Latest Info Starts Here
I've not decided how to present the RFK Jr info yet, so I will add a pin and use #MAHA, to help navigate.

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Do you support Robert F. Kennedy Jr. getting rid of all Ultra Processed food in America ?
Comment: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is being fought by politicians taking massive bribes from BIG Pharma. See XTwitter thread
RFK Jr. Stuns Critics With Masterclass Senate Confirmation Performance #MAHA
Click image for link.
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Comment: This thread includes short Dr Eric Berg videos.
You're paying them to assassinate you | XTwitter
Click image for video link.
American farmer heads into the grocery store to warn Americans about what you’re eating
Popular name brand foods contain in their ingredients antibiotics only available by prescription, right alongside “wood fibers”
Comment: The caption is edited. Here we are told that antibiotics are being added to shredded cheese products. The anti-fungal wood chip is also a poblem. There are a lot of good comments here including:
Any fungicide, especially found in soft breads, also kills all your good gut bacteria, wonder why so many people have leaky gut syndrome now. IBS, Crohn's, etc. There it is.
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Bottled Water: The Human Health Consequences of Drinking from Plastic, July 29, 2020
In the U.S. alone, Americans buy an estimated 50 billion water bottles a year from a growing industry projected to reach $334 billion by 2023. Many consumers purchasing bottled water are presented with the facade of a high quality product. In reality, countless companies are simply filtering municipal water and bottling it! Next time you reach for the bottle of "pure" water, think twice as popular brands may be selling you water contaminated with microplastics and toxic chemicals from their plastic packaging.
Click image for link.
Comment: Micoparticles of plastic in water is no surprise, but if you only drink bottled water, a credit card's worth a week is shocking.... Is this a big exaggeration?
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Why I Don't Recommend Pink Himalayan Salt
Butter Nutrition, October 5, 2019
So What Is Wrong With High Tin?
Tin doesn't have a biological function in the human body, and tin levels should hover close to zero. According to Trace Element Lab, "it has been reported that an excessive level of tin can interfere with iron metabolism and will produce heme breakdown. Elevated tin also increases the excretion of selenium and zinc from the body." [1]
You see, pink Himalayan salt does contain some important minerals, but it also contains some toxic heavy metals (in bold below), as well as radioactive substances (show with * below), and known poisons (shown with ^^ below). [5]
Comment: This is a long article about a therapist finding clients with too much tin in their hair caused by the use of Himalayan Salt.
Strangely, I bought a Himalayan salt cellar in TK Maxx, used it once or twice and then strangely stopped using it. It's been at least 3 years sitting next to my large spice rack. Many times I wondered why, but met an internal resistance....
Himalayan Salt is a Eugenics Psyop loaded with radioactive waste...
Comment: It could be that this is post is a deliberately provocative as part of a campaign to discredit MAHA. Regardless, there have been bloggers revealing the truth for decades and so the latest controversial XTwitter post should be treated with caution.
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Comment: The comments here about people starving if they stop GMO corn is ridicuous. People should be talking about all the efforts to suppress electroculture and what could be achieved if it was used, see Link 1 & Link 2.
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Robert F. Kennedy Jr: "The Trump White House will advise all U.S. water systems to remove fluoride from public water."
"Fluoride is an industrial waste associated with arthritis, bone fractures, bone cancer, IQ loss, neurodevelopmental disorders, and thyroid disease."
"Fluoride was put in the water in the 1940s... to stop tooth decay, but now it's recognised that most of our mouthwashes and toothpastes have fluoride in them, and you don't need fluoride in the water."
"It's a very inefficient way of preventing tooth decay because you're getting it in people's blood. And as it turns out, fluoride is very, very dangerous. It causes IQ loss... It causes dramatic IQ loss in children, and particularly in unborn fetuses."
"It also calcifies the pineal gland of the human brain, which is the part of our brain that actually creates our spiritual feelings."
"One of the easiest things you can do to start restoring American health is just get the fluoride out of the water. You're gonna have higher IQ children. You're gonna have less bone cancer."
Click image for link.
Comment: I liked this comment: We've reached the point where restaurants are attempting to convince people that they're actually serving food 🙄 Link
Tea bags found to contain ‘huge’ and ‘concerning’ amounts of microplastics
Newsbreak, 25th Dec 2024
Tea is known for its calming and relaxing qualities, but a new report may cause a little stress. Scientists have discovered that three different types of commercially available teabags release millions, sometimes even billions, of nanoplastics and microplastics into tea, which then get absorbed into the intestinal cells of whoever consumes the drink.
Click image right for video link.
Comment: Could not get the video in this article to enlarge. Yes, I bought some herbal T-bags from a well known supplier that was branching out into this market and the tea tasted disgusting. I also noted the bags looked very plastic. This is a much older CBC News video Some tea bags may shed billions of microplastics per cup
It's not just T-bags, plastic cups are an issue too. Starbucks paper coffee cups have polyethylene barrier to stop liquid leaks. This article attempts to debunk a viral video Do Starbucks Paper Cups Release 25,000 Microplastics into Hot Drinks?
Click right for Starbucks coffee cups viral video link.
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"Unless I'm Absolutely Starving, I'm Not Eating Canned Soup Ever Again."
Dr Andrew Huberman
One serving of canned soup everyday for 5 days caused 1,000% increase of toxic BPA in urine.
"Unless You Have A Powerful Reason To Consume Canned Soup---Don't Consume Canned Soup."
More than 1,000 fold increase from only one serving for only 5 days is alarming knowing the harms that BPA does to the body.
BPA is Bisphenol A, a known endocrine disruptor that mimics estrogen in ways that can activate or block estrogenic pathways.
BPA is classified as a hazardous chemical & is banned for use in food products in Europe. The US FDA still states BPA is safe & allows its use in food.
BPA is used to line cans to lock in fresh flavor, but acidic ingredients like tomatoes, break down the BPA into the soup.
Look for "BPA free" labeled cans if buying canned goods. Look also for tomatoes & other products in Tetra Packs or processed in glass jars to avoid BPA.
BPA Bisphenol A Has Numerous Harmful Effects:
Endocrine disruption: BPA can mimic or block hormones, which can disrupt the body's normal functioning. This can affect the reproductive system, mammary glands, metabolism & cognitive function.
Developmental and health problems: BPA can cause developmental & health problems in children, including learning & behavior conditions, early puberty in girls, diabetes, obesity & heart disease.
Cancer: BPA is a factor for the development of various cancers, including breast, prostate, ovarian, cervical, & lung.
Neurodevelopmental diseases: BPA has been linked to an increased of neurodevelopmental diseases, such as autism spectrum disorder (ASD).
Respiratory issues: BPA can cause respiratory irritation & may affect normal respiratory function.
Eye damage: BPA causes serious eye damage.
Allergic skin reactions: BPA causes allergic skin reactions.
BPA can be released into the environment at any stage of a product's life cycle, from production to consumption to disposal. You can reduce your exposure to BPA by using BPA-free products, avoiding heat & choosing fresh whole foods.
👇Randomized BPA Canned Soup Trial👇
👇Bisphenol A Harmful Effects👇
Speaker: @hubermanlab
Click image for link.
A secret campaign to disrupt and co-opt the MAHA movement was just EXPOSED.
It already goes much deeper than you think.
Comment: This is a thread about junk food industry being in bed with BIG Pharma.
On the Dr Phil Show, a whistleblower states that major food and drink companies are bribing scientists and regulatory bodies to say that their products are OK when in fact they add chemicals to make their prodcts addictive | XTwitter
Boycotting Cannibalism: Foods Containing Dead Fetal Cells
Comment: I can't verify this long list.
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“Guess who’s being the company behind the recent FDA approved drug to reduce methane emissions from Cows farting?”
Yep you all guessed it didn’t you…..?
🚨Oreo cookies laced with cancer causing flame retardant chemicals that even a blow torch can't ignite?
⚠️“A class action lawsuit was filed against Mondelez (Oreos owner) for making false claims that its products are "100% Sustainably Sourced".
⚠️ The lawsuit alleges that Mondelez knew its cocoa was harvested using child and child-slave labor, and that its cocoa supply chain also devastates rainforests in West Africa.”
Comment: Sometimes it's hard to believe your own eyes.... After being blasted, these oreos only smoke, but don't actually crumble...
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Almost 500 Foods Contain The 'Yoga Mat' Compound. Should We Care?
NPR, 6th March 2014
That compound found in commercially baked bread — yep, the one that's in yoga mats, too — is in the news again.
A report from the Environmental Working Group finds that the compound, azodicarbonamide, is found in close to 500 food products, from Pillsbury Dinner Rolls to Little Debbie products to Wonder Bread.
As you may recall, the sandwich chain Subway got a lot of attention a few weeks back when it announced its plans to remove this compound — which is used to improve dough and maintain bread texture — from its bread.
Why Are “Yoga Mat Chemicals” Still in Our Bread? The Shocking Reality of American Loaves
Fiber King, Oct 25, 2024
Imagine taking a bite of your morning toast, only to realize it shares an ingredient with your yoga mat. Sounds ridiculous? It’s not. Welcome to the curious world of American bread-making, where chemicals banned overseas still manage to make their way onto our plates.
The “Yoga Mat” Additive: Azodicarbonamide (ADA)
Azodicarbonamide (ADA) may sound like a complicated science experiment, but you might know it as the “yoga mat chemical.” It’s used to bleach and condition dough, creating the fluffy texture we expect in store-bought bread. It’s also a common ingredient in vinyl and foams — yep, the same stuff found in yoga mats and shoe soles. The compound breaks down during baking into potentially risky byproducts like semicarbazide and urethane, which are associated with asthma and cancer risks in lab animals.
Comment: The rest of this article is behind a paywall.
Here is someone on XTwitter talking about this Link
Why Is There Yoga Mat In Your Bread?
Prevention, Feb 10th 2014
You may have heard about activist blogger Vani Hari's, aka the FoodBabe, latest victory: getting Subway restaurants to stop using an unpronounceable ingredient in their bread. "Azodicarbonamide is the same chemical used to make yoga mats, shoe soles, and other rubbery objects," she wrote in a petition that garnered more than 65,000 signatures that she sent to the company. "It's not supposed to be food or even eaten for that matter. And it's definitely not 'fresh.' "
Comment: These yoga mat articles remind me of a story I was told over 35 years ago by the daughter of a fireman called to a warehouse filled with cork that had caught on fire. The cork was used as an additive for jam to give the impression that the jam was made with real strawberries that had retained the strawberry pips, see Wikipedia
link right for large image.
This man has been keeping these ice cream cones in his shed to document for 9 months
After 9 months they still have no mold, they’re not completely ‘melted’. They’re coloring is still near perfect
“Look at this. I mean, just no mold. There's absolutely none” after 9 MONTHS
Click image right for link.
Comment: Nestle product. 9 months and no mould. In the replies is a video of a lady with a 24 year old McDonalds burger and fries in the original dated packaging. Neither has any mould or rotted.
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American Heart Association Was Paid Off By Procter & Gamble To Say Heart Disease Was Caused By Saturated Fat, Not Seed Oils
We've been told for decades that heart disease is caused by saturated fat found in butter, meat, and eggs, but recent research reveals that the studies promoting these messages were heavily compromised.
Evie Magzine, 2022
[...] "Despite Heart Assoc advice, the original 'core' clinical trials on saturated fats, from the 60s and 70s, could not find an effect of these fats on cardiovascular mortality, total mortality, and for the most part heart attacks or other 'events [sic],'" Teicholz tweets. "Results from these trials, other studies on sat fats were ignored, suppressed. Eg, the famous Framingham study couldn't find any link between sat fats and heart disease. This govt-funded result was never published. Another major study w/ contrary results not published for 17y [sic]."
It wasn't until the late 2000s that scientists and journalists started to re-examine saturated fats and restructure the way people talked about butter, meat, and eggs in relation to overall health and wellness. Teicholz points out that the 2020 Dietary Guidelines expert committee "found that 88% of studies in their own review did not support" the idea that heart disease was caused by saturated fat. And yet the committee ignored this data and claimed "the evidence against saturated fat was 'strong.'"
Comment: This is a long article. With the facts.
Click image for video link.
Comment: This is a Wesson vegetable oil advert parody by the Dilley Meme Team.
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BIG WIN: Dairy producer STOPS using Bovaer after boycott Looks like people are voting with their wallets.
Peter Sweden, Dec 15, 2024
I have some very big and very good news for you today.
One of the largest dairy producers in Norway has now STOPPED giving their cows the methane suppressant Bovaer.
This is a major development.
The two largest dairy producers in Norway, Tine and Q-Meieriene began using Bovaer already in 2023 to make their cows fart less and reduce climate emissions.
Comment: Good for Norway!
Click image for link.
🚨 DEVELOPING: One 16-year-old boy is suing Kraft Heinz & other food giants for knowingly weaponizing addiction science to poison him—and the rest of America’s children—with processed food.
I read the entire 148-page complaint.
Here’s what you need to know 🧵
2/ Plaintiff Bryce Martinez developed Type 2 diabetes and fatty liver disease at just 16 due to heavy consumption of ultra-processed foods (UPFs). His lawsuit reveals the human cost of an industry that profits by preying on children.
Comment: Note this is a long thread.
Click image for video link.
Independent journalist Lee Fang exposed a new plan by the food industry to counter MAHA.
Food companies will start ADVERTISING on MAHA-friendly podcasts and Independent shows in order to influence their content.
This is exactly how they and Big Pharma bought out the legacy media outlets and fed Americans propaganda through those outlets for decades.
Comment: The junk food industry hope to derail RFK Jr's plans by buying social media influencers. Please note: the war for the health of the nation has already started in earnest on social media.
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U.K. produces under 1% of global CO2 emissions
CO2 is 0.04% of the atmosphere
Humans create 3% of the 0.04% = 0.0012%
U.K. is responsible for 1% of 3% of 0.04% = 0.000012%
Cow farts create 4% of UK emissions
4% of 1% of 3% of 0.04% = 0.0000003%
You literally can’t make this up
After DECADES of The FDA doing absolutely nothing, now after Donald Trump gets elected and RFK Jr appointed head of HHS, now they want to ban red food dye because of how extremely dangerous it is
They’ve allowed this poison FOR DECADES
“FDA is considering a ban on red food dye in many snacks. FDA deputy commissioner for human foods, Jim Jones, says that the administration has a petition in front of it to revoke the red dye. They have deemed the dye a carcinogen.”
The synthetic dye is made from and gives beverages, candy, and other snacks that bright red color that you see.“
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This is the #1 doctor-recommended baby formula. The first five ingredients are:
▪️Corn Syrup Solids - WTF?
▪️Soy Protein Isolate - no wonder boys think they're girls
▪️High Oleic Safflower Oil - WTF?
▪️Sucrose - WTF?
▪️Soy Oil - WTF?
Why would someone give this to their newborn?
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Comment: This thread has 10 videos.....
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Comment: It's the pesticide (Roundup+) NOT gluten intolerance. This is probably an old speech but nothing has been done until now where apparently the threat of RFK Jr has forced various groups like BIG PHARMA and pesticide manufacturers to run to MAR A LAGO to beg Trump for mercy.....
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Sneaky QR code labeling HIDES GMOs in food
GMO News, 9th April 2024
USDA lets companies disclose GMO food via QR code rather than on product labels
US Government trying to pass 2024 Bill ‘HSB 737’ which will grant immunity to pesticide manufacturers for poisoning Americans
“I came out of this subcommittee hearing on HSB 737, which would give pesticide companies immunity for citizens trying to file lawsuits against them for damages.”
“This bill just passed the subcommittee, and it will take away farmers' rights to pursue legal action after damages are caused to their families and themselves.”
“The basic argument presented by Bayer and other chemical companies is that the law lawsuits that are being brought up by them about the damages caused by their products is going to put them out of business.”
Comment: More panic....Maybe pesticide manufacturers should go out of business....
Click image for video link.
Comment: It looks like people in the UK have been eating franken chocolate since 2009, see old article below. There are a lot of interesting comments here.
Cadbury to curb methane emissions from burping dairy cows Dairy Milk maker to work with farmers to reduce emissions from cows belching out methane
The Guardian, 17 Feb 2009
Cadbury is to encourage its cows to burp less to reduce the carbon footprint of its milk chocolate.
The company is working with its 65 dairy farmers in Wiltshire to reduce the emissions of their animals. Production of the famous glass-and-a-half of milk in every bar is responsible for 60% of the chocolate's carbon emissions, according to experts at the Carbon Trust who audited the carbon emissions from the company's products.
Cadbury has sent the farmers a guide for low carbon dairy farming, which includes advice on changing the diet of the cows to cut their eructations.
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Russia Bans All U.S. Corn and Soy Imports Due to GMO Contamination
Natural Society, 5th Oct 2023
Russia’s food safety regulator Rosselkhoznadzor just announced a complete ban starting February 15 on all U.S. corn and soy imports. The ban will be instated due to genetically modified crop and microbial contamination. This is a huge blow to organic and GM farmers alike
Comment: Is it any wonder that some people have decided to move to Russia... XTwitter Link
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Your milk is being POISONED now
A toxic additive is being given to cows to stop climate change.
Peter Sweden, 2nd Dec 2024
This is unbelievable. Your milk is now being poisoned in the name of stopping climate change, and you can never guess who is involved in supporting the company behind this toxic chemical…
Recently, there has been a lot of talk in the news about a new feed additive being given to cows called Bovaer.
For all long time readers of my newsletter, you will know already 1 year ago I reported extensively about this and how toxic this chemical actually is. If you follow my newsletter, you will get tomorrows news, today!
Comment: Peter Sweden has been following this same milk problem in Norway, so he is already well researched on Bovaer toxicity.
They are POISONING our milk now Cows are being fed toxic chemicals to stop climate change
Peter Sweden, 24th Oct 2024
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Outcome of assessment of 3-Nitrooxypropanol “3-NOP” as a feed additive for all ruminants for milk production and reproduction | FDA
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Here are all the brands and partnerships with Arla (they supply all supermarket own label dairy products!): | Dr David Cartland BMedSci MBChB MRCGP (2014)
Comment: This is a very long list of core brands and UK supermarket products. However, any boycott is going to be very difficult to do.
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Arla slams boycott calls over methane-cutting feed additive as ‘misinformation’
The Grocer, 28 November 2024
Arla is facing growing calls for a boycott of its products after it announced the launch of a methane-reducing feed additive trial across some of its dairy farms this week.
Several thousand social media users on X have been pledging to shun the dairy giant’s brands since Tuesday due to unsubstantiated claims the additive could be unsafe, with some also linking the product to wider conspiracy theories centring on Bill Gates, the World Economic Forum and climate change denial.
Arla’s flagship milk brand Cravendale and its leading butter brand Lurpak was trending on the social media platform today as a result.
Dr Ahmad Malik@DocAhmadMalik
I won't ever use Arla, Lurpak, Castello or Leo Valley products.
This is where we have the power.
We simply don't buy their crap.
Apparently, Gates is behind it Bovaer.
XTwitter Link
Comment: Massive negative reaction online to the admission that UK supermarkets will be supplying tainted milk products. The Bill Gates connection is a problem but the warning about male infertility is a red line most refuse to cross!
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FDA website letter
On June 8, 2023, Elanco US, Inc. (“Elanco” or “you”) submitted a request for consultation with CVM regarding 3-nitrooxypropanol (3-NOP), marketed as Bovaer® 10, a new substance for use in animal food. Based on your letter, Bovaer® 10 is the market formulation which contains the active substance, 3-NOP. You also state that 3-NOP is intended for the reduction of methane emissions per pound of dry matter (DM) intake when incorporated at 27.2-36.3 mg 3-NOP per pound (60-80 mg per kilogram) of DM in the total mixed ration of lactating dairy cows. [...]
Not for human use. Caution should be exercised when handling this product. 3-nitrooxypropanol may damage male
fertility and reproductive organs, is potentially harmful when inhaled, and is a skin and eye irritant. Personal
protective gear, including eye wear, a dust mask, and impervious gloves, should be worn when handling this
product. Operators should wash hands after handling. If accidental eye exposure occurs, rinse eyes thoroughly with
water. The safety data sheet contains more detailed occupational safety information.
Comment: In this FDA letter, there is caution for the cows, but a warning about human male fertility! Unbelievable.
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RFK Jr Regenerative Farming initiative explained. #MAHA
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Comment: RFK Jr is gong to make sure the United States will get a useful education..... This video is about the toxic waste product sludge called Tartrazine (Yellow dye no. 5) added to lots of food to change the colour and make edibles more appealing. #MAHA
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Comment: In the paper “Fluorescent nanoparticles present in Coca-Cola and Pepsi-Cola: physiochemical properties, cytotoxicity, biodistribution and digestion studiesabstracts”, the abstract starts with: "Foodborne nanoparticles (NPs) have drawn great attention due to human health concerns. This study reports the detection of the presence of fluorescent NPs, about 5 nm, in two of the most popular beverages, Coca-Cola (Coke) and Pepsi-Cola (Pepsi)." Makes you wonder how long this has been going on..... Also, Pepsi under the microscope | XTwitter Link
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Caption: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is considering a bold move to mandate Coca-Cola to replace high-fructose corn syrup with cane sugar, shedding light on a hidden health issue.
High-fructose corn syrup, the primary sweetener in Coca-Cola, not only differs from traditional sugar but also causes the calorie count to exceed what’s listed on the label.
A single can of Coca-Cola may contain over 400 calories—far more than consumers realize.
This issue isn’t exclusive to Coca-Cola but reflects a larger concern across the beverage and food industries.
Click image for video link.
Comment: I am sure that even with the cocaine, coca cola was a lot better for you than the chemical concoction available today. See older entries/archives for Indians using coca cola as a pesticide and another Indian man heating it up to produce black tar. Yuck!
Elon Musk’s most viral and liked post of all time came when he shared a humorous post saying: "Next, I’m buying Coca-Cola to put the cocaine back in." 😂 | XTwitter Link
Comment: The post got 4.4 million likes.
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Kraft Heinz must face Mac & Cheese lawsuit, judge rules
Yahoo, November 15 2024
(Reuters) -A federal judge said Kraft Heinz must face a proposed nationwide class action alleging that it defrauded consumers by claiming its Kraft macaroni and cheese, one of its best-known products, contains no artificial preservatives.
In a decision on Wednesday, U.S. District Judge Mary Rowland said the Illinois, California and New York consumers leading the lawsuit plausibly alleged that Kraft Mac & Cheese contained a synthetic form of citric acid that differed from the natural variety, and also contained sodium phosphates.
Comment: No artifical preservatives at all? That's a big claim.....
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5 Reasons Heinz GMO “Ketchup” Is EXTREMELY Toxic And Dangerous To Consume
Simple Capacity, August 2016
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Kraft Heinz has removed Lunchables from the National School Lunch Program.
Lunchables will no longer be on the menu at schools around the United States.
CNN, 12th Nov 2024
Kraft Heinz, the company that produces Lunchables, announced Tuesday that it will remove the meal kits from the National School Lunch Program.
The company pulled the product because demand did not reach its targets, but it plans to revisit the idea in the future, according to an emailed statement from Kraft Heinz.
The decision comes after Consumer Reports tested the school versions of the grocery store snacks and found high levels of sodium, lead and cadmium.
Click image for link
Lunchables have concerning levels of lead and sodium, report finds
YouTube, 11 Apr 2024
CS Morning | A new study from the advocacy group Consumer Reports found that Lunchables, the longtime prepackaged boxes popular with children nationwide, have high levels of sodium, lead and other heavy metals. The group is now calling for the federal government to remove them from the National School Lunch Program. KraftHeinz says Lunchables “meet strict safety standards.” Nancy Chen has details. Air Date: Apr 11, 2024.
Comment: The panic has started!
Icecream that does not need to be frozen? | Walmart delivery truck driver warns against buying their “chocolate cream sandwich cookies”
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#MAHA | Comment: Trump has given RFK Jr massive power to clean up and MAKE AMERICA HEALTHY AGAIN...... Trump says the only previso is that he does not want RFK Jr to touch the oil and gas industry.... Link
So, this is a reminder that this is a spiritual war:
RFK Jr. PRAISED God for uniting his party with MAGA | “I asked God for 19 years to put me in a position where I could end the chronic disease epidemic and bring health back to our children, and in August, God sent me Donald Trump.”
Is it any wonder that greedy, selfish and evil Republicans are scandalised that a life-long democrat will be making life better for millions regardless of their political affiliation? Golden Age coming......
Click image for video link.
This is so HUGE ‼️ Share this with everyone, you can now influence change in America
RFK Jr just started ‘Policies for the People’
“It is a direct line to Team Trump where Americans can go and propose certain policies that they think would be beneficial to the American people and then Americans get to vote on it:
Let me show you how it works:
So you go to the website, you sign up for an account, and then you can start proposing bills and voting for some, like single issue bills for Congress:
- Term limits for senators and representatives
- There's also one of my favorites, ban artificial food dyes
- There's some other ones down here that I think are really cool. Insurance for holistic health
- Forbid TV drug commercials.
#MAHA | Comment: This post is edited. People are very very excited that action has already started and they can get involved.
Click image for link.
1st post caption: RFK says a Trump Whitehouse will recommend water companies remove flouride from water.
2nd Caption: On January 20, the Trump White House will advise all U.S. water systems to remove fluoride from public water. Fluoride is an industrial waste associated with arthritis, bone fractures, bone cancer, IQ loss, neurodevelopmental disorders, and thyroid disease. President @realDonaldTrump and First Lady @MELANIATRUMP
want to Make America Healthy Again. @michaelpconnett
#MAHA | Comment: I don't think it will come down to recommendations, high profilers will sue to get fluoride out of the water, see below:.
The HighWire, October 31, 2024
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Tinned food favourite is 'colossal risk to public health', experts warn - due to toxin linked to cancer
Daily Mail, 31st Oct 2024
Toxic metals could be lurking in cans of tinned tuna sold in the UK, an alarming investigation has revealed.
Tests on almost 150 tins purchased in France, Italy, Spain, Germany and Britain, found all 'were contaminated with mercury'.
Exposure to the metal can impair brain development, trigger life-threatening lung damage and has been linked to some cancers.
Researchers claimed the probe showed the product was 'a colossal risk to public health' and urged Governments to take 'urgent' action.
Comment: So what is worse? Mercury dental fillings or canned tuna contaminated with mercury?
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Comment: This is a demonstration of how quickly Chlorine is absorbed by the body. There is some debate about this in the comments.
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'Forever chemicals', used in everything from cookware to clothing in to make items stain and water resistant are present in both UK bottled and tap water, scientists say.
Daily Mail, 17 October 2024
Earning their nickname as they can persist in the environment for thousands of years these industrial substances are more properly known as per-and-polyfluoroalkyl substances, or PFAS.
Numerous studies have linked PFAS exposure to an increased risk of some cancers, birth defects, immune system problems and infertility.
Now British and Chinese experts have found PFAS in tap and bottled water supplies in both their countries.
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Comment: This is what happened when people stopped eating the same food as their healthy elders and started listening to “experts” who fed them lies.
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Caption: Ice cream trucks sell Drumstick cones, but did you know they're not actually made of ice cream at all?
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More than half of UK government nutrition advisors are paid by food companies, analysis finds
Daily Mail, 12 September 2024
More than half the experts on the UK government’s nutrition advisory panel have links to the food industry, research has revealed.
At least 11 of the 17 members of the Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition (SACN) have ties to companies including Nestle and the world’s largest ice cream producer, Unilever.
The conflict of interests has led to questions over their impartiality, with concerns it is contributing to an ‘explosion of suffering and death from diet-related disease in the UK’.
Best 12 minutes in Tucker interview | Xtwitter
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Caption: Not sure we can consider the majority of groceries edible anymore
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Cowboy song about seed oils and being fed slop
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Caption: Remember when I told you they were going to start feeding us Crickets!”
“You’re not going to see ‘Cricket’ listed in the ingredients, it’s going to be called ‘Acheta’”
“Scientists found high levels of Arsenic & contamination with Parasites”
EU green-lights two new insect species for use as FOOD
Natural News, 01/26/2023
Two more bug species are now allowed in food throughout the European Union: Acheta domesticus, also known as the house cricket, and Alphitobius diaperionus, also known as the lesser mealworm.
The EU gave the green light this week for citizens of member countries to eat these creepy critters as food. This aligns with the World Economic Forum's (WEF) plan to phase out meat consumption for commoners, who are to be turned into human-like cattle owned and controlled by the "elite" globalists.
Mealworms can now be frozen, processed as paste, dried, or turned into powder for use in commercial food items. The same goes for house crickets, which are the globalists' preferred form of protein for their subjects.
Ground Crickets Commonly Added to Foods Under the Name 'Acheta Powder'?
According to some social media posts, it's in various chips, protein bars and bread, among others.
Snopes, May 3, 2024
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The whiter the bread.....
Comment: This is about white bread and a solution of eating apricot seeds. Yes, a rather strange compilation.
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Comment: Is it any wonder that floor cleaner repurposed as a mouthwash has horrible side effects?
Amazing fact: Listerine, your go-to mouthwash, was once sold as a floor cleaner!
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Caption: McDonald’s French fries is equal to 100 cigarettes
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Comment: How can you not come to the conclusion that the toxic ingredients are added to fast food on purpose?
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SIP HORROR Man, 34, suffers lethal cardiac arrest ‘triggered by drinking Red Bull every day’
In a bid to save his life hospital staff were forced to give Aaron chest compressions on the floor
The Sun, Aug 28 2024
MAN suffered a deadly cardiac arrest after guzzling Red Bull every day.
His wife, Meagan Shreve, has claimed her husband's caffeinated pop habit which saw him drink up to three cans a day caused his "heart to stop" beating.
Comment: The article states that Red Bull has ~ 2x the amount of caffeine as a cup of coffee. However many years ago it was made clear that 1 can of Red Bull was 8x the amount of caffeine, as teenagers were regularly going to hospital when they collapsed after a drinking binge.
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American watermelons in the study have been proven to be adulterated.
Is your watermelon safe? Adulterants present in it might harm you
[...] One of the most toxic dyes used in watermelon is Erythrosine. This is a pink dye and is mostly used in food coloring. The FSSAI or the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India has a detailed video on how to detect this adulterant in watermelon.
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Comment: China is easily the worse country on Earth for faked food, but are the Americans catching up? This is a compliation video of how produce is faked in China to make more profit.
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Comment: Funny but sad at the same time....
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Comment: This is just straight-up hilarious way of getting a message across....
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Caption: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services links fluoridated drinking water to a 2-5 point IQ drop in children
But but but…. The CDC said that “Fluoride strengthens teeth and reduces cavities by replacing minerals lost during normal wear and tear.”
Conspiracy theorists right again…
Fluoride Exposure: Neurodevelopment and Cognition | National Toxicology Program (NTP)
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“An investigative documentary about the health hazards of Teflon. A group of citizens in West Virginia challenges a powerful corporation to be more environmentally responsible. Covers hearings, news reports, and input from scientists and activists.” - 2018 | XTwitter
I'm an expert who helped Coca-Cola, Kellogg's and Ferrero make their products addictive... here's how they get you hooked and why I've cut out junk food entirely
Daily Mail, 8th July 2024
Dr Barry Smith has spent nearly a decade working with the biggest junk food brands in the world — helping to make their products irresistibly tasty and palatable.
The food scientist was part of the expert team manipulating every aspect of our favorite products, from packet to texture, smell and taste, to make us want more.
But not anymore. Now, the expert has ditched junk food altogether due to its damaging effects to his health.
Comment: So, he's trying to make amends now?
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Summary | Kraft cheese slice does not melt, instead it burns like plastic.
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Rubbery food compilation | XTwitter
Bug milk | XTwitter
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Comment: Norwegian salmon is the most toxic food in the world, as the fish are sprayed with neurotoxic pesticides. I noticed after I found this video that salmon was being left on the shelf at Aldi's. Presumably, this warning is leaving a strong impression on shoppers....
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Doctors are ‘raising alarms’ over energy drinks linked to sudden heart attacks: report
Insider Paper, June 7, 2024
[...] Energy drinks contain ingredients like taurine and guarana, which can mess up how your heart works, making it more likely to beat irregularly, which can lead to a heart attack.
Researchers at The Mayo Clinic looked at the stories of 144 patients who had a sudden heart attack but lived through it. They found that seven of them, which is about 5%, had drunk an energy drink before their scary heart problem happened.
Comment: A long time ago I read there was 8x more caffeine in Red Bull than a cup of coffee.... In the UK, thrill seekers use to drink 10 cans and end up in hospital.... No surprise to me that they can induce heart attacks.
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Sugar in ketchup
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Strange rubbery bananas
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Consumers informed that the product they are purchasing will give them cancer.
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Comment: Very disturbing.
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I’ve seen multiple videos of ice cream not melting right after a few hours but this video is after 22 hours so I need to share
After 22 hours this is what this Drumstick Ice Cream looks like…
America, what are they putting in our food?? Where is our regulation agencies?!
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Food in America compared to the U.K. (Why is it so different?)
Food Babe
Here are 6 American products that are completely different overseas…
1. McDonald’s French Fries
2. Quaker Instant Oatmeal Packets
3. Mountain Dew
4. Heinz ketchup
5. Doritos
6. Kellogg’s Frosted Flakes Cereal
This meme is not accurate as explained below:
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Bill Gates & McDonald’s GMO French Fries: What You Need to Know
“This is not good for the health of the environment, the plants, the animals or the people.”
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What Water Should You Drink?
Comment: There is a new trend of "healthy" aluminum bottled water brands the industry is using to transition away from plastic. Aluminum causes lots of issues (ie. microstrokes) so I can't support this. This article shows which water is actually the healthiest.
Evian is NAIVE backwards.
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Glyphosate. Herbicide used on wheat that causes gluten intolerance.
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Comment: Hazmat suits required to spray crops that you are expected to eat....
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Comment: Also: EPA ‘reviewing’ explosive report on toxic chemical found in Cheerios, Quaker Oats — even as US considers expanding its use
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New York water quality.
Comment: This is shocking.... A filter that is expected to last 6 months in Korea only lasts 2 weeks in New York and looks disgusting.
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Comment: WARNING!! The following is an explanation for why human flesh is being fed back to humanity. I think the rulers are now desperate.... We are becoming too enlightened, hence why the food supply is heavily under attack. link
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Organic drinks? What are those 'natural' flavourings, this woman found out!
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Red bug dye - Carmine from cochinea bugs.
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Comment: This is horrible. All sorts of horrors seen under the microscope.
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@PearceAlan1962 | The percentage of U.S. adults who self-identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or something other than heterosexual has doubled since 2012, when Gallup first measured it. Does Atrazine this have anything to do with it....
This is a highly informative 27 minute documentary. It is revealed that cooking oils once only used as engine oils until marketing campaigns circa 1900s, made them popular. After that there is a direct correlation with obesity, diabetes and heart attacks. We are provided with a lot of facts and 'forgotten' science.... XTwitter Link
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Comment: German Translation of 'inseckt gefunden' ===> 'Insect found'
Insect Food Scanner
The Insect Scanner App is an essential tool for anyone who wants to ensure that their food is free from insects. With the help of the scanner, you can quickly and easily check whether a food item may contain insects without having to open it or conduct extensive research.
The app utilizes a comprehensive database of thousands of food items worldwide to provide you with accurate information.
E120 and E904 are additives found in many food products which are obtained from the insects. | XTwitter Video link
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Comment: Disgusting water pipes. Gross!
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Report has stunning revelations for contents of hot dogs [Human DNA in Samples]
CBSN, OCTOBER 25, 2015
Clear Foods, which "uses genomic technology to analyze the world's foods at a molecular level, ingredient by ingredient," released a report recently that it said was designed to look at the accuracy of the content labels of several major hot dog brands.
The company analyzed 345 hot dog and sausage products from 75 brands and 10 retailers, and said they found "human DNA in 2% of the samples, and in 2/3rds of the vegetarian samples."
Additionally, 10 percent of all vegetarian products appeared to contain meat.
Comment: Human DNA in hot dogs.... Easy way to hide dead bodies.
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Comment: Apparently, there is a general on social media about drugs (amphetamines+) in Red Bull and Celsius energy drinks... Well, this quick drug test proved that drugs are being added. However, the comments in this thread are critical that the video might have been edited.
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High Levels of Toxic Metals Found in Foods Sold at Top Fast Food Chains Moms Across America tested fast food from the 20 most popular fast food chains and found 100% of samples contained concerning levels of lead and cadmium. Experts says even small amounts of metals may impact kids' IQ and health.
Childrens Health Defence, 10/26/23
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Video comparison of the following fast foods:
McDonalds Fries | Ketchup | Fruit Loops | Doritoes | M & M | Twix
Examination of the ingredients of the following:
Wendy's strawberry frosty | Chicken McNuggets | Chick A Fil Waffle Fries | Cheez It | Pop Tarts | Taco Bell Bean Burito | Taco Bell Crunch Wrap Supreme
| Cheetos |
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Comment: Entomilk is made from black soldier fly lavae. Lovely.....
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Contraceptives, Veterinary Drugs, Antibiotics, Hormones and Heavy Metals Found In Fast Food [VIDEO], Oct 30, 2023
Most chain restaurants rely on beef and chicken from concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs), where veterinary drugs are routinely used, and of 10 fast food meals sampled and tested, all but two tested positive for veterinary drugs
Six of the 10 fast food samples (Taco Bell, Dunkin’, Wendy’s, Domino’s, Burger King and McDonald’s) contained a veterinary antibiotic ionophore called monensin, which is not approved for human use as it can cause severe harm
Of 43 school lunches tested, 95% had detectable levels of glyphosate, a carcinogenic and endocrine-disrupting weed killer linked to liver inflammation, metabolic disorder, cardiovascular disease and cancer
100% of the school lunches tested contained heavy metals at levels up to 6,293 times higher than the maximum levels allowed in drinking water. Cadmium and lead were found at the highest levels
Of 21 fast food meals tested for essential minerals, none met the recommended daily requirements of calcium, potassium, manganese, copper, zinc and iron, and none of the 10 fast food meals tested for B vitamins contained detectable levels of B9 or B12. Vitamin B3 (niacin) levels were also exceptionally low
Comment: The video suggets this article and video was orginally produced by Epoch Health.
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How imitation crab meat is made.
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Secrets of the food industry - Part 1
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Secrets of the food industry -Part 2
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Unmasking the Chemicals in Your Food
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10 foods you didn't realize contained disease-causing food additives
Daily Mail, 21st Oct 2023
Last week, California Gov Gavin Newsom signed the so-called 'Skittles ban,' which bans four food additives that have been linked to kidney, thyroid and gastrointestinal cancer and mood disorders. California's new law is a big step forward in protecting Americans from dangerous chemicals in foods and health officials and experts are calling on other states, and the federal government, to follow its lead. The four newly-banned additives in the Golden State are: brominated vegetable oil, potassium bromate, propylparaben and red dye No.3.
Comment: Excerpts from this article are listed below:
Diet and citrus sodas: Brominated vegetable oil. When you reach for a refreshing bubbly drink beware you also could be reaching for brominated vegetable (BVO), one of the additives banned in California. The ingredient often shows up in diet and citrus sodas to stop ingredients in fruit-flavored soft drinks from separating.
BVO hasn’t been declared a carcinogen and it is still allowed to be used in foods, though the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has said the ingredient should be consumed only on an interim basis. Exposure to BVO can irritate the nose, throat, lungs and the mucous membranes inside the mouth, throat, stomach and lungs. Repeated and long term exposure to the chemical can also cause neurological issues like memory loss, impaired balance and coordination and headaches and in rodent studies, the animals had high tissue levels of bromine, which posed a danger to thyroid health.
Chocolate candies and flavored chips: Artificial colors. Some popular brands of bite-sized chocolate candies and sweetly flavored chips get their signature hues and flavor from artificial coloring, including Red 3, included in California's new bill, Blue 1, Blue 2, Yellow 5, Yellow 6 and Red 40. While the additives may make these foods eye-catching and tasty, they can also make them harmful to your health. Some research has shown these dyes are associated with allergies and asthma and a recent study in mice linked Red 40 to inflammatory bowel disease. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has reported that Red 3 causes cancer in animals and there is evidence several other dyes are carcinogenic.
Red 40, Yellow 5 and Yellow 6 have been found to be contaminated with benzidine and other carcinogens. Additionally, at least four dyes - Blue 1, Red 40, Yellow 5 and Yellow 6 - cause hypersensitivity reactions, with studies showing consumption of artificial food coloring produces statistically significant increases in ADHD symptoms in children. Red 3 specifically has been found to cause cancer and thyroid tumors in lab animals and has been linked to hyperactivity and other neurobehavioral effects in children.
Bagels, pizza dough, tortillas, pastries and doughnuts: Potassium bromate. A bagel for breakfast, a burrito for lunch, pizza for dinner and doughnuts for dessert. While it sounds like a day of delicious meals, many don’t know a diet that looks like this could be deadly. And it’s not just because of the high calorie count and fat content. It’s because many brands of these popular foods contain the carcinogen potassium bromate, a substance included in California's new ban. Potassium bromate is a chemical compound commonly found in bread in the US. It is added to dough to make it stronger and improve rising.
But the ingredient, which has been banned in the European Union, China and India because of its dangerous impact on health, has been shown to cause nose, throat and lung irritation. It has also been shown in lab tests to cause renal and thyroid tumors to form in rats.
Cheeses, pickles, syrups, jams and wines: Propylparaben. The fourth and last additive included in California's new ban is propylparaben. That charcuterie board at your next housewarming party may look appetizing and be jam packed with the classics, but a wine and cheese night should be enjoyed with caution. Propylparaben occurs as a natural substance in plants and some insects. It is typically used in a variety of water-based cosmetics and personal-care products, as well as a food additive. The substance, however, has been shown to cause endocrine disruption and reproductive issues. However, the FDA has said the substance is generally regarded as safe.
Lunch and processed meats: Heterocyclic amines and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Classified as carcinogens, lunch meats and processed meats like hot dogs, sausage and bacon contain two ingredients called heterocyclic amines and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). Heterocyclic amines are mutagenic chemicals that form when cooking muscle meats, such as beef, pork, chicken and fish. They are some of the most potent mutagens and have shown to induce tumors in animal models. PAHs are chemicals that occur naturally in coal, crude oil and gasoline. They come from burning coal, oil, gas, wood, garbage and tobacco and the high heat needed to cook meat will form PAHs. PAHs, however, may cause cancer and harm the eyes, kidneys and liver.
Potato chips and French fries: Acrylamide. While your guilty pleasure may be diving into a bag of potato chips on the couch or you find yourself hitting the drive-thru to satisfy a craving for french fries, these two foods should be eaten with caution because they contain acrylamide. Acrylamide is a substance that can form through a natural chemical reaction in some foods during high-temperature cooking, such as frying, roasting and baking. However, in the body, acrylamide is converted into a compound called glycidamide, which causes mutations in and damage to the DNA. Additionally, studies in rodent models have found exposure to the substance increases the risk for several types of cancer.
Gummy and sour candies: Titanium dioxide. With Halloween right around the corner, store shelves are stocked with candy favorites. And while trick-or-treaters may want to fill their bags with classic sour and gummy treats, they should heed caution before unwrapping their night’s reapings. These popular candies contain titanium dioxide, a substance that has been shown to cause irritation of the eyes, nose and throat. Exposure to it in animal studies also showed it to cause lung cancer. This compound is banned in Europe over concerns its particles have genotoxic effects — or the ability to directly damage a person’s DNA. However, the FDA still allows it in Americans’ foods.
Ice cream and cream cheese: rBGH and rBST. If you prefer cream cheese over butter on your bagel or indulge in a scoop or two of ice cream after dinner, you could unknowingly be consuming potentially harmful hormones. Recombinate bovine growth hormone (rBGH) or recombinate bovine somatotropin (rBST) is a synthetic version of a hormone cows produce to regulate certain metabolic processes. It has been marketed to dairy farmers to increase milk production in cows and has been approved by the FDA since 1993, but is banned in Europe and Canada. Research into the hormone’s link to breast cancer has produced mixed results but the use of rBST has been shown to increase levels of insulin-like growth factor, a protein found naturally in milk. Some studies have shown insulin-like growth factor to be linked to prostate, breast and colorectal cancers.
Bread and flour: Azodicarbonamide. Not only do bagels, bread, pastries and tortillas contain the harmful potassium bromate, these products, along with hamburger and hot dog buns, also have azodicarbonamide, or ADA, in them. This ingredient is a chemical compound approved by the FDA to use as a whitening agent and is used to strengthen and enhance the elasticity of dough in cereal flour and bread dough. It is sometimes called the ‘yoga mat’ chemical because it is widely used in foamed plastics. The additive is banned in Europe and Australia. While not classified as a carcinogen, some case reports and epidemiological studies in humans have produced evidence the compound can induce asthma and respiratory symptoms, as well as skin irritation.
Sugary cereals: BHA and BHT. Sugary cereals may be appealing to kids - and kids at heart - but they contain the ingredients butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA) and butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT). BHA is a synthetic petrochemical used widely as a preservative in cereals and other dry goods. BHT is used in similar products and helps fats in foods stay fresher longer. BHA is considered a carcinogen and has been shown to promote tumor growth and impair blood clotting. It also acts as an endocrine disruptor and is associated with the underdevelopment of the reproductive system. BHA and BHT both pose a threat to the circulatory system and BHT can impact testosterone levels.
It may also cause liver enlargement, inflammation in the lungs and kidney damage. While common, and approved, for use in American foods, the substances are severely limited in Europe. Both have been banned from use in Japan, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.
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Comment: A problem with garlic from China?
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Comment: After watching this old report, I am reconsidering the hamburger video linked below, where the process started with what looked like large rectangular blocks..... That's solid pink slime.
Who is the real enemy? Twitter video link
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This is a pumpkin swirl frozen coffee with 46 teaspoons of sugar = sugar on 14 glazed doughnuts. They want to kill people....
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Over 50 chemicals in Chick-Fil-A chicken sandwich. Over 40 of the 50 man-made chemicals. Also a different version | Twitter Link
How burgers are made? | Twitter video
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Comment: This is a very short summary of how politicians overuled scientists to introduce Aspartame and Nutrasweet which is made up of 3 neurotoxins.
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In an effort to avoid taxes levied against luxury foods in the UK, The Pringles Company once argued that the potato content of their chips was so low that they are technically not even potato chips! The process of making Pringles actually begins with rice, wheat, corn and potato flakes that are pressed into shape. This creates a dough-like substance that is then rolled out into an ultra-thin sheet and cut into chips by a machine. The chips are then thrown onto a conveyor belt where they move through boiling oil then are blown dry, sprayed with powdered flavors and stacked into cans.
[...] Pringles are full of hazardous ingredients that make them one of the most toxic, processed foods you can eat. One of the most concerning is a chemical by-product known as acrylamide. Acrylamide is a cancer-causing and potentially neurotoxic chemical that is created when foods rich in carbohydrates are cooked at high temperatures. To no surprise, it can be found in chips.
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You May NEVER Drink Energy Drinks Again After Watching This! [VIDEO]
Apeel has been around since 2018 with major celebrity investors. [VIDEO]
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Twitter video on Italy banning fake meat.
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EPA Finds Toxic 'Forever Chemicals' In Water Systems Across The US
ZeroHedge, 21st Aug 2023
China's Revolting Spit Oil and Gutter Oil and Why it Will Never go Away
YouTube, August 2023
You've heard of Gutter oil, but how about Spit Oil? Also why can't China get rid of these problems?
Comment: Re-processing cooking oil (gutter oil) turns it into a cancerous and poisonous brew.... Serpentza has a lot of better quality video (some of it filmed himself whilst living in China). I have never heard of spit oil - reused chilli oil that people have dipped their meat in, that is re-used and therefore termed spit oil. It seems that even high end restaurants in China use this cheap disgusting oil....
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Comment: The process of converting pink slime into luncheon meat, well I think it's luncheon meat. TikTok better quality version link
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Comment: Water bottle use plastics that are linked to heart disease and obesity.
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This is the Germans finding out there are insect ingredients in kinder surprises....
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Artificial Rice Making Machine Fortified Rice Machine Nutritional Rice Machine
YouTube, 21 Feb 2022
Comment: This artificial rice, is called a nutritional rice, and is denoted as a rice substitute made by extruder machine. This is a shorter promotional video on the rice machine Artificial rice production line/fortified rice/ Nutritious rice/Rice production line
Artificial Rice Making Machine
Comment: Some people are making mixing this method of making artifical rice with natural ingredients with rice made from bubble wrap which is obviously very different and dangerous!! Here is rice made from plastic (bubble wrap) | YouTube Manufacturing process of Plastic rice
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Comment: Folk were completely grossed out, see more at the Daily Mail
Is this Channel 4's most tasteless show ever?: Viewers blast new Gregg Wallace program that sees TV chef sampling 'human meat' and invites the public to do the same.
Maybe people are being prepared for when they are told the elites are eating babies.... A video clip on Twitter | UK Gov normalising cannabilism here.
New entries will be place here and then after at least 1 month moved into the relevant section so that regular followers don't have to scan through the whole blog.
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Bill Gates & the WEF want all produce to be coated with Apeel. Apeel is made with toxic metals and chemicals: ethyl acetate, cadmium, lead, palladium. These deadly metals have been shown to be carcinogenic and harmful to all body systems. Cumulative toxicants are particularly harmful to children. Yet the FDA/government deems it acceptable to have these metals and other toxins present in food. Don’t buy any food that is a threat to your health.
Apeel coating, Toxic fruit coating, Produce coating, chemicals in food, arsenic in food, cadmium in food, lead in food, mono and diglycerides side effects, ethyl acetate, palladium in food
The FDA does not require manufacturers to label these foods MSG unless the “added ingredient” is 99% pure MSG. -Dr. John Douillard DC #MSG
Not all food labels claiming ‘No MSG’ speak the truth. This post from Mamavation has put together a list of 90 hidden names for MSG in food. Simplify your life by turning to unprocessed, whole foods wherever possible.
You’ve seen the signs and labels stating “No MSG” at your favorite take out place or on food in the grocery store aisles, but that warning doesn’t mean exactly what you think it does. -
MSG is an excitotoxin which overstimulates our nervous system. In animal studies MSG was shown to damage the neurons in the brain of mice. High levels of excitotoxins have been linked to brain tumours, diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease, brain damage, learning disorders and behavioral problems. In addition to these serious health risks, Dr. Russel Blaylock, neurosurgeon and author of Excitotoxins: The Taste That Kills
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Savory but bad for you: Flavor enhancer MSG is often used in fast food and processed food
Food News, 23rd September 2021
Monosodium glutamate (MSG) is widely used as a flavor enhancer and is typically added to Chinese food, canned soups, processed meats and fast food. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) classifies MSG as a food ingredient that is “generally recognized as safe.” Despite this, the use of MSG remains controversial.
[...] However, MSG rose to notoriety when a physician wrote to the New England Journal of Medicine about the possible causes of a syndrome he experienced whenever he ate at Chinese restaurants in the United States.
[...] MSG is a widely used flavor enhancer known to cause adverse effects, such as headaches, palpitations and numbness, in some people. To avoid these adverse effects, ditch MSG and switch to healthy alternatives, such as salt, seaweeds, mushrooms and anchovies, to name a few.
Comment: Most say MSG is bad for you so I found an article that gives some background.
Farmer’s experiment finds that squirrels prefer organic over GMO corn
The Organic & Non GMO Report, May 31, 2013
[...] Last fall, Fonder conducted an experiment in his backyard. He built a squirrel feeder and put genetically modified corn fresh from a neighbor’s field on one post and one-year-old organic corn on the other.
The squirrels ate the organic corn first. “You would expect squirrels to prefer fresh corn over corn that’s a year old, but they totally preferred the organic corn,” Fonder said.
Fonder repeated the experiment five times, using different varieties of organic and GM corn. Each time the squirrels ate the organic corn. They would eventually eat the GMO corn but only after the organic corn was gone.
“The squirrel could have switched to GMO, but it didn’t,” he said. “It knew it was different.”
Comment: Animals do a lot of things that make you wonder why humans are so divorced from our survival instincts. Remember as babies we are born wth survival instincts but with time those survival messages become very distorted. Why?
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Caption: Nutella full of parasites YIKES
Comment: Another example of everlasting McDonalds food.
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Comment: The irony! Fake meat being advertised by fake tranny Kim Kardashian.