Susan Joy Rennison's

Financial Chaos is Coming? Got Gold & Silver? Bank failures and bail-ins coming? Don't leave all your money in the bank! Make sure you have enough provisions at home for at least a few weeks and make sure you have cash at hand. TROUBLE COMING...

Black Swan Blog
30th January 2024

COVID P[l]andemic Blog
March 2021

The Great Awakening
October 2020

The Q Military Operation
October 2020

Deliverance From
The Media Matrix

November 2020

Deliverance From
Deep Fakes - Part 1

November 2020

Deliverance From
Deep Fakes - Part 2

Updated July 2023

December 2020

Essential Swamp Draining:
The Epstein Files

December 2020

Deliverance From
Human Trafficking

August 2021  Update!

The Gospel of Q
January 2021

Deliverance From
Everyday Satanism Blog

April 2021

NASA Lies &
Flat Earth Views


Deliverance From
Everyday Pedophilia Blog

Februry 2022

Deliverance From
Hollyweird - Part 1

May 2021

Deliverance From
Hollyweird - Part 2

August 2021

Deliverance From
Hollyweird - Part 3

November 2021

Deliverance From
Hollyweird Vibes Blog

June 2024

Deliverance From

January 2022

Deliverance From
Puppet Masters
& Their Puppets

February 2022

Part 2
Well Known Masters

Part 3 - The Pope+

Part 4 - Politicians+

Deliverance From
REDRUM, Cabal &
Banking Corruption

March 2023

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Matrix Food & Drink Blog

May 2023

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Just Say No!
COVID P[l]andemic Weekly Blog

(236 Images)

First Upload: 15th March 2021,
Last Update: 20th October 2024

The COVID19 so-called 'vaccines' are all experimental and governments have allowed manufacturers to avoid liability. Consequently, the results have been disasterous. In the following data dump, I have largely avoided detailing research papers (but links provided), reports of folk dying shortly after receiving a vaccine dose and those experiencing terrible side effects (but links provided). I have also not provided videos of dancing nurses, doctors or other medical staff, because I find that distasteful. Personally, I am very grateful that I understood enough about how this world works and knew enough history to resist taking any dangerous and lethal 'vaccine'.

======Click here to skip pinned info=====>

======Click here for Cancer/Parasite Info=====>
#SoursopTestimonial | Soursop Testimonial Video
New! 18th September 2024
Latest Update 16th October 2024

  • Maryann and the Professor | Telegram         Died Suddenly News |        

    Covid Vaccine Injuries | Telegram         Vaccine Choice Canada | Telegram        

    Recommended Telegram & Gab accounts for COVID info.

    Bitchute, 18th July 2021

    Comment: This testimony is like someone dropping an explosive device.... David E. Martin has been checking the patent files concerning SARS-CoV2 and found out that there is no "novel" coronavirus because it was patented over 2 decades ago. For background info, the German Corona Inquiry Committee has been formed in July 2020 and has heard almost 150 scientists, experts, researchers, witnesses and victims in 60 five-hour sessions.

    This is one of the most important videos you will ever watch – real legal evidence of the plandemic scam – Thank goodness for such brilliance by the amazing DR David Martin & Reiner Fuellmich and his team – PLEASE SHARE FAR AND WIDE!

    Bitchute, 17th July 2021

    Comment: Short extract of testimony with the most important info. 19 mins


    Bitchute, 20th July 2021
    Comment: I think Martin's allegations against the failed U.S. legal system mean that there is even more reason to bring the military in to restore some kind of order...

    Bitchute, 24th July 2021

    Richardo Delgardo, who is a part of La Quinta Columna, has successfully tested an inexpensive way to remove magnetic graphene nano-particles from the human body after they were injected via a covid jab (aka vaccine). If you know someone who has had a Pfizer, Moderna, or Astra Zeneca covid-jab, which all contain graphene oxide nanoparticles, or whose body now sticks to magnets, then they need to see this video so that they can get rid of the magnetic nano-particles. You will see him describe what to do. This video contains subtitles.

    Comment: In spanish with english subtitles. Antioxidants degrade graphene in the body! Thank goodness for that! The recommendation here is a range of powerful anti-oxidants with zinc and vitamin D3. The body can detox graphene oxide in 4-6 months.

    N-acetylcysteine (NAC)
    Vitamin D3
    Milk Thistle

    N.B.* Master antioxidant

    Watch the video! Best of luck if you need it!

    Click image for video link

    Comment: This is a reminder that protocols for getting rid of the vaccine spike proteins are available. The first detox protocol (see pinned above) came from Spanish scientists soon after the vaccines appeared and they realised almost immediately that they were dangerous. This will be added to the other protocols above.

  • First-Ever Spike Detox Protocol Appears in US Medical Journal:
    Here’s How You Can Get Better

    “Patients indeed are getting better on this approach,” says renowned cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough.
    Vigilant News, October 20, 2023

  • There is a website call with over 111 million views (old info) with a lot of helpful information.

    Click image for video link

    Comment: Not heard this explained so clearly. Sorry about the video quality. As already pinned above, there are various protocols that have been recommended if you think you have COVID, if you are suffering from the COVID vaccine side effects (spike proteins) or if you want to boost your immune system. Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) and Ivermectin are basics alongside vitamin C, D and zinc. The archives on this webpage provide examples of so-called poor countries in South America providing care packages with some of these ingredients to old people in an effort to keep them COVID free. So, if you can't get Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) then get Quercetin from the health food shop, it's the active ingredient. If you can't get Ivermectin then get Wormwood, it contains the active ingredient. Major benefit, helps to get zinc into the cells and any virus that should not be there will not be able to replicate.

    Cancer & Parasite Info

    Click image for link

    Click image for link

  • Vitamin D & Breast Cancer | XTwitter Link

    Click image for video link

  • NEW ARTICLE: IVERMECTIN should be given to ALL Advanced Breast Cancer patients – outperforms chemo Paclitaxel and kills Cancer Stem Cells!
    AMG News, September 1, 2024

    A 2017 bombshell study by Mexican researchers should have changed how Breast Cancer is treated. Forever.

    In the 2017 paper “Ivermectin as an inhibitor of Cancer Stem Cells”, researchers from Mexico City take on a theory that Ivermectin could annihilate Breast Cancer Stem Cells.

    How long has it been known that Ivermectin can be used to treat cancer? Since 1996!

    Click image for link

    NEW ARTICLE: IVERMECTIN Tested against 28 types of Cancer - which cancers were most sensitive to Ivermectin? Which were least sensitive?

    A research group from Mexico investigated Ivermectin in Cancer

    Paper: 2020 (Juarez et al) - Antitumor effects of ivermectin at clinically feasible concentrations support its clinical development as a repositioned cancer drug.

    this paper is behind a paywall, not accessible to the general population

    Ivermectin was tested at 2mg/kg/day which translates to roughly 5uM in vitro concentration [...]

    KEY findings of this study:

    At a human dose of 2mg/kg, Ivermectin can achieve anti-cancer effects such as cell cycle arrest (inhibit proliferation), preferrential inhibition of cancer stem-like cells, synergize with several chemotherapy drugs and inhibit tumor growth in a breast cancer mouse model.

    Remember: Turbo Cancers caused by Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines are very resistant to chemotherapy. Ivermectin can overcome this chemo resistance.

    This is the first study I've seen that has tested as many as 28 Cancer types with Ivermectin. Incredible.

    No wonder it's hidden from the public.

    Click image for link

    For anyone dealing with cancer(s)...

    Here are a few helpful tips:

    1st, don't have them "test" the tumor. Tumors are the body's way of protecting us from allowing the CA cells to traverse the body and mutate healthy cells.

    Once it's punctured for "testing", the cells travel and the beasties cause more issues. (Why not right? It's a $ making racket.)

    1A. CANCER IS A PARASITE. Start the Ivermectin (dosage 1am1 pm by bodyweight) & Fenbendazole (dosage 1 222mg pill/day for 6 days, skip the 7th to let the renal system rest).

    2nd, STOP ALL SUGARS. CA loves sugar in ALL FORMS.

    3rd, HYDROGEN PEROXIDE: H202 has the extra Oxygen molecule that CA can't stand. Put it on a cotton ball, or wash cloth for larger areas and rub all over skin. 3x/day, more-so when you're out of the bath & shower, as your pores are open and more apt to getting it into the bloodstream. The skin absorbs the HP, and kills the CA cells almost immediately.

    4th, ALKALINE WATER: CA can't survive in an alkaline body. Start drinking alkaline water w/ lemon consistently thru the day. Lemon is an acid outside of the body, but the hydrochloric acid in your stomach converts it to an alkaline base. This travels through your blood stream and will help to eradicate the crud.

    5th, DETOX BATHS: 1 cup Baking Soda, 1 Cup Borax, 1 Cup Epsom Salt, & Bentonite Clay. Draw the hottest bath you can muster... Soak as long as you can, as hot as you can, and it will help to detox the CA and the nano-particulates (gr@phine oxide), out of the body. Do this at least 2-3x a week.

    6th, The BIG BOMBER: VITAMIN B17 which NO ONE wants ANYONE to know about!

    Apple seeds, Apricot, Peach, & Plum Pits, - ALL of it! You can get them on Cabalazon, or any other place online. The B17 vitamin has been removed from our knowledge, because: BIG pHARMa. 1/4teaspoon a day of the powder, or just eating a couple apricot pits thru the day, (like 3 or 4), will also eradicate the CA.

    [...] We have LEGIT CURES now. There's no longer a need for Chemo and Radiation which do nothing more than kill the good tissue. 9/10, the patient passes from chemo & radiation poisoning than the actual cancer.

    Source: XTwitter Jul 22, 2024 | Link

  • Secrets of Ivermectin: The Medication That Keeps on Giving
    Best of all, Ivermectin is incredibly safe and cheap
    Vigilant News, 6th Nov 2023


    1. It revolutionized veterinary medicine and arguably stabilized the world’s food supply.
    When released in 1981 it quickly became the top-selling veterinary medicine in the world, unique for its properties to effectively kill parasites internally and externally. Impacts range from saving Lassie from heart worms… [...]

    2. It’s active against the FLU and RSV.
    Inhibits flu and RSV viral replication, which is why it’s included in the FLCCC flu and RSV protocols. [...]

    3. It reduces inflammation throughout the body.

    4. Improves the gastrointestinal microbiome by boosting levels of the probiotic Bifidobacterium.

    5. May help with athletic and sports performance by boosting cellular energy output in the heart.

    6. It has profound anti-cancer properties.
    How profound? Well, consider the following:

    • Overcomes cancer cell resistance to chemotherapy (read here)
    • Inhibits a protein (PAK1) essential for the growth of more than 70% of all cancers (read here)
    • Multiple mechanisms of action against breast cancer (read here)


    Comment: There are a lot of links and technical info provided here.

    Click image for video link

    Click image for video link

    Comment: We are now also finding out that medicines banned for COVID19 also deal with parasites..... EVERYBODY should consider drinking herbal teas that remove parasites and worms as part of a daily/weekly routine. WORMWOOD should be considered for an initial major cleanse. See more info below:

  • Step 1 parasite cleanse with wormwod | Rumble Link

  • Parasite purge book reading - video | XTwitter Link

  • Walnuts remove parasites. | Link

  • Remove parasites - pumpkin seeds ginger and tumeric | XTwitter Link


    Click image for video link

    Comment: In July 2021, Lynette was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer, in her breast, lungs, bones, ovaries and stomach. Her prognosis was not good. She did her own research and started taking the following:

    1. Soursop leaf tea 2x a day and
    2. Apricot kernels, but only 3 a day (because it turns into cyanide in the body
    3. Black seed oil, a teaspoon a day
    4. Changed diet to alkaline foods green leafy veg etc (stopped eating sweet stuff).

    In Feb 2023, she had a scan and there was NO CANCER CELLS IN HER BODY!! After ~5 minutes 30 seconds the video goes on to explain that Soursop leaf is used a lot in the Carribean for a whole host of conditions and explains how many leaves are required to make the tea. You can follow her on Tik Tok lynetteh59_. (Can't find her original channel).

    Comment: I drink Cerasse tea to remove parasites. Tastes horrible but mixed with green tea is less worse...

  • Dog de-wormer medicine taken saved life Link

  • Dr Ardis talks about removing parasites | XTwitter Link

Images from archives:

Click image for enlarged image link

Click image for video link

This man did his own research. He discovered Fenbendazole that is found in dog dewormer. Here he explains how he cured his uncurable cancer (given 6 months to live). He passed the tumour and after tests doctors told him he was cancer free (he does not say how long it took.

Use the search (ctrl + F) on this page and Archives (links found at bottom of this page) for information about Ivermectin. Even though it was first recommended to help deal with COVID, more and more information is coming out about a treatment for cancer.


  • Dr. Robert Malone: COVID Dogma, Media Fearmongering, and ‘Mass Formation’ Hypnosis of Society [49:25]
    Rumble, 10th Jan 2022

    Comment: Dr Robert Malone's 3 hour podcast with Joe Rogan on New Years Eve, that included a discussion of Mass Psychosis was watched by 50 million people.... BOOM!! This is a later and shorter interview that talks about the Theory of 'Mass Formation' Hypnosis theory promoted by Mattias Desmet (Ghent Univeristy, Belgium). Malone talks about the reaction to his Rogan interview and then he repeats his understanding of this theory, corrects a few mistakes and brings out more of the truth!

    This video examines the most dangerous psychic epidemic: Mass Psychosis, an epidemic of madness.

  • MASS PSYCHOSIS - How an Entire Population Becomes MENTALLY ILL [21:48]
    Rumble, October 20, 2021

    This video was made in collaboration with Academy of Ideas. They create videos explaining the ideas of history’s great thinkers in order to help supply the world with more knowledge, to empower the individual, and to promote freedom. Please check out their youtube channel for more brilliant content. or visit their website to learn more

    In this video we are going to explore the most dangerous of all psychic epidemics, the mass psychosis. A mass psychosis is an epidemic of madness and it occurs when a large portion of a society loses touch with reality and descends into delusions. Such a phenomenon is not a thing of fiction. Two examples of mass psychoses are the American and European witch hunts 16th and 17th centuries and the rise of totalitarianism in the 20th century.

    This video will aim to answer questions surrounding mass psychosis: What is it? How does is start? Has it happened before? Are we experiencing one right now? And if so, how can the stages of a mass psychosis be reversed?

    Comment: Lots of wonderful illustrations here! This is well worth watching and reveals EXACTLY what the COVID plandemic was aiming to achieve for the ruling elite.

    Latest Info Starts Here

    Click image for video link

    Caption: 🚨Sir Chris Hoy has two to four years left to live after terminal cancer diagnosis.

    Also Chris Hoy's wife also diagnosed with incurable disease - "We've hit rock bottom and not telling kids".

  • Chris Hoy's wife also diagnosed with incurable disease - "We've hit rock bottom and not telling kids"
    Olympian Sir Chris Hoy has bravely shared his battle with terminal cancer, telling fans he has between two and four years to live
    Mirror, 20th Oct 2024

    Sir Chris Hoy stunned the sporting world last night as he revealed the cancer diagnosis he had previously shared is terminal.

    Comment: Maybe Hoy will find out soon that he and his wife do not have to die early. Besides that, Anons believe that if Trump wins then there will be radical changes in Healthcare as the truth and patents are unleashed.

    Click image for link

    Click image for video link

    Comment: I believe this is the first Comirnaty COVID 19 mRNA vaccine (Pfizer) insert and exerpt on video that I have ever seen on the internet...... Worse still, the risks to pregnant women was provided. Besides that, history tells us that there is a risk when women take new unproven drugs.

    Click image for video link

  • Australian Lawmakers Wake Up and Call For Worldwide mRNA Ban – “We F****d Up!”
    People's Voice, 15th Oct 2024

    Australian lawmakers and officials are now coming forward in droves, admitting they were misled by Big Pharma and the global elite into enforcing some of the most coercive and draconian vaccine mandates in the world.

    Comment: Interesting timing. Maybe this has something to do with the fact that it looks like Trump will win the US presidential election. This means that military white hats (Trump is their figurehead), will accelerate arrests, military tribunals and executions of treasonous Cabal all over the world. The Golden Age is coming.....

    Click image for link

    Click image for video link

    Comment: 17,000 is White Hat code..... 17th letter of the alphbet is Q. This could be a warning that Nuremberg style trials are coming.

    Click image for video link

    Comment: You are warned first if you scare easily..... This might be an old video, but I think it explains the bluetooth signals in cemeteries from the dead killed immediately by the lethal vaxx versons. Not sure the %G Towers are still effective. Many were burnt down in the UK back in 2020ish. Many Anons think that they have all been disabled. WARPSPEED was not what most people think it was about.....

    Click image for link

  • 55 Undeclared Chemical Elements — Including Heavy Metals — Found in COVID Vaccines
    Argentine scientists identified 55 chemical elements — not listed on package inserts — in a study of the six major COVID-19 vaccine brands. The research, which confirms previous studies, sparked calls for transparency and further investigation.
    Children's Defence League, 15th Oct 2024

    A group of Argentine scientists identified 55 chemical elements — not listed on package inserts — in the Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca, CanSino, Sinopharm and Sputnik V COVID-19 vaccines, according to a study published last week in the International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research.

    The chemical elements include 11 heavy metals — such as chromium, arsenic, nickel, aluminum, cobalt and copper — which scientists consider systemic toxicants known to be carcinogenic and to induce organ damage, even at low exposure levels.

    The samples also contained 11 of the 15 lanthanides, or rare earth elements, that are heavier, silvery metals often used in manufacturing. These chemical elements, which include lanthanum, cerium and gadolinium, are lesser known to the general public than heavy metals but have also been shown to be highly toxic.

    Click image for video link

    Comment: Edited post.

    Click image for video link

    Comment: Edited post. There are actually 24 points provided. This is a short summary video. Also, there is a lot of good information provided in the replies.

    Click image for video link

  • One in six Germans complains of side effects after a corona vaccination.
    Survey Reveals Mixed Reactions to COVID-19 Vaccinations in Germany
    World Insight Info, 15th Oct 2024

    A recent survey indicates that one in six Germans has experienced side effects after receiving a COVID-19 vaccination. The Forsa Institute conducted this representative study for the “Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung” (NOZ) and the online magazine “Multipolar.” Researchers aimed to determine whether Germans generally tolerated COVID-19 vaccinations well.

    Despite some negative experiences, a majority reported positive reactions. Approximately 73 percent of respondents said they had no side effects after vaccination. However, 17 percent reported not tolerating the vaccinations well overall. Additionally, 10 percent of respondents indicated that they had not received a vaccination.

    Click image for link

    Click image for link

  • BOMBSHELL: Slovakia could BAN mRNA vaccines
    Slovakia could become the first country to ban the covid mRNA vaccines.
    Peter Sweden, 10th Oct 2024

    [...] Slovakia has appointed Peter Kotlar as government commissioner investigating the covid pandemic, and now this recommendations are in!

    The report presented by the Slovakian government commissioner calls for a BAN on mRNA vaccines, such as the ones by Pfizer and Moderna as they are deemed ”dangerous”. Further, the government report claims that the mRNA injections could alter human DNA.

    Click image for link

    Click image for video link

  • Americans 'left paralyzed by mandated Covid vaccine' now abandoned and branded anti-vaxxers
    Daily Mail, 11th Oct 2024

    Patients who were severely injured after taking mandated Covid vaccines say they feel 'abandoned' by the government and their doctors. has heard from dozens of healthcare workers, federal employees and military staff who claim they were left with debilitating side effects after receiving the vaccine when they were legally required to take it for their jobs.

    Three of those women said while they remain 'pro-vaccine,' speaking out about their injuries has caused them to be accused of being 'anti-vaxxers.'

    Comment: This is the type of gaslighting to expect from being in an abusive relationship with a narcissist (government).

    Click image for link

    So while they were silencing Drs who spoke out about the dangers, forcing the Health NZ staff they didnt care about to take the jab or get fired. [...]

    Health NZ and Ashley Bloomfield gave themselves exemptions whilst they forced everyone they "could do without" to get jabbed or loose their job!

    Inside Heath NZ
    992 administrative and management got exemptions
    1103 care support workers within DHB got exemptions
    2832 non DHB Careworkers got exemptions
    1984 Midwives got exemptions
    352 Surgeons,medical officers and consultants got exemptions
    787 Allied Health, Technical science and other staff at DHBs got exemptions

    Comment: Official letter provided here. I have documented quite a few instances where it seems various "important people" took fake shots or gave themselves exemptions. So, despite the fact that many of the COVID vaccines were only saline (fake), and the vaxx varied in dosage, we do know a percentage were deadly and so those in the know refused to take any risk.

    Click image for link

    Comment: There is an interesting accusation against the BBC of making up the existence of a Transmission study. In October 2022, Pfizer executive Janine Small admitted to the EU parliament that Pfizer did not test the vaccine for preventing transmission of Covid prior to it being made available to the public Link. This means that this April 2021 BBC article made up false study information Covid: One dose of vaccine halves transmission - study [BBC].

    This is a very serious offence....

    Click image for video link

  • Changing views [Dr John Campbell]
    YouTube, 8th Oct 2024

    Changing Views toward mRNA based Covid Vaccines in the Scientific Literature: 2020 - 2024

    Comment: Dr John Campbell goes through a Polish article that has tracked how scientists have had a serious re-think about mRNA vaccines. Dr John Campbell now realises that the science has been subjugated, but this article goes further and states that overwhelming corporate greed took precedence.... Personally, I think we can see this everywhere.

    Click image for link

    Commnent: Finally, a few have decided to tell the awful truth.... Still surprised....

  • Changing Views toward mRNA based Covid Vaccines in the Scientific Literature: 2020 - 2024
    Polish Annals of Medicine, 16th July 2024

    The early scientific literature was biased, so as not to report SAEs, due to social and political concerns and overwhelming corporate greed. Only in the last year have scientists been able to publish articles that acknowledge a high number of SAEs linked to mRNA based vaccines. This should act as a warning that science should be completely objective when evaluating health risks, but can often be influenced by social and economic considerations.

    Click image for link

  • Turkish Airlines pilot dies during flight, forcing emergency landing at JFK
    World Insight, October 9, 2024

    During a Turkish Airlines flight from Seattle to Istanbul on October 9, 2024, the captain, İlçehin Pehlivan, tragically collapsed mid-flight and passed away despite efforts to revive him. The incident prompted an emergency landing at JFK International Airport in New York.

    Pehlivan, 59, had been a pilot with Turkish Airlines since 2007 and had passed a health check as recently as August. After his collapse, the co-pilot successfully diverted the Airbus A350 to JFK, where passengers were later rebooked on flights to Istanbul. In-flight medical emergencies of this nature are extremely rare, but since 2019, their occurrence has surged by 170%.

    Click image for link

  • Slovakia is taking steps to ban mRNA vaccines from its country.
    World Insight, 9th Oct 2024

    This move follows Slovakia’s recent decision to cut ties with the World Health Organization (WHO) regarding COVID-19-related matters, signaling a shift away from global pandemic management practices. Health Minister Zuzana Dolinkova’s resignation has been linked to Kotlar’s report, which has intensified debates on the safety and long-term effects of mRNA vaccines.

    The proposal reflects a broader trend of skepticism in Slovakia, contrasting with global health authorities who generally endorse mRNA vaccine technology as safe and effective. It also highlights a growing movement in the country toward reassessing its pandemic response policies.

  • Slovak health minister quits over government ‘support’ for anti-vaxxer’s Covid report
    Prime Minister Robert Fico backed plans to investigate Slovakia’s pandemic management. A prominent anti-vaxxer was given the key role.
    Politico, 4th Oct 2024

    Slovakia's Health Minister Zuzana Dolinková announced Friday she is stepping down over government backing for a prominent anti-vaxxer and insufficient prioritization of health care.

    "I am sorry that at the level of the government coalition there is support for the ideas of the government proxy, which, in my opinion, find no scientific support," Dolinková said at a press conference, adding she will officially submit her resignation in the coming days.

    Comment: Good riddance.... I wonder if she took any back handers from BIG PHARMA.

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    Comment: Did people have to die? Well, we are in a war and innocent people will die regardless. However, it seems to me that those with a lot more knowledge can get themselves out of the line of fire..... The problem is that most people are oblivious to the fact that we are in a fifth generation war and some are absolutely refusing to educate themselves on any subject matter. The knowledge mostly relates to government, religion, BIG PHARMA, mainstream media and finance. If you refuse to educate then you are a target. I have been thinking about someone who built a log cabin high enough to not be effected by flooding, because he took into account levee heights. @BowTiedLowrider writes:
    "It's 6 inches higher than the lowest levee. If the water got any higher it would have breached the levee allowing the water to spill over so this picture is the maximum possible water height for this area." See images and XTwitter thread link
    Many think they are safe because they follow the crowd. They think others are weird for reading books and studying... Unfortunately, in today's world being ignorant is not a safe option.

    Click image for link

  • Vaxxed III: Authorized To Kill
    Bitchute, 5th Oct 2024

    Children’s Health Defense embarked on a nine-month journey across America, gathering powerful testimonies from the people. Our interviews ranged from mothers and fathers to teenagers, families, medical professionals, whistleblowers, lawyers, and people from all walks of life.

    What we discovered was nothing short of staggering. We listened to harrowing accounts of COVID hospital protocols that shook us to our very core. The consistency of these stories was alarming.

    Comment: Lots of copies of this documentary on Bitchute if you don't want to offer your email details. WARNING!! VERY DISTURBING!! WARNING!!

    Click image for video link

  • The Remdesivir Papers: Did Service Members Deserve to Die?
    Gateway Pundit, 4th Oct 2024

    Writing for American Thinker, author Stella Paul once said, “Remdesivir may be the most despised drug in American history, earning the nickname ‘Run Death Is Near’ for its lethal record during COVID.”

    The Remdesivir Papers captures the essence of her statement for service members and veterans across the country.

    Click image for link

    Click image for video link

  • Alarming rise of 'super-fit' slim young people suffering heart attacks as experts reveal theories for the surge
    Daily Mail, 3rd Oct 2024

    Heart attacks were once thought of as a disease of age - but worrying new data shows they are increasing in healthy young adults.

    Roughly 0.3 percent of Americans aged 18-44 had a heart attack in 2019 - but last year that rose to 0.5 percent, or one in 200.

    While that may still seem like a relatively low number, it represents a 66 percent increase in cases in just four years, which doctors call 'alarming.' It also means that one in five heart attack patients are now younger than 40.

    Click image for link

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    Comment: This is a selection of links.

  • Pathologist warns about corona vaccines: “This mRNA technology has not been sufficiently tested”
    World Insight, 3rd Oct 2024

    Our author worked as a senior physician in clinical pathology at several Swedish clinics. Since the corona vaccinations, she has observed a new type of “turbo cancer”.

    Click image for video link

  • How Do Vaccines Cause Autism?
    Past discoveries that can help us understand the current wave of neurological spike protein injuries.
    A Midwestern Doctor, Jul 22, 2023

    Click image for video link

    Click image for video link

  • Chris Whitty admits government may have overstated the danger of Covid at the start of the pandemic
    Daily Mail, 26th Sep 2024

    Comment: So is Chris Whitty trying to save the UK government, himself or both? The red heart myocarditus wall is horrible.....

    Click image for video link

    Comment: Sorry the picture quality is terrrible. RFK Jr says there were 25 existing therapeutic drugs that could have treated COVID.... Not just the now well known HCQ and Ivermectin..... Not come across this number before... These were safe approved drugs... Instead people were given dangerous experimental VAXX that have injured and killed.

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    Click image for video link

    Comment: As the learned Dr Jay 'Deviant' Varma informs us, Monkeypox is only a potential problem for gay men. This is the reason why the scare failed 2 years ago. Simply, the mainstream media got tongue-tied when asked to explain how children and dogs got monkeypox. Think about that..... Btw, Varma was fired from his Siga Tech Monkeypox promotion job for all the bad publicity caused by gossiping about his lies and deceit. Siga Tech stocks are now tanking badly.

  • 🏥 ALEXIS UPDATE 🚨 | XTwitter Link

    The hospital burn team just treated her knees, ears, neck, and forehead. She is looking fantastic!

    Lexi was given an adorable bow on her head wrap, and kept a spirit of joy throughout the care, even cracking jokes.

    Keep praying for Alexis 🙏

    Comment: This is the private hospital where the staff don't laugh at someone they have just maimed and injured. More terrible images of Alexis's burns Link

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    Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - Secret CDC Meeting About the Rise of Autism From Vaccinations "So they looked at one vaccine, which is the hepatitis B vaccine. They looked at kids who had gotten it in the first 30 days, and then they looked at kids who had not gotten it in 30 days. In other words, kids who got it later or didn't get it at all. And they compared these two groups. And among the kids who got it in the first 30 days, there was a... I think it was a 10,000% increased risk for a later subsequent autism diagnosis if you got in the first 30 days. They immediately knew what was causing it. It was 11.35%. So it's 1,135% increased risk. So they knew immediately, it's called a relative risk of 11.35. If you have a relative risk of two, causation is presumed. This was 11.35. The link between cigarettes, smoking a pack of cigarettes a day for 20 years and getting lung cancer is a relative risk of 10. This was 11.35. So they knew what it was, and then they had an emergency meeting that they called. They didn't want to do it on CDC campus because they thought it would be susceptible to freedom of information requests. So they did it in a very, in this remote retreat center called Simpsonwood, which is a Methodist retreat center on the wooded banks of the Chattahoochee River in a remote part of Georgia.

    And they had all of the big panjarums from the vaccine industry, from the pharmaceutical industry, from the universities, who are the ones who test the vaccines, from NIH, CDC, FDA, the World Health Organization, the European Medical Agency, and they all got together for two days to talk about this study. The first day, they were all... Somebody made a transcript of it. And that transcript was given to me.

    And I published excerpts from it. But the first day, they're all talking about, oh my God, the lawyers are going to come after us. Nobody can deny this. This is bulletproof. There's no way to argue with this. This is real science. We can't, what are we going to do? The second day, they spent talking about how to hide it from the American public. And I published these things. Then I took a lot of heat at that point."

    Comment: RFK Jr has the receipts.... Btw, this was in 1989, so think how long the rates of autism has been dramatically increasing and how many babies have died of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome [SIDs], but now it's adults with [SADs]..... These people are evil.

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    Flashback! In the thread comments @TooLateBlue: Tiffany Dover. Unalived on national television.

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    Comment: This is from Dr Stella Immanuel's account on XTwitter! This is the story of how she found out that HCQ worked.... I think Dr Stella was banned from practising medicine in the United States for saving people's lives..... She missed the point that doctors have to give people useless, dangerous and expensive drugs to make money for BIG PHARMA....

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    Nurse Angela @MarieAngelaW1 @VacSafety gives the latest update on vaccine injured Alexis Lorenze from outside the @US_FDA Irvine offices near @UCIrvineHealth;

    Comment: WARNING!! GRAPHIC!! This is the full story with Alexis clips. Absolutely shocking..... Apparently, hospital doctors and nurses, stood outside her room and laughed at Alexis whilst she was shouting and screaming her head off for help.... She was also threatened by a doctor for recording herself with the vaxx injuries she had too..... SHE CALLED 911 AND THE POLICE CAME AND TOLD HER THEY COULD NOT DO ANYTHING!!!!!! THIS IS BEYOND TERRIBLE.... EVIL.

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    Alexis has vastly improved and sounds a lot better despite how she looks. The story went viral and now even the mainstream has reported this atrocity. The vaccine injured community has rallied round, got some much needed publicity and a new fighter. The GiveButter money raised is over $166,000+ but the target is $700,000 to pay for medical bills.

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    Sky News report.

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    Caption: When your clever enough to develop poisons, but too stupid to understand it’s a live interview and not just a friendly chat between assholes who know the truth

    Thank you for sharing, viewed upon initial release. Professor Sir John Bell, Regius Professor Medicine, Oxford University England.

    Let cat out of the bag, "Unlikely to completely sterilize the population,... it's done what we needed it to do."

    Comment: So, a few people are trying to cast doubt on what this Professor Bell End meant by "sterilize the population".... So obviously, it's a coincidence that birth rates have nose-dived in the countries with the highest COVID vaxx rates.... See archives.

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    Caption: Japan issues dire warning for the ‘Covid Vaccinated’…

    “Compared to those who are unvaccinated…the mortality rate is 5X higher if you get vaccinated twice. We cannot continue these mRNA ‘vaccines’…” -Professor Professor Dr. Seiji Kojima

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  • NYC COVID adviser brags in secret recording about drug-fueled sex parties mid-pandemic: ‘Had to be sneaky’
    New York Post, 19th Sep 2024

    New York City’s former COVID czar was caught on a hidden camera boasting about having drug-fueled sex parties mid-pandemic — and admitting New Yorkers would have been “pissed” if they had found out at the time.

    Dr. Jay Varma — who served as senior health advisor to then-Mayor Bill de Blasio and was tasked with running the Big Apple’s pandemic response — made the confession in secretly-recorded conversations with a so-called undercover operative from conservative podcaster Steven Crowder’s “Mug Club.”


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    Comment: So, we have a high profile confession that the pandemic was not real or else Dr Jay Varma's and his friends would not be wanting to have drug and sex parties whilst he sanctioned lockdowns..... Actually, finding out about underground 'parties' underneath a bank on Wall Street is really interesting.... Whatever, this makess the 10 Downing Street COVID shin-digs look tame in comparison. This is yet another Project Veritas/OMG type sting operation, where a liberal man talks business to impress a potential conquest.

  • Exclusive: Former NYC Covid Czar Held Secret Drug-Fueled Sex Parties During Global Pandemic
    Louder With Crowder, 19th Sep 2024

    [...] Dr. Varma proudly discusses the role he played in city government from 2020 through 2021. While claiming full responsibility for NYC lockdown and vaccine policies, Dr. Varma elaborated that he was not quite following his own guidelines when it came to his personal urges.

    Comment: Apparently, more revelations are coming.... I'm interested, but it might not be scamdemic related..... Let's see.

  • CAUGHT: NYC Covid Czar Admits Forcing Vaccines & Having Drug-Fueled Sex Parties
    YouTube, 19th Sep 2024

    Comment: ~ 20 minutes.

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    Comment: Flashback! The President of Tanzania was murdered for trying to protect his people.... The scamdemic badly failed in Africa because masks are totally inpractical for a hot climate and the cheap malaria drug HCQ is routinely taken and will de-activate the COVID virus immediately.

  • My personal message to everyone following the heartbreaking plight of #AlexisLorenze in California.

    Tripple vaccinating a very sick young lady by using highly coercive tactics without actual informed consent must NEVER be condoned nor excused.

    Comment: Dr Sherri Tenpenny says that this combination of vaccines was lethal and explains the high levels of toxins in each vaxx given to someone who was vulnerable and sick. LINK

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    Comment: Terrible... Alexis Lorenze is a woman with PNH, went to hospital for treatment and was forced to have three vaccines at once. Consequently, she had an horrific reaction 10 minutes later and then the hospital refused to help her, BARSETWEARDS. This is the video of her begging for help on XTwitter Link

  • 18th September 2024 | 7PM Update on Thread Reader Link

    Comment: This poor girl was only looking for a blood transfusion to help with PNH which is a genetic condition. Here is a better version of this story with pics. WARNING!! GRAPHIC!! WARNING!! Alexis says the hospital was trying to kill her! The nurse drafted in to support her says she is much improved, but quite frankly, she still looks terrible.

  • Here is a Steve Kirsch thread who is organising autoimmune doctors to help sort out the mess with some discussion concerning malpractice suits. XTwitter Link

  • Latest update from Alexis Lorenze. Her medical records and fundraiser link is in the thread. She has no insurance. XTwitter Link

    Comment: When I first saw this, I thought it was a COVID19 jab injury.... This is even worse because there was no reason for the hospital to give her any vaccine and then refuse to deal with the mess.... Pleased that she is now getting specialist help at a private hospital and money to pay for treatment.

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    Comment: RFK tells Mike Tyson that BIG PHARMA makes $60 billion from selling vaccines, but they make $500 billion selling the remedies to fix vaccine injuries..... Of course, you are not suppose to know that.

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    Comment: Ignore the start of the video, start at 19 seconds.... (The caption+ might have been added to fool the censors). It's interesting that this unjabbed nurse is still healthy after working with lots of biowea[on jabbed people. So, all the talk of the high risk of contamination by spike proteins may only apply for being near recently vaxxed (with the real poison) and those at very close contact.... However, she does say she refuses to use the toilets at the hospital and goes home....

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    Comment: So it was known in 2015/2016 that Ivermectin was the no.1 product to be used in the event of a coronavirus pandemic, after DARPA the research arm of the US military spent 15 years researching. BINGO!! What's more the CDC was informed of this too....

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    Comment: This is just a reminder that no COVID 19 virus has EVER been documented.

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    Comment: This is for those who want to do some further research. Also, there is a lot of info about improving your health on this account.

  • Radio wave sickness Link

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    Comment: Hmmmm....

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    Comment: Well, 5 U.S. States are suing Pfizer now, so he is not exactly on his own....

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    Comment: XTwitter version off this updated guidance link

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    Comment: Ex military man Riccardo Bosi from Australia explains why Trump made the WARP SPEED decision to save many millions of lives. This was achieved because a high percentage of people only got saline. Unfortunately, some did get the bioweapon/poison and some dropped dead immediately or were injured as the facts now prove. So today, it's sad that many are still oblivious that we are in a 5th Generation War being waged by the CABAL ELITE/DEEP STATE.

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    Comment: Hmmmm..... RFK Jr is explaining that this was a NIH project and the vaccines were manufactured by military contractors...... PFizer and Moderna were only used for branding..... Quite a shocking revelation....

  • Oxford’s new COVID jab aimed to sterilize 60% – 70% of recipients, developer admits
    News Target, Sep 11, 2024

    Prof. Sir John Bell, a key figure in the development of the University of Oxford's Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) "vaccine," let slip the other day the fact that the school's latest COVID injection is capable of sterilizing between 60 and 70 percent of those who take it.

    In a recent interview about the new shot, Sir John, who teaches medicine at Oxford, seemed to suggest that one of the goals behind these injections is to mass sterilize the planet under the guise of protecting public health against the "COVID virus."

    "These vaccines are unlikely to completely sterilize a population," Sir John said with seeming disappointment during the interview.

    Comment: These people are evil. It was this same disappointment that I heard from a UK scientist on TV when discussing the effectiveness of the COVID19 virus, that made me start seriously thinking about what the hell was really going on.....

    Comment: And a few people are still wearing masks all day.... Can't be good...

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    Comment: This is a long post that has been edited. Btw, there is a lot of bad news on this account.

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    Comment: Dr. John Campbell explains the results of a peer-reviewed Japanese paper on the discovery of nanostructures forming in the body caused by the COVID jabs. He is very pessimistic that anyone will see his video, but XTwitter is undefeated!

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    Comment: There is a letter provided in this thread. So..... Is this a sign of panic in Canada? Something big is brewing, but I can't say how this will play out..... Public arrests would be a nice start, with quick trials and hangings on TV.

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  • Scientific ‘Experts’ Are Upset That COVID Vaccine Propaganda is No Longer Working
    The Gateway Pundit, 5th Sep 2024

    Infectious disease experts are upset that four years on from the coronavirus pandemic, members of the public are no longer listening to their “recommendations” regarding vaccines and other supposed prevention methods against COVID-19.

    According to a report from the leftist The Guardian newspaper, infectious disease experts are complaining that COVID-19 is still a massive threat to the public and people need to continue taking booster vaccines at every opportunity.

    Comment: Seriously, how stupid do they think people are?

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    Comment: Mercury in vaccines that has NEVER been tested, but BIG PHARMA refuse to accept that mercury in vaccines given to babies is causing autism. QUESTION: HOW THE ^%$£^& CAN THEY BE SURE IF THEY HAVE NEVER TESTED? The whole thing is barbaric and disgusting. This XTwitter video clip is only ~2 minutes.

  • Childhood Vaccines and Autism [3:27:00]
    CSPAN, December 10, 2002

    Witnesses testified about potential links between vaccines and childhood autism. Among the topics they addressed were current research into the problem, the potential scope of the disease, and evaluations into the severity of the problem.

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    Naomi Wolf: "It is the greatest crime against humanity in recorded history unfortunately. And the Pfizer papers do have a specific focus on destroying reproduction, so that's why I wanted to believe that it wasn't a depopulation agenda, but unfortunately the evidence persuaded me within the Pfizer documents that that's exactly what it is. They knew they were blocking women's ovaries with lipid nanoparticles, they knew the lipid nanoparticles traverse the placenta. They determined that the deaths of fetuses were due to maternal exposure to the "vaccine". They knew that vaccinated women who were nursing their babies were making babies sick. Their charts, this is why I say Mengele science, they're just charts showing this many thousands of babies are vomiting, this many thousands of babies have edema, which is swollen flesh, this many thousands of babies have convulsions.

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    Comment: So who is forcing them to admit the falsified data?

  • This is the crime of the century | Therapeutic Goods Administration, Australia | Link

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    Comment: There has been a significnt shift.... Now an attempt to ban MRNA vaccines?

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  • For example: German Health Minister Lauterbach wanted to spread fear among "younger people" with a "fear appeal." (via @Tim_Roehn) Link

  • WELT newspaper 468 page document. link

    Comment: Waiting for more relevant translations.

    Comment2: When are the televised hangings going to start?

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    Comment: This is a thread that points out why those with high vitamin D levels in their system did better than those with low vitamin D levels when it came to overcoming COVID. However, this goes further and makes a link with the highly reflective properties of trees are made.... There are some links to scientific papers and links to videos on YouTube. Very interesting.... Here is the Thread Reader version Link

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    Pfizer Vial Content: COVID-19 Injections Are Synthetic Nano Circuits That Communicate With 5G

    Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger: Pfizer Covid vial contents exposed by WHO whistleblower.

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    Documentary: The Deadly Truth About Vaccines.

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    Comment: Maybe Professor Angus Dalgleish is still baffled or else he doesn't want to acknowledge that the goverments around the world support and profit from the BIG PHARMA CARTEL......

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    Comment: Mark Zuckerberg's confession re censorship is causing tidal waves on social media.... Even black academics are waking up...... Maybe, he's friends with RFK Jr...

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    Comment: Dr Stella became a star the day she made this statement. She will NEVER be forgotten by the wise on social media.

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    NEW ARTICLE: IVERMECTIN Tested against 28 types of Cancer - which cancers were most sensitive to Ivermectin? Which were least sensitive?

    A research group from Mexico investigated Ivermectin in Cancer

    Paper: 2020 (Juarez et al) - Antitumor effects of ivermectin at clinically feasible concentrations support its clinical development as a repositioned cancer drug.

    this paper is behind a paywall, not accessible to the general population

    Ivermectin was tested at 2mg/kg/day which translates to roughly 5uM in vitro concentration [...]

    KEY findings of this study:

    At a human dose of 2mg/kg, Ivermectin can achieve anti-cancer effects such as cell cycle arrest (inhibit proliferation), preferrential inhibition of cancer stem-like cells, synergize with several chemotherapy drugs and inhibit tumor growth in a breast cancer mouse model.

    Remember: Turbo Cancers caused by Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines are very resistant to chemotherapy. Ivermectin can overcome this chemo resistance.

    This is the first study I've seen that has tested as many as 28 Cancer types with Ivermectin. Incredible.

    No wonder it's hidden from the public.

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    Comment: These Poject Veritas/OMG stings are incredible as most are on dates and they want to talk shop about how evil they are.....

    Comment: Yesteryear's FDA lies.

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    Comment: Hmmmm... So cigarette bans are not just about helping people get over COVID.... There is info about nicotine patches in this thread.

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  • Largest Covid vaccine study ever finds shots are linked to small increased risk of neurological, blood and heart disorders - but they are still extremely rare
    Daily Mail, 19th Feb 2024

    • They had doubled risk of Guillain-Barre, 3.7 times higher risk of brain swelling

    • Largest study of its kind looked for health conditions in 99 million people

    • READ MORE: Covid is FOUR TIMES more likely to cause heart problem than jab

    Comment: The Daily Mail report the facts, but then denies the seriousness of the implications.

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    Caption: "The flu vaccine has never worked. It's just that the governments and the health officials have been lying to the people, making them take it. But anyone who's followed the literature knows that, as to be expected, the vaccines against the flu have never worked."

    Sucharit Bhakdi, retired Professor Emeritus of Medical Microbiology and Immunology and former Chair of the Institute of Medical Microbiology and Hygiene at Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz.

    Comment: Is this any surprise?

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  • Monkeypox - Next p(L)andemic on its way?, 21st August 2024

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    Comment: And another doctor says that Monkey pox is actually shingles

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    Caption: There Is No SARS-CoV-2, There Is No COVID-19, and There Are No Variants”

    Dr. Poornima Wagh, a wife with doctorates in virology and immunology, and a 20-year career as a laboratory researcher and scientist, describes how her lab received an order from the CDC and then tried to properly isolate SARS-CoV-2

    In the interview, he describes the methods used by virologists and their futile efforts to isolate viruses using scientific methods.

    The whole experiment was repeated several times...

    Dr. Poornima Wagh: "They found the same things we did.

    They didn't find SARS Cov 2, they didn't find the genome, they didn't find anything. Nothing was found.

    We called Dr. Robert Redfield, director of the CDC, to show him the findings. He said 'I don't care what you find, just call it SARS-Cov-2'

    We asked the CDC to send us a sample of the isolated virus. They said they didn't have them, stopped responding to our calls, but then the FBI raided our lab..."

    Commment: This is straight up fraud. Nobody has been able to isolate the offending virus..... Interesting, this scientist says that Monkey Pox is detoxification through the skin..... Things are getting desperate..... The world's financial system must be nearing crisis point....

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    Comment: Personally, I think naming one person is a bad idea. ALL committing treason have to be removed and I think a plan is already in operation.

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    Caption: In 2022 both @CNBC, @WHO and @NIH reported that Monkey Pox (MPOX) predominantly impacts homosexual men (including transgenders of course).

    Comment: There is a lot of Monkey Pox info in this thread from 2022.

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    Comment: I have not come across this XTwitter account before. Sorry, I still will not be posting images or video of people that have been severely injured. Exceptions may be made if they are a vaxx-pusher journalist or politician.

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  • Press release No. 364 of August 30, 2022 | Bed equipment and occupancy in hospitals almost unchanged in 2021 link

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    Comment: Just imagine what all these influencer deaths are doing to the mental health of clueless' followers....

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    Comment: What's more surprising is that there are people out there that still believe they are in danger from a virus that has NEVER been proven to exist.

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    Comment: Apparently, Wojcicki's son recently died of a drug overdose too link. Despite a cancer diagnosis, it appears she died suddenly. The reason being is that she was only just voted in as an independent Director at Planet Labs PBC about a month ago link Why would they take her on if she was seriously ill? Instead, was she gitmoed and executed for crimes against humanity? Nobody at that level is clean.....

    Whatever, she is now being remembered for her efforts to heavily censor free speech on YouTube. Maybe, she should have realised that taking any NEW medical therapy, especially one that had been rushed out during a fake pandemic was an unnecessary risk. Here she is saying (paraphrased)that we should all live and die by the WHO. Well she died link.

  • Spike protein from the vaccine found in cancer cells. They wanted the data hidden for 75 years. This is intentional. | XTwitter link

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    Comment: When are these reports going to stop?? Btw, @toobaffled has a lot of death reports.

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  • New Study of 125 Countries Finds No Evidence COVID Vaccines Provided ‘Any Benefit’
    Vigilant News, 7th August 2024

    A new study by a team of Canadian researchers into excess mortality during the COVID-19 pandemic found that patterns of excess death globally could not be explained by the virus, including long COVID.

    The study, by researchers with Correlation Research in the Public Interest, examined excess mortality in 125 countries during the pandemic. It found that mortality patterns correlate closely with the imposition of restrictions such as lockdowns and with the COVID-19 vaccine rollout.

    The investigation determined that pandemic-related restrictions resulted in 30 million deaths globally and that 17 million deaths can be attributed to the COVID-19 vaccines.

    The researchers concluded that “nothing special would have occurred in terms of mortality had a pandemic not been declared and had the declaration not been acted upon.”

    Comment: This article provides some statistical detail and expert opinions.... However, the headline says a lot....

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    Comment: I can't think why this issue has only just clicked with Dr Ruby..... There is a lot of info in this thread.

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    Comment: Hansen was only a televangelist NOT an expert. However, the comment here is something I have been thinking for a while.

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    Caption: Kamala Harris's new running mate, Tim Walz, bribed families with $200 to get vaccines for children aged 5 to 11.

    Comment: Scumtastic.....

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    Comment: The idea was to whip up the hysteria, thankfully it was not implemented.

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  • Moderna Admits Covid mRNA Shots Cause Cancer
    Slay News, 4th Aug 2024

    Documents have emerged that show Moderna has always known that the pharmaceutical giant’s Covid mRNA shots cause cancer.

    The evidence has surfaced as cases of rapidly developing “turbo cancer” are continuing to surge around the world.

    As Slay News has reported, cancer diagnoses have been soaring among those who have received Covid mRNA shots.

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  • Israel’s Official Data on Covid Vax Side Effects Has Been ‘Lost’ Due to ‘Technical Errors’
    Slay News, 3rd Aug 2024

    The vast majority of the Israeli government’s official data for Covid mRNA shot side effects has been “lost,” according to reports.

    Israel’s Health Ministry failed to review 82% of reports on side effects from Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine.

    The missing data was revealed in a recent official report.

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    Comment: XTwitter video is 1 minute 20 seconds. | Dr. Charles Hoffe explains why he was fired for challenging the scamdemic narrative.

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  • Dr. Charles Hoffe - May 03, 2023 - Vancouver, British Columbia
    Rumble, December 2023

    In his attempts to bring attention to the suffering of his patients from the shots he had administered to his patients, Dr. Charles Hoffe questioned his superiors in health as to whether him submitting vaccine injury reports on his patients would trigger an inquiry. He was told, “No, they will simply become statistics.” Dr. Hoffe said, at the highest level, "they did not want to know about safety signals. Because this made absolutely no medical sense."

    Comment: ~ 1 hour long. Maybe, members of the Cabal/Deep Staters did not realise thatt there were so many people with integrity and those who refuse to go along to get along and it would make a significant difference to their fake pandemic...

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    Comment: This information is gobsmacking...... We have been lied to on an EPIC SCALE.... Cures for major illnesses are available. This reminds me of the bible scripture, 'The people perish for lack of knowledge......'

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  • Full length interview [51:39] Manipulation & Betrayal: The Dark Side of the Music Industry | Resistance Podcast #13 with Matt Hoy | YouTube

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  • German Media Admits Unvaxxed Are ‘Winners,’ Demands Government ‘Apologize’
    Slay News, 31st July 2024

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  • German CDC Covid Data Leaked – Shots Harmful & Ineffective — Report Sean Miller | Infowars
    Leaked German documents reveal the government knew the masks and shots were causing harm but continued the operation anyhow.
    INFORWARS, July 31st 2024,

    Journalist Aya Velazquez received non-redacted Covid protocols from the Robert Koch Institute (German CDC) via a whistleblower. It was reported in German but biotechnologist Dr. Simon Goddek provided key takeaways in English.

    The first key takeaway from these documents is the fact that the Covid-vaccinated suffer more severely from the Covid virus than non-vaccinated individuals do. The German CDC knew this in 2020.

    [...] A revelation from August of that year was that the shot failed to protect against Covid infection in 79 percent of cases.

    Later that year the German CDC found that the Influenza vaccination is also ineffective, yet there was effort to not disclose that fact publicly.

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  • Contract. Full agreement between Pfizer and South Africa. Link

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  • ‘Stunning’ 620% Higher Risk of Myocarditis After mRNA COVID Vaccines
    A peer-reviewed study of 9.2 million South Koreans published in Nature Communications uncovered a 620% increased risk of myocarditis and 175% higher risk of pericarditis following mRNA COVID-19 vaccination. Researchers also noted increased risks of several autoimmune conditions, especially after booster doses.
    Childrens Health Defense, July 26, 2024

    A large-scale peer-reviewed South Korean study has found significantly increased risks of serious cardiac and neurological conditions following mRNA COVID-19 vaccination, and lesser risks of several autoimmune diseases.

    The nationwide population-based cohort study, published Tuesday in Nature Communications, followed nearly 4.5 million people for an average of 15 months after vaccination.

    Researchers found a striking 620% increased risk of myocarditis and 175% increased risk of pericarditis in people who received the vaccine compared to historical controls.

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    Excess deaths are up a staggering 22% among 1 to 14-year-olds.

  • Full interview Feb 2024 | Xtwitter link

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    Comment: Surprised at how regular these reports of vaxxer influencers 'suddenly' dying. Lots of kind and mean replies here.

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    Comment: This is just a trailer.

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    Comment: Spotify link plays for free.

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  • Myocarditis risk significantly higher after COVID-19 infection vs. after a COVID-19 vaccine
    Among almost 43 million people in England who received at least one COVID-19 vaccine dose, the risk of myocarditis was substantially higher in the four weeks after COVID-19 infection than after a first dose of a COVID-19 vaccine, according to new study in Circulation
    Research Highlights:

    • Among nearly 43 million people in England, ages 13 and older, who received at least one dose and up to 3 doses of a COVID-19 vaccine, fewer than 3,000 people (0.007%) were hospitalized or died with myocarditis, inflammation of the heart muscle, during the study period of December 1, 2020 through December 15, 2021.

    • Only 617 (0.001%) of the nearly 3,000 cases of myocarditis occurred during days 1-28 after receiving a COVID-19 vaccination. Individuals with COVID-19 infection were at least 11 times more at risk for developing myocarditis in the 1-28 days after testing positive if COVID-19 infection occurred before COVID-19 vaccination.

    • The risk of developing myocarditis was substantially lower in the 1-28 days after COVID-19 vaccination than after COVID-19 infection, except for after a second dose of the Moderna vaccine.

    •The risk of COVID-19 vaccine-associated myocarditis was higher in men younger than age 40 after a first dose of an mRNA vaccine or after a second dose of any of the 3 vaccines.

    Comments: The headline here is deliberate written to confuse. Again, in this UK study the unvaccinated were not included and presumably myocarditis will still be rare for the unvaccinated (however, the existence of spike protein shedding might change that). In this thread there are arguments about what this 2022 study reveals, but the evidence that the COVID vaccines and boosters induce myocarditis is overwhelming.

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    BOMBSHELL: The Godfather of v*ccine safety Dr. Stanley Plotkin has confessed that NO v*ccine has ever been properly studied, before OR after, their release.

    A paper just published in the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine admits that no vaxx can be called “safe and effective” because standard safety checks have NEVER been followed, such as using proper placebo test groups, large enough sample sizes, and long enough test durations and follow ups.

    Comment: Old News. Robert F Kennedy has already stated this and was on a Trump Commission concerned with this issue....

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  • Global Study: Covid Caused Zero Excess Deaths, mRNA Shots Caused Millions
    Slay News, 21 July 2024

    A bombshell new global study of 2.7 billion people has determined that COVID-19 did not cause any excess deaths during or after the pandemic, despite widespread claims to the contrary from health agencies around the world.

    However, the same explosive study has revealed that Covid mRNA shots, which were supposedly unleashed on the public to tackle the virus, have caused millions of excess deaths globally.

    Comment: Should we be surprised?

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  • Moderna the killer evidence with Steve Kirsch, Andrew Bridgen & Warren Thornton
    Rumble, 20th July 2024

    Comment: Starts at ~ 7 minutes after general chit chat. Tbh, Andrew Bridgen is the most knowledgeable here after Steve Kirsch talks about the Czech data.

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  • Von der Leyen Commission loses COVID vaccine transparency case ahead of crucial vote
    Euro News, 17th July 2024

    Von der Leyen's Commission has lost a controversial vaccines contracts transparency case on the eve of a crucial vote in the European Parliament to confirm her nomination as Commission President.

    The European Court of Justice (ECJ) has today (17 July) annulled a European Commission decision to conceal certain parts of COVID vaccine contracts amid Von der Leyen’s efforts to gain support for re-election.

    Back in October 2021, Green MEPs asked for access to the COVID-19 vaccine contracts negotiated by the Commission in order to know the terms and conditions of the agreements.

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  • BREAKING: Record-level data from Czech Republic FOIA proves that the Moderna vaccines increased all-cause mortality by over 50% (and the Pfizer vaccines weren't safe either)
    "Safe and effective?" Using this new data, we can finally prove that the COVID vaccines were not safe or effective for anyone of any age. No COVID benefits, and they increased your risk of death.
    Steve Kirsch Newsletter, 17th July 2024

    Executive summary

    Official government record-level data obtained through a FOIA request from the Czech Republic shows that the Moderna COVID vaccine increased all-cause-mortality (ACM) as measured over a 12-month period from the time of vaccination for every age as compared to the Pfizer vaccine.

    If the COVID vaccines were safe, the overall ACM across different vaccine brands would be very similar.

    This is not the case. They are radically different and the difference is highly statistically significant.

    For example, for ages 46-69 who got two shots of Moderna vs. two shots of Pfizer in 2021 in the Czech Republic, there is over a 50% higher risk of death measured over a 1 year time window since the time of the shot as shown in the chart above.

    The younger you were, the greater the percentage increase in risk. For 20 to 29 year old’s for example, the MRR (mortality rate ratio between Moderna to Pfizer) approached 2:1 which means you more than doubled your all-cause mortality if you took a Moderna shot.

    So even if the Pfizer vaccine was 100% safe, the Moderna vaccine should be immediately stopped as being far too deadly to use for any age group.

    [...] Even more problematic is that no world health authority, local, national, or international, was able to detect such a massive relative mortality increase of Moderna compared to Pfizer.

    The reason is simple: none of them bothered to look.

    There isn’t a single mortality comparison by brand posted by a public health agency anywhere in the world ever. Not even in internal documents.

    Comment: Even the Executive Summary is long. At least Steve Kirsch is dedicted to getting the FACTS out to the world in a scientific manner.

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    Comment: This is an excellent source of COVID scamdemic related news. This thread also lists professionals on social media that have also been beating the drum about this subject.

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  • Former CDC Director Says FDA Underreported Adverse Vax Side Effects To Prevent Vaccine Hesitancy
    ZeroHedge, 15th July 2024

    Dr. Robert Redfield, the former director of Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said Thursday that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) pushed a false “safe and effective” COVID vaccine narrative by underreporting adverse events. The mRNA shots “never should have been mandated,” Redfield told the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee on Thursday.

  • BREAKING: Former CDC Director Robert Redfield comes clean that COVID-19 mRNA injection side effects were intentionally underreported.| XTWitter

    He stated, "They should have never been mandated... They don't prevent infection, they do have side effects."

    Research shows mRNA vaccines can trigger pro-inflammatory cytokine responses, leading to potential autoimmune reactions and other adverse effects such as myocarditis and multisystem inflammatory syndromes.

    This situation underscores the need for transparency and reevaluation of vaccine mandates to ensure public health safety. Our government pushed a vaccine without ensuring its safety for money and to see whether people would follow vaccine enforcement.

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    Comment: Things must be getting very awkward all around the world as people realise that you can't put a STRAWMAN in prison.... She says, "ARE YOU ADMINISTERING MY TRUST WITHOUT CONSENT!!" LOL!!


    Well, I want to know how much my STRAWMAN is worth. Someone found out that his STRAWMAN being traded on the NY stock exchange was worth $10 million and that was a few years ago.... WHAT A RACKET!!

  • Richard Vobes gives a perfect explanation of the ‘straw man’ fraud inflicted upon all of us at birth. Link

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  • Doctors Muzzled During COVID Get Green Light to Sue Overlords
    Gateway Pundit, 8th July 2024

    Physicians who were threatened and abused by various tyrannical credentialing boards that sought to suppress anything but the official government story line about COVID-19 have been given the go-ahead by the courts to sue.

    The case was brought by the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons Education Foundation against the American Board of Internal Medicine, the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology, the American Board of Family Medicine and the secretary of the Department of Homeland Security over various situations in which those organizations threatened or actually acted against doctors because of what they said about COVID.

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  • HEALTH | COVID Vaccinated Kids 4,423% More Likely to Die Than ‘Pureblood’ Kids
    The shocking figures were revealed in a UK government report.
    Vigilant News, 8th July 2024

    Data compiled by the Office of National Statistics (ONS) in the U.K. had shown that children who received the Covid vaccine were 4,423 percent (over 44 times) more likely to die than children who did not get the shot.

    Not only did the data show that the shot, which was billed as ‘safe & effective‘, was not safe, but it also showed that it was not effective either, as children who received the injection were 13,633 percent (over 136 times) more likely to die of Covid itself, the very disease the shot was said to protect against.

    Comment: Still waiting for the Nuremberg II trials and hangings. Another version on Link & Video Link

  • Deaths by vaccination status, England

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    Comment: Not convinced this is true, it could be COMMS. Remember that a lot of clebrities are being removed for their crimes againsts humanity. Also on XTwitter Link

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  • Canadian Mortality Surge: Year of the "Pandemic" Vs. Year of the "Vaccine" • The data is irrefutable, 9 Dec 2022

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  • Ottawa Police Detective Helen Grus was suspended for investigating 9 babies who died from SIDS after their mothers received covid Vaccinations. | XTwitter VIDEO Link

  • Australia vaccine stadium for children monitored by the police. Parents are not allowed in, 3 children collapsed, and 2 are in a coma! Video from a close friend in Australia. It’s at the sydney Olympic Park Qudos Arena. Vaccinate your kids they say... GENOCIDE [VIDEO] Link

    Comment: The video image quality is not very good.

  • Shirley Scott collapses live on RTE Television Link

  • 17-year-old Chinese badminton player Zhang Zhijie has died of cardiac arrest after collapsing on the court during a tournament in Indonesia. Safe and Effective? Link

    Comment: This is just horrible. The young kid collapses and they hang around not knowing what to do....

  • Why do the graves of some of the people who died since 2021 emanate a digital radio frequency signal?

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  • A Review of COVID-19 Vaccine Use and Adverse Effects in U.S. Commercial Airline Pilots | Results

    Never Again Based on the original study sample, 77% of US Commercial pilots say they will not get a booster. Is the US facing a potential public health crisis? It appears that the mandates and the subsequent adverse effects of the vaccines have caused pilots to lose faith in those who were charged with protecting them and the industry.

    Data: These are just a few of the data highlights. The report contains many other significant findings.

    1622 responses, Final Sample Size: 1132

    Confidence Level: 99% (+/- 4%)
    Vaccinated/Unvaccinated Ration: 50/50
    (U.S. Population is 80/20)
    Pilots Reporting Adverse Effects: 23.22%
    Pericarditis & Myocarditis rates exceed CDC's US Population mean (p=.0158739, SI.05)
    Tinnitus rates are double the Pericarditis & Myocarditis rates

    Comment: The review come in a 316 page .pdf. However, the results webpage also provides highlights and charts in a very easy to read format.

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  • Edward Dowd Breaks Down Findings on Excess Death, Disability, and Injury Statistics [VIDEO]
    Epoch TV, Apr-27-2024

    FULL TRANSCRIPT BELOW] “Every regulator, every health authority, every government should be screaming from the top of their lungs: ‘This is a problem. This is a national [and] global crisis. We should look into it.’ But there’s silence on it, and I believe they’re silent because they know the answer.”

    Edward Dowd was a Wall Street executive working as a growth portfolio manager for BlackRock. Utilizing his skills in recognizing fraud and interpreting statistics, he started compiling and analyzing data on injury and death associated with the COVID-19 genetic vaccines.

    Comment: Ed Dowd Says authorities are NOT interested in comparing vaxxed vs unvaxxed. Yet, insurance companies can no longer pretend that nothing is happening. This is a 33 minute long video at Epoch TV.

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    Caption: KARMA

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    Comment: Oh dear, what a question! The reason why governments tried to force everybody into having the COVID jabs was so that there would NOT be a control group to test. Well, that failed miserably and the unjabbed are obviously much better off for allowing their immune systems to function normally. The reply of very very rare side-effects is obviously not true as BIG PHARMA have worked overtime to stop the reporting of those who dropped dead immediately and those with side-effects in the first 14 days. Obviously, horrible social media reports of very sick people from side effects (that I refuse to post here) are a problem for the controllers.

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    Comment: Due to tourist litigation, Portugal is now being confronted with the faulty scientific case for COVID, specifically the PCR tests being useless. Hence, some in Portugal are now wondering why the populace believed everything without questioning the government.

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    Comment: It seems that many lawsuits are starting up.... This XTwitter post was edited because it was too long but unfortunately, I could not find an article to post either.

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  • The Century of Evidence Putting Light Inside the Body Is A Miraculous Therapy
    How Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation treats severe many severe Cardiovascular, Infectious, Obstetric, Autoimmune and Neurological Diseases
    Mid Western Doctor, 23rd Jun 2024

    Story at a Glance:

    •Natural light is an essential nutrient many of us do not have enough of within our bodies. Because of this, when ultraviolet light is added to the bloodstream, phenomenal health benefits emerge.

    •Once ultraviolet blood irradiation (UVBI) was discovered in the 1930s, it produced miraculous results for patients on the verge of death and was quickly adopted by hospitals throughout America. There, it demonstrated remarkable efficacy for a wide range of diseases, and the doctors who pioneered its use compiled a large body of research.

    Comment: Even the summary is long. Obviously, this treatmnt worked to well so, it was debunked in favour of treatment that often doesn't work that well at all.

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    Caption | Cartoon: Are we learning anything new from the Covid inquiry? Comment: No, I don't think anything was learned from the UK COVID Inquiry. All we got was more confirmation on how corrupt and incompetent our deep state politicians are.

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  • Canadian doctor forced to pay $44K fine, serve suspension for prescribing ivermectin to treat COVID
    Lifesite News, 21 Jun 2024

    The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Saskatchewan claimed that Regina doctor Tshipita Kabongo was engaged in unprofessional conduct for going against a policy that restricted doctors from prescribing Ivermectin or 'alternative' therapies.

    (LifeSiteNews) — A doctor working in a medium-sized Canadian city has been suspended and fined for prescribing ivermectin to some of his patients to treat or prevent one from getting COVID.

    On June 7, the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Saskatchewan (CPSS) ruled that Regina doctor Tshipita Kabongo was engaged in unprofessional conduct for going against a policy that restricted doctors from prescribing ivermectin or “alternative” therapies to patients.

    [...] However, Dr. Pierre Kory, the author of The War on Ivermectin, claimed in testimony that the drug is safe and said some meta-studies show that it has an 81 percent mortality reduction rate in those with COVID.

    COVID vaccine mandates, which came from provincial governments with the support of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s federal government, split Canadian society. Many governmental or private sector workers lost their jobs for refusing to get the shots.

    Comment: XTwitter post version link

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    Comment: Ivemectin kills parasites.... If too many people take it, the world finds out that it kills cancers too.... Well, it's too late for BIG PHARMA, as the news it out and people are buying dog-dewormer and other serious parasite killing modalities when they have been told that they are a "hopeless" case. Here is just one example link

    Btw, Only “about 5% of all cancers that are actually curable with chemotherapy.” link

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    Comment: Andrew Bridgen is really spilling the beans.... The latest shocking revelation is on child trafficking in the UK. He says nobody (meaning police and intelligence agencies) wants to do anything.... Video clip from a much longer interview | Rumble Andrew Bridgen about human trafficking in the UK or XTwitter link.

    I think ABrigen must be working with the White Hats..... The people are being slowly informed of the seriousness of the situation in the UK and why we can expect military inervention. I think when the financial system goes down the good military (I pray) will use that as an excuse to step in and it will be more than just to stop people looting. So, we already know a major bank in the United States is in trouble (Global Systemic Important Bank - GSIB). This means it will be impossible to stop a cascade effect worldwide because banks use each other for insurance.

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    Comment: This is a nice Big Picture overview.

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    Comment: There is a lot of information at @America's Frontline Doctors. Dr Petersen Pierre videos are recommended and I presume they are heavily shadow banned. Will be posting more links.

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    Comment: This short clip is absolutely shocking.... Not a vaccine and mRNA jabs will promote cancer by up to 400%.

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    Caption: Covid nostalgia.

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    Comment: Novak Djokovic refused an experimental jab, but he is still alive and winning tournaments. Deep Stater sports commentator Mike Dickson who just repeats what he is told to say, is dead. What's more, there must be lots more who now realise that they have been betrayed by the very system that they have supported all their life.

  • How Anthony Fauci Weaponized Science Against America
    Since the 1970s, Fauci has repeatedly used the same playbook to reshape America's scientific apparatus to serve corporate America and become one of the most powerful bureaucrats in history.

    One of the biggest problems in our government is that people are promoted based on their loyalty (and sociopathy) rather than their competency (and integrity). In turn, the leadership of federal bureaucracy tends to be infested with individuals who habitually cover up the crimes of the government and those who are eager to sell out America to corporate interests—rather than the best minds our country has to offer who could genuinely move America forward.

    Comment: Actually, this is a worldwide problem.... Elon Musk has something to say about this Elon Musk - The Extinctionist Movement.

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    Comment: How can this be right? Update: She was out after 2 days when patients clubbed together and paid the fine.

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    Comment: So, far-left commies think they can tell doctors how look after their patients? Worse still, they want doctors to prescribe experimental poisons rather than proven safe and effective medicine? This is another AG that uses lawfare to get what they want. She needs to be put in jail too.

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    Comment: I found this in the above replies..... No idea that people were being given good help in emergency clinics without doctors knowing about it.... Remember doctors are being paid to give their patients poison.... So, I wonder who organised that?

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    Comment: The link here is to the Thread Reader version of a XTwitter thread. Many think the amount of coverage by MSM concerning this death is suspicious, so researchers have started digging into Dr Mosley's past. The promotion of Vampire facials and drinking blood is considered by most to be just plain creepy link.

  • Another thread discussing the strange and unbelieable details surrounding this death. How could a dead body be missed if a search had been done in that very same vicinity? link

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    Comment: Has 2.5 million followers so his reach is high....

    (COV_ID19 Data Dump)






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    First Upload: 15th March 2021,
    Last Update: 10th October 2024


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