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Unidentified Aerial Phenomena
[UAP] Video Index Page

Link UAP Index

Excellent examples of various types of UAP going about their business

Fireball turning around, Piracicaba, Brazil
September 2007 [01:44]

Ufologists are completely comfounded by objects that appear like meteorites that appear to display intelligent behaviour, hence there are now reports of "remote controlled meteorites". YouTube Direct: link

This video got great media attention in Slovakia
September 2008 [02:06]

This astonishing video taken by mobile phone was taken by a Mr Rus out of his apartment living room window, in the city of Partisanske, in the Eastern European nation of Slovakia. This it most likely that this blue UAP was picking up excess energy, or else you are left with the ridiculous idea that ETs have come from across the galaxy to watch a 2nd rate firework display. YouTube Direct: link

UAP Caught On Outdoor Surveillance Camera in Russia
May 2008 [02:27]

This CCTV footage is certainly most interesting! YouTube Direct: link

Spiral UAP coming out Wormhole or Hyperspace - Tomsk Russia
May 2009 [02:44]

Update 18th December
Due to the sensational news coverage and internet frenzy that was caused by the Norwegian Light Spiral on 9th December 2009, many different websites started to highlight examples of videos that clearly show orbs on "arrival" dropping their plasma cloak/vehicle. The previous video is something on it's way, the above video is an identically shaped geometrical plasma cloak/vehicle with an orb just arriving. Watch and compare. YouTube Direct: link

CNN TV Footage: Orbs put on a show in Arizona
September 2009 [04:36]

Dancing orbs in the sky, seem to be of great interest to many people! YouTube Direct: link

Mexican TV Footage: UAP Releasing 'Intelligent Moving Spheres'
August 2009 [07:16]

The video was shot in May 2009 by Pedro Hernandez, who saw the UFO while looking out a bus window in Mexico City. Despite the fact that Mexico City has a high level of UFO sightings, this recording is still considered rare. It was followed soon after by second video recording taken in a different position to the sun, which delighted ufologists. The video here is introduced by Mexican media personality, Jaime Maussan. YouTube Direct: link

Short clip of the 2 hour orb display in RossShire, Scotland
July 2009 [03:24]

This was reported by the Scottish SUN News, 25th July 2009. The leading UK UFO expert Nick Pope was quoted as saying: "This could be one of the most significant UFO events in recent history." YouTube Direct: link

Amazing Bright Orb in Moscow

This video was shot by young boy and gives a sense of beauty and magic. Some internal details of the orb can be seen. YouTube Direct: link

BBC captures UAP on camera
August 2009, [00:25]

The BBC Look North breakfast show caught a UAP live on national TV after one of its regional Web cameras inadvertently caught it streaking across a quiet city skyline. The Web shot of Gateshead's Millennium Bridge was running behind presenter Colin Briggs at around 09:00 GMT when the white cylindrical object suddenly rocketed past the lens and away into the distance. YouTube Direct: link

40 Miles Southeast Of Sonora, California Exploding Object (Amazing Video Footage)
January 2006, [02:29]

A curious onlooker grabbed his binoculars and then his camcorder with a teleconversion lens already attached and started filming when he became very curious about a big bright luminous object. Within about one minute of doing so, the object he was watching exploded to generate what he thought was a large amount of 'debris'. As you will see, it's not quite any normal explosion, because the video actually shows a magnetospheric plasmoid that has arrived from outer space and when it has entered Earth's atmosphere low down enough, it has split apart to become separate orbs. YouTube Direct: link

Naga Fireballs Festival, Nong Khai Province, Thailand,
14 Oct 2008 [00:54]

Every October, enormous numbers of tourists — 400,000, at the last count — arrive in Nong Khai, Thailand to watch smokeless, scentless, soundless fireballs begin to rise from the deepest, Lao side of the Mekong River. As many as 19 ruby globes at a time ascend to heights of 30 to 300 metres for three to eight seconds each, then simply vanish. In some years there are only a few; in 1999, nearly 3,500 fireballs were counted. Watch this extraordinary event that is now being repeated, in more ad-hoc manner, all over the world. YouTube Direct: link

Scientific Research

'The Portal: The Hessdalen Light Phenonomena'
December 2009, [47:08]

Hessdalen is a small valley in the central part of Norway. At the end of 1981 through 1984, residents of the Valley became concerned and alarmed about strange, unexplained lights that appeared at many locations throughout the Valley. Hundreds of lights were observed. At the peak of activity there were about 20 reports a week.

Project Hessdalen was established in the summer of 1983. A field investigation was carried out between 21.January and 26.February 1984. Fifty-three light observations were made during the field investigation. Assistant professor Erling Strand, the founder of the Hessdalen project, conducted together with assistant professor Bjørn Gitle Hauge, østfold University College Norway, the first international congress of the Hessdalen phenomena in 1994. This congress attracted scientists from all over the world and boosted the scientific research in Hessdalen. Statements from the congress indicated that explanation of the phenomena could lead to new concepts in physics. This congress also started the collaboration between østfold University College in Norway and CNR in Italy. Together with Dr. Stelio Montebugnoli the author started the EMBLA project, with the purpose of studying the electromagnetic radiation and behavior of the Hessdalen phenomena in 1999. Lights are still being observed in the Hessdalen Valley, but their frequency has decreased to about 20 observations a year.

The Hessadalen pheomenon that looks like a burning ball of fire discussed in part 5 as magnetic field plasmoids in this documentary made by independent Norwegian filmakers with the cooperation of the Hessdalen Research Association. The following is the conclusions from over 25 years of research and after Italian SETI scientists got involved with much more highly sophisticated equipment. YouTube Direct: link

Critters in Space! Evidence that space is teeming with life

The Secret NASA Transmissions - The Smoking Gun Part 1/11
2000, [07:20]

We live in a technological world where many people has access to sophisticated high-tech equipment. Therefore, it is not surprising that sometimes, curiosity can get the better of human nature and 'snooping' on neighbours can be the result. However, what happens if the neighbour is the North American Space Agency (NASA) and you just want to know how your tax money is being spent with adventures in space? Well Mr. Martyn Stubbs used satellite dishes and other equipment from the Vancouver Cable Station, where he worked as a manager, to record virgin copies onto video from every Discovery mission that was conducted since 1991. Then Mr Stubbs worked for five years to analyze over 2,500 hours of NASA space shuttle transmissions that he had recorded on a total of 520 video tapes. This documentary tells the story with video footage that shows you that space is far from being empty....Right click to watch remainding parts of the documentary on YouTube. EBE Award Winner! Best Film International UFO Congress Film Festival. 90min YouTube Direct: link

'The Tether Incident'
February 1996, [06:28]


This incident was a failed joint venture by NASA and the Italian space agency, known as the Italian tethered satellite experiment (TSS-1R) on the STS-75 mission. In 1996, the computer on-board the Italian satellite was fried and the fuel on-board mysteriously depleted, when the "shoestring-sized tether" — almost fully deployed — 12 miles above the Columbia space shuttle simply broke. What happens next is of great interest, watch the video. YouTube Direct: link

UAPs seen as "Balls of Light" Communicating Through Crop Circles

Documentary Evidence of the The 'Om' Formation, East Field, nr Alton Barnes, Wiltshire, UK
September 2007, [07:20]


Winston Keech, is an engineer and inventor, who describes his first encounter with a crop circle being created at the now-famous East Field in Wiltshire, UK. Mr. Keech says in 1991, he witnessed an "illuminated object," about the size of a dinner plate, creating a single crop circle in about 3 seconds. After this event, he realised that to capture a crop circle being made, he would have to use CCTV and a range of sophisticated equipment. He became a crop circle vigilante and for years spent his holidays staking out fields, waiting for the big one. Eventually, he struck lucky. From late Friday, July 6, to Saturday, July 7, he was armed with 5 cameras on Knap Hill, overlooking one of the now most famous East Field, which had been the location of many previous crop circles. This documentary, describes the capture of the incredible "OM" Formation. YouTube Direct: link

The Evidence of Lights Forming Crop Circles; Scientific Proof Discussed [08:10]

This is part of a documentary from the U.K. The famous "Oliver's Castle" story of "balls of light" creating a crop circle starts at about [1:36]. The producers then interview physicist Dr. Eltjo Haselhoff of the Netherlands who offers scientific proof that at least some crop circles are indeed formed by balls of light about [4:32]. His research and evidence was even accepted after peer review for the internationally recognized scientific journal, Physiologia Plantarum. YouTube Direct: link

The UFO /UAP Enigma

Trevor James Constable interviewed by Jeff Rense

Trevor James Constable is an extraordinary man. He is a noted military historian, engineer and author, who researched the UFO issue with the intent to come up with a solution. Starting in the early 1950s, he spent two decades going into the desert to photograph UFOs in the infrared, but instead he found "critters". His book, 'Sky Creatures: Living UFOs' [1976] published by Simon & Schuster, which is an updated and revised version of the underground classic 'The Cosmic Pulse of Life'; a book of enormous value and breath. The pioneer Trevor James Constable is interviewed here by Jeff Rense. YouTube Direct: link

History Channel Documentary "I Know What I Saw" by James Fox
October 2009 1/9 [10:04]

"I know what I SAW" is a highly acclaimed UFO documentary film by James Fox and televised by History channel in October 2009. The documentary gives an historical perspective of the UFO issue interspersed with credible witness testimony, to provide a good introduction to the subject matter. There are impressive accounts from observers in the aerospace industry-airline pilots, astronauts, air traffic control personnel as well as military and government officials from around the world to provide dramatic, credible and intelligent descriptions of sightings. At the other end of the scale, Fox presents the unvarnished reports of equally credible folk,which included ranchers, housewives, artists and citizens of all ages to explain their sightings, but who were all had the same conviction, "I know what I SAW". YouTube Direct: link

Link UAP Index

For More information, See Best of the Blog - Archives

Orbs, UAPs & UFO Disclosure

Crop Circles

Susan Joy Rennison, B.Sc. Hons. (Physics with Geophysics),
21st October 2009

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Susan Joy Rennison quotes:

“Space Weather is now a fact of life.”

“We are all astronauts now!”

Tuning The Diamonds,
September 2006

“We must spiritually evolve as part of the new terms & conditions for living on Earth.”

Joyfire Tour – Evolutionary Change, December 2006

“Space Weather will force many changes in how we do business on this planet.”

News of the Imbalance,
April 2007

NASA Press Release:

“Earth and space are about to come into contact in a way that's new to human history.”

“We're on the threshold of a new era in which space weather can be as influential in our daily lives as ordinary terrestrial weather.”

As the Sun Awakens, NASA Keeps a Wary Eye on Space Weather
NASA News, 4th June 2010

White House Executive Order:

“Space weather has the potential to simultaneously affect and disrupt health and safety across entire continents. Successfully preparing for space weather events is an all-of-nation endeavor that requires partnerships across governments, emergency managers, academia, the media, the insurance industry, non-profits, and the private sector.”

Executive Order –– Coordinating Efforts to Prepare the Nation for Space Weather Events
The White House, 13th October 2016

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