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Senior meteorologist on extended USA cold blast to last past Groundhog day: 'WOW WOW'
Watts Up With That, 21st January 2014

Scandal: BBC's six-year cover-up of secret 'green propaganda' training for top executives
WUWT, 12th January 2014
The BBC has spent tens of thousands of pounds over six years trying to keep secret an extraordinary 'eco' conference which has shaped its coverage of global warming, The Mail on Sunday can reveal.

The controversial seminar was run by a body set up by the BBC's own environment analyst Roger Harrabin and funded via a £67,000 grant from the then Labour government, which hoped to see its 'line' on climate change and other Third World issues promoted in BBC reporting.

At the event, in 2006, green activists and scientists – one of whom believes climate change is a bigger danger than global nuclear war – lectured 28 of the Corporation's most senior executives.

I think the Daily Mail are re-hashing some old news, but we now get the listing of names... This is especially interesting because of the link between BBC and Guardian journalists being humiliated in the Antarctic whilst searching for global warming in a summer of record-breaking build up of sea ice...

Scandal: BBC's six-year cover-up of secret 'green propaganda' training for top executives
WUWT, 12th January 2014
The BBC has spent tens of thousands of pounds over six years trying to keep secret an extraordinary 'eco' conference which has shaped its coverage of global warming, The Mail on Sunday can reveal.

The controversial seminar was run by a body set up by the BBC's own environment analyst Roger Harrabin and funded via a£67,000 grant from the then Labour government, which hoped to see its 'line' on climate change and other Third World issues promoted in BBC reporting.

At the event, in 2006, green activists and scientists – one of whom believes climate change is a bigger danger than global nuclear war – lectured 28 of the Corporation's most senior executives.

I think the Daily Mail are re-hashing some old news, but we now get the listing of names... This is especially interesting because of the link between BBC and Guardian journalists being humiliated in the Antarctic whilst searching for global warming in a summer of record-breaking build up of sea ice...

Terence Corcoran: Science of climate change not on the same course as reality
Financial Post, 2nd January 2014
The key to success when stuck on a giant floe of irony is to pretend it doesn't exist, which is exactly the trick performed by Prof. Chris Turney, leader of the global warming science expedition that was rescued Thursday by a Chinese icebreaker off the coast of Antarctica. others want to hear, the truth is not good enough.

Aboard the MV Akademik Shokalskiy, a research vessel hunting for evidence of climate change in the world's coldest polar extremity, Prof. Turney demonstrated his unflagging media skills by turning adversity into an opportunity. [...] others want to hear, the truth is not good enough.

One reason for attempting to sail the Arctic in 2013 was a prediction from NASA scientists in 2008 that the Arctic would be “mostly free of ice by 2013.” Jay Zwally, the ice satellite project scientist at NASA Goddard, said in 2008 that the Arctic appeared to be at a “tipping point” from which there was no return. “We not only have the warming of the atmosphere, we have a warming of the ocean that is affecting this. It has been surprising to everybody, this decrease in area. This is a marked departure, and this is suggesting to us that maybe we are getting at this tipping point.” others want to hear, the truth is not good enough.

Five years later, however, Arctic ice coverage had rebounded by 60% in 2013, forcing early closing of the passage and trapping sailors and climate tourists.

Of course there has been lots of comment as this story has become a major story of interest in the mainstream media.... In my opinion, it's not just climate science that has a reality problem, as there some areas of science that should be called metaphysics that helps those with an interest in perpetating myths as the real truth is unhelpful when trying to control the masses.

Saving the Antarctic scientists, er media, er, activists, er tourists trapped by sea ice
WUWT, 29th December 2013
UPDATE2: get a load of the hilarious announcement from the expedition, where they claim sea ice is disappearing, see update 2 below.

UPDATE3: A film (now a video) has been found from 1912 showing Mawson landing in ice free Commonwealth Bay in 1912. see update 3 below.

UPDATE4: Bad weather has forced the Aurora Australis to back off from its rescue attempt. See below.

There's quite an ongoing worldwide fascination over the So much sea ice in Antarctica that a research vessel gets stuck, in summer! episode with the ship Akademik Shokalskiy we first reported on WUWT.

This Antarctica global warming propaganda exercise has turned into a huge reality check for some... If you check the facts, you will find out that the BBC heavily invested staff pensions into green/global warming related enterprises, so no matter how ridiculous they are being made to look now, they are still trying to flog this dead global warming horse. Also: Germany's Alfred Wegener Institute Confirms Antarctic Sea Ice May Have Reached Record VOLUME! 'Never so much sea ice at Antarctica in the last 30 years' & Media Flustered at News of Antarctica Not Melting; Ice Levels At Record High.... Hilarious cartoon,

Over 2000 cold and snow records set in the USA this past week
Watts Up With That, 13th December 2013
Compare to 98 high temperature records, and 141 high minimum temperature records

Quite an imbalance in weather records this week. Even the AGU fall meeting in San Francisco where the best and brightest global warming scientists were meeting was surrounded by record (such as 25F in San Jose Dec 9th) and near record setting low temperatures, though the irony was lost on many of them.

These reports of cold and snow records being set in the United States are becoming common... Weatheraction subscribers had plenty of warning that there were 3 snowmageddon events in the USA for the month of December.... No hint of global warming here... Ice Age Now has a collection of snow related stories for the U.S. and elsewhere. It's snowing in Cairo, the last time it snowed there was 112 years ago, a "storm of extraordinary proportions" in Jerusalem. It's snowing in Australia where it's supposed to be summer, also record cold and snow in Turkey and Antarctica...

Faith-Based IPCC Turns Science into Sin
Pajama Media, 21st November 2013
The Fifth Assessment Report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) makes clear that climate alarmism is now and has always been a matter of faith, and not science.

The just-released report includes remarkable revelations. Contrary to previous IPCC reports, this report shows that planet Earth's mean temperature is not directly tied to the concentration of one relatively weak greenhouse gas – carbon dioxide – floating around in the atmosphere. It shows that other forces influence the planet's climate, which for the most part are well beyond our control.

Volcanoes can pump particulate matter into the air, a phenomenon that lowers global temperatures by dissipating sunlight. The planet's oceans – in particular, the massive Pacific – serve as enormous heat sinks, effectively modulating any natural temperature variations. And perhaps most importantly, the ultimate source of our day-to-day temperature fluctuations, the Sun itself, undergoes its own fluctuations that influence our lives far more than the burning of carbonaceous compounds in order to generate heat and power.

All of these facts, truths that “skeptics” such as the Heartland Institute (and yours truly) have been trumpeting for years, are acknowledged in the latest IPCC report.

However, that same report tells us to believe none of these other influences matters nearly as much as the small amount of carbon dioxide that mankind adds to the atmosphere. Doomsday is still on the way, according to the IPCC. Its arrival has merely been delayed a bit by an unexpectedly frivolous Mother Nature. We must not waver in our confidence that ruination is just around the corner.

More acknowledgement that climate science has been turned into a religion based on a false premise to benefit controllers. The only real problem is the cognitive dissonance required, but this is achieved by the standard brainwashing techniques perpetuated by liars or believers.

Global-warming battle has become a religion, says former Prime Minister of Australia
Ice Age Now, 18th November 2013
“John Howard accused some scientists of having a “nakedly political agenda” in their advice on global warming,” says this article by Ben Webster in The Times.

Delivering a lecture in London last night, Mr Howard criticised the “sanctimonious tone” of many who advocate costly responses to what they see as irrefutable evidence of future climate catastrophe. “To them the cause has become a substitute religion,” he said.

The climate wars are still rumbling on...

Article in Nature says global warming will increase biological diversity and species numbers
The Hockey Schtick, 30th October 2013
An article published online today in Nature says that global warming will raise biological diversity and that recent gains in species numbers associated with climate warming could more than balance species losses.
The Anthropocene could raise biological diversity

Humanity has wrought an age of ecological transformations. It is time to rethink our irrational dislike of invading species, argues Chris D. Thomas. [...]

Climate change also tends to boost regional diversity, because diversity increases with temperature and precipitation, both of which are rising (on average, but not everywhere). Global-diversity gradients dictate that more warm-adapted species are available to colonize new areas than cold-adapted species retreat from those areas as the climate warms.

Evolutionary origination is also accelerating. Populations and species have begun to evolve, diverge, hybridize and even speciate in new man-made surroundings. Evolutionary divergence will eventually generate large numbers of sister species on the continents and islands to which single species have been introduced. [...]

Rather than the catastrophic declines often portrayed, empirical evidence points to ecological increases in the number of terrestrial species in most of the world's regions over recent decades and centuries, even though the total number of species on the planet is declining.

The Nature article title is trying to make us believe that biological diversity is being driven by human activity but it actually says there is a direct association with climate change and what scientists really mean is changes in the environment. FACT. This admission has to be compared to the initial knee-jerk reaction that climate change means mass extinction, the problem being the evidence has not been forthcoming... As I have been saying for a long time, we are witnessing massive evolutionary change. Only some changes are being seen by scientists, as some species have short reproduction cycles. Longer cycles like that of humans are harder to guage, but it might explain the need for DNA databases monitoring for the appearance of new human genetics.... The image icon used here is the 'bizarre' panda bat that I think implies universal consciousness has a bit of a sense of humour...

Naomi Klein: How science is telling us all to revolt
Is our relentless quest for economic growth killing the planet? Climate scientists have seen the data – and they are coming to some incendiary conclusions.
New Statesman, 29th October 2013
In December 2012, a pink-haired complex systems researcher named Brad Werner made his way through the throng of 24,000 earth and space scientists at the Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union, held annually in San Francisco. [...]

But it was Werner's own session that was attracting much of the buzz. It was titled “Is Earth F**ked?” (full title: “Is Earth F**ked? Dynamical Futility of Global Environmental Management and Possibilities for Sustainability via Direct Action Activism”). [...]

But the bottom line was clear enough: global capitalism has made the depletion of resources so rapid, convenient and barrier-free that “earth-human systems” are becoming dangerously unstable in response. When pressed by a journalist for a clear answer on the “are we f**ked” question, Werner set the jargon aside and replied, “More or less.”

A few with well above average intelligence realise that the current economic modus operandi is unsustainable and the whole of humanity is under threat, but this is still a lie sandwich. The "bread" that is used at the beginning and end of this article states economic forces are destroying earth-human systems, but the meat tries to imply climate change is worth getting arrested for, almost like a cut and pasted standard fearmongering warmist piece... Anyway, the only real solution is introducing 'free' energy (energy from space/aether and cars driven on hydrogen, sustainable living etc etc), but controllers and predators would rather make the planet inhabitable first or force vast numbers of the masses into servitude and destitution and leave a very exclusive and rich elite. The only problem there is the control mechanisms for the elite are also quickly ebbing away...

How an ice age begins
Ice Age Now, 7th October 2013

P-L-E-A-S-E-P-A-Y-U-S: NOAA sends hidden messages in forecast discussion
WUWT, 5th October 2013

Climate scientists told to 'cover up' the fact that the Earth's temperature hasn't risen for the last 15 years
Daily Mail, 19th September 2013
* Leaked United Nations report reveals the world's temperature hasn't risen for the last 15 years
* Politicians have raised concerns about the final draft
* Fears that the findings will encourage deniers of man-made climate change

Scientists working on the most authoritative study on climate change were urged to cover up the fact that the world's temperature hasn't risen for the last 15 years, it is claimed.

A leaked copy of a United Nations report, compiled by hundreds of scientists, shows politicians in Belgium, Germany, Hungary and the United States raised concerns about the final draft.

Published next week, it is expected to address the fact that 1998 was the hottest year on record and world temperatures have not yet exceeded it, which scientists have so far struggled to explain.

The report is the result of six years' work by UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which is seen as the world authority on the extent of climate change and what is causing it – on which governments including Britain's base their green policies.

In trying to predict the consequences of massive cosmic changes affecting the whole planet, most government sponsored scientists initially bet on the wrong horse -- global atmospheric warming temperatures ... The 'heat' which is being generated by additional electromagnetic flux (just check the archives for the facts here), appears to be going into Earth's core and mantle and one outcome is the appearance of thousands of new undersea volcanoes which will cause climate change... The warming oceans are generating most of the additional CO2 NOT human activity... The continuous lying to the public about the cause of climate change so that the masses can be more heavily fleeced, manipulated and controlled is not working, but control freaks in government don't appear to know any other way to operate... Thus, the execution of government and big business backed climate based fraud has been done very very badly. More comment at Climate Depot .

Global warming is 'no longer a planetary emergency'
WUWT, 28th August 2013
ERICE, SICILY – It's official. The scare is over. The World Federation of Scientists, at its annual seminars on planetary emergencies, has been advised by its own climate monitoring panel that global warming is no longer a planetary emergency.

It is not global warming/climate change/climate disruption/carbon pollution that is the problem, it's space climate change or the evolution of space climate. There is enough scientific sources available in the public domain that make this clear, DYOR. Btw, there is permanent evolutionary change with the long term decline of the density of Earth's upper atmosphere, so we are getting many different runaway domino effects but keeping track of facts as opposed to politically motivated climate theory is a difficult task. Don't be fooled...

Major Danish Daily Warns: “Globe May Be On Path To Little Ice Age…Much Colder Winters…Dramatic Consequences”!
No Tricks Zone, 9th August 2013
Another major European media outlet is asking: Where's the global warming? Image right: The August 7 edition of Denmark's Jyllands-Posten featured a major 2-page article on the globe's 15-years of missing warming and the potential solar causes and implications.

Moreover, they are featuring prominent skeptic scientists who are warning of a potential little ice age and dismissing CO2 as a major climate driver. And all of this just before the release of the IPCC's 5AR, no less!

The August 7 print edition of the Danish Jyllands-Posten, the famous daily that published the “Muhammad caricatures“, features a full 2-page article bearing the headline:”The behavior of the sun may trigger a new little ice age” followed by the sub-headline: “Defying all predictions, the globe may be on the road towards a new little ice age with much colder winters.”

So, politicians are realising that the global warming angle is just untenable, at the same time more intelligentsia in the media break ranks and point out the harsh reality of a looming Ice Age. It seems there are forward thinkers interested in survival as it becomes obvious we have to understand the real implications of coping with climate change.

Carbon Pollution: They're changing the name of the global-warming scam again
Washington Times, 13th August 2013
The doomed planet movement has been losing momentum. Inconvenient scientific findings have confirmed the lack of any significant warming of dear old Earth over the past 16 years. It's hard to scare people into action when nothing bad is happening. That's why the White House has changed its vocabulary again – first “global warming” was changed to “climate change” – and now the correct name of the scam is “carbon pollution.” It's a way to paint carbon dioxide as if it were black soot billowing out of industrial smokestacks. Carbon dioxide is actually what humans exhale, and it's food for plants.

This latest name change might be closer to the truth. If you are paying close attention to solar system changes then you will know that the atmospheres of other planets in our solar system are acquiring more carbon monoxide that is coming in from space. Of course this must apply to Earth too, and that is why removing CO2 from the atmosphere is the business opportunity of a lifetime.... After all the debate (climate wars) world controllers are still desperate to get the ignorant masses to accept the global-warming/climate change/climate disruption/carbon pollution ideology to help subsidise the profits and implement more control. The mentality is still, business is business...

Notes from a 'mole' in Al Gore's Climate Leadership Training
WUWT, 2nd August 2013
A person who is actually a climate skeptic (and WUWT regular) applied for and was granted a training slot in Chicago this week. and has graduated as one of the 1500 people that attended the event.

For obvious reasons, I can't reveal the person's name, but I can reveal the communication I received last night.

The 'mole' writes:

I'm now a card-carrying, official Gore-bot. (I took copious notes)

a) This was a super-liberal “kum-bay-ya” crowd as I predicted. I kept many of my opinions to myself. The event truly did have a “religious cult programming” feel to it, similar to an Amway meeting I attended years ago – carefully timed applause, audience call & response etc. Very bizarre.

b) Al Gore himself went through the entire slide show that we are supposed to use as his “Climate Leaders.”

Wow.... Al Gore has started his own little cult and done it by the book... Well, cults can be based on virtually anything as 'beliefs' are only part of what is going on... Whatever, the discussion of Al Gore and obvious use of cult tactics on this forum is interesting.... Really, WUWT is a climate skeptic blog! Well, this is too much! I suppose being realistic, cults are a tried and tested system of easily brainwashing susceptible people into committing to a cause... and then allow themselves to be exploited... Easy when you have zero integrity and have the know-how...
  • IPCC's Pauchauri and the aliens er, spirits, er, Shirley MacLaine
    WUWT, 31st July 2013
    The head of the IPCC has written a novel in which the central character is infatuated with pseudoscience and in which UFO enthusiast Shirley MacLaine is presented as credible. The final installment of the Nobel Laureate Summer Reading series.

    The headline caught my attention... Follow the links... WUWT has picked up details about Rajendra Pachauri, the chairman of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), another paid climate alarmist that has written what most consider to be a racy novel, but from the description here it looks like it could be a little bit more than that. It is possible this book was written with the intention of embedding the idea he is some kind of guru... Well, in my opinion, the commentary here is inadequate, talk of pseudoscience etc is inadequate. This needs an expert in techniques that re-engineer beliefs and we must remember this will only be step 1. If he follows Al Gore we can expect this book will be useful in attracting the most indiscriminate New Agey/Green crowd...

Claim: 2°C temperature increase will make people angry
WUWT, 1st August 2013
From Princeton University (with help from Berkeley)

Cool heads likely won't prevail in a hotter, wetter world

Should climate change trigger the upsurge in heat and rainfall that scientists predict, people may face a threat just as perilous and volatile as extreme weather – each other.

Researchers from Princeton University and the University of California-Berkeley report in the journal Science that even slight spikes in temperature and precipitation have greatly increased the risk of personal violence and social upheaval throughout human history. Projected onto an Earth that is expected to warm by 2 degrees Celsius by 2050, the authors suggest that more human conflict is a likely outcome of climate change. [...]

Establishing a correlation between violence and climate change now allows policymakers and researchers to examine what causes it and how to intervene, said lead author Solomon Hsiang, who conducted the work as a postdoctoral research associate in the Program in Science, Technology and Environmental Policy in Princeton's Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs.

This is junk science at its best.... Correlation is NOT causation but this language is being used to fool the public... Whatever, it really does seem that climate change has become the euphemism for space weather resulting in a chaotic geomagnetic field that is usually cited by researchers for the negative impact on human brains. Here is a quote from the research paper, Geomagnetic Storms and their Influence on the Human Brain Functional State (2005), included in my 2012 e-book version of Tuning the Diamonds: Electromagnetism & Spiritual Evolution. The paper concludes:
“The obtained results allowed concluding that the disturbances of geomagnetic conditions can negatively influence the human organism, having an effect on functional activity of a brain and changing its background state. There are significant changes in the functional activity of the human brain during the days with severe geomagnetic storms, which reflect infringement of functions in both central integrative mechanisms, and local processes of the human brain regulations. [...]

During strong disturbances of geomagnetic conditions, the negative emotional background of the person is amplified.” [6]
There was 149 comments here in response to this blog entry at the time of writing and this tough crowd picked up on the correlation nonsense, but nobody pointed out the obvious about WHY the public are being deliberately misled. I am actually quite surprised.

EPIC weather reporting FAIL at International Business Times
WUWT, 30th July 2013
I would not have believed this unless I had seen it with my own eyes. Below is the screencap. There are just no words for this level of stupid.

I thought this was quite notable too.

Geologist Dr. Don Easterbrook debunks 'absurd' new warmist study claiming 1,700 U.S. cities will be below sea level by 2100 – Easterbrook: 'The rate used by [Lead Author] Strauss for his predictions is more than 10 times the rate over the past century!'
Climate Depot, 30th July 2013
Easterbrook: 'The accelerated rise is based on postulated accelerated warming but there has been no warming in the past 15 years and, in fact, the climate has cooled during that time. So no climatic warming means no accelerated sea level rise as postulated by Strauss...the huge rise of sea level rates proposed by Strauss are absurd and that the maximum sea level rise by 2100 will be less than one foot'

[...] More than 1,700 American cities and towns – including Boston, New York, and Miami – will be drowning by the end of this century accoroding to a paper published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences by Benjamin Strauss. Twenty five percent of the populations of these 1,700 cities would be living below sea level by 2100 and 79 cities with a combined population of 835,000 would be submerged by 2023 and about half of the population of Fort Lauderdale, Hoboken, and Palm Beach would be submerged by 2023 according to Strauss. The basis for these amazing conclusions is apparently a 12 inch (222 cm) per decade rise of global sea level, the maximum IPCC estimate, which is postulated to be caused by increasing atmospheric CO2.

OK, I have not focused much on the sea level rise climate alarmism hype, but this latest attempt is truly unbelievable. All the skeptic websites have huge amounts of information battling the tsunami of falsehoods. This is a good short summary.

Al Gore's “Reality Minions” think the North Pole is melting – except that's NOT a photo of the North Pole
WUWT, 29th July 2013
You see while they were busy lecturing the faithful, they forgot the one teensy-eeensy little detail about the source of this photo. It is from camera on top of the sea ice, and sea ice isn't static, it moves. In fact according to the University of Washington who manages and tracks these floating cameras and weather stations, while they started out near the North Pole, they aren't anywhere close to it now. See the map:

Even journalists get tripped up into thinking this is photo from the North Pole. At the real North Pole, history shows this to be a relatively common occurrence.

This provides an explanation and insight into the trickery routinely offered by climate alarmists.

Are Weather Extremes Getting Worse? Roger Pielke, Jr. Shares the Data with Senate Panel, 26th July 2013
When it comes to extreme weather, climate activists want to have their cake and eat it. Many acknowledge that it is unscientific to attribute any particular weather event to global warming. But then, in the same breath, they'll say that this or that drought, flood, or hurricane is “consistent with” the types of weather”scientists” predict will become more frequent in a warming world.[...]

Although always a staple of global warming advocacy, climate activists have turned up the rhetorical heat on extreme weather in recent years. The reasons aren't hard to fathom. The 15-year pause in global warming makes it harder to scare people about warming itself. The two greatest terrors featured in An Inconvenient Truth – rapid ice sheet disintegration leading to catastrophic sea-level rise and ocean circulation shutdown precipitating a new ice age – have no credibility. Nobody takes seriously the prospect of warming-induced malaria epidemics either. If you want to scare people, extreme weather is the only card left in the climate alarm deck.

Due to the rapid onset of space weather, we cannot expect the recent past to reliably predict the immediate future. This is why some more knowlegeable scientists have clearly pointed out that space weather and cosmoclimatology have to be taken into account when predicting the weather and climate. Hence, the UK Met Office being given the responsibility of the new MongoDB UK space weather prediction system is a huge acknowledgement that the UK authorities are taking space weather very seriously. Hence, I was even more intrigued by a statement from the outspoken astrophysicist Piers Corbyn, whose success rate at predicting the weather makes him an authoritative source. He stated recently:
What is going on is fully in line with the now developing Wild Jet Stream Age or Mini Ice Age - an overall description of average temperature drops despite opposite extremes at times. The message of the age is:

"Don't get used to any weather. Get used to dramatic changes and contrasts in overall much colder temperate regions of the globe which will generally be very bad for agriculture and the world economy for the next 25 years"
It's a "Wild Jet Stream Age" ,, 18th July 2013
The new message coming loud and clear is that atmospheric rivers and sudden dramatic flooding must be expected. Disaster resilience has to be taken seriously. Of course, reality always prevails in the end.

'Rivers of rain' to make severe floods twice as likely by end of century
New weather phenomenon sees gigantic volumes of water vapour transported through the air Independent News, 23rd July 2013
Severe winter flooding in Britain could become twice as likely by the end of the century because rising global temperatures are increasing the chances of huge “atmospheric rivers” that transport massive volumes of water vapour in the air.

A study has found that atmospheric rivers over Britain will become more frequent and intense as global temperatures rise this century in response to increasing concentrations of man-made carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, he said.

“Atmospheric rivers could become stronger in terms of their moisture transport. In a warming world, atmospheric water vapour content is expected to rise … with air temperature. This is likely to result in increased water vapour transport,” Dr Lavers said.

More warnings about atmospheric rivers (ARs) suddenly dumping their contents and creating sudden floods. I am not sure that this is NEW either, see previous links... Whatever, the scientific information here is a mixture of basic info and outdated ideas. What is important to know is the atmospheric rivers are off-shoots from the jet-streams. So scientists need to understand what is making the jet-streams loop all over the place and become more unpredictable and eratic and the forces that exist that cause theARs to suddenly lose their ability to hold water.... Actually, this is what I wrote in November 2012.
So what force exactly is confining an average of about 95 percent of all vapor transport outside of the tropics, in just 5 - 10 narrow bands, moving massive amounts of water vapour towards the poles, when just one of these bands can carry more water than the Amazon? Well, the gap between two different weather systems is actually a cell wall, in plasma physics this is known as a "double-layer". The 'wall' maintains most of the voltage difference between the two different weather systems and so is a zone of strong electric fields and is the reason why such huge volumes of water can be sucked up... Note the article describes these types of storms as 'jets' -- zones of high winds... Surely, it is obvious that forces greater than gravity MUST be operating to be able to carry such huge amounts of water across the globe? Now, on a planet where there is interference from strong electric currents coming in from space (NASA's magnetic flux tubes in operation), these double layers will vary in their intensity and presumably, biblical references retain the memory of very large atmospheric rivers breaking and causing massive floods... Well, the more electrified the planet's atmosphere becomes, the more water will be sucked up and the stronger the floods will be if they break over land... Simply, if climate change means cosmic climate change, then in the future there are going to be more major floods, it is inevitable...
This is a quote from Piers Corbyn at
The wild meanderings of the Jet stream in this and other periods which caused both extreme rain-flood-hail-cold events and concentrated heat such as Britain & Ireland are an explicit confirmation of the wide amplitude jet stream swings and blocking events consequent on the general Mini-Ice-Age Solar-climate-change cooling (on average, with wild regional fluctuations) now developing which we predicted years ahead.
World Wide Extreme events Dramatically confirm WeatherAction Solar-Lunar-Action-Technique Top Red R5 period ~7-9 July,, 10th July 2013

Arctic row fiasco continues: Three weeks in, ice is still blocking their route and on a trip to promote global warming discussion, they're busily removing global warming-related comments from their Facebook page
Tom Nelson, 22nd July 2013
There is a theory that Franklin's expedition went mad from lead solder sealed food cans causing their brains to quit working properly. They were so irrational that they tried dragging the captain's oak desk back to Canada.

Now the Mainstream crew is dragging a heavy boat southeast away from the northwest passage. Perhaps excess CO2 is affecting their thought process?

Climate campaigners embarrassing themselves again....

Sunspots and the Great Cooling Ahead
American Thinker, 18th July 2013
Presumably, even among the ill-informed ideologues at the White House, there are a few who have heard of sunspots. There may even be one who knows, as most informed persons do, of the correlation between sunspot activity and the earth's climate. But apparently no one has bothered to inform the president.

When sunspot activity is high, as it was during the 1990s and early 2000s, temperatures tend to be high as well. When it is low, as it is now, temperatures fall. And because sunspot activity occurs in decades-long cycles, the unusually cold winter and spring of 2012 may be just the beginning. As a Barron's article recently noted, current sunspot activity is now the least it has been in a century.

What this means is that the era of global cooling has begun. In the northern hemisphere, three out of the four last winters and springs have been unusually cold. This spring was so cold in East Asia that China was forced to import millions of tons of grain and soybeans from the U.S. and other suppliers.

There is some tough words here for Mr President... Well, I always laugh these days when I come across links for the American Thinker, as I am reminded of the fraud squad of climate scientists uncovered through Climategate who called this periodical the American Stinker. Obviously, the climate fraudsters have a very childish mentality and were upset that some intelligentsia were pointing out some honest truths.... Anyway, since I am trying to integrate science with metaphysics it looks like the Mayan Elders with their inherited beliefs 'nailed' the prediction that there would be 'a change of Sun'. The claims amongst some more observant climate scientists, is that there has been an abrupt change to the solar magnetic cycle. It is asserted the planet will now cool, if a significant portion of the warming in the last 70 years was due to solar magnetic cycle changes. Link. I find this comment by Wiliam Astley informative:
The observed latitudinal pattern of warming in the last 70 years does not match that predicted by the CO2 forcing mechanism. The CO2 forcing mechanism is of course proportional to the increase in atmospheric CO2. As CO2 is more or less evenly distributed in the atmosphere the forcing due to the increase in atmospheric CO2 all else being equal should be roughly the same for the entire global, further more as the amount of CO2 warming is also proportional to the amount of long wave radiation that is emitted off to space the most amount of warming on the planet should be in the tropics. The actual warming pattern observed is not global with most of the warming occurring in the tropics as predicted by the CO2 forcing mechanism and the general circulation models. Most of the warming occurs in the Northern hemisphere at high latitudes (twice as much warming in high latitudinal Northern regions as the planet as a whole and four times as much as the tropics). The latitudes where there is the most amount of warming in the last 70 years are the same latitudes where the electroscavenging mechanism (solar wind bursts) has the strongest affect.
I have been following the WUWT website for a long time, but I simply cannot read everything offered here. However, the debate concerning the solar magnetic cycle and the implications may prove to be the key to understanding climatic change and what awaits us.

CIA Backs $630,000 Scientific Study on Controlling Global Climate
Conspiracy theorists, rejoice!
Mother Jones, 17th July 2013
The Central Intelligence Agency is funding a scientific study that will investigate whether humans could use geoengineering to alter Earth's environment and stop climate change. The National Academy of Sciences (NAS) will run the 21-month project, which is the first NAS geoengineering study financially supported by an intelligence agency. With the spooks' money, scientists will study how humans might influence weather patterns, assess the potential dangers of messing with the climate, and investigate possible national security implications of geoengineering attempts. [...]

The CIA's decision to fund scientific work on geoengineering will no doubt excite conspiracy theorists. The last time the government tried to do cutting-edge research related to the atmosphere–with the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP), which aimed to protect satellites from nuclear blasts–people speculated that it might be a death ray, a mind control weapon, or, worst of all…a way to control the weather.

As they say, as one door closes, another one opens... Conspiracy theorists must be delighted... I have come to the conclusion that more CO2 in the atmosphere is troublesome for a few different reasons and not much to do with global warming... Worst still, most climate alarmists refuse to acknowledge the positives like deserts turning green... There are also reports of record crop harvests too... So, as I keep writing and pointing out, space weather is a major concern for the intelligence agencies as communications are being affected and I think this is the primary reason they want to get involved with the effort to research the impacts and ultimately geo-engineer the planet. Btw, I always get a big kick from seeing the CIA logo central emblem, with what some New Agers think is a 'lightcode'... Some basic research would provide a totally different perspective...

Ouch! 'Senate global warming hearing backfires on Democrats' – Boxer's Own Experts Contradict Obama! – 'Skeptics & Roger Pielke Jr. totally dismantled warmism (scientifically, economically, rhetorically) – Climate Depot Round Up
Climate Depot, 19th July 2013
During yesterday's Environment and Public Works hearings, Sen. David Vitter asked a panel of experts, including experts selected by Boxer, “Can any witnesses say they agree with Obama's statement that warming has accelerated during the past 10 years?” For several seconds, nobody said a word. Sitting just a few rows behind the expert witnesses, I thought I might have heard a few crickets chirping, but I couldn't tell for sure. We'll give Obama the benefit of the doubt and count the crickets in the “maybe” camp.

After several seconds of deafening silence, global warming activist Heidi Cullen, who formerly served as a meteorologist for the Weather Channel, attempted to change the subject. Cullen said our focus should be on longer time periods rather than the 10-year period mentioned by Obama. When pressed, however, she contradicted Obama's central assertion and said warming has slowed, not accelerated.

Several minutes later, Sen. Jeff Sessions returned to the topic and sought additional clarity. Sessions recited Obama's quote claiming accelerating global warming during the past 10 years and asked, “Do any of you support that quote?” Again, a prolonged and deafening silence ensued. Neither Cullen nor any of the other experts on the panel spoke a word, not even in an attempt to change the subject

The global warming pseudo-scientific mysticism has now descended into farce...

Report: Climate change causing energy disruptions
Yahoo News, 11th July 2013
WASHINGTON (AP) – Climate change and extreme weather already are causing disruptions in the U.S. energy supply that are likely to worsen as more intense storms, higher temperatures and more frequent droughts occur, the government says in a new report.

The report, released Thursday by the Energy Department, says blackouts and other problems caused by Superstorm Sandy and other extreme weather events are likely to be repeated across the country as an aging energy infrastructure struggles to adapt to rising seas, higher storm surges and increased flooding. A range of energy sources are at risk, from coal-fired power plants to oil wells, hydroelectric dams and nuclear power plants. [...]

Electricity providers should harden transmission grids and build emergency backup systems, the report says, and operators of hydroelectric dams should improve turbine efficiency. The report also recommends that governments and utilities work together to reduce demand for electricity.

As I have stated many times in the past, when dealing with media for the general public, exchange the term "climate change" for "space weather" and the logic of what is happening is often immediately much easier to comprehend.

As The Earth Cools, Obama's Still Distracted By A Fraudulent Warming Narrative
Forbes, 8th July 2013
[...] I am quite certain that President Obama used the oxymoronic phrase “carbon pollution” in his speech that day alone many more times than the National Weather Service ever did, at least before President Obama came into office. Carbon is a natural element on Earth, and serves as the fundamental building block of all life on the planet, including humans. That is why humans, and all other life Earth, are called “carbon based” life forms. We are not pollution, despite what the crazies at the Sierra Club and the Natural Resources Defense Council think.

There is nothing like watching a carbon based life form spouting about “carbon pollution,” and emitting 1000 parts per million of carbon dioxide gas in doing so, which is what Obama meant by “carbon pollution.” Carbon dioxide as well is a natural substance essential to all life on the planet. Increased carbon dioxide in the atmosphere causes plants to grow faster, including the food that feeds us and all other animal life. Calling it pollution is nonsense as a matter of science, and should be disqualifying for public officials.

I was surprised by the headline here.. It seems that Lloyds are refusing to cooperate with the hype too... see below:

Floods Top 2013 World Disaster Bill So Far
Discovery News, 10th July 2013
Floods that caused billions of dollars in losses were the world's most expensive natural disasters so far this year, with central Europe being hit hardest, re-insurers Munich Re said on Tuesday.

Altogether, natural catastrophes -- also including earthquakes, tornadoes and heat waves -- caused $45 billion in losses in the first half of 2013, well below the 10-year average of $85 billion. Insured losses worldwide totaled about $13 billion, said Munich Re.
  • Atmospheric Rivers Go Mainstream
    The American Meteorological Society, 6th December 2012
    This week NOAA announced installation of four new special observatories in California dedicated to improving the understanding–and forecasting–of atmospheric rivers, the massive (but narrow) flows of tropical moisture aloft in the warm conveyor belt of air ahead of cold fronts. [...]

    The timing was not just good from a weather point of view but also from the standpoint of public understanding. The announcement culminated the fast-track rise of “atmospheric river” from an obscure technical term to popular understanding. [...]

    It was only 20 years ago the term “atmospheric river” was introduced in a scientific paper by Reginald Newell and colleagues; then atmospheric rivers got a brief spate of publicity during the late 1990s and early part of this century with airborne field projects over the Pacific Ocean, such as CALJET and PACJET. Attention ramped up again during 2010's infamous Snowmaggedon on the East Coast.

    Surely, we have some solid proof here that geomagnetic conditions in the atmosphere have fundamentally changed because these atmospheric rivers dropping huge volumes in unexpected places are becoming a serious issue. Simply, it will become very serious for all concerned if 1 in 100 year floods are coming around at a rate of 1 in 10 years and less. See previous information.

  • River Road repair launched - Atmospheric River Blamed
    The News Guard, 10th July 2013

    It was during one of those weather events referred to as an “atmospheric river” that a continuous deluge of rain caused extensive damage and flooding to the area.

    The damage was so widespread that several counties were proclaimed disaster areas by both state and federal governments. FEMA provided funding for the Old River Road repair and a geologic investigation of the slide began. The geotechnical evaluation indicated that a simple repair of the slope was not going to be adequate.

The worst flooding witnessed by western China in five decades
Devastating floods in China trigger huge landslide, burying 40
Independent, 10th July 2013
The worst flooding witnessed by western China in five decades has triggered a landslide, burying up to 40 people and destroying a high-profile memorial to a devastating 2008 earthquake.

There was no immediate news on whether any of the 30 to 40 people buried in the landslide in the Sichuan province have survived. Rescue workers with search dogs are attending the scene, the official Xinhua News Agency reported.

I changed the headline, the videos of houses being swept away are incredible.

Climate extremes are 'unprecedented'
BBC News, 3rd July 2013
The Earth experienced unprecedented recorded climate extremes during the decade 2001-2010, according to the World Meteorological Organisation. Its new report says more national temperature records were reported broken than in previous decades.

There was an increase in deaths from heatwaves over that decade. This was particularly pronounced during the extreme summers in Europe in 2003 and in the Russian Federation during 2010.

But despite the decade being the second wettest since 1901 (with 2010 the wettest year recorded) fewer people died from floods than in the previous decade. Better warning systems and increased preparedness take much of the credit for the reduced deaths. The WMO says smarter climate information will be needed as the climate continues to change.

I am waiting to see if anyone 'corrects' the stats....

Is Climate Change Creating More Thunderstorms?
The Daily Green, 2nd July 2013
More intense thunderstorms combined with damaging winds are expected to occur because of climate change, according to speakers at the seventh European Conference on Severe Storms being held in Helsinki, Finland.

But because thunderstorms are small in size on the scale of existing climate models it is not possible to tell whether they will also lead to more tornadoes and larger size hail – two of the most damaging problems associated with severe storms.

Hmmm... More intense thunderstorms implies more lightning and bigger hailstones falling out of the sky. These claims only make sense if the electro/geomagnetic environment is becoming more unstable and extreme. Electromagnetic forces controlling atmospheric cells with different properties rather than the beloved 'clashes' of cold/warm air, gives us a much better scientific appreciation of what is really going on. This is more pertinent now that a few atmospheric scientsts tell us that space weather and the interference of electrical energy from space must be understood to allow us to predict the weather, see archives for info. Simply, just think of the upward forces that must exist to allow the formation of huge chunks of ice. When hailstones the size of tennis balls and larger are dropping out of the sky, claims by meteorologists that they are created by warm updrafts is now untenable.

Obama: driving a green dagger into the heart of the American dream
Telegraph Delingpole, 26th June 2013
When it comes to pinpointing the nadir of the Obama administration, future historians are going to suffer a serious case of option paralysis. Was it Benghazi? The NSA? His use of the IRS to harass the Tea party? The various scandals involving his black ops department, the EPA? Obamacare?

Personally, though, I think the one they will eventually plump for is Obama's Climate Action Plan of June 25 2013. The economy, after all, is everything. Without an economy you can't afford a domestic policy, let alone a foreign policy. So you'd think the very last thing any president would do as his country began to show the first vague signs of slow – and quite possibly illusory – recovery after a long recession would be to jeopardise it with a whole new raft of utterly pointless regulation and wasteful government expenditure. Why it would be like seeing a man drowning and, instead of throwing him a life line tossing him a lead weight.

But that's just what President Obama has done with today's Climate Action Plan whose gory details you can read here.

Most environmentalists are still disappointed though...

Think tank warns of extreme weather risks
THe Local Switzerland, 24th June 2013
Climate change is creating more frequent and more unpredictable extreme weather events, forcing insurers to change how they assess the risk of natural disasters hitting a specific area, the Geneva Association think tank said on Monday.

"Traditional approaches, which are solely based on analysing historical data, increasingly fail to estimate today's hazard probabilities," the think tank for strategically important insurance and risk management issues, warned in a report.

"A paradigm shift from historic to predictive risk assessment methods is necessary," it stressed, adding that the insurance industry needed to support scientific research to gain a better understanding of when and where weather-related disasters will hit.

According to a UN report last month, natural disasters have cost the world $2.5 trillion so far this century, which is far higher than previously estimated.

Folk are waking up... Here are the latest extreme weather reports.

Could big bills from extreme weather drive climate action?
Trust Org News, 21st June 2013
LONDON (Thomson Reuters Foundation) – Could the growing costs of damage from extreme weather – in rich countries as well as poor – be the push that finally drives action on climate change?

Worst-in-a-decade flooding that swept through Germany as U.N. climate talks took place there this month will cost Germany's government and its insurance companies up to $8 billion, experts estimate. In the United States, the bill for recovery from Hurricane Sandy is estimated at more than $50 billion, with agricultural losses from that country's widespread drought last year even more costly.

“When you add up what all the extreme weather events cost last year (in the United States), it's in excess of $250 billion,” said Rachel Kyte, vice president for sustainable development at the World Bank. “You're talking about economic devastation that at some point is going to start hitting.”

Maybe..... but that is because most people are like sitting ducks... folk are not prepared... Society has refused to pay attention to the ancient warnings about what happens at the end of an age -- so-called leaders have failed -- message not understood by the masses -- but judgment time has arrived...

What's going on with the weather?
BBC News, 19th June 2013
[...] Generally, the advent of satellites to watch the weather systems and supercomputers to crunch the numbers has led to a massive increase in the accuracy of forecasting, especially over the next few days.

But what is progressing far more slowly is an understanding of exactly why we get the weather we do. [...]

When I joined a research flight last year the scientists were open about what they still don't know, as they flew into a weather front to gather data about temperature, humidity and pressure.

No surprise, the Met Office meeting did not produce any startling conclusions. Instead it pointed to areas where more research is needed (though scientists always say that more research is needed.)

For reasons that are not fully clear, the Met Office itself seemed curiously coy about this gathering. None of us could sit in to follow the debate. We weren't even allowed to film the opening minutes of the session, which is common practice at all kinds of events.

Hmmm.... Climate skeptics did not really expect any confessions or major announcements from this summit, but this BBC reporter David Shukman thinks the Met Office is hiding something... Personally, I think Shukman needs to get around a bit more on the internet. He might find people very willing to explain in plain English why meteorologists are having major problems forecasting the weather more than a few days in advance.

Pentagon bracing for public dissent over climate and energy shocks
NSA Prism is motivated in part by fears that environmentally-linked disasters could spur anti-government activism
Guardian, 14th June 2013
[...] Other documents show that the "extraordinary emergencies" the Pentagon is worried about include a range of environmental and related disasters. In 2006, the US National Security Strategy warned that:
"Environmental destruction, whether caused by human behavior or cataclysmic mega-disasters such as floods, hurricanes, earthquakes, or tsunamis. Problems of this scope may overwhelm the capacity of local authorities to respond, and may even overtax national militaries, requiring a larger international response." [..]
The Pentagon knows that environmental, economic and other crises could provoke widespread public anger toward government and corporations in coming years. The revelations on the NSA's global surveillance programmes are just the latest indication that as business as usual creates instability at home and abroad, and as disillusionment with the status quo escalates, Western publics are being increasingly viewed as potential enemies that must be policed by the state.

So controllers fully expect "a high-magnitude natural disaster" and combatting desperate people with nothing to lose because the United States is not the sort of nation that cares about people with nothing. The sense from this and many other similar news reports is that shooting people dead and burying them in mass graves is the best disaster visited folk can expect. If this is not the case, then why do U.S. government agencies just keep buying millions billions of bullets? DHS Claims Billions of Bullets Purchased Were “Clerical Error” & National Weather Service buying hollow point bullets? .

12 Reasons Why The Met Office Is Alarmed
WUWT, 14th June 2013
The Met Office's temperature forecasts issued in 12 out of the last 13 years have been too warm. None of the forecasts issued ended up too cold. That makes the errors systemic and significant.

This is a listing of recent major Met Office forecasts and damning "Reality Check" headlines. Whatever, the Met Office "pow wow" headlines suggest the great and the good are going to sit around the table and lament just how awful the weather has been in recent years but this not what will happen as the "disappointing weather" is not the problem. The fundamental issues are that the weather is failing to cooperate with the global warming scaremongering. Furthermore, what is obvious is that weather men cannot accurately forecast the weather because they do not understand what causes the weather from first principles. This has been accerbated by the dramatic impact of space weather. Prof Paul Song, who directs UMass Lowell's Center for Atmospheric Research states, “Predicting space weather is the next frontier in weather forecasting”, (see archives) So we know that a few in the academic world have been charged with sorting out this academic failing. Whatever happens, even if meteorologists learn how to do proper forecasting, as we are seeing climate change, then the weather is going to continue being extreme and erratic.

Met Office to hold summit on unusual UK weather
The Met Office is to hold an emergency meeting of experts to discuss the increasingly unusual weather in the UK, it has been reported.
Telegraph, 13th June 2013
It follows the coldest spring in more than 50 years, as well as droughts and floods in 2012 and the freezing winter of 2010.

Climate scientists and meteorologists will travel to the forecaster's headquarters in Exeter on Tuesday for the unprecedented meeting. Attendees are expected to debate whether the changing weather pattern in the UK, and in northern Europe, is because of climate change or simply variable weather.

A Met Office spokesman told the Guardian: "We have seen a run of unusual seasons in the UK and northern Europe, such as the cold winter of 2010, last year's wet weather and the cold spring this year. "This may be nothing more than a run of natural variability, but there may be other factors impacting our weather.

Since it is now over 17 years with no significant gobal warming see, No significant warming for 17 years 4 months and some real dismal prospects due to the recent low solar activity, meteorology is in crisis. Due to the reach of the internet, it is impossible to believe that climate scientists and meteorologists have not been severely embarrassed by the widespread chatter on the internet. The upsurpers are lesser mortals with laptops and not supercomputers who are doing a far better job in predicting the weather and weather trends that are ultimate related to climate studies. All talk of "global warming" is looking banal, especially as the realisation hits that the UK is now facing a crop production crisis.
  • Met Office brainstorms UK bad weather
    Guardian News, 13th June 2013
    [...] Tuesday's meeting at the forecaster's HQ in Exeter is being convened in response to this year's cool spring, which, according to official records, was the coldest in 50 years.

    The one-day gathering will be led by Stephen Belcher, head of the Met Office Hadley Centre and professor of meteorology at the University of Reading, and will include up to 20 experts from the UK's leading climate research institutions.

    The "roundtable workshop" will attempt to outline the "dynamical drivers of the cold spring of 2013", but attendees are expected also to debate the "disappointing summers of the last seven years".

'Game changer' – Antarctic melt due to warm water, not air temperature
WUWT, 13th June 2013
UC Irvine found that ocean currents cause most of the observed melt, so air temperature really isn't much of an issue.

Warm ocean drives most Antarctic ice shelf loss, UC Irvine and others show

Findings are a game changer for future forecasts about thawing continent

Irvine, Calif. – Ocean waters melting the undersides of Antarctic ice shelves, not icebergs calving into the sea, are responsible for most of the continent's ice loss, a study by UC Irvine and others has found.

The first comprehensive survey of all Antarctic ice shelves discovered that basal melt, or ice dissolving from underneath, accounted for 55 percent of shelf loss from 2003 to 2008 – a rate much higher than previously thought. Ice shelves, floating extensions of glaciers, fringe 75 percent of the vast, frozen continent.

The findings, to be published in the June 14 issue of Science, will help scientists improve projections of how Antarctica, which holds about 60 percent of the planet's freshwater locked in its massive ice sheet, will respond to a warming ocean and contribute to sea level rise.

It is very interesting that in the comments here there is very little discussion of the HUGE increase in undersea volcanoes around the globe. The recent discoveries of undersea volcanoes melting some parts of the Antarctica ice cap but overall there is still an increase in ice, needs to be thought about in the context of scientists worrying about where the "global warming" has gone. Personally, I would like to thank Robert Felix (Ice Age Now) in his writings who has been pointing out the role of volcanoes in determining climate change.

Okla. congressman wants Obama apology for spending 30x more on global warming than weather forecasting and warning
Maddow MSNBC, 12th June 2013
About three weeks after a deadly tornado slammed Oklahoma, one of the state's Republican congressmen, Jim Bridenstine, wants an apology from President Obama. Is Bridenstine upset about a possible misstep from FEMA? Was a promise not kept? Were locals snubbed in some way? No, as it turns out, Bridenstine wants a presidential apology for a different reason entirely.

The headline was picked up at I expect this will be the first of many similar demands as the new frequency of extreme weather becomes apparent and people start to get really exasperated.

Michael Bloomberg calls for New York flood barriers and levees after Sandy
New York's mayor Michael Bloomberg has unveiled plans for the city to defend itself against a crippling repeat of Hurricane Sandy with a major network of anti-flood fortifications including removable storm barriers, levees and sand-dunes.
Telegraph, 12th June 2013
Mr Bloomberg, an outspoken believer that climate change fuelled the impact of last year's superstorm, said that the number of New Yorkers living in flood-threatened areas would more than double to 800,000 by 2050.

Low-lying districts were deluged by a record 14ft tidal surge when Sandy hit the city. The mayor said that rising sea levels, expected to increase by six inches in the next decade, meant that New York would be increasingly exposed to future storms.

He called the city's plan to counter climate changes the most ambitious in the world. Critics have accused him of exaggerating the threats for political purposes.

It seems the rich and powerful are waking up to the reality of climate change and realising their greed and lack of foresight may no longer be sustainable.... (The New York Stock Exchange being inoperable after Superstorm Sandy must have focused a few obtuse minds.) The critics must still be oblivious to the seriousness of dramatically changing climate and erratic weather.
  • New Climate Data Depict a City More at Risk
    New York Times, 10th June 2013
    The Bloomberg administration on Monday issued new warnings about New York City's vulnerability to climate change, offering updated data to encourage businesses, residents and perhaps even future mayors to better prepare against hotter weather, fiercer storms and increased rainfall.

  • NYC: Quarter 'Could Be Flood Zone By 2050s'
    Sky News, 11th June 2013

  • Bloomberg's Climate Fantasy
    WUWT, 11th June 2013
    The data doesn't support him. The temperature rise seems to have slowed in the past few years, here is NYC's Central Park data:
    Of course the climate skeptics have got something to say...

Dry Air Weather System Forms Over Atlantic Ocean? [VIDEO]
Satellite Captures a Rare Anomaly, 9th June 2013
“I don't ever remember an upper low as dry on satellite water vapor imagery as the one off southwest CA this morning (orange sphere).” -- Dr. Greg Forbes, Meteorologist

Dr. Greg Forbes breaks down, what he calls a biggest dry upper low he has ever seen.

We are lurching from one extreme to the next... The image comes from Dr. Greg Forbes's Facebook page. Here is the current radar satellite image of water vapour at mid-levels of the atmosphere (about 12,000 feet), link. I am not a meteorologists but this is astounding to me... How can there be VIRTUALLY NO WATER VAPOUR in the atmosphere over an ocean? Apparently this strange dry air weather system is expected to generate some severe lightning storms.

Extreme Jet Stream Pattern Triggers Historic European Floods
Weather Underground, 9th June 2013

A historic multi-billion dollar flood disaster has killed at least eighteen people in Central Europe after record flooding unprecedented since the Middle Ages hit major rivers in Austria, the Czech Republic, Germany, Poland and Slovakia over the past two weeks. The Danube River in Passau, Germany hit the highest level since 1501, and the Saale River in Halle, Germany was the highest in its 400-year period of record. Numerous cities recorded their highest flood waters in more than a century, although in some locations the great flood of 2002 was higher. The Danube is expected to crest in Hungary's capital city of Budapest on June 10 at the highest flood level on record, 35 cm higher than the record set in 2006. The flooding was caused by torrential rains that fell on already wet soils. [...]

If it seems like getting two 1-in-100 to 1-in-500 year floods in eleven years is a bit suspicious--well, it is. Those recurrence intervals are based on weather statistics from Earth's former climate. We are now in a new climate regime with more heat and moisture in the atmosphere, combined with altered jet stream patterns, which makes major flooding disasters more likely in certain parts of the world, like Central Europe.

Finally we get some analysis but there is some real fighting talk here that should cause major concern, especially if you live in Central Europe. Again there is focus on the jet stream being blocked and causing an extreme weather event. So, as we have already seen with various incidents in the last few years (the devastating Russian heatwave, Pakistan floods and flooding in Australia see archives for other recent examples), these 1 in 100 year events are coming round much more frequently than that. Here the discussion focuses on major flooding twice in 11 years in central Europe. People have been warned but few care until they are devastated.
    Atmospheric Rivers: key to extratropical water vapor transport
    WUWT, 12th February 2011
    Atmospheric rivers are relatively long, narrow regions in the atmosphere – like rivers in the sky – that transport most of the water vapor outside of the tropics. These columns of vapor move with the weather, carrying an amount of water vapor roughly equivalent to the average flow of water at the mouth of the Mississippi River. When the atmospheric rivers make landfall, they often release this water vapor in the form of rain or snow.

    There are a few trying to claim that the jet streams and atmospheric rivers are the same thing, but as it is detailed here, that is not quite correct. The ARs are like tendrils or offs-shoots from the main jet stream air currents as can be seen in the images provided here. If you have studied your Electric Universe theory properly, the light bulb should go off in your head after seeing the satellite images... Furthermore, you will recognise immediately why there is concern that extreme weather events due to erratic ARs are likely to become more common.

Climate modeling EPIC FAIL – Spencer: 'the day of reckoning has arrived'
WUWT, 6th June 2013
I was aware of this story yesterday, but I didn't like the original plot, (see at the end of this post) since use of straight line linear trends doesn't accurately reflect the reality of the observation data. While it is often hard to find any reality in climate models, linear trend lines mask the underlying variance. Today, Dr. Spencer has produced a graph that I feel is representative and very well worth sharing, because it does in fact convey an EPIC FAIL speaking directly to the accuracy of an ensemble of climate models. [...]

In my opinion, the day of reckoning has arrived. The modellers and the IPCC have willingly ignored the evidence for low climate sensitivity for many years, despite the fact that some of us have shown that simply confusing cause and effect when examining cloud and temperature variations can totally mislead you on cloud feedbacks (e.g. Spencer & Braswell, 2010). The discrepancy between models and observations is not a new issue…just one that is becoming more glaring over time. [...]

Now, in what universe do the above results not represent an epic failure for the models?

This graph was hard to resist... Note: This graph is just a selection of 19 climate models, but 73 climate models have all failed!

PM: Vltava Basin, meteorologists not to blame for floods
Prague Daily Monitor, 6th June 2013
Prague, June 5 (CTK) - Czech Prime Minister Petr Necas said yesterday the flood-related problems can be blamed neither on the Vltava Basin management nor meteorologists and Agriculture Minister Petr Bendl (both Civic Democrats, ODS) echoed his opinion.

They were reacting to various critics of the flood situation. Bendl said he will submit an analysis of the steps taken by the Vltava Basin management during the flooding to the government. Necas said the Vltava Cascade and the Vltava Basin were proceeding correctly based on the prognoses of the Czech Hydrometeorological Institute (CHMU).

"I want to stress that it is weather forecasting, that it is not even possible to blame the CHMU for not having guessed the amount of precipitation, it is really a very complicated thing, even though scientific and based on mathematical models," Necas said after a government meeting.

There are claims this is a 500 year flood... Well, so far I have not come across anyone who predicted these European floods, not even Piers Corbyn, but I am still looking... Whatever, what concerns me is that as soon as disaster strikes the accusations start to fly, but very few are interested in the very real implications of climate change and extreme weather. Despite all the politics and talk of the non existent global warming, folk are being warned, see Evidence linking climate change to extreme weather mounts & EU body predicts more extreme weather as floods devastate central Europe. Well, so far, the weather this year for Europeans has been largely quite incredible. The image icon is an aerial view of the swollen Vltava River and flooded Red Mill at chateau park in Veltrusy, about 35km north of Prague, see Ten dead, thousands evacuated as floods sweep Europe .
  • Flooding in Europe, 4th June 2013
    The Danube River reached its highest level in 500 years. The Elbe, Rhine, and other rivers and tributaries are cresting high as well as swathes of central Europe lie inundated by floodwaters that have killed 12 and displaced tens of thousands. Germany, Austria, Switzerland, and the Czech Republic have been severely affected, as Hungary prepares for the swell of water. Gathered here are images of the flooding and people affected in the last several days. -- Lane Turner (40 photos total)

Study says global warming caused by CFCs interacting with cosmic rays, not carbon dioxide
WUWT, 30th May 2013
WATERLOO, Ont. (Thursday, May 30, 2013) – Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) are to blame for global warming since the 1970s and not carbon dioxide, according to new research from the University of Waterloo published in the International Journal of Modern Physics B this week.

CFCs are already known to deplete ozone, but in-depth statistical analysis now shows that CFCs are also the key driver in global climate change, rather than carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions.

“Conventional thinking says that the emission of human-made non-CFC gases such as carbon dioxide has mainly contributed to global warming. But we have observed data going back to the Industrial Revolution that convincingly shows that conventional understanding is wrong,” said Qing-Bin Lu, a professor of physics and astronomy, biology and chemistry in Waterloo's Faculty of Science. “In fact, the data shows that CFCs conspiring with cosmic rays caused both the polar ozone hole and global warming.”

Prof. Qing-Bin Lu has been making these claims for a long time, but now the global temps are starting to dip, there may well be more focus on cosmoclimatology related theories. In fact, I think this theory provides some much needed cohesiveness and sophistication as it is easy to factor in solar activity and Earth's magnetic index that affects the abundance of cosmic rays. Of course, the recent dramatic impact of space weather and the recent increase in cosmic rays makes cosmoclimatology theory all so much more significant. So, whilst a few scientists have tried to point out some climate reality in the face of juggernaut political/scientific machinations trying desperately hard to blame the public for global warming without much success, it looks like the truth will prevail.

Tim Yeo: humans may not be to blame for global warming
Humans may not be responsible for global warming, according to Tim Yeo, the MP who oversees government policy on climate change.
Telegraph, 29th May 2013
The chairman of the Commons Energy and Climate Change committee said he accepts the earth's temperature is increasing but said “natural phases” may be to blame.

Such a suggestion sits at odds with the scientific consensus. One recent survey of 12,000 academic papers on climate change found 97 per cent agree human activities are causing the planet to warm.

Mr Yeo, an environment minister under John Major, is one of the Conservative Party's strongest advocates of radical action to cut carbon emissions. His comments are significant as he was one of the first senior figures to urge the party to take the issue of environmental change seriously.

The political backtracking has begun.

French ski station to re-open slopes, in June!
The Local France, 29th May 2013
Struggling to know what to do this weekend? Well, summer is officially here so why not head to the ski slopes of the French Pyrénées? Yes, believe it or not a French ski station is reopening its doors to make the most of the unseasonal snow.

A combination of an icy winter and a chilly spring has meant that for the first time ever in the month of June, skiers will have the option of heading to the pistes in the French Pyrénées, French TV TF1 reported on Wednesday.

After recent cold weather, bosses at the ski station Porte Puymorens in the Pyrénées-Orientales region of the mountain range that divides France from Spain have taken the exceptional step to re-open the slopes this weekend after they had closed them at the end of the season in April.

After years of following the climate wars the sudden shift in the climate is still shocking... NO PUBLIC CLIMATE MODELS PREDICTED THIS AND WE HAVE TO GO BACK TO A SECRET PENTAGON REPORT MADE PUBLIC THAT GALVANISED THE MAKING OF THE MOVIE 'THE DAY AFTER TOMMORROW' THAT STATED THAT A SUDDEN SHIFT COULD OCCUR.... The scientific explanation given was a collapse of the Gulf stream and we have to wonder when it was reported the British Met Office held emergency meetings in mid April about what to tell farmers about spring starting (see April 2013 blog archive). According to The Observer/Guardian, THE PENTAGON MEMO STATED SUDDEN CLIMATE CHANGE COULD HAPPEN IN 15 YEARS, BUT THE MOVIE WAS EXAGGERATED TO SHOW THE SAME IMPACT IN 5 DAYS.
  • Now the Pentagon tells Bush: climate change will destroy us
    · Secret report warns of rioting and nuclear war
    · Britain will be 'Siberian' in less than 20 years
    · Threat to the world is greater than terrorism

    Observer/Guardian, 22nd February 2004 Flashback!
    Climate change over the next 20 years could result in a global catastrophe costing millions of lives in wars and natural disasters..

    A secret report, suppressed by US defence chiefs and obtained by The Observer, warns that major European cities will be sunk beneath rising seas as Britain is plunged into a 'Siberian' climate by 2020. Nuclear conflict, mega-droughts, famine and widespread rioting will erupt across the world.

    The document predicts that abrupt climate change could bring the planet to the edge of anarchy as countries develop a nuclear threat to defend and secure dwindling food, water and energy supplies. The threat to global stability vastly eclipses that of terrorism, say the few experts privy to its contents.

Update on the CLOUD experiment at CERN
WUWT, 29th May 2013
[...] Suppose you demonstrate that cosmic rays affect the formation of clouds actually at a greater extent. What would that mean?

I believe that these experiments are significant in two respects. Firstly, because they would show a new natural source of climate change. And secondly, because it would change the understanding of anthropogenic climate change. We are well informed about greenhouse gases. But we know too little about aerosols. Also airborne particles that pass through our industry in the atmosphere.

You have a cooling effect with certainty. But we have no idea how big this effect is. It might be small, but also very large. Maybe it is so large that it compensates for the effect of additional CO2 in the atmosphere. We do not know.

This statement from a CERN scientist implies that some information is being hidden from the public concerning gases and vapors that work with cosmic rays to enhance the formation of condensation nuclei that eventually lead to the formation of clouds.... Maybe there is a big surprise that cosmic rays have a direct impact of counteracting CO2 in the atmosphere and therefore undermines the current rhetoric that too much CO2 causes gobal warming. The crowd of skeptics here are very suspicious and so am I.
  • CERN: 'Climate models will need to be substantially revised'
    The Register, 25th August 2011 Flashback!
    CERN's 8,000 scientists may not be able to find the hypothetical Higgs boson, but they have made an important contribution to climate physics, prompting climate models to be revised.

    The first results from the lab's CLOUD ("Cosmics Leaving OUtdoor Droplets") experiment published in Nature today confirm that cosmic rays spur the formation of clouds through ion-induced nucleation. Current thinking posits that half of the Earth's clouds are formed through nucleation. The paper is entitled Role of sulphuric acid, ammonia and galactic cosmic rays in atmospheric aerosol nucleation.

    This has significant implications for climate science because water vapour and clouds play a large role in determining global temperatures. Tiny changes in overall cloud cover can result in relatively large temperature changes.

    Unsurprisingly, it's a politically sensitive topic, as it provides support for a "heliocentric" rather than "anthropogenic" approach to climate change: the sun plays a large role in modulating the quantity of cosmic rays reaching the upper atmosphere of the Earth.

    This announcement is getting minimum press because the result is NOT what climate campaigners have been leading the public to believe. Solar and cosmic ray variability, NOT CO2 is the real cause of global warming or climate change.

  • CERN chief forbids “interpretation” of CLOUD results
    Calder's Updates, 17th July 2011 Flashback!
    "And in an experimental chamber one can study, under controlled conditions, how the formation of droplets depends on the radiation and particulate matter. The results will be published shortly. I have asked the colleagues to present the results clearly, but not to interpret them. That would go immediately into the highly political arena of the climate change debate. One has to make clear that cosmic radiation is only one of many parameters."

Comparing this weekend's snow to “The Year Without A Summer”
Ice Age Now, 28th May 2013
“The last time we had snow this late (Memorial Day weekend) was back in 1816 – the year without the summer,” says reader Kenneth Lund. “And that was only 1 inch of snow. Here we're talking 34 inches !”

“Even though 1816 happened in early June, this event in 2013 was far more significant. You could subtract maybe 15 inches if it had happened on June 6th – but even then it would still be unprecedented – still over a foot at least. (considering that it was 11 days later in the season)

To figure out how unusual this weekend's snowfall was, Weather Underground had to go back to 1816, the infamous 'Year without Summer.'

Curious.... we are being told here that the infamous “The Year Without A Summer” in 1816 was caused by a volcanic eruption. We have had a lot of volcanic eruptions in recent years but no claims that we have seen anything disasterous. Yet, the low temperatures being recorded and expected this summer are happening at the same time that noctilucent clouds have become established as a regular feature in lower latitudes, but the cause is expained as meteoric dust... Noctilucent clouds were first discovered and linked to volcanic eruptions after Krakatoa exploded in 1883, read the reports, articles and comments in the archives... As a reminder for new website visitors, the European Space Agency warned about a massive influx of cosmic dust that they believed would peak in 2012, see archives....This is quite sensational analysis and we have to wonder why climate scientists have not made this same connection and made subsequent warnings.... I suppose the answer is that climate scientists are not being paid to see this space weather connection. Whatever, note all the other snow headlines at Ice Age Now.

Spain braces for 'coldest summer in 200 years'
Local Spanish News, 27th May 2013
French weather channel Meteo has forecast that this summer will be the worst on record in Western Europe since 1816 – known by meteorological experts as “the year without summer”.

If you've been looking forward to spending your Spanish summer sunning yourself by the pool, don't pack away your winter clothes just yet. France's main weather channel has announced that there is a 70 percent chance of this summer being cold and wet across Spain, France, Portugal, Germany and Austria.

Cold maritime fronts and weak solar activity during the winter months have not only given us a chillier Spanish spring than normal, they're also going to make the summer months unusually dreary and rainy. According to Meteo, June and July are only likely to have short periods of summer heat which will in turn bring heavy storms in August.

The year without summer, 1816, is not an old wives' tale. Overcast skies and cold temperatures across the northern hemisphere led to severe crop failures and food shortages in France, England, Ireland and the US during the summer months of that year.

Hmmm.... This year is becoming a big time climate reality check.

Met Office admits claims of significant temperature rise untenable
Bishop Hill, 27th May 2013
It has been widely claimed that the increase in global temperatures since the late 1800s is too large to be reasonably attributed to natural random variation. Moreover, that claim is arguably the biggest reason for concern about global warming. The basis for the claim has recently been discussed in the UK Parliament. It turns out that the claim has no basis, and scientists at the Met Office have been trying to cover that up. [...]

The issue here is the claim that “the temperature rise since about 1880 is statistically significant”, which was made by the Met Office in response to the original Question (HL3050). The basis for that claim has now been effectively acknowledged to be untenable. Possibly there is some other basis for the claim, but that seems extremely implausible: the claim does not seem to have any valid basis.

Plainly, then, the Met Office should now publicly withdraw the claim. That is, the Met Office should admit that the warming shown by the global-temperature record since 1880 (or indeed 1850) might be reasonably attributed to natural random variation. Additionally, the Met Office needs to reassess other claims that it has made about statistically significant climatic changes.

This is long-winded report but important as the focus increases on the lies told by climate scientists. Those who have been telling lies are now starting to feel the heat even as global temperatures start to decline and the onset of a mini Ice Age becomes more and more obvious. Why is this important? Personally, I think the truth of an expected climatic shift that was preserved as ancient knowledge is for those who don't want to be bambozzled by frauds, liars and well meaning but wrongly informed environmentalists.

Great moments in activist climate science – NRDC's Dr. Laurie Johnson: 'CO2 makes your car hot'
Watts Up With That, 23rd May 2013
People send me stuff. This makes Bill Nye's recent CNN fail look almost forgivable.

My friend Lars Larson, who runs a nationally syndicated radio show out of Portland, OR sent me this audio clip today. I had to listen to it to believe his claim, because who would guess that a credentialed scientist who is lecturing a national audience on climate change issues could misunderstand the greenhouse effect so badly. Here is the audio clip, with Dr. Laurie Johnson of the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC). Have a listen:

I liked the following comment concerning a major problem in society. We have too many very stupid people with too much power threatening the survival of the whole of humanity.
otropogo says:
May 24, 2013 at 12:03 pm
Just another example of the advancing stupification of academia, an issue that far transcends the climate change controversy. Even as the tools available to humanity become more and more capable of destroying our civilization, and possibly our species and much of earth's biosphere, the judgment of those “certified” and appointed to manage these tools appears to be degenerating to the point of simple lunacy.

Whether the next immediate threat is an asteroid impact, a deadly runaway virus, a crippling solar EMP event, sudden onset glaciation, or a string of nuclear accidents, we can be certain that the response of governments and their appointed talking heads will be be either tragically inadequate or totally inappropriate.

This is the fundamental issue humanity urgently needs to face, not only because of any imminent danger, but also because, if allowed to corrupt our institutions of learning sufficiently, it may become irreversible. We must find a way to firmly say “no” to academic “yes-men”.
Stupid people are too stupid to see the importance of the issues... So, why are the stupid tolerated? Because stupidity rules in a stupid society where world controllers benefit from being able to easily manipulate stupid people. Now we are at a point where humanity is facing major threats, but the stupid thrive and those of us with any intelligence struggle if we don't love entertaining the truly stupid. Frankly, humanity is finished in its current manifestation.

WeatherAction predicted 3 weeks ahead that Oklahoma would be targeted for storm hits 19-24 May. Worse still to come for many parts USA.
WeatherAction, 23rd May 2013
USA Major Thunder tornado and hail Oklahoma and other parts (20-23rd) were explicitly warned 3 weeks ahead in WeatherAction long range forecast – Oklahoma was explicitly highlighted.


Piers Corbyn astrophysicist of WeatherAction said:

"We explicitly highlighted Oklahoma as a danger area in the period 19-24 May with tornado events warned (see right hand bar of forecast period below). Although this was a low confidence period we still got the essentials right in long range.

A more widespread more serious storm period for most parts in our forecast is 25-29 May and for that reason we are now making WeatherAction USA MAY FORECAST available FREE for distribution without restriction provided WeatherAction is acknowledged, see link below. Thank you.”

This is another response to the morons trying to imply that tornadoes can be invoked and steered by HAARP... If you have not worked this out yet, there are a lot of uneducated people being suckered by paid hands brainwashing them into believing that an all powerful elite class exists that have all the powers in the universe at their disposal.

Rapid cooling triggered Bronze-Age collapse and Greek Dark Age
Ice Age Now, 20th May 2013
Of course the politically correct verbiage is “climate change.” Between the 13th and 11th centuries BCE, most Greek Bronze Age Palatial centers were destroyed and/or abandoned throughout the Near East and Aegean, says this paper by Brandon L. Drake. A sharp increase in Northern Hemisphere temperatures preceded the wide-spread systems collapse, while a sharp decrease in temperatures occurred during their abandonment.

This is an example of humans failing to adapt...

US Senator Sheldon Whitehouse From Rhode Island Provides Erroneous Information To American Public in Global Warming Rant
WUWT, 20th May 2013

First, I'm sure I speak for everyone at WUWT when I say that our hearts go out to all the families in Oklahoma affected by the weather tragedy there today.

In the video above US Senator Sheldon Whitehouse states that:

“When cyclones tear up Oklahoma and hurricanes swamp Alabama and wildfires scorch Texas, you come to us, the rest of the country, for billions of dollars to recover. And the damage that your polluters and deniers are doing doesn't just hit Oklahoma and Alabama and Texas.”

Read more: Daily Caller

If Senator Sheldon Whitehouse did more reading and less ranting, he might know that Continental US Temperature Lower Troposphere (TLT) – 1979 to Present;

Comment: I am sure there are going to be lots of rants about extreme weather, but telling lies about the cause for political purposes is not going to save lives and property. This article is a general debunking of those who want to blame the recent tornado outbreak on global warming and we are presented with a lot of charts and data.... As I have repeated before, we seem to be seeing extreme swings but rarely nothing we have not experienced before.

Climate Scientist Hans Von Storch Warns: Climate Scientists Have Been “Taking On The Roles Of Medicine Men And Priests”
NoTricksZoneNews, 18th May 2013
What follows is a critical article written by Jens Meyer-Wellmann appearing in German national daily Die Welt that got by me a couple of weeks ago.[...]

Sebastian Lüning's and Fritz Vahrenholt's blogsite presented an excerpt of the Die Welt article, which I've translated in English:
'Unfortunately in climate science there is a tendency to proclaim absolute truths and to link these immediately to instructions on actions to take,' von Storch said. 'The climate pope tells us what has to be done, and for the people it's: keep your mouths shut. Scientists have been taking over the roles of medicine men and priests. That's not the job of scientists. Science is supposed to help understand problems, show the possibilities that exist in dealing with them. The best is to show many possibilities. Then the political process has to decide the path to take.'

But some of his colleagues in science like to use 'stories that point to a catastrophe,' said the professor of meteorology. One example was the assumption that our region would see 'murderous violent storms'. But there was no data showing this. 'It all has a cultural, anthropological background' . 'If you sin, then you will be punished. And the punishment always takes on an environmental dimension which also included storms in the past. In former times it was God's punishment. Today it's punishment by Nature. Nature is to keep man in check. And for this we see idiotic films like 'The Day After Tomorrow.''

Well, for those following the climate science drama, it is evident we have reached the point where some climate scientists have turned into over-zealous cult followers using cult tactics to further the agenda. A good example is Dr James Hansen who had become a major embarrassment at NASA before he announced his retirement to the relief of many... Btw, here is the latest on Hansen: Hansen's scandalous interview (17th May 2013). Anyway, going through my archives, I found the article below that reminded me of my understanding that there are severe consequences to humanity refusing to maintain a balance with our environment. From my new FAQ page:
The influx of cosmic energy seems to have a function of re-balancing human consciousness and behaviour. This can be compared to the discoveries made by ecologists and biologists where during periods of evolutionary change, any negative and malignant force that has sprung up and poses a threat to a harmonious ecosystem, becomes subject to elimination. Simply, at times of great environmental stress, the agents of stress are eliminated to restore balance. This is well explained by biologist Bruce Lipton during an interview with Laura Lee in 2004, where Lipton explains new scientific evidence provided in the journal Nature, suggests that Darwin was wrong and it is not survival of the fittest, it is what the community of organisms contribute to a well functioning ecosystem environment that matters. Lipton states that, “evolution is selected by complementarity to the environment, organisms that push the environment to extremes are ultimately eliminated from the environment”. So, what humanity fails to comprehend is that this seems to apply on a planet-wide scale. Today it is recognised that humans are having a negative impact on this planet, but traditionally, the threat of judgement by a deity for human indiscretions in general, was used by religious leaders to help apply control over other humans, it was not necessarily about encouraging higher levels of consciousness.
FAQ: What is the “Planetary Refresh” and what does it have to do with Space Weather?.
What I am now thinking is that maybe some atheists realise that religion is useful enough to ensure certain rules are in place to stop the routine wipeouts of humanity... The only problem is that the religious leaders today have become too corrupt to even grasp the importance of why religion was invented in the first place... It's not just for personal self-aggrandisement and financial benefits... For the conspiracy theorists out there, religion was not invented back in ancient times just to control the masses...
  • Maybe religion is the answer claims atheist scientist
    The world may have to turn to God to save itself from climate change, claims one of Britain's most eminent scientists.

    The Telegraph, 7th September 2009 Flashback!
    "Lord May, the president of the British Science Association, said religion may have helped protect human society from itself in the past and it may be needed again.

    Speaking on the eve of the association's annual conference, the committed atheist said he was worried the world was on a “calamitous trajectory” brought on by its failure to co-ordinate measures against global warming. He said that no country was prepared to take the lead and a “punisher” was needed to make sure the rules of co-operation were not broken.

    The former Government chief scientific advisor said in the past that was God and it might be time again for religion to fill the gap.

    “Maybe religion is needed,” said Lord May, who was brought up a Scottish Presbyterian but went through an "inverse epiphany" at the age of 11.

    “A supernatural punisher maybe part of the solution.” He said in the past a belief in a god, or gods, that punish the unrighteous may have been part of the mechanism of evolution that maintains co-operation in a dog-eat-dog world."

    Yes, there are lots of articles calling for drastic changes to counteract the non existent "global warming", but when a "committed atheist" starts talking about a need for God to start punishing people in order to get us to co-operate with earthly "powers" and this is printed in the mainstream media, you really have to wonder.

  • Episcopal "green" bishop Cederholm conducts service to bless solar panels
    New Nostradamus of the North, 19th May 2013

    [...] At 10 a.m. on Sunday May 19, St. Dunstan's Episcopal Church will conduct a service to bless the solar panels they installed in April. The blessing will be conducted by the Episcopal Diocese's “Green Bishop,” the Right Rev. Bud Cederholm, assisted by St. Dunstan's rector, the Rev. Mark McKone-Sweet.

    “Using solar energy decreases our use of fossil fuels, and thus our contribution to global warming,” said McKone-Sweet. “It is a way to live our faith by caring for those who will be affected by the extreme weather global warming causes.”

    Now that is what I call Green religion....

Spiegel Trashes John Cook's Survey. Man's Impact “Remains Hotly Disputed”…Only 10% Have Faith In Models
NoTricksZone, 18th May 2013
German flagship news magazine Spiegel Online today has an article authored by Axel Bojanowski which takes a close look at the recent John Cook survey. German alarmists like the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research hailed it as proof that climate science was settled and done. But Spiegel draws a different a totally conclusion.

First Bojanowski describes how a large number of Americans have serious doubts when it comes to man-made climate change, and so surveys get conducted with the aim of trying to sway public opinion. The latest was carried out by John Cook of the University of Queensland in Australia, and the results were published in the journal of Environmental Research Letters: 97% of thousands of papers surveyed agree that climate change is man-made, it asserted.

The climate wars have now descended into the realm of farce and the serious lampooning is being carried out elsewhere... I can recommend Climate Depot.... See more below:

The new mini ice age is upon us! says astrophysicist
Ice Age Now, 13th May 2013

Distinguished physicist Dr. William Happer: 'The incredible list of supposed horrors that increasing carbon dioxide will bring the world is pure belief disguised as science'
Harrison H. Schmitt and William Happer: In Defense of Carbon Dioxide
The Hockey Schtick, 8th May 2013
The demonized chemical compound is a boon to plant life and has little correlation with global temperature.

WSJ.COM 5/8/13: Of all of the world's chemical compounds, none has a worse reputation than carbon dioxide. Thanks to the single-minded demonization of this natural and essential atmospheric gas by advocates of government control of energy production, the conventional wisdom about carbon dioxide is that it is a dangerous pollutant. That's simply not the case. Contrary to what some would have us believe, increased carbon dioxide in the atmosphere will benefit the increasing population on the planet by increasing agricultural productivity. [...]

The current levels of carbon dioxide in the earth's atmosphere, approaching 400 parts per million, are low by the standards of geological and plant evolutionary history. Levels were 3,000 ppm, or more, until the Paleogene period (beginning about 65 million years ago). For most plants, and for the animals and humans that use them, more carbon dioxide, far from being a "pollutant" in need of reduction, would be a benefit.

At this moment, I am still considering the evidence that the desperation to remove CO2 from our atmosphere is related to the deluge of charged particles from space. Even though scientists have tried to blame the increase of CO2 on human activity and a release of trapped CO2 from the oceans, the desperation suggests other worldly concerns and I am not satisfied I know everything there is to know on this matter.

Tornado spike in 2011 attributed to climate change. So what to make of this year's tornado drought?
Chron News, 3rd May 2013
As informed citizens, we need to be careful about conflating weather, climate change and natural disasters.

Weather (i.e. the extreme cold we're having in Texas this spring) is weather. Climate is the measurement of long-term weather data over broad areas (i.e. global temperatures over a 50 year period). For most people, these are pretty easy distinctions to make. But the issue becomes more complicated when it comes to natural disasters, such as hurricanes, floods, droughts and tornadoes.

About 18 months ago the much-maligned IPCC released a report that takes a pretty balanced view of climate and natural disasters, concluding that weather extremes are probably affected by climate change, but generally stops short of saying global warming is the main driver.

As climate scientists admit, there is not really many with a deep understanding of the cause of weather or the cause of weather extremes. It seems that here the tornado weather data has gone from one extreme to the other i.e. flood to drought and the 'experts' have revealed their utter ignorance of why. Thankfully, there are a few astrophysicists who do pay attention to sun-earth connections and space weather, so they can provide good predictions of what we should expect.

Alaskans alarmed at Russian specter of 'global cooling'
Alaska Dispatch, 3rd May 2013
Snow fell on the Anchorage Hillside again Thursday. The National Weather Service was forecasting up to an inch by the end of the day. And for Alaskans wishing for spring, the news just kept getting wors

May arrived and most of Alaska's rivers are still locked in ice," the dastardly federal agency reported on its Facebook page. "NWS staff and river observers collect ice thickness data around the first day of each month during the winter. However, except on the North Slope and northwest Alaska, ice is typically gone or unsafe for measurements by the start of May.

"Not so this remarkably backwards spring. Ice thickness and snow on the ice at nearly all measured locations in the central Interior was THICKER than at the start of April. "

Yes, that's right. At a time when Alaska should be starting into breakup there isn't even a sign of it.

It's simple, Ice Ages start when snow remains at the end of each summer.

San Jose State University Meteorology decides burning books they don't agree with is better than reading them
Watts Up With That, 2nd May 2013
From the Fahrenheit 451 department comes this indictment of California's higher education's “tolerance” for opposing views. When I first got the tip on this, I thought to myself “nobody can be this stupid to photograph themselves doing this” but, here they are, right from the San Jose State University Meteorology Department web page:

The caption from the SJSU website reads:

This week we received a deluge of free books from the Heartland Institute {this or this }. The book is entitled “The Mad, Mad, Made World of Climatism”. SHown above, Drs. Bridger and Clements test the flammability of the book.

Maybe they just can't help themselves, note the pictures on the wall.

Well, since I love books, for me book burning is an extreme measure.... In January, my utter disgust at some New Age fraud copying a section of my book and pretending it was part of a channeled message was enough for me to suggest that if you burn a New Age book, at least you will know for a fact that the warmth is genuine.... With the frustration that climate alarmists are feeling due to their belief in global warming, burning the books of climate skeptics must be their way of generating some heat because it is fact that Earth has not warmed for 16 years and the disconnect with reality is sending some over the edge...

CO2 Warmism denounced and Insurance Industry conference warned of Mini Ice Age events., 26th April 2013
In his dynamic presentation - complete with globe and moveable Jet-Stream - to Sterling Insurance Industry "Claims Day" conference 17th April, Kings Hill, West Malling Kent, Piers Corbyn pointed-out the systematic failings and fraud of the CO2 warmist approach and argued the whole insurance industry needed to get to grips with Real Climate Change as now upon the world in the form of the developing Mini-Ice-Age.

Piers showed how the CO2-based Climate Change proposition was "delusional nonsense" which had failed in ALL its predictions and whose protagonists now "just make up explanations as they go along". He specifically attacked Sir John Beddington's recent 'warm is cold' cant on the BBC, pointing out:

1. There is no evidence in the real world for the CO2-driver proposition but that reality is the reverse and that world (sea) temperatures drive CO2 levels in the long run; and Sir John has been challenged (**VIDEOS below)  to come up with evidence of his absurd claims.

2. If CO2 really did drive the recent Sea Ice changes and cold Spring which was in fact predicted well in advance in detail by WeatherAction's Solar-Lunar based theory then it must be the case that mankind's trivial contribution to levels of the trace gas CO2 are driving solar events (which were also predicted by WeatherAction) - which is absurd beyond belief!

On the Association of British Insurers (ABI) continuing adoption of Global Warmist assertions Piers pointed out that the current CO2-Warmist  expectation of more and worsening summer floods and 'warm makes cold' snowy events came from the same people who predicted ongoing droughts, barbecue summers, 'runaway warming' and the end of snow in UK by 2010. "They just make it up", said Piers, "and only now say these things because that is what is happening to the weather while CO2 still rises. They are misleading the Insurance industry, the economy and country and the ABI must reject the CO2 delusionism and adopt scientific Solar-lunar based Real Climate Change predictions".

If you want the message in blunt language, astrophysicist Piers Corbyn is your man... There are some video links here too...

Cooling in the Arctic: what to expect?
The Voice of Russia, 22nd April 2013
Global warming which has been the subject of so many discussions in recent years, may give way to global cooling. According to scientists from the Pulkovo Observatory in St.Petersburg, solar activity is waning, so the average yearly temperature will begin to decline as well. Scientists from Britain and the US chime in saying that forecasts for global cooling are far from groundless. Some experts warn that a change in the climate may affect the ambitious projects for the exploration of the Arctic that have been launched by many countries.

Just recently, experts said that the Arctic ice cover was becoming thinner while journalists warned that the oncoming global warming would make it possible to grow oranges in the north of Siberia. Now, they say a cold spell will set in. Apparently, this will not occur overnight, Yuri Nagovitsyn of the Pulkovo Observatory, says.

Opinion at WUWT, Russian Scientists say period of global cooling ahead due to changes in the sun

Delingpole on the global warming scam: "[it] was based on the largest confection of lies in junk science was mainly the fault of scientist-manque arts graduates too easily impressed by men in white lab coats"
Telegraph Delingpole, 23rd April 2013
Now that global warming is completely unravelling, I want to elaborate on a point I made a few blogposts back about the role of humanities graduates in this great debate.

On the face of it, their record isn't good. Some of the most influential promulgators of climate nonsense have been arts graduates – among them Bryony Worthington (the FoE activist turned peer responsible for the Climate Change Act), the BBC's Roger Harrabin and a fair few of the Guardian's 2,800-strong Environment Department. I think future historians – looking back on this period of mass hysteria in which so many people were persuaded by and so much expensive, damaging policy was based on the largest confection of lies in junk science history – could put together a reasonably persuasive thesis that it was mainly the fault of scientist-manque arts graduates too easily impressed by men in white lab coats.

I suppose the real issue is people who employ persuasion tactics rather than reason need to be considered as dangerous..

Mother Of German Green Weeklies, Die Zeit, Shocks Readers…Now Casts Doubt On Global Warming!
NoTricksZone, 19th April 2013
After a foray in a cult, one of the first steps on the path back to reality is the process of deprogramming. Could it be that this step is now being self-administered by the German mainstream media? It appears so.

Now that the global mean temperature curve has drifted out of and below the IPCC's projected range, panic is breaking out. The mother of German green weeklies, Die Zeit, appears to be taking measurements at the back of the house in preparation for the installation of a back door! Rahmstorf is back there with them, trying to talk them out of it.

The opening sentence here is quite a statement, something that others have pointed out is imperative for former global warming believers. Deprogramming implies what is commonly called 'brainwashing' (see How Brainwashing Works). It can be most simply defined as persuasion by propaganda or salesmanship. According to Rick Ross at the Cult Education website (, deprogramming encourages critical thinking, objective reasoning and logical analysis. There is no indoctrination into another belief system. Simply, the need to deprogram people who believed global warming propaganda is necessary because it is not possible to just walk away from false beliefs provided by the popular media and greenie zealots on a mission. In order to understand the mindset various articles have been written over the years that help to demonstrate that this is a serious issue, see my Best of the Blog archive Environmentalism as Religion .

EU Refuses to Resuscitate Its Dying Carbon Market
The American Interest, 16th April 2013
The European Parliament just voted down a measure that would have attempted to revive its carbon market, likely dooming it to a slow and undignified death. This was a last-ditch effort to drive the EU's carbon price back to a level that would incentivize green reforms. And it failed. [...]

The EU has been the global laboratory testing the green agenda to see how it works. Today's story means that the guinea pig died; the most important piece of green intervention in world history has become an expensive and embarrassing flop. It's hard to exaggerate the importance of this for environmentalists everywhere; if the EU can't make the green agenda work, it's unlikely that anybody else will give it a try.

OK, climate realists are in climate heaven and rejoicing that another carbon trading platform has collapsed.... See more below:

Is the UK heading for ANOTHER Arctic winter? Met Office calls emergency meeting to discuss if melting ice is causing Britain to freeze
Daily Mail, 11th April 2013
* Dr Julia Slingo at the Met Office calling a meeting of world climate experts
* She is concerned melting Arctic ice is causing Britain's climate to change
* Comes after lowest April temperature for nearly 100 years was recorded

Britain's winters are getting colder because of melting Artic ice changing global weather patterns, the Met Office has claimed. Forecasters are concerned that high levels of ice melt in the Arctic in recent years could be behind Britain's increasingly bitter and longer winters.

The organisation's leading climate change expert, Dr Julia Slingo, is to convene experts from around the world to establish whether this explains why Britain has been experiencing the coldest temperatures for almost 100 years.

Hmmm.... It seems there is some real climate science panic taking place and we know for a fact the UK Met Office does not have a clue, see FOIA obtained Met Office document shows them to be clueless about what affects our climate, and, in particular, what caused the unusual weather last year. But the climate crisis comes on the heels of a campaign by climate scientists characterised by fraud, vitriol and lies with even senior Met Office personnel making wild claims about global warming. Meanwhile, those who really understand how to predict the weather have already worked out how to take space weather into account, see archives for more background info Climate Science, Politics & Climategate. For those with businesses that are reliant on the weather. I can recommend Piers Corbyn, who at least gives me some faith that there are people who don't live on planet cloud cuckoo. As usual, Piers is undiplomatic and states: "I think the BBC, Met Office and the Science establishment of the UK know their CO2 warmism 'theory' is a pack of lies; either that or they have degenerated into a desperate religious sect for which belief rules over evidence. Now is the time to expose their delusions and call them to account." link

An English class for trolls, professional offence-takers and climate activists
Telegraph Delingpole Blog, 7th April 2013
Should Michael Mann be given the electric chair for having concocted arguably the most risibly inept, misleading, cherry-picking, worthless and mendacious graph – the Hockey Stick – in the history of junk science?

Should George Monbiot be hanged by the neck for his decade or so's hysterical promulgation of the great climate change scam and other idiocies too numerous to mention?

The climate war vitriol is reaching new heights or plumeting to new depths depending on your view of the matter. More comment here The battle of the pointless Nuremberg insults: Romm -vs- Delingpole

Meteorologist Joe Bastardi: The Whole CO2 “Argument Is Tiresome And Absurd…Warmists Living In A Fantasy World”, 7th April 2013
CO2 is too trivial of a factor

The major problem is the people driving this train refuse to humble themselves to the majesty of the atmosphere. The sheer weight of numbers against CO2 causing this is staggering. The oceans have 1000 times the heat capacity of the atmosphere, CO2 1/2500th of the gas blanket that makes our Earth livable, man – according to the US Dept of Energy – is only responsible for 1/20th of that, meaning 1/50,000th of the air is “man-made”. Actually it's merely man-recycled, for there has been no introduction of new CO2 to the system that I know of. What we've put into the air has always been a part of the system, it's just recycled. [...]

Quiet sun is a wild card – poses a threat

The explanation to all this is no different than you sitting in a sauna. Turn up the thermostat (natural ocean cycles) and it will heat until it reaches what the thermostat dictates. Arguing that turning on the light (the CO2 influence) is what heated the sauna is absurd. The wild card in this is the sun, which I am concerned is going to be a much bigger problem (believe me with the lunacy of the energy policies globally, a return to my temps is already a huge problem in itself, but the sun falling asleep would be worse).

I suppose many realise that the desperation by world controllers to remove excessive CO2 from the atmosphere has nothing to do with global warming (we know the link is spurious and unproven), but usually the belief is to do with a poor excuse for more power to control the masses... I think there are othe generally unknown reasons that are either very practical or very esoteric. I think the most esoteric is a desire to ward off an inevitable sign of a permanent atmospheric change, what I have been calling the atmospheric Earth status of 'Paradise' associated with a highly charged electrical environment. Since billions have been invested in flawed climate models and campaigning to persuade the public to go along with the fantasy climate science, it just makes me wonder why others have not thought about this more deeply...

Global Warming: Was It Just A Beautiful Dream After All?
Forbes News, 3rd April 2013
Like most of you, I yearn for shorter winters, more shirt-sleeve weather, less lashing from frigid winds. As a confirmed New Yorker, I'm not willing to do what millions have done: move to the sunbelt. I want warmer weather here in the Big City.

But I've grown old waiting for the promised global warming. I was 35 when predictions of a looming ice age were supplanted by warmmongering. Now I'm 68, and there's still no sign of warmer weather. It's enough to make one doubt the “settled science” of the government-funded doom-sayers.

Hilarious... Climate skeptics are wondering if we are seeing a full scale retreat in the mainstream media...Lots of headlines at Climate Depot. Marc Morano: 'The great warmist retreat has officially begun. The mainstream media cannot maintain the official man-made global warming narrative any longer' Well, I Told ya so... I am waiting for the day when it becomes undeniable that the real issue is space weather...

Climatologists are no Einsteins, says his successor
New Jersey News, 3rd April 2013
[...] “I just think they don't understand the climate,” he said of climatologists. “Their computer models are full of fudge factors.”

A major fudge factor concerns the role of clouds. The greenhouse effect of carbon dioxide on its own is limited. To get to the apocalyptic projections trumpeted by Al Gore and company, the models have to include assumptions that CO-2 will cause clouds to form in a way that produces more warming.

“The models are extremely oversimplified,” he said. “They don't represent the clouds in detail at all. They simply use a fudge factor to represent the clouds.”

Due to Space Weather and Earth being flooded with charged particles from space because of changes in the cosmic environment and Earth's weakening magnetosphere (cosmic magnetic shielding), it is inevitable that Earth's weather and climate is being affected. The problem is that space weather means all the previous assumptions that help us to predict weather and climate need to be re-examined and a new understanding of fundamentals is required. Yet, it seems a few astrophysicists are taking up the challenge, see archives. Meanwhile, those scientists still stuck in the old paradigm are being humiliated as climate reality strongly diverges from their theories and predictions.

The New Fake Climate 'Hockey Stick' Explained & Debunked
We're not screwed?
Financial Post, 1st April 2013
11,000-year study's 20th-century claim is groundless On March 8, a paper appeared in the prestigious journal Science under the title A reconstruction of regional and global temperature for the past 11,300 years. Temperature reconstructions are nothing new, but papers claiming to be able to go back so far in time are rare, especially ones that promise global and regional coverage.

The new study, by Shaun Marcott, Jeremy Shakun, Peter Clark and Alan Mix, was based on an analysis of 73 long-term proxies, and offered a few interesting results: one familiar (and unremarkable), one odd but probably unimportant, and one new and stunning. The latter was an apparent discovery that 20th-century warming was a wild departure from anything seen in over 11,000 years. News of this finding flew around the world and the authors suddenly became the latest in a long line of celebrity climate scientists.

The trouble is, as they quietly admitted over the weekend, their new and stunning claim is groundless. The real story is only just emerging, and it isn't pretty. [...]

The new, and startling, feature of the Marcott graph was at the very end: Their data showed a remarkable uptick that implied that, during the 20th century, our climate swung from nearly the coldest conditions over the past 11,500 years to nearly the warmest. Specifically, their analysis showed that in under 100 years we've had more warming than previously took thousands of years to occur, in the process undoing 5,000 years' worth of cooling.

This uptick became the focus of considerable excitement, as well as scrutiny. One of the first questions was how it was derived.

I changed the headline to reflect what this article is about. This is an excellent summary but I had plenty of articles and climate commentators to choose from as this piece of peer reviewed climate science is being viewed as having cross the line into scientific misconduct, and has ignited a firestorm of criticism, see more below.

Climate Policies Increase Risk of Blackouts
WUWT, 1st April 2013
[...] What is certain, however, is that global warming policies are greatly increasing the chances of electricity blackouts, and here the effects can be predicted confidently – they will be sudden and severe. [...]

The real threat to humanity today is not the theoretical dangers from gradual man-made global warming. A far bigger real danger is the growing threat to reliable electricity supplies from deep-green climate policies.

The most reliable electricity supplies come from coal, gas, hydro, nuclear, geothermal or oil. Misguided politicians and uncompromising nature are conspiring to ensure that few of these will be available to generate Australia's future electricity. [...]

Therefore, if we continue to allow green zealots to dictate our electricity generation, blackouts are inevitable. Britain and Germany already face this grim prospect.

I don't think this article is scaremongering because politicians in the UK have already told us that electricity supplies are going to become scarce... see all the article links provided here and archives.

Climate Maverick to Quit NASA
New York Times, 1st April 2013
James E. Hansen, the climate scientist who issued the clearest warning of the 20th century about the dangers of global warming, will retire from NASA this week, giving himself more freedom to pursue political and legal efforts to limit greenhouse gases.

His departure, after a 46-year career at the space agency's Goddard Institute for Space Studies in Manhattan, will deprive federally sponsored climate research of its best-known public figure.

At the same time, retirement will allow Dr. Hansen to press his cause in court. He plans to take a more active role in lawsuits challenging the federal and state governments over their failure to limit emissions, for instance, as well as in fighting the development in Canada of a particularly dirty form of oil extracted from tar sands.

“As a government employee, you can't testify against the government,” he said in an interview.

Oh my.... Anthony Watts was incredulous and wrote: "I checked first, thinking this was some April Fools joke, it appears legit". More at WUWT see, BREAKING: James Hansen to leave NASA to be full time activist

Government's climate watchdog launches astonishing attack on the Mail on Sunday... for revealing global warming science is wrong
Daily Mail, 30th March 2013
The official watchdog that advises the Government on greenhouse gas emissions targets has launched an astonishing attack on The Mail on Sunday – for accurately reporting that alarming predictions of global warming are wrong.

We disclosed that although highly influential computer models are still estimating huge rises in world temperatures, there has been no statistically significant increase for more than 16 years.

Obviously, waking up sheeple is a major crime... The idea is that regardless, the masses MUST be deceived about what is happening...

Scientist predicts Earth is heading for another Ice Age
AS Arctic Britain prepares to shiver for at least another month, a leading scientist today predicted the world was heading for another Ice Age. The Express, 28th March 2013
Incredibly, British Summer Time officially starts tomorrow but millions of brassed off Brits pining for warmth will have to endure freezing temperatures and biting winds until May. The misery will continue with daytime temperatures struggling to reach a bracing 5C (41F). The only ray of sunshine, forecasters said, is that it will stay dry.

As if the outlook wasn't bleak enough already, meteorologists believe the shivering start to 2013 has been the coldest in more than 200 years. More worryingly, the combination of sub-zero temperatures and heavy snow experienced across much of the country recently could be the prelude to a new Ice Age that will begin next year and last for 200 years.

Russian scientist Dr Habibullo Abdussamatov, of the St Petersburg Pulkovo Astronomical Observatory, painted the Doomsday scenario saying the recent inclement weather simply proved we were heading towards a frozen planet. [...]

“The weather is exceptional, unusually cold and unusually prolonged - with little change next week.

Claims that we are headed for a mini-ice age are quite widely held by those who understand solar/climatic science and who are not being paid to promote global warming, see archives. Astrophysicist and weatherman Piers Corbyn is again triumphant after predicting this unseasonal freeze and as usual takes the opportunity to denounce global warmers with his unequivocal "CO2 warmists lie again...", see The Ides of March and ongoing Comment post..

Michael Mann accuses prominent skeptic of threatening to shoot him, other warmists
Junk Science, 27th March 2013
Loon-atic Mann complains that an essay by 75-year old Ron Arnold of the Center for the Defense of Free Enterprise that was posted on a is a “thinly-veiled” threat.

The fighting between climate scientists has just got beyond ridiculous... Mann is probably worried about going to jail...

March Cold Records Smashed Throughout Germany…Wind Chill Down To -33°C…”Event Of The Century”!
100-year event in March - Greenland icy air smashes cold records in the East
No Tricks Zone, 24th March 2013
Cold records were set during the night at many locations in the eastern part of Germany. “The windchill pushed felt-temperatures down to – 30°C.”

Readings of -13°C to – 16°C were recorded at a number of locations at elevations above 1000m. “For the last 10 days of March, this has not happened in decades. Such masses of cold air do not reach Germany even in the dead of winter in some years,” FOCUS writes.

Because some stations in Germany have been keeping weather records for as long as 300 years, e.g. Dresden, Braunschweig and Potsdam, “scientists consider it appropriate to call it an event of the century,” FOCUS reports.

Some climate scientists want you to believe that excessive snowfall and freezing temperatures are caused by global warming...

Trend To Colder Winters Continues in UK
WUWT, 23rd March 2013
Figures released by the Met Office show the UK mean temperature for the 2012/13 winter finishing at 3.31C. This is below the long term 1981-2010 average of 3.83C. The winter ranked 43rd coldest since 1910, and continues the trend towards colder winters. In the last five years, only 2011/12 has been above the 1981-2010 average. The average over these five years has been 3.03C.

Interestingly, the average winter temperature for 1911-2013 stands at 3.52C, so by 20thC standards the last few years have been genuinely cold. The mild winters between 1998 and 2008 increasingly look to be the exception rather than the rule, as Figure 2 shows clearly. [...]

It seems it is not just the UK that has had a run of cold winters. NoTricksZone reports that Germany has had exactly the same run of 5 cold winters, and, as they point out, what applies to Germany usually applies to much of Central Europe.

Due to huge pressures to convince the public that global warming and climate change were caused by human activities, claims were made that “snow will be something of the past”… See quote below and article source Snowjobs are just a thing of the past…er, present, where we read amongst other similar quotes from climate alarmists:

The article, entitled “Snowless Winters Forecast for Wales as World Warms Up” quotes one of the global warming movement's key figures, Sir John Houghton, former head of the IPCC and former head of the UK Met Office:

Former head of the Met Office Sir John Houghton, who is one of the UK's leading authorities on climate change, said all the indicators suggest snowy winters will become increasingly rare

He said, “Snowlines are going up in altitude all over the world. The idea that we will get less snow is absolutely in line with what we expect from global warming.”

Wales Online: Snowless Winters Forecast for Wales as World Warms Up

BUT NOAA is now blaming the natural variation caused by the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO) and state, “The AMO has affected air temperatures and rainfall over much of the Northern Hemisphere, in particular, North America and Europe.” in the NOAA FAQ we read:
What is the AMO?

The AMO is an ongoing series of long-duration changes in the sea surface temperature of the North Atlantic Ocean, with cool and warm phases that may last for 20-40 years at a time and a difference of about 1°F between extremes. These changes are natural and have been occurring for at least the last 1,000 years.
According to comments at WUWT, the AMO peaked in about 2002 and we can expect increasing cold for the next 15 years.... So, all the shilling about global warming and children not knowing what snow is (like many children in Africa) was just a load of rubbish? These heavy snow falls and threat of gas rationing in the UK is just a huge dose of climate reality...

Weather Service chief: We face 'new normal' of extremes
USA Today, 28th March 2013
Wild weather in recent years -- from Hurricane Sandy and deadly tornado outbreaks to extremes of drought and floods -- likely can be traced, in part, to climate change, the National Weather Service director says.

Of course climate realists don't agree, here is the response at Climate Depot, New Report: 'Extreme Weather Report 2012': 'Latest peer-reviewed studies, data & analyses undermine claims that current weather is 'unprecedented' or a 'new normal' & UK MPs are gloating that they voted against the 2008 Climate Change Bill and that the dissenters have now been proved right, see Even scientists are cooling on climate change. Atmospheric scientists have already told us that space weather is directly affecting the weather and Prof. Paul Song, who directs UMass Lowell's Center for Atmospheric Research states, “Predicting space weather is the next frontier in weather forecasting”. Presumably this is related to the announcement of, Earth's magnetosphere acting "like a sieve", see Earth's Magnetosphere Behaves Like a Sieve. Whatever, at the moment the weather is quite wild and extreme in parts see more below:

UEA CRU Lawyers Going After Tallbloke's TalkShop
No Tricks Zone, 21st March 2013
Roger at Tallbloke's Talkshop here has gotten a letter from CRU lawyers suggesting he not mess around with the recently released Climategate e-mails, which are accessible using a password. The CRU apparently is very concerned about personal data ending up in public, which is a legitimate, of course. Yet, we can't help but think they are really much more concerned about something else, e.g. the exposure of science shenanigans and possible large-scale fraud taking place at the UEA.

Luckily Lord Christopher Monckton is watching out for the bloggers, and has kindly provided some legal advice, which I am taking the privilege of disseminating further. Naturally privacy laws vary from country to country, and so you should check them out.

Lord Christopher Monckton decides to intervene and scare the blundering nitwits at the UEA's Climatic Research Unit, at the centre of the Climategate scandal... Pot calling the kettle black just about sums this up...

New paper corroborates Svensmark's theory of cosmoclimatology
Hockey Schtick, 21st March 2013
A paper published today in the Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics finds "strong evidence" of a link between thunderstorm and solar activity in Brazil from 1951-2009. According to the authors, thunderstorm "behavior with respect to the 11-year solar cycle suggest a global mechanism probably related to a solar magnetic shielding effect acting on galactic cosmic rays as an explanation for the relationship of thunderstorm and solar activity," which would corroborate Svensmark's theory of cosmoclimatology.

Atmospheric electricity affects cloud height
Space Daily, 12th March 2013
For decades, scientists have argued over whether there is a link between cosmic rays and cloud cover, which in turn could affect climate. Now two atmospheric physicists in the UK have discovered that global atmospheric electricity - which itself is altered by cosmic rays, space weather and El Nino - affects the base height of certain types of clouds.

"Electric currents flow continuously throughout much of the atmosphere because of the global atmospheric electric circuit, and these currents sometimes pass through clouds," explains Giles Harrison, who along with Maarten Ambaum did this latest study at the University of Reading. [...]

Global atmospheric electricity exhibits a daily cycle, hitting a minimum at around 03:00 GMT and peaking at roughly 19:00 GMT - when activity is high in thunderstorm hotspots such as Africa and North America. This cycle was discovered in the early 20th century on board a ship operated by the Carnegie Institution of Washington. This variation is known as the Carnegie curve, or as Harrison puts it more poetically, "the fundamental electrical heartbeat of the planet". [...]

"The implications are that factors affecting currents flowing in the atmosphere - such as thunderstorms, cosmic rays and Pacific Ocean temperatures - may have distant effects on droplet properties in cloud bases," says Harrison. "Particularly interesting is the possibility that space weather changes could affect weather in the lower atmosphere."

I believe there is a paradigm shift taking place as scientists are being forced to recognise the influence of Earth being flooded by highly charged particles from space at a time when Earth's magnetic field has become less reliable. Due to space weather, atmospheric scientists can no longer ignore the electrical interactions between Earth and outer space and finally old outdated ideas concerning weather and climate are being shoved aside. Finally, the reality of the electromagnetic force ruling the heavens is being acknowledged.

Climategate 3.0 has occurred – the password has been released
WUWT News, 13th March 2013
Subject: FOIA 2013: the password

It's time to tie up loose ends and dispel some of the speculation surrounding the Climategate affair. [...]

Releasing the encrypted archive was a mere practicality. I didn't want to keep the emails lying around. I prepared CG1 & 2 alone. Even skimming through all 220.000 emails would have taken several more months of work in an increasingly unfavorable environment.

Dumping them all into the public domain would be the last resort. Majority of the emails are irrelevant, some of them probably sensitive and socially damaging. To get the remaining scientifically (or otherwise) relevant emails out, I ask you to pass this on to any motivated and responsible individuals who could volunteer some time to sift through the material for eventual release.

Climate 'Truthers' are in climate heaven again.... Thanks Mr. FOIA for caring for about 'The Truth'... I will repeat the following: "Open it all up, and fiat justitia ruat caelum!" Acording to Wikipedia: Fiat justitia ruat caelum is a Latin legal phrase, meaning "Let justice be done though the heavens fall." The maxim signifies the belief that justice must be realized regardless of consequences.

Amplified Greenhouse Effect Shifts North's Growing Seasons
NASA Science News, 11th March 2013
March 10, 2013: Vegetation growth at Earth's northern latitudes increasingly resembles lusher latitudes to the south, according to a NASA-funded study based on a 30-year record of ground-based and satellite data sets.

In a paper published Sunday, March 10, in the journal Nature Climate Change, an international team of university and NASA scientists examined the relationship between changes in surface temperature and vegetation growth from 45 degrees north latitude to the Arctic Ocean. Results show temperature and vegetation growth at northern latitudes now resemble those found 4 degrees to 6 degrees of latitude farther south as recently as 1982.

"Higher northern latitudes are getting warmer, Arctic sea ice and the duration of snow cover are diminishing, the growing season is getting longer and plants are growing more," said Ranga Myneni of Boston University's Department of Earth and Environment. "In the north's Arctic and boreal areas, the characteristics of the seasons are changing, leading to great disruptions for plants and related ecosystems."

I am trying to work out where the bad news is.... Other related press releases use tortuous language to convince the less knowledgeable that the planet going green is really bad...
  • Claim: amplified greenhouse effect in the far north making it greener
    Amplified greenhouse effect shaping North into South
    WUWT, 11th March 2013
    "...they talk a lot about”The Greening North.” as if this were a bad thing. If they poll some of the people who live in those areas, they might find the change is welcome."

    There is the usual denigration of the science here but this comment echoes my opinion:
    fhhaynie says: March 11, 2013 at 7:28 am
    They can't seem to recognize a good thing.

In Their Own Words: Climate Alarmists Debunk Their "Science"
Forbes, 5th February 2013
[...] How Climate Alarmism Advances International Political Agendas:

The term “climate” is typically associated with annual world-wide average temperature records measured over at least three decades. Yet global warming observed less than two decades after many scientists had predicted a global cooling crisis prompted the United Nations to organize an Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), and to convene a continuing series of international conferences purportedly aimed at preventing an impending catastrophe. Virtually from the beginning, they had already attributed the “crisis” to human fossil-fuel carbon emissions.

A remark from Maurice Strong, who organized the first U.N. Earth Climate Summit (1992) in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil revealed the real goal: “We may get to the point where the only way of saving the world will be for industrialized civilization to collapse.”

Former U.S. Senator Timothy Wirth (D-CO), then representing the Clinton-Gore administration as U.S undersecretary of state for global issues, addressing the same Rio Climate Summit audience, agreed: “We have got to ride the global warming issue. Even if the theory of global warming is wrong, we will be doing the right thing in terms of economic policy and environmental policy.” (Wirth now heads the U.N. Foundation which lobbies for hundreds of billions of U.S. taxpayer dollars to help underdeveloped countries fight climate change.)

Also speaking at the Rio conference, Deputy Assistant of State Richard Benedick, who then headed the policy divisions of the U.S. State Department said: “A global warming treaty [Kyoto] must be implemented even if there is no scientific evidence to back the [enhanced] greenhouse effect.”

In 1988, former Canadian Minister of the Environment, told editors and reporters of the Calgary Herald: “No matter if the science of global warming is all phony…climate change [provides] the greatest opportunity to bring about justice and equality in the world.”

We are given proof on top of proof that there has been a desperation by world controllers to blame Earth's chaotic weather and environment on global warming caused by humans, rather than an influx of charged energy from deep space. I don't think this is just about re-distribution of the world's weath because all the policies seem to be about making the masses much poorer. Whatever, the truth is now widely available for those actually interested in reality.

Top Swedish Climate Scientist Lennart Bengtsson Says Warming So Small, Not Noticeable Without Meteorologists!, 3rd February 2013
A major Swedish online daily has an article about what one of Sweden's leading climate scientists, Lennart Bengtsson, has to say about the global warming hysteria.

Blogsite Dave's Musings here has excerpts in English. Here are a few:

We Are Creating Great Anxiety Without It Being Justified…there are no indications that the warming is so severe that we need to panic.

'The warming we have had the last a 100 years is so small that if we didn't have had meteorologists and climatologists to measure it we wouldn't have noticed it at all.'

The Earth appears to have cooling properties that exceeds the previous thought ones, and that computer models are inadequate to try to foretell a chaotic object like the climate, where actual observations is the only way to go.”

More and more we are seeing the alarmists being increasingly marginalized. As the data pours in, their science is looking more and more preposterous.

  • Report shows UN admitting solar activity may play significant role in global warming
    Fox News, 1st February 2013
    The Earth has been getting warmer -- but how much of that heat is due to greenhouse gas emissions and how much is due to natural causes?

    A leaked report by a United Nations' group dedicated to climate studies says that heat from the sun may play a larger role than previously thought.

    “[Results] do suggest the possibility of a much larger impact of solar variations on the stratosphere than previously thought, and some studies have suggested that this may lead to significant regional impacts on climate,” reads a draft copy of a major, upcoming report from the U.N.'s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

    The man who leaked the report, StopGreenSuicide blogger Alec Rawls, told that the U.N.'s statements on solar activity were his main motivation for leaking the document.

    We are waiting for the general acknowledgement that solar activity and Earth's geomagnetic index are connnected and help determine our weather and climate... We will get there, but climate realists will savour this admission as another victory in a war of many battles.

Climate Science: Lying as a political motivator within the IPCC
WUWT, 28th January 2013

UPDATE 2: Annan also speaks about lying as a political motivator within the IPCC, I've repeated this extraordinary paragraph in full. Bold mine.

Note for the avoidance of any doubt I am not quoting directly from the unquotable IPCC draft, but only repeating my own comment on it. However, those who have read the second draft of Chapter 12 will realise why I previously said I thought the report was improved :-) Of course there is no guarantee as to what will remain in the final report, which for all the talk of extensive reviews, is not even seen by the proletariat, let alone opened to their comments, prior to its final publication. The paper I refer to as a “small private opinion poll” is of course the Zickfeld et al PNAS paper. The list of pollees in the Zickfeld paper are largely the self-same people responsible for the largely bogus analyses that I've criticised over recent years, and which even if they were valid then, are certainly outdated now. Interestingly, one of them stated quite openly in a meeting I attended a few years ago that he deliberately lied in these sort of elicitation exercises (i.e. exaggerating the probability of high sensitivity) in order to help motivate political action. Of course, there may be others who lie in the other direction, which is why it seems bizarre that the IPCC appeared to rely so heavily on this paper to justify their choice, rather than relying on published quantitative analyses of observational data. Since the IPCC can no longer defend their old analyses in any meaningful manner, it seems they have to resort to an unsupported “this is what we think, because we asked our pals”. It's essentially the Lindzen strategy in reverse: having firmly wedded themselves to their politically convenient long tail of high values, their response to new evidence is little more than sticking their fingers in their ears and singing “la la la I can't hear you”.

Oh dear oh dear oh dear…

I changed the headline to make it clear that climate scientists in the inner circles are admitting their colleagues have been lying about the true cause of global warming/climate change. This will soon become a circular firing squad because as we are told here, the The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and people responsible for the largely bogus analyses are "in a bit of a pickle". We might have to wait years before there is a general admission that climate change is being caused by the shift in the cosmic climate inducing a chain reaction that involves geomagnetic factors. However, the science is available for anyone who wants to understand the process of cosmoclimatology and energy driven evolutionary change that have been repeated many times on this planet.

Wikipedia climate fiddler William Connolley is in the news again
Watts Up With That!, 30th January 2013

Apparently Mr. Connolley has edited 5428 Wikipedia articles, most about climate. Die Kalte Sonne:

Unbelievable but true: The Wikipedia umpire on Climate Change was a member of the UK Green Party and openly sympathized with the views of the controversial IPCC. So it was not a referee, but the 12th Man of the IPCC team.

I'm not sure how accurate the translation is, but it suggests he was somehow part of the IPCC “short list” team. See it here at Die Kalte Sonne via this Google Translate link:

For those who are new to this website, you may be aware that there has been an extensive dirty tricks campaign to convince the general public that humanity is to blame for global warming. The idea was to generate a mandate for major new initiatives that require large tax increases and new regulations etc etc. This generated climate wars between scientists and campaigners over the fraudulent climate science and dirty politics, some of which has been highlighted on this blog, see Best of the Blog - Climate Science, Climate Politics, Climate Realists & Climategate. Due to the strong opposition from some scientists and apathy by the general public, world leaders can claim only a general failure for various money making schemes disguised as taking action to control the world's climate. What's more, since the climate models have all been proven to be useless, policy makers are facing somewhat of a dilemma. The website Watts Up With That! run by meteorologist Anthony Watts, is the leading science blog on the internet and is frequented by a lot of scientists. Despite my skeptical stance, I must state I don't fully agree with climate realists, they were right about CO2 not being the source of any now non existent global warming, but because the new phenomenon of space weather is a 'game-changer', I think we will see climate change and extreme weather as I continue to explain on this blog.

Climate change blamed for Australia's extreme weather
New Scientist, 29th January 2013
The east coast of Australia has been drenched by floods and torrential rains, even as recent bush fires affecting much of the country continued to burn. Four people are known to have died as Australians get a further taste of extreme weather that is predicted to become more common as the planet warms.

The deluge came as a storm that started as tropical cyclone Oswald just north of Australia was dragged south over most of the east coast by a low-pressure system extending all the way to New South Wales, says Richard Wardle of the Bureau of Meteorology in Queensland. As it hit land, Oswald lost its cyclone status but remained a "vigorous" storm, Wardle says. [...]

"The frequency of more intense events is going to increase. Droughts, heatwaves and – in northern Australia – rainfall events and tropical cyclones are going to be more intense," says Jon Nott of James Cook University in Townsville, Australia, who researches extreme weather events. [...]

Nott points out that Australia might be experiencing a "double whammy" of climate change and natural variability, driving wetter conditions. One natural pattern, the Interdecadal Pacific Oscillation, affects circulation in the Pacific, and reverses every 20 or 30 years. It flipped about five years ago for the first time since 1977, bringing warmer waters to Australia's east coast. "During those phases, Queensland sees more flooding, more rainfall, and more landfalling tropical cyclones," Nott says. Climate change will only compound the effects of such patterns, he says.

I just can't cover all the extreme weather headlines but I would like to do some analysis on the new fight between climate realists and other scientists frightened about run away climate change and extreme weather. I think that due to the new cosmic conditions and poor cosmic shielding we can expect EXTREME WEATHER, the reason being is that more energy is being fed into the atmosphere in an ad hoc manner but linked with other known factors, it seems the results can be generally predicted. In this regard, the fact that maverick astrophysicist Piers Corbyn has been forced to change his methods to more successfully predict the weather and take into account space weather is a good sign and it might be the reason that more mainstream academics are now also taking up the challenge. Simply, world controllers cannot be satisfied with the poor results obtained using traditional meteorological methodology that only predicts by looking at previous data and the resultant weather but not understanding exactly what processes actually causes our weather... So as much as I respect climate realists, I believe that we cannot just look at the future by citing the past, because there are new factors in play.
  • Expert predicts 'Monsoon Britain'
    WUWT, 27th January 2013
    A study, by Professor Stuart Lane of Durham University back in 2008, appears to have been remarkably percipient. Written just after the extremely wet summer of 2007, the study suggests that, far from summers in the UK becoming drier as most climate models predict, they are likely to become wetter.

17 Jan +ongoing: BORIS BOOSTS PIERS, Telegraph 21Jan - & other LATEST UPDATE NEWS + COMMENT on The Great cold blasts & blizzards of Jan 2013 - WHAT TO DO? and WHAT WILL HAPPEN NEXT?, 24th January 2013
24 Jan (05.00utc) It looks increasingly like standard models are heading for another blunder this weekend Examination of successions of forecast maps for Sat 26th and Sun 27th from MetOffice, GFS and ECMWF models show them back-peddling on their much heralded major warm-up.

"We warned they were overstating this event", said Piers Corbyn of WeatherAction, "There is just not enough solar-wind input coming to make the change they expect and our lunar and geomagnetic factors are against. A look at confirms the very low levels of activity we predicted for now from over 5 weeks ahead. Something will happen, indeed our forecast said so, but not much - and qualitively weaker, compared to their projections. This is yet another blunder in a series of major errors this winter in forecasting from only a f

"Of course standard meteorology has no comprehension of what we are talking about and as long as it remains wedded to the delusional nonsense of CO2 warmism and 'weather drives weather' tenets of computer forecasting they will never learn. Admission that solar activity is the decisive driver of weather especially extreme events and of climate change - a fact which our success demonstrates - spells the end of the CO2 warmist religion and the electricity price hikes, taxes and green handout gravy train that it brings.

"It also means that however many millions or billions, are spent on extra computer power for the juggernaut of standard warmist meteorology thay will never improve but only get wrong answers quicker and mislead the public more often. Politicians must now get to grips with reality, cast aside the CO2 warmist sect of BBC-MetO and the so called 'Climate-Science' empire in academia and instead support accountable evidence-based science and policies"

There is a lot of climate politics here, but I have great respect for Piers Corbyn. He says the SSW was caused by solar and lunar influences and this "catastrophic forecast scenario was first issued in detail in mid-December by WeatherAction long range forecasters." He is not always 100% right, but I am impressed that he predicted this historic event early... What we have to ask is: what exactly is Corbyn's new breakthrough prediction system that he has been forced to produce? We know for a fact that Piers Corbyn is running a business and he will not completely reveal his methodology but in his recent writings he does point out the role of notable openings in the magnetosphere that allow through solar particles, coronal holes, solar flares and proton bursts. Thus I can only speculate that he has managed to work out a new correction for the huge surges in energy that are hitting this planet.
  • 10 Jan+ONGOING (Nb Feb45d is loaded) WeatherAction snow chaos public warning: Express p1 & FULL RELEASE --- Sudden Stratospheric Warmings world wide effect & BBC-MO opportunism, 10th January 2013
    Sudden stratospheric warmings forecast breakthrough

    "There will be fluctuations in the severity of this weather but our confidence in this general forecast is increased by our new breakthrough in predicting major sudden warmings of the polar stratosphere, which in a contradictory way drive blasts of very cold air south.

    "Although there is something of a 'stratospheric warming' developing now 10 Jan", said Piers, "we expect more intense 'sudden stratospheric warmings' and related cold blasts around quite well defined dates to come. We are 85% sure of this general picture and further details of the weather and stratosphere forecasts can be found via our website ".

    WeatherAction expect snow amounts to be as bad or worse than the record-breaking December 2010 - which they also predicted.

    "Dr Richard Wild, snow-expert at Weathernet advises that previous significant snow blasts in the last 10 years before Dec 2010 in England and Wales were: begining Jan 2010, 8-9 Feb 2007, Feb 1996 and Jan 1993", said Piers. "These extreme events are entirely driven by solar activity and lunar factors and nothing to do with changes in CO2 which have no effect whatsoever on weather or climate", he added.

Stratospheric Phenomenon Is Bringing Frigid Cold to U.S |
Climate Central, 21st January 2013
An unusual event playing out high in the atmosphere above the Arctic Circle is setting the stage for what could be weeks upon weeks of frigid cold across wide swaths of the U.S., having already helped to bring cold and snowy weather to parts of Europe. [...]

This phenomenon, known as a “sudden stratospheric warming event” started on Jan. 6, but is something that is just beginning to have an effect on weather patterns across North America and Europe.

While the physics behind sudden stratospheric warming events are complicated, their implications are not: such events are often harbingers of colder weather in North America and Eurasia. The ongoing event favors colder and possibly stormier weather for as long as four to eight weeks after the event, meaning that after a mild start to the winter, the rest of this month and February could bring the coldest weather of the winter season to parts of the U.S., along with a heightened chance of snow. [...]

Sudden stratospheric warming events take place in about half of all Northern Hemisphere winters, and they have been occurring with increasing frequency during the past decade, possibly related to the loss of Arctic sea ice due to global warming. Arctic sea ice declined to its smallest extent on record in September 2012. [...]

“For reasons I don't think we fully understand, the changes in the circulation that happen in the stratosphere [can] descend down all the way to the Earth's surface,” said Judah Cohen, director of seasonal forecasting at Atmospheric and Environmental Research (AER) in Massachusetts.

The Sudden Stratospheric Warming event caused a dramatic rise in temperatures over the North Pole of about 35 degrees centigrade. This is dramatic but bigger swings have been recorded in recent years, see archives. Well, Earth is not isolated in space and the planet is being continuously hammered by magnetic cosmic energies at the same time that Earth's magnetic field is in a very poor state (if it exists at all on the daylight side...). For those new to this website, please see my tutorial, Extreme Space Weather. Magnetars are the most extreme magnetic stars in the universe and produce severe blasts of magnetic energy from deep space that scientists jokingly refer to as "solar flares on steroids". It is not really funny when Earth's defenses are down and we have entered a region of space that is now at the receiving end of these extreme cosmic blasts that disrupt Earth's jet streams and cause extreme weather.
  • Sudden Stratospheric Warming Event Intensifying
    Severe Weather Centre, 5th January 2013
    A major stratospheric warming event is taking place across northeast asia and expanding northeastwards towards the north pole. [...]

    The effects of the SSW event are causing an expansion in the stratosphere which suppresses and cools the troposphere. This event also weakens the polar jet stream which allows the cold air bottled up across the arctic to move southwards into mid latitudes.

    Currently a positive arctic oscillation(strong polar jet stream) is in place but that should change soon as the stratosphere continues to warm and weaken the vortex. Their are three reasons why I believe that the stratospheric warming event will continue to intensify throughout the next week which will cause the sensible weather across north america to become very cold for the end of january and into february.

    So was this SSW caused by a massive magnetar blast from deep space? I have tried to pin-point an event, but there is a lot going on in the cosmos.... See, The Astronomer's Telegram

  • Weather - Sudden stratospheric warming responsible for UK's icy blast
    BBC News, 12th January 2013

  • How satellites help predict a Sudden Stratospheric Warming (SSW)
    Eumetsat News, 17th January 2013
    [...] The Met Office, and many other NMSs around the globe, receive data from a variety of polar orbiting satellites including EUMETSAT's Metop, NOAA POES, Suomi NPP and other satellites from US, Europe, China, Japan and India. Using these observations and the past forecast data, they create the first step of an accurate forecast – the current state of the atmosphere. To make a numerical weather forecast, Met Office supercomputers start with these initial conditions and then work out billions of calculations per second to see how the atmosphere will behave over the next few days.

    Hmmm.... I can only presume that some of the satellites are detecting the cosmic blasts directly that are causing this historic SSW....

  • Historic Sudden Stratospheric Warming Continues
    The Weather Centre, 20th January 2013
    The historic sudden stratospheric warming continues to raise eyebrows of forecasters everywhere, as the observed temperatures at the 70 millibar level are setting new records for stratospheric temperatures.

    This sudden stratospheric warming (SSW) was predicted a while in advance by The Weather Centre, but the magnitude of this warming was severely underestimated. Records have been shattered across the board, especially at the 70 millibar level, as shown above. The red line of observed temperatures has passed above the thin gray line, which is the record stratospheric temperature for that day. It is safe to say this winter will go down as a historic one, as far as the stratosphere goes.

    So we have a very much historic SSW happening. As I have explained, there is a 2-4 week lag between the warming event and cold weather reaching the surface. If we saw a record-breaking warming like this, one can only imagine the potential there is for severe cold to hit the United States. The reason I say potential is because the cold's path will be determined by the atmospheric pattern at the time, something that will take another several days to determine.

    As long as meteorologists are ignorant about Space Weather and the associated huge delivery of magnetic energy, the electrical heating of Earth's polar cap and the relationship with the jet streams and what jet streams really represent, then they will continue to be baffled... Obviously, as we have been recently told, real scientists are being forced to study space weather in order to be able to predict Earth's weather.... Presumably, more aware humans, will want to understand that humans are also being strongly affected too...
    Most of the energy transfer to the Earth from the solar wind is accomplished electrically, and nearly the entire voltage associated with this process appears in the polar cap region which extends typically less than 20° in latitude from the magnetic pole. The total voltage across the polar cap can be as large as 100,000 volts, rivaling that of thunderstorm electrification of the planet in magnitude. This polar cap electric field is the major source of largescale horizontal voltage differences in the atmosphere. Moreover, the dynamic polar region accounts for a large fraction of the variability inherent in our upper atmosphere, variability due to chaotic changes in the solar wind magnetic field that produces large-scale restructuring of the cavity enclosing the Earth's magnetic field. This restructuring visibly manifests itself most clearly in the production of ionized plasmas and the associated distribution of aurora high over the north and south polar regions. In turn, the Earth's lower atmosphere (that part responsible for weather phenomena) undergoes variations in composition and dynamics influenced by these coupling effects through a complex and as yet not fully understood feedback system. Source: Earth's Magnetic Field and Climate Variability Original Source:

  • A Jet Stream Runs Through It
    Keith C. Heidorn, PhD, THE WEATHER DOCTOR, November 1, 2005

Obama declares war on reality
Telegraph Delingpole Blog, 21st January 2013
When George W Bush declared war on an abstract noun – "Terror" – he was widely and inevitably mocked by the left for his foolishness. Not to be outdone, Barack Obama has used his second inaugural address to declare war on an even more nebulous threat to the security of the world: reality, itself.

Now, we are getting to the truth... The climate wars are about who is interested in reality and who is not... Our currently reality is changing quickly and world controllers (Majesterium) are too frightened of losing any control they thought they had. The vast majority of ignorant sheeple are too unaware and lack much interest in reality and there are some specific groups (you know who I mean) that thrive on fantasy so it is a waste of time even bothering there... Well, the reality is universal forces are in control. So far, all we have had is politicians and pundits advocating stupid money making schemes that have made life for many on this planet worse as outlined in this short article .... As far as I am concerned, the solution being implemented by universal consciousness is just downright sensible, a quick reduction in human population on this planet will solve many different issues.
  • Deniers mentioned in inaugural address!
    Junk Science, 21st January 2013
    “… We will respond to the threat of climate change, knowing that the failure to do so would betray our children and future generations. Some may still deny the overwhelming judgment of science, but none can avoid the devastating impact of raging fires, and crippling drought, and more powerful storms. The path towards sustainable energy sources will be long and sometimes difficult. But America cannot resist this transition; we must lead it. We cannot cede to other nations the technology that will power new jobs and new industries – we must claim its promise. That is how we will maintain our economic vitality and our national treasure – our forests and waterways; our croplands and snowcapped peaks. That is how we will preserve our planet, commanded to our care by God. That's what will lend meaning to the creed our fathers once declared…”
    Please note: Obama does not embarrass himself by mentioning global warming which was the original focus point for scientists who did not agree that humans had anything much to do with warming the planet, see more below.

  • Classless Obama Insults Global Warming Skeptics in Inaugural Address
    Amy Ridenour Conservative Blog, 21st January 2013
    This is a decent rebuttal...

  • Spiegel's stunning 8 part series – Climate Catastrophe: A Superstorm for Global Warming Research
    WUWT, 23rd January 2013
    "If you have not read this yet, now is the time. Given what president Obama recently said about skeptics in his inauguration address, I thought this 2010 article would be worth revisiting."

MICHAELS: Global warming apocalypse canceled
21st century has seen no rise in temperature, after all
Washington Times, 17th January 2013
My greener friends are increasingly troubled by the lack of a rise in recent global surface temperatures. Using monthly data measured as the departure from long-term averages, there's been no significant warming trend since the fall of 1996. In other words, we are now in our 17th year of flat temperatures.

Since 1900, the world has seen one other period of similar temperature stagnation (actually a slight cooling) that lasted for 30 years and ended around 1976. The current one is happening with much more putative warming “pressure,” because the atmosphere's carbon-dioxide content is much higher than it was in mid-century.

From the Industrial Revolution to 1950, atmospheric carbon-dioxide concentrations rose by about 15 percent. Today, the increase is up to 41 percent, making long periods without warming either 1) increasingly unlikely, or 2) the natural result of simply overestimating how “sensitive” surface temperature is to carbon dioxide. My money is on the latter.

I just liked the headline, the article itself is quite boring....
  • James Hansen (NASA) Admits Global Temperature Standstill Is Real
    GWPF, 17th January 2013
    "Mean Global Temperature Has Been Flat For The Last Decade"

    The GWPF has been right all along. In a new report Hansen, Sato and Ruedy (2013) acknowledge the existence of a standstill in global temperature lasting a decade. This is a welcome contribution to the study of global temperature. When others reached the same conclusion they have been ridiculed; so this admission should provide some pause for reflection by those who have attacked the very idea of a recent temperature standstill, often without understanding the data, focusing on who was making the argument and their alleged non-scientific motives. The bottom line is that the recent global temperature standstill is a real event. David Whitehouse, The Global Warming Policy Foundation, 17 January 2013

    The five-year mean global temperature has been flat for the last decade, which we interpret as a combination of natural variability and a slow down in the growth rate of net climate forcing. --James Hansen et al., 15 January 2013

    I still can't work out if Hansen already knows that Earth's weather is driven by the cosmic climate (cosmoclimatology) or whether he gas been acting deluded for years based on his own misunderstanding of basic science.... Whatever, his admission is akin to seeing pink pigs flying...

  • Veteran German Meteorologist Calls Climate Science “A Fairy Tale That's Rich In Fantasy…Spook Watching”
    No Tricks Zone, 17th January 2013
    Now, that is some real honesty right there....
The Express News, 9th January 2013
THE great global warming debate was blown wide open again yesterday when the Met Office predicted cooler than expected temperatures for the next five years.

The Met Office, one of the top cheerleaders for the man-made climate change camp, said global temperatures are likely to be lower than it forecast in December 2011. It blamed this on the “natural variability of the climate system”, notably changes in ocean surface temperatures. [...]

Climate sceptics hailed this as proof that global warming has stopped. David ­Whitehouse, of Lord Lawson's Global Warming Policy Foundation, said: “If the latest Met Office prediction is correct, it will prove to be a lesson in humility.

“It will show that the previous predictions given so confidently as advice to the UK Government and so unquestioningly accepted by the media were wrong and that the so-called sceptics who were derided for questioning them were on the right track.”

Some informed comments here...

Effects of climate change will be felt more deeply in decades ahead, draft report says
Washington Post, 11th January 2013
Of course this has nothing to do with CO2 and a lot more to do with "space-terrestrial interactions [52,53]; be it Earth-Sun, Earth-Solar System, and/or Earth-Interstellar."

Global warming, the tool of the West
Pravda News, 4th January 2013
For years, the Elites of the West have cranked up the myth of Man Made Global Warming as a means first and foremost to control the lives and behaviors of their populations. Knowing full well that their produce in China and sell in the West model and its consiquent spiral downward in wages and thus standards of living, was unsustainable, the elites moved to use this new "science" to guilt trip and scare monger their populations into smaller and more conservatives forms of living. In other words, they coasted them into the poverty that the greed and treason of those said same elites was already creating in their native lands.

What better way to staunch protests at worsening economic and life conditions than to make it feel like an honourable job/duty of the people to save "Gia". At the same time, they used this "science" as a new pagan religion to further push out the Christianity they hate and despise and most of all, fear? Gia worship, the earth "mother", has been pushed in popular culture oozing out of the West for a better part of the past 1.5 decades. This is a religion replete with an army of priests, called Government Grant Scientists.

This article is hysterically funny... gems like the 'the magmamen and their SUVs', but the English spelling is atrocious.... Pravda, a thorn in the American side.... but I love the Russians because they can be brutally honest and upfront... I've been saying this for quite some time, if you want to know what is going on, watch what the military are up to and pay attention to what the Russians are saying... all within reason of course....

Climate Science: Lying as a political motivator within the IPCC
WUWT, 28th January 2013

UPDATE 2: Annan also speaks about lying as a political motivator within the IPCC, I've repeated this extraordinary paragraph in full. Bold mine.

Note for the avoidance of any doubt I am not quoting directly from the unquotable IPCC draft, but only repeating my own comment on it. However, those who have read the second draft of Chapter 12 will realise why I previously said I thought the report was improved :-) Of course there is no guarantee as to what will remain in the final report, which for all the talk of extensive reviews, is not even seen by the proletariat, let alone opened to their comments, prior to its final publication. The paper I refer to as a “small private opinion poll” is of course the Zickfeld et al PNAS paper. The list of pollees in the Zickfeld paper are largely the self-same people responsible for the largely bogus analyses that I've criticised over recent years, and which even if they were valid then, are certainly outdated now. Interestingly, one of them stated quite openly in a meeting I attended a few years ago that he deliberately lied in these sort of elicitation exercises (i.e. exaggerating the probability of high sensitivity) in order to help motivate political action. Of course, there may be others who lie in the other direction, which is why it seems bizarre that the IPCC appeared to rely so heavily on this paper to justify their choice, rather than relying on published quantitative analyses of observational data. Since the IPCC can no longer defend their old analyses in any meaningful manner, it seems they have to resort to an unsupported “this is what we think, because we asked our pals”. It's essentially the Lindzen strategy in reverse: having firmly wedded themselves to their politically convenient long tail of high values, their response to new evidence is little more than sticking their fingers in their ears and singing “la la la I can't hear you”.

Oh dear oh dear oh dear…

I changed the headline to make it clear that climate scientists in the inner circles are admitting their colleagues have been lying about the true cause of global warming/climate change. This will soon become a circular firing squad because as we are told here, the The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and people responsible for the largely bogus analyses are "in a bit of a pickle". We might have to wait years before there is a general admission that climate change is being caused by the shift in the cosmic climate inducing a chain reaction that involves geomagnetic factors. However, the science is available for anyone who wants to understand the process of cosmoclimatology and energy driven evolutionary change that have been repeated many times on this planet.

Wikipedia climate fiddler William Connolley is in the news again
Watts Up With That!, 30th January 2013

Apparently Mr. Connolley has edited 5428 Wikipedia articles, most about climate. Die Kalte Sonne:

Unbelievable but true: The Wikipedia umpire on Climate Change was a member of the UK Green Party and openly sympathized with the views of the controversial IPCC. So it was not a referee, but the 12th Man of the IPCC team.

I'm not sure how accurate the translation is, but it suggests he was somehow part of the IPCC “short list” team. See it here at Die Kalte Sonne via this Google Translate link:

For those who are new to this website, you may be aware that there has been an extensive dirty tricks campaign to convince the general public that humanity is to blame for global warming. The idea was to generate a mandate for major new initiatives that require large tax increases and new regulations etc etc. This generated climate wars between scientists and campaigners over the fraudulent climate science and dirty politics, some of which has been highlighted on this blog, see Best of the Blog - Climate Science, Climate Politics, Climate Realists & Climategate. Due to the strong opposition from some scientists and apathy by the general public, world leaders can claim only a general failure for various money making schemes disguised as taking action to control the world's climate. What's more, since the climate models have all been proven to be useless, policy makers are facing somewhat of a dilemma. The website Watts Up With That! run by meteorologist Anthony Watts, is the leading science blog on the internet and is frequented by a lot of scientists. Despite my skeptical stance, I must state I don't fully agree with climate realists, they were right about CO2 not being the source of any now non existent global warming, but because the new phenomenon of space weather is a 'game-changer', I think we will see climate change and extreme weather as I continue to explain on this blog.

Obama declares war on reality
Telegraph Delingpole Blog, 21st January 2013
When George W Bush declared war on an abstract noun – "Terror" – he was widely and inevitably mocked by the left for his foolishness. Not to be outdone, Barack Obama has used his second inaugural address to declare war on an even more nebulous threat to the security of the world: reality, itself.

Now, we are getting to the truth... The climate wars are about who is interested in reality and who is not... Our currently reality is changing quickly and world controllers (Majesterium) are too frightened of losing any control they thought they had. The vast majority of ignorant sheeple are too unaware and lack much interest in reality and there are some specific groups (you know who I mean) that thrive on fantasy so it is a waste of time even bothering there... Well, the reality is universal forces are in control. So far, all we have had is politicians and pundits advocating stupid money making schemes that have made life for many on this planet worse as outlined in this short article .... As far as I am concerned, the solution being implemented by universal consciousness is just downright sensible, a quick reduction in human population on this planet will solve many different issues.
  • Deniers mentioned in inaugural address!
    Junk Science, 21st January 2013
    “… We will respond to the threat of climate change, knowing that the failure to do so would betray our children and future generations. Some may still deny the overwhelming judgment of science, but none can avoid the devastating impact of raging fires, and crippling drought, and more powerful storms. The path towards sustainable energy sources will be long and sometimes difficult. But America cannot resist this transition; we must lead it. We cannot cede to other nations the technology that will power new jobs and new industries – we must claim its promise. That is how we will maintain our economic vitality and our national treasure – our forests and waterways; our croplands and snowcapped peaks. That is how we will preserve our planet, commanded to our care by God. That's what will lend meaning to the creed our fathers once declared…”
    Please note: Obama does not embarrass himself by mentioning global warming which was the original focus point for scientists who did not agree that humans had anything much to do with warming the planet, see more below.

  • Classless Obama Insults Global Warming Skeptics in Inaugural Address
    Amy Ridenour Conservative Blog, 21st January 2013
    This is a decent rebuttal...

  • Spiegel's stunning 8 part series – Climate Catastrophe: A Superstorm for Global Warming Research
    WUWT, 23rd January 2013
    "If you have not read this yet, now is the time. Given what president Obama recently said about skeptics in his inauguration address, I thought this 2010 article would be worth revisiting."

Wild weather: Extreme is the new normal
New Scientist, 18th January 2013
The wild weather that greeted the new year is a taste of things to come

ALL eyes have been on Australia in recent weeks as a blistering heatwave triggered huge wildfires. The result has been a slew of amazing stories, including a family escaping by jumping into the sea and meteorologists adding new colours to heat maps. But Australia's fires are just the most dramatic of a cluster of ongoing extreme weather events, including droughts in the US and Brazil and a lethal cold snap in Asia (see "Drought, fire, ice: world is gripped by extreme weather").

Lumping extreme weather events under a single umbrella can be misleading. Al Gore got into trouble when his film An Inconvenient Truth stitched together footage of numerous hurricanes and presented them as "evidence" of climate change. But in this case it seems there really is a bigger picture. Scientists have warned for years that extreme weather would become more common, and now it is. What's more, although single events can rarely be confidently attributed to climate change, clusters probably can. [...]

The spate of extreme weather, then, is a snapshot of the not-too-distant future. Soon, this will be the new normal. We call events like the Australian heatwave "extreme weather", but within the next few decades they will simply be "weather".

Earth's magnetosphere is down (well, like a sieve), so it is going to be chaos for reasons that have explained on this blog over and over again... But of course, this does not have anything to do with the other piece of extremely interesting news from New Scientist, Earth may be crashing through dark matter walls, it's just a coincidence right? I still have work to do getting up to speed on HOW scientists are being forced to correct for aether fluctuations so we know that this is not just speculation, but see the recent ESA spacetime mission announcement...
  • Freak hail storm: Reports of tennis ball-sized hailstones [MALTA]
    Times of Malta, 17th January 2013
    Insurance companies were faced with a flood of claims yesterday following Tuesday's freak hail storm that hit the north and east of Malta. [...] These came in the wake of reports of tennis ball-sized hailstones lashing certain localities around midday on Tuesday. [...] There were widespread reports of the hailstones denting solar panels even though a spokesman for Solar Solutions in Naxxar said they had received no calls about damage to products they had sold as of 11am yesterday.

  • Freak 'thundersnow' wreaks havoc on city
    The Star, 20th January 2013
    A freak weather system slammed into the GTA overnight. The rare “thundersnow” system brought heavy wind, rain, snow and the occasional flash of lightning. Gusts of 90 km/h toppled trees and traffic lights and a wind warning issued by Environment Canada remained in effect for much of southern Ontario Sunday morning.

MICHAELS: Global warming apocalypse canceled
21st century has seen no rise in temperature, after all
Washington Times, 17th January 2013
My greener friends are increasingly troubled by the lack of a rise in recent global surface temperatures. Using monthly data measured as the departure from long-term averages, there's been no significant warming trend since the fall of 1996. In other words, we are now in our 17th year of flat temperatures.

Since 1900, the world has seen one other period of similar temperature stagnation (actually a slight cooling) that lasted for 30 years and ended around 1976. The current one is happening with much more putative warming “pressure,” because the atmosphere's carbon-dioxide content is much higher than it was in mid-century.

From the Industrial Revolution to 1950, atmospheric carbon-dioxide concentrations rose by about 15 percent. Today, the increase is up to 41 percent, making long periods without warming either 1) increasingly unlikely, or 2) the natural result of simply overestimating how “sensitive” surface temperature is to carbon dioxide. My money is on the latter.
  • James Hansen (NASA) Admits Global Temperature Standstill Is Real
    GWPF, 17th January 2013
    "Mean Global Temperature Has Been Flat For The Last Decade"

    The GWPF has been right all along. In a new report Hansen, Sato and Ruedy (2013) acknowledge the existence of a standstill in global temperature lasting a decade. This is a welcome contribution to the study of global temperature. When others reached the same conclusion they have been ridiculed; so this admission should provide some pause for reflection by those who have attacked the very idea of a recent temperature standstill, often without understanding the data, focusing on who was making the argument and their alleged non-scientific motives. The bottom line is that the recent global temperature standstill is a real event. David Whitehouse, The Global Warming Policy Foundation, 17 January 2013

    The five-year mean global temperature has been flat for the last decade, which we interpret as a combination of natural variability and a slow down in the growth rate of net climate forcing. --James Hansen et al., 15 January 2013

    I still can't work out if Hansen already knows that Earth's weather is driven by the cosmic climate (cosmoclimatology) or whether he gas been acting deluded for years based on his own misunderstanding of basic science.... Whatever, his admission is akin to seeing pink pigs flying...

  • Veteran German Meteorologist Calls Climate Science “A Fairy Tale That's Rich In Fantasy…Spook Watching”
    No Tricks Zone, 17th January 2013
    Now, that is some real honesty right there....

Solar Variability and Terrestrial Climate
NASA Science News, 8th January 2013
In the galactic scheme of things, the Sun is a remarkably constant star. While some stars exhibit dramatic pulsations, wildly yo-yoing in size and brightness, and sometimes even exploding, the luminosity of our own sun varies a measly 0.1% over the course of the 11-year solar cycle.

There is, however, a dawning realization among researchers that even these apparently tiny variations can have a significant effect on terrestrial climate. A new report issued by the National Research Council (NRC), "The Effects of Solar Variability on Earth's Climate," lays out some of the surprisingly complex ways that solar activity can make itself felt on our planet.

Understanding the sun-climate connection requires a breadth of expertise in fields such as plasma physics, solar activity, atmospheric chemistry and fluid dynamics, energetic particle physics, and even terrestrial history. No single researcher has the full range of knowledge required to solve the problem. To make progress, the NRC had to assemble dozens of experts from many fields at a single workshop. The report summarizes their combined efforts to frame the problem in a truly multi-disciplinary context.

One of the participants, Greg Kopp of the Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics at the University of Colorado, pointed out that while the variations in luminosity over the 11-year solar cycle amount to only a tenth of a percent of the sun's total output, such a small fraction is still important. "Even typical short term variations of 0.1% in incident irradiance exceed all other energy sources (such as natural radioactivity in Earth's core) combined," he says.

Well, NASA scientists are realising that the CO2 hoax cannot be sustained and we are getting some major new admissions of reality.... reality bites... In summary, Space Weather is generating a full blown planetary emergency, out-dated ideas from the dark ages are no longer appropriate... see more technical comments at WUWT and lots of previous comments on this blog.

NASA on the sun: '…tiny variations can have a significant effect on terrestrial climate.”
Watts Up With That?, 8th January 2013

Al Gore's Payday From Oil-Rich Qatar 'Reeking With Irony'
Bloomberg News, 4th January 2013
Al Gore, who shared the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize for his fight against global warming, may gross about $70 million from the sale of his Current TV network to Al Jazeera, the cable channel funded in part by oil-rich Qatar.

Al Jazeera will pay about $500 million for Current TV, including the stake held by Gore, 64, according to two people with knowledge of the deal. The network is one of dozens of investments made by the former vice president since he lost the 2000 presidential race by a slim margin.

“It's reeking with irony,” said Jeff Sonnenfeld, senior associate dean at the Yale School of Management, who studies corporate governance. “It seems to be at least a paradox in terms of his positions on sustainability and geopolitics.” [...]

“Many Americans are tired of borrowing huge amounts of money from China to buy huge amounts of oil from the Persian Gulf to make huge amounts of pollution that destroys the planet's climate,” Gore said in September 2006 at the New York University School of Law. “Increasingly, Americans believe that we have to change every part of that pattern.”

Al Gore the zealous climate czar and hypocrite.... The Climate realists are laughing hysterically but I don't have time to be amused....

Global warming, the tool of the West
Pravda News, 4th January 2013
For years, the Elites of the West have cranked up the myth of Man Made Global Warming as a means first and foremost to control the lives and behaviors of their populations. Knowing full well that their produce in China and sell in the West model and its consiquent spiral downward in wages and thus standards of living, was unsustainable, the elites moved to use this new "science" to guilt trip and scare monger their populations into smaller and more conservatives forms of living. In other words, they coasted them into the poverty that the greed and treason of those said same elites was already creating in their native lands.

What better way to staunch protests at worsening economic and life conditions than to make it feel like an honourable job/duty of the people to save "Gia". At the same time, they used this "science" as a new pagan religion to further push out the Christianity they hate and despise and most of all, fear? Gia worship, the earth "mother", has been pushed in popular culture oozing out of the West for a better part of the past 1.5 decades. This is a religion replete with an army of priests, called Government Grant Scientists.

This article is hysterically funny... gems like the 'the magmamen and their SUVs', but the English spelling is atrocious.... Pravda, a thorn in the American side.... but I love the Russians because they can be brutally honest and upfront... I've been saying this for quite some time, if you want to know what is going on, watch what the military are up to and pay attention to what the Russians are saying... all within reason of course....

More than 100 die of exposure in cold snap [Delhi, India]
The National, 3rd January 2013
LUCKNOW // More than 100 people have died of exposure as northern India deals with unusually low temperatures. At least 114 people have died from the cold in the state of Uttar Pradesh, a police spokesman, Surendra Srivastava, said yesterday. At least 23 of those died in the past 24 hours.

Mr Srivastava said many of the dead were poor people whose bodies were found on sidewalks or in parks. The weather department said temperatures in the state were between 4 and 10°C below normal. New Delhi suffered its coldest day in 44 years amid the cold snap across northern India, meteorologists said. The maximum temperature on Wednesday reached just 9.8°C, the lowest since the winter of 1969 - when records first began - with a low of 4.8°C.

There are many report of heavy snowfalls and plumeting temperatures across the globe. are reporting extraordinary lows in Mexixo, who reported: "You know that global warming is hitting hard, when New Mexico wakes up to -33C temperatures."Global Warming Strikes New Mexico! I checked the Wundermap graphics and found a spot at -34C.
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Susan Joy Rennison, B.Sc.Hons. (Physics with Geophysics)


Joyfire Science & Metaphysics Integration
Copyright © 2003 – 2024. All rights reserved.

Susan Joy Rennison quotes:

“Space Weather is now a fact of life.”

“We are all astronauts now!”

Tuning The Diamonds,
September 2006

“We must spiritually evolve as part of the new terms & conditions for living on Earth.”

Joyfire Tour – Evolutionary Change, December 2006

“Space Weather will force many changes in how we do business on this planet.”

News of the Imbalance,
April 2007

NASA Press Release:

“Earth and space are about to come into contact in a way that's new to human history.”

“We're on the threshold of a new era in which space weather can be as influential in our daily lives as ordinary terrestrial weather.”

As the Sun Awakens, NASA Keeps a Wary Eye on Space Weather
NASA News, 4th June 2010

White House Executive Order:

“Space weather has the potential to simultaneously affect and disrupt health and safety across entire continents. Successfully preparing for space weather events is an all-of-nation endeavor that requires partnerships across governments, emergency managers, academia, the media, the insurance industry, non-profits, and the private sector.”

Executive Order –– Coordinating Efforts to Prepare the Nation for Space Weather Events
The White House, 13th October 2016

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