Susan Joy Rennison's Website

Financial System
Black Swan - Imminent!
30th January 2024
September 2008, NASA announced that the shield around our solar system
provided by the solar wind has been quickly declining since the mid
1990s.1 As a consequence, our planet is being flooded by
galactic cosmic radiation, providing a stunning confirmation that Mayan
Elders correctly predicted that as we approach 2012, we are entering
a New Age dominated by ether or space.2 Thus, our world is
now experiencing Space Weather, a term coined by scientists to describe
the bombardment of Earth by solar, cosmic, galactic and intergalactic
energy. Space Weather is generating a myriad of effects as our world
is being increasingly exposed to more of the whole spectrum of electromagnetic
energies, from radio waves to extreme gamma rays, and the ramifications
are the subject of intense research.3
metaphysical community and indigenous groups that have retained ancient
knowledge, have largely agreed that we are nearing the end of a period
of transition lasting about 25 years that will herald the start of a
'New World Age'.4
In this regard, esoteric knowledge,
Mesoamerican calendars and prophecies, especially those of the remaining
Maya, are recognised for providing very precise astronomically based
Describing and interpreting the energies associated with
the evolution of consciousness, Mayan Elders are famed as the "Keepers
of Time". Subsequently, the metaphysical community, have drawn attention
to the end date associated with two of the most important Mayan calendars
and have popularized the date of 21st December 2012.5
However, a more thorough analysis will reveal that increasing levels
of evolutionary energies have been arriving from deep space and effecting
our Galactic Centre and Sun over the last century.
The Sun Earth Connection Credit: NASA
My research has shown that respected metaphysical sources had predicted
this scenario. What's more, they claim that from 2007, the arrival
of evolutionary energies will dramatically increase at an exponential
rate, but stabilize at a new level in 2012.6 Incredibly,
NASA's announcement in September 23 2008, 'Solar Wind Loses Power,
Hits 50-year Low' reveals that as a consequence of a flagging
solar wind and the Sun's magnetic field being reduced, the shielding
around our solar system is being dramatically lowered. A further NASA
announcement on December 16 2008 was headlined, 'A Giant Breach
in Earth's Magnetic Field'.
This revealed recent magnetic configurations around Earth opening up
a MASSIVE breach, 4 Earths wide and 7 Earths deep, which could be described
as 'the Earth lowering it's shields'. Scientists predict that
in the near future we can expect much stronger geomagnetic storms and
hence far greater deliveries of evolutionary energies.7
is apparent that our world is facing massive evolutionary change and
this was acknowledged by the Obama Administration's request to 'Evolutionary
Leaders' "to communicate about what is transpiring on the planet,
and how we can change the course of the unprecedented events that are
challenging this planet."8The following short article
does not highlight new atmospheric and geological phenomena being recorded
by scientists worldwide, but does provide an explanation for the increasingly
strange UFO phenomena being seen around the world. Indeed, the bombardment
of Earth by highly charged sub atomic particles (plasma) is also accompanied
by plasma "entities" which exhibit intrinsic 'higher' intelligence.
As part of universal consciousness, they have been arriving en masse
to create a new version of Earth. This article is substantiated by eye
witness reports, scientific and most importantly, substantial UK Ministry
of Defence disclosure. This article concludes with the implications
for mankind, based on a current understanding of evolutionary theorists
and metaphysical belief.
Our Sun,
a Variable Star
Sun is a delivery mechanism for spiritual 'Universal Energy' and
always has been, but the very fact that scientists have only recently
recognised the new phenomena of Space Weather should give pause for
thought. There is no doubt that the peak activity of the Sun has been
increasing over many decades and the ferocity of solar flares is such
that x-rays, gamma rays and radio bursts flood the near Earth environment
with radiation and highly charged particles. Then there are also Coronal
Mass Ejections (CMEs), where the surface of the Sun just lifts off and
explodes into space, flinging billions of tons of plasma (ionised sub-atomic
particles) into space. Maybe it's no surprise that sometime in the
mid 1990s, NASA quietly re-evaluated our Sun to be a variable star,
but this must mean massive implications for the future of all life on
Earth.9 On
December 6 2006, a solar flare created an unprecedentDespite this event
occurring during the period of solar minimum, it produced a record breaking
amount of radio noise, 10 times greater than anything like it before.
Massive Coronal Mass Ejection
Proceeding X45 Solar Flare,
4/5th November 2003 Credit: ESA/NASA/SOHO
| |
This was the first time a solar radio burst was detected on the civil
air navigation system, Wide Area Augmentation System, or WAAS. Scientists
that tracked this event concluded, "Society cannot become overly reliant
on technology without an awareness and understanding of the effects
of future space weather disruptions."
Recently, there have been more
warnings in the media about the possibility of extreme Space Weather
events. A NASA-funded study described how extreme solar eruptions could
have severe consequences for communications, power grids and other technology
on Earth, thus outlining the worst case scenario for the US.3
announcement of a weakening solar wind is of major importance. The solar
wind is a blast of plasma blowing off the Sun at a million degrees Celsius
at a million and up to two million miles an hour. The solar wind inflates
the protective bubble called the heliosphere around our solar system
that keeps us safe from galactic/intergalactic cosmic rays. NASA announcements
state we are experiencing the effects of a long term trend, a steady
decrease in pressure that began sometime in the mid-1990s. Yet, scientists
have only been monitoring solar wind since the early years of the Space
Age from the early 60s to the present, so over that period of time,
it is considered unique. Over longer time periods, there are others
methods to monitor cosmic ray flux such as using paleoclimatic data
to reveal previous episodes of evolutionary change.11
Ulysses Solar Wind Monitoring
Credit: NASA
For example, Greenland ice core data clearly shows there was a significant
surge in cosmic radiation 40,000 years ago that lasted for about 3,000
years. During that period, the Earth's magnetic field dropped in strength
to about 10% of today's value, and so without the normal protective
shield, cosmic radiation penetrated the Earth's atmosphere with ease.
The facts reveal that the climate changed and there was a host of evolutionary
changes, where numerous species in the Northern Hemisphere either underwent
significant change or disappeared altogether.12
exact scenario is happening again. Space Weather researchers have now
identified a connection with Earth's climate which would be in agreement
with the opinion of thousands of scientists that believe solar and cosmic
factors are the main determinant for climate change on Earth.13
What's more, the science of Epigenetics can be cited to explain how
evolutionary changes to all life on Earth will be determined by the
environment. Hundreds of scientific studies over the last fifty years
have consistently revealed that electromagnetic signals determine every
facet of biological regulation.14
Specific frequencies and patterns of electromagnetic radiation including
microwaves, radio frequencies, the visible light spectrum, extremely
low frequencies, acoustic frequencies, and even scalar fields regulate
DNA, RNA and protein syntheses. These alter protein shape and function
and control gene regulation, cell division, cell differentiation, morphogenesis,
(the process by which cells assemble into organs and tissues), hormone
secretion, and nerve growth and function. Each one of these cellular
activities is a fundamental biological program that contributes to the
unfolding of life. Therefore, if the heliosphere continues to weaken,
scientists fear that the amount of cosmic radiation reaching the inner
parts of our solar system, including Earth, will increase and evolutionary
change will be the obvious result.
is evident that something fundamental is taking place on this planet
and that is being accompanied by a massive increase in UFO sightings.
In February 2008, The Telegraph reported a 'Huge Rise in British UFO
sightings', "Clusters of up to 100 mysterious objects, bright white
lights and strange, triangular shaped objects are just some of a huge
surge in UFO sightings reported to the Ministry of Defence last year."15
The Telegraph newspaper noted in July 2008, "British UFO sightings
at 'bizarre' levels". UFO expert Nick Pope, who previously worked
for the UK Ministry of Defence, stated "Given the sheer number of
sightings we've seen this summer and the unprecedented number of photos
and videos, it's time for a full public inquiry." Malcolm Robinson,
who studies the UFO phenomenon, said: "Something very bizarre is happening
in the skies over the UK." The situation got so dramatic that the
Ministry of Defence (MoD) had to appeal for calm in February 2008, after
a UFO was spotted over Woodford Green. This is all taking place at the
same time that governments around the world including the United Kingdom,
United States, Canada, Russia, France and Columbia have opened up their
UFO archives for public scrutiny.
information in the public domain explains that some of these sightings
represent "intelligent" universal consciousness, acting as a messaging
system used throughout our universe. Various scientific disciplines
have identified that plasma has the ability to enter and leave our atmosphere
at will, confirmed by satellite ultra-violet images and military radar.
However, due to the recent fundamental shift in the background electromagnetic
quantum vacuum or in metaphysical language, 'the veil lifting',
the general public is becoming more aware of these other life forms,
as eye witness accounts and commonly available digital technology provide
supporting evidence.
On 22nd February 2007, the general public were informed by an article
written in The Guardian, 'Could we have hitched a ride on UFOs?:
Newly released files may put one mystery to bed, but in doing so others
are left unanswered'.16 This article, which is highly
relevant to the 'Orb' phenomena being witnessed around the world,
concluded with the statement, "UAPs [Unidentified Aerial Phenomena]
are real, but caused by strange plasmas, which are on the fringes of
scientific understanding". A previous New Scientist article, dated
21st July 2006, 'Electromagnetic space travel for bugs?',
revealed the existence of "magnetospheric plasmoids" - independent
structures of plasma and magnetic fields that can be swept away from
the Earth's magnetosphere, taking them out of the solar system and
on to the planets of other stars.17
substantial anecdotal evidence, we have evidence from respected scientific
sources. In 1997, and translated into English the following year, Russian
scientists informed the world that they had noted an 'exodus' of
these magnetospheric plasmoids from mountainous ranges. This disclosure
was part of an incredible report, 'Planetophysical State of the
Earth and Life', which detailed the massive changes sweeping across
the whole of our solar system and Earth, which have been substantiated
by many observational reports from NASA and collated by independent
US scientists.18
In May 2006, the UK Telegraph newspaper
reported that scientists at the Defence Intelligence Staff, part of
the Ministry of Defence (MOD) on behalf of the British government, had
been studying the "atmospheric phenomenon" of plasmas for four years.19
The findings were published in a four-volume, 460-page report, titled 'Unidentified
Aerial Phenomena in the U.K. Air Defence Region'. This report
was only forced out into the public domain due to the efforts of ufologists,
using the United Kingdom (UK) Freedom of Information Act, which came
into force, 1st January 2005. The document states: "Credited
with the ability to hover, land, take off, accelerate to exceptional
velocities and vanish, they can reportedly alter their direction of
flight suddenly and clearly can exhibit aerodynamic characteristics
well beyond those of any known aircraft or missile." It also detailed
the increased arrival of these plasmoids that appear on radar like meteorites
but are in fact – either "charged but not ionised, gaseous mass,
this may be either visible to the eye but not radar sensors, or fully
ionised and visible to both." Russian sources make it very clear that
the frequency of this plasma phenomenon "grows several times in the
years of active Sun". These and other sources of information help
us to identify events as being UAP rather than UFO related. The following
media reports picked from hundreds of recent eyewitness accounts can
be explained as 'independent' plasmas going about their business.
of orange, rugby ball shaped UFOs making their way purposefully through
the skies has been seen in Winchmore Hill. Mystified Alison Moynihan,
of Hillcrest, said she was watching television with her husband at 10.30pm
on Sunday 10 when she first caught a glimpse of what appeared to be
a procession of lights." Enfield Independent, 19 Aug 2008
January 26, 2008 residents from Orange and LA County, Anaheim, and Brea,
California were witness to a very unusual but spectacular UFO event.
Numerous people watched as an object fell from the night sky and to
their amazement it came to a complete stop while in flight. Most folks
thought at first they were witnessing a meteor falling to earth until
the object stopped and hovered, leaving everyone scratching their heads.
While these objects sat and moved around the sky, aircraft were seen
and appeared to be checking out these objects. As just about all of
the eyewitnesses mentioned to me, they are baffled at no mention in
any of the newspapers over the event or media in general. I must admit,
that makes me wonder why not, when so many people witnessed this really
unusual event in the night sky." American Chronicle, 4th February
Goodness, gracious,
great ball of fire! [UK],
6.30pm on Wednesday, The Evening Telegraph has been inundated with
calls and e-mails from readers who saw a strange fireball cutting a
swath across the heavens for several minutes. ….But if the accounts
of regulars and staff at the Dragon pub in Werrington are to be believed,
the phenomenon was more in keeping with Mr Cooke's fireball explanation.
Pub manager Janek Skutela said: "It looked like a bright orange ball,
and about 20 of us went outside the pub to watch it after one regular
came in and said he could see a UFO. "At first it shot across the
sky really fast but then it went really slowly before disappearing into
the distance. All in all it lasted about seven or eight minutes."
The Evening Telegraph, 24th October 2008
some ufologists realised long ago that they were detecting the existence
of living "entities" and so they have been called by many different
names in the past like 'gorgons', 'sky fish' and "faeries".
Historically, virtually all acknowledgement of their existence has been
ignored in the mainstream – until now, but it is becoming increasingly
difficult if not impossible to deny their existence. This old account,
'Are UFOs Alive,' written by Brad Steiger, was recently reposted
at in August 2008, it is a rather timely reminder.20
"When I discussed the
matter of living UFOs with another old friend, Trevor James Constable,
he said that biological life in the upper octave of terrestrial existence
has been overlooked by too many UFO investigators who early on were
in favor of the foregone conclusion that UFOs were vehicles from outer
space. T.J. handed me a stack of photos of UFOs that he had taken with
a Leica G IR 135 infrared film at f-3.5, 1/30.
"These are plainly biological forms," he said.
"These are plasmic living organisms native to our atmosphere. As they
appear in these photographs, they give one the impression of looking
through the side of an aquarium. […]
We will see the beginning of a reunion between science and religion
as the cosmic energies--pervaded with life and themselves the milieu
of living beings--come into technical utility. Man will find the central
parts of his own physical existence inseparably bound up
with etheric energies, and he will be opened to a widened understanding
of himself and the cosmos that produced him. The ultimate consequence
will be a new humanity."
The Planetary
sudden widespread appearance of interdimensional plasma life-forms or
the 'lifting of the veil' has long been predicted by those who have
retained ancient knowledge of what happens at certain points in the
Great Cycles of Time. According to Peruvian mystics, the world experienced
a 'Pachakuti' or an 'overturning of space-time' that occurred
between August 1990 and August 1993.21 This is explained
as a cosmic transformation or 'reordering,' when a movement of energy
or consciousness ripples through space-time. This has resulted in the
'Taripay Pacha', where an intricate web of interaction is being
rewoven between the human and non-human, the physical and metaphysical,
and the natural and supernatural. The evidence suggests that this is
indeed happening.
the next major question is: why all the activity? As already stated,
the evidence shows that we are witnessing a two way exchange of energy
as 'Old Energy' is being replaced by 'New Energy' from galactic
sources possibly the Galactic Centre. This can be thought of as a galactic
'changing of the guard!' The reasons for this would require deep
understanding of metaphysics and the physics of scalar/torsion fields
which is beyond the scope of this report. A short explanation is that
according to metaphysical sources, some of these entities are "placeholders",
information depositories that maintain a record of the energy balance
on the planet.22 Numerous reports state that these entities
are seen flying in like meteorites before coming to a dead stop and
hovering in the sky, before they enter the Earth. Sometimes they are
seen zigzagging across the sky and sometimes they are caught literally
plopping into the Earth! This is very confusing for eye-witnesses who
sometimes think they have seen a plane crash. Other reports appear to
reveal that some old entities have lost their universal directives and
are being literally rescued or retrieved by other plasma entities and
are being whisked off the planet! The following reports will serve to
illustrate what is taking place:
"A mystery object was seen in the skies above Uppingham."
"I saw an incredibly bright light above the fields and knew it wasn't
an aeroplane because I used to be in the RAF and know 99 per cent of
the aircraft."I continued to look and after around 10 seconds the
light plummeted downwards and disappeared. I ran outside as I then thought
it might have been a plane crash but saw absolutely nothing in the fields."
Rutland Times, 30th October 2008
Corvallis, Oregon
- UFO Falling Comes to a Hover [US]
"I was
outside on the back porch, the sky was very clear and looking west at
the stars with Venus to the SW. Suddenly a round, bright white, a somewhat
bluish light appeared about ten degrees N of due west at around 50 degrees
above the horizon. It was nearly twice as bright/large as Venus which
I could see to the SW. It descended rapidly straight down as soon as
it appeared, did not leave a trail of any sort, brightness and size
increased slightly and in around 4 seconds got to about a thumb and
half's width at arms length above the horizon over the low hills to
the west. At this point, it stopped descending and a tight, short,
rainbow-like cone appeared on the trailing side, but the cone was not
much longer than the object was wide. The colors reminded me of soft
neon lights. It hovered for almost two seconds, cone and all, before
suddenly disappearing, like turning out a light. Distance was hard
to judge, but I'd guess that at the point where it stopped above the
horizon it was ~15 or 20 miles away. […] I'm a licensed aircraft
mechanic so I have a good familiarity with flying craft." United States
Blogspot, 21st March 2009
to a report by Emmy Award-winning TV producer, investigative reporter
and author Linda Moulton Howe on her Web site, truck
driver Tim Comstock was on Route 7 north of the town of Empire, Ohio,
at 3:45 a.m.… After first seeing a brightly lit object the size
of a large pickup truck apparently slowly rising above the tree line,
Comstock noticed a much larger dark object that included three bluish
lights in a triangular pattern. The bright object seemed to be rising
toward the larger object, Comstock told Howe. Comstock said he took
three photos with his cell phone camera that caught both the brightly-lit
object and the three bluish lights in the triangular formation." UFO
Digest, 6th November 2008
above well documented event at Empire, Ohio on October 24, 2008, is
the clearest example of what seems like a rescue or retrieval of a "self-luminescent
cocoon", also described as "biological" and "organic", by
another entity that was described as flat crystalline flat-bottomed
formation like coal, with three blue-white lights embedded in a triangular
pattern. The simplest explanation is that the numerous witnesses were
seeing an operation by intelligent interdimensional life, an Earth Management
Team, busy cleaning up our planet.
The Ohio "Entity Rescue". Cell phone image 3:47 AM, October 24, 2008, on Route 7 near W. H. Sammis coal power plant between Empire and Stratton, Ohio, along Ohio River. Copyright © Tim Comstock.
must be stated that even though the general public are ill-informed,
scientists have already recognised that our universe could be filled
with intelligent life, as various scientific experiments reveal complex,
self-organised plasmas "exhibit all the necessary properties to qualify
them as candidates for inorganic living matter".23 Plasma
experts tell us that 99.999% of the visible Universe is filled with
plasma, so the author would suggest that the increasing appearance of
plasma on Earth, could mean we may only be experiencing 'more heaven
on Earth'. It is therefore no wonder that the UK Ministry of Defense
has deemed that these entities are no threat. In some academic circles,
it is believe that the whole UFO phenomenon is as more of a "metaphysical
threat" to the sovereignty of modern states and is the reason for
why there is a lack of serious public investigation.24 Despite
this situation, it seems that the traffic of plasma entities is accelerating
and they appear to be very busy going about their business with a complete
disregard to human opinion!
are living in a time of evolutionary change and electromagnetic chaos.
Eventually there will be a point of stabilisation where everything that
exists, will operate at a higher level of consciousness, designated
by Universal Intelligence. This report outlines the role of Space Weather
in driving evolutionary change and generating new 'Terms and Conditions'
for the citizens of planet Earth. Yet, this was predicted by those who
have retained astronomical knowledge pertaining to the Great Cycles
of Time. Currently, this is being validated by a myriad of changes taking
place on Earth and is being documented by scientists from many different
scientific disciplines. We have been assured that great efforts have
been taken to ensure that the planetary electromagnetic grid of our
planet will cope with the expected surge of highly charged galactic/intergalactic
energy and that what happens with not be a total catastrophe. Therefore
at this time, whilst it seems that humanity is losing it's protection
against cosmic forces, many humans are simultaneously evolving to higher
states of consciousness and as a result their energy fields are strengthening
to cope with the increased bombardment of cosmic forces. Moreover, it
is apparent that the metaphysically astute will act as 'wayshowers'
for the rest of mankind.
one of the most remarkable aspects of these times is being able to distinguish
some UFO sightings as UAP or activity related to plasma "entities".
As space-time continues to morph, the whole of humanity will become
very aware that we are not alone and that interdimensional life exists.
Even as our scientists record changes they cannot explain in what we
think of as our normal 3-D reality, there is speculation that even the
laws of physics that underpin our reality will soon change. It is my
hope that the 'Big Picture' understanding of evolutionary change
presented here, will help some to make choices that will enable them
to cooperate more fully with the new evolutionary stimulus of Space
Weather, which will benefit the future of mankind.
Susan Joy Rennison, B.Sc.
Hons. (Physics with Geophysics),
1st May 2009
(5150 word version, 'Watch Out! Planet Under Reconstruction!
1600 word version printed in Paradigm Shift Magazine, issue 42. May - July 2009)
The book Tuning the Diamonds: Electromagnetism & Spiritual Evolution,
was published in September 2006 by Joyfire Publishing. It sought to
explain the new phenomena of Space Weather and what this means in real
terms for the citizens of planet Earth, the science behind spiritual
evolution and why certain metaphysical energy techniques are being developed
to support an evolutionary transition for mankind.25 Space
Weather generates geomagnetic storms and as electromagnetic beings,
humans are affected, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
Hence, some of the ramifications for a technologically dependent Earth
being increasingly bombarded by electrically charged particles were
outlined in my book. However, the impact on humans was given from the
perspective of integrating human electromagnetism - scientific discoveries
and theories - with information from metaphysical sources. This was
backed up with 750 references so that source material could be checked
and various assumptions and assertions could be checked against other
opinion. The book was intended as 'A Study Guide' and would serve
to help spiritual teachers integrate their understanding of science
and metaphysics. This book was placed in the UK National Archives in November 2007, "to be
preserved for present and future generations" and is now considered
"National Heritage".
To find Susan Joy Rennison's previous radio
interviews, articles, and her EM News blog, "The News of the Imbalance",
please visit About the Author: Susan Joy Rennison
(B.Sc. Hons.) has spent over 25 years as an alternative free-thinking
individual. She has an honours degree in Physics and Geophysics from
a British University). She is now an author, independent researcher,
teacher and speaker. She currently resides in Olten, Switzerland
1 |
Solar Wind Loses Power, Hits
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2 |
McFadden S, Steep Uphill
Climb to 2012:Messages from the Mayan Milieu, 2002 Link |
3 |
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Economic Impacts of Severe Space Weather Events: A Workshop, National,
Research Council, ISBN: 978-0-309-12769-1, 131 pages, 8 1/2 x 11, paperback
Selects Teams for Space Weather Mission and Studies, NASA News, RELEASE:
06-286 (Corrected), 31 July, 2006 Link |
4 |
Stray G, Beyond 2012: Catastrophe
or Ecstasy, Vital Signs Publishing, 2006 |
5 |
Arguelles J, The Mayan Factor:
Path Beyond Technology. Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA Bear and Co. |
6 |
Marciniak B, Path of Empowerment:
Pleiadian Wisdom for a World in Chaos,
Inner Ocean Publishing, 2004 |
7 |
A Giant Breach in Earth's
Magnetic Field, NASA News, 16th December 2008
Link |
8 |
Obama Administration Requests
Info on Planetary Challenges?, 5th March 2009,
9 |
Our Sun: Living with a Variable
Star Link |
10 |
Researchers Find Global
Positioning Systems Is Significantly Impacted By Powerful Solar Radio
Burst, NOAA Space Environment Center, April 4, 2007
Link |
11 |
G. M. MacDonald et al.: 'Impacts
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insights and frontiers', Progress in Physical Geography 32(2) (2008),
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12 |
Cosmic Radiation and Clouds,
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58, January 2005 Link |
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F & Avery D T, Unstoppable Global Warming - Every 1500 Years,
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closer to the cosmic connection to climate, Danish National Space
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waxes and wanes with bobbing of the Solar System, New Scientist,
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N J, Veizer J, Celestial driver of Phanerozoic climate?: GSA
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zaps pro-Kyoto types: New study puts paid to overheated theories on
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Lipton B, The Biology of Belief:
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2004; Goodman and Bank 2002; Sivitz 2000; Jin, et al, 2000; Blackman,
et al, 1993; Rosen 1992, Blank 1992; Tsong1989; Yen-Patton,et al, 1988. |
15 |
Huge rise in British UFO
sightings, The Telegraph, 9th February 2008 Link
Green: MoD appeals for calm after UFO sighting , Local Guardian,
29th February 2008 Link
16 |
Could we have hitched a
ride on UFOs?: Newly released files may put one mystery to bed, but
in doing so others are left unanswered, The Guardian, Feb 22, 2007 Link |
17 |
Chandler D. L., Electromagnetic
space travel for bugs?, news service, 21 July 2006 Link |
18 |
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19 |
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Condign Report, Britain's Secret U.F.O. Study Link
20 |
Steiger B, Are UFOs Alive?,, August 2008 Link |
21 |
Wilcox J. P., The Keepers
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Vega, 2001 |
22 |
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L, The End Times (Kryon Book 1), The Kryon Writings, Inc. 1993
L, Don't Think Like a Human: Channelled Answers to Basic Questions
(Kryon Book 2), The Kryon Writings, Inc.1994
L, Alchemy of the Human Spirit: A Guide to Human Transition into
the New Age (Kryon Book 3), The Kryon Writings, Inc. 1995 pg. 168 |
23 |
Dust 'comes alive' in space, The Sunday Times, 12th August 2007 Link
discover inorganic dust with life-like qualities,, 10th August 2007 Link
D, Plasma blobs hint at new form of life, New Scientist, 17 September 2003,
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24 |
UFOs, Sovereignty and Politics,, 30th August 2008 Link |
25 |
Rennison, S.J. Tuning the
Diamonds: Electromagnetism & Spiritual Evolution,
Joyfire Publishing, United Kingdom, September 2006
P. Richardson, Agency for the Legal Deposit Libraries, United Kingdom,
References 4732963/dl & 4732963/ri, Link |
Joyfire Science & Metaphysics Integration
Copyright © 2003 – 2025. All rights reserved.
Susan Joy Rennison quotes:
Space Weather is now a fact of life.
We are all astronauts now!
Tuning The Diamonds, September 2006
We must spiritually evolve as part of the new terms & conditions for living on Earth.
Joyfire Tour – Evolutionary Change, December 2006
Space Weather will force many changes in how we do business on this planet.
News of the Imbalance, April 2007
NASA Press Release:
Earth and space are about to come into contact in a way that's new to human history.
We're on the threshold of a new era in which space weather can be as influential in our daily lives as ordinary terrestrial weather.
As the Sun Awakens, NASA Keeps a Wary Eye on Space Weather
NASA News, 4th June 2010
White House Executive Order:
Space weather has the potential to simultaneously affect and disrupt health and safety across entire continents. Successfully preparing for space weather events is an all-of-nation endeavor that requires partnerships across governments, emergency managers, academia, the media, the insurance industry, non-profits, and the private sector.
Executive Order –– Coordinating Efforts to Prepare the Nation for Space Weather Events
The White House, 13th October 2016
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