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Susan rennison

The New Cosmic Age is now Official!

According to Richard Fisher, head of NASA’s Heliophysics Division:
"Earth and space are about to come into contact in a way that's new to human history."

"I believe we’re on the threshold of a new era in which space weather can be as influential in our daily lives as ordinary terrestrial weather."

"We take this very seriously indeed."

Source: As the Sun Awakens, NASA Keeps a Wary Eye on Space Weather
NASA News, 4th June 2010

News of the Imbalance
July/August 2009

About 20 orange light balls in the sky -Chaddesden, Derbyshire [UK]
UK UFO Sightings, 31st August 2009
"Location of Sighting: Chaddesden, Derby; Date of Sighting: 30th August 2009;
Time: 21.30; Witness Name: jane

Witness Statement: I was looking out of my bedroom window and saw about 20 orange light balls in the sky. They travelled across the sky in groups of 3, 4 and 5. They were low in the sky and the sky was cloudy. They was very close together and seem to travel quite slow. i was amazed, i have never seen anything like it. Would like to know if anyone else in the area saw this."

Well, I believe that UAP reports have picked up again and we are seeing more swarms. So this week, I have decided to list together reports of more than 10 orange balls of light and this should cut down the listing considerably. What's so interesting, is that the New Age community are happy with the little 'orbs' that appear like amoeba but the large 'fiery' objects are being ignored. Maybe, that is because there is so little understanding of the diversity of universal energy, operating on this planet. Nevertheless, if you want to see an amazing swarm of amoeba-like entities, then Celia Fenn has just posted the most amazing pictures from Athens, August 2009, see link here. Here are more fiery swarms mostly, over the UK reported in the last week or so.

10 fire-like objects taking off, Sutton in Ashfield, Nottinghamshire [UK] .

15 flashing lights, amazing event - Forest Of Dean, Gloucestershire [UK] .

Approx 10 orange lights travelling slowly - Wrenbury Heath, Nantwich [UK]

8 -10 orange balls on fire in the sky - Hoole, Chester [UK]

50+ orange lights travelling through the sky all in the same direction - Epping, Essex [UK]

11 red lights flying in formation - Coventry, West Midlands [UK]

Approx. 20 orange coloured orbs - St Peters Basin, Newcastle [UK]

At least 10 orange lights in the sky above the town - Loughton, Essex [UK]

200 of these lights, in the sky, many witnesses - Coventry, West Midlands [UK]
200? Maybe this is a mistake but note other sightings of 20 - 40

30 unusual objects coming in groups of 5 or six - Kingston upon Thames, Surrey [UK]

20 and 40 orange coloured orbs - Holbrooks, Coventry [UK]

20 small lights rising up over the cliff - Rosudgeon, Cornwall [UK]

Aprox 20 - 30 orange balls - Kingston upon Thames, Surrey [UK]

NY Post, 31st August 2009
"The venerable almanac's 2010 edition, which goes on sale Tuesday, says numbing cold will predominate in the country's midsection, from the Rocky Mountains in the West to the Appalachians in the East.

Managing Editor Sandi Duncan says it's going to be an "ice cold sandwich." [...] The almanac's forecast, however, is at odds with the National Weather Service, which is calling for warmer-than-normal temperatures across much of the country because of an El Nino system in the tropical Pacific Ocean, said Mike Halpert, deputy director of the NOAA Climate Prediction Center in Camp Springs, Md. "The stronger El Nino becomes, the more confident and the more likely it will be the northern part of the country will have a milder-than-average winter," Halpert said. The almanac and the Weather Service agree on their predictions of warmer-than-usual conditions across much of the country next summer. The Farmers' Almanac, not to be confused with the New Hampshire-based Old Farmer's Almanac, has a circulation of about 3.5 million.

What is interesting is that the The Farmers' Almanac and the Old The Farmers' Almanac use sunspot data to make predictions that have been historically far more accurate than the US Weather Service and that is why it sells. Ignoring the behaviour of the Sun is just plain folly and in the last few weeks, there have been lots more reports linking the behaviour of our climate to solar variations. See Small Fluctuations In Solar Activity, Large Influence On Climate & Sun's Cycle Alters Earth's Climate

The Phenomenon of Braco and his Healing Gaze - Part 1
Earth Transformation Examiner, August 2009
"A. And yet Braco, unlike other healers and spiritual teachers and leaders, does not have a meditation practice, he has not been searching his whole life to find the secrets of life. He has had a very normal life in fact, and yet he affects people on this profound level. Why is he able to do this?

D. You see, I think of it as a manifestation of evolutionary needs. When people are in need, then somebody is there to serve that need. It’s hard to explain it. [...]

A. But you’re saying in this case it’s the collective consciousness of humanity that helps create someone like Braco?

D. Absolutely, of course. Otherwise it wouldn’t work. Braco never gave any interest to the media - no radio, no TV, no interviews. Still so many thousands gather at his place. Having 10,000 people on his birthday, for example. He had it in the days when people did not know anything about him publicly in the sense of media. You have to have that inborn charisma to attract people."

Well, the person who is being interviewed, Drago Plecko, MSc., Parapsychologist and scientist from Croatia, has written a book about a man called Braco who is a Croatian and lives an ordinary life, but has drawn attention to himself because he heals people by staring into their eyes and does not charge any money. Quite frankly, I'm impressed that he has not intentionally turned himself into a guru and does not try to force people into a spiritual 'rut'. Please note the interviewer and the person who has written this book discuss a realistic perspective on western spirituality. However, there is a lot of discussion about somebody called Ivica and I have no idea who they are talking about and I don't have time to find out (see below). Whatever, Braco is a phenomenon and quite refreshing, as I am sure this person will not be professing enlightenment, but secretly dancing with the devil, like some opportunists operating in the New Age community. This person's life is worth studying, especially as humanity leaps to a new evolutionary level. See, Mysterious Braco Asks Only for Flowers in Return

Can psychics be good for your health?
A phenomenon known as remote viewing, which claims to use psychic powers to 'see' what is invisible to the naked eye, may have an intriguing role to play in healthcare

The Telegraph, 31st August 2009
"So far, so spooky – and frankly unbelievable. Or is it? The NHS is involved in an ongoing trial to establish whether RV has social and medical applications.

Andrew Usher, dean of the British Institute of Homeopathy, and a (non-clinical) partner in an NHS practice in Scotland, is working with a GP to determine if RV can save lives. Usher's Med RV project uses a team of remote viewers around the world who try to detect illnesses that have been missed by conventional scientific and medical procedures.

The scheme has been running for just over a year. Usher, the complementary medicine consultant at Dunbeath Surgery in Caithness, says it is too early for conclusive results. "I've worked on 30 cases but I need at least 100 before I can make statistical correlations. RV is never 100 per cent accurate, so it could only ever be a supplementary form of data acquisition."

Up to six remote viewers at a time are involved in a single case. They are not given any information about the patient – whose consent must be sought – other than a case number."

It seems that governments using psychic spies but using the acronym, RV (Remote Viewing) has made this human ability seem more respectable. In the United States, people who work with doctors to diagnose medical conditions are known as 'Medical Intuitives' and the best are very accurate.

Mutation Rate in Humans Measured by Direct Sequencing
Xinhua News, 29th August 2009
An international research team has reported the first direct measurement of the general rate of genetic mutation at individual DNA letters in humans.

The team, including 16 Chinese and British scientists, published its findings in the latest edition of the journal Current Biology.

"If we say the mutation drives human evolution as an ongoing train, now we finally get its speed measured," said Dr. Xue Yali, a Chinese scientist working in the British Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute and the first author of the team's research paper. [...] "The accumulated mutation in history has made us evolve from ape to human, but finding this tiny number of mutations in individuals was more difficult than finding an ant's egg in the emperor's rice store," Xue said.

Well according to my research there are 4,000 flaws in human DNA, but since I am not a biologist I have still yet to understand what they mean as a 'flaw'. There are also suggestions that there are regular breaks in DNA, so this kind of assessment causes a problem when evolutionists are asked to explain the discrepancy, if the current human gene pool represents the pinnacle of evolution. It all depends on your perspective as to whether you see genetic changes as mutation or evolution. From the metaphysical point of view, there are some who are astute enough to understand that Light Codes are being sent to the planet to "repair" our DNA and make us fit for the next stage of our evolutionary development. update I actually think this BBC article is a better read on the same subject, see We're all mutants, say scientists

Living the dream
The visionaries behind plans for a new eco town in Scotland aim to create a better way to live. However, they're far from the first who have tried. By Helen McArdle

Sunday Herald, 29th August 2009
"BATTERY-POWERED BUSES, a dedicated organic farm and solar-panelled prefabricated houses - town planning of the future, or off-the-wall idealism? When the ambitious plans for Scotland's first new town in decades were unveiled on Tuesday, knee-jerk cynicism greeted the lofty claims that Scotland could socially engineer its way back to a utopian paradise thanks to a bit of recycling and a dose of community spirit.

Owenstown, of course, doesn't aim to be paradise - just "the way it should be". Nonetheless, the proposed new South Lanarkshire settlement - named after the pioneering 19th-century industrialist, Robert Owen, and set to be located just five miles from New Lanark, the town Owen established as an ideal community - fits a long tradition of social utopias. [...]

Ambitious as the co-operative, eco-town sounds, it is not without precendent in Scotland. In Morayshire, the Findhorn Foundation has created a community of some 1000 devotees across a 25-mile radius. Established nearly 50 years ago, the Findhorn project's ethos of sustainable living was decades ahead of its time. It could be a useful model for Owenstown, albeit on a much smaller scale.

The 400 permanent residents of the Findhorn estate recycle their waste, run Britain's biggest community-supported agricultural scheme (CSA), and generate energy from windmills. While they are involved in private enterprises with the wider community, within the Findhorn project residents are paid the same whatever job they do and remunerated in Findhorn's own currency.

An emphasis on spiritual wellbeing, meditation and holistic therapies, however, moves it beyond a simple eco-village into an attempt to create a pocket of socially engineered harmony within our otherwise chaotic society.

"I wouldn't say it's a utopia," says Australian-born Craig Gibson, 67, who arrived as a "happy hippy" in the late 1960s. "A lot of people find it quite difficult actually, because it's very self-regulating and also self-confronting. But on the other hand, it's very humanistic. We've put a lot of energy into communication, and being honest and transparent."

Gibson adds: "There's a movement of people wanting to reconnect with life. A lot of that goes back to food, landscape, and caring for nature. That mantra of thinking globally and acting locally is what we're doing."

Sarah Trevelyan, 59, is a psychotherapist who has visited regularly since 1996 and plans to move from Edinburgh to the Findhorn estate in October. "We're living in an increasingly fragmented world, so places which help people to find balance again and to find creative, nourishing and sustainable ways of relating to each other are very important," she says.

Recent years seemed to signal the end to utopian dreams, as the rise of gated communities - especially in the US, but increasingly in the UK - suggested people preferred to shut out a bad society instead of creating a better one."

Interesting to find an article mentioning the world famous Findhorn spiritual community.

'Fiery' meteor sighted [NZ] News, 28th August 2009
"Zoe Battersby was out for an early walk along Jimmy Amers beach in Kaikoura at around 6.10am when she noticed a “very large meteor”. “It was very bright - the size of a streetlight. It looked like it fell into the sea,” she said. Christchurch man Aaron Green said he saw "a bright blue and white light dropping from the sky like a firework”.

Alan Gilmore, resident superintendent of the University of Canterbury Mt John Observatory said meteors enter the atmosphere over New Zealand “several times a year” but he doubted that the rock made it to the ground or water level. “This meteor is very typical, and often they burn up at about 70kms up. It’s very rare for them to actually land. They are coming into a thicker atmosphere, travelling at 30km a second. The friction is strong and they slow up and start to break up. It’s like throwing a stone at a concrete path,” he said. Gilmore said as the meteor breaks up, witnesses often see a bright flash known as a ‘terminal fireball’. He said meteors “burning up coming through air - white hot with friction - start to glow”. Meteors could be seen from as far as 100kms up and could be seen from almost 1000kms away.

For reference, the description in this article is what you would expect from a 'normal' meteorite. These days, Earth seems to be under bombardment which has got to the point where the US military have decided to hide satellite fireball data. The other consideration of interest is that Earth's ionosphere is extraordinarily low which might mean that meteorites have less trouble penetrating our atmosphere and might be another reason why there are now so many reports of 'large' meteorites that one would have expected to have distintegrated higher up in the atmosphere. See also eye witness twitter reports from Ontario, Canada;

August 24th Fireball over Canada – Possible Meteorite?.

2 meteorites heading downwards at a five o’clock angle with smoke! - Pill, Bristol [UK]
This caused a lot of commotion!

Meteor seen above Cheltenham
This is, 28th August 2009
"A CHURCH worker believes he has photographed a meteor blazing a trail above Cheltenham. Matthew Pinless, 31, from Fairview, spotted the fast-moving object in the sky while walking along Glenfall Street in Cheltenham at about 5pm on Tuesday.

He said: "I was walking along the road with my young son and I spotted this object moving through the sky. "At first I thought it was a plane, but then I could see it was moving too quickly for that. "I managed to grab my phone and take a photograph, but it disappeared behind a cloud and never came out the other side.

"I don't subscribe to the UFO theory, so I am fairly sure it was a meteor, but I would be interested to hear if anybody else saw it in the sky."

More fire in the sky! The image is so good that I thought this story deserved a separate blog entry. Is it a meteorite or a UAP? Well, these are the stories that are most difficult to assess, but since 'meteorites' are no longer rare events, in comparison, this 'meteorite' did not seem to be in a hurry to land! Update This photo has caught mainstream interest, but an expert does not think it's a meteorite and offers a rather strange explanation that completely ignores the eyewitness account. So we find; "However an expert from the Royal Astronomical Society poured water on this theory. 'From the look of it I suspect it isn't a meteor but a "Sun dog" or "mock Sun",' Robert Massey said. 'These arise from the refraction of sunlight by hexagonal shaped ice crystals in high and cirrus clouds and disperse colours in the way shown in his image. 'If it was moving that's a different matter but otherwise the rainbow appearance is a classic giveaway. And even if it isn't a meteor the photographer should feel happy about capturing such a nice image!'" Please note, the 'expert' also ignores the trail! Now, when are people going to start wondering what the hell is going on! See Father captures mysterious flash speeding across the sky on his camera phone.

Stingray Shaped Object in broad Day light - Kenosha, Wisconsin [US]
NUFORC, 27th August 2009
"Monday August 3, 2009, it was about 5pm. There were blue skies, bright day, no clouds. I was driving my mother to a store taking north on 24th Ave. Going left on 45th St in Kenosha, Wi. As we approached 45th St to turn Left. I noticed a large object that had looked like the shape of a stingray. It was completely solid black, moving slowly. About 200 hundred feet in the air. It was approximately 18 feet wide and roughly 10 feet long. We watched it for about 40 seconds before turning. And watched it for a moment while driving away. Where it looked like wings, it seemed like they were in mid flap, but had never moved.

Tuesday August 4,2009 About 5pm. My mother had been sitting in front of my house. And she reported to me that she had seen the object again. It had been flying from north of 25th Ave. towards south on 25th Ave. She had said again it seemed like it was soaring, like a bird that could not move its wings. It took approximately 3 minutes to pass."

Well, here we are given a biological description of a UFO that looked like a stingray with wings and soared like a bird.... so, maybe this should be categorised as an interdimensional entity or "critter". Since, we now know that those who were at the forefront of ufology were ignored when they suggested that UFOs were interdimensional plasma entities, it seems that very quickly we are going to find out for sure as the dimensional shift continues to accelerate. As an aside, I have started to visit UFO websites to look at what is being generally reported, so I was very surprised to find an example of a 'funnel' cloud with a bright mass on top, see image and details here. This is an obvious geophysical manifestation of plasma that has exited the Earth and can be compared to a water spout except it seems to have ionised the air on it's way out of the ground and created the 'cloud' effect. It has been long ago observed that people who have been in a position to look up and see directly into a tornado have seen the same bright cloud-like manifestation, but I have never heard anybody claim that tornadoes are hiding UFOs! I think it is worth repeating that a bright light in the sky could be one of a host of different phenomena, but the common thread for many sightings is plasma. Ok, back to this sighting that I have categorised as a biological entity with wings, or "critter". Here are other recent sightings that could be categorised as 'biological'.

Strange long and thin entity with 'needles' on top - Bitterne, Southampton [UK]

String of UFO sightings in North Wales

The Way of the Explorer - interview with astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell
The Examiner, 26th August 2009
Excerpt: "Kala: I was wondering, it seems to me that for a while, there was a great avenue of space exploration and so much going on and that it seems to have stopped so cold and of course I know there was a tragic event that happened with one of the space shuttles. You talk in your book as well as about the terrible accident and why aren’t we traveling more, why aren’t we going further with more space shuttle trips.

Dr. Edgar Mitchell: Well, we will in due course, but it so happens that if you really look at the details of it, John Kennedy did create the Apollo Program, going to the Moon, somewhat out of time, ahead of its time. Actually as a civilization we really weren’t ready to do that yet. It was a political move, because the Soviets had gone into space and Kennedy realized that we didn’t want to be second best and so we set out to this really, really ambitious mission to go to the Moon. That’s fine. We did it.

That's wonderful, but I have pointed out a few times in my lectures over the years, that we will go to Mars, in due course, and back to the Moon, in due course. When we do that, it’s going to sound a little when we say, “I came from the United States, Canada, or Brittain, or Germany, or Israel, or Russia. No, we came from the Earth and we haven't got our act together yet because we're still too busy killing each other over whose god is the best god. We are not learning to view ourselves as an advanced, evolving civilization. That is what we really must learn to do, in due course, if we were to survive. All of that will take place, in due course, and we will be able to explore solar system. We will be able to go beyond it, provided we get our act together and learn to live as a civilization. Right now, it’s hard to think of that, or that we use the word you may think of as civilization."

Astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell is now famous for becoming very spirtual after experiencing expanded consciousness in space. NASA does admit that astronauts very often have 'hallucinations' in space, but I have never come across a description and there have been mainstream articles devoted to the fact that there are procedures that astonauts must use if one of them goes beserk in space. Hence, it does seem that there are issues if consciousness is expanded too quickly but it looks like this ex-astronaut greatly benefitted from being in space. This article is in two parts, the second half can be found here

European Union ban on lightbulbs leads to a dim future
The Telegraph, 25th August 2009
"If you have missed this story, it is probably because you have been reading your daily newspaper in such poor light that you have given up the struggle.

Since January 1 this year, when leading retailers announced a voluntary ban on stocking traditional 100-watt incandescent light bulbs, those glorious domestic globes with their Rubens-esque curves, the lights have been going out all over Britain. And life is about to be a whole lot darker."

For those people who can't understand why I post about light bulbs instead of the latest earthquake, tornado, hurricane, flood etc, it's because there is a tremendous thrust within societies to go green that is being driven by the wrong people, ie people who are essentially operating from political and commercial interests. This is becoming obvious when so-called environmentally-friendly light bulbs, are giving people mercury poisoning during the manufacturing process and this is only one of a host of issues that researchers have identified. Psychologists have already realised that it is very unlikely that the level of consciousness that can be associated with 'being green', is going to the change world. It is most certain that a massive jump in consciousness is required first, so that new ways of doing things are not compromised by failing to see the Big Picture and change is hindered by those operating with lower consciousness. Note: Alert over new wave of exploding fridges caused by 'environmentally-friendly coolant'

Great ball of fire
Northumberland Today, 25th August 2009
"I wonder if any other of your readers saw this phenomenon. Out walking Monday evening Aug. 24 around 9 p.m., I saw what looked like a fireball passing silently overhead. It looked about basketball size, about 50 to 100 feet up, flaming, and moving about 50 kph or so in an east-northeast direction over our side street at Hill 60 just south of Danforth and further south of 401. Of course, size and height are hard to judge.

If it was a meteorite five miles up, then it was gigantic. I thought at first it was someone's fireworks skyrocket — but there was no sound.

Searching the Internet, it seems more likely that this was not a "fireball" (meteorite) but rather "ball lightning" though the nature and cause of the latter seems to be contentious. There was no other nearby lightning or storm behaviour at the time. Just wondered if anyone else saw this. Rod Anderson, Cobourg

Bravo! This witness, has actually thought about what he has seen and has come up with the concept of ball lightning which is well known short-lived plasma phenomenon. Now, people have to start thinking about living spheres of plasma phenomena, operating with universal consciousness that act as information carriers and we are almost there! Here are a few other similar reports from the last week or so.

Two large balls of fire appearing in sky travelling east - Oakville [Canada]

Streaking light stuns stargazers: A meteor was reported in the sky over Michigan Tuesday Night
The problem here is that this 'meteor' refused to hit the ground!

Saturn’s rings still puzzle scientists
How and when each of the rings formed remains unknown

MSNBC News, 24th August 2009
"Saturn's rings have fascinated scientists ever since Italian astronomer Galileo Galilei first spotted them through one of his telescopes in the 17th century. But just how the icy rings came into being remains a mystery that has only deepened with each new scientific finding.

Astronomers now know that the planet hosts multiple rings that consist of roughly 35 trillion-trillion tons of ice, dust and rock. The Cassini spacecraft and its Voyager predecessors have also spotted changing ring patterns, partially formed ring arcs and even a moon spewing out icy particles to form a new ring. All of this suggests that the rings have constantly evolved over time."

Somehow the mystery of Saturn's rings reminds me of the following infamous quote:
"Everything that can be invented has been invented." -- Charles H. Duell, U.S., Commissioner of Patents, in 1899.
In April 2009, Time Magazine in the 'Visions of the 21st century', asked the pertinent question;
Will There Be Anything Left To Discover? Is the great era of scientific inquiry over? Have all the big theories been formulated and important discoveries made—leaving future scientists nothing but fine tuning? Or is the real fun about to begin? link
At a fundamental level, it seems that many scientists and thinkers believe that they understand the basics of how the universe works, but because there are so many remaining mysteries, this assertion just cannot be true. I am currently reading the iconaclastic The Book of the Damned [1919] written by Charles Hoy Fort and quite frankly, I now realise why in 1979, a UK government minister could stand up in parliament and honestly say, "There really are many strange phenomena in the sky", because it's true! What's more, it will soon become apparent that another non carbon based lifeform exists that is native to Earth and most certainly, that would be a MAJOR discovery.

Police baffled as dozens of 'suicidal' cows throw themselves off cliff in the Alps
Daily Mail, 28th August 2009
In the picturesque Swiss village of Lauterbrunnen, the locals are worried. Dozens of alpine cows appear to be committing suicide by throwing themselves off a cliff near the small village in the Alps. In the space of just three days, 28 cows and bulls have mysteriously died after they plunged hundreds of metres to rocks below where they were killed instantly. In each case, local mountain rescue services using a helicopter had to be called in to remove the bodies because of the danger to the local groundwater of pollution. A police spokesman said: 'There are no large carnivores living in the Alps anymore who would once have disposed of the bodies so they have to be moved. We are investigating because cows growing up in the mountains normally can estimate dangers and do not plunge down cliffs.'

According to local reports, there had been violent thunderstorms in the area which may well have spooked the animals.

Maybe the locals are right and the cows have become disorientated. It is now established that usually when cattle are grazing or resting, they use the Earth's magnetic field to align themselves either pointing north or south, so any disruption to the local magnetic field will effect them. It will be interesting to see if problems with the Earth's magnetic field can be traced in other ways. One marker is pigeon 'smashes' where pigeons failed to arrive at their destination due to not being able to orientate themselves and so race organisers now monitor Space Weather. Well, this will be taken seriously in Switzerland the same way that EM interference from electricity pylons was found to be the issue when cow milk production dropped.

A real bolt from the blue: The moment 300,000 volt lightning tore open night sky
Daily Mail, 28th August 2009
"This spectacular image shows the awesome moment when a 300,000 volt bolt of lightning tore open the night sky. Briton Vince Narduzzo was enjoying a glass of red wine in the garden of his second home in France when blasts of thunder shattered the evening calm. The 49-year-old from Hertfordshire dashed inside to grab a camera, in time to capture the progress of one of the streaks of lightning over the hamlet in Charente Maratime, near La Rochelle.

Quite an amazing picture, but did you know that if you are struck by lightning, you can be left with clear evidence of this traumatic experience. Lichtenberg figures, sometimes called "lightning flowers" or "skin feathering", are sometimes formed beneath the skin of unfortunate humans who have been struck by lightning. The victim will often have one or more reddish radiating feathery patterns that branch outward from the entry and exit points of the strike: see image only here with the description From "Lichtenberg Figures Due to a Lightning Strike" by Yves Domart, MD, and Emmanuel Garet, MD, New England Journal of Medicine, Volume 343:1536, November 23, 2000. For more background information on Lichtenberg Figures and source link, click here

Scientists find 'great Pacific Ocean garbage patch'
Discover extensive plastic debris floating 1,000 miles from land, 27th August 2009
"Scientists have just completed an unprecedented journey into the vast and little-explored "Great Pacific Ocean Garbage Patch." On the Scripps Environmental Accumulation of Plastic Expedition (SEAPLEX), researchers got the first detailed view of plastic debris floating in a remote ocean region.

It wasn't a pretty sight. The Scripps research vessel (R/V) New Horizon left its San Diego homeport on August 2, 2009, for the North Pacific Ocean Gyre, located some 1,000 miles off California's coast, and returned on August 21, 2009.

Scientists surveyed plastic distribution and abundance, taking samples for analysis in the lab and assessing the impacts of debris on marine life.

Before this research, little was known about the size of the "garbage patch" and the threats it poses to marine life and the gyre's biological environment. "

See the Greenpeace: Pacific Trash Vortex and explanation here. According to there is 3.5 million tons of trash. Most would agree that nearly 7 billion people cannot be supported if we destroy marine life by continuing to pollute the oceans. Cleaning up is the only sensible thing to do.

How deadly are cosmic rays?
Radiation could directly or indirectly wipe out species, expert says

MSNBC, 27th August 2009
"Cosmic rays pour down on Earth like a constant rain. We don't much notice these high-energy particles, but they may have played a role in the evolution of life on our planet.

Some of the mass extinctions identified in the fossil record can be linked to an asteroid impact or increased volcanism, but many of the causes of those ancient die-offs are still open for debate.

"There may have been nearby astronomical goings-on that drastically increased the radiation on Earth," says Brian Fields from the University of Illinois.

A supernova going off 30 light-years away could cause such a jump in radiation on our planet that could directly, or indirectly, wipe out huge numbers of species. Currently researchers are looking for possible evidence for this sort of cosmic foul play. [...] "Every square centimeter on the top of the Earth's atmosphere is hit by several cosmic rays per second," Fields says. "This is forever going on."

None of these "primary" cosmic rays ever reach us on the ground. Instead, they collide with atoms in the upper atmosphere, creating a shower of lower energy "secondary" particles.

Secondary effects: At sea level, the majority of cosmic ray secondaries are highly penetrating muons. About 10,000 muons pass through our bodies every minute. Some of these muons will ionize molecules as they go through our flesh, occasionally leading to genetic mutations that may be harmful. At present, the average human receives the equivalent of about 10 chest X-rays per year from cosmic rays.We shouldn't be alarmed by this, since it is just part of the natural background radiation under which humans and our ancestors have been exposed to for eons. Indeed, cosmic-ray-induced mutations may sometimes be beneficial.

"It is clear that in some way cosmic rays shaped evolution of organisms on Earth," says Franco Ferrari from the University of Szczecin in Poland."

Well, since cosmic rays are at record highs, according to NASA, the comments about the evolutionary influence is very pertinent, even though in certain periods of Earth's history, the magnetic field was much much weaker, and cosmic rays would have flooded the planet. The issue we have now though is that according to NASA, we are now headed in the same direction as Earth's shielding is fading fast and becoming unstable. The 10,000 muon hits per minute is very surprising and reinforces metaphysical messages warning those who are interested in their spiritual evolution to strengthen their energy fields.

Dutch museum's moon rock a fake
Totonto Sun, 27th August 2009
"AMSTERDAM — It’s not green cheese, but it might as well be. The Dutch national museum said Thursday that one of its prized possessions, a rock supposedly brought back from the moon by U.S. astronauts, is just a piece of petrified wood.

Rijksmuseum spokeswoman Xandra van Gelder, who oversaw the investigation that proved the piece was a fake, said the museum will keep it anyway as a curiosity.

“It’s a good story, with some questions that are still unanswered,” she said. “We can laugh about it.”

The museum acquired the rock after the death of former prime minister Willem Dreesman in 1988. Dreesman received it as a private gift on Oct. 9, 1969 from then-U.S. ambassador J. William Middendorf during a visit by the three Apollo 11 astronauts, part of their “Giant Leap” goodwill tour after the first moon landing."

Whoops! I am not sure it is fair to jump to the obvious conclusion and maybe it was 'swapped' at some stage. It's really hard to see that NASA astronauts would knowingly try to pass of petrified wood as being something from the moon. I mean, it would have been better to at least provide a genuine meteorite that could have been found on the moon as similar samples are hitting our planet every single day,

Crystal Skull Convergence
Reality Sandwich, August 2009
"The World Mysteries Conference in Tempe, Arizona (Sept 8-9) will focus on the great changes predicted for the year 2012 according to Mayan prophecies. The event will feature Mayan elder and solar priest Hunbatz Men and Inca medicine man WACHAN. Also, for the first time ever, there will be a meeting of nine ancient crystal skulls and their keepers. The keepers will discuss what the skulls "have been saying" and you can even sign up to have private meetings with the skulls and their caretakers. "

This is a New Age conference attended by REAL Mayan and Inca Elders who have retained ancient and secret knowledge passed down from their forefathers. I have great respect for Hunbatz Men after reading his book, Secrets of Mayan Science/Religion. In his book, Hunbatz Men introduces us to Mayan mysticism and his insight allowed me to integrate information from other sources, giving me quite a few ah-ha moments. Since we are in a time of rapid evolutionary change, it is necessary to understand the teaching of those who have reached spiritual heights in the past, as this will help us sort out the wheat from the chaff circulating today as metaphysical teaching.

New ISS Electric Shock Potential Monitor Set in Place
Static electricity is a major issue in space, 27th August 2009
"Electrical shocks that each of us experience when touching doorknobs or car doors after a long trip are caused by vast numbers of electrons, which you have collected before touching the surface. The shock is not strong in itself, but it can be very frightening. However, when it appears during spacewalks, as astronauts attempt for example to grab a tool, or touch the outer walls of the International Space Station (ISS), it can be a serious problem, with disastrous consequences. A newly installed device now monitors the level of static electricity on the orbital lab, to prevent such incidents, Space reports.

Because the ISS travels at the upper limits of the atmosphere, it mostly moves through the ionosphere, a layer that is filled with ions, or electrically charged atoms. As it orbits the planet, the station too scraps off electrons from these atoms, which gather in static charges on its outer surfaces, and on cargo bay doors. Space scientists have tried for a long time to predict exactly what type of influence these electrons could have on spacewalkers or incoming ships, but their results have been inconclusive."

This is more confirmation of the electrical nature of space that for many decades was believed to be a cold, dark, empty and lifeless place. Due to Space Weather and other scientific discoveries, it is becoming very clear that this understanding of space was completely wrong. Space is filled with magnetic and electric fields, the ingredients for life, organic molecules, are emited from star-forming regions of space and viruses can be manufactured in comet tails. It is a fact that bacteria mutates due to radiation and becomes extremely aggressive and 'unofficially' plasma entities exist that have evolved on a completely different evolutionary path to carbon based lifeforms.

Bee Celestial Navigation and Non-Human Intelligence, 27th August 2009
"Millions of years ago a group of wasps "decided to" become vegetarians and so today we have the bee. Some of their cousins "decided to" quit flying and so became the ants, but that is another story. Although only about 20% of bees are social, honey bees are very social indeed. It has been stated by several biologists that, if it were not for the honey bee pollinating plants, humans would only last 3 or 4 years as our food supply would disappear."

Do you know that bees have at least three languages? The description of the bee experiment is proof positive of just how intelligent these creatures are. In my opinion, the ability of bees to communicate and the link with SETI (the Search for ExtraTerrestrial Intelligence), as a means of guaging extraterrestrial communications is a stretch and really tenuous. For an update on the illness that has been decimating US honeybees, see Bee calamity clarified

Stadium of light: Dramatic double rainbow illuminates football match
Daily Mail, 27th August 2009
"Nature provided a stunning backdrop to a football match last night in the form a dramatic double rainbow. The colourful bow arched over the Keepmoat Stadium yesterday evening, as players from Doncaster Rovers and Tottenham Hotspurs filed onto the pitch."

Wonderful, a marketing dream!

Picked out by a Google Earth satellite, is this the Loch Ness monster... or just a boat?
Daily Mail, 26th August 2009
"It promised the world views of the entire planet from their laptop. But could Google Earth have unravelled our favourite mystery of the deep? One internet fan claims he found the legendary Loch Ness monster in satellite images on the virtual globe. Security guard Jason Cooke said the 65ft oblong shape followed by thin strands is actually the highly contested creature supposed to inhabit Loch Ness in the Scottish Highlands. [...]

The Loch Ness Monster has been a subject of mass intrigue and debate since it came to the world's attention in 1933. Scientists have widely written off the idea as a modern-day myth and continued sightings as set ups and wishful thinking. Yet it has remained a contested phenomenon for almost 80 years."

Well, this is going to be fun as the dimensional shift continues! Well, if Nessy is an interdimensional being, then we can expect many more sightings in the future. Of course, Nessy is only one entity in an ocean of multi-dimensional creatures that are becoming visible. We are still in 2009 and the dimensional shift is still accelerating, so one can still only speculate about how interesting our reality will get and how the unprepared general public will react. Please note, according to James Trevor Constable, interdimentionsl creatures have been seen in our dimension when they have dropped their vibration for whatever reason, but he also noted that even in 1976, after more than two decades of research, that it was getting easier and easier to see these creatures and so one must surmise that the dimensional shift has been taking place very slowly for more than fifty years and coincides with other markers that are related to galactic influences.

Researchers get $2 million to get the drop on space weather
Bad space weather can mess up your GPS, cell phone and electricity

Network World, 25th August 2009
"The need for such a system is manifold. Satellites experience the disruptive effects of energetic charged particles and electrical charging across the satellite structure during various weather conditions. Astronauts are vulnerable to energetic radiation that may occur at space station altitudes. Navigation signals from global positioning satellites are affected by irregularities in the ionosphere that develop under some conditions, and massive disruption in electric power distribution systems can be triggered by geomagnetic storms, stated Robert Clauer, professor of electrical and computer engineering at Virginia Tech. [...]

For example, space weather can produce solar storm electromagnetic fields that induce extreme currents in wires, disrupting power lines, causing wide-spread blackouts and affecting communication cables that support the Internet. It can also create solar energetic particles and the dislocation of the Earth's radiation belts, which can damage satellites used for commercial communications, global positioning and weather forecasting."

Gearing up for some big blasts of Space Weather to come....

Mysterious Tubular Clouds Defy Explanation
Wired Science, 24th August 2009
Copy: "These long, crazy-looking clouds can grow to be 600 miles long and can move at up to 35 miles per hour, causing problems for aircraft even on windless days. Known as Morning Glory clouds, they appear every fall over Burketown, Queensland, Australia, a remote town with fewer than 200 residents. A small number of pilots and tourists travel there each year in hopes of “cloud surfing” with the mysterious phenomenon. Similar tubular shaped clouds called roll clouds appear in various places around the globe. But nobody has yet figured out what causes the Morning Glory clouds. This shot was captured by photographer Mick Petroff from his plane near Australia’s Gulf of Carpenteria."

More mysterious clouds! There is a short clip on YouTube of TV footage of these strange clouds [0:27], see The Strange Clouds over north Hokkaido, Japan - June 2007

Freak waves spotted from space
Ethiopian Review, 23rd August 2009
The shady phenomenon of freak waves as tall as 10 storey buildings has finally been proved, the European Space Agency (Esa) said on Wednesday. Sailors often whisper of monster waves when ships sink mysteriously but, until now, no one quite believed them.

As part of a project called MaxWave – which was set up to test the rumours – two Esa satellites surveyed the oceans. During a three week period they detected 10 giant waves, all of which were over 25m (81ft) high.

Strange disappearances: Over the last two decades more than 200 super-carriers – cargo ships over 200m long – have been lost at sea. Eyewitness reports suggest many were sunk by high and violent walls of water that rose up out of calm seas.

But for years these tales of towering beasts were written off as fantasy; and many marine scientists clung to statistical models stating monstrous deviations from the normal sea state occur once every 1,000 years.

"Two large ships sink every week on average," said Wolfgang Rosenthal, of the GKSS Research Centre in Geesthacht, Germany. "But the cause is never studied to the same detail as an air crash. It simply gets put down to 'bad weather'."

Since I have a great interest in understanding our reality, I am often incredulous when I come across phenomena that is regularly occuring, but in the past, scientists preferred to dismiss and ignore. Recent examples are sprites seen by pilots for nearly 80 years, before they were 'scientifically' verified, 'ball lightning' that has been ignored until recently, despite some of the most amazing reports past and present and here we have sailors at see who don't have much else to do but watch out for waves being ignored for hundreds of years! As I wrote in my book, history tells us that some scientists can be 50 years ahead of their peers in being able to provide better theories to unlock certain mysteries, so those who stay with the mainstream are "safe" but deprived of having deeper insights and benefiting from the knowledge gained. Here is the link to a National Geographic story on 'Freak waves' dated, 10th august 2009, Giant Freak Wave Hot Spots Identified

Argentina: UFOs, Declassification and the Press
Inexplicata, 23rd August 2009
"There are very few stories about strange objects in the skies these days. Fabio Zerpa’s lost his ratings. But fans say that UFOs are busier than ever. They complain at the media’s laughter, and collect signatures seeking to declassify the files on the phenomenon that – they solemnly swear – the Government is concealing...

Even when they aren’t always visible, they’re always there. And what’s more, in recent years their sightings have grown in frequency and quantity, to the point that patterns are being defined. This is what Argentinean UFO experts claim, and when asked by Pagina 12, they can do no less than reject what they are told. “Of course there are [sightings] and more of them. The problem is that the media treats this as a joke,” retorts Silvia Perez Simondini, the researcher whose efforts have resulted in the country’s only UFO Museum."

Interesting article. Well, I realise that most people are convinced by the media driven debunking of UFOs and quite frankly, it's understandable. Unfortunately, when there is such a general ignorance of electromagnetic phenomena related to geophysical or atmospheric realms, there is no knowledge of the properties of plasma and certainly no clue that interdimensional entities exist. Therefore, the term Unidentified Flying Object, is for some people synonymous with being uneducated about many different subjects.

Chinese Lanterns, August 2009
History of Sky Lanterns Our Sky Lanterns have changed very little over their history of many centuries and have been used for nearly two thousand years.

Sky Lanterns, which are filled with hot air created by the candle-like fuel cell inside them, were invented in China by Zhuge Liang, the chancellor of Shu Han, OR the Chinese famous strategist - Kong Min OR Chu Ko Liang - all have been credited for their invention. Sky Lanterns were invented as a military aid, used as a method of communication on the battlefield. Sky Lanterns are widely thought to be the world's first hot-air balloon - the first un-manned balloon of course!

During the Yuan Dynasty, which began in the 13th century, Sky Lanterns became a symbol of hope and good wishes. Sky Lanterns are now traditionally released with a wish to bring good luck & prosperity in the coming year - most popular for the Chinese New Year that sees literally millions of Sky Lanterns launched over a two week period. Sky Lanterns are both spectacular & serene and are great fun to use for any celebration including, Birthdays, weddings, anniversaries, Bonfire Night, New Year and more.

A box of 10 authentic white Sky Lanterns with 'Congratulations' in bold print
* Suitable for use both day & night
* Easy to use - spectacular & serene
* Fuel Cell attached
* Each lantern 108cm x 60cm
* Each is individually packaged with full instructions
* Up to 20 minutes flight
* Biodegradeable
* Flame retardent treated
* Flies up to a mile high
Perfect for any event or celebration

Since the UK has now become the Chinese lantern capital of the world, I thought I would check out how much they cost and what I can expect for my money. It seems that the British are now blessing each other over and over again with this symbol of hope and good wishes. So in this positive spirit, we can all rejoice as we read just a small number of the avalanche of new reports caused by celebrating British folk.

'UFO sightings' in Wokingham are Chinese lanterns [Wokingham,Surrey, UK]

Amateur astronomer sees 4 bright orange lights flying in formation, NOT lanterns [ Norwich, Norfolk, UK]

5 glowing red lights in the sky, orbs in a cluster, maybe a series of Chinese lanterns? [Kingsteignton,Newton-Abbot, UK]
This is an interesting report of a cluster of orbs with a 'mass' above it so this might be an example of a retrieval and 'rescue'.

Orange ball/globe, 50ft in the air, too big to be a Chinese lantern [Cheshunt, Hertfordshire, UK]

20 large orange balls on fire, definitely NOT Chinese lanterns [ Lansdown, Bath, UK]

3 glowing orange lights in the sky weaving in and out of each other, NOT lanterns! [Barnet, HertfordshireUK]

A bright orange object, like a plane on fire, NOT a Chinese lantern - Chesterton, Oxfordshire [UK]

UFO sightings 'might not be lanterns' [ Reading, Berkshire, UK]

"They're not Chinese lanterns" - Crawley, W. sussex [UK] Note: Military chasing in helicopter

Bright orange ball moving across the sky, definitely NOT a Chinese lantern - Earl Shilton, Leicester [UK]

4 orange glowing lights, these "craft" were NOT Chinese lanterns - Eastbourne, Sussex [UK]

2 bright orange lights, “floating” fast across the sky, Chinese lanterns? - Dalgety Bay, Fife [Scotland, UK]

A chinese lantern high in the sky! Definitely not? - Widnes, Cheshire [UK]


There are so many reports being made now on the UK sightings website and in other local online media, that it is impossible to comment on them all, but please note how many folk first think that they are seeing planes are on fire and NOT that they are seeing lanterns. For REAL Chinese lanterns being set off in Taiwan, you can watch this short video clip on YouTube [1:01], the link is here.

Ireland’s new blasphemy law labeled return to Middle Ages
National Post, 23rd August 2009
"DUBLIN -- The Irish government plans to bring into force a new law in October that critics say is a return to medieval justice.

The legislation, aimed at providing judges with clear direction on the 1937 Constitution's blasphemy prohibition, imposes a fine of up to 25,000 euros -- about $39,000 -- for anyone who "publishes or utters matter that is [intentionally meant to be] grossly abusive or insulting in relation to matters held sacred by any religion, thereby causing outrage among a substantial number of the adherents of that religion."

Police with a search warrant will be able to enter private premises and use "reasonable force" to obtain incriminating evidence. The initiative has stunned some Irish and international commentators who say it contradicts Ireland's recent emergence as a more multicultural, tech-savvy country that has in recent years showed its independence from the Roman Catholic church by liberalizing its divorce law. "It is a wretched, backward, uncivilized regression to the Middle Ages," said prominent atheist author Richard Dawkins in a statement last month, arguing that the law risks shattering Ireland's new image as a "modern, civilized . . . green and pleasant silicon valley."

I think Mrs Doyle from the comedy hit Father Ted just about sums up this backward step.

Lightning's mirror image... only much bigger, 23rd August 2009
With a very lucky shot, scientists have captured a one-second image and the electrical fingerprint of huge lightning that flowed 40 miles upward from the top of a storm. These rarely seen, highly charged meteorological events are known as gigantic jets, and they flash up to the lower levels of space, or ionosphere. While they don't occur every time there is lightning, they are substantially larger than their downward striking cousins. "Despite poor viewing conditions as a result of a full moon and a hazy atmosphere, we were able to clearly capture the gigantic jet," said study leader Steven Cummer, an electrical and computer engineer at Duke University in North Carolina. [...]

"This confirmation of visible electric discharges extending from the top of a storm to the edge of the ionosphere provides an important new window on processes in Earth's global electrical circuit," said Brad Smull, program director in NSF's Division of Atmospheric Sciences, which funded the research.

"Our measurements show that gigantic jets are capable of transferring a substantial electrical charge to the lower ionosphere," Cummer said. BBC version of this report here, [Gigantic Jets] Upwards lightning caught on film .

As above, so below! This phrase is describes the metaphysical truth that there are patterns of energy that are replicated up and down in size in a manner that scientists call fractals. Here, scientists are delighted at capturing another example of the recently discovered phenomenon of Gigantic Jets, which they state is rare, but what they really mean is that it's just hard to catch on film. As the build up of electrical charge continues due to Space Weather, there will be more extreme examples of attempts to balance energy charges. This is now occuring as our solar system is traversing a more highly charged region of space, generating a 'zoo' of new atmospheric phenomena and emphasising the electrical nature of our reality.

Greenpeace's sea ice 'mistake' delights climate change sceptics
Who would think that the omission of the word "sea" in one sentence of a Greenpeace online news story would kick off such an almighty ruckus?

Guardian Blog, 21st August 2009
Who would think that the omission of the word "sea" in one sentence of a Greenpeace news story would kick off such an almighty ruckus? Anyone who follows the climate change debate, that's who. The climate change sceptics - and the blogs on which they mass - have been cock-a-hoop with unbridled joy in the past few days with the belief that they have snared the Big One. During a BBC Hardtalk interview with Stephen Sackur, the executive director of Greenpeace, Gerd Leipold, admitted that a July news story which said that "we are looking at ice-free summers in the Arctic as early as 2030" was a "mistake".

As regulars to this blog will know, I am no greenie, but I actually think this coverage is unfair when compared to all the sheenanigans by the scientific community and politicians. We now know about the apalling state of the United States Historical Climatology Network (USHCN). The effort by scientists and politicans to encourage the use of statistical fabrications, the classic example is the infamous IPCC Hockey Stick graph, produced by the now notorious Michael Mann, where he irradicated the Mediaeval Warm Period and the Little Ice Age and made it seem that warming of the globe is a recent and dramatic phenomena. Then there is Al Gore with his Inconvenient Truth that is so riddled with inaccuracies that a British judge, stated it was "...unfit for schools because it is politically biased and contains serious scientific inaccuracies and 'sentimental mush'." Then there is Al Gore's recent hawk-like behaviour, encouraging young people to break the law in the effort to draw attention to global warming issues and comparing the campaign to fighting nazis. In comparison, I think Greenpeace have been a model of respectability....

7 Awesome Acts of Nature (That Science Can't Explain)
Ethiopian Review, 20th August 2009
"We may look down on all the primitive peoples who are confused by lightning and think thunder is the voice of the gods, but the truth is to this very day there are natural phenomena that our scientists still don't begin to understand. We're talking about events that are witnessed by thousands, photographed, well-documented and yet are utterly baffling. Such as…

#7. Naga Fireballs
What would you do if you were walking along a tropical river at night and it suddenly began burping up egg-sized balls of red light? It happens every year in October along the Mekong river (the same one featured in classic Vietnam movies like Rambo II and the flashbacks from Rambo III). The phenomenon is known as the Naga Fireballs, and experts agree that it is "just weird as shit." What happens is this: starting under water, tens to thousands of glowing red lights are seen rising out from the bottom of the river, then lifting hundreds of feet into the sky before disappearing. It literally appears that the river is spitting out flaming M&Ms. They have never harmed anyone, and don't even seem to touch anything let alone set anything on fire. However, both of those facts were probably unavailable to dull the ferocity of the pant-crapping that took place when the event was first witnessed. The Naga Fireballs are viewed by thousands of people every year, and a healthy number of videos documenting the phenomenon are hosted on YouTube, which is the most reliable scientific journal on the Internet next to Wikipedia."

Thia article is written for grown-ups and is quite rude and flippant, but someone is awake enough to list the 7 mysteries of Naga Fireballs; Star Jelly; Blue Jets and Red Sprites; Earthquake Lights; Red Rain in Kerala; Raining Animals; and Spontaneous Human Combustion. The first 4 are some of the more mysterious plasma phenomena commonly known. If you have seen a massive orange fireball in the sky, then you can compare this to the Naga Fireballs.
"The bung fai paya nak, or Naga fireballs in English, spring up every October from the Mekong River in Thailand. Even Time magazine has covered the event, reporting that "each year, anything from 200 to 800 of the fiery orbs are sighted along a 100-kilometer stretch of the river". The October full moon is the most likely time for the orbs to appear, and as a result up to 400,000 people visit the river to catch their appearance." source
This is quite an amazing event and from videos on YouTube it is treated as quite a festival of light, see [0:54] Naga fireballs & [2:18] Naga Fireballs, Nong Khai, Thailand, 14 Oct 2008 Despite the official explanations, it fails to explain why this phenomena should appear only at a certain time of the year and vary with the lunar cycle.

The World's Ugliest Animals
NY Daily News, August 2009
No. 7: The Aye-Aye

The Aye-Aye is currently an endangered species partially due to the fact many in its native Madagascar view the animal as an evil omen and kill them on the spot.

Well, I don't agree that all these creatures are ugly, but the Aye-Aye is certainly a brute! The mole's nose (no.1) is very critter like, the radial energy pattern that typifies an electrical discharge.

UFO mysteries: Bizarre 'giant creature' spotted on the Moon
The Examiner, 20th August 2009
"UFO fan and reader using Goggle Moon to explore the Appenine Mountains Lunar region, the landing site of the Apollo 15 mission, noticed what looks like a giant creature roaming the surface of the moon (Above) near Hadley Rille. The co-ordinates are 25°58°01.89"N 3°31°03.19"E. He is curious if anyone has any ideas what this object is."

Bizarro world! Well, the dimensional shift applies to the whole of our solar system and the strange image captured on Google Moon appears to be telling us that the moon is also inhabited by interdimensional beings. Well, we have already been warned by crop circles and metaphysical sources to expect that our reality to get bizarre from our perspective, see Crop Circle archives, so this means that predictions made in 1999 in print, by a metaphysical source respected worldwide, are now in play. Mankind has changed it's destiny and most old predictions are no longer valid, so we can only monitor what is happening to see which predictions are coming true. Thus, it seems the dimensional shift will eventually force an "official" acknowledgement that other lifeforms exist. Since, it is well understood that most ufologists are only interested in 'craft' and have ignored investigators who have come to other conclusions, the situation is now incredible.

The Astronomical Insignificance of Maya Date
Dartmouth College, August 2009
"As the year 2012 approaches, students of Maya calendrics are increasingly looking for some underlying significance to the ending of one so-called “Grand Cycle” and the beginning of another."

I came across this document written by Vincent H. Malmström but once again I am disappointed that an Emeritus Professor of Geography, decides to pick holes on someone else's weak arguments with equally weak arguments and that somehow, this is a reflection on the veracity of Mayan prophecies and their calendars. Personally, I would be interested in finding intellectuals who have actually understood what Mayan Elders and indigenous sources have clearly stated about the evolution of spacetime and the arrival of a New Age dominated by space or the aether. The Mayan elders talk about a period of transition lasting twenty-five years which we now must realise coincides with the onset of increasingly extreme Space Weather and major potential problems for technological societies. Mayan Elders talk about various cycles of time where changes can be expected at certain points but they know that in the evolutionary process, there is NEVER an exact repeat. This is the principle that underlies chaos theory and the Lorentz's Butterfly fractal that can be derived from data that appears meaningless. Mayan Elders realise that we are experiencing evolutionary change but they also know "it's not like turning on a light" and instantaneously something happens. They have talked about Earth being cleansed and the arrival of the "defenders of the Earth", meanwhile UFO sightings are at an all time high. We have major fulfillment of Mayan prophecy and yet Mayan "researchers" and their critics have missed major aspects of their teaching and are waiting around for something to happen in 2012 when the action is taking place NOW! I do not claim to be a Mayan expert, but I pay attention to what the Mayan and other 'Keepers of Ancient Knowledge' have to say and I understand more than most about the true nature of our reality. It is a FACT that over the last 20 plus years, our planet has been swamped with solar, cosmic, galactic and intergalactic energies to the point where there is real panic in certain quarters and desperation has set in to persuade the sheeple that Earth requires A GLOBAL SHIELD for protection under the guise that our planet is warming, when the facts show this is not the case. However, it is evident that something major is happening when the US Air Force announces that GPS is expected to start "breaking down" in 2010 as Space Weather is generating a plethora of new atmospheric phenomena that technically can no longer be compensated for. It is my belief that knowledge based in the scientific disciplines of cosmology, astronomy, plasma physics, atmospheric physics, geophysics, geomagnetism, and bioelectromagnetism to name a few are required to understand the significance of 2012 prophecies and this has to be integrated with ancient sources of knowledge that have been passed down as metaphysical teaching. Therefore, I am interested to know who the intellectuals are that have actually understood what the Maya and other Keepers of Ancient Knowledge have attempted to convey. Therefore, let's say I am not impressed with this offering.

Why marriage is better for men than quitting smoking
Refreshing News, 23rd August 2009
"They may joke that marriage raises their blood pressure. But walking down the aisle actually has a positive effect on a man's health, scientists say. They found that a long marriage lowers a man's chance of developing serious health problems and is more effective than giving up smoking when guarding against potentially fatal diseases.

Researchers looked at blood samples from 1,715 volunteers aged 57 to 85 to measure the level of C-reactive protein. CRP, which is produced by the liver in response to inflammation, has been linked in previous studies to heart disease, depression and even stroke.

The study found that married men had the lowest CRP levels of any group: an average of 1.16 milligrams per litre of blood compared to 2.72 for unmarried men. There was only a negligible difference between married and unmarried women."

Call me cynical, but maybe it's because many men benefit from having an energetic doormat, whether it's by abusing their wives physically, emotionally or mentally. Since so many people exist at low levels of spirtual intelligence, it's hardly likely that there are many relationships that demonstrate much balance and women do tend to give up a lot of power for the sake of peace.

Masonic Lodges Open Those Mysterious Doors
New York Times, 20th August 2009 (late entry, will re-file later)
A replica of a mildewed 14th- century scroll has been unfurled and displayed at a library in New York. An eagle clutching arrows and ribbons, on a tattered flag made around 1803, has just been restored and framed for viewing at a Philadelphia museum. Near Boston a museum exhibition decodes cryptic symbols like compasses and columns embossed on metal badges and embroidered onto aprons. That the public is now being enthusiastically shown these previously hidden-away items indicates that Freemasons in America are trying to shed their reclusive, somewhat fusty image. Tour guides at the groups’ lavishly ornamented lodges, mostly built around 1900, are explaining ceremonial rituals in newly restored rooms with murals of ancient builders polishing stones and vitrines full of gold pendants and domed velvet hats.

“We’re trying to help more people hear our story accurately,” said H. Robert Huke, the communications and development director at the Grand Lodge of Masons of Massachusetts, an 1899 state headquarters in downtown Boston covered in sunburst mosaics. When curiosity seekers get to visit Masonic rooms, he added, “they’re less inclined to think we’re trying to control the world and run the banks.”

As far as I am concerned, Freemasonry was intended to preserve an ancient religion that might even pre-date ancient Egypt. Despite the fact only a few really understand the meaning of certain sacred symbols and rites, what is still preserved could still be useful in helping us decode how initiates in the past spiritually evolved. There is a clear link between Freemasonry and Mayan mysticism and today, it is possible to find rare Mayan scultures of priests meditating in a yoga position and wearing aprons..... Please note, the Freemasonry square and compass makes a diamond and the sacred G is especially revered in Mayan culture. As I continue to research and integrate science and metaphysics, there is no doubt that mystics and initiates in the past retained ancient knowledge and encoded information in art, literature and monuments so that it would not be lost. Freemasons opening up their lodges is a sign that at an intuitive level, they realise that we are entering a new phase of spiritual renaissance and spiritual secrets should no longer be hidden.

Germany: 100 professors suspected of Ph.D. bribes
Yahoo News, 22nd August 2009
"BERLIN – German prosecutors are investigating about 100 professors across the country on suspicion they took bribes to help students get their doctoral degrees, authorities said Saturday.

The investigation is focused on the Institute for Scientific Consulting, based in Bergisch Gladbach, just east of Cologne, which allegedly acted as the intermediary between students and the professors, said Cologne prosecutor's spokesman Guenther Feld.

Feld confirmed reports of the investigation in both Focus magazine and the Neue Westfaelische newspaper, but would not give further details. The Institute for Scientific Consulting did not answer its phone Saturday. According to the two publications, students paid between euro4,000 to euro20,000 ($5,700 to $28,500) to the company, which promised to help them get their doctorate degrees through its extensive contacts within university faculties.

The Neue Westfaelische newspaper reported that "hundreds" of students were involved, and that the company paid professors between euro2,000 to euro5,000 when their clients had successfully received their Ph.D.'s. It was not clear whether the students knew that bribes were being paid. The professors are being investigated on suspicion of fraud, Feld said."

As academics and especially scientists are often viewed as modern day priests, it is worth noting the many instances where integrity is a major issue.

Lightning helps create artificial blood vessels
Refreshing News, 22nd August 2009
"Frozen lightning," formally known as a Lichtenberg figure, is created by striking an electrically charged block of plastic with a nail. Researchers are using the pattern of tiny tunnels as a template for artificial vascular networks. [...]

"If you took kidneys from five different people and sliced them open, you would not see the exact same vascular pattern, at the microscopic level," said Hunziker, "even though the overall structure would be the same." Creating a block of what resembles frozen lightning is only a first step to growing new organs.

This energy pattern made by lightning also applies to high energy humans and patterns in the human energy field. This is known to those cultures that are the most spiritually advanced who had long ago developed techniques to attract high energies for their spiritual evolution. Today, all we are getting is volume and the mass of humanity will be able to evolve without the rigorous discipline previously required.

Greenpeace's Director Busted For Lying About The Effects Of Global Warming
The Business Insider, 21st August 2009
"On July 15th, Greenpeace put out a press release saying the arctic ice caps would melt by 2030, a claim that Leipold now admits is false. Rather than own up, and say it was a mistake and he'd never let it happen again, he says Greenpeace is "a pressure group" that has to "emotionalize issues, and we're not ashamed" of it. This is horrible. Imagine if an oil company executive, or the head of the American Petroleum Institute made the same concession.

This is the problem with the global warming debate. Most people don't feel the effects of a warming planet on day to day basis, so proponents need to overstate the effects to get people's attention."

Actually, despite my apparent antipathy towards Green issues I actually sympathise with Greenpeace due to my own understanding of how hard it is to take a difficult message to people who are not that interested. Many people will not pay attention to important issues that they don't understand and don't realise the importance to them until the #hit hits the fan and they are directly effected. Now that I have independent verification that my insight on Space Weather was correct, I consider NASA informing the world that we are losing our solar system shielding and Earth's magnetosphere now being flaky, being excellent support. Yet, many will probably have no interest until planet Earth gets some massive gamma ray blasts and those with weak enery fields, if they survive, may not be in any condition to repair the damage. What's more, the implications are for the metaphysical notion of 'the veil lifting'(ie a dimensional shift) which is now clearly taking place, will result in government disclosure that another life form exists on this planet. Due to the massive evolutionary changes occuring on this planet and scheduled for completion in 2012, I am now very confident that we are indeed witnessing the greatest transition in the history of mankind.

NASA, Air Force Test Environmentally-friendly Rocket Propellant
Science Daily, 21st August 2009
"NASA and the Air Force Office of Scientific Research, or AFOSR, have successfully launched a small rocket using an environmentally-friendly, safe propellant comprised of aluminum powder and water ice, called ALICE.

"This collaboration has been an opportunity for graduate students to work on an environmentally-friendly propellant that can be used for flight on Earth and used in long distance space missions," said NASA Chief Engineer Mike Ryschkewitsch at NASA Headquarters in Washington. "These sorts of university-led experimental projects encourage a new generation of aerospace engineers to think outside of the box and look at new ways for NASA to meet our exploration goals."

Since the US and Russian military did not think about the environment back in the late 1950s, when they started blowing holes in the Van Allen Radiation Belts, this kind of effort does seem trivial in comparison. The effect of exploding nuclear bombs in the Van Allen Belts does not get mentioned in polite circles, besides the short term effect of creating new radiation belts and creating electromagnetic pulses that at the time knocked out electronic equipment. Well, with all the military experimentation in the skies, some of which now seem to be early attempts at creating a global shield from the expected impact of Space Weather as our solar system started to traverse a new region of space, it seems that it could have actually partly destroy Earth's natural protection. We have to come to this conclusion because only the most blinkered can ignore chemtrails. Incidentally, since it is now common knowledge that our skies are filled with bacteria that can act as cloud condensation nuclei, it can only be surmised that with Space Weather, the mix of ultra-violet radiation, combined with with the chemical additives a cocktail has been produced, which has manifested as the very nasty Morgellons Syndrome of threadlike entities that has been mystifying scientists. One can only surmise that the controllers have started to seriously wonder at the prospects of living in underground bases after they have allowed the environment to be progressively destroyed in the name of profit. Since they can find no way of leaving our planet, (space is highly radioactive), maybe now getting everybody to clean-up the environment in a manner that give them more control is their only option.

Army gets $117 million for emotional training
Refreshing News, 18th August 2009
"Program aims to end culture that views talk of feelings as a weakness PHILADELPHIA - The Army plans to require that all 1.1 million of its soldiers take intensive training in emotional resiliency, military officials say.

The training, the first of its kind in the military, is meant to improve performance in combat and head off the mental health problems, including depression, post-traumatic stress disorder and suicide, that plague about one-fifth of troops returning from Afghanistan and Iraq. Active-duty soldiers, reservists and members of the National Guard will receive the training, which will also be available to their family members and to civilian employees. [...] The Army wants to train 1,500 sergeants by next summer to teach the techniques.

[...] “I’m still not sure that our culture is ready to accept this,” General Casey said. “That’s what I worry about most.” In an open exchange at an early training session here last week, General Casey asked a group of sergeants what they thought of the new training. Did it seem too touchy-feely?

“I believe so, sir,” said one, standing to address the general. He said a formal class would be a hard sell to a young private “who all he wants to do is hang out with his buddies and drink beer.”

But others disagreed, saying the program was desperately needed. And in the interview, General Casey said the mental effects of repeated deployments — rising suicide rates in the Army, mild traumatic brain injuries, post-traumatic stress — had convinced commanders “that we need a program that gives soldiers and their families better ways to cope.”

Even the US military are trying to get their soldiers to spiritually evolve!

Holy Cow! Cambodian villagers worships calf with reptile-like skin
NY Daily News, 22nd August 2009
"DAMNAK SANGKE, Cambodia - Villagers in this poor community in central Cambodia live hand to mouth, but many dug into their pockets to help pay for a funeral here Friday for a three-day-old calf with a dark, reptilian hide that many believed was holy.

Outh Kdep, the calf's owner, said villagers believed in the animal's divinity because there had been a drought in the area for three months, but it rained the day after it was born.

The female calf was born Tuesday and died Thursday in this remote village in Pursat province, some 140 miles (220 kilometers) northwest of capital Phnom Penh. It had thick, dark, scaly skin like a crocodile's, and legs with odd markings.

Yim Rith, 60, a community leader, said Cambodians have for centuries worshipped a Cow God believed to bring peace and prosperity. The deity disappeared from their land long ago, but the calf may have been a sign it was returning to help them, he said."

This is another example of an obvious DNA mutation or even DNA processing that has gone awry. In the process of evolutionary change, caused by cosmic rays and the generally chaotic EM environment, the metaphysically minded that understand what is taking place, are using sacred geometry to shield their energy fields and are harnessing new frequencies of light that will combine to correctly process DNA blueprints that we know are influenced by the environment.

The Rendlesham Forest UFO Incident: The Testimony of Sgt. James Penniston and Col. Charles Halt (USAF)
Prometheus Unbound, August 2009
"The Rendlesham Forest UFO sighting occured just after Christmas in England in 1980, and is often called "Britain's Roswell." James Penniston and Charles Halt gave their testimonies about their experiences of the UFO in November 2007 before a National Press Club convention in Washington D.C. Both men strike me as credible in their manner of telling their stories."

If you have come to my website because you have seen an orange orb or are curious about all the strange ufo reports then I recommend that you watch and listen to these eye witness accounts. Due to this new information (to me), I have updated a previous entry that gave an account of the Bentwater, also called 'The Rendlesham Forest UFO Incident', as it seems that my original reputable source had mixed 2 events up that had occurred 2 days apart. However, due to the nature of these events, it could be that it was a deliberate policy by military bosses to mix up the sightings because what was seen was so unbelievable and bizarre. By the way, the 1st event was witnessed by over 80 military personnel and in the second event, the description of a blinking red orb takes us much closer to the hundreds of sightings now being seen all over the UK.

A fireball, a hot air balloon or even a plane on fire? - Leigh, Lancashire [UK]
UK UFO sightings, 18th August 2009
"Witness Statement: I was at friends sat in the conservatory chatting when I looked at the sky it was going dusk when i saw what appeared to be a fire ball in the sky at first i thought it was a hot air balloon all of us went outside as it was going to fast to be a balloon thought it was a plane on fire as it came over us it was very high at a consistant speed it continued until it vanished over manchester area did any one else see this we were all gob smacked."

It seems that the 2012 prediction that humanity will 'officially' become aware of other lifeforms is coming true! I wrote my article 'Watch Out! Planet Under Reconstruction!' for the UK Paradigm Shift magazine I realised that UAP activity was stepping up and that some people would get frightened, but quite honestly from what I have read, the reaction has been mostly puzzlement and excitement. In my quest for understanding what is known about the existence of magnetic plasma entities (UAPs and a host other scientific and metaphyscial names), I have established that 'officially' the UK Ministry of Defence are prepared to concede that there are many 'strange' phenomena in the skies and that 'Ghost Rockets' are a real phenomena, the US Air Force have acknowledged in the past space animals or "critters" and the existence of space ectoplasm, which presumably is another name for what atmospheric scientists call magnetospheric plasmoids, basically macro-sized plasma entities that look like amoeba. At the moment, I have not seen any official military statements that account for UAP activity on the ground. However, standard geophysical research has identified a host of strange electromagnetic phenomena but so far, I have only come across Russian scientists who have tried to identify the functional possibilities of what they have called Natural Self-Luminous Formations (NSLF) in space and planetary environments. They suggest that the planetophysical role of NSLFs can be traced in their influence on geophysical fields and the seismic regime of the Earth. This relates back to the more standard geophysical acknowledgement of Earthlights and St Elmos fire etc and the recent research that uses satellites to monitor changes in local magnetic fields and ulta-low frequency electromagnetic "emissions" that act as precursors to earthquakes. Despite the work of Paul Devereux et al. and his "re-invention of ufology" that explained ufos in terms of geophysical and electromagnetic phenomena, his insight was ignored by people only interested in space craft and their occupants. Therefore, I am very reluctant to go out of my way to do research that UFO 'experts' should have already highlighted and made common knowledge as valid explanations for UFOs. It must also be stated that when the UK Ministry of Defence cite electrical discharge phenomena, ufologists shout loud and hard that the MOD are covering something up when it obvious to unbias opinion that what is under scrutiny is pure energy, that could be categorised as one of many different types of plasma manifestation and not 'craft' under ET control. My origin purpose was to explain why spiritual people should be taking great interest in working with their energy fields in this time of evolutionary change. However, this requires understanding what else is going on and it is evident that most people just do not have enough background knowledge to make good judgments about our changing reality. Hence, as the veil lifts, the average person on the street is now faced with the relatively sudden appearance of a spectrum of plasma lifeforms going about their business. Yet, this is an obvious consequence of the 'veil lifting' but since the metaphysical community are not very good at defining things in REAL terms, we have the bizarre scenario of a whole new world opening up and those in the know trying to make up lots of stupid excuses to hide something that can no longer be kept hidden.

Fast travelling ball of fire - Watnall, Nottinghamshire [UK]

4 bright orange balls, like gigantic fire flies - Sale Moor, Cheshire [UK]

Large orange object moving quickly alongside fields, looked like a hot air balloon, but more transparent with flames - Leeds, Yorkshire [UK]

Orange balls in the sky - Rainworth, Mansfield Nottinghamshire [UK]

Searching for aliens with the neighbours!! - Hythe, Kent [UK] [LOL!!]

A bright orange/fire ball in the sky - too close for comfort! - Chalkwell Park, Westcliff on Sea [UK]

2 orange lights, same size as the moon - Hemel Hempstead[UK]

20 to 30 bright lights following same path - Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk [UK]

Strange orange lights hovering - Gillingham, Kent [UK]

A single red/orange roughly teardrop-shaped object on fire - Cowley, Oxfordshire [UK]

Newly released UFO files from the UK government
UK National UFO Archives, August 2009
"The files contain a wide range of UFO-related documents covering the years 1981-1996. Find out more about close encounters, stray satellites, bright lights and Britain’s very own Roswell – Rendlesham Forest in Suffolk. Start by reading our highlights guide (PDF, 254kb) to help you navigate your way through the files."

The videocast (10:55) here by Dr David Clarke, an expert in UFO history is very interesting. When are people going to pay attention to the UK's Ministry of Defence, when they insist that they are not concerned that UK airspace is being violated? The answer to the mystery is that they know full well that 'radar angels' and the majority of other sightings are actually interdimensional plasma entities and are therefore no threat. There is no other way to explain the following UK MOD view, "it is clear from the reports that we receive that there are many strange things to be seen in the sky" source link. Many of the entities that travel in and out of Earth's atmosphere are literally information carriers and that is why I called them 'The Earth Management Team' in my book. Really, it's no big deal but the general public and ufologists in particular are fascinated with the possibility of ETs and their craft. Yes, there may be off-planet or even resident ETs and their craft, but it's likely that would represent a very very small percentage of reports made over the years. The problem we have now is that the very fabric of spacetime has changed and is still morphing and a whole spectrum of interdimensional lifeforms are appearing. Besides the work of dedicated lone researchers who have made their research available (and let's not forget Russian scientists who have made some of their research available in Rnglish), it is very likely that elite organisations around the world have identified this interdimensional presence, but kept it secret for their own need to retain power over the masses. Unfortunately for them, they have absolutely no ability to stop evolutionary changes, but according to metaphysical sources, they have tried..... Remember, the Earth is a school and Universal forces determine the rules based on the development of humanity and the set-up on Earth is radically changing. It's now all change please, all change!

Tunisian woman expecting 12 babies
The Guardian, 18th August 2009
"A Tunisian woman in her 30s is expecting 12 babies in what her family described as an amazing miracle, but doctors have warned there is only a tiny chance that any of them will survive. The unnamed woman, an Arabic language teacher who has had two miscarriages since her marriage to a colleague in 2007, said that she was feeling fine and looking forward to hugging her six boys and six girls. [...]

Fertility experts warned of the high risks, however, with the possibility that the strain of carrying so many babies could lead to her going into labour after just 20 weeks, around halfway through a normal pregnancy and four weeks less than the UK's legal limit for abortion.

"I don't like to dampen her enthusiasm, but the chances are she will deliver at 20 weeks. I wouldn't even give her a one in 100 chance of even one surviving. It's frightening," Peter Bowen-Simpkins, a fellow at the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists told the Daily Mail."

Ouch! 12! There is no mention of in vitro fertilisation so we have to assume that this was Mother Nature in overdrive.... Update Tut, tut! I would have thought The UK Guardian would have checked out this story first but the Daily Mail are less convinced.... Teacher who claimed she was pregnant with 12 babies is exposed as a fraud

Clash at China smelter after 100s of kids poisoned
AP News, 17th August 2009
"BEIJING — Police clashed with residents of two neighboring villages in northern China where nearly all the children were poisoned by lead apparently from a nearby smelter, reports said Monday, the latest sign of growing anger over China's rampant industrial pollution.

Several hundred villagers tore down fences and blocked traffic outside the Dongling Lead and Zinc Smelting Co. in Shaanxi province after news of the poisoning emerged last week, state media and villagers said. Fighting between angry parents and scores of police broke out Sunday, and trucks delivering coal to the plant were stoned.

No immediate word on injuries or arrests was available. Local officials, police and people at the company refused to confirm the reports."

Well, it's very interesting watching events in China as it is clear that they have seriously polluted their environment and a major disaster is unfolding. Mayan Elders are now warning that China will not become the next world Superpower because the people of China want change and there will be internal strife, this incident may be the start of much more to come.

1300+ Pages Of Secret UFO Docs Surface In Brazi, 17th August 2009
"Over 1,300 pages of former secret UFO documents surface in Brazil and was given to the Brazilian Committee of UFO Researchers Hundreds of papers from the Brazilian Air Force's official System for the Investigation of Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon have surfaced and demonstrate how Nation's military authorities dealt with the UFO Phenomena in the 60s and 70s.

The Brazilian Committee of UFO Researchers (CBU) has just received a massive lot of new UFO-related documents from the Brazilian government, which disclose in detail the inner workings of the official body created by the Brazilian Air Force (FAB) in 1969, during the dictatorship years, to investigate the presence and activity of aliens in the country: the System for the Investigation of Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon (SIOANI). This time, however, the newly disclosed documents have not come from the government, as a result of the campaign "UFOs: Freedom of Information Now!", which has so far produced three official disclosures, the largest and most important of which was on May 4th, largely announced worldwidely. The new former secret material was handed over to CBU by civilian researcher Edison Boaventura, from Grupo Ufo gico do Guaruj (GUG), who has kept such material away from the Brazilian UFO community for over 10 years."

Respected metaphysical channelled sources have been encouraging governments to disclose their knowledge gathered over 50 years plus of extraterrestrial activity and their craft. These sources have stated clearly that if governments do not do this, it would happen within decades anyway and then governments would have to face an angry public. On this blog, the emphasis has been interdimensional plasma biology and "magnetic entities", often mistaken for 'craft' and due to my interest in Earth Sciences (I do have an Honours Degree in Physics and Geophysics), I am most interested in understanding this phenomena in terms of evolutionary change and the impact in real terms for the citizens of planet Earth. It is blatantly obvious to the intelligent and educated that there is tremendous complexity associated with evolutionary change. The subject often termed UFO Disclosure is also vast and complex and people need to realise that the evolutionary progression of humanity includes subjects that have been shunned in the past, which will clearly reveal the complexity and diversity of our reality.

Mystery high in the sky [New Zealand]
Waikato Times, 17th August 2009
"Philip Wilson of Thames caught this spectacular shot of what appears to be some kind of fireball in the sky. Mr Wilson, a photographer who recently emigrated to New Zealand from Northern Ireland, spotted the phenomenon along the horizon on July 27 during a sunset.

"I noticed this strange sight of a fireball falling from the sky. With me was a local man who has lived in the area all his life and he said he's never seen anything like it. "None of the locals knew what it was either. My guess is that it is some sort of a ball of gas exploding in the atmosphere."

Mr Wilson doubted it was a flare or aeroplane. "I know I have captured some sort of rare phenomenon on camera. After checking various sites on the internet I have failed to see anything like it."

Well, the cosmic, galactic and intergalactic bombardment of planet Earth continues! There are various other videos of similar fireballs on YouTube so this is not a one-off event. We are witnessing a massive orchestration of energy that has been planned by universal consciousness and it's fair to say that humanity has not been made completely privy to how this transformation process will work out. Here is a sample of YouTube clips with various strange fireballs that defy any conventional explanation:

Strange Fireball - Jan 28 2003

Fire In the Sky

TV Footage: Strange Fireball sighted in Singapore skies

BBC Footage of a strange, bright object caught on a cameraphone over Leeds, UK February 1st, 2007

TV Footage: UFO fireball over Poland

Strange Plane/Object Going Straight Up July 2008 UK [Is this a 'Ghost Rocket'?]

Comet UFO fireball across the sky??

After you have watched these clips, maybe you can then agree with the UK Ministry of Defence that there are many 'strange phenomena' in the sky. According to the history of government UFO investigations by Dr David Clark who wrote a highlights briefings guide to cover the UK government UFO files made available to the public in August 2009, we find the following curious statement:
"The last time the Government made a full public statement on its policy was in January 1979 when UFOs were the subject of a lengthy debate in the House of Lords. This was initiated by Lord Clancarty (Brinsley le Poer Trench), the author of several books on UFOs and related subjects. Clancarty believed the MoD had evidence that UFOs were of extraterrestrial origin and was convinced they were concealing 'the truth' from the public. In the summer of 1978 he tabled a motion that called on the Government to set up an inquiry and for the Defence Minister to make a televised statement on UFOs. In the Lords, the Government's response was delivered by a retired Royal Navy officer and Labour peer, Lord Strabolgi (David Kenworthy). His closing remarks were: '…as for telling the public the truth about UFOs, the truth is simple. There really are many strange phenomena in the sky, and these are invariably reported by rational people. But there is a wide range of natural explanations to account for such phenomena. There is nothing to suggest to Her Majesty's Government that such phenomena are alien spacecraft.' ( AIR 20/12966).

Happy Birthday "Radiant Matter" Plasma!, 17th August 2009
"August 22, 2009 this week will mark the 130th anniversary of the identification of "radiant matter" or "plasma" as the fourth state of matter in 1879, by English scientist, Sir William Crookes, (1832-1919). Sixty years earlier, Michael Faraday had postulated "radiant matter" as "purely hypothetical". On 17 January 1816, Faraday delivered a series of lectures to the City Philosophical Society, one of which was titled "Radiant Matter". He wrote: "If now we conceive a change as far beyond vaporisation as that is above fluidity, and then take into account also the proportional increased extent of alteration as the changes rise, we shall perhaps, if we can form any conception at all, not fall far short of radiant matter"

A wonderful history lesson and no mention of Tesla!

UFO sightings: where has all the scepticism gone?
Usually disbelieving British public apparently report hundreds of sightings a year, according to MoD files

Guardian Blog, 17th August 2009
""Do not be afraid to contact us with whatever strange item you may wish to put to a sympathetic ear," the UK's Strange Phenomena Investigations group reassures people on its website. It is a message that does not seem to have fallen on deaf ears if the release of the latest batch of the Ministry of Defence's UFO files is anything to go by. Far from being afraid or embarrassed of reporting unexplained phenomena, the usually sceptical British public apparently report hundreds of UFO sightings a year. Nick Pope, formerly of the MoD's UFO project is a believer who feels there could be security considerations for the UK. But the UK is not alone. I am not talking about the aliens who may or may not walk among us but about the wealth of material from around the world relating to supposed UFO sightings."

Now, it looks like Nick Pope has decided to ring the alarm bell! Watch this BBC interview!!!! Now Nick Pope like many ufologists, may only be interested in 'craft' but it is clear that the UK MOD are not so naïve and hence the following statement " The so-called Rendlesham incident – after the forest near the base – remains Britain's best-known UFO sighting and confirms the general MoD view that "it is clear from the reports that we receive that there are many strange things to be seen in the sky". MoD's latest UFO files reveal saucerful of secrets: National Archives indicate 800 sightings in four-year period, while police and military staff are among those reported as UFO witnesses. See Nick Pope on CNN, Closer to Disclosure? UFOs tracked by British government for decades, you can also check out the critter at 4:08.... Well, I have had the feeling for quite a while that Nick Pope already knows that we are dealing with another life form and that is why he is urging more scientists to seriously investigate the UFO phenonmena. Please note the logic stated here that because UFOs have fantastic capabilities, then that means they have to be alien spacecraft. This is just a false and an illogical assumption. Personally, I am fascinated with the concept of hyper-evolved interdimensional plasmatic biology, totally awesome.....

Airplane Abducted By UFO in Midair, 16th August 2009
"This video was posted on YouTube by user jmart714. The user does not seem to be a joker or hoaxer having only posted 2 videos in the past 3 years. The user states that the video was taken to the media who rejected it practically sight unseen since no airplanes had been reported missing in the area. What do you think... real, hoax, cover-up, test of new military craft? Below is the video and the videographer's story.

Well, I am quite skeptical that an airplane was abducted and even the eyewitness initially thought it was a balloon, but this strange sighting could be explained as a UAP 'floater' being captured by another UAP and taken off the planet. Like any good theory, the understanding that our planet is experiencing a dimensional shift and that previously unseen plasma entities are appearing en masse and strange activity is taking place in our skies accounts for a wide range of bizzare sightings. As I have already stated, ancient mythology talks about periods in our history when there is war between the terrestrial gods and the celestial gods, but so far, there has not been any signs of major resistance from entities who are refusing to leave as their period of jurisdiction is now over. For those who are shocked by my assessment, please do your own research. Update 31/08/09 I have been thinking about this video and maybe what was seen is like one big fish capturing a little fish. As a completely different world is opening up in front of our eyes i.e the ocean of our atmosphere, this activity may be something that has always taken place. In this instance, it is different to where apparent "massess" appear to be airlifted by orbs and taken up by much bigger entities. Maybe this sighting is how things are, but as we are in completely unchartered waters, I have decided that this particular instance may have many different interpretations. Here are a few more reports of UAP activity around the world:

One hour showing of UFO´s in Peru

The UFO Traffic Report for Friday, August 14, 2009: Former Navy Seal watches orange lights converge on V-shaped UFO [US]

UFO Traffic Report for Monday, August 10, 2009: Shape-shifting UFO moves over Minnesota [US]

The UFO Traffic Report for Friday, August 14, 2009: Orange orb UFO moves over Arizona town [US]

Record number of Albertans report UFOs [Canada]

Swine flu jab link to killer nerve disease: Leaked letter reveals concern of neurologists over 25 deaths in America
Dail Mail, 15th August 2009
"A warning that the new swine flu jab is linked to a deadly nerve disease has been sent by the Government to senior neurologists in a confidential letter. The letter from the Health Protection Agency, the official body that oversees public health, has been leaked to The Mail on Sunday, leading to demands to know why the information has not been given to the public before the vaccination of millions of people, including children, begins. It tells the neurologists that they must be alert for an increase in a brain disorder called Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS), which could be triggered by the vaccine. [...]

But some question why there needs to be a vaccine, given the risks. Dr Richard Halvorsen, author of The Truth About Vaccines, said: 'For people with serious underlying health problems, the risk of dying from swine flu is probably greater than the risk of side effects from the vaccine. 'But it would be tragic if we repeated the US example and ended up with more casualties from the jabs. 'I applaud the Government for recognising the risk but in most cases this is a mild virus which needs a few days in bed. I'd question why we need a vaccine at all.'

Off-topic! Well, it seems that people are getting very nervous and the whole gamut of opinion, mainstream, alternative and even off-planet intelligences do not trust governments over this attempt at mass infection.... sorry immunisation. For some off-planet opinion see, Lies, Half-Truths and Manipulations: A Hathor Planetary Message through Tom Kenyon

Storm Clouds Found on Saturn's Moon
AOL News, 15th August 2009
"A tropical storm was not what astronomers expected to see when they pointed their telescopes toward the equator of Saturn's moon Titan last summer. But that's exactly what they found on this beguiling moon, home to a weather system both eerily familiar and perplexingly strange. The discovery was announced Wednesday.

In many ways Titan's climate resembles that of Earth, but instead of a water cycle, Titan has a methane cycle. Clouds, rain and lakes all exist on Titan, but they are all made of methane. In the moon's frigid climate, any water is frozen into rock-hard ice."

This is more evidence of evolutionary change taking place within our solar system. Last time I checked, there were 138 moons in our solar system, but Titan is noted for being quite Earth-like and here we find evidence of atmospheric processes that have never been seen before.

'Hidden Portal' Concept Described: First Tunable Electromagnetic Gateway
The Guardian, 17th August 2009
While the researchers can't promise delivery to a parallel universe or a school for wizards, books like Pullman's Dark Materials and JK Rowling's Harry Potter are steps closer to reality now that researchers in China have created the first tunable electromagnetic gateway.

The work is a further advance in the study of metamaterials, published in New Journal of Physics (co-owned by the Institute of Physics and German Physical Society). In the research paper, the researchers from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and Fudan University in Shanghai describe the concept of a "a gateway that can block electromagnetic waves but that allows the passage of other entities" like a "'hidden portal' as mentioned in fictions."

Well, the exact quote here "a gateway that can block electromagnetic waves but that allows the passage of other entities" is very interesting and know doubt this is the discovery of another secret of the universe, probably utilised by intelligent "magnetic entities".

Wobbling earth triggers climate change
ABC News, 14th August 2009
"Regular wobbles in the earth's tilt were responsible for the global warming episodes that interspersed prehistoric ice ages, according to new evidence.

The finding is the result of research led by Dr Russell Drysdale of the University of Newcastle that has been able to accurately date the end of the penultimate ice age for the first time. The new dates, which appear in the today's edition of Science, show the end of the second last ice age occurring 141,000 years ago, thousands of years earlier than previously thought. Using information gathered from a trio of Italian stalagmites, the research has punched a hole in the prevailing theory that interglacial periods are related to changes in the intensity of the northern hemisphere summer. Drysdale and colleagues suggest that the earth emerges from ice ages due in large part to changes in the tilt of the planet in relation to the sun, otherwise known as its obliquity. This affects the total amount of sunlight each hemisphere receives in its respective summer, rather than the peak intensity of the solar radiation during the northern summer."

In terms of understanding our reality, the main message is that the universe works in cycles, to allow for evolutionary change. There is nothing static in the universe and the complexity is beyond the understanding of human consciousness, the current conumdrum with the Sun is a good example. Hence, it does seem strange when scientists noted decades ago that Earth is affected by regular cosmic cycles that politicians and their friends have attempted to blame global changes on one element CO2, where increases in CO2 are proven by ice core samples to lag global mean temperature increases by up to 800 years.

Tiny Flares Responsible for Outsized Heat of Sun's Atmosphere
NASA News, 14th August 2009
"The mystery of why temperatures in the solar corona, the sun's outer atmosphere, soar to several million degrees Kelvin (K) —much hotter than temperatures nearer the sun's surface—has puzzled scientists for decades. New observations made with instruments aboard Japan's Hinode satellite reveal the culprit to be nanoflares. [...]

Nanoflares are responsible for changes in the X-ray and ultraviolet (UV) radiation that happen as an active region evolves. X-ray and UV get absorbed by Earth's upper atmosphere, which heats up and expands. Changes in the upper atmosphere can affect the orbits of satellites and space debris by slowing them down, an effect known as "drag." It is important to know the changing orbits so that maneuvers can be made to avoid space collisions. The X-ray and UV also affect the propagation of radio signals and thereby adversely affect communication and navigation systems.

The discovery that nanoflares play an important and perhaps dominant role in coronal heating paves the way to understanding how the sun affects Earth, our place in the universe."

Well, after 70 years of finding out that the surface of the Sun is 6000 Kelvin, but the Corona (meaning crown) is about 2 million Kelvin and that solar flares can generate heat in the region of 10 million Kelvin, astronomers are now talking plasma physics. As the article explains, Space Weather is seriously focusing the best minds to understand how we can operate technology in the new extreme space environment around Earth. Since the Sun is a huge ball of plasma, in a visible universe that is 99.999% plasma, it' is still quite difficult to comprehend why processes that were duplicated in the laboratory by plasma physicists decades ago have only become acceptable now. Please note, this and similar press releases means the Thermonuclear (Fusion Model) of how the Sun produces heat is now dead. This means that scientists are no longer bound by old ideas that have always been challenged by copious amounts of observational data that were just conveniently ignored.

Space review panel says moon, Mars out of reach
Reuters News, 14th August 2009
"CAPE CANAVERAL, Florida (Reuters) - The U.S. plan to return astronauts to the moon by 2020 will not happen without a big boost in NASA's budget, leaving only the International Space Station as a viable target for the country's human space program, according to a presidential review panel.

The Human Space Flight Plans committee, which presented its preliminary findings to the White House on Friday, concluded that a human mission to Mars currently would be too risky."

It's surprising that NASA is not taking the opportunity to talk about Space Weather and the new extreme conditions in space to help them explain why going to the moon and Mars is such a problem now. However, it does appear that the Obama Administration view serious space exploration as an occupation that the United States can no longer afford.

Truth to Power: Psychopaths Rule Our World
SOTT News, 13th August 2009
"Watching Europe's political class squirm after Ireland's No vote in the Lisbon Treaty referendum last year, I couldn't help but feel that some of them know something we don't: there is an agenda that must be met. The Irish people could not be threatened into sealing the nEU Deal, yet it's business as usual for the fanatical Eurocrats who are adamant nothing will get in their way. Incessant media hype is portending economic ruin lest Ireland vote 'correctly' at the second time of asking this fall.

It is evident, for those with eyes to see, that political discord between rival criminal cartels is purely for public consumption. Bread and circuses. Policy is not shaped by party politics. Decisions are made by a few: everyone else adjusts or starves. Weapons of financial mass destruction deployed by Central Bankers and Disaster-Capitalists, under the guise of protecting the markets and improving the efficiency of the system, vacuum the wealth of the nations - the work people produce - into ever fewer hands."

Over at they have regularly featured stories about psychopaths and at times in the last few years, I have found it helpful to read articles and compare notes. As regulars will know, people who have written to me moaning about typos in my book and generally anybody that was prepared to listen, the last three/four years of my life have been very strange as I found out about the dark side of human nature. It is most certain that those in the New Age community who have understood that there was 'New Energy' on the planet have been desperate to sell techniques to supposedly initiate people to this new frequencies but have been decidedly vague about how this energy will interact with human consciousness. Basically, if you are not carefully balanced then the energy will bring out all the worst aspects of your energy and if you have a dark side, it will be brought out for public consumption. What gets me is how many don't even notice the psychopathic behaviour of people who claim to be spiritual....... A good example is the metaphysician Drunvalo Melchizedek who has had a problem with bogus people trying to generate cash by teaching his Flower of Life Merkaba meditation which can actually hurt people if it is not done right. Drunvalo states: "In one case a woman escaped from an insane asylum and began teaching the Mer-Ka-Ba meditation. She had no training whatsoever. But people believed her and she acquired about three hundred students before the authorities found her and put her back in the institution." Note, she would have just carried on if the authorities had not gone out of their way to find her and lock her back up! Can you believe that!!!!! Well, after my own experience with a number of uneducated bogus people, who have absolutely no idea of my psychological profile, where I am in my spiritual evolution nor have any ability to assess someone of my calibre, lets say I have experienced a major life lesson. The set-up on this planet is that you won't get anywhere without discernment and please don't assume that someone is OK just because they have a following, Pied Pipers come cleverly disguised, so beware!

Elephant learns to play the harmonica
A music-loving elephant called Five has been serenading its keepers at West Midlands Safari Park, after learning to play the harmonica.

The Telegraph, 13th August 2009
The African elephant already loves music, but has found a new passion after a silver harmonica was accidentally left on the side of the enclosure. She eventually got the hang of puffing out at the right time to produce a song, and now regularly places the instrument into her trunk and whiles away the afternoon playing a few tunes. Wendy Jackson, spokeswoman from the park, said the elephants were extremely intelligent and Five was becoming better at playing as time went on.

She said: "It is very unusual for animals to actually get a sense of playing a tune. "Five was really curious about it when it was left on the side - but everyone just thought she would lose interest after a few minutes. "But she kept going with it, hitting a few notes before realising what it did. "Five was making tunes within a few weeks- it really is amazing."

Well, it very interesting to see animals evolving and developing their abilities. I think someone should give the elephants at this safari park a paintbrush and some paint and see if any of them can draw too, (see archives).

Not Chinese lanterns!
UK UFO sightings, August 2009
"This page contains information on how remote-controlled, small sphere craft can be mistaken for Chinese Lanterns. Re: “people tell me it was Chinese lanterns but i feel it was something else.” ‘Keep the faith’. Here’s a video of an anomalous aerial vehicle / craft in Mexico leaving a trail of small sphere objects which appear to be remote-cotrolled, and which are similar in appearance and size to Chinese Lanterns: ‘UFO RELEASES INTELLIGENT MOVING SPHERES!! First ever video footage!’"

This is a nice example of the Galactic Delivery Service in operation, which took place on the 22nd may 2009 over Mexico. According to this webpage, the video here is introduced by Mexican media personality, Jaime Maussan. Due to the big wave of 'craft' appearances in Mexico, which started around 1990, Maussan is now very experienced in assessing videos and sighting reports and has become the main TV personality that many people like to have present their evidence. Here is the direct YouTube link ‘UFO Releases Intelligent Moving Spheres!! First ever video footage!’, link. For comparison, please watch REAL Chinese lanterns being set off in Taiwan. It is obvious that this day-time footage has nothing to do with Chinese lanterns and that this is a true phenomena, hence the excitement over this particular video. Well, at some point in the near future, I expect intelligent folk to start wondering what is going on and what all this means. There is a need to explain why our planet appears to be under siege by multi-dimensional plasma entities and this can only be achieved by integrating science, metaphysics, ancient literature and mythology. Update, 25th August 2009 A second video has emerged a UFO releasing smaller objects over Mexico. Apparently, it is extremely rare to have two videos taken of the same UFO from different locations, see Incredible Second Video Emerges of UFO Releasing Objects over Mexico.

Another UK climate data withholding scandal is emerging
Watts Up With That, 14th August 2009
"Scientists study tree rings for two main purposes. One purpose is to learn something about what the climate was like many years ago. For instance, if many trees in a region had thick rings in some particular years, then climatic conditions in those years were presumably good (e.g. warm and with lots of rain); tree rings have been used in this way to learn about the climate centuries ago. The other purpose in studying tree rings is to date artefacts found in archaeological contexts; for an example, see here. Tree-ring data from Northern Ireland

One of the world’s leading centers for tree-ring work is at Queen’s University Belfast (QUB), in Northern Ireland. The tree-ring data that QUB has gathered is valuable for studying the global climate during the past 7000 years: for a brief explanation of this, see here. Most of the tree-ring data held by QUB was gathered decades ago; yet it has never been published. There is a standard place on the internet to publish such data: the International Tree-Ring Data Bank (ITRDB), which currently holds tree-ring data from over 1500 sites around the world. QUB refuses to publish or otherwise release most of its data, though. So I have tried to obtain the data by applying under the UK Freedom of Information Act (FoI Act). I have submitted three separate requests for the data."

Well, many moons ago, I came across someone on the internet that claimed that tree ring data had been manipulated to hide the fact that there was approx. 300 years of missing time in our history. As usual, this piece of information was place on a metal shelf in my mind, but when this same notion cropped up in other completely different scenarios, I started to take the concept more seriously. It is known that in the Middle Ages, the Catholic Church were so busy forging 'historical' documents and meddling with calendars that the situation got to the state where they had no idea what century they were in. I even read a book recently, where the author, a scientist could not understand why the Earth's precession had apparently speedied up by about three hundred years, I supose he was using markers that could not be disputed, but I would argue that the only discrepancy is in our calendars. Maybe this is the reason why Mayan Timekeepers INSIST that they DO NOT have a problem with their calendars and they are accurate over thousands of years. Therefore, Steve McIntyre's efforts to obtain raw tree ring data, may not just be about climate proxies.....

Mermaid Sightings Claimed in Israel
Refreshing News, 14th August 2009
"Locals and tourists in the Israeli town of Kiryat Yam have been flocking to the coast in hopes of glimpsing a creature that most people believe only exist in fairy tales. An alleged mermaid, said to resemble a cross between a fish and a young girl, only appears at sunset. It performs a few tricks for onlookers before disappearing for the night. One of the first people to see the mermaid, Shlomo Cohen, said, "I was with friends when suddenly we saw a woman laying on the sand in a weird way. At first I thought she was just another sunbather, but when we approached she jumped into the water and disappeared. We were all in shock because we saw she had a tail." The sightings apparently began several months ago."

This is also being reported in the Israel National News, see "Mermaid" Spotted on Kiryat Yam Beach. I like the comment here, "There's just something fishy about this whole thing!" LOL! Well, the prophecies of the veil lifting are proving to be accurate as our local spacetime continues to morph and what has been generally "hidden" is now becoming commonplace. Yet, it seems that nobody dared to speculate about what Joe Average will discover in terms of interdimensional life, so warnings that our reality will become quite bizzare, don't seem to have been taken very seriously, but it's happening anyway. Who knows, the mermaid could be a thoughtform, it would be interesting if someone manages to capture an image....

Late light reveals what space is made of
New Scientist, 13th August 2009
"MAGIC - the Major Atmospheric Gamma-ray Imaging Cherenkov Telescope - scans the sky each night for high-energy photons from the distant cosmos. Most nights, nothing remarkable comes. But every now and again, a brief flash of energetic light bears witness to the violent convulsions of a faraway galaxy.

What MAGIC saw on that balmy June night came like a bolt from the blue. That is because something truly astounding may have been encoded in that fleeting Atlantic glow: evidence that the fabric of space-time is not silky smooth as Einstein and many others have presumed, but rough, turbulent and fundamentally grainy stuff.

["Quantum foam" – grainy bumps in the fabric of space-time – might explain why light from a distant galaxy arrived four minutes later than expected, offering clues about the real nature of gravity][...]

"All approaches to quantum gravity, in their own very different ways, agree that empty space is not so empty after all," says theorist Giovanni Amelino-Camelia of Sapienza University of Rome in Italy. Many models based on string theory suggest that space-time is a foamy froth of particles, and even microscopic black holes, that spark up out of nothing and disappear again with equal abandon. The alternative approach favoured by Amelino-Camelia, loop quantum gravity, posits that space-time comes in indivisible chunks of about 10-35 metres, a size known as the Planck length. According to many string theory models, particles of different energies should speed up or slow down by different amounts as they interact with a foamy space-time. A minimum size for space-time grains, as predicted by loop quantum gravity, could violate the cherished principle of special relativity known as Lorentz invariance, which states that the maximum speed of all particles, regardless of their energy, is the speed of light in a vacuum.

The trouble is that these effects would be observable only with particles far more energetic than even the beefiest terrestrial particle accelerators can produce. Even if we could make these particles, the tiny interactions between them and the fabric of space-time would not add up to a hill of beans, even over many laps of the Large Hadron Collider's 27-kilometre-long loop at CERN, near Geneva, Switzerland.

Summed over hundreds of millions or billions of light years, such interactions could account for the MAGIC travel-time anomaly. It looks like nature might have provided us with particle accelerators - distant galaxies - whose products could, for the first time, allow us to test predictions of quantum gravity against hard experimental evidence."

Some have described space-time as a knotted blanket which moves! Briefly, what this article is stating is that scientists think that a faraway explosion generated 'anomalies' where some 'slow' energy photons arrived faster than supposedly 'fast' energy photons and it seems that over the distance, the 'slow' photons found a path of less interference and so they could arrive quicker. If this is correct, this means that many cherished ideas, largely related to Einstein's General Relativity about the background fabric of our reality, are wrong but that more modern ideas like Loop Quantum gravity are closer to something plausible. The most important information here is that our scientists are starting to have proof of the existence of the ether that they either tried to ignore for many decades, or like Einstein, disguise the concept and called it spacetime. Other theories, like Dr Harold Aspen's Aether Lattice Theory, have been ignored for over fifty years, but as usual, that does not mean that this theory is wrong, but it's just not in vogue and he could yet be proven correct.

Mann hockey-sticks hurricanes: Hurricanes in the Atlantic are more frequent than at any time in the last 1,000 years
Watts Up With that, 13th August 2009
"Just when you think it couldn’t get any more bizarre in Mann-world, out comes a new paper in Nature hawking hurricane frequency by proxy analysis. I guess Dr. Mann missed seeing the work of National Hurricane Center’s lead scientist, Chris Landsea which we highlighted a couple of days ago on WUWT: NOAA: More tropical storms counted due to better observational tools, wider reporting. Greenhouse warming not involved.

Mann is using “overwash” silt and sand as his new proxy. Chris Landsea disagrees in the Houston Chronicle interview saying: “The paper comes to very erroneous conclusions because of using improper data and illogical techniques,”

From a higher perspective, it's almost like Mann is deliberately putting out rubbish to see if anyone will object! The comparison has to be drawn with those on the spiritual path and the need to use discernment to obtain the highest truth.

SPLIT SKY, 13th August 2009
""On my way to view the Perseid meteor shower on August 11th, I witnessed a spectacular sunset," reports Tyler Burg of Little Sioux, Iowa. "The sky seemed to split in half!" The dark half was a vast shadow, Burg realized, and he looked around to find the source. "The shadow was cast by a thunderstorm floating between me and the sun," he says. "It was crackling beautifully with lightning."

Again, another strange atmospheric effect.

Cow gives birth to calf with two heads
Jean-Baptiste Collard, a Belgian farmer, got the shock of a lifetime when one of his cows gave birth to a calf with two heads.
The Telegraph, 12th August 2009
Mr Collard oversaw what he expected to be a normal birth with the help of a local vet at his farm in Flamisoul, Belgium, last week. But he got more than he bargained for. The mutant has two separate heads but only one brain, meaning both heads react simultaneously. It also has four eyes and two mouths but only one pair of ears. Surprised Mr Collard said: "I called the vet because when my cow was in labour, I noticed the birth might get complicated. The calf seemed too big. "The legs came out first, so we put a rope around them and pulled the calf out, as usual. "But then the vet cried out: 'It has two heads!'" "I immediately thought: 'what an exit present for me, I'm thinking about retiring and now this happens'."

As I have noted on this blog before, the two heads mutation is now getting quite common in a wide range of animals (and possibly the same DNA processing function is also occasionally malfunctioning for humans too). Since the science of Epigenetics is new and most scientists have not grasped the concept of morphogenetic fields, those that are aware can only monitor the situation and if they understand the implications of Space Weather, the really metaphysically astute will be applying protection to their personal energy fields.

Bishop Sutton, nr New Alresford, Hampshire. Reported 9th August. Crop Circle Connector, 12th August 2009
"I think I've spotted a circle that's not on your website. I was making a journey on Sunday from Alton, in Hants to Winchester, and passed a crop circle in a field close to Bishops Sutton, also in Hampshire. It was on the left side of the A31 while heading towards Winchester.

So far, nobody has provided an interpretation for this crop circle on this website, but I will make an attempt. The crop circle is an obvious cube with diamonds inscribed on the three sides that have been depicted. However the overall crop circle shape is also that of a hexagon which is also a two-dimensional representation of an octahedron (out of phase at 45 degrees). Geometry is one of the keys to the universe and here we have a representation that emphasises the different polarities of energy encompassed by geometry. There are many different ways that we represent polarity ie on/off, up/down, male/female hot/cold etc. The balance of these polarities exists as the third 'neutral' energy and is in fact the source of the polarised energy. Here, this triad is the cube, the octahedron and the hexagon. On this planet, there has been an imbalance of polarity related to how energies have been received and utilised and now that is being adjusted. At the same time, the quality of the energies arriving has changed and humans that are ready can integrate these 'higher' energies. This will encourage DNA changes and speed up spiritual evolution. The crop circle makers are encouraging people to understand the spiritual implications of the new 'diamond' light energies streaming onto the planet at this time, as the evolutionary destiny of mankind is being determined.

Climate data spat intensifies
Nature, 12th August 2009
"A leading UK climatologist is being inundated by freedom-of-information-act requests to make raw climate data publicly available, leading to a renewed row over data access. Since 2002, Steve McIntyre, the editor of Climate Audit, a blog that investigates the statistical methods used in climate science, has repeatedly asked Phil Jones, director of the Climatic Research Unit (CRU) at the University of East Anglia, UK, for access to monthly global surface temperature data held by the institute."

This Nature article is subscription only but the full report can be found on Steve McIntyre's website here.

UFO mystery as lights spotted over East Anglia
A string of sightings of bright orange lights in the night skies over East Anglia has sparked a huge new UFO mystery.

The Telegraph, 12th August 2009
"The dazzling light shows have bewitched and intrigued eye-witnesses all over Norfolk and as far south as Ipswich, Suffolk. John Young, 43, of Sprowston, near Norwich, grabbed his camera after spotting a strange shining light on Wednesday, August 5. He was stunned when he woke up at about 3.30am and looked out of the window.

Mr Young said: "I glanced out of my bedroom window to see a bright light in the sky, much like a star except slightly larger in appearance and considerably brighter. "It didn't move but when I played it back on my computer I was surprised to see the object was a perfect sphere with a hole in the middle." He added: "You can even see it appears to rotate clockwise for maybe 20 seconds then anti-clockwise for the next and so forth. "I'm perplexed as to what I saw.

"Maybe there's a simple explanation but I haven't a clue what it was." Mr Young spoke out after dozens of mysterious orange lights were spotted all over Norfolk, including Norwich, Dereham, Downham Market, Holkham and Caister."

Now the UK Telegraph suggests a 'huge' new UFO mystery!!!!! For those who are interested in understanding plasma entities, that the UK Ministry of Defence still wish to name as Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAPs), check out the documentary The Secret NASA Transmissions for some useful background information.

Brilliant claret red ball of light “sparkling” in the evening sky - Higham Hill/Chingford Reservoirs [UK]
UK UFO sightings, 12th August 2009
Location of Sighting: Higham Hill/Chingford Reservoirs, Date of Sighting: 07/08/09
Time: 22:30 p.m to 2 a.m, Witness Name: Albert Oriade

"Witness Statement: I witnessed a number of sightings on the night - I shall give a brief description of each event in chronological order

1. Exit flat in Dalston at about 22:15. Mount my bike and head off to Walthamstow nature reserve as planned. I spotted a brilliant claret red ball of light “sparkling” in the evening sky towards the north floating along from left to right. It reminded me of a fire-cracker; only that the sparkling effect seemed to be confined within said ball-shape with a light pulsing.

Nice long report, that clearly present details of various plasma entities on the move! Certainly, this witness had an UAP action packed evening! More UK reports below:

5 or 6 small bright orange orbs moving vertically into the sky from moorlands - Blackhill, Consett, County Durham [UK]

Five orange glowing balls of light, Line Dancing! - Fairfield, Stockton-on-Tees [UK]

20 to 30 people see round orange circle with flame - Kirton, Boston, Lincolnshire [UK]

Big fire ball, glowing bright orange, many witnesses, Boston, Lincolnshire [UK] 13 orange balls of light - Forest Park, Bracknell [UK]

12 large orange orbs in a straight line - Billingham, Cleveland [UK]

Report: NASA can't keep up with killer asteroids
Yahoo News, 12th August 2009
"WASHINGTON – NASA is charged with spotting most of the asteroids that pose a threat to Earth but doesn't have the money to complete the job, a federal report says. That's because even though Congress assigned the space agency that mission four years ago, it never gave NASA the money to build the necessary telescopes, according to the report released Wednesday by the National Academy of Sciences. Specifically, the mission calls for NASA, by the year 2020, to locate 90 percent of the potentially deadly rocks hurtling through space. The agency says it's been able to complete about one-third of its assignment with the current telescope system. NASA estimates that there are about 20,000 asteroids and comets in our solar system that are potential threats. They are larger than 460 feet in diameter — slightly smaller than the Superdome in New Orleans. So far, scientists know where about 6,000 of these objects are."

It seems that NASA have decided to take advantage of the current situation, as many minds have been focused by the extraordinary series of planetary hits by comets/asteroids in the last few weeks. See also, Earth could be blindsided by asteroids, panel warns

Smile, there's an upside-down rainbow in the sky over Sussex [UK]
Daily Mail, 12th August 2009
"The 'upside-down rainbow', spotted over Sussex, is in fact not a rainbow at all. Enlarge upside down rainbow snapped over Sussex. Rather than being caused by raindrops, it is the result of freak atmospheric conditions rarely seen outside the North and South Poles.

While normal rainbows are formed when light penetrates raindrops and emerges on the other side without changing direction, the smile is formed when sunlight shines through millions of tiny ice crystals in cirrus and cirrus stratus clouds.

Because the crystals are flat and hexagonal, they invert the light and create an upside-down curve called a circumzenithal arc. The phenomenon relies on the sun being low in the sky, normally less than 32 degrees from the horizon. The arcs can appear at any time of the year, hovering in the sky only fleetingly because clouds tend to move quickly near the zenith.

More 'freak' atmospheric conditions over the UK.

How thinking of yesterday can make you happy today
Daily Mail, 12th August 2009
"The best way to make yourself feel happier is to think of something good that happened to you the day before, an experiment has found. Volunteers who were asked to recall a pleasant event from the previous 24 hours got an instant 15 per cent boost in cheerfulness. Other popular techniques, such as expressing gratitude or making yourself smile, also increased happiness levels but not by so much. [...]

Professor Wiseman said: 'Thinking about one positive thing that had happened the day before appears to have been by far the most effective technique. 'Compared to those in the control group, this quick and simple procedure provided an additional 15 per cent boost in happiness.' "


Man killed by shards of glass after hurling girlfriend through shop window
Daily Mail, 11th August 2009
"A man bled to death when he was impaled on a large shard of glass after throwing his girlfriend through a shop window in a street row. The 30-year-old victim was seen arguing with the woman in the Regent Street area of London's West End shortly after 2am today. Witnesses told police he hurled the woman against the window of a branch of Banana Republic up to three times."

This is another example of a man who goes into an extreme state of imbalance and tries to kill his female partner, but only ends up killing himself!

Space, 10th August 2009
"On August 9th I photographed 17 Perseids," reports John Chumack of Dayton, Ohio. "The best one was a fireball of magnitude -8, about 40 times brighter than Venus. It had a double explosion, too!" "The Perseid meteor shower is definitely underway," he says. It should get even better in the nights ahead. Members of the International Meteor Organization are now counting more than 25 Perseids per hour: data. The rate is expected to increase almost 10-fold on the night of August 11th and 12th when Earth passes through a denser-than-usual filament of comet dust crossing Earth's orbit. Oberving tips may be found in the Science@NASA story "The Perseids are Coming."

Wow! This amazing photo of a double explosion on a meteor/fireball looks like a sword to me!

Like the fist of an angry god - Somthing went through Saturn's rings
Discovery Magazine Blog, 9th August 2009
"Deep in the outer realms of our solar system, well over a billion kilometers away, something bizarre happened at Saturn’s F ring. I mean, seriously: what the hell happened here? [...]

It’s not exactly clear what’s going on here, even in this slightly zoomed shot. But it looks for all the world - or worlds — like some small object on an inclined orbit has punched through Saturn’s narrow F ring, bursting out from underneath, and dragging behind it a wake of particles from the rings. The upward-angled structure is definitely real, as witnessed by the shadow it’s casting on the ring material to the lower left. And what’s with the bright patch right where this object seems to have slammed in the rings? Did it shatter millions of icy particles, revealing their shinier interior material, making them brighter? Clearly, something awesome and amazing happened here. [...]

… but when it comes to this weird, weird place, I’ve learned my intuition is monumentally inadequate. Nature, it turns out, has a far greater imagination than any mere human. We are fated, I think, to watch Nature unfold before us and try to figure it out after the fact."

Things are getting very lively in our solar system....

BBC captures amazing UFO on camera (Video) !!!!!
Tech Herald, 8th August 2009
Full story: "Given the 'Big Brother' label seemingly associated with the UK for its apparent fondness for close-circuit cameras on every street corner, it's perhaps not surprising that the country's vast ranks of electronic eyes are prone to watching things other than crime. Specifically, an early morning BBC news program has hit the headlines across the pond after one of its regional Web cameras inadvertently spotted a UFO streaking across a quiet city skyline.

The Web shot of Gateshead's Millennium Bridge was running behind BBC Look North breakfast show presenter Colin Briggs at around 09:00 GMT when a bright white cylindrical object was suddenly rocketed past the lens and away into the distance. "Is it a bird? Is it a plane? Just what is it? We don't know," said Briggs regarding the BBC's unidentified flying object. "Perhaps you can help," he asked viewers the following day. "If so, do let us know. And remember, don't have nightmares." Slow motion replays of the strange accelerating object reveal no surface details or obvious markings that would suggest it to be a bird or perhaps a manmade mechanical device. UFO experts quoted by UK tabloid publication The Sun have said they're mystified by the footage -- which does not represent the first time BBC Look North has experience a close encounter with unexplained video content."

The Veil is Lifting!!!!! Well, as we can see in this short clip, the UAP activity is NOT going away! Again, the UFO 'expert' quoted here is 'mystified', which is odd when research that identified the existence of plasma based lifeforms is at least fifty years old. There is no doubt that soon, the 'experts' will be embarrassed, as UAP activity continues to accelerate and the truth gets out! A friend from the UK sent me the following email from some excited friends and I am pleased to share it here:




Freaky Sleep Paralysis: Being Awake in Your Nightmares
Wired Science, 7th August 2009
"You wake up, but you can’t move a muscle. Lying in bed, you’re totally conscious, and you realize that strange things are happening. There’s a crushing weight on your chest that’s humanoid. And it’s evil. You’ve awakened into the dream world. This is not the conceit for a new horror movie starring a ragged middle-aged Freddie Prinze Jr., it’s a standard description of the experience of a real medical condition: sleep paralysis. It’s a strange phenomenon that seems to happen to about half the population at least once. People who experience it find themselves awake in the dream world for anywhere from a few seconds to 10 minutes, often experiencing hallucinations with dark undertones. Cultures from everywhere from Newfoundland to the Caribbean to Japan have come up with spiritual explanations for the phenomenon. Now, a new article in The Psychologist suggests sleep researchers are finally figuring out the neurological basis of the condition."

I have not come across any well known books that provide a metaphysical perspective of sleep paralysis, but from a metaphysical point of view, any analysis would have to incorporate the understanding that we exist within a multi-dimensional reality. In my own experience, amongst my many different spiritual experiences, I have 'woken-up' in what I believe is another dimension and experienced phenomena that could not be explained within our 'normal' three dimensional parameters of understanding. However, what was most interesting, is that some of these experiences would seem to some as bizarre and frightening, but there was aspect of me, that some would call my 'higher' consciousness self, that was totally fearless and in control, perfectly able to cope with the situation and I actually coined the phrase of my 'business end' to describe this aspect of my consciousness that was so totally cool and collected.

'Cloud ship' scheme to deflect the sun's rays is favourite to cut global warming
Ships with giant funnels which travel the world's seas creating more clouds to deflect the sun's rays could help cut global warming, say scientists.

The Telegraph, 7th August 2009
"The "cloud ships" are favoured among a series of schemes aimed at altering the climate which have been weighed up by a leading think-tank. The project, which is being worked on by rival US and UK scientists, would see 1,900 wind-powered ships ply the oceans sucking up seawater and spraying minuscule droplets of it out through tall funnels to create large white clouds. These clouds, it is predicted, would reflect around one or two per cent of the sunlight that would otherwise warm the ocean, thereby cancelling out the greenhouse effect caused by Carbon Dioxide emissions. [...]

According to The Times, The Royal Society is expected to announce that the decade-old cloud ship plan is one of the most promising. The Copenhagen Consensus Centre, which advises governments on how to spend aid money, examined the various plans and found the cloud ships to be the most cost-effective. They would cost $9 billion (£5.3 billion) to test and launch within 25 years, compared to the $250 billion that the world’s leading nations are considering spending each year to cut CO2 emissions, and the $395 trillion it would cost to launch mirrors into space."

The Daily Mail also released the same story on the same date, see The cloud ships that could cancel out effects of global warming this century for £5.3bn, but I wonder how many people see the link with Space Weather, a collapsing solar system shield, an unstable magnetosphere, cosmic rays at an all time high and an uptick in DNA mutations and GPS breaking down.

Argentina: Schoolteachers See, Photograph UFO
Inexplicata, 6th August 2009
"The teachers staid that it was “an orange half-moon that turned into a huge sphere.” De la Garma, Argentina – Four schoolteachers from Neuquén reported having seen an alleged UFO yesterday as they headed to a school in the De la Garma region.

“We started to see an orange half-moon that turned into a huge sphere, and we took some photos of it with our cellphones,” said María Inés Martos, the principal of the local school, in a radio interview with Radio LU24. According to Martos, the UFO sighting took place at around 7:30 before it “vanished swiftly into the horizon”.

According to the website, the event occurred as the instructors headed to the De la Garma school. At that time, the stopped at Monte Chueco to look at the inexplicable phenomenon and take pictures of the object."

So, what are we talking about here, a metallic craft or bright orange light, or even both at the same time! Unfortunately, this report does not state clearly that this object was actually coming out of the Earth, but the picture suggests that is exactly what was occuring. Well, after reading Trevor James Constable's book, re-read some of my old UFO books and done some more research on the internet, I now realise why there is such a huge conceptual rift between ufologists. In his book, Constable goes into great length about his experience with military personnel, scientists and ufologists who could only deal with explanations for the ufo phenomena that were mechanistic. Most could simply not tolerate the notion of a spectrum of "critters" or entities that incorporate 'out of this world' biology that enables them to morph from what we would see as being metallic, to light in a blink of an eye. This is now obvious to me as I now re-read my old UFO books, and realise just how pervasive the mechanistic world view is on the subject. Personally, it is about eight years or so ago that I found out that there are two types of UFO, which did not mean much to me at that point either and then some clarity occurred when I was researching for my book. Anyway, it is now well known amongst serious ufologists that ETs utilise spiritual laws to make their craft, as they have consciousness that enables them to manipulate the properties of the aether, hence that is why there are similar manifestations to pure entities who are also made up of this same intelligent energy, therefore the major difference between craft and entity is the quantity of 'mind' energy. Thus the mechanistic viewpoint is most apparent when the same 'UFO' incident is reported completely differently. Since new information has come to light, I have changed this entry to be more correct. Updated information 22nd August 2009. A brilliant example is The Rendlesham Forest UFO sighting which occured just after Christmas in the UK in 1980, and is often called "Britain's Roswell. This event is also known as the Bentwater case because this event took place near the NATO base RAF Bentwater and RAF Woodbridge, (leased out US military bases bear Ipswich). To cut a long story short, it seems that an object (UAP?) described as metallic and triangular with flashing lights, of "tremendous size" according to one witness, but officially downsized to approx. 3mx2m, landed in Rendlesham wood that surrounds the two NATO bases. Personnel were sent out to investigate and spotted 'lights' that only some were prepared to admit they believed was a craft of some kind, but the object kept moving about within a large clearing. It seems that this first object actually finally left at extremely unbelievable speeds. Investigators state that this object was continously morphing for more than one hour, which gave time for other US and UK military personnel (apparently 80 witnesses) to turn up and take film of this 'object'. Despite some documented accounts, it seems that there was also a second event 2 days later when another object arrived. This 2nd object was described as a red blinking orb which split into 5 objects and disappeared! This is bonafide information as the use of the UK Freedom of Information Action resulted in the official report being released and one of the guards wrote a book about this incident, (most likely the first event). My original source was the book Alien Agenda by Jim Marrs [1997] but it now seems that two incidents were mangled into one event. The source of the official statement admitted that he left out various details and maybe the reason was he just could not comprehend what the hell was going on. It seems that the 2nd object was a UAP, but there is a major issue with the accounts given of the 1st event and why some witnesses state the craft was continously morphing. It does seem that the 2nd event described a red orb that with behaviour closely aligned to that of an intelligent biological entity because we were told it was hopping about in the forest and when it was blinking it looked like an eye, see the video link below. For further examples of biologiocal type behaviour of so-called UFOs please read the books written by Trevor James Constable. Please remember, none of this is new information. Every single UFO book that you can find starts off by providing historical sources of information about the existence of phenomena that most authors believe relates to visitors and their craft from another world, and the facts are presented in such a way that people do not realise that various assumptions have already been made. Now, why I am bothering with all these UFO/UAP reports, week after week? For whatever reason, I am extremely bothered that our reality is morphing right before our eyes and people don't realise what's coming! I have talked about our reality becoming like 'Alice in Wonderland', but research proves there has always been high strangeness on this planet, but it will become more prevalent and I think there should be an effort to explain to people what they should expect. I've been searching for truth for nearly 30 years reading book after book and I am prepared to share what I have worked out to the best of my ability. See YouTube videos The Rendlesham Forest UFO Incident: The Testimony of Sgt. James Penniston and Col. Charles Halt (USAF).

Gushan mysterious flying objects (Photo) [China]
163 News, 4th August 2009
Google translation can be found: here. My interpretation of about half the article is as follows:

Are these UFO photos or something else? Readers, is this just another day in Gushan? You can log into East Express Network ( to download the image analysis or call via our hotline 0591-87806110 to express your views. During the taking of landscape photos of a home in Gushan, photos were taken of a UFO that looked like a rock floating in the air! When this photo was viewed, it was a pleasant surprise for Gang Hao, who is a member of the ground-based meteorological observation Fuzhou weather observer group. Gang Hao said that the photos were taken at 15:34 on July 19, in the Gushan Valley. On the day, that he and his family accidentally shot this strange flying objects, it was not seen at the time and it was only found two days later, when he was organizing his photos on his computer, where he zoomed into the picture.

The camera was a normal Canon SX110IS and the photo had not undergone any post-processing. Based on an analysis of the photos, the clouds were low in the sky at about 1300 meters and were broken cumulus clouds, this observation agrees with that recorded by the Weather Bureau, therefore if the weather was sunny, with high visibility, the photographs would be clearer. Gang Hao said that two-thirds of the photos were trees and mountains, and the remaining third was the sky, the trees in the photos the central junction of smoke and the sky a UFO, submitted under the small cone large column, looks like stone.[The last part of the sentence is gibberish.]

Well, this story goes on to tell us that a Chinese skeptic thought this was a Chinese lantern made to look like a rock, which just goes to show that the belief that anything strange in the sky can be dismissed as a lantern is pervasive! Personally, I think it's a rock that is levitating, maybe due to a 'gravity' anomaly but who knows.....

Why ARE so many planes falling out of the sky? A spate of disastrous crashes reveals one terrifying common flaw...
Daily Mail, 7th August 2009
"...A spate of accidents in the past two years has led to speculation that something is amiss, something which seems to be making planes fall out of the sky. Some are even suggesting that a serious problem has arisen, which is being ignored by airlines and the authorities - and that if this problem is not addressed soon there will be more large airliners plunging to earth for no known reason.This year has seen the usual smattering of crashes and near-crashes involving small planes run by small airlines in remote corners of the world.

But four weeks after the Air France crash, there was another unexplained Airbus disaster. This time, it was a Yemen Airways flight from Sana'a to the Comoros Islands in the Indian Ocean. Of the 153 aboard, only one survivor was plucked from the sea, a 14-year-old girl. This year, there have also been serious accidents in Turkey, Thailand and Congo. And in the past week alone, there have been three more incidents: a Continental Airlines flight, which nearly came to grief in severe turbulence over the Gulf of Mexico, and, on Tuesday, a Bangkok Airways flight, which crashed on the island of Ko Samui.

The latest incident came on Wednesday, when an Airbus A320, operated by Spanish carrier Vueling, caught fire on the runway at Paris Orly Airport. So, what is going on? Some have pointed the finger at Airbus. Its aircraft have been involved in a number of recent high-profile crashes."

Well, it's interesting that the mainstream media have started to take note, but here the main thrust is that pilots are not well trained enough for exceptional circumstances. Well, we will have to see how long it takes before there is a realisation that due to the chaotic electromagnetic environment of Earth, electronic systems are becoming vulnerable to Space Weather and hence it is now becoming more precarious for air travel. This article does provide some hilarious advice, as follows; "First, never, ever, fly with an airline you have never heard of, particularly in Africa, the former USSR, or Indonesia. If the plane looks dodgy or the pilot looks drunk - a surprisingly common occurrence in some parts of the world - don't get on. I remember crossing Borneo in a tiny plane, whose doors were locked shut with a piece of twisted wire. On the seat next to me was a box of live chickens. We flew through a thunderstorm. The experience was disconcerting."

Microorganisms can predict changes in their environments—upending age-old biological tenets and giving new insight into non-neural genius
Seed magazine, 7th August 2009
"Princeton molecular biologist Saeed Tavazoie first began investigating this strange phenomenon after reading a 2002 paper demonstrating that yeast, when exposed to a stressful stimulus such as extreme temperature, would activate a large set of genes that served no function to combat the stress. “There seemed to be a disconnect.” Tavazoie says. “And so we decided to step back and rethink the whole idea of how microorganisms respond to their environments.”

What Tavazoie demonstrated in a study published last year, and what the Weizmann team argue in the new Nature paper, is that microorganisms are capable of interacting with their surroundings in a way that goes beyond simple reflexive behavior. Though pre-inducing genes diverts resources in the first environment and therefore temporarily hinders the organism, it confers a fitness advantage in the future. Prediction is a short-term energy expense for long-term gains in survival. [...]

Audrey Gasch, a professor of genetics at the University of Wisconsin–Madison, studies similar stress responses in yeast. She agrees that an understanding of predictive gene induction will greatly alter how biological science is conducted. “Scientists really need to start thinking broadly about their results,” Gasch says. “We were duped based on a lot of assumptions in the literature, and no one had gone and tested this very basic question, which is: Are these gene expression changes really important to survive the condition that triggers their change?”

I would like to say that the kind of thinking that this scientist is proposing, requires a brain that is networked differently to the norm and thus is at a higher level of consciousness. Besides that, this research serves to help us understand the process of evolutionary change and the effort within the New Age community to encourage people to cooperate with universal intelligence. The most interesting thing here is the activation of many genes that are not immediately required, but provides an advantage in the future. I have to smile as I realise that is EXACTLY what people are doing when they work with the human energy field and activate the layer of light that represents a holographic projection of our DNA, a grid of 64 diamonds.

Sighting of a intense orange light that dimmed to a dark sphere that kept flying - Mudeford Wood, Christchurch [UK]
UK UFO sightings, 6th August 2009
Date of Sighting: 2 August 2009, Time: 21.30

Witness Statement: It was a warm clear evening with a light breeze as I was walking along the river towards Mudeford when I noticed a bright intense orange light in the sky. I watched closely as it drew nearer listening for the sound of aircraft engines but I could not hear anything. However as it came closer the light slowly diminished until it had disappeared completely. Then I could see the shape of the object clearly. It was sphere shaped and looked dark against the sky, I watched until it disappeared on the horizon. Then I walked further into the grass playing field, where I met a man called Jeff walking his dog. So I quickly asked him if he had seen the object in the evening sky, he said yes he had seen it and thought it was very strange, then as we discussed what we had seen, Jeff suddenly said look another one! I looked up and saw the bright orange light in the sky, & we both watched as the light slowly diminished as before, then we could clearly see again the shape of the object.

It was like the first one, made of what looked like silver metal in a perfect sphere shape. It showed no pieces attached to the sphere shape, and I could not see any visible lights attached to it. Each object was moving slower that a helicopter and they both seemed to follow a set course in a straight line, they didn't move like balloons, and it was no lantern. I would say it was about half a mile up, we watched as this second object disappeared going towards Highcliffe."

So, what are we talking about here, a metallic craft or bright orange lights, or even both at the same time! Since, I am currently reading Trevor James Constable's book Sky Creatures: Living UFOs published by Simon & Schuster in 1976, it seems that entities that look like creatures, for example the ubiquitous jelly-fish, have long ago been photographed and are known to be part of a spectrum of plasmatic 'light' beings. It is understood that their curious properties are because they are multi-dimensional, they have the ability to manipulate the aether at will, and are made of what has been identified as ormus elements. If you have read my book and/or have understood what David Hudson had to say about U.S. military interest in these elements, all of a sudden, more pieces of the jig-saw start falling into place. When I wrote my book, the mention of the two-way traffic of plasma entities, was to provide proof and explain HOW the earth's electromagnetic grid had been changed. I also tapped into a body of information that was already well known in certain circles. However, it must be stated that the significance of the UK MOD's 'Unidentified Aerial Phenomena' report appears to be have been largely lost on the vast majority of ordinary people, who were alerted to it's startingly revelations via newspaper reports. Therefore, it is now apparent to me that there is a need to integrate the last fifty years or so of publicly available UFO related information, so we can understand what we can expect as space-time changes and humans evolve too. Here is another quote from this incredible book:
Significant among those who came to accept that UFOs were critters was the man who touched off the whole powder keg — Kenneth Arnold. As coiner of the phrase flying saucers he has won immortality, but by the early 1960s, he was nowwhere near as puzzled as he was on 24 June 1947, when he saw a "formation" of these saucers near Mount Rainier. In November 1962 his views on UFOs sounded as though the had lifted bodily out of my 1958 book They live in the Sky. Writing in Ray Palmer's Flying Saucers Magazine, Mr. Arnold said:
After some 14 years of extensive research, it is my conclusion that the so-called unidentified flying objects that have been seen in our atmosphere are not space ships from another planet at all, but are groups and masses of living organisms that are as much a part of our atmosphere and space as the life we find in the oceans. The only difference in the space and atmospheric organisms is that they have the natural ability to change their densities at will.
Flying Saucers Magazine, November 1962, Palmer Publications. Amherst, Wisconsin 54406
Any pioneering researcher like myself, slogging through countless chilly dawns on the desert and in the mountains to capture these critters on film, cannot fail to feel gratified at finding the originator of flying saucers in the same bag as himself." [End of quote]
If Trevor James Constable is still alive, I imagine he would be intrigued by the massive rise in the number of "critter" sightings and just how easy it now is for just about anyone to use digital technology and capture images. After his decades of lonely research, this man is a pioneer that I hold in high esteem.

Snake Pass, A57-Derbyshire - Two very large bright orange balls of light hovering over water
UK UFO Sightings, 6th August 2009
Date of Sighting: 05/08/2009, Time: 3.30 am

Witness Statement: I was driving along the Snake Pass between Manchester and Sheffield at 3.30 am. I reached Lady Bower Reser and saw two very large very bright orange balls of light hovering over the water. They were approx 500 meters from me and about 50 foot above water. Estimate size about 25 foot in diameter. I could tell this because of surrounding trees, hills, etc. I stopped my car and got out, there was no noise and the air was very still. I watched the balls of light for about 10 seconds then they moved off in the direction of Manchester at a slowish speed. I watched them until they went behind trees and hills. I wasn't sure what to do, go home or carry on to go fishing at Leicester. I carried on for a few more miles when these two balls of light flew at speed over my car heading east towards Sheffield then turned sharp left and went north extremely fast. The Snake Pass is pretty quiet at that time of morning, but there were other cars and lorries about, they must have seen these objects. They really spooked me out. I went home, didn't go fishing.

As I continue to research and study, I realise that there is a chronic lack of education. The Universe is operating by a strict cosmic timetable and evolutionary change is here now. See more UK reports below:

Bright orange glowing sphere that looked like it was surrounded in flames - Bury Area, Greater Manchester [UK]

Bright red and white lines shooting out of the white light in the sky - Washford, Watchet area, Somerset [UK]

Large orange light in the sky - Denver, near Downham Market, Norfolk [UK]

A small aircraft engulfed in flames at low level - Cannock Chase, Rugeley [UK]

10 or 11 Unusual orange lights in the sky - Salford, Greater Manchester [UK]

Seven large lights in a formation in the sky - A1 North near Buckden,Cambridgeshire [UK]

4 orange objects flying in the sky that looked liked flames - Woodley, Reading [UK]

BBC captures amazing UFO on camera (Video) !!!!!

Take your seats... The jaw-dropping front-row spectacle of wildfire devouring Canadian mountains
Daily Mail, 6th August 2009
"When nature has unleashed its worst, sometimes there's nothing you can do but sit back and watch. And that's exactly what this group of helicopter pilots did - pulling up chairs to fully take in the fury of a forest fire devouring large swathes of the Canadian province of British Columbia. The pilots were watching as a controlled fire burned on Mount McLean in the Canadian province of British Columbia in a desperate attempt to reduce the amount of fuel for a wildfire burning on the mountain in the town of Lillooet."

Spectacular pictures....

'UFOsUAPs' in Trim skies 'like a backdrop to Star Wars'
Meath Chronicle News, 5th August 2009
"The sighting of dozens of bright objects in the skies over Trim last Thursday night prompted speculation on whether the strange lights which appeared to be flying in formation could be UFOs. Several tabloid newspapers carried the story over the weekend of the bright circular objects that passed through the Trim skies between 10.15pm and 11pm last Thursday night and many people around the town say they witnessed the phenomenon.Helen McGrath, who lives in Hamilton Place, was outside in her garden when she noticed the bright lights in the sky and said it was like "a backdrop for Star Wars".

She said: "It was around 10.30pm to 11pm. I was in the garden and looked up and saw what I thought was a plane on fire and I followed it with my eye. My husband was looking in the opposite direction and saw another one. I thought you would never see planes flying so close together and then I saw two more. They were moving steadily and then three more followed and another three, and another three. There must have been 60 or 70 of them," said Ms McGrath. "I'm not a UFO spotter or anything like that. I couldn't believe what I saw. It was like a backdrop to 'Star Wars'. It was scary and eerie to see it," she added.

Ms McGrath said she was not the only person to see the lights and said hundreds of people had seen them. She added that they looked to be going in formation and were very bright, and all going in the one direction. [...] However, Trim businessman Conor Dalgarno - who also saw the lights - said they were not UFOs but a natural electrical phenomenon. He said he understood why people might think they were UFOs but he believed the bright lights were down to an electrical phenomenon that occurs post- or pre-lightning. Mr Dalgarno added that research on the internet reveals that they are quite common."

More planes on fire, 60 or 70 of them! If people were properly educated, then more people would come to the same conclusion as this business man, but then, they would still only be partially correct. We are seeing plasma in 'swarm' mode and it might mean that there may be another wave of these entities arriving..... We are witnessing the greatest transition in the history of mankind but of course, the New Age world has largely focused on the individual, so now that the veil is lifting and the general public are seeing a massive two-way traffic of intelligent interdimensional energy, the world is largely unprepared. Of course, the cosmic fairytale of the 2012 union of 'Father Sun' with the 'Cosmic Mother' is looking seriously lame at the side of witnessing the arrival of galactic 'storm troopers' on Earth!

Comet Swarm Delivered Earth's Oceans?
National Geographic News, 5th August 2009
"A barrage of comets may have delivered Earth's oceans around 3.85 billion years ago, a new study suggests. Scientists have long suspected that Earth and its near neighbors were walloped by tens of thousands of impactors during an ancient event known as the Late Heavy Bombardment."

Well, there is a certain maverick scientist who is currently crooning about his 30 years of opposition against the standard comet model who understood this principal a long time ago. The science and metaphysics now agree about water, but the metaphysics goes further and tells us that consciousness is being continually delivered to the planet. There are some 'comets' that are really just massive sparks of pure consciousness, as they are mistaken by scientists to be rocky/icy comets, (the Russians are more honest and tell us that sometimes when they probe the inside of what they think is a comet's coma, they can't find anything 'solid' inside). In reality, all comets serve to effect the energetic balance of the environment of Earth. Hence, there is a need to integrate more science with metaphysics to truly understand our reality.

Rehab staff 'killed web addict'
BBC News, 5th August 2009
"A Chinese teenager sent to an internet addiction rehabilitation camp has allegedly been beaten to death by its counsellors, according to reports.

A number of employees of the Qihang Salvation Training Camp in Nanning have been arrested over the death, his father Deng Fei told the Global Times. The camp had promised to put Deng Senshan, 15, under 24-hour supervision. China is increasingly taking action against what it sees as a pandemic of web addiction. Some estimates suggest up to 10% of the country's 100 million teenage web users could be addicted, and a growing number of rehabilitation services exist. "

As the expression goes, real life is often more strange than fiction.

A link between the Sun, cosmic rays, aerosols, and liquid-water clouds appears to exist on a global scale…
Watts Up With That, 4th August 2009
"Svensmark has a new paper and it is a doozy: Cosmic ray decreases affect atmospheric aerosols and clouds (full text PDF).

The major conclusion: “A link between the Sun, cosmic rays, aerosols, and liquid-water clouds appears to exist on a global scale…”

This paper confirms 13 years of discoveries that suggest a key role for cosmic rays in climate change. It links observable variations in the world’s cloudiness to laboratory experiments in Copenhagen showing how cosmic rays help generate atmospheric aerosols.

This is important, because it confirms the existence of a sun-earth atmospheric modulation mechanism for clouds and aerosols. It is seen in an event called a Forbush Decrease, which A Forbush decrease is a rapid decrease in the observed galactic cosmic ray [activity due to a] coronal mass ejection (CME). It occurs due to the magnetic field of the plasma solar wind sweeping some of the galactic cosmic rays away from Earth."

Svensmark's cosmoclimatology (cosmic ray cloud formation and climate modulation hypothesis) is now seriously challenging the status quo. I note that in the comments here, details have been posted that cosmic rays arriving on Earth are at "historic highs" ( Michael Ronayne (03:25:41) : see and data here. Since the Sun has reverted back to being very quiet, there is nothing to 'bat away' cosmic rays and hence we can expect more obvious examples of DNA mutation.

Expanding Spot on Venus Puzzles Astronomers
PHYSorg News, 4th August 2009
"The expanding spot discovered on Venus last month may not have garnered as much attention as the meteor impact with Jupiter, but its cause is certainly more puzzling. While astronomers are pretty sure that the new spot seen in Jupiter's landscape is caused by impact, there is evidence that this is not true of the spot seen on Venus. New Scientist reports on why astronomers don't think the spot of Venus was caused by a meteor:

There is no proof of volcanic activity on Venus and with the arrival of space probes, scientists were forced to dismiss the scientific notion of Venus being Earth's 'twin'. Venus is a raging hot inferno that caused scientists to invent the Runaway Greenhouse Effect to explain how this planet, which was supposed to be billions of years old, could be still so damn hot. The real explanation can be found with those who have alternative views. For a starter, one could consider the interpretation of mythology provided by Velikosky. Whatever, two comets hitting two different planets in our solar system discovered on the same day is probably too much for the astronomical establishment to cope with, so we now have this deliberation as to what really happened.

'Consensus' Takes Another Hit! More than 60 German Scientists Dissent Over Global Warming Claims! Call Climate Fears 'Pseudo 'Religion'; Urge Chancellor to 'reconsider' views
'Growing body of evidence shows anthropogenic CO2 plays no measurable role'
Climate Depot, 4th August 2009
"More than 60 prominent German scientists have publicly declared their dissent from man-made global warming fears in an Open Letter to German Chancellor Angela Merkel. The more than 60 signers of the letter include several United Nations IPCC scientists. The scientists declared that global warming has become a “pseudo religion” and they noted that rising CO2 has “had no measurable effect” on temperatures. The German scientists, also wrote that the “UN IPCC has lost its scientific credibility.”

I would say the letter (copy included) to German Chancellor Angela Merkel is rather straight and to the point and constitutes a good poke in the eye!

UFO with 'four distinct protrusions' low flying over Maryland
UFO Examiner, 3rd August 2009
"The UFO Traffic Report for Monday, August 3, 2009, includes 14 selected sightings over 11 states, according to witness statements filed in the past 72 hours with the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) database. "

Trevor James Constable, a noted military historian and engineer, researched for two decades WITH NO RESEARCH GRANT, to come up with what he believed was a solution to the UFO problem. His book, Sky Creatures: Living UFOs published by Simon & Schuster in 1976, which is an updated and revised version of the underground classic The Cosmic Pulse of Life, states at the beginning:
"Today's truth is that the UFO subject is so staggeringly vast and complex as to defy full explanation at this time. Because of my faith in the new humanity coming on Earth, I point to my pictures and say to bright young people: " 'Here is what you have to investigate — if not now, then tomorrow. Of course UFOs are alive! Living unseen beings, living in the ocean of living energy that fills space. I now hand you the results of my labor and urge you to press on.' "
I have restated the well known "critter" quote from this same book with an addition paragraph that has tremendous significance as the world gradually stirs and realises that there is tremendous activity of these cosmic entities taking place at this time.
"What I have learnt can be summarised as follows. These creatures — critters, as I prefer to call them — are amoebaelike life forms existing in the plasma state. They are not solid, liquid, or gas. Rather, they exist in the fourth state of matter — plasma — as living heat-substance at the upper border of physical nature. They consist of calcium and fluids, the metal and the fluids both being in the plasmatic state.

"My pictures show that these aerial faunas are like unicellular life forms. Normally hidden from us because they are in the infrared range of the electromagnetic spectrum, critters occasionally emerge into the visible portion of the spectrum, pulsating with a reddish to orange glow, sometimes with blinding intensity. At such times they are invariably identified as UFOs — which they are, of course, although they are not constructed craft. They are living creatures. Failure to recognize this, and to distinguish creature from craft... has deeply confused UFO research.

"As living organisms, critters appear to be an elemental branch of evolution probably older than most life on earth, dating from the time when the planet was more gaseous and plasmatic than solid. They are part of what occultists term "elementals." They live invisibly like fish in the ocean of atmosphere. Like fish, I estimate them to be of low intelligence. They will probably one day be better classified as belonging to the general field of macrobiology or even macrobacteria inhabiting the aerial ocean we call the sky."

"Critters are normally beyond the range of human vision for three reasons. First, as mentioned, their native habitat is the infrared. Second, their native state of existence is in the stratosphere and beyond at distances greater than unaided sight can see. Last, they propel themselves bioenergetically at extremely fast speeds, often disappearing like meteors before disappearing from view." [Bold added for emphasis]

Chemicals can turn genes on and off; new tests needed, scientists say.
Environmental Health News, 3rd August 2009
"A National Academies workshop examined the evidence of epigenetic effects and considered whether the thousands of chemicals in use today should be tested for them. Some pollutants and chemicals don't kill cells or mutate DNA. Instead, they may be more subtle, muting genes or turning them on at the wrong time, which can lead to diseases that are passed on for generations. Asthma in New York City children exposed to traffic exhaust is an example, experts say.

Each of us starts life with a particular set of genes, 20,000 to 25,000 of them. Now scientists are amassing a growing body of evidence that pollutants and chemicals might be altering those genes—not by mutating them, but by sending subtle signals that silence them or switch them on at the wrong times. Last week, several dozen researchers and experts convened by the National Academies tackled this complicated topic, called epigenetics, at a two-day workshop in Washington, D.C. They discussed new findings that suggest chemicals in our environment and in our food can alter genes, leaving people vulnerable to a variety of diseases and disorders, including diabetes, asthma, cancer and obesity. They also considered whether regulatory agencies and industry should start testing the thousands of chemicals in use today for these effects."

There are old websites that still state that humans have about 100,000 genes and according to Bruce Lipton's book, The Biology of Belief [2005] before The Human Genome Project, scientists were expecting humans to posesses 120,000 genes. Yet, according to the research stated in Lipton's book, humans have only 25,000 genes. [Pennisi 2003a & 2003b; Pearson 2003; Goodman 2003]. I think I have quoted on this website 30,000 - 40,000 genes and I think that is because scientists are still embarrassed that the entire human genome only has 1,500 more genes than the microscopic nematode roundworm Caenorhabdtitis elegans [Blaxter 2003] which only has a poorly developed brain. Yet, here this expert has dropped this figure down even lower to 20,000-25,000 genes! I think the answer to all this, is the announcement a few weeks ago that DNA is not the same in the blood as in the tissue of cells and scientists have to go back to the drawing board. From a metaphysical point a view, I am already hedging my bets as to how many sets of DNA they will eventually discover. However, this article is about Epigenetics, where scientists now realise that the environment 'tunes' the DNA blueprint and produces the 100,000 proteins in the human body. Again, the discussion of chemicals disguises the fact that chemicals are just a dance of electromagnetic charges and that is why DNA can be 'tuned' by human intent. This must be the case as miracles do occur on a regular basis.

Dark energy may disguise shape of universe
New Scientist, 3rd August 2009
"We live in a special time. For the past two decades, most of my colleagues and I have been working under the assumption that we can know everything about the universe. We know the amount of matter and energy it contains. We know its shape is flat. We can trace its history from the earliest moments after the big bang and we can even predict its fate. Or at least we thought we could. Why were we so confident? Exquisite measurements of the radiation left over from the big bang led us to believe that we could work out the curvature of the universe to within a few per cent. In doing so, we have determined how much energy the universe contains and that most of it is in an exotic form called dark energy, which is driving the expansion of space. However, recent discoveries have left me wondering if these claims were premature. As we learn more about dark energy and its effect on the expansion of space and time, we find that dark energy and the shape, or geometry, of the universe are worryingly intertwined.

This cosmologist appears to have sobered up, having previously been under the illusion that he understood the universe and as we know about the history of science, any assumption that scientists KNOW EVERYTHING there is to know about a subject in one life-time has been proven to be wrong. At the moment, theories about dark matter and dark energy are only catching up with metaphysical knowledge that has been gained over the centuries by the most advanced mystics. When I researched for Tuning the Diamonds I wanted to emphasise the fact that Earth was being bombarded by electrical particles and if people were astute, they would have realised I was informing them that some time in the future if their personal energy field was not up to scratch they were going to get fried. Thankfully NASA et al. have now acknoweldged that my initial analysis was correct, see It's Official; The New Cosmic Age has arrived!. However, there was a multi-dimensional aspect that needed to be considered too and I tried to explain this using a selection of hyperdimensional theories. However, since I wrote my book it has become apparent that metaphysics is now in vogue amongst cosmologists and astronomers. Despite Electric Universe theories that decry the notion of a multi-dimensional reality, the acceptance of dark matter and dark energy theories means that there has been a massive paradigm shift and scientists are no longer frightened of the unseen and unknown and are even prepared to admit ignorance. Scientists even admit that they think Earth is being hammered by dark energy too....

Four Passengers Injured in Plane Turbulence Remain in Serious Condition
ABC News, 3rd August 2009
"Four passengers critically injured when a Continental Airlines plane hit turbulence on its way to Houston from Brazil remain in serious condition in a Miami hospital but are expected to survive, according to Miami-Dade Fire Rescue officials. [...]"

The Federal Aviation Administration said the Boeing 767 experienced severe turbulence while climbing to 38,000 feet. The plane was on an overnight flight when the turbulence struck about halfway between Puerto Rico and Grand Turk island, north of the Dominican Republic, the FAA said. An emergency was declared and the plane diverted to Miami, which was about an hour away."

I note the explanation of 'clear air turbulence' and we have to wonder whether that is related to NASA's discovery of ion plumes that are generated by space weather. In November 2007, NASA reported unusual space weather over Africa and electromagnetic emissions called an "ion plume" where our scientists don't fully understand the origin. The report states:
"Researchers liken the plumes to smoke billowing out of a factory smokestack—except instead of ordinary ash and dust, ion plumes are made of electrified gas floating so high above ground they come in contact with space itself. "The plumes appear during geomagnetic storms and they can interfere with satellite transmissions, airline navigation and radio communications," says Fuller-Rowell. Indeed, it is their effect on GPS signals that led to the discovery of plumes over North America just a few years ago." See Strange Space Weather over Africa.
Also according to Wikipedia, entry for Clear Air Turbulence suggests that it is caused by invisible bodies of air which are moving vertically at many different speeds, yet it's invisible to conventional radar which is surprising, but then tells us that this invisible air is detectable by optical techniques, such as scintillometers or Doppler LIDARs. Interesting, LIDAR is how the Russians detected interdimensional energy coming off the top of the pyramids that they built around Moscow....

Terror as turbulence hurts 26 on Rio-Houston plane
AP News, 3rd August 2009
"MIAMI – Some passengers were snoozing while others snacked when the first turbulence rattled Continental Flight 128 over the Atlantic. Suddenly, the jetliner began to plunge and shake violently, hurling passengers over seatbacks and slamming them against luggage bins. The Boeing 767 made an emergency landing in Miami early Monday so at least 26 injured, four seriously, could receive medical help. But the sudden turbulence that rocked the overnight flight from Rio de Janeiro was an all-too-real reminder of an Air France flight — also traveling from Rio — that crashed into the mid-Atlantic in June during thunderstorms, killing all 228 people on board.

"I immediately thought of the Air France flight, that we're going to fall. We're going to fall," said Herman Oppenheimer of Rio, one of 179 people on the flight. Said 20-year-old passenger Camila Machado, who was going to Las Vegas and was treated for a bruised cheek: "I felt like the airplane was going to crash. I felt like we were going to die. Like, the first thing I thought about was Air France."

Well, I wonder how long it's going to take before the general public start to wonder; what's happening in our atmosphere? If you are regular to this blog, you will already know that severe turbulence in our atmosphere is being caused by Space Weather. 5th August, another event over the United States: Northwest flight hits turbulence, 2 aboard hurt

Morgans Hill, Nr Bishop Cannings, Wiltshire. Reported 2nd August.
Crop Circle Connect, 2nd August 2009
Comment: It's a diamond light world! Others have noticed just how many crop circles over the years are related to the octahedron geometry, see Crop circle Ship Wiki . As I continue to research the science of spiritual evolution, with insights from many different metaphysical traditions it is very clear why the crop circle makers are giving us this encouragement. By the way, the central symbol strongly reminds me of the star-shaped crop picture at Etchilhampton Hill on August 15, 2006, see Etchilhampton Hill 2006 matches exactly an "astronomical gravity wave" This is another interpretation, see “Settlement” Wheat Formation Inside Ancient Celtic Settlement Linda Moulton Howe writes the following: History Background for Morgan's Hill Area

When the Romans invaded Wiltshire in 43 A.D., there were Celtic people living in small kingdoms, frequently at war with each other in iron age communities. Iron age hilltop forts had been constructed and were used for defense against the invading Saxons. Examples are Barbury Castle north of Marlborough and Liddington Castle near Swindon. Wiltshire was the scene of important battles between the Celts and Saxons, and again later between the Saxons and Danes, culminating in a final victory at Edington, Wiltshire, in 878 AD. The Celts built settlements bounded by protective ditches such as those still clearly visible at the Morgan's Hill settlement near Bishop Cannings and Devizes.

Surprisingly, Linda does not mention the Celtic Calendar because it seems that we are in the period of The Festival of Light between 1st August and 6th August and we find: "This is the time when the warriors returned from the fields of battle to begin harvesting the crops. At this time fairs were held. Traditionally, this was also the time when marriages were contracted. There were many games and races. A great number of records still exist which show that this date held importance across all of the Gaelic lands." The crop circle makers are providing us with the spiritual signs of the times and as we have arrived at some kind of major energetic marker, for the 'light' warriors, this crop circle has major significance.

Human Heart Regenerates Cells Automatically: One Percent Each Year
Natural News, 2nd August 2009
"In a groundbreaking new study, researchers from the Karolinska Institute in Sweden have demonstrated that heart cells are able to regenerate themselves, overturning the conventional wisdom that the body cannot replace damaged heart cells. Researchers immediately hailed the study as providing new hope for prevention and treatment of diseased hearts. "I think this will be one of the most important papers in cardiovascular medicine in years," said Dr. Charles Murry, a heart researcher at the University of Washington in Seattle. "It helps settle a longstanding controversy about whether the human heart has any ability to regenerate itself." [...]

This idea was challenged in 1987 by Piero Anversa, now a researcher at Harvard Medical School. Anversa believes that the heart regenerates a rate allowing it to replace all of its cells four times in 80 years. Clinical evidence for this idea has been lacking, however. [...] Anversa said he was "ecstatic" at the study's findings.

Oh well, it's only taken 22 years to prove that a scientist [Anversa] had already been on the right track all those years ago, no doubt his theories upset the status quo.

Sharpest ever images of Betelgeuse reveal how explosive red supergiant loses mass
Dail Mail, 2nd August 2009
"It looks like a catastrophic explosion in the latest sci-fi action thriller but this awe-inspiring image is actually based on the latest state-of-the-art space imaging.

The artist’s impression, inspired by the sharpest ever views of the supergiant star Betelgeuse, reveals an enormous plume of gas almost as big as our own Solar System blasting outwards. The discoveries, revealed by the latest techniques on the European Space Agency’s Very Large Telescope, could help unravel why the mammoth plasma ball spews out material at such an incredible speed. [...]

‘Thanks to these outstanding images, we have detected a large plume of gas extending into space from the surface of Betelgeuse,’ lead researcher Pierre Kervella from the Paris Observatory told the website PhysOrg.

The plume bursts out to at least six times the diameter of the star - about the distance from Sun to Neptune. ‘This is a clear indication that the whole outer shell of the star is not shedding matter evenly in all directions,’ adds Kervella.

It took a while to decide to include this article because I thought the images were just too sensationalist. However, if you read the text, astronomers are telling us that there has been an explosion on Betelgeuse but it's not in the same category as a supernova explosion, but we don't know if this is just a precursor event and we have not been told when or if there is a probability that this energy will arrive in our solar system. Question: Do we have anything to worry about? Answer: We don't know enough information but I have made it very clear that massive bursts of energies are coming our way and this explains all the messages and support from many different off-planet/extraterrestrial sources that we have received for many many decades. Of course, humanity have been largely oblivious, which is a recurring theme on this planet. For those interested in the quality of the energy from Betelgeuse, in the book Energy Blessings from the Stars [1998] by Virginia Essene and Irving Feurst, Betelgeuse is known for 'expanded soul awareness' and according to this book, "the primary work of the Masters of Betelgeuse is yet to occur." Hmmmm....

Scunthorpe - 'Fireball' spotted with parts falling off and all 'flowing' in the same direction [UK]
UK UFO Sightings, 2nd August 2009
Date of Sighting: August 1st 2009, Time: 10pm
Witness Statement: I was stood in my garden having a fag and I saw like a fire ball in the sky. I thought it was a plane on fire because it looked like parts of it had fallen off still on fire but they did not fall to the ground, they all flowed the same westerly direction."

A short but typical report that has been observed many times now, where a witness tries to describe what he thinks is a plane is on fire, but when it 'breaks-up', all the bits continue to fly in formation. Yet, the statement strongly suggests that the witness has actually seen a UAP breaking up and then exhibiting swarm behaviour. Now, despite the findings of the year 2000, 460 page Unidentified Aerial Phenomena in the U.K. Air Defence Region report, it seems that the UK Ministry of Defence have been aware of this particular plasma phenomena for decades and have often chosen to ignore it. On re-reading the Jon King's book Cosmic Top Secret: The Unseen Agenda, [1998] there are a few instances in the book that seriously made me wonder why ufologists could not see how the authorities and other agencies around the world were categorising 'real' threats. King is famed for being the editor of the magazine UFO Reality, so the book is full of interesting reports and a few good examples of UAPs. There is one incident outlined in this book that took place on 5th October 1996, where there was an unexplained radar echo which corresponded to two flashing lights that remained stationary for 8 hours, 1 mile high in the sky, in a Force IV wind. This so worried the coastguard and a off-shore tanker crew that the local police got involved and took video. However, as the object just 'appeared' from nowhere and had not been tracked moving into UK airspace, it was not deemed a threat. King states that if there was an 'unknown aircraft' in the skies, then why did the relevant authorities decide not to interact? King also informs the reader that the authorities released a strange statement, that in their opinion this was a case of 'Boston Stump'. Initial enquiries from insiders had suggested that an electrical storm was to blame and Boston in Norfolk was the approx. location of this sighting. King then goes on to complain about secrecy and the use of coded messages, but I would argue that the military authorities were not even being cryptic! The link between the Boston Stump church steeple and an electrical storm is the phenomenon of St Elmo's fire, an electrical discharge phenomena that is well enshrined in English folklaw. This same book also makes it clear from insider information that since at least the 1960s, radar could be used to distinguish real aircraft, plasma phenomena and 'real' UFOs. Of course I am still researching but so far, my conclusion has to be that in a similar way to how many are trying to ignore the spiritual messages being given in crop circles, many in the UFO community are only interest in extraterrestrials and their craft and are ignoring the existence of 'spiritual' biology. Crop circles and UAPs are both closely related and it seems there is a great effort by some to down play the significance of this extraordinary activity and what it means at this time in the history of mankind.

Some speculation that solar cycle 25 has already begun
Watts Up With That, 1st August 2009
Some speculation that solar cycle 25 has already begun: .pdf This would be stunning, because it suggests that the sun has skipped a solar cycle (#24). Researchers, three from the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics and the other from Marshall Space Flight Center-NASA, have published a paper that suggests this possibility. Does a polar coronal hole’s flux emergence follow a Hale-like law?"

Since solar cycles are a specialist subject, it's worth reading the comments from people who are extremely interested in the no. 1 life sustainer in our solar system. As Nasif Nahle (13:23:02) : states "The Sun did not skip a cycle, but a cycle from a modeling prediction was missed. Nature is the reality; models are our suppositions on what the next step of nature could be. The Sun is behaving as always, but this cycle has been different from other observed cycles; to be precise, the Sun is working normally. The main difficulty is that astrophysicists and solar physicists do not count on reliable data for periods before the advent of satellite measurements. Perhaps the observation of other stars would help us to understand the mechanics of our own star because we are capturing cosmic events that happened in the past, as if the stars, galaxies, and other celestial bodies were cosmic fossils; unfortunatelly, we have not yet the capability of registering such changes in stars because we only perceive them as dots, even with high resolution telescopes." I believe that Nasif Nahle is trying to convey that our scientists do not have enough data to accurately predict the behaviour of the Sun. This is the same reason why Space Weather scientists admit to using Mayan Calendars, astrology and ancient text for trying to enhance their understanding of the Sun's behaviour. If we have indeed skipped a cycle, then it might help us understand the Mayan concept of a 'change of Sun'.

Ogbourne St Andrew, nr Marlborough, Wiltshire. [UK] Reported 29th July.
Crop Circle Connector, 1st August 2009
From the comments page: "Could the bright comet shown at Ogbourne St. Andrew be 88P/Howell?

A new crop picture at Ogbourne St. Andrew on July 29, 2009 suggested that a bright comet may become visible in Earth’s sky soon: after a lunar eclipse on August 6, followed by another full Moon on September 4. The brightest comet to reach perihelion soon will be 88P/Howell (see or, although other faint candidates might be possible (see"

There seems to have been a lull in the appearance of crop circles, but I have noticed that the crop circle makers seem to be emphasising Space Weather that can effect the evolutionary destiny of mankind as one of their main themes. Quite frankly, when you consider the importance of what is taking place, this is how it should be if the crop circle phenomenon should be taken seriously.

Is this really a UFO over Westbury?
This Is Wiltshire, 31st July 2009
"An amateur photographer from Westbury has taken what he describes as 'a shot in a million' of a UFO seemingly tracking an RAF plane. The 56 year-old, from The Butts, Westbury, who wishes to remain anonymous, took this photograph at about 3.45pm on July 22 while in his garden looking towards the Westbury White Horse. The image shows a Hercules from RAF Lyneham being trailed by a mysterious shape in the background. The photographer said: "I don't believe in things from outer space - I think that kind of thing is ludicrous - but that thing was definitely tracking the plane."

Well, in World War II, we find the following;
"Reports of "unexplained transparent, metallic and glowing balls" began in quantity in June, 1944, at about the same time the Allies invaded France, and Nazi Germany began launching V-1 flying bombs aimed at London, thus starting the era of unmanned missiles. Reports intensified in November 1944, not long after the first German V-2 ballistic rockets were fired at London and Paris.

"Pilots and their air crews reported that the "odd things" flew in formation with their airplanes, "played tag" with them, and generally behaved as if they were under intelligent control. At no time were they said to have displayed aggressive behavior. Nevertheless, most people assumed they were an experimental enemy device being prepared for operational use. Rumors of highly advanced weapons were common at this time, fed by the awesome reality of the V1 and V2 weapons. The following are typical of the scores of "foo fighter" reports on record. Rumors persist that the U.S. Eighth Air Force in England commissioned a study on these reports, but no documentary evidence has yet been found."
Source link.
I have listed a few reports of entities flying alongside aircraft for a few minutes before flying off and I even stated that the "entities" seemed quite friendly and even playful. So now I have found out about "foo fighters", it does seem that after all these years, when classified documents have been released to prove the existence of these plasma entities, people are still very ignorant about the existence of this life form that lives alongside us. Well, since my discovery of "foo fighters", I have been amusing myself with the thought that with all the New Energy on the planet, we are now seeing examples of some seriously fiery objects and as the expression goes; Where there is foo, there is fire! This story has also been picked up by the Daily Telegraph, see 3rd August story, 'UFO' photographed 'tracking' RAF Hercules .

Pictured: The giant anvil-shaped cloud hovering 75,000ft above Earth is photographed by Space Station astronauts
Daily Mail, 30th July 2009
"A giant, anvil-shaped cloud bubbles up towards the Earth's stratosphere, looming over West Africa. The amazing formation would be invisible to anyone on the ground and would even be obscure from a regular passenger jet since they can reach up to 75,000ft. But astronauts captured the astonishing picture from hundreds of miles up as they orbited the globe on the International Space Station.

Anvil clouds are formed mostly from ice and normally form in the upper parts of thunderstorms. They get their shape from the fact that rising warm air in thunderstorms expands and spreads out as the air bumps up against the bottom of the stratosphere. Streaks of snow are often seen falling out of the edges of anvils. This light snow usually evaporates as it falls through the relatively dry air surrounding the upper part of the thunderstorm."

It's really getting strange....

Runcorn - Several Massive White Flashes in Sky with No Thunder
UK sightings, 30th July 2009
"Witness Statement: 12:00AM 30th July 09. Left my house in the Glen Palacefields Runcorn with a friend to drop him off when entering my car a MASSIVE white flash lit up the sky and the carpark, looked like a powerful camera flash but NO NOISE. Both me and my friend commented as thinking someone was in the close or the police helicopter was overhead. When driving on the expressway again a massive flash over the Hallwood estate to my right above again no noise when only being about 500 yrds away from where it looked like it originated in the estate or above."

A few reports suggest that the UK is experiencing earthlights that are not associated with seismic activity. As I have noted in the past few years and many other historic accounts can be found, there can be instances of flashes of light without seismic activity, but it seems that our scientists are still unsure of how to define this type of phenomena. From Frederic Montandon's 1948 Earthquake Light (EQL) taxonomy, the following was reported by Corliss (2000), source link here:
  1. Seismic lightning (no thunder);
  2. Luminous bands in atmosphere;
  3. Globular incandescent masses;
  4. Fire tongues, small mobile flames near the ground
  5. Flames emerging from the ground.
The possibility that the UK may be experiencing violent releases of old energies in the form of earthlights reminds me again about the concern for the children or 'the innocents' made by off-planet sources, but this does not seem to have made much of an impression with people totally ignorant about what they are concerned about. Again, I will state that we have been informed that this low frequency energy can degrade the human energy field and that is why there has been all the emphasis on strengthening the human energy field and using sacred geometry. We are literally being tried by fire from all directions! See another reports here;

Another witness to bright, white flashes in the sky - Leeds, Yorkshire [UK]

Large Flash Lights Up Sky, Object Seen Moving Upward - Seattle, Washington [US]

Chinese Workers Say Illness Is Real, Not Hysteria
New York Times, 30th July 2009
"JILIN CITY, China — Tian Lihua was just beginning her morning shift when she felt a wave of nausea, then numbness in her limbs and finally dizziness that gave way to unconsciousness. In the days that followed, more than 1,200 fellow employees at the textile mill where Ms. Tian works would be felled by these and other symptoms, including convulsions, breathing difficulties, vomiting and temporary paralysis. [...]

A clear case of chemical contamination? Not so, say Chinese health officials who contend that the episode is a communal outbreak of psychogenic illness, also called mass hysteria. The blurry vision, muscle spasms and pounding headaches, according to a government report issued in May, were simply psychological reactions to a feared chemical exposure.

During a four-day visit, a team of public health experts from Beijing talked to doctors, looked at blood tests and then advised bedridden workers to “get a hold of their emotions,” according to patients and their families.

Western medical experts say fear of poisoning can lead people to describe symptoms that exist mainly in their minds. But outbreaks of psychogenic illnesses on the scale of what has been reported in Jilin are rare, they say."

Obviously, these sick Chinese people are suppose to maintain the stoic 'android' repose no matter what! Presumably, the diagnosis was based on negative blood tests, but 'mass hysteria' is notably poorly understood by scientists and health professionals. From a more metaphysical viewpoint, it seems that it is possible for someone to emit strong fear based signals that immediately impact others. Based on the level of balance, the receivers will start to broadcast those signals and cause a cascade of 'psychological reactions'. Maybe, this can be partially explained by the extreme environmental pollution that China have created in their own country. These Chinese workers are living and working in a local environment that was believed to be especially polluted, hence the 'hysteria' could have just fed off people's fears. There is also the fact that China now has soaring rates of birth defects for humans and animals that officials admit is caused by environmental pollution, so this incident could also be seen as a kind of 'protest'. See China's soaring mutant birth rate . Also see info on mutagens here.

Mild season in Tornado Alley frustrates scientists
Merced Sun-Star, 30th July 2009
"DES MOINES, Iowa -- This has been an unusually mild year in Tornado Alley, which is good news, of course, for the people who live here, but a little frustrating to scientists who planned to chase twisters as part of a $10 million research project. [...]

Nationwide, there were 826 tornadoes this year through June 30, compared with an average of 934 for the same period during the previous three years, according to the National Severe Storms Laboratory in Norman, Okla. Most twisters strike in Tornado Alley, which generally extends from Texas and Oklahoma to Kansas, Nebraska, Iowa and Minnesota.

During a remarkable 17-day lull from mid-May through early June, there were no tornado watches issued anywhere in the United States. And that is typically the height of the season in Tornado Alley. "It was very, very unusual," said Joe Schaefer, director of the Storm Prediction Center in Norman, which, like the Severe Storms lab, operates under the National Weather Service. [...]

The relative calm follows a horrific 2008, when 1,304 tornadoes and 121 deaths were recorded by the end of June. In all of last year, there were 1,691 tornadoes and 126 deaths. Organizers of Vortex2 had hoped that a close-up look at killer storms this year by more than 100 scientists and assistants from various universities and the government would help them forecast storms more accurately and increase warning times."

I don't know why they are complaining, 826 tornadoes is about a 12% drop, I think the clue here is, "No long tracks, massive killer tornadoes", I suppose these scientists were looking for some drama.

Video: New UFO sightings across Suffolk
Evening Star, 30th July 2009
"STARGATE Suffolk is in the grip of UFO fever today after more strange sightings were reported across the county. [...] It was a perfect formation of a geometric shape with five bright orange lights,” she said. “I could see metal detail on it and the object moved quite fast and kept spinning in the sky and changing direction.” Ms Calthorpe was staggered by what she had seen but was quick-witted enough to grab her camera and capture the extraordinary display. [...] On the same evening, psychic healers Tom and Carol Spencer claim to have seen 30 bright orange UFOs in convoy above Thetford.

Meanwhile, Gary Clark, of Fisk Farm, near Badingham, said he and wife Beverley saw a “tremendous ball of fire” flying above the sea at Sizewell beach.

The night before, Evening Star photographer Simon Parker was driving home through Lower Hacheston when he too saw a “big ball of fiery orange light in the sky”.

“There's no way it was a sky lantern,” he said. “This was moving faster than any air traffic."

Well, it's only going to get worse.... the concept of the veil lifting did not just apply to members of the metaphysical community! See copious comments on blog! As a reminder, I come across many reports but only select reports that give good descriptions that are mostly related to UAPs. If I am suspicious about the source and if I don't like how stories are being reported, I don't list the stories. See more UK reports:

New sighting of mystery lights in sky - Cambridge [UK]

2 Large 'fireballs' seen, one resembling a comet without a tail - Whitchurch, Shropshire [UK]

'UFO five' fly in fab formation - St Helens, Lancashire [UK]

More UFO [Fever] sightings over the Fylde - Bispham, Cheshire [UK]

Russian camera can see human soul
Russia Today, 30th July 2009
"A wonder device can see the soul of a dead man pass away… or at least that’s what the inventor claims. A publication of the popular Russian tabloid gives a dramatic account of the experiments of an inventor from St Petersburg, who has created a device able to see human aura. [...] The instrument, which was presented to us as something involved in the study of death, turned out to have been designed as a medical diagnosis tool. With about 15 years of development behind it, its inventor claims that it’s an affordable early-diagnosis tool, capable of identifying any disease, from an ulcer to a brain tumor, by scanning irregularities in an aura. Sort of a spiritual healer in metal and plastic, available to everyone for a small fee. No mystical stuff here – a patient can see his own aura on the computer screen, all thanks to the “gas discharge visualization” or GDV."

Like many wonderful Russian press releases, the meaning is a little lost in translation, but I think the scepticism is that this device is being used to diagnose the aura at death and this is NOT the original intention for the use of this equipment.

Whale saves drowning diver
The Sun, 30th July 2009
"A beluga whale saved a drowning diver by hoisting her to the surface, carrying her leg in its mouth. Terrified Yang Yun thought she was going to die when her legs were paralysed by crippling cramps in arctic temperatures. She had been taking part in a free diving contest WITHOUT any breathing equipment."

A nice example of unconditional love. See Joy, grief, altruism... these extraordinary mammals show 'human' feelings and could even have their own religion

Scientists Untangle Multiple Causes of Bee Colony Disorder
Environment News Agency, 29th July 2009
"PULLMAN, Washington, July 29, 2009 (ENS) — A microscopic pathogen and pesticides embedded in old honeycombs are two major contributors to the bee disease known as colony collapse disorder, which has wiped out thousands of beehives throughout the United States and Europe over the past three years, new research at Washington State University has confirmed.

Working on the project funded in part by regional beekeepers and WSU's Agricultural Research Center, entomology professor Steve Sheppard and his team have narrowed the list of potential causes for colony collapse disorder. "One of the first things we looked at was the pesticide levels in the wax of older honeycombs," Sheppard said. Using combs contributed by U.S. Department of Agriculture, Sheppard found "fairly high levels of pesticide residue." Bees raised in those hives "had significantly reduced longevity," he said. [...]

"We do not know that these chemicals have anything to do with colony collapse disorder, but they are definitely stressors in the home and in the food sources," says Penn State's Dr. Maryann Frazier. "Pesticides alone have not shown they are the cause of CCD. We believe that it is a combination of a variety of factors, possibly including mites, viruses and pesticides."

No real answers here.

Scientists Claim New State of Matter Created
Live Science, 28th July 2009
Scientists claim to have created a form of aluminum that's nearly transparent to extreme ultraviolet radiation and which is a new state of matter. It's an idea straight out of science fiction, featured in the movie "Star Trek IV." The work is detailed in the journal Nature Physics. [...]

"What is particularly remarkable about our experiment is that we have turned ordinary aluminum into this exotic new material in a single step by using this very powerful laser," Wark said. "For a brief period the sample looks and behaves in every way like a new form of matter. In certain respects, the way it reacts is as though we had changed every aluminum atom into silicon: it’s almost as surprising as finding that you can turn lead into gold with light."

Isn't this what spiritual alchemy is all about? The description of a crystalline plasma state is also that of some of our higher energy bodies. Due to various channelled messages I have come across and my awareness that our planet is losing it's shielding to space weather, those humans who are prepared are going to evolve quickly as the bombardment of light intensifies and apparently the human race will gradually become more transparent.

Baby with Two Heads Born in Philippines
ABS-CBN News, 29th July 2009
"MANILA - A tricycle driver's wife gave birth to a two-headed baby girl at the Dr. Jose Fabella Memorial Hospital in Manila, Tuesday night.

Salvador Arganda, tricycle driver and resident of Mutinlupa City, said his wife, Chaterian, gave birth to "Baby Girl Arciaga" around 8:45 p.m. He said he last saw their baby around midnight at the hospital's neo-natal intensive care unit. Arganda said they had suspicions that Chaterian was carrying two babies because both sides of their families have twin members. He said their suspicion was erased after being told that there was only one baby inside Chaterian’s womb, based on her initial ultrasound."

The reason for the interest is to monitor these cases to assess whether DNA mutations are on the rise due to Earth's cosmic ray bombardment.

Climate Revolt: Major Science Group 'Startled' By Outpouring of Scientists Rejecting Man-Made Climate Fears!
Climate Depot, 29th July 2009
"An outpouring of skeptical scientists who are members of the American Chemical Society (ACS) are revolting against the group's editor-in-chief -- with some demanding he be removed -- after an editorial appeared claiming “the science of anthropogenic climate change is becoming increasingly well established.”

[...] Dozens of letters were published on July 27, 2009 castigating Baum, with some scientists calling for his replacement as editor-in-chief. The editorial was met with a swift, passionate and scientific rebuke from Baum's colleagues. Virtually all of the letters published on July 27 in castigated Baum's climate science views. Scientists rebuked Baum's use of the word “deniers” because of the terms “association with Holocaust deniers.” In addition, the scientists called Baum's editorial: “disgusting”; “a disgrace”; “filled with misinformation”; “unworthy of a scientific periodical” and “pap.”

One outraged ACS member wrote to Baum: "When all is said and done, and you and your kind are proven wrong (again), you will have moved on to be an unthinking urn for another rat pleading catastrophe. You will be removed. I promise." Baum 'startled' by scientists reaction

Baum wrote on July 27, that he was "startled" and "surprised" by the "contempt" and "vehemence" of the ACS scientists to his view of the global warming "consensus."

"Some of the letters I received are not fit to print. Many of the letters we have printed are, I think it is fair to say, outraged by my position on global warming," Baum wrote."

Oh dear! "... another rat pleading catastrophe..." This reaction by chemists is not surprising, these scientists deal in reality not speculation.

Mysterious bright spot found on Venus
New Scientist, 29th July 2009
"A strange spot emerged on Venus last week, and astronomers are not sure what caused it. They hope future observations will reveal whether volcanic activity, turbulence in the planet's atmosphere, or charged particles from the sun are to blame.

Amateur astronomer Frank Melillo of Holtsville, New York, first spotted the new feature, which is brighter than its surroundings at ultraviolet wavelengths, on the planet's southern hemisphere on 19 July. That same day, an amateur observer in Australia found a dark spot on Jupiter that had been caused by a meteoroid impact."

It's now hard work monitoring all the changes taking place in the planets of our solar system as well as all the changes and new phenomena on Earth. Incidentally, for those who appreciate the contradictions between scientific orthodoxy and reality. See, How long has there been hell on Venus?

Did an ice age boost human brain size?
New Scientist, 29th July 2009
"IT IS one of the biggest mysteries in human evolution. Why did we humans evolve such big brains, making us the unrivalled rulers of the world? Some 2.5 million years ago, our ancestors' brains expanded from a mere 600 cubic centimetres to about a litre. Two new studies suggest it is no fluke that this brain boom coincided with the onset of an ice age. Cooler heads, it seems, allowed ancient human brains to let off steam and grow."

I think this article reveals just how much scientists are stabbing in the dark trying to understand the link between massive global climatic change and human evolution. These scientists are talking about 2.5 million years ago, but the same thing happend approximately 40,000 years ago when the Earth's magnetic field dropped to 10% of today's value allowing cosmic rays to flood the planet. This generated massive evolutionary change, where species either just died because they could not adapt or they quickly evolved, this understanding is termed "punctuated equilibium" to confuse the uninitiated. Now, NASA is telling us that besides the slow ebbing away of the Earth's magnetic field, the earth's magnetosphere sometimes parts like a pair of curtains and allows vast amounts of solar and cosmic energies to enter the atmosphere of Earth. This is happening at the same time that the solar system protection provided by the solar wind is quickly 'evapourating' thus exposing Earth to galactic and intergalactic energies. (Meanwhile, the Mayan prophecy of a New Age dominated by space or the aether is simply ignored by the 2012 fraternity.) Evolutionary biologists claim that we are seeing the greatest rate of extinction in 65 million years, but also admit some extraordinary rapid evolutionary changes. Those who are prepared to do some serious unbiased research, will soon understand that everything on this planet is controlled by external universal forces and because everything is interlinked, like the mechanism of an an old fashion watch or clock, once one cog starts turning, lots of other wheels start turning too. The overall mechanism is known in some scientific circles, but the details are still hazy because scientists have only started to understand that DNA blueprints are 'tuned' by the environment and the concept of morphogenetic fields is simply just too advanced for most of them. Hence, this is why there are attempts by politicians and their friends to force feed we the people some rubbish about CO2 driving evolutionary change in the hope of increasing future tax revenues. What's more, as a seeker of the truth, I could not understand why the New Age community were promoting 'energy balancing' and DNA activations, it was the latest fad with no intelligent explanations and no scientific justifications. It was not until I started researching and discovered Space Weather and how that could be interlinked with the scientific disciplines of cosmology, astronomy, plasma physics, atmospheric physics, geophysics, geomagnetism, and bioelectromagnetism could I properly understand metaphysical information. This was the point that I realised the world was facing massive evolutionary change. There is nothing anyone can do to stop the process of evolutionary change.

'Polar frost' leaves 40 dead in Argentina
RIA Novosti, 29th July 2009
"Moscow - Severe cold weather that has gripped central and southern Argentina for two weeks has already killed about 40 people, the Infobae news website reported on Monday.

According to Argentinean media, "a wave of polar frost" came to Argentina last week and caused "a sensational drop in the temperature to minus 16 degrees Celsius." The average winter temperature in Argentina is about 10 degrees Celsius, ranging from 20 C in the north to 1 C in the south. Compounding the cold, several southern regions saw heavy snowfalls, including in the south of Buenos Aires province, where there was 40 centimeters of snow for the first time in 50 years.

I have seen various reports about bad conditions in Peru and Argentina but this is the first that has given details about the source of this severe weather.

Reprogramming Human Cells Without Inserting Genes
Research Team at WPI and CellThera Discovers a Way toTurn on Stem Cell Genes in Human Skin Cells Without Using Viruses or Inserting New Genes.

WPI News, 29th July 2009
"WORCESTER, Mass. – A research team comprised of faculty at Worcester Polytechnic Institute's (WPI) Life Sciences and Bioengineering Center (LSBC) and investigators at CellThera, a private company also located at the LSBC, has discovered a novel way to turn on stem cell genes in human fibroblasts (skin cells) without the risks associated with inserting extra genes or using viruses. This discovery opens a new avenue for reprogramming cells that could eventually lead to treatments for a range of human diseases and traumatic injuries by coaxing a patient's own cells to repair and regenerate the damaged tissues."

Fortunately, we don't have to wait for scientists to work this out when humans are quite capable of interacting with the environment and attracting energies that automatically rejuvenate the human body.

It's Saturday light fever
The Scottish Sun, 28th July 2009
"RESIDENTS in a Highland village were left terrified by a UFO sighting which lasted TWO hours.The bizarre sightings began at 11pm on Saturday and the spectacular show in the sky above Muir of Ord, Ross-shire ended at 1am. Residents watched in awe as three bright orange dome-shaped objects hovered then flew at high speed in random spirals closer and closer to the village.

Last night leading expert Nick Pope said: "This could be one of the most significant UFO events in recent history. "Sightings like this are hugely significant because they are very rare. "Most UFOs are seen by single witnesses so it's very difficult to get any proof. For whole streets of people to see something is almost without precedent and this sounds like one of the most significant UFO events in recent history. "It's also very unusual for a UFO to be seen for such a long time. Most are very brief.

This looks like A MAJOR EVENT. It did occur to me that this could be a false flag operation, but hopefully, it could serve to wake people up to the fact that our reality is changing dramatically.

Plane divert after lightning hit
BBC News, 28th July 2009
"A Paris to Cardiff plane with 51 passengers on board had to be diverted to Exeter on Monday afternoon after being hit by lightning. The passengers were transferred onto another plane and continued their journey to Cardiff. The plane was not damaged and no one was hurt."

There are lots of reports of buildings being hit by lightning and people being killed, however I can't find a report of any analysis that evaluates whether this is unusal, see google news Google: lightning Interesting image and animation here, Lightning Bolt Hitting Plane Taking Off in Osaka.

Mob beats Chinese steel factory executive to death
LA Times, 27th July 2009
copy: "Chinese state media confirmed Monday that a steel factory executive was beaten to death after thousands of workers gathered to protest the takeover of their company.

Chen Guojun, an executive at Jianlong Steel Holding Co., died Friday after an angry mob in the northeastern rust belt city of Tonghua beat him and then blocked ambulances from reaching him, according to the China Daily. The protesters worked at the state-owned Tonghua Iron and Steel Group, which was going to be sold to Chen's privately owned Jianlong Steel. Chen sparked the riot by announcing 30,000 workers would be laid off, the newspaper said. They dispersed later only after they were assured by authorities the sale would not go through."

Well, it's quite surprising that the Chinese authorities did not get involved here. However, the Chinese are are starting to demonstrate many different forms of extreme imbalance, which is contrary to the popular image that government controllers have tried to give abroad.

Germans Hoarding Traditional Light Bulbs
Spiegel Online, 27th July 2009
"The staggered phase out of energy-wasting light bulbs begins on Sept. 1 in Germany. The unpopularity of the energy-saving compact fluorescent bulbs that will replace them is leading consumers and retailers to start hoarding the traditional bulbs. As the Sept. 1 deadline for the implementation of the first phase of the EU's ban on incandescent light bulbs approaches, shoppers, retailers and even museums are hoarding the precious wares -- and helping the manufacturers make a bundle. Germans are hoarding traditional incandescent light bulbs as their planned phase out -- in favor of energy-saving compact fluorescent bulbs -- approaches.

The EU ban, adopted in March, calls for the gradual replacement of traditional light bulbs with supposedly more energy-efficient compact fluorescent bulbs (CFL). [...]

"It's unbelievable what is happening," says Werner Wiesner, the head of Megaman, a manufacturer of energy-saving bulbs. Wiesner recounts a story of how one of his field representatives recently saw a man in a hardware store with a shopping cart full of light bulbs of all types worth more than €200 ($285). "That's enough for the next 20 years."

Well, the old fashion light bulbs don't put you at risk of mercury poisoning.... The discussion on 'light bulb socialism' is also very interesting. Well, I will wager now that some people are going to get very rich smuggling light bulbs in the future....

Astronaut Buzz Aldrin claims monolith on Mars moon. UFOs involved?
The Examiner, 27th July 2009
"Astronaut Buzz Aldrin claimed in a July 19th C-SPAN interview that there is a monolith on one of the moons of Mars. Were UFOs involved? Watch the video below for verification.

Eugene Edward Aldrin, Jr., commonly known as Buzz, was pilot of Apollo 11's lunar module and second man ever to set foot on the moon 40 years ago on July 20, 1969. For the first time in a public appearance, Aldrin is now joining the ranks of thousands of military and government officials who have suggested or described a major cover-up of UFOs. [...]

The evidence on UFOs collected to date by many brave, intelligent researchers suggests that there may be UFOs and ETs present who are monitoring the development of humankind. If they had wanted to destroy or enslave us, they could easily have done so centuries or millennia ago. It is most likely that they are patiently awaiting the time when we stop engaging in wars and are truly interested in peaceful relations not only with our human neighbors, but with all races of the universe."

Hmmm, more disclosure.... As I have stated many times on this blog, in order to understand the true nature of our reality, my interest is in plasma entities rather than UFOs, defined as Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) by the UK Ministry of Defence, but they have been given various other names by the scientific community. We live in a multi-dimensional universe that hosts billions of galaxies, most of which our scientists believe exist, but they also admit that our instruments still cannot detect them directly. Only the most ignorant or beligerent can now ignore the evidence that other extraterrestrial beings must exist throughout the multiverse and beyond, but the most interesting has to be plasma lifeforms that are formed from dust and charged particles, the basic ingredients in a visible universe that is 99.999% plasma. Right now, as the veil lifts on planet Earth, we are witnessing the exodus of many different plasma entities. History records that over recent decades, a few researchers have been brave enough to point out their existence, but humanity were not at a high enough level of consciousness to accept the evidence. The time is now ripe for the truth.

Total Amateurs Discover 'Green Pea' Galaxies, 27th July 2009
Armchair astronomers have helped discover a batch of tiny galaxies that may help professional astronomers understand how galaxies formed stars in the early universe.

Dubbed the "Green Peas," the galaxies are forming stars 10 times faster then the Milky Way despite being 10 times smaller and 100 times less massive. They are between 1.5 billion and 5 billion light years away

"These are among the most extremely active star-forming galaxies we've ever found," said Carolin Cardamone, lead author of a paper on the discoveries to be published in an upcoming issue of the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.

The discoveries were made as part of a project called Galaxy Zoo, where Internet users volunteer their spare time to help classify galaxies for an online image database.

Murmurs of a potential discovery began when a group of volunteers who called themselves the "Peas Corps" and the "Peas Brigade" started a discussion in an online forum about a group of strange bright green objects. The original forum thread was called "Give peas a chance."

Hilarious! Why can amateurs find these objects and not the professionals?

Is Pluto a planet after all?
New Scientist, 27th July 2009
"HOW many planets are in the solar system? The official answer is eight - unless you happen to live in Illinois. Earlier this year, defiant Illinois state governors declared that Pluto had been unfairly demoted by the International Astronomical Union, the authority that sets the rules on all matters planetary.

Three years ago, the IAU decided to draw up the first scientific definition of the term planet. After days of stormy arguments at its general assembly in Prague, the delegates voted for a definition that excluded Pluto, downgrading it to the new category of dwarf planet. The decision caused outrage among many members of the public who had grown up with nine planets, and among some astronomers who pointed out that only 4 per cent of the IAU's 10,000 members took part in the vote. The governors of Illinois saw the decision as a snub to Pluto's discoverer, Clyde Tombaugh, who was born in the state."

Some detail about how astronomers made this decision which revealssome interesting information about the Kuiper belt and the so-far hidden presence of an object bigger than Mars. Hmmmm...

Race is on for space-junk alarm system
New Scientist, 26th July 2009
"A WORLDWIDE network of radar stations could tackle the ever-growing problem of space debris - the remains of old rockets and satellites that pose an increasing threat to spacecraft. The US government is launching a competition, which will run until the end of 2010, to find the best way of tracking pieces of junk down to the size of a pool ball.

Three aerospace companies - Northrop Grumman, Lockheed-Martin and Raytheon - have each been awarded $30 million by US Air Force Space Command to design a "space fence" that will constantly report the motion of all objects 5 centimetres wide and larger in medium and low-Earth orbits.

"It's basically going to be an electronic tripwire," says Rich Davis, Northrop's special projects director in Linthicum, Maryland. "It will give you the orbit angle and time of day that every satellite or piece of debris passes any point you choose." Once you know that, he says, it is easy to calculate potential collision risks."

The headline is toned down since the last time there was mention of a race, which Fox reported as Scientists Race to Prevent 'Catastrophic Disaster' in Space, see archives. The competition implies that instead of the usual suppression of new ideas through imposed chains of command, the desperation is allowing any smart person to have their idea utiltised, but in the end, they might not get any personal benefit as can be noted by scientists who complain about how these schemes work.

Young 'would work to stop all wars'
The Guardian, 26th July 2009
Copy: "Children would rather stop all wars than combat climate change, a survey has found. A First News poll of around 1,000 youngsters revealed the majority would put global issues at the top of their list of priorities if they were a world leader for a day. A third (43%) said they would stop all wars, while just over a quarter (29%) listed ending world hunger as their top priority. Almost one in six (17%) said they would want to stop climate change. Around one in eight (12%) said their first job would be to bring in a three-day weekend, while 8% said their top priority would be banning homework. Nicky Cox, editor of children's newspaper First News, said: "Britain's children clearly care deeply about issues that reach beyond their own personal experience." :: The poll questioned around 1,000 children through the First News website between July 14-21."

Well, if stopping war is the major agenda of the young and not preventing climate change then this is bad news for some!

Review of “Unstoppable Global Warming: Every 1,500 Years”
Intellectual Conservative, 26th July 2009
"S. Fred Singer, a climate physicist, and Dennis T. Avery, a senior fellow at the Hudson Institute, have written the definitive book about global warming. They carefully explain the complexities and facts so the average person can understand. It is true the earth goes through warming phases, but they are cyclical and not manmade. Climate change is not a dramatic event but something as regular and dull as grass growing. A close look at the evidence reveals that climate change is probably due to variations in the sun's radiation – sunspots. Global warmings and coolings have occurred regularly about every 1,500 years. The earth's temperature increased in the early 20th century, before most man-made emissions began, but stopped increasing in the latter half of the century when man-made emissions were highest."

I am not sure it's fair to describe this as 'the definitive book', but this review is very much written from the point of view of a skeptic. There are some useful nuggets of information to explain how the global warming alarmism has gathered momentum.

Black Spotted Deer
Crpytomundo, 26th July 2009
"Indian news services are reporting on Sunday, July 26, 2009, in the Sakaal Times of Pune, India, and in The Hindu of an intriguing example of melanism in a deer. Needless to say, this may be a rare mutation or a new color morph seen near Coimbatore, India, but it is doubtful, as the article states in the Sakaal Times headline, that it is a “New species of deer spotted.” (Since it seems to be a black spotted deer, I am not unaware that the Indian headline writer may have been attempting a bit of a pun here.)

OK, it some kind of rare mutant deer but there is confusion about the spots.

Is the Earth’s magnetic field a cosmic ray funnel?
Solar Science, 25th July 2009
"In this world of rampant climate alarmism, its to be expected that theories and hypotheses which do not support the AGW theory will get the full treatment of bad analysis and character assassination. After all, where’s the funding going to go if there’s an alternative theory that bombs the bridge in front of the gravy train?

One such is Dr Henrik Svensmark’s hypothesis on the modulating effect of the solar magnetic field on the Earth’s climate. In the recent article in the New York Times on the solar cycle that I recently mentioned, we have this:

A nice basic introduction to Svensmark’s cosmic ray cloud formation and climate modulation hypothesis.

Betelgeuse BOOM - Calamitas Apocalyptica, 25th July 2009
"Some who read "Might Betelgeuse go BOOM?" were correct that I did not do a good job on spelling out the sequences of what can happen with such a Supernova and the time factors involved. It was both an oversight on my part to spell out a specific time frame and clarifying the terminology. The consequences are not that hard to grasp but sequence and time factors are. [...]

One of our quantum mechanics affiliates thinks that in addition to a massive blast of light due to the Supernova (and the possibility of massive doses of life-killing UV, gamma ray and x-ray), Betelgeuse might also be the type of star that will generate a considerable gravity wave as part of the event. That would add to the hurt by extending into centuries a string of bad luck for our planet. Our planet may soon exemplify the old adage ­ if it were not for our bad luck we would not have any luck at all."

Well, here we have something along the lines of mega apocalyptic scenario that is not related to 2012, but I think it's a possibility. If you worry easy, then I suggest you skip reading this article.... Since the psychometrics indicate that my tendency is to integrate seemingly disparate pieces of information that remarkably then start looking like the Big Picture, I realised quite some time ago that off-planet sources seemed rather keen to encourage people to build up and strengthen their energy fields. Quite some time ago, I started to suspect that we were being told that massive bursts of energy were coming our way and I surmised that we were going to get a few massive gamma ray bursts, but Betelgeuse going BOOM would be a good enough reason for all the encouragment to spiritually evolve. I also realised why many people did not seem to be interested in their spiritual evolution was because as it's commonly understood, most people are like sheep (sheeple) and have the mentality that if it's not popular it can't be good and then when there are enough people involved, will jump on any bandwagon however implausible, discernment is not even considered. Here, I will confess that I actually believed that the Galactic Alignment would occur in 2012 and was shocked to find that it actually occured in 1998/1999. I just did not read up enough on the subject (ie read the small print in the appendices.... ) and I trusted people to have done the research honestly, so I realise just how this bandwagon mentality works... Anyway, I have struggled with trying to understand why certain bogus people were so successful and now I have come to the conclusion that people have the leaders, spiritual or otherwise that they deserve. Having met an assortment of people who profess spirituality but clearly demonstrate their lack of integrity, I realised that the label 'spiritual' meant different things to different people and could not be used as a basis for trust. Now, I have even started to think that the higher perspective is that all the bogusness works out so that only the really serious obtain true spiritual riches. Anyway, in my own search for truth and enlightenment I have discovered some glorious detail about the true nature of our reality. Nobody can be an expert on all the relevant subjects, but I do understand enough that for anyone interested in spiritual evolution or even life after death, maintaining the integrity of our higher energy bodies is critical and a robust energy field could even provide some shielding against a supernova explosion. By the way, for the thinkers, how else but massive bursts of light at the frequency of cosmic and gamma rays, do you think will be required to 'deconstruct' plasma entities?

Strange sighting of UFO near Paphos [Cyprus]
Cyprus Mail, 25th July 2009
"Four residents spotted a strange light zipping across the coast off Paphos on Thursday night in the latest in a series of incidents of unidentified objects in our skies. The UFO was clearly seen by John Knowles, a research specialist with Mutual UFO Network, he told the Cyprus Mail the sighting took place near Coral Bay and is appealing for more witnesses. It was heading towards Paphos just off the coast, slow moving and a very bright fireball, so there may very well have been other witnesses."

"We had been watching the crescent moon set in Coral Bay. In the darkened skies, as we looked out to sea, an unknown object flying in a north-south direction crossed the sky in front of us. Altitude was about 300 feet, speed about 200 mph or less. "The object that appeared like a fireball, extremely bright red-orange in colour, it maintained the same altitude as it passed to the south in the direction of Paphos."

Knowles added the object, which he saw at around 20.55pm on Thursday, finally vanished from the sky without trace. His account was backed up by his next door neighbours, who also witnessed the bizarre sight and rushed to the phone to alert him.

There are now so many hundreds of these reports that anyone can easily verify their own sighting with similar across the world. Yet, the problem is WHY is this happening now? So far, I have not come anybody else brave enough to take a public stance. By integrating science and metaphysics, something that is hard to do without doing some serious work, the only real answer is that the light quotient on this planet has dramatically changed in line with universal cycles. EVERYTHING is being requested to hold more light or leave the planet. Russian scientists reported that everything is being given a cosmic inspection to see if it can comply with the new conditions. Russian philosophers pointed out, the week my book was published in September 2006, that we are witnessing a spiritual revolution. Despite information from the Keepers of Ancient Knowledge the original source of all the 2012 whoopla, I have not found a researcher that considered the environmental impact of the Mayan prophecy of a New Age dominated by Space or the aether ie Space Weather and nobody that I am aware of who considered the Q'ero understanding of the overturning of space-time and other sources that referred to the lifting of the veil. Since space-time is a multi-dimensional plasma and dark/shadow matter and dark energy theories suggest that separate dimensions could be inhabited by dark/shadow matter entities, in metaphysical language it would mean that the astral worlds would become visible to vast swathes of the human population. So far, the Orb Phenomena has been greeted well in the metaphysical community, but it remains to be seen how the general public will view sharing planet Earth with massive astral entities. See the comments below for further discussion. More fireball reports from around the world.

Large Fiery Object Changes Direction in Night Sky [US]

What was mysterious fireball in the night sky? Worcester [UK]

Glow in the Sky Turns into an Hourglass-Shaped Fireball and Then into a Dimly-Lit Object - Kingston, Ontario [Canada]

The Xochitepec Fireball - UFO or Meteorite? [Mexico]

Is this proof of [flame-red] UFOs over Wigan? [UK]
Multiple 'Fireballs' seen over 40 minute period - Long Eaton, Nottingham [UK]

Health Ministry to hypnotists: Stop helping clients explore past lives
Haaretz News, 24th July 2009
"Israeli hypnotists were told to refrain from helping clients explore past lives, following a recent decision on the matter by a special Health Ministry advisory committee. The Advisory Committee on the Law on Hypnosis made the ruling following complaints by clients who said that they had sustained serious emotional damage because of reincarnation hypnosis sessions.

Israel has several experts on reincarnation hypnosis, who give sessions that aim to "discover who they were in past lives," as Dr. Lianna Sofer defines her treatments. "The reincarnation hypnosis allows us to return to the prenatal stage." The ministry decided not to completely ban the practice, in keeping with the decision to allow a host of other practices which are not recognized as therapeutic by modern medicine but are believed by some to be remedial."

I suppose the problem here is the skill of therapists and that nobody is guaranteed that bringing up past/other life information will be unproblematic. From my own experience of "energy balancing", some clients are just not able to cope with a blast of energy that quickly re-arranges their energy field, in these cases, efforts to balance them only makes them worse. I was warned about one client and I dutifully only carried out a 15-20 minutes of energy balancing but afterwards she still complained by email that it was "too powerful" and she had decided to go back to Reiki!

UFOs over South Buffalo, New York?
The Examiner, 24th July 2009
"Not long ago, the Examiner was presented with a hand full of photographs from a friend that were shot from a bedroom window. The images appear to show an object in the sky. [...]

He said that they looked like "a glowing string of pearls in the sky." He fetched his camera and shot a series of photos of the object as is slowly moved toward him and then as it banked and turned and moved out of sight of the window. And these in this slideshow below are the images that he says that he took of it."

Let's talk about critters! It seems that when Trevor James Constable, a noted military historian and engineer wrote a book titled Sky Creatures: Living UFOs published by Simon & Schuster in 1976, where he came to the conclusion that most UFOs were native to our environment, it was NOT what most ufologists wanted to hear. Here is a quote from this book: "These living creatures, these bioforms, were neither what we wanted or what we expected.... They were for us at that time a definite emotional letdown... In the intervening time, I have observed with interest and fascination the disquieting, disturbing effect [the photos] have on all persons whose approach to UFOs is mechanistic." This might explain why UFO reporters are talking about 'remote controlled' meteorites, for many, the understanding that plasma lifeforms are the dominant form of life in the universe is too much of a paradigm shift or even not enough of a macho answer to the enigma. This is obvious from reports that talk about plasma based life/forms being unintelligent, which is a massive assumption, as some scientists are prepared to admit that 80% of crop circles are being made by orbs and there is no doubt that the crop circles and their messages, often demonstrate advanced astronomical and mathematical knowledge. For the record, here are some further quotes from the same book:
"What I have learnt can be summarised as follows. These creatures — critters, as I prefer to call them — are amoebaelike life forms existing in the plasma state. They are not solid, liquid, or gas. Rather, they exist in the fourth state of matter — plasma — as living heat-substance at the upper border of physical nature. They consist of calcium and fluids, the metal and the fluids both being in the plasmatic state.
"My pictures show that these aerial faunas are like unicellular life forsm. Normally hidden from us because they are in the infrared range of the electromagnetic spectrum, critters occasionally emerge into the visible portion of the spectrum, pulsating with a reddish to orange glow, sometimes with blinding intensity. At such times they are invariably identified as UFOs — which they are, of course, although they are not constructed craft. They are living creatures. Failure to recognize this, and to distinguish creature from craft... has deeply confused UFO research.
"As living organisms, critters appear to be an elemental branch of evolution probably older than most life on earth, dating from the time when the planet was more gaseous and plasmatic than solid. They are part of what occultists term "elementals." They live invisibly like fish in the ocean of atmosphere. Like fish, I estimate them to be of low intelligence. They will probably one day be better classified as belonging to the general field of macrobiology or even macrobacteria inhabiting the aerial ocean we call the sky."
"Critters are normally beyond the range of human vision for three reasons. First, as mentioned, their native habitat is the infrared. Second, their native state of existence is in the stratosphere and beyond at distances greater than unaided sight can see. Last, they propel themselves bioenergetically at extremely fast speeds, often disappearing like meteors before disappearing from view. [The underlined text is ammended from the original for emphasis]
For further information see, The Secrets of the Universe: Amoeba Like Life Forms - "Critters". Please note: remember this is old information and what appears to be currently arriving on Earth to take up residence, is in a completely different class of energy.... all very exciting stuff!

If you're happy, then we know it
e Science!, 24th July 2009
"...But what if you had a remote-sensing mechanism that could record how millions of people around the world were feeling on any particular day — without their knowing?

That's exactly what Peter Dodds and Chris Danforth, a mathematician and computer scientist working in the Advanced Computing Center at the University of Vermont, have created. Their methods show that Election Day, November 4, 2008, was the happiest day in four years. The day of Michael Jackson's death, one of the unhappiest. Their results are reported this week in the Journal of Happiness Studies.[...]

Though Francis Edgeworth hoped to measure happiness, "exactly according to the verdict of consciousness," all science has to work with today are the tracings of a mind, not a literal mind-probe. New techniques in neuroscience seem to be moving closer to such a tool, but "we don't know what is going on in people's heads, really," says Dodds.

An observation I have made in life is those individuals who sense your own happiness or high state of consciousnesss and then go out of the way to destroy it! Many years ago now, I came across the bestselling book, The Celestine Prophecy that explains how and why humans steal energies from others during energetic interactions because there are certain spiritual energies that they need, but they can't process them themselves so they steal this energy already processed from somebody else. This book enlightened many and gave a clear understanding of why this happened. It reminds me of the research of Jacque Benveniste who discovered that a certain colleague was a walking chaos factory and if they were involved in experiments they would completely skew the results. These days, my tolerance factor of these types of people is virtually nil as alongside happiness, they will go out of their way to destroy your peace, joy, bliss, sense of harmony, whilst disrespecting and dishonouring you at the same time. The other thing that is of interest is who are the vampires? I have realised now that some who call themselves healers are in a good position to steal other people's energy whilst pretending to do otherwise. Now, I am concerned that people who learn energy techniques are leaving themselves open to all sorts of energies that they don't understand.

Huge telescope opens in Spain's Canary Islands
AP, 24th July 2009
"LA PALMA, Canary Islands — One of the world's most powerful telescopes opened its shutters for the first time Friday to begin exploring faint light from distant parts of the universe. The Gran Telescopio Canarias, a euro130 million ($185 million) telescope featuring a 34-foot (10.4-meter) reflecting mirror, sits atop an extinct volcano. Its location above cloud cover takes advantage of the pristine skies in the Atlantic Ocean.

Planning for the telescope began in 1987 and has involved more than 1,000 people from 100 companies. It was inaugurated Friday by King Juan Carlos. The observatory is located at 2,400 meters (7,870 feet) above sea-level where prevailing winds keep the atmosphere stable and transparent, the Canary Islands Astrophysics Institute said."

There seems to have been quite a party with the inauguation of this telescope, unlike the telescopes erected in a hurry on the ice at the south pole, which most commentators surmise is for watching out for any activity from the galactic centre. Well, with all the other current cosmic activity, there is no doubt that this facility will be fully utilised.

Is the Climate Science Debate Over? No, It's Just Getting Very, Very Interesting
MasterResource, 24th July 2009
"How many times have you been told that the debate on the science of climate change is "over"? Probably almost as many times as Al Gore has traveled in private jets and limousines to urge audiences to repent of their fuelish ways.

[...] The world has warmed overall during the past 130 years, as evidenced by melting glaciers, longer growing seasons, and both proxy and instrumental data. However, the main era of "anthropogenic" global warming supposedly began in the mid-1970s, and ongoing research by retired meteorologist Anthony Watts leaves no doubt that in recent decades, the U.S. surface temperature record - reputed to be the best in the world - is unreliable and riddled with false warming biases.

Watts and a team of more than 650 volunteers have visually inspected and photographically documented 1003, or 82%, of the 1,221 climate monitoring stations overseen by the U.S. Weather Service. In a report summarizing an earlier phase of the team's investigation (a survey of 860+ stations), Watts says, "We were shocked by what we found." He continues:
We found stations located next to exhaust fans of air conditioning units, surrounded by asphalt parking lots and roads, on blistering-hot rooftops, and near sidewalks and buildings that absorb and radiate heat. We found 68 stations located at wastewater treatment plants, where the process of waste digestion causes temperatures to be higher than in surrounding areas.

In fact, we found that 89 percent of the stations - nearly 9 of every 10 - fail to meet the National Weather Services's own siting requirements that stations must be 30 meters (about 100 feet) or more away from an artificial heating or radiating/reflecting heat source. In other words, 9 or every 10 stations are likely reporting higher or rising temperatures because they are badly sited.

"It gets worse," Watts continues:"

I did not realise that Anthony Watts was retired, but he is one of many that have the time to fight the good fight. In fact, I have started to really love the old people....

Giant 'soap bubble' found floating in space
New Scientist, 23rd July 2009
"IT LOOKS like a soap bubble or perhaps even a camera fault, but the image at right is a newly discovered planetary nebula. Planetary nebulae, which got their name after being misidentified by early astronomers, are formed when an ageing star weighing up to eight times the mass of the sun ejects its outer layers as clouds of luminous gas (see Why stars go out in a blaze of glory). Most are elliptical, double-lobed or cigar-shaped, evolving after stars eject gas from each pole (see a gallery of the nebulae).

The Cygnus Soap Bubble, officially named PN G75.5+1.7 gives us a good example of how the properties of plasma and electromagnetism can generate such diverse manifestations.

Russian Navy UFO records say aliens love oceans
Russia Today, 21st July 2009
"The Russian navy has declassified its records of encounters with unidentified objects technologically surpassing anything humanity ever built, reports Svobodnaya Pressa news website. The records dating back to soviet times were compiled by a special navy group collecting reports of unexplained incidents delivered by submarines and military ships. The group was headed by deputy Navy commander Admiral Nikolay Smirnov, and the documents reveal numerous cases of possible UFO encounters, the website says. Vladimir Azhazha, former navy officer and a famous Russian UFO researcher, says the materials are of great value. "Fifty percent of UFO encounters are connected with oceans. Fifteen more - with lakes. So UFOs tend to stick to the water," he said."

More UFO disclosure and further evidence that something momentous is happening.

AURORA SURPRISE:, 23rd July 2009
AURORA SURPRISE: Sometimes the auroras are so bright, you just can't sleep. "I was up all night on July 21st, but it was totally worth it!" says photographer Zoltan Kenwell of Chip Lake, Alberta. This is what kept him awake: "It was a very impressive show that lasted 4.5 hours!" says Kenwell. Forecasters did not predict this display. It began on when a seemingly minor solar wind stream hit Earth's magnetic field. The minor hit turned into a not-so-minor display because a crack opened in Earth's magnetic field, allowing solar wind to pour in and fuel the storm. Northern Lights descended as far south as the Dakotas, Montana, Iowa and Wisconsin. The solar wind is still blowing, but the crack has closed, bringing an end to the lights. Until next time, browse the gallery: July 2009 Aurora Gallery.

There is a lot going on with solar eclipses, noctilucent clouds and now "surprise" auroras caused when the Earths magnetic field opens up with a 'crack' for reasons we don't understand. Therefore, we have to acknowledge that metaphysical sources correctly predicted the arrival date of another specific delivery of evolutionary energies, at the time of the longest solar eclipse for more than a century.

The Weakening Gravity-Dominated Cosmos Theory
Thunderbolts Info, 23rd July 2009
"Neutron stars and their rapidly spinning pulsar manifestations are among the most outlandish creations bogging down modern astrophysics. Neutron stars were first proposed as a theoretical possibility in 1933 by Baade and Zwicky. In seeking an explanation for the energy released by supernovae (a term coined by Zwicky), they proposed that a supernova was the result of a normal star transitioning to a neutron star."

A nice short article that gives enough argument and detail to demonstrate why many more people are supporting the notion of an Electric Universe.

New Image of Jupiter Impact in Infrared
Universe Today, 23rd July 2009
"After getting whacked unexpectedly by a small comet or asteroid, Jupiter is sporting a "bruise," which has been big news this week. In visible wavelengths, the impact site appears as a black spot. But in a new image taken in near infrared by the Gemini North telescope on Mauna Kea, Hawai'i, the spot shows up in spectacular glowing yellow. [...]

In infrared, the impact site shows up in remarkable detail. "The structure of the impact site is eerily reminiscent of the larger Shoemaker-Levy 9 sites 15 years ago," remarked Heidi Hammel (Space Science Institute)."

I note that this "small" impact was the size of Earth and I just suppose the latest Stephen Hawking article is just coincidence... Stephen Hawking: "Asteroid Impacts Biggest Threat to Intelligent Life in the Galaxy". The following quote is from an excellent piece of research by Laura Knight-Jadczyk at Laura writes:

"Over the past few years, while has been tracking the increasing flux of fireballs and meteorites entering the earth's atmosphere, we have been, by turns, amused and horrified at the ignorant reactions and declarations that issue from academia and the media regarding these incursions. A few years ago, we read that "this is a 'once in a hundred years' event!" Not long after it was a "once in a lifetime" event. Still later, after a lot more incidents it became a "once in a decade" event.

More recently, it has been admitted in some quarters that meteorites hit the ground (as opposed to safely burning up in the atmosphere) several times a year! And of course, we have discovered the fact that the governments of our planet are well aware that there are atmospheric explosions from such bodies numerous times a year. We have also learned in this series that the frequent reports of unusual booms and shaking of the ground is often due to such overhead explosions. Yet the media steadfastly refuses to honestly address this issue, though we have noted a plethora of recent articles presenting opposing academic arguments designed to put the populace back to sleep, to reassure them that there is nothing to worry about, that such things only happen every 100,000 years or so, and certainly, the Space Watch Program is going to find all the possible impactors and take care of things." Meteorites, Asteroids, and Comets: Damages, Disasters, Injuries, Deaths, and Very Close Calls .
The only thing wrong with Laura's analysis is the missing perspective that Earth is a school and the Universe reserves the right to cleanse the school and literally give it a rest when the human population screws up, which from the archaeological data seems to be fairly frequent. We now know that aetheric entities exist that monitor the spiritual progress of humanity and take action or indeed stand by and let things happen which then allows the Earth to evolve to a new state of being. Personally, I am still wondering how spiritual evolution is going to play out on Earth. However, as I recently had a glimpse of another world that looked far my interesting than Earth, I am getting to the stage were I am not sure whether I am really bothered what happens. From scientific speculation to metaphysical know-how, it would seem that all sorts of life is teeming all over the universe and beyond.

New Scientist: science is now inadequate
Reference Frame, 22nd July 2009
"Olda K. has pointed out the following article in Nude Socialist to me, George Marshall:

Why people don't act on climate change. The author, a boss of a climate pressure group "COIN" in Oxford, is conducting an "informal research project".

[...] Instead of investigating whether his beliefs are actually correct or wrong, he wants to bring artists and writers to science because science has failed, he thinks. "Collective imagination" should replace it because: It is clear that the cautious language of science is now inadequate to inspire concerted change, even among scientists. We need a fundamentally different approach. Only then will scientists be in a position to throw down the ultimate challenge to the public: "We've done the work, we believe the results, now when the hell will you wake up?"

Well, religious bigots have always needed a fundamentally different approach than science to achieve their goals, and Mr Marshall is surely not the first example in the human history. In fact, science is literally threatening to the core values that people like Mr Marshall worship, such as blind beliefs, unlimited fear, irrationality, and brainwashing of whole nations. Science has always been their enemy, whether they were potent in inspiring a new large religious awakening or as impotent as Mr Marshall."

The desperate Green and the decisive Yellow put down.... if you are aware of Spiral Dynamics, this is a gem.... The reference to Nude Socialist is also very naughty, here is the original article at New Scientist:

Why people don't act on climate change

Strange! Humans Glow in Visible Light
Live Science, 22nd July 2009
"The human body literally glows, emitting a visible light in extremely small quantities at levels that rise and fall with the day, scientists now reveal. Past research has shown that the body emits visible light, 1,000 times less intense than the levels to which our naked eyes are sensitive. In fact, virtually all living creatures emit very weak light, which is thought to be a byproduct of biochemical reactions involving free radicals."

The study of biophotons is most widely known due to the research of German biophysicist Fritz-Albert Popp, who started his work in the early 1980s, but this is old news for most people in the religious/spiritual/metaphysical communities. It is well known that mystics and saints are noted for their glowing auras and there is an example of a Sufi mystic, where history records that he gave off so much light that people could read by it!

Climate Money: The Climate Industry: $79 billion so far - Trillions to come
JoNova, 22nd July 2009
"For the first time, the numbers from government documents have been compiled in one place. It’s time to start talking of “Monopolistic Science”. It’s time to expose the lie that those who claim “to save the planet” are the underdogs. And it’s time to get serious about auditing science, especially when it comes to pronouncements that are used to justify giant government programs and massive movements of money. Who audits the IPCC?

The Summary
* The US government has provided over $79 billion since 1989 on policies related to climate change, including science and technology research, foreign aid, and tax breaks.

* Despite the billions: “audits” of the science are left to unpaid volunteers. A dedicated but largely uncoordinated grassroots movement of scientists has sprung up around the globe to test the integrity of the theory and compete with a well funded highly organized climate monopoly. They have exposed major errors.

Big Business...

Massive New Zealand quake moves country west
AP, 22nd July 2009
"Wellington - Southern New Zealand has moved slightly closer to the east coast of neighboring Australia as a result of a massive earthquake last week off the country's South Island, a scientist said Wednesday. The magnitude 7.8 quake, centered in the ocean near Resolution Island in the country's Fiordland region, twisted South Island out of shape and moved its southern tip 12 inches (30 centimeters) closer to Australia, seismologist Ken Gledhill said.

Gledhill, director of government-owned GNS Science's "GeoNet" national earthquake monitoring project, said the island's geographic shift showed the immensity of the forces involved.

"Basically, it's taken us closer to Australia," he told National Radio. "The country is deforming all the time because of being on the plate boundary, but this has done it in a few seconds, rather than waiting hundreds of years."

I don't visit the doom and gloom laden websites that are trying to whip up fervour re 2012, but one would have to imagine that they must be quite disconcerted that the requisite predicted worldwide geological and geophysical disasters are NOT happening on anything like the end of the world type scale. Here, New Zealand has been described as 'lucky', but I would rather prefer to think that maybe spiritual factors came into play and that universal forces could act to deliver a requisite Earth change in a less violent manner. However, as the influx of energies mounts, there is no way to be conclusive and predict how various regions will fare, but looking at the consciousness level of the people in a certain region might be a good indicator.

An Object Spotted in the Sky Spinning and Changing Colors - Burnley, Lancashire [UK]
UK UFO Sightings, 22nd July 2009
"Posted: July 21, 2009, Date of Sighting: 20th July 2009, Time: 11.23pm
Witness Statement: I have just come in from the back garden after yet again seeing the different coloured object in the sky. It has been in the same place for about 45 minutes, it seems to be spinning and showing different colours. This is not the first time we have seen it. We saw it about a month ago and have seen it several times since.

I started watching out after last new years eve, when 8 of us were at the back watching the fireworks going off and suddenly we saw an orange ball and my wife said that's a big balloon, surely they are not taking off at this time of night. It continued to rise up in the sky and then all of a sudden shot off up, then another did exactly the same thing. All 8 of us were absolutely fascinated and stood watching for a good 20 - 30 minutes as at least 12 of these objects rose following the same line and then shot off up in the sky.

The exodus continues! Well, this kind of report may be the first of many where a witness provides details only AFTER multiple sightings, because intuitively they realising that something well beyond the norm is occuring. Folks, this is 'The Greatest Transition In The History of Mankind', as we witness astral entities that perfectly match the description given in the past by the world's most respected mystics and metaphysicians. The reason for this conclusion is attainable when we truly understand the nature of our reality and we raise our consciousness to a more holistic, global and cosmic viewpoint. So, what has to happen before people widely acknowledge what is taking place on this planet? Well, the UK UFO/UAP reports keep coming, that are generally give good descriptions and provide a fair synopsis of this worldwide phenomena. Note the account from Liverpool; "I am a retired Police officer and not given to fanciful imaginings." LOL!!!!

Four white lights seen, one firing a beam of light at another - Gateacre, Liverpool [UK]

Multicolored Lights Speeding in Different Direction of Clouds - Cardiff, Wales [UK]

Orange and White Glowing Balls of Lights Maneuvering in the Sky - Red House Lake, Shardlow [UK]

After witnessing a large, golden orb, witness gets blinding headache - Buxworth, Derbyshire [UK]

Very Bright Orange Spinning Light - Shrewsbury, Shropshire [UK]

House-Sized Square-Shaped Object Hovering over a Field - Bingham, Nottinghamshire [UK]

Powys' X-files are revealed: surge in UFO sightings - Wales [UK]

Strange lights in the sky over the city - Exeter [UK]

Phone stops working and a red light is spotted overhead - Long Eaton, Nottinghamshire [UK]

Orange/Red light glides past house, camera quits working - Malvern, Worcestershire [UK]

Safari park baboons ransack cars after learning to break into luggage boxes
Xinhua News, 21st July 2009
"Keepers at Knowsley Safari Park have been forced to issue warnings after the opportunistic primates developed a taste for human possessions. The cheeky monkeys - who are known for tearing off the odd wiper or wing mirror - have been targeting cars carrying the roof boxes before pouncing on the unsuspecting visitors, who are forced to watch helplessly as their things disappear. Now bosses at the Merseyside park have slapped the artful animals with what they call 'Anti Social Baboon Orders' and have warned visitors not to travel through the infamous monkey jungle with luggage on their roof."

Well, it must be obvious that primates are evolving too! LOL!!

Giant Chinese dustball circles the Earth
A giant Chinese dustball weighing hundreds of thousands of tons circled the world at high altitude in under two weeks, scientists have shown.

The Telegraph, 21st July 2009
[..] "The dust ball was formed when a wind storm ripped across the desert, kicking up the dust, and trapping it against the mountains of the Tibetan plateau. The scientists said the dust was forced higher and higher into the air, until it reached an altitude of around 16,250ft. A warm convection flow then lofted it further to between 26,000 ft and 32,500 ft, well above cloud level. The dust was then trapped in the polar jetstream, a fast-flowing air current that lies just under the stratosphere, and began its "journey around the world" according to the Nature Geoscience journal"

It's a mystery to me why these scientists don't state the obvious and that the only way this dust could be clumped together was if it was electrified. See Cosmic Dust Could Form Inorganic Life, Study Suggests and Dust ‘comes alive’ in space .

Unshakeable self-confidence is in the genes, claim scientists
The Telegraph, 21st July 2009
"Scientists believe that many people are born winners with a rock solid self-confidence as much to do with nature as it is with nurture. The new belief that this is something people are born with conflicts with previous theories that confidence is based on upbringing and other environmental factors. Psychiatrists now say that the ability to perform under pressure may be something some people are born with."

Scientists now realise that the dogma that we are limited in our potential by our inherited DNA is now proven to be wrong. Old metaphysical literature emphasises karma, but the link between the emotional and mental levels of the human energy fields and our DNA are at best hazy. However, with the developing science of Epigenetics and the new understanding of the role of the diamond light grid and light codes, it is now becoming clearer as to how these all link together and how humans can use intent to evolve their consciousness.

Activists reveal plan to storm Copenhagen climate summit
Anti-globalisation group Climate Justice action talks of plans to mobilise up to 15,000 protesters to storm Copenhagen summit in December

The Guardian, 21st July 2009
"A network of radical green groups is planning to disrupt the international climate change meeting in Copenhagen in December by invading the conference centre and occupying it for a day, it has emerged. The anti-globalisation group Climate Justice Action has said it hopes to mobilise up to 15,000 protesters to storm the climate summit, and a large carbon dioxide emitter nearby, while negotiators try to thrash out a replacement for the Kyoto protocol.

"We want to take over the summit space to set the global agenda away from false, market-based solutions, towards an agenda of social justice," said Tadzio Müller, a 32-year-old German activist who is part of the group organising the protest. "Real emission cuts will not be achieved by initiatives like carbon trading...It is (the pursuit of) economic growth that is driving us into climate chaos." [...]

"Copenhagen will be dominated by false solutions like biofuels and carbon trading," added Polder. "The most effective way to do so is to return to more localised, sustainable economies...We should work on true solutions and not wait for the politicians."

Hmmm.... it seems that some of the Greens have worked out that supporting market driven solutions means repeating the same merry-go-round that has led to the Earth's environmental crisis in the first place.

Tires made from trees -- better, cheaper, more fuel efficient
Eureka Alert, 26th July 2009
"Corvallis, Ore. - Automobile owners around the world may some day soon be driving on tires that are partly made out of trees - which could cost less, perform better and save on fuel and energy. Wood science researchers at Oregon State University have made some surprising findings about the potential of microcrystalline cellulose - a product that can be made easily from almost any type of plant fibers - to partially replace silica as a reinforcing filler in the manufacture of rubber tires.

A new study suggests that this approach might decrease the energy required to produce the tire, reduce costs, and better resist heat buildup. Early tests indicate that such products would have comparable traction on cold or wet pavement, be just as strong, and provide even higher fuel efficiency than traditional tires in hot weather.

"We were surprised at how favorable the results were for the use of this material," said Kaichang Li, an associate professor of wood science and engineering in the OSU College of Forestry, who conducted this research with graduate student Wen Bai. "This could lead to a new generation of automotive tire technology, one of the first fundamental changes to come around in a long time," Li said."

Is it any wonder that people hug trees!

Ball lightning hits 100 homes
Dutch News, 21st July 2009
Copy: "At least 100 homes in one district of the town of Soesterberg were hit by ball lightning on Sunday morning, the AD reports. The lightning, a rare atmospheric phenomenon, wrecked hundreds of televisions, computers, telephones and central heating systems, the paper says. In some households, flames came out of electronic equipment. In others, electric sockets sprang off the wall.

'I saw the lightning shoot through the street,' one eyewitness told the paper. The fireball hit a large fir tree and then went into a house, he said. Others saw a strong purple light shoot out of the roof of one house. 'I thought something big had blown up, 'said one women who was putting croissants in the oven when the lightning hit. Local cable company Ziggio said it had been called out to replace 97 electrical connections to households in the district. "

Is this the start of things to come? This account suggests Extreme Ball Lightning but the manifestation of a "strong purple light" also suggests a rather violent release of "old energies" and it's a wonder that nobody was killed. Quite frankly, the abundance of various strange electrical manifestations appearing these days only makes sense when we take into account the fact that our planet is becoming highly charged as the bombardment of evolutionary energies continues and Mayan predictions of a New Age dominated by ether or space becomes a reality. Update Apparently, residents in New Zealand had a similar experience, where it was reported, "Several houses in Talbot St were struck by bolts, described by one resident as a "fireball". see, Lightning strikes zap Invercargill. I can highly recommend the large archives at The WEIRD SCIENCE PAGE database of BALL LIGHTNING REPORTS. Most of the reports are probably ball lightning, but there are some that are clearly other categories of plasma manifestations and light phenomena. Many of the reports have been made by people who have never shared their experiences before and just demonstrates the power of the internet. Highly recommended.

Tiny diamonds on Santa Rosa Island give evidence of cosmic impact
Eureka Alert, 21st July 2009
"Nanosized diamonds found just a few meters below the surface of Santa Rosa Island off the coast of Santa Barbara provide strong evidence of a cosmic impact event in North America approximately 12,900 years ago, according to a new study by scientists. Their hypothesis holds that fragments of a comet struck across North America at that time.

The research, published this week in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), was led by James Kennett, professor emeritus at UC Santa Barbara, and Douglas J. Kennett, first author, of the University of Oregon. The two are a father-son team. They were joined by 15 other researchers. "The pygmy mammoth, the tiny island version of the North American mammoth, died off at this time," said James Kennett. "Since it coincides with this event, we suggest it is related."

He explained that this site, with its layer containing hexagonal diamonds, is also associated with other types of diamonds and with dramatic environmental changes and wildfires. They are part of a sedimentary layer known as the Younger Dryas Boundary. "There was a major event 12,900 years ago," said James Kennett. "It is hard to explain this assemblage of materials without a cosmic impact event and associated extensive wildfires.

This hypothesis fits with the abrupt climatic cooling as recorded in ocean-drilled sediments beneath the Santa Barbara Channel. The cooling resulted when dust from the high-pressure, high-temperature, multiple impacts was lofted into the atmosphere, causing a dramatic drop in solar radiation." The tiny diamonds were buried below four meters of sediment and they correspond with the disappearance of the Clovis culture –– the first well-established and distributed North American peoples. An estimated 35 types of mammals and 19 types of birds also became extinct in North America about this time.

These scientists are trying to explain how it rained diamonds in a previous undisputed period of evolutionary change, but they are looking on the ground for all the evidence and have not considered the possibility of a massive Space Weather event. It must also be noted the date given for this event is about half of the approx. 25,920 years associated with Earth's precessional cycle. According to carefully preserved esoteric knowledge and ancient mythology, our planet has been most vulnerable to catastrophe at certain points in the precessional cycle that has either resulted in fire or flood. Worldwide disasters have been caused by the massive disparity between incoming evolutionary energies and the levels of human consciousness. Low spiritual intelligence has routinely caused our own demise but somehow this time, we have collectively managed to raise our vibration enough to avoid complete catastrophe. Since I have searched high and low for truth and enlightenment for approaching 30 years, I have started to seriously wonder how many people really care about understanding the true nature of our reality. The real issue is that the interest of the individual is not really of paramount interest to universal forces in the final energetic "judgement" of mankind, a factor that seems to have alluded many.

Dim Orange Light in the Center of a Windmill-Shaped Object - Cancun, Mexico
UK Sightings Info, 20th July 2009
Copy: "Date: June 15 2009, Time: 9:30pm, Number of witnesses: 2, Number of objects: 2
Shape of objects: Something between a dragon fly and a windmill
Weather Conditions: Partly cloudy

Description: My husband and I were star gazing in the evening from our beach front hotel room near the mid-point of the hotel zone. We noticed a soft orange glow heading directly north over the coastline. The object appeared to be between 1500 and 2000 feet above us. The extremely dim orange light appeared to be in the center of an object that had a faint shape which neither of us had seen before. It was suggestive of a dragon fly, but more mechanical looking, like a windmill, or something with solar panels.

The object made no sound at all, had no blinking aircraft lights, and passed over our section of the beach in about five seconds. About ten minutes later, we saw an identical object at the same speed passing along the same course. Two nights later (June 17, about 9:00 PM) we were sitting down on the beach, just north of our building, and we saw an identical object in the same flight path, but this time we were able to visually track it farther. The object headed north, and then made a smooth, 45 degree turn to the northeast, apparently following the coastline of the peninsula. We are avid sky watchers and astronomy hobbyists and spend a lot of time looking at the night sky. In our hundreds of hours of sky watching, we have never seen this sort of object."

It did occur to me that the crop circles are possibly telling us what to expect as the traffic of UAPs intensifies. This sighting refers to wind-mill or dragonfly shaped objects and reminds me of the 9th June 2009 crop circle, see Little London, nr Yatesbury, Wiltshire [UK]. Reported 3rd June. . The image icon used here is blown up from one of the images used in the 14th July, UFO Examiner report listed below. The real intriguing question has to be: are some of the crop circles being used to transfer marching orders?

STH WOODFORD: 'Jellyfish UFO' spotted again [UK]
This is Local London, 20th July 2009
"A "jellyfish-like" unidentified flying object (UFO) raised eyebrows when it was apparently spotted over the skies of South Woodford on Friday (July 17). Three witnesses said they saw the object at around 10pm. Erick Harding, one of those who claimed to have seen the mysterious craft, wrote on a UFO website: "[It] looked like a jelly fish with a fire at the bottom.

"[It] went off into the west and then came back once more." It comes a year after the Guardian reported a similar sighting over Charlie Brown's roundabout on the border between Woodford Green and South Woodford, by the Gross family of Baddow Close in Woodford Green." Image: An artist's impression of the 'jellyfish UFO' that was spotted last summer over Charlie Brown's roundabout.

When I had my issue with Geoff Stray in late February, see Truth, Lies, Fiction & Peer Review, I pointed out that the 2012 fraternity had missed the consequences of the overturning of space-time. Since, I wrote in my book and had stated on my website many times, I took the opportunity to restate again that as we were seeing a two-way traffic of plasma entities at the same time that the veil was lifting, the consequence would be that our reality would get surreal. I was not joking and here we have more proof! This also means that ALL the UFO researchers that have insisted for decades that most UFOs were native to our environment will be proven to have been correct in their analysis. Where are the evolutionary leaders to explain what is taking place? More UK reports:

Round Object with Glowing Orange Beams coming from the top - Morden, Surrey [UK]

Large, fiery orange, globe-shaped object - Congleton, Cheshire [UK]

UFO caught on camera? - Shrewsbury, Shropshire [UK]

Four orange/red objects in formation joined by a fifth - Beeston, Nottingham [UK]

UFO sighted over Otterton, Exmouth [UK]
'Plane' circles an orange ball in sky then turns into an orange ball itself - Kingstanding, Birmingham [UK]

UFO sighted over St Helens, [UK]

15 Glowing Orange Balls, Some Waiting for those Following to Catch Up - Eltham, South East London [UK]

Flash in night sky then objects are seen flying across the sky - twice! Kettering [UK]

Six Bright Orange Objects - St James, Exeter [UK]
Stargazer spots UFO - Paisley, Scotland [UK]

Reports of UFO sighting in Cannock [UK]

Red/Orange Lights in the Sky Moving, Hovering, Gathering Together, Then Moved Away from Each Other Gomshall, Surrey [UK]

Additional comment: For people who are new to this blog, please note: My interest is in UAPs (Unidentified Aerial Phenomena) so named by the UK Ministry of Defence in a previously highly classified December 2000 military report that was forced out into the open by ufologists using the UK Freedom of Information Act. The 460 page Unidentified Aerial Phenomena in the U.K. Air Defence Region report has been in the public domain since about mid 2006 and featured in several articles in the mainstream press. The purpose of highlighting media reports about this phenomena is to create awareness that the world is facing the greatest transition in the history of mankind. Therefore, the following criteria is used in choosing blog entries; if the online report indicates that the UFO/UAP could be a plasma entity ( ie structured by light and magnetism) and the behaviour appears to be an arrival or departure from Earth, then I am likely to report the story. Regulars to this blog are now aware that there seems to be distinct patterns of behaviour associated with the process that I have called 'The Planetary Refresh'. Please note that in many entries, the British public seem to be very educated about UFOs and many witnesses insist that what was seen is not a Chinese lantern or has any other 'ordinary' explanation. Generally, if the witness is a pilot or a pilot mechanic then as one might expect, their opinion is more highly regarded. Similarly, if there is an image that clearly depicts something that seems like a biological "entity" or an orb, as opposed to a "craft" then this is also taken as being most likely to be a UAP account. In creating awareness, I believe that I am helping to inform and empower people, as it is very possible that our reality may become very bizzare if not surreal and at the moment, there does not seem to be any interest or effort by the metaphysical community to explain to the general public what exactly is taking place on our planet.

July eclipse is best chance to look for gravity anomaly
New Scientist News, 19th July 2009
"From remote observatories on the Tibetan plateau to a cave in a Shanghai suburb, Chinese researchers are poised to conduct an audacious once-in-a-century experiment. The plan is to test a controversial theory: the possibility that gravity drops slightly during a total eclipse. Geophysicists from the Chinese Academy of Sciences are preparing an unprecedented array of highly sensitive instruments at six sites across the country to take gravity readings during the total eclipse due to pass over southern China on 22 July. The results, which will be analysed in the coming months, could confirm once and for all that anomalous fluctuations observed during past eclipses are real.

"It sounds like what is really necessary to break the uncertainty," says Chris Duif of Delft University of Technology in The Netherlands. "I'm not really convinced the anomaly exists, but it would be revolutionary if it turned out to be true," he says. [...] Most physicists doubt the anomaly's existence, because it would challenge our ideas about how gravity works."

Well, I will be most interested to see if we lose any satellites due to this eclipse, ie electronics are fried and satellites become inoperable. Whilst scientists are still grappling with the electric universe, gravitational theories cannot be used to explain why this should happen. Please note the comment highlighted here about gravity. Most scientists now acknowledge that we do not fully understand gravity. Whats more, after NASA lost so many satellites due to "gravitational anomalies", scientists are forced to use tables of computations to get satellites safely out of our solar system. Here is a quote, "NASA scientists have determined that both of the Pioneer spacecraft are off course by more than a hundred thousand kilometers. At the time, investigative team members remarked that they had no explanation for the navigational deviation, so many speculations were offered about what “mysterious” forces could be acting on the most distant of artificial objects. Multidimensional space, dark energy, dark matter "friction," and other ironic theories such as “gravity affecting antimatter differently” were offered to the scientific press as "explanations" for the deceleration." All in the MOND

Impact mark on Jupiter, 19th July 2009, 19th July 2009
"Image captured by Anthony Wesley on 19th July 2009 at 1554UTC from Murrumbateman Australia. [...]

Preliminary image showing a black mark in Jupiters South Polar Region (SPR) which is almost certainly the result of a large impact - either an asteroid or comet - similar to the Shoemaker-Ley impacts in 1994.

Date and Time of Report: Dark impact mark first noted at approximately 1330UTC on 19th July 2009 from my home observatory just outside Murrumbateman NSW Australia."

Well, you have to love the internet and the people on duty watching out! OK, Jupiter was slammed by 'comets' fifteen years ago. In July 1994, it was repeatedly struck by the pieces of an object designated as Comet P/Shoemaker-Levy 9, however Russian analysis referred to this incident as being caused by a "plasmoid train". Jupiter, because of it's size, does have a role in capturing comets that would otherwise come our way, but metaphysical sources explained this object had been headed for Earth, but because mankind had raised it's consciousness, this object was steered into Jupiter by our aetheric friends instead. See also IMPACT ON JUPITER? and Backyard astronomer spots big bang on Jupiter.

Deadly tsunami 'shadows' visible from space give early warning of killer waves
Daily Mail, 19th July 2009
"Satellites can spot a tsunami as it unfolds in the open ocean, researchers have found, and could in future be used as part of an early warning system. Researchers for the U.S government studied satellite images in the Indian Ocean as the December 2004 tsunami raced across to destroy coastlines in Thailand, Sri Lanka and Indonesia. The natural disaster killed more than 228,000 people. They found while the sea surface height did not change dramatically, the texture of the surface did, with dark 'shadows' forming along the leading edge of the tsunami. The discovery has the potential of saving thousands of lives by giving people time to escape from coastal regions before the waves hit."

Quite frankly, the December 2004 tsunami was a defining moment for me. I realised that the modern world had denigrated intuition so much that it was mainly the lowly tribal people and animals who were in close contact with the environment who were warned that this event was coming and had time to run. Whereas the tourists, with their mobile phones were not even given the benefit of the technology to save their lives. Even an eight year old saved her family by realising that the tide had gone out too far too quickly and recalled a lesson on tsunamis that she had recently received at school. The photos of hundreds of rotting bodies on the beach after the tsunami, is a reminder of the consequence of placing technology in front of re-developing our intuitive abilities.

New drug shields against radiation
The Australian, 18th July 2009
"A MEDICATION that can protect people exposed to normally lethal doses of radiation from a nuclear or a "dirty" bomb has been developed, reports say. In tests involving 650 monkeys exposed to radiation equivalent to that recorded during the Chernobyl nuclear reactor disaster in 1986, 70 per cent died while the rest suffered serious maladies, the newspaper Yediot Achronot said yesterday. Of the group given anti-radiation shots, almost all survived and had no side effects. A test on humans not exposed to radiation showed none suffered side effects from the medication."

I note the emphasis on no side effects, but there is no timeframe mentioned.

Knowing Me, Myself, And I: What Psychology Can Contribute To Self-Knowledge
Medical News Today, 17th July 2009
"How well do you know yourself? It's a question many of us struggle with, as we try to figure out how close we are to who we actually want to be. In a new report in Perspectives on Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science, psychologist Timothy D. Wilson from the University of Virginia describes theories behind self-knowledge (that is, how people form beliefs about themselves), cites challenges psychologists encounter while studying it, and offers ways we can get to know ourselves a little better."

A strange little article.... Well, I can recommend Spiral Dynamics, first developed by late emeritus psychologist Clare Graves in the 1950s, who initially called it "The Emergent, Cyclical, Double-Helix Model of Adult Bio-psychosocial Systems Development." and then simplified to "The Theory of Levels of Human Existence." It will help anyone going through issues with people who obviously think differently to oneself. I have been tremendously enlightened after my own problems with people who I thought were further down the evolutionary path than me until I found out what kind of people I had been dealing with. I can even see the funny side now of little despots who cannot deal with complexity pretending to be enlightened!

Mystery Source of Solar Wind Heating Identified, 17th July 2009
"The solar wind is hotter than it should be, and for decades researchers have puzzled over the unknown source of energy that heats it. In a paper published in the June 12 issue of Physical Review Letters, NASA scientists say they may have found the answer. "The energy source is turbulence," says co-author Melvyn Goldstein, chief of the Geospace Physics Laboratory at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Md. "The sun heats the solar wind by stirring it up." It's a bit like stirring your coffee--in reverse. When you stir your morning cup of Joe, the coffee cools off. But when the sun stirs the solar wind, the solar wind heats up. [...]

The key data came from a quartet of European spacecraft collectively known as Cluster, launched in 2000 to study the giant bubble of magnetism that surrounds Earth. The magnetosphere protects our planet from solar wind and cosmic rays. It contains the Van Allen radiation belts, auroras, and giant electrical "ring currents" of staggering power. Cluster spends much of its time inside the magnetosphere, where the spacecraft can study the wide variety of phenomena at work there."

The start of this report was so embarrassingly bad that I thought I would ignore it, but I have changed my mind as it goes to show why intelligent people who can think for themselves are paying attention to Electric/Plasma Universe theories. Note the highlighted section here, it's only recently that scientists have been forced to acknowledge that space is filled with electric fields and magnetic fields due to the existence of plasma that was once invisible to scientific instruments. This is a good quote: "People tend to think that space is a quiet place with relatively little activity. Over the years, we have come to realize that this is not true." Miguel Larsen, campaign scientist from Clemson University, S.C. Certainly, the onset of some serious space weather in the last two decades is driving evolutionary change and very few are aware that the evolutionary destiny of mankind is now being determined.

Mysterious, Glowing Clouds Appear Across America’s Night Skies
Wired Science, 16th July 2009
"Mysterious, glowing clouds previously seen almost exclusively in Earth’s polar regions have appeared in the skies over the United States and Europe over the past several days. [...] “To get the noctilucent clouds you need temperatures that are about 20 degrees Kelvin colder than what we see on average up there,” Wickwar said. “We may have effects from CO2 or methane but it would only be a degree or a fraction of a degree.”

Instead, Wickwar’s explanation is that a vertical atmospheric wave discovered in their LIDAR data lowered the temperature in the region above their radar installation near Logan, Utah. But then you have to ask, he noted, “Where’d the wave come from?”

They don’t really have an answer yet. [...] The recent observations of noctilucent clouds at all kinds of latitudes provide an extra impetus to understand what is going on up there. Changes are occurring faster than scientists can understand their causes. “I suspect, as many of us feel, that it is global change, but I fear we don’t understand it,” Wickwar said. “It’s not as simple as a temperature change.”

The scientists being quoted here have a completely different idea for what could be causing a 20 degrees Kelvin DROP to create noctilucent clouds. Here we are being told that in a similar manner to how massive geomagnetic storms push aurorae down to equatorial latitudes, it seems that some external force is also being detected. Certainly, it is quite odd that since noctilucent clouds have been known about for 125 years, scientists still cannot give even a reasonable explanation as to what combination of factors are required to generate this phenomena. The other interesting fact is that these clouds have only been seen in mid-latitudes since 2002. Update it seems, that some atmospheric scientists are now prepared to admit the obvious. So we read at Discovery Channel News: "Noctilucent clouds, which form at the edge of space 62 to 68 miles above the planet, are about 10 million times brighter than ordinary clouds. They contain electrically charged ice." Hmmm...

Man held after crop circle shooting
AP, 16th July 2009
copy: "A man has been arrested after allegedly firing a shotgun at people visiting a crop circle. The 62-year-old reportedly hid in a tent in the centre of the circle before jumping out and firing over the heads of a group of tourists, thought to be from Norway. The incident happened following the appearance of a crop circle in fields close to the village of Allington, near Devizes, Wiltshire. The group of tourists fled and called police, who sent armed officers and a helicopter to the scene at around 2pm on Monday.

The 300ft crop circle is thought to be of an ancient bird. Nearby Cannings Cross Farm lost thousands of pounds worth of crops in 2007 after a 500ft pattern appeared in a field. Wiltshire Police said a 62-year-old man, from Oldham in Lancashire, had been arrested for possession of a firearm with intent to cause fear of violence. He has been released on conditional bail pending further inquiries. A spokesman for the force could not confirm whether the man worked on the land."

Just in case you missed this story.... Also, Crop circle 'vigilante': Farm worker who turned his gun on UFO hunters is arrested

Solar Cycle Linked to Global Climate
Drives events similar to El Niño, La Niña

National Science Foundation, 16th July 2009
"Establishing a key link between the solar cycle and global climate, research led by scientists at the National Science Foundation (NSF)-funded National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) in Boulder, Colo., shows that maximum solar activity and its aftermath have impacts on Earth that resemble La Niña and El Niño events in the tropical Pacific Ocean. The research may pave the way toward predictions of temperature and precipitation patterns at certain times during the approximately 11-year solar cycle.

"These results are striking in that they point to a scientifically feasible series of events that link the 11-year solar cycle with ENSO, the tropical Pacific phenomenon that so strongly influences climate variability around the world," says Jay Fein, program director in NSF's Division of Atmospheric Sciences. "The next step is to confirm or dispute these intriguing model results with observational data analyses and targeted new observations.""

At the moment, like so many aspects of our weather and climate, scientists have not until now understand what drives El Niño and La Niña El, but research that points to solar variability has been just too obvious for most scientists to contemplate. El Niño reports have been coming for a while, see El Nino Now Official - Possible Implications.

Bizarre UFO sightings in California for July 13th 2009, 14th July 2009
"As UFO sightings increase around the world the term "hot spot" has become more popular and relevant as well. The images in this article were taken by UFO enthusiasts in the small town of Penn Valley, ca. on July 13th 2009. The Sacramento UFO Examiner has presented these exclusive photos to our readers as bizarre and entertaining to say the least. We were there to observe the rapid shooting of over 280 photos taken and verified that all the images were shot from the same location at rapid intervals. The images were snapped at a time when no stars were visible to the naked eye, yet just at the right moment these images of bizarre flying objects were caught on film. The objects were there one moment and gone the next.

The one image in particular that raises the hair on the back of our necks is the photo of what appears to be a fleet of something unidentified. The human race is no doubt experiencing a climactic event of some kind as ordinary people like you continue to take photos like these. What will this event be and when? Many feel the answer is right around the corner as we do."

Well, is it really that difficult for people to come up with something plausible? Serious UFO researchers understood decades ago that some UFOs behaved like biological entites. See ARE UFOs ALIVE? by Brad Steiger. Scientists have confirmed the existence of plasma manifestations called sprites, blue jets, elves, gnomes and trolls, officially called Transient Luminous Events [TLEs] that last for a few thousandths of a second, but look extremely life-like as they clearly demonstrate one of the main characteristics of plasma. Infact, scientists are becoming alarmed as they realise that the stratosphere and the mesosphere are now hosting a "zoo" of these entities which could pose a threat for space travel as they are highly electrical. Some scientists are already suggesting that UFOs could actually be sprites, but scientists need to incorporate hyperdimensional theories that are used to describe the universe which imply the existence of dark matter and dark energy entities. Now, since I have been reading up on the astral world and can integrate that with modern scientific theories, I am starting to see that maybe some of the really weird UAP sightings could be entities passing from the lower realms THROUGH our dimension into the next. Is it any wonder that the Obama Administration queried what was going on with people who are supposed to understand advanced spiritual concepts? Until, I come across information that tells me otherwise, the veil is still lifting and the 'negative' entities are still leaving.... As stated before, we have no idea about the 'volumes' that are being forced to leave but even UFO researchers, who have no idea about the Planetary Refresh have noted the massive two-way traffic increase of mainly plasma entities. Therefore, I would be interested to hear if there is anybody out there who published information stating that this traffic was occuring before I noted this fact in my book, Tuning the Diamonds published in September 2006.

Truthfulness Requires No Act Of Will For Honest People, Neuroimaging Suggests
Medical News Today, 14th July 2009
"A new study of the cognitive processes involved with honesty suggests that truthfulness depends more on absence of temptation than active resistance to temptation. Using neuroimaging, psychologists looked at the brain activity of people given the chance to gain money dishonestly by lying and found that honest people showed no additional neural activity when telling the truth, implying that extra cognitive processes were not necessary to choose honesty. However, those individuals who behaved dishonestly, even when telling the truth, showed additional activity in brain regions that involve control and attention."

This study reminds me about the various bogus people that have approached me since my book was published. One of the things about these people is they think everybody functions on their level and they don't seem to comprehend that some people can use their intuitive abilities to discern their motives quite easily, ie. they know nothing about spiritual evolution. For the spiritual 'babes', this is not helped by the 'joke' lists that are being passed around the internet with 'complaints' that are supposedly associated with spiritual evolution. There are scientifically and metaphysically identified 'latent' senses, that are part of human capabilities and their development is part of our spiritual evolution. From my own experience, I can assure you that when these senses start to appear, there is no confusion about what is taking place.

Bat-killing disease remains a mystery
USA Today, 14th July 2009
"NASHVILLE — Cory Holliday tugged a white paper suit over his boots and clothes, zipping the front high onto his neck. Amid poison ivy and wild grape vines, he aimed a video camera toward a dark, steel-gated opening in a limestone precipice, reached by canoe on Old Hickory Lake in Wilson County. As the sunset advanced, he awaited his quarry: thousands of endangered gray bats.

The Nature Conservancy cave expert is taking part in a multiagency effort to monitor and protect bats from a scourge known as "white-nose syndrome." The mystery illness has been responsible for widespread deaths in hibernating bat colonies in the Northeast and has now moved south. "This winter if we get it, bats will be coming out and dying in large numbers," Holliday said. [...]

"Their benefit to us is unseen, but it's so real. We think mosquito populations are bad now. We ain't seen nothing until we lose all these bats," said Gina Hancock, of the Nature Conservancy in Nashville. In Tennessee, a single cave can hold 100,000 bats, according to Holliday. "The loss of 500,000 bats means 2.4 million pounds of bugs aren't eaten in a year," said Richard Kirk of the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency."

We live in a finely balanced eco-system and even though most people are not interested in bats, they would become very interested if mosquitoes make life unbearable.

Brazil Releases UFO Documents, 16th July 2009
Copy: "During May 2009, the Brazilian Government has disclosed over 600 new pages of previously classified documents, covering UFO reports and military investigations from 1970 to 1979, including photos and films, for the first time. The content of this material has now been examined and proved to be very interesting and revealing showing Brazilian official strategy to cover-up UFO cases, often openly regarded as from outside Earth.

The cases covered and the methods used to investigate them by the military are also very significant. On my opinion, the most important material contained in this new declassification are 195 new pages of documents resulted from the Operation Saucer, conducted in the Amazon by the Brazilian Air Force from September to December 1977, that is certainly the biggest *known* official initiative to military investigate UFOs in the world. Over 1,400 pages of Brazilian previously classified UFO documents have been released thanks to the efforts of the Brazilian UFO Researchers Committee (CBU) started in 2004 and articulated by the Brazilian UFO Magazine. This has been the biggest disclosure ever in Brazil. Files can be downloaded at here . Pay special attention to Folder 10 - 1978, downloadable here . Thanks to A. J. Gevaerd, Editor, Brazilian UFO Magazine"

I don't have enough time or interest to sift through the massive worldwide archives of UFO reports looking for examples of UAPs. Quite frankly, there are enough reports in the local & mainstream UK & U.S. media. However, as a reminder for some that may not be familiar with metaphysical sources that explain what is taking place. There are considered to be two types of UFO that are described as being on "our side of the veil" and the "other side of the veil". What that means is that some UFOs are what the UK Ministry of Defence have defined as UAPs, "Unidentified Aerial Phenomena" or magnetic plasma entities which are just made up of the stuff of the universe. We live in a universe that is 99.999% plasma and these beings are non-carbon based lifeforms that have evolved along a completely different evolutionary path to humans. Go find the science and check it out. Now, in a universe with billions of stars like our Sun with billions of galaxies, of course there are extraterrestrials that exist, some of which are more advanced than us. The reason that they are here is to primarily monitor the evolutionary transition that is taking place on this planet, apparently it's the biggest show in the galaxy! Hence, that is why they are keeping a relatively low profile, if they were interested in invading our planet and taking over, first there would have to be a massive fight with agencies who are acting as Earth's guardians. We are absolutely not left on our own to cope! Now, I actually had an ignorant person email and tell me I was going off the rails because I was asked about UFOs in a radio interview. I would like this ignoramus to also write to Hillary Clinton and tell her she was going off the rails for her life-long interest in extraterresterial life. See, Hillary Clinton Favors Diplomatic Response to Extraterrestrial Life . The most upsetting thing about this email was this person was also boasting that they were channeling, but they were so ignorant, they didn't even realise that what they claimed to channel fell under the category of a UFO!

DNA Not The Same In Every Cell Of Body: Major Genetic Differences Between Blood And Tissue Cells Revealed
Science Daily, 16th July 2009
"Research by a group of Montreal scientists calls into question one of the most basic assumptions of human genetics: that when it comes to DNA, every cell in the body is essentially identical to every other cell. Their results appear in the July issue of the journal Human Mutation. This discovery may undercut the rationale behind numerous large-scale genetic studies conducted over the last 15 years, studies which were supposed to isolate the causes of scores of human diseases.

Except for cancer, samples of diseased tissue are difficult or even impossible to take from living patients. Thus, the vast majority of genetic samples used in large-scale studies come in the form of blood. However, if it turns out that blood and tissue cells do not match genetically, these ambitious and expensive genome-wide association studies may prove to have been essentially flawed from the outset. [...]

AAA is one of the rare vascular diseases where tissue samples are removed as part of patient therapy. When they compared them, the researchers discovered major differences between BAK genes in blood cells and tissue cells coming from the same individuals, with the suspected disease "trigger" residing only in the tissue. Moreover, the same differences were later evident in samples derived from healthy individuals."

Well, there you go... a MAJOR assumption unquestioned for decades could mean that the huge effort by thousands of scientists into genome research could be fundamentally flawed! It just goes to show what happens when people don't query basic assumptions, but fall into line with concensus to only find out that they have been wasting their time. There is a good reason for the emphasis on cost too when the Human Genome Project cost 2.7 billion dollars over 13 years and the final conclusion there caused consternation and major embarrassment when it was revealed that humans only have about double the number of genes as a worm with a poorly developed brain! The real discovery was that our DNA blueprint is actually 'tuned' by the environment and our consciousness. That is why my book Tuning The Diamonds was appropriately called in this time of evolutionary change as the diamonds are the multi-dimensional holographic project of DNA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Of course, the propensity for most humans to just accept whatever they are told and not ask questions causes major problems with spiritual development too. So now we have got to the stage where channelled messages are stressing that the human energy field is evolving, but it is apparent that very few know enough to be able to ask some pertinent questions and truly understand what's really going on. Note Science Daily updated the headline so it has been changed here too.

New Zealand Tsunami Warning Dropped After Magnitude-7.8 Quake
Bloomberg News, 16th July 2009
" July 16 (Bloomberg) -- New Zealand was spared a destructive tsunami after a magnitude-7.8 earthquake struck off its South Island, the U.S. Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said.

A tsunami warning issued by the center was in effect for about 2 1/2 hours after the quake hit at 9:22 p.m. New Zealand time yesterday, with the residents of Auckland and Wellington advised of a possible threat, according to e-mailed alerts. No other countries in the Pacific were affected. The quake was followed by a magnitude-5.8 aftershock 19 minutes later.

Sea-level readings indicated a tsunami had been generated by the temblor, the center said, though there was no report of any impact. At Jackson Bay, the sea had risen 0.17 meter (6.7 inches) above normal, the agency said. The coastal area near the epicenter is sparsely populated and includes Fiordland National Park.

“When no major waves are observed for two hours after the estimated time of arrival or damaging waves have not occurred for at least two hours then local authorities can assume the threat is passed,” the center said. “Danger to boats and coastal structures can continue for several hours due to rapid currents.” "

One of many earthquake reports at the moment.

"In France, yesterday was Bastille Day, and the heavens themselves joined the party. "As we celebrated the storming of the Bastille on July 14th, noctilucent clouds (NLCs) stormed the sky of Paris!" reports Olivier Lagrave who photographed the Eiffel Tower framed in electric blue: "The display was so breathtaking (my first actually) that I almost forgot to watch the fireworks," he says.

Noctilucent clouds are seldom seen as far south as France--not to mention seen through fireworks. But the display wasn't over when Bastille Day ended. By sunrise on July 15th, the mysterious clouds had invaded the United States."

See the 16th July report NLCs INVADE THE USA Hmmm... People have never seen these clouds before because in the past they have been confined to the most northern latitudes but something fundamental is happening. See previous entries and archives Earth Changes. Finally, the appearance of noctilucent clouds in southern latitudes and the reason WHY, in combination with a plethora of other Earth changes, which are mainly electromagnetic in origin, re-inforces the notion that the 2012 Bandwagonistas have no real idea about what is taking place on this planet. As I wrote in my article, 2012 Galactic Cosmology some basic information from Mayan sources has been misconstrued into something that is far removed from what the Maya teach concerning the dynamics of Earth's and human's interaction with universal energies.

Man charged $23,148,855,308,184,500 for one pack of cigarettes
Daily News, 15th July 2009
Copy: "MANCHESTER, N.H. - A New Hampshire man says he swiped his debit card at a gas station to buy a pack of cigarettes and was charged over 23 quadrillion dollars.

Josh Muszynski checked his account online a few hours later and saw the 17-digit number — a stunning $23,148,855,308,184,500 (twenty-three quadrillion, one hundred forty-eight trillion, eight hundred fifty-five billion, three hundred eight million, one hundred eighty-four thousand, five hundred dollars). Muszynski says he spent two hours on the phone with Bank of America trying to sort out the string of numbers and the $15 overdraft fee. The bank corrected the error the next day. Bank of America tells WMUR-TV only the card issuer, Visa, could answer questions. Visa, in turn, referred questions to the bank."

We live in a technological society that heavily relies on electronics that are not as reliant as they used to be as the shielding around our planet weakens and cosmic rays interfere with computer chips by changing bits and bytes. Hence, the above spurious result. See Cosmic threat to tomorrow's computers

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince praised by Vatican
The Catholic Church has heaped praise on the latest Harry Potter film after previously accusing the books of promoting witchcraft and the occult.

Telegraph, 14th July 2009
"The Vatican's official newspaper lauded Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince for its "clear" depiction of the eternal battle between good and evil represented by the struggle between Harry and his nemesis, the evil sorcerer Lord Voldemort.

L'Osservatore Romano said the movie was the best adaptation yet of the JK Rowling books, describing it as "a mixture of supernatural suspense and romance which reaches the right balance".

I am sure this change of heart will only cause consternation for the devout that have been fighting with their kids over the right to read and watch the Harry Potter books and films, which only provide a strong sense of the magical aspects of our reality. Personally, I am waiting for an instructive James Bond film where he gets sent to retrieve important information from the Vatican Archives that will help change the destiny of mankind or something similar.... Dan Brown got pretty close in his book Angels & Demons, another excellent read condemned by the Vatican....

China stops shock therapy for Internet addicts
AP, 14th July 2009
"Beijing -- China's Health Ministry has ordered a hospital to stop using electric shock therapy to cure youths of Internet addiction, saying there was no scientific evidence it worked.

Linyi Mental Health Hospital in eastern Shandong province used the treatment as part of a four-month program that has so far treated nearly 3,000 youths, the China Youth Daily newspaper has reported, citing the psychiatrist who runs it, Yang Yongxin.

The ministry said in a statement posted on its Web site late Monday there is no domestic or international clinical evidence that electric shock therapy helps cure Internet addiction. Electric shock therapy is most often used to treat severe depression.

Chinese psychologists say symptoms of Internet addiction include being online more than six hours a day -- playing games and looking at pornography rather than working or studying -- and getting angry when unable to get online."

There are many issues to discuss here, but I won't bother. I have logged various stories about young people killing their parents because they have been denied internet access and quite frankly it's a just another modern day ailment as people try to compensate for their spiritual needs.

Study catches two bird populations as they split into seperate species
PHYSorg, 14th July 2009
" A new study finds that a change in a single gene has sent two closely related bird populations on their way to becoming two distinct species. The study, published in the August issue of the American Naturalist, is one of only a few to investigate the specific genetic changes that drive two populations toward speciation.

Speciation, the process by which different populations of the same species split into separate species, is central to evolution. But it's notoriously hard to observe in action. This study, led by biologist J. Albert Uy of Syracuse University, captures two populations of monarch flycatcher birds just as they arrive at that evolutionary crossroads. " [...]

That change appears to have been enough to create a reproductive barrier for flycatchers. Not every species is so picky, so a color change doesn't always drive speciation. Nonetheless, these results suggest that it can take as little as one gene, in the right spot in the genome, to cause a fork in the evolutionary road."

We are at an evolutionary crossroad and this bird study helps us to understand what exactly is happening to humanity.

Huge blob of Arctic goo floats past Slope communities
IT'S NOT OIL: No one in the area can recall seeing anything like it before.

Anchorage Daily, 14th July 2009
"It's not oil: No one in the area can recall seeing anything like it before. Something big and strange is floating through the Chukchi Sea between Wainwright and Barrow. Hunters from Wainwright first started noticing the stuff sometime probably early last week. It's thick and dark and "gooey" and is drifting for miles in the cold Arctic waters, according to Gordon Brower with the North Slope Borough's Planning and Community Services Department.

Brower and other borough officials, joined by the U.S. Coast Guard, flew out to Wainwright to investigate. The agencies found "globs" of the stuff floating miles offshore Friday and collected samples for testing. [...] It's certainly biological," Hasenauer said. "It's definitely not an oil product of any kind. It has no characteristics of an oil, or a hazardous substance, for that matter.

"It's definitely, by the smell and the makeup of it, it's some sort of naturally occurring organic or otherwise marine organism."
Something else: No one in Barrow or Wainwright can remember seeing anything like this before, Brower said."

Something evolving, as the electromagnetic chaos means that small changes in DNA processing create weird results. Answer: Giant Alaskan Blob Mystery Solved

Can anyone trust Gore now?
Andrew Bolt - Herald Sun, 15th July 2009
"Al Gore lies on ABC television - or at least deceives by omission - about criticism of his wildly alarmist An Inconvenient Truth:
HEATHER EWART: There was also, though, a British judge who ruled that there were in fact, I think, nine errors when it was challenged in court?
AL GORE: Well, the ruling was in my favour.
Pardon? Here, in fact, is what the judge actually said ”in favour” of Gore’s film:
However, as will be seen, some of the errors, or departures from the mainstream, by Mr Gore in AIT in the course of his dynamic exposition, do arise in the context of alarmism and exaggeration in support of his political thesis...
And which nine errors did the judge identify? Read on (for the proof of Gore’s deception and for some updates)…

I have not seen this definitive list outlined by the UK Judge before, because other climate 'realists' say these are only the major inaccuracies and there were many more. It seems the argument for global warming is getting weaker and weaker and as I have consistently logged, the desperation is growing.

UK Lawyer Slams Gore Over Court Case Claims
Not Evil, Just Wrong, 14th July 2009
"A leading UK lawyer, who represented the parent that sued Al Gore in the British High Court, has laughed off claims by the former vice-president that the judge ruled in his favour.

Speaking from London John Day, a senior partner in Malletts Solicitors, said Mr Gore was misrepresenting what the judge had found.
Mr Day represented a British parent who sued the UK Ministry of Education when they wanted to distribute and show Mr Gore's documentary An Inconvenient Truth to every British school child. In the 2006 documentary Mr Gore claimed humanity is in danger because of man made Global Warming. He also claimed flooding and disease would increase with the destruction of most of the world's major cities including New York, London and Shanghai. As a result Mr Gore was awarded a Nobel Peace Prize and the documentary won an Oscar.

However, after a lengthy hearing a High Court Judge, Mr Justice Burton, found that An Inconvenient Truth contained significant scientific errors in nine key areas. But questioned about the embarasing High Court decision during a current trip to Australia Mr Gore stated on ABC Australia "Well, the ruling was in my favour".

However, this has been rejected by Mr Day who said Mr Gore's latest claims are "difficult to square with the reality of the judgement". "The judge found there were nine serious scientific errors in the film." He said the court ordered that the film was "not suitable to be shown in British schools without a health warning".

"Mr Justice Burton said an Inconvenient Truth wasn't fit to be shown in British schools without suitably corrected guidance which drew attention to the errors in the film and its political partisanship."

Among the errors listed by Mr Justice Burton were Mr Gore claims that rising sea levels would destroy cities in the near future, that the polar bear was endangered and that the snows of Kilimanjaro were melting all because of Global Warming. The judge found these to be scientific errors. He also dismissed Mr Gore's claims that Hurricane Katrina was caused by Global Warming.

The judge really did not mince his words, "not suitable to be shown in British schools without a health warning". Hmmm....

Global warming: Our best guess is likely wrong
E! Science News, 14th July 2009
"No one knows exactly how much Earth's climate will warm due to carbon emissions, but a new study this week suggests scientists' best predictions about global warming might be incorrect. The study, which appears in Nature Geoscience, found that climate models explain only about half of the heating that occurred during a well-documented period of rapid global warming in Earth's ancient past.

The study, which was published online today, contains an analysis of published records from a period of rapid climatic warming about 55 million years ago known as the Palaeocene-Eocene thermal maximum, or PETM. "In a nutshell, theoretical models cannot explain what we observe in the geological record," said oceanographer Gerald Dickens, a co-author of the study and professor of Earth science at Rice University. "There appears to be something fundamentally wrong with the way temperature and carbon are linked in climate models." [...]

" The conclusion, Dickens said, is that something other than carbon dioxide caused much of the heating during the PETM. "Some feedback loop or other processes that aren't accounted for in these models -- the same ones used by the IPCC for current best estimates of 21st Century warming -- caused a substantial portion of the warming that occurred during the PETM." For

See Watts Up With That: “There appears to be something fundamentally wrong with the way temperature and carbon are linked in climate models.”

Passengers hug Southwest pilot for safe landing
Hole in fuselage causes pressure-loss scare on Boeing 737

MSN News, 14th July 2009
"Charleston, West Virginia - Passengers on a Southwest Airlines plane applauded and hugged the pilot for a safe emergency landing in West Virginia after a hole measuring 1 foot by 1 foot appeared in the fuselage. Passenger Michael Cunningham, whose seat was right below the hole, told NBC's "Today" show Tuesday that he was awakened by a loud roar while dozing on the flight. "You could see the sky through it," Cunningham said. "I could put my arm out of it if I wanted to." Cunningham said passengers were calm and put oxygen masks on immediately.

The cabin lost pressure, but no one was injured. The plane, which originated in Nashville and was headed to Baltimore, landed safely Monday evening. It's not clear what caused the damage.

Southwest Airlines Co. spokeswoman Marilee McInnis says the company was inspecting all of its Boeing 737-300s as a precaution."

We are starting to see a pattern.... This could have only been caused by a meteorite, possibly pea-sized that hit the plane and bounced of and luckily, it did not hit a part of the plane that would have knocked out vital navigational electronics. The other explanation is just wear and tear and if that is the true explanation, that would put the airline in a terrible position in the eyes of the general public. Another crash, 15th July 2009 Scores killed in Iran plane crash

Health of England's honey bees under threat
Reuters, 13th July 2009
"England's honey bee colonies are dying at an alarming rate due to disease and a lack of coordinated response by health authorities, a parliamentary report concluded on Tuesday.

England and Wales have around 250,000 colonies of honey bees, which contribute around 200 million pounds to the economy since they are solely responsible for pollinating nearly 40 commercial crops. Despite their importance, the government's department for environment, food and rural affairs (Defra) has given little priority to bee health and failed to get beekeepers to report on colony health, the report said."

The problem has not gone away.

The very fabric of society is breaking down around us. What the hell is there left to believe in?
The Guardian, 13th July 2009
"It's all gone wrong. Our belief in everything has been shattered by a series of shock revelations that have shaken our core to its core. You can't move for toppling institutions. Television, the economy, the police, the House of Commons, and, most recently, the press ... all revealed to be jam-packed with liars and bastards and graspers and bullies and turds. And we knew. We knew. But we were deep in denial, like a cuckolded partner who knows the sorry truth but tries their best to ignore it. Over the last 18 months the spotlight of truth has swung this way and that, and one institution after another was suddenly exposed as being precisely as rotten as we always thought it was."

All that is happening is that the general public are being exposed to the truth, that's all. This will give many people an opportunity to examine their values and decide what they want for the future. If we view this with a wider perspective, there cannot be any change to a stable energetic system wthout chaos, it's a fundamental rule of energy. The 'system' is corrupt and encourages people to maintain a low level of consciousness. Let's say that humanity is being invited to raise their consciousness for a better world. The chaos is worth it. By the way, the undesirables are within the religious and spiritual community masquerading as 'angels of light'. Don't just believe everything that someone tells you, especially if you are giving them access to your energy field.....

Another cosmic-ray puzzle: Are iron nuclei bombarding Earth?
Symmetry Magazine, 13th July 2009
"For decades, scientists have thought that the highest-energy cosmic rays—those packing up to a million trillion electronvolts—were almost exclusively protons. But data from the Pierre Auger Observatory in Argentina, the world’s top facility dedicated to ultra-high-energy cosmic rays, could tell a startlingly different story. At the International Cosmic Ray Conference, held from July 7 to 15 in Lodz, Poland, Auger scientists are presenting data that raises the possibility that some of those super-speedy cosmic bullets could actually be iron nuclei.

“It would surprise a lot of people if some of these particles turned out to be iron,” says Hank Glass, an Auger collaborator at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory. While scientists can imagine mechanisms that would accelerate protons up to nearly the speed of light, they have no idea where ultra-energetic iron nuclei could originate.

“Then again,” Glass adds, “nature is full of surprises.”

In my book, I outlined the theory of Multidimensional Reality that explained the source of our reality as being an octahedron or diamond. I was totally enthralled to discover this theory, which is in line with the best of metaphysical tradition and the belief of the most repected mystics that have ever lived. Central to this theory is the role of the frequency of the iron element, I don't believe it's coincidental that nodules of iron are also found in crop circles too.... The following quote is quite appropriate here: "The universe is full of magical things, patiently waiting for our wits to grow sharper." -- Eden Phillpotts. update The other suggestion is that iron nuclei are

NASA to De-Orbit International Space Station In 2016
Popular Science, 13th July 2009
"Despite nearing completion after more than a decade of construction, and recently announcing some upcoming improvements to accompany its full crew of six astronauts, NASA plans to de-orbit the International Space Station in 2016. Meaning the station will have spent more time under construction than completed. The fact that the ISS has already had $100 billion dumped into it over the years is reason for criticism over the proposed de-orbiting. Proponents of the extra-terrestrial shelter feel 2016 would be too soon to let the 700,000 pound craft crash into the Pacific Ocean. Critics against it say it wastes too much money with few tangible outcomes."

The way that things are going at the moment, it may be abandoned a long time before 2016.

French workers threaten to blow up New Fabris car parts factory
Guardian News, 13th July 2009
"First there was boss-napping, now angry workers at a factory in France have come up with a new tactic in their battle against mass redundancy. Staff at bankrupt car parts maker New Fabris are threatening to blow up the plant if they do not receive compensation from the companies that provided most of the firm's business. The 336 workers at the factory at Châtellerault, near Poitiers in central France, want Renault SA and PSA Peugeot Citroen to pay €30,000 (£25,850) to each of them, or some €10m in total, in return for the company's remaining stocks of equipment and machinery. The workers, who are currently occupying the factory, have given Renault and Peugeot Citroen until 31 July to come up with the money."

French workers are well known for their militancy but now I think they will become infamous....

UFOs: record number of sightings forecast for 2009
A record number of UFOs are expected to be spotted this year in Britain after hundreds of sightings were reported in the first six months of 2009.

Telegraph, 13th July 2009
"Strange floating orbs and unexplained hovering objects have all been recorded and reported to the Ministry of Defence in the last six months. A total of 231 sightings of unidentified flying objects have been passed on to the MoD so far this year, according to The Sun. This compares to 285 in 2008, 135 in 2007 and 97 in 2006. The number of sightings is thought to have increased because many more people now carry digital cameras and are able to photograph strange objects.

Nick Pope, who used to run the Government's UFO project and is considered a leading authority on UFOs, told The Sun: "We are now on track for a record year. "I thought the number of UFOs reported last year was high, but we now know they are being reported in increasing numbers."

It really makes you wonder why the metaphysical community were not interested in educating the general public that our reality would morph dramatically as the 'veil lifts'.

‘Miracle’ girl’s heart heals itself after transplant
‘The heart apparently has major regenerative powers,’ says cardiologist

MSN News, 13th July 2009
"British doctors designed a radical solution to save a girl with major heart problems in 1995: They implanted a donor heart directly onto her own failing heart. After 10 years with two blood-pumping organs, Hannah Clark's faulty one did what many experts had thought impossible: It healed itself enough so that doctors could remove the donated heart."

Incredible! This could have only been caused by the healthy heart transfering it's properties to the unheathly heart, by resonance, amazing!

Disillusioned Environmentalists Turn on Obama as Compromiser
New York Times, 11th July 2009
"For environmental activists like Jessica Miller, 31, the passage of a major climate bill by the House last month should have been cause for euphoria. Instead she felt cheated. Ms. Miller, an activist with Greenpeace, had worked hard on her own time to elect Barack Obama because he directly and urgently addressed the issue nearest her heart: climate change. But over the last few months, as the ambitious climate legislation was watered down in the House without criticism from the president, Ms. Miller became disillusioned. She worried that the bill had been rendered meaningless — or had even undermined some goals Greenpeace had fought for. And she felt that the man she had thought of as her champion seemed oddly prone to compromise. “I voted for the president, I canvassed for him, but we just haven’t seen leadership from him,” said Ms. Miller, who rappelled down Mount Rushmore on Wednesday with colleagues to unfurl a banner protesting what they called President Obama’s acquiescence to the compromises. (They were arrested and charged with trespassing.)

It seems that nobody has been happy with this climate bill on both sides of the fence. Well, it seems there are a lot of Greens who soon will be forced to evolve their consciousness, as they find out their passion for the Earth has been exploited by those with other considerations and the more enlightening viewpoint that conditions on Earth are being driven by cosmic factors.

UFO Traffic Report for Friday, July 10, 2009: Multiple 'connected' sphere UFOs move over Silverthorne, Colorado [US]
The Examiner, 10th July 2009
The UFO Traffic Report for Friday, July 10, 2009, includes 15 selected sightings over nine states, according to witness statements filed in the past 48 hours with the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) database. Today's stories include: a group of spherical objects over Colorado that seemed to be connected; Orange Orbs over Pennsylvania; Orange orbs in a triangle formation over Pennsylvania; an Orange Sphere over Kentucky; an Orange Globe over the Connecticut River; an unusual object that turned up in a Google Street View; a formation of four lights over Idaho; a circular or octagon-shaped object over Pennsylvania; a huge round light making a beeping noise just outside a Pennsylvania home; a triangle-shaped object between 2,000 and 3,000 feet over Reno, Nevada; an oval-shaped craft less than 3,000 feet over Kentucky; an illuminated disc over Ohio; an Orange Orb over Plymouth, Massachusetts; a disc or boomerang over Ohio; six glowing orbs over Colorado; and an object almost beyond description that startled travelers along Colorado's I-76.

The people who filed this report in Pennsylvania are hilarious:

‘UFO’ over town [Exmouth, UK]
Exmouth Journal, 10th July 2009
"AN EXMOUTH man claims to have seen a UFO - the second spotting in three months and follows a similar sighting in Sidbury two weeks ago. Plane-spotter Milos Balvim, of Maer Road, was 'amazed' when he saw an object, with clusters of orange lights, travelling towards the town at around 11.20pm, last Thursday. He said it appeared to have moved from the Dawlish area and headed towards Exmouth, flying at one point as low as 150 metres above the ground.

The 61-year-old explained he had read reports of an object hovering in the skies over Sandy Bay beach in May, filmed from Devon Cliffs Holiday Park and posted on the internet site You Tube. The sighting was rumoured to be an alien aircraft but was later dismissed as being a Chinese lantern. Mr Balvim, however, said: "It was definitely not a lantern. I am quite sceptical about those sorts of things because I am an ex-military officer.[...]

"It was crossing over my house, travelling at the speed of a helicopter. The shape was quite like a Rubik's cube and there was an array of light beaming out."

The description of a Rubik's cube is oh so interesting, and people who are brave enough to report are generally taking this very well. However, predictions by seers of a massive psychological earthquake in human consciousness must still be valid, if mankind as a whole is to evolve. Here are more UK reports:

Mysterious UFO sightings continue - Dumfries & Galloway, Scotland [UK]

Fiery Orange Ball of Light - Selly Oak, Birmingham [UK]

Hovering Fireball That Changes into a Large Black Mass - Attleborough, Nuneaton [UK]
The full story will be logged in the archives as a 'Strange UAP'

8 - 12 Light Anomalies Dancing in the Sky - College Estate, Hereford [UK]

Fiery, Orang/Red Oval Shape With Silvery, Shiny Spikes - Bitterne, Southampton [UK]
The full story will be logged in the archives as a 'Strange UAP'

Ireland: Belfast - 20 Bright orange Balls Hovering in the Sky

UFOs: more readers tell Examiner about sightings across Kirklees, W. Yorkshire [UK]

UFO alert: What the museum curator saw - Devon [UK]

Orange, Spherical Objects Blazing with Light - Harlech Crescent, Tycoch [Wales, UK]

Ball of Fire Spotted - Wootton, Northampton [UK]

UFO spotted in Fylde sky?

Silbury Hill, nr Avebury, Wiltshire. Reported 5th July.
Crop Circle Connector, July 2009
Comment: The channelled message from Lord Metatron posted here is quite interesting. Here is a snippet of this tough love:
"And so it is an important marker in this sense - we have an event forecast by those of the light which, in short order, will be visible for the world to see. This is a marker for light workers. And in a sense it is a good thing that this is not an event that “Joe Public” will experience as a wake-up call, since the light workers of the world are not ready to support them. Few are aware that the reign of the dark across the cosmos has ended, as this much longer cycle is ending at 2012 also. It began in March, 2009 when Bealzebub, the leader of the fallen cherubim, those ultimately responsible for creating the forces of darkness, returned to the light.

Recently the cycle of the dark was declared complete and all of the remaining dark ones have a clear choice – choose to return to the light or have their souls deconstructed, losing all memory and be reconstructed as beings of light to begin a new journey. This process has begun and the damage caused by the dark across the cosmos has been healed."
Lord Metatron is absolutely referring to plasma entities that have been programmed over time and become very dark ie have lost their divine & universal directives. Now, the "deconstruction" can be thought of as having a computer hard disk being completely re-written, which then becomes like new. Scientifically this can be compared to a scalar/torsion field. I note the tough words here that Lightworkers are not ready to support the world. It's been completely obvious to me for a long time that there is no ability by the vast majority of Lightworkers to convey what is taking place on this planet in plain English. Fuzzy thinking and no understanding of human psychology just isn't good enough. Personally, it's a relief to know that not all these channelled sources wish to continue treating us like very small children. This channelling supports my understanding that we have been seeing a lot of 'dark' entities leaving over the last few years and others who knew when their guard of duty was over and left accordingly in the mid 1990s. I also note about the people 'innocently' channelling the 'dark' side. Personally. I believe that if you are not a pure vessel you are going to attract the crap and that is why some have difficulties when they attend Alternative Fairs with people who are obviously not fussy about where their power comes from. Well, the real issue is the people knowingly in cohorts with the wrong side, but pretending to be angels of light. If these people are aware of what's going on, then they must be absolutely terrified. It's time to celebrate, this is now a 'Diamond Light World' and the science and metaphysics to substantiate this is awesome!

Climate change: The sun and the oceans do not lie
Even a compromised agreement to reduce emissions could devastate the economy - and all for a theory shot full of holes, says Christopher Booker.
The Telegraph, 11th July 2009
"The moves now being made by the world's political establishment to lock us into December's Copenhagen treaty to halt global warming are as alarming as anything that has happened in our lifetimes. Last week in Italy, the various branches of our emerging world government, G8 and G20, agreed in principle that the world must by 2050 cut its CO2 emissions in half. Britain and the US are already committed to cutting their use of fossil fuels by more than 80 per cent. Short of an unimaginable technological revolution, this could only be achieved by closing down virtually all our economic activity: no electricity, no transport, no industry. All this is being egged on by a gigantic publicity machine, by the UN, by serried ranks of government-funded scientists, by cheerleaders such as Al Gore, last week comparing the fight against global warming to that against Hitler's Nazis, and by politicians who have no idea what they are setting in train. What makes this even odder is that the runaway warming predicted by their computer models simply isn't happening. "

I wondering when intelligent influential people will start to realise that the Earth is losing it's protection against space weather and this is the real reason that Al Gore and select friends are in a state of panic as they try to herd the crowd into agreeing to serious climate change prevention. The science cannot support the notion that CO2 is causing "global warming" and anybody with any intelligence can check the data and see for themselves that world temperatures are going down instead of up! The desperation is obvious when geoengineering ideas like placing mirrors in space are being seriously suggested. For those who are monitoring the situation, it would seem like human intervention is doomed to failure and the idea of a global shield is a non-starter as the first major hurdle is getting past all the debris in low Earth orbit on a regular basis, a problem that is definitely man-made.

30 foot cone-shaped object lands on California ranch [US]
UFO Examiner, 10th July 2009
"The most unexplainable part of this story is as follows: My brother came over to my ranch approximately an hour later (10:30)PM. He has a doctorate degree, three master degrees and works for a international company. Additionally, he has taught physics. WE ARE BOTH SKEPTICS and believe that most UFO sightings can be logically explained. When I told him of what had just occurred earlier, he suggested that we go back down to the location and figure out what it was that we saw. As we were at the location (which was approximately an hour and a half later) we both witnessed an extremely bright "swish" in the western sky. It was probably a half second. But what we saw appeared as if the atmosphere "opened up" for a millisecond and an object "went inside" or poked through and then the atmosphere closed up leaving a "swirling" motion in the sky. A "wormhole" or "porthole"?. It terrified him so bad that his eyes watered and his voice cracked, insisting that we immediately leave towards the house."

This report is highlighted because it's the first report I have seen (I think) where eye witnesses actually think they saw an interdimensional wormhole actually open up. This sighting has been classified as UAP because it was described as 'brilliant' light, and has a similar description to others with photo images. At this moment in time, I have not come across anything in print (so far) that would explain how a wormhole would open up in a situation like this, but I am confident that somebody somewhere probably has a few ideas. Scientific theory suggests there are interdimensional wormholes are varying sizes all around us, even at the level of our DNA, so we have to presume this was an intelligent entity that could interact with the environment and operate interdimensionally. Again, I am finding it very hard to think that the mainstream media are being bombarded with these kind of reports and the metaphysical community are mute. One can only presume that spiritual/metaphysical 'leaders' are completely out of their depth, unaware or simply don't care. Well, if the energies are still shifting, an interdimensional presence on this planet is only going to get more obvious, the issue is NOT going to go away.

Boy, 13 'beaten up by ghost'
Hartlepool Mail, 9th July 2009
"A priest has been called in by a distraught mum after her teenage son told her he had been attacked by a ghost in the family home. Terrified mum Beverley Wilkins turned to the church after son Daniel was left bruised and bewildered by what his family say could only have been a ghost or poltergeist. The 13-year-old had finished school and was alone in their home in York Road, Hartlepool, when he claims he was suddenly pulled upright, dragged across the living room, taken to the front door and thrown out into the street."

This incident is far removed from the usual ghost story where it seems that what is being seen is residual energy that plays like a movie, over and over again. This encounter suggests a poltergeist, something far more serious.

Greenpeace defaces Mount Rushmore
Watts Up With that, 8th July 2009
"Greenpeace took a unique approach today and sent several climbers up Mt. Rushmore in the middle of the night to deploy a giant 75lb sixty-five feet high by thirty-five feet wide banner calling for Climate Action. Featuring an unfinished portrait of the President, it read “America honors leaders not politicians: Stop Global Warming.” The demonstration came as President Obama meets other G8 leaders in l’Aquila, Italy today to discuss the global warming crisis in the lead-up to UN climate treaty negotiations in Copenhagen this December. The banner managed to stay up on Mt. Rushmore for about an hour before being cut at around 1:17 PM est. Greenpeace was quick to point out that they respect American monuments and the banner was not installed in any way detrimental to the carvings on Mt. Rushmore."

Greenpeace are brilliant publicists but here they are sailing very close to the wind.

UFO Traffic Report: Multiple fireballs 'moved with purpose' over Indiana town [US]
UFO Examiner, 8th July 2009
"The UFO Traffic Report for Wednesday, July 9, 2009, includes 13 selected sightings over eight states, according to witness statements filed in the past 48 hours with the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) database. Today's stories include: Five to six orange balls of light moving over an Indiana town; a menacing orb that seemed to follow this Pennsylvania man on his walk; a Nashville field investigator who witnesses an 8-foot sphere; three fireballs over Ohio; bright lights in the trees during a Pennsylvania case; a rectangular-shaped object no more than 300 feet over this Tennessee apartment building; a 200-foot-long silent object moving over California; a very fast-moving and very silent object shooting over New Mexico; a bright light hovering no more than 50 feet in the air in Ohio; another El Cajon, California, witness comes forward; an object that looked like a school of fish over Wisconsin; a series of orbs seen over Ohio; and an oval-shaped object the size of a 747 over Michigan."

Well, the clean-up of our planet continues and this report has quite a few non-orb like entities being forced out into the open. I am wondering at what point others will come to the obvious conclusion that we are seeing a tremendous two-way traffic of interdimensional entities due to the aetheric density changing (veil lifting). Then when are people going to start integrating this information to come up to the conclusion that we are seeing the greatest transition in the history of mankind as we evolve along with the planet?

Silbury Hill, nr Avebury, Wiltshire. Reported 5th July.
Crop Circle Connector, July 2009
Comment: It is now becoming very apparent that many people have heavily bought into 2012 Mayan End-date beliefs and crop circle interpretations are contrived to lead to this viewpoint. I would like to make it clear that the crop circle makers are trying to emphasise the evolutionary nature of the energies that are hitting the planet and therefore some crop circle messages can be combined with the regular 'briefings' from respected metaphysical sources. Please note the comment here by Faith Lubitz,
"I think I've got it- it's an eclipse within an eclipse.... The large crescent at the bottom with the Greek geometric pattern in it is the uncovered part of the moon, and the part above it with headdress and the rest is the shadowed portion. Then there is a smaller version inside the large one, with a downward facing crescent and the scarab/cat head looking portion being the shadowed part. Somehow this may show not only the importance of the 7/7 lunar eclipse but also its relationship to the second (solar?) eclipse coming in July as well. All of the geometry and artwork inside of the eclipses denoting just how powerful these energies will be! And something must be important about it being on Silbury Hill- someone should post who knows about Silbury Hill."
However, I would think that certain 2012 'experts' will be now quite disgruntled as some believe that their interpretations are pointing to the importance of June 2012, which indicates the energetic significance of the 2nd Venus transist taking place on the 5/6th June 2012 (the first of the pair that occured on 8th June 2004), which has played a significant role in the balance of energies hitting our planet. This is now seriously downplaying the interpretation of a Galactic Alignment that took place in 1998/1999 to mark the end of the Mayan Calendar in 2012 and emphasises that many 'experts' had missed the point of this energetic alignment as being part of a general orchestration, in the form of solar, cosmic, galactic and intergalactic energies.

Blue House Sparrow in Syndney, Australia
Where Light Meets Dark, 2nd July 2009
"A blue house sparrow has appeared in Sydney, out of nowhere. Experts are convinced the colour is genuine, but baffled as to the cause.

Richard Shears reports seeing a blue house sparrow in April this year (Passer domesticus) in his garden in Sydney, Australia. At first he thought he was seeing things, but he made no mistake. On the first day he was unable to photograph it, but it returned again 1 day later and managed to take a few photographs. The bird was flying with a flock of normally-coloured house sparrows, which are light and dark brown. Shears began doing some research on the web, looking for references to blue sparrows. After being unable to find anything relevant, he started asking questions with ornithologists and other experts.

Ornithologist Mirek Lanparski said "This is amazing. I've never seen anything like it. I thought at first that perhaps someone had dyed it, but looking closely you can see that's not the case, and who would want to catch a sparrow, dye it blue and then let it go again? In any case, those are natural colours and that's very, very peculiar."

The firsts reports started in June 2008 and more reports have been trickling in recently. According to ornithologists, (see email at Grrlscientist), "We have published two recent papers on how the spongy blue keratin of blue bird feathers grows. Both are available free at the following urls: link1 & link2 They are pretty technical, but the bottom line is that blue feathers are made by nanostructures that are self assembled in the feather barb cells. This bird may be a mutant in some gene associated with the self assembly of these keratin nanostructures. The distribution of the blue in the melaninize patches above and not in the lighter areas below is also consistent with the idea that this is a real bird, and not a joke." Are we seeing evolutionary change right before our eyes as we start seeing more and mutants arise? What happens if household pets the world over start to mutate before their eyes of the owners, just like whats been happening in the Sichuan province in southern China, where various cats grew wings in a month? Here are some more links;

Daily Mail, April 2009, Blue sparrow mystery: Unique bird confounds experts

GrrlScientist, May 2009, Brown Bird Blue: The Photographer's Follow-up

Crptomundo, 9th July, Third Oz Blue Bird

UFO over Mexico City releases strange yellow moving spheres - See the video here!
Paranormal Daily News, 8th July 2009
copy: A remarkable video has been shown on Mexican TV of a UFO releasing intelligent moving spheres into the sky! The video was shot in May 2009 byPedro Hernandez, who saw the UFO while looking out a bus window. As the yellow space ship rapidly spun, it released countless orbs, which danced around the craft! Mexico City has an abnormally high rate of UFO sightings, but a recording of this kind is still a rare occurrence. The video below is in Spanish; however, if you skip forward to 4 minutes 20 seconds you don’t need to habla Espanol to watch this footage of a UFO. Tell us what you think!

As regulars to this blog will know, this is nothing new and is happening all over the planet. However, it is added to the hundreds of accounts already logged in celebration that 'Earth is Under Reconstruction' and Mexican TV thought it was worthy of air time.

Man Sees Rectangular Grid of Lights in Night Sky - Lake Michigan Harbor in Chicago, Illinois [US]
UFOs Northwest, 8th July 2009
"Date of Sighting: July 4, 2009 Time of Sighting: 1:30 AM CDT Location of Sighting: On Boat in Lake Michigan Harbor in Chicago, Illinois) Description: The witness called and reported the sighting within 24 hours of occurrence. He stated that he was looking at the sky from his boat. He saw a large rectangular grid of lights moving through the sky towards the southeast. The rectangular lights approached for a second time and repeated the southeast movement. He could see the lights moving in unison through mid-level clouds. He felt that the lights were "scanning." No sound was heard."

I think the intuitive insight that this witness had is correct and useful to note as my research suggests that UAPs are busy cleaning up the whole planet, all very exciting stuff and of course, none of this predicted by the 2012 crowd or anyone else for that matter. To truly understand what is taking place, you need to be steeped in the theories of dark matter & dark energy, hyperdimensional realities, plasma physics, cosmology, astrophysics, electromagnetism and metaphysics to name a few.

Mayan 'apocalypse' crop circle appears at Silbury Hill
A 350ft crop circle of an ancient Mayan symbol, said to be a sign of an impending apocalypse, has appeared next to Silbury Hill in Wiltshire.

The Telegraph, 8th July 2009
"The giant pattern - thought to represent a traditional Mayan head-dress - appeared next to the tallest prehistoric man-made mound in Europe last week. Members of the crop circle community believe the mystic symbol is a signal of the end of the 5,126-year Mayan 'Long Count' calendar on December 21, 2012. Karen Alexander, a crop circle enthusiast, said: "This is one of the most interesting crop circles I have ever seen. It is definitely a Mayan symbol and we are sure it is linked to the Mayan calendar, which ends in 2012. "It appears to be a warning about the world coming to an end when the calendar does. For the ancient Maya, reaching the end of a cycle was a momentous event, so we are taking this crop circle very seriously as an indicator of a possibly huge event in 2012."

What's so interesting is that so many of these so-called Mayan 'experts' never give directs quotes from Mayan Elders who are teaching something completely different about 2012 like: A New Sun, A New World Age and A New Human. For pictures and hopefully some informed comments, see Silbury Hill, nr Avebury, Wiltshire. Reported 5th July.. By the way, those who understand some of the real spiritual truths of the Maya, will know that the 'head-dress' does not just represent something decorative.

Scientists create 'artificial brain cell'
Refreshing News, 8th July 2009
Scientists have created an artificial brain cell they believe could one day be used to treat devastating neurological diseases. The team has managed to pass messages within the mind in the same way as nerve cells, using a tiny piece of plastic which can transmit electricity. These messages are used by the brain to control many actions in the body. [...] Earlier this year researchers at Aston University in Birmingham created an artificial "brain" by taking cells from a cancerous tumour and reprogramming them to create those identical to the human nervous system.

For years scientists have focused on biochemicals but as various studies now prove, it's the electromagnetic force that is generated by the 'dance' of biochemicals that generates the messaging system and signals that are transmitted and received throughout the brain and body. The re-programming of cells can only be done electromagnetically too and was done as early as the 1960s by Becker, decades before it was taken seriously and became Stem Cell research. Today, most people are still unaware that they are a mass of moving charge and some scientists have gone further and stated: THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS MASS ONLY CHARGE & ENERGY! Obviously, as the Earth is getting continously blasted with charged particles, only a few have understood the consequences for humans and the profound effect on the processing of their DNA.


"RESURGENT SUNSPOT: Yesterday, sunspot 1024 took the day off; the fast-growing active region stopped growing and even decayed a little. Today, the sunspot is growing again. It now measures 125,000 km from end to end, almost as wide as the planet Jupiter. This 3-day movie from the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) shows recent developments: The size of the spot makes it a fine target for backyard solar telescopes. And it is worth watching. Sunspot 1024 is the first big sunspot of new Solar Cycle 24, and it is crackling with minor but photogenic B-class flares. By itself, this one active region won't bring an end to the deepest solar minimum in a century, but it does show that the sun's magnetic dynamo is still working--a fact some had begun to doubt. More sunspots are coming, so stay tuned."

Just when you think it's all over.....

'Fireball' May Have Been Caught On Security Camera Large Boom, Flash Of Light Seen In Night Sky Likely A 'Fireball' News, 7th July 2009
"A fireball that reportedly barreled across southern Pennsylvania skies early Monday morning may have been caught on tape. Surveillance video may have captured an image of a big, bright meteor that streaked over southern Pennsylvania early Monday morning. To see video and a slideshow of the incident, click the links in the story. Jeff Hines, an employee at the York Water Company shared surveillance camera video with News 8. If you look in the upper right hand corner of the image, you can see a light streaking across the sky. It's only there for a second. "We have a meteor on our security camera! It's not something we look for, meteors, but there it was," Hines said. Hines said the video is all the buzz at the water company office. A fireball is a large, brighter than normal meteor."

Folks, there are now many many reports of fireballs, but if you look back in the archives only a year or so ago, officials were stating that these were once in a life-time events. Hence, after a plane gets knocked out of the air in flash of light and two pilots report seeing burning debris in completely clear skies because there was NO bad weather and the US military abruptly decide to stop providing scientists with satellite meteorite/fireball data, therefore causing a firestorm, excuse the pun, with angry scientists that then accelerates and gets congressmen involved, this is after NASA try to keep reports about Near Earth Objects (NEOS) out of the public domain, then it's no wonder that some people with higher brain processing ability, are starting to suspect that our planet is under some kind of cosmic bombardment. See also Meteor over Maryland and Pennsylvania

Thinking cap that can help the brain learn moves a step closer
A thinking cap that can enhance the mind's ability to learn has moved a step closer, scientists claim, after tests showed magnets can boost brain power.

The Telegraph, 7th July 2009
"Researchers discovered that the ability of the brain to learn a task and remember it was greatly enhanced when a magnetic pulse was applied to the premotor cortex – the area of the brain just behind the forehead. The team at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada, led by Dr Lara Boyd, believe that the technique could be used to enhance intellectual capacity and help those with learning difficulties.

Understanding magnetism in combination with geometry is one of the keys to the universe. Some of the most outspoken scientists are those who believe the electromagnetic force rules the universe and some have even dared to come up with a completely new understanding of the ultimate nature of the universe as a magnetic field that varies with a time variation, but not as we understand time. Anyway, the magnetic force can be 'tapped' from higher dimensions by using geometry and that is why in the old days people used to place coned hats on the heads of 'dunces'. This is the same reason why Russian scientists have been very wise by building modern pyramids around Moscow in the last two decades, so that magnetic interdimensional forces can be harnessed to help stablise the local environment.

Al Gore likens fight against climate change to battle with Nazis
The Times, 7th July 2009
"Al Gore today compared the battle against climate change with the struggle against the Nazis. The former US Vice President said the world lacked the political will to act and invoked the spirit of Winston Churchill by encouraging leaders to unite their nations to fight climate change. He also accused politicians around the world of exploiting ignorance about the dangers of global warming to avoid difficult decisions. Speaking in Oxford at the Smith School World Forum on Enterprise and the Environment , sponsored by The Times, Mr Gore said: “Winston Churchill aroused this nation in heroic fashion to save civilisation in World War II.” "

Gore must be now getting desperate, but as I have stated before, I do believe that Gore does have deep seated concerns and his stance is not about a push for power and money. However, galvanising young people with such rhetoric is moving into dangerous territory, but not unprecedented. Rick, michigan (09:13:36) writes: "Mr. Gore, you are no Winston Churchill". LOL! For further comments, see Gore and Nazis. Also,

Green Jackets, Brown Shirts

The report at Investors' Business Daily states: "Cap And Trade: Al Gore has likened his crusade against global warming to the world's struggle against Nazis. He said this while speaking in a country that is organizing a team of environmental storm troopers. Gore didn't come right out and call global warming skeptics Nazis while addressing an audience at Oxford University in England. But then, he didn't have to."

Update Apparently, due to complaints, (of which I am sure there were numerous), The Times changed the headline, see Watts Up With That for original screen shot & another saved screen shot here.

UFO Traffic Report for Monday, July 6: 20 baseball-sized UFOs 'invade' Indiana woods [US]
The Examiner, 6th July 2009
"The Fourth of July weekend overwhelmed the UFO Traffic Report switchboard - as cases were tracked from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) database. Weekend cases have already been covered in UFOs tracked across Pennsylvania on July 4 holiday, UFOs spotted over 10 states during July 4th celebrations, and Annual UFO over El Cajon makes Fourth of July appearance once again.

While we have tracked two triangle-shaped UFOs, a cylinder-shaped object and a "dark" object over the holiday weekend, reports continue to come in from around the country of primarily orange-colored objects moving in a controlled manner. Many reports show the objects hovering and then moving away at tremendous speed. Many more reports provide firsthand accounts of multiple objects shooting across the sky. There are many similarities in the selected 26 reports from 15 states for this UFO Traffic Report for Monday, July 6. Due to the number of sighting that we're covering, we will report on the first 16 cases in this story, and will follow up today with a second story to cover the remaining 10 cases.

At the moment, the number of reports is still escalating and I am not interested in logging all reports that I think are UAPs, because there's now just too many. However, if these UFO traffic reports keep coming, I will post the links, but since it's now RED ALERT TIME, I simply don't always have time to read these longer reports before I add the link. See UFO Traffic Report: UFOs spotted over 10 states during July 4th celebrations [US]

World's oldest Bible published in full online
The world's oldest surviving Bible, which has been scattered around the globe for more than a century, has been published in full online.

The Telegraph, 6th July 2009
"This 1,600-year old manuscript offers a window into the development of early Christianity and first-hand evidence of how the text of the Bible was transmitted from generation to generation. The project has uncovered evidence that a fourth scribe – along with the three already recognised – worked on the text; the availability of the virtual manuscript for study by scholars around the world creates opportunities for collaborative research that would not have been possible just a few years ago."

This is is a fantastic achievement and I am sure it will generate lots of interest as the search for truth concerning the origins of Christianity intensify. References: The Codex Sinaiticus Website & Codex Sinaiticus Manscript Fragments Online

Tiger born with no stripes
A snow white Bengal tiger born without stripes is believed to be the only such animal living in the wild.
The Telegraph, 6th July 2009
"The six-month-old cub is so rare it is thought there are fewer than 20 others like it - all in captivity. The female tiger, which has been named Fareeda, was born to two white Bengal tigers. Fareeda's brother Shahir and sister Sitarah both bear the typical black tiger stripes in common with 99 per cent of their species.

Fareeda, who was hand-reared by keepers at Cango Wildlife Ranch, near Cape Town, South Africa, is part of a unique breeding programme to keep the White Bengal species alive. Keepers at the ranch were delighted when Fareeda and its siblings were born on Christmas Day last year, but even more surprised to see Fareeda's rare lack of markings."

He's cute!

Giant hummingbird crop circle appears in Wiltshire barley field
A crop circle depicting a 300ft-long hummingbird has appeared in a barley field in Wiltshire.
The Telegraph, 6th July 2009
"The latest discovery was photographed by crop circle hunters in Alton Barnes as the spate of crop circles seen across Britain this summer continues. Experts say birds are seen as messengers of the gods.

The enormous pattern formed around a dew pond in a field and has left crop circle experts scratching their heads for a meaning. The design echoes the giant jellyfish which appeared in an Oxfordshire field in early June, sparking conspiracy theories about the meaning of the huge number of patterns appearing in fields across the country.

There are some nice comments on the Crop Circle Connector website about the meaning of the hummingbird here, but my only thought has been SPLAT! Nice to see the mainstream taking an interest, I am sure even the most dense are starting to wonder what is going on....

West Down Gallops, nr Beckhampton, Wiltshire. Reported 4th July
Joyfire News, 5th July 2009
Comment: We have action on the Sun! The crop circle messages have been telling us to expect direct hits, from maybe 5 Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) that will arrive 6/7th July 2009, so we will see what happens. This new crop circle clearly shows the delivery of 'diamond' energy and some decoding of the Phase III of the Milk Hill crop formation message appears to be related to alchemy. As I wrote in my book, there is a clear relationship between highly catalytic energies and the octahedron (diamond) energies. The strongly activated diamond layer of light in the human energy field acts like the perfect receiver and transmitter. Therefore, you are further enabled to receive energies that are used to decode your DNA blueprints with the relevant instructions for evolutionary change and deflecting energies that do not support your spiritual evolution. Please note that humans need protection because not everything delivered by the Sun is meant for us, the Earth, all living creatures and Morphogenetic (scalar informational) energy fields, are also being updated too. Again, congratulations to those who have been intuitive enough to understand the need to keep working on their energy fields and my recommendation is to keep 'Tuning the Diamonds!' FACT: A rarified plasma a million times less dense than air can deflect a beam of electrons that would normally bore through steel! Link

Update 8th July 2009. OK, it seems that the prediction based on various crop circles that there would be a burst of solar activity that would generate coronal mass ejections was correct but so far, I have not seen any reports of a major impact, even though there may have been problems caused by solar cosmic rays on the 3rd July taking out computer electronics and causing power failures. Since I have only come across a few stories and possibly related incidents did cause some inconvenience, we have been far from anything majorly detrimental. I did watch a few SOHO coronagraphs and saw CMEs, but none of them seem to be directed at Earth and quite frankly nothing major compared to the the height of the last solar cycle. Here again, it is no longer really possible to make the same comparison because Earth does not have the same level of protection due to the known breaches in the Earth's magnetosphere. Since there were no major aurorae in equatorial regions either, which is another sign of massive geomagnetic activity, this can't really be classified as a major event, but nontheless still interesting. Maybe the issue we are facing here, is that we are experiencing a major planetary upgrade and our aetheric friends feel the need to warn us of the deliveries of energy that will impact humans, but at this stage, its still only the most sensitive that are really aware of the impact of these bursts. There is also the consideration that a high level decision was made to encourage humans to focus on the Sun and Space Weather. I realised five years ago that our planet would experience an electromagnetic flood of biblical proportions, but research and teaching is my forte not marketing, so I am grateful that the crop circle makers have finally got to the point and have got people wondering what is going on. In summary, the very nature of an energetic transition for a system as complex as Earth, is expected to be chaotic and unpredictable, so we just have to accept that there are certain things that are beyond our control and we have to be grateful for the support we are currently receiving.

Unexplained Phenomena Alert Level 10 Red (High)
Colin Andrews Website, 5th July 2009
"Unexplained Phenomena Alert Level 10 Red (High) is issued for the first time since it was devised after the Cheesefoot Head incident during 1989. The alert is intended to HERE"

It looks Colin Andrews has lost his nerve and pressed the alarm bell! Personally, I think that Colin doesn't quite understand what is going on and probably joins the crowd with those people who have heavily bought into the Mayan Calendar 2012 End-date whoopla. For those who are interested in UFO Disclosure it seems that there is an ongoing fight here with the UK MOD and the primary focus is Nick Pope who has come under criticism from Colin Andrews for preparing distorted reports about UFOs & Crop circle when he was working as Ministry of Defence’s UFO desk for three years. It seems that Nick Pope has even confessed to this, but I get the feeling that Pope is in a very difficult situation. His understanding and consciousness is changing too, the energy to keep lying is just not there and that is why there seems to be some wavering from this person. See, Colin Andrews One-Two Punch and New Book Creates a Firestorm. As a Result the Ministry of Defence's Nick Pope Withdraws Much of the Official Government Statement on Crop Circles and UFOs..

Seven Orange, Circular Spheres with a Metallic-Type Glow in Convoy! - Ovens, County Cork [Ireland]
UK UFO sightings, 5th July 2009
"They were orange, circular spheres, with a metallic type glow from them. They seemed to be emitting this light, which changed from bright orange to white and back to which various tones of orange.

They moved in perfect precision across the sky, in what seemed to be convoy like, but unlike any formation I have ever seen.
The three biggest and brightness were in front, in a vertical line formation, slightly angled. These were followed by two separate spheres, equidistant from each other, about 50 meters apart. These were then followed by another sphere which had a smaller sphere that went around it and moved at acute angles, left and right of it, then seemed to join it and then separate again.

These spheres seemed to be only a few hundred feet in the air. They were moving from an easterly direction, heading westwards. We observed them from about two minutes, when the first three spheres seemed to then just disappear, or not emit light and so could no longer be observed. This same pattern was then repeated by the rest of the spheres when they reached that particular point in the sky. They did not disappear into the clouds nor over the visible horizon. I managed to capture the last sphere on camera for only a second.

This was the most extraordinary scene I have ever witnesses in my entire life and I am 44. And was glad that it was observed by three other people."

Nice report! Please see my latest article, Earth's Dimensional Shift: A perspective on Current Times 7th July 2009. There are a huge number of UK sightings, the following is a selection:

Orange Ball the Size of a Helicopter - Worsley, Manchester [UK]

Red Light with Bottom in Shape of an Iron - Horsforth, Leeds [UK]

Two Bright Orange Lights, One of Them Changing Directions - Ampfield, Romsey [UK]

Two Bright Orange Lights, One of Them Changing Directions - Ampfield, Romsey [UK]

A Luminous Oval Orange Light with Rays Radiating from It - Drom, Leap, County Cork [Ireland]

A Fireball-Like Object - A50, Meir/Longton, Stoke-on-Trent [UK]

Three Very, Very Large Orange Balls of Light - Enfield, Middlesex [UK]

Lady GaGa's reveals her craziest outfit yet... as she strips naked for a photoshoot
Daily Mail, 5th July 2009
"Her outlandish hairdos, crazy outfits and penchant for carrying a tea cup have won Lady GaGa countless column inches. But the pop sensation has revealed what must be her craziest outfit yet - by posing topless for a photoshoot. The Pokerface singer wears nothing but a space-orbit hat by designer Nasir Mazhar in the provocative shoot."

For those of you who are new to this blog, the icon most often used for stories related to imbalance is the image on the far left! Intuitives and psychics tell us that there are electromagnetic rings around the head that are horizontal and vertical when we are balanced, but when we are unbalanced, they become tilted. The science is explained in my book, Tuning the diamonds: Electromagnetism and Spiritual Evolution and Lady GaGa has kindly modelled an example!

Cosmic 'whips' may have left their mark
New Scientist News, 4th July 2009
"SPACE-TIME should have universe-sized snags called cosmic strings running across it, but none have yet been found. That could be because they broke into a tangle of smaller strings and beads soon after the big bang. The good news is that this would have created gravitational waves that could be detected on Earth. Many theories predict the existence of cosmic strings. These topological defects in space-time, which can be larger than the observable universe, should have formed as the cosmos cooled from its hot beginnings. "

Cosmic Strings were discussion in my book, as NASA thought they could be the answer to the extreme energies that were bombarding the Earth and so old theories were being dusted off and re-examined. This article explains a variation on Cosmic String Theory that I have never come across before and justs add to the soup of imaginary constructs in space that have never been observed and fall under the highly metaphysical "dark matter and dark energy" or as Prof. Don Scott would say, “Fabricated Ad hoc Inventions Repeatedly Invoked in Efforts to Defend Untenable Scientific Theories”, FAIRIE DUST!

2 See Large Fireball Break Up Into Smaller Fragments
UFOs Northwest, 4th July 2009
"Date of Sighting: July 2, 2009
Time of Sighting: 10 PM MDT
Location of Sighting: Longmont, Colorado (About 20 Miles North of Denver)

Description: My partner and I were driving East to Longmont on Highway 66 (Ute Highway) from Lyons, Colorado and saw a giant fireball in the sky, hiding behind a large section of storm clouds. At first I thought it was the moon, but suddenly it came out from behind the clouds and rapidly decreased in altitude.

Once it began decreasing in altitude, it starting breaking up into smaller pieces-- two, then three and then four. As soon as it began breaking up, they began flying in formation to the West (thus eliminating the option of it being a meteor due to it's trajectory). About 30 seconds later, 4 of the pieces began falling to the ground (each piece also had very long tails, similar to a meteor). As they were falling, two of the pieces jutted off to the left, while the other two jutted to the right. One by one, they fell to the ground in a blaze. My fiance and I smelled smoke as well around the area. We estimated the distance between us and the phenomena to be roughly 3 miles or so to the South of us. It was certainly not fireworks due to it's behavior."

This report is actually quite interesting because the witness description is clear that even though this object was initially believed to be a fireball, but the fact that it broke up and flew in formation makes this another UAP entry. As a reminder, Russian scientists talk about 'plasmoid trains' because they have found that what appears to be a comet does not have any solid object within the coma. In 1997, Russian scientists reported to the world that the "comet" Shoemaker Levy that exploded in the atmosphere of Jupiter in July 1994, was infact a plasmoid train. Simply, we now understand that some fiery cosmic objects are just pure consciousness, literally a gigantic cosmic spark and therefore by definition, a plasma in arc mode. Here are more US reports with similar sightings in the same region.

US: Couple See Large Orange Object Split Into Smaller Objects - Longmont, Colorado [US]

Five See 5 Lights Similar to Flares That Moved Independently - NW Longmont, Colorado [US]

Cluster of Several Lights Descend to Ground - Near Longmont, Colorado [US]

Nancy Talbott's Letter to National Geographic TV's Mr. Sydney Suissa
BLT Research, 4th July 2009
"Tom Barry, a British filmmaker working for Zig-Zag Productions in London, called me in May, 2009, asking about the possibility of my participation in a new crop circle film he had been assigned to produce for National Geographic TV. Mr. Barry was apparently unaware that National Geographic TV has aired several crop circle pieces in the past and that I - representing the BLT Research Team--had been involved in one that aired in 2005. He seemed uninformed regarding the circle phenomenon generally, and apparently did not know that I had been very surprised by the overtly biased treatment accorded the scientific work (previously published in 3 peer-reviewed scientific papers authored by BLT members) in the 2005 National Geographic TV crop circle show. I told Mr. Barry that I felt that both the phenomenon and our work had been inordinately misrepresented and, therefore, asked him if he could provide me with assurance that his proposed effort would be a fair and unbiased presentation? Specifically, I asked him if he could provide me with a "final cut" of his film prior to its being aired - along with the written assurance that I would have the right to withdraw my interview and any graphic materials provided by me or BLT if I felt the final product was either willfully skewed or disrespectful of the BLT work or, in particular, the scientists involved."

I hear that other serious crop circle researchers are also refusing to co-operate with filmmakers who are only interested in producing 'moronic' portrayals of the crop circle phenomena. These people should be presented with something like a new version of the Darwin Award, since the crop circle makers are doing their best to gain the attention of a few intelligent humans and explain that our world is undergoing transformation. It is now apparent that those with especially low spiritual intelligence, are most vulnerable as the new 'terms and conditions' means that they will not qualify for evolutionary 'selection'.

Military Seeks Common Ground with Scientists on Fireball Data Flap, 3rd July 2009
"A few weeks ago I wrote about scientists who were unhappy that a purported clamp down was afoot on their use of data snagged by U.S. military spacecraft – hush hush satellites that from time to time catch natural cosmic fireballs blazing through Earth's atmosphere.

Digging in on this story is not easy. Military higher-ups and the agencies involved are guarded about how potent their satellite sensors are as they stare at Earth for nuclear detonations, missile launches and the like. In a new exclusive interview with, U.S. Air Force Brigadier General Robert Rego, who is in charge of the policy guidance behind the data release, said the Air Force Space Command is "circling the wagons" to close some loopholes in the dissemination of potentially sensitive information. U.S. Congressman Dana Rohrabacher said he's monitoring the situation and expects a solution that favors the needs of scientists."

Obviously, there have been some serious eruptions, if the US Military are feeling the heat and US Congressman are getting involved.....

Idaho UFO makes two 'crash-like' maneuvers; hovers low over field
The Examiner, 3rd July 2009
Witness: "Idaho, June 30, 2009 - It was flying really fast, with really bright lights. I was driving home from a friends house at about 11 pm on June 30th 09. I thought I was seeing an airplane about to crash into the ground 2 mins from me. I was so scared because I thought it would blow up right there in front of me. It was going so fast towards the ground and then stopped abruptly. It hovered for a second and took off really fast towards the left at a 45 degree angle. It was so strange so I started to pay attention. Then it looked like it was about to crash a second time, but didn't once again. About 1 min later I was driving right next to the thing. The lights were really, really bright. Big white lights and smaller blue ones in a pattern. [White, blue, white, blue and so on]. Not like any aircraft I have seen. It was hovering 3-4 feet over a field. Then it took off past me right as I was driving by. There were a few people pulled over behind me so I'm sure they were watching it too.

If at first you don't succeed, try, try again! As regulars to this blog will now know, this behaviour is being repeated, presumably all over the world. The first scientific report of an 'exodus' of light balls occurred in 1997, but metaphysicians and channelled sources claimed in the early 1990s that we were seeing a two-way traffic of entities, NOT UFOs and the science reveals that we are indeed seeing intelligent magnetic plasma entities or magnetospheric plasmoids, one of a variety of names used by the scientific community. I can't think why this UAP had difficulty entering the Earth, but it looks like no permission was granted.... Personally, I am wondering what the consequences are if enough UAPs can't gain access in a particular region.... There may even be a system where particular UAPs are arriving with specific orders to take up residency in a particular region for a particular role that is not related to energy accounting. Quite frankly, if humans were supposed to help 'prepare' the Earth, like a few channelled sources have stated, then are we in trouble? There is not really a lot of evidence that prominent leaders in the metaphysical/New Age world, were giving any encouragement to do this work.

Below Milk Hill (3), nr Alton Barnes, Wiltshire [UK]. Reported 21st June.
Crop circle Connector, 2nd July 2009
"A new two-part crop picture at Milk Hill on June 21-22, 2009 has stunned the world, or at least that small part of it who are intelligent and open-minded enough to follow English crop pictures! What could it possibly mean? Several readers have already made the following helpful suggestions (see milkhill3): "It looks like a sextant used by the Navy for navigation at sea by the stars. It also seems to be pointing towards some specific planetary alignment" (Paul Anderson).

"The first thing I saw in that new Milk Hill crop formation was our planetary system" (Sascha Klein). "It resembles a pair of compasses as an instrument used for measuring distance" (Mark Vidler). "Its teardrop shape has been noted in other commentaries as signifying a solar storm. This new image speaks of what appears to be a technological relationship to such a storm" (Steve). Here we will expand upon those helpful suggestions, in order to determine in precise detail, what this new and amazing crop picture might really mean. Part I of Milk Hill on June 21, 2009 showed the symbolism of a “sextant”. As shown in the explanatory diagram below, Part I of Milk Hill on June 21 clearly looked like a “sextant”, which has long been used to measure the “altitude” or height above the horizon of various astronomical objects in Earth’s sky

We have Phase III! The original crop circle interpretation for Phase I & II given here is now fairly convincing. Since I have taken a public stance that Space Weather is driving evolutionary change with recent massive verification from NASA and the space community, the crop circle makers have now joined in with warnings to expect direct hits from Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs). We don't have long to go now to see what happens on 6/7th July but NASA has informed the world that the Earth is lowering her shields so we can expect trouble! Remember we have been told that the deliveries of evolutionary energy will increase by 100,000x year on year from 2007-2012, but the pot is already boiling! Update Independence Day solar fireworks support crop circle prediction of July 7 solar storms

Cosmic Ray Decreases Affect Atmospheric Aerosols and Clouds
Climate Research News, 2nd July 2009
"Henrik Svensmark et al have a new GRL paper in press entitled: 'Cosmic ray decreases affect atmospheric aerosols and clouds' The Abstract states:

Close passages of coronal mass ejections from the sun are signaled at the Earth's surface by Forbush decreases in cosmic ray counts. We find that low clouds contain less liquid water following Forbush decreases (FDs), and for the most influential events the liquid water in the oceanic atmosphere can diminish by as much as 7%. [...]

The paper concludes: Our results show global-scale evidence of conspicuous influences of solar variability on cloudiness and aerosols. Irrespective of the detailed mechanism, the loss of ions from the air during FDs reduces the cloud liquid water content over the oceans. So marked is the response to relatively small variations in the total ionization, we suspect that a large fraction of Earth's clouds could be controlled by ionization.

Future work should estimate how large a volume of the Earth's atmosphere is involved in the ion process that leads to the changes seen in CCN and its importance for the Earth's radiation budget. From solar activity to cosmic ray ionization to aerosols and liquid-water clouds, a causal chain appears to operate on a global scale."

The Danish should be very proud of Henrik Svensmark for the paradigm shift in scientific understanding that is now occuring as we learn that Earth's climate can be effected by outside electromagnetic influences. Incidentally, at the weekend I actually saw a few thin parrallel streaks of clouds almost like vapour trails that seem to come out of the clouds at an angle, but they did not quite reach the ground. I was on my way home with shopping and within half an hour it clouded over and rained or elsewhere I would have tried to see how widespread this event was. I have never seen anything like it because it was so distinct, and particularly interesting because at that time, I was not aware of any solar activity. Cosmic rays only take just over 8 minutes to travel at the speed of light to arrive on Earth from the Sun, and the particles generated must have been extremely energetic (according to Svensmark these would have been muons or heavy electrons to penetrate to ground level) and cause cloud condensation nuclei in such a manner. At the time, I was wondering what exactly was going on, but of course I saw the news that the Sun had "suddenly" woken up and was putting on a show for the 4th July. Incredible.....

Pictured: Flight diverted after passenger takes all his clothes off
Dail Mail, 2nd July 2009
"A US Airways flight had to be diverted yesterday after a passenger stripped naked and assaulted a flight attendant when she tried to make him put his clothes back on. Keith Wright, 50, of New York, was arrested by two off-duty law enforcement officers who were on board the plane. He took all his clothes off while sitting in his seat in the back of Flight 705 from North Carolina to Los Angeles on Tuesday evening. There were 148 passengers on board the plane. When a flight attendant asked him to put his clothes back on, he did not respond. 'She asked him on more than one occasion to put on his clothes. She covered him with a blanket and he took that off,' a spokesman said. Wright - who told the FBI he suffers from bi-polar disorder and had not taken his medication that morning - then punched and kicked the flight attendant. She asked two off-duty law officers for help, according to a criminal complaint. "

Please note the increasing reports of disorderly behaviour on flights. See Best of the Blog - Imbalance. Ok, the man had not taken his medication, but it does not help the situation when an airline uses nakedness for gaining people's attention during flight safety briefings! See Airline crew bares all to get flyers' attention

Staff strip naked to improve morale:
Staff at a design and marketing company in Newcastle spent a day working together naked after being told it would improve their morale.
More nakedness!

Court to Defendant: Stop Blasting That Man’s Mind!
Wired News, 1st July 2009
"Late last year, James Walbert went to court, to stop his former business associate from blasting him with mind-altering electromagnetic radiation. Walbert told the Sedgwick County, Kansas panel that Jeremiah Redford threatened him with “jolts of radiation” after a disagreement over a business deal. Later, Walbert, said, he began feeling electric shock sensations, hearing electronically generated tones, and getting popping and ringing sounds in his ears. On December 30th, the court decided in Walbert’s favor, and issued a first-of-its-kind order of protection, banning Redford from using “electronic means” to further harass Walbert. [...]

The U.N. is also now taking the possibility of electromagnetic terrorism against people seriously. And for the first time this year’s European Symposium on Non-lethal Weapons included a session on the social implications of non-lethal weapons, with specific reference to “privacy-invasive remote interrogation and behavioral influence applications.” Those who believe they are being targeted are getting a bit of official recognition."

It's very interesting that the UN is getting involved and that people who have been harrassed in the past are getting recognition.

The Sun puts on some fireworks for the 4th of July
Watts Up With That, 4th July 2009
"From The most active sunspot of the year so far is emerging in the sun’s southern hemisphere: movie. Sunspot 1024 has at least a dozen individual dark cores and it is crackling with B-class solar flares. This morning, amateur astronomer David Tyler caught one of the flares in action from his backyard solar observatory in England:"

Well the previously 'dead' sun has sprung to life! For more info and

'I felt like I'd been electrocuted': Sole survivor of Airbus crash relives her ordeal as she is reunited with her father
Daily Mail, 3rd July 2009
"The child survivor of the Yemenia jet crash which killed 152 today spoke of her ordeal as she flew back to France for an emotional reunion with her father. Bahia Bakari told a French government minister that she felt something 'like electricity' before the crash.

'She says instructions were given to passengers and that then she felt something like electricity ... as if she had been a bit electrocuted,'
France's government minister for cooperation, Alain Joyandet, who flew back to Paris with Bahia today, said. 'And suddenly there was this big sound. She found herself in the water - and you know the rest.'"

Certainly, most will agree that the survival of the one 14 year passenger from this disaster is 'miraculous'. However, due to the circumstances, we have to pay careful attention to what she states. So far, there has been lots of speculation about the previous Airbus disaster, but now we have a suvivor telling us that she felt electricity and she felt like she had been "a bit electrocuted". There is no doubt that most independent researchers will come to the conclusion that the plane was hit by lightning but as we now know, new electrical phenomena like 'ion plumes', sprites and new types of megalightning are also occuring. One major problem that independent researchers face is the vagueness of major press releases by NASA and other space agencies and the need to gain access to important research. NASA are obliged by law to reveal their research but prefer to keep back certain key facts from the general public. Here, it would be useful to know just how low the ionosphere has become in certain parts of the world. The revelation that the ionosphere is 'extraordinarily' low, is just not really good enough. As the electromagnetic environment of Earth intensifies, it is likely that the preponderance of geomagnetic and new atmospheric electrical phenomena will increase. We already have scientists telling us that it's now like a 'zoo' in the region above the cloud tops, in region of the stratosphere (16-50km) that that they refer to as the 'ignor(o)sphere' because they are generally ignorant of what is happening there. For more background information see the report, Megalightning and The Demise of STS-107 Space Shuttle Columbia.

In Search of the Science Behind the Healing Powers of Art
Wall Street Journal, 3rd July 2009
"Julia Strecher was 9 years old when she had her second heart transplant. Her body had rejected the first heart she received with particular vehemence: She went into cardiac arrest six times in two hours. As doctors struggled to revive her, she recalls, she could hear them debating whether to give up.

“I was trapped in my body,” says Ms. Strecher, now 18. “I was trying to tell people I was alive and not to pull the plug.” A few months after she went home with her second new heart, she began having nightmares in which she watched herself suffering cardiac arrest.

But then, she began writing down her thoughts about being helpless. Eventually she turned the details into poems and stories. “It was extremely emotionally healing and freeing,” she said. “It helped me relieve a lot of stress and provided a distraction from pain and depression.” The nightmares went away.

Ms. Strecher’s case seems a striking illustration of the healing potential of creative expression. But is it science? Can the power of the arts to soothe, transform and inspire be enlisted to treat—and perhaps even prevent—heart disease?"

This is the Wall Street Journal article teaching people that they can heal themselves through art and self-expression. It's a new world!

Airbus could be asked to ground all long-range airliners
Times Online, 1st July 2009
"Airbus is expected to face calls to ground its worldwide fleet of long-range airliners tomorrow when French accident investigators issue their first account of what caused Air France Flight 447 to crash off Brazil on June 1. It is believed that the accident bureau will report that stormy weather was a factor but faulty speed data and electronics were the main problem in the disaster that killed 228 people. The European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) is likely to be asked why it had never taken action to remedy trouble that was well known with the Airbus 330 and 340 series. Nearly 1,000 of the aircraft are flying and until AF447, no passenger had been killed in one.

Obviously, two crashes in a month is not acceptable but if other types of planes start going down in the same region then the report below that implicates geomagnetic storms could become more plausible. The facts are that NASA have admitted that "ion plumes" are occuring during geomagnetic storms and interfering with aircraft navigation, and these have occurred over the United States and recently over Africa. See also Airbus with 153 on board crashes into Indian Ocean. We could infer this could be a world-wide phenomena and this would account for some of the very strange electromagnetic anomalies in aircraft navigation systems in recent years. Update 'I felt like I'd been electrocuted': Sole survivor of Airbus crash relives her ordeal as she is reunited with her father

Scientists reveal connection between cancer and human evolution
PHYSorg, 2nd July 2009
"Researchers at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (BGU) have discovered that gene mutations that once helped humans survive may increase the possibility for diseases, including cancer. [...]

The findings were recently the cover story in the journal Genome Research. "The concept that the same principles that drive evolution toward the emergence of new species govern the emergence of diseases is new," Mishmar explains. "A clinician looks at the genome of a tumor, or other disease, and compares it to the normal population, looking for new mutations that do not occur there. I assume the mutations are already part of the population and have had a survival function. When these same mutations reoccur in the correct environment, they can cause disease." "

Again, we have scientists who have fully embraced the concept that the environment is the main determinant for how DNA templates are 'tuned'. Recent articles tell us that the growth of Epigenetics research has been 'explosive'. However, the metaphysical perspective has always known that humans by their intent can cooperate with the environment and have an ability to 'fine tune' their own DNA. At this time of evolutionary change, understanding how this works is paramount.

Message in the CLOUD for Warmists: The end is near?
Watts Up With That, 1st July 2009
"You’ve probably all heard of Svensmark and the Galactic Cosmic Ray (GCR) to cloud cover modulation theory by now. Lot’s of warmists say it is “discredited”. However, CERN in Switzerland isn’t following that thinking, and after getting some encouraging results in the CLOUD06 experiment, they have funded a much larger and more comprehensive CLOUD09 experiment. I figure if it is “discredited”, a bunch of smart guys and gals like CERN wouldn’t be ramping up the investigation. There’s also word now of a new correlation: I get so many tips now it is hard to choose, but this one is a gem. If you look at nothing else this month, please take the time to download the slide show from CERN’s Jasper Kirkby at the end of this article."

Despite, the evidence that the science related to the myth of global warming has become a political tool, I still believe there are some old-fashion scientists out there who are still only interested in REAL SCIENCE. It seems that the scientists at CERN are of this calibre and are keen to do the necessary scientific research and analysis. To echo the remarks here, the Galactic Cosmic Ray (GCR) to cloud cover modulation theory certainly seems far from “discredited”.

UFO spotted hovering in Hertfordshire
A couple photographed a UFO hovering in the black sky above their home in Welwyn Garden City, Hertforshire, late at night.

The Telegraph, 1st July 2009
"A couple photographed a UFO hovering in the black sky above their home in Welwyn Garden City, Hertforshire, late at night. UFO fever has blown up after a couple snapped this mystery object hovering in the black sky above their home. Diane Prior took the shot after her husband Andy, 40, raised the alarm. He was in his back garden with his dog at about 10.45pm when he saw two strange objects over his head. Mr Prior, of Welwyn Garden City, Herts, said: "They were above the clouds, swinging left to right. "There was no noise whatsoever. I was absolutely gobsmacked. I have never seen anything like it before."

Well, there are just too many sightings with evidence for the mainstream media to ignore, but at what point are they going to start asking some serious questions?


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Susan Joy Rennison quotes:

“Space Weather is now a fact of life.”

“We are all astronauts now!”

Tuning The Diamonds,
September 2006

“We must spiritually evolve as part of the new terms & conditions for living on Earth.”

Joyfire Tour – Evolutionary Change, December 2006

“Space Weather will force many changes in how we do business on this planet.”

News of the Imbalance,
April 2007

NASA Press Release:

“Earth and space are about to come into contact in a way that's new to human history.”

“We're on the threshold of a new era in which space weather can be as influential in our daily lives as ordinary terrestrial weather.”

As the Sun Awakens, NASA Keeps a Wary Eye on Space Weather
NASA News, 4th June 2010

White House Executive Order:

“Space weather has the potential to simultaneously affect and disrupt health and safety across entire continents. Successfully preparing for space weather events is an all-of-nation endeavor that requires partnerships across governments, emergency managers, academia, the media, the insurance industry, non-profits, and the private sector.”

Executive Order –– Coordinating Efforts to Prepare the Nation for Space Weather Events
The White House, 13th October 2016

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