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Susan rennison

The New Cosmic Age is now Official!

According to Richard Fisher, head of NASA’s Heliophysics Division:
"Earth and space are about to come into contact in a way that's new to human history."

"I believe we’re on the threshold of a new era in which space weather can be as influential in our daily lives as ordinary terrestrial weather."

"We take this very seriously indeed."

Source: As the Sun Awakens, NASA Keeps a Wary Eye on Space Weather
NASA News, 4th June 2010

News of the Imbalance – November/December 2009

Magnetic Monsters, 30th December 2009
Extreme magnetic fields in space are said to be caused by the high-speed rotation of neutron stars. One of many cases where a theory is built on the incorrect assumptions of another theory. [...]

"Magnetars" are anomalous stars identified as x-ray pulsars (AXP) or soft gamma repeaters (SGR). They are said to be created by neutron stars with magnetic fields measuring over 10^15 Gauss. For comparison, the Earth's magnetic field is about one-half Gauss, so these "magnetic pulsars" are surprisingly powerful sources. It must be stressed, though, that the evidence is indirect and no neutron star has ever been observed.

The opinion of Electric Universe theorists is important as we know that Earth is now under a constant bombardment by Magnetar "magnetic monsters" and metaphysical sources have informed us that the bombardment is now dramatically escalating.

Only one person in ten believes in Government statistics
Daily Mail, 30th December 2009
Only one person in ten believes in Government statistics, a survey found yesterday. The great majority of the population thinks either that the figures are either wrong or bent by politicians. [...]

The Harris Interactive poll for the Financial Times said that 10 per cent of adults believe official figures are accurate. The same number again believe the figures are produced without interference from politicians.

Around six per cent of people think that official figures are honestly used by the Government, the survey said. But seven out of ten believe the statistics are maniulated for political purposes and even more think they have been spun either by politicians or the news media that report them.

LOL!! Maybe people are becoming more discriminating.... well, that's all part and parcel of spiritual evolution....

BLT Research, December 2009
By December 28th, 9 days after the first snow formation appeared, warmer temperatures had melted most of the snow on all of the fields. The photos taken on the 28th reveal that the rings were not present only in the snow, they are also swirled into the grass underneath.

Since the early photos show that the snow in the rings was not removed or compacted all the way to the ground the discovery that the rings are also clearly visible in the grass is remarkable. Whatever caused the snow rings also swirled the grass beneath the snow so that the formations now look very much like typical crop circles.

In these Dec. 28th close-up photos of the first formation it is clear that the width of the rings is much greater than that of a human foot. When you consider the very large overall size of this formation (60m x 52m), the fact that it occurred in -10 degrees C weather, and the number and varying diameters of the rings as well as their mostly circular nature -- in which we still see no flattened centers -- the "pranks with planks" theory seems an inadequate explanation to me.

Hmmm... This is an update with photos of what was found when the snow melted. This latest status report is even more intriguing.

Six killed in mall shooting spree in Finland
Sydney Morning Herald, 31st December 2009
A lone gunman killed four people in a rampage in a Finnish shopping mall and also murdered his former girlfriend before being found dead himself, police said.

The man, named as Ibrahim Shkupolli, 43, opened fire in the suburban Helsinki mall yesterday where his ex-partner reportedly worked, shooting dead three men and a woman before fleeing, detectives told a press conference.

The body of his former partner, whom he had been barred by a court from approaching, was later discovered in a house on the outskirts of the capital.

I am not sure of the situation in Finland, but in Norway, everybody does national service and some people have a uniform and a gun at home handy, just in case the country is invaded. I was stunned when I learnt this during my time in Norway because I believe it relies on high levels of trust. So, when people quickly go into extreme states of unbalance, if people have access and are trained to use guns, it's easy to see that situations can escalate. I have not reported one of these situations for a while, but again we note the extreme imbalance here seems to be related to relationship issues, often a major trigger. Note: The Times cite that hunting is a big part of Finnish culture which is the same in all the Scandinavian countries, this man was not Finnish but due to other recent mass killings, some are blaming the Americanisation of Finnish society. Whether people have easy access to guns is irrelevant, if someone is imbalanced then it's the first thing that comes into their head and I have recorded one story where someone pushed his girlfriend into a shop window but only managed to kill himself in the process. The same as the guy who drove his car onto a train track and ran off in an attempt to kill his girlfriend who he had been arguing with, only to be hit and killed by the car that was pushed off the traintrack by the oncoming train, again the woman survived.

French Revolution! Carbon tax ruled unconstitutional just two days before taking effect
WUWT, 29th December 2009
This new French carbon tax was scheduled to go into law on Jan1, 2010. The tax was steep: 17 euros per ton of carbon dioxide (USD $24.40). In a stunning move, and surely a blow to warmists everywhere, the tax has been found unconstitutional and thrown out.

It seems that as new consciousness takes hold, humans are not permiting the lie of anthropogenic (man-made) global warming and climate change to remain rooted and it is being thrown out. The last 7 weeks or so have been absolutely incredible, we have taken great strides.

Orange ball shape shifted into a huge pulsating jelly fish - Buckie, Morayshire [UK]
UK UFO sightings, 29th December 2009
Location of Sighting: Portessie, Buckie, Moray.
Date of Sighting: 12 December 2009, Time: 2125
Witness Name: David and Alma Munro

Witness Statement: We watched an orange ball away to the West of Buckie as it came towards and down to us. It was a huge pink/light mauve colour, with an incandescent pearl-like light in the middle. As it came down to us it shape shifted into a huge pulsating jelly fish – type of shape, with ’something’ appearing to spin’ around the outside perimeter of it. As it hovered immediately above us my wife became hysterical and ran screaming onto the road nearby. I remained as calm as I could looking up at the UFO. It then silently moved off to the East along the coastline.

As we drove to report this, we saw another nine of them over the sea, continually shape shifting into balls of orange, and then huge flaming buckets. We got another couple to witness this event and she took photo’s. We reported to the Police and they confirmed that ‘a related incident’ had been reported earlier. The following day, I realised that my face was slightly scorched but not badly. I can assure you that this sighting was exactly as I have reported here.

Surreal... after logging so many reports for nearly three years, I think it's possible to establish that the fiery orange light is a plasma cloak used by these plasma entities to travel. Well, it's very difficult to know what to write, as the metaphysical community are largely still looking forward to their 2012 Cosmic Fairy tale, whilst members of the general public are coming face to face with interdimensional entities.... Whatever, I am a little concerned about the report of what sounds like radiation burns.... Surreal

For those who may be alarmed about a possible radiation hazard with these plasma entities, I would like to state the following; Firstly, we are losing our cosmic shielding anyway and I wrote my book to explain the new phenomena of Space Weather and why metaphysical sources were encouraging people to build up their energy field to act as a shield. This is a process that occurs naturally as a consequence of spirtual evolution, but some have found ways to speed this up. Secondly, it is well known within the ufology community that the best information about UFOs is from the 1950s, because at that time military personnel were not stopped from writing books about what they knew from being in the "inside". There is a clear link between UFOs and radiation and here we can adopt the term "UAPs" because that is the preferred term used by the military now and others. The following chapter is from the book, The Report on Unidentified Flying Objects [1956], by Edward J. Ruppelt, who was chief of the Air Force's Project Blue Book, the special project set up in 1947 that terminated in December 1969, to investigate and analyze unidentified flying object, or UFO reports in the United States. In chapter 15 The Radiation Story, Ruppelt discusses the ad hoc attempts by scientists to monitor radiation levels whenever a UFO was in sight. Since I have never been formally involved with ufology, I don't know the politics, but have to go by what is generally stated online. However, the realisation that UAPs represent another lifeform means that the discussion of this possibility in early UFO books written in the 1950s, gives us a totally new and more meaningful perspective.

Breaking news: new police info released on James Ray death lodge
Examiner News, 29th December 2009
Traditional media reporters are so bad at their job that they had to go litigious to get any good sources on James Ray and his death lodge. Yep, that’s right they sued the police for information under the Freedom of information legislation.

Everyone else calls them the sunshine laws, but I like the way ‘information’ and ‘legislation’ rhyme. This is the part where I have a hearty laugh over snide comments about my “sensationalism”. The police reports make my initial articles look like happy, fluffy bedtime stories.

It’s probably a real thorn in the side of the traditional media that I went through the trouble of requesting the records myself. Terry Hall over at posted scans of the documents, if you wish to read them for yourself. This is a prime example of what traditional media doesn’t understand – the internet is the true freedom of information act.

The Police report is out and it does not look good.... Quite frankly, I wonder what Oprah is thinking as one after another one of the New Age crowd she has promoted are exposed as either cheats, liars, frauds and even killers. As I go around the websites of people sharing their experiences of cults or gurus who use cult techniques, whether they are classified as New Age or otherwise, I have come to realise that these leaders are literally preying on spirtual children and then using the mantra that anything that goes wrong is their fault due to their "negative" thinking. It's like leaving a young child near an open fire and then scolding them when they get burnt after they naturally go to investigate this exciting phenomenon. In the guru/cult world, there is tremendous effort excerted to produce damaged spiritual children because they are much easier to control. The most interesting thing is that to the uninitiated, the gurus are obviously warped, but adoring disciples seem to love the warped pseudo-spiritual claptrap loaded with mind control techniques to manipulate them. These days, I am interested in who else is playing these same mind games and so I have just started to take note of who is getting the most criticism and who supports them. James Ray is toast, but how many understand the principals he used to get people in such an altered state that they completely lose their sense of self and well being to end up dead? AP Story here, Documents in sweat lodge case show past problems

2009's Review of Hysterical Cartoons about Climate Hysteria
Climate Change Fraud, 28th December 2009
To all the very talented cartoonists out there who made 2009 a very funny time to be a climate skeptic: Thank you!
[Words written by Gary Varvel/ The Indianapolis Star source]

Our leaders, who art in Copenhagen,
Alarmists be thy name.
Thy climate change come,
Cap and trade will be done,
As we give a pass to developing countries
Give us this day our carbon offsets
and forgive us our carbon footprint
as we forgive those who hacked our e-mails
And lead us not unto global warming
but deliver us from CO2
For thine is the Kyoto Protocol
And the power to control our
Economy for ever . . . Amen

LOL!! Click on the cartoons to get large sizes, the Copenhangen Summit prayer is on no.3.

Rare 'mountain wave' forms in Orange County, California
SOTT, 28th December 2009
© Debbie Cavers I receive weather photos from readers almost daily, few which are as pretty and interesting as this one. , a project manager for the Orange County Parks system, says, "Coming into work this morning at approximately 8:15 a.m., I captured this unusual cloud formation, which was shaped like a pyramid. "The photo(s) (there are two) were taken on Villa Park Road/Katella near Hewes heading east toward Saddleback Mtn. Within seconds, it disappeared. I don't think I'll ever see anything like this again." Noel Isla, a forecaster with the National Weather Service, says the photo shows "mountain wave turbulence. Strong winds formed stratrocumulus clouds into the shape of a pyramid.

These days, rare atmospheric cloud phenomena are not so rare.

Argentina: Strange Lights Along the Chalchaquí River (2002)
Inexplicata, 28th December 2009
Guillermo Gimenez has kindly sent us this article by the GACETA OVNI research group describing the “unknown luminous phenomena” witnessed in this section of Argentina, which has recently re-emerged into world prominence due to the manifestations of the “Mothership”, as it has come to be known.] An Interview With Silvia Aguirre, Schoolteacher, 25, on March 3, 2002 [...] We had the chance to look at one of these objects through binoculars and the most appropriate to the definition to describe them was ice, or rather, like watching the moon glow on completely black background without being affected by its light. We are insisting on all manner of comparisons, because the definition of light in these cases can discard combustion, electric phenomena, or any other relation with natural phenomena. How can opaque light cast brightness like the sun without emitting beams?

This article is listed here because the description of these lights as "cold light", "opaque light", the "inner light appeared gelatinous" describes UAP phenomena that has been more noted in older references, rather than the abundance of very bright lights that we are getting now. See also

Mexico: A Report from Mexico City Airport (MCIA)
"On December 24, 2009 at 15:54 hours, the crew of an Aeromexico Boeing 737-800 reported that it had come across spherical traffic in the vicinity of Cerro de la Estrella (east of Mexico City). The aircraft had recently taken off from the airport."
This report does not make it clear whether this came from Air Traffic control or if it was someone listening over the airwaves. However, since there is so much UAP activity around that airport & Mexico generally, it's very likely the source would have been vetted as reliable.

BBC stars discuss how to pronounce 2010
The BBC has tackled the topic of how to pronounce 2010 with David Tennant suggesting 'twenty-ten' is preferred.

The Telegraph, 28th December 2009
While some say ‘twenty-ten’, others are referring to ‘two thousand and ten’ and even ‘two-o-one-o’.

The subject was raised in a programme on Radio 2 on Boxing Day – which was hosted the Doctor Who actors David Tennant and Catherine Tate [...]

The BBC has a unit which decides on uniform pronunciation. However, the BBC said there had been no ruling on 2010.

A spokesman said: “Prior to the show, it was decided “twenty ten” was the easiest way to pronounce the year. It was not breaking any rules to say it in an alternative way.”

Of course it's ‘twenty-ten’ the same way it will soon be ‘twenty-twelve’.... LOL!! Well, with the accelerating evolutionary change, 2010 may prove to be another year of high strangeness, worthy of note by an old Dr Who 'Time Lord' character.

Over 120 whales dead in NZ mass strandings
The Times, 28th December 2009
More than 120 whales have died over 48 hours in two separate beachings in New Zealand.

Over 100 long finned pilot whales died after becoming stranded on a remote beach in the north of New Zealand's South Island on Saturday, while another 20 will be buried by a local Maori tribe after they beached themselves on the North Island's east coast.

While strandings are common in New Zealand — there are up to six mass strandings a year — it is rare for two to happen so close together. Experts believe a pregnant cow in distress might have led one of the pods to their death on the Coromandel Pensinsula, on North Island.

She was among 63 whales, mostly cows with calves, that were beached at Colville Bay near Coromandel township early on Sunday.

Due to the current planetary upheaval and electromagnetic chaos due to various geomagnetic factors, we must assume that we must continue to expect mass strandings as these whales tune into morphogenetic fields that are used for navigation but have not yet been updated to reflect that the magnetic grid of our planet has now changed. This reasoning is based on the fact that it is the whales themselves that update their own morphogenetic field and this requires some time.

A flame of light in to the sky - Bestwood, Nottingham [UK]
UK UFO Sightings, 28th December 2009
Location of Sighting: Beckhampton Rd, Bestwood, Nottingham. Date of Sighting: 27th December 2009, Time: Between 7pm and 8pm Witness Name: Lisa

Witness Statement: I was sat in my car, parked up talking on my mobile to my husband when out of the corner of my eye coming over the top of some houses to my right I saw what I can only explain as a flame of light dancing up towards the sky.

As it came over the houses and over but in front of my car I had a very clear view of what I saw, the only way I can describe it was like the inside flame of a Chinese Lantern but without the lantern, the inside of the flame appeared to move quick like a pair of legs riding a bike. It continued to rise up in to the sky until I could no longer see it. At first I tried to rationalise my sighting thinking it could have been a stray piece of paper blowing away from a fire but I have never seen the inside of a flame move like this one, nor have I ever seen a flame of light fly so high in to the sky without first burning out. If anyone else saw what I did or could tell me if they too have ever seen such a thing I would be grateful. This is my first sighting of what I believe to be a UFO.

It must be obvious by now that hundreds of reports of the same thing from all over the country means that there is a new phenomena taking place in our skies. Yet, it amazes me that ufologists, are not willing to point out the opinion of the UK Ministry of Defence, as fire in the sky, obviously has got nothing to do with 'flying saucers'. By the way, the description is incredible and sounds just like the "minispiral" orbiting around Sgr A*, at the centre of our galaxy, of course, another plasma phenomenon. More unusual UK witness sightings below:

A 50 strong, loose diamond formation of small flat silver white rectangles lights, like little flying carpets - Scarborough, Yorkshire [UK]
Are these fairies on the move? LOL!

2 orange globes that appeared to be ‘dripping’ - Leigh, Lancashire [UK]
fire chi!Interesting description of this aetheric energy that others have described as ripples

Orbs in a close formation resembling a “tick” - Hartlepool, Durham [UK]
The tick can be considered like the appearance of geese flying in formation

Bright orange light, looked like plane on fire, with binoculars sees "flying saucer" - Maesycwmmer, Monmouthshire [Wales, UK]
fire chi! Here we have an example of what is seen with the eye is not the same as using optical equipment

Retired professional pilot sees a series of orange lights - East Grinstead, Sussex [UK]
The opinion of a professional observer is always welcome

A bright orange orb in the sky with flames coming from the left hand side - Woking, Surrey [UK]
fire chi! A close encounter described here as an "apparition"

Lots and lots of Orange Light sightings on Christmas Eve & Christmas Day [UK]
Does this mean the the British have given up with Christmas crackers and have become Chinese instead, by setting off lots of Chinese lanterns?

We have one person angry here, who can't understand why nothing is being done about all these sightings. Well, I am sorry to say this, but this is evolutionary change and there is nothing that anyone can do. A whole new world is opening up and the metaphysical community did not understand our reality enough to realise that "transformation" meant Tom, Dick and Harry would also be confronted with a new reality. By the way, even an ex commercial pilot, see witness: Phillip Moore, even his sighting was shoved into this category, which implies that website owners are desperately trying to cut down the apparent no. of sightings.

Anniversary of a cosmic blast
Discover Magazine, 27th December 2009
The scale of this onslaught is nearly impossible to exaggerate. The flood of gamma and X-rays that washed over the Earth was detected by several satellites designed to observe the high-energy skies.

RHESSI, which observes the Sun, saw this blast. INTEGRAL, used to look for gamma rays from monster black holes, saw this blast. The newly-launched Swift satellite, built to detect gamma-ray bursts from across the Universe, not only saw this blast, but its detectors were completely saturated by the assault of energy… even though Swift wasn’t pointed anywhere near the direction of the burst! In other words, this flood of photons saturated Swift even though they had to pass through the walls of the satellite itself first!

It gets worse. This enormous wave of fierce energy was so powerful it actually partially ionized the Earth’s upper atmosphere, and it made the Earth’s magnetic field ring like a bell. Several satellites were actually blinded by the event. So what was this thing? What could do this kind of damage? [...]

The blast of energy surged away from the magnetar, out into the galaxy. In just 200 milliseconds — a fifth of a second — the eruption gave off as much energy as the Sun does in a quarter of a million years. [...] Oh, and did I mention this magnetar is 50,000 light years away? No? That’s 500 quadrillion kilometers (300 quadrillion miles) away, about halfway across the freaking Milky Way galaxy itself!

The whole solar system was ringing like a bell, not just Earth's magnetic field! Despite the widespread beliefs, it is quite apparent that when we are told that we are entering a new Age dominated by space or the ether, very few took this literally, but as we are now experiencing Extreme Space Weather, it seems that this Magnetar is just one of many blasts now taking place. Well, I don't know if Phil Plait is exagerating here, but this is the biggest estimate of this energetic blast that I have seen anywhere. By the way, he also does not want you to know about astronomers who were convinced that we were hit by a gravity wave that arrived at the speed of light and caused the December 2004 Tsunami, just 44.6 hours before the gamma ray energy arrived. Plait's job is to debunk, but he has already admitted that maybe we should be a *little* bit afraid.... See Joyfire Extreme Space Weather

The Unbearable Complexity of Climate
WUWT, 27th December 2009
I keep reading statements in various places about how it is indisputable “simple physics” that if we increase amount of atmospheric CO2, it will inevitably warm the planet. [...]

Unfortunately, while the physics is simple, the climate is far from simple. It is one of the more complex systems that we have ever studied. The climate is a tera-watt scale planetary sized heat engine. It is driven by both terrestrial and extra-terrestrial forcings, a number of which are unknown, and many of which are poorly understood and/or difficult to measure. It is inherently chaotic and turbulent, two conditions for which we have few mathematical tools.

Please do not be mislead, this is a very straight forward article that provides a very clear explanation as to why increases in CO2 does not lead to the inevitable conclusion of planetary warming. In fact, this article has provoked such a huge response, I have decided to link it here because as usual, this informed audience can always offer good comments.

German Physicists Trash Global Warming “Theory”
Climategate, 26th December 2009
[...] In a recently revised and re-published paper, Dr Gerlich debunks AGW and shows that the IPCC “consensus” atmospheric physics model tying CO2 to global warming is not only unverifiable, but actually violates basic laws of physics, i.e. the First and Second Law of Thermodynamics. The latest version of this momentous scientific paper appears in the March 2009 edition of the International Journal of Modern Physics.

The central claims of Dr. Gerlich and his colleague, Dr. Ralf Tscheuschner, include, but are not limited to:

1) The mechanism of warming in an actual greenhouse is different than the mechanism of warming in the atmosphere, therefore it is not a “greenhouse” effect and should be called something else.

2) The climate models that predict catastrophic global warming also result in a net heat flow from atmospheric greenhouse gasses to the warmer ground, which is in violation of the second law of thermodynamics.

Essentially, any machine which transfers heat from a low temperature reservoir to a high temperature reservoir without external work applied cannot exist. If it did it would be a “perpetual motion machine” – the realm of pure sci-fi.
So we have scientists pointing out the obvious that the planet works as an “open” system and the theory of a "greenhouse" planet operates as a “closed” system. This is highly relevant when we consider that our planet is being blasted by electromagnetic energies at unprecedented levels to the extent that scientists are prepared to admit that some blasts are so violent that they are even capable of causing the evolution of spacetime. Of course, scientists also don't, really understand spacetime, even though some realise that everything in this dimension is reliant on the quantum electromagnetic background that Einstein called spacetime to disguise it from the more metaphysical concept of the aether.

At midnight on Dec. 23rd, Karl Johnston found himself climbing down a cliff on the banks of the Slave River, near Fort Smith in the Northwest Territories of Canada. He paused for breath, looked out over the rapids, and this is what he saw:

"A rainbow was cutting through the aurora borealis," he says.

A rainbow at night? "Moonlight was shining into the mist above the rapids--and that's what made the rainbow," he explains. Technically, it's called a fogbow. Fogbows are close cousins of rainbows and they are formed in essentially the same way: light bounces in and out of water droplets to produce a luminous arc.

Johnston's lunar fogbow formed above the rapids just as a solar wind stream was buffeting Earth's magnetic field, giving rise to auroras and a rare conjunction of Arctic night lights. It's enough to make you scale a cliff at midnight. More images: #1, #2, #3.

I have the book Rare Halos, Mirages, Anomalous Rainbows and Related Electromagnetic Phenomena by William R. Corliss. In this book, this is defined as a Lunar Rainbow, Fogbows are white arcs. It seems that not so long ago, this was a very rare occurence, but these days, as the electromagnetic environment changes, these kind of natural phenomena are becoming more frequent. Yet, a good scientific explanation is still very hazy and I now believe that is because the role of plasma in generating these light effects is still poorly understood.

Sun and Moon Trigger Deep Tremors on San Andreas Fault
Science Daily, 25th December 2009
The faint tug of the sun and moon on the San Andreas Fault stimulates tremors deep underground, suggesting that the rock 15 miles below is lubricated with highly pressurized water that allows the rock to slip with little effort, according to a new study by University of California, Berkeley, seismologists.

Well, there are hundreds of research papers that have been done over decades which have been generally ignored, the Russians of course are well ahead here, suggesting that celestial influences cause seismic events on Earth. Yet, the fact that details of this research paperort has made it into Nature means that there must be a paradigm shift going on in scientific mindset.

Federal Aviation Administration Officially Says Who to Call After UFO Contact
Gizmodo News, 24th December 2009
[...] According to the last order by Federal Aviation Administration—issued on December 10—BAASS is now the organization to contact if you are a pilot or an air traffic controller who gets close to an Unidentified Flying Object:

Persons wanting to report UFO/unexplained phenomena activity should contact a UFO/ unex­ plained phenomena reporting data collection center, such as Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies (BAASS) (voice: 1-877-979-7444 or e-mail:

So, the UK MOD closes down the UFO desk for the public to report UFOs, but pilots and air traffic controllers are told a week later to go to a private company if they want to report something.... So what is this all about then?

North Magnetic Pole Moving East Due to Core Flux
National Geographic News, 24th December 2009
Earth's north magnetic pole is racing toward Russia at almost 40 miles (64 kilometers) a year due to magnetic changes in the planet's core, new research says. [...]

Although global positioning systems have largely replaced such traditional techniques, many people still find compasses useful for getting around underwater and underground where GPS satellites can't communicate.

The magnetic north pole had moved little from the time scientists first located it in 1831. Then in 1904, the pole began shifting northeastward at a steady pace of about 9 miles (15 kilometers) a year.

In 1989 it sped up again, and in 2007 scientists confirmed that the pole is now galloping toward Siberia at 34 to 37 miles (55 to 60 kilometers) a year.

A rapidly shifting magnetic pole means that magnetic-field maps need to be updated more often to allow compass users to make the crucial adjustment from magnetic north to true North.

OK, the movement of the Earth's north magnetic pole is speeding up. The reliance on GPS might soon become an issue as the U.S. Air Force tell us that they believe it will start breaking down in 2010. With the mega blasts our planet is receiving, presumably from magnetars, I think our satellite communication systems are fragile, but coping.There is very little in the way of official notification about what is happening to our planet, but anyone can go online and watch the Japanese NICT movies and monitor the hammering that our magnetosphere is taking, even occasionally pushing ithe boundaries within geostationary orbit. So, do I think the magnetic field is going to suddenly reverse? In answer, I think it is important to note that in parts of the world the Earth's magnetic field has already reversed and this is a slow ongoing process and the final flip could happen at any time due to some external cosmic magnetic influence.

Voyager Makes an Interstellar Discovery
NASA News, 23rd December 2009
The solar system is passing through an interstellar cloud that physics says should not exist. In the Dec. 24th issue of Nature, a team of scientists reveal how NASA's Voyager spacecraft have solved the mystery.

The discovery has implications for the future when the solar system will eventually bump into other, similar clouds in our arm of the Milky Way galaxy.

"Using data from Voyager, we have discovered a strong magnetic field just outside the solar system," explains lead author Merav Opher, a NASA Heliophysics Guest Investigator from George Mason University. "This magnetic field holds the interstellar cloud together and solves the long-standing puzzle of how it can exist at all." [...]

An artist's concept of the Local Interstellar Cloud, also known as the "Local Fluff."
Credit: Linda Huff (American Scientist) and Priscilla Frisch (University of Chicago)

The fact that the Fluff is strongly magnetized means that other clouds in the galactic neighborhood could be, too. Eventually, the solar system will run into some of them, and their strong magnetic fields could compress the heliosphere even more than it is compressed now. Additional compression could allow more cosmic rays to reach the inner solar system, possibly affecting terrestrial climate and the ability of astronauts to travel safely through space. On the other hand, astronauts wouldn't have to travel so far because interstellar space would be closer than ever. These events would play out on time scales of tens to hundreds of thousands of years, which is how long it takes for the solar system to move from one cloud to the next. "There could be interesting times ahead!" says Opher.

This is another major Space Weather related announcement about the potential threat of massive changes to the current status of our solar system and NASA decides to give it minimum publicity by releasing it 2 days before Christmas when the maximum number of people are distracted. By the way, it's one of these bits of 'fluff' that astrophysicists have already stated on record they are concermed may vapourise the heliosphere. Remember, this 'fluff' is coming our way, it has not hit us yet....

What NASA are saying, is that if this cloud does not get us, then there are others coming our way that might. If you don't like the analysis, I suggest you go find the research papers where this is discussed. To all you New Agers out there that have been duped by the 2012 Cosmic Fairy Tale folk, you can continue believing in the Father Sun having a union with the Cosmic Mother if you like, but there seems to be other more serious cosmic scenarios lining up.... The probability of our planet experiencing a deluge of cosmic radiation is becoming more and more likely.

Update 1st January 2010
One of my tasks is to integrate knowledge and truth to teach others. Certain knowledge and truth has been given to mankind over many centuries that has been disguised in religious, esoteric and mythological overtones. However, the information should be considered as 'spiritual' in how it relates to our existence in a 'spiritual' universe. After extensive research, it is very apparent that certain truths that have been given to mankind, but some have been excluded or obscured by the most powerful. Remember, knowledge is power, so this knowledge is often only available to the priviledged few, and we can't expect the most corrupted and powerful to tell the whole truth as they know it. Now, there are a few faithful sources that have tried to retain ancient knowledge and pass that onto the world, and I believe that the Mayan Elders need to be honoured for this as they have faithfully retained certain information as their role as Timekeepers and Seers, others less well known have also done the same. In my own personal constant search for truth, I believe that this press release can now be directly connected with prophecies, Mayan predictions and the onset of a major Space Weather event. Thus, my understanding of the need to strengthen our personal energy fields, via spiritual evolution to act as a shield, still stands.

Synesthetic Experiences, Such as Seeing a Certain Color Associated With a Number, Are Real and Automatic
Science Daily, 23th December 2009
For as many as 1 in 20 people, everyday experiences can elicit extra-ordinary associated sensations. The condition is known as synaesthesia and the most common form involves "seeing" colours when reading words and numbers.

Many previous studies have shown that the brains of people who experience this phenomenon are different from those who do not and, in a new study reported in the February 2010 issue of Cortex, researchers from the University of Padova, Italy, have discovered that learning may also play an important role in synaesthesia and can lead to synaesthetic behaviour even when the person is not consciously aware of the experience.

It is interesting that the condition of synaesthesia seems to be gaining a lot more attention, and I suspect it is associated with widespread human evolutionary changes, see previous entries. Since, I have stated that I can detect energy fields by smell, a new friend suggested that I have synaesthesia. Yet, since scientists have established that there are at least 17 senses that allow us to process sensory information in different ways, I only consider this as part of my evolutionary development. Interestingly, the scientific literature does link olfactory cells being able to pick up odorant molecules by frequency, so maybe it should be no surprise that discordant, inharmonious energy fields can be detected as they are made up of interdimensional "spirit" particles.

The Unidentified Aerospace Phenomena (UAP) Observations Reporting Scheme is launched:
UAP Reporting, December 2009
Press release: WEBSITE launched for astronomers to report observations of unexplained phenomena

A scheme is being launched that will give amateur and professional astronomers a formal mechanism for reporting any unexplained phenomena they observe when studying the night sky. In the framework of International Year of Astronomy 2009 (IYA2009), the Unidentified Aerospace Phenomena (UAP) Observations Reporting Scheme aims to provide a global focus for sightings by astronomers and contribute towards a better understanding of transient phenomena occurring in the atmosphere.

The reporting scheme has been set up by amateur astronomer, Philippe Ailleris, who proposes to use the unique opportunity of IYA2009 to collect additional and more rigorous information on UAPs, more popularly referred to as UFOs.

“These phenomena are mainly seen in the night sky, a domain that astronomers have long considered their own, and it is important to collect testimonies from members of the population that are trained observers. We aim to approach this controversial field of UAP sightings from a professional, rational point of view and without any preconceived ideas. Certainly whenever there are unexplained observations, there is the possibility that scientists could learn something new by further study,” said Ailleris.

Hmmm.... Is this more "official" acknowledgement of the existence of UAPs? This has taken a long time to be picked up in the blogosphere, but nonetheless, worth noting. For other UAP report databases see, Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Index.

Meteor: Stargazers in a spin over fireball sighting
The Evening Telegraph, 23rd December 2009
Sightings of a rare daylight "fireball" - thought to be a meteor - was seen flashing over the Wisbech skies. A meteor which has passed through Earth's atmosphere is known as a meteorite, and experts say pieces of the space rock could now be scattered across a Fenland field.

It was spotted by Jimmy Greenwood, who was driving along the A47 just outside Wi sbech at about 1.15pm on Saturday. The 45-year-old, from Upwell, said: "I've never seen anything like it. It was about four houses high and burning white. It went straight across quickly, into a field and disappeared. It had a vapour trail. It was unbelievable."

This is so low flying that you have to suspect it was really a UAP or a "heavenly phenomenon". The question is: if it was really a meteor or fireball, why did it not explode either in the air or or on impact as it was "burning white" with a "vapour trail?" I suspect nothing will be found....

Scientist: Angels can't fly
UPI - Daily Briefing, 23rd December 2009
LONDON, Dec. 22 (UPI) -- A London scientist has authored a paper arguing angels as classically depicted, mostly-human forms with wings, would be unable to fly.

Professor Roger Wotton of University College London wrote in his paper, which was published by the school's Opticon magazine, that human-appearing angels with feathered bird-like wings would not be able to use the wings for flight, The Daily Telegraph reported Tuesday.

"Even a cursory examination of the evidence in representational arts shows that angels and cherubs cannot take off and cannot use powered flight," Wotton wrote. "And even if they used gliding flight, they would need to be exposed to very high wind velocities at take off -- such high winds that they would be blown away and have no need for wings."

Wotton's paper also took aim at fantasy depictions of fairies with the wings of butterflies. "The distortion of the thorax needed for flight in fairies with butterfly wings would be exceedingly uncomfortable," the paper read. "For sure, fairies don't fly."

Now, believe it or not this covers an extremely controversial area of physics and it is related to magnetism and the possibility of the existence of matterless mass. If you go down the route of "accepted" physics, then you will be stuck up blind alley with nowhere to go. However, if you veer off the straight and narrow then there are people who have spent their lives studying magnetism and have worked this out. Now, in terms of the reality of angels and fairies etc, simply think of plasma entities in their little balls of light and you have nailed it! It's also worth considering that fairies were traditionally huge things that were downgraded by the Catholic Church, they are in a quandary now because the dimensional shift means that people are seeing "fairies" big and small. What's more, if you are new to this website, you may have not seen this angel photo, interesting isn't it?

Stabbed man orders coffee
Ananova News, 23rd December 2009
A US man walked into a restaurant with a 5ins knife sticking in his chest and ordered a coffee. The 52-year-old told staff in the diner in Warren, Michigan, that he was waiting for an ambulance. Restaurant employee George Mirdita said: "It was like out of a movie. It kind of freaked us all out here. [...]

Police said the man called 911 saying he had been stabbed - and then walked a mile to the restaurant. He told officers he was stabbed after he refused to hand over money to a mugger. The man was treated and police said he is expected to be fine. They are still looking for his attacker.

Is this a new phenomenon? Remember the woman who got shot in the head and when the police arrived, she offered them a cup of team! Are people starting to manifest new powers? We will have to see....

Airport control tower blacked out by power failures
UNPRECEDENTED: Even backup equipment didn't work; plane traffic is light.

Anchorage Daily News, 22nd December 2009
All power systems failed twice Sunday morning in the air traffic facility that guides planes into and out of Stevens Anchorage International Airport via radar, the FAA confirmed Monday. The failures included two backup systems.

"This could have happened the week before when we were in the fog. It would have been an absolute nightmare," said Larry Lescanec, Alaska vice president of the air traffic controllers union. As it was, air traffic was light.

Hmmm... here someone has decided to avoid mentioning the high levels of incompetence and instead looks to the bright side and dishes out some spin telling the world that it could have been worse.... yes, oh how wonderful!

SOLAR ACTIVITY: The sun is showing signs of life.
Space, 22nd December 2009
SOLAR ACTIVITY: The sun is showing signs of life. There are no fewer than five active regions on the sun's surface, shown here in an extreme ultraviolet photo taken this morning by the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO):

Each circle contains a sunspot or proto-sunspot belonging to new Solar Cycle 24. After two years of record-low sunspot numbers and many month-long stretches of utter quiet, this is a notable outbreak. Whether it heralds a genuine trend or merely marks a temporary, statistical uptick in activity remains to be seen. Stay tuned!

I think this must be a cause for celebration, there have been some very worried solar scientists in the last 18 months or so.

The Geoengineering Gambit
Technology Review, 22nd December 2009
For years, radical thinkers have proposed risky technologies that they say could rapidly cool the earth and offset global warming. Now a growing number of mainstream climate scientists say we may have to consider extreme action despite the dangers. [...]

It's not just a fringe idea anymore. The United Kingdom's Royal Society issued a report on geoengineering in September that outlined the research and policy challenges ahead. The National Academies in the United States are working on a similar study. And John Holdren, the director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, broached the idea soon after he was appointed. "

Climate change is happening faster than anyone previously predicted," he said during one talk. "If we get sufficiently desperate, we may try to engage in geoengineering to try to create cooling effects."

To prepare ourselves, he said, we need to understand the possibilities and the possible side effects. Even the U.S. Congress has now taken an interest, holding its first hearings on geoengineering in November.

Geoengineering might be "a terrible idea," but it might be better than doing nothing, says Schrag. Unlike many past advocates, he doesn't think it's an alternative to reducing greenhouse-gas emissions. "It's not a techno-fix. It's not a Band-Aid. It's a tourniquet," he says. "There are potential side effects, yes. But it may be better than the alternative, which is bleeding to death."

This is a long article. I wonder what he means by bleeding to death, are we losing our atmosphere??? As I have stated over hundreds and hundreds of postings on this News of the Imbalance blog, you can only explain the desperation for geoengineering the climate when you realise that there are some who are fully aware that we risk losing the shielding around our planet and solar system. Otherwise, it's difficult to understand the ideas of placing a shield of mirrors in space. What's more we now have proof that there has been an acceleration in blasts from the most extreme star-like objects in the Universe Magnetars that is changing the fabric of spacetime and possibly they are the cause of the holes in the magnetosphere. Even the well known astronomy skeptic Phil Plait wrote this year, "maybe we should be a *little* bit afraid". So, now we have terrified astronomers and members of the Space community (see previous), but the ignoranti or innocenti (depends on your perspective) are totally unaware. We can be grateful to Japanese scientists for making magnetosphere geomagnetic data easily available online so that people can make decent YouTube videos to keep us informed, this is the latest synopsis [9:18], see YouTube - Earth Changes Explained (1 of 3). The analysis in the 1st and 2nd video is interesting, but the third in the series is just plain stupid. It is obvious that this person does not know about the recent history of dramatic blasts from magnetars, but the author gets a lot of credit for his analysis that Earth changes are being driven by cosmic factors.

Your Christmas Tree Has Seven Times More DNA Than You Do!
Science Daily, 21st December 2009
Take a close look at your Christmas tree -- it has seven times more genetic material (DNA) than you do!

Why this is so is still largely unknown, but now the DNA of the spruce is going to be mapped by Swedish researchers from UmeÅ Plant Science Center (a collaboration between the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) and UmeÅ University), the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), and the Karolinska Institute (KI), with the aid of a SEK 75 million grant from the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation.

Sometimes it really makes you wonder just how blindsided the scientific community has become with their dogma and beliefs. Not that long ago, it was pointed out that billions of dollars had been wasted on the massive Genome Project when it was discovered that the DNA in the blood is not the same as the DNA elsewhere in the body. Whoops! A massive assumption that humans only have one set of DNA! Then there is the admission after 80 years that DNA is tuned by the environment to make the 100,000 proteins from about 20,000 genes, the evidence was staring scientists in the face, but the dogma of the primacy of DNA was more powerful than true science. At the end of the day, scientists cannot have complete contol over DNA because the environmental programming is also interdimensional. This article reveals the absurd reasoning that implies that a friggin tree is more complex and therefore more evolved than a human.

Hospital study shows full moons werewolf effect
The Sydney Morning Herald, 21st December 2009
A study in an Australian hospital has identified a spike in out-of-control "werewolf" patients when a full moon is out.

There were 91 emergency patients rated as having violent and acute behavioural disturbance at the Calvary Mater Newcastle hospital from August 2008 to July 2009.

Leonie Calver, a clinical research nurse in toxicology, said almost a quarter of the cases (23 per cent) occurred on a night of full moon and this was double the number for other lunar phases. The patients all had to be sedated and physically restrained to protect themselves and others.

"Some of these patients attacked the staff like animals - biting, spitting and scratching," Ms Calver said. "One might compare them with the werewolves of the past, who are said to have also appeared during the full moon." [...]

"Our findings support the premise that individuals with violent and acute behavioural disturbance are more likely to present to the emergency department during...full moon."

This issue was looked at in great detail by Baron Karl von Reichenbach, the great German industrialist turned scientific sleuth in the 18th century. By studying people who were effected by the moon like sleepwalkers and others, he discovered a whole range of different aetheric energies. His research took place over 40 years and he accumulated a massive database and generated many publications, the following is a tribute to Reichenbach:
"It is in a dark and cold world we sit, if we will not open the inward eyes of the spirit to the inward flame of Nature".
I consider that the mainstream mentality of ignoring the presence of subtle energies that permeate our world, that sometimes have detrimental effects on people, is just a demonstration of our overall lack of human development.

Two million in South France hit by power cut
China View, 21st December 2009
PARIS, Dec. 21 (Xinhua) -- Around 2 million people living in southeast France were hit by power cut since Monday afternoon after a technical incident, French power company said.

Due to a technical incident occurred in southern city of Avignon, French Electricity Transmission Network (RTE), an operator of France Electricity Group (EDF), announced in a statement that they will cut power supply to some customers in southeast regions since 14:45 local time.

RTE said the selective cut-off was in order to avoid a massive blackout affecting south departments like Provence, Alpes and Coted'Azur, adding that "2 million people" would be left in darkness.

The company expressed sorry to customers, but it didn't say how long the regional blackout will last. According to local media, many blocks in southern French city Nice and Marseilles went dark on Monday afternoon.

It's interesting that 2 million people deprived of electricity is explained away as a "technical" problem. Thus, it is very difficult to know whether these major blackouts that are now becoming more common around the world are being caused by Space Weather. So, at the moment, I am just taking note...

Study shows CFCs, cosmic rays major culprits for global warming
In Sciences Org, 21st December 2009
Cosmic rays and chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), both already implicated in depleting the Earth's ozone layer, are also responsible for changes in the global climate, a University of Waterloo scientist reports in a new peer-reviewed paper.

In his paper, Qing-Bin Lu, a professor of physics and astronomy, shows how CFCs - compounds once widely used as refrigerants - and cosmic rays - energy particles originating in outer space - are mostly to blame for climate change, rather than carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. His paper, derived from observations of satellite, ground-based and balloon measurements as well as an innovative use of an established mechanism, was published online in the prestigious journal Physics Reports.

"My findings do not agree with the climate models that conventionally thought that greenhouse gases, mainly CO2, are the major culprits for the global warming seen in the late 20th century," Lu said. "Instead, the observed data show that CFCs conspiring with cosmic rays most likely caused both the Antarctic ozone hole and global warming. These findings are totally unexpected and striking, as I was focused on studying the mechanism for the formation of the ozone hole, rather than global warming." [...]

In his latest paper, Lu further proves the cosmic-ray-driven ozone depletion theory by showing a large number of data from laboratory and satellite observations. One reviewer wrote: "These are very strong facts and it appears that they have largely been ignored in the past when modelling the Antarctic ozone loss."

Hmmm.... I have been following the cosmic ray/ozone hole puzzle and this scientist's research ever since it was pointed out to me that despite the pristine conditions at the north and south poles ie no industrialisation produing CFCS, this is where the ozone holes occur. The destruction of the ozone layer is held in check by the horizontal component of the Earth's magnetic field which is strongest at the equator and this explains why the ozone hole is over the polar regions (70% Antarctica, 30% Artic). Yet according to theory, ozone destroying man-made chemicals, chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) compounds and ozone depleting substances (ODS) would dictate that the mid-latitude northern hemisphere, the location of the most industrialised and polluted parts of the world, should be the location of ozone holes... Anyway, this research is sure to come under fire because we must now assume that removing CO2 from the atmosphere is not just about dealing with any hypothetical global warming.... The joke over at WUWT was, maybe Al Gore should start trading CFC Credits instead of Carbon Credits....

Holland - Biggest Snow Circle Formation Ever - Pics, 21st December 2009
[...] The next evening (Friday, Dec. 18th) at around midnight Robbert got a very strong feeling that a formation was arriving at a field not too far from his home which we call the "special" field (because so many anomalous events have occurred there over the years).

He telephoned a local friend, Ellen Gomis, to ask if she would drive him to the field to see if there was a new circle present, and Ellen agreed. It was very cold and there were several inches of snow on the ground. [...]

When Roy and Robbert got to the field in daylight on the 19th no footsteps were visible except near the edges of the formation closest to the dike, where Robbert and Ellen had walked the night before. There were no footprints at all out in the rest of the field, or in any of the rings farther out in the field. And there were also no piles of the snow which had apparently been removed anywhere in the field.

OK, there are a lot of strange goings on around the young Dutch medium Robbert van den Broeke in Holland and in the past I have simply ignored BLT research related to this fellow and crop circle reports. However, Snow circles are still relatively unusual and how they can be man-made without human traces like footprints and stakes in the ground etc etc, suggests that other forces were at work.

Meteor hunt in Beijing continues
China Daily, 21st December 2009
The search continues for a full moon-bright meteoroid likely to have landed in west suburban Beijing on Wednesday in what astronomers said could lead to one of the biggest discoveries in Beijing this year. Witnesses in Beijing and nearby Tianjin recorded a clearly visible fireball-like meteorite descending near the west horizon of Beijing at 10:23 pm on Dec 16.

The surveillance camera from the planetarium taped a 2-second footage of the fall phenomena, in which a bright shooting star, carrying a visible tail, flew towards the east and exploded into greater brightness before disappearing on the horizon.

"We were at Jianxiangqiao Bridge when driving west-bound on the North Fourth Ring Road when we caught sight of the brightness moving to the southeast," Li Xin, a researcher with the Beijing Planetarium, wrote on the organization's online forum before posting the surveillance video right after the witness.

"The brightness of the meteor was close to a full moon," he wrote. "If this meteorite can be recovered, it can become one of the biggest discoveries in Beijing."

Well, the Oort cloud , is thought to be a spherical & disc-like cloud of objects that surrounds our solar system and these generate comets and meteors when they are disturbed but this disturbance mechanism is another mystery. There is no doubt that we are getting some major hits by meteors and these events which were considered rare only a few years ago are now appear to be at least weekly. From my understanding of the situation, if this Oort cloud exists it is being disturbed by the continuous blasts of Gamma Ray bursts from hypothetical supernovae (stars exploding and dying or black holes) or magnetars that deliver extreme amounts of EM radiation and disturb matter in the way of a blast. As the space community has discovered to their surprise, "space is not a quiet place".

A Climatology Conspiracy?
American Thinker, 20th December 2009
The CRU e-mails have revealed how the normal conventions of the peer review process appear to have been compromised by a team* of global warming scientists, with the willing cooperation of the editor of the International Journal of Climatology (IJC), Glenn McGregor. [...]

We will let the reader judge whether this team effort, revealed in dozens of e-mails and taking nearly a year, involves inappropriate behavior, including

(a) unusual cooperation between authors and editor,
(b) misstatement of known facts,
(c) character assassination,
(d) avoidance of traditional scientific give-and-take,
(e) using confidential information,
(f) misrepresentation (or misunderstanding) of the scientific question posed by DCPS,
(g) withholding data, and more.

This article is to document the effort to suppress those who saw that the data did not support the global warming hypothesis. This is especially needed to help those who made the link between environmentalism and the so-called scientific concensus, which we now know was bogus. The truth is needed to help those who are now angry and confused.

A huge fireball, I thought it was an aeroplane on fire - Rudheath, Cheshire [UK]
UK UFO sightings, 20th December 2009
I was driving through Rudheath, Cheshire on Wednesday 16th december at approx 6.15 and was in traffic when I saw what I can only describe as a huge fireball. At first I thought it was an aeroplane on fire. It was hovering in the sky to my right very low, about the height of 2 or 3 houses then it moved right in front of me. It hovered there for perhaps 30 seconds then shot off southbound travelling higher and higher until it went totally out of sight.

The picture was taken when it was straight ahead of me and at the time, I didn’t notice the white light above this orb. The smaller lights to the left of the photo are streetlights.

This is the weirdest thing I have ever seen Carol Burrows

Tut! These UAPs are getting out of hand, you would thing that they had just arrived on the planet the way some of them behave.... Well, I have been negelecting to list UAP reports in the last few weeks, but this one is worth the effort. More UAP activity:

Five or six orange lights in a line, one accelerates - NOT a Chinese lantern [Tiptree, Essex, UK]
Snow and inclement weather does not bother UAPs, and they are not interested in waiting around for New Year either...

Multiple UFOs Flying in 2 Triangular Arrows (Like Geese Flying South) - Latham, NY [US]
Two V shapes composed of roughly 10 individual UFOs which occassionaly went random before returning to their V formation, clear critter behaviour

30 points of light traveling in a rope like formation that was whipping back around itself - Wappingers Falls, NY [US]
A string of orange lights. They were very tiny to the eye. Almost the size of a very distant star. At first it looked like formation of Canadian geese because it was traveling in a V formation".

Whilst sitting in the hot tub, minding my own business... Downtown Los Angeles [US]
"It looked like a yellowish glowing worm that was morphing into various bending shapes" It lit up too when struck by a spotlight, which certainly suggests it was biological.

A bright orange light, looked like a small plane on fire - Northenden, Manchester [UK]
I really wonder if the website owners still think these hundreds and hundreds of reports of planes on fire in the sky are sightings of Chinese lanterns!

Bright Orb Chases Man Down Highway
Hmmm... critter behaviour. There are some good old accounts of Min Mins chasing cars in the Australian outback too...

A red fiery orb, sends bolts of red and green lights to the side - East Kilbride, Lanarkshire [UK]
Obviously, this was NOT a Chinese lantern

The Fabulous Four at Copenhagen
Parturient montes: nascetur ridiculus mus

SPPI Blog, 19th December 2009
[...] Thanks to hundreds of thousands of US citizens who contacted their elected representatives to protest about the unelected, communistic world government with near-infinite powers of taxation, regulation and intervention that was proposed in early drafts of the Copenhagen Treaty, there is no Copenhagen Treaty. There is not even a Copenhagen Agreement. There is a “Copenhagen Accord”. [...]

Copenhagen was the last-chance saloon not for the planet, which does not need saving, but for the UN’s world-government wannabes. They blew it, big-time, by believing their own overspun propaganda about planetary peril and thinking they had “world leaders” where they wanted them. They overreached themselves, and have paid the price.

I took the liberty of changing the title, I love Viscount Monckton but this latin is too much. I will let hin off though, especially after he got beaten up by the Danish police in Copenhagen. See, Video :: Lord Monckton Interview 17th Dec - Danish Cops Assault P2 The Fabulous Four are China, India, Brazil, and South Africa, who established a negotiating bloc and made various demands and got exactly what they asked for: as follows:
  • Point 1. No compulsory limits on carbon emissions.
  • Point 2. No emissions reductions at all unless the West paid for them.
  • Point 3. No international monitoring of any emissions reductions not paid for by the West.
  • Point 4. No use of “global warming” as an excuse to impose protectionist trade restrictions on countries that did not cut their carbon emissions.
I believe that this is better than any of the nays could have expected or believed and Christopher Monckton will go down in history as a worthy intellectual, libertarian and hero.

Low targets, goals dropped: Copenhagen ends in failure
The Guardian, 19th December 2009
The UN climate summit reached a weak outline of a global agreement in Copenhagen tonight, falling far short of what Britain and many poor countries were seeking and leaving months of tough negotiations to come.

Time to Celebrate: Let's Dance

Copenhagen climate summit: 'most important paper in the world' is a glorified UN press release
Telegraph, Gerald Warner, 18th December 2009
When your attempt at recreating the Congress of Vienna with a third-rate cast of extras turns into a shambles, when the data with which you have tried to terrify the world is daily exposed as ever more phoney, when the blatant greed and self-interest of the participants has become obvious to all beholders, when those pesky polar bears just keep increasing and multiplying – what do you do? [...]

This week has been truly historic. It has marked the beginning of the landslide that is collapsing the whole AGW imposture. The pseudo-science of global warming is a global laughing stock and Copenhagen is a farce.

In the warmist camp the Main Man is a railway engineer with huge investments in the carbon industry. That says it all. The world’s boiler being heroically damped down by the Fat Controller. Al Gore, occupant of the only private house that can be seen from space, so huge is its energy consumption, wanted to charge punters $1,200 to be photographed with him at Copenhagen. There is a man who is really worried about the planet’s future.

It's really difficult to understand how this conference could have been a success... commentators all over the blogosphere are giving us the details of this desperate excuse for future tyranny, but all the leaks and incompetence of the UN and the secret agendas are just too evident. Anyway, here we find out about Al Gore's house, this can't be true? Is it?

AGW Magically Dumps Unusual Blizzard in England Bringing Everything to a Halt
Paths to Knowledge, 18th December 2009
I suppose this blizzard is a result of ManN Made Global Warming Climate Change magically somehow.

“Roads full of snow, cars crash and traffic grinds to a halt. It has been snowing for many hours heavily (from Siberia) and many are left stranded, this was as much as i could get as i didn’t want my camera to get wet. Driving a few miles could take hours, no the most idealistic weather for winter.

Worst effected regions are the East of England and the South where 10-15cm of snow has fallen in a matter of hours, the ploughers are not in use and roads fallen into mudbaths.”

4 YouTube videos: Well, snow is only a problem in countries that are not organised, I was incredibly impressed in Norway and here in Swtizerland too, dealing with snow is hardwired into the system. On the political front, the climate "realists", watching events unfold in Copenhagen are generally amazed by the charade that is now unfolding and the snow storm is literally the icing on the cake (sorry about that), see Global Warming...Snowstorm in Copenhagen! Click icon for the full picture at WUWT, (this is not a hot link).

CURIOUS EVENTS IN NEBRASKA: Earthquakes don't rock Nebraska very often. In fact, seismically speaking, it is one of the quietest places in North America. Nevertheless, on Dec. 16th at 8:54 pm CST, USGS seismographs detected a magnitude 3.5 temblor centered near Auburn, Nebraska:>

Click to view earthquake details and Nebraska seismic probabilities

"It sounded like those loud grain haulers that drive by, but about five times louder," reports Laurie Riley, who lives near the epicenter. "The whole house shook. My kids came running down stairs – they were scared. It even moved my car, [which was parked outside on icy ground]."

And then the really curious thing happened.

Minutes after the quake, around 9 pm CST, lightning-like flashes lit up the skies around the area of the quake. Telephones in police departments and TV stations rang with reports of bright lights, loud rumbles and shaking ground. Sky watchers, not only in southeastern Nebraska, but also in neighboring Oklahoma, Missouri and Kansas, saw a "bright fireball" with "green streamers" moving from northwest to southeast.

Could these events be connected? Nebraska State Trooper Jerry Chab, an experienced amateur astronomer who witnessed the lights and was one of the first to report them, says no. "I think we have the most cosmic of coincidences: A bright [meteoritic] fireball around the same time as an earthquake." Indeed, eyewitness descriptions of the fireball are consistent with a meteoroid disintegrating in the atmosphere. On the other hand, several readers have pointed out scientific studies that associate lightning-like phenomena (including ball lightning) with earthquakes: #1, #2, #3. The fireball, they suggest, might have been a rare manifestation of "earthquake lightning."

Comment: This report is an update from the report on the previous day CURIOUS EVENTS IN NEBRASKA: . Well, it's boom, boom boom at the moment, a situation that has been occuring worldwide, but especiually in the US for some years now. See
Mysterious booms questioned
Several Arkansas City area residents reported hearing explosion-type sounds or sonic booms recently.
Sonic boom-like noise heard by many last night

Baby Born Without Brain Turns One
Gather, 18th December 2009
In case you don't know about this child: Pueblo, Colorado--A baby boy in Pueblo is a living miracle. Nicholas Coke was born without a brain. This week he's marked a milestone nobody dreamed could happen.

Coke was born with a genetic disease called Anencephaly. He had no brain, just a brain stem. His mom Sheena says, "He can't see, he can't hear, he can't suck. He doesn't crawl, doesn't sit up." Rest here:

Now I am not sure what I really feel about this. I understand it is a miracle that the child is still alive, but what does one call alive?

Despite the fact the baby has no brain, the scientific community have traditionally tried to downplay instances where people have had only half a brain or even less than that in some cases, but have functioned nearly normally. There has always been some embarrassement because it means that scientists really don't understand the true function of the brain. These days, scientists tell us that there is a "mind-brain" throughout the body so this complicates things even more and the heart has it's own "brain" too. An example of a baby alive with no brain despite the handicap is really worth finding out how scientists can explain it, but it's also interesting to see if something starts to happen with this child's development, because people who have had nearly all fluid have managed to survive and it hints that something extraordinary happens on an interdimensional level.

Kansas dad somehow lifts car off 6-year-old girl
Sun Journal, 18th December 2009
OTTAWA, Kan. (AP) -- A Kansas mother is praising a neighbor as "Superman" after her 6-year-old daughter told her he somehow found the strength to lift a car off her. The girl escaped with minor injuries after she and neighbor Nick Harris said she was pinned under the vehicle.

"He really is Superman," Kristen Hough, the child's mother, said Friday of Harris, the man she said saved her daughter, Ashlyn.

Harris, 32, said he doesn't know how he managed to lift the Mercury sedan off the child. The 5-foot-7, 185-pound Harris said he tried later that day to lift other cars and couldn't.

"But somehow, adrenaline, hand of God, whatever you want to call it, I don't know how I did it," he said. Harris was dropping off his 8-year-old daughter at school last week when he saw a driver backing her car out of a driveway and over the child, Harris said.

A car fell on top of my father, when the jack slipped and he was working underneath. He says that he was so frightened, that he just literally pushed the car off him. He now states that he was like the Incredible Hulk. I think that in an emergency situation, people 'forget' that what they want to do is something impossible and do it anyway. Somehow, the fear of not being able to do something somehow does not have time to come into play. There are many examples of similar feats and it has been the subject of scientific study.

Mysterious light, caught on camera?
Charlotte Observer, 17th December 2009
A man who has devoted several years of study to the mysterious Brown Mountain Lights in northwest North Carolina claims a possible breakthrough in his research.

Joshua Warren said in a nationally broadcast radio interview early Thursday that his team of researchers might have captured on camera one of the lights -- almost.

Warren was a guest from 4 to 5 a.m. on “Coast to Coast AM,” broadcast in Charlotte on WBT. The show focuses on topics such as UFOs, ghosts and paranormal activities, and Warren, of the Asheville area, is a regular on the program.

He said he and a team of researchers set up a camera last month in the Brown Mountain area, along the Burke-Caldwell county line, and the camera captured what appeared to be a bright light. But the light was not directly on the camera.

For more than a century, there have been reports of strange lights in the area. A number of studies, including some conducted by Warren, have failed to answer the mystery.

There seems to be a revival in interest in places where there is a known phenomenon of Earthlights and this is just one location, among several across the United States and elsewhere around the world. There are researchers who have spent decades studying this phenomenon and they suggest that there is a consciousness involved, they are not just strange lights, see Understanding UAPs: A scientific perspective. To those who say the mystery is not solved, I would suggest that they have simply not spent enough time researching what else has been done in this area by other scientists around the world.

Earth's Upper Atmosphere Cooling Dramatically, 17th December 2009
When the sun is relatively inactive — as it has been in recent years — the outermost layer of Earth's atmosphere cools dramatically, new observations find.

The results could help scientists better understand the swelling and shrinking of our planet's atmosphere, a phenomenon that affects the orbits of satellites and space junk. [...]

This same cooling effect is expected to happen (somewhat counterintuitively) as carbon dioxide concentrations increase from emissions at Earth's surface . So understanding the natural variability of this layer is important to detecting any changes from carbon dioxide increases.

The cooling effect also has an effect on the orbits of satellites, because it changes the density of the atmosphere layer. For example, if the layer heats up, it expands like a marshmallow in a microwave, as several scientists described it, and lower, denser parts of the atmosphere rise to higher altitudes. Essentially, as the upper atmosphere expands, the lower atmosphere also expands to fill the space. When the thermosphere cools, the opposite happens and the layers deflate and sink to lower altitudes.

The changing density means that satellites end up with either more or less drag on them, which can change the shape of their orbits. In the case of something like the Hubble Space Telescope, this can have implications on the orbiter's lifetime, Solomon told LiveScience. Less drag during a cooler period means the satellite might live longer, he said.

The cooling also could have implications for the buildup of so-called "space junk" – old satellites and pieces of satellites that have begun to litter the upper atmosphere and can pose a threat to other orbiting spacecraft, such as the International Space Station. Less drag means this junk gets speedier and could pose more of a threat.

Well, to say I am amazed by this link between removing CO2 and off-setting Space Weather, is an understatement...

Bizarre Orb UFO seen above Wales
All News Web, 17th December 2009
A committed UFO hunter from Cardiff in Wales is has been able capture some truly amazing images of UFOs using recording equipment with night vision capabilities. The film below is one example, clearly showing an intriguing UFO darting across the screen.

The UFO hunter, Robert, writes regarding this film that:

'Don't know what to say to this?, all i can say is that this was my first capture of the evening and just setting up when i saw this come into view on my night vision optics, i could not see it without the aid of my device or could it be seen with my camcorder alone?. It was silent and moved from north to south direction and it was dark at the time. I thought at first it may be a balloon or a parachute but if this was so i would have had no problem spotting either with ordinary binoculars or my camcorder that has a 40x optical zoom and night shot'

'I use a Yukon digital ranger night vision device to observe the sky.'

I have to say now I do not like this website and the lack of vetting of news reports is a concern. However, this video is a gem and the reaction of those seeing this critter suggests that this is not faked. This is one for the archives for sure, but turn down the volume if you don't want to hear profanities and someone taking the Lord's name in vain.... Please note that the reporter does not realise that this is a plasma entity.

Colliding Auroras Produce Explosions of Light
NASA News, 17th December 2009
A network of cameras deployed around the Arctic in support of NASA's THEMIS mission has made a startling discovery about the Northern Lights. Sometimes, vast curtains of aurora borealis collide, producing spectacular outbursts of light. Movies of the phenomenon were unveiled at the Fall meeting of the American Geophysical Union today in San Francisco.

"Our jaws dropped when we saw the movies for the first time," says space scientist Larry Lyons of UCLA, a leading member of the team that made the discovery. "These outbursts are telling us something very fundamental about the nature of auroras." [...]

The five THEMIS spacecraft also agree. They have been able to fly through the plasma tail and confirm the existence of lightweight material rushing toward Earth. (For reference, these are the "plasma bullets" reported in a 2008 Science@NASA story "Plasma Bullets Spark Northern Lights.")

Now, we have "plasma bullets". NASA scientists are quite inventive and so the same feature can be called different names (ie plasma tadpoles), until they reach a consensus. Anyway, I think the term plasma bullets can be applied to Martyn Stubbs Type II plasma manifestation caught in The Secret NASA Transmissions, the must see video and also the entities of varying sizes that can be described as white streaks, "rods" or even meteorites.

Turnabout is fair play – Greenpeace gets a dose of their own medicine
WUWT, 16th December 2009
Greenpeace, who prides themselves on civil disobedience and bannering smokestacks and U.S. national monument Mt. Rushmore gets a banner or two on the Rainbow Warrior. It is dubbed now the “Propaganda Warrior” and the “Ship of Lies”.

Indeed, this is ironic. The Green movement has various groups that most would consider extremist in the their views, but it seems that Greenpeace is now being tainted with the same brush. One of the founders of Greenpeace Patrick Moore, wrote an article in 1994 called Hard Choices for the Environmental Movement... it is so poignant, I think it is worth reading as it will explain that Greenpeace has changed considerably from it's original ideals. Since Greenpeace is being slated for it's propaganda, it maybe useful to know how to debate with a Greenpeace activist. The following YouTube video, is quite startling and as it progresses, it gets excruciating as Lord Monckton destroys the beliefs and faith of a woman who I believe is amongst the innocenti that can't tell the difference between scientific facts and propaganda. See, Lord Monckton Vs. Greenpeace: On The Streets - Dropping InfoBombs - ClimateGate Global Warming Hoax . I am sorry to say this but the people interviewed seem to have more of a religious conviction than a deep understanding of Green issues.

Climategate goes SERIAL: now the Russians confirm that UK climate scientists manipulated data to exaggerate global warming
The Telegraph - Delingpole, 16th December 2009
Climategate just got much, much bigger. And all thanks to the Russians who, with perfect timing, dropped this bombshell just as the world’s leaders are gathering in Copenhagen to discuss ways of carbon-taxing us all back to the dark ages.

Feast your eyes on this news release from Rionovosta, via the Ria Novosti agency, posted on Icecap.

Reading through the comments at Watts Up With That, see Russian IEA claims CRU tampered with climate data – cherrypicked warmest stations, there is a great deal of caution with this document, but one comment that rang true for me is that the Russians are annoyed that Russian data was 'abused' by the CRU. Yet, at the same time, it does seem political that they are making a fuss now when they must have had ample opportunity to complain when Russian data was corrupted and used for CRU output and then this corrupted Russian data was again incorporatred by other reports. You can read the English Google Translation of the Moscow based Institute of Economic Analysis, this is the original Russian IEA report and this is a v. short basic commentary from WUWT. vboring (12:51:15) :
I just got through the google translated document. The crux of the argument is that the CRU cherry picked data following the same methods that have been done everywhere else. They ignored data covering 40% of Russia and chose data that showed a warming trend over statistically preferable alternatives when available. They ignored completeness of data, preferred urban data, strongly preferred data from stations that relocated, ignored length of data set.

One the final page, there is a chart that shows that CRU’s selective use of 25% of the data created 0.64C more warming than simply using all of the raw data would have done. The complete set of data show 1.4C rise since 1860, the CRU set shows 2.06C rise over the same period.

The paper failed to go the final step and compare a strictly rural set of data vs the CRU data.
Also, What the Russian papers say

MONSTER FIREBALL:, 16th December 2009
On Monday morning, Dec. 14th, at 3:59 am Pacific Standard Time, a piece of extinct comet 3200 Phaethon hit Earth's atmosphere over the Mojave desert in California. This was the result:

"It was a monster fireball," says photographer Wally Pacholka. "I caught it exploding over the Hercules Finger rock formation near Victorville, California, using a Canon 35 mm camera. This was one of 1522 photographs I took "

The fireball occurred during the Geminid meteor shower, which peaked on Dec. 13th and 14th when Earth passed through a stream of debris from 3200 Phaethon. In some places, people saw 200+ Geminids per hour. In the Mojave desert, one was enough!

This is a fabulous photograph of this 'monster' meteor. I think we are averaging one a week now. BTW, the work of photographer Wally Pacholka is stunning, see poster gallery.

INCOMING CME & BIG NEW SUNSPOT, 16th December 2009
This morning at 0120 UT, an eruption of magnetic fields around sunspot 1035 produced a long-duration C4-class solar flare and hurled a coronal mass ejection (CME) in the general direction of Earth. High-latitude sky watchers should prepare for auroras when the CME arrives on or about Dec. 18th. Movies: solar flare, CME.

New sunspot 1035 is growing rapidly and it is now seven times wider than Earth. This makes it an easy target for backyard solar telescopes. Yesterday, Rogerio Marcon of Campinas, Brazil, photographed a maelstrom of hot plasma and magnetic filaments connecting the sunspot's dark cores:

"Solar activity is picking up," he says.

The magnetic polarity of the spot identifies it as a member of Solar Cycle 24--the cycle we've been waiting for to end the deepest solar minimum in nearly a century. One spot isn't enough to end the lull, but sunspot 1035 could herald bigger things to come. Stay tuned for updates.

Here we have some action on the Sun. I have updated my Joyfire SpaceWeather Explorer (but it's not finished yet) and there is a new Extreme Space Weather section.

Copenhagen climate conference: Arnold Schwarzenegger calls for ‘planetary transformation’
Arnold Schwarzenegger has called for a “planetary transformation” to save the world from climate change.

The Telegraph, 15th December 2009
The Governor of California said an international agreement at Copenhagen will usher in a new era of renewable energy and economic growth through manufacturing green technology.

Even if a deal cannot be done between nation states, he said cities and regions such as California are moving forward in transforming their industries and individual lifestyles.

Yes, Arnie we are getting the "planetary transformation", but I am not sure you will like it...

Energy-efficient traffic lights can't melt snow
Yahoo News, 15th December 2009
MILWAUKEE – Cities around the country that have installed energy-efficient traffic lights are discovering a hazardous downside: The bulbs don't burn hot enough to melt snow and can become crusted over in a storm — a problem blamed for dozens of accidents and at least one death.

"I've never had to put up with this in the past," said Duane Kassens, a driver from West Bend who got into a fender-bender recently because he couldn't see the lights. "The police officer told me the new lights weren't melting the snow. How is that safe?"

This is so representative of the Green meme being too dominant, it is frightening...

Bill McKibben At Copenhagen: I Went To Church And Cried. Then I Got Back To Work
Mother Jones, 14th December 2009
I’ve spent the last few years working more than full time to organize the first big global grassroots climate change campaign. That’s meant shutting off my emotions most of the time—this crisis is so terrifying that when you let yourself feel too deeply it can be paralyzing. Hence, much gallows humor, irony, and sheer work.

This afternoon I sobbed for an hour, and I’m still choking a little. I got to Copenhagen’s main Lutheran Cathedral just before the start of a special service designed to mark the conference underway for the next week. It was jammed, but I squeezed into a chair near the corner. The Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, gave the sermon; Desmond Tutu read the Psalm. Both were wonderful.

I got half way through this article and I really thought, this can't be serious.... then I decided it was.... The comments here are quite unkind..... More pleading,
"Nature does not negotiate," warns UN head on arrival in Copenhagen
I have to say I agree with the headline, but not the politics that is now using emotionalism to sway people's thinking.
Al Gore rallies the troops in Copenhagen
Alternative title at 'Fraud Gore Herds Climate Sheep In Copenhagen' LOL!!

New Scientist becomes Non Scientist
JoNova, 16th December 2009
You might think journalists at a popular science magazine would be able to investigate and reason.

In DenierGate, watch New Scientist closely, as they do the unthinkable and try to defend gross scientific malpractice by saying it’s OK because other people did other things a little bit wrong, that were not related, and a long time ago. Move along ladies and gentlemen, there’s nothing to see…

The big problem for this formerly good publication is that they have decided already what the answer is to any question on climate-change (and the answer could be warm or cold but it’s always ALARMING). That leaves them clutching for sand-bags to prop up their position as the king-tide sweeps away any journalistic credibility they might have had.

Often those who are interested in metaphysics and the spiritual realms are derided and accused of pseudoscience. Yet, scientists often accuse each other of pseudoscience, whilst many scientists admit they know their colleagues are cooking the data to obtain the results they want. Hence, when the ignorant complain about pseudoscience, it is probably most certain that it's a buzz word that they think is a an adequate put down. Here, Jo Nova is highlighting that scientific journals have forgotten what science is really about and no doubt Karl Popper of popperazzi fame will be turning in his grave due to the massive Climategate science scandal. For those interested in the true distinction between science and metaphysics, the following paragraph may be useful, but the source 'forgot' to mention that Popper received the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1922 and that puts him amongst the greatest scientists that have ever lived.
There is a philosophical objection called Popperism that people raise against the landscape idea. Popperism [after the philosopher Karl Popper] is the assertion that a scientific hypothesis has to be falsifiable, otherwise it’s just metaphysics. Other worlds, alternative universes, things we can’t see because they are beyond horizons, are in principle unfalsifiable and therefore metaphysical – that’s the objection. But the belief that the universe beyond our causal horizon is homogeneous is just as speculative and just as susceptible to the Popperazzi. source
Nude Scientist
WARNING: This is rude! But funny!

Alleged meteorite fall causes alarm in Santiago, Chile
SOTT, 15th December 2009
Full report: Santiago,Chile Dec. 15 .- A long white trail that appeared to be the fall of a meteorite was seen in the morning over the mountains. However, after several inquiries the meteorite hypothesis was dismissed against the hipothesis of a meteorological effect. According to sources of the Bureau of Aeronautics, it was an aircraft that was headed for Argentina and that, by the effects of temperature difference and contact of the turbine with the cooler air, generated a bright trail that remained in the sky.

Esteban Hermosilla captured this phenomenon in the morning when droving to work from Lo Barnechea to Huechuraba. "I was going down the Costanera highway and you could clearly see the marked trail, so I took a picture with my cellphone. I didn't know what it was, I was astonished, I thought it was a plane but it was very strange"said Esteban Hermosilla. See video here (in Spanish)
Here, people have been told not to believe their lying eyes and that what was seen was NOT a meteor, but a "meteorological effect". Now, like their counterparts in the United States, who prefer to call these manifestations "Heavenly Phenomena", we seem to have some confirmation that astronomers can tell the difference between a UAP arrival and a meteorite. Therefore, this video footage can be compared to many other similar events with video clips posted on the internet of this strange meteor-like phenomena that is being seen all over the world. See Best of the Blog Fireballs, meteorites & strange 'heavenly phenomena'

'Dad dancing' may be the result of evolution, scientists claim
World of Technology, 15th December 2009
Bush dances with Senegalese performers from the West African Dance Company during an event marking Malaria awareness day, in the Rose Garden of the White House

The cringeworthy "dad dancing" witnessed at wedding receptions every weekend may be an unconscious way in which ageing males repel the attention of young women, leaving the field clear for men at their sexual peak.

"The message their dancing sends out is 'stay away, I'm not fertile'," said Dr Peter Dad, a psychologist at the University of Hertfordshire who has compared the dancing styles and confidence levels of nearly 14,000 people.

His research has backed up scientific studies showing a connection between dancing, hormones and sexual selection.

I am sure that this research has to be a serious candidate for an Ig Nobel Prize... I wonder if they studied the infamous 'dance' by Ricky Gervais in The office, which has got to be the most brilliant example of terrible dancing on record, but of course I could be wrong....

Rich nations must assume environmental duties: pope
Reuters, 15th December 2009
VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - Industrialized nations must recognize their responsibility for the environmental crisis, shed their consumerism and embrace more sober lifestyles, Pope Benedict said on Tuesday.

The pope's call for more environmental commitments came in his message for the Roman Catholic Church's annual World Day of Peace, to be marked on Jan 1 and whose theme is "If You Want to Cultivate Peace, Protect Creation."

The message is traditionally sent to heads of state, government and international organizations and its importance this year is more significant because its release coincided with the U.N. climate conference in Copenhagen.

If you want to see wealth, I would recommend a visit to the Vatican museum in Rome. I was actually quite fortunate to see the Shroud of Turin in 1998 and as part of the celebrations, members of the public were ALLOWED to see priceless collection pieces that are rarely ever shown. These were crowns, crosses and religious paraphernalia encrusted with jewels, that is of course, all surplus to requirements, but kept as an insurance policy. When the Vatican talk about shedding consumerism that is for us NOT them.

Are Angry Women More Like Men?
Science Daily, 14th December 2009
"Why is it that men can be bastards and women must wear pearls and smile?" wrote author Lynn Hecht Schafran. The answer, according to an article in the Journal of Vision, may lie in our interpretation of facial expressions.

In two studies, researchers asked subjects to identify the sex of a series of faces. In the first study, androgynous faces with lowered eyebrows and tight lips (angry expressions) were more likely to be identified as male, and faces with smiles and raised eyebrows (expressions of happiness and fear) were often labeled feminine. [...]

"The present research shows that the association between anger and men and happiness and women is so strong that it can influence the decisions about the gender of another person when that person is viewed briefly," said Ursula Hess, PhD, from the Department of Psychology, University of Quebec at Montreal.

According to the report, the findings from this study as well as others lead to the idea that "the face is a complex social signaling system in which signals for emotion, behavioral intentions and sex all overlap."

At quite a young age, I came to believe that all men were bastards and then I started having trouble with women! These days, my tolerance levels for obnoxious people is close to zero. People can be as angry as they like, but I just prefer to let them get on with it and leave me alone! I think the real issue is that social conditioning no longer apply and that despite most people prefering to judge on first appearances, the saying you can't judge a book by it's cover is still very true. However, this research is quite backward as those who are evolving, use other senses to discern what is really going on with others.

Cat uses human loo
Ananova News, 14th December 2009
A pet cat has become an online star in China because it can use a toilet made for humans.

Owner Fang Deng, 32, posted a clip of his ginger cat Miao Mi showing off her special trick. Deng told the Chongqing Business News: "If the toilet is occupied she will wait patiently until it is free before going in.

"Then she squats on the edge of the loo - just like we do - and does her business. "Afterwards, she takes a peek at what she's done and then flushes the toilet with her paw."

Is this another example of increasing intelligence in animals? There does seem to be more and more examples... More Octopus Snatches Coconut and Runs
BBC: "An octopus and its coconut-carrying antics have surprised scientists. Underwater footage reveals that the creatures scoop up halved coconut shells before scampering away with them so they can later use them as shelters." Scientists are amazed...

Tide is turning on climate change
Suddenly the doomsayers aren't having it all their own way, as people stubbornly refuse to be terrified, says Eilis O'Hanlon
Irish Independent, 13th December 2009
[...] These misanthropic Luddites have been predicting doom and gloom for humanity since the invention of the wheel -- and, reassuringly, they've always been wrong.

Far from wrecking the world, human beings have generally made life progressively better for one another, but the miserablists still can't find a good word to say about their fellow man. Instead, they declare grumpily that Armaggedon has been postponed, not cancelled.

They're certainly going to have to work harder than this to convince people that slowing down their economies is the answer to whatever future problems face the climate, especially when a decelerating economy hasn't exactly been a terrific experience for most of us in Ireland over the past couple of years. Even at our most graspingly capitalistic during the Celtic Tiger years, we were responsible for only 0.2 per cent of the world's greenhouse gases. And for this we should face higher energy costs, even more unemployment, limits on growth, and, of course, lots of shiny new taxes to make us mend our sinful ways?

No wonder increasing numbers of people find themselves attracted to the alternatives. Tony Abbott, Australia's new opposition leader, summed it up best: "I don't say there aren't problems, but I refuse to be terrified of the future. The world has been significantly hotter and significantly colder than it is today. We've coped."

We've coped: now there's a narrative to inspire rather than depress. But then optimism will always trump pessimism, because optimism is about hope, and that's integral to human nature, too. As is not wanting to be landed with an estimated €36trn bill to prevent something that might not happen anyway.

There are many many reports that relate to Climategate but I am really interested in how this relates to changing consciousness. The above paragraphs are from the end of this shortish article and I want to emphasis that more people do not want to live their lives dominated by fear and that represents a MAJOR shift in global consciousness as higher consciousness has a disproportionate effect on the whole. It is well known that controllers consider fear as a tried and tested means to manipulate the masses, so they are losing a major tool in their efforts to maintain their version of reality.

Climategate: Sad Revelation of Corruption in Climate Science
Right Side News, 13th December 2009
The exposure of thousands of emails, computer code, and other documents from the Climatic Research Unit (CRU) at the University of East Anglia last month demonstrates widespread corruption among leading climate alarmist scientists around the world.

The documents show that these scientists have been fabricating, cherry-picking, fudging, hiding, destroying, and otherwise abusing data; intimidating dissenting scientists and journal editors who might publish their work; filtering out dissenting research from the information reviewed by the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and by climate change agencies of national and state or provincial governments around the world; and violating Freedom of Information laws and scientific journal policies about data sharing and transparency-hallmarks of proper scientific method.

The interdependence of CRU with the other three major surface temperature data institutions (the Global Historical Climate Network of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies) necessarily brings the credibility of their data into question as well.

Google searches just now brought me over 31 million hits on "climategate" and just over 10 million on "global warming." (The cat's out of the bag and won't be put back in.)

There are many articles at the moment discussing the corruption of science and I have try to avoid articles that are obviously written for political purposes. However, I don't have to worry, because it is obvious from the skeptical response to those kind of articles, that many people just don't believe the spin and are actually quite angry with politicians and media personalities like Al Gore. Climategate and the other major leak at Copenhagen are now taking their toll. See following BBC report and more:

Portrait of a local climate skeptic
Retired mining analyst Stephen McIntyre isn't a warming denier. He's merely a stickler
The Star, 12th December 2009
During the 12-day climate summit underway in Copenhagen, countries are trying to forge consensus on how best to protect the planet from global warming. An international all-star roster of academics is providing critical scientific data as the evidentiary backbone for the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, which hopes to prod perceived green slackers like Canada into more aggressive environmental reforms.

So why is a retired mining analyst living near Broadview and Danforth Aves. – a squash-playing grandfather who prompted a U.S. congressional hearing by crunching global warming research on his home computer – not invited to the party?

Because Stephen McIntyre is an enemy of climate change believers, a man who, essentially, double-checks the math behind research accepted as green gospel. Though his painstaking "hobby" has exposed flawed data supporting studies like the "hockey stick" graph – it claimed the 1990s was the millennium's hottest decade – he's considered a denier by those who fear the planet is burning up. But the Toronto native won't stop asking the tough questions.

Sometimes, it's nice to appreciate where other people are on the spiral. Stephen McIntyre took on the unpaid and unsung role of climate auditor and he managed to strike fear into the hearts of those who had lost their love for the scientific method. This gentleman, along with Anthony Watts are leading modern day heroes amongst the climate 'realist' community.

Being an Old Soul in a Young Soul World, 12th December 2009
* If you're reading this, you're probably an Old Soul. Infant Souls are in jail for being serial killers; Baby Souls are busy attending Bible class or Ku Klux Klan rallies; Young Souls are off chasing the Almighty Dollar so they can park a shiny new BMW in their driveway for all the neighbors to see; and Mature Souls are flitting between their shrinks and the Betty Ford clinic. Only Old Souls sense that there's more to life, and are trying to figure it out so that they can get off the incarnation carousel. However, as the chart shows, we're in the minority.

* So, Old Soul, you live on a planet where the average soul age is late Young … and can't you tell? You know about living by the Golden Rule and honoring the Four Agreements, and you smile at the games played by the younger soul ages, for you were there once. You know that it's all Maya, or illusion, so you march to your own drum, rarely getting steamed up about causes. You are good at almost anything you do but may choose to do nothing, which, by the way, really puzzles the younger soul ages. And our work and hobbies are usually oriented to personal growth, teaching, writing or bringing beauty of some sort into the world.

* Rigid schedules, a classy house or a new car are low on our list, even though we could have them because we know the secret-using the laws of creation, programming the M-field, etc., rather than plain, hard work.

* The problem is that, in a Young Soul world, we're not appreciated because the younger souls don't understand who we are or what we have. Oh, we "get" them fully, of course ("been there, done that"), but they don't get us. So, when we judge ourselves by Yuppie values, we fall short. We don't fit the Madison Avenue image of success, so beating ourselves up comes easily. In fact, low self-esteem is a major Old Soul problem because we've lost the brashness and arrogance of the earlier soul ages.

This resonates with me, but these days I think and talk in terms of Human development and the system of Spiral Dynamics developed by psychologists, as it helps when dealing with people to guage how they think which is normally very different to me. Here is more on The Old Soul Age However, I do have reservations about old souls being 11 percent of the population, this cannot be right in comparison with studies of human development. After Dr. Clare W. Graves, late emeritus psychologist at Union College in Schenectady, New York, spent about twenty years researching human development, he estimated in the mid 1970s that the level of attainment described now as a 'Yellow' represented 1 in 10,000 and then there are the levels of Turquoise and the new Coral meme beyond that. The Yellows are the ones in the last fifty years, who have been preparing to support a massive leap in consciousness in mankind. Once you have the metrics, its very easy to see who these people are, but they won't necessarily want to be your friend. They are not great socialites.

Nine whales beached in Italy in rare accident
A pod of sperm whales was beached on Italy's southern coast and at least five died in what experts said was a rare mass beaching for such a large species.
The Telegraph, 12th December 2009
Only two managed to swim back to deeper waters and at least five were dead by Saturday, said Nicola Zizzo, one of the veterinarians caring for the animals. He said officials were considering euthanising the last two whales still trapped in high waves just off the beach.

The rough seas were making it difficult to understand even how many whales were still alive, with other experts telling Italian media that only one was breathing.

The sperm whale is the largest of all toothed whales and is considered a vulnerable species. While similar mass beachings are more common in the oceans, they are extremely rare in the Mediterranean, occurring once every 150-200 years, said Giuseppe Notarbartolo di Sciara, a marine biologist and head of a conservation group.

Interesting, it is clear that whales are following old geomagnetic field lines that they have inherited but since the Earth's geomagnetic field has changed in recent times, and we are experiencing chaotic conditions as the Earth's magnetopshere is no quite unstable, we are seeing more unusual examples of mass beachings. I wonder if this is related to the report of the 10,000 star fish found dead on a beach in the UK last week. Graveyard on the shore for thousands of starfish as storm throws them from the sea

Lightning-Produced Radiation a Potential Health Concern for Air Travelers
Science Daily, 12th December 2009
New information about lightning-emitted X-rays, gamma rays and high-energy electrons during thunderstorms is prompting scientists to raise concerns about the potential for airline passengers and crews to be exposed to harmful levels of radiation.

Scientists at the Florida Institute of Technology, University of California, Santa Cruz and the University of Florida have estimated that airplane passengers could be exposed to a radiation dose equal to that from 400 chest X-rays if their airplane happens to be near the start of a lightning discharge or related phenomena known as a terrestrial gamma ray flash.

The big unknown: how often -- if ever -- commercial airliners are exposed to these thunderstorm events, because the bursts of radiation occur only over extremely brief periods and extend just a few hundred feet in the clouds. [...]

The observations included those made from orbiting satellites of "terrestrial gamma-ray flashes," or TGFs, mysterious phenomena that appear to originate within thunderstorms at the same altitudes used by jet airliners. They also included measurements of X-rays and gamma rays from natural lightning on the ground, as well as artificial lightning triggered with wire-trailing rockets fired into storm clouds. Researchers believe the phenomena are linked, because both produce high levels of gamma rays and X-rays and occur along with the actual lightning flash.

The scientists concluded the radiation in a football field-sized space around these lightning events could reach "biologically significant levels," up to 10 rem, according to their paper.

According to reports, these bursts of energy are so massive, that theorists calculate this is what you would expect to be coming out of a blackhole, NOT the upper atmosphere of Earth! However, this recent phenomenon is part of the significant electromagnetic changes taking place on this planet, and besides the impact on human biology, there is an impact on electronics. For those who are new to this website and don't know much about Space Weather, I wrote in my book about this new phenomena but scientists reported that these TGFs were going out to space, but in the last years or so they have started to tell us what is really happening and scientists seem quite shocked by this development. Hence, when you realise that my book is about explaining why New Agers are choosing to build up their energy fields to act as a more effective shield against unwanted electromagnetic fields and cosmic radiation, then these people no longer seem to be so crazy.

Paranormal Flexibility
New York Times, 11th December 2009
The Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life released a report on Wednesday that is bound to stir conversation about the increasingly complicated cacophony of spirituality in America — a mash-up of traditional faiths, fantasy and mythology.

Entitled “Many Americans Mix Multiple Faiths,” the report points out that many Americans are now choosing to “blend Christianity with Eastern or New Age beliefs” and that “sizable minorities of all major U.S. religious groups” said that they have had supernatural experiences, like encountering ghosts.

For the first time in 47 years of polling, the number of Americans who said that they have had a religious or mystical experience, which the question defined as a “moment of sudden religious insight or awakening,” was greater than those who said that they had not.

(Question: Does the first time I saw Michael Jackson’s “Thriller” video count?)

The Michael Jackson 'Thriller' quip just made me laugh....

Deprogramming Children After Global Warming Scam, 11th December 2009 (late entry, will-refile later)
The opening film at the Copenhagen “climate meeting” was an apt reminder of the long-term damage done by global warming propagandists. A little girl has nightmares about being alone in a desert where her life is threatened by floods and hurricanes.

Al Gore’s sci-fi horror fantasy in documentary style – An Inconvenient Truth – has been shown to school children, as young as 4 years old, around the world for years. Lesson plans aimed to convince children that the threat was real and that anyone doubting the message was wrong. They intentionally frightened children into emotional and psychological trauma.

Closing the Copenhagen film, many children repeated the phrase; “Please help save the world.” Now parents and teachers are faced with the sticky question of how that should be done. How can we deprogram millions of children the world over without allowing the experience to leave permanent psychological scars?

I was deadly serious when I said I was waiting for someone to write something sensible about 'cult' deprogramming, it's taken a few weeks, but here we are. I believe it will become quite obvious soon that this is required, alongside the de-programming required for all the fear and false ideas associated with 2012. See American Thinker article, Get Global Warming Out of Our Schools

Climategate’s Harry_Read_Me.txt: We All Really Should [Read]
The comprehensive collection of excerpts from the appalling CRU text file. A must read.

Pajama Media, 11th December 2009
One of the most damning pieces of evidence in Climategate (so far) is a text file called HARRY_READ_ME.txt.

This file is supposedly written by Ian “Harry” Harris, a researcher at the University of East Anglia’s CRU (Climatic Research Unit). In it he details the trials and tribulations of being tasked with creating a new climate information database from previous publications and databases. According to Harry’s documented struggle, he is confronted with missing, manipulated, and undocumented data that he has to use to try to piece together the newer TS 3.0 database.

Here are the brow-raising excerpts:

I use to work in a large computer department and worked with programmers, software specialists, analysts and project managers. I have been there when massive projects failed because of conflicts between business needs and computer department directives or people failing to communicate properly and deliver what was actually asked for. I think there was one failure caused by a young flighty-type Project Manager that mismanaged a project where she thought that a new replacement online system could be delivered on time, but the actual database could be converted two weeks later.... she was demoted immediately. From what I have read, there is real sympathy for poor Harry!

Evolution may take giant leaps, 11th December 2009 -- A new study of thousands of species of plants and animals suggests new species may arise from rare events instead of through an accumulation of small changes made in response to changes in the environment.

The traditionally accepted idea of species evolving through gradual changes is the Red Queen hypothesis, named after a character in Alice in Wonderland, who explains to Alice that "it takes all the running you can do, to keep in the same place." The hypothesis, that species continually change and adapt to compete with co-evolving species and retain their ecological niche, was proposed in 1973 by Leigh Van Valen. Dr Pagel said that the research shows speciation is the result of rare events in the environment, such as genetic mutations, a shift in climate, or a mountain range rising up. Over the long term new species are formed at a constant rate, rather than the variable rate Pagel's team expected, but the constant rates are different for different groups of species.

The work suggests that natural selection may not be the cause of speciation, which Pagel said "really goes against the grain" for scientists who have a Darwinian view of evolution. The model that provided the best fit for the data is surprisingly incompatible with the idea that speciation is a result of many small small events, Pagel said.

Here we have a scientist who has looked at the evidence and has concluded that evolution is NOT a slow process, which is an issue for Darwinists, but instead they occur as evolutionary spikes which are driven by changes in environmental and most likely cosmic factors.

Spectacular light phenomenon in the skies over Northern Norway
Credit: Odd Magne Haugen

This morning in Norway, people saw a strange and still-unexplained phenomenon. Eye-witness Nick Banbury of Harstad reports: "We are used to seeing lots of auroras here in Arctic Norway, but on my way to work this morning I saw something completely unexpected. Between 7:50 and 8:00 a.m. local time, there was a strange light in the sky," shown here in a photo taken by Jan Petter:

"It consisted initially of a green beam of light similar in colour to the aurora with a mysterious rotating spiral at one end," continues Banbury. "This spiral then got bigger and bigger until it turned into a huge halo in the sky with the green beam extending down to the earth. According to the press, this could be seen all over northern norway and must therefore have been very high up in the atmosphere to be seen hundreds of km apart."

"[A popular] suggestion at the moment is that it was a rocket shot up by a Russian submarine in the white sea, but the Russians deny this apparently. A big mystery indeed!"

Wow!! Check out the images over in the Norwegian press! here #1, here # 2 & here #3 Well, I have to wonder, how many people are going to start asking some serious questions!!!!!!!!!

Update #1 This has hit the mainstream media, the comment about lasers does not explain how this could be seen all over Northern Norway which would cover thousands of square miles, see Mystery as spiral blue light display hovers above Norway.

Update #2 This is a real mystery, see something similar over China April 2009. For those who still think this is a Russian missile, I doubt very much whether in this case, diplomatic relations between Russia and China are good enough for missile 'tests'! What's more, even though this commentary is in Chinese, listen to how many times they say UFO! link.

Update #3
At the moment the Russians, are still not fully admitting that this was a rocket that had failed. What is odd is that this looked like a blue orb that jumped about in the sky FIRST before it started to swirl before emitting the turquoise light for 12 - 10 minutes (Daily Mail), nothing like an out of control missile and enough time to make sure a few people got some good photos....

At the moment, since there are reports that this also happened on 1st November 2009, see Earlier version of "Norwegian Spiral" took place in November. . Obviously, this is very suspicious as a similar event happened in China (see update #2) and we are expected to believe they all have the same cause.... Unsurprisingly, the Norwegian authorities prefer to have an answer, even if it's just a cover .... See, Did Russian military spark Norway UFO frenzy? However, it is inevitable, that some believe this was an attempt at contact, see Norway wormhole is First Contact, claim UFO watchers . interestingly, we find, "It looked like a rocket that spun around and around - and then went diagonally across the heavens," Totto Eriksen, from Tromso in northern Norway, told The Sun. Hmmm...

Update #4
This may be significant, Fire in the sky; strange lights over Norwegian military base & Interview with Norwegian photographer and Russian military official: Is this strange light a UFO? Why would the Russians launch a missile that could 'fail' over a Norwegian military base? If you are familiar with UFO reports, military installations are a popular haunt and I believe it has got NOTHING to do with aliens checking out our weapons. From the evidence available, it seems that orbs/UAPs do not like our radiation and the leakage of radiation into our atmosphere makes the orbs/UAPs much easier to see. I think the answer looks more and more like this is an orb that came in and out of a "wormhole" and took the opportunity to draw the world's attention, similar to many other recent events, but we really need some help here with the WHY? Personally, I think it is because the orbs realise that most humans are clueless and unaware of the fact that we share this planet with another lifeform. Due to the changing aetheric environment, (our planet is being flooded with cosmic radiation), our neighbours are becoming much easier to see. Therefore, I think they are literally just introducing themselves.

Update #5
Just in case this is not obvious, failed rockets are destroyed by remote control before they have any opportunity to cause any damage. The thought that the Russians would have allowed a failed rocket to be projected 700 miles over NATO neighbours Finland, Sweden and the Norway to make a picturesque swirl on limited fuel is absurd.

Another 'UFO' from Russia
Cosmic Log, MSNBC, 11th December 2009
Just a day after a Russian rocket launch set off a spate of UFO sightings in Norway, yet another missile test created a similar sky show over the heart of Russia.

Like Wednesday's launch of the submarine-based Bulava missile from the White Sea, Thursday's launch of the land-based Topol ballistic missile from the Kapustin Yar missile range on the lower Volga River sparked plenty of sightings. Reports came in from Chelyabinsk, Yekaterinburg, Ufa and other cities, said NBC News space analyst James Oberg.

The rocket plume created a spiral pattern in the sky, though the pattern wasn't as striking as the one seen over Norway earlier in the week. "The difference in sunlight conditions from pre-dawn northern Norway may account for much of the visual differences," Oberg said. [...]

"The first rocket UFO was so much fun, the Russians fired off another one as an encore!" Oberg wrote. "Actually, the timing of the two tests is almost certainly accidental."

Huh!!! A Russian missile test fails spectacularly, so the Russians do the exact same test again the next day because it was "so much fun"?!! The mystery deepens!! There are several videos over Russia provided with this report, but the following is the best that shows an orb right next to the spiral formation, YouTube video, captured from Yekaterinburg. Report a Bad Astronomy The situation can be summarised as follows: According to the Norwegians, the information that they have on the light phenomenon is "restricted". The Russians are admitting a test, but that the spectacular light show over a Norwegian military base is nothing to do with them, all reports that state the light phenomena was caused by the Russians never provide an official source.
So what does the Russian military have to say? Not much. "On this matter we do not confirm, we do not deny, we do not comment," a Russian Defense Ministry spokesman told source
You can see the actual footage of a missile test provided by Russians and compare, I would say it is NOTHING LIKE what was seen in the skies above the Norwegian military base. Please note, that the video clip that shows a missile test is a Russia Today news report, see UFO-like lights over Norway 'not linked' to failed Russian missile and this is their title NOT MINE. The Russian incident here is similar to the event that took place in April 2009, China as detailed above.

Update #1

This is an image that I missed and some are claiming that something came through a portal and hit the ground. source Norwegian ground object zoomed here At the moment, I do have a few ideas but I am still thinking. I also found a video clip of a major event over Tomsk, Russia from 2006, where we have something arriving that leaves a geometrical trail, just like an example in my UAP video Index, (UAP Caught On Outdoor Surveillance Camera in Russia May 2009), but in this video, we see a hole open and an orb pop out that then proceeds to spiral! What a way to make to make an entrance! See, Spiral UFO coming out Wormhole or Hyperspace ? Tomsk Russia [2006] There is exhaustive discussion on the internet that this was NOT a Russian rocket see,

Trident II launch goes wrong & On the wings of a dove: Spectacular rocket trails light up the evening sky, so now we can compare these with the nice images of the rocket trail in the far off distance, so it is looking less and less like a man-made event and something seriously more interesting instead ....
Well, quite frankly, the orbs really know how to put on a show.... LOL!!

Update #2
YouTube video Strange Vortex or Time portal worm hole has been seen in Mexico's skys!!! [7:31], gives us a discussion by Mexican ufologists, of dimensional portals seen in Mexico and the United Kingdom. The most interesting part is the presentation by Mexican media personality, Jaime Maussan who talks about crop circles in the UK and the fleets of orbs in the sky over Mexico as being "signs". He states that because of this activity, there is a relationship between UK and Mexico and he quotes the Bible, as a lot of people are doing at the moment, as people start to realise the enormity of what is taking place.... BTW, the end of this clip shows what looks like an eyeball in the sky, totally amazing! So as ufologists start to agree that this is a NEW phenomena, nothing to do with little green men, we need some plasma physicists and space-time theorists to step up to the plate and give us some options (in plain english), for what is happening here. Meanwhile, world controllers must be in complete shock, there is NOTHING they can do.... This is the Apocalpyse!!

Update #3
At the moment, the light phenomena event over Northern Norway cannot be dismissed as a rocket failure, but if you want to believe this explanation, based on a dubious set of assertions and some deliberate attempts to mislead with the fact that the Russian authorities admit to a rocket failure hundreds/thousands of kilometers 700 miles 1127 kilometres away. If you want to find a technical discussion of rocket failures, they are taking place all over the web, so I am not repeating that here. Now, what is most interesting is how many people are looking back at the strangest sightings and instances of what many think are UFO wormholes, I have been utterly amazed. It is now becoming clear that some "entities" are arriving via wormholes and because of the aetheric density changes, especially in parts of the United States, who have really screwed up with all their weather engineering and atomic bomb tests with the obvious unintended consequences in changing spacetime, it is quite clear that temporary wormholes exist.

So now we have great examples of this "string" delivery mechanism that has been long theorised about by scientists, but see what you think with this 'controversial' YouTube video [1:05] Vandenburg Missile Test ... or UFO Wormhole? I have watched this video quite a few times now and all I can say is: What a way to make to make an entrance!

Update #4
There are claims that there was a spiral over South Africa on 18th October, and the following report was given by astronomers who stated: "A Centaur rocket, followed by US military weather satellite (DMSP F-18) dumped a load of excess fuel into space, resulting in spectacular views over Southern Africa." Interestingly, this reported also stated: "It was a most spectacular event - took me completely by surprise as the fuel dump was scheduled to take place later over Europe when they boosted the Centaur rocket to heliocentric orbit. What we saw here in SA beats anything I've seen so far from Europe - the rocket appeared to be "puffing" and I guess this was propellant venting and then expanding in concentric rings around the rocket." The collection of photographs are so strange that they encourages more questions rather than provide answers. See The "UFO" event, observed over Southern Africa by many, photographed by few.

Update #5 - 18th December 2009
Ok, I have given this a few more days thought and I DON'T think the South African event was a spiral like the examples we have seen in Norway and elsewhere. Instead it looks more like an object surrounded by plasma "double layers", implying whatever it was required some shielding.

Colored ‘fireballs’ light up evening sky [Hawai‘i]
The, 11th December 2009
WAILUA — Residents are still talking about the unique light show they witnessed in the evening skies last week.

A “big ol’ honking fireball” was what Steve Yoder said he saw while he was on his way to Wailua from Waimea the night of Dec. 2. A “flaming green” object lit up the eastern sky right before 9 p.m.

“I hadn’t started drinking yet,” he said with a laugh. In fact, Yoder said he found it hard to believe there has not yet been an explanation for what he saw, much like the loud noise over Kalaheo reported by residents in May of this year. “I’ve seen meteorites all my life,” he said. But added that what he saw was much different. “It was either a gigantic asteroid or one of the biggest meteorites I have ever seen.”

About the size of a dime in the sky, it traveled at a downward angle for less than five seconds until it disappeared into the horizon, he said.

Residents as far as Anahola also reported seeing similar “orange and green” objects beginning around dusk the same evening, “some of them hovering over car ports in Anahola,” said an Eastside resident who wished to remain anonymous.

There are expected meteor showers taking place at the moment, but it is assumed that most people won't panic over something that is so obviously far away. However, with the massive fireballs and the rest of the strange heavenly phenomena, the activity in the heavens is reaching apocalytic dimensions, please excuse the pun....

Mysterious night sky prompts questions of light's origins [Minnesota/Wisconsin, US]
Bright blue or green flash in the sky (lit up like daylight) and other strange lights over the last month

Air France jet issued mayday alert close to where Flight AF447 disappeared
Investigators hope to shed light on June crash by examining why similar plane ran into difficulty last month on same route
The Guardian, 10th December 2009
France's accident investigation agency has opened an inquiry into an Air France flight from Rio de Janeiro to Paris which ran into difficulties last month just miles from where another of its planes vanished in June with 228 people on board.

In an attempt to "shed light" on the crash of Flight AF447, which went missing while flying over the Atlantic, the Bureau d'Enquêtes et d'Analyses (BEA) said it was looking into what triggered Flight AF445 to issue a mayday signal flying the same route on 29 November. "We cannot ignore such a coincidence," said a spokesman.

The A330 airbus – the same model as the aeroplane which went down on 1 June – was four hours into its flight to the French capital when it hit heavy turbulence, an Air France statement said. "[The aircraft] performed a standard descent in order to avoid a zone of severe turbulence and get back to a less turbulent level of flight."

The airline insists the emergency signal was not sent because the pilots believed they were in danger.

OK, since we now have confirmation that Space Weather COULD have caused Electromagnetic Interfence (EMI) in the electronics of a Qantas flight back in October 2008, and we have seen 2 incidents in the approx. same region, just off the coast of Brazil, it is becoming more likely that this was caused by Space Weather and the known weakness of the Earth's magnetic field, referred to as the South Atlantic Anomaly (SAA), see diagrams here for more information. What's more, I would imagine that the SAA is now probably much bigger as NASA have informed us that the Earth's magnetic field is now unstable with massive breaches, that they are unwilling to give us much detail about. Therefore we await the analysis fronm the European Space Agency (ESA) Swarm project, that is currently investigating the anomalies of the Earth's magnetic field. See Best of the Blog, Electronics & Electromagnetic Chaos

December 27, 2004: The Day Earth Survived the Greatest Stellar Attack -Ever
Daily Galaxy, 10th December 2009
It came suddenly from the distant reaches of the Constellation Sagittarius, some 50,000 light years away. For a brief instant, a couple of tenths of a second, on December 27, 2004 an invisible burst of energy the equivalent of half a million years of sunlight shone on Earth. Many orbiting satellites electronics were zapped and the Earth's upper atmosphere was amazingly ionized from a massive hit of gamma ray energy.

The source of the invisible attack was a rare magnetar SGR 1806-20 on the other side of the Milky Way. These soft gamma ray repeaters, SGRs, occur when twisted magnetic fields attempt to re-align themselves and crack the magetar's crust releasing the awesome burst or pulse of energy with a death-zone of a few light years. Magnetars have magnetic fields 1000 times those of ordinary pulsars -so powerful as to be lethal at a distance of 1000 kilometers.

I'm I am starting to wonder now.... We have the spectacular light phenomenon event in Norway and there is now a preponderance of articles related to extreme cosmic objects and events. Hmmmm.... This is a November 2005, Sky and Telescope article talking about this Magnetar blast Powerful Magnetar Blast from Another Galaxy , but at the time, scientists thought it was a Gamma Ray Burst (GRB) and many tried to dismiss the obvious link between the Asian Tsunami which occurred approx. 44 hours earlier. See the opinion of respected alternative astrophysicist Dr. Paul LaViolette, Was the December 26, 2004 Indonesian Earthquake and Tsunami Caused by a Stellar Explosion 26,000 Light Years Away?, (note the disparity between the estimates of distance, as scientists have admitted they can only guesstimate). He discusses the occurence of a Superluminal Gravity wave, but we now know for a fact that some some form of energy described as "radiation" from Magnetars arrives first and then the Gamma rays arrive afterwards.... Whatever, at the time scientists did not know what had hit us and there was long silence from the astronomical community that went on for months and months. For a very long time most believe that we had been hit by a GRB, but now we know it was Magnetar SGR 1806-20 that was first discovered in 1979, believe me, that's far worse. Well, this article does not mention the recent Magnetar events in 2008 and 2009 and due to the extreme nature of these objects, it it no wonder that the Obama Administration tried to get some sense out of the metaphysical community about "Planetary challenges" and the implications for evolutionary change. However, the effort to find out what was going on, was apparently, to no avail..... For more current and background information, see Extreme Space Weather

Fermi Sees Brightest-Ever Blazar Flare
Innovations Report, 10th December 2009
A galaxy located billions of light-years away is commanding the attention of NASA's Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope and astronomers around the globe. Thanks to a series of flares that began September 15, the galaxy is now the brightest source in the gamma-ray sky -- more than ten times brighter than it was in the summer.

Astronomers identify the object as 3C 454.3, an active galaxy located 7.2 billion light-years away in the constellation Pegasus. But even among active galaxies, it's exceptional.

"We're looking right down the barrel of a particle jet powered by the galaxy's supermassive black hole," said Gino Tosti at the National Institute of Nuclear Physics in Perugia, Italy. "Some change within that jet -- we don't know what -- is likely responsible for these flares."

Blazars, like many active galaxies, emit oppositely directed jets of particles traveling near the speed of light when matter falls toward their central supermassive black holes. What makes a blazar so bright in gamma rays is its orientation: One of the jets happens to be aimed straight at us.

Hmmm... Yes, there seems to be a lot of cosmic objects targetting their energy towards Earth, according to astronomers over recent years, but the vast majority have no idea that cosmic forces are orchestrating a massive energetic upgrade of Mother Earth.

Scientists observe super-massive black holes using Keck Observatory in Hawaii
Eureka Alert, 11th December 2009
An international team of scientists has observed four super-massive black holes at the center of galaxies, which may provide new information on how these central black hole systems operate. Their findings are published in December's first issue of the journal Astronomy and Astrophysics.

These super-massive black holes at the center of galaxies are called active galactic nuclei. For the first time, the team observed a quasar with an active galactic nucleus, as part of the group of four, which is located more than a billion light years from Earth. The scientists used the two Keck telescopes on top of Mauna Kea in Hawaii. These are the largest optical/infrared telescopes in the world.

The team also used the United Kingdom Infrared Telescope (UKIRT) to follow up the Keck observations, to obtain current near-infrared images of the target galaxies.

"Astronomers have been trying to see directly what exactly is going on in the vicinity of these accreting super-massive black holes," said co-author Robert Antonucci, a UC Santa Barbara astrophysicist.

He explained that the nuclei of many galaxies show intense radiation from X-ray to optical, infrared, and radio, where the nucleus may exhibit a strong jet –– a linear feature carrying particles and magnetic energy out from a central super-massive black hole. Scientists believe these active nuclei are powered by accreting super-massive black holes. The accreting gas and dust are especially bright in the optical and infrared regions of the electromagnetic spectrum.

Wouldn't it be better if scientists drop the stupid concept of black holes? The only reason they can see something, is because energy is pouring out into space in HUGE quantities!!!! Many scientists don't believe in black holes and suggest that they are dubious mathematical constructs. Yet, even in our own galaxy, scientists are so embarrassed that they pretend that Saggitarius A* is a black hole when in fact it is a region of space filled with young and old stars. There is a massive object red supergiants IRS7, right next to something they think is a black hole but it is fairly inncoculous and defies all the beliefs about black holes. See The Galactic Center -- Nucleus of the Milky Way, The popular idea of a 'Black hole' is a scientific myth.

The Nightline interview with James Ray staff
ABC News, 10th December 2009
If you missed the Nightline interviews on ABC yesterday with former JRI employee Melinda Martin, you should go watch. I’ll wait. ABC did a decent job, in my opinion. My thoughts on the show are pretty much in order.

The phrase “unregulated self-help industry” generally makes me want to beat my head against the wall because it’s a contradiction of terms. That’s not what “self” means. Of course, I think James Ray was breaking laws about practicing psychology which would push it right out of “unregulated self-help” anyway, so let’s not quibble about terminology.

The Nightline interview (3 videos) is shocking, shocking, shocking, this video brought me to tears. I am persisting with this James Ray series because people need to be warned that the New Age world attracts some of worse predator types. Vigilance is required.


Breaking news: Fifth death associated with James Ray
I have been thinking hard about some of the terrible things that have happened to me and others that have been less fortunate and have died at the hands of New Age fakes and I have realised that the problem is the New Age fairy tale world that passes for spirituality. People are so enamoured with the fairy tale that they have no explanation for the Wizard of Oz types that are just plain evil who play up for the children and secretly co-operate with the darkside. In my situation, I have watched the embarrassment when New Agers are exposed, the children just find this hard to contemplate and quite frankly, how do you deal with those who are prepared to go to great lengths to engineer your demise? I am sorry, but recently someone gave me the following advice for guidance, "follow the crumbs". I could not believe it, straight out of Hansel and Gretel, no wonder folks are dying at the hands of Dark Masters like James Ray. BTW, the childish mentality of New Agers is clearly demonstrated by enthusiasm for the overblown cosmic fairy tale of Father Sun having a union with Cosmic Mother on the 21st December 2012 and New Agers believing that something special will happen on that date? Meanwhile, the reality surrounding the fulfillment of Mayan prophecies are totally ignored.

Update #2

Despite my sadness and anger, there is a positive side to all this. Everytime I read more about the results of the dreadful Dark Arts perpetrated by James Ray, I take myself over to the Cult Education Forum and learn something new about the techniques that these people use, I have even ordered a recommended book. So slowly, slowly, if I ever get myself in a situation where any of these Dark Masters are operating, they had better watch out!

Saturn's Mysterious Hexagon Emerges from Winter Darkness
Science Daily, 10th December 2009
After waiting years for the sun to illuminate Saturn's north pole again, cameras aboard NASA's Cassini spacecraft have captured the most detailed images yet of the intriguing hexagon shape crowning the planet.

The new images of the hexagon, whose shape is the path of a jet stream flowing around the north pole, reveal concentric circles, curlicues, walls and streamers not seen in previous images.
The gas giant Saturn hosts one of the best examples of a spinning body demonstrating geometry. This hyperdimensional feature was noted as part of the brilliant research of Richard Hoagland and David Wilcock on our current solar system transformation and published online in 2004. The following link, is Hoagland being interviewed by Coast to Coast radio in April 2007 talking about Saturn's Hexagon at it's poles, that has perplexed conventional scientists, who do not take theories of the aether seriously. See YouTube videos, The Hyperdimensional Hexagon

'Holy cow' born with cross on forehead
Refreshing News, 9th December 2009
A calf has stunned his owners after being born with a white marking on his forehead in the shape of a cross. Moses, a Jersey Holstein calf mix

Moses, who has been hailed as a "holy cow", was born last week at a dairy farm in Sterling, Connecticut, a small rustic town on the Rhode Island border.

The mostly brown calf is half Jersey, half Holstein. Local children gave him his Biblical name. His owner, Brad Davis, told WFSB-TV he thought the marking may be a message from above, though he is still trying to worl out what that message might be.

LOL!! At the moment there are all sorts of strange "signs", but this one made me laugh.

"100 Billion" The Most Profound Image in Human History
Hubble's New View of the Universe (VIDEO)

Daily Galaxy, 9th December 2009
The new Wide Field Camera 3 aboard the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope has taken the deepest image yet of the Universe in near-infrared light. The faintest and reddest objects in the image are likely the oldest galaxies ever identified, having formed between only 600–900 million years after the Big Bang. The image shows thousands of galaxies, some more than 12 billion years old. The field view of this image would fit behind a grain of sand held at arm's length against the sky. Almost every dot in this photo is an entire galaxy of stars and who knows what fascinating undiscovered mysteries.

Watch the Video! [4:17] Now, just think.... some people still believe that we are the only form of life in our universe. The thought is just absolutely ridiculous!

It’ll go away if you ignore it
Herald Tribune Blog, 8th December 2009
Check out this vintage snippet from 1956. It’s from the first-ever documentary on UFOs, called “Unidentified Flying Objects.” Technically, it’s a docudrama, since it involved actors, recreations, etc. It’s not very good, it bombed at the box office, and reviews might be charitably described as mixed. [...]

Several cool things about this video excerpt (aside from the obvious fact that the documentary is black-and-white, and the footage it submits into evidence is in color). First are the credentials of the witness, Delbert Newhouse, who filmed the objects in Utah during the ‘52 wave and plays himself. Dressed in uniform, Warrant Officer Newhouse is a 21-year veteran and U.S. Navy photographer. Second is the extensive analysis performed by the military, which eliminated any and all prosaic explanations. Imagine that sort of candor from the Pentagon today.

Forty years ago this month, the USAF announced its official disinterest in what it can’t explain by shutting down Blue Book. That didn’t change anything. UFOs continue to challenge security perimeters, people keep filming the phenomena as they exercise free rein of sovereign air space, and pilots are still under orders to report UFOs. The only difference is, the DoD doesn’t have to talk about it. So neither does the media.

The writer is not joking when they tell you how awful the actors are in this docudrama. However, the clip here starts with some excellent footage of silvery orbs flying in formation, the sort of thing that is being seen all over the world now. Here, the question is raised of why there was so much candor in the early 1950s. Indeed, there were some excellent books written by military men with access to reports and commissions, sources of research and information that are still unsurpassed today. Most ufologists will tell you this was the time that the most revealing information was made available, but this abruptly changed until recent times and now government after government are opening up their UFO files and even military organisations are doing the same. From the evidence available, it seems that the first major UFO flaps were the unforeseen blowback from dropping nuclear bombs and nuclear installations/waste changing the etheric density and making UFOs visible. So, now that the planet is being flooded with cosmic radiation (see recent Space Weather related NASA press releases), UFOs or rather UAPs are now a permanent fixture and an embarrassment that will not go away. So, as the levels of cosmic radiation increase, (there is nothing that anyone can do about that) the situation will become untenable and Governments will be FORCED to confirm the existence of another lifeform on this planet. Here is some nice November 2009 footage from Peru here, you will note it is EXACTLY the same as the footage from over 50 years ago.

Bluish-green fireball sighted over northern Germany
The Local, 8th December 2009
Several eyewitnesses reported seeing a bluish-green fireball over northern Germany on Monday night – possibly a large meteor burning up in the Earth’s atmosphere, according to experts at the German Aerospace Centre (DLR).

The object was first sighted over Braunschweig aroung 11:40 pm, but people in Celle, Delmenhorst, Lüneburg, Grabow, Kiel and Hannover also spotted the fireball streaking across the sky. The Network for Researching Unusual Heavenly Phenomena (CENAP) said on Tuesday the object eventually broke up into brightly glowing pieces before disappearing.

Wilfried Tost from the DLR said the fireball was likely a meteor, explaining that on average one falls to Earth over Central Europe each month.

Oh well, it's good to see that the Europeans are getting their fair share of hits too...

Skeptics challenge Copenhagen global warming summit
RT News, 7th December 2009
On the second day of the UN climate change conference in Copenhagen, a group of skeptics is meeting in the Danish capital to counterbalance the main event.

The group has laid down the gauntlet to the intergovernmental panel on climate change, saying that: if is the world is warming because of manmade factors, if the glaciers are melting and the sea level is going to rise – then prove it using the science you have come up with and we will counter it with our science.

There is a video here of Professor Cliff Ollier, a Professor of Geology from the University of Western Australia who focuses on ice caps and glaciers. He explains why warmists are using theories that date back to 1779, which is quite incredible and why what they are are saying is a pure fabrication. I was quite amazed, another eyeopener... It seems that this very English sounding Russian news service, is offering to support the skeptical view, hmmmm...

'Climategate' at centre stage as Copenhagen opens
The Times, 7th December 2009
The "Climategate" row took centre stage on the opening day of the Copenhagen climate summit today as the world's leading oil exporter intervened to question the scientific consensus on man-made global warming.

As 15,000 delegates from 192 nations began what was billed as the "last, best chance" to avert a catastrophic rise in sea and air temperatures, Saudi Arabia's chief climate negotiator, Mohammed al-Sabban, spoke from the floor to say that e-mails hacked from a UK research centre had shaken trust in the work of scientists.

He was not the first to mention the Climategate scandal. In his opening address to the conference, Rajendra Pachauri, chairman of the Nobel prize-winning Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), said the hackers had been trying to undermine the work of his organisation. [...]

The Saudi negotiator rejected Dr Pachauri's defence of the IPCC's integrity as "general statements".

"In light of recent information ... the scientific scandal has assumed huge proportion," he said. "We think it is definitely going to affect the nature of what can be trusted in the negotiations."

The summit is being held in a vast congress centre on the edge of Copenhagen, powered by wind turbines – although organisers admit that it will have a significant carbon footprint.

Well, I am sure you have heard all about the excess at Copenhagen with the super rich not having to to worry about their carbon footprints see Copenhagen climate summit: 1,200 limos, 140 private planes and caviar wedges, it reminds me of early General Councils of the Church where history records the excess and licentious behaviour of the Bishops. Anyway, everybody now knows that the basic premise that global temperatures are at the warmest for the last 1000 years is a complete lie and comes down to statistical fraud based one "cherry picked" tree ring. Hence, the "science" of AGW is now been discredited beyond any doubt. However, what makes it so obvious is the CRU emails that reveal the paranoid reaction to the thought of independent climate "auditors" having a look at the books. You can only compare this to independent auditors (ie can't be paid off) looking at Enron's books and realising it was one of the biggest scams of all time. Well, the gig is now up.... The media is slowly turning against the warmists...

A glowing jelly fish with a bright orange flame flickering inside float pass the window - W. Lothian, Scotland
UK UFO Sightings, 7th December 2009
Location of Sighting: Uphall West Lothian, Date of Sighting: 05/12/09
Time: 9pm, Witness Name: David

Witness Statement: Whilst sitting in my house in Uphall my son called me to look out of our lounge window we both watched what looked like a glowing jelly fish with a bright orange flame flickering inside float pass the window and rise moving towards dechmont. the object was quiet and definatley not a lantern. for the record I have never seen anything like this in all my 50 years.

As I have stated before, the planetary cleanse of entities and the dimensional shift is giving us some interesting sightings.

Bright orange aircraft? - Devil’s Dyke, Sussex [UK]
NOT A Chinese lantern!

UFO spotted in Altrincham
A very bright whitish/orangish/reddish object, appeared a jagged triangular shape

Winkleigh UFO mystery
Strange yellow orangey lights, huge military activity in the sky the next day

The great climate change swindle: global warming is not manmade
Russia Today, 7th December 2009
Climate change has always existed and humankind does not have the power to affect it insists a critic of global warming theory, Lord Christopher Monckton, on the eve of the UN Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen.

“It is yet another attempt of the governing class of the world to take advantage of the ‘little guy’ to conspire against the governed, to have another excuse for exaggerated levels of taxation, regulation and interference,” blames Monckton.

Another excellent presentation by Vicount Christopher Monckton. Video [11:52] copy

Indonesia sets record with 10,000 paper lanterns
Refreshing News, 7th December 2009
More than 10,000 twinkling paper lanterns were released into the night sky from a beach in Indonesia, setting a world record, officials said on Monday. [...]

The flying lantern is a Chinese tradition. It is essentially a paper bag with a block of paraffin with a wick suspended by wire across the opening. The lantern lifts when the wick is lit, warming the air inside like a hot air balloon.

Freedom Faithnet Global said it organised the lantern release as a symbol of hope and prayer as part of annual celebrations. This year's celebrations have an environmental focus.

Well, if we can believe the mainstream media, we are seeing many examples of this symbol of hope and prayer, all year round and with some incredible interdimensional properties!

The "METI (Message Extra-Terrestrial Intelligences) Debate - A Weekend Classic
Daily Galaxy, 6th December 2009
Efforts to Search for and Message Extra Terrestrial Intelligences (SETI and METI) have met with a lot of opposition. Some say that there's no life out there, possibly because they view the universe as only slightly larger than the Earth with some twinkly bits at the edges, and some say that if there is we shouldn't let it know we're here, because every science fiction ever has painted them as acid-blooded blade-things who live only to pick us off one by one for sport.

Another objection to these efforts is the financial cost, which is ridiculous. We've reached the point where Doritos - makers of insanely flavored corn-chips - can afford to hire the EISCAT Space Center to beam adverts at Ursae Majoris. When snack-food makers can pay off our space research centers, we have way worse cost and capitalism problems than the relatively inexpensive search for life. To put it in perspective: SETI's budget last year was about two million dollars, and Doritos will spend five on three ads to run during next year's Superbowl. So while one group searches for intelligent life in the stars, the other takes advantage of how there's none down here.

LOL! The article is hilarious, but seriously, how many different programs are there to make contact with extra-terrestrial life? Yet, the orbs are communicating via crop circles and other similar manifestations in ice etc but I suppose this does not help in the job creation stakes. See also The METI Dilemma: Will Detection by Extraterrestrial Life be a Threat to Earth? A Galaxy Classic

Understanding Climategate's Hidden Decline
American Thinker, 6th December 2009
Close followers of the Climategate controversy know that much of the mêlée surrounds an e-mail in which Climate Research Unit (CRU) chief Phil Jones wrote about using “Mike’s Nature Trick” (MNT) to “hide the decline.” And yet, seventeen days and thousands of almost exclusively on-line op-eds into this scandal, it still seems that very few understand exactly which “decline” was being hidden, what “trick” was used to do so, and why Jones’s words have become the slogan for the greatest scientific fraud in history.

This is regarded as an excellent summary.

Met Office to re-examine 160 years of climate data
The Times, 5th December 2009
The Met Office plans to re-examine 160 years of temperature data after admitting that public confidence in the science on man-made global warming has been shattered by leaked e-mails. [...]

The Government is attempting to stop the Met Office from carrying out the re-examination, arguing that it would be seized upon by climate change sceptics. The Met Office works closely with the University of East Anglia’s Climatic Research Unit (CRU), which is being investigated after e-mails written by its director, Phil Jones, appeared to show an attempt to manipulate temperature data and block alternative scientific views.

The Met Office’s published data showing a warming trend draws heavily on CRU analysis. CRU supplied all the land temperature data to the Met Office, which added this to its own analysis of sea temperature data.

Since the stolen e-mails were published, the chief executive of the Met Office has written to national meteorological offices in 188 countries asking their permission to release the raw data that they collected from their weather stations. The Met Office is confident that its analysis will eventually be shown to be correct.

My first thought is that the UK Met office are seizing the opportunity to acquire the status of becoming THE world authority on climate change. The government trying to stop them "re-doing" the scientific analysis, just shows you that agendas are in play with strict timetables. I also imagine that Eco Barons, who who have invested into Green investments worth about 145 trillion dollars, are probably also miffed, especially with Al Gore, 'Prince of Darkness'. Al Gore is not going to Copenhagen, there is talk of people demanding that the Academy rescind Al Gore’s Oscar in light of the Climategate revelations, and some think he has gone on the run... The situation is breathtaking...

Worldwide Change in Blue Whale's Song Baffles Scientists
Daily Galaxy, 4th December 2009
The function of whale song, even the better-studied song of the humpback whale, has long baffled marine scientists.

Songs of the blue whale, the planets largest living creature, can be divided into at least 10 types worldwide, each type retaining the same units and similar phrasing over decades, unlike humpback whale song which changes substantially from year to year. That is until recently with a worldwide occurrence of a nearly linear downward shift in the tonal frequencies of blue whale song.

“We don’t have the answer. We just have a lot of recordings,” Whale Acoustics President Mark McDonald explained to Wired.

Morphogenetic fields are being changed and upgraded all over the planet. Scientists are very willing to talk about everything else EXCEPT human evolutionary changes....

How not to report a UFO
With UFO sightings at record levels, the Ministry of Defence should not have closed its hotline. This is a sad day for science
The Guardian, 4th December 2009
On December 1 the Ministry of Defence terminated its UFO project. After over 50 years of investigating the phenomenon, the plug was pulled in a most unceremonious way.

The news was slipped out so as not to attract attention. An amendment was made to an existing document in the freedom of information section of the MoD website, entitled "How to report a UFO sighting". The announcement states: "In over fifty years, no UFO report has revealed any evidence of a potential threat to the United Kingdom." It goes on to say that the "MOD will no longer respond to reported UFO sightings or investigate them". [...]

Having worked on the UFO project from 1991 to 1994, I am very sorry to see the MoD disengage in this way. I believe that where evidence suggests that UK airspace has been penetrated by an unidentified object, this must automatically be of defence interest and should be investigated properly. Not because I believe Britain is vulnerable to an alien attack, but because "if it doesn't behave like a conventional aircraft, we're not interested" is a very dangerous mindset. [..]

UFO sightings are at record levels and public interest is at an all-time high. Whatever one's views about them, this is a sad day for science. One of the greatest mysteries of the modern era is now much less likely to be resolved.

I have said it all before. If a UAP is spotted on radar, then the MOD have know for DECADES that they are NO THREAT. They are the RADAR "ANGELS", AND THEY HAVE A RIGHT TO GO ABOUT THEIR BUSINESS! I don't know what the hell Nick Pope is talking about, there is no mystery, just plain ignorance. ETs (humanoid type piloting crafts) are another matter and are probably investigated by secret organisations but they will only represent a very small percent of the reports made by the public.

Why we shouldn't release all we know about the cosmos
New Scientist, 3rd December 2009
COSMOLOGISTS are doing the happy dance. The European Space Agency's Planck mission is busy surveying the cosmic microwave background, aka the "echo" of the big bang, and in 2013 will release a feast of data that promises to deliver profound new insights into the origin of the universe.

Surely a victory for science? Only, it seems, if cosmologists can resist the temptation to gorge themselves on all those goodies.

A trio of astronomers have warned that, unless we use the information sparingly, we risk squandering a once-in-eternity opportunity (see If the whole data set is released at once, as is planned, any new ideas that cosmologists come up with may have to remain untested because they will have no further data to test them with.

The logic here is just very strange, especially as we are in the midst of a major scientific scandal where hiding data has been highlighted as being unscientific. There must be a story behind this story and I suggest it is because things have not gone as expected..... We await more clarification here....

Huge balls of light dropping fire over Durham, UK
UK UFO Sightings, 4th December 2009
Location of Sighting: County Durham, Date of Sighting: 04/12/2009
Time: 06.59pm, Witness Name: Hayley Forsyth

Witness Statement: Huge balls of light have been sighted in the sky over durham moving at a pretty fast speed occasionally stopping. A fire or flame can be seen dropping from them.

there was 4 of them all with this fire or flame falling from them. they flew upwards then moved along the sky over me. they were pretty large and too fast and silent to be a air balloon? there was no sound to be heard from any of them and they then flew of and just vanished.

Sounds like there was some interesting activity over Durham, but nothing different to what I have stated many times before, so this looks like another UAP energy drop off. Anyway, there are lots more reports over at, where there seems to be quite a few accounts of lights and black triangles. This is a plasma & magnetism phenomena that is very poorly understood. Here are a few sightings that I have picked out, for more see Best of the Blog Archives Orbs, UAP Traffic & UFO Disclosure

8 very round bright lights in the sky that looked like a pylon light - Worcestershire

Large disc shaped object that had what looked like a bite taken out of it. - Grinshill, nr Shrewsbury, Shropshire
It omitted red, yellow, orange and blue lights and had a dark circle in its centre

13 red lights moving slowly and unevenly silently high up in the sky - Armagh city, Northern Ireland

EDITORIAL: Global-warming theology
The end is nigh, their god is dead
The Washington Times, 4th December 2009
Belief in global warming had long had a tinge of theology about it, a form of cultism that adherents and defenders elevated to a holy crusade. [...]

Any who questioned the orthodoxy were branded as heretics. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. said that climate-change skepticism is "treason" and exhorted that "we need to start treating [skeptics] as traitors." In 2007, the Weather Channel's Heidi Cullen said that meteorologists who were skeptical of man-made global warming should be decertified. The e-mails from the University of East Anglia's Climate Research Unit reveal systematic attempts by high priests of this religion to silence scientists who disputed their rigged findings. [...]

Global warming was an academic Ponzi scheme. Its leading proponents were mini-Madoffs, peddling a vision of global catastrophe to gullible activists, bureaucrats and policymakers. The vision was so vast, the fear it inspired so pervasive, that it seized popular imagination, aided ably by hucksters like former Vice President Al Gore and his science-fiction feature film "An Inconvenient Truth." But like any Ponzi scheme, global warming only worked if everyone kept investing and no one looked at the books. Once the truth came out - of manipulated findings, phony data, rigged peer-review processes and intimidation of skeptics - the scheme began to collapse. [...]

Yet even as the edifice comes down, the adherents of the orthodoxy say that there is nothing to see, that this is all a distraction from the business at hand, that there is still no time to lose, full steam (or solar power) ahead. But it is far too late for that. The veil has been pierced, the myth revealed, the scales have fallen from the people's eyes. The pagan priests are fleeing the temple, their sacred idols are being pulled down, their holy works renounced. Their god, finally, is dead.

A nice piece of journalism. From a metaphysical point of view, I have been totally amazed by what has happened in the last two weeks. A respected metaphysical source states that this is due to the New Energy on the planet and I think we are seeing POWER V FORCE operating BIG TIME! The lies and deceit are not being supported by the mass of human consciousness and so there is wholesale change to support the new higher consiousness on the planet. It must be totally shocking for those who have invested heavily in the darkside with lies and deceit. Incredible! If you are totally convinced of the effort to link environmentalism with religion, you might be interested in the following, I was quite amused, see Environmentalism - Enviro-Religion: Protest Poster Video [2:10] NICK GRIFFIN: CLIMATEGATE - "Pope Al Gore"

The truth is not out there: MoD shuts UFO department after 50 years
Daily Mail, 4th December 2009
The Ministry of Defence has closed its UFO investigation unit, it was revealed today.

A hotline and email address for the public to report strange sights in the skies to the military were quietly shut down on December 1.

The MoD said it had received thousands of reports of UFOs over more than 50 years, but none revealed any evidence of a potential threat to the UK or substantial proof of the existence of extra-terrestrials.

It justified the decision to axe the X Files-style unit by saying there was no 'defence value' in investigating the sightings. [...]

Past military files on UFOs will continue to be released by the National Archives. In a statement, the MoD said: 'The MoD has no opinion on the existence or otherwise of extra-terrestrial life.

However, in over 50 years, no UFO report has revealed any evidence of a potential threat to the United Kingdom.

How interesting! I imagine that the amount of calls from puzzled members of the public about strange lights were escalating dramatically, but as the top brass in the UK MOD are well aware, the plasma phenomena that generates the strange lights are indeed, NO THREAT.

Climategate: Phil Jones accused of making error of judgment by colleague
The Telegraph, 3rd December 2009
One of the scientists to whom the emails were addressed, Professor Michael Mann, the Director of the Earth System Science Center at Pennsylvania State University has moved to distance himself from some of the comments in the emails that suggest scientists did not want the IPCC, the UN body charged with monitoring climate change, to consider studies that challenged the view global warming was genuine and man-made.

Speaking to BBC Radio 4’s The World Tonight, Prof Mann said: “I can’t put myself in the mind of the person who wrote that email and sent it. I in no way endorse what was in that email.”

Prof Mann also said he could not “justify” a request from Prof Jones that he should delete some of his own emails to prevent them from being seen by outsiders.

“I can’t justify the action, I can only speculate that he was feeling so under attack that he made some poor decisions frankly and I think that’s clear.”

Climategate is now starting to get brutal, as the 'The Team' that once stuck together and fired on anyone who dared to oppose them, start firing on each other. The image icon is from Watts Up With That, see Mann throws Jones under the bus

Gold, Frankincense and Mars - Guy Consolmagno
Colbert Report, 1st December 2009
Comment: copy: Stephen Colbert welcomes Brother Guy J. Consolmagno to "Comedy Central". The interview clip [6:00] is provided here. Brother Consolmagno was referenced in my book, as he seems to be a prominent Vatican spokesperson on the 'heavens' and is described as a Jesuit scholar who wrote the book The Heavens Proclaim. In his reply to Colbert's first question, Brother Consolmagno explained that in the Middle Ages, scholars first had to study astronomy as a way of understanding the Universe before they were allowed to study theology or philosophy as a way of getting to know the Creator.

Hmmmm... That tells you just how backward things are now... Anyway, check out the NEW VATICAN interpretation of the first verses of GENESIS (my interpretation because Guy actually quotes the start of the Gospel of John, "In the beginning was the word", we get a new meaning for what WORD could mean and then when Colbert mentions angels, we get another interesting perspective that suggests the Vatican believe there is no reason why there should not be other intelligent life and creatures in the universe. WOW!!!! This is primetime knockout entertainment! But seriously...

What exactly is a Vatican astronomer doing on a prime time TV comedy program talking about ETs and the possibility of extraterrestrial life?

The metaphysical community should be ashamed for being so far behind the curve.... See articles and documents, Religion and UFOs

White House Balks at ClimateGate, Says Climate Change is Happening
The Heritage Foundry, 1st December 2009
When asked about ClimateGate, White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs dismissed its importance, emphasizing that “climate change is happening.”

Of course climate change is happening. Soon we’ll be calling press conferences to declare, “The earth is moving” or “It’s going to get dark tonight.” The reality is the climate has been changing ever since there was a climate, and part of that change was a cooling period as recent as the 1940s to the 1970s giving rise to fears of a coming ice age. When Gibbs spouts this rhetoric, he’s clearly referring to human-induced warming, but since when has climate change become synonymous with manmade global warming? And what does it take for a scientific consensus to stop being one?

Now, maybe I can agree here with the White House, but removing CO2 will not make any difference with the cosmic influences now driving climate change on Earth. All it will do is make some people even richer whilst giving others the ability to have a tighter grip on people's lives. Unfortunately, controllers, authorities and politicians don't like telling people the truth because KNOWLEDGE IS POWER. Hence, the poor excuse for science erroneously called "global warming", did not happen and many scientists believe we are in a period of global cooling, some even think a mini Ice Age is foreeseable. Today, Climategate is a major headache, but it is only the latest in a series of climate scandals. As I have tried to explain, we have a serious problem that is being caused by extreme Space Weather, that is literally blowing in new conditions in our solar system that we can barely understand. We live in a very complex ecosystem that is being managed by Universal Intelligence, what's more, we now know that there is an Earth Management Team in operation, that military and civilian organisations call the Unidentified Aerial Phenomena. These entities are totally independent of human control but they are very busy at the moment and it may be causing some nervousness as to why they are suddenly appearing to the general public. Well, if you agree that climate change can be interpreted to mean energy driven evolutionary change caused by cosmic factors, then the White House are right and that is exactly what is happening. Note: Obama science advisers grilled over hacked e-mails

Scientific Community Unfair to Dr. Rupert Sheldrake, Imperial College London Dissertation Asserts
Skeptico, 1st December 2009
Faced with choosing a prominent figure for his Science and Society Masters dissertation, Phillip Stevens avoided the obvious. Instead of Kepler, Newton, or Darwin, Stevens chose controversial British biologist, and Perrott-Warrick Scholar, Dr. Rupert Sheldrake. “I’d known about Rupert Sheldrake and I found him very interesting”, Phillips said.

Although skeptical of Sheldrake’s theories, Phillips focused on how Sheldrake was being judged, “I wanted to be impartial as to whether he was right or wrong and instead go on and look at whether he’d been treated fairly.”

What he discovered surprised him.
Stevens found that despite an unblemished academic record and a research fellowship at the Royal Society, Sheldrake faced public scorn from colleagues for publishing his theory of morphic fields which suggests a living, developing universe with its own inherent memory.

This is a little confusing. The Skeptico website states it is a leading source for intelligent, hard-nosed skeptic vs. believer debate on science and spirituality, but here they are not afraid to tell you that one of their 'targets' sorry 'believers' has been unfairly treated in the past. So here we have a short introductory article with a link to Phillip Steven's 44 page Masters dissertation & podcast. Incredibly, it seems that Rupert Sheldrake has been exonerated! We are even told, that when Sheldrake's research was replicated, the scienitist involved 'forgot' to report the fact that Sheldrake's conclusions were correct! Of course, sometime in the future, everybody will agree that Morphogenetic fields exist and Sheldrake was right all along, but meanwhile, he has had to put up with some rough treatment.

Leonardo DaVinci The Voynich Manuscript
Edith Sherwood, December 2009
Wilfred M. Voynich purchased the Voynich Manuscript from a Jesuit Monastery in Northern Italy in 1912. It is currently in the Beinecke Rare Book Library of Yale University. This Manuscript was made from soft light brown vellum and is considered to be approximately 500 years old. It consists of about 200 pages made up of drawings of plants, astronomical and astrological pictures and biological drawings that appear related to the human reproductive process. The text is in a cipher that has puzzled scholars and cryptographers for nearly a century. Although I have not been able to decipher more than a few words of this strange document, I think that the following observation relating to its authorship may aid others in reading it.
According to Slashdot: "The Voynich Manuscript has confounded attempts to decode it for nearly 100 years. A person named Edith Sherwood, who has previously suggested a possible link to DaVinci, has a new idea: perhaps the text is simply anagrams of Italian words. There are three pages of examples from the herb section of the book, showing the original text, the plaintext Italian words, and the English equivalents. Has someone cracked the code?"

Do you appreciate the laws of physics?, December 2009

A very big Thanks to Michigan member Mike Patridge who sent in this bit of humour, which was forwarded from a senior level person at Chrysler. This date on this note was Sunday, July 2009. [...]

Mr. Cole, who is an engineer by training, told many stories of the difficulty of working with the folks that the Obama administration has sent to save the auto industry. There have been many meetings where a 30+ year experienced automotive expert has to listen to a newcomer to the industry, someone with zero manufacturing experience, zero auto industry experience, zero finance experience and zero engineering experience, tell them how to run their business. Mr Cole's favourite story is as follows: There was a team of Obama people speaking to Mr Cole (engineer, automotive experience 40+ years, and Chairman of CAR). The were explaining to Mr. Cole that the auto companies needed to make a car that was electric and liquid natual gas...

[...] Mr Cole explained that to do this you would need a TRUNK FULL of batteries and a LNG tank as big as the car to make that happen, and that there were problems related to the laws of physics that prevented them...

The Obama person interrupted and said (and I am quoting here): "These laws of Physics? Whose rules are those? We need to change that." (Some of the others wrote down the law name so they could look it up.) "We have the congress and administration. We can repeal that law, amend it, or use an executive order to get rid of that problem. that's why we are here, to fix these sorts of issues."

The quote finishes with a political comment on fixing healthcare, but I immediately thought of people wanting to geoengineer the climate which is far more worrying.... Anyway, I hooted with laughter when I read this... But, seriously, I realised over five years ago that all metaphysical messages were talking about serious evolutionary changes on this planet, but the audience is generally not interested in the Laws of the Universe or Physics for that matter. Hence, in early 2009 or even late 2008, we have the farce of the Obama Administration wandering around the metaphysical community asking "leaders" about "planetary challenges" and the response was "we don't know", but one group suggested that if you give us the money we can find out.... Yes, this is a rather cavalier attitude, especially when you understand the kind of "challenge" that the Obama Administration is concerned about. Well, the Universe is operating on a strict cosmic timetable, where those before us have left clues warning us of what could happen in this time and it seems that we have evolved enough to avoid complete catastrophe but the indications are that we are not completely out of the woods. Ignorance of Universal & Cosmic laws does not mean that the consequences are escapable, just like in this rather hilarious story.

Meteor explodes in blaze of colour [S. Africa]
Herald Sun, 1st December 2009
A METEOR has crashed in a blaze of colour in South Africa, but experts are unable to find where the out-of-space visitor landed.

The rare astronomical phenomenon was captured by a local traffic camera and witnessed by locals, British tabloid The Sun reports. The footage shows cars on a busy road, near the city of Johannesburg, when the meteor suddenly streaks across the night sky.

I reported this meteor last week, but here this report provides a YouTube video clip [0:09] here, of this metorite turning night to day. It seems that spectacular meteorite entries are becoming almost weekly despite scientists telling us not that long ago that they were 'rare' events. What's more, NASA et al. seem reluctant to admit that something extraordinary is happening. It's also interesting they can't find where it landed despite it's apparent size. So at the moment, it's another 'Heavenly Phenomenon'.

Calculations estimate meteor lit up 500,000 miles
This is an update on the Utah Meteor, see 18th November entry

Climategate: Caught Green handed! [.pdf]
Science & Public Policy, 30th November 2009
The whistleblower deep in the basement of one of the ugly, modern tower-blocks of the dismal, windswept University of East Anglia could scarcely have timed it better. [...]

The unnamed hero of ‘Climategate’, after months of work gathering emails, computer code, and data, quietly sent a 61-megabyte compressed file from one of the university’s servers to an obscure public message-board on the internet, with a short covering note to the effect that the climate was too important to keep the material secret, and that the data from the University would be available for a short time only. He had caught the world’s politico-scientific establishment green-handed.

There is a straight copy at Watts Up With That, see Lord Monckton’s summary of Climategate and its issues The problem is that the scientific community are enraged by Climategate and politicians are now at their mercy. On this blog, quite some time ago I identified that politicans have to be very careful dealing with scientists because they need their "independent" authority. However, now the scientific backlash and rage will be overwhelming because a small group of scientists have smeared the whole basis of the scientific world and that is an extremely grave offense. There is going to be hell to pay. As I have stated, the scientific community will sort this out in their own way, and it might look quite innoculous to outsiders. The upshot now is that politicians can no longer assume that scientists will lend their "support", because true scientists worship the god of the scientific method. Yes, there are scientists that are very aware of the blackmail that they are under due to funding, but at certain extremes some will refuse to be deterred from their own honest truth even after receiving death threats. Climategate means that climate 'sceptics' will now find that they have many new allies.
Here is some reaction in the mainstream press from scientists:

Two 19th century NDEs [Near Death Experiences]
Michael Prescott, 30th November 2009
I find older reports of near-death experiences interesting, because they predate the popular interest in the subject that developed once Life After Life was published in 1975. Such reports can be traced back at least as far as the Middle Ages, and arguably earlier. Two that recently came to my attention are mentioned in Guided by Spirit, by Charles Emmons and Penelope Emmons (p. 219).

Two 19th century stories are given here and are quite interesting from an historical point of view as explained in this article. I have only come across two people who claimed that they had a NDE experience. One was an athelete who whilst running, had been knocked over by a car that had skidded on ice and was left for dead, if I remember rightly she needed an operation and died on the operating table for 3/4 minutes, it could be longer. The other I don't know any details about. The athelete came back with the ability to see auras and heal and she did say that she thought she was enlightened, but because of my short dealings with this person I am not so sure, but she herself stated that enlightenment could be compared with a light bulb that can get brighter and brighter and I think that is completely true. The other person was quite a dubious character who used the tidbit of her NDE as a marketing ploy. Neither of these people gave me the feeling that they were anywhere near the high levels of consciousness that characterises people who have NDEs, according to the research of the psychologist Sir David Hawkins, but I think this is a fascinating area to study. The book, "Biography of Mrs. J. H. Conant, the World's Medium of the Nineteenth Century" is available online here.

UFO mystery of lights in Chippenham sky
Gazette & Herald, 30th November 2009
Mystery lights in the skies above Chippenham in the early hours of Sunday morning have left people wondering if the town was visited by UFOs.

Dewi Jones of Chippenham said he noticed a series of bright orange orbs in the sky just after midnight on Saturday.

He said: "I had let the dog out in the garden when I noticed some strange lights in the sky over Chippenham. Strangely, they seemed to be flying in what I would describe as a formation, one behind the other and they appeared to be a uniform distance between them. [...]

"Research on the net shows similar sightings in chippenham, ufos? Military stuff? They can't be Chinese lanterns as surely they wouldn't all stop in a line then continue?"

Richard Hucker of Chipenham also got in touch. He said: "I counted 29 orange Balls travelling south into north between 12.10 and 12.25 am when I was out having a cigarette before going to bed.

Well, I agree with the witness, Chinese lanterns are most unlikely to stop, so that people can take nice photographs... LOL!!

Mystery of the orange UFOs solved — or is it?
"Several East Texans have responded to the initial reports about Saturday's strange lights, posting comments on about the story on the message board at — and not everyone is convinced it was caused by Chinese lanterns. One Zavalla man stated: "I've seen lights in the sky that fit this description in Zavalla for about three years now. Sometimes they move very erratically and sometimes they hover in one place for minutes at a time, which is why I'm hesitant to believe they are floating lanterns."
The US has many different places that for hundreds of years have hosted Earthlights, what we are seeing now a light phenomena that can be more easily seen in places that don't need to have a special energy.

Burning UFO Spotted In The Skies Over South Miami [US]
"We saw like a giant red-like, a huge intense red ball which flew right across the side," Mercado said. "We though it was a hot air balloon or we thought it was a plane like crashing. We didn't know what it was at all."

Global Warming Fraud and the Future of Science
The America Thinker, 29th November 2009
The East Anglia Climate Research Unit (CRU) revelations come as no real surprise to anyone who has closely followed the global-warming saga.The Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW) thesis, to give it its semi-official name, is no stranger to fraud. It is no real exaggeration to state that it was fertilized with fraud, marinated in fraud, stewed in fraud, and at last served up to the world as prime, grade-A fraud with nice side orders of fakery and disingenuousness. Damning as they may be, the CRU e-mails are merely the climactic element in an exhaustively long line.

This is a history lesson of AGW fraud by climate scientists, facts that are now well known to those who have been watching the "man-made" warming from the sidelines. Well, it's a start, UK climate scientist to temporarily step down See also Fraudulent hockey sticks and hidden data

Geologist 'appalled' at NYT's Krugman: 'Legitimate scientists do not doctor data...hijack peer-review...send fraudulent data to UN that is used to perpetuate greatest hoax in the history of science'
Climate Depot, 29th November 2009
Prominent Geologist Dr. Don Easterbrook's comments were originally published on ABC News website in reaction to New York Times Columnist Paul Krugman's dismissal of the significance of ClimateGate. Dr. Easterbrook is an Emeritus Professor at Western Washington University who has authored eight books and 150 journal publications. Easterbrook's full resume is here.

Geologist Dr. Don Easterbrook - November 29, 2009
"I've spent four decades studying global climate change and as a scientist I am appalled at [NYT's Paul] Krugman's cavalier shrugging off the Hadley email scandal as 'just the way scientists talk among themselves.' That's like saying it's alright for politicians to be corrupt because that's the way they are."

"Legitimate scientists do not doctor data, delete data they don't like, hide data they don't want seen, hijack the peer review process, personally attack other scientists whose views differ from theirs, send fraudulent data to the IPCC that is used to perpetuate the greatest hoax in the history of science, provide false data to further legislation on climate change that will result in huge profits for corrupt lobbyists and politicians, and tell outright lies about scientific data." [End Easterbrook statement.]
Comment: This is probably the best quote you will find at the moment about how true scientists feel about what has been done in the name of science. See also Christopher Booker at the Telegraph, Climate change: this is the worst scientific scandal of our generation I truly believe that the vast majority of the scientific community will be so appalled that matters will not rest until something tangible happens that indicates that amends have been made.

Big freeze plunged Europe into ice age in months
Euopean Science Foundation, 29th November 2009
In the film, ‘The Day After Tomorrow’ the world enters the icy grip of a new glacial period within the space of just a few weeks. Now new research shows that this scenario may not be so far from the truth after all.

William Patterson, from the University of Saskatchewan in Canada, and his colleagues have shown that switching off the North Atlantic circulation can force the Northern hemisphere into a mini ‘ice age’ in a matter of months. Previous work has indicated that this process would take tens of years.

Around 12,800 years ago the northern hemisphere was hit by a mini ice-age, known by scientists as the Younger Dryas, and nicknamed the ‘Big Freeze’, which lasted around 1300 years. Geological evidence shows that the Big Freeze was brought about by a sudden influx of freshwater, when the glacial Lake Agassiz in North America burst its banks and poured into the North Atlantic and Arctic Oceans. This vast pulse, a greater volume than all of North America’s Great Lakes combined, diluted the North Atlantic conveyor belt and brought it to a halt.

Without the warming influence of this ocean circulation temperatures across the Northern hemisphere plummeted, ice sheets grew and human civilisation fell apart. Previous evidence from Greenland ice cores has indicated that this sudden change in climate occurred over the space of a decade or so. Now new data shows that the change was amazingly abrupt, taking place over the course of a few months, or a year or two at most.

The film The Day After Tomorrow exagerated sudden climate change by the story taking place over 5 days, but here we are being told that it could actually happen over a few months. Since I have previously reported that one oceanographer described the popular representation of the Gulf Stream as a "fairy tale for grown ups", it is certain, that the science is still being highly debated and the trigger for a big freeze is still not understood.

Exopolitics Movement Discredited By Stupid Prediction Of Obama Alien Disclosure
UFO Disclosure Countdown, 28th November 2009
As you know, this website attempts to give a realistic overview of the role our government is taking concerning `UFO' Disclosure. And, as you also most likely know, the Ufo Disclosure movement has been around since the early 1990's and most certainly peaked earlier in the decade with Dr. Steven Greer's National Press Club showing in 2001.

Unfortunately, it has been nearly ALL been downhill ever since; regardless of folks - in general - being more open to intelligent life elsewhere in the universe and even more open to intelligent life visiting Earth. [...]

As you know, this website attempts to give a realistic overview of the role our government is taking concerning `UFO' Disclosure. And, as you also most likely know, the `Ufo Disclosure' movement has been around since the early 1990's and most certainly peaked earlier in the decade with Dr. Steven Greer's National Press Club showing in 2001. Unfortunately, it has been nearly ALL been downhill ever since; regardless of folks - in general - being more open to intelligent life elsewhere in the universe and even more open to intelligent life visiting Earth.

Quite frankly, I am not surprised. If you follow the links here, this blogger explains the politics/reasoning why our politicians are not willing to give up their power. UFO disclosure is now being studied by academics and they have identified the problem as a "metaphysical threat". My view is that the first step is governments admitting that there is another lifeform on this planet and that will be fairly soon, as Space Weather is delivering us a new version of space-time and the veil lifts, making it easier to see the multi-dimensional lifeforms all around us. It is already quite obvious now, with orbs and UAPs making their presence known. Therefore, Bulgarian scientists, communicating with orbs via crop circles making big news in the mainstream press, is very very interesting....

Respected scientist says aliens are among us
The Star, 27th November 2009
A leading astrophysicist who has worked on space missions claims that he and his colleagues are in contact with extraterrestrials who are "living among us." And they don't like what they see.

Latchezar Filipov, head of the Space Research Institute at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, is causing global ripples after researching crop circles around the world.

Well, it looks like the Bulgarians have got the world's attention! Actually, this article made me laugh, but I won't say which bit, but the mention of 2012 is also quite provocative. Please note again, scientists are going to have to learn that just because you are in contact with another lifeform, does not mean to say that they have the best interests of humanity at heart, discernment is required. Well, this is oh so interesting.... I will continue to follow this story, you just never know, other scientists might start to make their confessions too.... More It's taken me a while to think about this, but there are instances where crop circles have been formed in a flash, the most famous is the incident in July 2007, the 1,033-Foot-Long East Field Wheat Formation where investigstors were staking out this famous field with a range of sophisticated camera equipment, (see Best of the Blog Crop Circles). The investigators state, "We were the first to reach the formation at 4 AM (July 7, 2007) after seeing a very bright flash of light. The wheat circles were raised 6 inches above the ground so when we stepped in, the plants crunched under our feet like we were stepping on delicate crystals." - Gary King, Cardiff, U. K. Paralegal. Hmmm... maybe we can't make assumptions.... See also Nancy Talbott, December 2009 interview, Robbert van den Broeke's "UFO" Photos: An Interview with Nancy Talbott

Mass Extinction: Why Did Half of N. America's Large Mammals Disappear 40,000 to 10,000 Years Ago?
Science Daily, 27th November 2009
ScienceDaily (Nov. 27, 2009) — Years of scientific debate over the extinction of ancient species in North America have yielded many theories. However, new findings from J. Tyler Faith, GW Ph.D. candidate in the hominid paleobiology doctoral program, and Todd Surovell, associate professor of anthropology at the University of Wyoming, reveal that a mass extinction occurred in a geological instant. [...]

However, new findings from Faith indicate that the extinction is best characterized as a sudden event that took place between 13.8 and 11.4 thousand years ago. Faith's findings support the idea that this mass extinction was due to human overkill, comet impact or other rapid events rather than a slow attrition.

I sometimes wonder why scientists write these, "we don't know" articles. Maybe, they feel obliged to tell us that they don't know or maybe it clears their conscious. Well, I have given my opinion many times about this particular extinction event, but here I would just like to focus on the fact it occurred at approx. half of Earth's precessional cycle. What's more, scientists don't tend to focus on the fact that evolutionary change is determined by cosmic factors and species that cannot adapt and evolve just go into extinction. There seems to be evidence that the universal directive and evolutionary impetus means increasing complexity and sophistication. Any life that cannot comply with this directive is wiped out, scientists seem really puzzled by this but it seems to be part of Universal Law.

SAUDI ARABIA: Kingdom steps up hunt for 'witches' and 'black magicians'
LA Times, 26th November 2009
When the popular 46-year-old Lebanese psychic Ali Sibat went on-air and made his predictions about the future, the phone lines of the satellite television station Sheherazade used to be flooded with calls. But what the star psychic probably did not predict was that his claims to supernatural prowess would land him a death sentence.

"He was the most popular psychic on the channel," the Lebanese news agency Naharnet quoted Sibat’s lawyer May Khansa as saying. "The number of callers, including from all over the gulf, spiked in number when he appeared."

But while on pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia last year, Sibat was spotted by religious police in the holy city of Medina. Their job it is to battle vice and uphold virtue in the ultraconservative kingdom. o they arrested Sibat in his room at the Medina Hotel on charges of sorcery. On Nov. 9, Sibat was given a death sentence by a Mecca court for allegedly practicing witchcraft.

This is a country living in the dark ages.... By killing people who have developed their intuitive abilities, authorities are trying to counteract the spiritual evolution of humanity, a desperate attempt to maintain power through fear...

Crop Circles - Crossover From Another Dimension - cd1 pt. 1 of 2, November 2009
Discover the hidden secrets of a timeless mystery in this award winning film about the greatest Crop Circle formations ever created. The creators of these paranormal formations still remain a mystery. After years of painstaking research, scientific evidence still points to alien influences that are responsible for this phenomena. One thing is certain, what you are about to see in this amazing film can only be described as miraculous evidence of a secret art form that continues to defy explanation.

Includes spectacular cinematography of the latest, greatest and most up to date Crop Circles and a fascinating series of spellbinding interviews with researchers, experiencers, and the best known, most credible Crop Circle authorities in the world today.

This is a Crop Circle documentary explaining the intelligence that is behind the crop circle phenomena evident after analysis of the mathematics inherent in many crop circles. If you are already familiar with the crop circle phenomena and the current science, then it may be better to start at the second video that goes into some depth about the mathematics with ideas about the intelligence(s) and the intent behind crop circles.

Splitting Time from Space—New Quantum Theory Topples Einstein's Spacetime
Buzz about a quantum gravity theory that sends space and time back to their Newtonian roots

Scientific American, November 2009
Was Newton right and Einstein wrong? It seems that unzipping the fabric of spacetime and harking back to 19th-century notions of time could lead to a theory of quantum gravity. [...]

Can Horrava gravity claim the same success? The first tentative answers coming in say “yes.” Francisco Lobo, now at the University of Lisbon, and his colleagues have found a good match with the movement of planets.

Others have made even bolder claims for Horava gravity, especially when it comes to explaining cosmic conundrums such as the singularity of the big bang, where the laws of physics break down. If Horava gravity is true, argues cosmologist Robert Brandenberger of McGill University in a paper published in the August Physical Review D, then the universe didn’t bang—it bounced. “A universe filled with matter will contract down to a small—but finite—size and then bounce out again, giving us the expanding cosmos we see today,” he says. Brandenberger’s calculations show that ripples produced by the bounce match those already detected by satellites measuring the cosmic microwave background, and he is now looking for signatures that could distinguish the bounce from the big bang scenario.

Horava gravity may also create the “illusion of dark matter,” says cosmologist Shinji Mukohyama of Tokyo University.

This article is interesting because we are being told that the 'time' component of spacetime can be considered as a variable, so we can compare this to water that can exist in different states like ice and steam. Hence,this new Horava gravity theory uses the mathematics of exotic phase transitions and the outcome so far has been quite successful. From the excitement surrounding this new theory, scientists can now re-think how the universe works, by getting rid of theories that are in consistent, like Big Bang and Dark Matter. This sounds like a promising step forward.

New method of sterilising equipment - with a plasma bag
Refreshing News, 28th November 2009
The practice of sterilising surgical tools and devices has helped radically improve healthcare. Researchers in the Netherlands are trying a new method, using plasma to kill bacteria inside sealed containers.

But the old mainstay is a 130-year-old device called an autoclave, which is something like a pressure steamer. Its advantage is that the unsterile tools can be packed into sealed containers and then processed, staying sealed and sterile after they are removed.

Norbert Koster and his colleagues at TNO Science and Industry, an independent research organisation in the Netherlands, are developing a new way to sterilise medical devices. By sealing them inside plastic bags and then using electromagnetic fields to create plasmas -- partially ionised gasses that contain free electrons and reactive ions.

I LOVE learning about the properties of plasma! Incredibly, very few know that 99.999% of the visible universe is made up of this divine primordial intelligent energy, this is the glue that keeps the universe held together. This is a quote from plasma physicist Dr Louis Frank:
"You look up in the sky and the stars are plasma. Our Sun is plasma. The Earth's aurora are caused by plasma, In order to understand the universe, you must understand plasma. That is what I try to do."

Fireballs spotted in Edmonton sky [Canada]
E Vancouver Sun, 27th November 2009
EDMONTON — Ah to be an early riser: first to the paper, first to the coffee, and, of course, first to the occasional fireball scorching through the sky. Twice in as many mornings this week early birds have reported fiery objects in the atmosphere above Edmonton.

On Thursday at about 7:15 a.m., a fireball was spotted travelling low along the horizon from the northeast to the east, according to the Telus World of Science. The next day, on Friday, a second was eyed in the west at about 5:50 a.m.

There have been lots of fireballs this week. At the moment I have not come across a scientific theory that explains what is going on. We are NOWHERE near the galactic plane, so theories that suggest that the gravitational pull of the galactic plane disturbs the Oort cloud of comets that surround the Sun can't be valid. See New Scientist article Solar system 'bounce' may send comets our way . However, the evidence shows that our solar system has entered a region of interstellar space that is being continually disturbed and the fact that scientists have only recently discovered Magnetars, which are one of the most extreme objects in the universe that are now regularly firing on us, supports the view that the Oort cloud is being disturbed, hence we are receiving lots of cosmic debris. Basically, our solar system has hit the Cosmic Wild West and it is no wonder that NASA scientists are worried! The emphasis on the spiritual evolution of humanity can be considered as the positive spin!

Mysterious 'fireball' sighting not science fiction
Witness: "thing came into the Earth's atmosphere and was shooting across the sky with a tail, like fire coming off."

Meteor lights up Gauteng [South Africa]
People saw a bright "greenish, bluish" light heading towards Pretoria

Photographer captures mystery orange UFO in Birmingham flypast [UK]
Birmingham Mail, 27th November 2009
AN amateur Birmingham photographer says he has been converted into a believer of all things extra terrestrial after two personal encounters with what he thinks were UFOs. Former sceptic Kevin Rinz was working on footage for a video project at night when he spotted a “bright orange ball” flying silently across the dark sky.

“It looked fiery and menacing
and was coming straight towards me,” he said. “I managed to get pictures and film it for about a minute before it turned to the right and flew off across the city.”

The recent sighting was the second time in 18 months the 53-year-old said he had seen what appeared to be UFOs. His first encounter happened in broad daylight, when he was looking out at the skyline from his 13th floor balcony.

“The first orb was perfectly round, bright orange and seemed to be about the size of a house coming towards me. Its texture was like the ripples in a swimming pool. “The light was in the sky for about three minutes before it suddenly disappeared.”

This report is highlighted because we have an interesting description of the fire chi as being like ripples in a swimming pool and NOT like normal fire. See archives for lots of similar sightings and comment, Best of the Blog Orbs, UAP Traffic & UFO Disclosure. This is another UK media report:

UFO 'spotted' over East Lancs [St Helens, UK]
The photo shows a solitary orb going about it's business...

Aliens? They're already living among us, claim Bulgarian government scientists
Daily Mail, 26th November 2009
Aliens are already among us on Earth, say Bulgarian government scientists who claim they are in contact with them.

Researchers for the country's Space Research Institute said they are currently working on deciphering a complex set of symbols sent to them.

They claim the aliens are in the process of answering 30 questions posed to them by the Bulgarians. Lachezar Filipov, deputy director of the Space Research Institute of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, confirmed the research was under way.

In all, his team are analysing 150 crop circles from around the world which they believe answer questions beamed into outer space. Mr Filipov said: 'Aliens are currently all around us, and are watching us all the time. 'They are not hostile towards us, rather, they want to help us but we have not grown enough in order to establish direct contact with them.'

Obviously, this story has been buzzing around the blogosphere for a few days, but the original Bulgarian story in the Sofia Echo, BAS official: Aliens are among us, does not mention crop circles, so I ignored it. Anyway, in the comments here, someone called "beyondimagination" wrote: Write in Google "crop circles"+plasmoids and you will see some very interesting results. Therefore, it seems that the Daily Mail must have checked out the story and got some more relevant details. The link with crop circles suggests that these scientists are in communication with orbs or magnetic entities. It is a scientific fact that the orbs are making the crop circles and people are channelling orbs all the time, so really the only problem is that this dialogue with another lifeform (that is also extraterrestrial), is not "official", because major governments are not admitting this reality, just yet....

Balancing the Energy Budget
Climategate’s Perry Mason Moment

PJM, 26th November 2009
What’s the real smoking gun among the emails allegedly “hacked” from the University of East Anglia’s Climate Research Unit? [...]

But the real “mushroom cloud” among the emails comes from Kevin Trenberth, a senior scientist with the National Center for Atmospheric Research and a lead author of the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) reports on global warming.
In an October 14 email to fellow alarmist Tom Wigley, Trenberth plaintively writes:
How come you do not agree with a statement that says we are no where close to knowing where energy is going or whether clouds are changing to make the planet brighter. We are not close to balancing the energy budget. The fact that we can not account for what is happening in the climate system makes any consideration of geoengineering quite hopeless as we will never be able to tell if it is successful or not! It is a travesty!
It’s a Perry Mason moment.

First, by admitting that we “are nowhere close” to understanding atmospheric energy flows, the much-vaunted Trenberth has trashed all the climate models on which the gloom-and-doom IPCC forecasts are based. If energy flows in the climate system cannot be accounted for, then they cannot be modeled — and there can be no basis upon which to make predictions of future temperatures. That’s case closed, right there. But there’s more.

Two years ago, I privately surveyed U.S. scientists who participated in the IPCC’s review of climate science. Trenberth was one of those who responded to the survey. One question asked: Which best describes the role of manmade CO2 emissions in climate change? Trenberth checked off the following answer:

Manmade CO2 emissions drive climate change, but other natural and human-related factors are also important.

I took the liberty of changing the headline to reflect the article. Perry Mason is a fictional character, a defense attorney who originally was the main character in numerous pieces of detective fiction see wikipedia for more info. Anyway, I have been waiting for someone to highlight and discuss this highly significant comment about the atmospheric energy budget. Now that we are experiencing extreme Space Weather, where Earth is being bombarded by high energy from some of the most enigmatic and extreme objects in the known universe, it is at least comforting that even some of the most brainwashed scientists have recognised that there are "other factors" that are effecting the atmospheric energy budget. It must also be stated that it is well beyond our current scientific capabilities to determine the impact for Earth as we are told in this correspondence.

Climategate: the scandal spreads, the plot thickens, the shame deepens…
The Telegraph Delingpole Blog, 26th November 2009
Wow! The scandal just gets juicier and juicier. Now it seems that the Kiwis may have been at it too – tinkering with raw data to make “Global Warming” look scarier than it really is. (Hat tip: Watts Up With That; Ian Wishart)

The alleged villains this time are the climate scientists at the National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NiWA) – New Zealand’s answer to Britain’s Climate Research Unit. And to judge by this news alert by the Climate Science Coalition of NZ, both institutions share a similarly laissez-faire attitude to scientific accuracy.

See story at Watts Up With That Uh, oh – raw data in New Zealand tells a different story than the “official” one, for more technical details see Warwick Hughes shows how Jones selections put bias in Australian Temperatures . Obviously, there is a tremendous amount going on but I liked the headline. Now, I am actually waiting for someone to write something sensible about "cult deprogramming" for the AGWers who believed the lie and are coming to the realisation that they have been duped. As could be expected, there are now some interesting mainstream news video clips of AGWers going completely nuts as their religious beliefs have been shaken. This is an excellent short YouTube video [6:53] done for The Corbett Report where Dr. Tim Ball talks about Phil Jones and the Climate Research Unit, but the video is remarkable prescient and was actually made in September 2009! Climategate: The Backstory

UFO alert sparked after sighting in sky over Mold [N. Wales, UK]
leader Live, 26th November 2009
MYSTERIOUS objects have been seen in the sky above Mold.

A Mold family spotted three glowing red objects hovering above the sky over Bailey Hill and Gwernaffield Road at about 10.30pm on Friday night. [...]

The 35-year-old resident mum, who asked to remain anonymous said: “We just saw these three balls of red light. First of all there was one and it was moving quite slowly and then another two came and followed it. “They were just hovering and moving together, like they were synchronised. I have no idea what they were.”

She said the experience left her daughter terrified. UFO expert Scott Felton, from the Conwy UFO group, said at first glance the objects appeared to be Chinese lanterns, but the behaviour of the objects could suggested something more mysterious. [...]

He said: “They look like lanterns from the images, but I find it difficult to believe that a lantern would just hover. "In view of the weather that we have been having you would expect that the lanterns would just blow out.

“I suspect the three lights were sadly sky lanterns. However, taking into account the strong windy weather conditions that night, the lights did not seem to act in a way one would expect, which simply adds to the mystery.”

People are frightened because they don't understand what they are seeing. In this instance, I recommend the conclusions of scientists who started research in 1983 into the strange lights and light phenomena at Hessdalen, Norway. Here is one of the latest reports, by Bjørn Gitle Hauge (2005) 10 years of scientific research of the Hessdalen Phenomena The conclusion states, "The phenomena has by the Embla crew been identified as a flying luminous object with certain characteristics that make it unique to science." In plain English (and in this case the writer can be forgiven), this is a new lifeform!

Lanterns Mistaken for UFO'S [South Texas, Corpus Christi, US]
So the Americans are becoming Chinese too! Here we have complaints from a Fire marshal about putting something burning into the air. I totally agree with him, but we are seeing magnetic plasma entities (UAPs) made up of fire chi, NOT Chinese lanterns!

Peru: Astonishment Over Alleged UFOs
Eight orbs described as "luminous objects" dancing in the sky and then formed an octagon in the sky, I think they were celebrating!

UFO spotted off Cyprus coast
Reports from all parts of the island of strange orange orbs and flying objects

Scientist in climate change 'cover-up' storm told to quit
Daily Mail, 25th November 2009
The scientist at the heart of the climate change scandal was under growing pressure to quit last night.

George Monbiot, a leading environmentalist, said Phil Jones should resign from the Climatic Research Unit over leaked emails that appear to show researchers suppressed scientific data.

More emails came to light yesterday, including one in which an American climatologist admitted it was a travesty that scientists could not explain a lack of global warming in recent years.

Of course the Daily Mail is well behind the blogosphere on this one, but at least they are reporting and the internet has been on fire with people trying to find out the latest news. As I continue to watch events unfold, I have noted the glee of some of climate skeptics but most people are totally shocked. However, there have been a few voices who have stated they are concerned for the welfare of the people at the centre of this furore and one person even stated they had said prayers. The discussion about the rights and wrongs are being debated all over the internet so I will not even attempt to repeat them here, but at the end of the day, what these guys were doing was not science and the question of ethics has become a recurring theme. I was actually struck by the following post at Watts Up With, Bryan Clark (11:53:40) :
As a (retired) professional engineer from Canada, I am truly shocked by the contemptible behaviour of the scientists at Britain’s CRU. A total lack of ethics.

Canadian Order of the Engineer inductees wear a stainless steel ring on the little finger of their working hand as a visible reminder of the oath of integrity and ethics that they’ve taken. This Oath of the Obligations of an Engineer, heart of the “Iron Ring Ceremony”, governed my 40 years in the field of electronics. The various provincial Orders in Canada closely monitor the activities and professionalism of the practice of engineering in Canada.

These shameful and “so-called” scientists wouldn’t have lasted a day in the Engineering Profession in Canada. Well, at least that’s my impression after working with hundreds of colleagues for 40 years. What these men and women have done, and apparently continue to do, is despicable in the worst sense of the word. source
This is another engineer Ken Coffman (12:14:14) :
I work for a semiconductor company similar to the ones listed above (Linear Tech, National) and I collect data and do analysis. I can tell you without any hesitation that I have never seen anything like the manipulation documented in the e-mails and the computer codes. It would be unthinkable to massage and edit the data in that manner. If I got caught doing something like that, I’d be fired immediately and would have a lot of trouble finding another job in our tight-knit technical community. However, I’m not honest just to keep my job. As an engineer, I worship at the altar of uncorrupted data and professional ethics. I send curt e-mail at times (even drop the f-bomb when I’m upset), but have never seen anything like those personal attacks, “circling the wagons” and corruption of the peer review process. The whoring of science by the AGW hockey team makes me [snip] angry and you won’t need a FOI request to get that on record. [Bold added for emphasis] source
Ethics and integrity are becoming a major issue in science, which is something that is supported by the energetic changes taking place on the planet and has been emphasised by the most respected metaphysical sources. Due to the new climate [please excuse the pun] where it is become extremely difficult to hide wrongdoing, we now see new efforts to encourage people to adhere to new higher standards. Personally, I would like to see similar for the New Age community but first there needs to be some serious efforts to teach ethics as I have now realised that some don't even know even know what integrity means and many just think "the end justifies the means", which is the same mentality that governed the behaviour of these "fallen" scientists. See also,

The “Hippocratic Oath” for Scientists

James Ray's escalating patterns of abuse leading to sweat lodge deaths: interview with Lorena Bathey, 24th November 2009
[...] Lorena says she first attended James Ray’s Harmonic Wealth seminar in San Francisco around winter of 2007. She freely admits she went not because she was particularly impressed with James Ray himself, but because of the quality of his followers. Lorena noticed something that I’ve been saying from the beginning – James Ray’s followers, overall, are intelligent and caring people that honestly want to do some good in the world. Her account is very detailed considering it is from two years ago, but I believe she has a good memory for the specific exercises because she was studying the underlying mechanics of them – much like I’ve been doing here at

Lorena estimates there were about five hundred people present at the Harmonic Wealth seminar. She talks about a James Ray Money Game that starts off with James Ray asking participants something like ‘How much money would you invest in your future, with who you want to be’?

This article instructs on how James Ray used various techniques to lower people's resistance to mind control. I will have to say that some people might object to the way that the writer, Cassandra Yorgey, keeps stating that James Ray was actually aiming to kill people. You will have to make up your own mind, but the death "games" that are described are just plain sinister. Personally, I can't imagine how this kind of role play can benefit people who are aiming to spiritually evolve. Anyway, I am pleased that Cassandra has taken the opportunity to educate and teach people how to understand the tricks involved in controlling and manipulating others by using mind control. As the person being interviewed clearly states, the target audience are mostly decent people who are totally uneducated in this kind of psychological warfare and spiritual abuse. I also highly recommend the Cult Education Forum. Here is the thread started for the sweat lodge incident, James Arthur Ray - 2 die at Arizona retreat's sweat lodge, but please note that there are older threads about James Ray, because some people were very aggravated when he was promoted by Oprah, the knowledgeable had already worked out that this man was a gangster. Well, I will admit, I have learnt a few things and I also personally know just how easy it is for trusting people to be conned. As I have already stated and will no doubt state again, the more you know about James Ray and his operation the more shocking it gets. This is my latest shocker, James Ray was known as a "Practical Mystic", see google search here, when I read this, I nearly forgot to draw breath.... This is an interesting article from someone who does believe in pushing yourself to the limit, but can't defend James Ray, I would also like to highlight the following good summary from this article:

So, here is what the process looks like that causes people in large group formats, particularly those around spiritual self help, to make poor decisions. 

  1. Point to people's shortcomings, their missed hopes and dreams. Where possible tie them to existing large belief sets around religion or philosophical constructs that appear to support the behavior they hope to learn as being the cause of the missed hopes and dreams.
  2. Suggest that there is knowledge that exists, that has always existed, that is available if you know how to access it.
  3. Position a charismatic talking head as the leader and dispenser of the secrets
  4. Demonstrate how the leader has persevered and learned these secrets and is now willing to reveal them to you.
  5. Tie the knowledge to mystical practices, to ancient civilizations or societies, to supposed "laws" or mystical places.
  6. Make very tenuous ties (social proof) back to science, particularly science that most people don't understand (quantum physics)
  7. Make the acceptance of the secrets exclusive (often based on price).
  8. Encourage people to act alike, dress alike, pray together, and to take progressively more aggressive behaviors together. Have them shave their heads, fast, engage in exhaustive prayer, deprive them of sleep, food, contact with others, use noise and light discipline. Practice sensory overload or deprivation. Discourage logical thinking and reward faith. Encourage them by telling them that pushing past their boundaries is part of their initiation into this new way of being. Have them value being misunderstood by their peers and use that lack of understanding by their peers as a validation that they are in fact moving in the right direction.
  9. Offer them progressively more esoteric opportunities (for more money) with no real quantifiable measurable results.
  10. Give the groups names, rites of passage, special ways of knowing or recognizing each other. Forbid them from sharing the secret knowledge or events that occurred during their initiation with others so that those people should they become enlightened enough are not deprived of the opportunity to fully experience what is happening.
  11. When things go wrong, bring it back to the leader's pain, rally the true believers around him, get them to talk about how terrible the leader feels and have them express what his internal condition is, make it about his suffering not that of the affected. Turn the attention to the teachings and the teacher not the failure.

There is a very big shift that happens for many people at these Large Group Awareness Movements and it is thoroughly explained in detail in a book called Snapping. The book is written by two well accomplished psychologists, I strongly recommend reading it.  [End Quote] source

German banker admits transferring money from rich to help poorer clients
The Guardian, 24th November 2009
In these financially troubled times, bankers tend not to score too highly on the scale of public admiration, with their bonuses, bailouts and bad loans. But today details emerged of a woman who may confound the popular view that everyone in the industry is in it for themselves.

The 62-year-old branch head of one German bank was hailed as a hero after she confessed to transferring money from rich customers to help her poorer clients. Already, she has been dubbed "Die Robin Hood Bankerin".

She was given a 22-month suspended sentence after moving more than €7.6m (£6.9m) in 117 transfers between 2003 and 2005. The court in Bonn was told that the employee, who has not been named, took no money for herself.

This is not the first Robin Hood banker, that has been found out in recent years, so it makes you wonder how often it happens. The fact that this person is hailed as "a good samaritan" tells us that people value bankers who manage money to support others -- NOT just continuously helping the rich who don't need the help.

A bright red/orange light in the Sky - Southampton, Hampshire [UK]
UK UFO Sightings, 23rd November 2009
Location of Sighting: Southampton, Date of Sighting: 20/11/2009
Time: 18.55/19.00, Witness Name: Stephen Walker

Witness Statement: I was visiting my parents who live in Coxford Drove- Southampton. I was about to leave for My Home in Lordshill at about 18.55/19.00 & was just saying goodbye when i spotted a bright red/orange light in the Sky, it was a constant light with no fashing or flickering moving at a steady pace from the Millbrook area towards the Aldermoor area, I would say at no more than 2,000/3,000 ft above ground level & about the size of an orange held at arms length. The object then dimmed or turned off its lights & proceeded to move off at a considerable speed, this incident was witnessed by both my Parents as well. I have also seen a similar object on 2 ocassions from my own home carrying out the same manouvres only that it was heading from the Docks area to the Rownhams/Baddesley Area. [Edited for better reading]

This UAP must have been quite large to be reported as a size of an orange at arm's length so it could not have been mistaken for a Chinese lantern. Well, as most people will now must realise, according to the mainsteam media, the British have become Chinese and all the Chinese lanterns are symbolic of their desire to celebrate the New Year all year round, even when it's raining and flooding. Here is a few more reports from this website, but there are many to choose from:

6 Orbs flying in pairs - Stradbroke suffolk [UK]
Witness says, the orbs looked like "a silent flying sodium street lamp the size of a small car"

Photos: Strange lights in the sky yellowish and very bright!! - Pembrokeshire, Wales [UK]
Witness says EXACTLY the same as the “Phoenix lights” sighting in the USA a few years ago.

30 bright orange spheres flying in formation - Winter Hill..from Horwich to Egerton [Lancs, UK]
This sounds like orbs flying in formation like geese, critter behaviour.

Large, very bright, orange glowing ball, moving towards a nearby airport, NOT a Chinese Lantern - Hinckley, [Leicestershire, UK]
No doubt it was seen on radar by air traffic control. Apparently, there is no need to worry, as it's only "a little angel".

Mystery lights pass over Moutere area [Nelson, NZ]
The Nelson Mail, 23rd November 2009
No-one used the word UFO but the lights seen in the sky over Upper Moutere, near Nelson, last night are definitely unidentified. Several people reported seeing balls of fire in the sky about 9.30pm, with Matiu Noakes saying he saw nine, moving from the direction of Kina toward Upper Moutere. "They looked like skydivers coming down with flares attached to them." He said they faded out over Upper Moutere and were going too fast to be flares.

I am quite busy at the moment, so I have not spent a lot of time checking out the latest UAP reports, but rest assured, the fiery orbs are busy going about their business in plain sight. This looks like some new arrivals, where UAPs are taking up residence inside the Earth and we are told here that one object could not enter at this location, so they were seen flying off. This pattern of behaviour has been noted many times, see Best of the Blog - Orbs, UAP Traffic & UFO Disclosure

Global WarmingGate: What Does It Mean?
Pajamas Media, 22nd November 2009
Late on the night of of November 19, news broke on PJM and elsewhere that a large amount of data had been stolen from one of the major climate research institutions by an unknown hacker and made available on the Internet. The institution is the University of East Anglia Climate Research Unit, home institution for Dr Phil Jones and one of the world’s centers of research into anthropogenic global warming (AGW), or “climate change.” The hackers released about 172 megabytes of data, and we can be sure examining it closely will take some time. But after a few days, certain things are beginning to become clear.
  • The data appears to be largely, perhaps entirely, authentic.
  • The emails are incendiary.
  • The implications shake the scientific basis for AGW, and the scientific reputations of some of AGW’s major proponents, to their roots
Comment: This is a basic summary of the situation. Pajamas Media then next interviwed Christopher Monkton who was livid. There is no diplomacy in his views and that is understandable, see Viscount Monckton on Climategate: ‘They Are Criminals’ (PJM Exclusive)

The CRUtape Letters™, an Alternative Explanation.
Watts Up With That, 23rd November 2009
I have a theory. With the blogosphere all atwitter about the emails and data “stolen” from the Climatic Research Institute at the University of East Anglia, two theories have become dominant describing the origin of the incident.

1. CRU was hacked and the data stolen by skilled hackers, perhaps an individual or more insidiously some sophisticated group, such as Russian agents.
2. An insider leaked the information to the NSM (non-mainstream media)

Since this is real history in the making and I see this in terms of light being shed on some very dark practices (scientific dark arts?) that were being used to enforce unnecessary climate legislation, I am continuing to focus on the emails "released" from the Climatic Research Institute at the University of East Anglia [CRU]. Here we are given a plausible explanation that the emails and data were collected together by administrators so that the CRU could comply with a Freedom of Information request. Yet, somehow the file was stolen off an unsecured server. The replies to this theory from the most informed, suggest that this theory is not completely right and I personally think that someone on the inside knew that this exercise was taking place and seized the opportunity to release the information to the world. Whatever, the real story, the concensus amongst climate "realists" is that whoever made these emails and data commonly available, is a hero or heroes. For the discussion of the file HARRY_READ_ME.txt file and the computer programmer's efforts to sort out the awful coding and databases that were a complete mess, is probably only of great interest to those who are more technically minded. See CRU Emails “may” be open to interpretation, but commented code by the programmer tells the real story
Update This is from another website that has been examining the CRU programmer code. The following comment made me laugh, especially as I have already compared the manipulaiton of data to scientists practicing the 'dark' arts;
Code this bad is the equivalent of witchcraft. There is essentially no empirical test to distinguish its output from nonsense. Sad to say, I've seen things like this before. Multi-author, non-software engineer-written codebases tend to have these sorts of hair-raising betises liberally sprinkled throughout (although this an extreme example - I wouldn't want to go into that code without a pump-action shotgun and a torch). Ian Harris certainly deserves our sympathy. Trying to hack your way through this utter balderdash must still have him sitting bolt upright in the middle of the night with a look of horror on his face. David Gillies | 24.Nov.09 - 18:43 | # link

Video: Dr. Tim Ball on the CRU emails
Watts Up With That, 22nd November 2009
Retired climatologist Dr. Tim Ball was interviewed to discuss the significance of the recently leaked emails and documents from the Climate Research Unit at East Anglia University. These emails reveal stunning behind-the-scenes details, and Dr. Ball shares his insights on what they show. Of interest is what he has to say about the Wegman report.

Well, I am still reading these emails and the subseqent discussion because this a very major event in the scientific world with major repercussions. Global Warming is the official cover for the massive evolutionary changes taking place on this planet and the core scientific data, that so many people are reliant on, has just been exposed as being 'unreliable', which is a nice euphemism for RIGGED. Note the comment here by P Gosselin (20:09:26):
It’s the Vatican of the Climate religion.
Now the foundation of this religion is crumbling.
How do you react when your religion is shown to be bogus?
I am highlighting this YouTube video [9:58] by this retired Canadian professor because he has been very vocal in opposing AGW (manmade global warming) to the point where he received deaths threats. Dr Tim Ball states that there was actually a "clan" of 42 insiders controlling the peer review process, so now he can be commended for opposing these corrupt scientists. By the way, the comments mention that someone started dumping 20 times the normal trading volume of the green fund, First Trust NASDAQ® Clean Edge® Green Energy Index Fund (QCLN) GREEN stock very very quickly.... If you go through the Green Business archives, you will see that there has been massive investments in Green funds, so it looks like someone just panicked. Also Red Hot Lies! See Fox News report on YouTube [8:35] Fox News: Calls for Investigation of Climategate Grow

Utah: Man Happy with Simple Life in Cave
UPI News, 22nd November 2009
A 48-year-old man who has not used money in nine years and resides in a desert cave in Moab, Utah, said he loves his simple existence. [...] A former Peace Corps volunteer, Suelo said he also will not barter for food or rent because he considers bartering another form of currency.

Suelo began his unique style of living nine years ago despite having a master's degree in accounting and a degree in anthropology.

Despite his meager belongings and lack of a traditional home, Suelo insists he will never embrace a regular lifestyle again.

"I have no idea what the future holds, and I don't worry about it. But the longer I do this, it seems absurd to go back," he told the Post. "It would be like going back to slavery."

I think this man is enlightened...

Hackers 'expose global warming con': Sceptics claim that leaked emails reveal research centre massaged temperature data
Daily Mail, 21st November 2009
One of the world’s leading climate change research centres has been accused of manipulating data on global warming after thousands of private emails and documents were leaked.

Hackers targeted the University of East Anglia’s Climatic Research Unit and published the files, including some personal messages, on the internet.

Among the most damaging is one which appears to suggest using a ‘trick’ to massage years of temperature data to ‘hide the decline’.[...]
Spokesman Dave Britton said the two organisations had to turn down numerous Freedom of Information requests because they did not hold the copyright to the data.

‘There is a feeling we are hiding something,’ he said. ‘But we are not, we just can’t release the data.’

He said that is was unclear whether some of the documents had been tampered with, adding: ‘We are not concerned about the robustness of the science we are pushing but we are worried about it being interpreted out of context.’

I think the final comment highlighted by the Daily Mail is just so representative of the mentality of these 'rogue' climate scientists. Science is not supposed to be about "PUSHING" anything! Yet, one of the most shocking things that has been revealed is how scientists are being guided by "marketing" principles. One of the 75 documents "released" is a five-page PDF document entitled The Rules of the Game , which discusses indoctrinating the residents of the United Kingdom with global warming propaganda. Here are a few of the "rules":
a new way of thinking

Once we’ve eliminated the myths, there is room for some new ideas. These principles relate to some of the key ideas emerging from behaviour change modelling for sustainable development:

5. Climate change must be ‘front of mind’ before persuasion works
Currently, telling the public to take notice of climate change is as successful as selling tampons to men. People don’t realise (or remember) that climate change relates to them.

6. Use both peripheral and central processing Attracting direct attention to an issue can change attitudes, but peripheral messages can be just as effective: a tabloid snapshot of Gwyneth Paltrow at a bus stop can help change attitudes to public transport.

7. Link climate change mitigation to positive desires/aspirations Traditional marketing associates products with the aspirations of their target audience. Linking climate change mitigation to home improvement, self-improvement, green spaces or national pride are all worth investigating.

8. Use transmitters and social learning People learn through social interaction, and some people are better teachers and trendsetters than others. Targeting these people will ensure that messages seem more trustworthy and are transmitted more effectively.

9. Beware the impacts of cognitive dissonance Confronting someone with the difference between their attitude and their actions on climate change will make them more likely to change their attitude than their actions.

This document was previously highlighted on the 20th October 2009 in a guest post by Dr. Tony Brown at Watts Up with that, Revealed: the UK government strategy for personal carbon rations

The Day Global Warming Stood Still
Investors Business Daily, 20th November 2009
Climate Change: As scientists confirm the earth has not warmed at all in the past decade, others wonder how this could be and what it means for Copenhagen. Maybe Al Gore can Photoshop something before December. [...]

"I proudly declare 2009 as the 'Year of the Skeptic,' the year in which scientists who question the so-called global warming consensus are being heard," Inhofe said to Boxer in a Senate speech. "Until this year, any scientist, reporter or politician who dared raise even the slightest suspicion about the science behind global warming was dismissed and repeatedly mocked."

Inhofe added: "Today I have been vindicated." [...]

In an article titled, "Climatologists Baffled By Global Warming Time-Out," author Gerald Traufetter leads off with the observation: "Climatologists are baffled as to why average global temperatures have stopped rising over the last 10 years." They better figure it out, Der Spiegel warns, because "billions of euros are at stake in the negotiations."

We are told in sad tones that "not much is happening with global warming at the moment" and that "it even looks as though global warming could come to a standstill this year." But how can it be that the earth isn't following all those computer models? Is the earth goddess Gaia herself a climate change "denier"?

I could not resist the headline or some of the quotes, in this article, indeed, it is a time of celebration.
  • The Church of Global Warming is being destroyed because it is based on lies and cannot help people go through the massive shift in consciousness that is going to occur when ordinary people find out that we are not the only life form that exists on this planet and how we must develop spiritually to comply with a new evolutionary directive. It is amazing to see that the whole global warming edifice is built on such a poor foundation, and that we have raised our consciousness enough for the truth to become widely known. Hallelujah!

Climategate: the final nail in the coffin of 'Anthropogenic Global Warming'?
The Telegraph, 20th November 2009
If you own any shares in alternative energy companies I should start dumping them NOW. The conspiracy behind the Anthropogenic Global Warming myth (aka AGW; aka ManBearPig) has been suddenly, brutally and quite deliciously exposed after a hacker broke into the computers at the University of East Anglia’s Climate Research Unit (aka Hadley CRU) and released 61 megabites of confidential files onto the internet. [...]

As Andrew Bolt puts it, this scandal could well be “the greatest in modern science”. These alleged emails – supposedly exchanged by some of the most prominent scientists pushing AGW theory – suggest:
Conspiracy, collusion in exaggerating warming data, possibly illegal destruction of embarrassing information, organised resistance to disclosure, manipulation of data, private admissions of flaws in their public claims and much more.
Comment: The US is now reporting this scandal and I have seen reports at Fox News & The New York Times, but initial comment at American Thinker is worth pointing out as they are amongst many who have been targeted for their stance on global warming. Here, they object to being referred to as American Stinker demonstrating the war mentality of the UK/US climate scientists for persons or organisations that opposed the AGW worldview. Well, I have spent a lot of time in the last 24 hours reading the highlights of the leaked emails and despite the fact that I intuitively KNEW that scientists were tampering with climate data and it is widely known that certain scientists have been caught out in the past, there is nothing that can prepare someone, especially honest scientists, for the scale of the misdemeanors that have been uncovered. This is a list that has been compiled elsewhere that I will update if necessary:
  1. Conspiracy
  2. Government Fraud
  3. Computer Fraud
  4. Obstruction of Justice
  5. Environmental Law Violations (Falsifying lab data pertaining to environmental regulations)
  6. Suppression of evidence
  7. Tampering with evidence
  8. Public Corruption
  9. Bribery
  10. Tax Evasion
Soon many people are going to be asking the question: WHY did top climate scientists go to these lengths? Well, as I have pointed out so many times on this blog, some believe that our planet is now very vulnerable and there is a real desperation to try and put some measures in place, whilst maintaining power for the choosen few at the same time. I realise that there are not enough people paying attention and as my special interest is the spiritual implications of what is taking place on this planet, there are only a tiny minority that even care about how the universe and spiritual energies work.
So, I have been out on a limb for a good 5 years with my understanding of Space Weather driving evolutionary change. Now I can say I am not alone in my beliefs and it is evident that Space Weather is the REAL reason for the panic. For those that a new to this website, the latest major press releases from NASA re Space Weather can be found at the following link, It's Official; The New Cosmic Age has arrived! What's more I can now link to articles and videos that visually demonstrate that our planet is under a massive cosmic bombardment. Yet, even I was shocked to see some of this year's computer simulations of Earth's magnetosphere taking a pounding and literally flapping about in a galactic wind.
I would just like to take this opportunity to say that I am very grateful for the insights provided by Mayan Elders, other Keepers of Ancient Knowledge and the few in metaphysical community who have been way ahead of the curve in helping me to decipher what is taking place. As aetheric energies continue to build-up around our planet, I am expecting more and more astonishing events and human folly can be forgotten for a while, as we witness the greatest transition in the history of mankind.

Hadley hacked: warmist conspiracy exposed?
Herald Sun, 20th November 2009
8.15 PM UPDATE: The Hadley CRU director admits the emails seem to be genuine:
The director of Britain’s leading Climate Research Unit, Phil Jones, has told Investigate magazine’s TGIF Edition tonight ..."It was a hacker. We were aware of this about three or four days ago that someone had hacked into our system and taken and copied loads of data files and emails."…

TGIF asked Jones about the controversial email discussing “hiding the decline”, and Jones explained what he was trying to say….
So the 1079 emails and 72 documents seem indeed evidence of a scandal involving most of the most prominent scientists pushing the man-made warming theory - a scandal that is one of the greatest in modern science. I’ve been adding some of the most astonishing in updates below - emails suggesting conspiracy, collusion in exaggerating warming data, possibly illegal destruction of embarrassing information, organised resistance to disclosure, manipulation of data, private admissions of flaws in their public claims and much more. If it is as it now seems, never again will “peer review” be used to shout down sceptics.

This is clearly not the work of some hacker, but of an insider who’s now blown the whistle.

Not surprising, then, that Steve McIntyre reports: Earlier today, CRU cancelled all existing passwords. Actions speaking loudly. [...] The anonymous hackers offer this brief summary of their alleged finds so far:
0926010576.txt * Mann: working towards a common goal
1189722851.txt * Jones: “try and change the Received date!”
0924532891.txt * Mann vs. CRU
0847838200.txt * Briffa & Yamal 1996: “too much growth in recent years makes it difficult to derive a valid age/growth curve”
0926026654.txt * Jones: MBH dodgy ground
1225026120.txt * CRU’s truncated temperature curve
1059664704.txt * Mann: dirty laundry
1062189235.txt * Osborn: concerns with MBH uncertainty
0926947295.txt * IPCC scenarios not supposed to be realistic
0938018124.txt * Mann: “something else” causing discrepancies
0939154709.txt * Osborn: we usually stop the series in 1960
0933255789.txt * WWF report: beef up if possible
0998926751.txt * “Carefully constructed” model scenarios to get “distinguishable results”
0968705882.txt * CLA: “IPCC is not any more an assessment of published science but production of results”
1075403821.txt * Jones: Daly death “cheering news”
1029966978.txt * Briffa – last decades exceptional, or not?
1092167224.txt * Mann: “not necessarily wrong, but it makes a small difference” (factor 1.29)
1188557698.txt * Wigley: “Keenan has a valid point”
1118949061.txt * we’d like to do some experiments with different proxy combinations
1120593115.txt * I am reviewing a couple of papers on extremes, so that I can refer to them in the chapter for AR4
Comment: What kind of hacker gives you a nice little summary of the information and data that has just been stolen? I am starting to feel that these scientists have been deliberately thrown under the bus by 'masters' who do not tolerate failure. If you work for the darkside then this is what you can expect. I have been reading the comments at the Watts Up With That thread (see below) who have attracted a lot of academics and Andrew Bolts summary is absolutely excellent. Here we have it on good authority that the emails are true and people are comparing this to a supernova as the downloaded data goes viral all over the internet. There is discussion of a need for a Special Prosecutor and we even have a tax official commentating on emails that discuss avoiding tax on payouts of 10,000 dollars. If you know your conspiracy stuff well enough, the figure of 10,000 dollars should jump out at you immediately. People are talking about the need for an academic suicide watch and they are being partly serious. This is as absolutely sensational. If you want to understand the importance of this leak then you have to start reading the emails that clearly reveal that there was a team of scientists working together to mislead the public by manipulating climate data to give the impression that in recent times, we have experienced unprecedented global warming. Nothing that has been exposed before can be compared to this, this is sensational.... The Bishop Hill website now has an excellent current summary. Climate cuttings 33

Hackers target leading climate research unit
BBC News, 20th November 2009
The e-mail system of one of the world's leading climate research units has been breached by hackers.

E-mails reportedly from the University of East Anglia's Climatic Research Unit (CRU), including personal exchanges, appeared on the internet on Thursday. A university spokesman confirmed the email system had been hacked and that information was taken and published without permission.

An investigation was underway and the police had been informed, he added.

It would be extremely difficult for the mainstream media to ignore this story, but this is a start. As one person has commented on the Watts Up With That thread (see below),
Stop Common Purpose (02:20:25): sounds like there [is] a smoking gun.
No Joe, an exploding ammunition dump. And a big one at that.
I think we can expect scientists running for cover and those that are able to protect their "reputations" turning on the guilty. There has to be a major purging of the ranks, but so far, the "consensus" is that there is a "team" of scientists that have been exposed through these emails that could go to jail. Well, it’s amazing what can happen when a few people stand up for the ’scientific’ truth and I feel very proud of the minority of scientists who endured much abuse for their public stance on climate change and global warming.

Video: Two MUFON reports detail low-flying orb over NYC
UFO Examiner, 20th November 2009
Two accounts of unidentified orb-like UFOs - both with video - were reported over New York City on November 17, 2009, according to witness testimony from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) database.

New York MUFON Director Jim Bouck reports that both sighting statements are from a single source, that the case has been assigned to a field investigator, and that the case is currently uninvestigated.

After some thought I have decided to highlight the video of an orb over New York City. This is the Apocalypse, it's not total destruction but a shift of dimensions that is revealing that we are not the only lifeform on this planet. For more information see Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Index

Colorado State: Atlantic Hurricane Season Quietest Since 1997
Wall Street Journal, 19th November 2009
NEW YORK (Dow Jones)--The Atlantic Hurricane season, which officials ends Nov. 30, will go into the record books as the quietest since 1997, due to the impact of the El Nino weather phenomenon, forecasters at Colorado State University said Thursday.

The season featured nine named storms, three hurricanes and two major hurricanes, with sustained winds of 111 miles per hour or greater. Long-term averages are 9.6 named storms, 5.9 hurricanes and 2.3 major hurricanes per season.

See copy at SOTT, link. Yes, it's been so quiet that Al Gore had to photoshop 4 hurricanes onto the front cover of his new book "Our Choice: A Plan to Solve the Climate Crisis". The book cover also reduced the amount of ice present in the Arctic, see images Al Gore Photoshops Hurricanes Into New Book's Cover What's of more interest is the proof that hurricanes are driven by cosmic energy streams and that is why they normally only occur at certain times of the year. Incredible....

How Will Religion Evolve?
New York Times, 19th November 2009
Does religion have a future? Who looks more like an evolutionary dead end: the religious American or the agnostic European? Or will both give way to some sort of compromise — people bound by new institutions that provide the social benefits of religion without belief in a traditional deity?

I raise these questions after reading my colleague Nicholas Wade’s fascinating new book, “The Faith Instinct: How Religion Evolved and Why It Endures,” in which he argues that people have a genetically based urge to worship, engraved by natural selection in the mind’s neural circuits because of the tremendous advantage religion conferred on early societies. (You can read a summary of the argument in his Week in Review article. [...]

What would the product of such a transformation look like? One possibility that occurs to me is a version of environmentalism, but with better music and with rituals that are more elegant than sorting garbage. A Church of Green could provide some of the same moral lessons and communal values as traditional religions, and I suspect it’s no coincidence that green fervor is especially prevalent in European countries where traditional religion is on the decline.

Well it is my firm belief that rapid evolutionary change will drive changes on many different levels and all organisations will be forced to 'evolve'. Religions have been successful in the past because they have been designed to appeal to people with a limited level of human development but metaphysicians and psychologists believe there are signs that the mass of humanity will soon experience a massive leap in consciousness. I have now decided that the trigger will be finding out that the inhabitants of Earth are not the only lifeform on this planet. This will precipitate a crisis that will hopeful result in the masses attaining a higher level of consciousness. There are a few people who have already been through these stages and they are going to act as midwives for others. The writer John Tierney suggests Churches focusing on 'environmentalism' and this meme is already well established but I think that a huge shift in consciousness is going to propel many people into a more 'cosmic' understanding of their reality. At the moment, the Catholic Church seem to be making the greatest effort to understand the UAP/ET phenomena and evolutionary change (see archives) so that they can work out some kind of new theological understanding. I have NEVER liked the Catholic Church but I respect the fact that they are fully aware of what is taking place on this planet and cannot be accused of being asleep. There does not seem to be much evidence of similar efforts by other religious groups, but it does not mean that work is not being done elsewhere too. See Chile: Catholic University Holds UFO Colloquium

Can dreams intuit winning lottery numbers?
Skepticism Enquirer, 19th November 2009
Every once in a while the news media reports on how a state lottery jackpot winner claimed to have seen the winning numbers in a dream. Time magazine profiled one such dreamer in December 2005, a 43-year-old Pakistani immigrant named Ihsanullah Khan, who drove a taxi cab in Washington and saw the numbers 2,4,6,17,25 and 31 appear in one of his dreams. He played those numbers and won a $55 million lottery jackpot.

But for those of you seeking quick shortcuts to riches, there’s a catch to this story --- Khan had his prophetic dream and then spent the next 15 years playing the lottery using those numbers until his combination turned up. This is the sort of dedication and confidence that’s sometimes required if our dreams are to come true.

Nice article. I actually know someone who was given "tips" through dreams, in that case, the person liked to have a flutter and was always generous with money. However, I don't think that spiritual evolution and the development of a more evolved human should be too closely associated with the ability to win the lottery...

Breaking News Story: Hadley CRU has apparently been hacked – hundreds of files released
Watts Up With that, 19th November 2009
The details on this are still sketchy, we’ll probably never know what went on. But it appears that Hadley Climate Research Unit has been hacked and many many files have been released by the hacker or person unknown [...] An unknown person put postings on some climate skeptic websites that advertsied an FTP file on a Russian FTP server, here is the message that was placed on the Air Vent today:
We feel that climate science is, in the current situation, too important to be kept under wraps. We hereby release a random selection of correspondence, code, and documents
The file was large, about 61 megabytes, containing hundreds of files. It contained data, code, and emails from Phil Jones at CRU to and from many people. I’ve seen the file, it appears to be genuine and from CRU. Others who have seen it concur- it appears genuine. There are so many files it appears unlikely that it is a hoax. The effort would be too great.

As this is just breaking news, people are still unsure whether the data is real, but because of the sheer volume, it is extremely unlikely that the emails and data are fake as the unzipped file expands to 157MB. As one commentator stated,
Konrad (14:26:24) : I wonder if the dog will cough up all the missing homework?
More dog jokes, Robert, Wood of Canada (15:51:22) :
For those who think the defence may be: “Fake!”. Who has the time to fake 60 MBytes of probably mind-numbing daily boring stuff – and tables of data that can be verified?
No, this is huge :-)
We may find out whether the dog really did eat the data, or whether this whole global warming scam is a dog’s breakfast :-)

So, as people are already digging into the emails, there is already some rejoicing.... We have a long way to go yet, but it looks like the start of the final chapter in the war on global warming alarmism. Stay tuned....

2012: Apocalypse or New Sun [3:58]
YouTube, November 2009
In the ancient cities of the Maya, Grand Elder "Wandering Wolf" talks about 2012, the end of the world, the New Sun and the ancestral knowledge of the Shift of the Ages.

Please note the term Apocalypse here refers to the Second Century A.D. onward meaning given in Christian & Jewish writings, meaning of the destruction of earth as we now know it. It is NOT the original meaning of the Greek phrase apokalupsis eschaton, shortened to 'Apocalypse' which means "revelation at the end of the æon, or age". See Wikipedia. This clip from the 2012 film 'Shift of the Ages' gives a little more information about the Sun and cause of the 3 days of darkness. It seems that the trigger was previously made known by the Mayan Timekeeper Carlos Barrios in interviews given back in 2007. Mayan Elders have retained ancient knowledge of our approach to a central magnetic axis where a vortex arrives every 5,200 years that 'resets' the sun. Obviously, this is major news, but who exactly amongst the hundreds of books on 2012 discusses the theory and evidence for this event? This is no cosmic fairy tale and I believe this is the same event that has previously burnt out the Earth's electromagnetic grid and has been retained embedded in certain traditions, ancient Greek writings and ancient mythology. Hence, this is why certain reliable metaphysical sources have been telling us for nearly 20 years that the Earth's electromagnetic grid was being fixed up to cope with the sudden influx of highly charged energy. We even have Russian scientists admitting that "interworld processes" were taking place "altering the electromagnetic skeleton". When I wrote my book, I did not know anything about this magnetic vortex but I had done enough background research to understand WHY this is necessary. Maybe, there are researchers out there who have done the work, but I have not come across them yet, but it would have helped dealing with the current 2012 hysteria if people who claim to be experts on the Maya had actually bothered to check with them first before jumping off the deep end with irrelevant ideas that have now become mainstream fodder.

Policeman dies as devastating deluge strikes Britain
Four bridges collapse, main roads are blocked and hundreds are evacuated as 12 inches of rain falls in Cumbria in 24 hours
The Guardian, 21st November 2009
A policeman swept away and killed during the devastating flooding that hit north-west England was trying to save lives by directing motorists off a bridge across a swollen river. PC Bill Barker Bill Barker, the police officer who was swept away when a bridge collapsed in Workington, Cumbria following the severe flooding. Photograph: Cumbria Constabulary/PA

PC Bill Barker, who would have been 45 tomorrow , was praised by Gordon Brown as a "very heroic, very brave man" who had given his life saving others after Cumbria was struck by what the Environment Agency described as "unprecedented" rainfall.

Severe flooding in the county was driven by a combination of heavy rain, saturated ground and swollen rivers. Hundreds were evacuated from their homes, four bridges collapsed and main roads were blocked after 314mm (12.4in) of rain fell in 24 hours – a record for England.

Flooding was also reported in north-west Wales and Dumfries and Galloway in Scotland. However, Cumbria was hardest hit, with an estimated 1,100 homes there affected by flooding, according to police.

Workington MP Tony Cunningham said the flood was "of biblical proportions" and he was astonished by the destruction of the Northside bridge, which led to PC Barker's death.

Four bridges collapsing? This is The Day After Tomorrow type event. The climate is changing, but the truth is not being told, at the moment we await for more scientists to start explaining how cosmic factors are influencing our weather to account for monsoon like rainfall. Update Within 5 minutes of posting this entry, I found this at Watts Up With That, rbateman (21:31:24) :
The tone on “Climate Change” was down quite a few notches when they reported on the flooding in the UK. Smarting from the leak, no doubt. Now, I feel for the people who had no warning. You see, I look at it like this: Had the climate scientists been paying attention to the strange warm water tongue reaching further into the Arctic on the Siberian side of things plus the inkling of a stronger current (that higher ocean level off the US East Coast) instead of blathering on top of the AGW Soapbox, they might have warned the residents along the way to expect some flooding. The flooding surely happened. link.
It also looks like Piers Corbyn at predicted this event as a 'Red Weather Warning' 100 days ahead see link here.

This is unbelievable, state of emergency in Cork Ireland where officials state, "Earlier, an ESB [Electricity Supply Board (Ireland)]spokesman said it was not their responsibility to inform the residents of Cork city that they were releasing massive volumes of water from a dam." Cork city left under water as ESB opens floodgates: Utility firm says it wasn't its job to warn local residents

Japanese FeeJee Mermaids - Part I
Cryptomundo, 21st November 2009
Mermaids. The word conjures up images of magical half human, half fish beings with beautiful maiden bodies atop elegant fish tails. These types of beings have been common fixtures in much folklore, myth, and legend around the world. Sailors from every corner of the Earth have long reported seeing and being enchanted by these enigmatic creatures in the waters of the far flung corners of the Earth.

This is an excellent article on Japanese mermaids with some great illustrations and some apparently 'fake' photos is worth highlighting especially when we have had some intriging recent sightings in Israel. Also, I have not forgotten the Monsterwatch so here is a link to the latest mystery: Mysterious Sea Creature Spotted in Madeira Beach Canal Update Japanese FeeJee Mermaids, Part II;

False alarms wake orbiting astronauts
UPI News, 20th November 2009
HOUSTON, Nov. 20 (UPI) -- NASA Friday was investigating false fire and depressurization alarms aboard the shuttle Atlantis and the International Space Station, officials said.

The alarms woke sleeping astronauts Thursday night with sensors indicating a fire and a dangerous loss of pressure, NASA officials said Friday.

The alarms turned out to be false and the crew was never in any danger, said Mission Control in Houston, which is investigating the cause of the false alarms.

As the space scientists keep telling us, space is far from being a quiet place. It seems that a build up of charge tripped some electronics on the ISS. There has been some stormy geomagetic events with has reporting bright auroral activity over Norway and reported an unsettled geomagnetic field due to a recurrent coronal hole high-speed solar wind stream.

Cosmic rays may have hit Qantas jet
Sydney Morning Herald, 19th November 2009
Archive copy: COSMIC rays are being considered by air safety investigators as a cause of two rapid descents made by a Qantas Airbus on its way from Singapore to Perth in October last year.

Air safety investigators brought down their latest report into the flight QF72 incident, in which more than 100 people were injured, finding there was equipment failure in one of three avionics boxes.

The investigators found that the box, called an air data inertial reference unit, streamed wildly inaccurate data to flight computers. Cosmic or solar radiation may have affected the unit.

''There is a constant stream of high-energy galactic and solar radiation interacting with the Earth's upper atmosphere,'' the report noted.

''This interaction creates a cascade of secondary particles. Some of the secondary particles, in particular neutrons, can affect aircraft avionics systems.''

The aircraft, with 303 passengers, made an emergency landing at Learmonth in Western Australia.

Major admission that Space Weather could have interfered with jet electronics that caused one flight attendant and 11 passengers to be seriously injured, and eight other crew members and at least 99 other passengers to receive minor injuries. It has taken 13 months for accident investigators to come to this conclusion and to my knowledge, this is the first major admission that Space Weather can trigger electromagnetic interference (EMI) in jet electronics. When you consider the implications, especially after what we are now being told by NASA about the leakiness of Earths defences against cosmic galactic radiation and the expected increase, the media coverage of this story is meagre. At the moment, this article will be archived in the Best of the Blog Space Weather & Electronics & Electromagnetic Chaos, and we must note as I stated in my book, "Space Weather is now a fact of life". This is the press release link MEDIA RELEASE : 18 November 2009 - 2009/16: ATSB Second Interim Factual Report into the Qantas Airbus A330-303 in-flight upset, 154 km west of Learmonth WA, on 7 October 2008 and here is the scientific report link, ATSB Interim Factual Report No.2

Comment 2: So, now that investigators have taken 13 months to eliminate the possibility of a laptop causing a mini-tornado inside the plane, see the report at the Daily Mail, Terrifying Qantas jet plunge that left dozens injured 'may have been caused by passenger laptop' they have come to the conclusion that Space Weather could have scrambled the electronics. Interestingly, this happened at the same time as Earth was being energetically hammered. It seems that the 7th October 2008 Qantas incident, can be attributed to the Soft Gamma Ray Repeater, Magnetar SGR 0501+4516, which sprang into life on the 22nd August and over 4 months emitted a series of mega outbursts. Magnetars have been jokingly described as "solar flares on steroids" but this hides the fact that some estimate that in .2 of second, magnetars give off as much energy as the Sun gives in 250,000 years. So, there was a major outburst on the 3rd October 2008 from another Magnetar called SGR J1550-5418 and it seems that as well as gamma-rays, x-rays, light and ultraviolet light, magnetars also magnetise dust and particles, so we were getting slammed with those too. Major and extreme space weather events can trigger substorms, so it seems that on the 7th October the Earths magnetic field could have convulsed enough to create a breach and allow in an excess of particles that caused havoc in the electronics for the Qantas flight. With this admission, we can expect further events in the future and we must now await the reports from accident investigators about the series of other major airplane incidents in the last year. Sigh.... I would just like to point out to certain people who regularly visit my website and who are in no doubt amazed by my research. It is a bad idea to follow people who do not have any academic qualifications worth talking about, but feel the need to then extend their "expertise" into galactic cosmology, a field where scientists are still making major discoveries, at the same time that they are unsure about the possibility of major challenges for our solar system and confusing the issue with wildly inaccurate estimates. Therefore, I am proud of the fact that I choose to integrate science with metaphysics and I choose to quote "channelled" sources, because THANK GOD the sources I chose to pay attention to, have been proven to have been RIGHT, RIGHT and RIGHT!

Peru: The Piura Lights
Inexplicata, 18th November 2009
The lights were amber-hued and of varying intensity. Some of them appeared alone, others appeared to travel in twos, but maintained a largely constant altitude. What was odd was that they responded to the light of my flashlight – when lighting them, they would dim, and then relight even brighter.

Luis Vásquez believes that this area is a UFO route. There are eyewitness accounts from people in Paita, Chulucanas and Huancabamba [...]

At the start of this parade of lights, I wondered if this could be an atmospheric phenomenon involving “Earth Lights”, unknown phosphorescent bodies or some quantum effect. But as weeks progressed, and more information was gleaned, I have faced the possibility of suspecting that these lights were not at all terrestrial.

As I read more books and articles by ufologists, it seems obvious to me that there is a real mental block as many refuse to assign universal intelligence to the strange things that they see. Here, once again, Earth Lights are mentioned and then dismissed, so I would imagine it was because surveillance revealed intelligent behaviour. The intelligence factor is way beyond the pre-conceived views of what can exist in our universe and so we have a poorly understood light phenomena that actually represents multi-dimensional entities that do not follow our rules of physics!

GREAT WESTERN FIREBALL:, 18th November 2009
Yesterday, Nov. 18th, something exploded in the atmosphere above the western United States. Witnesses in Colorado, Utah, Wyoming and Idaho say the fireball "turned night into day" and issued shock waves that "shook the ground" when it exploded just after midnight Mountain Standard Time. [...]

"These curious clouds on the horizon caught my attention just before sunrise," says photographer Don Brown of Park City, Utah. "They were strangely bright relative to the rest of the sky."

The cloud strongly resembles artificial noctilucent clouds formed at high altitudes by rocket and shuttle launches. Yet there was no (officially reported) rocket launch at dawn on Nov. 18th. Could the cloud be associated with the fireball? The geographical coincidence is certainly striking. Debris from the fireball should have dissipated by sunrise, but the cloud remains unexplained and a connection to the fireball cannot yet be dismissed.

Approximately 6 hours after the fireball, people in Utah and Colorado got another surprise. As the sun rose over those states, a twisting electric-blue cloud appeared in the dawn sky:

I think it is important to note the opinion here that the clouds looked like artifical noctilucent clouds as we must realise that until someone finds something on the ground, this could have been another "heavenly phenomenon" delivering pure energy to this planet. Whats more, nobody is talking about the chemical compositions of these supposedly artificial looking clouds.

In addition has noted the similarity with a previous event that was tracked by astronomers: "Explanation: On October 7, the early dawn over northern Sudan revealed this twisted, high altitude trail. Captured in a video frame, the long-lasting persistent train is from the impact of a small asteroid cataloged as 2008 TC3. That event was remarkable because it was the first time an asteroid was detected in space before crashing into planet Earth's atmosphere. In fact, after astronomers discovered 2008 TC3, the time and location of its impact were predicted based on follow-up observations. Later, the impact predictions were confirmed by sensors, including a Meteosat-8 image of a bright flash in the atmosphere. Astronomers are now hoping for more reports of local ground-based observations of what must have been a brilliant meteor streaking through Sudan's night sky." Astronomy Picture of the Day: On the Trail of 2008 TC3

Meteor lights up early morning sky, alarms Utahns News, 18th November 2009
SALT LAKE CITY -- A fast-moving meteor lit up the night skies over most of Utah just after midnight Wednesday. Moments later, the phones lit up at KSL as people across the state called to tell us what they saw and ask what it was.

Scientists are calling it a "remarkable midnight fireball." The source of all the excitement was basically a rock, falling from space.

In addition to KSL, witnesses to the meteor quickly began call 911. "I'm currently driving, but I just saw a giant blue flash in the sky, and it came down into the city," a caller from Ogden said.

A caller in Bountiful told dispatchers, "It flashed from the west, and it lit up the whole freakin' neighborhood." A Salt Lake City caller said, "Ma'am, I'm not kidding you. I am terrified.

Professor David Kieda is chair of the University of Utah's astronomy department. He said the energy of the meteor coming into Earth's atmosphere was so powerful it has to be measured in Terawatts.

"It's almost like the consumption of the United States all at once.
It was a fraction of a second," Kieda said. "
Night turned into day, absolutely awesome! The news videos here are quite informative...especially the video of the astronomer Patrick Wiggins. Here is the same meteor on YouTube, clip [0:26] Utah Fireball.

Did Christianity Cause the Crash?
The Atlantic, 18th November 2009
At Casa del Padre, the celebration of consumer culture is quite visible, along with a sense of boundless opportunity. The people in the church, for instance, tend to have very expensive cell phones—never the free ones that come with a calling plan, nor the sort that can be bought cheaply at a convenience store. “They start wanting what’s considered the best and the most technologically advanced in this country,” Lin says. Garay’s church, it seems to me, teaches them that they deserve these things, so they go about getting them, with few resources and infinite adaptability.

This long article put forwards the case that there is a connection between the promotion of the 'prosperity gospel' and people being encouraged to financial overextend themselves, thus creating the housing meltdown when recession hit. For anyone that has studied the history of financial speculation this was inevitable, but obviously most people are not interested in learning from history. American Christianity and the prosperity gospel is just a reflection of the society and metaphysical sources are very clear that karma will have to be played out. If you have come across the book The Confessions of an Economic Hitman by John Perkins or watched any of his YouTube videos, you will know why there is a need. There are lots of metaphysical messages about the truely spiritual ones casting off their poverty consciousness but that is not the same as those who are hankering after power and prestige by the ownership of material goods. It is worth a reminder that on the Map of Consciousness, this is all fairly low down on the scale. This long article is just another chapter in how spiritual truths are being distorted to attract followers. Anyway, I want to relate this to the New Wage champion James Ray. After spending time checking out the background story, I ended up on the Cult Education Forum (CEF), where I learnt even more shocking details of how just uncaring JR was. At this moment in time, I am personally distressed by a story I found on the CEF and I want to share it with you. Since I have had my own experience of nasty people acting out their low consciousness by trying to knock me out of the way so they can grab goodies, I can relate to this story by someone called Leslie.
"I attended a James Ray event in Dallas in January [2009], and I was injured, and James Ray did not care – not in the least. He was using a teaching tool to demonstrate that what you wanted was right out in front of you – simply take it. He was holding out his teaching CD’s. People from the audience were standing up and taking them. On about the 4th one, I stood up. I was sitting on the front row. A man came up from behind me, jumped on my back, knocked me to the ground and took the CD. Instead of urging people to be careful or asking me if I was okay, James Ray CONGRATULATED the man for having the courage to take what he wanted. He never even stopped his high pressure sales tactics to ask if I was okay. This happened less than six inches from his very feet.
After the event was over, I waited a long time to tell him that I was injured. I am disabled with Multiple Sclerosis and injured my ankle and knee as the result of being knocked down – and also had an injured back, neck, and shoulder from the man jumping on my back.
Do you want to hear how James Ray responded when I informed him that I was hurt in the incident? He smiled BROADLY and said “It sure got crazy, didn’t it?” And he laughed. He literally did not give a darn about me or anyone else in attendance. So sad.
Source link
Obviously, as I have stated before, the more you know of how JR operated, the more shocking it has been for me to realise that there were so many people who lacked discernment and supported this monster who really is only a spiritual leader that reflects the consciousness of those who were attracted to him. I know people will not understand my stance, but demonising this guy only hides the truth that we only have the spiritual leadership that we deserve. For some reason, I am more upset about Leslie's story than all the other stuff I have read.

Is electro smog causing your headache?
Daily Mail, 18th November 2009
Swindon is to become Britain's first Wi-Fi town, but at what cost to its inhabitants' health?

Swindon, that quintessentially Middle England town, hardly seems like a radical place. Yet it is at the forefront of a technological revolution that looks set to sweep the country. For the local council has announced plans to give all its 186,000 residents free wireless (Wi-Fi) access to the internet.

About 1,400 access points will be installed on lampposts across the town, creating an electronic mesh which will allow internet connections to be made anywhere within Swindon's boundaries - even in the street, the pub or a park. [...]

No one can state with any confidence that Wi-Fi is safe. The industry also likes to point to mobile phones, pretending- - wrongly - that this technology has been given the all-clear by recent scientific assessments.

But the truth is that mobiles have been widely used only since the early 1990s, so it is far too early to say with any confidence what the long-term impact of them is - particularly because some cancers take more than a decade to develop. Nevertheless, some studies are already indicating that those who have used their mobiles for ten years are twice as likely to get rare but incurable brain cancers on the same side of the head as they hold their phones.

The article gives the opinion of German health protection agency that has taken a stance against saturating environments with Wi-Fi.

Meditation 'cuts risk of heart attack by half'
Meditation is good for the body as well as the mind, scientists have discovered, as the practice significantly reduces the risk of a heart attack for people with heart disease.
The Telegraph, 17th November 2009
Patients with heart disease who practised Transcendental Meditation cut their chances of a heart attack, stroke and death by half, compared with non-meditating patients, the first study of its kind has found. Stress is a major factor in heart disease and meditation experts say the technique can help control it.

The problem I have is that some people get addicted to meditating by hormones that get generated in the brain, this is not my opinion, but that of people who have practised meditation for decades who recognise that there are pitfalls. What's more, I am even less enthusiastic for the Transcendental Meditation Movement after recently coming across the TM-Free Blog. I found the blog as a link from the Cult Education Forum, where I was having my eyes opened reading about James Ray and his use of various techniques including NLP to control people's thoughts with multilevel communications. I have to say I learnt a lot, especially about The New Wage.... LOL!! OK I am sure there are people who will be upset that I don't unconditionally promote meditation, but since any meditation I do is completely unstructured and I have had good and bad experiences, so I am not willing to promote something that people need to be aware is not all plain sailing. I am also highly suspicious of any technique or organisation that does not encourage critical thinking. I would be interested to know who sponsored this research.

Want to understand UFOs?: Get to know UFOlogy's Founders.
The Big Study, 16th November 2009
Aristotle told his impatient student, Alexander the Great, "There is no 'Royal Road' to Geometry." There isn't one to UFOlogy either. I can promise you that if you are not extremely perceptive [and a bit lucky], you cannot get an accurate picture of what's known vs. what's responsibly guessed vs. what's full-of-errors vs. what's full-of-worse by merely scavenging about on the internet. The only Road to actually knowing something about this field is to lean heavily on its founders--that means to learn its history. This post is in aid of that.

It is lightyears from sufficient, obviously, but it may serve someone as a door. The downside of this is that if one really wanted to know anything about this field, one would have to be willing to put in some real time and some real work [that much anyone can decide to do on their own], but also to have the resources available to them to do so [and that few people, unfortunately have]. In my viewing of the web, the status of UFO information resident here is not quite yet at the level which would support a dedicated "student" in the quest. This is because, even if a report is available in full here and there [as they are for USAF's Project Blue Book on Footnote. com] a relative "rookie" does not have the "historical context" to aid in the interpretation of that report.

The discussion of the major players in early UFO history makes this article worth reading, especially as it seems that the most valuable UFO insights were gained early in UFO history, when inside information was easier to obtain and as such, is still considered invaluable decades later. Please note that my Unidentified Aerial Phenomena also includes some historical documents that are still unsurpased. You can download Donald Keyhoe's book Flying Saucers Are Real[1950] here. Near the beginning of the book, it states that astronomers had speculated about "aerial phenomena" and interplanetary travel by living organisms which have developed "chemical environments which are strange to us". Folks, astronomers had come to this conclusion way before 1950 when this book was published. Therefore, is it any wonder that historically, the chosen few in the know have stood up and smugly told us, "there are many strange phenomena in the skies". You bet! But now we are all getting to see this for ourselves!

A New Magazine: EdgeScience
Unbelievable, 16th November 2009
I’m so excited about this new magazine EdgeScience! And it’s coming out from the Society for Scientific Exploration. You can download the first issue for free.

There’s an article about the Global Consciousness Project by Roger D. Nelson that I look forward to reading. Consciousness is one of the areas I’m most curious about.

The article has a great Pierre Teilhard de Chardin pull quote. “It is our duty—as men and women—to behave as though limits to our ability do not exist. We are collaborators in creation of the Universe.”

Download Free here. The article called Is The Global Mind Real? Is quite a nice straightforward read and we are told about the EEG or the Electro-GaiaGram that consists of a worldwide network of data cllection points that can be compared to how EEG electrodes collect data from a human head. The most interesting aspect of this report is the final section and graph that seems to be some evidence of increasing global interconnection, which is something that metaphysical sources have been adamant would be the result of the changing energies on the planet. Very interesting stuff.

Children left 'vulnerable' by therapy culture
The rise of a celebrity-fuelled “therapy culture” is damaging a generation of children, according to new book.
The Telegraph, 16th November 2009
"An increase in reality TV programmes, self-help guides and confessional autobiographies is leaving young people feeling increasingly “vulnerable” and unable to cope with normal pressure, it was claimed.

Kathryn Ecclestone, professor of education at Birmingham University, said the trend had been driven by New Labour which had “responded to popular concerns about emotional vulnerability and unhappiness” by rewriting the way education is delivered in schools, colleges and universities.

She said hundreds of millions of pounds had been spent since 1997 on nurture groups, wellbeing classes, mentoring schemes, counsellors and drama workshops with little tangible evidence that they worked."

I really can't quite see why trying to care for children and young adults with emotional issues and trauma is cause for complaint.

Global Warming Fatigue Spreads
The Reslient Earth, 16th November 2009
In the run up to Copenhagen, global warming alarmists are spreading the word that climate change is progressing even faster than the IPCC has projected. But contradictory data from skeptics and open minded scientists continues to indicate that global warming has gone on hiatus and may not return for decades. This has sparked a noticeable drop in public concern over climate change and has led some climate change true believers to bemoan increasing public “Climate Fatigue.”

“We are basically looking now at a future climate that is beyond anything that we've considered seriously,” ecologist and IPCC author Christopher Field of Stanford University in Palo Alto, California, said in February at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). In March, a meeting of 2000 climate scientists in Copenhagen prompted the headline “Projections of Climate Change Go From Bad to Worse, Scientists Report.”

It does seem that climate "realists" are having quite a serious impact on the global warming alarmism despite true believers refering to the enemy as mavericks, deniers and other such insults. However, I think the true battle has been won by those who have exposed the poor and fraudulent data that most of the alarmism has been based on. This all goes to show that power IS greater than force, as elucidated by Sir David Hawkins in his scientific understanding of the interaction of consciosuness. In the future, we will look back clearly and see that it was the truth that prevailed.

Scientists Create Bacteria that Lights Up Around Landmines
Tree Hugger, 16th November 2009
A stunning 87 countries around the world are still littered with undetonated landmines, and their impact is devastating. Tens of thousands of people are killed or injured by mines every year, and they pose a grave threat to ecosystems and wildlife. But an unexpected solution may be on the way--scientists have developed a special kind of bacteria that actually begins to glow in the presence of landmines.

It seems like something straight out of a science fiction film, but this new bacteria is very real. According to the BBC, the "scientists produced the bacteria using a new technique called BioBricking, which manipulates packages of DNA." The bacteria is then mixed into a colorless solution, "which forms green patches when sprayed onto ground where mines are buried." The bacterial stew can also be dropped via airplane in extremely sensitive areas.

There is some strong metaphors here of light showing up to help the innocent avoid danger... My understanding of light is knowledge and truth but for some that's all about power. In response, I would say its all about intent and spiritual development, for me empowerment is a better analysis....

Blue lights installed in Tokyo train stations to stop suicides
Japanese rail operators have installed blue lights at stations across the capital in a bid to deter passengers from killing themselves by jumping in front of trains.
The Telegraph, 16th November 2009
Designed to soothe and calm, the specially-designed blue LED lights have been suspended above the platforms of dozens of Tokyo railway stations in order to stem the nation's spiralling suicide rate.

Japan has long been home to a soaring suicide rate, recently exacerbated by the economic climate, with the number of people committing suicide this year expected to surpass the previous record of 34,427 deaths in 2003. And a growing number are choosing to end their lives by jumping in front of trains, with more than 2,000 such victims in Japan last year, accounting for six per cent of all suicides.

While there is little scientific proof that the lights will directly impact suicide levels, some psychological experts believe that the colour blue will create a calming effect on commuters.

I am not convinced that this colour therapy solution is really enough...

Monckton climate change video goes viral
Video of Lord Monckton Warning of Copenhagen Climate Treaty Exceeds 3.5 Million Views in a Single Month
Watts Up With That, 16th November 2009
Minneapolis – A video of Lord Christopher Monckton warning of the impending Copenhagen climate treaty has received over 3.5 million views in 30 days, according to Minnesota Majority, the organization responsible for posting the original 4-minute excerpt of Monckton’s speech.

The organization says that its original clip, together with the 100+ cloned versions that now exist on YouTube, in total exceeded 3.5 million views as of November 15, 2009. The video clip made Minnesota Majority the #1 most viewed Non-Profit & Activism channel in the month of October on YouTube.

This is quite strong stuff, watch the [4:12] YouTube clip. This is the oratory of a great statesman!

Gore has no clue – a few million degrees here and there and pretty soon we’re talking about real temperature
Watts Up with that, 16th November 2009
This is mind blowing ignorance on the part of Al Gore. Gore in an 11/12/09 interview on NBC’s tonight Show with Conan O’Brien, speaking on geothermal energy, champion of slide show science, can’t even get the temperature of earth’s mantle right, claiming “several million degrees” at “2 kilometers or so down”. Oh, and the “crust of the earth is hot” too.

I am starting to think that bullsh*tters like Gore are quite common after my experiences with people with big mouths, large egos but are frightened about doing some hard work. I have worked solidly for five years to try and research the impact of Space Weather, but I have been searching for truth for over 25 years. Hence, it is particularly bothersome to be approached by an assortment of dreadful bogus people who don't seem to realise that I study to understand the world around me. What's more, I have now realised that I can't even trust the research of so-called 'experts', because where possible, when I look at the same information, I often come to a different conclusion and sadly that is what has happened to the information relating to the end of the Mayan Calendar. It may be true that this date is meant to coincide with a major astronomical alignment, but the Maya seem to be tracking many different celestial events, where the meaning and purpose has been largely ignored. Anyway, going back to the subject, here are some links about geothermal energy courtesy of comments on the WUWT forum, link 1 & link 2. The comments generally on this forum are all quite scathing, with good reason.

Winds of change – Gore gets booed – maybe they shouldn’t have billed him as “president of the planet”
Watts Up With That, 15th November 2009
Confused Palm Beach County voters helped thwart Al Gore’s 2000 bid to become president of the United States, but he was introduced as “president of the planet” when he returned here Saturday night to deliver an environmental lecture.

The former vice president spoke on climate change at the Mizner Park Amphitheater to a crowd of about 800. More than 200 protesters gathered across the street from the event, and their boos and chants could be heard inside the amphitheater as Gore began his presentation. [...]

“It’s an interesting twist of fate here in our own backyard that former Vice President Al Gore has taken on a new platform and is now a catalyst for world change,” said Marci Zaroff, an “eco-entrepeneur” who introduced Gore.

“So, in essence, he’s president of the people. He’s president of the planet. And the work that he’s doing is more important than any other work that could possibly be done.”

I suppose next he will be called 'The Green Messiah' and his supporters will be serious....

I knew I had to stop when I wanted to kill real grannies
The Times, 15th November 2009
I have a confession to make. I am a secret videogame enthusiast. Ask around and you find you are not alone. Many of my fellow writers do it: work until we hit a difficulty, switch to the familiar game, play for a while, and then back to the manuscript, and lo! — the unconscious has used the time miraculously to solve the problem.

However, the games can have strange and troubling effects on one’s perception of reality. I once had a flirtation with a game called Carmageddon, in which one scored points for running down little old ladies. But I stopped, appalled, when I realised that I was beginning to feel the urge to do exactly that in real life. I would feel my hands twitching on the steering wheel, trying to follow a pattern my mind had laid down.

This is the reason that the military now use computer games to train soldiers at the same time they use them to entice new recruits. Personally, I spend a lot of my time researching and writing, but I do a sudoka or play online card games to relax, I don't consider programming my consciousness with violent and destructive images as being helpful. Certainly, games that give points for killing people are creating warped individuals as this writer has clearly realised.

Heavy snow storms in northern China kill 40
Yahoo News, 13th November 2009
BEIJING – Unusually early snow storms in north-central China have claimed 40 lives, caused thousands of buildings to collapse and destroyed almost 500,000 acres (200,000 hectares) of winter crops, the Civil Affairs Ministry said Friday.

Nineteen of the deaths resulted from traffic accidents related to the storms that began Nov. 9, the ministry said in a statement on its Web site.

The snowfall is the heaviest in the northern and central provinces of Hebei, Shanxi, Shaanxi, Shandong and Henan since record keeping began after the establishment of the Communist state in 1949, the ministry said without giving detailed figures. It estimated economic losses from the storm at 4.5 billion yuan (US$659 million).

Chinese state media say some of the snow was induced through cloud seeding, although the precise amount of snowfall in all areas was not reported and it wasn't clear what the previous records were.

One source is stating that 7,000 buildings have collapsed, yet scientists want to geo-engineer the planet's climate..... incredible!

Robbers heat up bottle for crying baby
Several family members were tied up with duct tape, 13th November 2009
Police are looking for two suspects who managed to heat up a bottle for a crying baby while robbing a home Friday morning.

Indianapolis Metro Police Department detectives said two suspects forced their way into a home just after 8:30 a.m. Friday morning with intentions to rob the family.

Police said two men came up to the home, in the 6100 block of East 21st Street, asking for jumper cables for a broken down car. They left, then later came back to the home and knocked on the door. That's when police said one of the suspects pulled out a shotgun and forced their way into the home, tying up two adults and a teenager.

A robber warming up a bottle for a crying baby only tells us that this is a normal person with their conciousness operating at varying levels, I just hope they checked the temperature of baby milk before giving it to the baby ...

ESA spacecraft may help unravel cosmic mystery
ESA News, 12th November 2009
When Europe's comet chaser Rosetta swings by Earth tomorrow for a critical gravity assist, tracking data will be collected to precisely measure the satellite's change in orbital energy. The results could help unravel a cosmic mystery that has stumped scientists for two decades.

Since 1990, scientists and mission controllers at ESA and NASA have noticed that their spacecraft sometimes experience a strange variation in the amount of orbital energy they exchange with Earth during planetary swingbys. The unexplained variation is noticed as a tiny difference in speed gained or lost during the swingby when comparing that predicted by fundamental physics and that actually measured after the event.

What is interesting, is what known forces scientists admit that they don't fully understand, which forces that they believe exist but don't know enough about and other forces that they refuse to acknowledge even exist. It reminds me of the famous Rumsfeld quote:
"There are known knowns. These are things we know that we know. There are known unknowns. That is to say, there are things that we know we don't know. But there are also unknown unknowns. There are things we don't know we don't know." Donald Rumsfeld

Glowing orb, shape of a bird in a darker orange surrounded by a flame like shield - Bracknell, Berkshire [UK]
UK UFO Sightings, 15th November 2009
Location of Sighting: Bracknell, Date of Sighting: August
Time: 10-11pm, Witness Name: Amelia D

Witness Statement: Hi everyone, A few months ago I’d say in august, I was sat in my playroom watching the TV at about 10-11 at night. Out the doors something in the distance caught my eye and looked like a glowing orb coming up from the trees in forest park. I immediately turned the TV off and opened the doors to get a better look. As it came nearer I heard no noise and it was flying very low, which ruled out possibilities of it being plane of helicopter. Eventually it flew over me still going fairly slow and I saw the shape of a bird in a darker orange surrounded by a flame like shield, it didn’t flicker it just ruffled as it moved above me.

Once it went over the house I unfroze and ran inside shouting and panicking trying to tell my mum and dad that there was something weird in the sky. My dad, never the optimist, told me to calm down and ignore it, that it was just a helicopter so I grabbed my mums’ arm and yanked her out of her seat and dragged to the door. We stood out the front of the house watching the strange thing travel towards Swinley forest.

My mum freaked out and tried to get dad to have a look but refused to take his eyes of the TV, then it disappears into the trees. It was definitely not a Chinese lantern; it was something like I’ve never seen before. I’m certain by reading all these sighting that I’ve been the only one to have a clear and close view of this thing and am still quite freaked out now and would like to know what others think about it.

Since, we are witnessing the greatest transition in the history of mankind, some accounts MUST be noted and I think this is one of them. Without any prior knowledge, this young witness recognised that an entity is actually contained within a flaming shield. This is one of the conclusions made by various groups of scientists who staked out the lights at Hessdalen in Norway, but they spent 25 years to come to the conclusion that living plasmas existed that travelled with and without a plasma shield. What's so awesome is that there is a damn good reason for travelling with a plasma shield in the highly radioactive environment of space. Hence, NASA scientists are experimenting with plasma drives and plasma shielding but these lifeforms have evolved in our universe to survive in the harsh conditions of space. Incredibly, the metaphysics suggests that humans are being invited to do the same! This is all so fantastic! Update
Interestingly, in the book called The Min Min Light: The Visitor Who Never Arrives, which documents 500 reports of the Australian version of mysterious lights, that author Fred F. Silcock proposes the theory that Min-Mins are the occasionally bioluminescent barn owl Tyto Alba. Here are some quotes from the book,
  • Page 47: “. . . insects were swarming around the light. I must have been watching for at least a minute when the light began decreasing in strength and . . . I saw inside it the shape of a bird.”
  • Page 48: “ . . . They crept to within ten metres of the tree and flashed the beam of a powerful torch onto the light. The light extinguished and a ‘large brown bird’ flew up.”
  • Page 50: “ . . . the light came down and settled into the canopy of one tree. . . . the light shut off and sitting where it had been was a white owl. . .”
  • Page 52: “The two lights rose . . . they were heading straight for us . . . someone . . . kept the spotlight aimed as the lights came down upon us. . . . the spotlight was thrown backwards and the light illuminated two great wings . . . Then they swept away into the darkness. . . . someone exclaimed . . . ‘It was a bloody great owl.’” (New South Wales)
Source link. Obviously, there are arguments against this theory but I believe it is nontheless quite interesting. The research by credible scientists and the military is that the UAP phenomena is another form of life with a whole spectrum of these light beings as digital images seem to show.

Unbelievable pollution in China – yet the US is the baddie at Copenhagen
Watts Up with that, 14th November 2009
We’ve made so much progress in the USA. 75 years ago, we may have witnessed some scenes like this in today’s China. Unfortunately, the de-industrialization of the west just moved the western problems of the past to a country that doesn’t seem to care much about pollution control.

At the junction of Ningxia province and Inner Mongolia province, I saw a tall chimney puffing out golden smoke covering the blue sky, large tracts of the grassland have become industrial waste dumps; unbearable foul smell made people want to cough; Surging industrial sewage flowed into the Yellow River…”

See the complete photo essay on pollution in China here.

Here, I am not interested in the politics but rather understanding the high levels of industrial pollution that is causing a rapid increase in birth defects, weird maladies and DNA mutations in China. The Photo essay here is nothing less than shocking and with the increase in galactic cosmic rays, the Chinese have created a cosmic Armageddon.

Humans Still Evolving as Our Brains Shrink
Refreshing News, 14th November 2009
"Evolution in humans is commonly thought to have essentially stopped in recent times. But there are plenty of examples that the human race is still evolving, including our brains, and there are even signs that our evolution may be accelerating.

Shrinking brains Comprehensive scans of the human genome reveal that hundreds of our genes show evidence of changes during the past 10,000 years of human evolution.

"We know the brain has been evolving in human populations quite recently," said paleoanthropologist John Hawks at the University of Wisconsin at Madison.

Surprisingly, based on skull measurements, the human brain appears to have been shrinking over the last 5,000 or so years. Is our evolution accelerating?

There are signs that human evolution may not only be continuing, but that its rate has even accelerated in recent times. Hawks and his colleagues have found evidence of rapid change, with a host of new mutations originating in the last 40,000 years. So what might explain this apparent acceleration?

Please note the caution at the start of this article. If you read more articles on the subject, there seems to some effort to decry human evolution because it's about change and for some reason that is an issue. 40,000 years ago was when humans underwent a transition to modern behaviour and scientists still don't know WHY. Yet, there is clear evidence that there was a host of evolutionary changes and many different species either thrived or went extinct. Interestingly, this occurred at the same time that the Earth's magnetic field shrank to 10% of today's value for about 3,000 years and cosmic rays flooded the planet causing genetic mutations. Some scientists still want to argue about what happened but there are many different studies that point out cyclical cosmic factors drive evolutionary change on Earth. Whatever, the counter arguments, evolutionary biologists have fully accepted the science of Epigenetics, after 50 years of research, that reveals that DNA processing follows blueprints held in the environment. For those who want to take this understanding one step further, morphogenetic or scalar fields are controlled by cosmic intelligence. So the explanation here of changing habitats causing the evolutionary change in humans is very weak and seeks to ignore the evidence that life on Earth is directed by universal forces. Please remember, we are constantly being showered by cosmic energy and scientists have no understanding as to how this energy bombardment is being used by cosmic intelligence, yet metaphysical sources are emphatic that consciousness is constantly being directed to Earth. Therefore, it is most certain cosmic laws allow for increasing complexity, that all life is 'encouraged' to follow. It must also be stated that mystics who tune into the most beneficial cosmic energies and allow themselves to evolve, will develop exceptional gifts. Yet, there seems to be times in cosmic cycles, where a wholesale shift of all lifeforms are directed to evolve and as the build-up of cosmic energies on our planet accelerates and DNA mutations correspondingly increase, we are now facing one of those periods.

Police haven’t a clue about Spiritualism
Paranormal Review, 13th November 2009
Spiritualists are used to being derided for their beliefs, so it is excellent news that an industrial tribunal has upheld such beliefs as religious views that deserve respect.

A Manchester Police employee, Alan Power, who lost his job after just three weeks because of his belief in mediumship and life after death , was wrongly dismissed, an appeal court in central London has decided.

The 62-year-old Spiritualist, of Birkenhead, worked for Greater Manchester Police in October last year but was apparently sacked for claiming that psychics should be used to crack crimes, and also for “his current work in the psychic field”.

Mr Power’s claim for unfair dismissal was upheld at an earlier hearing in Manchester, when Judge Peter Russell ruled that his viewpoint was “capable of being religious beliefs” covered by the Employment Equality (Religion or Belief) Regulations 2003.

Well, I have featured eco-warriors, so now it's a Spiritualist who has won his appeal for unfair dismissal. I actually disagree with the headline, because it seems that there are quite a few stories of psychics working for the police and even a recent story where psychics gave a reading, where the police were criticised, see Police spend thousands investigating suicide as 'murder' after psychics claim to have spoken to dead man's ghost

Train driver sees fiery orange UAP whilst driving his train!
UK UFO Sightings, 13th November 2009
Grangemouth Docks, Central Region, Scotland-12th November 2009
Location of Sighting: Grangemouth Docks, Central Region, Scotland.
Date of Sighting: 12th November 2009 Time: 1800 approx Witness Name: Andrew Bryson

Witness Statement: I am a train driver and was driving a freight train out of the docks when the shunter asked me on the radio about something orange. I looked out the window and said the sky always looks orange around here due to the BP oil and chemical refineries. Then he said no, the orange object in the sky. I looked again and seen it. It was moving in the sky, not slow but not fast, from west to east, heading towards the east coast. At first I thought it was a meteor but it was too slow and there was a low cloud base with some rain. Then i thought that maybe it was an aircraft on fire.

I am a keen bird watcher and outdoor type. Over the years I have had many opportunities to see UFOs but have never seen any. However last night’s observation has left me with no explanations. I am an open minded person and would not jump to conclussions. A good friend of mine has seen two. One near Slamannan, Scotland and one near Rosyth, Scotland. I always felt a bit envious. He is a realist like myself and could not come up with a rational explanation either.

Well, I have read many hundreds of these reports but this one is a complete classic and cannot be ignored! Note the thought process of the sighting being a meteor and then a plane on fire, it really makes you wonder how long it will take before there is a majority of people who have seen these orbs. Therefore, is it any wonder that the Vatican are busy deciding how to deal with the situation from a theological point of view? Despite the excitement by ufologists about the apparent increase in UFO sightings, most reports are still bright lights that I would suggest are really UAPs, so I think it is much more likely that there will be disclosure about this lifeform that exists on this planet, simply because the orbs that can be seen with the naked eye and don't seem to care much about hiding their presence and are going about their normal business. Well, I am in total awe that this is all happening and I have done enough research to realise that this lifeform is not new to us but has been relatively well hidden thats all, hence my reference to the true meaning of the Apocalypse. There are more interesting reports on the UK UFO sightings website, here is the link to the current Orange Light Sightings.

Interview with Lu Guang, the photographer of “Pollution in China”
China Hush, 11th November 2009
On October 21st 2009 I posted “Amazing Pictures, Pollution in China” featuring the winner of W. Eugene Smith Grant in Humanistic Photography, Lu Guang’s documentary project “Pollution in China”. This post was an instant sensation that attracted viewers from all over the world.

In less than 20 days, this post was viewed by over 475,000 unique visitors in 204 countries with over 510,000 page views. As for today it had 3,327 retweets on twitter and 929 comments. Thank you everyone! It was both surprising and inspiring to see how much people around the world cared about the pollution issues in China and the environment of the planet earth.

People do care and I predict that the blogosphere will do it's job and spread the message that something tragic is unfolding in China. I also imagine that the Chinese government are already starting to seriously re-think their policy of trashing the planet, but I think it may be too late to stop some serious de-population.

2012: Carnival of Bunkum
H+ Magazine, 11th November 2009
I like a good apocalypse as much as the next American, which is why I’ll be braving the Stepfordian horrors of the local mall for the opening of 2012, the German director Roland Emmerich’s latest exercise in disaster porn. The trailer is awesome. [...]

Profoundly. Daniel Pinchbeck, author of 2012: The Return of Quetzalcoatl (the Nahuatl name for the feathered serpent god of the Mesoamerican peoples), is an object lesson in the hidden costs of myth. Bidding fair to become the media face of the 2012 phenomenon, Pinchbeck is a tireless publicist for the global cataclysm and universal outbreak of cosmic consciousness he believes will ensue when the digital alarm-clock numbers click over to 2012.

Which makes him the poster child for all that’s worst about the 2012 craze. Pinchbeck’s feathered serpent-oil salesmanship offers a case study in some of its most pernicious aspects. [...]

But the worst of the 2012 bandwagon, epitomized by Pinchbeck’s lectures and writings, is the blithe cultural arrogance and staggering anthropological ignorance evident in the movement’s appropriation of Mayan beliefs and history.

In a discussion hosted by Pinchbeck’s online magazine Reality Sandwich, the cultural theorist Erik Davis puts his finger on the minstrelsy implicit in the ventriloquization, by white, first-world New Agers, of the Maya. “[I]t seems to me that there is very little concrete sense of what ‘the Mayans’ (whoever that grand abstraction represents) thought about what would happen in the human world on 2012,” he writes. “To my mind it is kinda disrespectful to the Mayans to force them into our own narrative.”

The last paragraph excerpted and highlighted here hits the nail on the head and points out the lack of dialogue between genuine Mayan Elders and Mayan 'researchers'. Whatever, this article is a scathing attack on Daniel Pinchbeck, who is deemed as being representative of those ripping off Mayan culture. However, I will add that Pinchbeck is probably still recovering from shock after I contacted his website to ask why they were not informing people about what is really happening. Since I sent them a copy of my article 2012: What's really happening on request, the response has been a notable silence. Yet, I will give the benefit of the doubt, as they may still be checking the 750 references in my book, but they might still find it hard to swallow that the New Age community missed the phenomena of Space Weather, that has been occupying the attention of the space community for about 20 years.

2012: The End Of The World?
Information is Beautiful, 11th November 2009
Comment: This is an infographic that explains what some 2012 believers are claiming and the prevailing response of skeptics. Obviously, some of this information in this chart is wrong or requires further explanation, but there are parts that are still informative. The comment about Daniel Pinchbeck as the reincarnation of the Mayan god Quetzacoatl is new to me, but I can assure you that if he thinks this to be true, he is a god that does not know what the hell is going on as far as the fulfillment of genuine mayan prophecy. I have updated this infographic with my comments here.

Dozens report 'UFO' sightings
Ikeston Advertiser, 12th November 2009
STRANGE lights in the sky, believed to be UFOs, were spotted all over the borough by dozens of people. After our report last week of cross-shaped lights being spotted above Long Eaton the previous weekend, a number of readers from all over the borough came forward with their own sightings.

John Henshaw, 46, said he and his neighbours in Shipley View went out into the street to see eight orange lights dart across the night sky on Saturday, October 31. They were convinced the lights were nothing to do with Bonfire displays. Mr Henshaw, of Newstead Road North, said: "You think you're going mad but I've never seen anything like it in my life. They were circular and bright orange and they all darted off towards Ikea. "I don't believe in anything like that, but I don't know what to think now."

Mr Henshaw said about six or seven neighbours stopped on the street at about 9.30pm to watch the mystery lights. Buck Ley, who lives in Richmond Avenue, Ilkeston, also saw the mysterious lights in the sky. He said: "I was in the garden and noticed these orange lights moving across the sky. "I stood and watched for 15 minutes before they came together and then there was only one."

Once again, there are lots of strange bright lights being reported all over the UK. If the naysayers are correct, it means that the British have become Chinese and are continuing blessing each other over and over again with Chinese lanterns, which is a symbol of hope and goodwill, all year round and even on Guy Fawkes Night (5th November) which breaks with the tradition of fireworks. As I continue to report some of these sightings, please note that the metaphysical community failed to predict that the general public would be faced with the reality of multi-dimensional entities going about their business, which is the inevitable impact of reaching a new energy level on planet Earth - a dimensional shift as we approach 2012. Whilst reseaching for my book in 2005/6, I realised that there was another lifeform on this planet that was being studied by scientists, but the clincher was the military interest in what has now been called Unidentified Aerial Phenomena. However, it seems from the Condign Report [2000], there was no inkling that the existence of this phenomena would become common knowledge. Folks, it's still only 2009 and the energetic changes are expected to keep increasing at an exponential level and there is absolutely nothing that anybody can do to stop it, defacto! For some strange reason the Sunday school song, 'this little light of mine, I'm gonner light it shine', comes to mind and for sure, the orbs are certainly doing that! The following are UK media reports only.

UFO is captured on camera over Bearsden!
Multiple reports including nine massive orange lights moving across the sky

UFO 'Squadron' Seen Amongst Fireworks In Hoddesdon
Three orange lights passing slowly from south to north

Did you see a UFO over Shields?
A bright orange light hovering in the sky

Strange lights in sky baffle mum - Ipswich
Four bright orange lights

Are Fenland UFO sightings just a laser light show?
Explanation that suggests some Brititsh people are stupid and can't tell the difference between UFOs and lasers

Another report of orange orb UFOs
"STRANGE lights in the skies over the Great Yarmouth area can't be dismissed as being Chinese lanterns, especially as the weather changes." -- Good point!

Is this a UFO? [Burning Plane] Watch the video and decide - South Tyneside
Seen all across the borough on various nights has sparked a UFO frenzy

BBC poll shows widespread disaffection with capitalism
World Socialist News, 12th November 2009
A global poll by the British Broadcasting Corporation’s World Service shows widespread disaffection with the capitalist free market, including a significant opposition to capitalism per se.

Conducted by GlobeScan/PIPA, the poll interviewed more than 29,000 people in 27 countries, between June 19 and October 13, 2009. These were in the United States, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Panama, Costa Rica, Chile, Australia, Japan, Indonesia, Philippines, India, Pakistan, China, Russia, Ukraine, Turkey, Poland, Czech Republic, Germany, France, Italy, the UK, Spain, Nigeria, Egypt and Kenya.

The poll found that more than three in five respondents were opposed to free-market capitalism. Some 89 percent believed that capitalism was not working, with a majority of those questioned in 22 of the countries indicating strong support for government intervention to support greater regulation of business and the market, in favour of a more socially equitable division of wealth.

I note this is a global poll because there are still many parts of the world that still value the quality of life and have not succumbed to rampant materialism. The state of avarice, greed, jealousy that is summed up in the expression of "keeping up with the Joneses", is below the level of empowerment on the map of conciousness and equates to the level of pride. Hence, note the tremendous efforts that are made to keep people thinking about their appearances, but it is also clear that underneath most people are fairly miserable as the tabloids love to reveal. I have no interest in promoting articles that talk about government control as they exist to maintain power and are not interested in encouraging enlightenment.

Playing With Weather Stirs Debate In China
AP, 11th November 2009
"There is a remarkable news article claim on November 11 2009 with respect to weather modification. It is titled “Playing with weather stirs debate in China“.

The article includes the text “Chinese scientists artificially induced the second major snowstorm to wreak havoc in Beijing this season, state media said, reigniting debate over the practice of tinkering with Mother Nature.

After the earliest snow to hit the capital in 22 years fell on November 1, the capital was again shrouded in white Tuesday with more snow expected in the coming three days, the National Meteorological Centre said.

The China Daily, citing an unnamed official, said the Beijing Weather Modification Office had artificially induced both storms by seeding clouds with chemicals, a practice that can increase precipitation by up to 20 percent. The office refused to comment on the report when contacted by AFP. On Tuesday, an official had said the storm was “natural”.

See also ‘Another Big Mess’: More Snow in Beijing . Snow is only a problem in countries where they are not adequately prepared, so making the assumption that seeding clouds will induce rain is quite naive and like other attempts at weather engineering, can have unintended consequences, as I am sure the US Military have found out. For some great pictures of the early November snowfall see, China overdoes cloud seeding to end drought... and blankets Beijing in snow . For photos & videos for the latest snowfall, see Beijing snowstorm induced.

Millions left in dark by Brazilian blackout
Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo and other cities without power for two hours after hydroelectric dam goes offline

The Guardian, 11th November 2009
A power failure has blacked out Brazil's two largest cities and other parts of Latin America's biggest country for more than two hours, leaving millions of people in the dark after a huge hydroelectric dam suddenly went offline. All of neighbouring Paraguay also lost power, but for only about 20 minutes.

The Itaipu dam straddling the two nations' border stopped producing 17,000 megawatts of power, resulting in outages in Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo and at least several other big Brazilian cities, said Brazil's mines and energy minister, Edison Lobão. He said outages hit nine of the 27 states in a country of more than 190 million people.

The cause of the failure had not been determined, but Lobão said strong storms that uprooted trees near the dam just before it went offline could be to blame. Rio was the hardest hit city, he said.

There have been a number of stories in the last few days explaining the last major blackout in Brazil as being due to neglience, but in this incident on Tuesday night (10th), was blamed on "a strong storm". We are talking about two countries here, up to 60 million people being left in the dark in Brazil and 6 million in Paraguay, which lost power for the WHOLE COUNTRY. This only makes sense if there was a massive geomagnetic storm that generated a Geomagnetically Induced Current (GIC) which then went on to overloaded transformers. If you check back in the archives at there have been some auroras due to the solar wind on about the 8th November but I can't check the GOES satellite X-ray flux because it seems to be out of action, hmmm.... Well, we have been warned that the Earth's magnetic field is now behaving contrary to scientific understanding and opening up massive breaches to the solar wind. Here is the link to a YouTube clip [5:13], A Giant Breach in Earth's Magnetic Field presented by Science at NASA.

UPSIDE-DOWN RAINBOWS:, 11th November 2009
Lately, sky watchers have been reporting a growing number of "upside-down rainbows." Here's one that appeared yesterday over Lansford, Pennsylvania:

"This was just amazing and beyond exciting," says photographer Brenda Pun. "I grabbed my camera (a Nikon D40x) and quickly took some shots before it could disappear."

Despite its rainbow-like appearance, this is not a rainbow. It's a circumzenithal arc. Atmospheric optics expert Les Cowley calls it "the most beautiful of all ice haloes." The circumzenithal arc, or "CZA" for short, is formed by sunlight shining through plate-shaped ice crystals in high clouds. "The CZA is often described as an 'upside down rainbow' by first timers. Someone also charmingly likened it to 'a grin in the sky.'"

The same ice crystals that make circumzenithal arcs also make sundogs. Indeed, Brenda Pun saw a pair of bright sundogs flanking the sun while she was photographing her CZA. 'Dogs and grins naturally go together.

Circumzenithal arcs typically appear in late autumn and early winter when the air is icy and the sun is low. "The CZA forms only when sun is less than 32.3° high," notes Cowley, "and it is at its best when the sun is about 22° high." As winter solstice approaches, "upside down rainbows" will become increasingly common. Look for them!

According to, there are increasing reports of this 'rare' atmospheric phenomena, which goes to show that many 'events' are not being reported and signify that massive changes are taking place in our atmosphere.

Are Min Mins alive?
Fortean Zoology, 10th November 2009
My thoughts were set in train by a book I came across called Great Australian Mysteries by John Pinkney. The classic Min Min is orange in colour and the size of a small balloon. It bobs along for a time, then vanishes. But Min Mins exhibit a much wider range of behaviours. They may hover in one spot for a long period of time, frequently they chase cars or men on horseback, often they are seen wandering around over cattle.

That is why I mention them here - because they do act like they are very much alive, and if so then surely there cannot be an animal more cryptic in nature. There have been times when they have been seen to congregate in large numbers and that is very animal-like behaviour.

Quoted in the above book is a Frank Silcock who documented more than 500 incidents. For instance there is the Lanahan family in Queensland, who every winter in the 1950s saw a 5-metre Min Min flying around above their stockyard terrifying the animals. On one occasion someone took a shot at it and it shrank to the size of a small red coal, then minutes later inflated to 5 metres again.

The term Min Min has an unknown meaning and was given by aborigines in the outback of Australia. The question of whether Min Mins are alive is one that was asked about UFOs over 50 years ago and scientists can now tell us that most UFO sightings actually represent another lifeform – beings of light made up of the basic matter of the universe. This Fortean Zoology article is all very topical as the planetary refresh and a dimensional shift means that this orb phenomena has now become very visible in many urban areas. You can visit the UK UFO sightings website for hundreds and hundreds of orange light reports, but there are many other reports by military, pilots and ordinary citizens from around the world that can be found too. See Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Index for historical documentation & UAP Video Index.

The Vatican joins the search for alien life
The Vatican's Pontifical Academy of Sciences is holding its first ever conference on alien life, the discovery of which would have profound implications for the Catholic Church.
The Telegraph, 10th November 2009
The Pontifical Academy of Sciences is holding a conference on astrobiology, the study of life beyond Earth, with scientists and religious leaders gathering in Rome this week. For centuries, theologians have argued over what the existence of life elsewhere in the universe would mean for the Church: at least since Giordano Bruno, an Italian monk, was put to death by the Inquisition in 1600 for claiming that other worlds exist. Among other things, extremely alien-looking aliens would be hard to fit with the idea that God “made man in his own image”.

Well, as I have stated before about the men at the Vatican, they are one of the world's most powerful organisations because they KNOW what is going on! The dimensions are opening up and as the guys at SETI have now realised, we don't need to go into outer space to find alien life, because maybe it's visiting us right now and hence they introduced the SETV program. Well, this is all quite exciting despite the fact that most people are still sleep, I am relieved that at least organisations that are traditionally way ahead of the curve are making their views known.

Update The following article is quite informative, see Vatican prepares for extraterrestrial disclosure . I would like to point out that it was a Vatican theologian Míceál Ledwith, who co-wrote the book 'The Orb Project', with the NASA scientist Dr. Klaus Heinemann. Interestingly, there still seems to be a muted silence from those whipping up fervour re 2012. It can only be assumed that there is no understanding of the significance at this time of evolutionary change. More Does Jesus save aliens? The picture here made me laugh but some might find it quite offensive...

Global Warming Obsession Takes Over BBC Religious Programme
Omniclimate, 9th November 2009
Letter sent to “Sunday: Religious News“, the BBC Radio4 weekly broadcast. (see also: “At The BBC, Not Even Religious Programmes Are Sacred“, July 9, 2009)
From: Maurizio Morabito
To: “Sunday: Religious News” at the BBC
Date: 8 Nov 2009
Subject: About your obsession with global warming
Dear Roger Bolton, Jane Little and all at the “Sunday: Religious News” programme

Your obsession with global warming is starting to worry this long-time listener of yours. In the first “incident” of 5 July the topic of “Global Warming” took over 27% of what is presumed to be 45 minutes dedicated to “the religious and ethical news of the week“. On 1 November, that number went up to 29%. Today 8 November, Global Warming occupied almost 44% of your programme."

This is a quite a sardonic letter pointing out the encroachment of global warming issues into religious programming. The author certainly made his point.

Maya Murals Give Rare View of Everyday Life
Live Science, 9th November 2009
Recently excavated Mayan murals are giving archaeologists a rare look into the lives of ordinary ancient Maya.

The murals were uncovered during the excavation of a pyramid mound structure at the ancient Maya site of Calakmul, Mexico (near the border with Guatemala) and are described in the Nov. 9 issue of the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

The find "was a total shock," said Simon Martin of the University of Pennsylvania Museum in Philadelphia, who studied the paintings and hieroglyphs depicted in the murals.

What's so interesting is that genuine Mayan priests have stated clearly that 90% of the interpretation of Mayan artefacts by western anthropologists are ignored by genuine Mayan mystics. We now know that there are many hidden Mayan treasures (time capsules) and some are now being found. When Mayan Elders decide to tell you what they know, and it's not that often, it's not possible to say it's only true if it can be found written in the ancient texts, because most of those were burned by Christian invaders and those who knew what was coming, hid some artefacts so they could be kept secret. Please note, Mayan Elders tell us that there was group guarding artefacts that hid in the Guatemalan jungle for 500 years, but we have still not been made privy to what they were guarding. Hence trying to use only the Maya as a repository for ancient knowledge and ignoring all others esoteric sources is rather unwise.

NASA on a crusade to debunk 2012 apocalypse myths
Breitbart News, 9th November 2009
The world is not coming to an end on December 21, 2012, the US space agency insisted Monday in a rare campaign to dispel widespread rumors fuelled by the Internet and a new Hollywood movie.

Sony Pictures's latest big screen offering "2012" arrives in theaters on Friday, with a 200-million-dollar production about the end of the world supposedly based on myths backed by the Mayan calendar. The doomsday scenario revolves claims that the end of time will come as an obscure Planet X -- or Nibiru -- heads toward or collides into Earth.

The mysterious planet was supposedly discovered by the Sumerians, according to claims by pseudo-scientists, paranormal activity enthusiasts and Internet theorists. Some websites accuse NASA of concealing the truth on the wayward planet's existence, but the US space agency denounced such stories as an "Internet hoax."

I have not seen a press release from NASA but if I come across it, I will post the link. From a perspective of people waking up to what's really going on, this is obviously all quite interesting.

2012 Prophecies Sparking Real Fears, Suicide Warnings
National Geographic News, 9th November 2009
It's almost the end of the world, according to purported Maya predictions, and the 2012 apocalypse business is booming.

Survival kits, documentaries, and nearly 200 books presenting the "real" 2012 story are all on offer. And you could probably surf the Web from now until Armaggedon—tentatively slated for December 21, 2012—and still see just a fraction of the Web sites and products devoted to the topic.

But amid all the hype—including a viral marketing campaign for 2012, the disaster movie opening Friday—some people are developing honest "end times" anxiety that has experts seriously concerned.

It would help if people actually understood what was really happening, but the vast majority have bought into the stuff about a planet X wandering into our solar system and causing havoc or even worse, the 2012 Galactic Alignment or Cosmic Fairy Tale of Father Sun having a union with Cosmic Mother on the 21st December 2012. The supposed reason for the hysteria is the end of the Mayan Calendar and the opinions of the Mayan Timekeepers and elders have been generally ignored by pseudo-Mayanists. We have been told to expect a birthday and a cosmic hurricane for the next 5,200 years. Obviously, the childish mentality that often subsitutes for spirtuality in the New Age world decided to focus on the birthday and support the cosmic fairy tale created by John Major Jenkin. Meanwhile, the hard evidence tells us that the prophesised energetic changes for a period of transition lasting 25 years is happening now and people should be re-directing their efforts to teach people how to cope in a vastly different cosmic environment.

Meteor Shower - Pennsylvania [US]
Now Republic, 9th November 2009
Copy: "I was driving home from an Apple Festival this weekend when my 3 year old daughter started shouting "Look Mama, a comet!!" I looked out the window and to my amazement I saw I HUGE yellow and white ball of fire. I immediately thought that I just witnessed a airplane explode in sky.

I called my husband freaking out and he said that it was probably a meteor. I was driving on a highway and unable to pull over. I was able to reach into my purse and get out my camera. By the time I was able to get a photo through my front windshield (driving 55 miles/hr and one handed LOL) the fireball had broken into 4-5 smaller pieces. I am still not sure what exactly it was ... but it was really amazing and one of the coolest things I've ever seen in the sky! I am so excited to share my photo with you! Thanks for reading :) "

Hmmm.... this is another strange fireball, but this time it is captured breaking up and becoming 4-5 separate pieces, see separate photo. Awesome, but I have no idea whether this is a real meteor or a magnetospheric plasmoid, but this is still awesome! It's been a busy week and there have been lots more meteors being reported.

Massive Fireball Over Tokyo Good video

Weekend fireballs -California [US] More news reports here

Possible meteor spotted in British Columbia sky [Canada]

Can cloud ships and space sun shades fix the planet?
CNN News, 8th November 2009
"In order to stop dangerous climate change we may be forced to construct giant solar shades and cover great swathes of land with artificial trees that suck up carbon dioxide.

These are the conclusions of a year-long scientific survey of "geo-engineering" technologies by the UK's Royal Academy published earlier this year. From fake trees to cloud making ships, the ideas are designed to provide planet-scale alterations to our climate if efforts to cut emissions fail."

[...] Russian roulette with the future of the planet
But in sharp contrast to this enthusiasm many environmental groups are strongly opposed to geo-engineering,. They argue that it is a dangerous distraction from what they see as the key issue: reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

"Geo-engineering is not a plan B for the climate," Greenpeace UK's chief scientist, Dr Doug Parr, said in a press statement. Geo-engineering is not a plan B for the climate --Doug Parr, Greenpeace "It should be used only in desperation, [could have] widespread undesirable impacts, and raises major ethical and political issues of its own. It may be very expensive, and it may well never work.

"Many of these proposals still have risks - there is no simple global thermostat that can be turned up and down and proposals that reflect sunlight can still... have impacts on weather and precipitation leading to exactly the sorts of problems we are trying to avoid by averting climate change. "Geo-engineering is now being investigated because we have collectively, as a society, failed to take on the fossil fuel interests."

Well, articles on geo-engineering are now constantly in the media and I can now tell you categorically that they have nothing to do with CO2, but everything to do with the fact that there is tremendous fear that we will hit a cloudlet that will vapourise the heliosphere that acts as our solar system galactic cosmic shield. The research papers state this very clearly and NASA scientists have expressed their concern in the mainstream media. According to metaphysical sources, the heliosphere will disappear and then there will be some severe consequences, the phrase "day of illumination" has been used by Vedic seers. Your personal energy field generated by your level of spiritual evolution will be your best defence against the tsunami of cosmic radiation.

Sweating the Space-Junk Problem
Fox News, 6th November 2009
Life online today exists thanks to satellites, but outer space is getting dangerously crowded, putting those satellites at risk.

More than 20,000 pieces of space junk are orbiting planet Earth, putting our communications satellites in serious danger. At last, The Pentagon is taking it seriously, with the military finally tracking hundreds of satellites to watch for collisions. Is it too little, too late, or is the Pentagon onto something?

"We were in denial before February 10th," notes Michio Kaku, professor of theoretical physics and the author of "Physics of the Impossible." On that date, a collision in space between a dead Russian satellite and a US Iridium communications satellite knocked out the satellite and sent a shower of debris into the surrounding space.

"We basically forgot the location of the satellite!" Kaku lamented. Now the Pentagon says that 800 satellites will be monitored every day, and up to 1,300 satellites by the end of the year. But space junk is still a problem.

"There's 20,00 pieces of space junk! Everything from paint flecks to screwdrivers to tool bags to booster rocket parts" is orbiting the planet, notes Kaku, pointing out that if more satellites are damaged, communications could be set back 80 years or more.

"Television, the Internet, Wall Street. The Pentagon could not fight wars, you couldn't get online, Wall Street could not make transactions without satellites."

Some space objects are maneuverable, meaning the Pentagon can reposition them if it senses a collision. A cosmic "vacuum cleaner" could clear up the rest of the gunk, though that would be costly and impractical. Laser beams are another option, though we don't have a laser capable of such activity. And neither solution is imminent. Meanwhile, the odds of another collision are high.

This article is incredible because first it admits that scientists were in denial (how Oprah-esque) and secondly the Pentagon admits that they weren't watching their junk. This article even gives a hint of soul searching as scientists wring their hands. Now, for you folks that don't think we could lose our satellite infrastructure, just watch the magnetosphere (Earth's magnetic shield) blowing about in a galactic gale and imagine that one day you wake up and all the satellites have been blown out of Earth orbit....

Kevin Rudd: deniers are dangerous
Reference Frame, 6th November 2009
Armchair climate scientist Kevin Rudd whose somewhat reduced ability to perceive the reality around him hasn't stopped him from becoming the Australian prime minister has decided that climate deniers are dangerous.

"It's time to remove any polite veneer from this debate," Rudd also said in a lengthy address to Sydney's Lowy Institute on Friday. "The stakes are that high." [...] It's interesting that Rudd exactly agrees with Moonbat. Both Gentlemen think that the climate change hysteria began to die two years ago.

This level of rhetoric only makes sense if certain priviledge persons, like the Australian Prime Minister, are really scared about something that is incomprehensible to the vast majority of people. Now, as this article highlights, environmentalists have seen through the useless and bogus money making carbon schemes so even people who actually really care about the planet, are not aware of the real fear that our planet is facing massive changes being driven by cosmic factors. Our future is unpredictable and controllers hate not being in control. This article has lots of useful links.

Getting to the root of the matter
Ananova News, 6th November 2009
Baffled scientists are trying to get to the root of this astonishing plant dug out of the ground by a Chinese farmer. The two foot tall root weighs in at a massive 12 lbs and bears an amazing resemblance to a boy in even the smallest detail.

The root comes from the Chinese knotweed plant, used by local healers as a natural laxative. Farmer Zheng Dexun, 63, of Datianba, in southern China, said: "I was shocked that it was so large and is so clearly like a boy.

"It's bigger than my grandson. Scientists are looking at it now and will tell me how it came to be like this."

LOL! Well, this story is from China, where there seems to be no end to the bizarreness that is occuring there!

Large Hadron Collider broken by bread dropped by passing bird
The Large Hadron Collider’s woes have taken a faintly comic turn after the huge particle accelerator got broken by a piece of bread dropped by a passing bird.
The Telegraph, 6th November 2009
The 27-kilometer (16.8 mile) LHC suffered serious overheating in several sections after the small piece of baguette landed in a piece of equipment on the surface above the accelerator ring.

Dr Mike Lamont, the LHC’s Machine Coordinator, said that a “a bit of baguette”, believed to have been dropped by a bird, caused the superconducting magnets to heat up from 1.9 Kelvin (-271.1C) to around 8 Kelvin (-265C), near the mark where they stop superconducting.

A failure like this, known as a “quench”, can be expected at around 9.6 Kelvin, CERN engineer Dr Tadeusz Kurtyka told The Register. [...] The succession of technical problems the LHC has suffered has led some physicists, apparently in all seriousness, to claim that it is being sabotaged by time-travelling particles from its own future.
LOL! This is funny after the theories that are being proposed for the run of bad luck on this high-profile project, see mid october 2009 reports.

Death toll from U.S. base shooting up to 13
Reuters, 6th November 2009
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The death toll left by an army psychiatrist who went on a shooting rampage at a U.S. military base in Texas rose to 13 on Friday, U.S. media reported.

Suspected gunman Major Nidal Malik Hasan opened fire with two handguns at the Fort Hood Army post on Thursday, in one of the worst killing sprees ever reported on a U.S. military base, army officials said.

A woman died overnight from gunshot wounds, raising the toll to 13 dead and 30 wounded, CNN reported. Hasan, who was shot several times, was unconscious but in stable condition and on a ventilator, CNN said.

Well, this is a case of someone who is supposed to help balance others, who can't keep balanced himself, hence more deaths and casualities. It's sad to say, but the hope for humanity are the young ones who aim to stop all wars. See New York Times account: Suspect was 'Mortified' about Deployment to War Update The blogosphere are reporting multiple shooters, the terms mutiny and "fragging" have been used, AP reported 2 shooters, see Army: 7 dead in dual attacks at Fort Hood, Texas Like many similar stories the official story has already started to unravel: see CNN Surviving Fort Hood shooting suspect arrested at golf course, officer says

Boy, 11, declared reincarnated holy man
Ananova News, 5th November 2009
A US boy is not going back to school - after he was declared the reincarnation of a Buddhist holy man who first died in 1250. Boston-born Jigme Wangchuk, 11, has now moved to India where he has been made the head of a Buddhist sect in the country's eastern Darjeeling city.

His parents say they discovered their son was not like other children two years ago when he started talking about his "past life". At first, they dismissed it as a childish fantasy, but began taking it seriously during a trip to a monastery in Mysore, southern India.At one point, he went into a trance in which he described a celebrated Buddhist monastery with a 35ft dragon on the roof.

I don't agree with the seclusion, but these are traditions that are hundreds of years old. However, as I have noted on this blog before, sometimes the young ones who are declared as reincarnated 'masters' decide they prefer to live a more 'normal' life.

Cllr Adrian Hicks demands answers over extra-terrestrials, 5th November 2009
"A HAMPSHIRE councillor has made a bizarre video claiming that aliens are secretly walking the planet. Adrian Hicks posted the 27-minute speech on the Internet. He addresses a shady organisation called Majestic which he alleges is made up of scientists, military officers and politicians tasked with making contact with extra terrestrials following a UFO crash in 1947.

The 52-year-old Liberal Democrat is calling for the unelected group, which he says has links to both the UK and US governments, to come clean and tell the public about the existence of aliens."

I have to say that I have ignored this story for quite a while. It's bad enough having to tell people who don't what to understand the true nature of our reality about another lifeform that exists alongside us that authorities have tried to ignore for decades because it's made up of an energy that we do not really understand. But, the revelation of an ET presence on this planet, is even worse for those who are desperate to stay ignorant. So, maybe this councillor is one of those people who stands up and boldly declares "I know what I saw" and it causes a cascade of unknown consequences. Please note: space weather is literally blowing in a new version of space-time, but the process is chaotic and evident that sometimes the build up of energies mean that humans are glimpsing more of the interdimensional presence all around us. This is evident by the numerous stories of ETs being startled by the fact that humans can see them. Whatever, I have decided to be brave and log this story which has already been highlighted by the blogosphere that mainstream commenters now admit is where the real news can be found. For some more clarity, please note that most ufologists are not interested in understanding spiritual biology that explains the UAP phenomena, they want ETs in metal crafts and they are not interested in the fact that the crafts has to be made up of spiritual energy to be interdimensional and utilise the basic laws of the universe. We have to face the facts, this is what 2012 is really all about, the lifting of the veil means we are now meeting a spectrum of neighbours.... By the way, there are now more rumours that President Obama will release UFO files, but that would still put the US lagging behind a host of other countries, but will probably have the greatest impact on public opinion.

The rise of Japan’s 'girlie man' generation
Forget the salarymen, Japan's new 'herbivore' generation of males believe that life is far more important than work

The Times, 5th November 2009
Yasuo Takeuchi makes an improbable radical. Skinny, wearing jeans, a striped sports shirt and a baby blue cardigan, he is fidgety and talks in a near whisper. He is 33, works for a major publisher in Tokyo and inspired a label now applied to a new generation of Japanese men. He is the archetypal soshokukei danshi, “herbivorous male” or Ojo-man “girlie man”.

Herbivores are shy and quiet. They seek the friendship of women and spurn aggressive dating. They are thrifty and abhor consumerism. They like quiet evenings in with friends rather than drinking till they vomit in the izakaya bars of Tokyo. They are the antithesis of the macho Japanese salarymen, on whose long-suffering shoulders modern Japan was built.

For those who want to know how the evolution of consciousness is playing out in another culture, this article is quite enlightening. It would be interesting to have the viewpoint of psychologists who monitor human development, but from the system of Spiral Dynamics, that I think is quite a good system of calibration (but there are others that relate to the evolution of consciousness), I think we have a clear move away here from the 'Orange' meme and a move to the 'Green' meme without the talk of environmentalism.

Bald bears perplex experts
BBC News, 5th November 2009
Bears in a zoo in eastern Germany have lost their fur, but international experts cannot work out why. Three spectacled bears in Leipzig Zoo are in various states of baldness, with the worst being hairless all over. Zoo curator Gerd Noetzhold said he had discovered that zoos throughout Europe and further afield had encountered the same problem, but no-one knew why. One expert suggested it could be caused by climate and the diet of the bears, whose native habitat is South America. [...]

"There are other zoos in Europe and overseas having the same problem.

Maybe the answer is the stress of being in an unnatural habitat like a zoo, combined with sensitivitity to a changing environment being driven by cosmic factors.

Mutant Diseases May Cripple Missions to Mars, Beyond
National Geopgraphic News, 4th November 2009
Mutant hitchhikers may become a major hurdle in the quest to send humans deeper into the galaxy, scientists say. That's because no matter how fit astronauts feel at liftoff, they're likely to be carrying disease-causing microbes such as toxic E. coli and Staphylococcus strains. Charged particles zipping through space, known as cosmic rays, can mutate the otherwise manageable microbes, spurring the bugs to reproduce quicker and become more virulent, recent studies show. At the same time, exposure to cosmic rays and the stresses of long-term weightlessness can dampen the human immune system, encouraging diseases to take hold.

[...] On Earth humans are protected from the effects of cosmic rays, because most of the particles are deflected by the planet's magnetic field.

It just amazes me as we are quickly losing the shielding around our solar system and the Earth's magnetic field is now unstable and periodically cracks wide open that commentators keep talking about the problem of astronauts in the highly radioactive environment of space. As NASA have pointed out, our planet is being flooded with cosmic radiation and we risk being completely exposed. Hence, due to the rapidly changing conditions on Earth, I coined the phrase in my book, "We are all astronauts now!" Note: The above comment about gamma-ray repeater SGR J1550-5418 will be added to the Space Weather archives for reference. See also: Nasa to irradiate monkeys to study effects of long space trips on humans Our planet is under a constant massive energetic bombardment from cosmic sources to "upgrade" our planet. On 21/22 January 2009, the planet was blasted by gamma-ray repeater SGR J1550-5418, the following YouTube clip was added by someone diligently watching what waa happening to the magnetosphere, which is the Earth's first defence against space weather. See YouTube [0:10] clip, Magnetosphere blast 21-22 January 2009. At the same time, we experienced a Sudden Stratospheric Warming (SSW) event where the temperature in the stratosphere rose 40-50 degrees centigrade (depends on source), at the time people could not understand what had happened because the sun was quiet, but this was the fallout from a magnetar that NASA scientists describe as "a solar flare on steroids". In 1/10 of a second, this type of a neutron star, or magnetar can release as much energy as the Sun would in 100,000 years. I wrote my book in 2006, to explain that Earth was under heavy bombardment and since then, things have only got worse as predicted. Meanwhile, people are focusing on a the cosmic fairy tale of Father Sun having a union with the Cosmic Mother on the 21st December 2012..... Unbelievable, but true!

Iraq Swears by Bomb Detector U.S. Sees as Useless
New York Times, 3rd November 2009
"Despite major bombings that have rattled the nation, and fears of rising violence as American troops withdraw, Iraq’s security forces have been relying on a device to detect bombs and weapons that the United States military and technical experts say is useless.

The small hand-held wand, with a telescopic antenna on a swivel, is being used at hundreds of checkpoints in Iraq. But the device works “on the same principle as a Ouija board” — the power of suggestion — said a retired United States Air Force officer, Lt. Col. Hal Bidlack, who described the wand as nothing more than an explosives divining rod.

I think this is a case of the kettle calling the pot black as it becomes more widely known that US military trained psychic spies and once ran a Jedi program to train their elite in the art of the utilising 'The Force'.

Rainbow in the dark: Bright Moon creates stunning arc at night
Daily Mail, 3rd November 2009
This rare ghostly picture shows a full lunar rainbow arcing over the countryside in Richmond, North Yorkshire. Rainbows appear when sunlight is reflected from raindrops, but in this case the Sun had set hours before. Instead a particularly bright Moon created the impressive bow. Photographer Chris Walker captured the picture as he was driving through a storm around 7pm last Sunday.

Yes, but we are getting a large selection of atmospheric rarities on an almost weekly basis.....

Judge rules that green views are the 'same as religious beliefs' as sacked environmentalist wins legal battle
Daily Mail, 3rd November 2009
"An environmentalist who claims he was fired for his views has won a landmark legal battle after a judge ruled being green was just as worthy of protection at work as religion. 'Green martyr' Tim Nicholson, 42, claims he was dismissed after his bosses at showed contempt for his philosophical belief the earth faces 'catastrophic climate change'. He said he lost his job for criticising senior management at Grainger plc - including chief executive Rupert Dickinson who allegedly flew an employee to Ireland and back just to fetch a mislaid Blackberry mobile phone."

Well, when you come face to face with the facts, you have to say this green martyr did have a point....

Promises, Promises: Ill-judged predictions and projections can be embarrassing at best and, at worst, damaging to the authority of science and science policy.
The Scientist, 2nd November 2009
"Of course, scientists have a strong incentive to make bold predictions—namely, to obtain funding, influence, and high-profile publications. But while few will be disappointed when worst-case forecasts fail to materialize, unfulfilled predictions—of which we’re seeing more and more—can be a blow for patients, policy makers, and for the reputation of science itself."

[...] Sir Ian Wilmut, leader of the Roslin Institute team that cloned Dolly the sheep, says that a “soundbite” media culture that demands uncomplicated, definitive, and sensational statements plays a significant role. “It’s [the media] who put the most pressure on scientists to make predictions,” he says. And in a radio or TV interview that allows perhaps only 10 or 20 seconds for an answer, “it’s very easy then to inadvertently mislead.”

This article and the quotes I have picked out explains why there is an on going issue with scientific integrity. The comments for the lines on the hand-reading image is quite an insightful depiction.

Al Gore's Inconvenient Truth sequel stresses spiritual argument on climate
Nobel winner adapts fact-based message to reach those who believe they have a moral duty to protect the planet in Our Choice: A Plan to Solve the Climate Crisis

The Guardian, 2nd November 2009
Al's Gore's much-anticipated sequel to An Inconvenient Truth is published today, with an admission that facts alone will not persuade Americans to act on global warming and that appealing to their spiritual side is the way forward.

In his latest book, Our Choice: A Plan to Solve the Climate Crisis, the man who won a Nobel prize in 2007 for his touring slideshow on disappearing polar ice and other consequences of climate change, concludes: "Simply laying out the facts won't work."

Instead, Gore tells Newsweek magazine in a pre-publication interview, that he has been adapting his fact-based message - now put out by hundreds of volunteers - to appeal to those who believe there is a moral or religious duty to protect the planet.

"I've done a Christian [-based] training program; I have a Muslim training program and a Jewish training program coming up, also a Hindu program coming up. I trained 200 Christian ministers and lay leaders here in Nashville in a version of the slide show that is filled with scriptural references. It's probably my favourite version, but I don't use it very often because it can come off as proselytising," Gore tells Newsweek.

So this is an admission that our current scientific understanding cannot be used to explain climate change, as there is NO GLOBAL WARMING and too many scientists are no longer willing to risk their reputation on a scientific misnomer as it looks like the world is heading for a cooling phase. So the gospel according to Gore, states that people just need to have religious FAITH that our climate needs human geoengineering for it's protection. Meanwhile, there are acccusations that he has benefited from his Green gospel message, see Al Gore could become world's first carbon billionaire Al Gore, the former US vice president, could become the world's first carbon billionaire after investing heavily in green energy companies. & Is Al Gore the world's first 'carbon billionaire'? Critics slam former vice president for benefiting from climate change

Giant Crack in Africa Will Create a New Ocean
Live Science, 2nd November 2009
A 35-mile rift in the desert of Ethiopia will likely become a new ocean eventually, researchers now confirm.

The crack, 20 feet wide in spots, opened in 2005 and some geologists believed then that it would spawn a new ocean. But that view was controversial, and the rift had not been well studied.

A new study involving an international team of scientists and reported in the journal Geophysical Research Letters finds the processes creating the rift are nearly identical to what goes on at the bottom of oceans, further indication a sea is in the region's future.

The article carefully does not mention that this kind of geological event was believed by eminent scientists to be a slow process that would take millions of years. Instead of which, in 2000 massive forces operated and took days to create a new geological feature. Interestingly, there are now many other evolutionary changes taking place quickly and this is all being controlled by universal intelligence with rules of complexity that are not known or understood by humans.

Crazy UFO footage from Texas, seen on KLTV News
UFO Examiner, 2nd November 2009
"We address new comers with this article due to the fact that footage like this is commonly viewed by investigative enthusiasts in the UFO arena. There has been a recent increase in activity where witnesses have described an orb like object changing shape or moving erratically."

Yes folks, the Apocalypse is here and those of us who are not asleep are in shock and awe! By the way, if you are waiting for the cosmic fairy tale of Father Sun having a union with the Cosmic Mother on 21st December 2012, then you are missing all the fun! Here are more reports of orbs interacting with us:
Photos: Bright Orb UFO Travels Ahead of Moving Vehicle - Palmas, Tocantis, Brazil Orbs pacing cars is critter behaviour. This is exactly the same behaviour as orbs that pace airplanes [Foo fighters] and birds that pace cars, boats and ships.

Space hotel says it's on schedule to open in 2012
Reuters, 2nd November 2009
BARCELONA (Reuters) - A company behind plans to open the first hotel in space says it is on target to accept its first paying guests in 2012 despite critics questioning the investment and time frame for the multi-billion dollar project.

The Barcelona-based architects of The Galactic Suite Space Resort say it will cost 3 million euro ($4.4 million) for a three-night stay at the hotel, with this price including an eight-week training course on a tropical island.

During their stay, guests would see the sun rise 15 times a day and travel around the world every 80 minutes. They would wear velcro suits so they can crawl around their pod rooms by sticking themselves to the walls like Spiderman."

If you go to the website, it describes this as, "The most thrilling and transcendental experience ever." Hmm...Well, I have to say there have been reports about these space hotels for years, but since scientists are having such trouble dealing with Space Weather and turbulence in the magnetosphere besides all the other issues that make living in space decidely fruity, I am not sure they are the best place to be if Space Weather steps up a gear as we have been warned will occur.

Adam Lambert - 2012 - Time for Miracles FULL VERSION
YouTube, November 2009
Adam Lambert singing Time for Miracles to a MOVIE CLIP from 2012 which is in theaters November 13, 2009.

Adam Lambert is the best singer that has come out of American Idol by a long way. I have to say that the singing and the song theme is completely at odds with the stress generated by watching this continous destruction, so it might be better to just listen to the song. However, if you do watch the video, then you might understand why the critics have already declared this disaster movie a disaster.

Villager leaves mysterious burnt footprints
Fiji Times, 2nd November 2009
"AN early morning walk to his farm has left footprints which burnt portions of grass on his village lawn.

Villager Sikeli Nadiri, who lives in Daroko settlement, outside Savusavu, is baffled as he tries to figure out the cause of his mysterious brown prints. The incident has attracted fellow villagers to his house to have a feel of his feet trying to find a clue to the mystery. Mr Nadiri said it happened the previous week on Wednesday when he went to his farm to tend to his cows. The ground he walked on were seen scorched the next morning leaving footprints leading from his house to the farm.

He said on Thursday, villagers were talking about the strange footprints which had turned brown. [...] Last week, police visited him on Tuesday and the ground he walked on during the interview was also affected."

I suppose the police went to have a feel of his feet too! LOL!! Here, all I can do is repeat the notion well understood in certain parts of the metaphysical community that with the New Energies on the planet, humans are becoming much more charged and some will get burnt out as the increased current tries to flow through people with poor wiring. We know that from the moment of conception, there is an electromagnetic field that acts as a template and guides the development of the fetus and the physical development of the human being for the rest of their life. This energy is real and can be detected by torsion detectors. Regardless of what is going on at the higher dimensional level, this is what our scientists know about electromagnetic forces;
Hundreds upon hundreds of other scientific studies over the last fifty years have consistently revealed that “invisible forces” of the electromagnetic spectrum profoundly impact every facet of biological regulation. These energies include microwaves, radio frequencies, the visible light spectrum, extremely low frequencies, acoustic frequencies, and even a newly recognized form of force called scalar energy. Specific frequencies and patterns of electromagnetic radiation regulate DNA, RNA and protein syntheses; alter protein shape and function; and control gene regulation, cell division, cell differentiation, morphogenesis, (the process by which cells assemble into organs and tissues), hormone secretion, and nerve growth and function. Each one of these cellular activities is a fundamental behavior that contributes to the unfolding of life. Though these research studies have been published in some of the most respected mainstream biomedical journals, their revolutionary findings have not been incorporated into medical school curriculum. (Liboff 2004; Goodman and Bank 2002; Sivitz 2000; Jin, et al, 2000; Blackman, et al, 1993; Rosen 1992, Blank 1992; Tsong1989; Yen-Patton,et al, 1988). Bruce Lipton, Ph.D. The Biology of Belief
In my book, I provided the science to explain how geomagnetic storms effected people, physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually and I also provided metaphysical sources that claimed that there would be a massive increase in aetheric energies. Since that time, even NASA have recently admitted that we are losing our solar system shielding and scientists have clearly expressed their concern that the heliosphere might evaporate. Burnt footprints are just a sign that this person's energy field has interacted with the environment to generate this strange effect, what it means is probably well beyond what conventional science could explain.

Battle satire 'Men Who Stare at Goats' has a Maryland link
It's strange but true. Maryland played a role in the events that inspired the military satire 'Men Who Stare at Goats'

The Baltimore Sun, 1st November 2009
The makers of "The Men Who Stare At Goats" have planted this epigraph before the movie: "More of this is true than you would believe." But I heard one young man emerging from a preview saying, "I don't think any of this is true."

After all, who in their right mind would buy a story about a visionary Army officer embracing Eastern martial arts and West Coast encounter sessions, then recruiting new American fighting men who would "fall in love with everyone," "sense plant auras," "attain the power to pass through objects such as walls," "have out-of-body experiences" and "be able to hear and see other people's thoughts"?

And who could accept that this battalion employed psychic powers to locate a hostage halfway around the world - and to stop the heart of a goat?

The video trailer is hilarious if you like spoofs. By the way, it's true and the Jedi Program that trained top US military and politicians is a FACT, there are official reports available on the internet that names names. Well, this is one spoof film I think I would really enjoy watching.

Wired News article: Danger Room What’s Next in National Security Psychic Spies, Acid Guinea Pigs, New Age Soldiers: the True Men Who Stare at Goats & movie review Review: New Movie Can’t Top Real-Life Men Who Stare at Goats. There is also a Skeptiko interview with the man who wrote the book on which the new movie is based. The Men Who Stare at Goats Science With Jon Ronson

Comet Caesar - Dark Comet in 2012?
Survive 2012, November 2009
"When considering what might cause us grief in 2012, few if any researchers consider the start of the Mayan Long Count calendar to have any importance. This is surprising, because the reason for the calendar beginning on August 11 3114BC might contain clues about 2012 itself. After all, the Mayan culture did not exist 5,000 years ago, so either they randomly chose an ancient date on a whim, or an earlier civilization was behind the calendar, and they knew something important occurred on that date.

What could happen in 3114BC, and also in 2012AD? No civilization has lasted that long, so they are unlikely to be man-made events. Any natural events that occur so infrequently on Earth are virtually impossible to predict (volcanic eruptions for example). So that leaves us with astronomical events. The astrology of the pair of dates has been well studied, so we can rule out alignments of the stars and planets. That leaves the Sun, which we barely understand today, and comets. Is there a comet with a periodicy of 5000 years, due to return in 2012? Without any evidence from 3114BC it is impossible to say. Given that we are now near the end of the Mayan 5th age, could their calendar be designed to cover five orbits of a comet? And end catastrophically in 2012?"

Here, I have linked to researcher Robert Bast's website but here is the link to a recent press release: Dark Comet in 2012? Researcher Unravels Potential Doomsday Culprit . The only reason that this theory is getting a mention is because the Mayan Elders are insisting that we will get a change of sun that will coincide with three days of darkness. Historically, there have been quite a few events where day has turned into night and remained that way for a few hours before things have returned to normal. Read Charles Fort if you want historical examples. The recent "dust storms" in Australia focused my attention where at Broken Hill, day turned into night in approx. 40 seconds. The Mayan Elders are adamant that this will happen and it is possible that a comet with a massive debris trail could block the sun for a period of time. However, it must also be stated that our scientists admit that they don't know what makes sunshine, but alternative scientists like Tesla insist that sunshine is a local reaction to frequencies of light from the Sun. The Mayan Elders are not claiming catastrophe, just three days of darkness, but it's diffifcult getting information from them so we await the release of the authentic message of the Mayan Cosmo-Vision supported by The National Mayan Council of Indigenous Elders in Guatemala and presented in the film The Shift of the Ages.

Thousands await Knock's new Virgin Mary vision
Pilgrims have travelled to a rain-soaked corner of western Ireland hoping to witness a miracle

The Guardian, 1st November 2009
"They came from Wexford, Manchester and even India, driven on by the hope that in this rain-soaked corner of western Ireland the mother of God would appear to them this weekend. All along Knock's main street the pilgrims slept in vans and motor homes, all hoping to book a space near the site where a Dublin-based spiritual healer predicted the Virgin Mary would materialise. Joe Coleman's visions of a Marian apparition on the exact spot where villagers claimed they saw the Virgin Mary in 1879 have created a fervour across the Catholic world.

Coleman complained that the Catholic church had not made a priest available to recite the Rosary with him and the thousands gathered in waiting. Describing himself as "a visionary of our Blessed Mother", he said the visitation would only be visible "to people who come with an open heart".

With up to 10,000 pilgrims descending on the village, Coleman's promise that Christ's mother would appear through a "dancing sun" in the sky has at least given Knock's economy an unexpected boost."

Well, Virgin Mary apparitions are a true mystery. The one thing that I will note, is the insistence that she would appear through a "dancing sun", I think that this is a reference to a similar arrival to the 1916 Fatima apparitions. What is of great interest here, is that in the book Earth Under Fire by astrophysicist Dr Paul LaViolette, he believes that The Fatima Prophecy is a warning of an extreme Space Weather event based on a re-channelled version of this message, after the Catholic hierarchy refused to release the complete details of the original messages. Well, I will say now that things have changed since the 1916 warnings and the Earth's electromagnetic grid has been fixed up, so if anything is coming, I don't think that we will get complete devastation, we will not end up with "a burnt out world". Yet, in the light of what we know is going on in our solar system right now, the re-channelled version is still very interesting.... Anyway, it would be great to get some decent up to date info from Knock!

The Express, 1st November 2009
LONG-TERM mobile phone use could lead to 1,500 new cases of brain tumours a year over the next two decades a study shows. Researchers analysed the key 23 studies that have investigated the effects of the phone. It involved more than 12,000 patients who had developed brain tumours and 25,000 who had not. It concluded mobile phone use of 10 years or longer was associated with an increased risk of tumours of up to 34 per cent.

[...] The Mobile Operators Association said more than 30 scientific reviews had found no adverse effects.

It's interesting that the Mobile Operators Association state that scientific reviews found no adverse effects, because they are funding them to produce that exact outcome. This controversy has been around for years and it seems that we have to wait for large increases in brain tumours before people realise that there is a danger.


Joyfire Science & Metaphysics Integration
Copyright © 2003 – 2025. All rights reserved.

Susan Joy Rennison quotes:

“Space Weather is now a fact of life.”

“We are all astronauts now!”

Tuning The Diamonds,
September 2006

“We must spiritually evolve as part of the new terms & conditions for living on Earth.”

Joyfire Tour – Evolutionary Change, December 2006

“Space Weather will force many changes in how we do business on this planet.”

News of the Imbalance,
April 2007

NASA Press Release:

“Earth and space are about to come into contact in a way that's new to human history.”

“We're on the threshold of a new era in which space weather can be as influential in our daily lives as ordinary terrestrial weather.”

As the Sun Awakens, NASA Keeps a Wary Eye on Space Weather
NASA News, 4th June 2010

White House Executive Order:

“Space weather has the potential to simultaneously affect and disrupt health and safety across entire continents. Successfully preparing for space weather events is an all-of-nation endeavor that requires partnerships across governments, emergency managers, academia, the media, the insurance industry, non-profits, and the private sector.”

Executive Order –– Coordinating Efforts to Prepare the Nation for Space Weather Events
The White House, 13th October 2016

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