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Susan rennison

The New Cosmic Age is now Official!

The News of The Imbalance blog is an attempt to provide pertinent information concerning the new phenomena of space weather driving massive evolutionary change. In 2006, I self-published the book Tuning the Diamonds: Electromagnetism & Spiritual Evolution (2006, 2008, 2010, 2012 ), because I believed that Modern Mayan Elders were trying to point out that the citizens of planet Earth were entering a New World Age dominated by aether or space. The basic premise of my book was that the dramatic increase and impact of Space Weather was predicted.

Since 2006, the major significance of Space Weather has become more apparent. What's more, it has now been proven that major religious institutions, metaphysical and esoteric groups have been tracking the date 2012 as the end/start of a major astronomical cycle. Geoscientists worldwide are adamant that our planet is experiencing a “global energy leap” and the inevitable consequence will be more mega-disasters. World governments have been warned that there is a new need for disaster preparedness and there is now a new sense of urgency. This blog provides my unique perspective as a Truth Seeker, based on the integration of science, metaphysics and ancient knowledge.

The Joyfire Space Weather “Facts”
Introductory Slideshow

Slideshow: The Joyfire Space Weather “Facts” Introductory Slideshow

Click image above or here

For new website visitors, please watch this introductory slideshow that summarises the main issues associated with the new phenomenon of Space Weather and the inevitable implications of energy driven evolutionary change.

News of the Imbalance September – October 2012

Levitt: Subpar NYSE backup plan ‘very unfortunate’
New Mexico Business Weekly, 30th October 2012
[...] In the face of the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy, the former chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission said Oct. 30 that for the New York Stock Exchange to go down for two days “ ... without an adequate back-up plan is very, very unfortunate.” The comments came from Arthur Levitt in a Bloomberg Radio interview. [...]

According to a Bloomberg News report, the NYSE Euronext closed markets across every asset class Monday and Tuesday — the first time since 1888 that it has closed for consecutive days due to weather. Nasdaq OMX Group Inc. also shut down. U.S. stock markets plan to reopen today.

Levitt said the reputation of the NYSE will suffer due to the events.

. “People look to the New York Stock Exchange as being the symbol of American capitalism ... To see the New York Stock Exchange crippled is a body blow that will really shake the image of that institution for a long time to come.”

Terrible.... In other reports Levitt says:
Levitt said that the NYSE should have moved operations to a location “far away” from New York during the storm. “If you’re going to have a stock exchange, it should have a backup facility of some sort so that regional events don’t cause its closure,” said Levitt, who is a Bloomberg LP board member and an adviser to Goldman Sachs Group Inc. “This should not happen to the world’s most prominent exchange.”
Source: NYSE’s Closing to ‘Shake Image’ for Exchange, Levitt Says
Quite frankly, I think Levitt is right.... Folk need to take planetary upheaval and the need for disaster recovery a little bit more seriously...
  • NYSE Floor Traders Struggling With Internet, Cell Service
    Business Week, 30th October 2012
    The New York Stock Exchange (NYX) opened on time by running on backup power from generators following the longest weather-related shutdown in more than a century. Brokers on the NYSE floor experienced limited Internet and mobile-phone connections while still being able to trade from the exchange.

    Trading went “very smoothly, everything opened fairly quickly,” Duncan Niederauer, the chief executive officer of NYSE Euronext, said in an interview with Bloomberg Television’s Matt Miller. “Participation has been a lot more active than we thought,” he said. “For some it was business as usual, for some they were using their backup site.”

    Even the NYSE is forced to open running on backup generators, no internet, no terminals, poor or non existent wi-fi and mobile-phone connections..... That is almost like going back 100 years...

  • UPDATE: NYSE Traders Will Experience Spotty Cell Phone, Wireless Internet Service
    Business Insider, 31st October 2012
    UPDATE: Cell phone usage is pretty spotty for all of us down here in lower Manhattan right now. Also, some of the internet connections are kind of slow, so if people use that for some of their data feeds, that's slow.

    ORIGINAL: Bloomberg TV reporter Alix Steel was just down at the NYSE, and she said that although the floor is open today, traders will still face a nasty inconvenience left over from Hurricane Sandy

    But the real problem is right now there is no Verizon service or wifi in the exchange. The exchange itself is up and running, but the guys are basically trading blind. Their Bloomberg terminals are down. They don't have internet access. One trader told me there's not going to be that much action going on down on the floor today.

    This is really not very good at all...

For Years, Warnings That It Could Happen Here
New York Times, 30th October 2012
The warnings came, again and again. For nearly a decade, scientists have told city and state officials that New York faces certain peril: rising sea levels, more frequent flooding and extreme weather patterns. The alarm bells grew louder after Tropical Storm Irene last year, when the city shut down its subway system and water rushed into the Rockaways and Lower Manhattan.

On Tuesday, as New Yorkers woke up to submerged neighborhoods and water-soaked electrical equipment, officials took their first tentative steps toward considering major infrastructure changes that could protect the city’s fragile shores and eight million residents from repeated disastrous damage. [...]

With an almost eerie foreshadowing, the dangers laid out by scientists as they tried to press public officials for change in recent years describes what happened this week: Subway tunnels filled with water, just as they warned. Tens of thousands of people in Manhattan lost power. The city shut down.

I suppose this article touches a nerve with me as I have called myself A Modern Day Noah in the past as space weather is in effect a cosmic deluge. I think my mission is about educating people who are interested in a new interpretation of our reality based on the integration of science, metaphysics and ancient knowledge. The proviso here is that my definition of metaphysics is about understanding our reality but I consider some cosmological and astronomical theory as pure metaphysics. As a member of the Society of Seekers or Cultic Milieu which is a very large spectrum of people with very diverse views, my research, qualifications and philosophical traits means it is impossible for me to be impressed with current low academic standards that permeate the milieu. New teachings and beliefs are mostly propagated by numerous frauds in the milieu who need cult bait to attract and ferment their followers. So today, as I have managed to gain a high level perspective of what is taking place on this planet, realise that the arguments about climate change are the results of think tanks that were mandated to steer public opinion for the benefit of the select few, I realise that my task is a difficult one and I can only educate people who have already done quite a lot of work already. Simply, there are some who are too ignorant and arrogant and I hope and believe my modus operandi forces most of this type to go elsewhere. For those who are capable, the stance that we are facing extreme weather events that are associated with climate change but it has nothing much to do with humans is for evolving people who can handle complexity in a complex universe. Space Weather and cosmoclimatology reveals that Earth is not a closed energetic system and that universal processes "refresh" and/or "upgrade" this planet on regular basis at long astronomical intervals. Currently, we have entered a new phase of "renewal" and the result is high energy cosmic, atmospheric and geophysical changes and impacts that looks destructive to humans in the short-term. With the destruction caused by the Superstorm Sandy, maybe a few more people will be focused on raising their consciousness to embrace complexity and not react with a knee-jerk and start crusading for measures that they cannot properly understand. Measures to geoengineer our planet could put more humans at risk as scientists simply cannot determine consequences for the complex eco and biosystems that supports life on Earth. Our meteorologists sometimes fail to predict the weather on a day by day basis, but this can only get worse as the parameters that determine weather are influenced by varying influxes of energy from space as Earth drops her cosmic shields to allow in a flood of cosmic energy. It is apparent that top tier scientists have been aware for decades that Earth was facing a new dispensation. No doubt, ancient texts from previous high civilisations on this planet are known and understood by the elite and world controllers. So, the think tanks would have had enough information to start the effort of manipulating the masses but it has not worked because we are also experiencing a spiritual transformation and that means a widespread change of consciousness amongst the masses. Even though it seems that society as a whole has failed to fully comprehend The Big Picture and translate this into practicalities, I would argue genuine Seekers with a high level of awareness have also failed to make themselves heard amongst the cacophony of phonism in the cultic milieu. Therefore, I expect to see lots of bewilderment amongst our societies when catastrophes mount, as we have not adequately prepared for evolutionary change despite warnings from scientists and campaigners who took the likelihood of a very unstable planetary environment seriously.

PICKET: Al Gore blames Hurricane Sandy on 'global warming'
The Washington Times, 30th October 2012
While it did not take long it was expected. Former vice president Al Gore put out a statement on his blog on Tuesday and blamed the intensity of Hurricane Sandy on "global warming pollution."

[...] Scientists tell us that by continually dumping 90 million tons of global warming pollution into the atmosphere every single day, we are altering the environment in which all storms develop. As the oceans and atmosphere continue to warm, storms are becoming more energetic and powerful. Hurricane Sandy, and the Nashville flood, were reminders of just that. Other climate-related catastrophes around the world have carried the same message to hundreds of millions.

Gore concluded at the end of his blog that "dirty energy makes dirty weather.":
Hurricane Sandy is a disturbing sign of things to come. We must heed this warning and act quickly to solve the climate crisis. Dirty energy makes dirty weather.
New York and New England were hit with powerful hurricanes in 1821 and 1938. In 1821, the hurricane was called, The Great September Gale. In 1938, the hurricane, aptly named the Long Island Expressslammed New York and New England with winds of up to 120 MPH. The Berkshire Eagle lists other hurricanes and tropical storms dating back to 1635 that have hit the east coast. 

Is Mr. Gore saying that these massive hurricanes were caused by some form of man-made global warming...really? Please.

Pickett responds to Al Gore and provides a brief history lesson. Well, it is predictable that politicians and climate campaigners will re-start their campaigning with a new vigour but nothing has changed. One bad storm that occurs on a regular basis does not indicate that it has anything to do with climate or humans. However, due to changes in the cosmic environment and the strange activity on our Sun, the evidence is that cosmic factors are responsible for the climate on Earth. There is now about 6 years of references in my News of the Imbalance blog explaining the science and the politics for those who are new to the concept that the new phenomenon of space weather is adding extra energy into the Earth system. See, Best of the Blog: Climate Science, Politics & Climategate, Geoengineering, & Sun Science. Also: Space Weather News & Reports, Daily Space Weather News & Space Weather: Electronics & Electromagnetic Chaos

Monster storm Sandy leaves New York, eastern U.S. crippled
Reuters, 30th October 2012
(Reuters) - Millions of people were left reeling in the aftermath of monster storm Sandy on Tuesday as New York City and a wide swathe of the eastern United States struggled with epic flooding and massive power outages.

Sandy, which crashed ashore with hurricane-force winds in New Jersey overnight as the biggest storm to hit the country in generations, swamped parts of New York's subway system and Manhattan's Wall Street district, closing financial markets for a second day.

Problems at Five Nuke Plants
Yahoo News, 30th October 2012
The nation's oldest nuclear plant declared an alert and a second plant just 40 miles from New York City was forced to shut down power as five different nuke plants in Hurricane Sandy's path experienced problems during the storm.

Indian Point in Buchanan, New York, on the Hudson River north of New York City, automatically shut power to its unit 3 on Monday night "as a result of an electrical grid disturbance," according to Entergy, the plant's operator.

The connection between the generator and the offsite grid was lost, and the unit is designed to shut down to protect itself from electrical damage. Entergy said there was no release of radioactivity, no damage to equipment, and no threat to the public health.

This is overwhelming.... There are various reports available at Energy News Link.

New York Subway System May Take Weeks to Recover From Storm
Bloomberg, 30th October 2012
New York’s subway system may take weeks to be restored to full service as officials assess the toll from floods, hurricane-force winds and electrical damage that crippled the most populous U.S. city’s transportation hub.

“I can say unequivocally that the MTA last night faced a disaster as devastating as it has ever faced in its history,” Metropolitan Transit Authority Chairman Joe Lhota said at a news conference today.

Sandy, the Atlantic superstorm, exceeded officials’ worst- case scenario, Lhota said. It wreaked havoc on the entire transportation system in New York and New Jersey, including subways, buses, roads and commuter railroads.
  • Hurricane Irene & Superstorm Sandy WUWT Posts concerning sub-way flood damage
    WUWT, 29th October 2012
    “If they keep the water out of the NY underground, it will be all over inside of 48 hours. But, if salt water gets into the subways and high rise basements, it won’t be over in 48 days.” – Rasey 8/29/2011 at 6:24 pm

    “There are only so many spare parts, spare transformers, and spare man-hours on hand. System failures have very non-linear dynamics.” Stephen Rasey 10/29/2012 at 7:24 pm

    I presume that these comments are from an engineer... but quite frankly, too many in senior positions of power don't understand the importance of avoiding a complete system/infrastructure failure...

  • Twitter: flooded subway pic Source: Peter Shankman

Massive Flooding Damages Several NYC Data Centers, 30th October 2012
Flooding from Hurricane Sandy has hobbled two data center buildings in Lower Manhattan, taking out diesel fuel pumps used to refuel generators. A third building at 121 Varick is also reported to be without power. There were also reports of outages for some tenants at a major data hub at 111 8th Avenue, and many other New York area facilities were running on generator power amid widespread utility outages.

Well, it seems that disaster management plans were inadequate against the overwhelming force of Frankenstorm Sandy. Yahoo News reports: "NEW YORK (AP) — Several popular media websites in the New York area are inaccessible after a massive storm knocked out power to much of the city. The Huffington Post website is down. So are gossip site Gawker and the blog Mediaite. Major news sites including The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal appear to be operating." Power outages black out popular websites

NYU hospital to investigate power outage that forced mass evacuation
Apparently unanticipated generator failure sparked exodus of hundreds of critically-ill patients at height of superstorm Sandy
Guardian, 30th October 2012
New York University hospital has launched an investigation into the double power outage which sparked the evacuation of more than 200 patients, including critically ill newborn babies, at the height of Monday night's superstorm. [...] Despite forecasts of a storm surge of up to 11ft, NYU did not anticipate heavy flooding and decided not to evacuate all patients before Sandy hit – in contrast to its handling of tropical storm Irene in August last year. In fact, the surge hit almost 14ft, flooding much of lower Manhattan and cutting power almost everywhere below 39th Street.

At a press conference late Monday night, New York mayor Michael Bloomberg was unable to hide his anger at the failure, telling reporters that the hospital had assured officials that its back-up systems had been tested. Dr Andrew Brotman, senior vice-president and vice-dean for clinical affairs and strategy at the hospital, told CNN that between 7 and 7.45pm on Monday the hospital's basement, lower floors, and elevator shafts filled with 10 to 12 feet of water and the hospital lost power. "Things went downhill very, very rapidly and very unexpectedly," Brotman said. "The flooding was just unprecedented."

Terrible.... I am quite stunned by the details provided here... Well, even the backup generators for nuclear power plants in the United States are often poorly maintained and often don't work when required, (see archives for details). Quite frankly, people need to start taking disaster management a bit more seriously...

Pic of nurse carrying a Neonatal Intensive Care baby in her arms as they both are evacuated from NYU Hospital. Heroes., 30th October 2012
Down 9 flights of stairs too... This website has lots and lots of interesting tweets, not all are factually correct....

Manhattan goes dark + + 6 MILLION without power + + 16 dead as Superstorm Sandy throws a 13 foot wall of water at US coast
Daily Mail, 30th October 2012

Submerged: Instagram user 'Jesse and Greg' posted this incredible picture of
East Village flooding in Manhattan, New York

* Storm damage projected at £12bn // Sandy kills at least 16 people in US and Canada - including five deaths in New York
* At least 6.2m power customers across US East have lost power // New York City could be without power for a week
* NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg: 'We knew this was going to be very dangerous. This is a once-in-a-long-time storm'
* Bloomberg says city's 911 dispatchers are receiving 20,000 calls per hour and area without power is south of 34th St
* Mass transit system, schools, stock exchange and Broadway shut, as water overflows NYC's historic waterfront
* Record 13ft storm surge threatening lower Manhattan and howling winds left crane hanging from high-rise building
*NYU Hospital loses backup power and evacuates patients // 19 workers trapped in Consolidated Edison power station

New York City looks like the set of a disaster movie this morning after a night of being battered by Superstorm Sandy.

It hit the mainland at 6.30pm local time last night having laid waste to large parts of the coast during the day. The US city shut its mass transit system, schools, the stock exchange and Broadway, and ordered hundreds of thousands of New Yorkers to leave home to get out of the way as Sandy zeroed in.

A 13ft wall of water caused by the storm surge and high tides resulted in severe flooding to subways and road tunnels. Torrents of water poured into building works at Ground Zero, cars were swept down streets and power was cut across lower Manhattan in a bid to minimise damage to infrastructure.

Superstorm Sandy knocked out power to at least 6.2million people across the US East, and large sections of Manhattan were plunged into darkness by the storm, with 250,000 customers without power as water pressed into the island from three sides, flooding rail yards, subway tracks, tunnels and roads.

New York City's 911 dispatchers were receiving 20,000 calls per hour. An extraordinary 24 hours saw what was originally classed as a hurricane close in and converge with a cold-weather system that turned it into a superstorm - a monstrous hybrid consisting not only of rain and high wind, but also snow.

Yes, others have suggested that New York could end up looking like the epic scene of New York under water in the movie The Day After Tomorrow and I am sure in the weeks to come there will be lots of discussion about what is happening on our planet... There are lots of epic photos here.... This is a good summary...

Satellite images of Hurricane Sandy approaching the east coast of the United States, 30th October 2012
SUPERSTORM SANDY: Anyone who doubts the value of space exploration should watch this video of hurricane Sandy approaching the east coast of the United States on Oct. 26-28. Without weather satellites and space-age sensors, residents in the storm's path wouldn't know what was coming until the storm surge arrived.

NASA's fleet of Earth-observing satellites is doing more, however, than just tracking the storm. It is collecting valuable scientific data on Sandy's inner workings:

Hmmm, in reality, things are not so rosy with NASA's satellite fleet and the UK Daily Mail points out, The U.S. faces satellite-data gap that will leave forecasters blind to the movements of devastating storms like Hurricane Sandy.
  • Indian Space Research Organization helped track Hurricane Sandy
    Times of India, 2nd November 2012
    MUMBAI: Indian Space Research Organization (Isro)'s Oscat radio scatterometer on board its 960kg Oceansat-2 remote sensing satellite had tracked ocean surface winds of Hurricane Sandy that wrought havoc in eastern US on Monday, a Nasa Jet Propulsion Laboratory announcement has said."

    I think this is very interesting but at the moment I have no reason to believe there was a need to data share due to the unavailability of the GOES East weather satellite that went offline in late September and may even now be a "zombiesat".

2012 Frankenstorm Sandy vs 1954 Hurricane Hazel
Brad Johnson’s ‘Frankenstorm’ malfeasance masquerading as idiocy
WUWT, 29th October 2012
[...] One storm in particular stands out as a parallel to Hurricane Sandy, and that’s Hurricane Hazel in 1954. [...]

Hazel was first spotted east of the Windward Islands on October 5. It moved through the islands later that day as a hurricane, then it moved westward over the southern Caribbean Sea through October 8. A slow turn to the north-northeast occurred from October 9-12, with Hazel crossing western Haiti as a hurricane on the 12th. The hurricane turned northward and crossed the southeastern Bahamas on the 13th, followed by a northwestward turn on the 14th. Hazel turned north and accelerated on October 15, making landfall as a Category 4 hurricane near the North Carolina-South Carolina border. Subsequent rapid motion over the next 12 hours took the storm from the coast across the eastern United States into southeastern Canada as it became extratropical.

I have changed the headline here. I am not interested in the climate politics because meteorologists say that Frankenstorm Sandy is NOT a hurricane as it is being controlled and powered by energy coming from the upper atmosphere, but the comparison with previous hurricanes and particularly Hurricane Hazel is very important to note. Sandy is making landfall during the full moon of October – the highest lunar tide of the year and the reason why there is so much panic coming from meteorologists... Under some similar storm conditions, Hazel caused lots and lots of damage....

Hurricane Sandy STRENGTHENING as it closes in on NYC; Mass transit shut down, millions evacuated
New York Post, 29th October 2012
Hurricane Sandy is strengthening - and it's closing in on New York City. According to the National Hurricane Center's 5 a.m. advisory, the storm's maximum sustained winds have reached 85 miles per hour.

The eye of the storm was located about 385 miles away from New York City at 5 a.m., with Sandy's rain and winds looming. The worst of the storm - including a "life-threatening" seawater surge of anywhere from 6 to 11 feet - is expected in the region after 4 p.m.

Sandy is currently heading north and should turn inland toward the northwest today. Millions of New Yorkers grappled with mandatory evacuations everywhere from Battery Park City to Coney Island to the Rockaways, a total mass-transit shutdown, and widespread school and service closures.

Just in case you don't know, this storm is being fed directly by jet stream energy in the atmosphere that is being picked up as it travels north and due to space weather and changes in the cosmic environment of Earth, there is a lot of excess atmospheric energy to create this monster 'frankenstorm'.... Btw there is a CME arriving shortly to add to the high energetic atmospheric levels around this planet...

  • “Frankenstorm” Sandy set to break low pressure record in continental U.S.
    Examiner, 27th October 2012
    "If forecast models verify, Frankenstorm Sandy will establish a new record low pressure value for an extra-tropical cyclone in the continental U.S., 949 millibars."

  • Sandy Could Be a Toxic Shitstorm in Gowanus [Updated]
    NewYork Magazine, 28th October 2012

  • Weather or Climate: What Caused Hurricane Sandy?
    Live Science, 29th October 2012
    In the immediate term, three factors have come together to make Sandy what it is: A huge storm with winds gusting up to 90 mph (145 kph) set to make landfall somewhere on the East Coast Monday night. First, hurricane season is still on, meaning the tropics are still actively generating storms. That's Sandy's origin. [...]

    But a storm like Sandy would normally be losing steam by now as it moved into colder, less energetic waters, said David Robinson, a Rutgers University professor and New Jersey's state climatologist. In this case, however, a trough of low pressure dipping down from the Arctic is feeding the hurricane, actually strengthening its intensity as it moves northward. (Higher tides because of a full moon may also increase flooding from the storm.) [...]

    Those conditions are the same as 1991's "Perfect Storm," a tempest that occurred when a nor'easter fed by Arctic air absorbed Hurricane Grace. But that storm never made landfall. The third weather factor feeding Sandy, a high-pressure system, is pushing the hurricane onshore, making this "about the worst case imaginable," Robinson said.

    That block of high pressure in the northeastern Atlantic Ocean is shunting Sandy toward land like a peg in a pinball machine.

    "You've got three factors here that have come together in just the right pattern to create a storm of this type," Robinson told LiveScience. "That's why it's very rare."

  • VIDEO: NASA animation shows Hurricane Sandy from 22,300 miles above Earth
    ITV News, 29th October 2012

  • Hurricane Sandy is Category III
    RSOE - Emergency and Disaster Information Service, 29th October 2012

  • Satellite photo side-by-side comparison of Hurricanes Irene and #Sandy.
    Wow. Really puts things in perspective
    Twitter, 29th October 2012

Extraordinary storm, extremely serious threat
Weather, 28th October 2012

Hurricane Sandy set to make history as it aims at U.S. coast
Reuters, 22nd October 2012

Saffir/Simpson Hurricane Scale
Louisiana Homeland Security Preparedness, October 2012
This hurricane scale indicates that the expected storm surge warranted people to treat Superstorm Sandy as a potential category 3/4 hurricane.

Sandy could wreak havoc across 800 miles of U.S.
CBS News, 28th October 2012

As Hurricane Sandy turns into expected rare 'Frankenstorm,' experts explain the science
Newsday, 28th October 2012

Business Insider, 28th October 2012
An engineer at The Johns Hopkins University predicts that 10 million people from northern Virginia through New Jersey and into southeastern Pennsylvania will be without power in the wake of Hurricane Sandy.

Seth Guikema (pronounced Guy-keh-ma) and his team have developed a computer model built on outage data from 11 hurricanes to estimate the fraction of customers who will lose power, based on expected gust wind speed, expected duration of strong winds greater than 20 meters per second, and population density.

They ran their model using the official National Hurricane Center track and intensity forecast from 18UTC (3 p.m. EDT) on Saturday, and emphasize that the number of power outages could change as the storm progresses and forecasts become more definitive. It is possible that 10 million people is a conservative estimate, Guikema said

10 million people is a conservative estimate.... that is incredible...

Probing The Flyby Anomaly With The Future STE-QUEST Mission
Technology Review, 31st October 2012
The European Space Agency is currently considering a mission for launch in 2022 or 2024 called the Space-Time Explorer and Quantum Equivalence Principle Space Test or STE-QUEST.

This is a mission to test various questions about gravity, such as equivalence principle which holds that inertial mass is the same as gravitational mass. Or, in other words, that the mass in F=ma is the same stuff as the mass in F = Gm1m2/r^2. The mission will also seek to measure gravitational red shift.

To test this, the mission will measure the way atoms fall in a gravitational field while passing repeatedly along a highly eccentric orbit around Earth.

It seems that ESA astrophysicists are investigating the apparent change in the properties of space-time around our planet... Basically, there is a pronounced difference between spacecraft moving againt the flow of aether and towards the flow of aether, thus the impact on gravity and space craft anomalies are just a side affect of what is really happening... There are websites that specialise on the practicalities of how scientists already compensate for space-time/aether affects but it seems we can add another space agency mission specifically trying to understand the impact of the cosmic changes in the environment of Earth.

Ghost lights: Believe in them if you dare
Earth Sky, 31st October 2012

The Pseudoscience Of Lie Detectors
Science 2.0 News, 30th October 2012
[...] More importantly, it fails to consider the issue of a psychopath that may not have any anxiety over their crimes and therefore escape detection. Essentially the entire premise on which lie detection is built consists of a variety of assumptions which have never been demonstrated to be valid.
Psychopaths don't have any emotions because they are not real humans, so it's a waste of time putting them through a lie detector, because they would pass every time... I now understand the lie of soldiers being taught how to pass a lie detector if they are ever captured by the enemy... Simply, it's just a lot easier to pick psychopaths to be in the so-called 'elite' squads and let them kill/lie etc as they don't have a conscience, so it's really no problem for them at all.... psychopaths are more like robots than real humans with real emotions and empathy...

EdgeScience Magazine - issue 12
Society for Scientific Exploration, October 2012
Why EdgeScience? Because, contrary to public perception, scientific knowledge is still full of unknowns. What remains to be discovered — what we don’t know — very likely dwarfs what we do know. And what we think we know may not be entirely correct or fully understood. Anomalies, which researchers tend to sweep under the rug, should be actively pursued as clues to potential breakthroughs and new directions in science.

No. 12 is free but The Society for Scientific Exploration (SSE) would like some money for their efforts.... I know how they feel.... Download here. In this version, William Bengston responds to some who are oblivious to the fact there are universal energies that some humans can tap into and utilise. There is also a very very important article here from Larry Dossey on "Interconnectedness" and I am very grateful that someone is actually thinking about what is happening on this planet. This quote by Dossey is a very pertinent:
The fact that your friend’s friend’s friend, someone you’ve neither seen nor heard of, is affecting your health has begun to rattle many of the gatekeepers in medicine. This field may be a bomb with a delayed fuse that is getting ready to explode in the very heart of materialistic medicine. A few medical insiders are already raising the possibility that something radically different than usual may be going on, something possibly related to a collective consciousness linking distant individuals.

Among those suggesting a role for consciousness in social network phenomena is Dr. Robert S. Bobrow, clinical associate professor in the Department of Family Medicine at New York’s Stony Brook University. In discussing the spread of obesity in his 2011 article in Explore, “Evidence for a Communal Consciousness,” he says, “Frankly, obesity that develops from social connection, without face-to-face interaction, suggests emotional telepathy.”33

If these experiments don’t take your breath away, they should. They suggest that the notion of human isolation is a myth. Human consciousness can manifest in the world beyond the brain. We are linked, united, entangled. For better or for worse. Until death do us part. And perhaps even then…
DO NOT MISS THIS ARTICLE IF YOU HAVE ANY INTEREST IN THE MAJOR IMPLICATIONS OF THE SPIRITUAL CHANGES ON THIS PLANET. It seems that the research medical world is going into shock about a posssible mass consciousness shift taking place on this planet. I believe this has been imposed on this planet by universal consciousness via deliveries of space weather and should have been expected especially by those who are aware of the Hindu concept of Yugas and related esoteric/metaphysical knowledge about wholesale shifts in consciousness. Please note: Besides the comments on this blog, and updates to the 2012 version of my book Tuning the Diamonds, and the points made in my Delft Technical University evening presentation (January 2011) , back in March 2011, I summarised my opinion and wrote a short piece for my column in the Paradigm Shift Magazine (UK) that was published in print (Issue 51). I made this decision after I could only find 1 quasi-metaphysical article written by a doctor about the implications of the distress in the multi-billion dollar pharmaceutical industry caused by the problem of new drugs failing to beat placebo. As an early bird, I clearly stated there was solid evidence that there was a shift of consciousness taking place on this planet. My focus is space weather and not medical research, but it was obvious to me what was happening. So the question is: why is there so little interest amongst the New Age milieu/metaphysical community? Is it that the guru culture and cult of celebrity combined with high levels of narcissism being promoted, cannot tolerate a major blast of reality concerning empathy?

Buddhist monk is 'happiest man on earth'
NY Daily News, 29th October 2012
The monk, molecular geneticist and confidant of the Dalai Lama, is passionately setting out why meditation can alter the brain and improve people's happiness in the same way that lifting weights puts on muscle. "It's a wonderful area of research because it shows that meditation is not just blissing out under a mango tree but it completely changes your brain and therefore changes what you are," the Frenchman told AFP. Ricard, a globe-trotting polymath who left everything behind to become a Tibetan Buddhist in a Himalayan hermitage, says anyone can be happy if they only train their brain. [...] The scans showed that when meditating on compassion, Ricard's brain produces a level of gamma waves -- those linked to consciousness, attention, learning and memory -- "never reported before in the neuroscience literature", Davidson said. The scans also showed excessive activity in his brain's left prefrontal cortex compared to its right counterpart, giving him an abnormally large capacity for happiness and a reduced propensity towards negativity, researchers believe.

This seems to be the original version of this story but there is a lot more background information... So, I am wondering about why neurologists have never seen this brain pattern before... I suppose the reason is that the exercise was specifically about compassion and maybe there has not been much interest amongst the academic community as the emphasis in this article is that compassion is a practical route to happiness, an emotional state that many are not too familiar with in modern societies that promote big time narcissism.... The other thing is the neurologist Richard J. Davidson (born December 12, 1951), professor of Psychology and Psychiatry at the University of Wisconsin–Madison is criticised for being too involved with the Dalai Lama. Infact, it appears that he is a Buddhist promoting Buddhism and of courcse, there are some who are ironically very unhappy about a possible conflict of interest. Thus we read at Wikipedia:

A longtime friend of the 14th Dalai Lama, some of his work involves research on the brain as it relates to meditation.[5] Davidson has long maintained his own daily meditation practice, and continues to communicate regularly with the Dalai Lama.

This connection has caused controversy, with some scientists criticizing Davidson for being too close to someone with an interest in the outcome of his research and others claiming that it represents an inappropriate mix of faith and science. When he invited the Dalai Lama to participate in the "Neuroscience and Society" program of the Society for Neuroscience meeting in 2005, over 500 researchers signed a petition in protest.[11][12] The majority of the petitioners were Chinese researchers, who may disagree politically with the Dalai Lama's stance on Tibet[11]. The controversy subsided quickly after most scientists attending the talk found it appropriate. [13]

Source: Wikipedia Richard J. Davidson
These days I am very cynical as my archives will atest... There is simply too much bullsh#t and the mentality the end justifies the means is simply too prevalent in the cultic milieu even amongst scientists, especially when they get too religious/culty. I think this research needs some replication... More compassion and then some happiness... is that too much to ask?

Previously Unknown Population Explosion of Human Species 40,000 Years Ago --Discovered
Daily Galaxy, 30th October 2012
DNA sequencing of 36 complete Y chromosomes has uncovered a previously unknown population explosion that occurred 40 to 50 thousand years ago, between the first expansion of modern humans out of Africa 60 to 70 thousand years ago and the Neolithic expansions of people in several parts of the world starting 10 thousand years ago. This is the first time researchers have used the information from large-scale DNA sequencing to create an accurate family tree of the Y chromosome, from which the inferences about human population history could be made.

"We have always considered the expansion of humans out of Africa as being the largest population expansion of modern humans, but our research questions this theory," says Ms Wei Wei, first author from the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute and the West China University of Medical Sciences. "The out-of-Africa expansion, which happened approximately 60,000 years ago, was extremely large in geographical terms with humans spreading around the globe. Now we've found a second wave of expansion that is much larger in terms of human population growth and occurred over a very short period, somewhere between 40,000 to 50,000 years ago." [...]

"We think this second, previously unknown population boom, may have occurred as humans adapted to their new environment after the first out-of-Africa expansion," says Dr Qasim Ayub, lead author from the Wellcome Trust Sanger institute. "We think that when humans moved from the horn of Africa to Asia, Australia and eventually Europe, they remained in small groups by the coasts. It took them tens of thousands of years to adapt to the mountainous, forested surroundings on the inner continents.

However, once their genetic makeup was suited to these new environments, the population increased extremely rapidly as the groups travelled inland and took advantage of the abundance of space and food."

Some scientists have linked changes in the cosmos, with Earth's magnetic field waning, climate instability and dramatic evolutionary change affecting nearly all life on Earth. Scientists have known about 'The Laschamp Event' for about 45 years and I pointed this event out in my original book and provided more information in the 2012 e-book version. The Science Codex article dated, 16th October 2012 An extremely brief reversal of the geomagnetic field, climate variability and a super volcano, states: "An extremely brief reversal of the geomagnetic field, climate variability and a super volcano 41,000 years ago, a complete and rapid reversal of the geomagnetic field occured." Hence, totally independent research only strengthens the scientific opinion that abrupt climate change is associated with rapid evolutionary changes driven by cosmic factors that I have dubbed as celestial epigenetics.

Quote of the Week: rationalizing deceptive practices in ‘Tabloid Climatology’
WUWT, 31st October 2012
I would not have believed this if I didn’t see it in print. It’s another example of the playbook pioneered by the late Dr. Steven Schneider. Bolding mine.
“This is a Sophie’s Choice: If we respond to the moral imperative to raise public awareness and alarm about climate, we have to be deceptive.

If we are committed to truth and scientific accuracy, we have to talk in hedged, caveat-filled, probabilistic language that is utterly ineffectual in reaching and activating a tuned-out public.” -David Roberts, Grist

This adds to the other instances of climate scientists who have stated in print that lying to the public is OK and demonstrates the cult mentality the end justifies the means. This reassures us that some climate scientists are now very dangerous and desperate as many climate realists have already found out. For those who are new to the issues, my archives outlines the climate science and politics of why there is tremendous panic concerning the need to stop climate change.... In short, climate change is directly linked to evolutionary change and world controllers are simply terrified of the lack of control over humanity. The last thing world controllers want is to concede to universal forces, a battle that they cannot win under any scenario but they would rather take great risks regardless of the consequences.

Meteor spotted falling from sky across Western Washington [US]
King 5 News, 31st October 2012
Halloween proved to be an interesting night for law enforcement in at least four Western Washington counties after reports of a meteor falling to Earth.

The Snohomish County Sheriff's Office said deputies investigated a possible meteor falling somewhere near I-5 and Exit 212. That's between Stanwood and Arlington. K9 Officers also responded, but nothing was found. Deputies cleared the scene, saying "assuming it is a meteor, unless we hear otherwise."

Bill Gillam from Arlington said on Twitter, "Sounds like a meteor, space junk or aliens entered Washington airspace somewhere in Skagit County." He went on to say, "Last report was Hamilton in Skagit County."

Yet, another 'meteor' reported over the United States but we must extrapolate and consider that this must be happening worldwide.... However, I would like to see some video and/or expert opinion first before making a final assessment. That goes for all the different objects entering our atmosphere from space.

Did You See The Bright Streak In The Sky?
WHNT 19 News, 31st October 2012
Update on reports of fireball earlier in the sky from Dr. Bill Cooke of NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center: “This was NOT a Taurid meteor; probably a random interloper from the asteroid belt. Doppler weather radar shows a meteoritic “rain”, indicating that there are meteorites on the ground in Alabama. The radar signature is stronger than the recent California fireball, which produced meteorites in the San Francisco area.We are still working out a precise location for the meteor impact.”

After analyzing images, below is the likely streak from the meteor that moved across part of north/central Alabama’s sky around 5:25 pm this evening, captured on WHNT’s camera at Athens State University. [...] Below is a statement from Dr. Bill Cooke and an image of the path of the fireball.
“So the bolide appeared some 44 miles above a point midway between the towns of Stanton and Mason, and moved slightly north of east at a speed 3 times faster than that of the International Space Station, finally terminating above the town of Pinson, which is southeast of Jackson, TN. Altitude at last visibility was 18.1 miles, which is fairly low for a meteor.”
According to Dr. Bill Cooke at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center, in order for a sonic boom to occur the, meteorite must be below 30 miles above earth’s surface, meaning the meteorite likely penetrated very low in our atmosphere. The sonic boom sends shock waves through the atmosphere, eventually striking the ground, which can be picked up by seismologists and something registered on seismographs around 5:29 pm which corresponds around the time of the multiple reports of the fireballs in the sky. Below is a seismogram sent in by amateur seismologist Steve Jones which shows a clear spike registered just before 5:30 pm this evening.

There were actually two meteors seen in different states, see below: For further comment see archives.
  • Multiple meteor sightings provide October surprise, 30th October 2012 Recent booms and flashing lights across the Tennessee Valley have some people wondering what all the ruckus in the sky is. [...] A fireball was spotted across the sky in Jackson, Tennessee, Tuesday morning; it could be seen from Kentucky, Alabama and even Louisiana, according to Bill Cooke with NASA's Meteoroid Environments Office. [...]

    The fireball was officially clocked at 6:11 a.m. local time, with over 60 eyewitness accounts of the sighting across the South.

    That wasn't the only report of a meteor in the sky on Tuesday. Cooke confirmed Tuesday night that another meteor was spotted over several counties in North Alabama.

Meteorites On The Ground In Alabama?
The Alabama Weather Blog, 30th October 2012
Thanks to Bill Cooke from NASA in Huntsville.. the best meteor expert in the state. He tells us this about the 5:30 p.m. fireball that was seen over much of our state…

“This was NOT a Taurid meteor; probably a random interloper from the asteroid belt. Doppler weather radar shows a meteoritic “rain”, indicating that there are meteorites on the ground in Alabama. The radar signature is stronger than the recent California fireball, which produced meteorites in the San Francisco area.

We are still working out a precise location for the meteor impact.” I will have a radar capture here shortly… The explosive boom produced by the meteor registered on a seismograph in Huntsville, operated by Steve Jones of

With the planet being bombarded with meteors on an almost daily basis, we are back to more 'normal' news.... This was a boulder shockwave that hit the ground so hard, it was picked up on a seismograph...
  • Alabama: Bright Streaks, Loud Booms
    The Alabama Weather Blog, 30th October 2012
    Social media lit up like a Christmas tree around 5:30 this evening as thousands across North and Central Alabama saw an extremely bright fireball rolling through the southern sky. Then, loud explosive type “booms” were heard… mostly around Smith Lake and adjacent areas.

Lake Geneva 'may face tsunami risk'
A million people living on the shores of Lake Geneva could be at risk from devastating tsunamis, scientists have warned.
Telegraph, 28th October 2012
In the sixth century a tsunami triggered by a rockfall on the lake destroyed several villages, sent a 26ft wave crashing over Geneva's city walls, and caused many casualties.

Experts investigating the event said a similar disaster could easily happen again, and Geneva with its 200,000 inhabitants was especially vulnerable.

They argued that the threat of lake tsunamis is underestimated and should be taken more seriously.

I think that world controllers are preparing for some epic Earth changing events due to the giant leap of energy on this planet caused by space weather and the co-operation of Earth dropping her cosmic shields... Hence, Swiss authorities are looking inward and seeing what geophysical events are most likely to cause some upheaval in their own backyard... Meanwhile, there are continuous major storms, cyclones, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and floods etc on this planet but geoscientists tell us that the trend is UP and expected to dramatically increase... So, as I have been pointing out to a disinterested world, governments have been well aware that we are facing "a new kind of future", see details below. As you must appreciate this is NOT about a 2012 one-day end of the world scenario... World governments have already worked out that our planet is facing evolutionary change and humans must work out how to live on a planet that is under reconstruction.


  • Governments must prepare for more mega-disasters - UK, 28th March 2011
    A BRITISH government report says major disasters like the Japanese earthquake and tsunami or Pakistan's floods are likely to become more frequent and global governments must prepare for an uncertain future.

    The author Paddy Ashdown, a House of Lords member and ex-United Nations high representative to Bosnia and Herzegovina, said rich nations must help poorer countries to build up their defences against disasters. The report was issued today by the international development ministry.

    Ashdown said a lack of prior support for Haiti and Pakistan had worsened the impact of recent events there. He said scientists believe that recent natural disasters were not an aberration, but "the beginnings of a new kind of future in which mega-disasters are going to be more frequent."

    We are witnessing evolutionary change being driven by cosmic energies but world governments have been keen to blame it on global warming, then climate change, then global climate disruption etc despite the insignificant rise in global temperatures that have already peaked. So how do they know there are going to be more disasters in the future? Unless world authorities are using a crystal ball then we must conclude that they have statistics that prove our planet is already on an upward trend of geophysical upheaval creating more humanitarian disasters, despite all the previous denials. Next, this implies we have to face up to the reality that this is being caused by our planet being influenced by cosmic forces providing a new influx of energy and that means the vast majority of our scientific knowledge has to be re-examined in the light of the fact that Earth is not a closed energetic system.

  • Humanitarian Emergency Response Review
    Department for International Development, 28th March 2011
    "In July 2010 Lord Ashdown began leading a taskforce of experts to review how the UK government should respond to humanitarian disasters and emergencies. Lord Ashdown presented the results of this independent review - known as the Humanitarian Emergency Response Review (HERR) - to Andrew Mitchell, who commissioned the report, at a launch event on 28 March 2011.
    The report (.pdf) can be downloaded here.

Far from random, evolution follows a predictable genetic pattern, Princeton researchers find
Princeton University, 25th October 2012
Image caption: Princeton University researchers led by Peter Andolfatto (above), an assistant professor of ecology and evolutionary biology and the Lewis-Sigler Institute for Integrative Genomics, found that evolution may be driven by a simple and repeated genetic solution to an environmental pressure that a broad range of species happen to share. This means that scientists with knowledge of how certain external conditions affect the proteins encoded by a species' genes could pinpoint how the diverse adaptations seen in the natural world developed even in distantly related animals.

Evolution, often perceived as a series of random changes, might in fact be driven by a simple and repeated genetic solution to an environmental pressure that a broad range of species happen to share, according to new research.

Princeton University research published in the journal Science suggests that knowledge of a species' genes — and how certain external conditions affect the proteins encoded by those genes — could be used to determine a predictable evolutionary pattern driven by outside factors. Scientists could then pinpoint how the diversity of adaptations seen in the natural world developed even in distantly related animals.

Hmmm... this is more science that supports my claims that changes in the cosmic environment [celestial epigenetics] drives evolutionary change but these scientists are making even more startingly claims that this evolution is predictable... What's more, it seems that the once derided "junk DNA" is now being called "multiple gene duplications" and these duplications allow for quick genetic adapation to environmental stresses and thus permits rapid evolutionary change in short periods of time rather than in the completely wrong Darwinian timeframe that everything takes hundreds of thousands if not millions of years.

Sisters' bizarre medical condition means they can't recognise each other's faces
Yahoo News, 24th October 2012
Sisters Donna Jones and Victoria Wardley suffer from Prosopagnosia, a bizarre condition which means they are unable to recognise faces - including those of their partners and children. [...]

Dr Sarah Bate from the Centre for Face Processing Disorders at Bournemouth University has carried out research into Prosopagnosia. She said, "Prosopagnosia or face blindness is a cognitive condition characterised by a selective impairment in face recognition.

"Very rarely some people acquire the condition following neurological trauma, but we've recently become aware that many more people have a developmental form of prosopagnosia. "These people have never suffered any neurological damage, and appear to have simply failed to develop the visual mechanisms that are required for face processing. [...]

"Recent estimates suggest as many as two percent of the population (that's one in 50 people) have a degree of face blindness, yet public awareness of the condition remains low."

OK, this is another way we can tell how the changes in the electromagnetic environment can affect some and cause a brain impairment, maybe indicating possible devolution...

Electrical stimulation of brain area causes strange visual illusions
LA Times, 23rd October 2012
Caption: A new study shows that electrical stimulation of a small patch of the brain causes illusions that only affect the perception of faces. [...]

... when Parvizi applied voltage, strange things suddenly began to happen to Blackwell's face perception. "You just turned into somebody else," Blackwell said in a video that was recorded as part of the experiment. "Your face metamorphosed. Your nose got saggy, went to the left. You almost looked like somebody I'd seen before, but somebody different. That was a trip." As soon as the electricity was turned off, Blackwell's visualization of Parvizi's face returned to normal.

Later, Blackwell confirmed that it was only the doctor's face that changed -- his body and hands remained the same. Though only a single case, the experiment provides strong confirmatory evidence that the fusiform gyrus is indeed directly involved in processing face perception, and that the area is specialized for doing so.

More experiments that reveal how changes in the electrical environment can affect some and it seems that scientists have noted that the no. of people with this condition is growing... how interesting....

The Psychopath Makeover
The Chronicle Review, 22nd October 2012
Over a 28-year-old single-malt scotch at the Scientific Study of Psychopathy's biennial bash in Montreal in 2011, I asked Bob Hare, "When you look around you at modern-day society, do you think, in general, that we're becoming more psychopathic?" The eminent criminal psychologist and creator of the widely used Psychopathy Checklist paused before answering. "I think, in general, yes, society is becoming more psychopathic," he said. "I mean, there's stuff going on nowadays that we wouldn't have seen 20, even 10 years ago. Kids are becoming anesthetized to normal sexual behavior by early exposure to pornography on the Internet. Rent-a-friend sites are getting more popular on the Web, because folks are either too busy or too techy to make real ones. ... The recent hike in female criminality is particularly revealing. And don't even get me started on Wall Street." [...] Kevin Dutton is a research psychologist at the University of Cambridge. This essay is excerpted from The Wisdom of Psychopaths: What Saints, Spies, and Serial Killers Can Teach Us About Success, his new book from Scientific American / Farrar, Straus and Giroux.

The headline is the original version which was changed to something meaningless for some reason... Whatever, this is a 'must read' book exerpt if you are interested in this subject, I found the technical details concerning TMS and psychopathy useful. Near the beginning of this piece, we are told that there are clear signs that some in society are devolving (becoming more feral) and I am fascinated that the lack of reading is considered by psychologists as being a significant marker.... Yes, many have noticed the narcissism and lack of empathy amongst society, but my focus is those who claim to be spiritual but who act like automatons only capable of reciting homilies because too many neural pathways have shut down... The experiment with a Special Forces soldier and a research psychopath is truly interesting and the analogy of being put through a spiritual diswasher via TMS to obtain a temporary neural state where the psychologist becomes a "ballsy" psychopath for a short time is incredibly interesting. I note the following: "But if society really is becoming more psychopathic, it's not all doom and gloom. In the right context, certain psychopathic characteristics can actually be very constructive." Hmmm... this is yet another article that tries to make certain traits of psychopaths seems acceptable... Over at someone points out that, "Dr. Robert Hare has stated that psychopaths, who may constitute up to 6% of the population, may be responsible for 50% of crimes. This is hardly something positive." LinkWhat we are being told is that a certain percentage of the population are like robots and they act on compulsion and commit crimes with no conscience. They are so poorly developed on an emotional level that they cannot even pass for being human and have to work hard at appearing normal... Quite frankly, there are monsters in our midst but it seems that the popularity of these articles about psychopaths indicates that spotting those with psychopathy will become a new blood sport in society....

How can you tell if someone is a psychopath? Not all are predators
The Globe & Mail, 26th October 2012
As Dr. Dutton documents in his new book, The Wisdom of Psychopaths, What Saints, Spies and Serial Killers Can Teach Us About Success, not every psychopath is a serial killer like Ted Bundy or Jeffrey Dahmer.

“There are two deep-seated myths I’m trying to debunk,” explains Dr. Dutton, 45, who teaches at Oxford’s Magdalen College. “The first is that they’re all either mad or bad. And second, that you’re either a psychopath or you’re not.”

On the contrary, he says, predatory violence is only one of a dozen character traits that inform the authentic psychopath. Among the others are ruthlessness, charm, focus, intel- ligence, grace under pressure, narcissism, appetite for risk, the need to control, emotional detachment and/or lack of conscience.

In this article about Dutton's new book, it is once again suggested that callous criminal barstewards are good for society...

Weather anomaly causes carbon monoxide scare at Pittsburgh homes
Fire chief: Readings outside buildings as high or higher than inside
WTAE News, 26th October 2012
PITTSBURGH —When it gets cold outside, fire companies start getting calls about carbon monoxide -- but not typically on days like Thursday that are so mild they end up breaking temperature records. However, beginning at 2:30 a.m. on Thursday, Pittsburgh fire crews started getting calls for active carbon monoxide alarms.

“It was actually kind of ironic that the inside detectors were alerting us to the fact that there was a problem outside,” said deputy fire chief Frank Large. The activity continued several times throughout the day.

“The companies went out and used their gas detectors and determined in some cases there were significant cases of carbon monoxide in the air,” Large said. “They were finding, however, that the readings outside the buildings were as high or higher than what they were finding inside of the buildings.”

Local fire crews learned of a temperature inversion outside, a weather anomaly that capped the atmosphere and trapped carbon monoxide in pockets over the East End, Homewood, Point Breeze, Stanton Heights and Lawrenceville.

“We had readings as high as 20 to 25 parts per million, which can be a problem over a period of time if you’re exposed to those levels,” Large said.

I am just taking note...

What Did Huge, Silent, Triangle Aircraft Drop into Black Diamond, WA Lake?, 26th October 2012
The triangle craft turned over and ever so slowly,
one of those orange globes underneath dropped at the lake.

October 26, 2012 Black Diamond, Washington - On September 2, 2012, at 3:52 AM in Black Diamond, Washington, about 30 miles southeast of Seattle, a dog near Southeast 300th Street started barking as if “intimidated” by something. [...] The McManus couple both ended up outdoors staring in disbelief at a huge, triangle-shaped, completely silent aerial craft with seven orange-red glowing spheres on the bottom. Six of the glowing spheres had a black “net” pattern over them similar to the geometric pattern in the stitching of a soccer ball. [...]

Gregory McManus, Power Line Machinist, Black Diamond, Washington:

I would estimate the size of the equilateral triangle craft was about 100 feet corner to corner. It consisted of seven equal-sized, bright, red-orange globes, like a glass ball with a bright orange flame inside – not moving around – just this constant orange color.

The six outer globes that made up the edges of the triangular craft were each encapsulated in a “cage” similar to what you would see in the stitching of a soccer ball’s hexagonal shapes. Then in the center was one of the orange globes that did not have any type of cage around it at all.

As the craft was moving, it was turning very slowly and dead silent. Off of the corners of the object was sort of a soft flame like when you see plasma energy moving off of something and it was just kind of like this fog – this orangy-red fog. (I didn't know how to illustrate that). Things were going through my mind so fast because I just could not believe what I was seeing and it was so close.

This is another example of what I have been calling the galactic delivery service in operation... but this is probably one of the best descriptions that I have come across and needs to be added to my archive. Well, as I have pointed out quite a few times on this blog, the UK Ministry of Defence have already provided an explanation for these black triangles, in their definitive previously top secret report, released in 2006 called Unidentified Aerial Phenomena in the UK Defence Region [2000], but their explanation is way beyond many scientifically illiterate ufologists. A black triangle often appears when Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (in this case orbs or magnetospheric plasmoids) travel together in a 'nulled' magnetic field but it does not mean it is an aircraft, rather it is better described as an atmospheric phenomenon... Scientists Rawls and Davis both spent about 50 years studying magnetism and they managed to photograph magnetic field lines in their cross sections that revealed the existence of black triangles, so I have no reason to doubt the UK MOD. So, when UAPs arrive at their destination the magnetic field collapses and orbs are then free to move about and in this case, drop into a lake. These strange sightings are happening over and over and over again, but many ufologists refuse to engage brain and re-think what is happening on this planet. I have proposed that we are seeing a very large Shadow Biosphere on this planet and numerous examples of an Earth Management Team busy working to 'upgrade' this planet during a very busy time of Earth transformation. I have written over and over again about a Planetary Refresh where plasma entities seem to act like giant planetary 'neurons' that constantly monitor what is happening on and within this planet and provide some kind of relay system to another centralised system beyond (and maybe within) this planet. It seems that we are seeing a massive changing of the guard and hence lots of media reports of UFOs and some very pathetic excuses from authorities in the US (night skydivers!) desperate to ignore/hide this activity which is becoming more and more impossible, see archives. What's more, there is plenty of research papers that informs us that this activity has been monitored by scientists for decades, but many (not all) ufologists are incapable or refuse to read research papers and books written by scientists, (maybe they are frightened of being educated...). This is why the UK Ministry of Defence (and other militaries around this world) have repeated over and over again that there is no 'alien' threat associated with numerous verified UAP sightings, but it means there are intelligent entities on this planet that world governments have zero control over and this is considered to be more of a metaphysical threat. Quite frankly, why more intelligent people can't work this out is beyond me... why can't more people think outside the box? This is a time of massive evolutionary transformation, UFO/UAP reports are dramatically rising due to Earth becoming a high energy plasma environment and we are headed back to the state that has been called 'Paradise' or 'The Golden Age'. The high energy levels on this planet are such that we are experiencing the predicted 'Lifting of the Veil' as asserted by metaphysicians and those with a background in esoteric knowledge. I state this really means the appearance of some of the shadow biosphere, who consist of an assortment of 'light beings', but more technically, due to the properties of plasma some appear like cold or bright light, fire, crystalline and even metallic looking objects, the scientists at Hessdalen studying UAPs have come up with their own system of categorisation see archives... Why the metaphysical community have not emphatically warned the mainstream about we should expect is truly disappointing, but we can surmise that crap teachings like the 'Law of Attraction' and fodder like the next evolutionary step for mankind consists of being financially wealthy, seems to have been a major distraction and hinderance to many... My conclusion is that there are simply not enough people interested in some basic reality like current transformation of our world by massive influx of energy being delivered by space weather. Presumably, there is a problem as putting the Big Picture together requires an evolved mind and too many 'leaders' in vast swathes of the cultic milieu are very busy destroying people's minds by using cult tactics. Understanding that we live in a divine cosmos is considered too factual and mundane and too many in the cultic milieu prefer mystery and as I keep repeating on this blog, 'crap sells'. Due to my philosophical disposition, I prefer to provide an integration of science and metaphysics for grown ups, despite the fact it does not sell very well.... The image icon used here is a famous Belgium black triangle image from sightings in the 1990s. It was also used as an example of a triangular UAP type in the UK's MOD Defence report, a copy can be found here. If you want to keep this Earthfiles article, download quickly because once it goes into the archives, then it is only available to subscribers.

Mass UFO sighting in southern Illinois
ABC News, 25th October 2012

Skyfish and Solar Entities Paranormal Phenomena, 2012
They may be all around us... in the sky, in the water, even in our homes. They have been captured only on film and videotape. No one knows what they are, where they come from, whether or not they are alive, and they have never been touched or seen at rest.

They are called "rods," "skyfish" and sometimes "solar entities." Although the video evidence is compelling that they are quite real and probably living creatures, they are completely unknown to science - a fascinating and baffling mystery.

I don't believe they are completely unknown to science, just unknown to the general public, because there are funded scientists have been researching strange atmospheric entities under the radar for 30 - 40 years...

20 Questions with José Escamilla: Rods Paranormal Phenomena, 2012
In 1994, José and Karen Escamilla accidentally caught on tape strange flying rods with undulating appendages. They continue their quest to find out what they are.

José Escamilla, explorer and filmmaker, discovered strange flying rods while investigating UFOs with his wife Karen in New Mexico in 1994. A satisfactory explanation for these enigmatic things is still being sought. Are they alive? Are they dangerous? Where do they come from and where do they go? In answers to this month's 20 Questions, José talks about this bizarre phenomenon.
José Escamilla has prodouced some excellent documentaries, see archives for links.

Earth's Magnetosphere Behaves Like a Sieve
Science Daily, 24th October 2012
ESA's quartet of satellites studying Earth's magnetosphere, Cluster, has discovered that our protective magnetic bubble lets the solar wind in under a wider range of conditions than previously believed.

Earth's magnetic field is our planet's first line of defence against the bombardment of the solar wind. This stream of plasma is launched by the Sun and travels across the Solar System, carrying its own magnetic field with it.

Depending on how the solar wind's interplanetary magnetic field -- IMF -- is aligned with Earth's magnetic field, different phenomena can arise in Earth's immediate environment. [...]

"The solar wind can enter the magnetosphere at different locations and under different magnetic field conditions that we hadn't known about before," says co-author Melvyn Goldstein, also from Goddard Space Flight Center.

"That suggests there is a 'sieve-like' property of the magnetopause in allowing the solar wind to continuously flow into the magnetosphere."

What a headline! It seems we no longer have much magnetic shielding against the cosmic elements... Simply, Earth's magnetic cosmic umbrella is full of holes and the inhabitants of Earth are going to get wet by oncoming cosmic deluges and the constant drizzle of cosmic rays.... This is quite some announcement... very serious...

Canada quake triggers Hawaii tsunami scare
CNN News, 28th October 2012
CNN) -- A tsunami warning for Hawaii, triggered by a powerful earthquake in Canada, proved nothing more than a pre-Halloween scare for thousands of people this weekend. [...]

Even Hawaiians accustomed to tsunami warnings spared no effort in bracing for the worst. Honolulu resident Victoria Shioi filled her bathtub with water, set her refrigerator to the coldest setting and gathered candles in case of water or power outages. "Also backed up my computer and put the external (hard drive) in the waterproof safe," Shioi said.

Unusual geological event in USA on Friday, 26 October, 2012 at 03:19 (03:19 AM) UTC.
RSOE - Emergency and Disaster Information Service, 28th October 2012
Earthquake swarms and a region-wide rotten egg smell recently reminded Southern California residents they live next to an active volcano field, tiny though it may be. At the time, scientists said the phenomena did not reflect changes in the magma chamber below the Salton Sea. But now, researchers may need to revise estimates of the potential hazard posed by the Salton Buttes - five volcanoes at the lake's southern tip. The buttes last erupted between 940 and 0 B.C., not 30,000 years ago, as previously thought, a new study detailed online Oct. 15 in the journal Geology reports. The new age - which makes these some of California's youngest volcanoes - pushes the volcanic quintuplets into active status. The California Volcano Observatory, launched in February by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), already lists the area as a high threat for future blasts. "The USGS is starting to monitor all potentially active volcanoes in California, which includes the Salton Buttes," said study author Axel Schmitt, a geochronologist at the University of California, Los Angeles.

This is very interesting... the planet is now really starting to rock and roll with earthquakes and volcanic activity...

NASA: Rare, enormous gas storm detected on Saturn
CNN News, 26th October 2012
CNN) -- NASA says the Cassini spacecraft recorded the aftermath of a massive storm on Saturn that let out an "unprecedented belch of energy."

Not only was the size of the storm unusual, but what the storm was made of left scientists puzzled. The source of the cosmic burp, which rapidly changed the atmosphere's temperature, was ethylene gas, an odorless, colorless gas that has rarely been observed on Saturn, NASA said.

"This temperature spike is so extreme it's almost unbelievable," said Brigette Hesman, the study's lead author who works at Goddard. "To get a temperature change of the same scale on Earth, you'd be going from the depths of winter in Fairbanks, Alaska, to the height of summer in the Mojave Desert," Hesman said in a statement released by NASA.

Another extreme atmospheric change taking place in a planet in our solar system caused by a massive injection of energy. We know that there are massive Birkeland currents that link planets to the Sun, so maybe there was an extra download... We need NASA/ESA scientists to provide more information....

JZ Knight Self Destructs....[VIDEO]
Supporter sets a new low for Washington Democrats
Thurston Opinions, 18th October 2012
(Thurston County, WA) A video released today shows JZ Knight spewing incredibly foul discriminatory hate speech, and setting a new moral low for the WA State Democrat Party.

JZ Knight is one of the largest contributors to the Washington State Democrats [link]. She has given $50,000 under the name Judy Knight, President of JZK, Inc. She is also the largest individual contributor to Sandra Romero's (D) campaign for Thurston County Commissioner. She has given Romero $1,800 under the name JZ Knight and has given another $1,800 recorded as the Ramtha School of Enlightenment for a total contribution of $3,600.

With large contributions like that, JZ Knight certainly has been invited to the most exclusive events put on by the Democrats, and presumably, has even bought her access to visits from President Obama. [...]

I think most Democrats believe that they are the party of tolerance, civility, and diversity. JZ Knight is taking the party in a completely different direction. This video shows her denouncing the catholics, jews and homosexuals all in one "sermon". Her profanity, obscene gestures and venom is absolutely unsettling.

O.K. I really don't have time to give the run down on the worse exploiters in the New Age milieu, i.e. the New Wage stars (that I know about and especially those with ambitions to become billionaires with a big drink problem), but this video of JZ Knight is incredible... Quite frankly, I think many true God-fearing Christians would be terrified of what this person is displaying, but since I have researched cults, the guru culture and this character, I would say that she was drunk in these video clips... Actually, I still hope to see the definitive video of this woman drunk, whilst so-called channelling, being sick and having to be carried off stage in front of her followers.... Whatever, I can't for the life of me understand why she has any followers, the stories from her ex-devotees including documentary info) are truly shocking and the conclusion from many is that she is a fraud... Btw, the warning about the offensive language is too mild, this is beyond offensive. JZ Knight is spewing sheer venom and hatred. This video has caused quite a local political storm...
  • Video tries to link Romero, JZ Knight tirade on church
    Online: State GOP leader calls rant ‘homophobic, vulgar’
    The Olympian, 24th October 2012
    "[...] The state Democratic Party says it does not condone the profane comments that the Yelm-based spiritual leader made in a videotaped talk this year, but the party will not return an estimated $60,000 that Knight gave it. [...] “This video that was recently posted online is nothing short of repulsive. JZ Knight is an intolerant bigot and Sandra Romero is either ignorant of her views or shares them,” Wilbur said in his news release. “Which is it, Sandra? I am personally disgusted by the sickening things uttered by Knight on the tape. She is anti-Catholic, anti-Semitic, homophobic, vulgar and profane.”

  • Bigoted Cult Leader Part of Obama Steering Committee [Photos]
    Victoria Taft, 29th October 2012
    By now you may have seen the story of demon "channeler" JZ Knight whose cult head quarters are located in rural Thurston County, Washington. Knight has given thousands of dollars to Democrat candidates, from the President all the way down to a Thurston County Commissioner. Now Knight claims she is on the President's Re election steering committee. Until recently, the teachings of this cult leader have largely gone unexamined, but former cult members are now coming forward with tapes of their former spirit guide and it turns out, homegirl's got some issues.
    A bigoted 'leading light' in the New Wage milieu, may I add...

Maya demand an end to doomsday myth
France 24 News, 25th October 2012
AFP - Guatemala's Mayan people accused the government and tour groups on Wednesday of perpetuating the myth that their calendar foresees the imminent end of the world for monetary gain.

"We are speaking out against deceit, lies and twisting of the truth, and turning us into folklore-for-profit. They are not telling the truth about time cycles," charged Felipe Gomez, leader of the Maya alliance Oxlaljuj Ajpop. Several films and documentaries have promoted the idea that the ancient Mayan calendar predicts that doomsday is less than two months away, on December 21, 2012.

The Culture Ministry is hosting a massive event in Guatemala City -- which as many as 90,000 people are expected to attend -- just in case the world actually does end, while tour groups are promoting doomsday-themed getaways. Maya leader Gomez urged the Tourism Institute to rethink the doomsday celebration, which he criticized as a "show" that was disrespectful to Mayan culture. [...] Gomez's group issued a statement saying that the new Maya time cycle simply "means there will be big changes on the personal, family and community level, so that there is harmony and balance between mankind and nature."

It's called the government and tour groups cashing in.... Meanwhile, the majority on this planet are oblivious to the real significance of why elite astronomer-priests from previous high civilisations on this planet were vigilant watching the heavens and encoding their astronomical and esoteric knowledge for future generations and those with eyes to see... Thus when genuine modern Mayan Elders try to tell the world the next major cycle will be the Age of Ether, there is an almost total blank because not so many understand even basics about a divine cosmos. Today, those with eyes to see know that space weather has become the cause of a planetary emergency... due to the impact on our modern technological infrastructure and of course, the induced geophysical and climate/atmospheric changes etc.

Space Weather Anomalies, Power Grid Collapse And Nuclear Safety
Counter Currents, 23rd October 2012
“More than half the gross national product of the earth, representing the accumulated wealth of our planet, depends in some way on the electromagnetic force.” -Michio Kaku

Summary: Severe space weather that involves transfer of massive amount of energy and matter from the Sun to the Earth is a one in hundred years event, that can cause collapse of power grid on a global scale. Recovery may take months and years. As the last event happened in 1921, there is high probability of a recurrance during the next few decades. Prolonged non-availability of electricity will cause meltdowns and explosions in nuclear reactors and spent fuel pools. Regulators in USA are considering to harden their nuclear assets against this. India and other nuclear nations have yet to spell out their action plan to prevent a radiological catastrophe.

Changes in Earth’s gravity in relation to magnetic field measured
WUWT, 23rd October 2012
Rapid changes in the Earth’s core: The magnetic field and gravity from a satellite perspective

The main field of the Earth’s magnetic field is generated by flows of liquid iron in the outer core. The Earth’s magnetic field protects us from cosmic radiation particles. Therefore, understanding the processes in the outer core is important to understand the terrestrial shield. Key to this are measurements of the geomagnetic field itself

Again, we see that space weather and the need to understand what is happening to Earth's cosmic magnetic shielding is of primary importance here. "The main field of the Earth’s magnetic field is generated by flows of liquid iron in the outer core." is an old outdated idea... I wrote in my book Tuning the Diamonds ,
Historically, it was once thought that a solid layer within the Earth, made of iron or another magnetic material, formed a permanent magnet. This hypothesis was discredited because firstly, it could not explain how the magnetic field drifted and secondly, magnetic minerals only retain a permanent magnetism below their Curie temperature (e.g. 580°C for magnetite). Most of the Earth’s interior is hotter than all known Curie temperatures, and cooler crustal rocks just don’t contain enough magnetic content to account for the magnetic field. The Geodynamo is the best known theory today, which postulates that the main part of the Earth’s magnetic field is generated by a dynamo that operates in the Earth’s fluid outer core, see figure 2.20. However, the details of how that dynamo works are still not totally understood. Paleomagnetic measurements of rocks indicate that the Earth has maintained a magnetic field for at least 3.5 billion years, so the dynamo theory has to explain how the magnetic field can be self-sustaining. Theory suggests that as iron is a conductor of electricity, electric currents flowing in molten iron would generate the requisite magnetic field (basic physics of electromagnetism). The molten outer core, more than six times the volume of the moon, convects as a means of releasing heat. This convective motion displaces flowing electric currents, thereby generating magnetic fields. Yet, geodynamo theory tends to gloss over the fact that the Earth’s magnetic field is actually a composite, generated by electric currents that are deep within the Earth and high above the surface. The question arises: if the magnetic field generated by the Earth is so significant, then how do we explain the wild fluctuations in the direction of the magnetic field that occur in geomagnetic storms? Magnetic storms cause changes of 1%, to the total field strength of 50,000 gamma, the total geomagnetic field of Earth’s core (GMF), whereas typical diurnal changes are only 0.1% of the GMF. But, in one geomagnetic storm, the direction of magnetic North (measured at the Lerwick geomagnetic observatory in Scotland), changed by 5.1 degrees in only 25 minutes [85].
and also;
Some researchers suggest that the Earth has a plasma core and plasma physicist Anthony Peratt, states Earth’s core is a magnetohydrodynamic magma (magnetized plasma). Interestingly, in the authoritative book, Introduction to dusty plasma physics (2002), published by the Institute of Physics, the authors write: “It is well established that all plasma systems, especially dusty plasma systems, always contain some region of inhomogeneity capable of causing drift motions and associated waves in a magnetized dusty plasma.” [77]
The evidence is that Earth's magnetic field is being constantly influenced by the Sun's magnetic field as these scientists have found evidence of a 11 year cycle, but due to the unpredictable nature of space weather it is becoming more evident that there is a link between Earth's magnetic field and gravity. The extremely fast changes (so-called magnetic jerks) that were observed in 2007 at the Earth’s surface (they have been observed in the past) suggests the importance of the influence of the sun's magnetic field on Earth's magnetic field.... The next conclusion is that the force of gravity is not properly understood.... I like the quote: there is no such thing as mass only charge... I have repeatedly stated that the planet is charging up like a battery and now we have some proof space weather is even slightly changing Earth's gravity field and it's not just about shifting land masses due to melting ice... I also believe fluctating gravity will affect atomic clocks on Earth being used to counteract problems with GPS and satellite navigation etc.... There are lots of interesting comments at WUWT as usual.

The real Mayan prophecies investigated – The Chilam Balam books
The Watchers, 20th October 2012
Though there is only the one known engraving of a prediction connected to the end of the 13th Bak’tun (monument 6 Tortuguero) it is often stated, wrongly, that there is only this one place for any possible year 2012 prophecy. There is in fact more prophetic material available from the Mayan sources known as the Chilam Balam books.

These books were made up of prophecies attached to the Short Count calendar, a count of Tun’s rather than Bak’tun’s. These books were compiled after the Spanish invasion and are written in Mayan but using the Spanish alphabet. They contain a wide range of subjects that includes myths, religion, culture and predictions, allegedly they stem from a great ancient Chilam Balam or Jaguar Priest. Due to the fact the books are not actually ancient themselves we do have to concede some of the details may be tainted, however it has been noted that some of the material in these books does doubtless come from pre-conquest sources, and in some cases can seemingly only apply to the end of the 13th Bak’tun cycle.

This is Part II and the link for Part I “The real Mayan prophecies investigated – Monument 6 Tortuguero”is also provided. I would say that an article outlining and doing some analysis (however speculative) on some of the Mayan text that has been passed down to us is quite rare... as opposed to the drivel of speculation that has fueled the 2012 catastrophe mindset. I would say that we are not told about the quality of the translation used here or given any other versions but I know they exist. Whatever, I am reminded again of the great divide of the highly intelligent astronomer-priests and the ignorant rabble who love fairy tales.... I can thank Sir William Drummond for his deep insights that only confirm the wealth of information that suggests the historical existence of a two-tier system of religious belief - one for the initiates and another for the rest. I wrote the following back in June 2009,
"....Sir William Drummond who wrote Oedipus Judaicus printed in 1811 for private circulation and again 1866 but only properly published in 1996. This is one of the most valuable books in my possession and religious scholars must all now agree with at least some of his conclusions. Drummond suggests that the writers of the Old Testament; ‘follow the example of all the East, in blending in their narratives real with fictitious events and involving important lessons to mankind whether in morals, or in science, under the guise of recorded fact.’ Drummond sought to prove that there was an alternative way to interpret the Bible using the science of comparative linguistics and quite frankly his conclusions are far more satisfying to reasonable and enquiring minds."
I believe exactly the same approach needs to be taken with Mayan texts and at least the author has touched on some relevant points of interpretation associated with Mayan astronomer-priests and their beliefs in a link between climate change and spiritual evolution for a few that are ready. Personally, I just hope with all the effort I and others have made, there will be a few more truth seekers enlightened as they refuse to be considered as part of the ignorant rabble who can be so easily entertained by stories. For those actually interested in the workings of a divine universe, as it pertains to energy driven evolutionary change, we are living in a time of the fulfillment of prophecy. More technically, the universe seems to operate on some kind of strict cosmic 'housekeeping' function and cycle. I wrote an essay for Paradigm Shift magatine published in print in the United Kingdom (issue 42. May - July 2009) called Watch Out! Planet Under Reconstruction! That was a long time before the recent reports of tectonic plates cracking up...

Power grid upgrades may cause blackouts, warns Braess's paradox, 23rd October 2012
(—In order to meet increasing energy demands, power companies have the option of adding new power lines to the existing grid. But in a new study, researchers have found that, contrary to common intuition, adding certain new power lines may cause power outages across the grid due to desynchronization. This finding is an example of Braess's paradox, which was originally discovered in traffic networks to show that adding a road to a congested traffic network may counterintuitively increase overall driving time. This study is the first time that Braess's paradox has been found in oscillator networks.

Strangely, this article makes me really worry about people messing about with the human energy field who don't know what the hell they are doing... Just because they can see different layers of the human energy field does not mean that the have a right to muck about and especially when some of these people are not even trustworthy... It's a bad assumption to believe these people would not misuse their powers...

Placebo's Effect May Depend on Your Genes
Live Science, 23rd October 2012
Your response to placebos, or dummy medicine, may depend on your genes, according to a new study.

People with a gene variant that codes for higher levels of the brain chemical dopamine respond better to placebos than those with the low-dopamine version.

The findings, reported online Oct. 23 in the journal PLoS One, could help researchers design medical studies that distinguish the placebo response from the underlying effect of a medicine — the real aim of drug trials.

I think we are being told that scientists have found a way to 'rig' drug trials by weeding out the people who don't respond so well to placebos, but it still means that when those drugs are approved they would be no better than a sugar pill for many people.... Well, I am sure that eventually it will be decided that the Placebo's Effect is based on epigenetic factors affecting genes..... What is interestng is that the pharmaceutical industry is in a terrible bind because placebos and 'real' drugs working are both based on belief and the power of belief appears to be getting stronger... but the difference between the impact of a placebo and a drug is lessening. Many new drugs can't beat placebo and many old drugs would fail if they were re-tested in today's environment.... Meanwhile, the metaphysical community don't seem to have anything much to say about it, which I think is very strange.... I suppose it's too much interest in reality...

Glitch leaves Go Card users out of pocket
Sydney Morning Herald, 23rd October 2012
The international company responsible for TransLink's smartcard ticketing technology was left red-faced after a technical glitch saw more than 2800 Go Card customers charged for trips they never took. [...]

“This arose as a result of an operator error during a security upgrade for the system,” he said. “The remainder of the live Go Card system was operating normally during the time of the top-up issue.”

But one of the customers referred to Cubic by TransLink told that the fault had resulted in almost $1000 in false recharges billed to his account.

The man, who did not wish to be named, provided banking records which showed TransLink Brisbane made 24 $40 charges against his credit card over a period of four days, though each transaction was subsequently matched by a refund.

Mystery as Scots couple capture spooky green figure on camera at Aberdeenshire home
Daily Record, 23rd October 2012
A STUNNED couple yesterday told how they captured a spooky green man on camera at their home. Gary and Amanda Linney said the strange figure was spotted running away from their cottage as they experimented with a new camera.

The bizarre snaps emerged just days after another family claimed to have filmed a UFO floating above their house about 25 miles away. [...] Dad-of-three Gary said: “This wasn’t a reflection. We live in two old cottages and my children have seen orbs floating around and heard footsteps. It’s usually around the staircase.”

This green light stick in an orb reminds me of the neon light "milk bottles" seen on wildlife outdoor cameras (see archives)... Earth's shadow biosphere is certainly very weird to us humans... I really don't think this is a case of a little green man....

Hovering water droplets zip around like UFOs [VIDEO]
New Scientist, 23rd October 2012

An Elephant That Speaks Korean
Science Daily, 22nd October 2012
An Asian elephant named Koshik can imitate human speech, speaking words in Korean that can be readily understood by those who know the language. The elephant accomplishes this in a most unusual way: he vocalizes with his trunk in his mouth. The elephant's vocabulary consists of exactly five words, researchers report on November 1 in Current Biology, a Cell Press publication. Those include "annyong" ("hello"), "anja" ("sit down"), "aniya" ("no"), "nuo" ("lie down"), and "choah" ("good"). Ultimately, Koshik's language skills may provide important insights into the biology and evolution of complex vocal learning, an ability that is critical for human speech and music, the researchers say.

So we are now getting reports of animals talking to humans so that us stupid humans can understand... Last week it was a Beluga whale, see the New Scientist report. First analysis of beluga whale mimicking human speech, this week an elephant, what will it be next week? It does seem like that there are more signs that the most intelligent animals are evolving very quickly, but too many humans seem to be devolving into monsters.... Check the archives concerning the elephants. They are losing their tusks so they won't be killed by stupid humans, a few can produce beautiful paintings (The Maesa Elephant Camp in Thailand is actually in the Guiness Book Records as the only place in the world with realistic paintings drawn by elephants) . One elephant learnt how to play the harmonica and now we hear of an elephant that can talk to a human.... Yet, the vast majority of humans are oblivious as to what is happening on this planet and don't seem to even care.... But, I suppose those who are devolving and becoming feral wouldn't care...
  • 7 Animals That Are Evolving Right Before Our Eyes News, 18th May 2011

  • First analysis of beluga whale mimicking human speech
    New Scientist, 22nd October 2012
    Many of us talk to our pets, but we don't expect them to talk back. A beluga whale has bucked this trend by learning to imitate human speech. (Listen to it here.) Noc was captured in 1977 when he was still a juvenile. By 1984, he was making unusual sounds. One day, a diver in his tank surfaced unexpectedly asking who had called to him to get out. It turned out that the cries of "out, out, out" had come from Noc.

Open Questions and the Reality of ESP
Disinformation, 21st October 2012
It’s an obvious question, but one not often asked, how does parapsychological research offend the evolutionist or materialist mindset? Certainly bold statements are made, but where is the real area of offense. One of the critiques most often leveled at research into anomalous perception centers around the idea that researchers in this area of experience posit some sort of supernatural origin for these phenomena. However, if you read what many of the top researchers relate, there’s nothing supernatural about psi.

It is interesting that scientists are busy de-mystifying abilities that were once thought as making people "special".... Scientists now know there are many more senses than 5 and then these can all by combined to make 63 different types of synaesthesia. The number of people with this condition is estimated to be about 4% of the population and some neuroscientists suspect that we are seeing rapid realtime human evolution. I am even amazed that scientists have been studying phosphenes for over 250 years, but some think seeing geometric symbols is something "special", but basic research reveals that even some astronauts can see them and it does not mean that some are more spiritual than others.... The issue is that wannabe gurus are desperate to make certain abilities "special" so they can exert influence and control over people to illicit certain priviledges and status. Personally, I have found that abilities do not equate to quality people that you can trust and the cult processing in the cultic milieu means that some become extremely shady characters. Read my essay Spiritual Evolution in the Cultic Milieu to understand just how warped some can become. Actually, my synaesthesia is curse and a blessing at the same time.... Stinking nasty energy fields are sometimes hard to cope with, but at least I am getting a clear warning of what I am dealing with....

Evidence of Premonitions Discovered in New Study
ABC News, 22nd October 2012

Why won't psychic Sally Morgan accept our invitation to test her powers?
Despite expressing respect for sceptics, psychic Sally Morgan has again refused to have her claims tested. Could the potential loss of earnings have something to do with it?
The Guardian, 22nd October 2012
Last October, Simon Singh, the Merseyside Skeptics and I issued a challenge to alleged psychic Sally Morgan to take a test that would enable her to prove that she really does have psychic powers. This was after concerns had been raised that Sally might have used a hidden earpiece during her stageshow through which she was fed information about members of the audience, giving the impression that she was obtaining this information by psychic means.

Despite Sally's strong denials of involvement in any kind of fakery, a considerable amount of bad publicity for psychics in general, and Sally in particular, was generated.

One might have expected Sally to be grateful therefore for the opportunity to prove her powers beyond reasonable doubt, particularly as successfully passing the test would have constituted the first step towards obtaining a million dollars from the James Randi Educational Foundation. In the event, however, S

Well, she has already been caught out and probably knows she would not pass muster.... What I don't know is how these people get so famous for only being a good con-artist....but I suppose that is the whole point... she is a good confidence trickster and her psychopathy is atractive to many childish people who love pied pipers...

Skeptic receives death threat over piece critical of “psychic” Caputo
Doubtful News, 24th October 2012
There are some very nasty people out there claiming to be spiritual...

X-Rated Solar Flare, 23rd October 2012
X-FLARE: Earth orbiting satellites have just detected an X1-class solar flare (Oct. 23 @ 0322 UT) from big sunspot AR1598. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory recorded the extreme ultraviolet flash:

Radiation from the flare created waves of ionization in the upper atmosphere over Asia and Australia (the daylit side of Earth) and possibly HF radio blackouts at high latitudes. It is too soon to say whether the blast also hurled a coronal mass ejection (CME) into space.

NOAA Space Weather Alerts
NOAA SWPC, 23rd October 2012

Space Weather Message Code: ALTEF3
Serial Number: 1972
Issue Time: 2012 Oct 23 0501 UTC

CONTINUED ALERT: Electron 2MeV Integral Flux exceeded 1000pfu
Continuation of Serial Number: 1971
Begin Time: 2012 Oct 09 1015 UTC
Yesterday Maximum 2MeV Flux: 8070 pfu
Potential Impacts: Satellite systems may experience significant charging resulting in increased risk to satellite systems.

Space Weather Message Code: SUMX01
Serial Number: 82
Issue Time: 2012 Oct 23 0336 UTC

SUMMARY: X-ray Event exceeded X1
Begin Time: 2012 Oct 23 0313 UTC
Maximum Time: 2012 Oct 23 0317 UTC
End Time: 2012 Oct 23 0321 UTC
X-ray Class: X1.8
Location: S10E53
NOAA Scale: R3 - Strong
Potential Impacts: Area of impact consists of large portions of the sunlit side of Earth, strongest at the sub-solar point.
Radio - Wide area blackout of HF (high frequency) radio communication for about an hour.

Space Weather Message Code: SUM10R
Serial Number: 567
Issue Time: 2012 Oct 23 0331 UTC

SUMMARY: 10cm Radio Burst
Begin Time: 2012 Oct 23 0315 UTC
Maximum Time: 2012 Oct 23 0316 UTC
End Time: 2012 Oct 23 0318 UTC
Duration: 3 minutes
Peak Flux: 620 sfu
Latest Penticton Noon Flux: 156 sfu
Description: A 10cm radio burst indicates that the electromagnetic burst associated with a solar flare at the 10cm wavelength was double or greater than the initial 10cm radio background. This can be indicative of significant radio noise in association with a solar flare. This noise is generally short-lived but can cause interference for sensitive receivers including radar, GPS, and satellite communications.

Space Weather Message Code: ALTXMF
Serial Number: 183
Issue Time: 2012 Oct 23 0318 UTC

ALERT: X-Ray Flux exceeded M5
Threshold Reached: 2012 Oct 23 0318 UTC
NOAA Scale: R2 - Moderate
Potential Impacts: Area of impact centered on sub-solar point on the sunlit side of Earth. Extent of blackout of HF (high frequency) radio communication dependent upon current X-ray Flux intensity. For real-time information on affected area and expected duration please see

I know from experience that the BBC is an empire of control freaks and cowards
Daily Mail, 23rd October 2012
Well, what can we expect when having psychopathic traits is considered 'normal' at a management level... Savile was in institution that fully supported his sickness, but this scenario is far from unique...

Amazon Cloud Goes Down Again, Breaks Foursquare and Others
Wired News, 22nd October 2012
"The cloud is cool. But it’s not always there. That’s what some Amazon customers learned today after another outage on Amazon’s cloud computing platform knocked off several popular websites offline."

So, in this geomagnetic environment, I think any online business, needs to realise that being online 24/7 will be impossible regardless of whether the entire back office infrastructure is being supported elsewhere aka "cloud" or not. The real issue is complete infrastructure breakdowns that last for days on end...
  • Nasdaq Teams Up With Amazon To Offer Cloud Storage Services
    Trefis, 26th September 2012
    Nasdaq OMX (NASDAQ:NDAQ) has entered a partnership with Amazon (NASDAQ:AMZN) to allow brokers in the U.S. to store trade information on the latter’s cloud network using a platform called FinQloud. [1] The platform will allow investors to keep track of financial data that they are required to maintain and will also help them save money as it uses a pay per gigabyte fee structure. Users will only have to pay for storage capacity used, thus saving on storage costs that they would have incurred had they used their own systems. [2]

    Although some customers might be skeptical of the offering given the recent software glitches that have plagued Nasdaq’s systems, the company insists that it will maintain strict vigilance to ensure that it meets the “stringent operational and regulatory security requirements of the financial services industry and to protect data integrity.”

    Gotcha! Well, I think this is some proof that "the recent software glitches that have plagued Nasdaq’s systems" have been caused by cosmic rays corrupting software because this is tacitly being acknowledged here as a marketing strategy for why brokers should move data onto servers that are being better monitored for data integrity... NASA warned about cosmic rays being at an all time space-age high and were set to reach new heights, but few paid any attention (except for Intel who were tipped off early), but data servers are being corrupted so often now, this is now providing one headache after another... This was very obviously going to happen and as the Intel patent for cosmic ray detectors on a chip explained in 2004, "We are living on borrowed time."

Earthquake predictions and a triumph of scientific illiteracy in an Italian court
Christian Science Monitor, 22nd October 2012
An Italian court sentenced scientists to jail time for not having a functioning crystal ball in predicting the 2009 earthquake in L'Aquila. The arguments of science and reason did not sway a court verdict that called for earthquakes to be accurately predicted. [...]

Alan Leshner of the American Association for the Advancement of Science put it this way in an open letter to Italian President Giorgio Napolitano in June 2010, urging the trial be headed off:
Years of research, much of it conducted by distinguished seismologists in your own country, have demonstrated that there is no accepted scientific method for earthquake protection that can be reliably used to warn citizens of an impending disaster. To expect more of science at this time is unreasonable. It is manifestly unfair for scientists to be criminally charged for failing to act on information that the international scientific community would consider inadequate as a basis for issuing a warning.
Of course, smaller earthquakes – tremors – do often precede major ones, and can be useful indicators that major trouble is heading down the pike. Or not. Sometimes you can have a series of tremors and no major quake. Or a major quake that doesn't appear to be preceded by any unusual activity at all. What do geologists do when asked what a series of tremors means? Use their best judgment.

That's what the Italian scientists were convicted of today: exercising judgment in a murky area, getting it wrong, and being severely punished for it. If the verdict is upheld, that sends a message to scientists that they'd better keep their mouths shut when asked for their opinion in Italy.

This article is basically a rant... I also don't agree with the conclusion that scientists will keep their mouths shut when asked for their opinion in Italy. Rather, scientists worldwide will be SHOCKED and some might realise that public opinion is changing rather quickly as people start to feel they have no control as Earth changing events get more catastrophic. Some, might even start to treat their field of science with a little bit more respect and realise that all the fudging of data and pointless science and job creation will not help if the public turn against scientists especially geoscientists if there are simply too many frightening events which I think is now inevitable. Whatever, we are living in totally unprecedented times and scientists have an uphill battle because we are facing a major energetic shift with unknown consequences...My response is to dedicate my life to help more non scientists understand that we are facing a planetary emergency caused by space weather and energy driven evolutionary change... At the moment, not enough understand just how serious things are...

Italian court convicts 7 for no quake warning
Yahoo News, 22nd October 2012
L'AQUILA, Italy (AP) — An Italian court convicted seven scientists and experts of manslaughter on Monday for failing to adequately warn citizens before an earthquake struck central Italy in 2009, killing more than 300 people.

The court in L'Aquila also sentenced the defendants to six years in prison. Each one is a member of the national Great Risks Commission.

In Italy, convictions aren't definitive until after at least one level of appeals, so it is unlikely any of the defendants would face jail immediately.

Scientists worldwide had decried the trial as ridiculous, contending that science has no reliable way of predicting earthquakes.

I am stunned... I have already stated a few times that I could not believe that these scientists were going to trial and now they have been convicted. Eight years ago I understood the implications of messages that have been given out in the metaphysical community for decades but I also realised that there was very little effort to integrate science and netaphysics. Hence, I have been working hard with not much support and some severe hinderance from people who can only be described as dumb.... Look at the latest news in the mainstream media! We even have space weather alerts being issued on a regular basis... Newsroom America are now producing a Space Weather Outlook, using data contributed by NOAA, USAF, NASA, NSF, USGS, the International Space Environment Services and other observatories, universities, and institutions. Very nice... Can you imagine with the high energy levels on this planet, the next big solar flare and coronal mass ejection, magnetar blast or gamma ray burst and major earth changing events are virtually guaranteed... That is why we have scientists hosting large conferences on global catastrophes because it is now inevitable... So, are the completely ignorant going to start blaming the few of us trying to make a difference? Read the archives, there was someone trying to warn the locals in L'Aquila and they were arrested by a policeman for scaremongering.... Society has a real problem caused by a lack of interest in reality....
  • Italian earthquake: expert's warnings were dismissed as scaremongering
    The Telegraph, 6th April 2009
    "An Italian scientist, Giampaolo Giuliani, predicted the earthquake which has killed at least 90 people in the Abruzzo region but he was reported to the police for scaremongering, it has emerged. Mr Giuliani told locals to evacuate their houses and posted a video on YouTube in which he said a build-up of radon gas around the seismically active area suggested a major earthquake was imminent. Several tremors had been felt in the medieval city of L'Aquila, around 60 miles east of Rome, from mid-January onwards, and vans with loudspeakers had driven around the city spreading the warning. But instead of heeding Mr Giuliani's warnings, the local authorities reported him to police for "spreading alarm" and he was told to remove his findings from the internet. [...] Even after the devastating earthquake, the head of Italy's National Geophysics Institute, Enzo Boschi, dismissed Mr Giuliani's predictions. "Every time there is an earthquake there are people who claim to have predicted it," he said. "As far as I know nobody predicted this earthquake with precision. It is not possible to predict earthquakes."

  • Rare great earthquake triggers large aftershocks all over the globe
    Earth Sky, 26th September 2012
    A Magnitude-8.6 earthquake on April, 11, 2012 set in motion an unprecedented increase in global seismic activity, study shows.
    There are some good graphics here.

Space weather highlights: October 15 – 21, 2012
The Watchers, 22nd October 2012

Two Months 'Til Doomsday? Mayan Apocalypse Set for Dec. 21
Live Science, 21st October 2012
If you believe in that sort of thing, humanity can expect a mere two months left of existence before the Mayan apocalypse hits Dec. 21. Today (Oct. 21) starts the two-month countdown toward doomsday, according to an interpretation of the Mayan calendar that has taken hold in some New Age and spiritualist communities online.

At least the article suggests it is only SOME "New Age and spiritualist communities online" because I believe the message about Space Weather and energy driven evolutionary change has hit home and taken the heat out of the 2012 21st/23rd December end of the Mayan Calendar marker.... It is increasingly becoming clear that modern Mayan Elders should not have been ignored in preference to poor academic scholarship in an effort to understand the message of ancient astronomer-priests concerning long term astronomical cycles that have a major impact for all life on Earth.

UFO Sightings Pose Danger to Aviation
Flying saucers and other unidentified flying objects can distract pilots and cause accidents
U.S. News, 19th October 2012
Thousands of unidentified flying objects are reported each year by the public. The fascination with UFOs has become a fixture of contemporary culture and a staple for science fiction writers and supermarket tabloids. But in response to the central question—are they alien spacecraft?—most officials and academics dismiss the idea of extraterrestrial visitations as unlikely in the extreme.

Yet an increasing number of researchers and public officials say the subject of UFOs is long overdue for more serious treatment. They're a "mystery that science needs to engage in," argues journalist Leslie Kean, who spent over a decade interviewing former military officers, government officials, scientists, and eyewitnesses while accessing previously classified government records for her 2010 book UFOs: Generals, Pilots, and Government Officials Go On the Record.

I thought the title was interesting but the info is nothing new... For those new to this blog and website, I have pointed out many times that some pilots have gone to a lot of trouble to increase awareness that there are objects flying about without permission. The message is that Unidentified Aerial Phenomena are no threat and that pilots should not panic, see the National Aviation Reporting Center on Anomalous Phenomena website and the major report, Spherical UAP and Aviation Safety: A Critical Review - April 2010.

Sunscreen recalled amid reports of users catching on fire, including a Canadian
The Globe and Mail, 19th October 2012
The maker of Banana Boat sunscreen is recalling some of its spray-on products in Canada and the United States following reports that a handful of people have caught on fire after applying the lotion and coming into contact with an open flame.

Energizer Holdings Canada said there have been five reports of people catching fire after applying the sunscreen in the last year. Four burn cases were reported in the U.S. and one in Canada. [...]

Dr. Green said aerosol sunscreens have become popular in recent years because they’re faster and easier to apply than traditional creams. Doctors and burn experts said Friday the problem appears to be extremely rare.

“I’ve been doing this for 30 years and I’ve never seen or heard of this happening before,” said Darrel Rigel, professor of dermatology at New York University. [Exactly....] Dr. Rigel pointed out that the flammable ingredients in aerosol – including alcohol – are common to many products, including hairspray and spray-on deodorants.

I have been wondering for a while if reports of people catching fire are increasing... Simply, there is more charge in the air due to the dramatic fluctuations caused by space weather. At the moment, it looks there may be some concern as there are similar reports of people catching fire during operations and that this is being carefully monitored, see archives.

The Big Study, 19th October 2012
Bill Chalker wrote the other day. He's contemplating making a review of so-called "solid light" UFO cases, and I welcome that. Bill's a hard-science-trained UFOlogist and might just be able to make some sense of a real puzzlement in this field. He asked me if I'd scour my files for such cases [since I'd foolishly admitted to having around 44 of such things], and so I did, making a list for him to pursue and build his analysis more robustly [Bill already had a bigger bunch than that].

Since the blog was sitting here drowsing away the time, I thought that it wouldn't be entirely a waste for me to put that list up here and BS a bit about this phenomenon in anticipation of Bill's better ideas. So, like it or not, here it is.

This is a new historical definition that I have not come across before and the professor's BS tends to be quite good....

Engineers investigate effects of space weather on airliners
The Engineer, 11th October 2012
Engineers at Qinetiq are investigating the effects of geomagnetic storms and space weather on commercial airliners with a view to developing mitigating technology solutions. The company is conducting commissioned research into the phenomenon, developing sensors for advanced warning and designing novel system architectures with better tolerances.

The increase in microelectronics systems in aircraft in the past few decades means that they are potentially more vulnerable to geomagnetic events originating from space. The main threat to aircraft systems specifically is from neutrons that are created in the atmosphere through the collision of space phenomenon such as solar flares with the Earth’s magnetic field.

‘Think of what’s happening as being rather like the Large Hadron Collider going on all the time at the top of the atmosphere,’ Keith Ryden, senior consultant on space environments and effects, told The Engineer. ‘They [the neutrons] are very penetrating because they’re not charged and they go through the aircraft and into equipment. If they reach a silicon device, because they’re travelling so fast, basically a nuclear reaction happens inside the silicon that causes a certain quantity of charge to be developed.’[Oh really....]

Studies have shown that at a very fundamental level this can lead to so-called ‘bit flips’ where a 1 changes to a 0 and a 0 to a 1 in various locations.

This can have a variety of unpredictable consequences but there is evidence to suggest that autopilot systems are particularly vulnerable. During a Qantas Airbus 330-303 flight in Australia in 2008, the autopilot dived twice without warning due to scrambled data, injuring 122 crew and passengers, 13 seriously. Subsequent investigations suggested it could have been a ‘single-event effect’ in the computer caused by geomagnetic activity.

This is a very useful article (and technical enough) explaining that there is a growing awareness that microelectronics in airplanes are becoming very vulnerable to space weather and backs up the assertions that I have been making for years now... Finally we have got the truth about what happened to the Qantas Airbus 330-303 flight in Australia in 2008, when 122 people were hurt and 13 seriously hurt when the plane took two unexpected nosedives, see archives. It seems that engineers are not bothering with the stupid excuse of laptops causing electromagnetic interference (EMI), rather we get a much more serious explanation of neutrons from space causing nuclear reactions in electronics...

An explanation for ball lightning? [VIDEO]
WUWT, 19th October 2012
Goodness, gracious, great balls of lightning

Sightings of balls of lightning have been made for centuries around the world – usually the size of a grapefruit and lasting up to twenty seconds – but no explanation of how it occurs has been universally accepted by science. Even more mysterious are sightings of balls of lightning forming on glass and appearing in homes and in aeroplanes.

CSIRO scientist John Lowke has been studying ball lightning since the sixties. He’s never seen it, but has spoken to eye witnesses and in a new scientific paper(paywalled at AGU, don’t bother) he gives the first mathematical solution explaining the birth of ball lightning – and how it can pass through glass. Previous theories have cited microwave radiation from thunderclouds, oxidising aerosols, nuclear energy, dark matter, antimatter, and even black holes as possible causes. John disputes these theories.

He proposes ball lightning is caused when leftover ions (electric energy), which are very dense, are swept to the ground following a lightning strike. As for how they pass through glass, he says this is a result of a stream of ions accumulating on the outside of a glass window and the resulting electric field on the other side excites air molecules to form a ball discharge. According to John ball lightning is rare, but it has been witnessed in Australia many times. People just don’t realise what it is when they see it.

I watched the embedded video provided by CSIRO in their press release and I was utterly amazed that these particular scientists are now calling Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAPs) ball lightening.... Most scientists make a distinction, where UAPs are considered to be part of the same family as earthquake lights and ball lightning but with their own distinctive characteristics, such as sometimes displaying greater longevity. I am also stunned that a scientist could have been studying this subject for over 40 years and never seen ball lightning/UAPs/orbs/ghost lights/earthquake lights when orbs can be seen routinely in certain locations, see the listing, Light Phenomena Known By Ancient and Traditional People . Seriously, CSIRO scientist John Lowke has not been making much of an effort... See UAP archives and Indexes on this website and the most relevant historical summary article Unidentified Aerial Phenomena: A Scientific Perspective. Update: John Lowke, is a ball lighting researcher at Australia’s national science agency in Sydney, I think he has really been investigating Min Min lights, as they are a very well known phenomena in the Australian outback.

What on earth WAS this? Man photographs Hole Punch Cloud moments before ten dead birds appear in garden [UK]
Daily Mail, 19th October 2012
* Photograph shows a disc shaped outline in the clouds
* Neighbour believes UFOs are linked to bird deaths

A UFO-like object floating in the clouds was caught on camera on the same day ten dead birds were found in a nearby garden. Calum Sherwood, 23, was shocked to see the outline of what appeared to be a UFO while riding on a bus in Salterbeck, south of Workington, Cumbria, on Monday.

Sharon Larkin, UFO enthusiast and Mr Sherwood’s friend who lives nearby, found ten dead birds in her garden that day. Ms Larkin claims that ‘dead birds are associated with sightings of UFOs’, but the object closely resembles a rare cloud formation. [...]

What’s really strange is that the day Calum took this picture I discovered about ten dead birds in my garden, the back and the front. ‘They were sparrows and blackbirds. It could just be a co-incidence but the discovery of dead birds is associated with sightings of UFOs.’

Unfortunately, we have the ususal ignorant talk of UFOs related to any unknown atmospheric phenomenon so I changed the headline... Well, it looks like another killer electron or maser beam blast of energy arriving from space.... See archives for more examples of hole punch clouds and my previous explanations. Incredibly, the report also claims that some birds were knocked out by the blast too and this is the first example of these two mysteries being linked together that I have come across .

'Meteor' prompts Devon and Cornwall tremor reports [UK]
BBC News, 19th October 2012
People across Devon and Cornwall have inundated police with calls saying they had experienced an earth tremor. Officers from the region said they received reports of people hearing loud bangs and buildings shaking from about 16:15 BST on Thursday.

Police staff in Devon's Newton Abbot station also said floors shook. The British Geological Survey said it had no evidence of a tremor, but added it could have been a sonic boom from a meteor falling to earth.

'Spectacular' noise source

Police said the calls were "fairly widespread", coming in from Harrowbarrow in south east Cornwall, as well as the South Hams and Teignbridge areas of south Devon, the Tamar Valley and Dartmoor. Insp Gareth Twigg, of Devon and Cornwall Police, said: "The first calls reported sounds like an explosion. Further calls also described noise and then objects shaking.

I am too busy to keep up with all the meteor strikes but this is of interest.... Newcomers please check the archives! Best of the Blog Space Weather Asteroids, Fireballs, Meteorites, Ghost Rockets & Other Strange 'Heavenly Phenomena'.

San Francisco Bay Area Meteor Makes Landfall, 19th October 2012
METEOR MAKES LANDFALL: A small asteroid that exploded over the San Francisco Bay Area on Oct. 17th, shaking houses with its sonic boom, might have scattered pieces of itself on the ground. That's the conclusion of Peter Jenniskens of the NASA Ames Research Center. He triangulated data from a pair of meteor surveillance cameras to determine the fireball's trajectory, denoted by the black arrow in the map below

San Francisco Bay Area Meteor, 18th October 2012
BAY AREA FIREBALL: Last night, Oct. 17th, many people near San Francisco saw a slow-moving fireball exploding in the sky around 07:45 pm PDT. Witnesses report bright flashes of light and sonic booms that shook houses. Using a wide-field camera, Wes Jones caught the meteor disappearing behind the trees in the city of Belmont

Fire in the Sky, October 2012
The latest news of meteors, comets, asteroids and fireballs....

Intraplate quakes signal tectonic breakup
April temblors part of massive ongoing energy release near Indonesia
Science News, 20th October 2012
Two giant earthquakes in the eastern Indian Ocean have shown geologists that breaking up is easy to do — for tectonic plates, that is.

The pair of quakes hit on April 11, startling seismologists with their size (magnitudes 8.6 and 8.2) and location (hundreds of kilometers from the active zone that spawned the deadly 2004 magnitude 9.1 earthquake and tsunami). Now, three studies reveal that the April quakes were an indication that one great slab of Earth’s crust is slowly fracturing into two. The work, reported online September 26 in Nature, confirms that seismic risk remains high in the area. [...]

The first April 11 quake unzipped four perpendicular faults one after another in less than two minutes, the scientists found. Each fault ruptured with the equivalent energy of at least a magnitude 8.0 quake in that event. Two hours later, the magnitude 8.2 aftershock struck just south of the main rupture. “This was a gee-whiz event for us,” says team member Thorne Lay, a seismologist at the University of California, Santa Cruz.

But the story wasn’t over once the two quakes were done. They continued to resonate around the globe, triggering big aftershocks as far away as Mexico, a third study finds.

One earthquake "unzips" four perpendicular faults one after another in less than two minutes and geologists still want to talk about geological events taking millions of years... If an energetic system is given a lot of [electrical] energy, changes can take place in a relatively short period of time, like minutes, hours, days and weeks.... The formation of a new ocean basin in Africa (see archives) is another event that geologists claimed would take millions of years, but it actually only took a few weeks... Scientists who can actually think know there is now a huge energy imbalance on this planet and sudden releases of energy can result in huge Earth changing events and that is why a few sane ones are campaigning for governments to prepare more adequately for catastrophe. This is not scaremongering, this is about educated people realising the risk the citizens of this planet are now facing.

NASA: Signs of massive climate shift on Jupiter as giant planet is under bombardment
NASA JPL News, 17th October 2012
Image Caption: Jupiter has been suffering more impacts over the last four years than ever previously observed, including this meteoroid impact on Sept. 10, 2012.

"The changes we're seeing in Jupiter are global in scale," Orton said. "We've seen some of these before, but never with modern instrumentation to clue us in on what's going on. Other changes haven't been seen in decades, and some regions have never been in the state they're appearing in now. At the same time, we've never seen so many things striking Jupiter. Right now, we're trying to figure out why this is all happening." [...]

While Jupiter's own atmosphere has been churning through change, a number of objects have hurtled into Jupiter's atmosphere, creating fireballs visible to amateur Jupiter watchers on Earth. Three of these objects - probably less than 45 feet (15 meters) in diameter - have been observed since 2010. The latest of these hit Jupiter on Sept. 10, 2012, although Orton and colleagues' infrared investigations of these events showed this one did not cause lasting changes in the atmosphere, unlike those in 1994 or 2009.

"It does appear that Jupiter is taking an unusual beating over the last few years, but we expect that this apparent increase has more to do with an increasing cadre of skilled amateur astronomers training their telescopes on Jupiter and helping scientists keep a closer eye on our biggest planet," Orton said. "It is precisely this coordination between the amateur-astronomy community that we want to foster."

NASA scientists are telling us that there have been dramatic increase of cosmic objects (asteroids/comets/meteoroids) hitting Jupiter in the last 4 years at the same time as massive global atmospheric changes have been appearing in the last few decades but they don't explain the connection. These reports have been coming through for quite a few years but Russian scientists were the first to highlight the impact of "Space Weather" and massive changes in ALL the planets in our solar system in their definitive PLANETOPHYSICAL STATE OF THE EARTH AND LIFE [1998]. Today we have an update in the form of a massive 600 page report from the World Forum – International Congress “Natural Cataclysms and Global Problems of the Modern Civilization” - Geocataclysm 2011, 19-21 September 2011, Istanbul, Turkey Source: Link. The opening plenary speech and Resolution of the World Forum are recommended. So, the excuse that more amateur astronomers are keeping a closer eye on our biggest neighbouring planet is rather poor, when we have an international community of astronomers that know full well that massive global changes are taking place in our solar system, as it is being flooded by an interstellar debris field of asteroids, small rocks and cosmic dust. [For the few morons intellectually challenged out there who are using the terminology "debris field", please understand the difference, a suitable analogy is between an ocean and a fish in the ocean....] This is not new news but changes are ongoing. The image icon is from a hit in July 2009, see archives Best of the Blog - Space & Cosmology.

Uranus has Bizarre Weather (For a planet once thought to be rather placid)
Universe Today, 18th October 2012
Here’s the scene: a thick, tempestuous atmosphere with winds blowing at a clip of 900 km/h (560 mph); massive storms that would engulf continents here on Earth, and temperatures in the -220 C (-360 degree F) range. Sounds like a cold Hell, but this is the picture emerging of the planet Uranus, revealed in new high-resolution infrared images from the Keck Observatory in Hawaii, exposing in incredible detail the bizarre weather of a planet that was once thought to be rather placid.

German 'sect leader' held in Caribbean shoot-out
The Local, 18th October 2012
A German man said to be the leader of a UFO-conspiracy theory sect was arrested after a gun battle on a Caribbean island in which another German man was killed, a German woman arrested and at least three police officers wounded.

Bizarre Medical Condition Leaves Brazilian Man With "Brain On Outside"
Medical Daily, 18th October 2012
A rare medical condition has made a man's head look like his brain is on the outside, according to a case study. A 21-year-old man from Brazil has been left with folds and holes in his scalp, making the back of his head look as though his brain has pushed itself to the surface.

The unidentified man first started noticing the condition two years ago, according to a report published this week in the New England Journal of Medicine. He had looked perfectly normal two years ago, but then his scalp started to morph and began to grow thicker in irregular places, which resulted in bizarre creases of thicker skin across his head in a pattern that was remarkably similar to the shape of a brain.

Iron-Dumping Experiment in Pacific Alarms Marine Experts
New York Times, 18th October 2012
An environmental entrepreneur whose plan to dump iron in a patch of the Pacific Ocean was shelved four years ago after a scientific outcry has gone ahead with a similar experiment without any academic or government oversight, startling and unnerving marine researchers.

Plankton absorbs carbon dioxide and settles deep in the ocean when it dies, sequestering carbon. The Haida had hoped that by permanently burying carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, they could sell so-called carbon offset credits to companies and make money.

There was a massive failure in March 2009, see archives. Whatever, some are still dreamimg of selling carbon offset credits to companies and making money.

Email glitch hits Batelco customers
Gulf Daily News, 18th October 2012
Clients who subscribe to the company's fixed Internet Protocol (IP) addresses were allocated new addresses overnight. Problems were first detected at around 5am and continued for several hours before reportedly being resolved in the afternoon, according to one IT expert monitoring the disruption.

They said mail servers would have been unable to receive or send emails and locally-hosted websites would have also been affected. "At some stage during the night, fixed IP addresses on Batelco's ADSL lines in Bahrain were changed to different dynamic IP addresses," they said.

Aug. 1 stock trading fiasco costs Knight $604M
USA Today, 17th October 2012
The Knight Capital Group trading firm said it lost $764.3 million in the third quarter because of a software glitch that flooded the stock market with trades one day in August, causing dozens of stocks to fluctuate wildly. Knight said Wednesday that the software glitch cost it $461.1 million in financial losses. The company also took a charge of $143 million to reflect its weaker brand and competitive position after the episode.

Union: Radio Glitch Delayed Yonkers Firefighters
Yonkers Daily Voice, 17th October 2012
YONKERS, N.Y. – An “unprecedented” breakdown of the Yonkers Fire Department’s radio equipment likely delayed firefighters' response time to a Wednesday afternoon fire by several minutes, the union president said. [...] A spokesperson for Yonkers Mayor Mike Spano said the city has launched an investigation into the communication breakdown. She said it may have been caused by a power surge that knocked out the system almost simultaneously as the dispatch call went out.

Plasma, 4th State of Matter - Is There Intelligent Life Dwelling Within?
Supernatural UFO, 16th October 2012
Due to the sheer volume of plasma entities that look nothing like the archetypal UFO, many ufologists are being forced to reconsider their viewpoint and are now accepting a more scientific appraisal and analysis. The only problem here is that a few ufologists had worked out a long time ago that Earth had a Shadow Biosphere and were completely ignored. I believe Trevor James Constable is still alive, but he wrote up his pioneering efforts in books published in the mid 1970s. He is now being vindicated in his later years.

Airline pilot has nowhere to escape from wireless radiation
The Star, 17th October 2012
Professional pilot Melissa Chalmers has moved twice in 10 months to escape wireless radiation and worries she's running out of places to hide.

The commercial pilot of 20 years is on sick leave. She suffers from sensitivity to electromagnetic waves - the invisible waves given off by almost everything electric, in particular, those emitted by communication towers that are popping up across Canada. Chalmers, who lives near Grand Bend on Lake Huron, may be moving again because of a new a cell tower not far from her forested home.

Conspiracy theories abound in wake of Camp Minden bunker explosion
Shreveport Times, 17th October 2012
In the more than eight hours it took Webster authorities to confirm an explosion at Camp Minden, those who felt the boom late Monday night came up with their own theories.

Facebook posts allude to meteorites, aliens, government cover-ups, earthquakes and even falling ash and debris as possible causes.

"I think it is something top secret that crashed ...," Rhonda Burns Dyson commented on The Times' Facebook page. "My friend lives on (Lake) Bistineau and he saw a fireball fall from the sky ... . He drove by Camp Minden and nothing ... . There is more to this, but we'll probably never be told the truth."

Explo Systems Inc. officials canceled two news conferences Tuesday morning, which only fueled conspiracy rumors. Despite repeated attempts, The Times has yet to receive an official statement from Explo.

Oh dear, it seems that the locals don't believe the official story and there might be some effort to make this explosive event turn into joke fodder. The people with broken windows won't be laughing, but the Mindenites & Meteorites t-shirts might still sell.... As you can imagine, if you live near a military installation, the first thing you would do after hearing and feeling a loud blast is check out whether it was local.... Apparently, according to a Facebook entry, not even the local Fire Dept were allowed to go near the site AFTER it was deemed to have been a local explosion....

Important Comment:

The comparison with what happened in Russia must also include other ammunition dumps just blowing up for no reason in recent years see, BBC News Turkey grenade depot blast kills, 6th September 2012, other incidents are included too, but use google to find more examples... The issue is that if highly charged plasma and/or meteors are coming in from space then they might be triggering explosives. Chemicals are just a dance of electromagnetic charges but the balance can change under certain geomagnetic conditions. Thus, with the erratic planetary geomagnetic conditions (NASA calls the planet ringing like a bell due to the big solar wind "shocks" etc "spacequakes",) we are likely to get many more ammunition dumps just blowing up. This may be the exact same reason that explains why nuclear weapons can blow up for no apparent reason and when this started happening in the early 1960s, it even frightened the psychopaths in charge... When the geomagnetic conditions on this planet started to change, nuclear testing was dramatically curtailed and up until now it has not been obvious why nuclear testing was stopped because concern for the environment has never been much of a consideration.... It is starting to look like waging war will be at your own peril! Is this what the transition to a new heaven on Earth looks like? This is a huge deal...

Fireball Meteorite Impacts Earth in Minden, Louisiana - Media and Government Cover It Up, 17th October 2012
[...] has been tracking the startling increase in reports of meteorite/comet fragment sightings and impacts for at least 8 years, and there have been many hundreds of such reports in that time period. This alone should give us cause for concern. Check out the above link to get an idea of just how frequent meteorite/comet fragment sightings have become. Of course, you might say that this apparent increase could just be the result of us paying more attention, but the numbers don't lie. For example, browsing the right bar links on the above blog, you'll notice that in 2004, 2005 and 2006, reports were consolidated into two month periods, and there were, on average, less than 10 sightings over that 2-month period. By contrast, in 2008, reports were plentiful enough to begin collating them into monthly records and, since then, their number has increased steadily.

Coming back to the present; over the past few days, several reports of meteorite/comet fragment sightings and impacts across the globe have been registered. However, I want to look at one specific event that occurred two days ago on Monday 15th October.

Comment: has been taking the threat of asteroids and comets seriously for a long time but they don't talk in the language of space weather and the existence of our solar system being in an interstellar debris field. [There are a few issues with this report or piece of speculation as there are claims that the photos of the Minden Camp explosion and train wreck are from a 2006 KLSA article. In 2006, there was a black powder explosion at Camp Minden on a Friday and 600 kids were evacuated from 2 schools and over 400 prisoners were evacuated (link), so well old facts are being mixed up with new facts, the only reliable reports are from very early media and eye witness reports... The photos are simply not consistent with the story of a bunker explosion, besides the fact that all military camps in the vicinity immediately told authorities that they had nothing to report... The radar anomaly seems inconsistent with a smoke plume too and rocks from space don't normally float in at 10 miles an hour... However, the detail of the ash reminds me of Robert Felix's theory about magnetic reversals and evolutionary leaps that he explains in his 2nd book Magnetic Reversal and Evolutionary Leaps. Quite frankly I was stunned as Felix explains what happens when the magnetic field collapses or magnetic field lines 'merge' and tremendous amounts of energy are released that he uses to explain Earth's past geological history.] Anyway, experts tell us that at any given moment 9,000 asteroids are passing by Earth (according to, on October 17, 2012 there were 1337 potentially hazardous asteroids). This is why various space agencies are rushing to build radar and infra-telescopes to detect the few asteroids that are virtually invisible until they are extremely close by and sometimes they are only detected when they have already passed us by. My interest is that the interstellar debris field is being carried along by primordial cosmic energies that are delivering massive evolutionary change. Some of the plasma drops into our atmosphere have extremely strange affects. There are objects that are not asteroid rocks or cometary debris, as they seem to be intelligently controlled pure plasma entities... Check my archives for lots of examples, Best of the Blog Space Weather Asteroids, Fireballs, Meteorites, Ghost Rockets & Other Strange 'Heavenly Phenomena'. Please remember, there is likely to be a lot of information that is being withheld or simply obscure and hard to find, (the US military are even hiding fireball data from astronomers now....). Currently, there are not so many people interested in what is taking place on this planet, but the way things are going that will soon change as thoughts of self preservation start to grab hold of those with a bit more intelligence and academic ability.

3-D Radar of Mystery Object That Hit Louisiana
Accuweather, 16th October 2012
The NWS in Shreveport published a story and some radar images this morning about a mystery object, saying "There is a lot of speculation about what might have occurred, but regardless of what occurred, a large flash was observed, citizens were shaken out of bed and windows were shattered during the late night hours October 15th." I pulled some 3D radar images from GRLevelX software this morning: [...]

So you can see that, although we do have a few different horizontal layers we're looking at (the 2-D shots here are at 1.5 degrees elevation, where the signal was the strongest), clearly the software is estimating a spherical object by rounding off the corners (and in 3D mode, the strongest return (yellow) is blended out completely).

I'm sure we'll know more later today, but my quick observations this morning: This was a significant object, showing up at a reflectivity of 42 dBZ (which would normally be "moderate rain") but it is also a very small object, when seen in comparison to the radar screen:

Well, is this the start of some kind of cosmic conflagration? It's happened before on this planet and with the hit in Russia last week, it looks like another has started...


From The Anomalist: A large, very bright possible meteorite streaked across the Louisiana sky late Monday night. The bright lights in the sky were accompanied by a tremendous boom that rattled windows and residents for hundreds of miles. Some people reported seeing two lights, one intercepting the other and most all reported that the lights were visible for more than a few seconds as they traveled across the night sky. Hundreds reported it to the police and their local news, which is par for the course. What is not typical is what happened afterward, when the official explanation suddenly changed from "meteorite crash" to an immense explosion at an underground munitions bunker at Camp Minden industrial park: Bunker Explosion Lights Up Louisiana Night, despite all the meteorite sightings reported. 15 or 20 years ago, this story would have only caused a local stir and speculation with a few rumbles of "conspiracy!" and maybe scored a sidenote on the major news networks Officials are not acknowledging the "strange lights in the sky" reports and canceled a planned press conference on Tuesday. However, the public outcry is growing in response to those actions and meteorite sightings continue to pile up on forums, comment sections of news stories, Facebook and Twitter. There are so many inconsistencies surrounding this event that it is starting to sound a lot like Roswell. Is there a cover-up going on? If so, of what? Some sort of crash? It's not just random speculation either, as this article from AccuWeather with this 3-D Radar of Mystery Object That Hit Louisiana. Even the National Weather Service repeatedly referred to it as a "mystery object". We find it hard to believe that the NWS would mistake a plume of flame/smoke from an explosion for an unidentified flying object. Whatever happened in Louisiana also happened in Russia last week as an Explosion at Russian military test site rocked the city of Orenburg, causing the evacuation of nearby towns. Details on the Russian event are scarce but it is so eerily similar it rings our alarm bells. What is particularly interesting about this whole thing is the public's response to the official explanation. To put it simply, people aren't buying it There is so much information on the Louisiana event that we can't possibly summarize it all here, but this thread at Above Top Secret is an excellent place to start if you want to dig deeper: What just happened in northwest Louisiana? Unexplained Explosion.

This is a good status report of what happened and why so many people are refusing to believe the "official" explanations especially as the media has chosen to repeat photos and news about an explosion from 6 years ago... This is extremely poor effort in terms of a cover-up. Something floated in from space and something and detonated in our atmosphere that broke windows over a 70 mile radius, shook people out of beds and a few houses nearly off their foundations. A strange radar anomaly also was found on weather radar drifting at 10 miles an hour that has only added to the mystery.


Something shakes northwest Louisiana
Shreveport Times, 16th October 2012
Northwest Louisiana authorities are investigating the source of whatever shook people's residences and businesses about 11:40 p.m. Monday.

The Webster sheriff's office now is entertaining the possibility that it may have been a meteorite, possibly in the Dixie Inn area. There have been a large number of reports stating that they saw something come down instead of something blow up, a spokesman said.

And a woman reported hearing what sounded like debris hit a shop on Bellevue Road in the Dixie Inn area. If it was a meteorite, that would fall to NASA and the Air Force to investigate. A spokeswoman for Barksdale Air Force Base public affairs said that the installation is investigating and that whatever the source, it didn't originate at the base. [...]

Webster authorities still don't know what it was or where it hit, Sheriff Gary Sexton just said. Thermal-imaging cameras showed nothing off Elmo Burton Loop near Dixie Inn, but helicopters are expected to be in the air this morning to survey the area along U.S. 80 and Interstate 20 for the cause of what caused the ground to shake.

Reports of the shaking came in from Lake Bistineau, Springhill, Sibley and Barksdale Air Force Base. Sexton earlier said he was driving in the Springhill-Cullen area when he saw two flashes from the south. One report says it shook the Webster Courthouse in Minden.

A resident of the Lake Bistineau area reports that it almost shook their house off its foundation.

According the US National Weather Service, the blast was violent enough to knock people out of their beds, this could have been caused by a big meteor exploding in the Earth's atmosphere and sending out shock waves.... The rather late cover story [the horse had already well and truely bolted on this one] is a bunker blew up, but that's hard to reconcile with the original media and social media reports of bright flashes and the sky glowing orange. I have saved screen copies of these original reports as I am sure many others have done the same.
  • Camp Minden bunker explosion rocks northwest Louisiana area residents [Photos]
    Clarion Ledger, 16th October 2012
    MINDEN, LA. — Many northwest Louisiana residents were shaken by a massive bunker explosion late Monday -- but while nerves were rattled and even some windows broken, no injuries were reported.

    "A large flash was observed," the Shreveport, La., National Weather Service reported, according to Accuweather. "[C]itizens were shaken out of bed and windows were shattered during the late night hours Oct. 15. [...]

    Sheriff Gary Sexton said some home video surveillance cameras as far as 25 miles away captured the sound of the explosion and glow in the sky.

    So, are the military outfit Explo going to pay for all the broken windows after not even bothering to report the so-called bunker test? It might turn out to be an expensive test as apparently windows were broken in 70 mile radius as it was sighted, heard and felt in 5 states...

  • Interesting Phenomenon Monday night in Webster Parish
    National Weather Service/NOAA, 16th October 2012
    Monday night at around 11:26 pm, some type of atmospheric phenomenon occurred to the southwest of Dixie Inn, in Webster Parish, approximatey 4 miles southwest of Minden, or 28 miles east of Shreveport. The initial event occurred at Latitude/Longitude 35.578 N, -93.351 W. There is a lot of speculation about what might have occurred, but regardless of what occurred, a large flash was observed, citizens were shaken out of bed and windows were shattered during the late night hours October 15th.

  • New Rules for Meteorite Hunters
    Discovery News, 15th October 2012

An extremely brief reversal of the geomagnetic field, climate variability and a super volcano
Science Codex, 16th October 2012
An extremely brief reversal of the geomagnetic field, climate variability and a super volcano 41,000 years ago, a complete and rapid reversal of the geomagnetic field occured. Magnetic studies of the GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences on sediment cores from the Black Sea show that during this period, during the last ice age, a compass at the Black Sea would have pointed to the south instead of north. Moreover, data obtained by the research team formed around GFZ researchers Dr. Norbert Nowaczyk and Prof. Helge Arz, together with additional data from other studies in the North Atlantic, the South Pacific and Hawaii, prove that this polarity reversal was a global event. Their results are published in the latest issue of the scientific journal "Earth and Planetary Science Letters".

What is remarkable is the speed of the reversal: "The field geometry of reversed polarity, with field lines pointing into the opposite direction when compared to today's configuration, lasted for only about 440 years, and it was associated with a field strength that was only one quarter of today's field," explains Norbert Nowaczyk. "The actual polarity changes lasted only 250 years. In terms of geological time scales, that is very fast." During this period, the field was even weaker, with only 5% of today's field strength. As a consequence, the Earth nearly completely lost its protection shield against hard cosmic rays, leading to a significantly increased radiation exposure.

The Earth's magnetic field is quickly declining and so unstable that scientists are being forced to investigate what is happening. There is the Swarm Earth Explorer Mission and the NASA's Radiation Belt Storm Probes (RBSP) Mission to investigate the Earth's radiation belts, in the magnetosphere but these are not the first magnetic field missions. This is on top of announcements that the solar wind is in decline, that reduces the protection around our solar system and cosmic rays are up and expected to go even higher. Earth's magnetic field is in a poor state (holes and rifts), it behaves erratically when hit by space weather and solar storms as it sometimes disappears on the daylight side... Thus, we seriously need to consider that conditions on Earth are quickly changing but increased radiation exposure is an issue in our modern technological world, as well in an issue for the human energy field and body.

Glitches hit ANZ banking systems [Au]
The Age News, 16th October 2012
ANZ's banking system was hit by a series of glitches this afternoon which tied up its phone and internet banking for nearly an hour in total. The bank said that the problems that had halted its ATMs, eftpos, internet banking, mobile banking apps and call centres had been resolved as of 2.10pm (AEDT) this afternoon. Internet banking customers may still experience delays due to a backlog of orders, however.

Bill Read's Blog: Rare Tropical Cyclone in Indian Ocean, 15th October 2012
HOUSTON - Tropical Cyclone Anais is estimated to have a maximum wind of 115 mph as of early this morning, which is equivalent to a category 3 hurricane in the Atlantic Ocean. The southwestern Indian Ocean is prone to tropical cyclones but what makes Anais so rare is that it is occurring in October, which is early springtime in the southern Hemisphere.

Blinking Auroras..., 14th October 2012
WEEKEND AURORAS: A solar wind stream buffeted Earth's magnetic field over the weekend, igniting a G1-class geomagnetic storm that lasted more than 15 hours. Auroras with rare pulsations, colors, and cloud-piercing luminosity were sighted all around the Arctic Circle. In Lofoten, Norway, the lights formed an exquisite green butterfly:

If this picture confuses you, turn it sideways to see it the same way photographer June Grønseth did. "I took more than 400 pictures last night," says Grønseth. "The butterfly and the heart were my favorites."

NOAA forecasters estimate a 40% chance of continued storms tonight as solar wind effects begin to wane. High-latitude sky watchers should remain alert for auroras.

Well, that is interesting, the auroras can switch on and off...

Pulsating aurora is a rare not yet fully understood phenomena. It occurs usually at the end of an active aroral night, early in the morning. The ground-current monitor at the Polarlightcenter in Laukvik, Lofoten, woke me up this morning and I went outside to take pictures of the fast moving cloud-shape pulsating aurora. It acts like switching on and off the light continuously.

Pulsating Aurora - by Jan Koeman on October 14, 2012

Global warming stopped 16 years ago, reveals Met Office report quietly released... and here is the chart to prove it
Daily Mail, 13th October 2012
* The figures reveal that from the beginning of 1997 until August 2012 there was no discernible rise in aggregate global temperatures

* This means that the ‘pause’ in global warming has now lasted for about the same time as the previous period when temperatures rose, 1980 to 1996

The world stopped getting warmer almost 16 years ago, according to new data released last week.

The figures, which have triggered debate among climate scientists, reveal that from the beginning of 1997 until August 2012, there was no discernible rise in aggregate global temperatures. This means that the ‘plateau’ or ‘pause’ in global warming has now lasted for about the same time as the previous period when temperatures rose, 1980 to 1996. Before that, temperatures had been stable or declining for about 40 years.

The new data, compiled from more than 3,000 measuring points on land and sea, was issued quietly on the internet, without any media fanfare, and, until today, it has not been reported. This stands in sharp contrast to the release of the previous figures six months ago, which went only to the end of 2010 – a very warm year.

The Daily Mail seems to be very closely monitoring what is going on in the blogosphere as there are now many climate scientists who have given up trying to go along with the scare that the planet is warming...

Report: Global warming stopped 16 years ago
WUWT, 13th October 2012
There are lots of comments about this here...

Many UFO researchers die under mysterious circumstances
Pravda News, 12th October 2012
Many UFO researchers working on their research in the 1970s and 1980s died under mysterious circumstances, and may have been killed. This is the conclusion reached by an amateur astronomer, a former U.S. government adviser Timothy Hood. He made this statement at an international conference in Amsterdam dedicated to search for extraterrestrial intelligence.

This statement is true not so much for the chasers for unidentified flying objects, but the researchers trying to find extraterrestrial life, including professional astrophysics. Hood's conclusion was prompted by a 30-year study of this topic.

Famous American astronomer Morris K. Jessup, whose books about intelligent life beyond Earth have become bestsellers, committed suicide. He ended his life by opening an exhaust pipe in his car, locking his door and turning on the ignition. Professor James Edward McDonald, who for many years served as head of the Institute of Atmospheric Physics of the Earth and studied unidentified aerospace objects, put a bullet in his head.

I spotted one inaccuracy in this article, GEIPAN (Group for Study and Information on Unidentified Aerospace Phenomena; is the official French UFO agency, there maybe other inaccuracies so I suggest caution.... Well, as I have stated many times before, most genuine UFOs represent another lifeform and presumably some of the best qualified astronomers and astrobiologists with access to real data realised this a long time ago. This is not too difficult to comprehend for people with enough intelligence and knowledge. It also helps if one is able to decipher the 'hermetic jargon' of astronomers and astrobiologists used to encrypt their knowledge of the subject matter. Please note: I don't care whether extraterrestrials exist or not, my main focus is an explanation for the anomalous lights and other objects that are being frequently seen in our skies and known to the military, scientists, pilots and air traffic control as Unidentified Aerial Phenomena. The existence of this ancient primordial lifeform has to be one of the biggest secrets that I think is now becoming an open secret.

Wellington 'hum' becomes nationwide obsession [NZ]
3 News, 11th October 2012

UFO briefly halts Israel's civilian air traffic
Daily Telegraph (Australia), 11th October 2012
Israel's civilian air traffic was halted for several minutes after an unidentified flying object was spotted inside Israeli air space, Israel's army radio said.

Air force jets were briefly scrambled and Israeli air space was closed, it said, without saying what caused the scare. The closure was lifted several minutes later.

Closing Israeli air space was an "exceptional" measure which demonstrated the level of tension in Israel after the air force shot down an unidentified and unarmed drone which had entered the country's airspace on Saturday from the Mediterranean.

Fresh details about the weekend incident have emerged, with both army radio and the top-selling Yediot Aharonot daily saying the air force had only managed to shoot down the drone on the second attempt.

I wonder if this was really a military exercise in subterfuge and creating confusion...... Drones are the new excuse for UFOs, so maybe the Israelis are trying to claw back some credibility after a spate of strange atmospheric events that have left the populace in a state of wonderment... Maybe, it was a drone, but an Israeli drone shot down to make the claim that the military are still in control... Whatever, it is clear that some objects are arriving in their airspace from space with no concern about military operations or sovereignty...

Regenerated Body Parts Not as Good as Originals
Discovery News, 10th October 2012
When an animal grows back a missing body part, the replacement is not as good as the original, new research confirms.

It's been known for a while that regenerated lobster claws and eyes tend to be much smaller, but now a study on regenerated lizard tails reveals that they are far from identical to the first ones.

"The regenerated lizard tail is not a perfect replica," Rebecca Fisher, an associate professor in Arizona State University's School of Life Sciences, and at the UA College of Medicine – Phoenix, said in a press release. "There are key anatomical differences including the presence of a cartilaginous rod and elongated muscle fibers spanning the length of the regenerated tail."

Well it's obvious.... This is like cloning but the DNA of the whole regenerated body part is being geomagnetically or electromagnetically re-timestamped by the environment... These are the epigenetic factors that includes the feelings of the poor creature having it's limbs chopped off and might explain why the poor creature can only regenerate limbs that are not as good. This is a continuation of science started by Robert Becker in the 1960s.

Placebo effect does not depend on conscious thoughts
Pravda, 26th September 2012
[...] However, quite recently, scientists have found evidence of "unconsciousness" of the placebo and nocebo effects. A research team from Massachusetts General Hospital in conjunction with the experts from Harvard Medical School showed that the placebo effect was based on the work of the unconscious brain. Their article Nonconscious activation of placebo and nocebo pain responses was recently published in the PNAS journal. The brain decides how a medicine will effect it even before the information about the drug is understood by the patient, the researchers claim.

The clinical and laboratory practice to date has accumulated a great deal of facts that cast doubt on the conscious nature of placebo and nocebo effects. Many cases suggest that they may occur without conscious processing of visual or verbal stimuli. Often the improvement or deterioration in the health of patients advances automatically, without conscious acceptance of the idea that the drug or procedure must have some impact on them. In these situations, imaging showed that the visual and verbal stimuli were processed by the brain of these people in the striatum, the evolutionarily more ancient parts and in the subcortical amygdala. Experiments conducted by the authors of the study confirmed the hypothesis that the brain "decides" on the effects of a drug unconsciously - even before we carefully analyze the information about it.

According to world experts, The Placebo Affect has increased by 30% in the last few decades and scientists don't know why. This has caused a major problem because many new drugs can't beat 'fake' sugar pills and if this gets any worse, the whole pharmaceutical industry worth many billions of dollars is at risk.... I have written up my opinion on what is going on in the latest version of my book Tuning the Diamonds as it seems factors associated with human consciousness at a group level have changed.

Arctic probe into solar storm sat-nav disruption
BBC News, 10th October 2012
Scientists in the Arctic have launched an urgent investigation into how solar storms can disrupt sat-nav.

Studies have revealed how space weather can cut the accuracy of GPS by tens of metres. Flares from the Sun interact with the upper atmosphere and can distort the signals from global positioning satellites. The research is pressing because rapid warming is attracting more vessels, tourists and mining operators. The project is under way at a remote observatory on a windswept mountainside in the Norwegian archipelago of Svalbard in the High Arctic. [....]

Professor Lorentzen said: "If you have a very large solar storm, you can get a distortion of up to tens of metres. "It's absolutely important to understand why this is happening so that if we know that we have a solar storm, then we might be able to predict the deviation or accuracy of the GPS signal in the future."

This matters as the retreat of Arctic ice opens up the region to new activities including oil drilling, shipping and tourism - all of which require highly accurate navigation especially for search and rescue. But signal distortion has also been observed at much lower latitudes during solar storms so may have more widespread implications.

Apparently, this is now urgent.... We have been given some good information as the military used to have GPS accurate to within 1 metre, but now that can be out by 300% even without a geomagnetic storm where it seems the distortion is "up to tens of metres...." Presumably things are now desperate.... Well, since 2004 when I realised that space weather was delivering evolutionary change, I realised what was going to happen, it was extremely obvious to me... But, I have been very much on my own as very few really understand even basic physics. Furthermore, even fewer understand the ancient warnings that our planet has been subjected to cosmic deluges many times in the past. Please see below and archives for previous warnings about GPS from military sources and information concerning the massive impact on our modern technological infrastructure.
  • Flashback!

    Comment: In an article for the Air Force Times, Schwartz warns against dependence on GPS, dated 23rd January 2010, and it seems there has been a major change of heart about the military use of GPS. This is a new dispensation, dependency on GPS accuracy is now a thing of the past.
    The Air Force’s top uniformed leader thinks the military is too dependent on global positioning and must develop an alternative to the navigation system to reduce its vulnerability to enemies.

    Chief of Staff Gen. Norton Schwartz delivered his warning about the government’s satellite constellation Jan. 20 at a national security conference in Washington but also assured his fellow defense leaders that Air Force scientists are working to develop other navigational technologies.

    “Global positioning has transformed an entire universe of war-fighting capability. Our dependence on precision navigation in time will continue to grow,” Schwartz said in the opening address to the conference, sponsored by the Institute of Foreign Policy and Tufts University’s Fletcher School. “It seemed critical to me that the joint force reduce its dependence on GPS aid.” [...] Schwartz told the audience he fears reliance on GPS could paralyze operations if an enemy blocked the GPS datalink or — even worse — programmed U.S. satellites to send the wrong coordinates.

    “Our operations cannot grind to a halt for a degraded or denied system,” he said. “Our reliance on information technologies, for example, is very well known.”

    Schwartz warns against dependence on GPS,
    Air Force Times, 23rd January 2010
    I have already quoted from the Lloyds Space Weather, Its impact on Earth & Implications for business report already once this week, but I will repeat it again, hopefully after the recent media focus on space weather in the last few weeks, I believe there must be some new website visitors who would be interested to understand the implications of what is happening. Thus we read:
    Businesses should avoid reliance on satellite navigation as the sole source of position data.

    "The major risk is the potential to lose the satellite navigation signal completely. We expect that disturbed space weather conditions will become much more common in the period from 2012 to 2015 due to increasing solar activity. Therefore it is likely users will experience a loss of signal more often. In such cases, we may expect major position errors to arise, perhaps comparable to those caused by the transmission of competing radio signals, known as jamming. For example, a recent jamming test in the UK showed position errors of up to 20km. Businesses should avoid reliance on satellite navigation as the sole source of position data. It is essential to have a second system that uses a different technology. A good example is the enhanced-LORAN navigation systems, such as that now being deployed in the UK."

    Space Weather, Its impact on Earth & Implications for business
    Lloyd's of London, November 2010
    Please do not be fooled, space weather IS the biggest enemy to Military operations and hence the encouragement to start learning how to do without, hence the need for military exercises. Space weather is cosmic energies frying satellites and swamping our planet, it is clear that things are getting far worse, as there has been some interesting examples of major technological failures, see archives, but please note: I have been listing biological failures too for quite some time.

Navy submarine, Aegis cruiser collide during routine operations; no injuries, damage unclear
Washington Post, 13th October 2012

NORFOLK, Va. — The Pentagon said late Saturday that it is investigating why a Navy submarine collided with an Aegis cruiser off the East Coast.

The U.S. Fleet Forces Command said in a news release that the submarine USS Montpelier and the Aegis cruiser USS San Jacinto collided at about 3:30 p.m. during routine operations. No one was injured, and the extent of any damage to the vessels was not clear Saturday evening, said Lt. Commander Brian Badura of the Fleet Forces Command.

We already know the answer... GPS sometimes is worse than useless as it can be tens of metres off... The last big collision was in August 2012 when a guided missile destroyer collided with a Japanese-owned oil tanker in the Strait of Hormuz, see archives. These collisions are certainly not rare events.

Bosnia Pyramid Carbon Dated at 25 Thousand Years Old
Bosnian Pyramid Journal, 12th October 2012
What can we say we really know about history? Well, it seams not a lot. What we think we know is constantly changing in light of new discoveries. A recent carbon dating performed on a pyramid in Bosnia, proves it to be at least 25 thousand years old.

Most scientists and historians however believe that human civilization started about 5,000 years ago with the Sumerians and Babylonians. That is, until artifacts were found, which predate them. These discoveries suggest, that there was a pre-historical civilization around the world- one that must have been highly advanced.

Two Italian archaeologists, Dr. Ricarrdo Brett and Niccolo Bisconti found a piece of organic material on the Bosnian Pyramid. They were able to carbon-date the material and with it the pyramid itself. This carbon dating puts the pyramid 20 thousand years before the Sumerian and Babylonian “civilizations.”

We are told that despite the effort of "scholars" claiming that human civilization started about 5,000 years ago with the Sumerians and Babylonians, the evidence is that there was a pre-historical civilization around the world that must have been highly advanced. There is lots of evidence if you to pay attention to all the anomalous objects, geological and archaeological observations that continue to appear and have been documented over many decades. It is also clear that a tremendous effort has been made to hide the fact that a major catastrophe occured that wiped out a major worldwide civilisation and most likely, the cause was due to a cosmic conflagration.

Bosnia Pyramid Carbon Dated at 25 Thousand Years Old
YouTube, 12th October 2012

O2 Says Sorry After Millions Hit By Outage
The phone network says it was left red-faced after another major outage problem affects more than two million of its customers.
Sky News, 13th October 2012
[...] The problem began when one of O2's network nodes, which help connect and manage traffic, failed at lunchtime. O2 issued a statement saying the fault had been identified and fixed on Friday afternoon, but admitted the problems were still being experienced into the evening.

The company said it is trying to discover the cause of the glitch, but said it was the not the same fault that led to widespread connection issues in July, when some customers had a 24-hour service outage. The company had only just recovered from a separate problem that began on Thursday, involving people unable to make calls or use data with some 2G phones.

O2 said it had had a problem with its 2G service in northwest Scotland, and anyone with a 2G phone would not be able to use it for calls, texts, email, or the internet. [...]

He blamed the disruption on a "piece of network hardware which manages the registration of handsets" and insisted such an issue was extremely rare.

Another bit-flip caused by a cosmic ray? There was even a similar technical glitch at Qatar Telecom (Qtel) that caused a brief yet major disruption too....

Jimmy Savile sex abuse claims: BBC to launch inquiries
BBC News, 12th October 2012
The BBC is to launch two inquiries surrounding sex abuse claims made against Sir Jimmy Savile, director general George Entwistle has announced. The first into why a BBC Newsnight investigation into Savile was shelved last year will start straight away.

The other into whether culture and practice at the BBC at the time enabled Savile to carry out the sexual abuse of children will wait for police go-ahead. Police said they had now received 340 potential lines of inquiry.

What is really disgusting is the huge number of people who preferred to say nothing and the few who said something that were fobbed off by those with more power in society.... and then the sicko was awarded a knighthood... This was a psychopath who fits the typical profile of a cunning predator, yet most people where desperate to get involved because he was famous...

The BBC Is Being Shaken To Its Core By An Enormous Sex Abuse Scandal
Business Insider, 12th October 2012
This is a good short summary of the scandal.

Trolls or criminals? Britain wrestles with social media, 12th October 2012
For many they are the scourge of the Internet, but rights campaigners in Britain are increasingly leaping to the defence of online "trolls" amid a string of criminal trials over tweets and Facebook posts.

Prosecutors are to revamp their approach to cases involving social media following an outcry over freedom of speech, after "offensive" online comments from bad jokes to homophobic insults resulted in arrests and even jail.

A 19-year-old man was handed three months in prison on Monday after posting crude jokes on Facebook about a missing five-year-old thought to have been murdered in Wales.

In the examples given here, some of the tweets are not from trolls, they are just from people who are plain stupid. It is much easier to understand the mentality of genuine trolls after some psychology education. The narcissist/malignant narcissist/psychopath type get a buzz from trolling and they will keep on doing it despite the fact they are hurting others. These are sub-human types who deliberately aim to extract energies patterned at low frequencies. Once you educate yourself on this matter, there is a choice of whether you want to keep feeding the trolls. Personally, I have decided these types are not welcome, they can't be changed and it's either them or you.

Geoengineering: ‘computer-based virtual worlds’ tell us how much sunblock Earth needs
WUWT, 11th October 2012
From the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory:
Earth sunblock only needed if planet warms easily
Planet’s sensitivity to greenhouse gases will determine how much shading could be needed to slow temperature rise

RICHLAND, Wash. – An increasing number of scientists are studying ways to temporarily reduce the amount of sunlight reaching the earth to potentially stave off some of the worst effects of climate change.

I was quite impressed with the satellite image here, but I think the need for a sunblock is related to the serious impact of space weather and climate change but nothing to do with a warming globe. Please also see this weeks earlier confession concerning 'chemtrails' where it has been revealed by a Swedish politician that "According to Hagberg, the sprayings are a joint endeavor by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA), as well as the Swedish government in her own country, to modify atmospheric conditions via deliberate aerosol spraying efforts." Original Swedish media report: Link

Satellite destroyed following SpaceX rocket glitch
Reuters News, 11th October 2012
* Spacecraft was flying piggyback on Falcon 9 rocket
* Rocket's main payload was Dragon cargo capsule for NASA
* Orbcomm had $10 million insurance policy on mission

CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla., Oct 12 - An experimental communications satellite flying piggyback aboard a Space Exploration Technologies' Falcon 9 rocket fell out of orbit and burned up in the atmosphere following a problem during liftoff, satellite operator Orbcomm said on Friday.

The New Jersey-based company's OG2 satellite was a prototype for a new 17-member communications satellite network scheduled to be launched aboard two more Falcon 9 rockets in 2013 and 2014.

Orbcomm declared the satellite a total loss and filed a claim under an insurance policy worth up to $10 million, "which would largely offset the expected cost of the OG2 prototype and associated launch services and launch insurance," the company said in a statement.

There seems to have been three completely different important launches at about the same time, here is a summary.
1. This story is about a partly failed mission where the satellite did not reach the intended target and instead of becoming junk it just fell back to Earth, but I have seen no media reports of a suspected satellite re-entry.
2. A new U.S. Air Force GPS satellite to modernize the network, the 2F spacecraft reached its intended orbit despite a problem with the rocket's upper-stage engine, and now the U.S. Air Force have launched an investigation into the engine failure.
3. Galileo, Europe's rival to the US's GPS navigation system was launched on Friday. As I have reported in te past, this extremely expensive project has had problems due to space weather knocking out a test satellite for about two weeks.

Mass suicide fears as more than 100 members of Brazilian doomsday cult barricade themselves inside a house awaiting 'end of the world' TODAY
Daily Mail, 12th October 2012

So, is this the start of the 'End of the World' 2012 paranoia? I am wondering how bad things will get.....

Millions suffer as O2 network stumbles
BBC News, 12th October 2012
Millions of customers on O2's mobile network have reported having trouble making calls. O2 said about 10% of its 22 million customers had suffered an intermittent service since 12:00 GMT on Friday.

On its network status page, O2 said some phone numbers across the UK were not working, but it was not the same technical fault that cut millions of customers off in July 2012. The operator added it hoped to resolve the fault before early Friday evening.


Very Near Earth Asteroid Traffic Up!, 12th October 2012
ASTEROID FLYBY--TODAY: Newly-discovered asteroid 2012 TC4 will fly past Earth on Oct. 12th only 96,000 km (0.25 LD) away. There is no danger of a collision, but the 16 meter-wide space rock will be close enough to photograph through backyard telescopes as it brightens to approximately 14th magnitude. NASA hopes to ping this this object with radar, refining its orbit and possibly measuring its shape. Stay tuned for updates.

That's 3 within the moon's orbit in 5 days, but 2012 TM79 was only discovered a day AFTER its closest approach.... At, 2012 TM79 was not on this listing on the 10th, see the Recent & Upcoming Earth-asteroid encounters: for the 10th October.

House-Size Asteroid Comes Closer to Earth Than the Moon Friday: Watch Live, 11th October 2012
A newfound asteroid the size of a house will fly closer to Earth than the moon on Friday (Oct. 12), but poses no danger of impacting our planet, NASA says.

The space rock, called asteroid 2012 TC4, is about 56 feet wide (17 meters) and will come within 59,000 miles (95,000 kilometers) of Earth at its closest point when it zips harmlessly by on Friday. That's about one-fourth the distance to the moon.

Another UFO Sighting Forces Israel to Close Air Space
Gather News, 11th October 2012

I have recently got tired of reporting UFOs/UAPs as I have now realised that people can only be presented with the information and they have to actually engage brain and assimilate.... For many people that is an impossible feat....Whatever, UAPs don't care too hoots about paranoid and trigger happy Israelis but for those of us who realise that UAPs represent another lifeform, then we can appreciate the dilemma... For goodness sake, these are Israelis who shoot first and then worry about the consequences later, they must be going soft....

Fears of runaway pollution crisis in China as THIRD river mysteriously turns white
Daily Mail, 11th October 2012
"Furious villagers in eastern China are demanding the closure of a new stone quarry after it turned their river completely white. Residents in Aodi, Zhejiang province, say the river is now so heavily polluted that they can't use it for drinking water for their livestock, nor are they able to water their crops."

China again.... I think this is the third major case of river 'pollution' in as many months....

Bill shock: customer charged $14,766,481,895,641,556.00
Sydney Morning Herald, 11th October 2012
A Frenchwoman who received a telephone bill for an amount equivalent to nearly 6000 times the country's annual economic output has had the real amount she owed waived - after finally convincing the company they must have made a mistake.

Solenne San Jose, from Pessac in the Bordeaux region of southwestern France, could not believe her eyes when she opened the bill to discover she was being asked to pay €11,721,000,000,000,000 ($14,766,481,895,641,556.00) to close her account.

"There were so many zeroes I couldn't even work out how much it was," she said. Ms San Jose's alarm mounted when operators at Bouygues Telecom told her they could not amend the computer-generated statement or stop the balance from being debited from her bank account.

Oh well, soon it is going to be very obvious that computer software and hardware are being corrupted much more often by cosmic rays flipping bits and bytes.

Auroras, Auroras, Auroras...., 10th October 2012

Aurora over Olnes Pond, Alaska (October 8, 2012) – Timelapse
The Watchers, 10th October 2012

Perfect magnetic storm brings spectacular Northern Lights show
A seven-hour 'perfect magnetic storm' produced what was said to be the best Northern Lights show of the year last night. [UK]
The Telegraph, 9th October 2012

Strange star spiral offers clues to sun's fate
Fox News, 10th October 2012
An intriguing spiral structure surrounding a pulsing red giant star may be offering a preview of how the sun will behave at the end of its life.

Using the Atacama Large Millimeter/Submillimeter Array (ALMA) in northern Chile, an international team of astronomers found the spiral structure, one never seen before, in the envelope of gas and dust around a red giant about 1,000 light-years from Earth and took a detailed three-dimensional reading of its composition.

The spiral is thought to be created from the gases being expelled by the dying red giant called R Sculptoris. The structure provides information about the velocity of the wind blowing off of R Sculptoris, revealing that the star has expelled three times as much mass as previously estimated.

I have commented on a similar spiral before, see below:

  • Hubble Spies an Amazing Cosmic Spiral
    Universe Today, 7th September 2010 Flashback!
    The Hubble Space Telescope’s Advanced Camera for Surveys has captured a remarkable image of a spiral in space. No, not a spiral galaxy, (and not another Norway Spiral!) but the formation of an unusual pre-planetary nebula in one of the most perfect geometrical spirals ever seen. The nebula, called IRAS 23166+1655, is forming around the star LL Pegasi (also known as AFGL 3068) in the constellation of Pegasus.

    The image shows what appears to be a thin spiral pattern of amazing precision winding around the star, which is itself hidden behind thick dust. Mark Morris from UCLA and an international team of astronomers say that material forming the spiral is moving outwards at a speed of about 50,000 km/hour and by combining this speed with the distance between layers, they calculate that the shells are each separated by about 800 years.

    This is an interesting example of a galactic sized spiral plasma formation. It's not a logrithmic spiral and it's not concentric shells that form in a crystalline plasma but something inbetween and dependent on the electric and magnetic properties of the plasma, but it's described here as a thin spiral pattern. Plasma physicists have proven that plasma will scale up a trillion fold by comparing the behaviour plasma in the laboratory and we can do our own comparisons, as we are now regularly seeing plasma formations in our atmosphere and skies that can be compared to galactic sized formations. For more information see, the Joyfire Tour The Electric Universe. More: Celestial spiral goes viral

    Yes, this article maybe going viral, but how many are explaining the significance in terms of a plasma, which fills 99.999% of the visible universe and the fact that our atmosphere is becoming an increasing charged plasma? People are still looking for answers and meaning, not more illogical explanations.

Magnets kill cancer cells in lab
The Irish Independent, 7th October 2012

Burning Man Experiment Data [has been] Analyzed!
Noetic Sciences, 6th October 2012
We've just updated our website with new information about the experiment that IONS research scientists collaborated on at the Burning Man gathering in Nevada just over a month ago. This experiment investigated possible correlations between mind and matter by exploring what happens to a purely random system when it is located in an environment where 50,000 minds are all focusing on the same ritual (the burning man). Direct link here

I agree that the RNGs can detect something is changing in the environment, but I am wary that the explanations are linked to only specfic known events... I think the best thing about these random number generators located in 70 host sites around the world is the upward trend over the last 12 years and I think this might eventually provide strong evidence that the power of the collective consciousness is getting stronger. I also think it is important to note that if these "correlations between mind and matter" being recorded by the environment are genuine, then this human input will be affecting the planetary consciousness or Gaia.

ASIC says it will investigate ASX technical glitch
Business Spectator, 10th October 2012
The Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) has launched an investigation into a technical glitch at the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) that prevented important company announcements from being released to the market for nearly four hours on Tuesday, according to The Australian Financial Review.

On Tuesday, the ASX stopped publishing company news from 1211 AEDT, and the problem forced investors to trade blind for nearly four hours until being fixed at 1556 AEDT, only minutes before the market closed for the day.

In a statement, the ASX said a database application issue had prevented the release of information to the market, but the issue was not related to the trading platform. [...]

It marks the second time in less than a year that the ASX has been hit with a serious technical issue. Last October 27, the stock market was closed completely for four hours due to a computer meltdown.

Yet, another computer/networking glitch at a stockmarket....this is incredible...

S.Africa's JSE says trade halted due to glitch
The Africa Report, 9th October 2012
JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - The Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE) said on Tuesday that trade had been halted on Africa's biggest stock market due to a system glitch. A spokeswoman for bourse operator JSE Ltd said the bourse was investigating the cause of the error. The exchange has been plagued by system troubles in the past.

SpaceX rocket glitch puts satellite in wrong orbit
Reuters News, 9th October 2012
* Dragon cargo capsule unaffected by rocket problem
* Orbcomm prototype communications satellite missed its orbit
* Falcon 9 rocket had engine problems during ascent

CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla., Oct 9 - A prototype communications satellite flying as a secondary payload aboard a Space Exploration Technologies Falcon 9 rocket was sent into the wrong orbit because of a problem during launch Sunday evening, officials said Tuesday.

One of the nine Merlin engines powering the Falcon 9 rocket shut down early, though the other engines burned longer to make up for the loss of thrust, saving the primary mission of delivering a Dragon cargo capsule to the International Space Station for NASA. [...]

The company declined to release details, but Jonathan's Space Report, a website that tracks space launches, says Orbcomm expected its satellite to be placed into an elliptical orbit with a low point of 217 miles (350 km) and a high point of 466 miles (750 km) from Earth. That would later become a circular orbit at 466 miles (750 km) from Earth.

Instead, it ended up in an orbit that ranges from 126 miles (203 km) to 200 miles (323 km). Orbcomm said an analysis has begun to determine if the satellite can use its onboard propulsion system to boost its orbit.

Terrible... This reminds me of the problems that the Russians have been having launching satellites and space probes. It is a fact that launching has become more problematic (see archives), but we have only had a few hints that the recent disasters might have been related to space weather.

New GPS Satellite Modernizes Network
Precision Pays, 5th October 2012
"The U.S. Air Force has launched a United Launch Alliance Delta IV-Medium rocket carrying the third Global Positioning System IIF satellite which will provide more accurate navigation for military and civilians..."

Electromagnetic Interference/Capability testing and structural dynamics testing completed for LDCM
Space Daily, 10th October 2012
Orbital Sciences Corporation recently completed Electromagnetic Interference/Capability (EMI/EMC) testing and structural dynamics testing of the Landsat Data Continuity Mission (LDCM) satellite.

Pictured above, engineers at Orbital's Satellite Manufacturing Facility in Gilbert, Ariz. place the satellite on the vibration table to perform the side-to-side X-axis vibration test to ensure the spacecraft can survive its rocket ride into space.

The satellite is currently being prepared to enter thermal vacuum testing during which the satellite will be operated in a chamber that simulates the vacuum and temperature extremes of space.

Not that long ago, it was taught that space was a cold dark vacuum where nothing much happened, but something has changed in recent decades. Today, Earth satellites have to be able to deal with massive electrical shocks from charged sub-atomic particles flowing at speed through the near Earth cosmic environment... Yes, space might be a near vacuum, but when trillions of tonnes of sub-atomic particles are moving at up to 2 millions per hour and sometimes faster, due to coronal mass ejections from the sun, then that is enough to cause major problems for Earth based satellites.

4,000 tons of shells explode in Central Russia, leave mushroom cloud-like plume of smoke (PHOTOS, VIDEO)
RT News, 9th October 2012

A paper unifying cosmic ray interaction, CFC’s ozone, and warming
WUWT, 8th October 2012
On Cosmic-Ray-Driven Electron Reaction Mechanism for Ozone Hole and Chlorofluorocarbon Mechanism for Global Climate Change
Qing-Bin Lu, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Waterloo

Both natural and human effects could alter the Earth’s climate and environment. The ozone hole and global temperature change have been two major scientific problems of global concern. There is long interest in studying the effects of cosmic rays (CRs) on Earth’s ozone layer [1-17].

The comments here are from the knowledgeable crowd on this forum. I found the following comment the most interesting from a previous paper.
Mike Jonas says: October 8, 2012 at 10:23 am

Lu’s finding that “observed data have shown an 11-year cyclic variation of polar O3 loss” looks like the killer blow (well it would if science followed the scientific process).
See abstract provided in the comments here by Rogerknight

Why cloning is a terrible way to bring your pet dog back from the dead
i09 News, 7th October 2012

[...] Last year, I happened to speak to John Woestendiek, author of the book Dog, Inc.: The Uncanny Inside Story of Cloning Man's Best Friend, who said that, at least on an intellectual level, that identical nuclear DNA does not make for identical animals. But in his book, it's clear that many of the people who pay for dog cloning do so in the hopes that they really will get their dogs back. [...]

But of course, a clone is not the same dog. In fact, thanks to a cloned dog having different mitochondrial DNA from its genetic donor, they're slightly less related than identical twins.

It's impossible for cloning to reproduce identical animals and humans because DNA is electromagnetically and geomagnetically time-stamped. Thus, the whole idea of cloning has been undermined what by scientists are calling epigenetics, factors that are beyond genetics.

Amazing Auroras: Northern Lights of October 2012 (Photos), 8th October 2012

More Purple Auroras, 8th October 2012
CME HITS EARTH'S MAGNETIC FIELD, SPARKS AURORAS: As expected, a coronal mass ejection (CME) hit Earth's magnetic field on Oct. 8th at approximately 0500 UT. The impact sparked a moderate (Kp=6) geomagnetic storm and Northern Lights in the USA as far south as Kansas and Colorado. In New Auburn, Wisconsin, photographer Justin Phillips recorded this rare self-portrait backlit by auroras:

More purple auroras.....

M-class solar flare measuring M2.3 erupted today – G2 class geomagnetic storm in progress
The Watchers, 8th October 2012

Part 2: Earthfiles Viewer Letters About “Angelic Light” Encounters
Earthfiles, 8th October 2012

The Air Force Releases Cold War Schematics On How To Build A Flying Saucer
Business Insider, 8th October 2012
While the U.S. officially denies it believes in UFOs it apparently thought enough of "flying saucer" technology to commission a Canadian firm to develop a craft for the Air Force in the 1950s. While video of the craft has been out for some time, the specifics have been classified until recently. Benjamin Plackett at Danger Room found a piece of a document innocuously titled "Project 1794, Final Development Summary Report" on the National Archives site that outlines the Pentagon's specific intentions.

Swedish official admits toxic ‘chemtrails’ are real, not a wild conspiracy theory
The Watchers, 7th October 2012
Those long, white streams of persistent, cloudy haze commonly blasted into blue skies by unmarked airplanes are not your typical contrails, says Swedish Green Party leader Pernilla Hagberg. As reported by the Swedish paper Katrineholms Kuriren, Hagberg, the first major political leader to come forward on the issue, has openly admitted that these unusual cloud trails, which fail to dissipate like normal contrails do, are actually a toxic mix of chemicals, viruses, and metals that she has collectively referred to as “chemtrails.”

According to Hagberg, the sprayings are a joint endeavor by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA), as well as the Swedish government in her own country, to modify atmospheric conditions via deliberate aerosol spraying efforts. And included in this “dangerous” mix of aerosols are various chemical components, viruses and viral fragments, and metals such as aluminum and barium, which have already been shown to be accumulating in water supplies and soils around the world.

Well, it's been obvious that chemtrails are not the same as contrails, so the point of interest is WHY? I think the heading within this article is interesting: "Spraying the skies to save the planet?" Well, as I have long suspected, we have been provided with a reasonable answer that relates to the need to fight the impact of space weather, explained here as modifying atmospheric conditions. Original Swedish media report: Link

Lloyds, Co-Op Fix IT Glitches
Tech Week Wurope, 8th October 2012
Two separate technical issues left Lloyds TSB, Halifax and Co-Operative customers unable to withdraw cash

Satellite detects new black hole in our galaxy
Earth Sky News, 6th October 2012
On September 16, 2012, NASA’s Swift satellite caught an x-ray outburst, believed to have come a flood of gas plunging toward a previously unknown black hole. This new black hole in our Milky Way galaxy has been designated as Swift J1745-26 by astronomers.

Black holes such as this one are thought to be common in our galaxy, but we don’t see very many of them. This is the first one discovered by the Swift satellite. The video above – from NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center – shows how Swift made the discovery. This black hole has a sun-like companion star. Gas flowing from the companion collects into a disk around the black hole. Normally, this gas would steadily spiral inward. But in this system, the gas collects for decades before suddenly surging inward, causing the x-ray outburst detected by Swift.

The concept of black holes badly needs to evolve... officially.... A combination of MECO theory with standard plasma cosmology needs to be considered more seriously because at the moment, black hole theory has been allowed to creep and looks very unlike the original concepts.

French beekeepers blame M&M’s candy for mysterious blue and green honey
National Post, 5th October 2012

An Alarming Two Thirds of All Scientific Publications and Research Retracted Found to Be Fraudulent
Globalist Report, 5th October 2012

Glitch wipes nearly $60bn off Indian stock index
Latest error 'exacerbated by high-frequency trading'
The Guardian, 5th October 2012
India's main share index plunged 16% within minutes on Friday in a so-called "flash crash" – the latest in a series of market glitches that have shaken confidence in global financial markets.

India's National Stock Exchange (NSE) was forced to halt trading for 15 minutes, after a brokerage placed 59 wrong orders, triggering a sell-off that wiped nearly $60bn off the value of the country's biggest companies.

The orders were cancelled and stocks recovered, with India's Nifty index closing down 0.8% on the day. But the event will concentrate the minds of regulators concerned about the impact of trading technology on the stability of markets. [...]

Joseph Saluzzi, co-founder of US agency broker Themis Trading, said: "We look at it as minor earthquakes and what they build up to is one much bigger earthquake, which could be an entire global market breakdown."

The NSE blamed Friday's crash on human error but Saluzzi said that was highly unlikely. "There is no human being in the world that can take down the stock market by 16%. This is typical spin."

Just wow...... I imagine that confidence in high speed electronic trading is also crashing.... so, if this is not human error, what exactly is going on? Well, actually, I have been stating my opinion on this blog for quite some time...

Glitches Halt Some NYSE Liffe Trading
Wall St Journal, 5th October 2012
LONDON—A glitch halted commodities trading on the NYSE Liffe exchanges in London and Paris on two separate occasions Friday, following a similar disruption earlier this week.

The glitches are testing the nerves of some in the commodities market and potentially could undermine confidence in the company's technological systems, an analyst said.

"The exchange has reached the limit of what they can get away with as this has happened twice in a row," said Edward George, head of soft-commodity research at Ecobank. "Should these issues occur for a third time over the next few weeks, it could undermine confidence ...

The latest trading glitch: Kraft
The Buzz, 3rd October 2012

Experts: Mayan Ballgame Had Astronomical Function
Latin American Herald Tribune, 5th October 2012
MEXICO CITY – Restoration works at Chichen Itza have confirmed the hypothesis that the ballgame played in that ancient Mayan city in southeastern Mexico had an astronomical function, the National Anthropology and History Institute, or INAH, said.

After almost two years of restoration and preservation work, the Great Ballcourt at Chichen Itza, at 120 meters (130 yards) long the largest in Mesoamerica, is gradually recovering its original appearance with the reincorporation of different elements, including the five “passages” that the ancient Mayas built on the site. [...]

Archaeologist Jose Huchim, coordinator of the Chichen Itza comprehensive conservation project, said that observers were possibly stationed in those structures to follow the game and see if the ball went through the vertical stone ring and make sure players hit the ball according to the rules of the ritual.

Huchim said that 25 years ago, when he was studying archaeology, he observed the site with his then-professor Victor Segovia, a pioneer in the study of pre-Colombian astronomy, because both were convinced that the passages were oriented to the equinoxes and solstices.

“We found that the central passage did have an orientation that permitted a view of the equinoxes – that’s why we thought it important to restore all five to determine whether all of them were built in line with the extreme (nearest and farthest) distances of the sun from the equator,” he said.

Presumably, Segovia & Huchim were the first scholars to make this observation 25 YEARS AGO. It seems that most scholars had refused to accept the findings of archaeologists specialising in ancient astronomy and the influence on Mayan society of an ancient astronomically based religion. Today, this is becoming harder and harder to ignore as the evidence mounts.

Virgin Australia plane vanished from radar, 5th October 2012
* Virgin Australia plane lost by air traffic control
* Went off the radar for 30 minutes on busy route
* The plane was flying from Sydney to Brisbane

HOW can a packed passenger plane disappear from the radar for over 30 minutes along one of the busiest flight routes in Australia? An investigation has been launched to find out just how this happened last Friday on a Virgin Australia flight.

Since radar is now an established technology (mid 1940s onwards), I can only presume atmospheric conditions were such that the plane was surrounded by a type of energy that makes it invisible to radar. The same type of energy that is making asteroids difficult to see in space even with radar.

Qantas emergency as cabin fills with smoke, 5th October 2012
A QANTAS plane that left Sydney bound for Germany has made an emergency landing in Darwin after an unusual smell filled the cabin. There were 305 passengers on board the Boeing 747 when it made its unscheduled stop at Darwin Airport late on Thursday.

They are being put up in hotels while engineers investigate what was described by one passenger as a burning smell. [...] Jim Macnamara wrote: "Electrical fire on Qantas QF5 to Singapore over NT. Landed safely in Darwin. Stranded. But welcome Terra firma."

Another incident of a funny burning smell inside a plane, but this time we are told there was an electrical fire which we know can be caused by stray electromagnetic currents.

Mysterious tremors raise questions
Daily Comet, 4th October 2012
Nobody quite knows what caused the ground in some parts of Lafourche and Terrebonne parishes to shake, but it certainly has people talking. [...]

Paul Caruso, a geophysicist with the Geological Survey’s National Earthquake Center, said there are not many seismic monitors in south Louisiana because there is rarely any such activity in the area. He noted there would have to be several such monitors within 50 miles of such a weak quake’s epicenter to detect it.

Rafael Abreu, another geophysicist with the center, said the earth’s crust is riddled with fault lines, and people often report hearing such a such a loud noise when they are near the epicenter of a quake.

There is an interesting comparison here with the major Bayou Corne sinkhole collapse.. Well, with all this geophysical activity in the United States, it really makes you wonder what next when world organisations are warning about the need to prepare for more catastrophes.

Sheep born with upside down head
Orange News, 3rd October 2012

John Major Jenkins, The Mayans, 2012 and all that Jazz, 3rd October 2012
A recent SOTT Focus article "The 2012 Collective Shift & the Secret History of End-Times Prophecies", written by yours truly, received some expected criticism. One such commentator was the renowned John Major Jenkins, himself. I was honored that Mr. Jenkins would consider little ol' me worthy of the hassle, to be honest. But as he has raised some complaints, the SOTT editors suggested that I respond accordingly. It's only right, after all.

John Major Jenkins, for those of you who don't know, is the principle architect of the December 21st, 2012 buzz.

There is a fight taking place between John Major Jenkins and Gregory James at The aspersion that Jenkins is being supported simply because he got the true significance of 2012 WRONG is certainly worthy of some consideration. Whatever, quite frankly, somebody does need to point out again that Jenkins's work is generally scoffed at by scholars. Since, Jenkins has no higher academic qualifications, his work is not up to the required standard and as such, he is considered fair game by academics... I don't agree with everything in this re-buff but it is worth noting that nobody talks about the fact that previous civilisations on this planet took astronomy very seriously and it was the basis of world religions. (Those who have done enough research will know that there has been a tremendous effort to hide these facts because of global catastrophes that can be linked to cosmic influences and causations.) Thus, the reason there is confusion about 2012 is because there is not enough interest in reality or spirituality. Space Weather is now reality and an influx of energy has spiritual as well as mundane consequences, but the impact on Earth is now scientific fact. The reason the likes of Jenkins fail to elucidate what is really going on is because geo-sciences is not their area of expertise. I have a honours degree in physics and geophysics so it was absolutely obvious to me that space weather in the form of trillions of tons of charged particles was going to charge up this planet like a battery. There is a lot of scientific fact and theory that explains what this means, but it is now a fact that some geoscientists can see the citizens of this planet are going to have to cope with far more catastrophes in the future due to the inevitable "energy leap". This is very obvious and has been for a long time..... Jenkins knows that he missed the massive issue of space weather but he does want to take as much credit as possible. Modern Mayan Elders have been ignored because too much of their heritage has been stolen from them and is in the wrong hands. Whatever, we were still told the truth, but not enough people with academic qualifications could actually engage brain and understand what the implications were for 'An Age of Aether', especially now as we have been told by space agencies that Earth's magnetic field is breaking down and cosmic radiation levels are going up.

Is John Major Jenkins a New Age COINTELPRO Patsy?, 5th October 2012

It's very New Agey to take drugs and then pretend you are enlightened... This is a very informative article... As many people must realise, it is very difficult to get any attention in the New Age world where crap sells very well and people are sponsored to keep the standards very low.... But quite frankly, the person writing this article should actually try and read Maya Cosmogenesis 2012 by Jenkins, which in parts is undecipherable... I realised that Terrence McKenna thought the Galactic Alignment idea was some kind of childish tripe and I was outraged that McKenna decided to denigrate Mayan beliefs by promoting the idea of a cosmic fairy tale. The following is from one of my 2012 essays:
"It seems that the modern Mayan message of the alignment with the heart of the galaxy has been endowed with ancient pagan/religious overtones such that the ‘Father Sun’ will make a union with the Cosmic Mother and there will be a ‘magical reunion’ and a ‘celestial rebirth’. To remove any doubt that this alignment has been interpreted in such a manner, the following quote from Jenkins will suffice. Jenkins writes:
The Cosmic Mother is the head-point of a trinity involving the birth of a male deity who is also her mate. This Trinity Principle involves the dynamic between mother, father, and child, and shares with many Old World traditions the idea that the Great Mother, as the first principle of Creation must give birth to her mate, First Father, and only then can engender the multiplicity of created beings. On the cosmic level, the astronomical trinity is Galactic Center, solstice sun and humanity.
So, as we are told in the foreward of Maya Cosmogenesis 2012, written by the late Terence McKenna, “Over the millennia the Maya observed the drama of the approach of father sun toward the vagina of mother sky”. Therefore, it seems that on the 21st December 2012, many will be celebrating the penetration of the galactic fanny."

Source: 2012 Galactic Cosmology: Beware the 2012 Bandwagonistas!, 29th April 2009
What is so incredible is why more people have not been taking Jenkins to task for his contribution to the 2012 hype. Young people have already started commiting suicide due to 2012 fear and that is enough for me to have an issue with Jenkins et al.

Computer glitch causes Melb traffic gridlock [AU]
ABC World Today, 3rd October 2012
"SAMANTHA DONOVON: The computer failure has forced the closure of Melbourne's Burnley and Domain tunnels, bringing traffic to a standstill on many crucial routes. Safety systems have shut down and electronic traffic signs are frozen.

Citylink's infrastructure manager, Warren Gourley, says communication between control computers and the incident management system has inexplicably broken down. But he doesn't believe the private operator's systems have been hacked"

Comment: Glitch, glitch, glitch.... Just a reminder that the rise in cosmic rays is corrupting more electronics and thus is affecting life on Earth... The tunnels were closed for 11 hours....

Belfast traffic lights glitch lead to major disruption
BBC News, 4th October 2012

Technical glitch caused 911 outage for Indiana
WDRB 41 Louisville - News, 1st October
LOUISVILLE, Ky. (WDRB) -- Residents in several Indiana counties were not able to call 911 this morning. INdigital Telecom says service was out from 4am to 9am. That's five hours of not being able to call 911 directly. [...]

Ndigital says a core router located in Fort Wayne went out of service, but didn't indicate it failed. When the router restarted, it did not connect to the network and had to be restored manually. 911 service was fully operational at 9 Monday morning. James Goldman, the President of the Board of County Commissioners for Harrison County says, "In technology today, in all the electronics involved, sometimes things happen.

The $1 billion mission to reach the Earth's mantle
CNN News, 2nd October 2012
(CNN) -- Humans have reached the moon and are planning to return samples from Mars, but when it comes to exploring the land deep beneath our feet, we have only scratched the surface of our planet.

This may be about to change with a $1 billion mission to drill 6 km (3.7 miles) beneath the seafloor to reach the Earth's mantle -- a 3000 km-thick layer of slowly deforming rock between the crust and the core which makes up the majority of our planet -- and bring back the first ever fresh samples. [...]

"[The mantle] is the engine that drives how our planet works and why we have earthquakes and volcanoes and continents. We have the textbook cartoons but detailed knowledge is lacking," he says.

It looks like fiction is becoming fact.... The sci-fi movie 'The Core' is a must see if you want to see the correlation between what geoscientists believe will happen as Earth's magnetic field weakens and what is happening today. My blog archives provide the facts ad infinitum... However, in the movie, drilling into the Earth's core in order to set off nuclear bombs and thus restart Earth's magnetic field was only fiction...

Amazing Meteor Boomerangs Around Earth
Sky & Telescope, 2nd October 2012
[...] Dirk Ross, who tracks bright meteors and meteorite finds worldwide, logged 564 eyewitness reports from England, Scotland, Ireland, France, Belgium, The Netherlands, and Norway. A few hours later, Ross received another burst of 126 sightings. But these weren't from Europe — instead, a fireball had appeared over southeastern Canada and the U.S. Northeast. What at first seemed the unlikely arrival of two dramatic bolides in a single night is now known to be something much more historic and scientifically profound. [...]

Lyytinen says the brief atmospheric passage took its toll. As the meteoroid broke apart, its velocity dropped to just 5.7 miles (9.2 km) per second, too slow to make an escape back to space. Instead, it became a temporary satellite of Earth, looping completely around the globe before reentering the atmosphere — this time for good.

Wow.... We have a logical explanation for the meteor sightings that caused some wonderment when seen over the UK and Northern America. The main issue is that this big meteor came very close and was apparently undetected....

Starstrikes: Calling Cards from the Cosmos?
Inexplicata, 1st October 2012
Important historical cosmic arrivals that scientists still do not properly understand.

UK design to 'harpoon' old satellites
BBC News, 2nd October 2012
UK engineers are developing a system to harpoon rogue or redundant satellites and pull them out of the sky.

It is a response to the ever growing problem of orbital junk - old pieces of hardware that continue to circle the Earth and which now pose a collision threat to operational spacecraft.

The harpoon would be fired at the hapless satellite from close range. A propulsion pack tethered to the projectile would then pull the junk downwards, to burn up in the atmosphere.

Well, if we want to continue having our lives 'enhanced' by GPS, modern satellite telecommunications and satellite imagery and data etc, then we need to clean up before space weather turns the near Earth environment into a blizzard of junk.

Earth is undergoing true polar wander, scientists say
Earth Sky, 1st October 2012
Scientists developed a computer model to identify four possible instances of true polar wander in the past. And, they say, true polar wander is happening now.

Scientists based in Germany and Norway today published new results about a geophysical theory known as true polar wander. That is a drifting of Earth’s solid exterior – an actual change in latitude for some land masses – relative to our planet’s rotation axis. These scientists used hotspots in Earth’s mantle as part of a computer model, which they say is accurate for the past 120 million years, to identify four possible instances of true polar wander in the past. And, they say, true polar wander is happening now. These scientists published their results in the Journal for Geophysical Research today (October 1, 2012).

Geoscientists have calculated an average movement of Earth’s solid outer layers at a slowly rotating rate of 0.2 degrees every million years. The question of real significance is whether there has been any change in this creep.... There are quite a few ongoing major data collection exercises to make me wonder.. NASA is currently using the new GOCE satellite to map the Earth's gravity as the concern is that melting ice could cause gravity shift, see archives.

Purple Auroras over the Southern States AGAIN!, 2nd October 2012
SUBSIDING STORM: A strong (Kp=7) geomagnetic storm sparked by a CME impact on Sept. 30th is subsiding now. At maximum, during the early hours of Oct. 1st, Northern Lights descended as far south in the United States as Michigan, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Ohio, Montana, Minnesota, Washington, Idaho, Illinois and South Dakota. Even California experienced some auroras. Tim Piya Trepetch caught a patch of sky turning purple over the Lassen Volcanic National Park:

Purple auroras used to be quite rare but that has changed in recent years due to the type of energy that is busting through a weaken magnetosphere. Earth is responding with auroras being pushed quite far south which also used to be a rare event, but now is happening on a frequent basis.

CME impact & G3 class geomagnetic storm
The Watchers, 1st October 2012
The September 28th Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) impacted Earth’s magnetic field at 22:20 UTC last night, September 30, 2012 sparking strong Geomagnetic storms at high latitudes today. The Bz component of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) sharply deviated to -35 nT during the impact. A weak interplanetary shock wave hit Earth at 10:20 UTC followed by a stronger CME strike at approximately 22:20 UTC. Earth’s magnetic field is still reverberating in response to these impacts.

NOAA issued a G3 alert for a strong impact after made the mistake of reporting a weak impact.... Solar particles are travelling at different speeds but the laggards packed a severe punch and there was some big ground currents recorded in Northern Norway, see details below.

Experts meet to discuss Maya calendar, debunk end-of-world stories
Fox News, 1st October 2012
MEXICO CITY – As the clock winds down to Dec. 21, experts on the Mayan calendar have been racing to convince people that the Mayas didn't predict an apocalypse for the end of this year.

Some experts are now saying the Mayas may indeed have made prophecies, just not about the end of the world.

Archaeologists, anthropologists and other experts met Friday in the southern Mexico city of Merida to discuss the implications of the Mayan Long Count calendar, which is made up of 394-year periods called baktuns. [...] Experts stressed that the ancient Mayas, whose "classic" culture of writing, astronomy and temple complexes flourished from A.D. 300 to 900, were extremely interested in future events, far beyond Dec. 21. "There are many ancient Maya monuments that discuss events far into the future from now," wrote Geoffrey Braswell, an anthropologist at the University of California, San Diego. "The ancient Maya clearly believed things would happen far into the future from now."

Sadly, I expect there to be lots of suicides due to ignorant and irresponsible people making up all sorts of rubbish. The fact that people with no relevant qualifications were believed and genuine Modern Mayan elders were ignored is incredible, but look who was right.... Space Weather and the massive increase of energy on this planet is now scientific fact.

Buddhism and UFOs
A M Fortean Blog, 30th September 2012
“Buddhism and UFOs” is the title of one of the chapters in a book I bought recently called Freeing the Buddha, by Brian Ruhe. Before getting on to the author’s unique take on the subject of UFOs [...]

But more than any other Buddhist writer I’ve come across, Brian Ruhe does have a deep and literal belief in the mythological, metaphysical and cosmological trappings of the particular form of Buddhism that he subscribes to. In his case, this is Theravada Buddhism – the earliest form of Buddhist teaching, which originated in India 2500 years ago. At that time the dominant culture of India was Brahmanism – a precursor of modern Hinduism – so not surprisingly most of the Theravada writings are steeped in Brahmanical mythology and cosmology

Here, we are told the earliest form of Buddhist writings are steeped in Brahmanical mythology and cosmology.... Well, that is no surprise to me because there is extensive evidence that all world religions have their roots in astronomy and cosmology...But, it seems the author Brian Ruhe, in his book Freeing the Buddha (1999), has found more collaborating evidence from Indian ancient texts that indicates humans have always lived alongside UFOs that were referred to in ancient texts as "gods". Thus, today, there should be no surprise that UFO reports are dramatically increasing as the esoteric knowledge for those interested has been preserved, warning about the Return of the Gods at the End of the Age. The evidence is undisputable we are at the point of dramatic shift on this planet. We are being swamped in high quality primordial energy (the Age of the Aether) that is being delivered to the planet by space weather. The high quality energy is the primary explanation for why the cosmic flotsam and jetsam are arriving en masse... Btw, for anyone new to this webwite and my blog, according to the 'Church of Ufology', I am a heretic. Please study the research provided on this website to understand the issues.

I got hold of a copy of this book and I was very disappointed, I don't know why anyone in their right mind would recommend this book's short UFO chapter that was mostly speculation. It only had two text excerpts, one of which seemed to follow in the usual manner of being highly coded numerical astronomical information, which the author and reviewer failed to appreciate at all.

Bubble trouble: 50ft tsunami of foam sweeps through village after chemical spill
Daily Mail, 29th September 2012
* Wall of bubbles sparked panic in China's Guangdong province as it swept along a river
* Suds are thought to have been created when a chemical was swept into the river by heavy rainfall
* Officials in Xintang said the mass of foam was 'harmless'

This wall of foam sparked widespread panic among locals as it rushed along a river in southern China. The mass of soapy suds blanketed the water in Xintang, in China's Guangdong province, leading to evacuations along the banks of the river.

But officials have now said the only threat posed by the foam - thought to have been caused by chemicals washed into the river - was the possibility of 'one or two dead fish' lurking in the bubbles.

China, again....

My Take: 'I'm spiritual but not religious' is a cop-out
CNN Region Blog, 29th September 2012
The increasingly common refrain that "I'm spiritual, but not religious," represents some of the most retrogressive aspects of contemporary society. The spiritual but not religious "movement" - an inappropriate term as that would suggest some collective, organizational aspect - highlights the implosion of belief that has struck at the heart of Western society. Spiritual but not religious people are especially prevalent in the younger population in the United States, although a recent study has argued that it is not so much that people have stopped believing in God, but rather have drifted from formal institutions.

Quite frankly, who cares what the religious think? The sheep herders want lots of sheep who can't think, will ignore the hypocrisy, lies and abuse of 'leaders' who are clearly not spiritual and are only interested in those who can and will pay tithes, etc etc...

Radar anomalies picked up on the Australian BOM network – September 27, 2012
The Watchers, 27th September 2012
Comment: It seems that weather radars are picking up large bubbles of plasma leaking into Earth's atmosphere from space. Scintillation is nothing new but presumably the magnitude of the problem is an issue.

New paper finds CO2 rapidly increased during the last ice age
The Hockey Schtick, 27th September 2012
A paper published today in Geophysical Research Letters finds there was an "Abrupt change in atmospheric CO2 during the last ice age" which occurred "rapidly, over less than two centuries. This rise in CO2 was synchronous with, or slightly later than, a rapid increase of Antarctic temperature." The authors also report "carbon cycle modeling doesn't capture all of the processes for CO2 variations." Thus, rapid increases in atmospheric CO2 have been shown to occur naturally due to processes not captured by climate models. In addition, temperature rise during the last ice age was found to be synchronous or leading CO2 rise, implying that temperature controls atmospheric CO2, rather than CO2 controlling temperature.

How Many Asteroids Are Out There?
Universe Today, 25th September 2012
Answer: a LOT. And there’s new ones being discovered all the time, as this fascinating animation by Scott Manley shows.

Created using data from the IAU’s Minor Planet Center and Lowell Observatory, Scott’s animation shows the progression of new asteroid discoveries since 1980. The years are noted in the lower left corner. Remove this ad

As the inner planets circle the Sun, asteroids light up as they’re identified like clusters of fireflies on a late summer evening. The clusters are mainly positioned along the outer edge of Earth’s orbit, as this is the field of view of most of our telescopes.

Today, various space agencies want to use new radar and infra-red satellites to track big asteroids that are virtually invisible until they come very close to Earth, in order to detect potential direct hits, as has happened already in recent years with lots of small rocks entering Earth's atmosphere.

Asteroid Dust Could Fight Climate Change on Earth, 28h September 2012
To combat global warming, scientists in Scotland now suggest an out-of-this-world solution — a giant dust cloud in space, blasted off an asteroid, which would act like a sunshade for Earth.

Instead of altering the climate by targeting either the oceans or the atmosphere, some researchers have suggested geoengineering projects that would affect the entire planet from space. For instance, projects that reduced the amount of solar radiation Earth receives by 1.7 percent could offset the effects of a global increase in temperature of 3.6 degrees F (2 degrees C). The United Nations' Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has noted climate models suggest average global temperatures will likely rise by 2 to 11.5 degrees F (1.1 to 6.4 degrees C) by the end of this century. "A 1.7 percent reduction is very small and will hardly be noticeable on Earth," said researcher Russell Bewick, a space scientist at the University of Strathclyde in Scotland. "People sometimes get the idea of giant screens blocking the entire sun. This is not the case ... as [the device] is constantly between the sun and the Earth, it acts merely as a very light shade or filter.

This is another half-baked geoengineering idea.... Putting an asteroid at Lagrange point 1 [L1], the location of the ACE, SOHO and WIND satellites might not be such a good idea. (There is a problem here because astronomers and space scientists can't agree on a naming convention but L2 is also the location of other satellites, so whatever the real location turns out, L1 or L2, it would just cause a major hazard for satellites.) The ACE and SOHO satellites are old with some of the instruments permanently broken down and new replacement satellites are needed, but they currently provide essential interplanetary data to help predict oncoming space weather. We get 45 minutes warning from ACE of a CME arrival if we are lucky.... the idea of putting an asteroid there to create dust that causes the solar panels to degrade quickly cannot possibly have been thought out... More dust means more damage to solar panels and that is a major new issue caused by space weather and the influx of dust and micometeroids into our solar system. Whatever, it makes you wonder whether Earth is getting a natural sunshade with the wider appearance and coverage of noctilucent clouds that have been creeping south in recent years.

CME from September 28 eruption heading toward Earth
The Watchers, 30th September 2012

Sun unleashed M1.3 solar flare
The Watchers, 30th September 2012

Canadian Internet Provider Rogers Experiencing Major, Prolonged Outage [Update: It's Back!]
Tech Crunch, 29th September 2012
"Canadian wireless and internet provider Rogers is currently experiencing a widespread, continued outage of services on both its cellular and cable home internet data networks, according to various user reports. Rogers is the second-largest internet provider in Canada by subscriber count, and the largest cellphone provider with somewhere around 10 million mobile customers."
Over five hours, but no explanation offered.... there could be a link with the latest blast from the sun, see data provided above.

Osel Hita Torres - The reluctant lama
BBC News, 28th September 2012
A Spanish toddler identified as the reincarnation of a revered Buddhist lama spent his entire childhood in an Indian monastery. But at the age of 18 he returned to his family in Spain. Still hailed as a teacher, he is more comfortable on the beaches of Ibiza.

When he was two, Osel Hita Torres was enthroned as a reincarnated Tibetan Buddhist lama. He was dressed in robes and a yellow hat. Grown men prostrated themselves in front of him and asked for his blessing.

There is another example of a teenager refusing to be a Holy man in the archives. It seems that some don't think being worshipped is that great, maybe it's not the kind of energy that they want or need...

Son's DNA found inside mother's brain
New Scientist, 27th September 2012
Mothers always have their children in the back of their minds – now it seems that this is quite literally true. Fetal DNA can enter a mother's brain and remain there for decades, according to autopsies of female brains.

During a pregnancy, cells from mother and fetus can cross the placenta and survive for decades in the skin, liver and spleen – a phenomenon called fetal microchimerism. [...]

To investigate this, Nelson and her colleagues autopsied 59 brains of deceased women – 33 of whom had Alzheimer's disease. They amplified the DNA that they found, creating many more copies, and looked for the presence of a male Y chromosome.

They found it in 63 per cent of the brains. This male DNA showed up in many different brain regions and some of it had been there for a very long time: one brain that contained the male DNA was from a 94-year-old woman.

It seems that the belief that humans have only one set of DNA in every cell is breaking down as the evidence is that the human body can support multiple sets of DNA as some biologists have already reported to their dismay, see link below.

  • DNA Not The Same In Every Cell Of Body: Major Genetic Differences Between Blood And Tissue Cells Revealed
    Science Daily, 16th July 2009 Flashback!
    "Research by a group of Montreal scientists calls into question one of the most basic assumptions of human genetics: that when it comes to DNA, every cell in the body is essentially identical to every other cell. Their results appear in the July issue of the journal Human Mutation.

    This discovery may undercut the rationale behind numerous large-scale genetic studies conducted over the last 15 years, studies which were supposed to isolate the causes of scores of human diseases. Except for cancer, samples of diseased tissue are difficult or even impossible to take from living patients. Thus, the vast majority of genetic samples used in large-scale studies come in the form of blood. However, if it turns out that blood and tissue cells do not match genetically, these ambitious and expensive genome-wide association studies may prove to have been essentially flawed from the outset.

British policeman baffled by moon, 26th September 2012
Comment: Yes, the moon is very bright these days and the reason according to NASA is that the moon's atmosphere is now highly electrified, one of the many changes that has swept through our solar system in the last two decades, see archives for more information.

Airbus 'nearly crashed' when pilots fell ill
The Local, 28th September 2012
An airbus carrying around 150 people nearly crashed at Cologne airport, when both pilots were so badly affected by bad air in the cockpit they were almost unconscious – but details are only emerging now, two years later.

The budget airline Germanwings was accused on Friday of deliberately playing down the incident so that no investigation was launched for a year, by which time the black box and cockpit recorder information were no longer available.

Friday’s Die Welt newspaper worked with public broadcaster NDR to dig up reports on the incident which could have ended in catastrophe – and yet was reported to the air safety authorities in such a harmless manner that no investigation was undertaken.

There is a German article link for this story but the google translation is not very good, see link below. However, we are told: '...the pilot in the cockpit perceived an unusual odor, "burnt mixture and electrically smelling".' Because of all the other reports of birds and F22 pilots suffering from oxygen deprivation (hypoxia), and all the new space weather related atmospheric phenomenon, I think this incident is worth noting because airline authorities tried to ignore that something this serious actually happened. The both pilots were traumatised but I still think they deserve a medal.

The drama on board of German Wings
Financial Times Germany, 28th September 2012

Buddhist statue acquired by Nazis is space rock
New Scientist, 27th September 2012
One religious statue has a stronger connection than most to the heavens. An 11th-century carving from Mongolia of the Buddhist god Vaisravana was fashioned from a meteorite fragment, a chemical analysis shows. Its extraterrestrial origins make it unique in both religious art and meteorite science.

The iron-rich statue, 24 centimetres tall, has had a colourful past. It was apparently brought to Germany in 1939 by a Nazi-backed archaeological expedition to search for the roots of Aryanism. A swastika on the armoured Buddha's breastplate may have been a motivating factor in bringing the statue to Germany. [...]

More precisely, Buchner's team has managed to tie the statue to a known meteorite – the Chinga ataxite, which fell to Earth between 10,000 and 20,000 years ago near the border between Siberia and Mongolia. It fragmented as it fell, and just two pieces heavier than 10 kilograms were known before the new analysis. The "Space Buddha", as Buchner's team has dubbed the statue, is the third such piece, at 10.6 kilograms.

I ignored this story at first but I saw it again at New Scientist and it came to me in a flash why the astronomer-priests would have a Buddhist god fashioned from a meteorite fragment. Of course, they were just maintaining their religion by mythologizing a major astronomical event.... The same as the Black Stone in Mecca, Saudi Arabia where the masses are encouraged to worship a fallen meteorite... This article makes some interesting points... Btw, the swastika is a galactic astronomical symbol and that is why it is widely used in Eastern religions / Dharmic religion such as Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism because they all have the same astronomical-religious roots, see Wikipedia.

Propaganda for Dummies: Netanyahu displays cartoonish bomb diagram at the UN to convince the world to turn against Iran, 27th September 2012
I thought this headline over at was hysterical.... Apparently the response to this plea was heaps of ridicule in the Twittersphere...

Bagel head body art trend
Orange News, 27th September 2012
I think this is weird....

Solar maximum? Oh, you just missed it
New Scientist, 26th September 2012
WAITING for solar fireworks to reach a grand finale next year? Um, sorry, looks like you already missed them. Structures in the sun's corona indicate that the peak in our star's latest cycle of activity has been and gone, at least in its northern hemisphere.

The southern hemisphere, meanwhile, is on a sluggish rise to solar maximum and may not hit its peak until 2014. This bizarre asymmetry strengthens a theory that has been bubbling among sun watchers for the past few years: our star is headed for hibernation. Having the sun's outbursts turned off for a while would provide a better baseline for studying how they influence Earth's climate. [...]

Based on the movements of this cycle's prominences, Altrock says that an especially weak solar maximum took place in the sun's northern hemisphere around July last year (

Bernhard Fleck, project scientist for NASA's and the European Space Agency's Solar and Heliospheric Observatory, calls the paper solid work, but adds that even if we missed the northern maximum, the southern hemisphere is still expected to put on a show.

According to Altrock, the southern prominences are still on the move, but slowly. If they continue at the current rate, he says, the south will not reach its maximum until February 2014.

Sigh.... The military solar scientists were more right about a weak Sun but their opinion was completely ignored by NASA spokesman, solar scientist David Hathaway, who championed a mega solar max in 2012, see archives for more info. There has been a swift response to this from Dr. Leif Svalgaard on the New Scientist solar max story over at WUWT who also made predictions that were more right and of course, Svalgaard et al. were ignored too.

Dr. Leif Svalgaard on the New Scientist solar max story
WUWT, 28th September 2012

Scots village smothered by waist-high sea foam
SCIENTISTS believe the unusual substance, that covered Footdee on Tuesday, was produced by phytoplankton.
Scottish Daily Record, 27th September 2012
IT’S a topsy-turvy world for the people of Footdee – one day they’re swamped by foam, the next they’re basking in sunshine. Now scientists are carrying out tests on the waist-high foam from the North Sea that villagers near Aberdeen beach awoke to on Tuesday after Britain was hit by a night of storms.

Experts at Marine Scotland in the city are searching for phytoplankton – thought to be the main cause of the unusual substance. Phytoplankton cells produce a large amount of mucus and, when they are picked up by strong winds, they can form a foam.

Zooplanktologist John Dunn compared the frothing process to whisking egg whites. He said: “We believe the foam was produced by the waves crashing up against the sea wall and the strong winds picked it up and blew it inshore.”

At long last we have been provided with a clue.... By comparing the frothing process to whisking egg whites, Zooplanktologist John Dunn is implying that this natural phenomenon is being caused by vortices of energy (tornadoes) that are whisking the seas up into a froth.... Waterspouts, tornadoes reaching down from the clouds and dust devils are common, but even fire devils or fire tornadoes are becoming more common these days. Thus, these foam displays are are just another tornadic manifestation based on the ingredients that can be found in the sea that can be blown ashore.

Foam swamps Aberdeen seafront (Pictures from STV)
YouTube/Channel 4 News, 25th September 2012

Electric repairs for heart damage?
Irish Times, 27th September 2012
Could electrified nanotubes offer a route to help repair damaged hearts in the future?

In what could justifiably be described as a pretty cool experiment, researchers at NUI Galway and Trinity College Dublin took adult mesenchymal stem cells (from human bone marrow) and mixed them together in the lab with carbon nanotubes.

When they applied an electric current, the stem cells became electrified and they morphed into more cardiac-like cells, explains researcher Dr Valerie Barron from Remedi at National University of Ireland Galway.

So where did they get the idea to do that? “Cardiac muscle is an electro-active tissue, capable of transferring electric signals and allowing the heart to beat, and carbon nanotubes are electro-active nanoparticles,” Barron says. “We knew that carbon nanotubes could be taken up by stem cells, so we thought that we could manipulate this ability to create an alternative electro-active cell source for cardiac muscle repair.”

Funnily enough, electrified carbon nanotubes are falling from space, I think some would call it chi...

Earth cracking up under Indian Ocean
New Scientist, 26th September 2012
YOU may not have felt it, but the whole world shuddered on 11 April, as Earth's crust began the difficult process of breaking a tectonic plate. When two huge earthquakes ripped through the floor of the Indian Ocean, they triggered large aftershocks on faults the world over, and provided the best evidence yet that the vast Indo-Australian plate is being torn in two.

Geologists have spent five months puzzling over the twin quakes - of magnitude 8.6 and 8.2 - which took place off the coast of North Sumatra. Events that large normally occur at the boundary between tectonic plates, where one chunk of Earth's crust slides beneath another, but these were more than 100 kilometres from such a subduction zone. What's more, both involved rocks grinding past each other sideways with very little vertical movement - what geologists call strike-slip earthquakes. Yet strike-slip quakes this large had never been reported before.

This is another unprecedented event, that we can compare with other unprecedented events that are occuring all the time now.... Well, it seems that geoscientists have quietly been connecting the dots between space weather and changes in the interior of the Earth resulting in an increase in earthquakes and volcanic activity. Prof. Dr. Elchin Khalilov, Chairman of World Forum – International Congress GEOCATACLYSM-2011, states ...we are at the beginning of the so-called “global energy leap” on our planet and in the Solar system in general. Source: Link.
Source Paragraph: Changes in the geophysical parameters of the Earth, in particular, the five-fold acceleration of the drift of the North Magnetic pole, changes in the form and geometric parameters of the Earth, variations of its angular rotation velocity and axial inclination, displacement of the center of the masses and global irregular fluctuations of the oceans’ level indicate the beginning of the so-called “global energy leap” on our planet and in the Solar system in general. Therefore, scientists of different countries should combine their efforts in order to inform the world community, influential international organizations including the UN, UNESCO, European Commission, heads of state and parliaments of the true state of affairs as to the changes in natural environment and their possible technogeneous, economic and social consequences.

From the introductory speech of Prof. Dr. Elchin Khalilov, Chairman of World Forum – International Congress GEOCATACLYSM-2011, he also states:
Prof. Dr. Elchin Khalilov

The time has come when accumulated earth science data make it possible to take a deeper look into the nature’s global changes, and reconsider their extent and their role in the sustainable development of civilization. Many world scientists realize that not only do these changes affect the climate, but they have an impact on virtually the entire volume of the Earth, from its core to the atmosphere and magnetosphere.

Global Changes of the Environment, “GEOCHANGE”, mean natural, planet-wide changes in nature, influenced by endogenous, exogenous and cosmic factors occurring within the solar system and having negative implications for the sustainable development of humankind.

This summarizing scientific work by IC GCGE “GEOCHANGE” is our attempt to demonstrate the extent of these processes and how they influence the development of humankind. Those processes may destabilize the progress of civilization unless some preemptive and effective joint action is taken by the international community to ensure the maximum possible reduction in the number of casualties and economic damage caused by natural disasters.

PROCEEDINGS: Natural Cataclysms and Global Problems of the Modern Civilization, WORLD FORUM – INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS September 19-21, 2011 – Istanbul, Turkey
Source: (43.7 MB .pdf) Link.
The Honorary Chairman of the World Forum International Congress “GEOCATACLYSM-2011” states in his paper the following:
An important role in climate change is attributed to global changes in the parameters of the geomagnetic field and magnetosphere; this refers in particular to the more than 500% increase in the North Magnetic Pole’s drift rate and reduction of the geomagnetic field intensity. Today, the impact of magnetospheric processes on Earth’s climate is considered a proven scientific fact.

PROCEEDINGS: Natural Cataclysms and Global Problems of the Modern Civilization, WORLD FORUM – INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS September 19-21, 2011 – Istanbul, Turkey
Source: (43.7 MB .pdf) Link.
These geoscientists have realised that theories that seeks to blame an anthropogenic (manmade) cause are incorrect and are now hosting international conferences and making their scientific research available to those interested in the transformation of our planet. The 2011 was attended by scientists from 30 countries that heard 200 presentations with research papers included in the massive 600 page report, “NATURAL CATACLYSMS AND GLOBAL PROBLEMS OF THE MODERN CIVILIZATION”, 2011 Geocataclysm 2011. The conference Declaration seems to have a similar style to the conclusions provided in the Russian Planetophysical report (1997, 1998 in English), so we can surmise the honourary chairman Prof. Dr. Nikolay Laverov, Vice President of the Russian Academy of Sciences had a big influence over the writing of the latest state-of-the-planet report. It seems that the message of massive planetary upheaval caused by space weather has been accepted by hundreds of geologists and geophysicists.

Here are some short excerpts from the Geocataclysm 2011, Declaration On Natural Cataclysms.
“Istanbul Declaration On Natural Cataclysms”

1. Participants of the World Forum – International Congress GEOCATACLYSM-2011 state that the continuing trend of global change in the geological and geophysical parameters of the Earth and near-earth space, acceleration of the growth rate of the number and energy of natural disasters, global changes observed throughout the Earth including its core, mantle, lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere, ionosphere and magnetosphere represent a serious threat to the sustainable development of humanity. [...]

4. The experience of a number of developed countries proves that preparing the population for likely natural disasters and raising its educational level for taking effective steps before, during and after natural disasters significantly reduces the number of victims and improves the quality of emergency management. Meanwhile, the world’s population in many countries still lacks the skills, knowledge and experience to counter natural disasters. For the most part, this refers to the people of poor and densely populated countries.

5. The geological life of our planet have repeatedly witnessed periods of a significant increase in endogenous and exogenous activity and another such period, as shown by many natural indicators, has already begun.

Source: Link.
I would like to thank aboriginee over at ATS for his diligence in searching for information that confirms that geoscientists are concerned about changes to Earth's interior and the relationship to changes in Earth's cosmic environment, see ATS thread link.


Incredibly Effective Protection from Fukushima Nuclear Radiation Effects
Natural Society, 26th September 2012
A special study conducted by Dr. Atsuo Yanagisawa, M.D., Ph.D., from the Japanese College of Intravenous Therapy (JCIT) took a group of men working on the Fukushima site and administered 25,000 mg (milligrams) or 25 grams of vitamin C as a pretreatment prior to half of the men entering the area. What you’re about to learn is that this measure of protection may be one of the best when dealing with nuclear radiation effects.

A Solution to Fukushima’s Nuclear Radiation Effects

After their hazardous work, thorough medical evaluations determined they were clear of DNA damage and precancerous indicators that would have otherwise occurred from the radiation. The untreated workers showed DNA damage and precancerous indicators, but they received a similar post treatment protocol for a couple of months and recovered completely.

The Japanese College’s work and findings were supressed because TEPCO, the firm that owns the Fukushima plant, the Japanese government, and Japanese media all have ignored them and their science based advice.

This is a very interesting article report. It seems double Nobel prize winner Linus Pauling who was condemned as a 'quack' because he advocated the use of high doses of vitamin C to treat many diseases, is being vindicated once again...

Vitamin C, Linus Pauling was right all along. A doctor's opinion
Medical News Today, 17th August 2004

Government hospitals may soon offer alternative treatment
The Star, 26th September 2012
PATIENTS may soon opt for modern, traditional or complementary medicine when seeking treatment in government hospitals.

Health Minister Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai said even though this was not the current standard operating procedure at government hospitals, traditional and complementary medical services could be a possibility in the near future due to its growing popularity among the public.

He said a study made recently showed that 77.9% of medical doctors responded positively about traditional and complementary medicine and would refer or advise their patients to go for massages, therapies or acupuncture.

Obviously, Big Pharma does not have a big enough stranglehold in this country...

Computer Glitch Delays Cargo Ship's Undocking from Space Station, 25th September 2012
An unmanned European cargo ship as large as a double-decker bus inside will have to wait a bit longer before leaving the International Space Station due to computer problems, NASA officials say.

The robotic Automated Transfer Vehicle 3 (ATV-3) spacecraft was slated to undock from the space station Tuesday evening (Sept. 25), but a technical glitch with a laptop computer inside the station prevented to orbital departure. The two spacecraft were scheduled to part ways at 6:35 p.m. EDT (2235 GMT). [...]

Station commander Sunita Williams of NASA told Mission Control that commands sent from the laptop apparently were not reaching the ATV spacecraft

EM Interference and signal attenuation is an issue on Earth too...

Space debris from Russian satellite threatens International Space Station, report says
The Australian, 27th September 2012

Ancient calendar unearthed
Vietnam News, 24th September 2012

NASA's Chandra Shows Milky Way is Surrounded by Halo of Hot Gas
NASA Chandra News, 24th September 2012
Astronomers have used NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory to find evidence our Milky Way Galaxy is embedded in an enormous halo of hot gas that extends for hundreds of thousands of light years. The estimated mass of the halo is comparable to the mass of all the stars in the galaxy.

If the size and mass of this gas halo is confirmed, it also could be an explanation for what is known as the "missing baryon" problem for the galaxy.

Baryons are particles, such as protons and neutrons, that make up more than 99.9 percent of the mass of atoms found in the cosmos. Measurements of extremely distant gas halos and galaxies indicate the baryonic matter present when the universe was only a few billion years old represented about one-sixth the mass and density of the existing unobservable, or dark, matter. In the current epoch, about 10 billion years later, a census of the baryons present in stars and gas in our galaxy and nearby galaxies shows at least half the baryons are unaccounted for.

The "hot gas" is technically plasma, and the evidence suggests that everything in the universe, whether an object is big or small, is surrounded by more rarefied energy.... atoms are surrounded by electrons, humans and living beings have an energy field made up of plasma, galaxies have a dark matter halo.... The question is fast becoming: what exactly is dark matter? It seems that the plasma cosmology viewpoint that dark matter is just hard to detect sub-atomic particles (plasma) is making some headway.

UFO floats over pregnant mum
The Sun, 22nd September 2012

This 'thingy' is virtually identical to the entity caught on a surveillance camera leaping over cars....see archives for August 2012.

Is America The Most Materialistic Society In The History Of The World?
The Economic Collapse, 19th September 2012
When it comes to materialism, has any nation ever surpassed what we are seeing in the United States right now? We define our lives by how much stuff we have, to a large degree our personal and business relationships are defined by how much money we make, and even most of the important dates on our calendar are all about materialism. Just think about it. We throw outrageous birthday parties for our kids and we shower them with gifts. Most of our "holidays" have become highly materialistic, and the biggest holiday of all in our society, Christmas, is an absolute orgy of materialism. We make lists of the "wealthiest Americans" and we glorify their achievements. We spend most of our time either making money or spending it. Even the phrase "the American Dream" reveals how materialistic we are.

This article reminds me of an invitation where I was asked by an American: Do you want to be rich like us? I felt I had been transported into Tolkien's Middle Earth and I had just had an encounter with Gollum.... I was so creeped out, I ran away fast and never looked back... Now, I realise that malignant narcissists only see you as a cardboard cut-out and a means to an end, I am not so offended, but it means that I know what I am dealing with and materialism is not the half of it.... Anyway, I was interested to find an article about someone who lived and breathed Oprahism for year. Robyn Okrant devoted a year to following Big Time New Age pusher Oprah's advice and wrote a book about her experience. In the Globe & Mail article, 25th February 2010, A year of living Oprah is no life at all. Oknant states:
"The biggest conflict for me is where spirituality and consumerism converge on her show. [....] This whole project was about living your "best life." But by the end of the year, you write, "I haven't felt this much pressure to look and act a certain way since high school." What specifically triggered those feelings?
There are some who refuse to forgive Oprah for promoting James Ray (despite warnings he was dangerous) who then proceeded with his new found fame to go on kill four people. Now she is promoting Tony Robbins, who blatantly uses cult tactics. His LGAT exercise of "Emotional Flooding" is a classic example... Due to the nature of the deceit, most people have no idea what some will do to turn them into blind followers, but in general, narcissism and consumerism is an intoxicating brew...

Sounds of space: NASA records audible "chorus" beyond Earth
CBS News, 25th September 2012 A NASA spacecraft has made the clearest record yet of choruses of noise in the Earth's magnetosphere.

The chirps and whoops were captured by one of NASA's two recently launched Radiation Belt Storm Probes spacecraft, whose mission is to understand more about space weather.

"My wife calls it 'alien birds,'" joked experiment principal investigator Craig Kletzing, an astronomer at the University of Iowa.

The twin RBSP spacecraft are exploring the magnetosphere, an area where solar particles add energy to the Earth's magnetic environment, leading to a release of energy in the Van Allen radiation belt. [

This is exactly the same as when energy is transfered from the ionosphere to the ground during the process of lightning. NASA states:
"Everyone's terrestrial environment almost literally sings with radio waves at audio frequencies," says Dennis Gallagher, a space physicist at the Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC). "Our ears can't detect radio waves directly, but we can convert them to sound waves with the aid of a very low frequency (VLF) radio receiver."
The source of most VLF emissions on Earth is lightning. Lightning strokes emit a broadband pulse of radio waves, just as they unleash a visible flash of light. VLF signals from nearby lightning, heard through the loudspeaker of a radio, sound like bacon frying on a griddle or the crackling of a hot campfire. Space scientists call these sounds "sferics," short for atmospherics. Earth Songs:
Our planet is a natural source of radio waves at audio frequencies. An online receiver at the Marshall Space Flight Center is playing these songs of Earth so anyone can listen. NASA Science News, January 19, 2001
Radio waves are communicating information, so I can only presume the planetary brain picks up the information as a data transmission to accompany the physical delivery of energy, but the whole process is still curious...

Mother of three, 32, wakes from a coma thinking it's 1998 and she's still only a teenager
Daily Mail, 25th September 2012
A 32-year-old mother of three awoke from a coma believing she was still 19 and it was 1998.

Sarah Thomson, from Exeter, had no memory of Chris, her husband of ten years, or of her children Michael, 14, Daniel, five and Amy, four.

She had been unconscious for ten days and undergone emergency surgery after malformed blood vessel connections burst in her head.

This is a similar disfunction to people who wake up from coma speaking with a foreign accent or even a new language, but this suggests the magnetic tape of your life that holds our memories can be erased and reset. Dr Michael Persinger of Canada’s Laurentian University believes memories are delivered by brain photons into Earth’s magnetic field to be stored holographically. But in this time of geomagnetic and electromagnetic chaos, we can expect things to go wrong on the odd occasion. Here, this woman wakes up from a coma like she has travelled back in time.... It's interesting that her memory can be repaired, but it seems to be a slow process.... I wonder how often this happens because there is a similar story in the archives...

Ex-professor gets life in prison for meeting rampage
Yahoo News, 24th September 2012
Huntsville, Alabama - A Harvard-educated biologist was sentenced to life in prison without parole Monday after being convicted of going on a shooting rampage during a faculty meeting at an Alabama university, killing three colleagues and wounding three others in 2010.

The jury deliberated for about 20 minutes before convicting Amy Bishop. The former professor at the University of Alabama in Huntsville showed no reaction as the verdict was read. She did not speak in court, but her attorney said she has often expressed great remorse for the victims and their families.

This is a follow up. Bishop must have experienced some kind of narcisstic injury to use Sam Vaknin's terminology and she decided to respond in the manner of a typical psychopath who thinks they can do what they like to settle their grievances. It doesn't matter that she was a university professor, these types operate by their own twisted logic and values. The behavioural patterns of narcissists and psychopaths have been well documented by psychologists who state there is no 'cure' for this type. The remorse is pure acting, psychopaths are famed for being able to turn on the waterworks at will.

U.S. Weather Satellite Malfunctions, 25th September 2012
The U.S. weather satellite, GOES East, which tracks the East Coast as well as Atlantic hurricanes has malfunctioned. After vibrations were detected on Sunday affecting the images the satellite sends back to Earth, engineers decided to put that part of the satellite into standby mode.

The Weather Channel spoke to NOAA’s office of Satellite Operations late Monday afternoon, and was assured that forecasting abilities will not be greatly affected, if at all.

A standby satellite, which was on and available after some testing in August, was moved into place to cover the area on the East Coast. Additionally, a third satellite which is used to cover the West Coast has broadened its coverage area to include areas in the Eastern U.S.

Well, we have just had the Fall equinox and that is a risky time for satellites if they are in the wrong place at the wrong time.... (See synopsis below for more background info.) were informing us that the auroras were brilliant as they always are at this time of year, AUTUMN LIGHTS, but the risk for satellites is something I wrote about in my e-book The Electrotechnics of the heavens. For those who don't understand the metaphysical implications, as I have written before, according to Dr Wilhelm Reich who discussed his research with Albert Einstein in the 1940s, geomagnetic storms were deliveries of orgone energy or aether. Today, we would clarify all this and say that space weather deliveries sub-atomic matter in the form of plasma but some of that energy is only visible in certain parts of the electromagnetic spectrum like infra-red and ultra-violet and some of it is completely dark to our technological/astronomical instruments, but it is still physical matter, the same as solar neutrinos were once dark but now they can be detected. (This takes us into the debate about what dark matter really represents.) What some call aether is still up for debate as to whether it really is completely invisible as it is quite clear that some humans (synaesthetes) can see more into the infra-red and ultra-violet and they can see energies that are normally invisible to others. Space is not a cold dark place where nothing happens, think instead of stars wars with laser beams and massive bolts of lightning, hurricanes of sub-atomic particles and cosmic bullets of galactic and solar cosmic rays. So, satellites are failing because when storms in space are severe, they are being struck by an assortment of space weather but essentially, sub-atomic particles all carry a charge and when there is a massive flow of charge, the electrical shock can damage delicate electronic components. From a human point of view, the Earth is experiencing a cosmic deluge of celestial energy that is being used to drive massive evolutionary change on this planet.What's more, some humans have the ability to soak up some of this energy and utilise it to their personal benefit. However, the real message is that the human energy field has to be in a good enough state to maintain it's integrity in order to filter energies that are useful. This should be an important message that the metaphysical community should be broadcasting loud and clear. It is not being broadcasted because there are not really enough people who care enough about what is happening and are empowered enough to care about others. It's all rather practical considerations, the bullshit that passes for spirituality won't help anyone.

GOES-13 satellite outage
Weather Underground, 24th September 2012
The imaging instrument on NOAA's geostationary satellite that provides regular images every 15 minutes for the Eastern U.S. and Atlantic Ocean, GOES-13, has been experiencing an increasing amount of noise in the signal since September 12. The noise got so bad on Sunday night that the instrument was placed in stand-by mode, and engineers are attempting to troubleshoot the problem. GOES-15, the geostationary satellite that covers the Western U.S. and Eastern Pacific, is now taking images of all of North America to help compensate. However, there is no regular 15-minute satellite imagery available for most of the North Atlantic, including the Caribbean. September is a bad time to be without satellite imagery over the Atlantic, but fortunately, there are not any threat areas in the Atlantic we are currently worried about. The CIMSS Satellite Blog has more information on the outage, and also has links to polar orbiting satellite imagery over the region where we do not have geostationary data. The loss of GOES-13 data will degrade the accuracy of the computer forecast models for the globe, particularly over the Atlantic, for the duration of the outage.

Saturday's Fall Equinox: Earth's Season Change Explained, 21st September 2012

Cat eats mashed potato with a fork
Orange News, 21st September 2012
A video of a cat eating mashed potato with a fork has gone viral on YouTube.

Leaning over a leather chair, the Savannah cat named Nylah is seen tucking into a plate of mash with a silver fork.

The 35 second clip has racked up more than 320,000 hits on the video-sharing website in just a matter of days, receiving thousands of likes.

I wonder if we can call this evolutionary change? LOL

Kids keep 2-headed snake as pet
Yahoo News, 24th September 2012

Shop’s misery as credit card glitch holds up payment for more than £2,000 of business
Barnet Today, 24th September 2012
A HIGH BARNET trader has told of his frustration after a banking software glitch left him more than £2,000 out of pocket.

Steven Goorwich, who owns camping store Cover, in Barnet High Street, described his horror at discovering that a credit card terminal provided by HSBC had failed to accept five days’ worth of payments.

The problems began on Tuesday August 21 when Cover’s only credit card terminal refused to accept certain credit and debit cards.

After contacting the bank’s help desk, Mr Goorwich was told that HSBC had been suffering software difficulties.

Hmmm.... The issue is not just about one shopkeeper, as the article states, "HSBC had been suffering software difficulties".... It really makes you wonder what the true extent of computer glitches are and whether anyone is paying attention and keeping note of trends.

Asda computer glitch leads to rush on groceries after system dishes out valuable money off vouchers
Daily Mail, 22nd September 2012
Shoppers are grabbing huge discounts on their groceries after a glitch with an Asda computer system meant it wrongly dished out valuable money off vouchers.

The supermarket operates the Asda Price Guarantee (APG), which promises to refund the difference if customers could have bought the same basket of goods more cheaply at a rival.

Customers who use the system punch the details of their purchases into the APG website and, if a rival store is cheaper, they are awarded vouchers to the value of the difference.

Well, I have been told that the real problem with all these glitches is too many underqualified people getting jobs as computer specialists, but they don't know enough about computing to know what they are doing.... I resisted this idea for a long time but the major computer screw-ups keep coming and I can't keep blaming this on bit-flips.... or can I?

'I've made £8,670 off Asda in four weeks': Professional shoppers exploit glitch to cash in on supermarket's price guarantee
This is Money, 24th September 2012

Thieves Target 'Psychedelic Tea' Death Family
A thief and a con artist make off with money raised in memory of a teenager who died after drinking hallucinogenic tea in Peru. Sky News, 23rd September 2012
Kyle Nolan, 18, died after drinking extracts of a psychedelic plant called ayahuasca during a ritual in the Madre de Dios jungle region of Peru. [...]

Nolan, from northern California, went on a spiritual retreat in the Amazon rainforest about 530 miles east of Lima on August 17.

He was later reported missing and his mother travelled to Peru to appeal for information after police failed to find him.

Shaman Jose Manuel Pineda Vargas, 58, later admitted trying to cover up his death by burying him in the grounds of his retreat. He was arrested with two other men.

Even though this story appears current, it has been floating around the news media for nearly a year. Hence, there is already a lot of comment in the blogosphere from people who hate New Age "drug tourism and phony shamanism". The Rick Ross Cult Education Forum has an article collection in the thread Recovering from New Age Mumbo Jumbo & also provides details of the long list of ayahuasca contraindications that can also lead to death.

NASA's Solar Fleet Peers Into Coronal Cavities
NASA Science News, 20th September 2012
[...] Kucera and her colleagues have published a paper in the Sept. 20, 2012, issue of The Astrophysical Journal on the temperatures of the coronal cavities. This is the third in a series of papers -- the first discussed cavity geometry and the second its density -- collating and analyzing as much data as possible from a cavity that appeared over the upper left horizon of the sun on Aug. 9, 2007 (below). By understanding these three aspects of the cavities, that is the shape, density and temperature, scientists can better understand the space weather that can disrupt technologies near Earth.

Sun watchers in the blogosphere have already been wondering about these black cavities, see the incredible SDO video link below. This discovery just goes to show that there are new and surprising things still being discovered about our sun and the emphasis on space weather is an excuse to do some intensive analysis.

Solar filament snapping closeup SUN 2012 03 12
YouTube, 13th March 2012
March 11-12 2012: all 88 frames from SDO 171, SW quadrant, excluding blank frames. Cropped from 4096x4096 full frame images. Shows dark filament and solar prominence cavity. Filament "snaps" resulting in a "splash" on the surface

Charged vortices erupting from the Sun can form relatively dark cavities., 20th September 2012
Recently, much has been made about a so-called “black sphere connected to the Sun.” Outlandish claims that a solid object was in close solar orbit, “feeding” off the photospheric plasma, have appeared in various places on the internet. [...] Laboratory experiments with a positively charged sphere show that a plasma torus forms above the Sun’s equator. Electric discharges known as sunspots sometimes bridge the torus with the Sun’s middle and lower latitudes, punching holes through the photosphere.

What Stephen Smith is saying is that he thinks the black cavity is associated with plasma torus ring around the equator. Some Electric Universe/Sun theorists believe the data from SOHO ultraviolet images proves the torus exists and I did briefly mention this in my e-book The Electrotechnics of the Heavens. Yes, I know Smith then moves on to explain plasma behaviour generally on the Sun, but a large dark filament hanging off the main torus connected to a sunsport by a bridge of plasma would be a nice simple Electric Sun explanation... We will see how long it takes for mainstream astronomers to come up with the same explanation... Any bets?

Link Between Coronal Mass Ejections And The Sun’s Interior Motion
Red Orbit, 25th September 2012

Interview with John Major Jenkins on Maya Cosmogenesis 2012 (Video + Slideshow)
Examiner, 19th September 2012
1. What are your thoughts on David Stuart’s teams recent discovery of a new 2012 text as well as his academic interpretation? [...]

MJ: David Stuart is a brilliant epigrapher who has made significant breakthroughs in deciphering the Maya hieroglyphic writing. I’ve been reading his work for decades. I noticed that he, along with his colleague Stephen Houston, tend to overlook astronomy as an aid to their decipherment. For example, when dates are mentioned one can look up the astronomy occurring on that date, and this should factor into the challenging work of decipherment.

It's interesting that Jenkins is pointing out that scholars are still trying to avoid the concept that the ancient Maya were brilliant astronomers. Those who don't agree, are only just ignoring or hiding the evidence. Historical evidence & archaeo-astronomy tells us that astronomer-priests incorporated astronomical concepts into their myth-making for the general populace, exactly the same as all the other major religions have done over millennia. Some of Jenkins's ideas are flat out wrong, but he is fortunate that scholars have decided to reveal the truth that they knew the 2012 date was important. In his favour, Jenkins carried the torch about the need to pay attention to ancient Mayan beliefs. Now, whether people care or not, 2012 is the official date marker for the start of a major astronomical change that is now generating evolutionary change on Earth. There is now no doubt for those who understand some science and metaphysics, what modern Mayan Elders call the Age of Aether is the new phenomenon of Space Weather that is now a major cause for concern.

Huge fireball seen in sky over Ireland
Irish Times, 22nd September 2012
A MASSIVE fireball was seen right across Ireland last night which may be “one of the best ever seen” in Europe and was a “huge event”, according to Astronomy Ireland. The trail of fragments passed across the sky at about 10.55pm with sightings reported from Dublin, Donegal, Cork, Sligo, Carlow, Longford, Antrim and across Britain and as far away as as The Netherlands.

It was “very unusual to see it in multiple countries,” David Moore of Astronomy Ireland said. [...] Mr Moore said the cause of the fireball was not yet clear. “It is a piece of space debris, but whether it is man made or natural is not known,” he said.

He said it was too slow for natural debris and was going the wrong direction for man-made debris. “It is probably a space rock that has skidded across the atmosphere.” Meteorites will have been dropped “but whether they landed in Ireland or at sea we will have to figure out”, he said.

Witnesses described a trail of seven to 12 fireballs in a straight line across the sky. No sound was to be heard either by witnesses in the city or the countryside.

The expert opinion here explains the dilemma of why this object is hard to identify, but what we are being told here is that this astronomer suspects there was a huge meteor (space rock) skimming Earth's atmosphere with an entourage of smaller meteors that dropped and those meteors fragmented.... Bombs away.... Whatever, if you look in the archives, Ireland had a huge meteor seen across the country only a few years ago... Huge meteors are becoming common, but still, there was no warning that anything big was coming close to Earth.... This expert opinion reveals that there is a bigger issue than just satellites coming down.... Please note: it is only last week that it was announced, "The European Space Agency today said it would develop a radar system that will be capable of tracking space hazards such as asteroids and orbital debris." This requirement must now seem to be more even more urgent.

'Meteors' sighted in skies across UK
BBC News, 22nd September 2012
"Brian Guthrie in Grangemouth near Edinburgh, who watched the objects pass through the sky, said it appeared to be something "pretty large breaking up in the atmosphere". Dr Tim O'Brien, associate director of the Jodrell Bank Observatory, told the BBC is was difficult to know the cause the meteor shower.

"It's hard to say exactly, whether it was a chunk of rock coming in from outer space, burning up in the atmosphere or a bit of space debris, we call it, space junk, which is basically man-made stuff from a spacecraft that's burning up in the atmosphere.

"[The meteor was] probably 80 miles up or so, high up, moving very fast, actually, 18,000 miles an hour, probably, at least." Mr Johnston agreed the cause was probably orbital debris.

The BBC are now reporting the opinion of astronomers that this was probably space debris(a large satellite) coming down but why was there no warning?

'Meteor shower' over Northern Ireland 'space junk'
BBC News, 22nd September 2012
"A BBC Northern Ireland film crew captured footage of the bright objects in the sky over Ballymena in County Antrim. A suspected meteor shower spotted in the skies above Northern Ireland was probably space junk, experts have said. Dr Tim O'Brien, associate director of the Jodrell Bank Observatory, said the lights could have been from a bigger chunk of something that burned out."

BREAKING NEWS 9-21-12 - FIREBALL falls from sky in UK
YouTube, 21st September 2012
Cleaned up, no swearing...

Fireball Meteor or Re-Entering Satellite? “Something” Broke Up Over the UK on Friday [VIDEOS]
Universe Today, 22nd September 2012
Twitter is all abuzz with sightings of a huge fireball meteor that streaked across the skies Friday night at approximately 22:00 UTC. There are reports from Northern Ireland, Scotland, and Central England. I’m going to link a bunch of videos so you can check out the event from multiple angles, but I want to make a completely unscientific judgement: it kind of looks like a re-entering spacecraft. [...]

After reading the reports I agreed that this might have been yet another satellite breaking up over the UK and not a meteor BEFORE I read the BBC reports from astronomers thinking out loud the same. The author of this piece provides plenty of video clips but there are warnings about the profanities being used as people are shocked from witnessing this amazing event, but this is now happing quite often. A changing cosmic environment and space weather means that there are thousands of dead satellites that could steadily come crashing down in the future.

BlackBerry Hit by Service Outage
Wall Street Journal, 21st September 2012
LONDON—Research In Motion Ltd. suffered another setback Friday as a new round of service problems hit users of its BlackBerry device, less than a year after a network outage knocked out handsets around the world.

The timing of the latest setback couldn't be worse for the Waterloo, Ontario-based company, coming on the day that rival Apple Inc.'s latest incarnation of the iPhone was delivered to customers around the globe.

For several hours before service was restored, customers in Europe, the Middle East and Africa couldn't send or receive emails. In a statement, RIM apologized to customers who had been affected. "We can confirm that services have been restored and are now operating normally," it said. The company didn't provide a reason for the malfunction.

Hmmm.... We await a technical explanation fot this latest setback but Apple have been having troubles too this week with their cloud computing Imessage service and poor app performance (see below) also described as a fiasco and 'epic fail'. See Apple Maps is An Epic Fail ¦ , for a sardonic description of complaints... Update: servers hit again, see below:

RIM’s servers are back up – for now
Know Your Mobile, 21st September 2012
"BlackBerry maker RIM had a spot of bad luck earlier today when its servers went down for the second time in 12 months, causing service outages for users. Now, it seems, things are back to normal.

RIM has issued a statement, saying: 'Our apologies to any customers impacted by the BlackBerry service issue today. We can confirm that services have been restored and are now operating normally.’"

Only going down for a couple of hours is quite good compared to the previous 4 day outage that became a mega-diaster for BlackBerry maker RIM. The way things are going, servers crashing on a regular basis will become the norm until computer hardware being radiation hardened (rad-hard) becomes standard...

Apple map glitch relocates Dublin Airport to farm
BBC News, 21st September 2012
A technical glitch on Apple's mapping software led to some confusion as to where Dublin airport is located.

The capital's airport is situated on the north side about six miles outside the capital. But on the iOS 6 map application its position is given as a farm in Dundrum, three miles south of the city.

Airfield is a 35-acre estate which sits in the Irish Justice Minister Alan Shatter's constituency. The error led him to issue a statement.

The reports about this failed launch are quite hilarious... Whatever, it seems there, might have been some very poor testing of a new software product but we can't keep using testing as an excuse, as a map of a whole town in water can't just be about poor programming... Well, we know for a fact that the use of standard GPS and satellite navigation systems is problematic... Google Maps was introduced without much of a problem, so this has led me to be consider once again, the general climate of glitches associated with mobile phone products and services.... Basically, it really makes you wonder how long it will take for society as a whole to face some reality.... The military are already well aware and made it public knowledge that there are major issues with standard GPS and satellite navigation systems due to space weather... Whatever, I am amazed by how bad the failings of major companies that are highly reliant on technology are becoming...

New Apple maps app under fire from users
BBC News, 20th September 2012

Ig Nobel honours ponytail physics
BBC News, 21st September 2012
A UK/US team that came up with an equation to predict the shape of a ponytail has earned itself an Ig Nobel.

Patrick Warren, Raymond Goldstein, Robin Ball and Joe Keller picked up their prestigious award at a sellout gala ceremony at Harvard University. Igs are intended as a bit of a spoof on the more sober Nobel science prizes.

Other 2012 winners included teams that studied how chimps could recognise each other from their behinds and why coffee will spill out of a moving mug.

The results of the yearly awards for the best of the worse... This is particularly sad as we watch the planet becoming more and more irradiated due to Fukushima nuclear reactor meltdowns and a catastrophic oil spill that has virtually destroyed an ocean due to sheer carelessness, amongst lots of other major issues that includes major cosmic changes that we are not prepared for ...

Shut up! Speech jammer among 2012 Ig Nobel winners
Phys.Org, 21st September 2012

New Cloud Formation, Undulatus Asperatus, Seeks Official Status
Red Orbit, 20th September 2012
A new variety of cloud is attempting to be officially added to the classification system after first being discovered in 1951.

Meteorologists and “cloudspotters” are looking to formally add undulatus asperatus clouds, or “agitated waves,” to the official list of cloud species. The clouds look like a fluffy blanket that cover part or all of the sky.

The United Nations’ World Meteorological Organization (WMO) in Geneva has the final say in cloud classification, but it may be a few years until the cloud species gets its official status.

The cloud formation was officially proposed as a separate cloud classification by the Cloud Appreciation Society in 2009.

This is solid evidence of a changing world as we know cloud formation is directly related to condensation nuclei and that is influenced by the amounts of cosmic dust in the atmosphere. The real question is what is “agitating” the clouds? Well, due to a changing cosmic environment, the ripples imply a disturbance in Earth’s upper atmosphere, or ionosphere that produce magnetic ripples rather like when a rock is thrown into a pond. Another analogy is like the flow of wind over a lake or body of water can induce the formation of ripples in the water, so the solar wind over the magnetosphere and Earth's atmosphere can give rise to a wave in a plasma. These waves are named after Hannes Alfvén, the physicist who predicted in the 1940s that waves of changing magnetic fields, that he called magnetohydrodynamic waves, MHD waves for short. In January 2012 I also, gave my thoughts on dusty plasmas with technical references to explain the appearance of quite solid looking cloudy ripples in the sky.

American cancels 300 flights this week
Yahoo News, 19th September 2012
DALLAS (AP) — American Airlines and American Eagle say they will cancel 300 flights this week to cope with a high number of pilots reporting sick and an increase in maintenance reports filed by crews.

That's 1.25 percent of the 24,000 flights that were scheduled by the two airlines, which are owned by AMR Corp. The two airlines had already canceled 249 flights this week by Wednesday afternoon, a flight-tracking service said, suggesting that cancelations might far exceed American's estimate. [...]

American has seen an increase in flight cancelations since early this month, when a federal bankruptcy judge allowed the company to impose new pay and work rules on pilots. The pilots had rejected the company's last contract offer in August.

Each day this week, American has canceled more flights than any U.S. airline, according to flight-tracking service FlightAware. By late Wednesday afternoon, American and Eagle had canceled 73 flights, more than the next five airlines combined. They canceled 104 flights on Tuesday and 72 flights on Monday, FlightAware said.

Well, if we take into account others reports of Air Alaska flight attendents & F22 pilots complaining of sickness and all the related issues that I have repeatedly stated (see archives), then reports of more and more pilots and flight attendents complaining of sickness should be no surprise. Yet, I have even got to the point where I wonder if there have been great efforts to persuade people to stop flying. For instance, the introduction of the TSA bully boys, thieves and perverts, combined with the use of highly radioactive screeners to disguise where radiation is coming from as atmospheric radiation is now such a problem.... Simply, when a hypothesis is right, the evidence keeps on proving it.

Scientific Paper: “The Fukushima Radioactive Plume Contaminated the Entire Northern Hemisphere During a Relatively Short Period
Zero Edge, 18th September 2012

We warned mere days after the Japanese earthquake that the West Coast of North America could be hit with radiation.

Our concerns – unfortunately – have been validated.  See this and this.

The peer-reviewed scientific journal Science of the Total Environment reports:

Massive amounts of anthropogenic radionuclides were released from the nuclear reactors located in Fukushima (northeastern Japan) between 12 and 16 March 2011 following the earthquake and tsunami. Ground level air radioactivity was monitored around the globe immediately after the Fukushima accident. This global effort provided a unique opportunity to trace the surface air mass movement at different sites in the Northern Hemisphere.


The analysis of the air mass forward movements during 12th -16th March showed that the air mass was displaced eastward from the Fukushima area and bifurcated into a northern and a southern branch outside of Japan (Fig. 3). This eastward bifurcation of air masses is in agreement with the simulation of the potential dispersion of the radioactive cloud after the nuclear accident of Fukushima (Weather OnlineWebsite of United Kingdom, UK, 2012).


This work clearly demonstrates how little dissipation occurred during this time due to the nature of the rapid global air circulation system, and the Fukushima radioactive plume contaminated the entire Northern Hemisphere during a relatively short period of time.

Comment: I downloaded the paper referenced here and I can confirm that the statement "...the Fukushima radioactive plume contaminated the entire Northern Hemisphere during a relatively short period of time." is from the conclusion. Is it any wonder that space weather combined with Fukushima radiation is now causing pilots and flight attendents to be sick.

Mutated sunflower in Kagawa prefecture
Fukushima Diary, 19th September 2012

“Lilo and Stitch” Has a Glitch as Disney Shows Sex Film
Big Cartoon News, 19th September 2012
The man and woman hav­ing sex on a Dis­ney Chan­nel sure weren’t Lilo or Stitch. [...] The video was so explicit that neither the Dis­ney Channel nor FOX Car­olina, which reported the story, are allowed to air it. An information page from the movie that Brown recorded made it clear that it was 2002’s “Lilo and Stitch,” and that it was rated PG. “I’ve been in the TV industry for 15 years, and I’ve never once seen that,” said David Guttey, a contractor for Dish Network, who examined Brown’s receiver. “It kind of had me astonished.”

It's not the first time in recent years this has happened, but this is a Disney channel that was affected. Satellite interefernce is a well known problem (see the article below that gives a good tutorial on the subject), but I would have thought there would have been some programming in the system somewhere that automatically moved on to something suitable for children if a main signal was lost.... This is seriously terrible.

  • Satellite Interference: Tech To The Rescue
    Sat Magazine, June 2008

  • Focus: Tackling Satellite Interference
    Mil Sat Magazine, December 2011
    "Satellite interference is a huge problem in this industry and affects a whole plethora of different users across various sectors of this extremely diversified business. The military is no exception and is the one area where fixing the problem of satellite interference is the most crucial, as it can, and often does, jeopardize vital operations." [...]

    What Interference?

    The problem of interference is widespread and it stems from the phenomenal amount of media and data streaming up to satellites. With so many satellites orbiting our planet, (and more to come!) the first thing that a user, or a system, must do is point it at the right one. With orbital spacing as close as 1.5 degrees, mistakes are often made using flyaway or mobile terminals. As important is the frequency at which the user transmits to the satellite; this has to be correct. In addition, the power at which the signal is transmitted is often forgotten, yet an important factor: Too low and it’s too weak, too high and it often shows up on small antenna systems as adjacent satellite interference. This delicate setup, as a consequence, is therefore, inherently prone to human and equipment error.

    The effect of interference is naturally a loss or degradation of signal, which in a military environment means a potential loss of communications, something, which everyone working in that environment is keen to avoid.

ClimateGate Star Michael Mann Courts Legal Disaster
Forbes, 18th September 2012
The climate crisis parade’s leading drum major may have led his band down a dangerous legal road. Claiming exoneration by previous scientific conduct investigations, Dr. Michael Mann, of ClimateGate fame, subsequently filed a libel law suit to defend his professional reputation, and he now threatens to launch another.

This 'Climate Wars' story is still rumbling on in the background... Meanwhile there is more Climate War strife elsewhere:

Shuker Nature, 18th September 2012
In an earlier ShukerNature blog post (click here), I documented one of my favourite if very radical theories appertaining to mystery creatures. Namely, that some UFOs may actually be living entities – i.e. highly-specialised, undiscovered species of atmosphere-inhabiting sky beast, adapted for an exclusively airborne existence in a vast rarefied realm in the uppermost reaches of our planet where, very oddly in terms of evolutionary diversity, no species endemic to it have ever been formally disclosed.

The only thing of great interest is the fact that it seems like more and more ufologists are seriously asking the question: are some UFOs actually living entities? Simply, there have been too many sightings that look distinctly biological and people are reporting what they see not what they think they should have seen (maybe this is related to how easy it is these days to take quick photos and video on mobile phones etc....) Well, some compaigners like Charles Fort realised nearly one hundred years ago, there was enough evidence to suggest the universe is far more diverse than most humans wish to consider. These days the weight of evidence is such that many are being forced to reconsider their beliefs.

NASA Admits to UFO's?
YouTube, 25th August 2012
"Did NASA Basically Admit to UFO's in their Unexplained Files?"

This is a clip from a NASA video. Well, if that is not an admission. I don't know what is!

Dr. William Bengston’s Hands On Healing Research Ignored by Cancer Industry
Skeptico, 17th September 2012
Interview with St. Josephs College sociology professor Dr. William Bengston examines his extensive scientific research into hands on healing.

Join Skeptiko host Alex Tsakiris for an interview with Dr. William Bengston about his book, The Energy Cure: Unraveling the Mystery of Hands-on Healing. During the interview Bengston describes his experiments with hands-on healing:

Dr. William Bengston: …starting from these clinical that, for example, malignant growths respond quickly and benign growths don’t respond so quickly, I thought to myself, ‘How are we going to get a handle on this? How are we going to go from spontaneous clinical experience to very controlled conditions?’ I wanted an absolute air-tight, no question about it, experiment that if it worked you didn’t have a viable counter-hypothesis…

I am quite impressed with Dr. William Bengston’s theory of "Resonant bonding" that he describes in his book Chasing the Cure (2010). There is a direct link with the Placebo Affect, but it is different because humans don't believe that mice have the ability to think themselves better from serious diseases.... Whatever, if you are interested in this subject, there are links on this website to good articles and his book is worth a read. Serious academics should check out his research papers.

A Ring of Truth, 17th September 2012
Rings around stars confirm Electric Universe theory.

A recent press release from the European Space Agency announces that a ring around the star Fomalhaut (Fo-mal-HOUT) demonstrates “the glow from dust in the debris disc – a structure resembling the Kuiper Belt in the primordial Solar System – around the young star Fomalhaut. Detailed studies suggest that the dust in this debris disc consists of “fluffy” aggregates of grains, which are produced by the frequent collisions taking place between comets within the disc.” [...]

Astronomers believe that fluffy dust aggregates in the Solar System arise from collisions between comets, so they assume that the fluffy dust observed in the debris disc of Fomalhaut derives from cometary collisions, too. However, radiation pressure from the star should effectively blow such fluffy particles away: “this blow-out effect must be compensated by a steady production of dust particles via comet collisions,” notes co-author Carsten Dominik from the University of Amsterdam and Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen, which means the dust particles are being replenished by cometary impacts.

Scientists have adopted a principle called Occam's Razor, where if there are two competing theories that make exactly the same predictions, the simpler one is considered to be better. Invariably, in cosmology and astronomy, Plasma Cosmology or even the more speculative Electric Universe theory is always the most simple, thus fulfilling Occam's Razor.... Here, standard astronomical theory is shown by some basic calculations to be highly speculative...

Neurosurgeon Shows How Low Levels of Radiation Such As Wi-Fi, Smart Meters And Cell Phones Cause The Blood Brain Barrier To Le
Prevent Disease, 19th September 2012
Neurosurgeon and researcher Dr. Leif Salford has conducted many studies on radio frequency radiation and its effects on the brain. Dr. Salford called the potential implications of some of his research "terrifying." Some of the most concerning conclusions result from the fact that the weakest exposure levels to wireless radiation caused the greatest effect in causing the blood brain barrier to leak.

Since he began his line of research in 1988, Dr. Leif Salford and his colleagues at Lund University Hospital in Sweden has exposed over 1,600 experimental animals to low-level radiation. Their results were consistent and worrisome: radiation, including that from cell phones, caused the blood-brain barrier--the brain's first line of defense against infections and toxic chemicals--to leak.

This is a lot of quality information on this subject.

Security firm to hold zombie crisis scenario
Military Times, 16th September 2012
The far-fetched scenario of a government grappling a zombielike threat — think movies like “Night of the Living Dead” or, more comically, “Zombieland” — has captured the attention and imagination of Brad Barker, president of the security firm HALO Corp.

Next month, his outfit will incorporate — no kidding — zombies into a disaster-crisis scenario at the company’s annual Counter-Terrorism Summit in San Diego, a five-day event providing hands-on training, realistic demonstrations, lectures and classes geared to more than 1,000 military personnel, law enforcement officials, medical experts, and state and federal government workers.

At the moment, I am struggling with the notion that world controllers are taking the concept of zombies seriously.... but here we have a report on "the far-fetched scenario of a government grappling a zombielike threat..." reported in the Military Times.... Since my research is coming up with different scenarios for the occurrence of zombies, I am quite cynical about the need to create zombies because there is already a lot of mindless people around...

Rare 'Fire Devil' Caught on Film
Yahoo News, 17th September 2012
Nature's not much for subtlety. Just ask Chris Tangey, the man who watched in awe as a 100-foot-high (30-meter-high) whirlwind of fire tore around a patch of Australian Outback on Tuesday (Sept. 11).

Tangey, a filmmaker, managed to capture some very rare footage of the startling phenomenon while out scouting locations near Alice Springs, Australia, according to The Australian.

One name for the event he recorded, a fire tornado, is a misnomer, according to Mark Wysocki, New York's state climatologist and a professor of atmospheric sciences at Cornell University. The columns of spinning fire are much more similar to dust devils than tornadoes, Wysocki said.

I was truly amazed by what the filmmaker actually stated in his interview, the fire tornado was part of an event that lasted 40 minutes and stated: "It was a dance of giants, it was awe inspiring...", but these fire tornadoes are becoming less rare, see archives...

Tornado Of Fire Caught On Tape In Australia Fire Twister
YouTube, 18th September 2012

Incoming! Meteor or Comet Fragment Explodes Above Southwestern US, Prompting US Army 'Missiles' Cover-up, 16th September 2012
On Thursday morning, 13th September 2012, early risers from all over the southwestern United States - California, Nevada, Utah, Colorado and New Mexico - were stunned by the appearance of a vivid luminescent trail high up in the atmosphere. Photos taken by residents reminded me of the glowing trail seen across the Caucasus on the 7th June 2012 (which I have written about here). My suspicion that we were looking at the arrival and overhead explosion of yet another meteor or cometary fragment (MoCF) solidified when I read some of the ridiculous claims of the US Army that they had test-fired a rocket/missile at 5.30am local time on the 13th of September.

Niall Bradley has done some work and confirmed my suspicions that official sources were lying by claiming that three missiles were test-fired over a densely populated area....

NBC's 'Revolution' Review: More Than A Shot In The Dark?
Star Pulse, 17th September 2012


NBC has a much-needed hit their hands, and it’s not “Guys With Kids.”  It’s “Revolution,” a riveting sci-fi drama from the mind of “Supernatural” creator Eric Kripke, produced by J.J. Abrams (“Lost,” “Fringe”) that could re-energize the institution of appointment television that’s withering, thanks to iTunes, Tivo and DVRs. 

“Revolution” tells the story of life after a mysterious event that essentially kills electricity and all electronics, plunging the entire world into darkness. Fifteen years after the blackout governments have fallen.  States devolved into isolated republics and the suburbs into armed villages.  The show hones in on Ben Matheson (a wholesome Tim Guinee) and his endangered and, of course, ruggedly hot children: fierce Charlie (Tracy Spiridakos) and her little brother Danny, who is spirited and asthmatic.  Of course, there is a bigger conspiracy that begins to reveal itself when Ben is cut down by a Milita unit led by “Breaking Bad’s” Giancarlo Esposito.  His dying breaths are spent to tell his daughter to go find her uncle in Chicago, because he’s “good at killing,” and he’ll be able to help her save her kidnapped brother. 

Comment: Hopefully, this might cause a few more to wake up to the reality of space weather...

Assange gets an Aboriginal passport
Sydney Morning Herald, 15th September 2012
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has been offered an Aboriginal Nations passport in an inner-city Sydney ceremony after he was "abandoned" by Australian authorities. His father, John Shipton, accepted the document at a celebration in Darlington today.

I think this is hilarious and serious both at the same time....

Three-year old revered as healer
Phnompenh Post, 14th September 2012
Ray Rong, 3, blesses bottles of water in Svay Chrum village, Prey Veng province. Hundreds of people come to see the child and get the water every day, believing it can heal their illnesses. Photograph: Heng Chivoan/Phnom Penh Post

Even before dawn, a few hundred people have gathered to sit in line, reminiscent of the queues of waiting patients which snakes outside the grounds of the Kantha Bopha Hospital during pandemics.

They have travelled from different cities and provinces to get a chance to be healed by Ray Rong, a resident of Prey Veng’s Svay Chrum village. Rong is known far and wide as one of the best healers in the area, and the blessing water and herbal medicines he gives to patients are claimed to defeat a hundred different kinds of diseases. Many other traditional healers proffer the same goods, but there’s one important difference: Rong is only three years old.

I am wondering if the placebo affect is in overdrive here, but in this energy, anything can happen....

No magic show: Real-world levitation to inspire better pharmaceuticals
Argonne National Laboratory, 12th September 2012
It’s not a magic trick and it’s not sleight of hand – scientists really are using levitation to improve the drug development process, eventually yielding more effective pharmaceuticals with fewer side effects.

Scientists at the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Argonne National Laboratory have discovered a way to use sound waves to levitate individual droplets of solutions containing different pharmaceuticals. While the connection between levitation and drug development may not be immediately apparent, a special relationship emerges at the molecular level.[...]

The acoustic levitator uses two small speakers to generate sound waves at frequencies slightly above the audible range – roughly 22 kilohertz. When the top and bottom speakers are precisely aligned, they create two sets of sound waves that perfectly interfere with each other, setting up a phenomenon known as a standing wave.

At certain points along a standing wave, known as nodes, there is no net transfer of energy at all. Because the acoustic pressure from the sound waves is sufficient to cancel the effect of gravity, light objects are able to levitate when placed at the nodes.

Of course, this has caused some excitement in the blogosphere with all the believers in levitation in general re-affirming their beliefs. Well, it is old news that a Dr. Jarl, a Swedish doctor in 1939 traveled into Tibet and witnessed Buddhist monks using traditional sound techniques to levitate heavy rocks.[They used drums and giant trumpets made of resonant metal alloys, in combination with concave piezoelectric stone transducers to focus the sounds produced.] Of course, when Jarl arrived home with the video proof, the English Scientific Society for which he was working confiscated the two films and declared them classified. Quite frankly, it is most likely how the pyramids were built.... For the complete story see, The Mystery of Edward Leedskalnin - Coral Castle & Focused Infrasound Pulsations Levitate Piezoelectric Stones [PHOTOS].

Acoustic levitation
YouTube, 12th September 2012

Image of the Day: The Spectacular Vela Supernova Remnant
Daily Galaxy, 12th September 2012
The Pencil Nebula is pictured in a new image from ESO's La Silla Observatory in Chile. This peculiar cloud of glowing gas is part of a huge ring of wreckage left over after a supernova explosion that took place about 11 000 years ago. This detailed view was produced by the Wide Field Imager on the MPG/ESO 2.2-metre telescope. [...]

This oddly shaped cloud, which is also known as NGC 2736, is a small part of a supernova remnant in the southern constellation of Vela (The Sails). These glowing filaments were created by the violent death of a star that took place about 11 000 years ago. The brightest part resembles a pencil; hence the name, but the whole structure looks rather more like a traditional witch's broom.

The witch's broom feature is obviously highly filamentary plasma... This is the response at, Plasma Twisting and Rock Banging

Daytime fireballs spark ground fires in Okanagan Valley, British Columbia, 11th September 2012
Several residents report seeing fiery streaks in the sky around the same time as the Trepanier Creek Wildfire that started near Trepanier Linear Park Sunday afternoon.

"I was driving north up Highway 97 when I saw a really, really bright light coming straight down, off to the right over the lake," said Philip Hare of Kelowna. "It was so close I felt like I could touch it, then it was gone. Then I heard about the fire and thought that was way too coincidental for me."

Hare reported the sighting at 3 p.m., the fire started around the same time. "It was a flash of bright white, blue hot with flames."

Others, sitting in their swimming pools or driving, report seeing balls of fire with flaming tails in the area near where the blaze began and other points to the northeast. Coincidentally or not there was another fire that started near Falkland around the same time as the one in Peachland. The origin of that fire, is also, still under investigation.

I agree with for changing the headline, fireballs from space is not joke material... There does seem to be an uptick in reports of fires associated with fireballs, but this is still not common compared to the amount of fireball reports... It is noticeable that there tends to be a media blackout if it is related to unannounced space junk falling down. We know this because over the last few years, the speedy internet often provides interesting information ignored by the media in general. However, there are now many more reports of meteorites blazing across the skies, a few hitting houses (and even cars and people) plus a few major searches when big objects fall. is quite good at paying attention to the continuous reports.

  • Meteorites impact ground in Tuscany, April 1 2012, 1st April 2012
    No radioactivity was registered at the point of impact, an area ??about 60cm in diameter and up to half a meter deep. A thermal camera registered 756 degrees celsius even though the impact happened more than 18 hours earlier. Dozens of glowing points of several thousand degrees were detected on the thermal camera's monitor.

    SOTT Comment: According to official science, meteorites don't start fires because they are always stone cold when they reach the ground. So much for official science...

  • Meteorite starts fire in Itatiba, Brazil following separate Fireball incident in neighbouring Campinas days earlier, 1st August 2012
    [...] After Correio published a story about the fireball, the editorial staff has received six e-mails from readers reporting that they saw this very bright event. The astronomer explained that the phenomena in Campinas and Itatiba have no relation with each other, but the two incidents indicate that the sky is "busy."

  • Fireball starts wildfire in Reno, Nevada, 9th Jul 2012

Europe sets sights on asteroid tracking radars
Would radars help track the 14-story size asteroid currently approaching Earth?
Network World, 12th September 2012
The European Space Agency today said it would develop a radar system that will be capable of tracking space hazards such as asteroids and orbital debris. ESA and France's Office National d'Etudes et Recherches Aérospatiales - research center will work with five other partners in France, Spain and Switzerland to this month design a test surveillance radar and develop a $6 million demonstrator model.

It is public knowledge that about 9,000 asteroids are passing Earth at any one point in time, but it seems that the increasing number of cosmic objects entering Earth's atmosphere is of concern to world controllers.... The space agencies need radar because these objects are essentially invisible due to the type of energy cloaking the asteroids and detection must be done in exactly the same way as we detect UFOs or UAPs. For those interested in the metaphysical implications, the asteroids are being carried on a tide of primordial energy from deep space, this energy is creative and transformative and that is why we can expect a spiritual transformation on this planet. The affects have already been noticeable for a few decades already.

Heart problems increase substantially after earthquakes, new study claims
The Extinction Protocol, 14th September 2012
- A study carried out by two Portuguese researchers, which was recently unveiled during the European Epidemiology Congress in Oporto, shows that that the risk of suffering heart complications increases significantly in the wake of an earthquake. The chance of experiencing heart problems rises by more than 60 percent in the days following an earthquake, according to the research.

Authors Ana Isabel Ribeiro, of Oporto University’s Superior Institute for Public Health, and Maria de Fátima Pina, of the Oporto University Medical Faculty’s Epidemiology Department, claim that the association between heart problems and quakes was already known. However, according to the two researchers, there were few studies that evaluated the impact that smaller tremors could have on non-lethal heart problems. [...]

Based on the results the investigators stressed the need for public authorities to invest in raising awareness among the population with regards to this problem and educate society, with a view to avoiding panic and reducing the impact of earthquakes on the health of the most sensitive populations.

I have blogged about this so many times already... Again, for the record.... I put a lot of effort into research to explain why metaphysical sources were warning people about being affected by earthquakes and the need to protect the human energy field. I kept researching and researching until I started to find answers, but it looks like this not particularly offbeat... The planet is literally steaming as old energies leave the planet. Some of this energy is being picked up by satellite and radar as they are considered as precursor signals for earthquakes and bad enough to be affecting satellites, but this same energy is biologically active. So now we find out that there are a few scientists who state "the association between heart problems and quakes was already known." Really? I certainly did not know this was already old news even after all my research and it does seem very little effort has been made to inform the general public..... I have referenced the Extinction Protocol version because we are reminded of ancient text warning what we should expect during The End Times, which I will know repeat:
“Men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.” -Luke 21:26
Yes, the Bible is coded with relevant information related to ancient knowledge of astronomical cycles and if you have done enough work, you will be well aware that there are many "signs" that we are living in The End Times, the end/start of a new major astronomical cycle.

Sky Portal Appears Over Arctic Facility 2012 HD
Antarctica, 6th September 2012
Strange event reported this week about a possible portal or wormhole, appearing over an Arctic Facility. Phenomena was witnessed by multiple people, who seem unshaken by the event, as they claim this kind of thing happens all the time in that region. Some claim its a natural event, while others have stated they believe it to be a military weapon of some kind, possibly HAARP related. Phenomena lasted about an hour before disappearing. This is the only information I was sent by a subscriber, if you have any info then please private message me and I will add it to the description, include links if you can.

I believe this story originated on a Facebook page with video loaded up onto YouTube, but the casual suggestion that this phenomenon is "normal" in the Artic is quite incredible... Well, I think this looks like liquid plasma "dripping" onto the planet and reminds me of several different types of plasma manifestations, even the strange "dripping" aurora that was reported by the Daily Mail, see archives.

Giant Viruses Are Ancient Living Organisms
Laboratory Equipment, 14th September 2012
A new study of giant viruses supports the idea that viruses are ancient living organisms and not inanimate molecular remnants run amok, as some scientists have argued. The study may reshape the universal family tree, adding a fourth major branch to the three that most scientists agree represent the fundamental domains of life.

The new findings appear in the journal BMC Evolutionary Biology.[...]

The researchers also found that viruses appear to be key “spreaders of information,” Caetano-Anollés says.

“The protein structures that other organisms share with viruses have a particular quality, they are (more widely) distributed than other structures,” he says. “Each and every one of these structures is an incredible discovery in evolution. And viruses are distributing this novelty,” he says.

Most studies of giant viruses are “pointing in the same direction,” Caetano-Anollés says. “And this study offers more evidence that viruses are embedded in the fabric of life.”

Hmmm... As I implied in my latest Book Review: Virus of the Mind, I think viruses have an aetheric counterpart... The implications of this article are such that scientific evidence might suggest that these "ancient living organisms" have evolved in ways we can't imagine.... a virus consciousness exists that perpetuates itself and is still busy as key “spreaders of information”.... It seems I am not the only one who is wondering about the metaphysical implications..... see, ATS Giant Viruses Are Ancient Living Organisms.

The Trouble with Barbie Science
Recruiting women into the sciences with girly images can backfire
Scientific American, 11th September 2012
Many readers may remember Danica McKellar as Winnie Cooper on The Wonder Years. Some may know her as the author of the Chayes-McKellar-Winn Theorem in mathematical physics. Nowadays, she’s hoping that young girls will see her as a cool ambassador of math. In her newly released book, “Girls Get Curves,” McKellar explains why geometry is worth knowing: it promotes logical thinking and reveals why diamonds are shiny! Hmmm.

All I could do was laugh reading the beginning of this article because it was so dumb... Society has been so busy dumbing down and stupidifying people that now there is a problem of too many stupid shallow people about. We need people with brains to help society cope with the world's transformation, we don't need more bimbos....

Dazzling Army Missile Test Triggers UFO Reports in Western US
Fox News/, 14th September 2012
[...] Marlin said her office received more than 100 calls and a flood of emails from observers who saw the Juno rocket's contrail from states across the Southwest. According to the Associated Press, the missile test led to widespread reports from people who regarded the shiny rocket exhaust as a UFO sighting in the sky.

Marlin said she received calls from as far away as Denver, Salt Lake City in Utah, Las Vegas and Los Angeles reporting the sighting. "Conditions were just right for it to be seen from far away," Marlin said, adding that the view was caused when the Juno missile's exhaust froze in the upper atmosphere. "When it freezes, those little ice crystals act like prisms to reflect sunlight. It creates that amazing light show." Because the contrail crossed several layers of the Earth's atmosphere, it was sculpted by high altitude winds, perhaps surprising observers used to seeing the straight-line contrails from airplanes, she added.

The folks over at have also worked out that these are objects coming from space, something I have been saying for quite a long time.... see, Disguising Celestial Intentions? US Military claims it launched three test missiles over Southwestern US

ROCKET EXHAUST, 14th September 2012

Photo Gallery: Mysterious light in Arizona skies
ABC 15 News, 10th September 2012

Congress told: U.S. life 'unsustainable' after EMP
Member warns worst case 'so bad we must prevent it at all costs'
World Net Weekly, 13th September 2012
WASHINGTON – Congress today was told that the Department of Homeland Security hasn’t identified an electromagnetic pulse, or EMP, event as a serious national security threat to the nation’s grid system even though testimony revealed it could making living in the United States “unsustainable” for 70 to 90 percent of the population.

And the few billion dollars it would cost to harden systems against such an occurrence is hardly the tens of billions or hundreds of billions it could cost to repair the damage.[...] Rep. Trent Franks, R-Ariz, who is on the House Armed Services Committee, also testified that the military is highly vulnerable to an EMP event, since it relies some 99 percent on the national grid to accomplish its functions. McClelland made it clear that the challenge will be in getting local electrical distribution facilities to take the threat of an EMP seriously and put up the capital investment. “The question is how to do that,” he said.

Well there you go.... Even if "70 to 90 percent of the population" is an exaggeration, if the national grid is partly destroyed millions will die because society cannot sustain such large numbers of people without electricity. Obviously, there are those in the US Military who are well aware of what is happening in space (the Russians noticed changes in the 1960s) and the fact we are becoming very vulnerable to a highly charged space environment. But, what is worse is they know that they are heavily reliant on the civilian world that is clueless.... Due to the way these guys operate, it is not too difficult to envisage that shock tactics will be used to get what they want (please excuse the pun).... This is all so ironic after the deliberate efforts to keep people stupid and now stupid rules... Thanks Deborah S. for the link.

Missile streaks across Valley skies [Photos]
KTAR Arizona News, 13th September 2012
PHOENIX -- Three New Mexico missiles created a spectacular predawn light show Thursday in the Valley. Calls flooded the 92.3 KTAR Newsroom phone lines after the trail of fuel and smoke was lit up by the sunrise.

Drew Hamilton with the White Sands Base in New Mexico said a Juno missile was launched from Fort Wingate near Gallup toward White Sands and a pair of missiles brought it down. "We were testing the Patriot Advanced Capability 3. The Juno was the target and they fired two Patriots from White Sands to successfully intercept it."

We have conflicting reports because here "official" sources are claiming that a missile was fired and then shot down.... There are 10 photos here that don't provide any proof that this object was shot down. If you go through the archives it is similar to what people have been calling "sperm" ufos that have been seen around the world. I think it is clear that despite the fact they leave a signature of what looks like a missile trail, video footage analysis suggests we are seeing plasma entities coming in from space. Rather like meteors that ionise air and create a cloak of plasma around themselves as they arrive, in these instances, there is no rock, it is just a ball of plasma arriving.... Our universe is filled with plasma objects, entities and phenomena. This new plasma world that we sometimes think of as strange and bizarre is increasingly being seen by people around the world.

NORAD: No missile crash in Colorado
Thw Denver Channel, 13th September 2012
DENVER - NORAD tells 7NEWS that nothing crashed in Colorado Thursday morning, despite an earlier report from State Patrol that a missile crashed near Saguache County.

Someone called 911 to report what they thought was a plane crash around 6:40 a.m., said Colorado State Patrol spokesman c.

Lewis said officials at the U.S. Army's White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico told them it is a test missile. However, Public Affairs Specialist Cammy Montoya at White Sands told 7NEWS that if there was a crash, the missile was not theirs.

Breaking News..... Wow... It looks like another plasma atmospheric arrival "event" like the one over the Middle East in June 2012, that caused a sensation. Watch the YouTube video link below... The military know what it is and that is why they gave the order for State Patrol to "stand down".... absolutely fantastic....

Raw Video: Missile Contrail Lights Up Sky
YouTube, 13th September 2012
"People across the Southwest got an early morning show in the sky, courtesy of missiles fired from New Mexico that left a brilliant white contrail on Thursday. The twisting cloud-like formation was visible in Phoenix and Las Vegas. (Sept. 13)"

Space Weather - Another "Crack" in the Magnetosphere, 13th September 2012
POLAR LIGHTS: In the Arctic, springtime ended months ago. Nevertheless, butterflies have been sighted. This one appeared last night over Grøtfjord, Norway: [...] This Northern Lepidoptera appeared when a "kink" in the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) drifted past Earth, briefly opening a crack in our planet's magnetosphere. Solar wind poured in to fuel the display. At the peak of the storm, the Arctic Circle was glowing from Scandinavia to Iceland to Canada.

Earth's polar magnetic field is settling down again, but more Arctic auroras are in the offing, especially on Sept 14-15 when a solar wind stream is expected to reach our planet.

Another "crack" in the magnetosphere where Earth's magnetic field opens up to the cosmic elements...

Dalai Lama tells his Facebook friends that religion "is no longer adequate"
io9 News, 12th September 2012
This past Monday, people who have the Dalai Lama as a Facebook friend found this little gem in their newsfeed.
"All the world's major religions, with their emphasis on love, compassion, patience, tolerance, and forgiveness can and do promote inner values. But the reality of the world today is that grounding ethics in religion is no longer adequate. This is why I am increasingly convinced that the time has come to find a way of thinking about spirituality and ethics beyond religion altogether."
[...] It's important to remember that Tibetan Buddhists, while rejecting belief in God and the soul, still cling to various metaphysical beliefs, including karma, infinite rebirths, and reincarnation. But interestingly, the Dalai Lama once had this to say on the subject:
"My confidence in venturing into science lies in my basic belief that as in science so in Buddhism, understanding the nature of reality is pursued by means of critical investigation: if scientific analysis were conclusively to demonstrate certain claims in Buddhism to be false, then we must accept the findings of science and abandon those claims."

Wow.... someone who wants ethics (something that used to be associated with spirituality) to move on from religion... Well, I want the cultic milieu in general to move from the second hand psychopathy and narcissism that so many have been duped into believing has something to do with spirituality. Yes I am talking about the crap called "The Law of Attraction" and the rest... For those who don't understand, the psychopathy and narcissism behind the mentality, "the end justifies the means", is the hallmark of those deeply ingrained in the cultishness that passes for spirtuality and explains why so many have no ethics and integrity and hence think nothing of lying and being fraudulent. This is a major problem that I have come across and no doubt the Dalai Lama has been forced to work this out due to the sheer numbers of people pretending to be spiritual, but are in fact psychopathic in their mentality and traits. My problem now is finding people who even see there is a problem and have enough power and interest to do something.

AT&T U-Verse Computer Glitch Opens Account For Dead Man
The Consumerist, 12th September 2012
Back in February, a St. Louis man's father passed away. But that didn't stop the folks at AT&T U-Verse from somehow opening a new account five months for the deceased five months after he'd died -- all because he'd once inquired about service at some point in the past.

When the late man's son noticed the U-Verse bill in July, he saw that the balance was $0.00, so at least his father's ghost wasn't running up bills he couldn't pay.

This is an interesting variation on the computer glitch theme...

Did Sheryl Crow’s Cell Phone Give Her A Brain Tumor? We Break Down The Science
k1047 CBS local News, 11th September 2012
In June, Sheryl Crow made news when she admitted that she had been diagnosed with a brain tumor. Though, she was quick to let her fans know it was benign and she was doing just fine, she’s now talking more candidly about what she thinks was the cause of the tumor. While speaking with Katie Couric, Sheryl said she thought her tumor was caused by cell phone radiation. “I do have the theory that it’s possible that’s it’s related to that,” she said. “I used to spend hours on the old archaic cell phones.” She also admitted that there were no doctors who would confirm her suspicions even though she felt she had adequate reasons to back up her claims, explaining that her tumor was in the part of her brain where she often held her phone.

The warnings about mobile phones from world experts have been in the public domain for a long time, but mobile phones are extremely fashionable and most people are oblivious to the fact that humans are electromagnetic beings that do suffer from electromagnetic interference (EMI). Brain tumour is now the no. 1 cause of death for children and many believe this is directly associated with the increase in mobile phones. Now, rich jet setters and frequent fliers are being warned about too much cosmic radiation because the planet is becoming highly irradiated due to changes in the cosmic environment. We don't know how long it will take for complaints from the rich and pampered to appear, but some flight attendents are already suffering, see archives for more information.

  • Airline frequent fliers 'radiation poisoning risks' from space 'solar flare' storm activity
    The Telegraph, 5th November 2010 Flashback!
    Airline frequent fliers are at greater risk of developing long term radiation poisoning from “solar space storms” or flare activity from the Sun, a new study warns.

    Researchers found passengers faced the “hazard” of space radiation, which created unhealthy levels of exposure while flying at “typical cruise altitudes” of 40,000 feet. Experts warned passengers could be subjected to increasing risk to cancer due to such radiation levels. [...]

  • UK Government Space Weather Memorandum: Scientific advice and evidence in emergencies
    SolarMetrics Limited (SAGE 18), 13 September 2010
    Submission is for the Science and Technology Committee inquiry, examining the UK Government's use of scientific advice and evidence in emergency situations. This information does not take into account increasing levels of space weather or the impact of Fukushima.

FAA: Mysterious Roof Holes Not Caused by Falling Frozen Waste
Yahoo News, 11th September 2012
Two Long Island families with mysterious holes in their roofs think plummeting frozen waste from overhead airplanes might be the cause of their troubles.

Lois Farella awoke to a thunderous crash at 3:30 a.m. on Sunday morning (Sept. 9) and found that her roof had a hole the size of a basketball leading straight through the shingles, plywood and insulation, according to CBS New York. At the same time, the roof of Farella's next-door neighbor's house got a similar makeover. And when her roofer, Bryan Lanzello, investigated the damage, he reportedly found a brown, wet stain in the attic where the offending object would have landed.

There are now many reports of objects crashing from the sky... In this instance, there is quite a lot of information about megacryometeors, huge blocks of ice falling from the sky, because this is a mystery that has been going on for centuries.

50-pound Ice Chunks Fall From Sky
Associated Press, 27th July 2007

Magnificent Outburst
NASA SDO, September 2012
Sparked by a medium-sized (C-class) flare, a long, magnetic filament burst out from the Sun, producing one of the best shows that SDO has seen (Aug. 31, 2012). Viewed in the 304 Angstrom wavelength of extreme ultraviolet light, the filament strand gets stretched outwards until it finally breaks and heads off to the left. Some of the particles from this eruption did hit Earth with a glancing blow on Sept. 3, generating some beautiful aurora. The video clip covers four hours of activity.

Video of August 31 CME traveling through space
The Watchers, 11th September 2012

Astronomers measure largest-ever magnetic field around massive star, 11th September 2012—A group of astronomers led by Gregg Wade of the Royal Military College of Canada have used the Hobby-Eberly Telescope (HET) at The University of Texas at Austin's McDonald Observatory and the Canada-France Hawaii Telescope (CFHT) on Hawaii's Mauna Kea to measure the most magnetic massive star yet. Their work is published in today's issue of the research journal Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.

The star's magnetic field is 20,000 times stronger than the Sun's, and almost 10 times stronger than that detected around any other high-mass star. At about 35 times the Sun's mass, the O-type star NGC 1624-2 lies in the open star cluster NGC 1624, about 20,000 light-years away in the constellation Perseus.

This star is an extreme case study to help astronomers better understand all massive stars, which play an important role in the evolution of galaxies.

Shakes head... It seems that astronomers are still talking in 'baby-talk' plasma physics. We have the example here of "...the star is slowed down because it has to drag its wind around—because the wind is bound to the magnetic field." Baby language... Anyway, it seems astronomers are getting into some holistic principles here, as it is reported: "The star's magnetic field also influences the internal structure... Thus the magnetic field can strongly influence a massive star's life, from birth to supernova death." That makes a direct comparison with morphogenetic fields that control any form of physical life from birth to death. For those interested in philosophical contemplation and have done enough study, it is interesting to consider ancient religious texts that acknowledge the stars as being gods....

The magnetic field of a star in the constellation of Perseus can pull all the iron from human blood, 12th September 2012

The most successful presidents could be the ones who exhibit psychopath-like traits
io9 News, 11th September 2012
Everybody's been rethinking psychopaths lately. Instead of thinking of psychopathy as a highly problematic and socially dangerous personality disorder, psychologists are increasingly coming to see it as an extremely complex set of characteristics that play an important role in human diversity and experience. And in fact, as a recent study from Emory University suggests, psychopathic traits like fearless dominance can be a significant predictor of success — even among U.S. presidents.

There's no question that psychopathy can be an extremely problematic condition. Maladaptive traits like poor impulse control, lack of guilt, and an inability to empathize can result in dangerous and reckless behaviors. At the same time, however, traits like fearlessness, lack of anxiety, and interpersonal dominance can play a beneficial role in certain occupations, especially leadership positions.

Hmmmm... I think this article is trying to be nice about psychopaths who are not human as most would understand human. They cannot be fixed and because they are so cold and cunning, many therapists refuse to work with them because the therapist can get damaged in the process. However, what most fail to understand is that psychopathy is contagious.
"Lying, deceiving, and manipulation are natural talents for psychopaths," agreed Dr. Robert Hare, in his book, Without Conscience. "When caught in a lie or challenged with the truth, they are seldom perplexed or embarrassed--they simply change their stories or attempt to rework the facts so that they appear to be consistent with the lie."

Psychopaths are always able to justify their actions, no matter how brutal. They have, "an ability to rationalize their behavior so that it appears warranted, reasonable, and justified," says Dr. Cleckley. Dr. Hare added, "Psychopaths show a stunning lack of concern for the devastating effects their actions have on others. Often they are completely forthright about the matter, calmly stating that they have no sense of guilt, [and] are not sorry for the pain and destruction they have caused," which, says Dr. Hare, "is associated with a remarkable ability to rationalize their behavior."

Psychopathy is usually untreatable. Most therapists won't work with them because they often end up damaged in the process. Dr. Hare explained, "Such counseling would be wasted on psychopaths."Some of them will even reflect the wishes of the therapist and pretend to be getting better. [...] "Psychopaths are essentially aliens that look human. Probably one of the best skills to learn is how to detect and avoid a psychopath." [...] Dr. Hare refers to them as "intraspecies predators."

The Hidden Evil: The Psychopathic Influence
I am glad that the world is waking up to the monsters that exist amongst us, but I think secondhand psychopathy especially in the cultic milieu needs to be recognised too....

A Cool-Headed Climate Conversation With Aerospace Legend Burt Rutan
Forbes, 9th September 2012
[...] Although I have no climate science credentials, I do have considerable expertise in processing and presenting data. I have also had extensive opportunities to observe how other people present data and use it to make their points. There is a rampant tendency in any industry where someone is trying to sell something with a bunch of data, where they cherry pick a little bit…bias a little bit. This becomes quite easy when there is an enormous amount of data to cherry pick from.

The first thing that got my attention, a lot of people’s attention, was statements that the entire planet is heading towards a future climate catastrophe that is attributable to human carbon dioxide emissions. So I decided to take a look at that and just see if this conclusion was arrived at ethically. [...]

So when I decided to look closely at the anthropogenic [man-made] global warming crisis claims, I avoided focusing on media reports, and instead, went directly to available raw climate data. The intent was to see if that data might just as reasonably be interpreted differently.

Then, what really drew me into the subject, was when I found that I couldn’t obtain the raw data that I was looking for. I was shocked to find that there were actually climate scientists who wouldn’t share the raw data, but would only share their conclusions in summary graphs that were used to prove their various theories about planet warming. In fact I began to smell something really bad, and the worse that smell got, the deeper I looked. [...]

I even read Al Gore’s book, which was very enlightening…but not in a good way. When you look for data to back up his claims, you immediately discover that they are totally unsubstantiated. This was frankly astonishing because analyzing data is something I’m very good at.

Climate sceptics are very impressed with this interview. What I find interesting is Rutan is not frightened to actually read research papers and come up with his own conclusions. We need more intellectuals like Rutan interested in the truth...

An Engineer’s Critique of Global Warming ‘Science’
Burt Rutan, 3rd January 2011
This is an excellent 98 page powerpoint presentation... As an aside, also check out Burt Rutan's desert Pyramid house on pg 8 described as the, “Ultimate energy-efficient house” (Pop Sci Nov 1989).

Space Weather - Double Asteroid Flyby but Another asteroid hits Jupiter, 11th September 2012
DOUBLE ASTEROID FLYBY: A pair of big, near-Earth asteroids will fly by the Earth-Moon system on Sept. 14th. 2012 QG42 is a 300-meter space rock that comes from the inner asteroid belt; it will pass 2.8 million km (7.4 lunar distances) from Earth. 2012 QC8 is even bigger, about 1.1 km in diameter, hailing from the vicinity of Jupiter; it will pass about 8.7 million km (22.7 lunar distances) from Earth.

Astronomers monitoring the incoming space rocks say they are glowing like 14th to 15th magnitude stars, which makes them good targets for advanced amateur telescopes. Ephemerides: 2012 QG42, 2012 QC8.

EXPLOSION ON JUPITER: Apparently, something hit Jupiter during the early hours of Sept. 10th (11:35 UT), igniting a ferocious fireball in the giant planet's cloudtops. Amateur astronomer Dan Peterson Racine, Wisconsin, saw it first through his Meade 12" LX200 telescope. "It was a bright white flash that lasted only 1.5 - 2 seconds," he reports. Another amateur astronomer, George Hall of Dallas, Texas, was video-recording Jupiter at the time, and he confirmed the fireball with this video screenshot:

Everytime Jupiter gets hit and a massive eruption is seen by amateur astronomers, we are reminded of just how precarious things are these days as we know Earth is in the midst of an asteroid debris field... the space weather issue is getting very serious...

GoDaddy Outage Was Due to Technical Glitch, Not Attack News, 11th September 2012
GoDaddy says technical issues, not a hacker attack, knocked it offline yesterday.

“The service outage was not caused by external influences. It was not a ‘hack’ and it was not a denial of service attack (DDoS),” interim CEO Scott Wagner said in an e-mailed statement. “We have determined the service outage was due to a series of internal network events that corrupted router data tables.”

The outage knocked internet services offline for a large number of GoDaddy customers between about 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. Pacific yesterday. The outage was so bad that at one point GoDaddy had to turn to competitor VeriSign to restore service to its domain, which was also knocked offline.

An anonymous hacker claimed responsibility for the attack, but according to Wagner’s statement, that claim was bogus.

Go Daddy, describes itself as the world's largest web hosting company and hosts 53 million domain names, but according to twitter it was down for about 6 hours... that is a lot of small business owners losing money whilst the sites are down... Well, because this is a company run by technicians we get told the truth for a change and the fault was corrupted router data tables. I think that could only have been caused by EM interference in the form of a cosmic ray... Cosmic energy is now flooding the planet so an increase in computer system outages was highly predictable. Intel declared in 2004 that "we are living on borrowed time" because they were tipped off that there was serious changes taking place in our solar system. Most likely we can point to the solar wind that used to be called our cosmic 'bullet proof vest'. Well, if you want to compare cosmic rays to bullets, the dramatically flagging solar wind in the mid 1990s and onwards means that we don't have much serious protection these days as Earth's magnetic field is flakey and our atmosphere alone is not good enough to stop all galactic cosmic rays.

Gmail Outage: First GoDaddy, Now Gmail is Down for Some Users Today [Report]
Inside Boston News, 11th September 2012

Knight hires IBM as consultant to look into trading glitch
Reuters, 11th September 2012
Well I think it is very obvious that technical staff have told management to %&ç* /%ç and as the problem was outside of their control so the technically ignorant top tier have gone running to IBM who will charge a small fortune to tell them the completely obvious, but at least IBM can be expected to provide some proof. I eagerly await a suitable public announcement of the results.

Motorist plummets into a sinkhole on a Canadian highway.
Sydney Morning Heralsd, 10th September 2012
"According to Canadian news broadcaster CBC News, the driver of the car, Juan Pedro Unger, thought the sinkhole was a piece of plastic on the road. With no time to brake, he and his car plunged into the hole, with Unger left dangling in the driver’s seat."

This is a proper sink hole with even rushing water at the bottom of the hole...

Mysterious UFOs continue to confuse South Carolina residents
Open Minds, 7th September 2012
Really, after so many reports, this is not really mysterious anymore... Ufologists make money off mystery (like so many other cults) and have no interest in understanding what is really going on, that is now very obvious...

I love the smell of climate desperation in the morning…
WUWT, 6th September 2012
This is quite some headline on E&E’s Climatewire this morning. I’d call it “unprecedented”. POLITICS: Obama, in tonight's address, has a chance to show climate change isn't a 'joke' ·

As much as I have respect for climate sceptics who don’t believe in catastrophic man-made global warming, I still think we are experiencing climate change. More precisely, SPACE CLIMATE CHANGE in the form of additional energy from space being the driving force changing the climate on Earth. The new science of cosmoclimatology pioneered by Henrik Svensmark and others provides a solid scientific basis. So, I agree with all the scepticism concerning CO2, but we must take into account the dramatic increase in large earthquakes and the number of volcanoes waking up and erupting, (a 25 year earthquake cycle of activity exists, but I think this is above and beyond that...). Even NASA's much discredited climate fanatic, James Hansen clearly provides the science that there is an energy imbalance, but this energy is actually going directly into the planet, it is not doing much in the way of warming the surface and the atmosphere. Furthermore, climate sceptics ignore the issue of why world authorities are desperately spraying up the skies to block out the Sun and why there are so many geoengineering projects already in operation. Since there is very little warming, this cannot be the major concern, rather if we take into account previous epochs of dramatic change, it is the real threat that there will be major changes that will eventually affect every single form of life on the planet.

Obama blasts Republicans for calling climate change a 'hoax' (ClimateWire, 09/07/2012)
EE News, 7th September 2012
President Obama sharply criticized Republican intransigence on climate change last night, rebuking those who disbelieve in man-made carbon effects in an effort to cast a clear choice between him and his opponent, Mitt Romney. His comments mark some of the strongest assertions on climate in the presidential race, coming as the campaigns sprint into the straightaway before November's election. They also may give comfort to his uneasy allies, environmental groups, which were eager to see him respond to a joke Romney made about rising tides last week.

Politically, I think there is a huge problem after the billions of dollars that have been spent on trying to convince people that CO2 is a problem. The public have not been convinced and the problem of space weather changing the climate is now a serious and obvious threat to our modern world. Again, I am reminded by Phillip Pullman's trilogy of books, His Dark Materials and his concept of Dust as consciousness. This is a 'fictional' account of a world very similiar to Earth where world controllers are desperate to stop the children getting their fair share of cosmic dust that enhances their spiritual development. Making a direct comparison, due to high levels of spiritual ignorance , it seems that only a few understand the significance of what is really going on....

Placebo Response Occurs at Nonconscious Level: Findings Demonstrate Unconscious Mind Plays a Key Role in Pain Experiences
Science Daily, 10th September 2012

Evolution could explain the placebo effect
New Scientist, 6th September 2012
ON THE face of it, the placebo effect makes no sense. Someone suffering from a low-level infection will recover just as nicely whether they take an active drug or a simple sugar pill. This suggests people are able to heal themselves unaided - so why wait for a sugar pill to prompt recovery? New evidence from a computer model offers a possible evolutionary explanation, and suggests that the immune system has an on-off switch controlled by the mind.

I am still thinking about this because researchers are telling us that the placebo affect has got stronger over the last 30 years or so, at the same time as the numbers of people with synaesthesia has dramatically risen. I suspect we are seeing measurable changes in the type of consciousness that 'connects'. I updated my book and gave my thoughts on what is happening based on new research, but this is a very serious subject and needs more people with specialist knowledge in this area to provide their viewpoint.

Mathematicians Offer Unified Theory of Dark Matter, Dark Energy, Altering Einstein Field Equations
Science Daily, 6th September 2012

Bad assumptions or bad luck: Tohoku’s embarrassing lessons for earthquake hazard
The Watchers, 4th September 2012

Randall Carlson - Cycles of Catastrophe & Cosmic Patterns
Red Ice Radio, 2nd September 2012
As a professional designer/builder, student of Sacred Geometry and long time Freemason, Randall Carlson is uniquely qualified to interpret the hidden meaning of the great masterpieces of mystical architecture. It is his aspiration to affect a revival of lost knowledge towards the goal of creating the new world based upon universal principles of harmony, freedom, and spiritual evolution.

Randall emphasizes the cyclical nature of time and the periodic catastrophes responsible for the collective amnesia of our species. He’ll discuss cosmic events and recapitulate disaster scenarios. In the member’s hours, Randall talks about impact events and ancient foreknowledge of coming catastrophe. We’ll discuss where we presently are in the cycle of catastrophe, climate change, water cycles and interglacial periods. Randall explains how we are much more likely to head into a cold period. We’ll end discussing dark and golden ages and their literal meanings.

In hour 1, Randall Carlson explains in a nutshell, why he believes the melting of huge ice sheets was caused by severe space weather events... We know that world controllers are extremely twitchy about the public understanding that Earth is frequently subjected to severe cosmic events, so Carlson's original research and reasoning is new to me and I am seriously impressed. If you really want to understand more about the spiritual (divine cosmos) component to cosmic cycles, Randall Carlson fully understands what this is about, but this is only mentioned in hour 2 & 3 which is for Red Ice members only. Sometimes it is a relief to find scholars that can look at the evidence and engage brain....

A thermal airburst impact structure
Crater Hunter, March 30, 2010
"... exploding comet detonating high in the atmosphere, and becoming a supersonic down draft of thermal impact plasma. [...] The old way of imagining one of those events was to think of it as a point explosion high in the atmosphere. And it’s still popular in the press to pretend the atmosphere dissipates the blast. As you can see, it doesn’t. Using super computers has allowed them to retain the downward momentum. So we can see the impact vortex hit the ground as a supersonic blast hotter than the surface of the sun. It would be naive to a fault to think such energies can be dissipated without significant planetary scarring, or ablative geomorphology.

And, in fact, in north central Mexico, the recent marks of thermal airburst down blasts are terribly common. Forensically speaking there are thousands of square miles of pristine blast effected materials in central Mexico that describe the fall of a super cluster of too many air bursting fragments like the one Dr Boslough’s simulation shows, and even larger, to count.
The facts are that if space weather is severe enough, a big comet can impact Earth and the hot plasma can carve out the landscape amd form a mountain range.

Tornado confirmed in New York City as tri-state area is put under warning
Fox News, 8th September 2012
NEW YORK – The National Weather Service has confirmed that a tornado struck a beachfront neighborhood in New York City. Videos taken by bystanders show the funnel cloud hurling sand and debris in the air as it moves through the Breezy Point section of the Rockaway peninsula in Queens on Saturday.

Witnesses have reported power lines down and damage to cars and other structures. The National Weather Service issued a tornado warning for New York City that spread through parts of Connecticut, Pennsylvania and Massachusetts, and is in effect until 9 p.m. Saturday.

So far, there are reports of 2 tornadoes with video captured, see link below. Things are getting wild on this planet with an obvious increase in earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, but tornadoes in major cities is a reminder of the movie The Day After Tommorrow. The message was that major climate change could take place very quickly and violent tornadoes in cities was a sign. Well, I agree, but I believe the cause is related to chaotic influxes of cosmic energy interfering with normal conditions and subsequent weather patterns, presumably 'quick' climate change occurs when we reach a tipping point. Interestingly, experts tell us hurricanes and tornadoes have actually been down in recent years but since the same experts don't have a good understanding of how this weather related atmospheric phenomenon is ultimately related to geomagnetic conditions, (but research into EM factors is ongoing), then anomalous behaviour is very difficult to predict.

Severe weather in N.E.; Tornado in NYC
CBS News, 8th September 2012

Chinese River Turns Red, And Nobody Is Quite Sure Why
International Business Times, 7th September 2012
A stretch of China's Yangtze River has mysteriously turned red around the city of Chongquin. Officials are investigating the river's transformation, as nobody is quite sure what caused it. The river began turning the color of a nice marinara sauce on Thursday.

The Yangtze River is the longest in Asia and the third-longest in the world. The affected area of the river -- reportedly turned "the color of tomato juice" is generally in the vicinity of the industrial city of Chongquin, although red sections of the river have been reported elsewhere, as well.[...]

"When water turns red, the thing a lot of people think of first is red tide," Stanley told LiveScience. "But the algae that causes red tide is a marine group and not a freshwater group, so it's highly, highly unlikely that this is a red-tide-related phenomenon."

She acknowledged certain other microorganisms can turn freshwater such as lakes red due to oxygen deficiencies. However, it is much more uncommon to see a moving body of water change color, as a river's constant motion interferes with this process.

There is not a great deal of press coverage about this event, as few have any interest in the transformation of our world, but there is some useful info here. Maybe, there will be more interest if a third of the world's rivers turn red.... This is purely hypothetical, but based on information preserved from ancient sources, that describes what happened on this planet before. Obviously, we will have to wait and see what happens, because it is certain the decline of Earth's magnetic field means more cosmic radiation at ground level... For those skeptical about prior advanced civilisations, it is important to note the effort to retain ancient knowledge, especially details that concern planetary catastrophes. There is plenty of evidence of catastrophe but it is also public knowledge that ancient astronomers MUST have had sophisticated telescopes and astronomical techniques to be able to see stars eclipsing many light years away. Today, we know that very accurate mathematical calculations were made that are still useful today. Papers discusing this are in the public domain.

The river that DID run red: Residents of Chinese city left baffled after Yangtze turns scarlet
Daily Mail, 7th September 2012
It is the last thing the residents of Chongqing would have expected to see. But the Yangtze river, which runs through the city in south-western China, turned a bright shade of orange-red yesterday.

The waterway where the Yangtze met the Jialin River provided a fascinating contrast as the red started to filter into the other river. While officials investigate the cause of the colouring, one fisherman went about his daily business as if nothing had happened.

Others were so amazed that they collected samples in water bottles. Although the cause is yet to be determined, this is not the first time a river has turned red in China. [...]

According to chapter 16, verse 4 of the Bible's book of Revelations, one of the signs that Armageddon is near will be an angel pouring a bowl into the rivers, turning them into blood.

Well, I won't waste time with the factory dye spillage excuse, but there have been quite a few rivers and lakes turning blood red in recent months and years. Due to my research over the last 30 years, I have discovered that there is hidden astronomical and esoteric knowledge embedded into world religions to preserve the knowledge of extremely important long astronomical cycles. In the past, when scholars wrote about their research on this matter, a few have lost their positions at universities and academic institutions... Thus, the Bible provides snippets of coded information about the end/start of a major astronomical cycle that until recently could only be understood by the educated astronomer class elite. Gleaning information that has been retained in ancient texts, ancient mythology, architecture, paintings, monuments etc., we can work out that Earth is periodically flooded with cosmic energy (the return of 'Christ' or primordial crystalline energy). We can only deduce that ancient text (used to produce the Bible) preserved the detail that rivers will turn literally blood red as we can clearly see here. I am not totally sure but I think this might be an electrochemical reaction (similar to bioluminescence) due to too much space radiation arriving at ground level.

Another day, another bank glitch: ANZ customers offline
Sydney Morning Herald, 7th September 2012
In the third online outage at a major bank this week, ANZ has confirmed that 5000 large corporate client users of its web-based cash management service have been unable to view their balances for two days.

The error with the ANZ Transactive system was blamed on a "technical glitch" that prevented customers from seeing their accounts or conducting transactions online. [...]

The glitch marks the third such interruption to services at a big-four bank or subsidiary, this week.

National Australia Bank's internet banking system was offline for hours on Wednesday, frustrating customers who could not access their accounts. Also this week, CBA-backed CommSec said as many as 9000 clients may have had their share dividends diverted to the wrong accounts.

The faults come as Australia's banks race to upgrade their creaky technology to support the needs of customers who increasingly conduct transactions through mobile phones and online rather than by visiting bank branches.

The Reserve Bank, for its part, is pushing the banks to improve the overall speed and stability of their processing systems.

People are demanding more services for their mobile phones, but this technology is extremely vulnerable to space weather.... What's more, senior U.S military have already declared that GPS is now unreliable, but this is necessary to sync phones with network coverage. So, the general populace is still generally unaware that the arrival of new cosmic conditions is now affecting the reliability of critical technological infrastructure (radio and satellite communications, computers, GPS, power grids, pipelines etc) used to maintain our modern technological world. We have to do business differently on this planet or watch our modern technology become useless, it's up to us.

Cambridge student 'bit a chunk of flesh out of his landlady's arm and laughed as he chewed it'
Daily Mail, 7th September 2012
The court was told that neighbours of Mrs Johnston say that they heard a man making a 'growling' noise at her Ryde home where the attack is alleged to have taken place. [...] 'When police arrived, he said it was an illegal arrest. He was abusive and angry and told police they were going to lose their jobs. He said he was proud of what he had done to her. 'He told them they had no idea who they were dealing with.'

At this rate, I will need to do a psychology degree.... The Dr's grandiosity is a big clue to help us discern what we are dealing with here... I am seriously wondering whether the malignant narcissist types are regressing (devolution), becoming feral and in their worse psychotic outbursts are simply too dangerous to be around.

SOON AND BRIGGS: Global-warming fanatics take note
Washington Times, 6th September 2012
Scientists have been studying solar influences on the climate for more than 5,000 years. Chinese imperial astronomers kept detailed sunspot records. They noticed that more sunspots meant warmer weather. In 1801, the celebrated astronomer William Herschel (discoverer of the planet Uranus) observed that when there were fewer spots, the price of wheat soared. He surmised that less light and heat from the sun resulted in reduced harvests. Earlier last month, professor Richard Muller of the University of California-Berkeley Earth Surface Temperature (BEST) project announced that in the project’s newly constructed global land temperature record, “no component that matches solar activity” was related to temperature. Instead, Mr. Muller said carbon dioxide controlled temperature.

All life on this planet is dependent on the Sun, so climate scientists trying to ignore the Sun and force change based one small component that has a minuscle representation in Earth's atmosphere verges on lunacy. Personally, I believe there is a far more esoteric reason why world controllers want to get rid of the carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere. My research suggests that in the near future, the CO2 will combine with the recently charged up cosmic environment to reveal that our planet has arrived at a new dispensation. Earth's status will return to 'Paradise' and it will be downright undeniable when it happens.
  • Discovery News Category 6 hurricanes – ‘batshit stupid’
    WUWT, 4th September 2012
    "Hurricane expert Dr. Ryan Maue pulls no punches when it comes to putting John Abraham of the Climate Science Rapid Response Team in his place:"

    This is a rebuttal to the lastest desperate attempt to steer public opinion. It does makes a nice change when scientists use language that everyone can understand....

The sun – still slumping
WUWT, 3rd September 2012

Pigs (tails) in space: The incredible massive twisting gas cloud spotted 30,000 light years away
Daily Mail, 5th September 2012
  • * Astronomers believe unique twisting shape was created when two clouds collided
  • * Pigtail cloud has a huge volume of gas, several hundreds of thousands times greater than the Sun

For thousands of years, people have gazed at the night sky and found things they can relate to their lives on earth. Where the ancient Greeks saw mythological characters in the stars though, today’s scientists have spotted something a little less glamorous. Astronomers have discovered a molecular cloud, formations in space known as the nursery of an unborn star, which they say looks like a pig’s tail.

The description of pigtails is so childish.... Plasma cosmologists would know that this is a Birkeland current and functions rather like an umbilical cord delivering electrically-conducting plasma and transfering high levels of cosmic energy across the universe. As I wrote in my Tuning the Diamonds book: “Electric currents in plasma form filaments that attract each other at long distances and repel each other at short distances. These filaments tend to braid themselves into “ropes” that act as power transmission lines, with virtually no limit to the distances over which they can operate.” The great Nobel prize winning electrical engineer and plasma cosmologist Hannes Alfvén, was generally shunned for suggesting the universe was intrinsically plasma based and then pointing out what would be the obvious electromagnetic properties and features of the universe. Of course, since he was pointing out the obvious, he has been proven right over and over again. He wrote:
“Space is filled with a network of currents which transfer energy and momentum over large or very large distances. The currents often pinch to filamentary or surface currents. The latter are likely to give space, as also interstellar and intergalactic space, a cellular structure.

One of the notable characteristics of space plasma, revealed by satellites and space probes, is its tendency to form sharp boundaries between plasmas with different properties. This tendency towards “cellular structure” can have profound astrophysical implications such as generating electric fields in space and providing sources of energy for driving electric currents over very large distances.” [59]
The large scale 'strings' in space have been called the Cosmic Web, but overall astronomers will accept warm fuzzy magnetic fields in space but have prefered to shun the reality of electric fields and electric currents in space. Well, this is quickly changing because the data being returned from space probes tells us that the local of environment of Earth is being charged up by an influx of cosmic dust and the satellite communications industry has no interest in supporting old outdated ideas. The ferocity of space weather cannot be ignored and the implications of the true nature of the universe are very clear. We live in a visible universe that is known to be 99.99% plasma, but this state of matter is charged and due to space climate change, highly charged plasma is currently flooding our planet as predicted by those interested in the existence of major astronomical cycles. I have wrote my ebook The Electrotechnics of the Heavens because I felt it was important that people understood why NASA scientists were informing the media that our planet could be 'zapped' by the Sun... Yes, great big electrical shocks to the whole planet...

The billion-to-one breakfast! Mother finds incredibly rare egg that is perfectly round
Daily Mail, 6th September 2012
Seriously, what is going on with the fowl....

Space Weather - The Magnetic Ringing of Planet Earth, 6th September 2012
MAGNETIC UNREST: Earth's magnetic field is still reverberating from a pair of CME impacts--a relatively strong blow on Sept 3rd followed by a lesser hit on Sept. 4th. The double strike ignited auroras around the Arctic Circle that are only slowly fading. Olivier Du Tré photographed this apparition over Red Deer, Alberta, on Sept. 5th:

"For the second night this week, the Northern Lights put on an awesome show over Alberta," says Du Tré. "At one point about 65%-70% of the sky above the farmlands to the NE of Calgary were lit up. It was incredible."

Massive bursts of solar energy from the sun have given us some more extreme auroras, but now the whole planet is ringing with magnetic energy and this might explain the preponderance of largish earthquakes in the last few days too...

Will next 'solar max' fry electronics?
EE Times, 5th September 2012
WASHINGTON – The combination of the approaching “solar maximum” and the deployment of a new generation of compact yet vulnerable satellite electronics has space weather experts gearing up their efforts to prevent disruptions to communications, navigation and other vital networks. [...]

Space weather experts concerned about the impact of the next solar maximum on satellite electronics are preparing to measure the properties of a highly-charged space environment while gauging the effects of the next wave of space weather on the latest generation of satellites.

Fortunately, the military are interested in Earth and it's space environment charging up like a battery.... The revelation that space is now "highly-charged" only confirms information provided by Russian scientists that was freely provided on the internet and called the Planetophysical Report (1998), see archives for links and quotes. Yet, this short article reminds me of when I was involved with people aiming to build up their energy fields to act as "cosmic shields"... I have since spent thousands of hours working to explain what is going on, but outside the space community, there has not been a great deal of interest in our new cosmic reality, not even from the metaphysical community, because as I have come to realise, most are not interested in too much reality....

Moon's magnetic umbrellas may shield future spaceships
New Scientist, 3rd September 2012
"Lunar watchers have been crying over spilt milk for decades. But now the mystery of milky splotches on the moon's surface might finally be solved: sections of soil are being protected by weak but effective magnetic bubbles. The work could help spaceship builders devise magnetic shielding to protect astronauts on future missions fro

Ghostly Night-Shining Clouds Get Their Glow from Meteor Smoke, 3rd September 2012
Rare and mysterious clouds that are so bright they can be seen at night have mystified people since they were first observed more than a century ago, but scientists have now discovered a key cosmic ingredient for these night-shining clouds: "smoke" from meteors as they burn up in the Earth's atmosphere.

Blue-white clouds that eerily glow in the twilight sky are called noctilucent clouds, or NLCs. They typically form about 50 to 53 miles (80 and 85 kilometers) above ground in the atmosphere, at altitudes so high that they reflect light even after the sun has slipped below the horizon. [...]

In a new study, scientists found that noctilucent clouds have an extraterrestrial link.

"We've detected bits of 'meteor smoke' imbedded in noctilucent clouds," James Russell, an atmospheric scientist at Hampton University in Hampton, Va., said in a statement. "This discovery supports the theory that meteor dust is the nucleating agent around which NLCs form."

The article forgets to mention that noctiliucent clouds are electrified as the rarefied layer of Earth's upper atmosphere where noctilucent clouds form is "one hundred million times dryer than air from the Sahara desert." It is only possible to 'see' blue ice crytals 50 to 53 miles up because they are charged and producing an electric glow....

Geomagnetic activity at normal levels while another CME impact expected
The Watchers, 5th September 2012

Space Weather - Stunning Purple Auroras, 4th September 2012
SUBSIDING STORM: A geomagnetic storm that began on Sept. 3rd when a coronal mass ejection (CME) hit Earth's magnetic field is fitfully subsiding. The impact at 1200 UT (5 am PDT) induced significant ground currents in the soil of northern Scandinavia and sparked bright auroras around the Arctic Circle. Ole C. Salomonsen photographed the display over Naimakka, Finland, on Sept. 4th:

I am wondering when the mainstream will start to query why the previously rare red and purple auroras are now commonplace.... This is the latest USAF/NOAA Report of Solar and Geophysical Activity:
Joint USAF/NOAA Report of Solar and Geophysical Activity
SDF Number 247 Issued at 2200Z on 03 Sep 2012

IIA. Geophysical Activity Summary 02/2100Z to 03/2100Z:
Geomagnetic field activity ranged from unsettled to major storm levels with a brief period of severe storm levels detected at high latitudes. An interplanetary shock passed the ACE spacecraft at 03/1123Z indicating the arrival of the Halo CME observed on 31 August. This was followed by a geomagnetic sudden impulse at 03/1214Z (28 nT, Boulder USGS Magnetometer). Field activity increased to major storm levels during 03/1200 - 1500Z following the sudden impulse, then decreased to active levels for the rest of the period, with minor storm periods detected at high latitudes. The greater than 10 MeV proton event at geosynchronous orbit that began at 01/1335Z, reached a maximum of 60 pfu at 02/0850Z, and was in progress as the period ended.

IIB. Geophysical Activity Forecast: Geomagnetic field activity is expected to be at unsettled to active levels on day 1 (04 September) with a chance for minor storm levels as CME effects wind down. Quiet to unsettled conditions are expected during days 2 - 3 (05 - 06 September) with a chance for active levels due to arrival of Earth-directed CMEs observed on 02 September along with a co-rotating interaction region ahead of a coronal hole high-speed stream (CH HSS). The CH HSS is expected to commence on day 3. The greater than 10 MeV proton event at geosynchronous orbit is expected to end on day 1
I think it is fair to say that Earth's magnetic field did get slapped by the solar filament eruption on the 31st August.

The Future of the Internet
Hang the Bankers, 4th September 2012
Would it be possible, using p2p and wireless technologies, to gain independence from internet providers and make free and open net connectivity a reality? Andrea Lo Pumo, a young Italian mathematician has developed Netsukuku, a vision for an alternative wireless network that may represent a disruptive change for the Internet as we know it.

The Netsukuku project, which has been recently featured on Wired Italia, is based on the idea of linking multiple computers using only WiFi connectivity and a specifically-built address system that allows direct communications between machines without resorting to the HTTP protocol.

What Netsukuku aims to do is to empower local communities by creating private peer-to-peer networks where connecting to the “standard” Internet is possible, but non compulsory to exchange information and data.

You can think of Netsukuku as a scaled, democratized version of the Internet.

I love innovative geeks....

Bombshell: Gov’t agrees with blogs, BP not telling truth about devastation in Gulf — “It’s hard to stress the critical importance of these court filings”
Energy News, 4th September 2012
In a bombshell federal court filing, U.S. government lawyers are slamming British Petroleum for making false and misleading statements that seek to both dodge blame for 2010's Deepwater Horizon catastrophe and ignore the ongoing environmental devastation, from diseased dolphins to destroyed wetlands. [...]

In a separate filing, Alabama Attorney General Luther Strange also accuses the oil company of misrepresentation and argues that BP committed “willful misconduct”

The truth has been quite obvious by examining the facts, but most people can't be bothered, even when it comes to the death of an ocean....

UK's FSA wants banks to detail IT backup plans: FT
Reuters News, 4th September 2012
(Reuters) - Britain's financial regulator has sent letters to the nine largest banks and building societies in the UK requesting details of their IT contingency plans, the Financial Times reported on Tuesday.

The Financial Services Authority wants the main high street banks to detail their efforts to prevent a software glitch like the one that hit Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS.L) in June, rendering the bank unable to process payments for clients.

The letter, sent by two senior FSA executives, also demands the names of senior managers who could be held personally responsible if information technology systems experience problems.

They also requested that each bank submit a written account of what had been done to "to ensure the overall resilience of critical infrastructure and banking processes" and what contingency plans were in place to restore service "within an acceptable timeframe" if a failure did occur, the FT said

Quite frankly, I have been appalled by the terrible IT related stories I have come across in the last few months.... There is no excuse, things need to be a whole lot better to prevent a complete meltdown, especially if we experience a major outburst of solar cosmic rays called a Ground Level Enhancement (GLE) event, at a time when the Earth's magnetic field has disappeared on the daylight side....

'Confidence in banks has been rocked by IT glitch'
Belfast Telegraph, 4th September 2012
Hmmm..... I predict it won't just be the banks that will suffer from a credibility issue as computer systems become very glitchy due to the increase in cosmic rays...

Technical glitch hits customers at Northern Bank
Belfast Telegraph, 4th September 2012
More than 350,000 Northern Bank transactions were hit by a glitch yesterday following a minor incident, the company said. The problem was detected at 8.40am and resolved just over two hours later, with operations back to normal by 10.42am. A Northern Bank spokesman confirmed 289,000 debit transactions and 65,000 credit transactions were affected.

I am only highlighting certain types of glitches based on an arbitary public annoyance factor, but there are lots of incidents being reported around the world...

MARTA working to fix glitch, remains cash-only, 4th September 2012
"ATLANTA -- After working through the weekend, MARTA said Monday their Breeze payment machines are still not able to take debit or credit payments. They won't be fixed when commuters go back to work Tuesday.

It's a glitch that started on Friday and looks to continue into the work week, because MARTA officials said they don't know the cause of the problem."

Card glitch leads to $2m mistake
Trinidad Express Newspapers, 3rd September 2012
A GLITCH in the system created a $2 million mistake at the Ministry of People and Social Development.

On Saturday, hundreds of recipients of the Targeted Conditional Cash Transfer Programme (CCTP) visited the supermarket expecting their usual monthly balance, but instead received double the amount.

The English is difficult to understand, but it is clear that a payment file, was processed twice. That is a poor IT failure because this mistake should have been made impossible to make.

Computer glitch sparks Metrolink meltdown
Manchester Evening News, 3rd September 2012
Greater Manchester's entire tram service was suspended for half an hour after a server fault in the control room at the Metrolink depot in Queens Road.

The problem struck at around 8.30pm on Monday. A message on the Transport for Greater Manchester (TfGM) website said: "Due to a server fault in the control room at Queens Road Metrolink depot, all services are temporaily suspended.

"We are attemtiong to rectify the fault and will get back to you with more information as soon as possible. Metrolink would like to apologise for the inconvenience this may cause.” A spokesperson for TfGM said it was not safe to run the tram network while the computer problem persisted.

Another computer server failure... but I am impressed the problem was fixed in 40 minutes....but it makes me wonder whether it was luck or simply it was a fault that was easy to detect and rectify...

US experts probe beaching that killed 17 whales
Phys.Org News, 3rd September 2012
US scientists are to investigate what led 22 whales to beach themselves in Florida—killing 17 of them—one of three such incidents in North America over the weekend.

The dead whales will be "dispersed at different labs across Florida for necropsy," or animal autopsies, Blair Mase, regional stranding coordinator for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, told AFP on Sunday. [...]

However, two other groups of whales swam onto beaches in North America—one in Cape Cod on Saturday and another in Canada on Sunday—an occurrence that Mase said merited further investigation.

"It's very interesting that we're seeing all these mass strandings occur in North America right now," she added.

Hmmm.... regulars will know that I have repeated many times that North America seems to have a major problem with their atmosphere and this might explain the extensive chemtrailing to provide an artificial ionosphere.... but, it seems that maybe, some scientists are also starting to wonder. Regardless, many will suspect the US navy because of their previous extensive sonar crimes against ocean life... There is also a suspected link between stranded whales/dolphins and earthquakes but I can only think this could be related to precusor earthquake signals that might affect magnetoreception. Curiously, there was a 5.3 earthquake in the Svalbard region of Northern Norway on the 2nd September, but I am doubtful as Earth is ringing like a bell with continuous large earthquakes all over the planet and birds and marine life would all be in a complete mess trying to navigate if these earthquake signals were a real problem.

Space Weather - Auroras in Bright Moonlight, 3rd September 2012
NORTHERN LIGHTS: Consider it a preview. Last night, Göran Strand photographed a curtain of green auroras beaming through moonlit clouds over Frösön, Sweden: "These were the first auroras of the season here in the northern part of Sweden," says Strand. "Too bad it was cloudy, but the aurora was big and high and easy to see even in the bright moonlight."

The source of the display was a minor fluctuation in the solar wind. Now, a major disruption is in the offing. A CME en route to Earth could produce intense auroras around the Arctic Circle when it arrives during the late hours of Sept. 3rd. Stay tuned to the aurora gallery for photos of the display.

I have never seen a bright green aurora generated on what looks like a cloudy day, but in fact, this photo was taken in moonlight... Well, it is a fact that the moon is extremely bright due to a highly electrified atmosphere that it has only recently acquired, but it seems this aurora is also exceptionlly strong in order to compensate...


CME IMPACT, GEOMAGNETIC STORM: As expected, a coronal mass ejection hit Earth on Sept. 3rd at approximately 1200 UT (5 am PDT). The impact induced significant ground currents in the soil of northern Scandinavia and sparked bright auroras around the Arctic Circle. A moderate geomagnetic storm is underway.

Thousands in Hong Kong protest 'brainwash' education reform (PHOTOS)
RT News, 2nd September 2012
Just days before the start of the school year, tens of thousands of Hong Kong residents took to the streets to protest what they believe is an attempt by authorities to 'brainwash' students.

­More than 40,000 people assembled outside government headquarters and demanded the cancellation of 'Chinese patriotism lessons' proposed for school curriculums.

Students and parents claim that these lessons, which would become compulsory by 2016, are an attempt to brainwash children with Chinese propaganda. The protesters demanded that Beijing respect Hong Kong's semi-autonomous status.

I love the placard and I am impressed that there is enough unbrainwashed in Hong Kong who can even be bothered to protest.... Elsewhere on this side of the world, it is apparent that most don't want to think, so the reality of general brainwashing in society is completely beyond the comprehension of most... My conclusion is that it is a complete and utter waste of time even bothering to communicate with these types re any 'controversial' subject... I am interested in people who already know that they have to do some work and think in order to find the truth out for themselves...

Cuba Researches Schumann Resonances
Journal of Cuban Youth, 1st September 2012
Google Translation: Disorders of the human central nervous system such as epilepsy, climatic variations and seismic activities are some of the phenomena to be studied in Cuba from the Schumann Resonance call (RS), a set of extremely low frequencies in the radio spectrum generated the planet.

The project, conceived in collaboration with the Institute of Geophysics of the National Autonomous University of Mexico, located in the Caribbean nation as a pioneer in Latin America in promoting this type of research, explained to the engineer Paul JR Sierra, technical radio astronomy Station, Institute of Geophysics and Astronomy.

To this end, the assembly provides a modern station in Havana for the registration of the RS, which allow measurements to describe the influence of solar and geomagnetic activity, and using monitoring data to study at different periods of time investigating episodes of epilepsy, said.

The specialist noted that the program is designed with the RS, as its main frequency coincides with the frequency alpha brain, which are electromagnetic waves that represent the cerebral cortex activity in a resting state, one of the parameters measured in the central nervous system.

I think a better translation is lightning strikes create the Schumann Resonances and that there are slight variations due to global temperature and climate variations. I am just wondering why Cuba is interested, since every single person on the planet utilises the Schumann Resonances and is affected by fluctating geomagnetic conditions. But, so far, this has not been a good enough reason for this to be an area of great scientific research.... Maybe, Cuban scientists are astute enough to realise there is a human impact due to the quickly deteriorating geomagnetic conditions on this planet, especially now that we are experiencing big solar wind shock waves (one just hit us today, see, and the whole planet's magnetic field rings like a bell for days on end..... (expect more reports of people acquiring Foreign Accent Syndrome). This is a paragraph from my book Tuning the Diamonds: Electromagnetism & Spiritual Evolution
In addition to the Schumann Resonances, there are additional atmospheric signals. VLF-atmospherics or VLF-sferics occur when lightning generates a variety of signals in the very low (radio) frequency (VLF) range (1-100 kHz). Sferics are electromagnetic impulses that propagate at nearly the speed of light through the atmosphere. Most of these signals become dispersed with distances beyond 1000km, except a signal at about 10 kHz. They are characterized by very low amplitudes and short duration with an electric and magnetic field strength that does not exceed values of a few volts per meter and some microTesla, respectively. It does seem that these signals have not received the same level of attention as the Schumann Resonances, but they have biological effects too. Correlation studies show that weather sensitive individuals are prone to a whole host of induced symptoms. Briefly, patients report an increase in pain intensity from brain injuries, damaged tissue (operation wounds, scars), or internal illnesses (asthma, angina pectoris, migraine) and rheumatism. Spectral maxima at 6, 8, 10, 12, and 28 kHz are associated with the occurrence of epileptic seizures, sudden deafness, and myocardial infarctions (heart attacks) [32].
Oh well, at least there are a few scientists who might have realised this is important.

Short case report: 'Speaking in tongues'-foreign accent syndrome
NCBI, 7th August 2012
Foreign accent syndrome is a rare dysprosody in which pronunciation of a patient's speech is perceived by same-language listeners as sounding foreign. Sixty cases have been described between 1941 and 2009. It is commonly associated with an acquired brain injury (vascular insult/head injury), but also with psychogenic illness and has been described in two cases as a developmental problem. Here we describe a case secondary to a minor electrocution associated with no evidence of structural brain injury on imaging.
It was not so long ago that I made the connection between people 'Speaking in tongues' & Foreign Accent Syndrome....

Rescuers help 39 stranded dolphins on Cape Cod
Boston Herald, 2nd September 2012
EASTHAM — Animal rescuers helped move 39 dolphins to deeper water after they became stranded at a Cape Cod beach.

A spokeswoman for the International Fund for Animal Welfare told the Cape Cod Times that members of her group responded Saturday night to a report of stranded dolphins at Thumpertown Beach in Eastham.

The spokeswoman, Kerry Branon, says all 39 dolphins appear to be safe for the time being. She believes the dolphins are part of a larger pod that includes up to 100 dolphins.

The Cape, is a cape in the easternmost portion of the state of Massachusetts, in the Northeastern United States (Wikipedia). Well after 5 and a half years of blogging, I have not noted so many multiple strandings at once. I think dolphins and whales are sometimes affected by wildly fluctuating magnetic fields, the same as racing pigeons.but scientists don't understand the mechanism exactly. But, it should be no surprise because there are enough signs that at times, the geomagnetic field of our planet is getting severely distorted and the usual method of averaging global magnetic field deviations, might not reflect what is really happening at the local level.

22 whales stranded on Florida beach, only 5 saved
Chicago Sun Times, 1st September 2012
FORT PIERCE, Fla. — More than 20 pilot whales came ashore on a South Florida beach on Saturday, triggering a daylong effort by state and national officials, nearby residents and others to save them.

By evening, five pilot whales — two calves and three juveniles — had been taken to Florida Atlantic University’s Harbor Branch Institute for rehabilitation. The rest had died of natural causes or had to be humanely euthanized, said Allison Garrett, a spokeswoman for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s fisheries service

Stranded whales die on Fife coast
Rescuers hope four of 30 stranded pilot whales may survive if they can be refloated at high tide on Sunday afternoon
Guardian, 2nd September 2012
More than 20 whales have died after becoming stranded off the coast of Fife. Some of the whales were already dead when animal rescue teams arrived on the scene at Pittenweem, near St Andrews, but others had to be put down.

According to the BBC version of this story Anstruther in Fife sees mass stranding of pilot whales the Fife strandings were discovered Sunday at 7.00am BST so they probably happened at about the same time (within 24 hours) as the whales beaching in Florida. I have found the Joint USAF/NOAA Report of Solar and Geophysical Activity and we aere told that Geomagnetic field activity from 31/2100Z to 01/2100Z ranged from quiet to unsettled levels... Well, obviously, we certainly don't know all the facts but world experts only vaguely point to biomagnetism and magnetoreception as a guess for why whales and dolphins get beached.
:Product: 0901RSGA.txt
:Issued: 2012 Sep 01 2200 UTC
# Prepared jointly by the U.S. Dept. of Commerce, NOAA,
# Space Weather Prediction Center and the U.S. Air Force.
Joint USAF/NOAA Report of Solar and Geophysical Activity
SDF Number 245 Issued at 2200Z on 01 Sep 2012
IA. Analysis of Solar Active Regions and Activity from 31/2100Z to 01/2100Z: Solar activity was low. The largest flare in the past 24 hours was a C3/SF flare at 0039Z from Region 1554 (N15W94). Region 1560 (N03W05) remains the largest on the disk and the most complex with a magnetic configuration of a beta-gamma. IB. Solar Activity Forecast: Solar activity is expected to be low with a chance for moderate.
IIA. Geophysical Activity Summary 31/2100Z to 01/2100Z: Geomagnetic field activity ranged from quiet to unsettled levels. A greater than 10 MeV proton event, associated with the disappearing filament on 31 August, began at 01/1335Z, reached a maximum flux of 41 pfu at 1925Z, and remained above threshold at the time of this report.
IIB. Geophysical Activity Forecast: Geomagnetic activity is expected to be quiet to unsettled on 2 September. Activity is expected to increase to minor storm levels with a chance for major storm levels on 3 September with the arrival of the 31 August CME. High latitudes have a chance of reaching severe storm levels on 3 September. On day 3 (4 September), activity is expected to decrease to mostly unsettled conditions as CME effects wane.

Joint USAF/NOAA Report of Solar and Geophysical Activity SDF Number 245 Issued at 2200Z on 01 Sep 2012

Space Weather Alert NOAA / Space Weather Prediction Center, 1st September 2012

Space Weather Message Code: WATA30
Serial Number: 96
Issue Time: 2012 Sep 01 1536 UTC

WATCH: Geomagnetic Storm Category G2 Predicted
Highest Storm Level Predicted by Day:
Sep 02: None (Below G1) Sep 03: G2 (Moderate) Sep 04: None (Below G1)
Potential Impacts: Area of impact primarily poleward of 55 degrees Geomagnetic Latitude.
Induced Currents - Power grid fluctuations can occur. High-latitude power systems may experience voltage alarms.
Spacecraft - Satellite orientation irregularities may occur; increased drag on low Earth-orbit satellites is possible.
Radio - HF (high frequency) radio propagation can fade at higher latitudes.
Aurora - Aurora may be seen as low as New York to Wisconsin to Washington state.

Space Weather Message Code: ALTPX1
Serial Number: 296
Issue Time: 2012 Sep 01 1349 UTC

ALERT: Proton Event 10MeV Integral Flux exceeded 10pfu
Begin Time: 2012 Sep 01 1335 UTC
NOAA Scale: S1 - Minor
Potential Impacts: Radio - Minor impacts on polar HF (high frequency) radio propagation resulting in fades at lower frequencies.

So..... NOAA expects that the aurora may be seen as low as New York to Wisconsin to Washington state.... it is now obvious that something drastic has happened to Earth's magnetic shielding....

Space Weather - Big CME Blast, Proton Storms & Chance of Solar Flares, 1st September 2012
CHANCE OF FLARES: Sunspot AR1560 has more than quadrupled in size since August 30th, and now the fast growing active region is directly facing our planet: movie. NOAA forecasters estimate a 40% chance of M-class solar fares during the next 48 hours.

MAGNIFICENT ERUPTION: A filament of magnetism curling around the sun's southeastern limb erupted on August 31st, producing a coronal mass ejection (CME), a C8-class solar flare, and one of the most beautiful movies ever recorded by NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory:

The explosion hurled a CME away from the sun traveling faster than 500 km/s (1.1 million mph). The cloud, shown here, is not heading directly toward Earth, but it could deliver a glancing blow to our planet's magnetic field on or about September 3rd. This date is preliminary and may be changed in response to more data from coronagraphs on the Solar and Heliophysics Observatory (SOHO). Stay tuned.

I expect some space weather related incidents in the next few days.... especially if the CME manages to slap Earth's magnetic field hard....

Spectacular filament eruption, waves of ionization and Sun’s polar magnetic field shift for end of August
The Watchers, 1st September 2012

Massive Filament Eruption / Earth Directed CME Sep 1, 2012
YouTube, 1st September 2012

Since Earth is now experiencing a proton storm, I thought I would provide some more info on cosmic rays. There is also links below that provide the technical details of how computers are becoming much more vulnerable to error. Neutron monitors measure by proxy the intensity of cosmic rays striking the Earth, and its variation with time, but it is an enigma as to why scientists use the term neutrons which by definition have no charge and where 90% of cosmic rays are protons with a positive charge, (another example of hermetic jargon) . This is some info from Wikipedia:
A neutron monitor is a ground-based detector designed to measure the number of high-energy charged particles striking the Earth's atmosphere from outer space. For historical reasons the incoming particles are called "cosmic rays", but in fact they are particles, predominantly protons and Helium nuclei. Most of the time, a neutron monitor records galactic cosmic rays and their variation with the 11-year sunspot cycle and 22-year magnetic cycle. Occasionally the Sun emits cosmic rays of sufficient energy and intensity to raise radiation levels on Earth's surface to the degree that they are readily detected by neutron monitors. They are termed "Ground Level Enhancements" (GLE). Neutron monitor
The Wikipedia info may be out of date as the latest info from scientists suggests CRs could be iron particles and that is of great interest to those who like the theory of The Theory of Multidimensional Reality by proposed by Douglas Vogt and Gary Sultan that I introduce in my book Tuning the Diamonds.

Susan Joy Rennison, B.Sc.Hons. (Physics with Geophysics)


Joyfire Science & Metaphysics Integration
Copyright © 2003 – 2025. All rights reserved.

Susan Joy Rennison quotes:

“Space Weather is now a fact of life.”

“We are all astronauts now!”

Tuning The Diamonds,
September 2006

“We must spiritually evolve as part of the new terms & conditions for living on Earth.”

Joyfire Tour – Evolutionary Change, December 2006

“Space Weather will force many changes in how we do business on this planet.”

News of the Imbalance,
April 2007

NASA Press Release:

“Earth and space are about to come into contact in a way that's new to human history.”

“We're on the threshold of a new era in which space weather can be as influential in our daily lives as ordinary terrestrial weather.”

As the Sun Awakens, NASA Keeps a Wary Eye on Space Weather
NASA News, 4th June 2010

White House Executive Order:

“Space weather has the potential to simultaneously affect and disrupt health and safety across entire continents. Successfully preparing for space weather events is an all-of-nation endeavor that requires partnerships across governments, emergency managers, academia, the media, the insurance industry, non-profits, and the private sector.”

Executive Order –– Coordinating Efforts to Prepare the Nation for Space Weather Events
The White House, 13th October 2016

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