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Financial Chaos is Coming? Got Gold & Silver? Bank failures and bail-ins coming? Don't leave all your money in the bank! Make sure you have enough provisions at home for at least a few weeks and make sure you have cash at hand. TROUBLE COMING...

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Puppet Masters & Their Puppets

Part 2 - The Top Bosses Of The Khazarian Mafia

First Upload: 7th March 2022,
Last Update: 31st October 2024


PART 2 — Introduction

I have always wondered about how the biblical 'evil in high places' affected life on Earth. So, even though I began to realise that certain bloodline families managed to maintain power, I did not know until recently that there were also multi generational satanic families that interacted with these bloodlines. Now I realise that complaints about certain racial groups actually have some merit, but widespread ignorance is because the truth is constantly being covered up. In the last few years, I have been slowly joining the dots and the picture being revealed is stunning.

As is well known, there are a myriad of occult based organisations with people being picked for senior positions who can prove themselves to be pliable. To get to the top the evidence suggests you have to be prepared to do evil things and therefore are compromised. Thats's why power brokers like pedophiles and cannibals... Then there are people who have been MK Ultraed... broken down to be used like robots. Mind control is traditionally used in Illuminati and satanic families, even though the programming differs. These families come from bloodlines that have proven themselves historically to be evil. It's literally in the DNA and explains why senior levels insist their cult behaviour and evil practices are mandatory to maintain certain characteristics and traits...

For those who are skeptical, it is amazing what a little bit of education will do. These people tell you over and over again what they are about.... Most often in the mainstream media and through movies. Furthermore, they are masters at manipulating human consciousness to create the reality that they want. So, why have the masses ignored this obvious evil? Well, religion and conditioning has a lot to do with the answer. Whatever, this webpage is not about re-hashing why humanity has been so asleep, the point is that the masses are awakening now.... For myself, even though I had heard names like the Rothschilds and George Soros, it has been difficult to get the Big Picture — until now.

Today, many believe that there is a war going on for the future of humanity. It's literally Good vs Evil and the magnitude of events is Biblical. Nothing is random. The corruption and enslavement of humanity is a deliberate policy. Here is a quote from the book Eyes Wide Open by Fiona Barnett, who writes:

Babylon Will Fall

‘Babylon’ is the Biblical name of the ‘great city that rules over the kings of the world’ (Rev. 17:18). Babylon was and is a global political, financial and religious power system that rules the world. It is the Black Network, the Octopus, the Illuminati, the Luciferian Order headed by the Rothschild dynasty, administered by pedophile government officials, and policed by the CIA, Mossad, ASIO and MI6. The Bible describes Babylon as follows:

- The kings of the world have committed adultery with Babylon. (Rev 18:3)
- The merchants of the world have grown rich because of Babylon’s desire for extravagant luxury. (18:3)
- Babylon brewed a cup of terror for others. (18:6)
- Babylon bought great quantities of human slaves. (18:11)
- The merchants of the world became wealthy by selling human slaves to Babylon. (18:15)
- Babylon’s merchants are the greatest in the world. (18:23)
- Babylon deceived the nations with her sorceries. (18:23)

The ‘merchants’ are the world’s richest and most powerful merchant bankers who trade in ‘human slaves’ including child sex slaves. The ‘kings’ are the pedophile world leaders who are compromised via child prostitutes. The ‘cup of terror’ refers to the CIA created terror organisations being used to force countries to submit to Babylon. Revelation guarantees that Babylon will fall. The destruction of Babylon and her Luciferian pedophile world leaders who are compromised via child prostitutes. The ‘cup of terror’ refers to the CIA created terror organisations being used to force countries to submit to Babylon. Revelation guarantees that Babylon will fall. The destruction of Babylon and her Luciferian pedophile associates will be quick and complete. My existence and endurance testify to this fact.”

It has not been fully determined that the Luciferian Order is headed by the Rothschild dynasty, but nobody who has studied the subject seriously could deny they must be near the apex of the pyramid.

    The Bank for International Settlements in Basel Switzerland is the central bank for central banks. Therefore it is probably the most important institution of central banks worldwide. The building is apparently modelled on depictions of the mythical Tower of Babel featured in the Bible. See Wiki info & Rothschild: The Hidden Sovereign Power Behind BIS. Another suggestion is that the BIS is in the shape of a large boot, symbolic of stepping on and crushing anyone who gets in their way, Telegram source link

Furthermore, I would add the only major component that has been missed in Barnett's analysis is the role of the Military-Industrial Complex in enforcing the Babylonian agenda. Especially as we now know about the role of Deep Underground Military Bases (D.U.M.B.s) to facilitate lots of illegal and immoral activities that include adrenochrome/organ harvesting, child/human and drug trafficking.

Puppet Masters 'Q' Drops

Between 28th October 2017 and 1st October 2020, the anonymous source Q, now believed to be Military Intelligence, began to drop information on anonymous online forums which have since become "the biggest 'inside' 'approved' [information] dump in American history." The Q drops mention Satan or satanic 15 times and puppet, puppets or puppet masters 47 times. The names of the 3 main Puppet Masters are identified and explained as being three sides of a triangle (Q drop 133). These names are, Rothschilds mentioned 10 times, Soros mentioned 25 times, House of Saud or (Saudia Arabia) mentioned 18 times. (For reference, the term 'Saudi Arabia - The Bloody Wonderland' is mentioned 4 times in the Q drops). Apparently, Hillary Clinton had some horrific plans for Saudi Arabia and sorting out the underground facilities was a priority for White Hat Alliance. In Q drop 133, we were further told that these Puppet Masters have been taken out. Subsequently, various drops refer to major players and 'strings being cut'. Due to the volume of information provided, here are some of the most pertinent drops that reassure us that Military Intelligence behind the scenes have being working hard on the behalf of humanity.

Nov 11 2017 | Q drop 133

Hard to swallow.
Important to progress.
Who are the puppet masters?
House of Saud (6+++) - $4 Trillion+
Rothschild (6++) - $2 Trillion+
Soros (6+) - $1 Trillion+
Focus on above (3).

Public wealth disclosures – False.
Many governments of the world feed the ‘Eye’.
Think slush funds (feeder).
Think war (feeder).
Think environmental pacts (feeder).
Triangle has (3) sides.
Eye of Providence.
Follow the bloodlines.
What is the keystone?
Does Satan exist?
Does the ‘thought’ of Satan exist?
Who worships Satan?
What is a cult?
Epstein island.
What is a temple?
What occurs in a temple?
Why is the temple on top of a mountain?
How many levels might exist below?
What is the significance of the colors, design and symbol above the dome?
Why is this relevant?
Who are the puppet masters?
Have the puppet masters traveled to this island?
When? How often? Why?
“Vladimir Putin: The New World Order Worships Satan”


Nov 11 2017 | Q drop 134

Why were the events in SA extraordinary?
Who was arrested?
What will bank records provide?
List names, family history, investment/ownership stakes, and point-to-point contacts.
EX: Alwaleed HUMA BO Citigroup US Control
Why is this relevant?
House of Saud.
House of Saud US Control
Follow the money.
What power shift recently occurred?
Was a new King appointed?
Dark to LIGHT.
Why is this relevant?
One side of the triangle removed (1st time in history).
Other sides falling.

Q Dec 7 2017 | Q drop 299

Rothschilds (cult leaders)(church)(P)
Banks / Financial Institutions
WW Gov Control
Gov Controls People
Oil Tech Sex/Children
SA Controls (assigned) US / UK Politicians / Tech Co's (primary)
Controls organizations of people (create division / brainwash)
+ management / operator of slush funds (personal net worth never reduces
think DOJ settlements Consumer Iran Enviro pacts etc etc)
/_\ - Rock (past)(auth over followers)
_\ (present)
Order is critical.
Strings cut to US/UK.
Expand your thinking.
Swamp drain.
1 - sexual harassment exit + future
[R] - No.
Bomb away.

Q Drop Source:

The Plan For Worldwide Domination. Full size graphic link

The Khazarian Mafia

The House of Saud

There is not a lot of information available to westerners about the puppet masters that belonged to the Saudi side of the KM triangle. However, we do know that Trump always says that he is good friends with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and that they would do anything for him. Anons believe the reason for such close ties, is because the current king Salman helped Trump eliminate the Saudi side of the cabal triangle and saved the life of the crown prince.

In November 2017, Trump tweeted, "I have great confidence in King Salman and the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, they know exactly what they are doing. Some of those they are harshly treating have been ‘milking’ their country for years!" link Presumably, the crimes consisted of serious crimes against humanity and executions followed.

The following substack provides a brilliant analysis and timeline of events in 2017, that resulted in the crown Prince's purge of dozens of high-profile princes, military leaders and ministers.

  • Saudi Arabia, Trump, The Vegas shooting, and the Fall of the Old Guard
    PEPE LIVES MATTER Subtack, 11th April 2023

    Comment: This is also a brilliant read if you want to know what really happened at the horrific Las Vegas Mandalay Bay hotel mass shooting.

    The Rothschilds Enslaving The World By Debt

    The Rothschild dynasty is unquestionably the most powerful illuminati bloodline on Earth. For over two hundred years, The Rothschilds have exerted power through their world banking empire. This began when it was realised that loaning money to governments is more profitable than loaning to individuals, as the loans are bigger and are secured by the nation’s taxes.

    There are claims that their estimated wealth is around $500 trillion. Q (Military Intelligence) states that this is over exaggerated and the truth figure is $2 trillion. (YouTube: $2 Trillion Visualisation). To support this belief, despite being possibly the wealthiest family in human history, not one Rothschild has appeared in Forbes’ list of the wealthiest people — not even once. This is because their vast fortune is distributed among family members.

    It is not possible here to outline all the events that have contributed to the 'death' economy caused by usary and debt now ruling our world. An analogy would be like taking a trek through a large forest that would take many days to complete. The effort here is to point out a few large trees in the forrest and indicate the efforts of others who have also pointed out noteworthy trees. Most likely, even the most ardent scholar is unaware of strategically important events that have taken place across the globe.

    What can be stated is that in recent years, people have started to join the dots of how banking has perpetuated a more subtle version of colonialism by using Economic Hit Men (EHMs) and only if they fail; assassins and military. The modern empire is based on fear, debt, insufficiency and the divide-and-conquer mindset. Only people that can be controlled as puppets are drafted in and encouraged to use trickery, deceit, bribes, cohercion, blackmail, spying, coups, assassinations, domestic terrorism, drone strikes and full-blown wars in order to create a modern form of slavery i.e. debt. Since the evidence is overwhelming, I have no doubt in my mind that the Rothschilds and their descendents are 'Black Masters' driven by satanic ambitions.

    The nefarious influence of the family has been revealed by the author Andrew Carrington Hitchcock in the hugely influential modern historical work, The Synagogue of Satan (2006, 2012) which has been translated into numerous languages and featured on bestseller lists worldwide. I have used this book as a guide when researching this subject.

    Timeline With Historical Highlights

    The Rothschilds claim that they are Jewish, when in fact they are of Khazarian origin. The Khazars were a large war like tribe driven out of Central Asia and settled in Eastern Europe between the Caspian Sea and Black Sea at the south of what today is called RUSSIA. For some three centuries (c. 650–965) they formed the Khazarian Empire, which stretched 800,000 sq miles, becoming the largest nation of ancient Europe with nearly 20 million people.
    (Below right: 9th Century map of Khazaria. Right click for a larger copy.)

    Due to their uncivilised behaviour, their neighbours especially Russia forced an ultimatum that their king had to choose a religion for his people so they could learn some decency. The King choose Judaism in (or about) 740 A.D. What this means is that these Asiatic Mongolian people are NOT genetic Jewish people. Worse still, they secretly retained their old Babylonian religion which is satanic. Hence, they prefer their Talmud (Book of Traditions) far above the Torah (Old Testament Bible). There are claims that approximately 85 - 90% of people in the world today who call themselves Jews are actually Khazars, or as they like to be known, Ashkenazi Jews. This means that all claims that the land of Israel is theirs by birthright are lies.

    The Rothschilds are the most wealthy Khazarian bloodline with connections into the Royal Families of Europe, and the following family names: Astor; Bundy; Collins; duPont; Freeman; Kennedy; Morgan; Oppenheimer; Rockefeller; Sassoon; Schiff; Taft; Van Duyn. (Please note, having secret children is also standard practice.) These people have obtained excessive wealth through lies, manipulation and murder. The following timeline is only highlights a few trees in a forrest of historical events.

    Mayer Amschel Bauer and his five sons.
    Click image for video link
  • Time for a little dive into the family Rothschild. | XTwitter video Link

  • 1743: Mayer Amschel Bauer, is an Ashkenazi Jew born in Frankfurt, Germany, the son of Moses Amschel Bauer, a money lender and the proprietor of a counting house. His father places a red sign above the entrance door to his counting house and when he dies , Mayer Amschel changes his name from Bauer to Rothschild, after the red hexagram or sign signifying 666 that hangs over the entrance door ("Rot," is German for, "Red," "Schild," is German for, "Sign").

    #Dead | Click image for video link

    1790: Mayer Amschel Rothschild states, “Let me issue and control a nation’s money and I care not who writes the laws.”

    The Rothschilds exert power through their world banking empire. This begins when it is realised that loaning money to governments is more profitable than loaning to individuals, as the loans are bigger and can be secured by the nation’s taxes. Loaning money to fund both sides of a war is even better generator of risk free debt.

    1803 - 1815: During the Napoleonic wars, the Rothschilds’ use their banks across Europe to set up an unrivalled postal service network of secret routes and fast couriers. Being one step ahead of everybody else is how Nathan Mayer Rothschild fools the stock market and ends up with complete control of the British economy, which at that time was the undisputed financial centre of the world. Subsequently, the British are forced to set up a new Bank of England, under the control of Nathan Mayer Rothschild.

    1823: The Rothschilds’ take over the financial operations of the Catholic Church, worldwide.

    1791 - 1832: A Rothschilds central bank is set up in the United States (1791), but politicians come to regret their actions and cancel the twenty year charter after it expires. Undaunted, the same chess move is made in 1816, and American Congress passes a bill permitting yet another Rothschild dominated central bank, which gives the Rothschilds’ control of the American money supply. Again the American people suffer from the Rothschilds excessive profiteering.

    1833: The 7th President of the United States Andrew Jackson becomes a thorn in the side of the Rothschilds by removing government deposits from the Rothschild controlled, Second Bank of the United States and instead deposits with more reasonable banks. In response, the Rothschilds create a financial crisis by contracting the money supply to cause a depression. Eventually a decision is made to assasinate President Jackson... On January 30th 1835, an assassin tried to shoot President Jackson but he survives.

    1845: When asked what his greatest achievement was, President Jackson states: “I Killed The Bank." This is in reference to the fact he banished the Rothschilds Second Bank of the United States in 1836 after making sure the twenty year charter was not renewed.

    1861: One month after the inauguration of President Abraham Lincoln (16th President of the United States, the American Civil War gets underway. Lincoln causes consternation when he decides to print his own money (Greenbanks) rather than paying exorbitant interest on Rothschild bank loans. He states: “We gave the people of this republic the greatest blessing they ever had, their own paper money to pay their own debts.”

    In response, The Times of London publishes an article containing the following statement,
    “If that mischievous financial policy, which had its origin in the North American Republic, should become indurated down to a fixture, then that government will furnish its own money without cost. It will pay off debts and be without a debt. It will have all the money necessary to carry on its commerce.

    It will become prosperous beyond precedent in the history of civilized governments’ of the world. The brains and the wealth of all countries will go to North America. That government must be destroyed or it will destroy every monarchy on the globe.”
    The Times of London, 1862.
    (Could you imagine a newspaper being so blatant today? Quite frankly, I imagine this hit piece was penned by a Rothschild...) Due to Lincoln's beliefs and actions, he was assasinated in 1965.

    Reommended video: ALL WARS ARE BANKERS' WARS (2015)

    1891: British Labour Leader Keir Hardie makes the following statement on the subject of the Rothschilds’.

    “This blood-sucking crew has been the cause of untold mischief and misery in Europe during the present century, and has piled up its prodigious wealth chiefly through fomenting wars between States which ought never to have quarrelled.

    Whenever there is trouble in Europe, wherever rumours of war circulate and men’s minds are distraught with fear of change and calamity you may be sure that a hook-nosed Rothschild is at his games somewhere near the region of the disturbance.”

    This is a rather blunt analysis of the facts and the kind of sentiment that's a worry for the Rothschilds’. The solution is to purchase the top three news agencies in Europe so they can exercise some control over the media.

    Image source: link

    1815: The Rothschilds’ use their control of the Bank of England to replace shipping gold from country to country and instead use their five banks spread across Europe to set up a system of paper debits and credits, the banking system we use today.

    1840: The Rothschilds’ name themselves the Bank of England’s bullion brokers and set up agencies in California and Australia.

    1911: Werner Sombart, in his book, "The Jews and Modern Capitalism," stated that from 1820 on, it was the "Age of the Rothschild," and concluded that there was,
    "Only one power in Europe, and that is Rothschild.

    Click image for link

    1912: The RMS Titanic sank in the early morning hours of 15 April 1912 in the North Atlantic Ocean, four days into her maiden voyage from Southampton to New York.

    More Info:
    Was The Sinking of The Titanic PLANNED To Create the Federal Reserve?

    J. P Morgan funded/built the Titanic.

    JP Morgan was booked on the voyage but canceled at the last second

    Less than a year later, on March 31st 1913, J. P. Morgan, alleged owner of the J. P. Morgan banking empire died.

    He was thought to be the richest man in America, but his will revealed he owned only 19% of J. P. Morgan companies. The other 81% was owned by the Rothschilds.

    It is interesting that the elites are accused of having no ability to create, they simply use other people's ideas for their benefit. The sinking of the Titanic is a perfectly good example.

    1914: To ferment World War 1, the German Rothschilds’ loan money to the Germans, the British Rothschilds’ loan money to the British, and the French Rothschilds’ loan money to the French. In the middle of WW1, Germany are winning as they have better funding and supportive media coverage. Germany even made an offfer of peace to Britain, but the Rothschilds decide they have a better idea. A deal is concocted that the British give up Palestine to gain support from America in order to win the war.

    1917: The Balfour Declaration is simply a short letter written by the British Foreign Secretary, Arthur James Balfour without the usual Parliamentary process and legislation. It was addressed to Lord Rothschild and simply stated that on behalf of His Majesty’s Government, there is support for the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people.

    1919: N. M. Rothschild & Sons’ are given a permanent role to fix the world’s daily gold price. This takes place in the City of London, daily at 1100 hours and occurred in the same room until 2004.

    1920: The Balfour declaration is published after WW1 ended. (Presumably, this was because the British government were worried that British soldiers might revolt if they knew that Jews were going to gain massively from the spoils of war.)

    1933: On January 30th, Adolf Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany. He expels the Jews as communists out of all governmental positions within Germany. Hitler performed an economic miracle and 6 million jobs were created in 2 years (see image and VIDEO link below for more details). Baron Louis de Rothchild in Austria was arrested and a large ransom extracted. Obviously Hitler became a severe problem for the bankers and something had to be done!

    Click image for link

    Recommended 3 minute VIDEO: ADOLF HITLER VS ROTHSCHILD
    Explains why the German people LOVED Hitler....

    Hitler is NOT a Rothschild meme image link

    How the Nazis Demanded Enormous Ransom for the Heir of the Rothschild Dynasty | Louis Nathaniel de Rothschild paid $400 million for his release link

    In World War II, the JEWS Declared War AGAINST Germany – NOT the other way around, as we have been propagandized to believe! The three main leaders of the allies, U.S. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, and the leader of the U.S.S.R., Joseph Stalin, WERE ALL JEWISH! Link
    Image link

    1944: Creation of The International Monetary Fund (IMF), and the World Bank (initially called the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development or IBRD - the name, “World Bank,” was not actually adopted until 1975) This is a repeat on a world scale of what the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 had established in the United States. The result is a banking cartel comprising the world’s privately owned central banks, which gradually assumed the power to dictate credit policies to the banks of all nations.

    In the same way the Federal Reserve Act authorized the creation of a new national fiat currency called, Federal Reserve Notes, the IMF has been given the authority to issue a world fiat money called, “Special Drawing Rights,” or SDR’s. Member nations would end up being pressured into making their currencies fully exchangeable for SDR’s.

    1963: On June 4th President John F. Kennedy (the 35th POTUS) signs Executive Order 11110 which returned to the U.S. government the power to issue currency, therefore taking big profits away from the Rothschilds owned Federal Reserve. Less than 6 months later on November 22nd, president Kennedy is assassinated. The Executive Order 11110, is rescinded the very same day of the assasination, by President Lyndon Baines Johnson (the 36th POTUS).

    1970:British Prime Minister Edward Heath makes Lord Victor Rothschild the head of his policy unit. Whilst he is in that role, Britain enters the European Community. currencies fully exchangeable for SDR’s.

    1976: Ashkenazi Jew, Harold Rosenthal, aide to fellow Ashkenazi Jew, Senator Jacob Javits, states, “Most Jews do not like to admit it, but our god is Lucifer… We are his chosen people.”

    1979: Jaime Roldós (see image right) was a university professor and attorney who became a populist and a nationalist, is their first democratically elected president after a long line of dictators. He believed strongly in the rights of the poor and in the responsibility of politicians to use a country’s natural resources prudently warned all foreign interests, including but not limited to oil companies, that unless they implemented plans that would help Ecuador’s people, they would be forced to leave his country. He died in a fiery airplane crash, on May 24, 1981.

    1983: In order that Ecuador’s government be allowed a loan of one and a half billion dollars from the Rothschild controlled International Monetary Fund (IMF), they are forced to take over the unpaid private debts Ecuador’s elite owe to private banks. Furthermore in order to ensure Ecuador can pay back this loan, the IMF dictate price hikes in electricity and other utilities. When that doesn’t give the IMF enough cash (or rather, interest) they ordered Ecuador to sack 120,000 workers.

    Ecuador are also required to do a variety of things under a timetable imposed by the IMF. These include: raising the price of cooking gas by 80% by November 1st, 2000; transferring the ownership of its biggest water system to foreign operators; granting British Petroleum (BP) the rights to build and own an oil pipeline over the Andes; and eliminating the jobs of more workers whilst reducing the wages of those remaining by 50%.

    There are two Megabanks that offer loans to all the countries around the planet, the World Bank and the IMF. The World Bank is jointly owned by the world’s top banking families, with the Rothschilds at the very top, while the IMF is privately owned by the Rothschilds alone.

    Click image for link.

  • In the following short video clip, economics professor Michael Hudson explains why the World Bank and IMF are evil. link

  • 1985: N. M. Rothschild & Sons, advise the British government on the privatisation of British Gas. They subsequently advise the British government on virtually all of their other privatisations of state owned assets including: British Steel; British Coal; all the British regional electricity boards; and all the British regional water boards. They will go on to make several billion pounds from this, “advice.” A British MP involved in privatisations is future Chancellor of the Exchequer, Norman Lamont, a former Rothschild banker. [S. of. S.]

    1992: The third world debtor nations who had borrowed from the World Bank, pay 198 million dollars more to the central banks of the developed nations for World Bank funded purposes than they receive from the World Bank. This only goes to increase their permanent debt in exchange for temporary relief from poverty which is caused by the payments on prior loans, the repayments of which already exceed the amount of the new loans.

    This year Africa’s external debt had reached 290 billion dollars, which is two and a half times greater than its level in 1980, and has resulted in deterioration of schools, deterioration of housing, sky-rocketing infant mortality rates, a drastic downturn in the general health of the people, and mass unemployment. [S. of. S.]

    Complete List Of Rothschild Owned And Controlled Banks
    December 2021, Investopedia definition of a Central Bank link
    (There are 164 banks on this list but maybe a few should not be there, see below).

    2004: The book Confessions of an Economic Hit Man (2004) by John Perkins is a runaway bestseller. The original version of this tell-all book spent 73 weeks on the New York Times bestseller list, sold more than 1.25 million copies, and has been translated into 32 languages. The author explains how these two Megabanks in conjunction with the Military-Industrial Complex, offer loans to “developing countries” and use their almost impossible to pay back interests to get their hands on the real wealth: land and precious metals. The Preface of ths book states:

    Economic hit men (EHMs) are highly paid professionals who cheat countries around the globe out of trillions of dollars. They funnel money from the World Bank, the US Agency for International Development (USAID), and other foreign “aid” organizations into the coffers of huge corporations and the pockets of a few wealthy families who control the planet’s natural resources. Their tools include fraudulent financial reports, rigged elections, payoffs, extortion, sex, and murder. They play a game as old as empire, but one that has taken on new and terrifying dimensions during this time of globalization. I should know; I was an EHM.

    The primary goal of Economic Hit Men who actually serve international lending agencies is to create massive debt in third-world countries. John Perkins writes:

    Claudine told me that there were two primary objectives of my work [at Chas. T. Main, Inc., an economic consulting firm]. First, I was to justify huge international loans that would funnel money back to MAIN and other U.S. companies (such as Bechtel, Halliburton, Stone & Webster, and Brown and Root) through massive engineering and construction projects. Second, I would work to bankrupt the countries that received these loans (after they had paid MAIN and the other U.S. contractors, of course) so that they would be forever beholden to their creditors, and so they would present easy targets when we needed favors, including military bases, UN votes, or access to oil and other natural resources.

    My job, she said, was to forecast the effects of investing of dollars in a country. Specifically, I would produce studies that projected economic growth twenty to twenty-five years into the future and that evaluated the impacts of a variety of projects. For example, if a decision was made to lend a country $1 billion to persuade its leaders not to align with the Soviet Union, I would compare the benefits of investing that money in power plants with the benefits of investing in a new national railroad network or a telecommunications system. Or I might be told that the country was being offered the opportunity to receive a modern electric utility system, and it would be up to me to demonstrate that such a system would result in sufficient economic growth to justify the loan. The critical factor, in every case, was gross national product. The project that resulted in the highest average annual growth of GNP won. If only one project was under consideration, I would need to demonstrate that developing it would bring superior benefits to the GNP.

    The unspoken aspect of every one of these projects was that they were intended to create large profits for the contractors, and to make a handful of wealthy and influential families in the receiving countries very happy, while assuring the long-term financial dependence and therefore the political loyalty of governments around the world. The larger the loan, the better. The fact that the debt burden placed on a country would deprive its poorest citizens of health, education, and other social services for decades to come was not taken into consideration.

    Source: The Confessions of an Economic Hitman (2004), an archived .pdf copy can be found here link

    Simply, Perkins revealed that in the guise of U.S. Imperialism, there exists a three-stage strategy for adding less-developed countries to its empire. First, Economic Hit Men, (EHM) seduce leaders of third world countries into accepting massive development loans that are intended to bankrupt the country. The money from these loans is to be spent on infrastructure projects that allow big U.S. companies to make a lot of money (with some “skimming” allowed for the benefit of the recipient-country’s elite). If this fails, and the target country’s leaders either resist the loans in some way, then “jackals” – trained assasins – are sent in to assassinate these uncooperative leaders. Here we can cite Guatemala’s Arbenz, Ecuador’s Jamie Roldós, Panama’s Torrijos, and Chile’s Allende. If assassination is not a viable option or fails, and the stakes are sufficiently high e.g., Iraq’s oil, or the Panama Canal, then the country is invaded by U.S. military. This was the approach employed in the case of Saddam Hussein, who was surrounded by 15,000 bodyguards. In reality, the U.S. is just a vehicle for controlling the world.

  • John Perkins - The Secret History of the American Empire
    YouTube, 18th Dec 2009 - Author John Perkins spoke at Marlboro College on 4/23/08. Drawing on experiences described in his two New York Times bestsellers, Perkins describes the post-WWII era as one that created history's first truly global empire -- mostly through economics, rather than the military. Now we find ourselves catapulted toward a future that appears catastrophic to many people; however, in Perkins's view it offers great opportunities. Identifying corporations as "the most influential institutions on the planet," he challenges us to transform ourselves and the companies that so deeply impact our lives. He presents a plan for creating a world "that will make our children proud of us."

  • 2012: In February 2012, Iran is one of only three countries left in the world whose central bank is not under Rothschild control. Before 9-11 there were reportedly seven: Afghanistan, Iraq, Sudan, Libya, Cuba, North Korea and Iran. By 2003, however, Afghanistan and Iraq were swallowed up by the Rothschild octopus, and by 2011 Sudan and Libya were also gone. In Libya, a Rothschild bank was established in Benghazi while the country was still at war.

    2014: With the Disappearance of Malaysian Airlines MH-370, Jacob Rothschild Became the Sole Owner of a very important 'Freescale Semiconductors' Patent.

    As we know, the Rothschilds have history...

    For the story about the March 2014 MH 370 disappearance and aftermath read,
  • With the Disappearance of Malaysian Airlines MH-370, Jacob Rothschild Became the Sole Owner of 'Freescale Semiconductors' Patent &
  • 2015: A ‘System and Method for Testing for COVID-19′ was patented by Richard Rothschild, with a Dutch government organisation, with patent registries in the Netherlands and US. Even thought these patents were filed and updated years ago, they were SCHEDULED to be made public in September 2020. Source: link This discovery follows the hypothesis of a simulated global outbreak posited in the Rockefeller Lockstep 2010 document distributed to government leaders.

    2016: The Tide Is Turning Against The Rothschilds. Russia pays off it's Rothschild Bank debt and then bans them from entering Russian territory “under any circumstances.” Just over one year later, Putin declares “total independence” from the global banking cartel and Rothschild international money lending organizations.

    Declaring the achievement the “greatest gift” that can be given to future generations, Putin hosts a party in the Kremlin to celebrate the achievement.

    “They said we couldn’t do it, they said we would be destroyed,” Putin told staff and senior associates. “Our future generations will be born without Rothschild chains around their wrists and ankles.”

    “This is the greatest gift we can give them.”

    Source: Putin Declares “Total Independence” From Rothschild NWO Banking Cabal Which Began In 2006

    Hungary and Bolivia also ban Rothschilds banks this same year. Iceland showed the world it could be done after locking up and pursuing bankers after their banking crisis in 2008. The French government announces that it has launched an investigation into the entire Swiss branch of the Rothschild’s banking empire.

    In March 2016, it appears that the Rothschilds could see the writing on wall. In a letter to investors, Lord Jacob Rothschild made remarks to this effect which were widely circulated, see “We’re In The Eye Of The Storm” Rothschild Fears “Daunting Litany” Of Problems Ahead. In August 2017 it was reported, Rothschild Just Dumped Massive Amounts of US Assets, Sending an Ominous Signal. In July 2018 RT News reported that a Rothschild Bank had been caught up in Malaysian money-laundering scandal see, Rothschild Bank caught up in money-laundering scandal

    Jon Perkins releases an updated version of his original bestseller titled, The New Confessions of an Economic Hitman (2016). In this version, Perkins provides a resources page titled: Documentation of Economic Hit Man Activity, 2004–2015. He writes:

    The aim of this section is to supply chronological documentation of the scope and reach of the EHM system in the years since Confessions of an Economic Hit Man was first published. Among the following items are reports by nonprofit organizations and government bodies, leaked documents and other confidential materials, journalistic investigations, and more. Some items focus on a single, specific instance of EHM activity; others document systematic actions by a variety of entities over long periods. This list is not meant to be comprehensive but rather to illustrate the extent to which the EHM system infiltrates every aspect of our global economy.

    The New Confessions of an Economic Hitman (2016), available on pdfdrive link Documentation of Economic Hit Man Activity, 2004–2015, online read link

    Quite frankly it is a depressing read documentating the outrageous greed and the subsequent misery caused by the systematic enslavement of countries and therefore billions of people via debt. In the short summaries, The World Bank is mentioned 32 times and the IMF is mentioned 26 times.

    Reuters link

    Global Financial Crisis: A World In Debt
    World governments have borrowed massive amounts of money to live beyond their means. Here are the world's largest economies, and how much they borrowed.
    Infographic link

    2022: The End of The Rothschild Debt Empire?

    Despite widespread media reports and extensive angst about Putin's "invasion" of Ukraine in the last week of February 2022, it appears that the Rothschilds have a different concern. It now appears that Ukraine is an "essential" place for the Rothschild's Banking Cabal. According to Nathaniel Rothschild, if Ukraine falls it is the end of the New World Order. So, in this regard, it was reported that the Rothschilds ordered the British government to fight harder on their behalf!

    Right: Nathaniel Rothschild

    Click image or link for the above article here

    The Ukraine crest is the Khazarian mafia tamga.
    Please note: The Ukraine has one of the most criminal governments on the planet.

    Based on this and other current events, it is likely that the Rothchilds are nearing the end of their complete control of the world financial system.

    2018 - 2024: Rothschild property is being sold. When the Rothschilds quickly sold their Austrian Hunting Estate that they had owned for 143 years, it looked like it was in relation to a police raid on the property. Video footage circulated on the internet and Q drop 664 and Q drop 666 were written to mark the event. Since then, there has been more selling and auctions as detailed below. Have the Trump Executive Orders relating to crimes against humanity been actioned?

    Click image for link

  • Rothschild Family Sells Large Austrian Hunting Estate |
    The wooded property, known as Langau, is nearly as large as Manhattan

    Mansion Global, FEBRUARY 2, 2018
    The Rothschilds have sold an Austrian hunting estate almost the size of Manhattan that the storied European banking family has owned for 143 years.

    The 5,412-hectare parcel, known as Langau, was part of a massive swath of mountainous, densely wooded property Baron Albert von Rothschild, of the family’s Austrian line, bought in the southern part of Lower Austria in 1875. He set about restoring the forests depleted by Viennese loggers while building up his own forestry and gaming enterprises, according to the Rothschild family archive.

    Comment: It is most likely that searches were conducted underground for tunnels too. #death. A new list of properties and auctions has been produced (liquidation summary), but not sure how valid, especially before 2018. XTwitter link

  • Rothschild family treasures to be sold in historic auction worth millions
    New York Post, 6th Sep 2023

    A taste of a bygone era’s opulence will soon be up for sale: For the first time, items from the Rothschild family’s private collection will be up for auction in North America.

    This October, Christie’s in New York will sell hundreds of curated pieces from the decadent banking dynasty’s trove in a series of events.

    Entitled Rothschild Masterpieces, the series will include a lavish assortment of art, furniture and homewares.

    Comment: This is more evidence that Rothschilds assets have been seized under Executive Order 13818 — Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption | The American Presidency Project link

  • Rothschild Masterpieces, a series of auctions in New York
    Christie's, October 2023

    This October, Christie’s is honored to present Rothschild Masterpieces, a series of auctions in New York. With collections dating back to the late 18th century, the Rothschilds are famed for their curated trove of extraordinary works of fine and decorative arts that form the interiors of their homes across Europe.

    This selection of highlights is part of a sale that comes from the collection of Baron James de Rothschild, his wife Betty and their sons Baron Alphonse and Baron Gustave. So lavish were the interiors of their houses in Paris and at the Château de Ferrières that this style became known as ‘goût Rothschild’.

    Comment: Looking at the bids I am amazed at how few bids and how reasonable the bid offers are.... Maybe, too many people know how evil the Rothschilds were and would not want anything even for free.

    Click image for link.

    Click image for link.

    Comment: Well, this two-week sale is an historic garage sale..... Does make you wonder if the heads of the Rothschild family have (disappeared literally off-planet) or have faced justice..... The video reveals the loot on sale and the thread comments reveal those in the know and others who are baffled.

  • #dead
    2024: Lord Jacob Rothschild, financier and head of the Rothschild banking family, dies aged 87

    Click image for link

  • Lord Jacob Rothschild, financier and member of the Rothschild banking family, dies aged 87
    Daily Mail, 26th Feb 2024

    • British peer started his career in the family bank, NM Rothschild & Sons, in 1963

    • Had four children with wife Lady Serena including the financier Nat Rothschild

    Lord Jacob Rothschild - the financier and member of the Rothschild banking family - has died at the age of 87, his family announced today. The British peer, who was also well-known in the arts and heritage world, started his career in the family bank, NM Rothschild & Sons, in 1963.

    Comment: Funny how the Daily Mail fails to mention that the Rothschilds own the Bank of England that is now bust. This link is mainly incriminating pictures. The offspring all have sampuku eyes.... Mind controlled up to the hilt. The 'wife' and 'daughter' are men.

    Click image for link

  • RARE SIGHTING: Public Stunned as Nobody Expected to See This!
    YouTube, 23rd Feb 2024

    Comment: The blogger who owns the channel 'Kings Guard Channel (fan account)' was stunned to see this rare display. 3 days later we find out that Jacob Rothshild had died. Many commentators believe this shows just who runs the United Kingdom. Shirt 2 min clip | XTwitter link

    Click image for link

    Feb 23rd the Blues and Royals Regiment carried the colors but it was wrapped in a black case. This would usually imply someone significant was dead. Was this actually for Jacob Rothschild?

    Comment: Jacob Rothschild was a prince of darkness. Nobody who knows anything about the Rothschilds and their banking practices besides the satanism, can argue any different.

    <================ TIMELINE ENDS HERE =================>


    Rothschilds & Their Satanic Traits

    It is often claimed that the Rothschilds are the head of powerful bloodline families that rule the world. Much has been written, but most ordinary people only associate the Illuminati, with celebrities flashing an assorted of hand signs. The term “Illuminati,” is a Luciferian/satanic term which means, “keepers of the light.” For some good analysis, I would recommend the article The Order of the Illuminati: Its Origins, Its Methods and Its Influence on the World Events. However, the following observations are useful for noting that the Rothschilds are most certainly evil and satanic. The term “Illuminati” is simply too much of a euphemism.

    Baphomet Marina Abramovic is one of the most famous satanists on the planet (well if he/she is still alive and not executed. Remember bad CGI videos don't count!). Here is a link to the Rothschild Foundation website, where it provides her background details and states, "performance artist Marina Abramović Hon RA will deliver the second Rothschild Foundation Lecture at 7pm on the 18th November 2019 at the Royal Academy of Arts, ahead of her forthcoming exhibition at the Academy in September 2020". Link

    Comment: Warning! Her performances are disgusting.

  • "The Sick Art of the Illuminati Elite" (2017) 🎨 by Jay Myers
    Comment: WARNING! If it's disgusting the Elite will spend a lot of money. This is just one example... DYOR there is a lot more examples out there.

    The Rothschild Family in the Frankfurt Jewish cemetery circa 1994. (Photo by Régis BOSSU/Sygma via Getty Images link)

    There are Rothschild family members unknown to the public and it is the case that high society often change their names when convenient. However, there are people strongly suspected of being Rothschilds, because they have been photographed with the family and have a social status way beyond their offerings to society.

    The best example that can be provided is James Alefantis of Pizzagate fame (his head is circled in the above photo). He is the owner of the famed pizza restaurant Comet Ping Pong but also named as one of the top 50 most powerful people in Washington DC. There has been extensive discussion about Alefantis and his background on social media. This is just one of many articles that can be found using, Is James Alefantis A Rothschild?

    Right: Actress Joanna Lumley poses with Lord Jacob Rothschild. Source: here
    Quite frankly, they look very friendly (look at the matching horse teeth...), I suspect she might be a secret member of the family.

    In 1812, when Mayer Amschel Rothschild died, his will laid out specific laws for the descendents of the House of Rothschild to follow. These rules are as follows:

    1) All key positions in the family business are only to be held by family members.

    2) Only male members of the family are allowed to participate in the family business. This included a reported sixth secret bastard son (It is important to note here that Mayer Amschel Rothschild also had five daughters, so today the spread of the Rothschild dynasty without the Rothschild name is far and wide, and Jews believe the mixed offspring of a Jewish mother is solely Jewish).

    3) The family is to intermarry with its’ first and second cousins to preserve the family fortune (interestingly according to the Jewish Encyclopaedia 1905, of the fifty-eight Rothschild marriages to that date, exactly half, or twenty-nine, had been to first cousins - a practice known today as inbreeding).

    4) No public inventory of his estate is to be published.

    5) No legal action is to be taken with regard to the value of the inheritance.

    6) The eldest son of the eldest son is to become the head of the family (this condition could only be overturned when the majority of the family agreed otherwise).
    Source: Synagogue of Satan (2006, 2012) by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock , 2nd Edition available on pdfdrive link

    Well, rules are meant to be broken and at the end of 19th century, descendants of Mayer Amschel Rothschild 'appeared' to break the tradition and marry outside of the direct family. However, marriages into royal families and other powerful families are still unlikely to be outside of their particular bloodline.

    Bitchute, December 26th, 2021

    Also copy on link

    Incest is one of the last great taboos, yet it has remained rife within the Western world’s most illustrious – particularly royal – clans. Stuart Husband looks on, treading water, from…
    The Rake, September 2015

  • Leaked Photos Show Satanic [Illuminati] Rothschild Ceremony
    Newspunch, 23rd September 2016

    In December 1972 Marie-Hélène de Rothschild, a member of the most powerful Illuminati family in the world, hosted a Surrealist Ball at Château de Ferrières, one of the Rothschild’s enormous, secretive mansions.

    [...] Behind the fun and games, these leaked photos reveal the underlying ideology and the mind state of the occult elite – which is also used in the countless MK/Illuminati themed music videos.

    Comment: The headline here is wrong. Satanists are just foot soldiers for the Illuminati. There are other disturbing images online from this party that are not generally shown, but they are on the internet.... One picture that can be found is hoofed women hanging from the ceiling here.

    Please note the hints of cannibalism with dolls and mannequins on tables. It is beyond the scope of this webpage to provide ample proof that cannibalism is rife amongst the elite (see info on Hollywood Cannibals here), however, I have just found a short video of an hysterical Spanish model Gabriela Rico Jimenez, who was invited to an Illuminati party, screaming about what she had just seen Telegram link.... There is even a CNN report where TV chef Gordon Ramsay defends himself for his secret menu for the elite. Ramsay believes it's OK to cook 'cloned' human meat for his elite clients, because it's not the same as 'real' human meat...

    The ritual scenes for the movie Eyes Wide Shut were shot at Mentmore Towers in the UK. This property was built for Baron Mayer de Rothschild to house his extensive art collection. link

  • Eyes Wide Shut | WARNING: The following analysis of Kubrick’s Eyes Wide Shut contains major plot spoilers (archive)
    For most people, Eyes Wide Shut is the first movie they think of when asked which Hollywood film best represents the modern Illuminati. Urban legends tell of its director, Stanley Kubrick, revealing too much and getting murdered by the Illuminati. The film’s main plotline closely follows this scenario, as the main character is nearly murdered for having seen too much, adding fuel to the conspiratorial flames.

    Indeed, the film has a little bit of everything and features many of the Illuminati stereotypes. Namely, a rich group of men holding sex orgies in elaborately-decorated mansions and murdering any who dare trespass.

    Comment: Obviously this movie created a lot of speculation, more information can be found using the search engine.

    The Elites are also known for their hunting parties where the prey are children. Numerous survivors have testified to this fact. We are informed from survivors that some children are expendable and are killed. Those from satanic families are NOT allowed to be killed, but they are forced to undergo the trauma for mind control purposes. To support this claim, it is known that the elite hang paintings of naked children running through woods in their homes. More information can be found here, PRAVDA | They hunt, abuse and kill children - the terribly dark secret of the pedo elite | August 23, 2021 & HUNTING HUMANS: THE MOST DANGEROUS GAME | 17th November 2019

  • #dead | In this video, Jesse Czebotar describes surviving encounters with human hunting parties associated with the Rothschild family. XTwitter Link

    Comment: WARNING! GRAPHIC! Equally savage, the movie The Hunt (2012) depicts how elites kidnap ordinary citizens and then hunt them for sport. Does this happen too? Why do people think this is good entertainment? Here is the trailer on XTwitter link

  • Creepy Rothschild Castle with Satanic Symbols in Elite Rambouillet Forest France
    YouTube, 15th Dec 2017

    There are claims that Jacob Rothschild is a descendant from Ancient Egyptian Royalty, see here for image comparisons with ancient Egyptian images and very black Africans with elongated heads.... Strangely, there are a few more images on social media of people in high places with perculiar elongated heads.... At this stage, it is best to suggest that not all humanity have the exact same origins like it is explained in the Bible and therefore we are NOT all the same.... This gives a more than adequate explanation for the constant search for people with certain genetics....

  • Homo capensis-The Hybrid Ruling Elite That Enslave Mankind
    YouTube, 11 Feb 2018

    Comment: There is a lot of information provided in this 14 min video. I would also recommend the American 'science fiction' drama TV series The Colony, which was cancelled after 2 series.... It seems there was just too much truth provided.

    YouTube, 25 May 2016

    [...] As she [World Bank Whistle blower Karen Hudes] recently explained on a podcast:
    “There’s a second species on this planet. They’re not extraterrestrials. They’re very much with us. They made maps in the previous ice age. The remnants of their civilizations are all over the place – a lot of times along the coast. It’s submerged because the sea level has gone up by 400 meters. This group has large brains. They’re very distinct from homo sapiens. Their DNA is so different, that if the two species mated, their offspring would be infertile, and we know this because their DNA was just tested. They have skulls all over the place because they have been on earth with us. But after the ice age, there weren’t that many of them, so they’ve been hiding, and one of the places that’s they’ve been hiding is in the Vatican. That’s why the Vatican are wearing those miters. It turns out that that’s what the high priest wore in the early beginnings of Judaism. Moses was actually Akhenaten, who was a pharaoh. They know this because the papyra that was taken from one of the pyramids talks about this. The people who are doing archeology in Israel know this. And the reason is, not only is homo capensis trying to keep human beings under control by divide and conquer using our money system, they’ve also been doing this with our religions – organized religions – trying to get human beings to hate people of different religious faiths so that they will kill each other off, so that the people who are manipulating human beings could … use us like cattle. That’s what’s been going on through our history.”
    Hudes goes on in the interview to explain that she learned of the existence of this world-controlling, large-brained, non-human species from “a retired neurologist named Edward Spencer,” and that his views were confirmed to her by an unnamed email correspondent in Portugal who, she says, attended a meeting of large-headed hominids with inhuman blue eyes.

    Comment: In addition, there are claims that the Rothschilds were 2nd in command of the world financial system, this is explained by a women called Kim Guogen who I believe is under mind control. Whatever, her explanation for how the world financial system works is mind blowing, see the following video where she states The Draco are at the top! Kim Goguen, The Global Financial System EXPLAINED RIGHT Sep 12, 2020.

  • George Soros
    Sponsoring & Creating Terror, Economic and Otherwise

    George Soros is mentioned 33 times in the Q drops. In drop 133 it is revealed that George Soros is the top puppet master of three (presumably affecting U.S. politics and life in America).


    George (Schwartz) Soros, is the main agent of the Rothschilds.

    “Soros is a Hungarian Jew (a Khazar), born in Budapest in 1930 as György Schwartz (in 1936 his parents changed their surname to Sorosz). He was educated in London and in 1950s he went to the USA. An important role in his development was played by the famous Khazar Carl Popper, who approved Soros’s projects and was his guru.

    Throughout the world, this grey eminence is represented as the “Robin Hood of the computer age”, because he seemingly takes the money from the rich countries and via his foundations generously gives it to East Europe and Russia.

    In this way he installs “democracy” and “civil society” in countries which suffered and were exhausted during communism, the very communism that was forced onto these countries by those very Rothschilds.

    He built his career upon financial speculations all over the world, mostly thanks to his family of investment funds “Quantum Fund”, whose managers, and at the same time his agents, are Italian and Swiss financiers.

    The connection between Soros and the Rothschilds is achieved through a network of confidential people who sit in administrative committees of funds, trusts, companies, banks…”

    Magpie Gazette's Bog, December 10, 2010

    The following article hints that the relationship between Soros and the Rothschilds is only “illustrative of the well-established growth of the mushroom of globalists conspirators”. Is this a hint concerning the existence of the Economic Hit Men? Regardless, the article goes on to state:
    [...] Remarkably, a recent article published in the Washington Times reveals that the power and influence of the Rothschilds has not diminished over the past 200 years. In the piece, it is asserted that the various programs promoted and established by George Soros are ultimately funded by the global wealth of this notorious family of financiers, the Rothschilds.

    Source: George Soros Funded by the House of Rothschild
    New American, May 2, 2011

    In conclusion the article states:
    Given the stretch and strength of the Rothschild web and the bottomless treasure chest at their disposal, George Soros and others determined to obliterate the Constitution are likely to continue their efforts for decades to come until the job is finished.

    This is just one opinion, here is another extensive article George Soros Was Exposed As A Rothschild Agent In 1996. However, others believe that Soros is an agent of the British Empire. Whatever, the following Timeline and associated links is just a basic summary of Soros instigated economic and domestic terrorism.

    Timeline With Historical Highlights

    Billionaire George Soros is one of the planet's most controversial and powerful figures. For some, his funding of democracy groups in post-Communist Eastern Europe made him a hero. For others, his funding of ultra-left social causes has turned him into a boogeyman. The following timeline is only an attempt to cherry-pick the most note-worthy actions and events.

    1987 - Early 1990s: Helped ruin the Russian and Polish economy Declassified CIA documents clearly describe how international hedge fund mogul George Soros targeted the Soviet government of Mikhail Gorbachev as early as 1987. Soros worked closely with a CIA-linked non-governmental organization (NGO), the Institute for East-West Security Studies (IEWSS), to take advantage of Gorbachev’s policies of «perestroika» and «glasnost» to infiltrate the Soviet economic and political systems to hasten their demise. link

    1992: Breaking The Bank Of England. On September 16, 1992, the day now known as Black Friday, Britain’s pound crashes out of the European Exchange Rate Mechanism (ERM), losing the British government about £3.3 billion. Britain is humiliated, the pound weakened, and people’s prospects are dimmed. As a currency speculator with his Quantum Fund, George Soros led the charge of speculators who attacked the pound. Soros later remarks that he’d made £1 billion that day selling sterling he didn’t own.

    1993: The Open Society Institute (OSI) is founded by George Soros to help fund color revolutions in Eastern Europe. Also contributes major funding to Arab Spring revolutions.

    1997: Fueling Malaysia’s Economic Crisis. During the devastating Asian Financial Crisis governments collapsed, protests swept through capitals, and millions of people were thrown into a hideous economic death spiral. In Malaysia, the ringgit lost 45 percent of its value in an instant and billions of dollars vanished from government coffers. Soros was among the speculators aggressively attacking the currency to inflate his own profits. At the height of the crisis, the prime minister of Malaysia, Mahathir Mohamad, publicly accused Soros of destroying his country’s economy, calling him a villain.

    Breaking The Bank Of Thailand. Thailand was the epicenter of the Asian Crisis, but the contagion spread to damage the economies of Japan, South Korea, the Philippines, Brazil, and Russia, and sparking a violent revolution in Indonesia that killed up to 5,000 people. Just as in Malaysia and Britain, Soros attacked the Thai baht using his Quantum Fund — along with Julian Robertson’s Tiger Fund — to batter the currency, wiping more than 60 percent off its value.

    1998: Trying To Destroy Hong Kong’s Economy. Not satisified with wrecking the rest of Asian, Soros tried to destroy the Hong Kong dollar. It was only thanks to financial secretary Donald Tsang Yam-kuen that he failed to bring Hong Kong crashing down too.

    In an interview given by George Soros in 1998, he explains that one must be immoral to win as a businessman. Also, when asked about his early childhood experiences, he reveals that as a 14 year old, he was not affected by other Jews being sent off to the death camps. Concerning the holocaust, some commentators refer to a war of the Jews... Maybe the truth is that real Jews were victims of the Khazars pretending to be Jews (AshkenNAZI Jews).... This interview has become part of many commentaries and documentaries, see short video clip on Twitter: link & longer version on Bitchute, (Soros smiles and agrees when blamed for financial collapse in Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Japan and Russia, GEORGE SOROS INTERVIEW 1998 | VIDEO | 13:27). So, what is not stated in this interview is that Soros is a psychopath and at age 11 was happy to work for the Nazis by exposing Jewish families, as explained by video on Telegram here & another copy on Twitter here
    Image right: George Soros at age 11.

    2002: Soros is convicted of insider trading. The French criminal case is hinged on trades that were executed 14 years earlier in the stock of Société Générale that reaped his hedge fund, the Quantum Fund, $2.9m in profits. The court finds that in 2002, Soros had inside knowledge about the intentions of a group of super-wealthy French investors – the “golden granddads” – to bid for the bank.

    Although the bid failed, Mr Soros’s fund profited by buying shares before – and selling after – the group’s intentions became public and resulted in a spike in SocGen’s share price. In 2011, Soros took his case to the European Court of Human Rights to have his criminal conviction for insider dealing quashed, but he failed to clear his name.

    2003 - 2007: Illegally Overspending On U.S. Political Campaigns. In the middle of the last decade, a wave of something known as 527 groups suddenly appeared. Advocacy groups that tried to influence elections, they became notorious for using loopholes to get around campaign contribution laws. When the Federal Electoral Commission (FEC) finally cracked down on them, the worst offenders received big fines.

    One of the biggest fines of all was handed out to a group funded by Soros. America Coming Together (ACT) was a group determined to see John Kerry in the White House at all costs. Founded in 2003, it spent $137 million on its 2004 “get out the vote” effort. While this clearly didn’t work, it potentially could have wound up influencing the outcome of the election. Problematic, as most of its contributions illegally violated federal limits.

    This is a quote from The Soros Lectures | At the Central European University | 2010 link

    2010: More pundits become aware of the influence of George Soros and his Open Society Institute (OSI), which changed its's name in August 2010 to Open Society Foundations (OSF). In recent years it was determined that 141 American organizations have received direct funding and assistance. Source: Soros Ran American Organizations

    2011: On September 17, 2011, protests that became known as Occupy Wall Street begins and spreads to cities across America and lasts nearly four weeks. Speculation is rife over who is financing the protests in New York City’s Financial District over income inequality and corporate corruption. One name that keeps coming up is investor George Soros, who in September debuted in the top 10 list of wealthiest Americans. Conservative critics contend the movement is a Trojan horse for a secret Soros agenda.

    2014: Admits Responsibility for Coup and Mass Murder in Ukraine. George Soros admits to CNN’s Fareed Zakaria that he is responsible for establishing a foundation in Ukraine that ultimately contributed to the overthrow of the country’s elected leader and the installation of a junta handpicked by the State Department. Sources: link 1 & link 2

    Click the image for the above shown link for a 17 page document, 'How Obama and Soros Put Nazis in Power in Ukraine' that is displayed in a slide show format.

    2014: Encourages EU's Syrian Refugee Influx George Soros finances “humanitarian infrastructures” that help open Europe’s doors to uncontrolled flows of migrants whilst making money from the EU’s destabilisation. source & Soros / CIA Plan to Destabilize Europe

    2015: Russia bans two George Soros foundations from giving grants.

    (Click image for link to article at The Guardian)

  • A Chronology: The British Imperial Plot To Destroy Russia (pdf)

    MUST SEE: George Soros in 2015 joking with his media goons about how the “Soros Empire” has been taking over other small countries and they’ve had their eyes on the “Soviet Empire” for some time now. This interview might also partly exlain why the Russians took the action they did...

  • 2016: Leaked DNC emails published by WikiLeaks reveals that in 2011, George Soros issued orders to Hillary Clinton while she is Secretary of State.

    Here are some interesting details:
    “The Clinton-Soros symbiosis came into clearer focus this month with WikiLeaks’ release of thousands of hacked emails from John Podesta, Mrs. Clinton’s campaign chairman. Mr. Soros’ name comes up nearly 60 times.

    The financial and ideological alliance is so complete that after Mr. Soros dined with Mrs. Clinton in 2014 and asked her to attend a liberal group’s fundraiser, her campaign manager, Robby Mook, wrote in an email, “I would only do this for political reasons (ie to make Soros happy).”

    Rep. Duncan Hunter, the California Republican who is co-chairman of Donald Trump’s congressional leadership caucus, said a vote for Mrs. Clinton is a vote for the Soros agenda.

    “The fact that Hillary Clinton and her campaign are so closely aligned with George Soros and his radical agenda is serious cause for alarm,” Mr. Hunter told The Washington Times. “Publicly, it’s a relationship she’s never really talked up, but communications at least now reveal how closely aligned they are, and Americans deserve to know that a Clinton presidency means even more direct influence from George Soros.

    Hillary Clinton embraces George Soros’ ‘radical’ vision of open-border world
    Rowan Scarborugh, Washington Times, October 2016

    2016: Among the disturbing WikiLeaks emails was evidence of a liberal agenda to undermine the Catholic faith. A selection of what looks like Catholic organisations use Catholicism as a front to promote liberal values like “truly accessible” abortion, condemning contraceptive opposition as “disastrous” to women, and supporting “gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender” policies, which are contrary to Church teaching. In December 2016, it was made public that Soros has been attempting to overturn pro-life laws in Ireland and Poland — both majority Catholic countries — by giving millions of dollars to foreign groups to stage protests.

    2016: Russia officially declare Billionaire George Soros a wanted man in their country, citing him and his organizations as a “threat to Russian national security”.

    2017: In President Trump’s first year in office George Soros spends more on lobbying than during any previous year: The Open Society Policy Center, a D.C.-based 501 (c)(4) nonprofit that focuses on domestic and international advocacy efforts and is a separate entity from Soros’s Open Society Foundations, poured $16.2 million into lobbying throughout the entirety of 2017.

    Many Tentacles of George Soros in America in One Eye-Opening Chart link

  • List of Soros Politicians ‘Bought and Paid For’ Includes Republicans
    Conservative Base, 6th Feb 2017

    If the creator of the James Bond spy novels, Ian Fleming, were alive and writing a new thriller today, it wouldn’t be a stretch to believe he’d base his diabolical, untouchable villain on the life and activities of George Soros, including allegations of his being a Nazi-sympathizer (see video below).

    According to a reliable source,, the list of politicians who accepted cash from multi-billionaire provocateur George Soros includes several Republicans who were already suspected of being RINOs (Republicans In Name Only) or out-and-out liberal-left collaborators or “useful idiots.”

    The list includes the who’s-who of the Republican Party “establishment” who campaign as conservatives but legislate or govern as the progressives who are members and who control the Democratic Party lock, stock and barrel.

    Besides the names of politicians listed below, Soros — who is believed to be worth about $25 billion — has contributed financing for hundreds of left-wing groups through his so-called “philanthropic groups” the Open Society Foundations.

    The Conservative political cartoonist Ben Garrison, depicts Soros as a puppet being controlled by a green-tinted hand emerging from a curtain labelled "Rothschilds." The two generals are former General David Petraeus and Trump's former national security adviser H.R. McMaster. Both appear as puppets being controlled by Soros. For more information see, Pro-Trump Cartoonist Sues ADL for $10 Million for Calling Him Anti-Semitic

    2018: At the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, George Soros took aim at President Trump.

    2018: Leaked 49-page memo documents how George Soros is behind social media censorship An article at The Duran, reveals the following:
    A new leaked memo obtained by The Free Beacon documents how George Soros funded groups plotted with Google, Facebook, Twitter and other social media platforms to eliminate conservative “right wing propaganda.”

    The recent wave of censorship of conservative voices on the internet by tech giants Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Apple mirrors a plan concocted by a coalition of George Soros-funded, progressive groups to take back power in Washington from President Trump’s administration.

    Leaked 49-page memo documents how George Soros is behind social media censorship

    Comment: This is a copy of the original article at The Duran with images that are missing in other copies.

    2018: Christian leaders have great concerns about Soros’s ‘Rented Evangelicals’. The American Association of Evangelicals (AAE) warns about progressive wolves in Christians’ clothing. This is achieved by releasing an explosive three-minute video, “Soros’s Rented Evangelicals” exploring the George Soros network’s funding of “evangelical mascots” and a “Rent-an-Evangelical” tactic to confuse and divide the Christian vote for the pro-faith, pro-life Republican party.

    2019: George Soros is now banned from six nations. The countries are Philippines, Hungary, Russia, Turkey, Poland and Pakistan. While not outright banning him, the Israeli government has stated that Soros is not welcome there. Myanmar did not even bother banning Soros, they just took his money!!!

    2020: Anarchy in the USA as George Floyd's apparent death sparks months of orchestrated rioting and looting. However, the facts are that sustained domestic terrorism is paid for by an enormous flow of funding coming from radical leftist billionaire George Soros, among others.

    At the same time, it is apparent that those with anarchist leanings are bolstered by knowing that left-wing district attorneys levered into their roles by Soros, will not prosecute agenda orientated crimes. This results in: “skyrocketing violent crime, countless murders, little to no accountability, limited prosecutorial experience, a proclivity for scandal, and a tendency to unfairly prosecute political adversaries.”

  • Massive Dump Of Video Clips Documenting Looters And Violent Riots During George Floyd Protests

  • Living Room Pundit’s Guide to Soros District Attorneys



    2020: U.S. Mainstream Media refuse to discuss the role of George Soros

  • The 800 Pound Soros – Ben Garrison Cartoon

  • When Newt Gingrich Mentions 'George Soros,' Fox News Hosts Go Silent, Refuse to Discuss

  • Glenn Beck: Fox Told Me No Talk About God, Israel, or Soros

    2021-2022: In a war of words, The Chinese media calls Jewish George Soros a “global economic terrorist” who has been funding anti-China propaganda in Hong Kong. The Global Times commentary points out that Soros had conspired with Apple Daily founder Jimmy Lai to try to start a “color revolution” in Hong Kong in 2019. The article also described Soros as “the most evil person in the world” and “the son of Satan.”

  • Chinese media call George Soros ‘global economic terrorist’

  • George Soros says Hong Kong’s protests and Italy’s “sardines” are glimmers of hope
  • Twitter: George Soros has just issued a scathing statement against Chinese President and CCP Chairman, Xi Jinping. [VIDEO]

  • YouTube: George Soros on China, Xi Jinping, and the Threat from Within: Delivered at the Hoover Institution

    2022: Widely reported that George Soros is contributing $125 million to aid Democrat-aligned groups and candidates in the U.S. 2022 election cycle.

  • Soros Spending $125 Million to Take Over Our Elections

  • Tucker blasts George Soros: "ADL says to shut up and let George Soros RE-organize your society without your consent. According to them, real Democracy is when foreign-born billionaires who hate your country get to make all the decisions for you." VIDEO Link

    2022: Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has caused Soros to fear that the hope of the much anticipated New World Order is over.

  • Laura Logan Truth Bombs On V. Putin And The Ukraine |

    This interview with Laura Logan was on Americas Voice. She says it is hard to believe anything from the dishonest media and how can we believe what is coming from the Ukraine. Their own emblem contains the Black Sun of the Nazi Occult, even on the female soldiers. White House wants everyone to look the other way. Western Ukraine was a Headquarters for the Nazi's. There is a long history of the USA funding Nazi's in the Ukraine... Actual Nazi's from WWII and they have stated that they were planning a 1,000 year reign. The USA coup of the Ukraine in 2014 and the US were the ones who selected the puppet leaders. Mitt Romney and Biden have children that get paid monies from Ukraine. Putin is going after the Bioweapon facilities and they are being strategic. We do not know our true history. Laura said her job as a journalist is find the truth and tell the truth. She says Zelenkskyy is a pure puppet. He was selected like so many of our leaders. So many leaders around the world have been selected and not voted in. We were lied to about Covid and now we pretend this war is about Russia and Ukraine which is a blatant lie. This is about Globalists attempting to take over the world. Ukraine has been the CENTER for Money Laundering for all the corrupt US Politicians. Maria Abromovic - Obama's ambassador, an open Satanist and we are to believe these guys? There is so much hypocrisy. The Deep State isn't a Conspiracy Theory. Look at the SES - Senior Executive Services.
    We need more true journalists like Laura Logan! Bitchute copy

    Comment: Finally, we have now come to a full circle. Soros is a Nazi.


  • Black Swan Event Has Happened! | De-Nazification of Ukraine [VIDEO]
    (Start ~16:30 - 21:00)

    Interesting Connections

    Anthony Fauci - Bill Gates - George Soros - Jeffrey Epstein | [VIDEO] link

  • Klaus Schwab & The Bogus World Economic Forum


    Klaus Schwab is unelected official that runs various international forums that decide and implement an agenda to steer the world into the New World Order. Schwab admits that they have partnerships with many governments around the world, Trade Unions, NGOs and the Media, experts and scientists and academia, religious leaders and social entrepreneurs. Here is a very short clip of Schwab's admission link

    During the course of his wide-ranging career, Schwab has received numerous honours. He holds 17 honorary doctorates, and national medals of honour, including the Grand Cordon of the Order of the Rising Sun of Japan, the Grand Cross with Star of the National Order of Germany and the Knight of the Légion d’Honneur of France. He also claims that he was knighted by Queen Elizabeth II – Knight Commander of the Order of Saint Michael and Saint George (KCMG).

    Klaus Schwab has the persona of a bond villain. It is so ridiculous that some have decided that the over acting is deliberate to make another villain seem more acceptable and this has to be seriously considered. Regardless, the following publicly known agenda and associated events, outline why reasonable people are concerned.


    World Economic Forum | About Klaus Schwab

    Timeline With Historical Highlights

    1938: Born on 30 March 1938 in Ravensburg, Germany, Klaus Schwab is the eldest child in a family who collaborated with NAZIs.

    1949 - 1965: Klaus Schwab is a high flyer and studies for a plethora of engineering and economics degrees between 1949 and 1957. He continues to obtain work experience and more qualifications which culminates in obtaining a Master of Public Administration qualification from the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard in the United States. Via a CIA funded program at Harvard University, Klaus Schwab is taught by Henry Kissinger who recruits him into his circle of “Round Table” imperialists.

    Researchers scrutinising Schwab's background and history suggest he was given a lot of help.

    The World Economic Forum’s recorded history has been manufactured to appear as though the organisation was a strictly European creation, but this isn’t so. In fact, Klaus Schwab had an elite American political team working in the shadows that aided him in creating the European-based globalist organisation. If you have a decent knowledge of Klaus Schwab’s history, you will know that he attended Harvard in the 1960s where he would meet then-Professor Henry A. Kissinger, a man with whom Schwab would form a lifelong friendship. But, as with most information from the annals of the World Economic Forum’s history books, what you’ve been told is not the full story. In fact, Kissinger would recruit Schwab at the International seminar at Harvard, which had been funded by the US’ Central Intelligence Agency. Although this funding was exposed the year in which Klaus Schwab left Harvard, the connection has gone largely unnoticed – until now.

    Dr. Klaus Schwab or: How the CFR Taught Me to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb
    1970 - 1971: In 1970, Klaus Schwab proposes the first meeting of the World Economic Forum – then called the European Management Symposium – which convenes in 1971 in Davos, Switzerland.

    Klaus Schwab was able to to gain support from the European Commission to sponsor Schwab’s first European Management Symposium event, where around 450 participants from 31 countries would take part. This is mostly made up of managers from various European companies, politicians, and US academics. The project was recorded as organised by Klaus Schwab and his secretary Hilde Stoll who, later the same year, would become Klaus Schwab’s wife.

    In reality, the the World Economic Forum replaced the Harvard International Seminar run by Kissinger.

    Klaus Schwab at the first World Economic Forum in Davos, 1974

    In this interview, Klaus Schwab Exposed With Unlimited Hangout! | Johnny Vedmore author Johnny Vedmore discusses his research on Klaus Schwab and the involvement of bond villain personalities, the alphabet agencies and secret societies.

  • Schwab Family Values | Johnny Vedmore | Feb 2021

  • Reiner Fuellmich and Johnny Vedmore about the climate agenda and history of family Schwab
    March 2022


  • Henry Kissinger and his former pupil, Klaus Schwab, welcome former
    UK PM Ted Heath
    at the 1980 WEF annual meeting. Source: World Economic Forum
  • Schwab Family Values

  • Vaclav Havel, Klaus Schwab, Prince Charles
    World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 1992

    Historic Picture Gallery | Pictures from World Economic Forum Annual Meetings in Davos, Switzerland in the 1970s, 1980s and 1990s. Link

    1992: Klaus Schwab established the Global Leaders For Tomorrow School, it was later renamed Young Global Leaders.

    Economist Ernst Wolff believes that a hidden alliance of political and corporate leaders is exploiting the pandemic with the aim of crashing national economies and introducing a global digital currency.

    How is it that more than 190 governments from all over the world ended up dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic in almost exactly the same manner, with lockdowns, mask mandates, and vaccination cards now being commonplace everywhere? The answer may lie in the Young Global Leaders school, which was established and managed by Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum, and that many of today’s prominent political and business leaders passed through on their way to the top.

    The German economist, journalist, and author Ernst Wolff has revealed some facts about Schwab’s “Young Global Leaders” school that are relevant for understanding world events during the pandemic in a video from the German Corona Committee podcast. While Wolff is mainly known as a critic of the globalist financial system, recently he has focused on bringing to light what he sees as the hidden agenda behind the anti-Covid measures being enacted around the world. [...]

    The main goal of the WEF’s activities, Wolff believes, is to facilitate and further high-level cooperation between big business and national governments, something which we are already seeing take place.

    Exposed: Klaus Schwab's School For Covid Dictators, Plan for 'Great Reset' (Videos)
    Rair Foundation, November 10, 2021



    “What we are very proud of, is that we penetrate
    the global cabinets of countries with our
    World Economic Forum Young Global Leaders.”

    Head of the World Economic Forum Klaus Schwab at Harvard’s John F. Kennedy School of Government in 2017.

  • | Member of parliament HAS HIS AUDIO CUT during question about the claim that Klaus Scwab and the WEF had penetrated HALF of the Canadian cabinet.... Mid February 2022 | Link


  • WEF Global Leader Graduates

    Bill Gates (Class of 1993)

    Mark Zuckerberg (Class of 2009)

    Larry Fink (CEO of Blackrock)

    Jeff Bezos (Class of 1998)

    Steven Ballmer (CEO of Microsoft 2000-2014, Class of 1995)

    Jimmy Wales (Founder of Wikipedia. Class of 2007)

    Peter Thiel (Paypal co-founder, CEO of Palantir, Class of 2007)

    Segrey Brin & Larry Page (Google co-founders, Class of 2002/2005)

    Pierre Omidyar (eBay co-founder, owner of the Intercept, Class of 1999)

    Sheryl Sandberg (Facebook COO, Class of 2007)

    Eric Schmidt (Google CEO from 2001-2011, Class of 1997)

    Source: Link

    Please note: a dutch book soon to be translated into English lists over 4,000 names of WEF graduates.

    Most on Social Media have been stunned by the footage of a younger Zelenskyy's erotic dancing and saucy comedic stunts. However there have been no complaints about his acting abilities... The question is: on what criteria was he picked for high office? A Zelenskyy Saucy compilation on Bitchute link, VIDEO: THE WORLD IS A STAGE - HERE IS ZELENSKY THE PRESIDENT OF UKRAINE PLAYING THE PRESIDENT OF UKRAINE link & Putin has a silent laugh at Zelenskyy's expense, see Telegram link

    Politicians caught copying Adolf Hitler.... Since Boris Johnson and Emmanuel Macron are both WEF trained global leaders, being taught by Klaus Schwab to emulate NAZI Adolf Hitler makes sense.

    Yuval Noval Harari is the lead adviser to Klaus Schwab. Apparently, this character is cited by elitists as one of the 21st century's greatest thinkers
    —Very Scary People—

    Keep Them Docile With Drugs & Video Games

    Yuval Noah Harari | One world religion will come from silicon Valley

    Yuval Noah Harari | Introduces New Religion "DATA-Ism"

    Yuval Noah Harari | "We Are Upgrading Homo Sapiens Into Gods"

    —How Your Self-Appointed Overlords Think—

    Yuval Noah Harari | “Surveillance Under The Skin”
    (Click image for Twitter video link)
  • Rumble: "Total Biometric Surveillance... We Need to Monitor What's Happening Under the Skin"

  • "You Will Not Be Able to Hide" - Algorithms Will Understand You Better Than You Know Yourself
    Rumble, 17th April 2022
    Yuval Noah Harari: "Even if you walk away, and even if you keep hiding from your classmates or from yourself, you will not be able to hide from Amazon and Alibaba and the secret police. As you watch videos or check your social feed, the algorithms will be monitoring your eye movements, your blood pressure, your brain activity..."

    Yuval Noah Harari | Why Did Yuval Noah Harari Say, "Scientists Will Build a Noah's Ark for ELITE Leaving the Rest to Drown?"
    Rumble, July 19th, 2022

    Comment: There are a various versions of this interview being posted on social media, but this Rumble version was picked because the quality was better and we get some context. Start at ~ [2:00]. Maybe Yuval Noah Harari already knows that the 'Arks' are luxury DUMBs that have been built at a fast pace over the last four decades. However, does he know that the White Hat Alliance are busy trying to find them all? Since they are designed to withstand a nuclear bomb, at a minimum, the military can bomb the connecting tunnels so that no one can get in or out of them. As some kind of proof, there are USGS recorded skyquakes of when craft have been trying to escape and they were destroyed. The war on the so-called elites is real!

    More about these two: VIDEO and associated comments on VIDEO only & VIDEO & associated comments

  • "Economies in the Future Where Humans Are Not Needed Even As Consumers."
    Watch the original 2018 full length interview with Christine Lagarde, Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund: link
    More Yuval Noah Harari clips on link

    2012: Klaus Schwab & World Economic Forum create the Global Shapers Community network – exceptional emerging leaders in their 20s. Global Shapers is a second layer of penetration to enforce the Great Reset.

    Source: WEF Websitelink
    Schwab openly admits in his book The Great Reset, his intention to use the concerns of young people for his own ends. Read the nuance in the following frank passage:
    "Youth activism is increasing worldwide, being revolutionized by social media that increases mobilization to an extent that would have been impossible before. It takes many different forms, ranging from non-institutionalized political participation to demonstrations and protests, and addresses issues as diverse as climate change, economic reforms, gender equality and LGBTQ rights. The young generation is firmly at the vanguard of social change. There is little doubt that it will be the catalyst for change and a source of critical momentum for the Great Reset"
    Schwab, Malleret, Covid-19: The Great Reset (2020).

    Who are the Global Shapers?
    Recently 452 brilliant young people from 452 cities representing 169 countries gathered “quietly” in Geneva. Our purpose? Getting to know each other so we can positively change the world together., Sep. 3, 2015, 02:49 PM EDT | Updated Dec. 6, 2017


  • [46] Canadian Members of the World Economic Forum

  • The ‘Crying Journalist’ Demanding Boris Drags Britain to War
    is a Biden-Linked World Economic Forum Global Leader.

    She's not a journalist, she's an activist for the same interests who started the conflict in 2014. National Pulse, 1st March 2022

    On Tuesday morning, “journalist” Daria Kaleniuk confronted British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, demanding NATO enters the war in Ukraine, despite massive public objections to Western nations becoming involved.

    Kaleniuk, however, is scarcely the “journalist” Western media outlets are portraying. Instead, The National Pulse can reveal, Kaleniuk is a long-time political activist recently used in the Joe Biden 2020 campaign. Additionally, Kaleniuk serves as a World Economic Forum (WEF) Global Young Leader.

  • 2014 - 2017 Between 2014 and 2017, the WEF called to reshape, restart, reboot, and reset the global order every single year, each aimed at solving various “crises.” source

    (WEF Webpage that has been removed but archived first. Click image for link.)

    2018: The WEF’s Annual Meeting of the Global Future Councils took place on November 11-12 in the United Arab Emirates. One of the topics discussed was “mind control using sound waves”. The WEF’s official website published an article entitled Mind control using sound waves.

  • The World Economic Forum Talks About “Mind Control Using Sound Waves”
    The World Economic Forum – one of the most powerful elite organizations in the world – recently discussed the emergence of remote mind control technology. And it admits that it could be used to turn humans into mind-controlled slaves.
    Vigilant Citizen, November 13, 2018

    The WEF’s Annual Meeting of the Global Future Councils took place on November 11-12 in the United Arab Emirates. One of the topics discussed was “mind control using sound waves”. The WEF’s official website published an article entitled Mind control using sound waves? We ask a scientist how it works where University of Oxford Professor Antoine Jérusalem describes the technology and the issues related to it.

    Comment: Nobody was paying much attention to thes people in 2018, but it's a different story now. No surprise, the WEF published article is NOT on the website, but there are probably copies available on internet archives.

  • 2019: The WEF co-hosts the now infamous Event 201 conference in October 2019, which models a fictional coronavirus pandemic. Event 201 is run by the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Attendees include people from business, government and public health to simulate coordinating a policy response to a theoretical pandemic. The simulation is based on a coronavirus, which many believe suggests that the organisers knew that Covid-19 was about to be unleashed. Hence the popularity of the term “PLANDEMIC”.

    Event 201 Photos | View photos from the Event 201 pandemic tabletop exercise held on October 18, 2019, in New York, NY. link

    Event 201 Pandemic Exercise: Highlights Reel

    Question: What was the original name of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation?

    Answer: Bill and Melinda Gates Institute for Population Control.

    7/9/2021 - Woman holds in her hands a 2011 newspaper which says in black and white that Bill Gates is going to start "Depopulation through compulsory vaccination", as it will be the most "environmentally friendly solution."
    This article has been scrubbed and can no longer be found.

    2020: Published in July 2020, Covid-19: The Great Reset, co-authored with Thierry Malleret, the book sets out to advance “conjectures and ideas about what the post-pandemic world might, and perhaps should, look like”. According to one book review, The Great Reset has three major components:
    1. More Surveillance
    2. More Government
    3. More Sacrifice
    In conclusion the same review states:
    Klaus Schwab’s book might as well have been called “how to peacefully seize power in a democratic country”.
    I Read Klaus Schwab’s “The Great Reset” So You Don’t Have To Spoilers: you will have nothing and you will be happy.

    The following is another brief synopsis of the challenge to the current status quo.
    “What they mean by the Great Reset is exactly what they warned that Agenda 21 was all about – the reorganization of human society. That means a massive change, or the outright elimination, of our economy, income sources and jobs, private property, personal privacy, individual choice, families as we know them, information sources, communication, entertainment, energy source and use, education process, food source, housing, cities, farms, health care, national sovereignty, and our system of government. And the goal is to accomplish it all by 2030.”

    No sooner had the plandemic started in earnest, Schwab and Malleret quickly release a book and admit that Covid-19 is “one of the least deadly pandemics the world has experienced over the last 2000 years”, adding that “the consequences of COVID-19 in terms of health and mortality will be mild compared to previous pandemics”.

    They add: “It does not constitute an existential threat, or a shock that will leave its imprint on the world’s population for decades”.

    Yet, incredibly, this “mild” illness is simultaneously presented as the excuse for unprecedented social change under the banner of “The Great Reset”!

    Quotes are taken from the article, KLAUS SCHWAB AND HIS GREAT FASCIST RESET

    Copy of the actual page from the book can be found here

    FORBES | Welcome To 2030: I Own Nothing, Have No Privacy And Life Has Never Been Better
    Written in 2016 by a World Economic Forum Contributor

    Two UK Conservatives MPs. The woman is Penny Mordaunt.

    Click image for link

    Tokyo Olympics opening ceremony, agenda 2030. One eyed symbolism, ring of saturn.

  • 'Imagine' | Tokyo 2020 Opening Ceremony
    YouTube, 20 Dec 2021

    2021: The World Economic Forum (WEF) & partners’ annual Cyber Polygon cybersecurity training exercise takes place and concludes that there are several key trends emerging that are likely to shape global policymaking for years to come..

    🔺 A desire to immunize the internet with digital antibodies to ‘protect’ society from cyberattacks and misinformation by exploiting ransomware attacks and a public health crisis to justify the centralization of power & control
    🔺 A demonization of cryptocurrencies in favor of central bank digital currencies where all transactions are recorded on a centralized ledger
    🔺 A closer merger of corporation & state as the solution to any given crisis, be it cybersecurity, climate change, or COVID-19

    This furthers the great reset agenda of the global economy & all societal structures.

    Click image for the short ~ 2 min WEF Trailer. The full length WEF video is 4 hours and 40 minutes. Cyber Polygon 2020 (watch in English)

    Cyber Polygon Attack Simulation 2021 Klaus Schwab Opening Speech

    WEF | Cyber Polygon
    (This webpage was deleted from the WEF website, but archived first at the about link)

    Folk are concerned....

    2022: The New World Order Dream Evaporates! Enough people wake up and have very strong views on the role of an unelected organisation with a radical agenda. This is evidenced by the WEF regularly scrubbing their website of their intentions and modus operandi. Klaus Schwab is now ridiculed across social media and there are calls for WEF policitians and other members to be doxxed and removed from office!

    It appears that not all insiders are going ahead with the plan...

  • Image from the following article that went viral concerning the role of WEF leaders in governments and their coronavirus pandemic response.

    Uncovering the Corona Narrative Ernst Wolffs' answer to the big questions that have plagued all of us.
    One constant thread which runs through all of the mismanagement, all of the authoritarian policies, all of the totalitarian logic and messaging, has been the role of the World Economic Forum (WEF) and its acolytes. WEF is a key think tank and meeting place for global capitalism management, and arguably qualifies as the leading global Deep State organization. Under the leadership of Professor Klaus Schwab, it has played an increasingly important role in coordinating the globalized hegemony of transnational capital and large corporations over Western democracies during the last three decades. Many of its members actively use Covid-19 as cover to carry out a “Great Reset” as described in Schwab’s writings.

    Dr Malone says we need to doxx WEF trained people who are globalist and have a vision where the vast majority will become serfs, see short clip here. Complete interview: here

    <================ TIMELINE ENDS HERE =================>

    WEF Watch

    The WEF Dystopian Outlook - Which Nobody Sane Would Want

    The following is just a few reports:

  • World Economic Forum unveils new ‘Digital ID’ plan — and it's TERRIFYING
    'Nothing is beyond the real

    The World Economic Forum recently published a new 46-page report detailing its Orwellian plan to control pretty much everything in your life. The report, called Advancing Digital Agency: The Power of Data Intermediaries describes a digital ID system that would collect personal data about your online behavior, purchase history, network usage, medical history, travel history, energy uses, health stats, and more. This data would then be used to determine who could open bank accounts, conduct financial transactions, access insurance, health care treatment, book trips, cross borders, and more.

    Click image for the Passport Digital ID Paper (pdf)

    The World Economic Forum Talks About “Mind Control Using Sound Waves”

    The World Economic Forum – one of the most powerful elite organizations in the world – recently discussed the emergence of remote mind control technology. And it admits that it could be used to turn humans into mind-controlled slaves.

    Dr. Malone | The mRNA Vaccines Are the Entry Point to Transhumanism
    Transhumanism Agenda Simply Explained
    Thrivetime Show: Business School without the BS
    March 19, 2022

    BEWARE of your Doctor!

    If you think politics is corrupt, medicine is a thousand time more corrupt, because Doctor’s victims are either dead, dying, or wish they were.

    Dr Bill Deagle knew what was coming more than a decade ago, and most people laughed at him. | link , Twitter | link

    Comment: This is a good short clip but shocking! We are told doctors will administer gene altering vaccines and look what has happened since the COVID19 plandemic!

  • Dr. Malone Shines Light On The Money Connections With Jab Research & The World Economic Forum link

    “How Our Lives Could Soon Look”: The World Economic Forum Posts An Insane Dystopian Video
    Vigilant Citizen August 24, 2021

    The World Economic Forum recently posted a video with the caption “Take a peek at the future”. Evidently, the future they want is a dystopian nightmare where dehumanization is taken to absurd levels.

    Comment: We are informed that The WEF are thrilled about the lockdowns and the prospects of a dreary dehumanized dystopian world that they are going to shape...

  • Telegram | Elon Musk, Twitter, and the BIG LIE: MUST WATCH

  • Klaus says he’s been monitoring your GAB posts and has detected that you all may not like his award-winning sea-weed flavoured cockroach milk, mealworm paste, crushed cockroach wings, or even his super tasty purified sewage wastewater.

    So he has commissioned his corrupt satanic scientists to develop artificial ‘lab grown’ fish, seasoned with his 11 secret chemical poisons! link

    Alex Jones breaks down the nightmare food restrictions awaiting humanity in the next phase of the globalists' Great Reset collapse.

  • Mastercard will let you track the climate impact of your spending habits

    Comment: MasterCard and the UN climate change partnrs have joined forces to produce a credit card that measures your 'carbon footprint'. Presumably, once you reach your limit, you can no longer make purchases.

    Some commentators think Schwab is really referring to the 4th Reich.... Others suggest the New World Order is just a euphemism for the Nazi World Order.

    Klaus Schwab Is A Satanist & Pervert

    The following images have done the rounds on social media for many months. Presumably, Military Intelligence is at work distributing incriminating photos to warn those who are watching, what Klaus Schwab is really about.

    The following is the only source I have found that provides more evidence for Schwabs' penchant for dressing in saucy outfits. However, it is possible that these are fake images, see link

    Summary: The New World Order Order Agenda

    The plan has been ongoing for decades. Watch this NWO anthem video, "Watch Out For 666", which was recorded during the 80s. The tune is catchy but the subtitled lyrics are quite revealing... Telegram link Then we have all the scientific stuff like Enzyme that will make Bill Gates’ vaccine microchip implant work known as LUCIFERASE. Yes, LUCIFERASE = LUCIFER RACE

  • Sometimes you can learn a heck of a lot about the current times from watching old documentaries. This was the plan but it's already failed. | Documentary clip 5:29 mins| link.

    The WEF logo reveals a lot!

  • Henry Kissinger - An Old War Monger

    "Power is the Ultimate Aphrodisiac"
    -- A Quote by: Henry A. Kissinger Then Secretary of State

    The world according to Henry Kissinger
    As he turns 88 this week, the world’s most famous diplomat is just as outspoken as ever,
    finds Philip Sherwell
    | Telegraph, 21 May 2011


    Henry Kissinger, sometime US Secretary of State and “senior diplomat of the world” in the words of Richard Nixon, was the crucial figure in a series of momentous decisions in US foreign policy. Here we highlight the major events in his life.

    A Slideshow of Kissinger Photos

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    Spectacular eruptions from the Sun - 6th June 2000 . New July 2022

    A timeline of the life of Henry Kissinger

    A rundown of the major events in Henry Kissinger's life

    1923: Born in Bavaria, Germany, the son of German Jews.

    1938: The Kissingers move to New York, fleeing the Nazis.

    1943: Kissinger is drafted into the US army.

    1946: Kissinger receives his BA from Harvard College and continues to study and then teach at the university through the Fifties and Sixties, specialising in government and foreign policy. He also serves as a consultant to several government agencies during this time including the Department of State.

    1968: Richard Nixon makes Kissinger his National Security Advisor (the chief advisor to the president on national security issues), later his Secretary of State.

    1969: Kissinger orchestrates the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks between the US and Leonid Brezhnev, the Soviet leader, which usher in an era of détente between the US and the USSR.

    1969-1970: The US makes extensive secret bombing raids into Laos and Cambodia. Author Christopher Hitchens later attempts to link these raids to recommendations made by Kissinger, and accuses him of complicity in "war crimes".

    1971: Kissinger makes two trips to China which open up talks between the US and China, ending 23 years of hostile stalemate in US Chinese relations.

    1973: Kissinger is awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his work in arranging a cease-fire in the war in Vietnam (although the war had not yet actually ended and even though he had ordered the bombing of Hanoi while a ceasefire was in the process of being negotiated (per CNBC).

    Also 1973 Kissinger negotiates the end of the Yum Kuppur War, when Egypt and Syria attacked Israel, and a result a dramatically improved relationship between the US and Egypt.

    Once called "the most controversial to date," the decision to award the Nobel Peace Prize to Henry Kissinger in 1973 was fraught with debate. Critics said Kissinger's alleged involvement as Secretary of State in Operation Condor and the U.S. bombing campaigns in Cambodia made a mockery of the prize and led Tom Lehrer to quip that the award "made political satire obsolete." Further incensing the situation, North Vietnam's Le Duc Tho, who was jointly awarded the prize, declined his half of the spoils on the grounds that he didn't want to share the award with the realpolitik ringmaster. To date, his detractors continue to dispute the accolade, arguing that the prize was for efforts to conclude the Vietnam War — something that didn't actually happen until 1975.

    Source: Top 10 Nobel Prize Controversies | Henry Kissinger
    TIME, Oct. 07, 2011

    1974: In a series of meetings, the United States — represented by then U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger — and the Saudi royal family made a powerful agreement, then officialized on June 8, 1974.

    Henry Kissinger With Prince Fahd of Saudi Arabia — 1974
  • The Rise and Fall of the Petrodollar — Is the International Financial System Doomed?

  • Birth of petrodollar 1974-1975 | The Petrodollar and Wars [VIDEO] Link
    IMPORTANT! In this short clip, the importance of the Petrodollar to the economic health of the United States is explained. This is highly relevant as half the world has decided to move away from the dollar (BRICS nations and more) and disaster awaits the American people unless there is an immediate return to sound money i.e. asset backed currency – gold and commodities.

    1975: Operation Condor, a campaign of political repression including assassinations, is implemented by a number of right wing dictatorships in South America. Kissinger knew of Condor and is alleged to have been involved with some of its operations.

    1977: After leaving office in 1977, Kissinger became an international consultant, writer, and lecturer.

    1980: Henry Kissinger, spoke for the first time at the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting.

    1982: Founds the consultancy firm Kissinger Associates specialising in international relations and advising on global investment opportunities. Kissinger has continued to be involved in policy groups and to advise America's leaders on foreign policy throughout his later career.

    1999: "Henry Kissinger Took Up Residence in My Brain ...and Never Paid Rent"

    This is a quote from the book Thanks for the Memories: The memoirs of Bob Hope’s and Henry Kissinger’s mind-controlled slave (1999). This book is the personal story of Brice Taylor (pseudonym, her real name is Susan Ford), who claims that Henry Kissinger was in control of a selection of human robots (including herself) to serve functions ranging from being a prostitute, a message courier and a spy. In top level meetings, his robots were on hand to provide him with information and that is how he appeared to be so 'clever'. See more here & book extracts here. Image right is a cropped version of the book cover.

    2002: A documentary film titled 'The Trials of Henry Kissinger' is released. It was inspired by Christopher Hitchens' 2001 book 'The Trial of Henry Kissinger'. The film examines war crimes alleged to have been perpetrated by Henry Kissinger, the National Security Advisor and later Secretary of State under Presidents Nixon and Ford.

    Blocked in 6 countries by Google, this 2002 documentary directed by Eugene Jarecki and narrated by Brian Cox was inspired by Christopher Hitchens' 2001 book, 'The Trial of Henry Kissinger.' In Hitchens' own words, "Kissinger symbolises the pornography of power.

    In 1968, he was negotiating a Vietnam peace treaty in Paris for President Johnson. He did a deal with the Republicans to sabotage the peace negotiations to help secure Richard Nixon's election to president. In return, the world's self-styled 'greatest peacemaker' would be promoted under the new administration. Kissinger's venality extended the war by four years and cost the lives of millions of Vietnamese, Cambodians and Laotians - not to mention many thousands of US servicemen.

    Indictments should also include deliberate mass killings of civilian populations in Indochina, collusion in mass murder and assassination in Bangladesh, the personal planning of the murder of General Schneider in Chile, involvement in a plan to murder Archbishop Makarios in Cyprus and the incitement and enabling of genocide in East Timor."

    Click image for video link


  • 2009 - present: Many people have consulted Henry Kissinger since he left office, including presidential candidates. According to ABC, Hillary Clinton said that she "relied on his counsel" when she was secretary of state during the Obama administration from 2009 to 2013. Referring to Kissinger as "a friend," Clinton wrote that he "checked in with me regularly, sharing astute observations about foreign leaders and sending me written reports on his travels."

  • MUST READ: Secretary Clinton Reviews Henry Kissinger’s New Book


  • Timeline Source: A timeline of the life of Henry Kissinger - The Telegraph

    Kissinger Quotes

    Kissinger on World Government

    VIDEO: "The German philosopher Kant predicted that peace would be achieved at some point in history either by human insight or by catastrophes of a magnitude that will permit no other choice"..."The responsibility of our leaders is to try to fulfill it."

    Copy on Telegram: link

    Henry Kissinger once said, “Who controls the food supply controls the people; who controls the energy can control whole continents; who controls money can control the world.”

    He was serious!

    Click link to find Kissinger's 1974 Plan for Food Control Genocide here

    In the club with a baphomet/gender inverted "wife".

    @LibertyRising6 | The good guys will be breathing a sigh of relief, the bad guys will be mourning. Watch for who does what. link

    Official statement from the United States Office of National Counterintelligence Security: The Deep State Is Real

    Full 8 page document link

    Comment: This document confirms the long held view of many so-called conspiracy theorists...

    A “Global threat” of “state and non-state actors are targeting the United States”. Infiltrating “every sector of the US economy”. A “diverse and dynamic threat” utilizing “legal and quasi-legal methods, including mergers, acquisitions, investments, joint ventures, partnerships, and talent recruitments programs to acquire US technology and innovation.”

    It's really not hard to imagine where the threat comes from, especially when various unelected persons like George Soros tell you directly what they aim to do and organisations like the WEF practice scenarios in public that create a dystopian world for their own ends.

    The Rothschilds pay for domestic terrorists indirectly.
    More coming soon will reveal details!

    First Upload: 7th March 2022,
    Last Update: 31st October 2024

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