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Christianity Unveiled

First Upload: 18th May 2024,
Last Update: 29th August 2024

Inside Savior of the Spilled Blood in St. Petersburg, Russia.



There appears to be many people professing a new Christian allegiance as the realisation hits that there is a well organised satanic opposition that has been ruling our world for a very long time. At the same time, it is apparent that this satanic force is attempting to force a New World Order and a satanic One world religion. In short, for those who are “awake”, there seems to be a Light vs Dark war on many fronts taking place. The effort here is to provide insights into why the message of Christiantiy will have to be understood in terms of ancient truths that have been suppressed by the very same evil force that created the religion of Christianity in the first place.

Today there is a wide spectrum of Christian believers. Christianity provides a suitable label for those who pride themselves on following a religious tradition with a moral code and an excuse to do charitable works. Then there are others who only call themselves Christians because they need a suitable reference for some of their beliefs and moral code, but have little interest in what they believe are archaic and suspiciously pagan beliefs and teachings. Then there are Christians who are just frauds and have ulterior motives that requires a public mask or appearance of sanctity, that Christianity easily provides.

Whatever, many Christians will find out sooner or later that Christianity will need a huge overhaul or it will go by the wayside. In this regard, it appears that the Catholic Church has an occult (hidden) view that religions move in cycles or ages. So, as we have entered the Age of Aquarius, there needs to be a simultaneous major change in the dominant religion(s). However, we should all be extremely wary of anything suggested by this once all powerful and corrupt organisation.

At this point the subject of the Cultic Milieu requires a mention. Today we know that the world’s major religions are only cults that have become widely acknowledged and accepted by society. Yet, for society as a whole, the signature of cults is becoming more widely understood. For some, there has been a greater understanding of how the Cultic Milieu operates due to personal involvement. Generally, cults are founded on some accepted “truth”, but then as time progresses, devolves into a farago of lies and falsities to test the faithfulness of even the most ardent believers. This is explained in great detail in a long essay available on the webpage Spiritual Evolution in the Cultic Milieu

The point is to demonstrate that there is a considerable body of work available for those who consider the origin and evolution of Christianity as being important. Basically, the modus operandi of cults in the Cultic Milieu is often not considered by researchers, but here, this is considered an important factor to avoid the problem of throwing the baby out with the bathwater. In this regard, metaphysical sources are needed in order to help uncover the divine component that has been hidden for millenia. So, cults are usually grafted around some kind of revelation but then seriously embellished, as a method of sifting out the least gullible. Here are two interesting quotes, that are important to consider.

Krishna says: “I produce myself among creatures whenever there is a decline in virtue and an insurrection of vice and injustice in the world; and thus I incarnate from age to age, for the preservation of the just, the destruction of the wicked, and the establishment of righteousness.”

- Bhagavad Gita (Song Celestial: 6)

[T]he real truth in relation to all these writings, and all the story of Jesus of Nazareth, as now handed down to moderns, is the mixed systems of the Brahmanic, the Buddhistic, the Jewish, the Essenian, and the Gnostic teachings. And these various systems all taught that every four hundred years a philosopher arises who combines the highest agglomeration of intelligence of his day and generation — that is, his brain becomes more susceptible to spiritual things, and therefore he becomes a keener analyzer of them. [Then Buddha following Hermes, Zoroaster following Buddha, Plato following Zoroaster, and Apollonius following Plato, were such instances as you refer to, which were recognized as starting new eras of religious thought and speculation?] Certainly, that is putting it plainer than I could do; and it is strange to say, that of all the people living at that time, and down to the time of Eusebius and the final overthrow of these ancient religions by Christianity, that all the most valuable manuscripts bearing upon the ancient gods, heroes and philosophers, have to be looked for amongst those of the Greek Church and not the Roman. That is, that in Armenia and Russia you will be more likely to find the remains of those manuscripts than you will among the Catholics. The Catholics have a few, but very few of them. Pope after Pope destroyed them in their religious fanaticism; and what the Catholics do hold of them, are held by obscure individuals, and are very hard to find.

SATURNINUS. The Essenian Philosopher.— The Pupil of Ignatius of Antioch.— The Master of Basilides, the Founder of Gnosticism. | Antiquity Unveiled: Ancient Voices From the Spirit Realms Disclose the Most Startling Revelations Proving Christianity to Be of Heathen Origin (1892). Pg 237

So, using the standard operating procedure for a cult, the so-called Roman Catholic Church ‘fathers’ stole the history and teachings of sects that lived around the time that Jesus was supposed to exist. This means that Christianity inherited some ancient practices and teachings which have been passed down for thousands of years. So, despite the headline news of Christianity absorbing paganism, there also appears to be an additional ‘divine’ component that is often overlooked by those who have little interest in true spirituality.

Thus it is believed by some that the characters of Jesus Christ and Paul of Tarsus were based on a REAL person that existed. Historians can’t find solid proof of Jesus Christ, but they can find historical evidence for Apollyonius of Tyana, a real miracle maker and teacher, who was worshipped as a god after he died. Highlights from the book Antiquity Unveiled: Ancient Voices From the Spirit Realms Disclose the Most Startling Revelations Proving Christianity to Be of Heathen Origin (1892) provide some incredible insights for those with the patience to study, read Antiquity Unveiled Book Review and exerpts Antiquity Unveiled Part 1.

(Click image right for the full size Antiquity Unveiled Apollyonius of Tyana engraving page.)

The satanists (and that includes the Freemasons and Jesuits) are working hard to destroy our world. Their god is based on duality (the absolute necessity of believing in the existence of both good and evil), Christianity asserts that there is a God and that Satan is only one of his creations. Satan or satanic actually means an opposing force, so most of these evil occultists worship Lucifer, an ‘angel’ who fell to Earth. Despite the ratio, there is constant efforts to mock Christianity. If their god was so powerful why bother?

For some the ‘truth’ is that despite all the historical irregularities and pious fraud, belief in a divine intervention and specifically prayer gets results. Humans have access to great spiritual power that they are free to harness. In this regard, I have taken the opportunity to provide quotes on this website from a respected metaphysical source that has provided a huge volume of material for truth seekers.

In short, the aim of this webpage is to provide references to support the concept that Christianity has to be re-understood in the light of ancient and modern truths. These insights are on two fronts; First, some of the major issues with Christianity relate to Biblical authencity, interpretations and real meanings caused by the meddling of the Catholic Church. Secondly, the recognition that there are independent sources that can help Truth Seekers sort out the wheat from the chaff, so that some genuine truth can be gleaned. Obviously, there are many hundreds of references that can be cited, but some important sources will be provided where authors are recognised for their superior scholarship and unique insights. In addition, links to huge websites with information that has been collected over many years, can be used for online deep dives.


Ancient texts & Bible Origins


A Myriad of Different Bibles & Lost Books      The Invisible Bible     

More Bible Discrepancies      Misc.     

A Myriad of Different Bibles & Lost Books

This subject is vast. So, the effort here is to give an idea of the number of different versions of what are considered traditional bibles. Next, an attempt is made to do the same for ‘Lost’ ancient biblical manuscripts or books that can be considered source material or rejected/alternative versions of events. Articles, videos and quotes are provided to help summarise the situation, but along the way, some serious oddities will be pointed out.

“In 1604, King James commanded what many consider to be the greatest piece of religious and literary work in the world, the “Authorized Version”. It is also known as the Authorized King James Bible. 54 men were appointed to the translation committee. According to the translator's notes in the preface of the King James Bible, the Roman Catholic religion was dead set against translating the Bible into the common tongue.” Source: The Origins of the King James Bible and the New Testament, and the Forgery, and Pagan influences in

Click image for link

  • Francis Bacon and James 1st Bible

    Comment: Due to the sensibilities of this time, it was fashionable to produce non Catholic Versions of the Bible. Thus, King James decided he was going to make sure a version existed that did not interfere with his governance.

    Click image for link

  • English Bible History

    Comment: This article provides a short history of all the above bibles, where it seems that politics was more a motivating factor rather than just religion.

    The Geneva Bible 1599 edition is probably the most complete Bible available out there. [...]

    The Geneva Bible is the Bible with marginal notes written by John Calvin, John Knox, Miles Coverdale and many other Reformation leaders. The Geneva Bible was the predominant English translation during the period when the English and Scottish Reformation gained great momentum. Iain Murray, in his classic work on revival and prophecy interpretation, The Puritan Hope, notes: "... the two groups in England and Scotland developed along parallel lines, like two streams taking their source from the same spring. The source was not so much Geneva as the Bible which the exiles had newly translated and published with numerous marginal notes... it was read in every Presbyterian and Puritan home in both kingdoms."

    The 1591 Cambridge Geneva Bible was the edition carried by the Pilgrims as they fled to America. As such, it directly provided much of the genius and inspiration that carried these brave and faithful souls through their trials, and formed the spiritual, intellectual and legal basis for the establishment and flourishing of the colonies. Thus, it became the foundation for the establishment of the American nation. This heritage makes it a heavenly article! And a precious possession for every free man!

    The Geneva Bible of 1560 was the first to have biblical chapters divided into numbered verses. The translation was the work of religious leaders exiled from England after the death of King Edward VI in 1553. Almost every chapter contains marginal notes designed to promote a better understanding of the Scriptures. These marginal notes often reflect the Calvinist and Protestant influences of the Reformation, which were not yet accepted by the Church of England. King James I, at the end of the 16th century, declared that the marginal notes of the Geneva Bible were: "partial, false, seditious, and savory of dangerous and treacherous conceptions". In every copy of every edition, the word "breeches" rather than "apron" was used in Genesis 3:7, which explains why the Geneva Bible is sometimes called the "breeches" Bible. The Church of England never authorized or sanctioned the Geneva Bible. However, it was frequently used, without authorization, both for reading Scripture lessons and for preaching. It was pre-eminent as a domestic Bible, and remained so until the mid-seventeenth century. Its practical size, inexpensive price, chapters divided into numbered verses and numerous marginal notes all contributed to its popularity.

    The Geneva Bible is an essential, but almost totally forgotten, part of the Protestant Reformation. Driven out of England by the Bloody Mary persecutions, several future leaders of the Reformation went to Geneva to create a pure and accurate translation of Holy Scripture. Concerned about the influence of the Catholic Church on existing Latin translations of the Bible, these men turned to the original Hebrew and Greek texts to produce the Geneva Bible. The Geneva Bible was thus the first complete Bible to be translated into English from the original Hebrew and Greek texts.

    The creation of the Geneva Bible was an enormous undertaking. Its authors spent more than two years working diligently, day and night, by candlelight, to complete the translation and commentaries. The entire project was funded by the English congregation exiled in Geneva, making the translation a work supported by the people, not by a church or authoritarian monarch.

    All marginal commentaries were completed by 1599, making the 1599 edition of the Geneva Bible the most complete study tool for scholars and students of the Bible. This edition does not include the Apocrypha. Notes on the Apocrypha are minimal or absent in other editions. Other highlights of this edition include maps of the Exodus route and Joshua's distribution of the land, a name and subject index.

    Source XTwitter Link

  • The Geneva Bible
    YouTube, 15th Mar 2023

    All but forgotten today, the Geneva Bible, born out of persecution and bloodshed, was the most widely read and influential English Bible of the 16th and 17th centuries.

    The Geneva Bible is unique among all other Bibles. It was the first Bible to use chapters and numbered verses and became the most popular version of its time because of its extensive marginal notes.

    Comment: This is a nice introduction to the Geneva Bible. It is worth noting that Geneva was the place of refuge for 800 protestants after 300 protestants had been murdered durng the reign of Mary Tudor, (Bloody Mary or Mary the Catholic) from (1553-1558) link.

    The original Geneva Bible (1560) was banned, and then the King James(1611) version, edited by freemason Sir Francis Bacon was introduced. It had all the Apocrypha books removed and was stripped of all the footnotes. King James finally outlawed the Geneva Bible in 1616. There are claims there were ~20,000 changes from the Geneva to the King James Bible and the changes were done to better control the people. Today, people are slowly returning to the Geneva Bible as it is considered less corrupted.

  • The Geneva Bible clearly stated that the governments are evil and that is why King James Bible replaced the Geneva Bible with his own version. | XTwitter video Link

  • The Geneva Bible 1560
    Internet Archive

    A full scan of the original Geneva Bible.

    Click image for link

    Comment: We must not forget that Truth Seekers were killed by the Catholic Church hierarchy for their honest and independent efforts. After William Tyndale (1494-1536) was murdered, his colleague Miles Coverdale (1488-1568) completed the first English translation of the Bible in 1535.

    Click image for Wiki2 Info and full size Sistine Vulgate (1590) front cover

    The book The Vicars of Christ: The Dark Side of the Papacy tells the story of the Sistine Vulgate (1590) bible prepared by a commission on the orders of Pope Sixtus V and edited by himself. Pope Sixtus V, was extremely over-confident in his abilities and decided that he should edit this bible to his liking. This was after deciding that the experts in the Vatican had not done an adequate enough job. The Council of Trent in 1546 had called the Vulgate, the 4th century latin version of the bible, the authentic version of the Bible. However, by the Middle Ages it was acknowledged that many errors had crept in due to sloppy copyists. We are informed: “At the Reformation, Protestants had their own versions of the Bible; it was imperative for Catholics to have a reliable text of the Vulgate in all disputes.” So, Sixtus V with no previous experience whatsoever, spent 18 months day and night editing. His efforts included; adding and omitting phrases and sentences, making mistranslations and abandoning the previous system of chapters and verses which meant that all previous versions of the bible became obsolete. Obviously, the printers had to deal with a lot of misprints and corrections took another six months. The final result was still a disaster, but the all powerful Pope had sent out a papal bull that any deviations would be punished by excommunication. On publication, a copy found its way to the Bodelian Library Oxford and it was received like manna from heaven. It gave the first librarian an opportunity to use this copy to write a book about this academic travesty. Sixtus, died four months after his bible was published and immediately, the next Pope was advised to limit the damage. A new version was worked out and the new edition was replaced in 1592 by the Sixto-Clementine Vulgate. Thereafter, aberrant Sixtus Vulgate bibles were surreptiously removed where possible.

    The complete story can be found online The Vicars of Christ: Dark Side of the Papacy (2000)

    500+ year old bible
    Click image for video link

    1st Edition, 400+ year old King James Bible, printed in 1611. With Apocrapha.
    Click image for video link

  • For more rare bible videos at Moon's Rare Bibles Link

  • A Freemason King James Bible
    Click image for video link

  • 1891 Freemason Bible that provides instructions on human sacrifice. | Link

    Comment: Tbh, I think the only thing that is different to normal old bibles re human sacrifice, are the abundance of images.

    A minature Ethiopian bible. Credit: Moon’s Rare Books
    Click image for Tik Tok video link

  • XTwitter version link

  • Ethiopian Bibles
    Click image for video link

  • This is Why The Ethiopian Bible Got Banned
    YouTube, 10 Apr 2024

    Comment: This video is informative and explains that Ethiopia was so isolated that Ethiopian Christianity did not suffer from high levels of interference from Rome. Furthermore, despite attempts by Rome to ban and destroy copies of the Ethiopian bible, they did not succeed. The Ethiopian Bible has 81 books, as opposed to the current 66 books of today’s standard Bible including the important Book of Enoch. However, maybe there is another more obvious reason as divulged below:

  • The ancient gilded Bible is nearly a millenia old according to officials. DHA Photo

    Click image for link

  • Gilded Bible seized in Tokat
    Hurriyet Daily News, October 27 2015

    During a police operation in the northern province of Tokat, a nearly millennia-old gilded Bible has been seized, while 10 people were taken into custody as part of the operation.

    A total of four operations were carried out in the city center and two in Tokat’s Turhal district. The police were informed that three people were marketing historical artifacts and an operation was launched against the house where the three suspects lived.

    During the operation, a 21x16-centimeter, 10-page gilded Bible was found. The Bible, which was written in Syriac and included religious photos, was estimated to date back to 1,000 years ago.

    The ancient Bible was delivered to a museum.

    In total 294 historical artifacts have been recovered during operations in the city.

    Comment: I imagine that the Vatican are the biggest buyers of ancient Bibles because historically they have put a lot of effort into hiding and destroying ancient texts that would contain unadulterated discrepancies.

    Click image for video link

  • 1,100-year-old Hebrew Bible sells for $38M at auction in New York
    A 1,100-year-old Hebrew Bible that is one of the world’s oldest surviving biblical manuscripts has sold for $38 million in New York
    AP news wire, 17 May 2023

    A 1,100-year-old Hebrew Bible that is one of the world’s oldest surviving biblical manuscripts sold for $38 million in New York on Wednesday.

    The Codex Sassoon, a leather-bound, handwritten parchment volume containing a nearly complete Hebrew Bible, was purchased by former U.S. Ambassador to Romania Alfred H. Moses on behalf of the American Friends of ANU and donated to ANU Museum of the Jewish People in Tel Aviv, where it will join the collection, Sotheby’s said in statement.

    The manuscript was exhibited at the ANU Museum in March as part of a worldwide tour before the auction.

  • How Many Versions of the Bible are There?
    Pantheos, October 25, 2023
    There are over 450 known versions of the Bible in English alone.

    Because the Bible is not a single book but a complex arrangement of at least 66 books (Roman Catholic Bibles include another seven books that Protestants do not recognize) written over many years by multiple authors, the question concerning versions can be complicated. There are many ancient manuscripts for each of the texts in the Bible, each needing careful translation into contemporary language. Since the manuscripts we have available are nearly 98% identical (apart from inconsequential copying errors), we could say that we really only have one version of the Bible. The entire Bible has been translated into more than 700 languages, and parts of it have been translated into over 3,000 languages. Some languages have only one translation of the Bible, while others have many.

    Click image for link

  • The Vatican Removed 14 Books From The Bible With No Real Explanation
    AMG News, July 25, 2023

    Typically, when the Bible is brought up in conversation, what comes to mind is a source of truth that has not been tampered with.

    However, when this book was originally published it contained 80 books and current editions only have 66, and we have to wonder what exact purpose the removal of 14 books would serve?

    The Vatican Church or Roman catholic church has been associated with deception for ages. Their atrocities have ranged from genocide many centuries ago against the Cathars to child molestation is more recent years.

    The Bible was originally translated from Latin into English in 1611. This “original” Bible contained 80 books, including the Apocrypha, which means hidden.

    Comment: The Temple = Mind. King Solomon is an invention. The bible was never meant to be read by the uninitiated and everything was coded, just in case it fell into the wrong hands.

    Click image for link

  • New Bible chapter found after 1,500 years of remaining hidden
    Penn Live, 27th April 2024

    A scientist has discovered a new chapter of the Bible.

    This chapter was reportedly hidden under some other text in a very old manuscript kept at the Vatican, a discovery which remained overlooked for roughly 1,500 years.

    Popular Mechanics reports how medievalist Grigory Kessel of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (OeAW) managed to unearth this ancient Syrian chapter — an unseen interpretation of Chapter 12 of the book of Matthew — thanks to UV technology.

    Click image for video link

  • Ewaranon on the hundreds of missing books of the bible [2:48] Link

  • The Lost Books | The List

    Really, it’s a “partial list”, as we have compiled a list of over 500 books that have been associated with the Bible either through archeological research or historical documentation, but not all are found here due to certain limitations (Vatican secrecy, MS script censorship, lost manuscripts, early-church book burnings, etc). There is no guarantee that the books listed here are inspired works, or genuine books actually included in original versions of writings used by, and considered true by the Early Christian Church. We do not list any books believed to be written after the corruption of doctrine by the Universal Church established by the Emperor Constantine in the Fourth Century AD.

    The War Scroll, part of the Dead Sea Scrolls discovered at Quram,
    Israel which were composed between the 3rd century BCE and the 1st century CE.

    Click image for link

  • Dead Sea Scrolls
    World History Encyclopedia, 23rd May 20212

    The Dead Sea Scrolls (DSS) are a collection of scrolls found in the desert east of Jerusalem on the shore of the Dead Sea. They represent the largest manuscript collections of texts from the Second Temple Period found in the area of Judah, an area notorious for its lack of manuscripts. Around 930 texts were found in 11 caves in the hills surrounding Khirbet (=ruins of) Qumran. The texts are the product of a community of Essenes who lived in the nearby ruins of Qumran and were composed between the 3rd century BCE and the 1st century CE. They are significant because they shed considerable light on the religious and political world of late Second Temple Judaism and on the text of the Hebrew Bible.

    [...] The term “biblical” is inappropriate when applied to the DSS because “the Bible” as we know it today did not exist in Second Temple Judaism (515 BCE-70 CE).

    Comment: We get some basic information here, but this article is interesting for what it does NOT want to tell you.

  • Was There A Cover Up of the Dead Sea Scrolls Interpretation? [VIDEO], September 22, 2019

    Seven decades ago, a young Bedouin herder made a revelatory discovery on Israel’s West Bank, with profound implications for two of the world’s most prominent religions. [...]

    The Dead Sea Scrolls
    The discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls was so important because it predated the earliest known texts of the Hebrew Bible by about a thousand years. The texts also predated the birth of Christ and Christianity, leaving their interpretation to have a profound impact on the history of the world’s largest religion.

    [...] Recent discoveries of scroll fragments have contained esoteric books from the Old Testament that had never before been found, like the Book of Nehemiah, telling the story of Nehemiah, a man who lived during the time when Jerusalem was conquered by the ancient Babylonians. The texts contain many accounts written in the first person as well as commentaries, which have been referred to as apocrypha and pseudepigrapha, texts that were not included in rabbinic literature or the New Testament, such as the Book of Enoch. [...]

    The Essenes
    So, who were these people who wrote the Dead Sea Scrolls? The beliefs and lineage of the “Dead Sea Sect,” as they’re generally referred, have been debated, but many believe them to have been a group of Jewish ascetics, known as the Essenes.

    Comment: Well, I don’t think there is any argument there was a cover up, the question is why? Well briefly, it seems that the Essenes provided the inspiration and beliefs to create the New Testament. It’s interesting that historian Flavius Josephus is mentioned as he wrote about the Essenes link, because he now stands accused of helping to fabricate the existence of Jesus Christ with some interesting proof, see the section, The Invention of Christianity.

  • Book of Enoch Complete Narration
    YouTube, 2 Jul 2018

    This Ethiopic version of the Book of Enoch is deemed by scholars to be older by several centuries than the Slavonic one, and portions of this older version are in turn known to have been based on even older manuscripts, such as a lost Book of Noah. Fragments of the Enoch books were discovered among the Dead Sea scrolls. The astronomical-calendrical tale of Enoch thus goes back into great antiquity - perhaps, as the Bible asserts, to pre-Diluvial times. ~ Z.S.

    00:00 Intro
    00:57 Section 1 - Book of the Watchers Chapters 1-36
    44:47 Section 2 - The Parables Chapters 37-71
    1:45:33 Section 3 - Book of Luminaries Chapters 72-82
    2:14:45 Section 4 - The Dream Visions Chapters 83-90
    2:46:44 The Epistle of Enoch Chapters 91-108

    Comment: The Book of Enoch is considered controversial but highly informative concerning the creation of giants (nephilim) produced by ‘fallen angels’ (ETS) and daughters of men.

    Click image for link

  • The Kolbrin Bible: A 3,600-Year-Old Text That Could Rewrite History
    World News, OCTOBER 14, 2022

    The Kolbrin Bible tells the history of human creation and mentions ancient cultures (civilizations) that existed on Earth before Adam and Eve arrived. Perhaps being one of the most disputed ancient texts, this document says the existence of highly developed ancient civilizations on Earth before “written history.”

    “In those days, people will put the Great Book before them [upon its return], and wisdom will be revealed, and few are gathered to the stand, the hour of trial will have arrived. The fearless (brave in the heart) will survive…” Manuscripts 3:10.

  • Selections from the Kolbrin Bible | Over 200 Apocryphal texts
    Rejected Scriptures

    The Kolbrin, or The Kolbrin Bible, is a collection of texts alleged to be the translation of an ancient manuscript. UFO, Planet X/Niburu and 2012 apocalypse enthusiasts are fond of it. It was promoted in North America during 2005 on late night radio programs. The "book" is virtually unknown to mainstream ... anyone, really. No hard copy of the purported original is presented or known. It has been attempted several times to create an article about the book on Wikipedia, but every time it has been deleted due to the lack of reliable sources. The Kolbrin contains eleven books. The first six books are said to have been scribed by Egyptian writers shortly after the Exodus, and are collectively called the "Bronzebook". The last five books are collectively called "Coelbook" or "Kailedy" and are said to have been written by Celtic priests around the time that the New Testament was being created.

    A small piece of the Book of Giants and the Dead Sea Scrolls
    Click image for link

  • The Discovery Of Three Ancient Texts Completely Disassembles
    Our Knowledge About Traditional History, Nov 3, 2022

    Over the years, “controversial” ancient manuscripts have been found in many parts of the world. Scholars have recompiled some of these ancient books because they tell a quite different story from what we can imagine.

    Summary |
    • The Kolbrin Bible
      Some scholars have even classified the Kolbrin Bible as the first “Bible” of the ancients.

    • The Book of Enoch
      Since its discovery, the book of Enoch has been regarded as one of the most haunting and stunning ancient books ever discovered. [...]

      Many scholars consider the Book of Enoch one of the most important non-canonical apocryphal texts in history.

    • The Book of Giants
      Dating back over 2,000 years (after careful study), this remarkable book, according to many scholars, reveals that the Nephilim were real people in the past and explains how they were exterminated. The book was discovered decades ago in the caves in Qumran, where the Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered.

    Comment: The Book of Giants is not much discussed..... Here are some exerpts
    The 2,000-Year-Old ‘Book Of Giants’ Describes How The Nephilim Were Destroyed

    The Nag Hammadi Library, a collection of thirteen ancient codices containing over fifty texts, was discovered in upper Egypt in 1945.

    This immensely important discovery includes a large number of primary Gnostic scriptures - texts once thought to have been entirely destroyed during the early Christian struggle to define "orthodoxy" - scriptures such as the Gospel of Thomas, the Gospel of Philip, and the Gospel of Truth.

    The discovery and translation of the Nag Hammadi library, completed in the 1970’s, has provided impetus to a major re-evaluation of early Christian history and the nature of Gnosticism.

    Click image right for The Nag Hammadi online archive.

    Comment: The Nag Hammadi Library is pre-Christian Gnostic text that were thought to be destroyed during the early Christian era. It is composed of 13 ancient books known as Codices, which contain over 50 texts and believed to be 1,400 years old. Their discovery poses a problem for the Catholic Church because there are major discrepancies or embellishment (dependent on your point of view), compared with standard biblical text. For example the Adam and Eve story is much more elaborate. The snake isn’t the deceiver in this version of the tree of life, but the redeemer of Adam and Eve according to the gnostic text. It is worth a reminder that the cultic milieu likes to extrapolate.... There is no evidence that The Nag Hammadi Library texts are completely original.

    The Invisible Bible

    The following section provides details that might explain why the myriad of different documents that relate to Christianity have been ‘lost’, ignored or covered up. The best selling author R.A. Boulay succintly states:

    “It is now an accepted fact that the Old Testament, especially The Book of Genesis, is an abbreviated version of myriads of documents available to the early chroniclers, who assembled the scriptures. Many of these ancient documents, are available to the serious researcher who can choose from a vast amount of Pseudepigraphical and Appocryphal books which expand on the stories of the Old Testament, a rich oral Jewish tradition that is summarized under the name of Haggadah, and numerous religious documents that have survived in other languages besides Hebrew, such as Latin, Ethiopic, Slavic and Coptic.”

    Source: Flying Serpents And Dragons: The Story of Mankind’s Reptilian Past (1997, 1999) by R.A. Boulay.

    In Chapter 2, titled ‘The “Invisble” Bible’, Boulay goes to expound on the topic of the vast amount of biblical documents. He provides historical context of how these documents are treated by the academic and religious community as well as by researchers. We find that often, concepts that are obscured by the Bible are brought into clearer focus by the more original source material. This begs the question: Is the Bible a deliberately dumbed down version, to avoid the real truth about humanities origins and early history?


  • Chapter 2: The “Invisble” Bible’ COPY HERE =====> LINK

    The concept of an Invisible Bible is important when we consider the historical high levels of pious fraud (see section below) used by the the compilers and editors of the Old and New Testament. For example, in the Old Testament, priestcraft attempted to portray monotheism. However, this breaks down on examination due to the many instances where the Biblical narrative falls into the plural form of El or Elohim. Here we can cite Genesis and the notion to create Adam is brought up. The words used are all plural: “And Elohim (plural) said: ‘Let us create man in our image and after our likeness.’”

    Left: Hugo van der Goes (1440-1482). The Vienna Diptych or Fall and Redemption of Man. Oil on oak, 1467-1468. Kunsthistorisches Museum (Art History Museum). Vienna. Austria. (With watermark) Link 1, No watermark Link 2

    Right: Unknown artist, but it is apparently from the Renaissance period,
    see Eve and the snake, part 1 - Jan 17, 2018 This next article shows this painting as a postage stamp!

  • If you want some facts about Reptiles with legs here is a YouTube video
    Snakes With Legs - Bible Myth or Scientific Fact

  • According to the Invisible Bible, there are some very interesting deviations from the traditional Bible narrative. Here are some related to the Adam and Eve story in Genesis:
    • Adam and Eve were part of an experiment by extraterrestrial ‘gods’ to create intelligent workers.
    • Adam and Eve were part reptilian and sterile.
    • Eve was informed by the ‘snake’ that they could pro-create by taking forbidden fruit, but it would mean losing their saurian heritage, which was considered ‘divine’.
    • The snake seems to be a reptilian creature who worked in the Garden of Eden with important responsibilities. He walked on two legs but had additional limbs.
    • When Adam and Eve partook of the forbidden fruit they lost their reptilian skin. Euphemistically, they realised they were ‘naked’.
    • Adam and Eve lost their ticket to immortality and long life when they became mammals.
    • After eating forbidden fruit Adam and Eve’s minds were opened. When they saw their makers, they loathed them because they looked beastly.
    • The snake had all his limbs chopped off as punishment for interfering with the gods’ handiwork.
    • The pseudepigraphic documents called the Apocalypse of Adam & Life of Adam and Eve say that Eve was impregnated by The Lord and the son she bore was shiny or lustrous.
    • There is a far more sinister version of the crime Cain committed by killing Abel than what is described by the Bible. Cain not only killed his brother, he also ate his flesh and drank his blood.
    • Cain was considered ‘divine’ because of his reptilian heritage, so after committing fraticide, he was protected and sent away.....

  • Much of this is written about in the following chapters:

    Chapter 15: The Creation of Adam: The Reptile-Man
    COPY HERE =====> LINK

    Chapter 16: The “Fall of Man” Or The Creation of Homo Sapiens
    COPY HERE =====> LINK

    Today, there is a lot of discussion about who the Elohim are and whether we have to worry about their return or even if they ever left our planet. It is well beyond the scope of this webpage to discuss all the implications of the details provided in the Invisible Bible concerning the Elohim or other matters. Yet, it can be stated that many old Bible stories have a completely different rendition in the original sources. Overall, some of the stories are more akin to Star Wars than the adventures of primitive people. The implications are enormous for the human race. Certainly, the references given here concerning the existence of the Elohim, provide some disclosure for Truth Seekers.

    Update | 8th July 2024: The evidence (see the section on pious fraud and forgery) reveals that priestcraft have a propensity to create new artefacts including fake historical manuscripts to support their narratives. So, there is no guarantee that claims based on The Invisible Bible that Adam and Eve had reptilian heritage are true.

    There is no doubt that alien looking artefacts and strange skulls have been found on Earth and scientific investigation is ongoing. Furthermore, scientists now admit that hominid homocarpensis (big elongated heads) lived alongside humans, but they cannot be described as reptilian.

    So, there is some evidence for the existence of reptilians, but no evidence that they have been around for hundreds of thousands of years. Sorry to say this, but it is much more likely that reptilians arrived recently and are influencing certain groups for nefarious aims and purposes.

    More Bible Discrepancies

    Click image for link

  • Heretical Greek text of ‘Jesus’ secret teachings to his brother James’ is discovered
    by biblical scholars in Oxford after being lost for 1,600 years

    Daily Mail, 1 Dec 2017

    Click image for link

  • Bible BOMBSHELL? Jesus Christ was NOT crucified according to ancient
    ‘Gospel of Barnabas’

    JESUS Christ was not crucified and it was actually Judas who was nailed to the cross by Roman soldiers, an ancient book claims which could lead to the collapse of Christianity.
    Express, Mar 9, 2019

    A leather-bound text, known as the “Gospel of Barnabas”, claims that Jesus ascended to Heaven before the Romans could capture him. The so called “lost gospel”, which has been kept in Turkey, states it was not Jesus who was crucified, but rather the traitor Judas. This is according to the information allegedly written by Barnabas, one of the messiah’s disciples.

    The book claims Judas was leading the Romans to Jesus, but the alleged son of God ascended to Heaven before they reached him, and Judas transformed into the appearance of Jesus, who the authorities subsequently crucified.

    Judas was the one who was supposedly crucified (Image: GETTY)

    The body of Judas is then stolen from the grave, leading to claims that he – who everyone allegedly thought was Jesus – rose from the dead and ascended to Heaven.

    The book is thought to have been kept in Turkey since 2000, when it was discovered by authorities as part of an anti-smuggling operation in Cyprus.

    Iran’s Basij Press claims that this could lead to the downfall for Christianity.

    Comment: Evidence suggests that wannabe cult leaders were constantly creating new stories to convince new followers. Just because this disccovery is an old manuscript, it does not mean that it’s historically true.

    The Scofield Reference Bible Made Zionists of America’s Evangelical Christians

  • The Scofield Bible: The Book That Made Zionists of America’s Evangelical Christians
    Israel-Palestine News, JUNE 29, 2021

    More than any other factor, it is Scofield’s notes that have induced generations of American evangelicals to believe that God demands their uncritical support for the modern State of Israel.

    There are indications that Zionist attorney Samuel Untermeyer used Scofield, a Kansas City lawyer with no formal training in theology, to inject Zionist ideas into American Protestantism… Untermeyer and other wealthy and influential Zionists whom he introduced to Scofield promoted and funded the latter’s career, including travel in Europe…

    Since it was first published in 1909, the Scofield Reference Bible has made uncompromising Zionists out of tens of millions of Americans. When John Hagee, the founder of Christians United for Israel (CUFI)*, said that “50 million evangelical bible-believing Christians unite with five million American Jews standing together on behalf of Israel,” it was the Scofield Bible that he was talking about.

    Although the Scofield Reference Bible contains the text of the King James Authorized Version, it is not the traditional Protestant bible but Cyrus I. Scofield’s annotated commentary that is problematic. More than any other factor, it is Scofield’s notes that have induced generations of American evangelicals to believe that God demands their uncritical support for the modern State of Israel.

    Comment: This is a good article. Note: GOD CHANGED JACOB'S NAME TO ISRAEL–A PERSON–NOT A LAND MASS. ISRAEL IS A PEOPLE–NOT A COUNTRY. The Jewish people are a religion NOT a state. For those who are not sure, read the history of Zionism. Where the Zionists who are really Khazars, since 1820, were begging for a homeland ALL over the planet. See the following brief outline by Jordan Maxwell link.

    Click image for video link

  • Historical Discussions Heighten As Putin Unveils Painted Picture Of
    ‘Black Jesus’ In Ancient Vault

    IBI Report, 24th March 2024

    Over the years, there have been controversies about the central figure of Christianity, Jesus, with many debating on whether he was black or white.

    In a surprising turn of event, President Vladimir Putin shook the whole world when he opened an ancient vault that shows a painted picture of a black man depicting the biblical Jesus.

    It was gathered Putin presented a rare copy of an icon once owned by a leader of the Russian army dating back to the 19th century.

    Comment: This article provides video and photos of when President Putin revealed to the world that Jesus Christ was originally black. I can only presume this event was planned to provide additional important disclosure.

    Click image for video link

    Images found on Yandex using search term of
    Russian+Icons+Black+Jesus+Museum+Paintings link

  • Russia Opens Centuries-Old Cellars & Reveals Black Biblical Israelites!
    YouTube, 21st March 2024

    Recently, news surfaced that Russian President Vladimir Putin has ordered the relocation of one of Russia’s most sacred icons from a museum to a Moscow Cathedral. For centuries, these paintings remained locked in vaults, but now, the world has the chance to observe them. This fundamentally changes our understanding of Jesus, his mother, and his disciples.

    Comment: Russia has drawn attention to hundreds of Russian 14th and 15th century paintings that reveal that the original Jesus and his family and community were black.... In fact there is a whole book that describes these paintings with black people and even black angels..... It is most likely that the Russian Orthodox Church and off-shoots, probably has a lot more in common with the Ethiopian Church than with Roman Catholicism. If you have done enough research, you may understand that the original Jesus Christ is a composite character mainly based on Apollonius of Tyana and the Hindoo Krishna. Apollonius taught Krishna but ancient texts were re-written to make it seem that Apollonius was Krishna aka Christos or Christ. The book Antiquity Unveiled reveals that the founders of Christianity thought they would get more followers for a white Jesus rather than a black one. Since there was Christianity before Catholicism, it seems most likely that the Catholic Church failed to suppress all the original knowledge.

  • The Wicked Bible
    Click image for link

    Click image for video link

    Click image for video link

    Comment: The existence of unicorns removed from the Bible, as seen in the Illustrated Family Bible published in 1873.

    Click image for link

  • God’s Butt
    Botticelli's Mars, January 2, 2013

    God touches Adam’s finger on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, but He also appears in a section about the Creation of the Sun and Stars. Michelangelo shows God moving toward us with hand extended to create the sun, and then again, a bit to the left, moving away from us, having completed His task. The artist makes a special effort to arrange the drapery to reveal God’s butt.

    Comment: There are a lot of odd things written in the Bible, but I have never come across the crude interpretation given of Moses being allowed to see God's backside! This article explains Exodus 33:18-23, where Moses asks to see God's glory, but he is told that he can only see his back and arrangements are made. Presumably, this was one big joke in the Vatican as the famed painter Michelangelo made a special effort to reveal God’s backside, both cheeks!

    I do know know of a bronze sculpture hidden in the Vatican that denotes a Cock as a symbol of St Peter , but maybe this is just as bad.... Worse still, Jordan Maxwell chose to point this out and left his podcast host speechless, Jordan Maxwell - Stones of the Testimony Etymology.

    A completely different interpretation of what was going and why the Elohim Yahweh made the statement that it was dangerous to look at him in his glory can be unravelled today. Short extracts from the book, THE BOOK THAT WILL FOREVER CHANGE OUR IDEAS ABOUT THE BIBLE: THE GODS COMING FROM SPACE (2013), are provided in the section on the Elohim gods of the Old Testament.

  • What Is the “Johannine Gloss?”

    Answer: The Johannine Gloss or Johannine Comma, as it is more commonly known, is an interpolated passage which appears in 1 John 5:7-8, shown here in brackets: “For there are three who bear witness [in heaven: the Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit; and these three are one. And there are three that bear witness on earth]: the Spirit, and the water, and the blood; and these three are one.”

    Comment: I think this term is a Catholic Church euphemism for making up an important doctrine by doctoring an original passage.

    Bible Sundries

    Click image for link

  • President Trump Sells Bibles on Holy Week
    and The Opposition Party Who Hates Christianity, Supports Satan Statues
    in Public Buildings, and Pushes Abortions Up to Birth Is Melting Down

    Gateway Pundit, Mar. 27, 2024

    President Trump announced this on Tuesday that he was selling God Bless the USA Bibles with Lee Greenwoodd this Easter Season.

    Trump encouraged his followers to purchase a copy of the God Bless the US Bible for their home.

    Comment: I think Trump realises that the people of the United States are becoming too satanic for the country to be sustainable.... A reversal is in order.

    Click image for video link

    Comment: This is just funny..... The Babylon Bee is run by Christians and these people know how to make people laugh. Also:

  • Gen Z bible translation Link

  • Deconstructing The Gods of the Old Testament


    Background Gods    New!      The Volcano God      The Elohim & Yahweh     

    It is widely accepted that efforts were made by priestcraft to give the impression that the Old Testament books only depicted one God, but today literal translations reveal something totally different. In this regard, the most important god was Yahweh. Some think Yahweh was given the attributes of an ancient volcano god, but hundreds of books have been written stating that many passages in the Bible imply he was an extraterrestrial and one among hundreds that landed on Earth between 400-450,000 years ago. Regardless, of what conclusions can be derived, the following basic analysis proves that Yahweh was not omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent. Today we are not primitive people that are impressed with loud noises, fire and smoke, so the Bible needs to be compared to ancient sources that have been called The Invisible Bible, to help us understand how God was portrayed to impress the uneducated masses. It is also worth mentioning here that the traditional Bible was never meant to be read by the masses and efforts to hide new discoveries of ancient texts are still ongoing. Therefore, the following is just the tip of the proverbial pile of scrolls that can be read to provide some enlightenment.

    Background Gods

    It is beyond the scope of this webpage to provide an indepth analysis of all the Old Testament gods, but the following is an effort to at least give an outline. According to Jordan Maxwell, there are 7 foundations or philosophies for Judaism that have been derived by amalgamating various ancient cults. Obviously, the confusion caused by time and the constant re-working by priestcraft to create new cults makes this very hard to track. So, the following brief descriptions makes it clear that some of those beliefs have filtered through into Christianity whether in an obvious or more oblique way. The main gods are outlined below:

    1. God In The Stars: This is the widespread effort by ancient astronomers to learn about God by studying the sun, moon, planets and stars. The intelligentsia understood the concept of metaphors, the ignorant masses took all the stories they were told literally. More details are given in the section on astrotheology.

    2. The moon god Sin: Cults of the moon god Sin are well known to be among the oldest beliefs in Mesopotamia. There are many passages in the Old Testament that state that worshipping the moon, called ‘Yareah’, is prohibited (2 Kings 23:5, Deut. 4:9). The moon god Sin. Etymology wise synagogue = sinagogue. Evident in Judaism and Islam with holidays and holy days starting at sunset, Allah - the Moon God.

    3. The volcano god Vulcan: More details are given in the next section. Jordan Maxwell emphasises that there is a sexual aspect to worshiping this god.

    4. Planet Saturn: As explained in astrology, Saturn is the god that inhibits or acts as an opposing force. Saturn prevents you from doing something, hence this god is reflected in our modern day institutions like police, judiciary, government, military, banking, mafia, etc. The worship of this god is very widespread today and will be dealt with in a separate webpage on the occult. In Judaism, it is made very obvious in their rituals especially as their day of rest is SATUR(N)DAY. However, it is not made that obvious in The Old Testament. For more info, the first third of the following article is very informative, Saturn and the Occult & Michael Hoffman -- Kabbalah Judaism is Satanism

    5. Sex: According to Maxwell, sex worship is prevalent amongst all the major religions today. Certainly it is evident among ancient phallic cults and many modern cults. With Christianity it is mostly represented by symbolism and we have to ask why obelisks are still so prevalent. Maxwell claims that candles are a phallic symbol too. In Judaism, the Talmud supercedes the Old Testament in authority for the Jews. It is not difficult to find extremely disturbing Jewish beliefs. The following webpages are just starters, THE SATANIC VERSES OF THE JEWISH TALMUD AND ZIONISM & Does Talmud Teach Bestiality, Pedophilia, Incest?

    6. Elohim Yahweh: It seems that Yahweh was retrospectively given his status when ancient manuscripts were borrowed from other cultures and mutilated to provide Jews with their own religion. Apparently, this is evident when Jewish Targums are examined. Some of the characteristics of this god are explained in the section The Elohim & Yahweh.

    7. Sun god: Sun god worship was widespread in the ancient world, as already stated. In the Old Testament, Ba'al or Baal is a god mentioned 51 times link. So, due to different traditions, the name Baal meant different things that included "sun", "lord" or "god". The following article explains why the ancient Baal was not all evil as is believed today, Divine Overview of Baal. According to Maxwell, the Jewish Sun god worship follows the Egyptian tradition with the Sun god being called Aton. This is linked to ancient swastika symbolism, as misappropriated by Hitler. Whether this is correct or not requires another expert to unravel, but it is likely this particular sun cult is more closely associated with secret societies, see Michael Tsarion: The Cult Of Aton and The Dark Side Of The Sun In reality, with reference to Christianity, Sun or Son worship is strongly correlated to the New Testament and Jesus Christ, the Sun (Son) of God.

      Reference: YouTube | Jordan Maxwell - Secret Bible Theology Part 9

      It is worth considering: Why did the Catholic Church use the Old Testament as a starting point for Christianity? Maybe, the secret societies that control religions in general, decided it was the easiest way to start a new religion that would satisfy their objectives.

      The Volcano God

      Image of Mount Sinai that reveals its volcanic characteristics.
      Deuteronomy 5:4 The LORD spoke to you face to face out of the fire on the mountain.

      Click link for more images.

    8. Yahweh the Volcano God
      Volcano Gods, December 11, 2013

      Yahweh, the Abrahamic God of the Christians, Jews and Muslims, was a volcano god who was said to live on a holy and fiery hill (Mount Sinai somewhere in Arabia), threw out fire and brimstone, had rivers of fire coming from before him, had hair as white as wool, made lots of noise, looking like a fire on the top of the mountain, was described as a consuming fire and destroyed people and villages with his fiery wrath.

      There are hundreds of Biblical verses that suggest Yahweh was a volcano god. There is a thousand times more scriptural evidence that Yahweh was a volcano god than there is for any other volcano god in the world.

      Comment: There are a lot of links here and biblical references to help prove the point.

    9. Yahweh the Volcano God
      Oh My Volcano, 12

      Yahweh the volcano are some quotes on the subject....

      [...] In the NIV Achaeological Study Bible, Mount Sinai is said to be a volcano.

      On page 96 of The Urantia Book Yahweh is said to be just one of hundreds of nature gods but with a volcano as its deity.

      In ‘Moses and Monotheism’ by Sigmund Freud, Yahweh is said to be a volcano god.

      In ‘Mount Sinai a Volcano’ by Charles beke, Mount Sinai is said to be a volcano.

      In ‘The Invention of God’ by Bill Lauritzen, the role of volcanoes is highlighted in the establishment of ‘god’.

      In ‘Mythology’s Last Gods’, William R.Harwood describes Yahweh as a volcano god.

      Comment: There is a lot of work gone into researching this subject on this website.

    10. List of Biblical verses that suggest God was a volcano
      Oh My Volcano, November 19, 2011

    11. Jordan Maxwell - Religion and Politics

      Comment: The link starts at ~37:30. Jordan Maxwell explains that going back into ancient history, the volcano was worshipped as a god. Yahweh, one of the gods of the Old Testament was given the attributes of the ancient volcano god vulcan or vulcanis. Maxwell then proves his case by revealing reference symbols used to depict various Hebrew holidays. See right for the volcano emblem used to denote ‘The Feast of The Giving of The Law’.

      Maxwell also explains the V-hand sign benediction symbol still used by rabbis to bless the congregation in synagogues. He rests his case by stating this is why Dr Spock from Star Trek was described as a vulcan and why he used the exact same hand sign as a greeting. See image right below!. This then has major implications for the ancient derivation of other symbols used by the Illuminati and secret societies like the pyramid and the Eye of Horus.

      Briefly, this is the only way to understand how the cultic milieu operates. Priestcraft start off with a few basic ideas and over many hundreds of years new information is slowly inserted.

    12. Live Long and Prosper: Words of "Star Trek" and Torah for Jewish Leaders, July 2, 2019

      You’re probably familiar with the Star Trek hand symbol that means, “Live long and prosper!” Did you may know that Leonard Nimoy, who played Spock, was Jewish? He once said in an interview that he was inspired to create the Vulcan salute because he had seen the hand motion in synagogue as a child during the Priestly Benediction.

    The Elohim & Yahweh


    Intro     #Tree Spirits Update!       Mauro Biglino Book Quotes     

    Bible Translators Mauro Biglino & Paul Wallis      Jordan Maxwell Interviews Zechariah Sitchin      New!      


    #Tree Spirits
    Strangely, over a hundred years ago, scholars of comparative religion were puzzled by the many gods of the Old Testament. In the 1897 book, Short Studies in the Science of Comparative Religions, Embracing all the Religions of Asia, the Elohim were identified as tree spirits but interpretations were changed to make this work. For example, Abram did not really see the Lord, he only thought he did: when Abram saw “the Lord” (Yahvê) in persons who pic-niked with him under an oak. A hundred years later, this nonsense was dispensed with. In a privately published paper, God, gods, and the Sons of God (1997), we read: “As YHWH was the God of Israel, or the God of the Hebrews, so the Old Testament denotes the gods of individual nearby nations:” In this work, examples of 10 different Elohim are identified. For more details see [El; Elohim; Etc.] Rivers of Life; Short Studies in the Science of Comparative Religions; Faiths of Man Encyclopedia of Religions; God, gods, and the Sons of God

    For astute Bible readers, there is a fundamental problem with much of the Old Testament being filled with stories about war and related barbarous acts that include butchery, massacres and babies being killed. Worst still, babies being killed and literally roasted for consumption, not just thrown into a fire for a “sacrifice”. Then there is confusion caused by a God who is apparently vengeful and vindictive, certainly nothing like God described in the New Testament. Well, whilst many have just ignored the distasteful parts of the Old Testament, some serious scholars don’t think Bible stories are meant to be taken literally at all.

    So, it looks like there maybe new answers for these conundrums. A few Vatican biblical translators have revealed that once they had produced faithful translations of ancient texts, the Vatican re-wrote the material to make it seem a lot more spiritual than it actually is. Therefore, if you read word for word Bible translations from the supposedly original ancient texts provided by the Vatican, it looks suspiciously like humans had a long relationship with extraterrestrials. It was not God in the flesh, but rather a number of powerful extraterrestrials that created armies from hapless humans looking for leaders. The goal of the extraterrestrials was to use their armies to fight for power and resources.

    Vatican translator Mauro Biglino claims that he has identified twenty different Elohim gods in the Old Testament, that the Vatican all rendered into being the same God. The clue that this is the correct interpretation of these biblical stories is that many scholars and authors claim that the Bible in many respects is just a re-write of original Sumerian-Akkadian-Babylonian stories. Furthermore, in other parts of the world, beings existed with identical roles and similar characteristics. They were called the Devas, Viracochas, Netheru, Tuatha De Danaan. In the Greco-Roman world: Gods. Elsewhere: the Shining Ones, the Sons of the Stars.

    There are many books written that state in ancient times, human cultures had contact with extraterrestrial civilizations. This is combined with the hypothesis that these alien visitors were our creators and educators, to account for the seemingly quick cultural evolution of the human race. It is also becoming clear that this knowledge was preserved in the original Biblical texts and that is why authors have been able to use the Old Testament with undisputed translations such as the King James Version, to prove their point.

    The following highlighted sample passages are just a few that have given scholars and researchers some pause for thought. Thanks to the work of Vatican translator Mauro Biglino, we are given direct access to the true meanings of biblical text. These passages are quoted in the original Hebrew language followed by an accurate literal translation, “word by word”, using an easy to follow graphic system that immediately links to the original text. Hence, we are given a unique opportunity to study the Bible at depth.

    Mauro Biglino Book Quotes

    There is already information on this website about the Vatican’s interest in ETs, see link. However, here we will cite evidence that priestcraft used ancient text to create new religions, but generated a god who was anything but godly. Hence we read the following:

    (Genesis Chapter 1 verse 26):

    Summary | The Invisible Bible tells us that the gods (The Elohìm is a semitic plural term for the “lords from above”) came to Earth to mine for gold. Eventually, the miners got fed up with their quality of life and complained to their management. In response, the highly technical supreme gods decided to create workers as replacements. This was achieved by finding a suitable hominid and mixing their god DNA to give the hybrid product just enough intelligence to follow instructions.

    (Genesis Chapter 1 verse 27):

    Summary | The Invisible Bible (Sumerian text) tells us that man was produced by purifying the blood of young male Anunnaki and implanting an extract in the chosen hominid.

    (Genesis Chapter 2, verse 21.):

    Summary | Author Mauro Biglino suggests that Adam was put under anesthetic to collect suitable stem cells from the iliac bones in order to clone a female. The term “rib” was chosen because it was close enough, but in today’s world we can be more specific.

    (Genesis Chapter 6, verse 2.):

    Summary | The Invisible Bible tells us that initially 450,000 years ago 50 Annunnaki landed on Earth to work in gold mines, so they were most likely to be males. This number increased to 600 430-400,000 years ago, see Appendix I. So, when the new workers (Adams) were created, the Annunnaki became idle. Subsequently, when the Adams started breeding, 200 Annunaki decided to partner up with the beautiful daughters of the Adams. Subsequently, the Elohim higher-ups thought this was completely and utterly unacceptable.

    (Genesis, Chapter 6, Verse 4.):

    Summary | The Ethiopian Book of Enoch tells us about the “fall of the sons of heaven” but instead the Catholic church created doctrine blaming Eve for the “fall” of humanity. What’s more, we are informed that the Nephilìm were the children of these unions and these hybrid offspring became giants. The Romanized Jewish writer Titus Flavius Josephus speaks of this event in his book Jewish Antiquities, where he writes that the “angels of God” met the earthly women and wicked children were born, proud, arrogant, and confident only in their power. The giants became a huge problem on Earth and the Elohim supreme leader decided they all had to be destroyed.

    (Exodus, Chapter 33, Verse 18 ):

    Summary | As the size of humanity grew, the Invisible Bible reveals that different groups were given the opportunity to choose a god from among the Elohim. The traditional Bible refers to the Elohim deity as “El” (plural “Elohim”) some of the time and “Yahweh” the rest of the time. In Exodus, the character known as Moses was leading the children of Israel to the promised land. In this position, Moses needed to show that the Elohìm was with them, hence the need for ostenatious displays. The traditional Bible refers to the “kevód” or glory of God. Based on the descriptions given, it appears that the “kevód” was actually a rocket type vehicle. Since Moses decided to walk into the kevód cloud, he ended up with his face burnt by radiation. Hence, the biblical story that Moses required his face to be constantly covered by a veil, which was only removed on face to face meetings with the Elohìm.

    (Exodus, Chapter 24, Verse 15-17):

    Summary | The author Mauro Biglino suggests that the use of the term “installed” as part of the description implies this was an aircraft landing with great visual and spectacular effects. Biglino writes:

    One of the most important Jewish scholars, Rashi of Troyes (tenth century AD). Commenting on the book of Genesis, he depicted a very realistic figure of the “Throne of Glory of Yahweh” when he said that in origin...

       it was suspended in the air and hovered over the face of the waters like a dove is suspended above its nest, and obeyed his command.

    This Jewish commentator also said that the “glory” was something external from God, an instrument God commanded and used to move (doesn’t it seem to describe the control panel of a flying object?...).

    Biglino directly translates many more instances that involve the appearance of the “kevód” and other aircraft. However, it must be stated again that many other authors have written about these biblical desriptions of what we now believe to be aircraft and spacecraft.

    (Exodus, Chapter 24, Verse 6-7):

    Summary | The Invisible Bible (Sumerian text) makes it clear that around 3000 BCE the Annunaki initiated a parliamentary structure to discuss the need for war. Between (2600 - or 2300? BCE) a Sumerian king named Urukagina is famed for his reforms against corruption and measures taken in favor of the lower classes. It appears that the Bible relays this account in the early verses of Psalm 82 (83), where it states that Elohìm sits in the assembly of El (the singular form is here used to designate the supreme “god”). Biglino writes:

    “The Elohìm who chairs the meeting calls his “colleagues” to have respect for justice, and rebukes them because they pronounce unjust judgments and are on the side of the wicked. He reminds them of the duty to defend the weak, the poor and the orphaned, to take care of the destitute, and in short, to fulfill the precepts the Annunaki had dictated to the power managers they had appointed. After these calls, the editor introduces a personal account, underlying that these Elohìms “do not understand, can not understand” and then the chairman takes the floor to say, in a peremptory and menacing tone (verses 6-7):”

    This interesting passage informs us that there are good and bad Elohim, but one thing that is guaranteed is they are all destined, sooner or later, to die! Clearly, the concept of the Biblical Old Testament god Yahweh dying has been largely overlooked.... However, in terms of an extraterrestrial overlord, this is to be expected.

    THE BOOK THAT WILL FOREVER CHANGE OUR IDEAS ABOUT THE BIBLE: THE GODS COMING FROM SPACE (2013). This book can be downloaded for free from here

    Mauro Biglino is an internationally bestselling Italian author, researcher, and highly regarded scholar of ancient Hebrew. For many years he worked for Rome’s Saint Paul Press as a Bible translator, providing with great precision the literal meaning of Hebrew words for Vatican-approved interlinear Bibles. For more background information see: Bible Translations Episode 1 | Elohim. GOD – Paul Wallis & Mauro Biglino

    Bible Translators Mauro Biglino & Paul Wallis

    Many authors focus on the Elohim being ETs and so Biglino’s first book in English had a ready made readership of UFO enthusiasts. However, there is so much strangeness in the Bible, Mauro Biglino with co-author Giorgio Cattaneo, brings many other issues to light in his second English book, The Naked Bible: The Truth about the most famous book in history (2021). This book is written as if Cattaneo is interviewing Biglino, so it is sometimes easier to paraphrase what is written. After providing plenty of examples, Biglino declares that the Bible is essentially about war and ruthlessness was the order of the day. Cattaneo and Biglino both agree:

    “No regard for human life whatsoever. Massacre upon massacre ordered with inflexible brutality. Well, yes: “Yahweh has always shown himself to be merciless towards the enemies of his people, the people of Israel.” What was his purpose? “Simply to conquer a territory to reign over.”

    To drive this point home, the Bible even mentions The Book of the Wars of Yahweh, a lost document referred to and quoted in the Old Testament, (Numbers, Chapter 21 verse 14.). As is usual with wars, the Bible deals with matters like exterminating enemies and dividing up the spoils. Biglino says: “What are we supposed to think about a character who shares the booty with his warriors and keeps the girls for himself?” As the Bible informs us, Yahweh liked a drink of wine too, the equivalent of 3-5 liters a day. Biglino elaborates the point and states:

    Wine, or more precisely “Shakhar”, roughly translatable as “intoxicating drink”. “The Hebrew term indicates precisely the act of getting drunk and of saying nonsensical things.”

    Another psychopathic trait is the command that the first born children are sacrificed i.e. burnt to keep parents in check. The motive is clearly explained: “To throw them into consternation.” For the most atrocious of reasons, “so that they would recognize that I am the Lord.” This seems like a desire to traumatise parents in order to mind control them. Yes, that is bad enough, however, the worse aspect of the god Yahweh is his culinary requirements. Descriptions in the Bible, imply that Yahweh was hooked on substances, as he demanded food offerings that gave “an aroma, pleasing to the Lord.” In fact Chapter 10 is titled, ‘Divine Butchery & Fake News’. Biglino explains Yahweh’s peculiar requirements:

    “According to the text, he was also literally crazy about another specialty: smoke. This was a very particular type of smoke, produced by burning the very tender fat that grows around the abdominal organs in newborn mammals. Lambs, for example. But also babies. Newborns.”

    Biglino offers a plausible scientific explanation as follows:

        “The smoke produced by burnt fat contains some very particular molecules. Their structure is similar to that of the endorphins that our brain produces when it is under stress and needs to calm down.”
        So Yahweh was nervous?
        Did he really need to “calm down” every day?
        He wasn’t the only one, explains the scholar. “This taste for smoke is found in many other stories of ancient peoples, stories that speak of the sacrifices they made to their divinities. The Sumerians, for example, tell us that after the flood, their Noah – called Utnapishtim or Ziusudra – offered a great sacrifice of animals to the divinities who had come there.”
        That’s precisely what the Sumerian-Akkadian text says: the deities rushed over, “attracted by the smoke like flies to flesh.”     Apparently, this habit characterized all the gods of the time.     “The same thing is highlighted in stories relating to the Greek gods, for whom wholesale slaughters were celebrated. And also in the Homeric poems: how the part of the animal that was burned was to be prepared is described in great detail, in order to produce that famous smoke so pleasing to the deities. And that was a specific task to be carried out by men alone: the gods demanded it.”

    Many can understand that desperate primitive people would want to have a powerful psychopathic leader, but what attraction does that have today?

    The Naked Bible: The Truth about the most famous book in history (2021).
    This book is available to read online here

  • Bible Translators Reveal The Elohim As The Early Gods
    YouTube, 3rd April 2024

  • Paul Wallis 00:00
  • Mauro Biglino ~02:13
  • Professor Mark Smith ~14:54
  • Paul Wallis Deconstructs The Elohim ~ 16:15

    Comment: I have changed the emotive and even ridiculous YouTube title. This video serves as a suitable introduction to the existence of world respected bible translators who have come to startling new conclusions. Based on direct translations of biblical text (naked text), they have come to the conclusion that mistranslations occurred when a plural term Elohim (gods) was rendered God, to give the impression that early Israelites were monotheisitic. In reality, bible translators believe that the naked bible reveals henotheism. Henotheism (Greek “one god”) is a term coined by Max Müller, to mean devotion to a single primary god while accepting the existence or possible existence of other deities. This resolves the meaning of texts that demonstrate groups of people were asked to choose which god they would serve. Similarly, this clarifies Old Testament passages that described a god as being cruel and blood thirsty, very much in stark contrast with the God described in the New Testament.

  • The Bible is NOT about GOD! Are They Still Controlling US? Mauro Biglino & Paul Wallis. Full Box-Set
    YouTube, 5th Jan 2024

    The Bible is NOT about GOD! Paul Wallis & Mauro Biglino Full Series Boxset. 🔵The 5th Kind Website:
    🔵Mauro’s Website & Books:
    🔵Paul’s Website & Books:

    00:00 Introduction and background of Paul Wallis & Mauro Biglino
    06:32 - Elohim. Mauro Biglino
    22:54 - Elohim. Paul Wallis
    25:32 - Why Elohim does not mean "the Holy Trinity". Paul Wallis
    38:51 - Elyon. Mauro Biglino
    52:14 - Elyon. Paul Wallis
    1:08:03 - Yahweh. Mauro Biglino
    1:23:04 - Yahweh. Paul Wallis
    1:49:31 - El Shadday. Mauro Biglino
    1:57:28 - El Shadday. Paul Wallis
    2:17:59 - Olam. Mauro Biglino
    2:35:46 - Olam. Paul Wallis
    2:50:05 - Kavod. Mauro Biglino
    3:08:17 - Kavod. Paul Wallis
    3:28:50 - Ruach. Mauro Biglino
    3:48:57 - Ruach. Paul Wallis

    Comment: There is some excellent education provided here. Moreover, there are many more videos and documentaries by and with Paul Wallis who is an brilliant narrator.

    YouTube, 18 Jun 20222

    How does Jesus fit with ancient stories of star children and close encounters? How does Jesus relate to ancestral narratives of serpentine wisdom and draconian overlords? Who were the Nephilim and is the Tetragrammaton - YHWH - a handle for the Almighty or an Almighty cover-up? And, how can we develop religious thought in a way that allows people greater spiritual awareness and freedom from the trammels of religious group-think? And how does any of this relate to Westboro Baptist Church?? Enjoy these extracts from recent lectures by Paul Wallis as he explores these fascinating themes.

    Comment: This is a voice only presentation. Strangely, Paul Wallis only concedes that priestcraft have produced holy books (including the Old Testament) that have been plagiarised from older/ancient text, but this does not apply to New Testament books. Other than that, this is an excellent presentation.

    Click image for all Paul Wallis’s Website & Books.

    Paul Anthony Wallis is an internationally Bestselling Author, whose books probe the world’s ancestral narratives for their insight into human origins, human potential and our place in the cosmos. As a Senior Churchman, Paul served for 33 years as a Church Doctor, a Theological Educator, and an Archdeacon in the Anglican Church in Australia. He has published numerous titles on christian mysticism and spirituality and is a popular speaker at conferences around the world.

    Paul is known for his bestselling series of titles in paleocontact. George Noory hailed Paul’s 2020 book “ESCAPING FROM EDEN” as “This generation’s ‘Chariots of the Gods!’” propelling Paul onto the international stage as the go-to-guy in the field of paleocontact. The 2021 sequel “THE SCARS OF EDEN” was endorsed by the legendary Erich Von Daniken, followed up in 2022 by “ECHOES OF EDEN” and in 2023 by “THE EDEN CONSPIRACY,” both endorsed by George Noory. 2024 sees the release of “THE INVASION OF EDEN,” endorsed by Laura Eisenhower.

    Jordan Maxwell Interviews Zecharia Sitchin

    Jordan Maxwell (left) interviews Zechariah Sitchin (right).
  • “Encountering the Divine” Interview with Zecharia Sitchin
    Zecharia Sitchin Index, 9th April 2016

    World Conference of Planetary Violence in Human History, January 3-5, 1997. Interview conducted by Jordan Maxwell.
    Maxwell: There were so many questions in relation to that but I am very interested in the “sons of God” also. Were the Elohim the “sons” of the sons of God, or were the Elohim the “sons of God?”

    Sitchin: They were the Anunnaki. And it is their sons born on earth who married the daughters of Adam.

    Maxwell: We can say then that the Elohim were the ones that in Hebrew were referred to as the Sons of God?

    Sitchin: No. The Elohim are what the Sumerians called the Anunnaki, “those who from heaven to earth came.” They are Elohim in the Bible. Indeed, when you encounter this term and most in connection with the so-called pagan gods, that are also called Elohim in the Bible, indeed, at some point Joshua gives the Israelites, before they cross the Jordan into the Promised Land, he says, “You now have a choice, make up your mind, do you want to follow the Elohim of Egypt, or do you want to follow the Elohim of Mesopotamia, or do you want to follow Yahweh?” — the monotheistic concept of one God that rules, controls, designs, etc., everything.

    Comment: This is a transcript. I was surprised that Zechariah Sitchin knew so much about how the Bible was translated. This is gold! Below is the video of this interview on Maxwell's Complete 27 DVD Research Set (1993).

  • Interview With Zecharia Sitchin-1 (MP4)
    Internet Archive

  • Over millenia, hundreds of millions have been taught that a historical “son of God” called Jesus Christ lived, did miracles, suffered and died as a blood-atonement once and for all, for all of humanity by God Himself, the Creator of the entire cosmos. In reality, the gospel story of Jesus is not a factual portrayal of an historical “master” or God in the flesh who walked the earth ~2,000 years ago. The New Testament provides a myth built upon other myths and godmen, who in turn were personifications of the ubiquitous solar mythos found in countless cultures around the world. As such, the tale served to amalgamate the numerous religions, cults and sects of the Roman Empire and beyond, to create a state religion that promoted a peaceful Messiah who would serve as an alternative to the revolutionary leaders who were threatening Rome.

    Rome Invented Christianity

    The following Caesar’s Messiah (2005, 2011) Amazon book description provides a good introduction to idea that Christianity was a Roman invention.

    “Was Jesus the invention of a Roman emperor? The author of this ground-breaking book believes he was. “Caesar’s Messiah” reveals the key to a new and revolutionary understanding of Christian origins. The clues leading to its startling conclusions are found in the writings of the first-century historian Flavius Josephus, whose “Wars of the Jews” is one of the only historical chronicles of this period. Closely comparing the work of Josephus with the New Testament Gospels, “Caesar’s Messiah” demonstrates that the Romans directed the writing of both. Their purpose: to offer a vision of a “peaceful Messiah” who would serve as an alternative to the revolutionary leaders who were rocking first-century Israel and threatening Rome.

    Similarly, “Caesar’s Messiah” will rock our understanding of Christian history as it reveals that Jesus was a fictional character portrayed in four Gospels written not by Christians but Romans. This Flavian Signature edition adds Atwill’s latest discoveries of numerous parallel events in sequence which ultimately reveal the identity of the true authors of the Gospels.”

    Click image for Amazon UK Caesar’s Messiah (2011) link.

  • Download Caesar’s Messiah: The Roman Conspiracy to Invent Jesus (2005) from Internet Archive Link

    Click image for video link

  • Full Movie! CAESAR’S MESSIAH: The Roman Conspiracy to Invent Jesus - OFFICIAL VERSION [1:23:10]
    YouTube, 15 Sept 2018

    Seven of today’s most controversial Bible scholars reveal their shocking conclusions about the origins of Christianity. Based on the best-selling religious studies book by Joseph Atwill, this documentary shows that Jesus is not a historical figure, the events of Jesus’ life were based on a Roman military campaign, his supposed second coming refers to a historical event that already occurred, the teachings of Christ came from the ancient pagan mystery schools, and the Gospels were written by a family of Caesars and their supporters, who left us documents to prove it.

    00:00 - Introduction
    06:50 - Part One: The Flavians’ Rise to Power
    07:50 - The Julio-Claudian Dynasty
    19:16 - Josephus
    22:20 - The Roman Imperial Cult
    28:45 - Ruling Families: a Conspiracy
    32:26 - Part Two: The Documents
    32:43 - The Authors of the Gospels
    43:01 - Pagan Parallels
    46:16 - Old Testament Parallels
    49:58 - The Son of Man
    52:27 - Christian Flavians
    54:56 - Typology
    1:07:07 - The Flavian Signature
    1:12:02 - Conclusions

    Right: Pope Flavius St Clement (1st Roman Catholic Pope after the apostle Simon came from the Flavian dynasty).

    Comment: Many researchers believe that Christianity was foisted onto the the Roman Empire for political purposes. However, many thought this was solidified by the Emperor Constantine at the first Council of Nicaea (325 AD). History as we know it, cites the encouragement of Constantine’s famed mother Helena, for the creation of the Roman Catholic Church. However, this group of authors suggest that there is evidence that the Roman Flavian dynasty, initially sponsored the creation of the character Jesus Christ by making a composite of different literary characters who were considered leading messianic figures. Once they were satisifed with their literary iniative, this new messiah was heavily promoted in order to bring a more peaceful and co-operative people that they could control easier. The Roman Imperial Cult apparatus (that worked to turned Caesar into a god), provided the structure to be eventually turned into the Catholic Church. The description of the Flavian signature is impressive. The Flavian Emperor dynasty of Vespasian, Titus and Domitian was from 69 - 96 AD, but the Flavian signature was retrospectively based on the reign of Titus 71-81. The conclusion of how governments manipulate the masses by religion his highly relevant today.

    Top: Jesus enters Jerusalem on an donkey.
    Bottom: Emperor Titus Flavius enters Jerusalem in 70 AD.

    Comment: This is just 1 event from ~ 40 events that make up the Flavian signature. Is it any wonder that scholars never made the connection until Atwill eventually cracked this typology/code?

  • Proof Romans Invented Jesus Christ - The Flavian Signature
    YouTube, 25 Mar 2013

    The Romans left a signature of their authorship in the Gospels, The Flavian Signature - as coined by Joseph Atwill. This video is separate from the Caesar’s Messiah documentary - it is mainly a tool for anyone interested in understanding an abridged version of Atwill’s core discovery of the Flavian Signature directly.

    [...] The Flavian Signature refers to the parallels Atwill discovered which link the Jesus story in the Gospels to the military campaign of the Roman Caesar Titus Flavius in the histories of Josephus. Atwill shows how these parallels prove that the story of Jesus is not historical, and that it was the Flavian court who authored the Gospels - thus leaving their “signature”, the “Flavian Signature”, in the Gospels for posterity to discover and recognize. Runtime: 34 minutes

    Comment: When you consider that occultists like to show their allegiance through symbols, maybe this jewish tradition of typology when writing religious manuscripts is just another form of this. Moreover, Atwill’s conclusion that every citizen should understand this because it reveals how government propaganda works, demontrates how the gospels provide the perfect example of how religion and politics have always been connected.

  • ROME CREATED CHRISTIANITY, By Harrell Rhome, M.Div., Ph.D.
    Gnostic Liberation Front, (Internet Archive), 2013

    This cogent author essentially says there is no way that the Christian religion is culturally or ideologically from Judea-Palestine. It is blatantly and self-servingly Roman in all its manifestations.
    [Begin quoting.] While the above claims [that is, the Roman origins] will, and should, trigger skepticism, it needs to be remembered that as Christianity describes its origin it was not only supernatural but also historically illogical. Christianity, a movement that encouraged pacifism and obedience to Roman rulers, claims to have emerged from a nation engaged in a century long struggle with Rome. An analogy to Christianity’s purported origin might be a cult established by Polish Jews during World War II that set up its headquarters in Berlin and encouraged its members to pay taxes to the Third Reich.

    When one looks at the form of early Christianity one sees Rome, not Judea. The church’s structures of authority, its sacraments, its college of bishops, the title of the head of the religion – the Supreme Pontiff, were all based upon Roman, not Judaic, traditions. Somehow Judea had left little trace upon the form of a religion that purportedly originated inside of it.

    Early Christianity was also Roman in its worldview. That is, like the Roman Empire, the movement saw itself as ordained by God to spread throughout the world. Before Christianity no religion is known to have seen itself quite so destined to ‘conquer,’ to become the religion of all mankind. The type of Judaism described in the Dead Sea Scrolls, for example, was very selective as to who would be allowed to join its community…. [End quoting.] Joseph Atwill, The Roman Origin Of Christianity, privately published, 2003, now available as both a book and movie called Caesar’s Messiah.
    Comment: This article is a relatively quick read if you don’t want to read a book on this subject. It contains quotes and references to the best works on these matters.

    The Composite Christ

    Based on some analysis, it seems that the Jesus Christ of the New Testament bible that we know of today was based on a composite of different characters that we know historically did exist. Simply, we are presented with a smorgasbord that consists of astrotheology, teachings from different religions, miracles, healings and events from the lives of various historical characters. The Roman effort to create the perfect religion was to keep the masses as peaceful as possible and therefore easier to rule. The exception was when it came to war and armies were sanctioned to commit atrocities for political and financial benefits.

    In the book Antiquity Unveiled: Ancient Voices From the Spirit Realms Disclose the Most Startling Revelations
    Proving Christianity to Be of Heathen Origin (1892)
    , it explains how Eastern religious thought spread across Europe and the Middle East and was incorporated into other religions. Yet, when the Roman Empire spread over Europe, soldiers would get into fights over religious matters, but essentially they were fighting over the same religion in another guise. An older version of Christianity versus a newer version of Christianity. In the West, the old Christianity was essentially the religion of Hesus, the gods being Chrishna or Krishna combined with Scandinavian gods. The new Roman Catholic version of Christianity was a bigger blend that incorported more modern Christ like figures like Apollonius of Tyana who taught Krishna.

    The actual spiritual teachings of this new version of Christianity was blended from Brahmans, Buddhists, Gymnosophists, Jewish and Gnostic Eclectics. This is why it can be stated that Essenes were essentially Christian before the fabled Jesus Christ was supposed to have lived. We are informed by the book Antiquity Unveiled, “The Arian and Athanasian controversy was simply a fight over the Kristos of the East and the Hesus of the West. This was the real subject of controversy between Arius and Athanasius.” By the way, there is a claim that Hesus was only the name of the evangelist that originally brought this new god to the West and that over time the new religion was called by his name. Incidentally, it was warmly welcomed by Celtic Druids... The god name Hesus can be derived by from the Phoenician god IES or JES which meant the sun and nothing else. This may have been modified by Greek transmission into Hesos, or by the Latin transmission into Hesus, as the name was written or spoken by the Gallic Druids. So, what seems most likely?

    Emperor Constanine is known to have resolved the issue of rivalry between priests concerning their gods at the Council of Nicea in 325 A.D. by combining these gods and creating Jesus Christ. That is why today, there is a major division in Christianity between the Roman Catholic Church and the Greek Orthodox Church. That is why there are old Ethiopian bibles with pictures of a black Jesus. Jesus Christ can be any skin tone because he is a construct. The arguments about beliefs is the reason why there are thousands of Christian denominations. It is worth taking the opportunity here to point out that priestcraft are only interested in maintaining their power and hence, they not about helping to explain the intricacies of how new religions are devised. The insights brought in the book Caesar's Messiah are helpful from a Big Picture perspective, but after thousands of years, there is a rich tapestry still to unravel.

    Again Antiquity Unveiled reveals the rivalry between Apollonius of Tyana and a teacher called Chrestus briefly alluded to in the New Testament. By the way, the works of Apollonius of Tyana were used to create the composite character of Jesus Christ, Paul of Tarsus in the New Testament Acts of the Apostles and John the author of the Book of Revelations. Anyway, they both taught the Christos religion and were both powerful healers and mediums, but due to doctrinal differences, they caused furore in Rome. Things got so bad that Emperor Claudius was forced to issue the expulsion of all Jews from Rome (A.D. 49 or A.D. 50). Interestingly, in Chrestus' account we are told that the term Jew only meant vagrants and disturbers of the peace and was not related to followers of Judaism. Chrestus had been a slave, so Apollonius being a freeborn citizen was deemed a better fit in society, so Chrestus lost the battle and he and his followers were forced to leave Rome. The name Chrestus was given to him by the Romans after what he taught. The expulsion of the Jews was mentioned in Acts xviii 1, 2 and religious theological literature, but the real situation was obviously suppressed.

    Another character that might have been used in the Jesus Christ composite is Saint Issa. The French explorer Nicolas Notovitch, in the late nineteenth century, created a sensation by publishing a book called The Unknown Life of Jesus Christ (1890). The preface of this book gives a brief synopsis of how this discovery was made, see links below.

  • *The Lost Years Of Jesus-The Life Of St. Issa*
    YouTube, 11 Oct 2019

    Comment: Update 29th August 2024 | The psychological source Seth claims that the energy that makes up the Christ entity is so large that it was impossible to be held in one person. Therefore there were several people who played this role and lived around the time that Christ was supposed to have existed. He says that none of the men who made up that entity were crucified (there is an interesting story to explain the biblical passages about the cruxification, info coming in a new Just Seth webpage). Seth claims that they all died naturally and one of them died (he believes) in India. Reference: —The Personal Sessions: Book 4 of The Deleted Seth Material; Deleted Session January 9, 1978 © 2016 Laurel Davies-Butts link

  • The Lost Years of Jesus [1977] - Saint Issa - (Documentary)

    The Lost Years of Jesus - Saint Issa - (Documentary) - By Richard Bock

    YouTube, 4 Sept 2021 4 Sept 2021

    YouTube, 5 Sept 2021

    Comment: There is a Part 3, Part 4 & Part 5 in this series. Paul Wallis is trying hard to soften the blow with the implications of major Church teaching being false or erroneous.

  • The Unknown Life of Jesus Christ by Nicolas Notovitch [1890]

  • The Unknown Life of Jesus Christ, by Nicolas Notovitch [2009] [.pdf]
    Project Gutenberg eBook

    Pious Fraud & Forgery

  • Fraud in the Bible
    Exodus Myth, 30th March 2017

    What is Pious Fraud?

    Pious fraud was a common technique employed by early Christian writers to make a point. Their intention was to convert anyone and everyone by any means available. One of the more persuasive methods was to write a text and falsely tell others that it was written in first person. For example, the four canonized gospel tales were not written by Matthew, Mark, Luke or John. That has been a well known fact for about 200 years. And to this day, no one knows who the gospel stories were written by. These texts are perfect examples of pious fraud. Pious fraud is the foundation of the deception known as Christianity and it continues to this day. [...]

    Pious Fraud in Translation

    Let’s take a look at the very first words of the book of Genesis. Note very carefully that the Hebrew culture, at the time of this writing, was not monothestic, but rather, polytheistic. Will your priest, minister or preacher tell you that? No. But you can find out for yourself with a simple dictionary.

    The Hebrew word for God is el; the plural is elohim, gods. What is the first sentence in the Bible?

    “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth” (Gen. 1:1).

    Here is Genesis 1:1 in Hebrew (transliterated into the Latin alphabet, of course):

    “Bereshith bara elohim,” etc.,

    “In-beginning created (the) gods (the) heavens and (the) earth.”

    In the same chapter the word “elohim” (gods) is used thirty times., Those gods are the ones who created the ‘universe’ in 6 days.

    To clarify, here is the translation of the Hebrew text of Genesis 1. Notice how Jewish and Christian ‘fathers’ don’t bother to tell you what the original text says. They would like you to believe that a single god created everything. But, they messed up big time and actually translated it properly. In plain English, the translation reads ‘let us make man in our image’:

    Comment: This is a very good introduction to the concept of Pious Fraud with some important examples. We are informed that it took the Council of Nicea in 325 CE for the bishops to change the status of Jesus to a supernatural being. Therefore, until that time, we must assume that the early church only thought of Jesus as “God-like” or “like God”. This is the literal translations of ther term “Son of God” that Jesus refered to himself as explained here.

    Click image for link

  • Things They Don’t Tell You about Christianity
    Freetruth (Internet Archive), 29th March 2013

    Origins | Summary

    • Pagan Origins
    • Pre-Judeo-Christian motifs in the Bible
    • Pre-Christian symbols in Christianity
    • Pre-Christian festivals, holy-days and terms for God
    • Pre-Christian saviour Gods and men
    • Myth
    • Deception and falsification
    • Scripture
    • Early Christianity
    • Canonical Gospels, Acts and the Pauline Epistles
    • The Apostles
    • Biblical Scholarship: NT and OT
  • Crimes of Christianity (1887) by GW Foote & J M Wheeler.

    From the Preface we read:

    Christianity is an historical religion and must be judged historically. We trace its course along the stream of time and show its character and achievements. Without dwelling unnecessarily on individual cases of fanaticism and folly, we exhibit its action on society, and its principles as formulated by Councils and illustrated by general practice. We are also as careless of sects as of eccentrics. We deal with the Christian Church in its great movements and manifestations; [...]

    Nor can we listen to the Protestant plea that Catholicism is an idolatrous heresy, and is alone responsible for the crimes and errors of Christianity. In a future volume it will be our duty to relate the criminal misdeeds of Protestantism. Meanwhile we say it is absurd for Protestants to repudiate the only Christianity that existed for athousand years, and to stigmatise with heresy that Catholic Church which is the venerable mother of theirown faith, and the custodian and guarantor of theirScriptures. Both Catholic and Protestant have to face the fact that the triumph of Christianity was the triumph of barbarism, and that the doctrine of salvation by faith is in each Church the logical basisand sanction of persecution.

    Comment: Chapter 4 starts with the following introduction:

    During many centuries, indeed for more than a thousand years, the Christian Church lied for the glory of God without shame or compunction. Whatever promoted its reputation and power was deemed both necessary and honorable. Frauds were praiseworthy if they were pious; and, in the words of Mosheim, those who wished to shine forth most eminently as true Christians “deemed it a pious act to employ deception and fraud in support of piety.”

    The terse language used in this book, leaves no doubt what religious scholars thought of the pious fraud that was conducted for nearly 800 years. Here is a selection of quotes:

    • “A colossal fraud lies at the very basis of Christianity.”
    • “...the complaint of Celsus, in the second century, that the Christians were perpetually correcting and altering their Gospels”.
    • The “greatest and most pious teachers” of the fourth century, says Mosheim, were “nearly all of them infected with this leprosy” of fraud;
    • “Base audacity of those who did not blush to palm their own spurious productions on the great men of former times, and even on Christ himself and his apostles, so that they might be able, in the councils and in their books, to oppose names against names and authorities against authorities. The whole Christian Church was, in this century, overwhelmed with these disgraceful fictions.”
    • “No fable could be too gross, no invention too transparent, for their unsuspicious acceptance, if it assumed a pious form or tended to edification. No period in the history of the world ever produced so many spurious works as the first two or three centuries of our era.”
    • “It was an age of literary frauds. Deceit, if it had a good intention, frequently passed unchallenged... However unwilling we maybe to admit it, history forces upon us the recognition of pious fraud as a principle which was by no means inoperative in the earliest ages of Christianity.”
  • Contents link

    Chapter 4 on pious forgeries includes many instances that include:
    • A fake letter supposedly written by Jesus,
    • A fake account of the Resurrection by Pontius Pilate available in the Apocryphal New Testament,
    • A fake account of the miraculous eclipse at the Crucifixion,
    • Fake history created by an insertion into the writings of the famous Josephus as to the existence of Jesus and his life,
    • Fake prophecies conerning the wonderful career of Jesus Christ attributed to The Sibylline verses, (here, the use of pagan oracles or channellers is considered obscenely bizarre),
    • The use of philosopher’s Porphyry name to give credence to the Christian story “by attributing to the famous Heathen many opinions and sentiments which contradicted those expressed in the fragments of his authentic writings.”
    • Forged writings attributed to many of the early Church Fathers (which probably were probably Essenes and not Christians).
    • The Apostles’ Creed that is clearly plagiarised.
  • Chapter 4 | Pious Forgery link

    Chapter 5 starts with the following paragraph:

    “CHRISTIANITY is responsible, not only for the forgery of serviceable documents, but for a multitude of fraudulent miracles, lying legends, and profitable fables; and in carrying on its wretched trade in these things it has not scrupled to resort to the crudest forms of fetish worship. An African mystery-man, dispensing amulets, need not fear a comparison with the Christian priests and monks who trafficked in relics of dead saints and other items of the stock-in-trade of pious imposture.[...]

    Protestants are now satisfied with very ancient miracles, but the more superstitious Catholics credit the continued existence of miraculous powers in the Church. We need not wonder, therefore,that the still more superstitious Christians of the early ages should expect miracles to be wrought before their own eyes. Traditional wonders did not suffice to nourish their enthusiastic credulity, which demandeda fresh supply in every generation. The leaders of Christianity were accordingly obliged to supply their wants, and this could not be done without knavery; for while no more than an easy credulity was needed for the dissemination, as well as for the acceptance, of apocryphal stories, the manufacture of fresh miracles necessitated the practice of conscious fraud.”

    The most ridiculous frauds imaginable are provided here that caused so-called pagans to call out Christians for their “abject superstition”.... The most interesting quote to note is as follows:

    “Jerusalem was a sink of iniquity and debauchery, according to Gregory of Nyssa, who went there in the vain hope of appeasing the quarrels of its Christian inhabitants;”

    Other sources have stated the same, but I have found that there are attempts to scrub this kind of information from the internet.

    Volume II was never published and I would surmise there was no where near the volume of Protestant atrocities to write about, that continuously poured like a river over the centuries, driven by the demons running the Unholy Catholic Church.

  • Chapter 5 | Pious Fraud link

    Another internet archive copy link

    The Vicars of Christ: Dark Side of the Papacy (1988, 2000)

    The Vicars of Christ: Dark Side of the Papacy (1988, 2000) written by Dr Peter De Rosa, a theological scholar who left the priesthood in 1970. In this international bestseller, he disclosed the dark history of the Vatican’s leadership of the Catholic Chuch. Over many centuries, Popes claimed immense power over humanity and used this power to kill, torture and steal in the name of Christ. In the Chapter 3, Papal Pornocracy, De Rosa describes some of these pontiffs from 880 - 929 A.D. as “the most despicable body of leaders, clerical or lay in history. They were frankly barbarians. Ancient Rome had nothing to rival them in rottenness.” So let’s say that expectations were poor but it was not just licencious behaviour it was the willingness to distort the facts. De Rosa wrote: “For seven centuries, the Greeks had called Rome the home of forgeries. Whenever they tried talking with Rome, the popes brought out forged documents, even papal additions to Council documents, which the Greeks, naturally, had never seen.”

    The following is a long extract from Chapter 3, Papal Pornocracy, which continues from the above quote.

    Gregory VII and His School of Forgers

    [Gregory VII, c. 1015 – 1085, born Hildebrand of Sovana, was Pope from 22 April 1073 to his death in 1085] had a whole school of forgers under his very nose, turning out document after document, with the papal seal of approval, to cater for his every need.

    The leaders of the school were Anselm of Lucca, nephew of the previous pontiff. Cardinal Deusdedit and, after them. Cardinal Gregory of Pavia. Pope Gregory (and, later. Urban II) might require justification for some action against a prince or bishop. Very well, these prelates literally produced the appropriate document. No need for research; it was all done on the premises.

    Many earlier documents were touched up to make them say the opposite of what they said originally. Some of these earlier documents were themselves forgeries. Hildebrand’s school treated all papers, forged or genuine, with a completely impartial dishonesty. Orwell’s 1984 was anticipated by nine centuries, not in some godless state at the behest of Big Brother, but in the heart of Roman Catholicism in favour of the pope.

    This instant method of inventing history was marvellously successful, especially as the forgeries were at once inserted into canon law. By innumerable subtle changes, they made Catholicism seem changeless. They turned ‘today’ into ‘always was and always will be’, which even now, contrary to the findings of history, is the peculiar stamp of Catholicism.

    Thus was accomplished the quietest and longest-lasting of all revolutions: it was all done on paper. It would not have worked in an era of universal literacy, printing, photocopying and carbon dating; it worked without a hitch in an age of rare manuscripts, inept scholarship, and when even some emperors could not read and write.

    Gregory was not above a deception of his own.

    The most influential of all forgeries was the ninth-century PseudoIsidorian Decretals, of French origin, which Rome seized on avidly and which Gregory, who ‘could not err’, took to be authentic. It consisted of 115 documents, purportedly written by early bishops of Rome, beginning with Clement (88—97). A further 125 documents had forged additions which increased the power and prestige of the papacy. According to the forger, the early popes forbade all commerce with an excommunicated person.

    In 1078, Gregory, knowing there was no precedent for it, extended this principle to emperors and kings. If a pope excommunicated an emperor and his subjects were forbidden to deal with him, what good was he? He was fit only to be dethroned, which Gregory was pleased to do. Even the most ardent papalists have found this hard to forgive. For Gregory deliberately confused two codes of law, canon and civil, and turned a spiritual principle of excommunication into a political weapon. In his hands, it was devastating. He deposed the Greek emperor as well as Boleslaus, the Polish king, forbidding Poland ever again to call itself a kingdom. In country after country, he sowed civil unrest; there were rebellions and civil wars.
    Gregory’s forgeries had the advantage of being both original and sacrosant, novel and yet ancient. A prince was unwise to oppose the pope when previous pontiffs like Innocent I and Gregory the Great had deposed an emperor and a king. Not that they had done any such thing, though Gregory VII had a document to prove they had. The forgers themselves believed with all their hearts that Gregory had the power to depose monarchs, and if they could, with a pen-stroke here and there, assist an impious world to believe the same where was the harm in that?

    History became a minor branch of theology where it has remained ever since. After all, even history cannot contradict infallible truth. Hence in the formative years of Roman Catholic Christianity, all discussion was stifled by recourse to ‘authorities’ that were instantly fabricated.

    Thus, the history of Christianity has been one of mostly resistance. Vatican efforts to “spread the word” by crusades combined with “witch burning,” forced the masses to publicly change their allegiance from their favourite gods and pagan pastimes. Even today, this has just resulted in some ethnic groups retaining their original beliefs by disguising them with a Christian veneer. A good example of this, is some forms of Voodoo that simply blended demon gods with Catholic saints. (It is well beyond the scope of this introduction and webpage to provide more details.)

    Priestcraft’s efforts to promote Christianity, resulted in the creation of a smorgasbord of fraudulent relics to attract pilgrims and generate revenue. However, as the masses became more educated and less superstituous, the fascination with a bit of the cross of Christ and the dead bones of saints etc has worn off. Moreover, in the last two hundred years or so, a few brave scholars risking imprisonment, pointed out the pious fraud and forgery used to create and maintain allegiance to Christianity. In summary, the evidence suggests that ancient texts and genuine old teachings were stolen, revamped by changing details like names and locations and then sold on to a new set of believers for profit. The following is just a small sample of the available articles and literature on this matter.

  • PDF DOWNLOAD .pdf Internet Archive Link

    Fraudulent Holy Relics

    Left: St Valentinus in Waldsassen, Germany
    Right: The hand of St Valentin in Bad Schussenried, Germany

    St Benedictus in the church of St Michael, Munich
    Click image for more pictures

  • Heavenly Bodies: Relics of Catholic Saints - in pictures

    As the Vatican prepares to display bones it believes to be those of St Peter, we explore an amazing series of jewelled saints’ remains from southern Germany, Austria and Switzerland. The skeletons were found in 1578 when some of the catacombs of Rome were opened up, containing the remains of the city’s early Christian community. Over the next couple of hundred years, some of the skeletons, identified as saints’ remains, were sent north across the Alps to replace relics destroyed in the Protestant Reformation. To mark their newfound status, they were festooned with an extraordinary assortment of jewels, cloth of gold and other precious fabrics, and are still objects of veneration. Paul Koudounaris tracked them down for his book Heavenly Bodies, published by Thames & Hudson and available through the Guardian bookshop Sarah Gilbert
    The Guardian, 19 Nov 2013

    The Head of St. John the Baptist, Cathedral, Amiens, France
    Click image for link

  • Vatican, skulls and bones
  • Religion & Politics Today

    Jordan Maxwell (December 1940 - March 2022) was considered a preeminent researcher and independent scholar in the field of occult / religious philosophy. The striking difference with Maxwell compared to other lecturers on this subject is that he made his studies relevant to the modern world. Hence, he talked about secret societies and how they ruled the world and this becomes highly relevant when we understand their use of symbols. He also devealed how this related to religion and politics. He achieved his aims by revealing the etymology of many commonly used words and expressions and how these words are used to cast spells. For example Gospel comes from God Spell, but he liked to talk about Hollywood and the use of the magic wand. It all seems very strange, but then when Queen Elizabeth II died, at funeral her wand was broken in half and laid on her casket. All of a sudden, Jordan’s assertions no longer seem so outlandish.

    Over many decades, Jordan Maxwell has given many hundreds of presentations, radio shows and podcasts. It is must stated that to understand our world, it is very difficult to separate religion and politics. However, Jordan Maxwell is very good at showing (to mostly an American audience), how the Vatican is part of the matrix of power that rules planet Earth. Maxwell, does not hide the truth. The Vatican act as the ruling mafioso on planet Earth and there is clear evidence that they are into every evil imaginable. Those who have trouble with this have done zero research.

    With the Jordan Maxwell material, he has to duplicate some information to provided an adequate foundation. Despite the age of this material, it is all becoming highly relevant. The following Jordan Maxwell lectures and presentations are suggested.

  • Jordan Maxwell - Vatican Secrets

  • Jordan Maxwell - Toxic Religion

  • Secret Societies Word Meaninigs
    Jordan Maxwell - Complete 27 DVD Research Set, 1993

    Comment: Maxwell is on fire here.... Religion and Politics are impossible to separate and the secret societes are a very well established cult (religion) that are running the world. Language can be deconstructed to see how humanity is being forced to operate under the matrix [religion] of the elites. Yes, there is repeated info here, but JM gives info not given out in most of his presentations.

  • This Jordan Maxwell in 1 minute 38 seconds explaining the US government system and it's domination by the Roman Catholic Church which is the most visible remnant of the old Roman Empire. | XTwitter Link

  • Heavenly Worship

    Astrotheology is a huge subject. Since there are volumes of information easily available, it is most pertinent to point out that religious teachings have always been on two levels: 1. Knowledge conveyed as a metaphor to teach important truths to obtain wisdom and knowledge and 2. stories for the illiterate/ignorant who need everything to be personified and simple. If you don’t understand this, then any goodness that can be strained out of religious works is lost.

    Moreover, I understand that many researchers and scholars say that just because there is no historical Jesus Christ then that is the end of the story. Then others say that well, if Jesus Christ was a composite character or even an Essene that once lived, there is some rationale for Christianity as providing allegory and stories to teach ethics and morals. Well, I think my viewpoint is unusual in that I believe that there is a psychic component to all this. Jesus Christ exists in the psychic realms like a doorway, because so many people have bought into the invention. The metaphysical source Seth explains this the best. This is paraphrased: Myth has a psychic reality because man needs it to be real to solve internal problems. “The fact is that the myth comes nearer to reality than the fact.” The God Concept: By Seth

    This section will be kept relatively short with website references provided for more sources.

    Click image for video link

  • Jordan Maxwell The Zodiac, Mazzaroth & Astrotheology In The Bible
    YouTube, 2nd June 2017

    In this episode of the podcast TruthSeekah speaks with Jordan Maxwell about The Zodiac, Mazzaroth and Astrotheology In The Bible. Jordan Maxwell continues as a preeminent researcher and independent scholar in the field of occult / religious philosophy. His interest in these subjects began as far back as 1959. He served for three-and-a-half years as the Religion Editor of Truth Seeker Magazine, America’s oldest Free thought Journal (since 1873). His work exploring the hidden foundations of Western religions and secret societies creates enthusiastic responses from audiences around the world.

    Comment: This is interview provides a good summary of Maxwell’s teaching on Astrotheology.

  • Pre-Astro-Theology #1 [PODCAST]

  • Pre-Astro-Theology #2 [PODCAST]

  • Astro-Theology #1 [PODCAST]
    Jordan Maxwell Show, 29-March-2013

    Now that the foundation has been laid, Jordan is going to start digging into Astro-Theology. All religions are based on this simple story — the battle between light and darkness.

    Astro-Theology is the study of the Gods, the greatest story ever told. How God works is “Theo.” In ancient GREECE, this was called the Thea-ter, or the God Show.

    Facts on how religion works, and why:

    1 Corinthians 15:14 — “And if Christ be not risen, then is our preaching in vain.”

    Let’s go back to the birth of modern man, not the birth of Jesus. Man evolved. The Sun is our savior, the light of the world. Sun Worship.

    Click image for old information link

    Jordan Maxwell - Complete 27 DVD Research Set, 1993-06-09 is available for free on the internet archive with an index. The links that relate to astrotheology are as follows:

  • Internet Achive | Astrotheology [2:20:24] link

  • Also another Internet Archive source: Collection Jordan Maxwell Video Lecture

    Comment: Obviously, many of these topics overlap, so there may be more interesting information to be gleaned.

  • There is a chapter by Jordan Maxwell in the book The Book Your Church Doesn’t Want You To Read (1993,1995, 2001, 2003) which was an instant best seller. Here is a useful review:
    This book has incorporated a hard look at beliefs, evidence, stories, churches and acts of omission and commission. The foundation of the book is the spirit of free inquiry, from the ancient Greeks - Protagoras, Socrates and others - through the Renaissance humanism of Erasmus and Spinoza, followed by the Enlightenment - Voltaire, John Locke, Thomas Paine, Thomas Jefferson - to the present secular culture of great scientific achievements. All through these times, those who thought for themselves, who explored new questions and found new answers, had to contend with the repressions of religious orthodoxy. This was inevitable, since their work was a mortal challenge to old ways of thinking.

    This is not an anti-religious book. The search for the meaning of life started long before Moses, Jesus, Mohammed or organized religion. This book is a reference book that is meant to be challenging and informative. Source: Link

    Here is a critical review of this book: Link


    The ancient symbol to represent the sun seen in a stained glass window in the Cathedral at Potosí (Bolivia).
    Click image for link

  • The History of Solar Worship with Jordan Maxwell
    YouTube, 1 Apr 2022

    The sun has always held a prominent role in theology, religion and spirituality since the beginning of human civilization. Because of the many cultures that worshiped the sun and applied it to their own gods and religious practice solar worship may be the greatest story ever told. Jordan Maxwell discusses concerns that may be considered controversial to conventional religious doctrine. But it is important to understand how ancient cultures viewed the sun as it moves through the zodiac and the way they symbolized its powerful influence upon the world.

    Comment: Beautiful and simple explanations.

  • Jesus as the Sun throughout History

    In my books and articles, I present the evidence that many aspects of the gospel story about Jesus Christ, and of Christian tradition in general, represent motifs from older astrotheology and solar mythology, specifically reflecting legends and myths regarding the sun gods of antiquity. There remains much confusion concerning this subject, including erroneous claims that this equation of Jesus with the sun only started to be expressed during the 19th century. This contention that connecting Jesus to the sun constitutes a “modern” phenomenon is easily demonstrated to be false, through the study of ancient texts, including the Bible and works of the early Church fathers, as well as Christian traditions, rituals, architecture and artifacts. From a wide variety of sources, it is clear that associating, identifying and equating Christ with the sun began in ancient times and has continued abundantly over the many centuries since then.

    Comment: This is article is an exerpt from the book Jesus as the Sun throughout History (2011). Click image for link.

  • Sun-worship in Modern Churches.
    gaiakallistus.wordpress. 17th Feb 2018

    The following words and terms used in Modern Churches today all have pagan origins, and are found to be directly linked to ancient Sun-worship found in Babylonian, Egyptian, Greek, Roman, Teutonic-German, Hindu, and Persian cultures. English word forms of the names of Sun-deities in these ancient cultures still exist today and are used in Modern Christianity. True Believers should remove these words from our language, from teaching, and certainly from our worship assemblies.

    This list is partly taken from the book COME OUT OF HER MY PEOPLE, by C. J. Koster, published by Institute For Scripture Research.

  • Subjects (abstracts): The Cult of Sol Invictus; The Sun-Gods of Ancient Europe;
    Christian worship of the Sun; Man and the Sun; Roman festivals; Christmas; (Internet Archive)

    MOSAIC FLOOR OF THE 6TH. C. BETH ALPHA SYNAGOGUE. THE CENTRAL PANEL DEPICTING THE ZODIAC WITH THE HELENISTIC SUN-GOD HELIUS. This zodiac wheel, with Helios or Sun at it’s center is found in contemporaneous synagogues throughout Israel such as Naaran, Susiya, Hamat Tiberias, Huseifa, and Sepphoris. Alamy stock photo Link

    Description: The central nave floor mosaic panel features a Jewish adaptation of the Greco-Roman zodiac. The zodiac consists of two concentric circles, with the twelve zodiac signs appearing in the outer circle, and Helios, the Greco-Roman sun god, appearing in the inner circle. The outer circle consists of twelve panels, each of which correspond to one of the twelve months of the year and contain the appropriate Greco-Roman zodiac sign. Female busts symbolizing the four seasons appear in the four corners immediately outside the zodiac. In the center, Helios appears with his signature Greco-Roman iconographic elements such as the fiery crown of rays adorning his head and the highly stylized quadriga or four-horse-drawn chariot. The background is decorated with a crescent shaped moon and stars. As in the "Binding of Isaac" panel, the zodiac symbols and seasonal busts are labeled with their corresponding Hebrew names. Source: Link

  • Zodiac Mosaic of Hammat Tiberias Israel
    The mosaic floor of a 4th-century synagogue features a pagan zodiac wheel alongside traditional images of a Torah ark and menorahs.
    Atlas Obscura, May 21, 2018

    ONE OF THE MOST REMARKABLE ancient synagogue mosaics sits in a little-visited archaeological site on the Sea of Galilee near a stretch of modern sea resorts and a water park.

  • The Metamorphosis of the Sun God in AncientSynagogues in Israel
    What are the zodiac and other images doing in those bastions of monotheism? The answer lies in a Judaism we don’t know anymore
    Haaretz (Internet Archive), 16th Sep, 2020

    At least seven synagogues in Israel built 1,500 to 1,700 years agofeature mosaics of the zodiac, of all things. The zodiac symbols are in a circle surrounding what appears tobe the Greek sun god Helios. The circle is typically enclosed within a square, with human figures representing the four seasons at its corners. Some of the mosaics also show the moonand stars.

    Comment: So, based on this article, these Zodiac discoveries are totally embarrassing. The face-saving section, “A different kind of Judaism” is quite an interesting read. I can only presume that it was different because it was actually a jewish sect (Essenism or Gnosticism) and not Judaism at all.

  • The Gospel In The Stars By Old Scholars

    Sir William Drummond | Oedipus Judaicus: Allegory in the Old Testament (1811)

    Sir William Drummond of Logiealmond (ca. 1770-1828) was a Scottish diplomat and Member of Parliament, poet and philosopher. He wrote the book, Oedipus Judaicus (1811), now considered a classic in Bible scholarship. At the time, it was printed for private circulation and only 200 copies were printed in 1811 and then in 1866, 250 copies were reprinted, after having proved highly controversial. Since the mid 1990s, due to the search for more truth and enlightenment by many individuals, copies have only been made more widely available. Drummond believed that the Old Testament of the Bible appeared to contain nothing but a collection of self-contradictory stories about a small and insignificant race of people. So he decided to prove that there was an alternative way to interpret the Bible using the science of comparative linguistics. Drummond interpreted passages from the Book of Genesis and the Book of Joshua, and explained how the Bible conveyed various truths in an allegorical fashion. Drummond suggested that the writers of the Old Testament;

    “…follow the example of all the East, in blending in their narratives real with fictitious events and involving important lessons to mankind whether in morals, or in science, under the guise of recorded fact.”
    This is one of the most revealing quotes of the book;
    “There can be no system of religion but the true one, which is capable of satisfying a reasoning and reflecting mind. We may believe that as the Chaldeans and Egyptians advanced in knowledge, their learned men secretly renounced, while they continued openly to teach, the errors of Tsabaism, which, in the hands of such men, could have been nothing else but a system of astronomy imposed on the people as a system of religion. Accordingly we find, that the popular Gods of Egypt were in fact mere astronomical symbols. The Sun, the moon, and the Stars, were personified and deified; the conjunction and opposition of planets were made subjects of joy or lamentation; and blessings or misfortunes, were supposed to follow the rising, or setting of the unconscious constellations. When the learned had to mark the commencement of new cycles, or to denote the periodical revolution of the Stars, new gods were introduced into the Pantheon, as regularly as changes were noticed in the calendar. As astronomical periods succeeded each other, the sun, under new appellations, was adored on the throne of heavens; and even as he proceeded in his annual course through the signs of the zodiac, he was hailed by new names and was worshipped under different attributes. Hence, the Egyptian figments concerning the dynasties and the wars of the gods; and hence all the marvels and monsters, which sprang from the allegorical mythology of Egypt.”

    The Foreword of this book provides a Thomas Paine quote from Age of Reason (1793). It states:

    “When we read the obscure stories, the cruel and barbarous executions, the unrelenting vindictiveness with which half the Bible is filled, it would be more consistent that we we call it the work of a demon than the word of God. It is a history of wickedness that has served to corrupt and brutalise mankind.”
    Not surprisingly this book provoked bitter response and considerable controversy despite only being provided for a very small audience of a few hundred people.

    For the record, you can’t find the Foreword on the internet, but I have a copy of this book printed in Guernsey by Bracken Books that I bought 20 years ago....

    N.B. This book provides drawings and discussion of 16 different zodiacs and astronomical monuments before 6 dissertations.

    Hamat Tiberias Synagogue, Israel. Helios Mosaic.

    “I have explained to you how the Sun, who is the Jesus Christ, and the only Jesus Christ that ever existed, as he passes respectively into each one of the twelve signs of the Zodiac, assumes the character of that particular sign, and is assimilated and entirely identified with it. So that while he is still one, and the selfsame Supreme and only God, we find him continually spoken of under the most opposite and contradictory characteristics and attributes. He is even sometimes spoken of as his own enemy, and is as often the destroyer as the savior of the world : some times loving the world, then hating the world, then reconciling the world unto himself: thus borrowing continually his moral character in the gospel- fable, from his physical affinities in the Zodiac. He is the Lamb of God in March: he is the Lion of the tribe of Judah in July: while he is the sign that shall be spoken against; that is, the sign of Sagittarius, the half-man and half-horse in the gloomy month of November, the sign which is indeed spoken against — " the gloomy month of November, when the people of England hang and drown themselves." And thus, through the whole twelve signs of the Zodiac, which I have caused to be sketched on the dome of the minor theatre, for the purpose of assisting these illustrations; as, should I live to see the day, when my fortune shall enable me to exhibit the complete theological eidouranion which I meditate, no: an iota, not one single genuine passage of your Old or New Testament will I leave unexemplified, undemonstrated, or un traced to its origination in that occult astronomy, which, under the allegorical veil of what was called sacred history, has for ages subjugated insulted reason to the power of priestcraft: and lapsing, as unhappily it did, out of the management of those who knew its meaning, into the ruffian hands of the Goths and Vandals, who knew nothing about it, has muddled the little share of intellect which nature has given them, and maddened them into Christians. It is no longer that doubt is possible, or that conviction can be withheld, when the mind, possessing but the healthy faculties of the mind, shall see what here we are competent to show, that all the anomalies, contradictions, and absurdities of the gospel, by which a thousand generations of wrangling idiots have been led by the nose by sanctified knaves into a thousand different sects, are but the fallen ruins of a once-glorious temple [...] the first citadel of science.”


    Reverend Robert Taylor | The Devil’s Pulpit Vol I (1832), Vol II (1882)

    Reverend Robert Taylor (18 August 1784 – September 1844) Wikipedia. Even though he was educated to become a surgeon, he exhibited strong religious sentiment and great powers of oratory. Hence, he was persuaded by friend to take holy orders in the Established Church of England. Due to his highly developed abilities, as a scholar, he could quite clearly determine where meaning had been derived where none had previously existed. Taylor’s sermons lay out over and over again that Jesus represented the Sun and the stories that were derived when the Sun passed through the twelve signs of the Zodiac.

    Obviously, in those days he got into trouble with church authorities and in 1827 was arrested for blasphemy, but he actually ended up in Oakham gaol for a year for non payment of a debt. In gaol, he took the opportunity to write his Diegesis and his Syntagma which was used as the proofs of arguments used in debates at The Christian Evidence Society. Taylor also published a weekly letter in The Lion. On Taylor’s release he went on tour, drawing a lot of attention and creating a lot of excitement. This resulted in a second prosecution and being went to the notorious Horsmonger’s Gaol. Great efforts were made to break up the Society, but Taylor fell on his feet and married a rich woman and retired to France.

    With a sketch of his life and an astronomical introduction. The Devil’s Pulpit is book is a collection of sermons delivered by the Rev. Robert Taylor. From the inroduction we read:

      “This introduction is a key to the astronomical allusions and various mysteries in the Bible, referred to in “The Devil’s Pulpit,” by the Rev. Robert Taylor, B. A., and to similar allusions in Volney, Dupuis, &c.
      The earliest worship was that of Deity as exhibited in nature, and the study of religion was the study of nature, and the priests natural philosophers, and hence astronomers, at first, honest; but having obtained power or influence by knowledge, the people gave them credit not only for what they did know, but also for what they presumed they knew: and because they could foretell eclipses by calculations based on laborious observations and apparent astronomy, they also presumed that priests could foretell other events, and hence urged on the astronomical priests the character also of astrologers. The priests finding such professions a profitable source of revenue, drove these studies to extremity, and made mystery where none existed, as this enhanced the priestly character in the conception of the people.
      To preserve this influence and power, the profession or trade of the priest was made difficult. The Druids, or Priests of Apollo, (at first missionaries from India, of the order of Buddha,) had no books, taught the aspirants to the priesthood by memory only ; and gradually initiated them into the mysteries, making all manner of austerities necessary qualifications, so that none among the Druids of Britain, Gaul, Spain, and toward the East, were of an inferior character; all, hy their training, were superior men in mind and body, fit to command, and hke other men in power turned that to their own aggrandizement; so that, except the sovereignity, this order filled every station of profit and honor ; their itinerant poets directed the common people, stirred them up to war or lulled them in superstition, while others directed the education of the wealthy, and served the oflices of priests, lawyers, physicians, teachers and statesmen, and all banded in a secret order.”

    (Old book front cover)

    Contents: Star of Bethlehem; John the Baptist; Raising the Devil; The Temple; Unjust Judge; Virgo Paritura; St. Peter; Judas Iscariot Vindicated; St. Thomas; St. James and John the Sons of Thunder; The Crucifixion of Christ; Cup of Salvation; Lecture on Free Masonry; The Holy Ghost; St. Philip; St. Matthew; The Redeemer.

    Internet Archive (text only): Link

    This is the second volume in a collection of sermons presented by Rev. Robert Taylor - sermons that stirred up more trouble in England than most anything else during this time. This book starts with his memoir and an interesting detail that Taylor obtained a brown-coat rectory. We are informed that this is a significant Church phrase. We read: “It means a rectory or church living in which the patron... pockets the hundreds or thousands that it may produce, and gives the black-coated coated curate a mere twenty-pounds a-year for his occasional services.” Despite using different internet search engines, NOTHING appears to explain that church leaders in the 19th century could buy and sell church franchises.

    Subjects covered in this volume include The Dangers of Belief, The Origins and Purpose of the Devil, the Zodiac and the Old Testament, Lying Spirits, the Fall of Man, Noah, Who Was Abraham?, Melchisedec, Origins of the Lord God, the Twelve Patriarchs, Who is the Lord?, Exodus, Miriam, and much more.

    (Modern new book front cover)

    Joseph A. Seiss | The Gospel in the Stars (1882)

    “The Gospel in the Stars” is an 1882 treatise by Joseph A. Seiss (March 18, 1823 - June 20, 1904). Within it, he attempts to reconcile Christianity with the contemporary public’s fascination with astrology by drawing fascinating connections between the twelve signs of the Zodiac and Christian symbolism. Joseph Augustus Seiss was an American theologian and Lutheran minister most famous for his contributions to pyramidology and dispensationalism.” Source: Link

    Internet Archive: Link

  • The Gospel in the Stars - Constellations
    YouTube, 17 Oct 2012

    Summary | Brief walkthrough of the constellations with relevance to the Christian story

  • (Old book front cover)

    Found in the Cabrera museum in Ica, Peru, a stone supposedly carved 65 million years ago,
    depicts a person using a telescope to observe the stars.
    Click image for link. Found using Yandex.

  • Ancient World Mysteries
    Jordan Maxwell - Complete 27 DVD Research Set (Internet Archive)
    Comment: These carved stones are discussed at ~40 minutes.

  • Lenses and Telescopes in the Ancient Near East and the Bible
    Kyungpook National University, 8 July 2010

    Modern society enjoys the advantages of using glasses to see when we suffer from astigmatism and telescopes if we want to see the stars and planets up close. But what about the ancients? The consideration of lenses and telescopes in the time of the Bible is born from two major considerations: In the book of Job Moses knew that the earth is “hanged up on nothing” and secondly, in the year writing the book of Job (1460 BCE) he was aware of strings that connects the Pleiades or seven star. How did he know that nebulae are connecting these stars unless they had already telescopes or lenses in those days? Or didn’t they?

    Robert Temple claimed to have collected about 450 artifacts from Museums all over the world illustrating that ancients had telescopes and lenses. He also wrote some apologetic online articles, some of which we lists below as source and some that has illustrations of lenses in antiquity. As optimistic as Robert Temple is in his book about the presence of telescopes in ancient times, as pessimistic is the Australian senior lecturer in Linguistics, Mark Newbrook from Monash University. He felt that if this was true what Temple is trying to claim, then there would have been ample references in literature about it but currently the evidence is very scanty. A catalyst position is probably safer here. We must say in defense of Temple that Newbrook admitted that Temple brought a strong case for the existence of lenses in the past. Telescopes no, but lenses, yes. Let us look at the evidence.

    Comment: I have added this reference for those who are skeptical about ancients having astronomical equipment. Many authors have noted that anomalous objects have been found in rock that is supposed to be millions of years old, so dating methods simply cannot be completely right. Also, as a real life Indiana Jones, Robert Temple noticed a lot of things that helped his readers undertand that things were being hidden from the masses. In this regard, it is also well understood that the Catholic Church and members of secret societies have been destroying all kinds of evidence that did not fit the establishment narrative.

  • Deep Dive References

    The following websites are offered that highlight the many issues with Bible narratives.

    • (Internet Archive)

      This site contains scholarship, blasphemy, heresy, freethought, rationalism, atheism, history, psychology, sociology, theology, anthropology, etc.

      Years of research are summarized, via abstracts from scholars.

      Subjects and Results:
      Bible (Old Testament. New Testament.) (was) is Fiction ("historical Fiction", etc.).
      Jesus (was) is a Fictional character (not "historical").
      Paul (was) is a Fictional character. Etc.

    • Jesus Never Existed | Articles and videos by Kenneth Humphreys

    • Astro-Theology & Sidereal Mythology
      A Michael Tsarion Site

      Comment: There are many book extracts and essays provided in the Appendices of this now abandoned website.

    First Upload: 18th May 2024,
    Last Update 29th August 2024


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