament —
the book of Daniel. This Daniel is represented as teaching
the doctrines of the New Testament, less the miracles; and is
said to have lived at the courts of Darius Hystaspes and Cyrus,
and he was there known as the younger Zoroaster. He
taught the religion of the Sun, a modern version of which are
the Shastras. All this I read and studied, but the commentators
of my day led me astray, because my mind was prejudiced
in their favor. But you are getting more knowledge than then
existed — you are getting deeper into the meaning of all religions
than you think for. These ancient spirits are gathering
their forces, and they are determined to show that Christianity
is a fraud. I left this mortal life in 1284, and five hundred
years passed away before I was willing to seek for the truth.
All that time, in spirit life, was wasted by me in trying to propagate
Catholicism there. The spirit who helped me out of
my condition of ignorance, and to whom I am much indebted,
was Apollonius of Tyana. Therefore in justice to him I
promised I would return here and tell all I could possibly
think of to set things right. I now belong to the spirit organization,
known in spirit life as “The Illuminatii.” I would say
to you, sir, that your enemies and opposers will resort to subtler
and more desperate measures to obstruct you, than they
have heretofore done, and you must be on your guard against
them. Their proceedings will not be so apparent, but more
dangerous. So I hope you will keep all your lights burning on
the watchtowers of truth. The fact is, the Jesuits of the
Roman Catholic Church, are supplying the opposition to you,
with money to impede you, and are paying so-called Spiritualistic
journals to throw back the truth despite your efforts to
advance it. The spirit psychological power which was provided
for this seance, is expended. Having possessed great
psychological power when here, and still retaining it, I was
chosen to close this sitting. It may seem a poor satisfaction to
come back and give a communication after your earthly work
is ended; but, still, it is a great consolation to know that the
truth will live despite one’s earthly errors. I was known as
Abulpharagius, bishop of Guba.”
EXCERPT Notes | Pg 93 J.M. Roberts Commentary
Refer to McClintock and Strong’s Cyclopaedia of Theological
Literature for account of Abulpharagius.
The spirit of this Armenian scholar comes back to testify to
his long and worse than useless Christian delusion; and his
conversion to the truth at last through the good offices of the
spirit of Apollonius. The testimony of this spirit to the fact
that the Armenian Version of the Scriptures (Christian so-called)
was from the Coptic version, of the still more ancient
Gheez version is exceedingly suggestive if not important.
Not less suggestive is his statement that in Armenia, as late as
1286 A. D. there were extant proofs that the Daniel of the
Old Testament was known as Zoroaster the Younger at the
courts of Darius Hystaspes and Cyrus.
A Montanist Patriarch.
EXCERPT Notes | Pg 319
“Some evidence must be forced, others give it because they
are on the side of truth. I am neither a Jewish Gnostic, a
Cappadocian, nor an Eclectic. I am simply a Naturalist. I
think that you will find some evidence in Gibbon, that I
helped to create, or that I endorsed a thing called Christianity.
I knew nothing of any such thing. I was a Montanist; and
the most correct idea I can give you of Montanism is modern
Mormonism. I advanced nothing in regard to the life of man,
woman or child on this planet, but this: We are all gods to a
certain extent, and Pantheism is true Spiritualism. The point
I have to make in controlling this medium is summed up in a
brief sentence. All ancient and modern civilization originated,
not upon the elevated plains of Asia, but upon the waters of
the Blue and White Nile. There are spirits who will come here
and prove that all the learned archaeologists of the present day
are wrong, in supposing that Indian civilization is more ancient
than the civilization of Ethiopia in Africa. It is there
you must look for the true Sun — the true God — the Great Light,
and you will find that Christianity is an outgrowth from
Buddhism. Sun worship, from Zoroastrianism and the Egyptian
Osirianism of Hermes Trismegistus, to the origin of Christianity,
are at bottom one and the same thing. I would say in
conclusion it has been alleged that I was a bishop. I had
nothing to do with any church. I was the patriarch of a tribe.”
EXCERPT Notes | Pg 320 J.M. Roberts Commentary
Refer to Smith’s Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography
for account of Minucius Felix.
Whether Gibbon speaks of Minucius Felix in his relation to
Christianity we cannot say; but certainly he has been very
generally credited with having been a Christian and a Christian
writer. Felix, as a spirit, testifies that this was not the
fact, and that he was a Montanist and a patriarch of a tribe of
followers, we presume in Africa, where he was born, and
where he no doubt taught Montanism with Tertullian. His
“apology” was written in defence of Montanism and as much
against the Gnostic Christianity of Marcion as against the
persecuting decrees of the Roman government against Montanism,
or Tertullianism, as it was also called.
EXCERPT Notes | Pg 321
“Good morning: — I will begin this communication by saying,
that the translators of manuscripts from the time of Eusebius
of Caesarea, translated to suit themselves. You can throw
this in the teeth of the learned world and defy them to dispute
what I here state. There are five ancient Testaments. First,
the Brahmanical Testament of Christos to his disciple Arjourn,
the Gospel of St. John of after times; second, the Zend Avesta
of the Parsees, devoted to sun-worship, but intermixed with
the sacred writings or Testament of Christos; third, the Testament
of King Ardelos Babekar, a revision of the writings of
Gautama Buddha made at the Council of Asoka; fourth, the
Testament of Apollonius of Tyana, the Greek Version of the
latter, with explanations, issued at Antioch, about A. D. 56;
and fifth, the Testament of Jesus Christ, originated by Eusebius
of Caesarea. Besides the five Testaments named, there was a
Gheez translation of the two first named Testaments, made by
one Arsaces, a brother of a king, made about 450 B. C. This
last was translated into the Coptic of Upper and Lower Egypt,
and this Coptic translation of Arsaces’ version was used by the
great Armenian theologian Mesrob and those who followed
him. These various Testaments began with passages which
when translated are nearly the same as the first chapter of the
Gospel of John; and that chapter contains the key to the
zodiacal interpretation of all religions. When in my mortal
form, I knew of two Greek Testaments— the Greek Testament
before the time of Eusebius Pamphilus, and the Greek Testament
after that time. The Greek Testament before that time
speaks only of Apollonius as the great Saviour of mankind and
the great incarnation of the Deity, known by various titles,
such as “the Redeemer of Men,” “the Sun of Truth,” “the
Light of the World,” and “God Expressed in Flesh.” The
title “Above All” was applied to Apollonius. The Greek
Testament was submitted to me in the manuscript which was
forwarded from England to me at Jena. I translated it, but
not correctly. I made it to conform to what we believed.
Seventeen pages had been torn out of it, which were replaced
by interpolated matter. This Greek Testament of Eusebius was
afterwards greatly interfered with by Greek scholars, in the
fourth century, and Cyril had a good deal to do with shaping
it toward its modern form, as the Testament of Jesus Christ.
Even in the days of Constantine the Great, it was necessary to
bring a terrible pressure to bear upon the pagans in order to
supplant Apollonius by Jesus; and so futile did this endeavor
of Constantine prove, that it amounted to nothing more’ than
substituting one name for another. All the doctrines, ceremonies,
and forms of religious exercises, were retained, which
accounts for the entire want of novelty in the Christian Scriptures,
and their similarity to all previous Scriptures. I am
well satisfied with what I have done to-day. I was known in
earth life as a very positive man, and no interference could
avail to defeat my testimony.”
EXCERPT Notes | Pg 322 J.M. Roberts Commentary
As this is a communication of the highest value and importance,
we feel it our duty to give our readers reference as to
where may be found a full and critical account of the intelligence
from whom it purports to come. We therefore refer them
to McClintock & Strong’s Cyclopaedia, of Theological Literature
Ini-account of the life and theological labors of Griesbach in
order that the reader may understand the full import of his
testimony as a spirit. In our estimation, no more important
information was ever given by a returning spirit. He sets out
with a statement that the most superficial investigator of biblical
and other ancient literature, cannot help but know to be
true, and that is, that the translators of manuscripts, from the
time of Eusebius of Caesarea, translated to suit themselves.
At the Council of Nicaea, in A. D. 325, the plan was consummated
of establishing the dogmatical canon of what was called the
Christian religion. Perhaps no one had a more prominent hand
in that work than Eusebius. On this point we quote from
McClintock & Strong’s Cyclopaedia as follows:
“The part taken by Eusebius in the Council of Nicaea, is
described by Valesius as follows: ‘In this greatest and most
celebrated council, Eusebius was far from an unimportant person;
for he had the first seat on the right hand, in the name
of the whole synod addressed the emperor Constantine, who
sat on a golden chair, between the two rows of the opposite
parties. This is affirmed by Eusebius himself, and by Sozomon.
Afterwards, when there was a considerable contest
amongst the bishops relative to a creed or form of faith, Eusebius
proposed a formula at. once simple and orthodox, which
received the general commendation both of the bishop and of
the emperor himself.”
After that establishment of the Christian creed or form of
faith, which had no existence, formulated or otherwise, up to
that time, the whole business of the Christian priesthood was
to destroy or conceal, or oppose everything which did not agree
with that impious and infamous sacerdotal prescription. This
is manifest in the wholesale destruction, of by far the greater
portion of the literature of that period running from the time
of Alexander the Great to the beginning of the fourth century
of the Christian era, and especially of everything that bore
upon the subjects of theology and history. The fragmentary
manner in which any part of the literature of that period has
been permitted to come down to us shows that it must have
contained much that was inconsistent with the interests of the
Christian clergy, who, after the time of Constantine, and until
the 15th century, monopolized the literature, “profane as well
as sacred,” of the world. [...]
[Pg 323]
It is to his immortal credit that he proclaimed the result of
his investigations, in his “Symbolse Critical,” “that the manuscripts
of the Alexandrian and Western recensions, on which his system is founded, were grossly corrupted in the age succeeding highest esteem were corrupted in every page by marginal scholia and interpretations of the fathers, and contained innumerable and very serious errors.” It is also a most significant fact, that in the same treatise, Griesbach said, “that no reliance can be placed on the printed editions of the works of
Origen, on the fidelity of his different transcribers, on the
accuracy of his quotations, or, finally, on the copies of the
Scriptures from which he quoted.” Having done this, Dr. Nolan
very naturally and logically said, “we have only to take his
own account of the state in which he finds the best part of his
materials to discover the extreme insecurity of the fabric
which he has raised on such a foundation.” Decidedly so, Dr.
Nolan, say we; but it was, as Griesbach well knew, on precisely
that “extreme insecurity,” that rested the fabric of
Christianity in the construction of which he was acknowledged
to be one of the most competent theological artizans. It is this
concatination of corrupted and falsified ancient literature that
is called by the Christian world “The Holy Scriptures of their
Lord God, Jesus Christ.” For the sake of common honesty,
why not drop the sanctified fraud; and allow mankind the
the chance of being honest and consistent? Why not!
The Great Armenian King.
EXCERPT Notes | Pg 324
“My arraignment of Christianity here to-day, may be very
severe, but not more so than it deserves. I was known when
in this mortal life as Haico. I am regarded as the founder of
the Armenian nation, or at least called so; but in reality the
Armenians existed as a people fifteen hundred years before my
time. My special office here is to make clear some important
points in corroboration of the testimony of other spirits who
came before me. There are two spirits who have been particularly
instrumental in having me come here, although the band
of this medium assisted them and myself in bringing it about.
One of those two spirits was Ardilua Babekra, and the other
Apollonius of Tyana. When you come to investigate the
truth concerning what I say here to-day, by the light of history,
you will be struck by the singular fact that all Armenian
history, from the day of Meisrob Madoza, about the 4th century,
A. D., when the Armenians embraced Christianity, or
most of it, remains intact. But hardly a word of their history,
before they embraced Christianity, has been permitted to survive.
Thank heaven! through controlling this medium I am
enabled to-day to set before you some facts, which, if not supported
by absolute proofs, all can see and understand the
justice of. Before the Christian era, between 2100 and 2200
years, I existed in mortal form. I was the contemporary of
the great Bel or Belus, the founder of the Assyrian empire.
The Armenians of my day were worshippers of what is, in
your day, called the Parsee religion, but in my day they were
known as the votaries or followers of Zarathustra. They worshipped
Sol, or the Sun.
The reason why the Christians
would not let our ancient manuscripts survive, (those prior to
A. D. 400), was simply because what they called their Old Testament
belonged to myself and people. It is Armenian and
not Jewish; and its historical characters are all nothing more
than altered names and accounts of Armenian kings and
heroes. Let the most learned ethnologists of to-day be called
upon to point out the difference between six Armenians and
six Jews who are dressed alike and not allowed to speak, and
I defy them to successfully show the difference between an
Armenian and a Jew. Their forms, features and all their
physical characteristics are the same in both; and sothoroughly
have the Christians attempted to cover up or disguise it, that
they have made a Joseph a Jew, sold to the Ishmaelites or
Midianites, in the so-called ancient Jewish Scriptures. It was
to the Armenians that this Joseph was sold. He was a Midianite
sold to the Armenians, and this whole story was set
forth in old Armenian manuscripts, while the Armenians
were Sun worshippers, and long before they became Christians.
The Armenians had, as have the Hindoos of to-day, a sacred
or literary language and a spoken language. [Here the spirit
hesitated for a moment, and then said.] No one can know but
myself the buoyancy of my spirit, and its tendency to bear
me upward, and the effort of will that it requires to hold me
here to allow me to make these facts known.
The famous
legend in the Hebrew Scriptures in regard to Solomon, grows
out of the history of an ancient king, who was worshipped in
my day as Solomonna, literally meaning the Sun born into
human mortal life, of a virgin named Monna. Almost all of
what is called the Hebrew Testament before Ezra has been
stolen from Armenian sacred writings, history, or general literature.
It was this Solomonna and not Moses who wrote what
is termed the Decalogue long before my time. So it was set
down in my day, partly by descriptive signs and partly in
legendary lore. It is well for me, that with all their literary
vandalism, they have not been able to conceal the name of
Haico, and that there was the Haiken philosophy and teaching.
They were too indelibly stamped upon the minds of the people,
prior to the advent of Christianity, to be obliterated, it
has often been said that the temple Belus or the temple of Bel,
was the original Tower of Babel. I will make clear to you
what the purpose and use of that structure was. It was simply
intended to store the king’s tribute, which, in those days, was
largely derived from the farming population and paid in grain.
That temple or tower was used to store away the grain paid as
tribute to the king. The Assyrians of my time differed from
the Armenians in this one particular. They were great astronomers,
and they modelled a serpent deity after the great
dragon in the heavens, and worshipped it as the symbol of the
all-pervading power.
It is claimed that Meisrob Medoza invented
an Armenian alphabet. This is a Christian untruth,
for his Armenian alphabet was old when I lived. In the sixth
dynasty after my reign, an Armenian king, Atharavin,
placed the worship of the Samaritan god, Jehovah, in the
Armenian manuscripts, and this was the origin of the Jewish
Jehovah. And, now, I am particularly desired by my friend
Ardilua Babekra to give you a clue by which you can find out
this Christian duplicity. He was the great reformer of Buddhism,
but these Christians, in order to set investigators astray,
have placed him in Persia instead of India, and represented
him as a reformer of the Zend Avesta; and they called him
Ardshir Babegan, the reformer of the Zend or Parsee religion,
when in reality he was a reformer of Buddhism. The spirits
I have named sent for me to right these two points; first, in
regard to Babekra being an Indian and. not a Persian king;
and, second, in regard to Meisrob inventing the Armenian
alphabet. Both of those spirits were interrupted by interfering
influences when here to communicate. But Haico fears not
the powers of evil; for too long has he contended with them,
and he understands all their duplicity and untruthfulness. I
would also say that the great pyramid of Egypt was called
Cheops, and was not built by Cheops. It was built in the beginning
of the ante-historical period by Rameses Pharoth
Phraath, and was in existence in my time. Its object was twofold.
Like the temple of Belus, it was used as the depository
of the king’s tribute, and also for astronomical observations.
And in conclusion, I would say that in the Geez pyramids in
the upper valley of the Nile, there are secret vaults or chambers
which have never been discovered by explorers, and the secrets
of which none but spirits can disclose. This they will do when
Christianity has lost its prestige and not before. It has taken
me six months to prepare for this communication and to get
here to give it.”
EXCERPT Notes | Pg 327 J.M. Roberts Commentary
Refer to Biographie Universelle for account of Haico.
Well does the spirit say that his “arraignment of Christianity
may be severe, but it is well deserved. That the name of
the spirit was Haico, as he gives it we have no doubt, and not
Haig as the French writers give it. [...]
The spirit with great emphasis points to the fact, that from
the time that Christianity obtained a foothold in Armenia,
in the fourth century, the history of that country has remained
almost complete; but that hardly any of the history of that
people prior to that time, has been allowed to come down to
us. This is true, and leaves little doubt that this striking fact
is owing to the unwillingness of Christian and Jewish writers
to have the history of Ancient Armenia, and its religion and
literature known. The reason for this will become apparent,
as we proceed. Moses Chorenensis, to whom we are indebted
for all that is historically told of Haico, flourished in the 5th
century. He was an Armenian, and was appointed to the
bishopric of the Christian church at Bagrevand. It is very
evident from the very little that he says in regard to Haico,
that he did not care to go any further into his history than he
could help doing, in writing a history of Armenia. It is, however,
much to be thankful for that he mentioned him at all
and thus enabled us to authenticate the communication of the
spirit of Haico. It is undoubtedly true that Haico flourished
in the twenty-second century B. C, that he was the contemporary
of Belus of Babylon, king of Assyria, and that he was
a most distinguished Armenian king, who undoubtedly reigned
when the Armenian nation had reached the zenith of its distinction
and power. How any one could have supposed that
the Armenian kingdom or empire originated with him it is
difficult to imagine. Haico says that the Armenians had
existed as a nation fifteen hundred years before his time,
which would have given that people an antiquity of three
thousand six hundred and twenty-five years B. C. He says
that the ancient Armenians were the religious followers of
Zarathustra, and were worshippers of Sol, or the Sun. From
the statement of the spirit, it would appear, that the Armenians,
even as early as the time of Haico, had a very perfect
literature, and that is borne out by the fact that an Armenian
grammar which he, Haico, highly prized has come down to
us. What has become of that very ancient literature? Haico
tells us it was stolen by the Jews to make up their Bible.
Through this spirit disclosure, we are enabled to advance much
nearer to the great secret facts upon which the Jewish and
Christian theological systems rest, and which once fairly
understood, will put an end to their antiquated religious impositions.
Heretofore the supposition has been that the Jews
borrowed largely from the Chaldeans and Egyptians, in constructing
and compiling their so-called sacred books. It now
appears that they were vastly more indebted to the Armenians,
who were even a more advanced people, in literature at least,
than the Assyrians. Indeed, from what the spirit says, there
is much reason to believe that the Jews were nothing more nor
less than Armenians, who for some reason became separated
from their fellow Armenians. [...]
The Phrygian Ecstatic.
EXCERPT Notes | Pg 330
“I salute you, sir:— Brave comrade in the war for truth,
let us fight to the last. [...]
When I was
on earth, everything was undergoing transition. Old and
effete idolatrous religions were beginning to die out before the
great question, propounded by the Patriarch of Chaldea, Jovinus,
(called in jour Old Testament Job), whose works I
read, and which bore the date of 2200 years before my time:
“If a man die shall he live again?” I found it repeated in a
little book called the “Analysis of Pythagoreanism” which
was extant at that time. This set me to thinking, and I then
resolved to follow the directions of Pythagoras, in order to establish
communication with what were termed the manes of
our ancestors. This, by the aid of two female mediums, or extatics,
as we called them, I accomplished. Their names were
Priscilla and Maximilla; and from what we received through
those extatics, myself and followers became converts to the
teachings of the great spirit intelligences that controlled them.
With the fervor of our race, we started out together, to prove
that what we asserted was true, by word and act. Even the
most learned and influential priests could not make a stand
against our facts. From A. D. 175 to 250, we increased so
rapidly as a sect, in spite of the opposition of the priesthood of
other systems then known, that our meetings were suppressed
by the ruling powers of different countries. We actually
proved, at the time of making our statements, that we had the
true light that lightened every one that cometh into the world,
because it was equally available to man, woman and child.
The Montanists were the predecessors, or founders, of the
Eclecticism of Potamon, Ammonius Saccas and their followers,
which was a blending of Platonism and Pythagoreanism.
One of the so-called Christian fathers, Origen, became a follower
of mine. We had those phases of spiritual phenomena
called trance, healing, physical appearances, and other manifestations
of spirit power. Maximilla was a healing medium.
Priscilla a medium for materialization and other physical
phenomena, and I was the trance medium, and taught in a
state of ecstacy. There was one phenomenon that was very
impressive. We mediums became transfigured and illuminated,
so that the people could with difficulty look upon us. I
taught from the revised Buddhistic canons, of the reign of
Ardelos Babaker, which Apollonius brought from India. It
was translated into the Phrygian dialect by a priest of Cybele.”
EXCERPT Notes | Pg 331 J.M. Roberts Commentary
Refer to McClintock and Strong’s Cyclopaedia of Theological
Literature for account of Montanus.
[Pg 332] The
spirit tells us that the book called Job was the work of a Chaldean
named Jovinus and was not a Hebrew book at all. This
is very certainly correct, in the main at least.
We are told that
Montanus and his followers were rigid ascetics. This, we take
it, meant nothing more than that they followed the precepts
of Pythagoras, who, by the way was the great spiritualistic
teacher of philosophy among all the Greek philosophers.
It will be seen, by attentively reading the communication,
how consistent it is with Tertullian’s description of the opinions,
doctrines, and practices of the Montanists. But for his
testimony, which the advocates of Christianity could not dispense
with, every trace of Montanus and his mediumistic
work would have been destroyed. Had the work which he set on
foot been fully carried out, Spiritualism would not have had to
wait until 1848 to find a foothold on the earth. But it was not
to be. The interests of priestcraft were too weighty for the
truth to be permitted to weigh against them, and hence the
vehemence and vindictiveness with which every gowned humbug,
of the priestly class, has followed it, down to the present
hour. Montanus is certainly right when he says that Montanism
was the foundation upon which the Eclectic or Alexandrian
school of Potamon, Ammonius Saccas and Plotinus was
founded. They were all mediums, and were controlled to
teach while entranced, as is sufficiently evident from the facts
that have been recorded concerning them. Montanus well says
that the ablest and most influential of the priests could not
stand before the phenomenal proofs he and his associates gave
of the after life.
But one of the most significant features of the communication
is, that Origen, as well as Tertullian, was a Montanist, or in
other words a medium for spirit control. That either of them
were ever, in any sense, Christians, is absurd; unless it is admitted
that Apollonius of Tyana was a Christian, and his
teachings pure and unquestioned Christianity. Montanus tells
us plainly that the books he used were the canons of Buddhism,
which were brought from India by Apollonius; and
which, he might have added, were the original books from
which the Christian Scriptures were derived.
Who can question that but for the dishonesty and selfishness
of priests, Christians as well as heathens, Spiritualism,
with all its momentous and inextinguishable truths would
have been the common possession of all mankind, long before
the present time. There has been more than enough Christian
misrepresentations concerning Montanus, his teachings,
practices and disciples, than would suffice to overwhelm a
thousand frauds such as that of Christianity.
A Jewish Rabbi.
EXCERPT Notes | Pg 333
“I greet you, sir, by saying: The Sun of Truth never sets.
It may be obscured by clouds of ignorance and error, but it
will finally burst through these clouds and cheer the whole
world by the brilliancy of its light. I was a strict Pharisee;
but you must not think that a Jewish Pharisee was of the
ridiculous character that he is represented to be in the modern
New Testament. While I allow we were rather too much inclined
to ceremonial law; yet we were the true Spiritualists of
our time, though not without a great deal of supercilious egotism.
[Have we not a good many of these Spiritual Pharisees
to-day?] We were the party or sect who in those days were
opposed to all idolatrous mummeries, in so far that we had but
one God, Jehovah, and Moses as his prophet. All this was well
enough for us while here on the earth, but we have found as
spirits that our views of Spiritual things were too narrow and
contracted. And now, having prefaced my remarks,
I want to speak of Jewish history as known to me when on earth;
and upon this subject I will be as clear and explicit as I possibly
can. At that time there was a great struggle between
different nations to prove their respective religions were more
ancient than any other; but there was no learned Jew of my
time who did not know that our religion, as founded upon the
Old Testament, antedated my time by only about four hundred
and thirty-two years; and to disguise this fact we resorted to
all kinds of chronological forgeries. The Jews having become
pretty well scattered, at that time, we introduced into the
Old Testament the sun worship of Zoroaster, and even one of
his books which is known to you in modern times as the Book
of Daniel. It was the younger Zoroaster who, as a Persian
Magian, figured as Daniel is represented to have done at the
courts of Darius and Cyrus, where he was much respected and
highly honored. But in the original book of Zoroaster, or the
Book of Daniel, there was a table, or what you term an almanac,
of the time in which he lived. This occupied the place
of an appendix to the book; but it was destroyed by Rabbi
Saadias Gaon, for fear that the Jews would take to astronomy,
he claiming that they were forbidden to do so by Moses. That
my pupil Aquila ever had anything to do with Targum writing
I know to be utterly false, and that the Targums attributed
to him, and placed in my time and in my school, by Eusebius,
were but versions of the writings of Apollonius of Tyana made
by a copier, and that copier not Aquila, but Plotinus. Things
have been so mixed by designing men, that it is very difficult
to set ancient history in its proper light. When I was about
twenty years of age I knew Apollonius of Tyana. I met him at
Smyrna, where I listened to his teaching, and became a proselyte
to some of his ideas, but not to all of them. While he
delivered his discourses he underwent that wondrous phenomenon
of modern times, transfiguration of face and form,
as it is described to have occurred with the so-called Jesus
Christ. Rays went out from his garments, and his face became
so bright that the eye could not endure it. Upon my advent
into spirit life, I became very anxious to seek out Moses, but
with the very worst of results. I found that the ancient
Chaldeans, under the name of Seth, and the Moabites, under
the name of Mo, were the people from whom we Jews had
been receiving our traditions and worshipping the hero of
them, under the name of a prophet who never existed. This
is what I have discovered as a spirit. [...]
[Pg 335] One thing more before I am done, and that is, there are
learned Jews, who are almost beggars, in Jerusalem to-day,
who know where there are concealed priceless manuscripts,
which, once in the possession of the learned, would prove the
falsity of the whole Jewish religion. But these Jewish custodians
of those treasures are so bigoted that they would rather
starve to death than let the world know the truth about their
religion. Perhaps this communication may indirectly be the
means of opening their eyes to a different course. I thank and
bless you for this hearing. You have my name.”
EXCERPT Notes | Pg 335 J.M. Roberts Commentary
Refer to Biographie Universelle for account of Akiba.
In the work above referred to will be found the historical
and traditionary account that has come down to us concerning
the acknowledgedly learned and distinguished man,
whose spirit gave that startling communication. If the statement
it contains can be verified, it is very evident that the
Jewish religion and Scriptures were not a whit less false and
deceptive than are the Christian religion and Scriptures,
which have been tacked on to the former by Eusebius and his
The spirit of Akiba tells us that in the beginning of the
Christian era, there was a great rivalry between the priests of
different nations, as to which one of their religions was the
most ancient one among them. This was the fact then, and it
is in a measure the fact to-day, so far as the antiquity of
Buddhism and Christianity is concerned. All religions that
have ever prevailed have been but copies of one original
religion, more or less varied, to suit the different states of civilization
which they were modified to suit. It was a source of
mortification for classes of men who claimed to have the only
truth, in the way of religion that have existed, to find that
other people had substantially the same religion, and hence
the rivalry to show which was the oldest and original. Especially
has Christianity found itself confronted with this
perplexing difficulty; for, being the youngest of the modifications
of the old heathen religions, and having borrowed or
stolen its every garment from the back of heathen victims, its
priesthood are driven to their wits’ end to know how to conceal
that mortifying fact. Especially are they driven to desperation,
to show that the Buddhistic tatters, in which their
boasted, only true religion, is compelled to figure, were not
stolen and appropriated by their predecessors dishonestly. In
order to do this, they have irrationally sought to show that
Buddha did not live and teach his religion until six hundred
years after the alleged life, sayings and doings of Jesus Christ;
and that Buddhism is but a heathen corruption of the religion
founded by, and in the name of this Jesus Christ. There was
a time when the ignorance of Oriental literature made it safe
for the Christian priesthood to put forth such a falsehood; but
what was safe for many hundreds of years, has become fatally
ruinous to those who had not the discernment to know that
time would bring out the truth. To have acknowledged that
the analogies existing between the Buddhistic religion and
Christianity were sufficient to establish the fact that the one
was but the corruption of the other, as the Christian priesthood
have* been forced to do, amounts, now, in the light of known
and indisputable facts, to an acknowledgement that Christianity
is nothing more than a corrupt version of Buddhism.
Buddhism certainly ante-dates Christianity by more than a
thousand years, for Christianity had no existence until the
beginning of the fourth century. [...]
[Pg 337]
There can hardly be any doubt that the whole of the Jewish
Scriptures were derived from the Chaldeans, if not the Moabites
and Armenians. There is certainly every reason to regard
the Chaldeans as the sons of Seth, as they no doubt so regarded
themselves, rather than of Abraham, the undoubted Patriarch
of the Hindoos, called I-brahm in the original signification of
that name.
An Ancient Satirical Writer.
EXCERPT Notes | Pg 338
This spirit was announced by the guide of the medium, as
Lucius Appulceius, who lived in the latter half of the second
century. This was a mistake as the communication will show.
“I will salute you by saying:— Let us unite our efforts
to kill that curse of modern times, called Christianity. I may
introduce myself as a satirical philosopher and a follower of
Lucian. If the works of Lucian had not been interfered with,
there would have been no necessity for the spirit communications
that you are now receiving. For, in the dramatization of his great work “Promethus Bound,” — Lucian prefaced it by expressly saying that he drew his material, not only from AEschylus, but from the gods of all nations that he knew of; and that he did this because of the similarity of their teachings.
He was also, to a great extent, the writer of the Gospel of St.
Luke, which received his name at the hands of the Gnostics,
after his death. It was the custom in those days, when a man
died, leaving anonymous writings behind him, to give his
name as the author of them. The ideas set forth in the so-called
New Testament, are founded on what I term the Apollonian-
Essenian doctrines — the Essenes of my time being the
strictest of the strict, in following the teachings of Apollonius
of Tyana.
As for myself, I pinned my faith, or belief, or knowledge
upon no man’s skirts. I thought for myself, and acted
accordingly. The only work of mine that has been permitted
to survive Christian vandalism, has been of the least use, it
being nothing more than a kind of satirical poem called, “The
Golden Ass,” the materials of which were largely drawn from
Lucian. But, in two works written in the early part of my
life at Carthage, and afterwards revised at Rome, I set forth so
clearly the religious beliefs of my time, that everything that is
clouded and obscured in the teachings concerning the Indian
and Scandinavian gods, would have been as apparent to-day as
the noonday Sun. These works were destroyed by order of
[Pg 339]
In the books I have spoken of, I set forth
the doctrine that Apollonius of Tyana was a reincarnation of
Gautama Buddha; but I have learned differently in spirit life.
Apollonius was simply controlled by Buddha, to keep alive his
teachings. In the time when I lived, every effort was made
by the active followers of Apollonius, to promulgate his teachings,
as they contained all that they thought good and useful
in all religions and philosophies, then known. Their idea was
to promulgate a religion of peace among men; and this was
most ably forwarded by Potamon, Ammonius Saccas and
Plotinus. The two last, after my time; I was a contemporary
of Potamon. I never met him, although I read his doctrines.
The only improvement that he made upon the teachings of
Apollonius, was that he adhered more closely to the Platonic
doctrines than did Apollonius, who leaned more to Pythagoreanism.
The mythical gods of my time such as Jupiter, Orpheus,
Osiris, etc., were but substitutes for Chrishna, Buddha,
Pythagoras, Hesus, etc., all of them being supposed to be the
sons of God here upon earth — which meant nothing else than
that they wrere mediums for the control of spirits. With the
most earnest regret that the works of my time had not escaped
Christian destruction, I will have to give way to others. But
it seems to me that I am absolutely myself, while controlling
this medium.”
EXCERPT Notes | Pg 339 J.M. Roberts Commentary
After the spirit yielded control, the guide of the medium
stated that Appulceius, as he called him, was born at Carthage,
but went to Rome, Athens and Alexandria. For account of
Appuleius, we refer to Chambers’ Encyclopaedia and Smith’s
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography. [...]
[Pg 340] And now we come to notice a fact, mentioned by Appuleius,
which furnishes the key to unlock the mysteries that attended
what has been called the Christianity of the three first centuries
of the prevailing era. He tells us that when he lived,
every effort was being made by the followers of Apollonius to
promulgate his teachings, as they contained all they thought
good and useful in all religions and philosophies then known.
He tells us that their idea was to promulgate a religion of
peace among men, and that Potamon, Ammonius Saccas and
Plotinus worked grandly for that end. Oh, what a misfortune
it was that the efforts of these great, good and benevolent
men were neutralized and defeated by the founders of the prevailing
Christian religion! Appuleius tells us in what respect
the Eclectic religion of Potamon differed from the Essenian
religion of Apollonius; and that it was mainly to be seen in
the greater leaning of the latter to the Pythagorean doctrines,
while Potamon followed more closely the doctrines of Plato.
This is beyond all question the fact, as any one conversant
with the teachings of the different philosophic schools of
Greece well knows.
Appuleius tells us that the Greek and Egyptian divinities
were identical with Chrishna, Buddha, Pythagoras, Hesus,
&c., all of whom were supposed to be the sons of God upon the
earth; and meant that they were mediums for the control of
departed spirits.
Emperor of Rome.
EXCERPT Notes | Pg 341
“I salute you, sir:— I am afraid that during your mortal
life you will be in much the same position I was. 1 found it
hard to maintain peace while the work of reform was a necessity;
but nevertheless, I never became discouraged in trying
to do as nearly right as I could under the circumstances that
surrounded me, although my reign was a very short one.
I am here mainly through the efforts of the hero or saint of my
time, Apollonius ol Tyana. He was in Rome, when I was
there, for a short period. There was no other god advocated
by him but Christos of India, whose disciple he claimed to be;
and whose doctrines and logic he expounded in my time. That
he was the Paul of the Christian Epistles I know, because he
submitted them to me to read for myself. They were written
in the Latin and Greek tongues by himself. I allowed him
full sway during my reign, and upon one ground only — not
that I believed what he taught, but simply because he was a
Pythagorean as I was myself. The real secret of my becoming
an emperor of Rome was, that I belonged to the secret order of
the Pythagorean Brotherhood.
As to whether there was any
other god than Christos taught in those days, I will say, that
there were about fifteen of them, among which the most prominent
were Prometheus of the Greeks, Horus of the Egyptians,
and Hesus of the Scandinavians. These were the principal
Saviours of men that were preached in my day. The foundation
of the history of each and all of them, as far as I can give
it, was the theory of a woman overshadowed by a god, who
gave birth to a divine man. I would further say that in my
day, at Rome, all religions seemed to drift towards the central
theory of a great god, who had a son who would die to save
the world. But from manuscripts written at least four thousand
years before my time, the same idea seemed to pervade
all ceremonies and observances, but in every case relating to
the great Sun of Light that you behold above you. It was useless
for Apollonius to try to convince me of the existence of a
god, or a son of a god; I being, in fact, initiated into a
thorough understanding of the secrets of the Order of Light
— that light that lighteth all men that cometh into the world.
[Was that a Pythagorean idea?] It was. As to the spiritual
manifestations occurring through Apollonins, although they
were grand in their way, yet similar manifestations were common
in my day. There were many astrologers of my court
through whom the same phenomena occurred. I believe I
have said all that it is necessary for me to state at this time. I
thank you for the opportunity you have given me to do it.
[How did your being a Pythagorean influence your election as
emperor of Borne?] That order had gained great power
among the nobility of Rome and Greece. It was almost unknown
to the common people. The order was composed of
the aristocracy, and its members united to forward my elevation.
I am Cocceius Nerva, emperor of Rome.”
EXCERPT Notes | Pg 342 J.M. Roberts Commentary
Refer to Biographie Universelle for account of Nerva.
The spirit of Nerva tells us that it was mainly through the
efforts of the spirit of Apollonius of Tyana that he was present
to giye his testimony concerning what he knew about the life
and writings of the great Cappadocian sage. No spirit had a
greater reason than he, to desire that that testimony should
be given to the world. Nerva tells us that Apollonius was,
for a short time, at Rome, in his time; and that while there
he expounded the doctrines and logic of the Christos of India.
It is true that the spirit does not tell us when it was that this
visit of Apollonius to Rome took place. It is a historically
known fact, however, that Apollonius was at Rome several
times during his life, and the last time during the reign of
Domitian which occupied the period from A. D. 81 to 96. At
that time Apollonius must have been a very old man. It was
most probably during that period that Nerva met him at
Rome, perhaps during the six years that Nerva was associated
with Domitian in the consulship, from A. D. 90 to 96.
King of Judea.
EXCERPT Notes | Pg 344
“I will salute you, sib, by saying:— Those who would
obstruct these communications confirm the saying, ‘Fools rush
in where Angels fear to tread.’ I was born into the mortal life
about A. D. 30, and departed to the spirit life about A. D. 85. I
lived at the time of the great triumphs and renowned career
of Apollonius of Tyana, a man and a medium who, (if people
must have a God and a Saviour) ought to be the leading character
in that direction, to-day. I most positively assert, that
under the name of Paulinus or Polionos, Apollonius was
brought before me for disturbing the peace of the country; but
nothing could be proven against him, except that he knew
more about the Jewish religion than my own people did. In
those days, the Jews gladly killed any Gentile who knew more
of their religion, and who could expound it better than their
learned Rabbies. As I could find no harm in the man except
what I have stated, he was discharged. He was brought before
me a second time about the time of the downfall of the Jewish
state, which was about A. D. 67 or 68, when he was again
charged with disturbing the country, by advancing ideas that
were derogatory to the Jewish Jehovah. But again his accusers
failed to prove their point. Apollonius was, in fact, a
disciple and initiated member of the school of Gamaliel, and so
well did he argue with his accusers, that they failed in all their
attempts to prove anything against him. That Apollonius
was the St. Paul of the present Christian religion is plainly
proven, by reading the various epistles attributed to him.
Those epistles will show to any candid inquirer or thinker,
that Paul was not a Jew. Everything therein goes to show
that he must have been a person well versed in Greek, and just
such a writer and thinker as was the great Cappadocian sage,
Apollonius of Tyana. The last time, during my mortal career,
that I met Apollonius, was in the camp of Titus, before Jerusalem,
about A. D. 70, where I saw such spiritual manifestations
occurring through his mediumship, or in his presence, as
Josephus relates as having occurred through Eleazer the Jew.
Josephus was in the camp of Titus at that time. Those manifestations
were similar to the various phenomena now well
known to be produced by spirits through mediums, and were
such as to incite Vespasian and Titus to greater endeavors to
overthrow the Jewish state. I have further to say, that there
was no Jewish history or book, written in my time, that could
prove my people to have a history extending over five hundred
years before my time. The sacred writings all took their present
shape in the days of Ezra the scribe. This communication
is not from a ‘Jew of the Jews,’ but is from one who despised
them because they would never submit to be properly ruled,
and were always in a state of anarchy. They were bigoted on
all points, and it was their bigotry that destroyed them as a
nation. My name was Agrippa Herodes the Younger. I was
king of Judea.”
EXCERPT Notes | Pg 345 J.M. Roberts Commentary
For account of Agrippa Herodes II, we refer to Smith’s
Greek and Roman Biography.
If the communication of Herodes Agrippa the Younger is
authentic and true, then have we positive proof that Apollonius
of Tyana was the St. Paul, or the Apostle Paul, of the socalled
Christian Scriptures, and the true nature of the so-called
New Testament is clearly and certainly known. We do not
believe that any untruthful spirit, however bent on deceiving,
could invent a story so consistent with so many and widely
variant historical facts. We therefore conclude that the whole
communication came from the controlling spirit intelligence of
him who was known as Agrippa Herodes II. The only other
question that remains to be determined, is the substantial
truthfulness of the communication.
That Agrippa lived, as he says, during the great triumphs
and renowned career of Apollonius of Tyana, is very certain;
and, that he was thoroughly acquainted with the distinguished
reformatory labors of Apollonius, is equally certain. Therefore,
when, as a spirit, he comes back and testifies that Apollonius
under the name of Paulinus or Polionos was twice brought
before him on the complaint of the Jews, and was twice acquitted
by him, he states what we have every just reason to believe
was the fact. Agrippa was king from A. D. 48, until the conquest
of Jerusalem, and the dispersion of the Jews, A. D. 70. It
was during that time that Apollonius was brought before him,
as he states. The complaint, in the first instance, was, that he
was disturbing the peace of the country, which disturbance
arose from his showing the people that he knew more about
the Jewish religion than the Jewish priests knew themselves.
As that was no offence under the law, Agrippa discharged him.
The charge in the second instance was that Apollonius was
disturbing the country by advancing ideas that were derogatory
to the Jewish Jehovah. But, on this charge too, he was
acquitted. Why? Because as the spirit tells us, he, Apollonius,
was a disciple of the great Jewish philosopher Gamaliel, and
an initiate of his school, and was thus enabled to confound
and defeat his Jewish accusers. This was, as the spirit states,
about A.D. 67 or 68. At that time Apollonius must have been in
his sixty-fifth or sixty-sixth year. [...]
[Pg 346] Now in order to show
our readers the positive identity of the Christian St. Paul and
Apollonius the Cappadocian sage and Saviour, as he was called
by his followers, we refer our readers to the account of the trial
of the apostle Paul before Agrippa. Acts xxiv, xxv, xxvi.
As to the version of the trial of Apollonius before king
Agrippa, as set forth in the Acts of the Apostles, by what person,
or when written, the writer did not dare to disclose. It
is a well known fact that this fictitious book was not written
until after all the other books of the New Testament, as it is
called, were written; and that it was written to explain the
connection between the so-called Christian Gospels and the
Pauline Epistles. Everything about that account of the accusation
of Paul by the Jews, his defence, and of his being sent
to Rome, shows that it was a concocted affair, to get away from
the fact that it was Apollonius of Tyana, who created such an
excitement among the Jews; and who was the real author of
the Pauline Epistles. This trial, about which Christians make
such an ado, is no where mentioned in Josephus’s histories,
which shows one of two things; either that it was considered
by Josephus as a matter of too little account to be worthy of
mention, or the mention of it has been destroyed. That neither
Apollonius nor Paul, who are said to have figured so prominently
at that epoch, should be mentioned by Josephus or any
writer of that time, in any connection whatever, would show
that there was some great reason for this studied silence.
Apollonius was certainly in Judea while the Jewish war was
in progress, and there made the acquaintance of Vespasian
whose prophet and seer he became. It was just before the
breaking out of the war, that the trial before Agrippa took
place, most probably not in A. D. 60, as has been supposed, but
in A. D. 67 or 68, as the spirit states. It was no doubt this
accusation of Apollonius before Agrippa, and his discharge,
that constitutes the whole ground work of the fabulous account
of the same occurrence in the Acts of the Apostles. It was
most natural that a Greek, such as Apollonius was, who was a
remarkable medium, and who created an uproar wherever he
went, on account of the wonderful spirit manifestations which
took place through him or in his presence, should have aroused
the deadly enmity of the Jewish priests; but it was most unnatural
that any Jew, and especially any Pharisee, should
have caused such a commotion, and caused so long a detention
in custody, as more than two years. Besides, the writer of
Acts, inadvertently no doubt, says, that- one of the charges
brought against the accused by the Jews, was that he was “a
ringleader of the sect of the Nazarenes.” This charge could
apply to no Jew of the sect of the Pharisees, as it is claimed
that Paul was. It did, however, apply especially to Apollonius
who was one of those persons whom the Jews, in derision,
called Nazarites, who, about that time, assumed the designation
of Essenes. Besides, it is very certain that Apollonius as
a Nazarite or Essene, believed in the resurrection of the dead.
Indeed, however critically the statement of the spirit of
Agrippa is compared with the account of this occurrence in
Acts, the fact will become the more clear that Apollonius, and
not the Christian St. Paul, was the individual to which the
account in Acts relates. The spirit then tells us that the last
time he met Apollonius was in the camp of Titus, before Jerusalem,
about A. D. 70, where he saw such spiritual manifestations
take place in his presence as Josephus relates as having
occurred through Eleazer the Jew. The part of Josephus’s
writings referred to by the spirit, is to be found in the Antiquities
of the Jews, Book viii., chap. ii, Section 5.
or Joseph the Blind.
EXCERPT Notes | Pg 349
“I will salute you by saying: There is no God we can serve
that will do us as much good as the truth. I am claimed to
have been the writer of the Ketubim, called by others the
Hagiographa. I was at the head of the school of Sora, in the
third century. I was not the transcriber of either of the classes
of writings mentioned. They were put into their present shape,
in the ninth century, by a Greek Jew named Georgius.
Whether you will be able to corroborate this I cannot say.
But I did put in shape the Jewish writings of the Minor
Prophets. I also wrote a great deal upon the teachings of
Gamaliel; but the real Jewish records, before the time of Ezra
the scribe, are all plagiarized from ancient sacred Armenian
writings. The whole of the Pentateuch really belongs to the
time of an Armenian king, who was contemporary with
Psammeticus the Egyptian, and was extant in my day. By
this I mean that these Armenian writings were in the library
of the academy at the head of which I was. The actual writings
and teachings of Gamaliel have been very much tampered
with by Christians, and this was known in after times,
as shown in the writings of Moses of Chorene, who is claimed
to have embraced the Christian religion, but who in reality
was an Ebionite follower of Krishna, (as the name was spelled
in Armenian); and when you read about Josephus having been
an Ebionite Christian, you must understand it to mean the
same as when the term was applied to Moses of Chorene. I
think that the most that I have said here to-day can be corroborated
by that celebrated Armenian spirit, Haico, who has
communicated with you before. I mean corroborated by the
history of Haico. The Ebionites of the time of Gamaliel and
Josephus were all tainted with Gymnosophism. They were
Jews who had become acquainted with that Indian philosophy
through Apollonius of Tyana. It has been one of my
most imperative obligations as a spirit, in conjunction with
many spirits of the sixth century to bring to light the Armenian,
Pythagorean, Judean, Gnostic and Eclectic systems, the
writings, concerning which, are sufficiently extant to overthrow
the purpose of the Christian priesthood to conceal or
destroy them. I will be with you, with all my spirit power, to
crush this gigantic superstition — Christianity. I was known as
Rabba Joseph, sometimes called the Blind.”
EXCERPT Notes | Pg 350 J.M. Roberts Commentary
The spirit guide of the medium remarked that this spirit
must have been a Gymnosophist himself, as he came almost
naked. We have been unable to find any historical reference
to such a person as Rabba Joseph or Joseph the Blind, of the
third century, and yet we cannot divest ourself of the inclination
to regard the communication as genuine and true. The
spirit who gave it was thoroughly informed upon many points
of history on which he has touched, and we cannot conceive
what motive any spirit could have in deceitfully inventing it. [...]
[Pg 352]
That none of the writings of Rabba Joseph have come down to us,
except in the Minor Prophets, should surprise no one; for
hardly anything that could throw light upon the origin of the
Jewish scriptures has been spared, either by the Jews or by
the Christians.
But we are now called to notice a statement, which if true,
will necessitate a modification of the commonly supposed
origin of the Jewish scriptures. The spirit says, that the
Jewish records, before the time of Ezra the Scribe, are all
plagiarized from ancient sacred Armenian writings; and that
the whole of the Pentateuch really belongs to the time of an
Armenian king, who was a contemporary of Psammeticus the
Egyptian, and was extant, and in the library of the Academy
of Sora in the 3d century. Psammeticus was king of
Egypt about B. C. 670, and the Armenian King who was contemporary
with him was perhaps his predecessor of Haikak
II., who lived from 607 to 569 B. C. His name we cannot fix.
But the king referred to may be Haikak II., himself; for it is
historically stated Haikak II., joined Nebuchadnezzar in his
expedition against the Jews, and brought into Armenia a Jewish
noble named Shambat with his family. From this Shambat
descended the Armenian royal family of the Bagratides or
Bagradites, some of whom still hold high offices in Russia.”
It will thus be seen that there wras an intimate and influential
connection between the Jews and the Armenians, just about
the time that the Jewish Scriptures were first published, that
is B. C. 450. It would therefore seem that the Armenian people
were older as a nation than the Assyrians, and as the spirit
of Haico testified, they had a much more ancient literature.
The spirit of Rabba Joseph tells us that the writings and
teachings of Gamaliel have been very much tampered with by
Christians; and that this was shown in after times in the
writings of Moses of Chorene, who is claimed to have been a
Christian, but who was in fact an Ebionite follower of Krishna,
and when you read about Josephus having been an Ebionite
Christian, you must understand it to mean the same as
when the term was applied to Moses of Chorene. For the first
time since the Christian priesthood gained an ascendency over
the learning of the world, more than thirteen hundred years
ago, has a ray of light been thrown upon the nature of the
Ebionite religion. In their efforts to conceal the fact that the
Ebionites were worshippers of the Hindoo Saviour, Krishna,
and not of Jesus Christ, everything relating to them as a sect
has been thrown into the greatest confusion. But now that a
thoroughly informed Jewish spirit returns and testifies to that
fact, all confusion and difficulty disappears; and the erroneousness
of the Christian statements regarding them becomes
plain and unquestionable. [...]
[Pg 354]
We may here reach several rational conclusions. 1st. That
the Ebionites were in no other sense Christians, except
that they regarded the Hindoo Krishna with religious veneration.
This is made very apparent by the admission that
Essenism “modified greatly” Ebionism. Ebionism was manifestly
only a modified Gymnosophism older than the Nazarite
or Nazarene, and the subsequent Essenian modification of
Ebionism. 2d. We may rationally conclude that the Ebionites,
the Nazarites and the Essenes were but Graecised versions of
the Gymnosophism of India, and had nothing whatever to do
with Jesus Christ or Christianity. 3rd. We may conclude
that the priestly founders of Christianity could not avoid the
necessity of claiming the Ebionites, the Nazarites and the
Essenes as Christians, because they were the only persons in
existence who during the first one hundred and fifty years of
the Christian era, could with any show of excuse or reason be
called Christians; and they were no better off when for the
next one hundred and fifty years they were compelled to
recognize the Gnostic and Eclectic philosophies as Christian
heresies. What has since been called orthodox Christianity
had no existence until the time of Eusebius of Caesarea, in the
forepart of the fourth century. 4th. We may conclude that
the Ebionites were not Christians, but followers of the Hindoo
teachings attributed to Krishna, the incarnation of the
spirit Brahma, the Hindoo Saviour of men. It is just this that
the testimony of Rabba Joseph shows. He says the Ebionites
of the time of Gamaliel and Josephus were all tainted with
Gymnosophism. They were Jews who had become acquainted
with the Indian philosophy, through Apollonius of Tyana.
We hope yet to be able to find some direct reference to Rabba
Joseph, or Joseph the Blind.
The spirit says that he has felt it his duty in connection
with many spirits of the sixth century, to bring to light the
Armenian, Pythagorean, Judean, Gnostic and Eclectic systems,
the writings concerning which are sufficiently extant to
overthrow the scheme of the Christian priests to conceal or
destroy them. From which we infer that it was in the sixth
century that the wholesale destruction of the literature of the
philosophies named was entered upon; and further, that those
who were engaged in that destruction are yet to testify in corroboration
of what spirit Rabba Joseph had said.
The Learned Moorish Jew.
EXCERPT Notes | Pg 355
“Peace be with you: — My teacher in the mortal life was
a follower of the Alexandrian or Aristotelian philosophic principles.
His name was Averroes. I became deeply interested in
what he showed to me in writings that were then extant. But
owing to the fanaticisms of my countrymen who were Mohammedans,
I was obliged to disguise my real views through life.
In reality I was a follower of Aristotle and Apollonius of Tyana.
There were two Apollonian systems; one that passed toward
the East, and the other toward the West. The Western system
passed through the hands of Potamon, Ammonius Saccas,
Plotinus and other men of that school. It was a strange position
that I occupied — an Eclectic philosopher in a Mohammedan
country. But my school was private. Our investigations
had to be carried on very much as your investigations of Spiritualism
are carried on now, in private apartments of our own.
In Cordova, in my time, about A. D, 1200, our investigation of
alchemy and science, although not interfered with by the
government, could not be openly exposed. There is one point
on which I want to enlighten you. There are thousands of
spirits who would kill me this instant if they could prevent
what I am about to tell you. It is this.
The Augian Codex,
which is claimed to have been written in the 9th century, and
which is now in the Cambridge Library, affords the clearest
and most positive proofs that Apollonius was St. Paul. Another
thing I want to tell you is, that the Alexandrian Codex was
well known and read among the Moors of my time, and was
believed by many of them. That will have to close my communication.”
EXCERPT Notes | Pg 356 J.M. Roberts Commentary
Refer to Chambers’ Encyclopaedia for account of Moses
Maimonides. [...]
[Pg 356] The spirit tells us what is undoubtedly true, but what has
not been known for several centuries; that is, that there were
two Apollonian systems, one of which took root in the East,
the other in the West; and that the Western system was modified
by Potamon, Ammonius Saccas, Plotinus, and others of
the Alexandrian school. The natural inference is, that the
Apollonian system of the East was more nearly what Apollonius
It was no doubt owing to that divergence in the
respective Apollonian systems that ever since it has been impossible
to reconcile the Greek Catholic and Roman Catholic
churches, and unite them under one theological system. Maimonides,
as a spirit, tells us that he was an adherent of the
Western Apollonian system, or that system that underwent
the Eclectic modifications of the Alexandrian school.
The Greek Secretary of Belisarius.
EXCERPT Notes | Pg 358
“I greet you, sir: — My name when on earth was Procopius.
I was the Greek secretary of Belisarius. The principal
period of my life was, from A. D. 534 to 565. I wrote a history
of the emperor Justinian, and this is the only part of my writings
that has not been concealed or destroyed. But I also
wrote on many religious topics. I was a follower of the emperor
Julian, that is I was a Pythagorean or Platonist, those
two systems of philosophy being nearly the same. I did not
feel inclined to embrace either of the other religions of my
time. There were none that seemed so sensible as the writings
of Pythagoras and Plato. I think the Eclectics by their
amalgamation of religious and philosophical doctrines, ruined
the beauty of the text of Plato. I had no sympathy with
either of the parties in the contention that was carried on by
Eusebius Pamphilus and others of the disputants of that and
subsequent times.
The Krishna of India which had been
worshipped before the time of Eusebius, was a black man,
and it was Eusebius who changed him into a Jew instead of a
Hindoo. He thought that more followers could be obtained
for a white Christ than for a Hindoo one. But prior to that
time, in all the temples erected for the worship of Krishna, he
was represented as a Hindoo. The words put into the mouth
of Julian in relation to deifying the Judean Saviour, in his
dying hour, are not true in any sense whatever. He defied all
the gods. He was in fact a Deist or believer in one overruling
power, or God. But in my time gods were not looked upon as
spirits. The god idea meant something great — immeasurable;
something that mortals could not comprehend, and with whom
only spirits could converse with. I knew that mortals could
converse with spirits. I conversed with them myself, when in
the mortal form; and I was told many things by them that
were both true and false, as I have found as a spirit. But it is
due that I should say this for many spirits; they do not lie
wilfully — they know no better. When I lived everything relating
to religion was in a fearful chaotic state, and many
spirits were as much confused as mortals, especially in relation
to such matters.”
EXCERPT Notes | Pg 359 J.M. Roberts Commentary
Refer to Smith’s Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography
for account of Procopius. [...]
[Pg 361]
If what the spirit of Procopius says is true, then for the first
time the fact becomes known that many, if not most of his
writings, have been concealed or destroyed; for he says that in
addition to his history, he also wrote on many religious topics.
Nothing is more probable than that such was the fact. As to
the doubtful question of Procopius’s religious and philosophical
views, the spirit leaves no doubt whatever. He tells us that
he was a follower of the Emperor Julian, (the “Apostate,” as
he is called); in other words, a Pythagorean or Platonist
which he says were nearly similar. We have here a clearer
exposition of the philosophical views of Julian than can be
found in any extant account of him. His writings certainly
show that he was even more of a Pythagorean than a Platonist.
In other words, he was a Spiritualist, if not a developed spiritual
medium; for Pythagoreanism was nothing less than a
very thorough knowledge of spirit intercourse with mortals and
the secret propagation of that knowledge and its proper uses. [...]
[Pg 362] Procopius, speaking of what he had every opportunity to
know, says, that the Krishna of India, who had been worshipped
in the Roman provinces before the time of Eusebius, was a
black man, and that it was Eusebius who changed him into a
Jew; because he, Eusebius, thought that more followers could
be obtained for a white Christ than a Hindoo one. If this can
be shown, by existing antiquities, to have been true, as we
believe it can be, then have we very certain data to show what
pre-Eusebian Christianity was, and what its post-Eusebian
spurious imitation is.
The Great Arian Leader.
EXCERPT Notes | Pg 364
The guide of the medium, introduced this spirit by saying:
“This spirit seems to have great trouble to give his name. He
is very much opposed by spirits that are unfriendly to him,
and to his purpose in coming here. He was an Arian. His
name is Eunomius, and he wants me to say this to you.”
“I will salute you, sir, by saying, that there can be no peace
while Christianity exists, for it is the religion of persecution
and death. Instead of Jesus being entitled to the designation,
‘The Prince of Peace,’ he should have been designated ‘The
Prince of Errors.’ But all this is as nothing.
It was only the
doctrines of Apollonius of Tyana, promulgated in his day as
the highest morality that men could conceive of. But to-day,
before the light of advancing knowledge, it sinks into utter
insignificance. Moral principles can be utilized under such
conditions as they meet. When I lived on this mortal plane,
I was a rabid Arian. What fools we mortals were to fight over
the respective tenets of our ideal creeds! for there is no creed
now extant, but is based upon ideal presumption. All that I have
to comfort me in spirit life is this, that I took the course I did,
thinking that I was doing right. You must remember that it
is a strictly spiritual principle that if you are enthusiastic and
honest in what you teach, you are never condemned in spirit
life for it. In relation to my mortal contests and contentions
with the bishops of my time,
I have simply this to say, that
we never fought about Jesus. The Arian and Athanasian controversy
was simply a fight over the Kristos of the East and
the Hesus of the West. This was the real subject of controversy
between Arius and Athanasius.”
EXCERPT Notes | Pg 364 J.M. Roberts Commentary
Here the communication abruptly terminated, the guide of
the medium stating that the spirit was so opposed that he
could hold the medium no longer.
We refer to Smith’s Greek
and Roman Biographical Dictionary for account of Eunomius.
In the account of Eunomius as referred to, is related that all
his works were destroyed by imperial edict. Is it not a most
significant fact that such special pains were taken by the
Christian priests and emperors of Rome to destroy the works
of Eunomius? Not only were the works of Eunomius destroyed
but also the works of those orthodox Christian writers who
attempted to answer his reasoning against the so-called orthodox
Christianity. Why were the latter destroyed, if not
because they disclosed just what it was that Eunomius was
contending for? The boasted established Catholic Christian
Church, as late as the beginning of the fifth century, could not
afford to have the Arian views of Eunomius, even remotely
understood; and so, by decree, the imperial and priestly rulers
of Rome sought to destroy all trace of the great secret that the
writings of Eunomius disclosed. [....]
[Pg 367]
It must never be forgotten that the Arian controversy began at
Alexandria, in Egypt, in the early part of the fourth century,
at a time when the learning of the world had met at that great
literary centre, through the commercial intercourse between
Europe and Asia by way of Alexandria. Prior to that time,
while there is frequent and general mention of Kristos and the
worship of that Hindoo deity throughout the provinces of the
Roman Empire, by Jew as well as Gentile writers, there is no
where to be found any authenticated mention of Jesus, Jesus
Christ, Jesus of Nazareth, Jesus the Son of God, Jesus the Son
of Mary, or any such person as the Christian’s God. It was not
until after the meeting of the Council of Nice, that the name
of Jesus was given to the god, who up to that time had been
known to the Armenians, the inhabitants of Asia Minor, and
the Greeks as Kristos, and to the Latins as Christos. Why is
the name Jesus coupled with Kristos or Christos, from that
time forward? That is the question which the communication
we are considering solves.
Eunomius, whose spirit purports to give that communication
was a most decided and persecuted Arian, who lived and adhered
to the opinions of Arius, so ably and renownedly, shortly
after the death of the latter, and must have known just what
the difference between Arius and his enemies was. [...]
[Pg 368]
Who, then, was the Kristos of the East? He was the incarnated
spirit of the Hindoo god Brahm, who in course of time
became the Abraham of the Jewish and Christian Scriptures,
the name signifying Father Brahm, or Father God.
We must add some facts that will show that, in truth, up to
the time when Eusebius wrote his Ecclesiastical History, between
A. D. 325 and 340, the name of Christian, was little
known, if known at all, and the religion called Christianity
was much older than either the Jewish or Christian religions.
We cite the following from the seventy-second chapter of Dr.
Lardner’s Works. He says:
“The title of the fourth chapter of the first book of Ecclesiastical
History” [of Eusebius, bishop of Caesarea] “is to this
‘That the religion published by Jesus Christ to all
nations, is neither new nor strange.’ ‘For though,’ says he,
‘without controversy, we are of late, and the name of Christians
is indeed new, and has not long obtained over the world;
yet our manner of life and the principles of our religion have
not been lately devised by us, but were instituted and observed,
if I may so say from the beginning of the world, by good
men, accepted of God, from those natural notions, which are
implanted in men’s minds. This I shall show in the following
manner: It is well known that the nation of the Hebrews is
not new, but distinguished by its antiquity. They have writings
containing accounts of ancient men; few indeed in number,
but very eminent for piety, justice and every other virtue.
Of whom some lived before the flood, others since, sons and
grandsons of Noah; particularly Abraham, whom the Hebrews
glory in as the father and founder of their nation. And if any
one, ascending from Abraham to the first man, should affirm,
that all of them who were celebrated for virtue, were Christians
in reality, though not in name, he would not speak much
beside the truth. For what else does the name of Christian denote,
but a man, who by the knowledge and doctrine of Jesus
Christ, is brought to the practice of sobriety, righteousness,
patience, fortitude, and the religious worship of the one and
only God over all. About these things they were no less solicitous
than we are; but they practiced not circumcision, nor observed
Sabbaths any more than we; nor had they distinction
of meats, nor other ordinances, which were first appointed by
Moses. Whence it is apparent that that ought to br esteemed the first and most ancient institution of religion, which was
observed by the pious about the time of Abraham, and has
been of late published to all nations, by the direction and authority
of Jesus Christ.’”
We have here the admission by the originator of what is
called orthodox Christianity, that the Christian religion did
not originate with Jesus Christ, and that Christianity, as such,
was new as late as three hundred and twenty-five years after
the pretended birth of Jesus Christ. In that admission, Eusebius
concedes that what he called the Christianity of the preceding
three hundred and twenty-five years, was the religion
that was instituted before or about the time of Abraham, the
Ab-Brahm or Father Brahni of the Hindoos. Here we
have the founder of orthodox Christianity conceding that
the Christianity attributed to Jesus Christ, was not the
religion of that Jesus Christ, but merely adopted and promulgated
in his name by Eusebius and his Christian coadjutors,
at the time, or after the Council of Nice. Is it any wonder
that the teachings that were attributed to Crishna, more than
thirteen hundred years before that time were called Christian
teachings; and that the Ebionite, Nazarite, Essenian, Apollonian,
Gnostic, Eclectic, and Neo-Platonic followers of the
Hindoo Crishna should be regarded and treated by subsequent
Christian writers as heretical Christians; as if it were possible
for the originals to be the heresies of that which, at a later
period of the world’s development, grew out of those original
tenets and doctrines! [...]
[Pg 371]
We will add in this connection a word in relation to what
the Hindoo Crishtau, who slew so many monsters (as did the
Greek Hercules) was. Sir William Jones tells us that Col.
Valiancy, who was thoroughly conversant with ancient Irish
literature, told him that in Irish, Crishna means the Sun;
and “we find,” he says, “Apollo and Sol considered by the
Roman poets as the same deity,” the Sun. In this undoubtedly
true statement of the learned and pious Sir William Jones, we
have the key by which to solve the whole riddle concerning
the so-called New Testament The whole story of the life and
labors of the Hindoo Crishna, from whom the Irish derived
the name and its meaning, had relation to the Sun in its
yearly revolution, as its track was marked by the constellated
stars through the sidereal heavens. Apollonius who brought
the religion of the Hindoos into the Roman empire, was
known by a name that meant the Son of Apollo — Apollo in
turn meaning the Sun. The name Apollo meant the same as
Sol, and was frequently abbreviated into Pol. In the book of
Acts, these names are changed in the spelling, by the author
of that fiction, into Saul and Paul, both those names being
thus modified to conceal the fact that they were of the same
meaning, and related to Apollonius, the great propagator of
the religion of Crishna in the first century, and beyond all
question, the writer, expounder, and advocate of the Hindoo
theology, set forth in the so-called Christian Scriptures, no
part of which has any relation to any Jew whatever. But we
must not delay further upon this point. We have shown
clearly enough who and what the Kristos or Christos of the
East was, of whom the spirit of Eunomius speaks.
Now who was the Hesus of the West? So particular were
the priestly founders of the present Christian religion to conceal
everything relating to the god Hesus of the Celtic Druids,
that we can find but little mention of him, and that little in
that learned and invaluable book, the Celtic Druids by Godfrey
Higgins, London, 1826. At page 130 under the head “The
Druids Adored the Cross,” he says:
“Having shown that the cross was in common use before the
time of Christ, by the continental nations of the world, it is
now only necessary to show that it was equally in use by the
Celtic Druids in Britain, to overthrow the arguments used to
prove certain monuments, Christian from the circumstances
alone of their bearing the figure of a cross. The very learned
Shedius, (in his treatise de Mor. Germ, xxiv.) speaking of the
Druids, confirms all that I have said on this head. He writes
that they (the Druids) seek studiously for an oak tree, large
and* handsome, growing up with two principal arms, in form
of a cross, beside the main stem upright. If the two horizontal
arms are not sufficiently adapted to the figure, they fasten
a cross beam to it. This tree they consecrate in this manner.
Upon the right branch they cut in the bark, in fair characters,
the word HESUS: upon the middle or upright stem the word
TARAMIS; upon the left branch BELENUS; over this,
above the going off of the arms they cut the name of God,
THAU (The Tau of Ezekiel ix. 4.); under all, the same repeated
THAU. This tree so inscribed, they make their kebla,
in the grove cathedral, or summer church, toward which they
direct their faces in the offices of religion, as to the amber stone
or the cove in the temples of Abury; like as the Christians do
to any symbol or picture at the Altar.”
We deeply regret that Schedius did not inform us from
whence he derived the information he therein sets forth. But
we cannot doubt that, as he was a devout Christian, he had the
most conclusive authority for making it. But here the fact is
rendered plain that the Druids of Germany, Gaul and Britain,
had a divine trinity, of which Thau was the Supreme god,
Hesus the human executor of the will of the first, and Belenus,
the solar light and heat through which all life was originated
and preserved, were the three personified beings of the
Divine Trinity. In that trinity we have the incarnated second
person, in the Druid God and Saviour, Hesus, the Hesus occupying
the same position, and representing the same theological
functions, as the Crishna of India in the Hindoo Trinity,
and Jesus in the Christian Trinity. This is not all; but we
have this Druid Hesus connected with and attached to a natural
not an artificial cross, so much nearer were the Druids to the
worship of the True God — the God of Nature — than the
Christian idolators who bow in adoration before the carved
crucifix. There is every reason to believe that the Druid religion
was derived largely if not solely from India, whether
by way of the interior of the continents of Asia and Europe,
or by way of the Mediterranean, or both, we will not undertake
to decide. The god Thau of the Druids is in all probability
derived from the God Thot of the ancient Egyptians;
the god Belenus, to whom the Beal, Baal or Bel fires of Bealtine,
(or the day of Belan’s fires) were lighted, was the Chaldean
or Phoenician god Baal, or the Sun in the sign of the
Bull; while the god Hesus was almost certaintly derived by
the Druids from the Phoenician god IES or JES, the Phoenician
Bacchus, or the Sun in the Season of the vintage and
harvest time.
There are an infinite number of known facts which all concur
in showing that there was an intimate commercial intercourse
kept up between the people of Western Europe and the
highly civilized nations of the east, which was largely if not
mainly carried on by way of Gaul, Africa and the Mediterranean,
by the Phoenicians, long before the Romans overrun
Africa, Greece and Asia Minor. It was through that commercial
intercourse that the religions of Asia and Africa became
transferred to Western and Northern Europe, long before the
Roman conquests of Gaul, Germany and Britain, and long
before any Christianity was taught in that country. This
adopted Oriental religion was everywhere prevalent when the
Roman legions first invaded those countries, and the influence
it exerted upon the minds of these children of nature
was so great and lasting, that it has never been entirely eradicated,
but is kept up by the uncultivated masses, in ceremonies
and observances, the origin of which but few of the
educated classes understand. Who then, was the Hesus of
the West, of whom Eunomius speaks? He was the Saviour of
the Celtic and Gallic Druids, for Hesus was a god especially
venerated by the Gauls as their protector and preserver as Mr.
Higgins says in the following words:
“The Gauls had a god called Hesus; was this from the
Greek word zoo, or the Hebrew word iso, or both? In the Hebrew,
if the e were the emphatic article, then the word would
be literally The Preserver. He was also often the destroyer:
in Gaul, Mars.”
We would suggest in reply to Mr. Higgins’ question, that
the word was not derived from the Greek nor the Hebrew, but
from the Phoenician word ies or jes which meant the Sun and
nothing else. Strong as is the temptation to protract these
comments, we must hasten to a conclusion of them. We find,
then, that at the time of the Roman conquests of Britain,
Germany and Gaul, that the Druid god Hesus was the great
object of worship throughout those vast regions of the world.
It was ever the policy and practice for the all conquering
Romans to allow the conquered people to enjoy their religions,
whether in accordance with the Roman religion or not. Never
did this policy serve the Roman rulers to a better purpose than
among the conquered nations who were under the religious
leadership of the Druid priests, for, but for this toleration the
Roman sway over them could not have been maintained; as it
was for three hundred and seventy-five years, from the time of
Julius Csesar to the reign of Constantine, in the first half of the
fourth century. Up to that time there were almost constant
local rebellions, which would have become general but for the
tolerance of the Romans in the matter of religion.
For some time the Roman Empire had been divided into
the Eastern and Western provinces; governed respectively by
independent rulers, at Rome and Niccomedia; when Constantine
the Great having overthrown his imperial colleagues,
became sole master of the Roman world, and established the
seat of empire at Byzantium, the name of which he changed
to Constantinople. Prior to that time A. D. 323, the rival
worship of the Roman mythology, throughout the Greek
speaking provinces of the Empire, was the sects which adhered
more or less tenaciously to the Gymnosophic tenets and
doctrines of the Hindoo theology, of which the life and teachings
of the Indian Saviour, Crishna, were the main foundation.
By the Greek gymnosophist sects he was called Kristos,
and his followers were called by various names, such as
Ebionites, Nazarites, Essenes, Gnostics, &c. Little if anything
had been known, up to that time of the god Hesus of
the Druids of the Western Empire. Constantine was with his
father, Constantius Chlorus, at York in Britain when the
latter died, and he succeeded to the government of Gaul, Germany
and Britain. He was fully acquainted with the popularity
in those provinces of the god Hesus, the second person
of the Druidical Trinity. He conceived the idea of conciliating
the subjects of his Western provinces, by adopting their god as
well as the Kristos of the East, and with that view, no doubt,
broached the subject to some of the leading Gnostics or Eclectics,
at Alexandria, then the centre of the learning of the
world. Among those to whom he submitted his plans were
Alexander and Arius. The former desiring to curry favor with
the emperor, readily lent himself to the plan and became its
strenuous supporter. Arius on the other hand set his face
firmly against the impious suggestion, and hence the breaking
out of a controversy which has never ceased to create disturbance
in whatever shape it has been revived. To carry his
point, Constantine summoned the recognized leaders of various
sects of the worshippers of Kristos to meet at Nicaea, where
he assembled them in his palace, to the number of more than
300 and submitted his scheme of adopting the Saviours of the
Eastern and Western sects, in the person of one god, to be
called Hesus Kristos, who was to take the place and combine
the characteristics of the Kristos of the East and the Hesus of
the West. Under the lead of Athanasius, who was made
bishop of Alexandria next year for his services, the assembled
bishops (so-called) voted to adopt the scheme of Constantine,
at the Council of Nice. Arius and a few others who refused to
submit to the theological scheme, were excommunicated and
banished. This, the spirit of Eunomius tells us, was the real
issue between Arius and Athanasius, and this was the question
which was settled in the first Christian council that was ever
held; for Eusebius was forced to admit shortly thereafter that
the name Christian was then (after A. D. 325), only recently
A Greek Philosopher.
EXCERPT Notes | Pg 376
The guide of the medium announced the presence of Carneades,
Greek philosopher, who, B. C. 155, founded the New Academic
School. He said that the spirit was one who had so little
interest in mundane matters, that it was with the greatest difficulty
he could remain to give his communication, and so, to
save time, requested him, to announce his name and place in
“I greet you, SIR: — Strong, positive, and brief, must be
my testimony, on account of my spirit having little or no
affinity for the present mortal life. Therefore, what has been
said by the guide of the medium, must suffice for my introduction.
aI ttempted, in my day, from B. C. 165 to 155,
to combine the Christism or Christosism of that time, with the
Pythagorean and Platonic systems of philosophy, and met
with great success, simply because Pythagoras was a worshipper
of Prometheus, and the life, character and career of Prometheus were
almost identical with those of the Christos of
India — the story of Prometheus being nothing more than a
plagiarism by the Greeks of that relating to Christos. The
Platonic philosophy was derived from, and was a combination
of, the doctrines regarding Christos in the East and Prometheus
in t he West. As far as I was concerned, I knew that
all the god-systems, or Christs born in the flesh grew out of
the heathen idea of sacrifice as a propitiation for sin. Man in
his primitive state, first offered up the lowest reptiles for this
purpose; i n time he substituted beasts as offerings; a nd finally
ended by human sacrifices as the noblest offering to offended
deity. I so instructed the inner circle or school of my philosophy.
After I was transferred to the spirit life, I found that
Christosism was changed into Christianity between the 4th
and 5th centuries by different bishops of the Christosite
churches. The reason why they made this change was to meet
the wave of western doubt which flowed upon their teachings
through the Hesus element of Western Europe, the two teachings
meeting in Rome and Alexandria, about A. D. 250. I
have made my statement as clearly as I could under the circumstances
and thank you for this hearing.”
EXCERPT Notes | Pg 377 J.M. Roberts Commentary
Refer to Smith’s Greek and Roman Biography for account
of Carneades. [...]
[Pg 378] But we have another surprise in the statement of the spirit
that the philosophy of Plato was nothing more than a combination
and reconciliation of the doctrines concerning Christos
in Jhe East and Prometheus in the West. It is very certain
that the philosophy of Plato was an essentially spiritual system,
as contradistinguished from the more or less materialistic
philosophical systems of Greece and Rome. No one had a
better opportunity to know what the philosophical system of
Plato was than Carneades, and we therefore are inclined to
accept his construction of it as correct.
[Pg 378] The spirit of Carneades tells us that the Christosism of his
time, as he had learned as a spirit, had been converted into
the Christianity of Constantine and Eusebius, in the fourth
century. He tells us that the Bishops of the Christosite
churches found it necessary to make that conversion of Christosism,
to resist the wave of Hesusism from the West. This
is very certain, it being a necessity to Constantine to reconcile
the warring elements of Christosism and Hesusism in his
dominions, and hence he joined the politic bishops in blending
the opposing waves of interest and thought in one Hesus
Christos, which has been imposed upon the nations ever since,
by the combined power of tyrannical rulers and impiously
selfish priests, and which has come down through the centuries
to us modified by Christian writers to Jesus Christ. It
is very certain that about A. D. 250 this was the great question
of agitation throughout the Roman Empire. We regard
this communication not only as authentic, but as showing
the Hindu origin of Christianity, beyond all reasonable
The Teacher of Seneca.
EXCERPT Notes | Pg 379
“We meet in peace only to prepare for war. In my mortal
life I was a philosopher and grammarian, in the School of
Alexandria; and was the teacher and preceptor of Seneca. I
was of the school of Potamon, although I lived before his
time — that is, I helped to begin that which he carried out. I
was engaged in the active affairs of this life, principally from
between A. D. 15 to A. D. 40. I am here to-day for a special
purpose, and that is, to prove that before the time of Eusebius,
Christianity was Christosism, and that Christos of India was
the god known as the Saviour of men throughout the period I
have named. You have heard it said that, ‘Great was Diana
of the Ephesians.’ This Diana, in my time, was supposed to
be the Virgin who brought Christos into the world. The advent
of this belief in Greece took place after the Indian conquests
of Alexander the Great, and after B. C. 325. Diana was
supposed to occupy the same relation to the incarnate god
Crishna, that the Virgin Mary occupies in your Roman Catholic
Church, of to-day, towards Jesus Christ. But, as for myself,
I was not a believer in such doctrines. I was a Peripatetic
philosopher, and a follower of the great Gymnosophist
Calanus; and if you will read the moral essays of my pupil
Seneca, you will find them full of Gymnosophic doctrines.
The learned men of my time all believed about the same as do
your Modern Spiritualists; but with the fatal mistake that
they supposed they walked and talked with God, and not with
human spirits. This has been fatal to Spiritualism in all past
ages; and even to-day, through the machination of spirits,
some of your most trusted lights are likely to ruin your cause
by thinking they have a special mission to enlighten the
world. Special missions have been the curse of Spiritualism in
all countries and in all ages. I was known as Sotion.”
EXCERPT Notes | Pg 380 J.M. Roberts Commentary
We take the following concerning Sotion from Smith’s
Greek and Roman Biography.
“Sotion. There appear to have been three or four philosophers
of this name. The following alone are worth noticing:
1. A native of Alexandria, who nourished at the close of the
third century B. C. (Clinton, Fasti Hellen, vol. iii, p. 526.)
Nothing is known of his personal history. He is chiefly remarkable
as t he author of a work entitled Diadochia, on the
successive teachers in the different philosophical schools. It
is quoted very frequently by Diogenes Laertius, and Athenseus.
It consisted of at least twenty-three books. He was also,
apparently, the author of a work, periton Timonos sillon, and
of a work entitled Diokleioi elegchoi. 2. Also a native of
Alexandria, who lived in the age of Tiberius. He was the
instructor of Seneca, who derived from him his admiration of
Pythagoras (Seneca, Epist. 108). It was perhaps this Sotion
who was the author of a treatise on anger, quoted by Stobseus.
Plutarch also quotes him, as the authority for certain statements
respecting towns founded by Alexander the Great in
India, which he had heard from his contemporary Potamon
the Lesbian. Vossius conjectures that it is the same Sotion
who is quoted by Tzetzes as the authority for some other statements
relating to India, which he probably drew from the same
source. 3. The Peripatetic philosopher, mentioned by A. Gellius
(N. A. i, 8) as the author of a miscellaneous work entitled
Keras Amaltheias, is probably a different person from either
of the preceding.”
In the historic doubts conerning these several philosophers,
or rather supposed philosophers, we have one of those singular
coincidental surprises that we have met with in inquiring into
the authenticity of these most remarkable and important communications.
The spirit of Sotion, by a single statement, clears up every doubt concerning himself and his labors. He does not mention any other philosopher by the name of Sotion, which he would certainly have done if there had been a philosopher Sotion previous to himself. We therefore incline to believe that the first Sotion, mentioned above, was identical
with the second. If it is true, as the spirit stated, and we have
no question of it, he sought to reconcile the various philosophical
systems of his time, in the spirit of the Eclectic school of
philosophers. [...]
[Pg 381] The spirit speaks of himself as having been a Peripatetic
philosopher, and a follower of the great Gyrnnosophist, Calanus.
This would show that Sotion was what he claims to
have been, an independent philosophical thinker, and that he
was a teacher of philosophy, as early as A. D. 15, fully acquainted
with the Gymnosophic teachings of Calanus, as well as with the Aristotelean, Pythagorean, and other philosophical systems of Greece.
But, the spirit, after taking the method he did to identify
himself, states that the special object of his return to earth
was to show that Christianity before the time of Eusebius, was
Christosism, and that Christos of India was the god known
as the Saviour of men throughout the Greek provinces of the
Roman Empire during the period from A. D. 15 to A. D. 40.
If any one was likely to know this fact, it was Sotion, who, as
a student of all known religious and philosophies, tried to
reconcile them one with another. He significantly speaks of
Diana of the Ephesians as the supposed Virgin who had
brought Christos into the world. It is certainly the fact, that
“Diana of the Ephesians” was a very different divinity from
Diana of the Romans, who was considered of no great account,
on account of her being the goddess of the plebeians.
From the account of the goddess Diana of Ephesus and her
temple, by Rev. Frank S. Dobbins in his False Gods or the Idol
Worship of the World, page 171, it is very plain to see that she
was regarded by her votaries in precisely the same light as the
Freya of the Scandinavians, the Isis of the Egyptians, and
the Virgin Mary of the Christians, or as the mother of the incarnated
god a nd saviour of mankind. Why she was called
Diana we do not know, but from the fact that the pillars of
her temple were furnished by 127 kings, shows that her worship
was very extensive, and no doubt extended over all the
countries of the East. That she was regarded as the virgin
mother of Christos has not been permitted to be known to us;
but, since that fact is communicated by so well informed a
follower of the great Gymnosophist Calanus, as Sotion, when
taken in connection with the collateral facts of history, which
all tend to confirm it, there can hardly be a doubt of the fact.
At Mathura on the Jumna, in India, the supposed birth-place
of Crishna, there is a representation of this same goddess,
suckling the infant Crishna, on the walls of the temple,
erected long ages before the alleged birth of Jesus Christ, in
that sacred town, in honor of the Hindu Saviour Crishna. In
view of all the facts, can there be a reasonable doubt that the
worship of the Hindu Christos was the only Christ worship
of the time of which spirit Sotion speaks, and for three
hundred years afterwards?
Sotion tells us that he was a follower of the teachings of
Calanus, but that lie did not believe in the Brahmanical theology.
He alludes to the fact that Seneca, his pupil, was also
a great admirer of the precepts taught by Calanus, and that
he, Seneca, incorporated many of Calanus’s ideas in his writings.
He tells us that the learned men of his time were all
A Roman Emperor.
EXCERPT Notes | Pg 383
“I will salute you, sir, by saying: You are a man after my
own heart. I loved my friends and opposed my enemies. I
was known in my mortal life as Septimius Geta, son of Septimins
Severus. I was murdered by my brother Caracalla.
There is one thing that I now know, and that is that my
brother would never have murdered me had it not been for
the meddlesome priests of my time. About from A. D. 200 to
212, there was a fight between what the spirit who proceeded
me (Sotion), calls Christosism and the worship of Apollo the
pagan God of Rome. The followers of the first using the word
Maia to designate the mother of Christos, which was afterwards
by the Christians changed into Mary. The followers of
Apollo, regarding him as identical with Horus the Egyptian
Saviour recognized the great Isis as his virgin mother. I said,
when appealed to decide between the two parties, during my
brief reign, that they were both too ridiculous to be worthy of
any official recognition. In doing this I sealed my fate. I
gave offence to both parties. And finding my brother a more
pliable tool in their hands, the priests helped him to murder
me. As far as I was myself concerned, I was a fully initiated
member of what was called in my time the Diamond or Mountain
of Light Circle. I was a believer in and a follower of the
Eclectic system of philosophy. I think that one Photian wrote
a history of my life. It is now in the hands of the Maronite
Christians of Mt. Lebanon in Syria.”
EXCERPT Notes | Pg 383 J.M. Roberts Commentary
Refer to the Biographie Universelle for account of Geta.
The spirit of Geta mentions the fact that the worshippers of
Christos in Rome, at the commencement of the third century,
used the word Maia to designate the mother of Christos which
was afterwards changed in to Mary by the Christians. In relation
to the name Maia we take the following from “A Dissertation
on the Mysteries of the Cabiri,” by George Stanley
Faber, A. M., (Oxford, 1803. Vol. i, page 298):
“Atlas, the allegorical astronomer, At-El-As, the Solar god;
and Maia, who was feigned to be one of his seven daughters,
borrowed her name from the ancient word Maia, a mother. If
we recur to the Brahmanical theology, we shall learn, that the
mother of Buddha, the Hindoo Mercury, was called Maha-
Maya. She was feigned to be the wife of the rajah Sootah
Dannah; but this rajah nevertheless was not the father of
Buddha, who was esteemed on the contrary to be an incarnation
of the god Vishnu. Maha-Maya is literally the great
mother, and she was no doubt the same mythological character
as Cybele, or the Ark, the magna mater of classical antiquity.
Her husband Dannah I take to be the Grecian Danaus,
or Da-Naw, and consequently, like Buddha, the great diluvian
patriarch; f or Noah, as I have already intimated, is indifferently
described, as the father, the son, or the husband, of the
vessel which he constructed; the father, as having built the
Ark, the Son, as having issued from it, and the husband as
being closely connected with it. As the allegorical parent of
Mercury was denominated Maia, and that of Buddha Maha-
Maya, so the mother of the Chinese Fohi was called Moye, or
Maia. Ratramnus mentions, that the Brahmins believed
Buddha to have been born of a virgin. This is merely the
counterpart of the Chinese tradition, that Fohi was born without
a father, and of the Greek legend, that a virgin was the
mother of Perseus.”
It is true that Faber says, on the authority of Maurice’s
History of India, that Buddha was esteemed an incarnation
of Vishnu, but he was equally esteemed as the latter avater of
Brahm, and as an incarnation of Krishna or Crishna. It
would seem that the Greek Gymnosophists worshipped less
the Buddha incarnation of Crishna than the God himself, and
hence instead of claiming to be the followers or worshippers of
Buddha, as did the Buddhists of India, they claimed to be
worshippers of Crishna, by the Geeks changed into Christos
or Kristos. As Buddha was regarded as the son of Maha-
Maya, the great mother virgin, the Greeks changed that name
into Maia, and the Indian virgin mother of the incarnated
Christos was venerated and worshipped by the Christosites of
Rome in A. D. 212, as testified to by the spirit of Geta. It is
thus seen that the story of a virgin begotten divine man is not
original as attributed to the fabulous Jesus Christ and his
equally fabulous virgin mother, Mary. The whole theological
fiction was borrowed from the Hindus, names as well as incidents,
as all the facts plainly show.
Geta tells us that the Romans regarded their Apollo as
identical with the Egyptian god Horus, and recognized the
virgin goddess Isis as his mother. It would thus appear that
the Greeks and Romans having no religion, but such as they
stole or borrowed from India and Egypt, divided among themselves
as to which system of those foreign mythologies they
would adopt, and they fought over the matter until a third
element of dissension was introduced in the mythological systems
of the Scandinavians and Celtic Druids, which after the
Roman conquests of Germany, Britain and Gaul, were brought to
Rome and Alexandria. With these widely divergent priestinterests
in full play, there must have been lively times in the
Roman Empire during the first three hundred years of the socalled
Christian era. Poor Geta was made aware of that at
the cost of his life and his empire.
EXCERPT Notes | Pg 387
“Good day, sir:— It seems to be the misfortune of Germans
that they have names that are very hard to force through
mediums who speak a foreign tongue. My name was Jacob
Joseph Von Gorres. Although I wrote on all the topics of my
day, the principal point of my communication will have relation
to my work Die Christliche Mystik. It is upon this that
I wish particularly to dwell. I was a mystic follower of Boehme,
Agrippa, and such writers on mysticism; but I tried to reconcile
the mysticism of the 16th century with the mysticism of
my time, about all of which I would have told the truth had
not prejudice prevented me from doing so. All mysticism of
that and previous times, centered in the teachings of Hermes
Trismegistus and Christos of India. I use the Greek word
Christos instead of the Indian name Crishna or Christau. Now,
that was the central or commencement point of all modern
Christianity, as it was taught by Apollonius of Tyana, Potamon,
Plotinus and the Alexandrian School in general; but
afterwards it was greatly altered at the Council of Nice, to
suit the views of Eusebius and those of his school. There is
only one direction in which you must look for the evidence
that will substantiate the truth of these communications, and
that is among the Catholics, for Protestantism is only a bastard
Catholicism. The bishops and priests of the Catholic
church know that what I here assert is positively true; and
they have, in different parts of the world, the documentary
evidence to prove what I here assert.
But they have thrown
the responsibility of most of their sacred writings upon the
Jews, because they claimed to be God’s chosen people, and
that their prophets had direct communication with the deity,
Jehovah; and as none but the learned few could read their
Hebrew text, so Eusebius and his followers thought it a sharp
stroke of policy to conceal the fraudulent proceedings in which
they were engaged, in founding the Christian church. Almost
the whole of the books that make up what is called the Bible,
or the ancient Jewish history, is taken from the writings of
the elder Zoroaster, and were taught by the Armenians, Chaldeans,
Moabites and Samaritans. There is no Jewish Rabbi of
any learning, to-day, who could prove from any works I met
with, that they had a literature extending beyond the Babylonish
captivity of the Jews. All tradition prior to that time
shows that the Jewish narratives were taken from the legends
of the people I have named. As a spirit I have investigated
all kinds of sectarianism, and I find that the one common
mistake of mankind in all ages has been in mistaking the
communications of spirits for the outgivings of God. If they
will, now and hereafter, correctly understand this, all sects
will come together in the fatherhood of truth and the brotherhood
of men. Other spirits here may have something more
important to say to you, than what I have given. I thank you
for this hearing. Farewell.”
EXCERPT Notes | Pg 391 J.M. Roberts Commentary
Refer to Chambers’ Encyclopaedia for account of Von Gorres.
[Pg 388] It has ever been an unexplained history how the founders of
Roman Catholic Christianity came to base their theological
fraud upon the theological fraud of the Jews, and to make
Judea the source from which the former fraud was derived.
This spirit explains this in a singularly clear and satisfactory
manner. In substance he tells us that the Jews were a peculiar
people in the one particular, that they claimed to be the
chosen people of God, and that the language in which their
religion was explained, the Hebrew tongue, was little known
outside of the Jewish priesthood, or the territorial limits of
To tack the Roman Catholic Christianity upon this
pretentious, but little known theological system, says Von
Gorres, was considered by Eusebius and his followers as a
sharp stroke of policy in launching their new scheme of ecclesiasticism.
Hence the anomaly of having the bigoted, intolerant,
and notoriously immoral inculcations of the Hebrew
Scriptures, or Old Testament, as it is called, blended with the
peaceful, tolerant, benevolent, humanitarian and ethical inculcations
of the Gymnosophical teachings of Apollonius of
Tyana, in the so-called New Testament, compiled by Eusebius
in the beginning of the fourth century. The so-called Christian
religion is the one anomalous religion, the traditions or
scriptures of which are a mass of the most irreconcilable contradictions.
In all other religions the leading objects, whatever
they may have been respectively, are consistently maintained
throughout, and this was even the case with Judaism, with
which the founders of Christianity so inconsistently and fatally
connected their heirarchical as well as ecclesiastical schemes.
But Eusebius and his Christianizing followers had another
object in view than that which the spirit of Von Gorres
mentions, and that was to divert attention as far as was possible
from the source of the Gymnosophic oriental teachings of
Apollonius of Tyana which Eusebius sought to appropriate as
the basis of an original religion, or a religion that would be so
regarded. Thanks to the spirits of those who have lived in the
past, and who made these matters an object of special attention,
the scheme of those mental tyrants is destined to be
brought to naught.
A German Orientalist.
EXCERPT Notes | Pg 390
“I will salute you, sir, by saying: — Fools always oppose the
truth, and as the fools are in the majority, and those who are
willing and trying to learn the truth in the minority, you may
get nothing but kicks for trying to enlighten mankind. It
was so in my day, and, as a spirit, I see it is the same in yours.
The Hebrew language is nothing more than the ancient Chaldean
tongue. I know this as a spirit, and I knew it when
here. The proof of this may be had by a comparison of Chaldean
and Hebrew alphabets; and in making such a comparison,
to use one of their scripture terms, the wayfaring man
though a fool cannot err therein. The whole of the Jewish traditions
in the Old Testament were revised and placed in their
present shape, about B. C. 650, and were taken from the Chaldean
traditions, and you have the proof of this when you see
that the ancestor of these Jews was Abraham or Ibrahm as
the name was in the Chaldean tongue, or I the one, and brahm
the soul — the one soul of all things. This man, we are told,
was a native of Ur of Chaldea, and not a Hebrew at all. This
was all set forth by Zoroaster the Younger, or Daniel, as the
Jews have called him, at the courts of three or four Chaldean
or Assyrian kings. But Ezra, sometime later, made a revision
of the account of Daniel or Zoroaster; and while the tradition
in relation to Daniel, before the time of Ezra, is adhered to, today,
by the Greek Church, the revised version of the same
tradition by Ezra is adhered toby the Roman Catholic Church.
So much for the Old Testament, and now for the New.
The Rabbies of the time when the latter Testament was in course
of taking shape, such as Gamaliel, Akiba and Onkelos, were
so superstitious, and imbued with the idea of what they termed
Moses, that they regarded the Jews as the lineal descendants
of Abraham, or Ibrahm. But Moses was only a combination
of two names, Moab and Sesostris; Mo meaning the man, and
ab meaning the father, or Moab the father man; and the
other, Sesostris, a king of a people, known in ancient times as
Sethites. This seems to have been the derivation of the name
Moses. These people looked upon the combination of those
names, and the traditions connected with them, as showing
that they were lineal descendants from Ibrahm, or Abraham,
as the name has been called by the Hebrews;
so that, when
Apollonius disputed with the learned Rabbies, when he rode
into Jerusalem on an ass — and when he discoursed with them
about their traditions, and defeated them in arguments, he had
to fly from Jerusalem to Tarsus, where he became the celebrated
Paul of Tarsus. My communication needs no other corroboration,
than the penetration of a critical scholarship and
clear sound sense, to determine the truth of what I have here
set forth. My name is Frederich Heinrich Wilhelm Gesenius.
[We will do what we can to corroborate your testimony by
the facts of history.] I think you are the man to do it well.
You may rely upon my help in your efforts to get the truth
before the world.”
EXCERPT Notes | Pg 391 J.M. Roberts Commentary
Refer to Chambers’ Encyclopaedia for account of Gesenius.
[Pg 302] The spirit of the learned Hebrew and biblical scholar,
Gesenius, tells us that the whole of the Jewish traditions, in
the Old Testament, were taken from the Chaldean traditions,
and put in their present shape about B. C. 650, and as proof of
this he referred to the fact that Abraham, the father of the
Jewish people, was a Chaldean. From that fact, which the
Jews themselves admit, they very consistently, claimed that
as the posterity of a Chaldean, they had a common right of
inheritance to the Chaldean traditions, which related to the
pre-Abrahamic age. Claiming their descent from the Chaldeans,
nothing was more natural than that the Jews should
claim the Chaldaic language as well as the Chaldaic traditions,
as of right belonging to themselves. The spirit of Gesenius
tells us that the Jewish Abraham, was but a modification of
the Supreme Intelligence, Ibrahm, the etymology of
which was I the one, and brahm the soul, or the one soul of
all things, and that this was taught at the courts of Nebuchadnezzar,
Belshazzar, Darius and Cyrus, by Zoroaster the
Younger, who was called Daniel by the Jews. By these explanations
of the spirit, we have the matter made plain that
the Chaldeans were an older people than the Jews; and that
whatever was held in common by them, was derived by the
latter from the former, and not by the former from the latter.
This was the case with the Chaldean traditions, the Chaldean
alphabet, and much of the Chaldean literature, which the
Jews undoubtedly adopted, when they sought to establish a
history and literature of their own.
We have another most curious fact explained, and that is,
why the Book of Daniel varies, as between the version of it
adopted by the Greek Church, and that adopted by the Romish
Church. The first is the original Jewish version of the
Chaldean Daniel, while the latter is the modified Jewish version
of Ezra the Scribe. This, no doubt, is as consistent with all
the collateral facts as the other statements of this most intelligent
and thoroughly informed spirit; but time will not admit
of our looking the evidence of it up.
The etymology of the name Moses, as being made up of the
two names Moab and Sesostris, or rather the first syllables of
those two names is certainly very astounding, as it is so foreign
to any heretofore suggested etymology of the name Moses.
We can very well understand how the first syllable Mo would
be derived from Moab, the supposed Father of the Moabites,
as their vicinity to and relation with the land of Canaan,
would intimately connect them with the Jews; but the ses
which terminates the name, is in its derivation much more
obscure, and hence the surprise with which we found the
identification of Sesostris as a Sethite, instead of an Egyptian
king, as we always supposed him to be.
We will close this critique by briefly noticing what Gesenius
says in relation to Apollonius’s visit to Jerusalem. It
appears that the offence that he, Apollonius, committed, was
to demonstrate to the Jewish priests that he knew the fraudulent
and deceptive nature of their so-called sacred writings. It
was for this offence he was tried before Felix, Festus and
Agrippa, as Paulos or Polionus. As this was a religious, and
not a civil offence, and not prohibited by the Roman laws, he
was finally discharged, when he no doubt fled to Tarsus, as
Gesenius states. We feel it proper to say, that during the most
of the time we were engaged in making this investigation, we
were made sensible of the assistance of a spirit or spirits, who
accompanied us.
A Christian Father.
EXCERPT Notes | Pg 394
“Good-day sir: — Are ecclesiastics and theologians of any
benefit to humanity, whatever? This is the question that is
uppermost in my mind to-day. After thousands of years of
contention about the truth of their respective systems, whether
Pagan, Jewish, Mohammedan or Christian, what real benefit
have those various systems of theology conferred upon mankind?
To me, all those systems blend together and amount to
one thing, and this is misundertood spirit-control. Men and
women of all nations of the world, have, throughout all time,
been mediums for spirit control, but their minds were so confused
with the superstitions of their day, that they could not
give what the controlling spirits really intended to give to the
world through them. You will never obtain the unadulterated
truth through mediums whose minds are prejudiced. If the
mediums leaned toward error, no matter how wise and truthful
the controlling spirits were, the utterance became tinctured
with their own thoughts, as the thoughts of the spirits
flowed through their brains. But here and there, among
the mediums of antiquity, there have been minds that were unbiased,
and it has been through these mediums that you have
received the gems of truth that constitute your treasures of
knowledge to-day. In my mortal life all was confusion and
strife, and the conflict was fierce and heated — not as to how
much truth there was in religion — but upon such useless topics
as the Trinity, Baptism, &c, which I call foolish by-paths.
There has been so many spirits here who have given their testimony
as t o the history of Jesus, that it seems like a repetition
for me to testify upon that point. But I will say this, upon all
my hopes of an immortal life and the happiness to come from
it, that the real Jesus was Apollonius of Tyana. This I know,
and I will at some future time wTrite a pamphlet, any one of the
statements, of which, I will challenge the Christian Church to
disprove. In it,
I will prove conclusively, that there was no
Jew named Jesus Christ, nor any such person as Jesus of Nazareth.
The document that will prove this, is the Epistle sent
to the Emperor Trajan by Potamon of Alexandria, which is in
existence to-day, in the Ambrosian Library at Milan, but the
Roman Catholic priesthood are far too cunning to let its existence
be known. Why then, you may ask, do they preserve it?
I will tell you why. Every pupil of the Roman Catholic Church
that becomes a priest, is entrusted with these secrets of that
church, and is sworn to keep them with strictest good faith,
under the penalty of death if he betrays them. By such means
they compel them to cling together. I come here to-day, only
because I want to do something toward emancipating mortal
man from superstition. I lived at the time the Christian religion
first took shape, and helped to found it. I think I am a competent
witness as to its merits, if it has any, and as to its demerits
which are many. I passed to spirit-life in A. D. 406, and
my name was Chrysostom.
EXCERPT Notes | Pg 395 J.M. Roberts Commentary
Refer to the American Cyclopsedia foraccount of Chrysostom. [...]
[Pg 398]
In order that the reader may be able
to judge of the probable correctness of this very positive statement
of the spirit of Chrysostom, I cite the following in relation
to the Ambrosian library from the Encyclopaedia Americana:
“This collection of books at Milan, famous in modern times,
on account of the discoveries made by Angelo Maio, was opened
to the public, in 1609, by Cardinal Frederick Borromeo, a relation
of St. Charles Borromeo. The cardinal archbishop of
Milan, a lover of knowledge, caused the books to be purchased
by learned men whom he sent through Europe, and even
Asia. At the opening of the library, it contained about 35,000
printed books, and about 15,000 manuscripts in all languages.
It now contains 60,000 printed books (according to Millan, 140-
000.) It was called the Ambrosian Library, in honor of St.
Ambrose, the patron saint of Milan. Angelo Maio, in his preface
to the fragments of the Iliad, which he obtained from the
treasures of this library, has shown how the collection has been
improved, particularly by the addition of the Pinellian manuscripts.”
It is to this precious repository of ancient literature that the
spirit of Chrysostom refers, as containing the proof positive that
no such persons as Jesus Christ or Jesus of Nazareth ever lived.
It seems hardly possible that any spirit, much less the spirit
of the good and benevolent Chrysostom would invent such a
statement untruthfully. It is no doubt so far correct, as it was
possible for the spirit to communicate the information through
the brain of the medium. It was no doubt the principal object
of his communication, to make known the facts, that Potamon
of Alexandria wrote an epistle to the emperor Trajan, in which
he disclosed facts, which showed that Apollonius of Tyana was
the real author or founder of the Christian religion, and that
Jesus of Nazareth was not. It is not a little significant, in this
connection, that the whole book of Diogenes Laertius, in which
he gave an account of the life and teachings of Potamon of
Alexandria, has been suppressed intentionally, while the history
of all the Greek Philosophers, down to the time of Potamon,
by the same author, have been preserved intact. Indeed, but
for the fact that Diogenes Laertius mentioned, in the preface
to the Lives of the Philosophers, that he had devoted a special
book to the treatment of Potamon and his philosophical teachings,
we would not have been permitted to know that such a
man ever lived. Notwithstanding the time when Potamon
lived and Diogenes Laertius wrote concerning him has been
concealed, and the impression has been promoted, that he
lived late in the second century at the latest. If what the
spirit of St. Chrysostom says is true, and it be a fact that
Potamon wrote a letter to the emperor Trajan, who was himself
a philosopher, he must have flourished in the reign of that
learned and liberal emperor, which extended from A. D. 97 to
117. Now, it is a well known fact, that Potamon, in his
Eclectic system of philosophy mainly followed the spiritual
teachings of Apollonius of Tyana, and was in all probability a
contemporary of the latter, who died at the advanced age of
nearly a hundred years in the beginning of the reign of Trajan.
It is therefore in the highest degree probable that Potamon did
write just such an epistle to Trajan as Chrysostom says was
extant in his time on earth, and which is still extant in the
Ambrosian Library at Milan. As Diogenes Laertius closed his
Lives of the Philosophers with that of Potamon of Alexandria,
the probability is, that he was his contemporary, and lived and
wrote in the early part of the second century.
A Jewish High Priest.
EXCERPT Notes | Pg 400
“I salute you, sir: — I was born in Jerusalem, in the year
2 B. C, as it is now called. I was the highpriest of the Jews,
from A. D. 45 to A. D. 65. My name was Ananias. You will
find a brief account of my doings in the twenty-fourth chapter
of Acts. I was one of the accusers of Apollonius before
Felix. The name ought to have been Apollos, instead of Paul.
The charge that was there set down against him was, that he
was a seditious and pestilent fellow. That was not the charge
made against him at all. The charge was that he had attempted
to enter the Holy of Holies, claiming the divine right
to do so. When the priests and populace attempted to restrain
him, and keep him from entering there, such was his power
that he entered the Holy of Holies, and none present could
stop him. We called this power, the power of God, but you
people call it mediumship. It was for this I accused him before
Felix. He had violated and profaned the temple, and I accused
him of it. As a spirit I must confess that I was more
governed in this by a feeling of jealousy than anything else.
The Jews had sworn to destroy him, but he had proselyted a
great number of them to his faith. [What faith was that?] It
was the faith of Christos or Chrishna. You read of Paul or
Apollos having been let down from the walls of Damascus, in
a basket; but that occurred at Jerusalem and not at Damascus.
From A. D. 35 to A. D. 65, the only Christ that was preached
in Judea was the Christos of Apollonius. [Of what faith by
name was Apollonius?] He belonged to the Essenes. The
Essenes were not Jews, as has been wrongly supposed. Any
person who followed their teachings could join the Essenes, no
matter what his or her nationality. This Apollos or Apollonius,
was summoned before Felix and his wife Drusilla, where
he produced such extraordinary spirit manifestations, that as
he [Felix] could not let him go, not having the power to do
so, he did the next best thing for Apollos, and kept him in
prison until his successor arrived, where he was sent to Rome
where he was liberated. I am Ananias son of Nebedus. I am
particular in telling you this, because there was another highpriest
of the Jews about that time who was named Ananias.”
EXCERPT Notes | Pg 401 J.M. Roberts Commentary
Refer to Nouvelle Biographie Generalefor account of Ananias.
The spirit who gave the above communication represents
himself to have been the pontifical accuser of Apollonius
before Felix, the procurator of Judea, and says the story of
that event is to be found in the 24th chapter of Acts. If this
statement is true, and the facts are such as to demonstrate it to
be so, then all pretence that there is anything especially divine
about the alleged outgivings and teachings, of Jesus Christ
and St. Paul, must fall to the ground and the whole religious
system that has been erected thereon must also fall to the
ground, never again to furnish materials for any similar structure
of error and imposture. In this connection, the first point
to be considered is, that outside of the Book of Acts, and the
Pauline Epistles, there is no historical mention whatever of
such a person as Paul, the Christian convert from Judaism.
No one knows who wrote the Book of Acts, nor is it known
just when it was written, but certainly not until long after the
four Gospels, the Epistles and Revelations, and in all probability,
not until the early part of the fourth century. The
author of that book, whoever he was, does not refer to a single
author or book as authority for any of the statements herein
contained. Why this should have been so, if he desired to
have the truth of his statements known, I cannot well conceive.
I can however see very clearly why, if he was not
recording the truth, he would write just as he has done, without
giving a clue to the real nature of his production. Through
the communication under review, we are enabled to show just
what the Book of Acts is, and what purpose it was written for.
That purpose was to conceal the fact, that the real author of the
Pauline Epistles was no other person than Apollonius of Tyana,
the Apostle of Essenianism to the Greeks, Romans and
Jews, who was born just at the date fixed as the birth time of
the founder of Christianity, and who for fully three quarters of a
century from A. D. 25 to A. D. 100, devoted his life to propagating
the doctrines, which in a modified and corrupted form
were made the foundation of Orthodox Christian Ecclesiasticism.
In the account of the accusation of Paul before Felix,
which begins in chapter twenty-four of Acts, to which we
refer our readers, we find Paul represented to have been a Jew,
and in his defence before Agrippa he is made to say that which
will be found in Acts xxvi, 4-32. [...]
[Pg 402] Such is the story of the accusation by the Jews, under the
lead of Ananias the high priest, against Paul, before Felix. A
greater farce than the trial was, as it is described in Acts,
could hardly be imagined. That it is a bungling account of a
real occurrence we have reason to infer; but what that occurrence
was is a question that is by no means settled by the narrative
itself. View it in any light we may say it is a bungling
attempt to conceal the real occurrences, to which, whatever
facts it contains relate. That it has no reference to any person
that was ever a Jew, or upon whom the Jewish law has any
operation, is very clear. Lysias, the chief captain, took him
out of the hands of the authorities of the Jewish religion, on the
ground that he, Paul, was a Roman and not a Jew; and this
claim Paul himself made in his defense before King Agrippa —
a claim that Agrippa regarded as conclusive. Now, if
Paul had been a Jew, and had “gone about to profane the
temple,” the proper tribunal to have adjudged him, would have
been the Jewish Sanhedrim or council, from before which body
chief captain Lysias took him by force while he was being
tried. [....]
[Pg 403] In the first place the spirit tells us that the person whom he
accused before Felix, was Apollonius, a Greek Essene, orNazarite
follower of Christos or Christina, and who was called Apollos
instead of Paul. If this be true, it is very evident that the
intention was to so change the name of the accused, in the Book
of Acts, as to prevent the real person from being identified.
This will be shown to be the fact by all the circumstances as
they are therein related. Ananias tells us that he did not
charge Apollonius with being a seditious and pestilent fellow, as
alleged in Acts; but that he did charge, him with profaning
the temple, and committing, what was in the eyes of the Jews,
the crime of all crimes, that of invading the Holy of Holies in
the temple. The truth of this statement is singularly sustained
by Philostratus’s Life of Apollonius of Tyana, which life was
largely devoted to making himself acquainted with all the
secret doctrines and ceremonies of the various religions and
mystical systems of his time. [...]
[Pg 405] Ananias says that Apollonius had proselyted a great number
of the Jews to his faith, and in reply to my question, stated
distinctly that his faith was the faith of Christos or Crishna;
and subsequently he adds: “He” Apollonius, “belonged to the
Essenes.” Here we have three points repeated, that had been
testified to most positively by other spirits who had previously
communicated. Ananias says that Apollonius was an Essene,
this was undoubtedly the fact. Now on the other hand, Tertullus,
when arraigning Paul before Felix, charged him with
being a “ring leader of the Nazarenes.” Who then were
the Nazarenes? There was certainly never any sect of the
followers of Jesus Christ who were called Nazarenes. In the
Old Testament, there are but two mentions made of Nazarites,
who were distinguished as a religious sect; and, in the New
Testament no mention is made of them whatever, while it is
certainly known that there was a sect of communistic ascetics,
who were known to be especially hated by the Jews, who were
called Nazarites. It is also a fact, clearly ascertained, that the
Nazarites, in their religious doctrines and ceremonial observances
were very analogous to the Essenes, who seem to have
swallowed up the older sect about the middle of the first century
A. D. The word Nazarite was manifestly changed to
Nazarene, for the same purpose of concealment of the identity
of the person alluded to, and in the same manner that Apollos
was changed to Paulus. Now, Apollonius, being an Essene
and a ringleader of them, as was the fact, Tertullus no doubt,
charged him with being a ringleader of the Nazarites, the name
by which their opponents, the Jews, designated them. Now, no
one has ever pretended that the Paul of Acts was a Nazarite or
an Essene and such a charge against him would have been
preposterous. The person accused before Felix was no doubt a
ringleader of the Nazarites, as he does not appear to have made
any denial of the charge. It is therefore rendered almost certain,
even from the account in Acts itself, that the person there
accused, was Apollonius of Tyana, as Ananias, himself testifies
positively was the case.
King of France.
EXCERPT Notes | Pg 409
“I will salute you by saying:— I hope the truth will
triumph although it has many opponents. I was a warrior—
not a priest. I am known as Charles Martel. I was the grandfather
of Charlemagne, and secretly— not openly— a materialist
in my belief. I overcame the Saracens in battle; for which I
am heartily sorry as a spirit, for I believe that my victory over
them kept Spiritualism back, for a thousand years. And what
a singular army it was that I commanded! It was in three divisions,
each of which had to be kept entirely separated from the
others, or they would have killed each other about their different
religious beliefs. The first division was composed of troops
drawn from what you term Italy, Greece, and in fact from all
the countries along the shores of the Mediterranean Sea. Their
religion was the worship of Jupiter and their standard an imitation
of your plow. The second division was drawn from Gaul
and Germany, and they were worshippers of Christos. Their
battle standard bore the figure of a lamb. The third division came
from Britain and Scandinavia and their standard had upon it
a pine or some other evergreen tree. They were worshippers
of Hesus. Those were the principal religions of my time; and
there was much similarity between the last two mentioned.
The followers of Jupiter were distinguished for their multiplicity
of gods, as every force in nature and every human passion
had its presiding god or goddess. You may imagine the difficulty
that I labored under to have to control these three hostile
forces and to use them without allowing them to intermingle.
Their religious hatred of each other would have overcame them
much sooner than the enemy could have done it. The spirit
who will follow me, will be Radbod. We always fought
against each other when we happened to meet; but as spirits
we are endeavoring to pave the way for a true knowledge of the
past, in relation to the Christian Church. As I before said, as
a. spirit, I have one grand regret, and that is, that I ever stopped
the advance of the Saracens. — Fraternally, Charles Martel.
EXCERPT Notes | Pg 409 J.M. Roberts Commentary
Refer to Nouvelle Biographie Generale for account of Charles
King of Friesland.
EXCERPT Notes | Pg 410
“I will greet you for the spirit for whom I will speak. I
will also greet you for myself — Aronamar. The spirit for whom
I will speak, drove out from his domains a disciple of Boniface’s
who came there to convert his people from Hesusism to Christosism.
He says his name was Swivert. He says he heard all
that this Swivert had to say, and he became convinced from
that that he had originally gotten his religion from Hesusism,
and Christosism was only an offshoot of Hesusism; but as a
spirit he has found that the reverse of this is true. On his
driving out this Swivert, he went back to Charles Martel and
eillisted him in his favor, and this finally brought on a war
that had for its object the establishment in Friesland of the
religion that was taught by Boniface. But finally it became
the desire of Charles Martel to possess the whole of the territory
of Friesland, and they contended for the remainder of their
lives for the supremacy over it, sometimes one gaining and
sometimes the other. This Radbod says that Hesus, as he
understood the matter, was not the god of their religion. He
acted in the same capacity for them that Apollonius did for
the Greeks and Romans in bringing the Hindoo gospels into
the Roman provinces. Hesus brought the same gospels to
Marseilles about B. C. 800. He was a merchant, or trader, but
became a propagator of the doctrines of Hesusism. The book
from which he taught was called Arjouna, after Arjun the
disciple of Christos. As the name of Pauline Epistles was
given to the writings of Apollonius, so they gave the name of
Hesus to similar writings which were given to his disciples
and carried all over Northern Europe. Therefore, Hesusism
began eight hundred years before the Christian era; Christosism
did not begin in Western Europe until seven hundred
years after that era. Hesusism had gained a great ascendency
there and had some of the finest schools in Ireland and Gaul,
and was ardently taught by St. Patrick and others. The
communicating spirit says this is given you to be published, so
that there can be some light as to his times to those who are
not too blind to see. His name is Radbod.”
EXCERPT Notes | Pg 410 J.M. Roberts Commentary
Refer to Biographie Universelle, article Charles Martel, for
account of Radbod.
We deem it best before commenting upon this communication
from Radbod to give the communication of Winfred, or St
Boniface, as the two communications are so intimately connected
with the same points of ancient history as to make their
joint consideration most desirable.
A So-called Christian Saint.
EXCERPT Notes | Pg 411
“I greet you sir:— It is strange that the Catholics of today
claim me as having been one of the expounders of their
doctrines. They are wide of their mark. I was a priest of
Christos. I was born in 680 A. D. and died about 734 or 736. I
had three disciples. One of them went to Britain, another
through Germany, and Swivert, the third, went to Friesland,
with what success the king of that country (Radbod) has informed
you. The other two met with failures. I had a good
deal to do with influencing the zeal of the Christosite division
of Charles Martel’s army. In fact my position in that matter
was similar to that of Peter the Hermit toward the Crusade in
after years.
I belonged to the religious faith which I called
reformed Christosism, and, as it was taught by me, it was set
forth in the books that were rejected at the Council of Nice.
In that way I was at war, spiritually speaking, with the
teachers of the original Christosism — my position being
about the same toward them as Martin Luther’s position was
towards Catholicism. About the only remnants of my teachings
now extant, as they were before they were changed and
interpolated, are to be found among the Maronites of Mt.
Lebanon. I believe, and in fact I may say that I know, that
the books rejected at the Council of Nice were of more importance
as truly defining Christosism, than those which were
adopted. My original name was Winfred. It was afterwards
changed to Boniface. I was a Briton. I was born in the
vicinity of what is called Durham.”
EXCERPT Notes | Pg 411 J.M. Roberts Commentary
Refer to Encyclopaedia Americana for account of St. Boniface.
In the three communications of Charles Martel, Radbod,
and St. Boniface, we have a concurrence of testimony such as
is most rare on any point of ancient history. The first of the
three spirits to communicate, Charles Martel, tells us that the
army he collected to drive back the Saracen invaders of
France, was composed of three divisions, two of. which, he
says, were made up respectively of the followers of Christos,
and the worshippers of Hesus. And further, that there was
much similarity between those two classes of religionists.
If this is true, then it is certainly a fact that as late as A. D. 741,
when Charles Martel, died, the followers of Christos were not
worshippers of Hesus, nor the worshippers of Hesus the followers
of C hristos, and that these two classes of religionists of
Charles Martel’s army were so hostile towards each other that
if they had been allowed to come together, they would have
set to cutting each other’s throats.
More than this it becomes
very evident that Christianity as it was established by the
Council of Nice, had no place in any of the countries whence
Charles Martel drew his forces to drive back the Saracen Mahommedanism
that advanced upon France from Spain. This
is absolutely corroborated by the testimony of Radbod, king
of Friesland, who, through the spirit interpreter of his message,
tells us that Hesusism was the religion of his country
as late as A. D. 700, and that Christosism was not only not accepted
by the Frisians, but its introduction was resisted even
to a resort to arms, to prevent it. The spirit testifies upon this
point with surprising clearness. [...]
[Pg 413 ] It is enough for our present purpose
to know that Hesusism and Christosism were regarded by
their followers as being not the same religious faith, however
analogous they may have been, and that they were so far antagonistic
to each other as to justify war to prevent the one
religion from overcoming the other. It would seem to have
been merely a conflict between priestly factions who were
unwilling to blend their interests and thus have ended their
bloody strife. [...]
[Pg 414] He tells us that Hesus was not worshipped by the Frisians
as a god, nor as the object of the religious worship that was
conducted in his name. He says, he, Hesus, acted in the same
capacity in relation to that religion that Apollonius did in relation
to the Hindoo gospels which he preached to the Greeks.
In other words he was the introducer of the religion of Christina
of the Hindoos among the barbarous people of Western and
Northern Europe. Radbod, through his very intelligent spirit
interpreter, tells us that he, Hesus, brought the same gospels to
Marseilles, about B. C. 800. It would thus seem that many
centuries before Chrishnaism or Christosism obtained a foothold
in Greece or Rome, the religion of the Hindoo Chrishna
had been carried into Western Europe by way of Marseilles.
Whether by a person by the name of Hesus or not, may admit
of reasonable question. [...]
[Pg 415] It was, without doubt, at the time of
the introduction of the Hindoo gospels at Marseilles that
Druidism took its rise as a theological organization, in as much
as it is a historically known fact that Hesus was, with the Gallic
Druids, especially a venerated character, and it was, no
doubt, from the Gallic Druids that the worship of Hesus
spread over Germany, Scandinavia, Friesland, Britain and
Ireland. I am of the opinion, however, that Hesus was not so
much a man, as a general name of the Phoenician worshiphers
for the Sun-god, by the Greeks called Bacchus, and by the
Phoenicians called Ies, Yes, or Jes, which may have been
modified by Greek transmission into Hesos, or by the Latin
transmission into Hesus, as the name was written or spoken
by the Gallic Druids. In the course of so many hundred
years the belief may have become general that Hesus was a
merchant or trader who abandoned his business to become the
founder of the Druid worship of Hesos or Hesus. This is a
point, however, that is of no material importance in this connection.
It is enough to know that the Hesusism of the Gallic
Druids was essentially an offshoot of the Oriental religions of
India and Phoenicia, in which the Sun, under the personifications
of C hrishna and Ies, or Jes, was the central object of
veneration. But the spirit did not stop there, but says: “The
book from which he ‘(Hesus)’ taught was called Arjouna after
Arjun, the disciple of Christos.” He then adds: “As the
name of the Pauline Epistles was given to the writings of
Apollonius, so they gave the name of Hesus to similar writings
which were given to his disciples and carried all over
Northern Europe.” Whether this is true or not as to the facts,
it is sufficient for us to have so much reason to believe that
such was the general belief in relation to the origin and nature
of the worship of Hesus, in the time of Radbod.
It is hardly likely that such a history of Hesusism prevailed
at that time without either a more or less reliable historical or
traditionary basis existed for it. Indeed, it is wonderfully in
accord with ail historical probability. If Hesusism had been
so long established in Western and Northern Europe as fifteen
hundred years, under the management of the Druids, at the
time of Radbod, it was natural that this Frisian king should
have regarded it as much older than the Christosism which
found its way there, and just as natural that as a spirit he
should have found that Hesusism sprang from Christosism, in
as much as it was certainly several hundred years younger than
the Brahmanical religion of Chrishnaism, from which it was
almost certainly derived. [...]
[Pg 417] It seems that all three of those pioneers, in teaching the
Christosism of Boniface, failed, not only as these spirits testify,
but as history shows. Why they failed, is stated by the spirit
of Radbod, when he said that Swivert convinced him that the
Christosism of Boniface was but a later and corrupt version of
the Druidical Hesusism which prevailed in his dominions.
These followers of Hesus were unwilling that their ancient
religion should be superseded by a younger version of the same
religious doctrines. [...]
[Pg 418]
But let us now come to the spirit’s testimony in regard to the
religious doctrines he taught. He says: “I belonged to the
religious faith which I called Reformed Christosism, and, as it
was taught by me, it was set forth in the books that were
rejected at the Council of Nice. In that way I was at war,
spiritually speaking, with the teachers of the original Christosism—
my position being about the same toward them that
Martin Luther’s position was toward Catholicism.” If this
is true then the real history of Boniface has been lost, or
designedly concealed. [...]
[Pg 419] The spirit then throws a blaze of light on the Orthodox
Christian doings of the Council of Nice. Boniface tells us that
he knows “that the books rejected at the Council of Nice, were
of more importance, as truly defining Christosism, than those
which were adopted. “What were those rejected books? Why
were they rejected? In what did they differ from the books
adopted? Who voted their rejection? These and scores of
other questions that force themselves upon us, the Orthodox
Christian Church has never answered, nor have they allowed
Boniface or any other person, who adhered to them to answer
any one of them. If those rejected books could be reproduced,
(as they may be if the power of spirits continues to increase as
it has done) the religious fraud called Orthodox Christianity
would soon be a thing of the past never again to be repeated in
any other form. Boniface thinks there may be some fragments
of his teachings, as a priest of Christos, still extant, but if so,
they will be found among the Maronite Christians of Mt. Lebanon.
This is most probably the fact for the Maronites are the
nearest approach to the Essenian Christosites of the first century
that are anywhere to be found on earth at the present
Here must close these comments. The vastness of the import
of the testimonies of Charles Martel, Radbod and Boniface, it
is impossible to over-estimate. They furnish in themselves the
materials for a special essay of considerable extent. We cannot
more than skim over the ground that they open to the view,
and must leave elaboration for a more fitting opportunity.
The Secretary of Damis or Demas, the St. Peter
of the New Testament.
EXCERPT Notes | Pg 420
“Peace be with you:— My name, in the mortal life was
Lucius of Cyrene. I was the disciple of Apollonius and one
of the greatest propagators of the Apollonian Christosite religion.
I had three different names, owing to the different
languages in which it was written — Lucius, Lucas and Luke.
I was the writer or transcriber of the Life of Apollonius, as
dictated by Damis or Demas. It was I, who helped him to
write all those epistles in the New Covenant. The four Gospels
were translated from the Sanscrit by Apollonius, and they
were sent out by him in four different languages — the Greek,
the Roman, the Armenian, and the Syriac Hebraic. The
Apocalypse was written by Apollonius himself. The other books
were in the form they were dictated to me by Damis and as
transcribed by me. I copied them in the Cappadocian tongue,
which was a mixture of Greek and Syriac. I am referred to
at first as Lucius of Cyrene, in Acts xiii, 1. The second place
I am referred to is, in Rom. xvi, 21. I am also referred to in
Col. iv, 13, as, “Luke the beloved physician,” and Phil, verse
24, as Lucas. I have been called by those different names. It
was Lucian the Satirist who afterwards placed these things
in their present shape. Lucian and Marcion were the St.
Luke and St. Mark of the Christian Scriptures. Apollonius
was deified by the Romans and his statue was set up in the
Temple of Jupiter. That is all I can now say. I thank you
for the privilege.”
EXCERPT Notes | Pg 420 J.M. Roberts Commentary
Refer to McClintock and Strong’s Cyclopaedia of Theological
Literature for account of Lucius of Cyrene.
Is it not a most significant fact that, if there was an established
Christian Church from the era called the Apostolic age, that
nothing certain should be known by the Greek and Roman
fathers of that church about any of the persons who were
said by them to have had a hand in founding that church;
and is it not an equally significant fact that there is not a
single version of what is called the New Testament that is
older than the latter half of the fourth or the beginning of the
fifth century? If there were older versions of it, what have
become of them? That the oldest versions now extant were
derived from an earlier source is evident, but how nearly they
follow the older versions from which they were derived we may
never know [...]
[Pg 422] Lucius tells us that Apollonius translated his four gospels
from the Sanscrit, and rendered them in four languages, Greek,
Roman, Armenian and Syriac-Hebraic. If this is true, then it
is very certain that these translated Sanscrit gospels were the
originals from which the Gospels of St. Matthew, St. Mark, St.
Luke and St. John were compiled, no matter when or by whom. [...]
[Pg 423] We may infer from what the spirit says, that Damis, after he
became the Petra, or rock on which rested the system called by
these spirit witnesses “Apollonian Christosism,” had a version
of the New Testament as it then was, rendered into the Cappadocian
tongue, by Lucius of Cyrene, and it is not at all unlikely
that it was this version which has been alluded to as the
Gospel of Peter, which, as is suppossed, came into the hands
of Marcion and Lucian, or St. Mark and St. Luke, as the
Christians have designated the Gnostic Heretic and heathen
Satirist. It must not be lost sight of that one and the same
person is meant under the several designations of Damis, Petra
or Peter, and Timotheus, the latter name being equivalent to
master or patriarch. It is the fact oft repeated, that one and
the same person has been designated by several different
names, and rarely by the real one, in the New Testament, that
has thrown that whole compilation into inextricable confusion.
If this is not what was designed by those who helped to do
it, it is singular how they could have so completely effected it.
The spirit very clearly shows that he was not the Evangelist
Luke, or the Luke who wrote the book “Acts of the Apostles,”
and in this his statement is confirmed by Christian critics.
How long will it be before every barrier will be swept away
before it? Not long we opine.
Patriarch of Antioch.
EXCERPT Notes | Pg 424
“I greet you, sir, by saying:— Our efforts are directed
towards such points as we think will be likely to attract attention
and cause thought. In this mortal life I bore the name of
Severus. I was the founder of a sect of Monophysites— a foolish
sect, continually in my time and afterwards contending
about the Trinity. We were then trying to shape the Christian
religion as it now stands. The greatest difficulty that I found
at Antioch was when we undertook to make Hesus Christos a
Jew. When we taught that, we were frequently mocked and
ridiculed. Even the most ignorant people of those times had
their traditions and it was difficult to make them relinquish
the teachings of their forefathers. When in the mortal form
I never thought that this Christian system would gain the
foothold it has to-day. I used it in my earth life simply because I
thought it was better than the religions of the numerous gods
that were worshipped by the people. There was one Jacob, a
Syrian, who did much more than myself to place the Monophysites
in power; but they lost all they had gained in a short
time after his death. One Felix II, a pope or bishop, I think,
finally exterminated them. And so ended, when my sect
ended, my connection as a spirit with this mortal plane. Since
that time I have never returned to this earth until you see me
here to-day. Myself and all my followers now belong to the
school of Plotinus in the spirit life. We are Spiritualists in this
way: We do not think spirits have any right to meddle in
mortal affairs for evil, and try to intercept all meddling spirits
who bring nothing but confusion to earth’s people; and in this way we hope to help you. There is nothing worse for mortals
than babbling and foolish spirits. That all of us may be blessed
with the sunlight of truth is my greatest hope and most
earnest desire.”
EXCERPT Notes | Pg 424 J.M. Roberts Commentary
Refer to Smith’s Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography
for account of Severus.
“Of the numerous works of Severus only fragments remain.”
In these references to Severus and the part he had to shaping
the Christian religion, to which we refer our readers, we
have all that his orthodox Christian enemies have permitted
to come down to us concerning these interesting subjects.
Read by the light thrown upon them by the foregoing communication,
we can well understand why so little has been permitted
to reach us concerning Severus and his times. It is
questionable whether Severus could properly claim to be the
founder of the doctrine of Monophysites, as he says he was. It
is, however, very certain that he was the founder of that phase
of Monophysitism which refused all toleration of the orthodox
Christian doctrine.
It is an important point of the testimony
of Spirit Severus when he tells us that, at Antioch, as late as
A. D. 513 and perhaps as late as 538 that the idea of Hesus
Christos being a Jew was ridiculed by the Syrian descendants
of the Phoenicians who were worshippers of IES or JES, the
sun god. This was no doubt the fact, and it shows that such a
thing as orthodox Christianity had not at that late date been
firmly established. The pretence that it had prevailed five
hundred years earlier is wholly untenable.
A Supposed Christian Prophet.
EXCERPT Notes | Pg 425
“I salute you, sir: — My name was Agabus. In Acts xi,
27, 28, you have an account of me as fortelling a famine in
Judaea. In reading that chapter you are lead to suppose that
I came from Jerusalem, which was not the case. I was an
Armenian and a proselyte to the doctrines of Apollonius the
Cappadocian. I was won to that faith through the logic or
teachings of Damis or Demas. Our meetings in those days
were simply for the brethren to give way to the spirit; and you
will notice that after all those meetings, some who attended
were sent in one direction and some in another, but in all cases
the most powerful mediums were sent to the most skeptical
people. In this laid the success of the Apollonian religion.
Apollonius, as well as Damis and his other disciples knew that
success was to be won by evidence. Apollonius learned this
from the Gymnosophists of India; and for that reason, in the
first and second centuries, they used mediums to propagate
their system. The followers of the religion of Apollonius, treating
of Christos or the Indian Christ, was made up of nearly all
the nations that he could then reach, and in fact had very little
to do with the Jews, who are made to appear, by the Christian
books, to have been the principal adherents of that religion.
The fact is that the most powerful propagators of it were Greeks
and Romans: and that is why you find most of the epistles
written in Greek or Latin. These two nations and those tributary
to them were the most powerful adherents of the Christosite
Apollonian system.
You will notice that I do not call any
of these movements religions, but only systems, because there
can be no religion, as I have found out as a spirit, but that
which is founded on the scientific book of nature. This idea
of a descent of God among men, or of men being god-made, is
something that all humanity will have to get rid of, and the
sooner they do it the better. I passed to spirit life in about A.
D. 97.”
EXCERPT Notes | Pg 426 J.M. Roberts Commentary
Refer to McClintock and Strong’s Cyclopsedia of Theological
Literature for account of Agabus. [...]
It was only after Apollonius
returned from his visit to the Gynmosophist followers of
Christos in India that he set about founding the system which
the Christian hierarchy and Church fraudulently appropriated
in the fourth century, as something that specially belonged to
them, and not to Apollonius, the real creator of that system.
Agabus certainly states what was the fact when he says that
the Jews were least of all concerned with the Christosism from
which Christianity was borrowed or stolen. We prefer to say
stolen, because the efforts which have been made by the Christian
Church to deprive Apollonius of the credit of his theological
teachings, show that the appropriation of his labors was dishonest
and criminal from the outset. Agabus has manifestly
learned the folly of religion as a means to spirit happiness;
and we fully agree with him that the idea of a god descending
among men, or of any man being god-made must be abandoned,
and the sooner it is done the better for all humanity.
An English Theologian.
EXCERPT Notes | Pg 427
“Good day, sir:— During my mortal life I was a Socinian
writer. My name was John Biddle. I was many times in jail
for denying the truth of the Trinity; and I finally died in
jail, of what is termed jail fever, and all because I could not
raise one hundred pounds sterling. To convey to your mind
any idea of the indignation I feel at the way I was treated by
the Christians would be utterly impossible. They knew, as did
President Bradshaw, my most bitter opponent, that what I asserted
was the truth. My doctrines were founded upon the
same facts that your Modern Spiritualism rests upon, with this
exception that what you call spirits, I called angels. All this
drew upon me the hatred and malice of the priests of my time,
who petitioned parliament and the king to have my teachings
suppressed. My writings were burned. But since I entered
spirit life I gathered around me a force of congenial spirits,
and if I do not succeed in making my mark upon the Christian
Church before long, it will not be because I have not tried hard
enough to do it. I would say to you, foster skepticism wherever
you can, for it is the axe that will cut down the tree of superstition.
I am sorry to see your difficulties, sir, and that you
find so few helpers in your battle for truth. I was thrown into
prison in May, and died there in September 1662.”
EXCERPT Notes | Pg 428 J.M. Roberts Commentary
Refer to Biographie Universelle for account of John Biddle. [...]
[Pg 428] There is no mention of Biddle having been confined,
at the time of his death for the non-payment of one
hundred pounds sterling. With that exception the communication
is in remarkable accord with what has been recorded
concerning him. It is a demonstrated fact, that by their persecutions
in the past, the Christian Churches, Catholic and Protestant,
have been filling the spirit world with enemies who
will yet see the utter over throw of the power that they have so
cruelly and unscrupulously labored to perpetuate.
A Bishop and Priest of Geneva.
EXCERPT Notes | Pg 429
“I greet you Sir:— When here, I never hesitated to preach
the truth in the presence of heretics. I wish to ask you how
you, a small body of people and in so small a minority, expect,
successfully, to beard the powerful Catholic Church?
What does it matter, even if you know the truth in relation to Apollonius
of Tyana, or in regard to Crishna Hesus, or the other
gods? You forget that all the valuable manuscripts concerning
them are in possession of our church. You will need proof to
show that your standpoint is correct; and like many of the
Protestant Churches (all of which are nothing more than bastard
churches) it will appear that it has nothing more to
support it but the sayings and doings of a lecherous monk.
You may know, when I tried to convert the famous Theodore
Beza, on his death bed, to the Catholic faith, that I was
in earnest about propagating my religion when here, and I am
yet so in spirit life.
The priests of my church have hidden
their tracks well, and it will cost an immense outlay of time
and money to prove that these apostate spirits have been communicating
to you the truth. You cannot do it, and I challenge
you to the trial.”
EXCERPT Notes | Pg 429 J.M. Roberts Commentary & Compiler
[Pg 429] Refer to McClintock and Strong’s Cyclopaedia of Theological
Literature for account of St. Francis de Sales.
The spirit of St. Francis de Sales could in no manner have
more pointedly identified himself than by giving an account of
his efforts to win the aged Beza to the Roman Catholic Church.
St. Francis evidently considered that particular service as being
the most meritorious of his zealous and certainly most remarkable
efforts on behalf of his religion. Even he could not deny
the correctness of the spirit information which had been given
to us in relation to Apollonius of Tyana, the God Christos of
the Hindoos, and the God Hesus of the Gallic Druids. His
lame attempt to take comfort from the fact that so much of
evidence in support of those things had been destroyed, or was
in the private keeping of the Roman Church, showed most
clearly what a desperate strait has been forced upon the spirit
defenders of Christianity by these remarkable spirit testimonies.
I will only add that the name of this spirit was given
by the guide of the medium, or we would never have known
from what spirit it came.
[The character, purposes and unscrupulous nature of St.
Francis de Sales as an individual, are fully set forth in his
characteristic communication. The admissions he makes as
to the priests of his church covering their tracks well is true
to life, also to the fact that the valuable manuscripts bearing
uppn the true history of so-called Christianity are in the possession
of the Church, except what have been destroyed. This
Spirit is a fair representative of the Church at large. -Compiler.
A Disciple, not of Jesus, but of Apollonius of Tyana
EXCERPT Notes | Pg 431
“I greet you, sir: — I was one of the most intimate disciples
of Apollonius of Tyana, sometimes called Paulinus, Paul
and Apollos, according to the different dialects of the various
countries which he visited. About the first mention of me,
you will find in the 15th Chapter of Acts, 22d verse. You will
also find mention of me in the 1st verse of 1st Thessalonians.
The book of Acts, is set down by the best commentators as
having been written about A. D. 59, while the Epistle of the
Thessalonians is set down for A. D. 52. Both of these statements
are wrong. The 1st Thessalonians was written about
A. D. 40; and portions of Acts about A. D. 60 — other parts of
it later. It never assumed its present shape until the time of
Lucian. The 1st Epistle to the Thessalonians was the first ever
written by Apollonius; and you will note, if you examine
that epistle, that he does not charge the Thessalonians with
those vices that are named in the other epistles. The reason
for this is very simple when understood. It was because the
Thessalonians were Chrestus-Christosites, Thessalonica being
the capital of ancient Macedonia, and he, Apollonius, had
made a few converts there. He had to write to them very
kindly, fearing that they would go back to their old teacher,
Chrestus. The propagation of the Apollonian system of Christosism was opposed by the Greek Promethean system, and by
the teachings of Chrestus concerning Christos; and also by an
Ethiopian version, of which you will hear more hereafter,
from the spirits. I think I have said all that can be of benefit
or that I can now recall this morning. Yours for the truth,
Silvanus, surnamed Silas.
EXCERPT Notes | Pg 431 J.M. Roberts Commentary
Refer to McClintock and Strong’s Cyclopaedia of Ecclesiastical
Literature for account of Silas.
We refer our readers to the passages in which Silas or Silvanus
is mentioned in the New Testament in Acts xv, 22-41.
This passage of Acts shows very clearly, that Silas, whose
real name was Silvanus, was the chosen and, no doubt, intimate,
if not the most intimate friend of Paul, whose real name
it appears was Apollonius. [...]
[Pg 433] He tells us that
he was one of the most intimate disciples of Apollonius of
Tyana, who was sometimes called Paulinus, Paulus and Apollos
in the different countries which he visited. He expressly claims
to have been the person called Silas, in the Acts of the Apostles;
but who is rightly called Silvanus in 2 Cor. i, 19; in 2 Thessalonians
i1,; and in 1 Peter v, 12. If this is true, then it is
certain that those three epistles were written by one and the
same person, and that person Apollonius of Tyana, also called
Paulinus, Paulus and Apollos. It is a circumstance strongly
indicating this, that the chosen friend of Paul, was in all those
epistles called Silvanus, while in Acts he is in no instance
called Silvanus, but always Silas. It is true the spirit said he
had the name of Silas, but we have a right to infer that he had
that surname given to him long after those epistles were
written, by some person who had a reason for substituting the
name Silas for Silvanus; and it is not a very violent presumption
to presume that the object was the same that led the writer
of Acts, to substitute the name of Paul for Apollonius, in those
stories concerning these two intimate Christosite friends.
The spirit then proceeds to throw a new light on the respective
dates of Acts and 1 Thessalonians. He says: “The book
of Acts is set down by the best commentators as having been
written about A. D. 59, while the Epistle to the Thessalonians
is set down for A. D. 52.” Both of these statements” he says:
“are wrong. The First Thessalonians was written about A.
D. 40; and portions of Acts about A. D. 60 — other parts of it
later. It never assumed its present shape until the time of
Lucian.” This, so far as Acts is concerned, is most probable;
and affords the only way of accounting for the confusion that
has prevailed concerning it. The whole of the difficulty seems
to have arisen from the fact, that much of what is related
must have been written by an eye-witness of the events described;
while other portions of it were manifestly related
to events that occurred subsequently to what is called the
apostolic age. Another mistake has been that Lucian or Luke,
who was its real compiler, (as we have the book now) was a
contemporary and travelling companion of the person called
Paul in Acts. No greater mistake could have been made, for
that compiler of Acts was the contemporary of Marcion, or
Mark, as he is called, and did not live until after the reign of
Trajan, and did not compile the book of Acts until A. D. 150
when he and Marcion were rivaling each other in trying to
rob Apollonius of Tyana of his theological labors by appropriating
them to their respective theological schemes. That Lucianus
the Greek Satirist and St. Luke of the New Testament
were one and the same person, is most probable if not absolutely
certain. It is true he has had the credit of having satirized
the Christian religion; but if this was so, then the Christianity
which he satirized was the Christosism of Chrestus, if
not also that of Apollonius of Tyana as well. [...]
[Pg 436] He tells us it was because the Thessalonians
were Chrestus-Christosites, meaning that they were
Christosite followers of Chrestus, the Macedonian Gymnosophist,
who, with his followers, was expelled from Rome by
Claudius, some time between A. D. 42 and 50. He says at the
time Apollonius wrote that epistle to the Thessalonians he had
but few converts or followers there, and he was afraid to write
dogmatically to them, lest they should go back to their old
teacher Chrestus. [...]
[Pg 436] Now, it must be remembered that the people of whom the
author of that epistle was speaking, lived in Macedonia in
the reign of Claudius. Who were they? Certainly not worshippers
of the Greek and Roman gods; for had they been,
what “sins did they fill up alway,” and what “wrath” was it
“that had come upon them to the uttermost?” Claudius certainly
did not visit his wrath upon the worshippers of the
heathen gods, for they were but following the Roman laws.
He certainly had reference to some other class of Macedonian
or Thessalonian subjects of Claudius. Who then were they
who incurred the wrath of Claudius? Suetonius, the Roman
historian, has recorded the fact that Chrestus and his followers
were driven from Rome under an edict issued by Claudius.
Why? Because we are told he was engaged in exciting
his followers to disturb the public peace by the propagation
of his religious doctrines. Those religious doctrines were
not heathen, nor yet were they Judaical. For we are told that
Aquila and Priscilla were followers of Chrestus, and were
driven from Rome by that decree of Claudius against Chrestus
and his converts. It was to find Aquila and Priscilla, the banished
followers of Chrestus, the Macedonian, that Paul or
Apollonius went to Corinth. Why would he have sought them
out if they had been Jews? and still more, why would they,
if they were such fanatical Jews as to suffer banishment on account
of their religious zeal, have been so ready not only to
adopt the Christosite (or Christian if you please) doctrine of
Apollonius or Paul, but to assume to expound them, as we see
in Acts, xviii, 26? The fact is they were not Jews, as any one
may see by their purely Greek names. They were Chrestosites,
or Chrestians, when Apollonius or Paul converted them
to his Christian views.
[Pg 437]
Those of our readers who carefully read the communication
of Chrestus, will take note that in reply to our question
as to whether he knew ought of Damis, the intimate friend
and trusted companion of Apollonius, his reply was that he
had not met him, but had received threatening letters from
him, commanding him to cease preaching his Gymnosophic
Christosism in Macedonia. Damis, himself, as a spirit, testified,
as the reader may remember, that he was called Timotheus, by
the Thessalonians, that being as much a title as a name. The
Macedonian opponents and persecutors of the converts of Paul
or Apollonius, in that country, were, as spirit Silvanus or Silas
states, followers of Chrestus, and those converts of Paul or
Apollonius were from a rival sect of Christosites, and not from
those adhering to the Jewish faith, or who had been followers
of the Greek or Roman religions. It is only on this supposition
that we can see any analogy between the opposition to the
doctrines of Paul or Apollonius in Thessalonica, and the alleged
opposition to the teachings of the same Paul or Apollonius in
Judea by the Jews, supposing wrongfully, that he, Paul or
Apollonius, was a Jew and not a Greek. View the whole matter
as we may, we reach the natural conclusion that what the
spirit of Silas or Silvanus says about himself, and the book of
Acts and the First Epistle to the Thessalonians, is true in every
essential particular. That being so, the identity of the Saul
or Paul of Acts with Apollonius, the Nazarite-Essenian teacher
of Buddhistic Christosism in the Roman Empire, from A. D.
30 to A. D. 102, is made indisputably plain and irrefutable.
The spirit then closes his communication with a disclosure
which, until that moment, we had not looked for; and that is,
that the opposition to the Apollonian or Pauline system of
Christosism was threefold, and not dual, as we had been led to
imagine and believe. Not only was it opposed by the Gymnosophic
or Brahmanizing Christosism of Chrestus, and by the
Greek Jupiterian and Promethean systems of theology; but,
from what the spirit of Silvanus says, it was also opposed by
an Ethiopian Christosism. We have had many intimations
from time to time, that we now see point to such an Ethiopic
Christosism, but which when they were given we did not perceive
could have any relation to an anti- Apollonian Christosism
of that nature.
We do not know how these things appear to those who read
them; but to myself, to whom they come through the lips
of the unconscious medium, are astounding. We know, as
certainly as mortal man can know anything, that these revelations
come from the spirit world; and have every possible
reason to believe they come from the learned, influential and
thoroughly informed spirits, ancient as well as modern, from
whom they purport to come.
An Abyssinian Bishop.
EXCERPT Notes | Pg 439
“I salute you, sir: — My name is Frumentius. I was an
Abyssinian bishop in the fourth century, and the original
writer of the Ethiopic version of Christosism, as contained in
the four gospels received by a pagan priest of the sun, not historically
named, from Calanus, in the days of Alexander the
Great. I was a sun worshipper myself and so understood the
matter that I regarded Christos as the Child of the Sun. In
my day it was a common thing to believe that all the pure
spirits of the dead upon this earth passed to the sun. Consequently,
I wrote this Ethiopian version to show that the god
of the sun, in his kindness, sent his son here, to die for the sins
of mortals. If my version had been left intact this would
clearly have appeared to those who read it; but as will be
explained by a spirit who will come after me, and by tricks
well known to Christians, they left just so much of my record
stand as suited the propagation of their own faith. The rest
was destroyed; how, will be explained by a spirit before these
sittings are ended. Bless you for the good work you are doing;
but you will find that none are so blind as those who will not
EXCERPT Notes | Pg 439 J.M. Roberts Commentary
Refer to McClintock and Strong’s Cyclopaedia of Theological
Literature for account of Frumentius. [...]
[Pg 440] The Ethiopic version of Christosism,
as it was translated from the Sanscrit of Calanus, has not been
allowed to come down to us, and for the very good reason that
had it been permitted to do so, the sun-worshipping heathen
origin and meaning of what is called orthodox Christianity
would be understood, and the prevailing superstition in regard
to it would be brought to a speedy end. Frumentius referred
to Ephraim, bishop of Odessa, as the spirit who would explain
the method used to suppress those portions of his Ethiopic
version of the New Testament, which were in the way of the
ecclesiastics who founded Christianity. View this communication
as we may and it will stand every test as to its authenticity
and truthfulness.
The Rival of Apollonius of Tyana.
EXCERPT Notes | Pg 441
At my weekly sitting with the medium and before the communication
from Chrestus was given the guide of the medium
took control and said — “Mr. Roberts, the spirit who is here to
communicate is oue who has something very important to say
to you, and Aronomar is so anxious that you should understand
this, that he will take control of the medium himself for a
moment.” Aronomar through the medium, addressed me as
“I greet you:— In this work in which we are both engaged,
you doing your part and I mine, I have now to show you that
we do not wish to set Apollonius up as a god or christ; and the
spirit I am about to introduce to you, will show you that his
claim for special consideration was the fearless advocacy and
maintenance of his ideas. The spirit who is about to take control
of the medium will give you the particulars concerning
the doings of himself and Apollonius. He was opposed by
Apollonius, and can tell you about him, as well as about himself.
You can ask him any questions you desire to have answered,
because I have concentrated a very strong force around
the medium, and I think we can sustain the spirit until you
have done with questioning him.”
Here Aronomar yielded the control to the spirit, and the
following astonishing communication was given:
“I salute you, sir: — In the time of Claudius Ceesar, I was
at Rome, engaged in propagating the Gymnosophic ideas in
relation to the Indian Christos in contradistinction to the ideas
of Apollonius of Tyana, in relation to him.
He taught the
reformed Buddhist doctrines concerning him, while I taught
the Brahmanical doctrines. The difference between the two
doctrines were simply, that according to Apollonius’s way of
teaching, mankind were to depend mainly, or solely, upon
Christos as their Saviour; in my way of teaching, Christos
could only be their Saviour provided their good works and
deeds accompanied a belief in him. My idea was the same as
that of genuine Christianity, to-day, in relation to salvation.
Apollonius taught the doctrines of Universalism. In order to
stop all progress in the direction of my teachings, Apollonius,
Paulinus or Apollos, went and stopped with Aquila and Priscilla,
and worked with them, while his agents or followers
worked against me at Rome. At the time this agitation occurred,
there was an edict issued by the emperor Claudius
which ordered the expulsion of all Jews from Rome, as Suetonius
has been made to record it; but this is an interpolation
by Christian writers to conceal my historical identity. This
passage in Suetonius has greatly bothered your modern theologians,
Adam Clark, Dr. Lardner, and other commentators, to
know whether Christ, so-called, was ever at Rome. I was the
man who was at that time in Rome, and I was the opponent
of Apollonius.
My name was Chrestus, and it seems strange
that with such a name, learned theologians should ever have
mistaken me for a Jew. In their zeal to find some evidence to
prove that their Christ had an existence, they are ready to
accept anything, however irrational and improbable. I was a
Macedonian, and a slave to Claudius, but was set free by him
on the account of the appeals of my friends and followers. At
length I acquired such power and influence by my preaching
and teaching the doctrines of Christos, and by my mediumship,
which was manifested in support of my teachings, that
Claudius expelled myself and all my followers from Rome. It
is important that you should thoroughly know what the name
Chrestus meant. I was named after what I taught. In the
contest between myself and Apollonius, he had more friends
than I had; and mainly among the patrician order. He being
a freeborn citizen and I having been a slave, of course the
whole patrician order worked against me. In order that you
may thoroughly understand the import of this communication,
I will say that Apollonius received his gospels from India
through Iarchus; I received mine directly from Calanus, the
teacher of Alexander the Great. When I say I received my
gospels directly from Calanus, I mean they came down to me
through my ancestors from the time of Alexander, one of
whom was with Alexander, and was personally acquainted
with Calanus. I was born about A. D. 6, and lived until A. D.
92. [Where did you go on being expelled from Rome?] I
went back to my home in Macedonia. [Did you ever meet
Damis, the friend and disciple of Apollonius?] I never met
him, but I knew of him. He sent me threatening letters commanding
me to cease teaching my doctrines. He was then in
Thessalonica. [What was your occupation in Macedonia?]
I was a scribe to the Macedonian priests, but I was not a follower
of the Macedonian religion. I adhered to the Christos
religion, as did my ancestors before me. [What was your
Macedonian name?] I will have to spell it for you. Ruthalia.
] want further to say that the edict against myself and followers
was said to be issued against us as Jews, but that term
was applied to all persons who we regarded as vagrants or disturbers
of the peace and good order of Rome, and not as
designating the followers of Judaism. That is why the interpolator
of Suetonius chose the term Jews for those people
against whom the edict of Claudius was issued. You will find
me called Chrestus in Suetonius.”
EXCERPT Notes | Pg 443 J.M. Roberts Commentary
Here the communication ended, the spirit being unable to
hold the control longer. Curious to know whether Suetonius
had made any reference to this man, I went, immediately after
the close of the sitting, to see whether that author’s writings
contained any such passage as that to which the spirit had
referred. Judge of my surprise when, on turning to the “Life
of Claudius” by Suetonius, I found this sentence: “Judaeos,
impulsore Chresto assidue tumultuantes, Roma expulit.”
The sentence which immediately precedes it, and that which
follows it have no connection with it, and it has every appearance
of being an interpolation, as the spirit thought it was. In
order to show what confusion this brief sentence in Suetonius
has occasioned, I here quote the following account of Chrestus
from McClintock and Strong’s Cyclopaedia of Theological Literature:
“Chrestus, a person named by Suetonius (Claud. 25) as having
incited a sedition among the Jews at Rome, which led to their
expulsion from the city (comp. Acts xviii, 2). There have
been two different opinions as to whom Suetonius meant by
Chrestus (see Kuinol, ad Act. in loc.); whether some Hellenist,
who had excited political disturbances, as Meyer and DeWette
suppose; (see Conybeare and Howson, St. Paul i, 386), the
name Chrestus (Greek, Chrestos, useful) frequently occurring
as borne by manumitted slaves: [...]
[Pg 444] Who can read that conflict of opinion, and not see that the
real nature and cause of the edict being issued by Claudius has
been suppressed, and in all human probability, by the author
of the book of the Acts of the Apostles? Upon this point I will
have something special to say further on. Dr. Lardner in his
Credibility of the Gospel History, says:
“I conclude with the banishment of the Jews from Rome.
‘After these things Paul departed from Athens, and came to
Corinth. And found a certain Jew, named Aquila, born in
Pontus, lately come from Italy, with his wife Priscilla, because
that Claudius had commanded all Jews to depart from Rome,’
Acts xviii, 1, 2.
“Dio says, that Claudius did not banish the Jews from Rome,
but only prohibited their assemblies. But Suetonius who lived
nearer the time, says, ‘He expelled the Jews from Rome, who
were constantly raising disturbances, Chrestus being their
“It is disputed by learned men whether by Chrestus, Suetonius
means Christ. I need not concern myself with that point
here. This passage proves what I bring it for. [...]
So says Dr. Lardner. It is not perfectly manifest that what
the spirit says concerning the cause and nature of the edict
issued by Claudius is true, and hence the confusion that afterwards
arose, as to who the real disturbers of the peace of Rome
were. Dio was certainly right in saying that Claudius did not
banish the Jews from Rome; nor is there a particle of evidence
outside the passage of Suetonius, which we have cited,
that says any thing about the Jews having been driven from
Rome in the time of Claudius; and it is more than questionable
whether Suetonius mentioned the Jews at all in his reference
to the edict. He no doubt did mention something about the
decree against Chrestus and his followers; b ut the term he
applied to them has no doubt been changed by some transcriber
of Suetonius who doubtless had more than one object
in view. There was an absolute necessity for that transcriber
to conceal the identity of Chrestus and his theological doctrines
in relation to the Brahmanical Christos, if he was a
Christian zealot; and at the same time he no doubt sought to
disgrace the Jews, the hated opponents of the Christian religion,
by m aking them appear to have been the enemies of
peace and good order at Rome. The absurdity of such a pretence
is apparent, in as much as the number of Jews at Rome
was very inconsiderable, at that time, and they would not have
been allowed to raise a single disturbance without a liability of
being exterminated instead of being expelled from Rome.
How would the interests of Roman subjects have been advanced
by s ending such lawless people to other parts of the
Empire? The pretence is inconsistent with all probability.
That there was something not fully elucidated as to this question
is m ade very certain by the mention of Dr. Lardner that,
“It is disputed by learned men whether by Chrestus, Suetonius
means Christ,” and it is not a little laughable to see how
complacently the learned Doctor evaded that very important
question. Says he: “I need not concern myself with that
point here.” He forgot to add “Or anywhere else,” for he never
alluded to the matter afterward.
As the spirit suggests, it
never occurred to any of these learned men to recognize in
the Latin name Chrestus the Greek Christos, which no Jew
ever bore. Even if the Greek Jesu could be traced to the
Jewish Jeshua or Joshua, the Greek Christos can in no
manner be traced to any analogous Jewish name. When therefore,
the founders of Orthodox Christianity coupled the Greek
Christos with the Latin Jesus, as having any relation to any
Jew whomsoever, they committed a blunder from which they
can never escape. But the Latin Jesus was not derived from
the Jewish name Joshua at all, but from the Phoenician
Jes, the designation of their sun-god, Bacchus; and thus it
becomes plain, that, in no other than a sun-worshipping sense,
were the two names Jesus and Christos ever applied to the same
object of worship, whether god, man or myth. The spirit tells
us He was called Chrestus by the Romans, because he taught the
Brahmanical doctrines concerning the Indian god Christos.
The truth of all the points we have been examining will be
strongly supported by what we will adduce hereafter in connection
with what the spirit says of himself. [...]
[Pg 447] It is therein admitted that the edict of
Claudius against Chrestus. and his followers was principally
against Christians, or Chrestians, and not against Jews at all,
the very fact which Chrestus, as a returning spirit, testifies to.
To call these Christians, or Chrestians, a Jewish sect, is a singular
inconsistency, that could be only accounted for by the
necessity there was to maintain the interpolated untruth that
the edict of Claudius was issued against Jews. This same
writer admitted that the Jews in Asia and Egypt were treated
by Claudius with indulgence. If this was so, why would he
have treated them with less indulgence at Rome? That he did
not do so, becomes certain, as appears by the testimony of
Chrestus and the corroborating facts that we have hastily
thrown together, bearing upon this point. Not only have we
the errors of history and Christian theology here set at rest, in
a most remarkable and unexpected manner; but we have the
identity of a most important historical personage, which has
long been unknown to the most skillful critics, established
beyond question or cavil. Having thus established the identity
of the spirit witness and his entire veracity, in relation to the
matters we have noticed, we will now proceed to the critical
consideration of the other statements contained in his communication.
The spirit tells us that when at Rome, in the reign of Claudius,
he was a teacher of the Gymnosophic doctrines or ideas
in relation to the Indian Christos, in contradistinction to the
ideas of Apollonius of Tyana in relation to the same Christos;
and he adds: “He, (Apollonius) taught the reformed Buddhist
doctrines concerning Christos, while I (Chrestus) taught the
Brahmanical doctrines.” And then he proceeds to state:
“The difference between the two doctrines were simply, that
according to Apollonius’s way of teaching, mankind was to
depend mainly, or solely, upon Christos as their Saviour; in my
way of teaching, Christos could only be their Saviour, provided
their good works and deeds accompanied a belief in him.”
Of the correctness of this statement we can only judge from
the further statements of the spirit, and the collateral facts
which corroborate them. It seems certain, however, that
Chrestus was an agitator of certain sectarian doctrines which
created a great ferment and excitement among the inhabitants
of Rome, which finally led Claudius to banish him and
his secretaries from that city. His opponents were not the Roman
pagan priesthood, for in that case it is hardly likely that
any of them would have been permitted to go forth to propagate
their disturbing doctrines throughout the Roman Empire. The
nature of the edict shows two things: 1st, that the controversy
between Chrestus and his opponents was one, the result
of which, was local in its character; and 2d, that the
opposing party was not identified with the national religion.
Who, then, was the opposing party? Chrestus tells us it was
Apollonius of Tyana and his Essenian followers. We now
approach a point which shows in a very positive manner that
this Apollonius was no other person than the Paul of The
Acts of the Apostles, and the real author of the Christian
Epistles (wrongfully denied to be his work); and which were
certainly the work of no other person than Apollonius.
Chrestus tells us that Apollonius, otherwise called Paulinus
and Apollos at Rome, sought to put a stop to the teachings
of himself, and to accomplish this, went away from Rome and
stopped with Aquila and Priscilla, and worked with them,
while his followers remained at Rome, to work against him,
Chrestus. It seems certain, in view of all the facts, that it
was the hot dissension between the rival parties or sects of
Christosites that led to the expulsion of the party or sect that
was headed by Chrestus. [...]
[Pg 450] The particular point to which we invite the reader in that
connection is, that Aquila and Priscilla were banished from
Rome, under the edict of Claudius, which was mentioned by
Suetonius as having been directed against Chrestus and his
followers. It is therefore certain that Paul, whether Apollonius
of Tyana or not, became the religious partisan of two of the
chief supporters of Chrestus at Rome, they having abandoned
the sect of Chrestus and attached themselves to that of Paul,
as his converts. In this the spirit statement of Chrestus is
shown to be literally true. It has been sufficiently demonstrated
that he equally testified to the truth when he said he was
not a Jew, and that Aquila and Priscilla were not Jews but
Christosites, and that Paul who was none other than Apollonius
knew they were Christosites and not Jews before he went
to hunt them up at Corinth. Chrestus, it is plain, must have
felt quite aggrieved at the course of Aquila and Priscilla in
abandoning his Gynmosophic version of Christosism and
adopting the Buddhistic version of the same Christosism as
proclaimed and taught by Apollonius. Otherwise he would
not have mentioned them as he did in his communication.
Indeed it would seem that the movement which Chrestus had
set on foot at Rome, began to decline from the time of the banishment
of h imself and followers from Rome, and the conversion
of Aquila and Priscilla to the doctrines of Apollonius or
Paul was no doubt largely due to the fact that the latter doctrines
were not proscribed as were those of Chrestus; and they
could adopt and teach them without subjecting themselves
to further persecution at the hands of the Roman authorities.
Be this as it may, we have given enough and more than
enough to establish, not only the authenticity of the communication,
but its surprising correctness and instructiveness. We
have a right therefore, to claim that unless there is some manifest
untruth in the other parts of the communication, that it is
equally entitled to credit throughout.
Now, the spirit tells us that Apollonius taught the one
especial and distinctive doctrine of a dependence upon Christos
as their Saviour, making faith in that doctrine the essential
principle of religious duty. If this is true, as we have not a
doubt it is, then it is certain that Apollonius of Tyana was the
person called St. Paul in the Christian Scriptures, and that
the Christian Scriptures are nothing more than plagiarisms of
the writings and teachings of Apollonius concerning the Hindoo
Saviour, by him called Christos.
The one aim of the founders
and upholders of what is called the Christian religion has been,
to pervert, conceal, suppress or destroy all reliable information
in relation to Apollonius of Tyana, his teachings and his followers.
In this one fact we have sufficient proof that Christianity
could not afford to have the truth known concerning
these things. In the light of such spirit communications as this
one from Chrestus, and scores of other spirits who have testified
to what they personally knew about the origin, nature, and
objects of Christianity, we can well understand why everything
concerning Apollonius and his Christosite teachings, as well
as Chrestus and his Christosite teachings, in the reign of
Claudius, have been designedly, systematically and fraudulently
suppressed, by a class of men who have made a trade of concealing
the truth concerning the theological fraud called, or
rather miscalled Christianity.
The spirit then tells us how he came to have a knowledge of
Gymnosophic Christosism, and in this, his statement is surprisingly
consistent with all the collateral historical facts. Not
only does he tells us how he received his knowledge of Christosism,
but he tells us with unmistakable clearness how Apollonius
received his knowledge of the same theological system,
and why the latter differed from his own. He says: “In order
that you may thoroughly understand the import of this communication
I will say that Apollonius received his gospels
from India through Iarchus; I received mine directly from
Calanus, the teacher of Alexander the Great * * * I mean
they came down to me through my ancestors from the time of
Alexander, one of whom was with Alexander and who was
personally acquainted with Calanus.” This statement of the
spirit is singularly explanatory of the call of Paul to go to
Macedonia. If we may believe spirit Chrestus, which the
writer does not hesitate to say he does, it would seem that
Caftmus placed a copy of the Gymnosophic gospels concerning
the Hindoo Christos, in the hands of Alexander, or some of
his generals, after his return to Babylon from his conquest of
India. By the latter, these gospels seem to have been taken
into Macedonia, after the death of Alexander, and were there
secretly taught by the ancestors of Ruthalia, the Macedonian
slave of a Roman master, at Rome called Chrestus. The latter
tells us that in Macedonia his occupation was that of a scribe
to the Macedonian or Roman priesthood of his native country,
that he was not their follower, but an adherent to the Christosite
or Gymnosophic religion of his ancestors.
It seems, furthermore
that when taken from Macedonia to Rome, he,
Chrestus, began to propagate his Gymnosophic Christosism
either secretly or openly, and soon gained a following of sufficient
influence with the emperor Claudius to procure his
freedom. Chrestus had, no doubt, heard of Apollonius’s visits
to India, and his adoption of the Hindoo gospels concerning
Christos, which the latter had procured from Iarchus, the
Buddhistic patriarch. Thinking to procure the co-operation
of Apollonius in his Christosizing scheme at Rome, he sent to
him in Asia asking him to come to his help. Apollonius, it
seems, from what the spirit says, and from what is said in Acts
xvii., about the visionary call to Paul, went not to Macedonia,
but to the Macedonian who had called for his help, who was
then propagating his Christosite doctrines at Rome. The help
that Chrestus received from Apollonius is very clearly set forth
in the communication from the former. Apollonius, instead of
becoming a helper and follower of Chrestus, became his sectarian
enemy and the leader of a party or sect that supplanted
the religious movement which he had fairly inaugurated.
From that time forward but little was known or heard of
Chrestus and his followers, while the Apollonian or Pauline
party came into such prominence in the European provinces
of the Roman Empire, as to challenge the Roman religion
throughout the vast area of the civilized world. Never was
there a spirit communication given which was more calculated
to lay bare the awful crimes and deeds of those who perpetrated
the theological fraud called Christianity than the communication
we have been considering; and never was a communication
more strongly corroborated by apparently remote and
wholly disconnected facts.[...]
[Pg 453]
Reader, remember that but for the fact that the Christian
enemies of truth omitted to erase the name of Chrestus from
that one sentence of Suetonius, it would have been impossible
to have established the authenticity and credibility of that
most important spirit communication. We say important communication
meaning all that the word important can imply.
We hold that nothing is more important than the establishment
of truth and the banishment of error, in all that in any
way is calculated to promote human welfare and prevent
human misery. It is for this we labor, as few men have ever
labored, in order to accomplish these necessary conditions for
human progress. We know how few the number is, comparatively,
who sympathize with us in this our purpose; but this
does not lessen the importance of these great objects in our
sight. As time passes, and the light of supernal wisdom
streams upon this world of ignorance, of selfishness, and of
mental and moral cowardice, the truth will become more
lovely and welcome and error more hideous and forbidding,
until all mankind will joyfully partake of the blessings which
truth alone brings.
EXCERPT Notes | Pg 454
On the morning of April 23d, 1885, I had a brief sitting with
the medium at which he was first controlled by his guide, who
told me that Aronomar, the supervising control of the medium,
desired to speak with me. In a few moments I received
the following communication from Aronomar:
“I salute you, sir:— I will say to you, that ever since
these communications were first given to you, I have done
everything to guard them from interference that was possible
for me to do; but I have labored under four disadvantages:
1st, to secure the communications against interruptions; 2d,
to have the communications as clear, lucid, and as true as possible
3; d, to overcome the psychological, spirit forces who know
of my intentions, and the mean material conditions that I am
compelled to meet, and who use their forces to prevent me
from carrying out my plans; and 4th, and lastly, to compel
the controlling spirit, when hostile, to tell the truth and nothing
but the truth. It is, therefore, for yourself to watch the communications
with a critical eye, and where they contain manifest
untruth, or will not stand the test of strict analysis by the
light of every collateral fact, then reject them as useless for
any other purpose than to show what difficulties attend the
propagation of truth from the spirit side of life. I will now
communicate in relation to the Chaldean paraphrases. I had,
as you perhaps well know, four names, by which I am known
to history. Aronomar, which was Persian; Belteshazzar,
which was Chaldean; Daniel, which was Samarito Judsean
(after my time) and Zoroaster, which was also Persian. At
the time in which I lived at Babylon, there was, what you
might call, a Council, called together by Nabopolasser, the
father of Nebuchadnezzar, of all the learned men of the neighboring
nations of the Chaldean empire. The object of this
assembly of learned men was to record the traditions or unwritten
histories of these various countries. I was the president
or head of that Council. I understood seventeen different
languages. The Chaldean, Egyptian and Phoenician languages
were the most important of these. It was at this Council that
the Talmud was first made. The Jews had nothing to do with
it except to carry that compilation away with them when they
returned from their Babylonian captivity. It is this Talmud
of Babylon, that is so revered by the Jews of to-day, which
their ancestors bore away with them in the reign of Cyrus.
Now the most remarkable fact you will find to test the truth of
my testimony, is, that, while you will find Targums of all the
other books of the Septuagint, you will find none, of the
books of Daniel, Ezra and Nehemiah. The reason for this was
that to have written Targums of those books would have
shown the Chaldean origin of all of them, the point the Targum
writers aimed to conceal. From my time to the time of the
history of Aristobulus, the tutor of Ptolemy Physon, there
were seventy-two mishnaical doctors, but the Jews make them
run down to the time of Juda or Jehuda, the Holy, the compiler
of the Mishna, but this is only done to conceal the Septuagint
of A ristobulus, which was afterwards revised by that
learned man, Demetrius Phalerius, the distinguished librarian
of Ptolemy Philadelphus. What I have said here refers to various
other communications you have and will receive. I merely
give you the above at this time as corroborative, of what has
been given as well as a part of the testimony relating to those
matters yet to follow.”
EXCERPT Notes | Pg 455 J.M. Roberts Commentary & Compiler
[Pg 456] It would require an essay to show the vast importance of this
communication by way of explaining what the Jewish Scriptures
really are. That the spirit was Zoroaster, the great Persian
sage and seer, I have had too much proof to rationally doubt.
[Aronomar gave other communications in this series previous
to the one above, but it has been deemed proper to insert his
principal testimony in the latter part of this work, under the
title of Zoroaster, to which we call the special attention of our
readers, and as the history of Aronomar is therein fully set forth
and commented upon, it is not deemed expedient to enlarge
upon the same here. — Compiler.]
An Ancient Sun-Worshipper.
EXCERPT Notes | Pg 457
“May the light of truth — the sun — ever shine:— In
the spirit controlling this man (the medium) you have before
you one of the so-called Christian Saints. Yet I was no saint.
I was only made to be one through ignorance and superstition
by Catholic Christians after my time on earth. My name was
Declan — Saint Declan. The place where I principally flourished
was Ardmore, in the county of Waterford, Ireland. I lived in
the fourth century of the Christian era. The doctrines that
were taught by me embraced the secret meaning of all the round
towers in Ireland. Our religion was the Druidic. Our books were
all written upon scrolls, and embraced some of the finest specimens
of illuminated writings that there were then in the world.
Our whole religious teachings and practices had their origin
among the Phoenicians, from whom we derived them. The
Phoenicians visited and traded in Ireland and Britain one
thousand years before the Christian era. The sun was designated
by us IES, a designation we received from the Phoenicians,
but it was corrupted by the Scandinavians into HES, meaning
fire, fire-man, or sun-man, who afterwards figured as the sungod,
or Son of God. It was not until nearly three hundred
years later that some of Augustin's followers introduced into
Ireland the Christos religion of the East. St. Patrick taught
the same sun-worshipping Druidical religion that I taught.
When the Christosite priests gained a foothold in Ireland and
Britain, finding that they could not destroy the respect of the
people for ourselves and for our religious teachings, they called us
saints and said that our sanctification had all come from Rome.
By reference to the writings of Herodotus and Pliny you will
find that the Phoenicians were trading with Britain long before
their times, and went there to obtain tin, on which account
they called Britain the Tin Island. You can, I think, by a very
straight line of historical facts prove the truth of what I have
said here to-day.”
EXCERPT Notes | Pg 458 J.M. Roberts Commentary
In this communication we have, not only, the most absolute
proof of the truth of Spiritualism, but of the power of ancient
spirits to return and impart the most important historical facts.
I have not been able to find any mention of St. Declan in any
of the English or French Encyclopaedias or Biographical Dictionaries.
It was only after much searching that I at length
succeeded in finding the following mention of St. Declan in a
History of Ireland written in French by M. l’ Abbe Ma-Geoghegan
(Paris, 1758) vol. 1, 159:
“Usserius, Colgan Wareus and others make mention of four
holy bishops, whom Usserius calls the precursors of St. Patrick,
because they had preached the gospel in Ireland, some years
before Pope Celestine charged him, St. Patrick, with the conversion
of the people of Ireland. These saints were Declan,
Ailbe, Kieran, and Ibar. [...]
[Pg 459] This is all that we have been able to find in relation to St.
Declan, but it is more than enough to establish the authenticity
and credibility of the communication which purported to come
from his spirit. It is impossible to conceive how any personating
spirit could have given that communication, or why such
a spirit should have sought to deceive us as to the identity of
St. Declan. What then are the salient points of this unexpected
Druidic testimony? 1st. That St. Declan was a Druid
follower of IESUS or HESUS, the designation of the Sun
personified, and that he was not a Christian or a follower of
Jesus Christ, as the latter was set forth by the Roman Catholic
Church. 2nd. That Christianity was not established in Ireland
in the time of St. Declan, St. Kieran, St. Albe and their
contemporaries, and not until perhaps more than a hundred
years later by some of the assistants of St. Augustin; and 3d.
That Druidism was derived from and was based upon the sunworshipping
theology of the Phoenicians, who first propagated
those theological doctrines in Western Europe, and notably in
Spain and Gaul, whence it spread to Germany, Scandinavia,
Britain and Ireland. That the Catholic Church should have
canonized the Druid priest and leader Declan, and his successors
in Ireland, as Christian saints, shows as nothing else could
show, the close and intimate connection of Catholic Christianity
with Druidical heathenism; and we are thus led to a certain
indication that Christianity, if anything at all, is, essentially,
nothing more or less than the aijcient heathen worship of the
sun called by another name. It is seen that the spirit gave his
name correctly, his place of residence and the time when he
lived. [...]
[Pg 460]
St. Declan declares that St. Patrick taught the same sun-worshipping
religion in Ireland that he did, which is most probably,
if not certainly, true. It is a fact that nearly everything relating
to St. Patrick is thrown into the greatest uncertainty because
of the almost total destruction of the history of his labors and
theological teachings. Declan speaks of the Christosite priests
having at first sought to destroy the worship of Hesus under
the teachings of the Druid priests, but having totally failed to
make any impression upon the minds of the Irish people, they
made a virtue of necessity and set about making Christosite
saints out of the Druid priestly teachers of Hesusism and claiming
them as good orthodox Christians. This communication
of Declan very plainly shows that the Hesusism of the Druids
existed in Ireland long before Christosism was heard of there;
and that when Christosism at last succeeded in gaining a foothold
there, it was only by adopting the ancient Druid priesthood
and the sun-worship of the Irish people — christening
their new venture, in the way of theological adoption, Hesus-
Christosism; they, even, being content to put Hesus before
their Chris tos in order to carry their point. Surely the truth is
breaking through the clouds of theological duplicity and falsehood
with which the world has been so long enveloped.
We call upon the Christian destroyers of ancient Druidism
to account for the absence of all historical evidence
of what that religion was, and what became of it. Unless
they do this we must regard the testimony of the spirit
of Declan as irrefutable. It has been falsely pretended
by Christian writers that the Druids had no written doctrines
or history, and that they entrusted everything to the memory
of their teachers and pupils. If this were true, it would make
the Druids an exception to all other ancient teachers of religion.
That they had a written language, an advanced literature, and
largely attended schools, is sufficiently shown by the grovetemples,
in the open air, where vast assemblies convened to
receive instruction, and to worship Hesus their sun god many
hundred years before the returning soldiers of Alexander the
Great brought a knowledge of the Hindoo religion concerning
Christos among the Greeks and Romans in Europe. We are
promised ample corroborative evidence, not only from spirit
but mortal sources, of the truth of this most interesting and
indeed important testimony of spirit Declan.
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