On the 7th January 2013, I received an email from a T. Wright (email address withheld), informing me of the existence of an article by James Tyberonn titled 2013 - The Aquarian Shift & Anthropocene Radiation Pt. 1. On perusal, this is infact a 'channelling' as it is headlined as "a message from Archangel Metatron channeled by Tyberonn." It seems that this New Ager has read my book because there are sections of this channelling that are virtually direct quotes. James Tyberonn re-hashed information from my News of the Imbalance blog and had taken near direct quotes from the first chapter of Tuning the Diamonds which is free online as a .pdf file, here but there are bits of information only available from the latest 2012 e-book version too. So, my conclusion is James Tyberonn is a plagiarist and a fake but in his process of creative writing, some of the re-hashed info is factually wrong [according to the BBC news, the Mir Space Station was scheduled to be abandoned in August 1999 NOT 1989, but we can't expect a 'channeler' to check the facts can we?].
I would like to point out that my research is original and groundbreaking. The original version of my book had five hundred references (over 750 individual sources of information) and the latest version of my book is stuffed with 1190+ references/individual sources of information. My belief was that if people wanted to argue they had to approach world experts and argue with them and not me. My book was good enough for a copy to be given to astronaut Neil Armstrong on 3rd November 2006 and 5 copies placed in the UK National Archives in November 2007 to be preserved as National Heritage, see my webpage Milestones.
It might not be fair to describe James Tyberonn as a typical 'warped' New Ager or New Wager, the reason being is that he may just simply be a con-artist and has no spiritual beliefs New Age or otherwise and he simply aims to use New Age memes to con the unsuspecting. Regardless, he has no right to use my research and then pretend that some 'angel' gave him a factual download... Further to my discovery, it seems that the Manataka™ American Indian Council have already decided that James "Tyberonn" Tipton, of Texas is a fraud. See the following link below:
Susan Joy Rennison, 17th January 2013
Kerrace Alexander, Big Fish Strategies
It has come to my attention that Kerrace Alexander of Big Fish Strategies in Vancouver, Canada is liberally plagiarising research and new ideas from my book "Tuning the Diamonds – Electromagnetism & Spiritual Evolution", done under her title of "The New Cosmic Story". Kerrace Alexander is apparently a marketing specialist with no scientific background and no ethics.
Kerrace Alexander approached me in October 2007 with the intent of seeking my permission to market teaching material under the name "The New Cosmic Story". Kerrace Alexander wanted me to provide her with this teaching material, as she was incapable of doing it herself, but at the same time, she expressed a desire to be the sole teacher of this material in North America, with all potential students being taught by her. I decided that it was never going to happen with my permission as Kerrace Alexander has no scientific training and did not understand some of the basic scientific concepts in my book, like being able to explain the properties of a plasma. However, Kerrace excels in being able to repeat verbatim, certain quotes from my book, website and radio interviews with no acknowledgment of the real source.
Therefore, I have already pointed out to Kerrace Alexander that as she has taught seminars on 'ethics in the workplace', it seems that she has no intention of applying this knowledge to her own conduct. This note is for people checking this woman's credentials, I suggest she has none.
Susan Joy Rennison, 19th March 2008