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Giant South Dakota hailstone breaks US records
Yahoo News, 30th July 2010
VIVIAN, S.D. – The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration says a giant hailstone that fell in central South Dakota has broken U.S. records, even though the man who found it says it melted somewhat while waiting to be evaluated.

The NOAA's National Climate Extremes Committee says the hailstone found in the town of Vivian on July 23 measures 8 inches in diameter and weighs 1 pound, 15 ounces. The committee says the South Dakota ice chunk breaks records set by hailstones discovered in Nebraska and Kansas. Ranch hand Leslie Scott says the hailstone was about 3 inches larger when he found it. Scott says he put it in the freezer but that he couldn't prevent some melting because of an hours-long power outage that followed the storm.

Maybe these should be renamed brickhail...

Global Temperature And Data Distortions Continue
Canada Free Press, 29th July 2010
Recent reports claim June was the warmest on record, but it seems to fly in the face of reports of record cold from around the world.

Reports from Australia say, “Sydney recorded its coldest June morning today since 1949, with temperatures diving to 4.3 degrees just before 6:00 a.m. (AEST).” “Experts say it is unusual to see such widespread cold weather in June.” In the southern hemisphere reports of cold have appeared frequently but rarely make the mainstream media. “The Peruvian government has declared a state of emergency in more than half the country due to cold weather.” “This week Peru’s capital, Lima, recorded its lowest temperatures in 46 years at 8C, and the emergency measures apply to several of its outlying districts.”

Strange weather, strange clouds and strange sunsets June 7 clouds photo gallery; they could be new form of clouds & Strange Sunset

Sussex man hit by meteorite
The Argus, 24th July 2010
Sussex cricket fan Jan Marszel looked up in amazement as he saw a small, dark round object hurtle towards him on the boundary edge.

But it was not one of Luke Wright’s mammoth pulls coming his way – it was a meteorite that had fallen from outer space – and nearly struck him on the head.

It’s thought to be the first extra-terrestrial crash landing in the UK for nearly 20 years.

The 51-year-old had spent Wednesday afternoon in Uxbridge with friend Richard Haynes watching Sussex battle with Middlesex in a county championship division two clash.

Well, we know that there is a new hazard in space with satellites are being pelted by small space rocks but it seems that some of these rocks are finding their way through Earth's atmosphere and so occasionally, humans are being hit too!

Amazing videos of a rare debris filled tornado moving through Billings, Montana Sunday afternoon
Jackson Weather Examiner, 21st June 2010
One place you do not hear much about tornadoes is Montana but on Sunday, that all changed after a damaging tornado struck the city of Billings.

The National Weather Service in Billings, Montana issued a tornado warning at 424 pm MDT for Central Yellowstone County, Montana after trained weather spotters reported a tornado on the ground just southeast of the city of Billings. The tornado was only moving at 10 mph to the northeast, which allowed many to capture amazing footage of the tornado as it moved through the heart of the city, causing major damage to the Rimrock Auto Arena at Metra Park, leaving pieces strewn over a ¾-mile area. The tornado also damaged a casino, a bar and a laundry operation in the city’s downtown area and leveled a glass shop and broke some gas mains.

The videos are awesome...

Dead penguins wash ashore on Brazil's beaches
Most of the more than 400 birds found in past two months were babes
MSNBC News, 19th July 2010
RIO DE JANEIRO, Brazil — Hundreds of penguins swept from the icy shores of Antarctica and Patagonia are washing up dead on Rio de Janeiro's tropical beaches. More than 400 penguins, most of them young, have been found dead on the beaches of Rio de Janeiro state over the past two months, according to Eduardo Pimenta, superintendent for the state coastal protection and environment agency in the resort city of Cabo Frio. While it is common here to find some penguins — both dead and alive — swept by strong ocean currents from the Strait of Magellan, Pimenta said there have been more this year than at any time in recent memory. Rescuers and those who treat penguins are divided over the possible causes.

Here is a recent report about deep ocean sea creatures appearing on beaches, Task force to clean up seashells from Sea View according to an I-Witness YouTube report, this phenomena has been ignored by the Pakastani government and officials for quite a while now, see 2010 Millions of SeaShells appearing on Pakistani Beaches . It is most likely that these incident are unrelated and just signs of ecological stress.

A Puzzling Collapse of Earth's Upper Atmosphere
NASA News, 15th July 2010
NASA-funded researchers are monitoring a big event in our planet's atmosphere. High above Earth's surface where the atmosphere meets space, a rarefied layer of gas called "the thermosphere" recently collapsed and now is rebounding again.

"This is the biggest contraction of the thermosphere in at least 43 years," says John Emmert of the Naval Research Lab, lead author of a paper announcing the finding in the June 19th issue of the Geophysical Research Letters (GRL). "It's a Space Age record."

The collapse happened during the deep solar minimum of 2008-2009—a fact which comes as little surprise to researchers. The thermosphere always cools and contracts when solar activity is low. In this case, however, the magnitude of the collapse was two to three times greater than low solar activity could explain.

"Something is going on that we do not understand," says Emmert. [...] One possible explanation is carbon dioxide (CO2).

When carbon dioxide gets into the thermosphere, it acts as a coolant, shedding heat via infrared radiation. It is widely-known that CO2 levels have been increasing in Earth's atmosphere. Extra CO2 in the thermosphere could have magnified the cooling action of solar minimum.

"But the numbers don't quite add up," says Emmert. "Even when we take CO2 into account using our best understanding of how it operates as a coolant, we cannot fully explain the thermosphere's collapse."

Hmmm... This is a problem that is facing many different Earth sciences. Even if scientists think they understand what's going on, another set of parameters appear which makes it seem like the rules have changed. Btw the thermosphere has been generally referred to as the ionosphere and in the December 2008, NASA press release Boundary Between Earth's Upper Atmosphere And Space Has Moved To Extraordinarily Low Altitudes, NASA Instruments Document, the term thermosphere was NEVER used!

Paradise found: Water and life return to Iraq's 'Garden of Eden'
The Guardian, 9th July 2010
One of Saddam Hussein's greatest acts of ecological destruction – the draining of the Mesopotamian marshes – has been reversed as birds and rivers return to the region

Saddam Hussein's draining of the Mesopotamian marshes of Iraq – recorded as the Garden of Eden in the Bible - was one of the most infamous outrages of his regime, leaving a vast area of once-teeming river delta a dry, salt-encrusted desert, emptied of insects, birds and the people who lived on them. But nearly two decades later the area is buzzing and twittering with life again after local people and a new breed of Iraqi conservationists have restored much of what was once the world's third largest wetland to some of its former glory. The story of this once almost impossible restoration is told in an exhibition of photographs that has opened in the UK.

A little bit of hope amongst the chaos and destruction and a reminder that nature cooperates and takes advantage of the forces of destruction and creation.

'Doomsday Ark' to be Housed on the Moon
Daily Galaxy, 4th July 2010
“Eventually, it will be necessary to have a kind of Noah’s ark there, a diversity of species from the biosphere."
--Bernard Foing, Chief Scientist/Research, European Space Agency
If the human species should be destroyed on Earth, our future may reside on the Moon if plans being drawn up for a “Doomsday ark” on the moon by the European Space Agency are carried through. The Ark will contain the essentials of life and human civilization, to be activated in the event of earth being devastated by a giant asteroid or nuclear war.

The construction of a lunar information bank, discussed at a conference in Strasbourg last month, would provide survivors on Earth with a remote-access toolkit to rebuild the human race.

A basic version of the ark would contain hard discs holding information such as DNA sequences and instructions for metal smelting or planting crops. It would be buried in a vault just under the lunar surface and transmitters would send the data to heavily protected receivers on earth. if no receivers survived, the ark would continue transmitting the information until new ones could be built.

The vault could later be extended to include natural material including microbes, animal embryos and plant seeds and even cultural relics such as surplus items from museum stores.

This idea has been around for years, and I think it's just talk. I imagine with the fierce space weather that we have been getting, the Van Allen radiation belts will cook astronauts fairly quickly, but we don't know how far advanced space agencies are with spacecraft that utilise a plasma shield against radiation. They would need to create these plasma shields on the moon too. Also: please note WHY these people think Earth is due for destruction, this is explained in my latest essay The Greatest Transition in the History of Mankind

The earthquake lights (EQL) of the 6 April 2009 Aquila earthquake, in Central Italy
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, July 2010
"A physicist from the University of Perugia surveyed local residents after the strong Aquila earthquake and found about 1,000 phenomena were reported, 241 of which were luminous in nature, and 99 of those occurred before the quake. It turns out that "Globular lights, luminous clouds and diffused light were more frequent before the quakes." Courtesy:

The research paper can be downloaded here, but quite delighted to find this research, as earthlights or quakelights associated with earthquakes are now becoming quite common as the planetary refresh enters the final stages. If you have not seen the video taken by missionaries of the massive orange orb that lifted off before the Haiti earthquake, then it's a must see, link

Mexico Declares Emergency In Northern Areas After Hurricane Alex
Wall Street Journal, 2nd July 2010
Mexico's Interior Ministry on Friday declared an emergency in 21 northern municipalities in the wake of Hurricane Alex, including in the industrial city of Monterrey, capital of Nuevo Leon state.

Meanwhile, state electricity firm Comision Federal de Electricidad, or CFE, said it had restored power to most of its customers in the Gulf-coast state of Tamaulipas, where Alex made landfall near the Mexico-U.S. border early Thursday. The Interior Ministry said disaster relief includes emergency funds for food, clothing, shelter and the health-care needs of those forced from their homes.

Local media published pictures of flooded streets and broken-up pavement in the Monterrey metropolitan area after rivers broke their banks amid heavy rainfall. The newspaper El Norte reported several deaths and said six northern states had been affected by rainfall.

Apparently Monterrey was the wealthiest city in Mexico, but it's been flooded by run off from surrounding mountains. The pictures and videos of the damage from Alex are unbelievable, but apparently this was only a cat 2 hurricane. See Video: Monterrey Flood & Images Monterrey Flood Aftermath

Staring into the abyss: Traffic halted as five metre crack tears through Malaysian road
Daily Mail, 1st July 2010
A five metre wide chasm has mysteriously opened in a busy road. The enormous crevice tore through the ground late last night, causing traffic chaos in Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia. Miraculously no one was killed, although one truck was overturned by the force of the collapse. Officials have no explanation for why the giant hole has appeared but confirmed they were looking into it.

Well, maybe it's not just sink holes, but massive cracks appearing now too...

A Very Scary Light Show: Exploding H-Bombs In Space
NPR News, 1st July 2010
Since we're coming up on the Fourth of July, and towns everywhere are preparing their better-than-ever fireworks spectaculars, we would like to offer this humbling bit of history. Back in the summer of 1962, the U.S. blew up a hydrogen bomb in outer space, some 250 miles above the Pacific Ocean. It was a weapons test, but one that created a man-made light show that has never been equaled — and hopefully never will. Here it is:

[...] The scientific basis for these proposals is not clear. Fleming is trying to figure out if Van Allen had any theoretical reason to suppose the military could use the Van Allen belts to attack a hostile nation. He supposes that at the height of the Cold War, the most pressing argument for a military experiment was, "if we don’t do it, the Russians will." And, indeed, the Russians did test atomic bombs and hydrogen bombs in space.

In any case, says the science history professor, "this is the first occasion I've ever discovered where someone discovered something and immediately decided to blow it up."

We have some very rare video footage here. I have highlighted the research of eco-warrior Dr. Rosalie Bertell, who documented the history of US military experiments in our atmosphere. It's very difficult to understand the mentality, but obviously the scientists involved did not think this would destroy the Earth, but it's more likely that the the H-bomb created more negative effects and tightened the noose of radiation around planet Earth. If the real plan was to blast a hole in the Van Allen radiation belts to get into outer space, it failed.

Minor 5.0 earthquake causes damage in Canada, stories across Michigan, 23rd June 2010
First, the ground shook. Next came amazement and a flurry of story-swapping from many West Michigan residents stunned to feel tremors from a 5.0 magnitude quake at 1:45 p.m. on the Ontario-Quebec border.

"It just felt like we were wiggling back and forth, and we all kind of stopped and looked at each other," said Metro Health employee Angie Gravelyn in Wyoming.

"It just kind of kept doing it for 20 seconds or so. We thought maybe part of the building was sinking into the ground

The short video clip is quite funny... Well, things are heating up..., there were rainbow clouds and reports of 2 tornadoes too, see

YouTube Video: Cloud Rainbow? Toronto 2010-06-20
Well I have been talking about these very low frequency emissions that are precursor to earthquakes and they are becoming much more prevalent. The planetary refresh is going into the final stages and quite frankly things are starting to get hazardous. Society at large has not been interested so it's all coming as a bit of a shock and even those who claim to be spiritual, many are parroting their way into a New Age, and obviously don't understand what is happening.

Suspected tornado sparks state of emergency - Ontario, Canada
"Substantial damage"

Global Seed Vault: National Geographic Explores The Arctic Facility (VIDEO)
Huffington Post, 18th June 2010
Take a look inside the global seed vault in this clip from National Geographic's upcoming 3-night special, "How The Earth Changed History".

The seed vault, built to protect the world's food supply in the event of a global crisis, is located on a remote Norwegian island in the Arctic Svalbard archipelago. It was built high enough to avoid rising sea levels, and deep enough into the mountain to be able to withstand a nuclear explosion. The vault is kept at a constant temperature of zero degrees to preserve its contents.

This 'Doomsday' seed vault has been organised in case of a global disaster where it was intitially claimed that one cause could be the complete break down of the world's electricty grid. Of course, as part of my Space Weather research, I picked that up immediately and the information was placed in the introduction of my book. Actually, I think there must be other vaults, because Svalbard does get the occasional earthquake... So, here we get a little look at what the elite have organised... maybe some need a little reassurance that everything will be alright... for them...

Planet alignment raises tsunami fears
Bangkok Post, 12th June 2010
Reports that the alignment of the planets might cause a tsunami in Andaman coastal provinces have led to emergency evacuation drills being conducted on an island in Surat Thani. [...]

The drill also included practice search and rescue operations for passengers of capsized vessels using a helicopter and a police patrol boat.

Earlier, Kongpop U-yen, a Thai engineer who works at the US National Aeronatics and Space Administration (Nasa), said the alignment of the planets today could cause natural disasters such as earthquakes and tsunamis. NDWC chief Smith Dharmasarojana agreed with the forecast, saying it was backed by scientific data. The forecast, however, met with criticism from the scientific community as authorities did not clarify the prediction.

Mr Smith recently said during a TV interview that a solar eclipse was due to occur on June 12 as a result of the alignment of the Earth, the moon and the sun. He said the alignment would release considerable cumulative energy, which could affect the Earth. Mr Smith, quoting Mr Kongpop, said the phenomenon would have a direct impact on the Earth in the forms of climate disruption, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.

As to which part of the world would be affected by the disasters, Mr Kongpop said that depended on the time the sun unleashed its energy. It was hard to exactly locate the target area as the Earth revolved around the sun, he said. Mr Smith said that Southeast Asia could be the first region to be affected if the planetary alignment, due to occur at 6.30pm local time, triggers natural disasters. A 7.0-8.5 magnitude earthquake on the Richter scale could occur, possibly causing a tsunami.

Well, times are certainly changing! It was not that long ago that scientists refused to believe that planetary alignments had any impact on Earth. Btw, the prediction was correct, there was a 7.7 earthquake and now there is a tsunami warning in progress, see below...

Tsunami alert for Indian Ocean after earthquake hits India's Nicobar Islands, 13th June 2010
"THE Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre has issued a regional tsunami watch for all areas of the Indian ocean following a 7.7 earthquake near India's Nicobar Islands."

China: cracks in the Three Gorges Dam, so 300,000 people can wave goodbye to their homes
Telegraph Blog, 7th June 2010
In China, cracks are appearing – in the neighbourhood of the massive Three Gorges Dam, the country’s great prestige project, and also in the Great Internet Firewall of China, enabling the ominous news to leak out. Three years ago stories were already emerging in the Chinese media about landslides, ecological deterioration and accumulation of algae further down the river. And less and less effort seems to be made to plug the leaks. Recent media reports tell of a series of landslips, minor earthquakes and cracks appearing in roads and buildings along the central section of the Yangtse, between the dam and the city of Chongqing. Almost 10,000 “dangerous sites” have been identified,

Well, the Three Gorges Dam is the biggest hydroelectric power station in the whole world, so if it breaks and the authorities are slow, it could be a massive disaster. Folks are talking about the prophecy of Raging Wind Blackfoot, which is quite interesting, so we do not have long to see whether we have changed timelines, but the fact the dam has cracks and the prophecy is relatively recent, seems like it could be fulfilled.

Sudden Sinkhole Outbreak Raises Fear in China
Epoch Times, 7th June 2010
While the Guatemalans are wondering if the giant sinkhole formed on June 1 in their capital city is an isolated case, on the other side of the globe, the Chinese have discovered at least eight sinkholes that suddenly formed in the past two weeks across their country, and many more have appeared during the past two months. The latest known sinkhole formed at 12:25 a.m. Beijing time on June 4, in the middle of a freeway in Zhejiang Province on the nation’s eastern coast. The sinkhole measured 20 feet deep and 27 feet wide. [...]

The outbreak of sinkholes has struck fear in Chinese people. Though reports in official media always quote “experts” that conclude such holes are not warning signs of another major earthquake, people have little trust in such comments.

I was very undecided about the Guatemalan sink hole, even after more major media outlets confirmed it was genuine. However, there just seems to be a rising tide of reports, so maybe something major is occuring. See also, Tropical storm leaves more than 115 dead in Central America & A family of 4 dies in sinkhole in Canada - photo gallery . There have been quite a few other stories, but in terms of an explanation, I can't understand just how clean cut those sides are... See also: 13 of the Biggest, Strangest, and Most Devastating Sinkholes on Earth Update:
Guatemala Sinkhole Created by Humans, Not Nature

Ryanair's Michael O'Leary claims ashcloud 'was mythical'
Independe News, 1st June 2010
Michael O'Leary has refused to soften his stance on compensation as he admitted the volcanic ash cloud cost the airline around €50m.

Ryanair's chief executive said his airline was gearing up for a legal challenge against "unfair" EU regulations, which forced carriers to cover the costs of refreshments and accommodation for passengers who could not get home. Mr O'Leary said the firm planned to use the top 20 "most ludicrous" claims as part of a test case in the courts.

He said one customer stranded in the Canary Isles, hoping to return to Dublin, put in a claim for €3,000 for a luxury apartment. The outspoken boss said the "mythical" cloud had left his business with a bill of around €50m so far. "There was no ash cloud," he told a press conference on Tuesday.

"It was mythical. We've not been able to find it." He went on: "It's become evident the airspace closure was completely unnecessary."

Well, I am intrigued! So, my strange thought that maybe airspace over Europe was closed down in order to investigate UAP phenomena might not be so far fetched. If the ash cloud really was mythical, and quite frankly, the ash cloud models looked convincing, then I am sure there must be a few wondering what was really going on...

Giant ash cloud threatens flights in Pacific, 31st May 2010
A giant plume of volcanic ash is disrupting flights in the Pacific and threatening villagers in Vanuatu, echoing similar problems which caused chaos in Europe, scientists and officials said Monday.

Forecasters in New Zealand said the cloud, spewing from Vanuatu's Mount Yasur volcano, was about 6,000 feet (1,800 metres) high and covered an area of about 132 square miles. Tourists have been urged to stay away from the volcano on Tanna island, which has disrupted domestic flights in neighbouring New Caledonia. Peter Korisa of the National Disaster Management Office, who is on Tanna to assess the situation, said lava and hot rocks had been spewing from the volcano and ash was raining down on nearby villages. "There are 6,000 people in the villages around the volcano, we're not moving them out yet," Korisa told AFP.

"All tourists and tourist operators have been asked to not access the volcano. The access is restricted."

More volcanoes going up, meanwhile people just complain about disruptions, however some of these volcanoes could wipe out life on vast parts of Earth...

What happens if a hurricane hits the Gulf Oil Slick?
Watts Up With That, 30th May 2010

There’s been a lot of worry and speculation over what will happen if a hurricane and the gulf oil spill collide. In response, the National Hurricane Center (NHC) has prepared a document answering some of the questions. There’s of course, a lot of uncertainty too.

What will happen to a hurricane that runs through this oil slick?

• Most hurricanes span an enormous area of the ocean (200-300 miles) — far wider than the current size of the spill.
• If the slick remains small in comparison to a typical hurricane’s general environment and size, the anticipated impact on the hurricane would be minimal.
• The oil is not expected to appreciably affect either the intensity or the track of a fully developed tropical storm or hurricane.
• The oil slick would have little effect on the storm surge or near-shore wave heights.

Comment: Written by meteorologist Anthony Watts. I thought this might help some who are very concerned about this escalating disaster.

Ring of fire in the sky: Storm clouds form an astonishing circle at sunset in Hungary
Daily Mail, 26th May 2010
A circle of clouds forms a ring of fire above the Hungarian countryside as the sun sets after a day of torrential rain and hail storms which brought havoc to the country and much of central Europe. This dramatic picture was taken after more than 2,000 people were forced from their homes in northern Hungary as flash floods triggered by heavy weekend rains blocked off villages and cut power in parts of the country. Unusually bad weather, with heavy gusts of wind and two months' worth of rain in some areas, sent water levels surging to record highs on smaller rivers.

Don't these clouds just look angry! There seems to be more examples lately too... I note the comments that people do not believe the cloud formation type given here, it does not matter because we are tracking the occurrence of these highly electrified clouds.

'Rain cloud is mostly made of bacteria'
The Times of India, 25th May 2010
BOZEMAN (MONTANA): Walking across the campus of Montana State University here, David Sands, a plant pathologist, says the blanket of snow draped over the mountains around town contains a surprise. The cause of most of it, he said, is a living organism, a bacterium, called pseudomonas syringae.

In the last few years, Sands and other researchers have accumulated evidence that the well-known group of bacteria, long known to live on agricultural crops, are far more widespread and may be part of a little-studied weather ecosystem. The principle is well accepted, but how widespread the phenomenon is remains a matter of debate.

Yes, it's a surprising fact, but the skies are filled with bacteria that act as cloud condensation nuclei, but as the universe is filled with dust – that is mostly dessicated bacteria – it should be no surprise, but the education system tends to avoid the subject.

Bridge’s St. Vitus dance
RT News, 21st May 2010
Motorists using a bridge in the southern Russian city of Volgograd were given the ride of a lifetime by a powerful gust of wind.

No, I don't think this was caused just by a gust of wind! The bridge experienced energy at it's resonant frequency and hence it started to 'dance'.
"Flutter is a self-starting and potentially destructive vibration where aerodynamic forces on an object couple with a structure's natural mode of vibration to produce rapid periodic motion. Flutter can occur in any object within a strong fluid flow, under the conditions that a positive feedback occurs between the structure's natural vibration and the aerodynamic forces. That is, that the vibrational movement of the object increases an aerodynamic load which in turn drives the object to move further." Flutter
The next question is: why does the bridge not dance more often, because wind is not a rare phenomena? I would suggest that slightly different atmospheric conditions combined to generate the necessary aerodynamics. Maybe, the bridge reacted to a shock wave from something man-made or natural like the jet-stream touching down. At the moment, geomagnetic conditions have been quiet to unsettled. The natural hypothesis has to be considered as we are now regularly experiencing a wide variety of "rare" atmospheric phenomena where scientists appear to not fully understand the factors involved. There are also frequent stories now of "rogue waves". Another link here Thanks Romanov for the tip! Update: Europe's longest bridge closed after it wobbles
"A seven-kilometre-long bridge over the Volga River has been closed after the structure started to wobble. The bridge in Volgograd, southern Russia was built last year at a cost of £55m, and opened in October 2009."

Hail Storm Oklahoma City [US]
YouTube, 16th May 2010
This was the most insane hail storm or storm in general I have ever seen! it was May 16th 2010. Sorry about all of the 'oh my Gods'. I was just in shock.

Wild, wild wild! Classic footage, however it falls short because we don't know whether there were some brick sized conglomerates, tennis balls, cricket balls, or baseball sized, but I think we can rule out golf balls, especially after the hail storm really gets going....

Rainbow similar to before China and Chile quake seen over Los Angeles
The Weather Space, 13th May 2010
San Diego residents are reporting shaking continuing in the area. The shaking, according to the USGS, is likely due to the Easter quake this year which rocked the region.

Twitter is rolling with reports of rainbow cloud over Los Angeles today. Reports are coming in that this looks similar to before both the China and Chile quakes where residents reported and took photos of such events in the sky.

While no one can be sure what it means, people should always be prepared for a major Earthquake in Southern California as it is seismically active.

I think the best advice is that people should be prepared... There are very low frequency EM emissions that can be detected – even from satellites in space. Most systems are experimental because there does not seem anyway to tell if something will occur within a day or a week. Larger image: Twitpic - Fire rainbow over downtown LA

Weird Clouds Look Even Better From Space
Wired News, 12th May 2010
Clouds are fascinating because they take on so many different, beautiful shapes and are constantly changing. Cloud-watching from Earth can be endlessly entertaining, but some of the most amazing cloud patterns can only be properly appreciated from space.

Satellites can take in thousands of miles of the Earth’s surface in one shot, revealing complicated and intriguing cloud patterns we could never see from below. We’ve gathered here some of the best cloud formations to see from above.

Some very intriguing images.

The Crystals at the Center of the Earth
Wired News, 11th May 2010
The iron alloys in the solid inner core of the Earth appear to have crystallized in such a way that it’s easier for energy to pass on the north-south axis than on the east-west, as described in a new study led by Maurizio Mattesini, a geologist at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, which appeared in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

“The structure of the atoms looks different in one direction than the other,” explained Norm Sleep, a Stanford geologist who was not part of the new study, [...] “The center of the earth is literally a crystal,” said Stephenson. Over time, it grew and now is no longer a single crystal but an aggregate of them.

In the mid-1990s, geologists began to notice an interesting thing. Seismic waves traveling north-south were reaching their destinations about 3 percent faster than waves moving along east-west paths.

“It’s one of these things that’s been detected for some time but kind of why it occurs has been somewhat of a puzzle,” Sleep said. They didn’t know why, but then again, the middle of the globe is perhaps the most difficult place to gather data on Earth.

Well, it's taken scientists quite some time to publish some new information on Earth's crystal core. Unfortunately the article does not mention that the latest research reveals a better solution has been found for the data to explain the properties of the inner core. Again, no discussion of whether the core is actually a plasma crystal which would seem more logical.

Whatever Happened to the Hole in the Ozone Layer?
Yahoo News, 6th May 2010
Three British scientists shocked the world when they revealed on May 16th, 1985 - 25 years ago - that aerosol chemicals, among other factors, had torn a hole in the ozone layer over the South Pole. The ozone layer, which protects life on Earth from damaging solar radiation, became an overnight sensation. And the hole in the ozone layer became the poster-child for mankind's impact on the planet.

Today, the ozone hole - actually a region of thinned ozone, not actually a pure hole - doesn't make headlines like it used to. The size of the hole has stabilized, thanks to decades of aerosol-banning legislation. But, scientists warn, some danger still remains. [...]

The ozone layer has also thinned over the North Pole. This thinning is predicted to continue for the next 15 years due to weather-related phenomena that scientists still cannot fully explain,

Hmmm... see archives for previous comment on the link between cosmic rays, the Earth's magnetic field and the real cause of the hole in the ozone layer. By the way there is no real hole, it's just places in the statosphere (15 - 30km) in the Earth's upper atmosphere where the layer of ozone just gets very thin. This region is also over the poles and not over the industrialised areas because of the Earth's magnetic field. However, it seems obvious to me that since the Earth's magnetic field is now quite unreliable, and we are getting flooded with cosmic rays, that the Ozone hole is MUCH more likely to be getting thinner. I am also surprised that researchers have revealed that the link between the size of the 'hole' and global temps and the media have picked this up. Meanwhile DON'T BE ALARMED and CNN, Sun's halo - 'gift from God,' 'end of days' or just pretty? have reported alarmed folk in Cebu City, the Philippines. Now, if this was a common occurence, why would they be alarmed! Yes, the conventional explanation is ice crystals but there is another phenomena of 'diamond dust'. There is also some discussion of light reflecting through the thin ozone layer causing the ring but this is much more speculative.

Cannes struggles to prepare for festival as unseasonal wind and waves batter coast
The Guardian, 5th May 2010
Waves up to 10 metres high overturn cars and damage restaurants in Côte d'Azur a week before film festival

France's Côte d'Azur was struggling today to retain its seasonal spirit after huge waves and strong winds left the coastline badly damaged a week before the world's rich and famous are due to arrive for the 63rd Cannes film festival.

Waves between four and 10 metres high crashed into the Promenade des Anglais in Nice and the Croisette in Cannes yesterday afternoon, overturning cars and battering seafront restaurants.

Oh well, how inconvenient for the rich and famous! So, if the Earth's tilt has changed even if ever so slightly, it will explain all the stories of freak waves, but at this moment in time, I am not linking stories about a coming Ice Age with the examples of inclement weather, but others are. Also:

RED RAINBOW: Muncie, Indiana [US], 5th May 2010
Yesterday in Muncie, Indiana, the sun was just about to set when--"Wow! This red rainbow popped up out of nowhere," reports Mike Hutchinson. "It hung there for about 15 minutes--just enough time to grab my camera and snap a rain-splattered picture."

What made the rainbow red? Simple. The sun itself was red. "The sun was low in the west and strongly reddened by atmospheric scattering and ominous-looking clouds," says Hutchinson.

The real question. according to Hutchinson, is why the inside of the rainbow was so much brighter red than the outside. Atmospheric optics expert Les Cowley has the answer: "A rainbow is not just a set of colored rings, but rather a set of colored disks. The sky inside is bright because raindrops direct light there, too." All rainbows have this property, but it is particularly evident when the sky above the 'bow is dark and cloudy--as it was on May 3rd in Muncie, Indiana.

I had to get my book book out again, Rare Halos, Mirages, Anomalous Rainbows and Related Electromagnetic Phenomena by William R. Corliss. Apparently red rainbows are rare but explainable and examples from 1922, 1928, 1978 and one with no date were given, but interestingly, 3 out of 4 of these examples were reported in the UK, the other was in Montana, US. I am not sure we can accept the explanation here as adequate! Corliss writes: "When the sun is low in the sky, the shorter wavelengths in sunlight are scatteredby the atmosphere, leaving the longer wavelengths -- predominately red-- to form a rainbow. Corliss cites the example with no date, but recorded in 1974 as there being a red rainbow for about 30 secs, but the sun had already set! I'm not even sure I am satisfied with this. What is causing the scattering in THIS PARTICULAR INSTANCE and is DIFFERENT TO NORMAL? REMEMBER THIS IS RARE!

Laser creates clouds over Germany
New Scientist, 2nd May 2010
A laser has been used to generate small clouds on demand in lab, and real-world experiments suggest this could be a way to call down rain when it's needed. [...]

In the lab the team fired extremely short pulses of infrared laser light into a chamber of water-saturated air at -24 °C. Linear clouds could be seen to form in the laser's wake, like a miniature airplane contrail. Kasparian says that the laser pulses generate clouds by stripping electrons from atoms in air, which encourage the formation of hydroxyl radicals. Those convert sulphur and nitrogen dioxides in air into particles that act as seeds to grow water droplets. [...]

However, conditions of extremely high humidity at low temperature like those of the lab experiment are unlike those seen in the atmosphere, says Daniel Rosenfeld, an atmospheric scientist at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel. "Whatever has been documented in this experiment is of little relevance to natural clouds," he says.

Some people would argue that cosmic rays are actually plasmas and that this process occurs naturally to create clouds, see articles on Svensmark's cosmoclimatology (cosmic ray cloud formation and climate modulation hypothesis). What's interesting is the short video clip and the spiralling plasma demonstrating a Birkeland current.

New evidence may solve mystery of the origin of water on Earth
Times Online, 29th April 2010
Scientists have found new evidence that the water on Earth was delivered by asteroids during the earliest years of the solar system. The development comes after two teams of scientists independently discovered the first “wet” asteroid, paving the way for the first experimental proof of a longstanding mystery surrounding the origin of water on Earth.

Scientists believe that the Earth was formed barren. During a period of intense bombardment, between 4.1 and 3.8 billion years ago, ice-covered comets and asteroids could have delivered water. It had been assumed that these asteroids would have now dried out.

Well, a reliable metaphysical source has already confirmed that Earth got it's water by a massive cosmic delivery. More evidence that Earth is not a closed system by any means and that universal intelligence is at work organising life on this planet.

Is the Earth's core solid?
Discovery News, 26th April 2010
The core is composed mostly of an iron-nickel alloy and, as Princeton geosciences professor Jeroen Tromp explains, it didn't always possess a solid center. "The inner core is basically the result of the slow cooling of the outer core," Tromp says. "The temperature drops below the melting point at the inner core boundary so over time, slowly, the inner core has crystallized within the liquid outer core. That will continue and eventually there won't be a liquid outer core anymore. It will be gone." The solidification of the outer core will take billions of years, but future inhabitants of Earth certainly will notice the difference. The liquid portion of the core is crucial to the processes that produce Earth's magnetic field. Without that magnetic field, the planet would be much more exposed to solar wind, a deadly stream of highly charged particles.

The article is not very informative, Tromp tells us that the Earth's core is crystalline and nobody gets serious and tells us about the impact of plasma from the solar wind spiralling down the polar cusps at the poles to make an impact inside the core. This is more interesting and probably relevant: Lopsided Growth at the Earth's Core "Their data pinpoints specific regional variations in the structure of the core that are in addition to the hemispheric east-west lopsidedness, and may likewise be attributed to the preferential alignment of iron. On top of that, the patterns of variations these researchers found in the Earth’s core match up directly with the shape of the Earth’s magnetic field—a finding that suggests the core’s growth has been coupled to the planet’s magnetic field since it first formed."

Remember that ash cloud? It didn't exist, says new evidence
Daily Mail, 26th April 2010
Britain's airspace was closed under false pretences, with satellite images revealing there was no doomsday volcanic ash cloud over the entire country. Skies fell quiet for six days, leaving as many as 500,000 Britons stranded overseas and costing airlines hundreds of millions of pounds. Estimates put the number of Britons still stuck abroad at 35,000. However, new evidence shows there was no all-encompassing cloud and, where dust was present, it was often so thin that it posed no risk.

Sometimes you really have to wonder. I am in Switzerland and I could taste dust in my mouth for a few days and I could even see where I had walked a very fine white ash into my home. But as I have already outlined, the flight ban may have served another purpose.

The 'UFO' that's an IFO, and volcanic lightning
Komon News, 22nd April 2010
It looks like a cross between something seen on "V" and a beret, but actually this circular cloud pictured above is just a harmless lenticular cloud. The photo was taken by Annie Roehr over the weekend. (Larger resolution version here.) The cloud might look like a hat, but it's actually several thin layers of clouds stacked upon each other like a stack of pancakes.

Hmmm... there are some strange and menancing looking clouds these days...

Airlines Blame Flawed Computer Modeling For Up To $1.7 Billion Loss
WUWT, 21st April 2010
The Met Office has been blamed for triggering the “unnecessary” six-day closure of British airspace which has cost airlines, passengers and the economy more than £1.5 billion.–The Telegraph 19 April, 2010 [...]

Global airlines have lost about $1.7bn of revenue as a result of the disruptions caused by the Icelandic volcanic eruption, a body has said. Giovanni Bisignani, chief executive of IATA, criticised governments for the haste with which they closed airspace, and called on them to provide compensation to the airlines. “Airspace was being closed based on theoretical models, not on facts. Test flights by our members showed that the models were wrong.” –BBC, 21 April 2010

The last few days have seen lots of conflicting reports, so I thought I would wait for the dust to settle, if you can excuse the pun. Here the issue is the discrediting of the UK Met Office and computer models. This is looking very bad for science that seems to have lost it's way in trying to model reality when the truth is they do not understand all the natural laws and this will become more acute as scientists realise that Earth is not a "closed" system. Anyway, the refrain now, which will be most meaningful for the British is, 'it was the wrong kind of ash'.

Reports of Luminous Seas
Edge Science, April 2010
[...] Luminous phenomena like those seen by Chief Officer Peter Newton are so elusive, so impossible to drag into the lab, that they are likely to remain a mystery for a long time. Until then, those who have seen them will believe, and those who have not are likely to laugh. When Newton is back home in England, he keeps his mouth shut about what he saw in the Gulf of Oman. “It’s not something I would bring up at a party or a bar” he says. “They would think I was mad. But people at sea believe me. Seamen tend to believe each other. There is no reason not to. You see many strange things at sea.”

In the past I have linked this Lightwheel phenomena to crop circles but really it's still a big mystery and maybe humans will have to accept for a while that this Universe is much more complex and diverse than we are able to imagine.

A rare Earthquake hits Australia. Does this place look familiar? Is a picture emerging?
Colin Andres, 20th April 2010
It should if you have been following the unexplained strange symbols appearing on Australian weather radar since January 15th just over three months ago.

The first strange ring reported to me and that started my research was near Kalgoorlie- Boulder in West Australia, at the same location as today’s Earthquake. Today’s rare quake does raise the obvious question: Is it part of the radar story or is it ‘The’ story? And of course they may be totally unconnected.

This is interesting...

Ash cloud models – overrated? A word on Post Normal Science by Dr. Jerome Ravetz
WUWT, 19th April 2010
“We sent ten Boeing 747 and Airbus 340 jets on transfer flights from Munich to Frankfurt,” Lufthansa spokesman Klaus Walther told the paper. The planes were moved in order to be in the most useful place once the ban is lifted, he explained.

“Our machines flew to a height of 24,000 feet, or around 8,000 metres. In Frankfurt the machines were examined by our technicians. They didn’t find the slightest scratch on the cockpit windscreens, on the outer skin nor in the engines.”

“The flight ban, which is completely based on computer calculations, is causing economic damage in the billions. This is why, for the future, we demand that dependable measurements must be available before a flight ban is imposed.”

Oh dear! This is really not looking good for environmental computer modelling.
Quote : dickmnixon (08:24:28) : All of this has been based on the MET’s computer models????
‘Air Berlin CEO Joachim Hunold criticized the fact that the results of test flights had no influence on the decision of the air traffic control authorities as to whether to reopen airspace in countries across Europe. “In Germany, no one has even sent up a weather balloon to measure if volcanic ash is in the air, and if so, how much,” Hunold told the Süddeutsche Zeitung newspaper.’ link
There is also a massive breaking story here if it is true... see Comment: RajKapoor (08:20:17) : See below email exchange on Iceland volcano links to money and climate change. Seems like something is rotten in the state of Iceland!!!

Volcanic ash grounds Britain for days to come
Times Online, 18th April 2010
BRITAIN faces being grounded for the coming week as the cloud of volcanic ash hovering over the country threatens to stay put until Friday. The Met Office warned that northerly winds are pushing it south from Iceland rather than sending it eastwards towards Scandinavia. All flights to and from Britain have been cancelled until at least 1pm today but this deadline may be pushed back again. BA and Ryanair said their earliest flights would be tomorrow. The crisis is costing cash-strapped British and Irish airlines £28m a day. Worldwide, airlines are losing £130m a day.

There are lots of mainstream and alternative commentators talking about karma and they are quite serious...

Limbaugh: Volcanic ash cloud is God’s punishment for health care
Raw Story, 17th April 2010

Airlines search for safe paths through ash as travel pressure mounts
Times Online, 18th April 2010

Airlines carry out test flights in Europe's ash-filled skies
LA Times, 19th April 2010
"Air France, KLM and Lufthansa send out jets carrying only crew members in an attempt to show that flying conditions are safe despite the volcanic ash. The flights landed without incident, they say."

A cloud of ash from Iceland's Eyjafjallajokull volcano is drifting across Europe today. This has caused a massive disruption in air travel, as many countries have grounded their planes. On the bright side, the cloud is causing sunsets of rare beauty. Europeans should look west at the end of the day. Images: #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7, #8, #9, #10.

The Big Picture: Iceland's disruptive volcano, 15th April 2010
Today, British civil aviation authorities ordered the country's airspace closed as of noon, due to a cloud of ash drifting from the erupting Eyjafjallajökull volcano in Iceland. The volcano has erupted for the second time in less than a month, melting ice, shooting smoke and steam into the air and forcing hundreds of people to flee rising floodwaters. The volcanic ash has forced the cancellation of many flights and disrupted air traffic across northern Europe, stranding thousands of passengers. Collected here are photos of the most recent eruption, and of last month's eruptions, which were from the same volcano, just several miles further east. (18 photos total)

Great Pictures, but this is not the volcano that they were worried about... See, Iceland's eruptions could have global consequences

"Scientists say history has proven that when the Eyjafjallajokull volcano erupts, Katla follows — the only question is how soon. And Katla, located under the massive Myrdalsjokull icecap, threatens disastrous flooding and explosive blasts when it blows." Also,

Iceland volcano from space: The dramatic ash plume engulfing Britain and 'nightmarish face' seen from above

Volcanic ash shuts air space across Europe
Heathrow, world’s second busiest airport, and much of Europe affected
MSNBC News, 15th April 2010
LONDON - Ash clouds from Iceland's spewing volcano disrupted air traffic across Europe on Thursday as authorities closed air space over Britain, Ireland and the Nordic countries.

Tens of thousands of passengers were stranded as flights were canceled and it was not clear when it would be safe enough to fly again.

Britain's Civil Aviation Authority said non-emergency flights would be banned in all airports until at least 6 p.m. (1 p.m. EDT). Irish authorities also closed their air space for at least eight hours, along with closures by aviation authorities in Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Finland.

As some climate scientists have long known, volcanic eruptions help Earth to self-regulate any increases in atmospheric temperatures, but humans will have to be concerned about the effect on food production. WUWT Satellite images

Countries Airspace Status
  • UK Airspace closed:
  • Republic of Ireland Airspace closed:
  • Norway Partial or planned closures:
  • Sweden (total closure by 2000 GMT)
  • Denmark (total by 1600 GMT)
  • Finland (northern airspace closed till 1200 GMT Friday)
  • Belgium (total from 1430 GMT)
  • Netherlands (being shut progressively)
  • France (northern airports by 2100 GMT)
  • Norway Partial or planned closures:
  • Belgium, Sweden and Denmark announced they would be shutting their entire airspace, northern Finland was closed and the Netherlands was being closed progressively. French aviation officials said on Thursday afternoon that the main airports in Paris and other airports in the north of the country were to be closed. Details here. If you are sick, the UK military may help you, see
    Icelandic volcano ash cloud: No planes to leave UK before 7am tomorrow morning
    "Experts say the ash could take between 24 and 36 hours to drift across the UK if there is no volcanic activity." This is a Norwegian animation showing the expected spread of volcanic ash over Europe here.

    Bodies piling up ‘like a hill’ after China quake
    Rescuers fight freezing temperatures and altitude sickness to find survivors
    MSNBC News, 15th April 2010
    "It appeared China was turning down offers of help from foreign rescue teams. Zou said the affected area was limited. "So we do have enough rescue teams," he told a news conference in Beijing, adding the offers of help were appreciated. [...]

    The influx of rescue workers was producing unintended effects, taxing the normally scarce resources of remote Yushu, where the altitude averages around 13,000 feet. [...]

    "Lots of our rescue workers are suffering from different degrees of altitude sickness. The effectiveness and capabilities of the sniffer dogs have also been affected," he told the same news conference in Beijing."

    Earthquake in China leaves hundreds dead and thousands injured
    Police report shortage of relief equipment after magnitude 7.1 quake hits Yushu county in north-west province of Qinghai
    The Guardian, 14th April 2010
    At least 400 people have been killed and more have been injured or trapped in rubble after a series of earthquakes in north-west China. Officials said more than 10,000 people were injured and six quakes hit Yushu county, Qinghai province.

    Army trucks have been sent to the remote area, 480 miles away from the provincial capital, Xining, to aid rescue and relief efforts. Witnesses reported the collapse of many brick and wood buildings, with people scrabbling through the debris to free those trapped inside.

    Half the buildings at the Yushu vocational school are said to have collapsed.

    China earthquakes: timeline of deadly disasters

    Giant Natural Particle Accelerator Above Thunderclouds
    Science Daily, 14th April 2010
    [...] When particularly intense lightning discharges in thunderstorms coincide with high-energy particles coming in from space (cosmic rays), nature provides the right conditions to form a giant particle accelerator above the thunderclouds. [...] The accelerated electrons then develop into a narrow particle beam which can propagate from the lowest level of the atmosphere (the troposphere), through the middle atmosphere and into near-Earth space, where the energetic electrons are trapped in the Earth's radiation belt and can eventually cause problems for orbiting satellites. These are energetic events and for the blink of an eye, the power of the electron beam can be as large as the power of a small nuclear power plant. [...]

    The zone above thunderstorms has been a suspected natural particle accelerator since the Scottish physicist and Nobel Prize winner Charles Thomson Rees Wilson speculated about lightning discharges above these storms in 1925. [...]

    Dr Fullekrug comments: "It's intriguing to see that nature creates particle accelerators just a few miles above our heads.

    It's amazing to see how history gets changed. CTR Wilson's observations were basically ignored by the mainstream science community for nearly 70 years! Anyway, the interest here is that these scientists are NOT explaining how this energy is being collimated and it seems that this article is confusing two phenomena 1. sprites and 2. TGFs (Terrestrial gamma-ray flashes). In my book, I linked these TGFs that are produced by "electron beams" that were first noted in the mid 1990s, blasting out from Earth's atmosphere out into space and I suggested that they were a known plasma phenomena, produced in a relaxation oscillator circuit. I did not add any details but it requires two capacitors one of which will be a thunderstorm cloud but the other capacitor will be held in Earth's magnetosphere, which hosts various radiation belts. At this moment in time, this is an explanation from plasma physics and is well known to electrical engineeers, but it's yet to be challenged by the scientific community.

    Extraordinary Number of US Earth Quakes - Still Climbing
    Hidden Mysteries, 12th April 2010
    The shaking hasn't stopped after a 7.2 earthquake rattled the U.S. and Mexico Easter Sunday. Yesterday around 2 a.m. local time, a respectable 4.5 quake rattled San Diego, which was followed by more than a dozen Richter 3's in the same area. [...]

    Over 3,700 quakes have hit the U.S in the last week. [...] That leaves the vast majority – over 3,270 – pummeling California. That is mighty!

    Hmmm.... There is a good fault map here and it seems that the earthquake creep has been up the Elsinore Fault and not the San Andreas Fault but the earthquakes seemed to have "staggered" across to the San Jacinto/Coyote Creek Faults. I have never seen anything like it, quite amazing.

    Lightning-powered mushrooms could boost food yields
    New research finds that mushrooms and some vegetables multiply rapidly when struck by lightning.
    Mother Nature Network, 9th April 2010
    Japanese farming lore has long observed that plentiful mushroom harvests tend to follow thunderstorms. Now researchers at Iwate University in northern Japan have confirmed the legend, finding that some mushrooms more than double their yields when jolted by electricity.

    The results could lead to new harvesting methods which would significantly increase food production. That's good news for a Japanese food industry where mushrooms are a popular staple, and where around 50,000 tons of mushrooms must be imported a year, mainly from China and South Korea, just to meet the high demand.

    Lightning delivers universal energies and information from the cosmos, as we know that radio signals are continously being given off in lightning bursts that occur 50-100 times per second, in the concurrent 2000 thunderstorms occuring around the planet. Therefore, it's interesting that scientists have confirmed that mushrooms can directly utilise this energy and information, but it's even more intriguing that a few humans gain new powers if they are struck by lightning and survive. Actually, some spiritual traditions deliberately seek specific lightning discharges for enlightenment purposes, despite the dangers. There is some more interesting topics here, 5 natural events that science can't explain The talk of Naga Fireballs and Earthquake lights are now quite topical!

    7.8 Earthquake Shakes Indonesia
    Voice of America, 6th April 2010
    A 7.8 magnitude earthquake has jolted the Indonesian island of Sumatra and triggered a local tsunami watch. The U.S. Geological Survey says the quake struck before dawn Wednesday. It was centered about 205 kilometers northwest of the island, 46 kilometers under the Indian Ocean.

    The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center says a local tsunami watch has been issued, but a widespread destructive tsunami is not expected. There is no word yet on damage or casualties. But witnesses report a power blackout on Simeulue Island, west of Aceh province.

    Some folks are getting very nervous. No wonder, for those paying attention, there are a lot of factors in play... The magnetosphere is STILL getting hammered...

    Chopra Blames Own Meditation for Baja Quake
    AOL News, 5th April 2010
    The U.S. Geological Survey is blaming day-to-day seismological changes for Sunday's 7.2 earthquake along the U.S.-Mexico border. But Deepak Chopra, the famed alternative-medicine practitioner and transcendental meditation guru, is pretty sure he knows what really happened.

    "Had a powerful meditation just now -- caused an earthquake in Southern California," Chopra wrote to his nearly 179,000 Twitter followers shortly after the quake. And then, to clarify: "Was meditating on Shiva mantra & earth began to shake," he tweeted. "Sorry about that." [...]

    Transcendental meditation (TM) was largely popularized by Chopra, who's been dubbed "McMeditation" for the multimillion-dollar profits he's earned off books, DVDs and his Chopra Center for Wellbeing in Carlsbad, Calif. -- where a six-day mind-body wellness program runs around $2,500.

    Was he joking? Does he not realise that people died? How can he expect serious minded people to take him seriously now? By the way, this is not over, small earthquakes are moving up the San Andreas fault, see the latest, Baja, California aftershock pattern creeping north - 8th April 2010 Google Map, of the Los Angeles, San Diego, and earthquake swarm area... here

    Magnitude 7.2 quake strikes Baja California
    Assoicated presss, 4th April 2010
    LOS ANGELES — A strong earthquake south of the U.S.-Mexico border Sunday swayed high-rises in downtown Los Angeles and San Diego and was felt across Southern California and Arizona, knocking out power and breaking pipes in some areas but causing no major damage. The 7.2-magnitude quake struck at 3:40 p.m. in Baja California, Mexico, about 19 miles southeast of Mexicali, according to the U.S. Geological Survey. It was initially reported as a magnitude-6.9 quake. The updated magnitude was still an estimate, according to USGS seismologist Lucy Jones. [...]

    The 7.2-magnitude quake was felt as far north as Santa Barbara, USGS seismologist Susan Potter said.

    For more background information, see the article at, The San Andreas Fault In a Youtube video [6:06], a guy describes his dream that is fairly specific and warns of a 7.2 and then a 7.7 that he thinks will hit Los Angeles in 2 weeks. Unfortunately, he only aims his concerns at fellow Christians and so I suppose for everybody else his warnings do not apply... Earthquake LA California 2010 . Update: UPDATE: THE 14 DAYS IN THE DREAM IS POSSIBLY REFERRING TO THE TIME FRAME BETWEEN THE 7.2 AND THE 7.7 QUAKE. see Prophecy News Dream Leads To Warning About California Earthquake
    Some thoughts about dreams and premonitions.
    Einstein writes:
    Since there exists in this four dimensional structure [space-time] no longer any sections which represent "now" objectively, the concepts of happening and becoming are indeed not completely suspended, but yet complicated. It appears therefore more natural to think of physical reality as a four dimensional existence, instead of, as hitherto, the evolution of a three dimensional existence. Albert Einstein and the Fabric of Time
    In plain language:
    “I have realized that the past and future are real illusions, that they exist in the present, which is what there is and all there is.” —Alan Watts
    In a practical sense, the energy of a future event can be so strong that it is very possible for this energy to leak into our current awareness and present time, and this is what we would normally call a premonition. I know some incredible stories told to me by people with no specific beliefs, that experienced major events in their lives that they first saw in a dream before it actually happened.
    • Where to be During an Earthquake
      "My name is Doug Copp. I am the Rescue Chief and Disaster Manager of the American Rescue Team International (ARTI), the world's most experienced rescue team. The information in this article will save lives in an earthquake. I have crawled inside 875 collapsed buildings, worked with rescue teams from 60 countries, founded rescue teams in several countries, and I am a member of many rescue teams from many countries. I was the United Nations expert in Disaster Mitigation for two years. I have worked at every major disaster in the world since 1985, except for simultaneous disasters."

    • Latest Earthquakes in the World - Past 7 days
      Baja, California is rocking!

    Bureau of Meteorology images show mysterious patterns on radar system, 2nd April 2010
    THEY are the digital-age equivalent of crop circles - mysterious patterns appearing on the Bureau of Meteorology's national radar system without any explanation. And the random images described as red stars, rings of fire and white doughnuts are sending online conspiracy websites into meltdown.

    The anomalies first began on January 15 when an "iced doughnut" appeared over Kalgoorlie in WA.

    Well, these images have been floating around the blogosphere and specifically the conspiracy websites for some time now. At the moment, nobody really knows what is going on and the comparison with crop circles is interesting. Now, even Fox News is reporting this story, so maybe some are getting very uncomfortable as our world becomes even more mysterious. However, as the dimensional shift accelerates, these 'interference' signals may become a permanent feature and our scientists might decide to remove them, the same way they have been deleting evidence of the 'radar angels' for the last 50+ years.

    Hailstorm hits twin cities [Pakistan]
    The News, 30th March 2010
    Islamabad: An unusual weather phenomenon caused widespread hailstorm in the twin cities of Rawalpindi and Islamabad on Monday afternoon.

    Following duststorm in which the wind velocity touched 96 kilometres per hour in Rawalpindi and 55 kilometres per hour in Islamabad, thick grey clouds swarmed the skies and after a slight spell of drizzle the hailstorm struck. Meteorological Office Director Dr. Mohammad Hanif told ‘The News’ that hailstorms in the transitional period between winter and spring is not unusual because of sudden change in temperature.

    “But the slightly unusual phenomenon was that the hailstorm that struck the twin cities engulfed a vast area.”

    Usually hailstorms in such transitional periods remain confined to small pockets but on Monday it was widespread covering vast areas over Rawalpindi and Islamabad. At many places, the intensity of the hailstorm was unusually high,” he said. He said that the prevailing weather system is likely to last over the next 24 hours during which different areas in the upper parts of the country may have some more dust and thunderstorms accompanied by rains and even bursts of hailstorm before it subsides.

    Hmmm.... The weather aberrations continue...

    Reykjavik Iceland Volcano Webcams
    Reykjavik Info, 25th March 2010
    Early on Sunday morning (the 21st of March) eruption started at Fimmvorduhals, an area between Katla volcano and Eyjafjallajokull glacier and a popular hiking trail.

    Fear remains that the eruption at Fimmvorduhals might trigger a much larger eruption in Katla volcano. If that happens, these webcams will provide a direct view of the events. The webcams offer two different view of the volcanic area. In case of heavy clouds or bad weather the webcams might not provide a clear view. Several tour companies now offer tours to the volcanic area for those interested:

    Do not miss the video of the spectacular eruption on the 24th March! here

    Rapid Increases in Tree Growth Found in US
    Science Daily, 22nd March 2010
    Researchers from the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute and Earthwatch met in Panama from Mar. 1-5 to present mid-term research results from the HSBC Climate Partnership, a five-year initiative to identify and respond to the impacts of climate change. The program is supported financially by HSBC and involves a global team of bank employees -- 'climate champions' -- in vital forest research. The first-ever research program of its kind has so far:

    * Found rapid increases in tree growth in the forest around the Smithsonian's Environmental Research Center (SERC) in Maryland, USA, a finding attributed to increased atmospheric carbon dioxide and longer growing seasons, published in PNAS.
    * Proposed a novel biodiversity theory relating stress and seed-size published in PNAS.
    * Examined the effects a changing climate in forests is having on white-tailed deer, mice and even mosquitoes.
    * Addressed the lack of a reliable method for estimating the carbon storage capability of secondary forests on a landscape scale by assessing how measurements from airborne LiDAR and other remote sensing technologies relate to ground-based measurements.
    * Reviewed how human disturbance changes the way forests take up carbon in diverse environments.

    There is no mention of cosmic rays here, but according to NASA, cosmic rays are at a space age high and expected to increase to new levels not seen in hundreds of years. What's more we are told that the Earth's magnetic field might be getting read to flip, but it is currently full of rifts and periodically disappears anyway (daylight side), so we lose all protection against galactic cosmic rays. It is no wonder trees are growing, see Cosmic rays speed up tree growth

    Did the Chilean Quake Shift Earth's Axis?
    NASA News, 11th March 2010
    Pictures of widespread devastation leave no doubt: Last month's 8.8 magnitude earthquake in coastal Chile was strong. How strong? NASA scientists say it might have shifted the axis of Earth itself.

    "If our calculations are correct, the quake moved Earth's figure axis by about 3 inches (8 cm)," says geophysicist Richard Gross of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California. Right: A USGS map of the Chilean quake. [more] You might think you would have noticed the Earth suddenly tilting 3 inches. But that's not how the "figure axis" works. "The figure axis defines not how Earth is tilted, but rather how it is balanced," says Gross.

    As German scientists have already debunked NASA about the Chilean earthquake being big enough to shift the Earth's axis, (see my previous comments below), I think we can safely say that NASA realise that they have to start explaining that Earth's axis is shifting, despite the fact that some have already worked this out in the last few years and the arguments have been raging for quite some time.

    Severe hailstorm batters Perth
    WA Today, 22nd March 2010
    The biggest storm to hit Perth in 50 years has caused massive destruction across the city. Within a couple of hours of the storm passing through, more than 150,000 homes were without power, residents flooded Fire and Emergency Services helplines desperate for assistance, roads were underwater and traffic in some areas was at a standstill. Almost 100 sets of traffic lights were out and planes were stranded at both Perth airports. [...]

    Homes have been destroyed, with commercial property and infrastructure also damaged after the severe hail storm and 35mm of rain hit the city about 4pm today.

    It's interesting that the photo of the sky looks pink/purple... Anyway, the hailstones may have been plentiful but the biggest look to be just a bit bigger than golf ball size. It looks like we have someone in Australia protecting a tree and even managed to get struck by lightning during the storm!

    Tree man claims he was 'struck by lightning' in Perth's wild storms
    Perth Now, March 2010

    Video: Perth, Australia in shock as month's worth of rain falls in a few hours and city is battered by golfball-sized hail
    RT News, March 2010

    China sandstorm leaves Beijing shrouded in orange dust
    BBC News, 20th March 2010
    Beijing has been shrouded in orange dust as a strong sandstorm blew hundreds of miles from drought-struck northern China to the nation's capital. In Tiananmen Square, clouds of dust obscured monuments, while visitors wore masks to avoid the dust and soil in windy conditions. A level five pollution warning was issued in the hazardous conditions, and people were urged to stay indoors.
    The storm also hit Xinjiang and Inner Mongolia, Shanxi, Shaanxi and Hebei. On Saturday it had spread over an area of 810,000 sq km with a population of 250 million, official news agency Xinhua reported.

    If there are reports of night turning to day we will know for sure that this was caused by a comet offloading. Also, Worst-ever dust storm from China hits Taiwan

    Heavy metals paint snow yellow
    B92, 12th March 2010
    SOFIA -- The yellow snow that was falling in Bulgaria and south Romania several days ago contained heavy metals. In Sofia, authorities previously thought the color came from African sand. Bulgarian media are quoting Romanian meteorologists who rejected claims of their Bulgarian colleagues that the snow turned yellow due to the Saharan sand.

    Their research discovered that the reddish powder found in the snow contained copper, iron, zinc, chrome, lead, nickel, arsenic and cadmium – metals usually found in the ground. Ion Paun of Romania's Center of Meteorology said that their charts showed that the yellow snow "had nothing to do with Africa". Doctors, meanwhile, explained that heavy metals, in higher concentrations, can have adverse effect on people’s health, and can affect their livers, the Bulgarian media reported.

    Hmmm... There is so many cosmic events to watch out for, but obviously something major is happening... Check out, another comet about to smash the Sun.

    Yellow snow falls in Russia's Far East
    RIA Novosti, 5th March 2010
    "The Amur region in Russia's Far East was hit by yellow snow, Elena Pechkina, a regional meteorologist, told RIA Novosti on Friday. High winds in Mongolia mixed the clouds from a front with dust and sand, crossed northern China, and then dumped the unique-colored snow in Russia. "This type of precipitation is not harmful to the residents of the area and no additional analyses will be done," Pechkina said. She said this type of snow was not rare, however usually falls in the region at the end of March or early April."

    Grisly mystery after scores of starlings fall out of the sky and lie dying... in a SINGLE front garden
    Daily Mail, 10th March 2010
    It was like a grisly scene from a horror film. On Sunday night, over a quiet Somerset house, scores of swooping starlings tumbled out of the sky and fell, dead, into a single front garden.

    Covering an area 12ft across, more than 100 birds carpeted the garden, each with blood oozing from its beak and curled up claws. Most had died, although some flapped lamely, clearly in pain until the RSPCA put them out of their misery.

    I would say this is like a scene from the SciFi movie The Core, Movie: The Core Trailer [2:20] The film is about the Earth's magnetic field becoming unstable and rapidly losing strength. The birds go crazy because they can't navigate using the Earth's magnetic field because it is in complete chaos and some birds just drop out of the sky. Well, all those conditions are actually happening now but there does not seem to be any interest. Movie: The Core Bird Scene [3:01]
    Yes, this scene is over the top, but pay attention to the last 15 seconds when the 'thinking' scientist starts to ask his colleagues to look for all the 'weird' news about other bizarre bird migrations, dophin and whale beachings, unexplaned atmospheric phenomena, unexplained plane crashes etc. In the film, people with pacemakers started dropping dead in the streets too, so I assume that this has to happen before some people take any interest in the deteriorating electromagnetic environment. I actually loved this film, especially when the have to go to the core of Earth to fix the problem. This is the real science fiction part, because on the way they have to pass through the hollow sections of Earth that are filled with caverns of huge diamonds, as far as I was concerned that was the best bit.... Anyway, if you have read enough of this blog you will know that the film The Core must have been inspired, because even last week there was an article in the New Scientist stating that the Earth's magnetic field might be getting ready to flip. Note the comments to this story, there are a lot of people suggesting some kind of environmental electromagnetic interference.

    'Doomsday' Seed Vault Stores 500,000 Crops
    Live Science, 10th March 2010
    A mold-resistant bean, a German pink tomato and a wild strawberry plucked from the flanks of a Russian volcano are just some of the crops whose seeds are being tucked away this week in a giant vault dug out of a mountainside of the Norwegian island Svalbard.

    With these new deposits, the so-called Svalbard "Doomsday" Global Seed Vault will reach its half-million mark of seed varieties. The giant icebox of sorts, which was officially opened on Feb. 26, 2008, is meant to protect the world's crop diversity from natural or manmade disasters.

    We can now establish that this disaster planning initiative amongst others that are public knowledge means that authorities have had plenty of warning to initiate and implement disaster plans for a global catastrophe. At this time, the facts are pointing to concerns about the impact of a global event caused by a cosmic or a major Space Weather event, as hinted by a Norwegian government official when this project first became public knowledge.

    Not more quakes, just more people in quake zones
    Yahoo News, 8th March 2010
    First the ground shook in Haiti, then Chile and now Turkey. The earthquakes keep coming hard and fast this year, causing people to wonder if something sinister is happening underfoot. It's not.

    While it may seem as if there are more earthquakes occurring, there really aren't. The problem is what's happening above ground, not underground, experts say. More people are moving into megacities that happen to be built on fault lines, and they're rapidly putting up substandard buildings that can't withstand earthquakes, scientists say.

    And around-the-clock news coverage and better seismic monitoring make it seem as if earthquakes are ever-present. "I can definitely tell you that the world is not coming to an end," said Bob Holdsworth, an expert in tectonics at Durham University in northern England, referring to the number of quakes.

    Well, some people are adamant that earthquakes are on the increase and there are graphics floating around on the internet of a dramatic increase of quakes between magnitude 6.0 & 8.0. The last major revision of the Richter Scale was in 1977 and according to newspaper reports, some old earthquakes were revised up, so it's very difficult in making historical comparisons without the correct data. However, it has been noticed that any talk of an increase in earthquakes or an increase in stronger earthquakes is normally shouted down very quickly. However, official sources do not seem interested in publishing their data.

    Massive hailstones pound Melbourne [Australia]
    ABC News, 6th March 2010
    Severe thunderstorms have hit Melbourne as parts of Victoria are lashed by strong winds and large hail stones. Hailstones the size of golf balls have hit the suburb of Melton, in Melbourne's west, as a line of storms moved through western Victoria.
    Winds of more 100 kilometres an hour have been recorded at Melbourne Airport while nearly 40 millimetres of rain fell at Rockbank, west of Melbourne. Streets across Melbourne's CBD have been flooded and police are warning people not to drive through the flooded areas after some motorists became trapped.

    Of course they are exagerating, golf-balled sized hailstone is not that massive, the biggest hailstones that I have come across in recent years were tennis-balled sized that killed deer in Austria, in October 2009, then there were "fist-sized" hail that destroyed crops in French villages, May 2009. In August 2008, the United States at Belen, had hailstones the sized of golf balls, but some had fused together to form chunks that were 4 or 5 inches across. Australia has seen much bigger projectiles from the sky, there were "cricket ball" sized hail hit Sydney, Australia in December 2007, and Sydney also had tennis balls sized ones in October 2007, see Best of the Blog Wild Weather. Hailstones are a wonder because the current theory can only be described as speculative as to how they can form whilst defying gravity based on hanging around in a "thermal updraught". In reality, we know that to form clouds an electric field is required and above thunderstorms those electric fields become intense, our scientists are only providing us with weak unverifiable explanations because they don't understand the processes at work in all the different electromagnetic atmospheric conditions that can exist in the complex environment of our planet.

    Strange Cloud Behaviour in Argentina 04-03-2010
    YouTube, March 2010
    Strange phenomenon occurred in Argentina. The citizens of Guernica were surprised by a strange cone-shaped cloud that rose more than 12 kilometers above the rest of the clouds.

    From inside this strange formation could be seen large rays that frightened the spectators. Many witnesses say may be a harbinger of some new catastrophe in the region after the earthquake in Chile.

    There is now some seriously strange atmospheric phenomena being seen around the world, some of this lacks any explanation whatsoever. Here, some people have suggested a Low Precipitation (LP) Supercell thunderstorm, but quite frankly, I prefer a metaphysical explanation. We are seeing some serious redistribution of energies and off-planet advice warning people to protect their energy fields during this process has been generally ignored.

    Shields down! Earth's mag field may drop in a flash
    New Scientist, 4th March 2010

    EVEN if we knew precise details of Earth's core, we would not be able to predict a catastrophic flip in the polarity of its magnetic field more than a decade or two ahead.

    Our planet's magnetic field has reversed polarity from time to time throughout its history. Some models suggest that a flip would be completed in a year or two, but if, as others predict, it lasted decades or longer we would be left exposed to space radiation. This could short-circuit satellites, pose a risk to aircraft passengers and play havoc with electrical equipment on the ground.

    This article is so brief, I am seriously wondering if it is meant to be a warning. Well, NASA and the European Space Agency (ESA) have already told us that the Earth's magnetic field that acts as a shield to oncoming Space Weather, is full of tears. There are times when there is NO magnetic shield on the daylight side so we are exposed to galactic cosmic rays and galactic blasts that are occurring regularly now. That's part of the reason why cosmic rays are at a space age high. Sigh... Most people are oblivious and so if the magnetic field does start to flip, I suppose most wouldn't care unless it affected their livestyles which it will, but satellites have already started to start crashing back to earth, so maybe this is focusing a few minds about what they should tell the sheeple... The above image is what I saw when I went to check the state of the Earth's magnetic field 10/03/07 00:33:52 UT, actually I had a choice, check out the ones before.... This is not considered to be 'normal' but these days, magnetic field line distortations are frequent. Real-time Magnetosphere Simulation here.

    Military scientists study ionosphere
    US Air Force News, 3rd March 2010
    At a facility in a remote part of south-central Alaska, the largest radio transmitter on Earth sends high-frequency signals into the ionosphere to help scientists better understand the influence of charged particles on radio communications and satellite surveillance systems. Surprisingly, it also is able to create a mini-ionosphere.

    "The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program, a program known as HAARP, is basically a joint Air Force-Navy program to investigate ionospheric physics and radio science," explained James Battis, HAARP program manager at the Air Force Research Laboratory, during a Feb. 24 interview on Pentagon Web Radio's audio webcast "Armed with Science: Research and Applications for the Modern Military."

    Some information about the purpose of HAARP. All the people who think that HAARP is being used to induce earthquakes, need to read the original patent information that accompanies the book Angels Don't Play This HAARP. If you understand what you are read and then the history of trying to manipulate the ionosphere, then people will realise that inducing earthquakes is a by-product and not the original purpose. What's more, people now state that HAARP is now old technology, but despite this, HAARP is seized on by conspiracy folk desperate to give power to those who are rapidly losing their power to universal forces.

    Chile quake 'didn't shift planet's axis': German scientists put Earth back on track!, 3rd March 2010
    Top German scientists have said NASA’s claim that the quake in Chile moved the Earth’s axis and shortened the length of a day is ludicrous.

    The monster tremor killed at least 800 people and supposedly moved gigantic masses around the planet. NASA had reported that the catastrophe shifted the Earth’s axis and made a day shorter by a fraction. But now German researchers have said that the claims are completely without basis.

    NASA scientists said on Tuesday that the earthquake moved the Earth’s axis by eight centimetres. Richard Gross used a computer model to come to this conclusion. He also claimed that days will become shorter by 1.26 microseconds.

    “Unverifiable,” declared a top German scientist as he put the Earth back on track.[...]

    The influence of an earthquake on the Earth’s tilt would in any case be extremely low, explained Dr. Mojib Latif from The Leibniz Institute of Marine Sciences in Kiel.

    He said: “The heavenly bodies around us are mainly responsible for the Earth’s tilt. The gravity of the heavy and big planets in particular determines the gradient of the Earth’s axis.

    "That can not be changed by an earthquake, even one as powerful as that in Chile.”

    Professor Kind added: “It is impossible that there could ever be such a severe earthquake which would observably move the Earth’s axis. That would only be possible through outside influences, for example a meteorite.

    NASA are becoming nothing more than a PR media outlet. Basically we are told here that NASA scientists are making claims that are unverifiable and we are told here that the Earth's tilt can only be changed by an external force. Even coronal mass ejections can slow the rotation of the Earth due to drag and the massive galactic blasts that we are experiencing now will also have the same impact. The only conclusion that we can come to is that NASA wants to explain changes in the Earth's tilt but without giving the real reason. Please also remember that we have a dense plasma arriving into our solar system and that will also have a gravitational impact. So it seems that the Inuit Indians' observation that the Earth's tilt has changed in the last few years has some merit.

    Chilean Quake Likely Shifted Earth’s Axis, NASA Scientist Says
    Business Week, 1st March 2010
    March 1 (Bloomberg) -- The earthquake that killed more than 700 people in Chile on Feb. 27 probably shifted the Earth’s axis and shortened the day, a National Aeronautics and Space Administration scientist said.

    Earthquakes can involve shifting hundreds of kilometers of rock by several meters, changing the distribution of mass on the planet. This affects the Earth’s rotation, said Richard Gross, a geophysicist at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, who uses a computer model to calculate the effects.

    “The length of the day should have gotten shorter by 1.26 microseconds (millionths of a second),” Gross, said today in an e-mailed reply to questions. “The axis about which the Earth’s mass is balanced should have moved by 2.7 milliarcseconds (about 8 centimeters or 3 inches).” [...]

    “What definitely the earthquake has done is made the Earth ring like a bell,” Rietbrock said.

    I am having trouble believing the "ice-skater" explanation. The last time scientists talked about the Earth "ringing like a bell" was after the 26th December 2004, when we had the Sumatra-Andaman earthquake & devastating Asian tunami. We we were hit by a Magnetar (a sepcial type of neutron star) and Earth was still ringing nearly six months later, they also told us that the day had shortened too then.

    Well, we can expect the Earth's tilt to have changed, but scientists don't like to mention that and as I have not mentioned before, Earth Watchers are already concerned that they can't reconcile NASA data that measures the Earth's tilt after they made changes to the datasets in the last few years ... Hmmm... Funny that...

    The serious Earth Watchers are panicking too, see Youtube [1:26] uploaded 27th February 2010, MAYDAY EARTH ringing like a bell! There is no record of a related gamma ray burst with the Chilean Earthquake, but the Earth's magnetic field told us that we were getting hit with energy from somewhere and it could have been a CME (solar) and since our defenses in the way of magnetic shielding (magnetosphere) can only be described as poor or sometimes none existent, we are very vulnerable to big blasts, wherever they originate.

    "In Chile, astronomers know the ground is still shaking. They can see it in the stars. Colin Legg reports from the Andes east of Santiago: "I made this 88-second exposure on Sunday night, Feb. 28th, less than 24 hours after the big 8.8-magnitude quake. It records the movement of the Earth in the star trails during an earth tremor."

    2010 Brings First Tornado-Free February
    AccuWeather, 1st March 2010
    While the so-called Snowmageddon and Snowicane tm blizzards that book-ended the month got much of the nation's attention, not a single tornado was reported in the United States during February 2010. According to the Storm Prediction Center (SPC), no tornadoes were reported last month. "It's a phenomenal feat that we went a month without a tornado," said Expert Senior Meteorologist Henry Margusity. If the statistic stands, it would be the first tornado-free February in at least 60 years.


    Storm batters Europe, at least 51 dead
    CNN, 28th February 2010
    A winter storm named "Xynthia" battered the western coast of Europe Sunday, its high winds downing trees and power lines and leaving as many as 51 people dead, authorities said.

    Hardest hit was France, where at least 45 people were killed, French Prime Minister Francois Fillon announced. The extra-tropical cyclone whipped the country's coastal regions and moved inland, bringing sometimes heavy flooding with it.

    "It's a national catastrophe," Fillon said in a brief news conference. "Many people drowned, surprised by the rapid rise of the water."

    BBC: Storm Track Map. I think this can be added to the list of 'coincides' that some are linking to the celestial events of the last week.

    Tsunami strikes Chilean island group
    RIA NOVOSTI, 27th February 2010
    "A 3-meter tsunami wave hit on Saturday the Robinson Crusoe island, the largest in the Chilean Juan Fernandez archipelago, following a powerful earthquake which struck Chile earlier in the day, the country's president, Michelle Bachelet, said.

    A 3-meter tsunami wave hit on Saturday the Robinson Crusoe island, the largest in the Chilean Juan Fernandez archipelago, following a powerful earthquake which struck Chile earlier in the day, the country's president, Michelle Bachelet, said.

    "A village on the island is half-flooded, people have been evacuated to higher elevations," the president said, adding there had been extreme damage from the tsunami.

    The 8.8-magnitude earthquake hit the Latin American country in the early hours of Saturday. The tremor occurred some 89 kilometers (55.3 miles) to the north of Chile's second largest city Concepcion, some 341 kilometers (212 miles) from the capital of Santiago. The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center put out a warning along the coastlines of Chile and Peru, and issued a tsunami watch for Colombia, Ecuador, Antarctica, Panama and Costa Rica.

    Some 50 nations have been placed under a tsunami advisory. Areas of concern are the Hawaiian Islands, French Polynesia, Australia, and Japan. Russia's Far Eastern region was also advised, but local emergency authorities have stated that the region is in no danger.
    Update: It looks like Hawaii dodged a bullet. The explanation is that normal tides cancelled out with the expected tsunami surge, that means no resonance and no major damage.

    Chile earthquake kills 78 and triggers tsunami
    Times Online, 27th February 2010
    A massive earthquake has hit the coast of Chile, killing dozens of people, flattening buildings and triggering a tsunami.

    The 8.8-magnitude quake, the country’s largest in 25 years, shook the capital Santiago for a minute and half at 3:34am (6:34am GMT) today. A tsunami warning has been extended across 53 countries, including most of Central and South America and as far as Australia, Hawaii and Antarctica. The wave has already caused serious damage to the sparsely populated Juan Fernandez islands, off the Santiago coast, and is now travelling across the ocean at several hundred km per hour.

    The death toll in Chile has reached 78 and is still rising according to President Michelle Bachelet, who has declared a “state of catastrophe” in the country. Calling for calm from an emergency response centre, the outgoing president said: “We have had a huge earthquake, with some aftershocks.

    Another massive earthquake with probably more to come. The Earth is getting hammered by celestial forces and the scientific literature assures us that earthquakes are to be expected. The Chile earthquake struck at 6.34am GMT/UT, here is the Earth's magnetic field at NICT 27th Feb 2010 at 6.27 GMT/UT. If you look now it it fairly normal, NICT 27th Feb 2010 at 15.28 GMT/UT. This is the current state of the Earth's magnetic field: Real-time Magnetosphere Simulation. The problem with all the books written about disasters and Apocalypse is that we are now reaping what we have sown. There does not seem to be any great understanding that human conciousness was being monitored and that the Earth's EM Grid was fixed to match, if the grid is not coping then that is because the consciousness of humans was not high enough. We are 'judged' as a collective. The 'I'm alright Jack' mentality is NO GOOD when Earth is facing a celestial onslaught. Universal forces are not particularly interested in bank accounts or social position. I am sorry if you don't understand this, but as far as I am concerned, quality spiritual teachers have been lacking, replaced by those with good marketing skills.

    TV: CNN International Tsunami Coverage
    • Chile quake confirmed the 7th largest earthquake ever recorded world-wide...
    • CNN Expert does a brilliant comparison between Chile and Haiti earthquakes. In Chile, a bigger land mass was shaken but Haiti was very localised, hence the 8.8 cannot be directly compared to what happened in Haiti with the 7.0, but we can also note that very few people live in the region of the coast that shifted the most.
    • Chile Tsunami: Oceanic Threat Map
    • BBC: Detailed Map of Chile earthquake zone
    • Twitter Red Cross

    DC, Mid-Atlantic Bracing for 'Snowmageddon'
    AOL News, 5th February 2010
    The second massive -- and potentially record-breaking -- snowstorm of this winter has begun pounding the Mid-Atlantic region. The storm already has been dubbed "Snowmageddon" as it is expected to dump 1 to 2 feet of snow by the time it winds down Saturday evening.
    The heaviest snowfall totals most likely will be in West Virginia, northern Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, southern Pennsylvania and southern New Jersey. This, of course, includes the heavily populated corridor from Washington, D.C., to Baltimore to Philadelphia. A slight northward jaunt of the storm would bring the very heavy snow northward to New York City, Long Island and perhaps even southern New England.

    I just like the headline, but the snowfall in the northern hemisphere this year has been excessive and I am waiting for a atmospheric scientist or expert to comment. Personally, I think that 'Snowmageddon' is better than 'Armageddon'....

    Hawaii TV: Tsunami warning - Massive wave on the way
    First Pacific wide tsunami warning since 1964

    Firefly Mission to Study Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes
    NASA News, 29th January 2010
    High-energy bursts of gamma rays typically occur far out in space, perhaps near black holes or other high-energy cosmic phenomena. So imagine scientists' surprise in the mid-1990s when they found these powerful gamma ray flashes happening right here on Earth, in the skies overhead.

    They're called Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes, or TGFs, and very little is known about them. They seem to have a connection with lightning, but TGFs themselves are something entirely different.

    "In fact," says Doug Rowland of NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, "before the 1990s nobody knew they even existed. And yet they're the most potent natural particle accelerators on Earth."

    NASA are studying the extreme EM environment of Earth. As I have stated before, when I wrote my book, scientists gave the impression that these TGFs were firing out into space, but now the story has changed and air passengers could be under threat from the extreme electromagnetic radiation, even up to 600 miles away from a blast. It could be that this phenomena has always existed, but since the arrival of Space Weather, the intensity of blasts could have drastically changed and is comparable to the shock of discovering sprites and jets. So even though the atmospheric phenomena of sprites was seen and reported by pilots for nearly 100 years, it was not until 1989 when scientists were provided with the hard evidence and the scientific community woke up to take this phenomena seriously.

    Daline Etienne, 16, survives earthquake for 15 days by drinking Coca-Cola
    Times Online, 28th January 2010
    Hundreds of Haitians cheered, wept and gave thanks to God last night as a 16-year-old girl was pulled from beneath the rubble of her house, 15 days after the Haiti earthquke.

    The girl, Daline Etienne, was barely alive with very low blood pressure, but medics with the French rescue team that saved her were confident that she would pull through. Her rescuers thought she had survived on Coca-Cola.

    “It’s a joy, it’s a miracle. Everyone is rejoicing,” said Berpony Daudier, one of the huge crowd that gathered to watch the drama in the San Gérard district of Port-au-Prince.

    Another miracle, there have been others in the last few days. A good advert for Coca-Cola too...

    A New Kind Of Lightning Discovered, 28th January 2010
    When volcano seismologist Stephen McNutt at the University of Alaska Fairbanks's Geophysical Institute saw strange spikes in the seismic data from the Mount Spurr eruption in 1992, he had no idea that his research was about to take an electrifying turn. [...]

    When the Mount Redoubt volcano started making seismic noise in January 2009, McNutt alerted Thomas and Behnke that this would be a great opportunity to capture some new volcanic lightning data. [...] As the data started coming in from the eruption, the team found something unexpected.

    "We saw lots of lightning -- 20 to 30 minutes of lighting," said Thomas. "We saw even more lightning than we would typically see during a major thunderstorm."

    Not only was the amount of lightning unusual, but so was the kind of lightning coming from the volcano. "At the moment the eruption started, there were these sparks of lightning coming from the vent of Redoubt that only lasted 1 to 2 milliseconds," said McNutt, " This was a different kind of lighting that we have never seen before." The residents and scientists who witnessed Mount Redoubt’s explosive eruptions described the events as a breathtaking display.

    Unfortunately, this article is too short and there does not seem to be much information that outlines the significance of the new type of lightning. Another report refers to, The second kind of lightning, which the authors called "a newly identified explosive phase". However, what is interesting is how water is produced inside volcanoes and the concept of dirty thunderstorms. Since we know from cloud experiments that clouds cannot form without an electric field, the true electrical nature of volcanoes is being discovered.

    The Door to Hell - Burning Gas Crater in Darvaza, Turkmenistan
    Vacation Ideas, January 2010
    There are several places around the world that locals believe are a door to hell. Endless catacombs beneath the city of Paris, France for example or Dimmuborgir lava formations in Iceland. When it comes to sheer jaw-dropping effect, however, The Door to Hell by Darvaza in Turkmenistan takes the cake. I would also classify Darvaza as one of the places that should be on the must-visit list of every serious explorer who likes to visit Earth’s most breath-taking sites. Darvaza is a gas crater the burning gates of which have been flaming for upwards of 37 years.

    Well, it's certainly interesting...but I am not sure about going there for a holiday and camping alongside this campfire...

    'UFO cloud' mystery after worldwide sightings News, 27th January 2010
    Spectacular and alarming pictures of ‘UFO clouds’ have emerged worldwide showing eerie illuminated discs in the sky which look like alien spaceships.

    Are they from outer space or is there a natural phenomenon behind the sightings?

    Most of the pictures are from Indonesia but there have been similar sighting in Moscow, Romania, Florida and elsewhere in 2009. Since then, theories have come thick and fast. Possibilities include aliens, secret military experiments or natural consequences of climate change.

    The latest mystery thundercloud in Indonesia seems to have got even the mainstream media thinking. So despite the incorrect terminology and the mention of "UFO clouds from space", it seems that people are getting the right idea.... things are escalating fast.

    Operation under way to evacuate 400,000 from Haiti’s broken capital
    Times Online, 22nd January 2010
    Operations were under way last night to evacuate 400,000 refugees from Haiti’s earthquake-shattered capital into tented villages in the suburbs and surrounding countryside.

    Public buses were dispatched to collect survivors from around the city and shift them out of the disaster zone to organised encampments, where food distribution and sanitation services can be better co-ordinated. It was the first decisive step towards managing Haiti’s refugee crisis in which at least half a million displaced residents have been left sleeping in makeshift street shelters erected among the debris.

    The US, anxious to prevent a water-borne exodus of refugees from Haiti to Florida, has begun preparing a 1,000-bed tented camp at the Guantánamo Bay naval base on the southeastern tip of Cuba. It will be used to hold Haitians who may attempt to flee their homeland by sea, and has enough tents in store to accommodate a further 10,000, according to Rear-Admiral Thomas Copeman, of the US Navy.

    Despite all the false stories going around the internet, countries like China had rescue teams on the island within 48 hours and there is an effort, however well or badly organised. People are still being rescued.... Times Picture Gallery: Haiti Rescues Also below:

    Woman trapped in earthquake 'coffin' is rescued after eight days
    Times Online, 21st January 2010
    We saw “Natalie’s” head first. Even from 30ft away, we could see that she was smiling. She was talking to her brother on her mobile phone. The Haitian team grasped the handles of her stretcher. The French formed two lines up a sloping slab to the flat section of roof from which her rescue had been organised. As they applauded, dust rose from their gloves. As she drew near, we heard her singing.

    At first it was hard to believe. Her lips were scarcely moving, but the sound was unmistakably hers. The French followed her out, their faces caked in dirt, tears welling up for some, flowing uncontrollably for others. As they hugged each other and the Haitians, four US airmen gently transferred her to a makeshift hoist and began to lower her horizontally down the 20ft wall to solid ground.

    As she went over the edge, Ms Losana filled her lungs and sang loudly enough for those below to hear over the generators. She was still singing at the bottom. I asked no one in particular what it was. “I don’t know,” said one of the exultant crowd of Haitians who helped her into the waiting ambulance. “It is a song of God.”

    Mr Oustallet climbed down and stood quietly with his team. “I won’t sleep tonight,” he said. “Too much emotion. I’ll sleep when the mission is finished on the plane back to Biarritz. In 20 years as a rescuer, this has been my most beautiful day.”

    Search for Haiti survivors called off... hours after two are pulled alive from rubble
    Daily Mail, 23rd January 2010
    "The decision was made yesterday afternoon, ten days after the quake ravaged the capital Port-au-Prince and just hours after a man and elderly woman were found alive against the odds."

    Fresh quake shakes Haiti from sleep after triple miracle
    The Times Online, 20th January 2010
    The people of Haiti were shaken from their sleep today by another strong earthquake that sent hundreds fleeing in panic into the streets of Port-au-Prince.

    With virtually the entire city still camped out in the open after last week's devastating quake - largely for fear of aftershocks - the latest tremor was not expected to have caused much damage in the Haitian capital.

    But a Times reporter expressed the fear that it could have disturbed the collapsed buildings from which, eight days into Haiti's nightmare, miraculous rescues are still happening on a regular basis.

    OK, I have not yet come across any particular insightful information about the cause of the Haiti earthquake. At the moment, I find it hard to believe that it was "man-made", but I could be wrong. The planet's magnetosphere has been taking constant hits from cosmic sources and it seems that these days, it does not seem to matter what day you download as a movie to watch, there is always some action, see latest images Real time Magnetosphere Simulation. The Earth's magnetic fields lines are constantly contorting. However, today the 20th we have extended periods of high pressure where the plasma density and velocity is high after about 11.00.00 UT. What's more, the Earth was affected by a strong M-2 solar flare on the 19th but there was no warnings of an associated Coronal Mass Ejection [CME]. Apparently, the solar flare was not visible from Earth but it resulted in Earth's upper atmosphere being bathed in X-rays and caused a wave of ionization to sweep over Europe, see Well, there is do doubt about it, Earth is getting hammered from solar, cosmic and galactic sources. We are experiencing extreme Space Weather, yet scientists have claimed for decades that earthquakes can be triggered by celestial forces and that was even before the current onset of serious and extreme Space Weather. The NICT movie for 20th Jan 2010 shows a wide range of conditions from 'normal' to activity off the charts. Download NICT movie for 20th Jan 2010

    Flurries hit southeast Australia as towns record their first-ever summer snowfalls
    The Canadian Press, 18th January 2010
    CANBERRA, Australia — Australia is following its second-hottest year on record with extraordinary snow flurries in its southeastern alpine region, where some towns have recorded their first-ever summer snowfalls.

    Australia's temperatures during the summer months of December through February can be uncomfortably hot even on its highest peak, Mount Kosciuszko, which stands a modest 7,310 feet (2,228 metres) above sea level.

    Snow fell to 3,000 feet (900 metres) above sea level Monday in parts of New South Wales and Victoria states, Bureau of Meteorology senior forecaster Jane Golding said. "Any time of year, it's unusual to have snow down that far," she said. [...]

    The town of Cooma, also in New South Wales but north of Kosciuszko, recorded its first summer snow since records were first kept in 1973. Cooma resident Krystal Pernitsch said the wind chill factor made Monday's high temperature of 59 degrees (15 degrees Celsius) feel like 48 degrees (9 Celsius).

    "It's a bit of a shock to the system after last week," when the mercury reached 99 degrees (37 Celsius), she said.

    I would classify this as climate change generating extreme swings of weather... I ignored the record heat down under from last week because it's summertime, but now it's snowing.... when are people going to realise that something is seriously amiss and that our world is experiencing dramatic evolutionary change?

    December 2009: Second Snowiest on Record in the Northern Hemisphere
    Watts Up With That, 10th January 2010
    "According to the Rutgers University Global Snow Lab, last month had the second greatest December Northern Hemisphere snow cover since records were started in 1966."

    Australia baked under hottest decade on record
    Reuters, 5th January 2010
    "SYDNEY (Reuters) - Australia experienced its hottest decade on record from 2000 to 2009 due to global warming, the nation's bureau of meteorology said on Tuesday, as annual summer bushfires again burn drought lands and destroy homes."

    Pictures of devastation: Earthquake in Haiti
    Denver Post, 13th January 2010

    (AP) Haitians are piling bodies along the devastated streets of their capital after a powerful earthquake flattened the president’s palace and the main prison, the cathedral, hospitals, schools and thousands of homes. Untold numbers are still trapped.

    President Rene Preval says he believes thousands of people are dead even as other officials give much higher estimates – though they were based on the extent of the destruction rather than firm counts of the dead.

    His prime minister, Jean-Max Bellerive, tells CNN: “I believe we are well over 100,000,” while leading senator Youri Latortue tells The Associated Press that 500,000 could be dead. Both admit they have no way of knowing.

    The magnitude-7 quake struck Tuesday afternoon. Some photos are coming out of the country but most photojournalists are just arriving and trying to find ways to transmit the photos. We will update the blog as more photos are available. WARNING: This post contains graphic images of dead bodies and injured survivors.

    The Express, 6th January 2010
    AS one of the worst winters in 100 years grips the country, climate experts are still trying to claim the world is growing warmer.

    With millions of Britons battling through snow and ice to get to work today, scientists claim that the cold conditions should not be used as evidence against man-made climate change.

    Blizzards, ice and sub-zero temperatures that have gripped the UK for almost a month in a record deep freeze are not “robust” indicators of global weather patterns, they say.

    There can't be many true AGW believers left, but the die-hards are still fighting, despite Climategate and other evidence to the contrary. After living in Norway and now in Switzerland, where by law you have to have snow tyres on your car before the onset of winter, I would say it is very dangerous driving in such bad conditions. The worst nightmare journey of my life was driving over a mountain in Norway in blizzard conditions, where it was so dangerous, that the police stopped the traffic and made people drive in single file. However that meant stop/starting on solid ice, so even with snow tyres on, it was a terrifying experience. The UK is not a country that is organised to cope with more than a sprinkle of snow, nevermind these kind of conditions and people have no experience of driving on snow and ice. See, Live: Britain's blizzard - follow the latest news

    Arctic freeze and snow wreak havoc across the planet
    Times Online, 5th January 2010
    Arctic air and record snow falls gripped the northern hemisphere yesterday, inflicting hardship and havoc from China, across Russia to Western Europe and over the US plains.

    There were few precedents for the global sweep of extreme cold and ice that killed dozens in India, paralysed life in Beijing and threatened the Florida orange crop. Chicagoans sheltered from a potentially killer freeze, Paris endured sunny Siberian cold, Italy dug itself out of snowdrifts and Poland counted at least 13 deaths in record low temperatures of about minus 25C (-13F).

    The heaviest snow yesterday hit northeastern Asia, which is suffering its worst winter weather for 60 years. More than 25 centimetres (10in) of snow covered Seoul, the South Korean capital — the heaviest fall since records began in 1937.

    A good round up of the world's 'Global Warming', according to some.....

    Astronomy Picture of the Day: An Unusual Cloud Over Uruguay
    APOD NASA, 5th January 2010
    What kind of cloud is this? A roll cloud. These rare long clouds may form near advancing cold fronts. In particular, a downdraft from an advancing storm front can cause moist warm air to rise, cool below its dew point, and so form a cloud. When this happens uniformly along an extended front, a roll cloud may form. Roll clouds may actually have air circulating along the long horizontal axis of the cloud. A roll cloud is not thought to be able to morph into a tornado. Unlike a similar shelf cloud, a roll cloud, a type of Arcus cloud, is completely detached from their parent cumulonimbus cloud. Pictured above, a roll cloud extends far into the distance in 2009 January above Las Olas Beach in Maldonado, Uruguay.

    It's spectacular but the explanation given here is very tenuous. Note the 'normal' clouds above.... As far as I am concerned, this is a magnetic field line made up of spinning charged particles that has ionised the air and created the "roll". This is not a rare event, as a few parts of the world experience roll clouds regularly like clock work, but it's more evidence that we are experiencing strange atmospheric conditions.

    "The tilting of the earth changes everything"
    ISUMA News, January 2010
    Arguably, the most bizarre, fascinating and perhaps groundbreaking of all observations we've heard from Inuit is that they believe our world has tilted on its axis and this contributes to climate change.

    When Zacharias and I first heard this, we thought it was very strange, yet elders in all the communities we've worked in - Pangnirtung, Iqaluit, Resolute Bay and Igloolik - all believe this phenomenon to be true. In today's blog, we post a video from Igloolik elder Japiti Palluq talking about the impacts of a tilted earth, and unpack the traditional knowledge and science on this issue.

    It's been very interesting to see elders and hunters across Nunavut make the same observation about the world having shifted on its axis. In most cases, research participants were not prompted on the issue, yet they began talking about it.

    Just today, we heard from another interviewee that "the earth has tilted", and Zach looked and me and jokingly said "did you tell him?". As a trained scientist, I know that a key test for "truth" is the repeated replicability of a research finding, independent of who is doing the test. Hearing Inuit across Nunavut make the same observation, using their traditional ecological knowledge, seems to pass this credo for scientific truth. So what data are elders collecting and analyzing to draw this conclusion?

    Major news if this is true because this will have a major impact on the climate but if there has been a sudden shift, then we have to ask what and when did something happen to make the Earth wobble more on it's axis. I am sure there will be more articles on this matter, so I will post updates. At the moment, let's say "who knew".... if NASA et al. had noticed they were acting in character and keeping quiet as usual for months or even years and then sneaking out a press release when they think few will notice, but our indigenous friends are always aware of what is happening with our planet. At the moment, I am thinking this might screw up lots of 2012 calculations, so at the moment this is just an idea.....Very interesting, so stay tuned!

    Note: If this pole shift, caused by the movement of the Earth's spin axis relative to fixed stars, turns out to be true, then its going to leave the 2012 doom and gloom brigade with their pole shift that will cause global devastation with some embarrassment.... again, some serious action before 2012... incredible!

    A proposal has been made by scientists who wish to dispel the concept that there has been a shift of the Earth's pole that is attributed to the slow 'bob' or 'nodding' that is formally known as 'nutation', see wikipedia, for more details. So the Inuit's observations are being explained away as global warming in the atmosphere that has "altered the visual landscape of the Arctic, which has caused the sun, moon and stars to appear out of position in the sky. An optical tilt of the earth caused by refraction rather than a physical one!" See, Qapiragajuq: An Update on "Tilting of the Earth". This does not seem to match satellite data as we find:
    "Satellite measurements indicate an absence of significant global warming since 1979, the very period that human carbon dioxide emissions have been increasing rapidly. The satellite data signal not only the absence of substantial human-induced warming but also provide an empirical test of the greenhouse hypothesis - a test that the hypothesis fails Source: Bob Carter, Satellite show little to no warming in the troposphere.

    Over 120 whales dead in NZ mass strandings
    The Times, 28th December 2009
    More than 120 whales have died over 48 hours in two separate beachings in New Zealand. Over 100 long finned pilot whales died after becoming stranded on a remote beach in the north of New Zealand's South Island on Saturday, while another 20 will be buried by a local Maori tribe after they beached themselves on the North Island's east coast.

    While strandings are common in New Zealand — there are up to six mass strandings a year — it is rare for two to happen so close together. Experts believe a pregnant cow in distress might have led one of the pods to their death on the Coromandel Pensinsula, on North Island. She was among 63 whales, mostly cows with calves, that were beached at Colville Bay near Coromandel township early on Sunday.

    Due to the current planetary upheaval and electromagnetic chaos due to various geomagnetic factors, we must assume that we must continue to expect mass strandings as these whales tune into morphogenetic fields that are used for navigation but have not yet been updated to reflect that the magnetic grid of our planet has now changed. This reasoning is based on the fact that it is the whales themselves that update their own morphogenetic field and this requires some time.

    Rare 'mountain wave' forms in Orange County, California
    SOTT, 28th December 2009
    I receive weather photos from readers almost daily, few which are as pretty and interesting as this one. , a project manager for the Orange County Parks system, says, "Coming into work this morning at approximately 8:15 a.m., I captured this unusual cloud formation, which was shaped like a pyramid.

    "The photo(s) (there are two) were taken on Villa Park Road/Katella near Hewes heading east toward Saddleback Mtn. Within seconds, it disappeared. I don't think I'll ever see anything like this again."

    Noel Isla, a forecaster with the National Weather Service, says the photo shows "mountain wave turbulence. Strong winds formed stratrocumulus clouds into the shape of a pyramid.

    These days, rare atmospheric cloud phenomena are not so rare.

    Sun and Moon Trigger Deep Tremors on San Andreas Fault
    Science Daily, 25th December 2009
    The faint tug of the sun and moon on the San Andreas Fault stimulates tremors deep underground, suggesting that the rock 15 miles below is lubricated with highly pressurized water that allows the rock to slip with little effort, according to a new study by University of California, Berkeley, seismologists.

    Well, there are hundreds of research papers that have been done over decades which have been generally ignored, the Russians of course are well ahead here, suggesting that celestial influences cause seismic events on Earth. Yet, the fact that details of this research paperort has made it into Nature means that there must be a paradigm shift going on in scientific mindset.

    North Magnetic Pole Moving East Due to Core Flux
    National Geographic News, 24th December 2009
    Earth's north magnetic pole is racing toward Russia at almost 40 miles (64 kilometers) a year due to magnetic changes in the planet's core, new research says. [...]

    Although global positioning systems have largely replaced such traditional techniques, many people still find compasses useful for getting around underwater and underground where GPS satellites can't communicate.

    The magnetic north pole had moved little from the time scientists first located it in 1831. Then in 1904, the pole began shifting northeastward at a steady pace of about 9 miles (15 kilometers) a year.

    In 1989 it sped up again, and in 2007 scientists confirmed that the pole is now galloping toward Siberia at 34 to 37 miles (55 to 60 kilometers) a year. A rapidly shifting magnetic pole means that magnetic-field maps need to be updated more often to allow compass users to make the crucial adjustment from magnetic north to true North.

    OK, the movement of the Earth's north magnetic pole is speeding up. The reliance on GPS might soon become an issue as the U.S. Air Force tell us that they believe it will start breaking down in 2010. With the mega blasts our planet is receiving, presumably from magnetars, I think our satellite communication systems are fragile, but coping.There is very little in the way of official notification about what is happening to our planet, but anyone can go online and watch the Japanese NICT movies and monitor the hammering that our magnetosphere is taking, even occasionally pushing ithe boundaries within geostationary orbit. So, do I think the magnetic field is going to suddenly reverse? In answer, I think it is important to note that in parts of the world the Earth's magnetic field has already reversed and this is a slow ongoing process and the final flip could happen at any time due to some external cosmic magnetic influence.

    Earthquakes & Fireballs: Curious Events in Nebraska, 18th December 2009
    CURIOUS EVENTS IN NEBRASKA: Earthquakes don't rock Nebraska very often. In fact, seismically speaking, it is one of the quietest places in North America. Nevertheless, on Dec. 16th at 8:54 pm CST, USGS seismographs detected a magnitude 3.5 temblor centered near Auburn, Nebraska: [...]

    "It sounded like those loud grain haulers that drive by, but about five times louder," reports Laurie Riley, who lives near the epicenter. "The whole house shook. My kids came running down stairs – they were scared. It even moved my car, [which was parked outside on icy ground]."

    And then the really curious thing happened.

    Minutes after the quake, around 9 pm CST, lightning-like flashes lit up the skies around the area of the quake. Telephones in police departments and TV stations rang with reports of bright lights, loud rumbles and shaking ground. Sky watchers, not only in southeastern Nebraska, but also in neighboring Oklahoma, Missouri and Kansas, saw a "bright fireball" with "green streamers" moving from northwest to southeast.

    Could these events be connected? Nebraska State Trooper Jerry Chab, an experienced amateur astronomer who witnessed the lights and was one of the first to report them, says no. "I think we have the most cosmic of coincidences: A bright [meteoritic] fireball around the same time as an earthquake." Indeed, eyewitness descriptions of the fireball are consistent with a meteoroid disintegrating in the atmosphere. On the other hand, several readers have pointed out scientific studies that associate lightning-like phenomena (including ball lightning) with earthquakes: #1, #2, #3. The fireball, they suggest, might have been a rare manifestation of "earthquake lightning."

    Comment: This report is an update from the report on the previous day Curious Events in Nebraska . Well, it's boom, boom boom at the moment, a situation that has been occuring worldwide, but especially in the US for some years now. See Mysterious booms questioned, & Sonic boom-like noise heard by many last night

    AGW Magically Dumps Unusual Blizzard in England Bringing Everything to a Halt
    Paths to Knowledge, 18th December 2009
    I suppose this blizzard is a result of ManN Made Global Warming Climate Change magically somehow.

    “Roads full of snow, cars crash and traffic grinds to a halt. It has been snowing for many hours heavily (from Siberia) and many are left stranded, this was as much as i could get as i didn’t want my camera to get wet. Driving a few miles could take hours, no the most idealistic weather for winter.

    Worst effected regions are the East of England and the South where 10-15cm of snow has fallen in a matter of hours, the ploughers are not in use and roads fallen into mudbaths.”

    4 YouTube videos: Well, snow is only a problem in countries that are not organised, I was incredibly impressed in Norway and here in Swtizerland too, dealing with snow is hardwired into the system. On the political front, the climate "realists", watching events unfold in Copenhagen are generally amazed by the charade that is now unfolding and the snow storm is literally the icing on the cake (sorry about that), see Global Warming...Snowstorm in Copenhagen! Click icon for the full picture at WUWT, (this is not a hot link).

    Colliding Auroras Produce Explosions of Light
    NASA News, 17th December 2009
    A network of cameras deployed around the Arctic in support of NASA's THEMIS mission has made a startling discovery about the Northern Lights. Sometimes, vast curtains of aurora borealis collide, producing spectacular outbursts of light. Movies of the phenomenon were unveiled at the Fall meeting of the American Geophysical Union today in San Francisco.

    "Our jaws dropped when we saw the movies for the first time," says space scientist Larry Lyons of UCLA, a leading member of the team that made the discovery. "These outbursts are telling us something very fundamental about the nature of auroras." [...]

    The five THEMIS spacecraft also agree. They have been able to fly through the plasma tail and confirm the existence of lightweight material rushing toward Earth. (For reference, these are the "plasma bullets" reported in a 2008 Science@NASA story "Plasma Bullets Spark Northern Lights.")

    Now, we have "plasma bullets". NASA scientists are quite inventive and so the same feature can be called different names (ie plasma tadpoles), until they reach a consensus. Anyway, I think the term plasma bullets can be applied to Martyn Stubbs Type II plasma manifestation caught in The Secret NASA Transmissions, the must see video and also the entities of varying sizes that can be described as white streaks, "rods" or even meteorites.

    Earth's Upper Atmosphere Cooling Dramatically, 17th December 2009
    When the sun is relatively inactive — as it has been in recent years — the outermost layer of Earth's atmosphere cools dramatically, new observations find.

    The results could help scientists better understand the swelling and shrinking of our planet's atmosphere, a phenomenon that affects the orbits of satellites and space junk. [...]

    This same cooling effect is expected to happen (somewhat counterintuitively) as carbon dioxide concentrations increase from emissions at Earth's surface . So understanding the natural variability of this layer is important to detecting any changes from carbon dioxide increases.

    The cooling effect also has an effect on the orbits of satellites, because it changes the density of the atmosphere layer. For example, if the layer heats up, it expands like a marshmallow in a microwave, as several scientists described it, and lower, denser parts of the atmosphere rise to higher altitudes. Essentially, as the upper atmosphere expands, the lower atmosphere also expands to fill the space. When the thermosphere cools, the opposite happens and the layers deflate and sink to lower altitudes.

    The changing density means that satellites end up with either more or less drag on them, which can change the shape of their orbits. In the case of something like the Hubble Space Telescope, this can have implications on the orbiter's lifetime, Solomon told LiveScience. Less drag during a cooler period means the satellite might live longer, he said.

    The cooling also could have implications for the buildup of so-called "space junk" – old satellites and pieces of satellites that have begun to litter the upper atmosphere and can pose a threat to other orbiting spacecraft, such as the International Space Station. Less drag means this junk gets speedier and could pose more of a threat.

    Well, to say I am amazed by this link between removing CO2 and off-setting Space Weather, is an understatement...

    Policeman dies as devastating deluge strikes Britain
    Four bridges collapse, main roads are blocked and hundreds are evacuated as 12 inches of rain falls in Cumbria in 24 hours
    The Guardian, 21st November 2009
    A policeman swept away and killed during the devastating flooding that hit north-west England was trying to save lives by directing motorists off a bridge across a swollen river. PC Bill Barker Bill Barker, the police officer who was swept away when a bridge collapsed in Workington, Cumbria following the severe flooding. Photograph: Cumbria Constabulary/PA

    PC Bill Barker, who would have been 45 tomorrow , was praised by Gordon Brown as a "very heroic, very brave man" who had given his life saving others after Cumbria was struck by what the Environment Agency described as "unprecedented" rainfall. Severe flooding in the county was driven by a combination of heavy rain, saturated ground and swollen rivers.

    Hundreds were evacuated from their homes, four bridges collapsed and main roads were blocked after 314mm (12.4in) of rain fell in 24 hours – a record for England. Flooding was also reported in north-west Wales and Dumfries and Galloway in Scotland.

    However, Cumbria was hardest hit, with an estimated 1,100 homes there affected by flooding, according to police. Workington MP Tony Cunningham said the flood was "of biblical proportions" and he was astonished by the destruction of the Northside bridge, which led to PC Barker's death.

    Four bridges collapsing? This is The Day After Tomorrow type event. The climate is changing, but the truth is not being told, at the moment we await for more scientists to start explaining how cosmic factors are influencing our weather to account for monsoon like rainfall. Update Within 5 minutes of posting this entry, I found this at Watts Up With That, rbateman (21:31:24) :
    The tone on “Climate Change” was down quite a few notches when they reported on the flooding in the UK. Smarting from the leak, no doubt.

    Now, I feel for the people who had no warning. You see, I look at it like this: Had the climate scientists been paying attention to the strange warm water tongue reaching further into the Arctic on the Siberian side of things plus the inkling of a stronger current (that higher ocean level off the US East Coast) instead of blathering on top of the AGW Soapbox, they might have warned the residents along the way to expect some flooding. The flooding surely happened. link.
    It also looks like Piers Corbyn at predicted this event as a 'Red Weather Warning' 100 days ahead see link here. More: This is unbelievable, during a state of emergency in Cork Ireland officials state, "Earlier, an ESB [Electricity Supply Board (Ireland)]spokesman said it was not their responsibility to inform the residents of Cork city that they were releasing massive volumes of water from a dam." Cork city left under water as ESB opens floodgates: Utility firm says it wasn't its job to warn local residents

    Colorado State: Atlantic Hurricane Season Quietest Since 1997
    Wall Street Journal, 19th November 2009
    NEW YORK (Dow Jones)--The Atlantic Hurricane season, which officials ends Nov. 30, will go into the record books as the quietest since 1997, due to the impact of the El Nino weather phenomenon, forecasters at Colorado State University said Thursday. The season featured nine named storms, three hurricanes and two major hurricanes, with sustained winds of 111 miles per hour or greater. Long-term averages are 9.6 named storms, 5.9 hurricanes and 2.3 major hurricanes per season.

    See copy at SOTT, link. Yes, it's been so quiet that Al Gore had to photoshop 4 hurricanes onto the front cover of his new book "Our Choice: A Plan to Solve the Climate Crisis". The book cover also reduced the amount of ice present in the Arctic, see images Al Gore Photoshops Hurricanes Into New Book's Cover

    What's of more interest is the proof that hurricanes are driven by cosmic energy streams and that is why they normally only occur at certain times of the year. Incredible....

    Heavy snow storms in northern China kill 40
    Yahoo News, 13th November 2009
    BEIJING – Unusually early snow storms in north-central China have claimed 40 lives, caused thousands of buildings to collapse and destroyed almost 500,000 acres (200,000 hectares) of winter crops, the Civil Affairs Ministry said Friday. Nineteen of the deaths resulted from traffic accidents related to the storms that began Nov. 9, the ministry said in a statement on its Web site.

    The snowfall is the heaviest in the northern and central provinces of Hebei, Shanxi, Shaanxi, Shandong and Henan since record keeping began after the establishment of the Communist state in 1949, the ministry said without giving detailed figures. It estimated economic losses from the storm at 4.5 billion yuan (US$659 million). Chinese state media say some of the snow was induced through cloud seeding, although the precise amount of snowfall in all areas was not reported and it wasn't clear what the previous records were.

    One source is stating that 7,000 buildings have collapsed, yet scientists want to geo-engineer the planet's climate..... incredible!

    Nine whales beached in Italy in rare accident
    A pod of sperm whales was beached on Italy's southern coast and at least five died in what experts said was a rare mass beaching for such a large species.
    The Telegraph, 12th December 2009
    Only two managed to swim back to deeper waters and at least five were dead by Saturday, said Nicola Zizzo, one of the veterinarians caring for the animals. He said officials were considering euthanising the last two whales still trapped in high waves just off the beach.

    The rough seas were making it difficult to understand even how many whales were still alive, with other experts telling Italian media that only one was breathing.

    The sperm whale is the largest of all toothed whales and is considered a vulnerable species. While similar mass beachings are more common in the oceans, they are extremely rare in the Mediterranean, occurring once every 150-200 years, said Giuseppe Notarbartolo di Sciara, a marine biologist and head of a conservation group.

    Interesting, it is clear that whales are following old geomagnetic field lines that they have inherited but since the Earth's geomagnetic field has changed in recent times, and we are experiencing chaotic conditions as the Earth's magnetopshere is no quite unstable, we are seeing more unusual examples of mass beachings. I wonder if this is related to the report of the 10,000 star fish found dead on a beach in the UK last week. Graveyard on the shore for thousands of starfish as storm throws them from the sea

    Giant Crack in Africa Will Create a New Ocean
    Live Science, 2nd November 2009
    A 35-mile rift in the desert of Ethiopia will likely become a new ocean eventually, researchers now confirm. The crack, 20 feet wide in spots, opened in 2005 and some geologists believed then that it would spawn a new ocean. But that view was controversial, and the rift had not been well studied.

    A new study involving an international team of scientists and reported in the journal Geophysical Research Letters finds the processes creating the rift are nearly identical to what goes on at the bottom of oceans, further indication a sea is in the region's future.

    The article carefully does not mention that this kind of geological event was believed by eminent scientists to be a slow process that would take millions of years. Instead of which, in 2000 massive forces operated and took days to create a new geological feature. Interestingly, there are now many other evolutionary changes taking place quickly and this is all being controlled by universal intelligence with rules of complexity that are not known or understood by humans.

    Light's origin unknown
    Rhinelander Daily News, 31st October 2009
    "For decades, residents in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula have witnessed a truly unexplainable phenomenon. A bright, glowing light that hovers in the night sky, nestled between the sleepy little towns of Watersmeet and Paulding. The light appears every night, but can be seen better on clear evenings. [...]

    The light can be red, but it’s also appeared in shades of white and green. It appears sporadically and hovers up and down and side to side."

    I was delighted to come across this short article. Here we have reports of what looks like a daily electrical discharge that probably puts it in the category of St Elmo's fire and not Earthlights: Spooklights and Ghost Lights because it seems to be located in a fixed position and earthlights are noted for moving about. Whatever, as we are seeing a massive build up of charge around our planet and a planetary sized refresh of energies, as well as a dimensional shift and of course I could go on, it is good that articles are appearing that inform people that there are many different manifestations of light that are known to us and we are only experiencing a greater intensity combined with others that are unfamiliar.

    'UFO cloud formation' filmed in Romania
    A flying saucer-shaped cloud has been spotted in the skies above Romania – just weeks after a similarly striking formation appeared over Moscow.
    The Telegraph, 26th October 2009
    "Meteorologists explained that the phenomenon witnessed in Moscow was just an optical effect produced by rare weather conditions, but the latest clip – apparently filmed at the end of last week – has again set tongues wagging. [...] The two clips appear to show a formation known as a "fallstreak hole", which occurs when moisture in the air cools below 0C but is unable to turn into ice.

    While most of the "supercooled" water remains suspended in the sky, rings of ice do form and plunge to earth, leaving doughnut-shaped holes in the cloud layer. The luminous effect visible in the Russian and Romanian videos is due to the the sun being low in the sky.

    It seems that many are now wondering and "tongues are wagging". Personally, would be interested to see some kind of scientific analysis that determines whether the cause is related to Space Weather generating these "rare weather conditions". According to various websites, Fallstreak holes are still a meteorological mystery, but we have to note that reports are increasing...

    Hunting banned in parts of Austria after hailstones kill 90pc of wild game
    The Telegraph, 19th October 2009
    Copy: Hunting has been banned in parts of Austria after freak storms with tennis ball-sized hailstones killed up to 90 per cent of the wild game population.

    "Hundreds of deer were discovered either dead or so badly injured they had to be put down by wildlife experts. In the country's rural Salzburg province, 90 per cent of pheasants and 80 per cent of hares were killed in the hail storms. Sepp Eder, the hunting chief, said : "Animals sought shelter in farms, in fields of grain but the hail was so heavy it smashed right into them. It may take five years for animal numbers to recover, if they ever do so." Farmers are believed to have suffered more than £60 million in damages to crops and buildings."


    Hurricane Rick: Giant storm roaring up Mexico's Pacific coast is the biggest in a decade
    Refreashing News, 18th October 2009
    Hurricane Rick churned up potentially dangerous surf along a swath of Mexico's coast early on Sunday as an 'extremely dangerous' Category 5 storm, the strongest in the eastern North Pacific Ocean in more than a decade. [...]

    The U.S. National Hurricane Centre says Rick turned into an "extremely dangerous" Category 5 storm on Saturday with sustained winds reaching 180 mph. The storm roared to the top of the Saffir-Simpson scale after warm waters prompted Rick's precipitous rise from a Category One to a Category Five system in less than 36 hours The strongest was Hurricane Linda, which generated maximum winds of 185 mph in September 1997. 'Rick is probably going to go into the record books as one of the most rapidly intensifying hurricanes,' Cobb said.

    Well, its been a remarkably quiet hurricane season so far, and Hurricane Rick did not make landfall which is a blessing. According to metaphysical sources, human consciousness can actually attract hurricanes, obviously, the human influence would be subtle and would not apply in instances where hurricanes are not being steered by the latest in satellite technology.

    Killer earthquakes shake scientific thought, 11th October 2009
    A sudden cluster of massive earthquakes which has shaken Asia-Pacific communities and likely left thousands dead has also jolted some scientists, who are starting to question conventional thought.

    Experts who dismissed notions that far-away quakes could be linked are beginning to think again after huge tremors rocked Samoa and Indonesia on the same day, followed by another major convulsion in Vanuatu.

    Some 184 people died in the terrifying tsunami which smashed Samoa, American Samoa and Tonga on September 30, while thousands are feared dead after parts of Indonesia's Padang city were reduced to rubble just hours later. [...]

    The "remarkable" sequence has prompted veteran earthquake-watcher Gary Gibson to tear up his theory it was all down to chance and search for a possible connection. "I can no longer keep using the response it's all a big coincidence, can I?" Gibson, senior seismologist at Environmental Systems and Services consulting group, told AFP

    Here it seems that this particular scientist has got to the stage where he can no longer routinely dismiss data as 'coincidental'. There is a new realisation that there is a need to integrate information to generate the 'Big Picture', this demonstrates a move in the direction of higher consciousness.

    Giant cosmic-ray laser to flash across Paris sky
    The rooftop of a Paris skyscraper will to be transformed into a giant cosmic-ray detector in an unusual week-long experiment that is due to start on Saturday.
    The Telegraph, 9th October 2009
    "Every time the machine, which will be placed on top of the 689-foot high Montparnasse Tower - Paris's tallest building - picks up a sub-atomic particle called a muon, a pulse of laser light will flash across the sky of the city's Latin Quarter from the Paris Observatory. Muons are debris from protons that are blasted out from the Sun or beyond our Solar System and constantly bombard the Earth. [...]

    The so-called "cosmic opera", which will only be visible at night, seeks to inform the public about cosmic particles and pay tribute to an experiment into the phenomenon, conducted at the top of the Eiffel Tower in 1910 by a German physicist, Theodor Wulf."

    Well, it's a publicity stunt, but maybe, the odd person will wonder why attention is being focused on cosmic rays, even though NASA have just announced that we are at record highs and it looks like earthlings will be experiencing levels not seen for many centuries. Personally, my current endeavour started when I started to query why metaphysical sources were encouraging people to protect their energy fields, now I know and all the signs are that Space Weather will have an increasingly major impact for all life on Earth.

    HAARP: Artificial ionosphere creates bullseye in the sky
    Auroral experiments make glowing plasma patch.
    Nature News, 2nd October 2009
    "An experiment that fires powerful radio waves into the sky has created a patch of 'artificial ionosphere', mimicking the uppermost portion of Earth's atmosphere. The research has not only caused glowing dots to appear around these patches — it could also provide a new way to bounce radio signals around the globe.

    The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP), near Gakona, Alaska, has spent nearly two decades using radio waves to probe Earth's magnetic field and ionosphere."

    This is what I wrote in my July 2005 article HAARP: From the perspective of a true Eco Warrior ."A curious thought is that the original title of Eastlund's Patent is, "Method for producing a shell of relativistic particles at an altitude above the Earths surface." Is it possible that HAARP was actually developed as an Earth Shield to stave off the impact of the energetic changes being delivered by the Sun. Actually, there is evidence that this is the case.[20]" Since we now have many calling for geoengineering and placing a shield in space it seems that those who believed that HAARP was an eco weapon never appreciated why HAARP was needed as a shield, but this is now obvious as Space Weather has become a serious issue for the space community and the military.

    SpriteStreams - Socorro, New Mexico, June and July 2005
    YouTube, October 2009
    Comment: I found this at YouTube and this video is really quite amazing. These are sprites recorded at 10,000 frames per seconds (but played rather slower). According to one short research paper, they were the result of a sprite campaign fielding a large aperture imaging spectrograph and a high speed imager, conducted from the Langmuir Laboratory, Socorro, New Mexico, in June and July 2005. Apparently, the scientific understanding of Sprites is now fairly well understood, since the phenomena became undeniable in 1989, when it was caught on low light film.

    However, this should be taken with a pinch of salt, because its quite common for the scientific community to make boasts only to be confounded by new phenomena soon after. From wikipedia we find the there is a new understanding that sprites are actually clusters of small, plasma balls (10-100 m, 30-300 ft) that are launched at an altitude of about 80 km and then move downward at speeds of up to ten percent of the speed of light, followed a few milliseconds later by a separate set of upward moving balls of ionization. It seems that they are triggered by lightning and may be horizontally displaced by up to 50 km from the location of the underlying lightning strike, with a time delay following the lightning that is typically a few milliseconds, but on rare occasions may be up to 100 milliseconds. The most important news here is that sprites represent an upper atmospheric breakdown, where the breakdown occurs in a strong electric field, allowing electrons to flow down. However, I am still puzzled by the video, as there seems to be a cascade effect after one ball of plasma breaks down first, maybe this is discussed in detail in the relevant scientific papers.

    Up to 1,000 killed and more trapped by earthquake in Indonesia's Sumatra
    As many as 1,000 people have been killed and many more have been trapped under collapsed buildings after a powerful earthquake hit the Indonesian island of Sumatra yesterday.
    The Telegraph, 30th September 2009
    "The earthquake struck at 5.16pm (10.16 GMT), 78 kilometres (48 miles) southwest of the city of Padang in West Sumatra, along the same fault line that spawned the 2004 Asian tsunami.

    According to US Geological Survey, it measured 7.9 on the Richter scale, just shy of the size of earthquake that sparked a tsumani, devastating the Pacific islands of American and Western Samoa to the east of Australia on Tuesday.

    The shaking could be felt in high buildings in the capital, Jakarta, several hundred miles, and in neighbouring Singapore and Malaysia. A tsunami alert was sent out to countries along the Indian Ocean, prompting many to flee to higher ground."

    This is another major disaster and the alternative view would be to relate recent major events with celestial phenomena like major planetary alignements, but if it was caused by something unusual like a GRB, this is only revealed normally well after events subside. Update: Indonesian quake toll at 1,100; thousands missing

    Dozens feared dead after tsunami sweeps Samoa
    The Guardian, 30th September 2009
    • Villages washed away after earthquake under sea
    • Toll expected to rise as power cut hampers rescue

    At least 34 people have been killed and dozens more injured after a powerful earthquake triggered a tsunami that swept the Pacific islands of Samoa and American Samoa, according to early reports.

    The quake, of magnitude 8.3, struck midway between the two islands at 6.48pm BST, sending a tidal wave into Apia, the capital of Samoa and a 5ft tsunami into Pago Pago, the capital of American Samoa.

    One agency reporter said there were "bodies everywhere" in the main hospital on the Samoan island of Upolu, including at least one child. She said three or four villages had been wiped out along a popular tourist coast near Lalomanu, on the island's southern coast.

    Although Samoan and American Samoan officials have not yet been able to confirm the death toll, early reports suggested the number of dead on Samoa was at least 20, and around 14 on American Samoa . Lemalu Fiu, a doctor at a hospital in Apia, said the figure was expected to rise as staff began tending the injured. In Samoa, the wave reportedly sent water and debris surging up to 100 metres inland, sweeping away villages and cars and leaving terrified residents fleeing their homes for higher ground. In Apia, witnesses said they had experienced shaking that lasted for up to three minutes. Businesses and schools were forced to close and the city was left virtually deserted with thousands of people gathered on nearby hills, according to reports. [...] Brian Atwater, a tsumami expert for the USGS, said that although the earthquake and tsunami were big they were not on the scale of the 2004 Boxing Day tsunami that killed 150,000 people, and was 10 times as strong. Samoa and American Samoa have a combined population of around 250,000.

    This is a major natural disaster but it could have been a lot worse as many islands and some countries were issued with Tsuanmi Alerts including Hawaii and New Zealand. Pictures: Samoa tsunami: devastation on South Pacific islands after earthquake hits

    Dust storms spread deadly diseases worldwide
    The Guardian, 27th September 2009
    "Huge dust storms, like the ones that blanketed Sydney twice last week, hit Queensland yesterday and turned the air red across much of eastern Australia, are spreading lethal epidemics around the world. However, they can also absorb climate change emissions, say researchers studying the little understood but growing phenomenon.

    The Sydney storm, which left millions of people choking on some of the worst air pollution in 70 years, was a consequence of the 10-year drought that has turned parts of Australia's interior into a giant dust bowl, providing perfect conditions for high winds to whip loose soil into the air and carry it thousands of miles across the continent. It followed major dust storms this year in northern China, Iraq and Iran, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, east Africa, Arizona and other arid areas. Most of the storms are also linked to droughts, but are believed to have been exacerbated by deforestation, overgrazing of pastures and climate change." [...]

    Scientists who had thought diseases were mostly transmitted by people or animals now see dust clouds as possible transmitters of influenza, Sars and foot-and-mouth, and increasingly responsible for respiratory diseases. [...]

    "We are just beginning to accumulate the evidence of airborne dust implications on health," said William Sprigg, a climate expert at Arizona University. The scale and range of some recent dust storms has surprised scientists. Japanese academics reported in July that a giant dust storm in China's Taklimakan desert in 2007 picked up nearly 800,000 tonnes of dust which winds carried twice around the world.

    In my opinion, this article is a major piece of propaganda, but you can believe it of you like. After reading Charles Fort, any talk of high winds picking up and dumping elsewhere, especialy from the Saharan desert, I know would be treated with some real derision in Fortean circles. It is just a standard scientific excuse that has been used for hundreds of years to explain away certain types of celestial phenomena. Personally, after the strange ongoing behaviour of world authorities and especially after seeing day turn into pitch black night in 40 seconds at Broken Hill, Australia (the link is below), it is now certain in my mind that some comet passed between us and the sun, which dumped a cocktail of dust and viruses. After monitoring news and doing some research, I believe this must have been totally expected, so as the media have informed us, governments are prepared with a supposed vaccine and lots of body bags just in case the viruses were lethal. If you want to do some background reading, I can recommend: New Light on the Black Death: The Cosmic Connection. Whatever, we will have to see what happens.

    Wild Weather In Australia: Quakes, Hail, Fires and Dust
    ABC News, 23rd September 2009
    Two small earthquakes struck Melbourne's south-east in quick succession last night, adding to a series of wild weather incidents around the country. A quake measuring 2.6 on the Richter scale occurred about 20 kilometres south of Frankston around 6:20pm AEST. A magnitude 3.0 tremor struck further south 14 seconds later. Residents have reported hearing a loud noise and feeling the ground shake, but the State Emergency Service says it has not received any reports of damage.

    The video from Broken Hill, Australia here, of day turning to into night in less than a minute is absolutely incredible. There is some dramatic video and photos showing how bad things were in Sydney, an event that they have not seen in 70 years. A taste of Mars...

    Sydney turns red: dust storm blankets city
    Sydney Morning Herald, September 23, 2009

    The dramatic video of day turning to night in about 40 seconds is reminiscent of indigenous memories of previous apocalyptic earth changing events. Hence a certain website has linked this to a known comet blanketing large regions of Australia with dust. Since the article adds other scientific facts that amounts to some serious pseudoscience, I won't bother with a link, but quite frankly, the basic idea of a comet offloading has to be seriously considered.Update 2 Are the dust storms radioactive? Australian scientists study Aussie dust from New Zealand

    SATURDAY NIGHT LIGHT SHOW:, 20th September 2009
    The phones started ringing around 7:30 pm EDT on Saturday night, Sept. 19th. All along the US Atlantic seaboard, police stations and news desks received reports of strange lights in the sky. John A. Blackwell of Exeter, New Hampshire, snapped this picture of the phenomenon: "It was an impressive display," says Blackwell. "To the naked eye, it was visible for about a minute." It looks like a passing comet or a giant, luminous amoeba.

    But this was pure rocket science. The cloud was created by a Black Brant XII sounding rocket launched from NASA's Wallops Flight Facility in Virginia. The rocket released a cloud of electrically-charged aerosols near the top of Earth's atmosphere to investigate the formation of noctilucent clouds or "NLCs." Mysterious NLCs form naturally around Earth's poles during the months of northern summer. On this September evening, researchers decided to see if they could create an artificial NLC at mid-latitudes; it seems to have worked.

    Ground-based cameras and radars along the Atlantic coast monitored the experiment while the STPSat-1 satellite watched from Earth orbit. Principal investigators at the Naval Research Lab hope the data will reveal much about the microphysics of noctilucent clouds and the possible role of rockets in creating them.

    more images: from Neil Winston of Lusby, Maryland; from Geoff Chester of Alexandria, Virginia; from Greg Piepol near Manassas, Virginia; from Tom McIntyre of Central Park, New York;

    Quite frankly, this entry has been added because there is an image that can be compared to the very strange eye witness accounts for the 19th. As you can see, this cloud is very unimpressive and looks nothing like a noctilucent cloud, see NLC galleries.

    NASA Experiment May Have Caused Strange Light Seen in the Sky
    69 News, 19th September 2009
    Copy: NASA may have the answer to the light many people reported seeing in the sky Saturday night. According to NASA's web site, a rocket experiment that may shed light on the highest clouds in the Earth's atmosphere was conducted from the Wallops Flight Facility in Virginia, launched on a NASA Black Brant XII Sounding Rocket. WFMZ's Stephanie Esposito reports. Viewers from all over our region called into 69 News tonight reporting a strange sight in the sky.

    From Allentown and Bethlehem all the way to Berks county, everyone calling in described the same thing. "We were just walking and talking that sort of thing and I looked up into the sky." "There was like a big white orb almost like a tiny planet and all of a sudden this big ray came out of it. It was all white."

    "All of a sudden a beam came down and it was white and blueish and all of a sudden the sky sucked it up and just closed.

    >>REPORTER: Reports from Bethlehem to Berks County...
    "I just keep thinking of the movie 'E.T.' "
    >>REPORTER: Something unusual took place in the sky tonight.
    "I would never have had time to take of picture of it. It just disappeared, the sky ate it."
    >>REPORTER: So far, 69 news hasn't been able to obtain a picture... but we did get multiple witness reports.
    We contacted the Lehigh Valley Airport and local communication centers and everyone said nothing was happening.
    "A lot of times people hear of stuff like this and say oh it was a weather balloon or a shooting star? NO NO. It was not a shooting star and it was not a weather balloon."
    >>REPORTER: One thing is for sure... tonight people are asking themselves, 'Do I believe?'
    "I don't know if I believe in that sort of thing."
    >>REPORTER: Some people have pointed out todays date... 9/19/09 as an odd coincidence.
    Whether you believe in UFO's or not, the people who saw it agree, they've never seen anything like it before.
    In Bethlehem Township, Stephanie Esposito, 69 News.

    There is a video version of this report. I have no idea what happened here, but people are blaming NASA. Update: It's bizarre, but it seems that people can no longer tell the difference between a rocket launch and a UFO.... see, Some confuse rocket with UFO. More detail: One eye witness reports some interesting details of this very strange rocket launch, where "I saw a bright slice of light and then we watched as a triangular shape came out of it,'' the 55-year-old Rupnik said. ''It was the strangest thing we ever saw. The light beamed down out of the sky for 30 to 45 seconds then it went back into the slice and then it was gone. It didn't fly off, it just disappeared.'' Another described it as "cone-shaped light". Obviously, NASA must have some new exotic technology.... See below: Strange light in evening sky was NASA launch, not a UFO
    Update 22nd September 2009: Here we have reliable eye witness accounts from people participating in a Nightsky Photography workshop at Acadia National Park. See

    Amazing Photo! UFO Bright Cone of Light - Acadia National Park, Maine
    "At approximately 7:50pm ET, we all observed a bright object that appeared suddenly directly in front of us. It seemed to come down in the sky, burn brightly creating a cone of light shining towards the ground much like a streetlight and fog-like light around it. the "streetlight" did not make it the ground. After a few seconds, the object disappeared. The fog and "streetlight" slowly disappeared after about 45 seconds. It just seemed to fade from the cone shape to a smudge in the sky."
    Remember folks, this was seen from 380 miles away, so it would be interesting to have the opinion of a space scientist to explain what exactly happened.

    "An article in (1) titled, “NASA Rocket to Create Clouds Tuesday” by Clara Moskowits, Staff Writer – September 14, 2009, was unexpectedly forwarded to me today.

    According to the article: “…A rocket experiment set to launch Tuesday aims to create artificial clouds at the outermost layers of Earth's atmosphere. The project, called the Charged Aerosol Release Experiment (CARE)…"This is really essentially at the boundary of space," said Wayne Scales, a scientist at Virginia Tech who will…study the physics of the artificial dust cloud as it's released…CARE is slated to launch Tuesday between 7:30 and 7:57 p.m. EDT (2330 and 2357 GMT) from NASA's Wallops Flight Facility in Virginia….”

    “…CARE will release its (aluminum oxide) (2), dust particles a bit higher than that, then let them settle back down to a lower altitude.”What the CARE experiment hopes to do is to create an artificial dust layer,” Professor Scales told [...]

    The U.S. Navy, NASA, and the U.S. Defense Department have made a decision to conduct one or more atmospheric tests, in order to create an aluminum oxide dust cloud without the permission and for the most part, the knowledge of the citizens of the United States. These aluminum oxide particles will eventually return to earth polluting our air, water and soils. The tests may damage the various atmospheric boundaries that protect life on earth – no one has any idea what damage this dust cloud and the testing on this dust cloud may do to our climate, agriculture, human health or the amount of infrared and UV radiation reaching the Earth.

    It is time to contact elected officials today and protest this action which may begin as early as today, September 14, 2009."

    This is a serious attempt to counteract Space Weather! The headline got my attention. Well, I have said it all before on this blog about the high levels of desperation. Noctilucent clouds are electrified and highly charged as they reflect radar and presumably they would also reflect the sun's rays. Due to Space Weather, the electrical conditions in our solar system have drastically changed, effecting the electrical properties of our ionosphere, there are claims that too much UV radiation is causing too much ionisation. This is seriously degrading satellite GPS accuracy and we have already been told that it is expected to start breaking down in 2010. If this happens, billions of dollars worth of military electronic technology will become worthless, hence we now see this risky 'experiment'. See also NASA Rocket to Create Clouds Tuesday

    Possible Linkage between the 1918 El Niño and the 1918 flu pandemic ?
    Watts Up with that, 14th September 2009
    "Of course with H1N1 influenza concerns now reaching another peak in the media, this is bound to add fuel to the fire now that NOAA has announced we’ll likely see our present weak El Niño strengthen and continue into this winter.

    Of course it is all based on a model. On the plus side, he argues against greenhouse gases making stronger El Niño events. – Anthony. Texas A&M researcher shows possible link between 1918 El Niño and flu pandemic

    Research conducted at Texas A&M University casts doubts on the notion that El Niño has been getting stronger because of global warming and raises interesting questions about the relationship between El Niño and a severe flu pandemic 91 years ago. The findings are based on analysis of the 1918 El Niño, which the new research shows to be one of the strongest of the 20th century."

    It is noticeable that officials tend to panic about pandemics, well before anything is apparently happening and I have always wondered why. However, if pandemics are caused by cosmic factors, then it all makes sense. If you do the history lessons, then you will see that people died in major pandemics whilst out at sea, completely isolated from the world, and this only makes sense if these viruses are airborne. The evidence gleaned over hundreds of years is clear that we are routinely rained on by passing comets, the recent red rain in India which was found to have red cells that had no DNA is proof enough. There are plenty of websites warning people to stay clear of the Swine Flu vaccine, as it is clear that there are dark forces that have no problem with killing off a large number of the population. Back to this report, it's interesting to see scientists getting the evidence together on the particular cosmic factors that are involved in genuine pandemics and so these scientists are claiming a relationship with El Niño events. It is worth mentioning, that some humans are evolving very quickly and there is NO way that authoritites know how humans will react generally. Hence, the stories of officials releasing viruses into the environment just to fast track a vaccine are quite disturbing and we can all debate the morality of this course of action.

    INNER SPACE TERRANAUTS:, 10th September 2009
    This week, while astronauts orbited high above Earth installing new science equipment in the laboratories of the International Space Station, a team of terranauts descended into the Earth on their own mission of discovery. "We were not in outer space, but inner space," says explorer George Kourounis, who sends this picture from the Cave of Crystals in Naica, Mexico:

    Three hundred meters below Naica lies an alien world of giant crystals and nearly unbearable heat. "With an air temperature of 122 F and a relative humidity of more than 90%, it feels like 228 F in the cave," says Kourounis. "To survive in this extreme environment, we enter the cave wearing special suits with cooling packs inside and a backpack respirator which allows us to breath chilled air. Even with all this equipment, I will still be able to stay in the cave for no more than 45 minutes at a time."

    Well, "inner space" means something completely different to me, as I have even travelled to other worlds via navigating through my inner space! Well, as we consider earthly "inner space" exploration, geophysicists complain that we know more about the moon than about what's going on inside our own planet. These crystal caves are talked about in metaphysical circles and I believe they can be considered as "Halls of records".

    A real bolt from the blue: The moment 300,000 volt lightning tore open night sky
    Daily Mail, 28th August 2009
    "This spectacular image shows the awesome moment when a 300,000 volt bolt of lightning tore open the night sky. Briton Vince Narduzzo was enjoying a glass of red wine in the garden of his second home in France when blasts of thunder shattered the evening calm. The 49-year-old from Hertfordshire dashed inside to grab a camera, in time to capture the progress of one of the streaks of lightning over the hamlet in Charente Maratime, near La Rochelle.

    Quite an amazing picture, but did you know that if you are struck by lightning, you can be left with clear evidence of this traumatic experience. Lichtenberg figures, sometimes called "lightning flowers" or "skin feathering", are sometimes formed beneath the skin of unfortunate humans who have been struck by lightning. The victim will often have one or more reddish radiating feathery patterns that branch outward from the entry and exit points of the strike: see image only here with the description From "Lichtenberg Figures Due to a Lightning Strike" by Yves Domart, MD, and Emmanuel Garet, MD, New England Journal of Medicine, Volume 343:1536, November 23, 2000. For more background information on Lichtenberg Figures and source link, click here

    Mysterious Tubular Clouds Defy Explanation
    Wired Science, 24th August 2009
    Copy: "These long, crazy-looking clouds can grow to be 600 miles long and can move at up to 35 miles per hour, causing problems for aircraft even on windless days. Known as Morning Glory clouds, they appear every fall over Burketown, Queensland, Australia, a remote town with fewer than 200 residents. A small number of pilots and tourists travel there each year in hopes of “cloud surfing” with the mysterious phenomenon.

    Similar tubular shaped clouds called roll clouds appear in various places around the globe. But nobody has yet figured out what causes the Morning Glory clouds. This shot was captured by photographer Mick Petroff from his plane near Australia’s Gulf of Carpenteria."

    More mysterious clouds! There is a short clip on YouTube of TV footage of these strange clouds [0:27], see The Strange Clouds over north Hokkaido, Japan - June 2007

    Lightning's mirror image... only much bigger, 23rd August 2009
    With a very lucky shot, scientists have captured a one-second image and the electrical fingerprint of huge lightning that flowed 40 miles upward from the top of a storm. These rarely seen, highly charged meteorological events are known as gigantic jets, and they flash up to the lower levels of space, or ionosphere. While they don't occur every time there is lightning, they are substantially larger than their downward striking cousins.

    "Despite poor viewing conditions as a result of a full moon and a hazy atmosphere, we were able to clearly capture the gigantic jet," said study leader Steven Cummer, an electrical and computer engineer at Duke University in North Carolina. [...]

    "This confirmation of visible electric discharges extending from the top of a storm to the edge of the ionosphere provides an important new window on processes in Earth's global electrical circuit," said Brad Smull, program director in NSF's Division of Atmospheric Sciences, which funded the research.

    "Our measurements show that gigantic jets are capable of transferring a substantial electrical charge to the lower ionosphere," Cummer said. BBC version of this report here, [Gigantic Jets] Upwards lightning caught on film .

    As above, so below! This phrase is describes the metaphysical truth that there are patterns of energy that are replicated up and down in size in a manner that scientists call fractals. Here, scientists are delighted at capturing another example of the recently discovered phenomenon of Gigantic Jets, which they state is rare, but what they really mean is that it's just hard to catch on film. As the build up of electrical charge continues due to Space Weather, there will be more extreme examples of attempts to balance energy charges. This is now occuring as our solar system is traversing a more highly charged region of space, generating a 'zoo' of new atmospheric phenomena and emphasising the electrical nature of our reality.

    > Freak waves spotted from space
    Ethiopian Review, 23rd August 2009
    The shady phenomenon of freak waves as tall as 10 storey buildings has finally been proved, the European Space Agency (Esa) said on Wednesday. Sailors often whisper of monster waves when ships sink mysteriously but, until now, no one quite believed them.

    As part of a project called MaxWave – which was set up to test the rumours – two Esa satellites surveyed the oceans. During a three week period they detected 10 giant waves, all of which were over 25m (81ft) high.

    Strange disappearances: Over the last two decades more than 200 super-carriers – cargo ships over 200m long – have been lost at sea. Eyewitness reports suggest many were sunk by high and violent walls of water that rose up out of calm seas. But for years these tales of towering beasts were written off as fantasy; and many marine scientists clung to statistical models stating monstrous deviations from the normal sea state occur once every 1,000 years.

    "Two large ships sink every week on average," said Wolfgang Rosenthal, of the GKSS Research Centre in Geesthacht, Germany. "But the cause is never studied to the same detail as an air crash. It simply gets put down to 'bad weather'."

    Since I have a great interest in understanding our reality, I am often incredulous when I come across phenomena that is regularly occuring, but in the past, scientists preferred to dismiss and ignore. Recent examples are sprites seen by pilots for nearly 80 years, before they were 'scientifically' verified, 'ball lightning' that has been ignored until recently, despite some of the most amazing reports past and present and here we have sailors at see who don't have much else to do but watch out for waves being ignored for hundreds of years! As I wrote in my book, history tells us that some scientists can be 50 years ahead of their peers in being able to provide better theories to unlock certain mysteries, so those who stay with the mainstream are "safe" but deprived of having deeper insights and benefiting from the knowledge gained. Here is the link to a National Geographic story on 'Freak waves' dated, 10th august 2009, Giant Freak Wave Hot Spots Identified

    Take your seats... The jaw-dropping front-row spectacle of wildfire devouring Canadian mountains
    Daily Mail, 6th August 2009
    "When nature has unleashed its worst, sometimes there's nothing you can do but sit back and watch.

    And that's exactly what this group of helicopter pilots did - pulling up chairs to fully take in the fury of a forest fire devouring large swathes of the Canadian province of British Columbia.

    The pilots were watching as a controlled fire burned on Mount McLean in the Canadian province of British Columbia in a desperate attempt to reduce the amount of fuel for a wildfire burning on the mountain in the town of Lillooet."

    Spectacular pictures....

    Four Passengers Injured in Plane Turbulence Remain in Serious Condition
    ABC News, 3rd August 2009
    "Four passengers critically injured when a Continental Airlines plane hit turbulence on its way to Houston from Brazil remain in serious condition in a Miami hospital but are expected to survive, according to Miami-Dade Fire Rescue officials. [...]"

    The Federal Aviation Administration said the Boeing 767 experienced severe turbulence while climbing to 38,000 feet. The plane was on an overnight flight when the turbulence struck about halfway between Puerto Rico and Grand Turk island, north of the Dominican Republic, the FAA said. An emergency was declared and the plane diverted to Miami, which was about an hour away."

    I note the explanation of 'clear air turbulence' and we have to wonder whether that is related to NASA's discovery of ion plumes that are generated by space weather. In November 2007, NASA reported unusual space weather over Africa and electromagnetic emissions called an "ion plume" where our scientists don't fully understand the origin. The report states:
    "Researchers liken the plumes to smoke billowing out of a factory smokestack—except instead of ordinary ash and dust, ion plumes are made of electrified gas floating so high above ground they come in contact with space itself.

    "The plumes appear during geomagnetic storms and they can interfere with satellite transmissions, airline navigation and radio communications," says Fuller-Rowell.

    Indeed, it is their effect on GPS signals that led to the discovery of plumes over North America just a few years ago." Strange Space Weather over Africa.
    Also according to Wikipedia, entry for Clear Air Turbulence suggests that it is caused by invisible bodies of air which are moving vertically at many different speeds, yet it's invisible to conventional radar which is surprising, but then tells us that this invisible air is detectable by optical techniques, such as scintillometers or Doppler LIDARs. Interesting, LIDAR is how the Russians detected interdimensional energy coming off the top of the pyramids that they built around Moscow....

    Terror as turbulence hurts 26 on Rio-Houston plane
    AP News, 3rd August 2009
    "MIAMI – Some passengers were snoozing while others snacked when the first turbulence rattled Continental Flight 128 over the Atlantic. Suddenly, the jetliner began to plunge and shake violently, hurling passengers over seatbacks and slamming them against luggage bins. The Boeing 767 made an emergency landing in Miami early Monday so at least 26 injured, four seriously, could receive medical help.

    But the sudden turbulence that rocked the overnight flight from Rio de Janeiro was an all-too-real reminder of an Air France flight — also traveling from Rio — that crashed into the mid-Atlantic in June during thunderstorms, killing all 228 people on board. "I immediately thought of the Air France flight, that we're going to fall. We're going to fall," said Herman Oppenheimer of Rio, one of 179 people on the flight. Said 20-year-old passenger Camila Machado, who was going to Las Vegas and was treated for a bruised cheek: "I felt like the airplane was going to crash. I felt like we were going to die. Like, the first thing I thought about was Air France."

    Well, I wonder how long it's going to take before the general public start to wonder; what's happening in our atmosphere? If you are regular to this blog, you will already know that severe turbulence in our atmosphere is being caused by Space Weather. 5th August, another event over the United States: Northwest flight hits turbulence, 2 aboard hurt

    Mild season in Tornado Alley frustrates scientists
    Merced Sun-Star, 30th July 2009
    "DES MOINES, Iowa -- This has been an unusually mild year in Tornado Alley, which is good news, of course, for the people who live here, but a little frustrating to scientists who planned to chase twisters as part of a $10 million research project. [...]

    Nationwide, there were 826 tornadoes this year through June 30, compared with an average of 934 for the same period during the previous three years, according to the National Severe Storms Laboratory in Norman, Okla. Most twisters strike in Tornado Alley, which generally extends from Texas and Oklahoma to Kansas, Nebraska, Iowa and Minnesota. During a remarkable 17-day lull from mid-May through early June, there were no tornado watches issued anywhere in the United States. And that is typically the height of the season in Tornado Alley. "It was very, very unusual," said Joe Schaefer, director of the Storm Prediction Center in Norman, which, like the Severe Storms lab, operates under the National Weather Service. [...]

    The relative calm follows a horrific 2008, when 1,304 tornadoes and 121 deaths were recorded by the end of June. In all of last year, there were 1,691 tornadoes and 126 deaths. Organizers of Vortex2 had hoped that a close-up look at killer storms this year by more than 100 scientists and assistants from various universities and the government would help them forecast storms more accurately and increase warning times."

    I don't know why they are complaining, 826 tornadoes is about a 12% drop, I think the clue here is, "No long tracks, massive killer tornadoes", I suppose these scientists were looking for some drama.

    Pictured: The giant anvil-shaped cloud hovering 75,000ft above Earth is photographed by Space Station astronauts
    Daily Mail, 30th July 2009
    "A giant, anvil-shaped cloud bubbles up towards the Earth's stratosphere, looming over West Africa. The amazing formation would be invisible to anyone on the ground and would even be obscure from a regular passenger jet since they can reach up to 75,000ft. But astronauts captured the astonishing picture from hundreds of miles up as they orbited the globe on the International Space Station.

    Anvil clouds are formed mostly from ice and normally form in the upper parts of thunderstorms. They get their shape from the fact that rising warm air in thunderstorms expands and spreads out as the air bumps up against the bottom of the stratosphere. Streaks of snow are often seen falling out of the edges of anvils. This light snow usually evaporates as it falls through the relatively dry air surrounding the upper part of the thunderstorm."

    It's really getting strange....

    Runcorn - Several Massive White Flashes in Sky with No Thunder
    UK sightings, 30th July 2009
    "Witness Statement: 12:00AM 30th July 09. Left my house in the Glen Palacefields Runcorn with a friend to drop him off when entering my car a MASSIVE white flash lit up the sky and the carpark, looked like a powerful camera flash but NO NOISE. Both me and my friend commented as thinking someone was in the close or the police helicopter was overhead. When driving on the expressway again a massive flash over the Hallwood estate to my right above again no noise when only being about 500 yrds away from where it looked like it originated in the estate or above."

    A few reports suggest that the UK is experiencing earthlights that are not associated with seismic activity. As I have noted in the past few years and many other historic accounts can be found, there can be instances of flashes of light without seismic activity, but it seems that our scientists are still unsure of how to define this type of phenomena. From Frederic Montandon's 1948 Earthquake Light (EQL) taxonomy, the following was reported by Corliss (2000), source link here:
    1. Seismic lightning (no thunder);
    2. Luminous bands in atmosphere;
    3. Globular incandescent masses;
    4. Fire tongues, small mobile flames near the ground
    5. Flames emerging from the ground.
    The possibility that the UK may be experiencing violent releases of old energies in the form of earthlights reminds me again about the concern for the children or 'the innocents' made by off-planet sources, but this does not seem to have made much of an impression with people totally ignorant about what they are concerned about. Again, I will state that we have been informed that this low frequency energy can degrade the human energy field and that is why there has been all the emphasis on strengthening the human energy field and using sacred geometry. We are literally being tried by fire from all directions! See more reports here; Another witness to bright, white flashes in the sky - Leeds, Yorkshire [UK] & Large Flash Lights Up Sky, Object Seen Moving Upward - Seattle, Washington [US]

    Is the Earth’s magnetic field a cosmic ray funnel?
    Solar Science, 25th July 2009
    "In this world of rampant climate alarmism, its to be expected that theories and hypotheses which do not support the AGW theory will get the full treatment of bad analysis and character assassination. After all, where’s the funding going to go if there’s an alternative theory that bombs the bridge in front of the gravy train?

    One such is Dr Henrik Svensmark’s hypothesis on the modulating effect of the solar magnetic field on the Earth’s climate. In the recent article in the New York Times on the solar cycle that I recently mentioned, we have this:

    A nice basic introduction to Svensmark’s cosmic ray cloud formation and climate modulation hypothesis.

    Massive New Zealand quake moves country west
    AP, 22nd July 2009
    "Wellington - Southern New Zealand has moved slightly closer to the east coast of neighboring Australia as a result of a massive earthquake last week off the country's South Island, a scientist said Wednesday. The magnitude 7.8 quake, centered in the ocean near Resolution Island in the country's Fiordland region, twisted South Island out of shape and moved its southern tip 12 inches (30 centimeters) closer to Australia, seismologist Ken Gledhill said.

    Gledhill, director of government-owned GNS Science's "GeoNet" national earthquake monitoring project, said the island's geographic shift showed the immensity of the forces involved.

    "Basically, it's taken us closer to Australia," he told National Radio. "The country is deforming all the time because of being on the plate boundary, but this has done it in a few seconds, rather than waiting hundreds of years."

    I don't visit the doom and gloom laden websites that are trying to whip up fervour re 2012, but one would have to imagine that they must be quite disconcerted that the requisite predicted worldwide geological and geophysical disasters are NOT happening on anything like the end of the world type scale. Here, New Zealand has been described as 'lucky', but I would rather prefer to think that maybe spiritual factors came into play and that universal forces could act to deliver a requisite Earth change in a less violent manner. However, as the influx of energies mounts, there is no way to be conclusive and predict how various regions will fare, but looking at the consciousness level of the people in a certain region might be a good indicator.

    Giant Chinese dustball circles the Earth
    The Telegraph, 21st July 2009
    A giant Chinese dustball weighing hundreds of thousands of tons circled the world at high altitude in under two weeks, scientists have shown.

    [..] "The dust ball was formed when a wind storm ripped across the desert, kicking up the dust, and trapping it against the mountains of the Tibetan plateau. The scientists said the dust was forced higher and higher into the air, until it reached an altitude of around 16,250ft. A warm convection flow then lofted it further to between 26,000 ft and 32,500 ft, well above cloud level. The dust was then trapped in the polar jetstream, a fast-flowing air current that lies just under the stratosphere, and began its "journey around the world" according to the Nature Geoscience journal"

    It's a mystery to me why these scientists don't state the obvious and that the only way this dust could be clumped together was if it was electrified. See

    Cosmic Dust Could Form Inorganic Life, Study Suggests & Dust ‘comes alive’ in space .

    July eclipse is best chance to look for gravity anomaly
    New Scientist News, 19th July 2009
    "From remote observatories on the Tibetan plateau to a cave in a Shanghai suburb, Chinese researchers are poised to conduct an audacious once-in-a-century experiment. The plan is to test a controversial theory: the possibility that gravity drops slightly during a total eclipse. Geophysicists from the Chinese Academy of Sciences are preparing an unprecedented array of highly sensitive instruments at six sites across the country to take gravity readings during the total eclipse due to pass over southern China on 22 July.

    The results, which will be analysed in the coming months, could confirm once and for all that anomalous fluctuations observed during past eclipses are real.

    "It sounds like what is really necessary to break the uncertainty," says Chris Duif of Delft University of Technology in The Netherlands. "I'm not really convinced the anomaly exists, but it would be revolutionary if it turned out to be true," he says. [...]

    Most physicists doubt the anomaly's existence, because it would challenge our ideas about how gravity works."

    Well, I will be most interested to see if we lose any satellites due to this eclipse, ie electronics are fried and satellites become inoperable. Whilst scientists are still grappling with the electric universe, gravitational theories cannot be used to explain why this should happen. Please note the comment highlighted here about gravity. Most scientists now acknowledge that we do not fully understand gravity. Whats more, after NASA lost so many satellites due to "gravitational anomalies", scientists are forced to use tables of computations to get satellites safely out of our solar system. Here is a quote, "NASA scientists have determined that both of the Pioneer spacecraft are off course by more than a hundred thousand kilometers. At the time, investigative team members remarked that they had no explanation for the navigational deviation, so many speculations were offered about what “mysterious” forces could be acting on the most distant of artificial objects. Multidimensional space, dark energy, dark matter "friction," and other ironic theories such as “gravity affecting antimatter differently” were offered to the scientific press as "explanations" for the deceleration." All in the MOND

    Deadly tsunami 'shadows' visible from space give early warning of killer waves
    Daily Mail, 19th July 2009
    "Satellites can spot a tsunami as it unfolds in the open ocean, researchers have found, and could in future be used as part of an early warning system. Researchers for the U.S government studied satellite images in the Indian Ocean as the December 2004 tsunami raced across to destroy coastlines in Thailand, Sri Lanka and Indonesia. The natural disaster killed more than 228,000 people. They found while the sea surface height did not change dramatically, the texture of the surface did, with dark 'shadows' forming along the leading edge of the tsunami. The discovery has the potential of saving thousands of lives by giving people time to escape from coastal regions before the waves hit."

    Quite frankly, the December 2004 tsunami was a defining moment for me. I realised that the modern world had denigrated intuition so much that it was mainly the lowly tribal people and animals who were in close contact with the environment who were warned that this event was coming and had time to run. Whereas the tourists, with their mobile phones were not even given the benefit of the technology to save their lives. Even an eight year old saved her family by realising that the tide had gone out too far too quickly and recalled a lesson on tsunamis that she had recently received at school. The photos of hundreds of rotting bodies on the beach after the tsunami, is a reminder of the consequence of placing technology in front of re-developing our intuitive abilities.

    Huge blob of Arctic goo floats past Slope communities
    IT'S NOT OIL: No one in the area can recall seeing anything like it before.
    Anchorage Daily, 14th July 2009
    "It's not oil: No one in the area can recall seeing anything like it before. Something big and strange is floating through the Chukchi Sea between Wainwright and Barrow. Hunters from Wainwright first started noticing the stuff sometime probably early last week. It's thick and dark and "gooey" and is drifting for miles in the cold Arctic waters, according to Gordon Brower with the North Slope Borough's Planning and Community Services Department.

    Brower and other borough officials, joined by the U.S. Coast Guard, flew out to Wainwright to investigate. The agencies found "globs" of the stuff floating miles offshore Friday and collected samples for testing. [...] It's certainly biological," Hasenauer said. "It's definitely not an oil product of any kind. It has no characteristics of an oil, or a hazardous substance, for that matter.

    "It's definitely, by the smell and the makeup of it, it's some sort of naturally occurring organic or otherwise marine organism."
    Something else: No one in Barrow or Wainwright can remember seeing anything like this before, Brower said."

    Something evolving, as the electromagnetic chaos means that small changes in DNA processing create weird results. Answer: Giant Alaskan Blob Mystery Solved but this could also be an excuse to hide a shower of 'debris' from a cosmic source.

    MAMMATUS OVER MANHATTEN:, 27th June 2009
    Copy: "Yesterday (June 26), after a summer evening thunderstorm, a bank of spectacular mammatus clouds formed over Manhattan," reports Snehal Patel of New York. "It was an amazing display that looked like large orange cotton balls falling from the sky." He took this picture using an iPhone 3G: "The most entertaining part of the display was the crowds of people running out of restaurants and lining the streets to catch a glimpse!"

    Mammatus clouds, named for their resemblance to a cow's underbelly, sometimes appear at the end of severe thunderstorms when the thundercloud is breaking up. Researchers have called them an "intriguing enigma," because no one knows exactly how and why they form. The clouds are fairly common but often go unnoticed because potential observers have been chased indoors by the rain. If you are one of them, dash outside when the downpour stops; you could witness a beautiful mystery in the sky.

    more images: from Alex Barnard of New York City; from Marilyn Stern of Manhattan, New York City; from Terry Pundiak of Palmer Township, PA; from Martin Popek of Nýdek, Bystrice nad olší, Czech republic; from Dan Linek of Brentwood, New York

    The research paper referenced here entitled "The Mysteries of Mammatus Clouds: Observations and Formation Mechanisms" does not inspire confidence. When scientists use terms like "intriguing enigma" and "mysterious" and then talk in terms of atmospheric fluid dynamics with no mention of a vertical electric field of 100 volts per meter that cloud experiments have proven categorically is required to form clouds then it a safe bet that there is no real understanding of what is going on. Whatever, the pictures are quite spectacular....

    Strange cloud formations over NYC
    The Examiner, 27th June 2009
    "These very strange cloud formations suddenly appeared in the sky around 8:30 p.m. when the sun was setting in Union Square Park in NYC today. Moments before their appearance, people were casually sitting on the steps of the park entrance and carrying on as most New Yorkers do. Suddenly, there were sounds of gasps and one by one people held their cell phones up to the sky to photograph this strange occurrence.

    These weren't the famed chemtrails, neither the Lenticular clouds that are mistaken for UFO's or the wispy metaphysical Sylphs often spoken about in spiritual circles. These clouds weren't even similar to the new "Asperatus" clouds seen all over the world which the Royal Meteorological Society are trying to officially add to a new cloud category (an event of which hasn't occurred since 1951.)"

    Well, I wonder if a few are starting to suspect that something absolutely momentous is happening. If you are a regular to this blog you will have much more of an idea of The Big Picture. Note the wikipedia reference to Mammatus Clouds.

    Shifts in Earth's Magnetic Field Driven by Oceans?
    National Geographic News, 22nd June 2009
    "The flow of seawater across Earth's surface could be responsible for small fluctuations in the planet's magnetic field, a controversial new study says. If so, the research would challenge the widely accepted theory that Earth's magnetic field is generated by a churning molten core, or dynamo, in the planet's interior. "If I am correct, then the dynamo theory is in bad shape, and all kinds of things about core dynamics also fall apart," said study author Gregory Ryskin, an associate professor of chemical and biological engineering at Northwestern University in Illinois.

    Ryskin's study has attracted fierce criticism from other geophysicists, with some experts dismissing the idea as "junk" science. "I strongly believe the new hypothesis is just nonsense," said geophysicist Robert Parker of the University of California, San Diego. Such reactions were not entirely unexpected. "This article is controversial and will no doubt cause vigorous debate, and possibly strong opposition, from some parts of the geomagnetism community," Tim Smith, senior publisher of the New Journal of Physics, which published Ryskin's findings, said in a statement."

    Quite frankly, you would think scientists would be more interested in the MASSIVE PARTING OF THE MAGNETIC SHIELD OF EARTH. Especially, as scientists tell us that it will generate MASSIVE GEOMAGNETIC STORMS IN THE FUTURE. Since there are extremely high levels of ignorance about how this will effect electromagnetic humans, it seems this issue will only get some attention when there is a high increase in emotionally and mentally disturbed people.

    Scientists Search For A Pulse In Skies Above Earthquake Country
    Space Mart, 18th June 2009
    "Searching for Clues From Above and Below: Like doctors assessing the health of a patient, scientists use a broad array of tools to "listen" to the San Andreas and other faults, looking for clues about their past, present and future behavior. They dig trenches across faults, and place instruments, such as seismographs, creep meters and stress meters, into the ground to try to detect any changes that might be occurring above or below Earth's surface.

    Increasingly, they also rely on space-based technologies, such as those being developed at JPL. Space-based instruments can image minute Earth movements to within a few centimeters (fractions of an inch), measuring the slow buildup of deformation along faults and mapping ground deformation after earthquakes occur. Among these tools are the Global Positioning System and interferometric synthetic aperture radar, or InSAR.

    This is a long and boring status report but worth highlighting as we have a scientific research program heavily reliant on GPS, but we have just been told that GPS is 'breaking down' and service is expected to start fading out in 2010. This rather major news seems to have been greeted with silence so I suppose we are now waiting for the shock to wear off.

    Time to run for it, Auntie Em: The spectacular image of a tornado towering over the Kansas prairie
    Dail Mail, 17th June 2009
    Full report: "Photographer Jim Reed has been documenting natural phenomena in America for over 15 years. This photograph appeared in the June 2009 issue of National Geographic Magazine.

    The Explorer is Mr Reed's research vehicle, that he has used to chase storms across the United States for the last decade and a half. Its red chassis and the parched red-brown dirt of the Kansas prairie is set off against the dazzling white of the clouds - lit from the front by the sun - and the black gathering storm clouds piled beneath. Landspouts are so named because of their resemblance to waterspouts. They are tornadoes that develop through thunderstorms or a towering cumulus cloud. They are usually weak and short-lived. The photograph was taken on May 8, 2008. The twister is just one of 187 that tore through Kansas that year - a U.S. record."

    This is just another manifestation of an electromagnetic phenomena and to get this into some kind of persective, the dust devils on Mars are 5 miles high! Here is the opinion of an electric theorist, who wrote back in April 2004, "However, last week saw another success for the Electric Universe model. It's now official that dust devils on Earth exhibit strong electric fields, in excess of 4,000 volts per meter. They generate magnetic fields as well. The researchers who made the discovery added the qualification '"on Earth"' because the discovery was a surprise. They cannot be certain that it applies to the dust devils on Mars because their purely mechanical model did not predict the electrical effects found in earthly dust devils. However the tentative connection was made." See; Electric Dust Devils

    Freak Beijing storm turns day into night
    Austalia Broadcast Corporation, 16th June 2009
    "China correspondent Stephen McDonell and ABC cameraman Rob Hill saw day turn into night as a freak storm swept across the capital Beijing today.

    "It was pitch black outside and you could see people looking out from the office towers across the road from us," McDonell said. "In a couple of the photos you can see a clock in the distance showing it was around 11:30 am local time." The storms were expected to affect western and northern Xinjiang, most part of Inner Mongolia, north-east China and north China. Today's extreme weather follows yesterday's hail storms across eastern China's Anhui province, which killed 14 people and injured more than 180, AFP reports. Anhui's Civil Affairs Bureau said that more than 10,000 people were evacuated and nearly 9,700 houses collapsed in yesterday's severe storm."

    Sounds quite serious....

    Strange Lightning Looks Like Jellyfish
    Live Science, 11th June 2009
    "An eerie red figure flashed across the sky above a thunderstorm near the south coast of France, and then it was gone in the blink of an eye. Atmospheric scientist Oscar van der Velde, standing on his balcony in Sant Vicenç de Castellet, in Barcelona, Spain, captured the sprite, as it is called, in spectacular detail on the night of June 5. He was more than 150 miles (250 km) away from the storm.

    "It was the sixth sprite that night that I could capture, and the second one at this zoom level," said van der Velde, of the Technical University of Catalonia. "This type of sprite is often called a 'carrot.'" Lasting just three milliseconds to 10 milliseconds, sprites are flashes of light that occur high above the tops of powerful thunderstorms and can travel up to 50 miles (80 km) high in the atmosphere, emitting deep red to near-infrared light. [...]

    In fact, scientists are still trying to figure out just what causes sprites, with some attributing the electrical bursts to lightning and others to meteoric dust, gravity waves or something else completely. The flashes also have been linked with UFO sightings."

    More details about the capture of this amazing sprite image.

    Severe Storm Brings Tornado, Funnel Clouds, Hail
    The DenverChannel News, 9th June 2009
    "DENVER -- A tornado touched down in Firestone, Colo., and a funnel cloud formed over Broomfield, Colo., Tuesday afternoon, two days after a series of tornadoes tore up parts of the metro Denver area.

    The National Weather Service said the tornado touched down briefly at 5:11 p.m. about 4 miles northwest of Firestone, but there were no reports of serious damage. The funnel cloud spotted a short time earlier was seen in many communities, including Thornton and Broomfield. Robin Hoffman was on northbound Interstate 25, headed to Johnstown, when she saw the funnel cloud. "It was only there for a brief couple of moments," Hoffman said. "There were a lot of people on I-25 pulling over and taking pictures and watching it. ... It was nowhere near the ground."

    7NEWS MyReporters sent in photos of the funnel cloud, which stretched horizontally across the sky but never appeared to touch the ground."

    Personally, I think the image here is absolutely awesome! To be able to move horizontally against the vertical electric field means that this is a Birkeland current, the photo is so good that it does seem that the cloud is being 'twisted' by the internal magnetic field. Wow!

    Two months of rain in half a day as tornados and flash floods hit Britain... and there's more to come
    Daily Mail, 8th June 2009
    "It's a sight more commonly seen on the subcontinent, but a swirling tornado can be seen forming in the skies above Britain. The dramatic image was captured by amateur photographer John Prescott near Bude, Cornwall, yesterday as the tip of the tornado comes close to making contact with the ground. It comes as torrential downpours and thunderstorms battered Britain over the weekend, with parts of the country seeing two months of rain in half a day."

    Interestingly, for a relatively small sized land mass, the UK either has the highest or the 2nd highest (source dependent) number of tornadoes in the whole world, a fact that is certainly not well known.

    Sprites Are A True Space Weather Phenomenon, 8th June 2009
    Copy: "STRANGE LIGHTNING: High above Earth, in the realm of meteors and noctilucent clouds, a strange and beautiful form of lightning dances at the edge of space. Researchers call the bolts "sprites"; they are red, fleeting, and tend to come in bunches.

    Atmospheric scientist Oscar van der Velde of Sant Vicenç de Castellet, Spain, photographed this specimen on June 5th: "With my new zoom lens I can now magnify the sky above thunderstorms to get very detailed images of sprites," says van der Velde. "This amazing 'carrot sprite' occurred near the coast of southern France about 250 km away from me." "Sprites are a true space weather phenomenon," he adds.

    "They develop in mid-air around 80 km altitude, growing in both directions, first down, then up. This happens when a fierce lightning bolt draws lots of charge from a cloud near Earth's surface. Electric fields [shoot] to the top of Earth's atmosphere--and the result is a sprite. The entire process takes about 20 milliseconds."

    Although sprites have been seen, off and on, for at least a century, most scientists did not believe they existed until after 1989 when sprites were photographed by cameras onboard the space shuttle. Now "sprite chasers" routinely photograph sprites from their own homes. "I set up a Watec 902H2 Ultimate security camera on my balcony and used UFOCapture software to catch the sprite," says van der Velde. Give it a try!

    This image of a sprite is just another excellent example of plasma energy that looks "life-like". This has been classified as a 'carrot' sprite but it sure looks like a squid to me! Note the reference to 1989, which is the year of the Great Magnetic Storm and is most often used as the marker for the onset of Space Weather because this is the time that scientists first realised that national power supply could be effected. However, geomagnetic storms have always provided deliveries of spiritual energy to this planet, the only difference now is the quality and the quantity which is being used to transform our world. The discovery of these plasma "entities" by the space shuttle is a fabrication and less than five minutes on the internet will provide the true facts. The article forgot to tell you that these electrical manifiestations are MASSIVE and can stretch for 60kms!

    By the way, the spiritual community were suppose to use the increasing deliveries of "New Energy" arriving in the form of spaceweather to spiritually evolve. The only problem is that many in positions of leadership had absolutely no idea how the universe works and were totally ignorant of universal cycles. So there was a flat denial that there was any new energy on the planet and those who understood intuitively what was happening were spurned. Now, that the planet is being absolutely blasted to the point that the whole of satellite communication infrastructure is under risk and the Global Positioning System (GPS) is expected to start breaking down in 2010, it seems that many are still blissfully unaware. Therefore, it is no wonder that off-planet support refer to the general human condition as comatose.

    Rabaul volcano in Papua, New Guinea: Volcanic 2km Plume Arcs With Passing Storm Clouds, 6th June 2009
    Copy: "VOLCANIC LIGHTNING: On May 19th, adventure photographer Stephen O'Meara was monitoring an eruption of the Rabaul volcano in Papua, New Guinea, when something happened that, he says, "I'll remember for a very long time. A storm cloud approached the volcano's 2 km plume, and lightning began to arc between the two ."

    He set up his camera in a secure location and recorded the "awesome and blinding" spectacle: This isn't the first time lightning has been observed around a volcano. Recent examples include Alaska's Mt. Redoubt, Chile's Chaitin volcano and Kilauea in Hawaii. Clouds of water vapor shoot out of these volcanoes in a dusty mixture likened to a "dirty thunderstorm," and lightning emerges from within the turbulent plume.

    Photos: #1 , #2 . But O'Meara's photo shows something different. "I observed a placid eruption column apparently interacting with a passing storm center," he says. "It was cloud to cloud lightning."

    Not much is known about the mechanisms driving volcanic lighting, so his image of this rare interaction may have scientific value. UPDATE: On June 3rd, O'Meara took his camera to the Kilauea volcano in Hawaii and saw another bright flash of light in the sky--but this time it wasn't lightning. Click here for details.

    The evidence that we live an an Electric Universe gets stronger, especially as our planet becomes more highly charged. Still, we have to hope that we do not see the terrifying manifestations that occurred in mankinds's history and retained as rock-art paintings that record high energy plasma discharges that would have been seen in the sky.

    Huge Waves Detected in Atmosphere
    Discovery Channel News, 4th June 2009
    "Researchers have detected giant, fast-moving waves of air, caused by thunderstorms and other disturbances, above Poker Flat, Alaska, where a new radar is churning out the first three-dimensional images of upper atmospheric phenomena in the polar region. "People have been envisioning doing this project for 40 years," said Eric Donovan, an associate professor of physics and astronomy at the University of Calgary in Alberta, Canada. "There's just a lot going on in this region that we don't understand. [...]

    Scientists have identified a few types of waves, some of which rip through the region of the atmosphere known as the mesopause, about 60 to 90 kilometers above the planet, and others in the thermosphere, roughly 200 to 300 kilometers in altitude. The waves can be hundreds of kilometers long and travel at half the speed of sound. "They are really enormous," Heinselman said.

    Due to the fact that we have reports of massive space storms taking place in the upper atmosphere over Canada every 3 hours and "The observations show magnetic ripples in the ionosphere spreading at speeds exceeding 100,000 kilometres per hour from an initial point above Canada." see New Scientist May 26th, report, or entry below: Substorm_Space storm caught slamming into Earth's atmosphere, then it's difficult to think that there is no connection. Yes, the speed of sound in air is about 1120km/hr and these atmospsheric waves are half this speed but we will have to watch out for future reports to see what conclusions can be made.

    Mystery Ingredient Cleaning Earth's Atmosphere
    National Geographic News, 4th June 2009
    "Mother Nature has a previously unknown cleaning agent that scrubs away toxic air pollution, scientists have discovered. What's more, the existence of the still mysterious substance has shaken up decades-long assumptions about our atmosphere's self-cleaning process. [...]

    "It was a complete surprise to us [that], after such a long time of scientific research, such a big gap has been found," said study co-author Franz Rohrer, of the Institute of Chemistry and Dynamics of the Geosphere in Jülich, Germany."

    Well, now that the Earth Earth is receiving "New Energy" that scientists acknowledge is being seen in the varying composition of the solar wind, maybe this discovery might alert a few to the dramatic changes taking place on this planet especially as it overturns decades old assumptions.

    Earth Losing Atmosphere Faster than Mars
    Discovery News, 2nd June 2009
    "Researchers were stunned to discover recently that Earth is losing more of its atmosphere than Venus and Mars, which have negligible magnetic fields. This may mean our planet’s magnetic shield may not be as solid a protective screen as once believed when it comes to guarding the atmosphere from an assault from the sun.

    “We often tell ourselves that we are very fortunate living on this planet because we have this strong magnetic shield that protects us from all sorts of things that the cosmos throws at us — cosmic rays, solar flares and the pesky solar wind,” said Christopher Russell, a professor of geophysics and space physics at the University of California, Los Angeles. “It certainly does help in some of those areas but … in the case of the atmosphere, this may not be true,” he said."

    At this moment, scientists claiming that the Earth is losing it's atmosphere due to space weather has to be noted but I don't think it is in the same category as other more major announcements from NASA about the decline of the shielding around our solar system, the announcements of massive breaches in the Earth's magnetosphere against the solar wind, the extraordinarily low ionosphere and the acknowledgment that cosmic rays are at record highs. Then there are the massive substorms in the ionosphere, that are the probable cause of the announcement that the Global Positioning System (GPS) system is 'breaking down'. Then there are a plethora of new atmospheric and geophysical changes that have taken place in the last few decades just like the dramatic changes taking place in every single planet in our solar system, even some of the 138 moons show signs of massive atmospheric changes and "global warming". There is a steady drip drip of news that the majority of people just can't understand and the cynical wish to exploit.

    Astronauts Spot Mysterious Ice Circles in World's Deepest Lake [Russia]
    Wired Science, 26th May 2009
    "Astronauts aboard the International Space Station noticed two mysterious dark circles in the ice of Lake Baikal in April. Though the cause is more likely aqueous than alien, some aspects of the odd blemishes defy explanation. The two circles are the focal points for ice break-up and may be caused by upwelling of warmer water in the lake."

    There seems to be enough evidence to suggest that a vortex of electromagnetic energy could have the same effect too, as it seems that humans are not completely privy to how Earth is managed by universal forces. Since scientists admit they still do not understand magnetism and light, we have to venture into areas of scientific research that is not widely accepted or 'sanctioned'. When we do this, it seems there are ways of understanding the ultimate nature of our reality in terms of the magnetic field with another time variant that is not time. From this basic postulate, it seems that there is foundation for a scientific understanding of the orb phenomena, magnetic "plasma entities", "vacuum domains" and a host of other names given to "beings of light" that sometimes can be seen with the eye or by digital technology which lately have become more visible. With an unbiased view of the evidence, it seems that the Universe is far more creative than the average human mind can currently comprehend. update 4th June, see Mystery of Giant Ice Circles Resolved. Personally, I can't see how escaping methane gas could make a ring, a hole yes, but not a ring that looks like the ice has been stamped.... See, the proper picture of two virtually identically sized rings are on the same ice flow! Geothermal Ice Circles in Russia’s Lake Baikal?.

    Tornado Season So Far Not as Bad as 2008
    Watts Up With That, 26th May 2009
    "WUWT readers may remember last year that we had an early outbreak of Tornado season, and media opportunist Senator John Kerry immediately jumped at the chance to blame the weather event on “global warming” as we reported here on WUWT: Kerry appeared on MSNBC on February 6 to discuss storms that have killed at least 50 people throughout the Southeastern United States. So, of course, Kerry used the platform to advance global warming alarmism."

    See also Is global warming responsible for a slow tornado season? . "Stormchasers across Tornado Alley have been frustrated this spring by what seems to be a lack of tornadoes and severe weather. Indeed, VORTEX2, the largest tornado field study ever, has been running for more than two weeks now and has not seen one twister. Last week, Weather Channel Senior Meteorologist Stu Ostro speculated that global warming was the cause." The only thing we know for sure is that most meteorologists and climatologists have not identified all the factors that generate our weather and climate. This has been proven over and over again by the higher prediction success rates by the few who do take into account electromagnetic influences.

    Tennis ball-sized hail stones pound French villages
    Terra Daily, 22nd May 2009
    "Fist-sized hail stones "like rocks from the sky" smashed roofs and car windows across a 20-kilometre (13-miles) wide strip of central France, witnesses and firefighters said Friday.

    The violent 15-minute squall blew up at around nightfall on Thursday after an otherwise pleasant day around Roanne, a small town in central France. There were no immediate reports of injuries. "I was just feeding the horses when the first hail fell. At first, for about 20 seconds, it was light and scattered, then it was a deluge, like rocks from the sky," said a resident of Pouilly-sous-Charlieu.

    "The flowers and orchards were ripped to shreds and some of the cars in the neighbourhood look like they've been worked over with a hammer. Many of them had shattered windscreens," he said. Firefighters said they had found stones as big as tennis balls.

    Well, there have not been many reports about massive hailstones for a while but this report makes up for that. It seems that France may have a problem generally and so make use of 'Hail cannons' to target cloud formations in passing storms to disrupt the growth phase of the hailstones. Apparently 'Hail cannons' have been around for 30 years but there has been a lot of development in the last 10 years, which of course is interesing. See How Hail Cannons Work.

    Melting ice could cause gravity shift
    The Independent, 15th May 2009
    "The melting of one of the world's largest ice sheets would alter the Earth's field of gravity and even its rotation in space so much that it would cause sea levels along some coasts to rise faster than the global average, scientists said yesterday."

    This report is another good example of 'could', 'might', 'possibly', 'if' and 'maybe' attempts at alarmism. See Scientific Jargon - "Would" "Will" "Could" "Might" "Maybe". However, the most important discussion is the possible effects of melting ice sheets on the Earth's rotation as we can note that NASA is currently using the new GOCE satellite to map the Earth's gravity, ( sees previous entries). Maybe the report could have mentioned that there are known astronomical cycles that cause major global temperature shifts; 5 solar variability cycles and 3 Earth orbit cycles that of course, have nothing to do with human activity.

    Day After Tomorrow Postponed: Cold water ocean circulation doesn't work as expected, 14th May 2009
    The familiar model of Atlantic ocean currents that shows a discrete "conveyor belt" of deep, cold water flowing southward from the Labrador Sea is probably all wet. New research led by Duke University and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution relied on an armada of sophisticated floats to show that much of this water, originating in the sea between Newfoundland and Greenland, is diverted generally eastward by the time it flows as far south as Massachusetts. From there it disburses to the depths in complex ways that are difficult to follow. A 50-year-old model of ocean currents had shown this southbound subsurface flow of cold water forming a continuous loop with the familiar northbound flow of warm water on the surface, called the Gulf Stream.

    I think this is a confirmation of what these Oceanographers have been thinking for a long time. In fact, in the 'News of the Imbalance' July 2008 archives, The Carl Wunsch Complaint a scientist refers to the popular representation of the Gulf Stream as a "fairy tale for grown ups". At the time, I stated that this just about summed up my view about lots of subjects. Now, after over 25 years of searching for truth and enlightenment, I have decided there is a good reason for the "fairy tales", which the "real" seekers will see through by using the higher aspects of consciousness in the form of reason, which cannot be formulated by pretence.

    Snow in Saudi Arabia in May?
    Watts Up with That, 12th May 2009
    "From the Saudi Gazette: 'In one of the rare occasions, Saudis enjoy the snowfall in Al- Baha city south-west of Riyadh, Tuesday. Torrential rains pouring down on Al-Baha accompanied by gusty winds were accompanied by snow capping the mountains and covering the valley areas and the forests of Al-Zaraeb and Khayrah.' The last report we had like this in mid January said that the snow and cold was the “worst in 30 years“. In January, snow isn’t unexpected in Saudi Arabia, it has happened before. But in May?"

    I think it's actually hail not snow and a sign of extreme climatic instability. See also Caption this photo. Note the entry by hereticfringe (15:19:34) : “I heard Al Gore is in town… now I know what they mean by the Al Gore effect!” Hilarious!

    Derecho sweeps across the South
    The Examiner, 5th May 2009
    "On Sunday, a significant windstorm called a derecho, swept across 5 states, knocking down trees and powerlines across the South. Southeast Texas, Central Louisiana, South Mississippi, South and parts of Central Alabama, and North Central Georgia all were affected.

    A derecho is a widespread and long-lived, violent convectively induced straight-line windstorm that is associated with a fast-moving band of severe thunderstorms in the form of a squall line, usually taking the form of a bow echo.

    There are reports of other extreme weather events at the moment, which I believe are directly related to the reported large coronal hole, and high-speed solar wind occuring in the last few days. Quite some time ago, I picked up on channelling that told us that "the winds are coming" and advice about building new types of homes. I have not heard about New Age communities building storm proof houses and there have been conflicting messages about people living in 'Light' communities' anyway. Quite frankly, I have great conflict about paying attention or too much attention to channelled messages that seem to be all love and light because we are facing evolutionary change and universal forces can't operate and create without some chaos and destruction. Whatever, there are some who have building Disaster Resistance 'Dome' Homes for years and I suppose that eventually people will get the message that the environmental conditions on the planet have changed for good.

    Hurricanes peak a day after lightning
    New Scientist, 11th April 2009
    "A GLOBAL analysis of lightning during hurricanes has bolstered observations that the worst winds come a day after the bolts strike.

    Forecasters struggle to predict peak hurricane winds. So Colin Price of Tel Aviv University in Israel and colleagues studied all category 4 and 5 hurricanes between 2005 and 2007. Out of 58 hurricanes, 56 showed a significant correlation between lightning activity and wind speed, with peak winds arriving 30 hours after the lightning on average."

    Our scientists are continuing to acknowledge the role of electromagnetic energy and extreme atmospheric phenomena like hurricanes.

    Scientists capture volcano’s lightning
    Electrical discharges mapped inside Mount Redoubt's clouds of ash

    MSNBC News, 8th April 2009
    "For the first time, scientists have been able to "see" and trace lightning inside a plume of ash spewing from an actively erupting volcano. When Alaska's Mount Redoubt volcano began rumbling back to life in January, a team of researchers scrambled to set up a system called a Lightning Mapping Array that would be able to peer through the dust and gas of any eruption that occurred to the lightning storm happening within. Lightning is known to flash in the tumultuous clouds belched out during volcanic eruptions.

    The lightning produced when Redoubt finally erupted on March 22 was "prolific," said physicist Paul Krehbiel of New Mexico Tech. "The lightning activity was as strong or stronger than we have seen in large Midwestern thunderstorms," Krehbiel said. "The radio frequency noise was so strong and continuous that people living in the area would not have been able to watch broadcast VHF television stations."

    I have not been paying much attention to this story but Scientists are providing more evidence of the electrical circuitry that links Earth to the cosmos. As we can see in this report, the most up to date research reveals volcanic and earthquake activity are a good proxy for electrical activity around Earth.

    Italian earthquake: expert's warnings were dismissed as scaremongering
    The Telegraph, 6th April 2009
    "An Italian scientist, Giampaolo Giuliani, predicted the earthquake which has killed at least 90 people in the Abruzzo region but he was reported to the police for scaremongering, it has emerged. Mr Giuliani told locals to evacuate their houses and posted a video on YouTube in which he said a build-up of radon gas around the seismically active area suggested a major earthquake was imminent.

    Several tremors had been felt in the medieval city of L'Aquila, around 60 miles east of Rome, from mid-January onwards, and vans with loudspeakers had driven around the city spreading the warning. But instead of heeding Mr Giuliani's warnings, the local authorities reported him to police for "spreading alarm" and he was told to remove his findings from the internet. [...]

    Even after the devastating earthquake, the head of Italy's National Geophysics Institute, Enzo Boschi, dismissed Mr Giuliani's predictions."Every time there is an earthquake there are people who claim to have predicted it," he said. "As far as I know nobody predicted this earthquake with precision. It is not possible to predict earthquakes."

    Sadly it seems that the Abruzzo region was vulnerable and regardless of whether the final trigger was driven by cosmic factors, it seems that authorities are not interested in scientists acting unilaterally to potentially save lives. At least Mr Giuliani will have a clear consciousness and that he can be considered as someone who tried to make a difference in the face of other's apathy. Whatever, I have to disagree with the head of Italy's National Geophysics Institute, Enzo Boschi, who does not even seem informed about the latest research in his own field. As I have noted on this blog, Russian and American scientists amongst others are using satellite technology to detect low frequency emissions, precursors to earthquakes that generate a range of phenomena that occur in a range of days, hours and minutes before a major earthquake. Thus we find reported on exactly the same day,
    TAIPEI (April 6, 2009) : A Taiwan scientist has made breakthrough in earthquake early warnings, allowing the public be warned 10 to 30 seconds before a major quake causes destruction, a newspaper said on Monday. [...]

    Wu tested his method at the South California earthquake monitoring network, the paper said. The test showed that after an earthquake, four to six monitoring stations recorded features of the p-wave within seven seconds after the quake had struck. Adding the time of computer transmission, a warning could be sent out 10 seconds before a quake starts to cause damage.

    The China Times said that Wu's method can prevent or cut property damage or loss of life because 10 is enough for someone to switch off a gas stove, for a bullet train to slow down or for a nuclear power plant's reactors to be shut. [...]

    "According to the China Times, Wu has submitted his findings to the Geophysical Research Letters, and his research has attracted attention from many countries including Japan, South Korea and from the Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre. Taiwan's Seismological Observation Centre said it will not adopt Wu's method until the accuracy of his earthquake early-warning can be proven, the paper said."

    Taiwan scientist claims breakthrough in earthquake early warning,
    The Sun Daily, April 6, 2009

    Obama Administration Requests Info on Planetary Challenges, 5th March 2009
    "The Obama Administration has asked the "Evolutionary Leaders" to communicate about what is transpiring on the planet, and how we can change the course of the unprecedented events that are challenging this planet. This is a window of opportunity that must be taken! A deadline was given for this information to be conveyed to the Obama Administration."

    A dear friend has just sent me details on Obama's request, I will process the information and come up with my response. We are living in truly amazing times, could you imagine Bush or Cheney making this request?
    Update: Having read the response by these 'Evolutionary Leaders' I am not sure that they are aware of the seriousness of what is facing Earth. The request from the Obama Administration states 'to communicate about what is transpiring on the planet, and how we can change the course of the unprecedented events that are challenging this planet'. We are facing a 'New Age' dominated by space and as NASA have revealed, our solar system shielding is rapidly declining & the Earth is lowering it's shields to solar, cosmic and galactic/intergalactic energies which will have MAJOR evolutionary implications for all life on Earth. I note the following paragraphs;

    We recognize that the inner and outer aspects of life evolve together. A dramatic awakening in consciousness will involve an equally dramatic shift in outward aspects of our lives. In particular, we see the following as vital opportunities for our conscious evolution, both personally and collectively:
    • Cultivating a Paradigm of Aliveness: We regard the universe as deeply alive and conscious by nature. In a living universe, our sense of subtle connection and participation with life around us is the basis for a compassionate and cooperative approach to living.
    • Educating for an Evolving Consciousness: Awakening consciousness is the foundation for all the change we seek to see in the world. We can work to elevate our capacity for conscious reflection and creative action in our personal lives as well as our collective lives as communities. We must support research and educational strategies that optimize human capacities and explore the nature of consciousness. [End of Excerpt]
    Personally, I would be interested to know what these 'evolutionary leaders' are going to teach ordinary people, as money for research will not help as we face an onslaught of evolutionary energies, electromagnetic chaos and dramatic changes taking place. This is the reason why I wrote my book, Tuning the Diamonds: Electromagnetism & Spiritual Evolution as a 'Study Guide' and anyone who has read my book, website information and regularly followed this blog will be quite well informed of what's happening.

    Electrical storm signatures could make tornado test
    New Scientist News, 20th February 2009
    "Tornado hunters may have a new, unlikely ally – electricity. Armed with only an antenna mounted on top of a vehicle and a simple receiver, researchers have been able to pick up low-frequency electromagnetic waves – a possible sign that a tornado is brewing." The frequency of the signal should even be able to tell them the ferocity of the storm.

    Well, this is absolutely no surprise to scientists who have long worked out that tornadoes are an electrical phenomena with hyperdimensional components. Note this unsubstantiated nonsense, "When dust particles picked up by the storm and droplets rub against each other, they become oppositely charged. The lighter particles, which are mostly negative, get blown to the top of the funnel, while the heavier positive ones sink to the bottom, they say." I have never seen a reference to a single experiment that proves this to be true. The only good thing about this article is the reference to tornado hunters who are doing a dangerous but necessary job in helping us to understand the behaviour of tornadoes, and hopefully this knowledge can be used to save lives.

    Turbulence Warning: 45 hurt as US-bound plane hits turbulence over Japan
    Yahoo News, 20th February 2009
    "Forty-five people were injured, at least three seriously, when a Northwest Airlines Boeing 747 hit turbulence on the Manila-Tokyo leg of a US-bound flight, according to airport officials. [...]

    A young man, also speaking in halting Japanese, said: "I was really scared. I thought I would die. The plane shook so much, and my whole body hovered up in the air. Inside the cabin, everybody was screaming loudly."

    Passengers hovering in the air?!? They must have hit some kind electromagnetic vortex where gravity was being overcome by other forces, the same as when people are carried off by tornadoes.

    Doomsday seed vault's stores are growing
    Statism Watch, 19th February 2009
    "The stores of seeds in a "doomsday" vault in the Norwegian Arctic are growing as researchers rush to preserve 100,000 crop varieties from potential extinction.The imperiled seeds are going to be critical for protecting the global food supply against devastating crop losses as a result of climate change, said Cary Fowler, executive director of the Global Crop Diversity Trust."These resources stand between us and catastrophic starvation," Fowler said. "You can't imagine a solution to climate change without crop diversity.""

    Unfortunately the tone of the commentator to this Agence France-Presse article, is very conspiratorial, whether rightly or wrongly. My interest in the Norwegian Doomsday vault is that one of the major reasons for it's inception was that it was foreseen that there could be a total break down of the world's electricity supply and so the natural setting in Svalbard meant that the place would still be operational without electricity and the place had the natural security of polar bears, believe it or not. This seed bank is the result of some serious disaster planning, understood by those who are aware of the impact of severe Space Weather. See January 16 2006, New Scientist article, Doomsday vault to avert world famine. So, as ususal, all the talk of global warming is just the convenient cover story, but Svalbard is not totally disaster proof as it does get the occasional earthquake....

    Morris County, New Jersey earthquakes puzzling for geologists
    Daily Record, 18th February 2009
    "Minor earthquakes, including three in Morris County during a 15-day span, are relatively common in the northeastern United States but puzzle geologists because the nearest active fault line is hundreds of miles away under the Atlantic Ocean. "The cause of these earthquakes is really a big mystery because they really don't fit in with the geologist image of plate tectonics," said Catherine Riihimaki, a geologist who teaches at Drew University in Madison."

    Maybe there are other factors at play that geologists have traditionally refused to consider for decades, but physicists are now investigating. We now know that tremendous electric currents can be generated in rocks which alter the magnetic field surrounding the earthquake zone. Scientists can measure elevated ULF & ELF (Ultra Low Frequency/Extremely Low Frequency) magnetic field signals weeks prior to earthquakes using satellites. Research is ongoing as to what is causing the build up of charges but from a planetary refresh perspective, we are getting a massive influx of higher energy plasma that is displacing the old corrupted energies that have resided in the Earth and this old energy is now being literally forced out of the Earth generating new geological and atmospheric phenomena.

    This is the frozen north … of the UAE [United Arab Emirates]
    Global Freeze, 25th January 2009
    "Snow covered the Jebel Jais area for only the second time in recorded history yesterday. So rare was the event that one lifelong resident said the local dialect had no word for it.

    According to the RAK Government, temperatures on Jebel Jais dropped to -3°C on Friday night. On Saturday, the area had reached 1°C. Major Saeed Rashid al Yamahi, a helicopter pilot and the manager of the Air Wing of RAK Police, said the snow covered an area of five kilometres and was 10cm deep. "The sight up there this morning was totally unbelievable, with the snow-capped mountain and the entire area covered with fresh, dazzling white snow," Major al Yamahi said."

    See mountain dwellers building a snow man! Video [1:14] at Arabian business,Watch video of UAE's 'once in a lifetime' snow fall. More evidence of the chaos of climate change, rather than global warming.

    Sun Induces Strange 'Breathing' of Earth's Atmosphere
    Wired Science News, 15th December 2008
    "San Francisco, California - New satellite observations have revealed a previously unknown rhythmic expansion and contraction of Earth's atmosphere on a nine-day cycle. This "breathing" corresponds to changes in the sun's magnetic fields as it completes rotations once every 27 days, NASA and University of Colorado, Boulder, scientists said Monday at the American Geophysical Union annual meeting. [...]

    The finding emphasizes the many ways that solar activity impacts the Earth - and its increasingly space-utilizing humans. "From the Earth's perspective, we're in the sun's outer atmosphere," said Jeffrey Thayer, an aerospace engineer at UC-Boulder. [...]

    "What's going on in the sun that's causing all this?" Solomon said. "It's not entirely clear. That part of it is quite mysterious.""

    Interesting, this is another previous unknown atmospheric phenomena now taking place on this planet caused by unknow factors within our Sun....

    Lightning-Storm Gamma Rays Could Harm Air Travelers
    Wired Science, 15th December 2008
    "SAN FRANCISCO, California — The most energetic particles in the electromagnetic spectrum could pose a danger to commercial airline passengers. About every 3000 hours of flying time, a plane is hit with a bolt of lightning. Recently, spacecraft have found gamma rays can be created by thunder storms, and according to new research presented at the American Geophysical Union annual meeting this week, the rays could be intense enough to cause radiation sickness.

    "Everywhere we look, we're seeing x-rays and gamma rays flying out of thunderstorms and lightning," said Joseph Dwyer, a physicist at the Florida Institute of Technology and lead author of the study. "The gamma rays coming out of thunderstorms are so intense we can measure these 600 kilometers away and so bright that it almost blinds the spacecraft. Finding particles flying around at what physicsts call "ultrarelativistic speeds,," i.e. very close to the speed of light, came as a shocker to physicists. Gamma rays had previously been associated with only the most extreme environments in the universe, like supernovae. Now, scientists believe that about 50 terrestrial gamma ray flashes occur per day on Earth. [...]

    "We just don't know enough. The consequences are bad enough that people could potentially get hurt from this," he said. "This is a call for more research. We really need to find out where we are and how big these things are. Could people be hit by these things and get sick? And how would you know?""

    Airline passengers could start getting radiation sickness? In my book Tuning the Diamonds, I wrote a section called "Extreme Physics Right here on Earth", but at that time, scientists were only prepared to tell us that gamma-rays from Terrestrial Gamma Ray Flashes (TGFs) were being launched into space from the Earth's upper atmosphere. This is not a typical report, the scientists really seemed panicked by this discovery and maybe something has changed in the short period from reports back in February 2005.

    Volcanic Eruption Signals Simulated In Lab For First Time
    Science Daily, 2nd December 2008
    "For the first time, seismic signals that precede a volcanic eruption have been simulated and visualized in 3-D under controlled pressure conditions in a laboratory. The ability to conduct such simulations will better equip municipal authorities in volcanic hot spots around the world in knowing when to alert people who live near volcanoes of an impending eruption. [...]

    Scientists tested fracture properties of basalt rock from Mount Etna, the active volcano found on the island of Sicily in southern Italy. They were able to record the seismic signals that are routinely generated during earthquakes that occur before volcanic eruptions. The seismic (sound) waves recorded by the team were similar to those emitted by a church organ pipe and are ubiquitous in active volcanic regions."

    These seismic signals are like church organ pipe sounds!?!

    3 km deep wells could help predict future earthquakes in China
    E&B News, 27th November 2008
    "A team of scientists is planning to dig three narrow wells, 3-kilometers deep, into the Earth's crust, which would help them to predict future earthquakes in China. China’s Szechwan province recently went through a devastating earthquake on May 12 this year, which resulted in 70,000 deaths and 20,000 missing. Equivalent to 1,200 H-bombs, it pulverized the earth’s crust for more than 280 kilometers, in the space of 90 seconds, destroying entire cities and swallowing up eight million homes. "

    Humans were supposed to take up the 'New Energy' over the time period from 1987 - 2012 to help stabilise the Earth. Unfortunately, the understanding about what was happening on the planet was lost or pushed aside by those with more commercial interests, so we are seeing the Earth respond with this kind of violence, even though we have been spared the most apocalyptic scenario.

    Large earthquake "bounces" are stronger than Earth's gravity
    Entertainment and Showbiz!, 6th November 2008
    "A new study that documented unusually strong vertical "bouncing" motions during a magnitude 6.9 earthquake in Japan in June 2008, which was four times stronger than Earth's gravity. According to a report in National Geographic News, the study suggests that side-to-side shaking during earthquakes can also be accompanied by up-and-down jolts, which may increase the threat to buildings and other structures.

    "Having a vertical acceleration is not unexpected. What's unusual about this is how large it is," said Bill Leith, an earthquake program manager at the U.S. Geological Survey." "The vertical motions were also noteworthy because they packed nearly twice as much energy as the earthquake's sideways shaking."

    Maybe the vertical motion could be consistent with energy being forced upward to escape from the Earth. Some physicists believe that the force of gravity is just an electromagnetic side effect, so it's interesting to consider that maybe scientists were measuring a side-effect of the expulsion of highly charged energy. Whatever, we can add this observation to the growing list of new and unusual geophysical activity taking place on Earth.

    October's weird weather continues as [UK] village is swamped by 6ft drifts of hailstones
    Daily Mail, 30th October 2008
    "A town was cut off by floodwater yesterday after torrential overnight storms - which caused 6ft high drifts of hailstones. More than 100 people were evacuated from their homes in Ottery St Mary, Devon, and 25 were airlifted to safety or rescued by firefighters. Cars were buried up to their roofs in hailstones and the freezing conditions caused floodwater to form treacherous icy patches, causing dozens of car accidents."

    Well, there have been amazing pictures of cars buried in hail in Bogota, Colombia, but to see this in the UK is incredible. The atmospheric conditions must have been extreme to permit this volume of hail to develop and then be dumped in a small area.

    Pictured: The mystery pink light that appeared over London
    Daily Mail, 21st October 2008
    "While a pink sky at night might be a shepherd's delight, London residents were left scratching their heads last night as a mysterious pink cloud drifted over the city.

    Bemused bystanders in Mayfair craned their necks to witness the strange alien-like cloud that appeared for just under an hour at around 8:30pm. It hovered over buildings before breaking up and slowly disappearing."

    Nice pictures. I think this is another example of "old energy" that have been forced out of the Earth as part of the massive cleanse now taking place worldwide. The pink is reminiscent of the one of the colours seen in the upside rainbow clouds that occurred just before the massive Sichuan Earthquake in China, see YouTube video (3:23)30 mins before the 2008 Sichuan earthquake in China.

    Earth's Magnetic Field Reversals Illuminated By Lava Flows Study
    Science Daily, 26th September 2008
    Earth's north magnetic pole is shifting and weakening. Ancient lava flows are guiding a better understanding of what generates and controls the Earth's magnetic field – and what may drive it to occasionally reverse direction." "A new study of ancient volcanic rocks, reported in the Sept. 26 issue of the journal Science, shows that a second magnetic field source may help determine how and whether the main field reverses direction. This second field, which may originate in the shallow core just below the rocky mantle layer of the Earth, becomes important when the main north-south field weakens, as it does prior to reversing, says Brad Singer.

    "Right now, historic records show that the strength of the magnetic field is declining very rapidly. From a quick back-of-the-envelope prediction, in 1,500 years the field will be as weak as it's ever been and we could go into a state of polarity reversal," says Singer. "One broad goal of our research is to provide some predictive capability for what could happen and what could be the signs of the next reversal."

    Note, there is no detail here of how a second field source would be created within the core and maintain itself long enough to overwhelm the main field.

    Scientists Behind 'Doomsday Seed Vault' Ready World's Crops For Climate Change
    Science Daily, 18th September 2008
    "As climate change is credited as one of the main drivers behind soaring food prices, the Global Crop Diversity Trust is undertaking a major effort to search crop collections—from Azerbaijan to Nigeria—for the traits that could arm agriculture against the impact of future changes. Traits, such as drought resistance in wheat, or salinity tolerance in potato, will become essential as crops around the world have to adapt to new climate conditions."

    At least the people behind this project realise that they have to at try and prepare in some way for the future of mankinds's existence on this planet. Please note the sentiment, "If we are wise enough to conserve these collections, we will have a treasure chest of the very traits that crops used in the past when they successfully adapted to new conditions - the traits they will need again in the future to adapt as climates and environments change." I do hope that this is their true intentions.

    Earth Structure: Lowermost Mantle Has Materials With Unexpected Properties
    Science Daily, 17th September 2008
    "Materials deep inside Earth have unexpected atomic properties that might force earth scientists to revise their models of Earth’s internal processes, a team of researchers has discovered.The researchers recreated in the lab the materials, crushing pressures and infernal temperatures they believe exist in the lowermost mantle, nearly 2,900 kilometers (1,800 miles) below Earth’s surface."

    Paired electrons are normally associated with the Superconducting state, normally only seen at very low temperatures. So it's really easy to see why these scientists suggest there is a major impact on our understanding of how the Earth conducts heat and electricity and our understanding of the propagation of the Earth's magnetic field from the core.

    The Threat of Silent Earthquakes
    A lack of rumbling does not necessarily make an earthquake harmless. Some of the quiet types could presage devastating tsunamis or larger, ground-shaking shock

    Scientific American, 15th September 2008
    "In early November 2000 the Big Island of Hawaii experienced its largest earthquake in more than a decade. ....As it turns out, quaking is not an intrinsic part of all earthquakes. The event on Kilauea was one of the first unambiguous records of a so-called silent earthquake, a type of massive earth movement unknown to science until just a few years ago."

    This article highlights the fact that our scientists are detecting many 'new' types of geophysical phenomena, at the same time that there is a general increase in geophysical activity caused by the influx of New Energy.

    Geomagnetic field: when will compass fail?
    RIA Novosti, 5th September 2008
    "Russian scientists say changes in the magnetic field would lead to the anti- radiation protection falling, with space flights becoming impossible and energy-dependent systems, including mobile phones and satellites, failing. Then, solar and space radiation would affect the genome of the organisms inhabiting the Earth, causing some of them to become extinct, and others to have a much larger per cent of mutations. Taking into account the solar flares, accompanied by extremely powerful electrojet currents, life is likely to become impossible on Earth before the full magnetic field collapses."

    Well, I think we are already seeing the effects of a weak magnetic field and evolutionary biologists agree that we are seeing the greatest rate of species extinction in 65 million years as well as rapid evolutionary change sometimes in decades. I am looking forward to the results of any serious scientific study as to what is going on in China, because many of the strangest reports that might be clear examples of DNA mutations, orginate there.

    Freak hailstorm turns part of tropical Kenya white
    Reuters UK, 3rd September 2008
    "NAIROBI (Reuters) - A huge hailstorm turned parts of central Kenya white, thrilling residents most of whom had never experienced such conditions, officials said on Wednesday.

    Hailstorms are usual in some parts of Kenya, which straddles the equator, but the ferocity of the storm in Busara, 255 km (158 miles) northwest of the capital was unprecedented. Excited villagers pelted each other with snowballs while some ate pieces of the icy sheet that formed over an entire hillside.

    "We thought a big white sheet had been spread, so we decided to come and see for ourselves. We thought that it was Jesus who had come back," one villager told reporters.

    Well, it most have been one hail of a storm, "More than 12 hours after the storm, the forested hillside was still white despite the hot tropical sun." The BBC story has other interesting details like it was 4 inches deep and looked like stone. Hmmmm.... Also:

    'Snowfall' shocks Kenyan village
    BBC News, 3rd September 2008

    Latest Earthquakes in the World - Past 7 days
    US Geological Survey, Current
    USGS National Earthquake Information Center website. Nice data with great graphics of all earthquakes in the last 7 days.

    Yes, the ring of fire is on fire!

    GOCE To Look At The Earth's Gravitational Field and Map Geoid, 25th August 2008
    "The European Space Agency is about to launch the most sophisticated mission ever to investigate the Earth's gravitational field and to map the reference shape of our planet - the geoid - with unprecedented resolution and accuracy." "The geoid is the surface of equal gravitational potential defined by the gravity field and is crucial for improving our understanding of ocean circulation, sea-level change and terrestrial ice dynamics, all of which are affected by climate change. GOCE-derived data is also much needed for use in practical applications such as surveying and levelling."

    The article does not specifically mention that the rapid melting of the Greenland Ice Cap is triggering earthquakes as the whole of Earth's gravity field is being forced to re-adjust. However the above mention of "terrestrial ice dynamics" is as much as they want you to know.

    Latest science debunks Hurricanes and Global Warming Link
    Canada Free Press, 31st August 2008
    "Before the media starts predictably linking Hurricane Gustav and Hannah to man-made global warming a sampling of a few of the most recent studies should easily silence such chatter."

    It seems many hurricane experts don't agree with popular media propagated beliefs, here are a few excerpts "...according to two recently published reports – hurricane activity may actually decrease due to the effects of global warming. That is a conclusion from a study by Massachusetts Institute of Technology professor Kerry Emanuel, published in the March 2008 issue of the "Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society."" also "According to a study authored by Knutson, Joseph Sirutis, Stephen Garner, Gabriel Vecchi and Isaac Held, published in the May 18 issue of Nature Geoscience, climate models show the amount of Atlantic tropical activity will decrease by 18 percent by the end of the century."

    Hail, high winds smash through Belen, [US], 20th August 2008
    "Belen Golf ball-sized hail pounded the Belen area hard Sunday afternoon, causing hundreds of people to scramble for safety. Residents and business owners are still cleaning up broken glass and picking up fallen leaves and branches left by a storm Sunday afternoon that produced hail so large that it shattered glass, sliced through trees and killed birds. While there were no reports of major injuries, damage from the storm is widespread."

    "William Dean, who lives just north of Belen, said temperature plumeted from 83 degrees at 4:03 p.m. to 56 degrees at 4:28 – almost 30 degrees in the course of 25 minutes."

    "He said he saw some chunks made up of several hailstones frozen together that were four to five inches across." "We did get reports of funnel clouds," he added. "Three or four witnesses said they saw a tornado touch down in the bosque area. We've gone down there and there is damage – some of the trees are uprooted."

    Golf ball-sized hail, clumping together to make bricks.... Have you watched the film 'The Day After Tomorrow' and read about the secret Pentagon report about abrupt climate change? According to my investigations, the destiny of mankind could have been far worst but we are not out of the woods by any stretch of the imagination. It seems we are headed for a mini Ice-Age, so all the rubbish about reducing CO2 just seems ludicrous when even the military are worried about abrupt climate change and are planning wars to secure what's left of our planet's resources. Update: See 22nd August 2008, Science Daily report, Climate Change Could Be Impetus For Wars, Other Conflicts, Expert Says.

    Sloshing Inside Earth Changes Protective Magnetic Field, 18th August 2008
    "A new model uses satellite data from the past nine years to show how sudden fluid motions within the Earth's core can alter the magnetic envelope around our planet. This represents the first time that researchers have been able to detect such rapid magnetic field changes taking place over just a few months."

    This report is telling us that the rapidly fading magnetic field generated within the Earth's core is not strong enough in parts to provide adequate protection for satellites in space, and they are more likely to get fried by space weather. Now what about humans who live on the surface of this planet? If you want to find out, you can read my book!

    Thanks to Nature, a Large Atmospheric Sulfur Dioxide Experiment is Now Underway in the Pacific
    Watts Up With That, 18th August 2008
    Summary: "Can a Million Tons of Sulfur Dioxide Combat Climate Change? The question arose from research from research at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory near San Francisco, by Lowell Wood ....The idea was simple: Inject sulfur dioxide into the stratosphere to reflect a portion of the sun's rays back into space, thus cooling the planet. It also seemed to be within the realm of possibility to some"

    "....just a few days ago, over a million tons of sulfur dioxide (SO2) was in fact injected into the atmosphere over the Pacific Ocean...."

    "The August 7-8 eruption of Kasatochi volcano (Aleutian Islands)produced a very large stratospheric SO2 cloud – possibly the largest since the August 1991 eruption of Hudson (Chile). Preliminary SO2 mass calculations using Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) data suggest a total SO2 burden of ~1.5 Tg. This figure will be revised in the coming weeks but is more likely to go up than down. The SO2 cloud has drifted over a large area of North America and is now (August 14) reaching Europe."

    "With this eruption coming on the heels of a short term global cooling trend that we've seen in the last 18 months, it will be interesting to see if this real-world experiment being performed by nature will add to the trend we've already seen."

    I think this article has caused some confusion. "Experiment" is really the wrong terminology and "Case-study" would have been more appropriate. I think from comments posted on this website, some people think that the volcano was artificially stimulated to erupt. Eh....that is certainly possible, but there is no evidence that this is the case here.

    Oceans On The Precipice Of Mass Extinctions And Rise Of Slime, 15th August 2008
    "Human activities are cumulatively driving the health of the world's oceans down a rapid spiral, and only prompt and wholesale changes will slow or perhaps ultimately reverse the catastrophic problems they are facing. Such is the prognosis of Jeremy Jackson, a professor of oceanography at Scripps Institution of Oceanography at UC San Diego, in a bold new assessment of the oceans and their ecological health."

    Well, the environment has enough mechanisms in place to fix our polluted planet, but the solutions may not be favourable to selfish humans.

    NASA To Research Lightning This Summer
    Red Orbit, 4th August 2010
    Lightning's connection to hurricane intensification has eluded researchers for decades, and for a riveting 40 days this summer, NASA lightning researchers will peer inside storms in a way they never have before.

    Earth scientists and engineers at NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Ala., will soon fly the Lightning Instrument Package, or LIP, a flight instrument designed to track and document lightning as hurricanes develop and intensify. In August and September, LIP will fly on a remotely piloted Global Hawk airplane over the Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic Ocean at an altitude of 60,000 feet. LIP will be part of a NASA hurricane study called Genesis and Rapid Intensification Processes, or GRIP for short. The study involves three storm chaser planes mounted with 15 instruments. LIP and the other instruments will work together to create the most complete view of hurricanes to date.

    This was missed, but I have decided it needs to be added for the record. Also: More info: The Mysteries of Lightning

    Mother Earth naked reveals world's geology
    The Telegraph, 31st July 2008
    "Stripped bare of forests, plants, soil, water and man-made structures it is the earth caught undressed and without her make-up. The striking images are revealed for the first time as part of OneGeology, an ambitious plan to produce the first digital geological map of the world. It is intended to do the same thing for rocks as Google did for maps - stripping away the outer layer and zooming in on the previously invisible structure that lies beneath."

    This is a great idea!

    Weather Eye: multi-coloured lightning strikes a mysterious pose
    The Times, 30th July 2008
    "There was a magnificent display of lightning on Monday night over much of the southern half of Britain. As the flashes came thick and fast, the West Midlands was hit hard by lightning strikes causing power cuts and fires, while the torrential downpours caused flash floods.

    There were also intriguing reports of different coloured lightning, ranging through white, blue and green. In the past there have also been cases of yellow, pink, red and purple lightning. Even a single bolt of lightning has displayed different colours as it branched out. So what makes different colour lightning?"

    The article reassures us that most atmospheric scientists don't have a clue why lightning can be multi-coloured, but fortunately a commentator has decided to enlightened the readership and as I suspected, it was related to the properties of plasma. Hence we find the following explanation; "The different colours are plasma arcs caused when the lightning ignites the gases in the atmosphere, blue/green is common for oxygen plasmas and pink is nitrogen. Not really all that mysterious when you think about it."

    Freak storms in Austria cause hailstone toilet explosion
    He just wanted quiet time on the toilet...

    Independent Online, 22nd July 2008
    "A man from Austria is demanding substantial damages after he was blasted off the toilet when huge hailstones started shooting out of it.

    "I heard the pipes rumbling a bit, and suddenly hailstones the size of golf balls started exploding out of the toilet like it was a popcorn machine," said Martin Bierbauer. "There was an avalanche of ice that quickly filled the toilet, then the entire flat, and eventually the entire building. "I ran down the stairs with the hailstones following me, and other residents did the same."

    It reads like someone is describing their nightmare, but my fascination for stories about hailstones continues..... see previous comments.

    The Carl Wunsch Complaint
    Climate Audit, 22nd July 2008
    "Wunsch promptly replied on Sept 18, 2006 referring to a popular representation of the Gulf Stream as a "fairy tale for grown ups": He responded that this was "absolutely not" the case, stating that "you can't turn the Gulf Stream off as long as the wind blows over the North Atlantic and the earth continues to rotate!" and went on to describe the 'conveyor' as "a kind of fairy-tale for grownups".

    Professor Wunsch said that "I'm willing to talk about these things. I believe that there are all kinds of things happening in the oceans, many highly troubling, but I also believe that one should distinguish what the science tells us and what is merely fantasy".

    It's amazing what scientists are prepared to state "off the record" compared to the usual public demeanor, they are forced to portray. I found Wunsch's comment "a fairy tale for grown-ups", referring to the gulf-stream "conveyer belt", matches my views about quite a few other subjects.....

    Scientists demonstrate the sharpest measurement of ice crystals in cloud, 17th July 2008
    "Scientists have created an instrument designed to help determine the shapes and sizes of tiny ice crystals typical of those found in high-altitude clouds, down to the micron level (comparable to the tiniest cells in the human body), according to a new study in Optics Letters, a journal published by the Optical Society. The data produced using this instrument likely will help improve computer models used to predict climate change."

    Well, I think the new phenomena of noctilucent clouds and the conclusions from SKY (Svensmark) and CLOUD (Cern) experiments are forcing a major re-think of the role of greenhouse gases.

    How intense will storms get? New model helps answer question
    A new mathematical model indicates that dust devils, water spouts, tornadoes, hurricanes and cyclones are all born of the same mechanism and will intensify as climate change warms the Earth's surface., 8th July 2008
    Eureka! "The new equation, developed by University of Michigan atmospheric and planetary scientist Nilton Renno, could allow scientists to more accurately calculate the maximum expected intensity of a spiraling storm based on the depth of the troposphere and the temperature and humidity of the air in the storm's path. The troposphere is the lowest layer of Earth's atmosphere."

    We have the integration of scientific data, producing a more holistic analysis, note this quote; "This is the first thermodynamic model that unifies all these vortices," he said. "When you unify them, you can see the big picture and you can really understand what makes them form and change."

    Fleet of Volkswagens wrecked by hailstones, 1st July 2008
    "A freakish shower of hailstones the size of ping pong balls caused damage to 30,000 new, pre-delivery Volkswagen Golfs, Passats, Polos, Eos, Jettas and Tiguans at a German port."

    "Hail the size of ping pong balls rained down on the new Volkswagens in a freak storm that's caused damage worth hundreds of millions of dollars. For the most part, vehicles sustained heavy paint and bodywork damage, yet amazingly little glass was shattered during the climatical strop. The German car manufacturer has assured customers across Europe waiting on delivery of their new Volkswagens that they'll leave no hailstone unturned in their quest to uncover any unseen damage, however invisible to the naked eye."

    More freak weather......, well the reporters have a great sense of humour, "leaving no hailstone unturned", LOL!!

    Earth's Cries Recorded in Space
    Yahoo News, 1st July 2008
    "Earth emits an ear-piercing series of chirps and whistles that could be heard by any aliens who might be listening, astronomers have discovered. The sound is awful, a new recording from space reveals. Scientists have known about the radiation since the 1970s. It is created high above the planet, where charged particles from the solar wind collide with Earth's magnetic field. It is related to the phenomenon that generates the colorful aurora, or Northern Lights."

    I can't say that I like the sentiment, but it's interesting that the report is suggesting that the Earth is a conscious entity...... it's seems that the general concensus has moved towards a more holistic viewpoint.

    Earth's Core, Magnetic Field Changing Fast, Study Says
    National Geographic, 30th June 2008
    "Rapid changes in the churning movement of Earth's liquid outer core are weakening the magnetic field in some regions of the planet's surface, a new study says.

    "What is so surprising is that rapid, almost sudden, changes take place in the Earth's magnetic field," said study co-author Nils Olsen, a geophysicist at the Danish National Space Center in Copenhagen. The findings suggest similarly quick changes are simultaneously occurring in the liquid metal, 1,900 miles (3,000 kilometers) below the surface, he said. The swirling flow of molten iron and nickel around Earth's solid center triggers an electrical current, which generates the planet's magnetic field."

    The theory is very weak here, but the observations are not...... Note the following " The decline in the magnetic field also is opening Earth's upper atmosphere to intense charged particle radiation, scientists say. Satellite data show the geomagnetic field decreasing in the South Atlantic region, Mandea said, adding that an oval-shaped area east of Brazil is significantly weaker than similar latitudes in other parts of the world. "It is in this region that the shielding effect of the magnetic field is severely reduced, thus allowing high energy particles of the hard radiation belt to penetrate deep into the upper atmosphere to altitudes below a hundred kilometers (62 miles)," Mandea said. This radiation does not influence temperatures on Earth. The particles, however, do affect technical and radio equipment and can damage electronic equipment on satellites and airplanes, Olsen of the Danish space center said." I suggest it is also effecting the weather, triggering Earthquakes and volcanoes, as the electrical circuitry around Earth adjusts.

    Today's Quakes Deadlier Than In Past
    CBS News, 18th June 2008
    "New research compiled by Australian scientist Dr. Tom Chalko shows that global seismic activity on Earth is now five times more energetic than it was just 20 years ago.

    The research proves that destructive ability of earthquakes on Earth increases alarmingly fast and that this trend is set to continue, unless the problem of "global warming" is comprehensively and urgently addressed." "The analysis of more than 386,000 earthquakes between 1973 and 2007 recorded on the US Geological Survey database proved that the global annual energy of earthquakes on Earth began increasing very fast since 1990.

    Dr. Chalko said that global seismic activity was increasing faster than any other global warming indicator on Earth and that this increase is extremely alarming. "The most serious environmental danger we face on Earth may not be climate change, but rapidly and systematically increasing seismic, tectonic and volcanic activity," said Dr. Chalko."

    It seems that our scientists are confirming the 25 year window of dramatically increasing energy driving evolutionary change that started in 1989, when we had the solar eruption now called, "The Great Magnetic Storm" where the Earth was blasted BIG TIME with billions of tons of plasma, highly electrical energy creating a myriad of effects all over the planet. Since then until solar minimum about 2 years ago, solar blasts have been unprecedented. This energy has been monitored by space probes spiralling down the Earth's poles where it has been also contributing to the decrease in the Earth's magnetic field. Now that some NASA scientists are starting to see that Earthquakes are an electrical phenomena, it all starts to make sense.... that's why I went to a great deal of trouble to explain the consequences, in my book, "Tuning the Diamonds: Electromagnetism & Spiritual Evolution". Update This article was removed by CBS, obviously a "higher up" did not want to disturb the sleeping public....

    NASA provides "Explanation" of China Earthquake: "Electrical disturbances on edge of atmosphere & impending quakes"
    Global Research, 5th June 2008
    "Nasa scientists have said they could be on the verge of a breakthrough in their efforts to forecast earthquakes. Researchers say they have found a close link between electrical disturbances on the edge of our atmosphere and impending quakes on the ground below.

    Just such a signal was spotted in the days leading up to the recent devastating event in China. They have teamed up with experts in the UK to investigate a possible space-based early warning system." "Minoru and his father Friedemann Freund, also from Nasa Ames Research Center, developed the scientific theory behind these earthquake precursors. It boils down to the idea that when rocks are compressed - as when tectonic plates shift - they act like batteries, producing electric currents."

    Nice to see that Friedemann Freud & son's research is getting a mention. As I explained in my book, these electric currents in the Earth's crust are actually plasmas, "serpent" energy if you want a metaphysical interpretation. Now that I have got a handle on what is going on, I have realised the significance of the tremendous energy transference that is taking place all around the planet.

    Building a Baby Earth to Test Its Magnetic Field, 2nd June 2008
    "The compass has been around since at least the 12th century, but scientists still don't know exactly how the Earth generates the magnetic field that keeps a compass needle pointing north. But geophysicist Dan Lathrop is trying to find out by building his own planet."

    Nikola Tesla is quoted as stating; This planet [Earth], with all it's apalling immensity is to electric currents virtually no more than a small metal ball." The great Kristian Birkeland (1867-1917), the founder of experimental astrophysics and the grandfather of plasma physics is famed for is Terrella or "little Earth" experiments with a magnetised metal ball. So, after 100 years, out scientists will freely admit they have no understanding of how the Earth's magnetic field is generated, yet all conscious life on Earth is effected by the Earth's magnetic field which is now rapidly morphing.....

    Earthquake prediction from space is more accurate
    Hindu Times, 25th May 2008
    "Space-based predictions have been correct for 44 of 47 registered quakes. It has the ability to survey huge territories for seismically hazardous areas. Harbingers of powerful quakes appear around five days before the main shock.

    China's deadly earthquake in the Sichuan province has again showed that ground-based earthquake prediction methods and systems are not reliable." "The Russian method is based on the study of geomagnetic field variations, which induce currents in the Earth. Therefore, surface field measurements can detect the hypothetical regional changes that precede earthquakes. At the same time, intensive electric fields in places where earthquakes are brewing induce specific currents in the ionosphere.First reported

    Anomalous ionospheric phenomena were first reported in the 1960s, but they were disregarded along with astrologic predictions and UFO sightings.

    The breakthrough came when the Soviet Union launched its Intercosmos-19 satellite in 1979. It detected an unusual low-frequency noise in a large area centred near the epicentre of an earthquake that occurred a few hours later. This finding was registered as a Soviet discovery and was later confirmed by other spacecraft.

    Ionospheric variations

    Harbingers of powerful earthquakes appear approximately five days before the main shock and have specific characteristics that distinguish them from the other ionospheric variations.

    We live in an electric universe, the Russians have worked this out a long time ago..... Anyway, those who are interested in their spiritual evolution have been warned to protect their energy fields from the low frequency emmissions that occur prior to these large earthquakes, regardless of where they occur on the globe. You can protect yourself by balancing your core energy and activating the diamond light body.

    Earthquake prediction is written in the clouds
    Times Online, 22nd May 2008
    "Can clouds predict earthquakes? YouTube has footage of strange multicoloured clouds seen just before the recent earthquake struck Sichuan province in China.

    The first impression is of a rainbow smeared on to small scraps of clouds, a phenomenon best known in a circumzenithal halo. This is created when sunlight shines through cirrus clouds full of tiny hexagonal ice crystals shaped like plates. The crystals behave like glass prisms, splitting the light into a bow with the colours of the spectrum, often brighter than a rainbow.

    But one puzzle is that the colours in the Chinese clouds were upside down from a normal circumzenithal halo – red pointing towards the horizon and blue towards the Sun, instead of the other way round."

    Good reporting from The Times.

    Cracks In The Foundation: Fundamental Geological Assumption Relating To Planet Earth Not Quite True News, 29th April 2008
    "Chondritic meteorites have a similar chemical composition to the sun and are therefore reliable witnesses as to what the solar nebula, from which the planets formed, was composed of. This can be used to deduce what the Earth consists of chemically. However, ETH Zurich researchers have now discovered that strictly speaking this fundamental geological assumption is not true."

    Fundamental assumptions very often turn out not to be true, such is the nature of science....

    Jet Streams Move Poleward, Widening Hurricane Belt, Study Says
    Bloomberg News, 17th April 2008
    "Global warming may be pushing the jet streams toward the Earth's poles, widening the area where hurricanes may form, scientists at the Carnegie Institution's Department for Global Ecology found.

    A study of the high altitude, high-speed winds from 1979 to 2001 found that their positions are changing over time, with the potential to affect weather for half the globe, the Stanford, California-based department said in a statement. The study will be published tomorrow in Geophysical Research Letters, the journal of the Washington-based American Geophysical Union."

    Studies that prove we are now experiencing the effects of recent world-wide geophysical changes.

    Earth's Hum Sounds More Mysterious Than Ever
    Yahoo News, 16th April 2008
    " Earth gives off a relentless hum of countless notes completely imperceptible to the human ear, like a giant, exceptionally quiet symphony, but the origin of this sound remains a mystery. Now unexpected powerful tunes have been discovered in this hum. These new findings could shed light on the source of this enigma.

    The planet emanates a constant rumble far below the limits of human hearing, even when the ground isn't shaking from an earthquake. (It does not cause the ringing in the ear linked with tinnitus.) This sound, first discovered a decade ago, is one that only scientific instruments - seismometers - can detect. Researchers call it Earth's hum."

    Interesting, the Earth is singing a new song.....

    Seismic Faults 'Talk' to Each Other Before Earthquakes
    Fox News, 4th April 2008
    "The faults seem to be communicating with each other," said study leader Chris Goldfinger of Oregon State University. The evidence came from core samples of marine sediments taken along the northern California seabed.

    Well, I see fault lines acting rather like the communication pathways in the human brain.....think about it....

    Mystery hum puzzles geologists
    New Scientist News, 23rd February 2008
    "LISTEN closely, and you'll hear the Earth humming - in not just one note, but two. The source of this second signal is a mystery. For around a decade we've known about Earth's quiet "vertical" hum, probably caused by the steady thumping of deep waves on the ocean floor. Now a team in Germany has discovered a second "horizontal" note, too, and nobody knows what's causing this new signal."

    More evidence of evolutionary change, this one appears to be the Earth "singing" at a higher frequency.

    Mysterious booms rock Cape Fear region
    Star News, 8th February 2008
    "Mysterious booms known as "Seneca Guns" have been reported in the region for centuries. The name comes from a similar phenomenon in New York and Connecticut.

    Legend has it that the Seneca Indians are getting their revenge with the guns that Europeans used to displace them. More scientific explanations say the boom of the guns comes from earthquakes, material falling off the continental shelf, or pockets of hot air exploding like balloons. "We have no idea what it was," said Michael Ross, the meteorologist at the weather service in Wilmington."

    Well, as the environmental electromagnetic chaos escalates, we see more severe earthquakes, tornados and cyclones; snow, ice and hail storms; drought and floods; etc, etc, the loud "booms" still appear to be a mystery to the average joe seismologist. Yet, in-the-know Russians suggest that the booms are caused by scalar energies and tectonic plates cracking. Oh well, we will have to see what happens....

    Computer simulations strongly support new theory of Earth's core, 8th February 2008
    "It has long been known that the inner core of the earth, a sphere consisting of a solid mass with a radius of about 1,200 km, is mainly made up of iron. However, seismic observations have shown that elastic waves pass more rapidly through this core in directions that are parallel to the earth’s axis of rotation than in directions parallel to the equator­-a phenomenon that has not been previously explained. At the high temperatures that prevail in the core of the earth, these waves should pass at the same speed regardless of their direction. In the present study, scientists from Uppsala University and KTH present an explanation for this puzzling characteristic.

    ...Initially, in 2003, they published strong theoretical proof that the earth’s core assumes the so-called body-centered cubic crystal structure at high temperatures­-a structure that despite its high degree of symmetry evinces a surprisingly high level of elastic anisotropy, that is, its elastic properties are contingent on direction. This theory about the crystal structure directly contradicted the then prevailing view, but since then the theory has found both experimental and theoretical support."

    The science suggests the Earth's core is one huge crystal. It's interesting that this research disagrees with previous findings about the crystal structure of iron. Regardless, we now for sure that "hell" is crystalline!! LOL!!

    Doomsday vault receives its first seeds
    Edie News, 1st February 2008
    "An international seed bank built to safeguard the genetic diversity of the planet's crop plants through and global calamity - including the worst ravages of climate change - has received its first seeds."

    Well, certain government organisations are prepared for the worst, but I wonder how many ordinary people understand the need to prepare for a total "global calamity".

    Misery for millions as temperatures plummet across the Middle East, 18th January 2008
    "THE Middle East is shivering amid exceptionally low temperatures ...across a region usually associated with sun-baked deserts [...]

    And snow has fallen in Baghdad for the first time in living memory. But the severe cold snap, caused by a weather system spawned in Siberia, has mostly brought misery [...]

    "Kingdom finds itself in icebox" declared the Arab News in a front-page headline."
    Mayan Elders reckon that we are not being told the full extent of Earth's environmental imbalance, but I think it's becoming quite clear.

    Desert Mystery Has Electrifying Answer, 10th January 2008

    "Sweeping sands across the Sahara and other dune expanses are blown by more than just wind, scientists have discovered. Powerful electric fields spring up near the desert floor and propel sand grains into the air.

    By accounting for this electricity, researchers say they can design better climate change models, and even explain features of the dust on Mars."

    It seems that more and more scientists are accepting that we live in an Electric Universe. The evidence is now overwhelming.

    Electric Clouds, December 17, 2007
    "Cloud formations often exhibit structure that could be the result of something other than blowing winds. Does ionized plasma actually shape the clouds?"

    More scientists are realising that we live in an Electric Universe and that many atmospheric and weather phenomena are electrically driven. Now, that we have the new phenomena of "Space weather" and electric currents in space, there is a paradigm shift underway, including how universal energies shape our reality.

    Evidence Mounts for Electromagnetic Earthquake Precursors, December 14, 2007
    "SAN FRANCISCO –- Scientists revealed data Thursday that an electromagnetic alarm might have preceded a 2007 earthquake in Northern California. The evidence could offer support to a controversial theory that mysterious and little-understood signals might offer fair warning for imminent catastrophic earthquakes."

    "The new data, reported here at the American Geophysical Union annual meeting, was met with some skepticism. But the evidence could be a watershed moment in earthquake detection, a field that has a long and perpetually disappointing history. The discovery could strengthen the case of scientists who suggest that big quakes are preceded by strange signals, including one that may have come before the catastrophic 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake in the San Francisco Bay Area."

    Now, let's think. What signals do the animals react to as a tell-tale sign of upcoming earthquake activity.

    Energy Source of Northern Lights Found
    Associated Press, December 12, 2007
    "SAN FRANCISCO — Scientists think they have discovered the energy source of the spectacular color displays seen in the northern lights. New data from NASA's Themis mission, a quintet of satellites launched this winter, found the energy comes from a stream of charged particles from the sun flowing like a current through twisted bundles of magnetic fields connecting Earth's upper atmosphere to the sun." "Although researchers have suspected the existence of wound-up bundles of magnetic fields that provide energy for the auroras, the phenomenon was not confirmed until May, when the satellites became the first to map their structure some 40,000 miles above the Earth's surface."

    Bundles of magnetic fields? The correct terminology is birkeland currents or cosmic string! These scientists have found what NASA term as the 'Super highway from the Sun'!

    Hailstorm batters Sydney suburbs
    Daily Telegraph (Australia), December 10, 2007
    "HAILSTONES almost the size of cricket balls pounded Sydney yesterday, smashing windows, blacking out traffic lights and cutting power to thousands of homes."

    I have written many times about the marvel of frozen water particles coalescing and reaching the size of tennis/cricket/baseballs and defying gravity in the process, to then be released at the bequest of the electromagnetic forces at play. I wonder how many times people have to clear up the damage before they realise that the electromagnetic conditions on the planet have become very chaotic as evolutionary change is underway?

    Did a comet kick-start Earth's plate tectonics?
    New Scientist, December 6, 2007
    "IT'S such a simple idea that it's surprising no one seems to have thought of it before. Did a massive asteroid or comet impact kick-start plate tectonics on Earth?

    For much of our planet's history, rocky plates have been sliding over a viscous, molten mantle, colliding to build mountain ranges or spreading apart to make way for oceans. In a neat piece of recycling, an oceanic plate dives, or "subducts", underneath a less dense continental plate, and eventually melts into the hot mantle."

    It's interesting that there is more interest in cosmic influences, especially as the Earth is being hammered by everything that the Universe has to offer!!

    Hailstorm triggers cluster bomb blasts
    Herald Sun, 20th November 2007
    "A HAILSTORM has caused hundreds of cluster bombs to explode in south Lebanon, the National News Agency said. The cluster bombs were dropped by Israel during its war with Hezbollah guerrillas last year. The hailstones, as big as walnuts, fell in a number of valleys in south Lebanon, the agency said."

    I have quite a fascination with hail but hail detonating cluster bombs was not one of my predictions!

    Hailstorm Paralyses Colombian Capital, 9th November 2007
    Comment: Dramatic Video footage of the incredible hailstorm that has received very little mainstream press, maybe because it's about hail and not "global warming". Maybe, the press feel they can't confuse the issue too much! Anyway, there are some dramatic rescues by bystanders helping people trapped in cars. Folks, will there be enough empowered "bystanders" ready to help people energetically when the ultra-violet radiation comes in.... I see a lot of people playing with energy who don't understand what is about to hit the planet. Good luck to all!

    Cirrus Disappearance: Warming Might Thin Heat-trapping Clouds
    Science Daily, 5th November 2007
    "The widely accepted (albeit unproven) theory that manmade global warming will accelerate itself by creating more heat-trapping clouds is challenged this month in new research from The University of Alabama in Huntsville.

    Instead of creating more clouds, individual tropical warming cycles that served as proxies for global warming saw a decrease in the coverage of heat-trapping cirrus clouds, says Dr. Roy Spencer, a principal research scientist in UAHuntsville's Earth System Science Center."

    "There are significant gaps in the scientific understanding of precipitation systems and their interactions with the climate, he said. "At least 80 percent of the Earth's natural greenhouse effect is due to water vapor and clouds, and those are largely under the control of precipitation systems.

    "Until we understand how precipitation systems change with warming, I don't believe we can know how much of our current warming is manmade. Without that knowledge, we can't predict future climate change with any degree of certainty." Spencer and his colleagues expect these new findings to be controversial."

    The experts don't know what's happening, but Al Gore got a Nobel Prize for showmanship anyway!

    Freak hail storm causes chaos in Colombia
    BBC World News, 4th November 2007
    Partial transcript: "A sudden and heavy hail storm brings chaos to Columbias's capital. Roads were completely blocked and at least a hundred motorists are stuck in ice and snow. Freezing temperatures iced up their doors and trapped them inside, it took rescue services several hours to get them out, because most of the drivers had not dressed with freezing temperatures in mind, some had to be taken to hospital."

    Incredible video of hail storm aftermath! I found a few blog reports that described the weather chaos as a tornado,
    Witness comment 1:
    "In the evening new last night they showed how a wall of ice up to 3 METERS TALL formed in the downtown area, and witnesses said that the cars that got stuck in a street that later looked like a frozen river had no time to get away, because they got completely covered by the ice in less than 5 minutes!"

    Witness comment 2:
    "it's been raining like crazy here for the last couple of months, but yesterday morning was so hot I almost didn't wear a jacket... I wore a t-shirt and a denim jacket... then right before the storm it got freeeeeeezing cold!"

    Space Aliens Blamed For the Electric Universe?, 3rd November 2007
    Comment: If you have not heard about aliens being blamed for unexplained fires then see the 27th October article, Baffling 'demon' fires blamed on space aliens , it states;
    A leaked Italian government report concludes "aliens testing secret weapons" are responsible for a series of strange, spontaneous fires that erupted from appliances and other home furnishings all over the village of Canneto di Caronia three years ago.
    It's one thing when the supersitious people of Sicily blame evil spirits and demons, but it's on another level of the ridiculous when government scientists blame aliens! The 27th October article then tell us that, "the bizarre blazes appeared to cease after the village replaced and grounded its wiring, though investigators could not explain why." What! The article author Michael Goodspeed outlines various scenarios based on his understanding of The Electric Universe, that could provide an alternative explanation for the strange bizarre electrical phenomena, but his final conclusion is very poignant. He writes:
    21st century official science seems much more inclined to indulge in bizarre, unprovable esoterica and "metaphysical mathematics" -- including black holes, dark matter, dark energy, string theory -- than they are in exploring the real-world disciplines of plasma science and electrical engineering. A new "enlightenment" is needed to pull our species from a dark age more likely to harm us than any “alien weaponry.”

    The Svalbard Global Seed Vault Atop the World
    LA Times, 30th October 2007
    "Should catastrophe strike the rest of the globe, a repository of plant varieties should be safe, tucked away in remote, frozen Svalbard."

    "This Arctic safe, nicknamed the "doomsday vault," will protect millions of crop seeds here on the forbidding Svalbard archipelago, the northernmost inhabited spot on the planet. The survival of Earth's agriculture is being entrusted to a land inhospitable to life, where only the toughest plants, animals and humans endure." Now, what kind of catastrophe could strike the whole world, I suggest something with a cosmic origin. At least certain elite organisations are making their plans, as opposed to most living in blissful ignorance of the times.

    Seismologists See Earth's Interior As Interplay Between Temperature, Pressure And Chemistry, 26th October 2007
    "Seismologists in recent years have recast their understanding of the inner workings of Earth from a relatively benign homogeneous environment to one that is highly dynamic and chemically diverse. This new view of Earth's inner workings depicts the planet as a living organism where events that happen deep inside can affect what happens at its surface, like the rub and slip of tectonic plates and the rumble of the occasional volcano."

    Well until our scientists work out that the Earth's core is energised by plasma from cosmic sources, they will not fully understand how the Earth's core could be so dynamic and diverse.

    Aliens caused Sicily fires, say officials
    Daily Telegraph UK, 26th October 2007
    "In an interim leaked report published by several Italian newspapers it has emerged that the Civil Protection Department has concluded the most likely cause was "aliens". The report was ordered by the Italian government and brought together dozens of experts including a NASA scientist. Their two year investigation has cost an estimated £1 million. According to the report the fires were "caused by a high power electro magnetic emissions which were not man made and reached a power of between 12 and 15 gigawatts." The report also detailed a possible UFO landing close to the village, citing "burnt imprints which have not been explained were found in a field."

    Hard to believe that a government would rather blame aliens than contemplate excessive electricity in the ground.

    Two Dozen Tornadoes Touch Down in 24 Hours
    ABCNews, 18th October 2007
    "The United States has been hit with three days of tornadoes, with two dozen new tornadoes touching down in the last 24 hours — an incredibly rare outbreak for October."

    This year has been incredible for tornadoes in the US, the 10 year average is 1275 and 20 year average 1133, it's only mid October and we already at a preliminary count of 1172, 24 in one day makes quite a difference! See NOAA Monthly Tornado Statistics .

    University Of Leicester Study Into Earth's Magnetic Shield, 10th October 2007
    "Scientists from the University of Leicester have taken an important first step in developing an innovative telescope which could one day be deployed on the Moon."

    The magnetosheath, or magnetosphere is the protective shield around Earth made up of trapped high energy particles, protecting the Earth from the solar wind - the high energy particles that continuously flow out from the Sun. Without this shield, we are told that life on Earth as we know it could not exist. Our scientists are very interested in what's happening in the magnetosphere because they are struggling to find "safe zones" to place satellites that won't be disturbed by the extreme activity that is now being generated within the Earth's protective shield.

    Monster hail hits eastern Australia
    Strait Times, 9th October 2007
    "SYDNEY - HAIL the size of tennis balls lashed an eastern coast city in Australia on Tuesday, reportedly smashing windows and damaging cars and buildings, as a severe storm swept through."

    Tennis balls now! I am wondering how big the hail has to get before people realise we are facing rapid evolutionary change. Hence, will we see bowling ball sized hail?

    Recent Rapid Decline in Sea Ice caused by Unusual Winds, says NASA, 2nd October 2007
    "Unusual atmospheric conditions set up wind patterns that compressed the sea ice, loaded it into the Transpolar Drift Stream and then sped its flow out of the Arctic," said Son Nghiem of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory and leader of the study. When that sea ice reached lower latitudes, it rapidly melted in the warmer waters.

    There is a link here to the original NASA report but little information about this wind. I would suggest that the "winds" are caused by Spaceweather interacting with the Earth's atmosphere and driving evolutionary change.

    Solar wind warming up Earth
    RIA Novosti, 28th September 2007
    Comment: Thank God for the Russians, you can also rely on them to provide some balance!
    "Yury Leonov, director of the Institute of Geology at the Russian Academy of Sciences, thinks that the human impact on nature is so small that it can be dismissed as a statistical mistake."
    OUCH! Nice discussion here about the solar wind and it's influence on Earth's climate, there is also a very rare mention of the influence on the Earth's magnetic field. The following exerpt is worth knowing as the rain of electromagnetic energy intensifies.
    "Some dangers are much less discussed today, for instance, the inversion of the Earth's magnetic field," Zeleny warns. "It is gradually changing its polarity; the poles are crawling to the equator at increasing speed. There were whole epochs in the Earth's history when the magnetic field all but disappeared. Such oscillations have taken place throughout almost its entire geological history."
    Paleomagnetic data show that last time the magnetic field disappeared was several hundred thousand years ago. It is possible that the Earth will lose it again in the 21st and 22nd centuries. The "magnetic umbrella," which protects us from deadly space radiation, will disappear, exposing humankind to a heavy "rainfall" of solar particles and space rays. Our descendants will have to understand how a weaker magnetic field will affect the climate and what protection they will need."

    The day of 12 twisters: Homes and cars smashed as tornadoes storm across Britain
    Daily Mail, 24th September 2007
    Comment: I first heard reports of a flurry of tornadoes in the UK, but 12 in one morning is significant when we are told the yearly average is just 33. I experts state that the the United Kingdom has the highest number of reported tornadoes for its land area of any country in the world. UK has 'highest tornado rate' in the world . As someone educated in the United kingdom, I am amazed that I have only just found out this fact, which is worthy of a question in the game Trivial Pursuits.

    Instant hurricane: Humberto fastest-growing storm near land, sneaks up on Gulf Coast, 14th September 2007
    "HIGH ISLAND, Texas -- Call it the instant hurricane. Humberto, which grew faster than any storm on record from tropical depression to full-scale hurricane, surprised the Texas-Louisiana coast early Thursday with 85-mph winds and heavy rain that knocked out power to more than 100,000 and left at least one person dead. Meteorologists were at a loss to explain the rapid, 16-hour genesis of the first hurricane to hit the U.S. since 2005."

    The problem here is that hurricanes are supposed to harness energy from "warm" water, hence when they form "instantly", it makes a mockery of theory surrounding their genesis. See previous commentary for further analysis.

    Melting ice cap triggering earthquakes
    Guardian Unlimited, 8th September 2007
    • Estimates of sea-level rise out of date, say scientists
    • Religious leaders pray for planet at Greenland glacier
    Comment: The issue here is not sea level rise but the triggering of earthquakes. According to Russian scientists, the Greenland ice cap is melting so quickly that the whole of Earth's gravity field will need to re-adjust and that means earthquakes will be triggered all over the globe. Yes, there is some serious debate about how much sea-level rise will take place, but the real news is relationship between gravity waves and earthquakes.

    When plants cry for help, UBC prof listens
    Vancouver Sun, 8th September 2007
    Synopsis: "Many vegetables have a kind of built-in distress call -- releasing chemicals into the air when they're in trouble and some plants sound the alarm even before an infestation begins -- when insects first begin laying eggs on their leaves. There is even some evidence the chemicals are a way for plants to warn their neighbours of impending attack -- so they can take steps, like emitting toxins, to save themselves."

    The question is; why do some have difficulty believing that a whole planet also has the same ability to cry out for help, when troublesome parasites -- humans -- start causing too much trouble? Consciousness, in all it's variety has rights!

    Antarctic ozone hole appears early in 2007, 29th August 2007
    Comment: The concern about the hole in the ozone layer is because it allows more ultra-violet light to come through carrying information to transform our DNA. It depends on your viewpoint as whether you consider this to be mutational or evolutionary change. The bigger the hole the more transformation takes place. We have been told that in the process of the transformation of our planet, the ozone layer will be completely removed as it only a side-effect of the "frequency filter" surrounding our planet. At the moment, I am still studying the scientific implications of this recent revelation. However, please note that in 2004, just one geomagnetic storm temporaily reduced the ozone concentration by 60% in the stratosphere. Since Spaceweather is now set to dramatically increase, as acknowledged by scientific and metaphysical sources, the process of evolutionary change is also destined to accelerate too.

    'Ring of fire' shows its power
    The Sunday Times, 17th August 2007
    Comment:Well it looks like various metaphysical sources gave accurate information about the timing of the Peru earthquake and seismic activity generated by a gravity wave. Well, as regulars will know, I was expecting a massive earthquake around the 18th, that would be associated with a gravity wave and an accompanying GRB, but I had not considered other causes, so we we will have to see what kind of information is released into the public domain before any firm conclusions can be drawn.

    Baseball-sized hail destroys windows, cars, crops in southern Manitoba
    Pilot forced to land plane in severe weather; power out for thousands
    CBS News, 10th August 2007
    Comment: Whenever I read these stories of baseball size hail, I think of all the superficial types who pride themselves in their possesions, ie flashy car, nice house etc etc. Well, unfortunately planet Earth is under reconstruction due to evolutionary change, so trying to maintain perfection in a chaotic environment is going to be tough. On the Map of Consciounsess with a scale of 0-1000, pride only rates at a lowly 175, there are much higher states of consciousness that need to be attained to help the Earth through this massive transition.

    PILEUS CLOUD: "I've never seen anything like this before", 8th August 2007
    From this daily report: "I've never seen anything like this before," reports Shantara Ford of Santa Fe, New Mexico. "I was taking photos of the sun streaming through some thunder clouds yesterday when I saw what looked like a stack of circular auroras sitting on top of the cloud." Auroras in New Mexico?

    Atmospheric optics expert Les Cowley explains what Shantara saw: "This is an iridescent pileus cloud. On sunny afternoons, cumulus clouds boil upwards, pushing layers of moist air above them even higher where they cool and condense to form cloud caps or 'pileus' (Latin for cap). Pileus clouds formed very quickly have their water droplets all the same size--the perfect condition for iridescent colors." bigger image here:.more images:.

    Atlantic hurricane frequency doubled last century news, 4th August 2007
    "HERE'S a conundrum. If global warming is indeed responsible for the increase in hurricane frequency in the North Atlantic, then how come we've had only one tropical storm and one sub-tropical storm so far this year? In 2005, there were four tropical storms and three hurricanes before the end of July. Don't be fooled. It's not unusual for this time of year to be quiet, and most years July passes without a single tropical storm, says Greg Holland of the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colorado. However, we are about to enter the busiest part of the season: "Come 10 or 15 August, it all goes mad."

    Interesting. Maybe the Venus conjunction with the Sun which takes place on the 18th August this year, coincides with the Earth crossing the Interplanetary Magnetic Field (IMF) neutral sheet which is believed by scientists to be the triggering mechanism for the most devastating earthquakes. When Hurricane Charley set the Earth trembling, scientists realised that the same triggering mechanism could set off underwater landslides and massive tsunamis. Yet, the permutations and combinations of the various scenarios make any predictions extremely difficult to make, but we can't say that we have not been adequately warned.

    'Ferrari' of probes to check Earth gravity
    The Observer, 29th July 2007
    Comment: It really does make you wonder. 'Gravity is the force that drives the circulation of the oceans,' said Dr Mark Drinkwater, Goce's project scientist. 'Until we understand its exact role we cannot predict how the seas - and planet - will behave as the climate gets warmer. That is why Goce is being launched.' Quite frankly, our planet is changing and it appears that our gravity field is shifting too. With fundamental factors that can no longer be relied on, it really does make you wonder how scientists can be so sure about anything climate related.

    China says deaths from lightning rise
    Reuters, 28th July 2007
    "SHANGHAI, July 28 (Reuters) - Lightning strikes have killed 403 people in China so far this year, equalling the total number of deaths from lightning in the whole of last year, the China Meteorological Administration said."

    "Chinese scientists have warned that global warming is likely to intensify extreme weather patterns, and severe storms in recent years may be a prelude to this."

    Interesting suggestion from Chinese scientists, the reference to extreme weather patterns is more appropriate for climate change than global warming. See also Lightning kills cattle .

    Freak inland waterspout rattles Flagler pier area, 22nd July 2007
    Comment: Waterspouts with enough energy to travel overland and knock out power supply! "It also caused a transformer to shut down, cutting power to about 50 Florida Power & Light customers." Is it any wonder that crops circles are warning us that we are about to experience a new world that can be compared to the story of Alice in Wonderland!

    Tornado strikes Poland
    An Eye witness to the storm, 21st July 2007
    "This kind of twisters NEVER happened in Poland before. It was like the ones from Oklahoma. Luckily no one was killed, but the damage is enormous."

    An eyewitnees account with video footage, reporting hail the size of eggs and a huge tornado levelling 100 houses. Poland is definately NOT in tornado alley!

    Hail storm buries Mexican town just over the border
    KVOA, 21st July 2007
    Comment: Of all the extreme weather stories, those of most interest to me are the stories of massive down pours of hail. There is a general lack of a good explanation for how large hail stones are generated. Since cloud chamber experiments clearly demonstrated that a vertical electric field is required for cloud formation, it would seem that the requisite "updraft" is provided by strong electric and magnetic fields which can easily overide the force of gravity and permit the growth of baseball size hail which is only frozen rain. Now that the electromagnetic fields around Earth are getting stronger, we are seeing many reports of large hail.

    Video reveals sprites are brighter than Venus news service, 12th June 2007
    "Stunning new videos have revealed that sprites - extremely brief flashes that tear through the upper atmosphere - are among the brightest objects in the sky. Sprites occur above thunderstorms (see Giant lightning jets discovered and Bolts from the blue). They start far above the clouds in the mesosphere - about 75 kilometres up - and can be 50 kilometres tall. But the light they emit is mostly in the infrared range and they only last a few milliseconds, so obtaining accurate recordings has been a major challenge. The first detailed video images were recorded in 2006 by Steven Cummer of Duke University, Durham, in the US (see Atmospheric 'sprites' captured in explosive detail). His images showed that sprites are composed of falling columns of electrical discharge called streamers."

    Here scientists are commentating on New Energy plasma phenomena which they have ignored for approximately 100 years, but now the phenomena is so widespread that it has even given NASA cause for concern. This new phenomena is of interest to us because it is pumping up the frequencies of light that we use to balance our brains.

    Killer Hurricanes Thrived In Cool Seas - Study
    Planet Ark, 24th May 2007
    Comment: Are we witnessing a sea-change in scientific opinion here? "Tropical sea surface temperatures as warm as at present are apparently not a requisite condition for increased intense hurricane activity". That's because they must have realised now that hurricanes are an electrical phenomena, the 2005 hurricane season was "shocking" with huge amounts of lightning in the hurricanes' eyes and 2006 did not produce any major events despite extremely "warm" sea waters.

    Close-up look at a hurricane's eye reveals a new 'fuel' source
    Yahoo News, 14th May 2007
    Comment: These scientists are closely scrutinising the vortices that develop within hurricanes and are starting to think about the exact controlling mechanisms. Yet, if they don't understand how electromagnetic forces operate, then they will continue to put out similar statements as this, "Most of today's computer models that aid forecasters cannot sufficiently account for the extremely complex processes within hurricanes, and model performance is strongly dependent on the information they are given on the structure of a storm."

    Lightning spurs hurricanes
    Link shows storms in Africa can cause havoc in the United States news, 11th May 2007
    Comment: After studying the 2005 and 2006 hurricane seasons, which were markedly different from each other scientists have realised the only difference was the amount of lightning and this was discovered by using lightning strike data mined from the World Wide Lightning Location Network. The world's weather is electrically driven, warm water has very little to do with it, this was proven once and for all by the 2006 hurricane season where we experienced a continent to continent heatwave but only an extremely mild hurricane season. Standard theory can no longer be supported.

    Nearly 1 meter of hail in a village near Lyon, France
    Sign of the Times, 1st May 2007
    Comment: Now this is what I call EXTREME WEATHER. Near Lyon in France yesterday (30th April) it was 25 degree Celsius during the day. In the evening, all of a sudden, a storm dumped closed to 1 meter of hail in just over 1 hour. View French video here . Only brief reporting at Signs of the Times. Where is the mainstream news about this? Is it any wonder newspaper circulations are dropping and people are going to blogs to find out what's really happening on planet Earth!

    Scientists find that lightning is good indicator of volcanic activity, March 29, 2007
    Comment: Plasma physicist Anthony Peratt describes magma as a plasma, a medium containing moving charges, hence volcanic lightning will be symptomatic of electrical behavior and be just one element in an electrical circuit, associated with the greater plasma environment. For more detail from a plasma universe viewpoint, see link here.

    Engineers are first to measure lightning-caused polluting gas, 12th March 2007
    Comment: Interesting report that suggests that atmospheric scientists have been using inacurate computer models to determine the amount of lightning-produced nitrogen oxide in the atmosphere. Lightning generates nitrogen oxide a principal ingredient of smog, which is also a byproduct of combustion by vehicles, power plants etc, therefore the amount of human generated smog that causes "global warming" has to be reassessed. Interesting facts here, “There’s a paper in the literature that says the majority of the nitrogen oxide in the southeastern U.S. doesn’t come from power plants – it comes from lightning,” said Martin Uman, a professor of electrical and computer engineering and director of UF’s International Center for Lightning Research and Testing. “But that paper is controversial.”
    I wonder why!!!!! LOL!!!!!

    Schirber M, Earth's Lightning Zaps Space Too
    LiveScience, 8th March 2005
    Lightning not only zaps the Earth, but it affects our local space environment with flashes from both ends of the electromagnetic spectrum - radio waves and gamma rays, new research shows.

    "We see lightning in the visible, but that's not the only frequency that is emitted during a strike," said James Green from NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center.

    It has been know for a long time that radio waves accompany lightning - this is why radio reception can be so bad during a thunderstorm. Comment: An article that leaves you with a very uneasy feeling that our scientists real don't understand the electromagnetic enviroment that surrounds Earth, which is becoming increasingly turbulent due to the activity of the Sun & Space Weather.

    Geologists Watch as African Continent is Torn Apart
    LiveScience, 30 January 2007
    Seismic activity is tearing Africa apart and scientists are geared up to watch the ripping landscape in an unprecedented set of observations. It's liable to be a long, slow investigation.

    The African and Arabian plates meet in the remote Afar desert of Northern Ethiopia and have been going through a rifting process—at a speed of less than 1 inch per year—for the past 30 million years. This rifting formed the 186-mile Afar depression [image] and the Red Sea.

    Occasionally, the buildup of pressure can lead to bursts of cataclysmic activity. In September 2005, a chain of earthquakes caused hundreds of deep fractures, as reported that year [image]. In some spots the ground shifted some 26 feet [image], and magma, enough to fill a football stadium more than 2000 times, was injected into a crack between the two plates.

    This report carefully forgets to mention that this process of the creation of a new ocean basin is supposed to take "millions" of years by conventional theory. Actually, the first stage of this process occured in 7 weeks! BBC ocean basin pop-up image here

    Doomsday vault to avert world famine
    New Scientist News Service, 12 January 2006
    "WITHIN a large concrete room, hewn out of a mountain on a freezing-cold island just 1000 kilometres from the North Pole, could lie the future of humanity.

    The room is a "doomsday vault" designed to hold around 2 million seeds, representing all known varieties of the world's crops. It is being built to safeguard the world's food supply against nuclear war, climate change, terrorism, rising sea levels, earthquakes and the ensuing collapse of electricity supplies. "If the worst came to the worst, this would allow the world to reconstruct agriculture on this planet," says Cary Fowler, director of the Global Crop Diversity Trust, an independent international organisation promoting the project."

    This is the version of the story that tells the truth that there is a concern about electricity supply on a world-wide basis. Question: What would effect the world's electricity on a global basis? -- Answer: The Sun.

    Scientists observe rare continental rift process in Ethiopia
    Monsters & Critics, Dec 25, 2005
    Comment: "A continental rifting process that normally takes millions of years to form has developed over a span of seven weeks..." or so we are told. It's really interesting that up until now we have had to believe our geologists with their timescales of "don't worry" it will take "millions of years". We are living in exciting times, when we can monitor a real-life geological event in our own lifetime and we won't get bored, because things are really motoring on planet Earth! BBC ocean basin pop-up image here

    Scientists say new ocean in formation in Ethiopia
    Santa Fe New Mexican, December 9, 2005
    Comment: I doubt the millions of years for it to fill with water as it only took three weeks for an earthquake to create the crack in the first place. It must be very exciting for these geologist to have ring side view of this event. When the Earth is being donated huge amounts of energy from outside the system, it will create change. My advice is watch out!

    0, 4, 3, 2, 1


    Susan Joy Rennison, B.Sc.Hons. (Physics with Geophysics)


    Joyfire Science & Metaphysics Integration
    Copyright © 2003 – 2025. All rights reserved.

    Susan Joy Rennison quotes:

    “Space Weather is now a fact of life.”

    “We are all astronauts now!”

    Tuning The Diamonds,
    September 2006

    “We must spiritually evolve as part of the new terms & conditions for living on Earth.”

    Joyfire Tour – Evolutionary Change, December 2006

    “Space Weather will force many changes in how we do business on this planet.”

    News of the Imbalance,
    April 2007

    NASA Press Release:

    “Earth and space are about to come into contact in a way that's new to human history.”

    “We're on the threshold of a new era in which space weather can be as influential in our daily lives as ordinary terrestrial weather.”

    As the Sun Awakens, NASA Keeps a Wary Eye on Space Weather
    NASA News, 4th June 2010

    White House Executive Order:

    “Space weather has the potential to simultaneously affect and disrupt health and safety across entire continents. Successfully preparing for space weather events is an all-of-nation endeavor that requires partnerships across governments, emergency managers, academia, the media, the insurance industry, non-profits, and the private sector.”

    Executive Order –– Coordinating Efforts to Prepare the Nation for Space Weather Events
    The White House, 13th October 2016

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