Susan Joy Rennison's

Financial Chaos is Coming? Got Gold & Silver? Bank failures and bail-ins coming? Don't leave all your money in the bank! Make sure you have enough provisions at home for at least a few weeks and make sure you have cash at hand. TROUBLE COMING...

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Financial System Meltdown Imminent!

First Upload: 30th January 2024,
Last Update: 17th October 2024

Financial System Black Swan

Thursday 17th October 2024

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  • Gold is the 'last safe haven' as Treasurys face risks from soaring US debt, Bank of America says
    Business Insider, 17th Oct 2024

    [...] They explained that with US debt expected to keep soaring, Treasury supply faces risks. At the same time, higher interest rate payments as a share of GDP will make gold an attractive asset in the next few years.

    "Ultimately, something has to give: if markets become reluctant to absorb all the debt and volatility increases, gold may become the asset of choice. Central banks in particular could further diversify their currency reserves," the analysts wrote.

    Comment: Central banks and BRICS countries have been seriously buying gold for a while. Therefore, Bank of America is warning that something is about to break in the financial system....


    [...] Putting all together, it is undeniable that there are increasing liquidity issues in both the US and the UK, but no worries next Friday when banks start reporting there will be little chance that they will confirm this to the public. Especially Bank of America which is expected to report its Q3-2024 on the 15th of October. Furthermore, we are one month away from US elections so do not expect the SEC or the FED to take any action to tackle this problem because the political embarrassment for the incumbent US administration seeking re-election will significantly undermine their effort to make everything look awesome in both the economy and the financial system.

    Comment: Something is up....

  • Defaults on leveraged loans soar as BoE warns on private equity’s ‘challenges’
    Central bank concerned that risks in sector backing 2mn UK private-sector employees could spill over to rest of economy
    Financial Times, June 27 2024

  • Corporate debts mount as credit funds let borrowers defer payments
    Use of payment-in-kind loan terms is growing as companies struggle with heavy leverage and high interest rates
    Financial Times, 14th Oct 2024

  • Private Equity; The New Subprime? Global Banks Have Significant Exposure.
    YouTube, 14th Oct 2024

    Comment: Mario @Manceco64 goes through a series of articles, only first 2 links are provided above. So, extremely wealthy individuals borrow money from the Bank of England (or Federal Reserve in the United States), then with leverage buy and asset strip dying companies. The problem is that this business model is failing. Presumably, the scamdemic wrecked businesses and cheap money was given out to buy them up. However, now that interest rates are rising, loans are not being paid back. Mario thinks that Private Equity loan failure could cause a black swan, so we can add this new factor to the financial sector jenga.

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    Wednesday, 9th October 2024

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  • Russia Set to Boost Silver Reserves in Major Precious Metals Strategy Shift
    Russia shifts its precious metals strategy, adding silver to state reserves alongside gold, platinum, and palladium—potentially impacting global markets as central banks reconsider silver's value.
    Jerusalem Post, 4th Oct 2024

    Russia may be poised to make a notable shift in its precious metals strategy, with silver potentially emerging as a key asset in the country’s expanding State Fund. According to a report released by Interfax this week and cited by Bloomberg, Russia’s Draft Federal Budget outlines plans to significantly bolster its holdings in precious metals over the coming years. Notably, the budget includes plans to acquire gold, platinum, palladium, and, for the first time, silver.

    The inclusion of silver in the State Fund's acquisition strategy marks a departure from recent trends. While central banks around the globe, particularly Russia, have set records in gold purchases following international sanctions, silver has largely remained off their radar. This latest development suggests that silver’s role in Russia’s financial strategy may be evolving.

    Comment: Don't be fooled.... This is a declaration of war against US banks/Cabal....

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  • Russia’s Plans For Silver, Could The Price Of Silver Really Hit $1,554? Plus Look At This Surprise…
    King World News, 8th Oct 2024

    Comment: This is worse than watching paint dry..... Fed up waiting for the real fireworks. The silver price is complete lies based on a mountain of paper.... The banks cannot continue to pretend there is an infinite supply of silver at a stupid fake low price to help out the Industrial Military Complex. Most commentators talk about the fake silver market and markets in general as if it's all real. The rest of the world (BRICS) knows that it's all bullsh#t and are now going to put the price of much needed commodities to the test. China has been buying up raw silver dore from South America and shipping it to refine in China.... Seriously that can't be a cheap option.... Only makes sense if they know they are getting it at a steal..... India has been buying... Can't tell me that Elon Musk has not already got his unfair share.... The brains are buying precious metals, the idiots are still in the stockmarket and buying sh#tcoins.... #silversqueeze Why is this happening? Because the world HAS TO GO BACK ONTO A GOLD STANDARD TO RESTORE FINANCIAL SANITY.....

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    Comment: The debt clock messages are getting on my nerves. Maerox is as cheerful as ever.

    Wednesday, 25th September 2024

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    Comment: Inflation is and will become an even bigger problem.... The union wants 77% increase over the next 6 years! Shockwaves across the economy....

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  • Key US ports brace for strike
    LINKEDIN, 20th Sep 2024

    The biggest port on the East Coast could be shut down within days. Officials at the Port of New York/New Jersey told CNBC they are preparing for a complete work stoppage by the International Longshoreman’s Association (ILA), the biggest union in North America, with about 85,000 members. A strike would shutter over three dozen ports along the East and Gulf Coasts starting Oct. 1, including five of the 10 busiest ones in North America. A weeklong strike could cause backups until mid-November, according to one estimate, while a two-week strike could have ripple effects into January.

    Click image for video link

    Comment: This is a good summary of the politics of the strike from the perspective of a trucker. It is made clear here that this will effect half of the nation's goods and other U.S. ports will not be able to compensate for the strike imapct.

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    Comment: This is a general summary of what will happen when ALL ports are closed down and the consequences to expect. In reality, it is 43% of U.S. ports going on strike, but it is certain the impact will cause chaos.

    Sunday, 22nd September 2024

  • The London Bullion Market Has Sent Gold and Silver Supply to the Moon. Interview with David Jensen.

    Comment: This is an excellent piece of analysis. Central bankers have lost their minds! LOL!! Really, we are very close to financial armageddon. Default Coming, but the real financial failure has already happened and is being hid.... If you have not got some gold and silver by now, you will regret not buying it so cheap, before the real chaos/explosion in prices starts.... Btw, despite gold appearing to be the bankers' precious metal of choice, there is a lot of gold in the ground and it does not get destroyed during industrial use. Silver is coming out of the ground at a ratio of 7-1 but silver supply is drying up and it is needed for electronics and solar panels etc etc. Bix Weir has stated for years that silver will become more precious than gold, but the bankers have manipulated the price down to make it seem worthless so they can hoard.... Now, the con game is nearly over as explained in this excellent analysis....

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    Comment: Trouble ahead, hence efforts being made to encourage people to have some silver and gold. Americans who bought a gold bar from Costco last year are now $400 in profit - as it emerges retailer sells up to $200 million of the bars EVERY MONTH

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    Comment: Most people have no clue that rising prices means fiat money debasement. However, central banks buying gold and sending the price to all time highs, means they understand that fiat money (all linked to the US dollar) is becoming worthless.

  • Dog plays Jenga.... XTwitter Link

    Wednesday, 11th September 2024

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    Just Dario, 1st July 2024

    [...] Just bear in mind that, even according to official FDIC data, banks “paper losses” in banks’ books are right now almost SEVEN TIMES higher than during the peak of the GFC… and this is an “optimistic” assessment.

    Comment: The banks are hiding massive losses, at least 7X worse than the GFC (Great financial Crisis in 2008), which explains why many analysts have been saying for years that when the financial crisis hits, it is going to be horrific. Don't forget, the banks all insure each other. Pension funds need high stock valuations to pay out pensions and it could quickly all collapse. It's hard to find credible experts, Just Dario is the real deal.

  • Swiss finance minister chides US, Europe over 'time bomb' debt levels
    Reuters, August 24, 2024

    Rumble, 20th Aug 2024

    Comment: ~38 minutes start. The abrasive Jim Willie describes why the US financial system is in major touble.

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  • Analysis: "Russia selling oil for gold in September"
    ZeroHedge, 10th Sep 2024

  • WEEKLY WRAP with Alasdair Macleod | 16th August 2024
    King World News

    Comment: Russia surrounded, does not want to start WW3. Alasdair thinks the solution would be to cause economic chaos by putting the Ruble onto a gold standard to mess up the current dollar based financial system..... Update: 11th Sep 2024 | Russia announces massive gold buying.

  • Russia steps up gold purchases
    Goldmoney, 6th Sep 2024

    While the resilience of gold and silver prices puzzles western capital markets, the Asian hegemons take a different view, continuing to dump fiat for gold. Now Russia is investing her surplus oil revenue.

    Comment: Technicals.

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    Comment: Gold at all time highs and institutional investors have not bought in yet, only central banks and countries (e.g. China is encouraging people to invest in gold by having a bank gold account alongside their normal bank account for savings, that means Chinese banks need to buy and hold gold.....) When the highly inflated western stock markets tank and panic buying starts in the West, it's going to be fun to watch. The gold dancing suit just seems highly appropriate.....

    Comment 2: I think there is some irony that Goldman Sachs is in BIG Trouble..... Apparently, they have become a major victim of the Yen carry trade as they expected the Yen to remain weak.... Some are whispering Lehman 2..... link


    1929 vs 2024
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    Caption: 🚨 **RED ALERT** 🚨

    **1929 vs 2024: Are We on the Brink of Another Financial Meltdown?**

    **Scary?** You should be worried.

    But don’t panic—because it’s going to get *much* worse.

    The financial system is long overdue for a complete cleansing. The signs are all around us.

    Sep 5 2024

    Click image for link

    Comment: History repeats.....

    Sunday, 11th August 2024

    JustDario, 9th August 2024

    [...] Here you have the perfect example of how the JPY carry trade became such an integral part of the global financial system with repercussions reaching far beyond Japan.

    Why is this specifically happening in London and not Japan or the US? The answer is straightforward because the vast majority of OTC derivatives are booked by banks and brokers onto their UK legal entities. This is a result of a particularly accommodative UK regulatory system regarding derivatives that allows banks to post a very small amount of capital in their books despite dealing with huge volumes in the space. What’s the rationale? To keep things simple, banks are supposed to “net” their flows and keep a very limited residual exposure. The problem is, in this incredibly complex web of transactions entangled between each other, if too many tiles come off, then everything has a very hard time keeping standing, similar to a Jenga tower. Furthermore, no one, including the regulator, has the full picture of it at any time. It is simply impossible to track with the current system in place as I already highlighted in “THIS IS NOT 1987, 2000, 2008 OR 2020, BUT A WHOLE NEW MARKET MONSTER”

    Comment: There is a lot of superficial reports about the current Japanese financial mess. However, this report goes deeper and implies that things are not all well in the UK. I found JustDario on XTwitter and the replies here are interesting link

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    Caption: Japan Market Crash And Why It Hit The US So Hard!

  • Why the crash in stock markets, A simple explanation. | XTwitter Link

    Comment: These short videos explain the Japanese 'Get Rich Quick' Carry Trade, which is now unravelling and those caught out are now having to sell everything in sight to pay debt. The U.S. stock market decline is NOT significant compared to 1929.

  • Big UK Banks Could Be Wound Down in a Crisis Without Bailouts, Bank of England Finds
    A report by the Bank of England has found that major UK banks have addressed previous issues and have improved their preparations for a hypothetical resolution.
    Epoch Times, 7th August 2024

    Britain’s biggest banks could stay open and would not need to be bailed out by the government should they collapse, the Bank of England (BoE) has found in a published assessment of their crisisplanning management on Tuesday.

    The UK’s top eight banks including Barclays, Lloyds, HSBC, NatWest, Santander UK, Standard Chartered, Nationwide and Virgin Money UK, were evaluated for their “resolvability,” meaning their ability to safely manager a failure without major economic impacts on the British economy.

    The new “resolution” rules were introduced by the BoE after the government was forced to pay-in £137 billion in public funds to safeguard the UK financial sector during the 2007/2008 Global Financial Crisis (GFC).

    Comment: Not sure if this is supposed to be behind a paywall. I just did a print and read the article. It really does look like they are expecting HUGE trouble.....

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  • China Braces for Chaos: Xi Jinping Warns of ‘Black Swan’ and ‘Gray Rhino’ Risks
    ViewUsGlobal, 23rd July 2024

    Chinese President Xi Jinping warned that China must prepare for “black swan” and “gray rhino” risks, signaling the country’s crises.

    According to Xinhua News Agency, Xi stated that “black swan” and “gray rhino” events could occur frequently. He released a document during a third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee.

    He added that the world is experiencing an extreme transformation, accelerating regional conflicts. “In the face of increasing external suppression, China’s development faces a period where strategic opportunities and risks coexist while uncertainties lie,” he said.

    Comment: Looked up sources and I think this might be a re-hash of an old article. Never heard of a gray rhino before....

  • A Black Swan Event in the Private Credit Market May Be Coming… Here’s What You Need to Know
    The e-commerce firm is expected to reach a significant tipping point later this year…
    Investor Place, 30th June 2024

    Problems Brewing in the Private Credit Market

    Increasingly, the private credit and private equity worlds have become intertwined. The private credit industry now charges big management fees and shares profits with its managers, which builds out private credit markets with the private equity industry. The insurance industry is also increasing its investments in private credit.

    Case in point: The private credit soared from $432.9 billion in 2014 to $1.7 trillion in 2023 and is on track to hit $2.0 trillion this year.

    That’s a big problem.

    And I’m not the only one concerned… JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon recently stated that he expects problems to emerge in the private credit market and even warned “there could be hell to pay.”

    The fact is the average financial advisor doesn’t sell stocks anymore. Instead, they sell private credit. Investors can get an 11% yield now and get their money back in two years. They usually give investors 25% back every six months. But financial advisors are now leveraging debt and leveraged debt is basically what caused the 2008 financial crisis.

    Comment: This article gives a simple explanation as to why there may be another financial crisis coming very soon. Unfortunately Ads links are mixed in, so a bit confusing.

  • Stock market looks 'eerily similar' to last big crash, veteran Charles Schwab analyst says in dire warning for 401(k)s
    Daily Mail, 27th June 2024

    Comment: YouTube | 10th August 2024 It's Starting To Look Like 1929 | Stocks Dropped 89% - Will It Happen Again? | Alasdair Macleod

  • Global wave of elections could hit UK financial system, warns Bank of England
    Central bank raises concerns over newly elected governments as more than 80 countries go to polls this year
    Guardian, 27th Jun 2024

    Uncertainty caused by a global wave of elections, starting this weekend in France, risks destabilising the UK’s financial system, the Bank of England has warned.

    Officials are concerned about the kind of policies that newly elected governments may enforce in large economies, including the US, where Donald Trump is vying for another term as president in the run-up to the election in November.

    Comment: I have just loaded up the Just Seth webpage with the book extracts for, DREAMS, “EVOLUTION”, AND VALUE FULFILLMENT, VOLUME I (1986, 1997) link.

    Why do I mention this? Well for not quite a year, I was told about someone in the UK who dreamt that there is going to be a financial panic and people will not be able to get their money out of the ATMs. (I was told some other very interesting details too). Yes, these claims are being made on social media, but it is not the same as someone who DOES NOT DO SOCIAL MEDIA, who gets vivid prophetic dreams and tells their friend who then tells me..... Please note, I had already started warning in March 2023 on my COVID blog, see below.

    27th June 2024

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  • Russian-linked gang claims Federal Reserve hack - and threatens to release America's banking secrets TODAY
    Daily Mail, 25th June 2024

    READ MORE: LockBit mastermind is unmasked as Russian hacker

    A Russian-linked gang has allegedly hacked the US Federal Reserve and is threatening to release America's backing secrets if they don't receive a ransom.

    The group, known as LockBit, warned that it will expose '33 terabytes of juicy banking information' if their demands are not met by 4:27pm ET today.

    The ransom amount is unknown, but LockBit shared a statement on the dark web that suggested a 'negotiator' offered it $50,000 - which was allegedly refused.

    The Federal Reserve has not commented on the alleged hack, but previously stated that 'a cyber event could be extremely damaging.'

    Comment: FED hacked and 33 Terabytes released and now available on the dark web..... The use of the occult no. 33 is used to signal a global message. Here is Echodatruth explaining that the search through the data has begun... Note the deathly silence in the mainstream media..... Wonder why? XTwitter LINK

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  • Be prepared for 'black swan' events, expect the unexpected: Army Chief to force, 8th April 2024

    New Delhi, Apr 8 (PTI) Army Chief Gen Manoj Pande on Monday called upon the force to be always prepared for 'black swan' events and "expect the unexpected" even as he identified technology as the new area for strategic competition among nations.

    In an address at the Defence Services Staff College in Wellington, Gen Pande highlighted the weaponisation of technology, especially its extension across various domains - from information to supply chains.

    Comment: This is Indian military telling the world to prepare..... I am seeing a lot of this on social media, but when it's any military I pay attention... Something BIG is coming.

    23rd June 2024

    Comment: To be honest, I saw these headlines and ignored them because I could not believe that there would be warnings about 63 U.S. banks that includes a Global Systemic Important Bank (GSIB) all being in serious trouble..... More headlines: Business Insider, 4th Jun 2024 Higher interest rates have created 63 'problem banks' and $517 billion in unrealized losses, FDIC says & FinBold, 4th June 2024 U.S. banks on brink of collapse? $517 billion losses threaten 63 banks

    I started paying attention when I heard that 4 top banks were outted for not having an adequate 'living will.' LOL!! According to Bloomberg TV, the banks are JPMorgan Chase, Bank of America, Goldman Sachs and Citigroup all had a “shortcoming,” states the Federal Reserve and Federal Deposit Insurance Corp (FDIC), link.

    Presumably, this has not hit the mainstream media yet, because I have not heard of any bank runs. People paying attention have already removed money they are frightened of losing from banks. What's more, repercussions will not be restricted to the United States because big banks do business with other big banks. So, if one goes down, they will drag others down as part of their mutual destruction insurance plan.

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  • Belgian Finance Minister Warns of Unpredictable Fallout From Seizing Russia’s Frozen Assets in EU
    Sputnik International, 21st Jun 2024

    MOSCOW (Sputnik) - Seizing Russia’s frozen assets in the European Union will lead to unpredictable consequences, and it is necessary to "share the risks" when it comes to providing a loan to Ukraine, Belgian Finance Minister Vincent Van Peteghem said on Friday.

    Belgium holds the presidency of the Council of the EU until the end of the month. This country's jurisdiction also hosts the Euroclear depository, which holds most of the Russian frozen assets. "Two things are of crucial important for our country — not to touch the assets themselves, as changing their ownership can have unpredictable consequences financially and legally. The second is sharing the risk — this is a very important issue in the creation of this tool, a key points in the whole discussion," the minister told reporters.

    Comment: Rare info: Some concerns about theft..... Also: Is this warning that a black swan could occur? Remember, stealing a countries international savings account, has NEVER been done before in history.

    Comment: Hmmm.... The Rothschild owned IMF has seen the writing on the wall.....

  • "Gold Standard 2.0: Russia's About to Change the World Forever" - Alasdair Macleod
    YouTube, 13 Jun 2024

    With every passing day, the state of the US economy bears more and more resemblance to previous periods of immense financial strain, such as the 2008 Great Financial Crisis, the 80s high inflation, high interest rate environment, and perhaps even the late 1920s before the Great Depression. With a debt-to-GDP ratio of 130 percent, the United States is one of the world’s most indebted nations. The economic situation is expected to get even more heated in the coming years as the US racks on more debt and debt expenses. Experts forecast that the US economy is heading in the same direction as Japan, which has a 260 percent debt-to-GDP ratio and is currently on the verge of a sovereign debt crunch. Alasdair Macleod, a prominent precious metals analyst and head of Research at Goldmoney, firmly believes going back to a gold standard is the only thing that can save the global financial system from a massive implosion that will see many people lose everything.

    In a recent interview with CapitalCosm, Alasdair reveals how Russian President Vladimir Putin can put an end to the West’s hypocrisy and dominance over the rest of the world by making a simple decision that will simultaneously immediately tank the dollar’s value. This decision would be Putin advocating for Russia and its allies to return to the gold standard. This includes the other ten BRICS+ nations, the 25 nations that have informally applied to join the alliance, as well as members of other affiliated alliances, including the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, the Eurasian Economic Union, and the Belt Road Initiative. Alasdair adds that with such a massive force adopting a gold standard, the dollar’s status as a global reserve currency will quickly diminish, and gold prices will skyrocket wildly.

    Comment: The instant re-evaluation of gold is what I expected to happen over 3 years ago..... But what price would silver be? The write-up here provides key points and might save some time. Alasdair is really quite pissed....

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  • The BRICS' Plans For Proposed Gold Backed 'Unit'
    Comment: This video provides specifics and has been highly recommended.

  • mBridge/UNIT vaults will store serialized gold kilo bars. XTwitter link
    YouTube, 18th June 2024

    Comment: Well we know the BRICS are organised and have a plan. For sceptics, there seems to be a U.S. recovery plan too. Otherwise you can't explain why 1. state after state are passing laws to make Gold & Silver legal tender. 2. 43 states have removed some form of tax on the sale and purchase of silver and gold. 3. Walmart and Costco are selling gold bars to retailer shoppers.

    18th June 2024

    It's like watching a complicated machine with lots of moving parts and wondering which part is going to break first... The following is a selection of new items that I consider to be indicative why something dramatic is about to happen.

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    Comment: I think the decision to steal Russian money and give it to Ukraine was the final straw.... The brilliant Tom Luongo says that the decision actually benefits Europe more than the United States | YouTube G7 “Steals” Russian Assets in Effort to Destroy China, Save EU From Collapse. At ~27:45 Luongo says paraphrased, "It's about collapsing the Eurodollar offshore markets. FED not incharge of controlling monetary policy the value of dollars and interest rates set by Eurodollar banks" link.

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    Comment: Just another reminder of how bad the US debt problem is.

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    Macron called a snap election because he knows he’s sitting on an economic market time bomb. Subsequently, the cost of insuring against a French default (CDS price) shot up by 16bps this week.

    Comment: Hmmm.... Another moving part that could cause a dominoe effect that has not really been part of any major discussion.

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  • Saudi Arabia joins BIS- and China-led central bank digital currency project

    LONDON, June 5 (Reuters) - Saudi Arabia has joined a China-dominated central bank digital currency cross-border trial, in what could be another step towards less of the world's oil trade being done in U.S. dollars.

    The move, announced by the Bank for International Settlements on Wednesday, will see Saudi's central bank become a "full participant" of Project mBridge, a collaboration launched in 2021 between the central banks of China, Hong Kong, Thailand and the United Arab Emirates. The BIS, a global central bank umbrella organisation which oversees the project, also announced that mBridge had reached "minimum viable product" stage, meaning it will move beyond the pro type phase.

    Comment: The Petrodollar is dead. It's hello Petro-Yuan! Analysts think this is a black swan announcement..... I have never heard of MBRIDGE before this week..... |YouTube short MBRIDGE LIVE .

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    June 9th the Agreement between United States and Saudi Arabia to sell Saudi Oil in USD exclusively ends. Saudi Prince has already notified U.S. that this agreement will NOT be renewed and they will no longer accept USD.

    Comment: He was right too.... There are literally only whispers about this major hammer blow to the United States... However, I did see a Wall Street Journal headline which I thought was ridiculous, but what do I know? Crypto Could Stave Off a U.S. Debt Crisis

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    Larry Johnson Unleashes Truth Bomb at SPIEF!

    Comment: This is a good analysis of the dangerous situation the United States is in and why we are going back to a gold standard.

    In Other News....

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    Comment: This article is behind a paywall.

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    Thursday, 30th May 2024

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  • "Worried About The Whole System Going Down" - Chris Martenson Fears "The Great Taking" Is Imminent [VIDEO], 29th May 2024

    [...] In a new market meltdown, Dr. Martenson sees chaos and gives a hypothetical example:
    “China attacks Taiwan, and there is a 10 sigma move in the bond market. Oh no, all these derivatives have blown up. These people are supposed to be winners, and these people are supposed to be all losers. No, no, they don’t have any money for that stuff.

    It’s too complicated. I don’t think anybody understands how this works anymore. I could not find anybody who could tell me the whole thing. I could find people who knew bits and pieces, but they knew their slice...

    I am trying to stitch this thing all together. I get uncomfortable when I can’t answer the most basic questions, and that is how much risk is there in the system and where is it?”
    In short, Dr. Martenson is worried about the whole financial system going down.

    Comment: Dr. Chris Martenson is futurist and an economic researcher. He got the COVID scamdemic 100% right very early on.... He knows what's coming with the financial system too....

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  • Dimon Says ‘Could Be Hell to Pay’ If Private Credit Sours
    Bloomberg, 29th May 2024

    Jamie Dimon said he expects problems to emerge in private credit and warned that “there could be hell to pay,” particularly as retail clients gain access to the booming asset class.

    Comment: Hmmmm.... 'Hell to pay', the exact term I used on this webpage 11 days ago. Reading the article, I don't think its the story that matters, but the headline is warning of what's coming.

    Wednesday, 29th May 2024

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  • The Making Of A Giant Silver Squeeze | Andy Schectman
    YouTube, 29th May 2024

    “We have the making of what could be a giant 'silver squeeze,'" says Andy Schectman of Miles Franklin. Global inventories of silver has been disappearing. Even on Shanghai, metals supplies are decreasing. The largest bullion banks in the western world are now showing up at the Shanghai exchange. Could this signal a last desperate attempt to bring prices down? Andy Schectman discusses.

    Comment: In the last month, criminal U.S. bullion bankers have been going to the Shanghai Gold Exchange BEGGING FOR HELP... I hope they were told to F##k Off. Analysts are starting to say that bullion bankers naked shorting silver could bring down the whole financial system.... Andy Schectman explains the issue in ~ 40 mins... I say chickens are coming home to roost....

  • David Jensen: We Are In The End-Stages of Bullion Banks Ability
    to Modulate the Silver Price

    YouTube, 24 May 2024

    Comment: The link is to where David Jensen explains that the following 4 banks are in BIG trouble. HSBC, Deutsche Bank, Standard Chartered Bank and JP Morgan Chase Bank. Apparently, the visits to the Shanghai Gold Exchange to source silver took place in March and April 2024 and photos were taken and shared on social media to troll them!!!!!!! Why the hell would the Chinese help them after the United States have show they are happy to steal assets? Btw, this is another great interview.

  • 🚨#BREAKING: A massive explosion has occurred at a Chase Bank due to a gas leak explosion, resulting in multiple people getting injured Link

    Comment: My immediate thoughts are that JP Morgan Chase Bank are going down and this is just some COMMS. Many who are aware just how criminal bankers are, don't believe the gas leak story.

  • ALERT! China's Exposure of Silver Naked Short Selling, Could Bring Down Major US Banks Link.

    Comment: This is a video clip of analyst Kirk Elliot on the Alex Jones Show talking about the banks being vulnerable with the recent silver price hike and then almost immediately, a JP Morgan Chase bank explosion takes place.... Just coincidence?

    Click image for link

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    Comment: The WH plan is to allow the evil banking cartel to be destroyed. The world will then change for the better.

    Click image for link

  • JPMorgan Chase, Bank of America and Goldman Sachs Hit With $53,000,000 Fine for Failing to Properly Report Millions of Derivatives Transactions
    Daily Hodl, 8th Oct 2023

    Comment: So, the derivatives situation could be far worse.....

    Wednesday, 22nd May 2024

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    Comment: Something is coming.... What's more, it's been planned. I've been expecting another lockdown since early February see U.S. clinic letter above. Quite frankly, the reason could be war, a financial meltdown and/or another scamdemic etc. Then PM Sunak has just announced a General Election. Well MP Andrew Bridgen says the UK is already at war with Russia and that Sunak does not want to be a war-time Prime Minister, XTwitter link. Yes, I do think the White Hats are in control, but it's getting really tiresome waiting for the movie to play out....

    Sunday, 19th May 2024

    Click image for link

  • WEEKLY WRAP with Alasdair Macleod | 18th May 2024
    King World News, 17 May 2024

    Comment: We have a week where silver is seriously taking off, and even the conservative Alasdair Macleod is saying the silver short term price target is probably beyond $50. This summary of who is buying is very important. Strangely, the mania has not even started yet and we have banks who have naked shorted silver to the tune of half a billion ounces, some claim 800,000,000 ounces. Bix Weir claims the shorting has been going on for many decades. As far a I am concerned, the charts and price make no sense. If silver just kept pace with inflation (and money printing) then any silver price high would be in the hundreds of dollars i.e. far higher. India and China want physical, NOT bits of paper (contracts). So, for every ounce of physical silver there ~400 ounces of paper.... Derivative meltdown coming. I think hedge funds/institutions are going to be very disappointed when they don't get anything. There is going to be hell to pay. I see MAJOR BANK failures coming....

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  • BRICS: China Dumps The Largest US Treasuries in History, 17 May 2024

    BRICS member China dumped a record number of US treasuries and agency debt bonds worth a staggering $53.3 billion. Historically, this is the largest sell-off initiated by China ever recorded and occurred during the first quarter of 2024. The sell-off data comes at a time when the US dollar fell to its one-month low at 104.20

    Comment: Is this Operation Sandman accelerating? In the same week, President Xi hugs President Putin and then a Russian court seizes $764 million in assets from Deutsche Bank & UniCredit link. This is after seizing $439.5 million from JP Morgan in April.... link Interesting, especially as these banks already have major liquidity issues.... LOL. I think this is in respone to Yellen's silly idea of utilising Russia's money Yellen to push G7 on bond for Ukraine backed by frozen Russian asset profits. Not clever when the dollar is becoming worthless. And on the 17th May, it was reported that the Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell (71) has tested positive for COVID. Hmmmm..... COMMS? Or is he just feeling unwell with all the stress?

    Click image for link

  • World’s Central Banks Buy $24,000,000,000 in Gold in Three Months, Setting New Record: Report
    Daily Hodl, 10th May 2024

    Central banks are in the midst of a gold buying spree, according to new numbers from the World Gold Council (WGC).

    The organization says central banks added $24 billion of gold, weighing 290 tonnes, to their coffers in the first quarter of this year.

    That’s the strongest level of net demand for any quarter on record, using data that dates back to the year 2000.

    The WGC says China, Turkey, India and Kazakhstan are driving much of the demand for the precious metal.

    Comment: It's not just gold that is being bought. India especially is buying tonnes of silver. They don't want a paper contract they want the real thing. This is a problem for bankers who have sold 400X more paper than the real silver... There is something call the COT Report that suggests that bankers are half a billion ounces short on silver, most of that will be naked shorts too.... It's one thing institutional investors being happy with a piece of paper, but countries demanding physical is a problem.... Printing paper (fiat currency) no longer works.

    Click image for link

  • Thread Reader unroll link

    Comment: This thread is full of info

    Click image for link

    Comment: I think this is a good summary of the Yen collapse and why other major currencies will soon follow. It doesn't sound like the Japanese have enough money to keep throwing at the problem, to then being forced to sell dollars in the form of treasuries.... All this is inevitable....

    Click image for link

    Comment: This is code for things are really really bad.....

  • I Believe Probably the WORST FINANCIAL CRISIS IN ALL OF HISTORY is Playing Out, 2nd May 2023

    Comment: Short history lesson. Btw, some think that we are watching a controlled demolition of the financial system to save anarchy in the streets.... This website is full of useful latest news.

    Monday, 6th May 2024

    Click image for link

    China’s gold-buying spree could be the straw that breaks the dollar’s back
    EMEA Tribune, 5th May 2024

    Comment: This appears to be a basic copy of a Telegraph article that's behind a paywall. See, China’s gold-buying spree could be the straw that breaks the dollar’s back | Beijing could hold the key to the imminent demise of the US currency’s special status

    The main point is that things are getting so serious that the MSM are obliged to put something in print so it does not look like they are completely oblivious to concerns that the world's reserve currency is in trouble. Commentators I respect, believe that a gold revaluation is coming to fix the books... See Luke Grommen's explanation below. Sorry, he is long-winded.... Short XTwitter clip will save time.

  • LUKE GROMEN | Gold will 5-6X from here, that is my base case
    YouTube, 3 May 2024

    Comment: Luke Grommen is highly respected, but no firecracker. The link starts when he talks about gold revaluation. Also: XTwitter | Oct 2023 | ~ 2 mins | $20k Gold will solve the debt problem for the US in no time.

    Comment: More gold revaluation estimates on the NESARA GESARA & BRICS+ webpage Link

    Click image for link

    Comment: Now the 'Big Boys' are talking. This is code for a wipeout is coming to make way for something new. Regardless of what happens, we don't want another financial system to keep us all enslaved and the super rich elite fat and happy.

    Saturday, 27th April 2024

    Caption: Cheap credit created towers of debt.
    Rising rates will knock them down.

    Click image for link

    Comment: We are at another jenga moment, things are looking ominous.

    Click image for link

    Comment: The USD/YEN exchange is down 40% in the last 14 months. That's a crash. The problem is that Japan is seen as being the canary in the coal mine to guage the health of the WHOLE FINANCIAL SYSTEM Link

  • Rafi Farber: Yen Collapse Suggests We are At the Tipping Point of Keynesian Failure
    YouTube, 26 Apr 2024

  • How to know if a currency is collapsing… [VIDEO]

    Click image for link

    Comment: Japanese collapse/hyperinflation starting, trouble immediately ahead for the US treasury and dollar.

    Comment: Anons waiting for the Yen to collpase/hyperinflate will cause a domino effect. The order of what crypto/currencies fail next are given in the above graphic.

    Click image for link

  • China Dumps $74,000,000,000 in US Treasuries in One Year As Two BRICS Nations Say They’ve Abandoned Dollar in Mutual Trade
    The Daily, Hodl, 26th April 2024

    China has sold more than $74 billion in US Treasuries in the last year, according to new numbers from the Treasury Department.

    Click image for link

    Comment: This graphic is very usful for those who need to understand that the US dollar as the world reserve currency has run its course.

  • What's going on with the bond market?

    Comment: For most people, all you need to know is that things are not going well....

    Click image for link

  • Russian court orders seizure of $440mn from JPMorgan
    Move follows lawsuit from state-owned bank VTB to 'recover losses' from America's largest lender
    Financial Times, 24th April 2024

    A Russian court has ordered the seizure of JPMorgan Chase funds totalling $439.5mn a week after state-owned lender VTB launched a legal action against the largest US bank to "recover losses".

    [...] The seizure order, published in the Russian court register on Wednesday, targets funds in JPMorgan's accounts and shares in its Russian subsidiaries, but not securities nor the domain, according to the ruling issued by the arbitration court in St Petersburg. The assets had been frozen by authorities in the wake of the war in Ukraine.

    Comment: This article is now behind a Paywall. Internet archive copy Link

    Click image for video link

    Comment: So, the United States decides to freeze and now steal Russians money. This has never been done before in history, not even Hitler and Germany suffered this fate. This is at the same time that the United State is threatening China over its ties to Russia. I think Operation Sandman is coming.... Half the world has taken steps (BRICS) to protect themselves. Anyone with any sense would do the same by buying precious metals and being prepared for trouble.

    Click image for link

  • Internet Speed Down in Pakistan: Damaged Sea Cables Linking Singapore to Pakistan and Europe Cause Internet Disruption
    Internet connectivity in Pakistan experienced a major setback as fibre optic cables linking Singapore to Pakistan and Europe were damaged from multiple points.
    Lastest Ly, 27th April 2024

    Pakistan's internet speed experienced a significant downturn as fibre optic cables linking Singapore to Pakistan and Europe were damaged from multiple points. Reportedly, the damage, primarily near Indonesia, has disrupted internet access in Southeast Asia, the Middle East, and Europe. With a total of five cuts reported on the submarine cable, internet services, especially those routed from the east, have been severely affected.

    Comment: Hmmm..... The rash of major internet service disruptions continues....Older report from 21st April 2024, Internet users face trouble as submarine cable breaks down

    Friday, 12th April 2024

    US Debt Clock - Posted 3rd April 2024 on XTwitter.
    Click image for link

    Comment: We are given clear message that the Silver Knight has risen and will destroy the US Federal Reserve. Note the US flag is shown back to front, a sign of distress. Moreover, signs of the US in distress are everywhere (see cartoon right).

    As gold and silver prices have started to dramatically rise, and precious metal analysts are not surprised due to to technical factors, it seems that with the very unstable geopolitical environment, events are converging to create the perfect storm. Hence, out of a forest of opinions, here are a just a few of interest here.

  • Gold/Silver SURGE - “Something Is Different” | Andy Schectman
    YouTube, 10th April 2024

    The world does not want our bonds and our dollars,” says Andy Schectman of Miles Franklin Precious Metal Investments. Gold and silver’s surge recently does not feel like a typical rally, he notes, “something is different.” He discusses the development of the new pricing mechanism in the East. As the Eastern central banks continue to accumulate gold, gold is being remonetized, he says.

    Comment: ~2 minute XTwitter video clip link. Gold and silver stackers are getting very excited.... After years if not decades of waiting.... It looks like the rigging of the precious metals markets is over and explosive price hikes are here. This scenario suggests that this will cause a MASSIVE problem with derivatives... But the treasury bond markets are in trouble too... Yes, the game of financial Jenga means which trigger causes the financial collapse is still debateable, but I think there is a massive problem with big banks being massively short of real silver.

  • LBMA/LME Industrial Silver Force Majeure IMMINENT!! (Bix Weir)
    Rumble, 10th April 2024

    Comment: ~3 mins 30 secs. This is Bix Weir with guest Jenny Moonstone. I have gained respect for this young woman who I initially thought was very flighty.... She has not made any wild predictions and her 'remote view' 3 weeks before the bridge incident has given her some serious credibility.

  • Baltimore Port: What impact will bridge collapse have on shipping?
    Reuters, March 26, 2024


    In Baltimore warehouses registered with the London Metal Exchange, there are 756 metric tons of nickel, 150 tons of tin and 50 tons of copper, LME data shows.

    Comment: No mention of gold and silver, but silver is supposed to be in those warehouses, or maybe not as it is not beyond these greedy satanic bankers to have replaced real metals with piles of rocks. DYOR.

    Debt Clock Messages on XTwitter between 17th March - 10th April 2024.
    Click image for link

    Comment: Clear references to the 8th April solar eclipse in some of these images, a marker that was widely advertised. White Hats are in control and despite what may transpire in the short term, it is necessary in order to destroy the current financial system.

    Wednesday, 27th March 2024

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  • Baltimore bridge's $81 BILLION trade crisis: Ship crash sparks chaos for US goods as collapse blocks ninth-largest hub for foreign goods that handles 52 million tons a year - with 10 vessels stuck in harbor
    Daily Mail, 26th March 2024

    •Francis Scott Key Bridge was knocked over by Singaporean container ship crash
    •Rescue trying to pluck up to 20 people out of the water, shutting down shipping
    •Port is ninth-biggest for foreign goods in the US and set records last year

  • Lara Logan On The Francis Scott Key Bridge: "It Is A Financial And Economic Attack Link

  • Do you agree with General Flynn calling the Baltimore Harbor disaster "A Black Swan Event"? Hear it from the man himself with Alex Jones. Link

    Comment: General Flynn should have stated that this event was going to trigger a Black Swan... Something somewhere is going to break.... Listening to Lara Logan and General Flynn explain himself, it seems that there may be an excessive stock market reaction coming.... Flynn also briefly mentions Russia's accusations agains the UK, US & Ukraine.... Was he trying to say it was Russia, Russia, Russia? To be honest, there is a very long list of domestic and foreign enemies of the US.

    Tuesday, 26th March 2024

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    Comment: I agree with Andrew Tate, this is a WARNING!. This XTweet with the phrase "digital infrastructures" has reminded me of the 2021 WEF Cyber Polygon simulation exercise of a massive cyber hack... WEF | Cyber Polygon. Note the views, Tate has a HUGE audience.

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    Comment: Hmmm.... note the symbolism.... More below:

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    Comment: The Francis Scott Key Bridge collapse took place in the middle of the night and Black Swan trending on XTwitter the next day. Well, this is NOT a black swan event, boats/trains/buses hit bridges all the time..... But the stuff about Black Swans being financial I do agree with. However, the COMMS here are very interesting. A KEY BRIDGE HAS BEEN DESTROYED.... The 2nd post partially explains the connection between BRIDGE + KEY + UNITED STATES. Sorry, for any unbelievers, this is how the Cabal/Deep State communicate. Lots of information and opinions in this thread. Btw, Putin is looking for revenge after the Moscow Concert Hall terror attack and he is blaming Britain, the United States and Ukraine, see GB News Russia now claims BRITAIN responsible for horrific Moscow terror attack

    Thursday, 21st March 2024

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    Comment: Surprised that Ron Paul, a very much respected U.S. elder statesman is talking about a black swan event. However, my belief is that a real black swan is totally unpredictable.... In the U.S. something seems planned with the solar eclipse. In 4 states, children will be getting the day off school and people have been told to stock up with 1-2 weeks of food and the National Guard are mobilising link. This still might only be for arrests of high profile criminals and they don't want ordinary people getting in the way.... For example, there was a shoot-out at the home a Clinton National Airport executive director in west Little Rock, as he confronted US Marshalls with a search warrant.... Link If you know any thing about the Clintons and Little Rock airport then this man was most likely facilitating allsorts of trafficking.... Presumably there will be more arrests of those low down in the cabal ranks to come.

    Click image for video link

    Comment: General Flynn is talking about a black swan event triggered by a few that is unknowable to the vast majority and therefore cannot be prevented...

    Former Colonel Douglas Macgregor also suggests that we may not make it to the 2024 election due to anticipated explosions of events beforehand Link. In my opinion, if it affects the dollar financial system, then it will become a worldwide event.

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  • Kate Middleton Eclipse/Black Swan COMMS? Link

    Saturday, 16th March 2024

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    After the Black Swan, the future is golden! The NESARA GESARA BRICS webpage has been updated again and I am very pleased with the summaries. See

  • The Gold Standard: Commodities backed money

  • Debt Clock Decodes: Highlights & Insights

    Friday, 15th March 2024

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    Comment: 7 major internet cables down simultaneously across both the east and west coasts of Africa. The situation is described as very bad.

    See also: The Africa Telecom Transmission Network Map

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  • Internet outage hits several African countries as undersea cables fail
    AP News, 15th March 2024

    ABUJA, Nigeria (AP) — A dozen countries across Africa suffered a major internet outage on Thursday as multiple undersea telecommunication cables reported failures, network operators and internet watch groups said.

    The MTN Group, one of Africa’s largest network providers, said the ongoing disruptions were a result of failures in multiple major undersea cables. “Our operations are actively working to reroute traffic through alternative network paths,” the South African company said in a statement.

    Network disruptions caused by cable damage have occurred in Africa in recent years. However, “today’s disruption points to something larger (and) this is amongst the most severe,” said Isik Mater, director of research at NetBlocks, a group that documents internet disruptions around the world.

    Comment: Now, who has the sophisticated submarine drones and motive to destroy internet cables, just at the time that world's financial system is about to collapse? Who is next?

    Sunday, 3rd March 2024

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  • The U.S. national debt is rising by $1 trillion about every 100 days
    CNBC, 1st March 2024

    Comment: This news is absolutely shocking! Forbes writes:
    U.S. Dollar ‘Collapse’—Bank Of America Issues Shocking ‘$1 Trillion Every 100 Days’ Warning Amid Huge Bitcoin, Ethereum, XRP And Crypto Price Boom To Rival Gold

    Btw, I don't promote crypto. There is no logic for buying derivatives of a rapidly debased paper currency, especially now. Only derivatives that are directly linked to gold or other real commodities are sound and finding such might be hard. The following is some pictorial analysis on what is happening:


    Look at this million dollar cube. The US are printing 1 million of these cubes every ~100 days to fund their debt! Only a few months ago, the guess was this same amount every 5 months....
    This is the world's reserve currency!

    Saturday, 2nd March 2024

    Click image for link

    Read about how the BRICS nations have been quietly creating a new global financial architecture, due to the signs that the dollar based debt financial system is close to collapse.

    The above link provides my revised NESARA GESARA webpage as many now believe that BRICS has evolved to embrace those ideals.

    Friday, 1st March 2024

    Click image for link

  • Damage to submarine cables in the Red Sea. There are fears of an attack, but the Houthis deny this
    Persia Digest, 27th Feb 2024

    First attacks on Western ships in the Red Sea, and now (possibly) sabotage of some of the underwater cables that transmit data and maintain the global Internet infrastructure. Reprisals carried out by the Houthi militia, a Yemeni armed group loyal to Iran, are intensifying and may have found new targets, although the militiamen deny this hypothesis.

    Let's start from the beginning: According to various media outlets in the region, there are at least four damaged submarine cables in the Red Sea: AAE-1 cable (Asia-Africa-Europe 1, 25 thousand km long, from Southeast Asia). To Europe, the Seacom cable (a 17,000 km cable connecting South Africa, Kenya, Tanzania, Mozambique, Djibouti, France and India), and the 15,000 km Europe-India Gateway (EIG) cable. And at least one of these cables has officially confirmed damage: this is the Seacom cable.

  • Houthis Damage 4 Key Undersea Internet Cables; Arab Nations, India Worst Affected: Report
    YouTube (Hindustan Times), 26 Feb 2024

    Just weeks after reports first suggested that Houthis might begin attacking critical undersea internet cables in Red Sea near Yemen, news has emerged of as many as 4 fibre-optic cables suffering damage in the area between Saudi Arabia and Djibouti. The reports in Israeli media said that Gulf countries and India are among the worst affected. Watch the full video for more.

    Comment: The YouTube report is very good as it has a lot of graphics. I have seen info on XTwitter but was looking for something more official. Yes it looks like attempts have been made to knock out the internet and some damage has been done. The Hindustan Times says the Red Sea cables carry 70% of the world's internet traffic. We find out that the US Military announced that they had destroyed an unmanned drone submarine [3:46]. I presume the White Hats are trying to protect the internet from attacks.

    Sunday, 11th February 2024


    I wrote this article at the end of August 2019 for my my Future of Communications newsletter — free subscription here. It has received a lot of attention — my second major “hit” together with WWG1WGA: The greatest communications event in history from July 2018.

    I have created this minisite so that people making sense of “The Storm” for the first time can easily read and share the content. You can also hear me read this article, watch an interview of me discussing its content, or read it in German.

    Comment: Background info..... It has been known for a long time that 'The Storm' is coming, the problem is the timing of the trigger or Black Swan event that starts a cascade of very serious events.

    Thursday, 2nd February 2024

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    Comment: If undersea submarine cables in the Red Sea are cut, the full extent of the repercussions are unknowable and by defintion that would be a real Black Swan event... This threat has been hanging over the world since Christmas. Some people have already sorted out an alternative with Home Starlink.

    Click image for link

    Comment: Hmmmmm... Much more likely that the US would cut the cables (like they destroyed the NordStream pipeline) and blame Yemen to hide the US debt default or other similar major problem....

    Tuesday, 30th January 2024

    There are many different aspects to the financial system meltdown. It's like a game of jenga with nobody knowing what block is going to be removed that causes the whole structure to collapse. The following is a simple selection of issues that can be likened to the jenga blocks. No long reads, mostly blogger videos.

  • Evergrande liquidation. All over mainstream media. Blogger summary. link

  • Miles Guo tells the truth about Evergrande. He says $2 trillion in liabilities involving 130 banks + 150 financial trusts + ? wealth management institutions who lent money to Evergrande. link

  • Hedge funds and banks in trouble, as most assets are under water, but now Evergrande investment is worth nothing and pensions have to be paid. Debt bag holders link

  • Crypto disaster on the horizon due to Evergrande failure link

  • U.S. and European regulators have allowed counterfeit shares link

  • Rampant naked shorting destroying the US equity markets…. link & Forbes cover 1988 link

  • US Default on debt. $34 trillion and $1 trillion more every 4/5 months is unsustainable and treasury auctions failing. link

  • Bank gambling in the form of derivatives. The global derivatives market is a $2+ QUADRILLION (2,000+ TRILLION) ticking time-bomb. When banks fail, derivatives won't just unwind in an orderly fashion. Few people understand this. link 1& link 2

  • Bias towards BIG money that requires criminal behaviour to implement and maintain. This is a good rant link

    Potential Banking / Financial System Failure [US/UK/Worldwide??]

    Click image for link

  • What is Project Operation Sandman? link

  • A Currency Reset Would Wipe Out Creditors and Usher in CBDCs.
    YouTube, 12 Jan 2024

    In this interview just over one year ago Clive Thompson explained how a currency reset and the introduction of a CBDC would go hand in hand.

    Comment: Are you paying attention? A hotel named SANDMAN SIGNATURE blew up about a week ago... link That is some serious COMMS. Sandman is coming. Trump COMMS Enter Sandman

    Comment 2: 16th Jan 2024 | Jim Willie thinks the ongoing dumping of the dollar will be in the form of treasuries and it will done over two years (watch Jim Willie on Rumble or Bitchute). Well, the problem with that is the US has MASSIVE DEBT. The national credit card is maxxed out at $34 trillion (now $1 trillion every 5 months). They will not be able to pay trillions in interest every year as NOBODY wants to help them refinance. It's paper that is literally worth nothing (outside of the United States), as it is not backed by enough assets. Furthermore, very few are interested in giving them goods for worthless paper. So, Jim Willie thinks they have already quietly defaulted and the public implosion will be in ~5 months. Jim Willie thinks some payment is being made in the form of tankers of oil. Therefore, Sandman Signature COMMS is probably the Cabal/Deep State warning their friends. Gold buying by those in the know has caused gold to reach record highs against the 'King Dollar'. Here I want to talk about the fake suppressed price of gold and silver because there are ridiculous ratios of real physical metals to paper certificates used for trading, but backed up by NOTHING. Then there is the coming $1 Quadrillion Derivatives Time Bomb. For the life of me, I can't understand why the zombie financial system is still operating...

    Click image for video link

    Comment: Why are central bankers suddenly talking about a possible financial collapse? Maybe we are on the verge....

    Sunday 12th March 2023 | After the 2nd biggest banking failure in US history, things are now looking very dangerous for the banking sector in the United States. UK ex-banker Alasdair Macleod is already putting out warnings that things could get dicey in the UK too. I am not sure I want to blog about this, but the following accounts on Twitter will keep you informed of events in the US and UK. Bank-runs expected on Monday! However talk of rescue plans too...

    • Alasdair Macleod | Twitter @MacleodFinance link

    • Gold Telegraph | Twitter @GoldTelegraph_ link

    • Wall Street Silver | Twitter @WallStreetSilv link

    • Mario Innecco | Twitter @Maneco1964 link

    • Rafi Farber | Twitter @RafiFarber link

    & BRICS+

    First Upload: 30th January 2024,
    Last Update: 17th October 2024


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