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Justin Hart is promoting is new book-read available on Amazon Gone Viral: How Covid Drove the World Insane.

Comment: I like the reminder of just how stupid some people became.... There are some astonishing photos on this blog too!

  • Shocking... Old people in UK, queuing up for the failed Bivalent booster shot

    Comment: Repeat | Bivalent Booster's "8-Mice Trial" Actually FAILED

    Click image for video and link to full interviee.

  • What Is Ivermectin? – By FLCCC [VIDEO]
    Red Voice Media, Sep 2022

    Bitchute, September 1st, 2022

  • 50 Reasons to Give Your Child the COVID Shot
    Margaret Anna Alice Substack, 4th September 2022

    Comment: It's the facts, with examples and video but all together the synopsis is very very dark....

    Click image for article

  • Bivalent Booster's "8-Mice Trial" Actually FAILED
    Inconsistency of Ba5 Booster makes it uniquely dangerous!

    Igor’s Newsletter, Aug 31 2002

    Comment: I saw some comments about this, but found it hard to believe.... This is getting excruciating.

  • UK Government BANS COVID Shots for Children 11 Years Old and Younger
    Why did they do this? It might be because Amy Kelly exposed the shots "literally harm the chances of your little boy to grow up normally as a male human adult."
    The Vigilant Fox, 8th September 2022

    “They’re so sneaky,” said Dr. Naomi Wolf on a Wednesday segment of the War Room. But the UK government has quietly changed its guidelines regarding COVID vaccination for 5 to 11-year-olds.

    Comment: Now we find out that the shots effect the gender development of little boys.... Personally, I think there is going to be blood in the streets when certain uncouth parents find out...

    Comment: The article this graph came from is political, but the story of the narrative is interesting. Quite frankly, my thinking is that anyone who does not learn from history is an idiot. It was widely known that the rollout of the new COVID vaccines was done cutting corners and therefore was only experimental and definately not safe regardless of what the drug pushers were saying. If they can tell pregnant women that Thalidomide was safe to take for morning sickness and the children were subsequently born deformed, then the current COVID vaccine induced high rates of late spontaneous miscarriages and infertility is no surprise.

    Telegam | Pfizer CEO: “by 2023 we will reduce the world population by 50%” link

    Comment: I am stunned by this brazen statement, which shows us that they have badly failed. Btw, the only recent videos of the Pfizer CEO have been bad CGI. Which means he was arrested (according to his neighbours and reported by alternative media) and then sent to Gitmo or another suitable establishment to face a military tribunal.

    Comment: X-Files revealed the plans for humanity. Now people are turning their phone Bluetooth on at the school gates, to check out which parents are broadcasting....

  • Telegram | Romanian MEP asks awkward questions link

    Comment: The comments here are incredible and I have copied a few images that I have not seen before. It seems the UK have got the memo tht the vaccines are not safe! Steve Barclay was appointed UK Secretary of State for Health and Social Care on 5 July 2022, but is now a backbencher, presumably no longer required by the new PM.

    Comment: This must be for the seriously stupid folk.

  • Ivermectin reduces COVID death risk by 92%, peer-reviewed study finds
    The Blaze 3rd Sep 2022

    A new peer-reviewed study found that regular use of ivermectin reduced the risk of dying from COVID-19 by 92%.

    The large study was conducted by Flávio A. Cadegiani, MD, MSc, PhD. Cadegiani is a board-certified endocrinologist with a master's degree and doctorate degree in clinical endocrinology.

    The peer-reviewed study was published on Wednesday by the online medical journal Cureus. The study was conducted on a strictly controlled population of 88,012 people from the city of Itajaí in Brazil.

    Individuals who used ivermectin as prophylaxis or took the medication before being infected by COVID experienced significant reductions in death and hospitalization.

    Comment: When are the public hangings for the evil bastardos that refused to allow people who subsequently died, the ability to take this safe and effective medication?

    Comment: So now they are recommending the horse dewormer? See below

    Comment: I am now feeling sorry for the sleepwalkers....

    On Twitter: Link

    Comment: Wow.... Dr Craig sounds British. Btw, when are the White Hats going to start hanging these evil bastardos?

    Trailer website:

    Dr. Birx Book: Pharma Companies Responsible for ‘Thousands’ of Deaths During COVID Peak.
    AUGUST 14, 2022

    Former White House coronavirus task force spokesman Ambassador Deborah Birx has effectively laid blame for thousands of deaths at the door of big pharmaceutical giants Pfizer and Moderna, claiming their refusal to pursue a “compassionate use authorization” for the COVID-19 vaccines led to a delay which directly impacted nursing home residents, The National Pulse can reveal.

    Comment: Hmmm... I think Big Pharma is responsible for thousands of deaths but not for the reasons stated here.

    Comment: This is some great analysis here...

  • Massive Increase in Deaths Following Covid Vax Confirmed by Major Insurance Report, 23rd Aug 2022

    Edward Dowd joins The Alex Jones Show to break down the findings from a major actuarial report confirming massive increases in death following the Covid injection.

    Justin Hart is promoting is new book-read available on Amazon Gone Viral: How Covid Drove the World Insane.

    Twitter: I am not sure this is that funny.... More sad really.

  • Twitter's "Tricky" Timing Problem: Lawsuit Reveals Back-Channel With CDC To Coordinate Censorship
    ZeroHedge, 24th Aug 2022

    Over the course of 110 pages in a federal complaint, that one descriptive word seemed to stand out among the exchanges between social media executives and public health officials on censoring public viewpoints. The exchange reveals long-suspected coordination between the government and these social media companies to manage a burgeoning censorship system.

    Some companies are now eating humble-pie for their discrimination against unvaccinated unmasked former customers.

  • Carl Sagan on science, technology and scepticism. link
    Comment: Brilliant analysis here.

    A Military Whistleblower. Telegram short video taken from TikTok.

  • The Lies and Conflicts of Interest of Pfizer: Dr. Naomi Wolf [VIDEO]
    17th August 2022

    Comment: Full Length [12:12]. Click image above for shorter version on

    Telegram | Comedy: A Libtard realises they were fooled. video link here

    Right: Matt Hancock was Secretary of State for Health and Social Care in the UK during the COVID crisis who was forced to resign after a womanising scandal.

    Left: Harold Shipman (1946 - 2004) was British doctor and serial killer who murdered over 250 of his patients, according to an official inquiry into his crimes.

    Comment: This is all over social media...Nobody cares about getting into trouble.

    Click image for video.

    Comment: Defibrillators in UK parks? This is really sad...


    Industrial Hygienist and PPE expert Stephen Petty’s presentation to the New Hampshire Senate and Human Services Committee in March of 2022. What Stephen Petty presents here makes a complete mockery of what we’re being told about masks.

    Comment: The only reason that I thought masks could be helpful is because I was standing in a queue at the Post Office and somebody sneezed. It was loud and disgusting... Yes, I think the usefulness of mask is mostly psychological.


    Click for video

    Comment: This just made me laugh....

  • The muzzle translator VIDEO link

  • Doctor rejects vaxxed woman saying: "you have set yourself up for a lifetime of adverse health outcomes.... and I don't want to be blamed!" Vaxxed woman says, "I didn't see that one coming...." Video Link VIDEO | Dad confronts pharmacist after son is vaccinated against his wishes and then his 7 year old son ends up in hospital with myocarditis.

  • Twitter has a clip that was obviously removed due to Dad cussing out the pharmacist Video Link

    ???? Costa Rica's New President Declares Mandatory Vaccination ILLEGAL: "No One Is To Be Injected Without Their FULL CONSENT." ??

    " People Are Not Cattle" ??

    Comment: I think this is called heresy by some and enlightenment by others.....

    This is a short 3 minutes speech and the dr delivers a hammer blow of truth.

  • Uninformed Consent - Official Full Documentary Release - Watch Now!, 31st July 2022,

    Watch the official public release of Matador Films new "Uninformed Consent" documentary, presented by and Vaccine Choice Canada.

    An in-depth look into the Covid 19 narrative, who's controlling it, and how it's being used to inject an untested, new technology into almost every person on the planet.

    The film explores how the narrative is being used to strip us of our human rights while weaving in the impact of mandates in a deeply powerful story of one man's tragic loss.

    Hear the truth from doctors and scientists not afraid to stand up against Big Pharma and the elite class who profit from mandates.

    Written & Directed by Todd Harris, Matador Films.

  • Funeral Director John O'Looney talks about the contracts for babies deaths - straight to crematoria.

    Comment: It's called mass psychosis.

    Media Gaslighting: The growing litany of bizarre heart attack explanations
    YouTube, 13 Jul 2022

    Comment: I am starting to think that the stupidity of these stories is to destroy mainstream media credibility related to human health.

    An ETHICAL freedom-fighting doctor interrupts the annual conference of the ‘Australian Genocidal Doctors Cult’ (aka the Australian Medical Association).

    Comments on link

    Comment: Doctors loudly protesting to save the lives of their patients are rare... Incredible when you see the mountain of evidence cocerning the failure of the COVID vax and boosters. When the pubic eventuallny wakes up, being a doctor or nurse will no longer carry any social status. Still hoping we get Nuremberg II though....

    Shocking figures contained in an official report, published just hours before Boris Johnson announced his resignation as Prime Minister of the UK, reveal Covid-19 vaccinated children are 4423% = 45x more likely to die of any cause than unvaccinated children and 13,6333% = 137x more likely to die of Covid-19 than unvaccinated children.

    Comment: What I can't understand is that after all this time, some people are still oblivious.... How can this be so?

  • Horse Paste? Ivermectin Is the ‘Most Dynamic’ and ‘Most Rapidly-Acting’ Medication for COVID
    Vigilant Fox, Jul 26 2022

    Comment: So..... What a joke! The UK police are trying to intimidate an ex-police detective whilst he is trying to serve warning papers re the distribution of the COVID vaccines.... But wielding batons in the police station? Shocking stuff.

    BBC radio presenter Lisa Eve's death certificate released by her devastated husband, who has shouted his concerns, confirming jab death.

  • Lisa Shaw: Presenter's death due to complications of Covid vaccine
    BBC News, 26 August 2021

    Comment: The lies and bullshit are no longer working...

    Comment: Collective insanity. VIDEO link on Telegram They Were Putting Plastic Bags Over The Head Of 'Covid' Patients In The Hospitals!!

  • Exploding Numbers of Jabbed Baby Deaths Exposed

    Dr. Jane Ruby Show, JuLY 13, 2022

    On today’s Dr. Jane Ruby Show, Dr. Jane brings together the evidence that, not only are babies and toddlers dying from the C19 bioweapon shots but they have been dying for over a year…and these deaths have been hidden and scrubbed from reporting systems and Dr. Jane nails the data to show that it is now undeniable that the jabbed, not the unjabbed….are dying and in record numbers.

    Comment: There are more reports surfacing, people are starting to worry. See below:

  • Casket manufacturer reports unprecedented orders of child-size coffins

    Click image for Sky News report

    Treasonous UK doctors say they are 'puzzled' why defibrillators are being installed all over the country!

    Welcome to the Hotel Paranoia - Music ~4 mins

  • Welcome to the Hotel Paranoia - Lyrics New vs Original

    A parody rewrite of the Eagles’ 1977 hit song, Hotel California, relevant to the current times of COVID-19, the catastrophic pandemic response and the media’s systematic force-feeding of fear.

    Comment: Brilliant!

    Comment: VIDEO. This is a big revelation..... Especially when all the online discussion has been about the secret underground biolabs....

    Comment: Hmmmmm.... These people have realised that something terrible is happening and are walking away whilst they can.

    Short Twitter clip

  • Mark Steyn - Victims of the Vax Special
    YouTube | GBNews, 13th July 2022
    Full ~ 1 hour special

  • The "safe and effective" narrative is falling apart
    Here is my list of over 50 leading indicators that the momentum is moving in our favor. I'd be surprised if the narrative doesn't fall apart soon. It's now unravelling quickly in the UK.
    Steve Kirsch, 7th July 2022



    Irish Sentinel, May 1, 2022

    The recent and sudden rise of liver damage and hepatitis in children seems to be affecting those between the ages of 1mo – 4 years of age.

    What they arent telling the public is that the majority of the cases are those under 4 years of age who are breastfed and who have been actively breastfed (within the last 12 months). The children are unvaccinated, but the breastfeeding mothers (in 100% of the cases) have been vaccinated with at least 2 doses.

    The incidences of hepatitis is also hitting the 11 – 16 year old age group, with the majority of the cases in that group having been vaccinated with at least one dose.


  • FOIA Emails Reveal Canadian Health Officials Had Pre-Knowledge Of Vaxx Effects, Mandated Vaxx Anyway
    The Stew Peters Show, JULY 7, 2022

    Comment: Why am I not surprised.... We are lied to about everything....

  • Estimates of long Covid are startlingly high. Here’s how to understand them
    Stat News, 5th July 2022

  • Excess deaths are on the rise – but not because of Covid
    Office for National Statistics data leads health experts to call for urgent investigation into what is causing the excess mortality
    Telegraph, 5th July 2022

  • In Austria, the finger-pointing has begun!
    In Austria, the Minister of Health acknowledges the problems with the vaccines, so he throws the Austrian docs under the bus. Why? Because denial is no longer working and you have to blame someone!, 5th Jul 2022

  • Hospitals Paid to Kill - Russell Blaylock, M.D.
    Rumble, June 27th 2022

    "They would give them a drug, paralyze them and put them on a respirator... And in some cases, 80% died." - Dr. Russell Blaylock, M.D.

    Comment: This has been obvious for a long time but now more doctors are talking.

  • Pfizer Hid 80-82% Spontaneous Miscarriages in Clinical Trial Data
    Rumble, June 29th 2022

    "If you look only at women who got it in the first trimester, the rates of spontaneous miscarriage are clustering in the 80-82% range." - Dr. Liz Mumper

    Comment: Shocking.... The Pfizer vax produces a better result than an abortion pill for a woman in her first trimester....

  • childrenshealthdefense

    Comment: So, WHY NOW? Maybe there are too many lawsuits pending...

  • Triple-vaccinated Spanish news reporter collapses on live TV of ‘climate change’.

    What are the odds?

    Comment: I must have seen about 7/8 TV reporters/presenters collapsing live on TV.

  • Pfizer’s “Secret” Report on the Covid Vaccine. Beyond Manslaughter. The Evidence is Overwhelming...
    Rumble, May 19, 2022

    There is more COVID news provided by Vigilant Fox on Gettr.

    Bitchute, June 25th, 2022

    STUNNING: At Today's Congressional Testimony, Dr. Deborah Brix Admits the Biden Admin's Vaccine Efficacy Claims Were Actually Just Based on 'Hope' Not Science.

    Comment: So, journalists are pretending that they have never heard of the Georgia Guidestones and prefer to ignore eugenicists like Bill Gates who want a drastic reduction in the world's population. Pathetic really...

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