Mini-Comets within a comet lit up 17P/Holmes during megaoutburst, 16th September 2009

Astronomers from the University of California, Los Angeles and the University of Hawaii have discovered multiple fragments ejected during the largest cometary outburst ever witnessed. Images and animations showing fragments rapidly flying away from the nucleus of comet 17P/Holmes will be presented by Rachel Stevenson at the European Planetary Science Congress in Potsdam, Germany, on Wednesday 16 September.
Stevenson, together with colleagues Jan Kleyna and David Jewitt, began observing comet Holmes in October 2007 soon after it was reported that the small (3.6 km wide) body had brightened by a million times in less than a day. They continued observing for several weeks after the outburst using the Canada- France- Hawaii Telescope in Hawaii and watched as the dust cloud ejected by the comet grew to be larger than the Sun. [...]
“Initially we thought this comet was unique simply because of the scale of the outburst," said Stevenson. “But we soon realized that the aftermath of the outburst showed unusual features, such as these fast-moving fragments, that have not been detected around other comets."
While cometary outbursts are common, their causes are unknown. One possibility is that internal pressure built up as the comet moved closer to the Sun and sub-surface ices evaporated.
The pressure eventually became too great and part of the surface broke away, releasing a huge cloud of dust and gas, as well as larger fragments.
Surprisingly, the solid nucleus of comet Holmes survived the outburst and continued on its orbit, seemingly unperturbed. Holmes takes approximately 6 years to circle the Sun, and travels between the inner edge of the asteroid belt to beyond Jupiter. The comet is now moving away from the Sun but will return to its closest approach to the Sun in 2014, when astronomers will examine it for signs of further outbursts.
Comment: Comet Holmes, 'The Blue Kachina' will be back in 2014! This is all very interesting in the light of Mayan prophecy.
17P (HOLMES), 15th December 2007
Comment: Comet Holmes has not gone away and is still the biggest object in our solar system and growing. Now electric theorist believe that planetary alignements that involve Comet Holmes
will generate bigger electromagnetic effects on Earth, so it's interesting to note the continuous deathly silence from mainstream sources.
update According to a November 2008 report archived by the Southern Maryland Astronomical Society, the following claim by NASA scientists stretches creduality to the limit. Quote:
"We believe that a cavern full of ice, located as much as 100 meters beneath the crust of the comet’s nucleus, underwent a change of phase," says Bill Reach of NASA's Spitzer Science Center at the California Institute of Technology. "Amorphous ice turned into crystalline ice" and, in the transition, released enough heat to cause Holmes to blow its top."
What Happened to Comet Holmes?
W. Kronk's Cometography, December 6, 2007
Comment: This is a webpage from the well respected amateur astronomer Gary W. Kronk. Here you
can find accurate historical information and current image observations about the this most
amazing blue or is it turquoise comet!
Comet 17P/Holmes the 'Blue Kachina'?
Red Ice Creations, 19th November 2007

As outlined in the 1963 book "Book of the Hopi" by Frank Waters: "It has been reported
that certain elders have said most people will reject the sign of 'blue sun' and stay with the
'red sun'. Those who are more awakened will be drawn to the 'blue sun'. Reality will then
split---the few who have divested themselves of the earthly drama (harmful
patterns/relationships) will follow the 'blue sun' and end up on an Earth that is love based.
The vast majority who are still fighting change and to remain with the 'known' instead of
being open to 'unknown', will stay with the 'red sun' and will find themselves stuck in old
ways of thinking and would bring forth devastation and great harm to man and earth."
Comment: Things are moving like clockwork, it's absolutely incredible!
Comet Holmes and the case of the Disappearing Tail
The Register, 18th November 2007
Some commentators think that the standard narrative of comets has been
allowed to grow in an ad hoc manner for too long.
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) has for many years had a
Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society subgroup, and has published papers since 1986 on
the application of plasmas to the phenomena of astronomy.
A 7th series is underway.
Countering the astronomical consensus, plasma physicists account for comet features in
terms of a varying electrical potential experienced by the comet as it changes location within
the electrical plasma field. This is the "solar wind" - centred on the Sun - which extends
beyond Pluto, and which is modified by the magnetic and electrical contribution of the
In this account, cometary comae and tails are the result of electrical arcing, analogous to
electrical discharge machining, rather than sublimation.
The dual flashes of light observed when the Deep Impact spacecraft mission despatched a
copper impactor into Comet Temple 1 were consistent with the expectations of plasma
physicists. Scientists observed two flashes: the second flash was due to the impact, but the
first flash was due to electrical discharge between the comet and the impactor, and resulted
in failure of the on-board data collection and transmission systems.
A compilation of predictions about the Deep Impact encounter from the point of view of a
plasma universe can be found here.
So a possible fragmentation of comet Holmes is not the only thing to look forward to.
Some are asking if God is not after all a crude materialist, but a subtle
Are we seeing a paradigm shift starting here by people realising the obvious?
The Comet Holmes
The Millenium Group Blog, 15th November 2007
Comment: Well, NASA have been very very quiet about Comet Holmes and all the most amazing news
has come from independent astronomers watching events unfold in utter amazement. At
The Millenium Group, a group of independent scientists, commentators have made
their own observations and measurements and are now making some serious suggestions.
For the readers of alternative history, the following comment is ominous;
"My point
with all of this is that Tiamat is still with us and never left the solar system! It is there,
herding all the asteroids around the sun, just like those sweeper moons around Saturn. It is
collecting its parts again. When it does, then what?"
Watch this space, literally!
Blue tail of Comet Holmes breaks off from green nucleus, 11th November 2007
"Astronomers observed through telescopes with large time exposures what they called
a "big disconnection event." They saw the tail separate from the nucleus (head) of the
comet. The astronomers stated that gusts of solar wind from large magnetic storms in the
vicinity of the comet most likely caused the disconnect."
Comment: We are witnessing a
major astronomical event here and astrophysicist James McCanney is even suggesting the
birth of a new planet in our solar system, as the world watches on in total disbelief. Great
Comet Holmes Bigger Than The Sun
David Jewitt: Institute for Astronomy, 9th November 2007
"Formerly, the Sun was the largest object in the Solar System. Now, comet
17P/Holmes holds that distinction. Spectacular outbursting comet 17P/Holmes
exploded in size and brightness on October 24. It continues to expand and is now the
largest single object in the Solar system, being bigger than the Sun (see Figure).
The diameter of the tenuous dust atmosphere of the comet was measured at 1.4 million
kilometers (0.9 million miles) on 2007 November 9 by Rachel Stevenson, Jan Kleyna and
Pedro Lacerda of the University of Hawaii Institute for Astronomy."
Comment: It's amazing what
can happen in a few weeks! What does it say in the Bible, "The day of the Lord will come
like a thief in the night", at least I'm watching out!
Comet Holmes "the Jellyfish
Comet.", 6th November 2007
Italian astronomer Paolo
Candy has christened Comet Holmes "the Jellyfish Comet."
This picture taken Nov. 6th through his 8-inch telescope shows why:
click for image here" It has a green
head and blue tentacles," notes Candy.
8-hour movie
recorded by astronomer Filipe Alves of Atalaia, Portugal, shows
the tentacles in motion. Indeed, it seems to be swimming.
Doug Zubenel of DeSoto, Kansas, sees a different likeness. "It
looks like an alien creature from the 1960s TV show
Outer Limits. The episode entitled Moonstone, which first aired
on March 9, 1964, features a white sphere found by lunar explorers
which houses creatures of great intelligence. The resemblance to
Comet Holmes is striking."
Jellyfish? Alien intelligence? Form your own opinion after sunset
when Comet Holmes pops into view in the northern constellation Perseus:
sky map.
It is visible to the unaided eye and a fine target for
Comment: The plasma tails or birkeland comets now seen on Comet Holmes, being woefully described as Jelly fish tentacles, does
not quite match up to the classic NASA scientist's gaff, who described the comet-like
plasma trails of Venus as "stringy things".
Comet phenomenon is spotted in UK
BBC News, 31st October 2007
Comment: Finally, we are told that this comet is 150 million miles (244 million km) away and this article
gives the following implausible and pathetic excuse. "Astronomers believe a build-up of gas
under part of the surface has ruptured it making it appear brighter but they are still studying
it to find out the cause."
According to amateur astrophysicists,
McCanney, who got this right over 30 years ago with his
Plasma Discharge
Comet Model, this comet was in near perfect alignment with three planets ... Mercury -
Venus and Mars, see
planetary alignment here, if
you want the facts, check out his published research papers at
millenium Group website. Our solar system and planets are now so highly
charged that the plasma tails of these planets ignited the comet.
EXPLODING COMET: 17P-Holmes is now larger than Jupiter, 29th October 2007
Comment: I can just imagine there are some very uncomfortable astonomers who have known for a
long time that comets display electrical phenomena and are under orders to maintain the
facade of the standard comet model i.e. comets are frozen balls of rocky ice.
Despite the fact that when they have managed to get close up there it not a patch of ice and the surface
temperatures are so high that any ice would quickly be turned into a gas, see the FACTS
Comet Tempel 1 . So now we have an obscure comet flaring
up to the size of Jupiter in 2 days and displaying a brilliant plasma arc discharge!
Comet Holmes on its way to brightest in history
IT is one of the strangest things to illuminate the night sky and may be about to make
The Sunday Herald , 26th October 2007
Comment: This report states that Comet Holmes has intensified in brightness one million times since Wednesday night. It is now visible with the naked eye, even from well-lit city areas. If the
brightness continues at this rate, Comet Holmes will soon become the brightest comet in history. Queensland astronomer Peter Marples said: "It may well be that this comet has brightened more rapidly than any other.
"It has made the constellation Perseus look very different with a 'new star'.
It's amazing how a supposed ball of ice can light-up like a fairy light on a xmas tree.... I suppose Electric Universe theorists will be in a state of dilirium....
See the
Comet Holmes gallery at
Comet Holmes Continues to Amaze in the Evening Sky
Sky and Telescope, 26th October 2007
Comment: There's great excitement in the astronomy community, this is a great report from Sky and
Telescope with a blow by blow account of who made announcements and the realisation
that the comet could even be seen in a city in Japan! The report tells us, "It looked truly
starlike; even high telescopic magnification barely resolved it as anything larger at first. But
within a day it had expanded into a perfectly round, bright little disk with a tiny nucleus as
seen in binoculars and telescopes. It looked like no comet ever seen. Its startling outburst,
however, has a precedent. The comet was also in a major eruption 115 years ago, in
November 1892, when English amateur Edwin Holmes was the first to spot it. It then
reached 5th magnitude."