The New Cosmic Age is now Official!
The News of The Imbalance blog is an attempt to provide pertinent information concerning the new phenomena of space weather driving massive evolutionary change. In 2006, I self-published the book Tuning the Diamonds: Electromagnetism & Spiritual Evolution (2006, 2008, 2010, 2012 ), because I believed that Modern Mayan Elders were trying to point out that the citizens of planet Earth were entering a New World Age dominated by aether or space. The basic premise of my book was that the dramatic increase and impact of Space Weather was predicted.
Since 2006, the major significance of Space Weather has become more apparent. What's more, it has now been proven that major religious institutions, metaphysical and esoteric groups have been tracking the date 2012 as the end/start of a major astronomical cycle. Geoscientists worldwide are adamant that our planet is experiencing a “global energy leap” and the inevitable consequence will be more mega-disasters. World governments have been warned that there is a new need for disaster preparedness and there is now a new sense of urgency. This blog provides my unique perspective as a Truth Seeker, based on the integration of science, metaphysics and ancient knowledge.
The Joyfire Space Weather “Facts” Introductory Slideshow
Slideshow: The Joyfire Space Weather “Facts” Introductory Slideshow
Click image above or here
For new website visitors, please watch this introductory slideshow that summarises the main issues associated with the new phenomenon of Space Weather and the inevitable implications of energy driven evolutionary change.
Cherry tree from space' mystery baffles Japan
New Straits Times, 11th April 2014
TOKYO: A cosmic mystery is uniting monks and scientists in Japan after a tree grown from a cherry stone that orbited the Earth for eight months bloomed years earlier than expected -- and with very surprising flowers.
The four-year-old sapling -- grown from a cherry pit that spent time onboard the International Space Station (ISS) -- burst into blossom on April 1, possibly a full six years ahead of Mother Nature's normal schedule.
Its early blooming turned on its head the received wisdom of the Buddhist brothers at the ancient temple in central Japan where the tree is growing. [...]
"We still cannot rule out the possibility that it has been somewhat influenced by its exposure to the space environment," she said.
Tomita-Yokotani, a plant physiologist, said it was difficult to explain why the temple tree has grown so fast because there was no control group to compare its growth with that of other trees.
She said cross-pollination with another species could not be ruled out, but a lack of data was hampering an explanation.
"Of course, there is the possibility that exposure to stronger cosmic rays accelerated the process of sprouting and overall growth," she said.
This is interesting. It helps to confirm with all the other information I have collected over the last 9 years that rapid evolutionary change is being driven by energy from space. With the breakdown of Earth's magnetosphere, humans will be on the same rapid evolutionary growth curve too. Check out my TTD book and this blog with information, links and thousands of comments.
Zebra Stripes' in Earth's Magnetic Field Have Surprising Source, 2nd April 2014
Strange stripelike features in Earth's magnetic field are caused by the planet's spin, and not by the constant bombardment of solar particles as previously thought, scientists say.
The so-called "zebra stripes" form when the electric field around Earth generated by the planet's rotation—previously thought to be too weak to impact the fast-moving particles — creates a striped pattern in the inner electron belt.
Nervous about space weather and your grid?
Intelligent Utility, 27th March 2014
So, to answer the question in this article's headline, Lordan notes "utility executives are right to be concerned." "These solar storms create things that happen almost immediately, happen at the speed of light," he added. But, no worries, EPRI—along with FERC and NERC—are on the case. First on the agenda: understanding how vulnerable power systems really are. "We've developed a better understanding of the science of these solar storms and how all things interact together," Lordan added. "We know better how the transformer response impacts system reliability." Lordan does have some advice for utilities if a solar storm comes along tomorrow based on that better understanding: 1.) assess the vulnerability of your transformer fleet beforehand (you can look on the NERC website for geomagnetic disturbance mitigation [GMD] vulnerability assessments that EPRI helped put together) 2.) keep an eye on transformer temps during the storm and move the power around to keep the transformers cool 3.) make sure all generators and connected lines are up but not running at full load, giving you more headroom in the lines to absorb that "goofy direct current kind of thing" that solar flares bring 4.) watch your systems and coordinate 5.) horde a few spares in case there are some failures While blocking technology is also available, Lordan warns that the value of those devices is still being evaluated, as is the reach of solar flares overall.
Comment: I suppose this article was written by someone who likes to think they know something about an important subject and then trivialises... The only thing I can think of is that The Electric Power Research Institute's (EPRI's) topical expert Richard Lordan being quoted here is protecting his back by talking to the media (or maybe he is intelligent with a conscience and has taken the opportunity to speak out.) So, if we get a space weather knock out blow to the U.S. national power grid (SHTF) then he has made an effort to warn publicly and quite frankly I understand Lordan's logic. This is exactly like the geologists who warned for years and years that a lanslide was very possible and now 200 are dead or missing, but with a devastating space weather event, it will be hundreds of millions that will be detrimentally affected...
One drug to rule them all: Researchers find treatment that kills every kind of cancer tumor
NY Post, 27th March 2014
Reports: "Experts agree many species of wildlife and fisheries are endangered globally due to large release of radioactivity into ocean" at Fukushima — "Has Fukushima radiation entered New Zealand ecosystem?"
Energy News, 27th March 2014
New Zealand Herald, Mar. 27, 2014: Has Fukushima radiation entered NZ's ecosystem? — Scientists are to check whether New Zealand muttonbirds that spend the winter off the coast of Japan have been exposed to radiation from the damaged Fukushima nuclear power plant. In a new pilot study, University of Auckland scientists will investigate whether radioactive cesium has entered the New Zealand ecosystem or food chain via the birds. [...] researchers will test the birds' feathers for gamma rays that indicate the presence of the radioactive isotope cesium-13
Comment: Yes, but will they properly report the results?
School Science Project Reveals High Levels Of Fukushima Nuclear Radiation in Grocery Store Seafood
Investment Watch Blog, 27th March 2014
Giles Fraser says scientists are replacing theologians. Some thoughts on that I enjoyed Giles Fraser's article 'Good luck, physicists, with those tricky "meaning of life" questions, and I appreciate the good wishes as he acknowledges the perceived transfer of intellectual leadership from theologians to physicists
Guardian, 27th March 2014
This transition can of course only be for the best. And this good-humoured article is definitely a step up from the "science is the new religion" trope I feared from the headline. Fraser talks about two desires that many (though perhaps not all) of us have. One is to understand the world we live in; the other is to find a meaning to it. I see these as quite distinct, though it's possible Fraser does not.
On the first, the understanding front, physics — or science in general, I would say — does seem to have theology beaten, for the same reason that actually looking at the clues gives you a better chance of doing a crossword.
Comment: Well..... From my point of view, teachings developed over thousands of years by astronomer-priests for the consumption of very very simple and ignorant folk still require some effort to sort out. Simply, you can't throw the baby out with the bathwater, there might be info of value that can be appreciated at a higher level of understanding. Science helps to elevate our consciousness and appreciate more about our reality, whilst helping to keep us away from the dangerously stupid and ignorant. In my opinion, New Age spirituality has to be viewed with a lot of skepticism, due to the refusal by 'leaders' to point out that the cultic milieu is a magnet for psychopaths. The cultic milieu, the society of seekers, has become an environment where many think they are spiritual, but instead clearly demonstrate 2nd hand psychopathic traits and/or mental illness. These days it is quite easy to learn about the methods used by manipulators to create cults and followers for life. Regardless, it is hard to find people willing to discuss the implications of society moving on from the materialistic narcissism (that many complain about) or the truly moronic who think spirituality is knowing about conspiracy theories, UFOs and aliens. Therefore, this article is quite refreshing to see as some kind of starting point for discussion.
Mars-Bound Comet Siding Spring Sprouts Multiple Jets
Universe Today, 27th March 2014
Comet Siding Spring, on its way to a close brush with Mars on October 19, has been kicking up a storm lately. New images from Hubble Space Telescope taken on March 11, when the comet was just this side of Jupiter, reveal multiple jets of gas and dust.
Discovered in January 2013 by Robert H. McNaught at Siding Spring Observatory in Australia, the comet is falling toward the sun along a roughly 1 million year orbit. It will gradually brighten through spring and summer until reaching binocular brightness this fall when it passes 130 million miles (209 million km) from Earth.
Comment: I believe this is the Red Comet based on the images supplied by the Vatican observatory. See archives for past comment.
First sightings of solar flare phenomena confirm 3-D models of space weather
Phys.Org News, 27th March 2014
Scientists have for the first time witnessed the mechanism behind explosive energy releases in the Sun's atmosphere, confirming new theories about how solar flares are created.
New footage put together by an international team led by University of Cambridge researchers shows how entangled magnetic field lines looping from the Sun's surface slip around each other and lead to an eruption 35 times the size of the Earth and an explosive release of magnetic energy into space.
The discoveries of a gigantic energy build-up bring us a step closer to predicting when and where large flares will occur, which is crucial in protecting the Earth from potentially devastating space weather. The study is published in The Astrophysical Journal.
Comment: Well, there is no mention of HOW this will help with space weather prediction which is needed to save the grid from a fast CME that hits us dead on. At the moment, there is only ~15-45 minutes warning when a CME passes the ACE satellite at L1, one million miles away from Earth, and as space weather watchers all know, this advance warning is not really long enough.
Does Our System Select for Incompetent Sociopaths?
Investment Watch, 26th March 2014
What is the shelf life of a system that rewards confidence-gaming sociopaths rather than competence?
Let's connect the dots of natural selection and the pathology of power.
In his 2012 book The Wisdom of Psychopaths: What Saints, Spies, and Serial Killers Can Teach Us About Success, author Kevin Dutton described how the attributes of sociopathology are in a sense value-neutral: the sociopathological attributes that characterize a dangerous criminal may also characterize a cool, high-performing neurosurgeon. [...]
Comment: It's a potent mixture, incompetent sociopaths in high places and masses of apathetic and oblivious sheeple... Hence the well documented and otherwise failures of previous civilisations on this planet.
Vatican Astronomers Ramp Up Their Search For "Brother Extraterrestrial"
The Truth, 26th March 2014
Asteroid Chariklo's rings surprise astronomers
Centaur Chariklo is located between Saturn and Uranus
CBC News, 27th March 2014
Rings have been discovered around an asteroid for the first time to the surprise of astronomers who didn't think asteroids could have rings.
The asteroid Chariklo, which is also considered a minor planet, appears to be encircled by two narrow rings, reported an international team of scientists in a paper published online Wednesday in the journal Nature.
"We weren't looking for a ring and didn't think small bodies like Chariklo had them at all," said Felipe Braga-Ribas of the Observatório Nacional/MCTI in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, lead author of the report, in a statement.
"So the discovery — and the amazing amount of detail we saw in the system — came as a complete surprise!"
Comment: This is another nail in the coffin for those advocating a gravity only cosmology.... It must be excruciatingly embarassing for those astronomers still clinging onto their old redundant theories that frequently can't predict what is being seen in the cosmos...
Geologists warned about Washington landslide 15 years ago: Before and after shots clearly show the lethal geography that has worried experts since 1999 as DOZENS 190 are feared dead
Daily Mail, 26th March 2014
- Landslide tore through Snohomish County 55 miles north of Seattle, Washington state, on Saturday at 11am
- At least 14 dead, several others injured and 176 people are missing - including entire families
- Fears that many students of Post Middle School in Arlington could be among the victims
- Around 100 crews searching for survivors; teams using search dogs, sonar devices, hover craft, and air support
- Several people critically injured, around 30 homes destroyed, debris blocked one-mile stretch of State Route 530
- Geologists Daniel Miller and Lynne Rodgers Miller reveal they warned of 'potential for catastrophe' in 1999 report
- But Snohomish County Department of Emergency Management told press conference: 'it was considered very safe'
- Further rain over next few days expected to hamper rescue efforts
In a report filed with the US Army Corps of Engineers, geologists warned of 'the potential for a large catastrophic failure' 15 years ago.
'We've known it would happen at some point, we just didn't know when,' co-author Daniel Miller told The Seattle Times.
Geological reports warning the hill is in imminent danger of collapse date back to the 1950s.
But the alerts, issued by experts every ten years, went unnoticed.
And in a press conference following Saturday's slide, the head of Snohomish County's Department of Emergency Management, John Pennington, said 'it was considered very safe'.
Mr Miller said he was shocked to see houses being built around the danger zone weeks after a slide in 2006.
Comment: Building new houses in the danger zone even after a slide in 2006? A mixture of greed and stupidity? I wonder whether these geologists will get sued for not trying hard enough to warn people who refused to pay attention.
Asda customer charged £450 for bread
Supermarket apologises and reimburses John Brown, who noticed the error when he checked his bank statement three days later
Guardian, 25th March 2014
Asda has apologised to a customer who was charged £450 for a loaf of bread while using a debit card at a self-service checkout.
Warehouse worker John Brown only noticed the supermarket's error when he checked his bank statement three days after buying two loaves of bread, a pot of jam and a carton of eggs.
Brown, who kept his receipt for the transaction at the Asda superstore in Jack Hayward Way, Wolverhampton, has now been fully reimbursed.
Describing the mistake as an isolated incident, a spokeswoman for Asda said: "A system glitch meant that the bread scanned at the wrong price
Comment: A system glitch? I am struggling to buy this story (sorry about the pun). Surely he noticed the exorbitant price of bread before he typed in the pin number to pay for shopping with a debit card?
The Turning Of The [Climate] Tide
The Resilient Earth, 25th March 2014
Supporters of the CO2 driven theory of anthropogenic global warming (CAGW) are in full panic mode. The continued hiatus in global temperature increase has led to a flurry of statements denying "the pause," as climate scientists have named it. This new denialism even extends to international organizations like the WHO, that just recently claimed that global warming had not ceased, even though numerous organizations—including Britain's Meteorological Office, NASA, and the IPCC—have admitted that it has.
Among climate change true believers there is a scramble on to "find the missing heat" that would explain the pause. Strangely, among these practitioners of group think there is no consensus about the cause of the pause. At the same time, the IPCC is about to release its latest screed regarding climate change and the leaks have been flowing fast and furious, saying there is dissent in the land of consensus. This may well be the turning of the tide on the greatest scientific hoax in history.
Comment: This is a reasonable summary of why climate alarmists now believe the science does not matter and climate 'deniers' need to be locked up... Well, the climate science mess has to be linked to huge problems in the scientific world. The article, The Science Bubble [Edge Science Magazine - issue 17] points out the high levels of research fraud is now a huge problem. I would say despite the well documented instances of climate science faud, it must still be second to medical research fraud. Things are so bad, in the United States, Universities whose faculty receive grants from the National Institutes of Health are now being forced to provide formal courses of instruction in ethical behavior in science. I think the once proud scientific establishments have gone from a religious into a New Age type stupidification status.
The End of Science
Sultan Knish, 23rd March 2014
"Science" has been reduced to an absolute form of authority that is always correct. The Saganists envision science as a battle between superstition and truth, but what distinguished science from superstition was the ability to throw out wrong conclusions based on testing. Without the scientific method, science is just another philosophy where anything can be proven if you manipulate the terminology so that the target is drawn around the arrow. Add statistical games and nothing means anything.
This form of science measures itself not against the universe, but against the intellectual bubble inhabited by those who share the same worldview or those who live under their control. It's not a bold exploration of the cosmos, but a timid repetition of cliches. The debates are as microscopic as this miniature pocket universe. Discoveries are accidental and often misinterpreted to fit within dogma. Progress is not defined not by the transcendence of what is known, but by its blinkered reaffirmation.
Comment: Some folk are very pessimistic, but I suppose the evidence clearly points to the corruption of science causing societal decay.
Massive Nor'easter [4x] bigger than Hurricane Sandy expected to bring winds, snow, cold blast to Northeast for late March
WUWT, 25th March 2014
As a massive winter storm at sea known as a Nor'easter prepares to skirts the Northeast coast of the USA, bringing with it high seas and bitterly cold weather in its wake, Dr. Ryan Maue writes:
Massive Nor'easter will develop a warm-core thru a seclusion process.
Compare previous image w/Hurricane Sandy— same 850-mb Wind speed & MSLP. Nor'easter wind field much stronger/larger.
[It is] maybe 4 times more powerful than Sandy based on integrated KE of wind field.
The image of the storm is quite stunning for it's sheer size. Images and animation follow.
The National Weather Service in Boston is preparing for blizzard like conditions in some areas, plus hurricane force winds at sea.
Comment: I added the red line to show up the NE coast better.
It's so wet, fish fall from sky in Northern Territory
Cairns News, 22nd March 2014
In fact, it's been raining so much at Muckaty Station that fish have been falling from the sky.
He says he found some aquatic specimens in pools of mud.
"I caught 16 fish out of that little hole there and another hole around the corner I got four more.
"I got some in a bathtub and took photos of them so everybody reckons I'm not bloody telling lies," he said.
"They must have come out of the sky because that's the only place I can see them coming from."
Plane hit by fish during takeoff, Air Force says
My Fox Tampa, 5th March 2014
TAMPA (FOX 13) - The men and women of the Air Force deal with a variety of dangers in the sky every day. But now they apparently have a new one to add to the list: fish.
A National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration jet was struck by a falling fish during a MacDill Air Force Base takeoff last September, a new report from the Air Force says. The plane aborted the takeoff, assuming they had hit a bird -- a common occurrence at the waterfront base.
"We were nearing the point in the takeoff where we needed to rotate, or raise the nose of the airplane off the ground, when an Osprey with something in its claws flew in front of our aircraft," recalled Lt. Cmdr. Nick Toth, the pilot of the NOAA Gulfstream G-IV.
Comment: Another version of this story, "Fish strike" stops jet's takeoff at Florida Air Force base. This is seriously fortean.... OK, after reading about these particular type of fortean anomalies for years and the opinion of various researchers who have not shied away from trying to understand the physics, I think that on a high energy planet, we should be expecting a lot more of this type of strangeness. What if Earth is being hit with huge beams of rotating sub-atomic particles that are causing distortions in our normal spacetime? The fabled 'glitches' in the matrix... Normally, abnormalities are found after the occurrence of tornadoes and hurricanes e.g a straw penetrating glass see for more examples, but huge vortexes of energy are being seen in the oceans too, see archives... If researchers are right that high energy distortions of spacetime cause strange physical displacements of objects, just imagine what would happen if a suitable big vortex of high energy hits a plane... I don't think we can rule anything out.
Japanese architect gets top award for paper tube housing for homeless
Voice of Russia, 25th March 2014
You would argue perhaps that architecture is generally about long-living monuments from such substantial materials like steel and concrete. Yet this year, the discipline's top award, Pritzker Architecture Prize, is going to Shigeru Ban, widely known for making shelter out of transient materials like paper tubes and plastic cans. He makes temporary housing primarily for those who found themselves in the street following large-scale disasters, be it in Rwanda or Turkey, Haiti or Japan. "His buildings provide shelter, community centers and spiritual places for those who have suffered tremendous loss and destruction," the jury's comment reads. "When tragedy strikes, he is often there from the beginning."
Comment: Aljazeera has some images of his amazing creations. Japanese architect Shigeru Ban awarded Pritzker prize, The cardboard cathedral is my favourite.
Electronics failure or turn off: two factors to cause MH370 disappearance
Voice of Russia, 25th March 2014
A paradox of living in the modern technological era - we are being watched 24/7 but can easily lose a 250-ton plane. Surely many of us had this thought when flight MH370 went missing and were astonished to learn that there is actually no global system tracking all aircraft at all times. The thing is that over the seas and oceans, coverage is very patchy, and if someone or something disables communications equipment on board, even a giant Boeing 777 can be elusive. [...]
So no ACARS, no secondary radar, no radio calls and no ADS-B to help search teams find Flight MH370. Only two causes could result in an aircraft losing communications entirely — either an electronics failure or somebody turned it off. With each passing day, investigators seem to be more convinced that the latter is the key to this mystery.
Comment: Since we live on a planet where extreme high energy events are taking place in our atmosphere, I am finding it easier to believe that this plane was hit a Terrestrial Gamma Flash or TGF that destroyed some of the most vital electronics.
Missing flight MH370 'fell to 12,000ft after cabin emergency': New clues as officials suggest plane veered left because of unexpected crisis
Daily Mail, 25th March 2014
'Now, if we have a scenario where something happened, the plane made a dramatic turn and dropped from 35,000 feet to 12,000 feet, this scenario would fit what a pilot would do in the event of a catastrophic on-board event, such as a rapid decompression, a fire, an explosion.
'That's what you would have to do, descend, get down and turn around and try to get back to an airport that could accommodate an ailing plane.'
It raises questions over what might have happened in the plane's cockpit to cause such a drop in altitude.
Comment: What gets me why some have taken so long to think about this possibility, when a pilot came up with this scenario within 30 seconds of finding out the plane had made a sharp turn...
TGFs: Nasa releases stunning image of lightning strike from space as part of new 'lightning lab'
Independent, 25th March 2014
Nasa has released a stunning photo of a lightning strike as seen by an astronaut aboard the International Space Station (ISS) as part of the launch of Firestation, a new instrument on the station dedicated to tracking lightning.
All this activity adds up to 4.3 million strikes every day or 1.5 billion a year, says Nasa. However, the space agency is only really interested in one type of lightning: the comparatively rare strikes that emit gamma rays, a type of radiation usually only created by exploding stars and during nuclear fusion.
Lightning strikes of this sort are known as TGFs or terrestrial gamma-ray flashes, and they're so powerful that they actually create antimatter in the Earth's atmosphere for fractions of a second.
Comment: We are seeing high energy events normally associated with black holes and star formation in Earth's atmosphere. It would be foolish to think that there are no safety considerations especially for aviation.
Theresa May warns Yahoo over Dublin move
Daily Mail, 25th March 2014
Comment: And the well will run dry....
Radar from satellites or planes could help predict sinkholes, NASA says, 22nd March 2014
RADAR images taken from planes or satellites could some day be used to predict where sinkholes might form.
The possibility of an early-warning system stems from new NASA research into a monstrous sinkhole that opened in Louisiana in 2012, forcing the evacuation of hundreds of residents.
Comment: I think this shows that the higher ups are worried about the amount of sinkholes and our apparent helplessness.... I am quite skeptical that NASA can do anything, but they can waste some public money being seen to be making some attempt to mitigate the problem...
Lightning kills 114 sheep, 12 cows in Andes of Bolivia
All Voices, 22nd March 2014
LA PAZ, Bolivia - A lightning killed 114 sheep and 12 cows in an Aymara village in the Bolivian Andes, an official in the area said.
Dead sheep were scattered on the hill with the charred wool, said Friday by telephone to The Associated Press Panfilo Chura, secretary of the mayor of Achacachi, 80 kilometers north of La Paz where the community Yacachi Grande is located in which the phenomenon occurred on Thursday afternoon.
The lightning was so loud that it seemed that the sky was broken, a witness told the PAT television. The roar threw down the shepherd and flock Angelino Ventura, 80, who was unhurt owner. Ventura broke down in tears on Friday and said he lost all his cattle.
Nick Cohen "deniers have won" — gets startlingly close to the truth
Jo Nova News, 22nd March 2014
What insight. 'Tis prosaic — Nick Cohen in The Guardian packs more truth — runs tantalizingly close to a major insight, yet skates off, one single word short.
It's projection on a rampage, and Cohen almost seems to realize it. Perhaps we can help him?
"The climate change deniers have won"
Where else, but The Guardian?
Yes, Mr Cohen, those whom you deliberately and with malice call "deniers" are winning. Incredibly, even though they have only 0.03% of the funds, none of the machinery or the institutions, the enmity of western governments, existential opposition from the $350 billion renewables industry, no support from the large global carbon trading market, and only scorn and derision from the entire UN, and yet they are winning with nothing but wits and facts.
Comment: I suppose the problem is that too many people are not interested in believing half-truths and lies and are prepared to take action to counteract society being misled...
Report: 'As many as 50% of research papers are never read by anyone other than the authors, referees and editors'
Twitter, 22nd March 2014
Comment: Tax payers are forced to pay for a lot of this research, but they are not allowed to read what these scientists have discovered unless they pay up. The pay-wall as it is now known.
Ontario residents asked to check their backyard for space rocks after meteorite crashes down near St. Thomas
National Post, 21st March 2014
ST. THOMAS, Ont. — University researchers say at least one chunk of a meteorite may have landed in southwestern Ontario this week — and more rocks may also be waiting to be found.
Astronomers from Western University are asking people to check their properties for any remnants of the basketball-sized meteor they say likely came down near St. Thomas, Ont.
In Canada, landowners who find a meteorite on their property own it — but the researchers say they'd love to have a look at what they call a "Rosetta Stone" of scientific information.
Comment: I just can't keep up with the no.of meteor hits... I wonder what world controllers are thinking... I suppose they are just keeping their fingers crossed that a small asteroid does not take out a city, as the reaction from the sheeple will be truly something else. Besides that, by weight, meteorites are worth three times more than gold, so its definitely worth going on a search. Other reports of meteors can be found at, Fire In The Sky
Daily Mail accused of insulting top female scientists College condemns race and gender comments about experts who appeared on Newsnight to talk about origins of universe
Guardian News, 21st March 2014
University College, London, has written an open letter of protest to the Daily Mail's editor, Paul Dacre, about a "profoundly insulting" item that appeared to question the credibility of two of its scientists.
A piece in the Mail's Ephraim Hardcastle column on Wednesday used their appearance on BBC's Newsnight on Monday to comment on the possibility of a new era in understanding the origins of the universe to have a dig at the programme's "Guardian-trained editor, Ian Katz", who, it said, "is keen on diversity".
The item added: "So, two women were invited to comment on the report about (white, male) American scientists who've detected the origins of the universe — giggling Sky at Night presenter Maggie Aderin-Pocock and Sri Lanka-born astronomer Hiranya Peiris."
Comment: Daily Mail journalists don't really have a very good reputation at the best of times, but going after cosmologists/academics based on gender and race is not clever...
Worm evolves to eat corn that was genetically engineered to kill it
Independent News, 18th March 2014
Nature has fought back against biotechnology, with rootworms now being able to stomach corn that was genetically modified to poison the pests.
While an awe-inspiring demonstration of nature's endurance, the development could cause billions of dollars worth of damage to US crops.
Named after the pesticidal toxin-producing Bacillus thuringiensis it contains, Bt corn makes up 75% of the US's corn crop, but scientists' predictions that rootworms would evolve to overcome the poison were largely ignored by farmers, companies and regulatory bodies, who have been accused of "squandering the benefits of genetic modification."
Comment: Hmmmm... Based on evidence that has been around for at least 50 years, scientists KNEW that when there is an environmental change, a species will quickly adapt to survive, but biotech companies are only interested in their investment and short term monetary gain, reality is not really a serious consideration... Besides that, Darwinism as an evolutionary theory has been shredded by reality. Today, some scientists are just embarrassed by the fact that nature is not interested in their lame theory.
Edge Science Magazine - issue 17
Society for Scientific Exploration, February 2014
Edge Science is a new magazine from the Society for Scientific Exploration. Why Edge Science? Because scientific knowledge is still full of unknowns. What remains to be discovered—what we don't know—very likely dwarfs what we do know. And what we think we know may not be entirely correct or fully understood. Anomalies, which researchers tend to sweep under the rug, should be actively pursued as clues to potential breakthroughs and new directions in science.
Comment: No. 17 is free but SSE would like new members and people to donate. Download here. I missed this... Articles on Reincarnation, Xenoglossy Under Hypnosis and science fraud. A good read.
NASA Distancing Itself From Anti-Capitalist Doomsday Paper
GWPF, 21st March 2014
NASA is distancing itself from a new study that investigates how unsustainable resource exploitation and rising income inequality could potentially lead to the collapse of human civilization as we know it.
Comment: Oh dear! The problem with predators is that they can't see the writing on the wall and they have a problem with those who do...
A Top Neuroscientist Warns That Cyborgs Are a Terrible Idea
Motherboard, 20th March 2014
Researchers are always looking at ways to harness the power of the human brain, and augment our grey matter—be it mind-controlled drones, brain-machine interfaces, or using brain scans to predict future criminals. But some scientists warn we shouldn't go cyborg for at least another 100 years.
Paul Werbos, a program manager at the National Science Foundation and one of the country's leading neuroscientists, said that there could be dire consequences if we continue to experiment with the brain before we completely understand how it works. [...]
"A lot of people want to do this quick and dirty," he said.
Some ethicists have raised concerns about the direction brain research is going, like what happens when you start reading people's minds and labeling them as criminals before they've done anything? But Werbos suggested that, as long as there's money in it, those ethicists will be silenced.
"We're trying to reverse engineer the brain so we can understand it much better than we do," Werbos said at a panel in Washington, D.C. discussing the state of the future. "But, with the state of technology right now, in 100 years we might be able to reverse engineer [a brain] the level of a mouse."
"The way these gravy trains work is, the bioethicists complain, and then [the companies developing it say] 'OK, here's some money for the cyborg, here's some money for the people who want to control our brain, and we'll carve out some money for the philosophers, too.'"
He said that there may come a day when it makes sense to mess with our brains, but that day isn't here yet, and might not be for a very long time.
Comment: Of course it's a terrible idea! Those who think this is the next step in human evolution are oblivious to what is already known about genetics, DNA and the existence of mysterious 'templates' that are directly linked into the environment, a revelation that is seriously upsetting Darwinists... Billionaires helping to promote the idea of cyber humans just see this as another way to fleece suckers... As we are told here, the motivation for scientists is funding their research i.e. helping them stay away from the dole queue long enough to get a good pension. Paul Werbos appears to have some intelligence and ethics, which is not such a common combination these days...
Sea Anemones Are Half-Plant, Half-Animal, Gene Study Finds
Live Science, 20th March 2014
The sea anemone is an oddball: half-plant and half-animal, at least when it comes to its genetic code, new research suggests.
The sea creature's genes look more like those of animals, but the regulatory code that determines whether those genes are expressed resembles that in plants, according to a study published Tuesday (March 18) in the journal Genome Research.
What's more, the complicated network of gene interactions found in the simple sea anemone resembles that found in widely divergent, more complex animals.
This is important because it is part of the principle that creation is NOT defined by human rules. The original anomalist Charles Fort explained this as humans like to define yellow and red and then refuse to accept orange... This is very very important when humans try to set criteris for the search for extraterrestrial lifeforms and other worlds... In a nutshell, humans currently lack the imagination to comprehend what is possible in the universe, even after discovering that stars, presumably all over the universe, literally spit out the raw biological ingredients for life...
MICROSOFT faces fresh privacy storm: Admits searching private email of user, charges the FBI (read: taxpayers) hundreds of thousands of dollars a month for access to information about you
Investment Watch Blog, 21st March 2014
Google Encrypts All Gmail Messages After NSA Snooping
Bob Tuskin News, 20th March 2014
Reminder: Why HTTPS and SSL are not as secure as you think
Youtube Hires Hundreds of Trolls Dubbed 'Super Flaggers'!
Investment Watch Blog, 8th March 2014
France limits vehicle use in Paris amid soaring pollution
France 24 News, 17th March 2014
France is limiting vehicle use in the capital Paris on Monday amid a spike in pollution to health-threatening levels, only the second time the drastic measure has been introduced in nearly two decades.
A system of "alternating traffic", whereby vehicle use is restricted to alternate days depending on licence plate numbers, came into effect in Paris and its 22 surrounding suburbs at 5.30 am (04.30 GMT) on Monday, as the city tries to curb dangerous pollution levels.
The radical move has seen around 700 police officers deployed to 60 checkpoints around the French capital to ensure that only cars with number plates ending in odd numbers are out on the streets.
Comment: Well, I have wondered what it would take for some authorities to decide that dealing with pollution is preferable to choking to death... I suppose in an idiocracy, this level of intransigence should be expected...
New Zebra-Striped Structure Discovered In Van Allen Radiation Belt
Red Orbit, 20th March 2014
Data from NASA's twin Van Allen Probes has led to the discovery of a new, potentially dangerous zebra-striped structure located in Earth's inner radiation belt, according to new research appearing in Wednesday's edition of the journal Nature.
In the paper, lead author Aleksandr Ukhorskiy of the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory (APL) and his colleagues explain that the Van Allen Probes Ion Composition Experiment (RBSPICE) located the persistent structure, which was comprised of highly energized electrons that could endanger humans in space. [...]
"These findings could have implications for those who model space weather and those who design and operate navigation and communication satellites as well as spacecraft used for national security," said study co-author and New Jersey Institute of Technology physics professor Louis Lanzerotti.
"It is amazing how Earth's space environment, including the radiation belts, continue to surprise us even after we have studied them for over 50 years," he added. "Our understanding of the complex structures of the belts, and the processes behind the belts' behaviors, continues to grow, all of which contribute to the eventual goal of providing accurate space weather modeling and helping designers to build communication systems and spacecraft that can withstand the highly energized particles in earth's radiation belt."
Comment: The astronomical shift means changes to the near Earth environment just keep coming and surprising space scientists... Earth's satellite communication infrastructure looks more and more vulnerable.... That means our modern technological world is becoming vulnerable too...
Vatican scientists co-host conference on alien life forms
Catholic News, 19th March 2014
Nearly 200 scientists are attending the conference, called The Search for Life Beyond the Solar System: Exoplanets, Biosignature & Instruments, which runs from March 16-21 in Tucson, Arizona. The Vatican Observatory is co-hosting the conference with the University of Arizona's Steward Observatory.
'Finding life beyond Earth is one of the great challenges of modern science and we are excited to have the world leaders in this field together in Tucson,' said event co-chair Daniel Apai, assistant professor of astronomy and planetary sciences at the UA Steward Observatory.
'But reaching such an ambitious goal takes planning and time. The goal of this meeting is to discuss how we can find life among the stars within the next two decades.'
Comment: Thankfully, the Vatican who are in possession of plenty of ancient knowledge and understand what it means... The downside is that they are also doing their religious duty in the pursuit of manipulating the masses for their own ends. In plain English, they understand the warnings about the 'Return of the Gods', see archives for more info. Since we are also at the official start of a new astronomical age, there are also duty bound to change the mythos, hence the reports of how the Christian gospel is going to get a massive overhaul... I just can't imagine how the simple church folk are going to react, but I imagine vast swathes of the New Age community and many desperate for 'alien' contact will lap it up... People who want to understand what is taking place on this planet should be paying attention.
Researchers Identify Cause Of Rare, Powerful 2012 Solar Storm
Red Orbit, 19th March 2014
Researchers have uncovered the origin and cause of an extreme space weather event that took place July 22, 2012 on the sun which generated the fastest solar wind speed ever recorded directly by a solar wind instrument.
The formation of the powerful event showed remarkable features as a massive cloud of solar material erupted off the sun's right side, zooming out into space and passing one of NASA's twin Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory, or STEREO, spacecraft along the way.
According to NASA, scientists clocked the speed of this giant cloud, known as a coronal mass ejection, or CME, at more 1,800 miles per second as it left the sun — a speed that would circle the Earth five times in one minute.
It is interesting that Dr Tony Philips at tells people to be prepared for the possibility of a solar blast.... Especially when most people can't comprehend the notion of a solar induced mega disaster and no chance of recovery for months and even years in the United States... Check the facts, if the whole U.S. national power grid is destroyed, the official estimates are recovery will be 4 - 10 years... But I imagine that very few countries could recover quickly if we get hit with the worse the sun has to offer....
NASA: Earth JUST dodged comms-killing SOLAR BLAST in 2012 [VIDEO]
The Doomsday scenario we should have been worrying about
The Register, 19th March 2014
Video: A new analysis of data from NASA's Solar TErrestrial RElations Observatory (STEREO) by Chinese and Berkeley helioboffins shows that a July 2012 solar storm of unprecedented size would have wiped out global electronic systems if it had occurred just nine days earlier.
Comment: The problem I have encountered is there are not enough mature adults about who can deal with complex scenarios. A fear response seems to be the normal reaction, followed by ignoring the subject matter. Being able to even deal with thinking about challenges to life on this planet requires intelligent, mature and evolved individuals and they seem to be in short supply.
Torrential rains kill 32 in South Africa
Press TV News, 18th March 2014
Floods caused by torrential rains have killed at least 32 people and displaced thousands of others in South Africa.
Andries Nel, South African deputy minister of cooperative governance and traditional affairs, said on Monday that the heavy raining had displaced 3,000 people from their homes in the Lephalale Local Municipality in the northern part of the country.
"Regrettably, the present disaster events have resulted in 32 fatalities. These include 25 drownings. Six fatalities were also caused by lightning and one person died due to a collapsed wall," Nel stated.
Comment: Also: Unseasonal rain and hail kill 2,100 cattle in Nashik, India & Hail storm dumps metre of ice on Eritrean capital
Don Lemon 'puts it out there': Was lost Malaysian flight taken by 'supernatural' forces?
Raw Story, 17th March 2014
Saying he was "just putting it out there," CNN host Don Lemon asked his Sunday afternoon guests if something "supernatural" might be in play with the missing Malaysian flight MH 370.
After noting that he has been getting questions via email, social media, and on the street, Lemon wondered if "something beyond our understanding" might have happened to the missing airliner.
"Especially today, on a day when we deal with the supernatural," Lemon said. "We go to church …. the supernatural power of God. People are saying to me, why aren't you talking about the possibility — and I'm just putting it out there — that something odd happened to this plane; something beyond our understanding?"
Comment: The lady at Psychic Focus blogspot has been working on this... I am not prepared to comment accept to say, planes disappearing and general 'weirdness' is nothing new on this planet... Most people just tend to ignore the anomalies and 'glitches' in the matrix.
Without a trace: Mysterious aviation disappearances
Global News, 12th March 2014
Planes that vanished without a trace
CBC News, 12th March 2014
MH370 A different point of view. Pulau Langkawi 13,000 runway.
Google Plus, March 2014
A lot of speculation about MH370. Terrorism, hijack, meteors. I cannot believe the analysis on CNN - almost disturbing. I tend to look for a more simple explanation of this event.
This pilot did all the right things. He was confronted by some major event onboard that made him make that immediate turn back to the closest safe airport.
For me the loss of transponders and communications makes perfect sense if a fire. There was most likely a fire or electrical fire. In the case of fire the first response if to pull all the main busses and restore circuits one by one until you have isolated the bad one.
If they pulled the busses the plane indeed would go silent. It was probably a serious event and they simply were occupied with controlling the plane and trying to fight the fire. Aviate, Navigate and lastly communicate. There are two types of fires. Electrical might not be as fast and furious and there might or might not be incapacitating smoke.
Comment: This pilot thinks the simplest explanation was there was an electrical fire on board... they were overcome by smoke and the plane just continued on the heading probably on George (autopilot) until either fuel exhaustion or fire destroyed the control surfaces and it crashed.
Malaysia Airline MH370
Psychic Focus Blogspot, 11th March 2014
Latest Update, 18th March 2014
Wow, even MSM reporters want to see Michael Mann's UVa emails now
WUWT, 17th March 2014
Here's something out of left field (literally) and almost too good to be true, but it really is. Get this: 17 news organizations, including NPR, WaPo, AP, now have grown a spine and filed an amicus brief (see download below) to OPPOSE in court Michael Mann's effort to keep his UVa CLIMATEGATE-related e-mails secret.
Basically, Mann's attempt at hiding his emails of work done on public funds and time from public view has backfired, and now is a story that has "legs" in reporter parlance. From Columbia Journalism Review:
Comment: It's going to be a lot of fun
reading these emails, but obviously, many will bew shocked at just how corrupt these Mann & co. climate scientists are...
Kevin Trudeau: Government gets its wish, Katie sentenced to ten in the pen
NBC Chicago, 17th March 2014
A federal judge sentenced TV pitchman Kevin Trudeau Monday to 10 years in prison for bilking consumers through his infomercials.
In November, jurors convicted Trudeau of defying a court order barring him from running infomercials that made false claims about his book, "The Weight Loss Cure They Don't Want You to Know About."
Prosecutors say he aired the infomercials anyway, at least 32,000 times.
Before sentencing, Judge Ronald Guzman described Trudeau as "deceitful to the very core," and said he "requires a sentence that will deter him from future conduct of the same type."
Comment: Good News! Another New Age crook sent to jail, this time for a reasonable amount of time. If you want to know the background, Cosmic Connie aka Connie L. Schmidt at Whirled Musings, has been following this scam artist for a very long time. She has a lot to say, but this quote is pertinent:
"And when I think of how killers such as James Arthur Ray served less than two years for killing three people in his phony sweat lodge... well, something seems off kilter. Or when I consider some of the loathsome scammers and alleged predators whom Trudeau unleashed on the world, who have yet to even be charged of anything, say nothing of be tried, convicted, sentenced.... it makes me think our justice system is really broken."
Yes, but even the start of a clean-up in the cultic milieu is good enough for me... The education people are getting on the methods used by these scamming bastards is also noteworthy.
Armenian Scientists Establish Platform for Web-Based [Space Weather] Collaboration, 17th March 2014
Hail storm dumps metre of ice on Eritrean capital
BBC News, 14th March 2014
Are lightning deaths increasing?
BBC News, 14th March 2014
Lightning appears to be killing and injuring increasing numbers of people in developing countries,
meteorologists and experts say.
The total casualties could even be higher than other weather-related disasters like floods, landslides and droughts.
"The frequency of lightning has somehow increased from what it used to be," says Michael Nkalubo,
commissioner at Meteorological Department of Uganda, a country where lightning storms are common.
"I cannot say that a study has been carried out on this but I am saying this on the basis of my general observation.
Comment: Due to the new planetary conditions, (magnetosphere like a sieve), the flow of charge into and out of the planet MUST have increased in the last 25 years or so... Due to the fact that scientists are calling the impact of space weather "global warming" or "climate change" there are quite a few reports that predict an increase in lightning.
Global Warming Could Lead to More Lightning Deaths
Tree Hugger, 14th February 2010
[...] While it is still unclear exactly what may be leading to the increase in the number of lightning strikes, researchers plan on continuing to try to better understand the phenomena which may be symptomatic of a greater shift in climate behavior.
Telling it as it is: Washington is the biggest threat to life on Earth
Institute for Political Economy, 17th March 2014
[...] No government in human history can come close to the hypocrisy and malevolence of Washington. Armed with nuclear weapons and a military doctrine of pre-emptive nuclear first strike, Washington alone stands as the threat to life on earth.
Comment: I liked the headline. With all the hot air that comes out of Washington, some might suggest this is the real cause of global warming...
Sec. Kerry challenges climate skeptics at House hearing: If skeptics are wrong and nothing is done, 'life on the Earth can literally end'
Climate Depot, 13th March 2014
Washington D.C. - U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry challenged global warming skeptics on Thursday at a Congressional hearing: Kerry, appearing before the House Foreign Affairs Committee, explained that if skeptics are wrong and nothing is done, "life on the Earth can literally end." Kerry has been championed a new UN climate change treaty. Kerry has called on U.S. envoys to make climate change a "top priority." The New York Times reported that Kerry "hopes to use his position as secretary of state to achieve a legacy on global warming that has long eluded him."
Climate Depot Reality Check on Kerry's claim:
Climate Depot's Marc Morano responded to Kerry's claim that government action of some type would act as an insurance policy against global warming
Morano: "Why not get a climate insurance policy? Why would you buy an insurance policy on your home that costs more than your home is worth and would pay out virtually nothing if your home burned down? You wouldn't, that would be insurance fraud, but that is what they are selling. The UN's Kyoto protocol, even if fully implemented and ratified — which it never was — wouldn't even have had a noticeable impact on global temperatures in 50 to 100 years [according to warmists' own estimates.] In the U.S., with cap-and-trade and carbon taxes — not only would they not impact global temperatures, but they would not even impact global CO2 levels.
The topic of climate change appears to be a poster child for lots of different fears. The most cynical are most likely still looking for a long term business ruse to extract cash and control the masses. Those who are little bit more senstiive realise that something major is up but the desperation to blame record cold on global warming is ridiculous...
Fukushima: nuclear power 'road to our extinction' - expert
The Voice of Russia, 10th March 2014
Three years after the Fukushima catastrophe, Japan's stricken power plant is still struggling to contain radioactive water leaks that are making the area uninhabitable, while TEPCO's effort to clean up what remains of the crippled nuclear site has turned into a disaster of its own. The Voice of Russia spoke with Majia H. Nadesan, Associate Dean of the New College at Arizona State University and the author of a blog on Fukushima, who believes humanity might have already "forged its extinction" with nuclear technology and is now just waiting for it to unfold.[...]
So the consequences of this disaster is that people who are living in highly contaminated areas and the region are not going to be safe again for generations because the amount of radiation contamination is increasing daily. So it is going to be land of dispossessed people.
Comment: Hmmmm..... The Russians have taken a very dim view of the unwillingness of Japanese leaders to try and mitigate the Fukushima nuclear disaster... The whole world is being poisoned but the psychopathic elite don't care about the future of humanity and must believe they can completely avoid the inevitable consequences of radiation poisoning.
Scientists Suggest Dark Matter Played Role in Dinosaurs' Doom
NBC News, 8th March 2014
The conventional wisdom is that a cosmic impact caused the extinction of the dinosaurs 65 million years ago — but now two scientists are adding an unconventional twist to the theory: Maybe, they say, dark matter helped.
The hypothesis, set forth in a research paper by Harvard theoretical physicists Lisa Randall and Matthew Reece, blends two of the science world's biggest mysteries: What is behind our planet's waves of mass extinctions? And what is the nature of dark matter, the mysterious stuff that so far has been detected only by virtue of its gravitational effects?
When the solar system passes through the disk of dark matter, that could exert enough of a gravitational influence to disrupt the orbits of comets on the solar system's edge. Such comets could become more likely to head into the inner solar system, periodically raising the chances of collision with Earth.
Comment: :-) Thanks to Red Ice for finding this info... There is now a lot of chatter from scientists about the existence of dark matter appearing in our solar system... Since there has been a serious uptick in the number of NEOs or Near Earth Objects and our planet is being hit by a lot more meteors and meteroids, a disturbance in our solar system caused by the arrival of dark matter is an obvious explanation.
Dozens of Americans who claim to be allergic to electromagnetic signals settle in small West Virginia town where WiFi is banned
Daily Mail, 9th March 2014
A small remote town where Wi-Fi is banned has become an unlikely haven for people claiming modern technology has been making them ill.
The so-called 'Wi-Fi refugees' are flocking to the tiny settlement to escape painful symptoms including burning skin, chest pains and acute headaches.
The sufferers argue the affliction - a condition known as Electromagnetic Sensitivity - has been eased by the move and report feeling much better.
US power grid could be knocked out by a handful of substation attacks, says report
RT News, 14th March 2014
The entire US power grid could be shut down for more than a month if just nine of the over 55,000 electric substations placed throughout the nation were sabotaged by terrorists or other criminals, according to a new report.
A study by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) found that just a handful of American substations provide much of the electricity that flows to large swaths of the country, sources familiar with the analysis told Rebecca Smith of the Wall Street Journal. Aside from nuclear power plants there are no federal rules requiring utilities to be protected.
This study, though, found that disabling just nine of these substations could leave much of the country without power for weeks, or possibly even months. There are an estimated 30 "crucial" substations that rely on large power transformers to increase the electricity's voltage, thereby giving it the capability to move long distances.
Comment: Just a month? Also:
Small-scale attack on US power grid could cause country's blackout - study
Oh dear! It seems that it is becoming common knowledge that the US power grid is vulnerable, especially to enemies that want to teach corrupt U.S. leaders a lesson or two... Based on what has already happened, I am now thinking that sabotage is looking more likely to happen first before a G5 geomagnetic storm knocking out transformers. The conspiracy talk has been mainly about the U.S. government terrorising its own people, which makes no sense to me, but a foreign power upset about U.S. financial problems or the general political meddling, taking out their frustrations seems a lot more likely scenario.
Air pollution in Paris — big picture
Air pollution has turned Paris skies a murky yellow, prompting the government to make public transportation — buses, trains and bikes — free for the next three days as an incentive for people to give up using cars
Guardian News, 14th March 2014
Comment: I suppose the obvious short-term solution is permanent free public transport...
Nasa-funded study: industrial civilisation headed for 'irreversible collapse'?
Natural and social scientists develop new model of how 'perfect storm' of crises could unravel global system
The Guardian, 13th March 2014
A new study sponsored by Nasa's Goddard Space Flight Center has highlighted the prospect that global industrial civilisation could collapse in coming decades due to unsustainable resource exploitation and increasingly unequal wealth distribution.
Noting that warnings of 'collapse' are often seen to be fringe or controversial, the study attempts to make sense of compelling historical data showing that "the process of rise-and-collapse is actually a recurrent cycle found throughout history." Cases of severe civilisational disruption due to "precipitous collapse - often lasting centuries - have been quite common." [...]
Although the study is largely theoretical, a number of other more empirically-focused studies - by KPMG and the UK Government Office of Science for instance - have warned that the convergence of food, water and energy crises could create a 'perfect storm' within about fifteen years. But these 'business as usual' forecasts could be very conservative.
Comment: I think most historians see inevitable collapse as caused by the failure of the intelligentsia to rein in the excesses of the psychopathic elite. Due to the fact we are seeing more and more of these types of reports, it appears to me that at long last, the intelligentsia are seriously thinking about the wisdom of co-operating with world controllers who generally have no interest in a healthy functioning society.
Experts Agree: Parrot-Pigeon "Hybrids" Probably Just Dyed Pigeons
Gothamist, 13th March 2014
Last weekend some mysterious pigeon-parrot hybrids were spotted in Queens, but experts now tell us these are just your garden variety rock pigeons with some colorful dye applied. Next they'll tell us this isn't a photo of Anthony Weiner astride a pegasus! Below are theories and thoughts from a birder, a pigeon fancier, and the NYC Audubon.
New York City birder Yojimbot tells us the pigeon "has been dyed... impossible to say with what but I'm guessing some vegetable based dye, because anything else would affect the flight of the bird. I've heard of similar things in Europe and India for religious ceremonies."
Comment: So what if these pigeon-parrots are not dyed? I suppose that would cause a headache for a few... Since strange mutations are no longer so rare these days, I am just taking note...
Brazilian inventors bring free energy device to market
Earth-Heal, 13th March 2014
Two Brazilian inventors, Nilson Barbosa and Cleriston Leal, claim to have invented a free energy device and are now selling this device to the public in the Brazilian city of Imperatriz, Maranhão. The device is called the Earth Electron Captor Generator, or "GERADOR CAPTOR DE ELéTRONS DA TERRA" in Portuguese.
Hundreds of Belgians flock to glowing Virgin Mary statue
Yahoo 13th March 2014
'Ultra-Rare': Up to 70 endangered 'whales' by California coast — Seen once in several decades, lives in open ocean — Breached as if performing, rubbing heads on boat — So loud thought it was engine — "Seemed to be speaking to camera" — Also spotted in Western Pacific same day (VIDEO)
Energy News, 14th March 2014
Powerlines disturb animal habitats by appearing as disturbing flashes of UV light invisible to the human eye
Independent News, 12th March 2014
Nine Chinese cities suffered more days of severe smog than Beijing
Pollution widespread and affected millions more than previously thought, 2013 data shows
Guardian News, 12th March 2014
UFO sightings soar to new heights in Canada
Number of UFO reports in Canada 2nd-highest in 25 years
CBC News, 12th March 2014
UFO sightings in Canada are sky high, hitting a total only seen once before in the past 25 years.
There were 1,180 UFO sightings reported in 2013, or about three each day, according to the Canadian UFO Survey, an annual survey released Tuesday by Winnipeg-based UFOlogy Research of Manitoba.
It is the second-highest number recorded in Canada in the past 25 years. The peak year was 2012, when almost 2,000 reports were recorded.
Comment: Some are aware of the 'signs of the times' but few relate this to ancient warnings that we can expect 'the return gods' at the end/start of a new age. It is very surprising that more researchers did not anticipate and warn about the dramatic increase in UFO sightings.
U.S. calls emergency preparedness an 'urgent public health issue'
HHS issues proposal to regulate 68,000 medical facilities.
UPI News, 11th March 2014
Comment: It is obvious why intelligentsia are panicking, but the high levels of apathy by the masses of ignoranti makes me think that nothing much will change and a major disaster will just mean an inevitable major wipe-out scenario.
Elephants may have a specific alarm call for 'human!'
New research on African elephants suggests the highly intelligent animals use a specific 'word' — a low, distinct rumbling noise — to warn their friends and families about the presence of people.
MNN News, 11th March 2014
Take that, space junk! Australian scientists to zap debris with lasers Physicists working with Nasa on project to destroy estimated 300,000 pieces of waste before they smash into satellites
The Guardian, 10th March 2014
Researchers Reveal Microbe that 'Eats' Electricity
Science Daily, 10th March 2014
Source: Harvard University
Summary: Researchers have shown that the commonly found bacterium Rhodopseudomonas palustris can use natural conductivity to pull electrons from minerals located remotely in soil and sediment while remaining at the surface, where they absorb the sunlight needed to produce energy
Bacteria 'talk' to each other to thrive suggests Edinburgh study
Bacteria Language allows bacteria to thrive, the researchers say
A new study has suggested bacteria use a form of communication similar to human
BBC News, 10th March 2014
West Virginians report 'intelligent fireball' UFO over small town
W. Virginia UFO Examiner, 7th March 2014
A West Virginia Dad in Sutton relates a UFO encounter his daughter and two friends had where a fireball-looking object appeared to move intelligently overhead, according to March 7, 2014, testimony in Case 54493 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.
The father tells the story from his daughter's point of view about the event, which occurred about midnight on March 2, 2014. West Virginia MUFON Assistant State Director Dennis Henshaw is investigating. [...]
"Light was bright enough to see from other lights," the witness stated. "Stopped to see what it was and thought it was a meteor. It came down towards a plane, commercial type, and thought it was going to hit it. Fireball stopped as if to let plane pass, and then continued."
The witness described the object.
"It made a zigzag pass, glowed brighter, and then dimmer. Had tentacles (shafts of light come out from top and bottom), shoot from top and bottom. It dimmed to almost nothing. We thought it was gone and then it came back on and finally disappeared behind the mountain."
Comment: The 'intelligent fireball' is a plasma entity and defined as Unidentified Aerial Phenomena by the military, scientists and pilots. Norwegian scientists define this type as a magnetospheric plasmoid. See archives for more info.
A 'New' Form of Intelligent Life? Plants Found to Have Memory and Make Complex Decisions
Daily Galaxy, 8th March 2014
Earth raises a plasma shield to battle solar storms
New Scientist, 6th March 2014
Earth can raise shields to protect itself against solar storms. For the first time, satellites and ground-based detectors have watched as the planet sends out a tendril of plasma to fight off blasts of charged solar matter. The discovery confirms a long-standing theory about Earth's magnetic surroundings and offers us a way to keep track of the planet's defences.
"It's changed our thinking about how the system operates," says Joe Borovsky at the Space Science Institute in Boulder, Colorado, who was not involved in the research. "Earth doesn't just sit there and take whatever the solar wind gives it, it can actually fight back."
Comment: Also Plasma Plumes Shield Earth From Solar Storms Obviously there are many versions of this story, but again, NASA scientists refuse to use proper scientific terminology when it comes to our plasma/electromagnetic universe. In the Red Orbit version we get rubbish like particles "hitch a ride along magnetic field lines...." They are talking about the appearance of an electric current and this is similar to how lightning streamers stretch up from the Earth to meet a lightning leader as it nears the ground to make a circuit complete. Remember, the press release Huge Solar Storms Could Zap Earth, Scientists Warn, where it was clearly explained that Earth was getting massive electric shocks from space... Here we are being told that sometimes the plasma particles can sometimes provide some kind of Earth shielding and really, we should all be grateful for that...
'Our president... Barraco Barner': Lancashire beautician sparks worldwide Twitter ridicule after getting Obama's name spectacularly wrong in tweet about Ukraine crisis
Daily Mail, 8th March 2014
When a young British beautician realised relations between Russia and Ukraine were at crisis point, she decided to share her feelings on Twitter.
Without pausing to check her facts, or her spelling, Gemma Worrall, 20, wrote: 'If barraco barner is our president, why is he getting involved with Russia, scary.'
Within hours, Miss Worrall, from Blackpool, was trending in countries around the world as her message was retweeted thousands of times.
Comment: Someone British who thought the UK has an American president in charge instead of a British prime minister! LOL... Another classic example of the seriously ignorant enabled with technology to humilitate themselves worldwide...
FIREBALLS OVER CANADA AND NEW MEXICO: March 6th began with a bang. "Last night, here was a significant fireball over north central New Mexico at precisely 00:19:20 am MST," reports Thomas Ashcraft. "It was brighter than the full Moon and shook houses from its sonic boom." Ashcraft operates a fireball camera and forward-scatter meteor radar at his private observatory near Santa Fe. Turn up the volume and play the movie he recorded.
Approximately two hours later, a similar fireball streaked over Yellowknife, Canada, exploding so brightly that the flash turned the night sky blue:
Yuichi Takasaka took the picture from the verge of Vee Lake. "I was leading an Aurora Photography Tour," says Takasaka. "We had quite colourful auroras all night. All of sudden at 02:13 local time, one shooting star started from Western sky and exploded towards North. It got so bright that I had to close my eyes like someone used electric flash in front of me. A few minutes later, we could hear the huge explosion from the direction of the fireball fell. What an exciting night!!!"
As far as we know there is no conection between these two events or the asteroid 2014 EC, which flew past Earth on March 6th. They are probably random meteoroids of the type that strike Earth's atmosphere every night.
Comment: Even can't ignore the latest huge meteor blast.... Please note the way Dr Tony Philips tries to deny the connection with asteroid 2014 EC, because this is a regular repeating pattern of bigger asteroids, dropping some of their entourage of rocks into Earth's atmosphere... Also, just look at 'Recent & Upcoming Earth-asteroid encounters table' (copy below), this table was updated yesterday or today with the latest last minute detection of asteroid 2014 EF.
Other reports of meteors can be found at, Fire In The Sky
'Apocalyptic' storm front over Sydney with menacing clouds hundreds of feet high captured on camera by smartphone use
Daily Mail, 6th March 2014
A gigantic storm front moved in over Sydney on Wednesday and residents were quick to upload dramatic pictures of it to the internet.
Huge clouds hundreds of feet high, with some shaped like giant tubes, loomed menacingly over the city during rush hour.
As forecasters warned of heavy rain and flash flooding, Twitter and Facebook became awash with pictures of the looming storm, with one describing the conditions as 'apocalyptic'.
Comment: I don't think we should worry about the occurrence of very rare atmospheric phenomena, but if this kind of dramatic atmospheric event can be proven to have increased, then we should all be worried. We need to remember the magnetosphere is like a sieve and we just don't know what the impact is going to be, especially on Earth's weather...
Bitcoin CEO found dead in Singapore, suicide suspected
RT News, 6th March 2014
A young American woman who ran the First Meta bitcoin exchange was found dead in her Singapore apartment last week. Police are investigating the "unnatural death".
Autumn Radtke was found on the morning of February 26 after Police received an emergency call from an apartment building. She was pronounced dead at the scene. A preliminary police investigation has ruled out foul play, but neighbors told police they suspected Radtke jumped from an apartment.
First Meta Ltd. issued a statement on its website, saying they were 'shocked and saddened' by the news and gave their deepest condolences to Radtke's family.
Comment: Who is going to be believe automatically that this was a genuine suicide? RT appears to be keeping watch on bankster deaths...
The Lewis and Crok exposition — Climate less sensitive to Carbon Dioxide than most models suggest
WUWT News, 5th March 2014
The Statute of Liberty is threatened by 'global warming'…again
WUWT, 5th March 2014
The mean sea level trend is 2.77 millimeters per year. At that rate we have:
65.2 meters = 65200 millimeters / 2.77 mm/yr = 23537.9 years
That's right, 23 thousand 500 years!
A new ice age will likely be well underway then, dropping sea levels. The water would never get there. That's assuming the statue still exists there at all.
Comment: Some calculations to counteract the climate change fanaticism.
1 in 10 Americans think HTML is an STD, study finds
LA TImes, 4th March 2014
If you're talking tech with Americans, you may want to avoid using any jargon.
A recent study found that many Americans are lost when it comes to tech-related terms, with 11% saying that they thought HTML — a language that is used to create websites — was a sexually transmitted disease.
The study was conducted by, a coupons website, as a way to determine how knowledgeable users are when it comes to tech terms.
Comment: I thought this was funny, but actually it's just more evidence of a dumbed down society.
Mysterious 'flying saucer' slides found in documents leaked by Edward Snowden
Yahoo News, 28th February 2014
A mysterious set of slides showing alien spacecraft have cropped up amid the trove of documents released by NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden - and ignited a frenzy of debate among internet UFO fans.
The set of slides are part of a Powerpoint presentation created by British spy agency GCHQ — Government Communications Headquarters — and, among 50 uncaptioned images are three which seem to show flying saucers.[...]
Watson says, "The main evidence for the cover-up of UFO reports and manipulation of UFO beliefs, as revealed by the documents released by Edward Snowden, is contained in a Powerpoint presentation called, 'The Art of Deception: Training for a New Generation of Online Covert Operations'.
"This was produced by the GCHQ (Government Communications Headquarters), British secret intelligence agency and features fifty slides related to using the internet for psychological operations (psy-ops).It was produced by a unit called the Joint Threat Research Intelligence Group (JTRIG) for presentations to the US, National Security Agency (NSA) and other agencies."
Watson says that the slides show that, far from having captured aliens or dissected them, governments fear the power of belief in UFOs - and want to manipulate this for their own ends.
Comment: Governments KNOW that UFOs exist and quite frankly have got over their shock and just work to make the ignoranti treat the subject as a joke. What is interesting here is the need to exploit "the power of belief"... We are being told that some trolls are being paid by the government to insert fake information and discredit people as part of a system of maintaining the status quo... We now have government documents to prove this.
Off-site power glitch shuts down NY nuclear plant News, 4th March 2014
SCRIBA, N.Y. (AP) — Federal regulators say a nuclear power plant on Lake Ontario in central New York has been shut down by a problem with an off-site power supply.
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission says the Nine Mile Point 2 plant in Scriba (SKREYE'-buh) was manually shut down early Tuesday after the loss of power to control and alarm electrical circuits that are powered by batteries that are continuously recharged by off-site power.
NRC officials say the cause of the loss of power is still under review.
The officials say the problem affected the flow of cooling to both of the plant's reactor recirculation pumps. In response, the plant's operators manually scrammed the reactor, which entails inserting all of the control rods to halt the fissioning process.
Comment: The problem of living in an idiocracy means that the obvious problem of vulnerable power supply in an increasing chaotic geomagnetic environment are not being taken seriously... Japan's heavy reliance on nuclear energy in a country that is prone to constant and major earthquakes is maybe the best example of an idiocracy failing to take the possibility of a nuclear disaster seriously. Now we have Fukushima heavily irradiating the pacific and atlantic oceans as well as the rest of the world. Idiots hide the truth.
SA satellite encounters space debris
IT Web News, 4th March 2014
After three months in orbit, SA's first cube satellite, developed by the Cape Peninsula University of Technology (CPUT) and launched from Russia on 21 November 2013, experienced two very close encounters with defunct satellites in the last two days of its trip.
The US Joint Space Operations Centre in California notified the South African National Space Agency (Sansa) last week that the Zacube-1 (TshepisoSat) nano-type satellite was on "close approach" with the defunct (Russian) Cosmos 2151 satellite.
The satellites came within an estimated 185 metres of each other over Antarctica on Wednesday. Remarkably, Sansa says, a second warning was received on Thursday, with TshepisoSat predicted to come within 85 metres of yet another defunct (Russian) satellite, Meteor 2-5, over Brazil. [...]
As SA mourned the passing of former President Nelson Mandela, TshepisoSat transmitted the great statesman's clan name "Madiba" every 30 seconds from space as a tribute. The satellite's call sign was received by amateur radio enthusiasts and other CubeSat groups around the world as it was transmitted from space as a radio beacon during the mourning period.
Comment: Hmmmm.... It really makes you wonder just how bad the space junk problem really is....
The Sun wakes up: highest values of Solar Cycle 24 observed in February 2014
Watts Up With That, 3rd March 2014
[...] With Solar Cycle 24 maximum in March 2013 (see the heliospheric current sheet tilt angle in Figure 5 below) and a one year lag between solar activity and neutron count, we have probably seen the minimum neutron count for this cycle. The minimum count is well above the minimum value for Solar Cycle 20.
What is really interesting is what has happened to the solar wind flow pressure. Despite a high sunspot number and F10.7 flux for this cycle, in January 2014 the solar wind flow pressure fell to a new low of 1.2 nPa for the instrumental record. With another 10 years of solar cycle fall time ahead of us, this suggests that the neutron count is going to be impressive by the end of the decade.
Comment: NASA's prediction of new high levels of galactic cosmic radiation looks like it is coming true.... The demise of the solar wind pressure is probably the real reason for the desperation calls for geoengineering by those who want to put a cosmic shield in space... Well, we are being told in not so many words that more problems with electronics and computers being corrupted must be expected...
Rare Blue Aurora, 3rd March 2014
BLUE AURORAS: Northern Lights are usually green, and sometimes red. Those are the colors produced by oxygen when it is excited by electrons raining down from space. On Feb. 22nd, Micha Bäuml of Straumfjord, Norway, witnessed an appariton of aurora-blue:
"All of a sudden the sky exploded," says Micha. "The aurora looked like a giant flame."
In auroras, blue is a sign of nitrogen. Energetic particles striking ionized molecular nitrogen (N2+) at very high altitudes produces a cold azure glow of the type captured in Micha's photo. Why it overwhelmed the usual hues of oxygen on Feb 22nd is unknown. Auroras still have the capacity to surprise.
Comment: Nitrogen emissions are blue or red; blue if the atom regains an electron after it has been ionized, red if returning to ground state from an excited state.
How weather exists in space
The Economist, 2nd March 2014
ON THE evening of February 27th Britons were given a rare treat: a display of the aurora borealis, better known as the Northern Lights. That is unusal, for Britain is not all that boreal. Seekers after the Lights usually have to travel farther north to places like Scandinavia and Iceland to stand a good chance of seeing them. But the Lights are of interest to scientists as well as skywatchers, for they do not originate on Earth at all. They are caused by the interaction of Earth's magnetic field with charged particles streaming from the Sun, and are the most famous example of what is known as "space weather". That may seem a contradiction in terms: space is, famously, a pretty empty place. How is it possible to have weather there?
Comment: It seems the mainstream media are being forced to point out some reality to those with normally very parochial interests in our reality. Below is some detail for those really interested in the space weather impact.
Space weather: How geomagnetic storms affect the power grid
Electric Power & Light, 29th February 2014
By the North American Electric Reliability Corporation and the Electric Power Research Institute
The highly complex, interconnected North American power grid has provided a long record of reliable, secure delivery of electric power. However, solar storm or geomagnetic disturbance events have demonstrated their ability to disrupt the normal operations of the power grid.
The most recent example in North America occurred in March 1989, when a GMD led to the collapse of the Hydro Quebec system, leaving more than six million people without power for nine hours. Figure ES-1 below shows the March 1989 storm over North America. Understanding the effects of GMD on bulk power systems and the ability of the industry to mitigate their effects are important to managing system reliability.
Global warming felt to deepest reaches of ocean, 2nd March 2014
The McGill researchers, working with colleagues from the University of Pennsylvania, analyzed tens of thousands of measurements made by ships and robotic floats in the ocean around Antarctica over a 60-year period. Their study, published in Nature Climate Change, shows that the ocean's surface has been steadily getting less salty since the 1950s. This lid of fresh water on top of the ocean prevents mixing with the warm waters underneath. As a result, the deep ocean heat has been unable to get out and melt back the wintertime Antarctic ice pack.
Comment: I think this might be another poor excuse for why global atmospheric temperatures have not risen for 17 years. Whatever, I think the-oceans-ate-my-global-warming storyline is related to undersea volcanoes that have been appearing all over the ocean floor, and obviously warming the oceans, but not having the desired affect of warming the atmosphere.... At Watts Up With That, there is a difference of opinion and some informed comment that suggest the cause of these polynais are to do with wind , see Claim: large Antarctic polynyas to disappear, yet some are still found in satellite imagery
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