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Susan rennison

The New Cosmic Age is now Official!

According to Richard Fisher, head of NASA’s Heliophysics Division:
"Earth and space are about to come into contact in a way that's new to human history."

"I believe we’re on the threshold of a new era in which space weather can be as influential in our daily lives as ordinary terrestrial weather."

"We take this very seriously indeed."

Source: As the Sun Awakens, NASA Keeps a Wary Eye on Space Weather
NASA News, 4th June 2010

News of the Imbalance
March – April 2010

Electrical Activity -Is It a Key Indicator of Extraterrestrial Life?
Daily Galaxy, 30th April 2010
Physicists from the University of Granada and University of Valencia, analyzing data sent by the Huygens probe from Titan, have “unequivocally” proved that there is natural electrical activity on Titan, the largest of Saturn's moons. The world scientist community believes that the probability of organic molecules, precursors of life, being formed is higher on planets or moons which have an atmosphere with electrical storms. [...]

On this moon, clouds with convective movements are formed and, therefore, static electrical fields and stormy conditions can be produced”, he explained. “This also considerably increases the possibility of organic and prebiotic molecules being formed, according to the theory of the Russian biochemist Alexander I. Oparín and the experiment of Stanley L. Miller”, which managed to synthesize organic compounds from inorganic compounds through electrical discharges.

Due to Mayan claims of the 'Return of the Ancestors' and the general belief of Ancestors amongst indigenous populations I am researching the origins of life. This is another area of science where there are few established theories. Our scientists have found complex molecules in space, plenty of dust which has a component of bacterial cells, viruses are manufactured in space, there is lightning in space, charged particles in space making up plasmas, magnetic fields in space, these are all the ingredients for the ancestors if we consider them to be living plasma entities. Our scientists have accepted the notion of "prebiotic soup" for the origin of life on Earth, but don't discuss how these conditions would occur in space. The science of plasmas tells us that they form distinct cells, made from double layers that act as capacitors when differences in electrical potentials occur. How would this occur in space? Well, we know that some comets have evidence of different extreme conditions (fire and ice) to produce certain types of minerals and as they pass through space they are attracting and repulsing all sorts of material. They routinely pass through different electrical regions of varying magnetic strengths and so it's not hard to imagine that plasma cell formation would automatically occur. Please note the recent incidents of red rain that occured over months (Kerala, India 2001) which hosted bacterial cells with DNA that came from an extraterrestrial source, probably a passing comet. Hence, none of this is just theory, it's just very few are willing to join up the dots. Meanwhile, The Ancestors are being seen all over the planet.

Blast in East Jakarta Believed to Be Meteorite
Jakarta Globe, 30th April 2010
Police and astronomers are investigating Thursday’s blast from a falling object that damaged three homes in Duren Sawit, East Jakarta, which witnesses claim was a meteorite strike.

Forensics experts from the police and National Aeronautics and Space Agency (Lapan) investigators are combing the site, with the latter saying that while there was no conclusive proof the damage was caused by a meteorite, it was the most likely explanation. [...]

Lapan researcher Abdurrahman said no fragments of the projectile had been found but the deep crater in the floor of the house, the residual heat footprint and melted items pointed to a meteorite.

Hmmn... smashed through two floors and left a crater. Tut Tut, I think this is a forbidden thought, "“Another possibility is that this wasn’t a meteorite at all, but man-made space debris like a satellite,” Evan said." There is now constant reports about space debris as scientists realise that they have created a cosmic nightmare in space.
East Jakarta meteorite was as big as coconut : expert
"The object was actually part of a space rock that had fallen apart and not the remnant of a comet, he said. Thomas said the meteorite was also known to have a fragile structure and may have disintegrated on impact because the Lapan team had not found any object that was still intact at spot where it reached the ground."

New evidence may solve mystery of the origin of water on Earth
Times Online, 29th April 2010
Scientists have found new evidence that the water on Earth was delivered by asteroids during the earliest years of the solar system.

The development comes after two teams of scientists independently discovered the first “wet” asteroid, paving the way for the first experimental proof of a longstanding mystery surrounding the origin of water on Earth.

Scientists believe that the Earth was formed barren. During a period of intense bombardment, between 4.1 and 3.8 billion years ago, ice-covered comets and asteroids could have delivered water. It had been assumed that these asteroids would have now dried out.

Well, a reliable metaphysical source has already confirmed that Earth got it's water by a massive cosmic delivery. More evidence that Earth is not a closed system by any means and that universal intelligence is at work organising life on this planet.

Fireball blazes a trail across Malaga, Southern Spain?
YouTube, April 2010
Comment: These days, I can't say we can be sure this is just a comet. It sure looks like some of the other strange arrivals and departures that have been classified as 'Heavenly phenomena' or 'ghost rockets'. See the archives for more examples, Fireballs, meteorites & strange 'heavenly phenomena'

Unknown Object Spotted Over East County Skies [San Diego, US]
East County Magazine, May 1, 2010
It's interesting just how many suspect meteors are not related to known meteor showers.

Bright light puzzles residents:UNM expert checks out possible meteorite
KRQE News 13, 05 May 2010
"Residents in one northeast Albuquerque neighborhood reported seeing a bright flash in the sky Monday night and that a meteorite landed in front of their homes. "Very bright like day turning to night," said Janice Marshall."
I think this is worth noting because the meteorite that fell in Jarkarta (see update for last week) disintegrated on impact which is strange for meteorites that are normally supposed to have a high metal component.

Dr. Peter Bancel Assists Goldsmiths, University of London With Global Consciousness Project, 28th April 2010
The notion of a collective global consciousness is accepted truth within many cultures, but scoffed at by modern scientists. That may change. Once skeptical researchers investigating the 10-year Global Consciousness Project are finding solid data to support the conclusion that we’re all connected.

I may be wrong but I believe the Global Consciousness Project will prove to be a very useful indicator of what is taking place on this planet. I am thrilled because we have a major indicator for WHY the pharmaceutical industry is having problems with the placebo effect.

North Pole rainfall 'bizarre': climatologist
CBC News, 29th April 2010
Spring showers are next to non-existent in the High Arctic, so Environment Canada's senior climatologist says he's baffled to hear that it rained near the North Pole this week.

A group of British scientists working off Ellef Ringnes Island, near the North Pole, reported being hit with a three-minute rain shower over the weekend. The group reported the rain on Tuesday.

Rain in the High Arctic in April is nothing short of bizarre, said David Phillips, senior climatologist with Environment Canada.

It rains for three minutes at the North Pole and warmists go into meltdown mode (please excuse the pun), very strange...

Man claims he ate, drank nothing for 70 years, 29th April 2010
SCIENTISTS are studying an 82-year-old man who claims he has not had any food or drink for 70 years. Prahlad Jani’s claims are being put to the test at a hospital in Ahmedabad, where he is being closely monitored and studied by India’s Defence Research Development Organisation, which believes he may have a quality which could help save lives, The Telegraph reports.

He has so far spent six days without food or water under the strict observation of doctors who say his body is yet to show any signs of hunger or dehydration. Mr Jani is regarded as a "breatharian" who can live a "spiritual life-force" alone. He believes he is sustained by the "elixir" of a goddess.

It's interesting to note that the military has taken an interest, and they are positive! I am wondering if the results will be released in plain language and made available to the world.

Five children hurt in fresh attack on school in China
BBC News, 30th April 2010
Five young children have been hurt at a school in north-eastern China after a man attacked them with a hammer before killing himself. It was the third such incident in China in as many days.

The man, said to be a local farmer, grabbed two children before setting himself on fire at the pre-school in Shandong province's Weifang city.

The BBC lists all the recent school incidents. As I have stated many times before, the chaotic EM environment is accerbating emotional issues and people will go over the edge, but specialists will have to prove why this madness is then directed towards innocent children. Sad News.

It's raining UFOs Down Under [Australia]
One India News, 29th April 2010
Melbourne, April 29 (ANI): The reports of UFO sightings in Australia have gone up with at least seven separate incidents having been reported in the past week.

The sighting of some "unexplained phenomena" has been happening almost every night since the first was reported last week, and most have taken place in Darwin's rural area. A woman, who wants to be identified as only Shirel, reported the first sighting on April 21, saying that she saw the strange lights from her Humpty Doo home hovering over Howard Springs. "The lights were really low in the sky, really bright, with flashing dots," the Daily Telegraph quoted her as saying.

To be honest, I just liked the headline. We have seen orbs literally raining down in Russia and we know that 'orb' or plasma rain is one of the categories of light phenomena made by scientists at Hessdalen. Also more reports from Australia, We're being invaded The realisation has not sunk in yet, it will be very interesting when people catch on...

UFOs spotted over Hounslow [London, UK]
Hounslow Chronicle, 28th April 2010
HOUNSLOW is known for it's large amount of aeroplane activity however it seems more mysterious types of flying object have also been visiting the borough.

A number of people in Hounslow West have reported seeing a UFO with five lights travelling across the sky, shortly followed by military crafts, and a young woman from Brentford spotted an unnervingly bright light.[...] "Living in Hounslow I know what a plane looks like and this was definitely not a plane. I tried to film it on my phone but my hands were shaking too much." [...]

She told the Chronicle: "The light was so intense and bright that I was momentarily blinded and disorientated. It lasted about five or six seconds and I was too shocked to look again to see if it was indeed a vessel or another object."

The Brentford woman told how the UFO descended vertically and hovered, before either disappearing or zooming off at high speed. The woman says the UFO experience, which is her first, has had a "profound effect" on her and took her over a week to recover from the experience, suffering from regular panic attacks.

The military solution of chasing orbs in helicopters is a waste of time, people need to be educated about what is going on. This is not a temporary blip, how many helicopters does the military have anyway, because it won't be enough!

Huge NASA Science Balloon Crashes in Australian Outback
Yahoo News, 29th April 2010
A huge NASA balloon loaded with a telescope painstakingly built to scan the sky at wavelengths invisible to the human eye crashed in the Australian outback Thursday, destroying the astronomy experiment and just missing nearby onlookers, according to Australian media reports.

In dramatic video released by the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC), the giant 400-foot (121-meter) balloon is seen just beginning to lift its payload, then the telescope gondola appears to unexpectedly come loose from its carriage. The telescope crashes through a fence and overturn a nearby parked sport utility vehicle before finally stopping. [...]

The failed balloon launch in Australia marked NASA's second balloon science campaign this month at the remote site. On April 15, NASA's balloon science program launched Tracking and Imaging Gamma Ray Experiment (TIGRE), a gamma-ray telescope, to search the galactic center of the sky for emissions from radioactive materials, NASA officials said.

Not exactly impressive, but interesting to find out that they are monitoring the galactic center from a telescope launched by a balloon, almost unbelievable....

Is the Earth's core solid?
Discovery News, 26th April 2010
The core is composed mostly of an iron-nickel alloy and, as Princeton geosciences professor Jeroen Tromp explains, it didn't always possess a solid center.

"The inner core is basically the result of the slow cooling of the outer core," Tromp says. "The temperature drops below the melting point at the inner core boundary so over time, slowly, the inner core has crystallized within the liquid outer core. That will continue and eventually there won't be a liquid outer core anymore. It will be gone." The solidification of the outer core will take billions of years, but future inhabitants of Earth certainly will notice the difference. The liquid portion of the core is crucial to the processes that produce Earth's magnetic field.

Without that magnetic field, the planet would be much more exposed to solar wind, a deadly stream of highly charged particles.

The article is not very informative, Tromp tells us that the Earth's core is crystalline and nobody gets serious and tells us about the impact of plasma from the solar wind spiralling down the polar cusps at the poles to make an impact inside the core. This is more interesting and probably relevant: Lopsided Growth at the Earth's Core "Their data pinpoints specific regional variations in the structure of the core that are in addition to the hemispheric east-west lopsidedness, and may likewise be attributed to the preferential alignment of iron. On top of that, the patterns of variations these researchers found in the Earth’s core match up directly with the shape of the Earth’s magnetic field—a finding that suggests the core’s growth has been coupled to the planet’s magnetic field since it first formed."

Brain shuts off in response to healer's prayer
New Scientist, 27th April 2010
WHEN we fall under the spell of a charismatic figure, areas of the brain responsible for scepticism and vigilance become less active. That's the finding of a study which looked at people's response to prayers spoken by someone purportedly possessing divine healing powers.

To identify the brain processes underlying the influence of charismatic individuals, Uffe Schjødt of Aarhus University in Denmark and colleagues turned to Pentecostal Christians, who believe that some people have divinely inspired powers of healing, wisdom and prophecy.

Well, this is only another form of scientific validation for what is going on when we fall under another person's spell. I realised this myself not that long ago when I felt driven to understand how a New Age guru could cook three people to death and then carry on as if nothing had happened and then for his followers to try and brush the incident under the New Age carpet under the guise of 'oh well nevermind, those folks "attracted" their own deaths'. After hundreds of hours of reading I discovered Snapping: America's Epidemic of Sudden Personality Change [1978, 1979, 1995, 2005] by Flo Conway and Jim Siegelman. Well, I was truly enlightened! However, I have realised it is even more insiduous than becoming a brain dead idiot unthinking, unreasoning and undiscerning. It's the sociopathic tendencies that then arise due to the lack of empathy. All of a sudden 'victims' are blamed for the actions of sociopaths, malignant narcissists, psychopaths and predators! The reasoning is that you are supposed to be born able to discern these folks when some of them are so sly that they can fool trained professionals. Psychologists only study these types in order to help their victims, not because they think they can be helped. Anyway, you don't need to believe me, just hang out with ardent New Agers who just repeat the mantras, associated with the "Law of Attraction". It is quite clear when the reasoning pathways in the brain have atrophied... Go looking on the Internet and find the ex-devotees who paid serious money to a "school of enlightenment" to find that they have been seriously conned. They believed and believed and believed in the "Law of Attraction" and it simply did not work as they were told. It's a teaching that is just used as bait to help some upsell to the next book or the next seminar or the next course etc.

A large vapour trail over the Isle of Wight [UK]
UK UFO Sightings, 28th April 2010
Location of Sighting: Hardway, Gosport Hampshire
Date of Sighting: 27/4/2010, Time: 2325,

Witness Statement: At about 11-25pm I was taking my dog for his nightly stroll when I looked up at the moon which was very bright and to the south east. To the right of the moon was a very large vapour trail that appeared to extend from ground level until disapearing.

The vapour trail was one similar to what you would see with a space rocket launching the space shuttle. I could see no movement nor hear any noise but I am very curious as to what could have caused such a large vapour trail over the Isle of Wight at that time of the night. I suppose it could have been some weird type of cloud formation but that isnot what it looked like to me. It had the appearance of being a tornado upside down as the trail petered out to nothing. I wonder if anyone can offer an explination for this.

I wonder if this was actually a water spout, but I would be seriously impressed if it was a ghost rocket.

Retired Bishop says Hell was invented by the Church to Control People
Paranormal, Mind, Body, April 2010
Bishop: I don't think Hell exists. I happen to believe in Life after Death, but I don't think it has a thing to do with reward and punishment. Religion is always in the control business and that is something that people really don't understand.

It's in the guilt producing control business and if you have heaven as a place where you rewarded for your goodness and hell is a place where you are punished for your evil then you sort of have control of the population. And so they create this fiery place, which has quite literally scared the hell out of a lot of people throughout Christian history and it's part of a control tactic.

This bishop is a clear as a bell, giving his opinion after being part of the operation for so long.

ET Tech: "Could a Level of Technology Beyond Information & Matter Exist?"
Daily Galaxy, 27th April 2010
This week, Stephen Hawking warned that contact with an advanced extraterrestrial civilization could have dire consequences for the human species. [...]

In fact, Davies writes in his new book, Eerie Silence, that advanced technology might not even be made of matter. That it might have no fixed size or shape; have no well-defined boundaries. Is dynamical on all scales of space and time. Or, conversely, does not appear to do anything at all that we can discern. Does not consist of discrete, seperate things; but rather it is a system, or a subtle higher-level corrrelation of things.

The paragraph highlighted here sounds like they are talking about the properties of plasma entities. To be honest, I want to think about this article, I may even spend some money and buy Paul Davies's new book. Well, I am in no doubt that SETI scientist are trying to understand the UAP phenomena because the UAP presence can no longer be ignored and it is becoming increasing obvious that there is a very diverse ecology out there. Unfortunately for them, they are trying to use the framework of the current scientific paradigm, which is too orientated towards the beliefs systems of unevolved and imperfect humans.
ET Technonolgy Could Be Totally "Weird" Says One of World's Leading Experts
"Quantum weirdness, living organisms, human minds, and designed machines all are examples in which wholes and parts relate in different ways," writes astrophysicist Paul Davies in his new book, Eerie Silence."
I don't think this is just about promoting a book, but please note this is another headline catcher. There is a certain message that is being given out or rammed home, depending on your perspective.

Stephen Hawking's Alien Warnings Divide UFOlogists
AOL News, 27th April 2010
This weekend, famed physicist Stephen Hawking rocked the residents of this world with his declaration that aliens are likely to exist but should be avoided at all costs. First contact, he warned, could prove to be "much as when Christopher Columbus first landed in America, which didn't turn out very well for the Native Americans."

Some scientists publicly refuted Hawking, blasting his pessimistic prediction of an extraterrestrial encounter. Meanwhile, other researchers have rallied behind him, offering similarly wary predictions.

AOL News managed to establish contact with four self-described experts in the field of UFOlogy -- the study of unidentified flying objects -- to elicit their takes on the news. They fell roughly into two broad camps:

Quite interesting selection of views. I note Escamilla has realised that most ETs are actually living creatures but some of those are superintelligent and know their mathematics, so I am not sure "creatures" is adequate to describe the spectrum of lifeforms that are plasmatic. I agree most with Greers comments though. After detonating the first nuclear bomb, if ETs were going to invade then that was the excuse. Mr Jacobs is arguably the most obnoxious, as he fails to see that the others have a right to give their opinion.

Perceiving Einstein, 27th April 2010
To the average person the words “Einstein” and “Relativity” are reflexively synonymous with “complexity,” “unintelligibility,” and the notion that “this has to involve obscure mathematics.”

We all know that Albert Einstein invented Special Relativity (SR) and its extension, General Relativity (GR). But what are they? Are these theories correct? Are they useful? Does it take a physicist or mathematician to understand them? Typically, any search of your local library or the Internet for a clear explanation of what Relativity Theory is all about usually falls quickly into a tangle of concepts such as Minkowsky space, time dilation, and other hypotheses – all impenetrable for the uninitiated. Or at least they have been up to now.

Nice review by Don Scott.

Human generator: a man in Georgia becomes a scientific phenomenon
RT News, 26th April 2010
“Let there be light!” is a phrase that Zurab Bedia from Georgia takes to a whole new level as he lights fluorescent lamps with just the touch of his hand. [...]

An entire laboratory has been set up by Georgia's top scientists to investigate the Zurab Bedia phenomenon. They have discovered that Bedia’s geomagnetic field is several times more intense than that of most humans.

However, scientists are not only intrigued by Bedia’s ability to light bulbs but, more importantly, the possible effect this could have on medicine and science.

Please note: the emphasis in the video of scientists studying psychosomatic imbalances that can be detected in the human energy field and then later on become an illness. These Georgain scientists are way way way ahead in the understanding of the relationship to health in the human energy field and physical health. Incredible news.

Blue stork surprises German villagers
BBC News, 26th April 2010
A blue stork is proving to be a tourist attraction in a German village, puzzled bird watchers are unsure how it got its distinctive colour.

But, there are other reports of blue birds being seen around the world, but we are being encouraged to believe that they all fell into blue paint, the same as the purple squirrel fell into purple paint etc. We can surmise that the notion of evolutionary change and DNA mutations is being avoided and it is reasonable to suggest that is because the evidence is still scant, we need to see thousands of examples, but evolutionary change is often a process of seeing a few mutants first. See previous discussion at DNA Mutations For a better close-up image and an older newsreport:

Blue Stork Finds True Love in Spite of Curious Color
"Now, only days after the blue stork's first appearance in Biegen, residents and spectators are greatly relieved to watch as the strange stork has been joined in the traditional mating rituals by a female of the normal black-and-white variety. Clad in such bright blue finery, the stork's unusual mating dance transforms into a surrealistic interpretation of artificial and natural."

Where comets emit dust
Scientists from the Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research identify the active regions on the surface of comets

Max Planck Society, 26th April 2010
Studying comets can be quite dangerous - especially from close up. Because the tiny particles of dust emitted into space from the so-called active regions on a comet’s surface can damage space probes.

Scientists from the Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research in Germany have now developed a computer model that can locate these regions using only the information available from Earth. The new method could help calculate a safe flight route for ESA’s space probe Rosetta, which is scheduled to arrive at the comet Churyumov-Gerasimenko in 2014. (Astronomy & Astrophysics, 512, A60, 2010)

Obviously, the Max Planck Society is not taking the view that comets are harmless dusty snowballs in space! Here we are being given a different theory to that being promoted by Electric Universe theorists who tell us that comets act like a giant vacuum cleaners in space, in fact, that might be the case but it then collimates the material and spits it out, so peridocially, we have incidents on Earth suggesting something passed between us and the Sun and showered the planet with dust. Like the incident at Broken Hill Australia, September 2009, when a dust storm turned day into night in approx. 40 seconds link.

HuffPo: “Deniers” clogging up the blogosphere
WUWT News, 29th April 2010
More sophisticated denier methods often appeal to:
* Free speech (as if achieving consensus on climate science somehow takes away their Constitutional rights) or
* The nature of scientific inquiry means always questioning your assumptions (ironically, the people who question the science of climate change, are likely those who question all science).
Comment: So here, the fact that scientists and non scientists have been caught perpetrating 'the globe is warming fraud' is irrelevant... Some points of view (Vmemes) may never be eradicated.

Ball of Fire, witness senses he was being watched - Oklahoma USA
UK UFO Sightings, 26th April 2010
Location of Sighting: Bartlesville, Oklahoma USA
Date of Sighting: September 1997
Time: around 4:30 p.m.

Witness Statement: I know this was a long time ago, but I am just so glad to finally see that others have witnessed the same thing! My friend and I still talk about this. We were loading my car with some things when we both noticed this orange fire ball approaching us from the west about eighty feet in the sky. It approached slowly then hovered above the trees in my neighbor’s back yard. It stayed there about 3-5 minutes.

We were just baffled! It was like we were being watched…but by a silent fire ball???

It had flames around the edges, and was dense. The size was large. Hard to say…maybe thiry feet across. Then all of a sudden it took off with great speed going straight south. We watched it until it was completely out of sight all the way to the horizon. It took just a few seconds. Is there any logical explanation for this UFO??

This is an older account but useful in that the sighting was close enough to provide a good description. We are seeing an evolution of spacetime, the most astute scientists on the planet ie they have refused to bow down to consensus, can provide the scientific proof that the background of our reality (spacetime) is not static and I believe that in the past, geomagnetic storms have helped to disturb the levels of aetheric energy on the planet so that there has been the occasional bleed through of higher dimensional entities. Yet, scientists have identified 35 places on the planet where light phenomena has been seen for hundreds of years and there are even reports now of places where activity has revived after once being hotbeds of activity hundreds of years ago. The difference now is that portals representing places of interdimensional bleedthrough are no longer localised, the aetheric density is changing across the whole planet and variations are becoming less not more. More recent reports of balls of fire:
Eight balls of fire, 2 fly side by side - Glasglow, Scotland [UK]
"The light was like a ball of fire, it was so bright and there was no noise at all." "...2nd light in the chain seemed to catch up with the 1st one and they flew side-by-side while the others were in a straight line behind."

Remember that ash cloud? It didn't exist, says new evidence
Daily Mail, 26th April 2010
Britain's airspace was closed under false pretences, with satellite images revealing there was no doomsday volcanic ash cloud over the entire country.

Skies fell quiet for six days, leaving as many as 500,000 Britons stranded overseas and costing airlines hundreds of millions of pounds. Estimates put the number of Britons still stuck abroad at 35,000. However, new evidence shows there was no all-encompassing cloud and, where dust was present, it was often so thin that it posed no risk.

Sometimes you really have to wonder. I am in Switzerland and I could taste dust in my mouth for a few days and I could even see where I had walked a very fine white ash into my home. But as I have already outlined, the flight ban may have served another purpose.

Scientists discover 'traitor' human DNA helps viruses cause cancer, 26th April 2010
The research, which was undertaken at the UCL Cancer Institute and funded by Cancer Research UK, and published in Nature Cell Biology today, revealed that viruses can exploit the body’s DNA - dampening its antiviral immune response and allowing infection to take hold more easily. [...]

Our immune system uses multiple ways to prevent or clear infection. In parallel, viruses have also evolved highly sophisticated counter-measures to escape from the human immune defence. [...]

“The viruses we tested have evolved with humans for millions of years and use a variety of biological tricks to establish life-long and mostly harmless infections. We discovered that it is likely that other viruses - which can cause diseases including cancer exploit the tiny molecules present in everyone’s DNA - called microRNA - to turn cells into a viral ‘hotel’ which they can check into - to cause infection - and spread.”

I was shocked the other day to read that the 98% of our human DNA, previously thought of as "junk", was described by some genome specialists as being a "cemetery of viruses". Most scientists now have a more optimistic viewpoint on what is going on, but after studying some of the latest scientific discoveries, the process of evolutionary change and metaphysical beliefs about the arrival of light codes to "repair" DNA, I think a scientific perspective of energies that can help human DNA be more effective against marauding viruses is probably scientifically more understandable.

They have the power to switch off your brain
Sydney Morning Herald, 25th April 2010
CERTAIN parts of the brain - which control scepticism and vigilance - appear to deactivate in some people when they're in the presence of a speaker who they believe has divine healing powers, scientists in Denmark have found.

Researchers recruited 36 male and female participants; about half were devout Christians from the Pentecostal church, while the other half were non-religious.

This is a major problem in religious, metaphysical and cult-like groups. Once you switch off the critical thinking you are fair game. In the process of seeking enlightenment many people are tricked into following a leader that will use as many 'techniques' as possible to get you to become a follower and give up your money and/or your resources for THEIR benefit. Once you stop thinking and start repeating the mantras, then it does not take much time before people, become unthinking and unfeeling zombies. Once this happens your discernment vanishes. For those with a Christian background, please check out the Marjoe Gortner documentary and an interview with another Ex-faith healer who have both revealed some of the tricks use by the most unsavoury Charismatics.

Orange ball of light seen during flight ban over Europe - Gillingham, Kent [UK]
UK UFO Sightings, 25th April 2010
Thursday 15th April 2010 at 21:00 whilst passing a bedroom window I took the opportunity to star gaze [...] My eye was drawn to an orange ball of light in the night sky heading directly for Twydall from the direction of the Isle of Grain power station.

I thought it quite bizarre and strange that anything in the night sky should be moving considering the national lock down of Britain’s Airspace due obviously to the ash cloud. The light itself contained no visible exterior body like wings, fuselage, rotors or engines.

People in the UK, are still reporting sightings from during the flight ban, but I have had a new thought. It must be obvious from the recent media reports, that authorities have realised that something fundamental has changed. The Queen's astronomer, Lord Rees, was again quoted in the media. “I suspect there could be life and intelligence out there in forms we can’t conceive.” (In NLP language, that's called pre-framing.) Yet, government officials already know about "strange phenomena in the skies" and have choosen to ignore it, see previous comments. So, I am thinking, maybe the Icelandic volcanic eruption was a good convenient excuse to close the airspace across Europe, so that authorities could see exactly what was flying about? Actually, the more I think about it, the more it fits the circumstances. This happened at the same time that some European parliamentarians want to take the whole issue of "light phenomena" much more seriously, yes I have proof but at the same time other MEPs, not exactly aware of what is going on, want to ban Chinese lanterns. Now Stephen Hawkings is being used to wake folk up, as I have already said, this is all very interesting...

Stephen Hawking warns over making contact with aliens
BBC News, 25th April 2010
Aliens almost certainly exist but humans should make every attempt to avoid them, Stephen Hawking has warned. In a series for the Discovery Channel the renowned astrophysicist said it was "perfectly rational" to assume intelligent life exists elsewhere.

But he warned that aliens might simply raid Earth for resources, then move on. "If aliens visit us, the outcome would be much as when Columbus landed in America, which didn't turn out well for the Native Americans," he said.

I have been taking note of Hawking's speculations, see Stephen Hawking: "Why Isn't the Milky Way Crawling With Mechanical or Biological Life?" (A New Year's Weekend Classic) , the Daily Galaxy article has some logic, but this BBC article borders on being funny to ridiculous. If 'alternative life' is likely to be microbial, why would humans need to avoid any attempts of contact? I think you will find that the headline is meant to be read and absorbed by as many people as possible, but the rest is just sheer drivel. Now that UAPs are appearing en masse, there is probably some concern about humanoid ETs but there are plenty of opinonated researchers that have already debated this issue, so I won't bother. Whatever, I told you that authorities were in a hurry to get the existence of ET life out to the general public. This is all so interesting! This article from The Times (UK), is a bit more cogent Don’t talk to aliens, warns Stephen Hawking

Forteans West, April 2010
"Every science is a mutilated octopus. If its tentacles were not clipped to stumps, it would feel its way into disturbing contacts." -- Charles Fort
There is a man, largely undiscovered by the modern world, whom I, and many others, believe made one of the most significant contributions to the world of science. Had it not been that he vehemently opposed modern scientists and their methods, his work might be enjoying a greater popularity than it does. Had this man decided to write about completely different topics, he would be hailed as a fabulous literary character. Here was a peculiar fellow. Charles Fort devoted 26 years of his life to compiling documented reports of scientific anomalies from journals and newspapers from all around the world. He lived in dire poverty so that truth could prevail. His life's work may one day be of great scientific worth, should the established scientific community ever muster the courage to approach it.

When I read Charles Fort's Book of the Damned(1919), I was totally amazed but thrilled to find an extremely advanced human being that could think outside the box and integrate information to help redefine our reality. Yes, he suffered depression and that's because it's extremely difficult to live in this world when most people are not on your wavelength. Psychologist Clare Graves believed in the 1950s-1970s that only 1 in 10,000 people was at this level and I believe in Charles Fort's day it was probably a much lower rate than that. Fort was noted for his wit, this is a good example quoted here:
Published in 1923, New Lands is a continuation of the Book of the Damned, with heavy emphasis on astronomy. In it he openly attacks the pomposity of astronomers, who "are led by a cloud of rubbish by day and a pillar of bosh by night."
I am sure astronomer Halton Arp would agree! LOL! Charles Fort online books here

UFO UAP visit terrifies Top End family [Australia ]
NT News, 25th April 2010
It was around 8pm on Friday when Susan Clarke, of Howard Springs, heard her partner yell out to her "to come out quick".

"Myself and the lad were sober, and we saw a huge spherical object that was moving horizontally across the night sky very slowly," Ms Clarke told the Sunday Territorian. [...]

"It was glowing red, orange and gold - none of us had ever seen anything like it before." [...] The UFO is far from being the first to be seen in the Territory.

I suppose it's a waiting game now. The orbs are not going away, the evolution of spacetime will not reverse and it's now about humans realising that our reality has morphed. More spookiness:

VIDEO: Spooky orb baffles landlord - Rotherham [UK]
"PUBLICAN Paul Cliff was amazed to discover this mysterious orb of light when he checked CCTV footage at his pub."

Budleigh Salterton UFO sceptic baffled by strange lights and laughter [UK]
I have not reported much about ghosts lately

Ghost sightings highest in 25 years
Spooky sightings of ghouls, ghosts and evil spirits are higher than they have been in the past 25 years, according to a new report on haunted Britain.

Police: Meteor falls on beach [Israel]
Ynet News, 24th April 2010
Unidentified object falls from sky onto beach in Bat Yam, narrowly missing lifeguard booth and causing small fire, witnesses say. Chairman of Astrology Association says object is probably meteorite [...]

The beach was crowded at the time of the incident, and many visitors gathered around the object after it landed. Police said the object was a meteor and sappers headed to the scene in order to look into the celestial object. [...] Another lifeguard, Yossi Mizrahi, said: "The meteorite kept on burning and gave off an odd smell. It kept on burning even when we put it in the water and it melted seashells as if they were candles."

Lucky it did not hit anyone, but it seems there are now many reports of cosmic debris causing major and minor incidents.

Veteran climate campaigner calls for renaming of planet Earth
The guradian, 23rd April 2010
Author and activist Bill McKibben says planet should be renamed 'Eaarth' to reflect environmental changes caused by humans

Humans have changed the planet so drastically that it needs a new name, claims one of the first environmental campaigners to warn the public about climate change.

"Eaarth" is the name being suggested by author and activist Bill McKibben, and is the title of his latest book. The new name is changed just a little because the world looks like the familiar planet Earth, but is different in fundamental ways, McKibben told the Guardian.

From a metaphysical point of view changing your name is a reflection of a significant change in your life. Since Earth is undergoing massive evolutionary change, this does not sound such a bad idea to me.

Lucifer Instrument Helps Astronomers See Through Darkness to Most Distant Observable Objects
PopSci News, 23rd April 2010
A new instrument with an evil-sounding name is helping scientists see how stars are born.

Lucifer, which stands for (deep breath) "Large Binocular Telescope Near-infrared Utility with Camera and Integral Field Unit for Extragalactic Research," is a chilled instrument attached to a telescope in Arizona. And yes, it's named for the Devil, whose name itself means "morning star." But it wasn't meant to evoke him, according to a spokesman for the University of Arizona, where it is housed.

Apparently, the Vatican observatory is next door, so the real question is of course: why does the Vatican need to have their own observatory, don't they trust the space agencies? Hmmm... The example given here of a stellar nursery 8,000 light years away is relatively quite close, so this telescope is designed to look through dusty plasma that is relatively close to us, I wonder what they are really looking at.

The 'UFO' that's an IFO, and volcanic lightning
Komon News, 22nd April 2010
It looks like a cross between something seen on "V" and a beret, but actually this circular cloud pictured above is just a harmless lenticular cloud. The photo was taken by Annie Roehr over the weekend. (Larger resolution version here.) The cloud might look like a hat, but it's actually several thin layers of clouds stacked upon each other like a stack of pancakes.

Hmmm... there are some strange and menancing looking clouds these days...

Now I'm a chick! Gianni the gender-bending cockerel starts to lay eggs, baffling scientists
Daily Mail, 22nd April 2010
Gianni started life as a red-blooded cockerel and would often wake his Italian owners up crowing on his farm in Tuscany. But when a fox raided Gianni's enclosure and killed all of the hens inside, Gianni felt it was time for a change.

Within days the bird was laying eggs and trying to hatch them as he began his new life as a hen.

The sex-change chicken has baffled scientists at the UN's Farm and Agriculture Organisation, who are now planning to study Gianni's DNA to see what made him change.

An expert at the centre said: 'It may be a primitive species survival gene. With all the females gone he could only ensure the future of his line by becoming female.' Professor Donato Matassino, who will be leading tests on Gianni, said: 'This rooster-hen will be taken to the laboratories of Consdabi (Consortium for the experimentation and application of innovative biotechniques) for a series of behavioural and genetic tests. 'This will allow us to decipher this bizarre DNA mix up that appears to have literally given what looks like two chickens in one.'

Of course scientists are going to investigate, but amongst DNA aberrations, this must rank quite high...

"Will Humans and Extraterrestrial Life Share DNA Roots?"
Daily Galaxy, 21st April 2010
A recent mathematical analysis says that life as we know it is written into the laws of reality. DNA is built from a set of twenty amino acids - the first ten of those can create simple prebiotic life, and now it seems that those ten are thermodynamically destined to occur wherever they can. [...]

The study indicates that you don't need a miracle to arrive at the chemical cocktail for early life, just a decently large asteroid with the right components. That's all. The entire universe could be stuffed with life, from the earliest prebiotic protein-a-likes to fully DNAed descendants. The path from one to the other is long, but we've had thirteen and a half billion years so far and it's happened at least once. [...] Early Earth was covered with carbonaceous material from meteorites and comets that provided the raw materials from which first life emerged. In his new book, The Eerie Silence, astrophysicist Paul Davies of Arizona State University suggests that the original cells would have been able to pick and choose from the early Earth's organic cocktail.

To the best of our knowledge, he writes, "the twenty-one chosen by known life do not constitute a unique set; other choices could have been made, and maybe were made if life started elsewhere many times."

OK, the ET paradigm shift is happening now! I think SETI folks are now in a bit of a hurry to get the message out that we are not the only lifeform in the universe.

A rare Earthquake hits Australia. Does this place look familiar? Is a picture emerging?
Colin Andres, 20th April 2010
It should if you have been following the unexplained strange symbols appearing on Australian weather radar since January 15th just over three months ago. The first strange ring reported to me and that started my research was near Kalgoorlie- Boulder in West Australia, at the same location as today’s Earthquake. Today’s rare quake does raise the obvious question: Is it part of the radar story or is it ‘The’ story? And of course they may be totally unconnected.

This is interesting...

Airlines Blame Flawed Computer Modeling For Up To $1.7 Billion Loss
WUWT, 21st April 2010
The Met Office has been blamed for triggering the “unnecessary” six-day closure of British airspace which has cost airlines, passengers and the economy more than £1.5 billion.–The Telegraph 19 April, 2010 [...]

Global airlines have lost about $1.7bn of revenue as a result of the disruptions caused by the Icelandic volcanic eruption, a body has said. Giovanni Bisignani, chief executive of IATA, criticised governments for the haste with which they closed airspace, and called on them to provide compensation to the airlines. “Airspace was being closed based on theoretical models, not on facts. Test flights by our members showed that the models were wrong.” –BBC, 21 April 2010

The last few days have seen lots of conflicting reports, so I thought I would wait for the dust to settle, if you can excuse the pun. Here the issue is the discrediting of the UK Met Office and computer models. This is looking very bad for science that seems to have lost it's way in trying to model reality when the truth is they do not understand all the natural laws and this will become more acute as scientists realise that Earth is not a "closed" system. Anyway, the refrain now, which will be most meaningful for the British is, 'it was the wrong kind of ash'.

Redshifts and Microwaves, 21st April 2010
Modern astronomy surely suffers from a kind of blindness. It is either a blindness of mind or one of practice.

The continuing presence of Big Bang cosmology among those who are charged with increasing the store of scientific knowledge proves that there certainly is blindness in some form. Not only astronomers, but science reporters have lost the ability to differentiate fact from theory, thus helping to perpetuate the Big Bang. Media reports constantly assert that new discoveries confirm it when such reports are not based on observational evidence. On October 3, 2003, the Big Bang theory was falsified by direct observation. The galaxy NGC 7319 was measured to have a redshift of z = 0.0225. It is not uncommon for "nearby" galaxies to have redshifts below z = 1. However, a quasar was located in front of NGC 7319's opaque gas clouds with an observed redshift of z = 2.114.

OK, more proof that cosmologists have got some fundamental theory completely wrong. However, it's very interesting that other physicists working from first principles and simple observation of universal cycles have made some incredible predictions that have been proven to be correct but it means standard dogma is seriously threatened.

Heliophysics, 20th April 2010
Scientific research into the Sun's composition and behavior has led to a new branch of astrophysics. The Sun has been the subject of intense research by Electric Universe advocates.

Books such as The Electric Sky by retired Professor of Electrical Engineering Don Scott, The Electric Universe by Dave Talbott and Wal Thornhill, and many other independent articles and peer-reviewed papers, have detailed a growing accumulation of data in support of the electrical connection between the Sun and its family of planets, especially Earth. Over the last several years, NASA and the European Space Agency (ESA), along with the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), have launched numerous scientific instruments into Earth orbit, as well as other more remote destinations in hope of detecting and analyzing the various ways the Sun's energy influences our planet [...]

The five spinning THEMIS probes contain comprehensive packages of plasma and field instruments needed to determine the cause of geomagnetic substorms. In April of 2009, NASA’s fleet of THEMIS satellites detected vast electrical tornadoes about 40,000 miles above the night side of Earth. Gigantic energized twisters, the size of the earth or larger, channel electrically charged particles at speeds of more than a million miles per hour along the ionosphere's twisted magnetic field, where they power the auroras.

With all of these instruments active at the present time, and 8 more satellites designated as space weather observatories scheduled for launch in the next five years, the opportunities for Electric Universe theories to be supported will continue to increase.

Lots and lots of probes monitoring the Sun because scientists expected that Space Weather would cause serious trouble in the build up to the peak of solar cycle 24 in 2012. This has not happened, but there are many new factors occuring that need to be properly outlined to provide an adequate explanation. However, one respected metaphysical source was quite clear that we were being given the opportunity to balance up energies on this planet. Anyway, it is becoming apparent that more scientists have shifted their focus away from gravity to understanding the properties of plasma, and how electric fields and currents behave in space. This is reasonable because satellites do not get zapped by gravity.

EdgeScience Magazine
Edge Science, April 2010
Introducing EdgeScience - the new magazine from the SSE. Why EdgeScience? Because scientific knowledge is still full of unknowns. What remains to be discovered—what we don't know—very likely dwarfs what we do know. And what we think we know may not be entirely correct or fully understood. Anomalies, which researchers tend to sweep under the rug, should be actively pursued as clues to potential breakthroughs and new directions in science.

No. 3 Free! Free Edge Science magazine issue 3. here

Reports of Luminous Seas
Edge Science, April 2010
[...] Luminous phenomena like those seen by Chief Officer Peter Newton are so elusive, so impossible to drag into the lab, that they are likely to remain a mystery for a long time.

Until then, those who have seen them will believe, and those who have not are likely to laugh. When Newton is back home in England, he keeps his mouth shut about what he saw in the Gulf of Oman. “It’s not something I would bring up at a party or a bar” he says. “They would think I was mad. But people at sea believe me. Seamen tend to believe each other. There is no reason not to. You see many strange things at sea.”

In the past I have linked this Lightwheel phenomena to crop circles but really it's still a big mystery and maybe humans will have to accept for a while that this Universe is much more complex and diverse than we are able to imagine.

A ball of orange plasma - Birmingham [UK]
UK UFO News, 21st April 2010
Location of Sighting: solihull Birmingham
Date of Sighting: 21/04/10, Time: 21;16,

Witness Statement: Saw a big bright orange sphere pulsating and moving very fast, whilst driving. Luckily i had binoculars on the back seat, so i pulled up and had a look.It was what looked like a ball of orange plasma, no way was it a chinese lantern……this is the 4th one i have seen over a couple of months… Plus because of volcano theres a no fly zone in uk….

Lots more reports and people are still commenting about the UK flying ban. Again, we have a witness with a pair of binoculars, so he could get a good look and realised that this is a plasma phenomena. Here is my comment that I posted:
Your observation is the same as scientists who have been investigating this phenomena for decades!

However, it has taken some scientists 25 years and a battery of equipment including radar, magnetometer, radio-spectrum analyzers, seismographs, cameras (some that can be equipped with dispersion gratings), geiger counters, infrared viewers, and lasers (Strand, 1985; 2000) and some really sophisticated radioastronomy equipment used in SETI research, before they dared to make the same claim.

I can recommend the Norwegian documentary, 'The Portal: The Hessdalen Light Phenomenon’ [2009], it was made by independent Norwegian filmmakers but it is mainly in English. This plasma phenomena has been known to exist for hundreds of years in certain locations around our planet, but we are seeing something extraordinary now.

Part 1 -

Electromagnetic radiation and its effect on the brain: an insider speaks out
SOTT News, 19th April 2010
Jenny Crwys Williams interviews Barrie Trower, retired British military intelligence scientist in microwave and stealth warfare. Listen to interview here [...]

Now to answer your question, ma'am...uhm...I have three papers showing that low level microwaves can interfere with the genetics in the ovarian follicles. Now what that means in everyday language, different from boys, young girls when they're born, they will have up to four hundred eggs in their ovaries. The microwaves can damage the genetic structure, we now know, in those ovaries. So, when this young girl grows up, gets married, and has children, if she has a daughter, this particular mitochondrial genetic damage is irreparable. There is nothing at all that can repair it.

So, if she has a daughter, the daughter will carry that genetic deformity, and her daughter will carry it, and her daughter will carry it. So, it isn't a game anymore, it isn't a little box that you can press buttons and run around in, and have fun with, we are now seriously jeopardising the future generations for as long as there is a female line of our children's children's children, and that is to me the most scariest aspects of all of this.
Uhm, when I address governments, what they don't realise is that there is an initial boost to the government from the industry, putting up towers, and paying rent and anything else that is being paid, but I was talking to a government just two weeks ago, and I said can you really afford this system unregulated, and I'll tell you why, sir, because most of the money generated from the cell phones, apart from the tax, leaves the country. It's estimated that from the illnesses, the health bill could go up as much as forty percent in some countries, and they're not prepared for that. May I just finish, sir.

The third aspect of this, and this has been calculated by The Times, an editor in The Times, that the cost to the planet in making the pollinating insects sick, that pollinate the plants that feed the planet, the cost could be as much as thirty three trillion, that's a million million, US dollars a year. So, when it comes to profit, there may be a lovely initial boost for the government, but when I address governments, I say, have your economists actually sat down and worked out the real cost of all of this, and they haven't.
Uhm, I've done a lot of research on bees, and in fact I gave a lecture just before I came to this country. The bees are out of all of the insects, all of the animals that are affected, bees are affected worst. And the reason is, is that they are the size that the frequency of the microwaves can react with most. They have three different types of iron in their bodies that help them navigate, they use the earth's magnetic field to navigate, but the microwaves going through the bees, will remagnetise what they use for the earth's magnetic field, so they are disorientated.

And the other part, and this has been published in Nature, the planet's foremost scientific journal. They have found that the bees' visual navigation system where they use the sun, that is also affected by all microwave frequencies, so the bottom line is, bees will get lost, their immune systems will suffer and then eventually whatever illness they come across, the varroa mite, anything, that will then take its course. But the bottom line here is that migratory insects, even ants, will be disorientated.
Two questions, the first you should never ever use a microwave transmitter inside a car, because they reflect all of the microwaves backwards and forwards and backwards and forwards, and you are effectively putting yourself into a microwave oven.

This is very serious information. I first came across Barrie Trower when he wrote and brilliant report for a British police force , but at the time I did not realise that he was in British military intelligence.

Meteor shower sparks UFO calls [UK]
Bournemouth Echo, 20th April 2010
copy: A METEOR shower is believed to have sparked a spate of calls to coastguards on Friday night from people who thought they were seeing flares or UFOs.

A Portland coastguard spokesman said there had been reports of green flare sightings up and down the coast, from Brixham to Southampton, at around 10pm.

“We were right in the middle of meteorite activity so no action was taken.” A Christchurch man told the Daily Echo: “We saw the lights around 11.30pm. They definitely weren’t Chinese lanterns, when we were out in the garden. “It was really strange.”

What's interesting is that scientists have identified that we actually get orbs that literally rain down on us in clusters and there have been some wonderful digital images of 'diamond' rain and other variations on a theme. These days, people are seeing energies with the naked eye, but without good accounts, it's impossible to tell whether these sightings are meteors or UAP arrivals.
Green light shooting out of the sky - Kemble, Gloucestershire [UK]
" was similar to a shooting star but was not a shooting star..." This must be from the same event, also report 'green light' sighting below.

Migraine Gives Woman Foreign Accent
Yahoo News, 20th April 2010
A woman from Devon has begun speaking with a Chinese accent after suffering severe migraines. Thirty-five-year-old Sarah Colwill puts the startling change down to an extremely rare medical condition known as Foreign Accent Syndrome (FAS).

"I knew I sounded different but I didn't know how much and people said I sounded a bit Chinese. "Then I had another attack and when the ambulance crew arrived they said I definitely sounded Chinese." The rare disorder is thought to be caused by strokes and brain injuries and causes sufferers to lose the ability to talk in their native accent. [...]

Experts believe FAS is triggered following a stroke or head injury, when tiny areas of the left side of the brain linked with language, pitch and speech patterns are damaged.

The result is often a drawing out or clipping of the vowels that mimic the accent of a particular country, even though the sufferer may have had limited exposure to that accent.

I discussed the holographic brain recently and this looks like another example of a part of the brain being partially reset. Does this mean that in the information retrieval process, when the relevant part of the brain is damaged, the holographic capability just goes off into the universal field to find something that "will do" instead? Fascinating!

Blinding UFO appears in Chengdu [China]
People's Daily Online/Sichuan News Online, 19th April 2010
Mr. Zhang, a citizen of Chengdu, saw an unidentified flying object was flying in the air between 8:40 p.m. to 8:50 p.m. and took its picture with his camera on the night of April 18, Chengdu.According to Mr. Zhang, the UFO had blinding white lights but did not make any noise.

It was suspended in the air for few minutes and accelerated to move in a speed slower than flight, and it disappeared at about 8:51. Reporters had learned from an observatory that a meteorological sounding machine would usually flies at 8 o'clock in the morning and evening, but the UFO does not appear to be shaped the same as the sounding balloon.

Have you noticed the rather blasé attitude? If UFOs were a real threat, do you think China's state controlled media would be reporting? The reason should be obvious to anyone who has done some research, these type of UFOs/UAPs are NO threat! Rather they are an embarrassment to governments and are considered more of a 'metaphysical' challenge. This is a group of orbs travelling in formation, which seems to be seen a preferred way for some of this lifeform to travel. Now, did you know that SETV (Search for Extraterrestrial Visitation) have identified 35 "hotspots" over the globe and that there are aspirations to set up "open air laboratories" in 30 locations? They are happy to believe that ET probes could be hiding inside plasma orbs, which means funding. Now the problem is that since scientists have had these lofty ideas, the energetic changes on the planet have beem dramatic. Instead of isolated and remote areas, which have been known to host light phenomena for hundreds of years, "hotspots" are now appearing all over the planet! More orb triangles reported in the last few days.

News Report : UFO Videotaped Over La Vega, Dominican Republic 16 April, 2010
"As many as 100 or more eye witnesses saw a Triangular -shaped UFO Over La Vega, Dominican Republic 16 April, 2010. According to witnesses the object simply remained stationary for over 10 minutes before leaving the area."

At least half a dozen, very red lights, 3 formed triangle - Hampshire [UK]

" least half a dozen, very red lights in the sky at the back of our house. Thought they were planes going to land a Hurn Airport, as on the same path, then realised its ‘no fly’ at the moment. Three formed a large triangle, and all travelled very slowly from E – W, suddenly fading out."

College physics teacher describes close encounter with silent triangle UFO - California [US]
"It was an equilateral triangle and had three circular areas symmetrically placed near the tips. [...] At first it looked like it was a large bird high in the air as the front and two sides were heavily darkened against the mostly dark sky. It was moving toward me and over a period of about 2 seconds it became clearer and resembled a hang-glider. It was descending and moving toward the east and seemed to be gliding smoothly, making no sound that I could hear." Hmmm...

California witness describes 'black spheres of energy' interacting with triangle UFO
"I have watched and learned studied there movements, patterns, functions, and how they work together as separate forces, with a special function. Like bee's or insects, looking and gathering useful energy processing it, then taking it back to the triangle in the sky."
Of course, this witness is convinced that this "hive-like" activity is what he calls, "M.E.F.F.'s ( Mechanical Energy Force Fields) and a spaceship stocking up for interdimensional travel.... However, why would they be doing this operation outside this man's house on a regular basis?

Ash cloud models – overrated? A word on Post Normal Science by Dr. Jerome Ravetz
WUWT, 19th April 2010
“We sent ten Boeing 747 and Airbus 340 jets on transfer flights from Munich to Frankfurt,” Lufthansa spokesman Klaus Walther told the paper. The planes were moved in order to be in the most useful place once the ban is lifted, he explained.

“Our machines flew to a height of 24,000 feet, or around 8,000 metres. In Frankfurt the machines were examined by our technicians. They didn’t find the slightest scratch on the cockpit windscreens, on the outer skin nor in the engines.”

“The flight ban, which is completely based on computer calculations, is causing economic damage in the billions. This is why, for the future, we demand that dependable measurements must be available before a flight ban is imposed.”

Oh dear! This is really not looking good for environmental computer modelling.
Quote : dickmnixon (08:24:28) : All of this has been based on the MET’s computer models????
‘Air Berlin CEO Joachim Hunold criticized the fact that the results of test flights had no influence on the decision of the air traffic control authorities as to whether to reopen airspace in countries across Europe. “In Germany, no one has even sent up a weather balloon to measure if volcanic ash is in the air, and if so, how much,” Hunold told the Süddeutsche Zeitung newspaper.’ link
There is also a massive breaking story here if it is true... see Comment: RajKapoor (08:20:17) : See below email exchange on Iceland volcano links to money and climate change. Seems like something is rotten in the state of Iceland!!!

APOD: Ash and Lightning Above an Icelandic Volcano

UK flights grounded again by new ash cloud
Radar Link to Flights over Europe here, at 13.00 GMT, there were planes flying over the UK.

Boy, 3, tells how he 'saw grandmother in Heaven' before being brought back from the dead after falling into pond
Daily Mail, 19th April 2010
A boy of three claims he saw his great grandmother in heaven while he was clinically dead after falling into a pond.

Paul Eicke came back to life more than three hours after his heart stopped beating. It is believed he was in the pond at his grandparents' house for several minutes before his grandfather saw him and pulled him out. His father gave him heart massage and mouth-to-mouth during the ten minutes it took a helicopter to arrive.

Paramedics then took over and Paul was taken the ten-minute journey to hospital. Doctors tried to resuscitate him for hours. They had just given up when, three hours and 18 minutes after he was brought in, Paul's heart started beating independently. Professor Lothar Schweigerer, director of the Helios Clinic where Paul was taken, said: 'I have never experienced anything like it.

'When children have been underwater for a few minutes they mostly don't make it. This is a most extraordinary case.' The boy said that while unconscious he saw his great grandmother Emmi, who had turned him back from a gate and urged him to go back to his parents.

Paul said: 'There was a lot of light and I was floating. I came to a gate and I saw Grandma Emmi on the other side. 'She said to me, "What are you doing here Paul? You must go back to mummy and daddy. I will wait for you here." 'I knew I was in heaven. But grandma said I had to come home. She said that I should go back very quickly. 'Heaven looked nice. But I am glad I am back with mummy and daddy now.' Paul is now back at home in Lychen, north of Berlin in Germany, and there appears to be no sign of brain damage.

A Miracle? Dead for 3 hours and 18 minutes?

UFO Disclosure 2010: No Government Will Prevent It
Basil and Spice, 18th April 2010
The question of UFO Disclosure in the United States is of ultimate importance. The people ask that their representatives come clean on this “taboo” subject.

Since Roswell, American skepticism has grown on both sides of the issue. Disinformation, debunkers, supporters, glorifiers, believers abound, while credible witnesses have come forward. Utilizing the internet’s capabilities to get the message out through YouTube, blogging, forums, and links to ufologists’ sites—there’s no escaping the fact that the human populace wants real information.

I actually added a comment here, because there are too many people who are hoping for humanoid ETs to turn up. Some of the orbs have demonstrated their intelligence in trying to wake humans up, hence the crop circles, but most UAPs/orbs are minding their own business and their appearance is due to cosmic factors that cannot be stopped, so disclosure about their presence MUST start here first.

Junkyard Circling the Earth Is Growing, Scientists Say
AOL News, 18th April 2010
Imagine half a million marbles circling Earth -- a sort of celestial obstacle course for the International Space Station, shuttles and satellites. That's the increasingly problematic issue of orbital debris.

The objects can be as big as a defunct satellite, but -- traveling at speeds of 17,500 miles an hour or more -- even a paint flake can put a chink in a space shuttle window, as happened on one mission. "It's almost like it's being sandblasted by these very small pieces of space debris," said Roderick Heelis, director of the Hanson Center for Space Sciences at the University of Texas at Dallas. [...]

"Space is like the Wild West used to be,"said David Wright, senior scientist at the Union of Concerned Scientists. The first explorers of the new frontier "didn't feel like they needed laws. They dumped their trash anywhere."

Nice headline... Well, space weather makes the debris issue far worse as a threat to satellites, as I have previously commented. However, problems with the ISS might mean it soon ends up joining the other junk up there too. Incidentally, there has been a major problem in the last few days, see NASA considering emergency spacewalk to fix valve and now we find the large crew of 13 Russian and Japanese astronaunts are coming home early,

NASA delays shuttle Discovery's return to Earth .

RE-ENTRY ALERT!, 20th April 2010
Discovery's first landing attempt at KSC has been scrubbed. Mission controllers are focused now on a second attempt for Florida with a deorbit burn at 8:02 a.m. and a landing at 9:08 a.m. EDT. En route to the Kennedy Space Center, the shuttle will fly over many US towns and cities including Helena, Montana; Casper, Wyoming; Tulsa, Oklahoma; Little Rock, Arkansas; and Montgomery, Alabama. If you're near the ground track, listen for sonic booms about a minute and a half after the shuttle passes by. Check NASA's landing blog for updates.

Volcanic ash grounds Britain for days to come
Times Online, 18th April 2010
BRITAIN faces being grounded for the coming week as the cloud of volcanic ash hovering over the country threatens to stay put until Friday. The Met Office warned that northerly winds are pushing it south from Iceland rather than sending it eastwards towards Scandinavia.

All flights to and from Britain have been cancelled until at least 1pm today but this deadline may be pushed back again. BA and Ryanair said their earliest flights would be tomorrow. The crisis is costing cash-strapped British and Irish airlines £28m a day. Worldwide, airlines are losing £130m a day.

There are lots of mainstream and alternative commentators talking about karma and they are quite serious...

Limbaugh: Volcanic ash cloud is God’s punishment for health care
Raw Story, 17th April 2010

Airlines search for safe paths through ash as travel pressure mounts
Times Online, 18th April 2010

Airlines carry out test flights in Europe's ash-filled skies
LA Times, 19th April 2010
"Air France, KLM and Lufthansa send out jets carrying only crew members in an attempt to show that flying conditions are safe despite the volcanic ash. The flights landed without incident, they say."

2012: Cataclysmic breakdown or Y2K makeover? ET/UFO contact? DNA/Consciousness transformation?
Seattle Exopolitics Examiner, 17th April 2010
As a designated “year of interest,” 2012 has been front-loaded with “end of the world” memes. Will 2012 be a year of cataclysmic breakdown as science, oracle-driven, governmental, and media-created memes suggest? Will 2012 be – like Y2K – an anti-climax in which humanity muddles through? Or will a new, “golden age” timeline begin for conscious humankind in 2012? How will consciousness transformation and extraterrestrial contact impact humanity, starting in 2012?

Long article. I can't say I was particulary interested in the style of analysis and I simply cannot understand the interest in the Web Bot hoax, it has ZERO scientific or any credibility. However, there is some nuance here of blaming the public service called NASA for stoking up the flames of 2012 beliefs, which is interesting. I am somewhat bothered by this writer taking a swipe at Mitch Battros who actually quoted NASA solar scientists re solar cycle 24, who have now admitted that their model has been falsified. Again no mention of genuine Modern Mayan Elders or indigenous folk that seem to have got the emphasis right on the arrival of a New Age dominanted by space and the aether and the occurence of a dimensional shift. Note the article has an emphasis on popular 2012 ideas, but no discussion that we are on transition from one energy state to another. So, of course, the fact that Earth is being bombarded with cosmic rays to the point that car electronics are being scrambled is incidental. The fact that we are experiencing blasts from the most extreme celestial objects in the universe is completely outside of the frame of reference of this article too. The fact that the Obama Administration has been asking what the hell is going on? The obvious "planetary challenges" that will cause evolutionary change, is of course not examined by this author, neither the obvious dramatic increase in UFO sightings... This is Part 1 and I am not sure I can be bothered reading anymore, unless the author has actually found sources who have abandoned the current pervasive 2012 rut of beliefs and has found new sources with a more enlightening perspective.

Teen hammers father to death over computer game
RT News, 17th April 2010
A 14-year-old boy killed his sleeping father with a sledgehammer after his parents told him not to play a computer game overnight and took away the keyboard.

Yaroslav Melnichenko committed the horrible crime in cold blood and feels no remorse for the fratricide, reports Life News tabloid. Moreover, he told investigators that initially he planned to kill the mother because she was the one to stand between him and the game, but then he thought the father would wake up and stop him, so he decided to kill the man.

The frequency of this kind of killing concerning gaming denial is increasing and it makes you wonder whether this kid will be made to go cold turkey to get over his addiction.

Glowing Orange Orbs Defy Flying Ban! - Gillingham, Kent [UK]
UK UFO sightings, 17th April 2010
Location of Sighting: Gillingham Lines, Medway, Kent
Date of Sighting: 16 April 2010

Witness Statement: I saw two glowing orange balls, with triangular inner pattern, moving very slowly in a straight line across Gillingham Great Lines, no noise whatsoever, no other planes in sky and at this time britain on lockdown due to icelandic volcano ash. The second one, which was behind, seemed to rise up then disappear. No clouds in sky – very clear night. Definately not a chinese lantern – I have had some of these in past , was not one of these.

Oh dear, all planes are grounded due to the Icelandic volcano spewing ash, but people are still seeing orbs and some even still want to compare what they are seeing to a plane on fire in the sky! Many people have logged reports:

A pulsating orange ball moving across the sky - Edinburgh [Scotland, UK]
"...we didn’t think it could have been an aircraft. It just looked like a glowing orange ball."

5 bright red lights high in sky - Bradford, W. Yorks [UK]
"... UK in ‘No fly’ due to volcanic dust cloud from Iceland, not due to be lifted for another 12 hours at time of writing."

5 others observed an orange ball approx 5 times broader than background stars - Plymouth [UK]

Really bright orange almost twinkling light - Stourbridge, West Midlands [UK]
"It was travelling at the speed of an aircraft at an unknown altitutide that seemed to me like aircraft altitude."

3 Bright lights - Acle, Norwich, UK
"I saw three ufos and I know there are no aircrafts flying tonight because of the volcano in iceland."

A bright green light dropping very fast out of the sky - Epping, Essex [UK]
The description is more like a meteor

6 pure white star-like orbs moving around in the sky - Blantyre, Lancs [UK]

Eerie zodiacal cloud comes from comets
UPI News, 16th April 2010
An eerie, greenish nighttime glow in the sky known as the zodiacal cloud comes from comets, not asteroids, U.S. planetary scientists say.

The pancake-shaped glow, seen along the same plane as the orbit of the planets, was first explained by astrologer Joshua Childrey in 1661 as sunlight scattered in Earth's direction by asteroid dust particles in the solar system. [...]

"We find that the dust of asteroids is not stirred up enough over its lifetime to make the zodiacal dust cloud as thick as observed," he said. "Only the dust of short-period comets is scattered enough by Jupiter to do so."

This new research means that the commonly held idea of cosmic dust that occasionally decides to give us a nice light effect in the sky at night for no apparent reason is wrong, see wikipedia Zodiacal Light. This was not the complete picture and some scientists must have known for a long time that it was caused by comets passing through our solar system. I assume that someone will soon make the effort to update wikipedia.

Scientists discover new genetic sub-code
eScience News, 16th April 2010
[...] The study, which will be published in today's issue of the journal Cell, led to the identification of novel sequence biases and their role in the control of genomic expression.

Each cell of an organism contains a copy of its genome, which is a sequence of deoxyribo nucleotides, also called DNA. The cell is able to translate some of the coding sequences into different proteins, which are necessary for an organism's growth, the repair of some tissues and the provision of energy. For this translation work, the cell follows a decoding procedure provided by the "genetic code", which tells what protein is made from a given sequence. [...]

The researchers from ETH and SIB now identified a new sub-code that determines at which rate given products must be made by the cell.

To be honest, I am not sure how NEW or MAJOR this discovery actually is because scientists often generate these kind of press releases. There is agreement that we only can understand about 2% of the DNA, but this figure varies and there are occasional press releases that tell us that scientists are starting to realise that the non-coding regions of the genome, far from being junk, contain thousands of regulatory elements that act as genetic "switches" to turn genes on or off. Russian scientists in the past have made claims that we don't understand the language used by the cells to communicate, which is held within the 98% of the "junk" DNA that we don't understand. What's more these pioneers claim that the foundation principle of these genetic languages is similar to the language of holographic images as well as texts constructed from human speech. Anyway, the more I study DNA, the more I understand the metaphysical implications of Light Codes and why they are important now.

Seeing An Orange Plasma Orb Up Close
UK UFO sightings, 16th April 2010
Has anyone seen these orange orbs close up? I saw one last year which was sufficiently close to see the surface. It was made up of jagged plates like broken glass fused together.

I had the impression – and it was just an impression, that the surface of the orb fused in contact with the air and was only ball shaped due to its rotation. The orb wasn’t perfectly round, as some plates potruded out of the sides and the object was rotating in the direction it followed (this comment has also been made by one of your other observers). The orange glow of the orb varied in intensity. Describing it as a plasma ball is about right – though plasma is presumably a generic term.

It appeared quite large, perhaps 3 to 5 metres in diameter, but the one I saw wasn’t travelling fast, perhaps 40-50 mph. Have these orbs ever been scientifically assessed? If so, what were the orbs thought to be composed of,dimensions, weight, surface temperature etc? There seem to be so many sightings taking place, so it would be very surprising if no scientific observation had been made. Are they a weather phenomonon, like a fireball, or do we still have to use the catch all term ‘UFO’ to describe them?

Well, occasionally on this website, someone realises that they are seeing a plasma entity and we are given a good description here. Click on icon for enlargement of image.

A cloud of ash from Iceland's Eyjafjallajokull volcano is drifting across Europe today. This has caused a massive disruption in air travel, as many countries have grounded their planes. On the bright side, the cloud is causing sunsets of rare beauty. Europeans should look west at the end of the day. Images: #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7, #8, #9, #10.

Materialistic People Liked Less by Peers Than 'Experiential' People
Science Daily, 16th April 2010
People who pursue happiness through material possessions are liked less by their peers than people who pursue happiness through life experiences, according to a new study led by University of Colorado at Boulder psychology Professor Leaf Van Boven.

Van Boven has spent a decade studying the social costs and benefits of pursuing happiness through the acquisition of life experiences such as traveling and going to concerts versus the purchase of material possessions like fancy cars and jewelry.

"We have found that material possessions don't provide as much enduring happiness as the pursuit of life experiences," Van Boven said.

The "take home" message in his most recent study, which appears in this month's edition of the Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, is that not only will investing in material possessions make us less happy than investing in life experiences, but that it often makes us less popular among our peers as well.

Actually, I would be interested in the same comparison between those who consider themselves to be spiritual, but maybe that is asking too much, as we live in a society where labels matter more than substance and superficiality reigns supreme.

The Big Picture: Iceland's disruptive volcano, 15th April 2010
Today, British civil aviation authorities ordered the country's airspace closed as of noon, due to a cloud of ash drifting from the erupting Eyjafjallajökull volcano in Iceland.

The volcano has erupted for the second time in less than a month, melting ice, shooting smoke and steam into the air and forcing hundreds of people to flee rising floodwaters. The volcanic ash has forced the cancellation of many flights and disrupted air traffic across northern Europe, stranding thousands of passengers. Collected here are photos of the most recent eruption, and of last month's eruptions, which were from the same volcano, just several miles further east. (18 photos total)

Great Pictures, but this is not the volcano that they were worried about... See,

Iceland's eruptions could have global consequences
"Scientists say history has proven that when the Eyjafjallajokull volcano erupts, Katla follows — the only question is how soon. And Katla, located under the massive Myrdalsjokull icecap, threatens disastrous flooding and explosive blasts when it blows."

Iceland volcano from space: The dramatic ash plume engulfing Britain and 'nightmarish face' seen from above

US military testing high-tech dirigibles in Utah [US]
AP News, 15th April 2010
SALT LAKE CITY — The skies over the Utah desert are becoming the test site for a new fleet of hulking high-tech dirigibles the U.S. military is hoping will provide battlefield commanders a bird's-eye view of cruise missiles and other threats.

One of the unmanned balloons — a 242-foot-long craft known as an aerostat — was launched Wednesday morning about 80 miles west of Salt Lake City. It stayed aloft for about three hours before it was pulled back down as planned. It was the first several tests expected in the coming year or so in Utah, according to Paula Nicholson, a spokeswoman for Dugway Proving Ground. The next flights could be made later this week.

Are you thinking what I am thinking? This graphic is amusing: US Air Force Aircraft Identification Chart

Huge fireball lights up Michiana, streaks across seven Midwest states
WSBT24/7 News, 15th April 2010
This photo of Wednesday night's fireball is taken from a Webcam at the University of Wisconsin in Madison that caught it on video. (Photo provided) Did you see what looked like a fireball in the sky about 11:15 p.m. Wednesday? If you did, you weren't alone — the huge fireball was visible in at least seven Midwest states. [...]

But in Missouri, KTVO-TV reported that the local National Weather Service office had confirmed the object was, indeed, a huge meteor. The National Weather Service Quad Cities office in Davenport, Iowa, also confirmed the object was some type of meteor and posted a Doppler radar image of the fireball's smoke trail caught at 24,000 feet.


2010 04 15 04 UTC Meteor
"The meteor was bright green at first, and the sky was almost blue for a few seconds. The meteor then broke into several pieces and glowed orange as it faded away. Was visible for 10-15 seconds. The loop shows a plane going by, then the fireball that illuminates the contrail of that plane (and another from a previous plane that is not visible) The pictures were taken at 10PM CDT on April 14, 2010 (03 UTC April 15, 2010) Please credit University of Wisconsin - AOS/SSEC for the images.

Further reports

Dozens See Fireball In The Sky - MILWAUKEE [US] Huge fireball lights up Michiana, streaks across seven Midwest states
" Dozens of viewers called 12 News to report a huge fireball in the sky Wednesday night. The flash of light in the sky was reported just after 10 p.m. Viewers reported seeing all sorts of colors and one big blast followed by several smaller blasts. WISN Chief Meteorologist Mark Baden said people from as far away as Iowa and Ohio saw the fireball which was likely a meteor. [...] Local police departments fielded dozens of phone calls. Dispatchers from Muskego, New Berlin and Waukesha told 12 News they searched for a possible impact site but didn't find one."

Video: Large Meteor Sighting over West Michigan
Hmmm... the video is interesting because something large and glowing in the skies was also lit up! The reports talk about two contrails but don't mention the large bright glow.

News & Video: HUGE fireball turns sky bright green over southern Wisconsin, starts 9 fires along 1-mile stretch
Hmmm... The real deal, starting fires...

Volcanic ash shuts air space across Europe
MSNBC News, 15th April 2010
Heathrow, world’s second busiest airport, and much of Europe affected

LONDON - Ash clouds from Iceland's spewing volcano disrupted air traffic across Europe on Thursday as authorities closed air space over Britain, Ireland and the Nordic countries. Tens of thousands of passengers were stranded as flights were canceled and it was not clear when it would be safe enough to fly again.

Britain's Civil Aviation Authority said non-emergency flights would be banned in all airports until at least 6 p.m. (1 p.m. EDT). Irish authorities also closed their air space for at least eight hours, along with closures by aviation authorities in Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Finland.

As some climate scientists have long known, volcanic eruptions help Earth to self-regulate any increases in atmospheric temperatures, but humans will have to be concerned about the effect on food production. WUWT Satellite images

Countries Airspace Status
  • UK Airspace closed:
  • Republic of Ireland Airspace closed:
  • Norway Partial or planned closures:
  • Sweden (total closure by 2000 GMT)
  • Denmark (total by 1600 GMT)
  • Finland (northern airspace closed till 1200 GMT Friday)
  • Belgium (total from 1430 GMT)
  • Netherlands (being shut progressively)
  • France (northern airports by 2100 GMT)
  • Norway Partial or planned closures:
  • Belgium, Sweden and Denmark announced they would be shutting their entire airspace, northern Finland was closed and the Netherlands was being closed progressively. French aviation officials said on Thursday afternoon that the main airports in Paris and other airports in the north of the country were to be closed. More here
    If you are sick, the UK military may help you, see
    Icelandic volcano ash cloud: No planes to leave UK before 7am tomorrow morning
    "Experts say the ash could take between 24 and 36 hours to drift across the UK if there is no volcanic activity."
    Norwegian animation showing the expected spread of volcanic ash over Europe here

    Giant Natural Particle Accelerator Above Thunderclouds
    Science Daily, 14th April 2010
    [...] When particularly intense lightning discharges in thunderstorms coincide with high-energy particles coming in from space (cosmic rays), nature provides the right conditions to form a giant particle accelerator above the thunderclouds.

    [...] The accelerated electrons then develop into a narrow particle beam which can propagate from the lowest level of the atmosphere (the troposphere), through the middle atmosphere and into near-Earth space, where the energetic electrons are trapped in the Earth's radiation belt and can eventually cause problems for orbiting satellites. These are energetic events and for the blink of an eye, the power of the electron beam can be as large as the power of a small nuclear power plant.

    [...] The zone above thunderstorms has been a suspected natural particle accelerator since the Scottish physicist and Nobel Prize winner Charles Thomson Rees Wilson speculated about lightning discharges above these storms in 1925. [...]

    Dr Fullekrug comments: "It's intriguing to see that nature creates particle accelerators just a few miles above our heads.

    It's amazing to see how history gets changed. CTR Wilson's observations were basically ignored by the mainstream science community for nearly 70 years! Anyway, the interest here is that these scientists are NOT explaining how this energy is being collimated and it seems that this article is confusing two phenomena 1. sprites and 2. TGFs (Terrestrial gamma-ray flashes). In my book, I linked these TGFs that are produced by "electron beams" that were first noted in the mid 1990s, blasting out from Earth's atmosphere out into space and I suggested that they were a known plasma phenomena, produced in a relaxation oscillator circuit. I did not add any details but it requires two capacitors one of which will be a thunderstorm cloud but the other capacitor will be held in Earth's magnetosphere, which hosts various radiation belts. At this moment in time, this is an explanation from plasma physics and is well known to electrical engineeers, but it's yet to be challenged by the scientific community.

    BLT Research, 14th April 2010
    During the 1990s multiple specific and distinctive plant abnormalities were repeatedly documented in several hundred different crop formations which had occurred in various European countries as well as in the States and Canada.

    Extensive laboratory examination of thousands of these crop circle plants and their controls by American biophysicist W. C. Levengood established the presence of consistent changes in the circle plants which were not present in the control plants (plants taken at varying distances outside the crop formations, but in the same fields) -- changes which control studies revealed were not caused by simple mechanical flattening of the plants (with planks, boards, cement rollers or human feet). [...]

    However, there are four scientifically-documented visible plant changes which are hallmarks of genuine crop circles -- and all of these, if present, are (a) thought to be caused by the exposure of the plants to the heating component (most likely microwave radiation) of a plasma energy discharge which our work indicates is involved in the creation of many crop circles , and (b) except for the inhibited seed/seed-head development, the other three will be present immediately after a formation occurs: [...]

    One of the 2009 formations which attracted a lot of attention was this one, which appeared in the field across the A4 from Silbury Hill. A Los Angeles film crew happened to be conducting a "night watch" on top of Silbury Hill the night this formation occurred and, although they were awake and watching all night, they neither saw nor heard anything unusual during the approximately 5 hrs. of darkness before one of their group discovered the circle at first-light, around 4:30am.

    Long report. Nancy Talbott seems to be prepared to nail her sails to the mast and state that plasmas or balls of light are creating crop circles, but people have known this for quite some time. Heh, there is even video of military helicopters trying to chase these balls of light, so our military friends know this too! The Los Angeles film crew keeping a "night watch" were fortunate to be right there to catch hoaxers. I mean to create some of these incredible crop circles requires military level planning, a team of 50 people and plenty of time...

    Earthquake in China leaves hundreds dead and thousands injured
    The Guardian, 14th April 2010
    Police report shortage of relief equipment after magnitude 7.1 quake hits Yushu county in north-west province of Qinghai

    At least 400 people have been killed and more have been injured or trapped in rubble after a series of earthquakes in north-west China. Officials said more than 10,000 people were injured and six quakes hit Yushu county, Qinghai province. Army trucks have been sent to the remote area, 480 miles away from the provincial capital, Xining, to aid rescue and relief efforts. Witnesses reported the collapse of many brick and wood buildings, with people scrabbling through the debris to free those trapped inside. Half the buildings at the Yushu vocational school are said to have collapsed.

    China earthquakes: timeline of deadly disastersHundreds of people were killed and another 8,000 injured in a strong earthquake that rocked a remote mountainous area of north-western China on Wednesday.
    The Telegraph, 14 Apr 2010

    Bodies piling up ‘like a hill’ after China quake
    Rescuers fight freezing temperatures and altitude sickness to find survivors
    MSNBC News, 15th April 2010
    "It appeared China was turning down offers of help from foreign rescue teams. Zou said the affected area was limited. "So we do have enough rescue teams," he told a news conference in Beijing, adding the offers of help were appreciated. [...] The influx of rescue workers was producing unintended effects, taxing the normally scarce resources of remote Yushu, where the altitude averages around 13,000 feet. [...] "Lots of our rescue workers are suffering from different degrees of altitude sickness. The effectiveness and capabilities of the sniffer dogs have also been affected," he told the same news conference in Beijing."

    Mysterious radio waves emitted from nearby galaxy
    New Scientist, 14th April 2010
    There is something strange in the cosmic neighbourhood. An unknown object in the nearby galaxy M82 has started sending out radio waves, and the emission does not look like anything seen anywhere in the universe before.

    "We don't know what it is," says co-discoverer Tom Muxlow of Jodrell Bank Centre for Astrophysics near Macclesfield, UK. The thing appeared in May last year, while Muxlow and his colleagues were monitoring an unrelated stellar explosion in M82 using the MERLIN network of radio telescopes in the UK. A bright spot of radio emission emerged over only a few days, quite rapidly in astronomical terms. Since then it has done very little except baffle astrophysicists.

    Yet it does seem to be moving – and fast: its apparent sideways velocity is four times the speed of light. Such apparent "superluminal" motion has been seen before in high-speed jets of material squirted out by some black holes. The stuff in these jets is moving towards us at a slight angle and travelling at a fair fraction of the speed of light, and the effects of relativity produce a kind of optical illusion that makes the motion appear superluminal.

    'The Thing', how scientific! The issue we have is the universe is now generating more and more NEW manifestations. The noted speed suggests subtle energies, or tachyon energy that scientists agree can go way beyond the speed of light. However, with all the other strange blasts of energy and dense 'dark' objects being a reality, it's like the universe is orchestrating a massive new deal for our planet and solar system. Maybe, in terms of the evolution of space-time, new orders are being sent...

    Placebo Treatments Much Stronger than Previously Thought
    Natural News, 14th April 2010
    A recent study published in the British medical journal, Lancet, has found that placebo, or fake, medical treatments exhibit a noticeable biological effect on patients. A panel of international researchers pored through a series of studies they believe illustrate concrete evidence that physical changes in patients occur in response to placebos.

    This short article that does not even give a hint of the pressure that drug companies are under, see, Placebos Are Getting More Effective. Drugmakers Are Desperate to Know Why. Many new and old drugs are no better than placebo and when drug trials are repeated placebos just get stronger! I'm quite excited but it's because we may have some solid proof of the impact of the New Energies on planet and how it is changing global consciousness. Scientists have done some nice studies in consciousness in the past few decades and now the thinkers have to draw some valid conclusions...

    Space storms could not knock out National Grid and Sat Navs
    The Telegraph, 14th April 2010
    Space storms caused by the Sun could knock out power supplies and satellite navigation systems in Britain, claim scientists.

    The solar flares and sunspots throw massive clouds of electrically charged gas at the Earth which cause power surges and throw compasses into disarray.

    The weather in space has been through an unprecedented calm period in the last century but the researchers believe we could be entering a more volatile period. [...]

    Dr Alan Thomson, the leader of the team, who will present their findings at the National Astronomy Meeting in Glasgow, said: "A major objective is to shed light on the impact of both everyday and extreme space weather on our technologies and therefore to be better aware of the risk.”

    Once again, British scientists are sounding the alarm. As we have been told by modern Mayan Elders, who actually understand how to interpret their 20 different calendars which include cosmic and galactic cycles. 2012 is what the Grandfathers call the "A Return to the beginning" and the start of the JOB AJAW – the Fifth Sun, a cycle of 5,200 years which will be about the ether or space. The increasing concern about space weather coincides with the 25 years of transition mentioned by indigenous sources and Mayan Elders. Starting in 1987, this period of transition was well noted within the metaphysical community, and serious deliveries of New Energy arrived notably in 1989 with The Great magnetic Storm, which actually produced 195 solar flares in 13 days. Since that time, our cosmic and galactic shielding has been deteriorating allowing in increasing levels of cosmic and galactic energies. Meanwhile, there were other megablasts from galactic sources taking place, that have been kept very quiet in the usual media outlets. Some metaphysical sources have made some major claims, which I now believe have to be interpreted in terms of the impact of Space Weather.

    Two large fireballs fall from the sky and split into 10 traveling orbs - Everglades, Florida [US]
    NUFORC, 13th April 2010
    My friend and I were driving home from work and noticed what we thought was a large meteor falling from the sky. The meteor was falling for a much longer duration and was significantly larger that I was accustomed to seeing.

    It looked like a burning fireball traveling at a high speed. It kept falling and then split into two smaller burning fireballs and continued to fall.

    Well before it hit the ground each meteor split into two orbs or lights (thus four total) and each light turned and traveled horizontal to the ground. They were no longer falling. We then noticed a fifth and all five were traveling at different speeds to the west. We watched them fly for several minutes until they got so far we could no longer see them. They did not fly in any formation and appeared to be traveling at different speeds and altitudes.

    Next we noticed a second fireball that did the exact same thing. There were 10 orbs or lights total traveling in two groups of five towards the west. We watched them for about 5 minutes. The lights were white with no color.

    A nice reminder that not everything we see is a meteor burning as it enters our atmosphere. Russian scientists have been quite bold in telling us that some comets have been found to be just pure energy or consciousness ie no rock inside the coma and I pointed out the early observations made by Dr Louis Frank in his book, The Big splash [1990] of what he thought was the Earth getting hit 10 million times by a "rain of small comets", see my article Truth, Lies, Fiction & Peer Review. Why are they arriving, you may ask? Well, it's appropriate to point out that there has always been traffic but know it's much easier to see what is going on due to the dimensional shift. Yet, metaphysical sources state that more magnetic entities are arriving from elsewhere in the galaxy in order to support the energetic transition of planet Earth. Here, we have a nice eye witness accounts of orbs travelling as large magnetospheric plasmoids and then splitting up when they get far enough down in Earth's atmosphere. There are nice video examples of this too, see archives. By the way, if you are knew to all this, my previous comments are extensive on the subject.

    UFO Disclosure 2010: The Vatican's Key Role
    Basil and Spice, 13th April 2010

    Why is the Vatican supporting the idea of alien/extraterrestrial existence?

    Assuming their existence is real and quite factual, can the human race stomach the broad daylight exposure of aliens?  Are we ready for the truth?

    The Vatican believes that we are.  Recent assertions in the Vatican’s newspaper Osservatore Romano by Jesuit astronomer and Director of the Vatican Observatory, Father José Gabriel Funes states that the possibility of other life forms exists.

    Father Funes follows in the path of former Monsignor Corrado Balducci, (died September 20, 2008 in Italy) who stated, “Let me state very clearly: We can exclude that angels use spaceships.” He believed that the possibility of life on other planets could exist, and is in fact “highly probable.”

    Disclosure Project founder, Steven Greer, MD has written that the Vatican is ready to be open on the subject.  In fact, his book, Hidden Truth explains that the Vatican has been involved in UFO research for some time.  In a conversation at the Vatican with former Monsignor Balducci, who at the time was a senior theologian to the Pope, Greer asked, “Do you think these extraterrestrials are a threat or hostile in any way?”  Mon. Balducci answered, “Oh, not at all!....You know, God cannot be so foolish as to entrust all of his hopes for intelligent beings just on this planet….You know, I could not be saying these things unless I had the approval of Papa,” (the Pope).  Greer adds (p.229) that within Opus Dei are cells with a “very dark view” regarding the disclosure of ETs and UFOs.

    Comment: Of course, God is not stupid but many humans are! Anyway, let's say, I am interested in the New Theology as the veil lifts and allsorts of intergalactic flotsam and jetsam are revealed... Are we ready for the truth? Probably not, but it's not like the human race has not been given any warning! The situation reminds me of the fictional book Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy when there are complaints of no warning when the alien bulldozers arrive to demolish Earth. We are at the end of an age (End Times) and the arrival of a massive download and refresh of aetheric energies for the whole planet and solar system. The higher energy environment causes a dimensional shift, since dimensions are only levels of energy anyway and entities in the higher realms are appearing. The Catholic Church have massive libraries stuffed with esoteric literature and know what we should expect. Hence, they are staying well ahead of the curve to maintain their power base.

    UFO studies should be 'legitimate university subject', claims American professor
    The Telegraph, 13th April 2010
    The studing of UFOs and other unexplained phenomena from space should be a legitimate university subject, an American professor, Philip Haseley, has claimed.

    The New York anthropology professor said the subject should be part of the mainstream as a serious “area of study”. The Niagara County Community College, a state university in New York, lecturer said due to the high amount of sightings every year, it should follow that students should be able to investigate phenomenon. [...] "(A sighting) happens to millions of people (around the world)," he said.

    "It's about time we looked into this as a worthy area of study. “It's important that the whole subject be brought out in the open and investigated.”

    Maybe, Professor Philip Haseley, realises the US are behind the times and is aware of the decades of research and the incredible research that has been taking place in Hessdalen since the mid 1980s. It is already public knowledge (for anyone with enough intelligence to do some basic research), i.e. most real UFOs are a plasma phenomena (Unidentified Aerial Phenomena) and as we live in a universe that has existed for billions of years, which is 99.999% plasma, a completely separate lifeform has evolved with out of this world characteristics, quite simple really. Anyway, I think great efforts are being made now as controllers have realised a dimensional shift is in progress (the veil is lifting) and there is nothing to prevent it, but to accept our new reality.

    Stunning Comet's Size Shocks Scientists, 12th April 2010
    Comet McNaught, the so-called Great Comet of 2007, has been identified as the biggest comet measured to date, according to scientists, whose calculations were based on the comet's overall influence in space.

    Instead of using the length of the comet's tail to measure the scale of the comet, astronomers used data from the ESA/NASA Ulysses spacecraft to determine the size of the region of space disturbed by the comet's presence – a cosmic wake across the solar system. [...]

    "It was very difficult to observe Comet McNaught's plasma tail remotely in comparison with the bright dust tail, so we can't really estimate how long it might be," said Dr. Geraint Jones of University College London's Mullard Space Science Laboratory, who will present the findings at the Royal Astronomical Society National Astronomy Meeting in Glasgow, Scotland, on April 13.

    "What we can say is that Ulysses took just 2.5 days to traverse the shocked solar wind surrounding Comet Hyakutake, compared to an incredible 18 days in shocked wind surrounding Comet McNaught," Jones said. "This shows that the comet was not only spectacular from the ground, it was a truly immense obstacle to the solar wind."

    Hmmm.... According to those who are particularly knowledgeable about comets, the mainstream media were relatively quiet about the arrival, appearance and departure of this monster. However, we must remember that the dogma has been that comets are just lumps of rocky ice, which are much less threatening than the fiery serpents of mythology. Now, scientists have discovered that comets generate X-rays and this has caused some to rethink. What's more, this has been compounded by highly publicised close encounters by space probes, where unignited comets that have been found to be red hot rocks covered in tar! It must be stated that the strange dichotomy between fact and fiction has been to be to keep people in the false belief that Earth is immune from cosmic influences. However, all that is changing as we become aware that there is great activity in the heavens that is affecting us down on Earth. We are living in a techno-age and it is quite noticeable when power grids, electronics and satellite communications are disrupted due to cosmic influences.

    Researchers make first direct recording of mirror neurons in human brain, 12th April 2010
    Neuroscientists believe this "mirroring" is the mechanism by which we can "read" the minds of others and empathize with them. It's how we "feel" someone's pain, how we discern a grimace from a grin, a smirk from a smile.

    Problem was, there was no proof that mirror neurons existed — only suspicion and indirect evidence. Now, reporting in the April edition of the journal Current Biology, Dr. Itzhak Fried, a UCLA professor of neurosurgery and of psychiatry and biobehavioral sciences, Roy Mukamel, a postdoctoral fellow in Fried's lab, and their colleagues have for the first time made a direct recording of mirror neurons in the human brain. [...]

    Because mirror neurons fire both when an individual performs an action and when one watches another individual perform that same action, it's thought this "mirroring" is the neural mechanism by which the actions, intentions and emotions of other people can be automatically understood.

    "The study suggests that the distribution of these unique cells linking the activity of the self with that of others is wider than previously believed," said Fried, the study's senior author and director of the UCLA Epilepsy Surgery Program.

    According to some, psychopaths do not "mirror" your pain as their mirror neurons don't fire when you suffer, they may see that people are responding to them, but they don't experience empathy. This explains why great effort is made to help people (victims) deal with trauma of the interaction with these individuals. Psychologists don't believe they can be helped and we have to wonder whether they are at the same level of evolution as most other people. Personally, as I have seen someone in action who I now know is a psychopath. I will NEVER forget their ACTING about emotional events in their life, because at the time I thought it was odd, but I did not realise what it meant. As they say, you live and learn....

    The low-energy light bulbs that take control of your TV
    Daily Mail, 12th April 2010
    Some feared it must have been a problem with their remote. Others suspected ghostly goings-on. But when TV viewers complained their sets were changing channel by themselves, few could have guessed the real culprit - their light bulbs.

    Low-energy bulbs can make your television turn over the station at random, according to customers.< [...] Experts say infra-red light from modern fluorescent bulbs can be 'mistaken' by electrical equipment for commands from its remote.

    They warn that while moving or changing the offending device usually solves the problem, the proliferation of gadgets in homes increases the likelihood of such interference. [...]

    An adviser from Philips said the problem only occurred with older compact fluorescent lamps. However, the Clements have found a different brand of low-energy bulb in a different room also causes the set-top box to flick channels. Several customers have reported similar problems on internet forums.

    The green meme strikes again! OK, I would have NEVER have guessed low-energy lightbulbs could cause EMI!

    Best places to spot UFOs
    Go beyond Area 51: UFO-spotting hotbeds around the globe

    MSNBC News, 12th April 2010
    [...] The Stephenville Lights incident wasn’t a onetime event—another mass sighting followed in October 2008, and individual reports from the area still trickle in. This corner of Texas along with the eastern Nevada desert are fast emerging as the U.S.’s newest UFO “hot spots”—places with the best odds of a spotting. Similarly active places exist around the globe, with some even attracting a new kind of tourist.

    Sightings, too, are on the rise, according to MUFON, or the Mutual UFO Network, which has more than 3,000 members in 25 countries and 750 trained field investigators worldwide. The 41-year-old organization is one of the go-to places to report a sighting; it receives some 400 a month in the U.S. alone. [...]

    Believing the time is right, even the famed SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) Institute is conducting its first-ever public conference this year devoted to the age-old question: are we alone? SETIcon, slated for Aug. 13–15, in Santa Clara, Calif., will also unveil the institute’s newest scientific advances in its ongoing search for intelligent life from other planets.

    Hmmm... sometimes it's really hard to know which way the wind is blowing... this is the U.S. mainstream press here. Do not miss Best Places to Spot UFOs - Slideshow Please do not be put off by the first video, I think it's a fake. The Russian foot from RT news 2/13, is interesting and Wycliffe Well, Northern Territory, Australia 11/13 is an obvious plug for UFO tourists.

    Magnetic 'ropes' tie down solar eruptions (w/ Video), 12th April 2010
    Using data from the Hinode spacecraft, a team of researchers from University College London (UCL) have revealed an immense magnetic structure that erupted to produce a dramatic solar eruption in late 2007. Solar scientist Dr Lucie Green will present their results at the RAS National Astronomy Meeting in Glasgow on Monday 12th April. [...]

    Dr. Green says, “Magnetic flux ropes have been observed in interplanetary space for many years now and they are widely invoked in theoretical descriptions of how CMEs are produced.We now need observations to confirm or reject the existence of flux ropes in the solar atmosphere before an eruption takes place to see whether our theories are correct.”

    So, this article is about magnetic flux ropes on the surface of the Sun which is just a huge ball of plasma, but actually does not mention the standard behaviour of plasma where a flow of charged particles in a plasma (an electric current) has a tendency to form filaments that braid themselves into a rope and thus create it's own magnetic field. Typical really....Anyway, there have been instances where highly impressive giant ropes have been seen sticking out of the sun before ejecting or collapsing. The image icon used here is The Bastille Day Slinky, from July 14, 2000. It covered an area of 186,000 miles across, which is large enough to span 23 Earths at a temperature of 2.7 million degrees Centigrade. See an enlarged version here.

    OMG! MONSTER PROMINENCE: - 13th April 2010
    Huge prominence blast off with a good sized filament, see

    Image 1, Image 2 & Image 3, the sun looks like it's getting back on form...

    Extraordinary Number of US EarthQuakes - Still Climbing
    Hidden Mysteries, 12th April 2010
    The shaking hasn't stopped after a 7.2 earthquake rattled the U.S. and Mexico Easter Sunday. Yesterday around 2 a.m. local time, a respectable 4.5 quake rattled San Diego, which was followed by more than a dozen Richter 3's in the same area. [...]

    Over 3,700 quakes have hit the U.S in the last week. [...] That leaves the vast majority – over 3,270 – pummeling California. That is mighty!

    Hmmm.... There is a good fault map here and it seems that the earthquake creep has been up the Elsinore Fault and not the San Andreas Fault but the earthquakes seemed to have "staggered" across to the San Jacinto/Coyote Creek Faults. I have never seen anything like it, quite amazing.

    Awesome or Off-Putting: The Brown Mountain Lights
    Heckler Spray, 12th April 2010
    “One thing is certain, the lights do exist. They have been seen from earliest times. They appear at irregular intervals over the top of Brown Mountain – a long, low mountain in the foothills of the Blue Ridge.

    They move erratically up and down, visible at a distance, but vanishing as one climbs the mountain. From the Wiseman’s View on Linville Mountain the lights can be seen well. They at first appear to be about twice the size of a star as they come over Brown Mountain. Sometimes they have a reddish or blue cast. On dark nights they pop up so thick and fast it’s impossible to count them”

    Of course the government has investigated. The United States Geological Survey declared at least twice that people who see the lights on the mountain are actually seeing headlights from cars, trains, or perhaps the mechanical lovechild-hybrid of the two.

    OK, this is not a particular serious article but some of the information is useful, especially as the American country folk and indigenous tribes are very aware of their existence but governments have been in denial for a long time. The need to understand what is happening now is critical as these strange 'lights' are appearing all over the world and the high levels of "official" ignorance cannot be sustained. Here is a short partial transcript: [0:36-1:03] from a WCNC TV news feature, Brown Mountain Lights.
    "Strange tales of the this mountain have been told from generation to generation for hundreds of years. The legends state the first to speak of the mystery, Cherokee and Catawba indian tribes 800 years ago. No one has solved the mystery. What are these lights, captured here in photographs? There are no roads and no homes on the mountainside. No artifical lights, yet the lights keep appearing and disappearing."
    Since, there are examples of UAPs being seen on live TV, we are waiting for an incident where something big and fiery comes into view, it seems that shock tactics may be the only thing that creates the awareness that we are not alone and have never been alone.
    The Brown Mountain, NC Lights Videotaped: A Field Observation—July 2003

    GEOMAGNETIC STORM: 12:30 UT on April 11th, 12th April 2010
    A coronal mass ejection hit Earth's magnetic field at approximately 12:30 UT on April 11th. The impact sparked a G2-class geomagnetic storm with auroras over Scandinavia, Scotland, Canada and northern-tier US states such as Maine, Michigan and Wisconsin.

    "It was great," says Martin McKenna of Maghera, Northern Ireland. "On Sunday night, my friend Conor McDonald and I watched the Northern Lights for 3 hours from the Glenshane Pass." They made this self-portrait using a Canon 450D: "Vertical rays of green light shot as high as 20o above the horizon," says McKenna. "Quite a show!" And it may not be over. The interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) near Earth is pointing south, an orientation that favors strong geomagnetic activity. High-latitude sky watchers should remain alert for auroras tonight.

    I saw that the magnetosphere was reacting yesterday, but quite frankly, it is taking lots of hits and many blasts do not seem to be related to specific solar activity. Here is a video of a real storm from November 2004, it will give you something to think about. Download

    Croatian teenager wakes up from a coma speaking fluent GERMAN
    Daily Mail, 12th April 2010
    Croatian doctors are baffled after a teenage girl who fell into a mysterious coma woke up speaking fluent German. The parents of the 13-year-old from the southern town of Knin said their daughter had only just started studying German at school and had been trying to read German books and watch German television - but had never been that good in German.

    But since waking up the teenager has been unable to speak Croatian and even refused it, but communicates only in perfect German far superior to her mastery of the language she had when she was taken ill. [...]

    There are references to cases where people who have been seriously ill and perhaps in a coma have woken up being able to speak other languages - sometimes even the Biblical languages such as that spoken in old Babylon or Egypt - at the moment though any speculation would remain just that - speculation - so it's better to continue tests until we actually know something.'

    Of course the doctors are baffled! The short answer is an example like this implies that the brain can be altered to register new information and if the holographic theory of how the brain works is true, then somehow the part of the brain that holds the language setting can be altered without effecting other parts. This means that when the brain has processed all the necessary information and speech is required, the reset means that another language is being accessed from the holographic universe and that explains how people can even start speaking old languages. It may be that in this person's energy field is an old setting for German that has been triggered. Fascinating stuff!

    Bright green fireball - Aviemore, Highland [Scotland, UK]
    UK UFO sightings, 11th April 2010
    Date of Sighting: 9th April
    Time: 21.45, Witness Name: John

    Witness Statement: Probably not exactly a UFO as I am fairly sure it was a meteor, but worth publishing in case anybody else saw it. A brilliant green fireball trailing a white tail passed over here this evening from SE to NW. As bright as a firework rocket but certainly wasn’t!

    Hmmm.... The planetary refresh continues....

    Lightning-powered mushrooms could boost food yields
    New research finds that mushrooms and some vegetables multiply rapidly when struck by lightning.

    Mother Nature Network, 9th April 2010
    Japanese farming lore has long observed that plentiful mushroom harvests tend to follow thunderstorms. Now researchers at Iwate University in northern Japan have confirmed the legend, finding that some mushrooms more than double their yields when jolted by electricity.

    The results could lead to new harvesting methods which would significantly increase food production. That's good news for a Japanese food industry where mushrooms are a popular staple, and where around 50,000 tons of mushrooms must be imported a year, mainly from China and South Korea, just to meet the high demand.

    Lightning delivers universal energies and information from the cosmos, as we know that radio signals are continously being given off in lightning bursts that occur 50-100 times per second, in the concurrent 2000 thunderstorms occuring around the planet. Therefore, it's interesting that scientists have confirmed that mushrooms can directly utilise this energy and information, but it's even more intriguing that a few humans gain new powers if they are struck by lightning and survive. Actually, some spiritual traditions deliberately seek specific lightning discharges for enlightenment purposes, despite the dangers. There is some more interesting topics here, 5 natural events that science can't explain The talk of Naga Fireballs and Earthquake lights are now quite topical!

    Discovery that quasars don't show time dilation mystifies astronomers, 9th April 2010
    The phenomenon of time dilation is a strange yet experimentally confirmed effect of relativity theory. One of its implications is that events occurring in distant parts of the universe should appear to occur more slowly than events located closer to us. For example, when observing supernovae, scientists have found that distant explosions seem to fade more slowly than the quickly-fading nearby supernovae. [...]

    Astronomer Mike Hawkins from the Royal Observatory in Edinburgh came to this conclusion after looking at nearly 900 quasars over periods of up to 28 years. When comparing the light patterns of quasars located about 6 billion light years from us and those located 10 billion light years away, he was surprised to find that the light signatures of the two samples were exactly the same. If these quasars were like the previously observed supernovae, an observer would expect to see longer, “stretched” timescales for the distant, “stretched” high-redshift quasars. But even though the distant quasars were more strongly redshifted than the closer quasars, there was no difference in the time it took the light to reach Earth.

    This quasar conundrum doesn’t seem to have an obvious explanation,

    Yes, the syndrome of the 'mystified' astronomer strikes again! The explanations given here of time dilation are quite straight forward but you don't get told that scientists believe that quasars are a long way away because red-shift is assumed to be related to distance. In fact, Electric Universe theorists and others think this criteria is based on the wrong assumptions and is basically wrong with major implications. Therefore, if quasars are closer than we think, then the lack of time dilation is explained. Halton Arp, "the most feared astronomer on the planet", has very strong views about quasars and their red-shifts, with a significant no. of examples to back up his claims and a few other brave souls have noted the same too, see Quasar in Front of Galaxy.

    UFOs? ‘There’s plenty of evidence’
    Buffalo News, 11th April 2010
    [...] Tyson used an example cited in his television show: What scientists have done so far to test for other life forms is the equivalent of scooping a few hundred glasses of water from all the oceans in the world — and concluding that those waters have no fish.

    As some continue to search, others believe that there already is ample evidence suggesting that we are not alone in the universe. Haseley has brought some of them to NCCC. Peter Robbins, an eminent UFO researcher and author, held a packed school lecture hall in rapt attention March 25 as he detailed the famous UFO sightings in a Bentwaters, England, forest near a U. S. Air Force base.

    Yes, even the Queen's astronomers has recently admitted that they have been searching with the narrow focus of expecting to find humanoids who would be interested in communicating with humans.
    Lord Martin Rees, president of the Royal Society and astronomer to the Queen, said the existence of extra terrestrial life may be beyond human understanding. He made the remarks shortly after hosting the national science academy’s first conference on the possibility of alien life. “They could be staring us in the face and we just don’t recognise them. The problem is that we’re looking for something very much like us, assuming that they at least have something like the same mathematics and technology,” he said. “I suspect there could be life and intelligence out there in forms we can’t conceive. Just as a chimpanzee can’t understand quantum theory, it could be there as aspects of reality that are beyond the capacity of our brains.”

    Royal astronomer: 'Aliens may be staring us in the face' Aliens may be “staring us in the face” in a form humans are unable to recognise, the Queen’s astronomer has said.
    The Telegraph, 22nd February 2010
    However the military have realised there are lifeforms that exist that they would prefer to ignore.
    "Contrary to what many members of the public may believe, MoD has no interest in the subject of extraterrestrial life forms visiting the UK, only in ensuring the integrity and security of UK airspace," it says.
    MoD blanked out 'uncomplimentary comments' on UFO files
    The Independent, 21st February 2010
    By the way, note the image icon used here, if you are a pilot or an astronomer, officialdom are very happen to receive your reports of UAPs. The Unidentified Aerospace Phenomena (UAP) Observations Reporting Scheme is launched:

    Polish president dies in plane crash during heavy fog
    Weather Underground, 10th April 2010
    Always obey your air traffic controllers. That's the cardinal rule of of aviation, and one apparently violated by the pilot of the aircraft carrying the Polish president and dozens of the country's top political and military leaders, which crashed in heavy fog this morning near Smolensk, Russia.

    All 96 people aboard perished. According to the New York Times, air traffic controllers had recommended the president's jet land in nearby Minsk because of bad visibility, but the crew decided to land anyway.

    The Polish news channel TVN24 reported that moments before the crash, air traffic controllers had refused a Russian military aircraft permission to land, but that they could not refuse permission to the Polish plane. Russian media reported that the airplane's crew made several attempts to land before a wing hit the treetops and the plane crashed about half a mile from the runway.

    So, it seems the president of Poland decided he knew best and decided to overide the pilot and airtraffic control and require the plane to land with nearly 100 people on board in heavy fog when 4 previous attempts had failed. Hence crash. It seems that this is history repeating, see In Aug. 2008 Kaczynski had fired his former Pilot for "refusing his orders" The news suggests that the Polish delegation were even gatecrashing a Russian event at the last moment, so all the conspiratorial chatter is completely unfounded.

    Shuttle Cloud, 10th April 2010
    On April 5th, space shuttle Discovery blasted off from Cape Canaveral at the crack of dawn. The shuttle began its journey in darkness--the sun was still below the horizon--but moments after it left the pad, Discovery burst into high altitude sunlight and proceeded to put on an extraordinary show. University of Florida astronomy professor Howard Cohen describes what he saw from his home in Gainesville, more than 130 miles from the Cape:

    "The launch began in typical fashion- a brilliant, yellowish glow rising out of the southwest gradually morphing into a white contrail. Impatient observes might have thought that was it. But then an amazing contrail, the likes of which I have never seen before, rapidly appeared around and following the shuttle's path. For a short time it resembled a comet streaking across the dawn sky." [...]

    "In binoculars the view was stunning and chilling," Cohen continues. "It was like viewing a comet traveling in fast motion -- I could see the contrail unfolding, glistening and wavering behind the shuttle. Unlike some who might have thought something might have gone wrong, this never entered my mind. I could easily see the shuttle unhesitatingly moving forward."

    Well, it looks like some are scratching their heads and trying to understand what happened at the shuttle launch. The comparison with a comet is telling us that the shuttle ionised the air like a comet does when it enters our atmosphere and since the shuttle has not changed, the conditions in our atmosphere have. The shuttle trail looks like a feather and this pattern can be replicated at all scales and even on a galactic level because it's a standard feature of strong filamentation when plasma experiences intense electrical activity. You can look back in the Spaceweather archives and note that NASA have cancelled rocket launches because of the risk of static electricity buildup on rockets. feather

    Blasted Magnetosphere Recovers - 10th April 2010 04:54:49 UT
    NICT, 10th April 2010

    10th April 2010 04:54:49 UT 10th April 2010 06:41:41 UT

    Well, the magnetosphere has never looked so bad and looks like some of our normal protection was blown off by the recent blasts of space weather in the form of Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) and the high velocity solar wind, but it seems to have recovered in only a few hours. Here is the link for the Real-time Magnetosphere Simulation . One day it might not fully recover then who knows? We could experience a magnetic reversal. As I have stated many times before, the metaphysical community have been encouraged to work on their energy fields but the reasons were notably vague, but now we know why. We must face the probability that the most serious space weather is yet to come and the need for a good personal plasma shield will become mandatory.

    New image added and the magnetosphere still appears to be exceptionally weak in parts.

    New species 'live without oxygen'
    The Telegraph, 9th April 2010
    The first animals that do not depend on oxygen to breathe and reproduce have been discovered by scientists on the bed of the Mediterranean Sea.

    Three species of creature, which are only a millimetre long and resemble jellyfish encased in shells, were found 2.2 miles (3.5km) underwater on the ocean floor, 124 miles (200km) off the coast of Crete, in an area with almost no oxygen.

    The animals, named Loriciferans due to their protective layer, or lorica, were discovered by a team led by Roberto Danovaro from Marche Polytechnic University in Ancona, Italy. Lisa Levin, of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, wrote in the journal BMC Biology that further research into animals that can live without oxygen could help scientists examining the possibility of alien life existing on other planets.

    I think this article is part of a carefully crafted plan to jolt the public into the realisation that the standard requirement of oxygen is not the same for all the different lifeforms on this planet.

    Cows absolved of causing global warming with nitrous oxide
    The Telegraph, 8th April 2010
    Livestock could actually be good for the environment according to a new study that found grazing cows or sheep can cut emissions of a powerful greenhouse gas.

    In the past environmentalists, from Lord Stern to Sir Paul McCartney, have urged people to stop eating meat because the methane produced by cattle causes global warming. However a new study found that cattle grazed on the grasslands of China actually reduce another greenhouse gas, nitrous oxide. [...]

    Dr Butterbach-Bahl said the study overturned assumptions about grazing goats and cattle. "It's been generally assumed that if you increase livestock numbers you get a rise in emissions of nitrous oxide. This is not the case," he said.

    So, are all those farmers, that have been worried sick about cow fart taxes are now reprieved? In the future when we look back, the whole 'CO2 is causing global warming' scenario, will be regarded as the biggest hoax in history.

    UFO fireball mystery deepens [Scotland, UK]
    Highland News, 8th April 2010
    [...]"It was orange, glowing from the centre outward, moving very fast, and at least 50 feet in diameter.. "We stopped our car, got out, and it flew over the top of us before accelerating, at high speed, in an upward direction."

    Many people are reluctant to have their name linked with UFO sightings and one anonymous couple have reported a sighting over the Cromarty Firth on Monday, February 15. What they described was a huge fireball passing close to the oil rig Arctic Two which is anchored in the firth.

    The fireball arrived from a southerly direction, travelling at a high speed almost level with the top of the oil rig.. The couple's first reaction was it was a light aircraft or helicopter but then the "apparition" seemed to dive at an angle of 45 degrees into the water halfway between the rig and shoreline..

    There are many sightings listed in this article, but I think an apparent fireball flying low near an oil rig is serious, especially as the public are not aware that they are witnessing a plasma phenomenon. So, if authorities wish to persist in their belief of Chinese lanterns, then someone letting off a Chinese lantern near an oil rig needs to be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. Good luck to them if they think they can find someone willing to admit to doing something so stupid.

    California photography student 'grows tired' of frequent UFO traffic [US]
    UFO Examiner, 7th April 2010
    A California photography student reports UFO activity is so high that "I am growing tired of filming them," according to testimony from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) database. The student submitted sample photos from sightings on April 6, 2010.

    "I have been woken up to horn like tones coming from two different directions, lasting for hours, and filmed them moving, then stopping, and then moving again," the witness stated. "I have also filmed them dropping lights out the bottom and spinning around the sides." Apparently, the student has seen many UFOs.

    "I have seen so many of these that I am growing tired of filming them. Please feel free to look through my footage, there is a lot of it, and I do not have the time to look through it all. Each one has a gem of weird actions in it. They will be out tonight."

    OK, I imagine there are plenty growing weary, I am tired too, but even more tired of the fact that people don't understand what is going on. The 'UFO traffic' is like complaining about the birds in the skies, they have always been there, and they are acting in a business as usual manner. Just because humans have become aware of their presence, will not make an iota of difference to their behaviour. It's not an invasion, it's a revelation! Why do you think the military who defend the skies are not interested? It would be like trying to clear the skies of the birds, it would be a wasted effort, that's why they have just tried hard to erradicate the "radar angels" off their radar screens, out of sight out of mind, but now Joe Bloggs can see them, with and without digital photography and the presence of another lifeform is becoming more than obvious. More UFO Traffic reports:

    UFO Traffic Report: April 8, 2010 [US]

    UFO Traffic Report: April 7, 2010 [US]

    UFO Traffic Report: April 3, 2010 [US]

    'Where Da Higgs At?': Fermilab's Particle Rap
    Discovery News, 7th April 2010
    In 2008, CERN produced an amusing low-budget YouTube video called "The LHC Rap." It stormed the Interwebz, garnering some 5.7 million hits to date. But just like East Coast and West Coast rappers have their rivalry, so, too, does CERN and Fermilab, home of the Tevatron -- the particle accelerator where many of the major particles were discovered in the 20th century, including the top quark.

    Fermilab hits back this week with their own mock-rap video, "Particle Business." Per the press release:

    Quite frankly, as much as I like science, I don't find particle accelerators exciting. The Higgs-Boson particle joins the rest of the FAIRIE DUST ("Fabricated Ad hoc Inventions Repeatedly Invoked in Efforts to Defend Untenable Scientific Theories") created by scientists, but if they find it, I will be very happy to report the success.

    Epsilon Aurigae: Astronomers take close-up pictures of mysterious dark object
    Science Codex, 7th April 2010
    For the first time, astronomers have directly observed the mysterious dark companion in a binary star system that has puzzled skywatchers since the 19th century.

    Using an instrument developed at the University of Michigan, scientists have taken close-up pictures of Epsilon Aurigae during its eclipse, which happens every 27 years. "Close up" in this case is a relative term, but the images zoom in enough to show the shape of the dark object's shadow.

    "Seeing is believing," said John Monnier, an associate professor in the U-M Department of Astronomy who is an author of a paper about the research findings published in the April 8 edition of Nature.[...]

    Epsilon Aurigae is the fifth brightest star in the northern constellation Auriga. For more than 175 years, astronomers have known it is dimmer than it should be, given its mass. They also noticed its brightness dip for more than a year every few decades. They surmised that it was a binary system in which one companion was invisible. But what type of object was the companion?

    Because astronomers hadn't observed much light from it, the prevailing theory labeled it a smaller star orbited edge-on by a thick disk of dust. The theory held that the disk's orbit must be in precisely the same plane as the dark object's orbit around the brighter star, and all of this had to be occurring in the same plane as Earth's vantage point. This would be an unlikely alignment, but it explained observations.

    The new images show that this is indeed the case. A geometrically thin, dark, dense, but partially translucent cloud can be seen passing in front of Epsilon Aurigae. [...] On top of that, it seems to be in a rare phase of stellar life. And it happens to be so close to us. It's extremely fortuitous."

    Incredible Astronomy! The short video [0:19] shows how this disc of dark energy periodically eclipses this star, it is very interesting to say the least, as the buzz increases about Nemesis and a dark object that may be lurking near our solar system and disturbing comets. At the moment, articles and research papers point to a celestial object that we are told that scientists are very unsure of it's properties state that it is a low density star. The other anomaly sitting on the edge of our solar system has been called the Local Interstellar Fluff or "Fluffy" for short. At this moment in time, because details are only being slowly released into the public domain, despite the fact that there are research papers that are over 30 years old concerning this interstellar cloud. So, it might be possible to state that Nemesis and Fluffy are part of the same system, combined like an egg with a yolk and egg white. It's the only way to explain the strange mix of information. Fluffy is a dense crystalline plasma, that hosts a dark dense star that has been called Nemesis. Whatever, Sir Fred Hoyle (1915 - 2001) the astronomer and the author of The Dark Cloud, can be credited for his presentience.

    Video: UFOs flying over a field in Poland hovering by really slow,
    YouTube, 5th April 2010
    Comment: Are these orbs or Chinese lanterns? The question we have to keep asking is: why are people all over the world celebrating with Chinese lanterns? Not that long ago people set off fireworks or got drunk! Why this symbol of hope and blessings? Quite frankly, the sheer volume of escalating reports suggests that something else is going on. As far as I am concerned, most promoters of the 2012 Galactic Alignment who realised the importance of the Mayan Calendar enddate, missed the gist of the heavily emphasised period of transition leading up to a New Age and the expected evolutionary change - the emphasis was just wrong! Yes, the 25 year period of transition 'coincides' with the escalation of space weather, and the escalating panic now taking place within the space and satellite communication industry. How many indigenous sources told us about the lifting of the veil and the overturning of spacetime and even the Mayan Elders spoke of 'The Return of the Ancestors'. In some metaphysical circles, orbs were known about, but it seems to have been kept quite secret, but nobody suggested what would happen when the veil lifted, NOBODY WAS THINKING..... Yes, cognitive suicide is encouraged in the New Age world, but many have refused to play dead, so how the hell did someone not suggest that the whole spectrum of another lifeform would appear? Where are the thinkers for goodness sake? I want to some reassurance there are people who can reflect on spiritual truths, but they seem lost in the sea of the befuddled. These are NOT chinese lanterns either!

    Video:Orbs In A Triangular Formation over Manchester, UK 7/4/10 [1:37]
    Excellent example of three orbs travelling in a triangular formation. Here these orbs "zoom out" irregularly, breaking their formation. Hence, this is NOT a craft! Nice video but the commentary includes swearing.

    Orbs over Las Vegas split into three triangle shapes [US]

    Engineers 'kept in dark' on Qantas mishaps
    ABC News, 7th April 2010
    The union representing Qantas engineers claims details of recent incidents have not been shared with senior engineers. APESMA is calling for a full investigation by the Civil Aviation Safety Authority of recent safety incidents. The union is currently involved in a pay dispute with Qantas. This week a plane heading to London was forced to return to Bangkok with engine trouble, while a flight from Melbourne to Los Angeles was delayed by a cracked windscreen. And Qantas passengers on a flight from Los Angeles were 17 hours late arriving in Brisbane on Monday night after two of the airline's jumbo jets reported technical problems.

    Well, unlike the problem with suspected EMI (electromagnetic interference) with Toyota and other car manufacturer's electronics which has become headline news, there is a similar issue with plane electronics but it is less well known for obvious commercial reasons. Yet, Australian accident investigators revealed after 13 months of effort; Cosmic rays may have hit Qantas jet . The suppression of information even between engineers may or may not be related to issues of EMI/cosmic rays, but it's a bizarre claim if it's not true.

    Depressed Pilots Can Fly on Medication, FAA Decides
    Wall Street Journal, 3rd April 2010 (late entry, will re-file later)
    The Federal Aviation Administration will let some pilots who take four popular antidepressants return to the skies, saying Friday that it is easing its long-standing ban on psychiatric medications.

    The old policy stemmed in part from concerns over possible side effects of psychiatric drugs, including sedation. But newer medications have fewer side effects, and pilots' associations have pressured the agency to reconsider the ban.

    FAA Administrator Randy Babbitt said some pilots with depression likely weren't being treated or were doing so in secret out of fear of losing their jobs. "We need to change the culture and remove the stigma associated with depression," said Mr. Babbitt. Starting Monday, the agency will consider granting waivers that will allow pilots to fly while taking Prozac, Zoloft, Celexa or Lexapro, as well as their generic equivalents.

    In an emergency situation, can we expect a pilot on prozac to have particularly good reaction times? There have already been instances of pilots and co-pilots having breakdowns in the skies where they have had to be restrained, but due to the EM environmental chaos, we know that pilots are exposed to stronger geomagnetic stresses that effect the body and mind, than those experienced by the population at large.

    Man threatens to down Qantas jet with mind power
    ABC News, 6th April 2010
    Singapore police are questioning a man who threatened to bring down a Qantas flight from Sydney to Singapore. The man was restrained by flight stewards after he made threats to disrupt QF31 using mind power. According to ABC reporter Nick Luchinelli, who was onboard the flight, it seemed the middle-aged man was either under the influence of drugs or alcohol or both.

    Someone threatening to use the dark side of the force...

    7.8 Earthquake Shakes Indonesia
    Voice of America, 6th April 2010
    A 7.8 magnitude earthquake has jolted the Indonesian island of Sumatra and triggered a local tsunami watch. The U.S. Geological Survey says the quake struck before dawn Wednesday.

    It was centered about 205 kilometers northwest of the island, 46 kilometers under the Indian Ocean. The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center says a local tsunami watch has been issued, but a widespread destructive tsunami is not expected. There is no word yet on damage or casualties. But witnesses report a power blackout on Simeulue Island, west of Aceh province.

    Some folks are getting very nervous. No wonder, for those paying attention, there are a lot of factors in play... The magnetosphere is STILL getting hammered...

    Earth struck by most powerful space storm in three years
    New Scientist, 6th April 2010
    copy: The most powerful geomagnetic storm since December 2006 struck the Earth on Monday, a day earlier than expected.

    On 3 April, the SOHO spacecraft spotted a cloud of charged particles called a coronal mass ejection (CME) shooting from the sun at 500 kilometres per second. This velocity suggested the front would reach Earth in roughly three days. "It hit earlier and harder than forecast," says Doug Biesecker of the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Space Weather Prediction Center in Boulder, Colorado.

    Fortunately, the storm was not intense enough to interfere strongly with power grids or satellite navigation, but it did trigger dazzling auroras in places like Iceland (pictured). Such storms highlight the uncertainty in the arrival times of CMEs, which can easily be 15 hours off predictions, Biesecker says. Better modelling of the solar wind, which can accelerate CMEs en route to Earth, could reduce the uncertainty.

    Also: Space station flies through big space storm See Prof Leif Svalgaard's comments below.

    Pennsylvania witness reports 3-pointed UFO in 'electric cloud'
    UFO Examiner, 6th April 2010
    A Pennsylvania witness reports first viewing a "strange electric cloud" followed by a "three-pointed object with lights at each point" on April 2, 2010, according to testimony from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) database. "High up in the sky I saw a strange electric cloud, it looked like a cloud shadowed the moon because it was very bright but the moon was nowhere around the area.

    "I was facing south at the time and with the animals still going crazy, there appeared a three-pointed object with lights at each point.

    "I am partially colorblind, but the colors seemed to look like greenish blue, or even a yellow purple, I really can't explain the color.

    "I stared at object which seemed to appear over the horizon near the Galleria Mall / Airport Area. The object hovered for about 20 seconds, there were no blinking lights on it, so I knew it wasn't normal. It suddenly after 30-40 seconds disappeared into another cloud of what I can only explain as electricity.

    The cloud was amorphous and very jelly-fish like, long and whispy strings with a type of density.

    Now, as Space Weather increases and the Earth's magnetic field weakens, there is a greater build up of plasma. Hence, we are experiencing a much wider selection of plasma phenomena and electrical discharges, colloquially termed 'zoo' by world atmospheric experts, in our upper atmosphere and reports of more highly charged plasma seeping lower into our skies. For quite some time, I have wondered whether we were starting to see more variations on known plasma entities (long lasting phenomena) and electrical discharges (extremely short-termed phenomena) and it seems that our scientists are starting to murmer that they keep finding more weird stuff in the "ignorosphere", the region that extends from 90 to 120 kilometres above the Earth, where balloons don't go that high and satellites don't dip down that low, but I have not come across any specific articles and research papers with real details yet. I have posted youtube videos of 'electric clouds' that were fairly intense, but this account does not mention any associated lightning, so the conventional explanation of a 'sundog' can be cited, but sometimes these 'sundogs' behave rather strangely like meteors, as they move across the sky. Here is a video of two suns from March 2010, see Two suns observed in CMB, Sri lanka at 6.55 am by Anura Jayatilake , which may be similar to want was seen. Our atmospheric scientists will talk about ice and sundogs, but quite frankly I no longer believe them, because this 'sundog' is glowing, how does ice glow? We have the same problem explaining 'electric' noctilucent clouds that reflect radar signals.... The three pointed lights could be some orbs in a triangular formation, a preferred way to travel as previously explained. I was actually looking for another example of a 'sundog' seen recently, but there are now many examples to choose from, as people take note of their occurence.

    Bright UFO as large as two 747s stops to hover over New York [US]
    "A bunch of lights were coming in right under the moon, they were special because they were not only bright, but were sort of high definition..."
    More bright lights in the sky, the description of "pretty to watch" and comment of "beautiful" is also interesting.

    Chopra Blames Own Meditation for Baja Quake
    AOL News, 5th April 2010
    The U.S. Geological Survey is blaming day-to-day seismological changes for Sunday's 7.2 earthquake along the U.S.-Mexico border. But Deepak Chopra, the famed alternative-medicine practitioner and transcendental meditation guru, is pretty sure he knows what really happened.

    "Had a powerful meditation just now -- caused an earthquake in Southern California," Chopra wrote to his nearly 179,000 Twitter followers shortly after the quake. And then, to clarify: "Was meditating on Shiva mantra & earth began to shake," he tweeted. "Sorry about that." [...]

    Transcendental meditation (TM) was largely popularized by Chopra, who's been dubbed "McMeditation" for the multimillion-dollar profits he's earned off books, DVDs and his Chopra Center for Wellbeing in Carlsbad, Calif. -- where a six-day mind-body wellness program runs around $2,500.

    Was he joking? Does he not realise that people died? How can he expect serious minded people to take him seriously now? By the way, this is not over, small earthquakes are moving up the San Andreas fault, see the latest, Baja, California aftershock pattern creeping north - 8th April 2010 Google Map, of the Los Angeles, San Diego, and earthquake swarm area... here

    A Complete List Of Bad Things Attributed To Global Warming
    Investors Business Weekly, 5th April 2010
    Hardly a day goes by that the media don't blame something on global warming. Or so it seems. The British-based science watchdog, Number Watch, wondered just how many and went to the trouble of documenting them.

    It has kept on its Web site a near-comprehensive set of links to a long list of things attributed by either scientific research or the media to global warming. As you read it, some items will strike you as contradictory. Others, perhaps, as merely absurd. And still others as factually impossible. [...]

    Following is the list of phenomena (756 entries in all) linked at one time or another to warming. They range from acne, bubonic plague and a drop in circumcisions to Yellow fever, whale beachings, walrus stampedes, witchcraft executions and the threat of zebra mussels.

    I would say this list is comprehensive! LOL!!

    Beware Of The Orange UFO's Spotted At Night
    World Wide Posts, 5th April 2010
    Beware of the orange UFO’s flying across the sky at dusk. Hundreds of sightings are being reported in the UK daily. Sometimes there are three or four together or you could just see a single one. They move slowly across the skyline and then just disappear as though they have shot off at great speed. Unfortunately, you have been fooled again - it wasn’t a UFO it was a Chinese Lantern and all that happened when it disappeared was the flame went out and it dropped to the ground.

    According to this report and many others in a similary vein, the British are now Chinese and have taken up the Chinese tradition of setting off lanterns at New Year to symbolise happiness, blessings and good will for the future. Unfortunately though, the British are now crazy because they are setting them off all year round, all times of the day and night. It does not seem to matter about the weather conditions, so rain, sleet, snow, wind and hail and there does not seems to be any financial restraints either, so even during a recession, the British people seemed to access to very special and maybe costly Chinese lanterns, dare I say, 'magic' lanterns, because objects the size of cars and bigger are hovering very close to people before they shoot off! Many farmers would like to see Chinese lanterns banned, but I am certain it will not have any impact on the number of sightings because witness reports indicate many sightings are in fact magnetospheric plasmoids and plasma orbs.

    Cosmic Climate Change: Space Shuttle Discovery - STS 131 leaves spectacular dragon trails in the sky
    SOTT, 5th April 2010
    Space shuttle Discovery left Earth this morning at 6:21 am EDT in a spectacular dawn launch from Cape Canaveral. The combination of sunrise colors and the comet-like appearance of the departing shuttle astonished onlookers. "It was an awesome sight," says Michael Fertic, who sends this picture from Spring Hill, Florida:

    Originally from, but here all the images are laid out. The 'streak' and ionised air, shown in the main image at is caused by the shuttle .... Anyway, it seems to clearly show that our atmosphere is now highly ionised. Talk of the same effect as noctilucent clouds implies highly charged dust (forming condensation nuclei for the ice) that maybe sourced from the dusty plasma invading our solar system.

    Damage control: Greenpeace removes threats
    WUWT, 6th April 2010
    You’ve probably come here to read a blog post written by our colleague Gene, in which he addresses climate sceptics by saying:
    “Let’s talk about what that mass civil disobedience is going to look like.”If you’re one of those who have spent their lives undermining progressive climate legislation, bankrolling junk science, fueling spurious debates around false solutions, and cattle-prodding democratically-elected governments into submission, then hear this: We know who you are. We know where you live. We know where you work. And we be many, but you be few.”
    Well, we’ve taken down that post from our website. It’s very easy to misconstrue that line, take it out of context and suggest it means something wholly different from the practice of peaceful civil disobedience, which is what the post was about. Anyone who knows Gene knows he’s an entirely peaceful guy. In the interest of transparency we have moved it off site to this location, where you can read the offending quotes in context and judge for yourself:

    We got this one wrong, no doubt about it. I’m holding up my hands on behalf of the organisation and saying sorry for that. Peaceful action is at the very core of what we do, so any language that even comes close to suggesting that’s not the case is something we cannot support.

    I am sure behind the scenes there must have been some shouting and howling....

    GEOMAGNETIC STORM:, 5th April 2010
    A sharp gust of solar wind hit Earth's magnetosphere today, April 5th, at approximately 0800 UT. The impact sparked a strong geomagnetic storm (Kindex=7). High-latitude sky watchers should be alert for auroras.

    We are experiencing high levels of geomagnetic activity and a very fast solar wind which normally averages 300 km/s but at the moment it is at 700-800km/s.

    Spaceweather alert – first “red alert” in 6 years
    Professor Leif Svalgaard:
    This is indeed the first serious magnetic storm of cycle 24. It is still only a moderate storm [K-index = 7; a really big storm has K-index = 9; the K-index is approximately logarithmic: a doubling of the storm amplitude adds another unit to the K-index]. The storm is caused by a CME in the form of a helical magnetic flux-rope still rooting in the Sun at both ends. At the front end of the approaching rope the field was pointing North, so not much reconnection happened and the effect was minor. The back-end had Southward pointing field and that feed energy into the magnetosphere. Because the event was short-lived and the magnetic field modest within the rope, the storm did not develop into an extreme event. There is an interesting twist to this: The North-South component of the heliomagnetic field [HMF] when it impacts the Earth controls largely the strength of the interaction. The result is an intensification of the auroral oval at [magnetic] latitude ~67 degrees [called a substorm; a big storm has several of these in succession] with magnetic effect underneath it. source & more

    Gold Coast UFO sightings rocketing [Queensland, Australia]
    Gold Coast, 5th April 2010
    THE Gold Coast has reported the second highest number of UFO sightings in Queensland in a year. According to UFO Research Queensland, an organisation established in 1956 which records and researches UFO sightings, the Gold Coast ranked second to Brisbane in the number of unexplained sightings between October 2008 and September 2009, with 25 reports out of a total 123 coming from the Coast.

    Why should ordinary folk be left wondering when scientists around the world have been researching strange aerial phenomena for decades? People need to take some responsibility to inform others about the research that explains some of what is taking place in our skies. It is obvious that government authorities want people to stay ignorant, but we are in a situation where we are experiencing a dimensional shift. Please note: mathematicians like to talk about dimensions when really it would be a lot easier to refer to energy levels. Dimensions and geometry are used only to mislead people away from understanding the substructure of our reality commonly referred to as the aether ( spelling here distinguishes it from the chemical ether) that is a plenum of energy. Even Einstein admitted the Aether existed, see the address delivered on May 5th, 1920, at the University of Leyden in the Netherlands, A running commentary on Einstein's "Aether and the Theory of Relativity" by Paulo and Alexandra Correa.

    Magnitude 7.2 quake strikes Baja California
    Assoicated presss, 4th April 2010
    LOS ANGELES — A strong earthquake south of the U.S.-Mexico border Sunday swayed high-rises in downtown Los Angeles and San Diego and was felt across Southern California and Arizona, knocking out power and breaking pipes in some areas but causing no major damage. The 7.2-magnitude quake struck at 3:40 p.m. in Baja California, Mexico, about 19 miles southeast of Mexicali, according to the U.S. Geological Survey. It was initially reported as a magnitude-6.9 quake. The updated magnitude was still an estimate, according to USGS seismologist Lucy Jones. [...] The 7.2-magnitude quake was felt as far north as Santa Barbara, USGS seismologist Susan Potter said.

    For more background information, see the article at, The San Andreas Fault
    Youtube video [6:06], this guy describes his dream that is fairly specific and warns of a 7.2 and then a 7.7 that he thinks will hit Los Angeles in 2 weeks. Unfortunately, he only aims his concerns at fellow Christians and so I suppose for everybody else his warnings do not apply... Earthquake LA California 2010 .
    UPDATE: THE 14 DAYS IN THE DREAM IS POSSIBLY REFERRING TO THE TIME FRAME BETWEEN THE 7.2 AND THE 7.7 QUAKE. see Prophecy News Dream Leads To Warning About California Earthquake
    Some thoughts about dreams and premonitions.
    Einstein writes:
    Since there exists in this four dimensional structure [space-time] no longer any sections which represent "now" objectively, the concepts of happening and becoming are indeed not completely suspended, but yet complicated. It appears therefore more natural to think of physical reality as a four dimensional existence, instead of, as hitherto, the evolution of a three dimensional existence. Albert Einstein and the Fabric of Time
    In plain language:
    “I have realized that the past and future are real illusions, that they exist in the present, which is what there is and all there is.” —Alan Watts
    In a practical sense, the energy of a future event can be so strong that it is very possible for this energy to leak into our current awareness and present time, and this is what we would normally call a premonition. I know some incredible stories told to me by people with no specific beliefs, that experienced major events in their lives that they first saw in a dream before it actually happened.

    Where to be During an Earthquake
    "My name is Doug Copp. I am the Rescue Chief and Disaster Manager of the American Rescue Team International (ARTI), the world's most experienced rescue team. The information in this article will save lives in an earthquake. I have crawled inside 875 collapsed buildings, worked with rescue teams from 60 countries, founded rescue teams in several countries, and I am a member of many rescue teams from many countries. I was the United Nations expert in Disaster Mitigation for two years. I have worked at every major disaster in the world since 1985, except for simultaneous disasters."

    Latest Earthquakes in the World - Past 7 days
    Baja, California is rocking!

    Baja, California aftershock pattern creeping north

    Fossil from cave is a ‘missing link’
    Times Online, 4th April 2010
    A FOSSIL skeleton of a child discovered in a cave system known as the Cradle of Humankind may represent a previously unknown stage in the evolution of man.

    The skeleton, which is almost complete despite being 2m years old, is believed to belong to one of the hominid groups that includes humans. Hominid fossil finds are usually little more than small bone fragments. Scientists hope such a complete find will help them to work out what our ancestors looked like and to determine key dates in their evolution from ape-man to man-ape. Experts who have seen the skeleton says it resembles Homo habilis, the first species of advanced human.

    I'm a skeptic, where have we heard all this before? Oh yes Piltdown Man! See previous comments about Ida, the last attempt that academics made to provide a "missing link". Best of the Blog - Evolutionary Change

    Greenpeace posts threats
    WUWT, 3rd April 2010
    This is the face on environmentalism today – publicly issued threats from Greenpeace. I find this sort of thing slightly troubling, but mostly I see it as just behind the scenes business as usual, only written down instead of part of the usual meeting rhetoric.
    We need to hit them where it hurts most, by any means necessary: through the power of our votes, our taxes, our wallets, and more. […]

    The proper channels have failed. It’s time for mass civil disobedience to cut off the financial oxygen from denial and skepticism.

    If you’re one of those who believe that this is not just necessary but also possible, speak to us. Let’s talk about what that mass civil disobedience is going to look like.

    If you’re one of those who have spent their lives undermining progressive climate legislation, bankrolling junk science, fueling spurious debates around false solutions, and cattle-prodding democratically-elected governments into submission, then hear this:

    We know who you are. We know where you live. We know where you work.

    And we be many, but you be few.

    “…but you be few“

    Well, where is the 'peace', Greenpeace! There has always been a dark side to the Green Movement with the talk of depopulation to save the planet etc, but clearly, this has now become about the preservation of Greenpeace and it's militant ideas, NOT based on the facts of what is actually happening to the planet.

    Cars vs. cosmic rays
    MSNBC Cosmic Log, 2nd April 2010

    Diagram from The Chilling Stars: A New Theory of Climate Change (2007)
    by Henrik Svensmark and Nigel Calder.

    Could cosmic rays affect electronics here on Earth? Yes, absolutely. Could cosmic rays be what's causing the mysterious accelerator problems in Toyota cars? Maybe. That's one of the reasons why a NASA engineering team has been called in to assist in a federal investigation.

    The team - drawn from the NASA Engineering and Safety Center, or NESC - serves as the space agency's rapid-response unit for engineering expertise. It was set up in the wake of the 2003 Columbia tragedy, in response to investigators' concerns that NASA didn't have an independent safety watchdog.

    The solar wind used to be described as a bullet proof vest that batted away most cosmic rays but now it's flagging at an all time low and the heliospheric current sheet is flattening out, NASA are expecting if this happens cosmic rays will go up another 30% above the current high, see Cosmic Rays Hit Space Age High! The European Space Agency ESA) have told us straight that the Earth's magnetic field is full of rifts and occassionally disappears on the daylight side see, Multiple rifts in Earth's magnetic shield but at the time, they had forgotten to update their own tutorial that tells us that we don't have to worry about cosmic rays as we are protected by Earth's "strong magnetic field". So far, space agencies appear very coy about providing any statistics about how much protection is now being provided in comparison to historical levels. However, the ESA did claim that there is no need to worry as the Earth's atmosphere acts like a bullet proof vest but if that was true, then we would not have the influence on cloud formation and 10,000 muons (secondary particles generated from primary cosmic rays) would not be passing through our bodies every minute. It is also worth noticing that scientists have been telling us that there are discreet sources that seem to be 'targetting' Earth and even talk of dark energy sources that are being directly aimed at Earth. At the time, these reports were noted, but it has to be said they have been mostly short on quantitative facts and figures. However, we do know there is an issue as international efforts have been set up to monitor the situation as described in my book, Tuning the Diamonds: Electromagnetism and Spiritual Evolution. Please note: Thinking positively does NOT stop cosmic rays.

    When the Germans give up on AGW you really do know it's all over…
    Telegraph Delingpole Blog, 1st April 2010
    No people on earth are more righteously Green than the Germans. They built the foundations and set the tone of the modern Green movement in, ahem, the 1930s. They invented the phrase Atomkraft Nein Danke. They were the first country to allow nasty, dangerous Sixties eco-radicals to reinvent themselves as respectable politicians. [...]

    So when the Germans say “Auf Wiedersehn AGW” it really is time for the rest of the world to sit up and take notice. And that’s exactly what they just have said. See for yourself in this tear-inducing glorious feature in one of their leading newspapers.

    Der Spiegel has done a number on AGW - one of the best and most comprehensive I’ve read in any newspaper anywhere – and it could hardly be more damning.

    It's all over? It will not be really over until the world knows that anthropogenic warming is the cover story to explain away the fact that all life on Earth is facing rapid evolutionary change!

    A Superstorm for Global Warming Research
    Spiegel International, 1st April 2010
    Plagued by reports of sloppy work, falsifications and exaggerations, climate research is facing a crisis of confidence. How reliable are the predictions about global warming and its consequences? And would it really be the end of the world if temperatures rose by more than the much-quoted limit of two degrees Celsius?

    Life has become "awful" for Phil Jones. Just a few months ago, he was a man with an enviable reputation: the head of the Climate Research Unit (CRU) at the University of East Anglia in Norwich, England, an expert in his field and the father of an alarming global temperature curve that apparently showed how the Earth was heating up as a result of anthropogenic global warming. Those days are now gone.

    Nowadays, Jones, who is at the center of the "Climategate" affair involving hacked CRU emails, needs medication to fall sleep. He feels a constant tightness in his chest. He takes beta-blockers to help him get through the day. He is gaunt and his skin is pallid. He is 57, but he looks much older. He was at the center of a research scandal that hit him as unexpectedly as a rear-end collision on the highway.

    This is a 8 part series and the pdf print can be downloaded here here

    Global Cooling Radio
    Global Cooling Radio, April 2010
    The World's Leading Global Warming Skeptics Take Your Questions Live on The Air!!! New Global Cooling Radio Show to feature Lord Monckton as first guest 3rd April 2010.

    Skeptical radio, whatever next!

    Worshippers revolt in church as German Catholic leaders admit abuse
    Times Online, 2nd April 2010
    German Catholic leaders openly admitted for the first time today that the Church betrayed and abused children in its care. The admission by Archbishop Robert Zollitsch, chairman of the German Bishops' Conference, came as Catholic priests across the country called on their congregations to pray for abused children. [...]

    The priest appealed: "Let us pray for the children who have been done great injustice within the church community, who were abused and damaged in body and soul and for those who have sinned against children and others in their care." Half of the congregation, perhaps 150 people, remained silently standing in a rare flash of defiance. Similar scenes were reported from across the country.

    It seems that things have to be absolutely terrible for some people to wake up. Also: Vatican was told 50 years ago to act against paedophile priests

    Papal Scandals
    Newsweek, 1st April 2010
    There simply must be a vicar of Christ on earth, and so popes have been succeeding each other for nearly 2,000 years—but not without the occasional misstep. From cronyism to incest and even an attempt to sell the papacy, pontiffs have occasionally strayed from the righteous path. “The Catholic Church is no stranger to scandals and controversy,” says Anura Guruge, author of The Next Pope.

    I recommend reading 'The Vicars of Christ: The Dark side of the Papacy' written by Peter de Rosa, an ex-Catholic priest who had access to Vatican archives. It is full of scandal. Hence the horrible disgusting revelations that have been public knowledge for years, has been part of the deviant behaviour of many of the hierarchy of the Holy Catholic Church often overseen by sociopaths, psychopaths, malignant narcissists and predators. By the way, Newsweek should have taken the opportunity to tell folk about the Pope that was actually found to be a woman and that is why they still have a ceremony to check the next Pope has male genitalia.

    Bureau of Meteorology images show mysterious patterns on radar system, 2nd April 2010
    THEY are the digital-age equivalent of crop circles - mysterious patterns appearing on the Bureau of Meteorology's national radar system without any explanation.

    And the random images described as red stars, rings of fire and white doughnuts are sending online conspiracy websites into meltdown. The anomalies first began on January 15 when an "iced doughnut" appeared over Kalgoorlie in WA.

    Well, these images have been floating around the blogosphere and specifically the conspiracy websites for some time now. At the moment, nobody really knows what is going on and the comparison with crop circles is interesting. Now, even Fox News is reporting this story, so maybe some are getting very uncomfortable as our world becomes even more mysterious. However, as the dimensional shift accelerates, these 'interference' signals may become a permanent feature and our scientists might decide to remove them, the same way they have been deleting evidence of the 'radar angels' for the last 50+ years.

    The day the Earth froze: An hour-long storm started a mini ice age, say scientists
    Daily Mail, 2nd April 2010
    An hour-long hailstorm from space bombarded the Earth 13,000 years ago - plunging the planet into a mini-ice age, scientists claimed today.

    The catastrophe was caused by a disintegrating comet and saw the planet sprayed by thousands of frozen boulders made of ice and dust.

    The collisions wiped out huge numbers of animal species all over the world, disrupted the lives of our stone age ancestors and triggered a freeze that lasted more than 1,000 years. [...] Professor Napier's theory suggests the devastation took place when the Earth strayed into a dense trail of fragments shed by a large comet. Thousands of chunks of material from the comet would have rained down on Earth, each one releasing the energy of a one megaton nuclear bomb.

    The impacts would have filled the atmosphere with smoke and soot and blotting out the Sun. [...] His model, published in the journal Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, suggests that the 'hailstorm' would have only lasted about an hour.

    It would have caused thousands of impacts, generating global fires and depositing nanodiamonds at the 'extinction boundary' marking the point in time when many species died out.

    Here we are told that Earth suffered a severe Space Weather event but there have been many doubts expressed about what exactly happened. Previous articles have stated that some of this space debris was suspended in the air and it is much more likely that a comet tail full of debris came very close to Earth and polluted Earth's atmopshere for a long time. Maybe we even experienced a small interstellar cloudlet with crystalline properties that engulfed our world and caused the mini-ice age and flooding. That scenario would be quite topical as dense plasma with crystalline properties is now invading our solar system which 'coincides' with the arrival of diamond ray or diamond flame energy according to a reputable metaphysical source...

    Sudden Mass American Enlightenment Puzzles Congress and Causes National Security Alert
    SOTT, 1st April 2010
    Washington - President Obama, U.S. congressmen and their aides held an emergency four hour-long meeting Wednesday to decide what action to take to stem a sudden and unprecedented mass enlightenment of the US population that threatens to destabilize the Government and create a fiscal crisis.

    Millions of citizens jubilantly celebrated their new awareness as they suddenly realized they have been lied to all their lives on just about everything by their psychopathic, conscienceless leaders of major corporations, government and security agencies.

    Residents in all major cities across the United States awoke Wednesday morning complaining that they were experiencing an inexplicable mental clarity that was causing them to realize the way they were about to spend their day was utterly pointless, a potential health threat and would only add energy and finances to a powerful wealthy elite that had been ruling their lives since as long as they could remember.

    Satire! Besides this piece being quite hilarious there is more than a ring a truth here... with the change of energies on the planet, who is to say that this scenario could not happen... read on!

    Now, Even NASA Is Involved in Toyota Crisis
    Wall Stree Journal, 31st March 2010
    U.S. regulators on Tuesday announced a broad investigation into automotive computer systems and software, which have come under scrutiny because of sudden acceleration and other reports involving some Toyota Motor Corp. cars.

    An examination of Toyota's problems will be conducted by experts from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, while the National Academy of Sciences, which advises the government, will undertake a separate, 15-month study into the use of computer technology in cars, U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood said.

    Toyota has said there is no evidence that software or electronic systems are responsible for sudden acceleration in its cars. The company "repeatedly and rigorously" tests its software and has subjected it to outside review, a spokesman said.

    Electronics have led to some of the biggest safety breakthroughs in vehicles, such as antilock brakes and stability control. Software controls an ever-growing variety of functions in cars, including braking and accelerating. Increasingly, cars include software that links these systems to do things like parallel park the vehicle or remember the seat positions, temperatures and radio stations preferred by different drivers.

    "Ninety percent of all innovation in cars today is driven by software," said Ingolf Krueger, an associate professor of computer science and engineering at the University of California in San Diego. No surprise then that software is sometimes to blame when things go wrong. While Toyota has received most of the attention, other car makers have had software-related incidents.

    Well, some ignoranti have tried to mock all talk of cosmic rays being the cause of the failure of Toyota electronics, but now NASA are getting involved. Of course, we know that NASA are well aware that Earth is being bombarded with the highest levels of cosmic rays since the start of the space age and this is expected to get worse. People worry about car satefy but there is no consideration that humanity is faced with rapid evolutionary change caused by DNA mutations. The New Cosmic Age where we are dominated by space and the aether is now becoming apparent. See also Video: Fox News with an interview with a former NASA engineer on whether scientists can determine cause of Toyota troubles, NASA to Probe Toyota Acceleration Problem

    Mega-flood triggered cooling 13,000 years ago: scientists
    News Daily, 31st March 2010
    Scientists say they have found the trigger of a sharp cooling 13,000 years ago that plunged Europe into a mini ice age.

    Mark Bateman from the University of Sheffield in England said a catastrophic flood unleashed from a giant North American lake dumped large amounts of freshwater into the Arctic Ocean.

    This led to the shutting down of the Gulf Stream ocean circulation pattern that brings warmth to Europe. "We're talking about a lake the size of the UK emptying very quickly," Bateman told Reuters by telephone. "We don't know the exact period of time but we're talking about a catastrophic flood."

    Note image icon: Rotation (green), Precession (blue) and Nutation in obliquity (red) of the Earth. According to ancient sources, life on Earth is periodically disrupted by fire or flood. The reason WHY is due to the consciousness of humans not being high enough for universal consciousness that literally refreshes the planet with energies on a periodic basis. If the incoming energy is too high and therefore human consciousness is too low we get mostly wiped out and that is the reason why 'prophets' are sent with a message that humans need to shape up. Hence, this knowledge has been retained but hidden within mythology, religion, philosophy, literature, architecture, arts and culture etc. The most often discussed period is linked with the Earth's precessional cycle of approx. 26,000 years, but smaller events are linked to 13,000 years. I don't have enough strong evidence for smaller timescales but here we are told there was a major flood 13,000 years ago and probably it was the biblical flood of Noah, the same flood detailed in a host of other sources retained as ancient writing. Now, we have hit the 26,000 year marker again and the panic is on, but little understanding that the fire is aetheric fire, but I have also called it an electromagnetic flood for scientific reasons. We have been reliably told with scientific reports to back it up, that Earth's grids have been updated so we are not expecting complete devastation. However, there are high levels of ignorance about what is taking place, even from people who claim to be knowledgeable. So at the moment, we have reports of orbs dropping aetheric fire over major cities and not a peep from the metaphysical community, unbelievable but true! Do I know everything that is happening? Certainly not! But I have worked very hard in the past 6 years or so and I am quite pleased that I can see the overall Big Picture.

    Examiner Bio Florida couple questions green fireball under 1,500 feet: Meteor or UFO? [US]
    UFO Examiner, 31st March 2010
    [...] My wife and I were just sitting out side enjoying the beautiful evening. When at 9.32pm we saw this bright green fireball in the sky.

    We noticed the object at about an elevation of about 85 degrees, and it continued until it passed the horizon. If it was a meteor, we never heard any crash and we didn't see anything on the news about it today. Also, the magnitude (brightness) of the object never wavered.

    We are long time astronomy fans, and we have seen many meteors. At the same time, we've never seen a green meteor (made of copper?) We were also both were surprised about how slow the object seemed to move. I'd compare it to the speed of a single engine prop plane, at an altitude of 1000-1500 feet up.

    More examples of the wide variety of enigmatic energetic phenomena taking place around the planet. However, there have been many reports of green fireballs over the decades and due to their characterisitics, are often linked with 'ghost rockets' another Unidentified Aerial Phenomena that are related to the redistribution of plasma energies around the planet.

    Uganda: Students Riot Over Evil Spirits, 31st March 2010
    Jinja — Students of St. Mark Naminya High School in Njeru, Mukono District have engaged police in running battles and destroyed property worth millions of shillings after management kicked out witchdoctors hired to perform rituals at the institution.

    Two witch doctors, called in to cleanse the school of demons which are alleged to have been sexually assaulting students, had been hired by some school administrators following consultations with the sub-county leadership.

    Wakisi Sub-county Vice Chairman Ramathan Kabwiso alleged that female students have been complaining about being 'sexually assaulted' by ghosts since last year. He said numerous prayer sessions by pastors had failed to solve the problem.

    I know most people will think that these African people are just too primitive but they are much more aware of multi-dimensional realties. What's more, since plastic shamanism has become quite popular, it seems that some have learnt how to do 'walk about' in the astral body with their inpure intentions. I have personally heard about molestation from a woman who is quite sensitive and the male perpetrator was someone they had given permission to invade their personal energy field during a so-called "training" course. So beware!

    Holy man resigns over sex scandal
    Yahoo News, 30th March 2010
    BANGALORE, India (Reuters) – A Hindu holy man with thousands of followers across India resigned as head of a religious organization on Tuesday after police began investigating his role in a sex scandal, officials said.

    Video footage allegedly showing Nithyananda Swami, head of Dhyanapeetam, or "knowledge center," frolicking with two women angered hundreds of devotees who tried to ransack his center outside the southern city of Bangalore this month. [...]

    The 32-year-old has denied any links to the women and said the tapes were doctored, but the police are investigating and have asked people to come forward with evidence. Nithyananda Swami, who has big politicians and movie stars as devotees, announced his resignation in a statement.

    "I have decided to live a life of spiritual seclusion, for some indefinite time...," he said on his website.

    The results of the sting that caught this guru are all over the internet and it certainly did not looked 'faked'. However, I am impressed that he has not tried to brazen it out like others desperate to maintain their power...

    Self-help guru again offers advice
    Ray tweets while awaiting trial in Sedona deaths

    AZ Central News, 30th March 2010
    Self-help guru James Arthur Ray is back in the game.

    Ray, who last year suspended his personal appearances after one of his sweat-lodge events near Sedona led to three deaths, posted his first detailed advice video on a Twitter blog Monday. He had hinted last week on his Twitter site that he would resurrect his business, telling readers that he had "a wealth of information" he wanted to share.

    Ray's re-emergence is notable, given that he had dropped out of public view after last year's fatalities, saying he wanted to devote his time to getting to the bottom of what happened at the five-day Spiritual Warrior retreat in October.

    Ray later was charged with three counts of manslaughter in the deaths. His Yavapai County trial is set to start at the end of August.

    I am still following the comments at Rick Ross Cult Education Forum and I have amazed that some preople have been predicting James Ray's behaviour correctly, as I believe they are retired professionals who have spent many years studying the behaviour of sociopaths. Here, the media are picking up on JR's tweeting which has given people an opportunity to vent their anger, which must be considered healthy in the circumstances. So, it worth mentioning the nastinest of this man and why he is being shunned by others in the New Age movement after being a major star. It seems the truth is getting out and fellow scam artists do not want to get tarred with the same brush, as facts come out that JR is a monster, a nasty callous brute who uses a large selection of effective persuasion tactics on unsuspecting people to engineer their consent. This is an extract of a post from a woman called Jeannika:
    I suffer from autoimmune disease and severe allergies. Some days I can walk without a cane or walker, most days I can't. I was in a wheelchair for years. I've been told to get my affairs in order so many times, by so many different doctors that it's sometimes difficult thinking about living a normal life let alone planing for the future. I wanted to be healthy, have a good life, thrive. (Still do!) I thought what do I have to lose?

    From then on I was a woman with a mission, making affirmations, reading everything I could get my hands on, forcing myself to walk, etc. I feel like such an idiot. In 2007, I heard that James Ray was going to be in my area for a "Free Lecture" so I went. I wanted to thank him for reminding me I'm more than my body or my illness.

    It was the first time I walked into a building without my allergy mask, first time I stood in line for any length of time (we waited almost two hours ... they were very late), first time getting out in public in years. Mr Ray put on a good show, way too materialistic for me, but I wasn't there about money or getting rich. Neither my husband or myself could afford the retreat they were selling.

    So when the lecture was over I stood in line with my walker to say thank you. When Mr Ray looked at me I felt like rolling up into a ball. I'm fat and I've seen that look before, from people who think fat people are useless pigs. I barely got five words out, when he asked me if I'd signed up for the weekend. I told him I didn't have the money. Like before, he shut me up.

    James Ray: "I'm going to do you a favor" he said, "Don't ever say that again, the universe is listening."

    Me: "But I don't have any money right ..."

    James Ray: "I TOLD YOU NOT TO SAY THAT!"

    Me: "But it's true."

    James Ray: "Then borrow it!"

    Me: "I have no one to borrow from."

    James Ray: "You mean to say you have absolutely no friends who can loan you money?"

    Me: quietly ... "No, my friends are struggling to."

    James Ray: "Do you want to be a fat slob and a failure for the rest of your life?"

    The brutality of his words, the sound of his voice, took my breath away. The people standing next to me were shocked by his words.

    Whispers from people around me
    "Did he just call that woman with the walker a fat slob?" "What did she say?" "Look at that lard assed bitch, James is right, she's a nothing."

    I wanted to die. I have no idea how I made it back to my car. I'd been feeling so good, but at that moment, all I wanted to do was run outside and jump off the parking structure. I cried for hours afterward. All I'd wanted to do was thank him.

    That was 2007, and I'm still here, alive and kicking. I located new doctors, new treatments, physical therapy, walking, different foods. Life is still hard, but it looks like I'm going to be around for a while now. Not because of some new age secret, or law of attraction ... but a lot of hard work.

    When I heard about the people who had died at the sweat lodge, I realized that could have been me. Had Mr Ray shown a modicum of compassion, allowed me to pay back James Ray International for their weekends ... I'd have gone ... no questions asked, because he told me it was safe. He told me I could be cured, he had cured himself ... others ... anything we wanted was ours for the asking. source
    Now, James Ray has done us a great favour and revealed his business plan. All along I have been interested in knowledgeable opinions about what is going on, but for James Ray to spell it out is a real kicker. Proud to say that I am NOT part of the Enlightenment Business. Here we go, with a commentary from the great Anticult:

    James Ray reveals the LGAT scam right there. Usually, they conceal it in other language, but in this case its spelled out.

    A Purpose
    A Vision
    As stated, the first two are the initial salespitch, and they get into peoples life "meanings". That is the Big Claim, the set-up.

    Then it moves into drawing people into the system.

    A Mentor - start focussing on the Guru as your Leader in your mind.
    A Practice - the start of the indoctrination process, with covert tech inserted inside the Practice (TM meditation, The Work)
    A Coach - upselling to a system of more personal indocrination and sales, costing $100 hr of course.
    A Group - getting lured and Love-Bombed into the group/sect, using local meetings and conference calls, its the start of Social Influence.
    A Retreat - getting even more deeply involved in a LGAT seminar environment for a weekend, then 9+ days at a hotel or in the wilderness.

    That is the exact same process used by Byron Katie, Royal Way, SGI Soka Gakkai, Sai Baba, TM, Scientology, and basically any group or sect you can think of. They start with a big pitch, inserting the Leader-Mentor in your mind. Start a Practice, which is always based on deception with covert persuasion tech embedded in it. (like Scientology Auditing, the Byron Katie Work) Connect the person with a Coach, which is someone from the Group who is a trained salesperson and recruiter, which draws them into a small local group. They then get upsold into the LGAT Seminar Retreat, where the the big guns come out and people get locked in with powerful persuasion techniques.

    Of course, none of that is needed. Its just a way to draw people in, to serve the Guru's needs, which are based around extracting money and free labor from the seeker. But that is a good list, which exposes the techniques of the process of persuasion and LGAT luring.
    Original source: James Arthur Ray Sermon from Cyberspace – Chapter One

    Results of the Climategate Parliamentary Inquiry in the UK
    WUWT, 31st March 2010
    The Science and Technology Committee today publishes its report on the disclosure of climate data from the Climatic Research Unit (CRU) at the University of East Anglia. The Committee calls for the climate science community to become more transparent by publishing raw data and detailed methodologies.

    Basically, we are being told that CLIMATE SCIENCE is NOT REAL SCIENCE because the disclosure of data and methodology is standard scientific practice. Many commentators are talking of a whitewash but it is still obvious that the credibility of Climate Science has been dealt a severe blow. In a statement by the Government Chief Scientific Adviser, that stated “global warming is happening [and] that it is induced by human activity” is notable softening in the government's stance, as evidenced by the use of the term "induced" and not "caused".

    LENTICULAR LIGHTS:, 31st March 2010
    Yesterday, a storm in the Sierra Nevada mountains of central California decorated the sky with wind-sculpted lenticular clouds. When photographer Andrew Kirk stepped outside to observe, he got more than he bargained for:

    "With a high wind warning posted for the area, lenticular clouds were no surprise," says Kirk. "But the beautiful iridescence late in the afternoon was a special gift." He positioned a local church between his camera and the sun to reduce the glare and highlight the phenomenon.

    Iridescence is caused by sunlight diffracting through water droplets. Lenticular clouds are a good place for this to happen because the clouds are filled with tiny droplets of nearly uniform size--a combination that produces vivid pastel colors.

    Very pretty, but in the current environment of many formerly unusual and rare atmospheric displays being seen regularly, we have to wonder at where this is all leading.

    Hailstorm hits twin cities [Pakistan]
    The News, 30th March 2010
    Islamabad: An unusual weather phenomenon caused widespread hailstorm in the twin cities of Rawalpindi and Islamabad on Monday afternoon.

    Following duststorm in which the wind velocity touched 96 kilometres per hour in Rawalpindi and 55 kilometres per hour in Islamabad, thick grey clouds swarmed the skies and after a slight spell of drizzle the hailstorm struck.

    Meteorological Office Director Dr. Mohammad Hanif told ‘The News’ that hailstorms in the transitional period between winter and spring is not unusual because of sudden change in temperature. “But the slightly unusual phenomenon was that the hailstorm that struck the twin cities engulfed a vast area.”

    Usually hailstorms in such transitional periods remain confined to small pockets but on Monday it was widespread covering vast areas over Rawalpindi and Islamabad. At many places, the intensity of the hailstorm was unusually high,” he said.

    He said that the prevailing weather system is likely to last over the next 24 hours during which different areas in the upper parts of the country may have some more dust and thunderstorms accompanied by rains and even bursts of hailstorm before it subsides.

    Hmmm.... The weather abberations continue...

    Reddish orange balls - Bognor Regis, West Sussex
    UK UFO Sightings, 30th March 2010
    Witness Statement: [Yet another orange light... I have checked your Chinese Lantern video, but it looks nothing like what I saw - the lanterns move slowly on the wind, and their light is wavering, whereas my ball moved much faster in still air, changed direction abruptly, and had an unwavering light.]

    I saw an intense orange ball about half the diameter and twice the brightness of a nearby high-pressure sodium vapour streetlight. It appeared to be about 500ft up and was moving in from the sea on a bearing of 040° at about 20mph. [...]

    The balls were silent and of constant brightness, although their motion was somewhat irregular. Their colour was a deeper, more reddish orange than the streetlight. I had the impression that I was seeing a ball of plasma, but what could have caused it to form I have no idea.

    Excellent, someone with their thinking head on. I am wondering whether the term used by the military and civilian organisations 'Unidentified Aerial Phenomena' is now a misnomer because they can certainly be identified as being plasma entities!

    A orange ball the size of a car..appeared in the sky - Enderby, Leicestershire [UK]
    " my utter horror a orange ball the size of a car..appeared in the sky..which was completely clear…i thought this object was going to hit.

    UFO Traffic Report: April 1, 2010
    "An Indiana witness reports that a UFO the size of "two trucks" in width, which hovered, and then took off."

    Spherical UFO hovers 30 feet over railroad track at Rome, GA
    "...when i arrived at the rr crossing the was no train but instead an almost sperical object floating about 3 yrds past the crossing and about 30foot in the sky."

    Pulsating 'beautiful' lights - Penrith, Scotland [UK]
    UK UFO sightings, 30th March 2010
    Witness Statement: just needed to tell you that i seen a ufo last night 10/03/2010, over Kirkby Thore near penrith, it slowly went over my house and it was so close i thought it would hit my roof. 3.15am i woke to the cat runing through the cat flap, i turned in my bed and looked out the window as the sky was clear and all the stars were out. then i seen an object coming closer to the house and it was coming from the sky.

    i only seen the under side but it was all lit up with lots of little lights and the lights were pulsating, sorry about the spelling. it very slowly went over my house. it was beautiful. i phone the police in the morning but what can they do?? many thanks sue

    There are now many reports to choose from and some witnessess seem very weary, as they have seen so many previous sightings. This report is interesting because the witness claims the 'ufo' was so low, the underside could be clearly seen and was described as lots of pulsating 'beautiful' lights. I have seen a pulsating orb and I can tell you it was very beautiful. However, in the standard UFO literature, the description of 'beautiful' is certainly not a widely used term.

    Low flying triangular object with diamond lights - Buxton, Derbyshire [UK]
    "...there was something huge in the sky passing over my head around 200ft or so up extreamly low it was also well lit with lights all over in a triangular shape... I did look through my telescopic sights on my gun and could clearly see the lights in a diamond shape but couldn’t make out what it was..."
    Nice report! If I have read this right, the triangular shaped 'something' (I think generated by a magnetic plasma field) held diamond shaped lights. Interesting the farmer decided to report exactly what he saw, without jumping to conclusions that it was a spacecraft of some kind.

    Woman Wins $42 Million Jackpot? Not So Fast
    Colorado Woman Celebrates $42 Million Slot Machine Win Until Casino Says Machine Malfunctioned

    ABC News, 30th March 2010
    When the lights and bells went off at a slot machine at the Fortune Valley Casino, in Central City, Colo., Louise Chavez thought she had the win of a lifetime -- $42 million. Louise Chavez was told that her slot machine mistakenly spewed the money.

    But after the casino claimed the machine malfunctioned, all Chavez got was a few dollars, some free meals and a room for the night. Colorado gaming officials are investigating the incident, but said it could be nothing more than an unfortunate computer glitch. Chavez may not see a dime.

    According to some of the commentators here, the maximum payout from a penny slot gaming maching is 215,000 dollars, so the 42 million dollar win was a real glitch. We can only speculate (please excuse the pun), that the cause was a cosmic ray.

    Computer glitch turns man into billionaire, 29th March 2010
    A FLORIDA businessman was a billionaire for five hours over the weekend. After a routine transaction Paul Fischer's account ended up with a $88,888,888,888.88 balance.

    He called his bank, SunTrust, to report the result. Bank spokesman Mike McCoy said a computer glitch made it appear that billions of dollars were in some accounts, but the money was never really there. Mr Fischer now plans to play the lottery using the number 8.

    Another glitch...

    Can troops find hidden bombs with sixth sense?
    American Chronicle, 28th March 2010
    Recent research has determined that some U.S. military personnel are better than others in the ability to detect hidden improvised explosive devices (IEDs). But why?

    According to a U.S. Army research project, troops raised in rural and forested areas seemed to be better at it. Troops who grew up in tough urban areas also seem to excel in this kind of perception.

    The common denominator is "situational awareness (SA)" that is key to hunting and being aware in the natural environment as well as in dangerous neighborhoods where people can become a victim of violence or other crime.

    But what other important factors might be in play? And how might the understanding of human perception and consciousness benefit all of us?

    In the first issue of the fascinating new magazine EdgeScience (October 2009 edition), editor Patrick Huyghe's article "Straight from the Gut" explored the two-year Army study on perception led by researcher and psychologist Steven Burnett. Huyghe also took a look at some of the media coverage on the study.

    Long article. More evidence of the paranormal research undertaken by the military over the last 50+ years. The military are very aware that psychic ability or presentiment as it is described here can save your life, but most people just laugh, not fully comprehending that in a situation where one's life is in the balance, this ability can make the difference. Free Edge Science magazine issue 1. here

    EM field, behind right ear, suspends morality
    Sci Tech Heretic, March 2010
    This new finding, from MIT, should cause scientists to more closely examine the risks to human health posed by mobile phones and other wireless, personal technologies. — M.B.

    MIT neuroscientists believe they have isolated the brain region — just behind the right ear — where moral judgements take place. And they can suspend someone’s ability to judge right from wrong, simply by generating a magnetic field near the same spot where many of us hold our cellular phones and wireless, Bluetooth, headsets. The researchers’ findings, announced today:

    Stay away from being a volunteer for TMS research, there are reports were the scientists have stated they have deliberately attempted to make lesions on the brain, never mind the talk of "virtual lesions" here, whatever that might mean. It seems that afer all the tinkering, scientists have found a hotspot, I am amazed these researchers don't have the US military breathing down their necks, as research in bioelectromagnetism has been an area where there are some major secrets.

    UFO spottings on Central Coast of NSW [Australia], 29th March 2010
    HERE'S something strange happening in the skies over a little patch of our pristine holiday coast. The suburbs around Gosford, on the Central Coast in NSW, are the state's biggest hot spot when it comes to UFO sightings, with dozens of seemingly authentic cases reported every year, The Daily Telegraph reports. Each month, as many as 30 people turn up to meetings to share their UFO experiences. UFO Research NSW secretary Joann Kanda, who helps organise the meetings, saw what she believed was a UFO near her home at The Entrance in the mid-1990s. "It was just a sort of a glowing light in the middle of the night," she said

    Trevor James Constable in his books The Cosmic Pulse of Life: The Revolutionary Biological Power behind UFOs (1975). and Sky Creatures: Living UFOs (1976), stated that some UFOs had distinctly biological behaviour and he cited evidence of UFO 'nests' in Australia, but in terms of sightings, what was seen was distinctly metallic looking. From what I understand of the UFO/UAP Phenomena, in the future, people will look back at most all the nonsense talked about re UFOs and laugh. More: Macarthur area weighs in on Chipping Norton UFO sighting The veil is lifting, people are uninformed, the whole scenario is beyond belief...

    Are Cosmic Rays Causing Toyota's 'Sudden Acceleration' Problem?
    Discovery News, 29th March 2010
    Toyota has suffered from crippling bad press after the car manufacturer recalled millions of vehicles to address a fault that causes an inexplicable acceleration when driving. This fault is having deadly consequences and has been blamed for more than 100 possible deaths.

    The company has been busy looking for the cause of the issue, repairing mechanical faults (such as sticky pedals and floor mats) with 13 affected models, but are they looking in the right place?

    Although this might sound like an "out there" theory, federal regulators are now investigating whether this 'sudden acceleration' is being triggered by high energy particles from space.

    It is unfortunate that this article does not include the latest information about the high levels of cosmic rays from NASA and the European Space Agency, but it does mention the Qantus Airbus incident that after 13 months of investigation concluded that 100 people were injured and 20 severely injured and hospitalised due to Space Weather and cosmic rays causing electromagnetic interference (EMI) see Cosmic rays may have hit Qantas jet . However, it was a missed opportunity to reveal that high levels of cosmic rays and the lack of shielding due to the disappearance of the Earth's magnetic field that is now happening at times. Yet, this story is getting wider coverage which hopefully will create some awareness that our planet is now under severe high levels of cosmic bombardment and set to reach levels not seen in hundreds of years. The point to make is that we have some electronic systems that are not designed to cope with this level of bombardment (apparently flight electronics are supposed to deal with cosmic rays and EMI, but we are now talking about levels that have not been envisaged), so people SHOULD be aware there is a new looming safety concern. The pdf that was sent anonymously to safety investigators by a "concerned" scientist was about 60 pages long with various research papers about cosmic rays and how they can be best dealt with. Again, how are folk going to cope? You can't buy a plasma shield, you have to create your own and spiritually evolve...

    Toyota Recall Might Be Caused by Cosmic Rays
    Yahoo News, 29th March 2010
    Some experts give their opinion, but of course decline to mention WHY radiation is more of an issue these days and no mention of the issue of costs involved in making electronic systems radiation hardened (RAD-HARD). We will learn a lot more about this as Space Weather becomes more accute.

    There is a useful discussion thread about what EXACTLY is going on, involving people who have worked with cars and engineers. The main thrust of the argument is what is meant by "driving by wire" and wireless. The fact that NASA have got involved implies that the issue is EMI is related to a true wireless system.

    Toyota Accelerators are wireless!
    The following document was sent anonymously by a concerned scientist and pointed out the random nature of these events seems to imply that SEU may be a reasonable explanation for incidents of sudden acceleration. This means that even though EMI is one possible cause of sudden unintended acceleration, it is not the only possible electronic-related cause. Several publically available scientific papers discuss the possibility of cosmic rays disrupting electronics at sea level, essentially flipping a bit from one to zero, or vice versa. This phenomenon is a "soft" error that is not detectable except through redundant electronic and communication systems. The scientific community refers to such occurrences as "Single Event Upsets," or SEUs. See Toyota and Seal-Level Single Event Upset (SEU) Phenomenon

    Common toads can predict earthquakes, new study finds
    Islington Gazette News, 29th March 2010
    Common toads (Bufo bufo) can detect impending seismic activity and alter their behaviour from breeding to evacuation mode, suggests a new study in the Zoological Society of London's (ZSL) Journal of Zoology.

    Researchers from The Open University reported that 96 per cent of male toads in a population abandoned their breeding site five days before the earthquake that struck L'Aquila in Italy in 2009. The breeding site was located 74 km from the earthquake's epicentre. [...]

    This shift in the toads' behaviour coincided with disruptions in the ionosphere, the uppermost electromagnetic layer of the earth's atmosphere, which were detected using very low frequency (VLF) radio sounding. The release of radon gas, or gravity waves prior to an earthquake have both been attributed to changes in atmospheric electric fields and currents. In this case the cause of the ionosphere disruptions was not determined.

    Other environmental changes that affect toad behaviour, including lunar phases and changing weather conditions were accounted for. The number of toads breeding at the study site was known to increase during a full moon. However, following the earthquake the number of toads present during a full moon was 34, in comparison to between 67 and 175 individuals in previous years.

    "Our study is one of the first to document animal behaviour before, during and after an earthquake. Our findings suggest that toads are able to detect pre-seismic cues such as the release of gases and charged particles, and use these as a form of earthquake early warning system," says lead author Dr Rachel Grant.

    There is a scientist who got upset in the 1970s when her biological experiments were disrupted and after some investigation discovered it was related to the release of seismic energy, in the days prior to earthquakes. Since this time, she has been perfecting her own Earthquake warning system, and others scientists have been creating their own detectors in the last few decades, but we have had proof for a long time that very low frequency signals disturb biological systems. In this instance, the disturbance in the ionosphere is secondary not primary but we also know that earthquakes can be triggered by celestial events too. It seems that these toads are senstive to this particular energy that most humans are unaware of but we are told by metaphysical sources this energy can be damaging to the human energy field. In this increasingly chaotic EM environment it is becoming very apparent why those interested in their spiritual evolution were warned and the only effective answer is a strong personal energy field that acts as a plasma shield.

    Putting ClimateGate in perspective
    JoNova News, 29th March 2010
    I attribute much of the recent rapid rise of the skeptics to the ongoing effects of ClimateGate. Yet, in a sense, the e-mails that were sprung from East Anglia did nothing more than confirm what most skeptics already suspected. Lawrence Solomon, author of The Deniers, has written an unusually good summary in the form of a speech for the Colorado Mining Association. With his permission, I’ve included my favourite points here, as well as a copy of the full speech. His blog is a part of the Energy Probe team.
    The Climategate emails confirmed much of what the sceptics had been saying for years.

    * They confirmed that the peer review process had been corrupted, that scientists were arranging friendly reviews.
    * They confirmed that the science journals had been corrupted.
    * That journals that refused to play ball with the doomsayers faced boycotts and their editors faced firing.
    * They confirmed that sceptical scientists were being systematically excluded from the top-tier journals.
    * The Climategate emails confirmed that journalists were likewise threatened with boycotts if they didn’t play ball.
    * The Climategate emails confirmed that the science itself was suspect. That the doomsayers themselves couldn’t make the data work. That they were debating among themselves some of the same points that the sceptics raised, and were privately acknowledging that they didn’t have answers to the issues that the sceptics raised.
    * The Climategate emails confirmed that the doomsayers were so determined to hide their data from inquiring minds that they were prepared to break the law to hide it – and did break the law – by avoiding Freedom of Information requests.
    * The Climategate emails confirmed that raw temperature data collected from countries around the world was destroyed. It appears the UK is missing raw temperature data going back to 1850.

    I am waiting for someone to look beyond all the corruption in science and come to the logical conclusion that something global is happening and climate change is just a convenient excuse to keep the public asleep, whilst being manipulated at the same time.

    Wi-Fi anxiety: Man sues neighbor to shut off electronics
    LA Times, 28th March 2010
    Santa Fe, New Mexico--The Santa Fe plaintiff claims to suffer from 'electromagnetic sensitivities' set off by cellphones, routers and other electronic devices.

    Arthur Firstenberg, who says he is hypersensitive to certain frequencies of electromagnetic radiation, saw the house at the end of a narrow lane as a refuge from physical and neurological symptoms that have plagued him for three decades.

    "It's been difficult because of my electromagnetic sensitivities," he said. "I had a lot of difficulty finding a house that I could be comfortable in."

    So in September 2008, he bought the home on Barela Street, a few blocks from the newly redeveloped downtown rail yard here. But last October, when a friend of his rented a house on the next block that backed up to Firstenberg's property, the familiar waves of nausea, vertigo, body aches, dizziness, heart arrhythmia and insomnia returned -- all, he says, because she was using an iPhone, a laptop computer, a wireless router and dimmer switches.

    I have now decided that electro-hypersensitivity (EHS) is going to get worse. Sweden seems to have a relatively high percentage of the population (5%) with EHS and the problem is taken seriously there. I suspect it is related to telluric currents and too much charge flowing through the ground, combined with modern housing loaded up with electricty and electronic equipment. However now we have Space Weather and the massive build up of energies on Earth, it will be interesting to see how long it takes for us to see some statistics and a clear trend showing the increase of those who are suffering.

    CIA concludes study of UFOs futile — who'd trust findings?
    Seattle Times, 27th March 2010
    It's a 17-page report available on the CIA's Web site that acknowledges the futility of investigating UFOs by the government agency.

    It concludes, "Like the JFK assassination conspiracy theories, the UFO issue probably will not go away soon, no matter what the Agency does or says.

    "The belief that we are not alone in the universe is too emotionally appealing and the distrust of our government is too pervasive to make the issue amenable to traditional scientific studies of rational explanation and evidence.
    Still, "CIA's Role in the Study of UFOs, 1947-90," makes for fascinating reading.

    It seems that the CIA are pretending to not not know about the research at Hessdalen, Norway. It does not matter, countries such as Norway with a fairly untarnished international reputation, doing research on Unidentified Aerial Phenomena for 25 years and sharing their discoveries with other scientists around the world will make a huge difference. UFO organisations that are covers for the government and pretending they don't know what is going on, will become a laughing stock, as the dimensional shift accelerates.

    The night a guru tried to kill me on TV
    When Surender Sharma said he could kill me with magic, I had to put him to the test. The result was a triumph for rationalism

    The Guardian, 23rd March 2010
    When Surender Sharma said he could kill me with magic, I had to put him to the test. The result was a triumph for rationalism

    In different cultures, sense of humour varies. In the south Indian state of Kerala, from where I come, many people have great fun with this arguably shortest joke anywhere in circulation: A dog tried to open a coconut. And what happened? you may ask. Well, nothing; that's the joke. It did not work, of course.

    My encounter with Pandit Surender Sharma had something of a Kerala joke stretched out for hours. Nobody laughed, though, when he tried to kill me with tantric rituals on live TV. Except me, of course.

    It was in March 2008. The tantra master and I were studio guests on a popular TV show to debate on the subject of "Tantric power vs science". He boasted that he was able to kill anyone by mantra and tantra within three minutes. I grabbed my chance to put him in check and offered myself for a test. Caught on air, he couldn't escape without losing face – and his high-profile clientele. So our unprecedented experiment began. The master started chanting his trade mark "killer" mantra that has become quite a hit on the internet since: "Om lingalingalingalinga, kilikilikili…"

    The religious and metaphysical world has been riddled with psychopaths and sociopaths, just go around the internet and find the websites of ex-devotees, it is absolutely amazing. Last week I discovered a website forum and threads to support those 'recovering' from the poison of a very well known channeler. What was revealed was so shocking I could hardly believe what I read, but it seems there is some video proof, of what goes on behind closed doors because any behaviour, however disgusting can be sold if you know how! Anyway, due to one man deciding to take on this prince of darkness and the broadcasting of this mantric tantric failure, I wonder what the impact will be, in terms of raising consciousness,...

    Space, 28th March 2010
    On March 19th at 11:19 Central Time, a meteoroid entered Earth's atmosphere over the southeastern United States and disintegrated in a flash as bright as the crescent Moon. To the human eye, it appeared to be a garden-variety fireball, the kind that appears almost every clear night, but NASA cameras had a different story to tell. Scroll past the fireball snapshot for details.

    "This was an unusually low-flying meteor," says Bill Cooke of NASA's Meteoroid Environment Office. Cooke and colleagues operate a pair of all-sky cameras, one in Huntsville, Alabama, and another in Chickamauga, Georgia. Both cameras caught the fireball, allowing rapid triangulation of its flight path. "It was first recorded at an altitude of 72.9 km (45.3 miles) and burned up at an altitude of 32.5 km (20.2 miles)."

    That's low. Most meteoroids disintegrate around 70 to 80 km high. This one held together for a much deeper descent. "It had a lot of structural integrity. Maybe it was a metallic object," speculates Cooke. "Based on the brightness and velocity of the fireball, I estimate a mass of about 10 kilograms and a diameter of ~20 centimeters - a decent size!"

    So NASA scientists have noted that some meteors are behaving rather oddly! In this blog, I picked up quite some time ago that US meteorologists had started calling them "heavenly phenomenon" which I thought was wonderful! However, here I would suggest the answer might be related to the properties of the ionosphere which NASA told us was extraordinarily low but I would also suggest is probably highly plasmated with all the galactic activity taking place.

    'Ball of fire' hovers and flies away - Rowley Regis, West Midlands [UK]
    UK UFO Sightings, 27th March 2010
    Location of Sighting: Rowley Regis, West Midlands
    Date of Sighting: 27/03/2010, Time: 7:35pm
    Witness Name: J.Mason

    Witness Statement: Tonight I was sat on the sofa in my family home when I noticed a light outside in the sky. As I looked through the patio doors at this “object” I couldn’t believe my eyes. I shouted for my parents to look as well. This “object” just hovered in front of us for a few minutes.

    Then as we opened the patio door to have a closer look this “object” started to move through the sky in a straight line in a southerly direction. It was slow at first then speeded up as it got further away. Then it just stopped and hovered again for a bit. Then it went behind the trees in the distance glowed brighter and then disappeared. Then half an hour later this “object” appeared in the distance again, it came closer, then as we went to have a closer look again it disappeared once more.

    This object was like a ball of flames, it was glowing red and orange. This was NOT a lantern or a plane or a helicopter!

    More reports of balls of fire hovering directly in front of people and of course, these people don't think it's a Chinese lantern! According to the research at Hessdalen, Norway, these are plasmoids trapped in their own magnetic field. Of course, there is no conventional electromagnetic theory to account for this, but physicists who have already done the theoretical work are ignored. This is about to change.

    World's biggest man boobs?
    Ananova News, 26th March 2010
    Chinese doctors claim to have discovered the biggest case of man boobs in the world after a dairy farmer turned up at a specialist chest clinic in Beijing. Doctor Zhang Lilan at the Jinan Chest Hospital said: "The man is in every way male except for his enormous breasts.

    "He is a farmer and says they are extremely uncomfortable as he has to do a lot of manual work and they get in the way of everything.

    Well, my first thought was this was a dairy farmer who had been injecting his cows with hormones, or he has come into contact with cow feed that has had too many hormones added to the feed. Cow’s milk naturally contains the large amount of hormones anyway too. China is basically a regulation free zone and they are starting to pay the price in abnormalities etc. Anyway, I am sure most would laugh at this man, but when we see what is happening in China, we have no idea whether this is the start of worse to come worlwide, see previous comment. Our scientists tell us that 10,000 muons pass through our bodies every minute, (these are secondary particles that originate from cosmic rays passing through our atmosphere), some of which alter our DNA. Also: Operation for [Chinese] boy with most digits
    "Six-year-old Jin Peng had 15 fingers and 16 toes before the operation, reports the Northeastern News Network."

    Magnetospheric plasmoid drops off orbs - Philippines
    UK UFO Sightings, 26th March 2010
    Witness Statement: we saw a very bright red light in the sky with small red lights falling out from it. it moves very fast in all directions. it looks like a laser but i dont think its a laser. i have a video, i uploaded it in youtube.

    There is video included here of a galactic delivery, ie a magnetospheric plasmoid is dropping off orbs in a similar manner to many previous reports. There seems to be lots more reports surfacing from around the world. This website has collated videos of sightings from around the world and from what I have seen, most reports are of bright lights and orbs, see This is an odd report by the Russians from Khujand in northern Tajikistan, Tajik boy captures UFO on mobile phone camera. Here a 9 year old gets praised for taking video of a UFO, how odd !?! I want to know why someone is not rushed onto national TV to debunk what people can see with their eyes and has been captured on video! LOL!! Another drop-off:

    Orange UFO drops cluster of white orbs over California town
    "A California witness is reporting an orange light in the sky that "dropped" smaller white lights that moved to a lower altitude and remained for several hours on March 27, 2010"

    'I want to be a ballerina': Girl, 9, stuns doctors with miraculous recovery after half her brain is removed during surgery
    Refreshing News, 26th March 2010
    Nine-year-old Cameron Mott had half her brain taken out during major surgery, but it has not stopped the youngster pursuing her dreams.

    Cameron has stunned doctors and her family with a miraculous recovery from the radical surgery and now wants to become a ballerina. The nine-year-old developed the brain disorder Rasmussen's syndrome at the age of three, which saw the disease eat away at the right side of her brain. The young girl now wants to be a ballerina

    Well, this little girl is providing more fuel to the already massive bonfire that reveals that the brain appears to be used as a receiver of information held in space and that removal of parts of the brain only serves to encourage the remaining brain to reconfigure. Decades of research means that scientists are now grudgingly accepting theories that point to higher dimensional realities. From the New Scientist 14 January 2009, Review: Where in the world is the mind? here is some extracts for non-subscribers:
    THE mind-body problem is about where the mind is located. Is it bound by the confines of our skull or does it lurk nearby, non-physically?

    The latter idea, that the mind is not literally in space but is located "near to", or even "right next to" the body - a halo-like master of ceremonies circumnavigating the head - is metaphysically weird but popular. [...]

    How a mind lacking mass, longitude and latitude could be "in" or "near" the particular body whose experiences it is supposed to have, and whose actions it is supposed to initiate, remains mysterious. [...]

    Now a few edgy cognitive scientists and philosophers, including Clark and Alva Noë, claim that both Nearby and Brainbound get the location wrong. There is a third place where the mind might roam. The theory Clark calls Extended says that the mind is in space, as all sensible naturalists claim, but is smeared over more than brain space. "Certain forms of human cognizing include inextricable tangles of feedback, feed-forward and feed-around loops: loops that promiscuously criss-cross the boundaries of brain, body and world," he writes. [...]

    The thesis of the extended mind, according to philosopher Dave Chalmers who offers a terrific introduction to Clark's book, is that "when parts of the environment are coupled with the brain in the right way, they become parts of the mind". Source:
    For discussion of the holographic brain, see The Holographic Universe.

    Dutch prisons use psychics to help prisoners contact the dead
    The Telegraph, 26th March 2010
    Paul van Bree, a self-styled "paragnost" or clairvoyant, has been hired by the Dutch prison service to teach prisoners how to "love themselves".

    "I tell them that dead relatives are doing well and that they love them. That brings them peace. Big strong men burst into tears," he said. [...] The Dutch paranormal, who describes himself as the "happy Buddha" told De Tijd magazine that he is not the only psychic healer employed by the Dutch justice ministry.

    He has claimed that by talking to both the prisoner and the prisoner's dead parents he can discover key psychological insights to help the prison authorities rehabilitate criminals.

    In the New Age world, anything goes, but the establishment paying is something else....

    Universe may have billions more stars
    The Telegraph, 25th March 2010
    Astronomers have underestimated the number of galaxies in parts of the Universe by as much as 90 per cent, according to a study, suggesting billions of stars are yet to be recorded.

    Map-makers may have missed the galaxies because surveys of the cosmos are based on a reading of ultraviolet light.

    The study by scientists at the University of Geneva observatory, reported in the journal, Nature, says the survey method is a poor indicator of distant galaxies because the light can be blocked by clouds of dust and gas. Matthew Hayes, who led the study, said: “Astronomers always knew they were missing some fraction of the galaxies ... but for the first time we now have a measurement. The number of missed galaxies is substantial.

    "If there are 10 galaxies seen, there could be a hundred there.”

    But the average person still thinks we are the only lifeform that exists? Even the Catholic Church is hosting conferences on the subject of extraterrestrial life, as a dimensional shift is clearly taking place on our planet and the existence of higher dimensional life can no longer be ignored.

    Reykjavik Iceland Volcano Webcams
    Reykjavik Info, 25th March 2010
    Early on Sunday morning (the 21st of March) eruption started at Fimmvorduhals, an area between Katla volcano and Eyjafjallajokull glacier and a popular hiking trail.

    Fear remains that the eruption at Fimmvorduhals might trigger a much larger eruption in Katla volcano. If that happens, these webcams will provide a direct view of the events. The webcams offer two different view of the volcanic area. In case of heavy clouds or bad weather the webcams might not provide a clear view. Several tour companies now offer tours to the volcanic area for those interested:

    Do not miss the video of the spectacular eruption on the 24th March! here

    Spoofing the climate of news
    The Spoof!, 25th March 2010
    A new study suggests that the IPCC is losing 10% of it's credibility mass every month, and could have completely disappeared by Christmas.

    "It's shrinking faster that we thought" said Anthony Watts the renowned skeptical blogger, who led a small team of dedicated bloggers, analysing over 10,000 news articles and blogs on the Internet. "Not one of them contained the phrase 'The IPCC is innocent'", explained Mr. Watts, "Not even their unofficial web-site" [...]

    When asked what he was currently working on, Dr. Hansen outlined his past work on eliminating the Inconvenient Warm Period -

    "What did the Vikings know? They couldn't even write, let alone submit an article to a mainstream journal. I've just proved that the last decade was the warmest since NOAA's flood, and that the Arctic saw record temperatures, using interpolated gridded data based on minimal evidence. I'm currently working on LIAR - that's Little Ice Age Redaction, and I'll show you my work in progress" he said, knocking over a bottle of correcting fluid as he reached for a large chart.

    Well, I thought it was amusing...

    Real-time Magnetosphere Simulation - 25th march 2010 15:00 UT
    NICT, 25th March 2010

    According to NOAA's Space Weather Prediction Center, no space weather storms were expected for the 25th March, but something is hitting the Earth's magnetosphere with some heavy force! What's more this plus the subsequent images created ever 20 minutes, looks like huge chunks of the magnetosphere is missing? Since these images and data are created by Japanese scientists with ACE satellite data, which I think is better than anything NASA et al. have to offer, it's clear that the Earth's cosmic defences are in a terrible state.

    The pressure images are the most bizarre I have ever seen over the two hour period following the hit captured above.

    Update 2 OK, I don't know what the hell is happening today, there must have been some serious breaches, totally amazing.... 1- Take a look! & 2- Take a look!. I hope someone does a 24 hours movie for YouTube, otherwise the movie can be downloaded directly from the NICT website on the 26th onwards.

    Neuroscientists don't believe in souls--But that doesn't mean they can't sell theirs
    Scientific American, 24th March 2010
    Of all scientific fields, neuroscience has the greatest potential for revolutionary advances, philosophical and practical.

    Someday, brain researchers may figure out how precisely the brain encodes thoughts like the ones I’m thinking now. Cracking the neural code could help solve the mind-body problem, ending millennia of pointless metaphysical chitchat. We may finally understand how brains work and why sometimes they don’t. We might even discover truly effective treatments for depression, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and dementia and chuck our current quasi-therapies. [...]

    It is because I have such high hopes for neuroscience that I’m so upset by two trends in financing of the field. One involves neuroscience’s growing dependence on the Pentagon, which is seeking new ways to help our soldiers and harm our enemies. For a still-timely overview of neuroweapons research, check out the 2006 book Mind Wars by bioethicist Jonathan Moreno of the University of Pennsylvania.

    Here we have the latest on neuroscience being used to control rather than empower. Business as usual.

    Killer icicles terrorise Russians
    Yahoo News, 24th March 2010
    SAINT PETERSBURG (AFP) – Walking along a Saint Petersburg Street immersed in music, Milana Kashtanova, became the latest victim of falling icicles and ice blocks that have killed five people and injured 147 in the city following Russia's coldest winter in 30 years.

    Kashtanova, 21, has been in a coma since February when she was hit by the ice which was being cleared from a rooftop. "Milana was just walking past a building in the city centre... There was no warning tape, nothing to alert people that people were working on the roof," Kashtanova's boyfriend, Irinei Kalachev, told AFP.

    The toll has prompted residents and relatives of victims to demand action against those responsible for what they believe to be careless clearing of ice from rooftops. "Every day, I go out into the street as if I was entering a war zone," complained resident Boris Ilinsky, 28.

    Yes, it's easy to see why Russians are less enthusiastic about there being any real global warming.

    Russian jets bomb ice-clogged rivers
    Earth Times, 24th March 2010
    Moscow - Russian military jets are waging war against an unusual enemy - ice.

    A total of 15 Sukhoi fighter planes and Mi-8 combat helicopters have been deployed to bomb ice blocking rivers in Siberia and far Eastern regions to prevent flooding, defence spokesman Vladimir Drik told the state-run Ria Nowosti news agency Wednesday.

    He said only the best pilots were being recruited for these missions, which target large waterways such as the Ob, Yenisey, Lena and Amur rivers. During thawing season, the ice sheets often get stuck, backing up water and causing some of Russia's vast rivers to flood. Removing the ice dams will allow the water to run off more quickly.

    Hmmm... More confirmation of global warming or global cooling?

    Russia's top weatherman's blow to climate change lobby as he says winter in Siberia may be COLDEST on record
    Daily Mail News, 24th March 2010
    In a new blow to the climate change lobby, Russia's top weatherman today announced that the winter now drawing to a close in Siberia may turn out to be the coldest on record.

    'The winter of 2009-10 was one of the most severe in European part of Russia for more than 30 years, and in Siberia it was perhaps the record breaking coldest ever,' said Dr Alexander Frolov, head of state meteorological service Rosgidromet.

    Statistics are still being analysed in detail, but it is known that in western Siberia the mean temperature was minus 23.2C, with more colder days than in previous years. [...]

    'When we say that this winter in Siberia was record breaking, we are aware that temperatures on some days of other years may have gone lower, but in the most recent winter the substantial cold was staying longer than usual and over larger regions than usual,' said Dmitry Kiktev, deputy head of Rosgidromet. 'There were periods of so-called "monotonous cold" when the weather was less diverse, and the cold remained strong and stable to record levels.'

    The Russians know all about real cold and if it does turns out to be the coldest winter ever recorded, then this will be a major challenge to those claiming global warming especially when it is common knowledge that global temperature statistics are routinely tampered with. The recent admission about the build up of sea ice is also worthy of note. The image of the high pressure system with the beautiful spirals is also interesting and somewhat unusual.

    Sacramento UFO sightings on the rise?
    News10, 24th March 2010
    SACRAMENTO, CA -- Are UFOs taking a closer look at Sacramento? Local groups that track possible UFO sightings said there have been several interesting sightings lately.

    According to Ben Stoecker, the contact person for the Sacramento chapter of the Mutual UFO Network, there's definitely something going on. "There's a phenomenon, or perhaps several phenomena, that we don't even begin to understand," Stoecker said. "Maybe they are Pleidians, or whatever, from another planet, or from Mars, even." [...]

    Sacramento City College astronomer Liam McDaid said he finds it difficult to understand why so many sightings are assumed to be from aliens from elsewhere in space.

    "It's probably not an alien species that's traveled x-number of light years to come here and harass us, without doing anything obvious, or overt, like landing on the White House lawn, having a beer with Obama," McDaid said. Per Stoecker, the idea of UFOs is not that difficult to imagine. He believes there may be advanced technologies, beyond human imagination, on Earth.

    "We might be dealing with paranormal phenomena - a challenge to our very notion of reality," Stoecker said. "Or with some bizarre life form. We don't know." Astronomer McDaid would like to see some hard proof.

    Heh, even American astronomers are starting to think about another lifeform and maybe we are starting to see a forced shift in sentiment. The denial has to stop, but soon it will be accompanied with embarrassment when American scientists find out that a few of their peers have been peering over the fence and keeping watch on the research in Hessdalen, Norway for the last 25 years.

    'Blue translucent discs' captured on camera over Annapolis, MD
    UFO Examiner, 24th March 2010
    A Maryland photographer captured a series of "blue translucent discs" in the night sky over Annapolis, MD, on March 19, 2010, according to testimony from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) database.

    The photographer was completing a night shoot at St. John's College after 9:15 p.m. when he took three images that included the sky. The first image showed approximately 9 objects in the sky.

    "When I enhanced the dark areas around the buildings on campus I noticed approximately 9 light blue orbs with a corona like halo around them," the witness stated. "The orbs were positioned in front and back of the end of the roof line." [...]

    The objects were now in the shape of a slightly flattened bell with a bright light blue beacon on top. Several of the objects had a slight maroon hue to them."

    Wow! It's very interesting to see more reports of the blue orbs now. Very nice!

    Maine fisherman recounts blue orbs the size of basketballs at camp ground
    Interesting report from 2006.

    Office worker stares off into space... and is the only man on Earth to see exploding comet
    Daily Mail, 24th March 2010
    An amateur stargazer has captured the moment a comet exploded in space - an event missed by the world's professional astronomers.

    Musical instrument designer Nick Howes, 40, used the internet to access an online telescope as he sat at his desk in his office. Mr Howes, of Cherhill near Calne, Wilts, logged on to a telescope in Hawaii and began staring into deep space. But he spotted a massive comet breaking up and was able to use the telescope to take photos.

    I use to wonder why there was major events were taking place in space and professional astronomers were missing them like the recent impact on Jupiter that was also spotted by an amateur astronomer, but the issue is that it's extremely busy in space and a lot to watch! Anyway, I am still in shock from discovering that there are nearly half a million 'minor planets' in our solar system. According to Wikipedia, "As of January 2010 there are 231,665 numbered minor planets, and about as many yet unnumbered." The term "minor planet" is the term used to denote the official designation for all small bodies in orbit around the Sun that used to be called asteroids. It is fairly common knowledge that some scientists think a large planet blew up in our solar system creating the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, the moons, the rings of matter, the comets, the meteors, the twin planets Pluto and Charon, and the four gas planets. However, this sheer volume might explain the difficulties of spotting rogue asteroids in our solar system that are coming our way.

    Climate Hackers Want to Write Their Own Rules
    Wired Science, 23rd March 2010
    This week, 200 scientists will gather in an attempt to determine how research into the possibilities of geoengineering the planet to combat climate change should proceed.

    They say it’s necessary because of the riskiness and scale of the experiments that could be undertaken — and the moral implications of their work to intentionally alter the Earth’s climate.

    The group is meeting at the Asilomar resort in California, a dreamy enclave a few hours south of San Francisco. The gathering intentionally harkens back to the February 1975 meeting there of molecular biologists hashing out rules to govern what was then the hot-button scientific issue of the day: recombinant DNA and the possibility of biohazards. [...]

    Organized by the Climate Response Fund, a new group created to support geoengineering, this week’s conference is self-consciously recalling its famous Asilomar predecessor: All the participants in the new conference were sent Rogers’ article.

    A conference brochure summed up the popular attitude toward its predecessor, praising it “as a landmark effort in self-regulation by the scientific community” and attributing the lack of “dangerous releases of organisms modified with recombinant DNA” to the “effectiveness of the ultimate guidelines and procedures.” It includes a black-and-white photograph of 1975 scientists meeting in the resort’s hoary chapel (above).

    So despite Climategate and the uncertainty of whether mankind has any real influence on climate change, some scientists with commercial interests want to geoengineer the planet anyway.

    UFO fever sweeps city [Ireland]
    Derry Journal, 23rd March 2010
    More 'Journal' readers have come forward to report strange goings-on in Derry's night skies. In the latest sighting a Derry man, who does not wish to be named, said he saw "a bright orange light followed by a small white dot" in the sky over Bishop Street at around 8:15pm on Saturday.

    He said the light moved at such speed and in such a fashion that it could definitely not be a plane, nor Chinese lanterns.

    "It was like nothing I have ever seen before," he told the 'Journal', " it was a baffling sight." Saturday night's sighting of strange phenomena over Derry is just the latest eyewitness account of strange phenomena in the skies.

    This is the greatest transition in the history of mankind, the merger of the physical and spiritual planes, hence 'UFO fever' will appear all over the planet and those who pretend it is not happening are fighting the aetheric tide, rather like King Canute. OK, the no. of reports is ridiculous and there are some really way out sightings, and it only emphasises that the universe has no problem with creating diversity... More reports from around the world:
    UFO buzzes Sydney - and here's the 'proof' [Australia]
    UFO spotted in Klang? [Selangor, Malaysia]
    "...UFO with blue lights circling around the sky for quite a long time."

    Chinese video gamer survives being stabbed through the head after cheating row
    Daily Mail, 23rd March 2010
    An astonishing picture has emerged that shows a teenage boy with what appears to be a 10-inch knife embedded in his skull after a row over a computer game.

    Chinese media have reported that the boy was playing the online game Counter-Strike with his friends at an internet cafe when the attack occurred. Xiao Wei, 16, of Mishazi town, in north-east China's Jilin province, even walked to the 2nd Affiliated Hospital of Jilin University with the help of his friends. [...]

    Gaming website Gamer Crave reported that the attackers had accused Wei of using a cheat code that allowed his character in the game to see through walls - making it easier to locate opponents.

    Dr Yan said it was the first time during 23 years of medical practice that he'd seen a patient remain conscious after being stabbed through the head.

    Wow! The kid gets stabbed in the head with a 10 inch knife and walks to the hospital? What is going on with gamers is amazing but even more amazing is how this person survived! After reports of other similar superhuman occurences, is there a pattern yet, probably not, but maybe we are starting to see the flip side to some of the evolutionary changes on the planet.... yes, wild speculation I know! However, this story will of great interest to neurologists who after decades of research are perplexed by how the brain works and true nature of consciousness, hence some grudging acceptance of holographic theory.

    UK launches British version of NASA
    MSNBC News, 23rd March 2010
    LONDON - Britain has opened its first space agency to coordinate all U.K. space activities and help raise the country's profile in the global space economy. Ministers say the U.K. Space Agency will allow all aspects of civilian space policy to be handled efficiently under one roof, rather than by various government departments and research councils. It also aims to make the most of the areas Britain excels in, such as satellites, telecommunications and robotics.

    Hmmm... The UK has decided to have it's own space agency too....

    Liberal Activist Says 'Cognitive' Brain Patterns Prevent Conservatives From Accepting Threat of Global Warming
    CNS News, 23rd March 2010
    Proponents of human-caused global warming claim that "cognitive" brain function prevents conservatives from accepting the science that says "climate change" is an imminent threat to planet Earth and its inhabitants.

    George Lakoff, a professor of cognitive science and linguistics at the University of California-Berkeley and author of the book "The Political Mind: A Cognitive Scientist's Guide to Your Brain and Its Politics," says his scientific research shows that how one perceives the world depends on one’s bodily experience and how one functions in the everyday world. Reason is shaped by the body, he says.

    Oh the desperation! Maybe it's those with higher brain processing and cognitive abilities that have a trouble with the false data and accepting all the lies... Like the whopper from UN's IPCC, where they claimed that the Himalayan glaciers might all melt by 2035 and 40% of the world would be in peril as they are dependent on the water suppley... Something massive is happening on a global and solar system scale, but it's got nothing to do with CO2 or global warming.

    Hen produces figure eight-shaped egg
    Ananova News, 23rd March 2010
    Mrs Dong, of Shijiazhuang, northern China's Hebei province, first suspected something unusual when she heard the hen making unusual noises one night. "I had never heard anything like it before.

    When I approached she stopped making the noise but as soon as I left she started again," she said. Mrs Dong said her neighbours had all been coming around to her home to see the egg for themselves. "The next morning, I was so surprised to find the weird-shaped egg in the hen's cage."

    Yes, China is the no. 1 place in the world for the bizarre, as the numerous abnormalities, deformities and genetic mutations increase.

    Rapid Increases in Tree Growth Found in US
    Science Daily, 22nd March 2010
    Researchers from the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute and Earthwatch met in Panama from Mar. 1-5 to present mid-term research results from the HSBC Climate Partnership, a five-year initiative to identify and respond to the impacts of climate change. The program is supported financially by HSBC and involves a global team of bank employees -- 'climate champions' -- in vital forest research. The first-ever research program of its kind has so far:
    * Found rapid increases in tree growth in the forest around the Smithsonian's Environmental Research Center (SERC) in Maryland, USA, a finding attributed to increased atmospheric carbon dioxide and longer growing seasons, published in PNAS.
    * Proposed a novel biodiversity theory relating stress and seed-size published in PNAS.
    * Examined the effects a changing climate in forests is having on white-tailed deer, mice and even mosquitoes.
    * Addressed the lack of a reliable method for estimating the carbon storage capability of secondary forests on a landscape scale by assessing how measurements from airborne LiDAR and other remote sensing technologies relate to ground-based measurements.
    * Reviewed how human disturbance changes the way forests take up carbon in diverse environments.

    There is no mention of cosmic rays here, but according to NASA, cosmic rays are at a space age high and expected to increase to new levels not seen in hundreds of years. What's more we are told that the Earth's magnetic field might be getting read to flip, but it is currently full of rifts and periodically disappears anyway (daylight side), so we lose all protection against galactic cosmic rays. It is no wonder trees are growing, see Cosmic rays speed up tree growth

    Severe hailstorm batters Perth
    WA Today, 22nd March 2010
    The biggest storm to hit Perth in 50 years has caused massive destruction across the city.

    Within a couple of hours of the storm passing through, more than 150,000 homes were without power, residents flooded Fire and Emergency Services helplines desperate for assistance, roads were underwater and traffic in some areas was at a standstill.

    Almost 100 sets of traffic lights were out and planes were stranded at both Perth airports. [...] Homes have been destroyed, with commercial property and infrastructure also damaged after the severe hail storm and 35mm of rain hit the city about 4pm today.

    It's interesting that the photo of the sky looks pink/purple... Anyway, the hailstones may have been plentiful but the biggest look to be just a bit bigger than golf ball size. It looks like we have someone in Australia protecting a tree and even managed to get struck by lightning during the storm! Tree man claims he was 'struck by lightning' in Perth's wild storms & Video: Perth, Australia in shock as month's worth of rain falls in a few hours and city is battered by golfball-sized hail

    Multiple 'red spheres' move over Hollywood, FL skies [US]
    UFO Examiner, 22nd March 2010
    Florida witnesses near Hollywood and Pembroke Pines are reporting 10 to 12 "red spheres" on March 20, 2010, moving in a "single file line" and then breaking apart, according to testimony from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) database.

    They are wondering if this was a meteor shower, but point out the objects were moving under the cloud level. "These objects were red with yellow on the bottom, at times blinking," the reporting witness stated. "There were no sounds being omitted from them, unlike when a jet airliner passes overhead at 10, 000 ft." Hollywood is a city in Broward County, population 141,740.

    The headline made me laugh, but it's Hollywood in Florida. Well, we have people in the UK who are desperately trying to maintain the facade that people have nothing better to do then let off Chinese lanterns in all weathers at all times of the day and night, all year round. People are showing absolutely no restraint and all the eye witness accounts of plasma entities that have been defined by the UK MOD as Unidentified Aerial Phenomena or by the scientific community as magnetic plasmoids commonly referred to as orbs can be ignored. Therefore the thousands of recent sightings of objects that pulsate, zig-zag in the sky with zero regard to wind conditions, display multi-dimensional characteristics, as well as hovering very close to people before zooming off and some allowing people to actually see inside the plasma cloaks in some instances, are all obviously optical illusions that have been somehow generated by a candle inside a paper and wire structure. There is one problem though, and that is these highly sophisticated Chinese lanterns are not available for purchase anywhere. Anyway, activity in the US has now finally reached a stage where there are frequent orbs sightings and they are now understood as orbs and that is important. Especially when the military and scientists are starting to speak the language of interdimensional entities. We are now on track for disclosure, but I am not sure that it will please ufologists desperate for their little green saviours. More reports from the United States:

    UFO Traffic Report: March 21, 2010
    "An Indiana witness describes a "huge flaming ball" in the sky that hovered and then dimmed, and blinked and began moving again." There is a report of a bell-shaped object that I facetiously referred to as the daleks of Dr Who fame....

    Witness says 'amber orb' defies inertia in sky west of Roswell, NM [US]
    According to scientists at Hessdalen, an orb zipped an estimated 10-15km and back again in about 30 seconds but speeds have been measured from 0 - 8km per second, that's fast!

    Disc shaped UFO craft "escorts" commercial jet - San Rafael, California [US]
    Some "critters" like trailing planes and have done so every since we have had planes in the skies, rather like birds like swooping infront of cars and boats. However, at this time, we could even speculate that some are more intelligent entities on duty. We just do not know for sure, but all talk of aliens interested in our technology or exposing us to their presence is just ridiculous. Spacetime is changing, we have no choice but to wake up and recognise the our new reality.

    Boomerang UFO caught over Sacramento foothills of California [US]
    "Apparently it's not just the balls of light that are cruising over the Sacramento areas of California. What's next?"

    Couple buys house to help neighbor stay
    UPI News, 21st March 2010
    NDIANAPOLIS, March 21 (UPI) -- An Indiana couple has purchased a neighbor's home in a tax auction -- because they say they want to help him stay in the house.

    Debbie and Clint Harrell's winning $4,272 bid at a Marion County tax sale meant neighbor Mark Reeves would not have to move out of the house, put up for sale when his landlord stopped paying property taxes on it, The Indianapolis Star reported Sunday. The Harrells decided to help Reeves despite their own financial worries. Clint Harrell lost his job at a steel company in November, and Debbie Harrell, 57, is on disability, the newspaper said. Debbie Harrell says Reeves called her in tears after the auction.

    Heart warming news and a reminder there are kind hearted compassionate people that have not been brainwashed by society or so called spiritual teachings to the extent that they consider themselves first and foremost in every situation.

    For One Tiny Instant, Physicists May Have Broken a Law of Nature
    PhysOrg, 19th March 2010
    [...] Parity was long thought to be a fundamental law of nature. It essentially states that the universe is neither right- nor left-handed — that the laws of physics remain unchanged when expressed in inverted coordinates.

    In the early 1950s it was found that the so-called weak force, which is responsible for nuclear radioactivity, breaks the parity law. However, the strong force, which holds together subatomic particles, was thought to adhere to the law of parity, at least under normal circumstances.

    Now this law appears to have been broken by a team of about a dozen particle physicists, including Jack Sandweiss, Yale's Donner Professor of Physics. Since 2000, Sandweiss has been smashing the nuclei of gold atoms together as part of the STAR experiment at RHIC, a 2.4-mile-circumference particle accelerator, to study the law of parity under the resulting extreme conditions.

    The team created something called a quark-gluon plasma — a kind of "soup" that results when energies reach high enough levels to break up protons and neutrons into their constituent quarks and gluons, the fundamental building blocks of matter. Theorists believe this kind of quark-gluon plasma, which has a temperature of four trillion degrees Celsius, existed just after the Big Bang, when the universe was only a microsecond old. The plasma "bubble" created in the collisions at RHIC lasted for a mere millionth of a billionth of a billionth of a second, yet the team hopes to use it to learn more about how structure in the universe — from black holes to galaxies — may have formed out of the soup. [..]

    Sandweiss and the team — which includes Yale physics research scientists Evan Finch, Alexei Chikanian and Richard Majka — found that quarks of a like sign moved together: Up quarks moved along the magnetic field lines, while down quarks traveled against them. That the quarks could tell the difference in directions suggested to the researchers that symmetry had been broken.

    The results were so unexpected that Sandweiss and his colleagues waited more than a year to publish them, spending that time searching for an alternative explanation.

    Since scientists don't understand magnetism and a few physicists with alternative ideas are completely shunned because the implications of new theory would jeopardise the current physics paradigm related to electromagnetism, means this result is NO surprise.

    German Satellite to Help Detect Threats to Earth
    Spiegel Online, 19th March 2010
    With a new satellite project, Germany's space agency is hoping to create an early warning system for potential asteroid strikes against the Earth. An asteroid impact may have contributed to the death of the dinosaurs, and scientists would like to be able to predict the next Earth-bound collosus before it hits. [...]

    "All of these asteroids present a potential danger to the Earth," Hallmann says. Simply by looking at standard distribution statistics, researchers suspect that there are around a thousand objects like this traveling in orbits between Earth and the sun, each of them at least 100 meters in size. Yet they only have actual knowledge of ten of these sorts of rocks in space. "We know next to nothing about asteroids between Earth and the sun," says Ekkehard Kührt, head of the Asteroids and Comets division of DLR's Institute of Planetary Research in Berlin.

    Germany has it's own space agency? Don't they trust the European Space Agency, or NASA or the Russian Space Agency? Of course not! Anyway, all the talk of Star Trek and Captain Kirk here is off-putting, but there is now too many articles that reveal a concern about asteroids being disturbed, whether they originate inside or outside our solar system, but the excuse of Nemesis, "the death star" that is causing these perturbations, just does not cut it with me. However, obviously SOMETHING is causing a problem and after years and years of denial (all the conspiracy folk talking about Niburu and Planet X are partially vindicated), our space agencies are no longer interested in the pretending that there is not turmoil in the heavens. This is all part of the biblical sized flood of electromagnetic and not so subtle deluge of energies that is coming our way, but has been poorly explained in terms of integrating science and metaphysics. Please look at the image gallery, it seems the Germans are 'impressed' or 'terrified' or both by the bizarre comet-like object with the X-shaped debris pattern that nobody wants to give a name.

    Sceptic challenges guru to kill him live on TV
    Times Online, 19th March 2010
    When a famous tantric guru boasted on television that he could kill another man using only his mystical powers, most viewers either gasped in awe or merely nodded unquestioningly. Sanal Edamaruku’s response was different. “Go on then — kill me,” he said.

    Mr Edamaruku had been invited to the same talk show as head of the Indian Rationalists’ Association — the country’s self-appointed sceptic-in-chief. At first the holy man, Pandit Surender Sharma, was reluctant, but eventually he agreed to perform a series of rituals designed to kill Mr Edamaruku live on television. Millions tuned in as the channel cancelled scheduled programming to continue broadcasting the showdown, which can still be viewed on YouTube.

    There are lots of stories of gurus being exposed at the moment and I think the era of gurus with no accountability is coming to an end.

    Documentary: 'The Portal: The Hessdalen Light Phenomenon' [2009]
    YouTube, March 2010
    Background Information: Hessdalen is a small valley in the central part of Norway. At the end of 1981 through 1984, residents of the Valley became concerned and alarmed about strange, unexplained lights that appeared at many locations throughout the Valley. Hundreds of lights were observed. At the peak of activity there were about 20 reports a week.

    Project Hessdalen was established in the summer of 1983. A field investigation was carried out between 21.January and 26.February 1984. Fifty-three light observations were made during the field investigation. In 1994, Assistant professor Erling Strand, the founder of the Hessdalen project, conducted together with assistant professor Bjørn Gitle Hauge, østfold University College Norway, the first international congress of the Hessdalen phenomena. This congress attracted 28 scientists from all over the world and boosted the scientific research in Hessdalen.

    Statements from the congress indicated that explanation of the phenomena could lead to new concepts in physics. This congress also started the collaboration between østfold University College in Norway and CNR in Italy. In 1999, Dr. Stelio Montebugnoli and assistant professor Bjørn Gitle Hauge started the EMBLA project, with the purpose of studying the electromagnetic radiation and behavior of the Hessdalen phenomena. Lights are still being observed in the Hessdalen Valley, but their frequency has decreased to about 20 observations a year.

    The Hessdalen pheomenon of what looks like a burning ball of fire is explained in part 5 of this documentary as 'magnetic field plasmoids'. This documentary was made by independent Norwegian filmakers with the cooperation of the Hessdalen Research Association. The following is the conclusions from over 25 years of research and after Italian SETI scientists got involved with much more highly sophisticated equipment.
    • The phenomenon is identified as a bright flying object with special characteristics making it unique to science.
    • The phenomenon is more complex and diverse than expected, indicating more than 1 single kind of phenomenon.
    • The phenomenon is sometimes made up of separate units that may depart and fly away.
    • The speed varies from still to 8km per second.
    • The phenomenon changes course in speeds indicating no mass by physical means.
    • The phenomenon seems to be able to take on pieces of plasma or energy from the ground whilst passing by.
    • The phenomenon seems to radiate energy due to the light and frequency change of colour.
    • Many interesting spectra in the optical and radio frequency range have been detected but more data is needed to draw proper conclusions.
    "These scientific data are quite sensational! We are dealing with a real existing phenomenon which can be observed even though this is difficult." Terje Toftenes, 2009
    For additional information, see the research paper 10 YEARS OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH OF THE HESSDALEN PHENOMENA (2004)

    China sandstorm leaves Beijing shrouded in orange dust
    BBC News, 20th March 2010
    Beijing has been shrouded in orange dust as a strong sandstorm blew hundreds of miles from drought-struck northern China to the nation's capital.

    In Tiananmen Square, clouds of dust obscured monuments, while visitors wore masks to avoid the dust and soil in windy conditions. A level five pollution warning was issued in the hazardous conditions, and people were urged to stay indoors. The storm also hit Xinjiang and Inner Mongolia, Shanxi, Shaanxi and Hebei. On Saturday it had spread over an area of 810,000 sq km with a population of 250 million, official news agency Xinhua reported.

    If there are reports of night turning to day we will know for sure that this was caused by a comet offloading. Also, Worst-ever dust storm from China hits Taiwan

    Odds Are, It's Wrong: Science fails to face the shortcomings of statistics
    Science News, 27th March 2010
    For better or for worse, science has long been married to mathematics. Generally it has been for the better. Especially since the days of Galileo and Newton, math has nurtured science. Rigorous mathematical methods have secured science’s fidelity to fact and conferred a timeless reliability to its findings.

    During the past century, though, a mutant form of math has deflected science’s heart from the modes of calculation that had long served so faithfully. Science was seduced by statistics, the math rooted in the same principles that guarantee profits for Las Vegas casinos. Supposedly, the proper use of statistics makes relying on scientific results a safe bet. But in practice, widespread misuse of statistical methods makes science more like a crapshoot.

    It’s science’s dirtiest secret: The “scientific method” of testing hypotheses by statistical analysis stands on a flimsy foundation.

    Statistical tests are supposed to guide scientists in judging whether an experimental result reflects some real effect or is merely a random fluke, but the standard methods mix mutually inconsistent philosophies and offer no meaningful basis for making such decisions. Even when performed correctly, statistical tests are widely misunderstood and frequently misinterpreted. As a result, countless conclusions in the scientific literature are erroneous, and tests of medical dangers or treatments are often contradictory and confusing.

    I will have to say that this is something of great interest to me from my days at university where as an undergraduate studying Physics for two years and then majoring in Geophysics, we were told how to interpret data. I remember being completely shocked being told that I could ignore a certain percentage of results that did not fit a straight line correlation. My immediate thought was: WHY would the anomalous data points be wrong, maybe they are telling us something? Quite frankly, at that point I realised that there was something very wrong with how science interpretes data. What's more, I will give you an example of how statistics can be completely useless. Not that long ago, pharmaceutical companies only tested new drugs on men because women and their hormones complicated their testing procedures. This means that whatever "proof" of efficacy was generated, it was completely useless for half the population, however this was and is still not seen as being a problem. Go figure! "Until 1993, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulations excluded "women of childbearing age" from participating in clinical trial phases for new drugs, which meant that pharmaceutical companies often only tested on men [source: Toomey]. As a result, many painkiller formulations and dosages were developed based on the male body's pain response." Google search for more information, drug "only tested on men" However, if you do this google search, the small number of results still imply that most drug testing is still being carried out on men and I really can't understand why women think this is OK, I think it's barbaric.

    Old folk start to complain - Great Lumley, County Durham [UK]
    UK UFO Sightings, 19th March 2010
    Location of Sighting: Great Lumley County Durham
    Date of Sighting: 14th March 2010, Time: 19:40, Witness Name: Paul Thompson Witness Statement: Travelling by car from Chester le Street to Great Lumley, I first saw two orange lights in the sky above Lumley Castle and assumed them to be something from a celebration being held there.

    Arriving at my home, I was surprised to see a line of these orange lights in the sky, travelling West to East, fairly equally spaced and moving at constant speed. I thought of chinese lanterns and immediately dismissed the idea because of the track, speed and uniformity of movement.

    I thought of aircraft of some sort, but there was no noise at all. I watched the seven or eight orange points of light move across the sky and called my wife to witness the phenomenon. Then, when they had all moved westwards and out of sight, I noticed a single orange light approaching from the west, some way behind the others. I rushed indoors and got my binoculars (Pentax 10×50) and studied the object for some time. It was hard to view with the binoculars, as if it were a star and I concluded that this object was well outside the atmosphere of the earth. I checked the local news and looked on AOL. I then phoned Durham Police and reported this sighting. I am a retired primary school head teacher and I do not believe in UFOs. I am 64 years old and I have never seen anything like this.

    I have been wondering when the old folks are going to start complaining. Maybe someone will attempt to go on UK X-Factor and do a Pants on the ground, but instead sing Fire in the sky! LOL!!!!!

    A couple watch glowing orange orb hovering nearby and then flying erratically - Sutton Coldfield, Birmingham [UK]
    UK UFO Sightings, 19th March 2010

    Location of Sighting: Sutton Coldfield, Birmingham, UK
    Date of Sighting: 14/03/2010, Time: 22.30

    Witness Statement: Driving down Penns Lane I noticed what can only be described as a glowing orange orb out of the passenger side window and quickly got my girlfriends attention. It was hovering in the sky above some houses and we were that amazed by it that we pulled over and got out of the van. The object hovered for another minute and then moved slowly east whilst speeding up and then slowing down again. All of a sudden it sharply changed direction and was heading south. Within 3-4 minutes it was almost out of sight in the far distance.

    The UK UFO sightings website is now back in operation and of course, orange orbs are still appearing, some very close to people with behaviour that rules out Chinese lanterns. There are lots of similar reports

    Jet / UFO Chase over Australia Caught on Video
    UFO Casebook, 18th March 2010
    Copy: Published: 5:36 PM 3/18/2010, Australia - 03-18-10
    Here is the statement that accompanied the video footage.

    At just after 1 o'clock Thursday 18 March, as I was editing at my computer, a sound of a jet alerted me to grab my camera and video the following footage from my verandah.

    The RAAF jet heading westward toward Singleton, flying low over the river was caught on video for 13 seconds, as I looked up from losing the jet from view to the trees I caught sight of the following entities traversing from north to south in the western sky.

    As videoing it I assume it sighted the RAAF jet and faded, then "blinked out" as seen on this video. The units were not sighted again as searching the sky for the next 20 minutes, I failed to sight either of them again.

    The DoD acknowledged aircraft in the location, but would not comment as to their activity in regard to the UFO / Dimensional Entities sighting, radar detection or any other information I requested.

    Since then a radio interview on Sydney 2sm station with Graeme Gilbert was carried out, the local Mercury Newspaper has the story coming out tomorrow, and TV stations have preview stills and I'm awaiting confirmation from them.

    If this report is correct it means that the Australian military have also started to point that these sightings are "UFO / Dimensional Entities". However, I would prefer to see a direct quote and check whether they actually used the more correct term "Unidentified Aerial Phenomena". I cannot understand how people can claim that something that clearly looks like a bubble of plasma could be a "UFO". Everything has consciousness but quite frankly, we can't assume that as plasma is the building blocks of the universe, everthing we see is going to be some superintelligence, especially when our planet is surrounded by plasma and it seems that more examples of plasma manifestation are leaking through into our skies. Here, a direct comparison can be made with the Ring Nebula, for other similar oval or bubble nebulas see google. The headline is an attention grabber for people who are desperate to claim that every strange manifestation in the skies is a UFO spacecraft with occupants. For more plasma in the skies showing double layers, see

    Horseshoe-shaped formation over Texas

    Cosmic Rays may be Causing Unintended Acceleration in Toyotas
    US News, 17th March 2010
    Like a story line straight out of a George Lucas film, reports are surfacing that cosmic rays may be responsible for the dangerous cases of unintended acceleration that have spurred the recall of millions of Toyota vehicles.

    “Before you dismiss the cosmic ray theory, consider that the issue has been known since the 1950s, and airplane and spacecraft manufacturers design in safeguards that triple-check all data as a defense from such interference from space,” writes Autoblog. “Later, in the 1970s, researchers found that small amounts of this radiation does indeed make it down to the surface and can cause problems with small electronics like cell phones and computers.”

    The possibility was brought to light by a “concerned scientist” who sent an email to the National Highway Traffic Administration (NHTSA). The message, which is published in full on Jalopnik, reads:
    “For reasons I am unable to disclose, I am anonymously submitting several publically available scientific papers that discuss the possibility of cosmic rays disrupting electronics at sea level, essentially flipping a bit from one to zero, or vice versa.

    This phenomenon is a ‘soft’ error that is not detectable except through redundant electronic and communication systems. The scientific community refers to such occurrences as ‘Single Event Upsets,’ or SEUs.”

    The scientist goes on to state, “The reason SEUs are now relevant to the automotive industry is because electronics have gotten smaller and the required voltage levels have dropped significantly, therefore making electronics more susceptible to cosmic radiation…”
    [...] Still, the NHTSA is taking the tip seriously -- adding the anonymous email to its investigation case file.

    Well, so now the effects of Earth losing it's protection against galactic cosmic rays is becoming obvious to some. People are no longer safe in cars that are controlled by electronics, especially if they live in high altitudes. It looks like space weather will soon become front page news when people realise that it's not just electronics that are being fried.

    Weather balloon data backs up missing decline found in old magazine
    WUWT News, 18th March 2010
    Jo Nova has more from Frank Lansner on what older records, this time from weather balloons, tell us about recent adjustments to the temperature record. WUWT readers may recall Rewriting the decline where the graph from National Geographic below raises some questions about temperature graphs today.

    I am sure that people have been looking at old research papers and scratching their heads for years, but the difference now is that the mainstream press are picking up info from blogs and reporting thats all. Follow up: More on the National Geographic Decline

    Chaos on carbon market over ‘recycled’ permits
    Times Online, 18th March 2010
    EUROPE'S emissions trading system was in uproar yesterday amid a mounting scandal over "recycled" carbon permits.

    Two carbon exchanges were forced to suspend trading as panic hit investors fearful that they had bought invalid permits. BlueNext and Nord Pool, the French and Nordic exchanges, suspended trading in certificates of emission reduction (CERs) when it emerged that some had been illegally reused. Concern that used and worthless permits were circulating caused the spot price of the certificates to collapse, from €12 ($17.87) a tonne of carbon to less than €1.

    The scare erupted after Hungary said last week that it had sold two million CERs submitted by Hungarian companies to satisfy their carbon emission allowances under the EU's emission trading system (ETS). Carbon permits submitted by companies every year to the national register are usually cancelled.

    True Greens realised that carbon trading had nothing to do with saving the Earth and carbon trading was just the excuse for the next big stock market boom and bust (scam), but it looks like it has busted prematurely. Countries know it's a scam, designed by scammers to benefit scammers, that's all.

    Planck Sees Tapestry Of Cold Dust
    Space Daily, 18th March 2010
    Giant filaments of cold dust stretching through our Galaxy are revealed in a new image from ESA's Planck satellite. Analysing these structures could help to determine the forces that shape our Galaxy and trigger star formation.

    Planck is principally designed to study the biggest mysteries of cosmology. How did the Universe form? How did the galaxies form? This new image extends the range of its investigations into the cold dust structures of our own Galaxy. The image shows the filamentary structure of dust in the solar neighbourhood - within about 500 light-years of the Sun. [...]

    There are many forces at work in the Galaxy to help shape the molecular clouds and cirrus into these filamentary patterns. For example, on large scales the Galaxy rotates, creating spiral patterns of stars, dust, and gas. Gravity exerts an important influence, pulling on the dust and gas. Radiation and particle jets from stars push the dust and gas around, and magnetic fields also play a role, although to what extent is presently unclear. [...] One puzzle to be solved is why there is similar filamentary structure on both the large and the small scale. "That's a big question," says Tauber.

    The Universe is best explained when we understand that the electromagnetic force rules the universe. Space is not empty it is filled with dust and plasma, charged sub-atomic particles that is mostly influenced by the electromagnetic force. Plasma displays the same properties at scales from the microscopic to the macroscopic, over a trilllion fold. Plasma cosmologists have no difficulty proving this point, as plasma physicists reveal the electromagnetic force, determined by the mass to charge ratio for sub-atomic particles e.g. the repulsive force between two protons, is 36 orders of magnetitude (1036) larger than the force of gravitational attraction and the repulsive force between two electrons is 42 orders of magnetitude (1042) larger than the force of gravitational attraction.

    Italian UFOs on the radar
    De Void Blog Herald Tribune, 17th March 2010
    How’s your Italian? De Void can say “ciao” and “that’s amore!” and that’s about it. So De Void isn’t quite sure what happened in Rome on Monday. But did Italy just become the latest government to dump its UFO reports online?

    Thanks to a post from Norway’s Alfred Rosberg, it appears as if one Col. Marco Picciau, a security boss for the Italian Air Force, did some major media two days ago to publicize its own UFO — or OVNI — puzzle. A rough reading from its official Web site indicates the Italian military has been collecting UFO reports since 1978.

    If Italy’s declassified UFO archives are now open to public scrutiny, De Void’s just flat-out lost count of how many countries that makes now: the UK, Brazil, France, Denmark, Uruguay, Canada, etc. Which is kinda weird, like March Madness without the top seed, but hey, American exceptionalism still rocks.

    The article says it all really, the "dumping" of UFO files by yet another country, surely must provoke a few more folk to wonder: what is going on? All UFO websites that allow the public to log sightings have noted a huge increase in reports! There is also a possibility that these are just military files and NOT government files.

    UFO sightings reported live on radio (Ireland)
    Sacramento UFO Examiner, 17th March 2010
    Can you imagine if every country had a live UFO sighting radio station? You can bet that the phones would be ringing off the hook all night long. Wouldn't that be wild if no matter where you are you could tune into real time UFO sighting and reports.

    The reports from many who experience a sighting often accompanying their descriptions with a euphoric type connection with the object or entity which is something that can not be captured on camera but can be better relayed on a live radio broadcast while the event was occurring. Perhaps this would be an event that could be felt within all listeners while in the moment. WOW, for thought. The following incident was reported to UFO Casebook, Disclose TV and a few others.

    A Night of UFO Sightings over Ireland Reported Live on Radio.. It seems that some strange things were happening here in Ireland on February 17. Many people throughout Ireland reported seeing flashing lights of different colors in the night sky. There were power outages, and animals acting weird. Many of these people were reporting the events live on Irish radio station i102-104. You can hear how the night played out on their podcast.

    It's getting crazy out there, flashing and bright lights! Irish freaked out! Podcast 55 mins!

    Vatican investigates Bosnia 'apparition' of Virgin Mary
    BBC News, 17th March 2010
    The Vatican has announced a commission to investigate claims that the Virgin Mary appears on a daily basis in a town in Bosnia-Hercegovina.

    Six children first reported the apparition in the town of Medjugorje in June 1981. However, the sightings have not yet received official recognition from the Catholic Church. The 20-strong commission will report to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, the top doctrinal body. For almost 30 years, the Virgin Mary has been said to appear daily in Medjugorje, dressed sometimes in a grey dress and veil and sometimes in gold, crowned with stars and floating on a cloud.

    The Vatican has a problem with these apparitions, as we know they are trying to suppress all evidence of the supernatural, unless its suits them. I am seriously wondering whether we are seeing the appearance of more thoughtforms after millions of people have focused their mental energies and this then takes on a life of it's own. The latest image of Jesus in a frying pan is one of many many examples in recent years. If you think of the aether as a computer hard disk that can be formatted and written upon by people's thoughts, the data cannot be removed until the aether is literally reformatted and I think that time is very near but we don't understand the full implications of what this would mean. Meanwhile, the massive increase in energies on the planet is just creating chaos and things from higher dimensions are bleeding through on a regular basis and hence all the many different paranormal manifestations that are just commonplace. In terms of the storage of energy being referred to as 'akashic records', shamans make a comparison with video and these repeat appearances are like a video recording that is being replayed over and over again.

    Unlocking the Secrets of Jupiter's Giant Red Spot
    Daily Galaxy, 17th March 2010
    The observations reveal that the reddest color of the Great Red Spot corresponds to a warm core within the otherwise cold storm system, and images show dark lanes at the edge of the storm where gases are descending into the deeper regions of the planet. These types of data, detailed in a paper appearing in the journal Icarus, give scientists a sense of the circulation patterns within the solar system's best-known storm system.

    "This is our first detailed look inside the biggest storm of the solar system," said Glenn Orton, a senior research scientist at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif., who was one of the authors of the paper. "We once thought the Great Red Spot was a plain old oval without much structure, but these new results show that it is, in fact, extremely complicated."

    Sky gazers have been observing the Great Red Spot in one form or another for hundreds of years, with continuous observations of its current shape dating back to the 19th century. The spot, which is a cold region averaging about 110 Kelvin (minus 260 degrees Fahrenheit) is so wide about three Earths could fit inside its boundaries.

    Hmmm... So, scientists are telling us that they have never been able to peer into the largest permanent 'storm' in our solar system on Jupiter, which they have been watching for hundreds of years, but we have details of the galactic center which is 150 thousand trillion, or 150 million billion, or 150 thousand million million, or about 150,000,000,000,000,000 in the direction of the constellation Sagittarius or 150 quadrillion miles away? Well, the main point about watching the planets in our solar system is that we are seeing rapid changes that some have been bold enough to tell us signify "global warming" but would be better explained in terms of energy driven evolutionary change.

    James Ray Death Lodge: autopsy results
    Speculative Examiner, 17th March 2010
    copy: The Death Lodge autopsy results are pretty much exactly what we expected - cooked to death by James Ray.

    Liz Neuman's report said "multi-system organ failure due to hyperthermia" which basicallly means it was too hot for her internal organs to function. The report notes she had a history of loss of consciousness in a "sweat lodge" ceremony as well as a history of multi-system organ failure, which to me sounds like James Ray may have tried to cook her to death before.

    James Shore's report says the cause of death was heatstroke. It also mentions some kind of heart disease, but it doesn't sound like that was a factor in the cause to me (although I'm not a doctor or anything).

    Kirby Brown was also found to have died due to heatstroke, but the report did not note any complicating conditions at all. The reports also state that she and James Shore were essentially dead on arrival. If you remember from previous reports they were alive right up until the end of the Death Lodge and may have survived if they had been pulled out immediately instead of twenty minutes (or so) later by the Mercers.

    Please remember that the Lakota Indians have filed a lawsuit against James Ray, for inpersonating an Indian and breaking the peace between the United States and the Lakota Indians. This was not a sweat lodge this was a death trap and as the copious testimonies of people involved reveal, it was expected that people would get ill and the disclaimers they all signed (see below) assumed that some might even die. This event will become a major case study for students studying the abuse of power, meanwhile in the last few days, JR has been tweeting about Alice in Wonderland, so I can't understand why his mental health has not been checked.

    James Arthur Ray trial to take 3 to 4 months
    "Finally, the judge advised Ray that he "does have to appear during the trial, you understand that Mr. Ray?"
    Is this strange or what? Does this mean that James Ray was hoping to avoid attending his own trial?

    James Ray General Release Form source & copy

    In consideration of being permitted to participate in the World Wealth Summit event (the “Event”) and being granted access to the premises where the Event will be conducted, and for other good and valuable consideration, I agree to release, waive and discharge James Ray International, Inc. (the “Company”), its principals, directors, shareholders, employees, agents, promoters, independent contractors, sponsors, volunteer assistants, associated coaches, and others associated with the Company, or any of them (the “Releasees”), from all liability to the undersigned for any loss or damage, and any claim or demands therefore on account of injury to the undersigned’s person (whether physical, emotional, psychological, financial or otherwise) or property or resulting in death, whether caused by the negligence of the Releasees or otherwise, relating to the Event, whether sustained during the Event or not.
    I wonder how many people bothered to read this disclaimer, but James Ray KNEW that people could die at his 'Wealth' Seminars and made sure he was not liable. Hence, it seems that the Lakota Indians might have a better chance of a successful prosecution against James Ray, but we will have to see.

    Strange lights prompt UFO sighting appeal in Dundalk [South Africa ]
    Dundalk Democrat, 17th March 2010
    A DUNDALK mother has appealed for witnesses to a potential UFO sighting near her home in Bay Estate on Sunday March 7.

    Kelsi Adams from Willowdale contacted The Dundalk Democrat last week after spotting a strange light in the sky that she claims spooked her children. [...]

    "We watched from our home in Bay Estate, a light which was orange and quite large, more like a ball of fuzzy light or something on fire, travel up from the back of the houses facing us beside the school. "It went quite high in the sky but remained in one place for a few minutes in between both rows of houses, where the light started to get smaller until it dissapeared completely.

    "About ten minutes later, another light exactly the same travelled the same path, went directly to the same position in the sky and grew smaller until it dissapeared. This was between 7pm and 8pm."

    So, is this witness telling us that "fuzzy lights" were coming out of the ground before dissapearing just like Naga Fireballs? That is interesting! If you check archives, reports of balls of light appearing to come out of the ground are not that common (but those seen are either associated with earthquakes or mountainous regions) and what's more, there is NO tradition of Chinese lanterns in South Africa either. A few more eye witness reports amongst many:

    United Kingdom:

    Two orange globes filmed over east of Barnsley, South Yorkshire, England [UK]
    "I turned and looked up I saw one large orange/red glowing ball slowly moving west to east about the height of a fairly low flying police helicopter."

    Glowing Golden Ball Of Fire Over Nottingham UK

    Are these UFOs over Norwich?
    "...two strands of light coming down from discs in the middle of the shot."
    Could this be another jelly-fish type UAP? Poor quality picture.

    Bright Orange Glowing Object Seen From Moffat Mills To Chapelhall UK

    More strange lights and shapes seen in sky - MABLETHORPE [UK]
    "...what he witnessed was 'beyond belief'. He said: "There were four ultra bright orange lights moving silently along in the sky at around 10.45pm on Tuesday night. "What I saw were definitely not planes, Chinese lanterns, shooting stars, Meridian lights or anything else easily explainable. One looked like a massive pantomime star with shards of light coming off it, and this wasn't just a reflection of light in the juice of my eyes. "A friend of mine also saw them, we've seen flying lanterns before but these were not them."

    Orange UFOs Make Wild Maneuvers Over Upholland Wigan Lancashire UK

    United States & Canada:

    V Formation Over Stevenson In Oshawa Ontario [Canada]
    ...about 8-10 points on each side. I thought right away when looking up, that they were Canadian Geese. I could not hear a sound above and watched it for maybe all 15-20 seconds heading away. ...If they were Geese, I heard no honking at all-just silence. Not to mention the tone of color [orangey] being odd.

    Special Report - Mass Sighting in Seattle, Washington Area [US]
    Several Groups of Witness See Anomalous Lights in Night Sky : "Several us who live in Mill Park Condos in edmonds saw them. There were dozens of them traveling from south to north in groups of 3 or four. When they passed over head you could hear a faint humming. But after being directly overhead they would "flame-out". The pattern of the light was indicative of flame. At least one when directly overhead flamed out and you could see a dark mass moving. It lasted for maybe 20 minutes non-stop. They were all the same size and speed. It was a Star Trek moment."

    Several balls of light hovering in sky over austin texas [US]
    Comment here by Kelly Franklin: “Never believe anything until it’s officially denied.” LOL!!

    Lights over Lake Erie NEW 3/18/10
    Filmed at 7am on 3/18/2010 from Walnut Beach in Ashtabula, Ohio near the breakwall. Roughly 60 miles east of Cleveland, Ohio. Mysterious flying object over near Lake Erie that moves extremely slow over the course of about 5 minutes, then mysteriously disappears." Please note that about 1:54, another UAP streaks across the screen. Warning: a little bit of swearing.

    California witnesses watch triangle UFO formation react to ground light
    "Paula beamed her high powered laser light up into the sky next to it. When she did it came straight towards us and flew right over us. It looked like a cluster of twinkling amber lights, then when it passed us it looked like a triangle craft. It had four amber lights in a row across the back and norrowed to one red light in the front."
    Watching orbs will become a cheap but interesting hobby for many people...

    Thin curved UFO over Victoria, British Columbia, Canada " the sky in there was what I thought to be a flying V of geese in at a weird angle, but I kept looking and they weren't moving."

    Michigan sky watch group spots UFOs [orange lights ]after remote cabin incident

    "...a bright orange light appeared about the treeline roughly 5-7 miles away. The lights were very large even for that distance. At first we thought it was a firework display but there was no bursting of light. This was followed by two bright orange lights and then finally three in a boomerang shape which appeared to turn away from us and go back below the treeline. The objects appeared to come from the ground up each time." Interesting report.

    Yakima UFO Sightings – Balls Of Light
    Discovery Channel documentary clip [4 :26]


    Orange glowing object over Lusk, Dublin City, Ireland
    "It seemed to be a lot lower than a plane, but instead of the red or white flashing lights, there was a warm orange glow, that seemed to pulse a bit."

    Video: Massive UFO Sightings (White Orbs)In Hawaii! 11th February 2010

    Video: UAP (Planckton type) Norway 7th February 2010

    Mystery lights 'not meteor shower' [Ireland]
    Derry Journal, 16th March 2010
    The mystery lights spotted in the night skies above Derry could not have been a meteor shower, a further eyewitness has claimed.

    Last week, the 'Journal' reported that the unidentified lights - spotted over Derry in the early hours of March 7 - were part of a suspected meteor shower. Local man Niall Smith said he had been left mesmerised by the six objects which he said "were bright orange almost red, like balls of flames burning with a tail behind them."

    Armagh Planetarium confirmed the presence of at least one meteor - a fragment of cosmic debris entering the earth's atmosphere at extremely high speed - over the North West on the evening the lights were seen. But a new eyewitness account has now challenged that explanation. Derry man Phil McGerigal says he, too, saw the lights at around 12.45am last Sunday morning. He says as many as ten objects lit up the night sky.

    "There were ten of the lights moving very slowly, two groups of four and two single ones. " I saw no tails and believe they were moving too slowly to be meteors. "They were not meteors, they were moving way, way too slowly," he said.

    I picked up this report (see below) and queried whether they were really UAPs and it seems that we have a witness who has confirmed my suspicions. So this is yet another report of these in the 'fireballs' appearing in swarms with characteristics that suggest that they are a plasma phenomena . Again, the image used comes from images taken in Scotland, May 2009 when 16 balls of fire were seen and caused "UFO Fever". I note the so-called 'authoritative' comment about Chinese lanterns but reports of huge balls of fire appearing above people's heads and cutting out electronics before zooming off are still being called Chinese lanterns.
    Oh, to be a ball of light, floating silently in the night!

    Judge issues orders in sweat lodge case
    WKBT News, 16th March 2010
    CAMP VERDE, Ariz. (AP) - A Yavapai County judge Tuesday morning ordered that autopsy photos of 3 people who died following a sweat lodge ceremony be withheld.

    Superior Court Judge Warren Darrow also ordered that only the first and last pages of the autopsy reports may be released. The judge set a trial date of Aug. 31 for motivational speaker James Arthur Ray. He's accused of leading a sweat lodge ceremony near Sedona that resulted in the deaths of 3 people last October. Eighteen others were hospitalized with illnesses ranging from dehydration to kidney disease. Ray has pleaded not guilty to three counts of manslaughter stemming from the deaths.

    I have spent a lot of time on Rick Ross's Cult Education Forum and I think I will be eternally grateful for the information I have gleaned but at the same time it is extremely worrisome. I have just been watching a recommended BBC documentary "The Century Of The Self". The following are my notes from part 4.
    TV programmers use certain types of TV programs as "ground bait" to get people to watch programs directly afterwards that are used to get certain messages across to the public. Politics is used to appeal to the selfish, greedy aspects of human nature and emotional, isolated individuals. Denial of compassion has been sanctioned and made respectable. If people choose to be homeless, having no compassion can be respected. Politics must appeal to self interest. Public psychology comes up with candidates that appealed to individual's desires. Politicians must appeal to personal consumer whims! Appealing to people's desires -- self-interested individuals and pandering to primitive desires -- unconscious desires -- the politics of the self -- fulfilling inner needs and desires. Consumerism -- illusion of control whilst the 'responsible' elite continue to manage society. People's desires are in charge! Freud: primitive unconscious desires, focus groups -- whims but people are contradictory and irrational! Consumer democracy does not work, there is a problem of selfish instant driven individuals. The public are passive consumers and what is being delivered is essentially doggie treats!
    Now, James Ray killed 3 people in his "Harmonic Wealth Seminar". He had attempted to go deep into people's unconscious selves in an attempt to reprogram them and set himself up as their God and he planned that they would continue to be his followers. How he was allowed get so close can be explained by the mass programming of society that is encourages people to be revere wealth and self-interest is good, as this documentary clearly reveals. What's more we can compare this to what is going on in the New Age movement and the mantra of "The Law of Attraction". You don't need to be that intelligent to see that some New Age philosophy is focused on supposedly teaching people how to fulfill their desires and the lack of compassion has been sanctioned by using karma to blame victims for "attracting" circumstances into their life, however bad. So whilst people are busy "attracting", the whole frigging world is changing and some haven't even noticed and some don't even care! The message of the documentary that business focused on giving people what they wanted and this mentality spread into other areas of people's beliefs like politics is really quite frightening because the evidence is clear that how people sell spirituality and perceive being spiritual has also been perverted. If you don't appeal to self-interested individuals you will get nowhere, that's a sweeping statement, but I don't have evidence to disagree with it yet but I find that thought really scary, but it explains a lot of what is going on. The judge has set a date for trial, it will be very interesting to see what the mainstream media do with the information from the prosecution case.

    Activation of Pyramids: beam of light coming out of ChiChen Itza
    GLP Forum, 15th March 2010
    This picture was taken by a tourist in Chichen Itza. A Salvadorian man wanted to photograph his daughters with the Pyramid of Kukulcan as a background. He said a thunderstorm was about to start and wanted to capture a lighting bolt over the pyramid.

    He took three pictures with an interval of 15 sec. (what it takes to save them into his camera). He saw a light, thought it was a lighting bolt and checked immediately to see if he really caught it. To his surprise the light he captured was not part of the thunderstorm. It was a beam of light coming out of the top of the Pyramid dedicated to the Feathered Serpent God. He was so excited that he showed the picture to all the people around including a Maya priest who asked him to keep the picture hidden from the public. But another tourist there convinced them to show it to the famous TV star Jaime Maussan.

    We are seeing the true function of pyramids – balancing aetheric energies – incredible! I assume the text here is a translation of Spanish as the story is being told by Jaime Maussan. Here is the YouTube link CHICHEN ITZA MISTERIOSO RAYO DE LUZ QUE SALIO DE LA PIRAMIDE Well, I am quite excited, but at the same time I wonder if anyone predicted that we would see pyramids at work balancing energies. This kind of discharge can be also see on pointy mountain tops and in experiments with pyramids. There is a picture in my book of a helical discharge coming from a pyramid experiment in my book, Tuning the Diamonds: Electromagnetism & Spiritual Evolution.

    Further Comment:
    Well, as time passes things just get more surreal. There are a few people who are very clued up about what is happening but not the people you would expect and others pushing their ideas that are way off. Of course, the majority are totally unaware of what is going on in the heavens and the impact on Earth, but the more I integrate information, the more I understand WHY people were encouraged to work on their energy fields. I think I have provided enough information or leads for people to work out the seriousness of the situation.

    Fireball streaking across sky alarmed witnesses
    WLBT News, 15th March 2010
    JACKSON, MS (WLBT) – A bizarre daytime occurrence had the phones ringing in WLBT's newsroom Sunday. Viewers calling with wide spread reports of mysterious fireballs in the sky and loud booms baffled state agencies and eye witnesses alike.

    "It didn't last but maybe three or four seconds, and it was gone," said Phoronia Coring. She was driving north from Tylertown Sunday afternoon when something strange in the sky caught her eye.

    "I looked sort of to the east of 55 and it was just this fire ball that was falling out of the sky and it made you think of a falling star expect during the day, and it was just bright red," said Coring. The Madison resident said it was around 1:45 p.m. while in traffic on I-55 in Brookhaven when she saw it. Then she said a smoke trail lingered in the sky for about 15 minutes.

    We are seeing more reports of red fireballs and I am wondering why. Maybe it's not a fireball, what if it's a fiery UAP? See Derry Journal article above.

    Orb spotted following airliner over Lakeway,Texas [US]
    Examiner News, 15th March 2010
    TX, March 9, 2010 - Saw an orb following a SW Airliner. It slowed down and veered right another orb appeared and they flew away together as if in formation. MUFON Case # 22298.

    Last Tuesday, at approximately 3:50 pm in Lakeway, TX (30°22'24" N, 97°58'37" W) I was leaving my house to run up to the store. Right as I was opening my car door I had the urge to look up. I think the Suns reflection off of the plane or the orb itself may have flashed and caught my peripheral.

    Anyway I looked up and noticed a SW Airline plane at 30° NE heading West (roughly over Lake Travis). I noticed a bright white orb on its trail. The sky was completely clear and sunny out. I had to take my sunglasses off to make sure what I was seeing was not a reflection.

    Not less than 30 seconds later, the orb slowed to almost a complete stop and veered 5° NE as the plane continued its heading. As the orb came out of its turn, another orb came out of nowhere (possibly from the right of just appeared). The 2 orbs then proceeded to converge toward each other stopping at what appeared to be a side by side flight formation. They continued on heading north while climbing altitude until they slowly vanished.

    Orbs, Orbs, Orbs! It really makes you wonder when these ufologists are going to GET IT! The orbs are a plasma phenomena made of the 4th state of matter, sub-atomic units of charged particles which make up 99.999% of the visible universe. What's more, they are NOT going away, the veil has lifted! Some of these orbs have a critter mentality and love trailing airplanes, people will just have to get use to this! See UAP Index for more information.

    Chile plunged into darkness by power cut
    BBC News, 15th March 2010
    A massive power failure has plunged quake-hit Chile into darkness, stretching 2,000km (1,250 miles) and affecting up to 90% of the population.

    In Santiago thousands were evacuated from the Metro and the failure affected a benefit concert for quake victims. Power went out at 2050 (2350 GMT) on Sunday, when a key transformer failed, and began to return after an hour. Chile's infrastructure was devastated by the quake on 27 February that killed about 500 and cost up to $30bn (£20bn).

    [...] The operators of the electricity grid said the blackout was caused by the failure of a high-voltage transformer about 700km south of the capital. Officials said the blackout was not directly related to the earthquake

    We were expecting the arrival of CMEs from the stream of comets that hit the sun a few days ago, see Four Comets Have Impacted the Sun In Just 48 Hours Causing Huge "Outburst" on Sun. I imagine that Chile's defenses are down too, YouTube videso have again revealed quakes lights that happened prior to the Chilean 8.8 earhquake and at the moment, I can only speculate that the release of energies has caused some damage. Of course, people's energy fields are being flash fried by these huge releases of energy but very few understand the message of the need to protect the human energy field whilst all this ultra low frequency energies are being released. Note: At the moment, the GLP forum seems to be the hottest place on the web for rapid notification, discussion and analysis about space weather related info but it is noted for being a conspiracy website, where the ignorant and stupid are not stopped from making a contribution.

    Psychopaths' Brains Wired to Seek Rewards, No Matter the Consequences
    Science Daily, 15th March 2010
    The brains of psychopaths appear to be wired to keep seeking a reward at any cost, new research from Vanderbilt University finds. The research uncovers the role of the brain's reward system in psychopathy and opens a new area of study for understanding what drives these individuals. [...]

    Study volunteers were given a personality test to determine their level of psychopathic traits. These traits exist on a spectrum, with violent criminals falling at the extreme end of the spectrum. However, a normally functioning person can also have the traits, which include manipulativeness, egocentricity, aggression and risk taking.

    As part of my own healing plan, I have had to study psychology to understand the seemingly strange and bizarre behaviour of people that have sought to hurt me in the past. First I studied Spiral Dynamics and worked out where I was on the Spiral of evolution (actually, I was rated independently for a course and then I studied later and agreed) and then I realised the discrepancy with people I had got involved with, that was enlightening. However, the real deal came when I started to study the traits of sociopaths, psychopaths, malignant narcissists and predators, especially in relation to cults and cult personalities. The death of three followers of James Ray and his use of persuasion techniques combined with hypnosis was a complete eye-opener. I had come across people who continuously lied but these people are 2nd or even 3rd rate when it comes to carrying out their sociopathic tendencies. I am still learning, so I was shocked last week to find out about another New Age compulsive liar that can be compared to a Walter Mitty character. What gets me is: are there schools for wannabe gurus to teach them how to create bait to lure their victims? About a month ago, I felt that something had changed in my psyche, some kind of spiritual growing up, but I think it's ongoing. I think it's realising that it's very easy to throw the baby out with the bathwater with these frauds because they often start off with something good and then corrupt it. Keeping yourself continuously aware of the distinction between the truth and lies is an arduous task and I think it involves a new way of thinking.

    NASA Baffled by Giant Space Ribbon
    Louis Ville Mojo, 14th March 2010
    It sounds like something out of Star Trek, but it's all too real: a few months ago NASA's IBEX (Interstellar Boundary Explorer) spacecraft discovered a giant ribbon of atomic particles floating at the edge of our solar system.

    Nothing like the space ribbon has ever been seen before, and when NASA scientists first saw the data, they were stunned. As they double-checked the data and determined that the readings were in not in error, and as they realized the immense size of what they were beholding, they may well have had the same creeping sense of horror and awe as when it gradually dawned on the cast of Star Wars that they were seeing the Death Star. NASA found itself in the nervous position of having to publicly admit that there was something huge, radioactive and invisible out there, right by our own solar system, and we have no clue what it's doing there. Not only that, but both our previous Voyager deep-space probes failed to detect it. "This is a shocking new result," said IBEX principal investigator Dave McComas. "We had no idea this ribbon existed - or what has created it." [...]What this means for Earth's future is uncertain. As the latest NASA article on the space ribbon states:
    And upon this field, the future may hinge.

    .The solar system is passing through a region of the Milky Way filled with cosmic rays and interstellar clouds. The magnetic field of our own sun, inflated by the solar wind into a bubble called the "heliosphere," substantially protects us from these things. However, the bubble itself is vulnerable to external fields. A strong magnetic field just outside the solar system could press against the heliosphere and interact with it in unknown ways. Will this strengthen our natural shielding - or weaken it? No one can say.
    These discoveries about the outer fringe of our solar system come at a time when new NASA revelations have piled up so fast and so frequently that our paradigm is completely changing again and again without the general public even really being aware. Most of us grew up being told in school that there were nine, maybe ten, planets in the solar system, and we now know that there are hundreds of thousands of them. And far from being chunky bits of asteroid debris as previously believed, we now know that many of them are spherical and even have their own moons, like the planet Pulcova or the planet Haumea or the astonishingly Earth-like planet Ceres. It's a whole new ball game in space.

    The author can't believe how much NASA et al. have mislead the public, but I can't believe how vast swathes of the metaphysical community have been mislead by hoaxers as well, but Mayan Elders have been vindicated. Btw I deliberately emphasised the "death star", it seems the author has had some coaching...

    Excerpts From The Electric Universe Part 5, 13th March 2010
    Comets fragmenting is a common occurrence but upon close examination of such events, many of which take place far from the sun, it becomes obvious that an electrical explanation offers a far better fit than the ad hoc adjustment of the "dirty snowball" model.

    Now that there has been an "official" announcement that something is lurking beyond the edge of our solar system, comets being "kicked" in our direction is the explanation for why we are seeing so much comet activity. There have been forums buzzing with a disaffected Australian astronomer who seemed to believe that the end was nigh (July 2004). There was metaphysical messages that stated a huge comet headed our way in the 1990s, was broken-up to save destruction on Earth. At this moment in time, I still am not 100% sure which comet was being discussed because there were quite a few at that time but the most noted in July 1994, was the spectacular demise of Shoemaker-Levy 9 on Jupiter. Now we have just seen four in a row hit the Sun and this generated quite a lot of excitement. This series of exerpts is quite timely, but even Electric Universe theorists do not have a public explanation yet for the weird asteroid reported in February 2010, (the difference between meteors and asteroids is based on the composition of this celestial object and the shape of orbits. This is the NASA opinion for the mainstream, Asteroids, Comets, Meteorites. It does not mention that Russian scientists have attempted to look inside comets that were surrounded with a coma and in some they found no object inside, ie it was just pure plasma and so again, our experts do not see that some of these objects are massive sparks of consciousness. Excerpts From The Electric Universe Part 4

    Mysterious garage door dilemma
    WOAI News, 13th March 2010
    SAN ANTONIO -- Hundreds of homeowners in the Northwest part of town can't seem to get their garage doors to open.

    "We were wondering why," explains homeowner John Zurita. "We have to go in out and out of the house, the remote doesn't work at all."

    He's not alone. Residents that live within a five mile radius of Culebra and Portranco Road are experiencing the same problem. It's because of a radio antenna used by the National Security Agency is interfering with their remotes. A newly installed Land Mobile Radio antenna is using the same frequency as a lot of garage door manufacturers. Frequent on site testing makes some electronic household items go haywire.

    "We thought it was the remote, so we spent $57 for a remote," says another resident, Nora Villarreal. "I didn't have the house keys to go through the front door, so I had to jump the fence from the house to get in." The government shut down their entire system for a month for residents to find a fix. But the antenna is back up, and so are the problems.

    I wonder if there is a new stronger frequency interfering with these electronic remotes. Unfortunately, there is no technical data with this report, but electromagnetic interference (EMI) can be expected as the EM chaos on the planet accelerates. Please note the similar problem in the UK, 'Windermere Triangle' with electronics car key fobs that sometimes won't unlock cars, (February 2010). It is known that, high frequency electronics is vulnerable to radar, thunderstorms and Space Weather generating geomagnetic storms, cosmic rays and now "killer electrons". What about humans you ask? Yes, exactly! We have our own personal energy field that can be strengthened against the continuous cosmic onslaught, but most folk are unaware that our world is in transformation, as we "officially" enter a New Age dominated by space and the ether. Yet, the most astute metaphysical folk have been strengthening their energy field despite being unaware of Space Weather, I know because I was a teacher (2004-2007) who taught people how to do this, until I decided I wanted to know WHAT EXACTLY I was doing and WHY.

    Solar 'Current of Fire' Speeds Up
    NASA News, 12th March 2010
    In today's issue of Science, NASA solar physicist David Hathaway reports that the top of the sun's Great Conveyor Belt has been running at record-high speeds for the past five years.

    "I believe this could explain the unusually deep solar minimum we've been experiencing," says Hathaway. "The high speed of the conveyor belt challenges existing models of the solar cycle and it has forced us back to the drawing board for new ideas."

    The Great Conveyor Belt is a massive circulating current of fire (hot plasma) within the sun. It has two branches, north and south, each taking about 40 years to complete one circuit. Researchers believe the turning of the belt controls the sunspot cycle.

    I saw this at WUWT a few days ago where most commentators were less than impressed with Hathaway's obvious non-science of banging a theory around observations which of course have now changed and so the theory has just crocked. See Hathaway on the solar conveyor belt and deep solar minimum. So now that NASA are happy to tell us that they don't have a clue, we can listen to those with interesting alternative ideas. Here is Stephen Goodfellow with his ideas on our sun being a plasma shell around a absolute vacuum. An Empty Sun - Is Gravity being Induced? I am not sure he is completely right but some of the ideas are worth considering, especially about the role of solar actvity in maintaining the Sun's equilibrium. This is all very interesting as the Sun's activity was at historic levels in the last solar cycle and solar minumum was long and drawn out, so others have made a direct link to the changing plasma environment of our solar system which would fit this theory. Well, I am getting to the stage of total disbelief about the what is happening, but thankfully I don't feel so on my own as others are also putting the Big Picture together with the science, but don't realise or know the metaphysical implications. Some of the speculation circulating now is based on informed opinion and those in the know realise we are certainly in for some "interesting times ahead".

    Image of the Day: "The Black Cloud"
    Daily Galaxy, 12th March 2010
    In 1964, astrophysicists in Fred Hoyle's sci-fi novel, 'The Black Cloud', become aware of an immense black cloud of gas that enters the solar system. The cloud, moving to interpose itself between the sun and the earth, could wipe out most of the life on earth by blocking solar radiation and ending photosynthesis. Astronomers and other scientists gather in England, where they discover that the cloud is a super-organism, many times more intelligent than our human species. [...]

    In a fascinating case of life imitating art, physicists have discovered over the past few years intriguing evidence of life-like double-helix structures formed from inorganic substances in space which raises the question of whether extraterrestrial life could be composed of corkscrew-shaped formations of interstellar dust. The findings hint at the possibility that life beyond Earth may not necessarily use carbon-based molecules as its building blocks and they may also point to a possible new explanation for the origin of life on Earth. [...]

    Plasmas can also form under terrestrial conditions, such as the point of a lightning strike. The researchers speculate that perhaps an inorganic form of life emerged on the primordial earth, which then acted as the template for the more familiar organic molecules we know today.

    Hmmm.... Life imitating art.... dense dark cloud of plasma that has now been called Nememsis.... I read the astronomer Fred Hoyle's book The Black Cloud [1957] after finding out that there was a real Local Interstellar Cloud, also known as the "Local Fluff" that had already entered our solar system. According to NASA, the European Space Agency and other less official sources, this is a dense plasma with crystalline properties and it's approach has been watched for about 25 years. I have written about this scenario but I was very cross about NASA's last announcement appeared 2 days before Christmas, you can judge for yourself whether that you think that is strange. This article discusses life imitating art and cites the research that tells us that plasma has all the properties that we think is essential for life. Metaphysical sources have talked about the arrival of diamond ray or diamond flame energy, and quite frankly it's just one of many messages that required some serious work to verify. There is a tremendous amount of celestial influences effecting life on Earth and as much as I enjoyed Hoyle's book, I realise that it's a long way from explaining the onslaught that Earth is facing now in terms of Space Weather. Update However, Hoyles book could still be prophetic, if the real dark crystalline cloud called "Fluffy" that is being disguised as "Nememsis" has the ability to interfere and accelerate Space Weather effects. Oh yes, and then everything on Earth would get highly magnetic and electrical, some real "attraction"....

    Shocking recipe for making killer electrons
    European Space Agency News, 11th March 2010
    Take a bunch of fast-moving electrons, place them in orbit and then hit them with the shock waves from a solar storm. What do you get? Killer electrons. That’s the shocking recipe revealed by ESA’s Cluster mission.

    Killer electrons are highly energetic particles trapped in Earth's outer radiation belt, which extends from 12 000 km to 64 000 km above the planet’s surface. During solar storms their number grows at least ten times and they can be dislodged, posing a threat to satellites. As the name suggests, killer electrons are energetic enough to penetrate satellite shielding and cause microscopic lightning strikes. If these electrical discharges take place in vital components, the satellite can be damaged or even rendered inoperable.

    Since, I wrote my book, "killer electrons" no longer just knock out satellites, they are finding their way into our atmosphere and it only takes 15 minutes once electrons bound in Earth's radiation belt are hit by a blast from the Sun or a galactic source. This will be the explanation for the extremely rough rides that have seriously hurt airline passengers when they have hit unexpected turbulence in recent years and one investigation has already admitted as much, see archives. In the past, these blasts have been referred to as a solar particle event (SPE), which can arrive suddenly and exert an influence for several days. Not surprisingly, this has now become of major concern for airline crew and passenger safety.

    Sun's Nemesis Pelted Earth with Comets, Study Suggests, 11th March 2010
    A dark object may be lurking near our solar system, occasionally kicking comets in our direction. Nicknamed "Nemesis" or "The Death Star," this undetected object could be a red or brown dwarf star, or an even darker presence several times the mass of Jupiter. Why do scientists think something could be hidden beyond the edge of our solar system? Originally, Nemesis was suggested as a way to explain a cycle of mass extinctions on Earth.

    Well, this is going to send the Planet X, Niburu people into a frenzy. I am sorry you will have to do you own research (dyor), because it is an idea that I have never felt was true [ie a death star because old reports tell us that astronomers had no idea what was approaching and this is a major clue that Nememesis is just a convenient name for whatever], but maybe astronomers feel the need to explain what is happening and as they expect even more comets, meteorites and fireballs which we all know have been increasing dramatically. However the FACTS are that something has already entered our solar system, a dense crystalline plasma cloud with higher than expected magnetism that NASA has stated has dense pockets that they are worried may pop the heliosheath that protects our solar system from Galactic Cosmic Rays. This is all quite interesting as our shielding against galactic cosmic rays and radiation is already at times severely reduced. Quite frankly, there is a tremendous amount of celestial events all taking place at once, our planet is being hammered by Space Weather and even NASA is admitting that the Earth's tilt has changed more than expected. We have to remember that the Earth is a huge energetic system and the energetic input is like turning the cogs in an old fashion clock, once one turns they all turn and currently our planet is being reset to a new energetic state. The metaphysical community were encouraged to work on their energy fields because they are the most sensitive and will be effected first by the changing subtle energies, it seems many metaphysical messages have been vindicated as we continue to monitor the impact of cosmic energies driving evolutionary change.

    The Man Who Was Allergic to Radio Waves
    Popular Science, 4th March 2010
    Your cellphone does not in itself cause cancer. But in the daily sea of radiation we all travel, there may be subtler dangers at work, and science is only just beginning to understand how they can come to affect people like Per Segerbäck so intensely [...]

    Segerbäck suffers from electro-hypersensitivity (EHS), which means he has severe physical reactions to the electromagnetic radiation produced by common consumer technologies, such as computers, televisions and cellphones. Symptoms range from burning or tingling sensations on the skin to dizziness, nausea, headaches, sleep disturbance and memory loss. In extreme cases like Segerbäck's, breathing problems, heart palpitations and loss of consciousness can result. [...]

    Sweden is the only country in the world to recognize EHS as a functional impairment, and Segerbäck's experience has been important in creating policy to address the condition. Swedish EHS sufferers -- about 3 percent of the population, or some 250,000 people, according to government statistics -- are entitled to similar rights and social services as those given to people who are blind or deaf. Today, local governments will pay to have the home of someone diagnosed with EHS electronically "sanitized," if necessary, through the installation of metal shielding.

    According to a research paper about EHS, some of these people have confessed that they can see electric and magnetic fields, but they think it's a medical problem. In the New Age world, some who can see electric and magnetic fields think that makes them a guru!

    MSNBC News - The Cleveland UFO: What on Earth?
    The Week, 12th March 2010
    A strange light over Lake Erie has Cleveland residents nervously eyeing the sky. Is it a conventional aircraft or have our new insect overlords arrived?

    For more than a week, a mysterious pulsating light has been appearing nightly over Lake Erie east of downtown Cleveland — showing up at approximately 7:30 pm and zipping around in the darkness for about two hours before disappearing — reports MSNBC. Captured on film from various angles, it's now drawing nightly crowds at the lakefront. While Nick Pope, former chief UFO investigator at the British defense ministry, calls it a "significant sighting," some of the UFO's fans do not exactly inspire faith: "I have absolutely no expertise in this field, but I can guarantee you that it is not human!" says Eugene Erlich, a local college student who has been videotaping the lights. Watch MSNBC's report:

    Well, this is exciting! Mainstream press are asking questions as this orb has decided to take up residence over Lake Erie and the crowds are turning up to watch. Obviously, it does not look like a Chinese lantern and I suspect that some will start doing experiments like using laser pens and setting off real Chinese lanterns to see what happens. It would be nice if a few other orbs turned up and give the folks a real show!

    This is is so funny, another orb turned up to give the folks a show! LOL!! People are camping out now....

    By the way, the "taking up residence" is a misnomer, because this orb may have always been on Lake Eerie for all we know. Since, there are reports that there has been a lot of strange activity in this area recently, I will state the difference now is being caused by a dimensional shift. Spacetime is changing as it is being effected by new energies literally blowing in on a galactic wind. Physicists also tell us that there has been a noted change that which we can measure, astronomers tell us that the most powerful blasts in the universe are hitting Earth and they are so violent that they can cause of the evolution of spacetime. As far as we are concerned, the impact means that it is much easier for humans to see these interdimensional plasma entities or orbs with the naked eye. However, nothing is new and some perople have always had this ability and the orbs and other interdimensional entities have always been on this planet, hence the term "radar angels". This term acknowledges that radar operators have always been able to detect entities that cannot be seen with the naked eye, but has returned a signal revealing it's presence. Previous activity: Crazy Night Of UFO Activity - Lake Erie 09-18-2007 PT.1 Please note those complaining that it does not look like a UFO. Of course, the reason is that's it's a plasma entity an orb, but the brainwashing for some is complete and they expect a spacecraft preferably with occupants....

    Heavy metals paint snow yellow
    B92, 12th March 2010
    SOFIA -- The yellow snow that was falling in Bulgaria and south Romania several days ago contained heavy metals. In Sofia, authorities previously thought the color came from African sand. Bulgarian media are quoting Romanian meteorologists who rejected claims of their Bulgarian colleagues that the snow turned yellow due to the Saharan sand.

    Their research discovered that the reddish powder found in the snow contained copper, iron, zinc, chrome, lead, nickel, arsenic and cadmium – metals usually found in the ground. Ion Paun of Romania's Center of Meteorology said that their charts showed that the yellow snow "had nothing to do with Africa". Doctors, meanwhile, explained that heavy metals, in higher concentrations, can have adverse effect on people’s health, and can affect their livers, the Bulgarian media reported.

    Hmmm... There is so many cosmic events to watch out for, but obviously something major is happening... Check out, another comet about to smash the Sun.

    Yellow snow falls in Russia's Far East
    RIA Novosti, 5th March 2010
    "The Amur region in Russia's Far East was hit by yellow snow, Elena Pechkina, a regional meteorologist, told RIA Novosti on Friday. High winds in Mongolia mixed the clouds from a front with dust and sand, crossed northern China, and then dumped the unique-colored snow in Russia. "This type of precipitation is not harmful to the residents of the area and no additional analyses will be done," Pechkina said. She said this type of snow was not rare, however usually falls in the region at the end of March or early April."

    Large Light Green Luminescent 'Birds' Observed Over Hayward, CA [US]
    Phantoms and Monsters, 11th March 2010
    "I believe it might have been a little more than a year and a half ago. I was outside in my backyard at night when I heard a weird squawking noise, almost like a seagull, but different. I look up at the sky and see a flock of birds flying.

    Their wings were straight out, unmoving, and they were flying in a straight line. It was like they were gliding. I could see them well against the dark sky. They were what I can only describe as a light green luminescent color. There was a faint light coming from them, almost like they were glowing.

    They continued to glide across and over my house, towards the front. I ran inside my house and towards the front door. I could still hear them, but I couldn't see them anymore.

    My younger brother had also seen these birds, once alone and once with my mother. On both occasions, they had only seen one bird, but they were the same kind that I had seen and with that same squawk. The thing is, as far as I know, birds rarely fly at night, let alone a flock of them. Do you have any idea what they could have been?"

    This is so interesting. Last week we had the sighting of appearing and disappearing flying 'sting-rays', this week we get a sighting of' 'green luminescent 'birds' but normal 'birds' don't glow in the dark. We are seeing the emergence of a multi-dimensional ecology, there are already a few good recent close-up sightings in the UK of bird-like objects within fiery cloaks (see archives). Obviously, we cannot make too many direct comparisons because this is spiritual biology with properties that are literally out of our known world but not out of this universe. In the book, The Min Min Light: The Visitor Who Never Arrives, which documents 500 reports of the Australian version of mysterious lights, the author Fred F. Silcock proposes the theory that Min-Mins are the occasionally bioluminescent barn owl Tyto Alba. Here are some quotes from the book,
    • Page 47: “. . . insects were swarming around the light. I must have been watching for at least a minute when the light began decreasing in strength and . . . I saw inside it the shape of a bird.”
    • Page 48: “ . . . They crept to within ten metres of the tree and flashed the beam of a powerful torch onto the light. The light extinguished and a ‘large brown bird’ flew up.”
    • Page 50: “ . . . the light came down and settled into the canopy of one tree. . . . the light shut off and sitting where it had been was a white owl. . .”
    • Page 52: “The two lights rose . . . they were heading straight for us . . . someone . . . kept the spotlight aimed as the lights came down upon us. . . . the spotlight was thrown backwards and the light illuminated two great wings . . . Then they swept away into the darkness. . . . someone exclaimed . . . ‘It was a bloody great owl.’” (New South Wales)
    Source link. I believe that Silcock probably selected a few good close-up sightings and then made the case this applied to all Min Min sightings. However, here is a recent UK account:
    I was sat in my playroom watching the TV at about 10-11 at night. Out the doors something in the distance caught my eye and looked like a glowing orb coming up from the trees in forest park. I immediately turned the TV off and opened the doors to get a better look. As it came nearer I heard no noise and it was flying very low, which ruled out possibilities of it being plane of helicopter. Eventually it flew over me still going fairly slow and I saw the shape of a bird in a darker orange surrounded by a flame like shield, it didn’t flicker it just ruffled as it moved above me. Once it went over the house I unfroze and ran inside shouting and panicking trying to tell my mum and dad that there was something weird in the sky. My dad, never the optimist, told me to calm down and ignore it, that it was just a helicopter so I grabbed my mums’ arm and yanked her out of her seat and dragged to the door. We stood out the front of the house watching the strange thing travel towards Swinley forest. My mum freaked out and tried to get dad to have a look but refused to take his eyes of the TV, then it disappears into the trees. It was definitely not a Chinese lantern; Glowing orb, shape of a bird in a darker orange surrounded by a flame like shield - Bracknell, Berkshire [UK]
    UK UFO Sightings, 15th November 2009

    Don't miss! Video: Strange UFO's Filmed in Japan 12/03/2010 [0:33] "Amazing footage of a UFO that released multiple orbs into clouds above Hikone (Shiga Prefecture, Japan)." The orbs are very bright, even in daylight and can be easily seen against Cumulonimbus clouds, the Japanese are very excited and sounds like their having a party....

    Did the Chilean Quake Shift Earth's Axis?
    NASA News, 11th March 2010
    Pictures of widespread devastation leave no doubt: Last month's 8.8 magnitude earthquake in coastal Chile was strong. How strong? NASA scientists say it might have shifted the axis of Earth itself.

    "If our calculations are correct, the quake moved Earth's figure axis by about 3 inches (8 cm)," says geophysicist Richard Gross of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California.

    Right: A USGS map of the Chilean quake. [more] You might think you would have noticed the Earth suddenly tilting 3 inches. But that's not how the "figure axis" works. "The figure axis defines not how Earth is tilted, but rather how it is balanced," says Gross.

    As German scientists have already debunked NASA about the Chilean earthquake being big enough to shift the Earth's axis, (see my previous comments below), I think we can safely say that NASA realise that they have to start explaining that Earth's axis is shifting, despite the fact that some have already worked this out in the last few years and the arguments have been raging for quite some time.

    Climate of fear
    Nature, 11th March 2010
    The integrity of climate research has taken a very public battering in recent months. Scientists must now emphasize the science, while acknowledging that they are in a street fight.

    Climate scientists are on the defensive, knocked off balance by a re-energized community of global-warming deniers who, by dominating the media agenda, are sowing doubts about the fundamental science. Most researchers find themselves completely out of their league in this kind of battle because it's only superficially about the science. The real goal is to stoke the angry fires of talk radio, cable news, the blogosphere and the like, all of which feed off of contrarian story lines and seldom make the time to assess facts and weigh evidence. Civility, honesty, fact and perspective are irrelevant.

    Worse, the onslaught seems to be working: some polls in the United States and abroad suggest that it is eroding public confidence in climate science at a time when the fundamental understanding of the climate system, although far from complete, is stronger than ever. Ecologist Paul Ehrlich at Stanford University in California says that his climate colleagues are at a loss about how to counter the attacks. “Everyone is scared shitless, but they don't know what to do,” he says.

    Hmmm... What about the truth seekers that received death threats when they tried to point out the hype and lies, I am sure they were frightened too, but they kept fighting for truth and can be admired. What will help, is if more people start telling the truth. As planetary upheaval accelerates, it will become and more obvious that the truth about the Earth's "planetary challenges" with "evolutionary implications" has been misrepresented. Btw, when I saw the remarks by Ehrlich highlighted above, I could not believe that they had been printed in the ultra respectable Nature science magazine, how times have changed... Also, Goliath’s Panic Begins

    Ghana: 'Rainbow' appears in the sky
    Africa News, 10th March 2010
    Ghanaians were held spellbound when the halo phenomenon emerged in the skies late Wednesday morning. Hundreds of people stepped out of their offices to take pictures of the celestial wonders. Onlookers believed it was signs of the last days. "Jesus is coming today," fascinated Victoria Mintah told AfricaNews.

    An intelligent African in this video news report stated that it could be the "ozone layer coming down", and he was fairly close. I also note the young girl at the beginning talking about "rays that occurred yesterday", I wonder what that was about... Anyway, what it suggests is that the ozone layer over Ghana, Africa was depleted allowing in more ultra-violet light, but Ghana is not know for it's heavy atmospheric pollution to generate the amount of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) that would produce a hole in the ozone layer. Well, some scientists dispute that CFCs are the culprits and others cite the effect of the Earth's magnetic field and cosmic rays, (see previous comments). We also know that geomagnetic storms can temporarily remove the ozone layer in the stratosphere and declines of 60% have been recorded. Therefore we have to suspect that something else related to Space Weather and the fact that Ghana is only just a few degrees of the equator. So despite lots of old images of the South Atlantic Anomaly (SAA) appearing to not come close, research papers tell us something different and as we are told the SAA is growing. Therefore, it looks like we have been provided with some clear observational evidence. Here is a map that I think is more current SAA
    OK, another explanation, could be a 22° Circular Halo but they only form at a standard size and here we seem to have a smaller inner ring.

    'Doomsday' Seed Vault Stores 500,000 Crops
    Live Science, 10th March 2010
    A mold-resistant bean, a German pink tomato and a wild strawberry plucked from the flanks of a Russian volcano are just some of the crops whose seeds are being tucked away this week in a giant vault dug out of a mountainside of the Norwegian island Svalbard. With these new deposits, the so-called Svalbard "Doomsday" Global Seed Vault will reach its half-million mark of seed varieties. The giant icebox of sorts, which was officially opened on Feb. 26, 2008, is meant to protect the world's crop diversity from natural or manmade disasters.

    We can now establish that this disaster planning initiative amongst others that are public knowledge means that authorities have had plenty of warning to initiate and implement disaster plans for a global catastrophe. At this time, the facts are pointing to concerns about the impact of a global event caused by a cosmic or a major Space Weather event, as hinted by a Norwegian government official when this project first became public knowledge.

    Southern Russia overwhelmed with purple snow
    RT News, 9th March 2010
    The very morning following the widely celebrated Woman's Day - people in Southern Russia could not believe their eyes when they found purple snow piled on city streets. Yahoo StumbleUpon Google Live Technorati Digg Reddit Mixx Propeller Scientists confirmed a multi-coloured snowfall – ranging from light purple to brown – had landed in Russia's Stavropol Region. Experts are still baffled, saying they need a day to analyse the snow, while environmentalists claim high pollution levels in Stavropol caused the event. A similar incident took place some years ago in Russia's Far East, though climatologists say this was caused by a dust-storm mixing with snow in the clouds. Video [0:39]

    OK, two weeks ago it was purple fog in Hungary, this week it's purple snow and baffled scientists, well actually the baffled scientists are not a surprise... Please note the standard excuses of algae, Sarahan dust and chemical pollution that have been given for previously coloured snow. Is Snow Always White? However, we also know that 2001 Red rain in Kerala, India was initially diagnosed as red cells that had no DNA, presumably from an extraterrestrial source and even the New Scientists ran an article headlined in April 2006, "Does it look alien to you?". This has huge implications for how life started on Earth and how we are influenced by extraterrestrial events. Panspermia advocates who include Nobel Prize winners are increasingly being vindicated after decades of vilification. So, will we get purple rain?

    Close encounters of a Norfolk kind: Glowing green UFO spotted hovering over windmill
    Daily Mail, 10th March 2010

    Maybe the aliens took a wrong turn or maybe they just love a bit of history. But this UFO curious green light was seen hovering over a 19th century windmill in Norfolk. The curious green light was spotted by photographer Peter Rye who wanted to take night-time images of Denver mill in Downham Market.

    Now doesn't this look like an eye in the sky! I have inset an enlarged image (top left) where we can more easily see the plasma double layers. Below (bottom left) is another inset which is the Helix Nebula, of course there is a great similarity (plasma scalability), but astronomers don't call nebulas UFOs! Check out NASA's poster called Dusty Eye of the Helix Nebula.

    Chief exorcist Father Gabriele Amorth says Devil is in the Vatican
    Times Online, 10th March 2010
    Sex abuse scandals in the Roman Catholic Church are proof that that "the Devil is at work inside the Vatican", according to the Holy See's chief exorcist. Father Gabriele Amorth, 85, who has been the Vatican's chief exorcist for 25 years and says he has dealt with 70,000 cases of demonic possession, said that the consequences of satanic infiltration included power struggles at the Vatican as well as "cardinals who do not believe in Jesus, and bishops who are linked to the Demon". He added: "When one speaks of 'the smoke of Satan' [a phrase coined by Pope Paul VI in 1972] in the holy rooms, it is all true – including these latest stories of violence and paedophilia."

    First I laughed at the headline and then I thought, this is not really funny because many people have been hurt and damaged by those who are supposed to have been trustworthy. This is one very brave man because there is a long history of people being killed within the Vatican, not just Popes, but the new evolutionary energies are certainly effecting human consciousness and people are speaking out and taking action regardless of the consequences.

    Rare 'solar corona' caught on camera
    The Telegraph, 10th March 2010
    The elusive 'solar corona' - a plasma gas atmosphere around the sun where temperatures reach two million degrees - visible only during a total eclipse, has been captured on camera.

    The pictures were taken during an eclipse over the isolated Marshall Islands, near Papua New Guinea in the Pacific Ocean. Ten times as dense as the centre of the sun, the corona only produces about one-millionth as much light - meaning that it can only be seen when 'lit up' during an eclipse. Click here to see a high-resolution version of the image

    The main radiation from the sun's surface during a total solar eclipse is blocked by the passage of the moon enabling rare viewings of the corona. Organised by the Brno University of Technology in the Czech Republic, the shadow-tracking expedition took these remarkable pictures to study changes in the plasma. [...] The mysterious corona has puzzled scientists for years - it extends more than a million kilometres from the sun yet is over 200 times hotter than the sun's visible surface.

    The source of the corona's heat is still the subject of debate, but is likely to include the Sun's magnetic field and sonic pressure waves from below the sun.

    Wow! I am a little stunned, as this photo by Czech scientists is incredible and reveals more about how the Sun works. I note this article states that solar scientists have moved on and does NOT explain the temperature inversion on the surface of the Sun at 6000K with the corona around the sun at 2 million K, on the outdated fusion model. Good!

    Grisly mystery after scores of starlings fall out of the sky and lie dying... in a SINGLE front garden
    Daily Mail, 10th March 2010
    It was like a grisly scene from a horror film. On Sunday night, over a quiet Somerset house, scores of swooping starlings tumbled out of the sky and fell, dead, into a single front garden.

    Covering an area 12ft across, more than 100 birds carpeted the garden, each with blood oozing from its beak and curled up claws. Most had died, although some flapped lamely, clearly in pain until the RSPCA put them out of their misery.

    I would say this is like a scene from the SciFi movie The Core.

    Movie: The Core Trailer [2:20]

    The film is about the Earth's magnetic field becoming unstable and rapidly losing strength. The birds go crazy because they can't navigate using the Earth's magnetic field because it is in complete chaos and some birds just drop out of the sky. Well, all those conditions are actually happening now but there does not seem to be any interest.

    Movie: The Core Bird Scene [3:01]
    Yes, this scene is over the top, but pay attention to the last 15 seconds when the 'thinking' scientist starts to ask his colleagues to look for all the 'weird' news about other bizarre bird migrations, dophin and whale beachings, unexplaned atmospheric phenomena, unexplained plane crashes etc.

    In the film, people with pacemakers started dropping dead in the streets too, so I assume that this has to happen before some people take any interest in the deteriorating electromagnetic environment. I actually loved this film, especially when the have to go to the core of Earth to fix the problem. This is the real science fiction part, because on the way they have to pass through the hollow sections of Earth that are filled with caverns of huge diamonds, as far as I was concerned that was the best bit.... Anyway, if you have read enough of this blog you will know that the film The Core must have been inspired, because even last week there was an article in the New Scientist stating that the Earth's magnetic field might be getting ready to flip. Note the comments to this story, there are a lot of people suggesting some kind of environmental electromagnetic interference.

    Woman tries to shut down Large Hadron Collider over apocalypse fears
    A German woman has failed in a bid to force her country's government to halt experiments at the world's largest atom smasher which she feared would lead to the Earth's destruction.

    The Telegraph, 9th March 2010
    The country's highest court said that the woman — whom it didn't identify — had failed to demonstrate any connection between experiments at the CERN collider outside Geneva and the apocalypse.

    The Federal Constitutional Court in the western Germany city of Karlsruhe threw out the woman's appeal because she was "unable to give a coherent account of how her fears would come about."

    "The overwhelming scientific opinion is that the experiments carried out at CERN (the European Organisation for Nuclear Research) present no dangers," the court ruled. CERN scientists are looking to the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) to mimic the conditions that followed the Big Bang and help explain the origins of the universe.

    People have been very frightened and scientists have received death threats but it does not help when they have talk about creating tiny black holes and then tell people that they would be harmless and just pass straight through Earth, (see previous entries). At the moment, I am sick of people with no idea of the science, trying to blame all the planetary weirdness on the LHC and HAARP. It's like these science projects have become bogeymen in the collective psyche, this woman does has done no study or analysis and is being led by pure fear. The LHC is mostly under France but overlaps into Switzerland, see map, er this is a country that also banks huge amounts of the world's gold, I think the authorities would be watching this venture with more than a little interest in their own self-preservation.

    Large Hadron Collider ‘to shut down for a year’
    The Telegraph, 10th March 2010
    "Dr Steve Myers, a director of the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN), which built the collider, said the machine will close at the end of a 2011. The collider is expected to reach world record power later this month at 7 trillion electron volts (TeV) in its bid to replicate the big bang that started the universe."

    The goat woman: Chinese grandmother, 101, grows mystery horn on forehead
    Daily Mail, 9th March 2010
    The condition has left her family baffled and worried. Her youngest of six sons, Zhang Guozheng, 60, said when a patch of rough skin formed on her

    forehead last year ‘we didn't pay too much attention to it’. ‘But as time went on a horn grew out of her head and it is now 6cm long,' added Mr Zhang, whose eldest brother and sibling is 82 years old. ‘Now something is also growing on the right side of her forehead. It’s quite possible that it’s another horn.’

    There is an inevitable consequence to evolutionary change being driven by Space Weather, with Earth's weakening and sometimes non-existent magnetic field, geomagnetic storms, cosmic rays, and EM environmental chaos causing an assortment of challenges. There is no doubt that DNA mutations are part of evolutionary change, but not all mutations are bad or will become apparent as they are passed down through inheritance, but the steady increase in weird reports and distressing news of huge increases in abnormalities in China, has to be noted. Metaphysical folk have been encouraging people to work on their energy field to deflect unhelpful EM signals, but the concept and methodology is way beyond the belief systems of most. Now, Earth is losing it's shielding and people are now being left exposed. The lack of understanding does not change the facts.

    Faith-Based Climate Astrology: Women hit by global warming head to Capitol Hill: 'We have freezing temps when we shouldn't have freezing temps'
    Climate Depot, 9th March 2010
    [...] Even religious leaders have recognized the scientific transition to paganism. See: Catholic Cardinal George Pell in 2006: 'In the past, pagans sacrificed animals and even humans in vain attempts to placate capricious and cruel gods. Today they demand a reduction in carbon dioxide emissions'

    Here are some prime examples of this perversion of science now known as “climate astrology.”

    A July 2009 article in reported: “The Karimojong [in Uganda] blame the spell of calamities like drought and disease to the "angry gods". The article from goes on to explain: “Little do they know that their area is suffering the consequences of a larger problem, climate change.” Okay. Thanks. Imagine leaving people so in the dark that they believe “angry gods” are causing bad weather, when the answer is so simple, it's mankind's emission of a trace essential gas!

    We will have to forgive Marc Morano for the slur on astrology because society still does not generally acknowledge the effect of environmental energies, despite research findings and certainly not much thought is given to electromagnetic signals modifying DNA. This is now on the radar with the study of Epigenetics but there are not enough definitive answers yet. However, I could not resist this article which is basically about superstition, and pagans of all types are compared to modern day climate scientists. Totally, politically uncorrect...

    'Astro-squirrels' use coconut shells as helmets
    Refreshing News, 9th March 2010
    These two squirrels looked like astronauts after putting coconut shells on their heads. The pair look more like starved spacemen tucking into the tropical treats at the back of Jane Robert's home in Fareham, Hants.

    I don't think it's got anything to do with evolutionary change but these little fellas are cute!

    Not more quakes, just more people in quake zones
    Yahoo News, 8th March 2010
    First the ground shook in Haiti, then Chile and now Turkey. The earthquakes keep coming hard and fast this year, causing people to wonder if something sinister is happening underfoot. It's not.

    While it may seem as if there are more earthquakes occurring, there really aren't. The problem is what's happening above ground, not underground, experts say. More people are moving into megacities that happen to be built on fault lines, and they're rapidly putting up substandard buildings that can't withstand earthquakes, scientists say. And around-the-clock news coverage and better seismic monitoring make it seem as if earthquakes are ever-present.

    "I can definitely tell you that the world is not coming to an end," said Bob Holdsworth, an expert in tectonics at Durham University in northern England, referring to the number of quakes.

    Well, some people are adamant that earthquakes are on the increase and there are graphics floating around on the internet of a dramatic increase of quakes between magnitude 6.0 & 8.0. The last major revision of the Richter Scale was in 1977 and according to newspaper reports, some old earthquakes were revised up, so it's very difficult in making historical comparisons without the correct data. However, it has been noticed that any talk of an increase in earthquakes or an increase in stronger earthquakes is normally shouted down very quickly. However, official sources do not seem interested in publishing their data.

    Bright light over Eureka, CA emits smaller objects
    UFO Examiner, 8th March 2010
    I saw a very very bright light in the sky, dime size, it was to large to be a star, and much to close, the size of a dime in the sky...

    All of a sudden 2 sets of lights came out of it traveling down and east. The bright object started dumping flaming objects like coals on a barbecue, they were falling to earth but would extinguish before impact. Some were very large, fire also appeared to fall. When this fire stopped 2 more objects with lights came out again, this time flying upwards.

    I believe the image used comes from images taken in Scotland, May 2009 when 16 balls of fire were seen and caused "UFO Fever". Well, these UAPs that spew out 'fire' or 'cinders' are interesting, especially as they have been seen over various cities in the UK. Obviously, nobody has the nerve to compare them to Chinese lanterns... in the past, I have joked about the galactic delivery service, but I imagine it's alarming to watch. There are NEVER any reports of fires, because these are aetheric energies being deposited or 'fire chi', interdimensional plasma energy that is required as Earth experiences a massive 'planetary refresh'.

    UFO sighting caught on tape in Ohio? [US]
    "EUCLID, Ohio (CNN/WJW) - A Euclid, Ohio man says a UFO has been hovering over Lake Erie and he says he's got the video to prove it. "Absolutely nothing we have on this Earth even looks like that," said Eugene Erlikh."
    There seems to be a lot of excitement brewing in the United States and it seems that they are now catching up with Europe as the dimensional shift takes hold. I am even more excited for them! Now MSM:

    Fox News reports UFO sighting over Lake Erie 5 nights in a row

    Family watches triangle UFOs over Lake Michigan near Manistee [US]
    "I looked at the orange lights and saw that it was a perfect triangle of three lights."

    'Brilliantly lit' white ball over Albuquerque, New Mexico appeared controlled [US]
    "I was just looking at the sky and relaxing. Suddenly a brilliantly lit white ball just showed up in the sky."

    Video: Orbs flying in sync 01/01/2010 - Dublin, Ireland [6.00]
    Warning! This guy starts swearing after 55 seconds in his commentary with a wonderful Irish accent. He's in shock, but it's a great bit of footage!

    Unknown object hovering over Ontario, Canada
    "This is footage of a UFO hovering over some houses in Newmarket Ontario."

    Pink UFO? Consider alien technology already in use - and dance to the beat
    It's a Rap! Are you ready for the truth!

    Rupert Sheldrake and Richard Wiseman Clash Over Parapsychology Experiments
    skeptico, 8th March 2010
    Join Skeptiko host Alex Tsakiris for a spirited debate between biologist, author, and telepathy researcher, Dr. Rupert Sheldrake, and noted researcher of anomalous psychology, and parapsychology skeptic, Dr. Richard Wiseman. During the 90-minute episode Sheldrake and Wiseman discuss the scientific evidence for telepathy and other psi phenomena.

    The debate covers a range of topics, but according to moderator Alex Tsakiris, the real friction began after the debate ended, “During the debate, Dr. Wiseman appeared eager to participate in collaborative research with parapsychologists. He went to great lengths explaining why skeptics and psi proponents should team-up on experiments of telepathy and other psi phenomena. But during an email exchange following the debate (published on the Skeptiko website), his stance took a radical change.”

    I think Rupert sheldrake must have a thick skin to put with this kind of behaviour, but Sheldrake has my complete admiration after he was stabbed by some mad-man after he had given a lecture in Santa Fe, New Mexico in April 2008. Sheldrake has done some small-scale telepathy experiments sponsored by Cambridge University in the UK, that have had some astounding results. See copy: Scientist Proves 'Telephone Telepathy' "The hit rate was 45 percent, well above the 25 percent you would have expected," he told the annual meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science. "The odds against this being a chance effect are 1,000 billion to one." No wonder a skeptic does not want to try and disaprove him and uses diversionary tactics to stop more conclusive research! The discussion about miracles is also interesting as the scientific community get alarmed that the so called placebo effect is getting stronger!

    Radio Heliographic ripples on the Sun extensive the past two days!
    Large quake may loom in the next 48 hours!

    GLP Board, 8th March 2010
    I was curious about the last two quakes and wave patterns on the Nobeyama Radioheliograph 10min Movies of the sun. There seemed to be a correlation so I will post the information here for this objective thought. What you will look for is wave pattern (ripples) moving across the sun on the movies and the time at the bottom. It seem’s these happen within a 24 hour period of the quakes listed below. From 08-01-2008 to 03-01-2010 there were 60 of these in 20 months, which averages 3 per month. Links to movies under the earthquake.

    Someone at GLP has noticed that the Sun is getting hit and we can see some interesting interference patterns that remind me of a few crop circles. I think we are seeing interference patterns caused by gravitational waves. The Asian tsunami in December 2004 was enough to convince some astronomers that Magnetar blasts can generate gravitational waves and we know that this activity has been seriously stepping up in gears hence the severe Space Weather. Sigh! Ignore the Mayan stuff and look at the scientific info on gravitational waves, "The crop picture which appeared on August 18, 2006 at Etchilhampton Hill seems to show (i) the four-fold pointed-symmetry of a gravitational wave field, as well as (ii) certain grid lines which are commonly used to represent gravity or curved space time ." here At least we were warned in advance! Warning: the GLP forum is rough!

    "Crop Circles" on the ice in Arna [Bergen, Norway]
    Aftenposten, 7th March 2010
    Google Translation: On Friday night, Ole Johan Hansen (77) saw a mysterious light in the harbor Arna in Bergen. The next morning a beautiful and inexplicable pattern appeared right there.

    "It was about ? feet long, and was not like anything I've seen before. Since it was 11 o'clock at night and I was not sure if the ice is safe, I tried to look in my binoculars if there was someone there. I could not see anyone," says Ole Johan Hansen (77) to

    Hansen lives just off the waterfront in Arna harbor. When he got up Saturday morning, he could hardly believe what he saw. During the night a symmetrical pattern formed on the ice. The pattern arises from about eight holes in the ice. According to Hansen rings range from around 50 meters (?) to the northeast, and 300 feet (?) in the other direction. Neither Hansen or lodger John Halvor Sæle (58) have seen the holes that the pattern arises from before Saturday morning.

    The pattern is amazing good. I have never seen the like, said Sæle. Meteorologist Geir Ottar Fagerlid admitted to parish news that he was thinking of a natural phenomenon (?) when he saw the pictures, and that the pattern is reminiscent of the mysterious phenomenon of "corn circles".

    More signs and wonders.... I will make an update if I see a better translation.

    Wanted: an eco prophet
    People are drifting into a lethal slumber on climate change. More of the same won't wake them up

    The Guardian, 7th March 2010
    It's an exceptionally inconvenient truth. Only one American in three believes that human beings are responsible for climate change: a polling result 10% down on where opinion rested the year before. Worse, the number of Americans who believe that climate change is a hoax or a scientific conspiracy – not doubting, just damned blank certain – has doubled since 2008. Add in those who assert that the changes, if any, are of "no significant concern", and you've got 30% of the US denying, scoffing and just walking on by. [...]

    More jaw and Gore from politicians can't cut it. They have come to seem secondhand sources, merely parroting a frail scientific thesis. That goes, alas, for journalists, too – and for pressure groups issuing lurid warnings or staging angry demos. Those of us who are convinced, who believe in the necessity of action, haven't changed our minds. But we're not the point. The audience that matters is out there, sleeping or drifting. And rousing it will demand something different, not more of the same.

    It looks like Al Gore has lost his job. The apparent fear and panic about climate change runs very deep, but it's only a proxy for the fear of not being able to control the future due to rapid revolutionary change.

    EdgeScience Magazine - Second Free Issue Special New Energy Section!
    Edge Science, March 2010
    Introducing EdgeScience - the new magazine from the SSE. Why EdgeScience? Because scientific knowledge is still full of unknowns. What remains to be discovered—what we don't know—very likely dwarfs what we do know. And what we think we know may not be entirely correct or fully understood. Anomalies, which researchers tend to sweep under the rug, should be actively pursued as clues to potential breakthroughs and new directions in science.

    Free Edge Science magazine issue 2. here

    Edge Science: Breakthrough: Clues to healing with Intentions
    Edge Science, March 2010
    [...] I used healing techniques that Bennett and I developed through introspection, trial and error, and simple intuition. The techniques are completely belief-free and involve a process of extremely fast visualization of a series of personal images done in conjunction with the laying-on of hands, in which the person tries, with as little effort as possible, to feel an energy flowing out from the palms of his or her hands.

    The images each person uses are generated by a personal list, prepared prior to the experiment, of 20 outcomes wanted in his or her life, specific goals that involve their own health, ideal jobs, material aspirations, or other people. Each item on the list is translated into an image that represents the achievement of that particular goal. These personal images are then memorized and the prospective healer practices cycling through them in a kind of mental filmstrip loop. This technique, rather than slowing down brain activity through some sort of meditative technique, actually speeds up brain functioning and activity through the rapid visualization. At the same time the handson technique is done in a very detached manner on the assumption that focus or belief would only get in the way. [...]

    The idea that a placebo could produce real physiological effects was unthinkable in medicine 50 years ago, but by now medicine recognizes that placebos do work, even as the mechanism by which they work and the circumstances under which they work remain a mystery. Yet, in fact, it turns out that placebo effects increase over time to the point where up to 80 percent of the effects of drugs can be mirrored in placebos.

    To say this research blows out a lot of conventional thinking about working with healing energies and techniques is to put it mildly. The discussion that this scientist has solved the problem of the placebo effect is amazing, lets say I am absolutely thrilled with what I have read about this research so far. THIS IS ALL VERY INTERESTING AS THE PHARMACEUTICAL COMPANIES ARE STRUGGLING TO BEAT THE PLACEBO EFFECT! According to someone called Judith, she persuaded Dr William Bengston to start teaching. According to her, the Bengston method is hit and miss and if you read her blog it is most likely to do with resonance, see William Bengston, Chasing the Cure: A commentary, also see the

    Further commentary
    Please remember, the person who started this all off was called Bennett Mayrick who was a natural healer who had acquired a high level of healing abilities on his own efforts. He did not need any "initiations" from anyone, then Dr. William Bengston spent a lot of time with him and picked up the frequencies as they worked out their process of visualisation. From what Judith says, Dr William Bengston does not seem to know how to pass on these frequencies properly and I think this is an area that needs thorough investigation and research, especially as there are many different schools and organisations and groups charging money for techniques and initiations. Btw, even if you spend years in a healing school like Barbara Brennan's, a few of her graduates have told me that there is no guarantee that you will evolve and pick up abilities like high sense perception (hsp). It seems that the sheep dip approach does not always work.

    In Denial: The meltdown of the climate campaign.
    Weekly Standard, 15th March 2010 (Issue Date)
    [...] If the climate system is less sensitive to greenhouse gases than the climate campaign believes, then what is causing plainly observable changes in the climate, such as earlier arriving springs, receding glaciers, and shrinking Arctic Ocean ice caps?

    There have been alternative explanations in the scientific literature for several years, ignored by the media and the IPCC alike. The IPCC downplays theories of variations in solar activity, such as sunspot activity and gamma ray bursts, and although there is robust scientific literature on the issue, even the skeptic community is divided about whether solar activity is a primary cause of recent climate variation. [...]

    The unraveling of the climate campaign was entirely predictable, though not the dramatic swiftness with which it arrived. The long trajectory of the climate change controversy conforms exactly to the “issue-attention cycle” that political scientist Anthony Downs explained in the Public Interest almost 40 years ago. Downs laid out a five-stage cycle through which political issues of all kinds typically pass.

    A group of experts and interest groups begin promoting a problem or crisis, which is soon followed by the alarmed discovery of the problem by the news media and broader political class. This second stage typically includes a large amount of euphoric enthusiasm—you might call this the dopamine stage—as activists conceive the issue in terms of global salvation and redemption.

    One of the largest debilities of the climate campaign from the beginning was their having conceived the issue not as a practical problem, like traditional air pollution, but as an expression, in Gore’s view, of deeper spiritual and even metaphysical problems arising from our “dysfunctional civilization.” Gore is still thinking about the issue in these terms, grasping for another dopamine rush. In his February 28 New York Times article, he claimed that an international climate treaty would be “an instrument of human redemption.”

    The Weekly Standard magazine front cover implies that Al Gore, the emperor with no clothes, has in fact been exposed and now realises that his cover has been blown. All rather charming and quaint... The few sentences highlighted here reveals that some people can actually think, which at times in the last few years I have seriously wondered about.... Yes, the changes taking place on this planet are being driven by celestial energies that are solar, cosmic, galactic and even intergalactic, but how long will it take for more of the pundits out there to realise that our planet is facing evolutionary change? This is already well known to priviledged insiders and people who have the ability to reason and are aware of the new phenomenon of Space Weather. I note the reference to social engineenering of public opinion, which I have highlighted before. Yet, again we see Al Gore's emphasis that we are facing a spiritual crisis, sometimes I wonder who or what this man is channelling...

    Gore: Organized Campaign Behind Climate Skeptics
    Former Vice President Al Gore says critics of his global warming warnings are part of a "massive, organized campaign." Over at WUWT, people want to know why they have not been receiving checks...

    Defectors Say Church of Scientology Hides Abuse
    New York Times, 6th March 2010
    CLEARWATER, Fla. — Raised as Scientologists, Christie King Collbran and her husband, Chris, were recruited as teenagers to work for the elite corps of staff members who keep the Church of Scientology running, known as the Sea Organization, or Sea Org.

    They signed a contract for a billion years — in keeping with the church’s belief that Scientologists are immortal. They worked seven days a week, often on little sleep, for sporadic paychecks of $50 a week, at most.

    But after 13 years and growing disillusionment, the Collbrans decided to leave the Sea Org, setting off on a Kafkaesque journey that they said required them to sign false confessions about their personal lives and their work, pay the church thousands of dollars it said they owed for courses and counseling, and accept the consequences as their parents, siblings and friends who are church members cut off all communication with them.

    According to the book Snapping: America's Epidemic of Sudden Personality Change [1978, 1979, 1995, 2005] by Flo Conway and Jim Siegelman. Scientology is the worse cult on the planet to recover from, taking on average 12 years. The following video of the brainwashing that they call "training" is the reason why. Please take 24 minutes of your life to watch the video and understand why this organisation is so dangerous. Video: Indoctrination: Scientology Basic Training Routines

    The most ridiculous aspect of this, is people actually pay for themselves to be turned into unemotional robots that can be triggered on command! Incredibly, I have read that people say that they found these basic drills helpful and gave them confidence, because presumably, they teach people how to control others! To be honest, I had no idea it was that bad... By the way, Scientology is extreme but the New Agey 'cult' milieu is just much more subtle and if people are not careful, the same mentality and emotional rigidity can be developed over a much longer time frame.

    Strange Cloud Behaviour in Argentina 04-03-2010
    YouTube, March 2010
    Strange phenomenon occurred in Argentina. The citizens of Guernica were surprised by a strange cone-shaped cloud that rose more than 12 kilometers above the rest of the clouds. From inside this strange formation could be seen large rays that frightened the spectators. Many witnesses say may be a harbinger of some new catastrophe in the region after the earthquake in Chile.

    There is now some seriously strange atmospheric phenomena being seen around the world, some of this lacks any explanation whatsoever. Here, some people have suggested a Low Precipitation (LP) Supercell thunderstorm, but quite frankly, I prefer a metaphysical explanation. We are seeing some serious redistribution of energies and off-planet advice warning people to protect their energy fields during this process has been generally ignored.

    Hacked Mattel Brain Toy Delivers Painful Electric Shocks for Thinking, 6th March 2010
    A toy that reads your brain waves to manipulate a foam ball sounds fun -- until said toy begins manipulating other things, too. Like your body's pain receptors. Doesn't sound too thrilling to us, but a few geeks apparently thought it'd be a great idea.

    According to GeekoSystem, some folks at Harcos Laboratories took Mattel's Mindflex and hacked it to deliver a painful electric shock to the user. Strap the device on your head, and challenge yourself not to think -- not even a little bit. If your brain is a little active, you'll get a little shock. The more activity inside your head, the more intense of a shock you'll feel. If you're into this kind of thing,

    Well, it looks like James Ray missed out on this one! Since he is about finished, as nobody will be interested in his Harmonic Wealth Seminars, when they find out that they will be tortured and if they are lucky, survive with out being killed or permanently injured or scarred for life in the name of their spiritual advancement. However, there are a lots of other New Age gurus who I am sure would be interested in using the 'hacked' version of this 'toy' as part of the teaching or 'training seminars'. New Agers are being continuously encouraged to not think and the belief of 'no mind' or cognitive suicide is now very popular. As brain dead as possible, is being advocated by people with high cognitive abilities running multi-million dollar empires. Now, if you have refused to switch off your reasoning capacities, you would realise that there is something very fishy about these people and their teaching. Obviously, the not thinking, should not prohibit anyone from buying their crap that tells them what to believe and how to behave. Btw, this article sounds like trying to get a new craze off the ground.

    Massive hailstones pound Melbourne [Australia]
    ABC News, 6th March 2010
    Severe thunderstorms have hit Melbourne as parts of Victoria are lashed by strong winds and large hail stones. Hailstones the size of golf balls have hit the suburb of Melton, in Melbourne's west, as a line of storms moved through western Victoria.

    Winds of more 100 kilometres an hour have been recorded at Melbourne Airport while nearly 40 millimetres of rain fell at Rockbank, west of Melbourne. Streets across Melbourne's CBD have been flooded and police are warning people not to drive through the flooded areas after some motorists became trapped.

    Of course they are exagerating, golf-balled sized hailstone is not that massive, the biggest hailstones that I have come across in recent years were tennis-balled sized that killed deer in Austria, in October 2009, then there were "fist-sized" hail that destroyed crops in French villages, May 2009. In August 2008, the United States at Belen, had hailstones the sized of golf balls, but some had fused together to form chunks that were 4 or 5 inches across. Australia has seen much bigger projectiles from the sky, there were "cricket ball" sized hail hit Sydney, Australia in December 2007, and Sydney also had tennis balls sized ones in October 2007, see Best of the Blog Wild Weather. Hailstones are a wonder because the current theory can only be described as speculative as to how they can form whilst defying gravity based on hanging around in a "thermal updraught". In reality, we know that to form clouds an electric field is required and above thunderstorms those electric fields become intense, our scientists are only providing us with weak unverifiable explanations because they don't understand the processes at work in all the different electromagnetic atmospheric conditions that can exist in the complex environment of our planet.

    James Ray Foes Refusing to Take his Tweets Sitting Down
    Rummorat, 6th March 2010
    Mr. Mystical Nonsense – or James Arthur Ray, as he’s more commonly known – keeps cranking out the crap on his Twitter account.

    But it would seem that those who no longer buy into his New Age nonsense aren’t sitting by quietly as he spews his spiritual spittle into cyberspace. There’s a whole slew of naysayers saying nay in Tweets which they’re addressing directly to Mr. Ray, and they make for some great reading.

    Good to see that the rebellion of the clones has started.... JR Tweets

    Meteor Strikes Alabama Neighborhood, Citizens Brace for More [US]
    The Grumpy Gardener, 5th March 2010
    A loud boom shook residents of Hoover, Alabama out of their beds early Friday morning, sending terrified families running into the streets. There they were greeted by a scene straight out of "Armageddon" -- scorched earth, vaporized worms, and a lawn suddenly turned to blacktop.

    Scientists and civil defense authorities quickly determined the most likely cause -- a small meteorite that had blasted its way through the Earth's atmosphere before disintegrating above the lawn.

    This is the first time that I have come across a meteor scorching grass but leaving no hole and no debris!?! Sorry, this does not add up because there is supposed to be some evidence of a space rock even if it disintegrated! What they are saying is that something completely vapourised just above a lawn!?! This event was appropriately reported by 'The Grumpy Gardener' website. LOL! More meteors reported this week:

    Meteors put on cosmic show over Derry [Ireland]
    ""There were six of them in total," he told the Journal yesterday. "They were bright orange almost red, like balls of flames burning with a tail behind them." ...He said the lights passed over the hills of Donegal before disappearing from view."
    So, were they actually meteors or UAPs?

    Loud sound that rattled windows possibly a sonic boom or meteor - Louisiana [US]
    "There have been no reports of area residents seeing a meteor, but seeing a meteor was unlikely because overcast and daytime conditions, Wheeler said."

    Witnesses to light in sky - California [US]

    "We spotted the fireball just as we crossed San Antonio Creek Road. As we drove up the grade, it traveled from left to right until out of sight, as we neared the top of the hill. It seemed like it was visible for a full 180 degrees in our field of view."
    Hmmm... another 'fireball' crossing over the skies

    Amateur astronomer in Georgia snaps picture of what may be a meteor that startled area residents on Monday
    "Lawrenceville, Ga. resident David Jones was driving on Interstate 85 in Atlanta early Monday night when he noticed a large, electric blue ring-shaped cloud in the western sky." [...] Wheeler said he received a call Wednesday from a Bunkie resident who claims she saw a grey mass with no flames moving through the sky about the same time Monday."
    I would like to see this photo. The last electric blue halo cloud reported was in Romania, October 2009, it was described as a 'UFO cloud' and caused international interest.

    New Rocket Engine Could Reach Mars in 40 Days, 5th March 2010
    Future Mars outposts or colonies may seem more distant than ever with NASA's exploration plans in flux, but the rocket technology that could someday propel a human mission to the red planet in as little as 40 days may already exist.

    A company founded by former NASA astronaut Franklin Chang-Diaz has been developing a new rocket engine that draws upon electric power and magnetic fields to channel superheated plasma out the back. That stream of plasma generates steady, efficient thrust that uses low amounts of propellant and builds up speed over time.

    Well, it seems that some scientists woke up a long time ago and realised that we live in an Electromagnetic/Plasma Universe and that for mankind to make any significant achievements we have to copy the interdimensional plasmatic lifeforms that operate by ustilising the basic energy of the universe – plasma – that due to it's charge to mass ratio is mostly influenced by electric and magnetic fields. So, are we supposed to believe that more advanced plasma engines are not already operational under black projects? The video here [4:48] is quite nice: Promising New Space Engines are Opening the Solar System

    Texas witness reports 'bird formation' disappearing and reappearing in clear sky
    UFO Examiner, 5th March 2010
    [...]I had just flown in from Dallas to Harlingen, landed after 12 noon. I drove back with a friend and her husband to Mcallen, my home town. Before Mcallen, we drove through Pharr Texas. I was in the back seat, and I happened to look up.

    I noticed, and not too high from the sky, a formation of birds, in an arrow shape, the way your normal birds migrate, but these were not the normal looking birds. They were in a perfect arrow shape, and about 8-10 of them on either side.

    They were flying in synch, the exact same time and way, these birds looked like sting ray looking animals, very strange looking birds, with a wide wing span, and bodies like a sting ray.

    As I was watching, they disappeared, then they reappeared within seconds, and they were still in synch as they were flying flapping their wings all at the same time. I did mention what I saw to the 2 people I was driving with, I was a little embarrassed to mention it again.

    With in seconds they disappeared again, and not into clouds, because they were way below the clouds. I've told my close friends and am embarrassed to mention it to anyone because don't want anyone to think I am crazy. Oh and I failed to mention, it was a beautiful clear day.

    These 'sting ray' type entities are only seen and reported occasionally, I don't think this is a great account but I still think it's worth noting, a link to a sting ray image is provided here. This account reminds me of the story of Kenneth Arnold who started off the whole UFO frenzy when he tried to described a formation of objects he was seeing and newspaper men came up with the phrase 'flying saucers' but that was NOT the shape he was trying to describe. In fact, Arnold originally saw crescent or fan shaped objects and one object that was tadpole shaped. The behaviour of the objects he saw appeared to be more biological than mechanistic, so his opinion must be considered as valuable due to his unique experiences unclouded by other accounts and his indepth study of this phenomenon. Here is a quote from Trevor James Constable's book, Sky Creatures: Living UFOs published by Simon & Schuster in 1976,
    Significant among those who came to accept that UFOs were critters was the man who touched off the whole powder keg — Kenneth Armold. As coiner of the phrase flying saucers he has won immortality, but by the early 1960s, he was nowwhere near as puzzled as he was on 24 June 1947, when he saw a "formation" of these saucers neart Mount Rainier. In November 1962 his views on UFOs sounded as though the had lifted bodily out of my 1958 book They live in the Sky. Writing in Ray Palmer's Flying Saucers Magazine, Mr. Arnold said:

    After some 14 years of extensive research, it is my conclusion that the so-called unidentified flying objects that have been seen in our atmosphere are not space ships from another planet at all, but are groups and masses of living organisms that are as much a part of our atmosphere and space as the life we find in the oceans. The only difference in the space and atmospheric organisms is that they have the natural ability to change their densities at will.
    Flying Saucers Magazine, November 1962, Palmer Publications. Amherst, Wisconsin 54406

    Danger lurks as ships freed from Baltic ice, 5th March 2010
    Ships were on Friday warned to stay off a danger zone in the Baltic Sea after ice breakers freed up to 50 vessels and thousands of passengers stranded in freezing conditions off the Swedish coast.

    "There is still a very real danger ... and we've asked ships to take an alternative route," Ann Ericsson of the Swedish Maritime Administration's ice breaker unit, told AFP. A number of vessels, including several passenger ferries shuttling as many as 1,000 passengers each between Sweden, Finland and Estonia, were stranded Thursday just outside the Stockholm archipelago, where freezing winds had pushed thick ice towards the coast. [...]

    Two ice breakers failed to free the large Amorella passenger ferry and several other ferries on Thursday, forcing them to wait for the larger Ymer ice breaker to sail down from the Bay of Bothnia in the north.

    Well, I saw the stories about the trapped passenger ferries, but I thought I would stay clear of the bad weather is not climate bandwagon, but then I find that TWO ice breakers failed to free the passenger ferries and people were trapped until a larger one arrived to do the business. Actually, I have been on one of those ferries and alcoholic drinks are tax free. The tradition is that people take advantage, and if you have lived in a Scandinavian culture you will know exactly what I mean by this. I imagine that some people really didn't really notice the cold and bad conditions... Here's a YouTube video [1:43] where things did look terrible: Raw Video: Ships Stuck in Ice in Baltic Sea march 2010

    Climate scientists plot to fight back at skeptics
    The Washington Times, 5th March 2010
    Undaunted by a rash of scandals over the science underpinning climate change, top climate researchers are plotting to respond with what one scientist involved said needs to be "an outlandishly aggressively partisan approach" to gut the credibility of skeptics.

    In private e-mails obtained by The Washington Times, climate scientists at the National Academy of Sciences say they are tired of "being treated like political pawns" and need to fight back in kind. Their strategy includes forming a nonprofit group to organize researchers and use their donations to challenge critics by running a back-page ad in the New York Times.

    "Most of our colleagues don't seem to grasp that we're not in a gentlepersons' debate, we're in a street fight against well-funded, merciless enemies who play by entirely different rules," Paul R. Ehrlich, a Stanford University researcher, said in one of the e-mails.

    Some scientists question the tactic and say they should focus instead on perfecting their science, but the researchers who are organizing the effort say the political battle is eroding confidence in their work. [...]

    "Sounds like this group wants to step up the warfare, continue to circle the wagons, continue to appeal to their own authority, etc.," said Judith A. Curry, a climate scientist at the Georgia Institute of Technology. "Surprising, since these strategies haven't worked well for them at all so far."

    This is hard to believe, are we witnessing Climategate Emails Series 2? The 'skeptics' are fighting for truth and the restoration of the original scientific method and they have been doing this with zero funding, but these 'fat cat' scientists are upset that the shambolic state of climate science has been exposed. This is a real dog fight now. Power Vs Force, get the popcorn!

    The entire file of e-mails has been posted as a PDF and can be read here.

    A bright orange burning ball, close and directly overhead! - Leeds, W. Yorkshire [UK]
    UK UFO Sightings, 5th March 2010
    Location of Sighting: Pudsey, Leeds, West Yorkshire
    Date of Sighting: Thursday 4th March, 2010, Time: 18.35, Witness Name: Claire & Abbie

    Witness Statement: My daughter and I were driving home in the Littlemoor area of Pudsey when she spotted what I can only describe as a bright orange burning ball! I opened the car window but it was silent. It seemed very close and was directly overhead. I pulled over to watch it and was waiting for it to come down as it looked like a hot air balloon on fire, however it continued to drift gently across the sky. By the time I got my camera out it had risen and was fading. On reviewing the picture I had taken there was nothing there!!! Please…….did anyone else see this?! I now have a worried 10 year old who is phoning around to see if anyone else saw it

    Fire chi! Well, it's very easy to see why people try to frame what they are seeing based on their current knowledge. I did exactly the same thing when I saw an orb, the mind is watching but at the same time trying to work out what is being observed. What I saw was quite small and appeared across a road near appartments and shops, close enough for me to get a good look despite the fact I was not wearing glasses, I think I was watching for about a minute, but that was long enough to eliminate quite a few possibilities. It was like nothing I have ever seen in my life, a flare does not even come close because what I saw was glowing and pulsating and was a brilliant amber orange colour, quite beautiful and it was gliding very smoothly with no erratic moments. When are we going to reach the stage where enough people have seen these balls of light or know someone who has and then are people just going to shrug their shoulders and carry on as if there is no significance? There are lots more reports, here is a link to the homepage of the excellent website UK UFO Sightings.

    Want the Good Life? Your Neighbors Need It, Too
    Yes Magazine, 4th March 2010
    New research shows that, among developed countries, the healthiest and happiest aren't those with the highest incomes but those with the most equality. Epidemiologist Richard Wilkinson discusses why.

    We live in a world of deep inequality, and the gap between the rich and the poor is widening. We in the rich world generally agree that this is a problem we ought to help fix—but that the real beneficiaries will be the billions of people living in poverty. After all, inequality has little impact on the lives of those who find themselves on top of the pile. Right? Not exactly, says British epidemiologist Richard Wilkinson.

    For decades, Wilkinson has studied why some societies are healthier than others. He found that what the healthiest societies have in common is not that they have more—more income, more education, or more wealth—but that what they have is more equitably shared. In fact, it turns out that not only disease, but a whole host of social problems ranging from mental illness to drug use are worse in unequal societies.

    I was surprised when a respected metaphysical source stated that the United States has a whole had some karma to deal with and I deduced that it was in relation to foreign policy and the treatment of international nieghbours. Whilst most people can only think of their own interests, as a collective this has accumulative effects. If you are not aware of economic hitman John Perkins and his story of how the US corrupts and controls countries, then his insight may help understand why a respected metaphysical source, far from espousing the wonder of "The law of Attraction", gets real and provides some balance as there are many "Universal Laws" that are generally underemphasised or ignored. In common day parlance, one of those Universal Laws states: "what goes around, comes around".

    Shields down! Earth's mag field may drop in a flash
    New Scientist, 4th March 2010

    EVEN if we knew precise details of Earth's core, we would not be able to predict a catastrophic flip in the polarity of its magnetic field more than a decade or two ahead.

    Our planet's magnetic field has reversed polarity from time to time throughout its history. Some models suggest that a flip would be completed in a year or two, but if, as others predict, it lasted decades or longer we would be left exposed to space radiation. This could short-circuit satellites, pose a risk to aircraft passengers and play havoc with electrical equipment on the ground.

    This article is so brief, I am seriously wondering if it is meant to be a warning. Well, NASA and the European Space Agency (ESA) have already told us that the Earth's magnetic field that acts as a shield to oncoming Space Weather, is full of tears. There are times when there is NO magnetic shield on the daylight side so we are exposed to galactic cosmic rays and galactic blasts that are occurring regularly now. That's part of the reason why cosmic rays are at a space age high. Sigh... Most people are oblivious and so if the magnetic field does start to flip, I suppose most wouldn't care unless it affected their livestyles which it will, but satellites have already started to start crashing back to earth, so maybe this is focusing a few minds about what they should tell the sheeple... The above image is what I saw when I went to check the state of the Earth's magnetic field 10/03/07 00:33:52 UT, actually I had a choice, check out the ones before.... This is not considered to be 'normal' but these days, magnetic field line distortations are frequent. Real-time Magnetosphere Simulation here.

    SEC says 'psychic' scammed investors
    NY Post, 4th March 2010
    Too bad he couldn't foresee getting caught. Federal regulators filed suit today against a self-proclaimed psychic who allegedly scammed $6 million by conning suckers into believing that his extrasensory abilities would make them "piles of money" by trading foreign currencies.

    Sean David Morton -- who bills himself as "America's Prophet" -- "falsely touted his historical success in psychically predicting the various rises and falls of the market," according to the Securities and Exchange Commission.

    The California-based huckster -- whose Web site shows him posing with celebs including Sting, Robin Williams and the late Farrah Fawcett -- solicited investors on late-night radio shows and at the 2006 "New Life Expo" in New York City, the Manhattan federal court filing says.

    Since I have been studying scammers, it seems there are strong concerns that the New Age market is seen as a "soft target", so this case sounds like a conman playing the role of a psychic and nothing more. The real problem is those who are very intelligent and have spent a long time mastering the dark art of persuasion like James Ray. They literally see the New Age community as a gold mine and this is made much easier when people refuse to use discernment and think they are safe because someone with a BIG NAME has been promoted by someone else with an even BIGGER NAME. After spending hundreds of hours at the Cult Education Forum, I now clearly see that predators in the New Age world are very good at setting traps and offering bait and this is all done with charm and flair. It does not matter whether the bait is learning how to meditate, enlightenment, energy balancing, "harmonic wealth", "The Work", the goal is to re-engineer your beliefs so the perpetrator is replaced as your God, and you become a follower for life constantly spending money or giving your time for free to help this person succeed in their aims. The mind control means that victims become mindless automatons that can be triggered on command and that is how various cult leaders have operated for hundreds of years. These days the process is refined that's all.

    12-year-old girl saves Chilean island
    Press TV, 4th March 2010
    A 12-year old girl has saved almost the entire population of Robinson Crusoe Island off the coast of Chile from a strong tsunami. The inhabitants of the small island were asleep as a massive tsunami, initiated by the February 27 earthquake, was about to reach the coast.

    According to reports in the Chilean media, Martina Maturana felt the first slight tremors whilst everyone was asleep on Robinson Crusoe Island, in the Archipelago of Juan Fernandez, 700 kilometers off the country's coast. [...] She ran 400 meters from her home to the town square to sound the alarm bell and woke 700 inhabitants up from their sleep.

    I suppose the moral of the tale is that no matter what the situation, there are always some people with observational and assessment skills that can make a difference.

    Military scientists study ionosphere
    US Air Force News, 3rd March 2010
    At a facility in a remote part of south-central Alaska, the largest radio transmitter on Earth sends high-frequency signals into the ionosphere to help scientists better understand the influence of charged particles on radio communications and satellite surveillance systems.

    Surprisingly, it also is able to create a mini-ionosphere. "The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program, a program known as HAARP, is basically a joint Air Force-Navy program to investigate ionospheric physics and radio science," explained James Battis, HAARP program manager at the Air Force Research Laboratory, during a Feb. 24 interview on Pentagon Web Radio's audio webcast "Armed with Science: Research and Applications for the Modern Military."

    Some information about the purpose of HAARP. All the people who think that HAARP is being used to induce earthquakes, need to read the original patent information that accompanies the book Angels Don't Play This HAARP. If you understand what you are read and then the history of trying to manipulate the ionosphere, then people will realise that inducing earthquakes is a by-product and not the original purpose. What's more, people now state that HAARP is now old technology, but despite this, HAARP is seized on by conspiracy folk desperate to give power to those who are rapidly losing their power to universal forces.

    Meet Blackie The Mutant Penguin
    National Geographic Blog, 3rd March 2010
    When Andrew Evans sent us this photo of a rare melanistic penguin that he spotted during his travels, I became intrigued.

    So I decided to call up Dr. Allan Baker, an ornithologist and professor of Environmental and Evolutionary Studies at the University of Toronto and head of the Department of Natural History at the Royal Ontario Museum, to learn more about melanism in birds. I got him on the line before he had the chance to look at the photos, and suffice it to say he was slightly flabbergasted at what he saw:

    "Wow. That looks so bizarre I can't even believe it. Wow," was his first response. Then he made me swear on a stack of National Geographic magazines that the image was real. "Well that is astonishing," he said. "I've never ever seen that before. It's a one in a zillion kind of mutation somewhere.

    Please note that the Black Penguin has been spotted before and there are two further reports here with a better photo for 'Blackie'. Again, like lots of other 'rare' mutations we have to see whether there are other cases that start to occur and the change takes effect on a wider scale to make any kind of judgement that we are seeing evolutionary change.

    Chile quake 'didn't shift planet's axis': German scientists put Earth back on track!, 3rd March 2010
    Top German scientists have said NASA’s claim that the quake in Chile moved the Earth’s axis and shortened the length of a day is ludicrous.

    The monster tremor killed at least 800 people and supposedly moved gigantic masses around the planet. NASA had reported that the catastrophe shifted the Earth’s axis and made a day shorter by a fraction. But now German researchers have said that the claims are completely without basis.

    NASA scientists said on Tuesday that the earthquake moved the Earth’s axis by eight centimetres. Richard Gross used a computer model to come to this conclusion. He also claimed that days will become shorter by 1.26 microseconds. “Unverifiable,” declared a top German scientist as he put the Earth back on track. [...]

    The influence of an earthquake on the Earth’s tilt would in any case be extremely low, explained Dr. Mojib Latif from The Leibniz Institute of Marine Sciences in Kiel. He said: “The heavenly bodies around us are mainly responsible for the Earth’s tilt. The gravity of the heavy and big planets in particular determines the gradient of the Earth’s axis.

    "That can not be changed by an earthquake, even one as powerful as that in Chile.” Professor Kind added: “It is impossible that there could ever be such a severe earthquake which would observably move the Earth’s axis. That would only be possible through outside influences, for example a meteorite.

    NASA are becoming nothing more than a PR media outlet. Basically we are told here that NASA scientists are making claims that are unverifiable and we are told here that the Earth's tilt can only be changed by an external force. Even coronal mass ejections can slow the rotation of the Earth due to drag and the massive galactic blasts that we are experiencing now will also have the same impact. The only conclusion that we can come to is that NASA wants to explain changes in the Earth's tilt but without giving the real reason. Please also remember that we have a dense plasma arriving into our solar system and that will also have a gravitational impact. So it seems that the Inuit Indians' observation that the Earth's tilt has changed in the last few years has some merit.

    Local UFO Sightings on the Rise - MEMPHIS, Tennessee [US]
    My Fox Memphis, 3rd March 2010
    MEMPHIS, Tenn. - Bright white lights and strange, triangular shaped objects, Tennesseans are reporting some unusual things overhead. Don't expect that to stop anytime soon, a local group that investigates UFO close encounters says sightings are on the rise.

    For decades millions of people have reported seeing UFO's. A recent poll shows one in 12 Americans have seen a mysterious object in the sky, and that a third of adults believe it's likely aliens have visited earth. While some say the increase in volume of reports in Tennessee are enough to make any investigator sit up and take notice, others say it's all in their heads.

    The skies over Tennessee have been busy lately, but some say, it's not your typical air traffic. A commercial airline pilot from Memphis shows us where he spotted a UFO. He pointed out the UFO's path, saying, "It started here, passed over about this speed and leveled out down there."

    This pilot, who doesn't want to be identified for fear he'll lose his job, says he saw a UFO in the sky over Cordova around 9:45pm on November 24, 2009.

    A pilot sharing his eye witness account is important, but the report here attempts to debunk in the usual manner using another ex-pilot who uses arguments that lack any credibility. I am documenting some of these sightings and reports when I see them of a rise in UFOs/UAPs, because this is exactly as we should expect as the fabric of spacetime dramatically changes. I believe that this must be combined with the perspective that we are facing evolutionary change and I am making my solo effort for historical purposes, because at some point in the future, (hopefully soon) there will be a mass awakening that our reality has changed. I will also state once again, the UFO/UAP phenomena is here to stay, debunking does not change reality. Obviously, I simply cannot keep up with the number of sightings and I am just picking out a few and/or just providing links. Here are some others in the mainstream press:

    More UFO sightings in Swansea Bay area [UK]
    "More sightings of unidentified flying objects, which look like orange balls, have been seen whizzing through the skies of Swansea."

    Northland residents report seeing flaming object in the sky - Minnesota [US]
    "“I saw a flaming thing come down out of the sky,” she said. She described the object as about the size of a mattress with red flames."

    Doctor Gore: a good idea? – poll disagrees
    WUWT, 3rd March 2010
    From a University of Tennessee press release: Former VP Gore to Receive Honorary Doctorate from UT Knoxville
    KNOXVILLE — Former Vice President and Nobel Peace Prize winner Al Gore will be honored by the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, with only the third honorary degree granted by the campus. The degree was approved by the UT Board of Trustees at their meeting Feb 26th.

    Gore will receive the degree — an Honorary Doctor of Laws and Humane Letters in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology — at the spring commencement exercises of the College of Arts and Sciences on May 14. He will be the featured speaker at the ceremony, addressing graduates and their families along with the gathered faculty. [...]

    Gore will join entertainer and philanthropist Dolly Parton and former Sen. Howard H. Baker Jr. as the only recipients of honorary degrees from UT Knoxville.

    This is a tempered response at WUWT:
    AlexB (23:12:50) : This is really really disappointing. A doctorate is given to people for making a significant contribution to human knowledge, not for alarmism, lies and political advocacy. Looks like we have an entire university administration that doesn’t seem to know what science is.
    I do not disagree with the principle of Honourary Degrees by "real" universities but I am not sure about Dolly Parton receiving her honorary doctorate degree of Humane and Musical Letters from the same University of Tennessee and I see it as a publicity stunt. Anyway, I did not realise that so many well known people in the New Age world buy themselves degrees and doctorates to increase their credibility. I think my biggest surprise was finding out that "Dr." John Gray, famed for his "Women are from Venus and Men are from Mars" series, paid for his "academically unrecognised" qualifications. Regardless, he likes to flaunt his "credentials" on the front cover of his books but he was outted in 2003 by Rick Ross. The extra credibility helped him to get where he is today which may not have happened otherwise and he even fooled a respected US university who gave him a real honourary degree, just like Al Gore's going to receive. So, it really bothers me that there are so many fakers in the New Age world, it means that people are automatically given some respect that is not DESERVED or EARNED....

    Two Florida witnesses report multiple incoming orb UFOs
    UFO Examiner, 2nd March 2010
    [...] My friend and I were driving home from work and noticed what we thought was a large meteor falling from the sky. The meteor was falling for a much longer duration and was significantly larger that I was accustomed to seeing.

    It looked like a burning fireball traveling at a high speed similar to a meteor. It kept falling and then split into two smaller burning fireballs and continued to fall.

    I was concerned it would impact the earth but before they hit the ground each meteor split into two orbs or lights (thus four total) and each light turned and travelled horizontal to the ground for several miles. We then noticed a fifth and all five were travelling at different speeds to the west. We watched them fly for several minutes.

    They did not fly in any formation and appeared to be travelling at different speeds and altitudes and they appeared to bounce around a little. Next, we could not believe our eyes when we noticed a second fireball that did the exact same thing. There were 10 orbs or lights total traveling in two groups of five towards the west. We watched them for about 5 minutes until they were so far away they 'set' on the horizon. The lights were white with no color and we figured we watched them travel 12-17 miles or more above the ground.

    This event was so unbelievable, I was shaking and in such awe I could not find my hazard lights on the car when I pulled over and we were both so 'flustered' we could not figure out how to use the phone camera. I did not want to take my eye off it for a second.

    It finally looks like hardcore ufologists are actually paying attention to witness statements and are now refering to 'orb' UFOs. This is a great I-report and reminds me that we are witnessing the greatest transformation in the history of mankind. Simply orbsome!

    I have been logging UAP reports for 18 months but it is the first time I have come across an example of multiple orbs coming down and sometimes we see them either in pairs or actually splitting (just like in the report above), literally like massive snowdrops, but it looks like these are not travelling elsewhere. See YouTube [2:15]
    Murmansk, Russia, March 2, 2010 at 13:00 It will be interesting to see if more reports and video surface from around the world.

    Video: Meteor seen from Hungary and Czech Republic probably exploded over Slovakia, 2nd March 2010
    This morning people from many parts of Slovakia are asking the question: What caused the mysterious glow registered on Sunday night just before midnight?

    "Just before midnight I noticed a loud noise which words cannot describe. I saw the glow in the window. The whole event lasted about 5-6 seconds, but it was something extraordinary," we were informed by a reader from Tornale. The so far unexplained event had been noticed in Rožnava near Košice and even in Hungary. Some thought it looked like fireworks, others were afraid that an explosion in some factory happened.

    "I saw a bright light. I thought it was just lightning, but I didn't hear the thunder. Even more so it was snowing at the time, that is why I thought it was odd," was the reaction of a female student from Východna

    Over at they have decided to start translating meteor reports from Europe, so here we have something exploding over Slovakia and reports from Italy. Other recent sightings are also listed:

    Meteor Manages to Outflame Hungarian Police and Firefighters, 2nd March 2010

    In Italy Fireballs Flame Through February Skies
    SOTT News, 28th February 2010

    Enormous fireball explodes over the sky of Hungary, Slovakia and Czech Republic
    SOTT News, 2nd March 2010
    Spectacular Video!

    Meteorite may have "landed" in Norway

    Our Misunderstood Sun, 1st March 2010
    • “We stand on the verge of a vast cosmical discovery such as nothing hitherto imagined can compare with.”

      —William Herschel in 1850, upon the discovery of a link between magnetic storms on Earth and sunspots, to Michael Faraday, the vaunted experimentalist who was investigating the links between electricity and magnetism.
    Incredibly, one hundred and sixty years later in the space age, Herschel’s “vast cosmical discovery such as nothing hitherto imagined can compare with,” of an Electric Universe, remains “on the verge.” Mistaken ideas have diverted scientists down the path of Ptolemy once more, adding endless epicycles to theory to save appearances. Meanwhile the object central to the problem is the same and in full view. It is our misunderstood Sun.

    Excellent! I am very pleased to hear that Wal Thornhill is receiving a reward for his work on the Electric Universe. I don't agree with everything and particularly the fact that Electric Universe theorists do not believe in higher dimensions, but quite frankly, once you start to grasp the basic idea, cosmology is simplier and some metaphysical symbols and concepts become much less enigmatic, as we are given new insights into the workings of the universe.

    2010 Brings First Tornado-Free February
    AccuWeather, 1st March 2010
    While the so-called Snowmageddon and Snowicane tm blizzards that book-ended the month got much of the nation's attention, not a single tornado was reported in the United States during February 2010.

    According to the Storm Prediction Center (SPC), no tornadoes were reported last month. "It's a phenomenal feat that we went a month without a tornado," said Expert Senior Meteorologist Henry Margusity. If the statistic stands, it would be the first tornado-free February in at least 60 years.


    Darkness Begets Dishonesty, Study Finds
    Yahoo News, 1st March 2010
    Dim lights can make it seem as if no one is watching, triggering moral transgressions in many people, a new study suggests.

    Past research has shown that when people are concealed from view by others, say when they are wearing hoods, these individuals will be more likely to commit criminal acts and other bad behaviors.

    But what about times when we're not actually anonymous - people can see us - yet we feel like we're hidden? The researchers of the new study describe it as the adult version of hide-and-seek: Kids often believe no one can see them when they cover their eyes even though they are hiding in plain sight. Turns out, a dark room can have a similar psychological effect on adults.

    How interesting! These days I have started to question those who talk about light and dark and what kind of message is really being suggested. In my own experience, the only people I have known who talked about light and dark being aspects of the whole, had very dark aspects to their personality and I now wonder whether they were just trying to justify this to themselves and others.

    'Psychic healer' who claims he can cure cancer by laying his hands on patients is facing jail
    Daily Mail, 1st March 2010
    A self-proclaimed healer is being prosecuted over testimonials on his website claiming he can cure cancer.

    Adrian Pengelly, 43, says he is a 'visionary healer, energy worker, teacher and psychic' whose powers have made him 'world famous for treating people with cancer'.

    His website is laden with endorsements attesting to his apparently supernatural abilities, many claiming he is a 'miracle worker'. But he is being taken to court by trading standards officers under the Cancer Act of 1939, which bans advertising offers to treat cancer and carries the threat of a three-month jail sentence. [...]

    He also claims he can cure people around the world using 'distance healing'. Pengelly, who is due before Hereford magistrates this month, says he has never seen his website, which is run by his patients. He said: 'The people on my website have done it for free, out of the goodness of their hearts.

    His 'patients' are numerous. One, from IL in Shropshire, states: 'I was diagnosed August/08 with a 4cm breast cancer tumour. I had weekly healing treatments with Adrian until I was operated on four weeks later. 'My surgeons report was - the tumour when removed was 2.5cm, with no cancer spread!! I think this result speaks for itself!!'

    I think for all the publicity he's getting, 3 months banged up in jail might be part of his business plan! Seriously, this man is an obvious threat to the pharmaceutical companies who are already suffering because their drugs are no longer working on humans in comparison to placebos. Therefore, we can only surmise that the ability of humans to heal themselves with their own intent is accelerating. Anyway, how can he be prosecuted for a website run by thrilled ex clients?

    Boy develops fish scales at 14 months old
    The Telegraph, 1st March 2010
    This 14-month-old boy born without pores in his skin has baffled medics by developing fish scales.

    Doctors believe Song Sheng, of Jinhu, eastern China, may be suffering from a rare genetic condition that means his body cannot cool itself. Song Sheng - called fish boy by locals - began developing scales within days of his birth caused by his lack of pores. Doctors say because he cannot sweat or lose heat through his skin, it peels away in fish-like scales. Instead, his family controls his body temperature by laying him in baths of ice.

    Well, as soon as I saw the headline I wondered if this was a Chinese child, as I have stated this exact same concern before and the reasons have not changed. These DNA abberations are becoming more frequent and the authorities must have some grave concerns for the future due to the recent soaring rate of birth defects. There is no doubt now, the Chinese have severely compromised their environment and with the problems of the Earth's magnetic shielding and the onslaught of cosmic rays I believe there will be more strange medical conditions and DNA mutations for humans and animals. Obviously, only the very worse conditions are making international news.

    Frustrated Ryanair passenger eats €10,000 winning scratchcard News, 1st March 2010
    An angry airline passenger ate an €10,000 winning scratchcard after he was told he could not claim the money immediately. The unnamed man was flying with Ryanair from Krakow, in Poland, to East Midlands Airport when he won €10,000 with the scratch card.

    Cabin crew on the flight confirmed he had a winning card, but told the passenger he would have to collect the jackpot directly from the company that runs the competition as they did not have enough cash on board the plane. Ryanair said the man then became frustrated and started to eat his winning ticket while on the flight on Thursday. His rash actions mean he has lost any chance of claiming the prize money, which will now be donated to charity.

    Maybe he could plead that he had 'airline passenger unbalanced syndrome', for his temporary insanity. This disorder does not exist, but with the current EM environmental chaos on the planet, you never know what the future may bring.

    Climate scientist admits sending 'awful emails' but denies perverting peer review
    In his first public appearance since the beginning of the emails row Phil Jones tells MPs he will be cleared of accusations

    The Guardian, 1st March 2010
    The scientist at the centre of a media storm over global warming research admitted today he had sent "awful emails" but said he expected to be cleared of accusations that he tried to pervert the scientific process.

    Phil Jones, head of the Climatic Research Unit at the University of East Anglia, told a parliamentary inquiry that there was nothing in the hundreds of emails released on to the internet last year that supported the claims.

    "I was just commenting that those papers weren't very good," Jones said. "There is nothing that [shows] that me or the CRU were trying to pervert the peer review process in any way."

    Well, I am sure most are getting fed up of Climategate and it looks like it's going to run and run. Here is some reaction:

    The Final Straw
    WUWT, 1st March 2010
    "In Climategate: The Crutape letters we tried to avoid accusing Professor Jones of CRU and UEA of outright fraud."
    Author Steven Mosher is quite enraged since basically Phil Jones crossed the line in his UK Parliamentary testimony and he now stands accused of being a liar.

    YouTube: Video: Dr. Phil Jones Climategate testimony at the British House of Commons.

    Indian holy leader and BA stewardess arrested over prostitution racket
    Times Online, 1st March 2010
    A self-styled Hindu holy man and a British Airways stewardess have been arrested in Delhi on suspicion of involvement in a multimillion-pound prostitution racket.

    Police said that Shiv Myra Dwivedi, a Hindu swami, used his temple in south Delhi as a front to provide as many as 200 prostitutes, including air hostesses and students, often to clients in five-star hotels.

    In his spiritual guise he claimed a following of more than 100,000 people, including leading politicians. Undercover officers arrested him, another alleged pimp and six alleged prostitutes including two air hostesses, one from BA and one from the Indian airline Jagson, on Friday evening, Delhi police said.

    As a seeker of truth, I have spent a lot of time researching the guru culture, because I want to understand how people can lose their lives when their own defenses have been breached by others using psychological reprogramming techniques. There is also a need to try and understand my own dealings with guru wannabes and the fact that some people are nothing more than magicians. The case being the need to sort out how certain people can develop a following that is often based on some truth mixed with lies. In this regard, I have now learnt that truth is generally used as bait and the aim is to hook people for life, with the lies (but obviously this done to deceive so it's not obvious). Anyway, I have been amazed at how many famous gurus have been busted over the years. What's more with the internet, disaffected followers can air their grievances online and some of the tales are very distressing. So let's say, over the last few years, gurus whether they be old school or the ultra modern versions are being outted Big Time. Hence, I was recently shocked to learn that a very well known 'American guru' is known to have his followers beaten up when they upset him. If you do the research, this is very much part of the control by fear and shame that is prevalent in maintaining long termers. As an alternative thinker, I have also been very concerned that there does not seem to be a great deal of interest from certain esoteric traditions about what is taking place on the planet. I have not come across many major predictions or warnings or guidance and I find that odd, so it really makes you wonder whether it's the same old problem of those with the best marketing skills, having pushed out those that are in fact more spiritual and/or in touch with universal energies but are relatively unknown on the global scene. Btw, this image icon used here is a true fake guru. The actor Maxie Santillan was seen out with Paris Hilton in March 2008 and many presumed that this was an attempt at a pretense that she was becoming more spiritual. Bizarre but true.

    Chilean Quake Likely Shifted Earth’s Axis, NASA Scientist Says
    Business Week, 1st March 2010
    March 1 (Bloomberg) -- The earthquake that killed more than 700 people in Chile on Feb. 27 probably shifted the Earth’s axis and shortened the day, a National Aeronautics and Space Administration scientist said.

    Earthquakes can involve shifting hundreds of kilometers of rock by several meters, changing the distribution of mass on the planet. This affects the Earth’s rotation, said Richard Gross, a geophysicist at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, who uses a computer model to calculate the effects.

    “The length of the day should have gotten shorter by 1.26 microseconds (millionths of a second),” Gross, said today in an e-mailed reply to questions. “The axis about which the Earth’s mass is balanced should have moved by 2.7 milliarcseconds (about 8 centimeters or 3 inches).” [...] “What definitely the earthquake has done is made the Earth ring like a bell,” Rietbrock said.

    I am having trouble believing the "ice-skater" explanation. The last time scientists talked about the Earth "ringing like a bell" was after the 26th December 2004, when we had the Sumatra-Andaman earthquake & devastating Asian tunami. We we were hit by a Magnetar (a sepcial type of neutron star) and Earth was still ringing nearly six months later, they also told us that the day had shortened too then. Well, we can expect the Earth's tilt to have changed, but scientists don't like to mention that and as I have not mentioned before, Earth Watchers are already concerned that they can't reconcile NASA data that measures the Earth's tilt after they made changes to the datasets in the last few years ... Hmmm... Funny that... The serious Earth Watchers are panicking too, see Youtube [1:26] uploaded 27th February 2010, MAYDAY EARTH ringing like a bell! There is no record of a related gamma ray burst with the Chilean Earthquake, but the Earth's magnetic field told us that we were getting hit with energy from somewhere and it could have been a CME (solar) and since our defenses in the way of magnetic shielding (magnetosphere) can only be described as poor or sometimes none existent, we are very vulnerable to big blasts, wherever they originate.

    "In Chile, astronomers know the ground is still shaking. They can see it in the stars. Colin Legg reports from the Andes east of Santiago: "I made this 88-second exposure on Sunday night, Feb. 28th, less than 24 hours after the big 8.8-magnitude quake. It records the movement of the Earth in the star trails during an earth tremor."


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    Susan Joy Rennison quotes:

    “Space Weather is now a fact of life.”

    “We are all astronauts now!”

    Tuning The Diamonds,
    September 2006

    “We must spiritually evolve as part of the new terms & conditions for living on Earth.”

    Joyfire Tour – Evolutionary Change, December 2006

    “Space Weather will force many changes in how we do business on this planet.”

    News of the Imbalance,
    April 2007

    NASA Press Release:

    “Earth and space are about to come into contact in a way that's new to human history.”

    “We're on the threshold of a new era in which space weather can be as influential in our daily lives as ordinary terrestrial weather.”

    As the Sun Awakens, NASA Keeps a Wary Eye on Space Weather
    NASA News, 4th June 2010

    White House Executive Order:

    “Space weather has the potential to simultaneously affect and disrupt health and safety across entire continents. Successfully preparing for space weather events is an all-of-nation endeavor that requires partnerships across governments, emergency managers, academia, the media, the insurance industry, non-profits, and the private sector.”

    Executive Order –– Coordinating Efforts to Prepare the Nation for Space Weather Events
    The White House, 13th October 2016

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