Contents Page [2013]
Download Contents, 2013 Preface & Introduction (13 pages)
Download Chapter 1, The Electromagnetic Universe (39 pages)
The original version of the book Tuning the Diamonds: Electromagnetism and Spiritual Evolution had source material from 500 references and (over 750 individual sources of information) cited. This included books, research papers, journals, newspaper articles, and internet articles. The following listing are the books, which are mostly obtainable for purchase or are free to read on the internet. The bibliography for the 2012 onwards version of this book which is updated with additional material and partly revised, cites 1190 individual references.
2006, 2008, 2010 Bibliography
- Abbott E, Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions, Dower Publications, New York. 6th Ed., Revised. 1952
- Ader R, Felten D, Cohen N. Psychoneuroimmunology, 2nd edition SanDiego: Academic Press. 1990
- Alfvén H, The New Astronomy, Simon and Schuster. 1955
- Armour J A, Srdell, J Neurocardiology. Oxford University Press: New York. 1994.
- Aspden H, The Physics of Creation, Sabberton Publications, Southampton, England (2003)
- Balfour M, Sign of the Serpent - Key to Life Energy, UBS Publishers' Distributors PVT. Ltd, 2002
- Ballou Newbrough J, Oahspe: A Kosmon Bible [1882] (based on 3rd edition of 1912)
- Battros M, Solar Rain The Earth changes have begun, Earth changes Press, 2005
- Bearden T E, Gravitobiology: The New Biophysics, Tesla Book Company. 1991
- Becker R , Cross Currents: The Promise of Electromedicine, the Perils of Electropollution, Jeremy P. Tarcher. 1990
- Becker R, & Selden G. The Body Electric William Morrow & Company Inc. 1985
- Bell F, Rays of Truth - Crystals of Light, # Pyradyne Publishing; Revised edition. 1998
- Bentov I, A Brief Tour of Higher Consciousness, Destiny Books. 2000
- Brancazio P J, The Nature of Physics, Macmillan Publishing. New York, 1975
- Briggs J, F David Peat, Turbulent Mirror, Harper Perennial. 1990
- Brown D, The Da Vinci Code, Random House. 2003
- Bruyere R L, Wheels of Light: Chakras, Auras, and the Healing Energy of the Body, Simon & Schuster, New York. 1989
Battros: The Sun-Earth connection revealed!
Balfour: Ancient wisdom Universal Energy & Science
Becker: We're Electric! The scientific perspective
Burr H S, The Fields of Life: Our Links with the Universe, Ballantine Books, New York. 1972
Bushby T, The Secret in the Bible, The Stanford Publishing Group and Joshua Books. 2003
Cade M & Coxhead N, The Awakened Mind: Biofeedback and the Development of Higher States of Awareness, Element Books. 1996 reprint
Calleman C J, The Mayan Calendar: And the Transformation of Consciousness, Bear & Company. 2004
Carlowicz M. J. & Lopez R. E. Storms from the Sun: The Emerging Science of Space Weather, Joseph Henry Press (2002)
Carroll L, The End Times (Kryon Book 1), The Kryon Writings, Inc. 1993
Carroll L, Don't Think Like a Human: Channelled Answers to Basic Questions (Kryon Book 2). The Kryon Writings, Inc.1994
Carroll L, Alchemy of the Human Spirit: A Guide to Human Transition into the New Age (Kryon Book 3), The Kryon Writings, Inc. 1995
Carroll L, Letters from Home (Kryon Book 7), The Kryon Writings, Inc. 1999
Carroll L, The New Beginning: (2002 and Beyond), (Kryon Book 9), The Kryon Writings, Inc. 2002 pg 221
Carroll L, A New Dispensation: (Plain Talk For Confusing Times), (Kryon Book 10), The Kryon Writings, Inc. 2004
Cerutti E, Mystic with the Healing Hands: The Life Story of Olga Worrall, Harper & Row. 1977
Chilton Pearce J, The Biology of Transcendence: A Blueprint of the Human Spirit, Park Street Press Rochester Vermont. 2002
Consolmagno G, Brother Astronomer: Adventures of a Vatican Scientist, McGraw-Hill. 2001
Cox S, Cracking the Da Vinci Code: The Facts Behind the Fiction, Michael O'Mara Books
Davidson D A, Shape Power, Rivas Publishing. 1977
Davis A R & Rawls W C, The Magnetic Effect, Acres USA. 1999
Davis A R, Rawls W C, Magnetism and its Effect on the Living System, Acres, Kansas City.
Davis A R, Rawls W C, The Rainbow in Your Hands, Halcyon House Pubs; 7th edition, 1995
DeSalvo J, The Complete Pyramid Source Book, Authorhouse. 2003
Diamond J, Your Body Doesn't Lie, New York: Warner Books. 1979
Dubro, P & Lapierre D, Elegant Empowerment: Evolution of Consciousness, Platinum Publishing. 2002
Carlowicz & Lopez: Solar blasts & space weather
Burr: The science of bioenergy fields
Dunn: The Great Pyramid is no longer such a mystery!
Dunn C, The Giza Power Plant, Technologies of Ancient Egypt, Bear & Company. 1998
Frank L A & Huyghe P, The Big Splash, Birch Lane Press. 1990.
Frank Walters & Oswald White Bear Fredericks, The Book of the Hopi, Penguin Books; Reprint edition. 1977
Friedman N, Wolf F A, Bridging Science and Spirit: Common Elements in David Bohm's Physics, the Perennial Philosophy and Seth
Gaffney M H, Gnostic Secrets of the Naassenes: The Initiatory Teachings of the Last Supper, Inner Traditions Rochester, Vermont. 2004
Gardner P & Osborn G, The Serpent Grail: The Truth behind the Holy Grail, the Philosopher's Stone and the Elixir of Life, Watkins Publishing, London. 2005
Gerber, R. M.D. Vibrational Medicine: The #1 Handbook of Subtle-Energy Therapies, Bear & Company, Rochester. Vermont 2001
Goswami A, The Self-aware Universe. How Consciousness Creates the Material World, Tarcher. 1995
Goswami, Shyam Sundar. Layayoga. London: Routledgeand Kegan Paul. 1980
Hagelin J, Is Consciousness the Unified Field? A Field Theorist's Perspective, Maharishi International University, Fairfield, Iowa.
Hawkins D, Power vs Force: The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior, Hay House, Inc. 1995, 1998, 2002
Hawkins D, The Eye Of The I: From Which Nothing is Hidden, Veritas Publishing, 2001
Health on the Edge: Visionary Views of Healing in the New Millennium, Tarcher/Putnam
Henry W, One Foot In Atlantis: The Secret Occult History of WWII and It's Impact On New Age Politics, Earthpulse Press. 1998
Ho M, The Rainbow and the Worm: The Physics of Organisms, The Open University, UK. (2nd Edition), 1998
Hunt V, Infinite Mind: The science of human vibrations, Malibu Press. 1995
Hunt V, Mind Mastery Meditations: A Workbook for the "Infinite Mind", Malibu Publishing. 1997
Jago L, The Northern Lights, Hamish Hamilton, London. 2001
Kaku M, Hyperspace: A Scientific Odyssey through Parallel Universes, Time Warps & the 10th Dimension, Oxford University Press, New York. 1994
Kenyon T & Essene V, The Hathor Material: Messages from An Ascended Civilization, 1996
Kenyon T & Sion J, The Magdalen Manuscript, ORB Communication, 2002
Kerrell B, Goggin K, The Guide to Pyramid Energy, Santa Monica, Pyramid Power V. 1975.
Krishna G, Kundalini - The Evolutionary Energy in Man. Second ed. Boulder, Colorado: Shambala Publications. 1970.
Krishna G, The Secret of Yoga, Harper and Row, New York. 1972
Krishna G, Higher Consciousness - The Evolutionary Thrust of Kundalini. First ed. New York: The Julian Press. 1974.
Krishna G, The Awakening of Kundalini. First ed. New York: E. P. Dutton. 1975.
Krishna G, The Riddle of Consciousness. First ed. New York: Kundalini Research Foundation. 1976.
Krishna G, The Dawn of a New Science, Kundalini Research and Publication Trust, New Delhi. 1978
Krishna G, Living With Kundalini. First ed. Boston: Shambhala. 1993.
Krishna G, The Evolution of Higher Consciousness. First ed. New Delhi: UBS Publishers Distributors Ltd. 1994.
LaViolette, P. A. Earth Under Fire. Alexandria, VA: Starlane Publications. 1997.
Lerner E J, The Big Bang Never Happened, Vintage Books, 1992
Major Jenkins J, Maya Cosmogenesis 2012: The True Meaning of the Maya Calendar End-Date, Bear & Co. 1998
LaViolette: Galactic blasts and space weather
Jenkins: Decoding the 2012 messages left by the initiates
McCutcheon: Physics theory for skeptics!
Major Jenkins J, Galactic Alignment: The Transformation of Consciousness According to Mayan, Egyptian, and Vedic Traditions, Inner Traditions International, 2002
Manning J & Begich N, Angels Don't Play This HAARP: Advances In Tesla Technology, Earthpulse Press, 2nd Edition, Eight Printing, 2004
Marciniak B, Earth: Pleiadian Keys to the Living Library, Bear & Company. 1995
Marciniak B, Path of Empowerment: Pleidian Wisdom for a World in Chaos, Inner Ocean Publishing, 2004
Mccaney J, Principia Meteorologia - The Physics of Sun-Earth Weather
Major Jenkins J, Galactic Alignment: The Transformation of Consciousness According to Mayan, Egyptian, and Vedic Traditions, Inner Traditions International, 2002
Manning J & Begich N, Angels Don't Play This HAARP: Advances In Tesla Technology, Earthpulse Press, 2nd Edition, Eight Printing, 2004
Marciniak B, Earth: Pleiadian Keys to the Living Library, Bear & Company. 1995
Marciniak B, Path of Empowerment: Pleidian Wisdom for a World in Chaos, Inner Ocean Publishing, 2004
Mccaney J, Principia Meteorologia - The Physics of Sun-Earth Weather
McCutcheon M, The Final Theory: Rethinking our Scientific Legacy, Universal Publishers, Published 2002
Mishlove J & Sirag S, Roots of Consciousness: The Classic Encyclopedia of Consciousness Studies, Revised and Expanded, Marlowe, 2nd Edition 1993
Narby J, The cosmic Serpent: DNA and The Origins of Knowledge, Phoenix. 1998
Odenwald S, The 23rd Cycle: Learning to live with a stormy star, Columbia University Press, 2000
Oliver A J, Thinkerman, and the Accident of Knowing, Sydney. 1999
Onwumechili C A, The Equatorial Electrojet, Gordon and Breach Science Publishers. 1997
Oschman J L, Energy Medicine, The Scientific Basis
Ostrander S & Schroeder L, Psychic Discoveries - The Iron Curtain Lifted, Souvenir Press Ltd. 1997
Ostrander S. & Schroeder L. Psychic Discoveries Behind The Iron Curtain, Marlowe & Company, New York. 1971.
Narby: DNA, Shamanism & Consciousness
Pert: Biology, emotions, mind & consciousness
Paramahansa Yogananda, Autobiography of a Yogi, Self-Realization Fellowship. 1946
Pasichnyk R M, The Vital Vastness: Our Living Earth, Writer's Showcase Press, 2002
Pearsall P, The Heart's Code, New York: Random House. 1998
Pert C, Molecules of Emotion: Why You Feel the Way You Feel, Scriber. 1997
Picknett L & Prince C, The Sion Revelation: Inside the Shadowy World of Europe's Secret masters, Time Warner Books, 2006
Pockett S, The Nature of Consciousness: A Hypothesis, Writers Club Press, 2000.
Popper K & Eccles J C, The Self and Its Brain: An Argument for Interactionism, Springer International, London. 1977.
Prasad R, Nature's Finer Forces: The Science of Breath and the Philosophy of the Tattvas. 1894
Pribram K, Languages of the Brain, Experimental Paradoxes and Principles in Neuropsychology, Prentice-Hall, New Jersey. 1971.
Pribram K, Brain and Perception: Holonomy and Structure in Figural Processing, Hilldale, New Jersey. 1991
Prigogine I & Stengers I, Order Out Of Chaos, Bantam. 1984
Ramachandra V S, Phantoms in the Brain: Probing The Mysteries Of The Human Mind, Harper Perennial, 1998
Roberts J, The Seth Material. Amber-Allen Publishing. (1st Edition, 1970)
Roberts J, Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity of the Soul. Amber-Allen Publishing. (1st Edition, 1970)
Roberts J, Unknown Reality: Volume One. Amber-Allen Publishing. (1st Edition, 1977)
Roberts J, The Nature of the Psyche: Its Human Expression. Amber-Allen Publishing. (1st Edition, 1979)
Sannella, L., The Kundalini Experience, Integral Publishing, California. 1987
Schjelderup B, The Periscope: Book One The Way To The Middle, Periscope Vision, 2003
Scott-Mumby K, Virtual medicine: A New Dimension in Energy Healing Thorsens/Harper Collins, London. 1999
Sannella: The Science of Kundalini energies
Shine: A healer's wisdom & experience
Roberts: Creating reality metaphysical teaching
Sheldrake R, A new A Science of Life, Park Street Press; Reprint edition. 1995
Sheldrake R, The Presence of the Past: Morphic Resonance & the Habits of Nature, Inner Traditions International. Reprint edition 1995
Sheldrake R, The Sense of being Stared At: And Other Aspects Of The Extended Mind, Three Rivers Press. 2004
Shine B, Mind to Mind: The Secrets of Your Mind Energy Revealed, Corgi Books. 1989
Simulik V, (editor), What is the electron? Montreal : Apeiron, 2005.
Smith C & Best S, Electromagnetic Man. Health & Hazard in the electrical environment, Palgrave Macmillan. 1989
Solomon J & Solomon G, Harry Oldfield's Invisible Universe, Thorsens 1998
Talbott D & Thornhill W, Thunderbolts of the Gods, Mikamar Publishing, 2004
Targ R, Harary K, The Mind Race, New York: Villard Books, 1984
Tiller W, Dibble W.E, Kohane M J, Conscious Acts of Creation, Pavior 2001
Tiller W, Science and Human Transformation: Subtle Energies, Intentionality
and Consciousness, Walnut Creek, CA: Pavior 1997
Tolle E, The Power of Now: A guide to Spiritual Enlightenment, Hodder & Stoughton, 2001
Uvarov V, The Wands of Horus, English Edition, Internet Published 2001, 2004
Vogt D, Sultan G, Reality Revealed: The Theory of Multidimensional Reality, Vector Associates, San Jose, CA. 1978
Decoding ancient mythology with plasma physics!
Tiller: The power of human intent The science!
Von Reichenbach C, Vital Force, J.S Redfield, Clinton Hall, New York. 1851
Waechter R L, Qi and Bioelectromagnetic Energy, York University, 2002
Walters F, Book of the Hopi, Ballentine Books Inc. New York. 1963
Wilcock D, The Shift of the Ages: Scientific Proof for Ascension, Internet Published
Wilcock D, The Science of Oneness: Harnessing The Conscious Aether, Internet Published
Wilcock, D Divine Cosmos: A Breathtaking New View of Reality, Internet Published
2012 Bibliography Additions
- Barrios C, The Book of Destiny: Unlocking the Secrets of the Ancient Mayans
and the Prophecy of 2012, HarperOne: Harper Collins, 2009
- Bialy H, I Ching and the Genetic Code, 1974
- Burr H S, Blueprint For Immortality: The Electric patterns of Life, Neville Spearman, London, 1971
- Besant A & Leadbeater CW, Occult chemistry, 3rd edn. Kessinger Publishing Company, Montana, 1951
- Bengston W F, Fraser S, Chasing The Cure: An Effective alternative For Treating Cancer and other Diseases, Key Porter Books, Canada, 2010
- Constable T J, Cosmic Pulse of Life, Merlin Press, Tustin, California, 1975. Republished 1977 in hardback by
- Constable T J, Sky Creatures, Living UFOs, Simon and Schuster NY, Pocket Books, 1976
- Cox R. The Pillar of Celestial Fire — The Lost Science of the Ancient Seers Rediscovered, 1997
- Drummond W, Oedipus Judaicus. Privately published 1811, 1855
- Eccles J, Evolution of the Brain: Creation of the Self, Routledge, 1989
- Evans M, The Enigmatic Photon, in five volumes, Kluwer. 1994 to 1999
- Horgan J, The Undiscovered Mind: How the Human Brain Defies Replication, Medication and Explanation, The Free Press, New York, 1999
- Hunbatz Men, Secrets of Mayan Science/Religion, Bear & Co Publishing, 1990
- Lipton B. H. & Bhaerman S., Spontaneous Evolution: Our Positive Future and a Way to Get There from Here, Hay House, 2009
- Lipton B, The Biology Of Belief: Unleashing The Power Of Consciousness, Matter And Miracles, Hay House Inc, 2005
- Morton C & Thomas C L, The Mystery of the Crystal Skulls, Thorsons, London 1997
- Neville Spearman, Ltd., London. Revised and enlarged version published in 1990 by Borderland Sciences Research Foundation. Since reprinted.
- Petitt Neal V. & Karagulla S., Through the Curtain, DeVorss & Company, 1983
- Pinkney J, Great Australian Mysteries, The five Mile Press, 2003
- Reiser O L, Cosmic Humanism, Schenkman. Publishing Co., 1966
- Roys R L, The Book of Chilam Balam of Chumayel (English translation), 1933
- Temple R, The Crystal Sun, Century: The Random House Group, 2000
- Temple R, Oracles of the Dead: Ancient Techniques for Predicting the Future, Destiny Books, 2005
- Santillana de G, Dechend von H, Hamlet's Mill: An Essay on Mythology and the Frame of Time, Boston. Gambit, 1969.
- Schönberger M, I Ching and the Genetic Code: The Hidden key to Life, Aurora Press, 1992
- Silcock F F, The Min Min Light: The Visitor Who Never Arrives, Self Published 2003
- Singer F & Avery D T, Unstoppable Global Warming - Every 1500 Years, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc, 2007
- Stevens P S, Patterns in Nature, Peregrine Books, 1976
- Svensmark H & Calder N, The Chilling Stars: A New Theory of Climate Change, Icon Books Ltd, 2007
- Talbot M, The Holographic Universe, 1991
- Wilhelm R, Baynes C F, The Book of Changes, Taylor & Francis, 1983
- Woit P, Not Even Wrong: The Failure of String Theory and the Search for Unity in Physical Law, Basic Books, 2006