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Earth's Dimensional Shift – Part II

The Maya Of Eternal Time by Drunvalo Melchizedek, 2009

31st August 2009

Earth's Dimensional Shift — Part II

The Maya Of Eternal Time by Drunvalo Melchizedek, 2009

A Joyfire Review

YouTube - The Maya Of Eternal Time - Drunvalo Melchizedek 2009 1 of 14

Joyfire Breaking News - 10th September 2009

There is a question mark over the extent of Drunvalo Melchizedek's 'authorisation' from Mayan Elder Don Alejandro or whether any 'authorisation' was given at all. Since, this Joyfire Review tries to provided a balanced overview of what was stated in this lecture and clearly points out where alarmist and inaccurate geophysical claims have been made. The original conclusion has been slightly amended to reflect this news. Any significant update will be posted here.

Joyfire News - 15th September 2009

I have been sent the following letter via the publicist of Don Alejandro Cirilo Perez Oxlaj which clarifies that NO authorisation has been given concerning Mayan beliefs or teaching. Please click here to download a copy of Don Alejandro's letter.

This video lecture given by Drunvalo Melchizedek, provided on YouTube should be watched by anyone interested in the strong beliefs of the 'Keepers of Ancient Knowledge' from the world's indigenous community. They believe a massive shift in human conscisouness will soon take place and that this is related to imminent Earth changes. It must be assumed that this is part of many recent attempts to clarify Mayan and indigenous beliefs.

Drunvalo gives his credentials by explaining his years of doing ceremony with Mayan and indigenous Elders. He insists that he has been authorised by the widely respected Don Alejandro Cirilo Perez Oxlaj, who is the Itinerant Ambassador of the Indigenous Pueblos Mayas, Xinca and Garifuna of Guatemala, and President of the National Council of Elders Mayas, Xinca and Garifuna and President of the National Mayan Council of Mayan Elders from Guatemala. Don Alexandro is also a Guatemalan cabinet minister, so quite frankly if this authorisation is correct, what Drunvalo is saying has to be seriously considered as a reflection of the opinion of Mayan elders. The only proviso I would like to suggest is that spiritual guidance is being given out to many all over the planet and the wise are trying to integrate this information to come up with The Big Picture. The most interesting news from this lecture is that indigenous and Mayan elders believe we have ALREADY ENTERED the 'end of time' and this window stretches ftom 2007 - 2015. Therefore, it is very unlikely that something will happen on 21st December 2012, which will be a severe blow to some peoples' marketing campaigns.

Before, I give a brief review of this lecture, I want to make it clear, that after years of trying to integrate metaphysical information with science, I just cannot believe that the perspective given by Drunvalo is a complete description of what is taking place on Earth. We are at the end of a cycle of time and nearing the start of a new cycle with a new destination for human consciousness, but Drunvalo seems to be basically stuck in an old script.

It is interesting to watch Drunvalo, who is well respected metaphysician in the New Age world, because at the beginning, he seemed nervous but excited at the same time. I felt that he was genuine and sincere, but there are some things in his explanations that are not wrong, but he does use some old examples commonly used to explain certain concepts and it's almost like listening to a worn out record. Certainly, when he talks about geophysics using old theories, I am less than thrilled with what he was trying to convey and it seems like a throwback to old beliefs being held in the collective memory.

Drunvalo's explanation of the exponential increase in human knowledge is only a proxy for the evolutionary expansion of human consciousness, but there are other scientific studies that I believe can be used as more relevant metrics, but they do not seemed to be well known in metaphysical circles.

He gives an explanation for the relationship between the Modern World and the Indigenous World using the Fibonacci Series and the Golden Mean which I thought was actually quite brilliant.

He tells us that the indigenous world believe that the celestial phenomenon that occured when Comet Holmes ignited was the fulfillment of Hopi prophecy. This information is more meaningful when we consider the arrival of Space Weather and the changing electrical conditions of our solar system. It is believed by some that Comet Holmes was 'ignited' by the comet tails of Mercury, Venus and Mars, but we know that this is not a unique event and this happened once before in November 1892.

See Best of the Blog – Comet Holmes Archive here

Since it is apparent that Mayan Timekeepers and indigenous elders are tracking many celestial events, they will have realised that this marker was significant in combination with other factors. I did not know about the 2nd part of the Hopi prophecy and the coming of a red star, which the elders refuse to talk about, but I believe that there is enough metaphysical and scientific information out there to suggest that the red star is Betelgeuse!

More pieces of the jig-saw puzzle are falling into place.....

The explanation that we have entered the 'end of time' is enlightening because again, the Maya wish to emphasise that we have entered a 'window' of time and nothing is expected to happen on a fixed date. This is perfectly acceptable when it is understood that we are talking about cycles and a combination of factors that are impossible to exactly predict.

I was very uncomfortable about Drunvalo talking about a magnetic pole shift (Video 7) being the precursor to a physical pole shift. The observation that the Earth's magnetic pole is moving is correct, but the discussion that the occurrence of no magnetic field at all causing a pole shift, is just plain rubbish. The Earth has ALREADY REVERSED IT'S MAGNETIC FIELD IN CERTAIN PLACES and the data shows that this is spreading quickly. There is no chance that the Earth's magnetic field will be zero all at once over the globe, so using theories that are 20 – 30 years old and ignoring what is taking place now is most certainly WRONG! This is NOT what the Mayan elders are teaching, this is Drunvalo's interpretation only.

The Reversal of the Earth's Magnetic Field has already started!

Images: The radial component of the Earth's magnetic field at the core-mantle boundary in 1934, 1968 & 2001. Credit: Jeremy Bloxham, Harvard University

Over the past 150 years, the main (axial dipole) component of the Earth's magnetic field has decayed by nearly 10%. It must be pointed out that the Earth's magnetic includes magnetic fields generated by electric currents in the ionosphere and magnetosphere and it is a scientific fact that Earth's electric circuitry has changed since 1989 due to Space Weather. Scientists point out that the rate of decay rate is characteristic of magnetic reversals, which paleomagnetic observations have shown occur on average, though with great variability, about once every half million years.

Above: The radial component of the magnetic field at the core-mantle boundary (CMB) 2900km below the Earth's surface determined from measurements taken by Champ and Oersted satellite. We can see that in some regions the direction of magnetic flux has reversed at the CMB, if they continue to grow and engulf both poles, a polarity reversal could ensue. In effect, the patches of blue in the sea of red and the patches of red in the sea of blue are areas of the magnetic field that have ALREADY REVERSED. Credit & Copyright © Richard Holme, GFZ Potsdam

Left: Geographically, the recent dipole decay is largely due to changes in the field beneath the South Atlantic Ocean. This pattern is connected to the growth of the South Atlantic Magnetic Anomaly, an area in which the field at the Earth's surface is now about 35% weaker than would be expected. Source: SCIENTIFIC CHALLENGES: MAGNETIC FIELD DYNAMICS

The South Atlantic Anomaly between South America and towards Southern Africa determined by South Atlantic Anomaly Detector (SAAD) aboard ROSAT. Credit: NASA/ S. L. Snowden

Please note the following article on magnetic reversals:

Earth's Weakening Magnetic Field - Signal of Pole Reversal?

July 23, 2004 Santa Cruz, California - Magnetic field lines have been coming out of the south pole and entering the north pole of the earth for the past 780,000 years. That is called the magnetic dipole. But now scientists have been monitoring the strongest change humans have ever recorded in the magnetic field at the surface of the earth´s internal iron core four thousand miles down. The result, according to French geophysicist Gauthier Hulot, is that the South Atlantic below Africa and South America now have a magnetic field that is 30% weaker than the rest of the planet. Already some satellites passing over that weak magnetic field have suffered electronic failures because charged particles from the sun can penetrate more easily in a weak magnetic field. And over the past century, the global magnetic field has weakened about 10 to 15 percent. Recently, that magnetic field deterioration has accelerated, provoking scientists to wonder if it will build up to a pole reversal in which compasses will point to the south instead of the north.
According to analysis of some earth geology, pole reversals have happened on average about three times every million years. The last one was 780,000 years ago, so maybe our planet is overdue for a change.
Gary A. Glatzmaier, Ph.D., Prof. of Earth Sciences, University of California - Santa Cruz, Earth Sciences Department, Santa Cruz, California: Its intensity appears to be decreasing ­ and fairly rapidly ­ but a lot of people suggest that this indicates the magnetic field is about to reverse. However ­ and people know this in the geomagnetic and paleomagnetic community ­ if you look in the records of magnetic remnants.
The average time between reversals is more like 200,000 years. But it´s not every 200,000 years. It can be much shorter than that or much longer than that. So just because it is reversing now doesn´t mean it WILL reverse and if it does reverse, the soonest it will reverse will probably be 1,000 to 2,000 years from now.

A correlation between species generation and extinction with magnetic field reversals has not been established, as far as I can tell. What happens is the field becomes small and very weak during a reversal and it just allows more cosmic radiation to come in from the sun and from other stars, mainly from the sun. And cosmic radiation are particles like protons and electrons.

Impact of Weak Magnetic Field On Earth Life and Technologies


Yes, it can. If these particles actually make it through the atmosphere and they pass through us or through some creature or plant life, because they are charged they can change molecular structure as they pass through. They can disturb the molecular structure and the DNA structure. So, possibly cause mutations.


Another thing I should mention is ­ although the last full reversal was 780,000 years ago, there is some evidence that there have been attempted reversals ­ in other words, the field has attempted to reverse several times since then. The latest has been something like 35,000 years ago where certain places on the earth it looks like the field did reverse and then within 10,000 years or so, it reversed back again. So, and this occurs in my computer simulations quite often. The field attempts to reverse and it looks like it´s reversing ­ or it actually does reverse in certain areas ­ but then it doesn´t last. The original polarity is able to recover and eventually you get the same polarity back again. But you have these attempted reversals and during those attempts, the field can become weak. You still have the increasing solar and cosmic radiation on the earth. So, it probably does happen more frequently. And maybe this current anomaly in the South Atlantic, that may end up being an attempted reversal. But, if it keeps getting ­ if the anomaly keeps getting stronger and the field gets weaker in this area, that can also cause problems, even if there is no reversal.


Source link: Earth's Weakening Magnetic Field - Signal of Pole Reversal?

Please note: As this article explains, Earth is losing it's magnetic field which allows cosmic radiation to penetrate and detectors around the world are recording the fact that cosmic rays are now at record highs and will therefore generate more DNA mutations. The field may reverse, but it will not necessarily go to zero as it is impossible for that to happen all at once because we are told that the South Atlantic Anomaly is leading the way with the reversal. Drunvalo Melchizedek in his messages, just does not seem understand that this will cause evolutionary change for everything that exists on this planet. Other metaphysical voices have been warning people to use sacred geometry to strengthen and protect their energy fields, so telling people there is nothing they can do is totally WRONG! People are automatically strengthening their energy fields when they spiritually evolve and deal with their issues, but this process can be accelerated by understanding how to work with the new frequencies of light arriving on the planet. Strangely, this information is totally lacking in his misleading views about the Earth's magnetic field going to zero. This is just NOT going to happen all at once and generate the hypothetical 'pole shift'.

There are many 'technical' parts of his explanations of a pole shift that cannot be substantiated and the way he tells it, things 'just happen' but we are not told why. I just cannot support his views about a pole shift, even if they are suggested by a Mayan source, because it seems like he is just re-cycling old news. The Maya have retained the memory of previous failures of mankind and are applying the same metrics to determine the future. This information might have been right 40 years ago, but now, it is not taking into account the fact that humanity has raised it's vibration and is now constantly creating a new future. Using old Edgar Cayce predictions is completely hopeless, because humanity has changed tracks and the destination is not known. The Maya, if Drunvalo is correct, still appear to be tuned into 'old' predictions and there does seem to be a conflict in how the birth of a new humanity is being perceived by different sections of the metaphysical community.

Drunvalo now states that a Mayan Elder told him that we should expect 30 hours of darkness when the physical pole shift would occur. It is quite amusing to note that he refers to people 'out there' talking about 3 days of darkness, but he forgets to mention that he had written about these same 3 days in his previous book, The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life! [2000] See my article
Earth's Dimensional Shift: A perspective on Current Times
which gives the relevant chapter extract from his book.

The discussion of Mayan elders saying that they came from Atlantis is not new news and was briefly mentioned in the best selling book, The Mystery of the Crystal Skulls by C Morton C & Thoma C L [1997]

Towards the end of this lecture, the story focuses on a small group from around the world doing ceremony with Mayan Elders. It is interesting but not relevant to understanding what is taking place on this planet. There is a Question and Answer section from videos 11 - 14, where Drunvalo does state that the video is to make people aware that something momentous is happening. After telling people about the frightening prospect of a physical pole shift, he then tells people not to worry and that most of our preparation has to be inward with a focus on the heart. Therefore, it is no surprise that in the Question & Answer section he notes that most people are rooted in questions of materialism and survival... He concedes that people should not give up and they should keep paying their bills.... Therefore, is it any wonder that a lot of people ignore the metaphysical world when they are presented with over simplifed and hence contradictory information.

Interestingly, he does not talk about 'ascension' which is considered as a higher vibratory status for the 'new' human but you have to wait until nearly the end in section 14, to find out that this will be discussed in another lecture to come.

To be honest, I am wondering who are the audience that this lecture is attempting to reach. As far as I am concerned, it just adds to the hornets nest of information circulating about 2012. I was hoping he would touch on the 'orb phenomena' and was surprised when at the beginning he talks about being visited by two spheres of light that became his guides and that these orbs consider themselves to be 'angels'. Well, since the planet is being swarmed by orbs of all sizes and an interdimensional world appears to be opening up, I would have thought talking about this would have been more relevant....


For a phenomenal picture of a mass of amoeba-like orbs, see the final image from
The Fifth Festival of Spiritual Awakening, Athens, Greece, August 2009. Here.

Even though Drunvalo Melchizedek has spent his adult life as a fixture in the metaphysical world, he may be demonstrating that some collective beliefs are hard to erradicate. He does admit that we don't know for sure what is going to happen, but we will soon find out. It is scientific fact that there is a massive build up energies on this planet, which I wrote about in my book Tuning the Diamonds: Electromagnetism & Spiritual Evolution when I explained about the new phenomena of Space Weather as a fulfillment of Mayan prophecy. So, whether what happens turns out to be a pole shift caused by a massive microwave burst from the Sun and/or a massive solar flare or even a nearby star going nova, future events are being considered as generating a quantum leap where human evolution will be accelerated quickly to a new level. Drunvalo knows that we are eternal and that whatever happens, mankind are headed in a new direction and this lecture is his perspective but it is unlikely to be the complete picture. The best part of this lecture is at the beginning where he states that this reality is not what we think it is and I truly believe that this is the crux of the matter. The 'rules' that we have accepted and we believe are final will change and the human relationship with universal consciousness that we deem as our 'divinity' will matter in this process.

Susan Joy Rennison, B.Sc. Hons. (Physics with Geophysics)
31st August 2009, updated 3rd September 2009


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Susan Joy Rennison quotes:

“Space Weather is now a fact of life.”

“We are all astronauts now!”

Tuning The Diamonds,
September 2006

“We must spiritually evolve as part of the new terms & conditions for living on Earth.”

Joyfire Tour – Evolutionary Change, December 2006

“Space Weather will force many changes in how we do business on this planet.”

News of the Imbalance,
April 2007

NASA Press Release:

“Earth and space are about to come into contact in a way that's new to human history.”

“We're on the threshold of a new era in which space weather can be as influential in our daily lives as ordinary terrestrial weather.”

As the Sun Awakens, NASA Keeps a Wary Eye on Space Weather
NASA News, 4th June 2010

White House Executive Order:

“Space weather has the potential to simultaneously affect and disrupt health and safety across entire continents. Successfully preparing for space weather events is an all-of-nation endeavor that requires partnerships across governments, emergency managers, academia, the media, the insurance industry, non-profits, and the private sector.”

Executive Order –– Coordinating Efforts to Prepare the Nation for Space Weather Events
The White House, 13th October 2016

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