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Susan rennison

The New Cosmic Age is now Official!

According to Richard Fisher, head of NASA’s Heliophysics Division:
"Earth and space are about to come into contact in a way that's new to human history."

"I believe we’re on the threshold of a new era in which space weather can be as influential in our daily lives as ordinary terrestrial weather."

"We take this very seriously indeed."

Source: As the Sun Awakens, NASA Keeps a Wary Eye on Space Weather
NASA News, 4th June 2010

News of the Imbalance
June – July 2008

Retired NASA SpaceCraft Operator Witnessed Extraterrestrial in Space Shuttle Mission
American Chronicle, 31st July 2008
"Clark McClelland is a retired Spacecraft Operator with NASA who during a 34 year career was responsible for ensuring the safety of numerous NASA missions including Mercury spaceflights, Apollo missions, the International Space Station and the Space Shuttle. In a statement released on his website on July 29, 2008, McClelland revealed that he witnessed an eight to nine foot tall extraterrestrial in association with a Space Shuttle mission he was monitoring from the Kennedy Space Center"
So as UFO sightings sky-rocket, more and more so-called "unsanctioned" testimonials to the existence of aliens are also surfacing, by people with the highest credibility due to the their professional backgrounds. Hmmmm..... What is important to remember is that the aetheric background on this planet is shifting and as far as we are concerned, the fog is lifting so that we can now see with the naked eye, a wide spectrum of entities that exist. Extraterestrial (ET) visitors from far flung galaxies parked up and watching the biggest show in the galaxy taking place on Earth, are not the same as the Orb phenenomea. We live in a Universe that consists of 99.999% plasma, which I consider to be divine spiritual energy and the orbs are made up of this primordial energy. What's more, we are seeing a deluge of this energy with the prime purpose of transforming this planet. The UK Ministry of Defence tells us that the plasma phenomena of Orbs are NO THREAT, however various other reports over decades tell us that the assortment of intergalactic ETS have different agendas and various world controllers have most likely shacked up with the wrong side. Now in this maelstrom of activity, humans are being requested to evolve their consciousness and it does seem quite a challenge, but this is still possible if those with the highest consciousness levels re-calibrate and take on the challenge of re-calibrating those around them to higher states of consciousness. When this occurs, then the Universe will deal with the undesirable elements and truly turn this planet into a Paradise.

The Carbon Credit Scam: Windfall Profits?
Democrat Socialist, 31st July 2008
"Emerging out of thin air, it has already surpassed solar and wind as the largest cleantech industry. Carbon credits were worth a staggering $63 billion in 2007 and $59 billion in the first half of 2008 alone. The first thought that should be going through your head right now is why aren't there screams from the eco-commie left about windfall profit taxes on this bogus industry? Because they are profiting from it and heavily invested in it?" "Obviously an industry of this amount of rapid growth opens many business opportunities. Companies are needed to provide verified emissions offsets, energy efficiency audits, greenhouse gas emission audits, and to design carbon software. This industry has gained considerable interest from venture capitalists."
I am quite convinced that quite a few 'Think Tanks' worked hard on how galactic cycles which generate energy driven evolution could be turned into a new money spinner. As we can see from this article and other more conservative sources, the money makers have been highly successful whilst Earth changing events continue to rise to a new pitch.

Mother Earth naked reveals world's geology
The Telegraph, 31st July 2008
"Stripped bare of forests, plants, soil, water and man-made structures it is the earth caught undressed and without her make-up. The striking images are revealed for the first time as part of OneGeology, an ambitious plan to produce the first digital geological map of the world." The striking images are revealed for the first time as part of OneGeology, an ambitious plan to produce the first digital geological map of the world.
This is a great idea!

Weather Eye: multi-coloured lightning strikes a mysterious pose
The Times, 30th July 2008
"There was a magnificent display of lightning on Monday night over much of the southern half of Britain. As the flashes came thick and fast, the West Midlands was hit hard by lightning strikes causing power cuts and fires, while the torrential downpours caused flash floods. There were also intriguing reports of different coloured lightning, ranging through white, blue and green. In the past there have also been cases of yellow, pink, red and purple lightning. Even a single bolt of lightning has displayed different colours as it branched out. So what makes different colour lightning?"
The article reassures us that most atmospheric scientists don't have a clue why lightning can be multi-coloured, but fortunately a commentator has decided to enlightened the readership and as I suspected, it was related to the properties of plasma. Hence we find the following explanation; "The different colours are plasma arcs caused when the lightning ignites the gases in the atmosphere, blue/green is common for oxygen plasmas and pink is nitrogen. Not really all that mysterious when you think about it."

Electricity Powers the Universe, 30th July 2008
"Electricity is an immensely more powerful force than gravity, and far more complex in the ways it interacts with matter. Yet modern astronomy remains wedded to a belief in gravity as the dominant mover and shaper of the universe, and seeks to explain new observations in terms that conceptually go back hundreds of years. James Hogan describes an emerging alternative theory that recognizes the important role played by electricity on cosmic scales, offering explanations based on principles that are well understood and demonstrable in laboratories, without need of recourse to unobserved, untestable physics or speculative mathematical abstractions."
The astronomy community is facing a paradigm shift as it becomes more evident that we live in a universe dominated by plasma and the electromagnetic force. With the current deluge of evolutionary energies, which is highly electrical, electrical manifestations and plasma phenomena will dominate our reality, and theory will be replaced by hard facts.

Electrical Activity On Saturn's Moon Titan Confirmed By Spanish Scientists
Science Daily, 29th July 2008
"Physicists from the University of Granada and University of Valencia have developed a procedure for analysing specific data sent by the Huygens probe from Titan, the largest of Saturn's moons, "unequivocally" proving that there is natural electrical activity in its atmosphere."
We find an interesting discussion on measuring the Schumann resonances here, but generally we see scientists finally catching up with electric universe theorists with real observational data.

Strong quake shakes Southern California
The temblor measured 5.4 and was felt from Los Angeles to San Diego

MSNBC News, 29th July 2008
"LOS ANGELES - A strong earthquake shook Southern California on Tuesday, causing buildings to sway and triggering some precautionary evacuations. There were no immediate reports of major damage or serious injuries. The 5.4-magnitude quake –considered moderate – was felt about 11:42 a.m. from Los Angeles to San Diego, and as far east as Las Vegas, 230 miles away. Nearly 30 aftershocks quickly followed, the largest estimated at 3.8."
Earthquakes and volcanic eruptions are often triggered by planetary alignments, so at the moment, Earth changing events are more likely in the days leading upto and after a solar eclipse (1st August) and the new moon passing (3rd August). The Earth is also entering the August "current return sheet" which often acts as a catalyst for hurricanes.

Latest Earthquakes in the World - Past 7 days
US Geological Survey, Current
USGS National Earthquake Information Center website. Nice data with great graphics of all earthquakes in the last 7 days.
Yes, the ring of fire is on fire!

Should we trust DNA? News, 28th July 2008
"The role of DNA testing in the justice system has seemed unassailable - who can argue with the odds of two people sharing the same genetic markers being, in some cases, as low as 1 in 113 billion? So DNA testing has been used to convict defendants in cases that are otherwise scant of evidence, and it's been used to spring prisoners who rotted in jail for decades for crimes that they said they didn't commit. Now, it turns out that DNA might not be so reliable after all." "It isn't that the DNA technology is problematic," said David Faigman, the John F. Degardi Distinguished Professor of Law at UC Hastings School of Law. "It's that the explanation for what the DNA is doing that can be problematic. It tells you something, but perhaps it doesn't tell you everything that you want to know.""
Somehow, this report does not surprise me at all and follows the pattern of other scientific "dead certs".....

Watch Friday's Solar Eclipse from the Comfort of Home
Scientific America, 28th July 2008
"Get your pinhole cameras and laptops ready. This Friday, August 1, a total solar eclipse will occur as the moon passes directly between the sun and Earth for the first time in more than two years. For a few minutes, the moon will blot out the sun, casting its dark shadow over a narrow, moving strip of land and revealing the sun's corona."

Ex-Astronaut Slams Asteroid Plan
A former Nasa astronaut claims plans to blast Earth-bound asteroids out of space with nuclear weapons is not the best way to beat the threat.

Sky News, 28th July 2008
"Apollo 9 legend Rusty Schweickart, who clocked up more than 240 hours in space, was responding to a Nasa report which said nukes were the best option to avert a catastrophic asteroid collision with Earth. He says most heavenly bodies could be redirected by ramming them from behind or towing them to safety with unmanned spacecraft. Speaking at a public meeting in San Francisco, Mr Schweickart says Nasa was put under political pressure to come up with the nuclear missile solution."
Apparently, intercepting an asteroid by detonating a nuclear missile is just not that straight forward, despite the bravado by NASA et al. It seems that despite a real threat, the 'Big Boys' with 'Big Toys' still want an opportunity to dish out the ususal BS.

Pictured: The moment 100 skydivers came together mid-air to form a 747-sized diamond
Daily Mail, 28th July 2008
"For a few precious seconds these 100 skydivers linked up, thousands of feet above Florida. It was all the time they needed to break the world record for the largest number to gather in a single formation. One slip and their huge diamond of pinks and greens would have collapsed, sending them crashing into one another and plummeting from the sky." "Roughly the size of a 747 jet, the successful formation broke the previous record of an 85-way canopy formation set in 2005."
It's interesting they choose the diamond for the sky formation and maybe indicative of how our consciousness, at some level, is aware of the New Energy arriving on Earth.

Diamonds May Have Jumpstarted Life on Earth
Yahoo News, 26th July 2008
"One of the greatest mysteries in science is how life began. Now one group of researchers says diamonds may have been life's best friend. Scientists have long theorized that life on Earth got going in a primordial soup of precursor chemicals. But nobody knows how these simple amino acids, known to be the building blocks of life, were assembled into complex polymers needed as a platform for genesis. Diamonds are crystallized forms of carbon that predate the oldest known life on the planet. In lab experiments aimed to confirm work done more than three decades ago, researchers found that when treated with hydrogen, natural diamonds formed crystalline layers of water on the surface. Water is essential for life as we know it. Also, the tests found electrical conductivity that could have been key to forcing chemical reactions needed to generate the first birth. When primitive molecules landed on the surface of these hydrogenated diamonds in the atmosphere of early Earth, a few billion years ago, the resulting reaction may have been sufficient enough to generate more complex organic molecules that eventually gave rise to life, the researchers say."
Recent research is stacking up to support the theory of Multidimensional Reality, which explains how our reality is determined by a crossover of energy from higher dimensions. The link with Panspermia theory can also be linked to metaphysical teaching and how life is delivered by cosmic forces.

Piglet born with "monkey's face"
Annanova News, 25th July 2008
Villagers were shocked after a monkey-like piglet was born in China. Curious locals flocked to the home of owner Feng Changlin after news of the piglet spread in Fengzhang village, Xiping township. "It's hideous. No one will be willing to buy it, and it scares the family to even look at it!" Feng told Oriental Today. He says the piglet looks just like a monkey, with two thin lips, a small nose and two big eyes. Its rear legs are also much longer than its forelegs, causing it to jump instead of walk. Feng's wife said the monkey-faced piglet was one of five newborns of a sow which the family had raised for nine years. "My God, it was so scary. I didn't known what it was. I was really frightened," she said. "But our son likes to play with it, and he stopped us from getting rid of it. He even feeds it milk." Neighbours have suggested the couple keep the piglet to see how it looks as it matures.
Well, I think this could have been caused by the wrong information being picked up and embedded into the controlling morphogenetic field for the piglet. So, as the electromagnetic chaos deepens there will be more examples of this kind of "accidental" re-programming of DNA.

Apollo 14 astronaut claims aliens HAVE made contact - but it has been covered up for 60 years
Daily Mail, 24th July 2008
"Aliens have contacted humans several times but governments have hidden the truth for 60 years, the sixth man to walk on the moon has claimed. Apollo 14 astronaut Dr Edgar Mitchell, said he was aware of many UFO visits to Earth during his career with NASA but each one was covered up. Dr Mitchell, 77, said during a radio interview that sources at the space agency who had had contact with aliens described the beings as 'little people who look strange to us.'"
I can't help thinking that maybe there are ongoing attempts to soften up the public before any serious announcement can be made. I mean even the Vatican are talking about aliens......

GPS Driving British Motorists to Distraction
A new survey suggests satellite navigation systems encourage dangerous driving. They're being blamed for many accidents and near-misses in Britain

Business Week, 23rd July 2008
"A new survey suggests satellite navigation systems encourage dangerous driving. They're being blamed for many accidents and near-misses in Britain Many drivers can't imagine life without their trusty sat-nav but the motorist's best friend is being blamed for causing hundreds of thousands of accidents and near-misses."
GPS is particularly unreliable in geomagnetic storms at the same time humans are also prone to accidents and a host of physiological effects, as well as the negative effects on the decision making process. At the end of the day, it seems common sense to to pay attention to what else is happening on the road. What's more to reduce your exposure to geomagnetic storms, the only solution is to strengthen core energy which will also strengthen the overall human energy field, in effect building up a shield to protect against Electromagnetic Interference (EMI).

Ancient Galactic Magnetic Fields Stronger than Expected, 23rd July 2008
"Mining the far reaches of the universe for clues about its past, a team of scientists including Philipp Kronberg of Los Alamos National Laboratory has proposed that magnetic fields of ancient galaxies like ours were just as strong as those existing today, prompting a rethinking of how our galaxy and others may have formed. With powerful telescopes and sophisticated measurements, the team probed back in time to see the ancient universe as it existed some 8 to 9 billion years ago. Their research was published in the July 17 edition of Nature."
In the beginning was the plasma and it had a magnetic field. My research has satisfied me that we can recognise the signature of the divine, by the behaviour of energy in relation to geometry and the magnetic force.

Strange object filmed in the sky above Winnipeg News, 21st July 2008
"Is it a comet, an aircraft, or satellite debris burning up in the atmosphere? A Winnipeg woman is asking for help to explain a mysterious object she caught on camera. "It was like a red fireball falling down from the sky," Sylvia McLeod, 31, told Tuesday. "I have no idea what it is. I thought it would be all over the news. I went on the Internet and tried to find any information, but couldn't find anything."
As I have stated before, plasma or magnetic "entities" are arriving "on mass" to drive some serious evolutionary change. Our scientists refer to them as "magnetospheric plasmoids" which can enter and exit our atmosphere at will. They can appear as meteorites, but they can stop dead in their tracks and film has been taken of them darting about in the sky. The general public are not informed because the implications are immense. It would mean that ordinary people would know that a completely natural forms of life exists that pervades the whole Universe, but who only obey Universal laws and not world governments. Thus disclosure is just not on the agenda for world controllers.

The Carl Wunsch Complaint
Climate Audit, 22nd July 2008
"Wunsch promptly replied on Sept 18, 2006 referring to a popular representation of the Gulf Stream as a "fairy tale for grown ups": He responded that this was "absolutely not" the case, stating that "you can't turn the Gulf Stream off as long as the wind blows over the North Atlantic and the earth continues to rotate!" and went on to describe the 'conveyor' as "a kind of fairy-tale for grownups". Professor Wunsch said that "I'm willing to talk about these things. I believe that there are all kinds of things happening in the oceans, many highly troubling, but I also believe that one should distinguish what the science tells us and what is merely fantasy".
It's amazing what scientists are prepared to state "off the record" compared to the usual public demeanor, they are forced to portray. I found Wunsch's comment "a fairy tale for grown-ups", referring to the gulf-stream "conveyer belt", matches my views about quite a few other subjects.....

Freak storms in Austria cause hailstone toilet explosion
He just wanted quiet time on the toilet...

Independent Online, 22th July 2008
"A man from Austria is demanding substantial damages after he was blasted off the toilet when huge hailstones started shooting out of it. "I heard the pipes rumbling a bit, and suddenly hailstones the size of golf balls started exploding out of the toilet like it was a popcorn machine," said Martin Bierbauer. "There was an avalanche of ice that quickly filled the toilet, then the entire flat, and eventually the entire building. "I ran down the stairs with the hailstones following me, and other residents did the same."
It reads like someone is describing their nightmare, but my fascination for stories about hailstones continues..... see previous comments.

A huge solar flare (CME) Credit: NASA (April 2001)
YouTube, 19th July 2008

This is a recently released coronagraph compilation by NASA for April 2001. Hmmm....I suppose NASA are trying to prepare people, as the current depth of the Sun's slumber must be very worrying.... What's interesting, is that the massive X-rated solar flares were even bigger in 2003, but often the monitoring X-ray detectors could not cope and were often totally blinded. Incidentally, the X-rating was only introduced in the mid 1990s when the activity of the Sun just went off the charts. Who knows what will happen if NASA's own predictions come true for the peak of the next solar cycle which will probably be around 2012.... We live in a world highly dependent on technology which can be disrupted by fluctuating geomagnetic storms. For example the last massive geomagnetic storm in December 2006 (the biggest burst of electromagnetic energy in 30 years), caused effects on GPS that were 10x bigger than ever recorded. Yet, by 2012 the plans are to have all planes operated by GPS....sigh!

"Consensus" on Man-Made Warming Shattering
Canada Free Press, 19th July 2008
"Physics & Society, The journal of the 46,000-member American Physical Society, just published "Climate Sensitivity Revisited," by Viscount Christopher Monckton. Monckton is an avowed man-made warming skeptic, and former science advisor to the late British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher. (If you want to see the science, click here ) Viscount Monckton contends that the climate alarmists have mistakenly pre-programmed their computer models with equations that overstate the earth's sensitivity to CO2 by 500 to 2,000 percent thus creating a senseless First World panic that itself threatens the future of society."
I think most ordinary people would call this level of data manipulation FRAUD!

American Physical Society and Monckton at odds over paper
Watts Up With That, 19th July 2008
"Two days ago I posted on this story in this blog related to APS opening up debate on climate change. It appears Lord Monckton did in fact have his paper, Climate Sensitivity Reconsidered, reviewed by APS, and he drafted revisions per that review, after which the paper was accepted by APS for publication. Yesterday, APS put this disclaimer in red over the paper on their website: The following article has not undergone any scientific peer review. Its conclusions are in disagreement with the overwhelming opinion of the world scientific community. The Council of the American Physical Society disagrees with this article's conclusions."
We have a storm in a teacup!
UpdateSee, The shaming of American Physics and Statement by The Viscount Monckton of Brenchley . I think the reviewer did a good job from what I can, will heads now role?

Channel 4 to be censured over controversial climate film
Watchdog finds documentary was unfair to scientists but did not mislead viewers

The guardian, 19th July 2008
"Channel 4 misrepresented some of the world's leading climate scientists in a controversial documentary that claimed global warming was a conspiracy and a fraud, the UK's media regulator will rule next week." "But it is understood that Channel 4 will still claim victory because the ultimate verdict on a separate complaint about accuracy, which contained 131 specific points and ran to 270 pages, will find that it did not breach the regulator's broadcasting code and did not materially mislead viewers."
'The Great Global Warming Swindle' presented the 'other' side of the global warming debate which had been overwhelming one-sided. Yet, Al Gore's Inconvenient Truth is so full of misrepresentations that a British High court judge ruled that that a list of "scientific errors" be sent to schools. I am very pleased with the film maker Martin Durkin and some of the scientists involved in this documentary, especially Dr. Tim Ball who told the world that he had received death threats for his beliefs. My reason? The battle for the truth has to be waged on many fronts.

Gadgets blamed as lightning strikes dozens
CNN, 18th July 2008
"Lightning has killed and injured more than a dozen people in Russia in the past two weeks, officials say, blaming widespread use of electronic gadgets such as cell phones for an increase in deadly strikes." " Leonid Tarkov of the weather observation center FOBOS said he believes that the surge in lightning strikes may be connected to the increased use of portable electronic technology, such as cellular phones or music players. "These things are electromagnetic field carriers," he said. "That makes them, in essence, conductors. Thunderbolts are frequently attracted to such things, and hits are often connected with a lethal outcome." The idea that lightning can follow the weak electromagnetic fields of such devices is rejected by virtually all scientists, although there is evidence that a lightning strike is more likely to be fatal for a person carrying any object with metal in it."
I actually think this report is a poor attempt at disinformation. There are now many reports of extreme lightning killing people and causing fires, the extreme lightning strike in California is the best example. Personally, I think the US and Russia have a major problem looming because they have to deal with their legacy of a weakened ionosphere after detonating nuclear bombs in the 1950s & 1960s. There is also the more recent military experiments, pointless attempts to "control the weather".

Researchers question lightning's link to X-rays
China View, 18th July 2008
"BEIJING, July 18 (Xinhuanet) -- Many of the basics of lightning have been revealed, but scientists admit they don't really understand how lighting gets from one place to another and lightning link to X-rays is still a mystery." ""From a practical point of view, if we are going to ever be able to predict when and where lightning will strike, we need to first understand how lightning moves from one place to the other," Dwyer said. "At present, we do not have a good handle on this. X-rays are giving us a close-up view of what is happening inside the lightning as it moves.""
My suggestion is that these scientists study the behaviour of plasmas and then identify the capacitors around our planet. Clouds do not generate lightning they are just passive components in an interplanetary circuit, this fundamental fact explains why these scientists are still scratching their heads, after decades of research.

Psychic Nearly Destroys Family
Live Science, 17th July 2008
"Many people go to psychics for a handful of typical reasons..... Most of the subjects are personal, minor, and relatively inconsequential. If the information seems valid, then the client is happy. If none of it comes true, then the subject just chalks it up to a bad reading and only loses a few bucks. No real harm done. But what happens when the psychic lies to the client (or is wrong), telling her information that is not true about something with real-world consequences?"
I know some brilliant psychics but generally, for those who actually do have a gift, many lack integrity and often misuse their powers. From my own experience, it's quite foolhardy to assume someone has evolved their consciousness just because they have some kind of 'special' ability. As all good christian people will know, the really 'evil', have no problems disguising themselves as 'angels of light'.

A String Theory for the Sun, 17th July 2008

"Filamentary Birkeland currents transport electrical energy from the Sun to Earth and the rest of the Solar System. Could ancient human beings have seen this phenomenon visible in their skies?" " The existence of these twisted filamentary bundles of magnetic fields that transport ions through space along their length was only empirically confirmed in 2007, when NASA's fleet of THEMIS spacecraft announced to have detected "giant magnetic ropes that connect Earth's upper atmosphere to the Sun" in the earth's magnetopause. Solar wind particles are believed to flow in along these ropes, "providing energy for geomagnetic storms and auroras."
If the ancients saw electrical phenomena in our skies it means that over time, the electrical conditions on Earth can vary tremendously. My book clearly describes how the electrical conditions on Earth have changed in the last few decades and I cite the cause as the new phenomena of Space Weather. The erratic weather and obvious climate change have been blamed on "global warming", yet this is highly disputed in the scientific world, and many point to the role of the Sun which is only partly correct. Personally, I think it's important to understand the implications for our planet now, as the Sun idles and the galactic wind comes pummelling in, because if ancient accounts are true, we ain't seen nothing yet......

Scientists demonstrate the sharpest measurement of ice crystals in cloud, 17th July 2008
"Scientists have created an instrument designed to help determine the shapes and sizes of tiny ice crystals typical of those found in high-altitude clouds, down to the micron level (comparable to the tiniest cells in the human body), according to a new study in Optics Letters, a journal published by the Optical Society. The data produced using this instrument likely will help improve computer models used to predict climate change."
Well, I think the new phenomena of noctilucent clouds and the conclusions from SKY (Svensmark) and CLOUD (Cern) experiments are forcing a major re-think of the role of greenhouse gases.

Avebury Manor, nr Avebury, Wiltshire. Reported 15th July.
Crop Circle Connector, 17th July 2008
"The new formation is obviously a diagrammatic representation of the Sun and planets (with no care for proper astronomical proportions). But the smaller inner ones (Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars) are clearly delineated from the giant outer ones (Jupiter, Saturn Uranus and Neptune). And there is a huge Sun with an unusual reversing swirl lay." "The crop circle formation at Avebury Manor seems to depict our solar-system (not in proportional scale) on December 21, (+/-) 2012 - the highly debated end of the Mayan calendar (or at least one of the most prominent interpretations of that date). Whatever this means and who-or-whatever created this crop circle, I do not know - but the basic message of it is quite clear."
Another wake-up message but most are fast asleep.....

Galaxies' Mysterious Magnetic Fields Grew Up Fast
Distant quasars shine light on ancient magnetic fields

Sciam News, 16th July 2008
"Light from distant quasars early galaxies that shine with tremendous brightness has given researchers a new clue to the origin of vast magnetic fields studding today's galaxies: They were running strong when the universe was only a third of its present age." "The observations "tell us that magnetic fields really were there in these early times," she says, "and you have to include them in the models."
Since scientists don't even understand the origin or purpose of magnetic fields, they will hardly recognise them as a signature of the divine.

Myth of Consensus Explodes: APS Opens Global Warming Debate
"Considerable presence" of skeptics

Daily Tech, 16th July 2008
"The American Physical Society, an organization representing nearly 50,000 physicists, has reversed its stance on climate change and is now proclaiming that many of its members disbelieve in human-induced global warming. The APS is also sponsoring public debate on the validity of global warming science. The leadership of the society had previously called the evidence for global warming "incontrovertible." In a posting to the APS forum, editor Jeffrey Marque explains,"There is a considerable presence within the scientific community of people who do not agree with the IPCC conclusion that anthropogenic CO2 emissions are very probably likely to be primarily responsible for global warming that has occurred since the Industrial Revolution." "Larry Gould, Professor of Physics at the University of Hartford and Chairman of the New England Section of the APS, called Monckton's paper an "expose of the IPCC that details numerous exaggerations and "extensive errors". In an email to DailyTech, Monckton says, "I was dismayed to discover that the IPCC's 2001 and 2007 reports did not devote chapters to the central 'climate sensitivity' question, and did not explain in proper, systematic detail the methods by which they evaluated it. When I began to investigate, it seemed that the IPCC was deliberately concealing and obscuring its method.""
Well, well, well, more scientists are now seeing the wood for the trees. There have been lots of reports about disatisfaction with the IPCC and I suppose that's why Al Gore is hitting the headlines again.... Incidentally, I can't believe is thinking of composing a YouTube song for Gore..... that's a mistake for sure....

Sun in deep slumber: 10.7 solar flux hits record low value
Watts Up With That, 16th June 2008 "NRC Canada's FTP site which logs the daily 10.7 centimeter (2800 megahertz) radio flux from the sun just reported what appears to be a new record low in the observed data."
As noted by a commentator, "From Solar Cycle 24 ( "Today the solar flux has dipped to a new low of 64.2. Just so you do not worry too much, on July 2, 1954 a value of 64.4 was observed. What followed was one of the strongest Cycles ever recorded (Solar Cycle 19)." Hmmm...

Frogs with disease-resistance genes may escape extinction, 16th July 2008
"As frog populations die off around the world, researchers have identified certain genes that can help the amphibians develop resistance to harmful bacteria and disease. The discovery may provide new strategies to protect frog populations in the wild. New work, published in the online, open-access journal PLoS ONE, examines how genes encoding the major histocompatibility (MHC) complex affect the ability of frogs to resist infection by a bacterium that is commonly associated with frog population declines."
"Well, our experts are watching a major die-off of frogs, bees and bats as well as dolphins and a whole host of other less well-publicised extinctions. Evolutionary biologists tell us that they believe we are seeing the greatest rate of extinction in 65 million years and yet most people don't understand that there are implications for humans too.

Former NASA Space Shuttle Flight Director Tells of Solar Flare Scare
Earth Changes Media, 15th July 2008
"Wayne Hale is the former NASA space shuttle flight director. In a recent article, Hale tells of some very intense moments regarding the space shuttle and solar flares. This story is being released for the first time and ECM is bringing this very telling news to you." For subscribers only: A copy can be found here
I note that Mitch Battros is now informing people of the impact of geomagnetic storms on the human energy field, so my interview by him in April 2007 did make a difference, good!

Landspouts touch down in two Nebraska counties
KPTM News, 15th July 2008

So the US is starting to see visible electrical phenomena in the form of landspouts without an associated storm system to provide the power...... Mind you, I recently came out of a shop in Switzerland on a beautiful sunny day to see freshly cut grass swirling 10 metres in the air, and then the whole mini-mini "landspout" dissipated fast after it had moved about 10 metres. I was absolutely amazed.....a fellow bystander stated "it's a mystery"..... I decided not to bother trying to tell him anything different.

Mysterious insect baffles experts
BBC News, 15th July 2008
"Experts have been baffled by the presence of an unidentified insect in parts of London. The tiny red and black bug first appeared in the Natural History Museum's Wildlife Garden in March 2007. Since then it has become the most common insect in the garden and has also been spotted in Regent's Park and Gray's Inn."
I actually believe that in the process of evolutionary change, formally extinct species can re-appear as dormant morphogenetic fields are re-activated. This has occured in Russia with the appearance of 'extinct' plants. I am not sure what has happened here, but I believe there will be lots of stories in the future about "baffled" experts.

UFO hovered above marshes
Rye and Battle Observer, 14th July 2008
"Mystery UFO has been spotted in the Sussex Express area.... 'I got my binoculars out. It was more like a diamond or a cone shape with a point at the lower end. It shaded through from red, white and then down to a brilliant blue.' Then I saw it again this Saturday. It was hovering above the marshes and moving very slowly. 'I just assumed it was a satellite or something but it was very large , bigger than you'd epxect a satellite to be.'"
Well, even I am amazed about what is happening on the planet now. Yes, I predicted an electromagnetic flood and I knew about "magnetic entities", the huge orbs referred to as 'UAPs' by the UK Ministry of Defence. But 'diamond rain' that can only be picked up by digital cameras and diamond-shaped objects that can be mistaken for a UFOs are simply out of this world! LOL!!

Hurricane Season Getting Longer
LiveScience, 14th July 2008
"Hurricane seasons have been getting longer over the past century and the big storms are coming earlier, LiveScience has learned. The trend has been particularly noticeable since 1995, some climate scientists say. Further, the area of warm water able to support hurricanes is growing larger over time. The Atlantic Ocean is becoming more hurricane friendly, scientists say, and the shift is likely due to global warming."There has been an increase in the seasonal length over the last century," Jay Gulledge, a senior scientist with the Pew Center on Global Climate Change, told LiveScience. "It's pretty striking.""
Note the guesswork here and the twaddle about "warm seas". There is no mention of the phenomena of "instant hurricanes" when hurricane after hurricane forms over the same patch of water but the sea temperatures never drop! Again, hurricanes that form over land and over the cold Atlantic in December! Most atmospheric scientists are stuck with old theory and have little comprehension of the connection between the magnetospshere and the ionosphere which can will cause electrically heating. Don't worry, there is a slow re-think taking place, but it's been done quite discreetly.....

Bankers Use Secret Clinics, Nurses to Beat Breakdowns
Bloomberg News, 11th July 2008
"Even in a world of six-figure salaries, bankers report an atmosphere of unhappiness. Fifty-eight percent of people working in banking and finance say they have seen someone cry as a result of stress at work, according to an nfpSynergy report for the Samaritans, a confidential help line that fields more than 13,000 calls daily, 20 percent from suicidal people. The industry was recently ranked last in the City & Guilds Happiness Index, based on a survey of 2,000 people in 20 professions. Beauty therapists were first."
This article is an eye-opener, nurses dressing up in suits to babysit tops CEOs whilst they conduct meetings when they are still ill......the mind boggles.....

What's Wrong with the Sun? (Nothing), 11th July 2008
"This report, that there's nothing to report, is newsworthy because of a growing buzz in lay and academic circles that something is wrong with the sun. Sun Goes Longer Than Normal Without Producing Sunspots declared one recent press release. A careful look at the data, however, suggests otherwise." "Hathaway has studied international sunspot counts stretching all the way back to 1749 and he offers these statistics: "The average period of a solar cycle is 131 months with a standard deviation of 14 months. Decaying solar cycle 23 (the one we are experiencing now) has so far lasted 142 months--well within the first standard deviation and thus not at all abnormal. The last available 13-month smoothed sunspot number was 5.70. This is bigger than 12 of the last 23 solar minimum values." In summary, "the current minimum is not abnormally low or long." The longest minimum on record, the Maunder Minimum of 1645-1715, lasted an incredible 70 years."
I think they call this type of report damage limitation, I assure you, Sun watchers are very nervous.....

Solar Stake-out To Improve Space Weather Forecasts, 11th July 2008
"The sun is about to undergo unremitting scrutiny. About six times each minute of every hour for at least five years, a soon-to-be launched NASA satellite will measure the sun's quirky--and sometimes stormy--output of extreme ultraviolet (EUV) light." "Changes in the sun's magnetic field driven by the solar wind in turn affect the Earth's atmospheric electric currents and magnetic fields, and can cause such disruptive effects as wreaking havoc with the Nation's electric power grid. In addition, the ionization of atmosphere gases by EUV and X-ray irradiation disrupts the high-frequency radio communication and decreases the accuracy of GPS systems. Related phenomena can change the density of the upper atmosphere, increase the drag on satellites in low-Earth orbit, and knock them out of orbit."
Despite the "dead" Sun (virtually no sunspot activity at the moment), scientists are just not taking any chances. Once again, besides astronauts, there is no mention of the impact of Space weather on humans living on Earth, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

Public not being told the whole truth about global warming
Engineering News, 11th July 2008
"In 2006, there were predictions in the media that global warming would cause 2007 to be the hottest year on record. Now think about it, what have you read in the media in 2008 about this? Well, nothing actually. Why? Well, the answer is simple – because 2007 turned out to be the coolest year recorded for the last 30 years. This, the public was not told. The public was also not told that, since the warm year of 1998, there has been continuous cooling. What the public is told is that, during the twentieth century, there was a global temperature increase of 0,6 oC. This is true, but what is left out is that most of the warming took place from 1920 to 1940 and that global temperature fell from 1940 to 1970, prompting announcements in the mid 1970s that a global ice age was about to pounce on us. During all this, the carbon dioxide content of the atmosphere continued to rise. In fact, atmospheric carbon dioxide (C02) continued to increase after 1940, while atmospheric cooling was taking place. Should that not make people think a bit?"
The last sentence struck a nerve....people don't generally think 'outside of the box', if you do, many assume you're a bit odd....

Record natural disaster deaths, insurer says
Herald Sun, 10th July 2008
"NATURAL disasters killed at least 150,000 people in the first half of this year, more than in the whole of 2004 when south-east Asia was struck by a tsunami, a top insurer said today. The figures came from German re-insurance group Munich Re which warned that the pattern this year fitted a trend of worsening weather-driven catastrophes, and the company called for increased efforts to fight climate change. Specialists at the German group recorded about 400 natural catastrophes in the first half of 2008, with overall losses so far estimated at $US50 billion ($52.48 billion)."
We are living in a time of evolutionary change, and humans are expected to change their behaviour too. It seems some elite organisations have been making 'doomsday' preparations and now serious money is being channelled into environmental concerns to be creamed off by the seasoned money makers. Personally, I don't think it's enough.....

Our leaders are in carbon-cloud cuckoo land

The Telegraph, 10th July 2008
"If the G8's leaders genuinely wanted to cut carbon emissions by 50 per cent over the next 40 years, this would mean taking steps they haven't even begun to contemplate. It would require such a drastic cut in our energy use and standard of living that their peoples would have risen up in mass revolt long before the target was reached. And nothing better shows up the unreality of all this - as President Bush tried to point out in the summit's only flash of honesty - than the fact that China (not represented at the G8, although it now has the world's fourth largest economy) is already putting out more CO2 than anyone else. As it builds two new coal-fired power stations a week, China has no more intention than India of joining the Western economic suicide club." "Despite the best efforts of the global-warming lobby to keep the scare going, the northern hemisphere enjoyed its coldest winter for decades, and this summer has shown the curve sinking even lower. Even the warmists are having to find excuses for the fact that their theory doesn't exactly seem to be holding up, conceding that the next 10 years may see a period of global cooling, before the "underlying warming trend" returns worse than ever. Other scientists point out that, rather than look to CO2 for an explanation of global temperatures, a much more convincing link can be seen in the activity of the sun, with current sunspot levels having dramatically fallen to levels associated with historic periods of global cooling recorded in the past. Yet just when such huge question marks are being raised over the "CO2 equals warming" theory, our politicians have swallowed it whole, as an act of blind faith - using it to justify such massive costs to our economy that our whole way of life seems destined to change significantly for the worse."
Feisty but fairly accurate.....

How we keep our ancient reptilian wits about us
The Telegraph, 9th July 2008
"Modern man still relies on ancient, reptilian brain centres to make life-or-death decisions because they are faster thinking than the ones that make us human." "New research from Bristol supports this theory and has added a twist by showing that we rely on older brain centres that evolved more than 100 million years ago to be quicker-witted when there is danger. The evolutionary pressures kept the older, faster, but less accurate, part of the brain we inherited from the reptiles for emergencies, while shaping the more recent development of the slower-acting but more precise cortex, the rind of the brain that gives humans language and reasoning."
Another way to explain this, is to state the reptilian brain is utilised in rather a "knee-jerk" fashion. I wonder what these "evolutionary pressures" are because from my own observation, those with a few too many reptilian genes tend to operate on a high "threat" level and the inability to reason makes these people rather dangerous to be around......

UFO expert admits Islington video could be aliens
Islington Gazette, 9th July 2008
"Paul Southcott, a member of the UFO Supernatural Study Group, has told the Gazette he is "90 per cent sure" that spooky footage of a trio of bright orbs moving above the Chapel Market area is genuine." "The woman, who does not want her identity to be revealed, has not shown the footage until now for fear of being branded a hoaxer. She said: "It was like a blob in the sky above the trees. I'm a 100 million per cent sure it was a UFO because it was like a big orb darting about like a lunatic. I zoomed in on it and it looked like a big ball of cells, like they would look if you saw them through a microscope."
According to the British Ministry of Defence, "Unidentified Aerial Phenomena" (UAPs), a plasma based phenomena is FACT and they have been kind enough to write a massive 460 page report that is available on the internet, (actually, this report was Top Secret and they had to be forced by the UK Freedom of Information Act(2005) before they would reveal the contents). Commonly described as 'Orbs', this phenomena is actually part of Universal Consciousness and acts as a messaging system throughout the cosmos. They have ALWAYS existed on Earth, but the difference now is that the background aetheric density is shifting and "the great cloud of witnesses" is much easier to see.

Doomed to a fatal delusion over climate change
Herald Sun, 9th July 2008
"PSYCHIATRISTS have detected the first case of "climate change delusion" - and they haven't even yet got to Kevin Rudd and his global warming guru. Writing in the Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, Joshua Wolf and Robert Salo of our Royal Children's Hospital say this delusion was a "previously unreported phenomenon". "A 17-year-old man was referred to the inpatient psychiatric unit at Royal Children's Hospital Melbourne with an eight-month history of depressed mood . . . He also . . . had visions of apocalyptic events." (So have Alarmist of the Year Tim Flannery, Profit of Doom Al Gore and Sir Richard Brazen, but I digress.) "The patient had also developed the belief that, due to climate change, his own water consumption could lead within days to the deaths of millions of people through exhaustion of water supplies."
I suppose this case is not surprising when unbalanced people are being force fed with a daily offering of climate related doom and disaster in the media.

Diamonds May Have Rained Down From Space During Ice Age
Fox News, 8th July 2008
"Diamonds and precious metals found in the eastern United States might have rained down during the last Ice Age after a comet shattered over Canada and set North America ablaze, all leading to a mass die-off of animals and humans. New chemical analyses of diamond, gold and silver found in Ohio and Indiana reveal the minerals were transported there from Canada several thousand years ago. The question is, how?"
The comet theory is based on geological evidence of a cosmic driven event but the 'impact' site cannot be found...... Note the statement; "Diamonds drizzled down by the tons." There have been channelled messages that tell us that we are about to be deluged by "Diamond Flame Energy", at the same time that we have digital images being taken by ordinary people showing that it's 'raining' diamonds (aetheric plasma). For the many reasons specified in my book, "Tuning the Diamonds", this energy has the ability to structure matter, but it also represents the purest form of Universal Consciousness. We are at the start of a massive deluge of electromagnetic energy and some of the consequences are explained in my book.

Welcome to Hell
The Smirking Chimp, 8th July 2008
"Hell had come to California, once again, and, once again, it was in my backyard. Perhaps our Guvunator Arnold Schwarzenegger summed up the past few weeks the best over the weekend. "I've been driving up and down the state of California going to all the various different fires, and you can imagine, this state is very prepared for fire, but when you wake up one morning and have 500 fires across the state, it was a real shock to me...only to find the next morning there were 1,000 fires, and the next morning 1,400 fires, and then 1,700 fires igniting over 14 days. When you read a statement like that, it registers on a certain level. It becomes a lot more visceral when you're in or near a particular slice of Hell. A massive wildfire upends your sense of time. Your priorities are fragged. You realize that, in this uber-tech world we live in, very few of us are prepared for the ultimate challenge: survival. You're facing an element of nature that doesn't care about what make or model your car is, how big or small your home, whether you have a dial-up or cable modem on your computer or who you intend to vote for. This force has but one intention: to consume everything in its path until it is stopped."
A brilliantly witty commentary to the point of being savage which reveals how ordinary people have to cope with the forces of nature with support systems either missing, disabled or inadequate. This article will make you laugh and possibly cry....

How intense will storms get? New model helps answer question
A new mathematical model indicates that dust devils, water spouts, tornadoes, hurricanes and cyclones are all born of the same mechanism and will intensify as climate change warms the Earth's surface., 8th July 2008
Eureka! "The new equation, developed by University of Michigan atmospheric and planetary scientist Nilton Renno, could allow scientists to more accurately calculate the maximum expected intensity of a spiraling storm based on the depth of the troposphere and the temperature and humidity of the air in the storm's path. The troposphere is the lowest layer of Earth's atmosphere."
We have the integration of scientific data, producing a more holistic analysis, note this quote; "This is the first thermodynamic model that unifies all these vortices," he said. "When you unify them, you can see the big picture and you can really understand what makes them form and change." We have "Yellow" hurrah!!

British UFO sightings at 'bizarre' levels
Whether alien activity or natural phenomena, reports of UFOs have flooded in this summer from across the country.

The Telegraph, 7th July 2008
"Plotted on a map of Britain, the sightings can be seen to stretch from Liverpool to Dover and from Llanelli to Derby. Whatever the explanation, experts agree that the number of suspected flying saucers has hit unusual highs this summer. Malcolm Robinson, who studies the phenomenon, said: "Something very bizarre is happening in the skies over the UK.""
So? I think the credibility levels of "world authorities" will vanish, if they are forced to acknowledge the exsistence of UFOs after all the years of denial. The acceleration of evolutionary change may mean this could be sooner than anyone would want to believe.....

Apocalypse Now
Scoop Independent News, 5th July 2008
"What is it with environmental organizations, politicians, bureaucrats, quasi-scientists (junk, pseudo- or just bad), with their dire predictions of apocalyptic climate change, claims that swamp the media, generating unnecessary alarm and panic? They are seized upon by media, hungry for eye-catching stories. There is a growing band of people whose livelihoods depend on creating and maintaining panic. There are also some who are trying to keep numbers away from your notice and others who hope that you will not make comparisons. Their stock in trade is the gratuitous lie. The aim here is to nail just a few of them."
I actually think that many people are tapping into unconscious fears from the last time we were at this exact same place in the evolutionary spiral. Yet, the evolutionary process spirals and there is never an exact repeat. Humans have also raised their consciousness enough to avoid the worst calamity and are now being asked to take more responsibility. This article highlights the negative aspects of those on the spiral with a decidedly "green" tinge. A more balanced outlook and feasible solutions to environmental problems will only occur when more people evolve up the spiral of human consciousness.

Cosmic blasts may throw out plasma 'cannonballs', 5th July 2008
Subscriber Only: "Shlomo Dado of the Israel Institute of Technology (Technion) in Haifa and colleagues argue that a rival to the jet theory, called the cannonball model, better explains the observations. In this model, the collapsing star hurls out discrete "cannonballs" of plasma rather than continuous jets. As in the jet scenario, these cannonballs produce radiation focused into beams and are slowed by collisions with interstellar clouds - but the brightness drop due to the latter may be hidden from us. That's because high-speed electrons in the cannonballs hit low-energy photons emitted during the explosion, boosting them to high energies and so obscuring any drop in brightness. The team says the cannonball model fits more than 100 GRBs they have studied so far (The Astrophysical Journal, DOI: 10.1086/587869)."
According to the theory of Multi-dimensional Reality, [Vogt & Sultan, 1978], I now believe that these "cannonballs" or "jets" plasma are highly condensed, primordial spiritual or "divine" energy and represents an interdimensional delivery system.

Earth begins to kill people for changing its climate
Pravda, 4th July 2008
"At least 2.5 million people have been killed in natural disasters over the recent 48 years. The number of casualties over the recent 20 years made up 1.6 million people, the UN said. Rob Vos, the director of the Development Policy and Analysis Division of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA), said that the number of natural disasters taking place in the world nowadays has quadrupled in comparison with the 1970s. The disaster-related economic damage has increased at least seven times."
Enlightened Russian scientists were the first to highlight the impact of "Space Weather" and massive changes in ALL the planets in our solar system, which is the true cause of the Earth's catastrophes, see PLANETOPHYSICAL STATE OF THE EARTH AND LIFE [1998] . Yet, the report actually suggests that humanity has a part to play to DECREASE catastrophes, but this requires a spiritual change in humanity and unfortunately this understanding seems to have bypassed the majority of the metaphysical community. I realised what was happening in 2005 and that is why I decided to write, self-publish and end up having to market my book, "Tuning the Diamonds: Electromagnetism & Spiritual Evolution". As things turn out I think my concerns have been borne out..... Anyway, there are hundreds of thousands of left-brained people "waking up" to a new reality who need an explanation in terms that they can understand. The right-brained are supposed to "know" already right? I also wrote my book for the intelligentsia to find out what the more "intuitive" folks are up to by balancing their electromagnetic fields and activating diamond energy bodies. It's fairly obvious that the Russian headline would provoke a reaction, and it seems that people don't like idea that we are living at a time where Universal Consciousness is re-balancing and eliminating the stresses in the environment. In my opinion, it's up to us to co-operate with the Universe and not seek to make a fast buck, as the Earth is littered with the remains of previous civilisations that also failed to understand Universal Order.

All Cannings, nr Devizes, Wiltshire. Reported 30th June.
Crop Circle Connector, 4th July 2008
"On arrival on site we were warned of quite significant electrical problems, how serious I did not realise until last night and I came to view my images on the computer.It was quite a trek to the Northeast corner of the field which has the Kennett/Avon canal on its Southern border, it was difficult also because the formation is almost out of sight from the road. Arriving at the location one is aware the quite large area of crop has been laid down, on examination we confirmed the evidence of the aerial shots."
Well, I have not been paying much attention to the Crop Circle Connector website this season, but I got nudge! It looks like light coming fromt different sources to create an interesting interference pattern, so is this a warning?

Ancient diamonds 'may reveal earliest life on Earth'
Daily Mail, 3rd July 2008
"Life may have appeared only a short time after the Earth was formed out of a swirling disc of gas and dust, scientists said today. They believe 4.2 billion-year-old diamonds could contain an imprint of this earliest existence. If they are right it will mean a major re-think about the emergence of biological activity on Earth." "But the diamonds, containing a type of 'light' carbon normally associated with living organisms, raises the possibility of life existing at least 700 million years earlier. The diamonds were trapped inside extremely old zircon crystals recovered in 1983 from the Jack Hills of Western Australia. Resarch leader Dr Alexander Nemchin, from Curtin University of Technology in Australia said: 'We believe this find to be the oldest terrestrial light carbon reservoir discovered so far. 'It opens up the possibility of biological activity during the period not long after the Earth's formation.'" "'The discovery challenges our fundamental understanding of processes active in the early history of the Earth,' Dr Nemchin said. 'It suggests that life may well have appeared on Earth long before the period of heavy-meteorite bombardment believed by some to have initiated the emergence of life on Earth.'"
"Very interesting article as it relates to the theory of Multi-Dimensional Reality and especially now as cosmic and galactic "gas and dust", which should really read 'plasma and dust' is sprinkling the Earth with new diamonds......

The weird world of mystic mogs and death-sensing dogs
Daily Mail, 2nd July 2008
"Cats who know exactly when they are going to be taken to the vets. Dogs who sense their owners' whereabouts - even if they are miles away. And birds who seem to mourn the deaths of those around them... our pets and other animals have always been intuitive - but do they really have a mysterious sixth sense? A new book by Britain's leading clinical authority on near-death experiences, Dr Peter Fenwick, and his wife Elizabeth, a counsellor, examines the remarkable cases of psychic animals. . ."
Well, if there was a tsunami on the way and I was in danger, I would hope that my ability to interact with the environment would be good enough to save my life, a capability that has been well demonstrated by animals.... Why? I still think about the images of rotting bodies lying on the beach after the Sumatra tsunami in December 2004.

Global Warming Is a Cause of This Year's Extreme Weather
Newsweek, 2nd July 2008
"It's almost a point of pride with climatologists. Whenever someplace is hit with a heat wave, drought, killer storm or other extreme weather, scientists trip over themselves to absolve global warming. No particular weather event, goes the mantra, can be blamed on something so general. Extreme weather occurred before humans began loading up the atmosphere with heat-trapping greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide. So this storm or that heat wave could be the result of the same natural forces that prevailed 100 years ago random movements of air masses, unlucky confluences of high- and low-pressure systems rather than global warming."
There is more than a hint of desperation in this article, and the statitistics chosen are debateable. Well, it's hard to deny that 'something' is happening, but in my opinion, human intervention will not stop the electromagnetic onslaught of 'Space Weather' NOT 'Global Warming', driving evolutionary change.

First images of solar system's invisible frontier, 2nd July 2008
"NASA's sun-focused STEREO spacecraft unexpectedly detected particles from the edge of the solar system last year, allowing University of California, Berkeley, scientists to map for the first time the energized particles in the region where the hot solar wind slams into the cold interstellar medium. Mapping the region by means of neutral, or uncharged, atoms instead of light "heralds a new kind of astronomy using neutral atoms,"...."
I think, the last sentence here is highly significant, and highlights the transformation of astronomy to a true scientific discipline, which in the past, some physicists have queried.

UK Sightings Persist, Lantern Theory Crumbles and UFOs Invade The Outback, 2nd July 2008
"Even though the news media has satisfied itself that the UFO sightings that began on June 7, 2008 in the UK were nothing more than Chinese lanterns set off for a wedding celebration that same day, there is yet another credible sighting report that occurred in the area days later."
The UK government and the British Ministry of Defense can't have it both ways. Clearly, they can't produce reports that tell the world that Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAPs) exist, another naming convention for certain types of UFOs, and then deny sightings by ordinary folks. I suggest that as the background aetheric density continues to morph, sightings will continue to increase.

Hubble Sees Stars and a Stripe in Celestial Fireworks News, 1st July 2008
"A delicate ribbon of gas floats eerily in our galaxy. A contrail from an alien spaceship? A jet from a black-hole? Actually this image, taken by NASA's Hubble Space Telescope, is a very thin section of a supernova remnant caused by a stellar explosion that occurred more than 1,000 years ago."
This article propagates the standard astronomical explanation which ignores the fact that the Universe is filled with plasma, highly electrical subatomic particles. When this energy is concentrated by magnetic fields, various structures are created and "Birkeland currents" or "cosmic string" are only one manifestation. Personally, I would be more interested if NASA decided to educate the public and reveal images of cosmic string around our Sun taken by the SOHO space probe. Fortunately, they can be found on the internet, taken by the diligent who downloaded these images quickly before NASA had time to notice. Hence, we have unofficial confirmation of Russian scientific claims that we have hit a region of space cluttered with "cosmic string" and thus "Super highways" according to NASA terminology where energy can be delivered relatively quickly to our Solar system fromother parts of our galaxy and the galactic center. Our scientists talk about a galactic internet and metaphysical sources talk about "entities riding the strings". The evidence is all there.....

Renewable energy in 'green gold rush'
Labelled a "green gold rush," global investment in renewable energy surged some 60 per cent to $148 billion in 2007

Times Online, 1st July 2008
"Global investment in renewable energy surged 60 per cent to $148 billion (74.3 billion) last year and is still accelerating despite the slowdown in the wider economy, according to the United Nations. Wind energy attracted the biggest amount of around $50.2 billion and solar, the fastest growing area, attracted investment of $28.6 billion. Since 2004, the global market for solar energy has grown by annual rate of 254 per cent. The report from the UN's Environmental Programme (UNEP) likened the flood of investment to the renewable energy sector to a "green gold rush"."
Well, at least the money is available to take care of our planet without the planet having to take it's own drastic measures, if we can raise our consciousness to the level where there is a genuine concern for the planet and not just particpate in the latest opportunity to make a fast buck....

Earth's Cries Recorded in Space
Yahoo News, 1st July 2008
"Earth emits an ear-piercing series of chirps and whistles that could be heard by any aliens who might be listening, astronomers have discovered. The sound is awful, a new recording from space reveals. Scientists have known about the radiation since the 1970s. It is created high above the planet, where charged particles from the solar wind collide with Earth's magnetic field. It is related to the phenomenon that generates the colorful aurora, or Northern Lights."
I can't say that I like the sentiment, but it's interesting that the report is suggesting that the Earth is a conscious entity...... it's seems that the general concensus has moved towards a more holistic viewpoint.

Fleet of Volkswagens wrecked by hailstones, 1st July 2008
"A freakish shower of hailstones the size of ping pong balls caused damage to 30,000 new, pre-delivery Volkswagen Golfs, Passats, Polos, Eos, Jettas and Tiguans at a German port." "Hail the size of ping pong balls rained down on the new Volkswagens in a freak storm that's caused damage worth hundreds of millions of dollars. For the most part, vehicles sustained heavy paint and bodywork damage, yet amazingly little glass was shattered during the climatical strop. The German car manufacturer has assured customers across Europe waiting on delivery of their new Volkswagens that they'll leave no hailstone unturned in their quest to uncover any unseen damage, however invisible to the naked eye."
More freak weather......, well the reporters have a great sense of humour, "leaving no hailstone unturned", LOL!!

Earth's Core, Magnetic Field Changing Fast, Study Says
National Geographic, 30th June 2008
"Rapid changes in the churning movement of Earth's liquid outer core are weakening the magnetic field in some regions of the planet's surface, a new study says. "What is so surprising is that rapid, almost sudden, changes take place in the Earth's magnetic field," said study co-author Nils Olsen, a geophysicist at the Danish National Space Center in Copenhagen. The findings suggest similarly quick changes are simultaneously occurring in the liquid metal, 1,900 miles (3,000 kilometers) below the surface, he said. The swirling flow of molten iron and nickel around Earth's solid center triggers an electrical current, which generates the planet's magnetic field."
The theory is very weak here, but the observations are not...... Note the following " The decline in the magnetic field also is opening Earth's upper atmosphere to intense charged particle radiation, scientists say. Satellite data show the geomagnetic field decreasing in the South Atlantic region, Mandea said, adding that an oval-shaped area east of Brazil is significantly weaker than similar latitudes in other parts of the world. "It is in this region that the shielding effect of the magnetic field is severely reduced, thus allowing high energy particles of the hard radiation belt to penetrate deep into the upper atmosphere to altitudes below a hundred kilometers (62 miles)," Mandea said. This radiation does not influence temperatures on Earth. The particles, however, do affect technical and radio equipment and can damage electronic equipment on satellites and airplanes, Olsen of the Danish space center said." I suggest it is also effecting the weather, triggering Earthquakes and volcanoes, as the electrical circuitry around Earth adjusts.

Grain field circles seen in N Czech
China News, 30th June 2008
"An aerial view shows circles created in a grain field near the north Czech town of Liberec, 110km (70 miles) north of Prague, in this picture taken from a remote helicopter June 30, 2008. The origin of the circles remains unknown."
The thought struck me that that the spider's web could represent the region of space that we have now entered, that the Russians describe as plasma characterised by "magnetized strip structures and striations".

If The Large Hadron Collider Produced A Microscopic Black Hole, It Probably Wouldn't Matter
ScienceDaily, 30th June 2008
"Particle colliders creating black holes that could devour the Earth. Sounds like a great Hollywood script. But, according to UC Santa Barbara Physics Professor Steve Giddings, it's pure fiction. Giddings has co-authored a paper documenting his study of the safety of microscopic black holes that might possibly be produced by the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), which is nearing completion in Europe. The paper, co-authored by Michelangelo Mangano of the European Center for Nuclear Research (CERN), which is building the world's largest particle collider, investigates hypothesized behavior of tiny black holes that might be created by high-energy collisions in the CERN particle accelerator. If they appear at all, these black holes would exist for "about a nano-nano-nanosecond," Giddings said, adding that they would have no effect of consequence."
Well, scientists want to play Russian roulette, so we will find out soon, won't we.....

Increase in wild bee swarms in New Jersey
Bloomberg News, 26th June 2008
"Seth Belson remembers getting a phone call last month asking him to remove a bee swarm the size of a Volkswagen from a man's front yard in Merchantville, New Jersey. The beekeeper found a mass of bees towering 50 feet (15 meters) above the ground. There was nothing he could do but wait for them to move on, he said. ''It was mind-blowing,'' Belson said. ''It sounds like a train when 50,000 bees take off within seconds of each other.''"
There have reports of bees swarming and even forcing down airplanes because they have got swept up into engines, from previous reports it does seem that many have gone AWOL due to their poor working conditions.

Is there anybody out there?
Walesonline News, 26th June 2008
"Are we alone? It's a question that has prompted six decades of space exploration by global superpowers and seen our skies monitored around the clock by astronomers and observatories all over the world. Now, after a spate of UFO sightings in South Wales, the question looms larger than ever."
It's getting ridiculous out there! I believe that the aetheric density is morphing or the dimensions are merging - it's the same thing - therefore what was all around us can no longer be hidden. Quite an interesting response from the police, as it was reported; "South Wales Police later suggested the skies are cluttered with a whole range of objects that could provide a rational explanation for the helicopter crew's experience." I can just imagine the response of any pilot to that hyperbole! LOL!!

Nuclear missiles could blow up 'like popcorn'
The Telegraph, 26th June 2008
Report: A design flaw in Britain's nuclear arsenal means that warheads could set off a chain reaction "like popcorn" if they were accidentally dropped, according to Ministry of Defence documents. More than 1,700 warheads are affected by the problem which would cause them to explode one after another, an effect known as "popcorning."
Well, I suppose the British Ministry of Defence just have to make sure they are not dropped, but I would have thought that was fairly obvious.....LOL!!

RFID Devices Can Interfere With Hospital's Lifesaving Medical Equipment
Red Orbit News, 25th June 2008
"Dutch researchers reported Tuesday that radio frequency identification chips (RFID) used by many hospitals to keep track of medical products and equipment could cause the breakdown of critical medical care devices such as ventilators, pacemakers and kidney dialysis machines. One U.S. patient-safety expert called the study "of urgent significance", and urged hospitals to immediately respond to the "disturbing" results. In their report, the researchers called on hospitals to conduct further safety tests." "The researchers found that Electromagnetic interference (EMI) from the so-called "smart chips" produced 22 problems that could jeopardize patients, such as completely shutting down syringe pumps and switching off ventilators, according to Van Lieshout, a critical care physician at University of Amsterdam's Academic Medical Center. The researchers discovered the problem in 123 tests they conducted in an Amsterdam intensive-care unit. Electromagnetic interference occurred in close to 30 percent of the tests when devices similar to those used in many types of wireless medical equipment were placed within a foot of the critical care machines. Patients were not using the lifesaving equipment at the time."
Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) is a well known problem in the electronics world, however the understanding that humans are electromagnetic and can suffer EMI, commonly called Electro Hypersensitivity is normally ignored.

Man-made tornadoes could power the future
Engineer spins up plan to generate electricity from sucked-up air

MSNBC News, 25th June 2008
"Coiled up in a tornado is as much energy as an entire power plant. So a Canadian engineer has a plan to spin up his own twister and extract energy from its tethered tail. It all depends on heating the air near the surface so that it is much warmer than the air above. "You can generate energy whenever you have a temperature gradient," said Louis Michaud. "The source of the energy here is the natural movement of warm and cold air currents.""
Well, this scientists perspective is based on traditional theory, so it will be interesting to seeif he can generate more electricity than what isrequired to generate the effect in the first place in a controlled fashion. Since some suspect that tornadoes also create hyperdimensional effects, it will be very interesting to see what oddities occur.

800 Lightning-Sparked Fires Stretch Crews Thin
CBS Local News, 24th June 2008
"Firefighters battled fires throughout Northern California on Tuesday, from Mendocino County south to the Big Sur area in Monterey County, after an "unprecedented" lightning storm sparked more than 800 wildfires. Thousands of firefighters battled the blazes on the ground and from the air and Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger said Monday that he was alarmed by the number of fires that kept erupting. "This is an unprecedented lightning storm in California, that it lasted as long as it did, 5,000 to 6,000 lightning strikes," said Del Walters, assistant regional chief of the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection."
For information, there are approximately 2,000 concurrent thunderstorms going on around the planet and approximately 50-100 strikes per second. Even if my suspicions are not confirmed, I think we can take it that this event will not be the last. I can't imagine what Arnold Scharzenegger is thinking at this moment, as California lurches from one disaster to the next, as are other american states.

US: Food riots break out in Milwaukee as thousands turn up for government relief
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 24th June 2008
"The chaos that erupted outside Milwaukee County's main welfare office Monday over disaster-related food aid had more to do with a weak economy and crushing poverty in parts of this community than the devastating floods that swept through the state earlier this month, local government and food relief officials said. About 3,000 people turned out for the assistance beginning at 3 a.m. Monday, creating a line that stretched several blocks around the Marcia P. Coggs Human Services Center at 1220 W. Vliet St. At least one woman said she was trampled when a crowd rushed the doors as they opened around 7:30 a.m., and dozens of Milwaukee police officers and sheriff's deputies were called to quell the scene."
There are reports that US Military families have been instructed to stockpile food for impending shortages. You really have to wonder whether this is just incompetence or deliberate mismanagment....

Many Dutch prepare for 2012 apocalypse
UPI News, 23rd June 2008
"AMSTERDAM, Netherlands, June 23 (UPI) -- Thousands of people in the Netherlands say they expect the world to end in 2012, and many say they are taking precautions to prepare for the apocalypse. The Dutch-language de Volkskrant newspaper said it spoke to thousands of believers in the impending end of civilization, and while theories on the supposed catastrophe varied, most tied the 2012 date to the end of the Mayan calendar, Radio Netherlands reported Monday."
The Mayan calendars do not predict the end of the world but a transition to New Age dominated by space or the aether. Spiritual leaders generally have no clue what this means on this planet and that is one of the reasons I wrote my book, "Tuning the Diamonds: Electromagnetism & SpirituaL Evolution".

The Daily Express, 22nd June 2008
"THE spate of deaths among young people in Britain's suicide capital could be linked to radio waves from dozens of mobile phone transmitter masts near the victims' homes. Dr Roger Coghill, who sits on a Government advisory committee on mobile radiation, has discovered that all 22 youngsters who have killed themselves in Bridgend, South Wales, over the past 18 months lived far closer than average to a mast. He has examined worldwide studies linking proximity of masts to depression. Dr Coghill's work is likely to trigger alarm and lead to closer scrutiny of the safety of masts, which are frequently sited on public buildings such as schools and hospitals. It is also likely to fuel more campaigns against placing masts close to public places on health grounds."
Well, the proximately to cell masts here does look suspect, but I have a feeling that there are other factors here too that are causing a very negative EM environment, that is too much for some to cope with.

Floods wipe out US crops
Independent News, 22nd June 2008
"The crest of the swollen Mississippi River moved downstream yesterday as volunteers manned sandbagged levees and coped with the costs of the Midwest's worst flooding in 15 years. "At times like these you don't know whether to cry or laugh. But here in the Midwest we tend to favour the latter," said Charlotte Hoerr, who, with her husband Brent, farms land not far from the river in this small Missouri town. The river overcame more than two dozen levees last week, submerging small towns and vast stretches of prime farmland as the nation's most vital waterway absorbed the run-off of torrential rains that put many Iowa towns under water. The Midwest flooding and storms are expected to push US and world food prices higher. Up to five million acres of newly planted crops have been lost at the heart of the world's top grain and food exporter. Prices for corn, cattle and pigs all set records this week owing to the floods, as a world economy already hit by inflation from rising energy prices absorbed the blow."
Well, forecasters have been predicting food riots in the United States and the reports have started, see above. Unfortunately, due to mismanagement prevalent on this planet, nobody should take anything for granted....

Britains 11,000 UFO sightings in 30 years set to go public
Thaindian News, 23rd June 2008
"Britains X-Files, which include reports of more than 11,000 Unidentified Flying Objects (UFO) sightings of the past 30 years, is set to be opened to the public for the first time. The Ministry of Defence (MoD) papers will release a total of 160 files containing every reported sighting to the National Archives. The top-secret government records include various documents, reports of sightings and investigations by MoD staff. Witnesses include airline pilots, and police who reported a white light descending from the sky in Woking, Surrey. MoD decided to release the papers following a flood of requests from UFO buffs."
There seems to be an explosion of UFO reports at the moment, it does seem that there is an effort to acclimatise the general public. What worries me is the 'unbalanced' reporting that might ensue any official government announcement and if certain governments try to promote their "friends" who may not necessarily have the best interests of humanity at heart. It has to be stated clearly that there is a huge assortment out there that have come to watch evolutionary transformation of this planet and they will be at the varying levels on the path of consciousness. Looking at how this world is run, what type of consciousness would our world leaders, spiritual and secular attract or latch onto?

Newspapers' Worst Year Ever For Ad Revenue, 23rd June 2008
"For newspapers, the news has swiftly gone from bad to worse. This year is taking shape as their worst on record, with a double-digit drop in advertising revenue, raising serious questions about the survival of some papers and the solvency of their parent companies. Ad revenue, the primary source of newspaper income, began sliding two years ago, and as hiring freezes turned to buyouts and then to layoffs, the decline has only accelerated. On top of long-term changes in the industry, the weak economy is also hurting ad sales, especially in Florida and California, where the severe contraction of the housing markets has cut deeply into real estate ads. Executives at the Hearst Corporation say that one of their biggest papers, The San Francisco Chronicle, is losing $1 million a week."
Off-topic!Well besides the loss of Ad Revenue due to economic woes, for quite some time many people have been going to the internet to find out through the alternative media what's really happpening around them....

US: Unusual lightning storm starts series of wildfires
Eureka Reporter, 22nd June 2008

"Fire crews already spread thin fighting blazes across California are dealing with a flurry of new fires on the North Coast caused from an unusual and powerful lightning storm that struck on Friday. As of Saturday evening, CAL FIRE reported that approximately 37 lightning-caused fires were started during the past 24 hours in widely scattered areas of its Humboldt-Del Norte Unit."
I really wonder whether the ionosphere over certain parts of the United has been so weakened by HAARP and other acts of folly, that it has now become one of the paths of least resistance as electrical energy is transfered through the Earth's planetary circuit.

Photographer Documents Secret Satellites – All 189 of them, 21st June 2008
"BERKELEY, California -- For most people, photographing something that isn't there might be tough. Not so for Trevor Paglen. His shots of 189 secret spy satellites are the subject of a new exhibit -- despite the fact that, officially speaking, the satellites don't exist. The Other Night Sky, on display at the University of California at Berkeley Art Museum through September 14, is only a small selection from the 1,500 astrophotographs Paglen has taken thus far. In taking these photos, Paglen is trying to draw a metaphorical connection between modern government secrecy and the doctrine of the Catholic Church in Galileo's time."
I would not assume that these are all 'spy' satellites, because it seems there are lot of resources dedicated to watching the heavens. Now that I understand the 'signs of the times', and the fact that even the Vatican church has spent serious money building astronomical observatories, one has to conclude there must be a good reason.

Huge Crop Circle formation discovered in South Korea; first to be documented in the country
Signs of the Times, 21st June 2008
"A Korean photographer has published photos of a huge crop circle formation that was discovered on June 3, 2008 in a cultivated field of (so far) unknown crop near Boryoung City in South Korea...and estimate from the images, the formation's diameter must range between something like 150 and up to 200 meters (450-600 ft) in diameter. So far this formation is the very first crop circle documented in South Korea."
Nice formation, my only thought is it seems to be indicating a merger of dimensions, note the diamond in the middle which acts as an interdimensional doorway. It's interesting that there seems to be a crossover from one spiralling path to the other path through the diamond, which may indicate that something is about to happen. I am not sure about the comments here about the two suns and something hitting our Sun, but quite frankly, there is a lot of chatter on the internet about a Planet X type object entering our solar system from the south and this would be in line with recent similar events ie small comets causing the Sun to flare.

Hole Punch Clouds Seen Over Southern New York
News, 20th June 2008
"Yesterday afternoon, the citizens of Elmira, NY received a treat as they looked up to the sky. The phenomenon is referred to as 'Hole Punch Clouds'. It is caused by an area of cold air that sinks through a layer of clouds. Those that saw the cloud formation around 4 p.m. on Elmira's Southside, took pictures and sent them to WETM. Hole punch clouds are nothing new, but most people are unaware of them. If you search the Internet, you find dozens of photos of these cloud formations from around the world. Other causes of these cloud formations include jet contrails freezing and sinking into a layer of clouds, or precipitation aloft evaporating as it falls into the clouds and cooling the area around the clouds. As for what caused the one seen yesterday, it is uncertain."
Nice picture, but I really doubt this had anything to do with sinking cold air

GPS Inaccurate During Space Storms
Live Science News, 18th June 2008
"In bad weather, it can be hard to tell where you are. It turns out that your GPS unit may not be entirely sure, either, if the weather in space is bad. It is now known that space weather -- specifically electrical disturbances in our planet's ionosphere -- can throw off the accuracy of GPS units appreciably. Scientists are working to remedy the situation."
There is an "armada" of space probes parked up in space watching the Sun. The Sun was supposed to be out of solar minimum by now and on the way to causing historic disruption to the inhabitants of Earth, hence the perceived need for this article.

Today's Quakes Deadlier Than In Past
CBS News, 18th June 2008
"New research compiled by Australian scientist Dr. Tom Chalko shows that global seismic activity on Earth is now five times more energetic than it was just 20 years ago. The research proves that destructive ability of earthquakes on Earth increases alarmingly fast and that this trend is set to continue, unless the problem of "global warming" is comprehensively and urgently addressed." "The analysis of more than 386,000 earthquakes between 1973 and 2007 recorded on the US Geological Survey database proved that the global annual energy of earthquakes on Earth began increasing very fast since 1990. Dr. Chalko said that global seismic activity was increasing faster than any other global warming indicator on Earth and that this increase is extremely alarming. "The most serious environmental danger we face on Earth may not be climate change, but rapidly and systematically increasing seismic, tectonic and volcanic activity," said Dr. Chalko."
It seems that our scientists are confirming the 25 year window of dramatically increasing energy driving evolutionary change that started in 1989, when we had the solar eruption now called, "The Great Magnetic Storm" where the Earth was blasted BIG TIME with billions of tons of plasma, highly electrical energy creating a myriad of effects all over the planet. Since then until solar minimum about 2 years ago, solar blasts have been unprecedented. This energy has been monitored by space probes spiralling down the Earth's poles where it has been also contributing to the decrease in the Earth's magnetic field. Now that some NASA scientists are starting to see that Earthquakes are an electrical phenomena, it all starts to make sense.... that's why I went to a great deal of trouble to explain the consequences, in my book, "Tuning the Diamonds: Electromagnetism & Spiritual Evolution". Update This article was removed by CBS, obviously a "higher up" did not want to disturb the sleeping public....

Rapid Genetic Change in Terrestrial Plants:, 18th June 2008
"Some fifteen years ago, Root and Schneider (1993) wrote that CO2-induced changes in global climate were expected to occur "too fast for evolutionary processes such as natural selection to keep pace," and that this constraint "could substantially enhance the probability of extinction of numerous species." This idea has pervaded the thinking of climate-alarmists ever since it was first suggested; and it figures prominently in the ongoing doom-and-gloom predictions of Al Gore and James Hansen. But is it correct? In an exciting new paper recently published in Global Change Biology, Jump et al. (2008) describe an experiment that suggests the contention is fatally flawed." "In a conclusion that clearly repudiates this catastrophic extinction scenario, Jump et al. say that their results actually demonstrate "that rapid evolution in response to climate change may be widespread in natural populations, based on genetic variation already present within the population," which likelihood is becoming ever more evident with each new study that investigates the subject."
The scientists have been noticing rapid evolutionary change for some time and the studies just keep coming.....Those with predictions of doom and gloom and the whole '2012' catastrophe scenario have simply missed the point.....

Most complex, "mind-boggling" crop circle ever discovered in British fields
The Telegraph, 17th June 2008
"The most complex, "mind-boggling" crop circle ever to be seen in Britain has been discovered in a barley field in Wiltshire. The formation, measuring 150ft in diameter, is apparently a coded image representing the first 10 digits, 3.141592654, of pi. It is has appeared in a field near Barbury Castle, an iron-age hill fort above Wroughton, Wilts, and has been described by astrophysicists as "mind-boggling". Michael Reed, an astrophysicist, said: "The tenth digit has even been correctly rounded up. The little dot near the centre is the decimal point."
An explanation of how Pi is encoded in the crop circle can be found here. Personally, I can't work out why they think this crop circle is "mind-boggling", maybe the commentators are new to this phenomena. Whatever, I think the most mind-boggling aspect of all this is how people think it's possible to make these crop circles in a matter of minutes, in the dark, without GPS or other sophisticated instruments. Then we have some brazen Swiss scientists telling the world that 80% of crop circles are created by "orbs", but is anyone interested though......

Honey bees 'crucial to Aust food security'
ABC News, 17th June 2008
"A federal parliamentary committee is warning that Australia's food security could be compromised if the future of the honey bee and pollination industry is not supported. The committee's deputy chairman, Liberal MP Alby Schultz, says the industry is very important to Australia's wider agricultural sector, and must be supported."
All over the world, the disappearnace of the humble honey bee is getting great press, who knows what will happen, but changes are set to accelerate.....

Doomsday under debate
Cosmic Log, 16th June 2008
"The world's largest particle collider is designed to do its job largely under the surface - and that under-the-surface status also applies to much of the progress in the legal case challenging whether the collider should actually be allowed to do its job. Take today's seven-minute-long conference in Hawaii's U.S. District Court, for example: The meeting set up the schedule for a federal trial, due to begin a year from today, on a suit seeking to hold up operations at Europe's Large Hadron Collider while officials answer claims that the machine could create world-gobbling black holes or other monsters."
Well, we have the latest on the latest scientific madness. It seems from the comments, many are not impressed and cite the long history of governments who have placed scientific curiousity before human interests. I had to admit I did have a good laugh reading some of the comments....

More Signs Of The Sun Slowing Down
Watts Up With That, 15th June 2008
"In my post from yesterday, I highlighted a paragraph from a NASA press release which touched on one of the final findings of the soon to be ended Ulysses spacecraft mission to study the sun: "Ulysses ends its career after revealing that the magnetic field emanating from the sun's poles is much weaker than previously observed. This could mean the upcoming solar maximum period will be less intense than in recent history."" Evolutionary Change is being driven by solar, cosmic and GALACTIC energy!Well, I am sure some people think we will be 'saved' from being fried by the Sun as the Sun's activity seems to be waning. Yet, this scenario also means that the Sun's heliosphere is not 'batting away' as many cosmic and galactic rays and so we will get bigger doses of that type of energy instead......I have to say the timing suggests there is a strong correlation here with metaphysical predictions. I have to say this is all starting to look quite brilliant!

Environmentalists Seize Green Moral High Ground Ignoring Science -
Canada Free Press, 15th June 2008
"The first qualification on my resume now is "Environmentalist". Actually, it is a title everyone can put after their name. We are all environmentalists to greater or lesser degrees. It is an outrage that certain people and groups have usurped this title and implied that only they care about the environment. While this series of articles has shown the role the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in manipulating climate science it has succeeded within the dominance of environmentalism over the western view of the world."

Global Warming Series:

Part 1: Environmental Extremism
Part 2: Historical and philosophical context of the climate change debate.
Part 3: How the world was misled about global warming and now climate change
Part 4: How UN structures were designed to prove human CO2 was causing global warming
Part 5: Wreaking Havoc on Global Economies
Part 6: The Hockey Stick scam that heightened global warming hysteria
Part 7: The Unholy Alliance that manufactured Global Warming
Part 8: UN's IPCC preying on people's ignorance
Part 9: Carbon Taxes: Hand over your money! We are saving you from yourself
Part 10: Environmentalists Seize Green Moral High Ground Ignoring Science

This entry is added for anyone new to this blog that is not aware of the ongoing global warming 'debate'.

Scientists find bugs that eat waste and excrete petrol
Silicon Valley is experimenting with bacteria that have been genetically altered to provide 'renewable petroleum'

Times Online, 14th June 2008
"What is most remarkable about what they are doing is that instead of trying to reengineer the global economy as is required, for example, for the use of hydrogen fuel they are trying to make a product that is interchangeable with oil. The company claims that this "Oil 2.0" will not only be renewable but also carbon negative meaning that the carbon it emits will be less than that sucked from the atmosphere by the raw materials from which it is made."
Off Topic! This subject has interested me ever since I found out that in the 1980s scientists discovered that certain bacteria could eat nuclear waster and render it harmless. Obviously, this is a simple mother-Earth solution which was simply ignored because the name of the game for 'the controllers' is creating big powerful business interests, regardless of the impact on the Earth and the quality of life for future generations.

Global warming predictions challenged
Daily Times, 15th June 2008
"John Coleman, the founder of American TV's Weather Channel, has challenged Al Gore's dire predictions that the planet is in peril because of global warming. In a speech to the San Diego Chamber of Commerce, Coleman said,"There is no significant man made global warming. There has not been any in the past, there is none now and there is no reason to fear any in the future. The climate of Earth is changing. It has always changed. But mankind's activities have not overwhelmed or significantly modified the natural forces.""
Still fighting on I see......

Life's Raw Materials May Have Come From The Stars, Scientists Confirm
Science Daily, 13th June 2008
"Scientists have confirmed for the first time that an important component of early genetic material which has been found in meteorite fragments is extraterrestrial in origin, in a paper published on 15 June 2008. The finding suggests that parts of the raw materials to make the first molecules of DNA and RNA may have come from the stars. The scientists, from Europe and the USA, say that their research provides evidence that life's raw materials came from sources beyond the Earth."
See previous comments on this subject. Anyway, I have just watched the fantasy film 'The Golden Compass', as it was recommended to me by my teeenage son, who has read my book and could immediately see the connection. I have to say I was so fascinated with the storyline and the whole concept of 'dust' coming into Earth's atmosphere and effecting humans that I have resolved to read the book version, especially the bit where they decide to explore 'other worlds' that are the source of the 'dust'. This is highly relevant to my belief that we are experiencing evolutionary change being driven by cosmic energy. Again, the Russians have informed us that they have been investigating HUGE vortexes of energy coming into our atmosphere. I believe that is what the chemtrails are all about, somehow 'controllers' are trying to interfere with the downflow of energy. The UK military have already told us, that this plasma energy is easy to see using their sensors. Personally, I think all their efforts are in vain, do they really think they can fight this cosmic deluge? As I point out in my book, between 2007 - 2012 the increases in energy will be 100,000 times, year on year. I truly believe that great efforts are being made to inform ordinary people of what is taking place on this planet. If you want it straight, you can read my book, I don't think my analysis is subtle at all!! Unfortunately, many don't understand what is taking place and are being distracted by other more mundane issues and many so-called spiritual leaders are not really in tune with what's going on and don't understand the dynamics.....Well, actually thinking about it, I am most certain that SOME of these spiritual leaders DO KNOW what is taking place and are doing their best to prevent their flock from waking up to a new reality....

Spirit message convicts paedophile
Paranormal Review, 13th June 2008
"A 61-year-old man was sent to prison yesterday (12 June) because the dead grandmother of one of his victims revealed to medium Patrick Hutchinson (right) that the girl had been abused. He was convicted of five charges of indecently assaulting three girls aged from nine to 11 between 1997 and 2001. Among those in Leeds Crown Court to see father-of-eight Terrance Dunstan jailed for over five-and-a-half years was medium Patrick Hutchinson, who relayed the spirit message which brought the abuse to light." "
Interesting! ALL actions or energetic transactions are stored in the Universal Field, where they can be retrieved by any competent intuitive.

Human Sacrifice on the Altar of Gaia
New Oxford Review, June 2008
Book Review: "In the past thirty years, scientist James Lovelock, Fellow of the Royal Society in England and originator of the Gaia Theory, has published several books on Gaia. It was around 1970 that Lovelock first came up with the name "Gaia" for the Earth (he usually puts a capital E on Earth). In his latest outing, The Revenge of Gaia: Why the Earth is Fighting Back -- and How We Can Still Save Humanity, he assures us several times that he uses the name as a metaphor. But it turns out that for him a metaphor is not just a rhetorical device: He finds Gaia a "useful metaphor" because the present ecological crisis "requires us to know the true nature of the Earth and imagine it as the largest living thing in the solar system." Here the metaphor Gaia turns out to be the way to know the true nature of the planet. Then Lovelock invites us to a change of "heart and mind" so that we may "instinctively sense" Gaia as a living planet."
This is a very interesting book review which highlights Gaia theory and Deep Ecology, with many points that are highly relevant to the thinking of many 'extreme' environmentalists who state they love Earth but whose beliefs seem to indicate they hate people.

Scientist says dolphin deaths look like a mass suicide
Guardian UK, 12 June 2008
"The dolphins that died after becoming beached in Cornwall had ingested debris and mud, leading one of the scientists who examined some of the corpses to compare their deaths to a "mass suicide". Vic Simpson, who has been involved in the postmortem examinations of some of the 26 dolphins that died, said yesterday: "On the face of it, it looks like some sort of mass suicide - but the question is why? "The dolphins had swallowed and inhaled big chunks of mud from the estuary. Their lungs and stomachs were full of it. That is very bizarre indeed.""
The report does suggest Royal Navy activities are at least suspect here. The idea that the dolphins may have been confused, only makes sense if their normal senses were interfered with by sonar, scrambling the electromagnetic messaging system that operates between cells, unifying their reality.

Scouts recount terror, heroics during twister
MSNBC, 12 June 2008
"BLENCOE, Iowa - Boy Scouts who survived a twister that killed four of their friends described the fear followed by the quick action to help the injured that followed the tragedy Wednesday night. The National Weather Service said it was an EF3 on the 1-to-5 Enhanced Fujita scale of tornado intensity, with an estimated wind speed of 145 mph. Meteorologists said the twister cut a path about 14 miles long."
For personal reasons, I find this report very sad. The lost of life to the extreme weather conditions in the United States is just getting worse and worse as noted by the many daily reports.

Sun Seems Eerily Calm
Live Science, 11 June 2008
"The sun's surface has been fairly blank for the last couple of years, and that has some worried that it may be entering another Maunder minimum, the sun's 50-year abstinence from sunspots, which some scientists have linked to the Little Ice Age of the 17th century."
Well, I think the lack of activity from the Sun is taking all the pundits by surprise. Yet, it does make the Sun's activity around the time of the Planetary Creatrix in July 2007, where the Earth was unusually bathed in X-rays for days on end seem even more interesting, as we were told it was the last chance to upgrade the Earth's Grid. Well, I will have to start paying more attention to the latest word on the metaphysical street.....

US: Midwest under siege from floods, tornadoes
Star Tribune, 10th June 2008
"From Iowa to Missouri, officials in the flood-ravaged Midwest were frantically sandbagging, watching weakened dams and rescuing residents from water that in some places rose knee-high, while storms threatened more damage in the Upper Plains. Several tornadoes touched down in Minnesota's Nobles, Murray and Cottonwood counties, damaging trees and farm outbuildings, as well as in eastern Nebraska. In Minnesota and North Dakota, strong winds closed a highway and even sent a cow into the air, a witness said."
The constant extreme weather in the United States really does make one wonder if they are reaping the whirlwind from their efforts at weather control. Remember, they have also blown massive holes in their atmosphere with nuclear bombs, as record by eco warriors see my article,HAARP: A Perspective from a true Eco Warrior, it's all looking rather desperate now.....

NASA Plans to Visit the Sun
NASA News, 10 June 2008
"For more than 400 years, astronomers have studied the sun from afar. Now NASA has decided to go there. "We are going to visit a living, breathing star for the first time," says program scientist Lika Guhathakurta of NASA Headquarters. "This is an unexplored region of the solar system and the possibilities for discovery are off the charts." The name of the mission is Solar Probe+ (pronounced "Solar Probe plus"). It's a heat-resistant spacecraft designed to plunge deep into the sun's atmosphere where it can sample solar wind and magnetism first hand."
It's not that long ago that scientists denied the existence of the solar wind which we now know blows off the Sun at million degrees Celsius and between 1.5 - 3 million kilometers per hour through our solar system. Yet, these accelerating charges are what you would expect from an electric field. What's more, the discovery of magnetism on the Sun has NOTHING to do with old established theory of the Sun's energy being generated by thermonuclear fusion. Unfortunately, scientists are saddled with old theories, whilst space probes continue to provide them with data that provides embarrassing contradictions.

Colossal structures beyond visible cosmos may shed light on universes earliest moments
Thaindian News, 10th June 2008
"Cosmologists have suggested that colossal structures that stretch beyond the edge of the visible universe, may be responsible for a strange pattern seen in the big bangs afterglow, and could provide precious information about the universes earliest moments. According to a report in New Scientist, these massive structures were forged during the period of cosmic inflation nearly 14 billion years ago." One of the basic tenets of cosmology is that the universe is the same in all directions, and the standard model of inflation is built on that foundation, Erickcek told New Scientist. If the asymmetry is real, then it tells us that one side of our universe is somehow different than the other side, she added. (ANI )"
Another scientific guess as to why established theory has failed the test of experimental data.

Has global warming research misinterpreted cloud behavior?, 9th June 2008
"To figure that out, climate researchers usually examine natural, year-to-year fluctuations in clouds and temperature to estimate how clouds will respond to humanity's production of greenhouse gases. When researchers observe natural changes in clouds and temperature, they have traditionally assumed that the temperature change caused the clouds to change, and not the other way around. To the extent that the cloud changes actually cause temperature change, this can ultimately lead to overestimates of how sensitive Earth's climate is to our greenhouse gas emissions. This seemingly simple mix-up between cause and effect is the basis of a new paper that will appear in the Journal of Climate. The paper's lead author, Dr. Roy W. Spencer, a principal research scientist at The University of Alabama in Huntsville, believes the work is the first step in demonstrating why climate models produce too much global warming."
Are we starting to see some major backtracking here, as scientists start to worry about the role of the Sun and other factors like volcanoes and clouds? Link for research paper here.

NASA telescope to scan extreme forces of space
Baltimore sun, 9th June 2008
"If you think of the heavens as a peaceful place, with planets revolving around stars in timeless, predictable patterns, NASA plans to launch a $690 million space telescope next week could change your mind. Managed by scientists at the Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, the Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope (GLAST) will spend five to 10 years probing things that blow up and crash into each other: gamma rays that explode, cosmic rays that bombard us and jets of energy that shoot out of black holes and speed through space in mystifying patterns. Astronomers hope to shed light on some of the most powerful forces in the universe - and shatter stereotypes in the process, NASA officials say." ""Plasma instabilities occur that break up any streaming, and yet here we have objects in space that travel hundreds, if not thousands, of light years in these very collimated streams," said Richard E. Lingenfelter, an astrophysicist at the University of California, San Diego. "The fact that they seem to be so narrowly collimated over such long distances is fascinating."
It's almost like these scientists do not know that the heavens are filled with plasma which is dominated by the electromagnetic force.

Hints of 'time before Big Bang'
BBC News, 6th June 2008
"A team of physicists has claimed that our view of the early Universe may contain the signature of a time before the Big Bang. The discovery comes from studying the cosmic microwave background (CMB), light emitted when the Universe was just 400,000 years old. Their model may help explain why we experience time moving in a straight line from yesterday into tomorrow."
It amazes me that scientists perpetuate the myth of 'once upon a non-existent time, something happened and now we're here.....', what's wrong with the idea that the universe has always existed and just transforms itself periodically using it's own self-governing rules. Hannes Alfven stated, "In the beginning was the plasma" and quite frankly it's the only thing that makes sense in an electromagnetic universe.

NASA provides "Explanation" of China Earthquake: "Electrical disturbances on edge of atmosphere & impending quakes"
Global Research, 5th June 2008
"Nasa scientists have said they could be on the verge of a breakthrough in their efforts to forecast earthquakes. Researchers say they have found a close link between electrical disturbances on the edge of our atmosphere and impending quakes on the ground below. Just such a signal was spotted in the days leading up to the recent devastating event in China. They have teamed up with experts in the UK to investigate a possible space-based early warning system." "Minoru and his father Friedemann Freund, also from Nasa Ames Research Center, developed the scientific theory behind these earthquake precursors. It boils down to the idea that when rocks are compressed - as when tectonic plates shift - they act like batteries, producing electric currents."
Nice to see that Friedemann Freud & son's research is getting a mention. As I explained in my book, these electric currents in the Earth's crust are actually plasmas, "serpent" energy if you want a metaphysical interpretation. Now that I have got a handle on what is going on, I have realised the significance of the tremendous energy transference that is taking place all around the planet.

The James McCanney Science Hour, 5th June 2008
James McCanney has to be acknowledged as a brilliant teacher of The Electric Universe. The links provided here are his explanations of the extreme weather phenomena around the world, especially the recent awful conditions over the US Midwest, generated by the electrical conditions in our solar system and planetary alignments. McCanney also compliments mainstream scientists in his 5th June radio show, on their understanding of auroras, which does make a change...... A five minute summary is also offered at the beginning of his 12th June radio show, see link here

Water crisis to be biggest world risk
Telegraph, 5th June 2008
"A catastrophic water shortage could prove an even bigger threat to mankind this century than soaring food prices and the relentless exhaustion of energy reserves, according to a panel of global experts at the Goldman Sachs "Top Five Risks" conference. An iceberg melts in Kulusuk Bay, eastern Greenland The melting of Himalayan glaciers threatens the water supply to the world's rivers Nicholas (Lord) Stern, author of the Government's Stern Review on the economics of climate change, warned that underground aquifers could run dry at the same time as melting glaciers play havoc with fresh supplies of usable water."
Well the moneymakers have been trumpeting "water as the 'new oil'" for quite some time and this explains the lack of effort to capture fresh water from melting glaciers....

Tidal 'icequakes' are shaking Antarctica
New Scientist News, 4th June 2008
"Slow and cold but very powerful. That's the quake that shakes the West Antarctic ice shelf twice a day. The massive tremors, which according to some measurements are the equivalent of magnitude-7 earthquakes, are caused by the movement of ice over rough patches of rock. In the past few years, researchers have noticed that glaciers around the world seem to produce seismic waves that can appear to observers like large earthquakes. The waves generated in Antarctica can be picked up as far away as Australia, but until now no-one has been able to determine their cause."
We are seeing more and more strange geophysical phenomena associated with the current massive planetary changes on Earth.

Army: Sun, Not Man, Is Causing Climate Change, 3rd June 2008
"The Army is weighing in on the global warming debate, claiming that climate change is not man-made. Instead, Dr. Bruce West, with the Army Research Office, argues that "changes in the earth's average surface temperature are directly linked to ... the short-term statistical fluctuations in the Sun's irradiance and the longer-term solar cycles."" "In the March, 2008 issue of Physics Today, West, the chief scientist of the Army Research Office's mathematical and information science directorate, wrote that "the Sun's turbulent dynamics" are linked with the Earth's complex ecosystem. These connections are what is heating up the planet. "The Sun could account for as much as 69 percent of the increase in Earth's average temperature," West noted."
Interesting that there was some back-tracking from this viewpoint. Unfortunately, powerful interests, hoping to make a killing from promoting global warming related business interests, are trying to heavily influence the scientific perspective.

Tornado oddities: Toilet paper unwinds and rewinds News, 3rd June 2008
"While hurricanes, floods and blizzards create broad swaths of damage, tornados seem to have tiny fingers that can reach in to small areas and cause some weird mischief. Some say tornados have their own personalities."
I find the knives thrown into a perfect square quite interesting. Researchers routinely note the bizarre phenomena associated with tornadoes and some have offered a hyperdimensional explanation that would require understanding how geometry is an intrinsic part of these aetheric realms.

Building a Baby Earth to Test Its Magnetic Field, 2nd June 2008
"The compass has been around since at least the 12th century, but scientists still don't know exactly how the Earth generates the magnetic field that keeps a compass needle pointing north. But geophysicist Dan Lathrop is trying to find out by building his own planet."
Nikola Tesla is quoted as stating; This planet [Earth], with all it's apalling immensity is to electric currents virtually no more than a small metal ball." The great Kristian Birkeland (1867-1917), the founder of experimental astrophysics and the grandfather of plasma physics is famed for is Terrella or "little Earth" experiments with a magnetised metal ball. So, after 100 years, out scientists will freely admit they have no understanding of how the Earth's magnetic field is generated, yet all conscious life on Earth is effected by the Earth's magnetic field which is now rapidly morphing.....


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Susan Joy Rennison quotes:

“Space Weather is now a fact of life.”

“We are all astronauts now!”

Tuning The Diamonds,
September 2006

“We must spiritually evolve as part of the new terms & conditions for living on Earth.”

Joyfire Tour – Evolutionary Change, December 2006

“Space Weather will force many changes in how we do business on this planet.”

News of the Imbalance,
April 2007

NASA Press Release:

“Earth and space are about to come into contact in a way that's new to human history.”

“We're on the threshold of a new era in which space weather can be as influential in our daily lives as ordinary terrestrial weather.”

As the Sun Awakens, NASA Keeps a Wary Eye on Space Weather
NASA News, 4th June 2010

White House Executive Order:

“Space weather has the potential to simultaneously affect and disrupt health and safety across entire continents. Successfully preparing for space weather events is an all-of-nation endeavor that requires partnerships across governments, emergency managers, academia, the media, the insurance industry, non-profits, and the private sector.”

Executive Order –– Coordinating Efforts to Prepare the Nation for Space Weather Events
The White House, 13th October 2016

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