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The EMF Balancing Technique:
A Critique

An Introduction

It has concerned me that the first version of my book printed in September 2006 was too emphatic in recommending the EMF Balancing Technique, as the end of chapter 7, Balancing in Chaos, stated;

"The seriousness of this message passed down through the ages is such that there is only one energy balancing technique, known to fufil Cosmic Law mentioned in this book."

Thus along with other changes, the second edition printed in January 2008 was changed to read;

"The seriousness of this message passed down through the ages means that any energy balancing technique must obey Cosmic Law."

So even though the 2nd edition is much more impatial, for some the changes are just not radical enough. Thus in November 2006, when I sent a copy of 'Tuning the Diamonds' to the geophysicist David Lapierre who co-authored with Peggy Dubro, (The founder of the EMF Balancing Technique, EMF BT for short), the book 'Elegant Empowerment: The Evolution of Consciousness', his suggestion was to re-write my book and take out all reference to the EMF BT. At the time, I was very surprised that he was so disillusioned, but now I totally understand. After long consideration, I decided that Peggy Dubro's work referenced in my book is now historical fact and based on her earliest work. Whatever issues surround Peggy Dubro now, this does not negate her understanding of the evolving energy field, which she named 'The Universal Calibration Lattice'. As I worked very hard to check out her claims, I consider there is still a solid scientific basis for the acceptance of certain metaphysical concepts, that also help to elucidate 'The Big Picture'.

Yet, I did resign as a EMF BT Mentor Teacher in March 2007 and I resigned as an EMF practitioner in September 2007. I made this decision after multiple disappointments with the founder of the EMF Balancing Technique, Peggy Phoenix Dubro and her husband Stephen Dubro. Subsequently, I came across some committed and faithful lightworkers in the UK, working with the Diamond Light Body. Thus, I was able to collaborate various sources of information which indicated that very clear instructions have been given to humanity at this time, that are inline with esoteric tradition and other respected sources of metaphysical teaching. So, at this time, I have to query the efficacy of The EMF Balancing Technique and the methodology employed to activate the diamond light body because this greatly impacts the ability to facilatate the spiritual evolution of humanity.

Since the EMF BT is quite complicated and a great deal of work is being done on the energy field, it is important to stress that the "balancing" aspect is not in question. The big question mark is over the activation of the diamond light body which exists as a unique layer of light in the human energy field. The information coming from other sources which is emphatic, stipulates that the Diamond light body consists of a grid and the WHOLE GRID has to be activated at the same time. This will permit the reception of light codes so that humans will evolve according Universal Design. The EMF BT has had no emphasis on the complete Diamond Light Grid structure up until now, (who knows that could change.....). Hence, the following critique is necessary for those who wish to have a greater technical understanding of what is taking place when working with the Diamond Light Body. This article should also help when other unscrupulous people jump on the bandwagon and start making up procedures that are not helpful to the evolution of mankind.


Lets be really clear here, the diamonds are a holographic representation of our DNA. As our scientists have discovered, DNA can hold electric currents that generate a magnetic field. If you could look into the higher dimensions, instead of seeing DNA with spiralling charge flowing in opposite directions, the energetic structure of octahedrons or diamonds would appear. For scientific details, do your own research, or you could simply just read 'Tuning the Diamonds'. The critical issue is that the diamonds form a grid of 64 diamonds and this has been known for eons and passed down in esoteric societies. As I have noted elsewhere on this website, we are talking about the 'Gameboard of Life'.

"The codes and patterns offer instructions that the cells can use to maintain the body at a higher level of awareness, so that you can adapt to the great social and environmental changes that characterise these times."

"Your genes are programmed to respond to stimuli, and with the new codes streaming through the body, the DNA can be played like an electronic circuit board, with the various signals decoded and translated on a subatomic level."

"The checkerboard is a symbol that has captured the ultimate complexity of the field of existence in a design that is layered with symbolic meaning."

"The sixty-four squares ...form an eight-sided design on a two-dimensional surface in third-dimensional reality, a metaphor for revealing the essence of cosmic law and the basic instructions for building energy in any reality ...The alternating pattern of black-and-white symbols triggered the mind to remember the higher cosmic and spiritual laws for working with energy."

"Perhaps you are wondering how you can learn to play on the game board, working your way up to multi-dimensional chess. The game is about managing energy in every aspect of the cosmos. It is a game of awareness, and the board represents the field of existence's presence announces and reminds you, on very deep levels of consciousness, that "you are playing the field".

Path of Empowerment – Pleiadian Wisdom For A World In Chaos

(By the way folks, have you noticed the chequerboard being utilised all over the place especially in the fashion world, the media and films, in my opinion the timing is most interesting and none too subtle.....) Anyway, it seems, that the first four phases of the EMF Balancing Technique were activating only parts of our DNA that were currently active already. In the past, some have claimed that there are either 3 in 1 or 4 in 1 diamonds in the diamond light body. This can only be explained if they are talking about activated blocks of our DNA which we know scientifically is only partly switched on. Hence this suggests that maybe the EMF Balancing Technique first attempted to re-inforce only our current DNA activation. The question is: how does this allow for human evolution? I am not convinced by the argument that the whole grid is activated at the start of a Phase IV, because the evidence suggests the Diamond Light Body has to be built, diamond by diamond for the reception of Light codes that are the blueprint for the 'New Human'. Hence the selection of certain diamonds, as a way of creating energetic stability seems to be an extremely basic form of activation.

As I trained with Julie Umpleby in September 2007, who offers 'The Diamond Light Grid Activation', it struck me that that I was being taught some serious 'Spiritual Alchemy'. Yet, my teaching mind easily found another analogy, the methodoloy could be compared to making cake. In combination with the overall octahedron energy field, which outlines the holographic projection of human DNA, certain ingredients are added with the clear intent to build a grid. Subsequently, my investigations lead me to believe that an electronic circuit board was being built, and at that point I was really impressed. In comparison, the EMF Balancing Technique is quite crude and could be compared to using flour and milk, that would certainly create some stability alright..... This is what I wrote to Julie Umpleby after completing her course;

Dear Julie,

Thank you for delivering the highly commendable Diamond Light Grid Activation Practitioner Training. I am impressed that you have brought a new coherent depth of understanding to the internal structure of our diamond light bodies whilst revealing the significance to DNA and the use of light codes, geometric codes and symbols, normally referred to as the language of light. I believe that this new energetic procedure is a major breakthrough and will serve to accelerate evolutionary progression for those who choose to evolve their consciousness. The Diamond Light Grid Activation Practitioner training truely integrates many strands of (esoteric) knowledge, yet provides a practical procedure that encourages us to keep "tuning the diamonds".


September, 2007

You could ask, why I am making this comparison? Well, if you build the Diamond Light Grid properly, there is a serious cranking up of power and the whole Diamond Light Body will start to spin. Yet the Diamond Light Grid Activation, (there are other techniques currently available and in development), are not the only way to activate the whole Diamond Light Grid and I now know that I activated by my own Diamond Light Grid when I bought a Metatron Electromagnetic Mat in Spring 2005. See the article, A Modern Day Noah. I also suspect that my active Kundalini could have acted in unison to kick-start the diamond. Whatever, I am very grateful that the Tibetan Foundation acts as an independent source of information, whilst applying ancient esoteric knowldege in a practical manner.

Another issue that has concerned me, is the confusion about how the diamonds are organised. If you go to the US Department of Commerce & Patent Office Website, you can order details of the application filed in 2000 for the right to use the Trademark names 'The EMF Balancing Technique' and the 'Universal Calibration Lattice'. In return, you will receive details that includes an old version of the Phase IV of the EMF Balancing Technique. For current EMF practitioners it's quite interesting to see the changes that have occured since. There are other surprises too, how many EMF Balancing Technique Practitoners know that they are offering "Massage Services", I never fell of my chair when I read that..... Anyway, the application contains the image that has been provided here, for your convenience. When compared to more recent versions of the diamonds associated with Phase I-IV, it really does make you wonder, why the inner structure of the diamonds has changed so much and why only certain diamonds are now being activated in somewhat of an ad-hoc manner in phase V-VIII.

I have always been very uncomfortable with the notion that somehow the Templates of Light "belong" to Peggy Dubro and somehow she has total control over them. In the book 'Elegant Empowerment: The Evolution of Consciousness' written in 2002 she states:

"My experience of receiving or channelling the energy templates of the EMF technique was to "become" them energetically. To date, I hold five of these templates. They are three-dimensional, diamond shaped patterns of light and energy. They look like two four-sided pyramids joined at the base, forming the geometrically shape known as an octahedron. These templates hold a resonance specfic to the EMF Balancing Technique. A trained EMF teacher transmits this resonance in a very specific manner, allowing the student to resonate with the templates. The immediate nature of this energetic alignment with the work allows the technique to be taught quickly. In turn, the resonance transferred to the new practitioner helps to awaken, or clarify the information in the UCL of each individual receiving a session from the EMF practitioner. Each template is associated with a particular phase of the technique, and I shall describe them in more detail when we discuss the phases."

Fortunately, I was witness to the fact that at the EMF Mentor Training in Bad Orb, Germany in May 2005, the Universe will intervene with appropriate action. As part of the training, all EMF Mentor teachers were required to demonstrate the hand movements, as variations had crept in and Peggy Dubro wanted to make sure that everybody was 'singing from the same hymn book'. Anyway, after the first round of demonstrations which turned into mini EMF BT sessions, Peggy Dubro claimed in shock that all the Templates had changed. This was privately confirmed to me by Tamar Genisher, an EMF Mentor Teacher from Israel, who could also see the Templates. Thus, I found this particular incident quite reassuring and that any suggestion that Peggy Dubro "owned" the Templates could now be discounted as merely wishful thinking.

Obviously, after working with clients using techniques derived from the EMF BT, certain incidents have led me to believe that more flexibility is needed when working with clients. For example, when energy is encouraged up the spine and over the forehead, I have concluded that energy is being poorly directed. My enlightenment came one day when a client complained that the process had resulted in a what they could see as a "snake" coming off their forehead. Immediately I understood what was happening and how to utilise this energy, which is much more in agreement with esoteric knowledge about energy flows in the human energy field.

I have also been concerned about the need to 'close off' or 'open' the vortex at the back of the neck, at the end of an EMF Session. I am fully aware that the highest energies are transmitted through the back of the neck, but in August 2005 I was particularly fed-up with the confusion over the intent of this particular procedure. Since I paid attention in class and I was very diligent working with clients, this particular change in nuance was a source of annoyance and I have been very suspicious ever since about the reason for the obvious back-tracking. My suggestion for any ex-EMF BT Practitioners who shares my concern, is to place a spinning blue diamond there to protect this open vortex, as I have learnt that one can be vulnerable to unwanted intrusion here..... Infact, if you are in any way concerned about any source of intrusion, my recommendation is to totally shield yourself with a mirror of light. The aim being to reflect back any unwarranted energy to it's source. Unfortunately this is necessary, as there are too many people with low consciousness who are learning shamanic techniques etc, whose only interest is using manipulative means to gain power and control over others for their own selfish ends. What's more you can be reassured that the acceleration of energetic interactions is such that a karmic backlash will be fairly swift....

Furthermore, it has always puzzled me that the practitoner's or client's spiritual guides and helpers are not invited to play an active part in an EMF BT session. Personally I think, especially for the inexperienced, help from your spiritual guides would be most helpful, as very powerful changes are being made in the energy field. Now, when I conduct my own energy sessions, I always start off with the following:

Me: "The purpose of this session is to accelerate your spiritual evolution, by the recalibration and strengthening of your energy field. During this time together, we specify an intent that everything that is done, will be according to your inner wisdom and for your highest good. Please focus on the central pillar of light that runs down through the center of your body -- your core energy and give intent to strengthen your connection with the Earth and the Universe…

Please repeat after me:

Client: "I only give permission for my energy field to be recalibrated and strengthened, according to my inner wisdom and for my highest good. I ask that my guides and spiritual helpers be here to assist with this energy alignment."

I was not too thrilled with some of the changes made in 2005 and especially the introduction of the concept of 'Silent Honouring'. The idea is that the EMF BT Session should proceed with interruption or any additional interaction with the client besides the vocalisation of EMF intents. In my opinion, as the EMF BT practitioner becomes more experienced, they will be able to sense more of what is happening in the client's field. There is a very strong bond created when EM fields are coupled in this way and the client and practioner should be free to interact in a way that is most comfortable for them both. Otherwise, the client just becomes an object and EMF BT Practitioners are reduced to automatons. When I first became an EMF practitioner, I met people who were already starting to exit and their complaint was that they did not want to be Peggy Dubro "clones", since that time I have come to understand exactly what they meant....

I have not fully formalised exactly what is happening here, but I have very strong suspicions that because of the bonds formed in EMF Sessions between client and practitioner, there should be a specific intent to break that bond at the end of the session. Thus, I would be very interested to hear from any ex or current EMF BT practitoners one who have come to the same conclusion. Incidentally, for potential clients, you may be interested to know that it is common knowledge in the EMF BT community, that not every practitoner offering EMF BT sessions is sticking to the script.....

End of Critique


Now, you may be asking yourself the question now: Why is this important? Well, those who have incarnated on this planet with the intent to make a difference, are infact the 'Wayshowers' for the rest of humanity. We are living in a time of obvious evolutionary change and humans have no choice but to adapt to the changing environment which now demands a higher state of consciousness. At this time, those with the highest consciousness have a disproportionate ability to change the destiny of mankind. This is achieved by one's core energy being balanced and by generating a strong energy field with strong 'Signal Power'. As new light codes are delivered to the planet, those with prepared energy fields will pick up the Light Codes and will start to broadcast these new frequencies of light. As the Diamond Light Body becomes a massive receiver and transmitter, the 'Wayshowers' will in effect 'upgrade' those around them. Therefore it is critical that we get this right and the opportunity to direct the evolution of mankind is not stalled or sabotaged.

If you don't understand the process then you can't play the game. We are at a time where evolutionary changes are starting to accelerate and thus we must become major gameplayers. As a Seeker of the Truth, I have learnt that discernment is key and not to be afraid of keeping the good and throwing away the bad. Unfortunately, this attitude is at odds with the prevailing attitude in the New Age and metaphysical community, where it is normal to only utilise one half of the brain and then crow about any subsequent 'enlightenment'. This also means that the New Age community is plagued by leaders who know that most of their followers will not carefully examine what they are taught, if it is done in an convincing enough manner. This can be summarised as if Leader X, says something is true, and it can be substantiated in any way, then everything else they say most be right too..... As the evolution of humanity is at stake, I for one am not interested in being a blind follower. As the saying goes, "You can fool some of the people, some of the the time. But you can't fool all the people all the time." So, even after all the disappointments with the Dubros on a personal level, for people who want to learn how to energy balance, I would still recommend the Personal Development Training associated with Phase I-IV. Use the hand movements and/or the intents that you are happy with and disregard the rest. That's it.

Final Thoughts

However, there is one more thing that has been a source of concern and this is related to channelling energies in general. There is a belief in the New Age community that anyone can channel any energy. This implies that individuals can be mean-hearted, lack integrity, be pathological liars, be manipulative, dabble in the "dark-side" etc, etc, it does not matter because the Universe does not take this into account, and whatever energies are required for a client, can be channelled regardless. Personally, I think this is a lie, and makes no metaphysical or scientific sense. This seems to be borne out in the fact that many light workers and some EMF Practitioners are aware that more of the light body is evolving. I have not established if this is a different layer of light, so let's just call this aspect, the "expansive" back fibres. If an individual is at the appropriate stage in their spiritual evolution, then the introduction of highly catalytic "New Energy" will encourage this development. However, it does seems that this is dependent on whether the individual operates with the 'higher' aspects of consciousness. Thus, it is quite possible to be gifted enough to see this evolving layer of light, but not be personally evolved enough to have gone through this stage of the evolution of consciousness. Hence, I have concluded that this can only occur if the heart is open and receiving the highest and most "divine" energies. Universal consciousness, is constantly monitoring our progress and the evolution of consciousness cannot be circumvented in any circumstances. True spiritual masters of the past understood this prinicple and thus I gave the following quotes in my book, 'Tuning the Diamonds: Electromagnetism & Spiritual Evolution';

The adept Da Love-Ananda (Da Free John) is quoted as saying:

"Therefore, spiritual practice consists in constantly going beyond the wall of ego, in reaching out and embracing all life fearlessly, with an open heart. There must be complete clarity and integrity in one's feelings. Most people are "collapsed at the heart". They are in doubt of God, others and themselves. Their feeling being is stunted" [17].

Da Love-Ananda makes a point of directing spiritual seekers to what he calls, The Way of the Heart. He states:

"The Heart is the key to the practice of real or spiritual life. It is at the heart, at the place of Infinity, the root of being, the feeling core of the body-mind."
Thus I firmly believe, no amount of "hand-waving" or specifying intents will compensate for the full evolution of consciousness and so it seems the development of certain aspects of the light body provide us with a genuine marker.

Thank God!

Susan Joy Rennison, 12th April 2010

Additional Comments, Updates & Notes

I found the following 'channelled' message given by Lee Carroll Sacred EMF? (June 2008) and all I could think was, business must be down! The message seems to be a strong attempt at laying down the law and discouraging people from using their discernment and faculties. I note it lacks the usual initial love-bombing but it pre-frames by encouraging people to be receptive, and open hearted. It then adds some confusion when telling the audience that they have discernment, but then adds what you are about to hear is true and accurate which is an attempt to overide the listener's judgement.

Since there is ample evidence that EMF BAL. TECH. has changed over the years, the suggestions that nothing should be changed by EMF Practioners in the future is absurd. The use of biblical analogies and the tone is trying to make the listener and reader equate Peggy Dubro and the EMF BAL. TECH. with Moses and the giving of the 10 commandments. [Actually, it's a shame that Kyron did not take the opportunity to point out some of the ten commandments like; thou shalt not bear false witness against your neighbour, thou shalt not steal, thou shalt not covet ...anything that belongs to your neighbour, actually I could go on but we will leave it at that.] The EMF BAL. TECH. is a collection of energetic techniques that are not exclusive to Peggy Dubro and in the past she has insisted that if people change the routine it should be called something else and I think I can agree with that. In my experience, EMF BAL. TECH. is an attempt at a one-size fits all and it is not appropriate for everyone all the time. The EMF Practitioner needs to use discernment, but this is something that the EMF training and this message seems desperate to close down.

Therefore, my advice still stands, you can learn the techniques (forget the stuff about the diamonds, the science and metaphysics does not make sense) and then create your own version that suits your integrity and is best for your clients. I now don't recommend the initiations during training or the initial 'dial up' EMF script because I am extremely uncomfortable with some of the energies that are being transferred. EMF Practitioners need to channel energies from source and that will be based on their own relationship with the divine and universal energies.

I can only suggest that this message was given because EMF Teachers and Practitioners are being blamed for students and clients not being adequately "cloned". I suspect that this is because Peggy Dubro does not understand the impact of the massive blasts of evolutionary energies that are continuously upgrading the human energy field with new light codes, if people are receptive.

But, that's just too bad.

Susan Joy Rennison, 12th April 2010

Peggy Dubro once told me she was born enlightened but makes a big story of seeking enlightenment and doing all sorts of strange things. She has been involved in at least one well known cult to my knowledge (she got married to Stephen Dubro in an Eckanar ceremony), so it raises the prospect of her initiations delivering more than people would bargain for. According to the book Snapping: America's Epidemic of Sudden Personality Change, it takes on average 12 years for someone to recover from being in a cult. Further research on the subject will reveal that cult techniques have long ago moved into the New Age world. The concerns about becoming a clone are very real but from my research, there is nothing remotely evolutionary about receiving her personal energy, activation of diamond templates for stabilising the energy field is one thing, her personal energy is something else. Why do I say these things? Because, after 80-100 hours of reading about how cults and what is done to people by many so-called "gurus" my energy field started to shift quite noticeably. Now, to my knowledge, I have never been involved in a cult in this lifetime, but the distinct impression was I had acquired some energy that I did not need. I have only ever received initiations from this woman, so at the moment, there are no other suspects. Now, it looks like we have to worry about being involved with the spiritually promiscuous...

Susan Joy Rennison, 16th February 2010


I found this channelling on my computer that I copied 24th July 2005.

Taking Control Of Your Destiny
by Archangel Michael through Ronna Herman

"We stress most strongly discernment, but we see that you need to understand more comprehensively what discernment means. Humanity has been in what might be called a "herd" state for thousands of years and so it is a conditioning that is hard to break. It is easier to follow the crowd and the popular beliefs or trends. It is more difficult to make your own decisions, and through trial and error, begin to trust your intuition even if it means taking radical measures that do not fit within the norm. It is easier to look outside yourself for a quick fix, whereby you do not have to participate or take responsibility for your actions. It is easier and more comfortable to blame someone else. Mastery is just that, becoming the master of your destiny, a master of your body/mind/soul. How quick you are to jump on the bandwagon of a new concept that promises miracles. Unfortunately, there are many within the spiritual community that are more than willing to profit from your gullibility/vulnerability. "By their works you shall know them," but sometimes this realization comes after the fact--too late. You must validate from within before you make your decisions.

I do not wish to sound harsh or suggest that you are not making great progress, when in fact the opposite is true. You are making spectacular progress and momentous growth. But many of you are at a critical point in your transition process. You are being sped along the initiation path, and new knowledge is pouring forth each day. Even though you have many guidelines and theories out there to choose from, you still are a unique human/spiritual being whose path is different, whose tests are different, whose perception of reality is totally unique to you. Therefore, what works wonders for another, may do nothing for you. What one affirms as a sure-fire method for healing; balancing; attunement or atonement may be totally wrong for you--even detrimental. Are you going to live by someone else's values, or your own? Are you going to pattern your behavior and project your spiritual truth or be a clone for some one else? You are one of a kind, we tell you this time and time again. The Creator sent you forth with a most precious mission to accomplish, it is encoded within your soul as your divine blueprint. Are you going to follow your blueprint or someone else's, thereby leaving yours unmanifested or incomplete?" [Bold added for emphasis]

Susan Joy Rennison, 8th March 2009


Joyfire Science & Metaphysics Integration
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Susan Joy Rennison quotes:

“Space Weather is now a fact of life.”

“We are all astronauts now!”

Tuning The Diamonds,
September 2006

“We must spiritually evolve as part of the new terms & conditions for living on Earth.”

Joyfire Tour – Evolutionary Change, December 2006

“Space Weather will force many changes in how we do business on this planet.”

News of the Imbalance,
April 2007

NASA Press Release:

“Earth and space are about to come into contact in a way that's new to human history.”

“We're on the threshold of a new era in which space weather can be as influential in our daily lives as ordinary terrestrial weather.”

As the Sun Awakens, NASA Keeps a Wary Eye on Space Weather
NASA News, 4th June 2010

White House Executive Order:

“Space weather has the potential to simultaneously affect and disrupt health and safety across entire continents. Successfully preparing for space weather events is an all-of-nation endeavor that requires partnerships across governments, emergency managers, academia, the media, the insurance industry, non-profits, and the private sector.”

Executive Order –– Coordinating Efforts to Prepare the Nation for Space Weather Events
The White House, 13th October 2016

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