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Susan rennison

The New Cosmic Age is now Official!

According to Richard Fisher, head of NASA’s Heliophysics Division:
"Earth and space are about to come into contact in a way that's new to human history."

"I believe we’re on the threshold of a new era in which space weather can be as influential in our daily lives as ordinary terrestrial weather."

"We take this very seriously indeed."

Source: As the Sun Awakens, NASA Keeps a Wary Eye on Space Weather
NASA News, 4th June 2010

News of the Imbalance – September/October 2009

Light's origin unknown
Rhinelander Daily News, 31st October 2009
"For decades, residents in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula have witnessed a truly unexplainable phenomenon. A bright, glowing light that hovers in the night sky, nestled between the sleepy little towns of Watersmeet and Paulding. The light appears every night, but can be seen better on clear evenings. [...] The light can be red, but it’s also appeared in shades of white and green. It appears sporadically and hovers up and down and side to side."

I was delighted to come across this short article. Here we have reports of what looks like a daily electrical discharge that probably puts it in the category of St Elmo's fire and not Earthlights: Spooklights and Ghost Lights because it seems to be located in a fixed position and earthlights are noted for moving about. Whatever, as we are seeing a massive build up of charge around our planet and a planetary sized refresh of energies, as well as a dimensional shift and of course I could go on, it is good that articles are appearing that inform people that there are many different manifestations of light that are known to us and we are only experiencing a greater intensity combined with others that are unfamiliar.

In praise of the sceptics, 30th October 2009
In a speech to the British Association for the Advancement of Science in 1900, the most famous scientist of the day, Lord Kelvin, declared, "Physics is essentially complete".

"There is nothing new to be discovered in physics now," he said. "All that remains is more and more precise measurement."

He did note a couple of "dark clouds on the horizon" but expected they would be erased without much trouble. One cloud was the puzzle about the constancy of the speed of light; the other how matter absorbed and emitted light. Just five years later Albert Einstein's theories about both would shatter Lord Kelvin's world view.

Einstein wasn't as arrogant as Lord Kelvin. He was to say of his theories, "No amount of experimentation can ever prove me right; a single experiment can prove me wrong".

I think that Karl Popper has to be one of the greatest scientists for his views on true science, where if a theory could be falsified by experimentation it was science, if it couldn't it was pseudoscience. Many people talk about pseudoscience but they don't have a clue what that actually entails, because most theories are routinely falsified by observation but scientists just update the theory, (like Big Bang & Black Hole theory) and this is not how science should be conducted. Anyway, this article is about scientific scepticism but it starts in a similar vein to the April 2009, Time Magazine's 'Visions of the 21st century', which asked the pertinent question; Will There Be Anything Left To Discover? Is the great era of scientific inquiry over? Have all the big theories been formulated and important discoveries made—leaving future scientists nothing but fine tuning? Or is the real fun about to begin? After two science writers debated, the final word on the matter was summarised as follows:
"No matter how far science does or doesn't advance, however, there's one wild card in even the most pessimistic scenario. If we encounter extraterrestrial life—and especially life intelligent enough to have developed its own science—then all bets are off."
It is very important that more people realise that science has not discovered everything. Our world is transforming in front of our eyes and the general public will soon realise that another lifeform lives alongside us. It will be inevitable that many established ideas are going to be have to be radically reconsidered and hopefully, the outcome will be a massive shift in consciousness that will change our world for the better.

Lord Monckton on Glenn Beck show
Watts Up With That, 30th October 2009
In case you missed it live, Christopher Monckton spent an entire hour on the Glenn Beck program today on the topic of global warming, skepticism, and the Copenhagen Treaty.

I have not watched this show, but the blog comments here indicate it is well worth watching. There is some reaction here and I like the comment from Just The Facts (17:05:37) : Here’s the Guardian on Monckton’s appearance: Climate change denier Lord Monckton meets Glenn Beck They seem worried, I can tell by the tone of their insults…

Climate Fools Day rallies the heretics: Stop them, before they Deny again!
The Register, 30th October 2009
On my way to a climate conference yesterday, I wondered what £6m worth of TV advertising might look like if it climate sceptics dominated the political and media elites, rather than environmental activists. [...]

I expect that this would become a national sensation, (but perhaps not with Guardian readers,) and possibly even generate spin-offs. It would surely draw fewer complaints than the current £6m "behaviour change" campaign featuring the drowning cartoon dog.

It would certainly meet with approval from most attendees of Piers Corbyn's "Climate Fool's Day" conference yesterday. There, at Imperial College, the air was thick with heresy.

The BBC sent two employees - who strangely, put as much distance between themselves and the "Deniers" as they could. If they were any further back from the stage, they would have been in the next room. A Freudian choice of seating? At Fools Day, almost every foundation of the manmade global warming hypothesis was attacked - including the views of other sceptical scientists.

This may be somewhat confusing to an agnostic. There's a great hunger for a 'silver bullet' to slay the Greenhouse Global Warming hypothesis, when none is really necessary. A hypothesis will die a natural death, if it is no longer an adequate explanation of the observations. No amount of financial or political buttress - or as a last resort, the precautionary principle - can prop up a bad theory forever."

This is a basic report of what went on at the Climate Fools Day conference.

The burning times
BBC News, 30th October 2009
"Witches remain a significant cultural presence centuries after thousands of women, and men, accused of sorcery were burned at the stake. But what caused the craze for burning witches, and why did it stop?"

One of the things that happened when I was energy balancing was discovering women who had deliberately closed their third eye, one woman even told me her mother had showed her how to do it. For some spiritual people, the fear of being burnt for being a witch or heresy is still in their energy field and has never been resolved. These days, we don't focus much on the power of the Church and their abuse of power, where innocent people were terrorised and killed. I think my awakening came when I read a story about a young girl who nearly lost her life because she changed her underwear once a week and did not eat pork and this was considered to be anti-christian ritualistic behaviour. However, there are instances where saints and doctors of the Catholic Church were also accused of heresy to be reprieved and then only hundreds of years later were then cannonised. These days it helps me to understand the fear that some people experience of being different and risking their lives, once again, even though they may be unaware of where their fear originates. I still feel very strongly about this and I recommend people who are interested in this subject to read the book, The Vicars of Christ: The Dark Side of the Papacy written by an ex Catholic priest with assess to Vatican archives. Here are some extracts, The Pot Calling the Kettle Black - Lest We Forget - History Repeats & The Pot Calling the Kettle Black: Part II - Persecuting Witches.

Chemical alert as six passengers faint on transatlantic flight to Heathrow
More than 200 passengers were at the centre of an fumes alert at London's Heathrow airport after at least six "fainted" during a transatlantic British Airways flight.

The Telegraph, 31st October 2009
"The Boeing 777 was ordered to a remote part of the airfield after landing early this morning, where it was met by 11 fire appliances and six ambulances. The drama began as the British Airways flight BA184 from Newark, New Jersey, landed at

Heathrow's Terminal 5 at about 6.50am. The crew of the flight deck had radioed ahead to warn that six passengers had fainted, amid fears that they could have inhaled some type of poisonous chemical or been struck by a mystery bug.

Firefighters wearing breathing apparatus boarded the plane and spent almost two hours checking for any sign of a chemical or fumes which might have caused the passengers' illness. After the all-clear was given, ambulance crews were allowed aboard and treated the passengers, who reported feeling "light-headed" and "faint" during the flight. None required hospital treatment."

The link here with the following email was sent to me by one of my blog regulars and I think it was actually quite an interesting assessment. Leticia wrote: "I was wondering if you'd heard about the six passengers that fainted in flight to London (you probably have). Air travel seems to be getting trickier by the day. Since the beginning of the year there have been many many small plane (and helicopter) accidents that have never even made the headlines - it actually came onto my "radar screen" (intuitively speaking) back in Feb. and I monitored/listed the incidents that I found in obscure articles on the internet until it became so many that I just stopped. Even the ones making it into the major news headlines have not let up. Hmmm......" Well, I don't think anyone will admit that there is a major problem with navigational systems but since nuclear submarines are now crashing in the middle of the vast oceans which is quite unbelievable, we have to suspect that the unstable geomagnetic environment is the cause. This is example of what Leticia has noted: 'Fireball' Off California: Coast Guard Plane, Navy Chopper Collide

Farmer sparks UFO alert with helium balloons
A red-faced farmer, Johnny Hewitt, has come clean after sparking a nationwide UFO sighting frenzy with a pack of illuminated party balloons.

The Telegraph, 30th October 2009
"Mr Hewitt, 35, had tethered hundreds of the mulit-coloured helium-filled balloons containing miniature LEDs, in a net and floated the craft over his countryside home as a guiding beacon to party-guests before tying it back in his barn.

But the unsuspecting farmer had no idea that the eerie orb-like structure was attracting the attention of alien-spotters across the county, with reported UFO sightings being aired on local radio, TV stations and You Tube and astronomy experts suggesting it could be a planet or part of a meteor shower.

As news of the spooky sightings reached the farmer, Mr Hewitt realised it was his party beacon that had caused the widespread panic and has now come forward to reassure the public that there is no alien invasion.

[...] "The local paper had an article about it with a so called expert saying it was probably 20- 22,000 feet in the air and was more than likely a meteor shower."

It's Halloween! How come people can't tell the difference between party balloons and a UFO? The question I have is: where is the tether? I also find the movement a bit strange too, here is a 10 second clip on YouTube. Altrincham Helium Balloon UFO? The local "expert" opinion is interesting, but the question is: who in their right mind will have the time to launch a Helium Balloon UFO so high in the sky that it can be seen all over the county? See one local report dated 14th October here, Lights in the sky above Altrincham too big for Chinese lanterns?
Update According to a reliable source, if it is true that this balloon was seen all over the county and we are talking about Greater Manchester that is 493 square miles, then the estimate of 22,000 feet or 4.167 miles is probably still not high enough to be seen "all over the county". A trained observer would tell you that it would have had to have been enormous to have been seen,

so this farmer must have had a rather long tether and permission to fly.... Obviously, this object galvanised controllers to cook up a stupid explanation and farmers seem to be the profession of choice for debunking UFOs. The best thing about this story is that this was obviously a UAP and not a UFO and may have been lots of orbs travelling together to make up a magnetospheric plasmoid. Obviously, with the dimensional shift in progress, this is not a one-off and we await the next interdimensional oddity.

Superstitious Beliefs Cemented Before Birth
The Telegraph, 30th October 2009
"The propensity to believe in paranormal phenomena and superstitions appears to arise in the womb, suggests new research.

The findings, published in the journal Personality and Individual Differences, further indicate that a reduced ability for analytical thinking may correspond with increased intuitive thinking, which has been associated with a belief in extrasensory perception (ESP), ghosts, telepathy and other paranormal phenomena.

Author Martin Voracek claims his new study's determinations "suggest (there are) biologically based, prenatally programmed influences on paranormal and superstitious beliefs."

There is an issue here of being supersitious being lumped together with being intuitive, and this being associated with "lower analytical thinking." This assessment seems a little too sloppy, as there must be a scenario where people are not supersitious, but are critical thinkers and intuitive too which some psychologists see as being necessary for being highly creative.

James Ray Spiritual Warrior worksheet: Shocking questions
Philadelphia Speculative Fiction Examiner, 30th October 2009
" We’ve taken a look at what it was like inside James Ray’s Spiritual Warrior and sweat lodge retreat. We’ve read the transcript of his secret call to survivors. We’ve talked about some of the different methods James Ray uses without license or ethics. Now I bring to you the only worksheet James Ray gave out during this retreat. I’m still not sure I should share it, I mean, it is pretty messed up. Seriously, it’s not even suitable for children. So, if you are under 18, please stop reading this and send it to your parental unit for approval and discussion. That being said…

What kind of questions did James Ray have the participants writing answers to all night, instead of sleeping? What were they supposed to be exploring and writing about while they were abandoned out in the desert with no food or water? What kind of prompts were they being given to focus on amidst all the NLP, hypnotic technique, coercive persuasion, and altered states? Was it something that would allow them to grow financially, spiritually, and whatever the heck else he promised it would? Not so much."

Well, the reverberations continue and if you have been following the blogs, you will already know that a woman called Colleen Conaway committed suicide during a July James Arthur Ray event, so that's actually 4 deaths in 90 days. The most recent pages on the Cult Education Forum James Arthur Ray - 2 die at Arizona retreat's sweat lodge explains how people are broken down by triggering trauma and they discuss and explain the cult 'science' used and hence refer to the same worksheet mentioned in this short article. Quite frankly, the whole of the James Ray operation was a classic cult operation, tailormade for the New Age community. Well, since I did not know anything about James Ray previous to this incident and had never seen the documentary called 'The Secret' authored by James Ray, which stinks of a think positive and get rich quick mentality, prevalent in the New Age community, I have come to realise that it's a waste of time relying on others discernment. Just because he was held in high esteem by the New Age community and managed to get himself onto Oprah a few times, means he was just a clever at taking in the gullible. Here is the latest news, James Ray has cancelled his events for the year. Beyond Sweat Lodge: James Ray's Controversial World: Ray Postpones Self-Help Events Following Sedona, Ariz., Sweat Lodge Deaths, Victim's Family Calls for Arrest Watch the video and the discussion of the LAW OF ATTRACTION, ABC News are asking the question: DID JAMES RAY ATTRACT THIS DISASTER INTO HIS LIFE? Listen to James Ray's response in a 2007 interview that has not been previously aired.

Robins can see Earth's magnetic field
Robins can 'see' the Earth's magnetic field which allows them to navigate, scientists believe.

Refreshing News, 30th October 2009
German scientists studied 36 European robins and concluded that the birds can 'see' the Earth's magnetic field, allowing them to navigate. The information, relayed to a specialised light-processing region of the brain called ''cluster N'', helps the robin find its way on migration flights.

Experts know birds possess an internal magnetic compass, but there is disagreement about what form it takes. One idea is that tiny magnets in the beak wired to the nervous system detect lines of magnetic force.

[...] ''The exact role of cluster N within this circuit has not been determined, but the present results raise the distinct possibility that this part of the visual system enables birds to 'see' magnetic compass information.''

When I did my original research for my book, Tuning the Diamonds: Electromagnetism and Spiritual Evolution, I discovered that some Electrohypersenstives could see electric and magnetic fields, but they thought it meant they had a medical condition. In the New Age world, if someone can see EM fields, people think they should be treated like gurus!

INDONESIAN ASTEROID:, 28th October 2009
"Picture this: A 10-meter wide asteroid hits Earth and explodes in the atmosphere with the energy of a small atomic bomb. Frightened by thunderous sounds and shaking walls, people rush out of their homes, thinking that an earthquake is in progress. All they see is a twisting trail of debris in the mid-day sky: Click to view an Indonesian news report

This really happened on Oct. 8th around 11 am local time in the coastal town of Bone, Indonesia. The Earth-shaking blast received remarkably little coverage in Western press, but meteor scientists have given it their full attention. "The explosion triggered infrasound sensors of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization (CTBTO) more than 10,000 km away," report researchers Elizabeth Silber and Peter Brown of the Univ. of Western Ontario in an Oct. 19th press release . Their analysis of the infrasound data revealed an explosion at coordinates 4.5S, 120E (close to Bone) with a yield of about 50 kton of TNT. That's two to three times more powerful than World War II-era atomic bombs.

The asteroid that caused the blast was not known before it hit and took astronomers completely by surprise. According to statistical studies of the near-Earth asteroid population, such objects are expected to collide with Earth on average every 2 to 12 years. "Follow-on observations from other instruments or ground recovery efforts would be very valuable in further refining this unique event," say Silber and Brown.

But, we have seen many similar trails of twisting debris in the sky in recent months and years.

Asteroid blast reveals holes in Earth's defences
New Scientist News, 26th October 2009
As the US government ponders a strategy to deal with threatening asteroids, a dramatic explosion over Indonesia has underscored how blind we still areMovie Camera to hurtling space rocks.

On 8 October an asteroid detonated high in the atmosphere above South Sulawesi, Indonesia, releasing about as much energy as 50,000 tons of TNT, according to a NASA estimate released on Friday. That's about three times more powerful than the atomic bomb that levelled Hiroshima, making it one of the largest asteroid explosions ever observed.

However, the blast caused no damage on the ground because of the high altitude, 15 to 20 kilometres above Earth's surface, says astronomer Peter Brown of the University of Western Ontario (UWO), Canada.

According to there was NO mention of this event in the western press but there was a detailed NASA report as part of the Near Earth Object Program called Asteroid Impactor Reported over Indonesia dated 23rd October. Not even the blogosphere got hold of and circulated this asteroid event. However, 18 days later we have news and even then I still ignored it until 2 days later when I clicked on the YouTube video link provided at Hmmm....

Do Jupiter's Red Storms Signal Massive Climate Change?
Daily Galaxy, 28th October 2009
"The Hubble Space Telescope and Keck Observatory images may support the idea that Jupiter is in the midst of violent global climate change. This theory was first proposed in 2004 by Phil Marcus, a professor of mechanical engineering at the University of California, Berkeley. The planet's temperatures may be changing by 15 to 20 degrees Fahrenheit, with the giant planet getting warmer near the equator and cooler near the South Pole. Marcus predicted that large changes would start in the southern hemisphere around 2006, causing the jet streams to become unstable and spawn new vortices as has been proven out by the emergence of new swirling red storms."

The issue with the conclusion that we are witnessing a solar system transformation is that we don't have hundreds of years of observations about a range of parameters because we have only recently had sophisticated telescopes and space probes taking measurements. However, astronomers have been watching Jupiter which is the biggest planet (unlit star) in our solar system and there seems to be no serious challenges to the assertion that it is undergoing "violent climate change". The conclusion that many theorists, who take an integrated approach, is that the many changes being seen in ALL the planets are due to a new relationship between aetheric forces that infuences the generation of climatic features that we can observe.

Climate Fools Day 2009 - 28 October
Anniversary of the UK Climate Change Bill signing, 28th October 2009
Climate Fools Day Conference Latest: Dr. David Bellamy joins Piers Corbyn, Sammy Wilson, Hans Schreuder and others for the London event.

Piers Corbyn got a 5 minute slot on radio BBC Radio 4 today, fast foreward to [49:00] Piers Corbyn, of is a well known climate "realist", who became famous by testing his own theories of what drives our climate and weather to bet on the weather. After 10 years of making money on his small bets, the bookies turned him away! LOL!

Schoolboy's bedroom raided after TV aerial interferes with air traffic control
A schoolboy, Nickie Chamberlain, was surprised when Government officials arrived at his bedroom and confiscated his television aerial because it was interfering with planes landing at a nearby airport.

The Telegraph, 28th October 2009
"Nickie, who is 12, had used the booster device for two years to watch cartoons, music channels and Big Brother on his 14-inch television.

But three weeks ago an official from the Office of Communications (Ofcom) turned up at his home claiming the £15 aerial was affecting planes landing at Luton Airport.

According to Ofcom, pilots coming into land at the airport had lost contact with the control tower because the faulty aerial was transmitting on the same frequency as the cockpit radios.

The communication problems meant pilots landing their aircraft had to scramble to change the frequency so they could continue to communicate with the control tower.

Air traffic controllers first noticed the communication problems on the flight path into Luton, which is directly over Nickie's house in Linslade, Beds., on October 6."

I have to say this example of electromagnetic interference from a TV booster is almost unbelievable.

Prominent Russian Scientist: 'We should fear a deep temperature drop -- not catastrophic global warming'
'Warming had a natural origin...CO2 is 'not guilty'

Climate Depot, 27th October 2009

(Habibullo Abdussamatov, Dr. Sc. - Head of Space research laboratory of the Pulkovo Observatory, Head of the Russian/Ukrainian joint project Astrometria - (translated from Russian by Lucy Hancock) Dr. Abdussamatov is featured on page 140 of the 2009 U.S. Senate Report of More Than 700 Dissenting Scientists Over Man-Made Global Warming. Also see "Related Links" below.)

Key Excerpts: Observations of the Sun show that as for the increase in temperature, carbon dioxide is "not guilty" and as for what lies ahead in the upcoming decades, it is not catastrophic warming, but a global, and very prolonged, temperature drop. [...] Over the past decade, global temperature on the Earth has not increased; global warming has ceased, and already there are signs of the future deep temperature drop.

for a shorter synopsis, see The Sun Defines the Climate – an essay from Russia

More sightings of mysterious 'ball' in the sky
Get Reading, 27th October 2009
"A mysterious sighting in Tilehurst has sparked a flurry of readers contacting getreading about the possibility of alien life. On Wednesday, October 14 the Reading Post ran a story about a "bowling ball-like" object hovering above Oxford Road. It was spotted by a woman at around 9am on Monday, September 28, as she travelled between Kentwood Hill and Waitrose along Oxford Road. Since then, readers have contacted the paper describing similar sightings on the same day and in the same area. Sharon Cox was waiting for a bus opposite the junction of Weald Rise and Oxford Road that day.

"It was about 6.50am and I was waiting for the bus to go to work," she said. "It was like a black ball, it looked like it had a halo around it but was smaller than a hot air balloon."

Maybe, the halo made people suspect it was a UFO, but the description of "a hole in the sky" is also very interesting. Well, it's different from the majority of fiery or pearl white orbs being seen over the UK and its worth noting as the dimensional shift accelerates, things get weirder and weirder as Joe Public is faced with an assortment of higher dimensional entities. Here are other UK media reports:

Is the truth out there?
Two bright lights pulsing red, Kilwinning, Ayrshire [UK]

UFOs over Fenland again [UK]
Lights hovering and moving in the sky, Wisbech [UK]

UFOs were lanterns - or were they?
Orange lights over Cardigan & Aberporth, Wales [UK]

Mystery surrounds sighting of 'plane in flames' in skies above Brean
Witness drove around the village (Burnham-on-sea, UK) thinking that the plane might crash fire chi!!

Orange UFOs are spotted in the sky
Lights fly in unison, intelligent flight, Derby [UK]

UFOs reported in Sutton skies
Orb, with a gold light, orange/red glow on top

Video: UFO spotted in Weston's nightsky
White orb dancing around in the sky [UK]

Monster supernovae may explain galaxy's mystery haze
New Scientist News, 27th October 2009
copy: "WHAT is causing a mysterious "haze" of radiation at the centre of the Milky Way? It may be a load of monster supernovae kicking out radiation which is then amplified by magnetic stellar winds and turbulence near the galaxy's core.

In 2003, the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe found a patch of particularly energetic microwave radiation in the centre of our galaxy - dubbed the "WMAP haze". It was proposed that this could be caused by collisions of a new type of dark-matter particle.

Instead, the signal could be produced by amplified cosmic rays generated when particularly large stars explode, says Peter Biermann of the Max Planck Institute for Radioastronomy in Bonn, Germany, and colleagues.

The centre of our galaxy has a high number of massive stars compared with elsewhere. These stars are surrounded by particularly strong magnetic stellar winds. At the star's polar regions, the wind's magnetic field is parallel to the direction of travel of any escaping cosmic rays kicked out by the supernova. This configuration - plus the particularly high turbulence in the galactic centre caused by the high concentration of stars - may be increasing the energy of the cosmic rays, says the team. They have submitted the paper to The Astrophysical Journal.

Dan Hooper at the University of Chicago points out that while it's prudent to consider scenarios other than dark matter as a cause, very little is known about the inner region of our galaxy and the magnetic fields there."

A monster explosion at the centre of our galaxy, now that's interesting! This article is interesting and tells us that there is a possibility that one of the massive stars in the compact region called Saggitarius A*, which represents the centre of our Milky Way galaxy, may have exploded and energized matter to account for a measurement of higher energy galactic cosmic rays. Quite frankly, I think this is major news.

Static electricity worry halts NASA rocket test flight
New Scientist, 27th October 2009
Poor weather on Tuesday prevented NASA from launching a test version of the Ares I rocket it is developing to replace the space shuttle.

Ares I is designed to loft a crew capsule called Orion to low-Earth orbit. Initially it would travel to the International Space Station, but later it would act as the first leg of missions to the moon, taking a crew capsule to low-Earth orbit, where the capsule would dock with other spacecraft that would get the rest of the way there.

[...] The main problem was the risk of static electricity buildup on the rocket, which can occur when it flies through high-level clouds – a phenomenon called triboelectrification.

Such buildup could prevent the rocket from transmitting data to the ground – or worse, prevent ground controllers from activating a self-destruct system on the rocket in case it veers dangerously off course. Officials are being extra cautious about triboelectrification with Ares I-X because it is an experimental vehicle that has never flown before.

The electrical nature of our world is being featured more in reports by NASA and the space community, as a reflection of increasing Space Weather and the continuation of the build up of electrical charge around our planet. For more technical details, see SCRUB: Ares I-X fails to beat weather for opening launch attempt

How not to measure temperature, part 91: find the official climate thermometer in this photo
Watts Up With that, 26th October 2009
"It has been awhile since we’ve looked at stations in the United States Historical Climatology Network.

[...] The tree shade and the junk makes for an interesting combination of exposure factors. This station is in the backyard of a private observer whom I won’t name. Certainly you can’t fault the observer for the measurement environment, people are free to do with and maintain their property however they wish. And as we’ve seen time and again, NOAA/NWS usually does not concern itself with the measurement environment. As long as the station produces data, they are generally satisfied. However, this sort of arrangement doesn’t always yield a controlled measurement environment."

Another classic in this series that has been one of the a highlights of the campaign by "climate realists" to inform people that the measurement of surface temperatures from the United States Historical Climatology Network (USHCN), used to assess multi-decadal surface temperature trends is not a reliable dataset. Note the first blog comment here, Leon Brozyna (21:38:31) : A picture is worth a thousand words. It describes so beautifully the state of the network — a pile of junk.

'UFO cloud formation' filmed in Romania
A flying saucer-shaped cloud has been spotted in the skies above Romania – just weeks after a similarly striking formation appeared over Moscow.

The Telegraph, 26th October 2009
"Meteorologists explained that the phenomenon witnessed in Moscow was just an optical effect produced by rare weather conditions, but the latest clip – apparently filmed at the end of last week – has again set tongues wagging. [...] The two clips appear to show a formation known as a "fallstreak hole", which occurs when moisture in the air cools below 0C but is unable to turn into ice.

While most of the "supercooled" water remains suspended in the sky, rings of ice do form and plunge to earth, leaving doughnut-shaped holes in the cloud layer. The luminous effect visible in the Russian and Romanian videos is due to the the sun being low in the sky.

It seems that many are now wondering and "tongues are wagging". Personally, would be interested to see some kind of scientific analysis that determines whether the cause is related to Space Weather generating these "rare weather conditions". According to various websites, Fallstreak holes are still a meteorological mystery, but we have to note that reports are increasing...

Working on their laptops, wayward pilots say
Pilots who overflew Minneapolis say they were working on new schedules -- on their laptops

Yahoo, 26th October 2009
"WASHINGTON (AP) -- Not sleeping, the pilots say. They were engrossed in a complicated new crew-scheduling program on their laptop computers as their plane flew past its Minneapolis landing by 150 miles -- a cockpit violation of airline policy that could cost them their licenses.

[...] "It's inexcusable," said former NTSB Chairman Jim Hall. "I feel sorry for the individuals involved, but this was certainly not an innocuous event -- this was a significant breach of aviation safety and aviation security."

Delta said in a statement that using laptops or engaging in activity unrelated to the pilots' command of the aircraft during flight is strictly against the airline's flight deck policies. The airline said violations of that policy will result in termination.

[...] The pilots acknowledged that while they were engaged in working on their laptops they weren't paying attention to radio traffic, messages from their airline or their cockpit instruments, the board said. That's contrary to one of the fundamentals of commercial piloting, which is to keep attention focused on monitoring messages from controllers and watching flight displays in the cockpit."

Well, maybe this is the truth, but it's really hard to believe that they would be that distracted, so I am still having a hard time swallowing the excuses. It would be useful to know, if they just switched off all their communication systems? Was there are no warning lights from auto-pilot when they come into range of their destination? I am not sure about laptops interfering with electronics too, but its known that this is more of a concern at lift-off and landing. This incident has to be noted alongside other recent incidents of strange pilot behaviour like being drunk, fighting, heart attacks, going insane at the helm and even flirting with the co-pilot of the opposite sex and crashing the plane. However, it must be said that passenger behaviour can also be abberant too, so I am waiting to see if anyone will release the details of a study that confirms that pilots are having major issues with stress due to their working conditions in a now widely chaotic EM environment.

Meteorite-like object falls in Latvia
Associated Press, 26th October 2009
"RIGA, Latvia — A meteorite-like object crashed into a meadow in northern Latvia, creating a crater 27 feet (9 meters) wide and 9 feet (3 meters) deep, a geologist who visited the site said Monday.

Uldis Nulle, a scientist at the Latvian Environment, Geology and Meteorology Center, said there was smoke coming out of the crater when he arrived at the crash site late Sunday in the Mazsalaca region near the Estonian border.

"My first impression is that, yes, it was a meteorite," he said. "All the evidence suggests this when compared to pictures of real meteorite craters."

He said the rim of the crater was slightly raised and there was a black-grayish scar at the bottom — both signs of a meteorite impact.

Experts outside Latvia said it was unusual for such a large meteorite to hit the Earth. The planet is constantly bombarded with objects from outer space, but most burn up in the atmosphere and never reach the surface."

Apparently, this was a hoax and a Latvian company has taken responsibility, very very strange.... see US News on YouTube; Fall of meteorite staged by Latvian mobile operator . See the original YouTube footage that caused a media and internet frenzy. Meteorite crashes into Latvia (Possibly a hoax) I heard some English swear words, so I think the admission of guilt is a coverup.... LOL!!

Latvia meteorite IS a hoax as scientists say 50-foot crater is 'too tidy'
Daylight photos

Update 2
Meteorite stunt backfires on Swedish telecoms firm

The light bulb that lasts 25 years: It's environmentally friendly and as bright as the old ones... but it will cost you £30
Refreshing News, 25th October 2009
Bright idea: The Pharox light bulb lasts 25 years or longer if used for four hours a day It could be the breakthrough that finally has consumers warming to the energy-saving light bulb. A version that brightens up instantly, costs just 88p a year to run and lasts up to 25 years has gone on sale in Britain for the first time. The only catch is that the new LED bulb will cost £30.

Manufacturers claim the Pharox is the first low-energy bulb to give off the same light quality and brightness as a conventional 60-watt traditional bulb.

Since, there must be many people who are not thrilled with the risk of mercury poisoning from dropping a so-called environmentally friendly/energy-efficient compact fluorescent lightbulb (CFL). This is news of a viable alternative. Elsewhere. there are reports of people hoarding traditional lightbulbs to beat new regulations. See: Drying up of lightbulbs has German in a lather: As a European Union ban on making or importing certain incandescent lightbulbs takes hold, Ulf Erdmann Ziegler has hoarded 3,000 to last a lifetime -- he hopes. The ban aims to slow global warming.

Rich 'may evolve into separate species'
The super-rich may evolve into a separate species entirely in the future due to enhancements in biotechnology and robotic engineering, American futurologist Paul Saffo has said.

The Telegraph, 25th October 2009
"Mr Saffo, from San Francisco, says in the future people will be able to grow their own replacement organs, take specially tailored drugs, and use genetic research tools to alert them from any possible hereditary health dangers.

He adds that tomorrow's world will be a fusion of biology and technology, where robots do the chores, cars drive themselves and artificial limbs are better than real ones."

Personally, I take this kind of "news" as just wishful thinking. Humans are changing and drugs are becoming less effective. What's more, genetic material is processed by DNA bluprints held in the environment and so cannot be accessed. However, I do believe some humans will live longer but based on their spiritual condition, so I think these kinds of claims is fantasy talk, especially as rich folk are not known to be living longer now, even though they can afford the best treatments. Incidentally, I could not bear to put the image of the cyborg on my website, I think the notion of the cyborg human is an affront to our 'divine' status.

Has Climate Change had its "Ten Minutes of Fame"?
Net News Ledger, 25th October 2009
THUNDER BAY - Yesterday was the International Day of Action on Climate Change. In Ottawa, cold weather kept the crowd from hitting the 5,000 people that organizers hoped. About 500 people showed up. In Calgary, a snowstorm dumped wet heavy snow on the city. On Google, unlike past climate change events, there was not a special logo created. On the front pages of major newspapers across Canada the major stories were not about the looming climate crisis.

In Winnipeg, about 200 people made it to a rally at the Manitoba Legislature. In Vancouver, a city steeped in protest, the crowd was estimated at 5000. Across Canada interest in the day of action appeared less than ever.

Could it be that the fire is smoldering out on the issue of climate change? Maybe in an era where ever shorter attention spans want to shift to other topics the climate issue has had its "ten minutes of fame"?

The discussion here is that global warming has got boring.... but quite frankly, who is going to tell the sheeple the more correct version of the situation, that some fear could be in store for mankind if the heliosphere goes pop?!?

Burning fireball with sparks, changing direction in the air - Oldham, Lancashire Manchester
UK UFO Sightings, 24th October 2009
Location of Sighting: Oldham, Lancashire Manchester,
Date of Sighting: 23.10.09, Time: 8.30, Witness Name: Sxxx Rxxxx

Witness Statement: Looking out of kitchen window i saw a bright yellow orange light in sky. Scared the sh*t out of me and i thought it was a plane or helicopter burning up in the sky and was panicking about getting my family out of the house before it came down!Watched it move away from us in sky - looked like a burning fireball with sparks and molten coming from it.

Rang news, and police - no planes has come down and no one else had reported it at this time. Can`t imagine it was a meteor as it was flying - not moving quickly - and semed to change direction in the air and i could hear sound - like buzz or hum from a helicopter! I`m usually not convinced by ufo sightings and have always been sceptical in the past - but WTF was this that i saw?????

Yes, the language is choice, but this is how some people react when faced with the hyperdimensional realities and this person was concerned enough to call the emergency services. Well, it seems that her previous scepticism based on ignorance of the facts was immediately eroded in an instance. I think this sounds similar to the plasma entities that look like fireballs but turnaround whilst spewing out fiery energy, the best example has been posted on the website already, see YouTube, Fireball turns around, Piracicaba, Brazil, September 2007. I note that I have not received a reply from the owners of this website, who may not be interested in sharing the facts about what is known by the UK MOD re: Unidentified Aerial Phenomena. However, it does seem that other brethren in the UFO community are waking up to the existence of higher dimensional realities and the implications that another lifeform exists alongside us, which was previously just outside our visual range in the electromagnetic spectrum. Due to the dimensional shift and it is hard to determine the physics of just what has happened, as scientists have reported major changes in space-time effecting our material would, but they have stated that they don't know what has happened, so even an attempt at a short scientific explanation is beyond the scope of this blog. All that can be said is that entities that were previously only visible on radar, film or satellite technology, in the infra-red or ultra-violet are now within the human visible spectrum, that we consider is part of our dimension. Here is a selection of recent sightings, but of course, there are many to choose from:

Huge bright orange/ red object, pulsating and bright! - Southampton, Hampshire [UK]
fire chi!!

On duty police officers see pulsing orange orb travelling across the sky at some speed - Nuneaton, Warwickshire [UK]
fire chi!!

Orange light causes confusion at traffic lights! - Cottingley, Bingley, W Yorks [UK]
fire chi!!

Plane on fire, with 'radical' movments, called 999 - Coventry, Warwickshire [UK]
fire chi!!

Toddler sees the light! Father says, like white electric strip light - Shoreham-on-Sea, W. Sussex [UK]
Huge in comparison to International Space Station

Bright orange glow, like a plane on fire - Brierley Hill, West Midlands [UK]
fire chi!!

Group watches multi-coloured light - Bramley, Leeds, Yorkshire [UK] Pretty multi-coloured orb, YouTube link
fire chi!!

Argentina: UFO [UAP] Emerges from River at Punta Piedras
Inexplicata, 23rd October 2009
"A spectacular event took place at the locality of Punta Piedras, facing Rio de la Plata in Buenos Aires: several experts in the subject were able to witness a red-hued sphere emerge from the water, ascend several meters as it changed its color to orange, and finally move away at full speed toward Uruguay.

The incredible case occured on July 25th at the locality in question, to the north of San Borombón bay, and had members of Grupo GABIE as its protagonists, who aside from researching UFOs, are also engaged in astronomy and other scientific studies."

[...] Costes (whose story can be heard on the Codigo OVNI radio program from August 31, 2009) explained that “the entire episode lasted some 3 minutes. The fellows managed to see some 30 seconds to perhaps a minute of the phenomenon.” It Was Perfectly Round

Ariel Coppola was another of the experts who was able to see the phenomenon at Punta Piedras. “A perfectly round sphere, bright orange in color, could be seen. It was flanked by lights to its left and right, red and green in color, which twinkled like those of an airliner, as bright as a flash but with color,” he explained with regard to his experience.

Please note it was an orb going about it's business, in some parts of the world, lots of orbs exiting a river is a good excuse for a party...

Hellish hairy sea monster cast ashore
Pravda, October 2009
Image 1: A strange ugly sea monster was cast ashore in Guinea.
Image 2: The partially decomposed monster has 4 paws, a tail and long fur
Image 3: The scientists who examined the creature said that they had already seen such animals before, but they have no clue to their definition.
Image 4: No text
Image 5: No text

There is no article here and it was given a Digg on 24th March 2008. It is just five images with some accompanying text. Please note that these "sea monsters" have been seen in Guinea before and reminds me of creatures described in Trevor James Constables books and that referenced in the book by Ivan Sanderson [1962] Uninvited Visitors. What is odd is that there have been many reports of strange creatures being washed up, but nobody seems interested in identifying these creatures. The following extract is taken from the MUFON website entitled Researching the UFO Phenomena Using Multidisciplines and it is well worth reading the whole section. We find that:
"Constable relates a story from Australia investigated initially in 1962 by biologist Ivan Sanderson. Sanderson traveled the world looking for evidence for visitation from space. He relates an instance in his book Uninvited Visitors of an enormous object described as similar to Wood's that had washed ashore in southwestern Tasmania. Accompanied by a government zoologist he intended to get samples of the objects flesh. They were unable to do so because they could not even cut the thing with an ax and there were no signs of decay. Following their attempt the Australian government placed the location off limits to everyone. Noted in the account is that others had the same problem with the object. There are numerous other similar reports to this one in this region of Australia but secrecy has surrounded these occurrences since."
Source: Part 1 UFO's................Modern Times, Critters and the Aether.
These days we have the internet, so it is virtually impossible to cover up all the anomalies that provide us with the true picture of our reality. However, with these objects, we need someone to swing and axe and report what happens.

Superwave: Project Camelot interviews Dr Paul LaViolette
YouTube, October 2009
Comment: I was actually sent this link by Dr. Paul LaViolette who I have been in correspondence with and I wrote about his superwave theory in my book. I consider him to be a world class astrophysicist and alternative thinker. Unfortunately, this interview is a first class example of how the rumour factory works. Here, Project Camelot interviewers start off this interview with an effort to sensationalize Paul LaViolette's interview by his reponse to a question on 'Black Projects'. We are told that a mysterious person has whispered into their ear that a Superwave is on its way, which of course, was totally unsubstantiated information, but given in order to ferment rumour and disinformation. I tried hard to deal with my irritation with the Camelot interviewers who at times, asked completely stupid questions and seemed to keep trying to get Paul LaViolette to agree that something was on its way. At times, Paul is interupted whilst making an explanation with questions that were out of context and/or even irrelevant. One example occurred when he was trying to explain Superwaves and climatic influences [45:00], but he was interupted [52:00] with a question about pole shifts and crustal displacements. Another happened when he was talking about the evidence of a magnetic pole shift being caused by a massive Coronal Mass Ejection, the female interviewer stated, "so you are saying that the sinking of Atlantis was resulted from that?" Paul LaViolette was very calm in his response to this display of dumbness. The interview at times was truly cringeworthy and I think the worst point was when Paul LaViolette was talking about finding traces of gold in an ice-core and the woman asked if it was mineable and starting talking about Zecharia Sitchin and the Anunnaki....terrible. The saying is that a little knowlege is a dangerous thing.... I will admit I gave up at [01:36:00] because it had got unbearable and you could see that interviewers were frustrated that they not getting what they wanted. Personally, I wished that Paul LaViolette had been filmed doing a lecture for the general public instead with some good camera work, which was lacking here. The most important aspect of Paul LaViolette's work is that he is a top class scientist who understands Space Weather, but has is own alternative ideas that can actually be substantiated with hard facts.

Climate Change Skeptics Embrace ‘Freakonomics’ Sequel Global Warming Chapter Attracts Criticism From Environmental Journalists
Washington Independent, 23rd October 2009
"The early reviews for “SuperFreakonomics” have been harsh. The book, wrote Brad Johnson in The Guardian, is a “super freaking mess.” According to environmental journalist Joe Romm, it contains “many, many pieces of outright nonsense” and “major howlers.” In The New Republic, Brad Plumer attacked the book for “garden variety ignorance.” And all of those pans appeared before the book actually hit the shelves this week.

Authors Steven Levitt and Stephen Dubner didn’t face anything like this three years ago when they published “Freakonomics,” a surprise smash that sold 4 million copies. Unlike that book, which was based entirely on Levitt’s economic research from the University of Chicago, “SuperFreakonomics” is a guided tour of other peoples’ contrarian research and ideas. The final chapter deals with global warming, characterizing the beliefs of pessimistic environmentalists as “religious fervor,” and arguing that the climate change solutions proposed by Al Gore and many Democrats are ineffective and unworkable."

[...] Levitt and Dubner have engaged their critics in the environmental movement, accusing them of “smears” for suggesting that the climate change chapter of “SuperFreakonomics” makes them “global warming denialists.”

“I think anyone who actually reads that chapter will come away with a better fact-based understanding of the actual issues surrounding global warming,” Levitt told TWI. “That said, I also think that partisans love to cherry-pick, regardless of what side of the aisle they sit on.”

I think this is the latest gobal warming/climate change spat and many are now debating the chapter on geo-enginnering which was widely circulated on the internet, it can be downloaded here. Well, I have just found some more factual information about what has been taking place in our our solar system for the last 10 years that fills in the details about why scientists are so worried about the Earth's shielding "evaporating". At the time of NASA's major Space Weather announcement in September 2008 , and accompanying scientifc comment, I thought it was just speculation, but it seems that we are in an environment of interstellar space which really could cause some severe "planetary challenges". From The UK Telegraph article, dated 18th October 2008, we find;
"The interstellar medium, which is part of the galaxy as a whole, is actually quite a harsh environment. There is a very high energy galactic radiation that is dangerous to living things.

"Around 90 per cent of the galactic cosmic radiation is deflected by our heliosphere, so the boundary protects us from this harsh galactic environment."

[...] Dr David McComas, principal investigator on the IBEX mission, said: "It is a fascinating interaction that our sun has with the galaxy surrounding us. This million mile an hour wind inflates this protective bubble that keeps us safe from intergalactic cosmic rays.

"With less pressure on the inside, the interaction at the boundaries becomes weaker and the heliosphere as a whole gets smaller." If the heliosphere continues to weaken, scientists fear that the amount of cosmic radiation reaching the inner parts of our solar system, including Earth, will increase.

This could result in growing levels of disruption to electrical equipment, damage satellites and potentially even harm life on Earth. But Dr McComas added that it was still unclear exactly what would happen if the heliosphere continued to weaken or what even what the timescale for changes in the heliosphere are.

He said: “There is no imminent danger, but it is hard to know what the future holds. Certainly if the solar wind pressure was to continue to go down and the heliosphere were to almost evaporate then we would be in this sea of galactic cosmic rays. That could have some large effects." Source: Sun's protective 'bubble' is shrinking: The protective bubble around the sun that helps to shield the Earth from harmful interstellar radiation is shrinking and getting weaker, Nasa scientists have warned.
I started my mission because I wanted to understand why metaphysical sources were encouraging people to protect their energy fields and I decided the only way to do this was to integrate science and metaphysics. The discovery of Space Weather provided me with the ability to integrate various sources of information. However, in most mainstream and alternative articles about the impact of cosmic influences on Earth, there is a major reluctance to talk about the massive evolutionary change that will occur if the shielding around our solar system simply vanishes or evaporates and we have to cope with "full on" Galactic Cosmic Radiation causing DNA mutations. Well, according to the most credible metaphysical sources that I have come across, that is the exact scenario we can expect and it explains the desperation from various government, quasi-government organisations and scientific establishments, that we need expensive geoengineering schemes. Please note, the concept of mirrors and metal plates in space amongst the plethora of geoengineering schemes. Any decent metaphysician will know immediately that this is about the deflection of universal energies. The science of what is going on in the local interstellar environment of our solar system is in the public domain, but generally ignored by media pundits who don't understand or want to contemplate the impact for all life on Earth. The metaphysical community have been warned and a few have developed ways to strengthen the human energy field but of course it has attracted the charlatans for which the New Age community is famed. I have dedicated my life to understanding the science and metaphysics of evolutionary change to weed out the fraudsters, because this is important to the destiny of mankind, whether people realise it or not.

Starfish with record eight legs is found off British coast
Daily Mail, 23rd October 2009
A starfish thought to be the first in the world with eight legs has been found off the British coast, it emerged today. The bizarre creature, which has three more limbs than normal, was discovered inside a Cornish fisherman’s crab pot. Sea life experts at the Blue Reef Aquarium in Newquay – where it is on display – believe it may be two spiny starfishes in the form of conjoined twins.

At the side of a human with fur, see below, I don't think 8 legs on a starfish is that bad, but 'stunned' experts do say its a rare genetic mishap.

US 'overshoot' plane data checked
BBC News, 23rd October 2009
"Investigations are under way in the US to find out how a plane heading from San Diego to Minneapolis overshot its destination by 150 miles (240km).

Contact with the Northwest Airlines plane was lost for an hour as it flew at 37,000ft, sparking hijack fears. Federal investigators are examining the plane's data and voice recorders to establish why the pilots failed to answer calls from air traffic control. The crew said they had been distracted by a "heated discussion". Flight 188, carrying 147 passengers, landed safely at Minneapolis after contact was resumed. The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) said the cockpit voice and data recorders had been sent to Washington DC, where they are being analysed.

Air traffic controllers lost radio contact with the plane approximately an hour before it was due to reach its destination of Minneapolis-St Paul International/Wold-Chamberlain Airport. The plane missed its intended stop and continued on for a further 16 minutes before the airline managed to speak to the pilots."

I think the official story is very odd.... Surely, one of the flight attendants would have noticed? I think the clincher is that they lost radio contact with air traffic controllers for 1 HOUR and I think that means they could have been completely off course due to rough geomagnetic conditions and/or simply asleep. Well, there is some solar and geomagnetic activity at the moment. There was a small coronal mass ejection on the 17th and according to A sharp gust of solar wind hit Earth on Oct. 21st. I noted where I live in Olten, Switzerland there was lots and lots of planes in the skies creating clouds on the 21st, even though the sky was already partially covered with natural looking clouds at the time, which I thought was distinctly odd at the time, now I know why. It takes 3/4 days for the plasma from a CME to arrive so the timing was about right. I also note that two tankers collided on the 20th see, Rare Tanker Collision Spills Oil into Gulf of Mexico and so again, I wondered if a navigational system was at fault. Please note, the CME would not necessarily arrive all at once due to particles travelling at varying speeds. For those not familiar with the subject, Space Weather means our ionosphere is roiling these days with substorms caused by the solar wind (simplest view, but the magnetosphere – our geomagnetic shielding – is now flaky too), but navigational systems are reliant on calm atmospheric conditions for accuracy.

Stealthy wind turbines aim to disappear from [MOD]radar screens
New Scientist Tech, 23rd October 2009
"For all their environmental appeal, wind turbines have few fans in the military or among air traffic controllers. Strange as it might seem, radar systems easily confuse the turbines' rotating blades with passing aircraft. Now a company has developed a "stealthy", radar-invisible blade that could see many more wind farms springing up across the UK and elsewhere.

The concern over wind turbines is delaying their deployment. According to the UK Government's Department of Energy and Climate Change, plans for over 5 gigawatts of wind power are currently stalled by aviators' objections.

It is no less of an issue elsewhere: last month the German army blocked investment in some new wind power projects because of radar interference concerns. Even in the US, where the population density is lower, the Department of Defense is investigating whether turbines could weaken radar defences."

Well, this article is very timely, as it seems that air traffic controllers and some military systems have been "tuning out" anything that does not correspond to a conventional aircraft for more than 50 years. Radar operators call the unknown blips "radar angels", but the only problem now is that due to the dimensional shift, Joe Public are now seeing the "radar angels" and don't quite have the same nonchalant attitude towards massive fiery entities or UAPs, flying around busy airspace or anywhere else for that matter.

Unconscious victims and vomiting: James Arthur Ray sweat lodge deaths
The Times Online, 23rd October 2009
"Unconscious victims were left on the floor and a disorientated man suffered burns from crawling over heated rocks, according to the first witness account of a New Age sweat lodge ritual in which three people died.

Enticed by an interview that they had seen on The Oprah Winfrey Show, the 50 or so participants in James Arthur Ray’s cleansing ritual had each paid $9,695 (£5,875) for the opportunity to become “spiritual warriors” at his retreat in the Arizona desert. After several days of fasting, sleepdeprivation, mind-altering breathing exercises and extreme heat, some of the participants began to vomit and lose consciousness. Those who wanted to leave were chided and pleas for medical help were allegedly ignored until it was too late. Mr Ray vowed to continue his self-help programmes in spite of a triple-homicide investigation into the incident, on October 8."

The reporting here is very unsympathetic and even more disturbing details have been reported that I have not seen anywhere else. As I have said before, the more you know the worse it gets. Yet, New Agers still talk about not judging, these people need shaking. Its DISCERNMENT NOT JUDGEMENT. What's more, I truly believe that this event will have major repercussions for the New Age world and will become a major case study for students studying the abuse of power. See the video in the following link, called Spirits For Sale, which just about sums up the situation; Native American Chief Addresses Deaths In Sweat Lodge . More I will repeat myself again, the more you know the worse it gets. According to one survivor, on this spiritual "retreat", they played a game where James Ray was GOD. See, Arizona Sweat Lodge Survivor Recounts Horrific Ordeal

Amateur Astronomer sees orange ball with strobe lights, says "other life type"
UK sightings, 22nd October 2009
Location of Sighting: Coventry, Date of Sighting: 12 /09/09
Time: 2100HRS, Witness Name: PATRICK MC PHAIL

"Witness Statement: At about the time stated I was upstairs in my bathroom brushing my teeth. I looked up to see an orange glow through the window. I thought at first it may be a police helicopter searchlight, but there was not a sound. It was moving very slowly. On opening the window I saw something that put me into shock. Being an amateur astronomer, I am used to watching the night sky, and I know what I saw. I eliminated all the usual suspects within 5 seconds, to be left with something I can only say was not made by human hands.

Drifting slowly and silently across about 100 feet up towards Coventry airport was an orange rugby ball type shape, a sort of orange haze all round it, strobe type lighting oscillating underneath. Above it appeared an orange beam from a small dome on the roof, shining or probing upwards, as if searching for something. By now I was in my garden, but my brother inside the house said a local radio station, Smooth fm, reported a similar sighting from a listener simultaneously. I remain convinced what I saw, and for me I believe my doubts about other life types is over."

Well, its wonderful to find an amateur astronomer that has seen the light — literally — and has realised that he has had an encounter with another lifeform. I am truly impressed, but what's more, I am quite pleased in how the general public are handling the dimensional shift, despite the lack of warning from the metaphysical community, who should already know what is behind "the veil". Well, despite the bravado from a few awake souls in the metaphysical community, the spectrum of entities now appearing is a major awakening for us all.

When It Rains, It Rains Platinum From Heaven
Tonic News, 21st October 2009
"According to James Brenan of the department of geology at the University of Toronto (quoted in Science Daily), the platinum in your wedding ring is not of this Earth. That's because "the extreme temperature at which the Earth's core formed more than four billion years ago would have completely stripped any precious metals from the rocky crust and deposited them in the core." In other words, miners would have to dig to the center of the planet to mine any platinum, rhodium or certain other precious metals.

So where did the platinum that lies just beneath the Earth's surface come from? You guessed it: it's extraterrestrial.

The assumption is that the metals with which we're familiar actually rained down from the sky as "extraterrestrial debris," moving through the solar system in comets and meteorites. Researchers seem to like the idea of an "extraterrestrial rain" -- and not just because it's such a terrific image. According to Dr. Brenan, "The notion of extraterrestrial rain may also explain another mystery, which is how the rock portion of the Earth came to have hydrogen, carbon and phosphorous -- the essential components for life, which were likely lost during Earth's violent beginning."

In my book, Tuning the Diamonds, I wrote about the Golden Age and Space Weather delivering vast amounts of ormus elements. This is an extract:

Evolutionary Energy: The Discovery of “Stealth” Atoms

The revelation of inter-dimensional elements described as “stealth” atoms, hidden from normal chemical analysis, has finally given us the “missing link” for the makeup and delivery of universal energy.
Susan Joy Rennison

ORMES comes from the acronym Orbitally Rearranged Monoatomic Elements. These elements were discovered in the late 1970s by David Hudson, an Arizona farmer who discovered strange substances mixed in the soil on his land, whilst mining for gold. During the next decade, Hudson spent 8.7 million dollars trying to identify this substance and understand how to work with it [32]. ORMES are literally, precious metal elements in a new form, a new state of matter. They are also referred to as “ORMUS elements” in the monatomic-state (m-state). These peculiar elements belong to the platinum group (platinum, palladium, rhodium, iridium, ruthenium and osmium) and to transition elements (gold, silver, copper, mercury, cobalt and nickel).
So far, I haven't had a single person who has read my book comment on this analysis. I wrote about universal energies arriving on Earth being highly catalytic, which is required to speed up evolutionary changes and lessen the risk of massive failure. We know that ormus elements are in our atmosphere because there is now massive nuclear level reactions going on in our atmosphere and the production of gamma rays, (this was also seen in David Hudson's research with ormus elements) are major source of concern to scientists, (it would be of concern to airline passengers too, but they don't know they are sometimes getting fried). So, when the Obama Administration enquire about "planetary challenges" and evolutionary change within the metaphysical community to find out what the hell is going on, after all, metaphysicians boast about the arrival of A New Golden Age, it is certain, very very few understand the mechanics involved in the delivery of spiritual energies. See also, Geologists Point To Outer Space As Source Of The Earth's Mineral Riches

'Eighth wonder' Ida is not related to humans, claim scientists
US palaeontologists dismiss initial claims about the 47million-year-old fossil found in Germany's Messel Pit

The Guardian, 21st October 2009
"Her arrival was announced with unrestrained razzmatazz. She was the "eighth wonder of the world", "our Mona Lisa" and an evolutionary "Rosetta Stone", according to the researchers who unveiled her. The female in question was Ida, a 47million-year-old primate, whose exquisitely preserved fossil was touted as the remains of our earliest human ancestor. She was, they said, the "link" between us and the rest of the animal kingdom.

Or maybe not. Writing in the journal, Nature, a team of palaeontologists from New York claim that Ida is not related to humans at all. Instead, they conclude, the $1m fossil looks more like a small lemur or maybe a loris. [...]

"Our analysis and results have convinced us that Ida was not an ancestor of monkeys, apes, or humans, and if anything has more relevance for our understanding of lemur and loris origins," said Erik Seiffert, a fossil hunter at Stony Brook University in New York who led the Nature study.

Researchers behind the Ida fossil, known formally as Darwinius masillae, immediately defended their own interpretation, which is based on two years of meticulous measurements of the remains.

Science by press release is a very bad practice. It really makes you wonder if any of these palaeontologists have ever heard of the expression "crying wolf". See previous archive entries, Evolutionary Change.

'Cat-girl' illness baffles doctors
The Sun, 21st October 2009
"A SIX-YEAR-OLD dubbed "cat-girl" has baffled doctors after thick grey hair started growing uncontrollably all over her body. Until just a few months ago little Li Xiaoyuan had just a tiny birthmark on her back. But hair started to grow from the mole — and quickly spread over her entire back and is now starting to grow on her arms and face. Her dad Li Yan said: "Doctors told us it was just a birthmark even when it started spreading but now it covers half her body. "None of the other children want to play with her they are calling her cat-girl and are really mean." Li's distraught mum, Li Jiang of Fengkai, southern China, said: "The poor girl - it breaks our hearts to see her suffer like this."

Surgeon Dr Lou Zhongquan of Zhaoqing City Dermatological Hospital believes the youngster may be suffering from a rare disease that sends normal moles out of control."

To be honest, I saw the headline first, then looked at the photo and wondered if this was some unfortunate from China. Of course, that is the case. I imagine that the authorities are extremely worried, environmental pollution seems too simplistic to explain the frequent abberations that are now occuring on top of the dramatic increase in birth defects. Anyway, China seems to be leading the way in the bizarreness stakes but as cosmic radiation continues to flood our planet, we don't know just how crazy things could get. As I have been claiming since the start of this blog, those who are interested in their spiritual evolution have been encouraged to strengthen their energy field to act as a shield, due to the environmental chaos that is an inherent part of evolutionary change. Your DNA is directly influenced by environmental signals and the new scientific discipline of Epigenetics is one of the hottest areas in science. Maybe, more people should wonder why.

Electric Sun Verified
Holoscience, 20th October 2009
"NASA's IBEX (Interstellar Boundary Explorer) spacecraft has made the first all-sky maps of the boundary between the Sun’s environment (the heliosphere), and interstellar space. The results, reported as a bright, winding ribbon of unknown origin which bisects the maps, have taken researchers by surprise. However, the discovery fits the electric model of stars perfectly."

It's no surprise that Wal Thornhill has responded with this article about the news of the boundary between the Sun’s environment and interstellar space generating some massive surprises. The quote I like is "...but the ribbon is ...a narrow band blazing across the sky like some Milky Way on fire". Now scientists are telling us that the heliosheath is dominated not by the Sun, but by the Galaxy’s magnetic field, which I have already stated is of great interest. Here, Wal Thornhill has boldly made predictions of what will be found inside this ribbon, I look forward to them being verified. For a clearer picture of this ribbon, I recommend the 1st image at Physorg, but the description of the heliosphere being like a slippery ball and the ribbon as smokey is very strange. In fact, the second image looks like an attempt to salvage the old model which is now basically dead, but these scientists are trying to keep it alive by mixing up imagery and out of date terminology. Astrophysics and cosmology are terrible areas of science to understand, because there is a lot of entrenched ideas. This is most evident where scientists have become very specialised and refuse to acknowledge that the science has moved on.

Germans Unhappy with Alternative Swine Flu Vaccine for Politicians
De Spiegel, 19th October 2009
"Damage control is the name of the game in Berlin on Monday as politicians rush to deny that they are receiving a better, safer swine flu vaccine than ordinary Germans. The first of 50 million doses arrived in Germany on Monday.

One might think that the arrival in Germany of the first of 50 million doses of swine flu vaccine on Monday might be cause for celebration. But with news breaking over the weekend that top government officials in Berlin will be injected with an alternative vaccine -- one widely seen as safer -- a debate about an alleged two-class medical system has erupted.

SPIEGEL over the weekend reported that Chancellor Angela Merkel, a number of her ministers and other government officials would receive a vaccine manufactured by the pharmaceutical company Baxter -- the same vaccine that the German military opted for, as was reported last week.

The mass-circulation tabloid Bild on Monday plastered the story on its front page on Monday, assuring its readers that "experts are accusing the government" of serving up "second class medicine" to ordinary Germans."


Scientists try to calm '2012' hysteria
As an upcoming action movie fuels Internet rumors, several scientists make public statements: The world will not end in 2012, and Earth is not going to crash into a rogue planet.

LA Times, 17th October 2009 (late entry, will refile later)
"Is 2012 the end of the world? If you scan the Internet or believe the marketing campaign behind the movie "2012," scheduled for release in November, you might be forgiven for thinking so. Dozens of books and fake science websites are prophesying the arrival of doomsday that year, by means of a rogue planet colliding with the Earth or some other cataclysmic event. Normally, scientists regard Internet hysteria with nothing more than a raised eyebrow and a shake of the head. But a few scientists have become so concerned at the level of fear they are seeing that they decided not to remain on the sidelines this time.

"Two years ago, I got a question a week about it," said NASA scientist David Morrison, who hosts a website called Ask an Astrobiologist. "Now I'm getting a dozen a day. Two teenagers said they didn't want to see the end of the world so they were thinking of ending their lives."
Morrison said he tries to reassure people that their fears are groundless, but has received so many inquiries that he has posted a list of 10 questions and answers on the website of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific (

Titled "Doomsday 2012, the Planet Nibiru and Cosmophobia," the article breaks down the sources of the hysteria and assures people that the ancients didn't actually know more about the cosmos than we do."

Unfortunately, 2012 has largely become a huge hoax and the truth relegated to the status of being incidental to the hype. For those who are interested in the opinion of Mayan Elders and other Keepers of Ancient Knowledge, their calendars, of which the Maya have 20, are about how subtle energies, or spacetime, influences the evolution of consciousness. We are being told from many sources that we are in a period of transition that lasts about 25 years, which will be complete in 2012. The changes that are accelerating now, will take us to a new energetic level, that will be associated with a dimensional shift. What this means is there will be evolutionary changes that will effect humans and our reality. In terms of changes to our daily reality, this will be relatively dramatic, to the extent that there will be an increased bleedthrough of higher dimensional entities. It is now known amongst some scientists that there is another lifeform that lives alongside us in the plasmatic state and they have been long identified by the military and radar operators as the "radar angels". We are talking about "light beings" that have previously been detected in the ultraviolet and the infrared and they are associated with religious, esoteric and metaphysical beliefs. The existence of plasma entities are a scientific fact and the military now refer to them as "Unidentified Aerial Phenomena". Their presence has been generally sporadic in the past, but the dimensional shift taking place now means that they are becoming more and more visible every day and that is why the media are stating that UFO sightings are at "bizarre" levels. Well, its only going to get more bizarre, as Space Weather is literally delivering us a new version of spacetime. The metaphysical community at large have a poor understanding of what exactly is behind "the veil", which is their description of the higher dimensions that the scientific community has now fully accepted exists and have described by a plethora of different theories. Most of these lightforms are strongly associated with geophysical and atmospheric phenomena and some very good science has taken place in the last 10 - 15 years to identify their characteristics, but unfortunately, there has been very little integration of science and metaphysics. The 2012 Enigma is really about a massive evolutionary change to our reality, but it has been hijacked in efforts to keep people ignorant and fearful. However, it does look like parts of the mainstream are making efforts to reject the fear based hype and I hope to play my part in explaining the evolutionary transition that is most evidently taking place.

UFO UAP hovering over Oklahoma skies baffles astronomy club members
The Examiner, 19th October 2009
"The UFO report is not particularly unusual - the Mutual UFO Network receives similar reports of hovering lights in the sky frequently. Witnesses often take you through a range of what they believe the object "is not," ruling out the obvious, before making a point about how unusual a sighting is. In this instance - MUFON Case # 20,023 - the group of reporting witnesses is an astronomy club - five individuals who have a passion with explaining exactly what they are observing within a natural landscape. But on this October evening - they've collectively declared their object a UFO."

The opinion of trained observers is always of great interest. Good Report. More UAP reports in the media below:

Exclusive pictures: UFO spotted in Cannock I would describe this as a terrible report, but it mentions orbs, jellyfish entities and black bases. Obviously of great confusion to most who do not know what they are looking at, but the answers are already in the public domain.

Medical Mystery: Boy's Skin Branded with Religious Passages
KTLA News, 19th October 2009
"LONDON -- Doctors in the United Kingdom are baffled by what they have found on a 9-month-old's skin.

The Sun reports passages from the Koran were written all over the baby's body. The word "Allah" appeared on the boy's chin soon after he was born. Since then, his parents say scores of Arabic writings have emerged. The Sun reports these passages show up on the baby's back, arms, legs and stomach. His family claims the old markings vanish before the new words arrive and this happens twice a week. The parents tell The Sun, "It's impossible to hold him when it's happening, his body is actively moving, so we put him into his cradle. It's so hard to watch him suffering." His mother, Madina, said that she and her husband were not religious until the words started appearing on his skin. Doctors say although they cannot explain his mysterious condition, they deny that the marks are from someone writing on the child's skin."

Hmmm... Well, this is the time of signs and wonders. What is odd, is that this has occured on a baby and not on a religious adult. Well, I have been saying for a long time that things will get weird but I was thinking along the lines of electromagnetic chaos, this is more along the lines of the paranormal.

Hunting banned in parts of Austria after hailstones kill 90pc of wild game
Hunting has been banned in parts of Austria after freak storms with tennis ball-sized hailstones killed up to 90 per cent of the wild game population.

The Telegraph, 19th October 2009
Copy: "Hundreds of deer were discovered either dead or so badly injured they had to be put down by wildlife experts. In the country's rural Salzburg province, 90 per cent of pheasants and 80 per cent of hares were killed in the hail storms. Sepp Eder, the hunting chief, said : "Animals sought shelter in farms, in fields of grain but the hail was so heavy it smashed right into them. It may take five years for animal numbers to recover, if they ever do so." Farmers are believed to have suffered more than £60 million in damages to crops and buildings."


SpriteStreams - Socorro, New Mexico, June and July 2005
YouTube, October 2009
Comment: I found this at YouTube and this video is really quite amazing. These are sprites recorded at 10,000 frames per seconds (but played rather slower). According to one short research paper, they were the result of a sprite campaign fielding a large aperture imaging spectrograph and a high speed imager, conducted from the Langmuir Laboratory, Socorro, New Mexico, in June and July 2005. Apparently, the scientific understanding of Sprites is now fairly well understood, since the phenomena became undeniable in 1989, when it was caught on low light film. However, this should be taken with a pinch of salt, because its quite common for the scientific community to make boasts only to be confounded by new phenomena soon after. From wikipedia we find the there is a new understanding that sprites are actually clusters of small, plasma balls (10-100 m, 30-300 ft) that are launched at an altitude of about 80 km and then move downward at speeds of up to ten percent of the speed of light, followed a few milliseconds later by a separate set of upward moving balls of ionization. It seems that they are triggered by lightning and may be horizontally displaced by up to 50 km from the location of the underlying lightning strike, with a time delay following the lightning that is typically a few milliseconds, but on rare occasions may be up to 100 milliseconds. The most important news here is that sprites represent an upper atmospheric breakdown, where the breakdown occurs in a strong electric field, allowing electrons to flow down. However, I am still puzzled by the video, as there seems to be a cascade effect after one ball of plasma breaks down first, maybe this is discussed in detail in the relevant scientific papers.

Cosmic pattern to UK tree growth
BBC News, 19th October 2009
"The growth of British trees appears to follow a cosmic pattern, with trees growing faster when high levels of cosmic radiation arrive from space. Researchers made the discovery studying how growth rings of spruce trees have varied over the past half a century. As yet, they cannot explain the pattern, but variation in cosmic rays impacted tree growth more than changes in temperature or precipitation.

[...] As the trees aged, they showed a usual decline in growth. However, during a number of years, the trees' growth also particularly slowed. These years correlated with periods when a relatively low level of cosmic rays reached the Earth's surface. When the intensity of cosmic rays reaching the Earth's surface was higher, the rate of tree growth was faster. The effect is not large, but it is statistically significant. The intensity of cosmic rays also correlates better with the changes in tree growth than any other climatological factor, such as varying levels of temperature or precipitation over the years. "The correlation between growth and cosmic rays was moderately high, but the correlation with the climatological variables was barely visible," Ms Dengel told the BBC. [...]

But the influence of cosmic rays could resolve other as yet unexplained cycles in tree growth found in studies in North America."

More evidence that life on Earth is directly influenced by cosmic factors, but even though it is known that trees have electrical potentials that vary with light and dark, thunderstorms, lunar cycles and changes in the ionosphere due to sunspots and geomagnetic storms, the influence of cosmic rays is not so obvious, hence why these scientists are stumped.

History Channel encores 'I know what I SAW' due to popular response.
Phoenix Examiner News, 19th October 2009
"Set the TIVO for the History Channel, 9:00 p.m. 10/19/09. The highly acclaimed UFO documentary film by James Fox, "I know what I SAW" is being rebroadcast due to the quality of the popular response to the film and the network's failure to properly promote the film prior to the first airing, over a week ago. The film itself is a case of I know what I want to see, as those lucky enough to catch the first broadcast are heaping accolades on the film. The film should be nominated for a Peabody award for video journalism due to the even-handed, straightforward documentary style that permeates the work."

Well, I posted a YouTube link in early October with a comment that this documentary is excellent and others have agreed. I Know What I Saw 1/9

ROCKET FUEL DUMP:, 19th October 2009
A Centaur rocket caused a minor sensation on Sunday night, Oct. 18th, when it flew over Europe and dumped a load of excess propellant. "We saw it at 9:15 pm local time (1915 UT)," report Federico and Chiara Bellini of Bodio Lomnago, Italy. "It looked like a comet with a fan-shaped tail." They took this 30-second exposure using a Nikon D70s:

"About 20 seconds later, a second object appeared." That was a US military weather satellite (DMSP F-18), which the Centaur booster had helped launch earlier in the evening from Vandenberg, Air Force Base in California. "And then," the Bellinis continue, "a big circular halo followed the two across the sky." The halo, shown here in a movie recorded by Jonas Förste of Jakobstad, Finland, was probably an expanding puff of gas emitted during an earlier firing of the Centaur.

I just don't believe it, this is a magical tale.... If I can find an expert who can verify that this report is hogwash, I will add a link.

Hurricane Rick: Giant storm roaring up Mexico's Pacific coast is the biggest in a decade
Refreashing News, 18th October 2009
Hurricane Rick churned up potentially dangerous surf along a swath of Mexico's coast early on Sunday as an 'extremely dangerous' Category 5 storm, the strongest in the eastern North Pacific Ocean in more than a decade.

[...] The U.S. National Hurricane Centre says Rick turned into an "extremely dangerous" Category 5 storm on Saturday with sustained winds reaching 180 mph. The storm roared to the top of the Saffir-Simpson scale after warm waters prompted Rick's precipitous rise from a Category One to a Category Five system in less than 36 hours

The strongest was Hurricane Linda, which generated maximum winds of 185 mph in September 1997. 'Rick is probably going to go into the record books as one of the most rapidly intensifying hurricanes,' Cobb said.

Well, its been a remarkably quiet hurricane season so far, and Hurricane Rick did not make landfall which is a blessing. According to metaphysical sources, human consciousness can actually attract hurricanes, obviously, the human influence would be subtle and would not apply in instances where hurricanes are not being steered by the latest in satellite technology.

Bizarre orange balls light up night sky, 16th October 2009
"SOMETHING strange has been spotted in the night sky above Swansea and Neath. Several people have reported seeing glowing orange balls hovering and then disappearing at speed — and they are demanding an explanation. One man was so baffled he got in touch with the Ministry of Defence (MoD), and he has received a response from one of its directors of staff. The Post has received phone calls about the bizarre sightings after an article on Tuesday, which reported Mumbles man Colin Hopkins seeing a 10ft glowing ball drifting over Swansea Bay last Friday evening. A stunned David Williams, of Briton Ferry, saw the article and went to speak to Mr Hopkins before contacting the Post. He is adamant he saw three orange lights when he was driving home from Spar, in Briton Ferry — but this was on Saturday evening, not Friday."

What's really interesting, is how many people replied with comments stating that they have seen the orange balls too. It seems that the general public are now having a rude awakening into the true nature of our reality.

Boston University, 15th October 2009
"Boston) – The first all-sky maps developed by NASA’s Interstellar Boundary Explorer (IBEX) spacecraft, the initial mission to examine the global interactions occurring at the edge of the solar system, suggest that the galactic magnetic fields had a far greater impact on Earth’s history than previously conceived, and the future of our planet and others may depend, in part, on how the galactic magnetic fields change with time.

[...] “The magnetic fields of our galaxy may change the protective layers of our solar system that regulate the entry of galactic radiation, which affects Earth and poses hazards to astronauts,” says Nathan Schwadron of Boston University’s Center for Space Physics and the lead for the IBEX Science Operations Center at BU.

"The future of our planet and others may depend, in part, on how the galactic magnetic fields change with time." I think this is some major news that can be added to the other extraordinary news about the changing conditions for life on this planet. There are different press releases about this discovery, but the one here from Boston University is quite clear. Since it is already understood that we are currently receiving energy from galactic sources and scientists now talk about the Galactic wind, it is interesting that we have been told clearly that there is drift of neutral atoms from a galactic source. This is a piece of significant information if you are familiar with metaphysical literature that suggests we receive periodic downloads of neutral energies. The discussion of the ribbon here has caused the Electric Universe theorist to say, well of course, we told you, but personally, I am puzzled by the discussion of neutral atoms that make up this feature. However, since nobody seems to have predicted it and we are told that the ribbon is being controlled by the galactic magnetic field, this is rather an esoteric object, and in metaphysical terms we can describe it as a mysterious 'serpent'. The following link has other press releases and discussion at Watts Up With That, Discoveries from the IBEX satellite show we still don’t know quite a few things about the heliosphere and solar system

Astronomers clash with US air force over laser rules
New Scientist, 13th October 2009
Could astronomers accidentally blind Earth-observing satellites? That seems to be the worry of the US air force, which restricts the use of lasers pointed at the sky to help focus telescopes. But some astronomers warn they will miss key observations under the rules, which have tightened in recent years. Many of the world's largest observatories, including Lick, Gemini North, Palomar and Keck in the US, shine lasers into the sky to measure atmospheric turbulence, which distorts images. The laser causes a layer of sodium atoms at an altitude of about 90 kilometres to glow, producing an artificial star whose twinkles reveal the turbulence. Shape-shifting mirrors on the telescopes, called adaptive optics, then correct for the blurring by adjusting their shape many times per second.

If such a laser were to hit the optics of an Earth-observing satellite, it could cause damage. So the air force's Space Command has for years restricted when and where US observatories can fire them, and the observatories have voluntarily complied, with little impact on astronomy. Then about two years ago, just as kinks in the laser technology were being ironed out and interest in the lasers was growing, the rules were tightened. Now astronomers say the restrictions are beginning to chafe, according to a story first reported by the American Physical Society.

Well, its interesting that this is yet another clash between scientists and the military in the US, the previous clash was over satellite fireball data. In the comments here, people are wondering about lasers used by other countries that cannot be controlled by USAF. The point about astronomers getting fed up with restrictions and moving observatories is also valid and has already happened with private space ventures.

The James Ray Incident A Discussion about Authority 13/10/2009 - Shawna Bowen on Blog Talk Radio, 13th October 2009
"In a departure from her usual topic, join Shawna Bowen for a first-hand account of what happened at the recent Sedona retreat with James Arthur Ray. Shawna was on site at the time of the crisis to support the participants and will be sharing her insights into authority- its importance and its pitfalls. Also joining the show is Jim Tree, who has been responsible for the “United Nations Turtle Pipe”, the Ceremonial Pipe presented to the U.N. in 1978. Jim holds this Pipe for ceremonies worldwide representing NALA (Native American Leadership Alliance). Jim will give background about how a traditional sweat lodge is run, as well as give insight into the differences between tradition and what happened at the James Ray event.

I found this radio program very helpful and informative. But I have to say, I was giving James Ray too much credit, because when I first heard about the deaths, I had assumed that the man new what he was doing and that people were reacting differently to the extreme nature of this kind of spiritual ceremony. I will admit now I was being too naive, again. The man is a complete and utter con artist. People were badly dehydrated BEFORE they even entered the sweat lodge, which is also another misnomer (details provided on the radio program), because they had fasted in the Arizona desert without even water for 2 days, prior to the sweat lodge and were not given adequate time to rehydrate. According to Jim Tree, large groups of people have been sick before and Native Americans had confronted James Ray to get him to stop and pay attention because people were being hurt. Really, really unbelievable, people are going to talk about this for years. The Blogs have been going crazy over this, here is a link for more background info and a brief synopsis of this radio program. James Arthur Ray’s Spiritual Warrior Event Kills 2, Injures 19 in Sweat Lodge Fiasco The more you know about how this man operates, the worse it gets, see Man: Sweat Lodge Leader's Actions 'Reckless'

Nasa: world will not end in 2012
A Nasa scientist has condemned film producers over a viral marketing campaign that suggests the world will come to and end in 2012.

The Telegraph, 17th October 2009
Sony Pictures set up a website for an organisation called the Institute for Human Continuity which predicts a cataclysmic denouement for Earth three years from now.

It suggests that "after two decades of rigorous research from the world's top astronomers, mathematicians, geologists, physicists, engineers, futurists, we know that in 2012 a series of cataclysmic forces will wreak havoc on our planet". [...]

According to the website scientists have been tracking a previously unknown Planet X which is on the edge of the solar system and on a collision course with Earth.

But the site has been so successful that hundreds of people have been convinced that something terrible is about to befall the planet.

Dr David Morrison, a senior scientist at Nasa's Astrobiology Institute, said he had received more than 1,000 inquiries from worried members of the public.

That included teenagers saying they would rather commit suicide than witness the world end. Dr Morrison said the website was "ethically wrong".
But Vikki Luya, Sony's publicity director said: "It is very clear that this site is connected to a fictional movie. This can readily be seen in the logos on the site."

Well, there is a battle going on for truth and enlightenment versus fear and darkness. When teenagers start talking about committing suicide, rather than seeing the world end, it reveals the seriousness of the situation. The people who made and are prompting this film are reptiles, but the 2012 hype is being helped along by widespread ignorance of what's really happening.

Sheriff: Sweat lodge deaths to be treated as homicide case News, 16th October 2009
SEDONA, AZ – Officials looking into the deaths of two people at a Sedona-area retreat last week are now calling it a homicide investigation. Yavapai County Sheriff Steve Waugh said at a Thursday news conference that the deaths were not accidental. "A combination of circumstances led to the deaths," Waugh said. "Whether or not we can prove a criminal case, that has yet to be determined." Waugh said detectives served a search warrant on retreat sponsor James Arthur Ray's offices in California where they seized documents on past participants' medical information and searched for any information on the construction of sweat lodges.

In the interest of the common good, I think this is the best course of action. Update 3rd person dies after Sedona sweat lodge retreat

UFOs spotted above Aberdeen
Witnesses see mysterious lights in sky [Scotland, UK]

Evening Express, 13th October 2009 (late entry, will refile later)
Full report: "DOZENS of people watched a spooky but spectacular light-show when mysterious UFOs were spotted over Aberdeen. Up to eight red orbs were seen flying in different formations above the beach and harbour in Aberdeen. One witness in Aberdeen said the lights flew in a v-shape while another said the UFOs came together then formed a five-pointed star. The UFOs appeared over Aberdeen at about 11pm on Saturday but vanished around half an hour later. Joanne Brown, 36, from Torry, Aberdeen, watched the UFOs for almost half an hour. The mum-of-two said: “I was driving past Abbotswell Road in Aberdeen when I saw these red lights. “Then they came together and changed into a five-pointed star. “They were flashing red then changed to solid gold. “There were quite a number of people down near the beach in Aberdeen watching it and taking photos. “Then, all of a sudden, the UFOs just disappeared.” Another witness in Aberdeen said he had been watching TV when he spotted the lights out of the window. The 63-year-old said: “I have never seen anything like it in my life. “I went into the back garden but I couldn’t hear them making any sound.” “If they were normal military aircraft there would have been some sound.”

A spokeswoman for the RAF said she was not aware of any aircraft on official manoeuvres in the Aberdeen area at the time. A Grampian Police spokesman said the control room received several calls from the public about the sightings in Aberdeen."

More orbs putting on a show, I would imagine it was quite magical. When people wake up, the 2012 doom and gloom brigade are going to be made to look really stupid. I think the 5 pointed star is a message, there was a five pointed star crop circle in July 2007 and this is what I wrote then: "The five pointed stars reminds me of our new crystalline "Christ" Grid which is made-up of double pentacles. The sacred geometry is made up of golden mean proportions and associated with the New Golden Age." Go orbs go!

Placebo effect starts in the spine – not just the mind
The Times Online, 16th October 2009
"If you thought the placebo effect was all in the mind, think again. Scientists have solved the mystery of why some people benefit from remedies that do not contain any active pain-relief ingredients.

Research suggests that placebos work, in part, by blocking pain signals in the spinal cord from arriving at the brain in the first place.

[...] The finding strengthens the argument that many established medical treatments derive part of their effectiveness from the patients’ expectation that the drugs will make them better."

Having done this blog for over two and a half years, the article Placebos Are Getting More Effective. Drugmakers Are Desperate to Know Why, about drug companies struggling to understand why placebo drugs are getting more effective and 'normal' drugs are getting less effective has to be one of the most significant markers for those who are most aware that there has been a perceptable shift in the effectiveness of human intent in favour of the positive. Here we have another article about the placebo effect with various interesting points. I like the comment about spiritual healing being a placebo. Of course this is the opinion of someone who has never been on the table and/or experienced anything significant by the way of universal energies. Of course, my opinion here is based on my own experience and one of my more amazing moments seeing golden energy, like golden beads on my hands, it is something I will never forget. By the way, I did not know anything about complex plasmas at the time, so I rather doubt my experience can be passed off as imagination. See also, Placebo effect caught in the act in spinal nerves

What Drives Our Genes? Researchers Map The First Complete Human Epigenome
Science Daily, 15th October 2009
"Although the human genome sequence faithfully lists (almost) every single DNA base of the roughly 3 billion bases that make up a human genome, it doesn't tell biologists much about how its function is regulated. Now, researchers at the Salk Institute provide the first detailed map of the human epigenome, the layer of genetic control beyond the regulation inherent in the sequence of the genes themselves."

Epigenetics — the study of how genes are turned on and off — is now one of the most important areas of science, but the most amazing thing is that our scientists now realise that our genes are actually influenced or even controlled by our environment. As we are facing rapid evolutionary change, human intent to go along with new cosmic directives can now be more fully understood. There is also another report about DNA and the human Genome Revealed: The human genome in 3D and here we are told that scientists are giving up their mechanistic thinking to apply a more holistic approach by studying geometry. Studies have proven that DNA has "telepathic" abilities and can recognise similar functioning DNA. The metaphysics of changing energies is old and confined to certain esoteric traditions, but it seems that scientists may yet provide us with a scientific perspective, that has already been handed down to us by the ancients.

Out of your head: Leaving the body behind
New Scientist News, 13th October 2009 (late entry, will refile later)
THE young man woke feeling dizzy. He got up and turned around, only to see himself still lying in bed. He shouted at his sleeping body, shook it, and jumped on it. The next thing he knew he was lying down again, but now seeing himself standing by the bed and shaking his sleeping body. Stricken with fear, he jumped out of the window. His room was on the third floor. He was found later, badly injured.

What this 21-year-old had just experienced was an out-of-body experience, one of the most peculiar states of consciousness. It was probably triggered by his epilepsy (Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, vol 57, p 838). "He didn't want to commit suicide," says Peter Brugger, the young man's neuropsychologist at University Hospital Zurich in Switzerland. "He jumped to find a match between body and self. He must have been having a seizure."

This is really the study of self-consciousness, something that scientists admit they really don't understand well at all.

'1000ft-long UFOs were NOT Chinese lanterns!', 15th October 2009
A Lancashire man claims to have seen 1,000ft UFOs in the skies above Preston being followed by planes and helicopters. Father-of-three Jason Robinson, who left the Army in 2005, was out walking his dog on Monday evening near his home in Threefields, Tanterton, when he saw four mysterious craft in the distance.

OK, the guy saw four orbs and calculated the space in between to generate a massive craft. Big deal..... Now, his theory of the appearance of this "craft" near a nuclear weapons storage facility is actually quite interesting. The whole modern UFO era is often placed at the time in 1947 when Kenneth Arnold saw 'flying saucers' over Maury Island and an anonymous source informed him that the sightings occured because of atomic blasts. Later investigations suggested that Maury Island could have been a place used for the illegal dumping of nuclear waste. It seems that nuclear radiation weakens the veil and the bleedthrough allows normally hidden entities to be seen. This would explain an awful lot of similar past sightings that have been noted by ufologists. So, as Earth continues to lose its shielding, cosmic radiation has the same effect in thinning the veil and hence the massive increase in UAP sightings. Folks, its only going to get worse and soon, it's going to be like living inside a cosmic aquarium.

The Butterfly Crop Circle Netherlands
Mayan Prophecy 2012, October 2009 (late entry, will refile later)
A Gigantic Human Butterfly Crop Circle formation (530 Meters x 450 Meters), the Biggest Crop Circle Ever ... appeared in Netherlands near a town in southern Holland called 'Goes', on the 7th of August 2009.

Sorry folks, I can't believe that I missed this crop circle, but as they say, better late than never! This HUGE Crop Circle appeared in The Netherlands near a town in southern Holland called Goes, on the 7/8th of August 2009. Well, we have received many channelled messages about the 'human angel', and I have decoded this in real terms. Yes, wings are pretty, but they are the signature of a 'high energy human' and those who are the most spiritually evolved on the planet have always seen and experienced this attribute displayed in the human energy field. As I have stated before, if spiritual leaders don't understand this, then maybe they are not that evolved themselves and do not wish to draw attention to this fact. There is a video of the flight over the field where this crop circle was found and other useful information posted here.

Woman causes riot at U.S. store after lying that she'd won the lottery and wanted to spend it on clothes for everyone there
Daily Mail, 15th October 2009
"A woman who told store-goers in a U.S. shop yesterday that she would buy all their clothes ended up causing a riot when customers realised it was a hoax. Angry customers threw merchandise around as they looted the store. Police said it looked as though a hurricane passed through it. The woman, named in local reports as Linda Brown, pulled up outside the Burlington Coat Factory in Columbus, Ohio yesterday in a Hummer limo."

As I monitor the news, I ignore many stories about unbalanced people because my emphasis is to show how people are now reacting very quickly due to widely fluctuating geomagnetic conditions. So, when people are triggered by an emotional event, the behavioural response can be totally disproportionate. Psychologists and scientists have written various papers surrounding this issue and some papers are referenced in my book. Here, this is a mentally ill woman causing a riot, as it seems disappointed shoppers were the ones who were suddenly triggered and then went crazy as their response... But of course, psychologists would call this mass hysteria....

Four charged with making crop circle
UPI News, 14th October 2009
ST. LOUIS, Oct. 14 (UPI) Missouri said four youths have been charged with using a small pickup truck to put a massive crop circle in a corn field. The owner of the corn field, Tim Cowell of Prairie du Rocher, said the crop circle, comprising a 3-acre circle with 4 acres of mazes branching out, amounts to about $10,000 worth of property damage and lost crops, the St. Louis (Mo.) Post-Dispatch reported Wednesday. A neighbor of Cowell spotted the pickup truck leaving the scene and took down the license plate number, leading authorities to four youths.

John Wuelling, 20, who pleaded innocent to one count of criminal damage to property, is due in court next month for a preliminary hearing. The remaining three suspects were charged as juveniles and their names were not released.

"I don't know what they were thinking," Monroe County Sheriff Daniel Kelley said of the suspects. "It's just one of those crazy things."

Well, making a decent crop circle takes a lot of time and people who know what they are doing using GPS. These youths may have been trying to give people something to think about, but they are only giving orbs a bad name. LOL! By the way, scientific research has proved that the orbs or "balls of light" are making the crop circles, see SCIENTIFIC STUDIES “CONFIRM CROP CIRCLES ARE MADE BY BALLS OF LIGHT”

Greenpeace activists spend night on Houses of Parliament roof in climate change protest
Daily Mail, 13th October 2009 (late entry will refile later)
More than 20 environmental campaigners remained on the roof of the Palace of Westminster today in a protest over climate change, while another 20 were being held by police.

The Greenpeace activists hope to greet politicians as they arrive for the start of Parliament today with a 12-point manifesto calling for zero carbon emissions by 2030, a stop to airport expansion, more wind power and new pollution taxes.

In yet another embarrassing breach of Westminster security, the protesters took fewer than ten minutes yesterday to slide ladders through the railings surrounding the building and then use them to climb on to one of the lower roofs. They said there was little resistance from police.

I am not an anarchist, but I have started to love the 'Citizen Smith' archetype! There are some great pictures here...

'Burning ball' spotted in Germany
IOL News, 14th October 2009
Hamburg - A mysterious ball of light in the night sky which alarmed people across northern Germany was most likely caused by a falling meteorite, astronomer Thomas Grau said on Wednesday.

Witnesses spoke of a "burning ball," and a "glowing object in the sky" which "crumbled and fell to the ground," in phone calls to police and fire stations in Bremen, Hamburg and across Lower Saxony.

The image is from the report below.

Meteorite explodes over north Groningen - [Netherlands] Seen in Germany and Belgium, reported by hundreds, 14th October 2009

Retreat leader speaks out over sweat lodge deaths
The Associated Press, 14th October 2009
The self-help expert who led a spiritual retreat in Arizona where two people died after being overcome in a sweat lodge said the tragedy last week has left him "frustrated and confused."

At a seminar outside Los Angeles, James Arthur Ray broke down in tears as he addressed the deaths of Kirby Brown, 38, of Westtown, N.Y., and James Shore, 40, of Milwaukee.

Authorities say Brown, Shore and more than 50 other people attending the retreat near Sedona, Ariz., were crowded into a 415-square-foot sweat lodge over two hours last Thursday.

Brown and Shore died, and 19 others were hurt. One remains in critical condition. Autopsy results are being withheld pending additional tests, but carbon monoxide poisoning was ruled out as a cause of the deaths and illnesses. Fire officials said the surviving victims exhibited symptoms ranging from dehydration to kidney failure.

"This is the most difficult time I've ever faced," Ray told a crowd of about 200 at a hotel in Marina del Rey Tuesday. "I don't know how to deal with it really."

[...] Fire department reports released Tuesday show the incident wasn't the first involving a sweat lodge ceremony at the resort, the Angel Valley Retreat Center. Verde Valley Fire Chief Jerry Doerksen said his department responded to a 911 call in October 2005 about a person who was unconscious after being in a sweat lodge.

Angel Valley resort owner Amayra Hamilton confirmed that Ray was leading the sweat ceremony during the 2005 event. Ray's spokesman declined to comment.
[...] A statement released by the family of Liz Neuman, who remains in critical condition at the Flagstaff Medical Center, said she is in a coma and doctors are working to stabilize damage to multiple organs.

Two others remained hospitalized. Officials say the sweat lodge, built specifically for the five-day retreat, lacked the necessary building permit.

Well, I would have thought that if someone in his care was left unconscious in 2005, that he would have paid more attention to what was going on. The medical news about the condition of the sweat lodge participants is very disturbing. Aparently, James Arthur Ray was author of the New Age racket film called 'The Secret', but it now seems the secret of making money has nothing to do with any real understanding of our changing times.

Two very large orbs, chasing each other - Glengormley, Co Antrim [Ireland]
UK UFO Sightings, 13th October 2009
Location of Sighting: Glengormley, Co Antrim, Date of Sighting: 10 October 2009
Time: approx 9 -10 pm, Witness Name: Laura

Witness Statement: My partner and I both witnessed this sighting (and were both sober). There was some very thin cloud cover but beyond it we could see two very large orbs, quite nebulous (because of the cloud, I assume) circling around in a very repetitive fashion, doing an orbit for about an hour, in a way that reminded me of two fish chasing each other round a bowl. These lights were not sharp and bright like those of a satellite, plane or helicopter, they were fuzzy and blurry, but were extremely high in the sky. I checked out listings locally to see if there was a light show or concert happening, there wasn’t, but in any case, there was no ‘beam’ of light projecting these from earth - they were emanating from beyond the cloud. Really interested to hear if anyone else witnessed this, they were over Glengormley/ North Belfast direction for quite some time. Kicking ourselves that we didn’t get video footage and amazed that it wasn’t mentioned on the local news!

I have come to the conclusion that the transformation of Earth will be such that for humans, it will be like living in a cosmic aquarium. The example here is a perfect example of critter behaviour. As usual, there are many interesting reports logged on this website, many people are adamant that what they have seen is NOT a Chinese lantern and others that are bemused by the interdimensional light show. Here is a selection of the most interesting reports:

Fire on the hillside? No just a fiery orb in the sky! - Prestatyn, Denbighshire

5 Spherical Orange Lights Forming a black Triangular ‘Mass’ or Craft. - Stockton on Tees, Cleveland [UK]
This is a good example of what the Condign Report suggests is a plasma phenonomena, that most witnesses think is a craft.

A Bright Orange Light, a Plane on Fire? NOT a Chinese Lantern - Leicester [UK]
Yet, another eye witness account of what most think is a plane on fire, these reports are now unbiquitous.

A Static 'Firework' , Then Moves From East to West! - Newbridge, Gwent[UK]
this bus driver says it was bright orange circle....

Huge Glowing (Orangey) Ball, and a little one that shot out! - Counden, Coventry [UK]
The galactic delivery service in operation

Two big objects with others floating around, 6 bright red orbs in a line, large objects flashing intermitant blue red green white lights - M3 Near Basingstoke, Hampshire [UK]
This person wants to know who organised the spectacular light display half way between junction 6 —7. This idea would be highly amusing, if the scenario of public ignorance about our changing times were not so serious.

Bright Lights, Star-shaped grey shaped object and a triangles - Basingstoke, Hampshire M3 motorway [UK]
UK sightings Reports, 13th October 2009
Location of Sighting: Basingstoke, M3 motorway, Date of Sighting: 10 October 2009
Time: Approx 18.50 hours, Witness Name: Jane Victor-Trott

Witness Statement: I was driving along the m3 when in the sky some bright lights caught my attention. I thought thats not a plane and because I was driving it was difficult to look and drive but I saw bright red and blue and green lights under a star shaped grey shaped object and there were three grey shaped objects in the sky in a triangular formation. The one triangle shaped object had the bright lights shining very brightly and in a spinning motion the other two were just grey but with no lights on and they were all perfectly still as I passed them I looked in rear view mirror and they were no longer to be seen. It was so weird and I wished I hadnt been on the motorway or I would have taken a photo.

Well the UK sightings website is back in action and the reports are flooding in of weird activity in the skies over the UK. As the media and blogosphere now frequently report, it's happening all over the world, but here, UK reports are generally well written and descriptive. This particular report is highlighted because we have a triangle, a grey object and bright lights and I think this is another rescue taking place, similar to major events documented previously. When I first had the idea that the triangles formed some kind of magnetic vortex I was influenced by the research findings of scientists who had spent 50 years studying magnetism. It now seems the UK MOD Condign report mentioned the concept of plasmas in a triangle generating a "nulled area" that appeared as a black triangle, implying the link with a magnetic vortex. As I realise that the dimensional shift is intensifying, I am doing my homework on top of the thousands of hours I have already put into understanding evolutionary change. It now seems that in the National Archives secret MOD files released under the Freedom of Information Act [2005], there is an incident of three small bright lights in a triangle breaking apart and two of these lights decided to buzz a car and literally play tag. Hence, the triangle seems to be a stable way for magnetic entities to travel thats all. Quite frankly, I am wondering how come ufologists have not understood that this is another lifeform with varying levels of intelligence? I mean, buzzing a car is serious critter-like behaviour and similar to the foo fighters that are still buzzing airplanes today. Why is this so difficult to comprehend? For the metaphysically aware, if you could look into a higher dimension and see just the astral and emotions parts of your energy field, you would see bright coloured chakras and a swirling bright energy if your energy field was in good shape and dull and grey swirling light, if there were problems with the emotional level of the field. Folks, that exactly what is going on here. This is some kind of entity that does not have a physical component, only the higher dimensional layers of an energy field. With the dimensional shift, people no longer have to claim clairvoyant powers to see this energy! I believe that this is another rescue of an entity that has lost its universal directives and is being retrieved off the planet as part of the massive planetary refresh and cleanup. If you have any better ideas, please send me an email, but please qualify yourself first by detailing your research into plasma metaphysics.

Despite partial disclosure, Europe's UFO files remain mostly under wraps
In the two years since the French made their top-secret UFO files public, more European nations have declassified documents. But the majority remain tight-lipped with a few refusing to even acknowledge the phenomenon.

Deutsch Dwelle, 13th October 2009
On August 4, 1990, an unidentified flying object was seen hovering in daylight near the town of Pitlochry in Scotland. Eyewitnesses stated that the diamond shaped object hung in the sky for about 10 minutes as two military aircraft made a series of low-level passes near it. Almost three weeks later on August 24, hundreds of tourists and local residents observed formations of luminous spheres for over 30 minutes in the sky near the German city of Greifswald, located close to the coast of the Baltic Sea. In November of that year, a triangular object was seen by numerous witnesses passing over Saint-Germain in the Champagne-Ardenne region of France. The object moved slowly at low altitude and emitted beams of light towards the ground before eventually speeding away.

So what do the files made public by the likes of France and Britain actually tell the public about the UFO phenomenon in Europe? [...]

"What these files don't say is almost more important than what they do say," said Nick Pope. "What they don't say is that we have proof that any of these things are extra-terrestrial. What they do say is that European governments have consistently had these things reported to them, sometimes by reliable witnesses such as police officers and pilots."

[...] "I think this disclosure will lead to a greater understanding of the UFO phenomenon," said Pope. "The release of these files shows that governments do have information and if they liaise with each other, we may get further down the line to explaining this mystery because they all have a little piece of the puzzle. Unfortunately liaison is not common in this field."

However, the declassification may be discrediting some common UFO myths and lend credibility to sighting claims. "When you read about sightings in governmental files from all around Europe with testimonies from military pilots, commercial airline pilots, and radar reports which show these things performing maneuvers and speeds that are way beyond our capabilities, it changes the nature of the debate from an underground anomaly to a mainstream issue," said Pope,"and that has to be a good thing."

The realisation that most UFOs are not extraterrestrial but are in fact UAPs, a poorly understood plasma phenomena, will soon become known, despite the obvious apprehension of world controllers. There is a link here to another report that reveals that Germany is also having problems with the general public reporting lots of Chinese lanterns. It seems that like the British, the Germans are also blessing each other over and over again with this symbol of hope and good wishes. See, UFO Scare in Germany Just Hot Air: Germany's UFO hotline has been inundated with thousands of calls from people who have mistaken glowing lights in the nighttime sky for alien space objects.

The Collider, the Particle and a Theory About Fate
New York Times, 13th October 2009
"More than a year after an explosion of sparks, soot and frigid helium shut it down, the world’s biggest and most expensive physics experiment, known as the Large Hadron Collider, is poised to start up again. In December, if all goes well, protons will start smashing together in an underground racetrack outside Geneva in a search for forces and particles that reigned during the first trillionth of a second of the Big Bang.

Then it will be time to test one of the most bizarre and revolutionary theories in science. I’m not talking about extra dimensions of space-time, dark matter or even black holes that eat the Earth. No, I’m talking about the notion that the troubled collider is being sabotaged by its own future."

The NYT headline is not very informative, but the following short synopsis explains the gist of a theory that provides an extraordinary explanation for the run of bad luck surrounding this project. Is The Large Hadron Collider Being Sabotaged from the Future? Quite frankly, I really don't think this kind of discussion is very sensible, especially as scientists at CERN received death threats when the experiments were set to go ahead before, as it seems a few people were absolutely terrified of what might happen.

Born with half a brain, woman living full life
CNN News, 13th October 2009
Michelle Mack has turned medical thinking upside down. Born with only half a brain, Mack can speak normally, graduated from high school and has an uncanny knack for dates. At 27, doctors determined that the right side of her brain had essentially rewired itself to make up for function that was likely lost during a pre-birth stroke. But her childhood and young adult years were fraught with frustration. "It was very hard for me," Mack said. "It was very hard for me growing up. No one knew the truth about my brain."

[..,] The diagnosis explained why Mack had experienced a lifetime of difficulty controlling her emotions. "He's helped us understand the reason why I tend to throw fits, temper tantrums," she said. "It was because I was missing half my brain."

The most interesting part of the discussion is how this woman has had a problem controlling her emotions and how this is related to the imperfect electrical wiring of her brain. Here it seems that we have another technical explanation for why high spirtuality, is associated with a calm and serene demeanour. We know from scientific studies, that human development and evolution is associated with the brain being rewired for higher complexity in thinking and it seems control of the emotions is also necessary. This links us back to the metaphysical understanding of Kundalini and how dormant energies in the body can be re-directed into the brain for spiritual progression.

Brain Waves Surge Moments Before Death
Discovery News, 6th October 2009 (late entry will refile later)
"A study of seven terminally ill patients found identical surges in brain activity moments before death, providing what may be physiological evidence of "out of body" experiences reported by people who survive near-death ordeals. Doctors at George Washington University Medical Faculty Associates recorded brain activity of people dying from critical illnesses, such as cancer or heart attacks.

Moments before death, the patients experienced a burst in brain wave activity, with the spikes occurring at the same time before death and at comparable intensity and duration."

This discovery of a brain surge just prior to death, that is measured as a burst of high voltage energy, may explain why those that have a near death experience [NDE], have brains that have been rewired and the experience propels them into the higher levels of consciousness, on a permanent basis. This later article tries to debunk peoples experience. See also, Doctor says near-death experiences are in the mind

Children Can Greatly Reduce Abdominal Pain By Using Their Imagination
Science Daily, 13th October 2009
"Children with functional abdominal pain who used audio recordings of guided imagery at home in addition to standard medical treatment were almost three times as likely to improve their pain problem, compared to children who received standard treatment alone.

And those benefits were maintained six months after treatment ended, a new study by University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and Duke University Medical Center researchers has found.

The study is published in the November 2009 issue of the journal Pediatrics. The lead author is Miranda van Tilburg, Ph.D., assistant professor in the Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology in the UNC School of Medicine and a member of the UNC Center for Functional GI & Motility Disorders.

"What is especially exciting about our study is that children can clearly reduce their abdominal pain a lot on their own with guidance from audio recordings, and they get much better results that way than from medical care alone," said van Tilburg. "Such self-administered treatment is, of course, very inexpensive and can be used in addition to other treatments, which potentially opens the door for easily enhancing treatment outcomes for a lot of children suffering from frequent stomach aches."

Is it me, or are the mainstream becoming very alternative? This article on the Science Daily website suggests that the upward progression of evolutionary consciousness is becoming widespread and that the science of consciousness is being used in a positive way. Here, people are being encouraged to teach their children how to use the power of intent. This is good news!

Cosmic Object Caught On Camera [New Mexico, US]
KOAT News, 12th October 2009
A New Mexico astronomer is hoping you can help solve a mystery. He caught a spectacular fireball on video and he said you can help him track down what's left of it. Thomas Ashcraft caught a cosmic fireball on camera. It flashed through the sky for about eight seconds just after 2 Friday morning. "Probably originating in the vicinity of Taos, and then streaking across the sky to Wagon Mound or Springer area," said Ashcraft.

More fire in the skies. The video here shows us a real backyard enterprise, but apparently quite effective. Again, astronomers are asking for more help, here is another request, see

Live in Ontario Canada? – help find this meteorite .

Mysterious falling object came from space The object looks like junk, and there is certainly enough of it orbiting around Earth, for some to crashing down occasionally.

The 'Star' sign
YouTube, October 2009
"Thousands of people around the world are sharing their sightings of the star on blogs and on YouTube and asking the question "What is this star?"

"Photo by Mark Perala: Bright looking object over Hovey Lake in Alger County". I have to say, I was amazed to see this video and how a spiritual organisation has the nerve to use the orb phenomena to mix up and confuse people about esoteric predictions. I don't want to discuss the technical ins and of the Maitreya and the masters that will accompany him, but at the end of the video we are told that the Maitreya is the Christian Jesus Christ, the Hindu Krishna, The Jewish Messiah, The Muslim Imam-Mahdi, and the Buddhist, who apparently have his name right, as Maitreya Buddha.

However, it seems that Share International have decided that it suits their marketing purposes to deem that the orb phenomena started in January 2009! Absolutely unbelievable nonsense! Do the research, it seems that orbs have always been here, but in the past they have been mostly hard to catch, but as we are now in the midst of a dimensional shift and a planetary upheaval, we are being swamped, but mass manifestations have occurred in the past and historical documentation is available. Yet, in certain parts of the world, they have always been highly visible and their appearance has been like clockwork. The point that has to be made here is that in esoteric traditions, truth has been veiled by straight storytelling for the simple-minded and true spiritual truths have been kept secret and only shared with initiates that have proved themselves to be true and trustworthy. For example, NOWHERE does it refer to Mary Christ or Joseph Christ, but we hear about Jesus Christ, Christ is a title not a surname. I have studied the history of early Christianity, so I realise that people can legitimately argue with me about historical fact and the mixing up of paganism, astronomy and religion, yes, I have done the study. However, in the esoteric world, Christ refers to 'Christed' energies and all talk of Christ returning is about the highest qualities of spiritual energies returning to planet Earth, it is NOT about a person. The simple-minded can continue to talk about Christ or any other saviour returning in person, but it does not change the facts. Now, there are other esoteric predictions retained by Keepers of Ancient Knowledge, and the coming of the Red Star, which I believe is Betelgeuse or some other star going nova. If this happens, you will see a genuine star day and night and you will have to hope and pray that your energy field is good enough to cope with the blast of energy. The parables in the Bible of those who were ready and those who are not when the master returns, have a basic spiritual truth veiled by allegory. How do people spiritually evolve and prepare for the coming of the Christ energies? Well, I wrote my book Tuning the Diamonds: Electromagnetism & Spiritual Evolution, because I realised that many spiritual people really did not understand the basics of our cosmic reality, what was going on with the advent of Space Weather and what preparations they should be making and why. Here, it seems, that Share International have proven themselves to lack any serious credibility when it comes to sharing esoteric truth. As an aside, there is a hilarious section on this video, where there is a short clip from Kilnamona, Ireland with an amazing golden orb, but one of the witnesses is so amazed that he sounds just like Dougal from the hit TV series Father Ted. Boy, did I laugh.

'UFO' Has Walvis Bay Buzzing [Namibia, Africa]
All Africa, 12th October 2009
Copy: A STRANGE red light in the sky at Walvis Bay had people all a-buzz and speculating about UFOs and missile launches last week. The strange phenomenon was apparently spotted at 18h30 on Wednesday. Witnesses' descriptions ranged from an object that "exploded with a loud thud" before "lighting the whole sky in red", to "something crashing into the sea, leaving a smoky trail behind it". The Namibian Sea Rescue Institute (NSRI) sent a team to investigate the "crash site" northwest of Pelican Point, but found nothing. Grant Hull of NSRI said they had received calls that a plane had apparently crashed into the ocean near Walvis Bay. "We had to go and investigate. We were out there for about three hours but there was nothing," he told The Namibian. Port control at NamPort also noticed the streak over Walvis Bay. The speculation about a missile launch was quashed by Defence Permanent Secretary Petrus Shivute. "There was no such thing," he said. Another possibility mentioned was that the phenomenon was caused by a meteorite crashing to earth. "I never saw anything like it in my life; it was just too weird," a witness told The Namibian.

Yes, the arrival of another strange 'heavenly phenomenon' that explodes low down in our atmosphere but leaves no trace. Yes, it could have been a meteorite, but we need some evidence to make that assertion and according to this report, there is none.

Sun's Plasma Balls Could Wipe Out Human Civilization - Technology is the Achilles Heel
Natural News, 11th October 2009
"Natural fluctuations in the sun's atmosphere could cause it to fire a giant plasma ball at Earth, shutting down the planet's electric grids and leading to widespread social collapse, according to a report from the U.S. National Academy of Sciences (NAS). Funded by NASA, the report draws attention to naturally occurring events known as coronal mass ejections (CME), in which a ball of plasma -- the charged, high-energy particles that comprise stars -- is fired from the sun. If such a ball strikes the Earth, it could produce rapid changes in the planet's magnetic field, leading to a surge of direct current in the long-range power lines that carry electricity through modern power grids."

This is old news and was first reported in early January 2009, see archives, but more awareness is required to educate people about why our modern technological world has become vulnerable. However, at this moment in time, the Sun is extremely quiet and nobody seems to known if and when activity will ramp up. The use of the term "plasma balls" instead of Corona Mass Ejections is unfortunate and maybe a better headline would be A Zap from the Sun could Electrically Short Earth - Technology is the Achilles Heel . This would not too be too disimilar to NASA's own press releases given in the past. At least then, people would start to get a clear impression that Earth is not some isolated bauble in space and that we are part of a much greater cosmic environment.

Killer earthquakes shake scientific thought, 11th October 2009
A sudden cluster of massive earthquakes which has shaken Asia-Pacific communities and likely left thousands dead has also jolted some scientists, who are starting to question conventional thought.

Experts who dismissed notions that far-away quakes could be linked are beginning to think again after huge tremors rocked Samoa and Indonesia on the same day, followed by another major convulsion in Vanuatu.

Some 184 people died in the terrifying tsunami which smashed Samoa, American Samoa and Tonga on September 30, while thousands are feared dead after parts of Indonesia's Padang city were reduced to rubble just hours later. [...] The "remarkable" sequence has prompted veteran earthquake-watcher Gary Gibson to tear up his theory it was all down to chance and search for a possible connection.

"I can no longer keep using the response it's all a big coincidence, can I?" Gibson, senior seismologist at Environmental Systems and Services consulting group, told AFP

Here it seems that this particular scientist has got to the stage where he can no longer routinely dismiss data as 'coincidental'. There is a new realisation that there is a need to integrate information to generate the 'Big Picture', this demonstrates a move in the direction of higher consciousness.

2012 isn't the end of the world, Mayans insist
AP My Way, 11th October 2009
MEXICO CITY (AP) - Apolinario Chile Pixtun is tired of being bombarded with frantic questions about the Mayan calendar supposedly "running out" on Dec. 21, 2012. After all, it's not the end of the world. Or is it? Definitely not, the Mayan Indian elder insists. "I came back from England last year and, man, they had me fed up with this stuff." It can only get worse for him. Next month Hollywood's "2012" opens in cinemas, featuring earthquakes, meteor showers and a tsunami dumping an aircraft carrier on the White House.

[...] The question I would ask these guys is, so what?" says Phil Plait, an astronomer who runs the "Bad Astronomy" blog. He says the alignment doesn't fall precisely in 2012, and distant stars exert no force that could harm Earth.

"They're really super-duper trying to find anything astronomical they can to fit that date of 2012," Plait said.

But author John Major Jenkins says his two-decade study of Mayan ruins indicate the Maya were aware of the alignment and attached great importance to it. "If we want to honor and respect how the Maya think about this, then we would say that the Maya viewed 2012, as all cycle endings, as a time of transformation and renewal," said Jenkins.

Unfortunately, the esoteric understanding of what is taking place is generally unclear and major concepts right and wrong have been mixed up so that individuals have to work very hard to unravel the truth of what's happening. Mayan Elders and other Keepers of Ancient Knowledge, as well as metaphysical sources have been very clear that 2012 is an important energetic marker, but something special happening on the 21st December 2012 is extremely unlikely. I note John Major Jenkins has been quoted here, as he has played a major part in promoting the hype but his talk of transformation lacks any meat on the bone. At the end of the day, those who are not spiritually evolved, LOVE DRAMA and this is just another opportunity for some people to get some major kicks. The real truth is that we are facing major evolutionary change and many simply don't understand how they will be effected by the changing energetic environment of Earth.

Rogue satellites to be cleared from Earth's orbit by German robots
German-built robots are to be sent into Earth's orbit to repair 'dead satellites' or push them into outer space

The Observer, 11th October 2009
"Robots that rescue failing satellites and push "dead" ones into outer space should be ready in four years, it has emerged. Experts described the development by German scientists as a crucial step in preventing a disaster in the Earth's crowded orbit.

Last year it was reported that critical levels of debris circling the Earth were threatening astronauts' lives and the future of the multibillion-pound satellite communications industry. But senior figures at the German Aerospace Centre (DLR) told the Observer they have been given the go-ahead to tackle a crisis that will come to a head in the next five to 10 years as more orbiting objects run out of fuel."

So whilst NASA scientists fret, the Germans are taking matters into their own hands and getting on with a solution, but will it be good enough to counteract Space Weather?

Scientists discover bacterium that transmutes gold, were the alchemists right?
NY Holistic Science & Spirit Examiner, 10th October 2009
"Gold is in the news, not only because of its record high at $1,060 an ounce according to the Globe and Mail, but also through Australian scientists’ recent study of a bacterium that plays a basic role in the cycle of solid gold formation.

From prehistoric times and Egyptian goldmines; from the gifts of the Magi in the New Testament to King Midas’ coins, not only were alchemists captivated by this shiny yellow metal, but once upon a time, we converted our skills and energy into this precious metal when our society’s monetary system was based on the gold standard."

There are some interesting spiritual concepts in this article, like 'cosmic alchemy' and natural evolutionary law that applies to metals. The subject focuses our attention on the universal principles that make up our reality as we are in a time of rapid evolutionary change, which means ever increasing complexity. At the same time, we have to remind ourselves that those who understood spiritual evolution in the past, knew themselves to be 'beings of light' and they were primarily interested in transmutation of themselves into a higher expression of universal energy. The evolution of base materials to pure gold, is often expressed as 'spiritual' alchemy.

Defence unmoved by climate change data -
ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation) News, 9th October 2009
"The science of climate change is too doubtful to dramatically change Australia’s national defence plans, according to a key adviser on the Australian Defence Force’s recent White Paper.

While the white paper acknowledges for the first time climate change is a potential security risk, it says large-scale strategic consequences of climate change are not likely to be felt before 2030.

A key adviser on the white paper, Professor Ross Babbage, says he is not convinced that climate change exists at all. “The data on what’s really happening in climate change was looked at pretty closely and the main judgment reached was that it was pretty uncertain – it wasn’t clear exactly what was going on,” he said."

I think the sentiment that scientists don't understand what is taking place on this planet just about sums up the situation and thats because there is very little integration of cosmic factors when studying climate change.

What happened to global warming?
BBC News, 9th October 2009
This headline may come as a bit of a surprise, so too might that fact that the warmest year recorded globally was not in 2008 or 2007, but in 1998. But it is true. For the last 11 years we have not observed any increase in global temperatures. And our climate models did not forecast it, even though man-made carbon dioxide, the gas thought to be responsible for warming our planet, has continued to rise. So what on Earth is going on?

Well, it quite obvious what's going on..... climate realists are gloating over their recent victories and global warming alarmists are in disarray. Over at the website Watts Up With That, who posted the original BBC Story, see Quote of the week #21 The beeb’s big bombshell, I found this response, Bulldust (22:41:02) : Did someone hack their web site? LOL!! The general opinion from this particular clued up crowd is that the BBC is now hedging their bets just in case the AGW argument becomes completely "unhinged", but this kind of backtracking has been happening with prominent scientists for a while now, as already blogged. See Daily Mail piece for the 14th October, Whatever happened to global warming? How freezing temperatures are starting to shatter climate change theory

More turning to psychics for economic advice
AZ Central Busines News, 9th October 2009
When the going gets tough, Valley residents apparently go in search of the metaphysical. Local psychics and astrologers say that while they're seeing some decline in business as longtime clients cut back on discretionary spending, the recession is bringing them many new customers. And for many of these new clients, the quest for insight is no lark.

"I'm seeing many more people that are in real crisis situations," Phoenix astrologer Charlotte Benson said. "They're coming to me with questions about whether they're going to be fired, and with more general questions about when the economy is going to improve. Even my wealthy clients are desperate."

Well, I have very helpful insight given to me by psychics and it seems that there are some who are highly gifted, others that are not very good and others that are fraudsters, so you need discernment to sort them out. When I lived in Norway and took part in the huge alternative fair held in Oslo, I found that I had to literally run pass some of the aisles where the clairvoyants were located. The reason why is because I have the unusual gift in that I can detect the quality of peoples energy fields by smell. Check it out, scientists believe there are seventeen senses not 5 and I have had this peculiar trait since about my late twenties. These days, it has got quite acute, so it can be quite unpleasant being with some people. But note, I don't have to be in the same room as that person, I can smell discordant energy fields over the phone and even more strangely, I can even detect 'bad' energies through websites. In fact, the first time it happened with a website, I stood up and starting walking around my living room trying to work out where the funny smell was coming from, until I realised that I knew what that smell was about. I have never claimed to be psychic and I believe that most people experience intuitive insights throughout their lives, but some people have the ability to control their intuitive abilities and that is the major difference between 'the professionals' and 'the amateurs'. This report did get a negative response (rant), from someone trying to maintain their spiritually inert and sterile version of reality, see Quoting ‘Psychics’ Like Experts: How Low Can News Judgement Go?, but there is a nice rebuff in the comments and highlights the changes we are seeing in subject matter in the mainstream press.

Is Belief in Climate Change a Religion?
Roger Pielke Jr.'s Blog, 8th October 2009
Is belief in climate change a religion? The answer is "yes" for Tim Nicholson in the UK, who according to the Guardian "is attempting to have his environmental views recognised under religious law" in order to claim wrongful dismissal from a job. He claims that the firm fired him due to his beliefs about climate change. Here are some more details: In March, employment judge David Neath gave Nicholson permission to take the firm to a tribunal over his treatment. The company is challenging the ruling, arguing that environmental beliefs are not the same as religious or philosophical ones.

Nicholson, from Oxford, said his views – which compelled him to make his home more eco-friendly and do not allow him to fly – affect his entire life. In a witness statement to the previous hearing, he said: "I have a strongly-held philosophical belief about climate change and the environment. I believe we must urgently cut carbon emissions to avoid catastrophic climate change."

Well, this is a nice example of someone who recognises that their belief in global warming is a based on religious faith and the facts are now irrelevant.

Two dead and 19 taken to hospital after falling ill in 'sweatbox' at Arizona spiritual retreat
Daily Mail, 10th October 2009
"Two people died and an estimated 19 others were taken to hospital after being overcome while sitting in a sauna-like sweat lodge at an at a spiritual retreat in Arizona. The lodge at the Sedona resort which is meant to provide spiritual cleansing is now the centre of a police investigation. In all, 21 of the 64 people crowded inside the sweat lodge on Thursday evening for the two-hour session received medical care.

[...] People have died in sweat lodges in the past. They were either sick tribal elders who voluntarily stayed until they died or people who had heart conditions and were in poor health. "The sweat lodge needs to be respected," Bruchac said. "When you imitate someone's tradition and you don't know what you are doing, there's a danger of doing something very wrong." Some participants told detectives they paid up to $9,000 for the event."

So whats going on? Sedona is the metaphysical capital of the world, this is NOT good publicity. Well, we will have to see if more New Ager deaths occur, as people follow old spiritual traditions that are NO LONGER applicable in the New Energy environment of Earth. Certainly, it will be really interesting to see what happens next, as many New Agers are still absolutely oblivious to the energetic changes on the planet. Comment 2: It's now twenty years since the New Age community were given good information explaining about the increasing delivery of 'New Energy' on the planet, but unfortunately, it seems that many were unreceptive and failed to understand the implications. The New Age community has generated a smorgasbord of rituals that have been ripped off from the spiritual traditions. But now, the chickens are coming home to roost, as many are failing to discern how changing universal energies are impacting rapidly evolving humans. The deaths that have been reported in Germany and the United States in the last three weeks, both share the characteristics that EXTREME methods have been used to manipulate the human energy field and can be compared to using a sledge hammer to crack nut. In the past it was justifiable, but now, they are not. Yet, since spiritual leaders have cherry picked from the older spiritual traditions, without necessarily having the skills of discernment acquired by their own spiritual evolution, they have left themselves and their spiritual aspirants very vulnerable. For quite some time now, I have wondered why metaphysical folk were not taking the evolutionary changes on the planet seriously, but that will now change as I am sure there will be more serious incidents in the near future that will continue to wake people up. More details and blog comments, Lodge Victim Was in Shape, Family Says

Announcer: On this episode of Skeptiko, Dr. Rupert Sheldrake.
Skeptico, 10th October 2009
Dr. Rupert Sheldrake: Well yes. I mean it sounds as if he’s tried really hard over a long period of time and nothing I do ever works when they do it. It’s not quite like that and first of all there haven’t been that many attempts. He did a staring experiment, I think it was the first thing that he did that was related to my own work. He used different methods than ones I’d used and his student came up with a result that was statistically significant by one test and not significant by another.

Probably the one that they used was the most appropriate, but it was on the borderline of significance, so I asked for the data, to analyze it using different statistical procedures. They’d used a t-test and there were other ways of doing the analysis. I just wanted to see how that would work. He said oh, well, I couldn’t do that cause they’d discarded the data. So I wouldn’t say that was an unambiguous failure. I think that it was interesting result and it was on the borderline of significance. It all depended on which tests you did.

I have to say I listened to the 28th September 2009, Skeptico interview with Dr Chris French and I thought he basically had NOTHING to say about Sheldrake's research, accept that he could not duplicate the same results. In fact, I thought the 50 minute interview was complete and utter waste of time listening to this person. However, here we find that in one experiment, Sheldrake wanted to check the raw data and French comes out with the excuse that the dog ate the data, where have we heard that before..... My attitude is that if you are going to be a sceptic, then be a good one! You need to be on top form with facts and figures, hand waving is not good enough. Sheldrake's analogy of comparing the experience of psychic phenomena to "erection on demand" in an environment of men with clip-boards is quite hilarious..... It's also interesting that no one wants to work with sceptical scientists and they actually have had a hard time trying to recruit subjects.... Maybe, people don't want that negative energy around themselves....

A "Thing" Sighted In Weardale [County Durham, UK]
Fortean Zoology, 10th October 2009
"We saw a Thing the other night. Not sure at all WHAT it was, but both myself and Gareth saw it. We were driving back from Darlington to home at about 10pm on Wednesday 7th October, and just west of Harperley roundabout on the A698 to Wolsingham, when “it” flew in front of the car.

Whatever it was, was not a bird, and was not a moth or bat. It was approx. 3 feet long, about 1ft wide at the head, tapering down to a short tail. It was white and almost see-through – like a cloud, perhaps – pear-drop shaped, and moved very fast.

It rose from a hedge (or from the ground close to the hedge), which borders the road. Then it sped across the road at about 30ft high."

Well, we have had reports of these white translucent pear shaped entities, seen low in the skies over the UK before, there is a report in the archives of something about the size of a car. At this stage, the only thing that can be said is that its part of the planets unknown previously hyperdimensional fauna and flora that is becoming visible as the veil lifts and dimensions merge.

Giant cosmic-ray laser to flash across Paris sky
The rooftop of a Paris skyscraper will to be transformed into a giant cosmic-ray detector in an unusual week-long experiment that is due to start on Saturday.

The Telegraph, 9th October 2009
"Every time the machine, which will be placed on top of the 689-foot high Montparnasse Tower - Paris's tallest building - picks up a sub-atomic particle called a muon, a pulse of laser light will flash across the sky of the city's Latin Quarter from the Paris Observatory. Muons are debris from protons that are blasted out from the Sun or beyond our Solar System and constantly bombard the Earth. [...]

The so-called "cosmic opera", which will only be visible at night, seeks to inform the public about cosmic particles and pay tribute to an experiment into the phenomenon, conducted at the top of the Eiffel Tower in 1910 by a German physicist, Theodor Wulf."

Well, it's a publicity stunt, but maybe, the odd person will wonder why attention is being focused on cosmic rays, even though NASA have just announced that we are at record highs and it looks like earthlings will be experiencing levels not seen for many centuries. Personally, my current endeavour started when I started to query why metaphysical sources were encouraging people to protect their energy fields, now I know and all the signs are that Space Weather will have an increasingly major impact for all life on Earth.

BREAKING NEWS: Obama is awarded Nobel Peace Prize. . . after just ten months in office
Daily Mail, 9th October 2009
"Barack Obama has sensationally been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. The choice shocked Nobel observers because Mr Obama has been in office just ten months - becoming the U.S. president less than two weeks before the February 1 nomination deadline. The Norwegian Nobel Committee said it was awarding the 48-year-old president the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize for 'his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples'. It is not clear who nominated Mr Obama, 48, for the prize but he becomes the third sitting U.S. president to be awarded the prize."

I think I am stunned, probably like everybody else, but maybe Obama has been praying for some help.... The comment to this article made me laugh, "Nobel Peace prize ? Did I miss peace breaking out ?" LOL!!

Nasa Moon bombing: analysis
The Telegraph, 9th October 2009
"Nasa has crashed two unmanned spacecraft into the Moon - as part of its LCROSS 'bombing' mission - in a bid to discover how much water is on the Moon. But little was seen by millions of viewers watching the live footage. There may have been much backslapping and jubilation at Nasa mission control but millions of people watching it live on the internet must have felt slightly short changed.

"The much anticipated 'bombing' of the Moon to find water did not even muster a whimper far less a bang. Great television it was not. Apart from the Moon and its craters getting slowly bigger, and the occasional radio exchange between control room staff, nothing happened. Where was the much anticipated explosion? Where was the splash of ice and water? Where was the 6.2 mile high spray of lunar dust? If we hadn't been told the two spacecraft had crashed landed, we would never have known. "

Oh dear! You can compare the actual impact on video embedded with this report with the anticipated animation version on YouTube, see Big moon boom! US bombs lunar surface and you can see why there was major disappointment. I am sure there will be lots of comment on the blogs and the conspiracy theorists will be very happy to apply their imagination to explain what seems like another NASA failure. Nice headline: Cloud of confusion over success of Nasa moon 'bombing'.

“UFO halo” in the sky baffles Muscovites
RT News, 8th October 2009
Copy : "Millions of residents in Moscow witnessed a strange bright ring-shaped cloud hanging over the city’s western districts on Wednesday. Scientists from the city’s weather forecast service say there is nothing supernatural about it, however. “It’s a purely optical effect, even if a spectacular one. You can see really strange things if you watch the clouds regularly,” Vesti24 TV channel, which published a mobile phone camera video sent to them by an eyewitness, cites the service. “Several air fronts have passed Moscow recently, including an inflow of cold air from Arctic, and they combined to produce such a phenomenon,” the source added."

I am amazed that officials have strayed from the usual line that a strange sky phenomenon was caused by a Russian missile launch or space debris. Watch the video here or a version from a resident in Moscow that has been posted on YouTube, UFO Like Cloud Filmed Over Moscow - 10-06-09 . Something is going on, that's for sure..... This story has now hit the mainstream press, the headline may worry a few, Pictured: The Independence Day-shaped cloud hovering in the skies over Moscow .

YouTube - 3/11 David Wilcock - Coast to Coast AM - October 6, 2009
YouTube, 8th October 2009
Comment: Well, I am wondering if David Wilcock will be the next Blossom Goodchild with his bomb-shell prediction on Coast to Coast AM that before the end of the year, the US government are going to make a full disclosure that we are not alone and even introduce us to the galactic family there and then on a two hour slot on national TV! I have respected David Wilcock's research into the true nature of our reality, especially his work that helped me with my quest to understand the influence of sacred geometry on the evolution of the cosmos. Most certainly, unlike other New Age bandwagoners, he has done some serious pioneering work, that is highly admirable. However, now we are being told that three men in dark suits have been whispering into his ear, all of them telling him the same stuff, but of course these people don't know each other and so this is three creditable sources. My question is: how does he know that? Even George Noory, the host of Coast to Coast AM pulled him up straight away and said how did he know that he was not being set up. He agreed that was a possibility, but its obvious that in David's mind he has decided that this is a good gamble and if this comes true, he will be propelled into the big time. I am in no doubt that in a universe of billions of galaxies with billions of stars like our Sun, that intelligent life that even looks like us exists, what's more, they have been here and some may even live here. My concern is that ET disclosure does not explain the crux of the UFO enigma and how this is related to evolutionary change. It is evident that the Earth is becoming highly charged and is being swamped with plasma entities. But currently, there is not enough integration of science and metaphysics that will help people to understand how they are being effected and the need to spiritually evolve, which is a major requirement right now. I have provided the link to the part of the interview where we are given this revelation and you will need to fast forward to about 8 minutes.

New Gigantic, Glowing Saturn Ring Discovered, 7th October 2009
"See that tiny dot in the middle of that ring? That's Saturn. And the newly-discovered glowing ring is 13.4 million miles in diameter. The proverbial 800-pound gorilla has been discovered by the Spitzer Space Telescope, leaving every single astronomer speechless. The ring hasn't been discovered till now because it's so diffuse that it reflects very little sunlight. That makes it undetectable by optical telescopes. The particles in it, however, glow with heat radiation, which was captured by the Spitzer's infrared instruments. This image is an artist representation of what Spitzer's discovered, showing us, once again, that we are still bloody clueless when it comes to almost everything around us. I can't wait to see the actual image."

My sentiments exactly. This is the NASA press release, Spitzer Discovers Saturn's Largest Ring

Orbital Debris Cleanup Takes Center Stage, 7th October 2009
"There are serious challenges ahead in mitigating space clutter now orbiting the Earth, problems that are exacerbated by the rise of small satellite launchings as well as using debris removal techniques that mimic anti-satellite systems. Experts focused on the escalating menace of orbiting litter during "Green Space: Addressing Space Debris - End of Life Operations," a recent session at the Space 2009 Conference and Exposition in Pasadena, Calif., staged by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. Recent maneuvers by both the space shuttle and the International Space Station to avoid speeding space junk have helped flag the issue. So too has the February 11 collision between Russia's defunct Cosmos 2251 satellite and a U.S. commercial Iridium spacecraft — purportedly the first time two intact spacecraft have accidentally rammed into each other."

Well, space junk is a major problem that is not going to be easy to sort out as outlined in this article. Yet, Space Weather is a major factor, as the new tough electrical conditions in space, shortens the lifespan of satellites and so perpetuates the problem by creating more junk.

Communicating person to person through the power of thought alone
Eureka alert, 6th October 2009
New research from the University of Southampton has demonstrated that it is possible for communication from person to person through the power of thought alone. [...]

His experiment had one person using BCI to transmit thoughts, translated as a series of binary digits, over the internet to another person whose computer receives the digits and transmits them to the second user's brain through flashing an LED lamp. While attached to an EEG amplifier, the first person would generate and transmit a series of binary digits, imagining moving their left arm for zero and their right arm for one. The second person was also attached to an EEG amplifier and their PC would pick up the stream of binary digits and flash an LED lamp at two different frequencies, one for zero and the other one for one. The pattern of the flashing LEDS is too subtle to be picked by the second person, but it is picked up by electrodes measuring the visual cortex of the recipient.

The encoded information is then extracted from the brain activity of the second user and the PC can decipher whether a zero or a one was transmitted. This shows true brain-to-brain activity. You can watch Dr James' BCI experiment at YouTube

This short article and accompanying video, explains how unspoken communication can be detected and deciphered by the brain. I suppose the scientists are happy with this simple little experiment but quite frankly its nothing compared to human capabilities. A few years ago, I had an experience of picking up someone's nasty thoughts about me and my mouth flying open and giving them a telling off, despite the fact I didn't know what was said, but a part of my consciousness would not allow them to get away with their negativity. I have also experienced parts of my energy field "talking", so quite frankly, this kind of scientific research is just nothing compared to what an evolving human can detect.

NAGA FIREBALLS October 1-7, 2009
Tat News, October 2009
"As the full moon crests the horizon, ruby orbs of light begin to rise out of the Mekong River. As if by magic, they float silently into the air and then evaporate in the inky blackness, a phenomenon that awes and delights observers privileged to have seen them. For centuries, their existence was a closely-held secret among villagers living near the northeastern town of Nong Khai. Then, the miraculous event was discovered by outsiders who now flock to the riverbanks each October full moon night in enormous numbers—400,000, at last count.

[...] Between 6 and 9 p.m. on the full moon night of the eleventh lunar month (October), the final night of Buddhist Lent, smokeless, scentless, soundless fireballs begin to rise from the deepest, Lao side of the Mekong. As many as 19 ruby globes at a time ascend to heights of 30 to 300 metres for three to eight seconds each, then simply vanish. In some years there are only a few; in 1999, nearly 3,500 fireballs were counted. They can be seen from ponds and a dozen riverbank villages but are most numerous near Phon Phisai.

[...] But, on the other hand, science has challenged folk belief in the fireballs and fired a controversy. It began with skepticism by one of Nong Khai’s own citizens, Dr. Manas Kanoksilpa, who for a decade has conducted scientific experiments to explain the fireball phenomenon. Dismissing a human hand in their creation (a charge initially levelled at the villagers), he says that the Bang Fai Phaya Nak are globules of methane and nitrogen formed from decomposed organic matter trapped in pools deep beneath the Mekong. When the balls break the water’s surface, they self-combust and remain alight until they eventually run out of fuel and fade. This is the explanation generally given for the formation of swamp gas and will-o’-the-wisp."

Nice article. Since these Naga Fireballs are IDENTICAL to observations of fiery balls of light being seen all over the UK and elsewhere around the world, it seems that according to the experts here, the UK at some time, unknown to the general public, has become a huge swamp. Obviously, this cannot be the real answer and this article points out that these scientists have sidestepped the question of how the fermented matter could form in swiftly-running water. As I have noted before, they also don't explain why there seems to be a link to lunar cycles. Well, I have been waiting for some new 2009 footage on YouTube, but here are clips that I have posted before, see [0:54] Naga fireballs & [2:18] Naga Fireballs, Nong Khai, Thailand, 14 Oct 2008

I Know What I Saw 1/9
YouTube, October 2009
Comment: I have to say I really enjoyed watching this new History Channel documentary I Know What I Saw and I think its going to be very popular. It was done in quite a clever way, in that it left you feeling that despite background, education and profession, most are in the same boat when it comes to wanting to understand the true nature of our reality. There is quite a bit of historical media footage of military opinion and reminds me again of the mechanistic types that are desperate to maintain their inert and spiritually lacking version of reality. However, the ex-military men that are interviewed in this documentary, are giving off a distinctly different energy, I believe it's indicative of how far we have come.

Phantom storms: How our weather leaks into space
New Scientist News, 6th October 2009
"WHETHER it's showering spacecraft with lethal radiation, filling the sky with ghostly light, or causing electrical surges that black-out entire cities, space weather is a force to be reckoned with. [...] Many of the serious events involve disturbances in the charged portion of the atmosphere, known as the ionosphere, which stretches from 80 to 1000 kilometres above sea level. The finger of blame has always been pointed at the sun, which bombards the Earth with a stream of charged particles in the form of the solar wind. During the last three years, though, the sun's cycle of activity has hit a trough, and as Murtagh observes, space weather is temporarily calm.

Yet if the sun really is the only cause, things haven't been quite as quiet as we might have expected. Despite the solar lull, activity in the ionosphere still hots up occasionally - with ghostly tides of charged particles that throw GPS systems out of whack and block radio communication. It seems that as much as one-fifth of this space weather cannot be blamed on the sun after all.If the cause of these charged-particle surges is not above the atmosphere, it must be somewhere below. But where?

Scientists are still desperately trying to understand all the different aspects that generate the phenomena of Space Weather that causes disturbances to GPS, satellite communications, national power grids, pipelines and other electronic systems, including the geomagnetic effects that disturb electromagnetic humans. Yet, it is now twenty years since scientists realised that there had been a considerable change and the Earth had acquired the Equatorial Electrojet, a new space weather feature that holds a depository of excess energy. In my book, I identified this as the promised Mayan 'Serpent Rope' that was indicated to arrive before 2012 and this ties in nicely with the Mayan predictions of a New Age dominated by space or the aether. Since the Maya are experts in understanding evolutionary energies, it seems that the space community have confirmed that Mayan prophecy has been fulfilled. Recent press releases from NASA reveal that Space Weather is set to dominate our lives as we lose our shielding to oncoming Space Weather in the form of solar, cosmic, galactic and intergalactic energies. Unfortunately, most people are not interested, not even the metaphysically minded as most have no understanding of their relationship with the cosmos. Well, we are awaiting the fulfillment Hopi prophecy and the coming of the Red Star that I think is the supergiant star Betelgeuse that is mysteriously shrinking. Scientists are watching intensely, as it shows signs that it might nova and then there will be a change of attitude, that is guaranteed.

'Masters of light' win Nobel Physics Prize News, 6th October 2009
"Charles Kao, Willard Boyle and George Smith won the 2009 Nobel Physics Prize Tuesday for pioneering "masters of light" work on fibre optics and semiconductors, the Nobel jury said. The Hong Kong-based expert Kao and his two American counterparts were hailed for creating the two tools that helped unleash the Information Technology revolution of today.

"This year's Nobel Prize in Physics is awarded for two scientific achievements that have helped to shape the foundations of today's networked societies.""

Nice to see people being appreciated for their intelligence, rather than usual celebration of the lowest common denominator.

Nobel prize for chromosome find
BBC News, 5th October 2009
This year's Nobel prize for medicine goes to three US-based researchers who discovered how the body protects the chromosomes housing vital genetic code. Elizabeth Blackburn, Carol Greider and Jack Szostak jointly share the award.

Their work revealed how the chromosomes can be copied and has helped further our understanding on human ageing, cancer and stem cells. The answer lies at the ends of the chromosomes - the telomeres - and in an enzyme that forms them - telomerase.

This particular discovery should be of great interest to healers and those who are interested in working with universal energies. As I wrote in my article Healer Science It has been long established that healers are linking up to the Earth's Schumann Resonance which acts as a carrier wave for higher dimensional frequencies of light. The effect being that those energies immediately act to effect enzymes either increasing or descreasing activity, dependent on what is required for greater health and that is why there are legitimate claims for rejuvenation. I think someone now needs to design an experiemnt to see what happens to a test tube of the telomerase enzyme when healers are channelling, but I know the answer already.

Air India says mid-air scuffle no threat to safety
Reuters, 5th October 2009
MUMBAI (Reuters) - A mid-air scuffle between pilots and crew of an Air India flight at the weekend did not endanger the 106 passengers on board, said a spokesman for the airline which has ordered an inquiry.

Two pilots and two crew members have been grounded following the incident on a Sharjah-Lucknow-Delhi flight, said Jitender Bhargava, which began as a heated exchange on a charge of sexual harassment against the pilots by a crew member. Blows were also exchanged in the scuffle that spilled into the cabin late on Saturday night, according to media reports. "At no stage was safety compromised. It was a clear case of indiscipline," Bhargava said.

OK, drunk pilots and rowdy passengers are now quite commonplace, but pilots and crew fighting is a new twist in the imbalance stakes.

Are these drawings UFOs?
Reading Post, 5th October 2009
A Caversham family has drawn these vivid diagrams after spotting ‘extra-terrestrial objects’. [...] The family-of-four noticed the ‘alien’ objects above them on Saturday, August 15, between 8.30pm and 9pm. She added: “We looked up expecting to see a plane, instead we saw a huge round orange light. Within a few seconds the light went out and we could all see a dark grey disc, rotating as it moved. “It was flying just below the clouds coming from the direction of London/Heathrow travelling on a straight path, heading in the direction of Nettlebed. “It travelled at the speed of a plane, maybe slower. “The rotation of the disc seemed to be distorting the air, around it. “We were just totally amazed.”

The 'mystery' of ignorance. I quite like the drawings and the cone seems to depict some kind of energy vortex, where the object has rotated around ninety degrees. All very interesting, from a hyperdimensional perspective. This is another report where the object was seen coming from the direction of Heathrow airport [London], so I am wondering at what point the normally tolerate British will start to get really concerned about what the hell is going on. Personally, I am wondering how air traffic control are coping, as it seems according to ufologist, Dr David Clarke, they have been routinely 'tuning out' these anomalous objects, commonly known as 'radar angels' for over fifty years. I can just imagine with the traffic of these plasma entities now getting excessive, it must now be quite an effort. More supposed 'UFO' sightings in the media in the last plus/minus 5 days.

Gorleston UFO sightings [Yarmouth, UK]
five white lights, 4 in diamond shape

Mysterious light in the sky baffles residents [Penarth, S. Wales, UK]
glowing disc of light

UFO tracks Iranian missiles
This reminds me of the Slovakian UFO caught at on camera at a fireworks display, my opinion is the same, see below.

No explanation for sighting of UFO [Bakewell, Derbyshire, UK]
Light in the sky which looked like a helicopter on fire

UFO spotted over Bridlington [Yorkshire, UK]
Witnesses: A big cone-shaped fire ball hovering quite low & a strange hand with a square base, resembled a great big fire

Full moon photographer baffled by UFO over Filey [Yorkshire, UK]
Luminous lilac/purple light under moon shot, maybe some "dead" energy floating about

Did you see UFO over the town? [Leamington, Warwickshire]
10 to 15 bright orange lights flying in formation.

More UFO sightings
Many different reports of "strange orange lights" across Wales, UK

Video: UFO spotted over Swarcliffe? [nr Leeds W. Yorkshire UK]
1st Oct, 09 "A weird orange light" with daylight video
Comment 2: Its still only 2009, and we have lots more to come. FACT: Joe Public and the metaphysical community at large, have no idea what is going on. This is surreal.

2012, the end-of-the-world feature film that critics say is a disaster all by itself. See the hilariously OTT trailer here
Daily Mail, 5th October 2009
2012, the end-of-the-world feature film that critics say is a disaster all by itself. See the hilariously OTT trailer here. In a new two-minute trailer of 2012, directed by Roland Emmerich - the man behind Independence Day and The Day After Tomorrow, mankind is seen to fight for survival after a prophecy about about an apocalypse. [...]

But as with all apocalyptic movies, there are a lucky few who survive the terror... after Americans appear to be save the day (yet again). It looks, however, as if the CGI experts have been given a completely free hand designing this apocalypse - with the net result that the trailer borders on laughable. Critics in the U.S. are already beginning to describe the movie as a disaster in itself.

It looks, however, as if the CGI experts have been given a completely free hand designing this apocalypse - with the net result that the trailer borders on laughable.

The OTT effects and over-dramatic story has come in for some criticism even before the film hits the big screen. If the trailer is anything to go by, we're likely to see every kind of disaster imaginable, all crammed into one big turkey of a film created by a director reknowned for his overboard use of effects.

One critic says of the trailer: 'The 2012 The Worst is Over Movie Clip that recently found its way online is full of the absurd action and grand special effects audiences have come to expect from a Roland Emmerich film. ''At the beginning of the clip we are given a glimpse of the Curtis’ family dynamic present in 2012. As the clip continues, the delivered action is so over-the-top it almost looks like an cartoon.'

It looks like people will have something to give them a good laugh and hopefully, that will help to keep the vibration up! But, I am waiting for people to sober up and understand what's really going on...

Almost half of healers’ patients report immediate benefit
Paranormal Review, 4th October 2009
"Eighty patients have co-operated with Scottish psychic researcher Patricia Robertson in a study of the benefits they have received at the hands of two English healers, Gary Mannion and Nina Knowland. The healers also participated in the research.

Robertson revealed some early findings in a lecture on paranormal healing to the Society for Psychical Research in London on Thursday, 1 October, titled “Do Miracles Happen?”

She reported that 86 per cent felt heat from the healer’s hands during treatment, half experienced a quick cessation of pain, and four out of ten said they sensed “internal manipulation” during treatment."

This website is new to me and looks quite interesting. Well, this kind of research, utilising scientific protocols is only required to prove to sceptics and the insensitive that universal energies exist and can be harnessed for spiritual health and well being. If you are interested, this is a great healing story, Catholic Church investigates inexplicable healing of dying man

The man who can 'taste' words: 'Gordon Brown tastes revolting, while Tony Blair tastes of desiccated coconut'
Daily Mail, 3rd October 2009
"James Wannerton, 50, is one of an estimated two-and-a-half million people who suffer from gustatory auditory synaesthesia, a cross-sensory neurological condition, which means he can literally taste words. A systems analyst, he lives in Blackpool, Lancashire, with his partner, Jeanette. Here, he talks about how it has affected his life. One of my earliest memories was when I was about four or five and chanting The Lord's Prayer in school assembly. But it's not the words, the school hall or the teachers I remember most. It's the flavours, because The Lord's Prayer tasted unmistakably of bacon. It was the first time I'd experienced tasting words, and most of my early memories are dominated by taste more than any other sense."

My initial reaction is that this condition is related to the evolution of humanity and it seems others have this opinion too as it is known that the numbers of people who have this condition has increased exponentially in the last half of the 20th century. Whether 'wires' are incorrectly crossed in the brain or not, psychologists who have studied human development and spiritual traditions both agree that the brain has to be rewired, and maybe this strange condition occurs when there has not been enough energy to make a completely successful update. For those who are interested, Nancy Tappe is famous for first seeing the colour dark blue, indigo aura around children, who she believes possess different attributes and characteristics to those who came before. Apparently, she also has synaesthesia and states that when she partakes of certain foods like peas, she tastes triangles. It must be quite an odd reality, but I know that for those who regularly have profound mystical experiences, I am sure most would think they were odd too.

HAARP: Artificial ionosphere creates bullseye in the sky
Auroral experiments make glowing plasma patch.

Nature News, 2nd October 2009
"An experiment that fires powerful radio waves into the sky has created a patch of 'artificial ionosphere', mimicking the uppermost portion of Earth's atmosphere. The research has not only caused glowing dots to appear around these patches — it could also provide a new way to bounce radio signals around the globe.

The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP), near Gakona, Alaska, has spent nearly two decades using radio waves to probe Earth's magnetic field and ionosphere."

This is what I wrote in my July 2005 article HAARP: From the perspective of a true Eco Warrior ."A curious thought is that the original title of Eastlund's Patent is, "Method for producing a shell of relativistic particles at an altitude above the Earths surface." Is it possible that HAARP was actually developed as an Earth Shield to stave off the impact of the energetic changes being delivered by the Sun. Actually, there is evidence that this is the case.[20]" Since we now have many calling for geoengineering and placing a shield in space it seems that those who believed that HAARP was an eco weapon never appreciated why HAARP was needed as a shield, but this is now obvious as Space Weather has become a serious issue for the space community and the military.

The end is near
The media, polls and even scientists suggest the global warming scare is all over but the shouting

Financial Post, 2nd October 2009
The great global warming scare is over — it is well past its peak, very much a spent force, sputtering in fits and starts to a whimpering end. You may not know this yet. Or rather, you may know it but don’t want to acknowledge it until every one else does, and that won’t happen until the press, much of which also knows it, formally acknowledges it.

I know that the global warming scare is over but for the shouting because that’s what the polls show, at least those in the U.S., where unlike Canada the public is polled extensively on global warming. Most Americans don’t blame humans for climate change — they consider global warming to be a natural phenomenon. Even when the polls showed the public believed man was responsible for global warming, the public didn’t take the scare seriously. When asked to rank global warming’s importance compared to numerous other concerns — unemployment, trade, health care, poverty, crime, and education among them — global warming came in dead last. Fewer than 1% chose global warming as scare-worthy. [...] But the press has also begun to tire of Armageddon All-The-Time,"

The energy is certainly changing and this last week has seen some serious nails being driven into the global warming scare coffin... Carbon credits have tanked too, see Carbon Credit Market Imploding: CCX now 10 cents a tonne

Response from Briffa on the Yamal tree ring affair – plus rebuttal
Watts Up With That, 1st October 2009
First here is Dr. Keith Briffa’s response in entirety direct from his CRU web page: My attention has been drawn to a comment by Steve McIntyre on the Climate Audit website relating to the pattern of radial tree growth displayed in the ring-width chronology “Yamal” that I first published in Briffa (2000). The substantive implication of McIntyre’s comment (made explicitly in subsequent postings by others) is that the recent data that make up this chronology (i.e. the ring-width measurements from living trees) were purposely selected by me from among a larger available data set, specifically because they exhibited recent growth increases. [...] It appears that your results are heavily influenced by a single tree, as Steve McIntyre has just demonstrated here. As McIntyre points out: “YAD061 reaches 8 sigma and is the most influential tree in the world.”

This is a great victory for climate 'realists' and one that will be savoured for many years to come. Here, is a great quote here from Robinson (09:22:49) : Oh dear. My first pass at YAD061 and I’m pretty gobsmacked. The entire record comes down to this one tree, more or less. What a revelation! We must go and hug it. If you want a more scientific synopsis of the latest round of this battle see, Yamal - the debate continues.

2012: The end is not near
Cosmic Log, MSNBC, 1st October 2009
"Marketers are escalating the media blitz for the "2012" disaster movie to Defcon 2 tonight with a TV teaser that touts the coming apocalypse. If you watch the two-minute scene, here are two words of advice: DON'T PANIC!

The teaser is due to run on major broadcast networks as well as scads of cable channels and local stations sometime between 10:50 and 11 p.m. ET/PT, and it's sure to get viewers whipped up in advance of the movie itself, which premieres on Nov. 13.

The flick's premise is that there really is something behind the speculation about an apocalypse supposedly due in 2012. An earlier viral marketing campaign highlighted the fictional "Institute for Human Continuity," which was said to be setting up a lottery for spots in an underground refuge from doomsday.

Unfortunately, not everyone immediately saw through the IHC's TV commercials (or the Facebook group or the Twitter postings or the YouTube channel...). "The ads seemed very real," Cosmic Log correspondent Darrell Messbarger wrote in an e-mail, "and some of my daughter's friends were in a dead panic over them. Even their parents."

I suppose the reaction by some to this TV advert is a reminder that most people live their whole lives in utter fear and that this level of consciousness is easily exploited. However, the simple answer is that if people do not want this kind of exploitation, they can switch off the TV. The article here outlines various 2012 disaster scenarios, provides some debunking info and has plenty of links that may provide more useful 2012 background info.

YouTube History Channel Documentary, UFO Hunters
UFOs, The Military & Rendlesham Forest 1 of 5

YouTube, October 2009
Comment: As the whole UFO phenomena goes mainstream it is worth understanding about the events surrounding the biggest UFO event in UK history, so far. This is a new History Channel documentary that was apparently first aired in September 2009 about the 1980 events in Rendlesham forest that is now known as the UK's Roswell. These events are of great interest now as it is clear that the veil has lifted enough in parts of the world for ordinary people to realise that there is another lifeform that lives alongside us, that are clearly more than just 'anomalous' lights. In this highly documented event that involved UK and US military, an object picked up by radar, was described as a red orb that was seen in the forest and which eventually split into 5 different white lights and whizzed off. This history channel documentary provides a version of events that may not be completely correct, but we have been told that there have been great efforts to create five different versions of this story to make it seem nonsensical and untrue. The ufologists from the US UFO Magazine known as 'UFO Hunters', do a very good job at debunking the debunkers when it comes to the outrageous idea that trained military men, were not able to tell the difference between a UFO and a light from a lighthouse six miles away..... Incredibly, after 27 years we find out from the Lighthouse keeper, that the Orford Ness Lighthouse is fitted with a screen to stop the light being seen inland, it is only meant to be seen by those at sea! As you can appreciate from this disclosure, why would highly trained military observers including a colonel, make up such a fantastic story? Especially, as we are told here that the take-off of the first UFO sighting was seen by 80 men..... really, the denial by the debunkers is all so pathetic. There is quite a list of characters that take part in this documentary including Nick Pope, formerly of the UK MOD and the UK police detective and ufologist Gary Heseltine. We find out here the Nick Pope used to be sceptic before he manned the UK MOD's UFO desk and was given 200-300 incidents to investigate per year for at least four years. As you can imagine, he is no longer a sceptic.... By the way. He also stated on UK ITN News in July 2009, that there has been a exponential increase in sightings of UFOs in the UK, now that is very interesting....

Grotto statue took on human form and wept, say witnesses
Clerical Whispers, 3rd October 2009
"VISITORS to a remote grotto have claimed a statue wept and crosses appeared and disappeared in the night sky this week.

A group of 14 people, who had gathered at the statue of the Virgin Mary, in a rocky outcrop near the town of Dungloe, Co Donegal, on Tuesday night, were transfixed as they watched the phenomenon, which they said lasted almost an hour.

"It was a crazy evening. It was absolutely amazing. I am still on an emotional high. All but one person seemed to see the same thing," recalled James Boyle, from Ardara, who was at the site with his wife Margaret and children, Martin (10) and Mary (11).

The Kerrytown shrine is visited by thousands of pilgrims annually, after first becoming the subject of a religious apparition 70 years ago."

Christians believe that in the 'End Times' there will be 'signs and wonders', I think this qualifies....Well, the Catholic Church are trying to stop people reporting Virgin Mary aparitions, so this incident will be greeted with total dismay.

UFO lights were not Chinese lanterns
Lowestoft Journal, 2nd October 2009
"WE'VE had another letter about strange lights in the night sky. This one is from Matt Gooch. “I live in Worlingham and over the last few weeks have seen orange orbs/sphere lights in the sky over Lowestoft. “The first sighting was in August, a craft of some kind hovering over south Lowestoft, then stat travelling south, with a red light travelling much faster than any usual aircraft and in complete silence (you can still hear the rumble from planes when they pass thousands of feet high)."

This is hilarious, folk are doing some homework/experiments to prove that what they saw was NOT a Chinese lantern! Brilliant! Now this is getting interesting! More media reports below:

Strange fireball seen in night sky
Bright orange fireball, a tenth the size of the moon

Video: UFO spotted over the skies of Leeds?
Bright orange flame-like ball

UFO sighting above Betws housing estate
Two bright orange objects travel overhead

Another UFO sighting over Yarmouth
Two large bright orange spheres of light

UFO spotted in Matlock
Orange glow and the flickering periphery

Mysterious UFO sightings continue on Cannock Chase - is it aliens?
strange, luminous shapes in the sky

Gas mask bra traps Ig Nobel prize
BBC News, 1st October 2009
"Designers of a bra that turns into gas masks and a team who found that named cows produce more milk were among the winners of the 2009 Ig Nobel prizes. The aim of the awards is to honour achievements that "first make people laugh and then make them think". The peace prize went to a Swiss research team who determined whether it is better to be hit over the head with a full or empty bottle of beer. The ceremony was organised by the magazine Annals of Improbable Research."

What I can't work out is, who agrees to pay for this crazy science?

Can We Really Read Minds?
Psychology Today, 30th September 2009
The belief in telepathy is deeply rooted in many of us, and not only science fiction fans. Mothers ring their daughters thousands of miles away, and their daughters say, "How did you know? I was just thinking of you". We walk into a room and we just get a feeling about someone: it is as if we knew what they were thinking, and what they will say next.

Professors of parapsychology--and there are a few--have been unable to replicate these results in the laboratory. Minds they have to conclude cannot pass thoughts or images to other minds directly. Perhaps this should not be a surprise. After all, we do pass thoughts and images to each other pretty effectively by speaking, drawing, singing, and so on. More to the point, our minds are our own, and we want them to remain so. We fight to keep our original thoughts. So is telepathy just wishful thinking, born out of our wish to be close to our loved ones and not feel that they have minds that will be for ever closed to us? Or is it a more general feeling against the scientists and others who seem to want to reduce everything to atoms without allowing for the connectedness that joins us to the universe?

Maybe these parapsychologists need to redesign their experiments, as others have proven that signals are being passed between brains were there is an EMOTIONAL attachment, like between husbands and wives.

Galaxy study hints at cracks in dark matter theories
New Scientist News, 30th September 2009
"Dark matter is either weirder than we thought or does not exist at all, a new study suggests. A galaxy is supposed to sit at the heart of a giant cloud of dark matter and interact with it through gravity alone. The dark matter originally provided enough attraction for the galaxy to form and now keeps it rotating. But observations are not bearing out this simple picture.

Since dark matter does not radiate light, astronomers infer its distribution by looking at how a galaxy's gas and stars are moving. Previous studies have suggested that dark matter must be uniformly distributed within a galaxy's central region – a confounding result since the dark matter's gravity should make it progressively denser towards a galaxy's centre."

Well, the Electric Universe proponents are going to love this. This short article reveals just how much astrophysicists and cosmologists are struggling to understand how the universe works. The greatest problem that these scientists have is that they have enforced a very rigid set of beliefs, a foundation that now looks very shaky. Dismantling one of the central tenets ie the notion that the Newtonian Laws of gravity are wrong or need modifying in some way, is very disturbing to some. It is obvious, that the creation of more and more invisible and dare I say it, esoteric concepts, to explain the universe, can be compared to the historical creation of religions based on the rudimentary understanding of men, which lacks a deep understanding of divine laws and thus the true nature of our reality. This is an appropriate quote: 'The history of cosmology is the history of us being completely wrong' Cosmology writer Marcus Chown

Irate of Lytham St Annes, Lancashire [UK]
UK UFO Sightings, 30th September 2009
Archive copy: Location of Sighting: Lytham St Annes, Date of Sighting: Sunday 27 September 2009
Time: 20:15, Witness Name: Richard Eaves

Witness Statement: I was sat in the living room with my mother and step-father when my mother interrupted the conversation and pointed out of the window. Traversing horizontally through the sky from west-east were two bright orange balls. We rushed outside and watched as the objects moved at a steady speed and close together, one slightly above the other and in total silence. The weather was windy and gusting, yet the pair maintained a steady speed and course. It was dark and the balls were very bright. The objects were roughly half a mile away, though distance and size of the objects was difficult to ascertain, given the darkness and the only reference being the houses immediately opposite. As the objects moved easterly in front of our house and into the distance, they appeared to separate, at a steady speed, one continuing on it’s level path, one climbing until they were separated by one or two thousand feet and disappearing in the distance.

Myself and my mother have much aviation experience and have lived close to the airport for many years and we have never seen anything like these things before. Having old co-workers and friends working at the airport, my mother phoned air traffic control to report the incident. A conversation took place which I am not sure I am at liberty to disclose, but their answer, (and they did recognize the objects and provide an ‘answer’) was not satisfactory and raises questions.

I stumbled across this site whilst hoping to shed some light on my sighting, and am amazed to see similar reports in the area. I also found this report and video [UFO spotted in Fylde sky?] , posted on the Blackpool Evening Gazette website on 16th July 2009. The object in the video is extremely similar to the objects I saw, though the objects in St Annes were either much larger than the object in Fleetwood, or were much closer to us.

I will be following this site closely to hear of any other reports. Eyes on the skies people in the Fylde! The following additional information was also submitted by Richard:

re previous submission. I have read the ‘chinese lantern’ information and have taken a few things into consideration. Unless these lanterns were extremely large, then surely ATC would not be able to see them? I was facing south viewing these objects with the airport/control tower about 1-1.5 miles behind me. I challenge anyone to spot a chinese lantern at this distance amongst all the sub-urban light pollution.

Secondly, if they were Chinese lanterns, and if ATC had actually managed to identify them as such, then they must have been extremely close to me, close enough for the framework or material of the lantern to light up. No, these objects were quite large and viewed at distance.

In defense of the lantern theory, the wind was blowing from the west, possibly aiding a lantern in flight, but there were gusts which surely would have affected the paths of these objects? Smooth and level flight would seem quite difficult.

I will be talking to a couple of pilots to see what they think about it all. If you guys think the lantern theory holds up then i’m all ears for a proper explanation. Thank you and if you think my report is a load of rubbish then please don’t publish! Just after a decent explanation is all… and why are hundreds of people suddenly releasing Chinese lanterns??

Hurrah! We have detected a pulse! This gentleman is not satisfied with the superficial answers he is being given to explain the strange phenomena taking place in the skies across the UK and around the world and he wants to understand what is going on. Here is a quote from an article published online by the scientist Paul Devereux who has been researching anomalous lights for decades.
But what is the nature of the lights themselves? The anecdotal literature contains descriptive themes that are repeated so often, from different times and places, that it is highly probable objective characteristics are being referred to. From this considerable reservoir of data, we learn that the lights can be any colour, though white, orange, deep red and yellow-gold predominate. Their size can range from ping-pong balls of luminosity to giant lightforms, though "basketball size" is common. While their shapes are usually round or spherical, tubes, cigars, rectangles, diamonds, tadpole-shapes and irregular forms have frequently been described. When witnesses have had a close looks, a teeming inner activity is sometimes reported within lightforms. Reports indicate that earth lights can issue sounds of various kinds, though hissing and buzzing noises predominate, sometimes accompanied by a feeling of pressure in the ears. Particularly bright earth lights are often said to be intense without being dazzling. Multiple earth lights seen flying together can display seemingly co-ordinated movements, as if operating within a single field, and divide and merge. They have also been seen emerging from or disappearing into the ground on numerous occasions, reinforcing a geological-tectonic connection. When free-floating, they commonly seem to prefer the vicinity of mountain peaks and ridges, isolated rooftops and rock outcrops, towers and antennae and other sharp or isolated features that tend to be charge collectors. This indicates that they have some kind of electromagnetic basis. They often haunt bodies of water such as lakes and reservoirs, and are occasionally seen glowing beneath the surface of the water. Bodies of water can apply pressure to underlying faulting (microquake activity around reservoirs is fairly common), as well as lubricating rocks - moist rocks are known to be able to emit more charged particles than dry ones. The prevailing assumption is that earth lights are plasmas of some kind.
Source: Paul Devereux, Earth Lights and UFOs
The question has to be asked: why are there efforts to downgrade this plasma phenomena in the mind of the general public, when scientists around the world have been studying it for decades. In my opinion, it is because plasma energy represents universal primordial energy, that has consciousness and intelligence. This energy can represent itself as another lifeform that is not carbon based and cannot be controlled, scientists cannot even control simple plasmas in the laboratory after trying for over 50 years. These particular plasma manifestations represent higher dimensional spiritual energies that have always existed, but due to changes in the make-up of our reality and the fact we are facing rapid evolutionary change, ordinary people are now seeing a hidden world that was only known and understood by a few. The world is witnessing a MASSIVE 'spring clean' of aetheric energies, a process that I have called the 'Planetary Refresh,' but the metaphysical community, so far, have failed to see the connection with predictions of Earth transformation associated with 2012.

Argentina: Video of Bolide Explosion over La Pampa [Chile]
Inexplicata, 29th September 2009
"This impressive phenomenon occured on Sunday, September 27th 2009 and was seen from points as distant as the Chilean city of Temuco and Mar del Plata on the Atlantic Ocean. According to Dr. Richard Branham of the Centro Regional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnologicas, the object was a bolide rather than a meteor or meteorite. Bolides, he explains, are large meteors that are incinerated as they enter the atmosphere and may attain significant apparent magnitudes, accompanied by loud report."

This video [01:55] is quite impressive, but despite the professional opinion, it seems to show characteristics that makes this object's entry into out atmosphere seem quite unusual and similar to other 'strange' meteors that have been filmed in recent years.

Ball of light, similar to a fireball heading N-S towards Heathrow - Ruislip, London [UK]
UK UFO Sightings, 29th September 2009
Location of Sighting: Ruislip, London, Date of Sighting: 27 September 2009
Time: 2040 and 2045, Witness Name: J Hammond

Witness Statement: At 2040 myself and 3 others witnessed a ball of light, similar to a fireball heading N-S towards Heathrow. As the light passed, it slowly diminished then dissapeared. There was lots of Heathrow air traffic around so we were waiting for reports of a plane crash/explasion until 5 minutes later when we all saw the same thing for a second time. This allowed us to rule out anything we have seen before. When the light faded we saw a sillouette of a grey metal type object in the shape of a jellyfish shaped dome which eventually disappeared. 2 of the witnesses are serving members of the Royal Air Force and they had no explanation.

This sighting implies that the fiery cloak, similar to the silver pearl effect that is taken on by some orbs could be a kind of plasma shielding (a merkabah in metaphysical terms), used for travel and that there is some kind plasma entity inside. This is also the opinion of the astrophycicist Massimo Teodorani, Ph.D. who has worked on Project Hessdalen in Norway in relation to the EMBLA 2000 and EMBLA 2001 missions. In 2002, the conclusion he came to was that some phenomena had distinctly different characteristics that overlapped and that an external plasma was hiding something inside. (Technically, plasma physicists will tell you that the corkscrew effect often seen in the sky occurs when a plasma vortex is breaking down, this is in effect, the same explanation). Yet, the concept of a toroidal vortex (shield) made up of plasma should be a very very familiar concept to anyone interested in understanding themselves as an energetic being. Obviously, in this sighting, the disk shape is seized on by most ufologists desperate to attribute these sightings to ET craft. As an aside, for those who are unaware, Kenneth Arnold who was immortalised for the term flying saucer was actually misquoted by the US media in 1947 and the drawings that he produced were NOT saucer shapes at all! In fact, he saw crescent or fan shaped objects and one object that was tadpole shaped. Anyway, if you take the view that everything in the universe has some kind of universal consciousness and intelligence and that the evolutionary process has generated another plasmatic lifeform with a myriad of expressions, then amongst the basic building blocks of plasma (charged subatomic particles), we are seeing the traffic of more evolved energies. The following are from the UK UFO Sightings website who seem to be overwhelmed with hundreds of reports every month, most of which seem to be reported as a variation of bright lights. Interestingly, they started a thread to discuss UFOs but the response has been very poor. Well, I sent them an email suggesting that they should inform their web audience of the UK Ministry of Defence's 'Condign Report', I await a reply.

A glowing ball that looked like a miniature sun moving across the sky - Fareham, Hampshire [UK]

Opaque cube-like object flying alongside motorway - Junction 7 on the M18, Yorkshire [UK]

Boomerang shaped object making a dull humming noise - Waltham Cross, Hertfordshire [UK]

Trainee pilot sees bright orange burning light NOT balloon or lantern! - Birmingham, West Midlands [UK]

Glowing green light in the sky - SE Dumfries [Ireland, UK]

Oblong/cigar shaped object on fire, moving and stopping - Leicester Forest East, Leicester[UK]

A solid orange light making a quiet, droney hum - Worthing, West Sussex [UK]

A bright orange ball, splits into 2 - Faifley, Clydebank [UK]

White lights in a circular formation, spinning whilst expanding and contracting - near East Midlands airport, between J23 & 24 of the M1 [UK]

Orb seen with eye, photo shows illuminous light blue squiggle - Newall Green, Wythenshawe, Greater Manchester [UK]

20/30 bright orange lights travelling into the wind - Mudeford Quay, Christchurch, Dorset [UK]

Up to 1,000 killed and more trapped by earthquake in Indonesia's Sumatra
As many as 1,000 people have been killed and many more have been trapped under collapsed buildings after a powerful earthquake hit the Indonesian island of Sumatra yesterday.

The Telegraph, 30th September 2009
"The earthquake struck at 5.16pm (10.16 GMT), 78 kilometres (48 miles) southwest of the city of Padang in West Sumatra, along the same fault line that spawned the 2004 Asian tsunami.

According to US Geological Survey, it measured 7.9 on the Richter scale, just shy of the size of earthquake that sparked a tsumani, devastating the Pacific islands of American and Western Samoa to the east of Australia on Tuesday.

The shaking could be felt in high buildings in the capital, Jakarta, several hundred miles, and in neighbouring Singapore and Malaysia. A tsunami alert was sent out to countries along the Indian Ocean, prompting many to flee to higher ground."

This is another major disaster and the alternative view would be to relate recent major events with celestial phenomena like major planetary alignements, but if it was caused by something unusual like a GRB, this is only revealed normally well after events subside. Update: Indonesian quake toll at 1,100; thousands missing

Dozens feared dead after tsunami sweeps Samoa
• Villages washed away after earthquake under sea
• Toll expected to rise as power cut hampers rescue

The Guardian, 30th September 2009
At least 34 people have been killed and dozens more injured after a powerful earthquake triggered a tsunami that swept the Pacific islands of Samoa and American Samoa, according to early reports.

The quake, of magnitude 8.3, struck midway between the two islands at 6.48pm BST, sending a tidal wave into Apia, the capital of Samoa and a 5ft tsunami into Pago Pago, the capital of American Samoa.

One agency reporter said there were "bodies everywhere" in the main hospital on the Samoan island of Upolu, including at least one child. She said three or four villages had been wiped out along a popular tourist coast near Lalomanu, on the island's southern coast.

Although Samoan and American Samoan officials have not yet been able to confirm the death toll, early reports suggested the number of dead on Samoa was at least 20, and around 14 on American Samoa . Lemalu Fiu, a doctor at a hospital in Apia, said the figure was expected to rise as staff began tending the injured.

In Samoa, the wave reportedly sent water and debris surging up to 100 metres inland, sweeping away villages and cars and leaving terrified residents fleeing their homes for higher ground. In Apia, witnesses said they had experienced shaking that lasted for up to three minutes. Businesses and schools were forced to close and the city was left virtually deserted with thousands of people gathered on nearby hills, according to reports.

[...] Brian Atwater, a tsumami expert for the USGS, said that although the earthquake and tsunami were big they were not on the scale of the 2004 Boxing Day tsunami that killed 150,000 people, and was 10 times as strong. Samoa and American Samoa have a combined population of around 250,000.

This is a major natural disaster but it could have been a lot worse as many islands and some countries were issued with Tsuanmi Alerts including Hawaii and New Zealand. Pictures: Samoa tsunami: devastation on South Pacific islands after earthquake hits

SPACE WEATHER ON MERCURY:, 29th September 2009
SPACE WEATHER ON MERCURY: Today, NASA's MESSENGER spacecraft is going to fly by Mercury only 142 miles from the planet's surface. Naturally, much attention will be given to pictures of new craters and previously unseen terrain, but there is another, equally sensational reason for the flyby--namely, to investigate Mercury's hyperactive space weather:

Mercury's magnetic field is buffeted by solar wind as much as fifteen times stronger than the solar wind we experience at Earth. During an earlier flyby of Mercury in Oct. 2008, MESSENGER encountered magnetic "tornadoes" – twisted bundles of magnetic fields connecting Mercury to interplanetary space.The twisters are formed by explosive magnetic reconnection events at the solar wind-magnetic field boundary. Solar wind can actually flow down the throats of these tornadoes to strike and erode the surface of Mercury, giving Mercury a comet-like tail.

MESSENGER will fly right through this maelstrom of magnetism and solar wind en route to buzzing Mercury's surface. Stay tuned for da

We have more confirmation of the Electric Universe and Birkeland currents in space, the correct terminology that plasma physicists use, rather than the magnetic "tornadoes", but this description does help people visualise the nature of these magnetic field lines. By the way, plasma physicists don't believe in magnetic reconnection, as this theory is not supported by laboratory plasma observations. See the book, The Electric Sky by Prof. Don Scott, who makes the point about Langrange points in space not exploding periodically, LOL! Also, Space Probe Soon to Study Mercury’s Comet-Like “Tail”

Cosmic Rays Hit Space Age High
NASA News, 28th September 2009
Planning a trip to Mars? Take plenty of shielding. According to sensors on NASA's ACE (Advanced Composition Explorer) spacecraft, galactic cosmic rays have just hit a Space Age high.

"In 2009, cosmic ray intensities have increased 19% beyond anything we've seen in the past 50 years," says Richard Mewaldt of Caltech. "The increase is significant, and it could mean we need to re-think how much radiation shielding astronauts take with them on deep-space missions."

Galactic cosmic rays come from outside the solar system. They are subatomic particles--mainly protons but also some heavy nuclei--accelerated to almost light speed by distant supernova explosions. Cosmic rays cause "air showers" of secondary particles when they hit Earth's atmosphere; they pose a health hazard to astronauts; and a single cosmic ray can disable a satellite if it hits an unlucky integrated circuit.

The sun's magnetic field is our first line of defense against these highly-charged, energetic particles. The entire solar system from Mercury to Pluto and beyond is surrounded by a bubble of solar magnetism called "the heliosphere." It springs from the sun's inner magnetic dynamo and is inflated to gargantuan proportions by the solar wind. When a cosmic ray tries to enter the solar system, it must fight through the heliosphere's outer layers; and if it makes it inside, there is a thicket of magnetic fields waiting to scatter and deflect the intruder. [...]

Mewaldt lists three aspects of the current solar minimum that are combining to create the perfect storm:
1. The sun's magnetic field is weak.
2. The solar wind is flagging.
3. The current sheet is flattening.

[...] "If the flattening continues as it has in previous solar minima, we could see cosmic ray fluxes jump all the way to 30% above previous Space Age highs," predicts Mewaldt.[...]

"The space era has so far experienced a time of relatively low cosmic ray activity," says Mewaldt. "We may now be returning to levels typical of past centuries."

This is more confirmation of the New Cosmic Age being driven by Space Weather! I am not aware that NASA have released any prior information about the current sheet flattening, but I would say that it would be very difficult for scientists to predict the impact. Please forget any talk about people being totally protected by the earth's atmosphere, because Extensive Air Showers caused by cosmic rays are being recorded at ground level and scientists were raising eyebrows about the high levels back in 2000. The metaphysical community have been warned to strengthen their energy fields, but it seems the message has gone largely unheeded, so we may be awaiting a massive gamma ray burst that will leave us open to the elements and then we'll see what happens. Personally, I think we are going to get some serious evolutionary sorting out of the wheat from the chaff. Meanwhile, the 2012 Bandwagonistas have missed the implications for evolutionary change, as we enter A New Cosmic Age dominated by Space or the aether and hence why traditional Mayan Elders have talked about a change of sun and a new human. Well, despite my lack of marketing success, I can now state absolutely categorically that I got this right! But, I would still be interested to find other lonely individuals who realised what was happening and went to the trouble of getting their beliefs and research published.

Brazil declassifies new UFO secrets documents
UFO Digest, 28 September 2009
"This is to inform you that the Brazilian Government has just declassified a new set of significant previously secret UFO documents, now covering the 80s. We already had disclosures covering the 50s, 60s and 70s, all with very important documents and information. So far over 4,000 pages have been disclosed.

The recent disclosure is particularly powerful because it contains dozens of reports of UFOs on May 19, 1986, considered the "Official UFO Night in Brazil", when 21 spherical objects, estimated 100 meters in diameter " according to military sources " were detected by radars and spotted by civilian pilots, and literally jammed air traffic over the major Brazilian Airports, such as Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. Then, several Mirage and F5 jets were scrambled to pursue them.

As a result of that "invasion", the Air Force minister brigadier Octavio Moreira Lima went public about it the other morning on the national TV network, declaring all facts openly. The pilots who took part in the pursue and their commanders also spoke freely about the pursuits, which occurred over several hours."

Obviously, the real question is why are so many governments and even military unilaterally releasing UFO files? I have said it before, they simple have to or as the veil lifts, they will have NO credibility left in the mind of the general public.

New study: What really happens when you die?
AWARE project harnesses technology to probe ‘out-of-body experiences’

MSNBC News, 28th September 2009
People often talk about seeing their lives flash before their eyes, but a select few — some of those who have been resuscitated after nearly dying — have reported on the experience of death, or at least coming very close to it. It’s a rarer phenomenon, and one that has captured the interest of scientists who are trying to answer the question of just what constitutes death, and when death actually occurs. A new international study is endeavoring to apply hard science to one of life’s biggest mysteries — its end.

[...] “At least 10 to 20 percent of people who have been brought back to life will tell us they had consciousness present, and a proportion of them will tell us they were able to see doctors and nurses working on them as if they’re looking from above,” Parnia told Vieira. “When people have died, their brain goes into a flatline state, so consciousness shouldn’t be present.

The article does not seem to distinguish between a 'near-death experience' (NDE) and an 'out of body experience' that can occur at anytime, which seems strange to me. Well, the most interesting thing is that research reveals that people who have had a NDE come back with a different brain pattern and become more evolved. According to psychologist Sir David Hawkins, they are propelled into higher states of consciousness to the levels of peace at about 600, on the Map of Consciousness that is calibrated from 1 – 1000, 700 and above is considered enlightenment and the re-wiring of the brain is proof, as psychologists who have studied human development tell us this is required for human evolution.

Power of the hidden message revealed
Negative emotional contents are more likely to register in the subconscious

The Indepencent, 28th September 2009
"An experiment by British researchers has found that even though subliminal messages are shown so briefly that the human eye cannot consciously read them, the brain is particularly good at picking up on the emotional meaning of a word if it is negative.

Scientists at University College London believe the results of the study, in which participants correctly identified when a subliminally transmitted word had negative connotations more than seven times out of 10, shows that humans are programmed at a sub-conscious level to respond to any stimulus that contains a potential threat."

If these scientists did the exact same experiment with people of higher consciousness and Sir David Hawkins, the psychiatrist, has a method to test for this using kinesiology, I would imagine that the results would be different. On The Map of Consciousness that calibrates all levels of awareness from 1 – 1000, 200 and above is the level of empowerment. At this level, human consciousness shifts towards the positive, but most of the world calibrates at much lower levels. This is a quote from Hawkins's second book, The Eye of the I.
It is significant that the majority of the world's population still calibrates below the level of integrity of 200. This mass negativity has continued to be counterbalanced by the small minority of the population that is in the very high positive range.
...Although, historically, the tendency is to blame specific leaders for any catastrophes, in actuality, they do not succeed without the support of the masses who, if below 200, are vulnerable to distorted concepts, slogans, propaganda, and mass programming by hatred, revenge, pride, anger, and greed. Therefore, it is crucial to the evolution of mankind that its overall consciousness level be kept above 200.
Sir David Hawkins, 2001
It must be remembered that the scale is logarithmic, as I wrote in my book, Tuning the Diamonds, "400 is not twice the power of 200, it is 10 to the power 400 (10400) and 200 corresponds to 10 to the power 200, (10200). Therefore, an increase in a few points represents a major advance in power. By the way, human consciousness is shifting upwards and that's because the 'small' number of individuals with higher consciousness are increasing and having a disproportionate effect. This is easy to see when a few people decide to make a difference, especially when it comes to matters of truth.

Shock and surprise as space object falls [Argentina]
momento24, 28th September 2009
Yesterday afternoon, near 19, the inhabitants of Mendoza, La Pampa, San Luis, and Cordoba saw a meteorite coming down the sky. It finally desintegrated with a loud explosion before it hit the earth.

The object, which initially scared the residents, was seen yesterday in the General Alvear Department. It could be a meteorite or space junk, but the place where it fell isn’t known, according to what the Copernicus Institute said today. [...]

“It was like a fireball,” commented several neighbors to a local radio last night. Some Pampean residents said they photographed it and sent to it to the local media. In fact what is seen is a trail in the sky. [...]

Jaime Garcia, amateur astronomer in charge of the Copernicus Institute in San Rafael, said ”nothing can be confirmed until an object is found, but we can say that according to testimonies, it is very likely to be a metal object such as a meteor.”

From 18.30 there was a cloud in the sky and the explosion was felt almost by all people, asaid Julio Alcaraz, police officer of Santa Isabel, a town located 320 kilometers west of Santa Rosa and 40 miles south of the border with Mendoza.

Hmmm.... Another celestial or 'heavenly' phenomenon. The strange ring clouds could have been caused by some excessive ionisation when the meteorite exploded. We could get some 'expert' opinion at or hopefully a better account from another media source. Update Please note that Russian space junk often gets blamed for strange sightings, however, we have an astronomer here who is adamant that this event was caused by a meteor. See Controversy Erupts Over Supposed Meteorite That Fell in Argentina

Goat gives birth to a 'human'; a faun
Refreshing News, 28th September 2009
THE community of Lower Gweru and its surroundings in the Midlands Province was left shell-shocked when a goat gave birth to human-like creature that had the combined features of a man and a goat. A report in The Chronicle newspaper said the goat gave birth to the 'creature' on Sunday morning in Maboleni area. The creature had a human head, face, nose, shoulders and human-like skin that had very scanty furs. It had goat features from the “shoulders” to the legs." [...]

The owner of the goat who gave his name as Mr Nyoni said the incident left him shocked and he decided to contact the police and the local leadership. “It’s the first time that my goat did this. I have 15 goats and it’s this goat that gave me birth to most of them. My goats often give birth to sets of twins,” he said

This story has been circulating the internet since the beginning of the month. Well, there has been the obvious accusations, but since we are at a time of evolutionary change which is being generated by EM environmental chaos, maybe this story should be examined. Since, there is associated mythology of the faun – part human and part goat, this could represent the messenging in DNA, accessing some old template in what our scientists use to call the junk DNA. Many writers over the last few decades have speculated that the evolution of humans has too many glaring inconsistencies with evolutionary theory to ignore the idea that human development has not 'benefited' from 'outside' interference. The abundant mythology of creatures with part human characteristics seems to suggest that experimentation was extensive, yet, there are also the 'gods' of Egypt that were depicted with animal heads. Maybe the governor is right and monitoring the cause of these kind of cases may be too difficult without rigorous scientitific scrutiny.

The Curious Case of the Snake with Foot
Forgetomori, 28th September 2009
"What would be the explanation for this curious case then? Takata also gives the answer: “I would say the poor animal had a lateral burst and the leg of its last meal is coming out. Or, better yet, its arm. I suspect it’s a frog’s arm – modern frogs and amphibians have four fingers in their front legs, in general, without claws.” He also reminded of a previous case of a python who “bursted” after swallowing an alligator in the Everglades:"

This is an update on the previous 14th September Telegraph report, see below. Please remember, there are scientists who have already pronounced this as a bizarre mutation, so please don't think this is a snake that has just eaten a frog and it has just burst out conveniently to fool the world. We need to wait for the scientists who actually have the remains to see what they have to say. The only thing we can gather from this report is someone thinks it was a frog's hand.

Quote of the week #20 – ding dong the stick is dead
Watts Up With That, 27th September 2009
We’ve always suspected that Mann’s tree ring proxies aren’t all they are cracked up to be. The graph below is stunning in it’s message and I’m pleased to present it to WUWT readers. I’m sure the Team is already working up ways to say “it doesn’t matter”. The QOTW this week centers around this graph:
The quote of the week is:
I hardly know where to begin in terms of commentary on this difference.
- Steve McIntyre, Climate Audit in Yamal: A “Divergence” Problem
The graph above shows what happens to the “Hockey Stick” after additional tree ring data, recently released (after a long and protracted fight over data access) is added to the analysis of Hadley’s archived tree ring data in Yamal, Russia. [...]
All of the sudden, it isn’t the “hottest period in 2000 years” anymore.
I’ll say. Ding Dong the stick is dead.

This revelation is causing a great deal of excitement amongst climate sceptics.... This is the latest global warming spat and it looks like a massive victory for climate realists Steve McIntyre and Anthony Watts, in their battle for truth and enlightenment. There is a ongoing saga here with tree ring data, but follow the links if you want to know the background. Also, Update: A zoomed look at the broken hockey stick The following comments are worth noting, kim (23:58:28) : "So ten trees, picked for reasons politic not scientific, have sustained the belief in the hockey stick by the mass of climatologists, opinion makers, and politicians, and have facilitated them in foist[ing] a monstrous fraud on the world for the last decade. Utterly breathtaking." Tenuc (00:18:45) : "They obviously picked the cherry trees to get the tree data to match the dodgy thermometer data" Yes, the truth will set you free..... Here is a layman’s guide to the story described by Anthony Watts as 'A must read: The Yamal Hockey Stick Implosion in laymans terms' here .

Dust storms spread deadly diseases worldwide
The Guardian, 27th September 2009
"Huge dust storms, like the ones that blanketed Sydney twice last week, hit Queensland yesterday and turned the air red across much of eastern Australia, are spreading lethal epidemics around the world. However, they can also absorb climate change emissions, say researchers studying the little understood but growing phenomenon.

The Sydney storm, which left millions of people choking on some of the worst air pollution in 70 years, was a consequence of the 10-year drought that has turned parts of Australia's interior into a giant dust bowl, providing perfect conditions for high winds to whip loose soil into the air and carry it thousands of miles across the continent. It followed major dust storms this year in northern China, Iraq and Iran, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, east Africa, Arizona and other arid areas. Most of the storms are also linked to droughts, but are believed to have been exacerbated by deforestation, overgrazing of pastures and climate change." [...] Scientists who had thought diseases were mostly transmitted by people or animals now see dust clouds as possible transmitters of influenza, Sars and foot-and-mouth, and increasingly responsible for respiratory diseases. [...]

"We are just beginning to accumulate the evidence of airborne dust implications on health," said William Sprigg, a climate expert at Arizona University.

The scale and range of some recent dust storms has surprised scientists. Japanese academics reported in July that a giant dust storm in China's Taklimakan desert in 2007 picked up nearly 800,000 tonnes of dust which winds carried twice around the world.

In my opinion, this article is a major piece of propaganda, but you can believe it of you like. After reading Charles Fort, any talk of high winds picking up and dumping elsewhere, especialy from the Saharan desert, I know would be treated with some real derision in Fortean circles. It is just a standard scientific excuse that has been used for hundreds of years to explain away certain types of celestial phenomena. Personally, after the strange ongoing behaviour of world authorities and especially after seeing day turn into pitch black night in 40 seconds at Broken Hill, Australia (the link is below), it is now certain in my mind that some comet passed between us and the sun, which dumped a cocktail of dust and viruses. After monitoring news and doing some research, I believe this must have been totally expected, so as the media have informed us, governments are prepared with a supposed vaccine and lots of body bags just in case the viruses were lethal. If you want to do some background reading, I can recommend: New Light on the Black Death: The Cosmic Connection. Whatever, we will have to see what happens.

Space visitor descends over southern Ontario [Canada] News, 26th September 2009
"Southern Ontario had a strange visitor from outer space Friday night, but it didn't arrive in a flying saucer. Instead, it was a fiery meteor that blasted into the atmosphere, streaking across the sky and wowing many stargazers in southern portions of the province. Witnesses said the fireball looked like a fireworks display and had a long, flaming tail."

[...] Other witnesses said it lit up the entire sky with an otherworldly, green light.

[...] it was "brilliant, bright" with a "sparkling" tail that dissipated just as fast as it appeared.

This report is a few days old, but again the digital image is very interesting and not what you would expect from a meteor 'tail' as it looks much more like plasma in the high energy 'arc' mode which can generate strings. Image icon: Meteor that streaked across the sky on Friday, Sept. 26 at about 9 p.m. Photographer Ken Sekiguchi.

Science in Turmoil - Are We Funding Fraud?, 26th September 2009
Inspired by the book: Against the Tide; A Critical Review by Scientists of How Physics and Astronomy Get Done, Edited by Martin Lopez Corredoira & Carlos Castro Perelman. (Universal Publishers, Boca Raton, Florida, U.S.A.)

There can be little doubt in the minds of those who are involved in attempting to disseminate research results among the entire scientific community that major problems exist. It is well documented that adopting certain stances will result in an inability to publish in the majority of the so-called high impact academic journals. There are also well documented cases of people experiencing grave difficulties in their place of work and even, on some occasions, being driven out. Amazingly, there are even cases of attempts being made – some successful – to deny research students their doctorates because their theses contain material which may cause embarrassment for some person with an inflated sense of his/her own importance. Again, more and more academics, certainly in British universities, are coming under increasing pressure to draw funds into their establishments. Note the emphasis is not on good research, or even just research, but rather on attracting more and more money.

[...] People must read this book! The task may not be easy but it is vitally important for science and, indeed, for humanity, that the information contained is spread abroad to all corners of the Earth. Let the public which ultimately pays the bill, know all the facts and judge accordingly!

For those unable to afford the printed book, a pdf copy of all but one chapter is available here.

This article represents the sorry state of academia which controls people via funding. If you don't rock the boat, things will be just fine, if someone has alternative, innovative new ideas, then they become an issue and the scientific history books are full of examples. That is why I stated in the preface to my book that a scientist could be 20, 30, 40 or 50 years ahead in their field and some will die first before they are proven right — eventually. Not being part of the 'in-crowd' and having an alternative view of reality does not mean that you are wrong, maybe you are just way ahead of the curve. The Norwegian Christian Birkeland and the Swedish Hannes Alfvén were scientists many decades ahead of their peers in understanding the electromagnetic properties of space but they were largely ignored — until now, as inclement Space Weather has highlighted the fact that satellite electronics are now being fried by too much electricity in space. It seems that really clever scientists are only appreciated when there is a crisis and mediocrity is not good enough. However, please don't think that it's only scientists that have a rough time. I was shocked to discover that a professor of mythology who co-wrote the iconoclastic 'Hamlet's Mill' was sacked for his opinions. It seems that the analysis and conclusion, that the variation of similar myths that have also been encoded in religious texts all around the world, was to preserve ancient astrological knowledge and this was just too close to the truth. The revelations, to those few who were interested in some enlightenment, required punishment.

Shiloh Pepin: The Mermaid Girl
AOL Health, 26th September 2009
"Shortly after her birth, Shiloh Pepin was given 72 hours to live. Now 10-years-old, Shiloh has made beating the odds and baffling the medical community a way of life. Born with a rare birth defect called sirenomelia, also known as mermaid syndrome, she is one of less than a handful of children known in the world known to be living with this usually fatal disorder. “Sirenomelia is a congenital birth defect in which infants are born with a single lower extremity or with their legs fused together, giving the appearance of a mermaid,” says Warren G. Sanger, Ph.D., FACMG, Professor of Pediatrics and Pathology, and Director of the Human Genetics Laboratory and Clinical Genetics, at the Munroe-Meyer Institute. There also are severe abnormalities of the bladder and kidney.

The video here is quite interesting, especially if you have never seen a 'real' mermaid before! Well, there is a strong link with mythology and therefore we have to wonder about whether rare sightings are interdimendsional, especially after the recent story of a mermaid drawing crowds in Israel. It is interesting to note the statistic that 1 in 60,000 births has this syndrome and the question has to be asked: is this really just a birth defect, or a template hidden within our junk DNA that occasionally manifests?

New Irish Lake Monster Video
Cryptomundo, 26th September 2009
"On Thursday, September 17, 2009, individuals associated with the Centre for Fortean Zoology, including Jon and Corinna Downes, Tony “Doc” Shiels, and allegedly holding the camera, 19-year-old Max Blake, were above Lady’s View in County Kerry, Eire, viewing and filming the water below. The spot they were at overlooks the three lakes of Killarney. On the upper lake, they report obtaining some images of anomalous objects that appear to be animate."

What amazes me is that there seems to be quite a few folk out monster watching! This is not the original commentary on this video [08:42] because we are told it was full of swearing as these monster watchers were in utter amazement at what they were seeing, hence the commentary was re-done by Jon Downes, who reminds me of an old fashion BBC reporter. I can't say I was that impressed, but the point was made that the party was up high above the lake, a quarter of a mile away to get a good perspective. The presence of Tony “Doc” Shiels is mentioned on the video and in this article at Cryptomundo, who seems to have created quite a reputation in his past, so this may effect the credibility of the report and there seems to be a hint that his presence may have caused this manifestation. Whatever you think, there are many websites that are monitoring paranormal activity and realise that the 'veil is lifting', but it's not so obvious what the pandora's box of entities that will manifest in our reality will look like. Curiously, I think we have have had many glimpses in the past and so we do have sightings that stretch back into older times. The only difference now is that what was held in other dimensions will become commonplace and the world will not be able to ignore the inevitable conclusions. update This story hit the mainstream press, even if it is somewhat exaggerated, see Mysterious shape that looks a loch like Nessie

Fireball UFO low over Colorado 'reverses course' in mid air
The UFO Examiner, 25th September 2009
The UFO Traffic Report for Friday, September 25, 2009, includes 9 selected sightings over 8 states, according to witness statements filed in the past 48 hours with the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) database.
CO, September 24, 2009 - Low, fast-flying fireball, changing directions mid-air. MUFON Case # 19632.

A Colorado witness watched a "big ball of light" approaching in the sky. But then the light "reversed course without turning around." First moving north, the object was now moving south and appeared to be just 200 feet above a nearby subdivision. The witness said there were no blinking lights and no clear outline, "just a very bright ball of light,without any sound whatsoever, about dime-size in the sky."

Well, we haven't had a 'remote controlled' plasma fireball sighting for a few weeks, so I thought I would list this excellent example, at the same time as providing some scientific details on UAPs. See the latest article, Understanding UAPs: A scientific perspective By the way, this is the best example on YouTube, Fireball turns around, Piracicaba, Brazil, September 2007

Lux Orbis
The Cleaver, 24th September 2009
"During the months of July, August and September 2009, I experienced a series of personal encounters with crop circles and the potentially related phenomenon known as ‘orbs’. During the months of July, August and September 2009, I experienced a series of personal encounters with crop circles and the potentially related phenomenon known as ‘orbs’. [...]

My preliminary research suggests that there are two types of orbs, which I classify as follows: (i) 3D environmental particulate matter or camera lens effects, and (ii) 4D conscious entities. Most orbs are of the first 3D kind. They are composed of natural ‘stuff’ floating around in the air, or lens reflections - dust, pollen, moisture, rain, snow, lens flare, refracted light etc. The second kind of orb, the 4D kind, seems differentiated from the environmental variety in that it is somehow self-illuminated and demonstrates independent movement. [...]

The instinctive impulse of course is to ask “what are they?” This is comparable to asking “how are crop circles made?” - an answer is perhaps not altogether knowable within the consensus reality construct. One has to move out of that to get to the heart of things, to truly appreciate the interpenetrating relationship between the collective projection of reality and one’s own dynamic reality tunnel. Let us broaden the thinking, ask the questions again and postulate possible answers. What are orbs? They are conscious beings. Where are they from? Many different places. Why are they here? To experience and observe. Can we interact with them? Yes."

The footnote states, the Latin Lux Orbis translates as “Light of the world.” Well, this is an intelligent article about someone's experience and analysis of the orb phenomena. I would state there seems to be many different types of orbs, but ongoing scientific study, will confirm this analysis. The questions asked here are basic and again, we see no connection with 2012, galactic cycles and planetary evolutionary change. Incredibly, there is NO mention that these orbs are plasmatic, which I see as just very strange after the claims of many initial scientific studies. There are a group of academics studying orbs in Florida, United States and their website has some research information that is not aimed at academics. There are some good photos too.

The Dog Ate Global Warming
Interpreting climate data can be hard enough. What if some key data have been fiddled?

National Review, 23rd September 2009
"Imagine if there were no reliable records of global surface temperature. Raucous policy debates such as cap-and-trade would have no scientific basis, Al Gore would at this point be little more than a historical footnote, and President Obama would not be spending this U.N. session talking up a (likely unattainable) international climate deal in Copenhagen in December.

Steel yourself for the new reality, because the data needed to verify the gloom-and-doom warming forecasts have disappeared.

Or so it seems. Apparently, they were either lost or purged from some discarded computer. Only a very few people know what really happened, and they aren’t talking much. And what little they are saying makes no sense.

This story is nothing new for those who have been following the scientific sheenanigans that have accompanied the political thrust to support the concept of global warming, but the denial of this original data is highly suspicious and smacks of junk science. This article is a nice summary of the situation and demonstrates the fact that sometimes, peer reviews are just not convenient.... For more comment, this article can be found at Watts Up With That, here.

The DNA Mystery: Scientists Stumped By "Telepathic" Abilities
Daily Galaxy, 22nd September 2009
DNA has been found to have a bizarre ability to put itself together, even at a distance, when according to known science it shouldn't be able to. Explanation: None, at least not yet. Scientists are reporting evidence that contrary to our current beliefs about what is possible, intact double-stranded DNA has the “amazing” ability to recognize similarities in other DNA strands from a distance. Somehow they are able to identify one another, and the tiny bits of genetic material tend to congregate with similar DNA. The recognition of similar sequences in DNA’s chemical subunits, occurs in a way unrecognized by science. There is no known reason why the DNA is able to combine the way it does, and from a current theoretical standpoint this feat should be chemically impossible.

I think this observation has been reported elsewhere in recent months. However, rather than stating that DNA is 'telepathic', maybe, it's more useful to say that DNA has intelligence and can interpret incoming signals whether electromagnetic or scalar type fields to decide how to operate, this has already been noted with receptors and cellular communication. From a metaphysical point of view, we can also co-operate with our biology by our emotions and intent because that is also picked up amongst the myriad of other environmental signals.

Million to one apple is half red, half green
Fruit grower Ken Morrish was left stunned when he found a golden delicious apple on his tree split exactly half green, half red down the middle.

The Telegraph, 25th September 2009
"The fruit's striking colouring is thought to be caused by a random genetic mutation at odds of more than a million to one. The apple has caused such a stir in the village of Colaton Raleigh, Devon, that Mr Morrish is inundated with neighbours queuing up to take pictures of it. Mr Morrish, 72, who has been harvesting the apples from trees in his garden for 45 years, said: "It's truly amazing. "It looks as if a green apple and a red apple has been cut in half and stuck together."

LOL!!This is the lighter side of the environmental chaos associated with evolutionary change, but could it happen to an animal or a human?

Ontario 'morphing' UFO photographed at close range
UFO Examiner, 25th September 2009
"An Oshawa, Ontario, Canada, man witnessed and took photographs September 17, 2009, of a low flying UFO overhead in Scarborough, according to a statement released by Paul Shishis. The photographed object does not fit standard UFO descriptions of disc and triangle-shaped objects, but appeared to "morph" in shape, according to Shishis.

This is for the record....Be warned, this first image is seriously critter-like! Folks, it is truly getting bizarre, as predicted....

Mutations Make Evolution Irreversible: By Resurrecting Ancient Proteins, Researchers Find That Evolution Can Only Go Forward
Science Daily, 24th September 2009
A University of Oregon research team has found that evolution can never go backwards, because the paths to the genes once present in our ancestors are forever blocked. The findings -- the result of the first rigorous study of reverse evolution at the molecular level -- appear in the Sept. 24 issue of Nature. [...] The discovery of evolutionary bridge burning implies that today's versions of life on Earth may be neither ideal nor inevitable, said Joe Thornton, a professor in the UO's Center for Ecology and Evolutionary Biology and the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. [...]

GR's [glucocorticoid receptor] evolutionary irreversibility suggests that the molecules that drive our biology today may not be inevitable products of the evolutionary process. "In the GR's case, restrictive mutations erased the conditions that previously opened up the ancestral form as an evolutionary possibility. It's likely that throughout history other kinds of restrictive mutations have taken place, closing off innumerable trajectories that evolution might otherwise have taken," Thornton speculated. "If we could wind back the clock and allow history to unfold again, different sets of mutations, apparently inconsequential at the time, would almost certainly occur, opening up some potential paths and blocking others -- including the one that leads to the present that actually evolved in our world," he said. "If what we observed in GR evolution is a general phenomenon, then the biology we have is just one of many possible rolls of the evolutionary dice."

This is important research and highly relevant as humanity is now taking an evolutionary leap.

Metal detector enthusiast unearths huge hoard of Anglo-Saxon gold
The Times Online, 24th September 2009
"The largest hoard of Anglo-Saxon gold ever found has been unearthed on farmland in Staffordshire by a metal detector enthusiast, archaeologists revealed today.

Terry Herbert, 55, from Burntwood, came across the huge treasure estimated to be worth more than £1 million as he searched a field near his home. The exact location of the discovery has not been disclosed but it is understood to be near the Lichfield border in South Staffordshire, in what was once the independent Anglo-Saxon kingdom of Mercia. Experts said that the collection of more than 1,500 military artefacts, including helmet, sword pommel and sword hilt ornaments possibly looted on the field of battle 1,400 years by a victorious warlord, may have belonged to Saxon royalty. The hoard contains around 5kg of gold and 2.5kg of silver, far bigger than previous finds such as the Snettisham hoards. Some of it was lying in the open on top of the ploughed field."

[...] "The quality and quantity is something I haven’t come across and I don’t think any archaeologist in this country has. It is out of this world. It is going to be the basis of research for the next 20 years."

Its the discussion that one major discovery of treasure will change keep academics busy debating for 20 years that I find quite amazing. Leslie Webster, former Keeper of Prehistory and Europe at the British Museum describes this discovery as: "it will make historians and literary scholars review what their sources tell us, and archaeologists and art-historians rethink the chronology of metalwork and manuscripts; and it will make us all think again about rising (and failing) kingdoms and the expression of regional identities in this period, the complicated transition from paganism to Christianity, the conduct of battle and the nature of fine metalwork production - to name only a few of the many huge issues it raises." Hmmm.... Brilliant Flickr photos here The Staffordshire Hoard

Update Hmmm.... Some mantra....

THE change of a single word in the mantra of Terry Herbert brought him a treasure that has been described as the equivalent of Tutankhamen's tomb. When going out with his metal detector the unemployed 55-year-old usually says: "Spirits of yesteryear take me where the coins appear." On that fortunate day in July when he uncovered what was to become the largest hoard of Anglo-Saxon treasure ever discovered he changed the word "coins" to "gold". "I don't know why I said it that day, but I think somebody was listening and directed me to it," he said yesterday. A member of the Bloxwich Research and Metal Detecting Club, Mr Herbert will now enjoy the last laugh on those who frequently mock him and his endeavours by shouting: "Beep beep, he's after pennies." King's lost treasure unearthed by metal detector worth £2.50

This will make your eyes water: Indonesian woman gives birth to 19.2lb baby boy
Daily Mail, 24th September 2009
"Dwarfing the infant next to him, his mouth open in an angry roar, this is the heaviest newborn ever recorded in Indonesia. An Indonesian woman named only as Ani gave birth to the 19.2lb baby boy in Medan, North Sumatra yesterday. She named him Muhammad Akbar Risuddin after the local district chief. 'Akbar' means 'big' in Indonesian.

Perhaps unsurprisingly, he was delivered by Caesarean section. Britain's heaviest newborn was delivered in Cumbria in 1992 weighing 15lb 8oz.

The heaviest baby ever born was produced by Anna Bates of Canada in 1879, according to the Guinness Book of World Records. It weighed 23.12lb and died 11 hours after birth. The record for a baby which survived, according to the Guinness record keepers, is held by a boy born weighing 22lb 8oz at Aversa, Italy in 1955."

Ouch! Is this the birth of a giant? For update, see, Giant baby draws spectators to Indonesian hospital

Mythical beast is ‘spotted’ in Windermere [UK]
NW Evening Mail, 23rd September 2009
"TALES of a mythical creature rumoured to be lurking in the depths of South Lakeland waters have been causing a stir.

The so-called “Bownessie” is fast becoming part of modern Lake District folklore, as reported sightings of the fabled creature continue to be made.

Footage that some people believe appears to show the creature causing ripples in the surface of Windermere was shot by Lakes TV cameraman John McKeown on Saturday. It has since appeared on Sky News on Sunday evening and American TV network giant CBS is also interested in the story. People in Windermere are not convinced Bownessie actually exists."

Obviously, this kind of story is a brilliant way to drum up tourism but, after quite a few recent reports occuring elsewhere, its interesting to monitor the situation. See also, Photo of Cameron Lake Monster? [British Columbia, Canada]

HR manager beaten to death by angry workers
CNN News, 23rd September 2009
"NEW DELHI, India (CNN) -- Angry workers beat to death a human resources vice president after he laid off 42 employees at an auto-parts manufacturing company in southern India, police said Wednesday. Roy George was vice-president for human resources at Pricol, the auto-parts company. Some four to five workers, belonging to a union not recognized by the company, barged into his office and beat him up with iron rods, said N. Kannan, a police superintendent of Coimbatore in Tamil Nadu state. George, 47, died from his head injuries Tuesday, Kannan told CNN. Police have arrested nine people and are expected to round up more. Last year the Indian head of an Italian company died after allegedly being beaten by a mob of sacked employees."

It is very surprising that Indian workers are so militant and it's interesting to contemplate whether this is a shift in consciousness where people are refusing to be downtrodden in the employment stakes, by superiors with little interest in the effect of unemployment in people's lives. This is worth monitoring to see if a new pattern has started.

Wild Weather In Australia: Quakes, Hail, Fires and Dust
ABC News, 23rd September 2009
Two small earthquakes struck Melbourne's south-east in quick succession last night, adding to a series of wild weather incidents around the country. A quake measuring 2.6 on the Richter scale occurred about 20 kilometres south of Frankston around 6:20pm AEST. A magnitude 3.0 tremor struck further south 14 seconds later. Residents have reported hearing a loud noise and feeling the ground shake, but the State Emergency Service says it has not received any reports of damage.

The video from Broken Hill, Australia here, of day turning to into night in less than a minute is absolutely incredible. There is some dramatic video and photos showing how bad things were in Sydney, an event that they have not seen in 70 years. A taste of Mars... Sydney turns red: dust storm blankets city Update The dramatic video of day turning to night in about 40 seconds is reminiscent of indigenous memories of previous apocalyptic earth changing events. Hence a certain website has linked this to a known comet blanketing large regions of Australia with dust. Since the article adds other scientific facts that amounts to some serious pseudoscience, I won't bother with a link, but quite frankly, the basic idea of a comet offloading has to be seriously considered.Update 2 Are the dust storms radioactive? Australian scientists study Aussie dust from New Zealand

Stressed out: The debate over reiki’s benefits spills over at Roman Catholic hospitals
The Boston Globe, 22nd September 2009
Debbie Griseuk is a reiki practitioner and teacher who volunteered her time to elderly nuns in Manchester, N.H., and patients at St. Joseph Hospital in Nashua. In fact, she first became interested in the Japanese hands-on healing technique at St. Joseph, where she attended a lecture along with some nuns. She went through a training course at the Roman Catholic hospital, eventually becoming a reiki master.

But last spring the US Conference of Catholic Bishops announced that reiki - hailed by many as therapy, derided by others as quackery - would no longer be practiced in the church’s hospitals and retreat centers. Reiki, according to the bishops, is not grounded in science or Christianity and is therefore inappropriate for Catholic institutions.

[...] Apparently, St. Joseph Hospital agreed. A hospital brochure on reiki called it one of “the most popular forms of integrated therapies’’ at the hospital. The manager of volunteer services is quoted as saying: “This energy is deeply relaxing and enables the patient to release stress and anxiety. This state of relaxation facilitates our bodies’ natural healing.’’

[...] Patients at St. Joseph still call Griseuk and she occasionally goes to their hospital rooms to perform reiki. “Galileo was denounced by the Catholic Church,’’ she says. “I don’t mind being in his company.’’

Interesting article. Well, the science is available, but generally ignored. The Russians have done the most research and now they can offer certification to prove that a healer has the abilitiy to tune into universal energies, see Russia licenses faith healers. Still, the Catholic Church should read the Bible if they think healing people by the laying on of hands is not grounded in Christianity, because it begs the question: what exactly was Jesus Christ doing then?

Global warming = more tornadoes | Not happening this year
Watts Up With That, 22nd September 2009
"With the onset of the Autumnal Equinox today at 21:18 UTC, the severe weather season winds down. I reported earlier on the finding of Ryan Maue, who showed that we’ve reached a 30 year low in Accumulated Cyclone Energy (ACE) which is a measure of global hurricane activity.

Now it appears the 2009 tornado season is significantly lower as well, which is a very, very, good thing. The actual number of tornadoes so far this year is only 850 compared to the previous three years, all above 1000. 2008 saw 1691 tornadoes in the USA, almost double. The three year average is 1297 tornadoes. Tornado related deaths are also way down with only 21 so far this year compared to 126 last year and a 3 year average of 91."

If you go back in the Earth Science archives, scientists were expecting this to be a bumper year for tornadoes and this has simply not happened, proving that the science has not progressed to factor in the conditions that generate this atmospheric phenomenon. However, there are some scientists defying dogma who have realised that tornadoes can be monitored by picking up low-frequency electromagnetic waves and other scientsts who have seen that there is a wider relationship between all spiralling vortices, ie dust devils, water spouts, tornadoes, hurricanes and cyclones, which are all born of the same mechanism. Hence, hurricane activity is also low worldwide too.

Galactic Center: New Vista of Milky Way Center Unveiled
Chandra Observatory News, 22nd September 2009
"A dramatic new vista of the center of the Milky Way galaxy from NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory exposes new levels of the complexity and intrigue in the Galactic center. The mosaic of 88 Chandra pointings represents a freeze-frame of the spectacle of stellar evolution, from bright young stars to black holes, in a crowded, hostile environment dominated by a central, supermassive black hole. Permeating the region is a diffuse haze of X-ray light from gas that has been heated to millions of degrees by winds from massive young stars - which appear to form more frequently here than elsewhere in the Galaxy - explosions of dying stars, and outflows powered by the supermassive black hole - known as Sagittarius A* (Sgr A*). Data from Chandra and other X-ray telescopes suggest that giant X-ray flares from this black hole occurred about 50 and about 300 years earlier."

Lots of new images and video animations of the Galactic Centre, but this article is written for people who have no idea what is going on in the centre of our galaxy. Sagittarius A* (Sgr A*) is a compact region of space that is full of enigmas and if there is a black hole, it is virtually invisible and inert. See, 2012, Galactic Cosmology & A New World Age

The Bright Light “Little Angel”
UK UFO Sightings, 22nd September 2009
Location of Sighting: Ifield Crawley Sussex, Date of Sighting: 1969
Time: 7pm, Witness Name: una allman

Witness Statement: Standing with my dog outside my house . There was low cloud and all of a sudden a bright light came down I thought it was a meteorite but it stopped all of a sudden and flew faster than anything I have ever known to the south. I have been a pilot for 33 years and this happened within the gatwick Zone . I telephoned Gatwick Air Traffic Control for confirmation and they had seen it and called it “Little Angel” i was very frightened as there seemed to be no explanation as to what could travel so fast. This was confirmed by a resident in Horley in the local paper. Very frightening experience especially as I was and still am a pilot so I know what to expect in the air.

Now, this sighting is 40 years old, but it is extremely useful in revealing that radar personnel were very familiar with anomalous objects that they could detect on radar, but could not be seen with the eye, even if the object was in visible range. Ever since the invention of radar in the 1940s, invisible objects have been called "Radar Angels" because a signal has been returned that implies that it has detected something in the air. In this case, the object was seen by this witness and called “Little Angel” by Gatwick Air Traffic Control who were very use to this kind of activity. Therefore, it is no wonder that the UK Ministry of Defence are not concerned about bright lights in the sky, they have been detecting them for nearly 70 years! The only difference now is that has been a fundamental shift in our reality due to the massive increase in the levels of aetheric energy, that has been anticipated by parts of the metaphysical community and every day the reports are pouring in of strange sightings. According to the UK MOD The Condign Report [2000], this activity has never been properly investigated until recently, and I believe any thorough analysis would need to include metaphysics. So, while ufologists accuse the top UK defence officials of having "bizarre" beliefs, this will not be for much longer, as the world is witnessing the greatest transition in the history of mankind. For those who have not read my book, the rate of increase of aetheric energies on this planet is now forecasted to be at exponential levels until 2012. Expect the unexpected!

Cassini Reveals New Quirks And Shadows During Saturn Equinox
Saturn Daily, 22nd September 2009
NASA scientists are marveling over the extent of ruffles and dust clouds revealed in the rings of Saturn during the planet's equinox last month. Scientists once thought the rings were almost completely flat, but new images reveal the heights of some newly discovered bumps in the rings are as high as the Rocky Mountains. NASA released the images Monday. "We thought the plane of the rings was no taller than two stories of a modern-day building and instead we've come across walls more than 2 miles [3 kilometers] high," said Carolyn Porco, Cassini imaging team leader at the Space Science Institute in Boulder, Colo.

"Isn't that the most outrageous thing you could imagine? It truly is like something out of science fiction."

It must be understood that when it comes to understanding the universe, scientists are have a lot of ideas, some of which are completely wrong. Here, scientists are shocked because ohjects the size of the Rocky Mountains are held in orbit as part of Saturns ring structure, something they will admit after of decades of research they still don't fully understand. However, if we listen to plasma physicists, they tells us that the electromagnetic force, determined by the mass to charge ratio for sub-atomic particles e.g. the repulsive force between two protons, is 36 orders of magnetitude (1036) larger than the force of gravitational attraction and the repulsive force between two electrons is 42 orders of magnetitude (1042) larger than the force of gravitational attraction. Hence, we have to accept that the Electromagnetic Force rules the visible Universe which is 99.999% plasma. So, dispite the massive size of some of these structures, forces other than gravity are operating.

U.N. climate meeting was propaganda: Czech president
Reuters, 22nd September 2009
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - Czech President Vaclav Klaus sharply criticized a U.N. meeting on climate change on Tuesday at which U.S. President Barack Obama was among the top speakers, describing it as propagandistic and undignified. "It was sad and it was frustrating," said Klaus, one of the world's most vocal skeptics on the topic of global warming. "It's a propagandistic exercise where 13-year-old girls from some far-away country perform a pre-rehearsed poem," he said. "It's simply not dignified." [...]

Klaus said there were increasing doubts in the scientific community about whether humans are causing changes in the climate or whether the changes are simply naturally occurring phenomena. But politicians, he said, seem to be moving closer to a consensus on climate change. "The train can't be stopped and I consider that a huge mistake," Klaus said.

Vaclav Klaus simply tells it how it is. At they believe that Obama's claims are exaggerated and have generated the data to prove it, see Obama Speech to the UN: The Data.

Wave electricity generator capsizes in sea
The Independent, 22nd September 2009
A power company's plans to create energy by harnessing power from sea waves suffered a setback after an 80-tonne generator capsized off the coast.

A spokeswoman for Trident Energy, who developed the pioneering technology, said the experimental wave generator was being towed out to sea to begin a year-long offshore trial when the accident happened yesterday near Southwold, Suffolk. The technology, which was featured in Leonardo Di Caprio's eco-documentary, The 11th Hour, was being tested in the sea to gather detailed information on how the machine performed.

Apparently, Di Caprio's eco-documentary '11th Hour' also sunk at the box office, so this is quite ironic.

The Hunt for Extraterrestrial Life Gets Weird
Wired Science, 22nd September 2009
"In the search for extraterrestrial life, some scientists say we’re focusing too much on finding signs of existence as we know it, and in the process, we may be missing more strange forms of life that don’t rely on water or carbon metabolism. [...] “Presently we will not be able to detect exotic life, because we have no idea of its potential properties and by this, our probes to planetary surfaces do not carry instruments which can look for something exotic.” [...]

“When we try to find a definition for life, in most cases, such a definition is more a summary of the specific properties of terrestrial life,” Leitner said. Because life on Earth requires water, most of the search for extraterrestrial life thus far has focused on the “habitable zone,” or the relatively narrow region around a star where liquid water could exist.

How about a plasmatic lifeform that scientists already tell us have all the characteristics of intelligent life. What’s more, plasma makes up 99.999% of the visible universe, so maybe it should have been considered FIRST!

UFO UAP video that made big news in Slovakia / You may have missed this one
UFO Examiner, 21st September 2009
This UFO sighting with accompanying video (below), took place last year in September but missed our attention, and everyone else’s, it seems, outside of the Eastern European nation of Slovakia. We feel it is interesting enough to post now for the benefit of our readers.

The astonishing video below was taken by a Mr Rus in the city of Partisanske out of his apartment living room window. He was watching the fireworks that ended a day commemorating the founding of the settlement. Some have noticed that the UFO in the video appears similar to the one above, snapped in Russia.

As he was filming the fireworks with his mobile phone camera he noticed a glowing blue UFO hovering in the sky before quickly zooming off to the side. Luckily he managed to film the UFO. The incident made headlines in Slovakia including featuring on TV news reports, as seen below. There are supposedly others who claim to have seen the UFO as well. Slovakian researchers and UFO buffs on internet forums seem very convinced that this is not hoaxed.

Another example of our multidimensional reality, that is morphing right before our eyes. Now folks, the question has to be asked: why would ETs come from across the galaxy to watch a 2nd rate firework display? Its a fair question, but not one that UFO buffs are interested in considering or even asking. If you go to Youtube and seach for strange or weird UFOs you will find all sorts that do not fit the stereotypical alien disks and that's because critters live in our skies. Over 80 years ago, someone saw something metallic and disk-shaped up close and it was an actual living creature that morphed into a light being right before his eyes, I can also tell you that historically, Himalayan climbers are routinely dismissed when they give their accounts of strange sightings, which suggests that some of these creatures inhabit the higher places. In my book, I introduced the concept of an Earth Management Team of interdimensional plasma entities that seem to be actively taking part in the evolution of our planet Earth. Due to the ongoing scientific research in relation to understanding plasma phenomena, isn't it easier to believe that this entity was just monitoring this fireworks display, and cleaning up the excess energy that was being produced?

New tree man: coral man has 'shells' cut from his body
A man dubbed the human coral reef has been successfully treated for a rare condition that covered his whole body in shell-like growths.

The Telegraph, 21st September 2009
Lin Tianzhuan, 38, of Shuimen, southern China, first noticed the growths on his hands and feet when he was just 13. "It started with a few hard bumps so I tried to apply antibiotics and creams but it didn't get better," he explained. [...] But now Lin is recovering from his bizarre condition thanks to medics from a special skin clinic who have begun a study on his case. Fuzhou Dermatosis Prevention Hospital vice president Dr Liu Yinghong said: "His hands, forearms, feet and calf were covered with these dark brown hard shells, looking like dry branches. The seriousness and long-lasting nature of the disease shocked us."

Now after a year of treatment and surgery, Lin is making a full recovery with just a few discoloured skin patches to show for his horrific condition. "He may need radiotherapy for quite some time still but he has made very good progress," said Dr Yinghong.

I did not feature stories about the "tree man" of Indonesia, because I understood that case to be a rare and did not necessarily correlate to environmental chaos or evolutionary change, but this 'Coral Man' man is from China, where there is a strong background of bizarre DNA mutations and medical conditions, that have to be noted.

Google UFO logos again / Time for the awakening
The UFO Examiner, 21st September 2009
Well hey there readers, UFO and alien enthusiasts. Are you at all surprised that Google once again has chosen to display some sort of reference to UFOs as their logo? Though the temporary logo was thrown out there to celebrate H.G. Wells birthday there may be an alternative reason for having these series of logos hit the web from one of the most utilized browsers on Earth. Could this be yet another avenue to condition the people of Earth preparing us for the inevitable public release of information concerning alien interaction with the human race? ...OR....has the topic of UFOs and aliens become the most researched subject on earth lately? Sure makes you wonder in any case. .....Hmmmmm

I can see triffids, but it does not matter. Google's UFO campaign will serve to wake up many to the incredible evolutionary changes taking place on this planet. Thank goodness! See lots of previous comment!

The Holy Grail of the Unconscious
New York Times, 20th September 2009
This is a story about a nearly 100-year-old book, bound in red leather, which has spent the last quarter century secreted away in a bank vault in Switzerland. [...]

Carl Jung founded the field of analytical psychology and, along with Sigmund Freud, was responsible for popularizing the idea that a person’s interior life merited not just attention but dedicated exploration — a notion that has since propelled tens of millions of people into psychotherapy. The book tells the story of Jung trying to face down his own demons as they emerged from the shadows. The results are humiliating, sometimes unsavory. [...]

He worked on his red book — and he called it just that, the Red Book — on and off for about 16 years, long after his personal crisis had passed, but he never managed to finish it. He actively fretted over it, wondering whether to have it published and face ridicule from his scientifically oriented peers or to put it in a drawer and forget it. Regarding the significance of what the book contained, however, Jung was unequivocal. “All my works, all my creative activity,” he would recall later, “has come from those initial fantasies and dreams.”

This article is good background reading as an introduction to the phenomenon of Carl Jung. The comment towards the end that people are setting up conferences to exploit the interest in this infamous "red book" when they will not have been enough time to study its contents properly, just about sums up the culture of superficiality, the exact opposite of Jung's message of going inward and examining the soul, which is a time consuming affair.

Britain's X Files: RAF suspected aliens of "tourist" visits to Earth
A new book reveals details about UFO sightings over British skies after author David Clarke studied declassified Ministry of Defence records.

The Telegraph, 20th September 2009
"The book gives new insights into an incident known as "Britain's Roswell" as well as the belief in UFOs by high ranking defence officials." Documents in the files reveal that there were high level defence officials in the 1990s who believed UFOs could be spacecraft piloted by extraterrestrials who could even be conducting "tourist" visits to earth.

In 1993, an RAF Wing Commander lobbied MoD officials about the need for a properly funded study. He told them: "The national security implications (of UFOs) are considerable. We have many reports of strange objects in the skies and have never investigated them."

He added: "If the sightings are of devices not of earth then their purpose needs to be established as a matter of priority. There has been no apparently hostile intent and other possibilities are: (1) military reconnaissance, (2) scientific, (3) tourism."
The Wing Commander, whose name is blanked out in the documents, said the MoD could learn from the craft.
"If the reports are taken at face value then devices exist that do not use conventional reaction propulsion systems, they have a very wide range of speeds and are stealthy. I suggest we could use the technology, if it exists."
The internal debate in the MoD came to a head in 1995, when documents were made public revealing that UFO reports were routinely copied to specialist "Defence Intelligence" branches.
An exasperated intelligence office wrote to the UFO Desk: "I see no reason for continuing to deny that (Defence Intelligence) has an interest in UFOs.
"However, if the association is formally made public, then the MoD will no doubt be pressurised to state what the intelligence role/interest is.
"This could lead to disbelief and embarrassment since few people are likely to believe the truth that lack of funds and higher priorities have prevented any study of the thousands of reports received."
Dr Clarke said: "Some of these officials, like the Wing Commander, obviously believed in some pretty weird stuff. He doesn't seem to have any evidence for his theories, but seems to have just been watching the X Files, like everyone else at the time.
"These are senior officials and yet they believe some pretty bizarre things."
An inquiry, Project Condign, was eventually launched in 1996, apparently without the knowledge of then defence secretary Michael Portillo. It was completed in 2000 under Geoff Hoon.
The report found: "That (UFOs) exist is indisputable. Credited with the ability to hover, land, take-off, accelerate to exceptional velocities and vanish, they can reportedly alter their direction of flight suddenly and clearly can exhibit aerodynamic characteristics well beyond those of any known aircraft of missile – either manned or unmanned."
It went on that, although they existed, UFOs presented no threat to defence.
It found that many sightings of UFOs were in fact "plasmas" of gas caused by charges of electricity in the atmosphere.

The author even suggested that exposure to plasmas could cause responses in parts of the brain that lead to elaborate hallucinations that might be interpreted as supernatural experiences of encounters with aliens.
The inquiry examined seven "near misses" involving RAF aircraft and "unexplained aerial phenomenon".
The unnamed author concluded that "the possibility exists that a fatal accident might have occurred in the past" as a result of aircrew avoiding a UFO.
The study recommended that pilots should make "no attempt. to out manoeuvre a UAP during interception".

Now, as the dimensional shift progresses, it will no longer be TOP UK DEFENCE BRASS THAT BELIEVE IN "PRETTY BIZARRE THINGS"! Please note that when the The Condign Report [2000] was completed, it was only sent to 11 of the most senior UK Defence officials, that's all. For years, Nick Pope's UFO MOD department were NOT even aware of the report's existence. What's more, the report noted that Russian scientists had put their research about 'Unidentifed Aerial Phenomena' that they called 'Vacuum Domains' and Natural Self Luminous Formations' (NSLF) onto the internet. Somehow, these top Defence officials thought the world should remain stupid and ignorant of this OTHER LIFEFORM. Anyway, the real issue is what is going to happen as aetheric energy continues to build up around Earth. By way, in the general context of the SETI project, a new branch named SETV (Search for Extraterrestrial Visitation) is being developed. It seems that scientists no longer have to worry about leaving our solar szstem, because it is now obvious that ETs and other 'exotic' lifeforms are coming to us!

2 people die in poisoning at German therapy group
AP, 20th September 2009
"BERLIN — A doctor leading a group therapy session gave participants drugs and other substances that killed two and left 10 hospitalized, Berlin police said Sunday. One person was left comatose and in critical condition. The doctor who led the session has acknowledged giving the participants various substances and drugs during the meeting, Martin Steltner, a spokesman for the Berlin prosecutor's office, told The Associated Press on Sunday. It was not clear whether illegal drugs were given and whether the substances were injected or taken orally. [...]

A 59-year-old man died at the scene and a 28-year-old man died that night in the hospital, police said. On Sunday afternoon, nine other people were released from the hospital. One patient was still in critical condition. On the Internet, the doctor identifies himself as a psychotherapist for individuals and groups. He specializes in "depth psychology, bodywork and art therapy, and spiritual crises," according to the Web site.

Unfortunately, in the metaphysical community, if you are a Dr. of any variety, most people automatically think they can trust your judgement about spiritual matters. But from my experience, there are some New Agers, who do not believe you can be particularly spiritually evolved if you habitually use both sides of the brain. In this case, maybe this doctor was an amateur shaman, who decided to concoct his own brews to take this group on some kind of shamanic journey. Shamanism is an area of spirituality that has been corrupted by western thinking and attracts too many of the power mad sort. For more shocking details, see Doctor Denounced as Charlatan

Take me to your gizmos: MoD in bid for alien tech
The Sunday Times, 20th September 2009
"THE Ministry of Defence ordered an investigation of thousands of UFO sightings in the 1990s to examine whether alien spaceship technology could be exploited to build advanced engines for the RAF, according to a new official history.

The book, based on the ministry’s “X-files” of thousands of sightings, shows that an unnamed wing commander initiated the project in 1993 because he believed it was wrong to assume extra-terrestrial craft did not exist. Nick Pope, who has written on UFOs and was a colleague of the officer at the MoD, confirmed the book’s account: “I remember him saying he believed there was evidence of an exotic propulsion system and the bottom line was that if they had it, we sure as hell wanted it.” Pope would not disclose the man’s name.

[...] Last year the MoD’s directorate of air staff logged 285 UFO sightings. The ministry runs a UFO hotline at RAF High Wycombe in Buckinghamshire which the public can telephone with details of sightings. The number is 01494 496 254.

This reminds me of the Canadian ex-Minister of Defence that publicly stated a few years ago, that we should use 'alien' technology to fight global warming. At the time, I am sure many curious folk would have wondered: what 'alien' technology is this? Just to clarify, I am in no doubt that our planet does get visited by ETs, my issue is this does not account for the vast majority of sightings which should in the category of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena or UAP. By the way, I thought I would list the UK MOD hotline humber, but as time progresses you may have difficulty getting through, as the dimensional shift accelerates and Joe Public is confronted with a spectrum of weird lifeforms all misrepresented by the term UFO. Again, the extremely mainstream UK Telegraph have generated yet another article on UFOs, see Britain's X Files: RAF suspected aliens of "tourist" visits to Earth.

SATURDAY NIGHT LIGHT SHOW:, 20th September 2009
The phones started ringing around 7:30 pm EDT on Saturday night, Sept. 19th. All along the US Atlantic seaboard, police stations and news desks received reports of strange lights in the sky. John A. Blackwell of Exeter, New Hampshire, snapped this picture of the phenomenon: "It was an impressive display," says Blackwell. "To the naked eye, it was visible for about a minute." It looks like a passing comet or a giant, luminous amoeba. But this was pure rocket science. The cloud was created by a Black Brant XII sounding rocket launched from NASA's Wallops Flight Facility in Virginia. The rocket released a cloud of electrically-charged aerosols near the top of Earth's atmosphere to investigate the formation of noctilucent clouds or "NLCs." Mysterious NLCs form naturally around Earth's poles during the months of northern summer. On this September evening, researchers decided to see if they could create an artificial NLC at mid-latitudes; it seems to have worked.

Ground-based cameras and radars along the Atlantic coast monitored the experiment while the STPSat-1 satellite watched from Earth orbit. Principal investigators at the Naval Research Lab hope the data will reveal much about the microphysics of noctilucent clouds and the possible role of rockets in creating them.

more images: from Neil Winston of Lusby, Maryland; from Geoff Chester of Alexandria, Virginia; from Greg Piepol near Manassas, Virginia; from Tom McIntyre of Central Park, New York;

Quite frankly, this entry has been added because there is an image that can be compared to the very strange eye witness accounts for the 19th. As you can see, this cloud is very unimpressive and looks nothing like a noctilucent cloud, see NLC galleries.

NASA Experiment May Have Caused Strange Light Seen in the Sky
69 News, 19th September 2009
Copy: NASA may have the answer to the light many people reported seeing in the sky Saturday night. According to NASA's web site, a rocket experiment that may shed light on the highest clouds in the Earth's atmosphere was conducted from the Wallops Flight Facility in Virginia, launched on a NASA Black Brant XII Sounding Rocket. WFMZ's Stephanie Esposito reports. Viewers from all over our region called into 69 News tonight reporting a strange sight in the sky.

From Allentown and Bethlehem all the way to Berks county, everyone calling in described the same thing. "We were just walking and talking that sort of thing and I looked up into the sky." "There was like a big white orb almost like a tiny planet and all of a sudden this big ray came out of it. It was all white."

"All of a sudden a beam came down and it was white and blueish and all of a sudden the sky sucked it up and just closed.

>>REPORTER: Reports from Bethlehem to Berks County...
"I just keep thinking of the movie 'E.T.' "
>>REPORTER: Something unusual took place in the sky tonight.
"I would never have had time to take of picture of it. It just disappeared, the sky ate it."
>>REPORTER: So far, 69 news hasn't been able to obtain a picture... but we did get multiple witness reports.
We contacted the Lehigh Valley Airport and local communication centers and everyone said nothing was happening.
"A lot of times people hear of stuff like this and say oh it was a weather balloon or a shooting star? NO NO. It was not a shooting star and it was not a weather balloon."
>>REPORTER: One thing is for sure... tonight people are asking themselves, 'Do I believe?'
"I don't know if I believe in that sort of thing."
>>REPORTER: Some people have pointed out todays date... 9/19/09 as an odd coincidence.
Whether you believe in UFO's or not, the people who saw it agree, they've never seen anything like it before.
In Bethlehem Township, Stephanie Esposito, 69 News.

There is a video version of this report. I have no idea what happened here, but people are blaming NASA. Whatever, things are really heating up! Evolutionary change here we come! Update: It's bizarre, but it seems that people can no longer tell the difference between a rocket launch and a UFO.... see, Some confuse rocket with UFO More detail: One eye witness reports some interesting details of this very strange rocket launch, where "I saw a bright slice of light and then we watched as a triangular shape came out of it,'' the 55-year-old Rupnik said. ''It was the strangest thing we ever saw. The light beamed down out of the sky for 30 to 45 seconds then it went back into the slice and then it was gone. It didn't fly off, it just disappeared.'' Another described it as "cone-shaped light". Obviously, NASA must have some new exotic technology.... See Strange light in evening sky was NASA launch, not a UFO
Update 22nd September 2009: Here we have reliable eye witness accounts from people participating in a Nightsky Photography workshop at Acadia National Park. See Amazing Photo! UFO Bright Cone of Light - Acadia National Park, Maine Quote: "At approximately 7:50pm ET, we all observed a bright object that appeared suddenly directly in front of us. It seemed to come down in the sky, burn brightly creating a cone of light shining towards the ground much like a streetlight and fog-like light around it. the "streetlight" did not make it the ground. After a few seconds, the object disappeared. The fog and "streetlight" slowly disappeared after about 45 seconds. It just seemed to fade from the cone shape to a smudge in the sky." Remember folks, this was seen from 380 miles away, so it would be interesting to have the opinion of a space scientist to explain what exactly happened.

Triangle UFO hangs over Washington state two hours
UFO Examiner, 19th September 2009
"A group of Auburn, Washington, witnesses watched what they later realized was a triangle-shaped UFO for about two hours, according to testimony from the National UFO Reporting Center (NUFORC) witness database. Watching a group of lights in the sky changing shapes, they eventually decided that they were watching a "saucer shaped object with the lights along the edge and the ship was rotating, causing the light pattern to shift." After a photograph was later examined, they now believe the object was a triangle shape."

Well, the reports of various coloured lights or orbs in swarms, often sighted in geometrical shapes keep being reported on many various UFO websites. I have been particularly curious of orbs in geometrical patterns of squares, diamonds and triangles. Since the incredible sighting in Empire, Ohio US, which took place October 24, 2008, of what seemed to be a rescue or retrieval of a "self-luminescent cocoon", also described as "organic", I decided that the evidence pointed to an entity that had lost it's Universal directives and was being cleaned up as part of the massive transformation of this planet. The description of the underside of the 'craft' with three orbs in a triangle was very significant, but it seems that the UK Ministry of Defence may support my views. The Unidentified Aerial Phenomena in the U.K. Air Defence Region or Condign Report states that the space between two plasmas sometimes “forms an area . . . from which the reflection of light does not occur”, giving the impression of a “black ‘craft’, often triangular and even up to hundreds of feet in length”. I think the black space is the entrance into a magnetic vortex because of the research findings made by specialists in magnetism. Whatever, it must be stated that this report which took four years to produce and cost, I believe £160,000 GBP, was initially only handed over to 11 very top senior military personnel. Therefore, after 70 years of radar anomalies and sightings secreted away into top secret documents, I agree with the overall conclusion of this report and find myself in a position were I am extremely sceptical of those who have no idea that we live in a visible Universe that is 99.999% plasma, dominated by the electromagnetic force. What's more as metaphysical sources have predicted, we are being bombarded with this primordial spiritual energy and we are literally experiencing more heaven on Earth. If you are interested in the latest sightings of orange orbs in the UK then here is the link at UK UFO Sightings, Entries for the ‘Orange Light Sightings’. Further interesting sightings reported in the mainstream press in the last week;

Elderly Couple, aged 90 & 84 convinced of mysterious orange lights being a UFO sighting [Llandissilo, near Narbeth Wales, UK]
I am very impressed with this elderly couple, and it really makes you wonder what the problem with disclosure is really about.

UFO photographed over Devon: An amateur astronomer has captured pictures that appear to show a UFO hovering over Devon. This looks like a good example of a glowing plasma entity and if it was hovering for about an hour in UK air space, it was obviously of no interest to the MOD. Lee Betts online UK Sightings report Who was the guy with the gun?

UFO Filmed over Arizona on CNN Video [04:35] Theses orbs were showing off by staying in one location and making lots of different geometrical formations, but the question has to be asked: Why?

The Yale Killing: How Common Is Workplace Violence?
Time, 19th September 2009
"The Sept. 8 killing of Yale graduate student Annie Le, just days before she was to be married, was another harrowing instance of what authorities called "workplace violence." Police in New Haven, Conn., described Le's strangulation death in a campus lab as part of an increasing national trend in jobsite brutality. "This is not about urban crime, university crime, domestic crime," said New Haven police chief James Lewis on Sept. 17, after authorities arrested Le's co-worker, "but an issue of workplace violence, a growing concern around the country."

Due to the dramatic changes in the strength of the electromagnetic signals that we use to balance our brains, humans are now more prone to swinging into extreme states of unbalance at a faster rate. The professionals tell us that often the emotional trigger may have nothing to do with the current circumstance, but imbalanced people will lash out at those around them. At the moment, parts of the metaphysical community have understood the need for greater balance in this time of evolutionary change, despite the lack of scientific validation. I actually went to a great deal of trouble to research this and my analysis and research details can be found in my book, Tuning the Diamonds: Electromagnetism & Spiritual Evolution. To my amazement, I discovered that the Egyptians understood the link between periods of unstable geomagnetic conditions and the effect on spiritual evolution and so devised ways to counteract what they saw as a malevolent force, which they encoded in their mythology.

Meeting India's tree planting guru
BBC News, 19th September 2009
An Indian civil servant, SM Raju, has come up with a novel way of providing employment to millions of poor in the eastern state of Bihar. His campaign to encourage people to plant trees effectively addresses two burning issues of the world: global warming and shrinking job opportunities. Evidence of Mr Raju's success could clearly be seen on 30 August, when he organised 300,000 villagers from over 7,500 villages in northern Bihar to engage in a mass tree planting ceremony. In doing so the agriculture graduate from Bangalore has provided "sustainable employment" to people living below the poverty line in Bihar.

Mr Raju even came close to planting one billion saplings on a single day. The scheme has become a huge success "I started preparing for this and motivating villagers by announcing the date as 30 August," he said.

"The target for every village panchayat (council) was to plant 6,000 saplings from 6am to 6pm to achieve the target of one billion. At the end of the day, we found out that we were just just short of the target, but it was still a world record," the beaming civil servant said.

This idea is not new and the 2004 Nobel Peace Prize Winner, the wonderful Kenyan academic Wangari Maathai won worldwide recognition for also encouraging villagers to plant billions of trees. Simply, trees are very very useful and it makes total commonsense.

Flying saucer confusion
UFO sightings have reached record levels in 2009 -

The Telegraph, 19th September 2009
"It would be interesting to know, in the light of our discovery that the number of UFOs reported to the Ministry of Defence reached record heights in the first eight months of this year, whether there is a correlation between economic indicators and extraterrestrial activity. Could it be that troubled times at ground level lead some of us to turn our attention to higher things? Do clouds on the horizon make for more lights in the sky?"

As I am re-reading some of my old metaphysical books, I am shocked to discover that we have been told to expect this. Apparently, we are in a region of space that is conducive for other life forms to visit our planet. So, alongside a dimensional shift, which is part of the enigma, there is a lot of explaining to do. So, why aren't the big BIG NAMES from the metaphysical community sending out press releases to explain what is happening? Well, maybe the answer is simply that these people don't actually understand the nuts and bolts of how the universe works. The 2012 Galactic Alignment story actually means different things to different people, but I have now found sources of information that are over 50 years old, that clearly explain that we were entering a region of space that would drive evolutionary change on Earth. Yes, I know all about the overated Photon Belt, but it seems that the real science was not understood. Whatever, we have been told that we will be meeting the neighbours.... and it seems that its happening now.... see also

UFO sightings over Britain more than triple this year: Beware the little green men – the number of unidentified flying object (UFO) sightings has more than tripled this year, Ministry of Defence documents reveal.

Quote: "The national security implications (of UFOs) are considerable. We have many reports of strange objects in the skies and have never investigated them."

Hmmm.... it is now becoming apparent this is true as they are becoming more visible, every single day.

Psychic Surgery
New York Times, 18th September 2009
"One evening, while visiting a dear friend who lives in the Yucatán, I drunkenly confessed that I had been experiencing panic attacks that made my heart beat like a deranged bongo. “It makes no sense,” I said. “Nothing bad is happening in my life. What the hell am I afraid of?” Karson poured me more tequila and blithely suggested we pay a visit to El Negrito, a spiritual healer much praised by the local Mayans."

OK, this article is not that serious, but still, it's the New York Times telling us that the times and subject matter are changing!

More to Solar Cycle than Sunspots; Sun Also Bombards Earth with High-Speed Streams of Wind
UCAR, 17th September 2009
"Challenging conventional wisdom, new research finds that the number of sunspots provides an incomplete measure of changes in the Sun's impact on Earth over the course of the 11-year solar cycle. The study, led by scientists at the High Altitude Observatory of the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) and the University of Michigan, finds that Earth was bombarded last year with high levels of solar energy at a time when the Sun was in an unusually quiet phase and sunspots had virtually disappeared. "The Sun continues to surprise us," says NCAR scientist Sarah Gibson, the lead author. "The solar wind can hit Earth like a fire hose even when there are virtually no sunspots."

[...] Scientists previously thought that the streams largely disappeared as the solar cycle approached minimum. But when the study team compared measurements within the current solar minimum interval, taken in 2008, with measurements of the last solar minimum in 1996, they found that Earth in 2008 was continuing to resonate with the effects of the streams. Although the current solar minimum has fewer sunspots than any minimum in 75 years, the Sun's effect on Earth's outer radiation belt, as measured by electron fluxes, was more than three times greater last year than in 1996.

[...] The prevalence of high-speed streams during this solar minimum appears to be related to the current structure of the Sun. As sunspots became less common over the last few years, large coronal holes lingered in the surface of the Sun near its equator. The high-speed streams that blow out of those holes engulfed Earth during 55 percent of the study period in 2008, compared to 31 percent of the study period in 1996. A single stream of charged particles can last for as long as 7 to 10 days. At their peak, the accumulated impact of the streams during one year can inject as much energy into Earth's environment as massive eruptions from the Sun's surface can during a year at the peak of a solar cycle, says co-author Janet Kozyra of the University of Michigan. [...]

"The Sun-Earth interaction is complex, and we haven't yet discovered all the consequences for the Earth's environment of the unusual solar winds this cycle," Kozyra says. "The intensity of magnetic activity at Earth in this extremely quiet solar minimum surprised us all. The new observations from last year are changing our understanding of how solar quiet intervals affect the Earth and how and why this might change from cycle to cycle."

Basically, these scientists are telling us that the concept of a solar minimum is misleading and especially in this current solar minimum, the sun's magnetic configuration has meant that we have been blasted hard. Metaphysical sources who predicted that the saturation of our planet with subtle energies will dramatically increase from 2007, may now have some scientific backing. Now, for any who still doubt the reason for why 'risky' experiments are taking place in our atmosphere, I would recommend a serious study of Space Weather and what has been going on for the last 20+ years, it is certain that you will discover that the New Cosmic Age has arrived! Update: Dr Leif Svalgaard has objected to this article and states: "IMHO this is just another PR stunt, ‘never seen before’, ‘overturns what we thought before’ , etc. ... It is amazing that each new generation of scientists will have to rediscover and relearn what was already known. But such is human nature, every generation has to do this." This is something that I have noted time and time again with the scientific community and it makes it very difficult to assess what is going on when scientists provide an incomplete picture to suit their own ends. For more information, click link for Watts Ups With That, one of the best science blogs on the internet, NCAR: “number of sunspots provides an incomplete measure of changes in the Sun’s impact on Earth”

New 'Montauk Monster' spotted in Panama
A mystery creature reportedly beaten to death by a group of teenagers in Panama is the subject of much speculation on the web.

The Telegraph, 17th September 2009
"The beast's hairless, rubbery body and revolting features have drawn comparisons with the Montauk Monster, the still-unidentified animal photographed on a New York beach last year. According to reports in Panama, the teenagers spotted the creature crawling out of a cave while playing in the town of Cerro Azul north of Panama City.

Fearing for the safety as it moved towards them, the youths claim they attacked the beast with sticks before throwing its lifeless body into a pool of water. They returned later to take pictures of the corpse which were then posted on the website of the Central American country's Telemetro television station.

Another monster? Tut, the kids these days, instead of going to the authorities and making it easy to cover up this sighting, they decide to post photos on the internet instead for public consumption... More photos here. Inexplicata are not impressed with a so-called "wildlife expert" and quite drankly, the claws are the give away. Strange Panamanian Creature is a Sloth

Driver fined after satnav nearly takes him over cliff
The Independent, 17th September 2009
"A driver whose car was left teetering on the edge of a cliff after following his satnav was ordered to pay nearly £900 for driving without due care and attention. Robert Jones, 43, nearly plunged down the 100ft cliff in his BMW after obeying instructions which sent him along a steep, narrow path, in Todmorden, West Yorkshire, on 22 March.

[...] Speaking after the incident earlier this year, Jones, who works as a driver, said he trusted his satnav system and relied on it for his job."

I totally agree with the court ruling, GPS is NOT reliable! Photo gallery here

China's unease due to India's rise: US think-tank
One India, 17th September 2009
"New Delhi, Sep 17: Even as India tries to formulate its response to the increased incursions and border violations from China, a US think tank has labelled the communist country's aggression as direct consequence of Beijing's 'nervousness over India's rise'.

Speaking on the country's apprehension, Lisa Curtis of the Heritage Foundation said, It's something that they have to deal with that perhaps 10-15 years ago they didn't believe was something that was necessary to focus on."

this is all very interesting as Mayan Elders are predicting that India will become the next world Superpower and not China.

Too much radiation for astronauts to make it to Mars
New Scientist News, 16th September 2009
"FORGET the risk of exploding rockets or getting sideswiped by a wayward bit of space junk. Radiation may be the biggest hurdle to human exploration beyond low-Earth orbit and could put a damper on a recently proposed mission to Mars orbit."

There is a major problem in that the general populace and what is far worst, the metaphysical community, do not realise that as we enter a New cosmic Age our planet is being flooded with cosmic radiation. Cosmic rays are already at record highs, but popular metaphysical leaders do not teach how the human energy field relates to spiritual evolution. On 3rd November 2006, Neil Armstrong was given a copy of my book at a rare 1-day seminar where he stated [paraphrased] that when he went to the moon, they did not known anything about Space Weather, but now things have completely changed. Mayan prophecy has now been fulfilled, but the question is: just how many people realise that universal forces will be interrogating every living thing on this planet to see if it is fit enough for a new world? Scientists have already worked out that a magnetic field generated by plasma is the best way to keep a spacecraft safe from the radiation of outerspace, but in metaphysical terms that energy shell is called a Merkabah and when we spiritually evolve then it gets strengthened. As the 2012 Mayan end-date whoopla goes into full swing, I just hope that a few sober folk will contemplate what the future will be like living under a constant cosmic radiation deluge.

The Story of My Shoe, 16th September 2009
"In the name of God, the most gracious and most merciful. Here I am, free. But my country is still a prisoner of war. Firstly, I give my thanks and my regards to everyone who stood beside me, whether inside my country, in the Islamic world, in the free world. There has been a lot of talk about the action and about the person who took it, and about the hero and the heroic act, and the symbol and the symbolic act. But, simply, I answer: What compelled me to confront is the injustice that befell my people, and how the occupation wanted to humiliate my homeland by putting it under its boot."

This is the freedom speech by Mutadhar al-Zaidi, the Iraqi who threw his shoes at George Bush, which he gave on his recent release. It is simply brilliant, completely filled with love and compassion for his country and it's people. I feel honoured that this person has touched my heart and reminds me that the truly spiritual take action and don't just mouth platitudes. He now aims to care for those who have been wronged by injustice, so I pray that he will find support from genuine people who also have love and care for their fellow man in their hearts. God Bless you Mutadhar al-Zaidi and take care.

Sceptics seize on climate cooling model
Research suggesting that global temperatures may fall is being used by deniers and sceptics to dismiss the entire canon of climate science

The Guardian - George Monbiot, 16th September 2009
"Could it be true that global temperatures will fall before they rise? That's the thrust of a presentation at last week's World Climate conference. Mojib Latif of Kiel University in Germany suggested that cooling caused by natural factors could suppress global temperatures for several years, after which they will start to rise again.

His presentation, first reported by the eagle-eyed Fred Pearce in the New Scientist, has been seized upon by sceptics and deniers all over the blogosphere. It was picked up this morning by the BBC's Today programme, which invited my old friend Philip Stott (who spends his time championing such dubious productions as The Great Global Warming Swindle and Michael Crichton's State of Fear) to raise questions about the global warming thesis."

The climate change "realists" appear to be gaining the upper hand as they now appear "all over the blogosphere" and that is where the battle will be won. See links posted here.

Gaming addiction poses 'pandemic' threat: expert
The Local, 16th September 2009
Computer gaming addiction is reaching “pandemic” proportions around the world, according to a Swedish organization poised to take a leading role in helping young people cope with the problem. “This is a huge hidden problem in a lot of countries and it doesn’t get the same kind of attention because it takes place largely behind closed doors rather than out in public,” Sven Rollenhagen of the Youth Care Foundation (Stiftelsen Ungdomsvård) told The Local. For nearly two decades, the organization has been helping young people in Sweden recognize and manage computer gaming addiction. But following a February report in which the organization dubbed World of Warcraft “the cocaine of the computer games world”, the foundation has been flooded with inquiries from across the globe looking for more information about how to address the problem.

In the archives, there is a story of a Chinese guy who dropped dead after gaming for three days solid. He had been in an internet cafe and at least he managed to empty the place, but not before people want to know what he had been playing....

Mini-Comets within a comet lit up 17P/Holmes during megaoutburst, 16th September 2009
Astronomers from the University of California, Los Angeles and the University of Hawaii have discovered multiple fragments ejected during the largest cometary outburst ever witnessed. Images and animations showing fragments rapidly flying away from the nucleus of comet 17P/Holmes will be presented by Rachel Stevenson at the European Planetary Science Congress in Potsdam, Germany, on Wednesday 16 September.

Stevenson, together with colleagues Jan Kleyna and David Jewitt, began observing comet Holmes in October 2007 soon after it was reported that the small (3.6 km wide) body had brightened by a million times in less than a day. They continued observing for several weeks after the outburst using the Canada- France- Hawaii Telescope in Hawaii and watched as the dust cloud ejected by the comet grew to be larger than the Sun.

[...] “Initially we thought this comet was unique simply because of the scale of the outburst," said Stevenson. “But we soon realized that the aftermath of the outburst showed unusual features, such as these fast-moving fragments, that have not been detected around other comets."

While cometary outbursts are common, their causes are unknown. One possibility is that internal pressure built up as the comet moved closer to the Sun and sub-surface ices evaporated. The pressure eventually became too great and part of the surface broke away, releasing a huge cloud of dust and gas, as well as larger fragments.

Surprisingly, the solid nucleus of comet Holmes survived the outburst and continued on its orbit, seemingly unperturbed. Holmes takes approximately 6 years to circle the Sun, and travels between the inner edge of the asteroid belt to beyond Jupiter. The comet is now moving away from the Sun but will return to its closest approach to the Sun in 2014, when astronomers will examine it for signs of further outbursts.

Comet Holmes, 'The Blue Kachina' will be back in 2014! This is all very interesting in the light of Mayan prophecy.

Investors call for action on global warming
More than 180 of world's biggest investors aim to overcome opposition in US and elsewhere to climate change legislation

The Guardian, 16th September 2009
"More than 180 of the world's largest investors, with collective assets of $13tn, put their combined weight behind a passionate call for strong US and international action on global warming in New York today."

"We cannot drag our feet on the issue of global climate change," said Thomas DiNapoli, who heads the $116.5bn New York state pension fund. "I am deeply concerned about the investor risks climate change presents, and the human cost of inaction is unthinkable."

The summit drew together managers of the world's leading investment funds, including those from HSBC, Henderson, Schroders, Société Générale and Scottish Widows, and pensions funds from California public employees to the BBC and Church of England. It was aimed at overcoming entrenched opposition within the US and elsewhere to climate change legislation, by showcasing the scale of investor support for climate change action and the potential for mobilisation of private capital."

Hmmm.... 13 trillion dollars, that is a lot of love and commitment to making more money. But, with the current schemes, not necessarily doing anything that will really make a difference, because climate change is being driven by cosmic factors and always has been.

Freemasons: Fact vs. Fiction
Time Magazine, 15th September 2009
Search Encyclopaedia Britannica for the word Freemasons and an unusual though not entirely unexpected result pops up: the entry for scapegoats. The secretive organization that once counted George Washington, Benjamin Franklin and Voltaire among its ranks has been a favorite target for conspiracy theorists since the 17th century, when Masonic lodges first spread across Europe. Now best-selling novelist Dan Brown has taken aim at the group's cultlike reputation in his latest book, The Lost Symbol — a fact that comes as no surprise to author Jay Kinney. In his own new book, The Masonic Myth, Kinney attempts to dispel some of the persistent rumors about the group by explaining how he became a Freemason himself.

Obviously, there are desperate attempts to put Freemasonry in a good light and to stop people thinking this is a sinister organisation. Well, I see it both ways. Original Freemasonry probably did have quite a lot of merit, but it is clear that it is the vestiges of a very ancient religion, which may even have had it's roots in Atlantis. We know this because there is identical symbology and paraphernalia, which can be linked to esoteric Mayan spirtuality and the Maya themselves state they came from Atlantis. Quite frankly, the meaning of this ancient symbolism and knowledge may be known only to select few. However, those secrets are becoming understood, as they are vital for those interested in their spiritual evolution. The negative side is that Freemasonry can be viewed as an old boys network, where many do admit that they are only interested in networking and then there are those, whose only interests is control. Therefore, many would view this organisation as being similar to any other religious establishment, but with the caveat that at the highest levels, serious power is being wielded by unknown masters.

"An article in (1) titled, “NASA Rocket to Create Clouds Tuesday” by Clara Moskowits, Staff Writer – September 14, 2009, was unexpectedly forwarded to me today.

According to the article: “…A rocket experiment set to launch Tuesday aims to create artificial clouds at the outermost layers of Earth's atmosphere. The project, called the Charged Aerosol Release Experiment (CARE)…"This is really essentially at the boundary of space," said Wayne Scales, a scientist at Virginia Tech who will…study the physics of the artificial dust cloud as it's released…CARE is slated to launch Tuesday between 7:30 and 7:57 p.m. EDT (2330 and 2357 GMT) from NASA's Wallops Flight Facility in Virginia….”

“…CARE will release its (aluminum oxide) (2), dust particles a bit higher than that, then let them settle back down to a lower altitude.”What the CARE experiment hopes to do is to create an artificial dust layer,” Professor Scales told [...]

The U.S. Navy, NASA, and the U.S. Defense Department have made a decision to conduct one or more atmospheric tests, in order to create an aluminum oxide dust cloud without the permission and for the most part, the knowledge of the citizens of the United States.These aluminum oxide particles will eventually return to earth polluting our air, water and soils. The tests may damage the various atmospheric boundaries that protect life on earth – no one has any idea what damage this dust cloud and the testing on this dust cloud may do to our climate, agriculture, human health or the amount of infrared and UV radiation reaching the Earth.

It is time to contact elected officials today and protest this action which may begin as early as today, September 14, 2009."

This is a serious attempt to counteract Space Weather! The headline got my attention. Well, I have said it all before on this blog about the high levels of desperation. Noctilucent clouds are electrified and highly charged as they reflect radar and presumably they would also reflect the sun's rays. Due to Space Weather, the electrical conditions in our solar system have drastically changed, effecting the electrical properties of our ionosphere, there are claims that too much UV radiation is causing too much ionisation. This is seriously degrading satellite GPS accuracy and we have already been told that it is expected to start breaking down in 2010. If this happens, billions of dollars worth of military electronic technology will become worthless, hence we now see this risky 'experiment'. See also NASA Rocket to Create Clouds Tuesday

The truth is out there: Rush to solve Google's new UFO puzzle
Daily Mail, 15th September 2009
"Google left users puzzled again today by displaying another picture of a UFO on its UK home page. This time the doodle above the search engine showed a flying saucer hovering over crop circles. The word ‘Google’ is spelt out in several crop circles, with what appears to be a tractor completing the letter ‘L’."

It looks like Google have started a campaign to wake people up! Good! It is very unfortunate that the metaphysical community have been largely been uninterested in what would happen in a dimensional shift, that we have been clearly told is part of Earth's transformation and what that would mean practically for the average person. Hence, metaphysicians are still promoting disaster scenarios, when a whole spectrum of previously higher dimensional plasma entities are appearing. The situation is totally and utterly incredible. I hope Google continues on with this campaign. By the way, this is some very good footage of some orange orbs. See UFOs scramble over Tennessee in the US / Great footage

Sarkozy sets out to revolutionise economy with 'happiness' factor, 15th September 2009
France has long been famed for its love of the good life -- the land of wine, cheese and generous holidays. Now Nicolas Sarkozy has cemented that reputation by proposing the country's economic progress should be measured in "happiness" rather than cold statistics.

The French president yesterday announced a "revolutionary" plan to make joy and well-being the key indicators of growth, rather than traditional yardsticks like GDP. The assessment will be based on figures relating to work-life balance, recycling and chores. Mr Sarkozy asked two Nobel Prize winners, Joseph Stiglitz, an American critic of free-market economists; and Armatya Sen of India, to come up with the new measures. The French government is now planning to include many of the "happiness" indicators in its regular growth statistics. Mr Sarkozy said he would "fight to make all international organisations change their statistical system".

He said: "A great revolution is waiting for us. For years, people said that finance was a formidable creator of wealth, only to discover... that it accumulated so many risks that the world almost plunged into chaos. "The crisis doesn't only make us free to imagine other models, another future, another world. It obliges us to do so."

Wow!!! It looks like the people of the tiny country of The Kingdom of Bhutan are starting to change the world with their Gross National Happiness (GNH) rather than Gross National Product (GNP). This concept was the brainchild of ex-king Jigme Singye Wangchuck, who sought to steer Bhutan into the modern world while preserving its unique identity. Bhutan is not rich, but the people are still happy. You can find out more at Business Week, The World's Happiest Countries (October, 2006), but this article is now out of date as Iceland was placed at no. 4 and things have certainly changed there.

UFOlogy: Aliens and Hucksters Among Us
Live Science, 14th September 2009
A long-time veteran of UFOlogy is Stanton Friedman, a nuclear physicist and lecturer on incoming ET traffic. And he is resolute.

"If one makes an appropriately objective and careful examination of the pro and anti-UFO arguments, one finds that the evidence is overwhelming that Earth is being visited by intelligently controlled vehicles of extraterrestrial origin and that only pseudoscientific arguments of a vocal but small group of debunkers stand in the way of reaching that conclusion, along with a fear of ridicule for being logical," Friedman explained.

Friedman's advice to UFO devotes: "Take courage. I have had only 11 hecklers at more than 700 lectures...and two of them were drunk." "There are those of us in MUFON who want to solve the mystery. There are those other folks out there that want to perpetuate the mystery. There is this cottage industry out there. This is their employment and a way to make a buck," Carrion pointed out. "They have no desire to really get to the truth."

UFOlogy is going mainstream, whether people like it or not! Now folks, this is a treat, if you still believe that most flying saucers are little men in metal discoidal craft, then think again! Here is one of the most mind blowing accounts you will EVER come across and it's from 1925, well before the current UFO interest took off! See, The First Flying Saucer! Now, even the mainstream mainstream are talking about orbs, see the following reports from the last few days only, from Google news.

'UFO' spotted over St Paul's [Cathedral] - [London, UK]
The Sun prints photographers pic

UFO spotted in the skies of Formby [UK]
Flying red hot poker dropping a cinder!

Video confirms UFO sightings - Royston, Hertforshire [UK]
Great video, large glowing orbs

Snake with foot found in China
A snake with a single clawed foot has been discovered in China, according to reports.

The Telegraph, 14th September 2009
Dean Qiongxiu, 66, said she discovered the reptile clinging to the wall of her bedroom with its talons in the middle of the night.

"I woke up and heard a strange scratching sound. I turned on the light and saw this monster working its way along the wall using his claw," said Mrs Duan of Suining, southwest China. Mrs Duan said she was so scared she grabbed a shoe and beat the snake to death before preserving its body in a bottle of alcohol.

The snake – 16 inches long and the thickness of a little finger – is now being studied at the Life Sciences Department at China's West Normal University in Nanchang.

Snake expert Long Shuai said: "It is truly shocking but we won't know the cause until we've conducted an autopsy."

Now, this is not just a mutation, this is something much more serious. The completely WRONG DNA blueprint for DNA processing is being accessed and processed, hence the bizarre 'clawed foot' appendage. It is now known that China has a serious problem with it's environment, but this is off the scale. N.B. Some articles are claiming it is a hand, I think that is more correct and even more alarming.

China 'covers suicide bridge in butter'
China Daily, September 2009
Copy: Government officials in south-east China have ordered workers to cover a 1,000 ft long steel bridge in butter to prevent citizens from using it to attempt suicide.

All the climbable surfaces on the structure in Guangzhou have been covered in greasy fat to put an end to the spate of people threatening to jump from it, The Sun reports. Government spokesman Shiu Liang said: "We tried employing guards at both ends but that didn't work - and we put up special fences and notices asking people not to commit suicide here.

"None of it worked - and so now we have put butter over the bridge and it has worked very well. Nobody can get up there and nobody who tries ever falls." Bridge guard Wong Man added: "The butter makes the bars and frames slippery and hard to climb on to, and we can easily catch them.

"Each time somebody threatens to commit suicide to get media attention or sympathy over personal problems we end up with several hours of tailbacks and there were lots of complaints. "Since we put up the butter there have been no problems with these attention seekers."

I don't think this is a joke, I think this Chinese report is totally serious!?!

Orange Light Sightings-September 2009
UK UFO Sightings, 15th September 2009
"Each month we are inundated with a large number of eye witness accounts of sightings of single and multiple orange light formations. In many cases it is evident that the most likely explanation would be Chinese Lanterns released in the local area.

Due to time constraints a point has been reached where we need to decide whether to completely disregard these types of sightings or not. As a result it has been decided to set up on trial basis this dedicated section to log those eye witness accounts which are considered to be high probability”Chinese Lantern” sightings based on the information provided.

Any such sightings received will initially be posted as comments in this section. If at a later date supporting information comes to light suggesting the sightings may not be chinese lanterns then the eye witness account will be reposted as a sighting report under it’s county area.

Well, it's no surprise that the owners of this website are taking this action. Ufologists what to create the impression that any bright light in the sky could be a craft so numerous reports of orange lights are counter productive. Hence, despite reports that what has been seen is NOT a Chinese lantern, it seems that eye witness accounts are not good enough. Personally, I just can't see that this is going to stop sightings, just make it harder to assess what's going on. If you want a laugh, see what the response is from the great British public! Here's the first comment, "ball of fire in sky being chased by 2 police helicopters, then it just vanished!" Obviously, this is the comic aspect of evolutionary change! LOL!!!

In honour of this decision, I have decided to list reports that involved coloured lights that were not orange. Please note that the opposite poles of a magnetic body are blue and red , please also note that if you have a well developed energy body and someone could see into the higher dimensions, your chakra system would be a set of coloured flashing lights!

Dark neon blue & red lights
Little Downham, Ely Cambridgeshire [UK]

White opaque light, irregular movements
Fleetwood, Lancashire [UK]

30 white glowing mass scaning
Cheadle Hulme, Cheshire [UK], The energetic cleanup continues! See previous report of 'scanner' in the sky below

Man Sees Rectangular Grid of Lights in Night Sky [US]
Previously reported, July 2009

Very bright light traveling from west to east
- Shanklin, Isle of wight [UK]

Pink globe above my house!
Higham Ferrers, Northamptonshire [UK]

30 randomly patterned white light
- Enfield, Middlesex [UK]

Amateur astronomer mystified by 8 bonfires in the sky!
Plymouth, Devon [UK]

Woman sees faint greyish object, husband hyperventilates
Wakefield, Yorkshire [UK]

8-10 circular white lights racing round in the sky
Oldham, Greater Manchester [UK]

Bright purple light floating in the sky
- Swansea, Wales [UK] The sequestration of orange light sightings is failing miserable!

Additional comment: For people who are new to this blog, please note: My interest is in UAPs (Unidentified Aerial Phenomena) so named by the UK Ministry of Defence in a previously highly classified December 2000 military report that was forced out into the open by ufologists using the UK Freedom of Information Act. The 460 page Unidentified Aerial Phenomena in the U.K. Air Defence Region report has been in the public domain since about mid 2006 and featured in several articles in the mainstream press. The purpose of highlighting media reports about this phenomena is to create awareness that the world is facing the greatest transition in the history of mankind. Therefore, the following criteria is used in choosing blog entries; if the online report indicates that the UFO/UAP could be a plasma entity ( ie structured by light and magnetism) and the behaviour appears to be an arrival or departure from Earth, then I am likely to report the story. Regulars to this blog are now aware that there seems to be distinct patterns of behaviour associated with the process that I have called 'The Planetary Refresh'. Please note that in many entries, the British public seem to be very educated about UFOs and many witnesses insist that what was seen is not a Chinese lantern or has any other 'ordinary' explanation. Generally, if the witness is a pilot or a pilot mechanic then as one might expect, their opinion is more highly regarded. Similarly, if there is an image that clearly depicts something that seems like a biological "entity" or an orb, as opposed to a "craft" then this is also taken as being most likely to be a UAP account. In creating awareness, I believe that I am helping to inform and empower people, as it is very possible that our reality may become very bizzare if not surreal and at the moment, there does not seem to be any interest or effort by the metaphysical community to explain to the general public what exactly is taking place on our planet.

Possible Linkage between the 1918 El Niño and the 1918 flu pandemic ?
Watts Up with that, 14th September 2009
"Of course with H1N1 influenza concerns now reaching another peak in the media, this is bound to add fuel to the fire now that NOAA has announced we’ll likely see our present weak El Niño strengthen and continue into this winter.

Of course it is all based on a model. On the plus side, he argues against greenhouse gases making stronger El Niño events. – Anthony. Texas A&M researcher shows possible link between 1918 El Niño and flu pandemic

Research conducted at Texas A&M University casts doubts on the notion that El Niño has been getting stronger because of global warming and raises interesting questions about the relationship between El Niño and a severe flu pandemic 91 years ago. The findings are based on analysis of the 1918 El Niño, which the new research shows to be one of the strongest of the 20th century."

It is noticeable that officials tend to panic about pandemics, well before anything is apparently happening and I have always wondered why. However, if pandemics are caused by cosmic factors, then it all makes sense. If you do the history lessons, then you will see that people died in major pandemics whilst out at sea, completely isolated from the world, and this only makes sense if these viruses are airborne. The evidence gleaned over hundreds of years is clear that we are routinely rained on by passing comets, the recent red rain in India which was found to have red cells that had no DNA is proof enough. There are plenty of websites warning people to stay clear of the Swine Flu vaccine, as it is clear that there are dark forces that have no problem with killing off a large number of the population. Back to this report, it's interesting to see scientists getting the evidence together on the particular cosmic factors that are involved in genuine pandemics and so these scientists are claiming a relationship with El Niño events. It is worth mentioning, that some humans are evolving very quickly and there is NO way that authoritites know how humans will react generally. Hence, the stories of officials releasing viruses into the environment just to fast track a vaccine are quite disturbing and we can all debate the morality of this course of action.

Trust your gut? Study explores religion, morality and trust in authority
A Science Centric, 14th September 2009
"In a world filled with dogma, doctrine and discipline, it is accurate to say most of us strive to do what we believe is 'right.' These convictions and beliefs permeate every aspect of our lives, including education, ethics and even common law.

Psychologists Daniel C. Wisneski, Brad L. Lytle and Linda J. Skitka from the University of Illinois at Chicago explored this interplay of moral convictions and religious beliefs as it relates to our trust in authority. Specifically, the researchers provided a nationally-represented sample of adults - 53% female, 72% White, 12% Black and 11% Hispanic - with an online survey about the U.S. Supreme Court's ruling on physician-assisted suicide.

As the findings suggest in a recent issue of Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science, the more religious participants tended to trust the Supreme Court's ability to make the right decision while the group with strong moral convictions felt distrust. And both groups, as it turned out, based their beliefs on a gut reaction rather than on thoughtful, careful deliberation."

As I have spiritual evolved, I have realised that I can't make false assumptions about anything, it's not a matter of distrust, yes I use my intuition, but making the wrong assumption can lead to massive disappointments.

Possible meteor streaks across sky
If it was a meteor, it might have crashed into ocean or west coast of Island

Times Colonist, 14th September 2009
"Many a lucky star-gazer on Vancouver Island and the Lower Mainland watched an impressive white streak of light trail across the dark blue sky Saturday night, but Victoria astronomers are stumped as to what caused the light show.

Around 8 p.m., the brilliant white flash could be seen heading westward for 12 seconds, said Dave Balam, an astronomer and telescope operator at the Dominion Astrophysical Observatory in Saanich. [...] Dave Armitage was sitting on the back porch of his Bay Street home watching for the first star to come out when he saw the bright light.

“I just happened to notice in the corner of my eye this fireball coming over the top of my head,” he said, describing it as a slow-moving, yellowish object with a straight arc, travelling in a trajectory similar to that of a plane flying overhead.

“I probably stood and watched it for over 10 seconds before it headed into the horizon to the west.” He said the thing in the sky was quite large, estimating that if he held out a golf ball at arm’s length it would just cover the light. “I’ve never seen a meteorite before so I was kind of freaked out,”

Another 'meteor' that refuses to behave normally! Note the eye witnesses accounts in the comments.

New Charles Darwin film is 'too controversial' for religious American audiences
Daily Mail, 13th September 2009
"A new British film about Charles Darwin has failed to land a distribution deal in the States because his theories on human evolution are too controversial for religious American audiences, according to the film's producer. Creation follows the British naturalist's 'struggle between faith and reason' as he wrote his 1859 book, On The Origin Of The Species.

The film, directed by Jon Amielm was chosen to open the Toronto Film Festival and has now been sold to almost every territory in the world. Christian film review website described Darwin as 'a racist, a bigot and a 1800s naturalist whose legacy is mass murder.' The site also stated that his 'half-baked theory' influenced Adolf Hitler and led to 'atrocities, crimes against humanity, cloning and generic engineering.' Jeremy Thomas, the Oscar-winning producer of Creation, said he was astonished that such attitudes exist 150 years after On The Origin of Species was published. 'That's what we're up against. In 2009. It's amazing,' he said. 'The film has no distributor in America."

I think the opinion of the Christian flim review guide is a bit rough.... Well, I think my views mean that I am neither a creationist or an evolutionist, but I can see valid points from both sides. As far as I am concerned, the evidence points to evolutionary change being determined by cosmic blueprints and universal forces. Experts in this field realise that the evolution of humans has not been a smooth uninterupted process and there are many questions about why humans have such flawed DNA. What's more, Darwin has been criticised for his famous book, The Origin of Species (1872), for not even defining what he meant by species and the notion of the 'Tree of Life' is now looking unprovable. Quite frankly, we are experiencing rapid evolutionary change right now, so it will be interesting to see how both sides of the argument react, evolutionary biologists are already puzzled.

Can you see time?
BBC News, 11th September 2009
"Imagine if you could see time laid out in front of you, or surrounding your body. And you could physically point to specific dates in space.

Important dates might stand out - birthdays, anniversaries. And you could scan a visible timeline - to check if you were available - whenever you made plans. No actual diary necessary.

According to Julia Simner, a psychologist from the University of Edinburgh, there is a reasonable chance you can. And that you may use the experience, unconsciously, every day. Dr Simner studies synaesthesia - a condition caused by an unusually high number of connections between two areas of the brain's sensory cortex, making two senses inseparable.

Synaesthetes, as they are known, have experiences that might seem extremely strange to any non-synaesthete."

At this moment in time, it could be suggested that this 'condition' may actually be symptomatic of an evolving human. We can compare this to the experience of Kundalini, where dormant energy in the body is driven up the spine into the brain to facilate higher brain processing and higher evolution. Psychologists who have specialised in human development, tell us that as human consciousness progresses, humans adjust their neurological system in the brain or mental capabilities to facilatate increasing thinking complexity. The spiritual community tends to focus on spiritual 'gifts', but maybe that is not all that is going on and these 'Synaesthetes', may also be part of the evolutionary process.

Highway in the sky: The gravitational corridors that could help spacecraft travel the solar system
Daily Mail, 11th September 2009
"Gravitational corridors could help spacecraft fly across the solar system like ships on ocean currents, it was revealed today. Scientists in the United States are trying to map the twisting 'tubes' so they can be used to cut the cost of space travel. Each one acts like a gravitational Gulf Stream, created from the complex interplay of attractive forces between planets and moons. Depicted by computer graphics, the pathways look like strands of spaghetti that wrap around planetary bodies and snake between them."

I mentioned these celestial superhighways in my book, as it helped to confirm metaphysical sources that claimed the existence of the 'Cosmic Lattice', described as — "a vast area of strings connected to strings" — that connects EVERYTHING in our universe. What's more we are told that entities, "ride the strings".

Frozen Fires
Thunderbolts, 11th September 2009
The Chandra X-ray Telescope has puzzled astronomers with the discovery of abnormally high temperatures at the core of the Milky Way. A news release announcing this image of the center of the Milky Way stated that the x-ray spectrum of the gases is consistent with a cloud of "hot gas" that varies from 10 million degrees Celsius to as much as 100 million degrees. This result was unexpected and difficult to explain.

According to consensus opinions, shock waves from supernova explosions are the most likely explanation for heating the 10 million degree gas, but no one can explain how the 100 million degree gas is heated. "Ordinary" supernova explosions are not sufficiently powerful, and heating by high-energy particles produces the wrong x-ray spectrum. Another Chandra image of the star cluster Trumpler 14 shows about 1600 stars and a diffuse glow from hot multimillion degree x-ray producing gas. Any material that has a temperature of millions of degrees is not a gas—it is a plasma.

Well, I had a great time reading The Book of the Damned [1919] by Charles Fort. The book is full of satirical wit directed at scientists who refuse to consider anomalies as part of a wider understanding of reality. The reader is introduced to this concept by the very simple analogy of scientists defining things as being red or yellow and anything that is orange is ignored or simply explained away as being mistaken for red or yellow. This mentality, can now be defined as a 'Fortean' obsfucation and there are plenty of examples in the book. It seems that Fort was most disgusted by the explanation of a fall of fish, that covered a "considerable distance", but was explained away by Dr Gray of the British museum, as employees playfully throwing a pail of fish. Hence, you can see why Fort developed a cult following that still exists today in the form of the Fortean Society. It is apparent that people realise that something is amiss, when members of the scientific community are determined to maintain an orthodox and incredulous view of our reality. So, when it came to an anomalous sighting seen by an astronomer that was refused publication, Fort takes aim and fires. This is what he wrote:
"Eddie reported a celestial object, from the Observatory at Grahamstown, South Africa. It was in 1890... The thing that Eddie reported might as well have been reported by a night watchman, who had looked up through an unplaced sewer pipe. It did not correlate."
LOL!!!!!! Anyway, here we have more orthodox astronomers "puzzled" by anomalous heating at the centre of our galaxy. Temperatures of 10 million degrees Celsius do not require a supernova explosion, we get those kind of temperatures on our Sun during solar flares. What's more, as I reported in my book, scientists have produced these kind of temperatures in the laboratory using plasmas and a very strong magnetic field. Hence, it gets beyond a joke when it becomes apparent that astronomers need to be trained plasma physicists to fully understand how the universe works. What's more, I have realised that the same goes for the metaphysicians. It is not possible to teach the true nature of our reality and certain spiritual truths without a basic understanding of how the universe works. Why do I say this? Well, after 30 years of seeking truth and enlightenment, my biggest break came when I discovered the Electric/Plasma Universe and I will always be grateful to these scientists, who would not necessarily think of themselves as spirtual.

Oregon witnesses watch low flying 'grey mass' UFO UAP
UFO Examiner, 10th September 2009
"Two Oregon witnesses watched a "grey mass" the size of a mini van floating at 150 feet and just 75 to 100 feet away, according to testimony from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) database. The silent object reflected rainbow colors when they pointed a laser at it. Following is the unedited witness testimony from MUFON."

It most be very strange for ufologists interested in ETs and craft to be presented with so many reports that just do not fit stereotypical UFO descriptions. The general public are not educated enough to make intelligent assessment of what they are seeing and most certainly, the clear out of 'old' energies that is taking place on Earth, has not been explained by metaphysicians who claim that our world is being transformed. Hence, we now have sightings of amorphous blobs floating about and even images where these blobs have been retrieved by orbs and being carried off. Here, the fact that this 'grey mass' reacted when a laser was fired, is total PROOF that it was a biological entity. Read Trevor James Constable if you want the scientific argument. Here are other recent reports that are unlikely to be UFO 'craft'.

Placebos Are Getting More Effective. Drugmakers Are Desperate to Know Why.
Wired News, September 2009
[...]"It's not only trials of new drugs that are crossing the futility boundary. Some products that have been on the market for decades, like Prozac, are faltering in more recent follow-up tests. In many cases, these are the compounds that, in the late '90s, made Big Pharma more profitable than Big Oil. But if these same drugs were vetted now, the FDA might not approve some of them. Two comprehensive analyses of antidepressant trials have uncovered a dramatic increase in placebo response since the 1980s. One estimated that the so-called effect size (a measure of statistical significance) in placebo groups had nearly doubled over that time.

It's not that the old meds are getting weaker, drug developers say. It's as if the placebo effect is somehow getting stronger.

[...] The fact that an increasing number of medications are unable to beat sugar pills has thrown the industry into crisis. The stakes could hardly be higher. In today's economy, the fate of a long-established company can hang on the outcome of a handful of tests.

Why are inert pills suddenly overwhelming promising new drugs and established medicines alike? The reasons are only just beginning to be understood. A network of independent researchers is doggedly uncovering the inner workings—and potential therapeutic applications—of the placebo effect. At the same time, drugmakers are realizing they need to fully understand the mechanisms behind it so they can design trials that differentiate more clearly between the beneficial effects of their products and the body's innate ability to heal itself. A special task force of the Foundation for the National Institutes of Health is seeking to stem the crisis by quietly undertaking one of the most ambitious data-sharing efforts in the history of the drug industry. After decades in the jungles of fringe science, the placebo effect has become the elephant in the boardroom.

From a metaphysical point of view, this is some real evidence that there has been a notable change in the direction of the positive, i.e. when human's apply the power of intent the result is much more evident. This is a long report, but highly informative!

The geomagnetic field and the stock market
Entangled Minds, September 2009
"Explaining movements in daily stock prices is one of the most difficult tasks in modern finance. This paper contributes to the existing literature by documenting the impact of geomagnetic storms on daily stock market returns. A large body of psychological research has shown that geomagnetic storms have a profound effect on people’s moods, and, in turn, people’s moods have been found to be related to human behavior, judgments and decisions about risk. An important finding of this literature is that people often attribute their feelings and emotions to the wrong source, leading to incorrect judgments. Specifically, people affected by geomagnetic storms may be more inclined to sell stocks on stormy days because they incorrectly attribute their bad mood to negative economic prospects rather than bad environmental conditions."

This is the reason why I wrote my book, but recent developments like Earth quickly losing it's cosmic shielding due to the decline of the solar wind and massive breaches in the magnetosphere, driving massive evolutionary change, means that people are far more vulnerable than most would imagine. We are sitting on a precipice as the dimensional shift accelerates and Joe Public has not been warned.

Are there UFOs[UAPs] in Epsom's skies? [Surrey, UK]
Local guardian, 11th September 2009
"People spotted a group of lights in the sky flying in formation above Epsom on Sunday evening. The mysterious lights moving in an arrow shaped formation were seen at around 9pm and some were flashing and appearing to change colours. One of the people who saw them was Darren Gibbons, 27, from Burgh Heath, who was about to go into the Odeon cinema in Upper High Street, Epsom, when he saw the lights. "

In the early 1950s, Trevor James Constable and other early ufologists, went looking for UFOs and found critters. In his books, he gave excellent examples of UFOs with animal and bird like behaviour. After fighter pilot reports in World War II, nobody can seriously doubt that plasma entities called 'foo-fighters' were acting in any way different to birds that pace ships at sea and birds that like to dart in front of cars. Here we have a UFO sighting that was compared to an arrow shaped formation, but when I saw it, it just reminded me of a flock of geese flying in formation. I have realised that despite all the talk in the metaphysical community, the concept of what would happen as the veil lifts was not known. About 8 years ago, I read a book of channelled messages where I was told outright that the source was a "magnetic entity" that was often mistaken for a UFO. At that point, the physicist in me wanted to know EXACTLY what I was being told. It became apparent when I discovered the Electric/Plasma universe and that scientists had identified the existence of plasma entities, where plasma is the only naturally occuring magnetised matter on this planet besides magnetite. When I discovered that the military had lost pilots chasing these objects, I was totally convinced that new Agers were indeed channelling magnetic entities. Yet, the vast majority of the metaphysical world have been fooled into thinking subtle energy means nebulous or emphemeral, but a little study into plasma metaphysics will knock down those kind of ideas straight away. Now that I know what I am looking for, I am re-reading my channelled books and I have discovered the prediction that governments will "officially" announce that another form of life exists. Well, every day the dimensional shift is becoming more and more apparent and I am thrilled that I can share my understanding of this process of evolutionary change and world transformation. Well it's getting bizarre, and the orbs are no longer weird compared to what else is hitting the wires... even the Daily Mail has an article on fairies in the back garden, with an interesting photo too! see Croydon Tinker Bell... are there fairies at the bottom of the garden?

Solar wind surprise: “This discovery is like finding it got hotter when the sun went down,”
Watts Up with That, 10th September 2009
"This gives a whole new meaning to “Total Solar Irradiance”. Instead of TSI, perhaps we should call the energy transfer that comes from the sun to the earth TSE for “Total Solar Energy” so that it includes the solar wind, the geomagnetics, and other yet undiscovered linkages. [...]

The sun, in addition to emitting radiation, emits a stream of ionized particles called the solar wind that affects the Earth and other planets in the solar system. The solar wind, which carries the particles from the sun’s magnetic field, known as the interplanetary magnetic field, takes about three or four days to reach the Earth. When the charged electrical particles approach the Earth, they carve out a highly magnetized region — the magnetosphere — which surrounds and protects the Earth. Charged particles carry currents, which cause significant modifications in the Earth’s magnetosphere. [...]

“Any space physicist, including me, would have said a year ago there could not be substorms when the interplanetary magnetic field was staying northward, but that’s wrong,” Lyons said. “Generally, it’s correct, but when you have a fluctuating interplanetary magnetic field, you can have substorms going off once per hour. [...]

“The energy of the particles and the fields in the magnetosphere can vary by large amounts. It can be 10 times higher or 10 times lower from day to day, even from half-hour to half-hour. These are huge variations in particle intensities, magnetic field strength and electric field strength,” Lyons said. [...]

In our field, this finding is pretty earth-shaking. It’s an entire new mode of energy transfer, which is step one. The next step is to understand how it works. It must be a completely different process.”

From the comments on this blog the best summary comes from Jim (10:13:03) : "Hmmm… They knew about DC solar current, but just discovered AC. Now the picture looks more complete. Now on to capacitors and inductors." I am sure there will be comprehensive comment from Electric Universe theorists, but "a stream of ionised particles" is an electric current. When it's fluctuating backwards and forwards, it generates an alternating current that will heat things up. However, the concept of electricity in space has only been considered by a few hardy pioneers, but due to Space Weather causing all sorts of problems, scientists are being forced to re-evaluate and the evidence is overwhelming as we discover brand new electromagnetic mechanisms for how our planet is linked to the wider cosmic environment. There is some mention on the blog about a massive Gamma Ray Burst (GRB) event 21st January 2009 that caused a Sudden Stratospheric Warming, where parts of the stratosphere heated up by 40 degrees! Is it any wonder that those in the know are just now extremely cynical about the supposed effects of CO2. See also, Atmospheric Solar Heat Amplifier Discovered

INNER SPACE TERRANAUTS:, 10th September 2009
This week, while astronauts orbited high above Earth installing new science equipment in the laboratories of the International Space Station, a team of terranauts descended into the Earth on their own mission of discovery. "We were not in outer space, but inner space," says explorer George Kourounis, who sends this picture from the Cave of Crystals in Naica, Mexico:

Three hundred meters below Naica lies an alien world of giant crystals and nearly unbearable heat. "With an air temperature of 122 F and a relative humidity of more than 90%, it feels like 228 F in the cave," says Kourounis. "To survive in this extreme environment, we enter the cave wearing special suits with cooling packs inside and a backpack respirator which allows us to breath chilled air. Even with all this equipment, I will still be able to stay in the cave for no more than 45 minutes at a time."

Well, "inner space" means something completely different to me, as I have even travelled to other worlds via navigating through my inner space! Well, as we consider earthly "inner space" exploration, geophysicists complain that we know more about the moon than about what's going on inside our own planet. These crystal caves are talked about in metaphysical circles and I believe they can be considered as "Halls of records".

Baby born at 9:09 on 9/9/09 weighs 9 lbs, 9 ounces
Associated Press, 10th September 2009
"La Crosse, Wisconcin - No doubt. The nines have it. Chuck Berendes of La Crosse said he will never forget the birthday of this third child, born Wednesday on the ninth day of the nine month in the year 2009. Nor will Berendes and his wife, Polly, forget Henry Michael's arrival time - at 9:09 a.m. by Cesarean section at Franciscan Skemp Medical Center in La Crosse.

But they got the biggest laugh when the newborn was placed on the delivery room scale following his birth. Berendes said it was metric scale so the doctor did the math in his head, but to make sure, he had the nurse also do the conversion. Berendes said they broke into laughter when the nurse told them Henry weighed 9 pounds, 9 ounces."

I would imagine it would be extremely difficult to 'fix' this birth, but obviously, this baby decided he was going to make a grand entrance into the world!

UFOs[Strange transparent balls] drop into Phuket [Thailand]
Phuket Gazette, 8th September 2009
"PHUKET: A family in Phuket had a close encounter with unidentified falling objects at the weekend when about a hundred small spheres 'dropped from the sky' onto their roof and garden. The family of six said the transparent balls fell on their home in Wichit about 9am on Sunday directly after a rain shower. “After the rain had stopped, we heard the sound of things falling on the roof,” said home owner 52-year-old Paweenarak Boonsiew."

Well I am still reading The Book of the Damned [1919] by Charles' Hoy Fort and I now understand why people claimed that it is one of the greatest books ever written. However, if you don't want to know about just how mysterious our world really is, then don't bother. However, if you want an historical perspective that does discuss 'fiery balloons' and many other strange oddities that suggest our world is often impinged upon by other worlds, then be prepared for some mind expansion. Charles Fort's Book of the Damned (1919), New Lands (1923), and Lo! (1931) record many reports of strange "rains" with all sorts of interesting ingredients, including alabaster, ants, ashes, beef, beetle larvae, berries, bitumen, blood, butter, charcoal, china fragments (naturally vitrified?), cinders, coal, cobwebs, coins, crabs, crayfish, eels, fish, flesh, gelatinous matter, grain, hay, ice, iron balls, jelly fish, limestone, lizards, mud, mussels, oyster shells, periwinkles, quartz, resin, salt, sand, sandalwood, seeds, silk, snails, snakes, spawn, spiders, carved and shaped stones, turtles, and of course, toads and frogs. The observation Fort made over and over again was how exactly did these "rains" exclusively deliver just one ingredient, the typical explanation of water spouts and tornadoes are not mechanisms that filter.

Cops Get Paranormal Help from Above and Beyond, According to Book by Michigan State Police Officer
Hot Indie News, 8th September 2009
Traverse City, Mich. – It started as a routine traffic stop by two Detroit police officers, but seconds later, bullets from an Uzi-style submachine gun came screaming into their vehicle, piercing the hood and doors and shattering the windshield. Then something really weird happened. The cop behind the wheel has no other explanation but to call it a divine mystery.

The remarkable story is part of Ingrid P. Dean’s new book, Spirit of the Badge: 60 True Police Stories of Divine Guidance, Miracles & Intuition, from Topaz Heart Publishing LLC. While Dean’s stories delve into the paranormal, her credibility is enhanced by her day job: she’s a detective sergeant for the Michigan State Police. [...]

The cop opened the door and claims “a golden glow” filled the car. “I heard a calm, male voice say, ‘Don’t worry. You’re going to come out of this fine. You won’t be hurt.’ It felt as if a shield had been raised up in front of me.” The cop stood amid a hail of bullets and emptied his gun into the suspects’ vehicle. The suspects sped away, but the cop was unharmed. He later said, “I am alive today because of divine intervention.”

Spirit of the Badge contains real-life accounts of heretofore hidden elements of police work: the metaphysical, spiritual and inspirational. Dean interviewed active and retired police officers from across the country and gathered stories that highlight the human, humorous, intuitive and miraculous side of law enforcement.

Awesome! Totally inspirational!

Vomiting Patient Baffles Hospitals [China]
Shanghai Daily, 9th September 2009
"Doctors are baffled by a 59-year-old man in northeastern China who keeps vomiting black liquid several times a day. Tan Shengji of Shandong Province started vomiting at the end of last year when he felt sick and depressed, according to his son Tan Aijun quoted in today's Qilu Evening News. Tan has been seeking treatment all over the country for almost 10 months, yet no doctor can diagnose any disease.

Let's say, I believe that this man's problem is more spiritual than psychological.

Carl Calleman - The Mayan Calendar and Money (Video)
Red ice Creations, 9th September 2009
Comment: Well, I noticed this YouTube video [9:59] over at Red Ice Creations (Swedish owners). It must be clearly stated that the Swedish Carl Johan Calleman has his own interpretation of the Mayan Calendar and he emphasises evolutionary change and consciousness. This makes him much more to my liking than other Mayan specialists and the first 4 minutes of this video reflect this emphasis. Despite this, it is on record that Mayan Elders have stated that Calleman's concept of 'days' and 'nights' is NOT genuine Mayan teaching, but this lack of support by genuine Mayan Elders does not seem to be reflected in how Calleman's teaching is perceived. Calleman states that our world is due for a 'makeover' and I truly believe this an understatement. His discussion about money is in terms of world monetary systems, but Calleman like so many people, can only see change in terms of an almighty collapse, rather than controlled evolutionary change influenced by 'higher' human consciousness. See also 9.9.9. and the Mayan Calendar .

Random pictures of sky capture UFOs, MOD response to letter - Boothville, Northampton [UK]
UK UFO Sightings, September 2009
Location of Sighting: Churchill Avenue, Boothville, Northampton
Date of Sighting: 19th August 2009, Time: TBA
Witness Name: Jeanette Jordan

Witness Statement: Walking my dog along Churchill Avenue, Boothville, Northampton, NN3, I decided to use my night flash (quite dark) because there was a fantastic sky, with ominous streaky cloud, that made me think what great cover it would be for UFOs. So I stopped to take four pictures, and all of them had something on them [...] Here is a slideshow of the 3 photos sent in by Jeanette together with a copy of the response letter she received from the MOD:

This sighting is interesting because there are some images and this person was sufficiently interested to contact the UK Ministry of Defence and get a response. Check out the reply, the MOD are not interested because plasma entities live in the sky and are NO THREAT!
Well, the reports keep coming, but in the UK the majority of sightings are bright orange/red fiery orbs in the skies. Elsewhere there are plenty of sightings but I still prefer the UK eyewitness reports that are untampered with. This week I have decided to focus on anything slightly different, that has been reported in the last fortnight, even though there are still sightings of UAP swarms causing some excitement. It's getting fairly obvious, the heavens are alive!

Show Us a Sign Space Brothers! 2 Bright Orbs
Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire [UK]

Bright blue turquoise light in the sky
Tyn Lon, Anglesey [UK]

Fireball drops flashing red light
Leeds, West Yorkshire [UK], Galactic delivery service in action!

20 Pulsating Orbs, some flying in formation
Epsom, Surrey [UK]

20 or 30 orange and red lights in the sky, travelling with a purpose
High Legh, Cheshire [UK]

3 Fiery orange lights with diamonds!
East Kilbride, South Lanarkshire [Scotland, UK]

A strange plane in the sky, black smoke, no noise!
Dordon Midlands Nr Tamworth, Staffordshire [UK]

Orange, tungsten coloured diamond shaped object, crossing dual carriageway!
Godmanchester, Cambshire [UK]

Fireball moving West-East under control then stops!
Livingston, West Lothian [Scotland, UK] Moving under 'intelligent' control

Pilot sees round object with a petal structure extending outwards
Rugby, Warwickshire [UK] Similar description to shuttlecock report below

“Thing in the sky”, looked like a shuttlecock!
- Southend on Sea, Essex [UK] July 2009, report for comparison

4 diamond shaped aircraft flying over M25 Motorway
M25 5 miles due east of the M40, Bucks [UK]

Four red diamond/square lights descending
- Willenhall West Midlands [UK]

Market Confidence Low: Carbon Credits now worth 25 cents, were at $7 in 2008
Watts Up With That, 9th September 2009
"Back on September 2nd, 2006/2007 instruments were selling as low as 20 cents and held that way until Sept 8th. So this is a boost. See the table below. Zimbabwe money notes are doing pretty well on Ebay. Right now they are actually more valuable than carbon credit notes."

Cruel... well, this might explain why Al Gore has been getting desperate lately. He is heavily invested and so are the venture capitalists that he has got involved with. I think the idea was that the everybody would buy into the idea of cleaning up the environment and associated carbon trading schemes. I agree we should clean up the environment, but I can't see why capitalists should profit. My favourite skeptic Václav Klaus is maybe too harsh and the following statement should have been more specific, but he states; "Environmental issues are a luxury good" and "Now we have to tighten our belt and to cut the luxury." update There's more woe as the legitimacy of the $100 billion (£60 billion) carbon-trading market has been called into question after the world’s largest auditor of clean-energy projects was suspended by United Nations inspectors. The SGS UK had its accreditation suspended last week after it was unable to prove its staff had properly vetted projects that were then approved for the carbon-trading scheme, or even that they were qualified to do so. It seems that this financial bubble is bursting before it even hits government pension schemes! Carbon-trading market hit as UN suspends clean-energy auditor

Electrical circuit runs entirely off power in trees
University of Washington, 8th September 2009
"You've heard about flower power. What about tree power? It turns out that it's there, in small but measurable quantities. There's enough power in trees for University of Washington researchers to run an electronic circuit, according to results to be published in an upcoming issue of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers' Transactions on Nanotechnology.

"As far as we know this is the first peer-reviewed paper of someone powering something entirely by sticking electrodes into a tree," said co-author Babak Parviz, a UW associate professor of electrical engineering.

A study last year from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology found that plants generate a voltage of up to 200 millivolts when one electrode is placed in a plant and the other in the surrounding soil. Those researchers have since started a company developing forest sensors that exploit this new power source. [...] "It's not exactly established where these voltages come from. But there seems to be some signaling in trees, similar to what happens in the human body but with slower speed," Parviz said. "I'm interested in applying our results as a way of investigating what the tree is doing. When you go to the doctor, the first thing that they measure is your pulse. We don't really have something similar for trees."

It's amazing how many researchers conveniently 'forget' research that is decades old! In the book 'Blueprints fof Life: The Electric Patterns of Life [1972], we find details of the pioneering research of E J Lund [1947] where research proved that trees exhibit electrical characteristics. This was obtained after trees were wired up and data was acquired over 30 years from 1938 - 1968. These L-fields (L = Life) are pure voltage potentials which yield direct currents and are not the same as measurements from the heart and brain. They are related to higher dimensional aspects of energy fields, as they can be used to measure mental and emotional states. It is known that trees vary in their electrical potenntials due to light and dark, thunderstorms, lunar cycles and changes in the ionosphere due to sunspots and geomagnetic storms, just like humans.

Researcher uses bacteria to make radioactive metals inert
Physorg News, 8th September 2009
Judy Wall, a professor of biochemistry at the University of Missouri, is working with bacteria that convert toxic radioactive metal to inert substances. The Lost Orphan Mine below the Grand Canyon hasn't produced uranium since the 1960s, but radioactive residue still contaminates the area. Cleaning the region takes an expensive process that is only done in extreme cases, but Judy Wall, a biochemistry professor at the University of Missouri College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources, is researching the use of sulfate-reducing bacteria to convert toxic radioactive metal to inert substances, a much more economical solution. The bacteria Wall is studying are bio-corrosives and can change the solubility of heavy metals. They can take uranium and convert it to uraninite, a nearly insoluble substance that will sink to the bottom of a lake or stream. Wall is looking into the bacteria's water cleansing ability and how long the changed material would remain inert.

It has been know since the mid 1980s that there are microscopic organisms that 'eat' radioactive waste. What's more the United Nations have encouraged the clean up of toxic waste using organisms that have been treated with magnets to make them bigger and stronger so they will eat more toxic waste to render it harmless. Here, the research is trying to understand more about these microbes thart seem very happy to live in toxic environments. This is the kind of Mother Earth solution that is required to clean up our planet cheaply and effectively.

‘9’: It’s more than a movie, it’s a magic number
Many are celebrating the upcoming calendrical anomaly in different ways

MSNBC News, 8th September 2009
"Have special plans this 09/09/09? Everyone from brides and grooms to movie studio execs are celebrating the upcoming calendrical anomaly in their own way. [...] Though technically there's nothing special about the symmetrical date, some concerned with the history and meaning of numbers ascribe powerful significance to 09/09/09. For cultures in which the number nine is lucky, Sept. 9 is anticipated – while others might see the date as an ominous warning. Math magic Modern numerologists — who operate outside the realm of real science — believe that mystical significance or vibrations can be assigned to each numeral one through nine, and different combinations of the digits produce tangible results in life depending on their application. Modern numerologists — who operate outside the realm of real science — believe that mystical significance or vibrations can be assigned to each numeral one through nine, and different combinations of the digits produce tangible results in life depending on their application."

Since I have quite a few reservations about the merits of the Gregorian calendar, I don't get all excited about these kind of calendrical anomalies, but they seem to be popular in the New Age movement. The article has some interesting facts on numerology and includes Chinese and Japanese supersitions concerning the no. 9.

Fighter pilot flies alongside 'UFO' [Ghost Rocket]
The Sun, 8th September 2009
COULD this footage be proof that aliens are among us? The startling film has been leaked on the internet and UFO watchers reckon it could be proof of a government cover-up. The mystery craft looks far from threatening as it flanks the supersonic F18 fighter above the skies of the US. Some claim the shots really do show a visit from ET, while others insist it's a new hi-tech military gizmo, like the kind thought to be tested at America's top-secret base Area 51. One insider said: "The configuration of craft is something I haven't seen. It's using combustible fuel, so I bet it is a prototype."

I have to say I get very weary of everything being reduced to a conspiracy theory as an excuse to cover people who similar don't know the facts. I have no idea if this film is genuine, but there seems to be an awful lot of reports pertaining to UFO disclosure in the mainstream press and it is by far, the most interesting development in the media as we are in the midst of a dimensional shift. IF this film is genuine and it really shows something 'unidentified', it COULD be a 'Ghost Rocket' which I believe is plasma energy on it's way out to other realms. This is nothing new, they have been known about for decades, but they are not understood. It must be obvious that there are many different types of energy with different characteristics operating to maintain a planet, e.g. lightning is a plasma manifestation and it has upward and downward strokes. Since I have identified that we are experiencing a two-way traffic of plasma entities that are associated with the planetary refresh, it's busy out there and as the dimensional shift accelerates, people are just going to have accept our new reality. Calling every strange sight in the sky a UFO is going to get really boring.

May, the Farce be With You
Climate Resistance, 7th September 2009
"We haven’t mentioned Bob May for a while. Here he is, talking to BBC R4’s World at One presenter Martha Kearney today about… oh, you know, everything. [Listen again - UK Only] [...]
In short: No sooner has science proved that religion is nonsense than it proves that we need it after all to save the planet and our own souls. For May, religion is not true, but it is a convenient untruth. He seems to think that religion, the tenets and authority of which science challenged centuries ago, was a good idea because it brought people together so that they obeyed norms.
He wants us to believe in a god that he knows doesn’t exist to save us from armageddon, which he knows exists. We need this new religion, because we’re too stupid to behave properly, except through being steered by ‘carrots and sticks’. We’re just a bunch of feckless donkeys."

People seem to be very cross with Lord May's suggestion that we need religion. However at this moment in time, many religious folks are going to be challenged as they are abruptly forced to contemplate a new reality, when completely mentally and spiritually unprepared.

Maybe religion is the answer claims atheist scientist
The world may have to turn to God to save itself from climate change, claims one of Britain’s most eminent scientists.

The Telegraph, 7th September 2009
"Lord May, the president of the British Science Association, said religion may have helped protect human society from itself in the past and it may be needed again. Speaking on the eve of the association’s annual conference, the committed atheist said he was worried the world was on a “calamitous trajectory” brought on by its failure to co-ordinate measures against global warming. He said that no country was prepared to take the lead and a “punisher” was needed to make sure the rules of co-operation were not broken. The former Government chief scientific advisor said in the past that was God and it might be time again for religion to fill the gap. “Maybe religion is needed,” said Lord May, who was brought up a Scottish Presbyterian but went through an "inverse epiphany" at the age of 11. “A supernatural punisher maybe part of the solution.” He said in the past a belief in a god, or gods, that punish the unrighteous may have been part of the mechanism of evolution that maintains co-operation in a dog-eat-dog world."

Yes, there are lots of articles calling for drastic changes to counteract the non existent "global warming", but when a "comitted atheist" starts talking about a need for God to start punishing people in order to get us to co-operate with earthly "powers" and this printed in the mainstream media, you really have to wonder.

ROCKETING PLASMA BLOB, 7th September 2009
"Solar activity is low, but it's not zero. Consider the following: On Sept. 5th, Jean-Paul Godard of Paris, France, was watching some prominences gently wave over the edge of the sun when, suddenly, a plasma blob rocketed into view: "I've never seen a fast ejection like this before," says Godard. "I recorded the action using a 3-inch refracting telescope and a Coronado SolarMax filter." The blob does not appear to have escaped the sun. Indeed, it might not have been a blob at all, but rather a plasma wave traveling up a magnetic flux tube--and 'breaking' when it reached the top. Whether it was a rocketing blob or breaking wave, it shows that even the quiet sun is worth watching

The video clip shows a 'blob' of plasma breaking away from the Sun, but the discussion about whether it escaped is puzzling. Regardless, the sun watcher states he has never seen a fast ejection before and maybe he was just lucky, Russian scientists tell us that plasma entities arrive on Earth via the sun and their frequency increases in years of active Sun. Maybe this was more than just a 'blob'. Update Here is some technical info on these rocketing plasmoids here

UFO 'filmed for 40 minutes' by Chinese scientists during solar eclipse
Daily Mail, 7th September 2009
"Could this finally be it - 40 minutes of undisputed proof that we are not alone? Scientists at the Purple Mountain Observatory in Nanjing, China believe it is a real possibility that this footage of an unidentified flying object is the evidence we have all been waiting for. They have confirmed 40 minutes of footage of the object was captured during this summer's solar eclipse - and that research has already started on a year-long investigation to find out what it is."

Well, it looks like 'official' UFO disclosure will be coming soon, as the activity in the heavens can no longer be ignored! . However, there will issues because the general public are under the impression that UFOs are extra-terrestrial craft with occupants and generally that is not the case. Education is required, but a balanced viewpoint will not come from those who are blinkered by their belief systems. What's more, UFO disclosure will be very difficult for skeptics and those people who refuse to think about the true nature of our reality. Personally, since I realised that there is a spectrum of interdimensional entities out there and some of these beings are simply out of this world, (excuse the pun), the UFO/UAP enigma has become a lot more interesting. So, maybe the Google doodle is part of some orchestrated plan after all, who knows! A week later, some back peddling and accusations against the Daily Mail. See, It’s an unidentified object, but ‘not a UFO’

The Simple Electric Universe, 6th September 2009
"Some people in each successive generation believe that theirs is the one that has at last seen everything clearly, that their insights point to the truth, the final answer. Yet scientific discovery marches on and today's truth will become tomorrow's anecdotes. - Gerrit L. Verschuur, Interstellar Matters"
[...] Electricity exists in space. Magnetic fields detected in space can only be generated by electric currents. Radio telescopes routinely map galactic magnetic fields and their field configuration matches that found in plasma cosmology experiments. If science were the advertised open pursuit of truth, we should expect big bang cosmologists to be rushing to the plasma labs. Not a bit of it. They are principally theoretical mathematicians. We strike the artificial modern barrier of specialism."

Nice quote! Again, this reminds me of the April 2009, Time Magazine's 'Visions of the 21st century', which asked the pertinent question; Will There Be Anything Left To Discover? Is the great era of scientific inquiry over? Have all the big theories been formulated and important discoveries made—leaving future scientists nothing but fine tuning? Or is the real fun about to begin? After two science writers debated, the final word on the matter was summarised as follows:
"No matter how far science does or doesn't advance, however, there's one wild card in even the most pessimistic scenario. If we encounter extraterrestrial life—and especially life intelligent enough to have developed its own science—then all bets are off."
The visible universe is 99.999% plasma and cosmologists keep encountering objects in space that can only be fully explained by understanding the properties and characteristics of plasma. Therefore, it should be NO surprise that lifeforms have also developed, based on this primordial energy. Some scientists with their more conventional theories are prepared to admit that dark matter worlds could habour dark matter "entities". Even in our very earthly laboratories, scientists have created plasma spheres with all the characterisitics of life. There are even physicists who have developed heretical theories that explain the whole of our universe based on magnetism, which seems to be the key determinant of plasma's behaviour. Here, Wal Thornhill is explaining why people are trying to overturn the conventional wisdom with an Electric Revolution. Simply, a flow of charged particles ie plasma is know conventionally as an electric current, but that just represents the flow of basic raw material. Evolutionary developments over billions of years for plasma energy that is characterised as being "life-like" has not even been seriously considered. Well, it looks like the Plasma Universe is arriving on our doorstep and making itself very obvious, so that even the most obtuse will be forced to reevaluate the nature of our reality. Soon all bets will be off! Image icon: Planetary Nebula IC 418

Mystery of Google's unexplained phenomenon doodle
The Telegraph, 5th September 2009
"The new doodle has flummoxed web users because it does not appear to represent a specific event or launch, both of which are the usual reasons behind special Google doodle. Instead, clicking on the image of the UFO takes the user to a search for the term "unexplained phenomenon" which just happens to be one of the top trending search terms on Google today. Also in the top 10 search terms is the phrase "top 10 unexplained phenomena".

The Daily Mail reckoned it solved the mystery, but this caused a massive stir on the internet. See Mystery solved! Find out why Google used a doodle of a UFO on its search engine & The UK Guardian have also offered the following trite offering. Unexplained phenomenon: Why we are captivated by UFOs: As Google is taken over by aliens, a look at why unexplained lights in the sky continue to fascinate.

Argentina: Man Photographs Aerial Engima
Inexplicata, 4th September 2009
"The man in question decided not to disclose his identity due to the very real fear of being mocked when events of this sort occur. While he refused to go public with the event, a friend convinced him to go public in Diario San Rafael and after being promised that his identity would not be made known, he provided the information to the paper's newsroom. According to Diario San Rafael, it all began last Saturday around 15:00 hours in the vicinity of the Nautical Club, when the protagonist approached the shoreline to ascertain fishing conditions, as he is an avid fan of the activity. "I stopped the car that I drove to the location and some 200 meters away, I saw a strange object hovering above the lake surface. For this reason I decided to get out of the car and take a picture of it with my cell phone. It was suspended in the air, barely a meter over the surface, and was completely silent," said the witness in a handwritten note."

Spanish articles: Diario Los Andes, article 1, article 2, article 3 Well, in the last fortnight we have had possible sightings of the Loch Ness Monster and some creature on the moon caught by Google Moon. I deliberately ignored reports of a 'Muck monster' , but there have been other reports of the infamous Raystown Ray Monster causing excitement on Raystown Lake, PA.[US]. Obviously, this cluster of reports may indicate that our dimensional shift is taking us closer to other dimensional worlds. Now, there has been a strange sighting over El-Nihuil, an artificial lake in Argentina. Photos taken by a cell phone that are good enough to make some speculate that it looked like a pre-historic dinosaur called a Pterodactyl. Yes, it's all getting rather bizarre but we have been warned! At the moment I am reading and researching instances where other worlds seemed to have appeared in our dimension, it's rather slow, but five minutes on the internet isn't really good enough. Update 14th September Wow! This hit the UK mainstream press on the 10th September! See, UFO or pterodactyl over Argentinian lake? However, the cryptozoology community are infuriated about claims they are claiming ownership over something they state is NOT a Pterodactyl which were not “flying dinosaurs”, especially as "the object looked fixed, mechanical, and does not appear to be any kind of living species of cryptid known from the literature". See Argentine Pterodactyl? Folks, if the dimensional shift is real, we are going to see more and more weird life!!

Albino squirrel spotted in city park
An albino squirrel named Frosti has become a celebrity after being spotted in an inner city park.

The Telegraph, 4th September 2009
"The rare animal was seen by photographer Mark Wessels, 35, from Cape Town, South Africa., as he strolled through the city's Company's Garden with his family. The squirrel is comfortable with humans, quite happily scuttling around the feet of passers by to collect food. "We often go down to the park but we had never met Frosti before despite him being quite famous. "I had never seen an albino squirrel before so I was pretty pleased when we came across him snuffling around in dead leaves. "

Another 'rare' albino..... but I prefer the purple squirrel, see archives! See also Albino Deer Spotted [West Vrigina US.]

Huge 'sky explosion' investigated [Ireland]
BBC News, 4th September 2009
"An Irish astronomy group is calling for help in tracing the origin of a huge explosion in the skies over the country on Thursday evening. Astronomy Ireland said it was currently investigating the explosion, which occurred at 2100 BST. A spokesman said the most likely explanation was a space rock or satellite crashing into the atmosphere. The group wants anyone who witnessed the event to contact its website at Astronomy Ireland chairman David Moore said: "So far, reports have been registered by residents in west Cork, Kerry, Cavan and as far north as Donegal, thus suggesting that this spectacular event may have been witnessed by people all over the country."


2012: Will it be the end of the world as we know it?
Will the world end in 2012 as some believe the calendar of the ancient Maya predicts? Here we examine the fact and the fiction behind the most popular doomsday scenarios.

The Telegraph, 3rd September 2009
"A forthcoming film by Roland Emmerich, the director behind the disaster movies Independence Day and The Day After Tomorrow, is renewing interest in predictions of a major calamity to strike the Earth on December 21, 2012. The film - 2012 - focuses on a series of disasters which force man to flee the planet in order to survive."

This is another pointless piece of journalism promoting a 2012 film, when NASA can't even keep the international space station operational and they are still trying to figure out how to apply protection to spacecraft to keep the occupants safe from high levels of cosmic radiation for long distance space travel. Well, there does seem to be a tremendous effort to make 2012 seem like a 1-day wonder. This is ignoring a genuine Mayan & indigenous predictions of a 25 year period of transition that is nearly complete. We are facing a new Age lasting 5,200 years being dominated by space or the ether, which can now been verified by the new phenomena of Space Weather with major scientific verification provided by NASA and the space community. It is apparent that this is also associated with a dimensional shift, so the notion of major disaster scenarios to take place in 2012 will prove to be completely wrong and are now passé.

Japan Wants to Power 300,000 Homes With Wireless Energy From Space
Popular Science, 2nd September 2009
"Japan has serious plans to send a solar-panel-equipped satellite into space that could wirelessly beam a gigawatt-strong stream of power down to earth and power nearly 300,000 homes. The satellite will have a surface area of four square kilometers, and transmit power via microwave to a base station on Earth. Putting solar panels in space bypasses many of the difficulties of installing them on Earth: in orbit, there are no cloudy days, very few zoning laws, and the cold ambient temperature is ideal.

Hmmm.... According to historical documentation by eco warrier Rosalie Bertell Ph. D, GNSH, this sounds very much like the beginning of the 'Star Wars' program. From my article HAARP: From the perspective of a true Eco Warrior , we find the following short paragraph.

The Beginning of Star Wars

"In 1968 the US military proposed Solar Powered Satellites in geostationary orbit some 40,000 km above the earth, which would intercept and transmit solar radiation back to earth. Although this was proposed as an energy program, it had significant military implications. The SPS was also described as a psychological and anti-personnel weapon, which could be directed toward an enemy. The manned platform of the SPS would provide surveillance and early warning capability, and ELF linkage to submarines. It would also provide the capability of jamming enemy communications. The SPS was also capable of causing physical changes in the ionosphere. This project was considered a very expensive way to produce energy and was shelved, as funding was denied by Congress, even though President Carter approved. Surreptitiously, the project resurfaced in the U.S under President Reagan, when it was given a much larger budget from the Department of Defense and called Star Wars."

Part 1: 1980 RAF Bentwaters Lights and Craft Were “Extraterrestrial In Origin”
Earthfiles, September 2009
Interview: Gary Heseltine, Detective Constable, CID (Criminal Investigation Dept), British Transport Police, Wakefield, West Yorkshire County, England: “My interest began when I was 15-years-old and I saw a UFO, for want of a better word. A light in the sky that seemed to trigger a number of power grid failures - all the lights went out, which is often attributed to the presence of UFOs. [...]

So, in January 2002, I created what is called the PRUFOS database, which stands for Police Reporting UFO Sightings. I started off with half a dozen sightings by a dozen police officers. After seven years of research, I’ve now got 300 reports dating back to 1901, involving over 700 British police officers. So, it’s grown a helluva lot!”

This article is the start of a series in six parts, but the comment here only refers to Part I-V. In 1980, the most famous UFO incident in the UK occured at Rendlesham Forest near 2 military bases RAF Woodbridge and RAF Bentwaters in Suffolk County, England. On the 26th & 28th December 1980, there were two distinct events that have been mixed up and confused by UFO researchers ever since. Now, it seems that the truth is becoming clearer but since there has been a campaign of disinformation, the most interesting facts seem to come from key eye-witnesses undergoing hypnosis. Of interest to us is the continuous reference to lights but it is possible that witnesses may have been implanted with false memories, which is why the accounts are so scrambled. One major event on the 28th December involved a red 'blinking' orb that we are told broke into at least 5 smaller white orbs and flew off. However the accounts of the lights varies and many strange events occured. We are even told that an orb fired a laser of light into a nuclear weapons storage facility. I am NOT an ufologists, but I am interested in evolutionary change and since we are now obviously experiencing a dimensional shift where orbs are now being commonly seen, I think it's worth at least knowing the details of a major encounter with an orb on the ground. Since many ufologists are very careful to give the impression that most UFO encounters are spacecraft, it is apparent that this influences what many people think they seeing. At this moment in time, the common misconception is that something unidentified in the sky could be an ET craft rather than a geophysical or atmospheric plasma phenomena or even an interdimensional entity. Now Gary Heseltine, is using his credentials as a UK Detective Constable, CID to promote a film, but it is obvious that there is still a strong effort here to downplay certain facts. Whatever, it seems that even his detective work is not enough as various accounts given over the years are in dispute with the details presented here. Please note the headline quote in Part I is actually in conflict with a 2007 statement that Col. Charles I. Halt: gave in November 2007 before a National Press Club convention in Washington D.C. link here. We are even told here that efforts have been made to create FIVE DIFFERENT VERSIONS OF THIS STORY TO CONFUSE & MAKE IT UNBELIEVABLE. The main issue with this series of article is that you are deliberately confused with ET references and I believe these articles are also part of the disinformation campaign. In summary, there is no understanding provided here, that an interdimensional entity or craft is made up of intelligent aetheric energy and can morph. This has to be the biggest secret about ET spacecraft and UAPs and it seems great efforts are being made to maintain this secret. If you still don't understand, go and find some UFO books and find the accounts were the ET visitor is said to go into his craft and lies down on the floor to merge his consciousness with the 'craft' to get it to move. Yes, it's out of this world and that's the point! Please note at the end of Part III when the hynotherapist asks if there any life forms within the craft and the reply from RAF Bentwaters Airman 1st Class John Burroughs undergoing the regression is "The light IS the life form". As our planet is now being swamped with these life forms, which have a job to do, don't expect many members of the UFO community to be much help in understanding the role of orbs in the universal scheme of things. Very nice History Channel clips on YouTube Part 1 of 3 & Part 2 of 3 Please note the description of this strange 'craft', the light was within the 'fabric'...

"From 2002 to 2008, decreasing solar irradiance has countered much anthropogenic warming of Earth's surface. That's the conclusion of researchers Judith Lean (NRL) and David Rind (NASA/GISS), who have just published a new analysis of global temperatures in the Geophysical Research Letters. Lean and Rind considered four drivers of climate change: solar activity, volcanic eruptions, ENSO (El Nino), and the accumulation of greenhouse gases. [...] Volcanic aerosols are a source of cooling; ENSO and greenhouse gases cause heating; the solar cycle can go either way. When added together, these factors can account for 76% of the variance in Earth's surface temperature over the past ~30 years, according to the analysis of Lean and Rind.

Several aspects of their model attract attention: "The warmest year on record, 1998, coincides with the 'super-El Nino' of 1997-98," points out Lean. "The ESNO is capable of producing significant spikes in the temperature record." Solar minimum has the opposite effect: "A 0.1% decrease in the sun's irradiance has counteracted some of the warming action of greenhouse gases from 2002 - 2008," she notes. "This is the reason for the well-known 'flat' temperature trend of recent years."

Most people call this kind of analysis hindsight. It was certainly not expected from the many different climate model predictions.

Carbon scandal snares Australian
Brisbane Times, 4th September 2009
"AN AUSTRALIAN company has been swept up in a $100 million carbon trading scandal in Papua New Guinea.

The scandal has led to the removal of the head of the country's Office of Climate Change and has prompted an investigation into claims that fake carbon trading certificates were used to persuade landowners to sign over the rights to their forests.

It threatens to undermine efforts by Climate Change Minister Penny Wong to win support at UN climate talks for a global carbon trading scheme that would include forests in countries such as PNG and Indonesia. Senator Wong yesterday declined to answer questions on whether the scandal had been raised at UN climate talks last month, or whether she had discussed the crisis with PNG Prime Minister Michael Somare or his officials."

It has been obvious to me for a long time that Carbon Trading is the next big financial speculation along the lines of the Dutch Tulip mania, the South Sea Bubble, Internet Dot-Com bust and even the recent Subprime Mortgage Crisis. It's a proven method to suck in investors and leave them high and dry with worthless assets. The system works because it's based on understanding human nature and greed. The 'big' operators watch indicators to know when it's time to walk away with their profit. The people who have got caught here are obviously amateurs.

Are Sunspots Disappearing?
NASA News, 3rd September 2009
"The sun is in the pits of the deepest solar minimum in nearly a century. Weeks and sometimes whole months go by without even a single tiny sunspot. The quiet has dragged out for more than two years, prompting some observers to wonder, are sunspots disappearing?

"Personally, I'm betting that sunspots are coming back," says researcher Matt Penn of the National Solar Observatory (NSO) in Tucson, Arizona. But, he allows, "there is some evidence that they won't." Penn's colleague Bill Livingston of the NSO has been measuring the magnetic fields of sunspots for the past 17 years, and he has found a remarkable trend. Sunspot magnetism is on the decline:

[...] "Whether [the current downturn] is an omen of long-term sunspot decline, analogous to the Maunder Minimum, remains to be seen," Livingston and Penn caution in a recent issue of EOS. "Other indications of solar activity suggest that sunspots must return in earnest within the next year."

Whatever happens, notes Hathaway, "the sun is behaving in an interesting way and I believe we're about to learn something new."

OK, it's official, even NASA are worried. The issue is that no sunspots means very low solar activity, so the Sun will not be able to deflect as many cosmic rays. Ultimately, this means Earth will lose more of it defense against cosmic, galactic and intergalactic energies. Due to the fine balance of solar activity, relatively high activity or low activity, either way just means Earth will be exposed to a different type of Space Weather, as Earth's magnetic field continues to decline and periodically 'cracks' appear in the magnetosphere. Thus, the Mayan prophecy of a New Age dominated by space or the ether is looking more definite and long term as time progresses.

'My soul rode on a UFO to Venus... it was very green': Japan's new prime minister's wife embarrasses husband with bizarre claim
Daily Mail, 3rd September 2009
"The wife of Japan's next prime minister claims to have had a close encounter on another world. Miyuki Hatoyama believes she visited outer space 20 years ago - before she married premier-elect Yukio Hatoyama. 'While my body was asleep, I think my soul rode on a triangular- shaped UFO and went to Venus. It was a very beautiful place and it was really green,' the 66-year-old former actress wrote in Strange Things I have Encountered, a book published last year.

[...] The 62-year-old has spoken in glowing terms about his wife as the bedrock of his life. 'I feel relieved when I get home,' he told an interviewer for a photo book published in 2002. 'She is like an energy-refuelling base.'

Well, I have to say, I was quite amused by this woman who obviously does not care two hoots what people think! She did say she was asleep and it was her soul that was travelling, a very very common experience for those with more of their spiritual faculties switched on. More technically, in this dimension, Venus is a raging hot furnace, but if you read the literature, there are many accounts that indicate the 'higher' dimensions associated with Venus have a more pleasant environment. If you want to do some research that integrates science and metaphysics, check out plasma physicist Jay Alfred's book Between the Moon and Earth. He has some thought provoking beliefs about 'heavens' and 'hells', which could be equally applied to Venus. By the way, note how she 'supports' her husband by 're-fuelling' him, it's seems to be voluntary and he knows it and she knows it. The problem is when nastiness is used to get the same energy and then the re-fueller is left spiritually battered.... I highly recommend the fictional book The Celestine Prophecy by James Redfield, which simply explains this spiritual energy dynamic amongst other concepts. I wonder if this woman will start a New Age trend of people eating the Sun.... Here is the Time magazine version of this story, where she is discribed as colourful, I hope they were referring to her aura, LOL! Japan's New First Lady Says She Flew In UFO

Early 20th Century Evolutionist May Have Discovered Epigenetics
Science Daily, 3rd September 2009
A new study into the research of the renowned Lamarckian experimentalist Paul Kammerer may help to end the controversy which has engulfed his research for almost a century. The study, published in The Journal of Experimental Zoology, suggests that far from being a fraud Kammerer may have discovered the field of epigenetics, placing him decades ahead of his contemporaries. [...] Now Dr. Alexander Vargas, from the University of Chile, has re-examined Kammerer's experiments finding remarkable resemblances to newly discovered aspects of epigenetics, a flourishing new field of science which studies influences in inheritance beyond the DNA sequence.

"Today Kammerer's scientific legacy is non-existent and he is often cited as an example of scientific fraud," said Vargas. "However, the specific similarities of Kammerer's experiments to epigenetic mechanisms are very unlikely to have been the result of his imagination. These new biological arguments provide a modern context suggesting that Kammerer could be the actual discoverer of epigenetic inheritance."

Vargas has studied Kammerer's evidence, as summarized in his 1920's research notes, and found that Kammerer reported hybrid crosses of treated and untreated toads in which 'parent-of-origin effects' can be observed, a recurrent phenomenon in epigenetics. Kammerer also reported that his toads developed larger bodies than untreated land toads and that their eggs were smaller and contained less egg-yolk than normal. These are traits that are known to be influenced by epigenetic mechanisms.

Well, this is a pattern repeated over and over again in the scientific world. Kammerer might have tried to use a shortcut to persuade his peers that he was right, but obviously, the consequences brought tragedy. So, now he has been proven right, but it's taken about 80 years for scientists in his field to catch up.

Meet the black Brazilian mother who has three white children
Daily Mail, 3rd September 2009
"A black mother has baffled scientists after giving birth to three albino children. Parents Rosemere Fernandes de Andrade and her partner Joao are dark-skinned Afro-Brazilians, yet three of their five children are albinos.

Genetics professor Valdir Balbino of the Federal University of Pernambuco said this is a very rare occurrence considering the parents and two other children are black.

Both parents must carry the albinism gene in order to produce a child with albinism. Where both parents are carriers of the albinism gene, there is a one in four chance that a child will be born with the condition. The family live in the slum of Olinda in north-east Brazil and the children have faced taunts by fellow pupils at their school."

OK, I am struggling with this too!

Telegraphs Ran on Electric Air in Crazy 1859 Magnetic Storm, 2nd September 2009
On Sept. 2, 1859, at the telegraph office at No. 31 State Street in Boston at 9:30 a.m., the operators’ lines were overflowing with current, so they unplugged the batteries connected to their machines, and kept working using just the electricity coursing through the air. In the wee hours of that night, the most brilliant auroras ever recorded had broken out across the skies of the Earth. People in Havana and Florida reported seeing them. The New York Times ran a 3,000 word feature recording the colorful event in purple prose. “With this a beautiful tint of pink finally mingled. The clouds of this color were most abundant to the northeast and northwest of the zenith,” the Times wrote. “There they shot across one another, intermingling and deepening until the sky was painfully lurid. There was no figure the imagination could not find portrayed by these instantaneous flashes.” As if what was happening in the heavens wasn’t enough, the communications infrastructure just beginning to stretch along the eastern seaboard was going haywire from all the electromagnetism. “We observed the influence upon the lines at the time of commencing business — 8 o’clock — and it continued so strong up to 9 1/2 as to prevent any business from being done, excepting by throwing off the batteries at each end of the line and working by the atmospheric current entirely!” the astonished telegraph operators of Boston wrote in a statement that appeared in The New York Times later that week."

This was a MAJOR geomagnetic storm. Experts say if it happened now in our technological world, it would be catastrophic. However... Electricity flowing through the air, that could power machines.... Maybe, this is something we could expect in the future as our environment becomes more electrically charged.

Icecap photo shows 'mother nature in tears'
A photograph of a shrinking icecap that looks like 'mother nature in tears' is set to become a stark image of the dangers of global warming.

The Telegraph, 2nd September 2009
"Marine photographer and environmental lecturer Michael Nolan captured the pictures while on an annual voyage to observe the largest icecap in Norway Austfonna on July 16. He said the image looked just like mother nature in tears, "as if she was crying about our inability to reduce global warming". 'Tears' in the natural sculpture were created by a waterfall of glacial water falling from one of the face's 'eyes'. "

Well, I am sure this image will be considered a gift for environmentalists and most certainly, it's a good picture.

Spacewalking astronauts briefly lose ground link
News Daily, 1st September 2009
"CAPE CANAVERAL, Florida, Sep. 1, 2009 (Reuters) — Spacewalking astronauts outside the International Space Station lost touch with ground controllers for 33 minutes on Tuesday when a storm knocked out their radio link. Spacewalkers Danny Olivas and Nicole Stott kept working outside the International Space Station during the communications blackout under the watchful eyes of their crewmates. "This is no safety of flight issue," said NASA commentator Rob Navias from Mission Control in Houston, which gets its satellite feeds from the shuttle and space station via a ground antenna in White Sands, New Mexico."

This press release is so vague we have to assume that the 'storm' was probably a substorm induced by space weather which occurs every 3 hours or so and probably unavoidable for such a long spacewalk, but it indicates the tough electrical conditions in lower Earth orbit.

Albino otter spotted by photographer
A rare albino otter has been captured on camera by an amateur wildlife photographer in the north of Scotland.

The Telegraph, 1st September 2009
Karen Jack said the sight of the white animal eating a fish on rocks in Moray was "surreal". Grace Yoxon, of the Skye-based International Otter Survival Fund (IOSF) said the otter was "extremely rare". She said there were no figures for the number of albino otters, but it was unaware of there being any others reported in the UK. Ms Jack had to wait for the animal to reappear from the sea after catching a brief glimpse of it earlier. She said: "I have been into photography for about three years as a hobby and love photographing wildlife, landscapes and my two cats. "But it was just an amazing and surreal view of the albino otter, and for it to sit there and eat while we watched on was mind-blowing." Mrs Yoxon said: "It is extremely rare to see albino animals in the wild and to be able to get such wonderful photos is exceptional. "Karen was extremely lucky to have her camera with her - I am very envious."

Quite frankly, I think there will be more and more rarities popping up as evolutionary change starts to grip.


Joyfire Science & Metaphysics Integration
Copyright © 2003 – 2025. All rights reserved.

Susan Joy Rennison quotes:

“Space Weather is now a fact of life.”

“We are all astronauts now!”

Tuning The Diamonds,
September 2006

“We must spiritually evolve as part of the new terms & conditions for living on Earth.”

Joyfire Tour – Evolutionary Change, December 2006

“Space Weather will force many changes in how we do business on this planet.”

News of the Imbalance,
April 2007

NASA Press Release:

“Earth and space are about to come into contact in a way that's new to human history.”

“We're on the threshold of a new era in which space weather can be as influential in our daily lives as ordinary terrestrial weather.”

As the Sun Awakens, NASA Keeps a Wary Eye on Space Weather
NASA News, 4th June 2010

White House Executive Order:

“Space weather has the potential to simultaneously affect and disrupt health and safety across entire continents. Successfully preparing for space weather events is an all-of-nation endeavor that requires partnerships across governments, emergency managers, academia, the media, the insurance industry, non-profits, and the private sector.”

Executive Order –– Coordinating Efforts to Prepare the Nation for Space Weather Events
The White House, 13th October 2016

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