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Space Weather:
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With Mel Fabregas
Veritas Radio

May 2013

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Joyfire Space Weather “Facts” Slideshow
April 2013

12th January 2013

Henrik Palmgren,
at Red Ice Radio
Global Energy Leap
20th December 2012

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Part II - members only

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His Dark Materials
9th October 2012

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Virus of the Mind
8th July 2012

New E-book!
31st May 2012

New E-book!
27th April 2012

New E-book!
2nd April 2012

What is Space Weather
21st November 2011

Interview with Kathy Fontecchio of You Productions Inc
4th July 2012

Spiritual Evolution in the Cultic Milieu,
11th August 2011


The White House
Report Revised 5th June 2011

Interstellar 'Etheric' Cloud Index
18th April 2011

William Henry
2nd March 2011

A Prediction Worthy of Note: The Arrival of An Etheric Cloud
7th April 2011

Updated 24th April 2011!


A New Cosmic Age
Dominated By
Space Weather

Evolutionary Change
15th October 2010

The Greatest Transition in the History of Mankind
24th June 2010

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Susan rennison

The New Cosmic Age is now Official!

The News of The Imbalance blog is an attempt to provide pertinent information concerning the new phenomena of space weather driving massive evolutionary change. In 2006, I self-published the book Tuning the Diamonds: Electromagnetism & Spiritual Evolution (2006, 2008, 2010, 2012 ), because I believed that Modern Mayan Elders were trying to point out that the citizens of planet Earth were entering a New World Age dominated by aether or space. The basic premise of my book was that the dramatic increase and impact of Space Weather was predicted.

Since 2006, the major significance of Space Weather has become more apparent. What's more, it has now been proven that major religious institutions, metaphysical and esoteric groups have been tracking the date 2012 as the end/start of a major astronomical cycle. Geoscientists worldwide are adamant that our planet is experiencing a “global energy leap” and the inevitable consequence will be more mega-disasters. World governments have been warned that there is a new need for disaster preparedness and there is now a new sense of urgency. This blog provides my unique perspective as a Truth Seeker, based on the integration of science, metaphysics and ancient knowledge.

The Joyfire Space Weather “Facts”
Introductory Slideshow

Slideshow: The Joyfire Space Weather “Facts” Introductory Slideshow

Click image above or here

For new website visitors, please watch this introductory slideshow that summarises the main issues associated with the new phenomenon of Space Weather and the inevitable implications of energy driven evolutionary change.

Solar Prayer

Our Solar which art in heaven,
Solar Maximum be thy name.
Thy solar wind come, thy will be done,
but don't let the ACE satellite break down.
Give us this day our daily sunspots,
but shield us from X-rated solar flares,
full halo coronal mass ejections
and highly dangerous proton storms.
And lead us not into a Maunder Minimum,
but deliver us from a category 5
geomagnetic storm and transformer burnout.
For thine is the solar system, the IBEX and the ribbon,
Solar radiance for ever and ever.
Copyright © Susan Joy Rennison............

I think we all need to start praying. I was especially inspired after finding out that Space Weather forecasters are terrified of the ACE satellite breaking down and so we should all be, as there is no backup and it's Earth's last opportunity for accurate forecasting (15 - 45 mins warning) of the arrival of some serious Space Weather. This is my contribution.

Susan Joy Rennison, 28th June 2011

"This issue of space weather has got to be taken seriously"

"This issue of space weather has got to be taken seriously," said John Beddington, the UK government's chief scientific adviser, speaking at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) in Washington DC. "We've had a relatively quiet [period] in space weather and we can expect that quiet period to end. Over the same time, over that period, the potential vulnerability of our systems has increased dramatically. Whether it's the smart grid in our electricity systems or the ubiquitous use of GPS in just about everything these days."

Solar storms could create $2tn 'global Katrina', warns chief scientist
GPS systems and electricity networks are increasingly vulnerable to damage by turbulent solar weather, scientists say
The Guardian, 21 February 2011

This Should Never Be Allowed To Happen

“The Big Picture... one of the reasons why people talking about space weather bang on about power grids so much... a guy from the US department of Homeland Security meeting that I was at, states electricity is THE fundamental infrastructure, look at all the things that it does, refrigeration is almost one of the most important things, that ensures our safety of our food and medicine, without refrigeration, we would have big problems today, it ensures that we have clean water, we need pumps to supply clean water, and to get rid of the sewage, if your sewage systems fail, you can have horrendous consequences [...] all sorts of other things depend on electricity, we can cope with short outages for a few hours even a day, but a long outage going on for months – people say it could take months to recover – that's actually a very polite way to put it, it would actually be disastrous, it would essentially throw us back into the nineteenth century technologically and essentially we can't sustain the current population on that basis, this is essentially something that should never be allowed to happen.” – Professor Mike Hapgood

The 102nd Kelvin Lecture 2011 - Space Weather: Nature's Electromagnetic Hazard IET.TV, 9th March 2011

Some Thoughts 16th November 2011

Something has changed in me, I now know better... It's now 10 years since I attended my first ever New Age meeting out of curiosity and I literally burst into flames with Kundalini energies within about half an hour of the start of the meeting, more....

News of the Imbalance November – December 2011

A World in Denial of What It Knows
New York Times, 31st December 2011
COULD there be a single phrase that explains the woes of our time, this dismal age of political miscalculations and deceptions, of reckless and disastrous wars, of financial boom and bust and downright criminality? Maybe there is, and we owe it to Fintan O’Toole. That trenchant Irish commentator is a biographer and theater critic, and a critic also of his country’s crimes and follies, as in his gripping if horrifying book, “Ship of Fools: How Stupidity and Corruption Sank the Celtic Tiger.”

He reminds us of the famous if gnomic saying by Donald H. Rumsfeld, then the United States secretary of defense, that “There are known knowns... there are known unknowns ... there are also unknown unknowns.” But the Irish problem, says Mr. O’Toole, was none of the above. It was “unknown knowns.” [...]

“The Cloud of Unknowing” is a medieval classic of mystical writing, and unknowing still hangs over us. It will be a happier new year if we can dispel some of that cloud, try to unknow less, and know a little more.

The headline and the sentiment appeals to me... A world in denial with the root cause (I think) being ignorance mixed with arrogance. The article discusses "Unknown Unknowns", the cause of unexpected Black Swan events... I don't even know what the article is trying to say when it comes to the easy credit disaster, look at history, it's the same old banking tricks repeated over and over again and people never learn... It's standard practice to control the world... I disagree this is a true unknown unknown due to the known history of banking practices. Whatever, I am bemused by the quoting of the mystical saying “The Cloud of Unknowing” often used to justify sheer ignorance... Whatever, I am seriously wondering whether humanity is moving closer to an almighty Black Swan event when the realisation hits that we are not alone, we are being invaded by another lifeform, and that the orbs and UAPs are here to stay and all this despite knowing some known knowns...

A New Year's Resolution - Don't Trust New Age Psychics
UFO Digest, 31st December 2011
I am naturally cynical about ANY new age psychic these days and for a solid, good reason. Fifteen years ago, on a Thursday night, at bedtime, I was meditating on angels and protective prayers, right before sleep.

I tried a creative self healing metaphysical technique learned from someone I admired, Sylvia Browne. After many abductions I suddenly suffered from enigmatic, diagnosed degenerative spinal disease of my neck's seven discs. Chronic back pain would be alleviated, psychic Sylvia Brown assured me, if I followed her directions for creating a "Healing Room" where healing spirits could enter, a comfortable ornate room within which a spiritual healer could enter to heal you.

Actually, this is a difficult one for me because I agree with the sentiment... I hate all the alien abduction stuff and I simply don't want to study this area.... Whatever, I think this is very good advice from my own limited experiences with the New Age community because I sometimes wish I had never ever met some people. But, then again, I would not know what I do today if I had not suffered.... Whatever, this is a horrible 'alien' related story. If you frighten easily, please do not read... All I can say is that I have also had a few horrible experiences from doing visualisations and that is one of the reasons why I generally stay away from them, but I have lapsed a few times until the next horrible one comes along. I think I would need to study more psychology to understand what is really going on (don't have time). Whatever, I am quite sick of all the amateur psychology that is going on in the guise of modern spirituality by people who either have no idea what the hell they are doing or others who know exactly what they are doing in their attempts to take control. I will repeat the warning, this is not a nice story.

Power Grid Failure: Severe Storms Led To Sewage Spills Across State [US]
The Hartford Courant, 31st December 2011
While power outages during Tropical Storm Irene and the October snowstorm left much of the state in the dark, they had a less-publicized but possibly more damaging result — millions of gallons of raw sewage spilled into waterways throughout Connecticut when backup power systems failed at waste treatment plants.

The 47 spills reported to the state Department of Energy and Environmental Protection, ranged from 42.7 million gallons of partially treated sewage dumped into Long Island Sound in Stamford to 250 gallons of raw sewage poured into the Farmington River in Simsbury. The reports were filed to the DEEP during the two storms so state officials could monitor possible environmental issues.

Nearly all of the spills were caused either by flooding during the tropical storm or by power failures coupled with malfunctioning backup generators.

Just a little of the expected chaos when the electricity power grid disappears.

Court OKs Barring High IQs for Cops [US]
ABC News, September 2011
A man whose bid to become a police officer was rejected after he scored too high on an intelligence test has lost an appeal in his federal lawsuit against the city.

The 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New York upheld a lower court’s decision that the city did not discriminate against Robert Jordan because the same standards were applied to everyone who took the test.

“This kind of puts an official face on discrimination in America against people of a certain class,” Jordan said today from his Waterford home. “I maintain you have no more control over your basic intelligence than your eye color or your gender or anything else.”

Well, this explains why so many US cops are so dangerous, they are just too stupid... Cops killing deaf people because they don't hear when cops shout at them or going to the wrong house and trying to arrest innocent people because I suppose they can't read a map, arresting young people who ask for directions, some of the stories in the last few years have been unbelievable... Oh well, dumb dumbs for a dumbed down society...

Update 4 I am quite astounded that Tom Horn is agreeing with an author who knows there was a "Gospel in the stars", but that this gospel was "demonized and converted into astrology after the fall of man, originally recorded the Gospel of God." Horn writes: "If the primary assumption of this view is correct—that an original revelation was corrupted after the fall of man and subsequently degenerated into mythologies of the pagan gods—one should be able to find numerous examples of such corruption from as far back as the beginning of history and within various civilizations around the world." I have not finished reading yet, but there seems to be a big assumption here that is deliberately vague to cover a wide variety of scenarios. I think the main issue is glossing over the discovery of ancient texts with a preponderance of biblical sounding stories that imply the Bible was generated by plagiarising older sources and whitewashing astrological references in the bible by saying they were originally some kind of 'divine' revelation.... wow... I suppose it is too much to expect Horn to do some unbias research and come to the conclusion that at least some if not all the information was generated by an elite astronomical priest class. I agree with the luminary Sir William Drummond who suggested that elite astronomer priests made-up stories that reflected astronomical events and then fed this fodder to ignorant hordes. This was how religion started alongside calendar acknowledgements like solstices and equinoxes that became public holidays etc. The gospel in the stars might even have been inspired by events on Earth, but official story lines are constrained by having to conform to real astronomical events, as some are well aware... Oh well, so far, I am impressed with the range of source material but totally unimpressed with the interpretations and conclusions.

Tom Horn - Hour 1 - Apollyon Rising 2012
Red Ice Radio, 20th December 2011
Tom Horn is an author, researcher and co-host of the radio show Raiders Live! News Talk Radio. Raiders News Update reports have been referred to by writers of the L.A. Times Syndicate, MSNBC, Christianity Today, World Net Daily, White House Correspondents and dozens of newsmagazines and press agencies around the globe. Tom will discuss his book Apollyon Rising. [...]. He'll explain how 2012 connects to an ancient cosmic conspiracy. 2012 is an important year not only to the founders of America but for various cultures on the planet.

I don't listen to many Red Ice interviews but I was interested that someone was talking about the The Return of the Gods which I believe is related to the orb/UFO/UAP phenonenon. Well, I was really put off by the Red Ice interview description and the artwork, but the first part of this interview is about old prophecies that relate to 2012 from someone who claims to have a Christian perspective and I was absolutely fascinated. A 2012 researcher talking about spiritual evolution of humanity, I can tell you this now, there are not that many about.... I will just say that he keeps mentioning the indigenous prophecies relating to the arrrival dragons but if you go over to they say all the talk of dragons is about Birkeland currents and plasma phenomenon and I agree. When we get geomagnetic storms, the dragons appear swirling around the poles of the planet. We have a new permanent dragon that swirls around the equator that is called the Equatorial Electrojet and I believe there is plenty of evidence that ancient astronomer priests used this certain distinct imagery to make their teachings less obvious to outsiders. We are back to preserving knowledge for Initiates and keeping everybody else guessing. Hence, I cracked this in my book about the real significancce of the Egyptian god Apep or the Greek version Apophis. Read my interpretation in my book, it makes perfect sense. One more thing. I think many researchers have failed to comprehend that the Catholic Church is terrified of the return of 'Christ' or crystalline energy because it is a spiritual energy that is set to annihilate them. Even in this interview, the emphasis from old prophecies is on astronomical cycles and the arrival of New Energy. It is borderline physical energy, not woo-woo stuff. Preparing for The Anti-Christ is taking measures that the Catholic Church think will protect their position and power on this planet. The Catholic hierarchy are clearly not exactly pure vessels, they are evil monsters only interested in power, look at the historical evidence... Hour 1 is free, Hour II requires a subscription. Update I have just listened to hour 2.... I am grateful to Tom Horn for his basic [Great Seal] research but I don't completely agree with his interpretation. Whatever, talk about information being left right in the open for those with real (scientific/metaphysical/esoteric) knowledge to understand... Think of this as certain researchers who can focus in on the truth, but the telescopic lens needs slight adjustment before the Big Picture comes into proper focus. This is what we have here... Well, I am grateful, it's enough for me, I get it. I now have more confirmation of why I had to spend the last 7 years busting a gut to teach people about the significance of space weather and the arrival of the orbs/uaps.

Update 2 Sigh.... It is so frustrating listening to this interview when Tom Horn flip flops between the original astronomically based ancient knowledge and then reverts to lame explanations.... The dragons (geomagnetic storm currents) are delivering the "Christ" or crystalline Energy and this will cause the emergence of a new humanity due to energy driven evolutionary change (dna upgrades, brains being re-wired). This is Celestial Epigenetics. Has Tom Horn heard about Synaesthesia? This 'Christ' energy has been noticeably hitting humans for the last few decades and those that were ready have already started to evolve, but we are now starting to see massive volume increases of cosmic energy (weak magnetosphere, ionosphere collapsed) and this means more people who are ready will start to evolve... Then he briefly mentions the Watchers and tries to blame them for messed up electrodynamic templates... God give me strength.... Think cats with wings, humans and animals with two heads, the increase in strange mutations and dna abnormalities and the dramatic increase in white (not albino) animals and creatures, the electromagnetic chaos and biological misshaps are already starting to happen... I don't talk much about devolution but modern Mayan Elders have already casually mentioned that in the past there has been some massive devolution on this planet. So, according to the Maya, the monkeys used to be humans, how tough is that? If you can't cope with the New Energy then that will be just too bad... The metaphysical community were warned but many of the 'love and light' brigade volunteered to switch off their brains so this is way beyond many of them... In fact, the irony is the high levels of narcissism but low levels of spiritual intelligence... The other thing that is annoying me is researchers who cherry pick what the indigenous cultures have to say. They have already told us the UFOs are the gods... That is what the Return of the Ancestors is all about... Do some scientific research and check out how scientists think life started out on this planet... The frustration.... Too many humans are just too stupid.... I could go on but I have other things to do... /rant over

Update 3 I have started reading the online version of Tom Horn's book Apollyon Rising as priority... As you would expect, the book gives a 'Christian' perspective of 'pagan' Freemasons (pot calling the kettle black) and then ties this into why these pagans will incorporate Aztec and Mayan astronomical knowledge into the heart of Washington DC and the great seal of the United States of America. If you are unfamiliar with this kind of background information you will find this hard going. However, I have been reading this kind of info for many years and I am wondering whether Tom Horn appreciates that Freemasonry is a religion based on astronomy, exacly the same as the Catholic Church. I am sure he must have realised that these two groups are actually power sharing.... Whatever, they both have a strict adherence to preserving astronomical knowledge but this is then combined with running 'purple' [Spiral Dynamics] culty organisations designed to control people. He tells us that Freemasons are requested to lie to protect their knowledge of symbols etc and then quotes the same person who says they are primarily liars when it comes to revealing details about Freemasonry. He is continually quoting sources whom are disguising their beliefs so his interpretation does not make sense unless you see the astronomical implications and that is why Tom Horn is forced to re-hash opinions that are wrong. The stuff about the oracle Sibyl just makes me laugh, talk about deep purple.... I don't have time to explain.... A lot of the explanations are simply wrong, my website is a lot more informative about what is really happening but I have stayed away from integrating this with ancient knowledge. To get a good perspective, Freemasons should be regarded as cult members, who possess a little bit of truth mixed in with some big lies. The key to the truth is astronomy and the science of a spiritual universe. Yes, I wonder if Tom Horn appreciates why the New World Order has to blot out the Sun by geoengineering if they are such great pagans who love their Sun god? The solutions to what 2012 is all about is never going to come without a radical shift in perspective

Strange and Beautiful: 'Icy' & 'Dusty' Clouds Up North, 30th December 2011
MOTHER OF PEARL: As December draws to a close, the first polar stratospheric clouds (PSCs) of northern winter are forming around the Arctic Circle. Anders Gjørwad Hagen of Vinstra, Norway, photographed this specimen on Dec. 27th:

Also known as "nacreous" or "mother of pearl" clouds, icy PSCs form in the lower stratosphere when temperatures drop to around minus 85ºC. Sunlight shining through tiny ice particles ~10µm across produce the characteristic bright iridescent colors by diffraction and interference.

The display Hagen witnessed formed in the wake of "Dagmar," a storm that "hit the coast of Norway with hurricane strength on Dec. 25th and 26th," says Hagen. "Record breaking winds up to 145 mph were recorded. While people on the coast dealt with the aftermath, photo enthusiasts inland saw the effects of high altitude winds in these colorful clouds. It was a beautiful display, but not comfortable to think of all the suffering lying behind it."

There was also a report from Sweden about these clouds on the 28th. Well, I have been thinking about the state of the magnetosphere that had been 'punctured' in the last few days. It has been hit a few times but none of the activity seem to be directly related to CMEs (or so we are told but again on the 30th it's red hot again...) and the message from that "The CME expected on Dec. 29th either missed Earth or its impact was too weak to notice. Geomagnetic activity remains generally low with only a 20% chance of storms around the Arctic Circle during the next 24 hours." is no surprise as the NASA's Enlil spaceweather prediction model, did not even have the CME to hit us at all. The weather in the North, Norway, Sweden and Finland has been wild, but to be honest, I am shocked by the admission that parts of the electricity grid in Finland have been destroyed and people will be without electricity for weeks. It's cold up there in Finland. See Power cuts plague up to 200,000 & Storm Dagmar Cuts Power, Causes Damage Across Nordic Region Was there a link with the magnetosphere being overloaded? Traditionally, meteorologists do not consider the impact of space weather, even though some scientists can predict hurricanes purely based on planetary alignments and the Russians are adamant that there is a link between earthquake activity and the Sun's Interplanetary Magnetic Field (IMF). Surely, there has to be a link with wild weather?

Mystery foam engulfs northern seaside town
The Guardian, 29th December 2011
A thick white blanket settled gently on the seaside town of Cleveleys near Blackpool on Wednesday, but this was no seasonal dusting of snow from above. The Environment Agency dispatched officers to Princess Promenade to gather evidence as gobs of foam blew in from the sea and smothered streets, cars and houses. The foam is whipped up by strong winds once or twice a year along the town's seafront and vanishes soon after, a spokeswoman for the agency told the Guardian.


The wandering ghost lights of the outback
Weird Australia, 28th December 2011
The ethereal, elusive Min Min Light, however, is just one of the many, uncannily similar, but as yet unexplained, wandering ghost lights of outback Australia. [...]

A decade earlier, in December 1937, Bill Bowyang, in his regular column, On the Track, wrote of his own experience with the ghost light while travelling years earlier through outback Queensland. As he sat one night chatting with an old timer, something caught Bowyang’s attention; “We were all sitting looking into the darkness, well away from the dying campfire and enjoying the cool air after the heat of the day, when suddenly I saw a light. At first I thought it was someone waving a lantern, but it suddenly rose higher in the air, danced a few jigs, and hovered about, first high and then low, but always keeping at about 50 yards distant.”

In answering Bowyang’s query as to the origin of the light, the old timer replied; “Oh, that’s Jack O’ Lantern, or the Min Min as some folks call it.”

For those interested, it is important to realise that the ghost light phenomena goes back hundreds of years [but we don't know if and how long authorities have been secretly keeping records], but I have a webpage with hundreds of names from many different cultures that have been collected, see Light Phenomena Known By Ancient and Traditional People. One Australian author placed an advert asking people to send in their stories of Min Min lights and he got back 500 replies. I think that is quite impressive. It is beyond me why there is so much ignorance about something that is obviously a part of the natural world. Scientists know they exist, but ufologists require a business model that allows for as much mystery as possible, hence why they don't want people to know the truth. See archives for those who think Min Min lights are the bioluminescent barn owl Tyto Alba. Even in the UK, some people claim to have seen bird-like outlines within orbs.... there is no reason to suspect this is not true if these entities are part of a Shadow Bisophere with lots of different characteristics.

UFO sightings up 70% in Ireland over last three years
Daily Mirror, 29th December 2011
UFO sightings across Ireland have increased by nearly 70% in just three years. The UFO Research Association of Ireland revealed that 59 incidents were reported in 2011, compared with 42 the year before and just 35 in 2009. Association founder Adam Tallon suggested people are becoming more open to the possibility of UFOs and therefore feel more comfortable reporting a sighting to its website.

"I would like to believe that there is life out in the universe somewhere, whether it's walking or talking beings or microscopic bacteria I don't know," said Mr Tallon. The association has been able to attribute most sightings to ball lighting and Chinese lanterns but its main interests lie in UFOs that cannot be explained by conventional means.

So, what's wrong with telling people about the existence of magnetospheric plasmoids and pointing out the research into Light Phenomena that has now been going on for some decades? I suppose it's the same old problem of 'leaders' desperate to keep people ignorant and infantile in their thinking.

UFO News: OVNI 'Mother Ship' Explodes Over Tijuana (Video)
Gather News, 28th December 2011
I was not that impressed with this video at all, there is a much better video example of a magnetospheric plasmoid exploding in the archives. Some are now saying it was a balloon, typical.

Fascinating Details Revealed about Irkutsk Siberia UFO Incident – Video
DBKP, 29th December 2011
“Up there in the sky there were objects that looked like lighted lamps. There were thousands of them in the woods.”
The second video has an English translation. The bit at the end made me laugh. The locals complaining that their tiny little village is of no strategic significance, as is orbs care two-hoots about that... LOL

Journey Under Way to Track the Magnetic South Pole
Return to Scott's Antarctic camp marks 100-year anniversary.
Scientific American, 28th December 2011
Two scientists from New Zealand will travel to Antarctica on December 28 in a quest to continue a 100-year-long record of Earth's magnetic field: a record begun by British explorer Robert Scott at the start of his ill-fated expedition to the geographic south pole (see "Turning the world upside down"). Record-keeping is necessary because the magnetic poles move about, thanks to the complex circulation of Earth's fluid outer core. During the past century, both magnetic poles have been moving northwest: the north pole from Canada towards Siberia, as fast as 60 kilometers per year, and the south pole towards Australia at 10-15 km per year. "It's quite an astonishing rate," says Stewart Bennie of GNS Science in Avalon, one of the two scientists due to head to the Antarctic on December 28. The movement is thought to be a normal feature of the planet's magnetic wobble, and could change direction at any time.

Information I have read suggests that up until now, private groups have been monitoring the Magnetic South Pole in recent years. Well, as I have made clear, the difference between the movement of the South and North poles is responsible for the lack of balance on this planet, but the information provided here is very different to other sources that state the difference between the drift of the North and South Poles is 10 times, where here we are told that the difference is 4 - 6 times, see archives.

2012: Fear No Supernova
Science Daily, 28th December 2011
ScienceDaily (Dec. 28, 2011) — Given the incredible amounts of energy in a supernova explosion -- as much as the sun creates during its entire lifetime -- another erroneous doomsday theory is that such an explosion could happen in 2012 and harm life on Earth. However, given the vastness of space and the long times between supernovae, astronomers can say with certainty that there is no threatening star close enough to hurt Earth.

I am pleased that scientists are helping to deal with the 2012 hype but I still think that people should understand that 2012 is about the start of a major new era on Earth dominated by space weather. Yes, a supernova explosion is unlikely to happen in our galaxy in 2012 but the heliosphere is shrinking around our own solar system. This is something that has had very little media attention but there is a corresponding influx of new cosmic energy and a continued increase in cosmic rays that will cause DNA mutations and thus evolutionary change on this planet. That is not hype that is reality. What is interesting, is the intelligent sounding conspiracy theorists who I think are being paid to gain people's trust and then debunking somethings that should not be debunked and then hyping up other stuff that is pure garbage like all those who were heavily promoting Comet Elenin. What a dud that was. Absolutely no scientific justification, but people believed whatever scraps of info these people were throwing into the internet maelstrom of hype.

Rival Clerics In Brawl At Jesus' Birthplace [VIDEO]
SkyNews, 28th December 2011
A fight has broken out at the church built on the spot where Jesus is said to have been born. Palestinian police stormed the basilica of the Nativity in Bethlehem after rival groups of Orthodox and Armenian clerics clashed in a row over the boundaries of their respective ancient jurisdictions inside the church.

Armed with brooms, around 100 priests and monks came to blows during the cleaning of the church in preparation for Orthodox Christmas celebrations. The former Palestinian minister of tourism and head of the Palestinian forces in Bethlehem were slightly injured.

Administration of the church is shared by Catholic, Orthodox, and Armenian Apostolic clerics. The relationship between these groups has often been difficult, and there have been similar scuffles in previous years over jurisdiction.

These fights happen on a regular basis, but I have to say, the police beating these priests with batons is quite something to see...

Philip Pullman’s "His Dark Materials" (2006)

Once upon a time a young adolescent studied John Milton's Paradise Lost at school and was fascinated by it. Several years later, Philip Pullman -- for it was him -- wrote his masterpiece entitled His Dark Materials after a passage from Milton's poem. This title refers to what Pullman calls "Dust" in his story. But the real source of inspiration for Dust is the scientific term that exists in our world and is called "dark matter". Of course, dark matter is not Dust. The concept of Dust with a capital D is completely invented by Pullman. It is a materialisation of consciousness. The name "Dust" comes from the Bible: "For dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return" (Genesis 4:19).

This is a dissertation written by someone French and clever. Sometimes it's a relief to find real intellects on the planet. I am thrilled by this essay and thrilled that whatever happens, I am happy that I cracked the nut of the real significance of Space Weather. It won't be long now as more intellectuals with some interest in genuine spirituality start to realise what is really going on. We can expect more and more cosmic dust being carried along by dark matter to fall heavily on this planet and the affects cannot be hidden. I am so happy to have worked this out.... Thank you Chloé Boffy, this is an excellent piece of work.

The Wisdom Of Trees (Leonardo Da Vinci Knew It)
Refreshing News, 27th December 2011
Hurricanes topple plenty of trees, but when you think about it, the more amazing thing is that many trees can stand up to these 100-mile-per-hour winds.

Now a French scientist has come up with an explanation for the resilience of trees. And astonishingly, the answer was first described by Leonardo da Vinci 500 years ago.

Leonardo noticed that when trees branch, smaller branches have a precise, mathematical relationship to the branch from which they sprang. Many people have verified Leonardo's rule, as it's known, but no one had a good explanation for it.

French physicist Christophe Eloy wasn't particularly interested in trees, but he does specialize in understanding how air flows around objects — objects like airplane wings and such. So he decided to see whether he could solve the mystery of the branching trees.

Yes, it's incredible to think that there are a few people who can be 500 years ahead of everybody else but most are too uneducated to recognise the wisdom/intelligence. In the scientific world, it is quite normal to find people who are 20, 30, 40, 80+ years of their peers. Space Weather has been escalating for 20 years but most are oblivious. In 2004, I thought I was late to the party, when I found out our whole world is being engulfed in matter and energy with properties where we have no idea how it will affect the world. At least I am pleased to find out that world controllers have been quietly trying to figure out what we should expect as there have been plasma experiments taking place on the International Space Station for 10 years. Whatever, I am just grateful that I can think for myself and I can ignore the ignoranti and those being deceptive.

Christmas Day Solar Flares & CMEs, 26th December 2011
CMEs TARGET EARTH, MARS: The odds of a geomagnetic storm on Dec. 28th are improving with the launch of two CMEs toward Earth in less than 24 hours. NASA's STEREO-B spacecraft photographed this one on Dec. 26th:

According to a forecast track prepared by analysts at the Goddard Space Weather Lab, the cloud should squarely strike Earth's magnetic field on Dec. 28th at 20:22 UT (+/- 7 hours). Another CME could deliver a glancing blow a few hours earlier on the same date. The double impact is expected to spark mild-to-moderate geomagnetic storms at high latitudes.

More videos of these CME events can be found at

2011-12-27 15:08 Minor Geomagnetic Activity Possible
NOAA, 27th December 2011
"Coronal Mass Ejections from the last few days may cause isolated periods of G1(Minor) Geomagnetic Storm Activity on December 28-29. Updates here as appropriate."

M1.5 Solar Flare - Progression of a Solar Flare (Dec 26, 2011)
YouTube, 25th December 2011
"Here is a presentation of an M1.5 Solar Flare around Sunspot 1387 in the early hours of Dec 26, 2011. Video shows Images by SDO, EVE and also the Solar X-Rays as captured by the GOES Spacecraft."

Sunspot 1384 - C5.7 Flare and Eruption (Dec 26, 2011)
YouTube, 26th December 2011
Eruption around Sunspot 1384: A long duration C5.7 Solar Flare was detected around Sunspot 1384 this morning (Dec 26) and may have been the result of a filament channel eruption. An explosion resulted and may also be somewhat Earth directed.

NICT Real time Magnetosphere Simulation.
NICT News, 27th December 2011
There is a mystery of why the magnetosphere appears to have been pushed inwards on Christmas Day, I am thinking that requires some force but where did this force come from? Presumably, a CME came our way unannounced or it was another magnetar blast from deep space. There was a CME eruption in the early hours of Dec. 24th, but to arrive in just over 24 hours, it would have had to be travelling fast, but it has been done before, see 24th December 2011. On the 26th December at about 08.10 UT, the Earth's magnetic field got a severe shock and temporarily filled up with particles. I have checked through the files on the 27th and the magnetosphere looks 'dainty', so I am wondering if the ACE satellite instruments that supplies data are working properly... You can download NICT movies here, to take a look at recent movies.

Rocket Debris Re-entry - Munich, Germany 24th December 2011, 25th December 2011
RUSSIAN RE-ENTRY: The body of a Russian rocket that propelled a Soyuz spacecraft toward the International Space Station on Dec. 21st fell back to Earth on Christmas Eve. Roman Breisch sends this picture of the re-entry from Erdweg, 20 miles west of Munich, Germany:

"This is what the Christmas star looks like in the 21st century," says Breisch. " The decaying rocket was spectacular look as it wove over the night sky from West to the East, getting brighter and brighter and splitting up into hundreds of shiny pieces."

There are claims this was seen over Germany and Switzerland, the video link below is certainly impressive, but check out the earlier video dated the 23rd, I am sure they are both of the same event.

Man Escapes Death As Satellite Fragment Crashes Through His Roof
Gizmodo News, 25th December 2011
"It's a weird accident not only because of this Christmas miracle: the Soyuz has an excellent track record. It's a tried-and-true vehicle with hundreds of successful missions since the 1960s, when it was designed by OKB-1 and manufactured at State Aviation Plant No. 1 in Samara, Russia. Its first flight was in 1966. The variant that launched today only has had one failure and one partial failure. [NDTV]
Well, since these rockets have such a good safety record, then something about the environment must have changed and I suspect it is related to space weather and too much cosmic dust being sucked up into the engines and causing damage.

Rocket Debris Re-entry - Munich, Germany 24th December 2011
YouTube, 24th December 2011

Santa Claus’ fireball over Europe was from Russia [VIDEO]
RT News, 27th December 2011
Well, the Russians are happen to accept responsibility for what clearly looked like debris re-entry into our atmosphere and nothing else. Whatever, I am now wondering how bad this will get, the explanation that it was “the re-entry of the third stage of the Soyuz rocket that transported the Dutch astronaut to the ISS” seems strange to me, this does not “normally” happen but quite frankly, we are not living in normal times.

Electric Universe: Scientists find solar winds can degrade or short-circuit planetary magnetic fields, 23rd December 2011
( -- Mercury, the smallest of the eight planets with a diameter of 4900 kilometres and the closest to the Sun, looks more like the Moon than the Earth from the outside. It is the only rocky planet that has a global magnetic field like Earth. But why is its magnetic field so much weaker than Earth’s? Scientists at the Technische Universität Braunschweig and the Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research have now presented a new explanation: the solar wind counteracts Mercury’s internal dynamo and thus weakens its magnetic field.

[...] How can the large discrepancy in the field strength be explained? This question has now been answered by a group headed by Karl-Heinz Glassmeier at the Technische Universität Braunschweig. The solar wind – a constant stream of charged particles – plays a significant role. At an average distance from the Sun of only 58 million kilometres – around one third of the distance of the Earth – Mercury is much more exposed to these particles

“We must keep in mind that Mercury stongly interacts with the surrounding solar wind,” says Daniel Heyner, lead author of the article published in Science and doctoral student at the International Max Planck Research School (IMPRS) in Katlenburg-Lindau. This interaction drives strong electrical currents in the magnetosphere of the planet, whose magnetic fields counteract the internal dynamo effect.

This is a headline that I picked up elsewhere and the article implies that exactly the same thing is happening on Earth... If you want to see other old scientific papers on this matter, google 'Ring Current' & "geomagnetic storm" because some scientists have known for a long time that Earth's magnetic field is not just about what happens in the Earth's core.

Evolution of Angels: From Disembodied Minds to Winged Guardians
National Geographic News, 23rd December 2011
[...] "There is lots of interesting theology about angels, and in some ways we've kind of lost the knack for that," said John Cavadini, chair of theology at the University of Notre Dame.

"We tend to think of angels as things that we'd find in a Hallmark card," Cavadini added. "But many people, especially in antiquity, were very interested in them"—in what they might look like, how they might organize themselves, how they behave.

In the Bible angels served as envoys of God—angelos being Greek for "messenger." Other than that, the scriptures leave a lot of room for interpretation.

These kinds of articles are all very interesting now that the veil is lifting... I am 100% certain the Catholic Church has KNOWN for many hundreds of years about the existence of 'angels' and I think this is the origin of the concept of faeries, the orbs of light. I have literature from researchers in the 1940s that sought to understand UFOs as "disembodied minds, or intellects", but even better, I have my own experiences. I don't have to watch videos, I have had my own experiences in realtime way before I knew anything about the scientific research or watched hundreds of orb videos. Today we have scientific research that points to the existence of a Shadow Biosphere, information that should be valuable to anyone who is capable of engaging their brains with an open mind. Whatever, I don't trust everything from Catholic sources, this is an organisation that has a history of corruption. Today, this organisation doesn't even have a thin veneer of respectability to hide behind either. The Catholic Church is all about power, a role model for so many fake wannabes claiming spirituality.

Poll: Nearly 8 in 10 Americans believe in angels
CBS News, 23rd December 2011

NASA Nixes Doomsday Fears About the "Dark Rift" --Earth's Alignment With Milky Way's Supermassive Black Hole on the Winter Solstice
Daily Galaxy, 22nd December 2011
One of the most bizarre theories about 2012 is the widespread notion that a cosmic alignment of the sun, Earth, and the center of our galaxy, which is obscured by the Dark Rift, on the winter solstice could for some unknown reason lead to planetary destruction. [...]

The claim for a 2012 doomsday links these two pieces of astronomical fact with a third -- the position of the sun near the galactic center on Dec. 21, the winter solstice for the Northern Hemisphere -- to produce something that makes no astronomical sense at all.

The coincidence of the solstice with the sun entering the Dark Rift somehow portending disaster or the mistaken notion that the sun and Earth becoming aligned with the black hole in the galactic center creates some kind of massive gravitational pull on Earth.

The solstice itself does not correlate to any movements of the stars or anything in the universe beyond Earth. It just happens to be the day that Earth's North Pole is tipped farthest from the sun.Second, Earth is not within range of strong gravitational effects from the black hole at the center of the galaxy since gravitational effects decrease exponentially the farther away one gets. Earth is 93 million miles from the sun and 165 quadrillion miles from the Milky Way's black hole.

Actually, this article has a few interesting facts. Well, anthropologists now agree that the 2012 date does mark the end of a major Mayan calendar based cycle. What's more, modern Mayan Elders do seem to be vindicated by their stance that we are entering a new era dominated by the ether or space, based on the massive escalation of space weather. Remarkably, even NASA scientists have agreed on that too. Yet, it's interesting that after all the ridiculous bad astronomy based speculation, it seems that nobody (that I am aware of) predicted the galactic centre was going to light up... Whatever, it is a fitting sign to mark the next 5,125 years of life on this planet being dominated by space weather.

2012: Shadow of the Dark Rift, 22nd December 2011
"( -- One of the most bizarre theories about 2012 has built up with very little attention to facts. This idea holds that a cosmic alignment of the sun, Earth, the center of our galaxy -- or perhaps the galaxy's thick dust clouds -- on the winter solstice could for some unknown reason lead to destruction. Such alignments can occur but these are a regular occurrence and can cause no harm (and, indeed, will not even be at its closest alignment during the 2012 solstice.)"

Hair Is An Extension Of The Nervous System
Why Indians Keep Their Hair Long, 9th December 2011
This information about hair has been hidden from the public since the Viet Nam War . Our culture leads people to believe that hair style is a matter of personal preference, that hair style is a matter of fashion and/or convenience, and that how people wear their hair is simply a cosmetic issue. Back in the Viet Nam war however, an entirely different picture emerged, one that has been carefully covered up and hidden from public view. In the early nineties, Sally [name changed to protect privacy] was married to a licensed psychologist who worked at a VA Medical hospital. He worked with combat veterans with PTSD, post traumatic stress disorder. Most of them had served in Viet Nam. Sally said, "I remember clearly an evening when my husband came back to our apartment on Doctor\'s Circle carrying a thick official looking folder in his hands. Inside were hundreds of pages of certain studies commissioned by the government. He was in shock from the contents. What he read in those documents completely changed his life. From that moment on my conservative middle of the road husband grew his hair and beard and never cut them again. What is more, the VA Medical center let him do it, and other very conservative men in the staff followed his example. As I read the documents, I learned why.

Funnily enough, I put an odd quote in my book because I 'felt' it was true. I don't have a problem following my intuition, I worked out the significance of space weather 7 years ago based on following my gut and I am still waiting for others who can make a difference to wake up.... Anyway, this is quite interesting validation if this is true. Here is the quote:
“The power that causes galaxies to spiral, stars, planets and atoms to spin; that causes the double helix spiral of the DNA molecule; this same spiraling power causes spiraling hair – otherwise known as NAPPY, kinky, curly, crinkly, bushy, frizzy, wavy, WOOLLY hair! The words, SPIN, SPIRAL, and SPIRITUAL have common roots! The Supreme Power spins; spirals; it is spiritual. It moves or spirals the universe! The entire universe ever dances in spirals and rotations; everything in it reflects the “SPIRaling, SPIRitual” essence out of which it is made! Everything is alive with Spirit, the vital principle or animating lifeforce within all living beings. In many languages, the word for Spirit, Breath, and Air are identical: Sanskrit prana, Hebrew ruach, Greek pneuma, Latin spiritus. For breath and life are One. Latin spirare means to breathe; Latin spir and Greek speira mean coil. The Spiral Principle of the Universe is what makes nappy hair nappy-or spiraling.” Suzar link
I picked up the image icon from the Daily Mail Phil Spector ditches his flamboyant, wild hair for a more sombre courtroom look (at least by his standards). Seriously, that is a big head of hair...

Special Interest News

ESO Astronomers are expecting Cosmic Fireworks from our Galactic Center in 2013!
Supermassive black hole will 'eat' gas cloud
BBC News, 14th December 2011
Researchers have spotted a giant gas cloud spiralling into the supermassive black hole at our galaxy's centre. Though it is known that black holes draw in nearby material, it will be the first chance to see one consume such a cloud.

As it is torn apart, the turbulent area around the black hole will become unusually bright, giving astronomers a chance to learn more about it. An article in Nature suggests the spectacle should be visible in 2013. [...]

Researchers using the European Southern Observatory's Very Large Telescope estimate that despite its size, the cloud has a total mass of only about three times that of Earth.

They have plotted the cloud's squashed, oval-shaped path and estimate it has doubled its speed in the last seven years - to 2,350km per second.

It should spiral in to within about 40 billion kilometres of the black hole in the middle of 2013. Our local supermassive black hole, dubbed Sagittarius A*, lies about 27,000 light-years away, and has a mass about four million times that of our Sun.

I am just amazed & stunned... After everything that I have been trying to explain in my book and on my websites [this has alway been about astronomy and a major new astronomical cycle, the 25 year build up of energy to get to 2012 and the start of a major new era], my best friends turn out to be the international astronomical community....

[Please note: Sagittarius A* is considered to be the Galactic centre but it is actually a tiny region within the Galactic Centre, populated by millions of stars and a 4 million solar mass 'Black Hole' accompanied by a very powerful 2.6 million solar mass radio source that has been identified as IRS 7, a red supergiant star that puts out most of its energy in the near infrared. Astronomers deliberately confuse Sagittarius A* with the rather innoculous and "feeble" black hole, but they are NOT the same thing and that is why astronomers are forced to admit that the 'cloud' is hitting within the 40 billion kilometres of the black hole. Regardless, we are interested in the cosmic bullet being fired into this region and what might happen. For reference see Radio image of the central region of the Milky Way.]

I ignored this headline initially because I am sick of all the overhype concerning black holes, but this is different.... A cloud of energy (plasma) arriving at our galactic centre in 2013? Wow, I have stated that the energetic changes to our solar system are being driven by energy from deep space and now it seems that astronomers have been watching a specific cloud of energy approaching for maybe a decade (at least)... We must remember that astronomers have been telling us about the arrival of an interstellar cloud for years and energy has been building up around our solar system and leaking through for years. I have done more research and I understand why scientists are excited about supermassive black holes but it seems a lot of old ideas are being quietly discarded, but that is another story... At this moment, I am not going to speculate about the impact of this energy on our galactic centre, but no doubt others will... Here is the ESO research paper that has been made public which is quite good of them, see below:

A gas cloud on its way toward the super-massive black hole in the Galactic Centre (.pdf).
European Southern Observatory, December 2011
"As part of our NACO9 and SINFONI10,11 VLT programmes studying the stellar orbits around the Galactic Centre super-massive black hole, SgrA*, we have discovered an object moving at ~1700km/s along a trajectory almost straight toward SgrA*."
OK, this is a cosmic bullet aimed straight at the Galactic Centre...

Gas Cloud En Route To Milky Way’s Black Hole [VIDEO]
Red Orbit, 15th December 2011
"Scientists say that by 2013, outbursts of X-rays and radio waves will be emitted as the cloud gets hotter and is obliterated by the black hole. The cloud is mostly made up of hydrogen and helium gas.
[ Video 1 ] | [ Video 2 ] | [ Video 3 ] |
How amusing, astronomers are predicting that our Galactic Centre is going to light up with this cosmic energy in 2013, we are actually going to get some cosmic fireworks to celebrate the start of a new cosmic era... Absolutely incredible!

Update: The news from the European Southern Observatory explains the rush to put new telescopes on the ice in Antarctica and other new telescopes all pointing at the Galactic Centre. It is quite obvious that this 'cloud' has been watched for at least a decade but I will state, astronomers probably were not sure where it was headed until it became obvious this spark of cosmic consciousness was on it's way to ignite the Galactic Centre. I am very amused by the continuation of the pattern of releasing major astronomical news in the run up to Christmas as practiced by NASA. I was wondering if the same would happen this year and so, I have not been disappointed. Obviously, some think that everyone is distracted by Christmas shopping, as if shallow consumption dictates the priorities of all those interested in what is taking place on our planet, our solar system and our galaxy. To the cosmic fairy tale people hoping for something to happen on the 21st December 2012, it is unlikely there will be a celestial intercourse between Father Sun and the Cosmic Mother but you could hope for some galactic fireworks. The Galactic Centre could light up in the optical part of the elctromagnetic spectrum, but there is a lot of cosmic dust in the way, so seeing something on Earth is probably unlikely, but every single available telescope on the planet will be scanning that region waiting for the moment of any ignition and there will be a rush by astronomers to make the first announcement, I am quite confident about that. We don't know what is going to happen, but if there is some kind of ignition, it will be for decades and the consequences can only be speculated about. Whatever, if ignition happens in 2013, I will be satisfied that those interested in spiritual truth were warned to expect massive evolutionary change. I personally don't think you can get a scenario any more sensational than the Galactic Centre lighting up, even if it's only in X-rays, to celebrate the start of a New Cosmic Age.

Satellite crashes into Siberia minutes after launch
ABC News, 24th December 2011
A Russian satellite has crashed into Siberia minutes after its launch, the defence ministry says, in the latest humiliating setback for Russia's embattled space program.

The Meridian communications satellite failed to reach orbit after it was launched due to a failure with its Soyuz rocket, raising new concerns over the Russian space program which has now lost over half a dozen satellites in the last year.

Its fragments crashed into the Novosibirsk region of central Siberia and were found in the Ordynsk district around 100 kilometres south of the regional capital Novosibirsk.

"A sphere was found, around 50 centimetres in diameter, which crashed into the roof of a house in the village of Vagaitsevo," a local security official told the Interfax news agency. In an extraordinary irony, the official said that the house was located on Cosmonaut Street, named after the heroic spacemen of the Soviet and Russian space program

Oh dear! So, what's going on? These launches are supposed to be routine but Russia (and other nations) keep having failed launches and the problem seems to be getting worse. Let's think: is there too much cosmic dust about?

Russian Satellite Crashes in Latest Failed Rocket Launch, 23rd December 2011
""This area of the space industry is in sort of a crisis," Russian space agency chief Vladimir Popovin told reporters in a televised press conference today. "We can say even now that the problem lies in the engine." But more analysis is needed to be certain exactly what went wrong, he added."

Meteor über Deutschland Weihnachten 2011 - wohl doch die 3. Stufe einer Soyuz Rakete
YouTube, 24th December 2011
I actually think this is satellite debris but it does not seem to want to break up in Earth's atmosphere, but I am really hesistant to call this anything else... Update, see story above.

In the skies over Tobolsk [Russia] flying UFOs? HUGE Plasma Ball
KP News, 23rd December 2011

Tobolsk on Friday evening go bad rumors, they say, is whether UFOs are seen, or what a rocket fell. Glowing ball in the sky, saw a moving spot, heard the thunder even in the forest outside the city. In general, something in the sky and flew aga ...

Local professional photographer Ivan Sidorenko to document on camera the camera a flying ball, and even have time - 18.06 local (16.06 GMT). Well, plus or minus 5 minutes, of course.

If the increase in photo review, one can see that in the depths of a luminous ball spiral is, vows photographer. --Maybe it's satellite? Rocket or what?

Living in Tobolsk, Siberia old town with a 200-thousand population is 200 miles from most of Tyumen, less prosaic than the photographer Sidorenko. They believe that no UFO there has not been what the rocket.

-I just saw a flying disc - surely says a resident of Tobolsk, Alexandra Dolgushina.

Please excuse the terrible Google translation. This image clearly shows a plasma spiral that occur when two clumps of oppositely charged plasma collide, similar can be seen in the cosmos on a much greater scale. However, this example is quite unusual as it is surrounded by shealth or plasma double layer, so it implies the spiral is highly charged. (But, I will admit, it also looks like the astronomers' favourite "bow shock".) This is a strange article because the Russians are also upset about the latest failed rocket launch, but quite frankly, besides the huge increase in cosmic dust that we were told to expect back in 2003, there seems to be a very heavy traffic of plasma objects in our skies. Planet Earth is becoming a high energy plasma environment, every day it is becoming more and more obvious. This is our new reality.

UFO creates cloud and shocks city in Russia, 23 December 2011
YouTube, 23rd December 2011
Apparently, there are lots of videos, because it sounds like this UAP decided to float over a busy city in rush hour.

5 Witness, UFO, Mysterious Lights in The Sky, Russia, Dec 23,
YouTube, 23rd December 2011
Seriously, find videos of satellite debris re-entry, there is NO comparison...

Altocumulus Lenticularis cloud spotted floating over UK: Dazzling picture of rare formation
Daily Mail, 23rd December 2011
Captured on a crisp winter sky these dazzling clouds look nothing like their normal fluffy white counterpart. Known by experts as the Altocumulus Lenticularis, but dubbed the UFO cloud by many, this formation was spotted above Farsley in West Yorkshire yesterday.

And although incredibly rare in the UK the clouds are a common sighting in the Himalayas, Andes and Rocky Mountains.

All the talk of UFOs is absolutely stupid, hence why I changed the headline... So why is the UK getting 'rare' clouds right now? According to the Cloud Appreciation Society, the 'stack of plates' effect, seen in Lenticularis Clouds is caused by a moist airstream flowing over raised ground, such as a hill or mountain peak, when the airstream consists of alternating moister and drier layers. However, the fact that they are seen in the Himalayas and other mountainous regions implies that this cloud formation requires peculiar conditions that don't seem to apply to parts of Yorkshire (UK) that are basically flat, where these clouds have been seen. So, I am wondering whether we are back to atmospheric cooling caused by influxes of charged cosmic dust, see archives for more details.

In pictures: Rare lenticular clouds over West Yorkshire [7]
BBC News, 22nd December 2011

Vatican Uses NASA Technology to Preserve Ancient Tomes
Innovationnews Daily, 20th December 2011
One of the world's oldest libraries in Rome faces a huge problem — how to preserve 1,800-year-old manuscripts in a digital format that's readable for next-generation computers. A format designed to store images taken by satellites and orbital telescopes such as the Hubble Space Telescope could offer a solution to the Holy See's Vatican Library.

Archivists have already begun scanning the fragile, ancient tomes in the Vatican's collection with software that can transform old pages pressed against glass into an accurate, flat digital image. Such images saved in the flexible image transport system (FITS) format — designed by NASA and European space scientists in the 1970s — will allow computers built even 100 years from now to decode whatever information is stored.[...]

FITS already stores astronomy data collected by space missions such as NASA's Hubble and Europe's Herschel Space Observatory. Now Giuseppe Di Persio of Italy’s National Institute for Astrophysics is helping the new effort to digitize the Roman Catholic Church's library collection.[...]

Ammenti chose FITS because of its open-source approach, its longevity over several decades and the fact that it's not owned by any one company. All of that may help the Vatican Library — founded in 1475 — preserve manuscripts and codices that in some cases originated before the invention of the printing press.

If you have been paying attention, you will know that many major libraries are moving books underground "for preservation". Alongside other hints like the major new seed bank in Svalbard, Norway, it implies world authorities believe there is need to make adequate plans in the event of a major disaster. Yet, it's already public knowledge that due to worsening space weather, there is a need to worry about a major geomagnetic storm that could cut off power supplies for months if not years. Besides that, it is a crime against humanity that the Vatican has these precious documents and very few people know the contents of huge amounts of ancient knowledge that has been purposely locked away... Maybe, with these works being digitised there could be an opportunity for some intellectual liberalisation... It would give the academic community the opportunity to do some relevant work now that it is more than obvious that our world and reality have arrived at a major transition point. Here, we are even told NASA are helping them with the same software used for modern astronomy data to digitise old and ancient Vatican books... If you don't already know, Catholicism is a religion based on astronomy, that is an historical fact. In the Middle Ages, Catholic priests had to study astronomy first before they were allowed to study theology or philosophy, that is another historical fact. How many more clues does the world need before more wake up to what is really happening? Sigh!

UA and Vatican partner to explore heavens [VIDEO]
Vatican Observatory News, 11th May 2011
"The University of Arizona is home to one of the world's largest telescopes and astronomers work very closely with the Vatican."
So, why are the Vatican so interested in the heavens?

A $2.5 Million Libel Judgment Brings the Question: Are Bloggers Journalists?
Fox News, 22nd December 2011
‘Bloggers Beware’

That was the headline on a conservative blog following a $2.5 million judgment this month against blogger Crystal Cox in a defamation case tried in federal court in Oregon. It’s a case followed closely in both the blogosphere and in the traditional media, as it highlights the proliferation of blogging, the blurring of lines between journalists and bloggers and more libel cases born out of blog posts.

“There are a lot of malicious people out there,” says Bruce Johnson, a Seattle attorney with Davis Wright Tremaine and author of Washington state’s current Shield Law. “You’re not going to be able to get rid of them all. They will continue to basically write graffiti on the bathroom wall, and in this case, the Internet provides the bathroom wall,” says Johnson.

“Just like anybody can claim to be a journalist, anybody can claim to be a blogger,” says Goldstein, “And if you look at the court records, she really appeared to be neither.”

Quite frankly, I still don't know what all the fuss is about with this blogger/journalist, libel is libel, if you live by the sword you can expect to die by the sword, but remember in modern times, the sword is really a keyboard... LOL. On this website, I am keeping some of my research online about massive evolutionary change and things that I think are interesting and relevant to my perspective. I happen to think this is the Greatest Transition in the History of Mankind, but I know that I am well ahead of the curve in my thinking, but more work had to be done to help light up the way for those who are fellow True Seekers, the same as other True Seekers have helped me in the past...

Man Builds Fairy Tale Home for His Family – For Only £3,000
Gaia-Health News, 21st December 2011
Simon Dale is a family man in Wales, the western part of Great Britain. His interest in self-sustainability and an ecological awareness led him to dig out and build his own home—one of the loveliest, warmest, most inviting dwellings you could ever imagine. And it cost him only £3,000, about $4,700 American dollars!

Can you imagine a more charming entrance than this?

Simon gives two reasons for building the home. The first elegant one, from his website, is: It’s fun. Living your own life, in your own way is rewarding. Following our dreams keeps our souls alive.

His second reason is a plea for sustainability, in which he states that “our supplies are dwindling and our planet is in ecological catastrophe”. You can read the full and passionate statement here. Simon is also a photographer, and as you can see throughout this article, a talented one.

Simply, wow! I lived in Norway and Norwegians would call this a hytter (pronounced hutter) but this is a fabulous one...

Fossils shed light on evolutionary origin of animals from single-cell ancestors, 22nd December 2011
All life evolved from a single-celled universal common ancestor, and at various times in Earth history, single-celled organisms threw their lot in with each other to become larger and multicellular, resulting, for instance, in the riotous diversity of animals. However, fossil evidence of these major evolutionary transitions is extremely rare. [...]

This X-ray microscopy revealed that the fossils had features that multicellular embryos do not, and this led the researchers to the conclusion that the fossils were neither animals nor embryos but rather the reproductive spore bodies of single-celled ancestors of animals.

Professor Philip Donoghue said: "We were very surprised by our results – we've been convinced for so long that these fossils represented the embryos of the earliest animals – much of what has been written about the fossils for the last ten years is flat wrong. Our colleagues are not going to like the result."

Professor Stefan Bengtson said: "These fossils force us to rethink our ideas of how animals learned to make large bodies out of cells."

Reference material in my efforts to understand how life started on this planet. Besides, there is the issue of how quickly scientific ideas change... In my efforts to integrate many different subjects, it is very difficult picking up the correct strands to weave together when concensus does not necessarily mean scientific beliefs are correct.

Comet Lovejoy puts on a show, 22nd December 2011
COMET LOVEJOY GETS EVEN BETTER: Sungrazing Comet Lovejoy is so bright that "it can now be seen with the unaided eye for more than an hour before sunrise," reports Colin Legg of Mandurah, Western Australia. This morning, a short exposure with Legg's digital camera was sufficient to reveal the comet's reflection in the waters of the Mandurah Estuary: "It was an amazing sight," says Legg. Indeed, Lovejoy appears to be the finest comet since Comet McNaught in 2007. Dawn sightings of Comet Lovejoy are now widespread around the Southern Hemisphere. (The tilt of the comet's orbit does not favor northern sightings.) Many observers are asking about the comet's "double tail." These are the dust and ion tails. The gaseous ion tail is blown almost directly away from the sun by the solar wind, while the heavier, brighter dust tail more closely follows the comet's orbit: diagram. The gap between the two tails can be seen with the naked eye while the sky is still pitch dark ~30 minutes before dawn.

Comet Lovejoy has turned out to be a wonderful reminder that astronomers have still not acknowledged that comets obey their own electromagnetic rules. Comets are NOT rocky balls of ice and dust floating around in the 'vacuum' of space. The truth is that space is filled with dust and plasma and currently, our solar system is getting dustier and more charged and comet displays can now be quite impressive depending upon the size and the electromagnetic conditions.

Comet Lovejoy From Orbit, 23rd December 2011
COMET LOVEJOY FROM ORBIT: Veteran astronaut Dan Burbank has seen many amazing things. Once, he even flew through the aurora borealis. So when Burbank says "[Comet Lovejoy] is the most amazing thing I have ever seen in space," it really means something. Currently serving onboard the International Space Station, Burbank photographed the sungrazing comet on Dec. 21st, an experience he describes in this NASA video:

Station Commander Captures Unprecedented View of Comet
NASA Media Gallery, 21st December 2011

'Space ball' drops on Namibia, 22nd December 2011
The hollow ball with a circumference of 1.1 metres (43 inches) was found near a village in the north of the country some 750 kilometres (480 miles) from the capital Windhoek, according to police forensics director Paul Ludik. Locals had heard several small explosions a few days beforehand, he said.

With a diameter of 35 centimetres (14 inches), the ball has a rough surface and appears to consist of "two halves welded together". It was made of a "metal alloy known to man" and weighed six kilogrammes (13 pounds), said Ludik.

It was found 18 metres from its landing spot, a hole 33 centimetres deep and 3.8 meters wide. Several such balls have dropped in southern Africa, Australia and Latin America in the past twenty years, authorities found in an Internet search. The sphere was discovered mid-November, but authorities first did tests before announcing the find.

Has anyone lost a ball? LOL! See my previous comments on space junk!

Part 2: More Multi-Colored Aerial “Symbols” - This Time Above Kitchener, Ontario, Canada, 12th December 2011
Beginning in the summer of 2009, Greg Crane and some of his friends noticed near sunset in a still-blue sky that a very bright silver “star” was changing colors. After that, Greg realized he could see two of the multi-colored aerial objects from his home and a third beyond his house over the hilltop when he drove. The three large, silver lights formed a triangle pattern in the sky. Greg also noticed repeating flight paths of the aerial objects. Finally he was so intrigued that he got a camera and tripod in late July 2011.

He's up to some 800 images so far and was surprised when he found another triangle pattern of small red, blue and green “dots” in his photographs around the larger silver aerial object. Then Greg saw the red one seem to enter and exit from the bigger silver object. He became convinced the small red, blue and green objects are doing some kind of work for the larger silver object that projects the many colors.

Unidentified Aerial 'Christmas Lights' Phenomena? As usual download fast before this disappears into the archives.

Part 1: More Multi-Colored Aerial “Symbols” - This Time Above Kitchener, Ontario, Canada, 8th December 2011

New kind of metal in the deep Earth
Space Daily, 21st December 2011
The crushing pressures and intense temperatures in Earth's deep interior squeeze atoms and electrons so closely together that they interact very differently. With depth materials change. New experiments and supercomputer computations discovered that iron oxide undergoes a new kind of transition under deep Earth conditions. Iron oxide, FeO, is a component of the second most abundant mineral at Earth's lower mantle, ferropericlase. [...]

"Our new results show, instead, that FeO metallizes without any change in structure and that combined temperature and pressure are required. Furthermore, our theory shows that the way the electrons behave to make it metallic is different from other materials that become metallic."

"The results imply that iron oxide is conducting in the whole range of its stability in Earth's lower mantle." Cohen continues, "The metallic phase will enhance the electromagnetic interaction between the liquid core and lower mantle. This has implications for Earth's magnetic field, which is generated in the outer core. It will change the way the magnetic field is propagated to Earth's surface, because it provides magnetomechanical coupling between the Earth's mantle and core."

Well, this explains why Birkeland's Terrella experiments were so successful when he used a hollow metal ball to replicate the Earth and the Sun. This result has implications for what is going on in the Sun as it explains why similar experiments that replicate the Sun with a hollow metal ball produce images that are remarkably similar to modern satellite x-ray images of the Sun. Of course this will please maverick scientists with strong beliefs who think something similar is happening inside the Sun (Iron Sun Theory and Vacuum Sun Theory), but there is also Gravastar Theory (with it's shell of a superconducting Bose-Einstein Condensate) that will probably become a front runner in replacing the current black hole theory too. For lots of reasons, this discovery is very important especially when it comes to understanding the generation of Earth's magnetic field that is vital for our survival on this planet. Due to space weather, our planet Earth is charging up and humans are being challenged to cope with completely new environmental conditions, but of course, most are unaware of the consequences.

Brazilian baby 'born healthy with two heads... and both are suckling mother's breasts'
Daily Mail, 21st December 2011
  • Mother only found about her baby's abnormalities minutes before birth
  • This is the second registered case of a two-headed baby being born in Brazil this year
  • A Brazilian woman has given birth to a baby with two heads, it was reported today. The boy was born by caesarean at a hospital in Anajas, in Brazil's northern Para state, weighing 9.9lbs.

    Scans show that while the child has two perfectly-formed heads, he has one heart and all his vital organs function as normal.[...]

    Remarkably, this is the second time a two-headed baby has been born in Brazil this year. Sueli Ferreira, 27, gave birth to a two-headed baby in Paraiba State, but it died a few hours later because of lack of oxygen to one of the child's heads.

    Hmmm... This two-headed mutation is becoming far more common in animals and humans... But 2 in Brazil in a year? I have written about the electrodynamic templates that control the matrix of the human physical body being affected by stray electromagnetic fields. It's chaos on this planet now and the anomalies just keep coming. What's more, I have come to the conclusion that lots of very strange ancient images reveal just how messed up things can become. My original mission was to warn people to protect their energy fields, but when I wrote my book, I did not realise just what could happen, now it's starting to become obvious. Quite frankly, after my dalliance with the metaphysical community, where I did not realise I was getting involved with street fighters obeying the law of the jungle, I still think there is a need for real intellectuals to take the consequences of evolutionary change and the spiritual consequences of a celestial downpour of electromagnetic energy seriously.

    Siamese Northern Pike, May 28, 2010
    "Siamese Pike Caught in North Bay, Lake Nippissing. Does it count as one fish or two?"

    End of the Mayan era in 2012 confirmed? [VIDEO]
    Latest UFO Sightings, 19th December 2011
    Rodolfo Garrido presents information on the discovery and interpretation of a small Mayan monument, which confirms the date of the end of the era and the beginning of a new one to the December 21, 2012

    This is in Spanish with English subtitles. It looks like part of a documentary actually starts at 2:14. It's not a great deal of information but still more than has been presented in the mainstream media. The first 90 seconds seems to be some advertising. Well, I wrote out the transcript but here is my summary:
    Paraphrased: When the mythical god Bolon Yokte arrives and he has already arrived and in place by the 21st December 2012, this god of creation and war (or destruction) will activate the "Guardian Prince" or "Protector that awakes". To prevent major chaos, Mayan kings are warned to act to "stabilise" the situation with their rituals.
    Again, I must point out that the intellectually elite have traditionally thought in metaphors and preserved their secrets in metaphors and if you can't understand that, then trying to decode ancient knowledge without knowledge of the right 'keys' is a waste of time. So, the main point is that these are references to mythical gods that represent certain types of celestial and earthly forces. This is why over a period of 5,125 years the Mayans believe those same forces or gods can and will return. Well, space weather is here now, and authorities are working to mitigate the effects... Meanwhile, after all the hype about megadisasters, few can see the connection with the inevitable electromagnetic chaos caused by a downpour of celestial energies. Of course, this includes the impact on humans and the human energy field, hence the need for balance... Modern Mayan elders refer to the need for balance which is not the same meaning as stabilisation... There are some useful additional bits of information about the Tortuguero Monument 6 and Bolon Yokte K’u in the articles (see below, part II) written by Open Minds back in October. Again, it looks like in this short documentary extract provided in this YouTube clip, a vital bit of information have been missed out like a reference to "darkness". Well, if people have been paying attention to genuine Mayan elders, they will know that this refers a major space weather event, which the Maya believe the world should be expecting.

    End of the Mayan era in 2012 confirmed?
    YouTube, 19th December 2012
    Here is a direct YouTube link.

    The Mexican Government and the 2012 Maya Calendar: Disclosure or PR Hype? (Pt. 1)
    Open Minds TV, 14th October 2011

    Mexican Government and the 2012 Maya Calendar (Pt. 2)
    Open Minds TV, 18th October 2011

    Massive earthquakes are no more likely today than they were a century ago, despite an apparent rise of the devastating temblors in recent years, US researchers said on Monday., 19th December 2011
    The deadly 9.0 earthquake this year in Japan, an 8.8 quake in Chile last year and the 2004 Sumatra-Andaman earthquake that registered 9.0 on the moment magnitude scale have raised alarm in some science and media circles that such events may be linked.

    But researchers at the University of California went back over the world's earthquake records dating back to 1900 and found over time there was no statistically significant rise in the number of big quakes 7.0 and higher.

    "One has to be careful, because humans have a tendency to see patterns in random sequences," lead author Peter Shearer of the UC Berkeley Department of Statistics told AFP.

    I find it amazing when scientists release information and tell you nothing. What they might have been trying to convey is that there is not enough data to prove that there has been a rise in large earthquakes. I don't know how they did this either because apparently the earthquake scales have been changed (1960s?) and presumably these statistics were computed using raw data that has been standardised in some way.

    And hold the fruitcake
    De Void, 19th December 2011
    Still, the changeup left De Void reassessing motivation and sanity through a longer lens. Format changes, redesigns — who cares? So many years wasted on UFOs and nothing to show for it but tear-stained pillowcases, empty clutter, and books nobody reads. Frank Warren, who runs The UFO Chronicles, one of the most vibrant sites on the Net, called from California to commisserate. It was like two old derelicts who’d tried rehab but couldn’t shake the curse or the DTs.

    I don't have any sympathy whatosever.... How hard is it for ufologists to engage their brains and realise that we are seeing a Shadow Biosphere on this planet? Another lifeform, whether humanoid ETs like us exist is beside the point, educating people that the vast majority of the strange bright lights in the sky are known plasma phenomena is a priority because ancient knowledge tells us that when Earth becomes a high energy environment, which is happening now due to space weather, this planet becomes infested with these beings. Really, what is wrong with re-thinking the problem and coming up with a new solution?

    UFO News: Unidentified Flying Object Vanishes Over London (Video)
    Gather News, 19th December 2011

    Video: Maryland witness reports watching 'upside-down cones'
    UFO Examiner, 19th December 2011

    UFO filmed over Netherlands (Rotterdam) - December 2011 [VIDEO]
    Latest UFO Sightings, 21st December 2011
    "This strange bright object was seen and recorded in the night sky above Netherlands this month (in December 2011). These are Dutch people but the commentary in English is quite funny. The man swears in English right at the end, but we can forgive him, because he was in shock after seeing 4/5 bright red orbs, one of which was quite huge.

    Unknown Objects over Warszawa, Poland 2011-12-17
    Latest UFO Sightings, 18th December 2011
    "UFO sightings - These unknown bright objects were recorded flying in the night sky over Warsaw, the capital and largest city of Poland on Saturday, 17th December 2011."

    Biopixels: Researchers create living 'neon signs' composed of millions of glowing bacteria (w/ video), 19th December 2011
    ( -- In an example of life imitating art, biologists and bioengineers at UC San Diego have created a living neon sign composed of millions of bacterial cells that periodically fluoresce in unison like blinking light bulbs.

    Their achievement, detailed in this week’s advance online issue of the journal Nature, involved attaching a fluorescent protein to the biological clocks of the bacteria, synchronizing the clocks of the thousands of bacteria within a colony, then synchronizing thousands of the blinking bacterial colonies to glow on and off in unison.

    A little bit of art with a lot more bioengineering, the flashing bacterial signs are not only a visual display of how researchers in the new field of synthetic biology can engineer living cells like machines, but will likely lead to some real-life applications.

    The curiosity here is whether some types of plasma orbs are actually acting as living hosts for glowing bacteria and have this same ability to switch on an off like a neon light. The original anomalist, Charles Fort believed that there is no reason why forms of life could exist that have a strange mixture of properties as this would explain a lot of 'anomalies'. Even though humans prefer distinct types and groups of species that we consider 'normal', nature is not so boring. Hence a lifeform made of a superconducting metal that can appear and disappear at will that we call flying saucers... Instead of giant cells at the bottom of the sea acting as a host for fluoresecent bacteria, we can have huge balls of light that can fly through the air acting as a host for fluorescent bacteria. See archives for details about Min Min lights in the Australian outback and the peculiar story of a farmer literally running into a Min Min light.

    Evolution at warp speed: Hatcheries change salmon genetics after a single generation, 19th December 2011
    These findings, published this week in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, show a speed of evolution and natural selection that surprised researchers. They confirmed that a primary impact of hatcheries is a change in fish genetics, as opposed to a temporary environmental effect.

    "We've known for some time that hatchery-born fish are less successful at survival and reproduction in the wild," said Michael Blouin, a professor of zoology at Oregon State University. "However, until now, it wasn't clear why. What this study shows is that intense evolutionary pressures in the hatchery rapidly select for fish that excel there, at the expense of their reproductive success in the wild."[...] "Nevertheless, this shows that hatcheries can produce fish that are genetically different from wild fish, and that it can happen extraordinarily fast," he said. "The challenge now is to identify the traits under selection to see if we can slow that rate of domestication."

    When conditions change genetics take over to ensure survival of the species or at least conformity to some pre-existing ecosystem maintenance plan. The surprise is purely based on the widespread belief in Darwinism that insisted for decades that everything is done in a timescale of hundreds of thousands of years. Most evolutionary biologists realise this is wrong because over and over again, they are seeing very quick 'evolutionary' changes and adaptation. I believe that this is being accelerated by catalytic energies literally dropping from the skies. We have seen widespread evolutionary change on this planet before and NOBODY knows how or why this occurs, BUT there are factors like Earth's magnetic field dropping like a stone and certain catalytic elements like Irridium being found in abundance at certain rock layers that could have only come from a cosmic source.

    Top Science Scandals of 2011
    A list of this year’s most high-profile retractions and controversies in science The Scientist, 19th December 2011
    Science is no stranger to controversy. This year, some high profile scientists have been accused of widespread misconduct, while other headline-grabbing research has been retracted after technical errors or sloppy techniques were pointed out by critics.The scientific field may deal with aftershocks of the misconduct or retraction for years.

    Here are five of the biggest science scandals of the year, as well as updates on some of the juiciest scandals of years past.

    There is no mention of Climategate but a climate skeptic who had a retraction of a poor paper is mentioned. This seems rather biased as it is widely acknowledged that there is a general climate of fraud associated with climate science.

    Among the psychics
    Psychics say they can talk to the dead. Alex Clark has a few questions she'd like answererd
    The Observer, 18th December 2011
    [...] But I've come to Potters Bar because Colin Fry and fellow medium Derek Acorah have asked me to; and they've asked me to because of what happened to Sally Morgan one late summer's evening earlier this year. Morgan is (in her own description) Britain's Best-Loved Psychic; her most celebrated client was Princess Diana, whose death in a car accident she almost foretold (she thought, at the time, that it was the Queen herself who was to die, although, as she points out, Diana did like to be known as the Queen of Hearts).

    This September, Morgan was playing to a customarily packed house in Dublin when an audience member sitting near an open window heard voices that, she claimed to an Irish radio station the following day, seemed to eerily prefigure the revelations that emerged on stage a few seconds later. The inference, and subsequent accusation, was that Morgan was being fed information about her audience, which she swiftly recycled as evidence of visitations from the spirit world, a charge she has robustly denied ever since – the theatre has supported her claim that the voices were technicians chatting.

    Although not, her critics have noted, to the point of accepting a Halloween challenge by science writer Simon Singh that she submit her powers to scientific testing.

    I am pretty fed up with the Red/Purple end of the Cultic Milieu, so I am not going to comment much, but there is discussion of the Sally Morgan fiasco here. It seems fellow psychics have realised that when one of their own high profile frauds gets caught, it tarnishes the whole business of being psychic.

    So Nietzsche WAS right: What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, scientists find
    Daily Mail, 19th December 2011
    He said what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger – and it seems that philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche was right.

    Scientists have found that although traumatic experiences such as losing a loved one can be psychologically damaging, small amounts of trauma can make us more resilient.

    In one study, those who experienced many difficult life events were found to be more distressed in general – but the same was true of some who had not faced any.

    I suppose the problem is the definition of "small amounts of trauma"... Some people can be relatively unaffected by an event but others can take something very badly requiring years to recover... The scenario I think about is those who have to suffer continous abuse, rather like boxers who get punch drunk.... Accumulative stress... what happens is that those around might see the one punch but they don't realise this is just one of many injuries, the trite "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger" just does not apply and I don't think people should be encouraged to be superficial when they don't know the circumstances.

    Giant Tsunami-Shape Clouds Roll Across Alabama Sky
    Live Science, 19th December 2011
    For a morning, the sky looked like a surfer's dream: A series of huge breaking waves lined the horizon in Birmingham, Ala., on Friday (Dec. 16), their crests surging forward in slow motion. Amazed Alabamans took photos of the clouds and sent them to their local weather station, wondering, "What are these tsunamis in the sky?"

    Experts say the clouds were pristine examples of "Kelvin-Helmholtz waves." Whether seen in the sky or in the ocean, this type of turbulence always forms when a fast-moving layer of fluid slides on top of a slower, thicker layer, dragging its surface.

    Yes, things the weather is getting wilder but it's got nothing to do with CO2.

    Triangular cloud falls over Tokyo?
    Forgetomori, 17th December 2011
    This is bizarro!

    The Joys of Comet Lovejoy, 18th December 2011

    SPIRAL COMET TAIL: As Comet Lovejoy recedes intact from its Dec. 16th close encounter with the sun, researchers are pondering a mystery: What made the comet's tail wiggle so wildly in transit through the sun's atmosphere? The effect is clear in this sequence of extreme UV images recorded by NASA's STEREO-B spacecraft:

    "Why the wiggles?" wonders Karl Battams of the Naval Research Lab. "We're not sure. There might be some kind of helical motion going on. Perhaps we're seeing material in the tail magnetically 'clinging' to coronal loops and moving with them. [Coronal loops are huge loops of magnetism that emerge from the sun's surface and thread the sun's atmosphere.] There are other possibilities too, and we will certainly investigate those!"

    Battams notes that these images can be combined with similar images from STEREO-A on the other side of the sun to produce a three dimensional picture. "When we pair these together, and throw in the SDO images too, we should be able to get an incredibly unique 3-D picture of how this comet is reacting the the intense coronal heat and magnetic loops. We are going to learn a lot."

    AMATEUR ASTRONOMERS TRACK LOVEJOY: Amateur astronomers are finding themselves able to photograph Comet Lovejoy as it emerges from the glare of the sun. A team led by Czech astronomer Jan Ebr captured this image at dawn on Dec. 17th:

    "We used a remotely-controlled 12-inch telescope in Malargue, Argentina," says Ebr. "The sun was below horizon at the time we took the picture, but just barely. There was only a 30 minute window between the rise of the comet and that of the sun "

    Comet Lovejoy turned out to produce quite a nice conundrum for astronomers trying to pretend that comets are just rocky balls of ice. Even I am impressed with what happened to the comet tail as it scraped past the Sun intact. It's not "wiggles", the more accepted phrase is a "corkscrew effect" as the electrical charge in the tail is strengthened and then z-pinched by a very strong magnetic force, a trait of a classic Birkeland Current. Astronomers are getting quite educated these days in the ways of an Electromagnetic Universe, so the muttering immediately started about mysterious "magnetic forces", as most don't want to counternance the concept of electricity in space, but I am pleased to see more reports of cooperation between astronomers and plasma physicists.


    COMET LOVEJOY IN THE MORNING: Noted astronomer John Bortle urges observers (especially in the southern hemisphere) to "begin searching for Comet Lovejoy's bright tail projecting up out of the morning twilight beginning at dawn. The tails of some of the major sungrazing comets have been extraordinarily bright. Comet Lovejoy's apparition has been so bizarre up to this point that it is difficult to anticipate just what might happen next ... [including] the exact sort of tail it might unfurl in the morning sky."

    This just in! The ghostly tail of Comet Lovejoy was sighted this morning shining through the twilight glow of dawn over Australia. Peter Sayers sends this picture from Devonport, Tasmania: "I was surprised to be able to see Comet Lovejoy in our Tasmanian summer early morning twilight with the waning Moon," says Sayers. "The comet's tail was just barely naked eye and perhaps a degree long." 20th December 2011

    Comet Lovejoy Plunges into the Sun and Survives
    NASA Science News, 16th December 2011

    Amazing comet Lovejoy
    The Watchers, 19th December 2011

    Owner suprised to find cat regularly catches bus
    A pet cat named Dodger is living up to his name - by catching free bus trips from his home town.
    The Telegraph, 15th December 2011
    The ginger moggy, who was named after the Artful Dodger from Oliver Twist, has taken to hopping on and off the public transport at the bus station near his home. The 15-year-old Tom even sits on bemused passengers' laps as the bus makes up to 10 mile round trips from Bridport to Charmouth in Dorset.

    Dodger is such a regular customer that some of the drivers take tins of cat food to work with them to give to him. They even know what stop to let him off at. At the end of his journies the roving moggy returns to his home and owner Fee Jeanes.

    There seems to be a lot of stories of animals making intelligent moves. Here are a few more:

    Baby seal sneaks into NZ home, naps on couch [VIDEO]
    CBS News, 15th December 2011
    "(CBS News) A seal pup had a risky adventure and gave Welcome Bay, New Zealand homeowner Annette Swoffer a scare on Thursday. According to New Zealand's Department of Conservation, the animal, nicknamed Lucky, broke into Swoffer's home through a cat door and decided to take a nap on her sofa."

    Cable guy finds sleeping bear in NJ basement
    Yahoo News, 15th December 2011
    "HOPATCONG, N.J. (AP) — A cable TV repairman got quite a surprise when he walked into the basement of a New Jersey home. There was a 500-pound bear sound asleep on the floor. The bear had been spotted wandering in the neighborhood in Hopatcong earlier Wednesday. It's not clear how it got into the home."

    'Magnetic' Georgian man sticks 50 spoons to his body
    Abandoning a bid to set Guinness world record for balancing spoons on his face, a 39-year-old Georgian sports coach instead balances 50 on his body in an apparent feat of 'magnetic' attraction.
    The Telegraph, 14th December 2011
    Etibar Elchyev, a 39-year-old kick-boxing trainer, discovered his talent of attracting metal to his body less than a year ago but has quickly taken to the world of magnetism. Initially The Georgian Guinness Book of Records Commission announced Mr Elchyev wanted to break the record for 'the most spoons balanced on the face' category by balancing 27 spoons.

    However after an unexplained change of plan, the kick-boxing trainer managed to balance 50 metal spoons around his neck and chest. After the still impressive feat was successfully achieved, a happy Mr Elchyev promised there was more to come.

    The video just made me laugh, as being magnetic is obviously a serious business in Georgia, but not taken as serious as some other countries, see archives for more info. Which reminds me that magnetic and electric forces go together and as the planet continues to charge up with higher and higher levels of charge, there will be more magnetic people. The other issue is those who will be causing electrical disturbances. At the moment, I refuse to buy expensive light bulbs because they keep popping when I flick the switch, especially if I am angry or aggravated about something...

    Will The Gods Of Old Be Returning In Full Force Soon?
    UFO Digest, 14th December 2011
    Why do the ancient myths of Greece and Rome still “speak” to us today? Are the old gods really the immortals they claimed to be, still capable of communing with modern man?

    · Greece and Italy both have a rich history of UFO, alien and other paranormal encounters. Read the stories here of Greek and Italian UFO witnesses and alien abductees as they participate in the universal cosmic dance that dates from the times of antiquity when the gods ruled more openly.

    · Are the ancient gods like Zeus and Apollo biding their time before making a triumphal return in full view of the entire world? Or is it that they have never left their Mediterranean homelands at all?

    I think this is a book review, I am not entirely sure... I was attracted by the headline but not surprised by the smorgasbord of information combined with completely wrong interpretations, but at least this article points to some useful sources. To be fair, at least someone is pointing out the ancient and modern belief that The Gods Of Old WILL Be Returning In Full Force, but like so much ancient information that has been anthropomorphised, most people today do not understand the use of metaphors and try to take all of the information literally... In the literature I have come across, it has only been small references here and there to the 'Gods' and more serious effort is required to put together a comprehensive overview, work that I don't particularly want to do. Whatever, I have seen enough to declare, The Gods Are Back!.

    “Asseh Lecha Rav”: A Journey Through Clergy Abuse
    Tikkun Daily, 13th December 2011
    Several years ago I thought I met the Rabbi of my dreams. He identified as Orthodox and also purported a deep spiritual life. He appeared warm and accepting and he seemed to understand my struggle to figure out how I can blend Judaism with the needs of my personal spirituality. At the time I felt lost in between two Jewish worlds. On one extreme, in my junior year of college, I had become religious under the Orthodox Jewish perspective. On campus, I spent most of my time praying and learning at the Chabad House. I ceased to have physical contact with women (shomer negiah), kept strict kosher laws, prayed three times a day, kept as much of Shabbat law as I could manage, began to grow out my beard, and wore white shirts and dark pants. After college, I went to study at a strict Orthodox yeshivah. I learned Talmud for most of the day and mostly limited my social sphere to people who were engaged in a similar commitment to a “Torah life.

    Marc Gafni was run out of Orthodox Jewish circles and so made a home amongst New Agers, (even though they may want to call themselves something a little bit more high brow...), but I can think of one other character that was chased out of Catholic circles to be welcomed with open arms amongst New Agers, but he has not repeated his offences to my knowledge... Anyway, this personal testimony gives a wonderful insight into someone who I think was totally genuine coming up against someone who has proven himself to be a power hungry mobster... I can't believe that Gafni complained about sitting on the same kind of chair as another community leader, because it made them seem equal... What the hell is going on in this person's mind? Staying up all night reading the emails of his community members and then sending replies, to then having sexual relationships with lots of his female students whilst married... The mind boggles... Whatever, the issue is about spiritual betrayal. I have been there and I will never allow it to happen again. If there is even a whiff that I have got involved with someone who does not have the right motives, there is zero point hanging around waiting for the betrayal that is sure to come. This is a saying that I think is relevant: If people show you who they are, believe them! - Maya Angelou.

    Book Excerpt: The American Guru, The Dark Side of Enlightenment
    American Guru, 24th December 2011
    Well, I know what it is like to make a commitment to someone who turns into a monster and makes life unbearable. Monsters do not know how to be reasonable, it's not in their genetic make-up accept when they are looking for prey when they will be charismatic and charming, so the only thing to do is to walk away and warn others. Then the next thing is make sure you don't get out of the frying pan into the fire with the next monster that appears and that means doing some work to learn how to identify these people. Yes, learn how to use discernment because otherwise you will get involve with people who will make your life a living hell.

    Mysterious "white web" found growing on nuclear waste
    i09 News, 16th December 2011
    Mysterious "white web" found growing on nuclear wasteThis is as fascinating as it is unsettling. Scientists at the Department of Energy's Savannah River Site — a nuclear reservation in South Carolina — have identified a strange, cob-web like "growth" (their word, not ours) on the racks of the facility's spent nuclear fuel assemblies.

    According to a report filed by the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board, "the growth, which resembles a spider web, has yet to be characterized, but may be biological in nature."

    The Augusta Chronicle reported today that the "white, string-like" material was discovered amidst thousands of the spent fuel assemblies, which are submerged in deep nuclear storage pools within SRS's L Area Complex. (The image up top is of a similar nuclear storage pool at Italy's Caorso Nuclear Power Plant, which was decommissioned in 1990.)

    Is this a new answer to nuclear waste being offered by the Universe?

    Creeping Death: Radioactive Spiderwebs Could be “Biological in Nature”
    Mysterious Universe, 21st December 2011

    Ray claims indigence as state cross-appeals
    Daily Courier, 12th December 2011
    PRESCOTT - James Arthur Ray hopes to rely on a court-appointed attorney to further the appeal of his negligent homicide conviction, according to a request filed Monday.

    Also on Monday, Yavapai County Attorney Sheila Polk filed a notice of cross-appeal that outlines her intention to do more than merely defend allegations in the upcoming appeal of Ray's conviction, sentence, restitution and fines.

    Ray, convicted in June over the October 2009 deaths of three participants in a sweat lodge ceremony he conducted near Sedona, began serving a two-year prison sentence in November and filed a notice of appeal on Dec. 5. He had been represented during his trial by Munger, Tolles & Olson, a Los Angeles firm, and Prescott attorney Tom Kelly.

    [Note: Indigence - a state of extreme poverty or destitution; "their indigence appalled him"; "a general state of need exists among the homeless".]

    Go Sheila Go! The State of Arizona doesn't think 2 years in jail is long enough... Here is a summary of the Spiritual Warrior meme that so many people find appealing, but from the viewpoint of someone who really understands the nuances. Erasing Personal Integrity and other ‘Sorceric Techniques’. In terms of human behaviour and development, I think the must useful way to explain the Spiritual Warrior mentality and James Ray, is a theory proposed by Professor Clare Graves in the 1950s. It was called: "The Emergent, Cyclical, Double-Helix Model of Adult Biopsychosocial Systems Development", but Graves later modified the name to: "The Theory of Levels of Human Existence". This was later more simplified by Don E. Beck and Chris C. Cowan, who have published the essence of his research in the book, Spiral Dynamics: Mastering Values, Leadership, and Change (Blackwell, 1996), and have successfully promoted this theory. I would like to add that this was originally thought of as a model of ethical behaviour see an original 1959 article AN EMERGENT THEORY OF ETHICAL BEHAVIOR: BASED UPON AN EPIGENETIC MODEL. For me, it has been a primary source of information to help me understand what kind of people are out there in the world and why I might have some difficulties with those who don't know that my level of consciousness even exists. In this system, those with a strong negative Red meme are described as ruthless and will exploit those who are strong Purples. The problem I have found is that to most Reds anyone with any kind of modern spirituality is considered Purple and fair game. That's a problem for me as I am strongly Yellow/Turquoise, but I am no longer fair game because I have educated myself to recognise (and smell the stink of) these people. Actually, I have been accused by someone for being elitist and I presume they had never studied Spiral Dynamics or read any of the original research by Graves and their enlightenment was by Wikipedia. Well, if you want to call me elitist then so what? Dangerous Reds will rob and hurt you, put you in a mental institution or even kill you by accident and not bat an eyelid because they are ruthless. It's the law of the jungle and they have infested the Cultic Milieu because they see Seekers as easy prey. From the book Spiral Dynamics, chapter 11 RED PowerGods The Egocentric Meme and the section RED: Life is a Jungle, we read:
    Simply put, living in the RED zone is like survival in the jungle. The weak will lose and they deserve to because they are weak. Each person is an island, though they they can draw together for strength when it is mutually useful. When no longer convenient RED groups fragment and relationships cast aside: loyalty is transitory. it is a world of victims and predators, eaters and the eaten. [...] This lack of concern for others is taken as demonstration of toughness and self-control - 'I don't need anybody. Nothing gets to me.' (The old term 'sociopath' may apply to Closed RED at an unhealthy extreme, but other 'MEMEs' are equally eligible to insanity; they just act out differently.)
    You can read the Spiral Dynamics book online about Reds here. You can read the Spiral Dynamics book online about Purples here.

    The fact that James Ray is now being called an 8th Grade Shaman is extremely interesting. I have noticed that the Purple/Red End of the Cultic Milieu has absolutely no problem continuously plagiarising ideas and others people's work, and James Ray is no exception as he was bright enough to learn how to repeat.... Purple people love hocus pocus, mysteries and all that, so being able to waffle on about a subject you don't understand must seem attractive to those who think their audience won't really care about the subject matter being incomprehensible. James Ray was considered 'charismatic' and he had no problem attracting 'Purple' who thought the Spiritual Warrior meme was a valid route to empowerment and enlightenment. Unfortunately, little did his followers know that they were really on a journey of spiritual enslavement instead. In his aim of becoming a billionaire, he realised that his 'craft' was 10% reciting enough New Age/Spiritual Warrior material to act as bait, and the other 90% was the dark arts of people manipulation. Apparently, if you are ruthless, it's not that hard and an 8th Grade White Plastic Shaman can do quite well....

    The Never Ending Upward Quest
    Evolutionary Collective, 2002
    This is a very good introductory article on Spiral Dynamics. I don't think it stereotypes people because it is all about HOW people think and that influences how they behave. I am interested in spiritual evolution so this helps me understand my interest in what is happening to our reality and why the vast majority of people simply don't care or those who are prepared to make up complete rubbish to sell books etc. I have tremendous respect for Prof. Clare Graves, total quality... I wish I could go back in time and listen to one of his lectures on this subject. All those decades ago he was truly enlightened and he warned that the next big evolutionary bomb was on the way...

    The Australian Air Force & the flying saucer mystery
    Weird Australia, 16th December 2011
    Soon after Kenneth Arnold’s famous 1947 Mt Ranier sighting of nine shiny flying objects moving like “saucers skipping on water,” it appeared Australian skies too were being invaded by flying saucers. From 1950 to 1954, reports of fantastic sightings and encounters appeared regularly in the nation’s newspapers. The Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) soon took the problem of unknown objects invading our airspace seriously, with one high-ranking RAAF official even commenting that he believed objects seen in the sky over Melbourne “have an interplanetary source. [...]

    In February 1953, a committee was established to investigate the continuing spate of sightings.

    “If you should see a ‘flying saucer,’ or even something like one, you should immediately notify the Australian Flying Saucer Investigation Committee,” Melbourne’s The Argus announced in its article When you see a flying saucer … which appeared on 25 February. The committee, while having “no political, military, or official affiliation,” had as its chairman Mr D.K Thomson, a former RAAF pilot.

    “We’re attempting to approach flying saucer reports with intelligent curiosity. We have no preconceptions whatsoever. Each report will receive careful and impartial consideration. ‘Significant sightings’ would be referred to experts in physics, aeronautics, meteorology, and other sciences.

    Some interesting historical info. Check the archives for more pilot details but I believe there have been countries that demand pilots report UFOs but keep quiet about what they see and other countries even today that just allow pilots to report UFOs. Certainly, some pilots are well aware of the existence of UAPs and there seems to be an effort to educate pilots to not panic when they see a UAP even if seems like it will hit because UAPs are fast and will steer clear of a plane faster than a pilot can maneuver. See NARCAP's Spherical UAP and Aviation Safety: A Critical Review - April 2010 .

    OMG! This UFO[ White Orb] is incredible! TOKYO BUSY STREET! 12-13-2011
    Unexplained Phenomena Examiner, 16th December 2011
    "On Tuesday, December 13, 2011, passengers in a moving car on one of Tokyo, Japan's busy streets were surprised by the sight of a UFO shining brightly as it moved diagonally across the dark sky over the city. One of the passengers of the vehicle was able to record the unidentified flying object on video. This UFO sighting took place at 5:50 p.m."
    I think this is a meteor, orbs and UAPs don't tend to fly in like meteors, but I could be wrong...

    Oval sphere over Virginia reported with 'trail of light'
    UFO Examiner, 15th December 2011
    "Out of the corner of my eye to my left I see a beautiful light blue sphere, like a crystal ball, descending but very close to be traveling horizontally," the witness stated. "It was traveling south to north. It was a beautiful color blue, vivid, and a light blue tail followed behind it that looked like a blur of the sphere; tail was part of a glow that followed behind it same distance as it moved across the sky." There was the sphere that looked to be about 25 feet across and the trail of light had a length of about 250 feet. It was silent, traveled very, very fast. Lost view of it atop the tree line. Big, beautiful crystal ball - slightly transparent."

    Witness says prayer, meditation cause 'white orbs' to respond
    UFO Examiner, 15th December 2011
    I am little bit skeptical about this account, the story does not seem to add up.... Yes, there are already stories out there of people flashing orbs with these laser pens but not all the results are positive.... If orbs really wanted to communicate they would come much closer and some might be even able to dance around in the energy field above your head...

    Ontario man photographs large ball UFO
    Open Minds TV, 15th December 2011
    "On December 10, a man in Claremont, Ontario in Canada saw a strange glowing UFO in the sky. According to James Fykes, the witness, at approximately 7 p.m., he felt an unexplainable urge to go outside with his camera. He looked up at the full moon and noticed a large sphere-shaped object in the sky with the moon that was emitting a pale glow. Fykes described, “I have no idea how big it was, because I have no way of knowing how far away it was, but it seemed to be almost rotating around the moon.”
    Time to wake up folks, they are here! Our cosmic neighbours have arrrived in force! This is what the metaphysical community called the 'veil lifting' despite the fact most had no idea what this meant, but I would love to find authors who got this right and wrote books about what they expected to happen, surely there has to be a few?

    UK police seize computers of skeptic [climate] blogger in England
    WUWT, 14th December 2011
    The first blogger to break the Climategate2 story has had a visit from the police and has had his computers seized. Tallbloke’s Talkshop first reported on CG2 due to the timing of the release being overnight in the USA. Today he was raided by six UK police (Norfolk Constabulary and Metropolitan police) and several of his computers were seized as evidence. He writes:

    After surveying my ancient stack of Sun Sparcstations and PII 400 pc’s, they ended up settling for two laptops and an adsl broadband router. I’m blogging this post via my mobile. That means his cellphone. In his blog report are all the details. including actions in the US involving WordPress and the US Department of Justice. Jeff Id at The Air Vent also has a report here.

    Strange and troubling that they’d seize his computers for comments dropped onto a US service ( from the cloud. There wouldn’t be any record on his PC’s of the event from FOIA’s placing comments, that would be in the server logs. Either there’s more than meets the eye or they have no idea how the blog system works. [….thumbsup, see comments]

    What a surprise, this story has gone viral... and there are lots of comments here for people who are not impressed with this show of ignorance... Btw, this is off-topic. Somebody here can't even get a basic joke based on the metaphor of mobile phone and cellphone... Really, those that are the most advanced have ALWAYS codified using metaphors... If you can't decode and integrate with metaphors, then you are lost if you want to understand hidden truths but it explains why so much has remained hidden.

    Climategate: Obama's boot boys strike back
    Telegraph Delingpole Blog, 15th December 2011
    "(To give you an idea of the spirit in which Tallbloke is taking it, here's what he says at Climateaudit: "The detective- insprctor and his colleagues were polite, well mannered and did not over-react when I declined to give them my wordpress password. I politely explained that they had a warrant to search my house, not my head.") [...]
    Why this is the sledgehammer being used to crack a nut? We can but feverishly speculate. My personal favourite theory so far – lent credence by several of the wise comments at Watts Up With That – is that it concerns all those encrypted emails that FOIA 2011 claimed to have in his possession when he unleashed Climategate 2.0. In other words, there may be more juicy stuff – much, much more juicy stuff – to come. It may also be that the names incriminated are not merely those of low-rent types like Phil Jones and Michael Mann, but senior politicians and businessmen with much more to lose if they're ever found out."
    Now that is funny.... The police asking for a password and being told to bog off... Btw, READ THIS because it implies that there is more than a whiff of a political scandal in the making... I get the distinct feeling the blogosphere will not be taking this lying down... we need geeks to get working on the FOIA password for the dataset with 220,000 emails, brute force is required... LOL...

    Tallbloke towers raided: many computers taken
    Tallbloke's Talkshop, 15th December 2011
    "An Englishman’s home is his castle they say. Not when six detectives from the Metropolitan Police, the Norfolk Constabulary and the Computer Crime division arrive on your doorstep with a warrant to search it though. I waved the first three in and bid them head through to the sitting room, where there was less of an chill near the woodburner. Then they kept coming, being introduced by the lead detective from Norfolk as they trooped in. I thought I’d been chosen to host the secret policemen’s ball or something.
    This is hilarious, I get the distinct impression that this is the most exciting to happen to Tallbloke for years!

    Climategate Bombshell: Did U.S. Gov't Help Hide Climate Data?
    Fox News, 16th December 2011

    For “the team”, may the farce be with you
    WUWT, 18th December 2011

    Ex-Fukushima Plant Worker Press Conference (VIDEO)
    Tepco: Send us people who don’t mind dying
    Energy News, 15th December 2011
    * There are 840 “missing” workers officially
    * Tepco is trying to look like they are looking for them
    * They published a list of 13 of them for some reason
    * Tepco says they want to know the internal exposure dose of them
    * Tepco announced they even visited the registered addresses of them but they couldn’t find
    * The 13 workers were in the plant from March to June at least

    This journalist is either brave or stupid, but he got some exclusive information...

    Scientists find answer to supernova riddle, 15th December 2011
    * Supernova created 20.9m light years from Earth
    * Scientists got a "close-up look" at its birth
    * "We found things nobody had dreamed of."

    THE discovery of a supernova only hours after its explosion has probably solved a long-standing mystery on the origin of the brightest known phenomena in the Universe.

    On August 24, scientists witnessed the spectacular eruption of light and energy thrown off by the birth of SN 2011fe, the brightest and - at a mere 20.9 million light years away - closest-to-Earth supernova in over 25 years.

    "We caught the supernova just 11 hours after it exploded, so soon that we were later able to calculate the actual moment of the explosion within 20 minutes," said Peter Nugent of the US Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. "With this close-up look, we found things nobody had dreamed of."

    Astronomers will be thrilled about catching a supernova so soon after the explosion, but Electric Universe proponents are going to be even more delighted with the conclusion that astronomers could not find a stellar power source. The notion that this white dwarf canibalised a star the size of our sun but they can't find anything does not cut it for me, this part of the theory for the cause of supernova explosions has been falsified. More details at

    Closest Type Ia supernova in decades solves a cosmic mystery, 14th December 2011

    It's raining apples! Traffic grinds to a halt as 'mini tornado' dumps a hail of fruit
    Freak storm 'caused by wind vortex' lifted fruit from garden or orchard
    Daily Mail, 15th December 2011
    After a series of storm warnings, drivers in the evening rush hour were prepared for almost anything. Except, that is, for it to start raining apples. Scores of them battered car roofs and windscreens before landing in the road at a busy junction in Coundon, Coventry.

    The deluge of fruit brought traffic to a standstill at 6.45pm on Monday. A 20-yard stretch of the B4098 was left strewn with green slush after the incident. One motorist, who was travelling with her husband, said: ‘The apples fell out of nowhere. They were small and green and hit the bonnet hard. Everyone had to stop their cars suddenly.’

    Even the Daily Mail recognises this is a Fortean moment... I have written about Charles Fort who must be cited as an evolutionary front runner (Tier 2, Spiral Dynamics, maybe 1 in a 100,000 or even higher in those days), based on the fact he was trying to integrate information about 100 years ago. His first book, 'The Book of the Damned', came from painstaking work of collecting newspaper clippings and information from scientific journals, when there was no internet to help him either when he was doing his amazing work... I understand the drive to integrate information to make sense of my reality, but it's extremely lonely business. The main issue here is why there are peculiar falls of 1 type of object only. Apples grow on trees and there should be twigs and branches and other debris if a mini-tornado was the cause, that is why there is the strange suggestion of apples falling from the hold of a plane, to explain the lack of other materials in this fall... Personally, I believe these strange instances are effectively "glitches" in the matrix, the organisation of our reality momentarily fails and instances have been recorded all over the world, time and time again. I can understand this based on the theory of multi-dimensional reality that I mentioned in my book, somehow signals got crossed. I am just glad that Charles Fort did his work to help the stream of human consciousness that is evolving and where beliefs that are fragmented and distorted cannot be accepted. We may be in the minority, but those of us interested in the true meaning of reality, who can't accept the superficial, are not really alone, there is a growing collective.

    Strange rain: animals that have fallen from sky
    An avalanche of apples that pelted road users in Coventry is just the latest in a series of bizarre examples of things falling from the sky.
    The Telegraph, 15th December 2011

    Time magazine reveals its Person of the Year 2011
    Magazine’s editors choose ‘The Protester’ as figure having the greatest impact [VIDEO]
    MSNBC News, 14th December 2011
    Time magazine revealed the 2011 choice for its iconic Person of the Year cover live on TODAY Wednesday. The Protester is this year’s choice, managing editor Rick Stengel told Matt Lauer and Ann Curry.

    “There was a lot of consensus among our people,” Stengel told the TODAY anchors as he revealed the magazine’s cover. “It felt right.”

    As it has for the past 84 years, the weekly newsmagazine selected the person (or sometimes group, or thing) that its editors deemed had the single greatest impact during the past year, for better or for worse.

    All those who have done something this year to 'protest' and are not locked up in jail, please give yourself a slap on the back. Obviously, those fighting the 'unfair' or even extremely corrupt systems around the world are being noticed.

    Psychopaths: Brain scans should not be used in court... for now
    New Scientist, 13th December 2011
    Should an offender's sentence be decided on the basis of a brain scan? A group of neuroscientists have put together a report for the Royal Society to assess this issue and other ways that progress in brain science might impact the law.

    Neuroscience is already making waves in court: an Italian woman convicted of murder recently had her sentence reduced on the grounds that her behaviour could be explained by abnormalities in her brain and genes.

    The authors on the Royal Society panel, led by Nicholas Mackintosh of the University of Cambridge, also flag up research that suggests the brains of psychopaths are fundamentally different. This raises the question: should individuals with the brain anatomy of a psychopath have their sentence reduced on the ground of diminished responsibility, or should brain scan evidence be used to keep dangerous individuals locked away?

    Wow... I am amazed that society is starting to take psychopaths so seriously... is this a sign of some progress? Actually, it would make sense to clarify whether someone was a psychopath based on a brain scan, but I still hesitate here and think the no. 1 objective should be education. The discussion of lie detector tests here is interesting because a psychopath does not give themselves away whilst lying, they have no emotions, so there is nothing to detect... There is a documentary that reveals a psychologist revealing that he has the same brain pattern as a psychopath... it is inheritable, but it does not mean that people will become full blown psychopaths in adulthood and that is why caution is required... Before my own experiences, I had NO IDEA that people with psychopathy could be so evil and my biggest interest is those who think pretending to be a spiritual guru is a good career option i.e. tricking stupid gullible people out of their time and money for their own personal benefit... Whatever, I am thrilled that this debate is taking place because it will force more people to consider what is going on...People are too numbed by crazy talk, people can't see reality because psychopaths are too good at creating illusions...

    Horizon - Are You Good Or Bad Part 1
    YouTube, 10th September 2011
    BBC HORIZON 2011-2012: Are You Good or Evil? Documentary on psychopathy.

    The mystery of Carole Myers
    When she was found dead at 41, Carole Myers left a statement saying she had suffered Satantic child abuse at the hands of her parents. But did she?
    The Guardian, 11th December 2011
    [...] Arriving back in London I'm in no doubt that Carole's abuse claims were untrue. But is it really possible, as the Felsteads insist, for a person to have memories "implanted" by a therapist? Professor Elizabeth Loftus, of the University of California, certainly believes so. In one famous study she sought to examine the process by which a therapist can generate a memory of an event simply by suggesting it. Loftus told 24 adults to write detailed descriptions of four childhood events supplied earlier on by a family member. Unbeknown to them, one of those events never actually happened.

    Carole's charges were easily proven to be false. The sister, whose murder she'd apparently witnessed, actually died of heart problems two years before Carole was born. The house fire, too, predated Carole's birth. And yet, to the Felsteads' disbelief, it seemed the mental-health professionals rarely challenged these impossible horrors. Worse, they'd concluded that Carole's psychological problems came as a result of this fictitious abuse.

    But the family is pointing the finger straight back at the clinicians. They believe the blame for Carole's psychological downfall lies with credulous, satanist-obsessed therapists who went along with her claims that she'd been sexually menaced. After all, they point out, it's happened before – most famously in Orkney in 1991, when nine children were forcibly removed from their homes following interviews by social workers led by an individual who was subsequently accused of being "fixated on finding satanic abuse".

    Hmmm... Don't read this if you are too squeamish, parts of this long article are horrible... This seems to be a UK version of what is taking place in the USA. So, I wonder if this is some kind of bizarre experiment that is going on because it actually says, "Despite the medical records, she insists she never treated Carole, admitting only to having seen her as part of a study into ritual abuse for the Department of Health." This is starting to sound very Orwellian... Not surprisingly, there are New Age 'cult' versions of this going on too... People claiming to "de-program" people, but in fact doing all sorts of harm instead... I realised that I had hit the nail on the head with the Orwellian New Age, but the more I find out, the more I understand why so many people claiming to be spiritual are actually 'dead' inside, walking zombies... Yet, even though I have dedicated myself to a search for truth, this is still hard to take.

    Virginia couple prays while watching '50-plus morphing, glowing spheres'
    UFO Examiner, 12th December 2011
    A Virginia couple began to pray while watching a "swarm or fleet of 50-plus morphing, glowing spheres on December 11, 2011, according to testimony from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.

    The woman first spotted what they thought was a "huge flock of birds in the northwest sky that were traveling east." "Something was odd about the 'flock' as what appeared as grey chevron shapes started glowing and morphed into spheres randomly. Then the 'flock' seemed to grow in numbers as they came closer."

    The woman pointed it out to her husband. They then noticed a second, smaller swarm appear from the north and join the first group. "They were glowing at different rates, appearing to spin, almost like reflections of the sun on the surface. We kept saying it can't be birds it doesn't make sense." The couple then began to pray.

    Well, I am pleased that this couple kept their cool through this experience but in a way, it just totally saddens me that people are being left to struggle to understand what is happening on this planet. I would call this a Bodhisattva moment, but I believe the traditional Bodhisattva lights that were regularly seen flying of the Himalayas were golden lights. In 1937, the writer John Blofeld described these lights and wrote:
    As we stood on the terrace outside the monastery, scanning the expanse of the horizon, we saw thousands of strange objects floating slowly above the terrace. These extraordinary globe-shaped entities approached from faraway and disappeared again into the distance, continuously radiating golden beams of light, as though the whole sky were filled with countless glowing lanterns.
    My Journey in Mystic China, Chapter 3, Roaming the Famous Mountains and Monasteries of Northern China: The Mysterious Phenomenon of the Bodhisattva Lights
    It used to be that people could guarantee seeing these plasma entities at certain places on Earth that I believe held a higher 'spiritual' energy quotient, but this has changed as the whole planet is being swamped. This is the Greatest Transition in the History of Mankind... When are more people going to start really caring about what is going on?

    Pennsylvania witnesses report lights 'falling from the sky'
    UFO Examiner, 12th December 2011
    "I noticed lights falling from the sky," the witness stated. "They fell fast, so I'm not sure what it was. They fell behind a neighbor's house. I did not go investigate where they landed or if they vanished."
    More galactic arrivals at Pennsylvania Central Earth?

    Two reports: Orange lights spotted over Missouri
    UFO Examiner, 12th December 2011
    "As I was looking northward to see how much the cloud cover had cleared, I noticed a bright orangish light become visible over/between some houses to the north-northwest of mine. The light was intensely orange, but not like a flare or roman candle, roughly roundish in shape, and initially was about the size of a pencil eraser held at arm's length (roughly a quarter-inch in diameter). It initially attracted my attention because it was much brighter than the usual planes and helicopters that fly overhead, and because of the odd color which was unlike the usual air traffic."
    What used to be mainly only visible on radar, has become more visible, so many more people are now seeing the "radar angels".

    Scientists excited over hints of finding an elusive particle, 12th December 2011
    All the fuss is over an elusive subatomic particle called the Higgs boson, which is key to understanding mass in the universe. No one has ever presented proof of its existence, but that may be about to change.

    "There will be people who will see years of work and things for which they got tenure consigned to the dustbin of history," said MIT theoretical physicist and Nobel laureate Frank Wilczek, who believes that the that particle's days of anonymity are numbered.

    Quite an amusing article by standards... Well, I have learnt something, The "God particle" is short for the "Goddamn Particle," and that makes a lot more sense... I am actually wondering if we will get anymore YouTube videos of scientists "rapping" to celebrate the discovery of this particle...

    Higgs Boson announcement expected from CERN today (VIDEO)
    WUWT, 13th December 2011
    Someone has sworn on WUWT and called the Higgs Boson an aether particle.....tut tut... people are not supposed to realise that physicists are interested in aether err... spacetime... There are lots of useful links and some interesting info provided here.

    Rare white rainbow lights up the North Pole
    Daily Mail, 12th December 2011
    This is the amazing moment a white rainbow streaks across the Arctic sky. The rare phenomena, named a fog bow, was spotted by Sam Dobson during a recent expedition to the North Pole. As their ice breaking ship cruised through the chilly waters, Sam clocked the arching rainbow but was stunned to see it was completely white.

    Pretty, but not that rare... The only thing to speculate about is why the size of the particles are so small.

    Man wins £37m fruit machine jackpot... but is offered £60 and a free meal instead
    Daily Mail, 12th December 2011
    A gambler who thought he had won £37million on a fruit machine has been offered a free meal and £60 instead, after casino bosses said the jackpot was due to a ‘software error’. Behar Merlaku, 26, played the winning machine at a casino in Bregenz, Austria.

    Despite only getting four of the slot machine's five required matches, Mr Merlaku was told he had won the massive jackpot - complete with a winning bell and flashing screen. However when he went to claim his prize, the Swiss player was instead offered the money and meal by casino bosses after they refused to pay out.

    Now the disgruntled 26-year-old is to launch a lawsuit in Austria next month to force the casino to honour the 'win', which Mr Merlaku's lawyers says he is entitled to because of the what machine said.

    This seems to happen on a regular basis, someone woman thought she had won $42 million, which was reported in March 2010.... Was this caused by another stray cosmic ray switching bits and bytes?

    Life's Extremes: Pathological Liar vs. Straight Shooter
    Live Science, 11th December 2011
    Lying — like it or not — is a part of everyday life. Most of us will bend the truth every now and then, with even the most honest person telling the occasional "white lie" to avoid hurting someone else's feelings.

    Yet some people, called pathological liars, utter untruths constantly and for no clear reason. Their behavior confounds scientists and oftentimes themselves. [...]

    On the opposite end of the spectrum are those rare individuals who might be described as "pathological truth-tellers." These people forego socially convenient and appropriate fibs to speak the unvarnished, upsetting truth. [...]

    Interestingly, brain scans have revealed that the prefrontal cortexes in frequent liars are built differently from those in a typical brain. A 2005 study showed that liars had 22 percent more "white matter" than average, as well as about 14 percent less "gray matter." The former acts like wiring in the brain, while gray matter cells in this region play a role in impulse control.

    "If you have more white matter, you are more able to manipulate information and words," said Dike. "You can weave thoughts in ways others probably can't."

    Very interesting read. I see this is where I have gone wrong, "allegiance to the truth, rather than people's feelings."... Too much interest in the truth and the refusal to entertain liars, frauds and scumbags... Oh, well....

    “My university is annoyed with me” — Air filter from Japan so radioactive, it must be buried at radioactive waste disposal site in US (VIDEO)
    Energy News, 11th December 2011
    New Video of Scientist Kaltofen Presenting to American Public Health Association, Fairewinds Associates, Inc, Dec. 8, 2011 (Emphasis Added):
    A professional video of Marco Kaltofen’s presentation to the American Public Health Association was recently made available to Fairewinds. Kaltofen states that hot particles are contaminating portions of northern Japan. He also states that auto air filters from Fukushima, that he tested in his Massachusetts laboratory, are so radioactive that they have to be disposed of in a buried radioactive waste disposal site in the US. Additionally, he expresses concerns for the mechanics who work on cars in Fukushima Prefecture.

    And also we have Fukushima’s which is about 65 kilometers away from the site. This automobile air filter is actually hazardous. My university is annoyed with me because we have to contract to have this filter disposed of as radioactive waste. Unfortunately, you can just imagine what this means to the people in Fukushima City which is not evacuated, and even for the (automobile) mechanics who are changing these air filters.
    Comment: Here is the link to the slides that are difficult to read in the video, Marco Kaltofen Presentation to APHA.

    How to Act Like a Psychopath without Really Trying [Excerpt]
    People who don't care—or don't need to care—what others think of them show how crucial reputation is to civilization. Understanding it could reduce crime, improve ethical behavior and rein in Wall Street excesses
    Scientific American, 9th December 2011
    Editor's note: The following is an excerpt adapted from the book, People Will Talk: The Surprising Science of Reputation, by John Whitfield (Wiley, 2011). Copyright © John Whitfield

    About one in every 100 people doesn’t care what others think of him. These people are hard to spot. They are usually physically healthy, and their intelligence is often above average. Yet, in the words of one psychiatrist, they lie without compunction, cheat, steal, and casually violate any and all norms of social conduct whenever it suits their whim. They have no concern for others’ suffering, no remorse when caught, and punishment does little to change them. They are called psychopaths. [...]

    But viewed from an evolutionary angle, psychopathy looks more like a feature than a bug. Most people are cooperative, trusting and generous. This pays off in the long term. It also creates an opening for those who would rather prey on society than join it.

    I am amazed that the subject of psychopaths seems to be going very mainstream.... good! However, unless you have been personally maimed, the subject may not seem of much interest... My main interest is the psychopaths who have infiltrated the Cultic Milieu and learning how to spot those who come my way... The only way to not be a victim to a predator is to learn what to look out for and then take evasive action, they are looking for easy targets, not people who will make their life difficult.

    Psychopaths are just misunderstood... and they could even be cured, researchers say
    Daily Mail, 9th December 2011
    I don't know who these psychologists are trying to fool. Apparently, some therapists REFUSE to deal with psychopaths because they cannot change, as they are hard-wired, see archives and YouTube videos about their brains being physically different to 'normal' people. You can't tell me that James Ray, left his 'friends' blue and dying on the ground in Sedona, and then went off for a shower and a sandwich actually had any empathic emotions that can be retrieved... The man would not even call for paramedics and was annoyed when someone eventually made the call to pick up the dead and extremely ill. The 'on cue' Oscar winning tearful performance 5 minutes before sentencing was totally expected. These kinds of people 'exist' and if you don't want to be dragged down into the gutter by these people, they have to be avoided at all costs.

    Is covert technology used to create balls of light in the sky? NO!
    UFO Digest, 5th December 2011
    Summary. Luminous orbs seen moving across the sky sometimes behave as if they are under intelligent control. This article discusses evidence that some orbs are made with covert technology which can create balls of glowing plasma in the atmosphere from a distance. The orbs appear also to be used as pixels for drawing three-dimensional objects in the sky. Plasma balls, plasma ball formations in the sky, and some crop formations on the ground may be elements of a research methodology, perhaps designed to understand extraterrestrial technology.

    This is the Greatest Transition in the History of Mankind, the Orbs & UAPs are NOT going away, they are here to stay! This is a long article, but basically there is NO evidence that anyone is using state of the art plasma technology across the planet, on street corners in major cities or in remote locations where orbs & UAPs are known to congregate... Yes, there is an awful lot of reports because Earth is becoming a high energy plasma environment. Trillions and trillion of tons of plasma have arrived in solar storms over the last 20 plus years to charge up the planet. However, this is at the same time NASA scientists are admitting that there is a NEW GALACTIC WIND delivering "dark matter". Yes, that's the 96% of energy-matter that scientists can't detect but scientists believe must exist. We can only presume that the properties of this energy-matter has changed because scientists have been busy measuring the change in the properties of spacetime and astronomical events that indicate spacetime might have changed it's properties.... Quite frankly, it is not possible to take ufologists that seriously because they generally have a very limited perspective. At this time, Earth is now in the process of a massive transformation. There is a need to see The Big Picture and that does not come without having a knowledge of a wide number of subjects. Channelling Wikipedia does not help if you can't integrate the information. We know from ancient knowledge that at times of high energy and I have written before about the Earth's grid lighting up, which we hope and pray that will happen, the planet attracts "the gods" and the gods are a plasma-based lifeform. Even when the planet is not a high energy environment, some of these entities remain in parts of the planet that manage to retain the kind of energy that they seem to be able to live off. We have had scientists quietly investigating this lifeform for decades, the military around the world are NOT stupid and have realised this a long time ago. A few ufologists have gone against mainstream ufology and stated their take on things. Authors, some in senior positions have even written so-called science ficition books that provide interesting perspectives.... From the abundance of reports, there is a huge range of these entities, a whole Shadow Biosphere with lots of different characteristics based on the varying properties of plasma. Education is required.

    Does extraterrestrial life exist in beyond?
    Murfreesboro Post, 11th December 2011
    “We have to educate the public about the reality of UFO presence,” he said. “Why are so many people gripped by the mystery of this?” When asked if the presence of UFOs has been hidden by the U.S. Government, Middleton could not be sure, but he and other attendees were convinced of their existence. “Prince Phillip confirmed their existence and Gen. Douglas MacArthur claimed publicly that UFOs exist,” said attendee Maj. George Filer, who said he “chased UFOs in the Air Force.”

    How can ufologists educate the public when they refuse to see The Big Picture? I have not read the stuff about Prince Phillip confirming the existence of UFOs but it would not surprise me in the least. 'The Elite' are elite for a reason. Our scientists have already provided 'The Elite' with a scientific explanation for the 'saucers', it's a HUGE universe out there crammed with all sorts of forms of life that we know very little about, but you only have to pay attention to what has been seen on this planet to appreciate this.

    'We are a universe crowded with life': NASA astronomers discover ANOTHER blue planet... and there could be life there
    Daily Mail, 8th December 2011
    A rather interesting headline at the Daily Mail and repeated across the internet...

    Quote of the Week: “What if Pinnochio says that his nose will grow longer?” Anon

    I don't know about you, but I am constantly watching out for the Pinnochios...

    Stormy sun could knock out power grids: report
    Yahoo (Au) News, 3rd December 2011
    LONDON (Reuters) - An upcoming cycle of stormy solar activity risks causing damage to electrical transformers and threatening vulnerable energy infrastructure around the globe, a report by an insurance group says.

    The sun follows a predictable 11 year activity cycle, with the next period of stormy activity expected to begin in 2012-13.

    The report by German insurance group Allianz said a high impact solar storm, not easily predicted due to its recorded rarity, could cause blackouts and economic losses of over $1 trillion and that the worst case scenario would be even worse.

    "What we're coming into at the moment is the bad (space)weather period," Jim Wild of Britain's Lancaster University, an expert in solar plasma physics, told Reuters.

    I believe this is the third major insurer that has put out a report to major companies and businesses warning about Space Weather. Here is the Allianz info: Space Weather Risk and here is their version of this article as a .pdf, Space Weather Risk (.pdf). I can't find a dedicated Space Weather Report, but I think the article might be referring to the Allianz Power Blackout Risks with a section on Space Weather. The report states:
    “Whereas short term power blackouts are experienced frequently on a local or regional level around the world (e.g. caused by natural catastrophe events like earthquakes, storms, floods or heat waves), societies are not familiar with large scale, long-lasting, disruptive power blackouts. Traditional scenarios only assume blackouts for a few days and losses seem to be moderate, but if we are considering longer lasting blackouts, which are most likely from space weather or coordinated cyber or terrorist attacks, the impacts on society and economy might be significant.

    Power Blackout Risks (Space Weather), Allianz, November 23rd 2011 (.pdf)
    The mainstream are getting the practical implications, but so far, the metaphysical community as a whole don't seem to have a great deal of interest in the spiritual implications of the planet being swamped with celestial energies.

    Cloaked bubble UFO [?] in Italy perplexes onlookers [VIDEO]
    i09, 7th December 2011
    "Cloaked bubble UFO in Italy perplexes onlookersOn November 13, Antonio Urzi captured this stealthy bubblecraft buzzing over Cinisello Balsamo in Italy. Here's a six-minute take on the story."

    In November 2010, the First Workshop of the International Space Weather Initiative (ISWI), convened by the United Nations, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), and the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) took place. This workshop was principally about the Equatorial electroject which is a massive electrical current flowing at a height of about 100km. In this region, GPS and satellite signals are interferred with by scintillation and this is also partly caused by the occurrence of plasma bubbles, see a scintillation map here. Since astronomers and pilots are now reporting seeing large bubbles in the sky, it is likely that more and more small bubbles will be seen too. This is a now a new era, education is required so that people can learn something about what is happening to our world. This is a permanent change, authorities pretending that nothing is happening will not make all the new atmospheric phenomena go away.

    X Factor culture fuelled the UK riots, says Iain Duncan Smith
    The guardian, 9th December 2011
    A "get rich quick" celebrity culture exemplified by The X Factor and the dysfunctional lives of footballers has created a society "out of balance", the work and pensions secretary, Iain Duncan Smith, says today in an interview surveying Britain after the summer riots.

    Duncan Smith, who as chair of the social justice cabinet committee is one of the key figures shaping a coalition response to the riots, warned there was "every chance" riots would recur unless structural reforms were made to repair "communities in which so many families are broken". [...]

    "Balance is if you try hard, you work hard then the rewards are in balance with what you put in and what is available."

    Most people can't agree with the statement that working hard is all you have to do, and I think it's worth pointing out that there are those around who will rob you of everything if given half a chance.... So, I have to state there is a problem because very few believe in balance... "Balance is Bogus" as "Harmonic Wealth" guru James Ray (now locked up for three homicides) stated over and over again. That is why the New Age "Law of Attraction" is so popular with off-shoots like cosmic ordering, or wishing on a star, whatever you want to call it... Then there is the misuse of quantum mechanics to sell magical thinking promoted by people claiming to be scientists, heinous and truly obnoxious... Just over a year ago, I was approached by people wanting me in their network with a sinister invitation... "Do you want to be rich like us?" It was just a very creepy moment.... These %&*)&% people knew nothing about me and assumed that I would be stupid enough to get involved if they mentioned money... Here is a relevant quote about celebrity culture and the influence on religion/spirituality:
    Neal Gabler writes in "Life: the Movie: How Entertainment Conquered Reality" that the power of celebrity culture means we often seek to enact the movies that play inside our heads. We become celebrities, at least privately, to ourselves. Celebrity culture is so ubiquitous that it has established perverse interior personal scripts and modes of speech through which our relationship with the world is often constructed. Gabler argues that celebrity culture is not a convergence between consumer culture and religion but instead is a hostile takeover of religion by celebrity culture. Commodities and celebrity culture alone define what it means to belong to American society, how we recognize our place in society and how we determine our spiritual life. [...]

    Shamanism is not only the currency of celebrity culture; it is the currency of totalitarian culture. And as we sink into an economic and political morass, we are controlled, manipulated and distracted by the celluloid shadows on the wall of Plato's cave. The fantasy of celebrity culture is not designed simply to entertain. It is designed to keep us from fighting back, even, apparently, in death.

    Comment: Interesting that Hedges refers to indigenous cultures when he writes: Shamanism is not only the currency of celebrity culture; it is the currency of totalitarian culture.

    If he's talking about the phony shamanism of New Agers and their ilk, I tend to agree. In other words, this worship of the superficial and phony leads to bad results.
    Indian wannabes = celebrity wannabes , Newspaper Rock, August 02, 2010
    This made me laugh: "Getting on American Idol is too much work, but anyone can put on a costume and become an Indian." The whole article is interesting...

    2012 Apocalypse Fears Unfounded, NASA Says, 9th December 2011
    Despite the hoopla surrounding the dateDec. 21, 2012, the world is not at risk of coming to a halt, NASA says. Aside from that date marking next year's winter solstice, the longest night of that year, nothing else interesting is expected. All in all, "sleep well on Dec. 21 of next year," said astronomer Don Yeomans, manager of NASA's Near-Earth Object program office at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif., at a public talk yesterday (Dec. 8) about rumors of a 2012 apocalypse.

    Really, you really have to wonder about the intelligence/integration levels when genuine Mayan Elders are ignored in preference to people with no relevant qualifications and apparently, very little scientific understanding of why the Elders would try and explain about the arrival of Ether. Heh, in this run down of 2012 fears, NASA are admitting that space weather in the form of a solar storm IS an issue, but not much likelihood that anything will happen on the 21st December 2012 and that is because Mayan elders were specifically talking about the start of a new era, which even NASA scientists have agreed is true. Space Weather is now a permanent problem... Btw, I was amused by the 'pole dancing' header....

    Life on Earth: Is our planet special?
    BBC News, 9th December 2011
    For Greek philosophers like Aristotle, Earth lay at the centre of a small universe and the idea of alien life was unthinkable. Since then the tide of opinion has turned. Astronomers have shown that Earth may be just one of myriad habitable worlds.

    Meanwhile biologists have shed light on how life might have originated here, and therefore on other planets too. Far from being unique, many now regard Earth as an ordinary lump of space rock and believe that life "out there" is almost inevitable. But could the truth be somewhat more complex?

    What amazes me about this article is the argument that all that is needed for life is a mixture of olivine and water in large quantities. Apparently, exothermic reactions on the sea floor is enough to make conditions favourable for the emergence of life, something that I don't believe is common knowledge... Olivine has been found in comet tails and the discovery caused quite a stir amongst astronomers, so I am now wondering whether this has influenced evolutionary biologists, see below for more details... Well, I am surprised this article did not mention that there is an estimated 300 sextillion stars in the universe, that is 3 trillion times 100 billion, or 3 followed by 23 zeros or 300,000,000,000,000,000,000,000, stars NOT planets that circle around them... but we are supposed to believe that there is only life on Earth.... It is truly hard to believe there are people who are just so Earth-centered or cosmically naive... I can't say I am impressed with the mention of Fermi's paradox either... We have orbs and UAPs flying around in broad daylight and humans are too frightened to acknowledge the reality that we are NOT alone and a completely different lifeform exists alongside us. I often wonder just how obtuse humans are... In all my frustration, I have come to realise this is not about intelligence, it's about a failure to see reality exactly as it is... I saw a ball of light floating about and pulsating and I KNEW this was an entity that was alive... If some creature has a hard shell and lives at the bottom of the sea we call it a crustacean, if an entity has a hard shell but lives in the Earth's atmosphere, those that control society have decided that you are not supposed to believe it can exist, despite all the evidence... Well, due to reality bites, individuals are being forced to wake up one by one, but it is already apparent to anyone that is paying attention, that Earth is rapidly turning into a cosmic acquarium and as predicted, the gods are back!

    Star's Green Crystal 'Rain' May Solve Comet Mystery, 26 May 2011
    "A glittering crystal shower of green, emerald-like gems is falling like rain onto an infant star from the clouds surrounding it, a new study finds. The discovery may explain why similar crystals have been seen in the comets of our solar system, researchers said. The crystal "rain" is made of an olive-green mineral called olivine, which on Earth can be found everywhere from peridot gemstones to the green sand beaches of Hawaii."

    Upper atmospheric lightening sprites caught in 3D video [VIDEO], 9th December 2011
    ( -- Sometimes in science, it’s easy to get caught up in the practical, to focus so heavily on the why’s and how’s of things, that it’s easy to miss the simple beauty that nature offers. That might be the case with a little known type of lightening that occurs between the part of the atmosphere where weather events are seen quite easily, and the far reaches near the beginning of space. Called sprites, these other kinds of lightening strikes are of far shorter duration than we’re accustomed to; it wasn’t until just the past thirty years or so that anyone even knew they existed. So odd were they, that pilots flying at high altitudes who saw them feared for their jobs if they spoke of them. Now however a research team has captured some instances of them using high speed cameras mounted on two jets to create 3D images.

    I believe the knowledge of sprites has been retained in the Mesoamerican culture as the Tzitzimime, star demons that lived in the darkness. It is most likely that the mythology that is retained today is 'embroidered', but the core message is that there is a manifestation of 'beings' in the sky that are associated with the End of the World. To be more correct, it's really about the End of a Cycle, but there has been major disaster scenarios at this junction in time when for whatever reason, the Earth's electromagnetic grid fails and chaos ensues. Since the planet being deluged by highly charged particles is rather major in my opinion, I have written about what I think is going to happen this time, but regardless of whether people understand what I have to say or not, world authorities are taking space weather very very seriously. This video is short but it is quite awesome. I am wondering if the reason that sprites have become more numerous and can be much more easily seen is because a number of different factors have all come together at once. Sprites are atmospheric plasma 'events' and cannot be classified as entities like UAPs and orbs and should be considered on the same level as lightning. Plasma is known to have 'life-like' properties and these sprites 'look' like jelly-fish and squid (the whole family is called Transient Luminous Events) so I am wondering whether their appearance is influenced by the type of 'living' energy that is now appearing on the planet in abundance.

    UAPs On The Rise: Petitions, UFO's & Disclosure
    UFO chronicles, 6th December 2011
    Over here in the U.K. I've been following with interest, the progress of the 'We the people' petitions, regarding E.T. disclosure in the U.S.

    I'm an ex ad man, with over 25 years of hands on experience, in marketing & communications. Most of that time was spent, at top London agencies &/or their subsidiaries, at JWT, Saatchis, Publicis & O&M.

    I must admit that when I read the wording of the first White House petition, it made me cringe with embarrassment, given that the UFO phenomenon, is now so undeniable & may turn out to be, a very big threat indeed. The wording of the petition smacks of a continuing mistrust in your government & the military. It's plainly targeted at getting the Obama administration to confess to alien contact & admit some kind of conspiracy that quite probably, harps back to the days of Roswell.

    Call me simplistic if you like, but it seems to me, that the responsibility of the people today, must be first to get the Obama administration to disclose the current UFO presence & then to focus on any threat, that they may bring. [...]

    I guess from now on, we all need to promote the UFO issue more urgently, in order to meet the immediate challenge. The goalposts for E.T., must surely move, from now on.

    To that end, those people who have taken the time to read my recent sighting report in 'The UFO Chronicles', will know why we are getting increasingly concerned, about the growing number of UFO sightings, here in The U.K. They've been intruding into our airspace this summer, buzzing flight paths & busy airport stacking circuits. What's more, they've been doing so, in big numbers. In fact, they seem to have been using my own backyard here in Sussex, like a personal airport, just coming & going, as they please. This is not another conjured illusion, it's actually been happening, right here, on the picturesque, Sussex Weald.

    I decided to highlight these reports from someone intelligent in the UK because it reads like common sense and there is not a lot of that coming out of the UFO community. I was particularly interested in the statement about the rising numbers of reports, taking place in the UK, because that is what galvanised me to start logging and explaining that we are seeing what the metaphysical community were claiming was a 'dimensional shift' or the 'veil lifting'. Well, the metaphysical community are remarkably quiet on this matter, and I can only presume that is because this is such a totally serious scenario, that few are prepared to do enough work to justify their opinions. All the talk was based on esoteric knowledge, but very few understood what they were actually claiming, that is really obvious now. Well, I have worked like crazy in the last 6/7 years because I take the apparent invasion of our world by another lifeform rather damn seriously.
    • UFO Fleet Seen at Freckley Hollow [UK]
      UFO Chronicles, 30th September 2011
      "On Saturday the 2nd July, my wife Angela & I were returning by car to our home in Bexhill, following a family visit to Kent. On the way back, at around 10.40pm, we passed through the small Wealden village of Catsfield. Shortly after leaving the village, we drove over the brow of a low hill before the road then decended into a shallow valley. As we came down the hill, my wife was first to notice, a large group of very bright, circular lights, which were hovering at various levels, across the night sky. They were all further down the hill, to the right hand side of the road."

    Helping your fellow rat: Rodents show empathy-driven behavior, 8th December 2011
    The first evidence of empathy-driven helping behavior in rodents has been observed in laboratory rats that repeatedly free companions from a restraint, according to a new study by University of Chicago neuroscientists.

    The observation, published today in Science, places the origin of pro-social helping behavior earlier in the evolutionary tree than previously thought. Though empathetic behavior has been observed anecdotally in non-human primates and other wild species, the concept had not previously been observed in rodents in a laboratory setting.

    "This is the first evidence of helping behavior triggered by empathy in rats," said Jean Decety, PhD, Irving B. Harris Professor of Psychology and Psychiatry at the University of Chicago. "There are a lot of ideas in the literature showing that empathy is not unique to humans, and it has been well demonstrated in apes, but in rodents it was not very clear. We put together in one series of experiments evidence of helping behavior based on empathy in rodents, and that's really the first time it's been seen."

    I have to say, when I think of rats I tend to think of the human kind, with a few who can be rightly classified as vermin... After spending a lot of time researching the guru culture, it is true that rats help other rats, it's called cross-promotion... They all slap each others backs no matter what, even when they psychologically disturb, maim and kill people because the goal is creating a sense of elitism, something that I prefer not to do... When you survey the situation, lying, cheating and manipulating works very well for rats, empathic rats rule... Btw, I believe this is the first quote that I have found by New Agers sanctioning lying based on the mentality 'The End Justifies The Means'. I knew that this mentality existed from my own experiences, but it is rare for someone to deliver the message straight. The fact that it is linked to the Law of Attraction is even more incredible sinister. So we read:
    Daily Law of Attraction Quotation If you feel drawn to someone, but you are annoyed because you think that they are telling you some lies, try to look beyond the lies and try to focus upon the feeling. People offer all kinds of words for all kinds of different reasons. Most lies are offered to try to keep things in alignment. We're not encouraging it, but the motive behind lying is usually a pretty honorable motive. In other words, when a child lies to their parents, it's usually because they want to be free to do what they want to do, and they don't want their parents to be upset about it. It's about wanting an alignment. Physical ears have a hard time hearing this. You keep talking about "We need to be honest." And we say, we don't meet any of you who are honest. Even those who claim to be the most virtuous, are not honest, but your vibration always is. We would trust the feeling more than the words. --- Abraham Excerpted from the workshop in Houston, TX on Saturday, January 13th, 2001
    Source: link
    Quite frankly, this is why there does not seem to be a lot of 'enlightenment' coming from those involved in the so-called enlightenment business, because there is not a great deal of integrity, and a great preference for lies and half-truths.

    Update I have been thinking more deeply about this apalling daily quotation. So, people are being told that when they meet someone and their intuition and discernment kicks in and starts to warn them or even if they catch someone out lying, then they have to ignore the lying. I don't understand all the stuff about alignment but no doubt that is another piece of programming that has meaning in someone's unconscious that has been part of the brainwashing or is that mind cleansing.... Whatever, here people are being told to pay attention to 'feelings', this is strange because the ability to 'feel' is associated with intuition and discernment, but obviously, the person providing the advice here is oblivious to the scientific research on this matter. However creating confusion in people is also great for re-programming, so whether this is intended or not, this piece of 'advice' also helps the overall goal. New Agers are generally encouraged to be non-judgemental which is perfect scenario for predators, who need unwitting victims that can be blamed for allowing themselves to be manipulated with a whole series of techniques. Obviously, I have been approached by a whole bunch of manipulative types and a few mentioning 'synchronicity', like I am supposed to be impressed. Anyway, when I find out what they really want, they get surprised when I tell them to sling their hook, (I hope you like the double entendre here)... Of course, I know that guru types immediately tell intellectuals that the intellect is not needed to be spiritual, but of course, this is highly convenient for those who know the A-Z of manipulation. If you do the research it is obvious that this 'advice' needs to be completely ignored and people need to remain vigilant whilst watching out for the fakes of which there are myriad.

    Power of suggestion lets some see imaginary colors, brain scans confirm
    People Can Hallucinate Color at Will
    National Geographic, 7th December 2011
    People can hallucinate colors just with the power of suggestion, a new study says. In a recent experiment, scientists asked a group of prescreened people to look at a set of gray patterns and try to visualize color. Eleven members of the group had been identified as highly susceptible to hypnosis while seven of the subjects were not susceptible.

    Hypnosis is a trance-like state characterized by heightened focus, concentration, and inner absorption, according to the Mayo Clinic. About 10 percent of people worldwide are highly susceptible to hypnosis while 10 percent are not influenced at all. The remaining 80 percent—the majority of the population—are moderately susceptible, said study co-author William McGeown, a neuroscientist at the U.K.'s Hull University. [...]

    The new study found that all the subjects who were easily hypnotized reported seeing a range of colors even while not under hypnosis, McGeown said. The scientists didn't just taking their word for it—MRI scans showed that the parts of the subjects' brains linked to color perception lit up when they saw the imaginary hues.

    "We can see changes in these color-sensitive regions of their brains, which they have no way of faking," said McGeown, who published the study with colleagues in the December issue of the journal Consciousness and Cognition.

    I think my problem with this article is the inference that seeing something strange is all about imagination and the power of suggestion. Recently, I have had some surprises seeing some very specific points of light in a geometrical configuration in what I call 'real-time'. I was seeing something that is not 'normally' seen, but as neurologists will tell you, some people can detect and process far more of the electromagnetic information available to all of us than others.

    Easily hypnotized people can hallucinate colors whenever they want to
    i09, 1st December 2011
    "Contrary to its depictions in pop culture, hypnosis is a totally voluntary phenomenon, and those who allow themselves to be hypnotized can become extremely suggestible and relaxed, as well as experience heightened imagination. Previous research had shown hypnosis was able to make people see colors that weren't there, but this new research indicates that the hypnosis simply unlocks an ability in certain people that was actually there all along."

    Nuclear specialist: Corium hitting water table is “big concern” — Once fuel hits groundwater the concern is “it just blows right up” (VIDEO)
    Energy News, 7th December 2011

    Host: [...] The architect of Reactor No. 3 at Fukushima spoke out recently criticizing Tepco saying their explanations don’t make sense. And he claimes that it’s inevitable that nuclear fuel has leaked into the groundwater which means China Syndrome is upon us, or could be [...] Based on what the architect said, have we officially reached the edge of the China Syndrome stage at Fukushima?

    Gunter: [...] The former president of Saga university, this info is also corroborated by an earlier report from September by an assistant professor at the Kyoto Research Reactor Institute who said reactors 1 and 3 already had a melt-through and that by his projection the corium had moved 10-12 meters into the ground already [...]

    Highly radioactive fuel and steel and its just burning down [...]

    Even in Tepco’s simulation, they admitted corium has burned through 2/3s of floor [...]

    Tepco’s credibility is less than zero right now [...]

    Comment: A good video from RT. Well, there is no uncertain terms here, if the corium is hot enough, the melted down radioactive material will blow up like a volcano... The thing is, we don't even know how many meltdowns are going on simultaneously...

    Hartmann: Fukushima...Has the China Syndrome now officially begun?
    YouTube, 6th December 2011
    "Paul Gunter, Beyond Nuclear joins Thom Hartmann. The crisis at Fukushima continues. Over the weekend - the crippled Japanese nuclear plant spewed even more highly radioactive water into the Pacific Ocean - roughly 45,000 liters in all. According to a French nuclear research institute - since the Fukushima nuclear crisis began in March - the plant has leaked more radioactive material into the ocean than has ever happened before in the history of the planet. And he claims that after more than 8 months since an earthquake and tsunami triggered this crisis - it's inevitable that nuclear fuel has leaked into the groundwater - meaning the "China Syndrome" is officially upon us. He also warned that if underground water gets overheated - it could trigger a hydrovolcanic explosion. So what does all this mean? Time to ditch nuclear power - the most expensive and dangerous form of energy on Earth."
    This is a direct YouTube link for the embedded video above

    Japan’s ‘Neil Armstrong’: 1st man in space loses everything after abandoning Fukushima farm — I can’t trust gov’t radiation claims — “As though a robber has taken everything from me”
    Energy News, 7th December 2011

    Space Weather News: Armenia scientist recognized by American Physics Society
    The Armenian Reporter, 6th December 2011
    College Park, Md. - Prof. Ashot Chilingarian, the director of Yerevan Physics Institute and the head of its Cosmic Ray Division has been elected American Physical Society (APS) Fellow, a prestigious honor given to only a few of the world's greatest scientists.

    The APS announcement reads as follows: "Ashot Chilingarian, Yerevan Physics Insitute: For bringing one of the world's largest facilities for monitoring different species of secondary cosmic rays located in Armenia to the International Space Weather initiative as a global warning system from violent space events. Nominated by: Forum on International Physics."

    It's interesting to see where the brains are and who has been allowed to do relevant research over the years ... Obviously, it's particularly interesting as there is a serious concern about predicting the severity of space weather events... Presumably, this means that fast radiation from solar flares can be detected and provide a warning for the bulk of the slower radiation that generally follows, allowing operators to at least attempt to protect satellites.

    Airman Brings Space [Weather] to Ground Forces News, 7th December 2011
    "Figuring out why a GPS isn't working, why a GPS isn't getting good accuracy and how to mitigate those effects or how to plan a mission around those effects is a key part of my job," said Veater, who is deployed from the 2nd Space Operations Squadron at Shriever Air Force Base, Colo. "I also help them know what some of the alternatives are and understand some of the limitations and vulnerabilities of (satellite communications)."

    Durban COP17 climate talks: day 10 diary (News VIDEO)
    Climate sceptics parachute in | Royal rumble | COP18 | A more welcome Lord
    Guardian, 7th December 2011
    Climate sceptics parachute in

    Phew. What would a good COP be without a small band of deniers to act as grit in the oyster of global ambition? Just as it looked as if South Africa might be denied its intellectual cabaret act, in parachuted climate sceptic Lord Monckton on Tuesday. Literally, from 3,000 feet. M'lud and his best friends at the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow, have lined up Senator Inhofe, Marc Morano, of, and assorted South African free marketeers to talk later today. Monckton, was described this morning by a chum as "freshly rested from his parachute jump" and said to be planning to explain why it would be a mistake to adopt a new treaty in Durban along the lines of the failed Kyoto protocol. Can't wait.

    Good! I am glad Lord Monckton & friends have got some publicity, because Jo Nova was worrying that they might have to take their clothes off to get some attention... link. By the way, the video here is by a South African News Agency, so it's much more prrofessional than the other video link provided at WUWT.

    Denier taunts forum via video link
    Irish Times", 8th December 2011
    "THE MOST outspoken climate-change denier in the US Congress, Oklahoma Republican senator James Inhofe, has said he was sorry he couldn’t come to Durban to join a party of like-minded colleagues in “celebrating the final nail in the coffin of UN global warming”.
    The "Deniers" are certainly enjoying themselves at the moment.

    Skeptics taunt U.N. delegates, call Durban talks 'final nail' in treaty's coffin
    E& E News, 7th December 2011
    ""You should know that global warming skeptics everywhere wish we could be with you celebrating the final nail in the coffin on location in South Africa," he said. "And tell Al Gore hello for me."

    Climate Depot Special Report: A-Z Climate Reality Check -- Sub-Prime Science Exposé: 'The claims of the promoters of man-made climate fears are failing' -- Presented to UN Summit
    Climate Depot, 7th December 2011
    Full A-Z Climate Reality Check PDF report is available here

    Rare albino snail makes an appearance in New Zealand
    The Weather Network, 6th December 2011
    Hikers were stunned when they stumbled upon a rare albino snail in New Zealand. Typically, snails blend in with their surroundings - but a group of hikers in New Zealand stumbled upon one mollusc that prefers to stand out.

    Earlier this month, hikers were stunned when they discovered a carnivorous albino snail in New Zealand's Kahurangi National park. “We had seen and photographed other ... giant native snails [in this area],” says Maria Brooks, the hiker who made the discovery. “But their bodies are normally a brownish-grey colour.”

    The previous night had been rainy, and the damp bushes are likely what prompted the snail to make its public appearance. Snails prefer wet weather because the conditions make it easier for them to find food.

    Even white snails now.... From the comments, this is important:
    Tom Dibisch: Too Bad it's not Albino... That snail is leucistic, if it was Albino the lack of Melanin while still having a melanocyte would make it appear yellow not white. The shell would be affected as well. The normal shell and snow white body colour are a dead give away that this is a case of Leucism and not Albinism.
    See archives for more comments, DNA 'Abnormalities' & Mutations

    Lawsuit Against US Psychologist for Careless Hypnosis
    Medindia News, 4th December 2011
    US psychologist, Mark Schwartz, has been accused of carelessly hypnotizing a patient, Lisa Nasseff, 41, in order to keep her there long-term and run up a bill that eventually reached $650,000, while she was seeking treatment for anorexia at the Castlewood Treatment Centre in St Louis, Missouri.

    Under hypnosis, Ms. Nasseff was led to believe she had multiple personality disorder (20 different personalities),she had been sexually abused and raped multiple times and had participated in various criminal and horrific acts of abuse. She was led into believing she had once eaten babies as part of a satanic cult.

    Quite frankly, people need to watch out.... I have spent a huge amount of time in the last three years working out how to recognise when the predator "guru" types are using a variety of different controlling techniques, because this sort will do ANYTHING to gain control over people. The main aim is to get people spending HUGE sums of money or giving their time away in service to the 'grateful' guru for free... I suppose this hypnotherapist was installing all sorts of false memories as a type of job creation, i.e. screw someone up and then pretend to fix them... $650,000... yep, I don't think anyone will argue about that. Basically, that is what most of these LGAT guru types are doing. Btw, any spiritual "leader" can do the same thing because the same techniques can be used in different settings. As I say, people need to watch out... For anyone who is concerned and has a few hundred hours to read, read, and read, I recommend the Rick Ross Cult Education Forum and particularly the threads on James Ray and Bryon Katie who seems to be ranked as one of the top offenders, link1 & link2. Now that JR is locked up and we find out that he is barely literate, this man's background, methodology and rise to fame is an essential case study for anyone who wants to know learn how to recognise the 'fakes' out there who appear to be numerous, but 'spider woman' deserves some serious attention too.

    Lisa Nasseff claims therapist Mark Schwartz brainwashed her (VIDEO)
    KSDK News, 1st December 2011

    Odd airborne lights spark UFO talk in SouthCoast [US]
    South Coast Today, 6th December 2011
    NEW BEDFORD — Strange glowing lights appeared in the skies over SouthCoast this past weekend, befuddling onlookers from New Bedford to Swansea and sparking talk of UFOs on social media. The curious used their smartphones to capture video and still images of the orange and reddish lights that floated in formations and at times hovered in the air without making a sound.

    Abdulelah Elmalli, 22, of New Bedford, said he was walking west on Elm Street, toward Buttonwood Park, around 6:30 p.m. Saturday, listening to music on his iPhone, when he looked up and saw four orb-like objects hovering in the air. "They were glowing like fireballs. One of them changed colors from orange to a reddish color, a bloodshot red, and moved down very slowly," said Elmalli, who added that one of the lights then quickly ascended.

    This is quite a long report and it seems this area has been seeing a lot of orbs, I like this comment: "A normal airplane doesn't just come in the neighborhood and change colors." Quite!

    Synaesthesia: when two senses become one
    Notable writers, musicians and artists such as Nabokov, Messiaen and Kandinksy had synaesthesia. So is there a link with creativity?
    The Guardian, 5th December 2011
    Charlene Soraia was 11 when she realised she didn't experience the world in quite the same way as most people. She was about to start secondary school and, turning to one of her friends, said that she pictured their first year as a series of "yellow lines, with green bits". "My friend said: 'What are you talking about?' And I thought: 'OK, I won't ever say anything else like that then.'"

    A year or so later, Soraia, who is now 22, told her father she saw colours when she heard music. He explained that he experienced music the same way and that it was a medical condition called synaesthesia, in which the brain conflates two or more senses, causing both to be experienced at the same time.

    A recent study by the University of Edinburgh concluded that around 4% of the British population has synaesthesia; other estimates put the figure at between 2% and 5%. The condition takes many forms: some experience tastes when they read or hear words; some perceive numbers as shapes; others, such as Soraia, see colours when they hear music, or when they think of particular periods in their lives.

    The last time I checked on a UK Synaesthesia website, there was 63 types.

    How That $3.8 Million Supercar Crash Happened (Video)
    “A gathering of narcissists”, 5th December 2011
    Eight — count ‘em, eight — Ferraris, three Mercedes-Benzes and a Lamborghini were among 14 vehicles totaled in what the media are calling “the world’s most expensive car accident” and the cops are calling “a gathering of narcissists.”

    The massive mess destroyed about $3.85 million worth of lustworthy cars and a Toyota Prius late Sunday morning on rain-soaked Chugoku Expressway. The supercars were part of a 20-car convoy heading from Kyushu to Hiroshima when the lead driver, a 60-year-old businessman in a Ferrari F430 Scuderia, lost control on the wet pavement. [...]

    A witness told TBS network the cars were traveling 140 to 160 kilometers per hour (85 to 100 mph). It all went sideways — literally — on a long, narrow stretch with no shoulder where the speed limit is 60 mph. Witness accounts suggest the lead driver tried to change lanes, possibly to get around a slower car, then slid into the guardrail and spun across the highway.

    “The front car crashed into the left embankment and bounced off toward me,” one witness told broadcaster NHK. Another witnesses said, “One of them spun and they all ended up in this great mess.”

    Luckily, no one died... I lived in Italy near Milan for nearly 3 years and it was certainly traumatic, especially when there were public transport stikes... people were maniacs on the road, I did the school run, and there were periods when I saw an accident or evidence of an accident at least once a day. I have even seen ambulances wrapped around lamp posts... I have wondered whether people thought they were invincible, and if there was a religious influence, a belief that all people needed to do is the sign of the cross before you get in the car and then they can just go for it... The high accident and death rate did not seem to make any difference to peoples' attitudes, either.... Maybe these rich guys literally think in terms of their lives as being in the fast lane, it's dangerous and you need to take risks to be successful, but this metaphor that is widely used in society, could be a philosophy for some and might strongly manifest when they are on a real road. Since this was a convoy of "narcissists", no doubt the risk-taking reached new heights... I have been a passenger in the car with someone who had this attitude and so I have been regularly terrified. I know for sure that this mentality exists.

    Voyager 1 hits new region at solar system edge, 5th December 2011
    ( -- NASA's Voyager 1 spacecraft has entered a new region between our solar system and interstellar space. Data obtained from Voyager over the last year reveal this new region to be a kind of cosmic purgatory. In it, the wind of charged particles streaming out from our sun has calmed, our solar system's magnetic field has piled up, and higher-energy particles from inside our solar system appear to be leaking out into interstellar space.

    Cosmic purgatory.... well I suppose it's memorable. NASA are certainly getting their money's worth as the Voyager space craft, both launched in 1977 were only built to last five years and explore two planets. Instead, they surveyed all the giant outer planets of our solar system, 48 of their moons, and the unique systems of rings and magnetic fields those planets possess. Then as they were still working, they were sent off into the unknown to explore the solar system's boundary and interstellar space. To date, astrophysicists have been provided with some incredible new information. Space engineers can be really proud! What is interesting is that we get told all this amazing astronomical data about celestial objects being x light-years away, but we can't even work out where the boundary of our own solar system is... what's more we have recently decided that the Milky Way galaxy is really twice as big as we thought... Call me cynical, I don't care, but I think it's fair to say that astronomy is most often over educated guesswork... Hence, the benefit of real observational data that forces scientists to sometimes reconsider some of their completely wrong ideas...

    Study shows people can guess personality via body odor
    Medical Xpress, 5th December 2011
    (Medical Xpress) -- An interesting study conducted by Polish researchers Agnieszka Sorokowska, Piotr Sorokowski and Andrzej Szmajke, of the University of Wroclaw, has found that people are able to guess a person’s type of personality to a reasonable extent, simply by smelling them, or their clothes. The team did some testing with volunteers, as they describe in their study published in the European Journal of Personality, and found that people could guess another’s personality through odors at least as well as they could when shown videos of people in action. [...]

    While clearly not at a hundred percent, the researchers indicate the study shows that there is something going on regarding how much a person sweats and under what conditions as well as a correlation between the components in sweat and personality traits and that other people are able to pick up on those differences when in their vicinity. Thus, the results are actually two-fold. The first is that people apparently give off personality clues when sweating, and second, that people are able to not only smell the differences in people, but make judgments about them based on what they smell.

    Vile experiments... the same white t-shirt for 3 nights? This reminds me of a UK survey where researchers found that many can't even be bothered to change the bed sheets on a regular basis combined with some who regularly eat in bed.... vile..... I am interested in this article about smell because of my own synaesthesia and I found the conclusions quite interesting.

    Tim Barnett on the hockey stick- “statistics were suspect”–the rest of the team knew of problems with Mann’s reconstruction
    WUWT, 5th December 2011
    Email 2383 contains further evidence that everyone in the world of paleoclimate knew the Hockey Stick was a duffer.
    Subject: Re: spring meeting

    not to be a trouble maker but……if we are going to really get into the paleo stuff, maybe someone(s) ought to have another look at Mann’s paper. His statistics were suspect as i remember.
    Comment: What is interesting here is the Climategate II emails that tell us that quite a few people knew Mann's Hockey Stick was completely fraudulent. Some even pointed out just how "suspect" the science and data were, but once it was accepted by the IPCC, scientists within the chosen clique just closed ranks and said nothing. It took years of people with zero influence and no temporal power (but they had spiritual power because they were seeking truth) working hard to uncover this fraud, but I think the current scenario can be compared to lighting a slow fuse, eventually there was an almighty bang.... Climategate I was about 1,000 emails, Climategate II is 5,300 emails and Climategate ? is up to 220,000 emails encrypted and sitting ready to go stratospheric... I doubt anything would be happening now if it was not for those souls that cared about the truth. This is the reason why I really admire some of the central characters in this epic drama. They changed the future of humanity... Btw, this made me laugh:

    On Tuesday, December 6 at 11:00 AM, CFACT skydivers will parachute past COP17 trailing banners demanding attention to the Climategate 2.0 emails. The skydiving team will land at Toti beach. Media and all interested persons are invited to the beach to observe the landing.
    CFACT, 5th December 2011
    LOL! If there are any pictures, I will post a link. See video below:

    The flying Monck
    WUWT, 6th December 2011
    "Lord Monckton parachutes into Durban. At first I thought this was a joke. Then I see Monck flying through the air via live cam during freefall, grinning no less. Marc Morano gives the introduction."

    Dr. Sebastian Pflugbeil “Tokyo is on the path of Kiev” (VIDEO)
    Fukushima Diary, 2nd December 2011
    Dr. Sebastian Pflugbeil, the chairman of German Society of Radiation Protection had a lecture in Berlin,and talked about Tokyo.

    To the question about what we can do to minimize the damage of the accident, he answered:

    “Nothing. There is no way to stop the nuclear fuel that has melted-through leaking. All we could do is to pray for the fuel not to touch the underground water vein.

    We must avoid internal exposure from contaminated food. Authorities are trying to make Japanese eat polluted food for their twisted patriotism, but on the other hand, citizens are setting up independent labs around Japan. This is very important. However, lab facility costs are huge. Maintenance, recording the data costs too. Now, the best thing Germans can do is to support those independent facilities financially.”
    To another question “How dangerous Tokyo is now?” He answered:
    “Tokyo is not the safe area. Now Tokyo is in the similar situation to Kiev in Chernobyl. Ukrainian Government couldn’t define that densely populated area, Kiev, as evacuating area so they did not admit Kiev was threatened and manipulated the radiation map to look like Plutonium stopped just before Kiev.”

    Dr. Sebastian Pflugbeil is just stating the obvious about Tokyo and we can reflect on the very early rumours of talk amongst diplomats of the need to relocate from the capital. As I have already noted, we have been informed that there is an important criteria of making sure that this new "backup city" has enough casinos for the compulsive gamblers, as it seems to be necessary to support the psychological make-up of the elite in charge. The authorities are also starting to mutter about China Syndrome, but obviously that was inevitable, the debate now is whether there will be a very loud bang or not.

    Nuclear Experts: “We have to be prepared for the worst case scenario” — 5-10 meter barrier must be installed beneath Fukushima reactors
    Energy News, 2nd December 2011
    The Russians started building their barrier underground within weeks of the Chernobyl disaster, here the Japanese are just talking about it 9 months later... truly pathetic.

    Another stupid Japanese is happy with mutated potato
    Fukushima Diary, 3rd December 2011

    Double colored mutated chrysanth
    Fukushima Diary, 3rd December 2011

    Space Junk News: FAA Says Falling Debris Not from Any Known Aircraft (Video)
    Gather News, 1st December 2011
    In the most significant UFO news to date, FAA officials are baffled by a piece of metal which crashed through the roof of a furniture warehouse in Plymouth, MA on Thursday because the debris does not belong to any known aircraft.

    The 5-lb. chunk of metal was discovered on the floor of Michael's Wholesale Furniture Distributors after workers noticed a giant hole in the roof and the office below in disarray. Police were called in but soon turned the matter over to the FAA when they could not identify the metallic object.

    Hmmm... Maybe a bit of a satellite? Well, as space weather worsens, there will be lots of bits of junk falling from the skies.

    Climategate 2.0: A Sequel As Ugly As The Original.
    Scientists behaving badly – part II
    GWPF, 3rd December 2011
    [...] The new batch of emails, over 5,300 in all (compared with about 1,000 in the 2009 release), contains a number of fresh embarrassments and huge red flags for the same lovable bunch of insider scientists. It stars the same cast, starting with the Godfather of the CRU, Phil “hide the decline” Jones, and featuring Michael “hockey stick” Mann once again in his supporting role as the Fredo of climate science, blustering along despite the misgivings and doubts of many of his peers. Beyond the purely human element, the new cache offers ample confirmation of the rank politicization of climate science and rampant cronyism that ought to trouble even firm believers in catastrophic climate change.

    In parts this is an amusing read but deadly serious at the same time. Comparisons with the Pentagon papers on the Vietnam war 40 years ago, and how it changed the narrative decisively, are now ringing loud and clear.

    Sean Stephenson: Diploma Mill Yoda
    Celestial Reflections, 2nd December 2011
    It was probably apparent in my previous post that I really took a scunner to Sean Stephenson. Aside from finding him appallingly arrogant, he struck me as something of a phony. When I first looked at his website, I thought it was a little sketchy on the details of his education, but I didn't want to go down that particular rabbit hole. His testimony constituted a small part of a very long post. My husband, however, couldn't let it go. It probably has something to do with the fact that he holds a doctorate from a legitimate institution, but he's a little touchy when it comes to people arrogating to themselves the title of Doctor without the proper educational credentials.

    So, JR had to turn to this little creep with bogus credentials to get some sympathy with the judge.... Sigh! I am so sick of these people with bogus credentials in the Cultic Milieu that just lie, lie lie... Well, even though JR is locked up in prison, he is still being stalked by JR 'haters' and due to the joys of the internet, we have been provided with some very interesting information that will help many more people understand JR's actions. According to the folk at Salty Droid [profanity warning here...] (relevant comments about here) , he has been educationally assessed and he has come up with a very low score. user 1031 says Edu. 4 means his education needs are “Functional literacy needs (8th grade).” This is one step above “E5 Low IQ (possibly exempt)/ Foreign national.” Once he learns how to read at an 8th grade level, he can move up to “E3 GED needs,” and when he completes his GED he’ll be at “E2 Completed FL/GED.” Only at that point will he be eligible for Work Based Educational programming, and then he’ll get a Voc. score.
    I am not familiar with the American education system, but it seems that he is not even at the reading standard of an average 13-14 year old. This is a man who was claimed being “four hours short of a psychology degree” and having spent “ten years studying quantum physics”. I keep thinking this JR saga can't get any worse and then it does... Excruciating....

    Observations on James Ray's Sentencing
    Celestial Reflections, 30th November 2011

    I missed this post by LaVaughn, and we get confirmation that JR has the ability to cry on cue, but I have also decided to add this to my online collection because she highlights the Benkowski letter that she believed indicated that some of JR's supporters are clearly nuts. (I will try an find it amongst the court documents.) This is a quote:
    "Polk did well in singling this out from the pile of dross that is Ray's support letters. The scariest of the letters came from Ray's most ardent supporters and this one is deeply nuts. The unmistakable implication that the deaths of three people were a necessary sacrifice for some undefined "lesson" is disturbing enough. But it gets even worse if you read the subtext. Her reference to the "shadow side of Harmonic Wealth" is chilling. It implies that there is loss penalty for gain -- something I know Ray was teaching. You can't manifest light without manifesting dark."
    Yes, I have heard one particular person, who I now consider to be dangerous, doing a Gollum impression and muttering about the 'Shadow Side'. At the time, I had NO idea what was being suggested, but now I do. If you have read my article Spiritual Evolution in the Cultic Milieu, I talk those who are so warped that they live by the phrase: 'The End Justifies the Means' and this talk of light and dark is just an extreme form of this. After my dealing with a few folk in the Cultic Milieu and the strange emails that I get on regular basis, I have come to the same conclusion that a fair percentage of people involved in the CM have badly suffered and are clearly mentally ill.

    Phew! Mayan prediction of world ending in 2012 may be a 'misreading' - it's just the start of a new era, says expert
    Daily Mail, 1st December 2011
    * Conspiracy theorists predict 'end of the world'
    * Expert says it's a misreading - it's a symbolic date
    * Refers to a new period in the religious calendar

    An inscription found in the Mayan temple of Tortuguero make a prediction of an apocalyptic even in 2012 - with some conspiracy theorists predicting the world being swallowed by a black hole, the sun, or just clipped by a passing asteroid.

    The Mayan inscriptions refer to Bolon Yokte 'descending from the sky' in 2012 - a god associated with war and the underworld. But a German expert, Sven Gronemeyer, says that the whole thing could just be a misreading.

    The tablet on which the inscription was found has a break which makes the end nearly illegible - but even so, the legible parts don't necessarily spell oncoming doomsday. Gronemeyer said his decoding of a Mayan artefact with a reference to a 2012 date denotes a transition to a new era in the Mayan calendar - and not a possible end of the world.

    That's the whole point... cosmic cycles and the start of a major new era, anthropomorphised for the simpletons as modern Mayan have pointed out... Modern Mayan Elders have gone around the world explaining this in terms of the arrival of the fifth element ether "– the realm where energy lives and weaves". It was explained as the start of an era that would last 5,125 years, associated approximately with a Galactic Alignment, that acted as a major time marker. It is a shame that Carlos Barrios was not taken more seriously after his epic efforts with his brother to interviw 600 Mayan Elders in Guatemala, even risking their own lives to traipse through the jungle during the middle of a guerilla war to gain some understanding of the ancient oral tradition. Meanwhile people preferred to listen to Mayan 'researchers' with no real qualifications who preferrred to ignore real Mayans, who obviously knew more than they did. I am even wondering if Carlos Barrios had made the link to the arrival of space weather, how many would have got it... It just seems to me the real issue is a major lack of spiritual and scientific education and comprehension. Meanwhile, we have The Sword of Damocles hanging over our heads, as our whole modern technological world is at risk, as governments and space agencies have revealed. This is NOT hysteria, it is now a fact and a few engineers and scientists have realised that we have to work to prevent a disaster. Our world has drastically changed, but the Average Joe is still mostly unaware of the implications.

    The end of the world not happening - for now says expert
    The end is not near. At least that's according to a German expert who says his decoding of a Mayan tablet with a reference to a 2012 date denotes a transition to a new era and not a possible end of the world as others have read it.
    The Telegraph, 2nd December 2011

    Two Diamonds Linked by Strange Quantum Entanglement
    Live Science, 1st December 2011
    Scientists have linked two diamonds in a mysterious process called entanglement that is normally only seen on the quantum scale. [...]

    But now physicists have succeeded in entangling two macroscopic diamonds, demonstrating that quantum mechanical effects are not limited to the microscopic scale.

    "I think it's an important step into a new regime of thinking about quantum phenomena," physicist Ian Walmsley of England's University of Oxford said."That is, in this regime of the bigger world, room temperatures, ambient conditions. Although the phenomenon was expected to exist, actually being able to observe it in such a system we think is quite exciting." [...]

    Walmsley, along with a team of physicists led by Oxford graduate student Ka Chung Lee, accomplished this feat by entangling the vibration of two diamond crystals. To do so, the researchers set up an apparatus to send a laser pulse at both diamonds simultaneously. Sometimes, the laser light changed color, to a lower frequency, after hitting the diamonds. That told the scientists it had lost a bit of energy. [...]

    Instead, because the two diamonds were linked, they found that one detector measured the change every time, and the other detector never fired. The two diamonds, it seemed, were so connected they reacted as a single entity, rather than two individual objects.

    From my years of collecting esoteric and metaphysical information, this should not be a surprise, but it is.... So, diamonds can generate quantum mechanical effects at the macroscopic scale, I wonder how many orders of magnitude are we talking about?

    2012: Magnetic Pole Reversal Happens All The (Geologic) Time
    Red Orbit, 1st December 2011
    Scientists understand that Earth’s magnetic field has flipped its polarity many times over the millennia. In other words, if you were alive about 800,000 years ago, and facing what we call north with a magnetic compass in your hand, the needle would point to ‘south.’ This is because a magnetic compass is calibrated based on Earth’s poles. The N-S markings of a compass would be 180 degrees wrong if the polarity of today’s magnetic field were reversed. Many doomsday theorists have tried to take this natural geological occurrence and suggest it could lead to Earth’s destruction. But would there be any dramatic effects? The answer, from the geologic and fossil records we have from hundreds of past magnetic polarity reversals, seems to be ‘no.’

    This article has: Please Don't Worry Written All Over It! However, the article is not completely wrong but it fails by omission. Yes, the Earth's magnetic never completely disappears and parts of the Earth's magnetic field held in the core have already 'flipped', but nobody ever seems to point this out. The mysterious goings on in the core is why the European Space Agency is conducting the SWARM Mission, but I believe this project is behind schedule. Earth's magnetic field is also generated by the Ring Current that encircles Earth and it seems the Ring Current can cause Earth's magnetic field to flip, possible due to solar activity. This is complex and I don't have time to write a long essay about this here. The main point is that NOBODY wants to talk about cosmic rays flooding the planet and causing evolutionary change when Earth's magnetic field is weak. Cosmic rays and radiation turn the switch on DNA that allows for more and more mutation. FACT. Meanwhile, we get news that evolution is taking place on a wide scale in the population now under the umbrella term Synaesthesia and the mainstream are now starting to point this out, but there is hardly a squeak about this in metaphysical circles. Maybe that is because people are evolving despite having no proof that this is related to metaphysical activities and that is possibly a major dilemma for some. Actually, I can can give you my opinion. The simple truth is more likely based on the 'upgrade' of the human morphogenetic field and the evolution of humanity has been triggered by the actions of the many in maybe small ways, but enough changes have pushed humanity to reach criticality and we are seeing a corresponding avalanche of changes. Certainly, the difficulty is how that can be linked to certain individuals, (who refuse to do or say anything that does not make them look good) who tend to get all the publicity, especially since the numbers with Synaesthesia have been growing for 30 years or so. Marvellous!

    Shuker Nature, 1st December 2011
  • "Unknown, luminous things, or beings, have often been seen, sometimes close to this earth, and sometimes high in the sky. It may be that some of them were living things that occasionally come from somewhere else." – Charles Fort - Lo!

  • It has often been said that Nature abhors a vacuum – and evolution certainly does. Every conceivable niche upon planet Earth has been populated by life forms – on land, in freshwater and the seas, beneath layers of rock far below the earth’s surface, even buried within the formless ooze on the ocean beds and encircling their scorching water-spewing hydrothermal vents. Yet, inexplicably, there is one lone but vast ecological niche that has remained totally untouched by such animate activity – the rarefied atmospheric layers above and encompassing our world. True, insects, bacteria, birds, bats, and various other living entities spend varying extents of time in the sky, but there is no known life form that has evolved to live exclusively here, never venturing groundward except to die. There are no sky beasts, or cloud creatures – or are there?

    This is a very long article, but this author has a lot to say on the subject. Hopefully, this article will reach a wider audience than ufologists, and hopefully a few more will see a new cosmic perspective that a huge variety of lifeforms are everywhere to be found.

    Court decision: German parliament must give access to secret UFO-report
    grenz|wissenschaft-aktuell, 1st December 2011
    Berlin / Germany - The Administrative Court of Berlin has decided that the German parliament, the "Deutsche Bundestag", has to give access to a so far secret official report compiled by the "Scientific Research Service of the German parliament" on demand of delegates on the question on the government's knowledge and studies about UFOs and extraterrestrial life. [...]

    As part of the worldwide Disclosure and Exopolitic-movement, "Exopolitic Germany" ( is pursuing the release of reportedly secret knowledge and information by governments, military and intelligence services. In an interview with the German online newsmagazine on the paranormal and edge-science "Grenzwissenschaft-Aktuell" (, Robert Fleischer, who is the coordinator of "Exopolitic Germany", commented on the court's decision as follows: "The decision represents a first step in the direction of a true freedom of information - also in Germany. I am optimistic that following decisions will follow the current decision. Sooner or later also the German government has to tell the truth about its knowledge about UFOs. 19 other countries have done this already. Such a step would also be important to avoid useless speculations and conspiracy theories about this question."

    This is an update.

    Montco residents report Black Friday UFOs, 1st December 2011
    Still, there were three reports of unidentified flying objects reported to the county's emergency communications center that evening. The first report came into a 911 dispatcher at 6:06 p.m. from a caller in Upper Moreland.

    The caller told the dispatcher that he and other family members had spotted three "fireball like objects," about 1 foot in diameter and about 300 feet off the ground, traveling slowly across the sky in a northerly direction. Police responded but were unable to find anything similar.

    At about 7:20 p.m., two calls came into the emergency call center from Lower Providence residents. Both callers reported seeing eight to 12 red or orange lights traveling in what appeared to be some type of formation at about 1,000 feet off the ground and moving slowly in a northerly direction. Again, when police responded, the lights were gone.

    There are a lot of reports at the moment, especially from the United States. The orbs and UAPs are not going away and the number of sightings is just going up and up. Lots of traffic.

    Unusual UFO with four pink lights documented over Maspeth, Queens NY [video]
    Unexplained Phenomena Examiner, 29th November 2011
    "On Sunday, November 27, 2011, a large UFO with four bright pink lights was spotted over Maspeth, Queens NY. A 44-year-old resident of the United States spotted the unidentified flying object at 5:30 a.m. as he was beginning his work day."

    Light formation over Pennsylvania spotted from two locations
    UFO Examiner, 30th November 2011
    "A group of Trooper, PA, witnesses report watching between "8 and 12 lights flying in formation at what appeared to be 500 to 1,000 feet," according to November 29, 2011, testimony from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database."

    Ohio brothers report 'fireball-like object' over Lakewood
    UFO Examiner, 30th November 2011
    "Two Lakewood, OH, brothers report watching a "fireball-like object" traveling south to north about 7:27 p.m. on November 29, 2011, that appeared to move intelligently, according to testimony from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database."

    UFO hovered 100 feet over wooded California area: Witnesses flee
    UFO Examiner, 30th November 2011

    NASA's Swift Finds a Gamma-Ray Burst With a Dual Personality
    NASA Science News, 30th November 2011
    WASHINGTON -- A peculiar cosmic explosion first detected by NASA's Swift observatory on Christmas Day 2010 was caused either by a novel type of supernova located billions of light-years away or an unusual collision much closer to home, within our own galaxy. Papers describing both interpretations appear in the Dec. 1 issue of the journal Nature. [...]

    The Christmas burst, also known as GRB 101225A, was discovered in the constellation Andromeda by Swift's Burst Alert Telescope at 1:38 p.m. EST on Dec. 25, 2010. The gamma-ray emission lasted at least 28 minutes, which is unusually long. Follow-up observations of the burst's afterglow by the Hubble Space Telescope and ground-based observatories were unable to determine the object's distance.

    Another strange cosmic event described here with "exotic scenarios"... What I can't understand is astronomers with such wildly different interpretations, one group thinks this burst was a relatively close 10,000 light years away and another thinks it's 5.5 billion light-years away... The explanations are incredible... or is that just not credible?

    Christmas burst reveals neutron star collision
    Los Alamos National Laboratory News, 1st December 2011
    Here we are told: "the neutron star transformed into a black hole and the jet of gamma rays blasted outward, it struck the shell of the old star’s gas envelope..." Well, all I can say is that I think this is some serious guesswork...

    Why Does Evolution Allow Some People to Taste Words?
    Neural tangling called synesthesia may have creative benefits, experts say.
    National Geographic, 23rd November 2011
    Over the past 30 years, though, a growing body of evidence has shown that synesthesia has a physical basis—for example, the brains of synesthetes are wired differently, and the condition is highly heritable, which indicates there is a genetic component.

    In fact, the study authors think it's possible such a strange phenomenon has survived in an evolutionary sense because it offers people certain benefits to creative thinking. "Ninety-five to ninety-nine percent of synesthetes love their synesthesia and say it enhances their lives," Brang said. [...]

    Today scientists have tools that allow them to probe the brain in ways that were impossible 200—or even 10—years ago. (See "'Brainbows' Illuminate the Mind's Wiring.") One such tool is a type of brain scan called DTI, short for diffusion tensor imaging, which lets scientists see the connections between different brain regions. "We can see that there's increased connections in synesthetes between the associated [senses]," Brang said.

    Visualizing these connections between sensory brain regions could help explain why certain forms of synesthesia exist and why the condition tends to be unidirectional—for example, numbers can evoke colors but colors don't typically evoke numbers. Such studies could also help test an idea proposed by some scientists that all humans have the neural mechanism for synesthesia but it's suppressed for some reason. [...]

    Studies today indicate that synesthesia is about seven times more common in artists, poets, and novelists than in the rest of the population, and some scientists have hypothesized that synesthetes are better at linking unrelated ideas. "We worked with a novelist years ago who swore that her synesthesia helped her pick metaphors," Brang said. "She said she would know what color a word should be even before she knew what the word was."

    Wow... this article is actually calling synesthesia an evolutionary change which means the mainstream media are getting the message... I think this is a BIG DEAL.... After all the talk of DNA upgrades in the metaphysical community (which is what a few in the metaphysical community have related to the arrival of 'light codes' but I have realised is the arrival of viruses that update DNA), real measurable evolution has been taking hold in vast swathes of the population over the last 30 or so years and the metaphysical commmunity seem to have missed it... I first started to suspect that certain metaphysical leaders did not have much real interest in evolution when I kept reading stuff about Indigo children, like this was the only evolution we could expect and I knew somehow this was wrong... again, it seems my intuition was right... As a researcher, I realised that my synesthesia played a major part in why I could clearly see things that others could not and it was a major source of frustration. People just don't see what I think is completely obvious and this irritates me, even more so when people are highly qualified. I have realised this is not just about intelligence, people's minds are simply not wired and they can't link things up in their mind, even if they know the individual pieces of information. The fact that even the mainstream media are acknowledging that widespread evolution is taking place, has to be then considered alongside all the tremendous efforts out there to STOP people evolving... This is awesome news...

    “hide the decline” – worse than we thought
    WUWT, 30th November 2011
    He writes now in Hide-the-Decline Plus

    Indeed, they did not simply “hide the decline”, their “hide the decline” was worse than we thought. Mann et al did not merely delete data after 1960, they deleted data from 1940 on, You can see the last point of the Briffa reconstruction (located at ~1940) peeking from behind the spaghetti in the graphic below:

    This is Update 52. on the Climategate II updates list and it was described as a BOMBSHELL by Anthony Watts., I have only included it for completeness so that people can appreciate the level of scientific fraud that has been perpetrated. However, there has been so much fraud, that for those following this saga it must be difficult to get anymore outraged... Note: In the graphic, there is a black arrow pointing to an orange squiggle on the graph that can be just seen where it stops and that is where data has been chopped out from 1940. This data was removed so that the overall plot shows a wonderful uptick in temperatures (The Hockey Stick) which is completely false. This is the NEW but worse 'Hide the Decline'.

    Steve McIntyre on the Bolt report [Video]
    WUWT, 1st December 2011
    "Andrew Bolt interview with Steve McIntyre from the Climate Audit blog, who exposed the infamous “hockey stick”, talking about the leaked emails that expose the warming scare."

    2004: Warmist Phil Jones on alarmist Pentagon report: "[it] makes the skeptics seem reasonable!...The climate scenario is ludicrous"; Tom Wigley: The Day After Tomorrow was "crap", but "better than the Pentagon report", 30th November 2011
    The mind boggles after reading some of these emails...

    Priceless ClimateGate email 682: Tom Wigley tells Michael Mann that his son did a tree ring science fair project (using trees behind NCAR) that invalidated the centerpiece of Mann's work, 30th November 2011

    'Heartbeat' of Earth's Atmosphere Detected from Space
    Our Amazing Planet, 29th November 2011
    Lightning flashes in the skies above the Earth about 50 times every second, creating a burst of electromagnetic waves that circle around the planet's atmosphere.

    Some of these waves combine and increase in strength, creating something akin to an atmospheric heartbeat that scientists can detect from the ground and use to better understand the makeup of the atmosphere and the weather it generates.

    For the first time, scientists have detected this heartbeat — called the Schumann resonance — from space.

    As this wave flows around Earth, it hits itself again at the perfect spot such that the crests and troughs are aligned, causing the waves to act in resonance and pump up the original signal. [...]

    While models suggest that the resonances should be trapped under the ionosphere, energy has been known to leak through. The findings meant the models will need to be tweaked to account for the leaky boundary, and also that there is a new tool for understanding the ionosphere as well as the electric events in the atmosphere.

    I will need to check this out properly. Some New Age authors have tried to claim that the Schumann Resonance has increased dramatically and they have been universally derided due to the lack of evidence. HOWEVER, the Schumann Resonance is traditionally measured between the ground and a layer of Earth's atmosphere called the ionosphere. So now they are talking about tweaking models? I actually wondering whether we are being told something has changed... Curiously, one respected metaphysical source stated that there had been changes associated with the Schumann Resonance between the ground and the TOP of the ionopshere and I noted this in my book, but I could not find any scientific proof. Hence, this is the first mention of a change documented by scientists that I have come across in 6 years... It is a fact that astronauts on the ISS previously got sick because there was no Schumann Resonance and it had to be artificially produced, so the fact it can now be detected around Earth is quite interesting and some relevant questions need to be asked.... Well, I wrote in my book that the Schumann Resonance was being pumped up by the Equatorial electrojet and that every brain on the planet was being affected by signals that were at least 3 times stronger than before the arrival of the electroject, so it's interesting that a different suggestion is being given for pumped up signals. Whatever, I personally thought this was major news...

    'UFOs' Disrupting Search for 'God Particle'
    Yahoo News, 28th November 2011
    Physicists working at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), a particle accelerator at CERN Laboratory in Switzerland, are trying to slam particles together hard enough to break them into never-before-seen pieces, which could solve some of the biggest puzzles in nature.

    But UFOs — unidentified falling objects, that is — keep getting in their way. [...]

    However, since last year, something has been fluttering in the way of the proton beams and dampening the force of their blows, the physicists say. These "UFOs" aren't from outer space — they're probably microscopic dust particles of unknown origin — but they're still mysterious, and while they're around, the prize goodies will likely remain stashed.

    UFOs are "one of the major known limitations for the performance of the Large Hadron Collider," wrote Tobias Baer, a physicist working at the LHC, and colleagues in a paper for the recent IPAC2011 conference in San Sebastián, Spain. The researchers have spent the past few months trying to characterize the UFOs, and are devising strategies to get rid of them.

    More than 10,000 possible UFO events — occasions when there were proton-beam losses thought to result from UFOs blocking the protons — were observed between April and August, some so significant that they triggered "beam dumps," where the beam automatically shut down. Many of these events occurred in the electric arc that produces the beam of protons, the researchers wrote. Because the events became more frequent as the intensity of the proton beam increased, they "are expected to be very critical for LHC operation at higher energies."

    How funny.... I think I should make a bet that the 'nuisance' becomes recognised as some Earth shattering new discovery at some point in the future... related to a breakthrough that some solitary scientist has been trying to tell the world about for a good 20, 30 or 40+ years... Yes, I am cynical, but this is how the scientific world works.

    Scientists Behaving Badly
    More nails for the coffin of man-made global warming
    National Review, 28th November 2011
    Global-warming skeptics spend much of their time knocking down the fatuous warmist claim that the science is settled. According to the warmists, this singular piece of settled science is attested to by hundreds or thousands of highly credentialed scientists.

    In truth, virtually the entire warmist edifice is built around a small, tightly knit coterie of persons (one hesitates to refer to folks with so little respect for the scientific method as scientists) willing to falsify data and manipulate findings; or, to put it bluntly, to lie in order to push a political agenda not supported by empirical evidence.

    This is what made the original release of the Climategate e-mails from the Climate Research Unit at the University of East Anglia so valuable. They clearly identified the politicized core of climate watchers who were driving the entire warmist agenda. Following in their footsteps are all the other scientists who built their own research on top of the fraudulent data produced by the warmist core.

    If you want to send an article to a friend that explains what the Climategate II emails reveal, this is the one. After all the Climategate 1 & II emails that I have read and related articles, it is still hard to believe that people trained as scientists would stoop so low. Science is considered by many to require an honest dedication to scientific truth, a type of religion if you like and what these scientists have done is totally sacrilegious.

    Slow-moving UFO seen from Interstate 10 in Northwest Florida raises questions [Video]
    Unexplained Phenomena Examiner, 28th November 2011
    On Friday, November 26, 2011, a traveler on Interstate 10 in Northwest Florida observed an extraordinarily bright UFO through the trees. This unusual sight was captured on the amazing video you see on the left side of this page.

    The video shows nearly three minutes of footage of the UFO. It begins with a shimmering yellow glow partially obscured by branches. As the video progresses, the object seems to be moving slowly until three large bright lights come into view. Unfortunately, the UFO always remains out of focus leaving the viewer without an exact picture of the mysterious object

    "This video was shot at 9.45 pm Nov. 26, 2011 along a wooden section of I-10N in the panhandle of Florida just North of Panama City. When I saw the craft, I jumped out of my truck and began shooting video. This thing fried my camera, but the memory was fine.

    This object was flying low to the ground and was glowing a strange way. Then [it] shot straight up into the sky…What do you think it is?"

    This UFO video is creating quite a stir on YouTube. It has already received thousands of views and scores of comments. Although reaction to the footage has been largely positive, there have been some criticisms mostly centered on the theory that the images may to be a reflection of a boat on water.

    Incredible! I have never seen anything like it.... It looks like energy that is boiling or even roiling (mixture of boiling and rolling), like hot liquid fire. It's interesting some think it is a reflection of a boat on water. Personally, I think that is a stretch, but this might be plasma orbs in the liquid plasma state and similar discriptions of UFO/UAPs have been reported in recent years, described as 'fluid gliding', 'liquid light', 'liquid marble of fire' and 'ripples in a swimming pool', see archives.

    UFO swims 'through the sky like a fish' over Tennessee [video]
    UFO Examiner, 28th November 2011
    "When I was filming this,I thought it was a balloon.....then I watched it and thought it was a bag caught up in the wind...However I'm puzzled by the way it continued to swim through the sky like a fish.....on a linear path untill it disappeared."
    It's a 'critter'...

    UFO Red and white Orbs move erratically in the night sky over Australia [video]
    UFO Examiner, 28th November 2011
    "On Sunday, November 28, 2011, a 33-year-old woman named Alicia witnessed a UFO sighting in Geelong, Victoria, Australia. The Melbourne, Australia native described the sight as an "awesome UFO orb formation" in the description of the video she recorded of the UFOs and subsequently shared on the Internet."
    I am pleased to see an Australian appreciating the efforts of our new cosmic neighbours...

    Coast UFO account baffles experts [Australia]
    Gold Coast, 30th November 2011
    The report shows the objects performed "impossible'' manoeuvres in the sky and would "sparkle'' as they moved through the clouds, creating an "atmospheric phenomenon''.
    The image icon comes from the picture gallery, link. This looks like the beginning of a spiral, two plasmas of opposite polarity doing their thing in the sky which is what ancient people saw and recorded as petroglyphs, stone carvings on rocks. The main thing to understand is this is a sign that Earth's atmosphere has transformed into a high energy plasma environment and this has been seen on this planet before, as plasma physicists have proven.

    Baffling fireball reported overhead
    Mansfield News Journal, 24th November 2011
    LEXINGTON -- A bright fireball in the sky got Rick Beverly's attention at 1:30 a.m. Wednesday. "I was headed north on Graham Road and was right about in front of my house when it happened," said the 1431 Graham Road, Lexington, man. "I was looking toward the east and noticed a big ball of fire fall from the sky. It was cruising."

    Beverly said a red glow lit up a large section of woods behind his home. He thinks the fireball may have landed there. [...]

    Vinson said authorities believe the fireball may have been a meteor. "It burned for about 45 minutes to an hour," Beverly said. The woods are about a quarter of a mile behind his home.

    Beverly's father, Don, said his son pointed the strange phenomenon out to him. "You could see the woods all lit up," he said. "When that first deputy arrived, we could see still the red embers and he took off for it, but it was like it suddenly just disappeared. There was no tree damage, not even a burnt spot.

    This is so much like the UK Rendlesham incident that took place in 1981 that this is uncanny. This is the most famous UFO event in the UK because it involved US & UK military at an American airforce base with nuclear weapons. Events actually took place over 2 nights but in one incident, a bright red orb that looked like an eye was seen hopping about in Rendlesham forest and this object also lit up the forest.... In another incident, an orb (not sure it was the same one) fired at the storage facilities that hosted the nuclear weapons. My theory is that the orbs were brought down by the strong radar (maybe even a combination of aetheric conditions and radar) and then they decided to disarm the nuclear weapons which seems to be something UFOs do routinely (according to military whistleblowers), maybe to make a point... Anyway, there is plenty of information and some good documentaries (History channel, see archives) about this event. This sighting in Lexington is most likely a burning type magnetospheric plasmoid, because fireballs don't burn for 45 minutes and leave no trace.... Really, this is not the usual story of pretty little orbs floating about... Seriously, I think this is more in line with a major UFO event... More reports below:

    UFO activity continues over Lee's Summit, MO
    UFO Examiner, 22nd November 2011
    "The objects were visible to the naked eye and through the camera. The unusual part about this case is that the objects were viewed for approximately 38 hours straight, and many witnesses were involved."
    I don't have time to check on the history of Lee's summit and UFOs, but it sounds like this might be one of those "outdoor laboratories" where orbs & UAPs are known to hang out. Presumably, this place has always had higher levels of aetheric energy so the orbs are easier to see. Of course, now the levels of aetheric energies are rising aross the board, UFOs are being seen all over the place, hence the UFO traffic reports.

    UFO Traffic Report: Tuesday, November 22, 2011
    UFO Examiner, 22nd November 2011
    This is The Greatest Transition in the History of Mankind but most don't know it.

    Thanksgiving UFO: Orange lights reported over 5 states
    UFO Examiner, 25th November 2011
    "Witnesses in five states reported watching orange lights in the sky on Thanksgiving Day that appeared to move in a controlled manner, according to testimony from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database. Six reports were filed in the past 24 hours from Arizona, California, Florida, North Carolina and Utah, all describing one or more orange lights - sometimes appearing as either a fireball or a teardrop shape."
    Well, it seems from the descriptions that people refuse to accept that Americans are celebrating Thanksgiving with Chinese lanterns...

    New Mexico driver reports red-orange UFOs nearly caused accident
    UFO Examiner, 24th November 2011
    "A New Mexico witness eastbound along I-40 about 20 miles west of Albuquerque reports "two very bright red-orange small lights" dropped down quickly out of the dark sky and nearly struck the vehicle at 7:15 p.m., November 21, 2011, according to testimony from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database."
    I consider this to be 'critter' behaviour, see previous comments.

    If Turning On A Kindle Could Crash An Airplane, Wouldn't Terrorists Do It?
    Business Insider, 28th November 2011
    New York Times tech writer Nick Bilton is sick of having to turn off his Kindle and iPad during takeoffs and landings. He hasn't found any proof that they are actually dangerous.

    Neither has the FAA. A spokesman says a 2006 study revealed "there was no evidence saying these devices can’t interfere with a plane, and there was no evidence saying that they can.”

    I think this is a good question. Personally, I think it is useful to maintain the myth of cell phones and electronic gadgets that could cause electromagnetic interference just in case there is a real incident where cosmic rays are suspected. Airlines don't want passengers realising that they are vulnerable to space weather and cosmic radiation even though this is a threat that is growing worse.

    Climategate II More Devastating Than Climategate I
    Strata-sphere, 27th November 2011
    What is important to remember here is that alarmists want to stop humanity’s evolution and industrial progress. The long for a Luddite-like world where humanity has no modern conveniences (conveniences which protect nature from our consumption, trash and biowaste).

    Alarmists want to pick the pockets of the world to fund their naive fictions. Skeptics actually promote a balanced and sane approach to continuing the industrial evolution in a manner that support humanity but protects nature. And they do not do it for $$$. Most of us skeptics do this on our own and without compensation or promise of compensation. So if the average person wants to decide who is truly on their side, remember skeptics don’t want to stop modernizing food production, waste treatment, medicine, housing, transportation, standard of living, etc. It is the alarmists’ who want to limit, stop or undo these things.

    I picked this quote out because people need to understand exactly what world controllers were aiming for in their attempts to run civilisation down into the ground. Quite frankly, maybe some actually want a post apocalyptic society aka Zardoz style.

    Climategate 2.0: Snarking (Part 1) — Top German climate scientist gets OBE for ‘spouting bullsh**’
    Junkscience, 23rd November 2011
    We are reminded here: Is this what a $45 trillion scientific consensus should look like?.

    Climategate 2 email – Rob Wilson replicates McIntyre & McKitrick – produces hockey sticks out of noise
    WUWT, 27th November 2011
    from: edwardcook <REDACTED>
    subject: Re: Emailing: Rob’s Hockey Sticks
    to: “Rob Wilson” <REDACTED>

    Hi Rob,

    You are a masochist. Maybe Tom Melvin has it right: “Controversy about which bull caused mess not relevent. The possibility that the results in all cases were heap of dung has been missed by commentators.



    Comment: People seem to be absolutely stunned by the latest emails, I think this email is probably the best summary.

    More than 100 jailed in China pork scandal
    The Australian, 26th November 2011
    MORE than 100 people, including a dozen Chinese government employees, have been sentenced over chemical-laced pork that caused a food safety scandal earlier this year, state media says.

    One person was given the death penalty.

    An investigation into the safety of pork was launched in March after several farms in central Henan province were found using the fat-burning drug clenbuterol - a banned chemical that makes pork leaner but can be harmful to humans - in pig feed. A subsidiary of Shuanghui Group, China's largest meat processor, was one company selling tainted pork. [...]

    Most were given sentences of three to nine years. The court sentenced 36 pig farmers to probation or jail terms of less than a year.

    Clenbuterol, known in China simply as "lean meat powder," is banned in the country yet stubbornly continues to pop up in the food supply, laced into animal feed by farmers impatient to get their meat to market and turn a profit.

    It can cause nausea, dizziness, headaches and heart palpitations in humans, but pig farmers like to use it because it yields leaner meat, which is more expensive than fatty meat.

    Food safety is a sensitive issue in China following scandals in recent years from deadly infant formula to recycled restaurant oil containing potentially deadly molds.

    Actually, the "recycled restaurant oil containing potentially deadly molds" is oil recovered from the sewers, that had only been strained and then re-sold, the esitmate was 1 in 5 meals were being cooked with this filth.... So, is China starting to crack down on the psychopaths? It is clear this country is facing a cosmic Darwin Award if they can't stop the wilful and disgusting contamination of their environment and food that is generating increasingly high numbers of birth defects and a plethora of weird human disorders.

    Dutch astronaut's cheesy request, 26th November 2011
    Dutch astronaut Andre Kuipers will have a special treat waiting for him in orbit when he arrives in space next month: five kilogrammes of Amsterdam's finest cheese, its maker said Saturday. The 53-year-old Kuipers is due to blast off on board a Soyuz rocket on December 21 with two other astronauts for a five-month-mission on board the International Space Station.

    "Andre is a big fan of our cheese and asked us in a letter to arrange with space authorities to see if we could send up some of his favourite Old Amsterdam," the cheesemaker's spokeswoman Henriette Westland told AFP. "After numerous emails to NASA and the European Space Agency, they agreed to send up around 10 kilogrammes (22 pounds)," she added.

    LOL! For some strange reason I first thought of the cartoon characters Wallace and Gromit... Whatever, I imagine that Andre Kuipers is having withdrawal symptoms...

    Berlin court hearing demands release of secret German UFO report
    grenz|wissenschaft-aktuell, 25th November 2011
    As part of the worldwide Disclosure and Exopolitic-movement, the "German Exopolitic Initiative" ( is pursuing the release of reportedly secret knowledge and information by governments, military and intelligence services. In an interview with the German online newsmagazine on the paranormal and edge science "Grenzwissenschaft-Aktuell" ( the coordinator of Exopolitc Germany, Robert Fleischer, commented on the fact that the Bundestag is withholding the paper, even while facing a court hearing, as follows: "The refusal of the German parliament to publish the report is even more strange and questionable as you can find and download nearly all other such reports, compiled by the 'scientific research service of the German parliament' when it comes to a whole range of other topics, at the website of the service ( The fact that the release and publication of such an report dealing with questions about UFOs and extraterrestrial life is not only denied but also fought at court with reference to the protection of the intellectual property rights, does not really make sense – or does it?" In fact: What is known about the conclusion of the secret paper is the fact that also the scientific research service of the German parliament this the very same and claims is is "more than likely that also official German authorities and Departments dealt with this questions".

    It does make you wonder why the German government are fighting when other governments around the world have opened up their archives. The UK government have released some important previously top secret reports and ufologists refuse to accept what they have to say. So, do the German government think that German ufologists are more educated and will understand what most UFO sightings are really about? Are there some cases that actually provide the proof of what ufologists are actually looking for? Either scenario can't be discounted, because even after opening up UFO archives, it's still doubtful whether the public has been told the full story up until now.

    125 Orange Spheres Flew in Waves Toward Lee's Summit, Mo.
    Earthfiles, 23rd November 2011
    “A large red-orange ball would come, it would rise in the air and split into five or six smaller orange orbs. This happened every two minutes for a half-hour!”

    - Richard Vick, Insurance Agent, Kansas City, Missouri
    November 23, 2011 Kansas City, Missouri - On June 14, 2011, independent insurance agent Richard Vick, 64, was driving home from a late meeting about 9:30 PM. Richard was traveling in the southbound lane of Missouri I-435 near Gregory Blvd., which is 71st Street. There was a dark, low, overcast sky and the night temperature was hot, about 90 degrees Fahrenheit. In the dark sky on his left, half a dozen orange-red small spheres appeared moving southeast towards Lee's Summit.

    These reports never stay around for very long so download quick to keep. Linda Moulton Howe always does decent reports even though after years of investigating UFOs, she does not seem to appreciate the true nature of the phenomena. The talk of these orbs on a "monitoring mission" is like saying a swarm of bees are on a mission monitoring humans. When will ufologists get it that most of these orbs and UAPs are not that interested in humans?!?

    Space Weather: RADIATION STORM AND CME ALERT!, 26th November 2011

    (In this NASA Enlil spaceweather prediction model, the Yellow dot is Earth. You can click the image here to access the animation.)

    RADIATION STORM AND CME ALERT: A solar radiation storm is in progress around Earth. At the moment, the storm is classified as minor, which means it has little effect on Earth other than to disturb HF radio transmissions at high latitudes. Energetic protons, which make up the bulk of the storm, were accelerated in our direction earlier today by shock waves in a CME racing away from the sun at about 1000 km/s (2.2 million mph). According to analysts at the Goddard Space Weather Lab, the CME itself will reach Earth on Nov. 28th around 14:23 UT (+/- 7 hours). The cloud could triggger geomagnetic storms when it arrives on Monday.

    The CME looks big enough to scare a few (the Earth-Mars distance is currently about 69 million km but the CME will expand to hit us first and then Mars). The extended proton storm does not make any sense, we are not at solar minimum or are we? Presumably this will ionise the ionosphere to make a difference when the CME finally arrives. For those who don't appreciate the point of watching CMEs, the general public in the US and UK have been warned that governments we are now playing Russian roulette with the Sun. Despite the new space probes monitoring the sun, we don't know what might happen until about 45 minutes before the CME arrival at Earth, when the CME hits the ACE satellite and measurements can be taken that indicate what we can expect. Hence, the NOAA predictions of (+/- 7 hours) are not really that helpful... These details are from

    Bright CME / Minor Radiation Storm Continues
    11/26/2011 by Kevin VE3EN at 22:00 UTC

    Bright CME / S1 Minor Radiation Storm:
    Early this morning on Saturday, a solar filament exploded in the northwest quadrant, causing a bright Coronal Mass Ejection. The image below is captured by Lasco C2 and in the new STEREO Ahead COR2 images, it does appear that most of the explosion was directed to the west and not towards Earth. The proton levels reached the S1 Minor Radiation Storm threshold and currently remain above that level.

    EXTENDED WARNING: Proton 10MeV Integral Flux above 10pfu expected
    Extension to Serial Number: 332
    Valid From: 2011 Nov 26 1120 UTC
    Now Valid Until: 2011 Nov 27 1200 UTC
    Warning Condition: Persistence
    Predicted NOAA Scale: S1 - Minor

    Filament Eruption + CME (Nov 26, 2011)
    YouTube, 26th November 2011
    "Early this morning on Saturday Nov 26, 2011, a solar filament exploded near the western limb causing a bright and full halo Coronal Mass Ejection. It did cause a minor radiation storm. It appears that the blast was directed to the west and not towards earth."
    I don't agree this is a full halo CME and the Enlil simulation (see above) does not tell that story either.

    SOLAR ACTIVITY UPDATE: A Minor Radiation Storm is in Progress (Nov 26th, 2011).
    YouTube, 26th November 2011
    "RADIATION STORM: A minor radiation storm is in progress. The protons making up this storm were accelerated toward Earth by shock waves in a CME that left the sun around 0700 UT on Nov. 26th. This event could have an effect on high-latitude HF radio communication."
    This has been added because the video has a geat sound track and adds to the dramatic effect with the display of sunspot regions, flares and CMEs...

    Update: Space Weather: Minor CME Impact!, 29th November 2011

    CME IMPACT: As predicted by analysts at the Goddard Space Weather Lab, a coronal mass ejection (CME) hit Earth's magnetic field at approximately 2145 UT on Nov. 28th. The impact was weaker than expected, but it still produced bright auroras around the Arctic Circle:

    Wacky conspiracy theorist David Icke cashes in from world tour and booming book business
    Daily Mail, 25th November 2011
    He claims he's the son of God and that the world is run by invisible aliens.

    Moreover he contends the Queen and most of the world's leaders are the result of humans breeding with reptiles who live inside the moon which is actually a giant spacecraft.

    But when it comes to cashing in on his wacky ideas, former sports journalist and all round oddball David Icke has proved he's far from crazy. [...]

    The self-obsessed polygamist, who believes he can talk to hills, received a standing ovation despite claiming that 9/11 was an inside job and that Barack Obama is a reptile

    Please no email asking me about David Icke... I am NOT a fan but even I think this is a 'hit' piece. I suppose the real fear is that 'normal' intelligent people will see through some claims as being exaggerated and that he is really characterising certain people as psychopaths for which there is plenty of evidence... He mixes quality other people's research with crap [??? I watched the documentary linked below that suggests that Icke heavily relied on the work of others and some of it really has no credibility, but some people do rate Jordan Maxwell's research that is also, apparently, incorporated], it's a formula used by many because it attracts people who like controversy... People are sick of the Elite and so are attracted to someone brave or stupid enough to give them the dirt on these people, it seems absolutely obvious to me... Being a fan of David Icke is the ultimate act of rebellion, he acts like a meter, guaging the p#ssed-off factor.... So, what's this about him being a polgamist? I know he has separated/divorced from his ex-wife Pam but that's quite normal these day, but polgamy? Er, the Daily Mail were being kind, The Sun really goes for it... Pictures of the Queen and everything.... hellfire... There is stuff about his relationships and I think the description of polygamist is probably accurate enough for most people... Get on yer bike, David Icke . As I keep saying, crap sells as long as it is mixed with a bit of truth... Apparently, that is what most people want and there is plenty of evidence that this is a winning formula, perfect for those who don't have much in the way of integrity...

    David Icke Debunked (Full Movie)
    YouTube, 28th March 2010
    I found this 2:27:14 documentary a jaw-dropper.... Obviously it's only one person's perspective but the book quotes and interviews with David Icke are eye-opening...

    Climategate scientists DID collude with government officials to hide research that didn't fit their apocalyptic global warming
    Daily Mail, 25th November 2011

    * 5,000 leaked emails reveal scientists deleted evidence that cast doubt on claims climate change was man-made
    * Experts were under orders from US and UK officials to come up with a 'strong message'
    * Critics claim: 'The stink of intellectual corruption is overpowering'
    * Scientist asks, 'What if they find that climate change is a natural fluctuation? They'll kill us all'

    More than 5,000 documents have been leaked online purporting to be the correspondence of climate scientists at the University of East Anglia who were previously accused of ‘massaging’ evidence of man-made climate change.

    Following on from the original 'climategate' emails of 2009, the new package appears to show systematic suppression of evidence, and even publication of reports that scientists knew to to be based on flawed approaches. [...]

    Clive Crook, a commentator for the Atlantic, who described the earlier inquiries into the Climategate emails as 'ineffectual' and 'mealy mouthed', reportedly said, 'The closed-mindedness of these supposed men of science, their willingness to go to any lengths to defend a preconceived message, is surprising even to me.

    'The stink of intellectual corruption is overpowering.'

    There are times when I wonder whether the Daily Mail is even mainstream, but I think it is safe to say that the Daily Mail has decided to at least try and keep up with what is in the blogosphere to maintain marketshare and that is why they are prepared to at least provide some truth.... As you will note from the latest revelations below, (ho ho) this level of impartial coverage will not come from the BBC who have investments to think about.

    BBC’s Kirby admission to Phil Jones on “impartiality”
    WUWT, 24th November 2011
    “Alex Kirby”--“But we are constantly being savaged by the loonies for not giving them any coverage at all, especially as you say with the COP in the offing, and being the objective impartial (ho ho) BBC that we are, there is an expectation in some quarters that we will every now and then let them say something. I hope though that the weight of our coverage makes it clear that we think they are talking through their hats.“

    Climate Scientists (Phil Jones again) colluding with the BBC correspondent Alex Kirby, who joked about BBC impartiality (ho ho). But according to the comments here there is a major reason -- BBC pension money.
    Anton says: November 24, 2011 at 1:59 pm

    "The BBC has five billion in retirement funds invested in carbon trading. Five BILLION. There is no way on Earth it’s going to report anything that might endanger its investment. If global warming panic fades away, so does the value of its stocks. Bye bye, BBC retirement accounts…."
    This is extremely damaging for the BBC but it explains why there has been a bias in the reporting despite the fact that global warming does not exist, it's a fallacy as climate scientists keep admitting in these Climategate emails.

    Mexico acknowledges 2nd Mayan reference to 2012
    Yahoo News, 25th November 2011
    MEXICO CITY (AP) — Mexico's archaeology institute downplays theories that the ancient Mayas predicted some sort of apocalypse would occur in 2012, but on Thursday it acknowledged that a second reference to the date exists on a carved fragment found at a southern Mexico ruin site.

    Most experts had cited only one surviving reference to the date in Mayan glyphs, a stone tablet from the Tortuguero site in the Gulf coast state of Tabasco.

    But the National Institute of Anthropology and History said in a statement that there is in fact another apparent reference to the date at the nearby Comalcalco ruin. The inscription is on the carved or molded face of a brick. Comalcalco is unusual among Mayan temples in that it was constructed of bricks. [...]

    However, erosion and a crack in the stone make the end of the passage almost illegible, though some read the last eroded glyphs as perhaps saying, "He will descend from the sky." [...]

    The institute's experts say the Mayas saw time as a series of cycles that began and ended with regularity, but with nothing apocalyptic at the end of a given cycle.

    Hmmmm.... Another ancient message with the theme of something or someone coming from the sky associated with astronomical cycles... Modern Mayan Elders have been going around the world telling people what to expect (Age of the Ether), but most simply did not know enough to see the connection with Space Weather which is more than obvious now. Anyway, just think of all the ancient documents lying around deteriorating in museums that might reveal useful information. I have read that some researchers have picked up ancient texts thrown in the rubbish after being stolen from South America and taken back to Europe. When you understand what is facing our world, it is sickening that the academic community are still so oblivious to what this is really all about.

    Not Photoshopped: Beam of Light Shines on Fallen Soldier’s Miracle Dog
    ABC News, 24th November 2011
    Reported by ABC News’ Kimberly Launier:

    It was an overcast day in Newport, N.H., when a simple “20/20? shoot turned into something that made me wonder about life after death.

    I was filming soldier Justin Rollin’s parents Skip and Rhonda playing with their dog Hero, whose rescue from the Iraq War zone where Justin died was nothing short of a miracle.

    What are the orbs doing in this beam of light? In fact, this seems a very strange beam of light even without the orbs...

    Time to Test Corporate Leaders to Weed out Psychopaths
    The Yee, 24th November 2011
    Psychopathy should not be confused with insanity. It is best described by Robert Hare, global expert and psychologist, as "emotional deafness" -- a biochemical inability to experience normal feelings of empathy for others.

    This shark-like fixation on self-interest means that psychopaths often feel a clear detachment from other people, viewing them more as sheep to be preyed upon than fellow humans to relate to. For instance, psychopaths in prison often use group therapy sessions not as a healing process, but as an opportunity to learn how to simulate normal human emotions.

    This is a good read. Due to my own experiences, once I got over the shock which took a few years, I have started to be quite fascinated with the whole concept of psychopaths. I don't believe testing for them is the answer, but from my experience there seems to be three types that I can detect through my abilities. There are 1. the 'cold' type, just being in their presence or even over the phone the air literally chills.... 2. the 'snake' type, where there is a strong sense that you are dealing with someone who is 'slippery', it's hard to describe really and 3. the 'robot' no empathy type, these can sometimes appear normal but give themselves away by their actions. It's the last type that are the most dangerous because sometimes, great efforts are required to detect them and if you give them too much rope, they will hang you... I note in this article about psychopaths automatically assuming people are stupid sheep which for me is a major give away. The other give away is the 'bad' actors. Not that long ago, I would wonder why people were acting, but not any more. Anyway, since I have discovered that spiritual psychopaths are very interested in replicating themselves and creating mini-me psychopaths, I feel that I got a little closer to the truth of what is happening in the Cultic Milieu. For some time now, I have been calling people repeaters because when you spoke to them they were clearly not feeling or thinking, but just reciting something they had learned... It puzzled me for quite some time, but after further research, I realise these are the mini-mes. I now think most are not true psychopaths and are recoverable... In fact, I have even started to think that one particular person hated me because I did not replicate like I was suppose to... Oh yes, I count that as a triumph!

    "War of the World Lights"
    Mystery in Bridgewater: What caused strange glowing lights in the sky? [New Jersey, US] News, 23rd November 2011
    BRIDGEWATER — It may have looked like an out-of-this-world blast, but authorities say a mysterious glow that lit up the early-morning sky in Bridgewater today was no cause for alarm.

    Some county and Bridgewater officials believe that transformer fires caused by heavy rain may have played a part in the freakish light show, although they had no definitive answers about the source of the lights.

    Shortly after midnight, several Bridgewater residents reported seeing a pulsating glow in the distance that changed colors, similar to the aurora borealis. They said the lights appeared to come from the northern part of the township.

    "The sky lit up like pure daylight," said 87-year-old Joseph Wing, who lives on Foothill Road. "This was unlike anything I’ve ever seen."

    Luckily, there is some great video, but you will have to excuse the bad language from shocked residents because we are back to what has been loosely explained as transformers exploding aka Fort Worth style with the sky glowing all sorts of different colours, see archives. I changed the headline because I think it's time more people start to take what is happening to our world much more seriously.

    Strange, Colored Lights Illuminate the New Jersey Sky - Up Close - Nov. 23, 2011
    YouTube, 23rd November 2011
    This is a collection of at least 3 videos --- simply incredible...

    CRU’s Dr. Phil Jones, world renowned climatologist, can’t even plot a trend in Excel
    WUWT, 24th November 2011
    Over at Climate Audit, Steve McIntyre writes:
    Phil Jones spends much of his time looking down his nose at the heathen, but then confesses to Bob Ward that he is unable to calculate a trend on his own, as in this hilarious exchange at Bishop Hill:
  • I’m not adept enough (totally inept) with excel to do this now as no-one who knows how to is here.
  • Nor it seems in Matlab, R, ODL, Fortran or any other language. No wonder that he regarded someone who could calculate principal components (like Mann) as a sort of computational prodigy. Last year, Phil was ranked one of England’s top 100 scientists. Just imagine the ranking that he could have achieved if he knew how to calculate a trend by himself. [Frightening]

    This is an entry for my junk science archive... Phil Jones is a climate science professor and he can't work out how to use Microsoft Excel... I like this comment which sums up the mentality of these scientists and the shame they have brought down on climate science.
    Stonyground says: November 24, 2011 at 11:38 am

    The interesting thing that I took from this email exchange was not the fact that Phil Jones can’t work Excel but the fact that they were discussing how to refute an article that they were describing as rubbish while at the same time admitting to each other that the content of the article was correct. This rubbish article is putting about the ridiculous claim that there has been no significant warming since 1998, can we come up with a rebuttal? Any ideas? Er…seeing as there has been no significant warming since 1998, I’m not really sure how we can refute an article that says that there has been no significant warming since 1998. What kind of mindset wants to refute an article that they privately admit is correct?
    Actually, this reinforces the notion that in certain types of academia or technical businesses, some people who are considered likeable/useful idiots, are promoted into leadership roles to stop them doing any serious harm, but in the case of Phil Jones this has not worked.
    • World Bank, Global Warming, Journals, and CRU
      WUWT, 24th November 2011
      Gail Combs writes in comments: Oh, BOY ~ I think I may have struck GOLD!

      At I searched for and found 32 e-mails going back as far as 1998. I have only looked at three so far. Looks like the good old World Bank may be something of a puppet master.

      Once you realise the whole 'system' is corrupt and start working out how it is done to make it look like god-fearing officialdom to the simpletons, then this kind of revelation is no surprise. BUT, I am still surprised that blatantly corrupt climate scientists were working directly with world bank officials and there does not seem to be much in the way of a middleman to at least make an attempt of hiding the trail. This is really quite serious.

    Russia's Mars probe starts making regular contact
    European Space Agency helps Moscow try to salvage stranded Phobos-Grunt mission
    MSNBC News, 24th November 2011
    The European Space Agency reported Wednesday that a ground station in Australia has made repeated contacts with Russia's Phobos-Grunt probe, two weeks after a mysterious post-launch glitch.

    The reports sparked a growing glimmer of hope for a mission that seemed as good as dead a day earlier. The $170 million Phobos-Grunt ("Phobos-Soil") mission was designed to land on Phobos, the larger of Mars' two moons, scoop up a soil sample and return it to Earth. The spacecraft is also carrying China's first interplanetary probe, Yinghuo 1, which is supposed to be dropped off in Martian orbit.

    Never give up. Never surrender! Sorry I could not resist that one...

    Mystical Udumbara Flower Spotted in California Backyard
    Epoch Times, 16th November 2011
    The legendary Udumbara flower, described in Buddhist sutras, was spotted blooming in a La Puente, Calif., backyard by a Buddhist follower at the end of October. The tiny white blossom is said to appear only about every 3,000 years, heralding the appearance of a holy person on earth.

    Tony Fu, a devoted Buddhist originally from Taiwan, said that since he began to study the Buddhist scriptures in 2000, he occasionally hears objects around him talking to him, a phenomenon in keeping with the Buddhist faith.

    Hmmmm.... I don't know if this is a genuine story... but the legends surrounding the Udumbara flower are quite interesting when they are taken in context with other beliefs around the world that there are times when there is a downpour of celestial energies. (The belief in a holy person like the Return of The Cosmic Christ, Maitreya, Planetary Buddha etc, implies that we are really talking about a level of divine energy, that has been anthropomorphised for the simple folk.) The evidence shows these downpours do come every few thousand years and then there are major hits every 13,000 and 26,000 years [LaViolette, Earth Under fire, 1997, 2005]. The Russians have provided us with some interesting data because when they built huge pyramids around Moscow, (the geometry acts as a perfect receiver and transmitter of celestial energies and provides a balancing function), then previously EXTINCT plants reappeared, indicating that the concentration of certain types of energies does transform the environment.

    Humans became human because of viruses
    Pravda News, 1st November 2011
    Why do human beings and chimpanzees have the identical genome in spite of the fact that we are completely different creatures in our nature? Such a difference can not be based on mutations. Scientists have recently unveiled the mystery. It turned out that it all happened because of the viruses.

    It is an open secret that human beings and chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) are close relatives in spite of the fact that they differ from each other greatly. Chimpanzees possess reasonable thinking, the skills for making labor tools, and the abilities for creating human-like languages. All of those abilities are embryonic. To put it otherwise, the predecessors of these two species had the same potential in the beginning of their evolution. Human beings managed to develop that potential, whereas chimpanzees could not. [...]

    It just so happens that the difference between the human being and the chimpanzee did not occur because of mutations. It occurred because of the viruses that travel across the genome. The viruses changed the work of the genes and led to the differences between the appearance and the physiology of the closely related species.

    It is not ruled out that humans look human, walk human and do many other human-like things owing to viruses. Those viruses penetrated into the genome of the mammals in the very beginning of their evolution. Their descendants subsequently provided the appearance of the only form of reasonable life on our planet.

    This is of great interest to me.... In a meditative state (and believe me I am not a great meditator but stuff happens as they say), I saw something appear infront of me and I had no idea what it was until I saw a picture online of a virus, (I am no biologist, so the fact I saw what I saw still amazes me...) The fact that viruses are associated with evolution is interesting because of many different reports about what is taking place on this planet right now... Anyway, until my own personal insight, I had always thought viruses were something bad, but now I realise that my perspective was coloured by beliefs that simply cannot be justified. The fact the Russians are telling us that viruses modify DNA and cause evolution is something I had come to realise in the last few years and that is why I am pleased to find this report as confirmation.

    Neurosurgeon Dr. Eben Alexander’s Near-Death Experience Defies Medical Model of Consciousness
    Skeptico, 22nd November 2011
    Today we welcome Dr. Eben Alexander to Skeptiko. Dr. Alexander has been an academic neurosurgeon for more than 25 years, including 15 years at Harvard Medical School in Boston. In November of 2008, he had a near-death experience that changed his life and caused him to rethink everything he thought he knew about the human brain and consciousness. [...]

    Dr. Eben Alexander: What I think is going to happen is that science and spirituality, which will be mainly be an acknowledgement of the profound nature of our consciousness, will grow closer and closer together.

    One thing that we will have to let go of is this kind of addiction to simplistic, primitive reductive materialism because there’s really no way that I can see a reductive materialist model coming remotely in the right ballpark to explain what we really know about consciousness now.

    Coming from a neurosurgeon who, before my coma, thought I was quite certain how the brain and the mind interacted and it was clear to me that there were many things I could do or see done on my patients and it would eliminate consciousness. It was very clear in that realm that the brain gives you consciousness and everything else and when the brain dies there goes consciousness, soul, mind—it’s all gone. And it was clear.

    Now, having been through my coma, I can tell you that’s exactly wrong and that in fact the mind and consciousness are independent of the brain. It’s very hard to explain that, certainly if you’re limiting yourself to that reductive materialist view.

    I think this is quite an amazing interview because this is a neuroscientist who really did not believe the whole NDE paradigm until he had his own experience. I suppose this is a clash of theoretical beliefs with technical knowledge versus real experience. However, I still can't deny my own feelings that I don't think you need to be nearly dead to have these types of experiences. I have had 'stuff happening' all my life. Maybe it's mild in comparison but I know that there are other realities and stuff is happening all around us that we can't normally see but every now and there are glimpses...

    Incredible UFOs Burn Over Russia? 2011
    YouTube, 22nd November 2011
    Unverified) Two comet like UFOs blazed a trail over the skies of Adygeysk, Russia, November 2011. Objects obviously under intelligent control, only question is, what are they? Will update when i have more info. "No comments allowed until i verify". As always you decide.

    It's a long time since we have seen one of these super pyrotechnic type UFOs.... this is described as two comet like UFOs but it actually spilts into at least 4 comets during the sky display. In the archives, I have saved references to lots of reports of objects that appear to be burning with bits falling off, even over cities, but they they are classified as UFOs and not meteors because 1. objects are often not travelling at great speeds, 2. objects are often quite large and nearby 3. objects are travelling horizontally and don't seem to be any hurry to crash. Some of these reports I have joked about as the galactic delivery service because large objects are seen dropping off little lights and then move on. So far, I have not seen one report that even attempts to explain what is going on, but strange stuff is happening day after day after day all over the planet.

    Climategate 2.0: New E-Mails Rock The Global Warming Debate
    Forbes, 23rd November 2011
    A new batch of 5,000 emails among scientists central to the assertion that humans are causing a global warming crisis were anonymously released to the public yesterday, igniting a new firestorm of controversy nearly two years to the day after similar emails ignited the Climategate scandal.

    Three themes are emerging from the newly released emails: (1) prominent scientists central to the global warming debate are taking measures to conceal rather than disseminate underlying data and discussions; (2) these scientists view global warming as a political “cause” rather than a balanced scientific inquiry and (3) many of these scientists frankly admit to each other that much of the science is weak and dependent on deliberate manipulation of facts and data.

    The mainstream are putting the final nails in the AGW coffin... The prominent climate skeptic Marc Morano, who runs the popular Climate Depot website must, be enjoying himself enormously at the moment. Climate Depot with the help of Junk Science have generated a top 20 list Climategate 2.0: Read 20 'Juicy' emails - 'They validate EVERYTHING the skeptics have been saying' . This comment is funny: '
    "This message will self destruct in 10 seconds! Cheers Phil Prof. Phil Jones Climatic Research Unit". The following email has troubled me:

    That’s one God didn’t answer.

    From the Climategate 2.0 collection, IPCC co-chair John Houghton gets spiritual:

    [...] we dont take seriously enough our God-given responsibility to care for the Earth [...] 500 million people are expected to watch The Day After Tomorrow. We must pray that they pick up that message.

    Or maybe God did answer Houghton’s prayer with Climategate 2.0.

    Comment: I am highlighting this particular email because I am puzzled by the fact this movie was known by a few priviledged insiders to be designed to send a message to 500 million people. Who knew?

    Fukushima Worker: Nothing left we can do — Zero plan/idea how to manage leaking reactors — Tepco begins reducing # of workers
    Energy News, 23rd November 2011

    Fukushima worker confesses “There is nothing left that we could do”, Fukushima Diary by Mochizuki, November 23, 2011 (Emphasis Added):

    This Fukushima worker (Twitter account Happy20790) tweets useful information daily. [...]

    In short, he says Tepco started reducing the number of workers because they can not do anything for the reactors anymore. [...]

    He explains, the next thing to do is to check the state of container vessels pressure vessels, define the actual point of the leakage of contaminated water, and action to stop the leakage, but there is zero plan / idea how to manage it.

    The interiors of the buildings are extremely radioactive and nobody can officially go into reactor 3 [...] The only thing they can do is to analyze the gas from inside of the container vessels.

    Thus nothing can be done by human anymore.

    Comment: This is a good response:
    Grampybone: November 23, 2011 at 12:20 pm

    There is nothing they can do? Well they could start by telling the public the truth. I wish they would give status reports on reactors 5&6 but I guess they can’t even take measurements in the 4 confirmed problem zones. What a mess! Now they want to reduce workers? Gorbachev would have mobilized an entire nation by now what the hell are the clowns at TEPCO smoking? The messiest situations have yet to happen and they want to reduce staff. I have seen stupid before, but not at this extreme. Cold shutdown my ass! Why don’t they just say “we failed and we’re sorry for ruining 10% of the country.”
    This is what happens when too many peopole have no interest in reality. Well, the contrast with the Chernobyl nuclear disaster and the Russian response will be seriously studied by social historians in some future civilisation on this planet. This is a famous prediction by Edgar Cayce, "A greater portion of Japan must go into the ocean". Maybe, we will see this actually happen, to save this planet.
    • Vindicated Seismologist Says Japan Still Underestimates Threat to Reactors
      Bloomberg News, 21st November 2011
      Dismissed as a “nobody” by Japan’s nuclear industry, seismologist Katsuhiko Ishibashi spent two decades watching his predictions of disaster come true: First in the 1995 Kobe earthquake and then at Fukushima. He says the government still doesn’t get it.

      The 67-year-old scientist recalled in an interview how his boss marched him to the Construction Ministry to apologize for writing a 1994 book suggesting Japan’s building codes put its cities at risk. Five months later, thousands were killed when a quake devastated Kobe city. The book, “A Seismologist Warns,” became a bestseller. [...]

      “What was missing -- and is still missing -- is a recognition of the danger,” Ishibashi said, seated in a dining room stacked with books in his house in a Kobe suburb. “I understand we’re not going to shut all of the nuclear plants, but we should rank them by risk and phase out the worst.”

      Shakes head... Obviously, someone who removed some of his blinkers enough to see reality as it is... This is the point where seeing danger and averting danger become incongruent with those blinkered by "thinking positively".

    Ice tornado: 'Brinicle' ice finger of death filmed in Antarctic
    BBC News, 23rd November 2011
    A bizarre underwater "icicle of death" has been filmed by a BBC crew. With timelapse cameras, specialists recorded salt water being excluded from the sea ice and sinking. The temperature of this sinking brine, which was well below 0C, caused the water to freeze in an icy sheath around it.

    Where the so-called "brinicle" met the sea bed, a web of ice formed that froze everything it touched, including sea urchins and starfish. The unusual phenomenon was filmed for the first time by cameramen Hugh Miller and Doug Anderson for the BBC One series Frozen Planet.

    Incredible, but I don't believe this is caused by salty sea water, have these researchers never heard of currents? How can salty water be that localised? This object descends like it is being confined by a strong electromagnetic field, so I think this is an 'ice' tornado caused by something like a 'slow' bolt of lightning because this only takes 5 or 6 hours to form. Just look at the leading strand when it is descending that gives the game away by being helical. Nothing has changed from my previous explanations related to a number of other atmospheric phenomena. The freezing point of water (or cloud formation) is directly related to charge, as I pointed out in my Delft Lecture. At one point, there is a close-up and I suspect that the delicate tendrils of ice that were seen should be more accurately described as 'feathery' which will be the ultimate proof that this is an electromagnetic phenomenon. So the big question is: where are the focused beams of electromagnetic energy coming from to cause the formation of these ice tornadoes?

    Supercooled: Water doesn't have to freeze until -55 F
    PhysOrg News, 23rd November 2011
    "Yet in very pure water, "the only way you can form a nucleus is by spontaneously changing the structure of the liquid," she adds."
    This research does not apply to water in our environment that is far from "pure".

    Man bursts into flames at Sweden train station
    Police puzzled as hospitalized victim is too hurt to talk
    MSNBC News, 22nd November 2011
    GOTHENBURG, Sweden — An unidentified man burst into flames while waiting outside a train station in Sweden, leaving police flummoxed, the Göteborgs-Posten reported.

    Witnesses said the man was standing outside a music shop at the Gothenberg central train station around 10:30 p.m. Sunday, when he suddenly caught on fire.

    "He just stood there burning outside the shop," a witness told the paper. "After a while he started screaming. There were a few people about but they just watched him. I ran up to him, tore my coat off and managed to put the fire out together with another guy."

    I was sent this link by Alicia who wrote: "One can't help but wonder if this is plasma related or perhaps a weapon that has yet to be released to the public?" Well, I just can't believe that it was a "test" but of course, I could be wrong. The alternative suggestion is actually far more frightening because cases of instanteous combustion seem to have certain patterns and standing outside a train station does not fit this pattern. There have been two cases of instantaneous combustion in Ireland in a year related to this phenomenon, but the first ever verdict by an Irish coroner was announced in September 2011 and it caused controversy. Here is a previous write-up about instantaneous combustion and meditation that was prompted by the story 15-year-old girl dies of mystery burns, Times of India, 19th January 2011, See best of the blog Electromagnetism & Health Jay Alfred explains this in terms of electric discharges within the human body as researchers have found "electric fields inside cells as strong as those produced in lightning bolts". Due to my ongoing research, strong beams of "killer electrons" do pour out of the skies related to space weather events, we have had this admission from the European Space Agency at least and scientific studies on how this might impact climate change have started. However, I think there are other strange "beams of energy" coming from deep space too, but I won't expect any admission of this any time soon. So far, rising levels of aetheric energy on this planet are being ignored by the metaphysical community, but I am wondering how much longer this will go on because things are starting to get very interesting, especially since even a few scientists are openly talking about new "winds" of dark matter.

    'First Irish case' of death by spontaneous combustion
    BBC News, 23 September 2011
    "A man who burned to death in his home died as a result of spontaneous combustion, an Irish coroner has ruled. West Galway coroner Dr Ciaran McLoughlin said it was the first time in 25 years of investigating deaths that he had recorded such a verdict."
    The coroner will know that cases of death by spontaneous combustion are often related to a person being near a fire but not actually burnt by it and this is a major enigma.

    Second case of spontaneous human combustion - Irish mother bursts into flames
    Another Irish person died in ‘unusually confined’ fire at home
    Irish Central News, 14th November 2011
    "In the second case of suspected human combustion in Ireland this year, a 50-year-old mother of three has died in an “unusually confined” blaze. Elizabeth McLaughlin’s body was identified by her dental remains, the coroner’s court heard. Her partner, Harry Masterson, told the inquest, “It seems to me that it was spontaneous human combustion, which I know is unusual. It was just terrible, I would not wish it on anyone. The Irish police were perplexed by McLaughlin’s death on December 22, in Carndonagh, County Donegal."

    Ex-Madoff trader admits faking records since '70s
    Yahoo News, 21st November 2011
    NEW YORK (Reuters) - Bernard Madoff's multibillion-dollar fraud began in the early 1970s with several employees working together to fake records when no trades actually took place, a former trader at Madoff's firm said in pleading guilty to criminal charges on Monday.

    The former trader, David Kugel, told a Manhattan federal court judge that he and two other longtime Madoff employees, Annette Bongiorno and Joann Crupi, used rates of returns on client statements that were pre-determined by Madoff himself.

    "I worked together with them to create the false trades and make them appear on investment advisor client statements and confirmations," Kugel, 66, said in admitting to six charges.

    This is just another reminder of those who can spend their whole life pretending to be virtuous but are actually cheating and manipulating everyone they meet with no regard for long term implications...

    A journal entry after the James Ray sweat lodge tragedy
    Colorado Springs Spirituality Examiner, 22nd November 2011
    On October 8, 2009, almost a month had passed since I had attended James Arthur Ray’s “Harmonic Wealth Weekend” in Las Vegas. That evening, I read a CNN news alert about a “sweat lodge ceremony” where two people had died and many others were injured in Sedona, Arizona. I was stunned when I realized it was James Ray’s “Spiritual Warrior” event that I had heard so much about only a month before.

    As details began to leak out about the tragedy, I was sickened to hear that James Ray (JR) fled the scene and did not follow up with those still hospitalized. That’s all it took for me to completely open my eyes! [...]

    I was very turned off with the bullying to purchase more weekend experiences. The sales pitch after sales pitch to buy the Spiritual Warrior package for a mere price of $22,000.00. If your spiritual growth was worth it to you, it was a small amount of money. Unfortunately, the money was going in JR’s pocket. Something in the back of my mind was telling me that James Ray was not all he claimed.

    It just amazes me that I keep learning new things about how James Ray operated... I have never heard of this money game before... I actually think a lot of people want to be New Age gurus because they are mostly interested in power, for those who have never seen this awful photo, this sums him up exactly, Harmonic Wealth Weekend JR Photo - March 2009. My advice is watch these types carefully and if you catch these people lying and cheating RUN! Btw, this is standard LGAT operating procedures, JR called this following the "syntax", a very highly developed way to control people.
    "He was very theatrical and even said that he had hired someone to stage and choreograph his every move. He kept the room at a very cold 68 degrees and ran 16 hour days with breaks few and far between. He wanted to be introduced like a rock star after every break. The doors remained locked, with this staff guarding them until it was time to start again. He was announced and ran out dancing to high energy music."
    Even after everything I have read, I still don't get the attraction to someone who acted like a nasty greedy ignorant pig monster. I just can't see the how he could provide basic spiritual advice (that no doubt can be found in hundreds of books anyway), and then be shouting and screaming at people to sign up for extremely expensive courses. I just don't get why people would be "attracted"...

    Uh oh, global warming loons: here comes Climategate II!
    Telegraph Delingpole Blog, 22nd November 2011
    Breaking news: two years after the Climategate, a further batch of emails has been leaked onto the internet by a person – or persons – unknown. And as before, they show the "scientists" at the heart of the Man-Made Global Warming industry in a most unflattering light. Michael Mann, Phil Jones, Ben Santer, Tom Wigley, Kevin Trenberth, Keith Briffa – all your favourite Climategate characters are here, once again caught red-handed in a series of emails exaggerating the extent of Anthropogenic Global Warming, while privately admitting to one another that the evidence is nowhere near as a strong as they'd like it to be.

    OK, this is very sad for genuine scientists, but exposing these frauds calling themselves climate scientists has to be done... Of course Climate Depot is now in climate skeptics Heaven...
    • Climategate 2011: FOIA
      The Reference Frame, 22nd November 2011
      Just like exactly two years and two days ago, when Climategate erupted, Jeff Id received an URL pointing to a Russian server, containing a file (173 MB), a verified copy of the original file via Megaupload file (41 MB): without all.7z (some users can't get to this Skydrive)
      Mails only (merged to a single big 66 MB unpacked text file; Google Docs) file (173 MB): original complete file on a Russian server, was taken down

      They surely show that Michael Mann is a fraudster even according to most of his colleagues (and even Phil Jones is); and most of his colleagues still have failed to act, well, impartially in their business. Michael Mann has already confirmed that he wrote his fraction of the e-mails released in this fresh file (so the rest is almost certainly authentic as well) but he sees nothing "damning" about their constant cheating, lying, and conspiracies as long as it helps his or their career(s).

      This is the background story to the latest climate science skulduggery popcorn fest.

    Climategate 2.0 emails – They’re real and they’re spectacular!
    Watts Up with That, 22nd November 2011

    UPDATE3: 9:25 AM PST – Having read a number of emails, and seeing this quote from Mike Mann in the Guardian:

    When asked if they were genuine, he said: “Well, they look like mine but I hardly see anything that appears damning at all, despite them having been taken out of context. I guess they had very little left to work with, having culled in the first round the emails that could most easily be taken out of context to try to make me look bad.”

    I’m going to conclude they are the real deal. I’ve posted a BitTorrent link to the file below. One big difference between Climategate 1 and 2 is that in 1, it took days for the MSM to catch on, now they are on top of it.

    Just when climate science was getting dull and boring and we only had the scandal of Dr.James Hansen being caught not declaring a million dollars worth of outside income, Climategate 2.0 blows up spectacularly. I love the new joke about WUWT being funded by Big Popcorn.... Anyway, no doubt the blogosphere will go into a frenzy and some slewths will find and extract the most damaging pieces of information like the following exerpts from the new leaked emails picked up at Air Vent:
    /// The IPCC Process ///

    <1939> Thorne/MetO: Observations do not show rising temperatures throughout the tropical troposphere unless you accept one single study and approach and discount a wealth of others. This is just downright dangerous. We need to communicate the uncertainty and be honest. Phil, hopefully we can find time to discuss these further if necessary [...]

    <3066> Thorne: I also think the science is being manipulated to put a political spin on it which for all our sakes might not be too clever in the long run.

    <1611> Carter: It seems that a few people have a very strong say, and no matter how much talking goes on beforehand, the big decisions are made at the eleventh hour by a select core group.

    <3062> Jones: We don’t really want the bullshit and optimistic stuff that Michael has written [...] We’ll have to cut out some of his stuff.

    <1485> Mann: the important thing is to make sure they’re loosing the PR battle. That’s what the site [Real Climate] is about.

    <4693> Crowley: I am not convinced that the “truth” is always worth reaching if it is at the cost of damaged personal relationships

    /// Communicating Climate Change ///

    <2495> Humphrey/DEFRA: I can’t overstate the HUGE amount of political interest in the project as a message that the Government can give on climate change to help them tell their story. They want the story to be a very strong one and don’t want to be made to look foolish.

    // The Settled Science ///

    <1682> Wils: [2007] What if climate change appears to be just mainly a multidecadal natural fluctuation? They’ll kill us probably [...]

    <4789> Wigley: there are some nitpicky jerks who have criticized the Jones et al. data sets – we don’t want one of those [EPRI/California Energy Commission meeting].

    Jones: The jerk you mention was called Good(e)rich who found urban warming at all Californian sites.

    /// Climate Models ///

    <1577> Jones: [FOI, temperature data] Any work we have done in the past is done on the back of the research grants we get – and has to be well hidden. I’ve discussed this with the main funder (US Dept of Energy) in the past and they are happy about not releasing the original station data.
    Let's think: Why are the governments of the world desperately making up a story that they want people to believe? I know, the real issue is space weather. MASSIVE EVOLUTIONARY CHANGE SWEEPING THROUGH OUR ENTIRE SOLAR SYSTEM BEING DRIVEN BY COSMIC FORCES THAT PUNY HUMANS CAN DO NOTHING ABOUT.

    Architect of Reactor 3 warns of massive hydrovolcanic explosion
    fukushima Diary, 19th November 2011
    Architect of Fukushima Daiichi Reactor 3, Uehara Haruo, the former president of Saga University had an interview on 11/17/2011. In this interview, he admitted Tepco’s explanation does not make sense, and that the China syndrome is inevitable.

    He stated that considering 8 months have passed since 311 without any improvement, it is inevitable that melted fuel went out of the container vessel and sank underground, which is called China syndrome.

    He added, if fuel has reaches a underground water vein, it will cause contamination of underground water, soil contamination and sea contamination. Moreover, if the underground water vein keeps being heated for long time, a massive hydrovolcanic explosion will be caused.

    Nothing changes just because most people decide to ignore the facts... It is amazing that the Japanese government did not act quickly to contain the impact of this disaster.

    Nearly a tenth of Japan contaminated
    ABC Pacific News, 22nd November 2011
    I am amazed they have even admitted this much...

    STRANGE: Two high-profile Fukushima studies ‘edited’ by global warming advocate James Hansen — Wrote article “Why America Needs Nuclear Energy”
    Energy News, 22nd November 2011
    I always thought that Dr James Hansen was an honest fanatic but maybe that is an oxymoron (as I am finding out about people generally) and that maybe it's more truthful that he is corrupt. Hansen is already in trouble, see Dr.James Hansen being caught not declaring a million dollars worth of outside income

    German TV: Japan TV star suffering acute leukemia after eating Fukushima produce (VIDEO)
    Energy News, 22nd November 2011
    "After consumption of vegetables from Fukushima ill TV star to acute leukemia
    Large parts of Japan are loaded after the Fukushima disaster radioactive heavy. Also, the current rice crop is contaminated. After the disaster, the Japanese government had initially indicated, food from the contaminated region are relatively harmless. A Japanese TV host had eaten so demonstrative in his TV show vegetables from the north of the country. Now the 63-year-old is suffering from acute leukemia."
    Maybe sometimes, being stupid and shallow does not pay...

    Revisiting the famous 1979 UFO Debate at the House of Lords
    Open Minds TV, 18th November 2011
    The recent publication of author Philip Eade’s biography of Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh and husband of queen Elizabeth II, has brought into the news once again the intense interest on UFOs by the upper crust of British society. As reported in recent stories in The Daily Beast and in the Huffignton Post , Eade’s biography. [...]

    Lords get UFO rundown With his credentials, then, it wasn’t a very difficult task for Lord Clancarty to give his peers a brief and complete rundown of the UFO story, from ancient times to the 1947 sighting by Kenneth Arnold up to the buzzing over a 13-day period of several Strategic Air Command nuclear bases in the United States. And from the candid declarations of the French Defense Minister, M. Galley, in 1974 to the famous Iranian UFO battle near Teheran two years later, in which all the communications and firing systems of a U.S.-made F-4 phantom jet were immobilized by a UFO. “There are literally vast numbers of these astounding reports,” said Clancarty. “Indeed, my lords, this worldwide UFO invasion of every country’s air space is of growing importance and therefore I suggest that Parliament keeps a continuous watch on the situation.” [...]

    Raymond Drake, the distinguished historian author of several books on ancient sightings, listed over 50 of such incidents extracted from mankind’s holy books, legends, traditions, historical and mythological records, etc. Antonio Ribera gave some fascinating insights of the work he has done to categorize and classify the UFO phenomenon according to its various manifestations from “daylight discs” and “E M [electromagnetic] Effects on engines, television sets, etc.” to “telepathic ‘messages’ from ‘extraterrestrials’” and “Cultism and Messianism.”

    “The trouble arises from the fact that the problem is wider than the yardsticks used to measure it,” he said. [Now that is funny...]

    [...] Despite his controversial private life, Lord Kimberley seemed very well informed about the UFO situation. When he mentioned that “a pact” existed between the USA and the USSR to deal with UFOs, this was actually true and not a conspiracy theory. As mentioned in a previous article in this site about UFOs sighted at nuclear weapons installations, “Soviet nukes and UFOs”, an Agreement on Measures to Reduce the Risk of Nuclear War between the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, was signed on September 30, 1971 by Secretary of State, William Rogers, and Foreign Minister, Andrei Gromyko. In that article we quoted verbatim the section in this Agreement dealing with “unidentified objects” that could trigger a nuclear reaction and how the parties should notify each other before undertaking any aggressive action.

    There is some nice historical references here and the fact there is documented proof of “a pact” that existed between the USA and the USSR on how to deal with UFOs, must surely fire a few neurons in a few people... The Elite have access to all the scientific/military information and decent quality photographs if not actual hard physical evidence. They know that we are mainly dealing with another lifeform and that is why there is no panic, just curiosity. Unfortunately, most ufologists today just don't get it, because they are simply not educated enough... however, over the last 50 years or so, a few have worked out the truth...

    Fort Worth Man Gets 80 Years For Buying A Hot Dog With Fake Money
    CBS Local News, 18th November 2011
    FORT WORTH (AP/CBSDFW) – A Fort Worth man has been sentenced to 80 years in prison for trying to buy movie theater hot dogs with counterfeit cash.

    Charles Cleveland Nowden was sentenced Friday, two days after being convicted of forgery.

    Two years ago Nowden used a fake $20 bill when trying to buy hot dogs, popcorn and soft drinks at a Mansfield movie theater. Prosecutors say after his arrest, a police officer found more counterfeit bills worth $120 tucked into a wrapper of one of the hot dogs.

    I am just repeating the refrain here: when are the bankster going to get 80 years each for destroying the global economy with fake money? Well, the conclusion is that there is two types of fake, well regarded fake and not well regarded fake, but both are still fake....

    Gov't Report Warns of Chinese Plans to Cripple U.S. Space Defenses
    Daily Tech, 17th November 2011
    Report says two U.S. satellites were hacked in 2007 and 2008, attacks resemble Chinese military literature

    China appears to be taking its cyber-skirmishes with the U.S. to a new level. A recent government report reveals that attackers gained access to two U.S. satellites. Meanwhile, China -- the suspected culprit -- has internally revealed that it's developing capabilities to cripple an enemy satellite network via either outright destruction or planted misinformation.

    The potential of a Chinese cyber-attack crippling U.S. defense satellites is an alarming one.

    Call me skeptical I don't care... I don't believe anything in this article, I think this is a work of fiction.... space weather is frying satellites good and proper, that is the real terrorist and there is not much any military or government on this planet can do about it... Maybe this is some kind of justification for more money to be spent on mitigating space weather or more likely an attempt at saving face because the fantastic sums of money that have been spent, many hundreds of billions of dollars [military satellites these days cost 1 billion each, so think how much is at stake], but it is now all at risk.

    Quantum theorem shakes foundations
    The wavefunction is a real physical object after all, say researchers.
    Nature News, 17th November 2011
    Action at a distance occurs when pairs of quantum particles interact in such a way that they become entangled. But the new paper, by a trio of physicists led by Matthew Pusey at Imperial College London, presents a theorem showing that if a quantum wavefunction were purely a statistical tool, then even quantum states that are unconnected across space and time would be able to communicate with each other. As that seems very unlikely to be true, [????? ] the researchers conclude that the wavefunction must be physically real after all.

    I don't have time to check the implications, but the comments here are interesting. I am hoping this development might stop people misusing quantum mechanics to sell magical thinking and making it look like it's the smart thing to do by those who can only be described as pretentious.

    The James Ray Trial Sentencing 18th November 2011 (2)

    9 Years
    8 Years
    7 Years
    6 Years
    5 Years
    4 Years
    3 Years
    2 Years
    1 Year

    The countdown got stuck on 6 years, 2 years for killing 3 people. (Colleen Conaway was not even considered in this trial, verdict or sentence). However, it's 2 years each concurrent, so he only will need to serve 2 years behind bars with 4 years of probation. Not enough. He will come out telling people that he spent his jail time in silent meditation or other such baloney.
    JR Sentencing: CNN Live CNN showed all of JR begging for forgiveness and cut the live feed when the sentence was handed out....

    James Ray Court Apology - 18th November 2011
    YouTube, 18th November 2011
    JAR's Oscar award winning performance, that any psychopath facing the possibility of 9 years in prison would give.... this is not very good footage because I think it's a camcorder recording of the original court video that seems to be projected onto a screen, but I think it's better than nothing. Part 2

    Psychopaths' 'early release con'
    BBC News, 9 February 2009
    "Psychopaths are so adept at "putting on a good show" and using crocodile tears that they can be convincing to psychologists as well as other professionals.
    "They use non-verbal behaviour, a "gift of gab", and persuasive emotional displays to put on an Oscar award winning performance and move through the correctional system ultimately parole boards relatively quickly, despite their known diagnosis."
    There is no real need to comment, because this article says it all. The use of use crocodile tears is exactly what we should have expected directly before JR received his sentence and he performed on cue.

    Camille Kimball is doing a great job tweeting Bob Ortega not so. There are 2 reporters sending out info on the James Ray trial via Twitter, Bob Ortega & Camille Kimball.

    James Ray trial, 18th November saved Camille Kimball tweets (text only): here

    AP: Families Tearfully Tell of Sweat Lodge Deaths
    YouTube/AP, 18th November 2011
    "The families of three people who participated in an Arizona sweat lodge ceremony tearfully pleaded with a judge to give James Arthur Ray, the self-help author convicted in their deaths the maximum sentence."
    James Ray faced the family of the people who died and told them in court that he is sad that he lost three friends. How can he say that now when he actually left them for dead and went off for his dinner and got angry when paramedics were called? Normal people don't leave their friends in the dirt displaying medical symptoms that indicate that they are obviously dying. Words fail...

    Judge Warren Darrow Speech - James Ray Sentenced to Two Years
    Celestial Reflections, 18th November 2011

    James Arthur Ray :: Life Sentence
    Salty Droid, 18th November 2011
    "Two years isn’t fair … and it isn’t right. But this celebri-trial wasn’t a disaster :: far from it. It was an eye opening :: professionally run thing … that ended with a verdict. Ms. Polk and her people :: and Det. Diskin and his people :: managed to remind us that :: so many times :: good people in the government really are doing a surprisingly good job at doing a good job."
    This is the victory speech from the Salty Droid, of course the language is bad and those in the comments are worse, but the overall message is the fight goes on... I totally agree about the Sweat Lodge deaths being an an eye opener. For me, it was the start point for really understanding the dynamics in the Cultic Milieu... It really is not what you think, it's far more evil than that... After thousands of hours of study, I have started to recognise the enemy, so maybe I should thank JR for the enlightenment, but of course it's not what he intended, I am sure about that...

    Sentencing Ends with a Wimper not a Bang (CNN Video: 'Deadly Cover-up?' )
    My Gratitude Project, 19th November 2011
    James Arthur Ray The Hollow Man
    The Jury said Guilty: This is the way James Arthur Ray's privileged world ends
    James Arthur Ray cried: This is the way James Arthur Ray's privileged world ends
    The Judge gave him 2 years: This is the way James Arthur Ray's privileged world ends
    Not with a bang but a whimper.

    with apologies to T.S. Eliot's "The Hollow Men"

    Thanks Jeannika for posting the CNN video 'Deadly Cover-up?' link about the death of Colleen Conaway. I actually think the cover-up of Colleen's death is important because it demonstrates exactly what JR and his company were prepared to do to maintain a good clean public image... Quite frankly, it means that if people had not died very publicly at the sweat lodge event, then there would have been a trickle of people dying silently caused by the flaming used by JR and his staff of 'death' angels to break people down mentally and emotionally. In the LGAT business, deaths like this are called collateral damage and they are expected, which is why course participants are required to sign such lengthy disclaimers and waivers. Salty Droid (lawyer turned vigilante) made a YouTube video of the phone call of JR staff calling Colleen's phone asking her if she is OK when they KNEW she was already dead. Sick. I can't even see where there is suppose to be spirituality in any of this kind of behaviour.... The LGAT style personal development business model is really warped and sick, but it's attractive to sickos like James Ray who brag about wanting to become billionaires. Simply, there is a lot of sheep out there that can be easily fleeced if you know how to say all the right things and press all the right buttons... Upshot: This is all so frightening because the same methods employed by JR are widespread. Those with a sense of entitlement and no integrity are using methods that work against the unsuspecting because it gets what they want, despite working against people who they are supposed to be nuturing... sick, sick sick... Education is the only answer.

    James Ray: Locked Up for 2 Years
    Spirituality Is No Excuse, 19th November 2011
    "Motivational torturer, James Arthur Ray, has been sentenced to two years in prison for three of the four lives he snuffed out. [...] The legal justice system has been kind to James Ray. The court excluded relevant evidence from previous life threatening sweat lodges and decided Ray was unaware of the danger of cooking people to death, as he was merely trying to cook them to within an inch of their lives."
    From the comments here:
    Yes, he has taken a powerful fall for the industry. An industry that does absolutely nothing to police itself also does nothing to protect it’s big names from getting themselves into hot water. It’s all cross promotion and absolutely no standards whatsoever. None of those who vouched for Ray bothered checking on any of his credentials – of course, because their credentials are just as bogus. The result is, of course, a culture of absolute and unconditional denial – and despite four deaths, it’s still in denial. [...]

    But prison time at least sends a message, if not to Ray, then to his apologists who are still trying to claim it was an accident.

    by Yakaru November 19, 2011 at 18:56
    The standards are too low, there are just too many things wrong, but nobody seems to care either, enlightenment by heat stroke? Yes, crap sells...

    James Arthur Ray gets prison time in sweat-lodge deaths
    AZ Central, 18th November 2011
    PRESCOTT - James Arthur Ray was sentenced to prison on three counts of negligent homicide in the sweat-lodge trial. He was sentenced four days before his 54th birthday.

    Yavapai County Superior Court Judge Warren Darrow imposed two-year sentences for each of the three deaths, but the sentences are to be served concurrently.

    "I see and I find that the aggravating circumstance of emotional harm is so strong and such that probation is simply unwarranted in this case," Darrow said.

    Ray must serve at least 85 percent of the term before being eligible for release. He's already spent 24 days behind bars and thus would need to serve a minimum of 600 more days in prison. He was also ordered to pay a total of $57,000 in restitution to the families of the victims.

    Well, I think the message is clear. If you get involved with 'gurus' who think they know how to give you some enlightenment but instead mess up and kill or maim you, then society simply does not care very much. What is really sad is that 2 of the people who died were Dream Team members who had spent many thousands of dollars following James Ray over many years and thought that James Ray really cared about them. He showed how much he cared when he cooked their internal organs because he believed heat stroke would give them a bit of enlightenment. After his hellaciously hot 'sweat lodge', he stood around surveying the chaos of people who were obviously in serious trouble, some of who were blue and clearly dying and then went off for his dinner. Most people have absolutely no idea what JR was doing with all the high pressure sales techniques, NLP, persuasion techniques, hypnosis, suggestions, LGAT style conversion processing etc. Basically, if these LGAT guru types play amateur psychotherapists (which is part of the process of breaking you down so that you can be mentally reconfigured as they want) but instead cause a complete mental or emotional breakdown, then nobody gives a damn. My suggestion is be very careful around people who profess 'spirituality' of any kind. My experience is that some of these people are mentally ill, others are pure narcissists and some are extremely dangerous. Do not make any assumptions on their values because due to their 'conditioning' over many years, too many have very little in the way of integrity. As James Ray stated over and over again, 'Balance is Bogus' and that is the problem. Crap sells very well amongst people who are trained to stay ignorant. Beware!

    CBS VIDEO: Sweat lodge families speak, October 20, 2009
    CBS VIDEO: Sweat lodge horror eyewitness, October 16, 2009
    CBS VIDEO: Sweat lodge tragedy, October 16, 2009

    The James Ray Trial Sentencing 18th November 2011

    The James Ray Trial Sentencing will be filmed live 9am (MST, AZ does not observe Daylight Savings Time, GMT/UTC - 7h)and there will be pool TV coverage whatever that means. Saved Twitter: Bob Ortega : This means the countdown has started!

    This is not just about the lives of 4 people. This is about the general principal of psychopaths like James Ray pretending to be spiritual leaders whilst using heinous and dangerous "techniques" on people in order for them to be controlled and manipulated. A jail sentence will send a loud and clear message to all those other fraudsters out there that society is no longer interested in tolerating their dangerous behaviour. Oprah are you watching? Your New Age 'prince' is about to get his sentence. I hope Judge Darrow gets this right.

    This is a new blog to me from PR professional Thomas McFeely about the JR trial, but I have not read enough to know whether he is related to any of the victims, but the name is familiar. here

    James Ray trial, 15th, 16th & 17th November Camille Kimball tweets (text only): here

    Sweat lodge trial: Ray's sentencing to take place Friday
    Daily Courier, 17th November 2011
    In her closing statement to the court, Polk reiterated her stance that only prison will prevent Ray from putting more people in danger, calling him "a dangerous man without internal boundaries who needs to be locked up for the next nine years."

    She reminded Darrow that, because of his lack of knowledge and qualifications, Ray "focused on creating the hottest sweat lodge ever," telling his clients that the altered mental state which is a reliable sign that someone is coming down with fatal heatstroke was instead a beneficial condition that brought about enlightenment.

    Ray, she said, violated every tenet of leadership and, for added measure, continued after the tragedy to sell his materials online, learning nothing from the deaths he brought about.

    "Individuals who offer themselves as experts and leaders must act responsibly," Polk said. "There has to be justice in the sentence you impose - justice for the family members of James, of Kirby, of Liz."

    I would like to remind people who are unfamiliar with this case and the background story that the Rick Ross Cult Education Forum identified James Ray as dangerous, a full 2 years before he was made famous by Oprah. He was on the radar because he was reckless and many people were being injured at his events. The following report provides some detail:
    These seminars were "much more intense, way more metaphysical, way more esoteric," Lauren said. "You're in kind of an altered state when you're in there."

    It was during that altered state that Kurt and hundreds of others did something most people would see as reckless, he said. Participants were required to sign a waiver that released Ray of any responsibility if someone got hurt.

    "They had us put the sharp side of the arrow … (a) true, real archery arrow right on the soft part of your neck," Kurt said. "There's no bone behind it, just the real soft area .. your trachea is right there and your spine behind it, and you lean forward into the arrow."

    As Kurt leaned into the arrow -- a challenge designed to make him face his fears -- his fear was realized.

    "When the shaft snapped, a large piece went up under my glasses and penetrated my eyelid," he said. "(It) just missed my eye by an eighth of an inch. It was a deep cut -- probably needed stitches."

    "I was greatly concerned," Laura said. "We could not tell if his eye was intact. It was a bloody mess."

    Kurt and Lauren said they believe Ray was not prepared for anything to go wrong.

    The event did not have the proper medical staff, and it took time for them to dig around for a first aid kit, Kurt said.

    "I thought, 'Wow, they are not prepared for the potential there,'" he said. "At that point I thought, 'This is reckless.'"

    Original source: Man: Sweat Lodge Leader's Actions 'Reckless'
    Former James Arthur Ray Followers Speak Out About Another Incident News, October 21, 2009, link content has gone, copy: here
    Please note that people even realised that they were placed in an altered state by JR but few realise that their judgement is also impaired whilst in this state and continue to follow commands.... Moving to the present, what is really interesting is those who continue to support JR despite the fact that 'normal' people can immediately see that he is a dangerous con artist. The only conclusion that a psychologist could give is that these people have been experiencing 'thought reform' or brainwashing. The popular New Age belief is that there are no victims, people "attract" their fate, but this is very convenient if you are a predator and you want to con as many people as possible and blame them for being prey. It's a very slow burn, but the continuous thought reform process does have the same impact in the end as those who go through traumatic quick conversion processes. So, how are these people going to cope now that this New Age 'Hero' has been found by 'normal' unbrainedwashed people to require incarceration? Whatever happens, I now believe that there is a serious need for widespread deprogramming in the Cultic Mileu. It is the only sane conclusion that is possible when all the facts and details are examined.

    Ray to be sentenced in AZ sweat lodge deaths (Video), 18th November 2011
    James Ray video of him finally saying sorry, but it has taken 2 years for this first sign of remorse...

    Mitigating James Ray’s Conduct: What Can We Expect
    Twinkie WranglerNews, 14th November 2011
    What we haven’t heard very much about is the most crucial item of the sentencing phase — the probation report. The Judge relies heavily on the information provided in the pre-sentencing report prepared by the probation officer which contains his recommendation on how guidelines apply to a particular case and provides the judge with a baseline score. The public, and usually the attorneys, don’t get to know what James Ray’s baseline score is, but the judge depends on it heavily. A defendant must be sentenced under provisions passed by congress and the U.S. Sentencing commission. From everything I’ve read, it seems that the probation officer’s base adjusted level used for sentencing is quite high. If so, the dream team must convince Judge Darrow that the probation officer was wrong.

    Acceptance of responsibility will give Ray a slight adjustment in the deduction of 2 points. This may not affect the length of sentence applied very much. The fact that his remorse came only after he was convicted is not in his favor. Usually, remorse is considered as a mitigating factor only if it is displayed before conviction. Also, from what I’ve heard Ray is claiming that he’s very sorry that an “accident” happened at Sedona and is not accepting any personal responsibility for the deaths. Judge Darrow still has discretion to go above or below the baseline sentence. Darrow can apply a harsher sentence if he finds an aggravating circumstance which has not been admitted in the case. The memorandum also suggests that Judge Darrow is free to think up mitigating factors himself that he use as justification for a more lenient sentence. This is all this highly paid legal team can come up with? Hey Judge, we’re fresh out of ideas. Do you think up some reasons to let our client off yourself?

    The fact that the defense has filed strong objections to the language in the probation officer’s report suggest that they are aware that the probation officer has recommended a stiff sentence. They want this sentence stricken from the report:

    “While it does not appear that Mr. Ray’s actions were intentional. This officer would suggest that he does need to be held responsible for the deaths of three individuals. His actions appear to this officer to be reckless, dangerous and negligent and he should be held accountable.”

    Because of the numerous documents the defense has filed in this case, we already know what arguments they intend to present on Monday. It looks like the dream team had a hard time coming up with mitigating factors.

    This is a very good long read, but from what it says here and I have highlighted above, it looks like the judge is going to give JAR a tough sentence... There is a lot of things that raise concern, but the talk of JAR's involvement in a new New Age numerology scam is enough to make you heave...

    Occupy ‘bat-signal’ creator explains how he brought it off
    Raw Story, 18th November 2011
    As Occupy Wall Street protesters were walking across the Brooklyn Bridge on Thursday evening, a mysterious series of images flashed across the facade of the Verizon building, located near the East River, starting with a circled “99%.”


    Boing Boing tracked down the signal’s creator, Mark Read, to find out what had inspired the dramatic display and how he had brought it off.

    Cool! Another nice non violent way to make a point...

    Photographer captures stunning images of UFOs above Hatfield [UK]
    Welwyn Hatfiled Times, 18th November 2011
    AFTER our story about the Welwyn Garden City man who couldn’t stop seeing UFOs, a Hatfield resident has sent us a series of snaps which show unexplained lights in the sky. Photographer Jason Reeve took the dazzling pictures from outside his north-west-facing bedroom window, in Chantry Court, with a 20-minute exposure. The images showed mysterious mushroom-shaped craft set against the starry night sky.

    Fascinated Mr Reeve is desperate for people to try and explain what it was he photographed. He said: “I was lying on [my] bed and I glanced out of my window, I saw an odd light in the sky. “I am a photographer and I often photograph the night sky and I knew it looked different to anything I had seen before.

    “I decided to set up my camera and photograph the object. “I set up my Canon 60D and took a series of photos. “The object appeared to be cone shaped very high up and not moving in any direction.”

    He added: “After 20 minutes I looked at what I had captured and realised there were in fact four separate lights in the sky, but not visible to the naked eye. “And they where also apparently static and not moving. “The image shows a possible small trail behind the object, suggesting that the object had been moving, but in a completely different direction to everything else in the night sky.”

    Hmmm.... these are plasma entities... another lifeform, that have been seen in the sky a few times over previous decades but in recent times, sightings are rising, (use the search term 'jelly-fish' for recent and historic examples in the archives: Best of the Blog - Orbs, UAP & UFO Traffic). Sprites that are an atmospheric phenomenon only exist for thousandths of a second but they take on the characteristic life-like properties of plasma and look extremely biological. These are different because they are real creatures literally swimming in the air but they also have the ability to literally stop and hang motionless. This lifeform lives alongside us in the sky and inside the Earth and are part of a vast shadow biosphere with many different characteristics but they are getting easier and easier to see and or capture with photography.

    Video: Are those UFOs over Seattle?
    Seattle Pi News, 17th November 2011
    "We reported yesterday that Seattle was apparently under siege by UFOs Tuesday night, but we didn’t have video at that time. That’s changed. Lights seen glowing in the sky over Seattle have surfaced on YouTube with this description: “UFOs over Seattle, Washington around 8:30PM local time on 11/15/2011. Totally wild sight. Sure there is some practical explanation. Wish the video was better but it’s cell phone, of course. First “UFO” sighting so pretty fun.” NSFW warning: There’s some profanity in this video, because, well, seeing UFOs is apparently pretty upsetting."
    Another classic... "The aliens are %&"*&%* landing!" If you don't mind the bad language, this is a great video! Of course the conclusion is Chinese lanterns, despite the fact some of these lights were locked in a triangle formation and other lights were moving in pairs but varying their distance which seems odd if this was being caused by the wind...

    UFO sighting in Norway: Bright lights seen in night sky caught on video
    Unexplained Phenomena Examiner, 18th November 2011
    More bright orbs in formation in the sky.... The black triangle is a 'nulled' magnetic field. I note the ignorance here of people talking about drones in Norway. I lived in Norway for over 8 years.... Drones? What for? The Norwegians are not so ignorant as the rest of the world either, as they take their university students up to Hessdalen Valley in the summer to monitor orbs and UAPs as part of the ongoing scientific studies of this lifeform.

    “Law of Attraction” and “The Secret” are elitist disinformation, 17th November 2011
    Unfortunately there’s a big steaming piece of disinfo that I thought we put to bed which is making the rounds again, called the Law of Attraction. You may have seen the video called The Secret on YouTube, or read the book. I had a few friends send me links so I watched it and found it to be rife with faulty logic, but it goes far beyond just being incorrect. This time someone sent me an audio series called Your Wish is Your Command, which is The Secret dressed up in a more conspiratorial tone with some references to secret societies and elite agendas, but essentially the same idea. The premise of the Law of Attraction is this: Whatever you think about in your mind will manifest itself in reality. We’re not just talking about the very real and profound effect a person’s mental attitude can have on their life, health, and others’ perception of them. This takes it several steps further into the realm of superstition, occultism, magic, and general hokus pokus. Thru some unexplained cosmic force, if you visualize things in your mind they will come true, and of course if you don’t visualize things this will cost you dearly, because you’re obviously not visualizing correctly. They apply this to any and all aspects of life, including seemingly random events.

    This article is useful if you are unfamiliar with this very popular New Age idea designed for people who are simple and unsophisticated and don't have much in the way of reasoning abilities. On investigation, it is clear that New Age gurus who promote this concept, do not follow their own advice because it does not work. Instead, they employ a wide variety of techniques that manipulate people whilst providing the appearance of free choice and simple people think they are getting help with applying this spiritual law in their life. The game is to manipulate simpletons into thinking they are a failure and they need the services of a guru who will show them the way for a fee. This is a game that can go on and on until the 'simpleton' has been drained of finances and therefore the principal can be applied to other promises to help people with xyz. More and more books, CDs, DVDs, trainings, seminars. However, I believe that due to different types of business models, not all guru types will try and create followers for life by using the most dangerous methods that can result in emotional and mental problems, injuries or even death.

    Radiation levels in Fukushima are lower than predicted
    New Scientist, 16th November 2011
    The fallout from the radiation leak at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear reactor in Japan may be less severe than predicted.

    Radiology researcher Ikuo Kashiwakura of Hirosaki University, Japan, and colleagues responded immediately to the disaster, travelling south to Fukushima prefecture to measure radiation levels in more than 5000 people there between 15 March and 20 June.

    They found just 10 people with unusually high levels of radiation, but those levels were still below the threshold at which acute radiation syndrome sets in and destroys the gastrointestinal tract. Geiger-counter readings categorised all others in the area at a "no contamination level".

    Nobody who is keeping a close watch on what is happening in Japan believes this rubbish. See links below for some of what's really happening...

    Japan nuclear minister with strange sores on face (PHOTOS) — Emperor unable to leave hospital: “He has lost his appetite”… New respiratory infection?
    Energy News, 16th November 2011

    #Fukushima I Nuke Plant Reactor 3 Video of Packbot Finding 1.32 Sievert/Hr Location, 16th November 2011
    "But here's the video of Packbot working at the 1.32 sievert/hr (or 1320 millisieverts/hour, or 1,320,000 microsieverts/hour) location in Reactor 3's reactor building where the human workers somehow will have to go in."

    Video of J-Village, Fukushima I Nuke Plant by the Press, 11/12/2011, 16th November 2011
    "The video is from the November 12, 2011 press tour of J-Village and Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant, first since the accident. The members of the press were limited to those who belong to the press club and the foreign correspondent club."

    Fukushima Diary: “I’m under their surveillance… I can’t post everything I know” — Next day writes “4 men interrogated me”
    Energy News, 16th November 2011
    "4 men interrogated me. They wanted to make up a story that I was an international criminal or something. It was a strange spectacle. They tried to make me state I was involved in an international money laundering though I only bought an A-bike on eBay."
    This is a classic! How funny is that! OK, I realise this is serious stuff but really, you have to see the funny side...

    UFOs and Government: Proposing a New Way Forward
    Huffington Post News, 15th November 2011
    In UFO circles, much fuss has been made about a recent response by the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) to two petitions on extraterrestrial/human communications, posted on a government website. Phil Larson, who was tasked to respond, has been accused of everything from lying, to cover-ups, to gross incompetence. But the real problem lies with the inappropriate and fundamentally flawed content of the petitions themselves -- not with the government reply to them. The critics seem to have lost sight of what the petitions actually said and did not say, while insulting and lashing out at Larson.

    The best way forward is to talk about the existence of a Shadow Biosphere or UAPs exactly as Leslie kean is implying in this article. This woman is a lot smarter than her ufology brethen and much more likely to be able to put some kind of strategy in place to get something to actually work, but no doubt others will try to sabotage her efforts because they are not really interested in the truth. Whatever, education is required because people need it. Meanwhile, the UFO reports continue to rise...

    UFO Traffic Report: Thursday, November 17, 2011
    UFO Examiner, 17th November 2011
    A Michigan witness ran outside after a bathroom window lit up orange and reports watching a "circular UFO" about 50 feet in diameter with 10 blinking, white lights that was low flying about 100 yards away and looked like it was following a car.
    We have lots of amber lights in these reports...

    Florida triangle UFO: 'Not a sound was coming from it'
    UFO Examiner, 17th November 2011
    "A Florida witness reports watching a UFO with a "perfect triangular shape" and three amber-colored lights that was silent as it hovered low before moving away on November 16, 2011, according to testimony from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database."

    UFO fleet sails over Raven Street Church in New Orleans, Louisiana [video]
    UFO Examiner, 15th November 2011
    What on Earth are Bodhisattava lights doing over New Orleans? LOL!

    I Just Saw A Real Life UFO's Wallingford, 16th November 2011
    Of course, the Americans are now crazy about setting off Chinese lanterns too now... strange ones that can pulsate and blink on and off...

    UFO expert speaks about nuclear sites
    Collegiate Times, 16th November 2011

    Supervolcanoes: Not a Threat for 2012
    Science Daily, 15th November 2011
    ScienceDaily (Nov. 15, 2011) — The geological record holds clues that throughout Earth's 4.5-billion-year lifetime massive supervolcanoes, far larger than Mount St. Helens or Mount Pinatubo, have erupted. However, despite the claims of those who fear 2012, there's no evidence that such a supereruption is imminent.

    What exactly is a "supervolcano" or a "supereruption?" Both terms are fairly new and favored by the media more than scientists, but geologists have begun to use them in recent years to refer to explosive volcanic eruptions that eject about ten thousand times the quantity of magma and ash that Mount St. Helens, one of the most explosive eruptions in recent years, expelled.

    More efforts to panic people about 2012, and scientists seem to be fighting back... Life on Earth is being influenced by a new cosmic cycle, with LONG TERM IMPLICATIONS, therefore it's not about a specific apocalypse in 2012. However, if we don't start to take some issues seriously like space weather, then we will get a slow drawn out apocalypse, this is really not that difficult to work out...

    Ateroid 2005 YU55 Flyby, 16th November 2011
    ASTEROID PARALLAX: "On November 9th, asteroid 2005 YU55 passed so close to Earth that viewers at separate locations saw the interloper appear in slightly different spots against the background star field," says amateur astronomer Mike Harms of San Francisco. To illustrate this parallax effect, he combined his own observations with those of Dennis di Cicco across the country in Boston:

    At the time of the flyby, the 400m-wide space rock was only 324,600 kilometers away, about 85% the distance from Earth to the Moon. This allowed amateur and professional astronomers alike to study the asteroid in unprecedented detail.

    In Australia, where the Boston vs. Brisbane parallax effect was even greater, Dennis Simmons video-recorded the flyby: "It was quite sobering to be able to view the almost full Moon some 20 degrees away, knowing that this lump of rock was now nearer to me than our Moon," he says. "I was astonished at how bright the NEO appeared, having read that results from the Arecibo radar indicated it to be a very dark, nearly spherical object some 400 meters in diameter."

    OK, why did NASA et al. lie about the object and tell people it would be "very dark"? The asteroid was hugely bright but NASA et al. were still forced to use radar and infra-red... Actually, I know the answer, it is quite obvious if you have integrated the science and metaphysics of what is taking place in our solar system...

    Meet the seven-year-old Indian girl Kura Nitya who weeps stones!
    IMDB News, 16th November 2011
    Kuala Lumpur, Nov 16: Doctors in India were dumbfounded when they discovered that a 7-year-old girl wept stones, and are clueless as to what may be causing the phenomenon.

    According to local newspaper Tamil Nesan, Kura Nitya from a village near Hyderabad has been discharging stones from her right eye for the past 15 days.

    She has been weeping about 12 to 25 stones a day.

    Humans have manifested crystals, glass and even needles out of their bodies.... I think some instances have a mundane answer, but others are a major mystery or maybe even examples of glitches in the matrix...

    The ongoing mystery of the magnetosensing cows
    i09 News, 15th November 2011
    Back in 2008, a team of German researchers published a paper in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences that claimed to demonstrate that cattle, when resting or grazing, actually align their bodies along the Earth's magnetic fields.

    The team's results — which were based on satellite imagery of over 8,500 cattle from different regions around the globe — were compelling, but a recent attempt to replicate the researchers' findings has failed, inciting some pretty serious scientific squabble. So where does the great magnetic cow debate stand today?

    The original research was released in August 2008, but I did not pay much attention at the time. Whatever, it's interesting that we get press releases about cows (and strange reports like sheep forming crop circles) that implies animals orientate themselves by using Earth's magnetic field (also the existence of morphogenetic fields to explain creatures swarming), but most animals, birds, sea creatures and fish use the Earth's magnetic field so I can't see why there was such a big fuss about this particular research. I think more humans should be paying attention to commissions being set up due to monitor the impact of space weather on humans when we now have wildly fluctuating geomagnetic fields that do impact humans. Just because there is virtually nothing in the media does not mean that efforts are not being made, the general public may be paying, but sometimes they often don't get to find out what is most relevant to their lives.

    Defense science panel: climate Space weather a national security threat
    USA Today, 14th November 2011
    The Defense Department's highly-regarded science panel is calling for the U.S. military to improve intelligence-gathering related to climate change.

    "Climate change has the potential for significant impacts on all three of the basic elements important to national and international security: defense, diplomacy and economics," says the Defense Science Board report. Particularly in Africa, the report warns of increasing challenges to national security caused by global warming.

    The National Academy of Science has concluded that climate change, largely driven by fossil fuel use releasing greenhouse gases to the atmosphere, has led to a 1.4 degree increase in average global surface temperatures over the last century, and will likely drive a 2 to 11 degree increase in the next century, depending on the size of future emissions.

    I changed the title to reflect the true issue... as even GPS is becoming useless for military purposes, see archives for more info...

    James Ray's Presentencing Hearing: Week 1
    celestial-reflections.blogspot, 13th November 2011
    There comes a moment, in dealing with a personality like Ray, when it suddenly dawns that you've been making a lot of assumptions. You've assumed that they're like you. You've projected your own values and emotions onto them. You've rescripted all the inappropriate things they've said and done, telling yourself, Oh he didn't mean it like that. It just came out wrong.

    And then the penny drops. The person does something so egregious that your increasingly tested state of denial shatters. And over a period of months, or even years, you recollect all the things that were gnawing at your subconscious all along.

    Bingo! This was my no. 1 problem with certain people claiming to be spiritual, too many assumptions, but I could not figure this out into I learnt about how people can be manipulated using a vast selection of techniques and the existence of psychopaths, sociopaths and malignant narcisists etc. Btw, LaVaugh reveals the whopping great lie that Ray claimed that he was only a few credits short of being a psychologist. Wow. Judge Darrow what are you going to do about that! Update I have read the document filed by Colleen Conaway’s family in July, 2011 of her wrongful death (.pdf) here and I thought I knew all the circumstances but it turns out that Colleen was verbally abused, berated, humiliated, ridiculed and shamed by James Ray and his staff and it seems she was not strong enough to take it.... Well, at least the Judge Darrow now knows the background story and for the first time, I am thinking JR might get the maximum sentence of 9 years.

    News flash!

    There are 2 reporters sending out info on the James Ray trial via Twitter, Bob Ortega & Camille Kimball. So, just when you think that James Ray would do everything possible to portray himself as an 'angel of light' as psychopaths do, apparently, it has been revealed that he has been shooting energy in the courtroom using a 'triangle' hand technique that his dream team members were taught to do routinely in seminars! Apparently, a woman called Marilyn Moss, sent a letter to the State of Arizona who were the prosecutors and Detective Diskin read some of the letters out in court and confirmed/testified that James Ray has been firing 'energy' at witnesses on the witness stand!! See saved relevant Camille Kimball tweets Gobsmacking stuff! Unbelievable!! I wonder if Judge Warren Darrow will take this revelation into consideration... So.... psychopath James 'Death' Ray shoots 'death rays' that he also taught his 'death angels' who are also psychopaths in training to shoot at completely hapless seekers of enlightenment... Well, this is what the innocenti are up against.... Extra: This is for those who have been following this story and will apreciate the sentiment of playing "full on" see Twitter for the 16th Camille Kimball tweets.

    Armed forces minister sorry for misleading MPs over depleted uranium
    MoD urged to phase out use of depleted uranium weapons after armed forces minister admits review was never carried out
    Guardian News, 14th November 2011
    The armed forces minister has been forced to apologise over misleading statements he made regarding the legality and dangers of depleted uranium weapons.

    Nick Harvey admitted that he had inadvertently misled MPs about a Ministry of Defence review that he said had concluded the weapons were permissible on humanitarian and environmental grounds under the Geneva conventions.

    I suppose warmonger countries that make liberally use of DU are not really interested in the consequences when they think they can send soldiers off to die and suffer the consequences, but unfortunately that is not the end of the story. The problem is blowback. In the article below written by an activist against the use of DU, we are provided with a chart of air circulation over Europe, Middle East and North Africa, showing us how DU literally blows back in the air. Since a certain bigtime warmonger country has announced a massive drop in sperm counts of 40% in 5 years, they are predicting that in 20 years their citizens will not be able to reproduce, hence it seems there will be some major quick karmic retribution for the rather short-sighted use of a substance derived from the fires of hell.

    At last the British MoD admit to the dangers of Depleted Uranium
    Eyre International, 14th November 2011
    "DU is a chemically toxic and radioactive heavy metal produced as waste by the nuclear power industry that is included in weapons because it is an extremely hard material capable of piercing armour. Once the frontline has moved on, however, it can contaminate the environment, and has been linked to health problems in civilian populations.
    I would like to add to this article by saying it stays in the environment for a half life of 4.5 billion years and it contaminates our own troops which was not stated in the article."

    Strangers Spot People With Compassionate Genes in Seconds
    Live Science, 14th November 2011
    Strangers can "see" a persons trustworthy genes through their behaviors, suggests a new study finding that a single genetic change makes a person seem more compassionate and kind to others. The gene in question is the "love hormone," or oxytocin, receptor. A single change in the receptor can result in higher or lower empathy, or how much you can emotionally relate to others. These changes can be detected by strangers from just 20 seconds of soundless video; these strangers could literally see the person's genes manifesting in their behavior.

    I know this to be true... I went through a period in my life when people collecting for charities would ALWAYS stop me in the street and rattle their collection boxes, it got to the stage where I thought: Do I have something invisible written on my forehead or something? Of course, since I have spent thousands of hours researching, written my book and spent a huge amount of effort trying to make a difference and point out that of world has changed, I do attract the greedy sort. People begging for free, free, free, hoping they can cash in on an apparent gullible idiot... The worse example is someone who SOLD a book online and then came to me saying that they were too busy to write the book... I am sure there are few people who would not believe this story, yes it sounds 'unbelievable' but it's true. I have had nastiness from people who think that I don't have rights over my free time too... Oh well, soon there may be a 'free' mega blast from the sun and the consequences will be 'free' too!

    Occupy Protester Serenades Obama & APEC Summit For 45 Minutes At Official Dinner
    YouTube, 14th November 2011
    Comment: This just goes to prove that you can make your point over dinner and do it nicely... Great job!

    Giant Filament - Hyder Flare Candidate, 14th November 2011
    REMARKABLE SOLAR ACTIVITY: There haven't been any strong solar flares in days. Nevertheless, some impressive activity is underway on the sun. For one thing, an enormous wall of plasma is towering over the sun's southeastern horizon. Stephen Ramsden of Atlanta, Georgia, took this picture on Nov. 11th:

    "Solar forums all over the world are buzzing with Sun-stronomers proclaiming this to be the biggest prominence that many of them had ever witnessed," he says.

    Remarkably, though, this is not the biggest thing. A dark filament of magnetism is snaking more than halfway around the entire sun: SDO image. From end to end, it stretches more than a million km or about three times the distance between Earth and the Moon. If the filament becomes unstable, as solar filaments are prone to do, it could collapse and hit the stellar surface below, triggering a Hyder flare. No one can say if the eruption of such a sprawling structure would be Earth directed.

    Comment: The latest picture of this prominence is incredible.... we are getting a reminder of one of the fundamental properties of plasma that likes to braid itself and create a powerline. For those who are unfamiliar with the plasma cosmology, plasma can achieve the same on a scale of trillions of miles. This is something that is still an issue for those astronomers who refuse to learn about plasma, even though it makes up 99.999% of the visible universe and is now detectable by telescopes at a variety of wavelengths and called The Cosmic Web.

    Giant Filament Snaps, 15th November 2011
    SNAP! ERUPTING FILAMENT: For the past few days, astronomers around the world have been monitoring a dark filament of magnetism sprawled more than 1,000,000 kilometers across the face of the sun. Make that 750,000 km. On Nov. 14th the filament snapped and flung a fraction of itself into space. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory recorded the action:

    The eruption hurled a cloud of plasma into space, but not toward Earth. The only effect on our planet would be to disappoint observers hoping for a longer filament.

    Meanwhile, a wall of plasma towering over the sun's SE limb is seething with activity and may be poised to erupt as well.

    Tepco President apologizes for accident at Fukushima DAINI nuclear plant… not just Daiichi
    Energy News, 14th November 2011
    Comment: The news from Japan just gets worse and worse... I am linking to Energy News because you can get more of the same awful news there. The news about Fukushima DAINI is not a surprise, if you look in the archives, I registered details that implied there was radiation leaking from this site (10km south of Fukushima Daiichi) and it looks like the radiation readings did not lie... The talk of reporters complaining that there were not able to leave the tour bus is unbelievable... are these people completely stupid? See links below:

    Press gain access to Fukushima plant / Media get firsthand look at devastation caused by tsunami, hydrogen blasts
    Daily Yomiuri Online, 15th November 2011
    "At that time, the dosimeter in the bus suddenly showed high readings. It measured 800 microsieverts per hour in front of the No. 4 turbine building and 1 millisieverts--or 1,000 microsieverts--per hour in front of the No. 3 building."
    Just in case there are some who have not been following the aftermath of the disasters in Japan and are unfamiliar with what is considered normal. 1 -2 millisieverts was considered the normal radiation exposure on this planet PER YEAR, so Fukushima readings PER HOUR are horrendous!

    Japan TV: Journalists on Fukushima tour ordered to put cameras down as radiation readings spiked (VIDEO)
    Energy News, 15th November 2011
    Description: ANN News from KHB Channel.8 months after nuclear disaster a Fukushima report was controlled by male on the bus after they passed 3-4 reactor probably heading to reactor Nr. 1 and dosimeters were shoving 300 microsievert /hour. [...] KHB Translation: “They were asked to put their cameras down… Excuse me put down your cameras please”

    NYT: Reporters not allowed to leave bus during tour of Fukushima plant even though in full body contamination suits — CNN: “Radiation readings stood at 1,000 microsieverts” around reactors.
    Energy News, 14th November 2011

    Fukushima Worker: My shoes melted instantaneously when near reactor — Revealed during Tepco-affiliated forum.
    Energy News, 14th November 2011

    Can you trust anything James Arthur Ray says?
    My Gratitude Project, 12th November 2011
    Over the years I've learned NOT to trust Mr Ray's statements. A lot of the things he states as fact, are pretty easy to check up on. As he's currently fighting so hard to get probation time, I thought I'd run a quick background check on some of his more recent statements.

    James Arthur Ray has stated he has no company and that his corporation is no longer active. I ran a corporation search on the California Secretary of State's website, which still lists James Ray International as an active California Corporation. Additionally his corporate website has been redesigned with new graphics, a video showing him being touted by Oprah (I wonder if Oprah knows he's using her image and videos to sell himself online), and is offering James Arthur Ray products for sale.

    There has been some sensational news, here is the snippet posted on the Rick Ross Cult Education Forum:
    'Incidentally this was just on twitter from @TomMcFeeley:
    Just an FYI for #jamesray watchers: Thursday in the courthouse he was served w/ a wrongful death lawsuit by Colleen Conaway’s family' .pdf here

    (Tom McFeeley is the cousin of Kirby Brown, one of the sweat tent victims of James Ray)

    Quite a lot of new information has emerged regarding Colleen's very mysterious, unexpected and unexplained death at another James Ray event, just a few months prior to the sweat tent event that killed three others. Witnesses who were previously in thrall to Ray and his 'superior man' posturing have broken free and come forward.

    This comment string is interesting as it makes clear that the cover-up by JRI and its employees started immediately--no-one 'in the know' was in shock, they were prepared for just such an eventuality and moved smoothly into damage control. link
    There are some links to the Salty Droid, but Salty has gone back to his old foul mouthed ways, so be warned, but this is where I found the details of the cover-up about Colleen Conaway's death and for me it is totally shocking. JR and his team of 'death angels' covered up a 'suicide' and then spent the night partying. This is not speculation it is fact. Totally sick.

    If you have been following the JR trial and the background story, you may have come across a woman called Jeannika who JR badly verbally abused, there is a link in the archives. Jeannika is physically disabled but not mentally disabled and she is on the warpath in her attempts to bring down this monster. Therefore, I am highly amused that she has called her website My Gratitude Project, A Fat Old Woman's Opinionated Views on Life ~ Death ~ and James Arthur Ray -- Love it! Hilarious, Jeannika has posted an extremely long list of law suits against JR! Watch out New Age fraudsters that exist in abundance, you will be exposed! New Age packaged crap sold very well in the past, but with the acceleration of the evolution of consciousness on this planet, those days are over!

    Sentencing in Single Sentences
    Salty Droid, 14th November 2011
    "Clancy (WOS): #JamesRay told us he was a few credits shy of being a psychologist."
    What! This surpasses by a mile the total bullsh#t claim that he was a "Practical Mystic"...

    The Non-Response Response from The White House
    After Disclosure, 12th November 2011
    I would love to have been a fly on the wall when personnel of the Office of Science and Technology Policy of the Executive Office of the President at the New Executive Office Building in Washington , D.C., discussed how to respond to a petition about disclosing data on UFOs. I suspect that nobody brought up the enormous amount of information available indicating that not only are aliens visiting, but the US and other government have been withholding information for many decades. The response certainly indicates intentional lying and misrepresentation or total ignorance.

    Stanton Friedman provides us will a summary concerning the case for UFO disclosure and I am quite impressed. However, I am also intrigued.... Some ufologists make it very clear that they know about the existence of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAPs). For example documentary maker Jose Escamilla whose documentaries include UFO: THE GREATEST STORY EVER DENIED is very clear about the existence of UAPs, but Friedmans only hints at the same thing. Here is a point of interest, but this whole article is worth a read. Friedman writes:
    I, for one, was not one of more than 5000 persons signing the petition. My reason was straight forward. Having worked under security for 14 years and having researched the flying saucer phenomenon (certainly most UFOs are NOT alien flying saucers) for 53 years , I believe there is a very strong national security side to the question. I cannot see releasing technical data that could be of use to other countries also researching the phenomena and wanting to duplicate the extraordinary flying capabilities of the flying saucers… for military purposes
    I am sorry, but I don't agree with this argument. It smacks of wanting the USA to be top dog, but clearly, the leadership of the USA has been busy trashing it's own country for decades now and the empire is clearly in decline, so I don't really understand the argument. I also think the statement, "certainly most UFOs are NOT alien flying saucers" is ambiguous too, but Friedman goes on to mention NARCAP who are very careful to only refer to Unidentified Aerial Phenomena and so we are back to the Shadow Biosphere again. UAPs EXIST, that is a fact according to the UK Ministry of Defence. I think the only solution is educating the general public based on the what is already known, but the UFO community are largely only interested in ETs in spacecraft, which is not an accurate reflection of the fact that there is a completely different lifeform that inhabits this planet and is often mistaken for the possibility of ETs in spacecraft. Proper education is required, not the perpetuation of more mystery as the basis for the standard ufology business model.

    UFO Traffic Report: Friday, November 11, 2011
    UFO Examiner, 10th November 2011
    Just for fun
    U.S. military explanations were partly cloudy today; retired military testimony was hampered again by a complete downpour of mainstream media blackout; witness accounts of military helicopters chasing UFOs reached an uncomfortably high humidity; while White House alien disclosure was obscured another day by Tropical Storm You-Can't-Handle-The-Truth. Elsewhere scattered around the country was a continuing UFO research effort hampered by low and partly windy funding.

    Well, this bit made me laugh...
    • Stunning Tijuana UFOs (Mexico) [6:15]
      YouTube, 10th November 2011
      Comment: I would call this a major UAP 'Event'. Again, where are the military? Obviously, they are nowhere to be seen because these are not 'craft'. Believe it or not, the BIG SECRET is that this is another lifeform (beings of light) and there is not much the miltary can do especially when these entities decide to switch off the lights and zoom off. You need to have a battery of state of the art stealth technology ready to monitor and that is only possible in remote locations where they are known to hang out. Well, what fun... Earth is now a cosmic acquarium, as plasma entities are arriving from all over the galaxy to enjoy the energy...

    • Blue Star Kachina ? 4th September 2011 12am [NZ]
      YouTube, Sep 4, 2011
      Strange cross shaped star or planet! seen in east Auckland sky around midnight

    Mystery fault strands cars at Tesco
    Yorkshire Post, 8th November 2011
    Electrical interference at a supermarket petrol station is forcing drivers to push their cars off the forecourt as it causes chaos by immobilising their vehicles. Motorists filling up at Tesco in Clifton Moor, York, have been left puzzled by the mysterious defect, which is leaving some drivers unable to start the engine.

    But strangely, the problem, which has been reccurring for over six weeks, stops as soon as cars are pushed off the forecourt. Martyn Lamb, 54, has been having trouble while filling up his Ford Focus since September.

    In the archives, there are at least one other example of a zone in the UK where there are major issues with electromagnetic interference EMI, that could be natural (energy portals) or a more mundane artificial cause. To be honest, it amazes me with the high levels of EM pollution that there are not more problems. What's more as energy levels rise across the planet, we can expect more of the same kind of issues.

    YouTube, 2 Sep 2011

    This BBC documentary is about 55 minutes long and broken into 4 parts. It is filmed in India and I think it is quite informative about the enlightenment business, but only if you have done your homework and can spot the techniques being used. I was amused by the day 2 wake up call, a classic NLP command of "Wake-up without your mind!" These manipulators must have to train themselves in how to keep a straight face! Whatever, once you have done the research, all this sort of stuff follows a basic pattern... Read my essay Spirtual Evolution in the Cultic Milieu and especially the bits of "Techniques of Experience" and then research Werner Erhard who apparently is still on the run from the authorities for tax evasion... He is famed for his New Age packaging and sharing his "honed techniques" with other cult guru figures, East and West... I must say, I was really creeped out by Swarmi G... But don't have a solid opinion about Amma who started her hugging campaign at an early age and after hugging so many people, she must have something about her to keep herself from being contaminated by so many people's energy. This is in contrast to someone who went after the feet of another guru and he was beaten off with the excuse of not letting all these people near you with their bad energies and I can see a point to that if you simply can't take it... India must be a wild place to be...

    Quotes of the Week:

    “Truth does not change because it is, or is not, believed by a majority of the people.” -- Giordano Bruno

    “It is proof of a base and low mind for one to wish to think with the masses or majority, merely because the majority is the majority. Truth does not change because it is, or is not, believed by a majority of the people.” -- Giordano Bruno

    “The Divine Light is always in man, presenting itself to the senses and to the comprehension, but man rejects it.” -- Giordano Bruno

    Good news! Killer solar flare won't destroy Earth!
    At least not in 2012, according to NASA, which also says to not sweat 'Planet X'
    MSNBC News, 11th November 2011
    If the world ends in 2012, the sun won't be to blame, NASA officials say.

    Contrary to what some doomsayers would have you believe, our star isn't capable of blasting out a solar flare powerful enough to burn our planet to a crisp, according to the space agency.

    "Most importantly, however, there simply isn't enough energy in the sun to send a killer fireball 93 million miles to destroy Earth," NASA officials wrote in a Nov. 10 statement. [...]

    Space weather still an issue
    The sun's rumblings can and do affect our planet, of course. Flares, for example, can temporarily alter Earth's upper atmosphere, causing disruptions in satellite communications.

    I suppose the doomsday herd are still desperately trying to stir anxiety, whilst the majority are still oblivious to what is really happening on this planet. The real threat is Space Weather and the effect on our modern technological world that is being more and more affected. Basically, society needs to wake up and start doing business differently on this planet.

    2012: Killer solar flares are a physical impossibility (NASA VIDEO)
    PhysOrg News, 11th November 2011
    There is a HUGE difference between the planet being fried to a crisp and a CME knocking out power grids. If 100 million people lose their electricty for months or even years, engineers and scientists know that the impact would be devastating on society, hence a selection of major reports pointing this out, plus lots of other issues associated with space weather. See archives.

    CME Impact & Hyder Flare Candidate, 14th November 2011
    CME IMPACT: As predicted, a coronal mass ejection (CME) hit Earth's magnetic field on Nov. 12th at approximately 0600 UT. The impact was weak, however, so it is not yet clear whether the event will produce significant geomagnetic storms or auroras.

    GRAND FILAMENT: A filament of magnetism more than 700,000 km long is curling around the sun's northeastern limb. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory photographed the vast structure during the early hours of Nov. 12th:

    The filament is weighted down by solar plasma. If it erupts--as such filaments are prone to do--it could fall to the stellar surface below, setting off an explosion called a Hyder flare. Or it might fly upward, hurling fragments of itself into space. Amateur astronomers with solar telescopes are encouraged to monitor the region for developments. The only challenge will be fitting the whole thing into a single field of view.

    The Hyder flare filament is worth a look... a whole half of one side of the sun could literally just peel off and get flung into space...

    Toxic Russian Mars Probe Heads Back to Earth
    Discovery News, 11th November 2011
    It's hard to believe that only last week we were getting excited for Russia's first interplanetary mission in 15 years to launch. By now, we should be happy in the knowledge that the ambitious -- and awesome -- mission is powering through space, toward the Martian moon Phobos.

    The reality is that we are now discussing uncontrolled reentry scenarios.

    As if that wasn't enough bad news, we are looking at an uncontrolled toxic reentry scenario. Phobos-Grunt -- correctly written "Fobos-Grunt," meaning "Phobos-Soil" or "Phobos-Ground" -- is fully-laden with unsymmetrical dimethylhydrazine and nitrogen tetroxide; that's ten tons of fuel and oxidizer. The probe itself weighs-in at only three tons.

    The majority of the fuel will likely vaporize during reentry, but everyone will be hoping for a splash-down in an ocean (which covers two-thirds of Earth, fortunately), as the wreckage will still be hazardous. There's also a small quantity of radioactive cobalt-57 in one of the science missions housed in the probe -- a fact that will most likely cause a media frenzy.

    It is for these reasons that the Russian media is dubbing Phobos-Grunt "Most toxic falling satellite ever." [...]

    So what now? As we await the inevitable reentry of Phobos-Grunt, it would appear the Russian authorities are looking for someone to blame after a string of mission failures. According to a (translated) Interfax bulletin, an anonymous (expert) source indicated this may force reform in the Russian space agency, Roscosmos. Also, "a number of positions of responsible persons" could face jail time.

    So, that's 10 tonnes of explosives mixed with a nuclear device, but nobody can blame Al-Qaida... Ok, the situation in near Earth space appears to have now gone from bad to worse. The RT video says there is 7 tonnes of highly toxic fuel ready to fall anywhere on Earth.... Well, if you have followed this blog for some time, you will know that there has been murmurings in the space community about satellite launches that were persistently failing. I have only featured a few of these incidents, but this is now getting serious and it will be interesting to see what happens next... Has something changed in the space environment or have the recent Russian incidents all been a coincidence or pure incompetence? The fact the Russians are already whispering about people doing jail time means there will be an investigation and the world will find out the truth. As far as I am concerned, the failure of the world's satellite communication infrastructure has been on the cards for years, but most people will not be bothered until modern technological conveniences are no longer convenient.

    Martian curse: Russian probe may crash in populated area (Video)
    RT News, 11th November 2011

    The Rachel Maddow show
    MSNBC, November 2011
    Rachel Maddow has been given the opportunity to be somewhat sarcastic, but quite frankly the apparently amateur video footage looks strange to me... what's more Rachel forgets to mention the nuclear device...

    Victim statements carry weight in Ray pre-sentence proceedings
    Daily Courier, 11th November 2011
    PRESCOTT - In the protracted pre-sentence hearing for James Arthur Ray, the state has presented eight witnesses over the past three days in its effort to prove additional aggravating factors that would convince Judge Warren Darrow to sentence the motivational speaker and author to the maximum allowable term of nine years in prison.

    Led by Yavapai County Attorney Sheila Polk, the prosecution seeks to show that Ray exhibited a pattern of negligent conduct that led to harm, that the victims in the case placed trust in him to keep them safe, that he lacked qualifications to conduct his events, and that many people were harmed, both physically and emotionally, by his actions and omissions.

    I can't wait for this trial to be over, apparently Judge Warren Darrow will sentence Ray, who was found guilty on three counts of negligent homicide, on Nov. 18. The sentencing possibilities range from probation to as long as nine years in prison. Here is the court document pleading for JR to be given probation Court doc pleading for leniency. I think it's the fact that when people were on the ground blue and virtually dead after the sweatlodge and JR walked off to have his dinner that I think shows just how heartless he really was. To think he was angry that the ambulances were called for and he only got concerned when the police turned up and he decided to blame the fire tender and then go on the run. There are people on his staff that should be prosecuted to for allowing people to be sent to hospital without ID, where they died as a Jane Doe. Words fail... and yet, there are still brainwashed people out there that think this kind of behaviour demonstrates "a spiritual warrior".

    State witnesses criticize guru Ray
    Guru's ex-backers: He lacks remorse
    AZ Central, 9th November 2011
    There is a picture here of JR supposedly wiping away a tear because his mother has cancer but since it's still hard to believe that he is anything but a psychopath and it's interesting that as time passes, more and more people who have been involved with him have realised this fact.

    Sweat lodge victim's mother laments Ray's charisma
    Daily Courier, 9th November 2011
    "Earlier in the day, Margaret Clancy, a former Ray client, completed her testimony with a wish that some kind of regulatory agency existed to oversee the self-help industry. "There should be some kind of regulation," she said, "and certain standards that have to be met."
    I don't agree with regulation despite my own awful experiences with the worse kind of New Age fakes. It is simply a matter of the whole of society teaching each other that there are people who are evil who act like 'angels of light' and they will prey on people (given the chance). The real professionals use a vast array of techniques to squeeze as much out of people as possible. If victims don't have cash, then they will try and get them to work for free. Unfortunately, I truly believe that if I did not have some bad experiences, then I think I would have remained naive. It's been painful, but I have been forced to study human development and spiritual evolution, education is the only way to avoid these manipulators.

    Egypt closes Pyramids over 11-11-11 'Ceremony of Love'
    Jerusalem Post, 11th November 2011
    November 11, 2011 – EGYPT – Egypt’s Supreme Council of Antiquities (SCA) closed the Great Pyramids on Friday after protesters said various groups, among them Jews, planned to attend a numerologist ceremony on the Giza Plateau. Egyptian media reported that some Egyptians feared that the event would be used by Jewish Masons to reclaim the Pyramids as ancient Hebrew structures, denying Egyptians their claim to the pharaonic monuments.[...]

    According to a report from British daily the Telegraph, a Polish numerologist group had, in fact, received permission from the Egyptian government to hold a ceremony at the pyramids in order to protect the world from “cosmic forces” aimed at destroying Earth next year. The resulting commotion surrounding the event, including the attendance of Jewish Masons, pushed the SCA to cancel the event, called the “Ceremony of Love.”

    This is very typical New Age 'let's all jump up and down' justified by a corrupted Gregorian calendar.

    X-ray facility to study conditions at Earth's core
    BBC News, 11th November 2011
    An experiment to recreate the extreme conditions of the centre of the Earth was officially opened on Thursday. The ID24 beam line at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF) will use X-ray beams to subject iron and other materials to extraordinary temperatures and pressures.

    How the X-rays are absorbed should give insight into the mysterious processes going on at and near the Earth's core. For example, the work could unravel why the Earth's magnetic field can "flip".

    I wonder.... Experiments to understand what is happening in Earth's core... Do you think scientists have been given this important task because Earth's magnetic field is failing? Have you watch the sci-fi movie 'The Core' that was panned by critics? As I have already written, we are experiencing many of the things that the movie pointed out would happen if Earth's magnetic field breaks down, the only problem is the magnetic field of Earth does not all come from Earth's core but besides that, I really liked this terrible movie because I was enthralled with the scenes of the discovery of giants diamonds inside the Earth. Now I know a little bit more about what is really going on, this movie is a great introduction.

    Nuke agency reports unusual radiation in Europe
    Yahoo News, 11th November 2011
    VIENNA (AP) — Very low levels of radiation, which are higher than normal but don't seem to pose a health hazard, are being registered in the Czech Republic and elsewhere in Europe, the International Atomic Energy Agency said Friday.

    The agency said the cause was not known but was not the result of Japan's Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster, which spread radiation across the globe in March.

    The "very low levels of iodine-131 have been measured in the atmosphere," the agency said in a statement. It said such radioisotope will lose much of its radiation in about eight days.

    Not much to say until we find out more information.

    Radioactive Iodine Detected in Wide Areas of Europe Since Mid October, 11th November 2011

    Riddle of the radiation sweeping across Europe: UN nuclear agency mystified by soaring levels
    Daily Mail, 12th November 2011
    "Very low levels of radioactive iodine-131 have been detected throughout Europe, but the particles are not believed to pose a public health risk, the U.N.nuclear agency said on Friday.
    NASA have released images of 2,400 stars, known as the Tarantula Nebula, that are producing intense radiation and powerful winds, believed to be the cause for the detection in the atmosphere.

    Strange Bright Skies, 11th November 2011

    SKY COLORS: Auroras in Nebraska are rare, but who needs auroras when you've got iridescence? University of Nebraska freshman Evan Ludes took this picture of cloud-colors over Omaha on the morning of Nov. 10th:

    "I walked out of class this morning and was greeted by one of the best iridescence displays I've ever seen!" says Ludes. "The colors formed on the leading edge of a long stretch of cirrocumulus clouds."

    Iridescent colors appear when sunlight shines through water droplets in the edges of clouds. The mechanism is diffraction. The colors are at their brightest and most distinct when the droplets are small and uniformly-sized. More Pics.

    "I'm no optics expert," says Ludes, "but I'm guessing the colors were particularly vivid since these clouds were newly formed and therefore likely had water droplets of similar shape and size. It was incredible how distinct the bands of colors were even when zoomed in at 300mm!"

    HUH! More amazing clouds over Norway too!

    Doughnut Clouds over North Norway News, 11th November 2011

    Penn State President Fired
    Climate Audit, 10th November 2011
    On the same day that Nature published yet another editorial repudiating public examination of the conduct of academic institutions, Penn State President Graham Spanier was fired from his $813,000/year job for failing to ensure that a proper investigation was carried out in respect to pedophilia allegations in Penn State’s hugely profitable football program. The story is receiving massive coverage in North America because the iconic Penn State football coach, Joe Paterno, was also fired today.

    CA readers are aware of Spanier’s failure to ensure proper investigation of Climategate emails and his untrue puffs about the ineffective Penn State Inquiry Committee, reported at CA here and by the the Penn State Collegian as follows:

    OK, I am shocked, this story is being examined by Steve McIntyre at what I think is his usually staid Climate Audit website. His audience are usually much more interested in examining the statistics that generate climate warming 'Hockey Stick' graphs... But at the end of the day his mandate has been exposing the corrution of science and Penn State University is in the firing line...

    Lying, cheating climate scientists caught lying, cheating again
    Telgraph Delingpole blog, 30th October 2011
    "Oh dear. I really didn't want my first blog post in a week to be yet another one about global bloody warming. Problem is, if those lying, cheating climate scientists will insist on going on lying and cheating what else can I do other than expose their lying and cheating?"
    As usual, Delingpole gives nice summaries...

    Want weird weather? Come to Oklahoma!
    Reuters News, 10th November 2011
    (Reuters) - After one of the strangest local weather days in memory, an Oklahoma woman with a sense of humor asked on Twitter earlier this week: "Wanna experience the apocalypse before it happens? Visit Oklahoma!"

    She posted that on Monday night shortly after a 4.7-magnitude aftershock earthquake shook the state. The temblor occurred not long after six tornadoes ripped through southwest Oklahoma, which was preceded by flash-flooding in an area that's been plagued by a historic drought.

    "Seriously, WHAT'S GOING ON?" someone else tweeted that night. The answers vary. Global warning? Coincidence? Bad luck? Bad timing? End of time? There's agreement on only one thing: It's been weird all year. "Even for Oklahoma, this is crazy," said Rick Smith, a National Weather Service meteorologist in Norman. "Since January, we've been setting records. People are just kind of amazed and shocked."

    What I find interesting is the mention of "End of time" like everyone is supposed to already know that everything gets weird in the "End Times." Well, the problem we have is the general public have been generally badly informed. As I have worked out in the last 30 years and it's over 40 years if you count the fact I started Sunday School at age 5, the original religions were based on the worship of the heavens and other fantastic phenomena that were seen in the skies that became anthropomorphised over millenia. Hence, astronomers were the original priests and that is why even in the Middle Ages, the Catholic Church insisted that their priests studied astronomy before they trained to be theologians or philosophers. Once you understand the nuances then it is much easier to understand all the references to End Times in ancient religious texts, because the knowledge of major astronomical cycles was buried very deep so that major important cycles like the 26,000 years precessional cycle would not be forgotten. This also served a religious purpose in that the priests could threaten the ignorant hordes by warning them that Judgement Day was coming etc etc. Well, I am not sure the strategy completely worked because the religious hierarchy became far too corrupt and much of the true meaning of the ancient text was lost. The other way that astronomical knowledge was preserved was by the use of allegorical storytelling that becane mythology... (Please note: bits and pieces of information have been retained in cultures all over the planet, the issue is that very few people have been able to reinterpret that info to become meaningful today, but a few know enough.) Well, the build up of energies around our solar system was noticed by the Russians in the 1960s, but we really started to notice a difference on Earth in the 1990s, the solar system is being flooded with what the religious have called 'Christ' or crystalline energy or other similar esoteric terms and space weather is a reality. Despite the fact that it seems that some people claimed they 'knew' this was coming, I really can't see any serious preparation except for the Russians who some commentators claim are the most 'balanced' nation on the planet. The indigenous people have made an effort but because of all the efforts ranged against them to destroy their culture, religious and spiritual heritage, they have been hampered in their efforts but they still knew enough to try and warn the rest of the world. All my adult life, I have been trying to understand my reality and now that I can see a much bigger picture, I stand by what I have written in my essay The Greatest Transition in the History of Mankind, but I think the general lack of interest in reality means that this is really not going to be an easy transition but that was our choice due to a major lack of interest in understanding the universe and what spirituality actually really means.

    Beaming me up: Extraordinary column of red light shines down from the sky
    Daily Mail, 9th November 2011
    This is the moment a stunning red pillar of light topping several hundred feet appears to shoot down from space. The eerie sight could be seen for miles around and left motorists gawking at the unusual spectacle.

    It was spotted by Rick Stankiewicz as he travelled along the motorway near Hearst, Canada, following a fishing trip. Mr Stankiewicz, 55, an amateur photographer since the age of 12, said: 'It was both eerie and beautiful to see it. 'At first glance my immediate reaction was that it must be a close encounter of the third kind - it was that convincing.

    'The deep colours and clouds just added to the foreboding appearence of the pillar. 'I remember mumbling to myself "beam me up, Scotty" when I spotted it.

    Again, ice crystals are invoked and I have tried to explained this in various different comments about what this is telling us about the occurence of 'rare' atmospheric phenomena, please see archives. The colour is beautiful but I wonder especially after the wild blood red aurora 'bursts' over the United states, but this photo was taken on June 10. This fact makes me think about how the air could be cold enough for ice crystals, but as I have already stated, it's not really about air temperature, it's about the kind of charge on the dust that has formed the ice crystals and whether there has been a 'push' of energy down to much lower levels in the atmosphere.... Well, as far as I am concerned, this is just more evidence that unusual cosmic energies are now streaming onto the planet.

    Rugby player 'woke up gay' after stroke
    Irish Times, 9th November 2011
    A Welsh rugby player who suffered a stroke ditched his fiancee after claiming he woke up gay. Chris Birch (26), has since slimmed down from 19 stone to a lithe 11 stone, retrained as a hairdresser and moved in with a teenage boyfriend.

    He now works at J’s Hair Salon in Ystrad Mynach, south Wales, after giving up his job in a bank. He was injured during a rugby training session when he attempted a back flip, broke his neck and suffered a stroke.

    His parents and girlfriend endured an anxious bedside vigil waiting to discover whether he would recover. The man who eventually emerged was different in almost every way and found he hated sport and was no longer interested in women. Plans to get married and settle down were dropped as he embarked on a new life as a gay man.

    I am very curious about these stories because it seems to be these 'transformational' experiences are happening more often. In the archives, there stories of people waking up and thinking and speaking in another language overnight; people who pick up a foreign accent overnight; and a woman who woke up thinking she was only 15, see Best of the Blog - Brain & Mind Science. However, in this case, it's almost like there is a completely different person inhabiliting the body rather like the stories of people who have received an organ transplant and there has been a transfer of consciousness... I am sure there must be some room for speculation that this person has reverted to 'another' life, whether you believe in previous lives or not. Whatever, this example is really quite interesting. Well, I am a believer in the concept of the holographic brain, but the mind and brain does not exist in isolation and there seems to be an intimate relationship with our emotions that is extremely difficult to quantify, but I made an attempt in my book. So, I am watching out for these stories because I think the environment will be doing a lot of 'resets' in the future, but at this stage, I am monitoring and I cannot state whether this is "good" or "bad".

    Residents of Lucerne were shocked recently to find that explosives had been buried beneath their streets
    Federal Jack, 9th November 2011
    (SWISS INFO) Relics of Switzerland’s Cold War defenses are turning up in surprising places. Residents of a quiet area of Lucerne were shocked recently to find that explosives had been buried beneath their streets. They were planted there by the Swiss army because the road was judged strategically important; in the event of invasion it would have been blown up.

    But local people are angry that they didn’t know what was on their doorstep. They were only informed when the army decided to dig the devices up again. “I got a letter from the defense ministry, telling us there was dynamite buried here on our street, and that they were coming to take it away, “ Rieska Dommann told swissinfo.

    Dommann, who is president of the local residents’ association, was particularly angry to discover that the explosives had been buried in 1989, just as the Cold War was ending. And Schuepbach admits that the Lucerne example is not unusual. There are in fact hundreds of strategic roads, tunnels and bridges in Switzerland which conceal permanent stores of explosives. “But I can’t tell you exactly how many, and exactly where they are, because that information is classified,” said Schuepbach.

    I love Lucerne, it's a really magical place... but you really have to wonder about the warped mentality of the military, think about it, this really is deranged... So.... just in case robbers want to rob your house you plant a booby trap near the front door that you have to make sure you don't trigger yourself.... madness... Apparently this is all over Switzerland too.... read the complete article... this is complete military madness...

    Russian Engineers Race to Save Troubled Mars Moon Probe, 9th November 2011
    Russian engineers are scrambling to try to save the Phobos-Grunt spacecraft, which was launched Tuesday (Nov. 8) but has failed to head toward Mars as planned.

    The spacecraft appears to be stuck in Earth orbit instead, after its engine failed to ignite to send the probe on a trajectory to the Red Planet. Now Russian Space Agency officials say they have two weeks to figure out how to start up Phobos-Grunt's thrusters before the spacecraft is lost completely.

    "They seem to be in a stable and relatively long-lived situation, so they have the most precious spaceflight resource -- TIME -- to figure out and implement an alternate command scheme," space consultant James Oberg, a former NASA space shuttle mission control engineer, told in an email. "It looks like they will try an orbit raise burn about 17:16 GMT [12:16 EST] today."

    "The go-for-broke nature of this mission, aiming for the first Russian deep space success in a quarter century, always looked awfully bold, and now looks just plain reckless -- whatever happens next," Oberg said.

    Oh dear! This project will only be reckless if the spacecraft comes crashing back down to Earth and we have another game (the third in about three months) of watching a piece of space junk before it completely disappears in a media blackout.

    Talking parrot woke owner with news of newborn puppies
    The Mirror, 9th November 2011
    A CARING parrot alerted his sleeping owner that her dog had given birth by squawking “come on, come on”. Suzanna Bolton was woken by the talking bird jumping on her head and mimicking her voice.

    She took him back to his perch downstairs but he looked at her and squawked again – and she discovered her dog had delivered six puppies a week early. One had died and four-year-old Pomeranian Sally and her other five pups were in distress on a cold, wet, kitchen floor. Suzanna, 55, said of her African grey parrot Sam: “He seemed to know something was wrong and came looking for me to help. [...]

    She added: “Sam is allowed to roam around out of his cage but he’d never been in my bedroom in the eight years I’ve had him.

    As part of the massive evolutionary changes, metaphysical sources suggest that there will be a noticeable increase in the intelligence of animals but I presume this means all sentient life on this planet... As social scientists suggest, there is different types of intelligence and I am actually quite interested in demonstrations of emotion and spiritual intelligence. I actually believe these types of intelligence are linked to the development of compassion and empathy, but in society where people are brainwashed into justifying their actions by the notion that it's about the "survival of the fittest", the trends of encouraging excessive narcissism does not bode well for the future of humanity if all types of intelligence can be used as an indication of evolution. So, the whole planet is experiencing a MASSIVE deluge of cosmic energy, but few are actually even interested in the consequences, but maybe that is now changing as some fear kicks in that we have simply failed to comprehend what has been happening for the last two decades or so. Actually, I had an email today that reminded of the fact that the Russians do know exactly what is happening and have been building pyramids around Moscow since 1989. Due to the balancing abilities of pyramid geometry, they have stated this seems to help stop the build up of large earthquakes amongst lots of other wonders that they have discovered. Meanwhile in the UK, the Defence minister has to plead with big business and utilities to wake-up and take space weather seriously. Again, it crossed my mind about the biblical parable of the wise and foolish virgins not being prepared and since we know that this is ancient knowledge that has been preserved for just this moment even though it is allegorical, there is no doubt that the deepest hidden meaning is all about the return of the Christ ENERGY. All I can say is the Russians DID NOT FAIL TO COMPREHEND that there was a massive evolutionary shift of energies taking place that is sweeping through our entire solar system. What's more it was reported the week I published my book in September 2006, that the Russians would lead the world in the coming spiritual revolution. They are ready...

    Near-Death Experience After Effects Key to Understanding NDEs, Say Researcher P.M.H. Atwater
    Skeptico, 8th November 2011
    Long-time NDE researchers and author P.M.H. Atwater reveals what she’s learned from the nearly 4,000 near-death experieners she’s interviewed.

    Join Skeptiko host Alex Tsakiris for an interview with NDE researcher and author, P.M.H. Atwater. During the interview Atwater discusses the after-effects associated with NDEs: [...]

    PMH Atwater: How deeply affected that individual is. If they’re deeply affected enough that it changes the body as well as the brain as well as the spirit. When you look further into what’s happening to the human being, you begin to see what I saw and that is that this can become a biological thing.

    One of the things I noticed in my research, and I spent a lot of time talking about it in the second half of the book, is that the near-death experience is not any kind of anomaly. It is rather part of the larger genre of transformations of consciousness. I say that again because of the after-effects and how deep those after-effects or intense those after-effects might be.

    If you go even further and realize that near-death experiences, Kundalini breakthroughs, baptism of the Holy Spirit, spiritual transformations, on and on and on, all of these different parts of this broader genre, they all change the human being in significant ways almost as if a transmutation.

    So if you study history, which I have done, and you look at those times in history throughout our globe, and you notice this communing throughout the evolutionary phase, a lot of people are suddenly coming out and being born this way, being changed this way, experiencing this kind of thing. What I began to notice is that near-death experiences are really a biological imperative.

    All I can say is Amen! This woman has nailed this!

    Origins of Life on Earth & Beyond --New Harvard Discoveries
    Daily Galaxy, 8th November 2011
    Two of the world's preeminent scientists, Harvard astronomer Dimitar Sasselov and Jack Szostak, a Nobel Prize-winning professor of genetics at Harvard Medical School, co-founded the Harvard Origins of Life Initiative --an interdisciplinary center unlike any other in the world. It studies everything from planet formation and detection to the origin and early evolution of life.

    The focus of Szostak's lab is to understand how life, which depends on self-replication and Darwinian evolution, emerges from chemistry. For decades, scientists have tried to understand the basics of life by taking existing life and attempting to trace it back to its origins. But their experiments all failed. [...]

    So, did life originally spring from clay as some creation myths assert? Not necessarily, but it does provide a possible mechanism for explaining how life initially arose from nonliving molecules. [...]

    "It's exciting because we know that a particular clay mineral helps with the assembly of RNA," Szostak said. "There certainly would have been lots of environments on early Earth with clay minerals. It's something that forms relatively easily as rocks weather." [...]

    Szostak first showed how a simple membrane could form from clay available on the early Earth. More recently, he and others have been searching for a simple series of steps that can explain how primitive genetic material replicated itself.

    If they succeed, "then, since we know there are probably hundreds of millions of Earth-like planets in our galaxy alone, it would make it seem pretty darn likely that there's life in other places out there," he says.

    Hmmm... Now, this is interesting. If religious texts still have ancient knowledge from prior advanced cilvilisations secretly encoded, as most commentators who know about these things suggest, then it would make perfect sense that they would know that the original form of life on this planet was seeded from the stars (dust) and catalyzed with clay, but I still think that a few bolts of lightning are needed to infuse some 'life' into the dust and clay... Well, it does seem like a few scientists are working overtime making sure that some more people realise there is a possibility of life elsewhere in the universe. So what's up?

    Asteroid 2005 YU55 Flyby (Video), 8th November 2011

    ASTEROID FLYBY: NASA radars are monitoring 2005 YU55, an asteroid the size of an aircraft carrier, as it heads for a flyby of the Earth-Moon system later today. There is no danger to our planet. At closest approach on Tuesday, Nov. 8th, at 3:28 pm PST (23:28 UT), the 400m-wide space rock will be 324,600 kilometers away, about 85% the distance from Earth to the Moon.

    Professional astronomers are eagerly anticipating the flyby as the asteroid presents an exceptionally strong radar target. Powerful transmitters at Goldstone and Arecibo will ping the space rock as it passes by, revealing the asteroid's shape and texture in crisp detail, and pinpointing its orbit for future flyby calculations. A movie from JPL explains:

    Comment: There is a sideshow going on with this asteroid fly-by but I don't want to comment just yet.

    NASA Live Broadcast 11-1-11 Asteroid 2005 YU55
    YouTube, 3rd November 2011
    This is the NASA Live Broadcast Nov. 1 2011.

    NASA Captures New Images of Large Asteroid Passing Earth
    NASA News, 7th November 2011

    Your guide to the asteroid encounter (Video)
    MSNBC News, 8th November 2011
    The NASA/JPL video here is 2 mins long but still quite informative

    NASA releases radar movie of asteroid 2005 YU55, 9th November 2011
    ""The movie shows the small subset of images obtained at Goldstone on November 7 that have finished processing. By animating a sequence of radar images, we can see more surface detail than is visible otherwise," said radar astronomer Lance Benner, the principal investigator for the 2005 YU55 observations, from NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif."

    APOD: Crown Flash & Leaping Streams of Light
    APOD NASA, 8th November 2011
    What's happening above those clouds? In the past few years, videos have appeared on the web detailing an unusual but little known phenomenon: rapid light changes over clouds. Upon inspection and contemplation, a leading hypothesis for its cause has now emerged. In sum, this hypothesis holds that a lightning discharge in a thundercloud can temporarily change the electric field above the cloud where charged ice crystals were reflecting sunlight. The new electric field quickly re-orients the geometric crystals to a new orientation that reflects sunlight differently. In other words, a lightning discharge can cause a sundog to jump. Soon, the old electric field may be restored, causing the ice crystals to return to their original orientation. To help this curious phenomenon become better studied, sky enthusiasts with similar jumping or dancing sundog videos are encouraged to share them.

    Well, I am pleased to see that NASA are acknowledging this 'rare' atmospheric phenomenon. However, as I have already noted so many times before, there are many different examples of atmospheric phenomena that signify that Earth's atmosphere is becoming more and more electrified. So, I am wondering at what point will more people stop and consider the implications and what this actually means for humans who will need to be able to cope with their bodies becoming more and more charged too.

    'No Aliens On Earth' Says Senior Obama Official
    UK Yahoo News, 8th November 2011
    A senior White House official has insisted there is "no credible evidence of extraterrestrial presence here on Earth".

    And in a blow to millions of conspiracy theorists, the member of Barack Obama's administration, also said there was no credible information to suggest evidence of alien life is being kept from the public.

    The unusual comments were contained in a response by senior space policy and communications official Phil Larson to several petitions lodged on a White House website.

    Quite frankly, even if there were aliens, I think it would be more useful of the Obama Administration explained the existence of a Shadow Biosphere, as more and more people are seeing orbs and plasma entities in the sky or even just above ground level, that are clearly not alien spacecraft. It's time to move on.

    Of Course, the US Government Officially Denies Any Contact With Aliens
    Gizmodo, 8th November 2011
    The retort at Gizmodo just made me laugh... But it also provides the entire US government official response.

    Router glitch causes widespread Internet outages
    The Register, 7th November 2011
    Internet services throughout the North America and Europe saw widespread outages and slowdowns on Monday after backbone provider Level 3 Communications suffered a global failure, network providers said.

    Time Warner Cable in the US, Research in Motion services for BlackBerry subscribers, and UK ISPs Eclipse Internet, Easynet, and MerulaSupport were all reportedly experiencing problems on Monday. According to multiple accounts, including a variety of Twitter dispatches, at least some of the the outages were the result of a bug in Juniper routers that corrupted BGP, or border gateway protocol, tables.

    “There are confirmed reports that this event within Level 3 has affected most of North America,” hosting provider Phyber Communications told its customers in a status report. “This outage has affected other networks running Juniper routers with the majority of them seeing their devices core dump and reload.”

    A core dump is when a serious error causes a device to crash and the contents in its main memory are written to disk. As a result, the routers must reboot with little or no warning, creating problems for networks that rely on the devices to route email, webpages and other internet traffic.

    I just think this is strange.... so I am making a note.

    What Is Peer Review for?
    Scientific America, 2nd November 2011
    There is a lot of back and forth right now amongst the academic technorati about the “future of peer review”. The more I read about this, the more I’ve begun to step back and ask, in all seriousness:

    What is scientific peer-review for?

    This is, I believe, a damn important question to have answered. To put my money where my mouth is I’m going to answer my own question, in my own words:

    The scientific peer-review process increases the probability that the scientific literature converges–at long time scales–upon scientific truth via distributed fact-checking, replication, and validation by other scientists. Peer review publication gives the scientific process “memory”.

    I picked this link up from the article Psychologist admits to faking dozens of scientific studies about the Diederik Stapel scandal. It stated: "Those of you who are curious about how something like this could happen despite well-established peer-review practices, or if you're simply looking for an incisive exploration of what the peer review process is, what it isn't, and what it's for, check out this timely piece by Scientific American's Bradley Voytek." Well, peer review does not work when there are vested interests that control what people believe in society and scientists generally 'succeed' if they comply within the current paradigm and scientific worldview controlled by invisible 'powers'... As some scientists make very clear, scientists are well trained like dogs. If they conform they get grants, like a dog will get dog biscuits, if they don't conform they don't get the grants they need and so they can't do the scientific research. Hence, those who have some integrity but want to do some real science that is outside of the normal concensus view tend to have quite a difficult time on many levels. As we have seen with the massive scandal of Climategate and many other examples of fakery, especially in the medical scientific community, scientists across the board admit that this is now a serious problem. However, it is just symptomatic of the corruption of society where people prefer lies and cheating to honour and truth. This is a quote I like:
    "I think basically becoming famous has taken the place of going to heaven in modern society, hasn't it?" -- Jarvis Cocker
    Jarvis Cocker: 'Music has changed. It's not as central, it's more like a scented candle'. The Guardian, 16th October 2011

    Japan’s Emperor hospitalized: “He appeared fatigued and has lost some resistance to fight his illness” — Traveled to disaster area in April
    Energy News, 7th November 2011
    Japanese emperor to be admitted to the hospital on bronchitis fears, Reuters, November 7, 2011:

    “Japanese Emperor Akihito is due to be hospitalized on Sunday with a cold, fever and symptoms of bronchitis, Kyodo news agency reported [...] because the fever worsened the bronchitis symptoms and he appeared fatigued and has lost some resistance to fight his illness.”

    “Five days after the devastating earthquake and tsunami struck Japan’s northeast, Akihito made a rare public televised address and in April traveled to the disaster-struck area with Empress Michiko, 77.”

    The headlines coming out of Japan are unbelievable... So... is the Japanese emperor suffering from radiation poisoning? There has been headlines since April about the increased numbers of people with pneumonia but now it's royalty too, see Japan Emperor’s granddaughter hospitalized with mycoplasmal pneumonia & apparently the the empress has been ill with aches and pains in the arms and legs. This is a quote:
    The areas surrounding the imperial household in the center of Tokyo in Chiyoda-ku has elevated radiation levels. The foodstuff that is used in the imperial household - vegetables, milk, egg, beef - comes from the imperial farm in Nasu, Tochigi Prefecture (Imperial Household Agency, announcement on 7/21/2011) where the radiation is even more elevated and where the meat cow nearby was found with high level of radioactive cesium.

    #Radiation in Japan: Small News and Baseless Rumors,, 6th November 2011
    I don't even know what to say anymore, what is wrong with the Japanese government? They can't even protect their own royalty... Look, these are two old people and they went to Fukushima and brought the food to eat! See, Japanese emperor visits Fukushima What is amazing is the constant sickness reports that keep making comparisons with Chernobyl, as if it's some kind of surprise... There are at least 6 nuclear reactors in trouble with three confirmed meltdowns or melt-throughs, so the Japanese are now busy allowing their water supply to be contaminated too... Where is the intelligence? THE COUNTRY HAD NO PLANS TO HANDLE A NUCLEAR DISASTER... What amazes me is why the Japanese royal family did not flee...

    Scientist Marco Kaltofen Presents Data Confirming Hot Particles
    Fairewinds, 31st November 2011
    "Washington, DC - October 31, 2011 – Today Scientist Marco Kaltofen of Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) presented his analysis of radioactive isotopic releases from the Fukushima accidents at the annual meeting of the American Public Health Association (APHA). Mr. Kaltofen’s analysis confirms the detection of hot particles in the US and the extensive airborne and ground contamination in northern Japan due to the four nuclear power plant accidents at TEPCO’s Fukushima reactors. Fairewinds believes that this is a personal health issue in Japan and a public health issue in the United States and Canada."
    YouTube version here.

    Searching for the origins of life... and our future
    BBC News, 7th November 2011
    Hollywood is wrong about aliens. They don't have oddly shaped heads, bulging eyes or even an eery green hue. Dimitar Sasselov is pretty convinced of that.

    He's not even sure we'll know them when we see them. Prof Sasselov, an astrophysicist, thinks that if life exists elsewhere - and he believes it does - it will likely be based on different building blocks than ours, and so may not even be recognisable as life.

    A project he's heading at Harvard University, called the Origins of Life, is trying to imagine what life would be like if it were based on different chemicals, conditions and history than we have on Earth. There's no reason life can only form under our set of circumstances, he says - or at least that's what he thinks and hopes the project will eventually prove. [...]

    "One morning we'll wake up with a fundamentally different view of the world and who we are," he says. [...]

    At Harvard, the Origins team also includes a geneticist, a chemist, a geochemist, an environmental chemist, and a palaeontologist - and that's just the steering committee.

    I am suspicious.... Notice the article has a definite message that is given at the beginning, but the rest of the content is badly lacking and I wonder whether it's the media putting a spin on things rather than anything significant going on amongst the scientific community... But, you never know, maybe we have got to the stage where the elite have decided that the current situation of orbs and UAPs flying around in broad daylight has got untenable.... I am interested that we are being told that scientists from different disciplines have decided to talk to each other.. astrobiologists have been complaining for quite a long time about the definition of what we call life... two legged monsters like us humans cannot serve as the only model for defining life.

    Theology professor asks: Are we alone in the universe?
    Ventura County Star, 4th November 2011
    "The idea that life could exist elsewhere and how it might relate to Christian and Catholic beliefs will be the topic of a free lecture Tuesday at St. John's Seminary in Camarillo. The Rev. Dr. Thomas O'Meara, retired University of Notre Dame theology professor and nationally renown author and speaker, will present his lecture, "Christian Theology and Extraterrestrial Intelligent Life," at 7 p.m. Members of the public are welcome."

    Why more and more intelligent women are being forced to 'marry down' and find a less-educated man as females win out at work and school
    Daily Mail, 7th November 2011
    Women are overtaking men in education and in the workplace, a senior Government minister said yesterday – creating a new generation of stay-at-home fathers.

    Universities minister David Willetts predicted relationships and traditional household structures will be transformed as the fairer sex powers ahead, and women earn more than their male partners.

    Successful women will have to ‘marry down’ by choosing partners less qualified than them – and may increasingly select men based on how supportive they might be to their careers, rather than whether they can support them financially.

    The BBC have just re-interviewed astronomer Dame Jocelyn Bell Burnell and if you have never heard her story then it might come as a shock. Briefly, Jocelyn Burnell is famed for being passed over for a Noble Prize in preference to her male boss for one of the biggest discoveries of the twentieth century. Male and female alike are still perturbed by this injustice nearly 40 years later. However, it's her story of long standing academic discrimination because she is a woman that is truly shocking. I have found a few shocked responses from people who don't realise how tough it has been for women to have good academic careers and therefore compete with men, especially when men like to close ranks because that is an easy way out for some to maintain their own positions (the old boys club). See: On Nobel Prizes, and why Girls Should eat Cake in History Lessons & Grace under pressure.

    Serious Health Scare in Houston
    High School Rivals, 5th November 2011
    Authorities in Houston are still searching for answers after an area high school football game was called off early after nearly two dozen fans were hospitalized after suddenly becoming sick in the stands of Barnett Stadium on Friday night.

    During the second half of the game between Austin (Texas) High and Houston (Texas) Yates, many members of the band and dance team from Austin started suffering from nausea, vomiting and dizziness and began collapsing in the stands, according to numerous media reports.

    Officials feared they had been exposed to some type of biohazard and called hazmet teams to the scene but no traces of gases or chemical agents were found. Nevertheless, the stadium was cleared and the game was called with Yates leading, 47-14.

    The students, many complaining of nausea, were sent for more medical evaluation. "We ended up with 22 students being transported to five different hospitals," Houston Fire Department assistant chief David Almaguer told the local FOX affiliate, KTRK-TV.

    Are we starting to see an increase in reports of mass hysteria? Maybe, it could have been just one person that was genuinely sick, but for some strange reason, the symptoms were quickly passed on to the group... There has been a lot of psychological studies about crowd or 'mob' dynamics and team games are a very easy way for humans to 'meld' into a group identity where the mob then acts as a single identity... The issue is whether there is something in the air (literally) that is acting as a unifier...

    Georgia witness videotapes silent 'glowing orbs' (Video)
    UFO Examiner, 4th November 2011
    A Georgia witness reports watching and videotaping "two glowing orbs" silently moving near her home on November 3, 2011, for about 90 minutes, according to testimony today from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.

    "They were definitely not planes or helicopters," the witness stated. "They were bright and moving around. The one over my neighbor's house across the street was much lower than the one all the way to the left. They were in the air for about an hour and a half. No noise."

    Orbs, Orbs Orbs or magnetospheric plasmoids, magnetospheric plasmoids, magnetospheric plasmoids... This is a decent video despite the fact the eye witness was quite freaked out by her experience.

    Georgia witness says UFO was too low and silent for a plane
    UFO Examiner, 5th November 2011
    ""The object I saw was definitely much lower than that plane. I want to say that it was a box shape, but I'm only basing that on the fact that the two white lights and two red lights were at four corners, but they almost appeared to be on one flat side rather than around an object. The two white lights flashed together and the two red lights flashed together. So, I can't really say what shape it was, maybe flat, maybe square, maybe diamond shaped. It seemed more like it was meandering along quietly rather than hovering. Almost like it was making a sweep of the area."

    Silent red orbs cross Pennsylvania skies as odd aircraft move in
    UFO Examiner, 5th November 2011
    About 30 seconds later a second Red Orb came into view following the same trajectory as the first. I ran back into the store and yelled that another Orb is coming a crossed the sky again. This time about 4 or 5 of us were now outside to watch the Orb and were amazed at what we were seeing. It again did the same exact thing as the first and blinked out. After all the excitement was over my wife and I went to get a bite to eat at Burger King in the same shopping center. When we came out 15 minutes later after eating we noticed 5 Large Aircraft circling and criss crossing as if in a grid search.
    I don't think the "aircraft" were ours...

    Boomerang UFO with red lights reported low over South Carolina
    UFO Examiner, 5th November 2011
    " was boomarang shaped or V shaped, it had small red lights inside of it, but the lights were not blinking, and the object did not make a sound. it was low flying, it went right over the tree tops."
    This is swarm behaviour that can be compared to a flock of geese flying in a V-shaped formation across the sky. See previous comments...

    From the X Files: "Giordano Bruno's Legacy" --Vatican New Views on Extraterrestrial Civilizations
    Daily Galaxy, 26th October 2011
    The chief astronomer of the church that burned Giordano Bruno at the stake in 1600 says there is no conflict between believing in God and in the possibility of extraterrestrial civilizations perhaps more evolved than humans.

    "In my opinion this possibility exists," said the Reverend José Gabriel Funes, current director of the Vatican Observatory and a scientific adviser to Pope Benedict XVI, referring to life on other planets.

    "How can we exclude that life has developed elsewhere," he said in an interview with the Vatican newspaper L'Osservatore Romano. The large number of galaxies with their own planets makes this possible, he noted.

    Asked if he was referring to beings similar to humans or even more evolved than humans, he said: "Certainly, in a universe this big you can't exclude this hypothesis."

    "Just as there is a multiplicity of creatures on earth, there can be other beings, even intelligent, created by God. This is not in contrast with our faith because we can't put limits on God's creative freedom. Why can't we speak of a 'brother extraterrestrial'? It would still be part of creation."

    Funes, who runs the observatory that is based south of Rome and in Arizona, held out the possibility that the human race might actually be the "lost sheep" of the universe. There could be other beings "who remained in full friendship with their creator," he said.

    "The general opinion is not always the perfect truth..." Giordano Bruno is still quoted. Such remarks produced expensive, bitter consequences: On 17th of February 1600 he publicly was burnt at the stake after eight years of torture and dungeon detention. Today the Piazza Campo dei Fiori where this statue stands has become a monument to free thinking; adjacent to the statue, is the "Fahrenheit 451" bookstore, named after Ray Bradbury's 1953 novel expounding freedom of thought.

    As the Spanish physicist Beatriz Gato-Rivera wrote, Bruno "claimed that the sun was only one star among the many thousands, and therrefore, like the sun, many other stars also have planets around them and living beings inhabiting them." Gato-Rivera goes on to note that to "appreciate the genius of Bruno one has to take into account that he lived at a time when more than 99% of the intellectuals believed that the Earth was the center of the Universe, and a few others, like Copernicus and Galileo, believed that it was the Sun, instead, at the center of the Universe, and the stars being some bright heavenly bodies of an unknown nature."

    I think this is an incredibly thought provoking article. The Catholic idea of the "Lost sheep" fits in with a lot of Gnostic beliefs rather than an idea that those who don't know any better will try and claim are New Age... Whatever, the admission that 99% of the intellectuals could be wrong and the one person that is right could be figuratively burnt at the stake for trying to provide some enlightenment is something that strikes a deep chord with me... As I have said many times before, this is a long standing pattern amongst academics who are often intimidated by their education (or brainwashing) to re-think problems from a completely different perspective. What's more, for a lot of people, just regurgitating somebody else's thoughts without actually having the capacity to think them through and take into account new observations and evidence, creates a false sense of intellectual achievement. Here, Vatican astronomers are not providing us with enlightenment for our benefit, rather they have access to the writings of ancient astronomers and philosophers, they know what is taking place on this planet now as I have written over and over again, so this is just a desperate bid to stay in power.

    Quote of the Week: Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing ever happened. Winston Churchill [H/t WUWT]

    Twitter storm as HSBC systems crash affects millions across UK
    Daily Mail, 4th November 2011
    SBC was today hit by a nationwide systems crash thought to have affected millions of customers. The bank's cash machines, branches, debit cards, and internet banking services all stopped working at 2.45pm after a computer glitch.

    The outage lasted more than two hours, with frantic HSBC staff finally finding a fix at 4.50pm. Earlier, a Twitter storm erupted with worried customers saying they could not withdraw money from HSBC cash machines and their cards had been declined in shops.

    Oh well, we did have an X2 solar flare that would have affected Earth's atmosphere and Earth's magnetic shielding (magnetosphere) is in quite poor shape these days... Well, since so many major banks are having problems with their technology (see link below), we can only presume that the electromagnetic smog combined with cosmic rays and cosmic radiation is now starting to have quite a detrimental effect... It is most likely that due to space weather and Earth's weakening defences, things are likely to get far worse and if modern society is going to survive we need to do things very differently in the future.

    CHANCE OF FLARES, 4th November 2011
    CHANCE OF FLARES: NOAA forecasters have upgraded the chance of X-class solar flares today to 20%. The source would be AR1339, one of the biggest sunspots in many years. The active region rotated over the sun's eastern limb two days ago and now it is turning toward Earth. Solar flare alerts: text, voice.

    The sunspot has already unleashed one X-flare on Nov. 3rd around 2027 UT. A movie from NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory shows the extreme ultraviolet flash:

    So, a huge sunspot described as "one of the largest sunspots in years" has released a X-rated flare and quite an impressive CME that happened on the same day back on Nov 4, 2003, when the largest Solar Flare ever was recorded... I am sure there must be a few worried space weather forecasters hoping that Earth is not fried again with excessive radiation...

    X28+ Solar Flare (Nov 4, 2003) - A Day in History
    YouTube, 4th November 2011
    "A Day in History: On this day back on Nov 4, 2003, the largest Solar Flare ever recorded took place around a Sunspot then numbered 486. The flare registered X28+, but was located on the southwest limb and out of direct Earth view. Some estimates are said that the flare was actually X40+. Watch the video below to relive the action." Thanks to

    Monster sunspot poses threat of significant solar storms
    Washington Post, 4th November 2011
    The area is called Region 1339 and is being referred to as a “benevolent monster.” 8.3 times bigger than Earth, it generated a solar flare which shot out a burst of charged particles yesterday but - this time - was not aimed at Earth.

    However, this extremely active area of the sun will be facing earth for about two weeks. At this time there is no way to predict whether new flares will generate significant solar storms aimed towards Earth and, if so, whether they could result in geomagnetic storms capable of dire consequences on “life as we know it” .

    It is interesting that the author of this article is aware of the seriousness of space weather, but I am not sure about the description of dire consequences on “life as we know it” because it sounds too dramatic even if it is true... Personally, I have come to the conclusion that most people are oblivious to anything not mundane, so any effort has to be directed to finding the very small number of people who can make a difference.

    Japan Times: It is now a “grave situation” at Fukushima — “Plutonium fission” mentioned for first time — “Criticality is very likely to have occurred”
    Energy News, 3rd November 2011

    Nov. 3, 8:30 pm ET (Emphasis Added) — A report published at 8:30 pm ET by the Japan Times calls on Tepco and the Japan gov’t to “find out true reactor conditions” at Fukushima.

    Tepco announced Wednesday that, according to the Times, “There is the possibility that criticality, a sustained nuclear chain reaction, had occurred ‘temporarily’ and ‘locally’ in the No. 2 reactor.”

    During it’s testing, Tepco has detected xenon-133 and -135, “Products of uranium or plutonium fission.”

    The half life of xenon-135 is about 9 hours, therefore, “Criticality is very likely to have occurred just before the gases were analyzed,” reports the Times.

    How much worse can this get? I am wondering: are we actually seeing a situation that world controllers have no control over? Well, I have been saying for at least 6 months that Tokyo is finished and now there are new plans, for a backup city (with casinos?), but no interest in evacuating the children in Fukushima... What other conclusion is there, Japanese 'controllers' are completely insane....

    Japan unveils plan to develop massive gov’t “backup city” 300 miles west of Tokyo — Room for 200,000 staff — May be built at Itami Airport
    Energy News, 3rd November 2011

    • OurPlanet TV: What's Happening to Children Now? (7/14/2011), 30th October 2011
      Our Planet TV is an Internet-based station "with no religious or political affiliations. It was founded by a small group of producers, video journalists and other media professionals who questioned the way mainstream media covered 9.11 and the events that followed."

      One of the programs, ContAct, did an interview with Mika Noro, which was webcasted on July 14, 2011. Ms. Noro has been active in helping children in areas affected by the Chernobyl nuke plant accident, and after the Fukushima accident her organization has been setting up free medical consultations for mothers and children in Fukushima.

      Noro and the host of the program discussed health issues that were starting to get reported more widely around that time, and compared them to what Noro observed in Chernobyl. Her conclusion: weakened immune system due to exposure to radiation. She is no medical doctor or radiation expert, but considering what the medical doctors and radiation experts have been saying and doing since March 11 (remember Dr. Yamashita?), that doesn't necessarily disqualify her from commenting on health and radiation.

      Rather, as Dr. Nishio of Hokkaido Cancer Research Center says in the video, if this many people report almost identical symptoms (throat problems, nosebleed, diarrhea, fatigue, etc.) after being exposed to radiation from the Fukushima I Nuke Plant accident, "the doctors need to recognize them as new clinical symptoms of low-dose radiation exposure", instead of outright dismissing them (which is what almost all of them do). The Japanese authorities don't even care about the perpetuation of their own race and are spreading the radiation all over Japan by burning contaminated radioactive material, I think this is some serious psychopathy for the world to see. Are the people in charge humans or evil aliens?

    PHOTO OF THE DAY: UFO’s in the valley, Redux
    Sky Valley Chronicle, 3rd November 2011
    The most famous picture of UFO’s ever taken in Washington State, USA, home of the free land of the brave and so forth and so on.

    A string of ten zippy-fast UFO’s (that stands for "Unidentified Funky Objects") flying in formation that a mighty Sky Valley Chronicle shooter captured on U.S.Highway 2 in Startup, WA around 9:00 p.m. August 15, 2010.

    The huge line of cars are people heading Westbound on the “Highway of Death” after spending the weekend playing in Eastern Washington (sort of a ritual around here on summer weekends). There’s always a traffic jam coming back westbound on Sundays.

    The image capture was a total freak accident. Our guy was standing there waiting for a burger at the Alpine Burger Hut and to pass the time was erasing some images from his camera (hey, what happens in Las Vegas should STAY in Vegas) heard a sound, looked up, saw the formation, got off one shot and then they were gone.

    Isn't it strange that we live in a world where really strange things are happening all around us and most people prefer total ignorance.... It's something I just can't relate to.... What is worse is people claiming to seek enlightenment, but instead, they are being systematically shoved fodder by unscrupulous manipulative people and they are happy because in their complete and utter ignorance, anything sounds just about plausible... Rather like telling children great sounding fairy tales, children are easily thrilled... Anyway, returning to the skeptical scientific community... It was only one hundred years ago that most scientists were adamant that it was IMPOSSIBLE for stones to fall from the sky... It was only a few decades ago that scientists loudly proclaimed space as "empty" now we have studies telling us that bacteria thrive in the radioactive environment of space. There is evidence of microfossils in meteorites, dust is just freeze-dried bacteria, plasma sheaths which can be easily created with electricity create protection from hostile conditions in space, but scientists publicly don't want to admit the existence of other lifeforms in space which becomes the next logical conclusion. The evidence is mounting but not enough humans have grown up enough to learn the truth as too many still prefer fairy tales.

    UFO: ‘Fireballs’ spotted over Harrismith and Bloemfontein
    The Witness, 3rd Noveber 2011
    “It was cloudy and the phenomenon was fairly low in the sky. Five of these objects appeared in a matter of 20 minutes.” Greuning said the fireballs moved from north to south, made no noise and were relatively slow moving.

    NASA conference about asteroid 2005 YU55 close flyby + Live stream!
    The Watchers, 2nd November 2011
    NASA scientists will have a unique observing opportunity with asteroid 2005 YU55, as the space rock “safely flies past Earth” at a distance slightly closer than the moon on Nov. 8, 2011.

    At the point of closest approach, the asteroid will be no closer than 201,700 miles (324,600 kilometers). The gravitational influence of the asteroid will have no detectable effect on anything here on Earth, including our planet’s tides or tectonic plates. Although 2005 YU55 is in an orbit that regularly brings it to the vicinity of Earth, the 2011 encounter with Earth is the closest this space rock has come for at least the last 200 years.

    During the close flyby, scientists will use the massive 70-meter Deep Space Network antenna to study the asteroid. The 70-meter (230-foot) diameter antenna is the largest, and therefore most sensitive, DSN antenna, and is capabile of tracking a spacecraft travelling more than 16 billion kilometers (10 billion miles) from Earth.

    What is interesting about this event is that the steam has been taken out of conspiracy theorists with the ridiculous hype surrounding Comet Elenin that never came closer than 22 million miles, but this object is coming within the orbit of the moon, 201,700 miles... Just strange....

    • Collision course: the space rocks that threaten our lives
      A 20 million ton asteroid is currently hurtling through space at 23,000 miles per hour, on a collision course with Earth. But fear not – Nasa has 25 years to stop it
      The Telegraph, 30th October 2011
      When Paul Chodas and Steve Chesley arrived at Nasa’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, in a valley beneath the slopes of California’s San Gabriel Mountains, on October 6 2008, they assumed it would be a normal day. But it would prove to be anything but. The scientists worked for the space administration’s Near Earth Object (NEO) programme, a team tasked with identifying comets, asteroids and meteors that potentially pose a threat to Earth. A normal day meant scanning their screens for small white dots in our solar system — the vast majority of which were either too far away to ever be a problem or so small they would burn up in our atmosphere long before they could ever do any serious damage. On that Monday morning, however, Chodas noticed an asteroid about the size of a truck beyond the moon’s orbit. It was on a collision course with Earth.

      Since we are now in an interstellar debris cloud and rocks are flying pass on a regular basis, some of them will hit Earth. Hence, it is interesting to know what capabilities astronomers have to know what exactly is coming at us and this article provides some interesting details. This article is quite a revelation by informing us that astronomers don't necessarily understand the space environment hence the incredible revelation of "keyholes" that I have never come across before... It seems to imply that the only way they can tell where an asteroid is going is to keep tracking them, but that if they hit a keyhole all bets are off and that is just plain strange...

    Royal Society journal archive contains scientific articles about extraterrestrials
    Open Minds, 2nd November 2011
    On October 26, 2011, the Royal Society announced that its journal archive has been made available to the public, free-of-charge. The material that was once restricted to pay-per-view access is now freely accessible online. Approximately 60,000 historical scientific papers make up the free archive, and come from various Royal Society publications. The Royal Society publishes peer-reviewed papers on varying scientific topics, including extraterrestrials and UFOs.

    According to the Royal Society’s announcement, Professor Uta Frith FRS, Chair of the Royal Society library committee, stated, “The release of these papers opens a fascinating window on the history of scientific progress over the last few centuries and will be of interest to anybody who wants to understand how science has evolved since the days of the Royal Society’s foundation.” The society’s first publication appeared in 1665. Yes, you can read articles from 1665 in the archive. aware that not all of the Royal Society’s content is currently available for free. Only content that was published more than 70 years ago is freely available. Newer content still requires a fee to view. So while you’re certainly welcome to browse writings by Isaac Newton, Charles Darwin, and Ben Franklin, you still have to pay for most of the articles about extraterrestrials and UFOs..

    I am sure there must be some interesting information now available that goes well beyond the pseudoscience of the Drake Equation. However, this move must be seen as another step towards some kind of disclosure, but hopefully about Earth's Shadow Biosphere which anyone who knows about Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAPs) and Light Phenomena and who can engage their thinking capacity will realise must represent a completely different lifeform.

    The Brightest Lights in the Universe --Black-Hole Powered Quasars (Today's Most Popular)
    Daily Galaxy, 2nd November 2011
    Movement of black holes power the persistent lights in the universe. Black holes not only spin, they can also move laterally across their host galaxy. And according to astrophysicists at Brigham Young University, both types of movement power massive jets of energy known as quasars. One black hole in the galaxy Centauras A propels radiation in a jet measuring 1 million light-years long.

    These spectacular jets stream out of galaxies that contain discs of debris and gas, the remnants of stars ripped apart by the force from black holes.

    "The black hole is like a generator spinning around in these magnetic fields," said BYU professor David Neilsen, lead author of the study. "The way the field lines get twisted around and pulled by the spinning black hole creates electromagnetic tension that gets turned into radiation and energy that goes out."

    The spin of black holes has been believed to play a role since the idea was put forward in 1977. The new study confirms this theory while also introducing a totally new component: that a black hole's lateral movement also powers these jets.

    The top astronomers in the world do not believe in Black Holes because theory does not match up with observations and so we find that some astronomers prefer to believe that the objects that can be seen in space emitting powerful jets of energy are actually dense magnetic balls of plasma, called Eternally Collapsing Objects (ECOs) or Magnetically Eternally Collapsing Objects (MECOs). Some mathematicians have been complaining bitterly for years that Black Hole theory allowed for some big assumptions that have NEVER been proven, but it seems just like Big Bang theory, 'average' scientists are allowed to throw away their initial assumptioms and adopt new ones which is basically NOT science. So today, Black Holes have now become any object in the universe emitting powerful jets of energy which seems to be in direct contradiction to the old belief that Black Holes are so gravitationally powerful that anything within a certain range gets swallowed up that's why they were called Black Holes.... Also, original Black Holes were not allowed to be magnetic, but all of a sudden theory has changed and they can be magnetic. Well, elite astronomers have realised that dense concentrations of plasma produce jets as a result of plasma instability and magnetism is expected for a 'hot' ball of plasma, so when initial erroneous ideas are discarded, observations make a lot more sense. [The BBC article Supermassive Black Holes from 2000, is a good example of a major shift in black hole theory explaining the light from black holes and the relationship between black holes and galaxy formation. Another intriguing theory based on the properties of superfluids is the Gravastar. This is nicely explained in 2006 New Scientist article, Is Space-Time Actually A Superfluid? which seems to echo MECO theory in that objects called black Holes never reach a true singularity. We have some real experimental observations for a reality check, so it's not all mathematical conjecture.] What is really interesting is this seems to be some proof of how the scientific community is layered with "elite" scientists that have very different views from the rest of the scientific herd and they simply don't have to worry about perpetuating popular myths (rather like a religious hierarchy), they are actually doing 'real', science but there does not seem to be that many of them and sometimes their work is shrouded in secrecy.

    The Myth of the Black Hole
    The Myth of the Black Hole by Miles Mathis is an amusing read but even he admits that:
    "I leave open the possibility that black holes do exist in some form, and that a part of the astronomical data has been read correctly. But the greater part of current speculation could be called wild, and a significant part is demonstrably illogical."
    Mathis talks about "story-telling with a physical flavor"... yes, we are back to the fairy tales for adults again...

    Unraveling the 'Fabric of the Cosmos': Q&A with Brian Greene, 1st November 2011
    The series, which is based on Greene's book of the same title, premieres Wednesday (Nov. 2) on PBS at 9 p.m. ET/PT, and the three subsequent episodes will air on consecutive Wednesday nights through Nov. 23. [Gallery: The History & Structure of the Universe (Infographics)] caught up with Greene to discuss his new TV series, whether we're close to figuring out what dark matter is, and whether there are copies of us somewhere out there in another universe: This TV series is based on your book, "The Fabric of the Cosmos," which tackles some of the most compelling questions and ideas in modern physics. Taking all that material and condensing it into four one-hour episodes must have been challenging.

    I don't call what Brian Greene provides as education, I call this perpetuating mystery. Using geometry to explain spacetime is just a diversionary tactic almost as bad as using the concepts of dimensions because none of it makes any sense until we start talking about energy which is what the fabric of the universe is really made from. These types of authors seem to make a great living from explaining the failures of modern physics, but I get really creeped out by the discussion of mathematics being used to provide hints on reality... See the long Rupert Sheldrake quote below... well, the planet is being invaded by another lifeform and all this person can suggest is more speculation over the religious doctrine called Big Bang theory.... it's so pathetic...

    Report finds massive fraud at Dutch universities
    Nature News, 1st November 2011
    When colleagues called the work of Dutch psychologist Diederik Stapel too good to be true, they meant it as a compliment. But a preliminary investigative report ( released on 31 October gives literal meaning to the phrase, detailing years of data manipulation and blatant fabrication by the prominent Tilburg University researcher.

    "We have some 30 papers in peer-reviewed journals where we are actually sure that they are fake, and there are more to come," says Pim Levelt, chair of the committee that investigated Stapel's work at the university.

    The data were also suspicious, the report says: effects were large; missing data and outliers were rare; and hypotheses were rarely refuted. Journals publishing Stapel's papers did not question the omission of details about where the data came from. "We see that the scientific checks and balances process has failed at several levels," Levelt says.

    I will admit, I burst out laughing when I read that nobody asked where the data was coming from... Obviously, this professor was too much of a god-guru to be a liar... Reports say he has already been fired but the Wikipedia entry for Diederik Stapel says that: "an extensive report will investigate all his 130 articles and 24 chapters in books." So............. he was so trusted because he was a professor that nobody bothered to check his work (however, I will admit I am impressed that three young researcher eventually turned him in....) but this scenario is probably being repeated all over the planet and then the results foisted onto society; morsels of crap like "meat eaters are more selfish than vegetarians...". Just wow...

    Diederik Stapel: The Lying Dutchman
    Washington Post, 1st November 2011
    OK, I just liked the headline...

    Stapel report finds faked data in at least 30 papers, possibly more
    Retraction Watch, 31st October 2011
    There is an interesting comment here that is worthy of being highlighted:
    Recently, and for diverse reasons, I’ve looked back at the history of Marc Hauser, reviewed the extended American Anthropology Association saga, re-read parts of Pinker’s “Blank Slate,” pondered the peculiar collapse of Stephen Gould’s case against 19th century brain research, and now followed the Stapel story. The question, not to put too fine a point on it, is this: what do we do if an entire field of science is so infected with fraud and agenda-driven literature that it simply isn’t trustworthy any more?

    Maybe that’s the case with social psychology. Maybe it’s not. But it’s a problem which is simply no longer excusable as some dilute Poisson-distributed behavior by a tiny group of three-sigma deviants. The Stapel matter isn’t a scandal. It’s one more symptom of a real level of systemic rot in this particular discipline. It needs to be addressed as such.
    Actually, I have been having similar thoughts about the metaphysical community; is it just too rotten? Not enough spiritual intelligence combined with a great preference for childish beliefs, magical thinking and pseudoscience.

    Tilburg professor faked data in at least 30 academic publications
    Dutch News, 31st October 2011
    "In total, statistics quoted in 150 papers dating back to 2004 when Stapel worked at Groningen University, are being examined."
    In a written response to the allegations published on the Brabants Dagblad newspaper website, Stapels says he has ‘failed as a researcher and academic’. ‘I realize now that my behavior has stunned and angered my colleagues and put my area of expertise – social psychology – in a bad light,’ he wrote. ‘I am embarrassed and deeply sorry for this.’
    Please note: we only get some remorse when he is caught... He was not overwhelmed with guilt and decided to turn himself in, so was this just some kind of game where he delighted in fooling everyone around him?

    "The art of devotional lying"
    Cult Educational Forum, 2nd November 2011
    "To them, telling the truth would have been the easy way out, and they even looked down on me when I advocated telling the truth, as if I were just not advanced enough to understand the subtleties of the art of devotional lying."

    An honorable, honest guru needs no enablers.

    Only a dishonest and abusive guru needs repeated apologists and needs a network of celebrity enablers. And a retinue of secret keepers

    Adi Da was the first guru Ken Wilber endorsed--before he went on to endorse Andrew Cohen and Marc Gafni.

    Broken Yogi, a former disciple of Adi Da, and a member of his inner circle has some most interesting things to say. That around Adi Da there developed a culture of 'devotional lying'.

    I used to get scandalised but I think I have got to the stage where I have realised that there is absolutely no way that there can be any serious spiritual evolution until people wake up (I include myself here) and start to recognise the manipulators and the lying bar steward psychopaths. Well, I still spend time over at the Rick Ross Cult Education Forum, that has now become a little cult of it's own due to the general high levels of enthusiasm for exposing gurus and cults, but I have been so educated.... Anyway, I have decided to highlight this particular thread for a few reasons. 1) I hate "rude boy" guru thugs that think they can beat their followers up and get away with it. 2) I hate the idea of good research on human development being used by people to create a sense of elitism, but at the same time used to support predators. After spending at least 1 thousand hours over the last three years studying gurus and cult tactics, I now realise why so few people have any idea what the hell is happening on this planet and why so many so-called spiritual leaders are so clueless. The desperate search for followers and understanding how to manipulate them precludes any serious time spent on understanding spiritual evolution. Start at the beginning of this thread, for some people it might be quite a revelation.

    Update So, Marc Gafni routinely uses blackmail to keep people in check... I don't know about you, but I think this kind of behaviour whiffs of the same methodology used by world controllers to control minions... Hence, I appreciate the full 'hilarious' confession (bad poetry?) of someone who has decided that blackmail will not work on them and that they are at liberty to tell the truth... Whatever, recognising the psychopaths at the helm of organisations by people seriously seeking spiritual truth, really has to become a serious priority... The reason being is that the traits of a psychopath can be transferred by the charismatic, hence those who are already Dharma-Lite become corrupted and warped, hence the occurrence of "devotional lying" and general deceitful behaviour. As far as I am concerned, this explains the New Age Law of Attraction hype and the 'blame the victim belief', initially promoted by psychopaths and then by their adherents who become 'psychopaths in training'. Of course, if you are ignorant of the machinations of the guru-culture then none of this makes sense and some effort is required to do some basic research.
    • Thoughts of God Make Us Slackers, Study Suggests
      Live Science, 28th October 2011
      No matter if you're a believer, thinking about God and religion may turn you into a slacker, according to a new study.

      "More than 90 percent of people in the world agree that God or a similar spiritual power exists or may exist,"study researcher Kristin Laurin of the University of Waterloo in Canada, said in a statement. "This is the first empirical evidence that simple reminders of God can diminish some types of self-regulation, such as pursuing one's goals, yet can improve others, such as resisting temptation."

      Even for those without a personal belief in God, U.S. culture is saturated with religious references and imagery that could impact them, Laurin said. The study's results were independent of the participants' religious beliefs. Even without knowing it, these signs and signals can have a psychological effect.

      I found the choice of engineering students for this research quite interesting but the conclusion I have come to is rather more harsh than talk of Santa Claus. Another way to look at this result is that religious 'conditioning' actually sabotages people. It says this quite clearly with the statement: "When prompted with religious imagery or language beforehand, the students came up with fewer words, regardless of their religious background, than those who hadn't been primed with such imagery." Yes, that means that some people were literally pushed into another mental or even "trance" state and so were literally mentally incapacitated. I think this research should be linked to that of people who literally shut down their brains when listening to religious speakers They have the power to switch off your brain, my comments from April 2010 are in the archives. So, why do you think religion is such big business? For those who understand the dynamics, you can become very wealthy from finding hapless easily manipulated religious followers, but of course, this is a very major problem for genuine truth seekers, surrounded by those who can't see the dynamics in play.

    Mystery sighting baffles author [NZ], 2nd November 2011
    An Auckland writer says mysterious lights she saw last month are beyond any science fiction she could have dreamed up.

    Heather Royal, of Gulf Harbour, is baffled by two large, orange lights she saw near Manly Beach on October 9 and is appealing for further information about what they may have been.

    The writer and her husband, Jeff, spotted the intriguing phenomena as they drove back from a friend's house where they had watched the All Blacks beat Argentina in the World Cup quarter final. "The sight which I saw was so unusual and so amazing I let out a huge expletive."

    I don't understand why so many people cannot do enough basic research to discover the existence of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena and Light Phenomena. I can understand how difficult this was 50 years ago or even 20 years ago but now we have the internet, educated and intelligent people don't have any excuse whatsoever, when so much good information is available in the public domain.

    UFOs in Marblehead? Recent sightings defy easy explanation
    Wicked Local Marblehead, 28th October 2011

    Eerie green lights land in New Mexico
    Open Minds, 31st October 2011
    Interesting.... I now have seen some absolutely fabulous photographs revealing fan-shaped entities but with rainbow spectrums in high definition. This is a real problem for ufologists who are looking for metallic 'saucer' spacecraft when it is obvious that 'UFOs' belong to a Shadow Biosphere on this planet, made up of a huge variety of plasma entities, which can only be understood by studying the properties of plasma.

    Snowtober: US north-east coast hit by unseasonal October snow storm (21Pics)
    Refreshing News, 1st November 2011
    One of the darkest Hallowe'ens ever looms for roughly 2.8 million households in the US left without power by a rare October snowstorm in the Northeast that hit transportation and killed at least eight people over the weekend. The unseasonably early winter storm, known as a "nor'easter" due to its north-easterly movement, was being called "Snowtober" and affected up to 60 million people.

    Record-breaking snow fell, the heaviest of which was 31.4 inches measured in Jaffrey, New Hampshire, according to the National Weather Service. Just 45 minutes northwest of New York City, in West Milford, New Jersey, 19 inches of snow fell.

    If we are slowly moving into an Ice Age then this should not be a surprise... These are great pictures.

    Inches of “Global Warming” Get Dumped on NASA-GISS HQ (PHOTO)
    Watts Up With That, 29th October 2011
    "[Update: New York City got more snow in October 2011 than ever before in recorded history, according to the NY Daily News (including some good photos). Special thanks to WUWT commenter NikFromNYC who posted this photo link of Snow near GISS HQ last evening.]"
    Actually, I don't really think this is funny at all if this is another sign that we are moving into an Ice Age.

    Record snowfall for “Climate Justice Day” in New York
    WUWT, 30th October 2011
    Obviously, I support both camps here, but I can see the funny side...

    Reuters: Occupying Wall Street in the snow
    YouTube, 29th October 2011

    Drunk naked taxi driver smashes into 17 cars in Moscow
    A drunk taxi driver was caught naked by police in Moscow following a rampage in which he smashed into 17 cars. Metro News, 31st October 2011
    City police became aware of Vitaly Grodi's erratic driving after he ignored a road sign and refused to stop. The driver bumped into 17 vehicles – reports The Russian News & Information Agency RIA Novosti –including a police van.

    He also narrowly avoided hitting a school bus. The driver was finally caught by officers who were shocked to find him in nothing but his birthday suit when he emerged from his cab. The taxi driver told police he was unhappy and had decided to get into his cab following an argument with his girlfriend.

    A crime of passion... but maybe excerbated by geomagnetic conditions... OK, nobody died but one mad man has caused a lot of chaos for a lot of people. This the reason why society is in such a mess because it only needs a small percent of chaos makers to dominate everybody elses' lives.

    Hero dog drags his owner home after he is knocked unconscious by lightning bolt
    Daily Mail, 28th October 2011
    A faithful dog rescued his owner by dragging him home after he was struck by an enormous lightning bolt.

    Ian Thomas, 64, was taking his German schnauzer Monty out for an early morning walk when he was struck by a bolt so powerful he would have been killed if he had not been wearing wellington boots.

    The bolt threw Mr Thomas, who is the Mayor of Redruth in Cornwall, into the air and knocked him out.

    I am starting to understand why some people prefer animals to humans...

    Why near-death events are tricks of mind
    Medical Express, 24th October 2011
    Psychologists who reviewed a range of phenomena such as out-of-body experiences, visions of tunnels of light or encounters with dead relatives, say they are tricks of the mind rather than a glimpse of the afterlife.

    Researchers at the Universities of Edinburgh and Cambridge say that most of the experiences can be explained by a reaction in the brain prompted by a traumatic and sometimes harmless event.

    The researchers say that many common near-death experiences could be caused by the brain’s attempt to make sense of unusual sensations and perceptions occurring during a traumatic event.

    The problem with this analysis is scientists cannot prove that the mind is a function of the brain or what the relationship is between the mind and the brain. They do know that the body actually has a mind and that is why there is a new study of the mindbody, normally referred to as psychoneuroimmunology. So trying to blame mind experiences as a brain malfunction is not really science it's guesswork. Yes, the brain can be re-wired due to the massive electrical discharge in the brain at the time of near death (and that is why so many of these shaman types try to nearly kill their followers by trying to literally electrically "shock" the brain to reconfigure, other religious traditions do exactly the same thing by various methods in the hope of advancement, but it is extremely dangerous), but how that affects the mind-brain relationship is not understood.

    Pollutants Linked to 450 Percent Increase in Risk of Birth Defects in Rural China
    Science Daily, 19th October 2011
    ScienceDaily (Oct. 19, 2011) — Pesticides and pollutants are related to a 450 percent increase in the risk of spina bifida and anencephaly in rural China, according to scientists at The University of Texas at Austin and Peking University.

    Two of the pesticides found in high concentrations in the placentas of affected newborns and stillborn fetuses were endosulfan and lindane. Endosulfan is only now being phased out in the United States for treatment of cotton, potatoes, tomatoes and apples. Lindane was only recently banned in the United States for treatment of barley, corn, oats, rye, sorghum and wheat seeds.

    Strong associations were also found between spina bifida and anencephaly and high concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), which are byproducts of burning fossil fuels such as oil and coal. Spina bifida is a defect in which the backbone and spinal canal do not close before birth. Anencephaly is the absence of a large part of the brain and skull. [...]

    "It's an extraordinary natural experiment," says Finnell, who was recently recruited to the university to help anchor the Dell Pediatric Research Institute. "It would be much harder to do this study in the United States, where neural tube defects are more rare. It's also an opportunity to assist the Chinese government in their efforts to lower their birth defect rates."

    Well, the Chinese have create an evironmental nightmare and are admitting there is a serious problem. They must be fearing a Cosmic Darwin Award for the whole country.

    Life-like cells are made of metal
    New Scientist, 14th September 2011
    Could living things that evolved from metals be clunking about somewhere in the universe? Perhaps. In a lab in Glasgow, UK, one man is intent on proving that metal-based life is possible.

    He has managed to build cell-like bubbles from giant metal-containing molecules and has given them some life-like properties. He now hopes to induce them to evolve into fully inorganic self-replicating entities.

    "I am 100 per cent positive that we can get evolution to work outside organic biology," says Lee Cronin (see photo, right) at the University of Glasgow. His building blocks are large "polyoxometalates" made of a range of metal atoms – most recently tungsten – linked to oxygen and phosphorus. By simply mixing them in solution, he can get them to self-assemble into cell-like spheres.

    Talk about in your face... Now lets think: our universe has been around for billions of years, plenty of time for entities to have evolved from metals.... this has got to be one of the most interesting articles I have read for years... This is a Star Trek moment: Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations

    Susan Joy Rennison, B.Sc.Hons. (Physics with Geophysics)


    Joyfire Science & Metaphysics Integration
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    “Space Weather is now a fact of life.”

    “We are all astronauts now!”

    Tuning The Diamonds,
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    “We must spiritually evolve as part of the new terms & conditions for living on Earth.”

    Joyfire Tour – Evolutionary Change, December 2006

    “Space Weather will force many changes in how we do business on this planet.”

    News of the Imbalance,
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    As the Sun Awakens, NASA Keeps a Wary Eye on Space Weather
    NASA News, 4th June 2010

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    “Space weather has the potential to simultaneously affect and disrupt health and safety across entire continents. Successfully preparing for space weather events is an all-of-nation endeavor that requires partnerships across governments, emergency managers, academia, the media, the insurance industry, non-profits, and the private sector.”

    Executive Order –– Coordinating Efforts to Prepare the Nation for Space Weather Events
    The White House, 13th October 2016

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