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The EMF Flood

There is increasing concern being voiced from scientists around the world, that we are being flooded with Electromagnetic radiation caused by the recent advances in wireless communication technologies. According to some, there is no way of knowing what the impact will be and we will find out in 20-30 years! Some governments and world organisations that are supposedly there to provide safeguards, at this time are more clearly focused on economic considerations. There is a major issue with variations in standards between countries, in what is deemed to be a safe level of exposure for the general public. However, there have been thousands of studies and anecdotal evidence that suggested that there is a limit to how much we can tolerate of this electromagnetic smog and some portions of the populace are far more vulnerable. The following is a flavour of the concerns that are being voiced.

"The U.S. standards and those proposed by WHO are 100 times more lenient, depending on frequency range, than the Russian standards, which are based on the observed biological effects of chronic EM exposure. There are a lot of gaps in EM safety standards in other countries, too. It indicates that standards should be harmonized; people are equal in their wish to be in a healthy environment."

"Unfortunately, in many countries people are 100-fold exposed to electromagnetic fields in comparison to low-level standards, within the confines of the law and before the final scientific knowledge is obtained. "Harmonization implies common motion in a right direction. which one is right is a purely scientific question and should not be considered in connection with trade interests. The only right idea to rely on is human health." [1]

This statement comes from 'Report from Russian - Electromagnetic Fields and Human Health' February 2003, by Vladimir N. Binhi, theoretical physicist and head of Radiobiology Laboratory at the General Physics Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Moscow. Dr. Binhi is a member of the Russian National Committee on Protection from Non-ionizing Radiation.

So Russia takes a cautious stance on limiting their population to EMF exposure, so the following 2001 recommendations are very surprising.

  • Non-use of cell phones by children under the age of 16.
  • Non-use of cell phones by pregnant women
  • Non-use of cell phones by persons suffering from neurological conditions or diseases, including neurasthenia or dysthymic disorders, mental disorder, neuroses, intellectual and memory impairment, sleep disorders, epilepsy, and epileptic predisposition.
  • Limiting the duration of phone calls to a maximum of three minutes, and allowing a period between calls of a minimum of 15 minutes. Preferred use of headsets and hands-free systems.

  • From Microwave News it was reported that the World Health Organization's EMF Project is advising national governments against setting stricter exposure limits for exposures to electromagnetic fields (EMFs) to protect children from leukemia. The recommendation is contained in its long-awaited draft, released on 2nd November 2004, called 'Framework to Develop Precautionary Measures in Areas of Scientific Uncertainty', which addresses how to formulate policy options for health and environmental risks. [3] The report details the WHO backtracking on a previous draft report that there was enough evidence to invoke the precautionary principle for both power-frequency EMFs and RF radiation. They have opted to leave it to decision makers in each individual country to reach their own conclusions. However the WHO made a special point of stating that setting new tougher exposure limits for 50/60 Hz EMFs is not a viable option. The EMF project states that,

    "WHO believes exposure limits should be based on effects conventionally regarded as established and are not an appropriate mechanism for implementing precautionary approaches. Therefore WHO does not recommend including exposure limits based on the childhood leukemia data as an option."

    "The WHO also actively discourages the adoption of new exposure limits for RF radiation. It finds that the probability that mobile phones can cause disease of otherwise affect the brain "is probably small, but cannot be completely eliminated," but allows that if there are any effects, "the global burden of disease could be enormous."

    Microwave News points out that The WHO draft does not mention the new study from the Karolinska Institute pointing to a risk of developing an acoustic neuroma after using a mobile phone for more than ten years. The WHO think that Limiting the use of mobile phone by children is presented as a possible policy option but it is discounted, because its effectiveness "is likely to be limited." Mike Repacholi, responsible for this WHO report was the only member of the Stewart panel in the U.K. who did not want to recommend the public against the widespread use of cell phones by children. The WHO appear to be worried that any company that adopts precautionary policies may appear to be admitting that a health risk does in fact exist. The WHO states that,

    "A company acting to reduce exposures from mobile phones under the WHO [precautionary framework] is not taken to be admitting legal liability for such exposure" and that "the decision to reduce an exposure is not taken as evidence that such an exposure it in fact dangerous."

    It does make you wonder who the WHO actually represent!


    Villagers Unite Against Mobile Phone Mast Amid Safety Concerns

    ROGATE, WEST SUSSEX - JANUARY 14: Police officers stand watch as residents of a West Sussex village unite in a show of defiance over the erection of a Terrestrial Trunk Radio Airwave (TETRA) and mobile phone mast, January 14, 2004 near Rogate, England. The protest against the mast comes on the same day that a report found there to be no evidence that mobile phones or the masts damaged health.
    Photo: Ian Waldie/Getty Images

    It does appear that with all the accumulated evidence to the detrimental effects, that there is a continued reckless implementation of new mobile communication systems. The Terrestrial Trunk Radio (TETRA) for the new United Kingdom police communications network that is replacing their outdated, unreliable VHF system at a cost of £2.9 billion. It gives the police a mobile phone and two-way radio in the same handset and is fully expected to be operational in May 2006. According the Independent newspaper the Home Office choose the Tetra system which is used in 65 countries, in preference to others such as the French Tetrapol, used in 28 countries, because it is technically superior. However that is not the full picture, it was criticised by the House of Commons Public Accounts Committee for failing to incorporate financial safeguards in case the health fears prove justified.[4]

    The first thing that opponents of Tetra cite is that its signal has a frequency of 17.6 hertz which is very close to the 16 Hz frequency that the brain 'loses' calcium - an effect known as calcium efflux. (Tertra's frequency is also within the frequencies used by the brain's beta waves.) In the report of the influential Independent Expert Group on Mobile Phones (the Stewart Report, published in 2000.) The report stated that (radio) frequencies around 16Hz 'should be avoided, if possible'. Suspicious, the Police Federation (the union-style representative body for police officers in England and Wales) commissioned independent research scientist Barrie Trower to complete a study on the possible risks of Tetra. He completed his report in September 2001 and the findings were so shocking, that this 'Top-Secret' report 'appeared' on the Internet. [2]

    Thankfully Trower wrote his report in language which made it comprehensible to a non-scientific reader and thus acted as a whistleblower for the police and the public alike. Trower believes that the Tetra system must never be used and gives the following dire predictions.

    'I believe that the government, government scientists and (this industry) will be responsible for more civilian deaths in peacetime than all the terrorist organisations put together.'

    Tetra was piloted in a few UK counties first early 2001 and soon police officers reported symptoms that included migraine, nausea, sleeplessness and lack of concentration. People living near the mast reported similar illness. An otherwise healthy motorcycle officer, suffered headaches and nosebleeds soon after being issued with his Tetra handset. He developed oesophageal cancer and died in the summer of 2004. Another police officer has also developed the same relatively unusual cancer. Senior police officers speaking only on condition of anonymity are acknowledging political pressure regarding this issue. Dr Mireille Levy, the Home Office health and safety officer for the system is reported to have said:

    'Nothing will stop Tetra and if officers don't like it, they can resign.'

    In response an officer asked who would be responsible if he contacted leukaemia. 'No one,' she replied. [5]

    Well the public backlash has already started and the police are expressing concern about vigilante action and acts of vandalism where masts are being pulled down. There are also campaigns to stop masts being put up, with information being distributed on the Internet to help people fight local plans for new masts.[5] The nationwide campaign against Tetra is called Tetrawatch, which argues the system is untested because it is carries a pulsed signal which is different to Tetra systems in other countries. The British people have good memories and compare the current situation with assurances of safety by government scientists for the following scandals:

    • Thalidomide
    • Asbestoes
    • BSE
    • Smoking
    • Sheep Dip
    • Gulf War Syndrome
    • GM Foods

    One case that has been collected by Tetrawatch, which was reported in The Independent newspaper, November 2004 is one man who after months of sleepness nights and headaches decided to take a couple of metal plates and place them around his pillow to block out the signals from the transmitter close to his house.[6] As the mattress and the plates were earthed it worked. In a small local survey of more 400 people, 40% had suffered from sleeplessness and /or headaches since the mast arrival.

    One of the major points for concern is that there has simple been no human safety risks that have been carried out relating to TERTA signals. This system is going nation-wide and a mast will be placed every 8 miles (13km) throughout the country. The UK government's own Trade and Industry Committee stated in a media release that

    "we are very concerned that there seems to be no examination of the evidence on potentially adverse effects before bringing it into service…" [7]

    Trower in his report to the Police Federation explains that he has scoured the research papers of top experts in their field, and that usually these can sometimes include hundreds of references. As many groups of scientists peer review each others research, he argues that the accumulative effort means that a research paper can represent 500 - 1,000 years of work. Trower emphasises that TETRA is pulsed and pulsed radiation is arguably more aggressive than the continuous analogue wave and as TETRA uses more power than the ordinary mobile so the symptoms will be enhanced rather than be reduced for TETRA. From this premise, he then documents why he thinks police officers will suffer the following effects:

    'If an officer is sleeping in quarters within range of the TETRA transmitter, the microwave radiation is believed to act on the pineal gland and suppress the night-time melatonin to daytime levels; hence the good work of the melatonin at night will be restricted leading to suppression of the immune system.'

    '...[It] could enhance breast cancer in the lady police officers.

    '...There could be long-term damage to the eyes of the officers using TETRA.'

    '...I am particularly concerned for the acutely sensitive brains and organs of the highly trained police dogs.'

    '...TETRA affects the beta rhythm of the brain it will affect what the beta rhythm is responsible for; namely, sound judgement in emergency situations.

    '...Following this research I fail to see how TETRA can possibly be safe for the officers which use it.

    The statements are specifically related to police officers and police animals but these represent only a small number of the long lists of scientific concerns that have been linked to electromagnetic radiation and reported cases of cancer of the spine from officers who have carried their hand portables on their belts. The following explanation written by Trower, is a good non-scientific way to describe how electromagnetic waves can affect the information messaging system within the mind/body.

    'We being water based animals act like aerials to these waves. As the waves go into our bodies an electric current is generated inside our bodies which is how aerials work; waves come in and electricity is generated. The electricity generated in our bodies like all electric currents goes to ground through our bodies and like all electric currents it takes the path of least resistance. Unfortunately the path of least resistance through our bodies, although only representing 10% of our pathways, carries 90% of our traffic rather like the M1 motorway. The traffic in our bodies, namely hormones, antibodies, neurotransmitters know where they are going because they also carry an electric charge. The hormones, antibodies and neurotransmitters know where to "get off" because there is a corresponding opposite charge at the site of delivery rather like the positive and negative ends of a battery. The problem is if you have an electric current passing through the body it can change this charge, either on the hormones, antibodies or neurotransmitters or the site of delivery.

    'An analogy to that would be - if you were in Paris on the Underground system and you could not speak a word of French, but you had a map with the station name of where to get off and somebody tippexed out one or two of the letters, you may get off or you may not, and this can happen in the body. The hormones, antibodies or neurotransmitters may get off where they are meant to get off or they may carry on and miss their target. As a one-off this probably would not be very important but continuous interference over many years it is argued can lead to many illnesses.

    'A similar effect is that the destination for some of these hormones, neurotransmitters, antibodies is a surface of a cell where chemicals will pass through a membrane into a cell. If you think of a cell in our body, be it a brain cell, bone cell etc, as having a positive and negative charge on the outside and the inside similar to a battery the difference in these charges will draw the chemical into the cell or draw poisonous substances out of the cell. If the charge is changed on the outside of the cell, then necessary chemicals may not go in or poisonous chemicals may not go out. An analogy to that would be - think of your house as a cell in your body. Essential things like food, water and fuel come into the house and poisonous things like waste and gases leave the house. In fact a house is very similar in many ways to a cell in our body. Now, if we had a blockage and waste could not leave the house or sometimes food or electricity did not come into the house, over a short period of time we would survive this, but continual disruption over many years will probably have a knock-on effect on the health of the inhabitants particularly if they are young or frail. This is my explanation of how electromagnetic waves affect our cells.'

    I few other statement that have left an impression from this report are as follows:

    '...There are unknown phenomena concerning low level radiation that is not generally understood by the users of communication instruments. Following the Chernobyl incident it was found that long-term continuous low level radiation of all types was as dangerous as high level doses of radiation. With high level doses of radiation the anti-oxidants in the body (Vitamins A, C, E etc) rush to defend and repair the area of the body being damaged. However with low level radiation the anti-oxidants are not activated and because the dose is accumulative the problems can build up and are usually present before the body realises that there is trouble. So, low level does not necessarily mean safer. Also the smaller you are the more you tend to absorb. Wavelengths for TETRA and mobile phones are relatively short and the nearer the part of the body or the infant to the wavelength the more similarity they have to an aerial and the more they absorb. With ordinary mobiles the wavelength is around the size of a foetus and with TETRA you are looking at a 3-6 year old child. I mention this because TETRA may be used in areas where children are running around and there are very well known and documented cases of pulse radiation affecting epileptic children.'

    '... In an exclusive report in the Manchester News 11 May 2001 Dianne Bourne quoting the Head of Brain Surgery at NASA writes "the Head of Brain Surgery at NASA has even said he would not consider holding one of these to his head (with regards to TETRA). He said the net result is that the police are guinea pigs".'

    The Tetra communication system has also been known to effect electronic equipment and these have been cited in various articles and reports. Trower refers to a report in Engineering about the case where a man had a heart attack and on the journey to the hospital in an ambulance, the crew using their TETRA sets, affected his heart monitoring devices which sadly resulted in the man's death.(2)

    Reporting in The Sunday Express, 4 February 2001, Nick Fleming writes "BT advise officers to turn off the handsets when they are near sensitive hospital, breathalyser and speed camera equipment Officers are also being advised to mount speed traps or breath tests only if the equipment is 35 ft from their handsets or 11 ft from radio sets in their cars". [2]

    Fire-fighters tested TETRA and found the handsets put them at greater hazard than their existing, old system, handsets. That is because they sparked at the scene of a fire when fire fighters attempted to use them to call for help and report dangers. At the moment only GSM mobile phones are required to be switched off at petrol stations.

    Car locking systems have been affected by TETRA despite the automotive industry being aware of the problem since 1999, and having set up a special research project to address the problem called 'RAKE' (Standing for Remote Keyless Entry). TETRA operates at an adjacent frequency to that used by remote keyless entry systems, so that if you park your car near one of these transmitters you may not be able to lock it or even worse, get back into it." Advice given to customers is somewhat disturbing:

    "Where possible, do not park near large electronic and radio communication installations; close to airport buildings and radar units; masts etc." [8]

    Also the report in 'Engineering - Static and Silence':

    'Of course automotive EMC problems amount for one small area among many, it's just that in a vehicle a large number of systems are present in a relatively small area. There are reports of EM interference causing problems in everything from industrial robots to cat flaps (there is a recorded case of a high-tech cat flap with magnetic locks located in a computer room rattling every time a certain PC was booted). With the environment seeing a greater saturation of technology the problem is liable to get worse - anything from a waste disposal unit to a portable fan can create havoc'.

    Quoted in the BMA report we see the warning:

    'Pacemakers and hearing aids - Mobile phones used close to these devices may possibly cause interference. If there is any concern, technical specifications of both the mobile phone and the device (hearing aid or pacemaker) should be obtained from the product literature, and advise sought from the Medical Devices Agency'.

    The implementation of the TETRA system, which is untested in full operational mode, demonstrates just how much vested interests can override public safety. The many recorded cases of interference, occurring both in human beings to cause various disorders and electronic equipment malfunction, is an ominous sign. The TETRA example is just representative of the attitude taken by policy makers, that societies will have to cope with random acts of electromagnetic madness!

    Susan Joy Rennison, July 2005
    Updated 1st october 2010

    Chapter Notes

    [1] Binhi, Vladimir N. Report From Russia - Electromagnetic Fields And Human Health, 2003

    [2] Trower B., Confidential Report on TETRA

    [3] WHO EMF Project Rejects Stricter Exposure Limits To Reduce Childhood Leukemia Risk, Nov 2004

    [4] Griffiths, J. The Ecologist, October 2004

    [5] Mast Sanity Sample Proof of Evidence submitted to TETRA: Public Inquiry by local residents

    [6] Kirby, T The Mast Crusaders - The Independent Online Edition November 2004

    Copy of above

    [7] Trade and Industry Committee -Press Notice No. 12 of Session 2000-01, dated 3 April 2001 MOBILE PHONE MASTS

    [8] Annex G, IEE Guidance Document on EMC & Functional Safety available at

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