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The Joyfire Experience

I would say I am a seeker of the Truth. I have spent the last 25 years of my life searching out information on various subjects to help me with my quest. From an early age I felt it imperative to help heal myself from childhood trauma and follow a path of personal development. I have learnt to trust my judgement because I believe there is a part of me that I can connect with, which knows the truth. I figured that if I found out as much as possible, then the truth would surface when it was needed. So for years I would place information on my mental shelf along with my experiences. I have had many spiritual and some even mystical experiences throughout my life and I am strongly intuitive. I first started my search, age 15 in the Christian Church but very soon I had many questions. I took from Christian teachings and the Bible information to strengthen me and throughout my life I have had guidance and support, when things were difficult, I never really felt alone. I was always aware of my connection to a higher power.

I have a Honours Degree in Physics with Geophysics and after University I spent approximately 10 years in the computing world in various positions which required problem solving, analytical thinking and project management skills. Since leaving the UK six and a half years ago I have travelled in many countries in Europe. To live in Italy for 2 and a half years was an education because history is very much preserved in the culture. I have mixed with people of all levels and have learnt many lessons given to me through my experience of having an expatriate lifestyle.

It was becoming very obvious to me that certain information was hidden and I also read about secret societies and the many conspiracy theories that are prevalent these days. One of my major interests was about the Catholic Church because of their profound effect upon western beliefs over the centuries. I wanted to understand the root of Christianity. I came to understand that religion is a very powerful tool for controlling the masses. A good book written by an ex-Catholic priest is called Vicars of Christ, The dark side of the Papacy by Peter De Rosa. The author had access to the Vatican Archives, it is not flattering but it is all documented historical truth. In my opinion what we have passed down to us via Christianity is very distorted and incomplete. According to Peter de Rosa 'for seven centuries Greeks had called Rome the home of forgeries', and Gregory VII had 'a whole school of forgers under his very nose, turning out document after document, with the papal seal of approval, to cater for his every need.' I was also shocked to find out that the Catholic Church also carried out a mass slaughter of Christians (Albigensians in southern France) in the Middle Ages because they had unorthodox beliefs. I have come to realise that some secret groups even within the Orthodox Church and other world religions were about preserving truths.

In my search for truth I started coming across information called Channelings. I was highly suspicious at first, but if the information made sense and resonated with me I read it. Some examples of these is the book a 'Course in Miracles' and the Jane Robert books with the teachings of Seth. I decided that I wanted to find out what information was being currently channeled and I discovered the Kryon teachings via the internet and since there were at least three books available though the Amazon website, I figured it must be being quite widely read in the New Age community. (By the way New Age Metaphysical beliefs are still fairly new to me and I still do not classify myself as a 'New Ager'. I am a seeker of truth and to be honest I don't care what avenue it comes from. I still remember the first time I discovered there were very special people in India in recent times that were regularly performing miracles, even documented accounts of people being raised from the dead. Now wait a minute, is that not what Jesus was supposed to have done two thousand years ago? I now know that miraculous events and healings happen within a wide spectrum of beliefs and cultures.)

I read the Kryon teachings in book 1 and 2 of the series of 9 books which are now published in 15 languages. I was so impressed that I ordered further books from the series. I was 99% sure that this information was from a divine source because I believe the information was profound and enlightening. I found the Kryon website ( and found out that there were three channeling sessions that took place at the United Nations in New York. Now we are getting serious! At this point I also found out that Lee Carroll, the American who was channelling this divine source was coming to Europe, infact October 2001, Hamburg, Germany. I resolved to attend my first New Age meeting, this would be a two-day weekend seminar event with a range of speakers. I did not know what to expect but I needed to be there to check out Lee Carroll, Kryon and the other people in attendance. I was going to use my intuition, as I can detect differences in energy. For an example, once when I was living in the UK and selling Aloe Vera products as a part-time FLP distributor as well as my full-time position (another good learning experience,) I decided to sell my stuff at a Psychic fair in Surrey. During this event I was approached by one of the readers who I immediately felt that I did not want near me because of the oppressive energy around her. Later on I overheard two other readers complaining that this woman had turned up with 'bad' energy. I was actually pleased to get this confirmation. Returning to the subject of the Kryon Seminar in Hamburg, my only concern was that if I was in an auditorium full of people with 'bad' energy I was going to be on the floor fairly quickly. This for me was a serious concern.


What actually happened was I had a Kundalini awakening! The audience was instructed us to do some chakra cleansing meditations and then some simple breathing exercises whilst moving our hands to draw up energies from the earth. I understood about chakras which are energy vortexes in the body which absorb energy from the universe, but I was no fan of meditation. Raising earth energies was also a new concept but I went along with it. I was wary of meditation because I once had a strange experience when I followed a meditation in a book I had been reading. Instead of bringing me to a place of peace within myself, I had a very clear picture of a little girl who was inside me, in New Age terminology I had met my inner child. I was so shocked I immediately got myself out of that state and never tried that particular type of meditation again. Furthermore, I now like to think about human interaction in terms of energy flow. This is since I first read the book 'A Celestine Prophecy' by James Redfield, which I have re-read several times over the years. The book is a best seller and the concepts are now within mass consciousness. I figured that raising earth energies was just another useful exercise in increasing our personal energy.

The next speaker also instructed us in similar exercises. (Now personally, I believe that this was being done because the energy in the auditorium was so low, the German audience needed warming up!) After the second set of exercises I noticed that my back was on fire, it felt like flames were dancing and shooting up my back and it was making me feel quite uncomfortable. I wondered if anybody else was experiencing this. At the first break which was only after about an hour of the start I was desperate to find out what I was experiencing. I approached the second speaker and described what was happening, she thought for a few seconds and simply said Kundalini and walked away. 'Oh', I thought, it was a word that I had read somewhere but not a subject I knew anything about. Yes, I was very disappointed in the lack of interest in my condition, but the Kryon team of speakers passed my verification test. However, the weekend was rather overshadowed by my own experience.

At the weekend seminar, I had bought the book Elegant Empowerment &ndash The Evolution of Consciousness, written by Peggy Phoenix Dubro and Canadian Physicist David Lapierre. The book explained about the human energy field, which was a concept I had not come across before and talked about the physics behind the laying on of hands. I was delighted to discover that there was a book called 'Rainbow in Your Hands by Davis and Rawls that scientifically supported the Science of Laying on of Hands. Brian Greene from the Elegant Universe states "if you sweep your hand in an arc, you are moving not only through the 3 extended dimensions, but also through these curled up dimensions". When I read this quote, I really got excited because it was the first time I realised that I really was an interdimensional being and I was just as intrigued as David Lapierre who states 'what lies within these curled up dimensions', exactly!

One month later after my awakening in November 2001, the Shaolin monks came to Stavanger. The demonstrations of power were tremendous, but what got my attention was that before they did their amazing feats, I watched them breathing and moving there hands in the same way that I had been taught to raise earth energies at the Kryon seminar!!

Earnestly, I started researching Kundalini by buying books and reading information from the internet. I began to find out that a Kundalini awakening was quite a rare event and that in the past was mainly attained via yoga. In eastern traditions, to encourage a Kundalini awakening required a fairly serious commitment to practise yoga for twenty years and even then it would not necessarily happen. I read that it is a mysterious phenomena which people did not know much about or if was know about the information was kept secret. After finding out this information I was even more perplexed. First of all I have never practised yoga in my life, I am very overweight, I don't have a brilliant diet, I eat meat, drink moderate amounts, I do not regularly meditate, I listen to beautiful healing music but I am not sure this counts. I thought I was hardly a candidate because in the past this phenomena was associated with enlightenment, if the energy passes through the crown chakra, which with me I don't think this has occurred yet. Besides, I believe it is desirable because the Kundalini energy which normally hibernates in the base of the spine is thought to be a personal source of tremendous psychic power. Goodness me!! Recently, more books have been written and more people are experiencing this, I now believe that it has happened because of my earnest desire for truth and also because I live in my integrity. I don't pretend about anything and I don't conform to society norms if it goes against my own belief system, it is very hard way to live because most people want to be popular and please other people.

One year later, I decided to attend my first workshop as an introduction to energy balancing in London, October 2002. After a little theory, we did a meditation called the Spiral Sweep, when you imagine golden energy, around you. We also did other exercises, one was called the 'Alternating Sweep' in order to generate more energy. The surprising thing to me was that my hands immediately re-acted. When we had a break, I chatted to other participants and as I moved my hands whilst talking they felt heavy and throbbed. 'Funny', I thought. However I was really astounded when I realised I could see this golden energy. Awesome!! We had to practice these movements in pairs and I was pleased that I could feel this energy in my hands, even though then, I could not see it on my own hands. My partner who was then the client also experienced this energy and told me that at one point when I placed my hands on her front and back that one of my hands felt like it was freezing cold and the other hand very hot. I could also feel sudden movements in her field, which again surprised me, but I thought this was not bad for a beginner!

I was impressed but I still wanted to independently verify the concept of the human energy field and this universal energy. Whilst re-searching kundalini I discovered Barbara Ann Brennan, her website states the following 'Dr. Barbara Brennan has been researching the Human Energy Field for more than 30 years. Her best selling books - Hands of Light® and Light Emerging - are considered classics in the field of complementary medicine and her work has resulted in the development of Brennan Healing Science® - a holistic healing modality based on the Human Energy-Consciousness System and its relationship to health and disease. This work combines high-sense perception skills and hands-on energy healing techniques to assist individuals with their personal process of healing. It touches every aspect of a person's life to improve the quality of life.' For me her books were eye-openers, Barbara Brennan is an ex-NASA scientist and the scientific approach she has taken to develop her work and then teach it to others is very clear. I had my confirmation about the human energy field and how it related to other energy concepts I had previously understood.

Meanwhile, I did exercises that I had learnt and used the energy for my throat, and I found that my throat improved considerably. I discovered the chant music of Robbie Gass which is performed to purposefully open the chakras. I experienced my heart chakra open up with a fluttering sensation like the individual petals on a lotus flower, I have found tremendous peace and happiness through wonderful music available today. I was still being bothered by the kundalini which I mainly experience as heat in my back, which at times can be quite intense. It has always been manageable so I get on with life. However, I did go into denial for a while, about the energy in my hands. I had been breaking handles off cups for a few years and things snapped and broke quite easily so I just thought I was clumsy, but after my first workshop it began to dawn on me that maybe something more was going on. Have you ever read these stories where someone buys a new toaster and they found that when it was plugged in, it immediately transmits a radio signal. I started to think that maybe it was an accident, and that I was like the toaster by picking up universal energy with my hands. I also could not believe I could see the energy when others did not. I kept thinking about doing the full course but part of me was worried about what it would mean and what commitment I would have to make. The only reason that I made up my mind to do further training was that if I did have a gift, then it was plain selfish of me not to use it if I could help other people.

Since this time, I have developed my healing capabilities and the understanding of the scientific principles involved, which are carefully explained in my grounding breaking and sensational book, Tuning the Diamonds – Electromagnetism &Spiritual Evolution. As humans face rapid evolutionary change, I feel confident that I understand how to work with people and teach clear principles that will significantly support the process of spiritual evolution.

Susan Joy Rennison

October 2007, based on an article first written in May 2003


Joyfire Science & Metaphysics Integration
Copyright © 2003 – 2025. All rights reserved.

Susan Joy Rennison quotes:

“Space Weather is now a fact of life.”

“We are all astronauts now!”

Tuning The Diamonds,
September 2006

“We must spiritually evolve as part of the new terms & conditions for living on Earth.”

Joyfire Tour – Evolutionary Change, December 2006

“Space Weather will force many changes in how we do business on this planet.”

News of the Imbalance,
April 2007

NASA Press Release:

“Earth and space are about to come into contact in a way that's new to human history.”

“We're on the threshold of a new era in which space weather can be as influential in our daily lives as ordinary terrestrial weather.”

As the Sun Awakens, NASA Keeps a Wary Eye on Space Weather
NASA News, 4th June 2010

White House Executive Order:

“Space weather has the potential to simultaneously affect and disrupt health and safety across entire continents. Successfully preparing for space weather events is an all-of-nation endeavor that requires partnerships across governments, emergency managers, academia, the media, the insurance industry, non-profits, and the private sector.”

Executive Order –– Coordinating Efforts to Prepare the Nation for Space Weather Events
The White House, 13th October 2016

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