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Financial Chaos is Coming? Got Gold & Silver? Bank failures and bail-ins coming? Don't leave all your money in the bank! Make sure you have enough provisions at home for at least a few weeks and make sure you have cash at hand. TROUBLE COMING...

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The 'Q' Military Operation

First Upload: 23rd October 2020
Last Update: 27th August 2024


Summary & Introduction

Summary | It is believed by Q followers [Anons] that the Q Military operation was started by John F. Kennedy (JFK). His major concern was that the Deep State/CIA was actually running the United States of America. Subsequently, he was assassinated for trying to expose them. At this point, the operation strategically went underground where the team devised “The Plan” to regain control of America. It was further accelerated by “JFK Jr’s death” in 1999. Interesting enough, JFK Jr’s gravesite is in the shape of a “Q”. Donald Trump and JFK Jr. were lifelong best friends and secretly working together to execute the plan. Trump was eventually recruited by select military generals to run for President against Hillary Clinton (Killary) and save the country from the New World Order [NWO] endgame of globalist/foreign interest infiltration, total economic collapse, and communist takeover of America. America is the birthplace and beacon for freedom and liberty. If America falls, the world falls. Trump is perceived to be the second coming of JFK to finish the job of draining the swamp and spearhead the 2nd American Revolution of “We The People” against the current ubiquitous tyranny.

Sources claim Q is a military operation made up of a group of US military generals including General Mike Flynn and Admiral Rogers. This operation works with the White House to disseminate information in order to: (1) bypass the CIA controlled liberal fake news media, which uses “mind control” tactics and projection to “vilify heroes” and “glorify villains”; (2) red pill the masses and create a worldwide grassroots movement of critical thinking, self-discerning, autodidactic “Army of Digital Soldiers”; and (3) finally break free from the mental bondage of the matrix of lies - and prime “The Great Awakening”. Started in October 2017, “Q” and “Anons” often referred to as QAnons, are Patriots who run this military Truth psyop for asymmetric warfare against deep state propaganda.

Q Primer

The following was inspired by a listing of Q links being posted on YouTube. Most of this information I had already come across during my own research, but the main difference is; I have added some comments, additional significant sources, updated in order of significance to ease comprehension and provided new links for recently censored videos where possible. If you are new to the Q Phenomenon, the following links of videos and articles will provide a broader perspective.

    Bitchute, 14th August 2021 Important!

  2. Dr Jerome Corsi - Trump was asked to run for President - QAnon is Military Intelligence
    Bitchute Important!

    Comment: Dr Jerome Corsi PhD Political Science & Bestselling Author, note the enthusiasm of the audience! Rumble Copy

  3. US Military General Paul E. Vallely Says Q Military Operation Important!
    Americanuck Radio, October 2019

  4. Trump told us just this past week that General Keith Kellogg was one of quite a few "real Generals" that asked him to run for President. .... | XTwitter August 2024 Link  Important!

    Just as Q wrote on the boards.

    Was Trump asked to run for President w/ assurances made to prevent tampering?
    How is POTUS always 5-steps ahead?
    Who is helping POTUS?

    Well here he is, pre-2020 election.

  5. Scott McKay, The Patriot Streetfighter | THE ENTIRE TRUMP PRESIDENCY HAS BEEN A MILITARY STING OPERATION! [2021-01-09] - SCOTT MCKAY (VIDEO) Important Info
    Bitchute, 1st September 2021

    Comment: This is an excellent short presentation.

  6. Exclusive from Gen. Flynn: This Is My Letter to America
    The Western Journal, 5 August 2020

    "We are witnessing a vicious assault by enemies of all that is good, and our president is having to act in ways unprecedented in decades, maybe centuries. The biblical nature of good versus evil cannot be discounted as we examine what is happening on the streets of America."

    Comment: Do the research! The election is not about Republicans vs Democrats. General Flynn is a registered Democrat but is 100% behind Donald Trump. The election is between Good vs Evil. This fight between Good and Evil is why Christians are being mobilised. Why Christians are being asked into the White House on a frequent basis and why Trump is often seen praying with others in the White House. The dark side certainly don’t like that!

  7. President Trump Asked about QAnon
    YouTube, Aug 20, 2020

    During a news conference, President Trump is asked about his opinion of the QAnon movement, and while claiming he had not heard the conspiracy theory he did acknowledge "they like me very much."

  8. VIDEO: Compilation of President Trump on the 17th letter

  9. Q - The Plan to Save the World

    Highly Recommended!

  10. The Calm Before the Storm

    Q+ inspired phrase that is now all over the internet, lots of videos with this title at Rumble link.

  11. Part 1 - Fall Of The Cabal
    Ten part documentary made by researcher and
    author Janet Ossebaard from Netherlands.
    It contains thousands of hours of research
    and has been been well received worldwide.

    Highly Recommended!

  12. The Q Team's Take Down of the Cabal from A to Z
    Narrated by Charlie Freak [2020]
    Highly Recommended!

  13. Q for Dummies - Chapter 1 [Intro & Drops 1 - 5]
    Badlands Media, DEC 5, 2023

    My name is Paul Fleuret, or as I am better known in the movement, Absolute1776. I partake in many shows on Badlands Media, including Eye Of The Storm with my friend and fellow host Stormy Patriot Joe, which airs Tuesday evenings at 10:30pm and Friday evenings at 9:00pm.

    The purpose of that show is to breakdown the Q operation and to take a high level look at many of the comms and decodes associated with the Q operation. Our friend Patriots In Progress has the high-level take on Q articles completely covered with his series on Substack.

  14. Q for Dummies - Chapter 2 [Drops 6 - 14]
    Badlands Media, DEC 15, 2023

    The Badlands ‘Q for Dummies’ series attempts to ‘dumb down’ one of the most significant open-source intelligence drops of all time, which is partly responsible for triggering the period many refer to as ‘The Great Awakening.’ The series is intended for both newcomers and those looking for a fun review. Start with Chapter 1.

    Hello again, my frens! It is time for Chapter 2 of ‘Q for Dummies!’

    Before I dive in, please allow me the time to thank you all for such a wonderful response to Chapter 1. I certainly was not expecting you fine folks to enjoy it as much as you did, and it was certainly quite humbling to receive all of the love and kind comments I did. You folks out there really are the absolute best.

The Little Book of Q was written by a digital soldier Melissa Grenier aka Mel Q, who has been researching Q drops since 2018. Mel Q writes the following in the book Preface & Introduction - What is Q?
Lots of news has unlocked the Decode Keys to these drops which I have collected and keep updated in spreadsheet. These posts are also heavily sourced to ward off any fake news or conspiracy labels. I have finally compiled these posts into this book to make it easier for folks to share and understand.

  • Free! Little Book of Q
  • Paper/Hardback: Little Book of Q

  • ##################################################

    “How can we be reasonably certain Q is the “real deal”? From well over 1000 “crumbs” dropped by Q, there are dozens and dozens (likely over 100) of “confirmations” that have been set up by the Administration. Some are small and subtle (unlikely “coincidences” of spelling and timing of Q drops with Trump tweets), some enormous and unmissable (trailing the Korea agreement well in advance), and a few splendidly silly (like Q being challenged to put “tip top” into a Trump speech, and it happening!).

    “What is being revealed by Q aligns with my own research, and the experience and understanding of many other people who have also been digging for truth. There has been a breathtaking level of criminality and corruption, global in scale, sickening in scope, generational in development. Essentially, our society has been hijacked by forces of evil, with government by organised crime cartels, using media tools of deception to pacify and manipulate the public.

    “Those malevolent forces are now being uprooted, and justice is coming in an epic manner. This is absolutely unprecedented in our lifetime, and natural skepticism is warranted. It is merely my best reading of the situation, meant as a gift to you of my insight and intellect.”

    Source: Martin Geddes on Q

    You see, part of the whole thing that people don’t understand with the Q operation, is that the core of it is to train a new generation to grow and mature into power. [...]

    People have to educate themselves and then new people must come into the Q project, who will educate themselves. I understand there are a bunch of people out there that don’t believe the Q operation is real; but it is. The level of sophistication is at the outer edge of the current supercomputers’ capabilities envelope. Artificial intelligence is involved in helping to correlate all of the Q posts downs to the second controlling the information so that it overlays and layers perfectly with the thousands of posts to date. [...]

    At the end of today’s battle, the goal is that you become of a mind that YOU are the Q team; that you’re a member of the Q team. All those people who participated, learned, and were educated at Q University, are graduates. They are PHD’s in the great war to free mankind from these banker monsters who kill presidents, take over economies, and bleed us off like vampires. [...]

    The idea is that you must choose to graduate and become a Q team member. That’s how we’ll know if the Q operation has actually been successful.

    Source: Kid By The Side Of The Road by Juan O Savin.
    This is a 68 page booklet.
    • The 2nd edition hardcopy can be purchased here
    • The e-book version can be purchased here
    • A free pdf version can be downloaded here
    • YouTube reading playlist here

    There is literally an army of people decoding 'Q drops', posting insights, questioning the mainstream narrative and producing memes. However, due to recent Facebook, Twitter and YouTube heavy censorship, the following widely known QAnons have proliferated across social media and the internet to safeguard their online presence.

    Q intel drops are on:

    Patriot Underground

    SGT Report


    X22 Report

    • *censored*

    And We Know




      Note 1: Recommended for those new to QAnon who need more background and short summaries of what has been happening recently.

    Martin Geddes

    • Newsletter:
    • Martin Geddes On Q (10 Essays) Link
    • Open Your Mind To Change​ Free e-bookLink

      Santa Surfing


    Q Code of Ethics

    This is a nice graphic but please note Q drop 4881 says:
    There is 'Q'. 1
    There are 'Anons'. 2
    There is no 'Qanon'. 3
    Media labeling as 'Qanon' is a method [deliberate] to combine [attach] 'Q'
    to comments _theories _suggestions _statements [and ACTIONS] made by 2.

    Meme – Trump Cards

    For more Trump Cards go to social media website

    Q Miscellaneous

    The Punisher Pin

    Susan Joy Rennison, B.Sc.Hons. (Physics with Geophysics)

    Fist Upload: 23rd October 2020,
    Last Update: 27th August 2024


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