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Susan rennison

The New Cosmic Age is now Official!

According to Richard Fisher, head of NASA’s Heliophysics Division:
"Earth and space are about to come into contact in a way that's new to human history."

"I believe we’re on the threshold of a new era in which space weather can be as influential in our daily lives as ordinary terrestrial weather."

"We take this very seriously indeed."

Source: As the Sun Awakens, NASA Keeps a Wary Eye on Space Weather
NASA News, 4th June 2010

News of the Imbalance March/April 2009

Part 1: First 2009 U. K. Crop Formations Counting Down to 2012?, 30th April 2009
"Between April 14 and April 29, 2009, there have been six crop formations reported in oilseed rape in Wiltshire County, England. Five are described as “the most elaborate and geometrically sophisticated oilseed rape formations that have occurred in British crop circle history.” Those words were said to me earlier this week by long-time crop formation researcher Charles Mallett, who runs the Silent Circle Information Center in Calne west of Avebury. A recent formation reported in the Liddington Castle region is so hard to find that no one knows for sure when it formed and only two ground photographs have been shared so far. [...]

Interview: Charles R. Mallett, Silent Circle Information Center, Calne, Wiltshire, England: “These current formations would probably be considered the most elaborate and geometrically sophisticated oilseed rape/canola formations that have occurred in British crop circle history, I would say. Right now in April 2009, we've had really huge, serious formations! This has never really happened before– kind of unprecedented."

Well, the crop-circle makers are off to a flying start! As I have explained in my article 2012, Galactic Cosmology and A New World Age, the so-called 2012 Winter Solstice Earth-Sun galactic alignment occurred in 1998, Mayan Elders are tracking the spiral of space-time and a universe-galactic centre alignment and as a result, Earth is being subjected to massive increases and blasts of Space Weather. People need to be preparing, not waiting for something 'mysterious' to happen.

Orange UFO spotted above Chester skies [UK]
Chester Chronicle, 30th April 2009
"A CITY centre resident was amazed on spotting a UFO flying across the Chester skyline on Sunday evening while standing on his balcony.[...]

He said: “I could see this orange ball rising up, at a 90 degree angle, straight up, then it just sat there, sat still for a few seconds. To my amazement it started moving side-ways. Right away I recognised it wasn’t something normal that I had ever seen before.”[...] The Ministry of Defence was “not aware of any incidents occurring at that time”.

A spokeswoman said: “The MoD examines reports solely to establish whether UK airspace may have been compromised by hostile or unauthorised military activity. Unless there is evidence of a potential threat, there is no attempt to identify the nature of each sighting reported."

The response here by the UK MOD is perfect. They are NOT interested in orbs or UAPs because they are NO THREAT. It's just a HUGE embarrassment that independent "entities" of energy exist and there is absolutely nothing that the authorities can do about them, full stop. For those who are interested in how the universe works, the increasing awareness of orbs and UAPs is evidence that the veil is lifting. Obviously, there are lots of very interesting entities are out there, I have an amazing digital image of what I call 'golden dragons' taken over a lake in Norway, totally awesome!

Life on other planets? You bet, says SETI pioneer, 30th April 2009
"If you'd asked 20 years ago the question he's heard over and over– whether humanity will discover extraterrestrial intelligence in his lifetime– Frank Drake would have shrugged and said, "sure." Today, the renowned astronomer, who turns 79 next month, admits the chances are slimming. "It's going to be a close call," he said. [...]

The past 10 years have seen a surge of interest in the scientific community in finding extraterrestrial life, Sullivan said, and not just with radios. The new field of astrobiology has risen from the work of geologists, biologists and microbiologists who are taking their studies out of this world, spurred on by encouraging astronomical discoveries [...]

On Saturday, Drake will talk about possible discovery of oceans on Jupiter's moon, Europa, the recent launch of the Kepler mission to search for habitable planets, two new Earth-like masses found in the Milky Way and the hundreds of new solar systems that show our corner of the universe might not be as unique as we think. If it were up to him, he'd build bigger radio telescopes– lots of them– and turn them on full blast. "With 200 billion stars in the galaxy, there are 200 billion chances to make Earth," he said. "Everything says it had to have happened many times– and maybe many more."

Everytime I read reports of our scientists searching for extraterrestrial life, it reminds me of the hilarious spoof, the movie 'Galaxy Quest' where aliens turn up at a show promotion looking for help from the Galaxy Quest TV stars. The story goes that the aliens need help because their planet is under attack and they have picked up TV broadcasts of sci-fi adventures which they thought were true historical and documented events and so they were impressed! Seriously, when even Vatican astronomers admit, "The Extraterrestrial is My Brother" as reported May 14, 2008, by MSNBC News, you know for a fact that we are not getting the full story....

Meteor-like UFOs appear controlled
The UFO Examiner, 29th April 2009
"A report out of Pennsylvania April 29 describes what appeared at first to be a meteor– but then the object displayed characteristics of something controlled. Similar reports have been made across the country lately. The witness describes the object's erratic behavior in this unedited report from the Mutual UFO Network witness database. [...]

Montana, April 6, 2009– Fireball streaking toward ground, disappeared for 10 seconds, then shot back skyward.

From 2 miles south of Plevna (driving from south to north), MT my wife and I saw a fireball streaking down at a steep angle. It was a bit north of Plevna and was about half way up the horizon. It appeared for 1 to 2 seconds, bright flash, the fireball, a minimal fire streak with it. It was bright, then dim, then bright, then dim, then gone at about 1/4 of the horizon. We both said wow, meteor. We were excited to both have seen the "meteor". About 5-10 seconds later the same object went shooting back skyward along about the same line it took coming down."

Remote controlled meteorites?Well, more UAPs arriving, but as most people don't understand what they are seeing, in the Montana account, they may have actually seen a 'changing of the guard'.

Global warming alarmists out in cold
Herald Sun, 29th April 2009
"It's snowing in April. Ice is spreading in Antarctica. The Great Barrier Reef is as healthy as ever. And that's just the news of the past week. Truly, it never rains but it pours– and all over our global warming alarmists. Time's up for this absurd scaremongering. The fears are being contradicted by the facts, and more so by the week.

Doubt it? Then here's a test. "

Andrew Bolt in Australia is still fighting the good fight with THE FACTS. See also New Australian continent wide low temperature record set for April. Also, Australian scientists celebrate Great Barrier Reef comeback

Does DNA Have Telepathic Properties?-A Galaxy Insight
Daily Galaxy, 28th April 2009
"DNA has been found to have a bizarre ability to put itself together, even at a distance, when according to known science it shouldn't be able to. Explanation: None, at least not yet.

Scientists are reporting evidence that contrary to our current beliefs about what is possible, intact double-stranded DNA has the “amazing” ability to recognize similarities in other DNA strands from a distance. Somehow they are able to identify one another, and the tiny bits of genetic material tend to congregate with similar DNA. The recognition of similar sequences in DNA’s chemical subunits, occurs in a way unrecognized by science. There is no known reason why the DNA is able to combine the way it does, and from a current theoretical standpoint this feat should be chemically impossible."

Scientists keep talking about chemistry when in fact chemicals are just a dance of electromagnetic charges. The DNA helical structure is a holographic projector of DNA code and it also retrieves signals from the environment that provide instructions for coding. The 'diamonds' in the human enegy field are just the fifth dimensional representation of our DNA and as our electrical engineers tell us, the octahedron or diamond shape is the perfect receiver and transmitter of electromagnetic signals. The scientific support for this notion is available in my book 'Tuning the Diamonds'. Scientists are now realising that DNA responds to signals from the environment and the experiment outlined here is just verification. Note the image of DNA as the 'gameboard of life'. This concept has been retained and past down through esotetric societies and metaphysical sources are adamant that the gameboard is 64 squares or diamonds depending on persective, the same as the number of DNA codons.

Top Climate Scientist Fired For Talking To Media
Mother Jones, 28th April 2009
"Nobel-Prize winning scientist Jim Salinger was sacked from his job of 27 years for talking to the media about the weather. Salinger was the lead author of the IPCC’s 2007 assessment report that dealt with climate change in Australia and New Zealand. He had been a principle scientist with New Zealand’s National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA), reports the New Zealand Herald. Despite his excellent credentials and scientific reputation, Salinger was given 3.5 hours to clear his desk late last week. His offense? Talking to the media about a flood he was witnessing firsthand while on vacation in New Zealand.

Here's where it gets really strange. NIWA has a contract with New Zealand's state broadcaster to provide climate-related updates and Salinger has spoken regularly to reporters in the past. He was always praised for doing so, reports NatureNews. But word leaked down from on high a few months ago for him to back off and take a lower profile. He was told to get permission before talking to the media again.

So even Nobel Prize Winning scientists are being censored now.... I think this level of control of respected members of the scientific community is untenable and the controllers are risking a full scale rebellion. Of course, it would be interesting to watch though.

Yorkshireman wakes up after op with Irish accent
Ananova News, 28th April 2009
"Yorkshireman wakes up after op with Irish accent A Yorkshireman woke up a new man after a brain operation– and with a strong Irish accent. Chris Gregory, 30, sat up in his hospital bed and sang a stirring rendition of Danny Boy to astonished fiancee Mary, 36. Mr Gregory, who is Sheffield born and bred, had spent three days on a life-support machine before he came round. For the next half-hour, he amazed relatives with his broad Gaelic lilt. But by the next day his own Yorkshire accent was back."

Foreign Accent Syndrome occurs so often that I wonder if it has something to do with anaesthetic bringing up past life information. As it has been fairly well established by regression techniques that we retain energy/information that is related to other lives, but this information is usually masked and only brought up under certain circumstances.

Climate change activists in custody after Westminster protest
Protesters belonging to Climate Rush group arrested after gluing themselves to a statue in the central lobby of the Houses of Parliament
The Guardian, 28th April 2009
"Four climate change protesters arrested after gluing themselves together around a statue inside the Houses of Parliament remained in custody today. The three women and a man fixed themselves yesterday around the statue of Viscount Falkland outside the historic central lobby after entering the building as visitors. Ambulance staff worked to release them before officers arrested the four for public order offences and criminal damage about two hours after the protest began, the Metropolitan police said."

Over at the comment was, why didn't the authorities just leave them glued to the statue.... LOL!!

A ball with a big, long streak'
Arizona Daily Sun, 28th April 2009
"As he was driving north on Interstate 17 just beyond the Stoneman Lake exit around midnight Saturday, Richard Garcia saw a blazing fireball seemingly pass overhead in the same direction. "She came right over the top of the truck," Garcia said Monday. "The colors were unbelievable. It was unbelievably beautiful. It was ball with a big long streak on it and then it had all these gorgeous colors just radiating out of it."

Not much more than an hour earlier, sometime after 10:30 p.m., Gloria Mireles was standing in the parking lot of the Western Hills motel on east Route 66 when she saw a fiery red fireball light up the eastern sky. "It was giving out sparks from the tail," Mireles said Monday.She said she closed her eyes because she thought it was going to hit, but felt no impact. [...]

Garcia is skeptical the fireball he saw made it to Earth. "It was right over the top of road and I thought it was going to impact the road, so me and this other car that was next to me, we both slowed down because I think he was thinking that same thing I was, that it would probably hit the road," Garcia said. "But I didn't see anything disintegrate. It just appeared that it ran out of energy." Garcia estimated the fireball to be between 3 and 4 feet in diameter.

Brian Rackham was visiting a friend in Prescott Valley, and they both saw the fireball and were convinced it hit nearby. "It was an amazing thing. Bright white and red fireball with greenish tail," Rackham wrote in an email to the Daily Sun. "We were watching TV, and it was so bright we couldn't help but look to the side out the window as it came down. The whole thing took about two seconds at the most." Rackham thought initially it was a plane or helicopter crash near the Prescott Airport.

This story is incredible, we have different accounts where people actually thought they were going to get hit and the 'fireball' just disappears and they are NOT SHOWERED WITH ANY DEBRIS!! The question is: why would different 'fireballs' both conveniently disintegrate at ground level after such spectacular displays, unless they were both just pure energy and so directly entered the Earth? INCREDIBLE!! By the way, in the News of the Imbalance archives, there are entries with links to YouTube clips of real fireballs and I assure you, if they land there is absolutely no mistaking it! My conclusion is that these are further examples of 'heavenly phenomena', as described by U.S. meterologists at a loss at trying to explain away NEW celestial phenomena. See February 20th report 2009, Fireball lights up sky and causes jaws to drop. Just a another note, again we see people thinking they are witnessing a plane crash....

A bright future with solar lanterns for India’s poor
Solar energy could greatly improve standard of living in poor households in India / Women and children benefit most
Springer News, 27th April 2009
"Solar energy has the potential to improve the living conditions of poor rural households in India as well as contribute to the country’s future energy security, according to Professor Govindasamy Agoramoorthy from Tajen University, who is Tata-Sadguru Visiting Chair, and Dr. Minna Hsu from the National Sun Yat-sen University in Taiwan. Their study1, looking at the benefits of solar lanterns on the livelihoods of village communities in Western India, as well as sustainable use of the environment, has just been published online in Springer’s journal Human Ecology."

As I have stated before, if electricity supplies are under threat of being interrupted or permanately knocked out by extreme space weather, then authorities should start to encourage people now to start thinking about new ways of generating power, at least for intermediate backup. Personally, I am hoping that technology that generates 'anomalous' energy or energy direct from the aether will get some serious consideration, because we need to think of our future on a planet with completely different environmental conditions.

Search for meteor in Arizona
UPI News, 27th April 2009
Full Report: "Authorities in Arizona said there has been no sign that a large meteor reported in the skies near Sedona made impact with the ground. A spokesman for the Pinewood Fire Department in Munds Hill, near Sedona, said a crew drove up and down Interstate 17 but could find no evidence of the fireball that witnesses said lit up the sky Saturday night, the Arizona Daily Sun, Flagstaff, Ariz., reported Monday. Karen Malis-Clark, public information officer for the Coconino National Forest, told the Arizona Republic that officials believe the meteor was destroyed before it landed. "For some people in Arizona it might've looked like it landed but it didn't," she said."

I am not sure this is the same event as the other fireball reports in Arizona. However, it's worth mentioning, how often do crews have to go out searching for craters or meteor fragments after reports of fireballs to then find nothing, before the realisation sinks in that something else extraordinary is happening. Well, since Sedona is the New Age capital of the world, I am sure they will be delighted with an influx of "NEW ENERGY".

Russia: Kamchatka volcano Shiveluch emissed a 7-km column of ash
Russia Info Centre, 27th April 2009
"Kamchatka volcano Shiveluch has emissed a column of ash. Its height reaches 7 km above sea level. According to satellite observations an ash plum caused by last emission extendes 325 km southwestwards from the top of the mountain.

Shiveluch is one of the largest and most active Kamchatka volcanoes. It belongs to the Kliuchevskaya volcano group and is about 65,000 years old. Shiveluch is erupting during the last year being observated by Volcano logy Institute of Kamchatka. [..]

In addition to the huge size and high degree of activity Shiveluch is the one that has had the most violent eruptions. Catastrophic eruptions took place in 1854 and 1956, when a large part of the lava dome collapsed and created a devastating debris avalanche. The nearest settlement from the volcano is Kljuchi. It is situated in 50 km from the mountain. The settlement is small enough to evacuate the people rapidly if Shiveluch would try to surpass itself."

I love Russian press releases, a volcano trying to "surpass itself", truly quite an interesting thought!

The missing sunspots: Is this the big chill?
Scientists are baffled by what they’re seeing on the Sun’s surface – nothing at all. And this lack of activity could have a major impact on global warming.
The Independent, 27th April 2009
"Could the Sun play a greater role in recent climate change than has been believed? Climatologists had dismissed the idea and some solar scientists have been reticent about it because of its connections with those who those who deny climate change. But now the speculation has grown louder because of what is happening to our Sun. No living scientist has seen it behave this way. There are no sunspots.

The disappearance of sunspots happens every few years, but this time it’s gone on far longer than anyone expected – and there is no sign of the Sun waking up. “This is the lowest we’ve ever seen. We thought we’d be out of it by now, but we’re not,” says Marc Hairston of the University of Texas. And it’s not just the sunspots that are causing concern. There is also the so-called solar wind – streams of particles the Sun pours out – that is at its weakest since records began. In addition, the Sun’s magnetic axis is tilted to an unusual degree. “This is the quietest Sun we’ve seen in almost a century,” says NASA solar scientist David Hathaway. But this is not just a scientific curiosity. It could affect everyone on Earth and force what for many is the unthinkable: a reappraisal of the science behind recent global warming. "

Well, I image that the Global Warming fraternity are probably well and truly panicked now. See the technical details here, Examining SORCE data shows the Sun continues its slide toward somnolence.

Bee burglers plunder hives to sell on growing black market
The TimesNews, 27th April 2009
"Thieves are braving stings and swarms to steal vast numbers of honey bees from beekeepers in Britain, and may be selling them on an apian black market.

Break-ins at bee farms around the country have resulted in the theft of entire hives, leading bee farmers to suspect that the thieves must have good knowledge of bees and how to sell them on in large numbers. Rising interest in beekeeping has coincided with a dramatic reduction in the bee population in Britain caused by disease and wet summers, leading to a sharp increase in the value of a common-or-garden honeybee. This month bee burglars broke into Common Farm in Staffordshire and stole 18 hives of honeybees — about 800,000 bees worth up to £6,000 — in an act that has horrified the bee-keeping community.

Maybe this is a sign of how desperate the lack of bees is now becoming. See also,Fifty percent of Honeybees gone in Japan.

UFO sighting in Kings Langley? [UK]
Watford Observer, 27th April 2009
"Strange orange balls of light in the night sky have been reported over Kings Langley. Sheri and Bob Stephens of Coniston Road were left puzzled after seeing a cluster of lights flying over their house on Thursday evening. About 20 lights were spotted gliding towards Hemel Hempstead at 9.30pm."

I made the decision to send my article, 'Watch Out! Planet Under Reconstruction' to Paradigm Shift magazine because I felt that it was probably the most appropriate forum. I also received promptings to send a longer article to Nexus Magazine, but I have not had a formal acceptance from them yet. I have been very much concerned for ordinary people who are seeing strange objects in the sky, as they will have no idea that they might be seeing universal energy in the form of "plasma entities" or other plasma phenomena. The general public have not been properly informed that 'The Terms and Conditions' for life on planet Earth are changing rapidly, as it seems that most metaphysical folk thought that the world wouldn't notice this massive transition. Well, the cosmic energies are pouring onto the planet and I think this is quite exciting but maybe very confusing for those who have been totally unprepared.

World cooling has set-in warns astrophysicist– BBC & 'Global Warming apologists' challenged to end 'cover-up'
Weather Action, 25th April 2009
""Official data shows the world passed its peak temperatures 10 years ago, but sadly the BBC and 'Global Warming apologists' are now attempting to cover up the facts" said Piers Corbyn, 'climate realist', astrophysicist & long range weather & climate forecaster, 24 April, in response to the BBC's 'Quiet Sun baffling astronomers' report. [...]

"Furthermore advances in understanding of Sun-Earth magnetic and particle activity are being applied to successfully predict dangerous weather and climate change events months and years ahead; whereas all predictions of the CO2-centred theory have failed and will continue to fail and anti-CO2 taxes and measures will never stop a single extreme weather event.""

I am seriously starting to re-think about Mayan beliefs and supporting scientific evidence that links what the Maya and Aztecs call previous 'Suns', to the Mayan 5200 year cycle and the fact they are also telling us now about 'a change of the sun'. It seems that all along the clues have been there, of how the sun can change and drive evolutionary change. I believe this process is driven by cosmic and galactic factors, a massive orchestration of energy that we can only attempt to start to piece together. Hmmm....

Giant "Space Tornadoes" Spark Auroras on Earth
National Geographic, 24th April 2009
"Even Dorothy would struggle to survive a "space tornado." Whirling at more than a million miles per hour, these invisible, funnel-shaped solar windstorms carry electrical currents of more than a hundred thousand amps—roughly ten times that of an average lightning strike—scientists announced Thursday. And they're huge: up to 44,000 miles (70,000 kilometers) long and wide enough to envelop Earth. [...]

As well as revealing the vast size and speed of these rotating plasmas of ionized gas, the team has pinpointed how space tornadoes kick-start the auroras we see on Earth. "The tornado appears to ignite the aurora," said study leader Keiling, who presented the findings at a European Geosciences Union meeting in Vienna, Austria.

It's interesting that scientists are only now discovering how the universe delivers vast amounts of energy. It seems that we are now being shown how spiralling energy in the form of a galactic/intergalactic sized tornado will be soon be arriving to deliver higher consciousness for mankind.

The Geomagnetic Apocalypse — And How to Stop It
Wired Science, 24th April 2009
"For scary speculation about the end of civilization in 2012, people usually turn to followers of cryptic Mayan prophecy, not scientists. But that’s exactly what a group of NASA-assembled researchers described in a chilling report issued earlier this year on the destructive potential of solar storms. Entitled “Severe Space Weather Events — Understanding Societal and Economic Impacts,” it describes the consequences of solar flares unleashing waves of energy that could disrupt Earth’s magnetic field, overwhelming high-voltage transformers with vast electrical currents and short-circuiting energy grids. Such a catastrophe would cost the United States “$1 trillion to $2 trillion in the first year,” concluded the panel, and “full recovery could take four to 10 years.” That would, of course, be just a fraction of global damages."

Well, as I have stated many times, the metaphysical predictions are stating a massive 100,000 times year on year increase for evolutionary energies between 2007 and 2012 and then we will stabilise at a new level, but we will still be subject to waves of energies. So despite how bizarre things are now, respected metaphysical sources have been promised that the Sun will start and NASA have already predicted MASSIVE GEOMAGNETIC STORMS. Thus the Sun's extremely long in-breath is ominous and can be related to solar events in the not so distant past. I have posted my article '2012, Galactic Cosmology and A New World Age', with the alternative title, 'Beware the 2012 Bandwagonistas'. Quite frankly, the metaphysical community have not paid enough attention to genuine Mayan Elders and Keepers of Ancient Knowledge. All the talk about transformation has missed how exactly this will take place, but it seems we are about to find out in a big way.

Quantum gods don't deserve your faith
New Scientist, 24th April 2009
"Quantum mechanics is remarkably weird: even though it is well understood mathematically and can produce accurate, ultra-precise predictions, nobody really knows what it means. This leaves lots of room for people in search of the spiritual– and who are not burdened by any knowledge of mathematics– to impose on it whatever quasi-religious beliefs or interpretations they like. In this much-needed book, physicist Victor Stenger isolates and then debunks the claims of two kinds of "quantum belief". One he calls "quantum theology" because it offers quantum physics as a way for God to act in the world without violating natural laws. The second is "quantum spirituality", which is rooted in the even vaguer notion that quantum physics connects the human mind to the universe, allowing us to create our own reality."

Unfortunately for the sceptics, great swathes of people are raising their consciousness anyway that they can find that works and intellectuals have found a way to justify their spiritual experiences.

Mysterious, massive heavenly body named 'Himiko' by scientists
Daily Yomiuri Online, 24th April 2009
A team of researchers from Japan, Britain and the United States have observed for the first time a mysterious, gigantic heavenly body that existed in the early universe 12.9 billion years ago, using equipment including Japan's Subaru telescope in Hawaii. The reason for the celestial object's enormous size cannot be explained by current theories. The heavenly body has been named Himiko after an ancient Japanese queen. Himiko was discovered in a location 12.9 billion light years away from Earth. In the history of the universe, the birth of which is believed to have taken place about 13.7 billion years ago, the object existed at an early stage in the life of the cosmos, 800 million years after the universe began. It was the first time that a huge celestial object from that stage of the history of the universe of such size--comparable to that of the Milky Way galaxy--has been observed.

Another astronomical engima and another headscratcher for the those still clinging onto the now dying Big Bang hypothesis.

South West of Grande Prairie, Alberta– Reddish-Orange Square-Shaped Lights [Canada]
UFOINFO, 24th April 2009
"Description: At first 2 very bright Reddish Orange lights came from the south west heading north east and on an upward direction, and the first one seemed to slow down as if waiting for the second one to catch up, and then 2 more came from the same direction, and when they got closer to the first 2 they seemed to turn to the south east and on an upward direction, myself and my wife watched them for about 10 minutes, as they went upward one behind the other and out of sight, there was no sound at all."

More squares. OK, I think it's time to share a dream that was sent to me by øivind Gunnufsen, a friend in Norway, he's the maestro that gave ex-astronaut Neil Armstrong a copy of my book. He wrote in November 2008, "I have to tell you about a dream I had the other night.

It was a very "real" feeling of a dream.

I looked up in the sky, and found a lot of "blankets" of orbs in different shapes, including the diamond shape. They were stiched together like a patch work blankets , and floating around in the skies.

And then suddenly I saw a lot of ski jumpers moving around up there as as well. And one of them were diving down towards me in a high speed. When he hit me I was suddenly able to "fly" up and move around with no effort.

It was really a cool experience..

I "felt" it as an energy boost or downloading of some new energy..

What do you think ?"

Hubble's greatest hits: Hubble space telescope images
The Telegraph, April 2009
"The Hubble Space Telescope was launched in April 1990. After the problems with its main mirror were fixed, it started sending beautifully detailed images of space back to earth. Here are some of the best: Staring across interstellar space, the Cat's Eye Nebula lies three thousand light-years from Earth. One of the most famous planetary nebulae, NGC 6543 is over half a light-year across and represents a final, brief yet glorious phase in the life of a sun-like star." "In 1787, astronomer William Herschel discovered the Eskimo Nebula, NGC 2392, which resembles a person's head surrounded by a parka hood."

In 1787, astronomers did not have space probes and highly sophisticated telescopes bringing back magnificent images. Now astronomers are completely stumped because what they are seeing completely defies cosmology based on the weak force of gravity. Yet, plasma physicists can model the evolution of galaxies using computer simulations based on the properties of plasma and the influence of electric currents. Over one hundred years ago, scientists started to realise that we live in an Electromagnetic Universe and that space was not neutral, ie there are huge electric currents in space and galactic sized magnetic fields. Cosmologists and astronomers can continue to pretend that they can model the universe, but in the real modern technological world with changing electrical properties of space and the arrival of Space Weather, electric currents in space that can "zap" Earth bound satellites is now an issue.

New Image of Jet-Driven Galactic Shock Wave is a Shocker
Universe Today, 23rd April 2009
"The Chandra X-ray observatory has taken a closer look at the galaxy Centaurus A, and new images have revealed in detail the effects of a shock wave blasting through the galaxy. Powerful jets of plasma emanating from a supermassive black hole at the galactic core are creating the shock wave, and the new observation, have enabled astronomers to revise dramatically their picture of how jets affect the galaxies in which they live." astronomers to revise dramatically their picture of how jets affect the galaxies in which they live."

OK, this observation is very different to images of pulsars generating compact plasmoids, a process that plasma scientists can replicate in the laboratory. The default explanation of the highly theoretical and fabulous 'black hole' generating such celestial outbursts has been losing support amongst astrophysicists tired of ALL THEORY BUT NO REALITY. I hear there was a showdown at the Conference of the German Physical Society, Munich, March 9-13, 2009. When an astrophysicist presented 'The Schwarzschild Solution' and told a stunned crowd:
• "Despite claims for discovery of black holes, nobody has ever found a black hole; no infinitely dense point-mass singularity and no event horizon have ever been found. There is no physical evidence for the existence of infinitely dense point-masses.

• It takes an infinite amount of observer time to verify the presence of an event horizon, but nobody has been and nobody will be around for an infinite amount of time. No observer, no observing instruments, no photons, no matter can be present in a spacetime that by construction contains no matter.

• The black hole is fictitious and so there are no black hole generated gravitational waves. The international search for black holes and their gravitational waves is ill-fated."
You can find an article and more links at The Black Hole at the Heart of Astronomy. The emperor has no clothes, but people like looking at naked bodies! LOL!!

Monckton not allowed to debate with Gore
Watts Up with That, 23rd April 2009
"UK's Lord Christopher Monckton, a former science advisor to Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, claimed House Democrats have refused to allow him to appear alongside former Vice President Al Gore at high profile global warming hearing on Friday April 24, 2009 at 10am in Washington. Monckton told Climate Depot that the Democrats rescinded his scheduled joint appearance at the House Energy and Commerce hearing on Friday. Monckton said he was informed that he would not be allowed to testify alongside Gore when his plane landed from England Thursday afternoon. “The House Democrats don’t want Gore humiliated, so they slammed the door of the Capitol in my face,” Monckton told Climate Depot in an exclusive interview. “They are cowards.”

I am not surprised, Lord Monckton knows THE FACTS.... Update It seems that somone else had the pleasure of providing The FACTS, see Global Warming– Neocon Newt Gingrich Rips Gore’s ‘Facts’ To Pieces .

UFO Spotted Over Salford Precinct
Salford Star, 23rd April 2009

On Tuesday night a UFO was seen blazing over Salford Precinct at around 10pm. Eye witness, Rachel, has described it as "a bright orange light, like a fire ball moving at a steady space."

Lots of UAP stories across the UK and Scotland.

Harrogate, North Yorkshire– 5 Orange Lights Flying at Speed of Jet Airliner [UK]
UFOINFO, 24 Apr 2009

Widow's UFO Shock [Scotland]
Highland News, 23rd April 2009
"A glowing object in the sky left Joan Morrison gasping in amazement as she looked out of her kitchen window. The Inverness woman had visitors at Burnside Cottage on Tower Brae South last Friday when she went to make a cup of coffee and saw the UFO. "I'm not a sci-fi buff or anything like that but I just couldn't believe what I was seeing," said Mrs Morrison, a 58 year-old widow."

This account sounds very strange to me and I wonder if it had been "edited". Yet "glowing" squares turning into thin lines is more geometry and hyperdimensional perspectives. See also, Pocklington, East Yorkshire– White Light with Red Haze Above It [UK]

Earth Day predictions of 1970. The reason you shouldn’t believe Earth Day predictions of 2009.
I Hate the media News, 22nd April 2009
"For the next 24 hours, the media will assault us with tales of imminent disaster that always accompany the annual Earth Day Doom & Gloom Extravaganza. Ignore them. They'll be wrong. We’re confident in saying that because they’ve always been wrong. And always will be. Need proof? Here are some of the hilarious, spectacularly wrong predictions made on the occasion of Earth Day 1970.[...] "The world has been chilling sharply for about twenty years. If present trends continue, the world will be about four degrees colder for the global mean temperature in 1990, but eleven degrees colder in the year 2000. This is about twice what it would take to put us into an ice age." • Kenneth Watt, Ecologist."

Well the skeptics are also out in force too! It's amazing how many people are refusing to buy into the gloom and doom scenario, this is good news as consciousness levels rise across the world. Also note the reference to 25 Global Warming Debunking Videos Al Gore Doesn't Want You To See.

British scientists study Hawaiian happy face spider
The Telegraph, 22nd April 2009
"The spider, which measures just a few millimetres across, has developed bizarre markings giving the appearance of a smiling face. Scientists think the spider, which has the scientific name Theridion grallator and is harmless to humans, has evolved the patterns to confuse predators. [...]

Dr Geoff Oxford, a spider expert from the University of York, said: "I must admit when I turned over the first leaf and saw one it certainly brought a smile to my face. "There are various theories as to why the spider has developed the markings it has, one of these that it may be to confuse predators."

Happy Evolution!

Is there anyone out there in the 'question mark' galaxy?
Daily Mail, 22nd April 2009
With its unique glowing shape and colours spiralling down to a dot it appears to be begging the question– is anyone out there? This image, taken at a distance of more than 100,000 light years by the Hubble space telescope, shows a group of galaxies interacting with another. It was released today in honour of the 19th anniversary of the telescope's launch.

Brilliant! But I think it looks like a giant fish anchored to a small boat, but I do have a vivid imagination... The designation ARP 194, means it is actually part of Halton Arp's famous Atlas of Peculiar Galaxies [1966], but I imagine that the quality of the image is vastly superior and makes it even more peculiar! It was originally designated an interacting galaxy pair, but now it is most certainly a group of galaxies and as conventional cosmology cannot explain this grouping, it will remain peculiar until astronomers accept that the universe is not dominated by gravity but the electromagnetic force which then allows for greater complexity.

Complex molecules seen in space
BBC News, 21st April 2009
"Astronomers have detected two of the most complex carbon-rich molecules ever found in interstellar space. Their models suggest even more complex await to be discovered, including amino acids– which are essential for life. The results were presented at the European Week of Astronomy and Space Science meeting being held in the UK. Researchers detected the organic molecules in the star-forming region of space known as Sagittarius B2, close to the centre of our galaxy. [...]

The new molecules seem to be "born" in this way, via a series of short steps that build up long-chain molecules. "There is no apparent limit to the size of molecules that can be formed by this process– so there's good reason to expect even more complex organic molecules to be there, if we can detect them," says Robin Garrod, an astrochemist from Cornell University in Ithaca, New York, US. "

Hmmm... Sagittarius B2 is very close to Sagittarius A*, which is the absolute centre of our galaxy, a compact region that contains a theory defying 'weak' black hole and a very powerful radio source called IRS7. This is the region that emits the fierce 'galactic wind' and has erupted 14 times in 6,000 years, discharging evolutionary energies throughout the galaxy. Here scientists are telling us that at the centre of our galaxy there is the creation of complex matter which appears to be born, verifying the ancient beliefs of indigenous cultures that include the Maya that believe the centre of our galaxy is the "Creation Place".

'Catholic Climate Covenant' launched
ReligionBlog, 21st April 2009
"As the nation marks Earth Day, the Catholic community is launching an unprecedented initiative, the Catholic Climate Covenant, to bring together in new ways religious obligations to care for creation and care for "the least of these" as a distinctive Catholic contribution to the climate change debate. Leading national Catholic organizations are calling on Catholic individuals and families, parishes and schools, religious communities, colleges and hospitals and other Catholic organizations to take a unique St. Francis Pledge to Care for Creation and the Poor. [...]

In taking the St Francis Pledge to Care for Creation and the Poor, Catholics promise to:

PRAY and reflect on the duty to care for God's creation and the poor and vulnerable;
LEARN about and educate others on both the reality of climate change and its moral dimensions;
ASSESS their participation--as individuals and organizations--in contributing to climate change (i.e. consumption and conservation);
ACT to change their choices and behaviors contributing to climate change and;
ADVOCATE Catholic principles and priorities in climate change discussions and decisions, especially as they impact the poor and vulnerable.
[...] A new website (, offers concrete help in carrying out the St Francis Pledge with specific ways for Catholics to learn to "tread lightly and act boldly", reducing their own carbon footprint as an expression of solidarity with those most impacted by climate change.

Classic.... See previous comments about the evolution of consciousness and being 'green'.

Vatican to build Europe's largest solar power plant
The Vatican plans to spend €500m building a 100-megawatt solar power plant supplying electricity to 40,000 homes

The Guardian, 21st April 2009
"The Vatican is well versed in conversions, but there probably hasn't been something on this scale since its very own St Paul was on his way to Damascus: the world's smallest country has announced it is to spend €500m (£441m) building Europe's largest solar power plant. Once the 100-megawatt plant opens in 2014, the Vatican will become an electricity exporter to Italy supplying enough power for the needs of 40,000 households. It is latest in a string of pronouncements by the Holy See – or should it now be known as the Holy E? "

Well, the Vatican are very well aware of the fact that traditional electricity supplies are under threat from Space Weather. So I imagine that they will build something that is state-of-the-art to mitigate problems that we could face quite soon. OK, I have never been that positive about the Vatican, but this is a good move, it might encourage a few others to start thinking....

Blair Atholl, Perthshire– Video shows Object to be Diamond in shape
HBCC UFO Research, 21st April 2009
"A very bright fiery red light was seen traveling apparently slowly in a westerly direction. The light was flickering, the object was silent, there was no wind and the sky clear and starry, no moon."

The diamond with flattened edges I think makes this octahedrite shaped. Personally I get must interested in the geometry because it means we are seeing the most "perfect" and divine energies arriving that some metaphysical messages have called diamond flame energy.

Torquay, South Devon– approximately 30 Objects [UK]
World UFOs, 21st April 2009
"From 8:45 to approx 9:00pm, round bright objects appeared in the clear nights sky traveling silently in the same direction form North to South some singularly and some in two's or three's. Approximately 30 in total, disappearing over the sea." See also

England: UFOs spotted over North Cheam [UK]

Mandala Therapy: Anger management method
Times of India, 20th April 2009
"Take a red and roaring emotion like anger. It consumes you, it can even lead to a heart attack. Can you think of a fun and easy way to overcome your anger or express rage in a calm manner? There is one– it's called mandalas. The name originates from the Sanskrit, meaning circle. The circle is your magic space in which there are no rules, in which you alone exist, in which your feelings swirl out in lines and colours. It's a form of art therapy."

Hmmm.... expressing rage in a calm manner..... well, it's never been something that I have been very good at! LOL! However, I am quite pleased with my mandala effort displayed here!

Former astronaut: Extraterrestrial life exists and government is concealing it
CNN, 20th April 2009
"Earth Day may fall later this week, but as far as former NASA astronaut Edgar Mitchell and other UFO enthusiasts are concerned, the real story is happening elsewhere. Mitchell, who was part of the 1971 Apollo 14 moon mission, asserted Monday that extraterrestrial life exists, and that the truth is being concealed by the U.S. and other governments. Mankind has long wondered if we're "alone in the universe. [But] only in our period do we really have evidence.
No, we're not alone," Mitchell said. "Our destiny, in my opinion, and we might as well get started with it, is [to] become a part of the planetary community. ... We should be ready to reach out beyond our planet and beyond our solar system to find out what is really going on out there." [...]

"I urge those who are doubtful: Read the books, read the lore, start to understand what has really been going on. Because there really is no doubt we are being visited," he said. "The universe that we live in is much more wondrous, exciting, complex and far-reaching than we were ever able to know up to this point in time." [...]

Stephen Bassett, head of the Paradigm Research Group (PRG), which hosted the X-Conference, said that the truth about extraterrestrial life is being suppressed because it is politically explosive. "There is a third rail [in American politics], and that is the UFO question. It is many magnitudes more radioactive than Social Security ever dreamed to be," Bassett said."

Quite frankly, governments are in a dilemma as they fear their power will be usurped so I am sure attempts are being made to counteract the obvious transformation that is taking place. Whatever, I have never been that interested in UFOs and extraterrestrials but UAPs are another completely different phenomena and far more interesting. Research suggests that they represent pure consciousness, the primary messaging system used throughout the universe. Hence as 'the veil lifts', we are witnessing the greatest transition in the history of mankind, we are living in truly exciting times.

Woman makes cup of tea after being shot in head
The Telegraph,19th April 2009
"Police and doctors hailed the survival of Tammy Sexton, 47, as miraculous after a bullet from a .38-calibre handgun struck her squarely in the forehead, passed through her skull and exited through the back of her head. She is expected to make a full recovery, while her husband shot himself dead after the attack on his wife. But law enforcement officers in Jackson County, Mississippi, were also astonished that Mrs Sexton offered them tea when they arrived at her home after the shooting."

Obviously, this woman is the representation of the 'Divine Mother', as she can get shot in the head and still offer a cup of tea! LOL!

Meltdown! A solar superstorm could send us back into the dark ages– and one is due in just THREE years
Daily mail, 19th April 2009
"The catastrophe, when it comes, will be beautiful at first. It is a balmy evening in late September 2012. Ever since the sun set, the dimming skies over London have been alive with fire. Pillars of incandescent green writhe like gigantic serpents across the skies. Sheets of orange race across the horizon during the most spectacular display of the aurora borealis seen in southern England for 153 years. And then, 90 seconds later, the lights start to go out. Not the lights in the sky – they will dazzle until dawn – but the lights on the ground. Within an hour, large parts of Britain are without power."

OK, this article is quite apocalyptic but as we now know, quite possible if we get some extreme space Weather. I really don't think the extremes will be before 2012, but the Sun is confusing everybody, so who knows what will happen. However, as the Earth's cosmic environment is rapidly changing and the Earth's magnetic field now dramatically morphing, if we do get a burst of galactic energy in the form of a superwave then that would set the sun off and anything could happen. Practically, the main priority is a clean water supply, so people need to be prepared to filter their own water to give them a chance as power failures will stop water being pumped into homes. It's good that the mainstream are starting to warn people, I feel quite relieved about that. Nevertheless, it must be stated that if we had taken up certain 'alternative' power sources ie energy direct form the EM quantum vacuum, we would not be facing such a huge problem now and we can thank greedy world controllers for their lack of foresight.

Australia: Brisbane, Queensland– Fiery Object Reverses Direction, Goes Back the Way It Came
UFOINFO, 19th April 2009
"Description: Standing out front of my partners parents house admiring his mothers new car in Browns Plains, we noticed an object in the sky, which seemed very bright, a lot brighter than the rest of the sky, it seemed to be travelling in a straight line heading north west, as it got closer it became very bright and looked like it was on fire...

we all freaked out as we thought it was a plane, maybe a huge shooting star. Then it looked like a couple of pieces of it broke off which were fire looking round objects and stayed still in the sky burning so bright you could not miss it. All of a sudden it started moving back in the direction it came from and we finally lost sight of it!!
It was in sight for about five minutes or so, we do have a little footage of it on a mobile phone but not that great..

This account sounds like a few entities were dropped off, so is there a galactic delivery service in operation?

Amazing octopus UFO filmed by child in Brazil, video
All News Web, 19th April 2009
"This amazingly clear video of a shape-shifting UFO was sent in to us by a reader. Allegedly it was filmed in Rio in Brazil by a child but we cannot confirm this. It is certainly a cut above your average UFO video and no one can accuse it of being nothing more than a fuzzy blob of light. The object begins as a ‘jellyfish’ shaped craft and then transforms into an ‘octopus’ UFO (watch the whole video for the full effect)."

Well, if a picture can tell a thousand words, then a video must be worth a million, or something like that... I am currently writing an article about 2012 Galactic cosmology and my reason is to point out what Mayan researchers are claiming as opposed to what genuine modern Mayan Elders have declared. Mayan Elders have emphasised that we are in a period of transition lasting about 25 years, which they also compare to a period of gestation and they tell us that 21st December 2012 will be the official birth of a New World Age dominated by ether or space. Now that the new phenomena of Space Weather has totally vindicated the Maya, we should carefully consider what else has been taking place on this planet for the last 25 years too, that may have gone unnoticed by many. We have been told that during this period, the Earth has been experiencing a purging, cleansing and quickening. The frequency of the planet has risen for sure, as Russian scientists tell us that the EM grid of our planet has been altered and this would suggest the facilatation of higher consciousness for mankind. Indeed, I am even prepared to suggest now that the Schumann Resonances have also probably increased because the height of the ionosphere is one determinant and NASA has admitted that it is "extraordinarily low". I believe that the purging and cleansing relates to a refresh of planetary energies and so we have seen a two-way traffic of plasma entities entering and leaving the Earth. This is becoming more obvious as the 'veil lifts' and people are seeing plasma entities with the naked eye as well as with digital technology. With the increased vibration we are seeing some very strange entities leaving and I compare this to when snakes and worms get out the ground as there is too much electricty for their liking. Hence with the constant bombardment of Earth by an assortment of EM energy and massive blasts of plasma, the Earth is now extremely charged and entities are being forced to leave. This 'Black Octopus' thing looks lost to me as it was flying around but I am sure that another entity would find it and escort it off the planet if this is required. I realised that we were going to see more interdimensional entities and that is why I dedicated my life to informing the world of what was going to happen, because I also realised that the world was not adequately prepared and so there could be some real shock. Now, I think this is unavoidable. By the way, in reviewing my books to write a 2012 article, I came across the Mayan concept of a 'Night Sun' or 'Black Sun', which according to Mayan anthropologists is depicted as a spider like creature with rays. Since the Maya complain that anthropologists "make things up" about the Maya as they don't know how to translate the stelas and inscriptions, it occured to me that it could be something completely different and here we have something similar but clearly interdimensional, as it is clearing morphing in the sky due to how we perceive interdimensional phenomena.

Low sunspot cycle fascinates scientists
Santa Fe New Mexican, 18th April 2009
"Unusual trends– especially astronomical ones– are a great way to cause the public to panic. But for those worried about a strangely long trend of missing sunspots, scientists have a message: Don't expect the sun to change its spots overnight.

Sunspots are dark areas on the sun's surface caused by intense magnetic activity. They indicate a natural sort of churning caused by the rotation of plasma inside the sun. And they are often associated with things like solar flares, mass ejections and other phenomenon indicating increased solar activity. Since 2004, the sun has been in a prolonged period of low sunspot activity, which has led some to fear that the phenomenon could lead to global cooling, a new ice age, the death of the sun or even to the end of the world predicted by the Mayan calendar. [...]

One thing they've learned more about during this low sunspot period is that for astronauts, exposure to galactic cosmic radiation is much worse than exposure to solar flares or other radiation in an active solar period. [...]

"And this minimum, it's not unique yet. We've seen cycles with much lower activity and less sunspots. But the longer it continues the more interesting it is. But that's no reason to panic, yet." "

None of the 20 Mayan calendars predict the end of the world, this is a misconception being promoted by those who use their own interpretations to present the meaning of the calendars, but definitive interpretations can only be the perogative of genuine Mayan Elders. Anyway, the emphasis of this article is to reassure the public to DO NOT PANIC, YET! However, it seems certain that the article was written to point out the reasons for disquiet in certain scientific circles and reveal the helplessness of the establishment who don't like their powerlessness in the face of universal forces, exposed in such an obvious manner.

The amazing self-rolling 'snow bales' that show Mother Nature also likes to play
Daily Mail, 18th April 2009
"But despite claims of alien interference, snow rollers are understood by experts to be an extremely rare naturally occurring phenomenon. They require just the right combination of temperature, humidity, wind speed, terrain and of course, snow."

OK, well I have featured rocks that move on their own and bales of hay that combust whilst wet but even I am surprised by this.

It must be spring! The first of this year's crop circles has been spotted
Daily Mail, 18th April 2009
"Just when you thought crop circles were a thing of the past, the first mysterious formation of 2009 has been spotted.

The intricate pattern measuring approximately 60 ft in diameter was spotted on Tuesday in a remote area near Avebury in Wiltshire. It is made up of two segments of arcs of decreasing size between the concentric inner circles. [...]

The mystery of how crop circles are created has never been solved. Cynics have claimed the patterns are the work of computer scientists using teams of volunteers."

This is interesting, the mainstream press are heralding the first crop circle of the year, talk about how things are quickly changing.... I note that the old farmers Doug and Dave have now been upsurped by computer techies with nothing else better to do.... what a joke!

New Gene Switch Sows Epigenetic Doubts
Wired Science, 17th April 2009
"Once upon a time, researchers knew that DNA contained four nucleotides: A, T, C and G. Then they found a fifth. And now they've found a sixth. Called 5-hydroxymethylcytosine, it's a form of the fifth nucleotide, technically known as 5-methylcytosine. Like its forerunner, it helps turn genes on and off, but in ways that researchers didn't expect.

"I think this finding will electrify the field of epigenetics," said Nathaniel Heintz, a Rockefeller University molecular biologist, in a press release accompanying the findings, published Thursday in Science. Epigenetics, or the study of gene activation, has blossomed since the Human Genome Project's completion in 2004. Controlled by a secondary layer of biochemical information — "epi" means "outside" — genes are turned on and off at different times and places in the body."

Hmmmm... quite a discovery. Biochemicals are just a dance of electromagnetic charges and so it seems more research is needed to resolve whether we are seeing evolution. Whatever, Epigenetics has already blown up the Central Dogma, thus the primacy of DNA has been replaced by the primacy of the environment and human consciousness can effect the activity of genes.

Don't look down: The incredible daredevil who balances on the edge of 1,000ft cliffs
Daily mail, 17th April 2009
"It's the ultimate balancing act – travelling upside-down on a bicycle 1,000 metres above an icy Norwegian fjord, with just a weight dangling below him for stability. This is the latest jaw-dropping trick from extreme artist Eskil Ronningsbakken, who enjoys nothing more than precariously perching on the edge of a clifftop or walking on a tightrope between two hot-air balloons. [...]

Seeing his balancing acts as expressions of art and not stunts, Norwegian Eskil has even bigger plans for the future. He says: 'I dream of balancing on the top of the Burj in Dubai, the tallest building in the world.' Eskil sees his balancing acts as expressions of art and not stunts, and is currently working with a group of 50 like-minded performers in Nairobi in Kenya. No fjords there to criss-cross just 'intimate' work balancing on chairs and bicycles. 'A stunt is something you see in movies, often done with mattresses safety lines or nets,' says Eskil.

'What I do, is draw a picture with vulnerable human beings and their bodies, in the surrounding of mother earth. 'That's the balance between life and death, and that is where life is.' Regardless of his particular philosophy, Eskil has performed and produced feats of endurance that seem to be super-human."

OK, this Norwegian man is encouraging people to think about their balance which is very important as the world faces electromagnetic chaos and with some of the feats demonstrated here, he certainly knows how to get the world's attention... I lived in Norway for 8 years so I can tell you with due respect, these people are tough. Many older people will tell you that downhill skiing is not proper skiing, as it's too easy. So many don't think they have done a proper workout unless they face the challenge of skiing cross country and that means going uphill as well as down, it does not mean skiing on the flat.... I have many tales to tell but no time now.

America reaches for its hanky over Susan Boyle
Telegraph Blogs, 17th April 2009
"At this rate, it's quite possibly Americans will end up shedding more tears over Susan Boyle than over their economy. British reality television usually barely makes a dent across the Atlantic but the US has been swept up in what is widely being called the "Susan Boyle sensation" here. The homely 48-year-old singer's startling performance of I Dreamed A Dream on Britain's Got Talent has been watched more than 15 million times on YouTube, much of that clearly in the US.

So, far we've had the actress Demi Moore and the singer Patti LuPone admitting they cried while Kathie Lee Gifford, host of the CBS Today show, ended up dabbing her eyes with a sock that was meant for a later segment in the show. In a poll by the New York Daily News asking readers if they also cried, 95 per cent say they did. It can only be a matter of time before we get a tear-stained statement from the White House."

The new evolutionary energies are working on many different levels that effect humans physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Many have noticed that we are becoming more emotional and this can be healthy as electromagnetic energy is released and becomes available to support our evolution. Therefore the comment about a White House statement being accompanied by crying, does not sound that unreasonable to me at all. By the way, I am a Susan Boyle fan and I think that many can relate to her life, I know I can. This woman is obviously talented but she is no glamour puss. Not that long ago she was rejected by the local choir, (I assume because her voice would have overpowered the rest) and even though she had entered her local talent show 6 times, she never won. See also 'They called me Susie Simple', but singing superstar Susan Boyle is the one laughing now
I have to say sometimes being too good at what you do and not fitting into a stereotype can just make you a source of envy, jealousy and puzzlement for those who cannot appreciate that nobody is required to fit a mold and we can all make a contribution to the whole. I was deemed "too powerful", as I channelled energy from the Universal Source when energy balancing and therefore ignored by someone who organised events for 'healers' to meet the public in Norway. Quite disappointing.

CO2, EPA, Politics, and all that
Watts Up With That, 17th April 2009
"In a stunning act of political kowtowing, the EPA caved to special interest groups and politics and declared CO2 a "dangerous pollutant", even though it is part of the natural cycle of life. Now the gloves come off and the real fight begins during the 60 day public comment period. If you've never stood up to "consensus" before, now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country. See instructions below for submitting public comment.– Anthony"

See also Making your opinion on CO2 and climate change known to the EPA. I think many people have written books over the centuries about 'the madness of the crowd'.

Shuttle Dodges Space Junk Risk
Wired Science, 17th April 2009
"Despite the recent rash of space-debris problems, the risk that the space shuttle mission to service the Hubble Space Telescope will have a catastrophic collision with space junk and micrometeoroids won't exceed NASA guidelines.

NASA said Thursday the new orbital debris risk for STS-125 had fallen to 1 in 221. A couple of precautionary maneuvers– in particular coming into a lower, less crowded orbit on the 10th day of the mission and using Hubble as a shield– reduced the spaceship's chance of getting hit with a stray paint chip or metal bolt. [...]

It could, however, just be a matter of time before NASA can't outmaneuver the space-debris risk, particularly in the most satellite-crowded orbit, which is several hundred miles above Hubble. "That region of space is already supercritical. Given the amount of debris that was up there, the debris would double in 50 years, even if you didn't launch anything up there." said David Wright, a space security specialist at the Union of Concerned Scientists. "What that says is that debris mitigation isn't enough. We're at the point where we have to do debris remediation and we don't know how to do that."

But at lower orbits, where Hubble and the space station are, we will be able to continue the cat-and-mouse game with tiny pieces of debris, at least for a while. "You certainly can't say that anytime soon, the debris consequences are going to be so high that it's going to keep us out of space," Wright said.

This sounds a lot like bravado in the face of very difficult circumstances. See previous comments.

Police list Jedi as religion after finding force within
It may not be a galaxy far far away, but Strathclycde Police is clearly feeling a disturbance in the Force after eight officers listed their religion as Jedi.
The Telegraph, 16th April 2009
""The Force appears to be strong in Strathclyde Police with their Jedi police officers and staff.

"Far from living a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, some members of the noble Jedi order have now chosen Glasgow and its surrounding streets as their home." A Strathclyde Police spokeswoman said: "At the time of the request, 10 (eight police officers and two police staff) had recorded their religion as Jedi."

The force said the information was provided voluntarily and securely stored. In the 2001 Census for England and Wales around 390,000 people stated Jedi was their religion. Prior to the census, an e-mail was circulated stating that if 10,000 people put Jedi on the census form, it would become a "fully recognised and legal religion". But the Office for National Statistics did not recognise it as a separate category, and incorporated them with the atheists."

LOL!! As I have mentioned before, there is a very well known ex-Vice President who took part in a goverment/military sponsored Jedi program....

Historic disclosure: Brazil's secret Government UFO files revealed
All News Web, 16th April 2009
"In what is a milestone and historic event for Brazilian ufology and for ufologists around the world Brazil's UFO community has gained access to previously classified top-secret UFO files.

The UFO community headed by the CBU or Commission of Brazilian Ufologists has been fighting for access to these files for over a year under freedom of information provisions and has emerged from this battle victorious. The Government has previously released in stages various files on the topic depending on the level of their classification but has now released files on the most significant and highly classified UFO events, including the famous and most coveted file of all: the one pertaining to Brazil's own 'Roswell' incident, 'The Official Night of the UFOs'. [...]

With the Air force and government releasing its UFO files to a group of ufologist and conceding that they don't really understand what the craft involved are and are happy to co-operate to gain an understanding , this event might be the closest any government has come to disclosure. Ufologists around the world will undoubtedly be filled with optimism by these developments."

Another government that has decided to open up their UFO files. Well, the final comment here is interesting and it seems government officials realise there is absolutely no point hiding the truth any longer. Quite frankly, I just can't believe that people with so much power and control don't understand the spiritual implications of what's happening, as the same message has been given to humanity over and over again.

Does the Milky Way Influence Earth's Biodiversity? Research Says "Yes"
Daily Galaxy, 15th April 2009
"Research has revealed that the rise and fall of species on Earth seems to be driven by the undulating motions of our solar system as it travels through the Milky Way. Some scientists believe that this cosmic force may offer the answer to some of the biggest questions in our Earth's biological history—especially where evolution has fallen short. Researchers at the University of California, Berkeley found that marine fossil records show that biodiversity increases and decreases based on a 62-million-year cycle. At least two of the Earth's great mass extinctions-the Permian extinction 250 million years ago and the Ordovician extinction about 450 million years ago-correspond with peaks of this cycle, which can't be explained by evolutionary theory. Early last year, a team of researchers at the University of Kansas came up with an out-of-this-world explanation for the phenomenon. Their idea hinges upon the fact that stars move through space and sometimes rush headlong through galaxies, or approach closely enough to cause a brief cosmic tryst. Our own star moves toward and away from the Milky Way's center, and also up and down through the galactic plane. One complete up-and-down cycle takes 64 million years- suspiciously close to the Earth's biodiversity cycle."

The approximate 62 million year cycle has been established by previous research but the explanation provided here is a new idea. Again our scientists are telling us that life on Earth is very much dependent on cosmic cycles that trigger associated evolutionary change."

Passion for global warming cools in the face of evidence
The Australian, 15th April 2009
"Former believer Paul Sheehan, in The Sydney Morning Herald yesterday, develops a new respect for informed dissent. What I am about to write questions much of what I have written in this space, in numerous columns, over the past five years. The subject of this column is a book entitled Heaven and Earth, written by one of Australia's foremost earth scientists, Ian Plimer. Much of what we have read about climate change, he argues, is rubbish, especially the computer modelling on which much current scientific opinion is based, which he describes as "primitive". "

Interesting, now mainstream newspaper columnists are featuring books by former global warming believers, I would suggest this is a sign that many are reconsidering THE FACTS as opposed to the hype...

Mysterious Object Bombs Earth with Electrons
Russia IC, 14th April 2009
"International research team probably succeeded in detecting traces of “dark matter” particles, which share 25% of energy density in the Universe. Dark matter shows up only through gravity and consists of particles, extremely rare interacting with common matter, but annihilating with release of electrons with enormous energies. [...]

However, this explanation is not the only one – these electrons may also come from a pulsar, a small black hole or former supernova. The ATIC device, unfortunately, cannot tell exact coordinates of the electron source; however, American orbital gamma-telescope “Fermi” will soon do it."

The translation here is worse than ususal but still passable. It looks like the Russians are trying to emphasise the more plausible explanation for the reports of "dark matter" hitting Earth, (see 2nd april article below). Earth being showered by 'strange' energy from a pulsar is very much in line with the concept that there is a massive orchestration of energy taking place to "upgrade" or "re-boot" our planet.

Time to bid adieu to Hubble
Deccan Herald, 14th April 2009
"Next year marks the 20th anniversary of the launch of the Hubble Space Telescope. The Hubble telescope was the source of a fair bit of mirth when it was first launched and was quickly found that the images it was returning to Earth were nowhere near as sharp as had been expected due to its primary mirror being out of shape – by just 1/50th of the width of a human hair as it turned out. The telescope was widely derided as a $2bn "technoturkey". The Hubble's mirror problem was fixed following a space service mission in 1993. Since that time, however, orbiting at 380 miles above the Earth's surface, the telescope has gone on to become one of Nasa’s most successful missions, sending us hundreds of thousands of stunning images of planets, stars, nebulae, galaxies (including galaxies crashing into each other) and much else besides from across the universe.[...]

Scientists, by definition, seek to understand the world as it really is and we all have cause to thank them for their efforts in putting together the standard Big Bang model to help us better understand how the universe came to be. However, we are still no closer to understanding "why". As Stephen Hawking puts it in his Brief History of Time: Why does the universe go to all the bother of existing? Is the unified theory so compelling that it brings about its own existence? It's that perennial philosophical question: why is there something rather than nothing? The theoretical physicist, Paul Davies, offers up the following possibility: "There's no need to invoke anything supernatural in the origins of the universe or of life. I have never liked the idea of divine tinkering. For me it is much more inspiring to believe that a set of mathematical laws can be so clever as to bring all these things into being."

Famous last words.... Our world is being 'upgraded' or reconstructed all around us by universal forces, intelligent cosmic or 'divine' energy that has been flying in to create a new version of Earth. The 'veil is lifting' and reports are dramatically increasing of strange atmospheric phenomena and UFOs that are truly unidentifiable. For those who are aware, there has been some serious 'divine tinkering' taking place over the last two decades and we are witnessing the greatest transition in the history of mankind. Yes there are 'divine laws' that correpond to mathematical concepts but the problem is that humans don't understand all of them yet....

NASA spacecraft show three dimensional anatomy of a solar storm
EurekAlert! / NASA News, 14th April 2009
"Twin NASA spacecraft have provided scientists with their first view of the speed, trajectory, and three-dimensional shape of powerful explosions from the sun known as coronal mass ejections, or CMEs. This new capability will dramatically enhance scientists' ability to predict if and how these solar tsunamis could affect Earth.

When directed toward our planet, these ejections can be breathtakingly beautiful and yet potentially cause damaging effects worldwide. [...] However, ejections can produce a form of solar cosmic rays that can be hazardous to spacecraft, astronauts and technology on Earth.

Space weather produces disturbances in electromagnetic fields on Earth that can induce extreme currents in wires, disrupting power lines and causing wide-spread blackouts. These sun storms can interfere with communications between ground controllers and satellites and with airplane pilots flying near Earth's poles. Radio noise from the storm also can disrupt cell phone service. Space weather has been recognized as causing problems with new technology since the invention of the telegraph in the 19th century. [...]

"Before this unique mission, measurements and the subsequent data of a CME observed near the sun had to wait until the ejections arrived at Earth three to seven days later," said Angelos Vourlidas, a solar physicist at the Naval Research Laboratory in Washington. Vourlidas is a project scientist for the Sun Earth Connection Coronal and Heliospheric Investigation, STEREO's key science instrument suite. "Now we can see a CME from the time it leaves the solar surface until it reaches Earth, and we can reconstruct the event in 3D directly from the images."

These ejections carry billions of tons of plasma into space at thousands of miles per hour. This plasma, which carries with it some of the magnetic field from the corona, can create a large, moving disturbance in space that produces a shock wave. The wave can accelerate some of the surrounding particles to high energies that can produce a form of solar cosmic rays. This process also can create disruptive space weather during and following the CME's interaction with Earth's magnetosphere and upper atmosphere. "

Here we see a new Space Weather system being deployed that will give us more time on Earth to mitigate the possible damage from highly charged solar and cosmic particles that literally "zap" Earth, as NASA have stated in press releases in the past.

Galaxy Formation: Bubble Magnets, 14th April 2009
"Astronomers say that exploding bubbles of magnetic energy might have helped form galaxy clusters.

A little over fifty years ago, before space shuttles, before the Hubble Space Telescope, and before satellite technology, electricity in space was not considered. Because the first teams of space scientists were "steely eyed missile men" with backgrounds in aeronautics and chemical fuel reactions, when evidence for electric current flow around Earth was found it was called a "radiation belt." Although Kristian Birkeland had conducted experiments almost fifty years before the first science package was launched into Earth orbit, electricity remained unfamiliar to researchers conditioned to think in terms of gravity and mass. They had no concept of charged particles generating filamentary structures that could interact and create energetic phenomena– Birkeland's terella research and his study of Earth's aurorae were forgotten."

Due to Space Weather and the build-up of charge in our solar system, there are more and more scientists becoming aware that space is not neutral and despite the attempts to cling on to outdated Cosmology, circumstances are forcing scientists to re-think.

Thousands of dolphins block Somali pirates
Xinhuanet News, 14th April 2009
"BEIJING,– Thousands of dolphins blocked the suspected Somali pirate ships when they were trying to attack Chinese merchant ships passing the Gulf of Aden, the China Radio International reported on Monday.
The Chinese merchant ships escorted by a China's fleet sailed on the Gulf of Aden when they met some suspected pirate ships. Thousands of dolphins suddenly leaped out of water between pirates and merchants when the pirate ships headed for the China's.

The suspected pirates ships stopped and then turned away. The pirates could only lament their littleness befor the vast number of dolphins. The spectacular scene continued for a while. "

Quite an incredible story. Click for the pictures that go with the report.

5 cm. fir tree removed from patient’s lung
Komsomolskaya Pravda, 13th April 2009
Full article: "A five-centimeter fir tree has been found in the lung of a man who complained he had a strong pain in his chest and was coughing blood. The 28-year-old patient, Artyom Sidorkin, came to a hospital in the city of Izhevsk in Central Russia last week, Komsomolskaya Pravda daily reports. Doctors x-rayed his chest and found a tumor in one of the lungs. Suspecting cancer, they made a decision to perform biopsy, but when they cut the tissue, they were amazed to see green needles in the cut.

"I blinked three times, and thought I was seeing things. Then I called the assistant to have a look," says Vladimir Kamashev, doctor at the Udmurtian Cancer Center. The five-centimeter branch was removed from the patient’s body. "They told me my coughing blood was not caused by any disease," Sidorkin says. "It was the needles poking the capillaries. It really hurt a lot. But I never felt like I had an alien object inside of me."

It is obvious that a five-centimeter branch is too large to be inhaled or swallowed, doctors say. They suggest that the patient might have inhaled a small bud, which then started to grow inside his body. Meanwhile, the piece of lung with the little fir tree has been preserved for further study."

Truly bizarre... I know what I think happened but first I want to see how often this phenomena occurs before I comment.

UFO sightings are no joke for Denise
Telegraph & Argus, 12th April 2009
"A fleet of strange glowing orbs seen in the skies above Bradford might boost the district's claim as one of the country's UFO hotspots but some believe the real truth is out there. Sky-watchers in Bradford, Bingley and Keighley have contacted the Telegraph & Argus with reports of up to five red or orange orbs hovering silently in the night sky before quickly disappearing."

Again, lots of UK UFO reports in the mainstream and alternative media. Here we have another British person who believes that five Chinese lanterns can fly and hover in formation, I assure you that unless they are welded together and under remote control this is impossible. See, How to Make Chinese Sky Lanterns, the video is actually quite wonderful. The other thing I find interesting is that it is certain that the UK is a highly multi-cultural society, but all of a sudden the Chinese are setting off chinese lanterns all year round! The explanation given here for sending up a red lantern at death is a terrible insult to the Chinese, as red is a symbol of happiness and the tradition symbolizes the wish for a bright future! See Lantern: Symbol of brightness, love.

By the way, I have sent an article to a couple of UK based metaphysical magazines, explaining that we are seeing "intelligent" plasmas going about their business amongst other information relating to evolutionary change as I thought there maybe some people actually wondering about the implications of some of the recent epic announcements made in the press by NASA et al. There is also the unprecendent request by the Obama administration to 'Evolutionary Leaders' asking about what's going on. Of course, my article is backed up with eye witness reports, scientific research and most important, substantial UK Ministry of Defence disclosure. My only concern is that some publications are not interested in educating their readership and it's more about 'light' entertainment, so we will have to see what happens.

Science unlocks secrets of our deepest love
The mystery of what drives us to offer unconditional love is being unravelled
The Times Online, 12th April 2009
"THE secrets of unconditional love, one of the most mysterious emotions, are being uncovered by scientists tracing the unique brain activity it creates. They have found that the emotion, experienced as a desire to care for another person without any thought of reward, emerges from a complex interplay between seven separate areas of the brain.

Such brain activity has only limited overlap with the cerebral impulses seen in romantic or sexual love, suggesting it should be seen as an entirely separate emotion. Professor Mario Beauregard, of Montreal University's centre for research into neurophysiology and cognition, who led the study, said: "Unconditional love, extended to others without exception, is considered to be one of the highest expressions of spirituality." However, nothing has been known regarding its neural underpinnings until now." Scientists are interested in unconditional love as evolutionary theory suggests we should feel such emotions only for people who help us pass our genes to future generations, such as spouses and children. [...]

In the real world, however, unconditional love is often experienced towards people with whom there is no connection. The question is: why?"

I would be interested to know if this is the same brain wave pattern that is generated by healers and those in the deepest meditation as they align with the carrier wave of the Earth's main Schumann Resonance and therefore gain access to Universal energies. Regardless, the great Cappadocian sage and philosopher Apollonius of Tyana (AD 2– AD 99) who spoke of "holy, trusting love with a heart that beats for humanity", "nature's divine law of truth" and "men and women who utter the highest and the most beneficial truths to their fellow-mortals", reveals the essence that embodies the purest form of "unconditional love".

UFOs include shape-shifting object trailing jet
UFO Examiner, 12th April 2009
"Report: Colorado, April 2, 2009– UFO changed from an organic shape to a triangular shape. My wife and I were flying on Continental airlines from New York To San Diego. I have attached a photo taken 2 minutes before the sighting, I pasted a sequence of drawings of how the UFO changed and it's approximate size at each stage. The view was due north, we were south west of Pike's Peak flying at about 35,000 ft. My wife also saw the UFO, I don't know if anyone else saw the UFO.As soon as I noticed the UFO the plane banked right, away from the object. We were not very close, about 1 to 3 miles by my estimate. When I first saw the object it looked like a four legged octopus hanging in the air, the legs were different sizes.

As the object rotated toward us and the rear pitched up it took on a triangular shape and looked very much like a B2 stealth bomber, but it was straight across the back. The UFO then rolled away from us and yawed with it's nose pointing north. At this point it looked like the rear only was pointing toward our view. Up to this point the object ran parallel to our plane. The changes in apparent size were not related to a change in distance."

Over the last week there have been many reports but nothing different to what has been listed on this blog. I have noted that this particular websites is listing 3/4/5 incidents in one report and I think that reflects the fact that sightings are dramatically increasing. The first story here is interesting because we have another incident like the Empire, Ohio UFO/UAP report which took place October 24 2008, where an "organic" looking entity is associated with a triangular UFO. Thus this entity was being retrieved and airlifted off the planet. However, I am becoming convinced that "black triangles" which are often reported as UFOs are the opening up of magnetic portals or cosmic string. See Tuning the Diamonds: Electromagnetism & Spiritual Evolution page 97 here.

Hurricanes peak a day after lightning
New Scientist, 11th April 2009
"A GLOBAL analysis of lightning during hurricanes has bolstered observations that the worst winds come a day after the bolts strike.

Forecasters struggle to predict peak hurricane winds. So Colin Price of Tel Aviv University in Israel and colleagues studied all category 4 and 5 hurricanes between 2005 and 2007. Out of 58 hurricanes, 56 showed a significant correlation between lightning activity and wind speed, with peak winds arriving 30 hours after the lightning on average."

Our scientists are continuing to acknowledge the role of electromagnetic energy and extreme atmospheric phenomena like hurricanes.

YouTube link: Plasma Cosmology Fundamentals
YouTube, April 2009
YouTube link: Plasma Cosmology Fundamentals

This is 5-part video, (10:00), (09:57),(9:20), 03:03), (09:07). The second– fourth segments describes how Cosmology is dominated by the erroneous Big Bang Theory and we get a nice tutorial about the infamous astronomical Epicycles. The last and fifth segment is about how plasma cosmology can explain the Universe that we can see. Please remember, Plasma/Electric Universe theorists don't believe in Dark Matter and Dark Energy. What's more you won't find references to the electromagnetic quantum vacuum and 'higher' dimensions either. So Plasma/Electric Universe theorists cannot be completely correct. However, now we have extremely detailed observations that clearly detail cosmic features that cannot simply be generated by the weak force of gravity in extremely short periods of time. We also have computer simulations that can help demonstrate that plasma seems to behave in a similar manner, over a very wide range of orders of magnititude (over a trillion fold). What's more, due to the domination of electromagnetic force determined by the mass to charge ratio for sub-atomic particles e.g. the repulsive force between two protons is 36 orders of magnetitude (1036 larger than the force of gravitational attraction and the repulsive force between two electrons is 42 orders of magnetitude (1042 larger than the force of gravitational attraction, we have to accept that the Electromagnetic Force rules the visible Universe which is 99.999% plasma. This is now becoming apparent as scientists are now engaged in desperately trying to understand the new atmospheric/geological/geomagnetic phenomena associated with Space Weather and the downpour of evolutionary energies which includes plasma.

Four bell-shaped UFOs appear in Maryland photo
The UFO Examiner, 10th April 2009
"A Maryland witness is reporting some odd bell-shaped objects in the sky that appeared in a photo taken April 5, according to a report filed with the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) database. Three of the objects were silver, the witness stated, and one was black. The witness said he did not observe these objects with the naked eye, but only discovered them after browsing the images later.

Apparently, bell-shaped UFOs only appear occasionally in UFO reports, but after thinking about this for a while I have decided to rename these "The Daleks" and to wish them a speedy farewell! LOL!!

Climate change 'own goal': Laws to combat acid rain are DRIVING Arctic warming, claims Nasa
Daily Mail, 10th April 2009
"The latest research from Nasa suggests laws created to preserve the environment are causing much of the damage. Legislation to improve air quality and cut acid rain has accounted for a shocking half of Arctic warming over the past three decades, the space agency reports.

Climate scientist Drew Shindell of the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies in New York found that declines in solid 'aerosol' particles brought in under laws to improve air quality likely triggered 45 per cent of temperature rises. Aerosols– including the man-made particles sulfates and soot– have a direct impact on climate change by reflecting and absorbing the sun's radiation, Nasa explains. But laws brought in by the U.S. and European countries over the past three decades have slashed emissions of sulfates, and with them atmospheric cooling. The revelation shakes the theory that greenhouse gases, in particular carbon dioxide, are the main problem in the fight to steady the planet's climate." Shindell said: 'There's a tendency to think of aerosols as small players, but they're not. Right now, in the mid-latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere and in the Arctic, the impact of aerosols is just as strong as that of greenhouse gases. 'We will have very little leverage over climate in the next couple of decades if we're just looking at carbon dioxide. 'If we want to stop the Arctic summer sea ice from melting completely over the next few decades, we're much better off looking at aerosols and ozone.'

Talk about the tide turning.... In reality with the strange behaviour of the Sun and the possibility of severe global cooling, it seems efforts are being made by scientists eager to jump off the CO2 is causing global warming bandwagon. The other thought is that this is just another argument for more severe action in the form of geo-engineering. Obviously though, this has nothing to do with global warming and everything to do with protecting Earth from Space Weather.

STEREO Hunts for Remains of an Ancient Planet near Earth
NASA News, 9th April 2009
"NASA's twin STEREO probes are entering a mysterious region of space to look for remains of an ancient planet which once orbited the Sun not far from Earth. If they find anything, it could solve a major puzzle--the origin of the Moon.

"The name of the planet is Theia," says Mike Kaiser, STEREO project scientist at the Goddard Space Flight Center. "It's a hypothetical world. We've never actually seen it, but some researchers believe it existed 4.5 billion years ago—and that it collided with Earth to form the Moon.""

Off topic. See review of successful predictions supporting the Exploded Planet Hypothesis written by the respected astronomer Tom Van Flandern, Meta Research, The Exploded Planet Hypothesis 2000.

Edge of Space Found
Yahoo News, 9th April 2009
"Scientists have finally pinpointed the so-called edge of space — the boundary between Earth's atmosphere and outer space. With data from a new instrument developed by scientists at the University of Calgary, scientists confirmed that space begins 73 miles (118 kilometers) above Earth's surface. A lot remains very fuzzy, however, as the boundary is surrounded by a host of misconceptions and confusing, conflicting definitions. [...]

"It's only the second time that direct measurements of charged particle flows have been made in this region, and the first time all the ingredients – such as the upper atmospheric winds – have been included," says project scientist David Knudsen of the University of Calgary. The instrument was carried by the JOULE-II rocket on Jan. 19, 2007. It traveled to an altitude of about 124 miles (200 kilometers) above sea level and collected data for the five minutes it was moving through the "edge of space."

The finding, detailed in the Journal of Geophysical Research on April 7, could aid the study of space weather and its impacts on Earth. The data "allows us to calculate energy flows into the Earth's atmosphere that ultimately may be able to help us understand the interaction between space and our environment," Knudsen said. "That could mean a greater understanding of the link between sunspots and the warming and cooling of the Earth's climate as well as how space weather impacts satellites, communications, navigation, and power systems."

Another report that tells us scientists are researching how Space Weather impacts the Earth's climate.

Catlin Arctic Team in Peril?
Talking About The Weather, 9th April 2009
"The three-person team of British explorers on the Arctic ice cap may or may not be in danger, depending upon which of the team's representatives back at headquarters in London is doing the talking.

Martin Hartley, Pen Hadow, and Ann Daniels have been on a “scientific” mission to measure sea ice thickness that is routinely measured by satellite and buoys. Unfortunately, just about all of their equipment failed as soon as the team got onto the ice, due to what the BBC has reported as unexpected wind chill values as low as minus 70 degrees Celsius."

Well, this is an obvious "global warming" publicity stunt that has gone seriously wrong. So, one has to consider why this venture has not been abandoned and the possibility that paymasters are looking for martyrs.

Obama Science Chief Exposes The Fallacy Of Global Warming
AccuWeather Blog, 8th April 2009
"It is almost inconceivable that something this shallow in thinking could come from someone trying to convince you that co2 is responsible for the ills of our world. First of all, over the past 30-40 years, we have cleaned the air so much of pollutants that there are very few smog days here in the US. Billions have been spent over decades cleaning So2 out of the air. Now we want to put it back into the air to facilitate global cooling? What does this mean. That if we had left it there in the first place, we wouldnt have the problem that we do. Now let me explain to you how stupid, and that is the only word for this, this reasoning is."

I imagine there will be a similar reaction by many who understand the fallacy of global warming. Yet, how many have worked out that the problem has nothing to do with global temperatures but lots to do with Space Weather changing our climate with a myriad of effects. Massive volcanic erruptions produce lots of SO2 and have been proven to reduced temperatures in the past. Climate models predict that the Earth will self-regulate and volcanic erruptions will cool Earth but the consequences of a blocked out Sun on food production could be dire for humanity.

'UFO' over Whitehaven [UK]
Whitehaven News, 8th April 2009
"An unidentified flying object was spotted in the night sky above Whitehaven Rugby League Club last Saturday. Trevor Palmer, who runs Ultimate Sounds mobile disco, was holding a charity race night at the venue when he and another man went outside at 8.45pm. As they were chatting, Trevor looked up and saw five orange orbs all moving in a perfect 'W' formulation. "There was no explanation for it," he said. "The lights were about 400-500ft in the sky, evenly spaced and there wasn't any noise." He said there wasn't any wind and the lights were moving at speed, which could eliminate Chinese lanterns as an explanation.

Well, this eye-witness was careful enough to stop someone suggesting Chinese lanterns by specifying wind conditions and therefore trying to rubbish his statement.

Scientists capture volcano’s lightning
Electrical discharges mapped inside Mount Redoubt's clouds of ash

MSNBC News, 8th April 2009
"For the first time, scientists have been able to "see" and trace lightning inside a plume of ash spewing from an actively erupting volcano. When Alaska's Mount Redoubt volcano began rumbling back to life in January, a team of researchers scrambled to set up a system called a Lightning Mapping Array that would be able to peer through the dust and gas of any eruption that occurred to the lightning storm happening within. Lightning is known to flash in the tumultuous clouds belched out during volcanic eruptions.

The lightning produced when Redoubt finally erupted on March 22 was "prolific," said physicist Paul Krehbiel of New Mexico Tech. "The lightning activity was as strong or stronger than we have seen in large Midwestern thunderstorms," Krehbiel said. "The radio frequency noise was so strong and continuous that people living in the area would not have been able to watch broadcast VHF television stations."

Lightning mapping arrays are increasingly being used by meteorologists to issue weather warnings, but have only been deployed at volcanoes twice before. [...] The eruptions that continued to occur on March 22 and 23 provided plenty of data, and the arrays returned dramatic information about the electricity created within volcanic plumes, and the resulting lightning.

Redoubt has erupted several times since its initial eruption on March 22. "The data will allow us to better understand the electrical charge structure inside a volcanic plume," said scientist Ron Thomas of New Mexico Tech. "That should help us learn how the plume is becoming electrified, and how it evolves over time."
A recent study in the journal Nature found that volcanic plumes spin like tornadic thunderstorms, a finding that helps to explain the lightning storms as well as the waterspouts and dust devils produced by some volcanic plumes. "

I have not been paying much attention to this story but Scientists are providing more evidence of the electrical circuitry that links Earth to the cosmos. As we can see in this report, the most up to date research reveals volcanic and earthquake activity are a good proxy for electrical activity around Earth.

Has the climate recently shifted?
World Climate Report, 8th April 2009
""Has the climate recently shifted?" is the title of a just-published paper in Geophysical Research Letters by researchers Kyle Swanson and Anastasios Tsonis from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. Their examination of this topic was undoubtedly prompted by the recent behavior of global temperature which shows that the rate of warming has dramatically slowed during the past 7-12 years. [...] the authors think that they have identified another in a string of break points that signal a change in the general state of the earth's climate."

Expert opinion here at World Climate Report, note the conclusion, "The most important lesson of all that should be drawn from the work of Swanson and Tsonis is that the modeling community still has some important work to do, not only for projecting the future, but also for properly replicating the past. And until they can do the latter, they have no business even attempting the former."

Obama looks at climate engineering
Breitbart News, 8th April 2009
"The president's new science adviser said Wednesday that global warming is so dire, the Obama administration is discussing radical technologies to cool Earth's air. John Holdren told The Associated Press in his first interview since being confirmed last month that the idea of geoengineering the climate is being discussed. One such extreme option includes shooting pollution particles into the upper atmosphere to reflect the sun's rays. Holdren said such an experimental measure would only be used as a last resort."

Well, when the trend for global temperatures is DOWN but the desperation to fight something that appears non-existent is UP then the more rational must suspect that something else is causing some real anxiety. Since, NASA have informed the world that we are losing the shielding around our solar system and around our planet, I would have thought this would be a good enough reason for panic by those who don't understand that we are facing evolutionary change. What's more, there are more than a few that have noted the existence of 'weather planes' that create "chem trails". Personally, with the massive build up of evolutionary energies from galactic sources, authorities are just wasting their efforts. We are facing universal forces and the biblical "judgement".

Modern life's pressures may be hastening human evolution
McClatchy Newspapers, 8th April 2009
"We're not finished yet. Even today, scientists say that human beings are continuing to evolve as our genes respond to rapid changes in the world around us. In fact, the pressures of modern life may be speeding up the pace of human evolution, some anthropologists think.

Their view contradicts the widespread 20th-century assumption that modern medical practice, antibiotics, better diet and other advances would protect people from the perils and stresses that drive evolutionary change.

Nowadays, the idea that "human evolution is a continuing process is widely accepted among anthropologists," said Robert Wald Sussman , the editor of the Yearbook of Physical Anthropology at Washington University in St. Louis .

It's even conceivable, he said, that our genes eventually will change enough to create an entirely new human species, one no longer able to breed with our own species, Homo sapiens.

"Someday in the far distant future, enough genetic changes might have occurred so that future populations could not interbreed with the current one,"
Sussman said in an e-mail message.

The still-controversial concept of "ongoing evolution" was much discussed last week at the annual meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists in Chicago.

It's also the topic of a new book, The 10,000 Year Explosion,' by anthropologists Henry Harpending and Gregory Cochran of the University of Utah , Salt Lake City .

"For most of the last century, the received wisdom in the social sciences has been that human evolution stopped a long time ago,'' Harpending said. "Clearly, received wisdom is wrong, and human evolution has continued.'' In their book, the Utah anthropologists contend that "human evolution has accelerated in the past 10,000 years, rather than slowing or stopping. . . . The pace has been so rapid that humans have changed significantly in body and mind over recorded history.''

According to our scientists, human evolution is an ongoing process and metaphysical sources suggest we can expect rapid evolutionary changes that will be physical. Some researchers have already noted physical changes in 'super psychic' children, but I think the physical changes could be far more dramatic.

Madness in Canada: Joyriding pilot 'wanted to be shot down' by F16s
Times Online, 8th April 2009
""Suicide by cop" is a well known phenomenon. But suicide by fighter jet? A man who stole a Cessna light aircraft in Canada and flew it erratically across three American states was hoping to be shot down by the US Air Force, the state trooper who arrested him said today.

Adam Dylan Leon, 31, stole the plane from a flight school Thunder Bay airport in Ontario at 2.30pm yesterday and entered US airspace an hour later. Two F16 fighter jets were scrambled to intercept him at the Michigan-Wisconsin border but he refused to respond to their commands to land, and the chase continued over Michigan, Wisconsin and Illinois.

I think the US Air Force can take great credit for NOT shooting down a plane piloted by a suicidal depressive. However, it seems that no matter how depressed this person was, his mind could not have been completely impaired as he did think of quite an inventive method for his demise.

Council calls in 'ghostbusters'
Ananova News, 8th April 2009
"Liverpool City Council has called in experts to study CCTV footage which appears to show a ghost in the grounds of Croxteth Hall. Jason Karl, among ghost specialists drafted in to investigate, described the CCTV evidence as "intriguing", reports the Daily Telegraph. He said: "Video footage of phantoms is very rare, and if this stands up to scrutiny it could be a very important piece of spectral evidence for the worldwide community of paranormal enthusiasts."

The ghost stories are coming in thick and fast as the 'veil lifts'.See image at the Telegraph version of this story, Ghostly figure could be Grand National earl

Pure rubbish: Christopher Booker Prize 2009
The Guardian, 7th April 2009
"Nominate any single article, statement, lecture, film or interview which you think misrepresents or distorts information about climate change. This work must be available online. One point is given for every mistake made in our opinion, though one point will be deducted for every retraction or correction published by the author or the original outlet within a reasonable period of time. Please use the field below to make your nominations and remember to add a link to the specific article. Nominations will remain open until 31 December 2009. There are no prizes for readers nominating pieces for the Christopher Booker prize."

I think there will be plenty of entries....

Scientists Race to Prevent 'Catastrophic Disaster' in Space
Fox News, 7th April 2009
"Kaplan, now a senior researcher in the space department at the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory in Laurel, Md., has been figuring out how to bring down objects from space. That makes him one of a few dozen scientists feverishly trying to prevent what he calls a "coming catastrophic disaster" — a collision between a manned spacecraft and orbital debris, or space junk, thousands of pieces of which are zooming at thousands of miles per hour 300 to 800 miles above the Earth, ready to take out anything in their paths. [...]

Experts are saying we could expect a crash every couple of years, but this is an educated guess," says Michael Krepon, co-founder of The Henry L. Stimson Center, a Washington-based think tank that focuses on security concerns. "We really don't know the scale of the problem — we just know that we've already done serious damage to a zone of space that's essential to our security." Our fast-paced, hyperlinked world could not exist without orbital relays; everything from phone calls to GPS devices to banking transfers needs satellites to work.

Even more damaging to satellites, and the enormous potential of the commercial development of space overall, could be a ground-based threat — crippling lawsuits over orbital-debris collisions.

"Liability claims killed the private aviation industry," says Peter Diamandis, founder and chairman of the X Prize Foundation, which sponsors contests and awards for private space ventures and innovation. "In space, we're going to be dealing with 'Your satellite killed my satellite' claims. It's going to be a mess." No ... it's a mess already."

Well, now that scientists are talking in terms of a "'Catastrophic Disaster' in Space", I feel that my stance on Space Weather has been proven correct. My vindication is especially pertinent after my dealings with a so-called 2012 'expert' who could not see how the prediction 'A New Age dominated by Space' by GENUINE Mayan Elder, Carlos Barrios was related to Space Weather. In fact I have an email that states, "Space Weather does not sound like a Mayan Prophecy". I suppose NASA were suppose to call the build up of evolutionary energies around the Earth, 'Quetzalcoatl' Weather.

New cosmic map reveals colossal structures
New Scientist, 6th April 2009
"Enormous cosmic voids and giant concentrations of matter have been observed in a new galaxy survey, one of the biggest completed so far. One of the voids is so large that it is difficult to explain where it came from.

Called the Six Degree Field Galaxy Survey (6dFGS), the project scanned 41% of the sky, measuring positions and distances for 110,000 galaxies within 2 billion light years of Earth. No previous survey has covered as much of the sky at such a distance. The Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS), which is based in the northern hemisphere, has probed about twice as far but covers only 23% of the sky. [...]

But the finite time available since the big bang makes it difficult to explain a void as large as the one found in this survey (other researchers, however, say galaxy maps already hint at the existence of such large-scale structures). "It's not easy to make voids that large in any of the current models of large scale structure formation," Huchra says."

The only way to understand massive cosmic voids and huge structures of matter is to dispense with cosmology that is fundamentally wrong and to adopt theories that take into account the visible universe is 99.999% plasma, strongly influenced by electromagnetic forces. See YouTube video in 5 segments, YouTube link: Plasma Cosmology Fundamentals

UFO spotted in South Harrow [UK]
Harrow Observer, 6th April 2009
"A mysterious light in the skies above South Harrow has been captured on film by an amateur photographer. The unidentified flying object appeared through the clouds at about 7.45pm on March 31 and was snapped by computer network engineer Ahmad Zaigham. Mr Zaigham posted the picture on website Flickr where he said that he had spotted the alien ship out his window. He said: "The light coming from this thing is something I have never seen the like. I don't think any aircraft has a light like this."

Well, since it's been classified here as "unidentified", I will state I think it's another "Unidentified Aerial Phenomena" or UAP, another plasma entity leaving the planet. My reasons are there is nothing that remotely looks like a metallic spacecraft and the brightness is comparable to that associated with orbs. Since the UK ministry of Defence have advised pilots to not even bother to try and chase these things, we are waiting for the academic community to wake up and start doing some serious analysis.

Security cameras clue to fireball
Security cameras in Northern Ireland may shed some light on the cause of a massive fireball in the sky on Sunday.

BBC News, 6th April 2009
"Security cameras in Northern Ireland may shed some light on the cause of a massive fireball in the sky on Sunday. The shooting star was reported at about 1230 BST by people living as far apart as Donegal and Cork. David Moore chairman of Astronomy Ireland said they were fairly certain it was a rock from space which could have landed somewhere in Ireland."

Another 'massive' fireball. It's interesting to speculate how bad this is going to get, but I am sure we will find out soon as things appear to be dramatically escalating.

Hen lays green eggs
Annanova News, 6th April 2009
Full story: "A Croatian poultry farmer is doing a cracking Easter trade in naturally-laid green-coloured eggs. Stipa Gregacevic was astonished when his prize hen Fata began laying coloured eggs at the family farm in Forkusevci. "I can't really explain why it happens," said Stipa. "Some say it might be because we put red pepper in the hen food." And Stipa says customers are happy to shell out twice the going rate for normal eggs to buy a carton of his coloured specials. "We're an organic farm and we're always being told to be more Green but I don't think this is what the scientists have in mind," he added."

Hmmm... why do chickens need red pepper in their food? Whatever, it gets added as another example of the continuing bizareness.

Italian earthquake: expert's warnings were dismissed as scaremongering
The Telegraph, 6th April 2009
"An Italian scientist, Giampaolo Giuliani, predicted the earthquake which has killed at least 90 people in the Abruzzo region but he was reported to the police for scaremongering, it has emerged. Mr Giuliani told locals to evacuate their houses and posted a video on YouTube in which he said a build-up of radon gas around the seismically active area suggested a major earthquake was imminent.

Several tremors had been felt in the medieval city of L'Aquila, around 60 miles east of Rome, from mid-January onwards, and vans with loudspeakers had driven around the city spreading the warning. But instead of heeding Mr Giuliani's warnings, the local authorities reported him to police for "spreading alarm" and he was told to remove his findings from the internet. [...]

Even after the devastating earthquake, the head of Italy's National Geophysics Institute, Enzo Boschi, dismissed Mr Giuliani's predictions."Every time there is an earthquake there are people who claim to have predicted it," he said. "As far as I know nobody predicted this earthquake with precision. It is not possible to predict earthquakes."

Sadly it seems that the Abruzzo region was vulnerable and regardless of whether the final trigger was driven by cosmic factors, it seems that authorities are not interested in scientists acting unilaterally to potentially save lives. At least Mr Giuliani will have a clear consciousness and that he can be considered as someone who tried to make a difference in the face of other's apathy. Whatever, I have to disagree with the head of Italy's National Geophysics Institute, Enzo Boschi, who does not even seem informed about the latest research in his own field. As I have noted on this blog, Russian and American scientists amongst others are using satellite technology to detect low frequency emissions, precursors to earthquakes that generate a range of phenomena that occur in a range of days, hours and minutes before a major earthquake. Thus we find reported on exactly the same day, Taiwan scientist claims breakthrough in earthquake early warning, "According to the China Times, Wu has submitted his findings to the Geophysical Research Letters, and his research has attracted attention from many countries including Japan, South Korea and from the Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre. Taiwan's Seismological Observation Centre said it will not adopt Wu's method until the accuracy of his earthquake early-warning can be proven, the paper said."

Death toll in Italy earthquake rises to above 90
Times Online, 6th April 2009
"More than 90 people are now feared to have died in the massive earthquake that struck the city of L'Aquila in the mountainous Abruzzo region of Italy early this morning. Silvio Berlusconi, the Italian Prime Minister, said that a further 1,500 people had been wounded and an as yet unknown number – possibly as many as 50,000 – left homeless.

He urged residents to stay away from their damaged homes and to visit friends or relatives while teams of surveyors worked out which buildings were safe."

Maybe this is related to an energetic outburst from the galactic core, we will only know for sure if there is the detection of a gamma ray burst in the next day or so. UpdateGamma Ray Bursts Recorded Here So far, nothing extraordinary has been recorded.

Bzzt! Welcome to the dark ages
Watts Up With That, 5th April 2009
"Yesterday's missile launch from nuclear power North Korea raised particular concern in the military, due to the possibility of EMP (Electromagnetic Pulse) attack. Almost every piece of technology in our lives is dependent on semiconductors, which contain circuitry that is extremely vulnerable to electromagnetic pulses. From the Federation of American Scientists:
The pulse can easily span continent-sized areas, and this radiation can affect systems on land, sea, and air. The first recorded EMP incident accompanied a high-altitude nuclear test over the South Pacific and resulted in power system failures as far away as Hawaii. A large device detonated at 400-500 km over Kansas would affect all of CONUS. The signal from such an event extends to the visual horizon as seen from the burst point."
[...] The US and Russia conducted many nuclear detonations at high altitude prior to 1962, but the integrated circuit had not yet been invented. Some experts believe that an effective EMP attack would send the US and/or Europe instantly back to the dark ages. Civilian planes could lose control and fall from the sky, and cars made since 1980 might instantly and permanently lose steering, engine and brake control. Many phones, computers and Internet switches would become permanently disabled. Newt Gingrich spoke about the danger on Fox News this morning."

I have to say that the timing of this media speculation is really interesting. So now that we seem to be under a cosmic bombardment, the U.S. military have decided to explain it away as poverty stricken North Korea's attempts at launching a satellite! This suggests to me that an EMP pulse from cosmic sources is now being seriously considered. Please note the more informed commentators on this forum CodeTech (18:52:47): , "Once again, an interesting article heavy with hyperbole and low on facts… but entertaining all the same." We also find that if you are worried about your computer Tom in Texas (19:25:39): says, "There are also low tech actions that can be used during periods of high threat for isolated systems like PC's, such as unplugging them and placing them in a low EM environment like a shielded container or wrapping them with layers of aluminum foil…"

Mass Extinctions, Ancient Viruses May Hold Clues to Life’s Origins, 3rd April 2009
"Mass extinctions occur repeatedly, though irregularly, throughout Earth's history, and occasionally these extinctions have been devastating to life on our planet– or have they? Extinction events have sometimes accelerated the evolution of life on earth by eliminating old dominating species and making room for new ones. A new study takes this idea a step further, showing that life may have never achieved the complexity necessary for the development of advanced multi-cellular organisms without recurring extinction events."

It's interesting to think that we are on the verge of a mass upgrade of humanity and that the rich and powerful won't have any influence over the process in any way, 'human' dinosaurs without the ability to evolve will be gone. Bribery and corruption won't be helpful in this process either!

Piglet has two mouths and three eyes
Ananova News, 3rd April 2009
"A Chinese farmer was shocked when one of his new piglets was born with three eyes and two mouths. The piglet was among eight newborn piglets at Liu Dingsheng's farm in Chongren County, Zhejiang province. The piglet was among eight newborn piglets at Liu Dingsheng's farm in Chongren County, Zhejiang province.

"We were shocked to see such a weird looking creature," said Liu, "I don't really know what to do with it." Liu told People's Daily that the mother was a four-year-old sow which was completely healthy and normal. A local vet said the abnormality may have been caused by genetic mutation or feed pollution. As the world's fastest developing industrial nation, China suffers heavily from environmental pollution."

China is fast becoming the no. 1 showcase for electromagnetic 'chaos' in the world.

Jupiter's Stormy Great Red Spot is Shrinking
CNN, 3rd April 2009
"NASA's Cassini spacecraft photographed Jupiter and its Great Red Spot, seen center near the equator, in 2000.

Everything about Jupiter is super-sized, including its colorful, turbulent atmosphere. But there's fresh evidence that one of the planet's most recognizable features, the Great Red Spot, is shrinking. The spot, which is actually an ancient monster storm that measures about three Earths across, lost 15 percent of its diameter between 1996 and 2006, scientists at the University of California, Berkeley, have found."

More proof that rapid evolutionary changes are occuring solar system wide. In May 2008, it was reported, Jupiter: Turbulent Storms May Be Sign Of Global Climate Change "The first images of Jupiter since it came out from behind the sun show that the turbulence and storms that have plagued the planet for the past two years continue. Whether or not this is a sign of global warming, the turbulence does seem to be spawning new spots. As Red Spot Jr. and the Great Red Spot approach a June conjunction, a new third spot may merge with the GRS in August." I note that the spot next to the Great Red Spot is possibly 'Red Spot Jr. but it has gone pale and grown quite large. As I have noted before, the changes to the planets in our solar system are so rapid it's quite hard to keep up as there is so much happening elsewhere.

US Navy Physicist warns of possibly 'several decades of crushing cold temperatures and global famine'
By Retired U.S. Navy Physicist and Engineer James A. Marusek
Ice Age Now, 2nd April 2009
"Excerpts: "The sun has gone very quiet as it transitions to Solar Cycle 24.

"Since the current transition now exceeds 568 spotless days, it is becoming clear that sun has undergone a state change. It is now evident that the Grand Maxima state that has persisted during most of the 20th century has come to an abrupt end.

"(The sun) might (1) revert to the old solar cycles or (2) the sun might go even quieter into a "Dalton Minimum" or a Grand Minima such as the "Maunder Minimum". It is still a little early to predict which way it will swing. Each of these two possibilities holds a great threat to our nation.

"We are now at a crossroad. Two paths lie before us. Both are marked with a signpost that reads "Danger"! Down one path lies monstrous solar storms. Down the other path lies several decades of crushing cold temperatures and global famine.

"Climate change is primarily driven by nature. It has been true in the days of my father and his father and all those that came before us. Because of science, not junk science, we have slowly uncovered some of the fundamental mysteries of nature. Our Milky Way galaxy is awash with cosmic rays. These are high speed charged particles that originate from exploding stars.

"Because they are charged, their travel is strongly influenced by magnetic fields. Our sun produces a magnetic field wrapped in the solar winds that extends to the edges of our solar system. This field deflects many of the cosmic rays away from Earth. But when the sun goes quiet (minimal sunspots), this field collapses inward allowing high energy cosmic rays to penetrate deeper into our solar system. As I say in Magnetic Reversals and Evolutionary Leaps, these same cosmic rays can lead to mutations and evolutionary leaps.

"As a result, far greater numbers collide with Earth and penetrate down into the lower atmosphere where they ionize small particles of moisture (humidity) forming them into water droplets that become clouds. Low level clouds reflect sunlight back into space. An increase in Earth's cloud cover produce a global drop in temperature.

"If the sun becomes quieter than the old solar cycles, producing more than 1028 spotless days, then we might slip into a Dalton Minimum or maybe even a Grand Minima such as the Maunder Minimum. This solar state will last for decades. Several solar scientist have predicted this will begin in Solar Cycle 25, about a decade from now. But a few have predicted this will occur now in Solar Cycle 24."

Metaphysical sources suggest that we are initially facing the "monstrous storms" and as our world relies on a technological infrastructure that does not take into account the effects of massive geomagnetic storms, the extreme Space Weather scenario as outlined in the NAS [US National Academy of Sciences] report must be seriously considered.

Does a Shower of Subatomic Positrons Mean We've Found Dark Matter?
Discover Magazine, 2nd April 2009
"The mysterious stuff known as dark matter may have left a calling card at the edge of the Earth's atmosphere where a space-faring satellite named PAMELA could pick it up. Researchers are reporting that PAMELA detected a high number of the subatomic particles called positrons, the positively-charged counterpoints to electrons, which could have been created by collisions between dark matter particles.

"PAMELA found a number of positrons much higher than expected," the mission's principal investigator Piergiorgio Picozza [said]. "Many think this could be a signal from dark matter" []. But of course, others think there's a more mundane explanation. [...] PAMELA found an unexpected amount of high-energy positrons, and say that there are only two likely sources for these particles: dark matter collisions, or the dense, spinning stars known as pulsars that emit beams of radiation."

OK, sub-atomic particles or plasma are from the 'mysterious' ocean that we call the electromagnetic quantum vacuum or the old fashion ether amongst many different names for the invisible background radiation that underpins our reality. It is incorrect to refer to this as zero-point energy because strictly this only applies to flux of particles that appear and disappear in our reality and are infact the attempts of the ether to create electrons and protons. Now the easiest way to explain positrons is that scientists are all fishing in this strange ocean and they keep finding different fish or sometimes the same fish but they call them different names until someone points out the similarities. The fish from this 'mysterious' ocean has been called 'dark matter' and as the article states, "It cannot be observed directly, so researchers have to study its effects on normal matter to try to deduce what it's made of." Quite frankly, this article is telling us that the Earth is receiving an abundance of energy that is not normally detected and if we continue with the fish analogy, scientists are seeing more of a certain type of 'strange and mysterious' fish than they would expect!

Australia's once-in-a-century deluge worsens floods
BBC News, 2nd April 2009
"Floods described as a once-in-a-century deluge have left thousands stranded or isolated on Australia's east coast. Nearly 4,000 people may remain cut off until the weekend, and emergency crews are conducting food and supply drops. In Queensland, heavy rains and strong winds led to flash floods, blocking roads and causing widespread blackouts. More storms have been forecast. Meanwhile, four areas have been declared disaster zones, with some 70cm (27.6in) of rain recorded in 48 hours."

Australia seems to have gone from severe drought to historic levels of flooding in only about two years!

In Search of the Black Swans
Physics World, 1st April 2009
"This is how discovery works: returns on research investment do not arrive steadily and predictably, but erratically and unpredictably, in a manner akin to intellectual earthquakes. Indeed, this idea seems to be more than merely qualitative. Data on human innovation, whether in basic science or technology or business, show that developments emerge from an erratic process with wild unpredictability.

For example, as physicist Didier Sornette of the ETH in Zurich and colleagues showed a few years ago, the statistics describing the gross revenues of Hollywood movies over the past 20 years does not follow normal statistics but a power-law curve– closely resembling the famous Gutenberg– Richter law for earthquakes– with a long tail for high-revenue films. A similar pattern describes the financial returns on new drugs produced by the bio-tech industry, on royalties on patents granted to universities, or stock-market returns from hi-tech start-ups.

What we know of processes with power-law dynamics is that the largest events are hugely disproportionate in their consequences. In the metaphor of Nassim Nicholas Taleb's 2007 best seller The Black Swan, it is not the normal events, the mundane and expected "white swans" that matter the most, but the outliers, the completely unexpected "black swans"."

I love the concept of "Black Swans" and I am thrilled to see this article. The evolution of consciousness means "the old ways" are losing their efficacy and new more evolved ways to do business are required.

Doctors confirm woman's imaginary third arm, 1st April 2009
"A 64-year-old woman has reported to doctors at Geneva University Hospital the presence of a pale, milky-white and translucent third arm. After examining the case, the woman's neurologist, Asaid Khateb of the hospital's experimental neurophysiology laboratory, called the rare phenomenon credible.

The brain of the 64-year-old patient reacts as if she had a third arm The arm appeared to the woman a few days after suffering a stroke, doctors said. But this case of what is known as a supernumerary phantom limb (SPL) is a genuine head-scratcher. [...]

She does not always perceive the arm but "retrieves" it when needed, doctors told the Swiss news agency. It is nevertheless the first case known to doctors of a person being able to feel, see and deliberately move a limb that doesn't exist. The findings are published in the Annals of Neurology."

I have to admit that people complaining about new phantom limbs was NOT something on my list of things that could occur as part of the electromagnetic chaos on Earth! Please note: Protecting your energy field that holds the morphogenetic field for an evolving human is NO joke!

NASA: Deep Solar Minimum
NASA News, 1st April 2009
"The sunspot cycle is behaving a little like the stock market. Just when you think it has hit bottom, it goes even lower. 2008 was a bear. There were no sunspots observed on 266 of the year's 366 days (73%). To find a year with more blank suns, you have to go all the way back to 1913, which had 311 spotless days: plot.

Prompted by these numbers, some observers suggested that the solar cycle had hit bottom in 2008. Maybe not. Sunspot counts for 2009 have dropped even lower. As of March 31st, there were no sunspots on 78 of the year's 90 days (87%). It adds up to one inescapable conclusion: "We're experiencing a very deep solar minimum," says solar physicist Dean Pesnell of the Goddard Space Flight Center. "This is the quietest sun we've seen in almost a century," agrees sunspot expert David Hathaway of the Marshall Space Flight Center. [...]

All these lows have sparked a debate about whether the ongoing minimum is "weird", "extreme" or just an overdue "market correction" following a string of unusually intense solar maxima. "Since the Space Age began in the 1950s, solar activity has been generally high," notes Hathaway. "Five of the ten most intense solar cycles on record have occurred in the last 50 years. We're just not used to this kind of deep calm." "

"We're just not used to this kind of deep calm." Yes, but is it the calm before the storm?

Washington state's execution team resigns
MSNBC News, 1st April 2009
"Washington– Four people designated to administer lethal injections to death-row inmates at the Washington State Penitentiary have resigned, apparently worried that their identities could become public in court.

The Seattle Times reported Thursday that the four resigned Tuesday for fear that their names would become known as a result of litigation on whether lethal injection constitutes cruel and unusual punishment.

Tuesday was the deadline to give Thurston County Superior Court Judge Chris Wickham records detailing the execution team members' credentials, qualifications and experience in administering lethal drugs."

Hmmmm... so it's OK when nobody knows who you are....

Chill winds take heat off global warming
Times Online, 1st April 2009
"Well, that didn't take long, did it? After six months of economic hardship and one unusually chilly winter, it seems that Americans are beginning to conclude that perhaps global warming wasn't such a big deal after all.

Blowing $30,000 on a solar roof doesn't seem such a great move these days. And for the price of a Toyota Prius you can now buy a three-bedroomed house in Detroit with enough left for a pick-up truck (this isn't a joke– the median house price in Motor City is $7,500). The ranks of America's "climate sceptics" have been growing quietly for some months now. And at the weekend a watershed was reached: the usually left-wing New York Times put the British-born physicist Freeman Dyson on the front of its Sunday magazine.

The article inside revealed that Professor Dyson– 85 years old and based in Princeton– not only possesses one of the finest noodles on Planet Earth, but also happens to think that most of what Al Gore and his band of Unmerry Men preach amounts to little more than yuppie self-loathing."

Well, I'm quite pleased. The hordes of doom and gloom specialists are being ignored and despite the economic woes, we are still here and the Sun is not erupting.... yet, and even though we are expecting some large deliveries of evolutionary energies there will be transformation not complete devastation. We are living in the greatest transition in the history of mankind and I'm thrilled to be here and explaining events as they unfold.

Tipping Point In The Media
Watts Up With That, 31st March 2009
"Over the last year or so I have been taking an informal survey of a key news metric– Google news searches for the term "global warming." A year ago, the ratio of alarmist/skeptical articles was close to 100/1. About six months ago, the ratio was 90/10, Two months ago it was 80/20, and today it hit 50/50 for the first time – including the lead skeptical story "A Cooling Trend Toward Global Warming". One thing that has changed is the rise of blogs written by informed citizens, complemented by the demise of corporate newspapers which make money from keeping people continually alarmed about one thing or another."

Quite remarkable really, the upward march of consciousness continues unabated!

Dr. Roger Pielke Senior: support for CATO letter and advertisement
Watts Up With That, 31st March 2009
"There is a letter to the President published by the Cato Institute that headlines [thanks to ICECAPand Dr. Patrick J. Michaels to alerting us to it]; "Few challenges facing America and the world are more urgent than combating climate change. The science is beyond dispute and the facts are clear." — PRESIDENT-ELECT BARACK OBAMA, NOVEMBER 19 , 2008. The letter is signed by over 100 scientists. With all due respect Mr. President, that is not true.

I am an admirer of President Obama but as I make it clear on my websites and in my book, I don't agree with his stance on anthropogenic global warming. It's obvious that our planet is facing huge challenges, but the FACTS support the cause as being due to cosmic factors. What's more, as the trend for global temperatures is DOWN, the Sun is virtually dead, the magnetic shielding around our planet is now unstable and solar system system shield is decreasing rapidly. This will create a chaotic electromagnetic environment which is the only way that it is possible to create change as we enter a New Age dominated by space/ether/evolutionary energies.

Fireball leaves 'great glow' in Alberta
CBC News, 31st March 2009
"Some early risers in Alberta got a glimpse of a fireball streaking across the sky Tuesday morning. University of Calgary geologist Alan Hildebrand said about a dozen witnesses reported the sight to the Canadian Fireball Reporting Centre.

A meteor, weighing between 10 and 100 kilograms, broke into pieces southeast of Calgary about 6:30 a.m. local time and likely burned up before hitting the ground, said Hildebrand. Roger Kunkel was driving from Raymond to Lethbridge just after 6:30 a.m. Tuesday when he saw a "great glow" in the sky coming from the southeast and heading north. "Sort of a blue and then breaking up into pieces. [...]

Another said he saw a "flurry of meteorites flying around," travelling in a southeasterly direction.

See also, Strange object in the sky [Canada]. So, are we seeing a dramatic increase in celestial objects?

Time to settle the "flying saucers" question
RIA Novosti, 31st March 2009
"MOSCOW: So do UFOs with little green men inside exist or not? CNN supposedly filmed a UFO moving at a great speed from the right to the left during the inauguration of President Barack Obama. (But those who watched the replay say it was a bird.) After that, former President Clinton's White House Chief John Podesta, now one of Obama's closest associates, demanded that the thick UFO files be made public. [...]

The archives of the former Soviet Union are filled to capacity with data about contacts with extraterrestrials. They contain records of over 20,000 UFO sightings. [...]

Clearly, humans will always strive to search for beings of humanoid form in the Universe. But it is also apparent that apart from tall tales about "little green men" there are also facts that logically point to the presence of alien intelligence on the Earth.

In this case, maybe the time has come for the U.S. and Russian authorities to declassify information on unidentified flying objects and their masters?"

As the Russian have realised, the 'veil is lifting' and it will not be possible to ignore extraterrestrials and other types of life that exists, as they are becoming more visible every day. Those who are aware that we are nearing the start of a 'New World Age' know that we are experiencing a deluge of energy from galactic/intergalactic sources (Space Weather) and it seems there is some kind of extraterrestrial presence on Earth on standby just in case we need support. I believe that we will not experience total devastation but I think that conditions on this planet will be altered, hence we can anticipate 'New Terms & Conditions' to support higher levels of consciousness. Some Russians are very aware that we are facing evolutionary change and have already stated they intend to lead the world, it seems even members of the White House realise that something immense is happening.

Climate change combat mission: UN agency plants 3 billion trees
The Hindu, 31st March 2009
"New York (PTI): More than three billion trees have been planted worldwide under the United Nations programme to fight climate change through reforestation and the world body has set a new goal of seven billion plantations.

The original goal was for planting one billion trees. The campaign was launched by the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) and the World Agroforestry Centre in 2006 as a response not only to global warming threat but also to sustainability challenges from water supplies to biodiversity loss."

I totally agree with the UN on planting trees for all the benefits to ecology and the useful resources they provides for mankind. What's more, according to metaphysical sources, trees help to mediate the flow of energy and balance between Earth and cosmic energies.

A comet may have caused widespread large mammal extinctions 12,900 years ago, 31st March 2009
"The big bang theory's back. But this time the theory doesn't involve the cosmos, just a comet. Some scientists hypothesize that relatively recently in our geological history a comet collided with Earth. And they're not talking about the collision 65 million years ago that did in the dinosaurs. They're talking about a collision 12,900 years ago, which did away with woolly mammoths, saber-tooth tigers and giant sloths, among some three dozen large mammals. [...]

"It has generated quite a bit of controversy in the field, some of it not necessarily polite," says David Fastovsky, a professor of sciences at URI, who specializes in the study of dinosaur extinction."

12,900 is approx. half of the precessional cycle, which is the last time Earth's alignment to the greater celestial forces caused a major influx of cosmic/galactic phenomena. The scientists here are desperately trying to keep the focus on a comet when there is NO impact crater and no evidence of widespread fires. The associated carbon rich "black mat" is a thin layer filled with "hexagonal nanodiamonds", irridium and other material that could have only come from a cosmic source, hence the evidence for a Space Weather event is strong. This is the same event where scientists state, "Diamonds drizzled down by the tons" and lingered in the air for months. See archives July/August 2008 or google for similar stories. By the way, it's all highly relevant, as the Earth is now being blasted with Space Weather, fireballs, meteorites and plasma "entities" etc.

Government of Canada Provides Open Access to UFO X-Files
PR Web, 31st March 2009
"The Canadian government has made available 9,500 files on UFO sightings and direct government actions related to national policy concerning craft of unknown origin. These once-restricted and secret files originate from the Department of National Defense, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, the Department of Transport and the National Research Council. These files describe thousands of Canadian UFO sighting reports in great detail.

Although the UFO files compiled by high level government officials provide an interesting chronology of Canada's accumulation of UFO sightings, many of the files also tell a dramatic story about how high level government officials orchestrated meetings, agendas, memoranda and Ministerial letters designed to play-down and ultimately cover-up the UFO issue with measures similar to those used by the American government."

Well, maybe this is the reality of 'the veil lifting', it seems that governments now have absolutely no choice but disclose what they already know. Note the selection of paranormal phenomena revealed in the following UK Telegraph article, UFOs captured on Google Street View hovering over East End bookies , we have 'silver discs', 'Victorian ghosts' and long necked ETs! Welcome to planet Earth 2009!

Occult hit: Witches bucking religion trend
WICCA | Leader teaching classes here tries to dispel myth that 'we'are satanists and that we belong to the devil'
Sun-Times, 30th March 2009
"They don't toil over bubbling caldrons or cook lost kids. They have no use for flying monkeys. And their spice racks are more apt to contain ginger or paprika than eye of newt. Still, witches are far from fictional. And according to the most recent American Religious Identification Survey, released earlier this month, there are more of them than ever. While most other major religions lost ground, Wiccan– whose members, Wiccans, sometimes refer to themselves as witches– and other so-called "New Religious movements" grew by more than a million members since the last ARIS survey was published in 2001. They're now an estimated 1.2 percent of the adult population."

Since I was sent to Sunday school at age 5, my early opinions were formulated by Christianity..... However, my opinion on witches changed dramatically when I watched a UK morning chat-show when I discovered there were 'white' witches and 'black' witches. The UK Queen of the 'White' Witches was asked about a 'black' witch and her reply was incredible. She stated, 'he is full of the rubbish of the Universe'. Quite frankly, this guy was 'crawling' with some very nasty energies and the Queen's energy was like a 'fairy godmother' as depicted in children's fairy tales. I was absolutely astounded. These days, I am more concerned about the 'wolves in sheep's clothing' and the 'control freaks' in religious and New Age circles, because I think they are more dangerous.

London rabbi spooked by ghost
British rabbi complains of 'foreign presence' in his new house; congregation members say ghost belongs to founder of local synagogue

Ynet News, 30th March 2009
"The Rabbinical Centre of Europe tackles complicated halachic questions sent by the rabbis of the continent on a daily basis. But nothing prepared the RCE for a recent query by a London rabbi, who sought the center's help in getting rid of a ghost he said was dwelling in his new residence."

I suppose it's not surprising that there are more and more 'ghost' stories getting into the media as the 'veil is lifting' and all and sundry are starting to realise that we are not alone. What is surprising though is spiritual leaders like this Rabbi who don't realise that we are entering a New Age and that the 'Terms and Conditions' for living on planet Earth are changing drastically. Spiritual leaders must know about and understand paranormal and spiritual phenomena, isn't it their job? The 'higher' dimensions are not abstract intellectual concepts and right now these worlds are now merging with ours. Unfortunately, it seems that many will have to face our new reality with a jolt.

Rocket trash? Explosion's cause may never be known
The Virginian-Pilot, 30th March 2009
"We might never know what streaked across the Eastern Seaboard sky Sunday night, producing a window-rattling boom, but a U.S. Naval Observatory official says it probably was a piece of Russian space junk or a meteor. [...] People from Maryland to North Carolina reported seeing a fiery streak of light sometime between 9:40 and 9:50 p.m. Sunday, followed by one or more explosion-like sounds.[...]

Most astronomy experts say the loud noise heard across Hampton Roads was probably a sonic boom created by the object. S. Kent Blackwell, an amateur astronomer, was sky-watching in Pungo when the explosion occurred. He said he saw a flash of light "two or three times brighter than the full moon, then it turned orange with a white core and disappeared." One to two minutes later, a loud noise shook houses in Norfolk and Virginia Beach and was heard as far away as the Eastern Shore. [...]

The Air Force command that tracks space debris in low-Earth orbit first predicted that the Russian booster might enter the atmosphere near Taiwan, Chester said. However, the prediction was refined over time, and Chester said it appears that the booster's path took it within sight of Hampton Roads."

If in doubt, blame the Russians! LOL!! Update Of course it had nothing to do with the Russians, see East coast 'Bright light' not man-made object. Update 2, 4th April Suffolk man says he saw meteor hit

Streaking lights, explosions reported all along coast
The Virginia-Pilot, 30th March 2009 (Older Version of report?)
"If the fireball and explosion witnessed by residents along the mid-Atlantic coast Sunday night was a meteor, it's likely that it survived to hit the ground, an astronomy expert says.[...] "This brilliant green meteor was probably two or three times brighter than the full moon," Blackwell said. "Then it turned orange with a white core and disappeared." One to two minutes later, a loud low-frequency noise shook houses in Norfolk and Virginia Beach.

"It was a very ominous, low-frequency rumble," said Robert Hitt, director of the Chesapeake planetarium, who lives in the Acredale section of Virginia Beach. "The sound was quite different from what you hear from thunder." Sound is quite rare with fireballs, according to a fact sheet from the American Meteor Society, but there can be two kinds. One is a sonic boom one to two minutes after the visible light, created by fireballs usually brighter than magnitude–8. In comparison, the meteor society says the North Star is magnitude 2.1 and a bright Venus is–4.4. The full moon is–12.6 and the sun is–26.7. The other kind of sound that can accompany fireballs is called electrophonic. It occurs at the same time as the flash is seen and may sound like a hiss, a sizzle or popping noise.

"Often, the witness of such sounds is located near some metal object when the fireball occurs," according to the meteor society fact sheet. "Additionally, those with a large amount of hair seem to have a better chance of hearing these sounds." These sounds may be radio waves, but they have not been scientifically identified, it says.

The discussion about sound is interesting but after reading various reports it seem the description of this celestial event varies quite a lot.

Emails about the mystery in the sky, 30th March 2009
"11:19 p.m.– Jamie in Virginia Beach: I live in the Chimney Hill area of Virginia Beach and was on my deck when the yard lit up like a lightening flash so I glance up and saw a huge fireball go from West to East, with a very long tail extending halfway across the sky. About 60 seconds later there was a boom that rattled my house and even shook the chair I was sitting in. As a fan of astronomy, I am thrilled to have been so lucky enough to witness this. It was amazing!

12:07 a.m.– Valerie in Virginia Beach: Hi, Saw the bright flash and then felt the boom. It shook our house. We are in the Pembroke Meadows area off of Indpendence Bllvd. and Witchduck Rd. I called my sister who was on the road coming back from Lusby, Maryland. There were 2 sisters, brother in law, 3 nephews, 2 nieces and my mother on the road. They had just gotten off the I295 bypass and gotten on I64 East heading to Norfolk. They all said they saw a big bluish/white ball with what look like orange sparkling in the sky heading south in front of them falling straight ahead down the highway. Then they saw a bright flash and felt a big boom. They said a few cars swerved in front of them. They said it was going along following the highway heading south.

From these accounts, this fireball entry seems to have been quite a spectacular event. Lots more to come?

Sydney blackout exposes flaw in terror network
The Independent, 30th March 2009
"A major blackout that wreaked havoc during rush hour in Australia's largest city has exposed a flaw in the city's terrorism warning system, the government acknowledged today. A network of loudspeakers designed to alert people during emergencies has no battery backup, said New South Wales state Emergency Services Minister Steve Whan, which would render it useless if there is a total power failure.

We are not going to get zapped by an electromagnetic deluge from space and nobody notice, so quite some time ago I suggested that it would be better if there was enough blackouts to get people thinking that something was going on and then more people would start to organise themselves.

Can fractals make sense of the quantum world?
New Scientist, 30th March 2009
"Quantum theory just seems too weird to believe. Particles can be in more than one place at a time. They don't exist until you measure them. Spookier still, they can even stay in touch when they are separated by great distances. Einstein thought this was all a bit much, believing it to be evidence of major problems with the theory, as many critics still suspect today.

Quantum enthusiasts point to the theory's extraordinary success in explaining the behaviour of atoms, electrons and other quantum systems. They insist we have to accept the theory as it is, however strange it may seem. But what if there were a way to reconcile these two opposing views, by showing how quantum theory might emerge from a deeper level of non-weird physics? If you listen to physicist Tim Palmer, it begins to sound plausible. What has been missing, he argues, are some key ideas from an area of science that most quantum physicists have ignored: the science of fractals, those intricate patterns found in everything from fractured surfaces to oceanic flows (see What is a fractal? ). [...]

Other physicists seem inspired by the novelty of Palmer's approach. "What makes this really interesting is that it gets away from the usual debates over multiple universes and hidden variables and so on," says Bob Coecke, a physicist at the University of Oxford.

"It suggests there might be an underlying physical geometry that physics has just missed, which is radical and very positive." Coecke points out that very few scientists working on fundamental physics have explored how fractals might be incorporated into the theory, even though they are commonplace in other parts of physics.

The fractal nature of the universe is a basic understanding in metaphysics; as above, so below. By the way, I'm hearing that people in the UK are starting to see the triangular faces that belong to the diamonds in the diamond light grid, when they look into the aura of people who have had that particular layer of light activated, seriously good news!

Night lights: Alaska resident sees unexplained show
Peninsula Clarion, 30th March 2009
""It was on (March 14) when I first witnessed them," said Kristy Leslie, who lives in the Irish Hills subdivision of Kasilof. The lights she saw were not on an extraterrestrial craft, rather they were on helicopters, but ones unusually adorned with illumination. [...]

"On the first night there were three helicopters with lights like Christmas trees," Leslie said. "They were just hovering. They were red, green, blue, orange, yellow and bright white." [...]

The helicopters were also flying in an unusual pattern, according to Leslie. "I watched them and two were just hovering, and one was flying low. Then all the lights would go out and it would just drop, landing and taking off again, while the others just kept hovering," she said. Leslie said this went on from 9:30 p.m. to 11 p.m., or possibly longer, but that was how long she noticed them. The following evening the helicopters were back, but this time there was even more of them, and they stayed even longer. "The second night there were five of them. They stayed from 11 p.m. to 5:30 a.m.," she said."

Very strange helicopter light shows here!

Woman plunged off 100ft cliff in car without seatbelt on– and walked away unhurt
Daily Mail, 29th March 2009
"A woman escaped virtually uninjured when she plunged over a 100ft cliff in her car while not wearing a seatbelt. Barbara Tyreman, 60, of Eskdaleside, North Yorkshire, was leaving her home yesterday when she accidentally hit the accelerator of her Mini as she reached for her seatbelt. [...]

"Earlier this week a shocked driver was facing a careless driving charge after his sat-nav left his BMW teetering on the edge of a cliff. Robert Jones said he trusted the gadget and continued to follow its instructions, even when it took him up a steep, narrow footpath. He only realised something was wrong when his car hit a fence and came to a stop just inches from a 100ft drop."

As the electromagnetic conditions worsen and geomagnetic storms become supersized, research tells us that people's judgement will become severely impaired and with people "trusting" their SAT NAVs to the nth degree, there are going to be many more accidents.

Rise of sea levels is 'the greatest lie ever told'
The Telegraph, 28th March 2009
"But if there is one scientist who knows more about sea levels than anyone else in the world it is the Swedish geologist and physicist Nils-Axel Mörner, formerly chairman of the INQUA International Commission on Sea Level Change. And the uncompromising verdict of Dr Mörner, who for 35 years has been using every known scientific method to study sea levels all over the globe, is that all this talk about the sea rising is nothing but a colossal scare story.

Despite fluctuations down as well as up, "the sea is not rising," he says. "It hasn't risen in 50 years." If there is any rise this century it will "not be more than 10cm (four inches), with an uncertainty of plus or minus 10cm". And quite apart from examining the hard evidence, he says, the elementary laws of physics (latent heat needed to melt ice) tell us that the apocalypse conjured up by Al Gore and Co could not possibly come about."

Personally, after studying the history of Christianity, I just can't agree that the rise of sea levels is the greatest lie ever told and I actually think it would come way down on the list.

Medieval monk hailed by Barack Obama was a heretic, says Vatican
Times Online, 27th March 2009
"The Vatican has dismissed as a heretic a mystical medieval monk apparently cited by Barack Obama as a moral authority and visionary. According to Father Raniero Cantalamessa, preacher to the Pontifical Household, the US President referred in campaign speeches to Gioacchino da Fiore, or Joachim of Fiore, as a “master of contemporary civilisation” who had sought to create a better world.

Drawing on the Book of Revelation, Gioacchino envisaged a "new age of the Holy Spirit" in which the Church hierarchy would cease to exist and Christians would unite with infidels in an "Order of the Just".

I think Obama has made a very inspiring choice of spiritual visionary! Gioacchino da Fiore, or Joachim of Fiore seems to have been aware that a New Day would dawn dominated by the Holy spirit, and guess what, it's happening now! This was also suggested by other spiritual traditions worldwide, so I am really impressed!

Surprise supernova: Massive star explodes despite being 'too immature' to self-destruct
Daily Mail, 27th March 2009
"A star one million times brighter than our own sun has exploded, taking the science community completely by surprise. Physicists were stumped when the star, 200million light years from Earth, erupted into a super-sized supernova in 2005. The spectacular event was captured by Nasa's Hubble Space Telescope. Researchers from the Weizmann Institute and San Diego State University said it was the largest exploding star ever observed."

Another "surprise" for astronomers and another theory bites the stardust...

Bright green jumping spider among 50 new creepy crawlies found in Papua-New Guinea
Daily Mail, 26th March 2009
"Jumping spiders, a striped gecko and a chirping frog are among more than 50 new species discovered in Papua-New Guinea. The environmental group Conservation International found the species during an expedition to the country's highlands wilderness in July and August last year."

Fabulous pictures! Well, are they new or just new to human awareness?

God won't protect humanity from environmental 'doomsday', warns Archbishop
Daily Mail, 26th March 2009
"God is not going to intervene to prevent humanity from wreaking disastrous damage to the environment, the Archbishop of Canterbury warned last night as he called for a 'radical change of heart' to prevent runaway climate change. Dr Rowan Williams said there needed to be a 'conversion' by humanity away from selfishness and greed that leads us to turn a 'blind eye' to the destruction of the environment and to our interdependence with the natural world."

I'm sorry to say this, but the Archbishop of Canterbury is barking up the wrong tree, "global warming" is a myth! The rest of the argument is self-evident.

Cyprus residents left shell-shocked after freak twister strike
Cyprus Mail, 27th March 2009
"A freak twister and hailstorm swept through Larnaca yesterday, uprooting trees, tearing off rooftops and snapping power cables. All it took was five minutes for the storm and whirlwind, which broke at the same time, to wreak havoc on the town and its outskirts, as walnut-sized hail stones struck homes and the fierce wind shook cars."

Tornadoes in places that are not traditionally experienced, alongside all the other 'freak' events, suggests that our planet is undergoing massive global atmospheric changes.

Genetic Code Mashups to Create New Species
Daily Galaxy, 26th March 2009
"Researchers smashed up the DNA of yeast cells using high energy X-Rays. How a team dedicated to creating mutant super-bread obtains funding is not made clear, but observation of the irradiated cells yielded interesting results: as the nuked microorganisms quite literally tried to pull themselves together, they didn't put things back the way they were. The repeated sections of DNA can cause broken pieces to be mixed and matched between entirely new chromosomes. This method of mutation is quite extreme, but such aberrations can happen without nuclear blasting (it just takes longer) and form part of the all-important biological diversification process."

OK, this article is relevant when extremely high energies are being generated in our own atmosphere that are producing x-rays and gamma rays. NASA tells us that cosmic rays are at an all time high and record Gamma Ray Bursts are occuring on a regular basis. It seems whatever the Universe can fling at us, we are getting it and probably energies that we have not even properly understood yet too. The problem now for people who have not been working on their energy fields is the danger of trying to integrate new energies too quickly and the danger of this was outlined in my book.

UFO ORB With Mothership Photo, May Be Best Ever!, 26th March 2009
"In one of the most spectacular photographs ever captured on film is the elusive Orb UFO with it's mothership following in concert with it's every move. Five Orb's are seen in the photo below with their Mother Ship in tow in the bright blue light high above. The photo was taken in Casa Grande Arizona by the State Director of MUFON for Arizona, Christine Dickey. Christine used a Nikon D 90, 2008 model, Pixels 4288 W X 2848 H, resolution is 72 dpi, bit depth is 24, 35 mm focal length F is 4.5, +3 step exposure bias. The event date of the photo was 1/15/09 at 9:02 PM. [...]

The Orb's exterior solid structure appears to be made from solid Gold, the true color should be noted. The electromagnetic field generated around the Orb is similar to the Northern Lights Aurora causing spectacular lighting effects that were able to be pierced by process of Inferred imaging. Most noticeable is the Corona surrounding the Orb, a plasma shield that when photographed at night is majestic in nature and out of this world."

Times up, off home! Well my interpretation is somewhat different to the explanation given here. This looks to me less like a rescue but more like a group of entities being given some assistance/guidance off the planet. I note that the commentator here acknowldeges that these are plasma entities and they look like jelly-fish type to me. Well, I certainly agree that this picture is interesting and helps strengthen my case that I have correctly interpreted that we are witnessing a 2-way traffic of plasma entities as part of the planetary refresh process. Awesome!

Global Warming--a cesspool of misinformation says prominent Scientist
New York Times, 26th March 2009
"For more than half a century the eminent physicist Freeman Dyson has quietly resided in Prince­ton, N.J., on the wooded former farmland that is home to his employer, the Institute for Advanced Study, this country's most rarefied community of scholars. Lately, however, since coming "out of the closet as far as global warming is concerned," as Dyson sometimes puts it, there has been noise all around him. Chat rooms, Web threads, editors' letter boxes and Dyson's own e-mail queue resonate with a thermal current of invective in which Dyson has discovered himself variously described as "a pompous twit," "a blowhard," "a cesspool of misinformation," "an old coot riding into the sunset" and, perhaps inevitably, "a mad scientist." [...]

It was four years ago that Dyson began publicly stating his doubts about climate change. Speaking at the Frederick S. Pardee Center for the Study of the Longer-Range Future at Boston University, Dyson announced that "all the fuss about global warming is grossly exaggerated." Since then he has only heated up his misgivings, declaring in a 2007 interview with that "the fact that the climate is getting warmer doesn't scare me at all" and writing in an essay for The New York Review of Books, the left-leaning publication that is to gravitas what the Beagle was to Darwin, that climate change has become an "obsession"– the primary article of faith for "a worldwide secular religion" known as environmentalism. Among those he considers true believers,

Dyson has been particularly dismissive of Al Gore, whom Dyson calls climate change's "chief propagandist," and James Hansen, the head of the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies in New York and an adviser to Gore's film, "An Inconvenient Truth." Dyson accuses them of relying too heavily on computer-generated climate models that foresee a Grand Guignol of imminent world devastation as icecaps melt, oceans rise and storms and plagues sweep the earth, and he blames the pair's "lousy science" for "distracting public attention" from "more serious and more immediate dangers to the planet." "

Hear Hear! Well, now that there is near panic in other parts of the scientific community with extreme energies being produced in our atmosphere and claims that Space Weather is influencing our climate, we are losing the shielding around our planet and solar system and the miseducated are worried about CO2, the situation is unbelievable."

UK astronomers observe asteroid before it crashes into Earth
Eureka Alert, 26th March 2009
"UK astronomers, using the Science and Technology Facilities Council's (STFC) William Herschel Telescope on La Palma, observed a rare asteroid as it was hurtling towards our planet and have captured the only spectrum of it before it exploded in our atmosphere. This is the very first time that an asteroid that hit the Earth has been studied before entering our atmosphere, allowing the scientists to predict whether it would explode and break up in the atmosphere or reach the ground – which determines whether an asteroid poses any threat."

Well things are getting quite hectic as we are in a region of space that is quite volatile and possibly exacerbated by our alignment with the Galactic Centre. Whatever, there are a lot of fragments coming our way so it seems these astronomers may get a lot of target practice.

Miracle twins or just a load of bull? Cow gives birth to twins that are two different breeds
Daily Mail, 26th March 2009
"A farmer was astonished when one of his beloved cows gave birth to twins of different breeds. Calves Ernie and Emily are just nine days old and they may look the same to the casual eye but their owner Vic Phillips, 27, suspects they are different breeds. This bizarre occurrence happened when Somerset farmer Mr Phillips mated his Aberdeen Angus bull Eric with a Simmental cow, or heifer, called Jemima. Breeds apart: Farmer Trish Phillips was amazed by the two non-identical calf twins. [...]

Ron McHattie, chief executive of the Aberdeen-Angus Cattle Society, said it was a unique report in his experience. 'I've never heard of this before– we've got nothing like it on our records at all. I don't know how it could have happened."

This looks like another genetic mishap.... it's interesting that an expert has never come across it before, but maybe as the electromagnetic chaos deepens there may be more examples, at least it was too calves.....could we see other really weird off spring..... well actually, China seems to be leading the world with the most bizarre DNA 'oddities'.

When the Mayan calendar ends 2012, what will happen to us?
Sun Media, 25th March 2009
"For those who miss the good old days of the easy going 20th Century, a shrill reminder of Y2K is back. At least the mounting fear that an upcoming date could be the death of us all– or at least a very bad day for some. Late last week, Professor John Beddington, the UK government's chief scientist, warned a sustainable development conference that a "perfect storm" of food shortages, scarce water and insufficient energy resources would land on the world's doorstep in 2030. But for those souls who can't wait that long to panic, then mark 2012 on your Armageddon-out-of-here calendar. A growing number of books and blogs revolve around Dec. 21, 2012, when the 5,125-year long count cycle of the Mayans' calendar draws to an abrupt close."

Recently, my attention has been focused on the reason for the 21st December 2012 end-date of the Mayan Calendar. From what I understand, it seems there has been too much emphasis on the end-date, so that people have failed to pay attention to the 25 year period of transition that leads up to the start of a New World Age. Therefore the importance of the message that we needed to use this time for 'purification', 'cleansing', 'purging', 'quickening' and 'warning', given by many indigenous Elders has been overshadowed.

It does seem though that there has been some encouragement for people to work with their energy fields which has led to some awful people with knowledge trying to make lots of money from others ignorance. (One example are a Danish couple encouraging people to close down their chakras so that their heart chakra can be enhanced, I know because I met someone who could not work out why she had lost some of her powers and people were paying good money for this act of vandalism on their energy fields too.) There have also been sources encouraging people to use their consciousness to work with the Earth and the need to use the power of intent to send energy down to the Earth thereby programming the Earth with messages of balance. I actually think that those that are capable of this have been doing this automatically due to my own experience of waking up in the middle of the night to experience myself as an energy conduit which was totally incredible, but my experience of the energy could not be compared to anything taught in the New Age world and could only be more closely compared to ancient Vedic beliefs which I knew nothing about at the time.

The message that the 'veil is lifting' has played out very well in the metaphysical/New Age world but I can't find anybody that predicted that the 'orb' phenomena and 'pillars of light' would occur. I realised that there would be an electromagnetic flood of plasma and understood the importance of the octahedron/diamond sacred geometry but I was still shocked by the phenomena of 'diamond rain'. The message of a two way traffic of plasma entities and a 'changing of the guard' has been given in Kryon channelled messages but largely lost on the crowd. Obviously, there is lots more going on but that is why I wrote a book. So all the manufactured hysteria about 1 day is just pathetic when we consider the arrival of the 'The Fifth Sun' or 'New World Age' dominated by ether/space. Therefore the importance of the announcements from NASA that the Earth is lowering our magnetic shields to oncoming Space Weather, the solar wind and Sun's magnetic field is flagging therefore reducing shielding around our solar system. This means that we will have to rely on our own magnetic energy fields for our successful evolutionary progression.

My attention has been really focused on those who have taken esoteric teachings and repackaged them to appeal to people's egos. The Universal process of selecting humans for evolutionary progression is only interested in the strength and quality of your energy field and how much money you have paid in the pursuit of this esoteric knowledge/energy techniques will be totally irrelevant. Hence, whilst the truth is known about these 'End Times' the spiritually unaware have their attention diverted elsewhere. So, guess who is doing the loudest apocalyptic doomsdaying over the last few years, the "global warming" fraternity who despite the serious political and business support are being seriously hampered by natural forces like the Sun and inclement weather.

Correlation between Cosmic Rays and Ozone Depletion
Ice Cap, 25th March 2009
"This Letter reports reliable satellite data in the period of 1980– 2007 covering two full 11-yr cosmic ray (CR) cycles, clearly showing the correlation between CRs and ozone depletion, especially the polar ozone loss (hole) over Antarctica.

The results provide strong evidence of the physical mechanism that the CR driven electron-induced reaction of halogenated molecules plays the dominant role in causing the ozone hole. Moreover, this mechanism predicts one of the severest ozone losses in 2008-2009 (ended up among the largest) and probably another large hole around 2019-2020. [...]

Then the evidence of the correlation between CRs, chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) dissociation, and O3 loss was found from satellite data by Lu and Sanche: the O3 hole is exactly located in the polar stratosphere and at the altitude of 18 km where the CR ionization shows a maximum."

Well, I was persuaded when I found out why the Ozone holes are over the magnetic poles in pristine environmental conditions and not over the industrialised parts of the world where logic would dictate. It turns out that the horizontal component of the magnetic field deflects cosmic rays and as there is very little/zero horizontal component over the poles, ozone loss occurs. It is interesting to note that talk of the ozone hole quietened down when the sun was more active and reports were coming in of solar outbursts causing huge amounts of ozone depletion in critical layers of the stratosphere. Well, apparently the international effort to blame humans for the Ozone hole mostly worked and consumers ended up paying for the CFC clean up, but the equivalent larger scale equivalent global warming/CO2 scam is failing badly despite heavy support from politicians and big business. As it says in the badly corrupted Bible, 'You shall know the truth and the truth will set you free'.

Climate scientists admit defeat in ocean experiment–
Terra Daily, 24th March 2009
"Indian and German scientists have said that a controversial experiment has "dampened hopes" that dumping hundreds of tonnes of dissolved iron in the Southern Ocean can lessen global warming. The experiment involved "fertilising" a 300-square-kilometre (115-sqare-mile) area of ocean inside the core of an eddy– an immense rotating column of water– with six tonnes of dissolved iron. As expected, this stimulated growth of tiny planktonic algae or phytoplankton, which it was hoped would take out of the atmosphere carbon dioxide, the principal greenhouse gas blamed for climate change, and absorb it. However, the scientists from India's National Institute of Oceanography (NIO) and Germany's Alfred Wegener Institute (AWI) did not count on these phytoplankton being eaten by tiny crustacean zooplankton."

Hilarious!!!! A very good example of scientists trying to meddle with a biosystem and the basic 'rules' being overlooked. See Ocean iron fertilization CO2 sequestration experiment a blooming failure for more background information and some good images.

How not to measure temperature, part 85: what Katrina did for temperature measurement
Watts Up With That, 23rd March 2009
"Below is a photo of the USHCN climate station of record in Pascagoula Mississippi. Note the location of the MMTS temperature sensor. The phrase "industrial nightmare" comes to mind. But the MMTS didn’t always have this sweet location at the water treatment plant. It was moved there after Hurricane Katrina. Craig interviewed the curator and writes: "Moved to current location after "the storm" (Katrina), which took place in Aug. 2005. Previous location was over pavement. When I told the plant employee that there were problems with the instrument location, he said the NWS guy didn't think there was anything wrong with it." Well, it' a tough call; pavement or pipes?"

How to generate a warming globe. Step 1. Place as many temperature sensors near a heat source as possible....

Space storm alert: 90 seconds from catastrophe
New Scientist news, 23rd March 2009
"I don't think the NAS [US National Academy of Sciences] report is scaremongering," says Mike Hapgood, who chairs the European Space Agency's space weather team. Green agrees. "Scientists are conservative by nature and this group is really thoughtful," he says. "This is a fair and balanced report." [...]

The report outlines the worst case scenario for the US. The "perfect storm" is most likely on a spring or autumn night in a year of heightened solar activity– something like 2012. Around the equinoxes, the orientation of the Earth's field to the sun makes us particularly vulnerable to a plasma strike."

Here, we have news article based on the Space community's hellish NAS report that someone describes as "fair and balanced.....". For quite some time I have been wondering if I was living on the same planet as everyone else, but now I know there are at least a few who may not have a metaphysical understanding, but at least they are far more aware than Joe Public of what could happen if solar cycle 24 gets violent. As the Earth lowers her shields to create massive breaches, like the one in July 2007 that was 4 Earths wide and 7 Earths deep, we are going to get whatever the Universe has got planned for the evolutionary destiny of mankind. By the way, when I wrote my book ACE provided a 45 minute warning, now they are saying 15-45 minutes.... so what's changed? If you have studied world mythology and warnings of Earth catastrophe, the quote about the equinoxes here is quite chilling and may help explain why certain cultures spent so much effort working out astronomical alignments.

Shuttle and space station dodge debris
LA Times, 23rd March 2009
"This is the third time in the last few weeks that the station has had to worry about space junk speeding around Earth on a possible collision course. Ten days ago, before Discovery launched, the crew of the station had to take shelter in a Russian Soyuz lifeboat capsule as a 5-inch piece of spent rocket motor came within striking distance; it missed. And in February, two satellites collided, creating a field of debris. "Space debris is becoming an ever-increasing challenge," flight director Kwatsi Alibaruho said Sunday evening. When it comes to dodging junk, "it's a big deal. It's very tiring. Sometimes it's exhausting.""

I wonder if the 4 inch "spent" piece of junk from a Chinese satellite was caused when the Chinese irresponsibly blew up an old satellite with a missile in space (February 2007) and created "a huge debris field" according to Russian sources. At the time the rest of the space community were incensed. It does sound from the flight director's account that this may have been an ongoing battle and we are only hearing about it because of the publicity with the two satellites colliding, but space junk was already a problem before the Chinese compounded the problem.

Tibetan monks 'held after riot'
BBC News, 22nd March 2009
"Some 93 monks have been held by Chinese police after a riot in an ethnically Tibetan town, state-run media report. The monks were held after a crowd of at least 100 attacked a police station in La'gyab township in Qinghai province on Saturday, Xinhua news agency said. The agency quoted officials as saying policemen and government staff had been assaulted and "slightly injured". The unrest was apparently sparked after a monk detained for advocating Tibetan independence escaped from jail."

Feelings are still running high and being aggravated by the chaotic electromagnetic environment.

Space junk endangers $1B Canadian satellites, 21st March 2009
"OTTAWA — Two Canadian satellites are in danger of being damaged or destroyed because they’re passing through massive clouds of space junk caused by a recent collision between a Russian and an American satellite. The two Canadian satellites, RADARSAT-1 and RADARSAT-2, orbit the Earth 14 times each day, heading east to west. Meanwhile the clusters of space junk travel north to south. Scientists say they could be on a collision course. "There is a very high risk for the two satellites," said Robert Saint-Jean, manager of satellites at the Canadian Space Agency."

Well, it's over 5 years since I started researching Space Weather and realised that our satellite communication infrastructure was under threat, especially as there is so many disabled satellites that cannot be controlled. Yet, due to human folly with China and the United States shooting down unwanted satellites, thus creating huge debris fields, it seems that this situation has become untenable. Here the Canadians are just telling the world exactly how bad things are.

Quantum weirdness: What we call 'reality' is just a state of mind
Guardian, 21st March 2009
"A lifetime studying quantum mechanics has convinced Bernard d'Espagnat that the world we perceive is merely a shadow of the ultimate reality I believe that some of our most engrained notions about space and causality should be reconsidered. Anyone who takes quantum mechanics seriously will have reached the same conclusion.

What quantum mechanics tells us, I believe, is surprising to say the least. It tells us that the basic components of objects– the particles, electrons, quarks etc.– cannot be thought of as "self-existent". The reality that they, and hence all objects, are components of is merely "empirical reality".

I just find the language used to describe our reality as defined by quantum mechanics and cited by intellectual New Agers just a little too pretentious. Isn't it just easier to say that everything in this reality is derived from higher dimensional space? Yes, I wrote about this in my book and used the jargon but hopefully tried to make the case using other scientific perspectives.

Corvallis, Oregon– UFO Falling Comes to a Hover [US]
United States Blogspot, 21st March 2009
"I was outside on the back porch, the sky was very clear and looking west at the stars with Venus to the SW. Suddenly a round, bright white, a somewhat bluish light appeared about ten degrees N of due west at around 50 degrees above the horizon. It was nearly twice as bright/large as Venus which I could see to the SW. It descended rapidly straight down as soon as it appeared, did not leave a trail of any sort, brightness and size increased slightly and in around 4 seconds got to about a thumb and half's width at arms length above the horizon over the low hills to the west. At this point, it stopped descending and a tight, short, rainbow-like cone appeared on the trailing side, but the cone was not much longer than the object was wide. The colors reminded me of soft neon lights. It hovered for almost two seconds, cone and all, before suddenly disappearing, like turning out a light.

The cone of light is different to other accounts and I wondering because this gives an indication of the kind of energy that was being used.

Rapid City, South Dakota– 'Shooting Star' split into 4 objects Then Joins Back into One [US]
United States Blogspot, 21st March 2009
"I was parked in my driveway getting out of the car when I thought I saw a shooting star in the Western part of the sky, over the Black Hills, moving North East. I exclaimed to my husband– "look! A shooting star! Make a wish!" But what I thought was a star wasn't. It didn't fade out, it seemed very close to Earth too close to be anything but an airplane), it made no noise at all, and the shooting star-like thing split, uniformly, into 4 parts. The 4 parts looked like shooting stars, same size as the original and they moved slightly away from each other. After moving away from each other for 5 seconds, still going North East very quickly, they joined back up in a uniform fashion. They didn't lose or gain speed, they just moved very fast at a steady pace.[...] This was a very exciting experience!

These days even 'wishing on a star' can be an interdimensional experience!

The mysterious case of the vengeful crows
Can crows wait for seven months to take their revenge on a human being... well here is one such case
Daily Times, 21st March 2009
"KARACHI: Contrary to their size, crows are a mindful and dangerous lot; when annoyed, they ruthlessly attack in flocks of hundreds. If you are trying to hurt a crow, you are surely cruising for a bruising.

To a layman, they may appear to be like any other helpless insignificant birds. But who could have imagine how revengeful these birds can get? Crows can bear whatever you throw at them but if you attack their spawn, your making room for a whole lot of winged trouble."

Cruising for a bruising! LOL!!

Space agencies planning for sun-nuzzling satellite
Scientific America, 20th March 2009
The European Space Agency (ESA) and NASA today announced their preliminary selections for the instruments that will fly aboard ESA's forthcoming Solar Orbiter satellite, which will orbit the sun closer than ever before. The satellite, sometimes known as SOLO, will keep tabs on the sun and the space weather it creates from a cozy position next to our star– inside the orbit of Mercury and less than one-fourth the distance from Earth to the sun. (By comparison, NASA and ESA's currently operating Solar and Heliospheric Observatory, or SOHO, is positioned much farther out– roughly 99 percent of the way from the sun to Earth.) SOLO will also provide a rare glimpse of the polar regions of the sun."

I am sure this satellite will provide some good data if they can launch it safely and get it past all the debris around Earth.

Giant Solar Twists Discovered
Science Daily, 20th March 2009
"Scientists at Queen's University have made a finding that will help us to understand more about the turbulent solar weather and its affect on our planet. Along with scientists at the University of Sheffield and California State University, the researchers have detected giant twisting waves in the lower atmosphere of the Sun. [...] Professor Mihalis Mathioudakis, leader of the Queen's University Solar Group, said:

"Understanding solar activity and its influence on the Earth's climate is of paramount importance for human kind. The Sun is not as quiet as many people think. "The solar corona, visible from Earth only during a total solar eclipse, is a very dynamic environment which can erupt suddenly, releasing more energy than ten billion atomic bombs. Our study makes a major advancement in the understanding of how the million-degree corona manages to achieve this feat.""

Well, something has happened in the scientific community, because they are admitting here that Space Weather is effecting our planet's climate. THIS IS A MAJOR CHANGE! When I wrote my book, the prevailing attitude in the scientific community was understanding Space Weather effects on our satellite communication infrastructure, national power grids, pipelines and electronic systems, etc. Anyway, I note that this article can't even get the details right about Hannes Alfvén (1908-1995), who won the Nobel Prize in 1970. His ideas of galactic magnetism proposed in 1937 took three decades to get any recognition and it seems another of his theories described in this article, has taken over 60 years to be observed and proven. He understood that we live in a Plasma Universe and this plasma is now swamping our planet. We are facing completely new challenges and it's not just plasma physicists and electrical engineers that have to understand the effects on our planet and technology. We all need to understand that as electromagnetic beings, how we can live in a highly electrified/spiritualised world.

Pink elephant is caught on camera
BBC News, 20th March 2009
"A pink baby elephant has been caught on camera in Botswana. A wildlife cameraman took pictures of the calf when he spotted it among a herd of about 80 elephants in the Okavango Delta. Experts believe it is probably an albino, which is an extremely rare phenomenon in African elephants. They are unsure of its chances of long-term survival– the blazing African sunlight may cause blindness and skin problems for the calf."

Well I have heard of a 'white' elephant....LOL!

Schoolgirl films 'UFO sighting'[Pulstating multi-coloured orb, UK]
The Shropshire Star, 20th March 2009
"This is the latest in a series of sightings of UFOs in the skies over Shropshire which was captured on camera by Bridgnorth school girl Harriet Rogers. Thirteen-year-old Harriet filmed about seven minutes-worth of footage with the help of her dad on February 21. The pair were amazed to see the light and spent about 20 minutes watching the bizarre lights. It was still there when they stopped recording."

The UK continues to be a UAP hotspot! See also,

Hempstead Kent– 7 Glowing Lights [inverted triangles,UK]

Westbury-on-Trym, Bristol– 15 Orange Colored Lights [UK]

Wales: Do you know what the mystery light was?[UK]

What were lights in the sky over Tilehurst?[UK]

I can imagine for every sighting, there are many that go unnoticed and others where people are too intimidated by family/friends/society to speak out about what they have seen. Well, we are still expecting a massive build up of evolutionary energies that is estimated to continue until 2012, 'the veil' is lifting, so at some point we will literally be in another world.

Vatican insiders declare the Pope a 'disaster'
The Telegaph, 19th March 2009
"Pope Benedict's repeated gaffes and the Vatican's inability to manage his message in the internet era are threatening to undermine his papacy, Vatican insiders have said.
[...] The Pope is isolated and fails to adequately consult his advisers, said a Vatican source with 20 years' knowledge of the Holy See. Another Vatican insider described Pope Benedict's four-year-old papacy as "a disaster", recalling the pontiff's previous inflammatory remarks on Islam and homosexuality."

Off topic I am totally fascinated. Note the remark, "He's got too many jobs. There's talk that he is going to go," said a third Vatican source. I think this is quite shocking because it is deliberately vague about what it means.... Well, I imagine Vatican watchers with their thoughts on prophecy will be watching events very closely.

A Modest Proposal to Prevent the Pernicious Warming of our Fair Globe
Pajamas Media, 19th March 2009
Modest Proposal to Prevent the Pernicious Warming of our Fair Globe Whilst Enriching the Treasury of the Realm and Avoiding All Inconvenience to Ladies and Gentlemen of Refinement Who Otherwise Might Suffer Severe Annoyance From Such Climatory Consequences Were the Situation Left Unremedied.

It is melancholy to contemplate the disastrous effects that global warming must have on this, our once splendid planet, should the horrific trend now underway be allowed to continue unabated. In this, I am not speaking of the increase of the oceans, as, with a current rise rate of one inch per decade, the expected inundations must perforce come in a time so afar and away into the future so as to expose he who would raise alarm thereby to ridicule, a result which would defeat my purpose. No, it is rather the consequences already apparent here and now that must draw our attention and inspire us with a due sense of alacrity to immediate and forceful countermeasures.

Let us consider: As a consequence of global warming, in nearly all places on our planet the last killing frost of the spring is occurring earlier, and the first killing frost of the fall happening later, than was customary in the past. This lengthened season of growing, combined with a general increase in rainfall, and an over abundance of carbonation within the air, has so encouraged and expanded the growth of plants as to fill the stalls of grocers everywhere with such an abundance of fruits and vegetables that must perforce have the most unfortunate results — to wit the gestation of further multitudes of unwashed, uncouth, and ill-mannered hordes of noisy unwanted and unnecessary personages to infest our world with their brutish countenances, bestial customs, and unattractive complexions."

I am sure the intelligentsia will appreciate the sentiment behind this witty offering.

Our Brains Exist 'On The Edge Of Chaos'
Scientific Blogging, 19th March 2009
"A new study says that the human brain lives "on the edge of chaos", at a critical transition point between randomness and order. Theoretical speculation? Well, yeah, but that's the nature of neuroscience.The researchers say self-organized criticality (where systems spontaneously organize themselves to operate at a critical point between order and randomness), can emerge from complex interactions in many different physical systems, including avalanches, forest fires, earthquakes, and heartbeat rhythms."

Well, after decades scientists are still trying to understand how the brain works and here the scientists note the similarities with other systems that seem to have 'a brain', the reference to the heart is good as the Heartmath Institute also state that the heart also has it's own brain.

Expert Says No Earthquake Despite Reports of Ground Shaking in Ohio
Fox News, 18 March 2009
"Many Fox 8 News viewers called and e-mailed at approximately 10 a.m. Wednesday to say that the ground was shaking in and around Lake County. Fox 8 News contacted Dr. Michael Hansen, coordinator of the Ohio Seismic Network, who said that no monitor at OhioSeis headquarters picked up any seismic activity. Hansen suggested that the shaking people felt was more likely thunderstorms over Lake Erie. Fox 8 Meteorologist Scott Sabol says that the thunderstorms are associated with an advancing cold front that will cause temperatures to drop and eventually trigger rain showers Wednesday afternoon into the evening.

What? The ground shakes and it's not an earthquake? What these officials should have said is that their instruments did not record ground movements. It really makes you wonder whether this is the result of experiments with scalar waves... See archives for previous entries that discuss plasmas and torsion/scalar energies.

Teens Capture Images of Space With £56 Camera and Balloon
The Telegraph, 18th March 2009
"Proving that you don't need Google's billions or the BBC weather centre's resources, the four Spanish students managed to send a camera-operated weather balloon into the stratosphere. Taking atmospheric readings and photographs 20 miles above the ground, the Meteotek team of IES La Bisbal school in Catalonia completed their incredible experiment at the end of February this year."

I wonder what those big spenders at NASA will think!

New Microorganisms Discovered In Earth's Stratosphere
Science Daily, 18th March 2009
"Three new species of bacteria, which are not found on Earth and which are highly resistant to ultra-violet radiation, have been discovered in the upper stratosphere by Indian scientists. [...]

The precautionary measures and controls operating in this experiment inspire confidence that these species were picked up in the stratosphere. While the present study does not conclusively establish the extra-terrestrial origin of microorganisms, it does provide positive encouragement to continue the work in our quest to explore the origin of life."

When I first started this blog, I was shocked to discover that bacteria becomes 'radiation hardened' in space and that Space Stations were crawling with this stuff that mutated very quickly. Since this time, there has been many different reports that reveal that bacteria is easily transported into space by magnetospheric plasmoids. It seems that the proponents of Panspermia theory were right, many decades ago.

Global Warming Polar Explorers Freezing Running Out of Food
Bloomberg News, 18th March 2009
"Three U.K. explorers bound for the North Pole on a scientific expedition to study global warming said they are close to running out of food after "brutal" weather conditions halted three attempts to fly in supplies. The support team hopes to decide within hours on when it can send an airplane to land on nearby ice with provisions, Tori Taylor, a spokeswoman for the Catlin Arctic Survey in London, said in an interview today. "We're hungry, the cold is relentless, our sleeping bags are full of ice," expedition leader Pen Hadow said in a statement e-mailed yesterday by his team. "Waiting is almost the worst part of an expedition as we're in the lap of the weather gods.""

There has been absolutely no sympathy from global warming 'realists' commenting about this obvious publicity stunt, which is seriously back-firing. With constant moaning about the freezing cold, these 'explorers' state, "we're in the lap of the weather gods." Exactly!

UFO seen by many Chinese officials on flight, photos
All News Web, 18th March 2009
"The Xinhua News Agency, the official government press agency of the Peoples Republic of China, recently reported on a UFO sighting made by a number of journalists, along with government officials and a plane load of passengers. The sighting took place on February 24 of this year on a Southern Airlines flight which was flying to Nanjing at around 6pm.

A group of journalists were socialising during the flight when one of them noticed an unusual luminous object traveling alongside the airplane. At this point the Journalist alerted a number of security officials and the other journalists with whom he was traveling together with. The journalist managed to snap a few photos before the object shot off in a north easterly direction. The object was visible for around one minute."

There are reports old and new of 'tear drop' shaped entities flying alongside or crossing aircraft, but this sighting seems a little too aerodynamic, but who knows. This incident reminds me of embarrassing NASA footage, where the space shuttle is followed by a mini-army of "entities" and NASA simply shrugs them off as debris, which after the recent concern about space junk, is simply quite unbelievable.... See also Was 'burning fireball' in the sky a UFO? [UK] The eye witness states, ""It was like a burning fireball– a bit like a massive firework– but it kept going up and all over the place at such great speed."

Motorist who drove along railway line tells police sat nav was to blame
The Telegraph, 17th March 2009
"A motorist who drove along 20ft of a railway line told police officers his sat nav had directed him to turn on to the track. Motorist claims sat nav sent him along railway line A motorist who drove along 20ft along a railway line told police officers his sat nav had directed him to turn on to the track Photo: BLOOMBERG

Officers found Satlegh Mohammadi stood next to his Ford Fiesta on the tracks after they were flagged down by Network Rail workers shortly after midnight. He claimed he had been listening to his satellite navigation system which instructed him to turn right at a town centre level crossing."

A reminder that GPS is not always accurate and there are people who will follow them blindly without regard to common sense.

Rainbow Planet, 17th March 2009
Copy: "Something special is happening to Venus. The brightest of all planets is hanging low in the western sky at sunset, and if you look at it with a backyard telescope, you'll see that it is a slender 4% crescent. But that's not the special part. What's special is, Venus looks like a rainbow. Sadegh Ghomizadeh took the picture from Tehran, Iran, on March 10th. It shows the view through his 11-inch Celestron.

"The seeing was poor, but Venus was still bright and beautiful," he says. Venus resembles a rainbow because Earth's atmosphere acts like a prism. When Venus is near the horizon, refraction separates the red crescent from the blue. The crescent is so thin, the splitting of colors is obvious. Later this month, Venus will disappear into the glare of the spring sun, so catch the rainbow planet while you can!"

All over the world, there is a legacy of esoteric art, architecture, literature and mythology, that is filled with coded references to World Ages. The planet Venus plays a significant part of this esoterica and on the 21st December 2012, according to Mayan Elders, the Great Cycle of time presided over by Venus will end and the Fifth Sun or Age will start. We now have scientific confirmation that we will be inundated with cosmic energies that will transform our world. Why else would the Obama administration be asking 'Evolutionary Leaders' what is taking place? Personally, the Obama administration would be better off paying attention to the indigenous elders who have been proven correct in their understanding of the evolution of consciousness and their interpretations of space-time.

New "Rainbow Glow" Jellyfish Found
National Geographic News, 16th March 2009
Look on the bright side– this luminous new jellyfish species doesn't sting. Jellyfish expert Lisa Gershwin caught the unnamed species in early March while swimming near a jetty off the Australian island of Tasmania with a "phototank"– a small aquarium that makes it easy to photograph sea life. The jellyfish does not emit its own light, as bioluminescent creatures do. Rather, its rainbow glow emanates from light reflecting off the creature's cilia, small hairlike projections that beat simultaneously to move the jellyfish through the water. [...]

"So it begs the question," Gershwin said by email, "of how many fragile species are out there, right under our noses, that we have overlooked. ... "

As I have stated before; how do biologists know which species are being 'overlooked' and which ones are a product of evolution?

Discovery nears space station as debris nears, too
Associated Press, 16th March 2009
"Seven astronauts raced to the international space station aboard space shuttle Discovery on Monday, while NASA debated whether the orbiting outpost will need to move aside to dodge part of an old Soviet satellite.

Space station astronauts had a close call last week with a small piece of orbiting junk, and NASA said Monday that debris from a satellite that broke apart in 1981 could come within about half a mile of the station early Tuesday. [...]

Kosmos 1275 broke up somewhat mysteriously, said NASA orbital debris scientist Mark Matney. It may have crashed with another object that wasn't tracked and it made a cloud of 310 pieces of debris that are slowly falling into a lower orbit, he said. "

NASA has to take action concerning space junk, twice in a period of a week? Estimates vary from 400 million to billions of tiny pieces of junk, so we can only surmise that the situation has becoming untenable. This article is confusing, as the recent crash was Kosmos 2251, but here we have junk from another Russian satellite Kosmos 1275 that 'broke up' 'mysteriously'. It's seems that if you like mystery, then working within the space community is a great place to be. See also Orbital Water Guns Could Blow Away Space Junk. Quote: "We need to treat space like a national park — carry out what you carry in," says Heiner Klinkrad, who runs the European Space Agency's Space Debris Office in Darmstadt, Germany, and is chairman of the global Inter-Agency Space Debris Coordination Committee." This sounds like NASA are coming round to the idea of 'space' environmentalism!

Cosmic Ray Flux and Neutron monitors suggest we may not have hit solar minimum yet
Watts Up With That, 15th March 2009
"There's some interesting information of the six month trend of neutrons being detected globally that I want to bring to discussion, but first I thought that a primer on cosmic rays, neutrons, and their interaction with the atmosphere might be helpful to the many layman readers here."

There is a good primer on cosmic rays here by Anthony Watts who points out that as far as the data is concerned we have not reached solar minimum because cosmic rays are still increasing. Well, the Sun's magnetic field must be still weakening as we have been told by NASA and we will all have to wait, watch the data and announcements as they roll in.

How to protest at work the French way – take the boss hostage
Head of Sony France released after night locked in factory by sacked workers
The Independent, 14th March 2009
Full Story: "In industrial disputes in other countries, the bosses lock the workers out. In France, disgruntled workers lock their bosses in. The head of the Sony corporation in France was held overnight in an electronics plant in south-west France yesterday by workers protesting against their redundancy terms.

The workers blocked exits from the factory with the trunks and branches of trees and forced the chief executive of Sony France, Serge Foucher, and the company's head of human resources, Roland Bentz, to spend the night in a conference room. Hostage taking? Industrial terrorism? Not in France. The "sequestration" of bosses has been a common tactic by French workers for several years. It is unusual, however, for the "prisoner" to be someone as senior as the national chief of a company as large as Sony."

Well the French have always valued workers rights but I think most would could consider this extreme. Well at least this guy was not killed as in the case in India when workers were angry over job losses.

England [UK]: Christchurch, Dorset– Bright Green Light Traveling in a Straight Line
World UFOs, 14th March 2009
"Full Description of Event/Sighting: Bright green constant light travelling Southwest at incredible high speed in a straight line, probably below 5000 feet. Visible for just a few seconds then vanished. Clear moonlit sky, no cloud, stars evident. It did not disappear into cloud, just ceased. Spooky."

Well, as I am putting together teaching materials on World Ages, I am struck by the fact that we are on the cusp of a galactic/intergalactic event which is already starting to feel like Star Wars. What's more, the geomagnetic data clearly shows that our Sun and Earth are co-operating with Universal forces to make sure our planet gets the expected massive bombardment of energy. Meanwhile, the Earth Management Team are out in full force.... Don't worry, the planetary grid has already been fixed up, you only have to worry about the state of your own personal energy field.... See also, UFO formation in South Africa filmed by cops, some very interesting current and historical accounts here.

China– Pigs born without snouts
UPI, 13th March 2009
Full Story: "JINGCHENG , A southern China farmer said two otherwise healthy pigs were born without snouts on his farm. Fang Lianseng said his two unique swine were born at his Jingcheng farm alongside several siblings with the normal pig facial features, The Sun reported Friday.

"They look strange but their nostrils are inside their mouths and they breathe quite well," the farmer said. Veterinarians said the pigs may have been born without snouts as a result of a genetic mutation or pollution.

It's unfortunate there is no image, but again this is another strange mutation from China.

Update I have just realised, 2 piglets were born with the same DNA change, so the same updated code was processed but only applied to 2 of the off-spring.

The Day the Sun Brought Darkness
NASA News, 13th March 2009
"On March 13, 1989 the entire province of Quebec, Canada suffered an electrical power blackout. Hundreds of blackouts occur in some part of North America every year. The Quebec Blackout was different, because this one was caused by a solar storm!

On Friday March 10, 1989 astronomers witnessed a powerful explosion on the sun. Within minutes, tangled magnetic forces on the sun had released a billion-ton cloud of gas. It was like the energy of thousands of nuclear bombs exploding at the same time. The storm cloud rushed out from the sun, straight towards Earth, at a million miles an hour."

The Sun is still in a sunspot 'funk' but NASA still thinks they should warn people about the possibility of massive coronal mass ejections (CMEs) knocking out national power grids. Actually, to be more correct, the electrical power grid of Quebec shut down in 90 seconds after the commencement of the massive 1989 storm that became the point when scientists coined the phrase 'Space Weather'. Well, I am quite confident that the majority of people are totally unware of what might be on the cards IF and WHEN we start to get some serious solar activity. Whatever, despite the fact that NASA's prediction record for this solar cycle has been dismal, the Solar Storm:Perfect Disaster documentary-drama encapsulates NASA's concerns, YouTube linkhere. So, as we have been also told that the Earth's magnetic shielding is now generating configurations that will generate MASSIVE geomagnetic storms, you have been warned!

Galaxies protected by mysterious dark matter
Hubble uncovers evidence of galaxies embedded in the unseen substance, 12th March 2009
"NASA's Hubble Space Telescope has uncovered new evidence that galaxies are embedded in and protected by halos of dark matter, the invisible form of matter that accounts for most of the universe's mass.

Dark matter is invisible and nobody even knows what it is, but it is evident by the fact that galaxies hold together at all. Some unseen substance lurks in space — concentrated in galaxies — and generated gravity in amounts well beyond the visible matter. [...]

First proposed about 80 years ago, dark matter is thought to be the "glue" that holds galaxies together. Astronomers suggest that dark matter provides vital "scaffolding" for the universe, forming a framework for the formation of galaxies through gravitational attraction."

Proposed about 80 years ago?!? I think that many scientists, especially plasma experts would object to being accused of ignorance, but it seems the understanding of 'dark matter' as a multi-dimensional plasma, may have too many metaphysical implications. Yet, we find Hannes Alfvén, in 1970, on the occasion of his acceptance of the Nobel Prize in Physics states, 'In the beginning was the plasma' and if you study current scientific thinking in cosmology, it will become apparent that others are now agreeing.

At last, the truth about America: it's becoming less religious
Daily Telegraph Blog, 10th March 2009
"A huge survey of American religious belief was published today, and the results are devastating for those who believe that the USA, unlike "secular" Europe, will always be a nation of churchgoers.

The percentage of Americans who call themselves Christian has dropped 11 per cent in a generation. And I think this is the beginning of a very long slide. "More than ever before, people are just making up their own stories of who they are," says Barry Kosmin, co-author of the survey. "They say, 'I'm everything. I'm nothing. I believe in myself.'" [...]

I've seen this coming for a long time. Five years ago I was doing academic research on evangelical religion, and I was struck by just how secularised even born-again, Bible Belt Christianity had become. US Christians whom the BBC would describe as "fundamentalist" were becoming increasingly focussed on a narcissistic spiritual journey in which the figure of Jesus was sometimes little more than a disposable spirit guide or a life coach.

The fast-growing evangelical churches of America base much of their appeal on experiential excitement and therapeutic storytelling; everything is turned into a commodity, including courses of sermons. No wonder there is a signficant (if unacknowledged) overlap with the New Age."

This survey most be very dispiriting for the control freaks who are desperate to pigeon hole people for marketing purposes.

Environmental catastrophism
Agence France-Presse, 14th March 2009
"The concept of original sin is alive and well and being nurtured by the green movement. Climate change (meaning the manmade variety) is the latest in a long line of impending disasters for which our species is being blamed. It seems more than coincidental that the rise of environmentalism has been at a time when there has been a big drop in religious adherence; the guilt which was felt by previous generations for their imperfection and general unworthiness has now been transferred to our species' impact on Nature (or Gaia, for those who want to make it more personal). From DDT to GM crops, nuclear power to Brent Spar, there have always been one or more campaigns which the activists have focussed on, generally with great success. But the crucial difference between these issues and climate change is that this time mainstream scientists are allies and, in turn, the political class has been brought on board. It has also seen the evolution of the scientist as activist, a hybrid which has never before wielded such influence. We might expect that, given such a broad coalition, the pressure for action would be irresistible and, indeed, this seems to be true. Until now.

As I have stated before, there is a genuine rise in consciousness that is being manipulated by those in power. However, the transformation of consciousness is also being accompanied by 'chaotic attractors' (patterns of consciousness) making human behaviour and reactions to various scenarios increasingly difficult to predict. Yet, I totally believe that our future destiny is being decided now by the collective of individuals, especially those with the highest levels of consciousness.

More lights baffle UFO Experts [Shropshire, UK]
Shropshire Star, 14th March 2009
"Up to 30 Shropshire sightings of mysterious spheres of light have been logged by UFO experts in the last two months– with eight recorded in the last week. Phillip Hoyle, of the UFO Investigation and Research Unit in Shrewsbury, is conducting an investigation into the phenomenon witnessed by dozens of county residents.

Reports of orange and white glowing spheres poured in this week. Many people sighted the globes in the skies above the county on Tuesday night. Joe Szpalek, from Castlefields, Shrewsbury, spotted a mystery ball of light at about 7pm on Tuesday. The 26-year-old said: "I saw what I thought was a meteor or meteorite which appeared to be dropping from the sky. "I phoned a mate who I knew in town to see if he saw anything crash or heard anything. It was a huge ball of light plummeting to the ground at a rate of knots. "The more I thought about it, it just looked like a solid white ball of light shooting quickly to the ground.""

Hey, look what's happening in the UK!! Well, this is getting very exciting as the planetary refresh process seems to be accelerating and magnetospheric plasmoids fly in from all over the galaxy/universe to take up a new residency inside planet Earth! It has to be said that British eye-witnesses, are doing a wonderful job with their continuous harassment of the local media. I just love it!!!!

Clear Skies Have Become Less So Over Time, Data Show
Science Magazine, 14th March 2009
"More than three decades of data showing how clear, or unclear, the sky over land has been should reveal how changes in air pollution have affected climate change, according to a University of Maryland-led team of researchers. The data show that what the researchers call clear sky visibility over land has decreased worldwide since the early 1970s because of an increase in aerosols, which are solid particles or liquid droplets suspended in air. Aerosols, which include soot, dust and sulfur dioxide particles, are created by the burning of fossil fuels, industrial processes and burning of tropical rain forests. Aerosols pose a threat to human health and the environment, the researchers said."

This study will not reveal the influence of cosmic rays on cloud formation and "global dimming" should reduce global temperatures as many previous studies have shown by monitoring the effect of volcanic eruptions.

Oil spill could be worst environmental disaster [Australia], 13th March 2009
"The spill is blanketing the once pristine south-east Queensland coastline Premier Anna Bligh says a massive oil spill of up to 100 tonnes that is blanketing the once pristine southeast Queensland coastline could be the state's worst environmental disaster. Premier Anna Bligh has declared Moreton Island, Bribie Island and parts of the Sunshine Coast as disaster zones. Ms Bligh told AAP the amount of oil that had leaked was a lot more than the original 30-tonne estimate. "It may well be the worst environmental disaster Queensland has ever seen," Premier Bligh said.

Maybe the tanker's navigational systems gave a false location and that is why the tanker got into trouble, as it can be noted that space weather researchers have queried the role of space weather in other high profile oil spill disasters. Whatever, tankers are not designed to find a convenient little harbour at the onset of a cyclone.... Update This looks like negligence, from the report Australian oil spill worse than thought, we find, "Swire said containers of fertilizer had slipped from the ship's deck as it rocked in rough seas, ripping a hole in a fuel tank and spilling more than 11,000 gallons (42,500 liters) of oil into the sea."

The Essenes, Dead Sea Scroll 'authors,' never existed
Haaretz, 13th March 2009
"Scholarship suggesting the existence of the Essenes, a religious Jewish group that lived in the Judea before the destruction of the Second Temple in 70 CE, is wrong, according to Prof. Rachel Elior, whose study on the subject will be released soon.

Elior blasts the predominant opinion of Dead Sea Scrolls scholars that the Essenes had written the scrolls in Qumran, claiming instead that they were written by ousted Temple priests in Jerusalem. "Sixty years of research have been wasted trying to find the Essenes in the scrolls. But they didn't exist, they were invented by [Jewish-Roman historian] Josephus. It's a history of errors which is simply nonsense," she said. [...]

Elior says Josephus, inspired by descriptions of life in the Greek city of Sparta, made the Essenes up. "There is no historical testimony in Hebrew or Aramaic of the Essenes. It is unthinkable that thousands of people lived abstemiously, contrary to Torah laws, and nobody wrote anything about it," she said. Then who did write the scrolls?"

Off-topic I don't have time to check this out, but something is obviously brewing. Maybe this is an attempt to 'officially' snuff out the existence of the Essenes, as it conflicts with beliefs that have been perpetuated for millenia, as any impartial enquirer would soon realise.

NASA solicits new studies on the current solar minimum
Watts Up With That, 12th March 2009
"This is interesting. It seems that NASA has taken an interest in the current solar minimum and is getting ready to launch one or more studies about it. They are soliciting proposals. [...]

Michael Ronanye writes: This is a three year project with funding of 1.5 million dollars per year and total funding of 4.5 million dollars over the life of the project. This is a very good insurance and CYA policy on NASA's part. They may get some interesting research out of the project and if conditions on the Sun take an unexpected turn, they can always say: "Yes Senator, NASA was right of top of the situation and we funded this new project on 3/5/2009"!"


1. Scope of Program

In 2009, we are in the midst of the minimum of solar activity that marks the end of Solar Cycle 23. As this cycle comes to an end we are recognizing, in retrospect, that the Sun has been extraordinarily quiet during this particular Solar Cycle minimum. This is evidenced in records of both solar activity and the response to it of the terrestrial space environment. For example:
Causes – Solar output

  • Lowest sustained solar radio flux since the F 10.7 proxy was created in 1947;
  • Solar wind global pressure the lowest observed since the beginning of the Space age;
  • Unusually high tilt angle of the solar dipole throughout the current solar minimum;
  • Solar wind magnetic field 36% weaker than during the minimum of Solar Cycle 22;
  • Effectively no sunspots;
  • The absence of a classical quiescent equatorial streamer belt; and
  • Cosmic rays at near record-high levels.


  • With the exception of 1934, 2008 had more instances of 3-hr periods with Kp=0 than any other year since the creation of the index in 1932;
  • Cold contracted ionosphere and upper atmosphere; and
  • Remarkably persistent recurrent geomagnetic activity.
Thus, we have an unprecedented opportunity to characterize the quiet/background state of the heliosphere when the solar source function is as close to the ground state as it has been in the modern era.[end of excerpt]

Remember this is our Sun that is now clearly not performing to expectations and the above listing provides us with some solid facts. We are in unchartered waters as the Sun is rapidly dropping our solar shield to oncoming cosmic, galactic and intergalactic energies. Hmmm..... OK when I wrote my book, I was sure that we were seeing the start of a New Age dominated by space or ether, with the phenomena of Space Weather, but this is now on a completely different scale, as predicted by channelled sources and dutifully included in my book..... Well, we can now state that NASA has officially got off the fence.....

Debris Briefly Forces Astronauts From Space Station
ABC News, 12th March 2009
"A tiny piece of space junk smaller than a fingertip forced three astronauts to briefly evacuate the International Space Station on Thursday when the debris came too close for comfort. The astronauts, Russian Yury Lonchakov and Americans Michael Fincke and Sandra Magnus, spent about nine minutes in the Soyuz escape ship before the space litter passed by. NASA called the threat to the $100 billion space station "minimal" and said the astronauts were moved into the Soyuz capsule as a precaution."

Wow, that's some serious visual capability! Now, why didn't someone spot two large satellites about to crash into each other? See article date 6th March,NASA: Shuttle's Risk of Debris Strike Up 6 Percent, note: "NASA is still assessing the risk to the upcoming Hubble repair space shuttle mission, targeted to fly in late May. The danger to this trip could be greater, managers said, because that shuttle is set to take its crew to an altitude of about 372 miles (600 km), putting it much closer to the range of the collision than the space station is. "That didn't look so good, when they looked at that," Bill Gerstenmaier, NASA's space operations chief, has said."

More UFO sightings over St Helens [UK]
The St. Helens Reporter, 12th March 2009
"A stargazer claims he spotted a UFO hovering over Victoria Park last month - and he's got photo evidence to prove it. The St Helens man, who asked not to be identified, says he saw a glowing disc in the sky over the North Road entrance top the park. He said: "The object was at a height of roughly 500 feet and appeared to the naked eye as the size of a small coin held at arms length.

"It looked like a brilliant glowing fireball and looked like the underneath or belly of the object. It was circular in shape– the centre was a brilliant whitish glowing colour– and looked like its edges were on fire with flickering orange flames. "I watched it for several minutes and it would appear stationary for about 15 seconds, blink out, then instantly re-appear in a different part of the sky. I must have witnessed this manoeuvre at least ten times. "It also fired out what looked like a pulsating light several times but was completely silent. But the last time it blinked out was the last time I saw it. It just disappeared."

He added: "This was no aeroplane, police helicopter or balloon. I've never seen anything like it before. It is easy to get carried away with stories of little green men or flying saucers, but if we can land on the moon and send spacecraft to distant planets, then who's to say that there isn't other intelligent life forms in outer space doing the same thing?"

I wonder if the fact that people can take pictures is helping more people to speak out about their experiences. Whatever, this is another good account with an example where the orb appears to be looking for a suitable location to enter the Earth by sending out "pulsating light", which seems to help the process. See also UFO spotters say truth is out there after Burn sighting [UK], quote: "Selby-based UFO expert Tony Topping said: "I think Selby is going to be placed firmly on the map in terms of the UFO subject in years to come. "I believe some members of the population in Selby have a unique genetic code that might be of interest to them. "The district is also home to the three biggest power stations in Europe so they might also be trying to discover how we generate power. "Whatever the reason, I'm sure it will become apparent in the years ahead." Ok, I found this parochial Selby account just plain funny. LOL!!

Heartland Meeting of Climate "Realists" a Huge Success–
Icecap, 11th March 2009
"Over 800 scientists and economists from 24 countries were in attendance this week at the Second Annual ICCC in New York City organized by the Heartland and with 60 co-sponsoring organizations including Icecap. They heard talks by 80 scientists from 14 countries. The presentations of the keynote speakers which included Vaclav Klaus, President of the Czech Republic and the European Union, Dr. Richard Lindzen, Astronaut Harrison Schmidt, former Hansen boss Dr. John Theon, Former Governor Dr. John Sununu, Dr. Arthur Robinson, Dr. Bob Carter, Lord Monckton, and Dr. Willie Soon will soon be all available on the Heartland ICCC 2009 web site. The others were all videotaped and will be made available over upcoming weeks. Sections from the talks will be combined into other videos that tell the real climate story and distributed to decision makers and schools and groups that care about the truth or wish to hear both sides of the story."

It sounds like it was quite a jamboree...

Archeologists find rare Maya panels in Guatemala
Reuters News, 11th March 2009
"Archeologists have uncovered carved stucco panels depicting cosmic monsters, gods and serpents in Guatemala's northern jungle that are the oldest known depictions of a famous Mayan creation myth. The newly discovered panels, both 26 feet long and stacked on top of each other, were created around 300 BC and show scenes from the core Mayan mythology, the Popol Vuh."

The timing is quite interesting....

At Least 16 Die as Youth Opens Fire at German School
Bloomberg News, 11th March 2009
"At least 16 people died, among them children and teachers, when a teenager wearing camouflage clothing opened fire at a school before going on a shooting spree near Stuttgart in southwest Germany. The 17-year-old assailant shot dead nine children and three adults at the Albertville Realschule in the town of Winnenden, about 20 kilometers (12 miles) northeast of Stuttgart, police spokesman Thomas Keller said by phone. The gunman killed a further person while fleeing the school and two people at a car dealership before dying in a shootout with police, Keller said. Two police officers were badly injured."

Two mass shootings occuring over two days. Well the concept of balance has been creeping into mainstream consciousness with a host of products and alternative therapies and practices, but unfortunately the gun culture is alive and well in the guise of "gaming" and attracts those with the lowest conciousness. As it is now clear, geomagnetic factors trigger the most vulnerable as those who work in the emergency services will testify.

Another mystery boom wakes people in Rockland County New York
The Journal News, 10th March 2009
"A second loud boom may have rattled windows in parts of Rockland County yesterday– and its origin remains as mysterious as the explosive noise that blew through southern Westchester County over the weekend.

"It was about 5:15 a.m., and it woke up the whole house," said Nanuet resident Keith Wallenstein. "The house was shaking. It sounded like someone had flown an F-16 over the house." "If it was thunder, it had to be right on the house," Wallenstein said. "And I know a bunch of people who heard it within 3 to 4 or 5 miles away. So I don't know if it was thunder."

Spokesmen at several Rockland police departments said they were not aware of any reports of loud booms early Monday morning. An earlier unexplained "boom" shook homes in parts of southern Westchester early Saturday. That noise, and the one that reportedly woke up parts of Rockland yesterday, was unlikely to be an earthquake, weather pattern, falling space debris or a civilian aircraft, officials from local, state and federal agencies said yesterday.

"It's against regulations to be in supersonic speed or subsonic speed that would create the sonic boom," said Jim Peters, a spokesman for the Federal Aviation Administration. "And the only aircraft that are really equipped to make a sonic boom or can possibly make it are military aircraft. And I don't know what military missions, if any, were flown over the Hudson Valley that would've created that noise. You're looking for a needle in a haystack."

Well, this has been going on non stop for years now and I first thought it was energy being released from the Earth but with the constant reports of asteroid fly-bys, meteorites, fireballs (this does not including the plasma phenomena), and NASA trying to hide information about Near Earth Objects, we have to conclude that our alignment with the Galactic Center is sending a lot of debris our way. By the way, did you know that astronomers state we made the so called 2012 solstice-galactic alignment in 1998 and it will take 36 years to complete. It seems that one has to look a little bit more deeper to find other astronomical alignments and estoteric lore to discover what our ancestors have preserved for us to understand at this critical time in the history of mankind.

Low-EMF Computer Set-Ups
Planet Thrive, 10th March 2009
"An electrical engineer Harry — who is disabled — designs and develops low-emission computers for use by people with severe electrical sensitivity. Two computers are described here that are one-of-a-kind research and development projects he has worked on over several years in his home workshop. [...]

Harry has found that reducing emissions to make computers safe for sensitive individuals is a sizable challenge. Computers are among the most troublesome devices for people who are sensitive to electricity, causing symptoms such as headaches, inability to concentrate, memory loss, depression and other mood alterations, itchiness, insomnia, and seizures. Some people's reactions are so severe that they can't be near a conventional computer in a school, hospital, or work setting, let alone at home. This is a particularly unfortunate situation considering that for people with other severe disabilities, computers and Internet access often are enabling and empowering. Using a computer reduces isolation and sometimes makes work possible."

Since I have suffered from electrical sensitivity that occured after a few years of working in a large bay that was part of ultra modern computer department, I hope this entry may be helpful to people currently suffering, my solution was a Metatron Electromagnetic Mat, it balances my energy field using copper in a diamond lattice geometry with crystals and magnets. It was not not cheap to buy but it's now indispensable. Interesting thing about electrohypersensitives, some of them say they can actually see the electric and magnetic fields. By the way, these Tibetan monks seriously understand Sacred Geometry.....

Zoo chimp plots stone throwing attacks
New study found his cleverly orchestrated attacks were premeditated

MSNBC, 9th March 2009
"If non-human primates could be arrested, Santino the chimp might be behind jail bars for throwing stones and handcrafted weapons at zoo visitors, since a new study found his cleverly orchestrated attacks were premeditated. The discovery, published in the latest issue of Current Biology, provides evidence that chimpanzees can plan for a future, rather than a current, mental state. This, in turn, implies "advanced consciousness and cognition traditionally not associated with animals," according to Mathias Osvath, who conducted the study. Staff at the Furuvik Zoo in Sweden first became suspicious in 1997 when they spotted multiple stone piles at the park's "chimpanzee island" where Santino lives, explained Osvath, a Lund University researcher in the field of cognitive science."

According to these biologists this chimp has obviously 'evolved' to the point that he can plan ahead and make sure he has enough ammunition for his daily target practice of zoo visitors! Quite amazing!

Strong winds push ice into beachfront homes along Saginaw Bay
The Bay City Times, 9th March 2009
"Mountains of ice crept up the beach and over sea walls of Linwood homes early Monday morning. The ice made its way into backyards, broke windows and spilled inside homes on the shoreline. [...]

"It looked like glaciers coming in," he said. And although their homes are safe now, both men say the even makes you realize what's important. "In this day and age, there is nothing material that's important," Grendel said. "It's all about family."

Aren't people more philosophical these days?

Iridium satellite network back to full strength after collision
A spare craft fills in as Iridium seeks ways to avoid future mishaps
Network World, 9th March 2009
"A backup satellite in the Iridium communication network has replaced the one knocked out in a collision with a dead Russian satellite last month. This should clear up intermittent delays caused by traffic being routed around the missing craft. It took about three weeks for the company to prepare and maneuver into place the spare, which was already in orbit. The Iridium constellation consists of 66 satellites and originally had eight spares. [...]

Scientists never definitively figured out what caused the two satellites to collide other than random crossing of their paths. A former Russian general claimed afterward that the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Agency was behind the destruction of the two satellites."

Random Crossing?!?! There has been rising levels of concern about space junk for years and some harsh words directed at NASA, see archives. Whatever, here we see another example of the effort to downplay the role of Space Weather as the cause of satellite failures. Obviously, the multi-billion dollar satellite communication industry does not need nervous investors backing off and various military space commands now have to worry about the effectiveness of their satellite dependent systems. It's really difficult to see how this so-called 50 million to 1 event, can be viewed in any other way than Armageddon for the future of the space industry. See related stories this week.

Canada: St. John's, Newfoundland– A Large Explosion of Light with Black Hole in Center
HBCC UFO Research, 9th March 2009 Full Description of Event/Sighting: "This is to report a strange phenomena rather than an object. About 9:30 pm, a bright light lit up the sky for ~ 2 seconds. It was almost as bright as daylight. We expected some noise but did not hear any sound. As far away as St. Anthony the same "lightening" was reported. That is a distance of 400 miles (700 km from St. John's). Because of local cloud cover it has been widely interpreted as very bright lightening somewhere. However, my son is a pilot and he was just leaving St. Anthony at the time. Because he was still in cloud, he saw only the flash. Other pilots above the clouds interrupted in very colorful language by asking "did you see that"? Their description was: There was a large explosion of light, circular in shape with a black hole in the middle. It lasted only seconds. There was no noise. It was high in the sky. The light was seen over a distance of hundreds of miles by thousands of people. It was well above the clouds and only a few pilots above the clouds could see the shape of this phenomena."

The energy bombardment of Earth continues.....

Earthquake Magnitude 6.4– North of Svalbard Archipelago
USGS, 6th March 2009
Copy: Date-Time Friday, March 06, 2009 at 10:50:29 UTC, Friday, March 06, 2009 at 10:50:29 AM at epicenter

It was only about three weeks ago when I stated the vault at Svalbard was not disaster proof and here we have a earthquake of 6.4, well there you go. According to The Norway Post, this is strongest quake ever registered, see Svalbard hit by major earthquake.

Obama Administration Requests Info on Planetary Challenges, 5th March 2009
"The Obama Administration has asked the "Evolutionary Leaders" to communicate about what is transpiring on the planet, and how we can change the course of the unprecedented events that are challenging this planet. This is a window of opportunity that must be taken! A deadline was given for this information to be conveyed to the Obama Administration."

A dear friend has just sent me details on Obama's request, I will process the information and come up with my response. We are living in truly amazing times, could you imagine Bush or Cheney making this request?

Update: Having read the response by these 'Evolutionary Leaders' I am not sure that they are aware of the seriousness of what is facing Earth. The request from the Obama Administration states 'to communicate about what is transpiring on the planet, and how we can change the course of the unprecedented events that are challenging this planet'. We are facing a 'New Age' dominated by space and as NASA have revealed, our solar system shielding is rapidly declining & the Earth is lowering it's shields to solar, cosmic and galactic/intergalactic energies which will have MAJOR evolutionary implications for all life on Earth. I note the following paragraphs;

We recognize that the inner and outer aspects of life evolve together. A dramatic awakening in consciousness will involve an equally dramatic shift in outward aspects of our lives. In particular, we see the following as vital opportunities for our conscious evolution, both personally and collectively:
  • Cultivating a Paradigm of Aliveness: We regard the universe as deeply alive and conscious by nature. In a living universe, our sense of subtle connection and participation with life around us is the basis for a compassionate and cooperative approach to living.
  • Educating for an Evolving Consciousness: Awakening consciousness is the foundation for all the change we seek to see in the world. We can work to elevate our capacity for conscious reflection and creative action in our personal lives as well as our collective lives as communities. We must support research and educational strategies that optimize human capacities and explore the nature of consciousness. [End of Excerpt]
Personally, I would be interested to know what these 'evolutionary leaders' are going to teach ordinary people, as money for research will not help as we face an onslaught of evolutionary energies, electromagnetic chaos and dramatic changes taking place. This is the reason why I wrote my book, Tuning the Diamonds: Electromagnetism & Spiritual Evolution as a 'Study Guide' and anyone who has read my book, website information and regularly followed this blog will be quite well informed of what's happening.

British Savant Learns German in a Week
De Spiegel, 5th March 2009
"Is it possible to learn German in just days? Linguistic savant Daniel Tammet managed to do so in the course of a week. Using his own special technique, the 30-year-old, who has a mild form of autism, has learned to speak more than 10 languages. Daniel Tammet likes the German language. It's "like a clean room with good sharp corners, tidy and straightforward," he says, yet at the same time it's "poetic, transparent and elegant." [...]

"It doesn't seem as though the learning process is an effort for him," Spies says. But how is that possible? Tammet tries to explain it himself: "I learn new languages intuitively, like a child." Grammar doesn't interest him. Instead, he lets himself be carried along by the language, looking for patterns in the mess of sentences he hears, tying words together into related groups. "Small, round things often start with 'Kn' in German," he says, pointing out Knoblauch (garlic), Knopf (button) and Knospe (bud). Then there are the long, thin things that often begin with "Str," like Strand (beach), Strasse (street) and Strahlen (rays).

"I try to develop a feeling of how each particular language works," he says, adding that he's helped in this pursuit by the fact that regions in his brain are connected in unusual ways. Most humans think in isolated categories, but for Tammet everything is networked. "When I think about words," he says, "I take information from everywhere in my brain." Emotions, colors and shapes all connect themselves with the words, allowing him to learn with incredible speed."

Incredible! This gifted 'savant' is also a reminder that maybe most people are just not "networked" in the brain to allow them to manifest their full potential.

Earth 'Heals' After Big Earthquakes
Fox News, 4th March 2009
"For the first time, scientists have watched as the Earth's surface "heals" itself following the disruptive jolt of an earthquake, in this case, the 2003 temblor that devastated Bam, Iran. The fault under the city erupted in a 6.6-magnitude quake on Dec. 26 that year, leveling the town and killing more than 26,000 people. But though devastation was evident, there was no clear fault mark at the surface.

"The fault slipped maybe 2 or 3 meters [6.5 to 10 feet] at depth, but at the surface, when colleagues of mine went out, they found some cracks, but the motion on those cracks is only about up to 25 centimeters [10 inches] or less," said one of the scientists who studied the quake, Eric Fielding of Caltech. "We have some layer of material near the surface that's behaving differently from the fault at depth."

More evidence that the way the behaves reveals that our Earth is indeed a living entity.

Amazing Bright Orb in Moscow
YouTube, March 2009
Comment: Amazing! At one point, the orb appears to be made up of smaller orbs, which I'm sure will fascinate some. Well, we will have to get use to this as the 'veil is lifting' and we move into experiencing a more magical and mysterious world. Thus, it is becoming apparent that those in massive denial are just wasting their time trying to convince others that this is not happening.

Star-gazer spots "bright orange" UFO above Crawley [UK]
This is Crawley, 4th March 2009
Full Story: An amateur astronomer who was stunned to see three burning orange objects in the sky thinks they were UFOs. Adam Smith, of Steyning Close, Northgate, was standing in his garden in the early hours of Sunday morning when he noticed the first Unidentified Flying Object passing through the sky above his house. The 27-year-old said: "I was in my back garden having a cigarette at about 12.10pm when I looked up and saw this bright orange ball. "It looked like a satellite burning up in the atmosphere at first but it kept on going.

"It was so bright it looked like it was on fire. My girlfriend freaked out a bit because she thought a plane was on fire. "We watched it for a couple of minutes then another one came across and another one followed that too. We were watching for a good few minutes." The eagle-eyed stargazer has been observing space for about 10 years with amateur telescopes and says he has never seen anything like it before.

Adam, a father-of-four, added: "I've seen meteors burning up, satellites flying over and these Chinese lanterns that keep getting mistaken for UFOs and this definitely wasn't anything like that. "They were pretty big and they were moving about one and half times faster than a satellite would (about 700 miles an hour). I can't explain it, it really took me back." In 2008, there were eight UFO sightings in West Sussex reported to the Ministry of Defence (MoD), six of which referred to bright orange lights.

Over the years the MoD has received so many orange light sightings from people that it commissioned a report investigating the unexplained phenomena in 2006. The report attempts to explain the lights as "buoyant charged masses", potentially of gasses and electricity, although warns pilots not to attempt to out manoeuvre the "electrically charged plasmas".

Despite the MoD findings, one UFO specialist, Graham Allan, who has been investigating specific cases, claims the science behind the plasma ball energy theory is flawed. Mr Allan said: "Sightings like this are on the increase, I'm having a look at three since Christmas in Staffordshire alone. "I think the main reason for the MoD report is to protect pilots but after speaking to various scientists it seems the science behind it doesn't really add up."

More fire in the sky over the UK! Isn't this amazing! Graham Allen, with no qualifications worth mentioning here, is trying to tell us that the UK Ministry of Defence does not understand this phenomena. This is after they commissioned a 460 page report that took 4 years to produce, circulated the contents to only 11 top brass and then successfully managed to hide it's existence for 5 years before others found out about it. Eventually, in 2005, it was forced out into the public domain using the UK Freedom of Information Act. The visible universe is 99.999% plasma, which has been scientifically studied for about 150 years in the laboratory. We are seeing a planetary refresh process where universal energies or plasma is being delivered and old energies are leaving and/or are being removed. This is accelerating dramatically to the point where we will all have to understand more about how these energies behave.

The Gore Effect
Washington Times, 4th March 2009
"Thousands of protesters rally on the West Lawn of the Capitol on Monday to demand that President Obama and Congress pass bold climate and energy legislation this year that can dramatically reduce carbon emissions and create millions of green jobs. Astrid Riecken/The Washington Times Driving snow froze the hopes of organizers of "the biggest global warming protest in history" Monday in Washington. With the government on a two-hour snow delay and the speaker of the House unable to attend because her flight was grounded by inclement weather, shivering protestors gathered on the west front of the Capitol, the latest victims of a climatological phenomenon known by the scientific community as the Gore Effect.

The Gore Effect was first noticed during a January 2004 global warming rally in New York City, held during one of the coldest days in the city's history. Since then, evidence has mounted of a correlation between global warming activism and severely cold weather. [...]

"Critics claim the Gore Effect is mere coincidence, though one could also argue that coincidence is also the basis for the anthropogenic theory of climate change. Alternative theories, e.g., citing the influence of sun spot activity, have gained increasing credence as scientists have noted global warming in recent years on other planets, which presumably have been human-free. Significant data issues have also arisen, such as the recent discovery of a chunk of Arctic sea ice the size of California that satellites had missed (but which in all probability had been known to polar bears). [...]

If nothing else, the Gore Effect proves that God has a sense of humor."

Climate skeptics are having a field day, because there does seem to some statistical merit in this we await a statistician with nothing else better to do, to produce some charts....

Final Score For The Met Office Winter Forecast
Watts Up With That, 3rd March 2009
"The UK Met Office famously forecast this past winter to be "milder than average." 25 September 2008: The Met Office forecast for the coming winter suggests it is, once again, likely to be milder than average. Seasonal forecasts from the Met Office are used by many agencies across government, private and third sectors to help their long-term planning. The meteorological winter is over, and the official results are in : The UK had its coldest winter for 13 years, bucking a recent trend of mild temperatures, the Met Office has said. The average mean temperature across December, January and February was 3.1C– the lowest since the winter beginning in 1995, which averaged 2.5C. This missed forecast falls on the heels of two consecutive incorrect summer forecasts , both of which were forecast to be warm but turned out to be complete washouts. However, the Met Office appears undaunted by their recent high profile forecasting failures, and they continue in their quest to educate the public about the imminent threat of global warming."


2.8 Earthquake Shaken Kent
The Guardian, 3rd March 2009
"Krakatoa, east of Maidstone? Not exactly, but tremor did reach 2.8 on Richter scale. People in Folkestone, Kent were shaken, but not stirred, by a small earthquake in their vicinity yesterday. A tremor measuring 2.8 on the Richter scale was registered but there were no reports of any damage to buildings or any injuries."

The people of the UK are just not use to their houses or the ground shaking under their feet, but I'm not sure that sitting in the road is a safer option.... .

Vatican hosts Darwin conference
BBC News, 3rd March 2009
The Vatican is sponsoring a five day conference to mark the 150th anniversary of the publication of Charles Darwin's Origin of Species. The subject is the compatibility of evolution and creation. It is one of two separate international academic conferences being sponsored by the Vatican this year. [...]

A leading American scholar of biology, Prof Francisco Ayala, plans to tell the conference that the so-called theory of intelligent design, proposed by Creationists, is flawed. "The design of organisms is not what would be expected from an intelligent engineer, but imperfect and worse," he said. "Defects, dysfunctions, oddities, waste and cruelty pervade the living world".

I am totally fascinated by what is going on in Rome, as the Earth lowers her shields and cosmic rays flood our planet. Hence we are already seeing mass extinctions, strange DNA mutations and rapid evolutionary change. I can see the point of view of both sides here, but I think the Creationists might have more difficulty with what's about to happen. Whatever, the Vatican may have decided to throw in their lot with the evolutionists, but I think they will be in for a shock too. Amazing times!!

Buddhist stole antique statue "to pray"
Reuters, 3rd March 2009
TOKYO (Reuters)– A Japanese man whose home was found packed with Buddhist statues told police he had stolen some from temples in the ancient capital of Kyoto so he could pray to them, domestic media said Tuesday. Police found 21 statues of Buddha in the 59-year-old's house after he was arrested on suspicion of stealing a wooden Buddha figure from a temple in Kyoto. "I stole this because of my devotions," a Kyoto police spokesman quoted Itsuo Abe as saying of the 70 cm, early 17th century statue, which belonged to Kenninji, a Zen temple founded in 1202. "I like Buddha statues. I took it home and prayed to it every day."

Maybe this story tells us that we need to watch for those who appear to be spiritual, but actually are quite unbalanced in their social interactions.

Phoenix sky-cams capture strange objects in the sky
The Pittsburgh Examiner, 2nd March 2009
""Crystal Lake, IL, Mar. 2, 2009– Beams of bright, white light shine down on residential area: While driving north on Route 31 into Crystal Lake, Illinois towards Crystal Lake, the witness looked to his left and saw beams of white light coming from the sky to the ground. The beams looked like the white search lights commonly used to advertise the grand opening of a new store. However, these beams of light originated from the sky and pointed straight down. There were about ten beams of light that appeared to be over an area of houses. One light flashed several times. Upon arriving at work, the witness was approached by other co-workers to inquire if he had seen the lights. At least twenty different people reported witnessing the same event."

Awesome! This is getting exciting!! Galactic energies arriving NOW!! The image of light pillars picture used here is from is from and was described as a 'Mystery Pillars', see more images here. See archives for the original story from January 2009.

German man calls police over 'Russian-speaking extraterrestrials'
RIA Novosti, 2nd March 2009
Full Story: "A man in northwest Germany called police early on Monday to report a close encounter with Russian-speaking extraterrestrials, police said. The 40-year-old man from Gifhorn, Lower Saxony called the police at 3:30 a.m. local time [2:30 GMT] and said six extraterrestrial beings, each about 15 centimeters tall, were flying around his apartment and talking Russian. When the police arrived at the scene, the man told them that the aliens' UFO had flown out through the door and hidden in flower boxes. The police spokesman did not say whether the "witness" spoke Russian himself.

Well, the Russians must have thought this was hilarious!

Scores of stranded whales and dolphins saved
Rescuers have used jet skis to herd 48 stranded whales and dolphins back out to sea after almost 200 of the mammals became stranded on a beach on Australia's King Island.
The Telegraph, 2nd March 2009
"The 194 pilot whales and half a dozen bottlenose dolphins became stranded on Naracoopa Beach on the island, which lies between Tasmania and the mainland, on Sunday evening. Chris Arthur, of Tasmania's Parks and Wildlife Service, said 54 whales and seven dolphins were still alive when the rescue effort began. By Monday evening, 48 animals had been returned to the sea by officials and local volunteers. The whales were saved by trenches dug in the sand that allowed water to surround them, as volunteers doused the animals with water and draped them in wet fabric to keep cool."

Acccording to metaphysical sources, the whales and dolphins are still relying on their core memories which has been programmed by the old magnetic grid, but since this has recently shifted, the whales, and dolphins will continue to beach themselves during their migrations until they "update" their navigational memories which will take some time.

Small Asteroid Buzzes Earth?, 2nd March 2009
"Newly-discovered asteroid 2009 DD45 is about to fly past Earth only 72,000 km (0.000482 AU) away. That's about twice the height of a typical geostationary communications satellite. The 30- to 40-meter wide space rock is similar in size to the Tunguska impactor of 1908, but this time there is no danger of a collision. At closest approach on March 2nd, around 1340 UT (5:40 am PST), 2009 DD45 will speed through the constellation Virgo shining as brightly as an 11th magnitude star. Experienced amateur astronomers can track the asteroid using this ephemeris. Update: Using a 14-inch telescope at the University of Nariño Observatory in Columbia, Alberto Quijano Vodniza has photographed the asteroid streaking toward Earth thirteen hours before closest approach: 1 MB movie."

Quite frankly, I am sure there must be heightened concern that our astronomers are not seeing these objects until the last moment. See archives for previous articles.

Global Cooling Continues
Heartland Institute, 1st March 2009
"Continuing a decade-long trend of declining global temperatures, the year 2008 was significantly colder than 2007, and global temperatures for the year were below the average over the past 30 years. [...]

The global temperature data, reported by NASA satellite-based temperature measurements, refuted predictions 2008 would be one of the warmest on record. NASA satellites uniformly monitor the Earth's lower atmosphere, which greenhouse gas theory predicts will show the first and most significant effects of human-caused global warming. The satellite-based measurements are uncorrupted by urban heat islands and localized land-use changes that often taint records from surface temperature stations, giving false indications of warming. The uncorrupted satellite-based temperature measurements refute surface temperature station data finding 2008 to be one of the top 10 warmest years on record. "How can an 'average year in one database appear to be a [top 10] warmest year in another?" asked meteorologist Joe D'Aleo on his International Climate and Environmental Change Assessment Project Web site.

"Well, the global databases of [surface station reports] are all contaminated by urbanization, major station dropout, missing data, bad siting, instruments with known warm biases being introduced without adjustment, and black-box and man-made adjustments designed to maximize [reported] warming," explained D'Aleo. [...]

"From research we have published, and more to come soon, we find that land surface air temperatures misrepresent the actual temperature changes in the deep atmosphere—where the greenhouse effect is anticipated to have its easiest impact to measure. Surface thermometers are affected by many influences, especially surface development, so the bulk atmospheric measurements from satellites offer a straightforward indicator of how much heat is or is not accumulating in the air, for whatever reason," Christy explained."

Well, Anthony Watt's series of 'How not to measure temperature' featured on this blog, has revealed the terrible state of data collection of surface land temperatures in the US, which is supposed to be the best collection of such data in the world.

How to spot a hidden religious agenda
New Scientist, 28th February 2009
Full text: "As a book reviews editor at New Scientist, I often come across so-called science books which after a few pages reveal themselves to be harbouring ulterior motives. I have learned to recognise clues that the author is pushing a religious agenda. As creationists in the US continue to lose court battles over attempts to have intelligent design taught as science in federally funded schools, their strategy has been forced to... well, evolve. That means ensuring that references to pseudoscientific concepts like ID are more heavily veiled. So I thought I'd share a few tips for spotting what may be religion in science's clothing."

Red flag number one: the term "scientific materialism". "Materialism" is most often used in contrast to something else– something non-material, or supernatural. Proponents of ID frequently lament the scientific claim that humans are the product of purely material forces. At the same time, they never define how non-material forces might work. I have yet to find a definition that characterises non-materialism by what it is, rather than by what it is not."

Apparently, due to 'objections', this was 'pulled' from New Scientist, and reading the article, it seems this writer is still living in the 'dark ages'. I am not a Creationist or an Evolutionist but when someone seems so totally unaware of advances in scientific thinking and stuck in some old scientific paradigm, then you have to really wonder. Well it seems that tolerance and the desire for some balance has won the day here.


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Susan Joy Rennison quotes:

“Space Weather is now a fact of life.”

“We are all astronauts now!”

Tuning The Diamonds,
September 2006

“We must spiritually evolve as part of the new terms & conditions for living on Earth.”

Joyfire Tour – Evolutionary Change, December 2006

“Space Weather will force many changes in how we do business on this planet.”

News of the Imbalance,
April 2007

NASA Press Release:

“Earth and space are about to come into contact in a way that's new to human history.”

“We're on the threshold of a new era in which space weather can be as influential in our daily lives as ordinary terrestrial weather.”

As the Sun Awakens, NASA Keeps a Wary Eye on Space Weather
NASA News, 4th June 2010

White House Executive Order:

“Space weather has the potential to simultaneously affect and disrupt health and safety across entire continents. Successfully preparing for space weather events is an all-of-nation endeavor that requires partnerships across governments, emergency managers, academia, the media, the insurance industry, non-profits, and the private sector.”

Executive Order –– Coordinating Efforts to Prepare the Nation for Space Weather Events
The White House, 13th October 2016

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