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Deliverance From Deep Fakes - Part 1

First Upload: 21st November 2020
Last Update: 19th June 2024

"You take the blue pill, the story ends, you wake up in your bed and
believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill, you stay in Wonderland,
and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes."

"There are fields, endless fields we humans are no longer born.
We are grown." - Morpheous, The Matrix



There is a new game being played on social media. Celebrities, musicians, singers, royalty, politicians and even top business men are being accused of being either: mind controlled, doubles, clones, synthetic humans (robots), reptilians, holograms, computer generated images (CGI) or deep fakes. There is no doubt the misuse of technology and artificial intelligence has to be seriously considered at a time when the Deep State (those hidden behind the curtain) are desperate to persuade the public that their draconian vision of the future (Luciferian New World Order) is something we should all accept.

It is now a commonly held belief that stardom can be easily manufactured. Think of all the publicity associated with shows like American Idol, The Voice and X-Factor. However, there is no long term guarantees and the life cycle of celebrity can be very short. Yet, it seems that some individuals are deemed worthy to have long careers and investment is made to ferment media attention often accumulating in what is termed 'the cult of celebrity'. One Hollywood insider claims that technology is so advanced, that concerts with a hologram of a group performing take place and the audience is none the wiser! With the talk of celebrities being cloned, it seems that the fakery has got to the stage where as long as the celebrity image is maintained, it does not matter to business managers whether the real person has been replaced, as long as there has been minimum impact on financial gain. Not surprisingly, superfans will spot the discrepancy straight away and for years if not decades later, rumours from the disgruntled continue.

The most well known rumours that individuals being replaced include Paul McCartney, Britney Spears, Eminem, Beyonce and even Michael Jackson. In recent months, there is a groundswell of opinion that believes U.S. politicians have been replaced by doubles and/or clones. These include, Barrack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi. Suspicion has been fueled by bizarre eye movements, behaviour, stuttering and collapses whilst on TV or performing on TV. Often, accusations of someone being completely replaced is cited when a major celebrity has had an unfortunate accident where they could have been killed or seriously injured. Mostly, there is no doubt that an accident or near death occured, the issue is whether the celebrity concerned actually survived. Pragmatism would suggest that due to the ensuing crisis, a decision is made by controlling interests to find a suitable replacement to facilitate business as usual.

Then there is the issue that some celebrities are starting to talk about their gripes with business managers and profession. Maybe you known about the latest infamous incident on social media? With millions of hits, a video circulated of Kanye West urinating on his Emmys to highlight the problem with his record contracts. Interestingly, the one section that has hinted the most about clones are black rappers who suggest that they are being forced to agree in their contracts to being cloned and that they are rubbing shoulders with artists they believe to be are clones. Nicki Minaj has even tweeted about being a clone. Before you get upset about the idea of a clone complaining, we have the bizarre example of presidential candidate Joe Biden telling voters that if they don't like his policies, then they can vote for the 'other' Biden.

Can a President be a robot? The gait is odd but the knees are very suspicious!
Watch this video and then decide! Tik Tok link or YouTube link.

In another recent development, there has been a great deal of discussion on social media of celebrities, politicians and elites being: arrested, SMART tagged and released for later trial, sentenced or executed for committing very serious crimes. This is strongly associated with the presidential promise to 'drain the swamp'. This scenario is fuelled by pictures circulating social media from home videos done by celebrities in quarantine (or some say house arrest). Then there are online photos and Google map of a spruced up and enlarged Guantanamo Bay. This does help to explain the new cottage industry of people circulating lists of U.S. sealed indictments by State and spreadsheets of suspected felons. With all this to consider, if you are an intelligent thinking person, then you are forced to consider, what on earth is going on?

Returning to the subject matter at hand, I will provide two recent examples that are worthy of serious consideration. On the 13 April 2020, the Pope finished giving his Easter address, turned to leave the window and after two steps vanished into thin air live on TV. There can be no argument about this. TV reporters in the small crowd outside could not lie about what had happened because the cameras were broadcasting live. Well, we all know that professional TV reporters despite witnessing shocking events cannot state anymore than their pre-agreed narrative. In an honest world, they would have to say that the whole world had just been fooled by a fake hologram Pope. Obviously this event sent social media into overdrive with sleuths examining the video. The UK Daily Star reported, "When paused on the right frames, you can see Pope Francis' back in one frame and an empty space in the next." If this was an isolated incident maybe it could be ignored, but today, there are just too many anomalies. This means those who are awake are gaining a growing audience to discuss the latest "deep fake".

The next example is the now infamous interview of U.S. Speaker Nancy Pelosi with George Stephanopoulos, ABC News' Chief Anchor. This was a Sunday morning political show that took place on Sunday 20 Sep 2020. The best explanation of what happened is the succinct, "Someone did a hard reset on the android halfway through the interview." Another social media pundit described this event as, "Maybe the creepiest moment in political television history". As we can expect on social media, this weirdness spawned the meme, "Good Morning, Sunday Morning", and again provoked the thinking populace to consider the nature of our reality when we are being asked to believe our political leaders are supposed to be the same as us, i.e. human. These two examples are just the tip of The Matrix glitch iceberg and there are social media pundits who are dedicated to providing examples of when the ruse goes hopelessly and sometimes hilarious wrong.

Certainly the issue of Predictive Programming in regard to cloning has to be considered here. This theory proposes that a method of mass mind control exists where the masses can be conditioned, through works of fiction, to accept planned future scenarios. As will be outlined, the concept of cloning is so widespread in our culture, that the real issue is whether the storytelling has been too well accepted and/or whether the science has become reality and too many people have realised the truth.

To seriously consider what is going on we must examine the literature that has been published even if the evidence is provided by those in the past who have been labelled 'conspiracy theorists'. We have no choice, especially when more and more of this 'theory' has become accepted fact. Based on available information, the assessment of many is that the existence of clones is real. This is alongside the use of CGI and deep fakes created by artificial intelligence which is being routinely used by media to disguise problems they are being asked to hide. Simply, there are too many strange occurrences being recorded to ignore this any longer. The following discussion and links for further research will help you to make your own mind up.


Deep Fakes Explained

This is a question your reality Morgan Freeman Deep Fake video.

Click image for video link

A deepfake refers to a specific kind of synthetic media where a person in an image or video is swapped with another person's likeness.

The term “deepfake” was first coined in late 2017 by a Reddit user of the same name. This user created a space on the online news and aggregation site, where they shared pornographic videos that used open source face-swapping technology.

The term has since expanded to include “synthetic media applications” that existed before the Reddit page and new creations like StyleGAN — “realistic-looking still images of people that don’t exist,” said Henry Ajder, head of threat intelligence at deepfake detection company Deeptrace.

Source: Deepfakes, explained
MIT Sloan, Jul 21, 2020
Deepfakes can be used to manipulate and threaten individuals and corporations. But with a better understanding of the technology, executives can take steps to protect themselves and their companies.

  • Six lessons from my deepfakes research at Stanford
    How should journalists address the growing problem of synthetic media
    JSK, May 29, 2019

    The phenomenon “deepfake,” a portmanteau of “deep learning” and “fakes,” is now widespread. The term covers not only videos and images, but also audio files generated or altered with the help of artificial intelligence, with the intent of deceiving an audience into thinking that they are real.[...]

    Other remarkable techniques already exist to create deepfakes:
    Mirroring body movements (Berkeley University)
    Transferring facial expressions with deep video portraits (Stanford University)
    Erasing objects from existing video (Adobe)
    Generating artificial voices based on audio samples of real people (Lyrebird)

  • Everybody Can Make Deepfakes Now!
    YouTube, 28 Mar 2020

    Comment: This video is a must see, the latest technology is incredible but the implications are scary!

  • This AI Can Clone Any Voice Including Yours
    YouTube, 5 Jun 2018

  • Deepfakes - Real Consequences (Use of Technology)
    YouTube/ColdFusion, 28 Apr 2018
    At 9:20 they show you how a video created by the University of Washington, of Barrack Obama. It demonstrates how technology could be used to make him say anything. Important to remember in today's world of fake reporting... Note in the comments someone says, "If we plebs know about this technology, imagine how long the C.I.A has been using it...."

  • Deepfake Videos Are Getting Terrifyingly Real | NOVA | PBS
    Artificially intelligent face swap videos, known as deepfakes, are more sophisticated and accessible than ever.
    YouTube/Nova PBS Official, 2 Apr 2019

    Cheap Fakes of White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre

    Left: Photo | Airplane lady link

    Middle Top: Video | Karine on “Cheap fakes” link

    Middle Left: Video | Karine stumped and acting the clown link
    Middle Right: Video | Karine Men In Black. Hilarious and classic parody link

    Right: Photo | Karine, “You Want Lies With That?” link

    Comment: Karine is not very good at her job and is usually parodied as a clown. However things notched up a bit when she decided to claim that videos of Joe Biden appearing frail and mentally confused were all cheap fakes. Well, that set memers off into a frenzy.

    We live in the matrix. Don't feel sorry for Karine, she is an actress link.

  • Facebook bans deepfakes, but not cheapfakes or shallowfakes
    NakedSecurity, 08 Jan 2020

    Facebook has banned deepfakes.

    No, strike that – make it, Facebook has banned some doctored videos, but only the ones made with fancy-schmancy technologies, such as artificial intelligence (AI), in a way that an average person wouldn’t easily spot.

    What the policy doesn’t appear to cover: videos made with simple video-editing software, or what disinformation researchers call “cheapfakes” or “shallowfakes.”

    Comment: Video memes are about giving a message in a way that registers deeply in the pysche. Often they are produced in rapid response to what is happening in the news, so polished deepfakes are not necessary. Strangely, this means I agree with Fakebook....

    Princess Beatrice at the 2018 MET Gala
    Click image for Deep Fake video link

    Comment: There are many examples on social media of false information and misleading deep fakes. The video provided here is trying to give the impression that there is a robotoid version of Princess Beatrice. The give away is the low quality and no sound. Below is a link for an original video on YouTube, that shows Princess Beatrice posing for press photos at the 2018 Met Gala event. She certainly does not look or act like a poor quality robot.

  • Princess Beatrice at the 2018 MET Gala
    YouTube, 9 May 2018

Detecting Deep Fakes

    Click image for link

  • Channel 4 under fire for deepfake Queen's Christmas message
    Broadcaster says video, showing digitally altered monarch reflecting on Prince Harry, intended as warning about fake news
    Guardian, 24th Dec 2020

    Comment: The voiceover for this deepfake of the late Queen was deliberately poor to alert folk that it was indeed a deepfake, but it gives an indication of the technology available.

  • Deepfake Queen: 2020 Alternative Christmas Message
    YouTube | Ch4 Entertainment, 25 Dec 2020

  • Deepfake Queen: The Making of our 2020 Christmas Message
    YouTube | Ch4 Entertainment, 25 Dec 2020

    Technology has helped us tackle many challenges this year, but can we really trust everything we see? Here’s how we deepfaked the Queen for our 2020 alternative Christmas message.

    Comment: The message here is that fake news is real and there is a lot of deep fake technology utilised!

  • Tutorial: Can you spot the DeepFake video?
    MIT Media
    At DetectFakes, we will show you videos. Half are deepfakes, half are not. Share how confident you are that a video is or is not a DeepFake.

  • This Amazing Website Helps You Detect if The Latest Viral Photo Was Faked
    Science Alert, 12 Mar 2018
    If you've ever seen a crazy photo on the internet and wondered whether it's even real, you might be excited to find that yes, there's an analysis tool for that.

    If you've ever seen a crazy photo on the internet and wondered whether it's even real, you might be excited to find that yes, there's an analysis tool for that.

    Click image for link.

  • S. Korea: Newly developed software detects 'deepfake' images and videos
    Arirang News, Nov 17 2020

    Comment: Interesting, the Institute professor states older software for detecting fakes was only 5-10% accurate., so we will all have to continue with the guess work when using free software available on old websites.

  • Best Of Deep Fakes Compilation
    YouTube, 16 Apr 2020

    Comment: Unfortunately, there is a bloody gruesome bit....

    Perception is everything
    Instagram, 23 Oct 2019
    A deep fake Will Smith makes the point, "It's 2019, Nothing is Real". This short video clip
    is a collective effort of memers to demonstrate the use of deep fake software.

What Was That? Glitches In The Matrix

  • #Hillary #Clinton speaks at Georgetown University webinar | 11-11-20
    YouTube, 11 Nov 2020

    Hillary Clinton speaks at Georgetown University's Institute for Women, Peace and Security webinar, "Advancing Women's Participation in Post-Conflict Reconstruction."
    In this video the keynote remarks were made by Hillary Clinton. The original @Reuters video title is "LIVE: Hillary Clinton speaks at a Georgetown University webinar".

    Comment: The beginning of this video caused a controversy because the quality of the image was very poor and Hillary's eyes looked very very strange. Then the zoom call switched to Ambassador Melanne Verveer. Many people became extremely confused when this happened. I think whoever made this video used a similar technology revealed in the video 'Everybody Can Make Deep Fakes Now'. Most images of Hillary show that she has blue eyes, here they are brown. Apparently, hair is difficult to replicate and might explain why both Hillary and the ambassador Verveer had virtually identical hair. The other clue explains is why Verveer appeared to be wearing a high neck coat indoors! The technology required a focus on her face and not include her neckline

  • Hillary Clinton appears to faint during 'medical episode'
    Conspiracy theorists point out 'she lost 50 lbs, got 10 years younger and lengthened her fingers' in two hours
    YouTube, 11 Sep 2016

    Comment: There has been a lot of speculation over this event. After the various shaking incidents and the Weiner laptop discoveries, many believe this woman was suffering from Kükü. Anyway, after this event she appeared to be wearing a box sometimes in the front and sometimes in the back. If these various pictures were of a clone, then why was the box necessary? Of course there are theories about that too. (Someone who looked like Hillary was also seen wearing a foot boot and SMART ankle bracelet, so who knows.) A well respected psychic states that this seriously evil person was given lethal injection and died in Feb 2019. She won't be missed. I think white hats have now removed the clones too, that is why we are seeing bad CGI.

    Fox News/YouTube/Bitchute, 7 Nov 2016
    This was scrubbed off YouTube... Wow... The political analyst Tucker Carlson from Fox News is talking about Joe Biden.... If you look about, there are other similar videos with the eyes over the eye lids??????? Most of the time social media refers to Biden as being a clone, but I think that is an over simplification.

  • Prince Clone VS Prince Charles
    YouTube, 10 Jun 2020

    Prince Charles, AKA The Prince of Wales was recently interviewed by Sky News, UK—or was he? The internet is abuzz with claims the man featured in the video (posted on Sky News website dated Thursday 4 June 2020) is either a clone or an actor but is definitely NOT Prince Charles.

    Comment: I was stunned by this video.... We know the technology is available to easily fake the voice so, I think this is a double.
    Bitchute copy

  • Mark Zuckerberg | Live Grilling In My Backyard
    YouTube, 11 Oct 2016

    Comment: Obvious CGI fail, look at his neck! I am starting to think that this video is another teaching aid. The public are being red-pilled by another obvious terrible deep fake.

  • Mark Zuckerberg is not human
    YouTube, 14 Nov Jun 2014

    Comment: LOL! Followed up with a denial in 2016. Mark Zuckerberg Says He Is Not a Lizard Person Zuckerbeg regular attends being requested to appear in front of U.S. Congress for one infraction or another. Lately some suggest his appearances are CGI/deep fake. The fact he does not seem to know how his own company operates does lend some credence to this idea. The lie detector determined... LOL

    This Pfizer CEO interview is making me think that these Deep Fake MSM offerings are deliberately bad, to try and wake up those still asleep. Twitter video link

    Bitchute, June 27th, 2020.

    Comment: There are claims on the internet that it was common knowledge in 2013 that Bill & Melinda Gates had been killed by Indian villagers angry about vaccines that had killed their children. I believe this rumour besides the info below, because I have found previous reports (see my old blog) of poor Indian people exacting revenge against westerners when wronged.

    Bitchute, May 13th, 2020

    Comment: Due to rumours this Anon destroys the narrative that Tom Hanks (Hanx) actually took part in SNL. Start after 6 mins.

  • Nigerian president denies dying and being replaced by a clone
    Muhammadu Buhari breaks silence about a rumour that has circulated on social media for months
    The Guardian, 02 Dec 2018

    Comment: This has gone far and wide on social media. As some have noted that he has switched his writing hand from left to right, it would suggest the new version of Buhari is an imposter.... Copy

  • Al Roker's Glitch on Live TV MK Ultra | Clone | Organic Robotoid | Synthetics
    YouTube, 16 Feb 2017

    Comment: I agree that this was caused by the trigger phrase "Holy Ghost"...
    MK Ultra = Mind control. Do the reserch if you don't know about this secret government program that has been running for decades.

  • Basketball Player Draymond Green MK Ultra Glitch [Clone/Synthetic/Organic Robotoid/Droid]
    YouTube, 28 Nov 2016

Double Trouble

It has come to my attention that 'high up' people are regularly replaced with a stand-in for a variety of reasons. Sometimes people die inconveniently, so a replacement is needed. If the Cabal thinks that somebody is not going along with the agenda or are causing too much unwanted trouble then they are replaced. It is widely believed by those who have studied the subject that the current Vladimir Putin is a much nicer version of himself... Anyway, in recent years, The White Hat Alliance have been arresting many for serious crimes and some of them are replaced with doubles. The following section is just a few examples.

Vladimir Putin has changed over the years. There are claims the original Putin disappeared in 2011.

  • The President of Russia is 66 years old! How Putin has changed over the years of power (photo)
    Kaktus Media, 7 October 2018

    Comment: This is a Russian website with great photos every year from 2000 - 2018. Use Google translate.

    Ghost Ezra: Not only did people vote for a dead man. Dead men voted for him too.😂
    Telegram link: here

    Comment: There is no doubt that Donald Trump has a variety of doubles, but some of them are very good at giving speeches too!

    The real German Chancellor Angela Merkel (top), double (bottom)

    There are claims that the real Benjamin Netanyahu disappeared after 2019.

    Benjamin Netanyahu doubles. The real version looks a lot meaner. Here is an example of more bad CGI on state TV link

    The real Prince Charles

    The fake Prince Charles interviewed on Sky News.
    Prince Clone VS Prince Charles YouTube, 10 Jun 2020

    The real Bill & Melinda Gates

    The fake Bill & Melinda Gates

    Hillary Clinton double (left), Hillary Clinton (right)

    Hillary Clinton's death was announced right after it happened, Sept.10, 2016.
    Also, HRC confesses she is not even human. Telegram link.

    Nigeria’s President Muhammadu Buhari. Left (old original). Right (younger imposter).

    Nigeria’s President Muhammadu Buhari. Left (old original), Right (younger imposter).

    What happened here? President Macron of France.

    Sen. Kamala Harris. (Adam Schultz/Biden for President)

    Comment: Right: This is an AI generated photo of Kamal Harris as a man. There is information circulating that she was born male and her original name was Kamal Aroush. Regardless, it is well documented that she slept her way to the top, see Corrupt ‘Female Obama’ Kamala HarrIs Is Running for President & link.

    What happened to Kamala Harris face? MSNBC clip.
    YouYube, 20 Jul 2020
    This is a total fail......

    More bad CGI

    Top left: Mark Zuckerberg wireframe face
    Top right: Mark Zuckerberg surfs in Hawaii with way too much sunscreen

    Comment: I truly think that there is an effort to point out that there is something strange about Mark Zuckerberg
    Bottom left: Is Mark Zuckerberg an android?
    Bottom right: A younger human Mark Zuckerberg

    This Zuckerberg transformation worries many people here

    Click image for link

    Comment: Due to family bloodline, it is very unlikely that Elon Musk would have become a billionaire without being compromised by the Cabal. Equally it would be extremely unlikely that he would become friendly towards White Hats (conservatives and Trump supporters) who are fighting the Cabal. Hence, I believe Elon Musk has been replaced circa 2020.

    In the following video clip at the FIFA World Cup Finals 2022, we can observe a Elon Musk double wearing a mask | XTwitter image link & XTwitter video link.

    Comment: At this stage, the doubles are getting deliberately worse. The case of the inarticulate Democrat Senator John Fetterman, who refused to dress for his job, got very sick and then miraculously reappeared in a completely new guise has generated a lot of media attention. The following September 2023, Daily Mail article provides a good summary of why people are concerned, see John Fetterman slaps down conspiracy theories that he has a BODY DOUBLE as he shares photo of Homer Simpson in disguise - following his dramatic new look.

  • Holograms

    Concerts with holograms of much loved artists who have passed on are nothing new. Well known examples are concerts with holograms of Tupac, Michael Jackson and Whitney Houston. Then there are plans for Freddie Mercury to return as a hologram 33 years after his death. Howver, the most interesting current example of the use of holograms is ABBA Voyage, a virtual-concert residency in London that started in May 2022. As a welcome touch, the real band members of ABBA were there to take a bow at the end of the opening night, for a performance they had not (technically) given. The following article provides some interesting insights:

    Click image for ABBA Voyage official website link and short demo.

    Voyage takes place in a custom-built temporary stadium, ABBA Arena, and cost $175 million to develop, making it one of the most expensive live shows ever. It’ll need to attract north of 2 million fans just to break even, but that seems doable with 650,000 tickets already sold. Performances will likely continue through at least 2025. Once start-up costs have been recouped, profit margins could dwarf that of a typical reunion tour. And things could get even more lucrative from there with plans underway to launch a second version of the show in a yet-to-be-determined city.

    [...] Voyage uses three enormous 65 million-pixel LED TVs to maximize clarity and viewing angles. The ABBAtars appear in human size on the main screen and in magnified close-up on both side panels, mimicking the effect of a normal concert.

    Not every artist will be able to splash out $175 million on bleeding-edge CGI and a custom stadium. But now that ABBA have done it, others may not need to. Sundin says the band and its partners could lease their tech and arenas to other superstars. There’s also the MSG Sphere, James Dolan’s futuristic 17,500-seat concert venue with even bigger LEDs than ABBA’s, set to open in Las Vegas next year (with an identical twin proposed in London).

  • We’ve Been Thinking About Holograms All Wrong Forget reanimating dead musicians. This tech is for living performers who can’t stand their bandmates.
    Vulture, 11th October 2022

  • In the above instances, nobody was/is being fooled that they were seeing the real artist live, but the rumours persist that people have been going to concerts to only end up watching a hologram. The following XTwitter posts are worthy of some consideration.

    Click image for link

    The implication is that many artists are no longer available to do concerts. Maybe they have been captured and sent to GITMO for their crimes (pedophilia, sex trafficking and adrenochrome drug use etc). According to various sources, Ariel @Prolotario1 on XTwitter writes:
    ...when a live performance is being held, the audio of the song is recorded and is played through the speakers.

    Meanwhile, the hologram of the celebrity is displayed on stage and is synchronized with the audio to create a convincing and realistic illusion.

    This technology is so advanced that it is able to simulate facial expressions, movements, and even dance routines, all while being in perfect sync with the song being played.

    This creates an immersive and engaging experience for the audience members, while allowing the celebrity to perform remotely without physically being there. So we can guess as to why they are resorting to this method to continue the illusion that some of these celebrities are still around. link

    The success of the ABBA Voyage concerts implies that many don't care as long as what they see matches up with their expectations.... However, a few have noticed discrepancies.

    Click image for link

    Click image for link

    Click image for link

  • Adele's vanishing act! Singer goes viral after she blows fans away by disappearing from the Las Vegas stage in a downpour of pink confetti
    Daily Mail, 22nd November 2022

    Adele blew fans away when she disappeared from the stage in Las Vegas over the weekend.

    The megastar, 34 – who finally kicked off her long-awaited residency at Caesars Palace on Friday – took everyone's breath away during the finale moments of the show when she vanished under a downpour of glittering pink confetti.

    The video of the magical finale has taken social media by storm, enchanting the multiplatinum singer's massive fanbase.

    Comment: Adele disappearing into a ball of confetti at her Las Vegas shows, implies that she was only a hologram. This XTwitter post dated September 2023 provides a fairly close-up video Link

    Click image for video link

  • Queen Elizabeth appears as hologram inside 260-year-old golden carriage – video
    Guardian, 5th June 2022

  • Hologram of Queen Elizabeth appears inside 260-year-old golden carriage
    YouTube | Guardian News, 5 Jun 2022

    A 260-year old carriage featuring footage of Queen Elizabeth during her coronation in 1953 led a pageant through central London on Sunday as part of Platinum Jubilee celebrations.

    Comment: This is considered a modern re-enactment of an historic event. Nobody was fooled.

  • What is a hologram? How technology behind Kim Kardashian’s birthday present from Kanye West works
    Inews, 1 Nov 2020

  • Deliverance From
    Deep Fakes - Part2

    First Upload: 21st November 2020,
    Last Update: 19th June 2024


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