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A Modern Day Noah

In August 2004, I was asked to write a chapter in a book and after some consideration, I decided to write my own book as I have always wanted to write A Study Guide. After years of reading books, I thought it would be wonderful to share my knowledge. I already had some information catalogued in the vast database of my mind from years of reading, due to my interest in the science of healing energies and electromagnetism, but it was not until I came across an image that completely changed my world view and transformed my interest into action, that I started to realise the enormity of the task ahead.

Believe it or not, I was not reading some metaphysical book, or even in a mystical sublime state, actually, I was checking out my share portfolio to see whether I could rejoice or weep! Normally, investors who post on financial bulletin boards are not encouraged to go off topic, but on this one occasion, someone posted a link to Prof. Don Scott's website All of a sudden, it was like someone had shown me the door to literally another universe. My discovery that we lived in an Electric Universe was a major initiation, but the next initiation came fairly quickly when saw an amazing image of the Sun. When I found a SOHO satellite image of a clearly helical coronal mass ejection (CME) from the Sun that looked like DNA, I was absolutely transfixed. Like most people, I had no idea that the Sun had the ability to deliver energy in such an astounding manner. Later I learned that the spiral was used universally to symbolize ancient wisdom and the process of initiation. The realization struck home fast. The Sun was a delivery mechanism for New Energy.

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In the New Age world, there has been somewhat of a division and this has been caused by the whole idea of New Energy. Since I consider myself new to all of this, it did not bother me at all. I accepted this to be true, I had no reason to believe otherwise. Yet, I do have my own personal experiences with detecting energy, which has rather enforced my views.

I started to formulate an opinion at my first alternative fair in Stavanger, Norway. At this event, I found that I had to run past a certain stand, because the energy could only be described as "foul", I literally felt sick. At the big fair in Oslo, which is the largest alternative fair in Europe, there have been times when I have struggled to walk down isles due to the quality of the energy. My analysis of the situation is that energy is energy, however, it can become "patterned" over time, rather like water that is recycled too many times. After a while it loses it's freshness and you can compare this to the scenario of London water which is re-cycled 7 times and tastes horrible. I believe that some people are channeling some very old energies which are not necessarily that pure anymore.

The whole point of the New Energy is being able to tap a source of fresh, dynamic energy that is purer and more powerful. The issue that metaphysicians and energy practitioners have real difficulty with is the fact that this new source of energy is NEW. This means that you can't work with it in the same way, hence the controversy and the resistance to change. The metaphysician Lee Carroll, has informed us via channeling, that this New Energy is being stored around the Earth. As I started to understand the Electromagnetic Universe and how energy is delivered around by the "cosmic web" in space, I started to realize that indeed, there was New Energy on the planet. After careful research, I understood that this was being monitored by thousands of scientists around the world from various scientific disciplines, who were mystified by the relatively massive changes to the electromagnetic environment of Earth.

Suddenly, I had a problem. I needed to integrate the metaphysics with the science. It dawned on me that my consciousness was extremely polarized and the whole process of integration was freaking me out. Over the years, I had come to believe that there was certain information that could only be understood as being spiritual or as metaphysics. Even though I consider myself A Seeker of the Truth, I did not realize that I had some poor foundations for my beliefs. Quite frankly, I have no idea where the concept originated that science and spirituality were separate worlds, I am not sure I can blame this completely on my Christian background.

Incidentally, I have no regrets about my church background, looking back it was very necessary for me to trust and believe in a higher power, in the divine, in fact, this is still the case. However, I have always clearly distinguished between the divine and humans. I am not saying that humans are not or can't become divine, (I am not even going to attempt a theological argument here), but I have always had serious reservations about those who teach that the flock requires a mediator. My views are now iron clad, after my research into the history of the church! Power corrupts and absolute power in the hands of a few corrupt human beings can embody the most evil forces on the planet. Believe me, I always watch out for the wolves in sheep's clothing!

Fortunately for me, I had a few close friends that I could share my new discoveries. As I literally gobbled down information about the Electromagnetic Universe and related research, it was like getting massive indigestion. At times I felt bloated, when I talked, it was like I was re-distributing the information to make myself more comfortable, two-hour phone calls with friends about my discoveries were not unusual. Things got fairly serious when I learnt about the galactic center and the work of Paul LaViolette, suddenly, things took on a more apocalyptic feel. One of the things about how I operate is the mind constantly tries to link information. I believe this makes me a good problem solver. It started to dawn on me that I could integrate all my previous background knowledge into a new overall understanding of reality. I decided that this was a challenge that could not be ignored.

I have always believed it was possible to make sense of our reality if enough information was acquired. This means that over the last 35 years, a book has never been too far away from me. So, after investigating many reports of the recent wild behavior of the Sun and the Earth being bombarded by galactic cosmic rays and gamma rays etc., found whilst reading about Space Weather, it did not take me too long to come up with a hypothesis. It dawned on me that we were living in the exact same times as Noah, but this time we were not facing a deluge of water, we were going to get an electromagnetic flood. Folks, it has already started to rain! We are getting some serious solar and cosmic rain and metaphysical sources are telling us that this is just the homeopathy. It will get far worst! As I started to seriously contemplate these notions, I decided to re-read my old books of channeling. It was like my eyes were being opened, the biblical scales were falling off my eyes! Stuff that I had not had the necessary background information to comprehend, all of a sudden started to make real sense. When I discovered that the Norwegian government was planning to build, what they described as a Noah's Ark, the matter was settled! I did not need to do any additional analysis, I had been intensively researching Space Weather, and I had just read about the discovery of a tornado in space that was 2 trillion miles long! I suspect that this also strongly influenced a government decision!! I came to see the evolving energy field around humans as a type of ark. A Noah's Ark. I did not the science to explain this, but I was determined to find out! My views were reinforced by a very strange meeting with some Tibetan Monks! Well actually, they came from Wales, in the United Kingdom, but they dressed up in the traditional garb and belonged to the Tibetan Foundation, which is close enough!

Well, this fortuitous meeting talk place in Trondheim, Norway at the Alternative fair, which took place in April 2005. I have discovered that I always end up meeting interesting people and have amazing experiences, and Trondheim 2005 was no exception. These monks and monkesses (?!?) were selling sacred geometry. I got very excited when I saw the Metatron Mat and realize these people had sacred knowledge that they were using to help people in a practical way. I ended up buying the Metatron Mat, which cost a small fortune but I have no regrets. It works!

The Metatron Mat (see image right) is made up of a diamond lattice of copper, with magnets and it helps to stabilize and balance the human energy system. I can tell you that as I started to do my research for my book and spend hours on the computer, I found myself being literally fried by the computer! I was in so much discomfort that I was forced to print off anything long I wanted to read. Anyway, as soon as I installed the Metatron mat as the new cover for my office chair, it was like night turning to day! I no longer had any problems at all!

Anyway, I was intrigued with these people and I wanted to know their opinion of the evolving energy field around people. I decided to show a picture of the Universal Calibration lattice to one of these guys. Well, I was astounded by the response, he said confidently - "Noah's Ark". At first, I wondered if he had understood my question, so I asked again, "What do you think about the energy field developing around humans?" Again, the response was "Noah's Ark". Well, quite frankly I was flabbergasted! I decided not to waste my breath and ask him again for the third time, I had got the message!

Obviously, various sources of information were now circulating around my energy field and my analytical brain and intuitive side, were now moving into overdrive! My process of research went along the following lines. First of all I would get an idea of something I wanted to research and I would either pick up one of my own books, order a book, or find articles on the internet to print off and do some reading around the subject. On certain finer points, I would get stuck,even though I felt that I needed to understand something that was in an article or book. However, I was constantly nagged by my thoughts to study certain ideas or return to certain articles until one day, BINGO, I had a little revelation and I felt that I could fully comprehend and integrate this knowledge into my book. Therefore, sometimes when I made my discoveries, I understood the significance straight away and other times it took weeks and months. I'll let you into a secret, these little revelatory moments are still occurring. I am even reading my own book and getting new insights, the process of integration is still ongoing!

My book is about integrating knowledge and making sense of our reality. I believe that I have the ability to analyse information and come up with meaningful conclusions. I believe this is my expertise. If you read Tuning the Diamonds you will soon realize that it is simply not possible to proclaim expertise over such a wide range of subjects. The scientific papers referenced in the book represent hundreds of thousands of hours of research by hundreds of scientists. The aim of my book is about giving a more enlightening interpretation to facts and information that may or may not be well known in the public domain. I wanted to understand the underlying scientific principles that had to exist and I was not satisfied until I knew what "balancing" really meant. You will note in my book that I try to avoid too many abstract explanations. Discovering Tesla's radiant energy, the real meaning of the medical Caduceus, the Egyptian understanding of balancing energy flows, and meaningful explanations of scalar energy all gave me a deeper understanding of what I was doing when I energy balanced. I was really amazed by the research into universal energy and my amazing breakthrough in my understanding of the catalytic energy now being delivered to Earth.

I decided it was necessary to write about sacred geometry. This was reinforced by my belief that with the changing electromagnetic conditions, there was a tremendous need for humans to balance. It was time to reveal all. I was desperate to understand the relationship between the diamonds and toroidal energy fields. As the sources of information kept coming to me and I continued to study, on occasion I was even given "lessons". My desire to understand meant that on certain occasions in the dream state, I knew that I was directly picking up information from the universal field of consciousness. If you find this kind of belief plain odd, just think: How exactly do the birds and animals know what to do? How do fish and bees co-ordinate their behavior so that when they swarm they don't constantly bump into each other? Maybe, Rupert Sheldrake is right with his morphogenetic field and living creatures have the ability to tap into fields of consciousness that help co-ordinate their behavior. Humans have the same abilities, but in the western culture there has been a tremendous effort to malign this process in the attempt to "control" individuals. After the Tsunami in Asia in December 2004, my attitude has become somewhat belligerent. We have documented accounts of the animals such as the elephants crying to be unchained so that they could head for the hills to avoid death. I have seen absolutely horrible pictures of beaches literally covered with the dead rotting bodies of tourists killed by the Tsunami. Now, maybe in this time of tumultuous Earth change, it would be quite a good idea to develop the sixth sense and intuitive faculties to avoid such catastrophe. For the skeptics out there just think about it…..

Anyway, obtaining the information for my book was one challenge, but ordering the material and getting my book published was another serious challenge. One of my maxims has been, "Variety is the spice of life". Try putting together a book with that kind of attitude, I was fighting my inherent tendencies all the way! Writing and publishing my book was one serious challenge and if I would have know what was going to happen, I may have done things slightly differently….

Susan Joy Rennison

14th October 2006, updated 13th October 2007

If you want to know more about the new phenomena of Space Weather , Earth
changes and the impact on human consciousness, then you can obtain a copy of

Tuning the Diamonds: Electromagnetism & Spiritual Evolution


Joyfire Science & Metaphysics Integration
Copyright © 2003 – 2025. All rights reserved.

Susan Joy Rennison quotes:

“Space Weather is now a fact of life.”

“We are all astronauts now!”

Tuning The Diamonds,
September 2006

“We must spiritually evolve as part of the new terms & conditions for living on Earth.”

Joyfire Tour – Evolutionary Change, December 2006

“Space Weather will force many changes in how we do business on this planet.”

News of the Imbalance,
April 2007

NASA Press Release:

“Earth and space are about to come into contact in a way that's new to human history.”

“We're on the threshold of a new era in which space weather can be as influential in our daily lives as ordinary terrestrial weather.”

As the Sun Awakens, NASA Keeps a Wary Eye on Space Weather
NASA News, 4th June 2010

White House Executive Order:

“Space weather has the potential to simultaneously affect and disrupt health and safety across entire continents. Successfully preparing for space weather events is an all-of-nation endeavor that requires partnerships across governments, emergency managers, academia, the media, the insurance industry, non-profits, and the private sector.”

Executive Order –– Coordinating Efforts to Prepare the Nation for Space Weather Events
The White House, 13th October 2016

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