In a search for truth, I have investigated the Catholic Church hierarchy on and off all my adult life. I also lived in Italy (1997 - 1999) and was fortunate enough to travel and visit Rome and Vatican City, so I saw with my very own eyes things that helped to make my mind up. Therefore, based on mountains of evidence, I decided long ago that the vatican leadership were evil and only motivated by power and money. Unfortunately I was too optimistic. The Catholic hierarchy is satanic and was installed to help rule the world, alongside government officials, royalty and corporations.
For those who want an historical perspective, I can recommend the excellent book 'Vicars of Christ, The dark side of the Papacy' by Peter De Rosa. The author is an ex-Catholic priest who had access to the Vatican Archives. Quotes from this book regarding the salacious behaviour and atrocities committed by Popes can be found in a book review
Peter de Rosa, Vicars of Christ: The Dark Side of the Papacy.
This book is out of print but a copy can be downloaded for free from the PDFDrive website
Oct 7/2022 ~ Benedictine Nun named Mother Miriam issues a warning of what she describes as a globalist depopulation agenda involving COVID-19 vaccines, at one point referring to Pope Francis as the “spiritual leader” of globalist elites. She says the COVID-19 vaccine is part of a depopulation agenda by globalist elites like Bill Gates and George Soros. In the video, she explains how the globalists are working to kill a large swath of the global population through mass vaccination in order to usher in a “one world order.” The video clip came from her show, Mother Miriam Live, formerly Heart to Heart with Mother Miriam, a Catholic radio show and podcast affiliated with Life Site News and the Station of the Cross Catholic Radio Network:
Comment: There are many copies of this statement on Rumble, but I have linked above to one that provides details of the full video, her name and her website.
The following Jordan Maxwell interview provides an accurate assessment of the Catholic Church. The YouTube description states:
“Jordan Maxwell exposes the Vatican, the Roman Catholic Church and religion in general. Maxwell ties together astrotheology, symbolism and the true meaning of common words we use everyday to demonstrate how every culture has been a victim of this corrupt cabal. For many Christians, this video will resonate as heresy, but for a few, it will be their awakening.”
Vatican Secrets EXPOSED! Jordan Maxwell | YouTube, 23 Aug 2010
Maxwell eloquently briefly describes the origins of Christianity, but goes into some depth concerning the raison d'etre of the Catholic Church, and the Vatican mafioso mentality. This level is for those who have gone beyond believing the lies that the Pope has any authority from God and are open to understanding truth.
Yes, it is obvious that the Vatican hierachy have been circling the drain for a long time, but now there is more and more evidence that they are really satanists. The following is only an attempt to blog some of the accusations and how the Pope operates alongside the evil satanic elites who rule the world.
Between 28th October 2017 and 1st October 2020, the anonymous source Q, now believed to be Military Intelligence, began to deliver or 'drop' information on anonymous online forums. This has since become "the biggest 'inside' 'approved' [information] dump in American history."
In early drops, Q mentions Godfather III 22 times. This relates to the classic movie 'Godfather' trilogy and in the third movie the main character and protagonist Michael Corleone is fighting the corrupt elements of the Vatican. Therefore, despite not being mentioned as being one of the top three Puppet Masters, the Vatican has a similar status to Hillary Clinton who also gets mentioned over and over. Another perspective is that it is factual to assert that the Catholic Church is a well established cult with tremendous power. However, what is now becoming understood is that the leadership belongs to a dark and satanic cult. Therefore, references to Godfather III may only hint at the significance of the spiritual war taking place between good and evil on this planet.
The following selection provides a flavour of the issues that are associated with the Vatican. Here are some of these Q 'drops'.
Jul 30 2019 | Q drop 3565📁
Godfather III
It's going to be BIBLICAL.
Dec 5 2017 | Q drop 274
Godfather III
Be prepared for what you find.
Nov 21 2017 | Q drop 184
Their need for symbolism will be their downfall.
Follow the Owl & Y head around the world.
Identify and list.
They don’t hide it.
They don’t fear you.
You are sheep to them.
You are feeders.
Godfather III.
Nov 20 2017 | Q drop 158
What if Hugh Hefner was /a Clown In America?
What is a honeypot?
Define blackmail.
How could this be applied?
Fantasy land.
No Such Agency.
The hunter becomes the hunted.
Operations underway.
Operators active.
Disinformation is real.
Disinformation is necessary.
Silent war (some gets out).
The Great Awakening.
Iron Eagle.
Godfather III.
The Hunt for Red October.
Nov 9 2017 | Q drop 128
There is an active war on your mind.
Be [p]repared.
Ope[r]ations underway.
Operators [a]ctive.
Graphic is essential.
Find the ke[y]stone.
Moves and countermoves.
They never thought she would lose.
Snow white.
Godfather III.
Iron Eagle.
Nov 6 2017 | Q drop 119
What is money flow disruption?
List the Billionaires.
What family history goes back pre_WW1/2?
Why is this relevant?
Why did the Bush family recently break silence and attack POTUS?
Coincidence pre SA arrests?
Who audits the billions paid for war?
Who audits the billions paid for environment policy (side note)?
Where do the funds go?
To who / which entity and/or org?
What slush fund was recently terminated by AG Sessions?
What is Fast & Furious?
What is the underlying theme?
Who controls the FED?
How did political leaders/’talking heads’ accum assets in excess of $5mm+?
What was the net worth for each prior to taking office?
Why is this relevant?
Snow White.
Godfather III.
Nov 5 2017 | Q drop 111
Was the former President of the United States groomed to be Command in Chief?
Is this possible?
Is the US political / election system corrupt?
Who owns poll machines?
Why is this relevant?
They never thought she would lose.
They never thought she would lose.
Fantasy land.
Fantasy land.
The complete picture would put 99% of Americans (the World) in a hospital.
POTUS is our savior.
Operators are active.
We are at war.
Goodnight BO.
Snow White.
Godfather III.
There is no doubt that The Cabal exists but the details concerning hierarchy do vary. Many researchers state The Cabal are bound by "Cosmic Rules of Play" and are forced to disclose certain truths. In the article "35 Things the Ruling Cabal Does Not Want You to Know" on the website Veteran's Today, extraordinary claims are made about The Cabal. Unfortunately, it neglects to point out the role of the Vatican and the Jesuits who act as a policing and spy agency, rather like CIA/MI5/MI6/Mossad etc. However, here are some exerpts;
4. All wars are pre-arranged by this secret Ruling Cabal which is best defined as the circle of top world Banksters and industrialists run out of the City of London Financial District, a separate country like the Vatican with its own ambassadors and police. These folks claim to be personally anointed by Lucifer himself and some have claimed to have personal alien or demon guides that provide protection and counsel. Thus all wars are Bankster wars and appear to be demonically inspired. Some experts have discovered a strong association with secret esoteric “super-masonic” occult groups which are Luciferian based and this Ruling Cabal.
Others have discovered a long term association with these Ruling Cabal members and alien or ET entities, and believe these cabal members are actually infected with alien/ET demonic parasites who demand and promote mass death and destruction upon the Earth once they gain control over the Cabal member who has lost his soul or been “soul-snatched”.
Some researchers have labeled this Ruling Cabal Babylonian Zionism, or the “Synagogue of Satan” and claim that it’s wealth and power is based on the use of “Babylonian Money-Magick” which is the use of fiat money lent at pernicious usury in order to create massive debt slavery, massive asset stripping and provide complete but hidden control.
Others attribute it power to the anointing of Lucifer and their use of the evil “black arts” which include deception, sleight of hand and human sacrifice. If the cabal can issue or print all the money it needs, it can buy up almost every single politician it wants as long as it keeps the effects of all the excess money mitigated to prevent a complete collapse of the monetary system.
14. There is a force higher up the Pyramid of Power than the Ruling Cabal run out of the City of London. It is the Old Black Nobility (OBN), also known to some insiders as the European Circle of twelve and this is comprised of the old Luciferian black nobility families of Europe that control the Vatican, German banking and all world Central banking including the City of London Banksters and their stateside franchisees the federal Reserve/Rockefeller bunch and have been considered the top of the hierarchy.
Actually, however, the OBN is not at the very top, but the “Third Force” is. The Third Force is reputed to be Lucifer himself, the god of this world, the prince of the “power of the air”, the master of the alien/ETs and Ufos and “alien technology”. As this narrative goes, as hard as he tries, he cannot usurp God Almighty, cannot match his might or creative power nor can he create human life and breath the soul into it.
He is not omniscient and is using the SSG and all its various high tech spy agencies to attempt to create omniscience. He knows there is a final battle coming between his forces and God Almighty’s and he believes he can win if he gets control of the whole world, consolidates it into a NWO order uses it to build a collection of the highest tech space weapons possible.
This Third Force is allegedly limited and constrained by the “Cosmic Rules of Play” required by God Almighty which requires that he must make sure the public is at least minimally informed ahead a time of his plans, has the right to refuse to cooperate and must agree to be compromised before any cosmic parasite or demon can be internalized.
Point 14 states that the Old Black Nobility (OBN) control the Vatican. All I can say in that regard is that they boast even to this day that members of their family have been Popes! Regardless, this article misses the fact that these controlling families have historically fought each other for control. The saying, "Divide And Conquer" applies to them and their numerous secret societies that they create and maintain. Their god is a chaotic force, so it is a basic fact that they are incapable of cooperation 100% of the time.
It is widely acknowledged that there are three major centres of control that do not answer to local jurisdiction:
The City of London [Not part of London or the United Kingdom]: Cabal Centre of Financial Power. Telegram | Interesting clip
Who controls UK Finance
The District of Columbia [Not part of the City of Washington or the United States] : Cabal Centre of Military Power
The Vatican City [Not part of Rome or Italy.]: Cabal Centre of Religious Power
Today we will look at what some might consider the hidden history of the United States, the City of London, and the Vatican.
Recently Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes said on mainstream TV here in the UK that President Trump tried to close down and declare the bankruptcy of the UNITED STATES CORP which was formed in 1871.
According to her Americans have been paying taxes via this corporation for the benefit of the City of London.
Comment: Anons know about the 650 plane loads of gold removed from the Vatican, but now this news has gone mainstream. Incidentally, President Trump re-posted this interview on Truth Social. Full GBNews interview with Jan Halper-Hayes, who sits on a TaskForce for the Department of Defense on TwitterLink
Historically, the Vatican has exerted power overtly and covertly. The most obvious overt manner was the use of Papal Bulls that were enforced by military might and the logistics organised by the Jesuits, see Vatican and the Jesuits. Covertly, the use of Maritime Law or Holy See Admiralty Law is a special maritime language which is used to codify contracts within government, commerce, banking and the justice system. It is way beyond the scope of this webpage to explain all the implications, but some details are provided.
Papal Bulls concern the rights of the pontiff over property and humans on Earth. Maritime Law or Holy See Admiralty Law is how this was applied to control life on Earth.
When we are born, a Cestui Que Trust is set up using our birth certificate. A non-living entity is created using DOG LATIN, CAPITAL letters. Whenever capital letters are used it CAPITALISES on the name. We are given a BIRTH (BERTH) CERTIFICATE and is then REGIStered with the government that is a private company that is owned by the Vatican.
We are REGIStered to the crown as cargo as lost at SEA/SEE, which is the HOLY SEE of the Vatican.
Comment: Simply, the world is run as a Corporation by a Corporation. Maritime Law language used by our legal documents e.g. birth certificate, drivers licences, identification card, passport, mortgage contracts, etc means that people are signed up to be considered as individual legal corporations. Therefore, people can be treated like products or collateral that can be bought and sold. Today people have found out how to check what their corporation is worth and are cashing out!!
Comment: Interesting graphic (a better quality version can be found among a data dump of info @, where we are informed about a bizarre wedding ceremony ritual between the Vatican and the (Holy) sea that takes place in Venice.
There are two states a person can be in this world: you are either sovereign or a slave; the choice is only yours to make. I chat to Sovereign Pete, from the Sovereign Project, about freedom, car tax, council tax, government oppression and constitution.
Comment: This is very good introduction to the consequences of being born into debt slavery and examples of how this system is operated in the UK.
The following slideshow and information suggests that the Vatican hierarchy is deeply embedded in the Deep State/Cabal and a force dedicated to perpetuating evil.
In pictures: Papal meetings
. New August 2022
Take note! In these photos, most people meeting the Pope are wearing black!
This is in compliance with Vatican protocol as black is required as a sign of submission, penance, worship, and subservience.
Hidden hand (Freemasonry)
Whale (Includes photos of celebrities and politicians using these same signs, sometimes combined with other freemasonary signs.)
PM Justin Trudeau and Governor of Canada Mary May Simon welcoming Pope Francis in Edmonton on Sunday, 24 July 2022 (Vatican Media)
Pope to meet the Governor of Canada and PM upon arrival in Quebec Upon his arrival in Québec from Edmonton on Wednesday, Pope Francis will pay a courtesy visit to the Governor General of Canada, Mary Simon, and meet briefly with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, in the Citadelle de Québec
Vatican News, 27 July 2022
Comment: Here we see Pope Francis clearly using a masonic handshake as his thumb is over the knuckle. The Trudeau lookalike seems to be making an attempt to disguise his own handsign too.
The following link reveals five masonic handshakes and lots and lots of examples of politicians, dignitaries and a few Popes using them
A reminder: The top inner circle of Freemasons are satanists. This short video clip is quite informative. Click image for link.
Pope Francis has dissolved the leadership of the Knights of Malta, the global Catholic religious order and humanitarian group, to instal a provisional government ahead of the election of a new Grand Master.
The papal decree comes five years after an acrimonious debate within the Order, which once commanded the islands of Malta for almost 200 years, over a new constitution that some feared would weaken its sovereignty.
The group, whose formal name is Sovereign Military Hospitaller Order of St. John of Jerusalem, of Rhodes and of Malta, was founded in Jerusalem nearly 1,000 years ago to provide medical aid for pilgrims in the Holy Land.
[...] It is however still a religious order under the auspices of the Vatican.
Nelson Mandela was a member became "a Knight in the Order of St. John in 1996 and later invested in the year 2004 at St. James's Palace in London, as a "Bailiff Grand Cross of the Order of Saint John," the Order's highest honor." The part of Nelson Mandela I never knew about.
Comment: The Knights of Malta are often classed as a secret society so I am surprised that the Vatican has control over it. Btw, I don't think this doppleganger was the original Nelson Mandela because there were newspaper reports that he died in prison and his ex wife attended his funeral! Worse still, from what I know, he was into industrial levels of child trafficking for which he was rewarded. Here's the clue:
A rabbit in Nelson Mandela's ear and other artistic insults
Skull & Bones
It is difficult to reconcile the Catholic Church's Christian message of salvation with the aesthetics of being a death cult. The creepy and horrendous skull and bone churches combined with the worship of skulls and bones may only be an in-your-face representation of the true nature of Catholic hierarchy and their close relationship with Freemasonry. Some have made the connection between the Yale University Skull and Bones secret society of future leaders and the Catholic Church. Whatever, the historic use of this symbolism is associated with pirates and poison. Therefore, we have a direct relationship with Maritime Law or Holy See Admiralty Law. Those who use this system of language and manipulate the masses, see themselves as pirates and dangerous.
Churches made of bones? How morbid does that sound – it’s anything but! These fascinating skull and bone churches have otherworldly stories to tell. Chandeliers made of human bones. Bone pyramids. Skulls with bullet holes.
Someone said : One of the biggest religious lies of our times, is that presentation of the Roman Catholic Church as a Christian Church. It is not. Just look at these pictures.
Comment: This is the thread reader version link
Pope Benedict kneeled and prayed before the skull of saint Wenceslaus, patron saint of the Czech nation.
The Roman Catholic Church honors Saint Wenceslaus, a Central European ruler who died at the hands of his brother while seeking to strengthen the Catholic faith in his native Bohemia.
You might never get a better photographical evidence than this, confirming that the Roman Catholic church is a cult. Not only a cult, but a death cult. Honoring, praying to, and worshipping the dead.
Twitter | Roman Catholic priests worship skulls, bones and corpses.
Comment: A long thread... Threadreader version
The Pope is in the Red Shoe Club.
There is information in my Everyday Satanism blog about the Red Show Club..... However, I was still shocked to read that Papal Bulls were written on human skin specifically children's skin.... See the link above.... I am looking for additional sources for this.
The articles and information provided here are some of the in-your-face accusations that the dominate religion in the Vatican is Satanism. These claims are mostly made by insiders i.e. Roman Catholic priests. Obviously, this webpage can only reveal the tip of a massive iceberg of evidence because the subject matter requires years of study. The main point here is to explain why there are rumours swirling around social media for many months that military action by 'White Hats' is being taken against the Vatican as they are part of the Deep State/Cabal. As an aside, there were massive fires near the Vatican, Rome in July 2022 and NOTHING was mentioned in the mainstream media. The question is WHY NOT?
Rome Burning - Huge explosion & fire Rome
Video 1
& Video 2.
Since there are volumes of information in the public domain, the information provided here is to briefly outline how it is even possible that the Catholic Church could face charges of crimes against humanity. At the same time, there are mainstream face saving articles stating the Catholic Church's revenue streams have largely dried up. What I find most striking is that the Catholic Church has a long history of cruel and despotic behaviour, but most don't seem to understand the implications or care. Will it be the same when people find out that they were involved in modern day slavery in the form of child trafficking, but worse still, in order to produce adrenochrome to fill their coffers?
Pope Francis at the October 2018 Youth Synod
Click image for link
Click image for link
Click image for link
Click image for link
Right Image: Click image for link
This is from a website selling the bronze seen right.
The Witch Lord, with the skull of a stag, the figure is seated cross-legged, atop a platform, and bears a spear as a serpent climbs up from the earth and winds its way around his body. This iconic figure impressively combines aspects of the witchcraft, Pagan and occult tradition into one startling and striking image of the legendary Horned Lord. Using symbolism associated with such entities as Herne the Hunter, Cernunnos, Bucca Dhu, and Eliphas Levi’s Baphomet, the artist establishes a new and powerful image for any magical practitioner to appreciate and tap into for their personal practice.
LANCASTER, England (CNS) — A small group of Catholics has accused Pope Francis of heresy and has written to the world’s bishops asking them to “take the steps necessary to deal with the grave situation of a heretical pope.”
The letter, originally signed by 19 people — mostly scholars and retired academics — was published April 30 by LifeSiteNews, a frequent critic of Pope Francis — and was posted on the petition website by Nick Donnelly, a permanent deacon of the Diocese of Lancaster and one of the original signers of the letter.
[...] Among “other indications” that Pope Francis is a heretic, the letter writers listed, “At the opening Mass of the Synod on Youth in 2018, Pope Francis carried a staff in the form of a ‘stang,’ an object used in satanic rituals.” The wooden crozier — with the arms of the cross in a “V” shape rather than forming a “T” — was given to the pope by Italian young people for use at the Mass.
Comment: The Catholic Church have traditionally absorbed ancient pagan beliefs, teachings and practices, in order to make themselves appear acceptable to the ignorant masses. Today, the abject paganism/satanism is often directly in your face, but most are too uneducated to recogise it.
Pope John Paul II speaking at an open-air mass in Galilee, July 2015. This is where Jesus was believed to have delivered his Sermon on the Mount. Here we see an upside down cross on the Pope's throne chair in the video provided by Associated Press [AP]. See for yourself on YouTube: ISRAEL: GALILEE: POPE JOHN PAUL II OPEN AIR MASS (V)
Jesuit Pope Francis air-draws the satanic upside-down cross
Comment: Hmmm........ That is definately an upside down cross. I wonder how long different Popes have been doing this....
Bishop Robert McElroy, the American prelate about to receive one of the highest honors in the Church — the red hat — knowingly covered up satanic ritual abuse. In this Special Report, Christine Niles uncovers never-before-seen evidence exposing a diabolical network in the heart of the Church.
Comment: This is amazing witness testimony from a beautiful young and innocent women who explains how she was groomed.
Former nun details years of ‘satanic’ sex abuse by Jesuit priest Fr. Rupnik 'His sexual obsession was not extemporaneous but deeply connected to his conception of art and his theological thinking,' said a former member of Fr. Rupnik's community, who says she was abused by him for 9 years.
LifeSite News, Dec 19, 2022
Malachi Martin writes in his book Windswept House that an enthronement ceremony for the Fallen Angel Lucifer took place in 1963. This dovetails with the highly secretive prophecy entitled, 'The Third Secret of Fatima' which some claim is a warning that Satan would enter into the highest realms of the hierarchy in Rome.
Comment: There is a lot of information here including a summary of this so-called Enthronement. I found an online .pdf
copy of Malachi Martin’s bookand read about this ceremony. Well, from what ex-satanists claim, the ceremony seemed a bit tame to me and therefore IF this event took place, this write-up is highly sanitised.
[...] His face serious, the many lines on his face clear, Amorth confesses, "The devil resides in the Vatican."
While admitting that it is hard to prove, he says the consequences of the devil's work are evident: Cardinals who don't believe in Jesus, bishops who are linked with the devil. As early 1972 Pope Paul VI talked about the "smoke of Satan" that hovered in the Vatican, but it is more recent events like the pedophilia scandal the church is confronted with and the grisly murder by a Swiss guard of his commander and wife that Amorth uses as evidence of the devil's presence.
Comment: Reported by mainstream media.... That is disclosure for sure.
Pope Francis is back in Rome after his three-day trip to the Holy Land during which he made several dramatic gestures and advanced his ideas on inter-religious dialogue which he believes can be a catalyst for peace in the region.
Saying goodbye to Israel, where he concluded his tour which took in Jordan and what Francis called the Palestinian State, he dropped something of a bombshell on the plane back home.
“A priest who has sex with a child betrays God. A priest needs to lead children to sanctity, and children trust him. But instead he abuses them, and this is terrible. I compare it to a satanic mass.” That last comment got raised eyebrows from Federico Lombardi, the veteran Vatican press office director appointed by Francis’s predecessor.
Comment: The article at Euronews has been removed but this is a link to a copy on the internet archive The Way Back Machine. I suppose the real question here is how would the Pope know what a satanic mass was so that he could make the comparison? Personally, I think the use of phrase 'satanic mass' was too much for some. Here is a Euronews video of Pope Francis making this claim that is still left on YouTube.
| Pope Francis likens child sex abuse by priests to 'satanic mass' in plane interview
Three Vatican priests have gone on record denouncing Pope Francis as a false prophet and claiming that Satan worshipping pedophile cardinals are engaged in the ritual abuse of children as young as one-month-old inside the Vatican's high walls.
Comment: Yikes! The three priests are
Malachi Martin, an Irish Catholic priest who was Professor of Palaeography at the Vatican’s Pontifical Biblical Institute.
The Reverend Gabriele Amorth, an Italian Roman Catholic priest, and an exorcist of the Diocese of Rome.
Father Alfred Joseph Kunz was a Catholic priest who was found with his throat slit in his Roman Catholic church in Dane, Wisconsin, after launching an investigation into Satanic pedophilia and child abuse within the clergy.
The Roman Colosseum is a World Heritage Site and is listed among the New Seven Wonders of the World. It is the most-visited tourist destination in the world. And now at the grand entrance to the Colosseum rests a statue of the Canaanite deity that is associated heavily with child sacrifice.
The Colosseum was once a place that saw Christians fed to lions, killed by gladiators, or rolled into pitch and set on fire as torches. The Colosseum now seems to have erected Molech as its god. [...]
Molech has been associated with human abortion for thousands of years. The name, Molech is believed to have originated with the Phoenician mlk, which referred to a type of sacrifice made to confirm or acquit a vow. Along with ritual prostitution, this deity required the death of babies to appease him. [...]
“There is no way that such a thing could be done without direct permission from the highest levels of the Vatican. The Colosseum of Rome is owned by the Vatican, and specifically the Diocese of Rome, also called the Holy See. If anyone wants to do anything there, they must get permissions from the office of the Diocese of Rome. This exhibition, called “Cathargo: the immortal myth” could not be held there at all unless permissions were granted at high levels.”
Comment: This event was featured in my blog Everyday Satanism and linked to a different article. Here the article discusses the historical significance of this site conrolled by the Vatican since the Middle Ages. Unfortunately, this article fails to condemn the Vatican for the satanic overtones.
Holy Moly! The most globalist and interventionist Pope since the Crusades of the 12th Century has formalized an alliance with the largest figures in global finance led by none other than that noble banking family, Rothschild. The new alliance is a joint venture they call "Council for Inclusive Capitalism with the Vatican." The venture is one of the more cynical and given the actors, most dangerous frauds being promoted since Davos WEF guru and Henry Kissinger protégé, Klaus Schwab, began to promote the Great Reset of the world capitalist order. What and is behind this so-called Council for Inclusive Capitalism with the Vatican?
Comment: Here we find no degrees of separation with the top level Cabal puppet masters The Rothschilds. They even boast on their website affiliation with Satanist/baphomet Marina Abramovic. See info on my website; Rothschilds & Their Satanic Traits.
Interestingly, it was reported by ABC News that "If Time [Magaine] was imitating Michelangelo's statue of Moses, ABC News notes the Pope [Francis] isn't the first to get the evil treatment. Prince Charles, George Bush, Bill Gates and John Paul II have all appeared on the magazine's cover with their heads placed below the "M."" Note Time magazine did the same to Pope Benedict XVI, cover date
May 2, 2005. Link here.
Comment: I really don't believe Popes should be doing hand signs that could be considered satanic. The controversy here is that the sign provided to the right is the Shaka sign that originated in Hawaii. It carries a variety of meanings, such as "cool," All Right," or "Thanks." Similar to Aloha, it can also mean "Hello" and "Goodbye." It is therefore similar to the Horned Hand or "Cornuto" which represents the Devil, Satan, The Goat. It is a sign of recognition between those that are in the Cabal cult and hence widely seen used by celebrities and politicians. Many individuals use this symbol and have no idea what it means, but there is no doubt the Pope could have used this sign as a subtle disguise by using what looks like a hybrid hand sign. Yes ther are dubious claims that this is I love you in sign language. Unfortunately, the point is it should not be left in any doubt what the hand sign means. See more examples of celebrities and politicians using these same signs, sometimes combined with other freemasonary signs. See, HAND SIGNS PART 2: SATANIC ALLEGIANCE but if you still have any doubts, this old YouTube video of satanist Anton LaVey provides a definitive answer,
Anton Lavey Sign of the curse
Priest wears a galero (UFO hat), Click image for link
In recent years, the Vatican have been trying to change their narrative by promoting the belief in the existence of extraterrestrials. This was explained in great detail by the door-stopper 589 page book 'Exo Vaticana: Petrus Romanus, Project L.U.C.I.F.E.R., and the Vatican’s Astonishing Plan for the Arrival of an Alien Savior'(2013) by Thomas Horn & Cris D. Putnam. The most interesting aspect to all this is the acknowledgement that various groups worldwide (some in high places of authority), claim demons are masquerading as extraterrestrials. Therefore, it is believed the Vatican are desperately trying to pull off an enormous deception to fool the world into believing that ETs will become the saviours of mankind....
Right: EXO-VATICANA (2013) by Thomas Horn & Cris D. Putnam
A free copy can be downloaded from PDFDrive here
In addition, there are claims that when we enter a new Astrological Age, the religionistas change the story to get the masses to worship a new god. This may help to explain why the Vatican are promoting beliefs in extraterrestrials in order to create a One World religion acceptable to the Cabal elite pushing for a New World Order.
The following articles provide some background for those who are unaware of what has been going on.
Vatican ET Headlines
The Vatican's ET themed 2020 Nativity scene in St-Peter’s Square, Rome.
The Vatican’s 2020 Nativity scene is a bizarre collection of ugly pieces that include an astronaut and an executioner wearing a horned mask. Furthermore, the entire thing is replete with occult symbolism.
VATICAN CITY – Dozens of scientists gathered at a Vatican-sponsored meeting to fit together emerging pieces of a puzzle still waiting to be solved: whether there is life on other planets.
If finding extraterrestrial life is like “a detective chase, a crime to be solved, we’re getting very close to the answer,” said Chris Impey, head of the Steward Observatory and the University of Arizona’s department of astronomy in Tucson, Ariz.
Impey was one of 30 high-level scientists attending a Nov. 6-10 study week on astrobiology sponsored by the Vatican Observatory and the Pontifical Academy of Sciences. He and others spoke at a Vatican press conference Nov. 10.
The astronomer said it is widely believed that life needs three basic ingredients: carbon-based material, energy provided by stars, and water, “which is one of the most common molecules in the universe.”
“These three elements have already been found in a lot of places in galaxies,” he said.
Comment: Hmmmm.... Nowadays, it is hard to believe anything that NASA reports....Have you seen the video of a private rocket hitting the firmament? The TV series of life under a dome now make sense.....
Vatican prepares for extraterrestrial disclosure
Exopolitics Examiner, 12th November 2009
The Vatican sponsored astrobiology conference was a landmark event. It showed that the Vatican was willing to officially sanction public discussions on the existence of extraterrestrial life. More significantly, it showed that the Vatican was willing to initiate a comprehensive dialogue on the theological implications of the discovery of intelligent extraterrestrial life. The Vatican’s astrobiology conference is yet one more sign that major global institutions are preparing for some kind of formal disclosure concerning UFOs and/or extraterrestrial life. This is a direct outcome of a series of landmark meetings at the UN beginning in February 2008 that led to the adoption of a new openness policy.
Comment: The link for the article is now dead. Found on my old Vatican blog archives.
The Director of the Vatican's Observatory, Fr. José Gabriel Funes, said in an interview with the Vatican daily, L'Osservatore Romano, that believing in the possible existence of extraterrestrial life is not opposed to Catholic doctrine.
The 45-year-old Argentinean priest heads the Vatican Observatory, founded by Pope Leo XIII with offices at Castelgandolfo, near the Apostolic summer palace, and another in Tucson, Arizona. Fr. Funes has been in charge of the Observatory since August 2006.
The astronomer began the interview titled, "The Alien is my Brother," by saying that, "Astronomy has a profound human value. It is a science that opens the heart and the mind. It helps us to put our lives, our hopes, our problems in the right perspective. In this regard, and here I speak as a priest and a Jesuit, it is an apostolic instrument that can bring us closer to God", said Fr. Funes in the interview.
Comment: The link goes to a copy of this article at Also, the most well known version of this interview is titled: The Extraterrestrial Is My Brother.
[...] What connections actually exist between the Vatican and Extraterrestrials? Is this the Church simply learning from the mistakes of its dark past or is there something more going on here? The Vatican secret archives have always been a source of intrigue to all those who have curious minds. 50 miles of shelving stuffed full of documents dating back to the eighth century is sure to hold some interesting information and priceless artifacts.
Comment: For some the discussion of Ancient aliens is old news and this webpage is just one of hundreds I could have picked. This is an interesting coin featured in this MSM article here: Is this CONCLUSIVE proof that aliens visited ancient Egypt?
Spanish Translation: Filtered images of the Vatican library
Click image for Twitter video.
Comment: It has been disclosed that the Vatican held information about UFOs and requests to share this information by government officials have been denied in the past.
The Catholic Church's interest in astronomy and belief in extraterrestrials
needs to be juxtaposed with the efforts in recent years by Vatican translators of the Bible. These translators reveal to the world that the Vatican rewrote their Biblical source texts to fit their theology. Since many books have been written on this subject, it is sufficient to state the Catholic Church upheld the Biblical belief that 'Angels', 'Watchers' or benei ha-elohim ("sons of God") came to Earth and bred with the daughters of Adam. Based on the exact same Sumerian text used as sources to create some of the books of the Biblical Old Testament, authors like Zerchariah Sitchin state that the 'Angels' or Elohim (gods) were extraterrestrials. So, we can make a link with historical evidence that Satan was a reptilian ET and not the same as the Elohim.
The following quote from Exo Vaticana reveals very important imformation. These ETs felt the need to compete or vie for human followers!
Of the “winged humans” and “dragon-like monsters,” prophecy expert, J.
R. Church, once made an interesting point that since this activity was satanic in nature, it refers to the “seed of the serpent” that was at enmity with Christ. “The concept of a reptilian race continues throughout the Bible as a metaphoric
symbol of the devil,” Church wrote in Prophecy in the News magazine, February
2009. “Later Scriptures add the term ‘dragon,’ with the implication that these
otherworldly creatures were designed with the DNA code of a reptilian race.”
Church went on to state that some of these satanic creatures were depicted as
“bat-like gargoyles, or winged dragons” in ancient art, and that we should not be
surprised that “a humanoid-type reptilian race could cohabit with human women
and produce a race of giants.”[160] In what could be historical support of Dr.
Church’s premise, a document fragment found in Cave 4 among the Dead Sea
Scrolls contains an admonition by Amram, the father of Moses, to his children.
In a badly damaged segment of the text, Amram sees the chief angel of darkness,
a Watcher named Melkireshaʿ in the form of a reptilian (bracketed suspension
points represent scroll damage/irretrievable text):
I saw Watchers in my vision, a dream vision, and behold two (of
them) argued about me and said […] and they were engaged in a
great quarrel concerning me. I asked them: “You, what are you
[…] thus […] about me?” They answered and said to me: “We
have been made masters and rule over all the sons of men.” And
they said to me: “Which of us do you choose […]
I raised my eyes and saw one of them. His looks were
frightening like those of a viper, and his garments were multicoloured
and he was extremely dark […]
And afterwards I looked and behold […] by his
appearance and his face was like that of an adder [a venomous
snake], and he was covered with […] together, and his eyes
The fact that the Watchers are described in explicitly reptilian terms by
the ancient Hebrews grounds the ufological discussion of such beings and their
interactions with man firmly in ancient history.
Exo Vaticana: Petrus Romanus, Project L.U.C.I.F.E.R., and the Vatican’s Astonishing Plan for the Arrival of an Alien Savior'(2013) by Thomas Horn & Cris D. Putnam. Page 92
Today, Christians still try to maintain this Catholic narrative. Otherwise, it appears that Jahweh or Jevovah etc were just the individual names of these Elohim gods. Certainly, closer inspection of the texts by unbias Bible scholars informs us that after the senior gods created 'Adams' using their own DNA. The aim was to have intelligent workers to relieve the minor Elohim of the drudgery of their mining work (which is why the came to Earth in the first place). The Sumerian texs state that the senior Elohim found existing suitable stock on Earth to mix their DNA with to create these new workers. Subsequently, the lesser Elohim/gods then had plenty of time on their hands and two hundred of them decided to have sex with the beautiful female daughters of 'Adam'. Consequently, when this experiment became too successful and the population expanded, the senior and minor gods went out of their way to get these new humans to become their followers, so they would have big enough armies to create war between themselves.
Comment: This short ~5 mins video is most useful for people who have not come across the Zecharia Sitchin books or similar books. This is history derived from ancient Sumerian texts that are older than Biblical texts. There is a counterpart Adam and Eve story, but with some vital additional information left out of the Bible. Here, the believed original Adam and Eve story is narrated by Ewaranon with flashy AI generated images.
Btw, I don't agree with Ewaranon's belief that we came from Apes. What about those natives that live extremely close to the Earth and have senses like the animals, but are fully human? Yes, these native groups are still considered STONE Age! See, this remarkable 2005 NBC News story Stone Age cultures survive tsunami waves.
Btw, the Annunaki representations are nothing like the descriptions provided in the Bible and Sumerian texts. Too Avatar-like for me....
What is most certain is some of the minor Elohim educated the 'Adams' in a variety of subjects. However, the first major business or corporation instigated by the senior Elohim was the establishment of priests to mind control their new creation. Hence, the 'Adams' were taught to worship the Elohim as gods.
The Elohim were mortal like humans, hence they probably had religious beliefs too. What is not so easy to find out is: which ones of these gods taught the priest class about Satanism? Beyond that, the implications are that humans are able to discover their spiritual gifts that are a human birthright. This might explain the historical oppression against any groups who appears to stray away from "official" religious beliefs.
Incidentally, the idea that ETs visited Earth hundreds of thousands of years ago has to revisited in the light that our scientific establishment is also part of the mind control apparatus. 'Planet' literally means 'small part of a plane' and this might explain the use of the Flat Earth Logo by an assortment of major world organisations.
Therefore, it could be that we exist on a structure that is far bigger than we have been taught. Literally what we know as Earth could just be a big hollow that is 70% water and there are other lands all around us that we have been taught are other 'planets'. In this regard, curious videos are circulating social media that suggests exploration of these other lands adjacent to our known 'Earth' has been undertaken and mapped.
Truth facilatates the awakening of humanity and old insights combined with deeply hidden information is now currently being revealed. Unfortunately, due to the complexity of the subject matter, it is impossible to cover the material required to come to a perfect understanding of the Catholic Church interest in ETs and satanism. Regardless, christians automatically suggesting that all ETs are demons is just too simplistic. It is most likely even from a scientific viewpoint that interdimensional entities exist, but has anyone ever heard of a demon slaving away in a gold mine? Yes, interdimensional shapeshifting demons could exist, but the world has to understand who else our world leaders have been negotiating with in the past and maybe even to the present day.
Left: This book can be downloaded for free from
here Right: This book is available to read online
Mauro Biglino is an internationally Bestselling Italian author, researcher, and highly regarded scholar of ancient Hebrew. For many years he worked for Rome’s Saint Paul Press as a Bible translator, providing with great precision the literal meaning of Hebrew words for Vatican-approved interlinear Bibles. For more background information see: Bible Translations Episode 1 | Elohim. GOD – Paul Wallis & Mauro Biglino
First part of Mauro Biglino's conference, "The Falling of the Gods", translated and dubbed over into English. Biglino begins by addressing the differences between what is written in the Bible and the theological refinements of the different Christian churches. He also exposes a small approximation to some pagan religions comparing them with Christianity.
Comment: This is an old interview where Mauro Biglino uses a translator. I strongly suggest that the precise translations of the Bible BEFORE they are re-written for theological purposes are an eye-opener and may explain why the Elite (including the Vatican) follow reptilian gods.
The Papal Audience Hall
So where is the evidence that the Vatican have a deep interest in Reptilian ETs? Well,
the most obvious structure to question is the Pope's Audience Hall. Completed in 1971, this peculiar structure is only partly within the actual boundary of the City/State, and the whole building, inside and out is unmistakably reptilian. Designed by award-winning Italian architect Pier Luigi Nervi, the building is designed to seat 6300 people for conference with the Pope himself, who presents from a stage in front of a giant Satanic looking sculpture, which will be discussed next.
Frankly, when this building was planned and built, there was no such thing as the internet or world wide web so they never thought they would be exposed in such a way. The following images and text are widely circulated
Photo from the Pope’s position on stage… with more teeth to be seen.
Among the many strange and suspicious statues, fountains, facades and structures that occupy Vatican City, the Pope’s Audience Hall stands out for its uncanny resemblance to a snake. Completed in 1971, the peculiar structure sits only partly within the actual boundary of the City/State, and the whole building, inside and out is unmistakably reptilian.
It’s officially named the Paul VI Audience Hall, after Pope Paul the Sixth, who reigned from 1963 to 1978.[...]
In this overhead photo, the building stands out for its unusual shape, which is innocuous enough until juxtaposed with a viper’s head.
This enormous sculpture (that has to be 66 feet high), resides in the Papal Audience Hall. It was created by Pericle Fazzini and is supposed to be Jesus rising from the crater of a nuclear bomb in the Garden of Gethsemane. Some believe it looks like Jesus morphing into a reptile... Whatever, it's creepy and horrible. The following article provides some technical details and is trying to be nice.
Fazzini's The Resurrection – The Vatican's creepy sculpture behind the pope
Public Delivery, July 31, 2022
Ever heard about the ‘demonic’ idol in the Vatican? Well, this refers to the large modern sculpture depicting the resurrection of Jesus, a backdrop work of art behind the stage in Paul VI Audience Hall.
The Paul VI Audience Halls draws many conspiracy theories not only due to this sculpture that people swear is a demonic representation and a serpent idol, but also because the design of the hall makes many associate it with snake imagery.
The Resurrection is a colossal sculpture created by Pericle Fazzini and measures an impressive 66-ft by 23-ft by 10ft. It depicts Jesus rising from the crater of a nuclear bomb in the Garden of Gethsemane.
In 1964 well-known engineer and architect Pier Luigi Nervi was appointed by Paul VI to create an audience hall, now known as the Paul VI Hall. Construction started in 1966 and the building was inaugurated in 1971.
Comment: For comparison, the creepy Paul Fryer Dark Morning Star (Lucifer sculpture) seen right has nothing to do with Catholicism, The Vatican or The Pope. It was placed in the 'Holy' Trinity church in Marylebone, Westminster [UK], but there is debate as to whether it is still there. The church had not been used for 'worship' in nearly 40 years which made it the perfect abode. See the following links for more images and comment Morning Star (Lucifer) – Paul Fryer & Creepy – Lucifer sculpture by Paul Frye
In my opinion and many agree, these artifacts belong to cults that worships the darkside. It is just a matter of debate as to whether Satan, Lucifer and the Devil etc etc are all the same or not.
TV & Movie Disclosures
In regard to the need for the Cabal to obey cosmic laws, there are many so-called works of fiction that tell us exactly what has been going on. Maybe the Star Wars movies may not be just entertainment.
Then, there is the highly popular but now cancelled "Science Fiction" series called The Colony that describes how an alien takeover would look like if it happened in our modern world and the themes and implications are very interesting to say the least. I was most intrigued by the religion that was set up and the use of a Black Cube for mind control purposes.... Those who have done the research will understand that implication.... There are probably many more examples.
"In 1988, an American science fiction-horror film, titled They Live (directed by John Carpenter), depicted a nameless drifter—played by professional wrestler “Rowdy” Roddy Piper—who discovers the ruling elite are in fact aliens that have hypnotized the human race and are managing human social affairs through subliminal messages concealed in memes and mass media."
Click image to read more from;
"It is no coincidence that ours is the age of fake news, collective superstitions and pseudo-scientific truths. It's curious: in this culture of knowledge, of knowing everything, even of the precision of knowledge, a lot of witchcraft has spread, but cultured witchcraft. It is witchcraft with a certain culture but that leads you to a life of superstition..."
St Peter's Square | 25 May 2022
Comment: Is this a confession?
The following brief timeline is a collection of articles that suggest that the Vatican hierarchy is deeply embedded in the Cabal and a force dedicated to secretly perpetuating evil.
Click image for Twitter video links
Courtesy: The People's Voice
Click image for source link
Comment: This is truly shocking.... If the aim is to demonstrate the Vatican hierarchy are openly satanic, then this is a very good attempt. So, after doing some fact checking, the artist Andres Serrano claims to be a christian see above. BUT the "art" is so offensive, what exactly is Christian about this? Why did Serrano get an invite ~ 24 years after his horrible art won accolades. The 'fake' Pope even gave him a thumbs up.... Yes, the Pope has been secretly replaced, here is a video clip of the fake Pope pulling on his clone mask link). I will repeat, if this is a White Hat effort to remind people that the Catholic hierarchy are truly evil and satanic then this gets A*+.
Piss Christ – a photograph that has attracted controversy for more than two decades – has gone on display in New York, at an exhibition which surveys 25 years of the artist Andres Serrano's work.
In 1989, the 60x40in red and yellow photograph of a crucifix plunged into a vat of Serrano's urine ignited a congressional debate on US public arts funding; in France last year, it was physically attacked.
Why do white people love to lick boots? Old, frail, wheel-chair-bound Pope Francis crosses the Atlantic to spend a week kissing the hands of Indian chiefs and heaping scorn on his own church.
Comment: This is a video by someone who does not believe that there was widespread abuse in these schools. It is added here because there are rare pictures and videos of the children in these schools.
[...] It bans investments in funds even indirectly associated with pornography, gambling, weapons and defence industries, pro-abortion health centres and laboratories or pharmaceutical companies that make contraceptive products or work with embryonic stem cells.
VATICAN CITY (LifeSiteNews) – Vatican City has issued a new set of coins, one of which shows a young person being vaccinated, presumably against COVID-19.
Comment: This is a very obvious example of the Catholic church promoting the Cabal's agenda.
VATICAN CITY (LifeSiteNews) | Pope Francis today received in audience a prominent priest known for his long-standing public rejection of Catholic teaching, advocacy of LGBT ideology, and downplaying of the role of Jesus in salvation.
Comment: Read the history of the Catholic Church, if it cannot control people and situations, it incorporates. Catholics and Christians should not be surprised as Catholicism is already filled to the brim with paganism. Do your own research.
DAVOS, Switzerland (LifeSiteNews) – A Vatican cleric attending the 2022 Davos Summit, a conference hosted by the World Economic Forum (WEF) which advances a punishing “green” agenda, open borders, and “future pandemic” management, has said that the Catholic Church is “committed to the various issues considered at the forum.”
VATICAN CITY (RNS) — Donations to the Holy See are expected to continue to drop following financial scandals currently at the heart of a high-profile Vatican trial. The institution is tackling an expected deficit of $37 million, according to its 2022 budget projection published Friday (Jan. 28).
Church sex abuse: Thousands of paedophiles in French Church, inquiry says
BBC, 3 October 2021
Thousands of paedophiles have operated within the French Catholic Church since 1950, the head of a panel investigating abuses by church members says.
Jean-Marc Sauvé told French media that the commission had found evidence of 2,900 to 3,200 abusers - out of a total of 115,000 priests and other clerics.
PARIS (AP) — A major French report says there have been an estimated 330,000 victims of child sex abuse within France’s Catholic Church over the past 70 years. The president of the commission that issued the report said the estimate, based on scientific research, includes abuses committed by priests and others clerics as well as by non-religious people involved in the church.
PARIS (AP) — Victims of abuse within France’s Catholic Church welcomed a historic turning point Tuesday after a new report estimated that 330,000 children in France were sexually abused over the past 70 years, providing the country’s first accounting of the worldwide phenomenon.
The figure includes abuses committed by some 3,000 priests and an unknown number of other people involved in the church — wrongdoing that Catholic authorities covered up over decades in a “systemic manner,” according to the president of the commission that issued the report, Jean-Marc Sauvé.
Comment: This is a long article on the subject matter.
Church & State were the same — they are the ones who rewrote the history books. They served a much more sinister master.
Comment: Telegram listing of Catholic Church sexual abuse cases
Pope Francis wearing pedo symbols on his attire, during the Final Mass at World Youth Day 2019 in Panama. Image: Isaac Gutierrez/Panama 2019.
The Roman Catholic Church has always had a penchant for things that are
odd, creepy, dark, weird and offbeat. Did you know that every Roman
Catholic Church has a ‘relic‘ of a Catholic ‘saint’ built into the
altar? Do you know what a relic is? It is a body part. How’s that for
weird, creepy and sinister?
Comment: The embedded video is [5:30] minutes long. I just liked the juicy headline here and the article is worth a
read. Quite frankly, I don't think this circus performance is that bad
compared to all the charges being laid against the Vatican and Catholic
Church. Mountains of books have been written concerning their historical
crimes which include 'Pious Fraud'. Today, the Vatican covering up
priest pedophilia is well know. The charges of The Catholic Church being
involved in human trafficking is NOT generally known. All I want to say
is that 'back channels' state that the Popes have been executed, their
gold has been taken and the Catholic Church is bankrupt. Personally, I
have on my to-do list an investigation into WHY Mass was changed.
Apparently, the original Mass was good for people. With my previous
extensive research into the Cultic Milieu, I have learned it is not a
good idea to throw the baby out with the bathwater. All cults/religions
start off with some truth, only slowly does the message get corrupted
with the Cabal requirement of mind controlling humans.
The genocide of World War II directed at Jews, Serbs, Roma, Soviets, and others by the Nazis and their allies generated vast amounts of loot and plunder including gold coins, wedding rings, and dental gold from concentration camps.
These genocide-tainted treasures were re-smelted at the Reichsbank and other central collection points and laundered through the Swiss banks, Bank for International Settlements and the Vatican Banks during and after WWII.
VATICAN CITY — The longtime chief of the Vatican police resigned his post Oct. 14 over leaks of information about an ongoing investigation into possible financial wrongdoing at the city-state.
[...] “They found thousands of bones,” said Giorgio Portera, the Orlandi family’s forensic expert, who hypothesized that they belonged to “dozens of persons.” He said the bones had not been catalogued or kept in an orderly manner, but were “piled up in a cavity.”
Comment: You have to read the story, it's all a bit murky and suspicious.
63 Years Hiding Pedophilia
TeleSur | 2 Jan 2019 | Snapshot | Since 1943, the Vatican had documents on the pedophilia of the founder of the Legionaries of Christ, Marcial Maciel.
This week Pope Francis wore a cross that had multiple colors on it that appear somewhat like a rainbow. Several traditional-minded Catholics posted it assuming it was in some way related to the LGBT pride flag. However, that is not the case. It is a symbol of Latin American Youth Ministry.
Comment: Hmmm... Still serves a purpose though of providing mixed messages.
Comment: I am sure whole books have been written, but this very short video provides a good short synopsis of how Islam was created. This should also be considered relevant at the current time as tremendous numbers of muslims are invading Europe. Btw, I don't believe any unification will occur as Cabal plans have been scuppered.
A unique video fromm the 1990s. The three aspects of the New World Order. Click image for Twitter video link.
A One World Religion Headquarters is set to open in 2022. The headquarters will be called The Abrahamic Family House and is being built on an island in the middle eastern city of Abu Dhabi.
The headquarters is being done in collaboration with Pope Francis and Sunni Muslim leader, Sheikh Ahmen al-Tayeb, after they both signed a global peace covenant called the Document of Human Fraternity for World Peace.
Comment: This article also includes a short video. Update 23rd Feb 2023 | The One World Religion center opens 1st March 2023 see new video
[...] Critics and conspiracy theorists the world over have pointed out the rich occult symbology which seems so deeply ingrained into the aesthetics of Astana… and many are heralding this as the ‘Illuminati Capital of the World’.
[...] However, there is certainly something strange about Astana. While the central and business districts have been laboriously designed by some of the most prestigious architects in the world, this 15-year-old capital is still seriously lacking in residential zones. Even now, many government officials commute by plane from the old capital of Almaty. The result is the most elaborately futuristic ghost town you could imagine – and feels like walking onto the abandoned set for a 1970s sci-fi film.
Comment: Note: Astana is an anagram of A Satan. This detailed article might explain why the Pontiff was in Astana in 2001.
Abp. Viganò: Globalist doctrine is essentially ‘satanic’; we must ‘rebuild’ Christendom 'Never expect the truth from the Great Reset advocates. For where there is no Christ, there can be no Truth, and we know how much they hate Our Lord.'
Lifesite, Aug 29, 2022
The following is the text of a conference given by Archbishop Viganò at the Summer University – CIVITAS on August 14, 2020 in France. [...]
Everything is a lie when it comes to Satan. The premises are false: Your God oppresses you with heavy precepts. The promises are false: You can decide and get what you want. And everything is a lie too when Satan’s minions are organising to establish the dystopia of the New World Order.
Well, since we cannot expect the Great Reset conspirators to tell us clearly what their final goal is – since it is something unmentionable and criminal – we can nevertheless reconstruct the mens, the thought that guides their actions by knowing the principles that inspire their actions and backing them up with their own words. And we are also able to understand that the reasons given are only pretexts. And yet the pretexts, as they are presented, demonstrate malice and premeditation, for if their plan were honest and good, they would not need to disguise it with illogical and incoherent excuses.
Comment: Catholic Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò is not impressed. This is a long article.
The mystery surrounding the resignation of Pope Benedict XVI remains a critical question in the aftermath of his short papacy. Now, startling revelations indicate that the United States intelligence services — including the NSA — were behind the globalist plot to overthrow the late pontiff. John Henry Westen searches for answers with veteran Vatican journalist Marco Tosatti, exposing what's in store for the culture of life during the unopposed regime of Pope Francis.
Comment: I find the above LIFE SITE Interview with a life-long VATICAN REPORTER intriguing.... It's really behind the scenes, high level gossip and speculation.... The FACTS pointed out are very interesting and imply that Pope Bendict was NOT a great lover of the New World Order and that is why they got rid of him....
Many question that if he was so in-firm and could not manage the job, how come it took 10 YEARS BEFORE HE DIED.... The discussion here of Pope Francis pardoning Jesuit priest Fr. Rupnik who is accused of satanic sex abuse and by VATICAN rules is automatically excommunicated, is also very interesting. See also:
This is solid fact that Pope Francis is scumtastic. This interview is amazing but I think LIFESITE News keeps a VERY CLOSE EYE on what is going on at the VATICAN and the website is worth exploring.
Comment: WARNING! This short clip might inform you of more than you want to know.
More: October 2022 Lara Logan is given a platform by Diamond and Silk to explain her statement "world leaders dine on the blood of young children". Atart at ~12 mins Lara Logan joins Diamond and Silk to discuss IT ALL.
Why am I being presented with a wooden crucifix laid on a hammer and sickle, the Communist symbol conceived during the Russian Revolution?
The Pope received the gift from Bolivian President Evo Morales on the latest stage of his South American tour. He later celebrated Mass with nearly 1 million Bolivians in Santa Cruz.
The links and battles between Communism and the Catholic Church are an extremely sensitive subject in Latin America, the Pope’s home continent. While he was an archbishop in Argentina, Francis tried to strike a delicate balance between championing the poor and avoiding class warfare.
Comment: Personally, I think think this is an inside joke because these two on the same team. If you want to know the truth, see what Jordan Maxwell has to say on the subject of the Illuminati.
Comment: In this ~2 hour presentation, Jordan Maxwell goes into the historical and current existence of a powerful secret society now called the Illuminati. Maxwell is ~80 years old here (now dead) and so he does not hold back in telling the audience what he really thinks. So, his conclusions may come as a surprise, even if you have already listened to some Maxwell presentations and interviews.... Maxwell reveals how the Illuminati show their hand through symbolism. Briefly, the sun rising between two mountains can be traced back thousands of years. The images above in this section are all used by Maxwell in his presentation.
Once this is understood, you will realise that society has been through a process of conditioning for the New World Order for many decades. At the end, Maxwell states that this group is under the guidance of ETs (extra-terrestrials) who want to take over the world. It seems that others have realised this too, as various so-called science fiction TV series and movies suggest. [~1:43:00] Maxwell points out the 1980s mini-series "V". Here, I would also like to mention again the TV series The Colony, that outlines this scenario. Obviously, there are a huge number of hints dropped in many other Hollywood movies that could be cited, because the darkside are under an universal agreement to tell the truth. After watching this presentation, you will understand that most politicians and leaders have betrayed the world and the current "White Hat" military offensive to take down the Cabal/Illuminati is deadly serious.
First Upload: 21st September 2022,
Last Update: 1st December 2024