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Susan rennison

The New Cosmic Age is now Official!

According to Richard Fisher, head of NASA’s Heliophysics Division:
"Earth and space are about to come into contact in a way that's new to human history."

"I believe we’re on the threshold of a new era in which space weather can be as influential in our daily lives as ordinary terrestrial weather."

"We take this very seriously indeed."

Source: As the Sun Awakens, NASA Keeps a Wary Eye on Space Weather
NASA News, 4th June 2010

News of the Imbalance
March – May 2008

Strange Weather Hits Fairbanks All Month Long
ABC News, 30th May 2008
"Fairbanks residents have been experiencing some unusual weather lately. Throughout most of the month of May pellet sized hail has been falling from the skies over Fairbanks, a phenomenon officials said was very strange. Fairbanks's Don Aycock, a meteorologist at the National Weather Service, said a combination of cumulus clouds and cold temperatures are responsible for producing many of the hail events." Comment: I have written many times about the electromagnetic conditions that permits hail to grow defying gravity. Again, we have more evidence of the worsening electromagnetic conditions on Earth and resultant abberant weather patterns.

Pre-Earthquake Phenomena: "Strange" cloud formations
You Tube, May 2008
Comment: There are stories on the internets suggesting that the massive Earth in China was induced by HAARP and others that state very risky Cern experiments are to blame. Note the comments in The Times (see above), which does suggest there was something "different" with the Sichuan earthquake. Whatever, we have clear evidence that earthquakes are associated with "strange" cloud formations and this video is a good example.

Hannes Alfvén: the Maverick Plasma Astrophysicist, 30th May 2008
"Hannes Alfvén is considered one of the founding fathers in the field of plasma physics. He described himself as a dissident scientist and maverick, and attitudes towards him are ambivalent. On the one hand, he received the 1970 Nobel Prize in physics for applications of his work in different areas of plasma physics. On the other hand, some of his contributions to science have been either ignored, forgotten, or unacknowledged." "Alfvén first predicted that waves could occur in plasmas in a letter in Nature in 1942, but it was largely ignored or disputed on the grounds that if such waves existed, Maxwell would have noted them. Then in 1949, Alfvén gave a lecture in Chicago that Enrico Fermi also attended. Fermi’s reputation was such that when he nodded in agreement with Alfvén's presentation, the next day the world acknowledged that such waves existed." Comment: Thanks to the team at for marking this occasion. Please note: We are being informed that 'Space Weather' ie plasma waves, will be passing us by on Earth and that humans will be affected. You will either evolve or devolve, depending on how you cope with the waves....this is the proverbial sorting out of the wheat from the chaff.

Inventors urged to devise weapons
BBC News, 30th May 2008
"Inventors are being asked to come up with new military weapons, but their ideas first have to get past a Ministry of Defence (MoD) panel."
There is a concerted effort to keep our planet at the lowest vibration possible with unneccessary wars and suffering etc. However, with the influx of "New Energy", there are now quickly rising levels of human consciousness and less enthusisiam for war. Note here; we have a classic example with US miliary leaders seemingly at war with each over about invading Iran after the fiasco in Iraq. I also believe the geophysicial conditions on the planet may also make electronic weapons less and less workable, but whatever happens in the short term, we have turned the corner....

Monkeys control a robot arm with thoughts
International Herald Tribune, 29th May 2008
"Two monkeys with tiny sensors in their brains have learned to control a mechanical arm with just their thoughts, using it to reach for and grab food and even to adjust for the size and stickiness of morsels when necessary, scientists reported on Wednesday. The report, released online by the journal Nature, is the most striking demonstration to date of brain-machine interface technology. Scientists expect that technology will eventually allow people with spinal cord injuries and other paralyzing conditions to gain more control over their lives."

Cartwheel Coronal Mass Ejection
NASA News, 27th May 2008
"Imagine a billion-ton cloud of gas launching itself off the surface of the sun and then ... doing a cartwheel. That's exactly what happened on April 9, 2008, when a coronal mass ejection or "CME" pirouetted over the sun's limb in full view of an international fleet of spacecraft. Even veteran solar physicists were amazed. But that's not all. While one part of the cloud did a cartwheel, another part did a backflip at the same time. As strange as it sounds, this could be the normal way solar explosions unfold, say researchers analyzing the data."
It looks like they captured the energy being released in the energetic pattern of an infinity sign to me; ∞, the metaphysical symbol for balance and harmony.....

US on track to break record for tornadoes
Comcast News, 27th May 2008
"Another week, another rumbling train of tornadoes that obliterates entire city blocks, smashing homes to their foundations and killing people even as they cower in their basements. With the year not even half done, 2008 is already the deadliest tornado year in the United States since 1998 and seems on track to break the U.S. record for the number of twisters in a year, according to the National Weather Service. Also, this year's storms seem to be unusually powerful." "And if that's not bad enough, computer models show that the conditions that make tornadoes ripe are going to stick around Tornado Alley for about another week, according to Brooks. The nagging question is why. Global warming cannot really explain what is happening, Carbin said. While higher temperatures could increase the number of thunderstorms, which are needed to trigger tornadoes, they also would tend to push the storm systems too far north to form some twisters, he said. La Nina, the cooling of parts of the Central Pacific that is the flip side El Nino, was a factor in the increased activity earlier this year — especially in February, a record month for tornado activity — but it can't explain what is happening now, according to Carbin."
It's very difficult for anyone to assess what is taking place because we are dealing with weather patterns that are determined by laws of nature that our scientists term 'chaos theory'. However, we have been told that we are building up to a new level of energetic intensity that peaks around 2012. From some metaphysical sources, there is not much sympathy and we are told that we need to redesign our homes to cope with the environmental conditions. Thus 'dome' houses are one solution to the destruction and can withstand tornadoes, hurricanes and earthquakes etc, see below.

Monolithic Domes and Disaster Resistance
Monolithic Dome Institute, May 2008
Disaster resistance homes. We are talking tornados, hurricanes, wildfire, earthquake liquefaction, lightning, even flooding if built right. We cannot fight Earth & climate changes, we just have to think differently and apply new solutions. Dome houses are cheaper to build and cheaper to maintain, I think the bigger domes can be designed to be very stylish. We have to do business differently on this planet, it's the only way we will survive.

Earthquake prediction from space is more accurate
Hindu Times, 25th May 2008
"Space-based predictions have been correct for 44 of 47 registered quakes. It has the ability to survey huge territories for seismically hazardous areas. Harbingers of powerful quakes appear around five days before the main shock. China's deadly earthquake in the Sichuan province has again showed that ground-based earthquake prediction methods and systems are not reliable." "The Russian method is based on the study of geomagnetic field variations, which induce currents in the Earth. Therefore, surface field measurements can detect the hypothetical regional changes that precede earthquakes. At the same time, intensive electric fields in places where earthquakes are brewing induce specific currents in the ionosphere.First reported Anomalous ionospheric phenomena were first reported in the 1960s, but they were disregarded along with astrologic predictions and UFO sightings. The breakthrough came when the Soviet Union launched its Intercosmos-19 satellite in 1979. It detected an unusual low-frequency noise in a large area centred near the epicentre of an earthquake that occurred a few hours later. This finding was registered as a Soviet discovery and was later confirmed by other spacecraft. Ionospheric variations Harbingers of powerful earthquakes appear approximately five days before the main shock and have specific characteristics that distinguish them from the other ionospheric variations.
We live in an electric universe, the Russians have worked this out a long time ago..... Anyway, those who are interested in their spiritual evolution have been warned to protect their energy fields from the low frequency emmissions that occur prior to these large earthquakes, regardless of where they occur on the globe. You can protect yourself by balancing your core energy and activating the diamond light body.

Jupiter: Turbulent Storms May Be Sign Of Global Climate Change
Science Daily, 23rd May 2008
"The first images of Jupiter since it came out from behind the sun show that the turbulence and storms that have plagued the planet for the past two years continue. Whether or not this is a sign of global warming, the turbulence does seem to be spawning new spots. As Red Spot Jr. and the Great Red Spot approach a June conjunction, a new third spot may merge with the GRS in August."
I think a better interpretation is that new spots on Jupiter are a sign of massive planetary change and can be compared to similar changes in all the planets in our solar system.

x Monster Tornado Cuts Path Of Destruction
Disaster Area Declared Following Unbelievable Devastation

Denver News, 23rd May 2008
"A large tornado bounced through several northern Colorado towns on Thursday, killing at least one person, damaging or destroying dozens of homes and flipping over tractor-trailers and freight rail cars." "Some of the hail from the initial storm cell was the size of tennis balls and dented vehicles, and broke windshields."
Well, I think that there are number of factors here which are hard to quantify. I suspect attempts at weather control and shielding Earth from cosmic driven evolutionary change is exacerbating already unbalanced electromagnetic environment and that human consciousness is not helping the situation either......

Earthquake prediction is written in the clouds
Times Online, 22nd May 2008
"Can clouds predict earthquakes? YouTube has footage of strange multicoloured clouds seen just before the recent earthquake struck Sichuan province in China. The first impression is of a rainbow smeared on to small scraps of clouds, a phenomenon best known in a circumzenithal halo. This is created when sunlight shines through cirrus clouds full of tiny hexagonal ice crystals shaped like plates. The crystals behave like glass prisms, splitting the light into a bow with the colours of the spectrum, often brighter than a rainbow. But one puzzle is that the colours in the Chinese clouds were upside down from a normal circumzenithal halo – red pointing towards the horizon and blue towards the Sun, instead of the other way round."
Good reporting from The Times.

Tornadoes claim more lives in U.S. this year
International Herald Tribune, 21st May 2008
""It will be one of the biggest years, when all is said and done," said Harold Brooks, a research meteorologist at the center. The numbers have the attention of Richard Heim, a meteorologist at the federal government's National Climatic Data Center who is responsible for keeping weather records and putting them in context. "It's been very, very active and very unusual," Heim said. This tornado season has been atypical because of its early start. From 1953 to 2005, an average of 19 tornadoes struck in January and 21 in February, Heim said. In 2008, 136 tornadoes were reported in January and 232 in February."
No surprise really.....

More than half of the spacecraft sent to Mars have failed, and nobody knows why
Independent, 21st May 2008
"more than half of the spacecraft sent to Mars have failed, and nobody knows why. The beast has actually acquired a name. Some time ago, an unnamed Nasa scientist decided to call it the Great Galactic Ghoul. In the corridors of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, cartoon visions of this creature have appeared on noticeboards, some of them doodled by the greatest of engineering minds of our time. The Ghoul has been openly blamed for countless rocket failures, and for those of us who believe in space exploration, there is every reason to be frightened. Because right now, Nasa's latest creation, named Phoenix, is heading for the Red Planet at 13,000 miles per hour."
It would not surprise me if our space probes were not welcome on Mars.....

The Cosmic Ray-Climate Connection
CO2 Science, 19th May 2008
The paper concludes: "Numerous palaeoclimatic observations, covering a wide range of time scales, suggest that galactic cosmic ray variability is associated with climate change. The quality and diversity of the observations make it difficult to dismiss them merely as chance associations. But is the GCR flux directly affecting the climate or merely acting as a proxy for variations of the solar irradiance or a spectral component such as UV? Here, there is some palaeoclimatic evidence for associations of the climate with geomagnetic and galactic modulations of the GCR flux, which, if confirmed, point to a direct GCR-climate forcing. Moreover, numerous studies have reported meteorological responses to short-term changes of cosmic rays or the global electrical current, which are unambiguously associated with ionising particle radiation."
Is a new light dawning in the wider scientific community? Whatever, I have already been convinced by the existing scientific data that we are seeing evolutionary change being driven by cosmic factors.

Frog march sparks new quake alarm
Herald Sun, 20th May 2008
"THOUSANDS of Chinese fled for cover in fear of an earthquake today, alarmed not only by warnings from seismologists but also by an unusual mass movement of frogs, state media said. For the second time this month, residents observed a huge migration of frogs and toads, the state-run Xinhua news agency said. Residents of Zunyi, a southern city that saw little damage in China's huge earthquake last week, noticed the amphibians' march yesterday, Xinhua said, quoting Vice Mayor Zeng Yongtao. "

Nasa sponsors course on how to talk to aliens
The US space agency Nasa is sponsoring a university course on how to talk to aliens

Telegraph UK, 20th May 2008
"English students at the University of Wyoming are being encouraged to consider the possibility that humanity might one day make contact with aliens and then not know what to say. "Interstellar Message Composition", a creative writing class, is believed to be the first of its kind to engage writers in a potential cosmic conversation, say its founders."
Note the use of the Galaxy Quest logo here, which is my attempt at parody.....

Missing Matter Of Universe Found; Cosmic Web Discovered
ScienceDaily News, 20th May 2008
"Now, in an extensive search of the relatively recent, local universe, University of Colorado at Boulder astronomers said they have definitively found about half of the missing normal matter, called baryons, in the spaces between the galaxies. This important component of the universe is known as the intergalactic medium and it extends essentially throughout all of space, from just outside our Milky Way galaxy to the most distant regions of space observed by astronomers." "The questions "where have the local baryons gone, and what are their properties?" are being answered with greater certainty than ever before. "We think we are seeing the strands of a web-like structure that forms the backbone of the universe," said CU -Boulder Professor Mike Shull. "What we are confirming in detail is that intergalactic space, which intuitively might seem to be empty, is in fact the reservoir for most of the normal, baryonic matter in the universe."
It always amazes me that scientists put out press releases as if their scientific results are totally unique. Scientists have been modelling the Cosmic Web for years and even a student Ph.d has noted the similarity with a human brain....Anyway, for the metaphysicians, the deal is that we have a greater ability to pull on this infinite source of power, if we choose.....

31,000 Scientists Rejecting Global Warming Theory to be Named Monday, 18th May 2008
The names of over 31,000 American scientists that reject the theory of anthropogenic global warming are to be revealed on Monday. Although this will occur at the National Press Club in Washington, DC., it seems a metaphysical certitude media will completely ignore the event.
Apparently, the petition was signed by 9,021 American PhD's and 22,051 additional American scientists. I have copied from a list of mostly 100 celebrities and politicians who believe in man-made catastrophic global warming. Reviewing the list, I am not even interested in Oprah's opinion on this one.....

Al Gore, B.A. Government (no science degree)
Alanis Morissette, High School Diploma
Bill Maher, B.A. English (no science degree)
Bono (Paul Hewson), High School Diploma
Daryl Hanna, B.F.A. Theater (no science degree)
Ed Begley Jr., High School Diploma
Jackson Browne, High School Diploma
Jon Bon Jovi (John Bongiovi), High School Diploma
Oprah Winfrey, B.A. Speech and Drama (no science degree)
Prince Charles of Whales, B.A. (no science degree)
Sheryl Crow, B.A. Music Education (no science degree)
Sienna Miller, High School Diploma

ABC - Sam Champion, B.A. Broadcast News (no science degree, not a meteorologist)
CBS - Harry Smith, B.A. Communications and Theater (no science degree)
CBS - Katie Couric, B.A. English (no science degree)
CBS - Scott Pelley, College Dropout
NBC - Ann Curry, B.A. Journalism (no science degree)
NBC - Anne Thompson, B.A. American studies (no science degree)
NBC - Matt Lauer. B.A. Communications (no science degree)
NBC - Meredith Vieira, B.A. English (no science degree)

Al Sharpton, College Dropout
Alicia Keys, College Dropout
Alicia Silverstone, High School Dropout
Art Bell, College Dropout
Ben Affleck, College Dropout
Ben Stiller, College Dropout
Billy Jean King, College Dropout
Brad Pitt, College Dropout
Britney Spears, High School Dropout
Bruce Springsteen, College Dropout
Cameron Diaz, High School Dropout
Cindy Crawford, College Dropout
Diane Keaton, College Dropout
Drew Barrymore, High School Dropout
George Clooney, College Dropout
Gwyneth Paltrow, College Dropout
Jason Biggs, College Dropout
Jennifer Connelly, College Dropout
Jessica Simpson, High School Dropout
John Travolta, High School Dropout
Joshua Jackson, High School Dropout
Julia Louis-Dreyfus, College Dropout
Julia Roberts, College Dropout
Kanye West, College Dropout
Keanu Reeves, High School Dropout
Kevin Bacon, High School Dropout
Kiefer Sutherland, High School Dropout
Leonardo DiCaprio, High School Dropout
Lindsay Lohan, High School Dropout
Ludacris (Christopher Bridges), College Dropout
Madonna (Madonna Ciccone), College Dropout
Matt Damon, College Dropout
Matthew Modine, College Dropout
Michael Moore, College Dropout
Nicole Richie, College Dropout
Neve Campbell, High School Dropout
Olivia Newton-John, High School Dropout
Orlando Bloom, High School Dropout
Paris Hilton, High School Dropout
Pierce Brosnan. High School Dropout
Queen Latifah (Dana Elaine Owens), College Dropout
Richard Branson, High School Dropout
Robert Redford, College Dropout
Rosie O'Donnell, College Dropout
Sarah Silverman, College Dropout
Sean Penn, College Dropout
Ted Turner, College Dropout
Tommy Lee (Thomas Lee Bass), High School Dropout
Uma Thurman, High School Dropout
Willie Nelson, High School Dropout


John McCain, B.S. (Graduated 894th out of 899 in his class)
Newt Gingrich, Ph.D. Modern European History (no science degree) (Hypocrite)
Pat Robertson, B.A., J.D., M.A. Divinity (no science degree)
Robert F. Kennedy Jr, B.A. Government, J.D. Law (no science degree, 'recovered' Heroin addict)


Bill Nye, B.S. Mechanical Engineering (Bill Nye the Science Guy)
Gavin Schmidt, B.A. Ph.D. Applied Mathematics (
James Hansen, B.A. Physics and Mathematics, M.S. Astronomy, Ph.D. Physics (NASA, Gavin Schmidt's Boss)
James Lovelock, Ph.D. Medicine, D.Sc. Biophysics
Lonnie Thompson, Ph.D. Geological Sciences
Michael Mann, A.B. Applied Math, Physics, M.S. Physics, Ph.D. Geology & Geophysics (
Michael Oppenheimer, S.B. Chemistry, Ph.D. Chemical Physics
Richard C. J. Somerville, Ph.D. Meteorology
Steven Schneider, Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering and Plasma Physics

Social Scientists:

Ronald Bailey, B.A. Philosophy and Economics (Science Correspondent, Reason Magazine)

Written in the skies: why quantum mechanics might be wrong
Nature, 17th May 2008
"The question of whether quantum mechanics is correct could soon be settled by observing the sky — and there are already tantalizing hints that the theory could be wrong. Antony Valentini, a physicist at Imperial College, London, wanted to devise a test that could separate quantum mechanics from one of its closest rivals — a theory called bohmian mechanics. Despite being one of the most successful theories of physics, quantum mechanics creates several paradoxes that still make some physicists uncomfortable, says Valentini."
More fundamental physics theories being seriously questioned....

Burma raises cyclone death toll to 78,000
The Independent, 18th May 2008
"The official total for the dead in Burma's cyclone disaster jumped to 78,000 yesterday, up from 43,000. The new figure was announced by Burmese state television, which said the number of missing had risen from 28,000 to 56,000. Nobody knows what relation these figures may bear to reality because access to the stricken zone is tightly controlled by the military junta, though both the Red Cross and the United Nations believe the true figure is much higher even than the new official claims. The survivors, up to 2.5 million of them, face an increasingly grim struggle for survival."

City tells church to stop feeding the homeless
The Canadian Press, 16th May 2008
" But city council says the free food is also drawing in drug dealers and addicts, who have taken to congregating on the front steps of a seniors' centre next door. The church says it won't stop. Pastor Christoph Reiners says the homeless would still be in the park if they weren't being fed — the only difference is that they'd go hungry."

Newton, Einstein Lost in Space?
Wall Street Journals, 16th May 2008
"Beyond the edge of the solar system, something has gradually dragged two of America's oldest space probes -- Pioneer 10 and Pioneer 11 -- a quarter-million miles off course. Astrophysicists have struggled 15 years in vain to identify the infinitesimal force at play. The Pioneer anomaly, as it is called, throws a monkey wrench into celestial mechanics." "Indeed, Dr. Turyshev at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory and his colleagues around the world regard the Pioneer probes as the largest test of Newton's law of gravity ever conducted. By that axiom, refined by Einstein, any two objects in the universe exert gravitational attraction on each other proportional to their mass and affected predictably by the distance between them. "We would expect the two spacecraft to follow Newton's law of gravity," Dr. Turyshev said, "but they in fact fail to confirm Newton's law. If Newton is wrong, Einstein is wrong too." For 14 years, Dr. Turyshev sought a simpler answer. He finally wondered whether heat radiating unevenly from the probe might be the cause but lacked enough information. Then, at JPL in 2002, he discovered 400 computer tapes of Pioneer data gathering dust under a stairwell. In 2005, he intercepted 70 filing cabinets of Pioneer engineering data on their way to the junk heap at the NASA Ames Research Center, at Moffett Field, Calif. The computer files held all of the Pioneer mission data, but they were unreadable. With no formal NASA funding, almost 6,000 members of The Planetary Society, a space- exploration advocacy group based in Pasadena, Calif., donated $220,000 to translate the antiquated data into a digital format that a modern computer can read."
Einstein and Newton are scientific gods that have been losing their god-like properties for some time now....

China quake death toll could reach 50,000
CNN News, 15th May 2008
"China's state TV said Thursday that the death toll from this week's massive earthquake could reach 50,000. The official death toll in southwestern China has now topped 19,500, Sichuan provincial government officials said, according to state-run media."

Researchers find key to deadly bee disease
The Local, 13th May 2008
A key discovery by researchers at the Free University of Berlin may help beekeepers treat a deadly bee infection. "Bacteria of American foulbrood, a widespread disease capable of wiping out entire bee colonies, is held in the digestive tract of bee larvae for several days before it explodes through the wall of the digestive tract and kills the larvae, researchers from the Berlin university and the Bee Research Institute Hohen Neuendorf announced on Tuesday."

Man uses gun for backscratcher, shoots himself
Dallas News, 13th May 2008
" A Fort Worth man trying to scratch an itch on his back used a revolver and accidentally shot himself. Jorge Espinal, 44, was drinking beer and playing poker around 3 a.m. Sunday in his home in the 3500 block of Montague Street, when he got up from the table and walked into another room, said Fort Worth police Lt. Kenneth Dean. “He told officers he had an itch on his back and grabbed the first thing he could get a hold of, which was a revolver,” Lt. Dean said. "The gun went off."
I couldn't resist this story, it would have been a definite Darwin award if he had killed himself....

The Vatican's chief astronomer says that believing in aliens does not contradict faith in God.
Breitbart News, 13th May 2008
" VATICAN CITY (AP) - The Vatican's chief astronomer says that believing in aliens does not contradict faith in God. The Rev. Jose Gabriel Funes, the Jesuit director of the Vatican Observatory, says that the vastness of the universe means it is possible there could be other forms of life outside Earth, even intelligent ones. In an interview published Tuesday by Vatican newspaper L'Osservatore Romano, Funes says that such a notion "doesn't contradict our faith" because aliens would still be God's creatures. The interview was headlined "The extraterrestrial is my brother." Funes said that ruling out the existence of aliens would be like "putting limits" on God's creative freedom."
Is there a "false flag" on the way?

Einstein letter says religion "childish superstitions"
Guardian, 13th May 2008
""Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind." So said Albert Einstein, and his famous aphorism has been the source of endless debate between believers and non-believers wanting to claim the greatest scientist of the 20th century as their own. A little known letter written by him, however, may help to settle the argument - or at least provoke further controversy about his views. Due to be auctioned this week in London after being in a private collection for more than 50 years, the document leaves no doubt that the theoretical physicist was no supporter of religious beliefs, which he regarded as "childish superstitions"."

Major and imminent threat as bats dying by the tens of thousands in US
Cosmos Magazine, 13th May 2008
"SYDNEY: Thousands of hibernating bats in the U.S. have been found dead or dying due to an unknown disease. Experts have noted similarities to the colony collapse disorder, which has ripped through North American bee populations."

"Since March 2008, the bat malady has spread to afflict colonies in at least 25 caves and mines across the north-eastern states, says the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). The agency has issued a call for wildlife workers to keep a careful watch for 'white-nose syndrome' as the killer has been dubbed."

Astronauts say there must be life in space
AFP, 12th May 2008
"The human race will find life elsewhere in the universe as it pushes ahead with space exploration, astronauts back from the latest US space mission said Monday. "If we push back boundaries far enough, I'm sure eventually we'll find something out there," said Mike Foreman, a mission specialist on the Endeavour, which returned to Earth in March. "Maybe not as evolved as we are, but it's hard to believe that there is not life somewhere else in this great universe," he told a news conference in Tokyo."
Astronaunts understand probabiliites and are most likely privy to information not available to ordinary folk....

Europe's newest observatory officially opened
Signs of the Times, 12th May 2008
"Europe's newest observatory has opened in one of the darkest corners of the UK. With almost no light pollution from surrounding settlements the Kielder Observatory has breathtaking views of the night sky, according to the astronomers associated with the building. It has been built in a remote part of the vast Kielder Water and Forest Park in Northumberland.
I wonder how many people wonder or realise how much money is being spent watching the heavens....

A 21st Century View of the Benefits of Therapeutic Electromagnetism, 12th May 2008
"Several respected scientists are on record as saying EM technology will replace many drugs and several surgeries, which if not suppressed by powerful interests is tomorrow's promise."
Fighting talk! I think we will only collectively take a new direction if DNA changes accelerate and people routinely react to old and new. I am sure the recent diasterous drug trials in the UK with 'elephant man' headlines in the press, still haunts many....

The Hockey Stick scam that heightened global warming hysteria
Canada Free Press, 12th May 2008
"UN agencies, especially the United Nations Environmental Program (UNEP) and its offspring the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), were orchestrated to achieve the goal of convincing public and policy makers that warming and climate change were a human created disaster. Manipulation of the process was first publicly exposed in the Chapter 8 issue (here). Sadly, it was just the first of several that established the pattern of IPCC behavior."
See my article: The Broken Hockey Stick: Beware The Global Warming Lies!

Solar Variability: Striking A Balance With Climate Change, 12th May 2008
"The sun has powered almost everything on Earth since life began, including its climate. The sun also delivers an annual and seasonal impact, changing the character of each hemisphere as Earth's orientation shifts through the year. Since the Industrial Revolution, however, new forces have begun to exert significant influence on Earth's climate."

"For the last 20 to 30 years, we believe greenhouse gases have been the dominant influence on recent climate change," said Robert Cahalan, climatologist at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md.

For the past three decades NASA scientists have investigated the unique relationship between the sun and Earth. Using space-based tools, like the Solar Radiation and Climate Experiment (SORCE), they have studied how much solar energy illuminates Earth, and explored what happens to that energy once it penetrates the atmosphere. The amount of energy that reaches Earth's outer atmosphere is called the total solar irradiance. Total solar irradiance is variable over many different timescales, ranging from seconds to centuries due to changes in solar activity.

German Beehives Hit by Mass Die-OffBeekeepers are pointing the finger at a Bayer CropScience pesticide marketed under the name Poncho, but government tests aren't conclusive
Business Week, 12th May 2008
"In Germany's bucolic Baden-Württemburg region, there is a curious silence this week. All up and down the Rhine river, farm fields usually buzzing with bees are quiet. Beginning late last week, helpless beekeepers could only watch as their hives were hit by an unprecedented die-off. Many say one of Germany's biggest chemical companies is to blame."

In some parts of the region, hundreds of bees per hive have been dying each day. "It's an absolute bee emergency," Manfred Hederer, president of the German Professional Beekeeper's Association, told SPIEGEL ONLINE. "Fifty to 60 percent of the bees have died on average, and some beekeepers have lost all their hives." The crisis hit its peak last weekend. Beekeepers from Germany's Baden-Württemburg reported hives full of thousands of dead bees. The worst-hit region, according to state officials, was along the upper Rhine river between the towns of Rastatt and Lorrach. The Rhine valley is one of Germany's prime agricultural regions. Regional officials spent the week testing bees, pollen, honey and plant materials to look for the die-off's causes. The Julius Kühn Institute in Braunschweig, a federal research institute dealing with agricultural issues, set up a special hotline for beekeepers to send in dead bees for analysis.
I am sure there are other factors.....

Burma cyclone death toll continues to rise
Radio Australia, 9th May 2008
"Reports from one of the worst cyclone-hit areas of Burma say 80,000 people have been killed in one district alone. A local military official quoted by the AFP news agency says dozens of villages surrounding the Irrawaddy delta town of Labutta have been wiped out. State radio in Burma has been putting the overall death toll from Cyclone Nargis at almost 23,000, with more than 42,000 missing. Earlier, US diplomats said they expected the number of dead to be far higher."

NASA Satellite Images Burma Cyclone
Technology Review, 8th May 2008
"NASA has captured the effects of the powerful cyclone that struck the Myanmar coast on Saturday, May 3, using an imaging instrument onboard its Terra satellite. The instrument, called the moderate-resolution imaging spectroradiometer (MODIS), measures the reflective solar radiation and emitted thermal radiation from the earth's surface and atmosphere. Atmospheric scientists are currently using the instrument to study the behavior of clouds and aerosols in our atmosphere so that they can, for example, pinpoint the locations of active fires and track the paths of pollutants. "

New York State: NEADS says loud noise could have been a sonic boom
WKTV News, 7th May 2008
We've had lots of phone calls into the newsroom today about a loud booming sound this afternoon. Some viewers even felt their homes shaking. NEADS officials say there was plenty of air traffic today, and the sound could have been a sonic boom. But that is not confirmed.
Rather a lot of these 'booms' being reported all over the world. I have stated before I think the answer lies in understanding of scalar or torsion field energies and the massive influx of energies into the Earth from cosmic sources, which is creating the equivalent of 'underground thunder' and lightening in the form of large earthquakes'. It's not just my opinion, thankfully the Russians have done some research and come uup with the same conclusions.

Peer- reviewed study finds Antarctic fails to warm as climate models predicted
Canada FreePress, 7th May 2008
"The real world data continues to debunk the models. See this for report on inconvenient developments for promoters of man-made climate far in 2008 alone. Excerpt: Antarctica hasn’t warmed as much over the last century as climate models had originally predicted, a new study finds. […] Monaghan and his team found that while climate models projected temperature increases of 1.4 degrees Fahrenheit (0.75 degrees Celsius) over the past century, temperatures were observed to have risen by only 0.4 F (0.2 C)."

'Blessed are the sceptics'
The Australian, 7th May 2008
"IN 1633 Galileo Galilei was hauled before the religious authorities of his day, the Inquisition, for daring to concur with Copernicus that the Earth was not the centre of the universe and also that it orbited the sun rather than the other way around. For his pains, he was placed under house arrest and forced to recant. Giordano Bruno failed to recant and suffered a crueller fate. Today we are faced with a newer religion known as environmental activism which has insinuated itself into some aspects of science. It shares some of the intolerance to new or challenging ideas with the old. Immolation at the stake is no longer fashionable but it has been replaced by pillory in the media."
I feel very blessed....

Invention: Plasma-powered flying saucer
New Scientist News, 6th May 2008
"Pass a current or magnetic field through a conducting fluid and it will generate a force. Numerous aerospace engineers have tried and failed to exploit this phenomenon, known as magnetohydrodynamics, as an exotic form of propulsion for aircraft. But perhaps attempts so far have all been too big. A very small design could have a better chance of taking off..."
So, let's think: What if half the so-called 'flying saucers' are a plasma phenomena....

Human Impacts, Climate Change Pushing Species to Extinction
ENS News, 5th May 2008
"German Environment Minister Sigmar Gabriel Monday urged governments to take stronger action to protect the diversity of life. Opening the largest UN biodiversity gathering yet, Gabriel warned that the world is not on the right path to protect the diversity of species and said the world would not reach its agreed target of the year 2010 for reversing biodiversity loss. Nearly 7,000 participants from 191 countries opened the United Nations Conference on Biodiversity in Bonn on Monday. Before the meeting closes on May 30, participants are expected to take steps to conserve and sustainably manage the world's biodiversity in light of what UN officials are calling "the alarming rate of loss of species, compounded by the pressures from climate change."" "Every species is a vital piece in the complex puzzle of the life web of our planet. Interlinkages are what keep the puzzle glued together—for the planet to function," Djoghlaf told the participants in his opening address to the conference on Monday. "About two thirds of the food crops that feed the world rely on pollination by insects or other animals to produce healthy fruits and seeds. Included among these are potato crops," Djoghlaf said. "Here in Germany, there has been a 25 percent drop in bee populations across the country," he said. "In the eastern United States, bee stocks have declined by 70 percent. If pollinators disappear, so too will many species of plants. If we take away one link, the chain is broken.""
I think we are seeing some serious anxiety and it's only just starting to hit the fan......This is evolutionary change and the metaphysical community are supposed to understand what's taking place and direct the changes to the benefit of humanity, instead of which I can only see 'whinge lists' complaining about the pressures associated with 'New Energy'.

Is There Life on Mars? Ask a Magnet.
News, 5th May 2008
"Magnetite, a type of iron oxide, is common on both Earth and Mars, and appears in many forms. On Earth, some of those forms are produced only by bacteria and have unique magnetic signatures. Soon Sam Kim has developed a means of detecting this biologically-produced magnetite that could help in the search for life on "
This is interesting that scientists are investigating forms of the mineral magnetite (Fe3O4) that could act as mineral signatures of bacterial life. Note the controversy here: "Kim already has applied his method to the famous meteorite ALH84001, which made headlines in 1996 when scientists suggested that it showed evidence of ancient Martian fossils. Much of that evidence is now disputed, but the meteorite contains magnetite that could be evidence of bacterial life." There is a lot of effort to maintain the story that there has NEVER been life on Mars, yet this is getting increasingly difficult.... Anyway, the role of magnetite as the Earth's only natural magnet besides plasma is very interesting when we consider the alternative theory of our multi-dimensional reality and the role of magnetism. These concepts are introduced in my book, "Tuning the Diamonds".

Human Impacts, Climate Change Pushing Species to Extinction
ENS News, 5th May 2008
"German Environment Minister Sigmar Gabriel Monday urged governments to take stronger action to protect the diversity of life. Opening the largest UN biodiversity gathering yet, Gabriel warned that the world is not on the right path to protect the diversity of species and said the world would not reach its agreed target of the year 2010 for reversing biodiversity loss. Nearly 7,000 participants from 191 countries opened the United Nations Conference on Biodiversity in Bonn on Monday. Before the meeting closes on May 30, participants are expected to take steps to conserve and sustainably manage the world's biodiversity in light of what UN officials are calling "the alarming rate of loss of species, compounded by the pressures from climate change."" "Every species is a vital piece in the complex puzzle of the life web of our planet. Interlinkages are what keep the puzzle glued together—for the planet to function," Djoghlaf told the participants in his opening address to the conference on Monday. "About two thirds of the food crops that feed the world rely on pollination by insects or other animals to produce healthy fruits and seeds. Included among these are potato crops," Djoghlaf said. "Here in Germany, there has been a 25 percent drop in bee populations across the country," he said. "In the eastern United States, bee stocks have declined by 70 percent. If pollinators disappear, so too will many species of plants. If we take away one link, the chain is broken.""
I think we are seeing some serious anxiety and it's only just starting to hit the fan......This is evolutionary change and the metaphysical community are supposed to understand what's taking place and direct the changes to the benefit of humanity, instead of which I can only see 'whinge lists' complaining about the pressures associated with 'New Energy'.

Beware of the Psychopath
News, 5th May 2008
"Psychopaths have played a disproportionate role in the development of civilization, because they are hard-wired to lie, kill, cheat, steal, torture, manipulate, and generally inflict great suffering on other humans without feeling any remorse, in order to establish their own sense of security through domination."
Unfortunately, I have to deal with a few psychopaths in the New Age community in last few years and these people can be very nasty when they use shamanic techniques and black magic, whilst pretending to be angels of light. Beware!

Gore Financially Invested in Climate Cause
CNS News, 5th May 2008
"Weeks before announcing a $300-million, three-year advertising campaign to raise awareness about global warming, Al Gore was conducting a slide show for a group of investors in Monterey, Calif., touting companies such as Bloom Energy, Amryis , Mascoma and other firms that are not household names -- yet. These bio-fuel and green technology firms could be poised to take off, Gore told his audience. "Here are just a few of the investments I personally think make sense," he said during the March 1 presentation. "I have a stake in these so I'll have a disclaimer there." "
The world is being played.....

World's glaciers suffer record shrinkage
San Francisco Setinel, 2nd May 2008
"The rate at which some of the world’s glaciers are melting has more than doubled, data from the United Nations Environment Programme has shown. Average glacial shrinkage has risen from 30 centimetres per year between 1980 and 1999, to 1.5 metres in 2006. Some of the biggest losses have occurred in the Alps and Pyrenees mountain ranges in Europe. Experts have called for “immediate action” to reverse the trend, which is seen as a key climate change indicator."

Sun's Movement Through Milky Way Regularly Sends Comets Hurtling, Coinciding With Mass Life Extinctions, 2nd May 2008
"The sun's movement through the Milky Way regularly sends comets hurtling into the inner solar system -- coinciding with mass life extinctions on earth, a new study claims. The study suggests a link between comet bombardment and the movement through the galaxy."
There have been many studies that have come to the same conclusion, however it seems that there is a concerted effort to avoid any major focus on cosmic influences that might affect life on Earth.

Legless Lizard Among 14 New Species Found in Brazil News, 29th April 2008
"An expedition of scientists to wooded grasslands in Brazil uncovered 14 possible new species of animals, including a legless lizard and a woodpecker, in an area adjacent to farming and housing developments."
Again, are we really finding new species or re-discovering old species? We could even be watching evolutionary progression, as other reports marvel at the apparent speed that this can take place, very often in decades or even in a few generations in some cases.

Cracks In The Foundation: Fundamental Geological Assumption Relating To Planet Earth Not Quite True News, 29th April 2008
"Chondritic meteorites have a similar chemical composition to the sun and are therefore reliable witnesses as to what the solar nebula, from which the planets formed, was composed of. This can be used to deduce what the Earth consists of chemically. However, ETH Zurich researchers have now discovered that strictly speaking this fundamental geological assumption is not true."
Fundamental assumptions very often turn out not to be true, such is the nature of science....

Britain's biggest banks use astrology to play the markets, 25th April 2008

No surprise there really as there is a wealth of scientific research - generally ignored in the mainstream - that outlines the electromagnetic effects caused by the constant movements of the huge planetary bodies in our solar system. What's more, our DNA is magnetically 'stamped' at birth and consequently, certain planetary conjunctions will have an effect. There is not much you can do accept be more conscious of how you are being affected. Little tip, don't give your astrology details to anyone, because the unscrupulous will use it against you.....

Scars on Mars suggest recent glaciers
MSNBC News, 24th April 2008
A vanished glacier with a mysterious calling card suggests Mars went through many ice ages in its very recent past. A fresh look at images from the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter indicates thick glaciers may have existed in the past 100 million years in the planet's equatorial region, but vanished after planetary wobbles changed the climate in certain areas. "We've gone from seeing Mars as a dead planet for three-plus billion years to one that has been alive in recent times," said Jay Dickson, a geologist at Brown University and lead author of the study. "[The finding] has changed our perspective from a planet that has been dry and dead to one that is icy and active."
Recent images from Mars imply very recent "global warming", reinforcing the notion a solar system wide transformation is now underway.

Russia investigates off-course space landing
Reuters News, 24th April 2008
"MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia has launched an investigation into why a manned space capsule returned to earth hundreds of kilometers (miles) off course, a space industry official said on Wednesday. Russian space officials denied a newspaper report the three crew returning from the International Space Station came close to death during Saturday's re-entry."
I will be looking out for information from Russian sources that can shed any light on Earth's geophysical chagnes.

Does the Earth's magnetic field cause suicides?
New Scientist News, 24th April 2008
"Many animals can sense the Earth's magnetic field, so why not people, asks Oleg Shumilov of the Institute of North Industrial Ecology Problems in Russia. Shumilov looked at activity in the Earth's geomagnetic field from 1948 to 1997 and found that it grouped into three seasonal peaks every year: one from March to May, another in July and the last in October. Surprisingly, he also found that the geomagnetism peaks matched up with peaks in the number of suicides in the northern Russian city of Kirovsk over the same period."
Yes, other research has found similar conections, which is quite ominious as we are being given numerous warnings that the Earth's magnetic field is now being stimulated by frequent cosmic blasts coming our way from deep space.

Freak weather destroys Afghan poppies -
The Independent, 23rd April 2008
"Faltering British efforts to tackle Afghanistan's poppy crop have found an unlikely ally – in the weather. Freak weather linked to global warming is expected to reduce parts of the country's opium harvest drastically. Scientists believe freezing winter temperatures followed by late rains and a possible drought may cut this year's yields, with some farmers losing half of their crop. The fierce winter cold – which claimed hundreds of lives across Afghanistan – is thought to have stopped millions of poppy seeds from germinating. Late rains have then stunted many of the plants that survived."
I'm rather pleased to see this article, rather than the usual gloating re: bumper harvests....

‘Useless’ green levy on drivers rakes in £4bn -
Daily Telegraph, 23rd April 2008
"The "green levy" on motorists announced in Alistair Darling’s first Budget will double car tax revenue to £4 billion but reduce vehicle emissions by less than one per cent, Treasury figures have showed."
Are we surprised?

Billion-dollar cosmic ray probe still grounded
New Scientist News, 25th April 2008
A $1.5 billion experiment to study speeding particles called cosmic rays is still stuck on the ground, with no way to get to the International Space Station, where it was intended to operate. The Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (AMS) was designed to study the composition and origins of the charged cosmic rays, which are thought to originate in high-energy events such as supernova remnants and the magnetic cocoons around violent galaxies.
Well,it seems that certain authorities think that spending this kind of cash investigating cosmic rays is a good idea. Maybe they are concerned that as our planet is being bombared with cosmic rays, there will be the inevitable DNA mutation or evolution, which I do not believe humanity can prevent.

Bugs Use Plants as Telephones
News, 23rd April 2008
""Hello? Yes, this is my plant. Thanks. Bye-bye." That's the underground half of a conversation between bugs on a mustard plant. Scientists have discovered the insects below and above use the plant like a chemical telephone. "

Solar Cycle 24: Do we count Tiny Tims?
Solar Science, 23rd April 2008
"Another week of excitement as the second solar cycle 24 spot appeared…and then disappeared just as rapidly. I can’t help feeling that with an unprecedented amount of high technology monitoring the Sun with ever higher resolution, the criteria by which a sunspot is defined has become radically weakened to such an extent that it all becomes meaningless."
There is an 'armada' of spaceprobes watching our sun, as solar flares and CMEs destroy multi-million pound satellites on a fairly regular basis, impacting our modern technological world.

Moon Gets A Lashing From Earth's Magnetotail
Science Daily, 21st April 2008
"NASA-supported scientists have realized that something happens every month when the moon gets a lashing from Earth’s magnetic tail. "Earth’s magnetotail extends well beyond the orbit of the moon and, once a month, the moon orbits through it," says Tim Stubbs, a University of Maryland scientist working at the Goddard Space Flight Center."
See below:

Will the Earth's Tail Fry Moon Visitors?
Slashdot Science News, 20th April 2008
""Researchers working for NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter mission have discovered that the Earth's magnetic tail could be harmful to future astronauts. The moon stays inside Earth's 'magnetotail' for six days every month — during full moon. This can have consequences ranging from lunar 'dust storms' to strong electrostatic discharges, according to one researcher..."
Well, if the Earth's magnetotail doesn't fry moon visitors, then massive solar blasts from an increasingly erratic Sun will.....

Newborns' DNA in US targeted for state research, profiling, 19th April 2008
"The state of Minnesota has advanced a plan to own the DNA of newborns, preserving it in a warehouse for use in genetic research, experimentation, manipulation, and profiling, according to an advocacy organization seeking to protect the privacy of that individual information."
This report suggests to me that humans are being born with 'different' DNA and authorities want to track the changes.

Jet Streams Move Poleward, Widening Hurricane Belt, Study Says
Bloomberg News, 17th April 2008
"Global warming may be pushing the jet streams toward the Earth's poles, widening the area where hurricanes may form, scientists at the Carnegie Institution's Department for Global Ecology found. A study of the high altitude, high-speed winds from 1979 to 2001 found that their positions are changing over time, with the potential to affect weather for half the globe, the Stanford, California-based department said in a statement. The study will be published tomorrow in Geophysical Research Letters, the journal of the Washington-based American Geophysical Union."
Studies that prove we are now experiencing the effects of recent world-wide geophysical changes.

Earth's Hum Sounds More Mysterious Than Ever
Yahoo News, 16th April 2008
" Earth gives off a relentless hum of countless notes completely imperceptible to the human ear, like a giant, exceptionally quiet symphony, but the origin of this sound remains a mystery. ADVERTISEMENT click here Now unexpected powerful tunes have been discovered in this hum. These new findings could shed light on the source of this enigma. The planet emanates a constant rumble far below the limits of human hearing, even when the ground isn't shaking from an earthquake. (It does not cause the ringing in the ear linked with tinnitus.) This sound, first discovered a decade ago, is one that only scientific instruments - seismometers - can detect. Researchers call it Earth's hum."
Interesting, the Earth is singing a new song.....

It's a whiz-bang experiment, with a downside that could really suck
The Age, 13th April 2008
"WILL the world end later this year? In mid-August, in a chamber deep underneath the Swiss-French border, physicists will switch on a machine that might produce the first man-made black holes. Normally only found in outer space, these high-gravity objects have a reputation for devouring all matter in their vicinity — and they only stop when the food runs out. Could the Earth's first black hole also end up being its last, after it sucks in the chamber, the physicists, and the entire planet?"
I ignored this article originally, because I find the whole CERN particle accelerator experiments mind-bogglingly boring. However, now there are acusations made that the experiments have managed to destabilise Earth's orbit and that various world disasters have been caused, so I have been thinking.... The thoughts that come to mind are rather strange....what if top scientists are deliberately trying to make major "adjustments", it wouldn't be the first time that highly risky experiments with the Earth have been tried. Whatever, some people are so concerned they have decided to sue, see Black hole lawsuit.

Glass Particles in the Sky Studied As 'Global Warming' Fix
CNS News, 10th April 2008
"Government scientists are studying the feasibility of sending nearly microscopic particles of specially made glass into the Earth's upper atmosphere to try to dampen the effects of "global warming." The idea, while "interesting," said one leading global warming skeptic, is "not practical" and, if done on a large scale, could depress the ozone layer and cause other problems."
The ideas of geo-engineering our way out of climate change, remind me of the story of King Canute...

Scientists say curious clouds could foretell earthquakes, 10th April 2008
"Scientists say strange cloud formations could alert nations to impending earthquakes, according to a report today. The theory comes after two distinctive cloud formations were observed above an active fault in Iran, each before two large earthquakes occurred. According to the New Scientist, geophysicists Guangmeng Guo and Bin Wang of Nanyang Normal University in Henan, China, noticed a gap in the clouds in satellite images from December 2004 that exactly matched the location of the main fault in southern Iran."
Yes, according to other research, low frequency emissions can be detected in the ionosphere as "bright spots" and can provide some kind of warning of an impending earthquake. However, in previous reserarch, timescales have been in a matter of days. The importance here is that metaphysical sources are warning that these emissions are detrimental to our energy fields and hence our individual spiritual evolution.

How Rocket Engines Can Be Destroyed By Mysterious Sound Waves
Science Daily, 10th April 2008
"Scientists generally believe that these powerful and unstable sound waves, created by energy supplied by the combustion process, were the cause of rocket failures in several U.S. and Russian rockets. Scientists have also observed these mysterious oscillations in other propulsion and power-generating systems such as missiles and gas turbines."
Another example where forces of nature exist that our scientists do not fully understand.

I was given a young man's heart -
and started craving beer and Kentucky Fried Chicken. My daughter said I even walked like a man

Daily Mail (UK), 9th April 2008
"So can elements of a person's character - or even their soul - be transplanted along with a heart? One woman who believes this to be the case is CLAIRE SYLVIA, a divorced mother of one. She was 47 and dying from a disease called primary pulmonary hypertension when, in 1988, she had a pioneering heartlung transplant in America. She was given the organs of an 18-year-old boy who had been killed in a motorcycle accident near his home in Maine. Claire, a former professional dancer, then made an astonishing discovery: she seemed to be acquiring the characteristics, and cravings, of the donor."
Now that there are hundreds, if not thousands of accounts where people state they have changed because of a donor organ. This scenario has got to the extent where memories are also passed on and can be used as evidence in court. Therefore, it makes you wonder when the medical profession will take some responsibility and start trying to match up donors and recipients. Consciousness is transferable and is this process of changing consciousness is taking place on a global scale.

Can we really transplant a human soul?
Daily Mail (UK), 9th April 2008
"...donor patients could not only be acquiring the organs but also the memories - or even the soul - of the donor is surely one such story. This bizarre possibility was raised by the inexplicable case of Sonny Graham - a seemingly happily married 69-year-old man living in the U.S. state of Georgia. He shot himself without warning, having shown no previous signs of unhappiness, let alone depression. His friends described it as an act of passion, not of reason. The case might have remained just an isolated tragedy were it not for the fact that Sonny had received a transplanted heart from a man who had also shot himself - in identical circumstances."
I wonder if Professor Schwartz has thought about why only some donor organs have the ability to overide the consciousness of the recipient. I suggest it's related to how consciousness is calibrated and "signal power".

Psychic crackdown on the cards
Mediums are fighting new EU rules designed to protect the public from dodgy traders, fearing that honest spiritualists could be targeted

Guardian UK, 6th April 2008
"For the past half-century, 'genuine' mediums have been protected by the 1951 Fraudulent Mediums Act, under which prosecutors had to prove fraud and dishonest intent to secure a criminal conviction, which was difficult. There have been fewer than 10 convictions in the past 20 years. With that protection gone, there will now be nothing between the medium and the trading standards officer - and no need to prove fraud. Instead it will be up to the trader, in this case the medium, to prove they did not mislead, coerce or take advantage of any 'vulnerable' consumers."
Common sense does not cost anything, but for many it's still in too short a supply. Therefore the 'nanny' state feels the need to intervene....

Elephant Paints Self Portrait
YouTube, April 2008
This video is incredible! Please watch, it really makes you wonder about the nature of animal consciousness.

Prays peregrina choses to make Britain its home
The Times, 5th April 2008
"A moth completely new to science has been found living in Britain but is thought to originate from thousands of miles away. The exotic moth, named Prays peregrina, has mystified xperts, who have been unable to find records of it anywhere else in the world. Lepidopterists are convinced that it must have come from another continent because it is inconceivable to them that it could have been overlooked for hundreds of years in Europe."
Interesting to see these stories about new species popping up from nowhere, I suppose it's too much to believe it's a result of 'repaired' morphogenetic fields.....

World Bank accused of climate change "hijack"
Reuters, 4th April 2008
"BANGKOK (Reuters) - Developing countries and environmental groups accused the World Bank on Friday of trying to seize control of the billions of dollars of aid that will be used to tackle climate change in the next four decades. "The World Bank's foray into climate change has gone down like a lead balloon," Friends of the Earth campaigner Tom Picken said at the end of a major climate change conference in the Thai capital. "Many countries and civil society have expressed outrage at the World Bank's attempted hijacking of real efforts to fund climate change efforts," he said."
Is it any real surprise?

Why Humans Bother With Emotions
Live Science, 4th April March 2008
"The last few weeks have been a roller coaster of emotions for me. I'm sad, I'm angry, I'm happy, I'm anxious. At the end of the day, I'm physically and mentally exhausted from the whirling dervish that seems to have taken over my head. But evolutionary psychiatrist Randolph Nesse of the University of Michigan thinks that individual emotions are actually adaptations selected by evolution to help us cope with specific situations. Nesse calls emotions "the mind's software." Faced with a sad situation, the mind brings up the sadness program to cope, and when the situation brightens, the mind get into the happiness loop."
The rollercoaster will get worst for those who do not know that emotions are held in their electromagnetic field which is being severely buffeted about in the current chaoic electromagnetic environment of Earth.

Seismic Faults 'Talk' to Each Other Before Earthquakes
Fox News, 4th April 2008
""The faults seem to be communicating with each other," said study leader Chris Goldfinger of Oregon State University. The evidence came from core samples of marine sediments taken along the northern California seabed."
Well, I see fault lines acting rather like the communication pathways in the human brain.....think about it....

Alien but primitive life likely, says Stephen Hawking
Breitbart News, 3rd April 2008

I can't work out why Stephen Hawking is constant quoted in the press. It's obvious to anyone with some intelligence that in the billion of galxies that exist, life at various stages will exist and why should they they be more primitive than us? What's more, the definition of 'alien' has to be queried when there is interdimensional life on Earth that has ALWAYS existed, which our mystics and scientists now agree DO exist.

Dust plays huge role in climate change
Christian Science Monitor, 3rd April 2008
"Scientists know that dust affects climate. Tiny particles create veils that reflect sunlight and cool the atmosphere. Dark particles absorb sunshine and warm things up. But as scientists look deeper into the dust-climate connection, they find that they have underestimated its importance."
This is particularly interesting research, when we consider that there is a dramatic increase of dust in our solar system as announced by the European Space Agency in 2003. What's more, scientists are perplexed by the new phenomena of noctilucent clouds that some believe is symptomatic of an increase of dust in the atmosphere of Earth and hence we must conclude there is a conection that has nothing to do with anthropogenic global warming.

Models Look Good When Predicting Climate Change
Terra Daily News, 3rd April 2008
Conclusion: "Although model-based projections of future climate are now more credible than ever before, the authors note they have no way to say exactly how reliable those projections are. There are simply too many unknowns involved in the future evolution of climate, such as how much humans will curb their future greenhouse gas emissions."
Unbelievable, this back slapping article finally admits they have no idea whether climate model projections are even accurate!

Rupert Sheldrake stabbed at lecture
The New Mexican, 2nd April 2008
"An Englishman speaking on "thought transference" during an international conference at La Fonda on Wednesday was stabbed in the leg by a Japanese man who seemed upset by his remarks, witnesses said. Rupert Sheldrake of London was sitting up and alert as medics took him on a gurney to an ambulance outside Santa Fe's historic hotel at the southeast corner of the Plaza. Asked if he was OK, Sheldrake smiled and responded, "I hope so."
I'm starting to think, with the increasing number of unbalanced people, do I need a bodyguard when I talk about Tuning the Diamonds as a guest speaker at metaphysical events?

First movie of 'tsunami' on Sun
BBC News, 2nd April 2008
"Astronomers have captured the first footage of a solar "tsunami" hurtling through the Sun's atmosphere at over a million kilometres per hour. The event was captured by Nasa's twin Stereo spacecraft designed to make 3D images of our parent star. Naturally, this type of tsunami does not involve water; instead, it is a wave of pressure that travels across the Sun very fast.....Co-author David Long, from Trinity College Dublin (TCD), Ireland, commented: "The energy released in these explosions is phenomenal; about two billion times the annual world energy consumption in just a fraction of a second."
Yes, and everything in our solar system reacts to these massive releases of energy....

Crawling fish may be part of new family
Creature uses leglike pectoral fins to burrow into crevices of coral reefs, 2nd April 2008
"SEATTLE - A recently discovered fish that crawls instead of swimming and has forward-looking eyes like humans could be part of an entirely unknown family of fishes, a University of Washington professor reported Wednesday."
Evolutionary change means that there will be many new discoveries and much confusion until a definate pattern has been established.

Gore to recruit 10m-strong green army
Guardian UK, 1st April 2008
"Al Gore yesterday launched a drive to mobilise 10 million volunteers to force politicians to act on climate change - twice as many as the number who marched against the Vietnam war or in support of civil rights during the heyday of US activism in the 1960s. During the next three years, his Alliance for Climate Protection plans to spend $300m (about £150m) on television advertising and online organising to make global warming among the most urgent issues for elected American leaders."
All very Orwellian.....

'Silent' famine sweeps globe
Rice, fertilizer shortages, food costs, higher energy prices equal world crisis

World Net Daily, 1st April 2008
"WASHINGTON – From India to Africa to North Korea to Pakistan and even in New York City, higher grain prices, fertilizer shortages and rising energy costs are combining to spell hunger for millions in what is being characterized as a global "silent famine. Last year, according to the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization's world food index, dairy prices rose nearly 80 percent and grain 42 percent.

"This is the new face of hunger," said Josetta Sheeran, director of the World Food Program, launching an appeal for an extra $500 million so it could continue supplying food aid to 73 million hungry people this year. "People are simply being priced out of food markets. ... We have never before had a situation where aggressive rises in food prices keep pricing our operations out of our reach."" Global food prices, based on United Nations records, rose 35 percent in the last year, escalating a trend that began in 2002. Since then, prices have risen 65 percent."

Radiation Poses Greatest Threat to Humans in Space
RedOrbit News, 1st April 2008
"A new report commissioned by NASA's Exploration Systems Mission Directorate said that cosmic radiation poses cancer and other health risks for years after astronauts return to Earth, and that a lack of understanding of the biological responses to space radiation is the biggest limiting factor to future missions."
Yes, space is highly radioactive and always has been. What's more the new phenomena of Space weather is effecting all life on Earth and some humans are quickly evolving to cope with the new environmental conditions.

When People Can't Stop Praying
A Man Describes His Rare Religious Form of OCD

ABC News, 31st March 2008
"For centuries, Catholic priests wrote about how to subdue it. Some historians surmise Martin Luther had it, along with several renowned saints. When he was in seventh grade, Cole M., now 23, saw an episode of "20/20" and surmised he had it, though he didn't know its exact name: scrupulosity. Scrupulosity is a rare form of obsessive compulsive disorder focused on prayers, rituals or thoughts rather than the more common germ-phobia and compulsive hand washing. "Whatever thing that is most important to you, that's what the obsessive compulsive disorder will grab," Cole said"
Off-topic, but interesting anyway!

Mysterious ghostly orbs perplex researchers, 28th March 2008
"Tens of thousands of ordinary people around the globe are reporting mysterious spheres of light known as ORBS, which have started appearing on their digital photographs. A few scientists are taking this phenomenon seriously and incredibly claim to have found evidence of beings from other dimensions."

Anger: Why we’re all losing our cool
The Independent, 26th March 2008
"Britain is in the grip of an anger epidemic, with a quarter of the population now struggling to keep the lid on their feelings of rage and resentment. What's making us so cross? And what can we do about it?"
Well, the mainstream have noticed that something is going on as people struggle to balance themselves emotionally in the unstable electromagnetic environment. This quote sums up the situation we all face, "It seems that a lot of angry behaviour just "pops out", according to the people who experience it. It's a very quick shift from feeling to action; one minute you're fine, the next you're lashing out like a tiger." Our emotions are linked to our electromagnetic field and ALL electromagnetic signals are being amplified by the new spaceweather conditions affecting our planet.

"With little warning, three big sunspots have materialized and on March 25th one of them (989) unleashed an M2-class solar flare. This is the biggest flare of the year and it signals a significant increase in solar activity. "It's March Madness...."
Here we go! I hope you have your shields up! See the activity on the Sun over the last 4 days on coronograph here.

Prepare for the Worst, Because Solar Storms Are About to Get Ugly, 24th March 2008
"Every 11 years or so, the sun gets a little pissy. It breaks out in a rash of planet-sized sunspots that spew superhot gas, hurling clouds of electrons, protons, and heavier ions toward Earth at nearly the speed of light. These solar windstorms have been known to knock out power grids and TV broadcasts, and our growing reliance on space-based technology makes us more vulnerable than ever to their effects. On January 3, scientists discovered a reverse-polarity sunspot, signaling the start of a new cycle — and some are predicting that at its peak (in about four years) things are gonna get nasty. Here's a forecast for 2012."
"Pissy" is one way to describe the historic energetic blasts that will be coming our way, with the world generally unprepared for the spiritual consequences....

New Kink in Sun's Strange Corona, 24th March 2008
"Here's a strange scenario: You move farther away from a fire, getting cooler and cooler, until suddenly you are burning up. That's essentially what happens in the sun: Its outer layer, the corona, is inexplicably hot. A new study may complicate things further by poking holes in a leading theory that aims to account for the puzzling phenomenon."
Plasma physicists tell us that astrophysicists are witnessing a plasma arc discharge – an electrical phenomena that can be duplicated on a smaller scale in the laboratory, what's "puzzling" about that?

Scientific Consensus on Climate Change?
Science & Public Policy Institute, 24th March 2008
"FEAR of anthropogenic "global warming" can adversely affect patients’ well-being. Accordingly, the state of the scientific consensus about climate change was studied by a review of the 539 papers on "global climate change" found on the Web of Science database from January 2004 to mid-February 2007, updating research by Oreskes (2004), who had reported that between 1993 and 2003 none of 928 scientific papers on "global climate change" had rejected the consensus that more than half of the warming of the past 50 years was likely to have been anthropogenic. In the present review, 31 papers (6% of the sample) explicitly or implicitly reject the consensus. Though Oreskes said that 75% of the papers in her sample endorsed the consensus, fewer than half now endorse it. Only 6% do so explicitly. Only one paper refers to "catastrophic" climate change, but without offering evidence. There appears to be little evidence in the learned journals to justify the climate-change alarm that now harms patients.
I believe psychologists are now treating people for global warming anxiety....

2008 Climate Debate
The New American, 25th March 2008
"There goes another beautiful theory about to be murdered by a brutal gang of facts." — Duc de La Rochefoucauld, French writer and moralist (1613-1680) However, for many of the world’s leading scientists in the fields of meteorology, climatology, physics, astrophysics, and related sciences, the science is far from settled, Al Gore’s media accolades notwithstanding. Over the past few years, more than 19,000 American scientists have signed a dissenting petition coauthored by Dr. Frederick Seitz, renowned physicist and former president of the National Academy of Sciences, and Dr. Arthur Robinson, president of the Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine ( The petition urges political leaders to reject the Gore-supported Kyoto Protocol or other similar proposals that would mandate draconian tax and regulatory measures aimed at virtually all human economic activity.
I just love the above quote, there is a similiar quote in my book, Tuning the Diamonds.

Our changing sun and colony collapse disorder in bees, 23rd March 2008
"In this article on honeybee navigation, it is clear just how reliant they are on the sun for navigation. They appear to have primary and backup navigation systems, but the only one that doesn’t appear connected to the sun in some way are crude recognition of large landmarks. Of most interest to me for the purposes of this article is the fact that bees are sensitive to magnetism and can also see in UV light. It is believed that bees use pattern recognition of flowers in UV to pick out flowers from the maze of flora they traverse, for example in the photos below showing visible and ultraviolet: The fact is the sun is changing, and we are going into a deep solar minimum. UV output has been clearly affected as shown in these comparisons of 2002 and 2006."
Other beekeepers have also made the connection with solar activity. It will be interesting to see what happens when the next solar cycle starts in earnest, after several false starts, the sun seems to be taking a rather long in-breath.....maybe, it is related to the predictions of mega-blasts at the peak of the next solar cycle.....

Bhutan tries to measure happiness, 23rd March 2008
"For years, the remote Himalayan kingdom of Bhutan boasted that it was mostly concerned with Gross National Happiness -- and now it's really going to try to actually measure it. The idea of focussing on Gross National Happiness (GNH) rather than Gross National Product (GNP) was the brainchild of ex-king Jigme Singye Wangchuck, who sought to steer Bhutan into the modern world while preserving its unique identity."
It it wonderful to know that this tiny kingdom has completely different values from most other places in the world, a ray of light.....

Some have suggested ancient technology glassified these Indus Valley ruins but electricity is a more plausible explanation., 21st March 2008
"There is one intriguing aspect to Mohenjo-Daro that sets it apart from most ancient ruins. It is the one anomaly among several at the site that has caused some researchers to suggest that there might have been forces unleashed in the past that are comparable to modern weapons. Walls, pottery and other items found in the city have been turned into a kind of ceramic glass, indicating that they were exposed to heat close to 1500 degrees Celsius. Evidence of ionizing radiation has also been found in some of the burial sites."
You don't have to study too hard to realise that history is often fabricated and that there is evidence of many previous civilisations and cultures. Therefore, the intelligent seeker will ask the question: what is this planet really about? I would suggest we are here for many reasons but for some, they are here to redeem their souls. Universal consciounsess monitors the overall situation and if we trash the school room, then we are temporarily "wiped off" until the planet has time to recover. Who can argue with this analysis, our experts can certainly provide the evidence....

Fighter jet's sonic boom behind 'tremor'
EDP 24, 20th March 2008
"Glenn Ford, a seismologist with the British Geological Survey, said: "It certainly wasn't an earthquake. From the observations I have been given, they are very consistent with sonic booms we have received from the area historically over the last 20 years. I cannot say for definite that this was the cause, but looking at the evidence that would be the most likely source of the activity. "We have scrutinised all the data from the nearest stations. For an earthquake to be felt so widely, as this has, it would have to be pretty large. Even if one of these stations had failed, we would have seen evidence from others across central England. "We have contacted the RAF but at this time unfortunately they have not been able to corroborate that there has been a sonic boom. This could come from an aircraft or even a falling satellite or meteorite.""
What are american F15 fighter jets doing flying over populated parts of the United Kingdom. I just don't believe the official story and I have linked this "sonic boom" to similiar booms increasingly felt around the world. I suggest we need experts with scalar/torsion devices to measure and understand what's taking place in the Earth's crust.....

Are Microwaves Killing The Insects, Frogs, And Birds? And Are We Next?, 20th March 2008
"And from what I can tell by reading media reports on the Internet, this phenomena of the sudden disappearance of life forms (insects, amphibians, fish, bats, birds, etc.) is happening all over the world. Just last year, the fact that there is (and has been) a worldwide die-off of bees was finally taken up by the media. The frogs have been dying for years ­ (although originally they were "mysteriously" showing up with deformities.) Now, just at the beginning of January 2008 a Swedish journalist sent me a report by the Canadian Broadcasting Company (CBC) about the disappearance of tens of millions of birds across North America ­ HYPERLINK "" What the heck is going on? And when are we going to do something about this? This is pretty serious stuff. If all the insects, amphibians, and birds are disappearing, how much longer will it be until we mammals start disappearing? (After all, many of us are already getting sick. There are about 80 immune system disorders we didn't have 20 years ago.) Albert Einstein made some kind of prediction that once the bees are gone, mankind would only have four or so more years left."
Written by someone who has woken up....

The Global Warming Bubble
Junk Science, 20th March 2008
"You didn’t have to be a rocket scientist in the 1990s to figure that speculative investment in dot-coms with no revenues would be disastrous. The same goes for lenders giving mortgages to borrowers with no job, no income and no assets. So after surviving the tech bubble and while trying to extricate the economy from the housing bubble, why are we bent on heading into the global warming bubble?"
Yes, a dot-com style bubble based on global warming would be a gift for the seasoned moneymakers.....

NASA Satellite Detects Record Gamma Ray Burst Explosion Halfway Across Universe
NASA News, 20th March 2008
"GRB 080319B's optical afterglow was 2.5 million times more luminous than the most luminous supernova ever recorded, making it the most intrinsically bright object ever observed by humans in the universe. The most distant previous object that could have been seen by the naked eye is the nearby galaxy M33, a relatively short 2.9 million light-years from Earth. Analysis of GRB 080319B is just getting underway, so astronomers don't know why this burst and its afterglow were so bright. One possibility is the burst was more energetic than others, perhaps because of the mass, spin, or magnetic field of the progenitor star or its jet. Or perhaps it concentrated its energy in a narrow jet that was aimed directly at Earth."
Still, it seems that the citizens of this planet are very unaware that there is a massive orchestration by the celestial "gods" to drive us to the next level of our evolution.

Cosmic Clean-Up: Wild Ideas to Sweep Space, 19th March 2008
"Space is littered with millions of bits of orbiting garbage leftover from missions. The flying flotsam can delay launches and could potentially smash into spacecraft. Now some creative ideas are emerging for how to sweep up the junk. One idea even involves an oversized NERF ball."
When you consider that some of these satellites cost in the region of $500 million dollars, it seems bizarre that China and the United States see fit to create more lethal junk by shooting down disabled satellites....

The Mystery of Global Warming's Missing Heat
NPR News, 19th March 2008
"Some 3,000 scientific robots that are plying the ocean have sent home a puzzling message. These diving instruments suggest that the oceans have not warmed up at all over the past four or five years. That could mean global warming has taken a breather. Or it could mean scientists aren't quite understanding what their robots are telling them. This is puzzling in part because here on the surface of the Earth, the years since 2003 have been some of the hottest on record. But Josh Willis at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory says the oceans are what really matter when it comes to global warming."
Well after the work that is being done on monitoring the location of US climate stations we can even debate the accuracy of so-called ground temperatures measuring "recent warming". It is my opinion that the whole concept of Global Warming is an invention to cover up the new phenomena of Space Weather or New Energy which is creating a myriad of effects to all living systems on Earth and in our solar system. Huge blasts of new consciousness to drive evolutionary change.

MAGIC Rays May Reveal New Laws of the Universe
Daily Galaxy, 19th March 2008
"The Major Atmospheric Gamma-ray Imaging Cherenkov (MAGIC) telescope sited at Roque de los Muchachos Observatory on La Palma in the Canary Islands has found that gamma radiation emitted from a distant galaxy arrived at earth four minutes after lower-energy photons, despite apparently being emitted at the same time. If this information is correct – and Daniel Ferenc, a physics professor at UC Davis and a member of the MAGIC collaboration says that a repeat performance will be needed to confirm such a finding – then the findings are in direct contradiction to Einstein’s theory of relativity."
Many scientists have long ago found flaws in Einstein's theory of relativity, it will be interesting to see if this research is ignored or not.

Bee colony collapse dilemma still a mystery
The Meadville Tribune, 18th March 2008
"One of the current main "target topics" of discussion and research, he said, is the effects of pesticides on bee populations. There's no conclusive evidence that chemicals are the chief cause of the collapses, he said, but sub-lethal amounts of pesticides that bees may ingest and become disoriented and sickened by are certainly contributing factors. To put that into perspective, Vorisek said a recent research study showed that 43 different pesticides were identified in a sampling of 92 colonies. The take-home message there, said Vorisek, is that "pesticides are not all agriculture-related. There are a lot of lawn treatments and backyard treatments that people use in high concentrations" that are undoubtedly affecting the bee populations."
I don't really like to comment on the New Age beliefs that the bees are flitting off into another dimension because I believe that is happening to us all, as the aetheric density changes. However, when you read that they have found 43 different pesticides that can effect the bees, you have to wonder at how stupid humans are.....

Freak Winter Weather: Fluke or Fuel in Warming Debate?
National Geographic News, 18th March 2008
"Freak winter weather has struck almost every area of the Northern Hemisphere with bizarre extremes in recent months. Snow fell on usually sweltering Baghdad and paralyzed central China, while the season barely registered in Scandinavia, where some countries have seen the warmest winter in centuries."
It's almost like the commentators have not registered that we are experiencing climate change, which is always marked by climatic extremes. Global warming is a fallacy and as one headline infamously stated, "Global warming: The All Purpose Farce to Control Your Life."

GP attacked train steward in first-class dining car 'because he put his plate down too hard'
Daily Mail, 18th March 2008
"It started as a brief argument in the first class dining carriage of a train - and ended up nearly derailing a GP's career. Dr Russell Walshaw threw a plate which struck a steward after the two rowed on a GNER train."
Can you imagine what life will be like with society full of unbalanced people who fly off the handle over the smallest thing? Well, as the environmental conditions start to enforce the new "terms and conditions" for living on planet Earth, people from all walks of life, rich and poor, it won't matter, will become very problematic.....

The Vanishing Rings of Saturn
NASA News, 18th March 2008
"Red Alert: Saturn's rings are vanishing. Around the world, amateur astronomers have noticed the change; Saturn's wide open rings are rapidly narrowing into a thin line." Efrain Morales Rivera sends these pictures taken through a backyard telescope in Aguadilla, Puerto Rico: "The rings have narrowed considerably in the last year," he reports. "The Cassini division (a dark gap in the rings) is getting hard to see."
Apparently this is a normal occurence, yet other changes on Saturn are evidence of rapid change in our solar system.

New kidney 'changed my whole personality'
Daily Telegraph, 16th March 2008
"A woman claims to have undergone a complete "personality transplant" after receiving a new kidney. Cheryl Johnson, 37, says she has changed completely since receiving the organ in May. She believes that she must have picked up her new characteristics from the donor, a 59-year-old man who died from an aneurysm."
Consciousness is transferable.....

After Atlanta tornado, cleanup is underway
LA Times, 16th March 2008
"The 135-mph tornado hit Atlanta at 9:45 p.m. Friday with only eight minutes' warning. A meteorologist with the National Weather Service said it moved southeast across the city, cutting a path 6 miles long and 200 yards wide."
I do insist that I am not a 'doom and gloom merchant' however, the reality is the electromagnetic environment is in complete chaos and the level of consciousness is generally not high enough to steer these violent energies from creating destruction in major cities. My prediction is that there will be a new level of violent oubursts against densely populated areas, as 'old' and 'new' energies battle it out....

Russia fails to put U.S. satellite into target orbit
RIA Novosti, 15th March 2008

When I first discoverd that satellite launches are pretty much a hit or miss affair with the high-tech "sling shot" approach that very often missed, I was totally amazed. It's also odd to me that the United States contracts Russian space agencies to launch it's top secret satellite hardware, the whole scenario is just incredible. Here we have an announcement, that there is another large piece of space junk in the heavens....

Seeing double: Indian baby born with four eyes, two mouths and two faces
Daily Mail, 15th March 2008
"To some she may seem an oddity, but to one Indian couple their newborn daughter is simply a God reincarnated. Their as yet un-named four-day-old baby girl was born with two faces, two mouths and four eyes in the rural Nagar district of Uttar Pradesh, 50km north east of New Delhi. Her parents, Vinod and Susham Singh from a village called Sani, said their little girl was "a gift from God".
Well, I have been monitoring the situation with double-faced mutations in the animal kingdom as well as multiple legs etc, well we recently had reports of a child with four arms and legs and now we have an example of a two-faced human. I suspect that in the western world these babies are being aborted before they are born. However, I believe the blueprint for humans has changed but that the electromagnetic chaos means more "mutations" will occur anyway, yet at some stage, it will become clear that a new type of human has appeared....

Glowing lights around an earthquake's epicentre
Times Online, 15th March 2008
"The earthquake on February 27 did more than shake people up in the middle of the night. Reports have come in that mysterious lights also appeared around the quake’s epicentre near Market Rasen, Lincolnshire. One witness described how a grapefruit-sized glowing sphere appeared in her bedroom and then went out like a light. "This thing seemed to be coming across the room straight at me. I was very frightened," she told the Louth Leader." "...One explanation for his phenomenon is that the electrical properties of rocks may change under severe stress before or during a quake. This may generate changes in the electrical behaviour of the atmosphere, ionising the air and producing glowing lights."
See the Louth Leader story & comments below.

Bugs for beating global warming
Will microorganisms help lead us to a green future? Scientists, and venture capitalists, hope so.

Los Angeles Times, 15th March 2008
The latest news about climate change is so alarming (the right wing would say alarmist) as to make many people want to plant their aching heads in the sand. Some scientists using advanced computer models now argue that if we want to stop the Earth from warming, the amount of carbon we should be emitting is ... none. None? As in, zero? As in, shutting down the global industrial economy? After all, global energy demand is expected to accelerate until at least 2020. Yet attempts even to slow the rate of increase of carbon emissions have paralyzed world politics for more than a decade.
Finding natural solutions is not the problem, the issue is making moneymakers realise that our planet is not a backyard dump. Sorry to be so skeptical, but in the 1980s scientists found micro-organisms that could EAT nuclear waste and render it harmless. What happened you may ask? Well, Mother Earth solutions tend to be too cheap and so the expensive and ineffective disposal of nuclear waste was maintained.

Melting Ice Sheets Can Cause Earthquakes, Study Finds
National Geographic News, 14th March 2008
"As ice sheets melt, they can release pent-up energy and trigger massive earthquakes, according to new study. Global warming may already be triggering such earthquakes and may cause more in the future as ice continues to melt worldwide, the researchers say. A series of large earthquakes shook Scandinavia around 10,000 years ago, along faults that are now quiet, the scientists point out. The timing of each earthquake roughly coincided with the melting of thick ice sheets from the last ice age in those same places."
Yes, the Earth is re-balancing and humans will have to watch out.....

Vatican says pollution is also a sin
It tells Catholics that harming the environment is a modern-day transgression requiring urgent attention.

LA Times, 14th March 2008
"VATICAN CITY -- A Vatican keen to show its green side has added pollution to the realm of "new sins" that today's Catholics must confront and avoid. In this age of expanding globalization, the Vatican is telling followers that sin is not just an individual act but can also be a transgression against the larger community."
Well, we already have priests encouraging people to confess their green sins! The Holy Catholic Church are continuing in their time honoured tradition of misleading their followers.

Weather Channel Founder: Sue Al Gore for Fraud
Fox News, 14th March 2008
"The founder of the Weather Channel wants to sue Al Gore for fraud, hoping a legal debate will settle the global-warming debate once and for all. John Coleman, who founded the cable network in 1982, suggests suing for fraud proponents of global warming, including Al Gore, and companies that sell carbon credits. "Is he committing financial fraud? That is the question," Coleman said. "Since we can't get a debate, I thought perhaps if we had a legal challenge and went into a court of law, where it was our scientists and their scientists, and all the legal proceedings with the discovery and all their documents from both sides and scientific testimony from both sides, we could finally get a good solid debate on the issue," Coleman said. "I'm confident that the advocates of 'no significant effect from carbon dioxide' would win the case."
The fight for truth continues....

More Evidence That Life Started in Space
Fox News, 14th March 2008
"Nobody knows how life on Earth began, but the primordial soup likely got a lot of its ingredients from space. Scientists have discovered concentrations of amino acids in two meteorites that are more than 10 times higher than levels previously measured in other similar meteorites."
Well, for more than one hundred years, proponents of Panspermia theory are telling us that life on Earth came from out of space. Interesting, metaphysical sources tell us that "consciousness was delivered to the planet". We have never been left here alone, unwatched and unloved....

Dolphin answers whales' SOS call
Scotsman News, 13th March 2008
"I don't speak whale and I don't speak dolphin, but there was obviously something that went on, because the two whales changed from being quite distressed to following the dolphin willingly and directly along the beach and straight out to sea." Another rescuer, Juanita Symes, added: "Moko came flying through the water and pushed in between us and the whales. She got them to head toward the hill, where the channel is. It was an amazing experience. The best day of my life."

Guns and fists as "snow rage" erupts
Yahoo News, 13th March 2008
"QUEBEC CITY, Quebec (Reuters) - Although Canada is one of the snowiest countries in the world, a series of violent "snow rage" incidents reveal that even the locals have their limits. Police in the French-speaking province of Quebec said on Wednesday that people were fighting over snow clearing and even parking spaces."
Well, if you are a regular to this blog, you will understand how the climate and human emotional and mental stability are closely linked, however "snow rage" is just another symptom of people struggling to cope.

The greening of Wall Street
The Economist, 13th March 2008
"WHEN better to further the cause of financial greenery than St Patrick's Day? On March 17th the first carbon-linked derivatives contracts will begin trading on the Green Exchange, a joint venture between the New York Mercantile Exchange, Evolution Markets, a broker, Morgan Stanley, Merrill Lynch and others. America already has a small emissions-trading market in the Chicago Climate Exchange, run by one of the founding fathers of financial derivatives, Richard Sandor. Nevertheless, the NYMEX venture is seen as America's boldest step yet towards the carbon-trading big league."
We can only hope that there is a massive shift of consciousness, where Big Business leaders really think that we could look our home – Earth, instead of just seeking to siphon off the cash.....

A Really Inconvenient Truth
The Trumpet, 13th March 2008
"Al Gore says global warming is an inconvenient truth. "Inconvenient" adds a clever twist to the name of the would-be president’s popular documentary and book. But far worthier of scrutiny is the other word in the title: "Truth." Man-made global warming, says the former politician and a rising sea of climate alarmists, is not just inconvenient, it’s an unequivocal, undeniable truth. In fact, the truth about global warming is so convincing, that "debate in the scientific community is over." "...Those who depend solely on the mainstream newsmedia to keep them informed might have missed the headlines about the 2008 International Conference on Climate Change, sponsored by the Heartland Institute and featuring nearly 100 speakers and 500 attendees skeptical of man-made global warming. The highly successful three-day conference occurred in the wake of recent reports of global cooling and the release of a blockbuster U.S. Senate minority report featuring over 400 prominent scientists disputing the theory of man-made global warming."

Scientist says Buddhism showed there's life in space

Sinhalaya News, 12th March 2008
"The world’s chief exponent of the theory that tells life began in deep space and reached earth riding on comets said the philosophical backdrop for his theory was provided by Buddhism. "In the 1970’s it was generally believed that the Earth must be the centre of life in the whole universe, an antithesis of Buddhist cosmology of course," said the Cardiff University Mathematician and Astronomer Professor Chandra Wickramasinghe in an interview with this writer. "It became amply clear to me that Buddhist cosmology was incredibly modern in its outlook, even perhaps post-modern. According to Buddhist texts, life is prevalent across the universe and life is not confined to Earth. Buddhism talks about a multitude of planetary systems and an infinity of "inhabited worlds". In common with Hindu and Vedic ideas, Buddhism holds that "life is a truly cosmic phenomenon," the reputed astronomer added."

More earthquake light sightings
Louth Leader, 11th March 2008
Important Information "MORE people have been in touch to say they saw mysterious light as the earthquake hit on February 27. Zoe Pope, 28, of Manby, said she was not sure what she had seen until she read the Leader last week. As reported, Jean Howard of Tathwell and a Sleaford couple reported seeing flashes of light as the earthquake – with its epicentre in Market Rasen – rumbled across the country. Elvira Witney saw an even stranger phenomenon known as ball lightning in her Westgate home. Zoe said the flashes were like someone flicking their car headlights at her window. She said: "I woke up to the shaking and this bright light. My friend and my sister thought I'd gone mad when I told them. It's baffled me ever since then I saw The Leader." David Cudworth, from Sutton in Ashfield in Nottinghamshire, saw the story on our website. He said: "I clearly remember three lightning flashes a few minutes after the recent earthquake. My neighbours thought it was torch lights but I remained 100 per cent convinced it was lightning." For centuries people have reported seeing flashes of light during earthquakes but these were not taken seriously until the 1960s when they were photographed.
The quakelight low frequency emissions are harmful to your energy field and will regress your spiritual evolution, a strong energy field with shielding is required in these environmental conditions. Unfortunately, the spiritual understanding of the transmutation of energy that is taking place on this planet is lost and people are generally unprepared.

Buddhist builder buried alive for TWO HOURS survives by meditating
Daily Mail, 7th March 2008
"A Chinese builder buried alive for two hours used Buddhist meditation techniques to control his breathing and survive on just the air trapped in his safety helmet. Wang Jianxin, 52, should have died within five minutes of being entombed 6ft underground as he worked in a ditch in Ningbo city, eastern China. But by slowing his breathing he eked out an air pocket in front of his face until rescuers dug him out."

Climate Skeptics Reveal ‘Horror Stories’ of Scientific Suppression
EPW Senate News, 6th March 2008
"Scientists skeptical of man-made climate fears meeting at the 2008 International Conference on Climate Change in New York City described the "absolute horror stories" about how some scientific journals have engaged in “outrageous and unethical behavior” in attempting to suppress them from publishing their work in peer-reviewed journals. The March 2-4 groundbreaking conference, which featured about 100 speakers with over 500 people attending, presented the report of a team of international scientists who formed a group to counter the UN IPCC."

Teen Kills Father Over Internet Use
Comcast News, 6th March 2008
"A Mesa teenager says he fatally shot his father last month because he wouldn't let him use the Internet, police reports show. According to a Mesa police report released Wednesday, 15-year-old Hughstan Schlicker told a homicide detective that he considered committing suicide in front of his father after finding a 12-gauge shotgun and ammunition in the garage of their home, but decided to murder his father instead and then commit suicide."
Stories like this is why I went to estraordinary lengths to research, write and publish my book. As evolutionary energies pour down on Earth, many with lots of unresolved emotional issues are not going to be able to cope. I have dedicated my life to explaining what is happening and what has to be done to help people get through this amazing time of evolutionary change.

New York Global Warming Conference Considers 'Manhattan Declaration'
Heartland Institute, 4th March 2008

Manhattan Declaration on Climate Change

"Global warming" is not a global crisis

We, the scientists and researchers in climate and related fields, economists, policymakers, and business leaders, assembled at Times Square, New York City, participating in the 2008 International Conference on Climate Change,

Resolving that scientific questions should be evaluated solely by the scientific method;

Affirming that global climate has always changed and always will, independent of the actions of humans, and that carbon dioxide (CO2) is not a pollutant but rather a necessity for all life;

Recognising that the causes and extent of recently observed climatic change are the subject of intense debates in the climate science community and that oft-repeated assertions of a supposed 'consensus' among climate experts are false;

Affirming that attempts by governments to legislate costly regulations on industry and individual citizens to encourage CO2 emission reduction will slow development while having no appreciable impact on the future trajectory of global climate change. Such policies will markedly diminish future prosperity and so reduce the ability of societies to adapt to inevitable climate change, thereby increasing, not decreasing, human suffering;

Noting that warmer weather is generally less harmful to life on Earth than colder:

Hereby declare:

That current plans to restrict anthropogenic CO2 emissions are a dangerous misallocation of intellectual capital and resources that should be dedicated to solving humanity's real and serious problems.

That there is no convincing evidence that CO2 emissions from modern industrial activity has in the past, is now, or will in the future cause catastrophic climate change.

That attempts by governments to inflict taxes and costly regulations on industry and individual citizens with the aim of reducing emissions of CO2 will pointlessly curtail the prosperity of the West and progress of developing nations without affecting climate.

That adaptation as needed is massively more cost-effective than any attempted mitigation and that a focus on such mitigation will divert the attention and resources of governments away from addressing the real problems of their peoples.

That human-caused climate change is not a global crisis.

Now, therefore, we recommend --

That world leaders reject the views expressed by the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change as well as popular, but misguided works such as "An Inconvenient Truth."

That all taxes, regulations, and other interventions intended to reduce emissions of CO2 be abandoned forthwith.

Agreed at New York, 4 March 2008

Baby Beheaded in Saudi Supermarket
An Enraged Uncle Beheaded an 15-Month-Old Baby in Front of Mother

ABC News, 4th March 2008
"Saudi Arabians recoiled this week at the news that a man allegedly decapitated a 15-month-old baby before his mother's eyes inside a crowded Riyadh supermarket." "There were plenty of witnesses, the facts of the case are clear, the evidence is abundant," said Christoph Wilcke, of Human Right's Watch, and an expert on Saudi Arabian law. Wilcke adds, however, that under Saudi law, even if a judge ruled for the death penalty the victim's family could choose to pardon the killer -- perhaps more of a possibility in this case because the alleged killer and victim are related. If it turns out the the man snapped as the result of mental illness he could also be eligible for a pardon, though Wilcke says that is uncommon. "I've never heard the insanity defense work in this Saudi Arabia. The concept of mental capacity exists, I just can't think of a real case where it applied," Wilcke said."
It does not matter what culture or society we belong to, the geomagnetic conditions are getting extreme and the "unbalanced" are being pushed faster and harder into extreme behavioural aberrations.

Plants evolving to self destruct
The UK Telegraph, 3rd March 2008
[...] Dr Pierre-Olivier Cheptou of the Centre d'Ecologie Fonctionnelle et Evolutive, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Montpellier, and colleagues show that increasing areas of concrete found in urban centres worldwide are forcing urban plants to change the type of seeds they produce. [...]

"Based on a mathematical model of breeding, the researchers estimate that the current version of urban Crepis sancta took approximately 12 years to evolve."
It seems the plant and animal kingdom willingly adapt to environmental changes, but with humans there is an element of free will, where we are allowed to fight change, but only to our detriment.

Hundreds More Scientists Have Found the 1,500-Year Climate Cycle, 3rd March 2008
"The following list includes more than 400 additional qualified scientists, with their home institutions, and the peer-reviewed studies they have published in professional journals, which reveal evidence of the moderate 1,500-year Dansgaard-Oeschger cycles. Together with a previous list released by Hudson on Sept. 12, 2007, this brings the total of scientific researchers who have published evidence of this natural cycle to more than 700. The lists also include dozens of authors who have published studies on the linkage of the 1,500-year cycle to variations in solar activity."
More members of the scientific community are rallying for truth....

NASA Baffled by Unexplained Force Acting on Space Probes, 3rd March 2008
"Mysteriously, four spacecraft that flew past the Earth have each displayed unexpected anomalies in their motions. These newfound enigmas join the so-called "Pioneer anomaly" as hints that unexplained forces may appear to act on spacecraft. A decade ago, after rigorous analyses, anomalies were seen with the identical Pioneer 10 and 11 spacecraft as they hurtled out of the solar system. Both seemed to experience a tiny but unexplained constant acceleration toward the sun."
"Baffled", "perplexed", "stunned", "surprised", "shocked", "amazed" etc. Yes, many scientists do not understand all the forces that operate in our universe, NASA have to use tables of known trajectories to get space probes out of our solar system, because the "established" laws of physics do not work.... So why are most scientists so enamoured by falsified theories....who knows.....

Case Western Reserve University psychologist finds gender differences in forgiving
Eureka Alert, 3rd March 2008
"Forgiveness can be a powerful means to healing, but it does not come naturally for both sexes. Men have a harder time forgiving than women do, according to Case Western Reserve University psychologist Julie Juola Exline. But that can change if men develop empathy toward an offender by seeing they may also be capable of similar actions. Then the gender gap closes, and men become less vengeful."

Hurricane Emma cuts swath across Europe
The Australian, 3rd March 2008
"VIENNA: A winter storm with winds of more than 150km/h cut a swath of destruction across Europe from Britain to the Czech Republic, killing at least nine people. In Europe, where the storm was named Hurricane Emma, airports were shut, transport networks were snarled and power lines cut."
Where did the energy come from to power this storm? We are not talking "warm seas" here!

Global Temperatures Have Dropped: Did Sunspots Predict It?, 1st March 2008
"Three of the world’s major climate monitors have announced that the earth’s temperatures dropped over the last 12 months—by enough to virtually offset the entire "unprecedented warming" of the last century. This comes after nine years of no warming, and a net warming since 1940 of just 0.2 degrees. Equally important, a drop in temperatures had been predicted by the sunspot index that foretells the earth’s temperature changes with a log time of nearly a decade. Our temperatures have a 79 percent correlation with the sunspot index."
It looks like the Global Warming gravy train might be coming off the tracks....

Pre-Earthquake Phenomena: "Strange" cloud formations
You Tube, May 2008
Comment: There are stories on the internets suggesting that the massive Earth in China was induced by HAARP and others that state very risky Cern experiments are to blame. Note the comments in The Times (see above), which does suggest there was something "different" with the Sichuan earthquake. Whatever, we have clear evidence that earthquakes are associated with "strange" cloud formations and this video is a good example.

Hannes Alfvén: the Maverick Plasma Astrophysicist, 30th May 2008
"Hannes Alfvén is considered one of the founding fathers in the field of plasma physics. He described himself as a dissident scientist and maverick, and attitudes towards him are ambivalent. On the one hand, he received the 1970 Nobel Prize in physics for applications of his work in different areas of plasma physics. On the other hand, some of his contributions to science have been either ignored, forgotten, or unacknowledged." "Alfvén first predicted that waves could occur in plasmas in a letter in Nature in 1942, but it was largely ignored or disputed on the grounds that if such waves existed, Maxwell would have noted them. Then in 1949, Alfvén gave a lecture in Chicago that Enrico Fermi also attended. Fermi’s reputation was such that when he nodded in agreement with Alfvén's presentation, the next day the world acknowledged that such waves existed." Comment: Thanks to the team at for marking this occasion. Please note: We are being informed that 'Space Weather' ie plasma waves, will be passing us by on Earth and that humans will be affected. You will either evolve or devolve, depending on how you cope with the waves....this is the proverbial sorting out of the wheat from the chaff.

Inventors urged to devise weapons
BBC News, 30th May 2008
"Inventors are being asked to come up with new military weapons, but their ideas first have to get past a Ministry of Defence (MoD) panel."
There is a concerted effort to keep our planet at the lowest vibration possible with unneccessary wars and suffering etc. However, with the influx of "New Energy", there are now quickly rising levels of human consciousness and less enthusisiam for war. Note here; we have a classic example with US miliary leaders seemingly at war with each over about invading Iran after the fiasco in Iraq. I also believe the geophysicial conditions on the planet may also make electronic weapons less and less workable, but whatever happens in the short term, we have turned the corner....

Monkeys control a robot arm with thoughts
International Herald Tribune, 29th May 2008
"Two monkeys with tiny sensors in their brains have learned to control a mechanical arm with just their thoughts, using it to reach for and grab food and even to adjust for the size and stickiness of morsels when necessary, scientists reported on Wednesday. The report, released online by the journal Nature, is the most striking demonstration to date of brain-machine interface technology. Scientists expect that technology will eventually allow people with spinal cord injuries and other paralyzing conditions to gain more control over their lives."

Cartwheel Coronal Mass Ejection
NASA News, 27th May 2008
"Imagine a billion-ton cloud of gas launching itself off the surface of the sun and then ... doing a cartwheel. That's exactly what happened on April 9, 2008, when a coronal mass ejection or "CME" pirouetted over the sun's limb in full view of an international fleet of spacecraft. Even veteran solar physicists were amazed. But that's not all. While one part of the cloud did a cartwheel, another part did a backflip at the same time. As strange as it sounds, this could be the normal way solar explosions unfold, say researchers analyzing the data."
It looks like they captured the energy being released in the energetic pattern of an infinity sign to me; ∞, the metaphysical symbol for balance and harmony.....

US on track to break record for tornadoes
Comcast News, 27th May 2008
"Another week, another rumbling train of tornadoes that obliterates entire city blocks, smashing homes to their foundations and killing people even as they cower in their basements. With the year not even half done, 2008 is already the deadliest tornado year in the United States since 1998 and seems on track to break the U.S. record for the number of twisters in a year, according to the National Weather Service. Also, this year's storms seem to be unusually powerful." "And if that's not bad enough, computer models show that the conditions that make tornadoes ripe are going to stick around Tornado Alley for about another week, according to Brooks. The nagging question is why. Global warming cannot really explain what is happening, Carbin said. While higher temperatures could increase the number of thunderstorms, which are needed to trigger tornadoes, they also would tend to push the storm systems too far north to form some twisters, he said. La Nina, the cooling of parts of the Central Pacific that is the flip side El Nino, was a factor in the increased activity earlier this year — especially in February, a record month for tornado activity — but it can't explain what is happening now, according to Carbin."
It's very difficult for anyone to assess what is taking place because we are dealing with weather patterns that are determined by laws of nature that our scientists term 'chaos theory'. However, we have been told that we are building up to a new level of energetic intensity that peaks around 2012. From some metaphysical sources, there is not much sympathy and we are told that we need to redesign our homes to cope with the environmental conditions. Thus 'dome' houses are one solution to the destruction and can withstand tornadoes, hurricanes and earthquakes etc, see below.

Monolithic Domes and Disaster Resistance
Monolithic Dome Institute, May 2008
Disaster resistance homes. We are talking tornados, hurricanes, wildfire, earthquake liquefaction, lightning, even flooding if built right. We cannot fight Earth & climate changes, we just have to think differently and apply new solutions. Dome houses are cheaper to build and cheaper to maintain, I think the bigger domes can be designed to be very stylish. We have to do business differently on this planet, it's the only way we will survive.

Earthquake prediction from space is more accurate
Hindu Times, 25th May 2008
"Space-based predictions have been correct for 44 of 47 registered quakes. It has the ability to survey huge territories for seismically hazardous areas. Harbingers of powerful quakes appear around five days before the main shock. China's deadly earthquake in the Sichuan province has again showed that ground-based earthquake prediction methods and systems are not reliable." "The Russian method is based on the study of geomagnetic field variations, which induce currents in the Earth. Therefore, surface field measurements can detect the hypothetical regional changes that precede earthquakes. At the same time, intensive electric fields in places where earthquakes are brewing induce specific currents in the ionosphere.First reported Anomalous ionospheric phenomena were first reported in the 1960s, but they were disregarded along with astrologic predictions and UFO sightings. The breakthrough came when the Soviet Union launched its Intercosmos-19 satellite in 1979. It detected an unusual low-frequency noise in a large area centred near the epicentre of an earthquake that occurred a few hours later. This finding was registered as a Soviet discovery and was later confirmed by other spacecraft. Ionospheric variations Harbingers of powerful earthquakes appear approximately five days before the main shock and have specific characteristics that distinguish them from the other ionospheric variations.
We live in an electric universe, the Russians have worked this out a long time ago..... Anyway, those who are interested in their spiritual evolution have been warned to protect their energy fields from the low frequency emmissions that occur prior to these large earthquakes, regardless of where they occur on the globe. You can protect yourself by balancing your core energy and activating the diamond light body.

Jupiter: Turbulent Storms May Be Sign Of Global Climate Change
Science Daily, 23rd May 2008
"The first images of Jupiter since it came out from behind the sun show that the turbulence and storms that have plagued the planet for the past two years continue. Whether or not this is a sign of global warming, the turbulence does seem to be spawning new spots. As Red Spot Jr. and the Great Red Spot approach a June conjunction, a new third spot may merge with the GRS in August."
I think a better interpretation is that new spots on Jupiter are a sign of massive planetary change and can be compared to similar changes in all the planets in our solar system.

x Monster Tornado Cuts Path Of Destruction
Disaster Area Declared Following Unbelievable Devastation

Denver News, 23rd May 2008
"A large tornado bounced through several northern Colorado towns on Thursday, killing at least one person, damaging or destroying dozens of homes and flipping over tractor-trailers and freight rail cars." "Some of the hail from the initial storm cell was the size of tennis balls and dented vehicles, and broke windshields."
Well, I think that there are number of factors here which are hard to quantify. I suspect attempts at weather control and shielding Earth from cosmic driven evolutionary change is exacerbating already unbalanced electromagnetic environment and that human consciousness is not helping the situation either......

Earthquake prediction is written in the clouds
Times Online, 22nd May 2008
"Can clouds predict earthquakes? YouTube has footage of strange multicoloured clouds seen just before the recent earthquake struck Sichuan province in China. The first impression is of a rainbow smeared on to small scraps of clouds, a phenomenon best known in a circumzenithal halo. This is created when sunlight shines through cirrus clouds full of tiny hexagonal ice crystals shaped like plates. The crystals behave like glass prisms, splitting the light into a bow with the colours of the spectrum, often brighter than a rainbow. But one puzzle is that the colours in the Chinese clouds were upside down from a normal circumzenithal halo – red pointing towards the horizon and blue towards the Sun, instead of the other way round."
Good reporting from The Times.

Tornadoes claim more lives in U.S. this year
International Herald Tribune, 21st May 2008
""It will be one of the biggest years, when all is said and done," said Harold Brooks, a research meteorologist at the center. The numbers have the attention of Richard Heim, a meteorologist at the federal government's National Climatic Data Center who is responsible for keeping weather records and putting them in context. "It's been very, very active and very unusual," Heim said. This tornado season has been atypical because of its early start. From 1953 to 2005, an average of 19 tornadoes struck in January and 21 in February, Heim said. In 2008, 136 tornadoes were reported in January and 232 in February."
No surprise really.....

More than half of the spacecraft sent to Mars have failed, and nobody knows why
Independent, 21st May 2008
"more than half of the spacecraft sent to Mars have failed, and nobody knows why. The beast has actually acquired a name. Some time ago, an unnamed Nasa scientist decided to call it the Great Galactic Ghoul. In the corridors of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, cartoon visions of this creature have appeared on noticeboards, some of them doodled by the greatest of engineering minds of our time. The Ghoul has been openly blamed for countless rocket failures, and for those of us who believe in space exploration, there is every reason to be frightened. Because right now, Nasa's latest creation, named Phoenix, is heading for the Red Planet at 13,000 miles per hour."
It would not surprise me if our space probes were not welcome on Mars.....

The Cosmic Ray-Climate Connection
CO2 Science, 19th May 2008
The paper concludes: "Numerous palaeoclimatic observations, covering a wide range of time scales, suggest that galactic cosmic ray variability is associated with climate change. The quality and diversity of the observations make it difficult to dismiss them merely as chance associations. But is the GCR flux directly affecting the climate or merely acting as a proxy for variations of the solar irradiance or a spectral component such as UV? Here, there is some palaeoclimatic evidence for associations of the climate with geomagnetic and galactic modulations of the GCR flux, which, if confirmed, point to a direct GCR-climate forcing. Moreover, numerous studies have reported meteorological responses to short-term changes of cosmic rays or the global electrical current, which are unambiguously associated with ionising particle radiation."
Is a new light dawning in the wider scientific community? Whatever, I have already been convinced by the existing scientific data that we are seeing evolutionary change being driven by cosmic factors.

Frog march sparks new quake alarm
Herald Sun, 20th May 2008
"THOUSANDS of Chinese fled for cover in fear of an earthquake today, alarmed not only by warnings from seismologists but also by an unusual mass movement of frogs, state media said. For the second time this month, residents observed a huge migration of frogs and toads, the state-run Xinhua news agency said. Residents of Zunyi, a southern city that saw little damage in China's huge earthquake last week, noticed the amphibians' march yesterday, Xinhua said, quoting Vice Mayor Zeng Yongtao. "

Nasa sponsors course on how to talk to aliens
The US space agency Nasa is sponsoring a university course on how to talk to aliens

Telegraph UK, 20th May 2008
"English students at the University of Wyoming are being encouraged to consider the possibility that humanity might one day make contact with aliens and then not know what to say. "Interstellar Message Composition", a creative writing class, is believed to be the first of its kind to engage writers in a potential cosmic conversation, say its founders."
Note the use of the Galaxy Quest logo here, which is my attempt at parody.....

Missing Matter Of Universe Found; Cosmic Web Discovered
ScienceDaily News, 20th May 2008
"Now, in an extensive search of the relatively recent, local universe, University of Colorado at Boulder astronomers said they have definitively found about half of the missing normal matter, called baryons, in the spaces between the galaxies. This important component of the universe is known as the intergalactic medium and it extends essentially throughout all of space, from just outside our Milky Way galaxy to the most distant regions of space observed by astronomers." "The questions "where have the local baryons gone, and what are their properties?" are being answered with greater certainty than ever before. "We think we are seeing the strands of a web-like structure that forms the backbone of the universe," said CU -Boulder Professor Mike Shull. "What we are confirming in detail is that intergalactic space, which intuitively might seem to be empty, is in fact the reservoir for most of the normal, baryonic matter in the universe."
It always amazes me that scientists put out press releases as if their scientific results are totally unique. Scientists have been modelling the Cosmic Web for years and even a student Ph.d has noted the similarity with a human brain....Anyway, for the metaphysicians, the deal is that we have a greater ability to pull on this infinite source of power, if we choose.....

31,000 Scientists Rejecting Global Warming Theory to be Named Monday, 18th May 2008
The names of over 31,000 American scientists that reject the theory of anthropogenic global warming are to be revealed on Monday. Although this will occur at the National Press Club in Washington, DC., it seems a metaphysical certitude media will completely ignore the event.
Apparently, the petition was signed by 9,021 American PhD's and 22,051 additional American scientists. I have copied from a list of mostly 100 celebrities and politicians who believe in man-made catastrophic global warming. Reviewing the list, I am not even interested in Oprah's opinion on this one.....

Al Gore, B.A. Government (no science degree)
Alanis Morissette, High School Diploma
Bill Maher, B.A. English (no science degree)
Bono (Paul Hewson), High School Diploma
Daryl Hanna, B.F.A. Theater (no science degree)
Ed Begley Jr., High School Diploma
Jackson Browne, High School Diploma
Jon Bon Jovi (John Bongiovi), High School Diploma
Oprah Winfrey, B.A. Speech and Drama (no science degree)
Prince Charles of Whales, B.A. (no science degree)
Sheryl Crow, B.A. Music Education (no science degree)
Sienna Miller, High School Diploma

ABC - Sam Champion, B.A. Broadcast News (no science degree, not a meteorologist)
CBS - Harry Smith, B.A. Communications and Theater (no science degree)
CBS - Katie Couric, B.A. English (no science degree)
CBS - Scott Pelley, College Dropout
NBC - Ann Curry, B.A. Journalism (no science degree)
NBC - Anne Thompson, B.A. American studies (no science degree)
NBC - Matt Lauer. B.A. Communications (no science degree)
NBC - Meredith Vieira, B.A. English (no science degree)

Al Sharpton, College Dropout
Alicia Keys, College Dropout
Alicia Silverstone, High School Dropout
Art Bell, College Dropout
Ben Affleck, College Dropout
Ben Stiller, College Dropout
Billy Jean King, College Dropout
Brad Pitt, College Dropout
Britney Spears, High School Dropout
Bruce Springsteen, College Dropout
Cameron Diaz, High School Dropout
Cindy Crawford, College Dropout
Diane Keaton, College Dropout
Drew Barrymore, High School Dropout
George Clooney, College Dropout
Gwyneth Paltrow, College Dropout
Jason Biggs, College Dropout
Jennifer Connelly, College Dropout
Jessica Simpson, High School Dropout
John Travolta, High School Dropout
Joshua Jackson, High School Dropout
Julia Louis-Dreyfus, College Dropout
Julia Roberts, College Dropout
Kanye West, College Dropout
Keanu Reeves, High School Dropout
Kevin Bacon, High School Dropout
Kiefer Sutherland, High School Dropout
Leonardo DiCaprio, High School Dropout
Lindsay Lohan, High School Dropout
Ludacris (Christopher Bridges), College Dropout
Madonna (Madonna Ciccone), College Dropout
Matt Damon, College Dropout
Matthew Modine, College Dropout
Michael Moore, College Dropout
Nicole Richie, College Dropout
Neve Campbell, High School Dropout
Olivia Newton-John, High School Dropout
Orlando Bloom, High School Dropout
Paris Hilton, High School Dropout
Pierce Brosnan. High School Dropout
Queen Latifah (Dana Elaine Owens), College Dropout
Richard Branson, High School Dropout
Robert Redford, College Dropout
Rosie O'Donnell, College Dropout
Sarah Silverman, College Dropout
Sean Penn, College Dropout
Ted Turner, College Dropout
Tommy Lee (Thomas Lee Bass), High School Dropout
Uma Thurman, High School Dropout
Willie Nelson, High School Dropout


John McCain, B.S. (Graduated 894th out of 899 in his class)
Newt Gingrich, Ph.D. Modern European History (no science degree) (Hypocrite)
Pat Robertson, B.A., J.D., M.A. Divinity (no science degree)
Robert F. Kennedy Jr, B.A. Government, J.D. Law (no science degree, 'recovered' Heroin addict)


Bill Nye, B.S. Mechanical Engineering (Bill Nye the Science Guy)
Gavin Schmidt, B.A. Ph.D. Applied Mathematics (
James Hansen, B.A. Physics and Mathematics, M.S. Astronomy, Ph.D. Physics (NASA, Gavin Schmidt's Boss)
James Lovelock, Ph.D. Medicine, D.Sc. Biophysics
Lonnie Thompson, Ph.D. Geological Sciences
Michael Mann, A.B. Applied Math, Physics, M.S. Physics, Ph.D. Geology & Geophysics (
Michael Oppenheimer, S.B. Chemistry, Ph.D. Chemical Physics
Richard C. J. Somerville, Ph.D. Meteorology
Steven Schneider, Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering and Plasma Physics

Social Scientists:

Ronald Bailey, B.A. Philosophy and Economics (Science Correspondent, Reason Magazine)

Written in the skies: why quantum mechanics might be wrong
Nature, 17th May 2008
"The question of whether quantum mechanics is correct could soon be settled by observing the sky — and there are already tantalizing hints that the theory could be wrong. Antony Valentini, a physicist at Imperial College, London, wanted to devise a test that could separate quantum mechanics from one of its closest rivals — a theory called bohmian mechanics. Despite being one of the most successful theories of physics, quantum mechanics creates several paradoxes that still make some physicists uncomfortable, says Valentini."
More fundamental physics theories being seriously questioned....

Burma raises cyclone death toll to 78,000
The Independent, 18th May 2008
"The official total for the dead in Burma's cyclone disaster jumped to 78,000 yesterday, up from 43,000. The new figure was announced by Burmese state television, which said the number of missing had risen from 28,000 to 56,000. Nobody knows what relation these figures may bear to reality because access to the stricken zone is tightly controlled by the military junta, though both the Red Cross and the United Nations believe the true figure is much higher even than the new official claims. The survivors, up to 2.5 million of them, face an increasingly grim struggle for survival."

City tells church to stop feeding the homeless
The Canadian Press, 16th May 2008
" But city council says the free food is also drawing in drug dealers and addicts, who have taken to congregating on the front steps of a seniors' centre next door. The church says it won't stop. Pastor Christoph Reiners says the homeless would still be in the park if they weren't being fed — the only difference is that they'd go hungry."

Newton, Einstein Lost in Space?
Wall Street Journals, 16th May 2008
"Beyond the edge of the solar system, something has gradually dragged two of America's oldest space probes -- Pioneer 10 and Pioneer 11 -- a quarter-million miles off course. Astrophysicists have struggled 15 years in vain to identify the infinitesimal force at play. The Pioneer anomaly, as it is called, throws a monkey wrench into celestial mechanics." "Indeed, Dr. Turyshev at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory and his colleagues around the world regard the Pioneer probes as the largest test of Newton's law of gravity ever conducted. By that axiom, refined by Einstein, any two objects in the universe exert gravitational attraction on each other proportional to their mass and affected predictably by the distance between them. "We would expect the two spacecraft to follow Newton's law of gravity," Dr. Turyshev said, "but they in fact fail to confirm Newton's law. If Newton is wrong, Einstein is wrong too." For 14 years, Dr. Turyshev sought a simpler answer. He finally wondered whether heat radiating unevenly from the probe might be the cause but lacked enough information. Then, at JPL in 2002, he discovered 400 computer tapes of Pioneer data gathering dust under a stairwell. In 2005, he intercepted 70 filing cabinets of Pioneer engineering data on their way to the junk heap at the NASA Ames Research Center, at Moffett Field, Calif. The computer files held all of the Pioneer mission data, but they were unreadable. With no formal NASA funding, almost 6,000 members of The Planetary Society, a space- exploration advocacy group based in Pasadena, Calif., donated $220,000 to translate the antiquated data into a digital format that a modern computer can read."
Einstein and Newton are scientific gods that have been losing their god-like properties for some time now....

China quake death toll could reach 50,000
CNN News, 15th May 2008
"China's state TV said Thursday that the death toll from this week's massive earthquake could reach 50,000. The official death toll in southwestern China has now topped 19,500, Sichuan provincial government officials said, according to state-run media."

Researchers find key to deadly bee disease
The Local, 13th May 2008
A key discovery by researchers at the Free University of Berlin may help beekeepers treat a deadly bee infection. "Bacteria of American foulbrood, a widespread disease capable of wiping out entire bee colonies, is held in the digestive tract of bee larvae for several days before it explodes through the wall of the digestive tract and kills the larvae, researchers from the Berlin university and the Bee Research Institute Hohen Neuendorf announced on Tuesday."

Man uses gun for backscratcher, shoots himself
Dallas News, 13th May 2008
" A Fort Worth man trying to scratch an itch on his back used a revolver and accidentally shot himself. Jorge Espinal, 44, was drinking beer and playing poker around 3 a.m. Sunday in his home in the 3500 block of Montague Street, when he got up from the table and walked into another room, said Fort Worth police Lt. Kenneth Dean. “He told officers he had an itch on his back and grabbed the first thing he could get a hold of, which was a revolver,” Lt. Dean said. "The gun went off."
I couldn't resist this story, it would have been a definite Darwin award if he had killed himself....

The Vatican's chief astronomer says that believing in aliens does not contradict faith in God.
Breitbart News, 13th May 2008
" VATICAN CITY (AP) - The Vatican's chief astronomer says that believing in aliens does not contradict faith in God. The Rev. Jose Gabriel Funes, the Jesuit director of the Vatican Observatory, says that the vastness of the universe means it is possible there could be other forms of life outside Earth, even intelligent ones. In an interview published Tuesday by Vatican newspaper L'Osservatore Romano, Funes says that such a notion "doesn't contradict our faith" because aliens would still be God's creatures. The interview was headlined "The extraterrestrial is my brother." Funes said that ruling out the existence of aliens would be like "putting limits" on God's creative freedom."
Is there a "false flag" on the way?

Einstein letter says religion "childish superstitions"
Guardian, 13th May 2008
""Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind." So said Albert Einstein, and his famous aphorism has been the source of endless debate between believers and non-believers wanting to claim the greatest scientist of the 20th century as their own. A little known letter written by him, however, may help to settle the argument - or at least provoke further controversy about his views. Due to be auctioned this week in London after being in a private collection for more than 50 years, the document leaves no doubt that the theoretical physicist was no supporter of religious beliefs, which he regarded as "childish superstitions"."

Major and imminent threat as bats dying by the tens of thousands in US
Cosmos Magazine, 13th May 2008
"SYDNEY: Thousands of hibernating bats in the U.S. have been found dead or dying due to an unknown disease. Experts have noted similarities to the colony collapse disorder, which has ripped through North American bee populations."

"Since March 2008, the bat malady has spread to afflict colonies in at least 25 caves and mines across the north-eastern states, says the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). The agency has issued a call for wildlife workers to keep a careful watch for 'white-nose syndrome' as the killer has been dubbed."

Astronauts say there must be life in space
AFP, 12th May 2008
"The human race will find life elsewhere in the universe as it pushes ahead with space exploration, astronauts back from the latest US space mission said Monday. "If we push back boundaries far enough, I'm sure eventually we'll find something out there," said Mike Foreman, a mission specialist on the Endeavour, which returned to Earth in March. "Maybe not as evolved as we are, but it's hard to believe that there is not life somewhere else in this great universe," he told a news conference in Tokyo."
Astronaunts understand probabiliites and are most likely privy to information not available to ordinary folk....

Europe's newest observatory officially opened
Signs of the Times, 12th May 2008
"Europe's newest observatory has opened in one of the darkest corners of the UK. With almost no light pollution from surrounding settlements the Kielder Observatory has breathtaking views of the night sky, according to the astronomers associated with the building. It has been built in a remote part of the vast Kielder Water and Forest Park in Northumberland.
I wonder how many people wonder or realise how much money is being spent watching the heavens....

A 21st Century View of the Benefits of Therapeutic Electromagnetism, 12th May 2008
"Several respected scientists are on record as saying EM technology will replace many drugs and several surgeries, which if not suppressed by powerful interests is tomorrow's promise."
Fighting talk! I think we will only collectively take a new direction if DNA changes accelerate and people routinely react to old and new. I am sure the recent diasterous drug trials in the UK with 'elephant man' headlines in the press, still haunts many....

The Hockey Stick scam that heightened global warming hysteria
Canada Free Press, 12th May 2008
"UN agencies, especially the United Nations Environmental Program (UNEP) and its offspring the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), were orchestrated to achieve the goal of convincing public and policy makers that warming and climate change were a human created disaster. Manipulation of the process was first publicly exposed in the Chapter 8 issue (here). Sadly, it was just the first of several that established the pattern of IPCC behavior."
See my article: The Broken Hockey Stick: Beware The Global Warming Lies!

Solar Variability: Striking A Balance With Climate Change, 12th May 2008
"The sun has powered almost everything on Earth since life began, including its climate. The sun also delivers an annual and seasonal impact, changing the character of each hemisphere as Earth's orientation shifts through the year. Since the Industrial Revolution, however, new forces have begun to exert significant influence on Earth's climate."

"For the last 20 to 30 years, we believe greenhouse gases have been the dominant influence on recent climate change," said Robert Cahalan, climatologist at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md.

For the past three decades NASA scientists have investigated the unique relationship between the sun and Earth. Using space-based tools, like the Solar Radiation and Climate Experiment (SORCE), they have studied how much solar energy illuminates Earth, and explored what happens to that energy once it penetrates the atmosphere. The amount of energy that reaches Earth's outer atmosphere is called the total solar irradiance. Total solar irradiance is variable over many different timescales, ranging from seconds to centuries due to changes in solar activity.

German Beehives Hit by Mass Die-OffBeekeepers are pointing the finger at a Bayer CropScience pesticide marketed under the name Poncho, but government tests aren't conclusive
Business Week, 12th May 2008
"In Germany's bucolic Baden-Württemburg region, there is a curious silence this week. All up and down the Rhine river, farm fields usually buzzing with bees are quiet. Beginning late last week, helpless beekeepers could only watch as their hives were hit by an unprecedented die-off. Many say one of Germany's biggest chemical companies is to blame."

In some parts of the region, hundreds of bees per hive have been dying each day. "It's an absolute bee emergency," Manfred Hederer, president of the German Professional Beekeeper's Association, told SPIEGEL ONLINE. "Fifty to 60 percent of the bees have died on average, and some beekeepers have lost all their hives." The crisis hit its peak last weekend. Beekeepers from Germany's Baden-Württemburg reported hives full of thousands of dead bees. The worst-hit region, according to state officials, was along the upper Rhine river between the towns of Rastatt and Lorrach. The Rhine valley is one of Germany's prime agricultural regions. Regional officials spent the week testing bees, pollen, honey and plant materials to look for the die-off's causes. The Julius Kühn Institute in Braunschweig, a federal research institute dealing with agricultural issues, set up a special hotline for beekeepers to send in dead bees for analysis.
I am sure there are other factors.....

Burma cyclone death toll continues to rise
Radio Australia, 9th May 2008
"Reports from one of the worst cyclone-hit areas of Burma say 80,000 people have been killed in one district alone. A local military official quoted by the AFP news agency says dozens of villages surrounding the Irrawaddy delta town of Labutta have been wiped out. State radio in Burma has been putting the overall death toll from Cyclone Nargis at almost 23,000, with more than 42,000 missing. Earlier, US diplomats said they expected the number of dead to be far higher."

NASA Satellite Images Burma Cyclone
Technology Review, 8th May 2008
"NASA has captured the effects of the powerful cyclone that struck the Myanmar coast on Saturday, May 3, using an imaging instrument onboard its Terra satellite. The instrument, called the moderate-resolution imaging spectroradiometer (MODIS), measures the reflective solar radiation and emitted thermal radiation from the earth's surface and atmosphere. Atmospheric scientists are currently using the instrument to study the behavior of clouds and aerosols in our atmosphere so that they can, for example, pinpoint the locations of active fires and track the paths of pollutants. "

New York State: NEADS says loud noise could have been a sonic boom
WKTV News, 7th May 2008
We've had lots of phone calls into the newsroom today about a loud booming sound this afternoon. Some viewers even felt their homes shaking. NEADS officials say there was plenty of air traffic today, and the sound could have been a sonic boom. But that is not confirmed.
Rather a lot of these 'booms' being reported all over the world. I have stated before I think the answer lies in understanding of scalar or torsion field energies and the massive influx of energies into the Earth from cosmic sources, which is creating the equivalent of 'underground thunder' and lightening in the form of large earthquakes'. It's not just my opinion, thankfully the Russians have done some research and come uup with the same conclusions.

Peer- reviewed study finds Antarctic fails to warm as climate models predicted
Canada FreePress, 7th May 2008
"The real world data continues to debunk the models. See this for report on inconvenient developments for promoters of man-made climate far in 2008 alone. Excerpt: Antarctica hasn’t warmed as much over the last century as climate models had originally predicted, a new study finds. […] Monaghan and his team found that while climate models projected temperature increases of 1.4 degrees Fahrenheit (0.75 degrees Celsius) over the past century, temperatures were observed to have risen by only 0.4 F (0.2 C)."

'Blessed are the sceptics'
The Australian, 7th May 2008
"IN 1633 Galileo Galilei was hauled before the religious authorities of his day, the Inquisition, for daring to concur with Copernicus that the Earth was not the centre of the universe and also that it orbited the sun rather than the other way around. For his pains, he was placed under house arrest and forced to recant. Giordano Bruno failed to recant and suffered a crueller fate. Today we are faced with a newer religion known as environmental activism which has insinuated itself into some aspects of science. It shares some of the intolerance to new or challenging ideas with the old. Immolation at the stake is no longer fashionable but it has been replaced by pillory in the media."
I feel very blessed....

Invention: Plasma-powered flying saucer
New Scientist News, 6th May 2008
"Pass a current or magnetic field through a conducting fluid and it will generate a force. Numerous aerospace engineers have tried and failed to exploit this phenomenon, known as magnetohydrodynamics, as an exotic form of propulsion for aircraft. But perhaps attempts so far have all been too big. A very small design could have a better chance of taking off..."
So, let's think: What if half the so-called 'flying saucers' are a plasma phenomena....

Human Impacts, Climate Change Pushing Species to Extinction
ENS News, 5th May 2008
"German Environment Minister Sigmar Gabriel Monday urged governments to take stronger action to protect the diversity of life. Opening the largest UN biodiversity gathering yet, Gabriel warned that the world is not on the right path to protect the diversity of species and said the world would not reach its agreed target of the year 2010 for reversing biodiversity loss. Nearly 7,000 participants from 191 countries opened the United Nations Conference on Biodiversity in Bonn on Monday. Before the meeting closes on May 30, participants are expected to take steps to conserve and sustainably manage the world's biodiversity in light of what UN officials are calling "the alarming rate of loss of species, compounded by the pressures from climate change."" "Every species is a vital piece in the complex puzzle of the life web of our planet. Interlinkages are what keep the puzzle glued together—for the planet to function," Djoghlaf told the participants in his opening address to the conference on Monday. "About two thirds of the food crops that feed the world rely on pollination by insects or other animals to produce healthy fruits and seeds. Included among these are potato crops," Djoghlaf said. "Here in Germany, there has been a 25 percent drop in bee populations across the country," he said. "In the eastern United States, bee stocks have declined by 70 percent. If pollinators disappear, so too will many species of plants. If we take away one link, the chain is broken.""
I think we are seeing some serious anxiety and it's only just starting to hit the fan......This is evolutionary change and the metaphysical community are supposed to understand what's taking place and direct the changes to the benefit of humanity, instead of which I can only see 'whinge lists' complaining about the pressures associated with 'New Energy'.

Is There Life on Mars? Ask a Magnet.
News, 5th May 2008
"Magnetite, a type of iron oxide, is common on both Earth and Mars, and appears in many forms. On Earth, some of those forms are produced only by bacteria and have unique magnetic signatures. Soon Sam Kim has developed a means of detecting this biologically-produced magnetite that could help in the search for life on "
This is interesting that scientists are investigating forms of the mineral magnetite (Fe3O4) that could act as mineral signatures of bacterial life. Note the controversy here: "Kim already has applied his method to the famous meteorite ALH84001, which made headlines in 1996 when scientists suggested that it showed evidence of ancient Martian fossils. Much of that evidence is now disputed, but the meteorite contains magnetite that could be evidence of bacterial life." There is a lot of effort to maintain the story that there has NEVER been life on Mars, yet this is getting increasingly difficult.... Anyway, the role of magnetite as the Earth's only natural magnet besides plasma is very interesting when we consider the alternative theory of our multi-dimensional reality and the role of magnetism. These concepts are introduced in my book, "Tuning the Diamonds".

Human Impacts, Climate Change Pushing Species to Extinction
ENS News, 5th May 2008
"German Environment Minister Sigmar Gabriel Monday urged governments to take stronger action to protect the diversity of life. Opening the largest UN biodiversity gathering yet, Gabriel warned that the world is not on the right path to protect the diversity of species and said the world would not reach its agreed target of the year 2010 for reversing biodiversity loss. Nearly 7,000 participants from 191 countries opened the United Nations Conference on Biodiversity in Bonn on Monday. Before the meeting closes on May 30, participants are expected to take steps to conserve and sustainably manage the world's biodiversity in light of what UN officials are calling "the alarming rate of loss of species, compounded by the pressures from climate change."" "Every species is a vital piece in the complex puzzle of the life web of our planet. Interlinkages are what keep the puzzle glued together—for the planet to function," Djoghlaf told the participants in his opening address to the conference on Monday. "About two thirds of the food crops that feed the world rely on pollination by insects or other animals to produce healthy fruits and seeds. Included among these are potato crops," Djoghlaf said. "Here in Germany, there has been a 25 percent drop in bee populations across the country," he said. "In the eastern United States, bee stocks have declined by 70 percent. If pollinators disappear, so too will many species of plants. If we take away one link, the chain is broken.""
I think we are seeing some serious anxiety and it's only just starting to hit the fan......This is evolutionary change and the metaphysical community are supposed to understand what's taking place and direct the changes to the benefit of humanity, instead of which I can only see 'whinge lists' complaining about the pressures associated with 'New Energy'.

Beware of the Psychopath
News, 5th May 2008
"Psychopaths have played a disproportionate role in the development of civilization, because they are hard-wired to lie, kill, cheat, steal, torture, manipulate, and generally inflict great suffering on other humans without feeling any remorse, in order to establish their own sense of security through domination."
Unfortunately, I have to deal with a few psychopaths in the New Age community in last few years and these people can be very nasty when they use shamanic techniques and black magic, whilst pretending to be angels of light. Beware!

Gore Financially Invested in Climate Cause
CNS News, 5th May 2008
"Weeks before announcing a $300-million, three-year advertising campaign to raise awareness about global warming, Al Gore was conducting a slide show for a group of investors in Monterey, Calif., touting companies such as Bloom Energy, Amryis , Mascoma and other firms that are not household names -- yet. These bio-fuel and green technology firms could be poised to take off, Gore told his audience. "Here are just a few of the investments I personally think make sense," he said during the March 1 presentation. "I have a stake in these so I'll have a disclaimer there." "
The world is being played.....

World's glaciers suffer record shrinkage
San Francisco Setinel, 2nd May 2008
"The rate at which some of the world’s glaciers are melting has more than doubled, data from the United Nations Environment Programme has shown. Average glacial shrinkage has risen from 30 centimetres per year between 1980 and 1999, to 1.5 metres in 2006. Some of the biggest losses have occurred in the Alps and Pyrenees mountain ranges in Europe. Experts have called for “immediate action” to reverse the trend, which is seen as a key climate change indicator."

Sun's Movement Through Milky Way Regularly Sends Comets Hurtling, Coinciding With Mass Life Extinctions, 2nd May 2008
"The sun's movement through the Milky Way regularly sends comets hurtling into the inner solar system -- coinciding with mass life extinctions on earth, a new study claims. The study suggests a link between comet bombardment and the movement through the galaxy."
There have been many studies that have come to the same conclusion, however it seems that there is a concerted effort to avoid any major focus on cosmic influences that might affect life on Earth.

Legless Lizard Among 14 New Species Found in Brazil News, 29th April 2008
"An expedition of scientists to wooded grasslands in Brazil uncovered 14 possible new species of animals, including a legless lizard and a woodpecker, in an area adjacent to farming and housing developments."
Again, are we really finding new species or re-discovering old species? We could even be watching evolutionary progression, as other reports marvel at the apparent speed that this can take place, very often in decades or even in a few generations in some cases.

Cracks In The Foundation: Fundamental Geological Assumption Relating To Planet Earth Not Quite True News, 29th April 2008
"Chondritic meteorites have a similar chemical composition to the sun and are therefore reliable witnesses as to what the solar nebula, from which the planets formed, was composed of. This can be used to deduce what the Earth consists of chemically. However, ETH Zurich researchers have now discovered that strictly speaking this fundamental geological assumption is not true."
Fundamental assumptions very often turn out not to be true, such is the nature of science....

Britain's biggest banks use astrology to play the markets, 25th April 2008

No surprise there really as there is a wealth of scientific research - generally ignored in the mainstream - that outlines the electromagnetic effects caused by the constant movements of the huge planetary bodies in our solar system. What's more, our DNA is magnetically 'stamped' at birth and consequently, certain planetary conjunctions will have an effect. There is not much you can do accept be more conscious of how you are being affected. Little tip, don't give your astrology details to anyone, because the unscrupulous will use it against you.....

Scars on Mars suggest recent glaciers
MSNBC News, 24th April 2008
A vanished glacier with a mysterious calling card suggests Mars went through many ice ages in its very recent past. A fresh look at images from the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter indicates thick glaciers may have existed in the past 100 million years in the planet's equatorial region, but vanished after planetary wobbles changed the climate in certain areas. "We've gone from seeing Mars as a dead planet for three-plus billion years to one that has been alive in recent times," said Jay Dickson, a geologist at Brown University and lead author of the study. "[The finding] has changed our perspective from a planet that has been dry and dead to one that is icy and active."
Recent images from Mars imply very recent "global warming", reinforcing the notion a solar system wide transformation is now underway.

Russia investigates off-course space landing
Reuters News, 24th April 2008
"MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia has launched an investigation into why a manned space capsule returned to earth hundreds of kilometers (miles) off course, a space industry official said on Wednesday. Russian space officials denied a newspaper report the three crew returning from the International Space Station came close to death during Saturday's re-entry."
I will be looking out for information from Russian sources that can shed any light on Earth's geophysical chagnes.

Does the Earth's magnetic field cause suicides?
New Scientist News, 24th April 2008
"Many animals can sense the Earth's magnetic field, so why not people, asks Oleg Shumilov of the Institute of North Industrial Ecology Problems in Russia. Shumilov looked at activity in the Earth's geomagnetic field from 1948 to 1997 and found that it grouped into three seasonal peaks every year: one from March to May, another in July and the last in October. Surprisingly, he also found that the geomagnetism peaks matched up with peaks in the number of suicides in the northern Russian city of Kirovsk over the same period."
Yes, other research has found similar conections, which is quite ominious as we are being given numerous warnings that the Earth's magnetic field is now being stimulated by frequent cosmic blasts coming our way from deep space.

Freak weather destroys Afghan poppies -
The Independent, 23rd April 2008
"Faltering British efforts to tackle Afghanistan's poppy crop have found an unlikely ally – in the weather. Freak weather linked to global warming is expected to reduce parts of the country's opium harvest drastically. Scientists believe freezing winter temperatures followed by late rains and a possible drought may cut this year's yields, with some farmers losing half of their crop. The fierce winter cold – which claimed hundreds of lives across Afghanistan – is thought to have stopped millions of poppy seeds from germinating. Late rains have then stunted many of the plants that survived."
I'm rather pleased to see this article, rather than the usual gloating re: bumper harvests....

‘Useless’ green levy on drivers rakes in £4bn -
Daily Telegraph, 23rd April 2008
"The "green levy" on motorists announced in Alistair Darling’s first Budget will double car tax revenue to £4 billion but reduce vehicle emissions by less than one per cent, Treasury figures have showed."
Are we surprised?

Billion-dollar cosmic ray probe still grounded
New Scientist News, 25th April 2008
A $1.5 billion experiment to study speeding particles called cosmic rays is still stuck on the ground, with no way to get to the International Space Station, where it was intended to operate. The Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (AMS) was designed to study the composition and origins of the charged cosmic rays, which are thought to originate in high-energy events such as supernova remnants and the magnetic cocoons around violent galaxies.
Well,it seems that certain authorities think that spending this kind of cash investigating cosmic rays is a good idea. Maybe they are concerned that as our planet is being bombared with cosmic rays, there will be the inevitable DNA mutation or evolution, which I do not believe humanity can prevent.

Bugs Use Plants as Telephones
News, 23rd April 2008
""Hello? Yes, this is my plant. Thanks. Bye-bye." That's the underground half of a conversation between bugs on a mustard plant. Scientists have discovered the insects below and above use the plant like a chemical telephone. "

Solar Cycle 24: Do we count Tiny Tims?
Solar Science, 23rd April 2008
"Another week of excitement as the second solar cycle 24 spot appeared…and then disappeared just as rapidly. I can’t help feeling that with an unprecedented amount of high technology monitoring the Sun with ever higher resolution, the criteria by which a sunspot is defined has become radically weakened to such an extent that it all becomes meaningless."
There is an 'armada' of spaceprobes watching our sun, as solar flares and CMEs destroy multi-million pound satellites on a fairly regular basis, impacting our modern technological world.

Moon Gets A Lashing From Earth's Magnetotail
Science Daily, 21st April 2008
"NASA-supported scientists have realized that something happens every month when the moon gets a lashing from Earth’s magnetic tail. "Earth’s magnetotail extends well beyond the orbit of the moon and, once a month, the moon orbits through it," says Tim Stubbs, a University of Maryland scientist working at the Goddard Space Flight Center."
See below:

Will the Earth's Tail Fry Moon Visitors?
Slashdot Science News, 20th April 2008
""Researchers working for NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter mission have discovered that the Earth's magnetic tail could be harmful to future astronauts. The moon stays inside Earth's 'magnetotail' for six days every month — during full moon. This can have consequences ranging from lunar 'dust storms' to strong electrostatic discharges, according to one researcher..."
Well, if the Earth's magnetotail doesn't fry moon visitors, then massive solar blasts from an increasingly erratic Sun will.....

Newborns' DNA in US targeted for state research, profiling, 19th April 2008
"The state of Minnesota has advanced a plan to own the DNA of newborns, preserving it in a warehouse for use in genetic research, experimentation, manipulation, and profiling, according to an advocacy organization seeking to protect the privacy of that individual information."
This report suggests to me that humans are being born with 'different' DNA and authorities want to track the changes.

Jet Streams Move Poleward, Widening Hurricane Belt, Study Says
Bloomberg News, 17th April 2008
"Global warming may be pushing the jet streams toward the Earth's poles, widening the area where hurricanes may form, scientists at the Carnegie Institution's Department for Global Ecology found. A study of the high altitude, high-speed winds from 1979 to 2001 found that their positions are changing over time, with the potential to affect weather for half the globe, the Stanford, California-based department said in a statement. The study will be published tomorrow in Geophysical Research Letters, the journal of the Washington-based American Geophysical Union."
Studies that prove we are now experiencing the effects of recent world-wide geophysical changes.

Earth's Hum Sounds More Mysterious Than Ever
Yahoo News, 16th April 2008
" Earth gives off a relentless hum of countless notes completely imperceptible to the human ear, like a giant, exceptionally quiet symphony, but the origin of this sound remains a mystery. ADVERTISEMENT click here Now unexpected powerful tunes have been discovered in this hum. These new findings could shed light on the source of this enigma. The planet emanates a constant rumble far below the limits of human hearing, even when the ground isn't shaking from an earthquake. (It does not cause the ringing in the ear linked with tinnitus.) This sound, first discovered a decade ago, is one that only scientific instruments - seismometers - can detect. Researchers call it Earth's hum."
Interesting, the Earth is singing a new song.....

It's a whiz-bang experiment, with a downside that could really suck
The Age, 13th April 2008
"WILL the world end later this year? In mid-August, in a chamber deep underneath the Swiss-French border, physicists will switch on a machine that might produce the first man-made black holes. Normally only found in outer space, these high-gravity objects have a reputation for devouring all matter in their vicinity — and they only stop when the food runs out. Could the Earth's first black hole also end up being its last, after it sucks in the chamber, the physicists, and the entire planet?"
I ignored this article originally, because I find the whole CERN particle accelerator experiments mind-bogglingly boring. However, now there are acusations made that the experiments have managed to destabilise Earth's orbit and that various world disasters have been caused, so I have been thinking.... The thoughts that come to mind are rather strange....what if top scientists are deliberately trying to make major "adjustments", it wouldn't be the first time that highly risky experiments with the Earth have been tried. Whatever, some people are so concerned they have decided to sue, see Black hole lawsuit.

Glass Particles in the Sky Studied As 'Global Warming' Fix
CNS News, 10th April 2008
"Government scientists are studying the feasibility of sending nearly microscopic particles of specially made glass into the Earth's upper atmosphere to try to dampen the effects of "global warming." The idea, while "interesting," said one leading global warming skeptic, is "not practical" and, if done on a large scale, could depress the ozone layer and cause other problems."
The ideas of geo-engineering our way out of climate change, remind me of the story of King Canute...

Scientists say curious clouds could foretell earthquakes, 10th April 2008
"Scientists say strange cloud formations could alert nations to impending earthquakes, according to a report today. The theory comes after two distinctive cloud formations were observed above an active fault in Iran, each before two large earthquakes occurred. According to the New Scientist, geophysicists Guangmeng Guo and Bin Wang of Nanyang Normal University in Henan, China, noticed a gap in the clouds in satellite images from December 2004 that exactly matched the location of the main fault in southern Iran."
Yes, according to other research, low frequency emissions can be detected in the ionosphere as "bright spots" and can provide some kind of warning of an impending earthquake. However, in previous reserarch, timescales have been in a matter of days. The importance here is that metaphysical sources are warning that these emissions are detrimental to our energy fields and hence our individual spiritual evolution.

How Rocket Engines Can Be Destroyed By Mysterious Sound Waves
Science Daily, 10th April 2008
"Scientists generally believe that these powerful and unstable sound waves, created by energy supplied by the combustion process, were the cause of rocket failures in several U.S. and Russian rockets. Scientists have also observed these mysterious oscillations in other propulsion and power-generating systems such as missiles and gas turbines."
Another example where forces of nature exist that our scientists do not fully understand.

I was given a young man's heart -
and started craving beer and Kentucky Fried Chicken. My daughter said I even walked like a man

Daily Mail (UK), 9th April 2008
"So can elements of a person's character - or even their soul - be transplanted along with a heart? One woman who believes this to be the case is CLAIRE SYLVIA, a divorced mother of one. She was 47 and dying from a disease called primary pulmonary hypertension when, in 1988, she had a pioneering heartlung transplant in America. She was given the organs of an 18-year-old boy who had been killed in a motorcycle accident near his home in Maine. Claire, a former professional dancer, then made an astonishing discovery: she seemed to be acquiring the characteristics, and cravings, of the donor."
Now that there are hundreds, if not thousands of accounts where people state they have changed because of a donor organ. This scenario has got to the extent where memories are also passed on and can be used as evidence in court. Therefore, it makes you wonder when the medical profession will take some responsibility and start trying to match up donors and recipients. Consciousness is transferable and is this process of changing consciousness is taking place on a global scale.

Can we really transplant a human soul?
Daily Mail (UK), 9th April 2008
"...donor patients could not only be acquiring the organs but also the memories - or even the soul - of the donor is surely one such story. This bizarre possibility was raised by the inexplicable case of Sonny Graham - a seemingly happily married 69-year-old man living in the U.S. state of Georgia. He shot himself without warning, having shown no previous signs of unhappiness, let alone depression. His friends described it as an act of passion, not of reason. The case might have remained just an isolated tragedy were it not for the fact that Sonny had received a transplanted heart from a man who had also shot himself - in identical circumstances."
I wonder if Professor Schwartz has thought about why only some donor organs have the ability to overide the consciousness of the recipient. I suggest it's related to how consciousness is calibrated and "signal power".

Psychic crackdown on the cards
Mediums are fighting new EU rules designed to protect the public from dodgy traders, fearing that honest spiritualists could be targeted

Guardian UK, 6th April 2008
"For the past half-century, 'genuine' mediums have been protected by the 1951 Fraudulent Mediums Act, under which prosecutors had to prove fraud and dishonest intent to secure a criminal conviction, which was difficult. There have been fewer than 10 convictions in the past 20 years. With that protection gone, there will now be nothing between the medium and the trading standards officer - and no need to prove fraud. Instead it will be up to the trader, in this case the medium, to prove they did not mislead, coerce or take advantage of any 'vulnerable' consumers."
Common sense does not cost anything, but for many it's still in too short a supply. Therefore the 'nanny' state feels the need to intervene....

Elephant Paints Self Portrait
YouTube, April 2008
This video is incredible! Please watch, it really makes you wonder about the nature of animal consciousness.

Prays peregrina choses to make Britain its home
The Times, 5th April 2008
"A moth completely new to science has been found living in Britain but is thought to originate from thousands of miles away. The exotic moth, named Prays peregrina, has mystified xperts, who have been unable to find records of it anywhere else in the world. Lepidopterists are convinced that it must have come from another continent because it is inconceivable to them that it could have been overlooked for hundreds of years in Europe."
Interesting to see these stories about new species popping up from nowhere, I suppose it's too much to believe it's a result of 'repaired' morphogenetic fields.....

World Bank accused of climate change "hijack"
Reuters, 4th April 2008
"BANGKOK (Reuters) - Developing countries and environmental groups accused the World Bank on Friday of trying to seize control of the billions of dollars of aid that will be used to tackle climate change in the next four decades. "The World Bank's foray into climate change has gone down like a lead balloon," Friends of the Earth campaigner Tom Picken said at the end of a major climate change conference in the Thai capital. "Many countries and civil society have expressed outrage at the World Bank's attempted hijacking of real efforts to fund climate change efforts," he said."
Is it any real surprise?

Why Humans Bother With Emotions
Live Science, 4th April March 2008
"The last few weeks have been a roller coaster of emotions for me. I'm sad, I'm angry, I'm happy, I'm anxious. At the end of the day, I'm physically and mentally exhausted from the whirling dervish that seems to have taken over my head. But evolutionary psychiatrist Randolph Nesse of the University of Michigan thinks that individual emotions are actually adaptations selected by evolution to help us cope with specific situations. Nesse calls emotions "the mind's software." Faced with a sad situation, the mind brings up the sadness program to cope, and when the situation brightens, the mind get into the happiness loop."
The rollercoaster will get worst for those who do not know that emotions are held in their electromagnetic field which is being severely buffeted about in the current chaoic electromagnetic environment of Earth.

Seismic Faults 'Talk' to Each Other Before Earthquakes
Fox News, 4th April 2008
""The faults seem to be communicating with each other," said study leader Chris Goldfinger of Oregon State University. The evidence came from core samples of marine sediments taken along the northern California seabed."
Well, I see fault lines acting rather like the communication pathways in the human brain.....think about it....

Alien but primitive life likely, says Stephen Hawking
Breitbart News, 3rd April 2008

I can't work out why Stephen Hawking is constant quoted in the press. It's obvious to anyone with some intelligence that in the billion of galxies that exist, life at various stages will exist and why should they they be more primitive than us? What's more, the definition of 'alien' has to be queried when there is interdimensional life on Earth that has ALWAYS existed, which our mystics and scientists now agree DO exist.

Dust plays huge role in climate change
Christian Science Monitor, 3rd April 2008
"Scientists know that dust affects climate. Tiny particles create veils that reflect sunlight and cool the atmosphere. Dark particles absorb sunshine and warm things up. But as scientists look deeper into the dust-climate connection, they find that they have underestimated its importance."
This is particularly interesting research, when we consider that there is a dramatic increase of dust in our solar system as announced by the European Space Agency in 2003. What's more, scientists are perplexed by the new phenomena of noctilucent clouds that some believe is symptomatic of an increase of dust in the atmosphere of Earth and hence we must conclude there is a conection that has nothing to do with anthropogenic global warming.

Models Look Good When Predicting Climate Change
Terra Daily News, 3rd April 2008
Conclusion: "Although model-based projections of future climate are now more credible than ever before, the authors note they have no way to say exactly how reliable those projections are. There are simply too many unknowns involved in the future evolution of climate, such as how much humans will curb their future greenhouse gas emissions."
Unbelievable, this back slapping article finally admits they have no idea whether climate model projections are even accurate!

Rupert Sheldrake stabbed at lecture
The New Mexican, 2nd April 2008
"An Englishman speaking on "thought transference" during an international conference at La Fonda on Wednesday was stabbed in the leg by a Japanese man who seemed upset by his remarks, witnesses said. Rupert Sheldrake of London was sitting up and alert as medics took him on a gurney to an ambulance outside Santa Fe's historic hotel at the southeast corner of the Plaza. Asked if he was OK, Sheldrake smiled and responded, "I hope so."
I'm starting to think, with the increasing number of unbalanced people, do I need a bodyguard when I talk about Tuning the Diamonds as a guest speaker at metaphysical events?

First movie of 'tsunami' on Sun
BBC News, 2nd April 2008
"Astronomers have captured the first footage of a solar "tsunami" hurtling through the Sun's atmosphere at over a million kilometres per hour. The event was captured by Nasa's twin Stereo spacecraft designed to make 3D images of our parent star. Naturally, this type of tsunami does not involve water; instead, it is a wave of pressure that travels across the Sun very fast.....Co-author David Long, from Trinity College Dublin (TCD), Ireland, commented: "The energy released in these explosions is phenomenal; about two billion times the annual world energy consumption in just a fraction of a second."
Yes, and everything in our solar system reacts to these massive releases of energy....

Crawling fish may be part of new family
Creature uses leglike pectoral fins to burrow into crevices of coral reefs, 2nd April 2008
"SEATTLE - A recently discovered fish that crawls instead of swimming and has forward-looking eyes like humans could be part of an entirely unknown family of fishes, a University of Washington professor reported Wednesday."
Evolutionary change means that there will be many new discoveries and much confusion until a definate pattern has been established.

Gore to recruit 10m-strong green army
Guardian UK, 1st April 2008
"Al Gore yesterday launched a drive to mobilise 10 million volunteers to force politicians to act on climate change - twice as many as the number who marched against the Vietnam war or in support of civil rights during the heyday of US activism in the 1960s. During the next three years, his Alliance for Climate Protection plans to spend $300m (about £150m) on television advertising and online organising to make global warming among the most urgent issues for elected American leaders."
All very Orwellian.....

'Silent' famine sweeps globe
Rice, fertilizer shortages, food costs, higher energy prices equal world crisis

World Net Daily, 1st April 2008
"WASHINGTON – From India to Africa to North Korea to Pakistan and even in New York City, higher grain prices, fertilizer shortages and rising energy costs are combining to spell hunger for millions in what is being characterized as a global "silent famine. Last year, according to the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization's world food index, dairy prices rose nearly 80 percent and grain 42 percent.

"This is the new face of hunger," said Josetta Sheeran, director of the World Food Program, launching an appeal for an extra $500 million so it could continue supplying food aid to 73 million hungry people this year. "People are simply being priced out of food markets. ... We have never before had a situation where aggressive rises in food prices keep pricing our operations out of our reach."" Global food prices, based on United Nations records, rose 35 percent in the last year, escalating a trend that began in 2002. Since then, prices have risen 65 percent."

Radiation Poses Greatest Threat to Humans in Space
RedOrbit News, 1st April 2008
"A new report commissioned by NASA's Exploration Systems Mission Directorate said that cosmic radiation poses cancer and other health risks for years after astronauts return to Earth, and that a lack of understanding of the biological responses to space radiation is the biggest limiting factor to future missions."
Yes, space is highly radioactive and always has been. What's more the new phenomena of Space weather is effecting all life on Earth and some humans are quickly evolving to cope with the new environmental conditions.

When People Can't Stop Praying
A Man Describes His Rare Religious Form of OCD

ABC News, 31st March 2008
"For centuries, Catholic priests wrote about how to subdue it. Some historians surmise Martin Luther had it, along with several renowned saints. When he was in seventh grade, Cole M., now 23, saw an episode of "20/20" and surmised he had it, though he didn't know its exact name: scrupulosity. Scrupulosity is a rare form of obsessive compulsive disorder focused on prayers, rituals or thoughts rather than the more common germ-phobia and compulsive hand washing. "Whatever thing that is most important to you, that's what the obsessive compulsive disorder will grab," Cole said"
Off-topic, but interesting anyway!

Mysterious ghostly orbs perplex researchers, 28th March 2008
"Tens of thousands of ordinary people around the globe are reporting mysterious spheres of light known as ORBS, which have started appearing on their digital photographs. A few scientists are taking this phenomenon seriously and incredibly claim to have found evidence of beings from other dimensions."

Anger: Why we’re all losing our cool
The Independent, 26th March 2008
"Britain is in the grip of an anger epidemic, with a quarter of the population now struggling to keep the lid on their feelings of rage and resentment. What's making us so cross? And what can we do about it?"
Well, the mainstream have noticed that something is going on as people struggle to balance themselves emotionally in the unstable electromagnetic environment. This quote sums up the situation we all face, "It seems that a lot of angry behaviour just "pops out", according to the people who experience it. It's a very quick shift from feeling to action; one minute you're fine, the next you're lashing out like a tiger." Our emotions are linked to our electromagnetic field and ALL electromagnetic signals are being amplified by the new spaceweather conditions affecting our planet.

"With little warning, three big sunspots have materialized and on March 25th one of them (989) unleashed an M2-class solar flare. This is the biggest flare of the year and it signals a significant increase in solar activity. "It's March Madness...."
Here we go! I hope you have your shields up! See the activity on the Sun over the last 4 days on coronograph here.

Prepare for the Worst, Because Solar Storms Are About to Get Ugly, 24th March 2008
"Every 11 years or so, the sun gets a little pissy. It breaks out in a rash of planet-sized sunspots that spew superhot gas, hurling clouds of electrons, protons, and heavier ions toward Earth at nearly the speed of light. These solar windstorms have been known to knock out power grids and TV broadcasts, and our growing reliance on space-based technology makes us more vulnerable than ever to their effects. On January 3, scientists discovered a reverse-polarity sunspot, signaling the start of a new cycle — and some are predicting that at its peak (in about four years) things are gonna get nasty. Here's a forecast for 2012."
"Pissy" is one way to describe the historic energetic blasts that will be coming our way, with the world generally unprepared for the spiritual consequences....

New Kink in Sun's Strange Corona, 24th March 2008
"Here's a strange scenario: You move farther away from a fire, getting cooler and cooler, until suddenly you are burning up. That's essentially what happens in the sun: Its outer layer, the corona, is inexplicably hot. A new study may complicate things further by poking holes in a leading theory that aims to account for the puzzling phenomenon."
Plasma physicists tell us that astrophysicists are witnessing a plasma arc discharge – an electrical phenomena that can be duplicated on a smaller scale in the laboratory, what's "puzzling" about that?

Scientific Consensus on Climate Change?
Science & Public Policy Institute, 24th March 2008
"FEAR of anthropogenic "global warming" can adversely affect patients’ well-being. Accordingly, the state of the scientific consensus about climate change was studied by a review of the 539 papers on "global climate change" found on the Web of Science database from January 2004 to mid-February 2007, updating research by Oreskes (2004), who had reported that between 1993 and 2003 none of 928 scientific papers on "global climate change" had rejected the consensus that more than half of the warming of the past 50 years was likely to have been anthropogenic. In the present review, 31 papers (6% of the sample) explicitly or implicitly reject the consensus. Though Oreskes said that 75% of the papers in her sample endorsed the consensus, fewer than half now endorse it. Only 6% do so explicitly. Only one paper refers to "catastrophic" climate change, but without offering evidence. There appears to be little evidence in the learned journals to justify the climate-change alarm that now harms patients.
I believe psychologists are now treating people for global warming anxiety....

2008 Climate Debate
The New American, 25th March 2008
"There goes another beautiful theory about to be murdered by a brutal gang of facts." — Duc de La Rochefoucauld, French writer and moralist (1613-1680) However, for many of the world’s leading scientists in the fields of meteorology, climatology, physics, astrophysics, and related sciences, the science is far from settled, Al Gore’s media accolades notwithstanding. Over the past few years, more than 19,000 American scientists have signed a dissenting petition coauthored by Dr. Frederick Seitz, renowned physicist and former president of the National Academy of Sciences, and Dr. Arthur Robinson, president of the Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine ( The petition urges political leaders to reject the Gore-supported Kyoto Protocol or other similar proposals that would mandate draconian tax and regulatory measures aimed at virtually all human economic activity.
I just love the above quote, there is a similiar quote in my book, Tuning the Diamonds.

Our changing sun and colony collapse disorder in bees, 23rd March 2008
"In this article on honeybee navigation, it is clear just how reliant they are on the sun for navigation. They appear to have primary and backup navigation systems, but the only one that doesn’t appear connected to the sun in some way are crude recognition of large landmarks. Of most interest to me for the purposes of this article is the fact that bees are sensitive to magnetism and can also see in UV light. It is believed that bees use pattern recognition of flowers in UV to pick out flowers from the maze of flora they traverse, for example in the photos below showing visible and ultraviolet: The fact is the sun is changing, and we are going into a deep solar minimum. UV output has been clearly affected as shown in these comparisons of 2002 and 2006."
Other beekeepers have also made the connection with solar activity. It will be interesting to see what happens when the next solar cycle starts in earnest, after several false starts, the sun seems to be taking a rather long in-breath.....maybe, it is related to the predictions of mega-blasts at the peak of the next solar cycle.....

Bhutan tries to measure happiness, 23rd March 2008
"For years, the remote Himalayan kingdom of Bhutan boasted that it was mostly concerned with Gross National Happiness -- and now it's really going to try to actually measure it. The idea of focussing on Gross National Happiness (GNH) rather than Gross National Product (GNP) was the brainchild of ex-king Jigme Singye Wangchuck, who sought to steer Bhutan into the modern world while preserving its unique identity."
It it wonderful to know that this tiny kingdom has completely different values from most other places in the world, a ray of light.....

Some have suggested ancient technology glassified these Indus Valley ruins but electricity is a more plausible explanation., 21st March 2008
"There is one intriguing aspect to Mohenjo-Daro that sets it apart from most ancient ruins. It is the one anomaly among several at the site that has caused some researchers to suggest that there might have been forces unleashed in the past that are comparable to modern weapons. Walls, pottery and other items found in the city have been turned into a kind of ceramic glass, indicating that they were exposed to heat close to 1500 degrees Celsius. Evidence of ionizing radiation has also been found in some of the burial sites."
You don't have to study too hard to realise that history is often fabricated and that there is evidence of many previous civilisations and cultures. Therefore, the intelligent seeker will ask the question: what is this planet really about? I would suggest we are here for many reasons but for some, they are here to redeem their souls. Universal consciounsess monitors the overall situation and if we trash the school room, then we are temporarily "wiped off" until the planet has time to recover. Who can argue with this analysis, our experts can certainly provide the evidence....

Fighter jet's sonic boom behind 'tremor'
EDP 24, 20th March 2008
"Glenn Ford, a seismologist with the British Geological Survey, said: "It certainly wasn't an earthquake. From the observations I have been given, they are very consistent with sonic booms we have received from the area historically over the last 20 years. I cannot say for definite that this was the cause, but looking at the evidence that would be the most likely source of the activity. "We have scrutinised all the data from the nearest stations. For an earthquake to be felt so widely, as this has, it would have to be pretty large. Even if one of these stations had failed, we would have seen evidence from others across central England. "We have contacted the RAF but at this time unfortunately they have not been able to corroborate that there has been a sonic boom. This could come from an aircraft or even a falling satellite or meteorite.""
What are american F15 fighter jets doing flying over populated parts of the United Kingdom. I just don't believe the official story and I have linked this "sonic boom" to similiar booms increasingly felt around the world. I suggest we need experts with scalar/torsion devices to measure and understand what's taking place in the Earth's crust.....

Are Microwaves Killing The Insects, Frogs, And Birds? And Are We Next?, 20th March 2008
"And from what I can tell by reading media reports on the Internet, this phenomena of the sudden disappearance of life forms (insects, amphibians, fish, bats, birds, etc.) is happening all over the world. Just last year, the fact that there is (and has been) a worldwide die-off of bees was finally taken up by the media. The frogs have been dying for years ­ (although originally they were "mysteriously" showing up with deformities.) Now, just at the beginning of January 2008 a Swedish journalist sent me a report by the Canadian Broadcasting Company (CBC) about the disappearance of tens of millions of birds across North America ­ HYPERLINK "" What the heck is going on? And when are we going to do something about this? This is pretty serious stuff. If all the insects, amphibians, and birds are disappearing, how much longer will it be until we mammals start disappearing? (After all, many of us are already getting sick. There are about 80 immune system disorders we didn't have 20 years ago.) Albert Einstein made some kind of prediction that once the bees are gone, mankind would only have four or so more years left."
Written by someone who has woken up....

The Global Warming Bubble
Junk Science, 20th March 2008
"You didn’t have to be a rocket scientist in the 1990s to figure that speculative investment in dot-coms with no revenues would be disastrous. The same goes for lenders giving mortgages to borrowers with no job, no income and no assets. So after surviving the tech bubble and while trying to extricate the economy from the housing bubble, why are we bent on heading into the global warming bubble?"
Yes, a dot-com style bubble based on global warming would be a gift for the seasoned moneymakers.....

NASA Satellite Detects Record Gamma Ray Burst Explosion Halfway Across Universe
NASA News, 20th March 2008
"GRB 080319B's optical afterglow was 2.5 million times more luminous than the most luminous supernova ever recorded, making it the most intrinsically bright object ever observed by humans in the universe. The most distant previous object that could have been seen by the naked eye is the nearby galaxy M33, a relatively short 2.9 million light-years from Earth. Analysis of GRB 080319B is just getting underway, so astronomers don't know why this burst and its afterglow were so bright. One possibility is the burst was more energetic than others, perhaps because of the mass, spin, or magnetic field of the progenitor star or its jet. Or perhaps it concentrated its energy in a narrow jet that was aimed directly at Earth."
Still, it seems that the citizens of this planet are very unaware that there is a massive orchestration by the celestial "gods" to drive us to the next level of our evolution.

Cosmic Clean-Up: Wild Ideas to Sweep Space, 19th March 2008
"Space is littered with millions of bits of orbiting garbage leftover from missions. The flying flotsam can delay launches and could potentially smash into spacecraft. Now some creative ideas are emerging for how to sweep up the junk. One idea even involves an oversized NERF ball."
When you consider that some of these satellites cost in the region of $500 million dollars, it seems bizarre that China and the United States see fit to create more lethal junk by shooting down disabled satellites....

The Mystery of Global Warming's Missing Heat
NPR News, 19th March 2008
"Some 3,000 scientific robots that are plying the ocean have sent home a puzzling message. These diving instruments suggest that the oceans have not warmed up at all over the past four or five years. That could mean global warming has taken a breather. Or it could mean scientists aren't quite understanding what their robots are telling them. This is puzzling in part because here on the surface of the Earth, the years since 2003 have been some of the hottest on record. But Josh Willis at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory says the oceans are what really matter when it comes to global warming."
Well after the work that is being done on monitoring the location of US climate stations we can even debate the accuracy of so-called ground temperatures measuring "recent warming". It is my opinion that the whole concept of Global Warming is an invention to cover up the new phenomena of Space Weather or New Energy which is creating a myriad of effects to all living systems on Earth and in our solar system. Huge blasts of new consciousness to drive evolutionary change.

MAGIC Rays May Reveal New Laws of the Universe
Daily Galaxy, 19th March 2008
"The Major Atmospheric Gamma-ray Imaging Cherenkov (MAGIC) telescope sited at Roque de los Muchachos Observatory on La Palma in the Canary Islands has found that gamma radiation emitted from a distant galaxy arrived at earth four minutes after lower-energy photons, despite apparently being emitted at the same time. If this information is correct – and Daniel Ferenc, a physics professor at UC Davis and a member of the MAGIC collaboration says that a repeat performance will be needed to confirm such a finding – then the findings are in direct contradiction to Einstein’s theory of relativity."
Many scientists have long ago found flaws in Einstein's theory of relativity, it will be interesting to see if this research is ignored or not.

Bee colony collapse dilemma still a mystery
The Meadville Tribune, 18th March 2008
"One of the current main "target topics" of discussion and research, he said, is the effects of pesticides on bee populations. There's no conclusive evidence that chemicals are the chief cause of the collapses, he said, but sub-lethal amounts of pesticides that bees may ingest and become disoriented and sickened by are certainly contributing factors. To put that into perspective, Vorisek said a recent research study showed that 43 different pesticides were identified in a sampling of 92 colonies. The take-home message there, said Vorisek, is that "pesticides are not all agriculture-related. There are a lot of lawn treatments and backyard treatments that people use in high concentrations" that are undoubtedly affecting the bee populations."
I don't really like to comment on the New Age beliefs that the bees are flitting off into another dimension because I believe that is happening to us all, as the aetheric density changes. However, when you read that they have found 43 different pesticides that can effect the bees, you have to wonder at how stupid humans are.....

Freak Winter Weather: Fluke or Fuel in Warming Debate?
National Geographic News, 18th March 2008
"Freak winter weather has struck almost every area of the Northern Hemisphere with bizarre extremes in recent months. Snow fell on usually sweltering Baghdad and paralyzed central China, while the season barely registered in Scandinavia, where some countries have seen the warmest winter in centuries."
It's almost like the commentators have not registered that we are experiencing climate change, which is always marked by climatic extremes. Global warming is a fallacy and as one headline infamously stated, "Global warming: The All Purpose Farce to Control Your Life."

GP attacked train steward in first-class dining car 'because he put his plate down too hard'
Daily Mail, 18th March 2008
"It started as a brief argument in the first class dining carriage of a train - and ended up nearly derailing a GP's career. Dr Russell Walshaw threw a plate which struck a steward after the two rowed on a GNER train."
Can you imagine what life will be like with society full of unbalanced people who fly off the handle over the smallest thing? Well, as the environmental conditions start to enforce the new "terms and conditions" for living on planet Earth, people from all walks of life, rich and poor, it won't matter, will become very problematic.....

The Vanishing Rings of Saturn
NASA News, 18th March 2008
"Red Alert: Saturn's rings are vanishing. Around the world, amateur astronomers have noticed the change; Saturn's wide open rings are rapidly narrowing into a thin line." Efrain Morales Rivera sends these pictures taken through a backyard telescope in Aguadilla, Puerto Rico: "The rings have narrowed considerably in the last year," he reports. "The Cassini division (a dark gap in the rings) is getting hard to see."
Apparently this is a normal occurence, yet other changes on Saturn are evidence of rapid change in our solar system.

New kidney 'changed my whole personality'
Daily Telegraph, 16th March 2008
"A woman claims to have undergone a complete "personality transplant" after receiving a new kidney. Cheryl Johnson, 37, says she has changed completely since receiving the organ in May. She believes that she must have picked up her new characteristics from the donor, a 59-year-old man who died from an aneurysm."
Consciousness is transferable.....

After Atlanta tornado, cleanup is underway
LA Times, 16th March 2008
"The 135-mph tornado hit Atlanta at 9:45 p.m. Friday with only eight minutes' warning. A meteorologist with the National Weather Service said it moved southeast across the city, cutting a path 6 miles long and 200 yards wide."
I do insist that I am not a 'doom and gloom merchant' however, the reality is the electromagnetic environment is in complete chaos and the level of consciousness is generally not high enough to steer these violent energies from creating destruction in major cities. My prediction is that there will be a new level of violent oubursts against densely populated areas, as 'old' and 'new' energies battle it out....

Russia fails to put U.S. satellite into target orbit
RIA Novosti, 15th March 2008

When I first discoverd that satellite launches are pretty much a hit or miss affair with the high-tech "sling shot" approach that very often missed, I was totally amazed. It's also odd to me that the United States contracts Russian space agencies to launch it's top secret satellite hardware, the whole scenario is just incredible. Here we have an announcement, that there is another large piece of space junk in the heavens....

Seeing double: Indian baby born with four eyes, two mouths and two faces
Daily Mail, 15th March 2008
"To some she may seem an oddity, but to one Indian couple their newborn daughter is simply a God reincarnated. Their as yet un-named four-day-old baby girl was born with two faces, two mouths and four eyes in the rural Nagar district of Uttar Pradesh, 50km north east of New Delhi. Her parents, Vinod and Susham Singh from a village called Sani, said their little girl was "a gift from God".
Well, I have been monitoring the situation with double-faced mutations in the animal kingdom as well as multiple legs etc, well we recently had reports of a child with four arms and legs and now we have an example of a two-faced human. I suspect that in the western world these babies are being aborted before they are born. However, I believe the blueprint for humans has changed but that the electromagnetic chaos means more "mutations" will occur anyway, yet at some stage, it will become clear that a new type of human has appeared....

Glowing lights around an earthquake's epicentre
Times Online, 15th March 2008
"The earthquake on February 27 did more than shake people up in the middle of the night. Reports have come in that mysterious lights also appeared around the quake’s epicentre near Market Rasen, Lincolnshire. One witness described how a grapefruit-sized glowing sphere appeared in her bedroom and then went out like a light. "This thing seemed to be coming across the room straight at me. I was very frightened," she told the Louth Leader." "...One explanation for his phenomenon is that the electrical properties of rocks may change under severe stress before or during a quake. This may generate changes in the electrical behaviour of the atmosphere, ionising the air and producing glowing lights."
See the Louth Leader story & comments below.

Bugs for beating global warming
Will microorganisms help lead us to a green future? Scientists, and venture capitalists, hope so.

Los Angeles Times, 15th March 2008
The latest news about climate change is so alarming (the right wing would say alarmist) as to make many people want to plant their aching heads in the sand. Some scientists using advanced computer models now argue that if we want to stop the Earth from warming, the amount of carbon we should be emitting is ... none. None? As in, zero? As in, shutting down the global industrial economy? After all, global energy demand is expected to accelerate until at least 2020. Yet attempts even to slow the rate of increase of carbon emissions have paralyzed world politics for more than a decade.
Finding natural solutions is not the problem, the issue is making moneymakers realise that our planet is not a backyard dump. Sorry to be so skeptical, but in the 1980s scientists found micro-organisms that could EAT nuclear waste and render it harmless. What happened you may ask? Well, Mother Earth solutions tend to be too cheap and so the expensive and ineffective disposal of nuclear waste was maintained.

Melting Ice Sheets Can Cause Earthquakes, Study Finds
National Geographic News, 14th March 2008
"As ice sheets melt, they can release pent-up energy and trigger massive earthquakes, according to new study. Global warming may already be triggering such earthquakes and may cause more in the future as ice continues to melt worldwide, the researchers say. A series of large earthquakes shook Scandinavia around 10,000 years ago, along faults that are now quiet, the scientists point out. The timing of each earthquake roughly coincided with the melting of thick ice sheets from the last ice age in those same places."
Yes, the Earth is re-balancing and humans will have to watch out.....

Vatican says pollution is also a sin
It tells Catholics that harming the environment is a modern-day transgression requiring urgent attention.

LA Times, 14th March 2008
"VATICAN CITY -- A Vatican keen to show its green side has added pollution to the realm of "new sins" that today's Catholics must confront and avoid. In this age of expanding globalization, the Vatican is telling followers that sin is not just an individual act but can also be a transgression against the larger community."
Well, we already have priests encouraging people to confess their green sins! The Holy Catholic Church are continuing in their time honoured tradition of misleading their followers.

Weather Channel Founder: Sue Al Gore for Fraud
Fox News, 14th March 2008
"The founder of the Weather Channel wants to sue Al Gore for fraud, hoping a legal debate will settle the global-warming debate once and for all. John Coleman, who founded the cable network in 1982, suggests suing for fraud proponents of global warming, including Al Gore, and companies that sell carbon credits. "Is he committing financial fraud? That is the question," Coleman said. "Since we can't get a debate, I thought perhaps if we had a legal challenge and went into a court of law, where it was our scientists and their scientists, and all the legal proceedings with the discovery and all their documents from both sides and scientific testimony from both sides, we could finally get a good solid debate on the issue," Coleman said. "I'm confident that the advocates of 'no significant effect from carbon dioxide' would win the case."
The fight for truth continues....

More Evidence That Life Started in Space
Fox News, 14th March 2008
"Nobody knows how life on Earth began, but the primordial soup likely got a lot of its ingredients from space. Scientists have discovered concentrations of amino acids in two meteorites that are more than 10 times higher than levels previously measured in other similar meteorites."
Well, for more than one hundred years, proponents of Panspermia theory are telling us that life on Earth came from out of space. Interesting, metaphysical sources tell us that "consciousness was delivered to the planet". We have never been left here alone, unwatched and unloved....

Dolphin answers whales' SOS call
Scotsman News, 13th March 2008
"I don't speak whale and I don't speak dolphin, but there was obviously something that went on, because the two whales changed from being quite distressed to following the dolphin willingly and directly along the beach and straight out to sea." Another rescuer, Juanita Symes, added: "Moko came flying through the water and pushed in between us and the whales. She got them to head toward the hill, where the channel is. It was an amazing experience. The best day of my life."

Guns and fists as "snow rage" erupts
Yahoo News, 13th March 2008
"QUEBEC CITY, Quebec (Reuters) - Although Canada is one of the snowiest countries in the world, a series of violent "snow rage" incidents reveal that even the locals have their limits. Police in the French-speaking province of Quebec said on Wednesday that people were fighting over snow clearing and even parking spaces."
Well, if you are a regular to this blog, you will understand how the climate and human emotional and mental stability are closely linked, however "snow rage" is just another symptom of people struggling to cope.

The greening of Wall Street
The Economist, 13th March 2008
"WHEN better to further the cause of financial greenery than St Patrick's Day? On March 17th the first carbon-linked derivatives contracts will begin trading on the Green Exchange, a joint venture between the New York Mercantile Exchange, Evolution Markets, a broker, Morgan Stanley, Merrill Lynch and others. America already has a small emissions-trading market in the Chicago Climate Exchange, run by one of the founding fathers of financial derivatives, Richard Sandor. Nevertheless, the NYMEX venture is seen as America's boldest step yet towards the carbon-trading big league."
We can only hope that there is a massive shift of consciousness, where Big Business leaders really think that we could look our home – Earth, instead of just seeking to siphon off the cash.....

A Really Inconvenient Truth
The Trumpet, 13th March 2008
"Al Gore says global warming is an inconvenient truth. "Inconvenient" adds a clever twist to the name of the would-be president’s popular documentary and book. But far worthier of scrutiny is the other word in the title: "Truth." Man-made global warming, says the former politician and a rising sea of climate alarmists, is not just inconvenient, it’s an unequivocal, undeniable truth. In fact, the truth about global warming is so convincing, that "debate in the scientific community is over." "...Those who depend solely on the mainstream newsmedia to keep them informed might have missed the headlines about the 2008 International Conference on Climate Change, sponsored by the Heartland Institute and featuring nearly 100 speakers and 500 attendees skeptical of man-made global warming. The highly successful three-day conference occurred in the wake of recent reports of global cooling and the release of a blockbuster U.S. Senate minority report featuring over 400 prominent scientists disputing the theory of man-made global warming."

Scientist says Buddhism showed there's life in space

Sinhalaya News, 12th March 2008
"The world’s chief exponent of the theory that tells life began in deep space and reached earth riding on comets said the philosophical backdrop for his theory was provided by Buddhism. "In the 1970’s it was generally believed that the Earth must be the centre of life in the whole universe, an antithesis of Buddhist cosmology of course," said the Cardiff University Mathematician and Astronomer Professor Chandra Wickramasinghe in an interview with this writer. "It became amply clear to me that Buddhist cosmology was incredibly modern in its outlook, even perhaps post-modern. According to Buddhist texts, life is prevalent across the universe and life is not confined to Earth. Buddhism talks about a multitude of planetary systems and an infinity of "inhabited worlds". In common with Hindu and Vedic ideas, Buddhism holds that "life is a truly cosmic phenomenon," the reputed astronomer added."

More earthquake light sightings
Louth Leader, 11th March 2008
Important Information "MORE people have been in touch to say they saw mysterious light as the earthquake hit on February 27. Zoe Pope, 28, of Manby, said she was not sure what she had seen until she read the Leader last week. As reported, Jean Howard of Tathwell and a Sleaford couple reported seeing flashes of light as the earthquake – with its epicentre in Market Rasen – rumbled across the country. Elvira Witney saw an even stranger phenomenon known as ball lightning in her Westgate home. Zoe said the flashes were like someone flicking their car headlights at her window. She said: "I woke up to the shaking and this bright light. My friend and my sister thought I'd gone mad when I told them. It's baffled me ever since then I saw The Leader." David Cudworth, from Sutton in Ashfield in Nottinghamshire, saw the story on our website. He said: "I clearly remember three lightning flashes a few minutes after the recent earthquake. My neighbours thought it was torch lights but I remained 100 per cent convinced it was lightning." For centuries people have reported seeing flashes of light during earthquakes but these were not taken seriously until the 1960s when they were photographed.
The quakelight low frequency emissions are harmful to your energy field and will regress your spiritual evolution, a strong energy field with shielding is required in these environmental conditions. Unfortunately, the spiritual understanding of the transmutation of energy that is taking place on this planet is lost and people are generally unprepared.

Buddhist builder buried alive for TWO HOURS survives by meditating
Daily Mail, 7th March 2008
"A Chinese builder buried alive for two hours used Buddhist meditation techniques to control his breathing and survive on just the air trapped in his safety helmet. Wang Jianxin, 52, should have died within five minutes of being entombed 6ft underground as he worked in a ditch in Ningbo city, eastern China. But by slowing his breathing he eked out an air pocket in front of his face until rescuers dug him out."

Climate Skeptics Reveal ‘Horror Stories’ of Scientific Suppression
EPW Senate News, 6th March 2008
"Scientists skeptical of man-made climate fears meeting at the 2008 International Conference on Climate Change in New York City described the "absolute horror stories" about how some scientific journals have engaged in “outrageous and unethical behavior” in attempting to suppress them from publishing their work in peer-reviewed journals. The March 2-4 groundbreaking conference, which featured about 100 speakers with over 500 people attending, presented the report of a team of international scientists who formed a group to counter the UN IPCC."

Teen Kills Father Over Internet Use
Comcast News, 6th March 2008
"A Mesa teenager says he fatally shot his father last month because he wouldn't let him use the Internet, police reports show. According to a Mesa police report released Wednesday, 15-year-old Hughstan Schlicker told a homicide detective that he considered committing suicide in front of his father after finding a 12-gauge shotgun and ammunition in the garage of their home, but decided to murder his father instead and then commit suicide."
Stories like this is why I went to estraordinary lengths to research, write and publish my book. As evolutionary energies pour down on Earth, many with lots of unresolved emotional issues are not going to be able to cope. I have dedicated my life to explaining what is happening and what has to be done to help people get through this amazing time of evolutionary change.

New York Global Warming Conference Considers 'Manhattan Declaration'
Heartland Institute, 4th March 2008

Manhattan Declaration on Climate Change

"Global warming" is not a global crisis

We, the scientists and researchers in climate and related fields, economists, policymakers, and business leaders, assembled at Times Square, New York City, participating in the 2008 International Conference on Climate Change,

Resolving that scientific questions should be evaluated solely by the scientific method;

Affirming that global climate has always changed and always will, independent of the actions of humans, and that carbon dioxide (CO2) is not a pollutant but rather a necessity for all life;

Recognising that the causes and extent of recently observed climatic change are the subject of intense debates in the climate science community and that oft-repeated assertions of a supposed 'consensus' among climate experts are false;

Affirming that attempts by governments to legislate costly regulations on industry and individual citizens to encourage CO2 emission reduction will slow development while having no appreciable impact on the future trajectory of global climate change. Such policies will markedly diminish future prosperity and so reduce the ability of societies to adapt to inevitable climate change, thereby increasing, not decreasing, human suffering;

Noting that warmer weather is generally less harmful to life on Earth than colder:

Hereby declare:

That current plans to restrict anthropogenic CO2 emissions are a dangerous misallocation of intellectual capital and resources that should be dedicated to solving humanity's real and serious problems.

That there is no convincing evidence that CO2 emissions from modern industrial activity has in the past, is now, or will in the future cause catastrophic climate change.

That attempts by governments to inflict taxes and costly regulations on industry and individual citizens with the aim of reducing emissions of CO2 will pointlessly curtail the prosperity of the West and progress of developing nations without affecting climate.

That adaptation as needed is massively more cost-effective than any attempted mitigation and that a focus on such mitigation will divert the attention and resources of governments away from addressing the real problems of their peoples.

That human-caused climate change is not a global crisis.

Now, therefore, we recommend --

That world leaders reject the views expressed by the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change as well as popular, but misguided works such as "An Inconvenient Truth."

That all taxes, regulations, and other interventions intended to reduce emissions of CO2 be abandoned forthwith.

Agreed at New York, 4 March 2008

Baby Beheaded in Saudi Supermarket
An Enraged Uncle Beheaded an 15-Month-Old Baby in Front of Mother

ABC News, 4th March 2008
"Saudi Arabians recoiled this week at the news that a man allegedly decapitated a 15-month-old baby before his mother's eyes inside a crowded Riyadh supermarket." "There were plenty of witnesses, the facts of the case are clear, the evidence is abundant," said Christoph Wilcke, of Human Right's Watch, and an expert on Saudi Arabian law. Wilcke adds, however, that under Saudi law, even if a judge ruled for the death penalty the victim's family could choose to pardon the killer -- perhaps more of a possibility in this case because the alleged killer and victim are related. If it turns out the the man snapped as the result of mental illness he could also be eligible for a pardon, though Wilcke says that is uncommon. "I've never heard the insanity defense work in this Saudi Arabia. The concept of mental capacity exists, I just can't think of a real case where it applied," Wilcke said."
It does not matter what culture or society we belong to, the geomagnetic conditions are getting extreme and the "unbalanced" are being pushed faster and harder into extreme behavioural aberrations.

Plants evolving to self destruct
The UK Telegraph, 3rd March 2008
[...] Dr Pierre-Olivier Cheptou of the Centre d'Ecologie Fonctionnelle et Evolutive, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Montpellier, and colleagues show that increasing areas of concrete found in urban centres worldwide are forcing urban plants to change the type of seeds they produce. [...]

"Based on a mathematical model of breeding, the researchers estimate that the current version of urban Crepis sancta took approximately 12 years to evolve."
It seems the plant and animal kingdom willingly adapt to environmental changes, but with humans there is an element of free will, where we are allowed to fight change, but only to our detriment.

Hundreds More Scientists Have Found the 1,500-Year Climate Cycle, 3rd March 2008
"The following list includes more than 400 additional qualified scientists, with their home institutions, and the peer-reviewed studies they have published in professional journals, which reveal evidence of the moderate 1,500-year Dansgaard-Oeschger cycles. Together with a previous list released by Hudson on Sept. 12, 2007, this brings the total of scientific researchers who have published evidence of this natural cycle to more than 700. The lists also include dozens of authors who have published studies on the linkage of the 1,500-year cycle to variations in solar activity."
More members of the scientific community are rallying for truth....

NASA Baffled by Unexplained Force Acting on Space Probes, 3rd March 2008
"Mysteriously, four spacecraft that flew past the Earth have each displayed unexpected anomalies in their motions. These newfound enigmas join the so-called "Pioneer anomaly" as hints that unexplained forces may appear to act on spacecraft. A decade ago, after rigorous analyses, anomalies were seen with the identical Pioneer 10 and 11 spacecraft as they hurtled out of the solar system. Both seemed to experience a tiny but unexplained constant acceleration toward the sun."
"Baffled", "perplexed", "stunned", "surprised", "shocked", "amazed" etc. Yes, many scientists do not understand all the forces that operate in our universe, NASA have to use tables of known trajectories to get space probes out of our solar system, because the "established" laws of physics do not work.... So why are most scientists so enamoured by falsified theories....who knows.....

Case Western Reserve University psychologist finds gender differences in forgiving
Eureka Alert, 3rd March 2008
"Forgiveness can be a powerful means to healing, but it does not come naturally for both sexes. Men have a harder time forgiving than women do, according to Case Western Reserve University psychologist Julie Juola Exline. But that can change if men develop empathy toward an offender by seeing they may also be capable of similar actions. Then the gender gap closes, and men become less vengeful."

Hurricane Emma cuts swath across Europe
The Australian, 3rd March 2008
"VIENNA: A winter storm with winds of more than 150km/h cut a swath of destruction across Europe from Britain to the Czech Republic, killing at least nine people. In Europe, where the storm was named Hurricane Emma, airports were shut, transport networks were snarled and power lines cut."
Where did the energy come from to power this storm? We are not talking "warm seas" here!

Global Temperatures Have Dropped: Did Sunspots Predict It?, 1st March 2008
"Three of the world’s major climate monitors have announced that the earth’s temperatures dropped over the last 12 months—by enough to virtually offset the entire "unprecedented warming" of the last century. This comes after nine years of no warming, and a net warming since 1940 of just 0.2 degrees. Equally important, a drop in temperatures had been predicted by the sunspot index that foretells the earth’s temperature changes with a log time of nearly a decade. Our temperatures have a 79 percent correlation with the sunspot index."
It looks like the Global Warming gravy train might be coming off the tracks....


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Susan Joy Rennison quotes:

“Space Weather is now a fact of life.”

“We are all astronauts now!”

Tuning The Diamonds,
September 2006

“We must spiritually evolve as part of the new terms & conditions for living on Earth.”

Joyfire Tour – Evolutionary Change, December 2006

“Space Weather will force many changes in how we do business on this planet.”

News of the Imbalance,
April 2007

NASA Press Release:

“Earth and space are about to come into contact in a way that's new to human history.”

“We're on the threshold of a new era in which space weather can be as influential in our daily lives as ordinary terrestrial weather.”

As the Sun Awakens, NASA Keeps a Wary Eye on Space Weather
NASA News, 4th June 2010

White House Executive Order:

“Space weather has the potential to simultaneously affect and disrupt health and safety across entire continents. Successfully preparing for space weather events is an all-of-nation endeavor that requires partnerships across governments, emergency managers, academia, the media, the insurance industry, non-profits, and the private sector.”

Executive Order –– Coordinating Efforts to Prepare the Nation for Space Weather Events
The White House, 13th October 2016

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