“In my Greek history, the greater part of which is now extant, I laid bare the foolishness of priests, and the avarice of kings. It was a struggle between these, as to which should be the most
admired by the ignorant.”
MANETHO. An Egyptian priest. pg 176
Antiquity Unveiled: Ancient Voices From the Spirit Realms Disclose the Most Startling Revelations,Proving Christianity to Be of Heathen Origin (1892) is a must read for serious Truth Seekers who want to integrate their understanding of how the cultic milieu operates with the mystery that surrounds the origin of Christianity. This is especially important as we live in a time of disclosure where it is becoming clear that our history is not accurate and important events have been hidden from the masses. In a more enlightened age, Vatican archives are expected to become more widely available and some believe that previously hidden manuscripts are expected to undermine the current biblical narrative.
The Preface exerpts and content pages provided on this website, give a good overall introduction to this book, see Part 1. For readers, it is important to note that the witnesses were the most learned people of their time; including rulers (emperors, kings and popes), prophets, historians, antiquarians and geographers.
One of their major themes is to elucidate the major plagiarism conducted by themselves and others that helped to turn Christianity into such a powerful institution to detriment of humanity.
J.M. Roberts writes:
“It has been the boast of Christian writers that there never
was so perfect a religious system established upon the earth as the Christian religion, and yet there is not a tenet, dogma,
doctrine, ceremony, form or prayer, fast or feast, title of deity,
form of church government, official rank or religious observance
of any kind, that is not identical with some prototype to be
found in one or more of the more ancient religious systems.” [Pg 74]
However, Antiquity Unveiled provides many surprises that typify the nature of the cultic milieu. In Christianity, the lack of originality includes the made-up composite character of Jesus Christ who was based on people who did exist. Hence the miracle maker existed in the historically undisputed personage of Apollonius of Tyana and he taught people to believe in the Hindoo Chrishna who we are informed lived ~3333 B.C. The strangeness in how the early burgeoning Church appeared to be led by a character call Paul or Saul in the New Testament is explained. Yet again, we have the same Apollonius of Tyana, but we are informed that he had some opposition from others who also taught doctrines based on the same manuscripts. However, it must be made very clear that Apollonyius's teachings were substantially changed and added to, to generate the behemoth that became known as Catholicism. Therefore, the political motivation behind uniting various groups with similar beliefs under one Sun God called Jesus Christ is also explained. The other surprise is that many parts of the world over thousands of years worshiped the same Sun God under the name Chrishna, Chrishtau, Christos and eventually Christ.
For Truth Seekers, the motivation of cult originators and leaders is very important to consider and is dealt with at length by spirit testimony and witness. Some leaders had good intentions and others clearly did not. This can be clearly discerned by their modus operandi and the mentality of ‘The end justifies the means’. Even 'official' history shows fanatical, bigoted and zealot religious leaders, were only interested in pursuing their goals of power and self-aggrandizement with deception being used as standard methodology. Hence, this book is filled with reports of the duplicity of what has been termed ‘priestcraft’. In this regard, a selection of quotes are highly instructive. We read:
“...but the real truth in relation to all these writings, and all the story of Jesus of Nazareth, as
now handed down to moderns, is the mixed systems of the
Brahmanic, the Buddhistic, the Jewish, the Essenian, and the
Gnostic teachings. And these various systems all taught that
every four hundred years a philosopher arises who combines the
highest agglomeration of intelligence of his day and generation
— that is, his brain becomes more susceptible to spiritual things,
and therefore he becomes a keener analyzer of them. [Then
Buddha following Hermes, Zoroaster following Buddha, Plato
following Zoroaster, and Apollonius following Plato, were such
instances as you refer to, which were recognized as starting
new eras of religious thought and speculation?]”
SATURNINUS, Essenian Philosopher. Pg 238
“I never regretted that I had taught the seven Pythagorean principles
which meant the seven years of purification adopted
in my day by all Pythagoreans. This I will explain to you.
The first year was analogous to the period of innocence and
childhood, during which the philosophical aspirant tried to
forget all previous ideas, impressions and conditions, by which
his previous life had been attended; and to lose his individuality
so as to commence a new life, like that of a newly born
infant. The second year was devoted to a total silence, or
voluntary abstinence from all acquisition of knowledge, except
what the candidate could think out for himself. In other
words, it was devoted to silent meditation. In the third year
he was enabled to begin the contemplation of the facts of his
pre-existence and the after existence, in their relations to his
then existence, and to understand the true object of existence
as a whole. In the fourth year the aspirant to philosophical
wisdom purified himself from every contamination of the use
of food that the Sage (Pythagoras) had set down as unfit to be
eaten. In the fifth year, having purged the mortal body, he
began to sit, lie down, or stand as directed by his spirit attendants
in order to develop his mediumship for the occurrence
of spiritual phenomena through it. In the sixth year the
phenomena that occurred were divided, as you divide them,
into two classes, to wit: mental and physical. The purpose of
this was to determine whether the most striking phenomena
that occurred through each candidate were mental or physical.
In the seventh year, test experiments were made to ascertain
whether the aspirant was best qualified for the occurrence of
the mental or physical class of phenomena; or whether competent
for the occurrence of both classes combined. Apollonius
of Tyana was found to be remarkably qualified for the occurrence
of both mental and physical phenomena through his
mediumship, and thus being fully developed for both classes of
phenomena in an equal degree, he was authorized to act in
both capacities, those of mental and physical mediumship.”
EUXENUS, A Pythagorean Philosopher. Pg 264
“I was known as Quintillian, the grammarian, and lived at
Rome from about A. D. 40 to A. D. 90. I was the master and
teacher of Pliny the Younger; and it is by his invitation that I
am here to-day. I am glad to bear witness to the truth.
I was a teacher at Rome at the time when there was not a single
man of any education but that was engaged in making proselytes
to some religious views of his own. All of their religious
views had a pantheistic tendency. In fact Pantheism had set
men crazy, each and every one desiring to add another god to
his household idols.”
QUINTILLIAN, A Latin Grammarian. Pg 118
“My name when here was Felix. I was Procurator in Judaea from
A. D. 52 until about 63. [...] The Jews were at
that time engaged in all kinds of spiritual forgeries — all kinds
of tricks; and my coming here to-day is to show how the Paul
story originated. There was an Egyptian priest — his name was
Alcibides — who came to Judaea from Alexandria. He was a
good medium, but a most heartless trickster as well. He had
an immense influence and many followers;”
FELIX, Procurator of Judaea. Pg 82
“I lived in the mortal form
was from about B. C. 13 to A. D. 25. I was an astrologer and
philosopher. I also held the office of praetor at Rome. [...]
Each of the gods had a star assigned to him, that astrologers,
like myself, explained to the people, and told them what the gods
wanted, by their positions in the houses of the heavens. Most
of the Roman, Grecian and Egyptian priests were astrologers,
but not truthful ones, they reading the stars in a way that
would bolster up the superstitions they were propagating.
There were also at Rome a class of mystics who pretended to
great knowledge, but who in reality knew nothing but to place
the minds of those who witnessed their performances in a
chaotic state, in which state they experimented upon them
psychologically. Understanding mesmerism they used all
prominent men, whom they could psychologize, for their own
F. NIGIDIUS FIGULUS. A Pythagorean Philosopher. Pg 166
“I am forced here to tell, in this communication, what I know
about Christian interpolations, Christian robbery, and Christian
lying. I lived for the sake of popularity. I deceived, because
it gave me power. I professed a morality that I never possessed.
In fact, I was a materialist at the bottom. I had no hope nor
idea of an existence beyond the tomb, and I thought the best
thing that I could do wras to secure physical comforts here. I
tampered with the books that have been described here to-day.
I substituted names in them that were not in the originals, and
from these books, which taught only pure morality, I helped all
I could to destroy the idea of man performing any good work
of himself, and to induce people to rely entirely for the atonement
of their sins on Jesus. I also destroyed many valuable
books, for fear some one would discover my fraudulent conduct.
I confess that I was one of the principal parties who placed the
Christian Scriptures in their present shape, or very nearly so.
It is known by every Christian priest, to-day, who knows aught
of history, that Apollonius was the original Jesus; and the
pagans in my day, in their answers to Christian bishops, said
that those bishops positively knew they were lying when they
claimed any other Saviour than the Cappadocian Saviour; and
charged that, in their artfulness, when they could not destroy
the knowledge of Apollonius and his teachings they interpolated
the name of Jesus, when by every principle of right the name
of Apollonius should have been allowed to remain there. If
you must have a Saviour I do not see why you should not have
the right one. It is better to build on a reality than on a myth.
Apollonius, in spirit life, has a noble school of philosophy for
spirits who desire to be educated. One of the most consummate
villains that ever lived, and one that has done more to retard
learning the truth regarding this Christ than any other, was
Eusebius, for he spent his whole life in interpolating, mutilating
and destroying everything that was against Christianity.
And the first pope was also guilty of a similar destruction of
those books.”
GREGORY. Bishop of Constantinople. Pg 138
“For my own benefit and personal
aggrandizement, I brought to Rome the Pauline Epistles. I
obtained them in Antioch. I changed or interpolated them to
suit myself; because, being a scholar, and understanding those
epistles to contain facts that were not known by the world at
large, I thought that they presented a rare opportunity to make
myself great. These epistles were written or copied from the
originals by Apollonius, Apollos, or Paulus;”
MARCION, The Father of Christianity. Pg 154
“I was known as Sir Thomas Bodley, I was founder of the Bodleian Library, attached to the Oxford University, at Oxford, England. In the 16th century, I collected manuscripts, and particularly those of a very ancient date, and I know that there was a collection deposited therein by me, called the ‘Controversy against the Council of Nice.’ It embraced writings of the Controversialists previous to and for a century after that Council, that are known to history; but how far the clergy have tampered with them since I know not. I say this, because in the 16th and 17th centuries, if a priest saw a book or manuscript that was dangerous to Christianity, he did one of three things, stole it, bought it, or mutilated it.”
“I was known as Cardinal Caesar
Baronius. or Baronio, as sometimes called. I was the author
of an Ecclesiastical Annals, and librarian of the Vatican
Library. In my search for information amongst the books and
papers of that library, I was sworn that I would disclose or
publish nothing that did not agree with the Roman Catholic
creed. In my investigation of the old manuscripts there deposited,
I found that Christianity did not have a beginning
until the first half of the third century. [...] These “documents to which I allude, although opposed to their religion, the Catholics have not destroyed. Whatever originals they possess are in the hands
of the Order of Jesus, and no priest is allowed to read them
unless he takes the oath of eternal secrecy. There is not a
learned Catholic to-day that is in the priesthood, or that has
ever been at Rome, but that knows that Christianity is nothing
more than an old pagan idea revived, but as it gives them
power their lips are sealed. [...] I was librarian of the Vatican prior
to A. D. 1607, when I died.”
“At the time, during which
Bruni held the office of apostolic secretary, as well as during
the three preceding centuries, the Catholic Church, through
its laity as well as its priesthood, was ransacking the world to
find and destroy everything in the way of ancient literature that
would throw any light on the history of the first five centuries of
the so-called Christian era. This work of Roman Catholic vandalism
was begun in earnest in the Pontificate of Hildebrand, who
as pope, took the name of Gregory VII, and was known in church
history as The Great Gregory. His first act in that direction
was the burning of the Palatine Apollo at Rome. That library
was founded by Augustus Caesar, and contained the literature
of the preceding eleven hundred years. Much of that literature
was in the Greek, Asiatic and African tongues, which were then
but little known among the Latin speaking priesthood, and it
was impossible for Gregory or his subordinate clergy to know
what that invaluable despository of learning contained that
would reveal the real origin and character of the religion of
which he was the chosen head. Fully qualified by nature for
any crime that would be calculated to promote or perpetuate
the religious fraud in which he was heart and soul engaged, he
ordered the Library of the Palatine Apollo to be burned, with
all its precious store of information. By such means did the
Roman Catholic Church hope to conceal the religious imposition
they were seeking to fasten upon the minds of humanity for
J.M. Roberts, Author commentary. Pg 464
“Why, we again ask, are so many of the works of the writers
of the first four centuries of the Christian era not extant today;
and, especially, not a- single perfect and unmutilated
work of any of the Pagan — so-called — authors of that most
interesting era in the world’s history? Let the Roman Catholic
priesthood answer that question.”
J.M. Roberts, Author commentary. Pg 517
“In my time there was a constant struggle between the learned politicians and wily priests for supremacy; and sorry am I to say that the priests almost always triumphed.”
In this book, it is made clear that ‘priestcraft’ had murderous intentions if they felt that they were; losing too much power or there was a serious threat to their livelihoods. There is even a 5th century historical account mentioned concerning street battles between rival priests. At this point, it is worth remembering that Pope John Paul II at age 65, is widely believed to have been murdered in 1978, after only thirty-three days into his papacy. Antiquity Unveiled reveals that being involved with villainous priests could be dangerous to your existence and even Roman Emperors were not safe. We read:
“I was born in Jerusalem, in the year
2 B. C, as it is now called. I was the high priest of the Jews,
from A. D. 45 to A. D. 65. My name was Ananias. You will
find a brief account of my doings in the twenty-fourth chapter
of Acts. I was one of the accusers of Apollonius before
Felix. The name ought to have been Apollos, instead of Paul.
The charge that was there set down against him was, that he
was a seditious and pestilent fellow. That was not the charge
made against him at all. The charge was that he had attempted
to enter the Holy of Holies, claiming the divine right
to do so. When the priests and populace attempted to restrain
him, and keep him from entering there, such was his power
that he entered the Holy of Holies, and none present could
stop him. We called this power, the power of God, but you
people call it mediumship. It was for this I accused him before
Felix. He had violated and profaned the temple, and I accused
him of it. As a spirit I must confess that I was more
governed in this by a feeling of jealousy than anything else.
The Jews had sworn to destroy him, but he had proselyted a
great number of them to his faith. [What faith was that?] It
was the faith of Christos or Chrishna. You read of Paul or
Apollos having been let down from the walls of Damascus, in
a basket; but that occurred at Jerusalem and not at Damascus.
From A. D. 35 to A. D. 65, the only Christ that was preached
in Judea was the Christos of Apollonius. [Of what faith by
name was Apollonius?] He belonged to the Essenes. The
Essenes were not Jews, as has been wrongly supposed. Any
person who followed their teachings could join the Essenes, no
matter what his or her nationality. This Apollos or Apollonius,
was summoned before Felix and his wife Drusilla, where
he produced such extraordinary spirit manifestations, that as
he [Felix] could not let him go, not having the power to do
so, he did the next best thing for Apollos, and kept him in
prison until his successor arrived, where he was sent to Rome
where he was liberated.”
ANANIAS, A Jewish High Priest. Pg 400
“I was selected by a council of priests to prepare the Latin Vulgate
in more readable form. [...] The first interruption to
the original copy written by myself was made by Tyndale
when he printed the first Bible in the Sixteenth century. He
dropped all the marginal notes with the exception of those
manufactured by priests; and also destroyed all the preface. It
was not so much his fault, for his life would have paid the
forfeit. As long as these things were written, they were held
by the selected few of the faithful, but when printed there was
danger that the masses would become too enlightened. This
is all I can now state. I lived in the 13th century and my
name was Cardinal Sancta De Caro.”
Cardinal Sancta De Caro. Pg 556
“I was known in my mortal life as Septimius Geta, son of
Septimins Severus. I was murdered by my brother Caracalla.
There is one thing that I now know, and that is that my
brother would never have murdered me had it not been for
the meddlesome priests of my time. About from A. D. 200 to
212, there was a fight between what the spirit who proceeded
me (Sotion), calls Christosism and the worship of Apollo the
pagan God of Rome. The followers of the first using the word
Maia to designate the mother of Christos, which was afterwards
by the Christians changed into Mary. The followers of
Apollo, regarding him as identical with Horus the Egyptian
Saviour recognized the great Isis as his virgin mother. I said,
when appealed to decide between the two parties, during my
brief reign, that they were both too ridiculous to be worthy of
any official recognition. In doing this I sealed my fate. I
gave offence to both parties. And finding my brother a more
pliable tool in their hands, the priests helped him to murder
me. As far as I was myself concerned, I was a fully initiated
member of what was called in my time the Diamond or Mountain
of Light Circle. I was a believer in and a follower of the
Eclectic system of philosophy.”
SEPTIMIUS GETA. A Roman Emperor. Pg 383
Even if some are skeptical about spiritualism, the information that can be found in the book Antiquity Unveiled is so comprehensive, that any intelligent person who understands anything about cults, will be forced to re-consider their beliefs about what Christianity actually represents. This book is over 600 pages and provides information that spans over thousands of years. Therefore, the extensive exerpts provide on this website, aim to simplify matters by mostly removing repetition in the commentary and editing some information derived from theological encylopedias in order to get the main points across. It is suggested that the edited out material can be considered after a second or even a third reading. The reason for this is that the actual messages provided in this book are simply astonishing and mostly in basic English so they are not difficult to comprehend. Due to the amount research added to verify claims, this book is also a must-have resource. Besides that, there are some nuggets of information casully dropped that have major implications for the positive progression of humanity. When you find them, then you will realise that there is a spirit world that closely interacts with our world.
Finally, it must be stated that these messages started being communicated in 1878. They were originally provided to those interested in the subject matter, in a weekly magazine titled Mind and Matter and author J. M. Roberts was the editor. The book Antiquity Unveiled (1892) published after the death of Roberts with his research and notes. This book is no longer subject to copyright and is freely available on the internet. However, it is provable that some of this information is so sensitive, that efforts have been made to create an online ‘2nd edition’ with some of the messages corrupted and even some of the messages completely erased. Therefore, this collection of exerpts with highlighted sentences and paragraphs required a physical original edition copy acquired in March 2002, with personal notes that have been made over this period. In conclusion, the task of generating the Antiquity Unveiled exerpts, was a sobering reminder of the cult mentality that still seeks to manipulate and hide the truth in our world.
The Getty image right serves to illustrate how cults and major religions have various hidden roots where major religions split from the main trunk with large and small branches, with twigs and leaves that represent small cults that come and go with an assortment of different leaders.
Antiquity Unveiled: Ancient Voices From the Spirit Realms Disclose the Most Startling Revelations, Proving Christianity to Be of Heathen Origin (1892) | Internet archive copy link
- Essay Spiritual Evolution in the Cultic Milieu (August 2011),