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(COV_ID19 DATA DUMP Archive 12)

(229 Images)

First Upload: 21st June 2024,
Last Update: 28th August 2024

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Comment: Hospitals have been begging staff to come back who refused to comply with mandates for quite some time. This must be a hospital that is now desperate as too many jabbed staff have died or are injured. The short-sightedness is unbelievable.

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Comment: So, the predictive programming was done for at least 30 years... Now people go to cemeteries to see if they can detect bluetooth signals from COVID injected dead bodies.

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Comment: Remember this nonsense? Apparently, this was supposed to be following the science....

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Comment: Yes, Dr Buttar was 100% correct. The constant MSM lies is why viewership has plummeted. People's tolerance for bs has significantly waned.

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Comment: The Cabal killers will not be able to walk down the streets.... Update: Denmark PM ‘Assaulted And Beaten’ By Man In Copenhagen | . Apparently, it was some tramp that shoved passed her on the pavement, probably did not even realise she was the PM..... Apparently the shaken PM cancelled her apppointments.... What's more, it might be dawning on her that things are only going to get a lot rougher than that episode..... Most people are pissed about a lot of things...

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Comment: Yes, video of ugly old man, pretending to be sorry. When the f##k are these people going to jail?

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Caption: Natural immunity found to be just as effective as COVID vaccine — 3 years after mandates.

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Comment: The recent parasite info entries have been pinned.... Too important to ignore.

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Comment: This moron (Heritage Party Candidate) got some serious backlash! There is a defibillator on the street at the boat club near where I live. It was in memory of someone who died that needed it. Obviously, it appeared after the vaxx roll-out...

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  • Caption: She burned him alive! Fuck you Dr. Fraudci🖕 Link

    Comment: Woww... MTG really takes this evil despot apart.....

  • 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗣𝗲𝗼𝗽𝗹𝗲 𝗪𝗵𝗼 𝗔𝗶𝗱𝗲𝗱 𝗗𝗿. 𝗔𝗻𝘁𝗵𝗼𝗻𝘆 𝗙𝗮𝘂𝗰𝗶 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝗨𝗦 𝗖𝗼𝗼𝗿𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝗼𝗳 𝗕𝗶𝗼𝗹𝗼𝗴𝗶𝗰𝗮𝗹 𝗟𝗮𝗯𝘀 𝗶𝗻 𝗨𝗸𝗿𝗮𝗶𝗻𝗲

    𝗕𝗮𝗿𝗮𝗰𝗸 𝗢𝗯𝗮𝗺𝗮: Entered into partnership agreements with Ukraine in 2005 to launch bioweapons programmes in the country.

    𝗝𝗼𝗲 𝗕𝗶𝗱𝗲𝗻: Coordinated the activities of the executors of the military biological programme, involved in financial fraud in Ukraine.

    𝗛𝗶𝗹𝗮𝗿𝘆 𝗖𝗹𝗶𝗻𝘁𝗼𝗻: Spearheaded the adoption of a US strategy to counter biological threats, promoted the legislation of dual-use research.

    𝗚𝗲𝗼𝗿𝗴𝗲 𝗦𝗼𝗿𝗼𝘀: Major sponsor of military biological research in Ukraine and lobbyist for Big Pharma.


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  • Japanese People Hold Massive Protest Against WHO, Deadly Covid Vaccines The truth always comes out.
    Vigilant News, June 2, 2024

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  • Covid vaccines may have helped fuel rise in excess deaths
    Experts call for more research into side effects and possible links to mortality rates
    Telegraph, 4 June 2024

    Covid vaccines could be partly to blame for the rise in excess deaths since the pandemic, scientists have suggested.

    Researchers from The Netherlands analysed data from 47 Western countries and discovered there had been more than three million excess deaths since 2020, with the trend continuing despite the rollout of vaccines and containment measures.

    They said the “unprecedented” figures “raised serious concerns” and called on governments to fully investigate the underlying causes, including possible vaccine harms. Writing in the BMJ Public Health, the authors from Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, said: “Although Covid-19 vaccines were provided to guard civilians from suffering morbidity and mortality by the Covid-19 virus, suspected adverse events have been documented as well.

    Comment: This is behind a paywall but if you are quick, you can print and read the article. So another group of scientists in yet another country sounding the alarm. Better late than never....

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    Comment: The Fauci hearing is pure torture.... This is movie for slow.... I think this is a Fauci double (actor) and the real Fauci went on the run, not sure if and when he was captured. The reason being is a long time ago, people were doing face comparisons. What's more the real Fauci is evil, not stupid. He knew he was up for crimes against humanity.....

  • Dr. Fauci Caught in Massive COVID Conspiracy
    This changes everything.
    Vigilant News, 3rd Jun 2024

    HAPPENING NOW: Dr. Anthony Fauci Testifies Before Coronavirus Select Subcommittee

    On January 31, 2020, Danish-born and British-educated scientist Kristian Andersen emailed Dr. Tony Fauci, saying the virus looked lab-made.

    According to the email (emphasis added):

    “[O]ne has to look really closely at all the sequences to see that some of the features (potentially) look engineered . . . . Eddie [Holmes], Bob [Garry], Mike [Ferguson] and myself all find the genome inconsistent with evolutionary theory.”

    Comment: Yes, very early on I discovered online that researchers thought the COVID19 virus was man-made. However, my suspicions grew when I heard a British scientist being interviewed and he sounded SO disappointed that more people had not died. In fact he was saying that maybe some spice in people's diet was protecting them. You can't tell me that COVID19 was not a failed bioweapon.

  • Fauci contradicting himself over and over again XTwitter Link

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    Comment: Old News.... See below:

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  • The audio recording Link

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    Comment: Screen prints from presentation.

  • Direct Video link

    Comment: These Filipinos are angry....

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    Comment: COVID19 vaxx pushers getting sick is becoming quite common now...

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    Excess Deaths in Cyprus Linked to Covid Injections — Government Data

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    Comment: So, what do you think is going to happen when enough people realise that the dog-dewormer medicine can cure most cancers? Idiot Chris Cuomo is now dealing with vaccine injury and taking Ivermectin..... This is a travesty as so many people could have been helped and lives saved....

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    Comment: This is a reminder that MSM have been backtracking on important medication that should have used rather than any dangerous experimental VAXX.

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  • Top Japanese Scientists DEMAND Withdrawal of COVID Shots
    The tide is turning.
    Vigilant News, May 29, 2024

    Dr. Masanori Fukushima, a prominent Japanese oncologist, has publicly called for COVID-19 mRNA injections to be pulled off the market, describing them as “the work of evil” and equating their impact to “essentially murder.”

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    Comment: So, within a year this Japanese minister totally recovered..... What was the miracle cure? Well, I think I know.

  • A former Minister held a speech APOLOGIZING for those who died to the "thing". | XTwitter Video Link Comment: This is the same minister giving a speech with English subtitles (~ 5 mins).

  • Thousands of Japanese citizens gather to protest Japan joining the WHO Pandemic Global Health Accord. | XTwitter Video Link

    Comment: Massive protests in Japan against the COVID jabs and WHO overreach appear to have been going on since April.

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    Comment: We are now also finding out that medicines banned for COVID19 also deal with parasites..... EVERYBODY should consider drinking herbal teas that remove parasites and worms as part of a daily/weekly routine. WORMWOOD should be considered for an initial major cleanse. See more info below:

  • Step 1 parasite cleanse with wormwod | Rumble Link

  • Parasite purge book reading - video | XTwitter Link

  • Walnuts remove parasites. | Link

  • Remove parasites - pumpkin seeds ginger and tumeric | XTwitter Link

    Comment: I drink Cerasse tea to remove parasites. Tastes horrible but mixed with green tea is less worse...

  • Dog de-wormer medicine taken saved life Link

  • Dr Ardis talks about removing parasites | XTwitter Link

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    Comment: Had to check and to see if it was true that he had pushed the vaxx.... This is horrible.... See below:

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    Comment: A modern day bionic man.... The Telegraph has some horrific photos Tory MP Craig Mackinlay: I lost my arms and legs to sepsis This is behind a paywall but if you are quick, you can print and read the article. Interesting the NHS were not helpful, he owes his life to his wife.... The Tories have run the NHS into the ground... I wonder how he feels about that now? Then there is the COVID VAXX.... How does he feel about that too?

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    Comment: The COVID scamdemic has had a lot of unintended consequences.... Revelations have been shocking.

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    Comment: Cancer gone, Ivermectin miracle reports....

  • The Surprising Potential of Ivermectin Against Cancer: Dr. Kathleen Ruddy
    The Epoch Times, May-14-2024

    [FULL TRANSCRIPT BELOW] “I was as astonished as anyone might be that ivermectin has potential as an anti-cancer agent,” says cancer surgeon Dr. Kathleen Ruddy. She’s observed multiple cases where patients with severe, late stage cancer started to make a turn for the better after taking ivermectin.

    Comment: This is the full video with transcript.

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    Caption: I’m sure it’s completely unrelated.

    Comment: I wonder whether Arnold realises he was duped by the COVID vaxx.... Especially, as it seems he had a history of heart problems.

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    Comment: XTwitter post edited. This is DREADFUL NEWS.... People who have had 2 COVID jabs have hearts that are working 50-100% harder for 6 straight months afterwards..... Is it any wonder why some drop dead especially during sports? Studies done by top researchers including Oxford University.... Full video below:

  • Damaged Hearts Among the Vaccinated with Dr. Chris Shoemaker
    Rumble, 17th May 2024

    Dr. Chris Shoemaker is our guest today and will talk about the Nakahara which seems to show that the vaccinated have a significantly increased risk for myocarditis.

  • Nakahara et al.(Sep 2023) Study referenced by Shoemaker: Link

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  • Cardiologist McCullough on recent study: “Almost no one who took a COVID shot has a normal heart”

    Comment: Dr Peter McCullough is a top US cardiologist. This is only ~ 4 minutes. The news is absolutely terrible.

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    Comment: Wow..... I shouldn't laugh but this is ridiculous. I think all of these once vaxx-pushers have learnt some valuable lessons...

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    Comment: And we are still waiting for public arrests!! Why??

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  • Britain faces £30bn of tax rises as economy battered by sickness crisis
    Telegraph, 21st May 2024
    [...] There are 9.4 million people of working age overall who are neither in work nor looking for a job in the UK, a decade-high.

    Comment: Behind a paywall but if you are quick. you can print a pdf copy to read. Besides that, what did the government expect after promoting a dangerous new experimental drug? Actually, they wanted lots of dead people so that they would not have to pay pensions. Things are not going as planned.

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    Comment: Flashback! Dr David E. Martin, a patent specialist who tracks the history of coronavirus bioweapons.

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    Comment: UK BIG PHARMA corruption.... Who is on the payroll....

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    Comment: Lots of people lied. The following Dr Malone explanation was found in this thread.

  • Before you inject your child consider this!! | Robert Malone, 2nd March 2022

    "These proteins can cause permanent damage in childrens critical organs. These types of damages include damages to their brain and nervous system, their heart and blood vessels, including blood clots..."

    Comment: Dr Malone explains that this was the biggest medical experiment in history! Children were never in danger and they do not need the vaccine for any reason. If something goes wrong the parents will need to cope with a disabled child. Btw, the vaccines were never tailored, the children got the same as the adults.....

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    Comment: This Pfizer executive admission has been featured before. Still can't get over just how casual this woman's attitude is. There was a huge effort to hype up completely useless and some lethal vaccines. However, please note that some people only got placebo and others got a low dose vaccine. Yes, many dodged a bullet.

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    Comment: So, the U.S. had an 80% vaccination rate of at least 1 vaccine jab, but 7.7% are now likely to get into serious problems. Obviously, these are the ones that did not drop dead immediately after being vaxxed. Hmmmm... I have seen a video of someone complaining that they keep getting COVID even after 9 boosters. I imediately thought this was a spoof.... So, it really does look many have been very fortunate and have dodged a bullet. Again are given a spike protein removal/detox protocol. Which should be considered by the unvaxxed as people are walking around shedding their spike proteins to the unvaxxed.

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  • Largest Covid vaccine study ever finds shots are linked to small increased risk of neurological, blood and heart disorders - but they are still extremely rare
    Daily Mail, 19th Feb 2024

    Comment: Yes, the MSM are tricking out stories that there are issues with the vaccines.... The real issue is why take the chance of something going wrong with completely new and experimental genome therapy? It's not even a vaccine by the tradition definition. The aim is that gene therapy will be the norm, even though it does not work and can cause considerable harm.

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  • Japan’s most senior cancer doctor: COVID shots are ‘essentially murder’
    Dr. Masanori Fukushima has called on the World Health Organization to lead an investigation of the harmful outcomes of the COVID shots.

    Comment: Why does Dr Fukushima think that the WHO are interesting in keeping people alive? The elites want the population down to half a billion... Currently they are failing in their mission despite the COVID VAXX initiative.

  • Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, with NO medical degree, was Minister of Health of Ethiopia from 2005–2012 for the Tigrayan People's Liberation Front - a now confirmed terrorist group. He covered up 3 Cholera outbreaks, which somehow made him the Director General of the WHO today. Link

  • WHO is Dr. Tedros? [WHO]

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  • Celebrity Doctors Being Paid to Promote Vaccines is Against the Law
    Daily Sceptic, 15th May 2024

    One of the most critical concerns in medicine is the massive influence of the pharmaceutical industry over the medical profession. Our antivirals series has shown this pervasive action.

    [...] When it became clear that TV doctors Ranj Singh, Nighat Arif and Philippa Kaye had all received thousands of pounds in contracted service fees from AstraZeneca, there was, unsurprisingly, an outpouring of concern. All three doctors had been vocal in their public support for COVID-19 vaccines, of which AstraZeneca’s Vaxzevria was one of the first to become available and widely used in the U.K.

    [...] Serious reform is needed and has been for a long time. Not much seems to have changed even since the ‘First Do No Harm: Independent Medicines and Medical Devices Safety Review of 2020‘, which declared the need for “a statutory requirement similar to the Physician Payments Sunshine Act 2010 in the U.S.” to properly deal with the thorny issue of “transparency of interests”.

    Comment: This is a long and serious article. British media has a lot to answer for.

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    Comment: Simply, the financial system is bust, there is no money for pensions/social security payments etc etc. Hence, major need to get rid of as many people as possible and that is why ultimately, governments are involvement in this medical atrocity.

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    Comment: This is so disgusting now.... Some people only took the jab because they were offered fries, burgers and hotdogs. Is it any wonder the elite think the masses are stupid when there are these types of examples to refer to? The only thing I can say, is that in the UK, ~40% refused to take any COVID vaccine, but the government kept lying about vaccination rates. That is an excellent size control group and it means they failed in their objectives.

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    Comment: I have separated out the XTweets here. In the UK BIG PHARMA bribing doctors is not talked about much. but I think this will get some traction.

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    Comment: I have great respect for Chris Martenson. His analysis was spot on, even at the very early stages of the scamdemic. He got everything right!

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    Comment: Wow.... The article bottom right should be classified as a disclaimer, it cannot be a coincidence..... This is a short thread with the easier to read unroll on ThreadReader Link

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  • Disgraced Former NY Governor Andrew Cuomo Now Admits Government’s
    Lack of Authority to Enforce Mandates Despite Acting Like a Tyrant
    During Pandemic: ‘It Was All Voluntary’ (VIDEO)

    Gateway Pundit, 8th May 2024

    Disgraced former New York Governor Andrew Cuomo (D), who resigned amid sexual harassment scandals, admitted in a recent interview with so-called public health expert and COVID-19 vaccine advocate Leana Wen that his administration never had the actual authority to enforce pandemic mandates, despite imposing them with a tyrannical approach during the COVID-19 crisis.

    Comment: This is the brother of TV presenter Chris Cuomo who is now suffering from vaccine injury and taking Ivermectin (see below), is now backtracking after causing hell in New York with his vaccine mandates.... It has all gone so wrong for these people.... Lots of oundits talking about this cnonfession.....

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    Comment: You can download this presentation, but if it disappears, I am sure that there are already copies all over the internet. People are worried that Melissa will be disappeared by Pfizer and she wont be the first either....

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    Comment: Just wow!!!! So, Cuomo (left) is now taking Ivermectin beause truthers worked hard to make sure that people knew they could get help with vaccine injuries, even while this idiot was shaming them!

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    Comment: Remember Barry Young is a New Zealand Ministry of Health Service database administrator who exposed the mortality rate from individual COVID-19 vaccine lots. He anonymised the data so individuals could not be identified and then released it to the world. He is now up on charges of accessing a government computer system for “dishonest purposes.” So, revealing how many people dropped dead after the vaxx is a problem for the authorities worldwide. New Zealand whistleblower who courageously exposed data on COVID vaccines killing citizens now faces a 7 year prison sentence

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    Meet the millionaire TV blood doctors

    They all said covid jabs were 100% safe, 100% effective, offered 100% protection vs hospitalisation/death

    Comment: These are UK scammers. This is from a thread with lots of video and other receipts.

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    Comment: This was withdrawn from the UK market a long time ago.... However, it is giving people a licence to talk about vaccine injuries.

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    Comment: People were given experimental gene therapy that had NEVER been proven to work, NOT a vaccine.... Just criminal. Well, there are many posts about a mass die-off of the vaxxed, but I don't believe it will be that bad. Due to changes in the aether (remember the 2012 hysteria and my take on Space Weather), DNA is mutating some most children will be OK, but I also think vaxxed people who are not ready to move forward will leave.

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    Comment: This info out there about Pfizer bragging about selling new cancer drugs. Too disgusting to post.

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    Comment: I really don't know why Trump had to fight with ignorant media over a theraupeutic. Whatever, I have never seen this clip before.... It's incredible the level of censorship, even now.

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    Comment: This XTwitter post is edited here. Besides that, another revelation of the pineapple derived proteolytic enzyme BROMELAIN that is anti-COVID spike proteins and also anti-cancer properties. Hmmmm....

  • BROMELAIN and CANCER - Recent Research, 6th May 2024

    Comment: This article is behind a paywall here.

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    Comment: I have updated my Deliverance From The Media Matrix to reflect
    The Facebook Files that reveal the Biden Admin efforts to censor truth. YouTube and Amazon Files are also out if you look on XTwitter.

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    Comment: Not heard this explained so clearly. Sorry about the video quality. As already pinned above, there are various protocols that have been recommended if you think you have COVID, if you are suffering from the COVID vaccine side effects (spike proteins) or if you want to boost your immune system. Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) and Ivermectin are basics alongside vitamin C, D and zinc. The archives on this webpage provide examples of so-called poor countries in South America providing care packages with some of these ingredients to old people in an effort to keep them COVID free. So, if you can't get Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) then get Quercetin from the health food shop, it's the active ingredient. If you can't get Ivermectin then get Wormwood, it contains the active ingredient. Major benefit, helps to get zinc into the cells and any virus that should not be there will not be able to replicate.

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    Comment: Wow! Listen until the end.... We have a rare case of somebody telling the truth.

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  • Scientists tried to give people COVID — and failed
    Researchers deliberately infect participants with SARS-CoV-2 in ‘challenge’ trials — but high levels of immunity complicate efforts to test vaccines and treatments.
    Nature, 1st May 2024

    When Paul Zimmer-Harwood volunteered to be intentionally infected with SARS-CoV-2, he wasn’t sure what to expect. He was ready for a repeat of his first brush with COVID-19, through a naturally acquired infection that gave him influenza-like symptoms. But he hoped his immunity would help him feel well enough to use the indoor bicycle trainer that he had brought into quarantine.

    It turned out that Zimmer-Harwood, a PhD student at University of Oxford, UK, had nothing to worry about. Neither he nor any of the 35 other people who participated in the ‘challenge’ trial actually got COVID-19.

    Comment: Mr Obvious says that people who have not had their immune system destroyed, can easily fight off a 2nd bout of COVID.

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    Comment: Edited XTweet. Some of these TV pundits look really shifty, maybe they are worrying about Nuremberg II trials.... Dr Aseem Malhotra provides the facts.

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    Comment: [2:20] minutes COVID nuttiness video compilation.

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    Comment: To the world controllers, she was just another useful idiot.

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    Comment: This cartoon really brings out the ancient and modern child sacrifice theme.

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    Miller lite brain

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    Comment: I have had a theory for a few years now that TV presenters on and off set are prone to strokes etc (there are some amazing clips of TV presenters speaking gibberish). The cause is due to their energy field being detrimentally affected by very high levels of EMFs created by all the broadcasting equipment. Today, being vaxxed does not help either.

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    Comment: Hmmmm... This MEP points out the 'Lock Step' of those pushing the jabs with their ready made mantras. I wonder how many of them are still on the loose....

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    Comment: I have seen a lot of accusations but this looks like confirmation that Sunak is still involved with the Thélème hedge fund he helped to co-found. Btw, Thelema is the name of the religion developed by satanist Aleister Crowley. There are no coincidences.

  • Government ordered to disclose Sunak’s hedge fund emails
    Good Law Project, 25 April 2024

  • Rishi Sunak, Thélème and Moderna
    Expose News, 28th October 2022

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    Comment: It sounds like his advise is underpinned by hoping for the best, rather than fearing the worst. Quite frankly, it would be better to have nothing to worry about, but that's impossible as the vaccinated are still shedding spike proteins.

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    Comment: At this stage, Darwin Awards are being handed out left, right and centre.

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  • WHO Forced To Abandon Pandemic Treaty As Public Rise Up Against Globalist Tyranny, 25th April 2024

    Comment: Tedros is a joke. Here doing the One-eye illuminati sign by touching his glasses. I'm glad the WHs revealed who this scumbag was early on in the game. Here's Mr playboy partying Link 1 & Link 2

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    Comment: Tired of this circus..... Movie playing on far too long.

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  • Australian court rules employers who mandated jab legally liable for injuries, 15 Feb 2024

    A South Australian court has ordered employers who mandated COVID-19 vaccines for their employees will be held legally liable for injuries caused by the jab.

    The Employment Tribunal ordered compensation for SA government employee Daniel Shepherd, 44, who developed pericarditis after being mandated to have a third dose of the vaccine in February 2022, per ABC News.

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    Rumble copy: Italians deface central health building with blood red spray paint over the Covid-19 vaccines

  • Anti-vax group in Europe thrives online, thwarts tech effort
    An anti-vaccine group that has harassed doctors and public officials in Italy and France is still active on platforms like Facebook despite efforts to rein in their abuse and misinformation
    Independent, 19 August 2022

    Troubled by the number of unvaccinated COVID-19 patients showing up at his hospital, the French doctor logged on to Facebook and uploaded a video urging people to get vaccinated.

    He was soon swarmed by dozens, then hundreds, then more than 1,000 hateful messages from an anti-vaccine extremist group known as V_V. The group, active in France and Italy, has harassed doctors and public health officials, vandalized government offices and tried to disrupt vaccine clinics.

    Comment: Well this is approx. 19 months old and it's the first I've seen of this.... Hence, I dispute the 'thriving' online. The VV reminded me of V for Vendetta movie.

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  • Deborah Birx - The flu has disappeared [VIDEO] Link

    Comment: Wow... Missed this.

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    Comment: Edited post. @Community Notes were fact checked and so they slyly updated their fact check. See thread for details.

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    Comment: It's very sad that we live in a world with evil murderers in high places. Unfortunately, there are still a lot of young souls with no idea how bad things are.

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    Comment: Community note ignored. Archive has more examples of these fake swab tests.

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    Comment: I have been listening to the great Jordan Maxwell. He eloquently explains that the elites consider the masses of humanity to be animals/cattle. DYOR.

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  • Malaysian Doctor APOLOGIZES for Pushing COVID Death Shots
    This post is going viral.
    Vigilant News, 19th April 2024

    Dr. Syafiq Nordin, a restorative medicine doctor from Malaysia, issued a heartfelt apology to his 10K followers for his role in administering the dangerous COVID-19 shots.

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    Comment: This apology is better than nothing.

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  • EXCESS DEATHS DEBATE: @ABridgen's full speech | XTwitter Link

  • Covid-19: Response and Excess Deaths
    Volume 748: debated on Thursday 18 April 2024


    Comment: Virtually empty chamber....

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    Comment: This XTweet image is edited.

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    Comment: The only good thing about the scamdemic is finding out that there were cheap drugs that counteract cancer.... XTwitter version Link

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    Comment: Link to Rumble only. ~1 hr 37 mins.

  • COVID-19 Vaccine Injuries From Around The World (Graphic Content)

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    Comment: Andrew Bridgen, MP writes: "The head of the ONS refused to supply the data we requested to prove the experimental vaccines were not responsible for the excess deaths, ‘because the vaccines are safe’!!!" link

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    Comment: More rumblings of discontent, this time from Finland.

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  • A Message from Japan to the World
    Delivered by Prof Masayasu Inoue, Professor Emeritus of Osaka City University Medical School.
    PharmaFiles by Aussie17, 11th April 2024

    My name is Masayasu Inoue, Professor Emeritus of Osaka City University Medical School. My specialty is Molecular Pathology and Medicine.

    The pandemic was used as a false pretext by the WHO to drive vaccinations of all peoples in the world.

    Comment: Japanese professor gives his message in English, video with subtitles. Transcript provided.

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    Comment: Lets not forget the unscientific madness that gripped the world...

    Comment: I am not sure Klaus Schwab (top right) should have been added to such a distinguised group of medical terrorists, but he is a favourite Bond-style (WEF) villain.

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    Comment: Is it any wonder that the elite think they can get away with such heinous crimes when so many are under severe mind control?

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  • The Great COVID Cover-up: Shocking truth about Wuhan and 15 federal agencies Shame on all the federal employees who covered up these facts about COVID-19
    Fox News, 9th Apr 2024

    Comment: Even Fox News are telling the truth....

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  • Maria Zeee & Andrew Bridgen on Infowars:
    UK MP Calls for Crimes Against Humanity Accountability

    Zee Media, 10th April 2024

    UK MP Andrew Bridgen has filed evidence pertaining to Crimes Against Humanity to Met Police, and is calling for maximum accountability for Bill Gates and the COVID criminals. He joins Maria Zeee on Infowars to discuss.

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  • Cancer rates rising in young people due to ‘accelerated aging,’ new study finds:
    ‘Highly troubling’
    Slowing biological aging could be a new avenue of cancer prevention, says longevity expert
    Fox News, 9th April 2024

    Comment: It's true that the onslaught of posions and vaccines are killing many. That's because the elites want to reduce the population to half a million by 2030, but that goal is no where near on schedule. Here is Skull & Bones (death cult) club member John Kerry's MTF daughter Vanessa talking link. These people are sick and vile.

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    Comment: Putting vaccines in the food chain.... Totally demonic and insane....

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    Comment: Lets not forget the unscientific madness that gripped the world...

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    Comment: People queuing up for an experimental vaccine who see someone convulsing after they are given the shot, but still remain in the queue are under deep hypnosis.

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  • Pfizer accused of ‘bringing discredit’ on pharmaceutical industry after Covid social media posts
    Watchdog rules company breached regulatory code five times including promoting unlicensed medicines

    Telegraph, 6th Apr 2024

    Pfizer has been accused by the UK’s pharmaceutical watchdog of “bringing discredit” on the industry after senior executives used social media to promote an “unlicensed” Covid vaccine.

    The company has been found to have breached the regulatory code five times, which also includes making misleading claims, failing to maintain high standards and promoting unlicensed medicines.

    A ruling by the pharmaceutical watchdog, the Prescription Medicines Code of Practice Authority (PMCPA), relates to a complaint about a message posted on X, formerly known as Twitter, in November 2020 by senior Pfizer employees.

    The complaint raised concern about Pfizer’s “misuse of social media to misleadingly and illegally promote their Covid vaccine”, according to the ruling.

    Comment: Behind a paywall but if you are quick you can grab text.

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    Comments: This is a long thread of data analysis.

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    Comment: Things are looking spicey in Italy....

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  • New survey confirms that vaccines are, by far, the #1 cause of chronic disease in America
    Nobody should be vaccinated. Ever. Especially not during pregnancy. And vaccines are also the #1 cause of sexual orientation issues. The numbers are consistent with other published studies.
    Steve Kirsch's Newsletter, 3rd Apr 2024

    Comment: This article comes with an Executive summary....

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  • CDC Releases Hidden COVID-19 Vaccine Injury Reports
    The agency was forced by a federal judge to disclose the reports.
    Epoch Times, 3rd April 2024

    The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has released previously hidden reports of facial paralysis and other adverse events following COVID-19 vaccination.

    The 780,000 reports were received shortly after the COVID-19 vaccines were rolled out and show that people experienced a wide range of post-vaccination problems, including heart inflammation, miscarriages, and seizures.

    “Loss of consciousness and seizure immediately following injection. Went to ER by ambulance,” one person reported

    Comment: Article behind a paywall, but you can grab text if you are quick.

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    Comment: #Flashback | Since MPs have known since Sep 2021 that less than 1% of people who get COVID will die compared to flu.... So why the need to declare a pandemic? Why the need to force children to take a dangerous vaccine for something that can be compared to flu?

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    Comment: #Flashback | COVID was not a dangerous pathogen.

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    Comment: #Flashback | So COVID was not more dangerous than the flu but they expected 'high volumes' of adverse reactions to the COVID vaccines.... The only conclusion that can be drawn is authorities knew they were experimenting with dangerous vaccines on the general public....

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  • Peter Sweden: IT HAS BEGUN: Italy Investigating Covid Vaccine Death

    Gateway Pundit, Mar. 31, 2024

    Five doctors and medical staff are under investigation after a student died following her Covid vaccination.

    Is accountability happening after all?

    The Italian public prosecutor put five doctors and medical staff under investigation after an 18 year old girl died after receiving the AstraZeneca covid vaccine.

    The student went to an “open day” event near Genoa in Italy on the 25th of May where she got vaccinated. She died shortly afterwards on the 18th of June in 2021.

    In the autopsy they found that she did not have any previous medical conditions and she had not taken any medication. They concluded that it was likely that she died from blood clots as a result of getting the covid vaccine.

    And now the doctors are under investigation.

    Comment: Peter Sweden on XTwitter Link

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    Comment: This is a rare interview, someone considering so-called science and conflicts of interest.

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    Comment: I am not a fan of Peterson and it seems his anger is because he was betrayed.... Maybe he had an immune system problem and the vaxx has made things worse.... Whatever, it's amazing with all the FACTS in the public domain that people are still trying to defend corrupt BIG Pharma with their lethal roulette style experimental shots.

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  • Hancock fails to have Bridgen libel case thrown out
    TCW (The Conservative Woman), 28th March 2024

    FORMER Health Secretary Matt Hancock could regret his tweet suggesting that fellow MP Andrew Bridgen was anti-Semitic, a comment so wounding it prompted Mr Bridgen to issue libel proceedings.

    Mr Hancock has attempted to avoid explaining himself, and inevitably his part in overseeing the dangerous covid vaccination rollout, by applying to have the case cancelled. He claimed that he had not identified Mr Bridgen in his tweet so the case should not go ahead. Last week, a High Court judge threw out his bid to ‘strike out’ the claim.

    Comment: At this stage, there must be very few people who don't realise that the government were up to no good....

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  • HEALTH15 COVID “Conspiracy Theories” That Turned Out to Be True
    It seems, with respect to COVID, the term “conspiracy theory” could easily be interchanged with “spoiler alert.”
    Vigilant News, January 10, 2024

    Comment: This is actually 15 links to 15 different articles about so-called conspiracy theories now known to be true.

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  • Japan Bans Covid Shots over Soaring Sudden Deaths
    Prepare For Change, 24th March 2024

    Japan has just banned Covid mRNA shots for public use and called on other nations to follow suit after an official government study tied the injections to the nation’s soaring sudden deaths.

    Like many other countries around the world, Japan has been battling a crisis of skyrocketing sudden and unexpected deaths since 2021.

    The issue has become so dire in Japan that the country is now facing population collapse as more citizens are dying than are being born.

    New studies in Japan have now linked the soaring deaths to Covid injections.

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    Comment: Full letter in .pdf form can be found in the link below.
  • A letter from @ABridgen to his colleagues in Westminster, with more than a mere few shocks attached to it... Download from...

    Comment: This .pdf is 109 pages. I can't imagine many MPs will be bothered, but the info is interesting for researchers.

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    Comment: Yes, lets not forget about the routine murder of old people.... Now these so-called authorities, wonder why some people in Britain now refuse to visit doctors or hospitals.

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  • University Of Cambridge Scientists Admit That Current mRNA COVID Jabs Causes Unintended Immune Responses In Up To One Third Of Recipients!
    Thailand Medical News, 20th Mar 2024

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    Comment: Mark Sexton is a hero! So, do MI5 want to pretend that they are interested in COVID treason? We must not forget what was reported about China at the beginning of March 2024, CCP Demands Destruction of All COVID-19 Data, Source Suggests. Something BIG is coming....

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    Comment: This is just a video clip where a Canadian Klowak talks about the COVID scamdemic. Full length statement below. Will there be more confessions from other journalists? Is there panic setting in amongst the treasonous msm?

  • Former CBC Journalist Marianne Klowak Describes The Astonishing Decline Of Journalism In Canada
    Rumble, June 2023

    Marianne Klowak, an esteemed expert witness and former CBC reporter, offers an invaluable perspective on the deterioration of journalistic standards within CBC following the announcement of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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    Comment: There is a lot more terrible info in this thread.

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    Comment: Brazilian & Albanian 2nd and 3rd Pfizer contracts received by retired former UK police constable Mark Sexton. Fraud identified. Safe and cheap alternatives passed over for a dangerous new drug that some have now made a lot of money from.

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  • BREAKING! Japanese Researchers Warn About Risks Associated With Blood Transfusions From COVID-19 mRNA Vaccinated Individuals
    Thailand Medical News, 16th Mar 2024

  • Concerns regarding Transfusions of Blood Products Derived from Genetic Vaccine Recipients and Proposals for Specific Measures
    Abstract: The coronavirus pandemic was declared by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2020, and a global genetic vaccination program has been rapidly implemented as a fundamental solution. However, many countries around the world have reported that so-called genetic vaccines, such as those using modified mRNA encoding the spike protein and lipid nanoparticles as the drug delivery system, have resulted in post-vaccination thrombosis and subsequent cardiovascular damage, as well as a wide variety of diseases involving all organs and systems, including the nervous system. In this article, based on these circumstances and the volume of evidence that has recently come to light, we call the attention of medical professionals to the various risks associated with blood transfusions using blood products derived from people who have suffered from long COVID and from genetic vaccine recipients, including those who have received mRNA vaccines,

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  • An open letter to Baroness Hallett, Chair of the UK Covid Inquiry
    The Inquiry must urgently address its apparent biases, assumptions, impartiality, & lack of evidence-based approach
    Collateral Global, 12 March 2024

    We, the undersigned, are a group of UK public health scholars and academics in related disciplines, widely published in our fields, deeply concerned that the Covid Inquiry is not living up to its mission to evaluate the mistakes made during the pandemic, whether Covid measures were appropriate, and to prepare the country for the next pandemic.

    Comment: The term most often used for these type of 'inquiries' is 'whitewash'.

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    Comment: I wonder if Bridgen knows what is really going on and that he is preparing those interested in what is to come? At this point, those who wish to remain asleep are beyond help.

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    Comment: This XTwitter post is edited. So, we have another doctor that is treating patients with vaccine injuries but using Ivermectin to deal with spike proteins. Interesting.

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    Comment: I think the observation that the majority of people have woken up to COVID vaccine dangers is important.

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    Comment: This active duty serviceman is using the DMED database that has been verified as accurate and has done a 5 year average but compared the results with 2022.

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    Comment: I suppose the problem is people who are supposed to be intelligent, but who are not risk averse when it really matters ....

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    Comment: I'm still processing the specialist unit that was used for a cheese and wine party after Boris left hospital....

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    Comment: Andrew Bridgen is unusal for a politician. He is intelligent, has a relevant degree so he understands the science and a fully functioning conscience.

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  • Is it long COVID or long vax? Does the government want to know?
    The Hill, 6th March 2024

    Millions of Americans are still suffering months or even years after they were infected with COVID. Long COVID as it’s commonly known is a serious and poorly understood problem. But there is also growing evidence that the COVID vaccine could cause a similar disease.

    [...] In two years, the practice has evaluated and treated over 1,000 individuals. Approximately 70 percent of these patients said their reported symptoms occurred in the minutes, hours, days and weeks after COVID vaccination, as opposed to after COVID infection. This could be tied to a new condition that’s flown under the radar until recently.

    This syndrome, dubbed “long vax,” is just starting to make its way into the medical literature. Dr. Harlan Krumholz at the Yale School of Medicine published a survey of 241 patients who described post-COVID vaccination symptoms of exercise intolerance, excessive fatigue, numbness, brain fog and neuropathy, a nervous system disorder that can cause pain, tingling sensations, numbness or weakness. Long COVID patients were excluded from the study, which is now undergoing peer review.

    [...] As physicians who have dedicated our lives to healing people, we find it hard to stomach that the government has abused its power in this way. Our health agencies have been coopted by industry and political forces, leaving millions of people vulnerable to injury, suffering and death, in many cases without any recourse. Until our leaders in Washington step up and take these problems seriously, it’s up to physicians and affected patients to share our knowledge and forge solutions.

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  • DATA: England’s vaccinated population had close to one million deaths in 23 months; unvaccinated population had less than 61,000 deaths over the same period
    Natural News, 3rd March 2024

    [...] But it's the fact that these deaths aren't among the one-dose and two-dose vaccinated population that is truly horrifying. The vast majority are among those vaccinated four times, with this population accounting for 80 percent of all COVID-19 deaths, and 83 percent of all COVID-19 deaths among the vaccinated.

    Comment: Wow... Now this is news.... So if you kept on going back for more, then you were most likely to be killed.

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  • ABC health expert Dr Norman Swan admits some Covid vaccines had serious side effects after largest ever study released
    Daily Mail, 27 Feb 2024

    Comment: More like serious efforts to wake up those still asleep....

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  • The Century of Evidence That Vaccines Cause Sudden Infant Deaths
    The Disturbing Parallels between Sudden Infant Death Syndrome and Sudden Adult Death Syndrome
    Mid Western Doctor, 24 Aug 2022

    Comment: This is a long read because the evidence is extensive.

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  • CCP Demands Destruction of All COVID-19 Data, Source Suggests
    Epoch Times, 1st March 2024

    Recent revelations from a source with knowledge of the matter suggest that the regime has mandated the nationwide destruction of all COVID-19 data within the healthcare system.

    Recently, Mr. Chen (pseudonym) from Changsha, Hunan, disclosed to the Chinese language edition of The Epoch Times that his friend holds a leadership role in a local hospital. “He told me directly: the government is instructing health departments across the country to eradicate all COVID-19-related data, including information on the entire epidemic prevention process and vaccination records. They must obliterate all data without leaving a trace, and computer records must be deleted entirely,” said Mr. Chen.

    Mr. Chen said the person said that the directive is nationwide.

    According to Mr. Chen, the authorities seek to erase this period from history, intending to prevent future generations from learning about these events as it signifies a government failure. He drew parallels to previous CCP leader Mao Zedong’s actions that resulted in the deaths of many Chinese people, actions that were intentionally omitted from historical records.

    The Epoch Times is unable to verify his claims.

    Comment: Something BIG is coming for the Chinese to do this.... Now what would cause a major PANIC....

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    Comment: The original victim was French. BBB = Blood Brain Barrier. This is a long thread by I presume a real doctor. The information is disturbing but we have to remember that the vaccines varied a lot as they were experimenting/defective/placebos.

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    Comment: I did not know about the cheese and wine party.... The whole thing is gobsmacking....

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    Comment: Is Matt Hancock going to prison or something worse sometime in the future? .... ,

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    Comment: This is 10 minutes. Shorter ~ 2 minutes here link

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  • This Is What Happens When You Don’t Jab Kids: Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated Data
    Unvaccinated children consistently have better health outcomes than vaccinated children.
    Vigilant News, 19th Sep 2023

    Published 5 months ago on September 19, 2023By Vigilant News “The CDC has never looked at long-term health outcomes of vaccinated versus unvaccinated children,” attested Professor Brian Hooker, Ph.D., during a presentation to the World Council of Health.

    Brian Hooker is senior director of science and research at Children’s Health Defense and professor emeritus of biology at Simpson University in Redding, California, who has been doing advocacy and research around vaccine safety for 20 years.

    In light of the CDC’s unwillingness to conduct long-term studies comparing vaccinated and unvaccinated children, Dr. Hooker took it upon himself to aggregate and conduct such studies.

    Comment: At this stage, should anyone be surprised?

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  • Supreme Court bombshell: Qld’s mandatory Covid vaccine orders ‘unlawful’
    Clive Palmer says he is “happy” to throw his money behind further legal avenues, including a possible class action, following the Supreme Court decision that mandatory ­vaccination orders against dozens of police and health workers were unlawful.
    Courier Mail, 27th Feb 2024

    In a 115-page decision handed down by Justice Glenn Martin on Tuesday morning police commissioner Katarina Carroll’s direction for mandatory Covid-19 vaccination issued in December 2021 was declared unlawful under the Human Rights Act and she was banned from taking any steps to enforce the direction.

    Comment: XTwitter | LNP Senator for Queensland Gerard Rennick Link. And a lot more in this thread.

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    Comment: So many lies about the COVID vaccine.....

    Comment: Unfortunately, some are learning the hard way that recommending a failed experimental therapy can have fatal consequences.

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    Comment: Talking about the depopulation agenda. There are two video clips, the 2nd video reveals the Met Police 3hr meeting request with experts to lay out the case for criminal activity amongst government and civil service officials. Personally, I am sure the Freemasons at the top of the Met Police will protect their brothers and ignore the request. As Anons know, White Hat military is the only way, but I am tired of waiting for some serious action. But saying that, what was going on at the Old Bailey and the Royal Courts of Justice? Two sets of explosions 6th & 7th February 2024? link

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    Comment: I think the real proof of no real pandemic is all the ridiculous TikTok videos of doctors, nurses and healthcare professionals doing dance routines... How was that possible during a real pandemic? Meanwhile people with serious conditions were denied treatment. Just totally sick.

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  • “It’s All Happening In LOCKSTEP!” Meryl Nass & Andrew Bridgen On WHO & Excess Deaths -Stay Free #311
    Rumble, 23 Feb 2024

    Joining me [Russell Brand] today is Meryl Nass & Andrew Bridgen.

    Meryl Nass is Physician, writer and working to retain individual freedoms against the WHO. She had her medical license suspended for speaking out about her concerns regarding covid-19. Andrew Bridgen is a British politician and businessman who has served as Member of Parliament for North West Leicestershire since 2010. He has been openly objective about vaccine mandates & excess deaths.

  • Sky News Australia reports on vaccine harms and censorship! Link

    Comment: The MSM tide is turning....

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