John Major Jenkins, The Mayans, 2012 and all that Jazz, 3rd October 2012
A recent SOTT Focus article "
The 2012 Collective Shift & the Secret History of End-Times Prophecies", written by yours truly, received some expected criticism. One such commentator was the renowned John Major Jenkins, himself. I was honored that Mr. Jenkins would consider little ol' me worthy of the hassle, to be honest. But as he has raised some complaints, the SOTT editors suggested that I respond accordingly. It's only right, after all.
John Major Jenkins, for those of you who don't know, is the principle architect of the December 21st, 2012 buzz.
Comment: There is a fight taking place between John Major Jenkins and Gregory James at The aspersion that Jenkins is being supported simply because he got the true significance of 2012 WRONG is certainly worthy of some consideration. Whatever, quite frankly, somebody does need to point out again that Jenkins's work is generally scoffed at by scholars. Since, Jenkins has no higher academic qualifications, his work is not up to the required standard and as such, he is considered fair game by academics... I don't agree with everything in this re-buff but it is worth noting that nobody talks about the fact that previous civilisations on this planet took astronomy very seriously and it was the basis of world religions. (Those who have done enough research will know that there has been a tremendous effort to hide these facts because of global catastrophes that can be linked to cosmic influences and causations.) Thus, the reason there is confusion about 2012 is because there is not enough interest in reality or spirituality. Space Weather is now reality and an influx of energy has spiritual as well as mundane consequences, but the impact on Earth is now scientific fact. The reason the likes of Jenkins fail to elucidate what is really going on is because geo-sciences is not their area of expertise. I have a honours degree in physics and geophysics so it was absolutely obvious to me that space weather in the form of trillions of tons of charged particles was going to charge up this planet like a battery. There is a lot of scientific fact and theory that explains what this means, but it is now a fact that some geoscientists can see the citizens of this planet are going to have to cope with far more catastrophes in the future due to the inevitable "energy leap". This is very obvious and has been for a long time..... Jenkins knows that he missed the massive issue of space weather but he does want to take as much credit as possible. Modern Mayan Elders have been ignored because too much of their heritage has been stolen from them and is in the wrong hands. Whatever, we were still told the truth, but not enough people with academic qualifications could actually engage brain and understand what the implications were for 'An Age of Aether', especially now as we have been told by space agencies that Earth's magnetic field is breaking down and cosmic radiation levels are going up.
Is John Major Jenkins a New Age COINTELPRO Patsy?, 5th October 2012
It's very New Agey to take drugs and then pretend you are enlightened... This is a very informative article... As many people must realise, it is very difficult to get any attention in the New Age world where crap sells very well and people are sponsored to keep the standards very low.... But quite frankly, the person writing this article should actually try and read
Maya Cosmogenesis 2012 by Jenkins, which in parts is undecipherable... I realised that Terrence McKenna thought the Galactic Alignment idea was some kind of childish tripe and I was outraged that McKenna decided to denigrate Mayan beliefs by promoting the idea of a cosmic fairy tale. The following is from one of my 2012 essays:
"It seems that the modern Mayan message of the alignment with the heart of the galaxy has been endowed with ancient pagan/religious overtones such that the ‘Father Sun’ will make a union with the Cosmic Mother and there will be a ‘magical reunion’ and a ‘celestial rebirth’. To remove any doubt that this alignment has been interpreted in such a manner, the following quote from Jenkins will suffice. Jenkins writes:
The Cosmic Mother is the head-point of a trinity involving the birth of a male deity who is also her mate. This Trinity Principle involves the dynamic between mother, father, and child, and shares with many Old World traditions the idea that the Great Mother, as the first principle of Creation must give birth to her mate, First Father, and only then can engender the multiplicity of created beings. On the cosmic level, the astronomical trinity is Galactic Center, solstice sun and humanity.
So, as we are told in the foreward of Maya Cosmogenesis 2012, written by the late Terence McKenna, “Over the millennia the Maya observed the drama of the approach of father sun toward the vagina of mother sky”. Therefore, it seems that on the 21st December 2012, many will be celebrating the penetration of the galactic fanny."
Source: 2012 Galactic Cosmology: Beware the 2012 Bandwagonistas!, 29th April 2009
What is so incredible is why more people have not been taking Jenkins to task for his contribution to the 2012 hype. Young people have already started commiting suicide due to 2012 fear and that is enough for me to have an issue with Jenkins et al.
Interview with John Major Jenkins on Maya Cosmogenesis 2012 (Video + Slideshow)
Examiner, 19th September 2012
1. What are your thoughts on David Stuart’s teams recent discovery of a new 2012 text as well as his academic interpretation? [...]
MJ: David Stuart is a brilliant epigrapher who has made significant breakthroughs in deciphering the Maya hieroglyphic writing. I’ve been reading his work for decades. I noticed that he, along with his colleague Stephen Houston, tend to overlook astronomy as an aid to their decipherment. For example, when dates are mentioned one can look up the astronomy occurring on that date, and this should factor into the challenging work of decipherment.
Comment: It's interesting that Jenkins is pointing out that scholars are still trying to avoid the concept that the ancient Maya were brilliant astronomers. Those who don't agree, are only just ignoring or hiding the evidence. Historical evidence & archaeo-astronomy tells us that astronomer-priests incorporated astronomical concepts into their myth-making for the general populace, exactly the same as all the other major religions have done over millennia. Some of Jenkins's ideas are flat out wrong, but he is fortunate that scholars have decided to reveal the truth that they knew the 2012 date was important. In his favour, Jenkins carried the torch about the need to pay attention to ancient Mayan beliefs. Now, whether people care or not, 2012 is the official date marker for the start of a major astronomical change that is now generating evolutionary change on Earth. There is now no doubt for those who understand some science and metaphysics, what modern Mayan Elders call the Age of Aether is the new phenomenon of Space Weather that is now a major cause for concern.
Apocalypse Not: Here’s Why You Shouldn’t Worry About End Times
Wired Science, 17th August 2012
This is the question posed by the website “super volcanos? pestilence and disease? asteroids? comets? antichrist? global warming? nuclear war?” the site’s authors are impressively open-minded about the cause of the catastrophe that is coming at 11:11 pm on december 21 this year. but they have no doubt it will happen. after all, not only does the Mayan Long Count calendar end that day, but “the sun will be aligned with the center of the Milky Way for the first time in about 26,000 years.”
Case closed: Sell your possessions and live for today.
Comment: Hmmmm.... Even the mainstream knows that we are in the 'End Times', but unfortunately, the message has been mutilated by those who wish to feed off the fears of others.... Basically, there are those who can only think in black and white terms i.e. a cause of uncertainty is either good or bad. Then there are a few who are more evolved who can make a decent appraisal of any situation and then come up with some kind of mindset that involves the concept of change and how to deal with change. However, even that mindset is subject to being used by those with a predatory nature who aim to take advantage. Regardless, the world is waking up to space weather and we can ignore those goaded by primal and apocalyptic thinking and instead, focus on the real issues. By the way, I have stated many times that apocalypse has a totally different original meaning, see archives.
Dramatic" New Maya Temple Found, Covered With Giant Faces
Archaeological "gold mine" illuminates connection between king and sun god.
National Geographic, 20th July 2012
Some 1,600 years ago, the Temple of the Night Sun was a blood-red beacon visible for miles and adorned with giant masks of the Maya sun god as a shark, blood drinker, and jaguar.
Long since lost to the Guatemalan jungle, the temple is finally showing its faces to archaeologists, and revealing new clues about the rivalrous kingdoms of the Maya.
Comment: It just seems to me that there are many new discoveries that all point to how Mayan culture was very diplomatic in how it satisfied the narcissistic desires of ruler kings, who were only very temporal (here today gone tomorrow) with their much more important and sacrosanct astronomical religion that involved some serious study of the sun, stars and heavens. Understanding Mayan culture is important to determine the relevance today of what remains of Mayan calendars and artefacts that point to a period of major astronomical change.
Maya archaeologists unearth new 2012 monument News, 28th June 2012
( -- Archaeologists working at the site of La Corona in Guatemala have discovered a 1,300 year-old year-old Maya text that provides only the second known reference to the so-called “end date” for the Maya calendar on December 21, 2012. The discovery, one of the most significant hieroglyphic find in decades, was announced today at the National Palace in Guatemala.
Rather than prophesy, the 2012 reference served to place this king’s troubled reign and accomplishments into a larger cosmological framework. “This was a time of great political turmoil in the Maya region and this king felt compelled to allude to a larger cycle of time that happens to end in 2012,” says Stuart. This evidence is consistent with the only other reference to the 2012 date in ancient Maya inscriptions—Monument 6 from Tortuguero, Mexico. “What this text shows us is that in times of crisis, the ancient Maya used their calendar to promote continuity and stability rather than predict apocalypse,” says Canuto.
Comment: There has been a steady drip drip of information from Mayan scholars revealing what they know about 2012....
Was Psychedelic Guru Terence McKenna Goofing About 2012 Prophecy?
Scientific American, 6th June 2012
Rational Scientific American readers surely scoff at claims—based on ancient Mayan calendars and other esoterica—that life as we know it will end this December, especially now that NASA experts have “crushed” the prophecy. But many folks out there are reportedly worried. Perhaps I can allay their anxieties by relating my encounter with a prominent popularizer of the 2012-doomsday meme, psychedelic guru Terence McKenna.
In his books and lectures, McKenna extolled psychedelic drugs as a spiritual path superior to that of any mainstream religion. His book The Food of the Gods (Bantam 1992) was a rigorous argument—complete with footnotes and bibliography
Comment: There are quite a few that think "psychedelic drugs as a spiritual path superior to that of any mainstream religion", but I am skeptical of white plastic shamans.... but then again, I have lots of skepticism these days after my experiences with some narcissists in the Cultic Milieu.... Generally, I am quite mortified by the lack of understanding concerning space weather and the transformation of our whole solar system and the consequences of virtually everything on the planet being affected according to NASA.... The rapid transformation of our reality is directly related to the change in the properties of space-time, I think the main proof can be found in astronomical observations and data..... In fact, there are lots of changes predicted by a whole spectrum of wisdom seeking groups but many today, who claim to be spiritual don't understand the workings of a spiritual universe, so they are left bewildered...
"McKenna was less a scientist or even philosopher than a performance artist or jester, and I mean that as a compliment." I have watched a few of his videos and Mr Entertainment is the impression I got too.... I have investigated his Timewave Zero but I can only be totally convinced if there was a link to changing energetic flux but so far nobody has been able to prove this... The Timewave Zero end-date was not originally 2012 either, it was changed later to fit in with the 2012 hype... Despite his intellect, McKenna failed to see there is not much difference between New Agers who claim to channel off planet entities and his boasting of channelling a mushroom... What's more, McKenna has far less credibility these days than some New Agers who can at least cite the existence of orbs --which have been scientifically proven to exist -- especially when some of these orbs appear to be far more intelligent than most humans... Mckenna stated: “My function is largely pedagogical...." hmmm.... I think he means entertaining the spiritual children.... Did he really say this about 21st December 2012?
The event will be “some enormously reality-rearranging thing.” Scientists will invent a truly intelligent computer, or a time-travel machine. Perhaps we will be visited by an alien spaceship, or an asteroid. “I don’t know if it’s built into the laws of spacetime, or it’s generated out of human inventiveness, or whether it’s a mile and a half wide and arrives unexpectedly in the center of North America.”
This is really poor... It would have helped if McKenna had known the original meaning of
The Apocalypse i.e. the disclosure of something hidden from the majority of mankind or the lifting of the veil.... Yes, that is the ability to see more of the previously invisible spectrum of plasma entities that make up Earth's shadow biosphere...
I do believe that McKenna and his supporters are partly to blame for igniting 2012 doomsday beliefs and the result today that young people are vowing to commit suicide rather than seeing the end of the world.... It is sickening to me that McKenna and friends failed to pay attention to modern Mayan Elders who predicted the arrival of ether or space (because they understand their own calendars better than anyone else). Thus, McKenna and friends failed to realise that our world was in transition to a high energy state due to the new phenomenon of space weather that has been accelerating noticeably since the Great Magnetic Storm in 1989... Presumably, the failure was due to the requirement for some integration of science and metaphysics, hard work that few are prepared to do... I think the worse thing about McKenna was that too many people took him too seriously... Since my book was published I have being decoding and integrating more of the preserved ancient astronomical knowledge with recent scientific discoveries... I get results because I have done some serious work laying a proper foundation of understanding, something that McKenna failed to do. I think the people over at the Cult Education Forum will have lots to say about guru-types playing "the holy fool" and being "the crazy wisdom sage" type, but being a fake might be a better summary. As I have stated before, people seem to love the fakes but if you are genuine and serious then it is an uphill battle....
Girl, 16, kills herself after researching doomsday disasters and becoming convinced the world was about to end
Daily Mail, 18th May 2012
* Isabel Taylor, 16, thought civilisation would end in 2012 after researching nuclear meltdowns
A teenager hanged herself after becoming convinced the world would end in 2012 after researching doomsday scenarios on the internet, an inquest heard.
Schoolgirl Isabel Taylor, 16, turned to Buddhism after becoming fed up with the 'complications and injustice' of the modern world.
But while searching for answers she began researching doomsday scenarios - becoming convinced a nuclear reactor meltdown would end civilisation in the coming months.
Comment: The whole 2012 phenomenon started off in the metaphysical community and the fire was fanned by lots of half-truths and some outright lies with many jumping on the bandwagon writing books, setting up websites and even a Hollywood movie to make money off peoples' fear. Yes, knowledge has been retained by many different groups, but the main thrust of the 2012 phenomena was ignited by people trying to interpret Mayan Calendars who had NEVER been taught what they mean by genuine Mayan Elders who consider their calendars sacred. Read Carlos Barrios's book
The Book of Destiny to see what this Mayan Elder had to say about people even trying to create their own pseudo-Mayan calendars. So, when genuine Mayan Elders point out that some of the relevant calendars point to the start of a completely new dispensation or New Age dominated by ether or space, this is completely ignored. Why? Because too many people are ignorant of what 17 of 20 calendars represent since nobody outside of Mayan culture has been taught how to interpret them. So despite the huge amount of evidence that something is happening, to maintain some power, Mayan "researchers" mostly with no qualifications, decided to completely ignore the facts that modern Mayan Elders got some basics absolutely correct. Why? The fact that New Ages are directly linked to astronomical cycles and varying cosmic energies was lost on people who are not spiritually gifted and don't understand enough basic science. There is no argument about the fact that the solar system is being flooded with energy and the world is facing the new challenge of a new phenomena called Space Weather. This has now reached the point where some scientists are calling this SPACE CLIMATE CHANGE. Instead of space being a cold dark, empty void, we now have new NASA animations of hurricanes in space and our modern technological world is facing a major new challenge but we are also facing energy driven evolutionary change too.... It seems to me the name of the game is to understand the predicted changes and adapt rather than frightening the children, some of who are now committing suicide. I have been on my own pointing out the obvious since I wrote and self-published my book
Tuning the Diamonds: Electromagnetism & Spiritual Evolution in 2006, but too many people prefer to maintain their ignorance. Fortunately, there are a few others who do understand some of the implications of this transition and are trying to make a difference so that humanity can survive.
Does Mayan photo show a sign from gods ... or iPhone glitch?
MSNBC News, 28th February 2012
When Hector Siliezar visited the ancient Mayan city of Chichen Itza with his wife and kids in 2009, he snapped three iPhone photos of El Castillo, a pyramid that once served as a sacred temple to the Mayan god Kukulkan. A thunderstorm was brewing near the temple, and Siliezar was trying to capture lightning crackling dramatically over the ruins.
In the first two images, dark clouds loom above the pyramid, but nothing is amiss. However, in the third photo, a powerful beam of light appears to shoot up from the pyramid toward the heavens, and a thunderbolt flashes in the background.
Comment: Hmmm.... It's interesting that the mainstream are bothering to come up with weak excuses for the appearance of scalar energies and the real purpose of pyramids to balance incoming and outgoing cosmic and terrestrial energies. I note the article here does not care to mention that enlightened Russians have built massive pyramids around Moscow to do this same energy balancing. The Russians know there has been an energy build up around our solar system since the 1960s, and that this energy has been leaking into our solar system and affecting all the planets... On Earth, nobody is disputing the fact there is an energy imbalance, but it is not causing global warming, instead, we are seeing an awful lot of volcanoes erupting and earthquakes instead etc... So, according to Russian scientists, pyramids can help deal with Apocalypse related temporary energy imbalances. Hence, that is why Russians have been building pyramids since 1989 and so they must be a little bit more prepared. We can also conclude that there is at least one spiritually intelligent nation on the planet... Meanwhile, various countries around the world are preparing with massive earthquake drills, but surely, building pyramids would have been a better option? Regardless, the mainstream are letting it be known that some ancient pyramids are still operational and able to balance aetheric energies. If nothing else, that is good news...
Mayan Kukulkan Pyramid Emits Light Beam in iPhone Photo
Earthfiles, 21st February 2012
Linda Moulton Howe has interviewed the people who capturesd this most amazing image.... download quick before it disappears...
Pyramids in Bosnia - Semir Osmanagic
YouTube, Jan 15, 2008
Failure is not an option.... Dr Sam Semir Osmanagic is a brave man! Anyway he wants people to know that he believes there were more advanced civilisations on Earth that built these pyramids. His views are highly controversial because he knows that the truth has been suppressed. The question is why.... Anyway, I believe that pyramids can balance aetheric energies in the environment. That is why the Russians have built them around Moscow with the hope of stopping the most devastating earthquakes and I believe the Russians are going to have the last laugh. They are not spiritually naive encouraging crap like the Law of Attraction when the world is facing a massive spiritual crisis of being engulfed in highly charged aetheric energies. Sometimes the ignorance and stupidity boggles the mind....
Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun Foundation, 15 December 2011
Archaeologists Make Big Find at Aztec Temple in Mexico
Brunei Times, 16th February 2012
MEXICO CITY – A total of 23 pre-Columbian stone plaques dating back approximately 550 years, with carvings illustrating such Aztec myths as the birth of the god of war Huitzilopochtli, were discovered by archaeologists in front of the Great Temple of Tinochtitlan in downtown Mexico City, the National Anthropology and History Institute, or INAH, said.
Bas-relief sculptures on slabs of tezontle (volcanic rock) relate the mythological origins of the ancient Mexica culture through representations of serpents, captives, ornaments, warriors and other figures, the INAH said in a statement.
The pre-Columbian remains are of great archaeological value because this is the first time such pieces have been found within the sacred grounds of Tenochtitlan and can be read “as an iconographic document narrating certain myths of that ancient civilization,” archaeologist Raul Barrera said.
Comment: Again, it looks like the archaeologists have found another depiction of an astronomical event preserved in stone. Talk about ancient myths is for non-initiates... Astronomy and worship of the heavens was the original religion. This is absolutely essential to understand and the only way to see the importance of why so much effort was given to preserving messages over many thousands of years about the arrival of major astronomical cycles or preserving the knowledge of major celestial events that have impacted life on Earth in the distant past.
Mysterious energy beam above the Bosnian pyramid of the Sun
The Truth Behind the Scenes, 26th January 2012
A team of physicists detected an energy beam coming through the top of the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun. The radius of the beam is 4.5 meters with a frequency of 28 kHz. The beam is continuous and its strength grows as it moves up and away from the pyramid. This phenomenon contradicts the known laws of physic and technology. This is the first proof of non-herzian technology on the Planet. It seems that the pyramid-builders created a perpetual motion machine a long time ago and this “energy machine” is still working.
In the underground labyrinth, in 2010, we discovered three chambers and a small blue lake. Energy screening shows that the ionization level is 43 times higher than the average concentration outside which makes the underground chambers into “healing rooms”.
Further electromagnetic detection in 2011 confirmed that levels of negative radiation through the Hartman, Curry and Schneider grids are equal to zero in the tunnels. There was no technical radiation (from power lines and/or other technology) found in the tunnels and no cosmic radioactivity. Ceramic sculptures are positioned over the underground water flows and the negative energy is transformed into positive. All of these experiments point to the underground labyrinth as one of the most secure underground constructions in the world and this makes it an ideal place for the body’s rejuvenation and regeneration.
Two hundred years of Egyptology has not produced a satisfactory answer to the question of what the real purpose was for the oldest and most superior pyramids.
Comment: This article is based on an article
WORLD HISTORY AND BOSNIAN PYRAMIDS 2011 dated 15th December 2011. Truly incredible, but let's be conservative and state that this could also be a publicity stunt. I will confess that I did not know anything about the photo taken in 2000 that shows a beam of energy off the the Pyramid of the Moon in Teotihuacan in Mexico. That could make three ancient pyramids caught balancing Earth energies. We also know that the massive modern Russian pyramids built around Moscow were detected to release huge beams of energy (ions), some even before the Russians finished building them.
I wrote about octahedron geometry in my book and related this to Russian scientific studies concerning their modern massive pyramids. I believe it is likely that the Great Pyramid in Egypt was built to help balance Earth energies, but I agree it might have had a local ability to help balance Egyptians too. Well, the Russians who were involved in building these massive pyramids might end up having the last laugh as Space Weather escalates and the question of Earth's stability becomes a major issue. What we do know for sure is that our planet is being flooded by energy and according to our own scientists, 96% of this energy simply cannot be detected, but it's old news, geometry can harness the energy of the aether...
2012: Fear No Supernova
Science Daily, 28th December 2011
ScienceDaily (Dec. 28, 2011) — Given the incredible amounts of energy in a supernova explosion -- as much as the sun creates during its entire lifetime -- another erroneous doomsday theory is that such an explosion could happen in 2012 and harm life on Earth. However, given the vastness of space and the long times between supernovae, astronomers can say with certainty that there is no threatening star close enough to hurt Earth.
Comment: I am pleased that scientists are helping to deal with the 2012 hype but I still think that people should understand that 2012 is about the start of a major new era on Earth dominated by space weather. Yes, a supernova explosion is unlikely to happen in our galaxy in 2012 but the heliosphere is shrinking around our own solar system. This is something that has had very little media attention but there is a corresponding influx of new cosmic energy and a continued increase in cosmic rays that will cause DNA mutations and thus evolutionary change on this planet. That is not hype that is reality. What is interesting, is the intelligent sounding conspiracy theorists who I think are being paid to gain people's trust and then debunking somethings that should not be debunked and then hyping up other stuff that is pure garbage like all those who were heavily promoting Comet Elenin. What a dud that was. Absolutely no scientific justification, but people believed whatever scraps of info these people were throwing into the internet maelstrom of hype.
NASA Nixes Doomsday Fears About the "Dark Rift" --Earth's Alignment With Milky Way's Supermassive Black Hole on the Winter Solstice
Daily Galaxy, 22nd December 2011
One of the most bizarre theories about 2012 is the widespread notion that a cosmic alignment of the sun, Earth, and the center of our galaxy, which is obscured by the Dark Rift, on the winter solstice could for some unknown reason lead to planetary destruction. [...]
The claim for a 2012 doomsday links these two pieces of astronomical fact with a third -- the position of the sun near the galactic center on Dec. 21, the winter solstice for the Northern Hemisphere -- to produce something that makes no astronomical sense at all.
The coincidence of the solstice with the sun entering the Dark Rift somehow portending disaster or the mistaken notion that the sun and Earth becoming aligned with the black hole in the galactic center creates some kind of massive gravitational pull on Earth.
The solstice itself does not correlate to any movements of the stars or anything in the universe beyond Earth. It just happens to be the day that Earth's North Pole is tipped farthest from the sun.Second, Earth is not within range of strong gravitational effects from the black hole at the center of the galaxy since gravitational effects decrease exponentially the farther away one gets. Earth is 93 million miles from the sun and 165 quadrillion miles from the Milky Way's black hole.
Comment: Actually, this article has a few interesting facts. Well, anthropologists now agree that the 2012 date does mark the end of a major Mayan calendar based cycle. What's more, modern Mayan Elders do seem to be vindicated by their stance that we are entering a new era dominated by the ether or space, based on the massive escalation of space weather. Remarkably, even NASA scientists have agreed on that too. Yet, it's interesting that after all the ridiculous bad astronomy based speculation, it seems that nobody (that I am aware of) predicted the galactic centre was going to light up... Whatever, it is a fitting sign to mark the next 5,125 years of life on this planet being dominated by space weather.
2012: Shadow of the Dark Rift, 22nd December 2011
"( -- One of the most bizarre theories about 2012 has built up with very little attention to facts. This idea holds that a cosmic alignment of the sun, Earth, the center of our galaxy -- or perhaps the galaxy's thick dust clouds -- on the winter solstice could for some unknown reason lead to destruction. Such alignments can occur but these are a regular occurrence and can cause no harm (and, indeed, will not even be at its closest alignment during the 2012 solstice.)"
Tom Horn - Hour 1 - Apollyon Rising 2012
Red Ice Radio, 20th December 2011
Tom Horn is an author, researcher and co-host of the radio show Raiders Live! News Talk Radio. Raiders News Update reports have been referred to by writers of the L.A. Times Syndicate, MSNBC, Christianity Today, World Net Daily, White House Correspondents and dozens of newsmagazines and press agencies around the globe. Tom will discuss his book Apollyon Rising. [...]. He'll explain how 2012 connects to an ancient cosmic conspiracy. 2012 is an important year not only to the founders of America but for various cultures on the planet.
Comment: I don't listen to many Red Ice interviews but I was interested that someone was talking about the
The Return of the Gods which I believe is related to the orb/UFO/UAP phenonenon. Well, I was really put off by the Red Ice interview description and the artwork, but the first part of this interview is about old prophecies that relate to 2012 from someone who claims to have a Christian perspective and I was absolutely fascinated. A 2012 researcher talking about spiritual evolution of humanity, I can tell you this now, there are not that many about.... I will just say that he keeps mentioning the indigenous prophecies relating to the arrrival dragons but if you go over to they say all the talk of dragons is about Birkeland currents and plasma phenomenon and I agree. When we get geomagnetic storms, the dragons appear swirling around the poles of the planet. We have a new permanent dragon that swirls around the equator that is called the Equatorial Electrojet and I believe there is plenty of evidence that ancient astronomer priests used this certain distinct imagery to make their teachings less obvious to outsiders. We are back to preserving knowledge for Initiates and keeping everybody else guessing. Hence, I cracked this in my book about the real significancce of the Egyptian god Apep or the Greek version Apophis. Read my interpretation in my book, it makes perfect sense. One more thing. I think many researchers have failed to comprehend that the Catholic Church is terrified of the return of 'Christ' or crystalline energy because it is a spiritual energy that is set to annihilate them. Even in this interview, the emphasis from old prophecies is on astronomical cycles and the arrival of
New Energy. It is borderline physical energy, not woo-woo stuff. Preparing for The Anti-Christ is taking measures that the Catholic Church think will protect their position and power on this planet. The Catholic hierarchy are clearly not exactly pure vessels, they are evil monsters only interested in power, look at the historical evidence... Hour 1 is free, Hour II requires a subscription.
Update I have just listened to hour 2.... I am grateful to Tom Horn for his basic [Great Seal] research but I don't completely agree with his interpretation. Whatever, talk about information being left right in the open for those with real (scientific/metaphysical/esoteric) knowledge to understand... Think of this as certain researchers who can focus in on the truth, but the telescopic lens needs slight adjustment before the Big Picture comes into proper focus. This is what we have here... Well, I am grateful, it's enough for me, I get it. I now have more confirmation of why I had to spend the last 7 years busting a gut to teach people about the significance of space weather and the arrival of the orbs/uaps.
Update 2
Sigh.... It is so frustrating listening to this interview when Tom Horn flip flops between the original astronomically based ancient knowledge and then reverts to lame explanations.... The dragons (geomagnetic storm currents) are delivering the "Christ" or crystalline Energy and this will cause the emergence of a new humanity due to energy driven evolutionary change (dna upgrades, brains being re-wired). This is Celestial Epigenetics. Has Tom Horn heard about Synaesthesia? This 'Christ' energy has been noticeably hitting humans for the last few decades and those that were ready have already started to evolve, but we are now starting to see massive volume increases of cosmic energy (weak magnetosphere, ionosphere collapsed) and this means more people who are ready will start to evolve... Then he briefly mentions the Watchers and tries to blame them for messed up electrodynamic templates... God give me strength.... Think cats with wings, humans and animals with two heads, the increase in strange mutations and dna abnormalities and the dramatic increase in white (not albino) animals and creatures, the electromagnetic chaos and biological misshaps are already starting to happen... I don't talk much about devolution but modern Mayan Elders have already casually mentioned that in the past there has been some massive devolution on this planet. So, according to the Maya, the monkeys used to be humans, how tough is that? If you can't cope with the New Energy then that will be just too bad... The metaphysical community were warned but many of the 'love and light' brigade volunteered to switch off their brains so this is way beyond many of them... In fact, the irony is the high levels of narcissism but low levels of spiritual intelligence... The other thing that is annoying me is researchers who cherry pick what the indigenous cultures have to say. They have already told us the UFOs are the gods... That is what the Return of the Ancestors is all about... Do some scientific research and check out how scientists think life started out on this planet... The frustration.... Too many humans are just too stupid.... I could go on but I have other things to do... /rant over
Update 3 I have started reading the online version of Tom Horn's book Apollyon Rising as priority... As you would expect, the book gives a 'Christian' perspective of 'pagan' Freemasons (pot calling the kettle black) and then ties this into why these pagans will incorporate Aztec and Mayan astronomical knowledge into the heart of Washington DC and the great seal of the United States of America. If you are unfamiliar with this kind of background information you will find this hard going. However, I have been reading this kind of info for many years and I am wondering whether Tom Horn appreciates that Freemasonry is a religion based on astronomy, exacly the same as the Catholic Church. I am sure he must have realised that these two groups are actually power sharing.... Whatever, they both have a strict adherence to preserving astronomical knowledge but this is then combined with running 'purple' [Spiral Dynamics] culty organisations designed to control people. He tells us that Freemasons are requested to lie to protect their knowledge of symbols etc and then quotes the same person who says they are primarily liars when it comes to revealing details about Freemasonry. He is continually quoting sources whom are disguising their beliefs so his interpretation does not make sense unless you see the astronomical implications and that is why Tom Horn is forced to re-hash opinions that are wrong. The stuff about the oracle Sibyl just makes me laugh, talk about deep purple.... I don't have time to explain.... A lot of the explanations are simply wrong, my website is a lot more informative about what is really happening but I have stayed away from integrating this with ancient knowledge. To get a good perspective, Freemasons should be regarded as cult members, who possess a little bit of truth mixed in with some big lies. The key to the truth is astronomy and the science of a spiritual universe. Yes, I wonder if Tom Horn appreciates why the New World Order has to blot out the Sun by geoengineering if they are such great pagans who love their Sun god? The solutions to what 2012 is all about is never going to come without a radical shift in perspective
Update 4
I am quite astounded that Tom Horn is agreeing with an author who knows there was a "Gospel in the stars", but that this gospel was "demonized and converted into astrology after the fall of man, originally recorded the Gospel of God." Horn writes: "If the primary assumption of this view is correct—that an original revelation was corrupted after the fall of man and subsequently degenerated into mythologies of the pagan gods—one should be able to find numerous examples of such corruption from as far back as the beginning of history and within various civilizations around the world." I have not finished reading yet, but there seems to be a big assumption here that is deliberately vague to cover a wide variety of scenarios. I think the main issue is glossing over the discovery of ancient texts with a preponderance of biblical sounding stories that imply the Bible was generated by plagiarising older sources and whitewashing astrological references in the bible by saying they were originally some kind of 'divine' revelation.... wow... I suppose it is too much to expect Horn to do some unbias research and come to the conclusion that at least some if not all the information was generated by an elite astronomical priest class. I agree with the luminary Sir William Drummond who suggested that elite astronomer priests made-up stories that reflected astronomical events and then fed this fodder to ignorant hordes. This was how religion started alongside calendar acknowledgements like solstices and equinoxes that became public holidays etc. The gospel in the stars might even have been inspired by events on Earth, but official story lines are constrained by having to conform to real astronomical events, as some are well aware... Oh well, so far, I am impressed with the range of source material but totally unimpressed with the interpretations and conclusions.
End of the Mayan era in 2012 confirmed? [VIDEO]
Latest UFO Sightings, 19th December 2011
Rodolfo Garrido presents information on the discovery and interpretation of a small Mayan monument, which confirms the date of the end of the era and the beginning of a new one to the December 21, 2012
Comment: This is in Spanish with English subtitles. It looks like part of a documentary actually starts at 2:14. It's not a great deal of information but still more than has been presented in the mainstream media. The first 90 seconds seems to be some advertising. Well, I wrote out the transcript but here is my summary:
Paraphrased: When the mythical god Bolon Yokte arrives and he has already arrived and in place by the 21st December 2012, this god of creation and war (or destruction) will activate the "Guardian Prince" or "Protector that awakes". To prevent major chaos, Mayan kings are warned to act to "stabilise" the situation with their rituals.
Again, I must point out that the intellectually elite have traditionally thought in metaphors and preserved their secrets in metaphors and if you can't understand that, then trying to decode ancient knowledge without knowledge of the right 'keys' is a waste of time. So, the main point is that these are references to mythical gods that represent certain types of celestial and earthly forces. This is why over a period of 5,125 years the Mayans believe those same forces or gods can and will return. Well, space weather is here now, and authorities are working to mitigate the effects... Meanwhile, after all the hype about megadisasters, few can see the connection with the inevitable electromagnetic chaos caused by a downpour of celestial energies. Of course, this includes the impact on humans and the human energy field, hence the need for balance... Modern Mayan elders refer to the need for balance which is not the same meaning as stabilisation... There are some useful additional bits of information about the Tortuguero Monument 6 and Bolon Yokte K’u in the articles (see below, part II) written by Open Minds back in October. Again, it looks like in this short documentary extract provided in this YouTube clip, a vital bit of information have been missed out like a reference to "darkness". Well, if people have been paying attention to genuine Mayan elders, they will know that this refers a major space weather event, which the Maya believe the world should be expecting.
2012 Apocalypse Fears Unfounded, NASA Says, 9th December 2011
Despite the hoopla surrounding the dateDec. 21, 2012, the world is not at risk of coming to a halt, NASA says.
Aside from that date marking next year's winter solstice, the longest night of that year, nothing else interesting is expected.
All in all, "sleep well on Dec. 21 of next year," said astronomer Don Yeomans, manager of NASA's Near-Earth Object program office at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif., at a public talk yesterday (Dec. 8) about rumors of a 2012 apocalypse.
Comment: Really, you really have to wonder about the intelligence/integration levels when genuine Mayan Elders are ignored in preference to people with no relevant qualifications and apparently, very little scientific understanding of why the Elders would try and explain about the arrival of Ether. Heh, in this run down of 2012 fears, NASA are admitting that space weather in the form of a solar storm
IS an issue, but not much likelihood that anything will happen on the 21st December 2012 and that is because Mayan elders were specifically talking about the start of a new era, which even NASA scientists have agreed is true. Space Weather is now a permanent problem... Btw, I was amused by the 'pole dancing' header....
Phew! Mayan prediction of world ending in 2012 may be a 'misreading' - it's just the start of a new era, says expert
Daily Mail, 1st December 2011
* Conspiracy theorists predict 'end of the world'
* Expert says it's a misreading - it's a symbolic date
* Refers to a new period in the religious calendar
An inscription found in the Mayan temple of Tortuguero make a prediction of an apocalyptic even in 2012 - with some conspiracy theorists predicting the world being swallowed by a black hole, the sun, or just clipped by a passing asteroid.
The Mayan inscriptions refer to Bolon Yokte 'descending from the sky' in 2012 - a god associated with war and the underworld.
But a German expert, Sven Gronemeyer, says that the whole thing could just be a misreading.
The tablet on which the inscription was found has a break which makes the end nearly illegible - but even so, the legible parts don't necessarily spell oncoming doomsday.
Gronemeyer said his decoding of a Mayan artefact with a reference to a 2012 date denotes a transition to a new era in the Mayan calendar - and not a possible end of the world.
Comment: That's the whole point... cosmic cycles and the start of a major new era, anthropomorphised for the simpletons as modern Mayan have pointed out... Modern Mayan Elders have gone around the world explaining this in terms of the arrival of the
fifth element ether "– the realm where energy lives and weaves". It was explained as the start of an era that would last 5,125 years, associated approximately with a Galactic Alignment, that acted as a major time marker. It is a shame that Carlos Barrios was not taken more seriously after his epic efforts with his brother to interviw
600 Mayan Elders in Guatemala, even risking their own lives to traipse through the jungle during the middle of a guerilla war to gain some understanding of the ancient oral tradition. Meanwhile people preferred to listen to Mayan 'researchers' with no real qualifications who preferrred to ignore real Mayans, who obviously knew more than they did. I am even wondering if Carlos Barrios had made the link to the arrival of space weather, how many would have got it... It just seems to me the real issue is a major lack of spiritual and scientific education and comprehension. Meanwhile, we have
The Sword of Damocles hanging over our heads, as our whole modern technological world is at risk, as governments and space agencies have revealed. This is NOT hysteria, it is now a fact and a few engineers and scientists have realised that we have to work to prevent a disaster. Our world has drastically changed, but the Average Joe is still mostly unaware of the implications.
The end of the world not happening - for now says expert
The end is not near. At least that's according to a German expert who says his decoding of a Mayan tablet with a reference to a 2012 date denotes a transition to a new era and not a possible end of the world as others have read it.
The Telegraph, 2nd December 2011
Mexico acknowledges 2nd Mayan reference to 2012
Yahoo News, 25th November 2011
MEXICO CITY (AP) — Mexico's archaeology institute downplays theories that the ancient Mayas predicted some sort of apocalypse would occur in 2012, but on Thursday it acknowledged that a second reference to the date exists on a carved fragment found at a southern Mexico ruin site.
Most experts had cited only one surviving reference to the date in Mayan glyphs, a stone tablet from the Tortuguero site in the Gulf coast state of Tabasco.
But the National Institute of Anthropology and History said in a statement that there is in fact another apparent reference to the date at the nearby Comalcalco ruin. The inscription is on the carved or molded face of a brick. Comalcalco is unusual among Mayan temples in that it was constructed of bricks. [...]
However, erosion and a crack in the stone make the end of the passage almost illegible, though some read the last eroded glyphs as perhaps saying, "He will descend from the sky." [...]
The institute's experts say the Mayas saw time as a series of cycles that began and ended with regularity, but with nothing apocalyptic at the end of a given cycle.
Comment: Hmmmm.... Another ancient message with the theme of something or someone coming from the sky associated with astronomical cycles... Modern Mayan Elders have been going around the world telling people what to expect (Age of the Ether), but most simply did not know enough to see the connection with Space Weather which is more than obvious now. Anyway, just think of all the ancient documents lying around deteriorating in museums that might reveal useful information. I have read that some researchers have picked up ancient texts thrown in the rubbish after being stolen from South America and taken back to Europe. When you understand what is facing our world, it is sickening that the academic community are still so oblivious to what this is really all about.
Good news! Killer solar flare won't destroy Earth!
At least not in 2012, according to NASA, which also says to not sweat 'Planet X'
MSNBC News, 11th November 2011
If the world ends in 2012, the sun won't be to blame, NASA officials say.
Contrary to what some doomsayers would have you believe, our star isn't capable of blasting out a solar flare powerful enough to burn our planet to a crisp, according to the space agency.
"Most importantly, however, there simply isn't enough energy in the sun to send a killer fireball 93 million miles to destroy Earth," NASA officials wrote in a Nov. 10 statement. [...]
Space weather still an issue
The sun's rumblings can and do affect our planet, of course. Flares, for example, can temporarily alter Earth's upper atmosphere, causing disruptions in satellite communications.
Comment: I suppose the doomsday herd are still desperately trying to stir anxiety, whilst the majority are still oblivious to what is really happening on this planet. The real threat is Space Weather and the effect on our modern technological world that is being more and more affected. Basically, society needs to wake up and start doing business differently on this planet.
2012: Killer solar flares are a physical impossibility (NASA VIDEO)
PhysOrg News, 11th November 2011
There is a HUGE difference between the planet being fried to a crisp and a CME knocking out power grids. If 100 million people lose their electricty for months or even years, engineers and scientists know that the impact would be devastating on society, hence a selection of major reports pointing this out, plus lots of other issues associated with space weather. See archives.
Mayan Secrets to Be Revealed by Mexican Government in '2012' Documentary
Reuters News, 17th August 2011
The Mexican government is releasing state-held secrets about the end of the Mayan calendar to the makers of a documentary, "Revelations of the Mayans 2012 and Beyond," TheWrap has learned.
The information -- protected for 80 years -- is expected to reveal Mayan beliefs in future catastrophes and wisdom characterized as "shocking," producer Raul Julia-Levy, son of actor Raul Julia, told TheWrap.
The end of the Mayan calendar in December 2012 has long given rise to theories and speculation about the end of the world. The agreement will allow Julia-Levy to film in never-before-seen locations. [...]
"This is very important for humanity, not just for Mexico," said Julia-Levy. "This information has been protected for 80 years, and now it's important for people to understand the series of events that are coming, and the consequences for all of us."
Comment: Do we have something to look forward to... or not? If this is real information coming from the Mexican government about 'a series of events', it will completely KILL erroneous New Age ideas about a major happening on the 21st December 2012. Mayan Elders have stressed a series of astronomical events that are associated with a period of transition lasting about 25 years combined with the astronomical events of the arrival of a 'magnetic vortex' and three days of darkness. Astronomers have already told us there is a "potentially hazardous" cometary debris train on the way in 2016, and this could have the capacity to blot out the sun. It is quite possible that this was predicted by one of the 20 Mayan calendars, because despite the beliefs of narcissistic New Agers, the calendars were more than just about telling people whether they were going to have a bad day.
I have been saying for a long time that the wheels have fallen off the 2012 bandwagon, but it looks like the Mexican government are just about to drop a big bomb from a very great height. Get the popcorn ready!
The annotated apocalypse: Anthropologists tackle 2012
Boing Boing, 13th August 2011
There are 1000s of people who think that something important—if not the end or the world, then something—will happen on December 21, 2012. These speculations spring from a well-seasoned cultural melting pot, but a key ingredient is the writings and beliefs of both ancient and modern Maya people. In fact, the folks promoting the 2012 movement often frame themselves as experts in Maya traditions.
Here's the thing, though: There are actual experts in ancient Maya traditions, and actual experts who study the culture and religion of modern Maya living today. These archaeologists and anthropologists have, inadvertently, created some of the pop culture legends that spawned the 2012 movement. [...]
JH: I try to be fairly diplomatic about it. I try to realize that these myths play a very important role in people’s lives. They make them feel comfortable, help them feel better. I try to help people develop critical thinking skills, and help them understand that you can’t educate yourself simply by reading the web and watching the History Channel. That it requires a lot of scholarship and reading, and you have to look at the original academic literature. You can’t rely on popular magazines. You have to evaluate the primary information itself. Lots of people can’t afford the academic training they want and so they try to do it themselves and wind up with an autodidactic education that includes a lot of bizarre and totally wrong speculative literature. In fact, a lot of people writing about this are self taught in the same way.
Comment: Archaeologist John Hoopes seems to be jumping on the 2012 bandwagon when the wheels have already fallen off. Anthropologists and archaeologist have virtually nothing to do with the modern Maya, but want to tell the world about their understanding of ancient Mayan monuments when modern Maya say that 90% of this information is highly speculative (that's a nice way of saying it's complete rubbish.) According to modern Maya, the discussion of the end of the Long Count calendar and the date is only the approximate start of a new era that will be dominated by the element of ether (modern spelling aether). As Carlos Barrios points out, it's the birth of a new era but babies don't always come on the exact due date... Well, despite the fact that academics have not being able to integrate enough information to realise the obvious, the aether in the form of Space Weather has arrived approximately on time. There is other indigenous, esoteric and metaphysical knowledge that supports the beliefs of the modern Maya, but the Maya are the traditional galactic, cosmic and Earth energy Timekeepers and they have adequately fulfilled this role.
The Meaning of Words: New Evidence of Ancient Maya History
National Geographic News, 24th April 2011
The ancient Maya culture flourished in Mesoamerica. At the height of their splendor there’s an overwhelming rise in architectural construction, the type of buildings that pay homage to their rulers and their ancestors. Archaeologists call this phenomenon the Classic Maya Period, a time between 200 and 900 A.D. Within these centuries, archaeologists have found evidence that city-states expressed their power by creating unique architectural centers that in many ways were meant to replicate their cosmology.[...]
Along with multi-leveled stepped pyramids, ball courts, plazas and freestanding monuments called Stelae, the Maya also literally told the stories of their parents, ancestors, founders, foes, captured enemies and military alliances. Maya writing is a unique feature of this culture that along with the perfection of their calendar has intrigued and mystified the world. Their texts are expressions of a ruling class, however, the question remains, are we reading history, political propaganda or both?
Comment: More Mayan discoveries that might help shed some light on ancient Mayan beliefs from a culture that many suspect has strong links to the Egyptians who are also survivors from Atlantis.
Top astronomers warn the world could end within 90 years
Two leading astronomers will put forward their stark predictions for mankind at the finale of the Edinburgh International Science Festival., 19th April 2011
The end of the world is nigh. That's what top astronomers will claim during a debate to end the 2011 Edinburgh International Science Festival.
Lord Martin Rees, the Astronomer Royal, believes civilisation has only a 50 per cent chance of surviving to 2100 without suffering a man-made catastrophe.
And the Astronomer Royal for Scotland, Professor John Brown, has an equally bleak outlook, fearing a random event from outer space is the most likely cause of our demise.
They will take to the stage to put forward their stark predictions in the discussion
"Fire in the Sky: Cosmic Threats to Earth".
Comment: I have noted that Lord Martin Rees, the Astronomer Royal, seems to be very depressed about the general prospects for mankind, since I started following his views about alternative forms of life etc (see archives), but I have still not read his latest book
Our Final Hour, only the reviews that say the book is quite apocalyptic in tone. I can only presume that Lord Rees knows a lot of facts, but he has not sought any spiritual guidance on what is in store for the future of mankind. Anyway, since I have commented before about Lord Rees' views in my recent Delft TU lecture, I won't repeat that here, but I will look out for a video link for this lecture.
An Alternate Perspective on 2012 and "the End of the Mayan Calendar"
Elv�a Systems, March 2011
Recently, in a radio interview, I publicly stated that neither [Carl Johan Calleman's findings about] Oct. 28, 2011 nor [John Major Jenkins' and other people's assertions regarding] Dec. 21, 2012 are what we should be focused on relative to what is popularly believed to be the "end of the Mayan Calendar" [the Tzolkin] and humanity's quantum leap into Universal Consciouness. In that statement, I mentioned that the Gregorian Calendar date that is most important to consider, relative to the Tzolkin's creation cycles and the Mayan Long Count [the correlations between the Tzolkin, and the Gregorian Calendar] is March 31, 2013. Since people listening to the interview may not have fully grasped what I was communicating, this article is a brief clarification of my statement.
Comment: I was sent this online article by the author Michaele de Cygne aka Alyras. The following is part of my email response on being sent details on yet another Mayan Calendar End Date.
John Major Jenkins is now distancing himself from the 2012 doomsday hype, but unfortunately, he [his work] is one of the reasons why the 2012 meme has become so popular with many wrong beliefs. [...]
I am not interested in getting involved with the infighting between Mayan researchers because I have focused on understanding REALITY. Modern Mayan Elders were very clear that we were entering a New Age dominated by space or the ether (modern spelling aether) and it is a scientific fact that Space Weather has been escalating for over 20 years. However, in reality, these energies have been slowly appearing for the whole of the last century and we are now seeing the trickle of evolutionary energies turning into a flood. If you have read my book, Tuning the Diamonds: Electromagnetism & Spiritual Evolution (2006) or read any of my essays you will see that I make this very clear.
Since, I wrote my book and had some dealings with Geoff Stray who was shocked to discover my more scientific interpretation of evolutionary change that I could link to the beliefs of Modern Mayan Elders, I decided to re-examine the beliefs about the Galactic Alignment. In due course, I was sent an email by Raymond Mardyks, a Galactic Astrologer who informed me that he was the original source of the Galactic Alignment idea and he says he just made some of it up as a teaching aid!
2012, Galactic Cosmology & A New World Age ( April, 2009)
JMJ is still ignoring the fact that modern Mayan Elders are considered the world's timekeepers for major astronomical and astrological events and we are facing a major transition. What I don't understand is the high level of abstract teaching, consciousness is energy it's not nothing! As far as I am aware, the Modern Mayan Elders are tracking Galactic, Cosmic and Earth energies and I am seeking to integrate this so that left-brained people can understand why there is a need to evolve and change to comply with new universal directives.
At this moment in time, I am most concerned that ordinary people do not understand that our planet is being bombarded with energies from deep space. Hence, why so many focus on world disasters because they are still tapping into old memories. There are legitimate concerns for anyone who has studied the history of the Earth and the warnings that have been left by our ancestors concerning the peril for humanity that occurs at certain points of transition.
The Greatest Transition in the History of Mankind: The Return of Paradise
(June, 2010) 2 .pdf files
Quite frankly the Japanese disaster unfolding now is a perfect example of humans failing to realise that the old ways of doing things on this planet are not going to work in the new cosmic environment. Please read my blog because I have been pointing out why NASA et al. have been desperate to try and predict space weather which is delivering fresh evolutionary energies to Earth. The whole of our modern satellite communications and technological infrastructure is at risk. Things are so bad that the US military are thinking of giving up their [total] reliance on GPS. That's serious.
By the way, I think the Japanese 9.0 earthquake and tsunami might have been caused by a gravitational wave from deep space in exactly the same way that some astronomers believe it was the cause of the Sumatra 9.1 earthquake and tsunami in 2004.
I am simply not interested in the narrow focus of Mayan researchers who have not integrated their knowledge with what is taking place on this planet. Hence, in examining the work of people like JMJ and Calleman, who at least has a better philosophy of the evolution of consciousness, I have been less and less impressed as I have developed my own understanding based on the beliefs of many other traditional and modern metaphysical sources.
I am explaining to people that this transition taking place on Earth, will create new cosmic conditions that will last for thousands of years, which is the same opinion as modern mayan Elders who are true keepers of ancient knowledge. They don't know the exact transition date and for convenience, the 21st December 2012 is offered as an approximate. Hence, I am satisfied with the belief that this can be viewed like a woman giving birth to a baby, we are in the [late] pregnancy stage and the arrival date is not a 100% certain. [Sent: 14th March 2011]
John Major Jenkins - The Myths and Fallacies of 2012
Red Ice Radio, 10th March 2011
Anthropologist John Major Jenkins has been investigating Mayan culture since 1985, helping unveil the Mayan calendar system that predicts a once-in-26,000-years "astronomical alignment"-the solstice sun and the Milky Way with the galactic center-occurring on December 21, 2012, a date that's gained an apocalyptic reputation in the popular consciousness. John joins us to talk about the misconceptions about 2012 and his book, "The 2012 story - The Myths, Fallacies and Truth behind the most intriguing date in History".
Comment: OK, I was curious to see whether John Major Jenkins had anything different to say but all this interview does is clarify that JMJ is mostly interested in justifying his 2012 beliefs based on ancient Mayan artifacts. There is no interest in the beliefs of modern Mayan Elders who demonstrate an equal lack of interest in the work of anthropologists and suggest 90% of their ideas are rubbish. Here, JMJ talks about his struggle to engage scholars but his fundamental problem is his own lack of credentials, but due to his persistence he has finally got at least one academic to pay attention and we have some new information about some symbol on the Tourtoguero monument pointing to the 2012 date. JMJ has nothing to say about what is taking place on the planet now and there is only the abstract discussion of archetypes, and shifts in consciousness. The talk about those who have jumped on the bandwagon is a little unfair because even as JMJ agrees, an energetic shift in consciousness and the arrival of a New Age has been anticipated by many different traditional, indigenous, metaphysical and esoteric groups across the globe. There are solid reasons for why so many people focus on the possibility of worldwide disaster, but JMJ says this is not the focus of the ancient Mayan texts and artefacts. Again, modern Mayan Elders and the other indigenous Elders who rely on modern Mayan Timekeepers, would not agree and this is evident by paying attention to what they have to say. The acknowledgement that the ancient Maya were good astronomers does not explain WHY they were interested and how it relates to energetic shifts and New Ages. Since, the interview was recorded prior to the disaster in Japan, it just underlies the fact that there is no real in depth understanding of what this transition is really about, unless you are satisfied with his abstract talk. Modern Mayan Elders are monitoring GALACTIC, COSMIC and EARTH ENERGIES. According to our space scientists, the planet is now being slammed, JMJ cannot justify is beliefs in terms of the real world because his focus is on the interpretation of ancient Mayan artifacts. So, it must be stated that since he does not know the spiritual science passed down amongst true Mayan Elders that relates to how to interprete their own 20 calendars, 5 of them are so secret that westerners know nothing about them, them I think JMJ's work can only be very limited in scope and should not be seen as being definitive. As usual with Red Ice Radio, the first hour is for free and the 2nd hour is for subscribers only.
Alex Putney - Messages of Resonance Change in 2012, Betelgeuse & Modern Alchemy
Red Ice Radio, 10th February 2011
Alex Putney is behind the website Human Resonance. Human Resonance has been organized to share the rediscovery of a superfluid resonance technology of our ancient Sanskrit mother culture, crystallizing the body and synchronizing human consciousness. He returns to the program to discuss extra terrestrial and prophetic messages about 2012 and the high resonance changes and transformations that humankind and our planet might be facing in the next few years. We discuss the next magnetic reversal, Betelgeuse supernova being visible from earth in 2012 and giant skeletons found in Ecuador, where Alex currently is. Then, Alex talks about purification of water and physical alchemy, a scientific experiment that now is taking place in the United States by Joe Champion. Dr Champion has allegedly managed to transmute copper, lead and other metals into precious metals such as silver, gold and platinum.
I can't agree with everything, especially the emphasis on the 21st December 2012 because there is no mention of Space Weather and the continuous build up of energies on our planet, but I really liked the talk about how humans are going to change. Towards the end of
Part I, Alex Putney talks about enlightenment and raised consciousness and greater discernment but he does not mention that our neuroscientists have been monitoring a massive increase of people with Synesthesia. We have gone from 1 in 25,000 in the mid 1980s to 1 in 100 in 2006. Since I have synesthesia too, I am constantly getting signals about people that I pick up as smell. Alex talks about the change that is going to come about when people can see auras and can pick up whether people are lying but I believe this is already going on, as people start to work out what the new signals they are receiving actually mean. So, with Synesthesia, bioelectromagnetic information is being picked up by the senses, reinterpreted by the brain and presented in a different way. Our scientists tell us straight they do not know why some information becomes conscious and other information does not. So, there are experiments when people can have images beamed directly into their eyes, but neuroscientists say that these images can still be ignored and do not appear into a person's conscious awareness and they don't know why. So, brains are evolving now and spiritual evolution appears to be already taking place on a massive scale. Hence, I think many are going to be disappointed if they are waiting for a magic bullet on the 21st December 2012. At the end of Part I, Henrik asks Alex about how his work could be supported by others. I totally love his response as he talks about his preference for receiving positive energies and love from people, wow!
If you have read my book, my essay
The Greatest Transition in the History of Mankind, blog comments and studied the material on both my websites, then you will see there is a clear overlap with the work of Alex Putney, and that is the reason why Red Ice Radio listed my interview as background to Alex Putney's interview. However, I have not taken any stance on ET sourced material and with the Billy Meier story, I have not taken a great deal of interest. So, I am not a believer, but saying that, I am quite struck by the following quote taken from Putney's latest free online e-book
Ptaah: When the epochs change, so also do the minds of the forms of life. This has also happened to humans now. The Age of Fishes was characterized by religious fanaticism… Then the birth pains of the Age of Aquarius began, and suddenly the Earth human started to listen inside of himself. And he started to think and to explore, and suddenly recognized logic only in truth. He developed in a short time his thinking abilities, and searched and explored… which is a characteristic of the Age of Aquarius. And this is one of the main reasons why certain human beings are now being contacted by extraterrestrial forms of life again. The present Age of Aquarius demands thinking and spiritual evolution of the humans of Earth. This cannot be achieved by seeing and listening with the physical organs only, but only by reasoned thought. If we appear officially in our beamships and spacecraft, the effect of deliberation and of thought would suffer, because the Earth human, in his present state of evolution, does no longer deliberate and search that which he can see with his own eyes and hear with his ears. Beyond the seeing and hearing, the interest is short-lived, because that soon becomes a natural event to him, and he no longer cares. What he knows no more interests him. His interest is only aroused by secrets for which he can hunt. [Emphasis added]
Lightwater, Chapter 3 - The Plejaren, pg76, Reference: Stevens WC Ed. (1988) ‘Message from the Pleiades: The Contact Notes of Eduard Billy Meier, Volume 1’ Genesis III Publishing, pp. 150-154
"The present Age of Aquarius demands thinking and spiritual evolution of the humans of Earth.", so why are there so many so-called spirtual teachers (Pied Pipers) doing extremely well telling their followers to switch off their own reasoning ability? Of course, the switching off and allowing brain circuits to atrophy does not effect followers from buying books, cds, dvds, and attending seminar after seminar etc.
Tomb of Maya "Destroyed": More Looting Confirmed in Egypt
Antiquity Lives, 1st February 2011
Some disturbing news has begun to float around the web that the tomb of Tutankhamun's Treasurer Maya has been "destroyed." Maya's tomb is located at Saqqara,
where mass looting broke out over the weekend in the wake of the current political protests.
The following was relayed today from an
Egyptology group via Facebook:
From our Senior Guide. A Sakkara inspector told him that in the last few days Sakkara has been ransacked. Maia is destroyed and even the reliefs in the burial chamber have been hacked out. There is mass digging around the Unas area in particular. The inspector could not get as far as the Teti area as he was threatened with guns but the mastabas will have suffered the same fate. A black day (via P.Allingham).
This reflects previous comments by Dr. Christian Greco and the radio statement of this morning by Dr. Maarten Raven.
The loss of Maya's tomb is a devastating blow to Egyptology.
Comment: Why would a modern Egpytian destroy his own heritage? According to a ATS thread
Maya Tomb Sakkara damaged, to destroy dangerous evidence? "This tomb, locked away to the public for a long time- was looked at by Steven Mehler, author of
Land of Osiris, and he photographed a very odd looking ceiling. Those photographs were sent to Mayan elders in Mexico who confirmed them as Mayan heiroglyphs. See the book for more details online
The Land of Osiris. The Maya claim that they and the Egyptians BOTH came from Atlantis as a few high priests and survivors who managed to escape the catastrophe that destroyed this civilisation. This explains why there are many obvious similarities between both cultures and the attempts to destroy or suppress the evidence which scholars have been aware of and have documented over many hundreds of years.
Will the Earth Have Two Suns by 2012?
Time, 21st January 2011
In the Star Wars saga, George Lucas imagined a world where twin suns rose and fell in the horizon. Looks like his vision may not be so far-fetched.
Astrophysicists say that Betelgeuse, the red super-giant that is the ninth brightest star in the sky, is losing mass—an indication of gravitational collapse. Brad Carter, a senior lecturer of physics at the University of Southern Queensland, explained to that the star is essentially running out of the fuel at its core. “This fuel keeps Betelgeuse shining and supported. When this fuel runs out the star will literally collapse in upon itself and it will do so very quickly,” he said. The subsequent explosion will appear tens of millions of times brighter than the sun, meaning 24-hours of light on Earth.
Comment: Is this mainstream media 2012 hype? Another version of this same theme is
Tatooine's twin suns - coming to a planet near you just as soon as Betelgeuse explodes However, it comes after the story of George Lucas, the Star Wars director apparently hyperventilating about 2012, see
Rogen stunned by Lucas' 2012 theory Well, there has been plenty of scientific speculation about Betelgeuse, Nostradamus is supposed to have made a prediction and the Hopi talk about the coming of the Red Star Kachina that will arrive soon after the Blue Star Kachina, (which they claim was Comet Holmes), but there has never been a link to 2012. Quite frankly, these press releases are very suspicious and smack of hyping up 2012, so that the media can turn round and claim nothing happened. Meanwhile, there is a massive elephant in the room called Space Weather that is far more relevant to humanity and our technological societies.
Dying Star Betelgeuse Won't Explode in 2012, Experts Say
Fox News, 21st January 2011
Oh, what a surprise....
NASA's silly sci-fi film list -- 2012 the most flawed (w/ Video), 7th January 2011
( -- At a conference held at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in California, NASA experts have voted 2012 the most scientifically flawed and absurd science fiction film ever made.
The 2009 disaster film named 2012 was directed by Roland Emmerich and written by Emmerich and Harald Kloser and grossed almost $800 million. The story is set on the date the Mayan calendar supposedly ends (21 December 2012), which is believed by some to be the day the world will end. The story revolves around a marital reconciliation, which takes place as the world begins to collapse as strange neutrino particles cause global devastation.
NASA’s Donald Yeomans, who headed the Near Earth Asteroid Rendezvous mission, called the film an "exceptional and extraordinary" example of bad science in Hollywood movies. He pointed out that neutrino particles cannot interact with physical substances, and there is no possible way neutrinos carried to Earth by solar flares as depicted could cook the planet’s core and cause hurricanes or earthquakes or produce tsunamis big enough to overwhelm Mount Everest as shown in the film.
NASA has received a massive amount of mail as a result of people’s concerns about the world ending in 2012, and has set up a website to debunk the myths, which is something they have never needed to do with previous disaster films. This is a major reason for their list of bad science films — because they do worry many people.
(Are we expected to believe that NASA care about people's concerns?)
Other films on NASA’s silly list include The Day After Tomorrow, about accelerated global warming, Volcano, in which a volcano appears in Los Angeles, the supposed documentary What the Bleep Do We Know, The Sixth Day, Chain Reaction, and The Core. Another film on the hit list is Armageddon, a film about a massive asteroid being blown up by a nuclear bomb to save the Earth. The film was originally supported by NASA.
Comment: NASA obviously does not have anything else better to do and their poor prioritisation, might explain why their Space Weather forecasting and mitigation attempts are going nowhere. I note that the film
The Core is also on the list of 'bad' films. Yes, it is supposed to be science fiction, but certain elements were deliberately written in to teach people how we could tell the Earth's magnetic field was dramatically weakening, which funnily enough, is now happening at an alarming rate, as we see birds dropping dead all over the planet and all the other "signs" that creatures that use the Earth's magnetic field are sometimes getting into trouble. How pathetic are NASA? Well, the other view is that people are in a state of panic over 2012 fears and NASA are trying to stop this, but as an agency that is known as Never A Straight Answer, they don't have much credibibilty in the mind of many who have serious doubts about rather more important issues like: what exactly are NASA hiding about the moon? (Btw, the scientist in this video offers simplistic explanations about Earth magnetic field reversals and Earth orbital motions, to reassure uneducated adults who presumably can't be expected to understand celestial complexities.)
Documentary: Moon Rising Part 1/9
YouTube, 25th May 2009
A Jose Escamilla film that must be watched if you still have any doubts that NASA as an agency are interested in revealing all their discoveries to the general public.
Apocalyptic Enthusiasm And The Royal Society
GWPF, 5th January 2011
On the 350th anniversary of the Royal Society we reflect on how it first successfully promoted science as a sober and reasonable force serving society by dampening the prevailing apocalyptic ‘enthusiasm’ at large in Restoration England, and how the Society’s relationship to fearful prognostations was recently reversed when it came to promote apocalyptic environmentalism. This reversal is indicated by the election of the Royal Society’s current president in 2005, shortly after he had published one of the most extremely apocalyptic books ever written by a scientist.
Comment: If you have read my essay
The Greatest Transition and understood that astronomers are much more likely than most to be aware of the truth behind massive global change, then the apocalytic tone of this book should be no surprise. I might even get a copy, as Sir Martin Rees is the Queen's astronomer and it is a complete certainty, that he will be aware of preserved ancient astronomical knowledge passed down through millenia, which relates to astronomical cycles that can have a devastating impact on Earth. If there is anyone on the planet that knows the truth behind massive global upheavals that should be rightly considered as apocalyptic, it is this man.
Loose Christian Movement Says End of Days in May 21, 2011
The Blaze, 3rd January 2011
RALEIGH, N.C. (AP) — If there had been time, Marie Exley would have liked to start a family. Instead, the 32-year-old Army veteran has less than six months left, which she’ll spend spreading a stark warning: Judgment Day is almost here.
Exley is part of a movement of Christians loosely organized by radio broadcasts and websites, independent of churches and convinced by their reading of the Bible that the end of the world will begin on May 21, 2011.
Comment: After decades of truth seeking, I have worked out that information about 'The End Times' has been recorded in all the world's religions, and retained by indigenous and small esoteric groups. Basically, it refers to what happens at various points in the Earth's precessional cycle that overall takes about 26,000 years. This means that all the doom and fearmongering is actually based on a certain reality, but the meaning and details have been generally lost. As far as I understand it, massive evolutionary change to the environment of Earth and major astronomical events occur, but the fate of mankind is determined by the overall spiritual state of mankind. This is explained in my essay
The Greatest Transition and I would be interested in any other author who has written on this subject that could provide the same level of clarity. As far as I am concerned, the Catholic Church did the Christian world a disservice by not refering to the return of 'Christ' energies, but in reality, the serious 'Initiates' would of course know that. So, if you look at the history of these
profits prophets of doom, you will note that whipping people up with tales of God's judgement is very common, but very very few properly explain how and why mankind are destined for judgement and how we can tell what the likely outcome is this time for the whole of mankind today. To cut a long story short, I think we are on a rocky road to a completely transformed world, a Paradise to host humans of a higher level of consciousness. The stress will be due to the refusal by the old guard to cooperate with Universal Intelligence and change the way we do business on this planet to one that is in harmony with planetary intelligence.
French village which will 'survive 2012 Armageddon' plagued by visitors
The Telegraph, 21st December 2010
The mayor of a picturesque French village has threatened to call in the army to seal it off from a tide of New Age fanatics and UFO watchers, who are convinced it is the only place on Earth to be spared Armageddon in 2012.
Bugarach, population 189, is a peaceful farming village in the Aude region, southwestern France and sits at the foot of the Pic de Bugarach, the highest mountain in the Corbières wine-growing area.
But in the past few months, the quiet village has been inundated by groups of esoteric outsiders who believe the peak is an "alien garage".
According to them, extraterrestrials are quietly waiting in a massive cavity beneath the rock for the world to end, at which point they will leave, taking, it is hoped, a lucky few humans with them.
Most believe Armageddon will take place on December 21, 2012, the end date of the ancient Maya calendar, at which point they predict human civilisation will come to an end. Another favourite date mentioned is 12, December, 2012. They see Bugarach as one of perhaps several "sacred mountains" sheltered from the cataclysm.
Comment: Hmmm... the army protecting a sacred mountain against New Agers would be interesting to watch...
From Here & Back Again: The World is Ending in 2012 … or is it?
County Courier, 21st November 2010
There have been many predictions of the end of the world; they have all been wrong. But they do provide both humor and pathos and the opportunity to reflect on human nature. These include prophesies/predictions of the end of the world, Armageddon, the rapture, the coming of a messiah, the second coming of a messiah and other such world-ending events. [...]
Many such prophecies/predictions are based on religion, but astrologers, scientists and quacks have also been involved, and they have come from all around the world. A brief, incomplete look is revealing.
Comment: Well, if people understood the true root of religion is astronomy and that the only way to understand the concept of
End Times is the end of a cosmic cycle, then the messages encouraging people to watch out for various
signs in the heavens would make a lot more sense. If people realised that the initiated know that ancient religious text was designed to be anthropomorphic to appeal to lesser minds and that people who run cults, esoteric/metaphysical groups and religions are often brilliant at controlling people for their own benefit, then a lot of confusion would be avoided. As the writer points out here, Mayan Elders have gone out of their way to correct the completely false ideas about 2012, but this is ignored because whipping folk up into a frenzy is better for business. Interestingly, we have major evolutionary change happening all around us, as predicted by genuine Keepers of Ancient Knowledge, but the levels of ignorance amongst the public are truly astounding. This article provides some history, but no enlightenment as to why the collective memory of the world ending still reverberates with so many people.
Why Is Russia Building 5000 More Nuclear Bomb Shelters In Moscow By The End Of 2012?
End of the American Dream, 11th November 2010
Russia certainly seems to be in a hurry to prepare for something.
RT is reporting that 5,000 new nuclear bomb shelters will be constructed in the city of Moscow by the end of 2012.
Russian authorities believe that these new shelters are urgently needed because the current nuclear bomb shelters will only hold approximately half the population and are quite outdated.
In addition, there are apparently very few nuclear bomb shelters for those living outside the city center at this point. Officials want virtually the entire population of Moscow to be able to reach a bomb shelter within a matter of minutes. But in this era when the "Cold War" is supposed to be over, why are 5000 nuclear bomb shelters such an urgent necessity?
Comment: It seems that the Russians are also planning for major catastrophe. Read my essay
The Greatest Transition, the Russians realise we are facing a cosmic armageddon and it might be a bit rough for a while.
Phew! 2012 Doomsday Date May Be Wrong
ABC News, 20th October 2010
The much-hyped "prediction" that, according to the ancient Mayan calendar, the world will end on Dec. 21, 2012, may be based on a miscalculation. According to recent research, the mythological date of the "end of days" may be off by 50 to 100 years.
To convert the ancient Mayan calendar to the Gregorian (or modern) calendar, scholars use a numerical value (called the GMT). But Gerardo Aldana, a professor at the University of California, Santa Barbara, says the data supporting the widely-adopted conversion factor may be invalid.
In a chapter in the book "Calendars and Years II: Astronomy and Time in the Ancient and Medieval World," Aldana casts doubt on the accuracy of the Mayan calendar correlation, saying that the 2012 prophecy as well as other historical dates may be off.
Comment: Modern Mayan Elders have NO interest in the calculations of anthropologists and have very little confidence in their efforts to decode ancient Mayan artefacts. What's more, most people have ignored what genuine Mayan Elders have had to say anyway. The modern Mayan Elder Carlos Barrios acted as an envoy and explained that Elders from Guatemala believed that we were entering a New Age dominated by ether (modern spelling aether) or space. This was going to take place over a 25 year period of transition, and this has been fulfilled by the arrival of Space Weather. Strangely enough, scientists from around the world are now pointing out the impact of Space Weather and NASA scientists have declared:
"Earth and space are about to come into contact in a way that's new to human history."
According to Richard Fisher, head of NASA’s Heliophysics Division:
"I believe we’re on the threshold of a new era in which space weather can be as influential in our daily lives as ordinary terrestrial weather."
"We take this very seriously indeed."
Source: As the Sun Awakens, NASA Keeps a Wary Eye on Space Weather
NASA News, 4th June 2010
Mayan Elders have been debunking the doomsday scenario for a long time, but too many people are making money off the fearmongering and nobody is asking any relevant questions about what the SPIRITUAL significance of 2012 is all about.
Russian scientists expect increased solar radiation, not doomsday in 2012
RIA Novosti, 4th October 2010
Copy: "The scientific community does not expect the end of the world in 2012 as predicted by the Mayan Prophecy, although increased solar activity may harm satellites and endanger astronauts, a Russian doctor of physical and mathematical sciences said on Monday.
"The solar exposure on near-Earth space will increase, causing perturbations in the atmosphere, which will break space apparatus," Vladimir Kuznetsov who works for the Institute of Earth magnetism, Ionosphere and Radio waves of the Russian Academy of Sciences said. "Enhanced radiation could also endanger cosmonauts."
December 12, 2012 is the end of a calendar created by the ancient Mayan civilization of South America. Over the years, scientists and speculators have proposed numerous astronomical alignments and formulas, which allegedly prove that the end is nigh.
Comment: This article is way too short! As usual, the Russian translation leaves us tantalised with the notion of "breaking space apparatus..." Unfortunately, there is simply not enough information here to speculatate on whether these Russian scientists are refering to heightened solar activity or whether they think that cosmic cycles are contributing to the decline of the Earth's magnetic field. Anyway, this is a must see,
Did you know there were this many satellites in orbit?
Magnetic apocalypse 2012 (Video, 7:51)
RIA Novosti, 11th August 2010
Interview with doctor Anatoly Levitin, head of the geomagnetic variations laboratory at the Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere and Radiowave Propagation of the Russian Academy of Sciences. When will the Earth’s magnetic poles change?
What are the possible consequences? And is there any scientific ground to expect the Doomsday in 2012?
Comment: I have absolutely no argument with any of the responses given by this Russian scientist in this interview! Note the response to whether climate change being not necessarily manmade and the talk about the Energy Budget, the statement, "We are children of the Sun" is especially interesting! The interviewer who brings up 2012 and predictions of poles shifts is not given any solace from the scientist, but it looks like the 2012 disaster hype is in full swing in Russia too! Interestingly, there is talk of those who won't make the fourth dimension, but quite frankly I think the fourth dimension is already here in some parts of the world. However, to be fair, we can't rule out a huge bolt of electromagnetic energy hitting Earth and reversing the magnetic poles. This is because some Mayan Elders are now making it very clear that a "magnetic vortex" is on it's way, but they will not give an arrival date. One of the major consequences seems like the permanent ignition of the auroral plasma column that surrounds Earth that scientists believe was the ancient and mythological World Sacred Tree. This is explained in my latest essay,
The Greatest Transition in the History of Mankind.
Mysterious Mayan ceremonial head found at Tak´alik Ab´aj News, 11th May 2010
Guatemala.Discovery of an extraordinary offering of a jadeite mosaic miniature ceremonial head underscores the importance and political power at the beginning of Early Classic of the ancient Maya city Tak’alik Ab’aj
Tak'alik Ab'aj is an ancient pre-Hispanic city situated in El Asintal, Department of Retalhuleu at the pacific piedmont of Guatemala. This important long distance trade and cosmopolitan cultural center is transcendent because of its long history which endured 1700 years (800 B.C. - 900 A.D). At its beginnings Tak'alik Ab'aj interacted and participated with the Olmec culture, and at its surmise, was one of the protagonists in the development of the early Maya culture. This particularity in addition to the extraordinary production of sculpture programs during these two important cultural periods, make Tak'alik Ab'aj unique in the history of Mesoamerica.
Comment: What is interesting is that the Maya deliberately hid some of their treasures in "time capsules" to be found at a certain time later in history. This is an issue for people who want to maintain that the present day Maya are just a degenerate version of their former selves and that they have lost their knowledge. Well, the modern Maya predicted a New Age dominated by space and the aether and they have been proven right. They still have their 20 calendars and from what I can tell, they are the only ones with the ability to interpret 17 out of 20 of them. Mayan treasures are still being found but more importantly, the real treasure of Mayan spiritual truth is being revealed.
Activation of Pyramids: beam of light coming out of ChiChen Itza
GLP Forum, 15th March 2010
This picture was taken by a tourist in Chichen Itza. A Salvadorian man wanted to photograph his daughters with the Pyramid of Kukulcan as a background. He said a thunderstorm was about to start and wanted to capture a lighting bolt over the pyramid. He took three pictures with an interval of 15 sec. (what it takes to save them into his camera). He saw a light, thought it was a lighting bolt and checked immediately to see if he really caught it. To his surprise the light he captured was not part of the thunderstorm. It was a beam of light coming out of the top of the Pyramid dedicated to the Feathered Serpent God. He was so excited that he showed the picture to all the people around including a Maya priest who asked him to keep the picture hidden from the public. But another tourist there convinced them to show it to the famous TV star Jaime Maussan.
Comment: We are seeing the true function of pyramids – balancing aetheric energies – incredible! I assume the text here is a translation of Spanish as the story is being told by Jaime Maussan. Here is the YouTube link
Well, I am quite excited, but at the same time I wonder if anyone predicted that we would see pyramids at work balancing energies. This kind of discharge can be also see on pointy mountain tops and in
experiments with pyramids. There is a picture in my book of a helical discharge coming from a pyramid experiment in my book,
Tuning the Diamonds: Electromagnetism & Spiritual Evolution.
Further Comment:
Well, as time passes things just get more surreal. There are a few people who are very clued up about what is happening but not the people you would expect and others pushing their ideas that are way off. Of course, the majority are totally unaware of what is going on in the heavens and the impact on Earth, but the more I integrate information, the more I understand WHY people were encouraged to work on their energy fields. I think I have provided enough information or leads for people to work out the seriousness of the situation.
Planet X and 2012 and Astrology: Exploring the Claims of Astrologer Terry Nazon on 2012, Part 2
Exposing Pseudo Astronomy, 16th February 2010
This is Part 2 of my two-part series on the 2012 claims of astrologer Terry Nazon, found on her website, “The Mayan Prophecy of 2012,” which I found after seeing the Coast to Coast AM late-night George Noory -hosted radio show for February 15, 2010 on their “Astrology Special.”
Part 1 of this series dealt with Ms. Nazan’s specific numbered claims on that page on her website. This second part will focus on the claims she makes throughout the paragraphical text on the page.
I have only recently discovered this blog debunking 2012 and related urban myths.
Stuart Robbins is currently doing his Ph.D at University of Colorado, Boulder in Boulder, Colorado and he has kindly offered his support in debunking the many misleading ideas that are currently floating around about 2012. I would like to highlight a few of his other articles here:
Please note: Mayan Elders used this alignment as a celestial marker but they emphasised a 25 year period of transformation leading to the start of a New Age dominated by space and the ether that would last 5,200 years. Since space weather is now a major issue and at times, Earth completely lowers its magnetic shield, ie we have NO magnetic shielding (daylight side) from galactic cosmic rays and we are being blasted by some of the most extreme celestial objects in the universe to generate some severe space weather, it seems that the majority of 2012 pundits have got this very badly wrong. Meanwhile, spacetime is evolving as predicted, we are awash with interdimensional entities that people can now see with the naked eye and people are still talking about something happening on the 21st December 2012. Question: Why are people talking about a 1 day Mayan Calendar celebration, instead of what life is going to be like on Earth being inundated by cosmic radiation that will cause evolutionary change through DNA mutations?
2012: Mayan Prophecy and the Shift of Ages
2012: The New Age making of an apocalyptic movie
Philip Coppens, February 2010
Mass suicide in the Mayan city of Tikal, Guatemala. Killer solar rays that will erupt and heat the Earth’s core, resulting in a shift of the tectonic plates. This somehow linked with the galactic alignment of the Earth, the sun and the centre of our galaxy. Welcome to the world of Roland Emmerich’s “2012”, the latest creation of a movie director with a clear apocalyptic appetite with movies like “Independence Day”, “Godzilla” and “The Day After Tomorrow” already to his credit.
Call it the alternative, esoteric or new age community: fact of the matter is that in the past decade, this community has grown from being seen as completely surplus to requirements which no-one noticed or took serious, to a new market, and one still largely untapped, except by Hollywood film writers – Emmerich prominently amongst them. His “2012” movie has highlighted that, as was the case with “The Da Vinci Code”, this genre is on the up. However, the vital question one has to ask is whether this mass publicity has created any true change for the better.
Some in the new age community are no doubt happy that the world now knows about the 2012 phenomenon. At the same time, however, the message is one of utter doom and gloom, on a far grander scale than anything ever portrayed. Is that the message the new age wants to send out to the world?
The problem of the movie and the common misunderstanding of the 2012 phenomenon is this: three 2012 theories have been piled on top of each other, thus creating a monster that has also spawned this movie – and has sown confusion across the world. [...]
I will be the first to argue that the 2012 phenomenon is extremely interesting. But the majority of those involved are absolutely non-apocalyptic in their approach. Alas, the vociferous and doomsday preachers have largely taken centre stage, with television documentaries riding on the coattails of the movie interested in imaginary Nostradamus’ prophecies for 2012 or devoting endless hours to an “2012 apocalypse”. Alternative authors are given a stage to step in the limelight to have their voice heard, even though it may not be in their own best interest, or the message the alternative field should send into the world. “We” may have set the stage for three years of the world pondering the idea whether, indeed, the world might end in 2012 after all. A fear based on a mistaken notion. And hence, those who often identify themselves as truth seekers, have contributed – knowingly, unknowingly or innocently – to another lie. That is not a good thing.
Comment: The problem with this analysis is that the three major theories piled on top of each other have completely and utterly missed the point of the celestial marker that the 2012 galactic alignment was supposed to be about. Mayan Elders and other 'Keepers of Ancient Knowledge' predicted the 'overturning of spacetime' and arrival of New Age dominated by space and the ether that would occur over a period of 25 years of transition. The 21st December 2012 was only an "official" birthdate but it's not meant to be exact, the Elders refer to a birth and babies don't always arrive on the predicted date but it's close enough approximation. Meanwhile, we have seen the arrival of 'Space Weather' which is the modern space age term for how we are experiencing this new dispensation that has gathering momentum for over 20 years and there are a bunch of other major consequences that have also been predicted like the lifting of the veil. However, despite the fact that the planet is getting hammered with Space Weather and this was enough to set alarms bells ringing in the White House, it still seems that the new Age community are still largely none the wiser. BTW the biggest joke is the Inuit Indians claiming that there has been a pole shift. I had largely ignored all the theories of a physical pole shift because it meant that 90% of the humans on the planet would die and I did not see that was on the cards for humanity. However, when I looked again at the website of someone who is strongly advocating a pole shift, they mentioned that there was two types of pole shift and of course they did not give any details of the relative merits because that 'other' type of pole shift now being claimed by the Inuit Indians would not create any fear or trepidation. If it's true and the gravity surveys being carried out by NASA suggest it could be true, it means that the apocalyptic scenario was choosen over any kind of concern for supporting the rise of human consciousness on Earth.
Mexican journalist to present evidence of UFO sightings
The Monitor, 4th February 2010
McALLEN — Mexican UFOlogist Jaime Maussan is convinced mankind will see a marked change in the year 2012.
“It could be a change in the climate or in the human being itself,” Maussan said.
Maussan, who has collected, documented and researched videos, pictures and sightings of UFOs and extraterrestrials for the past 26 years, considers the possibility of a 2012 mass destruction “a stupidity.”
“The Mayans believed that every 5,125 years there would be a change, and that period is due on Dec. 21, 2012,” said Maussan, a former anchor and reporter for the Mexican edition of 60 Minutes.
“I’m a journalist, not a scientist, and as journalist I am not prejudiced,” he said. “I collect the images that are sent to me and I present them to the public, and they are the ones that make up their minds.” [...]
[UFOlogist Jaime Maussan talks about Mayan prophecies for 2012 Thursday at the Roof Top Lounge in Edinburg.]
Comment: Well, Mexico is one place in the world where there is a very strong UAP presence. I actually agree with Jaime Maussan and his views about 2012, so I hope he has got the message that we are seeing masssive evolutionary change. Quite frankly, I was stunned to learn about the Mayan belief of
the return of the
B'alameb' who are the cosmic guardians of the four corners of the universe. From the sparse information on the internet, it looks like the vast majority of Mayan researchers missed this Mayan prophecy and the connection with 2012. Hence, it would be interesting to count up how many Mayan researchers made any references to what might happen. See my book review
The Book of Destiny: Unlocking the Secrets of the Ancient Mayans and the Prophecy of 2012
PART 1 OF 6 - 2012: Humankind at a Crossroads, January 2010
In this 6 part presentation, author Lauren Tratar describes how the events occurring in our world today have a deeper meaning. Ancient prophecies from civilizations all over the globe describe how ...
Comment: This is a beautifully presented picture book in six parts, filled with quotes and some useful information. However, for educational purposes, the conclusion reached here has to be seriously challenged. It seems that the author believes that mankind's destiny is based on whether or not we understand and apply
The Law(s) of the Universe which appears to have been condensed into the overblown
Law of Attraction, that every low down confidence trickster in the New Age community is milking for all it's worth these days. I am particular upset that 'The Secret' got a mention, especially as we now know that one of the stars was James Ray, who has proven himself to have been a master of the dark arts, using all the most covert tricks of persuasion that have been appropriated by the most cunning salespeople on the planet. Be warned! There are one or two other characters, briefly mentioned here too that are also under suspicion for the exact same misuse of powers. So, it is clear that the veil is lifting, the planet is being inundated with evolutionary energies and the vast majority of people are totally unprepared for the consequences. This book is useful, as long as you DO NOT believe that this represents the whole of The Big Picture.
[Mayan Elder Carlos Barrios] A wave of charged particles
Prophetic Voices, 11th January 2010
Message from Mitch Battros
January 8th, 2010
The Mayan elder Carlos Barrios has given some news about events going to happen in the year 2010. Mitch Battros writes:
� New information regarding events which could occur during 2010 has been mentioned in our last phone conversation.
The information which had been told to me remains as follows:
There will be an ESCALATION OF EARTHQUAKE ACTIVITY, VOLCANIC ACTIVITY, and a NEAR-MISS SMALLER BOLIDE which will go undetected until 24 hours to its presence.
The new information presented to me yesterday is RELATED TO A WAVE OF CHARGED PARTICLES which will have a significant effect on Earth.
All the above is predicted to occur in 2010. »
Comment: This is from Mitch Battros who has interviewed Mayan Elder Carlos Barrios and who then wrote a longer report 11th Jan 2010,
IT HAS BEGUN - PREPARE, SAY MAYAN ELDERS about events which could occur during 2010. Presumably, the information given here is taken from The website and since this info is only for subscribers, you will just have to ignore the commentary. Mitch Battros is very aware of Space Weather so it is difficult to tell how much of this interview is taken from Carlos Barrios and how much is his interpretation, I can only presume that the emphasis on the A WAVE OF CHARGED PARTICLES which will have a significant effect on Earth was stressed by Barrios, and it is most interesting that we have a Mayan Elder now talking about severe Space Weather! Note: If this is diamond ray energy about to hit us big time, then I should expect this message to be reflected in other channelled messages, so I am now on the look out...
2012: Apocalypse or New Sun [3:58]
YouTube, November 2009
In the ancient cities of the Maya, Grand Elder "Wandering Wolf" talks about 2012, the end of the world, the New Sun and the ancestral knowledge of the Shift of the Ages.
Comment: Please note the term
Apocalypse here refers to the Second Century A.D. onward meaning given in Christian & Jewish writings, meaning of the destruction of earth as we now know it. It is NOT the original meaning of the Greek phrase apokalupsis eschaton, shortened to 'Apocalypse' which means "revelation at the end of the æon, or age". See
Wikipedia. This clip from the 2012 film 'Shift of the Ages' gives a little more information about the Sun and cause of the 3 days of darkness. It seems that the trigger was previously made known by the Mayan Timekeeper Carlos Barrios in interviews given back in 2007. Mayan Elders have retained ancient knowledge of our approach to a central magnetic axis where a vortex arrives every 5,200 years that 'resets' the sun. Obviously, this is major news, but who exactly amongst the hundreds of books on 2012 discusses the theory and evidence for this event? This is no cosmic fairy tale and I believe this is the same event that has previously burnt out the Earth's electromagnetic grid and has been retained embedded in certain traditions, ancient Greek writings and ancient mythology. Hence, this is why certain reliable metaphysical sources have been telling us for nearly 20 years that the Earth's electromagnetic grid was being fixed up to cope with the sudden influx of highly charged energy. We even have Russian scientists admitting that "interworld processes" were taking place "altering the electromagnetic skeleton". When I wrote my book, I did not know anything about this magnetic vortex but I had done enough background research to understand WHY this is necessary. Maybe, there are researchers out there who have done the work, but I have not come across them yet, but it would have helped dealing with the current 2012 hysteria if people who claim to be experts on the Maya had actually bothered to check with them first before jumping off the deep end with irrelevant ideas that have now become mainstream fodder.
2012: Carnival of Bunkum
H+ Magazine, 11th November 2009
I like a good apocalypse as much as the next American, which is why I’ll be braving the Stepfordian horrors of the local mall for the opening of 2012, the German director Roland Emmerich’s latest exercise in disaster porn.
The trailer is awesome. [...]
Profoundly. Daniel Pinchbeck, author of 2012: The Return of Quetzalcoatl (the Nahuatl name for the feathered serpent god of the Mesoamerican peoples), is an object lesson in the hidden costs of myth. Bidding fair to become the media face of the 2012 phenomenon,
Pinchbeck is a tireless publicist for the global cataclysm and universal outbreak of cosmic consciousness he believes will ensue when the digital alarm-clock numbers click over to 2012.
Which makes him the poster child for all that’s worst about the 2012 craze. Pinchbeck’s feathered serpent-oil salesmanship offers a case study in some of its most pernicious aspects. [...]
But the worst of the 2012 bandwagon, epitomized by Pinchbeck’s lectures and writings, is the blithe cultural arrogance and staggering anthropological ignorance evident in the movement’s appropriation of Mayan beliefs and history.
In a discussion hosted by Pinchbeck’s online magazine Reality Sandwich, the cultural theorist Erik Davis puts his finger on the minstrelsy implicit in the ventriloquization, by white, first-world New Agers, of the Maya. “[I]t seems to me that there is very little concrete sense of what ‘the Mayans’ (whoever that grand abstraction represents) thought about what would happen in the human world on 2012,” he writes. “To my mind it is kinda disrespectful to the Mayans to force them into our own narrative.”
Comment: The last paragraph excerpted and highlighted here hits the nail on the head and points out the lack of dialogue between genuine Mayan Elders and Mayan 'researchers'. Whatever, this article is a scathing attack on Daniel Pinchbeck, who is deemed as being representative of those ripping off Mayan culture. However, I will add that Pinchbeck is probably still recovering from shock after I contacted his website to ask why they were not informing people about what is really happening. Since I sent them a copy of my article
2012: What's really happening on request, the response has been a notable silence. Yet, I will give the benefit of the doubt, as they may still be checking the 750 references in my book, but they might still find it hard to swallow that the New Age community missed the phenomena of Space Weather, that has been occupying the attention of the space community for about 20 years.
2012: The End Of The World?
Information is Beautiful, 11th November 2009
Comment: This is an infographic that explains what some 2012 believers are claiming and the prevailing response of skeptics. Obviously, some of this information in this chart is wrong or requires further explanation, but there are parts that are still informative. The comment about Daniel Pinchbeck as the reincarnation of the Mayan god Quetzacoatl is new to me, but I can assure you that if he thinks this to be true, he is a god that does not know what the hell is going on as far as the fulfillment of genuine mayan prophecy. I have updated this infographic with my comments
NASA on a crusade to debunk 2012 apocalypse myths
Breitbart News, 9th November 2009
The world is not coming to an end on December 21, 2012, the US space agency insisted Monday in a rare campaign to dispel widespread rumors fuelled by the Internet and a new Hollywood movie.
Sony Pictures's latest big screen offering "2012" arrives in theaters on Friday, with a 200-million-dollar production about the end of the world supposedly based on myths backed by the Mayan calendar.
The doomsday scenario revolves claims that the end of time will come as an obscure Planet X -- or Nibiru -- heads toward or collides into Earth.
The mysterious planet was supposedly discovered by the Sumerians, according to claims by pseudo-scientists, paranormal activity enthusiasts and Internet theorists.
Some websites accuse NASA of concealing the truth on the wayward planet's existence, but the US space agency denounced such stories as an "Internet hoax."
Comment: I have not seen a press release from NASA but if I come across it, I will post the link. From a perspective of people waking up to what's really going on, this is obviously all quite interesting.
2012 Prophecies Sparking Real Fears, Suicide Warnings
National Geographic News, 9th November 2009
It's almost the end of the world, according to purported Maya predictions, and the 2012 apocalypse business is booming.
Survival kits, documentaries, and nearly 200 books presenting the "real" 2012 story are all on offer. And you could probably surf the Web from now until Armaggedon—tentatively slated for December 21, 2012—and still see just a fraction of the Web sites and products devoted to the topic.
But amid all the hype—including a viral marketing campaign for 2012, the disaster movie opening Friday—some people are developing honest "end times" anxiety that has experts seriously concerned.
Comment: It would help if people actually understood what was really happening, but the vast majority have bought into the stuff about a planet X wandering into our solar system and causing havoc or even worse, the 2012 Galactic Alignment or Cosmic Fairy Tale of Father Sun having a union with Cosmic Mother on the 21st December 2012. The supposed reason for the hysteria is the end of the Mayan Calendar and the opinions of the Mayan Timekeepers and elders have been generally ignored by pseudo-Mayanists. We have been told to expect a birthday and a cosmic hurricane for the next 5,200 years. Obviously, the childish mentality that often subsitutes for spirtuality in the New Age world decided to focus on the birthday and support the cosmic fairy tale created by John Major Jenkin. Meanwhile, the hard evidence tells us that the prophesised energetic changes for a period of transition lasting 25 years is happening now and people should be re-directing their efforts to teach people how to cope in a vastly different cosmic environment.
Comet Caesar - Dark Comet in 2012?
Survive 2012, November 2009
"When considering what might cause us grief in 2012, few if any researchers consider the start of the Mayan Long Count calendar to have any importance. This is surprising, because the reason for the calendar beginning on August 11 3114BC might contain clues about 2012 itself. After all, the Mayan culture did not exist 5,000 years ago, so either they randomly chose an ancient date on a whim, or an earlier civilization was behind the calendar, and they knew something important occurred on that date.
What could happen in 3114BC, and also in 2012AD? No civilization has lasted that long, so they are unlikely to be man-made events. Any natural events that occur so infrequently on Earth are virtually impossible to predict (volcanic eruptions for example). So that leaves us with astronomical events. The astrology of the pair of dates has been well studied, so we can rule out alignments of the stars and planets. That leaves the Sun, which we barely understand today, and comets. Is there a comet with a periodicy of 5000 years, due to return in 2012? Without any evidence from 3114BC it is impossible to say. Given that we are now near the end of the Mayan 5th age, could their calendar be designed to cover five orbits of a comet? And end catastrophically in 2012?"
Comment: Here, I have linked to researcher Robert Bast's website but here is the link to a recent press release:
Dark Comet in 2012? Researcher Unravels Potential Doomsday Culprit . The only reason that this theory is getting a mention is because the Mayan Elders are insisting that we will get a change of sun that will coincide with three days of darkness. Historically, there have been quite a few events where day has turned into night and remained that way for a few hours before things have returned to normal. Read Charles Fort if you want historical examples. The recent "dust storms" in Australia focused my attention where at Broken Hill, day turned into night in approx. 40 seconds. The Mayan Elders are adamant that this will happen and it is possible that a comet with a massive debris trail could block the sun for a period of time. However, it must also be stated that our scientists admit that they don't know what makes sunshine, but alternative scientists like Tesla insist that sunshine is a local reaction to frequencies of light from the Sun. The Mayan Elders are not claiming catastrophe, just three days of darkness, but it's diffifcult getting information from them so we await the release of the authentic message of the Mayan Cosmo-Vision supported by The National Mayan Council of Indigenous Elders in Guatemala and presented in the film
The Shift of the Ages.
Scientists try to calm '2012' hysteria
As an upcoming action movie fuels Internet rumors, several scientists make public statements: The world will not end in 2012, and Earth is not going to crash into a rogue planet.
LA Times, 17th October 2009
"Is 2012 the end of the world? If you scan the Internet or believe the marketing campaign behind the movie "2012," scheduled for release in November, you might be forgiven for thinking so.
Dozens of books and fake science websites are prophesying the arrival of doomsday that year, by means of a rogue planet colliding with the Earth or some other cataclysmic event.
Normally, scientists regard Internet hysteria with nothing more than a raised eyebrow and a shake of the head. But
a few scientists have become so concerned at the level of fear they are seeing that they decided not to remain on the sidelines this time.
"Two years ago, I got a question a week about it," said NASA scientist David Morrison, who hosts a website called Ask an Astrobiologist. "Now I'm getting a dozen a day. Two teenagers said they didn't want to see the end of the world so they were thinking of ending their lives."
Morrison said he tries to reassure people that their fears are groundless, but has received so many inquiries that he has posted
a list of 10 questions and answers on the website of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific (
Titled "Doomsday 2012, the Planet Nibiru and Cosmophobia," the article breaks down the sources of the hysteria and assures people that the ancients didn't actually know more about the cosmos than we do."
Comment: Unfortunately, 2012 has largely become a huge hoax and the truth relegated to the status of being incidental to the hype. For those who are interested in the opinion of Mayan Elders and other
Keepers of Ancient Knowledge, their calendars, of which the Maya have 20, are about how subtle energies, or spacetime, influences the evolution of consciousness. We are being told from many sources that we are in a period of transition that lasts about 25 years, which will be complete in 2012. The changes that are accelerating now, will take us to a new energetic level, that will be associated with a dimensional shift.
What this means is there will be evolutionary changes that will effect humans and our reality. In terms of changes to our daily reality, this will be relatively dramatic, to the extent that there will be an increased bleedthrough of higher dimensional entities. It is now known amongst some scientists that there is another lifeform that lives alongside us in the plasmatic state and they have been long identified by the military and radar operators as the "radar angels". We are talking about "light beings" that have previously been detected in the ultraviolet and the infrared and they are associated with religious, esoteric and metaphysical beliefs. The existence of plasma entities are a scientific fact and the military now refer to them as "Unidentified Aerial Phenomena". Their presence has been generally sporadic in the past, but the dimensional shift taking place now means that they are becoming more and more visible every day and that is why the media are stating that UFO sightings are at "bizarre" levels.
Well, its only going to get more bizarre, as Space Weather is literally delivering us a new version of spacetime. The metaphysical community at large have a poor understanding of what exactly is behind "the veil", which is their description of the higher dimensions that the scientific community has now fully accepted exists and have described by a plethora of different theories. Most of these lightforms are strongly associated with geophysical and atmospheric phenomena and some very good science has taken place in the last 10 - 15 years to identify their characteristics, but unfortunately, there has been very little integration of science and metaphysics. The 2012 Enigma is really about a massive evolutionary change to our reality, but it has been hijacked in efforts to keep people ignorant and fearful. However, it does look like parts of the mainstream are making efforts to reject the fear based hype and I hope to play my part in explaining the evolutionary transition that is most evidently taking place.
Nasa: world will not end in 2012
A Nasa scientist has condemned film producers over a viral marketing campaign that suggests the world will come to and end in 2012.
The Telegraph, 17th October 2009
Sony Pictures set up a website for an organisation called the Institute for Human Continuity which predicts a cataclysmic denouement for Earth three years from now.
It suggests that "after two decades of rigorous research from the world's top astronomers, mathematicians, geologists, physicists, engineers, futurists, we know that in 2012 a series of cataclysmic forces will wreak havoc on our planet". [...]
According to the website scientists have been tracking a previously unknown Planet X which is on the edge of the solar system and on a collision course with Earth.
But the site has been so successful that hundreds of people have been convinced that something terrible is about to befall the planet.
Dr David Morrison, a senior scientist at Nasa's Astrobiology Institute, said he had received more than 1,000 inquiries from worried members of the public.
That included teenagers saying they would rather commit suicide than witness the world end.
Dr Morrison said the website was "ethically wrong".
But Vikki Luya, Sony's publicity director said: "It is very clear that this site is connected to a fictional movie. This can readily be seen in the logos on the site."
Comment: Well, there is a battle going on for truth and enlightenment versus fear and darkness. When teenagers start talking about committing suicide, rather than seeing the world end, it reveals the seriousness of the situation. The people who made and are prompting this film are reptiles, but the 2012 hype is being helped along by widespread ignorance of what's really happening.
2012 isn't the end of the world, Mayans insist
AP My Way, 11th October 2009
MEXICO CITY (AP) - Apolinario Chile Pixtun is tired of being bombarded with frantic questions about the Mayan calendar supposedly "running out" on Dec. 21, 2012. After all, it's not the end of the world.
Or is it? Definitely not, the Mayan Indian elder insists.
"I came back from England last year and, man, they had me fed up with this stuff." It can only get worse for him. Next month Hollywood's "2012" opens in cinemas, featuring earthquakes, meteor showers and a tsunami dumping an aircraft carrier on the White House. [...]
The question I would ask these guys is, so what?" says Phil Plait, an astronomer who runs the "Bad Astronomy" blog. He says the alignment doesn't fall precisely in 2012, and distant stars exert no force that could harm Earth.
"They're really super-duper trying to find anything astronomical they can to fit that date of 2012," Plait said.
But author John Major Jenkins says his two-decade study of Mayan ruins indicate the Maya were aware of the alignment and attached great importance to it. "If we want to honor and respect how the Maya think about this, then we would say that the Maya viewed 2012, as all cycle endings, as a time of transformation and renewal," said Jenkins.
Comment: Unfortunately, the esoteric understanding of what is taking place is generally unclear and major concepts right and wrong have been mixed up so that individuals have to work very hard to unravel the truth of what's happening. Mayan Elders and other Keepers of Ancient Knowledge, as well as metaphysical sources have been very clear that 2012 is an important energetic marker, but something special happening on the 21st December 2012 is extremely unlikely. I note John Major Jenkins has been quoted here, as he has played a major part in promoting the hype but his talk of transformation lacks any meat on the bone. At the end of the day, those who are not spiritually evolved, LOVE DRAMA and this is just another opportunity for some people to get some major kicks. The real truth is that we are facing major evolutionary change and many simply don't understand how they will be effected by the changing energetic environment of Earth.
2012, the end-of-the-world feature film that critics say is a disaster all by itself. See the hilariously OTT trailer here
Daily Mail, 5th October 2009
2012, the end-of-the-world feature film that critics say is a disaster all by itself. See the hilariously OTT trailer
In a new two-minute trailer of 2012, directed by Roland Emmerich - the man behind Independence Day and The Day After Tomorrow, mankind is seen to fight for survival after a prophecy about about an apocalypse. [...]
But as with all apocalyptic movies, there are a lucky few who survive the terror... after Americans appear to be save the day (yet again). It looks, however, as if the CGI experts have been given a completely free hand designing this apocalypse - with the net result that the trailer borders on laughable.
Critics in the U.S. are already beginning to describe the movie as a disaster in itself.
It looks, however, as if the CGI experts have been given a completely free hand designing this apocalypse - with the net result that the trailer borders on laughable.
The OTT effects and over-dramatic story has come in for some criticism even before the film hits the big screen.
If the trailer is anything to go by, we're likely to see every kind of disaster imaginable, all crammed into one big turkey of a film created by a director reknowned for his overboard use of effects.
One critic says of the trailer: 'The 2012 The Worst is Over Movie Clip that recently found its way online is full of the absurd action and grand special effects audiences have come to expect from a Roland Emmerich film. ''At the beginning of the clip we are given a glimpse of the Curtis’ family dynamic present in 2012. As the clip continues, the delivered action is so over-the-top it almost looks like an cartoon.'
Comment: It looks like people will have something to give them a good laugh and hopefully, that will help to keep the vibration up! But, I am waiting for people to sober up and understand what's really going on...
2012: The end is not near
Cosmic Log, MSNBC, 1st October 2009
"Marketers are escalating the media blitz for the "2012" disaster movie to Defcon 2 tonight with a TV teaser that touts the coming apocalypse. If you watch the two-minute scene, here are two words of advice:
The teaser is due to run on major broadcast networks as well as scads of cable channels and local stations sometime between 10:50 and 11 p.m. ET/PT, and it's sure to get viewers whipped up in advance of the movie itself, which premieres on Nov. 13.
The flick's premise is that there really is something behind the speculation about an apocalypse supposedly due in 2012. An earlier viral marketing campaign highlighted the fictional "Institute for Human Continuity," which was said to be setting up a lottery for spots in an underground refuge from doomsday.
Unfortunately, not everyone immediately saw through the IHC's TV commercials (or the Facebook group or the Twitter postings or the YouTube channel...).
"The ads seemed very real," Cosmic Log correspondent Darrell Messbarger wrote in an e-mail, "and some of my daughter's friends were in a dead panic over them. Even their parents."
Comment: I suppose the reaction by some to this TV advert is a reminder that most people live their whole lives in utter fear and that this level of consciousness is easily exploited. However, the simple answer is that if people do not want this kind of exploitation, they can switch off the TV. The article here outlines various 2012 disaster scenarios, provides some debunking info and has plenty of links that may provide more useful 2012 background info.
Carl Calleman - The Mayan Calendar and Money (Video)
Red ice Creations, 9th September 2009
Comment: Well, I noticed this YouTube video [9:59] over at Red Ice Creations (Swedish owners). It must be clearly stated that the Swedish Carl Johan Calleman has his own interpretation of the Mayan Calendar and he emphasises evolutionary change and consciousness. This makes him much more to my liking than other Mayan specialists and the first 4 minutes of this video reflect this emphasis. Despite this, it is on record that Mayan Elders have stated that Calleman's concept of 'days' and 'nights' is NOT genuine Mayan teaching, but this lack of support by genuine Mayan Elders does not seem to be reflected in how Calleman's teaching is perceived. Calleman states that our world is due for a 'makeover' and I truly believe this an understatement. His discussion about money is in terms of world monetary systems, but Calleman like so many people, can only see change in terms of an almighty collapse, rather than controlled evolutionary change influenced by 'higher' human consciousness. See also
9.9.9. and the Mayan Calendar .
2012: Will it be the end of the world as we know it?
Will the world end in 2012 as some believe the calendar of the ancient Maya predicts? Here we examine the fact and the fiction behind the most popular doomsday scenarios.
The Telegraph, 3rd September 2009
"A forthcoming film by Roland Emmerich, the director behind the disaster movies Independence Day and The Day After Tomorrow, is renewing interest in predictions of a major calamity to strike the Earth on December 21, 2012. The film - 2012 - focuses on a series of disasters which force man to flee the planet in order to survive."
Comment: This is another pointless piece of journalism promoting a 2012 film, when NASA can't even keep the international space station operational and they are still trying to figure out how to apply protection to spacecraft to keep the occupants safe from high levels of cosmic radiation for long distance space travel. Well, there does seem to be a tremendous effort to make 2012 seem like a 1-day wonder. This is ignoring a genuine Mayan & indigenous predictions of a 25 year period of transition that is nearly complete. We are facing a new Age lasting 5,200 years being dominated by space or the ether, which can now been verified by the new phenomena of Space Weather with major scientific verification provided by NASA and the space community. It is apparent that this is also associated with a dimensional shift, so the notion of major disaster scenarios to take place in 2012 will prove to be completely wrong and are now passé.
The Astronomical Insignificance of Maya Date
Dartmouth College, August 2009
"As the year 2012 approaches, students of Maya calendrics are increasingly
looking for some underlying significance to the ending of one so-called “Grand Cycle” and the beginning of another."
Comment: I came across this document written by Vincent H. Malmström
but once again I am disappointed that an Emeritus Professor of Geography, decides to pick holes on someone else's weak arguments with equally weak arguments and that somehow, this is a reflection on the veracity of Mayan prophecies and their calendars. Personally, I would be interested in finding intellectuals who have actually understood what Mayan Elders and indigenous sources have clearly stated about the evolution of spacetime and the arrival of a New Age dominated by space or the aether. The Mayan elders talk about a period of transition lasting twenty-five years which we now must realise coincides with the onset of increasingly extreme Space Weather and major potential problems for technological societies.
Mayan Elders talk about various cycles of time where changes can be expected at certain points but they know that in the evolutionary process, there is NEVER an exact repeat. This is the principle that underlies chaos theory and the Lorentz's Butterfly fractal that can be derived from data that appears meaningless. Mayan Elders realise that we are experiencing evolutionary change but they also know "it's not like turning on a light" and instantaneously something happens. They have talked about Earth being cleansed and the arrival of the "defenders of the Earth", meanwhile UFO sightings are at an all time high. We have major fulfillment of Mayan prophecy and yet Mayan "researchers" and their critics have missed major aspects of their teaching and are waiting around for something to happen in 2012 when the action is taking place NOW! I do not claim to be a Mayan expert, but I pay attention to what the Mayan and other 'Keepers of Ancient Knowledge' have to say and I understand more than most about the true nature of our reality.
It is a FACT that over the last 20 plus years, our planet has been swamped with solar, cosmic, galactic and intergalactic energies to the point where there is real panic in certain quarters and desperation has set in to persuade the sheeple that Earth requires A GLOBAL SHIELD for protection under the guise that our planet is warming, when the facts show this is not the case. However, it is evident that something major is happening when the US Air Force announces that GPS is expected to start "breaking down" in 2010 as Space Weather is generating a plethora of new atmospheric phenomena that technically can no longer be compensated for. It is my belief that knowledge based in the scientific disciplines of cosmology, astronomy, plasma physics, atmospheric physics, geophysics, geomagnetism, and bioelectromagnetism to name a few are required to understand the significance of 2012 prophecies and this has to be integrated with ancient sources of knowledge that have been passed down as metaphysical teaching. Therefore, I am interested to know who the intellectuals are that have actually understood what the Maya and other Keepers of Ancient Knowledge have attempted to convey. Therefore, let's say I am not impressed with this offering.
Unearthing the Mayan Creation Myth
Discover, 16th May 2009
"Archaeologists who have uncovered two massive carved stucco panels in the Mirador Basin of Guatemala’s northern rain forest say they are the earliest known representation of the Mayan creation myth, predating other such artifacts by a millennium. According to the researchers, the panels—26 feet long and 20 feet high, with images of monsters, gods, and swimming heroes—date to 300 B.C [...]
Some historians dismiss the Popol Vuh as a contaminated document, containing not only ancient Mayan mythology but also contemporary Spanish Catholic influences. The discovery of the panels establishes key portions of the stories as genuinely Mayan. “We can now extend the authenticity of the creation myth back another 1,000 years,” Hansen says."
Comment: If historians worried about levels of "contamination" there would be very little left to study!
When the Mayan calendar ends 2012, what will happen to us?
Sun Media, 25th March 2009
"For those who miss the good old days of the easy going 20th Century, a shrill reminder of Y2K is back. At least the mounting fear that an upcoming date could be the death of us all - or at least a very bad day for some. Late last week, Professor John Beddington, the UK government's chief scientist, warned a sustainable development conference that a "perfect storm" of food shortages, scarce water and insufficient energy resources would land on the world's doorstep in 2030. But for those souls who can't wait that long to panic, then mark 2012 on your Armageddon-out-of-here calendar. A growing number of books and blogs revolve around Dec. 21, 2012, when the 5,125-year long count cycle of the Mayans' calendar draws to an abrupt close."
Comment: Recently, my attention has been focused on the reason for the 21st December 2012 end-date of the Mayan Calendar. From what I understand, it seems there has been too much emphasis on the end-date, so that people have failed to pay attention to the 25 year period of transition that leads up to the start of a New World Age. Therefore the importance of the message that we needed to use this time for 'purification', 'cleansing', 'purging', 'quickening' and 'warning', given by many indigenous Elders has been overshadowed. It does seem though that there has been some encouragement for people to work with their energy fields which has led to some awful people with knowledge trying to make lots of money from others ignorance. (One example are a Danish couple encouraging people to close down their chakras so that their heart chakra can be enhanced, I know because I met someone who could not work out why she had lost some of her powers and people were paying good money for this act of vandalism on their energy fields too.) There have also been sources encouraging people to use their consciousness to work with the Earth and the need to use the power of intent to send energy down to the Earth thereby programming the Earth with messages of balance. I actually think that those that are capable of this have been doing this automatically due to my own experience of waking up in the middle of the night to experience myself as an energy conduit which was totally incredible, but my experience of the energy could not be compared to anything taught in the New Age world and could only be more closely compared to ancient Vedic beliefs which I knew nothing about at the time. The message that the 'veil is lifting' has played out very well in the metaphysical/New Age world but I can't find anybody that predicted that the 'orb' phenomena and 'pillars of light' would occur. I realised that there would be an electromagnetic flood of plasma and understood the importance of the octahedron/diamond sacred geometry but I was still shocked by the phenomena of 'diamond rain'. The message of a two way traffic of plasma entities and a 'changing of the guard' has been given in Kryon channelled messages but largely lost on the crowd. Obviously, there is lots more going on but that is why I wrote a book. So all the manufactured hysteria about 1 day is just pathetic when we consider the arrival of the 'The Fifth Sun' or 'New World Age' dominated by ether/space. Therefore the importance of the announcements from NASA that the Earth is lowering our magnetic shields to oncoming Space Weather, the solar wind and Sun's magnetic field is flagging therefore reducing shielding around our solar system. This means that we will have to rely on our own magnetic energy fields for our successful evolutionary progression. My attention has been really focused on those who have taken esoteric teachings and repackaged them to appeal to people's egos. The Universal process of selecting humans for evolutionary progression is only interested in the strength and quality of your energy field and how much money you have paid in the pursuit of this esoteric knowledge/energy techniques will be totally irrelevant. Hence, whilst the truth is known about these 'End Times' the spiritually unaware have their attention diverted elsewhere. So, guess who is doing the loudest apocalyptic doomsdaying over the last few years, the "global warming" fraternity who despite the serious political and business support are being seriously hampered by natural forces like the Sun and inclement weather.
Archeologists find rare Maya panels in Guatemala
Reuters News, 11th March 2009
"Archeologists have uncovered carved stucco panels depicting cosmic monsters, gods and serpents in Guatemala's northern jungle that are the oldest known depictions of a famous Mayan creation myth. The newly discovered panels, both 26 feet long and stacked on top of each other, were created around 300 BC and show scenes from the core Mayan mythology, the Popol Vuh."
Comment: The timing is quite interesting....
Many Dutch prepare for 2012 apocalypse
UPI News, 23rd June 2008
"AMSTERDAM, Netherlands, June 23 (UPI) -- Thousands of people in the Netherlands say they expect the world to end in 2012, and many say they are taking precautions to prepare for the apocalypse.
The Dutch-language de Volkskrant newspaper said it spoke to thousands of believers in the impending end of civilization, and while theories on the supposed catastrophe varied, most tied the 2012 date to the end of the Mayan calendar, Radio Netherlands reported Monday."
Comment: The Mayan calendars do not predict the end of the world but a transition to New Age dominated by space or the aether. Spiritual leaders generally have no clue what this means on this planet and that is one of the reasons I wrote my book, "Tuning the Diamonds: Electromagnetism & SpirituaL Evolution".