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Food Additives: What We Eat Today Is NOT What Our Great Grandparents Ate
FoodNerd, OCTOBER 5, 2020


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Matrix Food & Drink Blog Archive 1

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Comment: Apparently, there is a general on social media about drugs (amphetamines+) in Red Bull and Celsius energy drinks... Well, this quick drug test proved that drugs are being added. However, the comments in this thread are critical that the video might have been edited.

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  • High Levels of Toxic Metals Found in Foods Sold at Top Fast Food Chains
    Moms Across America tested fast food from the 20 most popular fast food chains and found 100% of samples contained concerning levels of lead and cadmium. Experts says even small amounts of metals may impact kids' IQ and health. Childrens Health Defence, 10/26/23

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  • Video comparison of the following fast foods:

    McDonalds Fries | Ketchup | Fruit Loops | Doritoes | M & M | Twix

  • Examination of the ingredients of the following:

    Wendy's strawberry frosty | Chicken McNuggets | Chick A Fil Waffle Fries | Cheez It | Pop Tarts | Taco Bell Bean Burito | Taco Bell Crunch Wrap Supreme | Cheetos |

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    Comment: Entomilk is made from black soldier fly lavae. Lovely.....

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  • Contraceptives, Veterinary Drugs, Antibiotics, Hormones and Heavy Metals Found In Fast Food [VIDEO], Oct 30, 2023

    · Most chain restaurants rely on beef and chicken from concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs), where veterinary drugs are routinely used, and of 10 fast food meals sampled and tested, all but two tested positive for veterinary drugs

    · Six of the 10 fast food samples (Taco Bell, Dunkin’, Wendy’s, Domino’s, Burger King and McDonald’s) contained a veterinary antibiotic ionophore called monensin, which is not approved for human use as it can cause severe harm

    · Of 43 school lunches tested, 95% had detectable levels of glyphosate, a carcinogenic and endocrine-disrupting weed killer linked to liver inflammation, metabolic disorder, cardiovascular disease and cancer

    · 100% of the school lunches tested contained heavy metals at levels up to 6,293 times higher than the maximum levels allowed in drinking water. Cadmium and lead were found at the highest levels

    · Of 21 fast food meals tested for essential minerals, none met the recommended daily requirements of calcium, potassium, manganese, copper, zinc and iron, and none of the 10 fast food meals tested for B vitamins contained detectable levels of B9 or B12. Vitamin B3 (niacin) levels were also exceptionally low

    Comment: The video suggets this article and video was orginally produced by Epoch Health.

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    How imitation crab meat is made.

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    Secrets of the food industry - Part 1

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    Secrets of the food industry -Part 2

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    Unmasking the Chemicals in Your Food

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  • 10 foods you didn't realize contained disease-causing food additives
    Daily Mail, 21st Oct 2023

    Last week, California Gov Gavin Newsom signed the so-called 'Skittles ban,' which bans four food additives that have been linked to kidney, thyroid and gastrointestinal cancer and mood disorders. California's new law is a big step forward in protecting Americans from dangerous chemicals in foods and health officials and experts are calling on other states, and the federal government, to follow its lead. The four newly-banned additives in the Golden State are: brominated vegetable oil, potassium bromate, propylparaben and red dye No.3.

    Comment: Excerpts from this article are listed below:

    Diet and citrus sodas: Brominated vegetable oil. When you reach for a refreshing bubbly drink beware you also could be reaching for brominated vegetable (BVO), one of the additives banned in California. The ingredient often shows up in diet and citrus sodas to stop ingredients in fruit-flavored soft drinks from separating.

    BVO hasn’t been declared a carcinogen and it is still allowed to be used in foods, though the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has said the ingredient should be consumed only on an interim basis. Exposure to BVO can irritate the nose, throat, lungs and the mucous membranes inside the mouth, throat, stomach and lungs. Repeated and long term exposure to the chemical can also cause neurological issues like memory loss, impaired balance and coordination and headaches and in rodent studies, the animals had high tissue levels of bromine, which posed a danger to thyroid health.

    Chocolate candies and flavored chips: Artificial colors. Some popular brands of bite-sized chocolate candies and sweetly flavored chips get their signature hues and flavor from artificial coloring, including Red 3, included in California's new bill, Blue 1, Blue 2, Yellow 5, Yellow 6 and Red 40. While the additives may make these foods eye-catching and tasty, they can also make them harmful to your health. Some research has shown these dyes are associated with allergies and asthma and a recent study in mice linked Red 40 to inflammatory bowel disease. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has reported that Red 3 causes cancer in animals and there is evidence several other dyes are carcinogenic.

    Red 40, Yellow 5 and Yellow 6 have been found to be contaminated with benzidine and other carcinogens. Additionally, at least four dyes - Blue 1, Red 40, Yellow 5 and Yellow 6 - cause hypersensitivity reactions, with studies showing consumption of artificial food coloring produces statistically significant increases in ADHD symptoms in children. Red 3 specifically has been found to cause cancer and thyroid tumors in lab animals and has been linked to hyperactivity and other neurobehavioral effects in children.

    Bagels, pizza dough, tortillas, pastries and doughnuts: Potassium bromate. A bagel for breakfast, a burrito for lunch, pizza for dinner and doughnuts for dessert. While it sounds like a day of delicious meals, many don’t know a diet that looks like this could be deadly. And it’s not just because of the high calorie count and fat content. It’s because many brands of these popular foods contain the carcinogen potassium bromate, a substance included in California's new ban. Potassium bromate is a chemical compound commonly found in bread in the US. It is added to dough to make it stronger and improve rising.

    But the ingredient, which has been banned in the European Union, China and India because of its dangerous impact on health, has been shown to cause nose, throat and lung irritation. It has also been shown in lab tests to cause renal and thyroid tumors to form in rats.

    Cheeses, pickles, syrups, jams and wines: Propylparaben. The fourth and last additive included in California's new ban is propylparaben. That charcuterie board at your next housewarming party may look appetizing and be jam packed with the classics, but a wine and cheese night should be enjoyed with caution. Propylparaben occurs as a natural substance in plants and some insects. It is typically used in a variety of water-based cosmetics and personal-care products, as well as a food additive. The substance, however, has been shown to cause endocrine disruption and reproductive issues. However, the FDA has said the substance is generally regarded as safe.

    Lunch and processed meats: Heterocyclic amines and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Classified as carcinogens, lunch meats and processed meats like hot dogs, sausage and bacon contain two ingredients called heterocyclic amines and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). Heterocyclic amines are mutagenic chemicals that form when cooking muscle meats, such as beef, pork, chicken and fish. They are some of the most potent mutagens and have shown to induce tumors in animal models. PAHs are chemicals that occur naturally in coal, crude oil and gasoline. They come from burning coal, oil, gas, wood, garbage and tobacco and the high heat needed to cook meat will form PAHs. PAHs, however, may cause cancer and harm the eyes, kidneys and liver.

    Potato chips and French fries: Acrylamide. While your guilty pleasure may be diving into a bag of potato chips on the couch or you find yourself hitting the drive-thru to satisfy a craving for french fries, these two foods should be eaten with caution because they contain acrylamide. Acrylamide is a substance that can form through a natural chemical reaction in some foods during high-temperature cooking, such as frying, roasting and baking. However, in the body, acrylamide is converted into a compound called glycidamide, which causes mutations in and damage to the DNA. Additionally, studies in rodent models have found exposure to the substance increases the risk for several types of cancer.

    Gummy and sour candies: Titanium dioxide. With Halloween right around the corner, store shelves are stocked with candy favorites. And while trick-or-treaters may want to fill their bags with classic sour and gummy treats, they should heed caution before unwrapping their night’s reapings. These popular candies contain titanium dioxide, a substance that has been shown to cause irritation of the eyes, nose and throat. Exposure to it in animal studies also showed it to cause lung cancer. This compound is banned in Europe over concerns its particles have genotoxic effects — or the ability to directly damage a person’s DNA. However, the FDA still allows it in Americans’ foods.

    Ice cream and cream cheese: rBGH and rBST. If you prefer cream cheese over butter on your bagel or indulge in a scoop or two of ice cream after dinner, you could unknowingly be consuming potentially harmful hormones. Recombinate bovine growth hormone (rBGH) or recombinate bovine somatotropin (rBST) is a synthetic version of a hormone cows produce to regulate certain metabolic processes. It has been marketed to dairy farmers to increase milk production in cows and has been approved by the FDA since 1993, but is banned in Europe and Canada. Research into the hormone’s link to breast cancer has produced mixed results but the use of rBST has been shown to increase levels of insulin-like growth factor, a protein found naturally in milk. Some studies have shown insulin-like growth factor to be linked to prostate, breast and colorectal cancers.

    Bread and flour: Azodicarbonamide. Not only do bagels, bread, pastries and tortillas contain the harmful potassium bromate, these products, along with hamburger and hot dog buns, also have azodicarbonamide, or ADA, in them. This ingredient is a chemical compound approved by the FDA to use as a whitening agent and is used to strengthen and enhance the elasticity of dough in cereal flour and bread dough. It is sometimes called the ‘yoga mat’ chemical because it is widely used in foamed plastics. The additive is banned in Europe and Australia. While not classified as a carcinogen, some case reports and epidemiological studies in humans have produced evidence the compound can induce asthma and respiratory symptoms, as well as skin irritation.

    Sugary cereals: BHA and BHT. Sugary cereals may be appealing to kids - and kids at heart - but they contain the ingredients butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA) and butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT). BHA is a synthetic petrochemical used widely as a preservative in cereals and other dry goods. BHT is used in similar products and helps fats in foods stay fresher longer. BHA is considered a carcinogen and has been shown to promote tumor growth and impair blood clotting. It also acts as an endocrine disruptor and is associated with the underdevelopment of the reproductive system. BHA and BHT both pose a threat to the circulatory system and BHT can impact testosterone levels.

    It may also cause liver enlargement, inflammation in the lungs and kidney damage. While common, and approved, for use in American foods, the substances are severely limited in Europe. Both have been banned from use in Japan, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.

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    Comment: A problem with garlic from China?

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    Comment: After watching this old report, I am reconsidering the hamburger video linked below, where the process started with what looked like large rectangular blocks..... That's solid pink slime.

    Who is the real enemy? Twitter video link

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    This is a pumpkin swirl frozen coffee with 46 teaspoons of sugar = sugar on 14 glazed doughnuts. They want to kill people....

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    Over 50 chemicals in Chick-Fil-A chicken sandwich. Over 40 of the 50 man-made chemicals. Also a different version | Twitter Link

  • How burgers are made? | Twitter video Link

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    Comment: This is a very short summary of how politicians overuled scientists to introduce Aspartame and Nutrasweet which is made up of 3 neurotoxins.

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    In an effort to avoid taxes levied against luxury foods in the UK, The Pringles Company once argued that the potato content of their chips was so low that they are technically not even potato chips! The process of making Pringles actually begins with rice, wheat, corn and potato flakes that are pressed into shape. This creates a dough-like substance that is then rolled out into an ultra-thin sheet and cut into chips by a machine. The chips are then thrown onto a conveyor belt where they move through boiling oil then are blown dry, sprayed with powdered flavors and stacked into cans.

    [...] Pringles are full of hazardous ingredients that make them one of the most toxic, processed foods you can eat. One of the most concerning is a chemical by-product known as acrylamide. Acrylamide is a cancer-causing and potentially neurotoxic chemical that is created when foods rich in carbohydrates are cooked at high temperatures. To no surprise, it can be found in chips.

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  • You May NEVER Drink Energy Drinks Again After Watching This! [VIDEO] link

  • Apeel has been around since 2018 with major celebrity investors. [VIDEO] link

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  • Twitter video on Italy banning fake meat. link

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  • EPA Finds Toxic 'Forever Chemicals' In Water Systems Across The US
    ZeroHedge, 21st Aug 2023

  • China's Revolting Spit Oil and Gutter Oil and Why it Will Never go Away
    YouTube, August 2023

    You've heard of Gutter oil, but how about Spit Oil? Also why can't China get rid of these problems?

    Comment: Re-processing cooking oil (gutter oil) turns it into a cancerous and poisonous brew.... Serpentza has a lot of better quality video (some of it filmed himself whilst living in China). I have never heard of spit oil - reused chilli oil that people have dipped their meat in, that is re-used and therefore termed spit oil. It seems that even high end restaurants in China use this cheap disgusting oil....

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    Comment: The process of converting pink slime into luncheon meat, well I think it's luncheon meat. TikTok better quality version link

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    Comment: Water bottle use plastics that are linked to heart disease and obesity.

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    This is the Germans finding out there are insect ingredients in kinder surprises....

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  • Artificial Rice Making Machine Fortified Rice Machine Nutritional Rice Machine
    YouTube, 21 Feb 2022

    Comment: This artificial rice, is called a nutritional rice, and is denoted as a rice substitute made by extruder machine. This is a shorter promotional video on the rice machine Artificial rice production line/fortified rice/ Nutritious rice/Rice production line

  • Artificial Rice Making Machine

    Comment: Some people are making mixing this method of making artifical rice with natural ingredients with rice made from bubble wrap which is obviously very different and dangerous!! Here is rice made from plastic (bubble wrap) | YouTube Manufacturing process of Plastic rice

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    Comment: Folk were completely grossed out, see more at the Daily Mail Is this Channel 4's most tasteless show ever?: Viewers blast new Gregg Wallace program that sees TV chef sampling 'human meat' and invites the public to do the same. Maybe people are being prepared for when they are told the elites are eating babies.... A video clip on Twitter | UK Gov normalising cannabilism here.

    New entries will be place here and then after at least 1 month moved into the relevant section so that regular followers don't have to scan through the whole blog.

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    Bill Gates & the WEF want all produce to be coated with Apeel. Apeel is made with toxic metals and chemicals: ethyl acetate, cadmium, lead, palladium. These deadly metals have been shown to be carcinogenic and harmful to all body systems. Cumulative toxicants are particularly harmful to children. Yet the FDA/government deems it acceptable to have these metals and other toxins present in food. Don’t buy any food that is a threat to your health.

    Apeel coating, Toxic fruit coating, Produce coating, chemicals in food, arsenic in food, cadmium in food, lead in food, mono and diglycerides side effects, ethyl acetate, palladium in food

    The FDA does not require manufacturers to label these foods MSG unless the “added ingredient” is 99% pure MSG. -Dr. John Douillard DC #MSG

    Not all food labels claiming ‘No MSG’ speak the truth. This post from Mamavation has put together a list of 90 hidden names for MSG in food. Simplify your life by turning to unprocessed, whole foods wherever possible.

    You’ve seen the signs and labels stating “No MSG” at your favorite take out place or on food in the grocery store aisles, but that warning doesn’t mean exactly what you think it does. -

    MSG is an excitotoxin which overstimulates our nervous system. In animal studies MSG was shown to damage the neurons in the brain of mice. High levels of excitotoxins have been linked to brain tumours, diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease, brain damage, learning disorders and behavioral problems. In addition to these serious health risks, Dr. Russel Blaylock, neurosurgeon and author of Excitotoxins: The Taste That Kills Source: link

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  • Savory but bad for you: Flavor enhancer MSG is often used in fast food and processed food

    Food News, 23rd September 2021

    Monosodium glutamate (MSG) is widely used as a flavor enhancer and is typically added to Chinese food, canned soups, processed meats and fast food. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) classifies MSG as a food ingredient that is “generally recognized as safe.” Despite this, the use of MSG remains controversial.

    [...] However, MSG rose to notoriety when a physician wrote to the New England Journal of Medicine about the possible causes of a syndrome he experienced whenever he ate at Chinese restaurants in the United States.

    [...] MSG is a widely used flavor enhancer known to cause adverse effects, such as headaches, palpitations and numbness, in some people. To avoid these adverse effects, ditch MSG and switch to healthy alternatives, such as salt, seaweeds, mushrooms and anchovies, to name a few.

    Comment: Most say MSG is bad for you so I found an article that gives some background.

  • Farmer’s experiment finds that squirrels prefer organic over GMO corn
    The Organic & Non GMO Report, May 31, 2013

    [...] Last fall, Fonder conducted an experiment in his backyard. He built a squirrel feeder and put genetically modified corn fresh from a neighbor’s field on one post and one-year-old organic corn on the other.

    The squirrels ate the organic corn first. “You would expect squirrels to prefer fresh corn over corn that’s a year old, but they totally preferred the organic corn,” Fonder said.

    Fonder repeated the experiment five times, using different varieties of organic and GM corn. Each time the squirrels ate the organic corn. They would eventually eat the GMO corn but only after the organic corn was gone.

    “The squirrel could have switched to GMO, but it didn’t,” he said. “It knew it was different.”

    Comment: Animals do a lot of things that make you wonder why humans are so divorced from our survival instincts. Remember as babies we are born wth survival instincts but with time those survival messages become very distorted. Why?

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    Caption: Nutella full of parasites YIKES

    Comment: Another example of everlasting McDonalds food.

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    Comment: The irony! Fake meat being advertised by fake tranny Kim Kardashian.

    Chemicals Galore

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    Comment: This is how apples are kept 'fresh' for months on end....

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    Comment: Tomato chemical spraying

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    Comment: This is how big trees are sprayed.

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    Comment: American bread....

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    Comment: There is a good thread of info here.

  • The aspartame controversy of 1981
    The Hidden Truth Behind the Not-So-Sweet Artificial Sweetener [2015]

  • Aspartame: The Most Dangerous Food Additive On the Market
    Deep Roots At Home, Apr 4, 2016

  • Patent confirms that aspartame is the excrement of GM bacteria
    Natural News, August 24, 2013

    (NaturalNews) In 1999, The Independent published an article entitled "World's top sweetener is made with GM bacteria," which revealed that Monsanto was knowingly adding aspartame to soft drinks in the United States - and that aspartame is made from GM bacteria.

  • More info @Natural News re: stroke and dementia, liver damage, headaches, blurred vision, neurological symptoms and more.

  • Search for more Aspartame info @Natural News here

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  • NC study discovers chemical in common sweetener damages DNA, can cause cancer A new study discovered that a chemical found in Splenda damages DNA.

    [...] Researchers from North Carolina State University and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill found sucralose-6-acetate, the chemical that forms when we digest Splenda, is “genotoxic,” meaning it breaks up DNA.

    The chemical is also found in trace amounts in Splenda itself, raising questions about how the sweetener may contribute to health problems, researchers said.

    Click image for Twitter link

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    Comment: There are other factors discussed in this thread.

    Why you killing yourself? Click image for Twitter video link.

  • Simple sugar intake and cancer incidence, cancer mortality and all-cause mortality: A cohort study from the PREDIMED trial
    NIH PubMed, 10 Aug 2021
    Comment: Cancerous cells feed off sugar.

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    Microwave Popcorn - links to cancer & dementia

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  • Public Health Statement for Propylene Glycol
    Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, March 2014

    The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has classified propylene glycol as "generally recognized as safe," which means that it is acceptable for use in flavorings, drugs, and cosmetics, and as a direct food additive. According to the World Health Organization, the acceptable dietary intake of propylene glycol is 25 mg of propylene glycol for every kilogram (kg) of body weight.

    Comment: Hmmm.... As mentioned in this short video, it all depends on how much processed/junk food you eat as to how 'safe' it is....

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    Caption: Trans fats are downright dangerous. Corn, canola, cottonseed, soy, safflower, sunflower, grapeseed, and rice bran oils, which lead to serious inflammation issues... In particular, canola oil (rapeseed oil)...

  • The 8 Least Healthy Vegetable Oils, According To An MD, January 29, 2021

    Potatoes dyed red to make them look better. Click image for video link

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  • The Trouble with Stevia
    The Paleo Mom, 1st April 2021

    Comment: Stevia is a 'natural' sweetner and has become a popular alternative choice. It is dervied from a South American weed, Stevia rebaudiana and has traditionally been used by the Indians in Paraguay as a contraceptive. Each day the women drink a cup of water in which the POWDERED WEED has been boiled. According to this article there is a lot of issues with Stevia besides it being used as a contraception! Even if the scientific data and opinions conflict, if infertility is an issue, then this is worth knowing about.

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    Comment: More water testing videos on Twitter link, on Bitchute link

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    Comment: I presume this infographic only applies to the United States.

  • Where does the fluoride added to drinking water come from? Link

    Comment: This is a short video and the answer is not good....

  • The Fluoride Deception - Full Length Documentary [28:39]

  • How they fooled and still fool the world about Sodium Fluoride. Telegram link

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  • Produce with This Sticker Has an 'Ultrathin' Microlayer Funded by Bill Gates
    The Western Journal, April 20, 2023

  • Edible coating allows avocados to stay ripe for twice as long This article is more than 4 years old
    The tasteless coating’s formulation can be modified for strawberries, mangoes, apples, bananas, kumquats and asparagus
    Guardian, 19 Jun 2018

    [...] he tasteless coating, developed by Santa Barbara company Apeel Sciences, controls the two main factors that cause fresh produce to go bad: the rate at which water escapes the surface of fruit and vegetables and the rate at which oxygen enters. This allows treated produce to stay fresh for longer.

    “We’re creating an optimised microclimate that can double the shelf life [of the fruit],” said James Rogers, CEO of Apeel Sciences. “The average avocado might be ripe for 2-3 days. Ours will stay ripe for 4-6 days.”

    [...] The coating can also extend the life of produce in developing countries where refrigeration is not widely available across the supply chain, which explains why the company launched in 2012 with funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. The company has carried out pilots in Nigeria and Kenya, treating cassava root and mangoes.

    Comment: Of course it was tested in Africa.... Stay away from this Gates product.

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  • McDonald’s French Fries have dangerous pesticides!
    Times Food, May 24, 2018

    [...] To make the potatoes flawless for the fries, they (McDonald’s) treat them with a pesticide called ‘Monitor’. According to Pollan, the pesticides are so toxic that the farm where these potatoes are grown is a no-entry zone for five days after the pesticide is sprayed. Then to eliminate the harmful effect of the pesticide, the harvest is further stored in an atmosphere-controlled shed that is almost the size of a football stadium, as they are not edible for another six weeks.

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  • health problems found at McDonalds, Taco Bell [VIDEO]
    USA Today News, 27th October 2021

    [...] Phthalates are added to plastics to make them softer, and they can transfer from plastics used for food handling, such as gloves, tubing and more. They have been linked to reproductive problems, learning and attention problems in children and more, Edwards said.

  • Reduced testosterone tied to endocrine-disrupting chemical exposure
    Science_Daily, August 14, 2014

    Summary: Men, women and children exposed to high levels of phthalates -- endocrine-disrupting chemicals found in plastics and some personal care products -– tended to have reduced levels of testosterone in their blood compared to those with lower chemical exposure, according to a new study.

    BPA is most widely found in refillable drinks bottles and food storage containers, as well as the protective coatings and linings for food and drinks cans

  • Urgent health warning over toxic 'gender-bending' chemicals in food as EU officials rule current 'safe' limit is 20 THOUSAND times too high
    Daily Mail, 19th April 2023

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  • Dangerous chemicals found in 80% of McDonald's, Burger King, Pizza Hut and Domino's items
    Scientists found that 81% of food items contained a phthalate, while 70% also contained a specific chemical linked to fertility problems - long term effects are, so far, unknown
    Daily Star, 28 Oct 2021

    [...] a new study has found that some of your favourite dishes contain hormone-disrupting chemicals known as phthalates.

    Phthalates are commonly used in plastics to make them flexible,

    And researchers from George Washington University’s Milken Institute School of Public Health tested 64 food samples from 6 different restaurants in America – including McDonalds, Burger King, Pizza Hut and Domino's Pizza.

    They found that 81% of food items contained a phthalate, while 70% also contained a specific chemical linked to fertility problems.

    Comment: This thread includes a flambé burger video which is quiet worrying too link

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    Comment: Caramel Colour 4-MEI is a known animal carcinogen, found in coke, ice creams, vinegar, bread, beer....

  • Coca-Cola is ‘all chemicals’ – Putin
    Siberian ‘Ivan Tea’ is better than the additive-laden soda, the Russian president added
    RT News, 20 Jul, 2022

    Russian President Vladimir Putin has derided Coca-Cola and suggested that ‘Ivan Tea’ – a medicinal brew made from Siberian fireweed – is a more “useful” refreshment. Coca-Cola pulled out of the Russian market in June over Moscow’s military operation in Ukraine. [...]

    ‘Ivan Tea’ is made from the fermented leaves of the fireweed plant. Enjoyed for both its refreshing taste and its medicinal properties, it is a natural anti-inflammatory beverage, contains 16 amino acids, and is packed with vitamins B and C. Outside Russia, fireweed is consumed in the Canadian Yukon, where its flowers are made into jelly, and in the US Pacific Northwest, where honey produced from its pollen is highly regarded.

    Comment: Web archive copy.

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  • Coke and Pepsi deny Indian toxin allegations
    Telegraph, 5 Aug 2006

    Comment: Archived copy.

  • India bans soft drinks in pesticides row
    Guardian, 7 Aug 2006

    Coca-Cola and Pepsi are being banned across several Indian states after an environmental pressure group said it had found pesticides in drinks produced by the Indian arms of the companies.

    So far, three large Indian states - Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan - have stopped selling colas in government offices and educational institutions. The move will affect thousands of schools and will deprive the cola giants of a potential market of 30 million households.

    Johan Grimonprez, 10th Dec 2018

    Farmers tackle pests. The product? Pepsi or Coca-Cola. For farmers in the eastern Indian state of Chhattisgarh it is cheaper than pesticides and gets the job done just as well. Agricultural scientists give them some backing. Unsurprisingly, Pepsi and Coca-Cola strongly disagree, saying there is nothing in the drinks that can be used in pest control.

    Comment: video copy link

  • A 2017 report by India TV claims that cola is still being used by farmers and that there are claims that it creates various health problems like cardiac arrest, stroke, asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, etc. See 5 other uses of Coca Cola you should know

  • Pesticides Cola in Indian Market
    YouTube, 31 Oct 2011

    Comment: In this Indian TV report, claims are made that the pesticides are coming from ground water used to make the cola.

  • Pesticides in soft drinks (Lab reports 2003 & 2006)
    Centre for Science and Environment

    Click image for Telegram video link

    Comment: Indian TV | Presenter heats coca cola until it turns into a black tar. Lovely!

  • The 14 Actually Practical Uses for Coca-Cola Around the House
    Web Archive

    Comment: The link is for a web archive copy, of the original 2017 article.


  • PepsiCo will no longer label Naked Juices 'all natural' after settling $9 million lawsuit over its ingredients
    Daily Mail, 2013

  • ‘All-natural’ Simply Tropical juice has high toxic PFAS levels, lawsuit alleges
    Coca-Cola claimed juice was healthy despite toxic ‘forever chemicals’ levels ‘hundreds of times’ above federal limits, suit says
    Guardian, 25th Jan 2023

    A new class-action lawsuit in the US alleges Coca-Cola and Simply Tropical fruit juice deceived customers with claims of an all-natural, healthy product when the juice has been found to be contaminated with toxic PFAS at levels “hundreds of times” above federal advisory limits for drinking water.

    PFAS are a class of about 12,000 chemicals typically used to make thousands of consumer products resist water, stains and heat. They are called “forever chemicals” because they do not naturally break down, and they are linked to cancer, fetal complications, liver disease, kidney disease, autoimmune disorders and other serious health issues.

    Comment: A well known big corporation that simply does not care and have being doing the same sh#t for decades.

  • Coca-Cola faces lawsuit over allegations of toxic chemicals in Simply Orange Juice
    Bramptonist, 1st Jan 2023

    Comment: There is a scary chart here with items that have high levels of PFAs like pizza boxes, shampoo and water resistant clothing....

    Fake Food & Lab Meat

    Click image for video link

    Comment: This is a promo video for 3-D printed meat. There are more examples on YouTube link

  • Rich countries should only eat synthetic beef, says Bill Gates
    The billionaire philanthropist made the demand while advertising his new book on how to avoid a climate disaster.
    Sky News, 16 February 2021

    Click image for video link

  • Study: Bill Gates’ Lab Grown Meat Causes Cancer in Humans [VIDEO]
    The People's Voice, February 21, 2023

    Comment: The argument here is that the use of immortalized cell lines generates a product that is infact a glorified tumour..... Oh God!

    Click image for video link

    Click image for video link

    Click image for link

    Click image for video link

    Comment: Presumably, evidence of the "forever chemical" content.

    Click image for video link.

    Click image for video link.

    Comment: Now there are reports of fake eggs being bought at Walmart and Aldi (USA) link

    Click image for link.

  • Fake and toxic foods proliferate in China/Food safety issues are shocking, and everyone gets hurt
    China Insights|YouTube, 2 Oct 2021

    Food safety problems have plagued mainland China with endless falsification techniques. The proliferation of toxic chemicals and additives and the extent of harm is appalling.

    Comment: The Chinese fake/toxic food problem is ridiculous.... This is just a summary.

    Click image for video link

  • More than 10% of Chinese people consume sewer oil every day/Hotel workers recycle sewer oil
    China Insights|YouTube, 17 Apr 2022

    The concept of "sewer oil" first appeared in China in 1998. China's outspoken media, the Southern Metropolis Daily, launched a series of investigative reports on "underground mills refining peanut oil from waste grease" during "Consumer Day" on March 15th, 1998. Since then, the term "sewer oil" has taken firm root in the daily lives of Chinese people.

    Comment: This short documentary explains the dangers of re-heating pesticide+ laden oil over and over again to produce cancer causing agents and other problems. Btw, “China’s petrochemical giant Sinopec produced its first jet fuel from used cooking oil. The factory in the eastern part of the country can process 100,000 tons of used cooking oil per year.” link

  • The Making Of 'Gutter Oil'
    Radio Free Asia|YouTube, 2 May 2013

    Most of China's 'gutter oil' winds up in cheap restaurants and among street food vendors.

    Comment: More short clips on Twitter:

  • Twitter Video clip 1

  • Twitter Video clip 2

  • Twitter Video clip 3

  • Video clip 4

  • Video clip 5

    Cannibal Offerings

    Click image for link

  • HEK 293: what are you eating?

    HEK 293 is a 'flavor enhancer' derived from LIVING liver cell lines in aborted babies.

    Trade names "Senomyx" "Sweetomyx" "Natural Flavor(s)"

    HEK293 'flavor enhancer skips your taste buds and goes straight to your brain: it manipulates your dopamine levels to create addiction to certain foods, and even some bottled waters.

  • How Cells from an Aborted Fetus are Used Today to Create Flavor Enhancers in Foods
    Health Impact News, March 17, 2013

    Comment: This is the article that broke this HEK 293 story ~10 years ago.

  • Fetal Cells in the Cosmetics, Food, and Medical Industries
    Rehumanize International, Nov 14, 2020

    Think about the items in your house for a moment. Do you have coffee creamer in the fridge? Mouthwash or anti-aging cream on the bathroom counter? Spices in your kitchen cabinet? How about a bandage on your arm from a recent vaccine, or prescription drugs? If you answered yes to any of these questions, there's a chance that you have a product that was made using human fetal cells. While it's not a universal practice, certain brands in the cosmetics, food, and medical industries use fetal cells for a variety of purposes, from testing and production to inclusion in the final product

  • HEK 293: what are you eating?

    Comment: This seems to be index to lots of different related articles.

    Click image for link.

    Comment: Since I discovered a patent for blood in cement, I have started to believe that humanity have been used and abused in horrendous ways for a long time.

    Click image for link.
  • Some Hot Dogs, Sausages Studied Contain Human DNA, Says New Report
    Clear Foods also analyzed vegetarian hot dogs and sausages.
    ABC News, October 27, 2015

    The food that's a staple of American cookouts is getting some scrutiny for some unexpected ingredients.

    Clear Food, an independent company that analyzes food at the molecular level, found that 14.4 percent of the hot dogs it tested were "problematic."

    Clear Food reported that it found human DNA in six of the 345 samples, or 2 percent of all samples tested. Four of the six samples that tested positive for human DNA were vegetarian products.

    Other ingredients such as chicken, lamb, turkey and beef showed up in samples that were not listed on the product's packaging, according to Clear Food, which did note that no pork was found in the "100% Kosher" products it tested.

    Click image for link

  • Burgers contain rat and human DNA, study finds
    A study of 258 burgers in the US finds unexpected additional — and lack of — ingredients
    Independent, 11 May 2016

    [...] “The most likely cause is hair, skin, or fingernail that was accidentally mixed in during the manufacturing process,” it read, referring to the human DNA.

    “What many consumers don't know is that some amounts of human and rat DNA may fall within an acceptable regulatory range,” the report added.

    Comment: Hmmmm.... So how do you explain the human teeth, see below.

  • HOW BITE THAT? McDonald’s sorry after customer found ‘fragments of human teeth’ in his McMuffin
    The white fragments have been sent away for analysis and an investigation launched after the alleged find in Japan
    The Sun, 9 Aug 2018

  • Woman eating fast-food hamburger bites into rotting human finger
    New York Post, September 16, 2021

    This fast-food restaurant literally gave her the finger.

    A Bolivian woman will likely never look at “finger food” the same way again after she allegedly bit into a burger and ended up chomping on a decomposing human finger. A video of the revolting find is currently blowing up online, Newsflash reported.

    Comment: You get to see the finger tip here too....

  • Human Meat Found In McDonald’s Meat Factory
    Daily Buzz Live, July 2014

    [...] FBI agent Lloyd Harrison told Huzler reporters, “The worst part is that it’s not only human meat, it’s child meat. The body parts were found across the US factories and were deemed too small to be adult body parts. This is truly horrible”. According to Harrison, forensic examinations are underway.

    Comment: Yes, this is at the same time hundreds of thousads of children go missing in the United States and are never seen again....

    Right: Yes, I hear the White Hat Alliance have been speaking to these fast food chains to clean up their food offerings, or else....

  • James Wickstrom interviews Rabbi Abe Finkelstein

    Comment: This is one of the most shocking interview ever conducted on radio.... We get the confession of Jews using fast-food outlets to help get rid of unwanted child bodies ~ [39:00] & [45:00] (as well as a lot of other interesting info). Btw Finklestein says three times that Lucifer is their father and they have conducted their blood sacrifices for thousands of years. Btw, just in case you are still skeptical, here is a news report FBI arrests 17 Rabbis in NJ for selling illegal body parts

  • Jewish Ritual Murder revisited

    Comment: There are a lot of images and extensive historical reports/facts provided in this documentary. Personally, I think that the jewish culprits are actually Khazarians because they are known to hide behind Judaism. How else can you explain jews who claim that their god is Lucifer? DYOR.

  • Is Lucifer the God of Judaism?
    Whale, October 10, 2012

    Comment: This article provides an excellent overview of the issue and reiterates that most are unaware that there is an elite, openly Satanic minority among the Jewish people.

    McDonald's is telling us they have a secret ingredient of humans... Think about it!

    Ronald McDonald is in the red shoe club...


    Click image for video link

  • Dissolve the Dead? Controversy Swirls around Liquid Cremation
    California state bill seeks to legalize liquefaction of corpses
    Scientific America, September 7, 2017

    [...] U.C.L.A. is the only place in California that liquefies the dead [..., Dean Fisher, director of the university’s Donated Body Program, [...] has been working with state legislators on a bill allowing funeral homes to use this process, called alkaline hydrolysis. [...]

    Some see alkaline hydrolysis—versions of which go by the names biocremation, aquamation and resomation—as the next big thing for those who want to make an environmentally friendly exit.

    The technique has its origins in an 1888 patent for making fertilizer and gelatin, which describes dissolving animal parts in an alkaline solution such as potassium hydroxide. In the 1990s two researchers began disposing of lab animals this way at Albany Medical College in New York State. Their work informed the construction of the first machine that could handle a single human body, built by a company called WR2 and first used in the Mayo Clinic’s anatomical bequest program in Rochester, Minn., in 2006.

    Eat ze bugs

    Click image for link

    @EyeSpy says: "Angelina Jolie joined the campaign & is promoting eating bugs & insects instead of meat Considering that there are fewer birds due to 5G they want you to compensate for the broken food chain & eat bugs The WEF says eat insects it's healthy and you're saving the planet" | Twitter video ~45 seconds link

    Comment: The bugs will be infested with parasites and therefore will trigger cancers.....

    Click image for link

  • The Elite is Desperately Trying to Convince You to Eat Bugs. Here’s Why.
    Vigilant Citizen, 29 September 2022

    [...] While insects might show good nutritional value on paper, they might be outright toxic to the human body. Studies found that they can harbor parasites, affect the immune system, trigger allergies, and deplete vitamins from the body. Despite these glaring issues, the elite is going full-steam ahead with this agenda.

    Comment: Chitin is mentioned 10x in this long article. This article might go behind a paywall if you visit the website too many times, so use the internet archive 'Way Back Machine' website and the link to restore an archived copy.

    Caption: The Globalists want you to "Eat bugs & you will be happy" whilst they dine on the finest quality cuisine in the 🌎 all in the name of "Saving the planet"
    #ClimateChangeHoax #🤡🌍 Click image for link

    Click image for link

    Apparently, these insect burgers are being sold by Lidl in the UK.

    Cockroach blood used in juice.... Yuck!

    Click image for link video | Belgian "researchers" make a cake with butter made from bugs.

    Comment: This is a warning to check ingredients....

  • Misc

    Click image for link.

    Comment: Longer version [7:41] link

    Click image for video link.

    Comment: This is short and to the point - culling of the useless eaters.

    Click image for link.

  • The Culling Of The Useless Eaters!! Dr. Rina Laibow Recounts Her Conversation With Elite Female To Reduce 90% Of World’s Population!! | Archive, 1st June 2023

    Comment: Warning!! Disturbing Information!! This starts off by talking about philantropic predators contaminating the food supply. As Dr. Rina goes on, it gets disturbing because The Big Picture is disturbing.... The original info was quickly deleted off the website, but the internet is forever..... I think the people who run this website must be controlled opposition and someone made a mistake.

    First Upload: 16th September 2024,
    Last Update: 15th February 2025

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