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The New Cosmic Age is now Official!
The News of The Imbalance blog is an attempt to provide pertinent information concerning the new phenomena of space weather driving massive evolutionary change. In 2006, I self-published the book Tuning the Diamonds: Electromagnetism & Spiritual Evolution (2006, 2008, 2010, 2012 ), because I believed that Modern Mayan Elders were trying to point out that the citizens of planet Earth were entering a New World Age dominated by aether or space. The basic premise of my book was that the dramatic increase and impact of Space Weather was predicted.
Since 2006, the major significance of Space Weather has become more apparent. What's more, it has now been proven that major religious institutions, metaphysical and esoteric groups have been tracking the date 2012 as the end/start of a major astronomical cycle. Geoscientists worldwide are adamant that our planet is experiencing a “global energy leap” and the inevitable consequence will be more mega-disasters. World governments have been warned that there is a new need for disaster preparedness and there is now a new sense of urgency. This blog provides my unique perspective as a Truth Seeker, based on the integration of science, metaphysics and ancient knowledge.
The Joyfire Space Weather “Facts” Introductory Slideshow
Slideshow: The Joyfire Space Weather “Facts” Introductory Slideshow
Click image above or here
For new website visitors, please watch this introductory slideshow that summarises the main issues associated with the new phenomenon of Space Weather and the inevitable implications of energy driven evolutionary change.
News of the Imbalance January – February 2014
Northern lights seen around the UK
People across the UK experience a rare glimpse of the Northern Lights from Scotland to as far south as Essex
Telegraph, 28th February 2014

The spectacular red and green lights of the Aurora Borealis lit up skies as far south as Gloucestershire, Essex and Norfolk last night, the result of a strong magnetic storm.
The lights were clearly visible in Glasgow, Orkney and Aberdeenshire in Scotland, at Preston in Lancashire and in Whitley Bay, North Tyneside.
Excited aurora-spotters took to social media to share their photos and experiences of the lights.
Comment: I note that some scientist was dragged onto UK TV to explain what happened and he mixed up the solar wind with the arrival of a coronal mass ejection as the source of the auroras... Can you imagine it? TV producers could not even find a space scientist who get some basics right! As usual, the link with the X4.9 solar flare prepping the atmosphere for what looks like auroras that are usually associated with an extreme geomagnetic event is not mentioned... Update: I think we will have to wait for space weather experts to reveal whether Earth's citizens had again dodged another near CME knockout blow... Whatever, we are now in a dangerous game of Russian roulette with the sun.
Midlands wowed by rare shows of Northern Lights
Northern Lights or Aurora Borealis seen in Wales
Subsiding Geomagnetic Storm, 28th February 2014
A geomagnetic storm that started on Feb. 27th when a CME sideswiped Earth's magnetic field is subsiding. At its peak, the storm measured G2 on NOAA storm scales and sparked bright auroras over northern Europe, Greenland and Iceland. Tryggvi Már Gunnarsson was driving out of Reykjavik when he saw the display:
"As I was driving from Reykjavik to north Iceland I saw this red halo on the sky. My first thought was: A volcano must be erupting!," says Gunnarsson. "Then, as the green colors appeared, I realized this was the aurora borealis. It was one of the most magnificent aurorashows I have ever seen."
If the magnetic storm had lasted just a little longer, bright lights would have appeared over some northern-tier US states, too. Instead, the display was rapidly fading by the time night fell over North America.
Michelle Obama and The Revenge of the ‘Knuckleheads’
21st Century Wire, 28th February 2014
This week, Michelle Obama appeared on The Tonight Show, hosted by Jimmy Fallon, to discuss her challenges of ‘life in the White House’ and also to plug her new “Let’s Move” campaign. Then came the train wreck – her suicidal gaff insinuating that America’s youth are stupid, can’t cook for themselves, spend their time drunk dancing on bar stools and in her eyes – are a bunch of “knuckleheads”. Yes, she did actually say that.
Comment: LOL... I think Michelle Obama can no longer be bothered to appeal to the idiocracy... LOL
Human Barbie reveals she starves herself: 'Breatharian' believes she can live off 'cosmic micro-food' of just light and air
Daily Mail, 28th February 2014
Ukranian model Valeria Lukyanova, who lives her life as a 'human Barbie' has revealed she doesn't consume food or water anymore.
Some have said she uses plastic surgery and Photoshop to create her doll-like image, but her impossibly thin waist could actually be down to not eating for weeks.
The model, 23, has said she is now converting to 'Breatharianism' - training herself to live off only light and air.
Comment: I suppose she is just part of the trend of people who want to be 'different,' but for most people, being a Breatherian ends in tears...
Physicists plan to wipe out Earth’s Van Allen belts with radio waves
Geek News, 27th February 2014

It was just last year that physicists thought they found the origin of Earth’s Van Allen radiation belts — and now a prominent group of them want those belts dead! It’s understandable, given the frustration these areas of space can cause to modern astrophysicists; if you want to launch a satellite or telescope, let alone a human being, the Van Allen belts will be a painful thorn in your side. So, says a growing group of astrophysicists, why not wipe them out altogether? It might seem odd to hear scientists propose destroying a feature of the natural world, but there is a decent scientific argument to be made that these belts provide us nothing useful, and that we could lose them without a single negative effect.
Comment: Space scientists are getting desperate.... Attempts have already been made to get rid of the Van Allen belts, which ended up causing an assortment of screw ups, like the joint NASA/Italian Tether incident, Project Starfish etc. Moreover, scientists don't understand why the Van Allen belts exist, but that does not mean they are not important.... It reminds me of all the rubbish taught about 'junk' DNA and now we find the 'junk' represents epigenetic markers etc...
Subsiding Geomagnetic Storm, 27th February 2014
Long-lived sunspot AR1967 returned to the Earthside of the sun on Feb. 25th and promptly erupted, producing an X4.9-class solar flare. This is the strongest flare of the year so far and one of the strongest of the current solar cycle. A movie from NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory shows the explosion hurling a loop of hot plasma away from the blast site:
Coronagraphs onboard the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory tracked this material as it raced away from the sun, eventually forming a bright CME, pictured below. Radio emissions from shock waves at the leading edge of the CME suggest an expansion velocity near 2000 km/s or 4.4 million mph. If such a fast-moving cloud did strike Earth, the resulting geomagnetic storms could be severe. However, because its trajectory is so far off the sun-Earth line, the CME will deliver a no more than a glancing blow. NOAA forecasters expect a weak impact on Feb. 27th.
The source of the eruption is long-lived sunspot AR1967, now beginning its third trip across the Earthside of the sun. This region was an active producer of flares during its previous transits, and it looks like the third time will be no different. By tradition, sunspots are renumbered each time they return, so AR1967 has been given a new name, AR1990. After today, that is what we will call it.
Mysterious Flashing 'Earthquake Lights' Maybe Explained
Yahoo News, 27th February 2014

Mysterious flashes of lightning sometimes herald earthquakes, and now scientists may have discovered why: Shifting grains surrounding faults in the Earth may generate an electric charge.
This strange flickering, known as earthquake lights, can occur before or during quakes. Recent findings suggest earthquake lights seem to happen at rifts where pieces of the Earth are pulling apart from each other.
Comment: What amuses me is scientists trying to deny reality because they don't understand the science, hence the use of the term 'crackpot physics'.... Denial does not make the phenomenon go away, rather like the phenomenon opf UFOs, that can also sometimes be linked to bursts of plasma coming out from out of the ground... Maybe, the rather extraordinary light-shows that have been big hits on YouTube have been focusing some minds...
Locked in the 'Doomsday Vault': Samples of more than 20,000 crops from 100 nations added to 800,000 existing stock at seed bank that will protect the world’s biodiversity in the event of a disaster
Independent News, 26th February 2014

The Doomsday Vault, which cost £5m to construct, was designed to protect against such threats, and can withstand nuclear war, asteroid strikes and extreme weather. Behind an entrance carved into the rock on a remote island near the North Pole, a tunnel reaches 125m inside the mountain. There, behind four sets of air-locked doors, are three vaults, which can house up to two billion seeds. Because of its location under the ice, the seeds would be preserved even if all power was cut.
Comment: This is disaster resilience preparations being conducted in plain sight... Of course, most still don't understand why this effort is needed, even as the planet plunges into more chaos induced by higher levels of cosmic energy. Btw, it is no surprise the intelligentsia amongst the Japanese are worried....
Food bank feeding the poor in Scotland runs out of food
Digital Journal, 24th February 2014

Glasgow - The largest food bank in Scotland, which exists to help feed the poverty stricken, has run out of food. The food bank in Glasgow has been cleaned out because the number of families asking for help has reached record levels.
The number of people requesting help via the Citizens Advice Bureau for food in January was more than half the number turning up to food banks throughout the whole of 2013. The food banks are mostly run by the Trussell Trust, which runs 42 food banks in Scotland alone.
Comment: I think the UK government has reached the Marie Antoinette level. It's OK when government controlled banksters lose billions but are still allowed to award themselves massive multi-million pound bonuses at the same time that brain-dead conservatives complain about businesses losing money because of food banks... The facts are that people are struggling to feed themselves on jobseekers allowance but are told at job agencies to use their iPhones to look for work! The historical evidence is that societies fail when the balance swings towards too much control amongst the predatory elite. I think any historian worth their salt will say that violent revolution is only just around the corner...
Human Echolocation: A Story of Hidden Senses
Mysterious Universe, 24th February 2014

Your body is literally filled with sense organs. Biological machines that each serve a purpose related to keeping you going strong, and making sure you know what’s happening around you. I don’t mean for this to devolve into a refresher course on human physiology, but suffice it to say, we’re chock-full of little bits that work to tell us what’s going on inside and outside our bodies. [...]
Officially, there is no official count for how many senses we actually have. It ranges between a few dozen to nearly 100, depending on who you ask, and some of the given senses are easier to quantify and understand than others.
Comment: What bothers me is that there have been many decades of research on human senses and here were are told there are two dozen to a hundred senses depending on who you ask, but the information is kept strangely out of the media.... Maybe that is because more humans would realise that they have far more potential than they are being led to believe....
“Even Mao is wearing a mask” in smog-choked China
Asian News, 26th February 2014

Chinese citizens flock online to poke fun at the pollution situation, which in recent days has hit a quarter of the entire country. Smog-free days "on February 29 , 30 and 31" and other “motivational" jibes at President Xi Jinping. But the problem is increasingly serious and experts warn: "Without a solution the entire agricultural sector is at risk".
Beijing ( AsiaNews) - The blanket of pollution that has covered China these days has reached an area equal to one quarter of the entire mainland, causing damage "of enormous gravity" to public health and national agriculture . In response to the emergency, some internet users have chosen the weapon of irony: the image of the famous portrait of Mao Zedong that stands in Tiananmen Square - but with half-closed eyes and a mask over his mouth (see photo) - has gone viral on national social networks. Other citizens have announced "with joy" that the government has solved the problem: "Beijing has granted three days free of smog. On February 29 , 30 and 31".
Yesterday in Beijing the level of pollutant air particles was recorded by the U.S. Embassy at 457. According to the World Health Organization normal values ??should be around 50, and the scientific journal The Lancet has determined that each year in China there are 1.2 million premature deaths due to air pollution. To try to boost the morale of the population, the President Xi Jinping visited a popular district of Beijing yesterday without anti-smog mask.
Comment: These days, I am having a massive empathy fail when it comes to the off-the-scale, self-induced pollution problems in China.... Surely, a national Darwin award is coming... Maybe the makers of the movie Idiocracy should do another one titled, Idiocracy - Mao Style but set it in 2015, because examples of grossness and stupidity abound in that country...
China's smog suffocating agriculture?
Seed Daily News, 26th February 2014
If China's smog persists or intensifies, He warns, the country's food supply faces devastating consequences. "Now almost every farm is caught in a smog panic."
Comment: This is what happens when psychopaths are in charge...
Publishers withdraw more than 120 gibberish papers
onference proceedings removed from subscription databases after scientist reveals that they were computer-generated.
Nature, 25th February 2014

The publishers Springer and IEEE are removing more than 120 papers from their subscription services after a French researcher discovered that the works were computer-generated nonsense.
Over the past two years, computer scientist Cyril Labbé of Joseph Fourier University in Grenoble, France, has catalogued computer-generated papers that made it into more than 30 published conference proceedings between 2008 and 2013. Sixteen appeared in publications by Springer, which is headquartered in Heidelberg, Germany, and more than 100 were published by the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE), based in New York. Both publishers, which were privately informed by Labbé, say that they are now removing the papers. [...]
A long history of fakes
Labbé is no stranger to fake studies. In April 2010, he used SCIgen to generate 102 fake papers by a fictional author called Ike Antkare [see pdf]. Labbé showed how easy it was to add these fake papers to the Google Scholar database, boosting Ike Antkare’s h-index, a measure of published output, to 94 — at the time, making Antkare the world's 21st most highly cited scientist. Last year, researchers at the University of Granada, Spain, added to Labbé’s work, boosting their own citation scores in Google Scholar by uploading six fake papers with long lists to their own previous work2.
Labbé says that the latest discovery is merely one symptom of a “spamming war started at the heart of science” in which researchers feel pressured to rush out papers to publish as much as possible.
Comment: Wow.... Alongside the gibberish, zombie science also exists.... See, Climate science is a "Zombie science"
Sun unleashes monster solar flare, biggest of 2014
Fox News, 25th February 2014

The sun fired off a major solar flare late Monday, making it the most powerful sun eruption of the year so far and one of the strongest in recent years.
The massive X4.9-class solar flare erupted from an active sunspot, called AR1990, at 7:49 p.m. EST. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory captured high-definition video of the monster solar flare. The spacecraft recording amazing views the solar flare erupting with a giant burst of plasma, called a coronal mass ejection, or CME.
Comment: Hmmm... This X4.9-class solar flare should make a few space weather watchers quite jittery... More info at X-FLARE! & space weather info at
Geoengineering side effects could be potentially disastrous, research shows
Comparison of five proposed methods shows they are ineffective, alter weather systems or could not be safely stopped
Guardian News, 25th February 2014

... researchers at the Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, Germany, modelled these five potential methods and concluded that geoengineering could add chaos to complex and not fully understood weather systems. Even when applied on a massive scale, the most that could be expected, they say, is a temperature drop of about 8%.
The potential side effects would be potentially disastrous, say the scientists, writing in Nature Communications. Ocean upwelling, or the bringing up of deep cold waters, would cool surface water temperatures and reduce sea ice melting, but would unbalance the global heat budget, while adding iron filings or lime would affect the oxygen levels in the oceans. Reflecting the sun's rays into space would alter rainfall patterns and reforesting the deserts could change wind patterns and could even reduce tree growth in other regions.
Comment: The question you have to ask is: why the desperation when the Earth has been through this all before?
Meteorite smashes into moon in largest lunar impact ever recorded
Rock travelling at 61,000 km/h punched a crater 40 metres wide and produced a flash that could be seen from Earth
Guardian, 24th February 2014

Astronomers have captured the moment a lump of rock slammed into the moon with so much force that the bright flash could be seen from Earth with the naked eye.
The 400kg (63st) meteorite, travelling at 61,000 km/h (40,000 mph), punched a fresh crater on the moon's surface some 40 metres wide in what is thought to be the largest lunar impact ever recorded.
The rock, which was about a metre in diameter, ploughed into an ancient lava-filled basin called the Mare Nubium, producing a flash almost as intense as the Pole Star that took more than eight seconds to fade.
Comment: I can imagine a fair number of people will look with some askance concerning the date of this impact.... Besides that, the number of major impacts being seen in our solar system is most certainly increasing and I imagine after Chelyabinsk, really worrying world controllers....
How Covert Agents Infiltrate the Internet to Manipulate, Deceive, and Destroy Reputations
First Look, 24th February 2014

One of the many pressing stories that remains to be told from the Snowden archive is how western intelligence agencies are attempting to manipulate and control online discourse with extreme tactics of deception and reputation-destruction. It’s time to tell a chunk of that story, complete with the relevant documents. [...]
But these GCHQ documents are the first to prove that a major western government is using some of the most controversial techniques to disseminate deception online and harm the reputations of targets. Under the tactics they use, the state is deliberately spreading lies on the internet about whichever individuals it targets, including the use of what GCHQ itself calls "false flag operations" and emails to people's families and friends. Who would possibly trust a government to exercise these powers at all, let alone do so in secret, with virtually no oversight, and outside of any cognizable legal framework?
Comment: Well, the UK government paid spies to marry green activists, so it is well established what lengths governments will go to...
Bill would require state to offer preparedness tips for EMP attack
Explorer News, 21st February 2014

[...] The bill would require the Arizona Division of Emergency Management to post on its website recommendations such as the type and amount of supplies residents should stockpile to be prepared for an EMP attack.
The Senate Public Safety Committee endorsed the bill unanimously Feb. 12, amending it to require the agency to update its recommendations every five years. It was headed to the full Senate by way of the Rules Committee.
However unlikely the threat, Farnsworth said that an EMP triggered high enough above the U.S. could cripple the economy, disrupt food and water supplies and take down other essentials of civilization.
“My hope is that by bringing this out, we’ll start discussions and come to the realization that as a government we can’t feed all these people, but as responsible citizens we need to do our part and make individual preparations,” he said.
Comment: Good idea... Especially when so many people are still oblivious to the real threat of an EMP due to a major space weather event...
Commuters’ terror as faulty escalator plunges downwards
Evening London Standard, 21st February 2014
Nationwide says sorry for card glitch
Contractor UK, 24th February 2014
Nationwide Building Society has apologised after some of its debit and credit card customers complained they were unable to make payments on Friday afternoon.
Although it has declined to identify what caused the “inconvenience”, the mutual said it quickly fixed the problem, which consumer group Which? implied was the result of awry IT.
It comes after customers of Lloyds Banking Group, including the Halifax, TSB a
Comment: The computer glitches just keep coming as we should expect as Earth's defenses weaken and cosmic rays cause more significant bit-flips.
Network router glitch caused WhatsApp's 'biggest' outage
IT News, 24th February 2014
Glitch Hits Google Drive, Docs, Trips Them for Hours
Google hasn't said what caused the problem, nor how widespread it was
CIO News, 21st February 2014
IDG News Service (Miami Bureau) — A service disruption that lasted more than five hours made key Google Web apps malfunction on Thursday.
At around 2 p.m. U.S. Eastern Time, Google acknowledged on its Apps Status page a problem with its Drive cloud storage service and with its Docs word processing and Sheet spreadsheet applications, and later with its Sites intranet builder.
The company declared the problem solved at around 7:30 p.m., but didn't explain what caused it or how many users were affected. Later on, after 10 p.m., the Slides presentation creation app also hit a glitch that lasted for about 30 minutes.
Google didn't immediately respond to a request for comment.
Commuters’ terror as faulty escalator plunges downwards
Evening London Standard, 21st February 2014
Venus has planet-sized space weather explosions
Scientists like to compare Earth and Venus. What happened differently at Venus to make it so harsh and inhospitable? These space weather explosions may help explain.
Earth Sky News, 21st February 2014

NASA researchers recently discovered that a common space weather phenomenon on the outskirts of Earth’s magnetosphere – the magnetic bubble surrounding Earth – has much larger repercussions for the planet Venus. The giant explosions, called hot flow anomalies, can be so large at Venus that they’re bigger than the entire planet. And they can happen multiple times a day.
“Not only are they gigantic,” said Glyn Collinson, a space scientist at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md. “But as Venus doesn’t have a magnetic field to protect itself, the hot flow anomalies happen right on top of the planet. They could swallow the planet whole.”
Comment: Hmmm....
TV: Radioactive waste containers may be “smashed and opened” after roof collapse at leaking U.S. nuclear site — Official: We believe there’s been a breach… “It’s a very serious thing” — ‘Seismic event’ mentioned — High levels of alpha and beta radiation detected (VIDEO)
Energy News, 21st February 2014

KRQE, Feb. 21, 2014: Federal and state agencies are scrambling to deal with the discovery of airborne radiation [...] one of the working theories right now is that a big slab of the roof broke free, hit the stack, knocked some drums off and smashed and opened one or more of them. [...] that is not supposed to happen in areas being actively worked by crews. It appears the leak occurred in an active work area [...]
Comment: We are now living on a high energy planet and the folk in charge are are still acting like they are oblivious...
Comet ISON hosted a rare kind of nitrogen, hinting at reservoirs in young Solar System
Universe Today, 21st February 2014
WeatherAction Dangerous weather warning for Britain &Ireland for events in period 23-25 Feb (Details Below), 21st February 2014

Rapaid Intensification of Wild Jet Stream (Mini-Ice-Age) circulation is upon as identified on Feb 6 in transition SLAT9A=>9B which warned of Hurricane force 12 winds likely Br+Ir in period 10-12th THIS WAS CONFIRMED.
The next R5 23-25th was also forecast then to likely reach these dangerous levels. TV (Met Office model) forecasts are unlikely to realize such winds are coming until less than 24 hrs ahead.
The full Wild Jet Stream update of Feb 6 (as sent to subscribers) is now public: link
The question of Wild Jet Stream / Mini Ice Age Rapid Intensification is also discussed in the news article in Brit+Ire 15-45d MARCH forecast**
Dangerous weather warning for Britain &Ireland for events in period 23-25
Feb (Details Below)
Intensification of Wild Jet Stream (Mini-Ice-Age) circulation is upon as
identified on Feb 6 in transition SLAT9A=>9B which warned of Hurricane force
12 winds likely Br+Ir in period 10-12th THIS WAS CONFIRMED.
next R5 23-25th was also forecast then to likely reach these dangerous levels.
TV (Met Office model) forecasts are unlikely to realize such winds are coming
until less than 24 hrs ahead.
full Wild Jet Stream update of Feb 6 (as sent to subscribers) is now public: link
Comment: This is a public warning... subscribers have known about this storm warning for quite some time ....
Satellite Envisat could spark 'Gravity' style debris cloud
Independent News, 20th February 2014
A satellite which has lost contact with the European Space Agency could potentially pose a similar threat to that experienced by Sandra Bullock and George Clooney in the Oscar nominated 'Gravity, if it breaks up and sparks a deadly debris field, students have claimed.
Physics students at the University of Leicester have suggested that the observational satellite Envisat is at risk of colliding with other satellites and debris during the 150 years it is expected to remain in space in their final year paper.
The satellite Envisat lost contact with Earth in 2012 and now orbits free of human control at an altitude of 491 miles (790km). This altitude is where the greatest amount of space debris around the planet is found.
Comment: More space junk worry...
Farmer’s Almanac vs. The Feds: Feds failed with Winter forecast But ‘Farmers’ Almanac’ accurately predicted a ‘bitterly cold’ winter
Climate Depot, 20th February 2014
Severe turbulence injures 5 on Beijing bound flight forcing the plane to return to New Jersey
Reuters, 18th February 2014
(Reuters) - Three flight attendants and a number of passengers were injured after a United Airlines flight encountered severe turbulence as it approached a Montana airport, an airline spokesman said on Tuesday.
One passenger, Bill Dahlin, told Billings television station KTVQ there was a lot of screaming when the airplane dropped sharply during its descent on Monday, and a woman struck her head on the ceiling so hard a panel cracked.
The three flight attendants and two passengers were taken to a hospital after the incident on the flight to Billings, Montana, from Denver, Colorado, United said in a statement. One flight attendant remained hospitalized on Tuesday, United said.
Comment: I am sorry to say that people have been warned about increased turbulence and this incident is yet another example of just how serious injuries can be.
Flights to get bumpier as turbulence to double
Flying is to become a far less comfortable experience according to a study of how levels of turbulence are set to change over the next 40 years.
The Telegraph, 8th April 2013 Flashback!
Trans Atlantic flights will encounter up to twice as much turbulence while enroute, the research has shown.
Using atmospheric computer models, the scientists behind the work were able to simulate how changes in the climate will impact on the invisible patches of mixing air that cause turbulence.
Dr Paul Williams, a Royal Society research fellow at the University of Reading, said the results suggest air passengers will have less comfortable journeys in the future.
It could also have far more serious implications than a few more spilt drinks and more time staring at the illuminated seat belt sign. [...]
Dr Williams said: "Thirty thousand feet above our heads, the jet stream is being accelerated, which is having a destabilising effect that is making air turbulence more likely to form.
"There are 600 transatlantic crossings every day, so a lot of fights will be affected by this."
Fasten Seat Belts: Climate Change Could Mean More Turbulence
NBC News, 19th February 2014
Comment: The only problem with all this is that problems caused by an erratic jet stream was largley ignored by climate scientists until major weather events occurred that could not be ignored. The science of why the jet stream is becoming erratic is also extremely problematic for those promoting the theory that man-made greenhouse gases are changing the climate...
Kiwibank glitch leaves customers short
New Zealand Herald, 18th February 2014
[...] Kiwibank spokesman Bruce Thompson confirmed customers making credit card and eftpos transactions between 6.30am and 12.30pm on Sunday had been affected. The error was identified only once maintenance was completed. Customers whose cards had been declined had been charged for too many transactions.
Angry customers took to the bank's Facebook page yesterday and several thousand calls were made to its contact centres, but Kiwibank could not say how many customers had been affected.
Kiwibank glitch reimbursement will take longer
New Zealand Herald, 8th February 2014
KiwiBank customers whose bank accounts were cleaned out by a maintenance glitch on Sunday will have a longer wait to be reimbursed.
Kiwi Bank spokesman Bruce Thompson said the fix which would see all customers whose money had been wrongly taken out of their accounts reimbursed was taking longer than expected.
Comment: Hmmmm....
Space Dust Is Filled with Building Blocks for Life
Space.coms, 17th February 2014
A study of teeny-tiny meteorite fragments revealed that two essential components of life on Earth as we know it, could have migrated to our planet on space dust.
Researchers discovered DNA and amino acids components in a smidgen of a space rock that fell over Murchison, Victoria, in Australia in September 1969. Previous studies of the meteorite revealed organic material, but the samples examined then were much larger. This study would lend more credence to the idea that life arose from outside of our planet, researchers said in a statement.
"Despite their small size, these interplanetary dust particles may have provided higher quantities and a steadier supply of extraterrestrial organic material to early Earth," said Michael Callahan, a research physical scientist at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md. [5 Bold Claims of Alien Life]
Comment: This is so odd after the decades of battle by people like Sir Fred Hoyle (deceased) and Prof. Chandra Wickramasinghe and some of their peers, just trying to get the simple minded folk to pay attention to the evidence, see archives... Anyway, the point of interest is that the planet is being flooded with space dust (FACT) and it appears some of this dust has some very special properties... The evidence suggests certain astronomers and plasma physicists are very aware of this, as I point out in my Delft Technical University presentation... I would be interested to know if there is any intelligentsia out there who would be brave enough to argue with my assessment, based on what is already public knowledge....
Gore Enlists Extraterrestrials to fight Global Warming?
Watts Up with That, 17th February 2014
Truth is often stranger than fiction, and Al Gore’s missives are often stranger than both. Robert Schaefer writes:
I just got back from the 2014 International UFO Congress, the largest UFO conference in the world, where somebody was passing out the following to the attendees (a double-sided paper on orange stock). Looks like Al Gore is using Extraterrestrials to help fight Global Warming!
Comment: Al Gore never ceases to amaze... For those paying attention, Gore knows something... The removal of CO2 has nothing to do with global warming but it appears world controllers know that CO2 MUST BE REMOVED FOR OTHER REASONS... Personally, I don't think the removal of CO2 will stop the influx of plasma entities... but then, Al Gore and friends may be aware of ancient knowledge that I have not come across yet... Whatever, the average man on the street is completely oblivious to this particular issue, that is for sure...
Satellite Image Shows Large Storm Heading for Europe
Space Ref News, 17th February 2014
The real reason for flooding in Somerset Levels? Not global warming – river management
Watts Up With That, 16th February 2014
We’ve previously covered the absurd claims that “global warming” was the cause of flooding in Somerset, UK here and here, with yesterday, even a senior scientist at the Met Office disagreeing with the spinmistress in charge, Julio Slingo’s claim about an AGW connection. Now we learn the real reason. The ROF pumping station was turned off in 2008 and nothing was done to replace it, while at the same time the Huntspill sluice gates to drain water to the sea seemed to be improperly managed by the EA.
Comment: This is a very useful summary of what went wrong in Somerset and the evidence for a complete lack of river management proves this disaster has nothing to do with global warming and CO2.... From my perspective, it is really frightening to realise that yes-men, repeating unsubstantiated global warming beliefs are in charge.... What is worse is the fact that the government only started to grovel when seriously rich people with houses backing onto the River Thames were flooded out... Well, reality has a habit of showing up... We have witnessed the results of some seriously stupid decisions and we await what happens as some very angry flood victims are promising to take action... The UK Met Office have also been made to look totally stupid with their prediction that the UK would have below average rainfall, see more below.... It's hard to imagine in advance this level of incompetence... Btw, I hear more bad weather is on the way...
Flood fight at the Met Office
Watts Up With That, 15th February 2014
One of the Met Office’s most senior experts yesterday made a dramatic intervention in the climate change debate by insisting there is no link between the storms that have battered Britain and global warming.
Mat Collins, a Professor in climate systems at Exeter University, said the storms have been driven by the jet stream – the high-speed current of air that girdles the globe – which has been ‘stuck’ further south than usual.
Professor Collins told The Mail on Sunday: ‘There is no evidence that global warming can cause the jet stream to get stuck in the way it has this winter. If this is due to climate change, it is outside our knowledge.’
Comment: It must be getting really embarrassing for some when the global warming/climate change alarmists just keep chanting their mantras whilst clearly demonstrating they don't understand what is going on...
Met Office forecast that winter 2013-14 would be DRIER THAN NORMAL
issued 21 Nov 2013
Hijacked Plane Co-Pilot Arrested In Geneva A co-pilot hijacks his own plane and flies to Switzerland where he uses a rope to leave the cockpit before seeking asylum.
Sky News, 17th February 2014
Residents baffled by mystery loud droning noise during storms [Coventry, UK]
Mirror News, 16th February 2014
A mystery loud droning noise 'like Independence Day' has been reported in the skies above Coventry.
The sounds - compared to something out of the hit blockbuster film about alien invasion - have been audible during recent stormy weather.
Reports have described a loud noise in the sky which lasted around one minute and was heard by residents in Whitley, Walsgrave, Stoke and Wyken.
Mitch Wise, 19, from Walsgrave, said the noise was so loud he could hear it inside his house despite all the windows and doors being closed.
He said: “I did think it sounded like something out of Independence Day, that kind of noise.
Comment: Hmmmm..... I would say that atmospherically speaking, things in general are starting to get really scary... Earth's magnetosphere is basically like a sieve and more cosmic energy is pouring in and powering up powerful storms....
Study demonstrates evolutionary 'fitness' not the most important determinant of success
Phys.Org News, 7th February 2014
When you think about evolution, 'survival of the fittest' is probably one of the first things that comes into your head. However, new research from Oxford University finds that the 'fittest' may never arrive in the first place and so aren't around to survive.
By modelling populations over long timescales, the study showed that the 'fitness' of their traits was not the most important determinant of success. Instead, the most genetically available mutations dominated the changes in traits. The researchers found that the 'fittest' simply did not have time to be found, or to fix in the population over evolutionary timescales.
Comment: This appears to tell us that the characteristics for survival are THOSE MOST EASILY AVAILABLE WHEN IMPOSED BY THE ENVIRONMENT, rather than being related to inherent qualities... Obviously, this is a problem for those who want to create the impression that genetic superiority will create evolutionary winners...
'Cannibal' CME hits Earth: Storm warning issued for space
Los Angeles Times, 15th February 2014
A storm warning has been issued for space, where a "cannibal" coronal mass ejection grabbed the attention of space-weather watchers.
The sun -- at a peak of activity in the 11-year solar cycle -- hurled a pair of CMEs that reached Earth early Saturday morning, Pacific time. The ejections, as NASA's Alex Young says, "are a huge release of solar material, billions of tons, and magnetic field." Upon reaching Earth, they can wreak havoc with our power grid -- and, on the bright side, create gorgeous auroras.
Three ejections were forecast for the weekend. The one that hit Earth was a "cannibal" CME, as put it.
"It appears that at least two of them have combined -- one caught up with the other one and the two became one," Young, a heliophysicist at Goddard Space Flight Center, said in an interview Saturday with the L.A. Times.
Incoming CMEs: Earth's magnetic field set to get a pounding..., 15th February 2014
STORM WARNING: NOAA forecasters estimate a 75% chance of polar geomagnetic storms on Feb. 15th in response to three incoming CMEs. The first two, which left the sun on Feb. 11th, have probably merged in transit to form a single "cannibal CME" more potent than either of its constituents. The third CME, launched on Feb. 12th, is following close on their heels. High-latitude sky watchers should remain alert for auroras.
Incoming CMEs: NOAA Got it wrong.... again..., 16th February 2014
A brief geomagnetic storm on Feb. 15th sparked by a CME impact has petered out, and the chances for auroras this weekend are subsiding. The CME appears to have been a merger of three minor clouds that, even together, could not cause a sustained disturbance in Earth's magnetic field. The hoped-for Valentine's display of auroras never materialized.
Internet Trolls Really Are Horrible People
Narcissistic, Machiavellian, psychopathic, and sadistic.
Slate, 15th February 2014
In the past few years, the science of Internet trollology has made some strides. Last year, for instance, we learned that by hurling insults and inciting discord in online comment sections, so-called Internet trolls (who are frequently anonymous) have a polarizing effect on audiences, leading to politicization, rather than deeper understanding of scientific topics.
That’s bad, but it’s nothing compared with what a new psychology paper has to say about the personalities of trolls themselves. The research, conducted by Erin Buckels of the University of Manitoba and two colleagues, sought to directly investigate whether people who engage in trolling are characterized by personality traits that fall in the so-called Dark Tetrad: Machiavellianism (willingness to manipulate and deceive others), narcissism (egotism and self-obsession), psychopathy (the lack of remorse and empathy), and sadism (pleasure in the suffering of others).
Comment: Well, I suppose it's obvious... On reflection, I think that being trolled is no reflection on quality, these types just see an opportunity to steal energy from their victims, that's all. They are just irritating pests that must be ignored. I think the title of the research paper, Trolls just want to have fun is highly appropriate.
One in four Americans 'do not know the Earth circles the Sun' Over a quarter of Americans do not know the Earth circles the Sun, according to a new survey
The Telegraph, 15th February 2014
One in four Americans are completely unfamiliar with Nicolaus Copernicus's 1543 theory that the Earth circles the Sun, according to a study by the National Science Foundation.
The survey, released on Friday at an annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, asked 2,200 people nine factual questions about physical and biological science, with the average score being just 5.8 correct answers.
Comment: O.K.Lets be kind and say that this is a test of how well the standard brainwashing has worked...
CBS Blames Global Warming for Harsh Winter Weather
News Busters, 13th February 2014
As a snow storm beared down on the east coast on Thursday, CBS This Morning sought to lay blame on global warming, with the headline on screen fretting: "Extreme Weather; Are These Kinds of Storms, Droughts Unprecedented?" Co-host Charlie Rose turned New York City College physics professor Michio Kaku and wondered: "What's causing all this?" [View video after the jump]
Kaku proclaimed: "Well, the wacky weather could get even wackier. What we're seeing is that the jet stream and the polar vortex are becoming unstable. Instability of historic proportions. We think it's because of the gradual heating up of the North Pole. The North Pole is melting." Rose interjected: "Global warming."
Comment: I don't think anyone is arguing about the jet stream becoming unstable, but until recently, hardly anyone had anything useful to say on the matter.... That is besides those scientists like Piers Corbyn who actually understand what is happening with the climate... Whatever, I am really disappointed with Kaku, his explanations sound like really bad pseudoscience to me... As a physicist, it would be better if he spoke in the language of geo-electromagnetism, the global electric circuit and the proven link to global temperatures. Then the melting icecaps due to more intense electric fields would make a lot more sense... Yes, climate scientists have a terrible reputation, but Kaku is not a climate scientist and should not be asked to comment.
Kaku’s kookoo science
Watts Up with That, 14th February 2014
CBS This Morning featured a futurist who promotes paranormal phenomena like ‘telepathy, telekinesis and mind reading’ as climate expert during its February 13 broadcast. CBS only identified physicist Michio Kaku as a New York City College professor, with no mention of his special abilities. See: CBS Blames Global Warming for Harsh Winter Weather: Prof. Michio Kaku: ‘Excess heat generated by all this warm water is destabilizing this gigantic bucket of cold air….So that’s the irony, that heating could cause gigantic storms of historic proportions’
Kaku’s website ( promotes his book: “THE FUTURE OF THE MIND: The scientific quest to understand, enhance, and empower the mind.” And his quest to promote: “Telepathy. Telekinesis. Mind reading. Photographing a dream. Uploading memories. Mentally controlled robots.”
Kaku claims all of “these feats” have already been achieved. “These feats, once considered science fiction, have now been achieved in the laboratory, as documented in THE FUTURE OF THE MIND,” Kaku’s website declares.
Kaku notes that his “book goes even further, analyzing when one day we might have a complete map of the brain, or a back up Brain 2.0, which may allow scientists to send consciousness throughout the universe.”
Kaku’s global warming comments were not well received by the scientific community:
‘No effing clue what he is talking about’: Meteorologist Dr. Ryan Maue Calls Warmist Physics Prof. Michio Kaku of NY City College ‘a festering wound on field of meteorology’ for Kaku’s blaming ‘excess heat’ on record cold and snow
Meteorologist : He’s ‘like a festering wound on field of meteorology, Michio Kaku says ‘we think’ harsh winter is due to global warming,” Maue wrote.
“Kaku has no effing clue what he is talking about – ‘unstable jet stream’ — huh? How could someone supposedly so learned sound so doltish?,” Maue asked on February 13, 2014.
“Must apologize to Bill Nye — he is now number 2 most egregious butcher of meteorology and climate science. New rankings come out weekly,” Maue quipped.
Houston Chronicle climate reporter Eric Berger joined in the Kaku bashing, noting Kaku is “a physicist (and not a well-regarded one among his peers) not an atmospheric scientist.”
Comment: It seems that I was not the only one who could not stomach the drivel being spouted by Kaku but the venomous reponse is quite something...
Ribbon Discovery At Edge Of Solar System Points To Influences From The Galactic Magnetic Field
Red Orbit, 13th February 2014
NASA’s Interstellar Boundary Explorer (IBEX) discovered an enigmatic “ribbon” of energetic particles at the edge of our Solar System and a new study says it may be just a glimpse into how vast the influence of the galactic magnetic field really is.
The galactic magnetic field around our solar system’s giant bubble, known as the heliosphere, determines the orientation of the ribbon and the placement of energetic particles measured within it, according to the new study.
The new findings offer up an explanation for the mystery on why we measure more incoming high-energy cosmic rays on one side of the sun than on the other.
Defunct Soviet Reconnaissance Satellite May Hit Earth
RIA Novosti, 12th February 2014
MOSCOW, February 12 (RIA Novosti) – A decommissioned Soviet military satellite will burn up in the atmosphere Sunday in an uncontrolled descent and surviving fragments may hit Earth, according to an aerospace defense official.
The military is actively monitoring the satellite using its space tracking network, which has indicated that it will impact the Pacific Ocean on Sunday, Colonel Alexei Zolotukhin said Friday.
Russian satellite set for Earth 'burns up in atmosphere'
MSN News, 17th February 2014
An uncontrolled Russian satellite that was expected to crash back down to Earth has burned up in the earth's atmosphere, according to reports.
Officials had originally said parts of the Kosmos-1220 satellite were due to re-enter the planet's atmosphere at high speeds on Sunday, but Russian media has since reported that the fragments burned up on re-entering from space.
Russian Space Forces had thought it likely that the defunct reconaissance satellite would land in the Pacific Ocean, but there have as yet been no reports of any impact on Earth.
Google Translate equates Francis to a “better world”
Someone has slipped an interesting “easter egg” into Google Translate
Vatican Insider, 9th January 2014
Either it’s Google giving Francis a wink or a hacker thought of a fun way to show their support for the Holy Father, or maybe Google’s putting Francis forward as a candidate for the Nobel Peace Prize. Those who have spotted the interesting anomaly on Google Translate have been coming up with all sorts of theories to explain it. But what is it all about you may be asking.
Well, go to Google Translate, select Italian as the source language and type in “Bergoglio”. The Pope’s surname translates as “better world” in any target language you choose...
Comment: Sorry, I don't have time to explain this, but it looks like some members of the elite are closely following a new script...
UK flooding, Met Office, and all that – a map from 878AD tells us more than Slingo
Watts Up With That, 13th February 2014
There’s quite a hullabaloo in the UK as the Met Office tries to link recent flooding in Bridgwater, Somerset with global warming, with Lord Lawson even calling Met Office Julia Slingo’s claims “absurd”. Josh even has a cartoon at Bishop Hill about it.
But, even more instructive than the row is this historic map that shows flooding would likely be a normal occurrence in Bridgwater in the county of Somerset, UK, located on this map at right.
Comment: This short article is supported by a lot of useful links and reminders that Somerset has historically always had an issue with flooding. The claim that, "The rivers that drain the Somerset Levels are 8 to 10 feet above the farmland and houses. Pumps are needed to get the water up to the rivers." really does make you think...
'If you buy a house on a flood plain you know the risks': Outrage as Environment Agency boss Lord Smith suggests flooded families must share the blame for damage to their homes
Daily Mail, 10th February 2014
Br+Ir What-A-Storm!, 12th February 2014
WeatherAction LongRange predicted all 17 of the notable storm spells (in WeatherAction 'TopRed' periods) through Oct1 to Feb12, all of which Met Office underestimated from 1 or 2 days ahead. [...]
THIS IS NOT THE END OF THE PRESENT STORM SERIES. Subscribers know when the next one is but so far the BBC and Govt do not want to know WeatherAction's forecast.
(See Piers Corbyn's note to BBC Radio4 Today Programme below**)
FACT. The WILD Jet stream is the driver and arbiter of these extreme winds Br+Ir+NW Eu and that is driven by predictable solar activity and lunar modulation. (see pdf of Feb 11 below) - nothing to do with CO2.
Anyone who claims these storms are down to man-made climate change is either deranged and deluded and/or a liar on the green warmist sect gravy train.
They are also holding back real scientific advance in favour of the cretinous-pseudo science of the warmist green-theft quasi-religion .
Comment: We know there has been a lot of storms because Cornish fisherman with smaller boats have only been out to see a few times in the last 7/8 weeks and when 4 fisherman were brave enough to make an attempt, they had to be rescued...
Nationwide Credit Card Failure Stokes Israeli Fears of Cyber-Attacks
On Thursday, Israelis reported credit card failures across the country. While the glitch was resolved, it exposes a national vulnerability that has security officials worried
Time News, 13th February 2014
Credit card transactions were stymied across Israel for much of Thursday. In the hours required to solve the problem, Israelis stood in line wondering whether to be just frustrated or both frustrated and a little uneasy. Security officials in Israel frequently warn that the country should expect a major cyber-attack. [...]
Thursday’s “glitch” turned out to be just that – a software problem reportedly caused by a faulty update that rendered the exchange rate for the U.S. dollar at zero, an amount that literally did not compute. The business journal Calcalist estimates the snafu cost 100,000 shekels ($28,500) a minute in lost business. But the only apparent harm to humans was long lines at supermarkets and gas stations among Israelis who—in the cash squeeze that forces many members of the middle class to survive on monthly bank drafts—routinely whip out a Visa card to pay for a cup of coffee.
Comment: I think warnings about "cyber-attacks" are becoming common because world leaders do not want to admit that there is a major problem with cosmic radiation flooding our planet. The nature of the problem means the consequences are literally hit and miss, i.e. a bit-flip may or may not cause a major computer upset.
CBS Blames Global Warming for Harsh Winter Weather
News Busters, 13th February 2014
As a snow storm beared down on the east coast on Thursday, CBS This Morning sought to lay blame on global warming, with the headline on screen fretting: "Extreme Weather; Are These Kinds of Storms, Droughts Unprecedented?" Co-host Charlie Rose turned New York City College physics professor Michio Kaku and wondered: "What's causing all this?" [View video after the jump]
Kaku proclaimed: "Well, the wacky weather could get even wackier. What we're seeing is that the jet stream and the polar vortex are becoming unstable. Instability of historic proportions. We think it's because of the gradual heating up of the North Pole. The North Pole is melting." Rose interjected: "Global warming."
Comment: I don't think anyone is arguing about the jet stream becoming unstable, but until recently hardly anyone had anything useful to say on the matter.... That is besides those scientiists who actually understand what is actually happening with the climate...
$300 Underground Greenhouse Grows Produce Year-Round, Even in Severe Climates
Wake Up World, 13th February 2014
With staggering food prices and shortages looming, there’s no better time to grow your own produce. Sadly, most greenhouses are expensive to build and impractical to heat during cold, wintery conditions. Thankfully, a solution is found with the Walipini. Developed for South American mountainous regions over twenty years ago, it allows edibles to be grown year-round – even in the most inhospitable weather. As an added bonus, it’s also outrageously inexpensive to construct.
10-Year-Old Caught After Stealing Parents’ Car and Crashing It. His Excuse? Priceless!
The Blaze, 13th February 2014
LIVE COVERAGE: Terrifying 120mph Atlantic superstorm smashes into BRITAIN
A VIOLENT superstorm capable of causing NATIONWIDE devastation is smashing into Britain.
Express News, 12th February 2014
The Met Office has issued a rare RED WARNING for severe weather urging those living along the west coast of England to TAKE ACTION now.
Current weather models show the deep low pressure system hurtling towards the west coast hreatening to unleash 120mph hurricane-force gales.
The storm is also set to trigger torrential downpours across the south and south-west as it sweeps across the country with several inches likely over the next 24 hours.
The Government has put out a raft of nation-wide alerts for brutal gales, rain and even snow in the north which is braced for blizzards.
Comment: Major flooding is to be expected as some real climate change generated by low solar activity forces us into a mini ice-age. Climate scientists interested in some reality have been pointing out the double whammy of atmospheric rivers and a wild jet stream for some time and these major floods that are suppose to occur once every 100, 200 or even 500 years just keep on coming... Again Piers Corbyn at and others of similar disposition are making fairly good predictions, see more below.
Extraordinary before-and-after pictures reveal the shocking scale of deluge that's wrecked hundreds of homes and villages
Daily Mail, 12th February 2014
The battering rain and relentless flooding has forced people to flee their homes, wreaked chaos on the railways and destroyed much of the British landscape. These alarming pictures show the extent of the destruction that towns, countryside and coast have suffered from the extreme weather. More than 1,600 members of Britain's armed forces have been put on standby to help communities wrecked by flooding, with 1,000 people forced to leave their homes in the South West and Thames Valley. More than 5,000 properties flooded as the deluge sweeps southern England as local authorities and communities battle to stem the tide. And the worst is not yet over - more rain is predicted and water levels are continuing to rise...
UK Floods Could Last Months, Scientist Warns
Some 1.6 million properties across Britain are now at risk of groundwater flooding and there is no end in sight, an expert says
Sky News, 11th February 2014
Scientists have told Sky News that groundwater levels are now so high that parts of Britain face a serious risk of flooding for weeks or even months to come.
Andy McKenzie, a groundwater scientist at the British Geological Survey, told Sky News that even if the rain stopped today, so much water is soaking through the soil that levels are likely to keep rising for another two months.
Thousands of flights cancelled as South braces for potentially 'catastrophic' storm [US]
Fox News, 12th February 2014
15-foot hole closes motorway
Digital Journal, 11th February 2014
A 10-mile section of the M2 motorway has been closed in both directions after a 15-foot hole appeared in the central reservation.
The section affected by the huge hole is in the county of Kent, just outside of London. A spokesperson from the U.K. Highways Agency told the BBC that: "The road has been closed while urgent safety checks are made following a large hole opening up in the central reservation. Agency staff and contractors are working hard to inspect the hole and make the necessary repairs and lanes will be reopened when it is safe to do so."
Comment: Randomly orientated atmospheric lasers have no respect for commuters and those with important travel arrangements... This is the reality of high energy space weather and 'star wars', in and around our planet...
Standard Bank site glitch resolved [S.Africa]
IT Web, 11th February 2014
Comment: I wonder whether Standard Bank will be giving their top executives the equivalent of million pound bonuses...
Glitch forces ASX into temporary halt
Sydney Morning Herald, 11th February 2014
Glitch leads to penny gas at North Illinois station
Fox News, 11th February 2014
A rural Illinois gas station mistakenly sold nearly-free fuel for about two hours Sunday night until authorities had to reset its gas pumps, The Crystal Lake Northwest Herald reported.
As word spread, cars lined up and jostled to fill-up.
Woodstock Police Sgt. Dennis Leard says authorities had to use an emergency shut-off to stop the sales before the gas station closed in order to reset the pumps to regular prices.
"The clerk didn't appear to be aware [of the price change]," Leard told the paper. "We made him aware of the situation and instructed him to shut off his pumps and fix the problem."
Star wars: Cambridge scientists in epic battle to beat space weather
Cambridge News, 10th February 2014
Cambridge scientists are spearheading the mission to stop space ‘weather’ wrecking the many hundreds of satellites orbiting the Earth.
Fierce magnetic storms pose serious risks to communications machines, putting them out of commission and running up enormous bills.
In 2003, a massive radiation storm caused nearly 50 satellites to malfunction - and one of them, worth £400 million, was a total write-off.
The damage is not like that in the hit movie Gravity, where a spacecraft is hit by debris - but the radiation can mess up electronic circuitry.
Scientists, satellite operators, Government officials and representatives of the insurance industry have been meeting in Cambridge to discuss the latest advances in space weather forecasting.
Prof Richard Horne of the British Antarctic Survey is leading a European Union-funded project called SPACECAST, which for the last three years has been investigating and modelling the physics of high and low-energy electrons and protons in space.
The system provides “risk indices” for satellite operators of the radiation in different satellite orbits.
Prof Horne said: “Despite all the advances in design, satellites are still damaged by space weather. In March 2012 three suffered loss of services for hours during a space weather event. Now, for the first time, we can forecast radiation levels for a whole range of different orbits.
“The new system, which is updated every hour, will help protect satellites used for navigation, telecommunications, remote sensing and other services. Nobody has done that before.”
Comment: Please note the tone of the language being used by scientists.... Very similar to the press release from scientists, "Protecing Our Earth"... Besides that, due to examples of space weather scientists echoing my sentiments, I am seriously wondering how many space weather scientists visit this blog.... Well, I have been saying "it's like star wars in lower Earth orbit" for a while now, and the evidence is clear to me that this is due to intense electric fields generating natural atmospheric lasers. The harsh reality of the arrival of a new cosmic dispensation has been established.
'Chorus waves' build the need for speed in Earth's radiation belts
NBC Science News, 18th December 2013 Flashback!
Waves in the plasma trailing behind Earth are responsible for making the northern lights dance in the sky, but according to new research, they also create another cosmic wonder.
Known as chorus waves, these oscillations also cause the rapid acceleration of electrons already trapped in the planet's radiation belts. The fluctuations occur in the very low frequency range, but can send charged particles spiraling into the atmosphere at velocities approaching the speed of light.
Comment: Hmmm... Space scientists are admitting that strong electric fields in the upper atmosphere are causing particles to accelerate to nearly the speed of light.... Space science has well and truly moved on.... Besides that, I am picturing this as waves being generated in Earth's magnetotail that hit the Van allen belts surrounding Earth which makes the particles in the magnetic field lines spin faster... Maybe a suitable analogy is like how a mill waterwheel will spin faster when there is a flood... When those water wheels spin at high speed, there is some inevitable loses and a not of spray... In Earth's upper atmosphere particles accelerated to nearly the speed of light appear as beams of electrons (lasers?) that hit satellites and enter Earth's lower atmosphere... This is why I imagine that chorus waves are the cause of the "killer electrons," just like space scientists have been muttering about for quite some time, see NASA Spacecraft Records 'Earthsong' I imagine that we are really talking about natural lasers, but nobody wants to come out and directly tell us that during geomagnetic storms, it's like stars wars out there in lower Earth orbit... But the huge amount of resources being allocated in trying to deal with the increasing risk of billions of dollars worth of satellites being knocked out is telling us that this is now quite serious.
A Spectacular New Martian Impact Crater
NASA JPL News, 5th February 2014
A dramatic, fresh impact crater dominates this image taken by the High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) camera on NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter on Nov. 19, 2013. Researchers used HiRISE to examine this site because the orbiter's Context Camera had revealed a change in appearance here between observations in July 2010 and May 2012, bracketing the formation of the crater between those observations.
The crater spans approximately 100 feet (30 meters) in diameter and is surrounded by a large, rayed blast zone. Because the terrain where the crater formed is dusty, the fresh crater appears blue in the enhanced color of the image, due to removal of the reddish dust in that area. Debris tossed outward during the formation of the crater is called ejecta. In examining ejecta's distribution, scientists can learn more about the impact event. The explosion that excavated this crater threw ejecta as far as 9.3 miles (15 kilometers).
Comment: Hmmmmm..... Also at WUWT, Small asteroid slams into Mars, impact captured by orbiter
Google ordered to move 'mystery' barge from San Francisco Bay
State agency says Google hasn't filed proper paperwork
Barge docked at Treasure Island in the San Francisco Bay
The Guardian, 3rd February 2014
A state agency in California has ordered Google to move its “mystery” barge from the San Francisco
Bay because the company has not filed the proper paperwork, the state said on Monday.
San Francisco Bay conservation and development commission executive director, Larry Goldzband, said the agency did not authorize the construction and that it had received numerous complaints about it.
"It needs to move," Goldzband told the AP.
There are at least two Google barges – one in Portland, Maine and the other is docked at Treasure Island in the San Francisco Bay. Goldzband said the Treasure Island development authority could face fines for allowing the project. He also said the issue could be resolved if Google moves its structure to permitted construction facilities in the bay.
Air India Boeing 787 diverted after software glitch
Reuters, 3rd February 2014
Feb 6 (Reuters) - Air India Ltd diverted a Boeing Co. 787 plane to Kuala Lumpur after pilots noticed a software glitch during a flight from Melbourne to New Delhi on Wednesday, in the latest incident involving the jet.
Engineers flew from Hong Kong to fix the glitch, a spokesman for state-run Air India said, adding the plane with 215 passengers on board was due to take off for New Delhi on Thursday afternoon.
"It was not a major snag. But passengers were on board so we could not take a chance," the Air India spokesman said. He said Air India was awaiting a detailed report from the engineers on what caused the glitch.
Boeing said it was aware of the incident and was working with Air India to provide support.
Comment: A cosmic ray causing a software upset?
A Rash of Deaths and a Missing Reporter – With Ties to Wall Street Investigations
Wall Street On Parade, 3rd February 2014
In a span of four days last week, two current executives and one recently retired top ranking executive of major financial firms were found dead. Both media and police have been quick to label the deaths as likely suicides. Missing from the reports is the salient fact that all three of the financial firms the executives worked for are under investigation for potentially serious financial fraud.
Concern grows over possibility of a massive power surge
LA Times, 1st February 2014
[...] For government officials, few problems are tougher than deciding how best to head off rare, but potentially devastating, event risks. Do too much and you impose unreasonable costs and hurt the economy in response to a problem that might not happen for centuries. Do too little and you add to a list of unheeded disaster warnings that includes the risk of storm surges in New Orleans and tsunamis in the Indian Ocean.
In the case of electronic pulses, the most sober warnings come from government weather scientists.
At a recent conference in Washington, William Murtagh of the federal Space Weather Prediction Center described the dangers of a massive solar storm that is, as the Lloyd's report on the issue says, "almost inevitable."
Such storms take place roughly every 150 years. The last one was 155 years ago.
During the "Carrington event" of 1859, named after the English astronomer who observed it, a huge solar storm ejected a mass of particles and electromagnetic energy intense enough to induce a surge that knocked out the switching system of the New York Central Railroad below 125th Street and caused the control tower to catch fire. News reports told of telegraph wires going berserk.
But electricity was hardly the backbone of society in pre-Civil War America. Scientists fear such an occurrence now could cause chaos.
Comment: Just a reminder, the United States has a major problem due to their poorly maintained and outdated power grid infrastructure, see more below. However, an extreme G5 geomagnetic event would mean a technological meltdown (literally) around the globe.
The Classified Report DHS Doesn’t Want You To See: “The Electric Power Delivery System… Could Be Severely Damaged By A Small Number of Well-Informed Attackers”, 15th November 2012 Flashback!
In 2007 the National Academy of Sciences completed an extensive review of the national power grid infrastructure in a 164 page report titled Terrorism and the Electric Power Delivery System. In it the NAS detailed a wide array of physical, personnel and cyber vulnerabilities that could pose a significant risk to the national security of the United States.
Even though the report was originally written for public release, notes Madison Ruppert of End the Lie, the entire document was almost immediately classified by the Department of Homeland Security and hasn’t seen the light of day until this week. That release came after five years of committee reviews, reversals, deliberations and pressure from the Academy itself. The contents of the report make it clear why DHS wanted to keep it out of public view, as it illustrates severe deficiencies within the whole of the national power grid infrastructure.
Red king crab caught in Bering Sea is lavender-colored, baffling experts
Veteran wholesaler in Japan says peculiar catch "could be a good omen'
Grind TV 31st January 2014
Comment: A whole shipment of blue crabs?
Previous News & Views
The house that can survive a TSUNAMI: Waves flow through the building to save it from being washed away (and it's earthquake-proof too)
Daily Mail, 23rd January 2014
Senior meteorologist on extended USA cold blast to last past Groundhog day: ‘WOW WOW’
Watts Up With That, 21st January 2014
What is this mystery object spotted on Google Moon? Bizarre wedge-shaped 'craft' appears on the lunar surface
Daily Mail, 17th January 2014
Glitch Sees Swiss Charged Twice for Card Payments
ABC News, 23rd January 2014
Shoppers in Switzerland must have thought they were seeing double when they checked their bank accounts this week.
A Swiss company that processes electronic payments says anyone who withdrew money or paid for something with their debit or credit card on Tuesday was charged twice.
A spokesman for SIX Management AG said Thursday the glitch affected millions of cards issued by banks in Switzerland and the tiny neighboring state of Liechtenstein.
Kyodo News: Fukushima raises concerns over “viability of Japan’s future” — Former Prime Minister: Reactor restarts “a criminal act toward future generations”; “Fate of country” at stake; “Myth that nuclear power clean and safe has collapsed”
Energy News, 22nd January 2014
Wall St. Journal, Jan. 22, 2014: “Restarting nuclear reactors while we still have no place to dispose nuclear waste is a criminal act toward future generations,” [Former Prime Minister Morihiro] Hosokawa said during a news conference where he laid out his campaign promises for the Feb. 9 election.
Bloomberg, Jan. 22, 2014: “The myth that nuclear power is clean and safe has collapsed,” Hosokawa told reporters in Tokyo today. “We don’t even have a place to store nuclear waste. Without that, restarting the plants would be a crime against future generations.”
Kyodo News, Jan. 22, 2014: “Nuclear power is out of date and the most costly source of energy,” Hosokawa said. “The severity of risks associated with nuclear power is high. We have to switch to renewable and environmentally friendly energies, and lead the world in that field.”
Reuters, Jan. 22, 2014: “I foolishly once believed the myth that nuclear energy is clean and safe,” he told a news conference. “That myth has completely broken down.”
Kyodo News, Jan. 22, 2014: “Nuclear power is out of date and the most costly source of energy,” Hosokawa said. “The severity of risks associated with nuclear power is high. We have to switch to renewable and environmentally friendly energies, and lead the world in that field.”
Comment: At some point, reality will always bite... even for the most deaf, dumb and stupid...
Why Do Some Americans Speak So Confidently When They Have No Clue What They're Talking About?
Harvard calls "leadership" speaking with conviction when you don't even believe it.
Alter Net News, 22nd January 2014
The Harvard Business School information session on how to be a good class participant instructs, “Speak with conviction. Even if you believe something only 55 percent, say it as if you believe it 100 percent,” Susan Cain reported in her bestselling book Quiet. At HBS, Cain noticed, “If a student talks often and forcefully, then he’s a player; if he doesn’t, he’s on the margins.”
Cain observed that the men at HBS “look like people who expect to be in charge.... I have the feeling that if you asked one of them for driving directions, he’d greet you with a can-do smile and throw himself into the task of helping you to your destination — whether or not he knew the way.”
Comment: This article is very interesting... with a good discussion of the bullshit operators who control our lives... The confident manner works because most people only pick up on mannerisms and refuse to engage brain and think... Of course the New Age star bullshitter/scumbag Tony Robbins, promoted by TV media Queen Oprah, is also discussed at length... Robbins excels in hyping up vulnerable people and then robbing them of their cash, but the accumulation of cash is all that matters for most... Btw, have you noticed the embarrassing silence from the big mouths who hyped up 2012? Lots and lots of people who really did not properly understand the issues at hand. Hah!
Bastardi: Arctic Outbreak with Multiple Storms to Last 10-15 Days, Has Power Grid Concerns
Breitbart News, 21st January 2014
On Sean Hannity’s radio show on Tuesday, Weatherbell Analytics meteorologist Joe Bastardi predicted today’s severe winter weather is just the beginning of a 10 to 15 day outbreak to hit the Midwest, the Great Lakes region and the Northeast.
“I think this is blizzard conditions on [Long Island] tonight, coastal New Jersey, southeastern New England,” Bastardi said. “Severe and extreme cold developing at the tail end of this storm. And this is the beginning of a siege that I’m very concerned is going to have an immense impact on the country economically. I’m very concerned, and I hope I’m wrong, about the power grid. That Arctic outbreak that came for three to four days earlier in the month, led to blackouts. We’ve got 10 to 15 days of this coming now, where one shot after another comes in and more storms are coming. And you know, this is not trying to be doom and gloom. You don’t need to hype the weather. It will hype itself naturally.”
Comment: There is a notable uptick in swings of extreme weather.... See Ice Age Now has a lot of stories...
Distant quasar illuminates a filament of the cosmic web
University of California News, 19th January 2014
Astronomers have discovered a distant quasar illuminating a vast nebula of diffuse gas, revealing for the first time part of the network of filaments thought to connect galaxies in a cosmic web. Researchers at the University of California, Santa Cruz, led the study, published January 19 in Nature.
Using the 10-meter Keck I Telescope at the W. M. Keck Observatory in Hawaii, the researchers detected a very large, luminous nebula of gas extending about 2 million light-years across intergalactic space.
Comment: I think this is another acknowledgment of the electric/electromagnetic universe.... A flow of charge literally lights up plasma in dark mode into glow mode and all of a sudden 'invisible' becomes visible... Another version Astronomers Capture The First Image Of The Mysterious Web That Connects All Galaxies In The Universe
Utah Is Ending Homelessness By Giving People Homes
Our Future, 17th January 2014
Not so Freak Hail Storm Hits Lisbon, Portugal [VIDEO]
Mysterious Portugal, 17th January 2014
Supercomputer takes 40 minutes to model one second of human brain activity
The findings have encouraged scientists who said that once exascale computers are developed, it could be possible to simulate the entire brain on a neural scale.
UPI News, 13th January 2014
Jan. 13 (UPI) -- The Japanese supercomputer K Computer successfully calculated and created a simulation of just one second of human brain activity, taking 40 minutes to do so.
The K computer, the fourth most powerful computer in the world, used its 705,024 processor cores and 1.4 million GB of RAM to process the data, but still took 40 minutes to process a single second of human brain activity.
Researchers were using an open source software called Neural Simulation Technology to replicate a neuronal network consisting of 1.73 billion neurons and 10.4 trillion synaptic connections.
Comment: Is there any need to comment....
New evidence that plants get their energy using quantum entanglement
i09 News, 11th January 2014
Biophysicists theorize that plants tap into the eerie world of quantum entanglement during photosynthesis. But the evidence to date has been purely circumstantial. Now, scientists have discovered a feature of plants that cannot be explained by classical physics alone — but which quantum mechanics answers quite nicely.
The fact that biological systems can exploit quantum effects is quite astounding. In a way, they’re like mini-quantum computers capable of scanning all possible options in order to choose the most efficient paths or solutions. For plants, this means the ability to make the most of the energy they receive and then deliver that energy from leaves with near perfect efficiency.
Comment: So when will biologists widely admit that humans can do exactly the same thing?
Naga Fireballs: Swamp Gas or Divine Breath?
Mysterious Universe, 16th January 2014
According to Brian Dunning of Skeptoid, one Dr. Manos Kanoksilp, a pediatrician, theorises that the Naga Fireball phenomenon requires a precise alignment of the sun, moon and Earth, and that the Makong River provides a perfect storm of conditions, regarding methane and oxygen levels combined with ambient temperature, to bring about the fireballs every year at the same time.[1] The Thai Science Ministry apparently concurs, citing an experiment headed by the ministry’s Deputy Secretary, Saksit Tridech. Tridech and his team used equipment to measure conditions during the celebration and apparently determined that the fireballs were the result of built up phosphine gas.[2]
Comment: The unusual planetary alignment explanation actually makes sense because it would mean plasma entities that are normally invisble are made visible due to the change in the aetheric background creating a window of viewing oportunity... This is the same explanation for ghosts that appear at certain times in certain locations.
UN panel confronts Vatican on child sex abuse by clergy
BBC News, 16th January 2014
The Vatican is being confronted publicly for the first time over the sexual abuse of children by clergy, at a UN hearing in Geneva.
The Church was asked why it continued to describe such abuse as an offence against morals rather than a crime against children.
Archbishop Silvano Tomasi said such crimes could "never be justified" and every child should be "inviolable".
A fellow official said "things need to be done differently".
Comment: I think we are seeing evolutionary changes in consciousness rippling through society... Now that many more people are aware of psychopaths and the propensity of these predatory types to gravitate towards positions of power easily obtained in religious institutions, many are realising that the incongruities and hypocrisy can no longer be ignore... Locking up offenders is no longer enough...
Crowds flock to cash machine after it starts spewing out FREE notes Around 60 people queued up at the ATM in Mansfield Woodhouse, Notts, before the fault was spotted by bosses and the cash machine put of service
The Mirror, 14th January 2014
Dozens of people flocked to a cash machine after word spread that it had started giving out free money.
The Lloyds Bank ATM in Mansfield Woodhouse, Notts, malfunctioned and began spewing out notes as customers withdrew cash yesterday morning.
Around 60 people are reported to have queued up at the hole-in-the-wall as word spread of the possible windfall. [...]
The fault was spotted by bosses and the cash machine put of service around 3pm.
A spokesman for Lloyds Bank said investigations had begun into how the error occurred and the group would not be able to provide details on how much cash was taken from the ATM.
It is not thought that individuals who cashed in will not be pursued to reimburse the bank.
Comment: There are the usual stories of glitches (that I can't really definitely link to the recent harsh space weather), but I like stories of free money from ATM machines...
Musical space-weather reports from NASA's LRO mission
Phys.Org, 10th January 2014
Halton C. Arp, Astronomer Who Challenged Big Bang Theory, Dies at 86
New York Times, 6th January 2014
Halton C. Arp, a provocative son of American astronomy whose dogged insistence that astronomers had misread the distances to quasars cast doubt on the Big Bang theory of the universe and led to his exile from his peers and the telescopes he loved, died on Dec. 28 in Munich. He was 86.
The cause was pneumonia, said his daughter Kristana Arp, who said he also had Parkinson’s disease.
Comment: I consider Halton C. Arp as a true truth-seeker, who preferred to challenge erroneous scientific beliefs despite the harsh penalities. Today, many more scientists are prepared to admit that there are some fundamental beliefs that need to change. The most important is the acknowledgment that space is filled with plasma that is subject to electromagnetic laws. As Space Weather ramps up, NASA and the military are being forced to send out more and more space probes to monitor the new harsh cosmic conditions and the electric currents connecting Earth with the sun. Plasma physicists are needed to develop new ways of mitigating the impact of cosmic rain that can knocking out satellites and therefore disrupt our modern technological dependency... Astronomers have no where to hide and more cooperation wioth plasma physicists is taking place. The world needs more people like Halton Arp, the brave ones who challenge the concensus of blind belief.
Amazing new system harnesses sun’s energy for use at night
National Monitor, 15th January 2014
According to a news release from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, researchers have developed a system that converts the sun’s energy into hydrogen fuel during the day and keeps it for use at night.
“So called ‘solar fuels’ like hydrogen offer a solution to how to store energy for nighttime use by taking a cue from natural photosynthesis,” said Tom Meyer, Arey Distinguished Professor of Chemistry at UNC’s College of Arts and Sciences, in a statement. “Our new findings may provide a last major piece of a puzzle for a new way to store the sun’s energy – it could be a tipping point for a solar energy future.”
Americans warned of imminent, deadly meteor strikes
World Net Daily, 14th January 2014
With NASA reporting a “potentially hazardous” asteroid nearly half-a-mile wide possibly heading toward earth, and some upstate New Yorkers claiming they experienced a loud boom and a bright light in the sky last night caused by a meteor, a doctors’ organization is offering some timely advice:
Just as when the American populace first prepared for the possibility of a nuclear blast, a person’s best option for surviving a meteor strike is the same “duck and cover” created during the 1940s and ’50s when nuclear weaponry was still in its infancy.
The warning comes from Physicians for Civil Defense, which issued a statement recently during a meeting of the Emergency Management Agency of Utah.
“All Americans, starting with first responders and emergency managers, need to know this basic life-saving principle: ‘Drop and cover if you see a sudden very bright light,’” said the statement from the organization’s spokeswoman, Jane Orient, M.D.
Comment: Hmmmm.... Take cover! Meteor fireballs rain down across U.S. - Outbreaks of wildfires reported Based on continuous mainstream media reports, I think we can now say there is a high level of panic amongst disaster planners concerning the high probability of a small asteroid that can't be detected, which strikes our atmosphere with devastating consequences. I think the advice to duck to avoid being blinded by the light is very important. Also see: Asteroid 2014 AY32 passes the Earth before being discovered.
Chelyabinsk Meteor Shockwave Compilation
YouTube, 18th February 2014
This footage from multiple locations thru the Chelyabinsk city suddenly hit by the shockwave of the last Friday meteorite can illustrate how really it would be to witness some apocalyptic event of either man made or other mass destruction and panic. People caught in their offices, schools, workshops all in one moment break their daily routines and get a panic shock of different degree.
The sea froze so fast that it killed thousands of fish instantly
Sploid, 13th January 2014
Norwegian public radio (Google-translated) reports on the instant dead of thousands of fish in a bay in the island of Lovund, Norway. An air temperature of -7.8 C (17.96 F) combined with a strong east wind froze the sea water instantly, trapping and killing the fish you can see in this fishapocalyptic image:
Scandal: BBC’s six-year cover-up of secret ‘green propaganda’ training for top executives
WUWT, 12th January 2014
The BBC has spent tens of thousands of pounds over six years trying to keep secret an extraordinary ‘eco’ conference which has shaped its coverage of global warming, The Mail on Sunday can reveal.
The controversial seminar was run by a body set up by the BBC’s own environment analyst Roger Harrabin and funded via a £67,000 grant from the then Labour government, which hoped to see its ‘line’ on climate change and other Third World issues promoted in BBC reporting.
At the event, in 2006, green activists and scientists – one of whom believes climate change is a bigger danger than global nuclear war – lectured 28 of the Corporation’s most senior executives.
Comment: I think the Daily Mail are re-hashing some old news, but we now get the listing of names... This is especially interesting because of the link between BBC and Guardian journalists being humiliated in the Antarctic whilst searching for global warming in a summer of record-breaking build up of sea ice...
‘Game Changer’: Former Prime Ministers team up to win Tokyo election and end nuclear power — It’s endangering the existence of Japan… “Our nation’s survival is at stake” — “Could have biggest influence ever on national politics”
Energy News, 14th January 2014
Kyodo, Jan. 14, 2014: Former Prime Minister Morihiro Hosokawa said Tuesday he will run in the upcoming Tokyo gubernatorial election with an antinuclear agenda after securing the backing of popular former Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi [...] The move [...] could have game-changing impact on the race for the helm of the Japanese capital [...] “I have made my decision to run in the Tokyo governor election,” Hosokawa told reporters after meeting Koizumi. “I have a sense of crisis myself that the country’s various problems, especially nuclear power plants, are matters of survival for the country.” [...] Koizumi indicated the main focus of the election will be whether to pursue nuclear power or not, calling the election “a war between the group that says Japan can grow with zero nuclear power plants” and the group that says it cannot. [...]
Wall St. Journal, Jan. 14, 2014: [Former Prime Ministers Hosokawa and Koizumi] are expected to stir up the gubernatorial race and bring the energy debate back into the national spotlight. That will likely dismay of the administration of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, which would rather not have the divisive issue become an election focal point. [...] Mr. Hosokawa said [...] “I have a sense of crisis that our nation’s survival is at stake over nuclear power.”
Comment: Maybe not all politicians are immune from the facts associated with reality... Maybe Mr. Hosokawa does care about the demise of Japan...
Scandal: BBC’s six-year cover-up of secret ‘green propaganda’ training for top executives
WUWT, 12th January 2014
The BBC has spent tens of thousands of pounds over six years trying to keep secret an extraordinary ‘eco’ conference which has shaped its coverage of global warming, The Mail on Sunday can reveal.
The controversial seminar was run by a body set up by the BBC’s own environment analyst Roger Harrabin and funded via a £67,000 grant from the then Labour government, which hoped to see its ‘line’ on climate change and other Third World issues promoted in BBC reporting.
At the event, in 2006, green activists and scientists – one of whom believes climate change is a bigger danger than global nuclear war – lectured 28 of the Corporation’s most senior executives.
Comment: I think the Daily Mail are re-hashing some old news, but we now get the listing of names... This is especially interesting because of the link between BBC and Guardian journalists being humiliated in the Antarctic whilst searching for global warming in a summer of record-breaking build up of sea ice...
Major solar flare measuring X1.2 erupted from geoeffective region, bright CME generated
The Watchers, 7th January 2014
Geoeffective Active Region 1944 (beta-gamma-delta) erupted with major solar flare measuring X1.2 at 18:32 UTC today. The event started at 18:04, peaked at 18:32 and ended at 18:58 UTC. A Type II radio emission was registered at 18:17 UTC with estimated velocity of 1064 km/s. Type II emissions occur in association with eruptions on the sun and typically indicate a coronal mass ejection is associated with a flare event.
This huge active region is almost perfectly positioned for geoeffective events.
A bright coronal mass ejection (CME) was generated - high latitude sky watchers should be alert for auroras.
At 10:03 UTC today this same region erupted with strong M7.2 solar flare.
Comment: Also: Sun Unleashes First Major Solar Flare Of 2014 & NOAA: Blast from the sun on path towards EarthThe recent powerful solar flares are expected to power up some major storms... Please note already, Tropical Cyclone Developing Near Madagascar
Storm Warning, 9th January 2014
STORM WARNING: NOAA forecasters estimate a 90% chance of geomagnetic storms on Jan. 9th when a CME is expected to hit Earth's magnetic field. The speed of the solar wind around Earth could spike to 700 km/s (1.6 million mph) shortly after the impact, sharply compressing Earth's magnetosphere. High-latitude sky watchers should be alert for auroras. Aurora alerts: text, voice.
HUGE SUNSPOT, CHANCE OF FLARES: The source of the incoming CME is AR1944, one of the largest sunspots of the current solar cycle. The active region sprawls across more than 200,000 km of solar terrain and contains dozens of dark cores. The largest could swallow Earth three times over. AR1944 is circled in this Jan. 9th snapshot from NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory:
Double threat: US grid vulnerable on two fronts
CNBC News, 5th January 2014
Consensus is growing that the U.S. electricity grid is vulnerable to both hacking and physical attacks, but protecting it remains a work in progress—especially given the spending that would be necessary by financially stretched utilities.
The risks have heightened the calls for officials to address potential threats before they become reality. In November, the North American Energy Reliability Corp. staged a simulated attack on the grid; meanwhile, House Energy and Commerce Committee ranking member Rep. Henry Waxman, D.-Calif., flagged the grid as "not adequately protected" from either cyber or physical attacks at a hearing in December.
Comment: The listing of big power outages or blackouts worldwide is useful.... This list stops short of the massive July 2012 India power outages that some claim affected 660 million people or approx. half the population...
Lion Rock’s Eye Glows Red in Hong Kong
Epoc Times, 8th January 2014
HONG KONG—The enormous eye of Lion Rock in Hong Kong mysteriously turned red a few days before the new year, eyewitnesses reported.
A symbol of Hong Kong’s spirit, the famous Lion Rock is a lion-shaped hill that overlooks Hong Kong’s Kowloon area. At 2pm on Dec. 22, the lion’s eye turned red twice, lasting 30 minutes before fading out.
Some citizens were alarmed by this phenomenon, taking it as a sign that Hong Kong is in trouble. They appealed to the Hong Kong people to take measures to safeguard Hong Kong.
Comment: Wow.... It seems the 'Legend of the Red-Eyed Lion' is another "End Times" tale... This reminds me of the Osiris statue that is mysteriously turning around on its own, see Mystery as museum statue starts turning in display case. Is this another little sign of dramatic cosmic changes affecting those on Earth, a warning preserved by thos who understand the importance of paying attention to the signs of the times...
Interview with Radiation Expert Dr. Christopher Busby: It’s terrifying how Pacific ecosystem has collapsed since Fukushima — Plutonium and uranium suspected of spreading through food chain (VIDEO)
Energy News, 8th January 2014
Millions braced for breath-taking chill as polar vortex hits East, South
NBC News, 7th January 2014
The East and South were braced for record-breaking, dangerously-low temperatures Tuesday as the "polar vortex" responsible for the coldest Arctic outbreak in at least 20 years forced millions to stay inside. [...]
As many as 187 million Americans — more than half the nation's population — live in regions submerged under a rare Arctic weather system so broad that every state except Hawaii can expect some freezing temperatures.
The phenomenon called a polar vortex is essentially an arctic cyclone. It usually sits near the North Pole, but this week, like the birds, it has traveled south for the winter.
The worst of the system passed across the Midwest and Plains Monday, sending temperatures there as low as minus 30 degrees and wind chill as low as minus 60 degrees. [...]
Human flesh freezes in less than five minutes at that temperature, the weather service warned.
In northern Minnesota on Monday, the towns of Embarrass, Babbitt and Brimson all reached minus-40 — and that was the real air temperature, not the wind chill.
Comment: At the moment, I have not come across any info that definitely explains what force pushed this arctic cyclone over the US.... Piers Corbyn is not claiming he predicted this extreme event, but I am wondering if eventually, atmospheric scientists will confess that it is related to the Sudden Stratospheric Warming event that Piers did predict... U.S. subscribers were warned that December 2013 and New Year 2014 harboured snowmageddons, but this appears to be on another level, a seriously life-threatening event... What happens when there is no power/heating because the infrastructure fails due to high demand and bad weather?
Canadians experience jolting 'frost quakes' as temperatures plunge
RT News, 6th January 2014
As temperatures around Toronto and across Ontario drop to -20 Celsius (-4 Fahrenheit), residents are reporting frost quakes that are powerful enough to shake houses and rattle nerves.
Usually found in extreme polar regions, the recent outbreak of frost quakes, known to meteorologists as cryoseisms, are now affecting many residents of Toronto, Canada's most populous city.
The weather-related phenomenon, which can feel like an earthquake, happens when water and moisture deep underground freeze as the temperature drops.
Frost quakes typically occur between midnight and dawn, the coldest part of the night, thus many residents are being jolted awake by the booming sounds.
"I experienced a small earthquake in California many years ago, and the sensation was very similar," Melissa Young, a US citizen visiting friends in Thornhill, a suburb of Toronto, told RT. "I was surprised to hear it was a frost quake, something I've never heard of before."
Comment: Extremely rare frost quakes? It's a lot easier to believe something strange is going on in the upper atmosphere and I have explained the atmospheric science before... Whatever, at the moment, I am reserving some judgement just in case this just keeps on happening, but it is more likley that the booms are being caused by extreme geophysical conditions due to the solar wind and the coronal hole that has opened up and that the top of Earth's atmosphere is being pounded by comet debris as already explained we have been told to expect, see below...
Jan5...ongoing HOW BAD will be the coming storm in Br+Ir+Eu?, 5th January 2014
The very large system which - as snow and wind - trashed N/E USA is bearing down onto Ireland Britain & Europe.
How bad will it be?
Piers Corbyn says "VERY BIG and BAD rather than very very bad""In all the previous major storms October onwards this year WeatherAction correctly warned that the MetOffice were underestimating the top wind gusts - because our WeatherAction solar-based Top Red (R5, R4) Factors were operating. In THIS case although it is a very large system our top red 'enhancement' factors are not operating so although huge and dangerous waves are expected it will probably not have the local wind and hail ferocity of the NY+2, Jan3 storm. Met Office top wind warnings therefore as 1800 Jan 5 are probably accurate or OVERESTIMATES"
Comment: Piers Corbyn says the nasty US weather is coming to the UK & Europe, it will be bad but not the worst we could expect...
Aerial views show shocking scale of damage as Britain endures worst winter storms for 20 YEARS and braces for more flooding
Daily Mail, 5th January 2014
- Environment Agency has urged people to stay away from the sea and rivers because they risk being killed
- Almost 300 flood alerts and warnings in England and Wales, with torrential rain expected to batter South first
- Met Office warns rain could give way to ice and snow as bitterly cold Arctic air brings freezing temperatures
- PM says lessons will be learned and insists that EA has been given the funding to protect frontline services
- Third death last night as 47-year-old man's mobility scooter falls into river in Oxford off flooded pathway
- First Great Western tells customers to get on a train 'earlier rather than later' due to possibility of flooding
[...] The Environment Agency has issued 73 flood warnings urging people to take immediate action, while a further 213 areas are on flood alert.
Coastal areas - particularly in the South - are most at risk as they cope with a combination of unusually high tides and another Atlantic storm today.
Comment: A good set of pictures.... The UK Met Office failed again and obviously, Piers Corbyn has a lot to boast about...
3 Jan Br+Ir storm "Tremendous success" for WeatherAction - Major Storm and Top winds ~R5+ 31Dec-2Jan(+/-1d) and R4 29-30Dec(+/-1d) warnings confirmed.
- Observed winds substantially in excess of MetO warnings
- Worst storm for 20yrs in Wales and SW says Daily Mail
Blog reports below and Twitter feed reports @Piers_Corbyn and some copied below show MetO winds were substantially topped as we warned they would be both in the R5+ (1st+/-2d in extended form BOTH on 1st Jan and 3rd Jan) and the R4 before 29-30th Dec +/-1d.
"We've had tremendous feedback on this storm period, which is another triumph for WeatherAction. Not only were our wind warnings Br+Ir a stunning success but also all our solar + geophysical forecasts were confirmed in this R4-R5 pair top Red periods: - Extra active earth facing sunspots amd Coronal hole, aurora, and major quake-volcano events. The extreme local turbulance (quasi tornadic events) high gustiness, ferocious waves, large (on English measures) hail was also significant especially on 3rd which is very pleasing.
Piers also writes:
The R periods and wild behavior of the Jet Stream are driven from above and are associated with extra and extreme changes in electrical and magnetic activity above the stratosphere and in the ionosphere and the solar wind of charged particles coming from the sun and events on the sun itself**
[**Note Ideas such as 'temperature contrasts drive the Jet Stream' are totally inadequate to explain or predict events. Such a picture cannot explain the relationship between Earth weather and events in the ionosphere, magnetosphere, the solar wind and on the sun and the simultaneity of extreme storm events across earth and their ~coincidence with (radio) storms on other planets. Indeed such a low-level Earth atmospere centred view, notwithstanding certain feedbacks, is akin to suggesting the movement of tree branches causes winds.]
This extreme agitation of the atmosphere and increasing storminess is NOT going to go away but will increase again along with extra solar activity, and auroral displays particularly around the turn of the month and again in January.
If more people start paying attention to those who really understand our reality then more lives will be saved.
Roscoe Bartlett: The Congressman Who Went Off the Grid
Roscoe Bartlett spent 20 years on Capitol Hill. Now he lives in a remote cabin in the woods, prepping for doomsday.
Politico Magazine, 3rd January 2014

When Roscoe Bartlett was in Congress, he latched onto a particularly apocalyptic issue, one almost no one else ever seemed to talk about: America’s dangerously vulnerable power grid. In speech after late-night speech on the House floor, Bartlett hectored the nearly empty chamber: If the United States doesn’t do something to protect the grid, and soon, a terrorist or an act of nature will put an end to life as we know it.
Bartlett never gained much traction with his scary talk of electromagnetic pulses and solar storms. More immediate concerns always seemed to preoccupy his colleagues, or perhaps Bartlett’s obsessions just sounded more like quackery than real science, even coming from a former Navy engineer who had worked on the space race. Whatever the reason, Congress’s failure to act is no longer Bartlett’s problem. The octogenarian Republican from western Maryland—more than once labeled “the oddest congressman”—found himself gerrymandered out of office a year ago and promptly decided to take action on the warnings others wouldn’t heed, retreating to a remote property in the mountains of West Virginia where he lives with no phone service, no connection to outside power and no municipal plumbing. Having failed to safeguard the power grid for the rest of the country, Bartlett has taken himself completely off the grid. He has finally done what he pleaded in vain for others to do: “to become,” as he put it in a 2009 documentary, “independent of the system.”
Comment: This is a long and interesting article.... We are now due for an extreme solar blast generating a G5 geomagnwtic storm causing a technological meltdown, very few people are ready to cope...
Why I am Leaving The United States
Dollar Vigilante, 1st January 2014

[...] Upon learning of my wife and my decision to leave our friends, family, great jobs, and fantastic home, everyone immediately asks us: Why? It's such a painfully awkward question to answer. How could the answer be anything but obvious? That said, we learned our lesson early and have stopped telling people the truth behind our exodus. Instead we've been answering with generic statements like "Oh, just for a change of pace" or "We've always wanted to experience another culture."
I'm tired of holding my tongue. It's not healthy to keep so much bottled up inside and it's even more painful to watch those closest to me living a most ignorant and animal-like existence. So here are our real, unfiltered, and honest reasons for fleeing the land of the free.
Comment: The author describes this as an anarchist's greatest hits collection.... Of course, those of us with some insight know the constant reports of corporate/government/authority lunacy and stupidity in the United States is due to the fact that the levels of psychopathy at the top of society are too high and the levels of psychopathy (that includes 2nd hand psychopathy) spread throughout society is also too high, in fact at historic levels according to academics... As many now recognise, like a juggernaut that has spun out of control, destruction is fast beckoning because there is no control mechanism in existence to apply any brakes. The sane people have failed to rein in the lunatics...
Small asteroid 2014 AA hit the Earth's atmosphere
Remanzacco Observatory, 2nd January 2014
M.P.E.C. 2014-A02 issued on 2014 Jan. 2 at 13:08 UT reports the discovery of the asteroid 2014 AA (discovery magnitude 19.1) by Mt. Lemmon Survey (MPC code G96 - Observer R. A. Kowalski) on images taken on January 1.2 with a 1.5-m reflector + CCD. 2014 AA (that is the very first asteroid discovered in 2014) had an estimated size of 1.7 m - 3.8 m (based on the object's absolute magnitude H=30.9).
As reported on this MPEC:
It is virtually certain that 2014 AA hit the Earth's atmosphere on 2014 Jan. 2.2 +/- 0.4, as demonstrated by independent calculations by Bill Gray, the MPC and Steve Chesley (JPL). According to Chesley, the impact locations are widely distributed, most likely falling on an arc extending from Central America to East Africa, with a best-fit location just off the coast of West Africa on Jan. 2.10. 2014 AA was unlikely to have survived atmospheric entry intact, as it was comparable in size to 2008 TC3, the only other example of an impacting object observed prior to atmospheric entry.
Comment: Also: Small asteroid entered our atmosphere on January 2, 2014 & 2014 AA – New Year’s Earth impactor. Please note: the Russians were worried about the debris field from the break up of Comet ISON and German astronomers provided us with the following warning:
Meteorite impact instead of shooting stars? Russian researchers: Comet ISON brings another surprise
In The Sky News, 2nd December 2013
Google Translation: An interesting turn in the case of Comet ISON: Sergei Smirnov, spokesman for the Observatory Pulkovo announced in St. Petersburg, lost the "century comet" in his "Kiss" with the sun, although a hundred times in brightness , but was by no means completely destroyed. Is that the comet's tail can still be seen "in the form of a little contrasted elongated cloud" means that the comet was not disintegrate into a cloud of dust, but that continue after the destruction of the core of ISON larger chunks of the celestial body course on the earth take. [...]
"It might even be serious,"
"The inhabitants of the earth, a surprise awaits New Year's Eve," [...] expected in the form of a shooting star night - or a potentially momentous meteorite crash. "New Year's Eve, but also of 2 up to 4 January 2014 is to be expected an increased meteor activity. This can manifest itself as a bright flare of tiny meteors in the sky when these burn up in the Earth's atmosphere. But even more threatening manifestations such as a meteor shower can not be excluded, "the representative of the Russian observatory is convinced.
Low and behold it look like astronomers were watching out as this is only the 2nd asteroid hit recorded before it hit the atmosphere.... That is some coincidence right? Besides that, NASA have told us to expect the little known Quadrantids, that will be battering us over New Year...
Quadrantids open new meteor season for 2014, then there are the now usual reports of meteors and loud booms. There are many other reports, some can be found at Fire In The Sky.
Terence Corcoran: Science of climate change not on the same course as reality
Financial Post, 2nd January 2014

The key to success when stuck on a giant floe of irony is to pretend it doesn’t exist, which is exactly the trick performed by Prof. Chris Turney, leader of the global warming science expedition that was rescued Thursday by a Chinese icebreaker off the coast of Antarctica.
others want to hear, the truth is not good enough.
Aboard the MV Akademik Shokalskiy, a research vessel hunting for evidence of climate change in the world’s coldest polar extremity, Prof. Turney demonstrated his unflagging media skills by turning adversity into an opportunity. [...]
others want to hear, the truth is not good enough.
One reason for attempting to sail the Arctic in 2013 was a prediction from NASA scientists in 2008 that the Arctic would be “mostly free of ice by 2013.” Jay Zwally, the ice satellite project scientist at NASA Goddard, said in 2008 that the Arctic appeared to be at a “tipping point” from which there was no return. “We not only have the warming of the atmosphere, we have a warming of the ocean that is affecting this. It has been surprising to everybody, this decrease in area. This is a marked departure, and this is suggesting to us that maybe we are getting at this tipping point.”
others want to hear, the truth is not good enough.
Five years later, however, Arctic ice coverage had rebounded by 60% in 2013, forcing early closing of the passage and trapping sailors and climate tourists.
Comment: Of course there has been lots of comment as this story has become a major story of interest in the mainstream media.... In my opinion, it's not just climate science that has a reality problem, as there some areas of science that should be called metaphysics that helps those with an interest in perpetating myths as the real truth is unhelpful when trying to control the masses.
Red king crab caught in Bering Sea is lavender-colored, baffling experts
Veteran wholesaler in Japan says peculiar catch "could be a good omen'
Grind TV 31st January 2013
Comment: A whole shipment of blue crabs?
The house that can survive a TSUNAMI: Waves flow through the building to save it from being washed away (and it's earthquake-proof too)
Daily Mail, 23rd January 2014
Senior meteorologist on extended USA cold blast to last past Groundhog day: ‘WOW WOW’
Watts Up With That, 21st January 2014
What is this mystery object spotted on Google Moon? Bizarre wedge-shaped 'craft' appears on the lunar surface
Daily Mail, 17th January 2014
Glitch Sees Swiss Charged Twice for Card Payments
ABC News, 23rd January 2014
Shoppers in Switzerland must have thought they were seeing double when they checked their bank accounts this week.
A Swiss company that processes electronic payments says anyone who withdrew money or paid for something with their debit or credit card on Tuesday was charged twice.
A spokesman for SIX Management AG said Thursday the glitch affected millions of cards issued by banks in Switzerland and the tiny neighboring state of Liechtenstein.
Kyodo News: Fukushima raises concerns over “viability of Japan’s future” — Former Prime Minister: Reactor restarts “a criminal act toward future generations”; “Fate of country” at stake; “Myth that nuclear power clean and safe has collapsed”
Energy News, 22nd January 2014

Wall St. Journal, Jan. 22, 2014: “Restarting nuclear reactors while we still have no place to dispose nuclear waste is a criminal act toward future generations,” [Former Prime Minister Morihiro] Hosokawa said during a news conference where he laid out his campaign promises for the Feb. 9 election.
Bloomberg, Jan. 22, 2014: “The myth that nuclear power is clean and safe has collapsed,” Hosokawa told reporters in Tokyo today. “We don’t even have a place to store nuclear waste. Without that, restarting the plants would be a crime against future generations.”
Kyodo News, Jan. 22, 2014: “Nuclear power is out of date and the most costly source of energy,” Hosokawa said. “The severity of risks associated with nuclear power is high. We have to switch to renewable and environmentally friendly energies, and lead the world in that field.”
Reuters, Jan. 22, 2014: “I foolishly once believed the myth that nuclear energy is clean and safe,” he told a news conference. “That myth has completely broken down.”
Kyodo News, Jan. 22, 2014: “Nuclear power is out of date and the most costly source of energy,” Hosokawa said. “The severity of risks associated with nuclear power is high. We have to switch to renewable and environmentally friendly energies, and lead the world in that field.”
Comment: At some point, reality will always bite... even for the most deaf, dumb and stupid...
Why Do Some Americans Speak So Confidently When They Have No Clue What They're Talking About?
Harvard calls "leadership" speaking with conviction when you don't even believe it.
Alter Net News, 22nd January 2014

The Harvard Business School information session on how to be a good class participant instructs, “Speak with conviction. Even if you believe something only 55 percent, say it as if you believe it 100 percent,” Susan Cain reported in her bestselling book Quiet. At HBS, Cain noticed, “If a student talks often and forcefully, then he’s a player; if he doesn’t, he’s on the margins.”
Cain observed that the men at HBS “look like people who expect to be in charge.... I have the feeling that if you asked one of them for driving directions, he’d greet you with a can-do smile and throw himself into the task of helping you to your destination — whether or not he knew the way.”
Comment: This article is very interesting... with a good discussion of the bullshit operators who control our lives... The confident manner works because most people only pick up on mannerisms and refuse to engage brain and think... Of course the New Age star bullshitter/scumbag Tony Robbins, promoted by TV media Queen Oprah, is also discussed at length... Robbins excels in hyping up vulnerable people and then robbing them of their cash, but the accumulation of cash is all that matters for most... Btw, have you noticed the embarrassing silence from the big mouths who hyped up 2012? Lots and lots of people who really did not properly understand the issues at hand. Hah!
Bastardi: Arctic Outbreak with Multiple Storms to Last 10-15 Days, Has Power Grid Concerns
Breitbart News, 21st January 2014
On Sean Hannity’s radio show on Tuesday, Weatherbell Analytics meteorologist Joe Bastardi predicted today’s severe winter weather is just the beginning of a 10 to 15 day outbreak to hit the Midwest, the Great Lakes region and the Northeast.
“I think this is blizzard conditions on [Long Island] tonight, coastal New Jersey, southeastern New England,” Bastardi said. “Severe and extreme cold developing at the tail end of this storm. And this is the beginning of a siege that I’m very concerned is going to have an immense impact on the country economically. I’m very concerned, and I hope I’m wrong, about the power grid. That Arctic outbreak that came for three to four days earlier in the month, led to blackouts. We’ve got 10 to 15 days of this coming now, where one shot after another comes in and more storms are coming. And you know, this is not trying to be doom and gloom. You don’t need to hype the weather. It will hype itself naturally.”
Comment: There is a notable uptick in swings of extreme weather.... See Ice Age Now has a lot of stories...
Distant quasar illuminates a filament of the cosmic web
University of California News, 19th January 2014

Astronomers have discovered a distant quasar illuminating a vast nebula of diffuse gas, revealing for the first time part of the network of filaments thought to connect galaxies in a cosmic web. Researchers at the University of California, Santa Cruz, led the study, published January 19 in Nature.
Using the 10-meter Keck I Telescope at the W. M. Keck Observatory in Hawaii, the researchers detected a very large, luminous nebula of gas extending about 2 million light-years across intergalactic space.
Comment: I think this is another acknowledgment of the electric/electromagnetic universe.... A flow of charge literally lights up plasma in dark mode into glow mode and all of a sudden 'invisible' becomes visible... Another version Astronomers Capture The First Image Of The Mysterious Web That Connects All Galaxies In The Universe
Utah Is Ending Homelessness By Giving People Homes
Our Future, 17th January 2014
Not so Freak Hail Storm Hits Lisbon, Portugal [VIDEO]
Mysterious Portugal, 17th January 2014
Supercomputer takes 40 minutes to model one second of human brain activity
The findings have encouraged scientists who said that once exascale computers are developed, it could be possible to simulate the entire brain on a neural scale.
UPI News, 13th January 2014
Jan. 13 (UPI) -- The Japanese supercomputer K Computer successfully calculated and created a simulation of just one second of human brain activity, taking 40 minutes to do so.
The K computer, the fourth most powerful computer in the world, used its 705,024 processor cores and 1.4 million GB of RAM to process the data, but still took 40 minutes to process a single second of human brain activity.
Researchers were using an open source software called Neural Simulation Technology to replicate a neuronal network consisting of 1.73 billion neurons and 10.4 trillion synaptic connections.
Comment: Is there any need to comment....
New evidence that plants get their energy using quantum entanglement
i09 News, 11th January 2014

Biophysicists theorize that plants tap into the eerie world of quantum entanglement during photosynthesis. But the evidence to date has been purely circumstantial. Now, scientists have discovered a feature of plants that cannot be explained by classical physics alone — but which quantum mechanics answers quite nicely.
The fact that biological systems can exploit quantum effects is quite astounding. In a way, they’re like mini-quantum computers capable of scanning all possible options in order to choose the most efficient paths or solutions. For plants, this means the ability to make the most of the energy they receive and then deliver that energy from leaves with near perfect efficiency.
Comment: So when will biologists widely admit that humans can do exactly the same thing?
Naga Fireballs: Swamp Gas or Divine Breath?
Mysterious Universe, 16th January 2014

According to Brian Dunning of Skeptoid, one Dr. Manos Kanoksilp, a pediatrician, theorises that the Naga Fireball phenomenon requires a precise alignment of the sun, moon and Earth, and that the Makong River provides a perfect storm of conditions, regarding methane and oxygen levels combined with ambient temperature, to bring about the fireballs every year at the same time.[1] The Thai Science Ministry apparently concurs, citing an experiment headed by the ministry’s Deputy Secretary, Saksit Tridech. Tridech and his team used equipment to measure conditions during the celebration and apparently determined that the fireballs were the result of built up phosphine gas.[2]
Comment: The unusual planetary alignment explanation actually makes sense because it would mean plasma entities that are normally invisble are made visible due to the change in the aetheric background creating a window of viewing oportunity... This is the same explanation for ghosts that appear at certain times in certain locations.
UN panel confronts Vatican on child sex abuse by clergy
BBC News, 16th January 2014
The Vatican is being confronted publicly for the first time over the sexual abuse of children by clergy, at a UN hearing in Geneva.
The Church was asked why it continued to describe such abuse as an offence against morals rather than a crime against children.
Archbishop Silvano Tomasi said such crimes could "never be justified" and every child should be "inviolable".
A fellow official said "things need to be done differently".
Comment: I think we are seeing evolutionary changes in consciousness rippling through society... Now that many more people are aware of psychopaths and the propensity of these predatory types to gravitate towards positions of power easily obtained in religious institutions, many are realising that the incongruities and hypocrisy can no longer be ignore... Locking up offenders is no longer enough...
Crowds flock to cash machine after it starts spewing out FREE notesAround 60 people queued up at the ATM in Mansfield Woodhouse, Notts, before the fault was spotted by bosses and the cash machine put of service
The Mirror, 14th January 2014

Dozens of people flocked to a cash machine after word spread that it had started giving out free money.
The Lloyds Bank ATM in Mansfield Woodhouse, Notts, malfunctioned and began spewing out notes as customers withdrew cash yesterday morning.
Around 60 people are reported to have queued up at the hole-in-the-wall as word spread of the possible windfall. [...]
The fault was spotted by bosses and the cash machine put of service around 3pm.
A spokesman for Lloyds Bank said investigations had begun into how the error occurred and the group would not be able to provide details on how much cash was taken from the ATM.
It is not thought that individuals who cashed in will not be pursued to reimburse the bank.
Comment: There are the usual stories of glitches (that I can't really definitely link to the recent harsh space weather), but I like stories of free money from ATM machines...
Musical space-weather reports from NASA's LRO mission
Phys.Org, 10th January 2014
Halton C. Arp, Astronomer Who Challenged Big Bang Theory, Dies at 86
New York Times, 6th January 2014

Halton C. Arp, a provocative son of American astronomy whose dogged insistence that astronomers had misread the distances to quasars cast doubt on the Big Bang theory of the universe and led to his exile from his peers and the telescopes he loved, died on Dec. 28 in Munich. He was 86.
The cause was pneumonia, said his daughter Kristana Arp, who said he also had Parkinson’s disease.
Comment: I consider Halton C. Arp as a true truth-seeker, who preferred to challenge erroneous scientific beliefs despite the harsh penalities. Today, many more scientists are prepared to admit that there are some fundamental beliefs that need to change. The most important is the acknowledgment that space is filled with plasma that is subject to electromagnetic laws. As Space Weather ramps up, NASA and the military are being forced to send out more and more space probes to monitor the new harsh cosmic conditions and the electric currents connecting Earth with the sun. Plasma physicists are needed to develop new ways of mitigating the impact of cosmic rain that can knocking out satellites and therefore disrupt our modern technological dependency... Astronomers have no where to hide and more cooperation wioth plasma physicists is taking place. The world needs more people like Halton Arp, the brave ones who challenge the concensus of blind belief.
Amazing new system harnesses sun’s energy for use at night
National Monitor, 15th January 2014

According to a news release from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, researchers have developed a system that converts the sun’s energy into hydrogen fuel during the day and keeps it for use at night.
“So called ‘solar fuels’ like hydrogen offer a solution to how to store energy for nighttime use by taking a cue from natural photosynthesis,” said Tom Meyer, Arey Distinguished Professor of Chemistry at UNC’s College of Arts and Sciences, in a statement. “Our new findings may provide a last major piece of a puzzle for a new way to store the sun’s energy – it could be a tipping point for a solar energy future.”
Americans warned of imminent, deadly meteor strikes
World Net Daily, 14th January 2014

With NASA reporting a “potentially hazardous” asteroid nearly half-a-mile wide possibly heading toward earth, and some upstate New Yorkers claiming they experienced a loud boom and a bright light in the sky last night caused by a meteor, a doctors’ organization is offering some timely advice:
Just as when the American populace first prepared for the possibility of a nuclear blast, a person’s best option for surviving a meteor strike is the same “duck and cover” created during the 1940s and ’50s when nuclear weaponry was still in its infancy.
The warning comes from Physicians for Civil Defense, which issued a statement recently during a meeting of the Emergency Management Agency of Utah.
“All Americans, starting with first responders and emergency managers, need to know this basic life-saving principle: ‘Drop and cover if you see a sudden very bright light,’” said the statement from the organization’s spokeswoman, Jane Orient, M.D.
Comment: Hmmmm.... Take cover! Meteor fireballs rain down across U.S. - Outbreaks of wildfires reported Based on continuous mainstream media reports, I think we can now say there is a high level of panic amongst disaster planners concerning the high probability of a small asteroid that can't be detected, which strikes our atmosphere with devastating consequences. I think the advice to duck to avoid being blinded by the light is very important. Also see: Asteroid 2014 AY32 passes the Earth before being discovered.
Chelyabinsk Meteor Shockwave Compilation
YouTube, 18th February 2013
This footage from multiple locations thru the Chelyabinsk city suddenly hit by the shockwave of the last Friday meteorite can illustrate how really it would be to witness some apocalyptic event of either man made or other mass destruction and panic. People caught in their offices, schools, workshops all in one moment break their daily routines and get a panic shock of different degree.
The sea froze so fast that it killed thousands of fish instantly
Sploid, 13th January 2014
Norwegian public radio (Google-translated) reports on the instant dead of thousands of fish in a bay in the island of Lovund, Norway. An air temperature of -7.8 C (17.96 F) combined with a strong east wind froze the sea water instantly, trapping and killing the fish you can see in this fishapocalyptic image:
Scandal: BBC’s six-year cover-up of secret ‘green propaganda’ training for top executives
WUWT, 12th January 2014

The BBC has spent tens of thousands of pounds over six years trying to keep secret an extraordinary ‘eco’ conference which has shaped its coverage of global warming, The Mail on Sunday can reveal.
The controversial seminar was run by a body set up by the BBC’s own environment analyst Roger Harrabin and funded via a £67,000 grant from the then Labour government, which hoped to see its ‘line’ on climate change and other Third World issues promoted in BBC reporting.
At the event, in 2006, green activists and scientists – one of whom believes climate change is a bigger danger than global nuclear war – lectured 28 of the Corporation’s most senior executives.
Comment: I think the Daily Mail are re-hashing some old news, but we now get the listing of names... This is especially interesting because of the link between BBC and Guardian journalists being humiliated in the Antarctic whilst searching for global warming in a summer of record-breaking build up of sea ice...
‘Game Changer’: Former Prime Ministers team up to win Tokyo election and end nuclear power — It’s endangering the existence of Japan… “Our nation’s survival is at stake” — “Could have biggest influence ever on national politics”
Energy News, 14th January 2014

Kyodo, Jan. 14, 2014: Former Prime Minister Morihiro Hosokawa said Tuesday he will run in the upcoming Tokyo gubernatorial election with an antinuclear agenda after securing the backing of popular former Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi [...] The move [...] could have game-changing impact on the race for the helm of the Japanese capital [...] “I have made my decision to run in the Tokyo governor election,” Hosokawa told reporters after meeting Koizumi. “I have a sense of crisis myself that the country’s various problems, especially nuclear power plants, are matters of survival for the country.” [...] Koizumi indicated the main focus of the election will be whether to pursue nuclear power or not, calling the election “a war between the group that says Japan can grow with zero nuclear power plants” and the group that says it cannot. [...]
Wall St. Journal, Jan. 14, 2014: [Former Prime Ministers Hosokawa and Koizumi] are expected to stir up the gubernatorial race and bring the energy debate back into the national spotlight. That will likely dismay of the administration of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, which would rather not have the divisive issue become an election focal point. [...] Mr. Hosokawa said [...] “I have a sense of crisis that our nation’s survival is at stake over nuclear power.”
Comment: Maybe not all politicians are immune from the facts associated with reality... Maybe Mr. Hosokawa does care about the demise of Japan...
Scandal: BBC’s six-year cover-up of secret ‘green propaganda’ training for top executives
WUWT, 12th January 2014

The BBC has spent tens of thousands of pounds over six years trying to keep secret an extraordinary ‘eco’ conference which has shaped its coverage of global warming, The Mail on Sunday can reveal.
The controversial seminar was run by a body set up by the BBC’s own environment analyst Roger Harrabin and funded via a £67,000 grant from the then Labour government, which hoped to see its ‘line’ on climate change and other Third World issues promoted in BBC reporting.
At the event, in 2006, green activists and scientists – one of whom believes climate change is a bigger danger than global nuclear war – lectured 28 of the Corporation’s most senior executives.
Comment: I think the Daily Mail are re-hashing some old news, but we now get the listing of names... This is especially interesting because of the link between BBC and Guardian journalists being humiliated in the Antarctic whilst searching for global warming in a summer of record-breaking build up of sea ice...
Major solar flare measuring X1.2 erupted from geoeffective region, bright CME generated
The Watchers, 7th January 2014

Geoeffective Active Region 1944 (beta-gamma-delta) erupted with major solar flare measuring X1.2 at 18:32 UTC today. The event started at 18:04, peaked at 18:32 and ended at 18:58 UTC. A Type II radio emission was registered at 18:17 UTC with estimated velocity of 1064 km/s. Type II emissions occur in association with eruptions on the sun and typically indicate a coronal mass ejection is associated with a flare event.
This huge active region is almost perfectly positioned for geoeffective events.
A bright coronal mass ejection (CME) was generated - high latitude sky watchers should be alert for auroras.
At 10:03 UTC today this same region erupted with strong M7.2 solar flare.
Comment: Also: Sun Unleashes First Major Solar Flare Of 2014 & NOAA: Blast from the sun on path towards EarthThe recent powerful solar flares are expected to power up some major storms... Please note already, Tropical Cyclone Developing Near Madagascar
Storm Warning, 9th January 2014
STORM WARNING: NOAA forecasters estimate a 90% chance of geomagnetic storms on Jan. 9th when a CME is expected to hit Earth's magnetic field. The speed of the solar wind around Earth could spike to 700 km/s (1.6 million mph) shortly after the impact, sharply compressing Earth's magnetosphere. High-latitude sky watchers should be alert for auroras. Aurora alerts: text, voice.
HUGE SUNSPOT, CHANCE OF FLARES: The source of the incoming CME is AR1944, one of the largest sunspots of the current solar cycle. The active region sprawls across more than 200,000 km of solar terrain and contains dozens of dark cores. The largest could swallow Earth three times over. AR1944 is circled in this Jan. 9th snapshot from NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory:
Double threat: US grid vulnerable on two fronts
CNBC News, 5th January 2014

Consensus is growing that the U.S. electricity grid is vulnerable to both hacking and physical attacks, but protecting it remains a work in progress—especially given the spending that would be necessary by financially stretched utilities.
The risks have heightened the calls for officials to address potential threats before they become reality. In November, the North American Energy Reliability Corp. staged a simulated attack on the grid; meanwhile, House Energy and Commerce Committee ranking member Rep. Henry Waxman, D.-Calif., flagged the grid as "not adequately protected" from either cyber or physical attacks at a hearing in December.
Comment: The listing of big power outages or blackouts worldwide is useful.... This list stops short of the massive July 2012 India power outages that some claim affected 660 million people or approx. half the population...
Lion Rock’s Eye Glows Red in Hong Kong
Epoc Times, 8th January 2014

HONG KONG—The enormous eye of Lion Rock in Hong Kong mysteriously turned red a few days before the new year, eyewitnesses reported.
A symbol of Hong Kong’s spirit, the famous Lion Rock is a lion-shaped hill that overlooks Hong Kong’s Kowloon area. At 2pm on Dec. 22, the lion’s eye turned red twice, lasting 30 minutes before fading out.
Some citizens were alarmed by this phenomenon, taking it as a sign that Hong Kong is in trouble. They appealed to the Hong Kong people to take measures to safeguard Hong Kong.
Comment: Wow.... It seems the 'Legend of the Red-Eyed Lion' is another "End Times" tale... This reminds me of the Osiris statue that is mysteriously turning around on its own, see Mystery as museum statue starts turning in display case. Is this another little sign of dramatic cosmic changes affecting those on Earth, a warning preserved by thos who understand the importance of paying attention to the signs of the times...
Interview with Radiation Expert Dr. Christopher Busby: It’s terrifying how Pacific ecosystem has collapsed since Fukushima — Plutonium and uranium suspected of spreading through food chain (VIDEO)
Energy News, 8th January 2014
Millions braced for breath-taking chill as polar vortex hits East, South
NBC News, 7th January 2014

The East and South were braced for record-breaking, dangerously-low temperatures Tuesday as the "polar vortex" responsible for the coldest Arctic outbreak in at least 20 years forced millions to stay inside. [...]
As many as 187 million Americans — more than half the nation's population — live in regions submerged under a rare Arctic weather system so broad that every state except Hawaii can expect some freezing temperatures.
The phenomenon called a polar vortex is essentially an arctic cyclone. It usually sits near the North Pole, but this week, like the birds, it has traveled south for the winter.
The worst of the system passed across the Midwest and Plains Monday, sending temperatures there as low as minus 30 degrees and wind chill as low as minus 60 degrees. [...]
Human flesh freezes in less than five minutes at that temperature, the weather service warned.
In northern Minnesota on Monday, the towns of Embarrass, Babbitt and Brimson all reached minus-40 — and that was the real air temperature, not the wind chill.
Comment: At the moment, I have not come across any info that definitely explains what force pushed this arctic cyclone over the US.... Piers Corbyn is not claiming he predicted this extreme event, but I am wondering if eventually, atmospheric scientists will confess that it is related to the Sudden Stratospheric Warming event that Piers did predict... U.S. subscribers were warned that December 2013 and New Year 2014 harboured snowmageddons, but this appears to be on another level, a seriously life-threatening event... What happens when there is no power/heating because the infrastructure fails due to high demand and bad weather?
Canadians experience jolting 'frost quakes' as temperatures plunge
RT News, 6th January 2014

As temperatures around Toronto and across Ontario drop to -20 Celsius (-4 Fahrenheit), residents are reporting frost quakes that are powerful enough to shake houses and rattle nerves.
Usually found in extreme polar regions, the recent outbreak of frost quakes, known to meteorologists as cryoseisms, are now affecting many residents of Toronto, Canada's most populous city.
The weather-related phenomenon, which can feel like an earthquake, happens when water and moisture deep underground freeze as the temperature drops.
Frost quakes typically occur between midnight and dawn, the coldest part of the night, thus many residents are being jolted awake by the booming sounds.
"I experienced a small earthquake in California many years ago, and the sensation was very similar," Melissa Young, a US citizen visiting friends in Thornhill, a suburb of Toronto, told RT. "I was surprised to hear it was a frost quake, something I've never heard of before."
Comment: Extremely rare frost quakes? It's a lot easier to believe something strange is going on in the upper atmosphere and I have explained the atmospheric science before... Whatever, at the moment, I am reserving some judgement just in case this just keeps on happening, but it is more likley that the booms are being caused by extreme geophysical conditions due to the solar wind and the coronal hole that has opened up and that the top of Earth's atmosphere is being pounded by comet debris as already explained we have been told to expect, see below...
Jan5...ongoing HOW BAD will be the coming storm in Br+Ir+Eu?, 5th January 2014

The very large system which - as snow and wind - trashed N/E USA is bearing down onto Ireland Britain & Europe.
How bad will it be?
Piers Corbyn says "VERY BIG and BAD rather than very very bad" "In all the previous major storms October onwards this year WeatherAction correctly warned that the MetOffice were underestimating the top wind gusts - because our WeatherAction solar-based Top Red (R5, R4) Factors were operating. In THIS case although it is a very large system our top red 'enhancement' factors are not operating so although huge and dangerous waves are expected it will probably not have the local wind and hail ferocity of the NY+2, Jan3 storm. Met Office top wind warnings therefore as 1800 Jan 5 are probably accurate or OVERESTIMATES"
Comment: Piers Corbyn says the nasty US weather is coming to the UK & Europe, it will be bad but not the worst we could expect...
Aerial views show shocking scale of damage as Britain endures worst winter storms for 20 YEARS and braces for more flooding
Daily Mail, 5th January 2014
- Environment Agency has urged people to stay away from the sea and rivers because they risk being killed
- Almost 300 flood alerts and warnings in England and Wales, with torrential rain expected to batter South first
- Met Office warns rain could give way to ice and snow as bitterly cold Arctic air brings freezing temperatures
- PM says lessons will be learned and insists that EA has been given the funding to protect frontline services
- Third death last night as 47-year-old man's mobility scooter falls into river in Oxford off flooded pathway
- First Great Western tells customers to get on a train 'earlier rather than later' due to possibility of flooding
[...] The Environment Agency has issued 73 flood warnings urging people to take immediate action, while a further 213 areas are on flood alert.
Coastal areas - particularly in the South - are most at risk as they cope with a combination of unusually high tides and another Atlantic storm today.
Comment: A good set of pictures.... The UK Met Office failed again and obviously, Piers Corbyn has a lot to boast about...
3 Jan Br+Ir storm "Tremendous success" for WeatherAction - Major Storm and Top winds ~R5+ 31Dec-2Jan(+/-1d) and R4 29-30Dec(+/-1d) warnings confirmed.
- Observed winds substantially in excess of MetO warnings
- Worst storm for 20yrs in Wales and SW says Daily Mail
Blog reports below and Twitter feed reports @Piers_Corbyn and some copied below show MetO winds were substantially topped as we warned they would be both in the R5+ (1st+/-2d in extended form BOTH on 1st Jan and 3rd Jan) and the R4 before 29-30th Dec +/-1d.
"We've had tremendous feedback on this storm period, which is another triumph for WeatherAction. Not only were our wind warnings Br+Ir a stunning success but also all our solar + geophysical forecasts were confirmed in this R4-R5 pair top Red periods: - Extra active earth facing sunspots amd Coronal hole, aurora, and major quake-volcano events. The extreme local turbulance (quasi tornadic events) high gustiness, ferocious waves, large (on English measures) hail was also significant especially on 3rd which is very pleasing.
Piers also writes:
The R periods and wild behavior of the Jet Stream are driven from above and are associated with extra and extreme changes in electrical and magnetic activity above the stratosphere and in the ionosphere and the solar wind of charged particles coming from the sun and events on the sun itself**
[**Note Ideas such as 'temperature contrasts drive the Jet Stream' are totally inadequate to explain or predict events. Such a picture cannot explain the relationship between Earth weather and events in the ionosphere, magnetosphere, the solar wind and on the sun and the simultaneity of extreme storm events across earth and their ~coincidence with (radio) storms on other planets. Indeed such a low-level Earth atmospere centred view, notwithstanding certain feedbacks, is akin to suggesting the movement of tree branches causes winds.]
This extreme agitation of the atmosphere and increasing storminess is NOT going to go away but will increase again along with extra solar activity, and auroral displays particularly around the turn of the month and again in January.
If more people start paying attention to those who really understand our reality then more lives will be saved.
Roscoe Bartlett: The Congressman Who Went Off the Grid
Roscoe Bartlett spent 20 years on Capitol Hill. Now he lives in a remote cabin in the woods, prepping for doomsday.
Politico Magazine, 3rd January 2014

When Roscoe Bartlett was in Congress, he latched onto a particularly apocalyptic issue, one almost no one else ever seemed to talk about: America’s dangerously vulnerable power grid. In speech after late-night speech on the House floor, Bartlett hectored the nearly empty chamber: If the United States doesn’t do something to protect the grid, and soon, a terrorist or an act of nature will put an end to life as we know it.
Bartlett never gained much traction with his scary talk of electromagnetic pulses and solar storms. More immediate concerns always seemed to preoccupy his colleagues, or perhaps Bartlett’s obsessions just sounded more like quackery than real science, even coming from a former Navy engineer who had worked on the space race. Whatever the reason, Congress’s failure to act is no longer Bartlett’s problem. The octogenarian Republican from western Maryland—more than once labeled “the oddest congressman”—found himself gerrymandered out of office a year ago and promptly decided to take action on the warnings others wouldn’t heed, retreating to a remote property in the mountains of West Virginia where he lives with no phone service, no connection to outside power and no municipal plumbing. Having failed to safeguard the power grid for the rest of the country, Bartlett has taken himself completely off the grid. He has finally done what he pleaded in vain for others to do: “to become,” as he put it in a 2009 documentary, “independent of the system.”
Comment: This is a long and interesting article.... We are now due for an extreme solar blast generating a G5 geomagnwtic storm causing a technological meltdown, very few people are ready to cope...
Why I am Leaving The United States
Dollar Vigilante, 1st January 2014

[...] Upon learning of my wife and my decision to leave our friends, family, great jobs, and fantastic home, everyone immediately asks us: Why? It's such a painfully awkward question to answer. How could the answer be anything but obvious? That said, we learned our lesson early and have stopped telling people the truth behind our exodus. Instead we've been answering with generic statements like "Oh, just for a change of pace" or "We've always wanted to experience another culture."
I'm tired of holding my tongue. It's not healthy to keep so much bottled up inside and it's even more painful to watch those closest to me living a most ignorant and animal-like existence. So here are our real, unfiltered, and honest reasons for fleeing the land of the free.
Comment: The author describes this as an anarchist's greatest hits collection.... Of course, those of us with some insight know the constant reports of corporate/government/authority lunacy and stupidity in the United States is due to the fact that the levels of psychopathy at the top of society are too high and the levels of psychopathy (that includes 2nd hand psychopathy) spread throughout society is also too high, in fact at historic levels according to academics... As many now recognise, like a juggernaut that has spun out of control, destruction is fast beckoning because there is no control mechanism in existence to apply any brakes. The sane people have failed to rein in the lunatics...
Small asteroid 2014 AA hit the Earth's atmosphere
Remanzacco Observatory, 2nd January 2014
M.P.E.C. 2014-A02 issued on 2014 Jan. 2 at 13:08 UT reports the discovery of the asteroid 2014 AA (discovery magnitude 19.1) by Mt. Lemmon Survey (MPC code G96 - Observer R. A. Kowalski) on images taken on January 1.2 with a 1.5-m reflector + CCD. 2014 AA (that is the very first asteroid discovered in 2014) had an estimated size of 1.7 m - 3.8 m (based on the object's absolute magnitude H=30.9).
As reported on this MPEC:
It is virtually certain that 2014 AA hit the Earth's atmosphere on 2014 Jan. 2.2 +/- 0.4, as demonstrated by independent calculations by Bill Gray, the MPC and Steve Chesley (JPL). According to Chesley, the impact locations are widely distributed, most likely falling on an arc extending from Central America to East Africa, with a best-fit location just off the coast of West Africa on Jan. 2.10. 2014 AA was unlikely to have survived atmospheric entry intact, as it was comparable in size to 2008 TC3, the only other example of an impacting object observed prior to atmospheric entry.
Comment: Also: Small asteroid entered our atmosphere on January 2, 2014 & 2014 AA – New Year’s Earth impactor. Please note: the Russians were worried about the debris field from the break up of Comet ISON and German astronomers provided us with the following warning:
Meteorite impact instead of shooting stars? Russian researchers: Comet ISON brings another surprise
In The Sky News, 2nd December 2013
Google Translation: An interesting turn in the case of Comet ISON: Sergei Smirnov, spokesman for the Observatory Pulkovo announced in St. Petersburg, lost the "century comet" in his "Kiss" with the sun, although a hundred times in brightness , but was by no means completely destroyed. Is that the comet's tail can still be seen "in the form of a little contrasted elongated cloud" means that the comet was not disintegrate into a cloud of dust, but that continue after the destruction of the core of ISON larger chunks of the celestial body course on the earth take. [...]
"It might even be serious,"
"The inhabitants of the earth, a surprise awaits New Year's Eve," [...] expected in the form of a shooting star night - or a potentially momentous meteorite crash. "New Year's Eve, but also of 2 up to 4 January 2014 is to be expected an increased meteor activity. This can manifest itself as a bright flare of tiny meteors in the sky when these burn up in the Earth's atmosphere. But even more threatening manifestations such as a meteor shower can not be excluded, "the representative of the Russian observatory is convinced.
Low and behold it look like astronomers were watching out as this is only the 2nd asteroid hit recorded before it hit the atmosphere.... That is some coincidence right? Besides that, NASA have told us to expect the little known Quadrantids, that will be battering us over New Year...
Quadrantids open new meteor season for 2014, then there are the now usual reports of meteors and loud booms. There are many other reports, some can be found at Fire In The Sky.
Terence Corcoran: Science of climate change not on the same course as reality
Financial Post, 2nd January 2014

The key to success when stuck on a giant floe of irony is to pretend it doesn’t exist, which is exactly the trick performed by Prof. Chris Turney, leader of the global warming science expedition that was rescued Thursday by a Chinese icebreaker off the coast of Antarctica.
others want to hear, the truth is not good enough.
Aboard the MV Akademik Shokalskiy, a research vessel hunting for evidence of climate change in the world’s coldest polar extremity, Prof. Turney demonstrated his unflagging media skills by turning adversity into an opportunity. [...]
others want to hear, the truth is not good enough.
One reason for attempting to sail the Arctic in 2013 was a prediction from NASA scientists in 2008 that the Arctic would be “mostly free of ice by 2013.” Jay Zwally, the ice satellite project scientist at NASA Goddard, said in 2008 that the Arctic appeared to be at a “tipping point” from which there was no return. “We not only have the warming of the atmosphere, we have a warming of the ocean that is affecting this. It has been surprising to everybody, this decrease in area. This is a marked departure, and this is suggesting to us that maybe we are getting at this tipping point.”
others want to hear, the truth is not good enough.
Five years later, however, Arctic ice coverage had rebounded by 60% in 2013, forcing early closing of the passage and trapping sailors and climate tourists.
Comment: Of course there has been lots of comment as this story has become a major story of interest in the mainstream media.... In my opinion, it's not just climate science that has a reality problem, as there some areas of science that should be called metaphysics that helps those with an interest in perpetating myths as the real truth is unhelpful when trying to control the masses.
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Susan Joy Rennison quotes:
Space Weather is now a fact of life.
We are all astronauts now!
Tuning The Diamonds, September 2006
We must spiritually evolve as part of the new terms & conditions for living on Earth.
Joyfire Tour – Evolutionary Change, December 2006
Space Weather will force many changes in how we do business on this planet.
News of the Imbalance, April 2007
NASA Press Release:
Earth and space are about to come into contact in a way that's new to human history.
We're on the threshold of a new era in which space weather can be as influential in our daily lives as ordinary terrestrial weather.
As the Sun Awakens, NASA Keeps a Wary Eye on Space Weather
NASA News, 4th June 2010
White House Executive Order:
Space weather has the potential to simultaneously affect and disrupt health and safety across entire continents. Successfully preparing for space weather events is an all-of-nation endeavor that requires partnerships across governments, emergency managers, academia, the media, the insurance industry, non-profits, and the private sector.
Executive Order –– Coordinating Efforts to Prepare the Nation for Space Weather Events
The White House, 13th October 2016
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