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Susan rennison

The New Cosmic Age is now Official!

The News of The Imbalance blog is an attempt to provide pertinent information concerning the new phenomena of space weather driving massive evolutionary change. In 2006, I self-published the book Tuning the Diamonds: Electromagnetism & Spiritual Evolution (2006, 2008, 2010, 2012 ), because I believed that Modern Mayan Elders were trying to point out that the citizens of planet Earth were entering a New World Age dominated by aether or space. The basic premise of my book was that the dramatic increase and impact of Space Weather was predicted.

Since 2006, the major significance of Space Weather has become more apparent. What's more, it has now been proven that major religious institutions, metaphysical and esoteric groups have been tracking the date 2012 as the end/start of a major astronomical cycle. Geoscientists worldwide are adamant that our planet is experiencing a “global energy leap” and the inevitable consequence will be more mega-disasters. World governments have been warned that there is a new need for disaster preparedness and there is now a new sense of urgency. This blog provides my unique perspective as a Truth Seeker, based on the integration of science, metaphysics and ancient knowledge.

The Joyfire Space Weather “Facts”
Introductory Slideshow

Slideshow: The Joyfire Space Weather “Facts” Introductory Slideshow

Click image above or here

For new website visitors, please watch this introductory slideshow that summarises the main issues associated with the new phenomenon of Space Weather and the inevitable implications of energy driven evolutionary change.

News of the Imbalance January – February 2013

NRL Scientists Produce Densest Artificial Ionospheric Plasma Clouds Using HAARP
U.S. Naval Research Lab News, 28th February 2013
U.S. Naval Research Laboratory research physicists and engineers from the Plasma Physics Division, working at the High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) transmitter facility, Gakona, Alaska, successfully produced a sustained high density plasma cloud in Earth's upper atmosphere.

"Previous artificial plasma density clouds have lifetimes of only ten minutes or less," said Paul Bernhardt, Ph.D., NRL Space Use and Plasma Section. "This higher density plasma 'ball' was sustained over one hour by the HAARP transmissions and was extinguished only after termination of the HAARP radio beam."

Artificial Ionospheric Plasma Clouds Sequence of images of the glow plasma discharge produced with transmissions at the third electron gyro harmonic using the HAARP HF transmitter, Gakona, Alaska. The third harmonic artificial glow plasma clouds were obtained with HAARP using transmissions at 4.34 megahertz (MHz). The resonant frequency yielded green line (557.7 nanometer emission) with HF on November 12, 2012, between the times of 02:26:15 to 02:26:45 GMT.

These glow discharges in the upper atmosphere were generated as a part of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) sponsored Basic Research on Ionospheric Characteristics and Effects (BRIOCHE) campaign to explore ionospheric phenomena and its impact on communications and space weather.

HAARP experiments to help military scientists understand the impact of spaceweather on the ionosphere... They are supposed to be thrilled with creating long lasting glowing clouds but it seems the issue is that these are being created naturally by the environment and are interfering with satellite communications. I actually think this research is a far cry from HAARP conspiracy talk that suggests powerful 9.0 magnitude earthquakes can be magically invoked.

Were Early Christians Really Persecuted? Historian Reveals the Surprising Truth.
A new book says under the Roman empire, "Christians were never the victims of sustained, targeted persecution."
AlterNet, 28th February 2013
Moss, professor of New Testament and early Christianity at the University of Notre Dame, challenges some of the most hallowed legends of the religion when she questions what she calls “the Sunday school narrative of a church of martyrs, of Christians huddled in catacombs out of fear, meeting in secret to avoid arrest and mercilessly thrown to lions merely for their religious beliefs.” None of that, she maintains, is true. In the 300 years between the death of Jesus and the conversion of the Emperor Constantine, there were maybe 10 or 12 scattered years during which Christians were singled out for supression by Rome’s imperial authorities, and even then the enforcement of such initiatives was haphazard — lackadaisical in many regions, although harsh in others. “Christians were never,” Moss writes, “the victims of sustained, targeted persecution.”

More discussion at ATS: The Myth of Persecution: How Early Christians Invented a Story of Martyrdom

Black Hole's Mystery 'Wave' Surprises Scientists, 28th February 2013
Astronomers studying an unusual black hole system have spotted a never-before-seen structure in the disk of matter encircling the system.

Swift J1357.2, an X-ray binary system that regularly emits outbursts of high energy, consists of a black hole slowly consuming its companion star. Matter from the doomed star falls into the accretion disk, which surrounds the black hole, feeding it dust and gas.

While observing the system, a team of scientists noticed an unusual vertical feature traveling through the material.

The evolution of black holes, from scientific guesswork to true scientific observation and understanding... This is more mystery, Chameleon Star Baffles Astronomers See below for some interesting experiments that might start to provide some fundamentals on how black holes and pulsars work.
  • The Primer Fields Part 1
    YouTube, 17th December 2012

    In this video series the currently accepted theories of physics and astrophysics are shaken to the core by a radical new theory of the fundamental forces in all matter.

    You will be amazed as a magnetic model of the dome at CERN is used to create a 100 mm diameter plasma Sun with a 300 mm diameter equatorial disc of plasma around it!

    All the plasma videos are actual footage with no enhancement or manipulation other than speed. In other words, this is real thing. Hard to believe, but it is all true.

    I was recently sent details of The Primer Fields series of video presentations of experiments that imply the existence of toroidal shaped magnetic fields as a fundamental feature of our reality. This series of steel ball experiments is recommended for people who have read my books, Tuning the Diamonds & The Electrotechnics of the Heavens. Again, we have a physicist who does not agree with the scientific consensus and has spent 6 years experimenting and has now applied for a patent. I am not sure this is completely new because there are many other physicists and scientists who also disagree with the conventional theory of electromagnetism that is riddled with inconsistencies. Whatever, experiments are not enough, written theory and mathematical proof is also required. Dave La Point's latest patent information is not public and his promised new paper is not available for viewing on the internet just yet, BUT he seems to be a legitimate plasma physicist and another older patent for one of his inventions is readily available, see Power Generation Device. However, what is most interesting is the reaction of Electric Universe theorists and supporters on the Thunderbolts forum. Some immediately tried to pick holes, patronise and generally be obnoxious because many of them operate with a cult mentality and that everyone posting should express Thunderbolts EU group-think. Eventually, David LaPoint posted to address the issues in some of the comments there. Once he told them he was a plasma physicist, the thread soon dried up, quite interesting to see.. See the thread, The Primer Fields?. On Jan 23rd 2013, Dave La Point posted on the Thunderbolts forum and wrote:
    Furthermore. I am a plasma physicist as you can see. I know very well what a Z-pinch is. Please do not make comments that I don't realize I made a Z-pinch. To those who actually worked with Z-pinches a comment like that makes the whole EUT look really bad. What I made is not a Z-pinch at all. NOT AT ALL. Trying to say it does makes you look really really bad. Sorry, but it does. It makes those who really know how a Z-pinch really works pay no attention to anything else you say. I am sorry, but that is how these guys think.

    Source: The Primer Fields? Page 4
    I think that these videos are going to inspire a lot of people to copy and prove that bowl-shaped (toroidal) magnetic fields exist and they do have unique properties. Certainly, this work if proven is likely to make a significant contribution to our understanding of magnetism and fits better with other physicists like Bibhas De who believes that the magnetic field is the ultimate constituent of all matter and energy.

    This made me laugh...
    "I guess astronomers will now start looking for Black Bowls."
    So, so funny... Btw, be warned! These videos are for slow learners and might send you to sleep in parts...

Global Geoengineering Fueling Venus Syndrome
Geoengineering Watch, 27th February 2013
Why Are They Geoengineering If Its So Destructive?

Because they can. Because there is no one to stop them. Because, at least for the short run, geoengineering is a weapon of unimaginable power (until atmosphere implodes from these programs).

Too many people fail to consider that we are not dealing with reason or sanity in regard to those that run these weather/modification weather/warfare programs. This is the same power structure that has detonated over 1800 nuclear weapons around the globe. The same power structure that sprayed its own soldiers with agent orange in Viet Nam. The same power structure that has cavalierly used depleted uranium in ammunition in conflicts around the globe. The same power structure that has routinely done biological testing on innocent civilians again and again, there is no sanity in this equation.

I was more interested in the comment by Roger F.

Bizarre Star-Shaped Gravity Waves Created
Live Science, 22nd February 2013
Star-shaped waves can form in vibrating tanks of liquid oil, researchers say. [...] o uncover new, remarkable nonlinear waves, scientists experimented with circular and rectangular tanks containing about two-fifths of an inch (1 centimeter) of silicon oil. Researchers placed the tanks on shakers to vibrate the fluid. Scientists then observed that the liquid contained gravity waves — oscillations due to gravity pulling downward and vibrations pushing upward.

A new type of gravity wave eventually resulted, which alternated in shape between stars and polygons — for instance, between a five-pointed star and a five-sided pentagon. The researchers could change the shapes of these stars and polygons by altering the strength and frequency of the vibrations.

If you have read my book Tuning the Diamonds: Electromagnetism & Spiritual Evolution or know some esoteric knowledge/sacred geometry, then this article should be of interest...

Van Allen Probes Discover a New Radiation Belt
NASA Science News, 28th February 2013
Feb. 28, 2013: Earth's radiation belts were one of the first discoveries of the Space Age. A new finding published in today's issue of Science shows that we still have much to learn about them. NASA's twin Van Allen Probes, launched just last August, have revealed a previously unknown third radiation belt around Earth. "Even 55 years after their discovery, Earth's radiation belts still are capable of surprising us," said Nicky Fox, Van Allen Probes deputy project scientist at the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory in Laurel, Md. "We thought we knew the radiation belts, but we don't."

Hmmm.... the gap between the original inner and outer belts was supposed to be the 'safe zone' for satellites and is the reason why NASA and the satellite communication industry are focusing a lot of attention on what is happening in the radiation belts. According to RT news this was a BIG surprise.... see NASA probe detects third radiation belt around Earth and I am sure not sure because this might really be a fourth belt because in 1991, anomalous cosmic rays (ACRs) were discovered trapped inside a belt that was close to the inner belt. The paper The new radiation belt of the earth from trapped anomalous cosmic rays, is dated from 1996. I think the real story is why new belts are forming and why it is such a problem for the satellite communication industry.

Did UFO 'hit' Russian meteorite blasting it to smithereens? Conspiracy theorists’ extraordinary claim after new footage emerges
Daily Mail, 28th February 2013
The meteorite that crashed on Russia was hit by an unidentified flying object causing it to explode and shatter over the Urals, it has been claimed.

The bizarre theory is based on analysis of blurry footage of the space rock as it streaked across morning sky above the city of Chelyabinsk.

U.F.O enthusiasts insist a small 'object' can be seen colliding with the meteorite on its trajectory through the atmosphere, despite the fact there were no reports of Russia launching missiles to down the celestial intruder, they claim.

Even the mainstream are asking questions... Well, we are being told from on high that soon humanity will informed that we are not alone.... I just hope there is a greater realisation that there is an Earth Management Team in operation as part of a shadow biosphere and spectrum of plasma entities that act as 'guardians' on this planet, but we are not privy to all their instructions. Some metaphysical sources have provided us with some useful and interesting information that seems to tally with scientific observations, so at least there are some answers to pertinent questions, but I am acutely aware we need to understand a lot more about our status in the universe.
  • So did a UFO shoot down the famous Chelyabinsk meteorite last month?
    The Siberia Times, 28th February 2013
    The meteorite that crashed to Earth in the Urals was attacked by a UFO causing it to explode and shatter, it was claimed on Thursday.

    The theory comes from Russian watchers of unidentified flying objects and echoes a version that first appeared on the day the space rock fell on Chelyabinsk region. Early speculation suggested the meteorite had been shot at by a Russian missile, but no such claim has been made by the authorities.

    Indeed, the Russian government is seeking to lead world efforts to secure the technology to blast such objects before they cause damage on the ground. Now attention has switched to whether - as a raging online debate suggests - 'we were saved by a UFO' exploding the menacing meteorite seconds before it struck the ground.

God is not the Creator, claims academic
The notion of God as the Creator is wrong, claims a top academic, who believes the Bible has been wrongly translated for thousands of years.
The Telegraph, 28th February 2013
Professor Ellen van Wolde, a respected Old Testament scholar and author, claims the first sentence of Genesis "in the beginning God created the Heaven and the Earth" is not a true translation of the Hebrew. She claims she has carried out fresh textual analysis that suggests the writers of the great book never intended to suggest that God created the world -- and in fact the Earth was already there when he created humans and animals.

Remember, you heard it here first... "A New Myth For A New Age"...

Telepathic rats solve problems together
FT News, 28th February 2013
Rats have collaborated telepathically to solve problems across continents in the first use of neurotechnology to transmit thoughts directly between animals’ brains.

Miguel Nicolelis, a pioneer of research into brain-computer interfaces at Duke University in North Carolina, worked on the experiments with scientists at the Safra International Institute for Neuroscience of Natal in his native Brazil. Their results were published on Thursday in the journal Scientific Reports.

Prof Nicolelis called the experiments an initial step towards the creation of a biological computer or “brain-net” linking multiple brains. “We cannot even predict what kinds of emergent properties would appear when animals begin interacting as part of a brain-net.”

“In theory, you could imagine that a combination of brains could provide solutions that individual brains cannot achieve by themselves,” he said. “One animal might even incorporate another’s sense of self.”

Jacques Benveniste was pilloried and he received two IgNobels, the 1991 chemistry prize for showing that water has memory, and the 1998 prize for a paper showing that this information can be transmitted over telephone lines and the internet. So. I am wondering why this rat mental chat research got so much publicity... Maybe times have really changed...

DNA ‘ingredients’ discovered in interstellar space; Odds of discovering alien life increase
A new discovery increases the odds of finding life.
Science Recorder, 28th February 2013
It’s a significant finding in the search for signs of extraterrestrial life.

According to astronomers using the National Science Foundation’s Green Bank Telescope, evidence of prebiotic molecules have been discovered in interstellar space — the first such evidence unearthed. The finding, according to experts, could increase the odds of discovering life outside of our own solar system.

The study comes as scientists previously thought such processes only occurred in areas dominated by gas between stars. However, astronomers now say the complex chemical formation sequences for these molecules occurs not in gas, but on the surfaces of ice grains in interstellar space. While the discovery is widely seen as groundbreaking, astronomers cautioned against reading too much into it, saying more research is needed.

Still, the finding could increase the odds of finding alien life. Extraterrestrial intelligence has long been a hot topic among astronomers, biologists, and the general public, and a series of future and present space missions have made discovering signs of life a main priority.

Drip drip... I have talked about the continuous conditioning of society to the possibility of extraterrestrial/alien life long before the recent information from Davos 2013 (and so have many others), so this looks like more of the same. I believe that Space weather is the key to the start of a New World Age that is forcing many changes that mandate the re-education of society about such matters and quickly... Currently, world controllers were not completely prepared as space weather is having a real impact on our modern technological world and is a real threat. But, on the spiritual side, I think the new motto for the world's elite is "A New Myth For A New Age", but due to shifts in human consciousness, the reaction of humans is really a wild card factor that cannot be totally relied on. So the new myth of an ET Christ.... I have not even bothered to start reading the online version of Tom Horn's Exo Vaticana, but I think I have got the gist of The Big 'New World' Picture that some want to implement and I don't like it and I feel there needs to be more real spiritual leaders and teachers who can educate and prepare their followers for what the power elite want to foist onto society and intead offer something far better...

Benedict XVI resignation: The two-pope problem
BBC News, 28th February 2013
Electing an antipope?

[...] Two distinguished Italian theologians have called on Benedict XVI to withdraw his resignation, one arguing he ought not to resign, the other claiming a pope cannot resign.

In the latter case, when the cardinals proceed to elect a successor they are, according to Enrico Maria Radaelli, electing an antipope, an impostor on the chair of St Peter.

There are those in the Church who well might exploit such ambiguities were the new pontiff to choose a very different path from that of his predecessor on, for example, the role of women in the Church or - rather less contentious - the promotion of the traditional Latin liturgy.

And outside the Church, a schismatic group called the Society of St Pius X has long been on the verge of declaring a "sede vacante", of claiming that the pope was not a legitimate successor St Peter because he had accepted the teachings - as they do not - of the Second Vatican Council of the early 1960s.

Benedict laboured hard to bring them back into the Catholic Church, far too hard in the eyes of some, but finally failed.

An antipope is strictly defined as someone who is elected pope in opposition to another person who is held to be canonically elected. So, is this what the St Malachy prophecy might have meant all along, or at least we have an engineered scenario to fit a prophecy? I wonder whether despite the long time old ambitions for the Vatican to be the head of the Universal Church on this planet headquartered in Jerusalem, due to the noticeable shift to a higher level of consciousness on this planet, we actually see the Catholic Church split and a massive fight for assets ensue... Watch this space!
  • Celebrating a Pope-Free World
    ITCCS News, 28th February 2013

  • Shocker: Pope Benedict's Red Shoes Weren't Prada
    The Daily Beast, 1st March 2013
    Say it ain’t so! Along with Pope Benedict XVI’s retirement comes another surprise: it turns out that the pontiff never actually wore shoes by Prada, as it was widely reported throughout his eight-year papacy. CNN’s Christiane Amanpour explained on-air: “We have said for years ever since we watched this this Pope be elected in 2005, that he was wearing red Prada shoes. I’m afraid we’ve been wrong.”

    This seems like trivia but I suppose it was just an in-joke.... The Devil wears Prada....

Papabile on World Government
Para Political News, 28th February 2013
With today’s departure of Benedict XVI from Rome to Castel Gandolfo, attention now turns to the selection of a new sovereign for the Vatican City. Among the papabili is Ghana’s Peter Turkson, the 64 year-old cardinal who serves as President of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace. Irish bookmaking site Paddy Power has Turkson the betting favorite to be the next Successor of the Prince of the Apostles.

So the 'Harlot' who likes to spread her legs thinks we should have a one world government and a universal church which consists of a hierarchy of depraved hypocrites in the Vatican? Well, I don't think so... So, the issue is that we are now at a turning point. Whether the vast majority of ignoranti realise it or not, this is the End of An Age and world controllers are maintaining their ancient traditions and are now changing the myths for the rabble to accomodoate the changing energy on this plane, hence the media hype about change, New pope must rebrand church. For those who don't know, it seems the astrotheologians in the Vatican are acknowledging that we have moved from the dispensation of Pisces to Aquarius and it seems 2012 was the right end-date for the shift.

Homeless US man who returned diamond engagement ring rewarded A homeless US man will soon have well over $150,000 (£98,000) after he returned an engagement ring to a woman who accidentally dropped it in his cup earlier this month.
Telegraph, 26th February 2013
Sarah Darling's fiancé set up a website seeking donations for Billy Ray Harris, who frequently panhandles on Kansas City's Country Club Plaza. By Tuesday morning, more than 6,000 people had donated more than $148,000 to the fund.

"I think in our world we often jump to like the worst conclusion, and it just makes you realise that there are good people out there," Ms Darling said. [...]

In explaining why he did not keep the ring, Mr Harris said he had a religious upbringing. "My grandfather was a reverend," Mr Harris said. "He raised me from the time I was six months old and thank the good Lord, it's a blessing, but I do still have some character."

That's nice, being rewarded for having some honesty and integrity... I suppose this represents a shift in consciousness and demonstrates that many people appreciate those with genuine spiritual values...

Pope's final address: God was asleep on my watch
Pope Benedict XVI gave an emotional farewell speech to tens of thousands of faithful in St Peter’s Square, saying there were times during his eight-year papacy “when it seemed that the Lord was sleeping.”
Telegraph, 27th February 2013
A day before he becomes the first pontiff to resign in nearly 600 years, Benedict acknowledged that his papacy had been rocked by “rough seas”, in an oblique reference to paedophile priest sex scandals, controversy swirling around the Vatican bank and the theft of confidential papers by his butler.

He said that by resigning he was not “coming down from the cross” — an apparent rebuke to some members of the Church, including a Polish cardinal, who contrasted his decision to resign with the dogged determination of John Paul II, his predecessor, to remain in office despite his deteriorating health.

Gobsmacking.... What a nerve... Good riddance...
    Pope: final General Audience (full text)
    Vatican Radio, 27th February 2013
    "I have felt like St. Peter with the Apostles in the boat on the Sea of ??Galilee: the Lord has given us many days of sunshine and gentle breeze, days in which the catch has been abundant; [then] there have been times when the seas were rough and the wind against us, as in the whole history of the Church it has ever been - and the Lord seemed to sleep."

    OK, at least we get the context but it is still an unbelievable comment... I will leave the cussing to others...

  • Catholic expert details 'Huge homosexual underground in the Church'
    Life Site News, 26th February 2013
    KRAKOW, February 26, 2013, ( - A recent paper by a Ph.D. priest from Poland has been circling the globe in recent weeks and given heightened prominence by the recent revelations of a Vatican inquiry into a “gay mafia” inside the Vatican. “Standing with the Pope against homoheresy,” was written in late 2012 by Fr. Dariusz Oko, Ph.D., a priest of the Archdiocese of Krakow and Assistant Professor at the John Paul II Pontifical University in Krakow.

    Fr. Oko notes that his discovery of a “huge homosexual underground in the Church” came from his work in philosophical criticism of homosexual propaganda and ideology, a study he was encouraged to undertake by various bishops and cardinals.

    “I began my work as a struggle against a deadly, external threat to Christianity, but then gradually discovered,” he said, that “the enemy is not only outside the Church, but within it, as well,”

    We get to hear all about The Lavendar Mafia... I bet the real mafia are quite pleased we are not hearing about the laundering of their money inside the Vatican bank...

Unexplained Phenomena Lights up Night Sky in Derby, England
Who Forted, 25th February 2013
A mysterious “white ball of light” has the residents of the English town of Derby buzzing about visitors from outer space.

When the odd flash lit up the sky on January 26th, Dawn Ratcliffe from Loscoe took to the internet to see if anyone else had noticed the bizarre event.

“I was sat on the floor in the living room talking to my boyfriend, facing the window, when outside I saw a massive white flash that lit up the whole sky,” she told UFO UK. “It only lasted a split second. It was like it had come from a ball of light, not like lightning. It definitely wasn’t a firework and we went straight outside to see If there was anything out there or an aeroplane or something, but the sky was clear. It was such an intense bright white flash.”

Judging from the response, she wasn’t alone, as other residents backed her story up by claiming that, unlike lightening, the event lasted many seconds and effectively lit the sky for many miles on end. Residents theories range anywhere from UFOs to government laser testing.

The Planetary Refresh even in dreary Derby... As I have repeated before, I think this is a particular type of seismic photon discharge similar to a quakelight, but without the following earthquake, see archives for other similar events like the amazing Fort Worth event in May 2011.

NASA video explains Space Weather
Simplifying a Coronal Mass Ejection through animation
IT World, 26th February 2013
February 26, 2013, 11:11 AM — NASA has posted this all-age-friendly animated video to help explain the concept of "space weather" to people, especially focusing on Coronal Mass Ejections (CME). The agency explains why CMEs are so important, whether it's to describe why satellites can get damaged or why astronauts doing spacewalks need to get back inside.

Mexican priest with comic book robe sprays congregation with holy water gun
Metro News, 25th February 2013
We doubt the next pope will spray his congregation with a water gun filled with holy water but he may want to take inspiration from the way a Mexican priest is making his Mass much more enjoyable. Father Humberto Alvarez not only drenches people with his water toy, he also wears a snazzy robe that features images of Superman, Spiderman and Batman.

The priest chose the characters because of their ‘struggle and effort to overcome fear and find peace and forgiveness’. He added these were traits he wished to pass on to the members of his Ojo de Agua church in Saltillo, Mexico.


Extreme Weather Linked to Giant Waves in Atmosphere
Live Science, 25th February 2013
Extreme weather events have been on the rise in the last few decades, and man-made climate change may be causing them by interfering with global air-flow patterns, according to new research.

The Northern Hemisphere has taken a beating from extreme weather in recent years — the 2003 European heat wave, the 2010 Pakistan flood and the 2011 heat wave in the United States, for example. These events, in a general sense, are the result of the global movement of air.

Giant waves of air in the atmosphere normally even out the climate, by bringing warm air north from the tropics and cold air south from the Arctic. But a new study suggests these colossal waves have gotten stuck in place during extreme weather events.

It seems that there is less emphasis on global warming being caused by CO2 and a more realistic appraisal that extreme weather is being caused by a disturbed atmosphere and a wildly fluctuating jet stream. Presumably, in the near future more atmospheric scientists will admit the link with space weather influencing Earth's atmosphere and weather with the controlling factor being the Earth's geomagnetic index. See archives for other recent articles and more information.

'Gigantic Jet' Lightning Spotted Over China
Live Science News, 26th February 2013
A rare glimpse of a "gigantic jet" — a huge and mysterious burst of lightning that connects a thunderstorm with the upper atmosphere — was made over China in 2010 and was recently described by scientists.

The gigantic jet took place in eastern China on Aug. 12, 2010 — the farthest a ground-based one has ever been observed from the equator, according Previous jets were mainly seen in tropical or subtropical regions, but this one took place around 35 degrees latitude, about the same as the southern part of Tennessee in the United States. [...]

This is just one type of electrical discharge that makes up a collection that atmospheric scientists call Transient Luminous Events (TLEs). I wrote about this in my book Tuning the Diamonds: Electromagnetism & Spiritual Evolution (2006), to demonstratte that this was proof that the energy levels on this planet had risen and the electromagnetic environment had become far more intense. Here we are being told that a gigantic jet was seen being at higher latitudes (outside of the tropical or subtropical regions) and this reminds me of how atmospheric scientists also don't understand what is pushing noctilucent clouds towards the equator.

Electric Charge Keeps Bubbles Alive for Hours
Discovery News, 25th February 2013
Anyone who has ever made bubbles knows the joy of a big one and the instant disappointment when it pops. A bubble is made of fluid layered between two thin films of soap that eventually succumb to gravity. And it usually happens within seconds.

But there’s a way to make bubbles last much longer, maybe even for hours. Researchers from the University of Lyon in France found that if they trapped a bubble between two platinum electrodes and delivered a charge, the soap flowed upward against gravity. The bubble’s walls became thicker and more stable and even changed colors.

But there’s a way to make bubbles last much longer, maybe even for hours. Researchers from the University of Lyon in France found that if they trapped a bubble between two platinum electrodes and delivered a charge, the soap flowed upward against gravity. The bubble’s walls became thicker and more stable and even changed colors.

The research gives new insight into the strange world of fluid dynamics and could help improve experiments with lab-on-a-chip technologies.

This appears to be the basic science that explains plasma bubbles seen at many different scales of magnitude from nebulua sized to bubbles seen at the edge of our solar system and bubbles that appear in Earth's atmosphere and interfere with GPS signals and even bubbles appearing near ground level these days, see archives... Then of course we have the orbs and the experimentation to create artficial plasma spheres in the laboratory. Some relevant research is outlined in the following quote:
In 2003 physicists; Erzilia Lozneanu and Mircea Sanduloviciu of Cuza University, Romania, described in their research paper Minimal Cell System created in Laboratory by Self-Organization (published in Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, volume 18, page 335), how they created plasma spheres in the laboratory that can grow, replicate and communicate - fulfilling most of the traditional requirements for biological cells. They are convinced that these plasma spheres offer a radically new explanation of how life began and proposed that they were precursors to biological evolution. The researchers studied environmental conditions similar to those that existed on the Earth before life began, when the planet was enveloped in electric storms that caused ionized gases to form in the atmosphere. They inserted two electrodes into a chamber containing a low-temperature polarized plasma of argon - a gas in which some of the atoms have been split into negatively-charged electrons and positively-charged ions. They applied a high voltage to the electrodes, producing an arc of energy that bolted across the gap between them, like a miniature lightning strike. Sanduloviciu says this electric spark caused a high concentration of ions and electrons to accumulate at the positively charged electrode, which spontaneously formed spheres. The evolved sphere appears as a stable, self-confined, layered, luminous and nearly spherical body - much like the "orbs" described in the paranormal literature and discussed below. The amount of energy in the initial spark governed their size and lifespan. Sanduloviciu grew spheres from a few micrometers to up to three centimeters in diameter.
Source: Plasma Life Forms – Spheres, Blobs, Orbs and Subtle Bodies by Jay Alfred
See archives for more information on plasma bubbles.

Tom Horn - Hour 1 - Papal Resignation, Petrus Romanus & Exo Vaticana
Red Ice Radio, 21st February 2013
Thomas Horn is an internationally recognized lecturer, radio host and bestselling author of several books including his newest books, Petrus Romanus: The Final Pope Is Here. He returns to Red Ice to discuss the recent abdication of Pope Benedict the 16th and the prophecy of the final pope, "Peter the Roman," whose reign would end in the destruction of Rome.

The pope of lists from St. Malachy's heralds the beginning of "great apostasy" followed by "great tribulation" sets the stage for the imminent unfolding of apocalyptic events. According to this prophecy, the next pope will be a false prophet who leads the world's religious communities into embracing a political leader known as Antichrist. We’ll discuss the reformation of the Catholic Church and how, whoever seats the throne of the papacy, might take a more active part in the disclosure of the reality of extra-terrestrial life.

In the member’s hour, we discuss UFO sightings, Rome, Astrotheology and who ET’s really are. Will it be as Arthur C. Clarke portrayed in Childhood's End where ET’s will be part of the cleanup crew to save us and restore order after disastrous events have occurred? If so, how participatory is the Vatican is in this potential plan? Are they passive onlookers, or are their intricately involved in the planning and revealing of the post ET world?

Tom Horn does not acknowledge that Christianity is a continuation of ancient astronomical based religion(s) combined with many aspects of various mystery religions. There is plenty of scholarship that lays this out and he is a scholar so he should know. You simply cannot be educated about the birth of Christianity without realising that Jesus Christ was a name applied to a god who was given the same attributes as a previous long list of saviours, see the online book Symbolism in Relation to Religion 1915 pg 307 by James Ballan Hannay, List of Sons of God, Messiahs, Saviours Born of a Virgin to Save Mankind . So, this is not just about the Harlot Catholic Church applying a standard religious business model to control the masses through religion [listen to this first hour where Tom Horn quotes a Catholic theologian who celebrates the harlotry and writes about the Catholic Church 'spreading her legs' to evangelise every nation on the Earth... (47:00 - 51:00). Unflippin' believable....], but I suppose Tom Horn realises this and he does not want to cut his own throat with the faithful remnant of simple Christian believers who keep buying his books... Whatever, I still think he is doing a great job because basic Christianity can accomodate true mystics who seek 'Christ' which I believe is not a person but a personification of a spirit or energy level of truth. Tom Horn writes in his book Petrus Romanus 'The Highest expression of love is grounded in truth.' Personally, I believe that if people valued truth, this world would be a much better place...

Comet C/2013 A1 (Siding Spring): Could a Comet Hit Mars in 2014?
Discovery News, 25th February 2013
A recently discovered comet will make an uncomfortably-close planetary flyby next year — but this time it’s not Earth that’s in the cosmic crosshairs.

According to preliminary orbital prediction models, comet C/2013 A1 will buzz Mars on Oct. 19, 2014. The icy interloper is thought to originate from the Oort Cloud — a hypothetical region surrounding the solar system containing countless billions of cometary nuclei that were outcast from the primordial solar system billions of years ago. [...]

C/2013 A1 was discovered by ace comet-hunter Robert McNaught at the Siding Spring Observatory in New South Wales, Australia, on Jan. 3. When the discovery was made, astronomers at the Catalina Sky Survey in Arizona looked back over their observations to find “prerecovery” images of the comet dating back to Dec. 8, 2012. These observations placed the orbital trajectory of comet C/2013 A1 through Mars orbit on Oct. 19, 2014.

Could the Red Planet be in for a potentially huge impact next year? Will Mars rovers Curiosity and Opportunity be in danger of becoming scrap metal? [..]

According to calculations by NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), close approach data suggests the comet is most likely to make a close pass of 0.0007 AU (that’s approximately 63,000 miles from the Martian surface). However, there’s one huge caveat.

Due to uncertainties in the observations — the comet has only been observed for 74 days (so far), so it’s difficult for astronomers to forecast the comet’s precise location in 20 months time — comet C/2013 A1 may fly past at a very safe distance of 0.008 AU (650,000 miles). But to the other extreme, its orbital pass could put Mars directly in its path. At time of Mars close approach (or impact), the comet will be barreling along at a breakneck speed of 35 miles per second (126,000 miles per hour).

This is madness... comet C/2013 A1 is yet another comet and it is big! I am not even sure this comes under the category of space weather, because this is more like star wars... See comments below...
  • Comet C/2013 A1 (Siding Spring) – a possible collision with Mars
    Space Observatory, 25th February 2013
    There is a chance that the comet C/2013 A1 (Siding Spring), discovered in the beginning of 2013, might collide with Mars. At the moment, based on the observation arc of 74 days, the nominal close approach distance between the red planet and the comet might be as little as 0.00073 AU, that is approximately 109,200 km! [...]

    Since C/2013 A1 is a hyperbolic comet and moves in a retrograde orbit, its velocity with respect to the planet will be very high, approximately 56 km/s. With the current estimate of the absolute magnitude of the nucleus M2 = 10.3, which might indicate the diameter up to 50 km, the energy of impact might reach the equivalent of staggering 2×10¹º megatonnes! This kind of event can leave a crater 500 km across and 2 km deep. Such an event would overshadow even the famous bombardment of Jupiter by the disintegrated comet Shoemaker–Levy 9 in July 1994, which by some estimates was originally 15 km in diameter. [...]

    The current orbit uncertainty allows for a collision scenario, but the possibility of this is small. Astronomers keep watching this interesting comet, and I will keep you up to date with the news.

    Thankfully we have the opinion of a real astronomer Leonid Elenin who is actually working with the Russian International Scientific Optical Network (ISON), which interestingly discovered comet ISON. It seems the discussion has been going on for quite some time, see Ian Musgrave's Astroblog 2nd Feb 2013, Will Comet C/2013 A1 (Siding Spring) Hit Mars?.

  • BREAKING NEWS — Mars to be hit by massive comet! 40 billion nuke bomb size explosion! CONFIRMED!
    Investment Watch Blog, 26th February 2013
    The core of the comet will be moving 56 kilometers per sec when it smashes into Mars. The explosion it creates will be equal to 40 BILLION 500kt nuclear bombs (avg US and Russ arsenal weapon) going off at once, or 20 billion megatons of TNT, or 1.33 trillion Hiroshima bombs, or 1.3 billion Castle Bravo explosions. Its enough to kill all life on the planet if any were living there.

    Astronomers predict a large-scale disaster on the Red Planet in October 2014, when a comet may ram into Mars, creating a 500-kilometer crater, the website of the Russian observatory ISON-NM said. Pravda Source: Link Comet core 30 miles across
    collision speed 35 miles per second (126,000 miles per hour)

    It may make Mars temporarily as bright as the sun. The crater left behind will be 500 kilometers across. A lot of rock will be ejected into space and become stray asteroids. This will be an epic event.

    At the moment Pravda is not a scientific institution and cannot confirm anything of this level of seriousness that would affect the future of the inhabitants of planet Earth. This is knee jerk sensationalist re-reporting of news from the infamous Russian Pravda media outlet, (I can't access the article so maybe the story has been removed).

  • Mars Meteorites
    NASA JPL, February 2013
    Of the 24,000 or so meteorites that have been discovered on Earth, only 34 have been identified as originating from the planet Mars. These rare meteorites created a stir throughout the world when NASA announced in August 1996 that evidence of microfossils may be present in one of these Mars meteorites. The meteorites in the table below are grouped by their pairings and listed roughly in the order that they were found.

    Hmmm... If this meteor hits Mars, there could be a whole lot more asteroids coming our way... Whatever, it would be the cosmic event of our lifetime. NASA already make it clear the only natural process capable of launching martian rocks to Earth is a meteorite impact and this impact would be more than good enough, see google search link. I imagine NASA are in a pickle as they spend a lot of time trying to tell people that comets and asteroids are stony rocks covered in ice and they are nothing to be concerned about... Yet, it is becoming clear to thinkers and non thinkers alike that comets and asteroids are something that we need to guard against. The image icon is the Zagami meteorite found in Nigeria, in 1962, which is the largest single individual Mars meteorite ever found, click icon for more info.

Exploration Earthquakes’ booms big enough to be detected from orbit
Ars Technica News, 25th February 2013
[...] The European Space Agency’s GOCE satellite was not designed to be an earthquake eavesdropper. The satellite is basically a giant accelerometer capable of incredibly precise measurements of gravity, and it's normally used to study Earth processes like ocean circulation and melting ice sheets. But a group of researchers from France and the Netherlands decided to examine the satellite’s data for any signals related to the massive earthquake in Japan. They weren’t looking for changes of the Earth’s surface—they were looking for the direct effect of the earthquake’s infrasound boom reaching the satellite.

And that’s just what they found. The satellite’s accelerometer picked up the subtle effect of the acoustic wave traveling through it. What’s more, since the satellite’s orbit is still technically in the Earth’s atmosphere, it could detect the fluctuations in air density caused by the passing sound waves. The satellite's activity depend on maintaining it in an incredibly precise orbit by using jets to compensate for drag. The momentary increases in atmospheric density caused by the earthquake's sound waves increased the drag on the satellite, triggering the jets. Since this had never been done before, the researchers claim the mantle of “first seismometer in orbit around the Earth” for the GOCE satellite. Apart from helping researchers interpret GOCE’s data, this “proof of concept” provides a new way to study interesting atmospheric phenomena related to earthquakes, like the disturbances in the ionosphere that can interfere with GPS systems.

Forecasting 'Weather Bombs'
Discovery News, 25th February 2013
Meteorologists have hit on one possible way to detect one of the worst kinds of storms before they take shape. Explosive cyclones, so called "meteorological bombs," pop into existence in a day or two and can wreak havoc on land, as well as at sea. That makes them especially hard to forecast. [...]

In the new study published in Geophysical Research Letters, two Australian researchers stepped back from the storms and looked at the large-scale energy budgets, called "Lorenz energetics," of the atmosphere from 1980 to 2011 (32 years). The study focused specifically on the parts of the world most prone to explosive cyclones: the Northwest Pacific, the North Atlantic, the Southwest Pacific and the South Atlantic.

They found a strong energy signature that was "virtually identical for all four geographical regions," wrote the paper's authors, Mitchell Black and Alexandre Pezza of the University of Melbourne. Even more promising is the fact that the energy signature of these bombs can be seen 48 hours before the actual storm takes shape. That suggests the method might be applied to lengthen forecast times.

Giant Hail Rains Down in Argentina
Discovery News, 25th February 2013
Hail the size of golf balls pummeled Argentina’s popular summer Mar del Plata beachside resort in Buenos Aires on Sunday, Feb. 24. In 10 minutes, the storm damaged an estimated 5,000 cars, homes, offices and schools, some of which remain closed Monday for repairs.

This is also being reported as the worst hail storm in Argentina for 30 years. See the 'Swimming Man' video going viral on the internet.
  • Man swimming on the roof of his car (Hail Protection)
    YouTube, 25th February 2013
    "Mar del Plata, Argentina. A man decided to go up to the roof of his car and swim to protect the car from the severe hail storm. Everyone's an idiot except him."

    LOL! Just imagine if one extra large brick hail had hit him on the head and killed him... He would have well and truly deserved his Darwin award....

Generation of 'X-Men' superhumans could become a reality in 30 years thanks to advances in gene science, say MoD experts
· Experts warn of 'genetic inequality' if advances are unequally shared
· Report says 'human augmentation' is likely to increase over next 30 years
· Details released following a Freedom of Information request

Daily Mail, 25th February 2013
A generation of genetically-modified 'X-Men' superhumans could be among us by 2045, a Ministry of Defence think tank has said.

Advancements in gene technology could help humans gain mutant powers such as the likes of Wolverine, Cyclops and Storm in the popular comic book and movie series, it has been reported.

The MoD's Development Concepts and Doctrine Centre warn however that 'genetic inequality' could result from advancements in biology being unequally shared across society.

Transhumanism is another subject that is directly related to human evolution but in this case this is man-made human evolution that has nothing to do with spirituality... I am already thinking this requires a book to explain the spiritual implications of what this really means. Others have already started work see, Cyborg Superman, Transhumanism and the Nephilim

Catholic Church in turmoil as Cardinal Keith O'Brien announces resignation amid claims of 'inappropriate conduct'
The Independent News, 25th February 2013
The Catholic Church in Britain was in turmoil today following the resignation of its most senior cleric, Cardinal Keith O'Brien, amid allegations of "inappropriate" conduct. The 74-year-old tendered his resignation as Archbishop of St Andrews and Edinburgh in November to Pope Benedict XVI, but said in a statement today: "The Holy Father has now decided that my resignation will take effect today."

OMG! Cardinal Keith O'Brien and Jimmy Savile...This is now beyond terrible... The photo is on Twitter but taken from the 26th Feb 2013 front page of the UK Daily Mirror... See online reports, Jimmy Savile and the Cardinal: Britain's top Catholic cleric was friend of disgraced TV host & UK Sun reports, My friend Savile by Cardinal 'Sin' . Here are photos of these lovebirds together... Photo: Daily Mirror hot link & Photo link. Well, if all the cardinals were forced to resign due to their 'indiscretions', it would make you wonder how many would be left to vote... Meanwhile, Ratzinger has changed the Vatican rules and the conclave can now start before March 15. I am also disappointed that it seems there will be no release of the “Relationem” report exposing the “influentiam,” as it will remain confidential and only be shown to the next pontiff, who may or may not choose to use it to clean house... Whatever, there is a long way to go yet, see Pope changes Church law; allows cardinals to start conclave early. Vatican: Retired Pope Benedict XVI will be called 'emeritus pope,' will continue to wear whiteNow this is funny, E.J. Dionne: The best choice for pope? A nun LOL! Catholics are reeling, see PETRUS ROMANUS: AS CHURCH FACES 'ORDEAL,' MAY IT ONE DAY SOON BE BROUGHT BACK TO SIMPLER ROOTS?. & Which Catholic Church?.It really does seem like ordinary Catholics have had enough of the Catholic hierarchy.

Lost Land Beneath the Waves
Science Magazine, 24th February 2013
Geological detectives are piecing together an intriguing seafloor puzzle. The Indian Ocean and some of its islands, scientists say, may lie on top of the remains of an ancient continent pulled apart by plate tectonics between 50 million and 100 million years ago. Painstaking detective work involving gravity mapping, rock analysis, and plate movement reconstruction has led researchers to conclude that several places in the Indian Ocean, now far apart, conceal the remnants of a prehistoric land mass they have named Mauritia. In fact, they say, the Indian Ocean could be "littered" with such continental fragments, now obscured by lava erupted by underwater volcanoes.

This is evidence of massive Earth changes 50 million and 100 million years ago. The recent fabled demise of the continent of Atlantis was just the latest catastrope that wiped out a major civilisation and because it was so recent, world controllers have preferred to ignore and disuade academics pointing out that humans live on a planet that can change quickly in short periods of massive evolutionary change.
  • Superquakes, supercycles, and global earthquake clustering: Recent research and recent quakes reveal surprises in major fault systems
    Earth Magazine, January 2013
    A number of recent big earthquakes around the world have humbled many earthquake researchers. The March 2011 magnitude-9 superquake off Tohoku, Japan, and the December 2004 magnitude-9-plus temblor off Sumatra were both far larger than what scientists expected those fault systems to produce. Based on these quakes, and on recent research that contradicts long-held paradigms, it is becoming clear that the types and sizes of large earthquakes that a given fault system is capable of producing remain poorly known for most major fault systems. [...]

    Finally, the underlying cause of supercycles is unclear. They could be generated by intrinsic properties of the plate boundaries, cycling of energy among segments of an individual fault, transfer of energy between adjacent faults, or even energy transfer acting over larger distances. In addition, there is clear evidence of global clustering of magnitude-9 earthquakes, but we don’t have long enough records from around the world to say for sure whether this phenomenon is real or random, or what it means.

    Geoscientists are admitting that periods of massive geophysical upheaval exist but they don't know where the energy is coming from to facilitate such huge earthquakes or superquakes. Unfortunatley, this is due to a lack of imagination... Earth is not a closed system and the planet can get additional energy from space (Space Weather) in the form of solar flares and coronal mass ejections that deliver huge amounts of magnetic energy and trillions of tons of highly charged plasma (sub-atomic particles) and this electromagnetic energy gets soaked up by our planet. I imagine that the new stream of dark matter (background zero point energy) being muttered about by NASA scientists might also contribute... So, massive Earth changes are caused when there is too much charge built up and sudden big discharges of current occur.. see archives for more info.

  • The Great Collapse: crust weakening, slipping, and collapsing across the planet
    The Extinction Protocol, 23rd February 2013

    The following extracts from the book Through the Curtain (1983) by Viola Petitt Neal Ph.D. & Shafica Karagulla, M.D., is a reminder that mystics have been pointing out the obvious consequences of cosmic energy driven evolutionary change for a long time. The evidence is now very clear that we are now living on a planet under reconstruction. As I keep saying, humans need to watch out!

    November 16, 1963

    Night Class

    Recalled by Viola Petitt Neal

    Cosmic Energies and Their Effect on the Planet Earth

    The class had to do with changes and conditions from the point of view of physical changes in the planet earth.

    He began by saying that there are many changes taking place today in the physical constitution of the planet. These changes are more basic than just surface earthquakes or local weather changes.

    During the time of Atlantis when the continent sank and practically the whole face of the planet was changed, there were impacts of cosmic energies which caused the earth to make a jump in its orbit. This means that it was slightly farther away from the sun. This is somewhat like the jump of an electron in the orbit of the atom. There was also a shift of the poles and axis of motion.

    The earth is not molten at its core as is sometimes said. At present the solar system has moved into great streams of Cosmic Energy in space. Some of these energies, striking through the surface of the earth, have the effect of melting substances and they do become molten, although ordinarily they may be in a solid state. It is as if these radiations from space kindle numerous fires under the surface of our earth and we have volcanic activity and also shifts at deep levels. It is not solid straight through. Therefore, when these fires are kindled by the penetration of cosmic radiations there is a flow and shift of masses which cause a vast number of small earth quakes all over the surface of the earth. These are increasing every day ands will continue to increase because deep inside the earth much shifting and change is taking place. Wherever there are major fault lines or cracks closer to the surface it is expected that large major shifts will take place.


    These cosmic radiations of energy are of many different types. Some affect only certain minerals or solid substances and not others. At this time, the solar system is moving through a new area in space where great cosmic streams are and tides affect the sun and all the planets, first of all, on the physical level. This has happened before in the time of Atlantis approximately 25,000 years ago. These changes come in cycles of about 24,000 years. It is a cosmic spiral and cycle difficult for man to identify because he has not been able to span in his awareness such vast reaches of time. Much that is now considered to be authentic geology is not correct. However, it the best man can achieve by applying reasoning to what he is able to observe.

    For more extracts from the book Through the Curtain, see: A Thousand Dollars Book Celebration

'End of the World’ 2013: St. Malachy Prophecy, Nostradamus, Comet ISON, and the ‘Last Pope’ Connections
International Business News (AU), 21st February 2013
"End of the World" is becoming a subject of discussion again, just two months after the no-show of the Dec. 21 doomsday scenario. The Mayan calendar and asteroid Nibiru are no longer at the center of doomsday talks. This time, the Vatican, Nostradamus, St Malachy, and the Comet ISON are front and center of talks about the end of times.

Nostradamus and St Malachy are being cited as the source of predictions that the next pope will be the last pope, and his church reign shall herald the world's end. The Comet ISON is allegedly a manifestation of these predictions.

The "End of the World" or "End of the Catholic World" discussion is coming from Tom Horn's work and his book Petrus Romanus and the fact that the massive comet ISON appears fits into the archetypal 'signs' and 'portents' used by the Vatican, many different prophecies forecasting doom for the so called 'Holy' Catholic Church and general 'End Times' Christian eschatology. This is NOT being driven by the New Age community who largely got sucked into the 2012 Winter Solstice hype due to fundamental problem of not understanding that the END OF AN AGE or 'End Times' of a 25,920 precessional cycle does not happen in 1 day. The disaster preppers and doomsday lovers who got sucked in by the Comet Elenin false alarm were duped by the refusal to pay attention to space scientists who can understand something about comets, their orbits and their interactions with the sun and planets as they pass through our solar system. I think there was a deliberate plan there too... Whatever, we have a juxtaposition of those who understand the existence of a world-wide astronomical based religions originating from ancient times that covertly warns about times of conflagration and "judgement" and a plethora of ever changing cults (encouraging a flavour of the day cult mindset) that just exist to dupe the gullible and create fear for the betterment of powers and principalties, orchestrated by their power mad agents on Earth. In short, Comet ISON is a MASSIVE COMET THAT IS COMING TO WITHIN 37.2 MILLION MILES OF EARTH BUT COMET TAILS CAN STRETCH HALF A BILLION MILES.... THE ISSUE IS WHETHER THERE ARE TOXIC SUBSTANCES IN THE COMET TAIL AND WHETHER THOSE COMET TAILS WILL POLLUTE OUR ATMOSPHERE... THE SCENARIO OF A CHRISTMAS PASSOVER EVENT AS EXPLAINED BY MCCANNEY MIGHT MIGHT NOT BE FANCIFUL AT ALL... WE WILL HAVE TO SEE...
  • [Comet ISON] Nasa craft spies 'the comet of the century'
    BBC News, 6th February 2013
    A comet which could light up the skies over Earth in late 2013 has been filmed by Nasa's Deep Impact spacecraft, some 793 million km (493 million miles) away.

    Comet Ison was only discovered in September 2012 by Russian astronomers, and it is expected to pass extremely close to the Sun in November.

    The comet already has a 64,000km-long (almost 40,000 miles) tail of dust and gas that may become visible to the naked eye - possibly even in daylight - later in the year.

  • Comet Ison caught on film by Deep Impact craft
    BBC News, 6th February 2013
    [...] Deep Impact has now set its sights on comet Ison during a 36-hour period in mid-January. The comet, discovered by Vitali Nevski and Artyom Novichonok and named for their institution, the International Scientific Optical Network, is still distant: 793 million kilometres away.

    It will make its closest approach to the Sun - at a distance of not much more than a million km from the Sun's surface - on 28 November. If this "sungrazing" comet survives intact, it should emerge from the near-miss even brighter than before, and could be lighting up our skies through January 2014 - perhaps even in broad daylight.

  • Will Comet ISON light up the night sky in late 2013?
    Space News, 20th February 2013
    [...] Just how brightly Comet ISON will shine this year is currently up for debate between planetary scientists and comet-watchers. However, the general consensus is that ISON will hopefully be the brightest comet anyone alive has ever seen. Current predictions suggest that it will skim the Sun, approaching it at a distance within 1.1 million miles at the end of November 2013. It is here that ISON could reach, or even exceed, the brightness of the full Moon meaning that it will be visible to the naked eye quite easily.

    [...] Observers all over the world will be able to see ISON with everyone in the Northern Hemisphere getting a great view in the run-up to Christmas and into January passing directly over the north pole. In January 2014, astronomers predict that the comet will approach to within 37.2 million miles of Earth.
Flowers go electric to attract bees News, 22nd February 2013

The Unparticle May Lurk in Earth's Mantle
Live Science, 21st February 2013
An experiment using the Earth itself as a source of electrons has narrowed down the search for a new force-bearing particle, placing tighter limits on how big the force it carries can be. As an added bonus, if the new particle is real, it will shed light on processes and structures inside Earth, say study researchers from Amherst College and the University of Texas at Austin. The experimental results appear in the Feb. 22 issue of the journal Science.

A new force of nature?

The Big Dogs On Wall Street Are Starting To Get Very Nervous
Mens News Daily, 21st February 2013
Why are some of the biggest names in the corporate world unloading stock like there is no tomorrow, and why are some of the most prominent investors on Wall Street loudly warning about the possibility of a market crash? Should we be alarmed that the big dogs on Wall Street are starting to get very nervous? In a previous article, I got very excited about a report that indicated that corporate insiders were selling nine times more of their own shares than they were buying. Well, according to a brand new Bloomberg article, insider sales of stock have outnumbered insider purchases of stock by a ratio of twelve to one over the past three months. That is highly unusual. And right now some of the most respected investors in the financial world are ringing the alarm bells.

I have been seeing these reports for a few weeks now... something major is brewing...
  • Sun-Grazing Comets As Triggers For Electromagnetic Armageddon
    Forbes, 30th November 2012
    Large sun-grazing comets could bring on the sort of global electronics meltdown usually associated with electromagnetic pulse weapons or a full-scale nuclear exchange. Or so says David Eichler, lead author of a forthcoming Astrophysical Journal Letters paper positing that a sun-grazing comet roughly the size of Hale-Bopp (with a nucleus some 30 kms in diameter), could trigger cosmic ray-generating shockwaves large enough to initiate a global electromagnetic Armageddon.

    I imagine Comet ISON is worrying world controllers...

Noctilucent Clouds Overhead Birmingham UK, 20th February 2013
I am an airline pilot in UK and occasionally see Noctilucent clouds. Usually during the season at about midnight looking North. But yesterday (20 Feb 13) I was very surprised to see them looking south towards France and so close to Sun Rise

Hmmm.... Meteoric dust... First it was confined to the poles, then about 2006 it shifted towards the equator during the summer and presumable now these clouds will start appearing all over the planet all year round... See archives for more info.

Vatileaks: Pope to ask Commission of Cardinals to tell Conclave members the truth
Vatican Insider, 22nd February 2013
The Pope will thank the three cardinals from the Vatileaks inquiry Commission in a meeting next week. Meanwhile, the Holy See is denying that this case is what drove the Pope to resign

The cardinals who will elect the new Pope in the forthcoming Conclave are to be given further information on the Vatileaks scandal. At the beginning of next week, before he leaves for Castel Gandolfo on Thursday afternoon, Benedict XVI will meet with the three eighty-year old cardinals (Julian Herranz, Josef Tomko and Salvatore De Giorgi) who were put in charge of gathering information on the Vatican confidential document leak. The Pope will apparently authorise them to divulge the contents of their report - which has remained confidential under the code of papal secrecy - to cardinals during the general congregations on 1 March.

Tell the truth and shame the Devil... LOL! It looks like 1st March is going to be a day of revelation... Another historic day for the 'Holy' Catholic Church... De-Blackmail Day or DB-Day... A Papal inspired massacre at the Vatican Conclave... This means the Vatican blackmailers will not be able to continue blackmailing the top dogs at the Vatican, as the whole spectrum of 'sinners' are all going to be exposed... Who is going to write the 2013 version of Dante's Inferno? According to various Italian reporters (vaticanistas), on the 1st March, the release of the “Relationem” report of will expose the “influentiam,” or blackmail in Latin... I think we can expect fireworks and possibly some real gunfire if the prophecies hold true. Please note; we are awaiting an event where someone we think might be the current Pope has to climb over a lot of dead bodies to try and escape and it looks like this will be happening at least figuratively very soon.

Secret Sex Scandal Report Behind Pope Resignation?
Discovery News, 21st February 2013
Pope Benedict XVI’s abrupt resignation was prompted by a secret report revealing sex and graft scandals inside the Vatican, according to the Italian daily La Repubblica. “The Pope decided to step down the week before Christmas,” the newspaper wrote.

ANALYSIS: Rumors Swirl Amid Pope’s Resignation

Relying on an unnamed Vatican source, La Repubblica revealed that on December 17 three cardinals presented the pontiff with the “Relationem,” a 300-page report which investigated allegations brought up last year by the so-called Vatileaks scandal. Last autumn Benedict’s butler, Paolo Gabriele, was found guilty of having stolen confidential documents from the papal apartment. Commissioned by Benedict himself, the report was prepared by Cardinals Julian Herranz, Salvatore De Giorgi and Josef Tomko, the former chief of the Vatican’s secret services.

ANALYSIS: Resigning Pope Brings Doomsday Prophecy

The Relationem, consisting of two red, leatherbound volumes, contained the “exact map of the mischief and the bad fish” inside the Holy See, according to La Repubblica. “It all revolves around the breach of the sixth and seventh commandments,” the newspaper quoted its source, a man described as being very close to the three authors of the report.

The mainstream media & blogosphere are buzzing... A gay lobby in the Vatican... well, where is the surprise? See, Vatican hit by gay sex scandal; Vatican chorister sacked for allegedly procuring male prostitutes for papal gentleman-in-waiting (March, 2010). Quite frankly, that is just business as usual at the Vatican... I think there is something far worse about to be revealed like the highest officials in the Vatican are being blackmailed... What amazes me is that the Vatican think they have any credibility left to lead a Universal Church... Why do people think a bunch of old time corrupti are worth paying attention to? Anybody who knows anything about church history knows that this is an institution that is only about maintaining power and abusing their position of power for their own ends. Consuetudinis magna vis est. Translation: "The power of habit is great." English equivalent: "Old habits die hard." Source: Cicero, Tusculanae Quaestiones, II.37 (Wikipedia).
  • Another Day, Another Scandal at the Vatican
    Spirit Daily, 21st February 2013
    Today a veil of secrecy was shredded in this eternal city. Today therefore marked the beginning of a difficult, important struggle for the purification of the government of the Church desired for so many years by Joseph Ratzinger. We were given a glimpse today into some of the reasons, previously unknown, that prompted Pope Benedict XVI to announce his resignation on February 11, to take effect February 28, in seven days, reasons that apparently "overwhelmed his spirit within him" and "made his heart desolate." It is a story that in many ways seems the plot of a novel. It is a story of blackmail and betrayal at the highest levels of the Church, and, allegedly, of a homosexual lobby organized within the Vatican to influence and obtain important decisions. To recount this story, I will simply set forth how I learned about it, in the course of an ordinary day in Rome.

    I changed the headline because it was too boring... The story recounted here puts Dan Brown to shame, Vaticanistas at their best... More: Vaticanista gets cold feet... It's all lies and half-truths you know...

  • Italian paper says cardinals discovered homosexual network within Vatican
    Catholic Culture News, 21st February 2013
    [...] La Repubblica claimed that in a lengthy report on the leaks, the cardinals had alerted the Pontiff to the existence of factions within the Roman Curia, including a powerful faction “united by sexual orientation.” Some members of that bloc, the cardinals reportedly said, may be vulnerable to “external influence” because of their activities. The Italian newspaper said that the report shocked Pope Benedict and contributed to his decision to resign.

    Ignazio Ingrao, who covers the Vatican for Panorama magazine, backed the report by La Repubblica. He said that the cardinals’ commission disclosed “a network of alliances and acts of blackmail of homosexual nature in several areas of the Curia.”

  • Did A Cross-Dressing Priest Sex Ring Bring Down Benedict XVI?
    The Daily Beast, 22nd February 2013

Russian Meteor Generates 100 Million Video View Record, 22nd February 2013

According to a report from Visible Measures, video of last week's unprecedented meteor crash in a Russian city has generated over 100 million views across over 400 uploads in just three days' time. That sets a new record for the fastest video clip to reach such a high viewer number, even outperforming the Red Bull: Stratos space jump that took place late last year.

This is exactly the opposite of what world leaders have tried for so long to avoid, the masses waking up to some cosmic reality...

The most breathtaking pictures yet of Russian meteorite: Photographer captured exploding space rock on camera... despite thinking it was nuclear bomb that would kill him
Daily Mail, 22nd February 2013

Saturn's Shockwaves Reach Supernova Force
Daily Galaxy, 20th February 2013
During a chance encounter with what appears to be an unusually strong blast of solar wind at Saturn, NASA's Cassini spacecraft detected particles being accelerated to ultra-high energies. This is similar to the acceleration that takes place around distant supernovas. "Cassini has essentially given us the capability of studying the nature of a supernova shock in situ in our own solar system, bridging the gap to distant high-energy astrophysical phenomena that are usually only studied remotely," said Adam Masters of the Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, Sagamihara, Japan. Scientists are particularly interested in "quasi-parallel" shocks, where the magnetic field and the "forward"-facing direction of the shock are almost aligned, as may be found in supernova remnants. The new study, led by Masters describes the first detection of significant acceleration of electrons in a quasi-parallel shock at Saturn, coinciding with what may be the strongest shock ever encountered at the ringed planet.

So, the energy levels on Saturn are strong enough to produce supernova status electrical phenomena...

Randall Carlson - Hour 1 - Cosmic Patterns & Sacred Architecture
Red Ice Radio, 12th February 2013
As a professional designer/builder, student of Sacred Geometry and long time Freemason, Randall Carlson is uniquely qualified to interpret the hidden meaning of the great masterpieces of mystical architecture. It is his aspiration to affect a revival of lost knowledge towards the goal of creating the new world based upon universal principles of harmony, freedom, and spiritual evolution.

Randall emphasizes the cyclical nature of time and the periodic catastrophes responsible for the collective amnesia of our species. He returns to discuss sacred geometry. In the first hour, we’ll discuss the pioneers of sacred geometry and sacred architecture, places of pilgrimage and older building techniques. We’ll discuss the "travelling man" in Freemasonry. Randall shares a mason’s perspective on operative vs. speculative Freemasonry, King Solomon’s temple and buildings that imprint symbolism. He also comments on the 33rd degree of Freemasonry.

In the second hour, we’ll discuss how states of consciousness are connected to the environment that one inhabits. We’ll talk about today’s urban societies and what they reflect vs. ancient sacred buildings that reflect harmony, beauty and higher states. Randall speaks more on symbolism, scaling ratios in architecture and deeper meanings. Later, he explains how memory and numbers that are encoded into many ancient monuments connect with the cycles of catastrophe and the great year.

After listening to some of his interviews, I consider Randall Carlson to be a true practical mystic, but others might be blinded by the fact he is a 32nd degree Freemason... As far as I am concerned, he is practicing a very very old religion based on astronomy that seeks to preserve ancient and esoteric knowledge. Due to his ideas and beliefs he presents, I think he is Tier II simply because he seeks to integrate and anchor a more spiritually evolved outlook and understanding of our relationship with the cosmos. This interview covers a lot of ground but the discussion of The Great Year, precession of the equinoxes and comets in Part II is quite topical... I was very touched by his sincerity and depth of understanding. In my opinion, he is not a spiritual lightweight.

A Green Comet Lemmon?, 21st February 2013
A GREEN LEMMON: At the moment there are three significant comets plunging toward the sun: Comet ISON, Comet Pan-STARRS, and Comet Lemmon. The most beautiful so far is this one:

"Comet Lemmon has a beautiful tail with lovely fine structure," says Phil Hart of Lake Eppalock, Victoria, Australia, who photographed it on Feb. 17th.

The comet is now slightly closer to the sun than Earth. Solar heating has turned it into a binocular object (magnitude +5.5 to +6) barely visible to the human eye, but dazzling through backyard telescopes, as shown in Hart's photo above. Comet Lemmon's verdant color comes from two of the gases boiling off its nucleus: cyanogen (CN: a poisonous gas found in many comets) and diatomic carbon (C2). Both substances glow green when illuminated by sunlight in the near-vacuum of space.

It looks quite blue to me...

    THE HOPI PROPHECY of the Blue & Red Star Kachinas
    Awakening As One, February 2013
    Do you remember back in 1997, the Hopi Elders appeared with Dr. Robert Ghost Wolf on Art Bells Coast to Coast show, they spoke to millions of wary listeners around the world as they. predicted. the coming of The Blue Star Kachina and that the Purifier, the Red Star Kachina would follow shortly after the twins had (Hale-bopp) passed from our heavens. They spoke about us seeing strange things going on with animals, frogs with six legs, rabbits with four ears, animals being born with both genders. They spoke of Earth Changes, and ‘Firestorms.” and they talked about the Eight Thunders Prophecies… and the Pale Prophet.

    The following is an excerpt from LAST CRY Native American Prophecies & Tales of the End Times, by Dr. Robert Ghost Wolf © 1994-2004 It has appeared in numerous articles over the web, and in magazines all over the world.

    ” The story of the Blue Kachina is a very old story, very old. I have been aware of the story of the Blue Kachina since I was very young. I was told this story by grandfathers who are now between 80 and 108 years of age. Frank Waters also wrote about Saquasohuh, the Blue Star Kachina in The Book of the Hopi, The story came from Grandfather Dan, Oldest Hopi [...]

    “When the Purifier comes we will see him first as a small Red Star which will come very close and sit in our heavens watching us. Watching us to see how well we have remembered the sacred teachings.

    “This Purifier will show us many miraculous signs in our heavens In this way we will know Creator is not a dream. Even those who do not feel their connection to spirit will see the face of creator across the sky. Things unseen will be felt very strongly.

    “ Many things will begin to occur that will not make sense, for reality will be shifting back in and out of the dream state. There will be many doorways to the lower world that will open at this time. Things long forgotten will come back to remind us of our past creations. All living things will want to be present for this day when time ends, and we enter the forever cycle of the Fifth World.

    “We will receive many warnings allowing us to change our ways from below the Earth as well as above. Then one morning in a moment. We will awaken to the Red Dawn. The sky will be the color of blood, many things will then begin to happen that right now we are nor sure of their exact nature. For much of reality will not be as it is now.

    The Red Star is obviously a comet. Once you have listened to James McCanney on Comet C/2012 S1 (ISON) and 'The Red Hand of Death' (see links below), then the description here of 'The Purifier' or The Red Katchina, who will bring the Day of Purification will match what we are being warned of in this prophecy. What I find most interesting is the information is very specific as it links up a lot of strangeness that I have noted on my blog and tried to explain... The article is also very useful because the original source is also cited. Thanks to P. Barnes for the link. Update: Due to my research, I suspect Catholics have been warned about a final chastisement that will affect the whole of mankind... A purification... At the moment, I want to check out more prophecies because there seems to be a link with the promised three days of darkness... That would be a major blown fuse for the whole planet... We have seen this before on this planet for extremely short periods and highly localised, but what I have seen and the lack of understanding about what causes sunlight, makes me suspect a plethora of prophecies from different sources are a valid warning.

Earthquake Catastrophes and Fatalities Projected to Rise in Populous 21st Century
USGS News, 20th February 2013
MENLO PARK, Calif. — "Predicted population increases in this century can be expected to translate into more people dying from earthquakes. There will be more individual earthquakes with very large death tolls as well as more people dying during earthquakes than ever before, according to a newly published study led by U.S. Geological Survey engineering geologist Thomas L. Holzer."

Holzer and his USGS coauthor James Savage studied earthquakes with death tolls of more than 50,000, which they define as catastrophic, and reported global death tolls from roughly 1500 A.D. to the present. Comparing those events to estimates of world population, they found that the number of catastrophic earthquakes has increased as population has grown. After statistically correlating the number of catastrophic earthquakes in each century with world population, they were able to use new (2011) 21st-century population projections by the United Nations to project that approximately 21 catastrophic earthquakes will occur in the 21st century, a tripling of the seven that occurred in the 20th century. They also predict that total deaths in the century could more than double to approximately 3.5 million people if world population grows to 10.1 billion by 2100 from 6.1 billion in 2000.

"This prediction need not be a prophesy: the National Earthquake Hazard Reduction Program (NEHRP) in the U.S. can be a model for how science can inform engineering designs that are adopted into life-saving building codes in earthquake-prone regions," said USGS Associate Director for Natural Hazards David Applegate. "I also cannot stress enough the value of educated citizens — those who understand the natural hazards of this planet and are empowered to take action to reduce their risk."

I think this is official acknowledgement of what many have been claiming for quite some time BUT I don't think the projections based on population growth to 10.1 billion by 2100 is certain because of the sudden worldwide decrease in male sperm counts. BUT again, it is expected that there are going to be a lot of different natural disasters with the huge volumes of radiation from Fukushima and elsewhere polluting the planet, so the environment combined with our ignorance and stupidity is going to kill off a whole lot of people one way or the other.

Transcript : Former Catholic Priest Matthew Fox on Ratzinger, Opus Dei and the Broken Catholic Church
Oped News, 20th February 2013
Rob Kall: [...] My guest tonight is Matthew Fox. He's the author of thirty [30] books on culture and spirituality, and he's co-directing a three-year workshop series on The Cosmic Christ with Andrew Harvey. He's got a book that he published last year called The Pope's War; and we're talking about Pope Ratzinger, and Pope John Paul II, and Liberation Theology, and the idea that the Catholic Church is going through some major changes.
Rob Kall: OK. Well let me slow you down and get you to give a little more details on a couple of things you said. You described him as "Bringing back the Inquisition." What do mean by that?

Matthew Fox: That he fired all the Theologians, and he hounded them; like in my case, he expelled me from the Dominican Order, of which I'd been a member for 34 years, and he silenced me for a year, and then expelled me three years after that. Father Boff, the most read theologian in Latin America, he hounded him, silenced him, and then, Boff quit the Franciscans, of which he was a member for many years. The most read Catholic Theologian in Germany was a psychologist Priest, Eugene Drewermann; and he hounded him, and kicked him out of the Priesthood. So, that's what the Inquisition means, you're not free to think! They spread fear. The three of us were the most read Theologians on our Continent, and all of us were expelled, one way or the other; and so they spread fear to other Catholic thinkers. You know: "Don't think too much, and just stay in line."

Rob Kall: When you say "Schism," what does that mean? It's a word you hear but, what does it.. ?
Matthew Fox: It's a loaded word. I mean, it's a heavy word in theological history. For example, when the Eastern Church split from the Western Church, that was called Schism; and Protestantism splitting from Roman Catholicism, that was called Schism in the 16th Century. It's a big word historically, and for me to say... I'm not alone in this. Father Schillebeeckx, the great Dutch Theologian, I spoke to 15 years ago, (he's dead now, he was a big thinker at the Vatican Council), he told me, he said "I and many European Theologians," this is under John Paul II, "feel the present Papacy is in Schism." And that conversation really came back to me when I was writing this book on Ratzinger, and I realized "Well, this helps name what has been going on." The Vatican is not really preaching the Gospel or even the Catholic tradition. They've gone their own spin, their own route out of Vatican II, and are trying to create this church based exclusively on Ratzinger's catechism, and obedience to whatever the Pope says, the implication being "We don't need Theologians, we don't need thinkers." That's why they've silenced so many. And I will say, that's not very smart.
Rob Kall: One thing I've wondered: is it possible for there to be a Catholic Church, a Catholic Religion, that is bottom up as compared to the ultra-hierarchical system that begins with the Pope?

Matthew Fox: That's a great question, and that's really what I concluded in my book on the Pope. It's that I think the Holy Spirit has been at work destroying the Catholic Church as we know it. That is to say, exactly how you're identifying the top down thing. It's just lost all credibility. This horrible revelation of, not just the Priestly Pedophilia, but the coverup of the priestly pedophilia by hierarchy; like Cardinal Law, like the Pope, and like Cardinal Mahony now. All this coverup, that's the real crime. To think people at the top, the CEOs so to speak, would act on this this out of moral necessity, but they didn't. They swept [it] under the rug to protect the institution.
So, I think the Holy Spirit is at work deconstructing the Church as we know it, and that's why the last third of my book on the Pope is "Where do we go from here?" Hey, it's wide open! Since the Vatican is in Schism, we're free to ordain women, ordain gays, bring back married Priests; just start things over again, keep it simple. Don't travel with basilicas on your back, a backpack is enough; the Gospels, the Prophets, the martyrs, the mystics, we are all part of that story, and we can move forward now, much, much, much, much lighter. And I think that's what the younger generation is looking for: a much lighter version. As I say: spirituality? Yes. Religion? I don't think we need so much of that.

I can't believe I am writing this but this article is a breath of fresh air... We are being clearly told that many Catholics have seen the light and don't want anything to do with the scumbags in the Vatican and the young are refusing to have anything to do with a bunch of paedophiles... I think that is Good News.... But quite frankly, it's not just the sickos in the Vatican, world leaders in general appear to be trying to maintain some horrible fantasy of their own creation and can't understand why many are not impressed and don't want to be involved in their stupid psychopathic fantasies...
  • Transcript Part II: Former Catholic Priest Matthew Fox on Ratzinger, Opus Dei and the Broken Catholic Church
    Oped News, 20th February 2013
    Matthew Fox: [..] I mean, the real issues are not about Popes, the real issues are about the survival of the planet for God's sake! You know, these are the Spiritual issues of our time, and of course, melting our war machine into real work for real people. There's so much unemployment in the world, when there's so much work that needs doing and so forth, it makes no sense. Humans have to wake up. That's what has to happen, and a healthy church would be leading the way in that, it wouldn't be narcissistically preoccupied with it's own make believe heroes, idols. "Papalolatry," I call it. [...] It's about survival, the sacredness of creation, for example. The whole environmental issue. Meditation, calming that reptilian brain that we have. All religions teach how to do these things. [...] Compassion: the Dalai Lama says "we can do away with all religions, but we can't do away with compassion. Compassion is my religion." Well, cool! That's what Jesus said too: " Be you compassionate as your Creator in heaven is compassionate." So, there is a consensus out there that's at the heart of our religion.
    Rob Kall: [...] Now, Matthew, you just talked about how people are leaving because the church is top down and so Patriarchal. I've come to believe for many years that Conservatism, the Right wing, it is anti-feminine. Not just anti-women as we learned in the last Presidential election, but it opposes the whole idea of the feminine archetype. Have thoughts on that?

    Matthew Fox: Absolutely. As I say, what does the Taliban, the Vatican, and Pat Robertson [each word said stressing the last syllable as "ahn"] all have in common? It's this rabid fear of the feminine. And of course, the idea of the Divine Feminine is absolutely sends them out the window. So this is a great insight to realize to realize that this is what the real battle is about. It's this balance of Yin and Yang, of the masculine and the feminine, of the Divine Feminine and the Sacred Masculine.

    This is really where a lot of the struggle is being played out, and this is why you'll have the Vatican beating up on women. Now they're coming after the sisters! I mean, how you can come after Catholic Sisters (laughs), who've devoted their whole life to working the front line, to the poor, and educating, and working in inner cities, and all the rest; it's hard to fathom, especially when this very church has been covering up priestly pedophilia for decades. But you realize, just what you're talking about, that the drive to control women is behind so much of Fundamentalism.

    Hmmm... So much of this is all so interesting because we have a theologian telling us about mythmaking... Religious academics creating myths to teach simple people some basic truths... that is how it has always been... Well, it is a pleasure to find someone who actually sees The Big Picture and I don't care about the fact he calls himself a Catholic... Update: I have been thinking a bit more about Catholics teaching about the Cosmic Christ... I wonder if this is some cross fertilisation from the ideas presented in the book The Phenomenon of Man (1959) by Pierre Teilhard de Chardin (1881-1955). He was a French Jesuit priest, geologist and palaeontologist, but some believe he was primarily a Christian mystic. He refered to "Christic Energy" and the "Cosmic Christ" in this book and from what I understand, I think he got the process of cosmic energy driving evolutionary change essentially correct. Here is my Special Comment The Phenomenon of Man (1959) by Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

Don't panic, we're getting a lot better at spotting dangerous asteroids
Wired News, 19th February 2013
The only thing standing between us and a fiery extraterrestrial conflagration is air resistance, a terrifying state of affairs that was vividly illustrated by the meteor that exploded over Russia last week. That it occurred (entirely coincidentally) on the same day that a five kilometre-wide asteroid made an unusually close fly past the Earth, coming as close as 28,500km above the Indian Ocean, only helped to further highlight that we are still extremely exposed, as a species, to space. [...]

The biggest risk right now is not that some Armageddon-style asteroid comes and wipes out humanity just as the dinosaurs were wiped out before us, but rather that some mid- to small-sized asteroid appears out of nowhere and destroys a major city as effectively as a nuclear weapon.

And even worse, recent research has shown that smaller asteroids are more destructive than we imagined -- the physical size of the Tunguska meteor has been revised downwards from earlier estimates despite its huge power -- two-fifths that of the largest nuclear bomb ever built, the Tsar Bomba. Nasa still believes that there are an estimated 4,700 asteroids (of the aforementioned 19,000) in the Solar System that pose a threat to us.

It looks like another outbreak of common sense is at hand... There is a lot of information here about the effort to find asteroids coming our way using various new satellite borne telescopes and pointing out again that the US military like morons are still currently hiding fireball data... but, of most interest is "crowdsourcing the hunt for asteroids"... Amateur astronomers taking some responsibility is an excellent option based on the number of successful discoveries by amateurs in recent years...

Mystery mass fainting.. at mass [AU]
The Telegraph, 18th February 2013
NO-one knows exactly what caused eleven people, mainly teenage girls to faint and become sick during a mass at a Sydney church early today.

Ambulance officers were called to Our Lady of Dolours Church on Archer St, Chatswood at 9.45 to treat a young girl who had fainted but when they arrived they found a number of people in a distressed state. Most were suffering dizziness, nausea, and having trouble breathing.

"The initial call was for one patient but when the officers attended the church a lot more people were reporting similar symptoms," an ambulance spokeswoman said. "We treated eleven people at the scene including some adults and five had to be taken to Royal North Shore Hospital."

Comment at
START: It appears that this week's Fortean trend is mass hysteria in the form of fainting, or at least that's what it seems like, with a report of mass fainting at Mass in a Sydney, Australia, to mass student fainting spells at a Zambia school, where authorities believe the ‘Pupils’ fainting incidents spiritual’. And in New York, an entire chemistry class was overcome with fainting and bloody noses and Dozens of students hospitalized from 'adverse reactions' after chemistry class experiment. END.
WELL::::::::: The report from Zambia is most certainly interesting... I don't really want to comment much but some of the most vocal in the Christian/metaphysical community are claiming the walls between different spiritual realities are getting very thin and at times are none existent.....

The Year of the Comets: Three Reasons Why 2013 Could be the Best Ever
Universe Today, 19th February 2013
2013 could turn out to be a comet bonanza. No fewer than three of these long-tailed beauties are expected to brighten to naked eye visibility. Already Comet C/2011 L4 PANSTARRS has cracked that barrier. Sky watchers in Australia have watched it grow from a telescopic smudge to a beautiful binocular sight low above the horizon at both dusk and dawn. A few have even spotted it without optical aid in the past week. Excited reports of a bright, fan-shaped dust tail two full moon diameters long whet our appetite for what’s to come.

We are only expecting some serious action from Comet C/2012 S1 (ISON) from mid 2013 onwards as it interacts electrically with the biggest planets and might upset the Sun. This is the real reason why NASA are still talking about 'solar maximum' when the sun is extremely quiet and just acting very unpredictable. Solar experts are generally puzzled, see archive Best of the Blog - The Sun.
  • Comet C/2012 S1 (ISON): JamesMcCanneyScienceHour_October_04_2012 (MP3)
    James McCanney Science Hour, 4th October 2012

    This is classic James McCanney where we are given a basic introduction to what is happening with Comet C/2012 S1 (ISON) and what he expects to happen and why there may be some severe space weather events THIS YEAR. He expects to see major cometary interactions with the gas planets of Jupiter, and Mars and then more interactions with Mercury... Nothing is absolutely certain, but it is very likely the citizens of planet Earth are going to witness major celestial fireworks of biblical proportions in the heavens.

    Comet C/2012 S1 (ISON): JamesMcCanneyScienceHour_November_08_2012.mp3
    James McCanney Science Hour, 8th November 2012

    Only the first 23 minutes of this show is dedicated to talking about Comet C/2012 S1 (ISON) but we get a detailed description of 'The Red Hand of Death'. McCanney does not mention the comet 'Wormwood' in the show on the 4th October & 8th November 2012, but over the years worth of shows that I have listened to in the past, he has talked about a comet known to the Catholic Church that has polluted the Earth's waters in our ancient past and made them 'bitter'. Here is some introductory information from a short article with some science (chemistry) that is not too difficult to understand, so it is strongly recommended that the whole article is read especially for those readers who doubt the seriousness of what can happen when large comets come near to Earth... Simply, the analogy of a biblical Passover is not fanciful.
    In the First Century AD, the Apostle John wrote an apocalyptic book called "Revelation" in which he described among many "end-time" events the collision of a star called Wormwood with Earth. Revelation states:

    Rev. 8:10-11: The third angel sounded his trumpet, and a great star, blazing like a torch, fell from the sky on a third of the rivers and on the springs of water-- the name of the star is Wormwood. A third of the waters turned bitter, and many people died from the waters that had become bitter.

    Wormwood is a botanical herb commonly known for its bitterness. See It was used as a pesticide, medicinal tonic and liqueur ingredient. The term "wormwood" was often used to describe "extreme bitterness".

    Let us consider the possibility of a "star" turning the waters bitter on Earth. The term "star" in classical terminology lacks the modern astronomical sense. It could have been referring to a comet, asteroid, "sun-like" star or planet. Since the possibility of a planet or sun colliding with earth is infinitesimal, we will eliminate this possibility.

    Scientific Scenario Of A Comet's Impact And The "Wormwood Star" Prophecy by Marshall Beeber, Messianic Literary Corner.
    Ignore the "heat shock" that is talk for infants. A comet nucleus does not need to be anywhere near Earth because comet tails can be thought of as electrical bare "wires" across space. What's more, NASA has measured these 'tails' to stretch for half a billion miles. So, it is the electrical interactions of these comet tails in our atmosphere that will cause chemical reactions in our atmosphere. For reasons that I will not disclose, I think a lot more people need to be aware that things may become very chaotic on this planet in the new future. You don't need to believe me but James McCanney has been preparing his audience for a very long time so that people will be able to better cope in any catacylsmic event. Despite the disinformation campaigns that target James McCanney, I have great respect. This is a man who actually cares about people.

  • JamesMcCanneyScienceHour_November_15_2012.mp3
    James McCanney Science Hour, 15th November 2012

    James McCanney continues talking about Comet C/2012 S1 (ISON) and more about 'The Red Hand of Death' and The Passover event detailed in The Bible (00.00 - 04:45 & 35.50 - 59.00) . Here, it is worth pointing out that some of the mythologising about 'the gods' make a lot more sense when we realise that astronomer-priests sought to preserve the stories of what happened when monster comets come into our solar system and cause havoc as they interact with the major planets of Saturn and Jupiter and then fling the end products on us on Earth... Due to the scientific merit, some mythologists are also now re-interpretating myths in terms of highly electrical plasma manifestations being seen in the heavens.

NASA loses communication with Space Station
CNN News, 19th February 2013
CNN) -- NASA lost communication with the International Space Station on Tuesday and has established only sporadic connections since, according to NASA spokesman Josh Byerly. The space agency says it is currently only able to communicate every 90 minutes when the facility passes over ground stations in Russia. The station, which is carrying one American astronaut and two

Hmmm... There are reports the outage was for 3 hours, see also Space Station Astronauts Lose NASA Radio Link for 2 Hours

Benedict XVI prays penultimate Angelus: “The time of testing is here, let us focus on God again”
Vatican Insider, 17th February 2013
During today’s Angelus prayer Benedict XVI spoke about Jesus’ temptations before a crowd of 50 thousand faithful, asking them to “Pray for me and the next Pope”

The time of testing is here. We must not use God for our own ends.” Resignation is a testimony of faith. “Don’t be afraid” “to fight the evil spirit,” what is important is that we do it alongside Christ the Victor,” the Pope said during today’s Angelus before a crowd of 50 thousand faithful, urging them to turn to “the Mother Mary.” “Let us trust in the intercession of the Virgin Mary in this time of testing, “ he added. “Through her we will feel the powerful presence of his divine Son, so we may ward off temptation with the Word of Christ and place God at the centre of our lives.” We must reject the false images of the Messiah as Jesus did when faced with the temptations “the Temptor presented him with,” the most serious of which is “using God for one’s own ends,” Benedict XVI said during the course of the Angelus prayer.

Updated: The faithful are being warned.... Of most interest here is the quote, “The time of testing is here. We must not use God for our own ends.” Can you believe El Corruptus Pope (sorry about my bad Latin) had the nerve to admonish people not to use God for their own ends.... Words fail... Well, based on the fact the Vatican have been closely watching an object in space, I think we can surmise that Comet C/2012/S1 (Comet ISON) is the Red Comet and the panic is that it will greatly disturb the Sun and we could get some severe space weather. Why do I think this? Well, for lots and lots of reasons... So, as part of my duties it time to re-introduce James McCanney a maverick scientist who has been robbed and maligned concerning his 30+ year old theories about comets, NASA ET AL. HATES MCCANNEY BUT THE FEELING IS MUTUAL... Not so strangely, James McCanney has been talking about Comet ISON since September 2012 but in November 2012 he started talking about THE RED HAND OF DEATH and quoting scripture, see James McCanney: Comet C/2012 S1 (ISON) Sub- page ... In fact he has been doing his radio shows and comparing the arrival of COMET ISON TO THE PASSOVER... Oh yes, it is time to get very religious because THE BIBLE IS A DOCUMENT THAT WAS DESIGNED TO PRESERVE IMPORTANT ANCIENT ASTRONOMICAL EVENTS AND FUTURE PREDICTIONS. He is even quoting Nostradamus and the death of a Pope... Whatever, this entry is for those who are interested in what the Pope is really pontificating about and how that relates to concerns about why the impact of space weather could get very very serious for the citizens of planet Earth. For those who want to understand the major issue of highly electrical comets in our solar system causing havoc, I can recommend my e-book, The Electrotechnics of the Heavens.

Meteorite 'could have devastated northern UK'
Slight difference in time at which meteorite entered atmosphere could have resulted in widespread damage, say astronomers
Guardian, 16th February 2013
The meteorite that caused devastation in the Urals on Friday could have struck Britain if it had entered the atmosphere at only a slightly different time of day, astronomers revealed yesterday.

The region around Chelyabinsk hit by the meteorite impact is 55 degrees north, the same latitude as northern England. Had the meteorite's timing been only few hours different, it could have caused widespread damage in the British Isles, astronomers at the University of Hawaii said yesterday.

I did write that if the meteor had landed, thousands would now be dead, I was wrong... it would have been many 100,000s dead now, see below... Well, up until now space weather has only been given joke status by the generally ignorant and unresponsive public, but that should now change. The trial by cosmic fire starts in earnest now. I am now wondering what criteria the 'defenders' of Earth are using to decide whether to save the life of humans on this planet or not... I personally believe that if humanity were not so corrupt, we would not have the same level of issues that we do now.
  • CBS: Russian meteor exploding at ground level could kill millions if by major city — NASA: Equal to detonating 30 Hiroshima nuclear bombs (VIDEO)
    Energy News, 17th February 2013
    CBS Evening News, February 16, 2013:

    At 2:00 in

    CBS: Charles Liu, astronomer at the City University of New York says we were lucky the meteor […] blew up in the atmosphere with a force 20 atomic bombs.

    Liu: If this amount of energy had been detonated at ground level instead of ten miles up, it would have probably leveled every single building in an area the size of Chicago.

    CBS: That’s 100,000s, maybe millions, dead.

    Liu: It’s hard to think about that the possibility could be that, but it’s there.

  • Strange damage reports surface after Friday’s Russian meteor explosion
    Slash Gear, 18th February 2013
    Today we have more reports of damage caused by the meteor explosion and they are as bizarre as some of the damage reports from tornadoes we’ve heard over the years. For instance, in the city of Chelyabinsk, Russia some high-rise buildings had the glass blown out of every window on the top floor while other buildings had only the glass from the bottom floor destroyed. Even that’s not the most bizarre report of damage caused by the meteor.

    Some citizens living within the city are reporting that the external windows of their apartments remain intact while glass jars in dishes inside the home were destroyed by the meteor explosion. Some citizens also reported that their electronic devices were destroyed by the explosion. One citizen reported that a glass bottle he was holding shattered in his hand.

    Scientists say that glass was destroyed by pressure waves created as the meteor fragment decelerated. These low-frequency waves are called infrasound. Scientists say that these waves can bounce off buildings causing them to be stronger in some places than others and can resonate with glass explaining why bottles and dishes might have shattered inside of homes otherwise unaffected by the meteor.

Exploding fireballs reported all over the globe: Europe, Japan, Russia, Cuba, US, Australia, Timor
The Watchers, 16th February 2013
In last couple of days exploding fireballs were reported on all sides of the world – Russia, Kazakhstan, Japan, Australia, Cuba, South Africa, Morocco, Germany, Switzerland, northern Italy, Netherlands, Belgium, UK…

Latest updates: - A ball of light in the sky resembling a meteor was reported Sunday night by several people in Miami-Dade and Broward counties (US) on February 18, 2013. “Looking over the Biscayne Bay from downtown, I saw an object falling from the sky,” said Brad Greenberg, 30, of Miami in a tweet about 6:30 p.m. “At first, the object was faintly glowing and moving fast but not nearly as fast as a shooting star.”

Russia Meteor: Former Astronaut Says 'Universe Is a Crowded Place', 17th February 2013

Referring to the Russia meteor explosion, former NASA astronaut Mark Kelly reminded us this Sunday morning on NBC's "Meet the Press" that the "universe is a crowded place."

"We have stuff entering the atmosphere all the time," Kelly told moderator David Gregory. "It's interesting when you're on the space station and you're looking at the shooting stars, the meteorites, entering the atmosphere. You're seeing those beneath you. It's a little bit disconcerting because they're all flying by you."
  • What We Know About the Russian Meteor Event
    Planetary Society, 15th February 2013
    What we know (subject to change as more information comes in): At 9:20 a.m. local time in Russia, videos show an impactor coming in from the North. Asteroid 2012 DA14 is approaching Earth from the South. These two events are not related. The body is estimated to have been 15 meters across and weighed roughly 8000 tons. The resulting airburst would have the equivalent yield of a 500 kiloton explosion. Note that these are very rough and extremely preliminary estimates.

  • "Tiny" asteroid causes significant damage in Russia, 15th February 2013
    According to Russia's Interior Ministry, most of the damage from the shock wave was reported in six locations: Yemanzhelinsk, Etkul, Lithuania, Korkino, Yuzhnouralsk, and Chelyabinsk.

  • Toll from meteor strike is biggest ever, 15th February 2013
    A meteor strike on Friday that injured almost a thousand people in a central Russian city inflicted the biggest known human toll from a space rock, experts said. [...]

    "It's very, very rare to have human casualties" from a meteorite, he said. Every day, around 100 tonnes of space debris -- mainly the rubble left from the building of the Solar System -- collides with Earth, say astrophycists. [...]

    Christophe Bonnal, head of rocket launchers at France's National Centre for Space Studies (CNES), said that, in this category, 85 percent of such objects fall in the sea "and of the remaining 15 percent, four-fifths fall in the desert or forests." "So the probability of it landing on a city right at the moment when there are lots of people, really is extremely rare."

    I think they call this kind of article damage limitation, many folk on Earth have been well and truly woken up... NASA et al. will be embarrassed...

  • Russian meteorite fragments fetch stratospheric prices
    But, with one small piece costing up to £6,500, how can buyers tell whether they are getting the genuine article?
    Guardian News, 18th February 2013

  • Russian officials propose meteor protection system
    The Voice of Russia, 18th February 2013

  • Russian Meteor Fallout: Military Satellite Data Should Be Shared, 18th February 2013
    Piecing together the true nature of the meteor that detonated over Russia would benefit by observations likely gleaned by U.S. military spacecraft. But for several years, that data has been stamped classified and not made available to the scientific community that study near-Earth objects (NEOs) and any potential hazard to Earth from these celestial

    Astronomers obviously feel justified to speak out to a much larger audience of concerned citizens and point out that the US military were wrong to hide fireball data. Presumably, the US military tried to hide just how bad the situation was becoming, but 1200 people being hurt by a spectcular meteor blast in Russia cannot be ignored... In June 2009, reported: Military Hush-Up: Incoming Space Rocks Now Classified and astronomers were very angry even then...

    United Nations Reviewing Asteroid Impact Threat, 17th February 2013
    The Russian fireball and the close flyby of the asteroid 2012 DA14 on Friday (Feb. 15) came at a moment in time when the United Nations is discussing international response to the near-Earth object impact concern.

    Detailed discussions about the Russian meteor explosion and Earth's encounter with asteroid 2012 DA14 were high on the Feb. 15 agenda of Action Team-14 during the 50th session of the Scientific and Technical Subcommittee of the United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (COPUOS), being held from Feb. 11 to 22 at the United Nations headquarters in Vienna. The multi-year work of Action Team-14 (AT-14) is focused on pushing forward on an international response to the impact threat of asteroids and other near-Earth objects (NEOs). [...]

    Future threatening asteroids

    "This event in Russia and the pass of the larger asteroid 2012 DA14 are good reminders that many thousands of objects like it pass near Earth daily," said Ray Williamson, a senior advisor to the Secure World Foundation and a participant in the Vienna gathering.

    Secure World Foundation is a private operating foundation dedicated to the secure and sustainable use of space for the benefit of Earth and all its peoples. Williamson said that some objects will be larger and cause considerable damage if they strike Earth. Furthermore, it is critical that efforts continue to identify and track asteroids in order to counter the largest ones before they do serious damage to population centers.

    "Work is continuing within the United Nations on developing international responses to future threatening asteroids. Given the uncertainties concerning where such asteroids might strike Earth and how much damage they might do, international responses will be critical," Williamson told


  • Russian Fireball Won't Be Last Surprise Asteroid Attack
    Yahoo News, 16th February 2013
    The world will have to live with surprise asteroid attacks on the scale of Friday's Russian fireball, at least for a while.

    The meteor that exploded over the Russian city of Chelyabinsk without warning Friday (Feb. 15), damaging hundreds of buildings and wounding more than 1,000 people, was caused by a space rock about 50 feet (15 meters) wide, researchers said.

    Asteroids of this size are both difficult to detect and incredibly numerous, so it will take a long time for astronomers to find and map out the orbits of all the potentially dangerous ones. Besides, researchers have bigger fish to fry. [...]

    "NASA has recognized that asteroids and meteoroids and orbital debris pose a bigger problem than anybody anticipated decades ago," said Bill Cooke, head of NASA's Meteoroid Environment Office at Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Ala.


  • Meteorite UFO Chelyabinsk. Saved us?
    YouTube, 15th February 2013
    Google Russian - English Translation: Look just below the tail and see the UFO that catches up and runs into a meteor breaks it and goes away.

    Is this another example of a UFO/UAP/orb breaking up an incoming meteor? The video shows an object catching up with the Chelyabinsk meteor that was travelling at about 64,000 kilometres per hour... it passed straight through it and then the meteor exploded... If it was a missile, it should have exploded on impact not pass through the meteor.... There have been other occasions where an orb has been seen spinning around an incoming meteor which is then seen to break up, video clips are available in my archives... Well, my research has informed me that this planet has an Earth Management Team that keeps this planet under some kind of cosmic guard and performs certain 'housekeeping' functions... If the orb had not broken this small asteroid up, there might have been a real tragedy, thousands dead... Even President Putin thanked God that the 'small' asteroid did not land... I don't know why it was not broken up in space like Comet P/Shoemaker-Levy 9, (Russian astronomers referred to this object as a "plasmoid train") that got broken up on our behalf in July 1994 and plunged into Jupiter... BUT, this is the reason why I get very irritated by the ignorance.... WE ARE NOT ALONE and the show is not being only run by a bunch of 'evil' aliens, entities and demons... Discussion over at ATS, Something flew into and hit the meteorite?...

  • Hi.. was the meteorite that struck Russia associated with the Red Comet?, 17th February 2013
    7:38 PM - I do see it being related to the Red Comet...It looks like on the back side of the comet a piece broke off, but it is more in the tail end part of it, but it is on the back side for sure. And as I look at Earth, the magnetic field around it looks like it is very it zaps in and out like a..almost like a short circuit looks, and it sounds like white noise on the TV. And my impression is that this comet is causing this glitching in and out of certain spots in our magnetic field, which even allowed meteorite to breach into our Atmosphere. And even though this was random event, I think we might see more, but the ones I am seeing are about the size of softballs and basketballs, so I think the one that hit Russia might be the biggest one that we see. At least that is the biggest one I can see in my mind.

    Q-There seems to be a lot more asteroids and meteors lately. Is there a reason: an active portion of the galaxy, or something causing this additional debris to head our way?

    A-It looks like as this comet is traveling through space any random object in space are being attracted to it like a magnet, therefor is there is just a lot more debris connected to this comet. It almost looks like the speed of it gets a little faster with the collection of all the various objects, like it gives it more power and more force.[...]

    Q-Do you still see this Red Comet being visible to the naked eye in the next couple months? let me think for a will almost look like a Red Full Moon when we see it, and I feel like it is going to be around the full moon in March (when looking from Eastern US)

    I think this psychic (this is really an old-fashioined redundant term but convenient...) is gifted, but because there is not much scientific knowledge, so some of the information is being interpreted wrong but there is still enough here that is interesting... Whatever, I think we have the reason why the Vatican are desperate to hurry up the process for choosing Pope Benedict's successor so this 'sign in the heavens' can appear during the conclave to impress their gullible 1.3 billion followers.... [Btw, Comet Pan-STARRS is expected to be naked eye visible in early March (Southern now, 7th March Northern hemisphere) & Comet Lemmon is already visible (Southern Hemisphere now, early April in Northern hemisphere)]. See, New Pope could be picked sooner.

Thousands of Dolphins Spotted Near San Diego
Capt. Joe Dutra of Hornblower Cruises said he'd never seen anything like it
NBC Bay Area News, 16th February 2013
Thousands of dolphins spanning across 7 miles of ocean were sighted off the coast of San Diego on Thursday, a boat captain told NBC 7 San Diego.

Quake shakes central Italy, 17th February 2013
A 4.8-MAGNITUDE quake hit central Italy late Saturday, shaking apartment buildings in the centre of Rome and spooking citizens in the region of Abruzzo, struck by a killer quake in 2009.

The quake hit Frosinone, between the capital and the southern city of Naples, at a depth of 10.7 kilometres according to Italy's Geophysics Institute. No injuries or damage to buildings were reported.

Hmmm.... Italians in Rome are probably very nervous because there are too many prophecies that Rome is going to be partially destroyed and many of them are linked to the destruction of the Catholic Church.

Pope will have security, immunity by remaining in the Vatican
Reuters, 15th February 2013

(Reuters) - Pope Benedict's decision to live in the Vatican after he resigns will provide him with security and privacy. It will also offer legal protection from any attempt to prosecute him in connection with sexual abuse cases around the world, Church sources and legal experts say.

"His continued presence in the Vatican is necessary, otherwise he might be defenseless. He wouldn't have his immunity, his prerogatives, his security, if he is anywhere else," said one Vatican official, speaking on condition of anonymity.

"It is absolutely necessary" that he stays in the Vatican, said the source, adding that Benedict should have a "dignified existence" in his remaining years.

So it's true, if the Pope leaves the Vatican, he will be arrested for crimes against humanity and criminal conspiracy... OH MY GOD.... If people turn up at the Vatican and St Peter's trying to occupy and seize church property (see more below) then the Vatican guards could start shooting... I have been to the Vatican museums and it is filled with loot stolen over the centuries... all hell could break out... Well, the UK Queen Elizabeth is scheduled to visit Joseph Ratzinger, aka Pope Benedict XV1 on the 6th of March, I am sure she will arrive with a small army of secret service men with her because things are looking very dangerous at the Vatican... The time is up... It's game over.
  • Pope Benedict to seek immunity and protection from Italian President Giorgio Napolitano on February 23, 14th February 2013
    International Tribunal calls on Napolitano to "not collude in criminality", and announces global campaign to occupy Vatican property and launch human rights inquiry in Italy

    Rome (9 am local time): Pope Benedict, Joseph Ratzinger, has scheduled a meeting with Italian President Giorgio Napolitano for Saturday, February 23 to discuss securing protection and immunity from prosecution from the Italian government, according to Italian media sources.

    Ratzinger's meeting follows upon the apparent receipt by the Vatican of a diplomatic note from an undisclosed European government on February 4, stating its intention to issue an arrest warrant for Ratzinger, who resigned from his pontificate less than a week later.

    At the moment we don't know which country has issued the arrest warrant, but I suspect it is Ireland who are determined to get $1.84 billion from the criminals at the Vatican... My recommendation is this country needs to take a small army and go storm the Vatican musuems. I have visited the museums, so I know they have many priceless relics that have been looted from many countries over the centuries that the super-rich would be more than willing to pay high prices for...

  • Roman Church admits the Pope’s Guilt: Joseph Ratzinger to Evade Justice and Hide out in the Vatican for his own legal immunity and “protection”, 16th February 2013
    An Urgent Update from the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS) – Brussels

    Rome: In a statement to Reuters today, Vatican officials announced that Joseph Ratzinger will remain a permanent resident of Vatican City after his resignation. Doing so will offer him legal protection from any attempt to prosecute him in connection with sexual abuse cases around the world, Church sources said today

    "His continued presence in the Vatican is necessary, otherwise he might be defenseless".

    This startling admission of guilt by the church is also a direct obstruction of justice, and lends more weight to the charge by the ITCCS and others that the Vatican has arranged with the Italian government to shield Ratzinger from criminal prosecution, in violation of international laws ratified by Italy. [...]

    In response, the ITCCS calls upon its affiliates and all people of conscience to use our upcoming Easter Reclamation Campaign to converge on Rome and the Vatican to force the extradition of Ratzinger from Vatican City, and place him and his accessories on trial for crimes against humanity.

    Commencing Sunday, March 24, 2013, our activists and others will begin an escalating series of Catholic church occupations and seizures of church property to bring about Ratzinger's extradition and reclaim stolen wealth from the criminal corporation known as Vatican Inc. – in the name of the legion of their victims, both living and dead.

    I think with all the publicity, there might be quite a few rent-a-mob type turning up in Rome...

Coast to Coast Radio, February 2013 Important Info!
Researcher Tom Horn discussed how 2012 is a pivotal time which coincides with prophecies from not only the Mayans, but Christianity, Judaism, Freemasonry, and other groups. For instance, the Cherokee Rattlesnake prophecies also end in 2012, and over 700 years ago Jewish priests prophesied in the Zohar that the Messiah would arrive in the year 2012. Cultures separated by thousands of miles or years refer to 2012 and the return of their God as common themes, he stated.

Interestingly, a 500-year-old Mayan prophecy relates to the founding of America, referring to the year 1776, and a 13-step countdown ending in the year 2012, said Horn. Many U.S. Founding Fathers were aware of these prophecies, and incorporated this knowledge into designs in Washington DC, such as the US Capitol dome, and in the Great Seal of the US, which depicts the return of a pagan god, he detailed.

As for what might occur in 2012, Horn noted that according to NASA, the time frame of 2012-2013 could bring powerful solar storms, and we could be knocked off the grid for up to three years. He also talked about the increased experimentation with transgenic creatures that are bred with mixed human and animal DNA, and how this is a repeat of what the Watchers (Nephilim) did back in the biblical era.

Copy found on YouTube (01:11:46): 2012 Prophecies : Mayans, Christianity, Judaism, Freemasonry & More THIS LINK IS PROVIDED FOR THOSE WHO WANT TO KNOW HOW THE POPE'S RESIGNATION HAS A DIRECT LINK TO THE 2012 PROPHECIES CONCERNING THE END OF A WORLD AGE. Tom Horn does acknowledge that the focus on the End of a World Age or "End Times" can be found in various religions and cultures around the world and because he is a scholar with access to vast libraries (he is a publisher, he has a team of researchers and publishes ~50 books a year) so he could easily put together the facts from relevant historial and religious documents, he says he collected 6,000 pages of info for a book that condensed down into 352 pages... It is my belief that this was not done to the same level of relevant detail elsewhere. The book Apollyon 2012 will soon be succeeded by another book Apex 2012 with another 200 pages as a new summary of the information available and I urge proper researchers to check out the source material. I think Tom Horn is a brilliant researcher but he has one major blindspot... Christianity and ALL the other world religions are manufactured as they are derived from astronomy and the need to preserve ancient astronomical, scientific and esoteric knowledge. The Return of Christ is about energy and cosmic changes and NOT a God-Man-Saviour or 'pagan' gods. Anyone who is prepared to take the blinkers off and do some real research will realise this. I will repeat the following quote from one of my long essays.
Decoding Literature, Architecture, Monuments and Art

Sir William Drummond of Logiealmond (ca. 1770-1828) was a Scottish diplomat and Member of Parliament, poet and philosopher. He wrote the book, Oedipus Judaicus (1811), now considered a classic in Bible scholarship. At the time, it was printed for private circulation and only 200 copies were printed in 1811 and then in 1866, 250 copies were reprinted, after having proved highly controversial. Since the mid 1990s, due to the search for more truth and enlightenment by many individuals, copies have only been made more widely available. Drummond believed that the Old Testament of the Bible appeared to contain nothing but a collection of self-contradictory stories about a small and insignificant race of people. So he decided to prove that there was an alternative way to interpret the Bible using the science of comparative linguistics. Drummond interpreted passages from the Book of Genesis and the Book of Joshua, and explained how the Bible conveyed various truths in an allegorical fashion. Drummond suggested that the writers of the Old Testament;
“…follow the example of all the East, in blending in their narratives real with fictitious events and involving important lessons to mankind whether in morals, or in science, under the guise of recorded fact.”
This is one of the most revealing quotes of the book;
“There can be no system of religion but the true one, which is capable of satisfying a reasoning and reflecting mind. We may believe that as the Chaldeans and Egyptians advanced in knowledge, their learned men secretly renounced, while they continued openly to teach, the errors of Tsabaism, which, in the hands of such men, could have been nothing else but a system of astronomy imposed on the people as a system of religion. Accordingly we find, that the popular Gods of Egypt were in fact mere astronomical symbols. The Sun, the moon, and the Stars, were personified and deified; the conjunction and opposition of planets were made subjects of joy or lamentation; and blessings or misfortunes, were supposed to follow the rising, or setting of the unconscious constellations. When the learned had to mark the commencement of new cycles, or to denote the periodical revolution of the Stars, new gods were introduced into the Pantheon, as regularly as changes were noticed in the calendar. As astronomical periods succeeded each other, the sun, under new appellations, was adored on the throne of heavens; and even as he proceeded in his annual course through the signs of the zodiac, he was hailed by new names and was worshipped under different attributes. Hence, the Egyptian figments concerning the dynasties and the wars of the gods; and hence all the marvels and monsters, which sprang from the allegorical mythology of Egypt.”

The Greatest Transition in the History of Mankind (June 2010)
If you look carefully, there are enough books and websites that explain the link between astronomy and the Christain narrative/religious beliefs. Quite frankly, I have much respect for great scholars like Tom Horn who have strong Christain beliefs BUT humanity needs to move on to higher levels of spiritual truth. Tom Horn does not distinguish which representations of "gods" in various different cultures that are actually related to the representation of scientific truths. He mentions the return of Quetzalcoatl, but this "god" is already flying around the Arctic Circle in the form of strong bright auroras. Plasma physicists and mythologists are already pointing out that the serpents with wings referred to in ancient mythology and ancient texts are Birkeland currents that look like luminous tendrils or 'serpents' and when they become highly electrified the plasma develops to look like 'winged' serpents. This is happening now as the planet reaches a new high energy state. The knowledge of the end/start of a new World Age had a series of astronomical events that would identify key changes in the cosmic environment, the delivery of more energy to Earth that we now call space weather and a selection of specific warnings to humanity. We must not forget that ancient astronomer-priests were scientists who used their knowledge to generate a religion for the uneducated ignorant rabble that would help to preserve at least some of this knowledge ... Today, there too many rabble rousers in the Cultic Milieu that are too ignorant and the worse offenders are shouting about 'demons', 'false gods' and slatty big-eyed aliens concerning a vast array of different scientific phenomena that they don't understand.

Resigning Pope Brings Doomsday Prophecy
Discovery News, 13th February 2013
Is the world only a Pope away from the End? Yes, if you believe a chilling 12th-century prophecy.

Attributed to St. Malachy, an Irish archbishop canonized in 1190, the Prophecy of the Popes would date to 1139. The document predicted that there would be only 112 more popes before the Last Judgment — and Benedict XVI is 111.

The list of popes originated from a vision Malachy said he received from God when he was in Rome, reporting on his diocese to Pope Innocent II.

Even some in the mainstream media are wondering....
  • Pope Benedict Resigns (Petrus Romanus St Malachy and Cardinal Bertone)
    YouTube, 8th February 2013
    Quite frankly, there are a lot of people who want to see the Catholic Church destroyed, so the defection of Pope Benedict XVI who hopefully is the last properly elected Pope is a big deal.

    YouTube, 12th February 2013
    According to this source, the final Pope no. 111 in St Malachy's 900 year old list is Pope Benedict XVI and Petrus Romanus is only occupying the position before ROME IS DESTROYED.... If I was an Italian living in Rome, witnessing the Chelyabinsk blast demonstrating what could happen if a large rock comes in from space totally undetected, I would be very nervous....

    Spirit Daily, February 2013
    [...] A hoax? Well, anything is possible. Experts believe it's real. It was taken by a legitimate professional Agence France Press news photographer. What's a bit spooky, said one meteorologist,, Jesse Ferrell, is "that it doesn't appear from a Google Image Search that a similar image has ever been captured before...." [...]

    Still, when there is lightning, there is something about it that seems unsettling and sometimes as a warning. Many things are astir. A Pope is "resigning" for the first time in six centuries -- a Pope who took the name "Benedict," as in the saint who battled evil. In a letter on the same February 11, 2013, naming a special envoy to a solemn celebration of the World Day of the Sick, Benedict included the term "Mary, mediatrix of all graces" -- a title that is used very sparingly by pontiffs and is often attached in the minds of many Catholic faithful with potential declaration of a new dogma, one that they feel would herald major events in the world (a dogma that, up to now, Benedict has long resisted, and may still; we do not yet know). It comes when astronomers expect to see a highly visible comet, which may even appear during the conclave announcing a new Pope. Some believe the next Pope will be the last in this particular era. Time will tell.

    Comment: is a leading Catholic website and Catholics are very spooked at the moment. I don't have time to write an essay on a manmade religion where events on Earth are tied to events in the heavens and events in the heavens are used as signs and portents to kick start political moves on Earth, but that is the evidence we have. The reason for paying attention to Christian/Catholic scholars is because they will at least highlight some of the logic being used... The point here is Catholics are already expecting a major change of dogma... So, the attempt to kickstart a NEW WORLD AGE with an ET Christ foisted on the world with the backing of the Catholic Church is looking less and less preposterous...

  • Tom Horn & Steve Quayle-The Hagmann & Hagmann Report, February 15, 2013
    BlogTalkRadio, 15th February 2013
    Comment: Amongst this long 3 hour radio show, Tom Horn talks about the significance of 'signs' to Catholics, especially how they will interprete the arrival of ' The Comet of the Century' with the election of a new Pope and the belief in the arrival of the anti-Christ.. It is obvious to me that there are certain things that are based on foreknowledge used to dazzle ignoranti religious followers and some things that are true mysteries and beyond human control... Some would argue that powers and principalities are also having their say... Whatever, listen to Torn Horn for his opinion, 33:30 - 40:20. I am gaining more respect for Tom Horn becomes he is in effect decoding the theology of the astronomer-priests... He is not talking about the arrival of a blood and flesh Christ figure and I suspect he does know that Christ in the Bible truly represents a spiritual energy level and NOT a person... I am not going to write a long essay at this moment, but I think Horn has already nailed the practical implications of what anti-Christ really means and anyone interested needs to focus on Tom Horns interest in Transhumanism. Tom Horn points out the fact that prophecies, some that are over 900 and 700 years old are now being fulfilled and he points out the link with the 2012 hoopla! 01:22:00 - 01:29:30.

Russian meteor hit atmosphere with force of 30 Hiroshima bombs
Telegraph, 16th February 2013
The 55-foot rock, said by Nasa to have a mass of 10,000 tonnes, plunged to Earth in the Urals region on Friday morning, causing shockwaves that injured 1,200 people and damaged thousands of homes in an event unprecedented in modern times.

Nasa estimate that the energy released by the meteor's impact with the atmosphere was 500 kilotonnes, around 30 times the force of the nuclear bomb dropped on Hiroshima in 1945. It entered the atmosphere and broke up at an altitude of around 32 miles, causing a shockwave that blew out windows and set of car alarms in Chelyabinsk two and a half minutes later. [...]

"Instead of fighting on Earth, people should be creating a joint system of asteroid defence," the Russian parliament's foreign affairs committee chief Alexei Pushkov wrote on his Twitter account late Friday.

"Instead of creating a (military) European space defence system, the United States should join us and China in creating the AADS - the Anti-Asteroid Defence System," the close ally of President Vladimir Putin wrote.

Note the highlighted text.... Somebody has woken up to the reality of Earth being in a cosmic debris field.... A new ET based religion and a New World Order of Corrupti is not the answer...

Meteorite hits Russian Urals: Fireball explosion wreaks havoc, over 1200 injured (PHOTOS, VIDEO)
RT News, 15th February 2013

Russia’s Urals region has been rocked by a meteorite explosion in the stratosphere. The impact wave damaged several buildings, and blew out thousands of windows amid frigid winter weather. Hundreds are seeking medical attention for minor injuries.

Eyewitness accounts of the meteorite phenomenon, handpicked by RT. Army units found three meteorite debris impact sites, two of which are in an area near Chebarkul Lake, west of Chelyabinsk. The third site was found some 80 kilometers further to the northwest, near the town of Zlatoust. One of the fragments that struck near Chebarkul left a crater six meters in diameter. Servicemembers from the tank brigade that found the crater have confirmed that background radiation levels at the site are normal.

Russian space agency Roskosmos has confirmed the object that crashed in the Chelyabinsk region is a meteorite: “According to preliminary estimates, this space object is of non-technogenic origin and qualifies as a meteorite. It was moving at a low trajectory with a speed of about 30 km/s.” According to estimates by the Russian Academy of Sciences, the space object weighed about 10 tons before entering Earth’s atmosphere.

The image icon banner is taken from the video of the meteor explosion. The last image icon is NOT the Sun, that is the full explosion... This is an excellent summary of information with a good selection of clips in the video and various photos. There are reports the meteor exploded over 6 cities...

Meteor strike injures hundreds in central Russia
BBC News, 15th February 2013
The BBC's Daniel Sandford says people described a ball of fire in the sky A meteor crashing in central Russia's Ural mountains has injured at least 500 people, as the shockwave blew out windows and rocked buildings.

Most of those hurt suffered minor cuts and bruises but some received head injuries, Russian officials report. A fireball was seen streaking through the clear morning sky above the city of Yekaterinburg, followed by loud bangs.

The meteor is believed to have landed in a lake near Chebarkul, a town in the neighbouring Chelyabinsk region. Much of the impact was felt in the city of Chelyabinsk, some 200km (125 miles) south of Yekaterinburg. "It was quite extraordinary," Chelyabinsk resident Polina Zolotarevskaya told BBC News. "We saw a very bright light and then there was a kind of a track, white and yellow in the sky." [...]

Thousands of rescue workers have been dispatched to the area to provide help to the injured, the emergencies ministry said. The Chelyabinsk region, about 1,500km (930 miles) east of Moscow, is home to many factories, a nuclear power plant and the Mayak atomic waste storage and treatment centre. [...]

Asteroid coincidence

Scientists have played down suggestions that there is any link between the event in the Urals and 2012 DA14, an asteroid expected to race past the Earth on Friday at a distance of just 27,700km (17,200 miles) - the closest ever predicted for an object of that size. Prof Alan Fitzsimmons, of the Astrophysics Research Centre at Queen's University Belfast, said there was "almost definitely" no connection.

"One reason is that 2012 DA14 is approaching Earth from the south, and this object hit in the northern hemisphere," he told BBC News. "This is literally a cosmic coincidence, although a spectacular one."

Oh well, I suspected that the big asteroid 2012 DA14 arriving on the 15th (today) would have an entourage of rocks ready to drop based on what has already been happening, BUT the experts are saying this is a coincidence? Please check the archives for recent examples of rocks travelling in clusters where the largest rock passes Earth but the smaller rocks boomerang and swing round the planet and fall in different places. Whatever, I am sure this event will help to focus minds on what is happening to our world and reality and what is important, see Space Weather Asteroids, Fireballs, Meteorites, Ghost Rockets & Other Strange 'Heavenly Phenomena'.
  • Amazing Meteor Boomerangs Around Earth
    Sky & Telescope, 2nd October 2012
    [...] Dirk Ross, who tracks bright meteors and meteorite finds worldwide, logged 564 eyewitness reports from England, Scotland, Ireland, France, Belgium, The Netherlands, and Norway. A few hours later, Ross received another burst of 126 sightings. But these weren't from Europe — instead, a fireball had appeared over southeastern Canada and the U.S. Northeast. What at first seemed the unlikely arrival of two dramatic bolides in a single night is now known to be something much more historic and scientifically profound. [...]

    Lyytinen says the brief atmospheric passage took its toll. As the meteoroid broke apart, its velocity dropped to just 5.7 miles (9.2 km) per second, too slow to make an escape back to space. Instead, it became a temporary satellite of Earth, looping completely around the globe before reentering the atmosphere — this time for good.

    Wow.... We have a logical explanation for the meteor sightings that caused some wonderment when seen over the UK and Northern America. The main issue is that this big meteor came very close and was apparently undetected....

Pope Benedict resigned to avoid arrest, seizure of church wealth by Easter, 13th February 2013

* Diplomatic Note was issued to Vatican just prior to his resignation * New Pope and Catholic clergy face indictment and arrest as "Easter Reclamation" plan continues * A Global Media Release and Statement from The International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State

Brussels: The historically unprecedented resignation of Joseph Ratzinger as Pope this week was compelled by an upcoming action by a European government to issue an arrest warrant against Ratzinger and a public lien against Vatican property and assets by Easter.

The ITCCS Central Office in Brussels is compelled by Pope Benedict's sudden abdication to disclose the following details:

1. On Friday, February 1, 2013, on the basis of evidence supplied by our affiliated Common Law Court of Justice (, our Office concluded an agreement with representatives of a European nation and its courts to secure an arrest warrant against Joseph Ratzinger, aka Pope Benedict, for crimes against humanity and ordering a criminal conspiracy.

2. This arrest warrant was to be delivered to the office of the "Holy See" in Rome on Friday, February 15, 2013. It allowed the nation in question to detain Ratzinger as a suspect in a crime if he entered its sovereign territory.

3. A diplomatic note was issued by the said nation's government to the Vatican's Secretary of State, Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, on Monday, February 4, 2013, informing Bertone of the impending arrest warrant and inviting his office to comply. No reply to this note was received from Cardinal Bertone or his office; but six days later, Pope Benedict resigned.

I have no idea how serious this is, but it serves to focus attention on the criminal activity of the so-called 'Holy' Catholic Church.

  • As Vatican watchers are well aware, due to the institutionalized nature of Catholic Church's rampant criminal activity, the problems at the Vatican are enormous. see Pope Leaves Financial Disarray in His Wake (February 2013). This is linked to the recent Vatileaks Scandal (June 2012) with the Pope's butler was arrested and convicted of stealing private correspondence and sparking a money laundering investigation into the former president of the Vatican bank, see Transparency vs. Money Laundering: Catholic Church Fears Growing Vatican Bank Scandal (july 2012). This is nothing new, just the latest scandal over shady bank accounts and millions in suspect transfers (corruption and money-laundering). For those who are uneducated in the long history of corruption at the Vatican, the notorious Vatican Bank found worldwide fame in the early 1980s, when it was implicated in the collapse of the Italian Ambrosiano bank, but the flames of suspicion turned into a bonfire when in 1982, the chairman Roberto Calvi, nicknamed “God’s banker,” was mysteriously found dead, hanging from Blackfriars Bridge in London, see Who killed Calvi? Reopening the inquiry into the 'suicide' of 'God's banker' has exposed links with the mafia, masons and Vatican fraud, writes Nick Mathiason (May 2003) & Mafia boss breaks silence over Roberto Calvi killing: Godfather turned supergrass accused of murder of 'God's banker' claims case will never be solved (May 2012). Calvi's mafioso style death (note the location BLACK FRIAR), was originally ruled a suicide, but in 1991, was later judged to be murder, another Vatican cardinal was also believed to have been involved.
  • The stench of mafioso activity also appears amongst other more legitimate businesses, but some have been pointing out the hypocrisy with the revelation that the Catholic Church owned "Weltbild," Germany’s largest media company, that sells books, DVDs, music and porn... see, Catholic Church Makes A Fortune In The German Porn Business (October 2011) & Catholic Church Owns Billion-Dollar German Media Firm Selling Porn (Augst 2012). It took 10 years of campaigning before the Church would even acknowledge this slight oversight of owning or having large stakes in a selection of big media companies selling erotica, but so far, these business ventures have not been disposed of yet.
  • We all know about the current hatred for the Church because of their persistance in covering up priests and cardinals molesting children and nuns. The New York Times reported in September 2011, that human rights lawyers and victims of clergy sexual abuse have filed a complaint at the International Criminal Court in The Hague to investigate and prosecute Pope Benedict XVI and three top Vatican officials for crimes against humanity for what they described as abetting and covering up the rape and sexual assault of children by priests, see Abuse Victims Ask Court to Prosecute the Vatican (September 2011) . The Irish government want $1.84 billion dollars to compensate child abuse victims and they want to seize church property to get the cash, see Irish Catholic Church unable to foot $1.84 billion abuse bill (April 2012).... but, it was still a new low when there was the very nasty accusation by the Catholic Church's leading exorcist priest that a missing schoolgirl had been, kidnapped, abused and then killed by his own church brethren. See Missing girl 'buried in murdered mobster's tomb was kidnapped for Vatican sex parties', claims Catholic Church's leading exorcist priest (May 2012). Based on this and other collaborating information, a mobster's diamond encrusted tomb alongside other high and mighty church villains was opened and authorities found a horrible stench and some unidentified bones, presumably this was the body of the missing girl that had not been embalmed.
  • To add to the drain of Church finances, Italy are now demanding that the villains in the Vatican to pay property tax, the revenue is expected to be 500 million to 2 billion euros annually across the country, see Catholic church to lose historic property tax exemption in Italy (October 2012)

    There are numerous websites available that point out just how dark the darkness really is amongst these institutionalized monsters, even Pope Benedict put out a final tweet that stated, 'we are all sinners' link, but these guys are in their own league. If you really want to know all the implications of the shenanigans at the Vatican, there are plenty of sources. Due to my life long interest in the Catholic Church and my discovery that they have perpetrated a religion based on astronomy, what is happening now is of great interest. The occultists in the Vatican are absolutely paranoid about The End Times (the end of a major astronomical cycle based on the precession of the equinoxes) because they have been warned they are in for the chop, and as they are in so much trouble, I think they are desperate enough to take great risks. Thus the intention of introducing a new ET Christian narrative based on some half-truths and lies (same as usual) in order to save the clergy and the Church from an almighty demise. But there are a few major obstacles to negotiate like the Fatima 3rd prophecy where we are told a bishop in white will be climbing over piles of dead clergy bodies at an important church event where most of Rome is destroyed. The current interpretation is there is going to be a mega terrorist attack in Rome, but this is based on the view of people who have studied the 25 lines of the 62 lines of the third Secret of Fatima prophecy that the Church will release. Combined with a quote from Revelations about 'The End Times' and the appearance of a Red Dragon and a third of the stars being cast down (Tom Horn says there is standard Catholic theology that interpretes/decodes 'the stars' as being the clergy), so it seems they really don't like the implications of what they have been told. Whether the world wants to believe in these prophecies is irrelevant, the Catholic laity believe it and Vatican psychopaths have their own unique perspective on reality and they do believe in signs and portents. So, I believe the plan is to move the headquarters of the church to Jerusalem and negotiate themselves to be the head of a worldwide church... To me, this sounds like the standard fantasy thinking of malignant narcissists... If there is a major wipeout of church leaders, I think the reaction will be rejoicing across the world... The Pope got quite a lot of vitriol on Twitter after the news of his resignation, so I simply can't see a mandate based on a 9/11 copy event to harness world sympathy, but.... the Vatican are in league with lots of other very powerful world leaders and the general public are generally stupid... Whatever, all the signs are we are waiting for a major 'event' whether manmade or divine in origin, but I hope it helps to finally destroy 'The Harlot' Catholic Church. It's good riddance from me... Update: Read the online book version of Petrus Romanus by Tom Horn & Chris Putnum Petrus Romanus: The Final Pope Is Here - Part 4. It seems that even one Pope BEFORE the Marian apparitions at Fatima (1917) had the same vision! See Petrus Romanus: The Final Pope Is Here - Part 4.
    • Tom Horn & Steve Quayle-The Hagmann & Hagmann Report
      Blog Talk Radio, February 2013
      UPCOMING BROADCAST: Thursday, February 14, 2013: Tom Horn and Steve Quayle: Petrus Romanus - The Final Pope is here. We are witnessing prophecy unfold before our very eyes as we learn that Pope Benedict XVI is stepping down. Join us for this special broadcast as we welcome back Tom Horn, co-author of Petrus Romanus (with Cris Putnam) and Steve Quayle to discuss this prophesized event. Special Time: 9:00 p.m. to midnight (ET).To listen live (this show only), click HERE

      Tom Horn & Chris Putnam are going to be cock-a-hoop because they predicted the Pope would resign in April 2012, but the decision was made in March 2012 according to the New York Times and kept quiet, see A Statement Rocks Rome, Then Sends Shockwaves Around the World

    EXO-VATICANA (Pt 1), Mount Graham and the L.U.C.I.F.E.R. Project By Tom Horn & Cris Putnam
    Raiders News, December 30th, 2012
    [...] We had come with deeper questions concerning high-level Vatican astronomers and what they had been leaking to, and discussing with, media in recent years. Captivating comments from Jesuit priests like Guy Consolmagno—a leading astronomer who often turns up in media as a spokesman for the Vatican who has worked at NASA and taught at Harvard and MIT and who currently splits his time between the Vatican Observatory and laboratory (Specola Vaticana) headquartered at the summer residence of the Pope in Castel Gandolfo, Italy, and Mt. Graham in Arizona. Over the last few years, he has focused so much of his time and effort in an attempt to reconcile science and religion in public forums specifically as it relates to the subject of extraterrestrial life and its potential impact on the future of faith that we decided to contact him. He agreed to be interviewed from Rome, and over the numerous exchanges that followed he told us some things that seemed beyond the scope. He even sent us a copy of a private pdf, a literal goldmine of what he and the Vatican are considering regarding the ramifications of astrobiology and specifically the discovery of advanced extraterrestrials... in which he admits how contemporary societies will soon “look to The Aliens to be the Saviours of humankind.”

    I simply don't have time to produce relevant quotes from Tom Horn & Cris Putnam about their conclusions about what the Vatican are up to, but unless you have done a serious amount of background reading into ancient mysteries and what Vatican astronomers actually believe, the research presented here will blow your mind.... I recommend listening to a very recent 3 hour radio interview (.mp3 file) with religious scholars Tom Horn & Cris Putnam, where you will have to switch off from the Fundamentalist Christian mindset and just listen to the facts.... Tom Horn is not stupid but he does not want to acknowledge that Roman Catholicism is a religion based on astronomy because that poses a lot of problems for non-Catholics who have based their beliefs on the same scriptures that have been highly encrypted with astronomical information, formulated and 'revised' by the Catholic Church over millenia. It must be realised that Tom Horn as a Christian scholar has a strangely symbiotic relationship with the 'The Harlot' Vatican. Anyway, if you don't have time just listen to the following clips: (38.00 - 46:30, 52.00 - 56.00, 1.05.00 - )

    This is damn serious if the Vatican wants to reveal a new Christain 'Gospel' and tell the world that Jesus was part 'Space Brother' because Mary was an abductee.... This is NOT the sort of information that the average Christian will even be prepared to listen to never mind accept, but Catholic theologians and astronomers are openly writing about welcoming 'Space Brothers' who are less corrupted than us... It seems they are NOT focusing on Shadow Life but it is not being ignored either.... In my opinion, some members of the Shadow Life, especially the metallic looking 'ships', are useful for wowing ignorant humans.... Btw... I don't know what to think about contactee Billy Meier after finding out his first confidant was a Catholic priest... The original spy network was regular confessions in church but today people worry about emails, skype, twitter, facebook and phone calls etc being spied on.... gnashing, gnashing... It looks like books are serialised online and you can get Part 2-12 of EXO-VATICANA by just changing the link number.
    • What the devil? Scientists tap power of 'Lucifer'
      WND News, 20th January 2013
      It’s one of the most powerful and advanced telescopes in the world – and it uses the fierce power of LUCIFER to capture images of planets outside our solar system and peer back toward the beginning of time.

      The Large Binocular Telescope, or LBT, perched atop the Mount Graham International Observatory in southeastern Arizona, contains an immensely powerful tool that allows humans to observe the faintest and most distant objects in the heavens.

      Those objects can be detected with the help of LUCIFER – a beastly set of super-cooled, near-infrared cameras also known as Large Binocular Telescope Near-infrared Utility with Camera and Integral Field Unit for Extragalactic Research. The first camera, LUCIFER I, was fitted to the telescope in 2010. According to some reports, LUCIFER II is set to be installed as early as this year.

      There is some useful information here...

    • January 13, 2013 Archive of The Hagmann & Hagmann Report with Tom Horn & Steve Quayle
      3 hour radio interview (.mp3 file) with religious scholars Tom Horn & Cris Putnam
      BlogTalkRadio, 14th January 2013

      Project LUCIFER, Petrus Romanus, and the Vatican's astonishing exo-theological plan for the arrival of an alien savior. You only think you know what's coming...

      Mind blowing stuff, especially if you are unfamiliar with the huge amounts of research that supports the notion that man's true history has either been destroyed, hidden or lied about. If you don't have much time, just listen to the following clips: 38.00 - 46:30, 52.00 - 56.00, Official Disclosure in 2013 and Vatican preparation. Vatican following ETs on Earth now... Great story of top ranking Daniel Sheehan in 1976/1977 on behalf on US government and President Jimmy Carter asking the Vatican for ET evidence, UFO phenomenon and the alien agenda on Earth that was locked up in the Vatican archives, but they were refused. They say Knowledge is Power... 01:05:30 - 01:13:30, Nephilim, Jesus hybrid and Mary abduction mentioned! 01:37:45 - 01:39:00, 1960s Brookings Institution Think Tank report recommending hiding alien artefacts from the public, 01:43:00 - 01:45:00, Vatican astronomer Guy Consolmagno interviewd, providing shocking information and Vatican documentation re astrobiology and extraterrestrial life and the existence of aliens that can show us a better way... no doubt Vatican approved 'Space Brothers'... 02:04:00 - 02:05:00 & 02:09:30 - 02:15:30, there follows a short theological treatise on the existence of mutant humans that are unredeemable... it would have been a better if Horn had finished upby calling them psychopaths rather than Steve Quayle calling them bastards... I think Quayle is your archetypal Bible thumper... 02:51:00 - 02:54:00 Tom Horn mentions Davos 2013 Special Report but he only discusses more background information. The overall impression I got was that Horn et al. believe that the DNA of real humans is being frigged about with, but I think that science tells us that this can only be very limited, especially at a time of massive evolutionary change. I don't think the template for a new human can be changed and the facts are human reproduction rates are dropping quickly and old humans will be eradicated in a few hundred years. The discussion here of alien hybrids is my explanation for psychopaths. I believe that humans have the ability to be "Christ-like" and carry an energy that makes them spiritually superior to psychopaths and the narcissist half breed offspring... I think this is the real spiritual war that is taking place now, but obviously, Tom Horn et al use a different language and mindset to reach the same conclusion.

    • Gold, Frankincense and Mars - Guy Consolmagno
      Colbert Report, 1st December 2009 Flashback!
      Comment: copy: Stephen Colbert welcomes Brother Guy J. Consolmagno to "Comedy Central". The interview clip [6:00] is provided here. Brother Consolmagno was referenced in my book, as he seems to be a prominent Vatican spokesperson on the 'heavens' and is described as a Jesuit scholar who wrote the book The Heavens Proclaim. In his reply to Colbert's first question, Brother Consolmagno explained that in the Middle Ages, scholars first had to study astronomy as a way of understanding the Universe before they were allowed to study theology or philosophy as a way of getting to know the Creator.

      Hmmmm... That tells you just how backward things are now... Anyway, check out the NEW VATICAN interpretation of the first verses of GENESIS (my interpretation because Guy actually quotes the start of the Gospel of John, "In the beginning was the word", we get a new meaning for what WORD could mean and then when Colbert mentions angels, we get another interesting perspective that suggests the Vatican believe there is no reason why there should not be other intelligent life and creatures in the universe. WOW!!!! This is primetime knockout entertainment!

      But seriously... What exactly is a Vatican astronomer doing on a prime time TV comedy program talking about ETs and the possibility of extraterrestrial life? The metaphysical community should be ashamed for being so far behind the curve.... See articles and documents, Religion and UFOs

    • Giant skeleton found in Romania, September 2012
      The biblical Nephilim! I don't have time to research but apparently, giants skeletons have been found in Romania. After 2003, the public were kept away and the mountain location is now protected by Romanian troops. The discovery is also under Pentagon investigation and research. See Photo!

    • They Might Be Giants! 18 Ft. Tall Giant Human Skeleton Found By Oil Prospector J. Mckinney In Texas!
      South Milwaukee Now, 13th February 2013
      am doing research on historic finds across America. Any articles and shared research would be much appreciated as I put together evidence of giant races. Contact me | here |. Also, If anyone has any personal writings or information on Doctor. P. R Hoy, from Racine, Wisconsin I would be interested talking to you as well. [...] Austin Texas, June 14th 1919. Mr. McKinney finds a massive skeleton while excavating for oil. He guessed the man weighed 2000-2500 pounds and the skull was 6 times the size of a normal man. Dr. James E. Pearce of the University of Texas said "If the report that the fossilized skeleton of a giant eighteen feet tall has been found near Seymour TX, is true, it is the most important ethnological discovery ever made in the world."

    Priest fined $1000 for ear biting [AU]
    WA Today, 12th February 2013
    A West Australian priest has been fined $1000 for biting off the ear of a fellow elderly clergyman in a dispute over a sprinkler. Thomas Henry Byrne, 81, was spared a criminal conviction after pleading guilty to assault occasioning bodily harm on Tuesday, because a Perth magistrate accepted dementia had played a central role in the attack.

    A confrontation was sparked between the two men after the victim moved some objects around the shared yard of their Dianella complex on November 9. As a result the victim's ear was completely severed.

    Hmmm... so what is going on with these old priests getting violent? The image icon is an actor playing the old drunk Father Jack from the UK hit sit-com Father Ted.

    Now that's sailing close to the wind: Ship misses deadly water spout by matter of moments
    Daily Mail, 10th February 2013
    * Water spouts are a serious marine hazard and pose a deadly threat to anything in their path
    * They number around 15 a year in Italy, with around 160 around Europe

    Psychic Talks About A Red Comet And Electromagnetic Chaos Across The Planet, 28th January 2013
    Q. On a different psychic site I read that technology will be knocked off the grid for awhile and we should prepare by stocking up on food and water. Do you see this happening? If so, When?

    A-I still see March of this year, this is when we are going to notice technology not being reliable.  I do not see it as being completely wiped off, I just see it as being inconsistent.  Like you might use your phone and it work fine, and then an hour later it cannot find a signal...and I see that with cars..anything electrical.  I see anything using...I am seeing like a rubber fan belt, mechanical things I feel like are almost unaffected.  One of the biggest inconveniences people will have is not having cash on hand because during down times ATM will not work, credit card machines are not going to work, cash registers....all those type of things are not going to work.  So I feel like it is important to have some kind of liquidity on you.  Having food and water IS important, because I see a lot of chaos in that time as well, and it is not that you can't get food or water, it is just the cost and the selection, and the people around make it more difficult to get what you need.  And if you do not live close to a store you may go there and then your car might not even turn on when you go to leave.  It is like I see broke down cars kind of parked in a lot of different places and I see one of the new things will be to have thieves always going around trying to start cars, because it truly a pot luck of when they work and when they don't.  I do see things being more reliable at night vs. during the day though.  People try to handle their business at night.  I even see a couple businesses like banks and I don't know, business that are normally closed during night will start to offer night shift business because they can rely more on their electronics at that time.  Consequently, people that have day jobs might find themselves working night shift jobs.   That is kind of all I see.

    Q-What will the media's explanation of this be?

    A-At first they are going to not even talk about it, but when it becomes undeniable they are going to say that we are in a weird phase of the sun and some kind of intensity that is given off from the sun is causing it, and that will be their rational for the inconsistency in daylight and why things work better at night.

    A-It is a partial truth, because the sun goes through phases and it has not affected us like this before, but the reason that it is doing this now is because as this RED COMET comes near us and starts messing with our gravitational pull, it does something to the magnetic like field that is around earth and creates weak spots in it which allows the suns intensity to enter into our atmosphere.  That is a more full picture of what is actually happening.

    Q-Will any electronics be physically damaged, or just disabled.

    A-I feel like it is more of a disabled thing vs a destruction.  It is like they cannot communicate to each other.

    A-It looks like they are constantly flowing, but their path is like bent into a different direction...the image I see is electronics going down a straight path and then the sun radiates off to us, and when that is intersected by the path of the electrons, the electrons turn like 90 degrees and keep flowing but go in a completely different directions, so it is really hard for me to interpret that because I do not understand how electricity works.

    Q-Will planes be flying?

    A-I see most flights at night, and during the day the only planes I see are very small.  I do not really see and huge planes.  And they develop weird rules about what timezone they are flying into.  Like you can only go East and not West and weird stuff like that.
    Q-Will this also be the time when days get longer?

    A-I do think that will happen around that time, and I definitely see that happening around March of this year and it will be slow and incremental.

    Q-I have noticed yesterday when setting and old watch, that I have not set for while, that it was over 15 minutes off. I have seen this several times, an example of this was camera I had not used for 3-4 years, it lost approximately 26 minutes.

    A-It lost or gained?

    Q-All my items seemed to lose.

    A-I feel like we are going to slowly gain, to where the max day will gain about 30 minutes.

    Q-Is this due to the RED COMET?

    A-Yes, I feel like it is tugging at our gravitational pull and slowing our rotation down.

    I think the predictions by a psychic in Australia about a Red Comet are so interesting that I have provided a link... Quite frankly, I am mostly interested in the description of electronics failing... I presume this is a proper savant because discussion of a comet slowing down the Earth's rotation is a strictly heretical concept... but it is the only explanation for why the Earth's rotation changed from 360 to ~365 days in the past and became a source of great grief to ancient Timekeepers... Some of this could be right, some of this could be wrong and the time frames could be wrong too but the Pope is resigning and taking himself off to the old Vatican observatory at the same time we are told of the appearance of a Red Comet, at a time that is already being called 'The Year of the Comet'... We don't know if this is a comet that has already been spotted and being seen in the light spectrum or even in the infra-red... The Red Dragon of Revelation appearing like clockwork would only add to a whole bunch of astronomical signs that have been preserved and foretold for us to expect at The End Times of a major astronomical cycle... Incredibly, it looks like common sense will prevail in the future as this psychic sees disaster resistant dome houses becoming common, (see 11th February blog entry link), this is something I am pleased to read about, almost relieved... see archives. Update: Tom Horn thinks something is coming in that can only be seen in the infra-red and that it is being watched by a conglomerate of NASA & Vatican astronomers at Mount Graham, Tucson, Arizona with the “Large Binocular Telescope Near-infrared Utility with Camera and Integral Field Unit for Extragalactic Research,”(“L.U.C.I.F.E.R.”) Bingo!

    A sign from above? Lightning strikes Vatican hours after Pope's shock resignation
    The lightning touched the roof of St. Peter's Basilica, one of the holiest Catholic churches, hours after Benedict XVI's shock announcement
    The Mirror, 11th February 2013
    This was the moment lightning struck the Vatican today - hours after Pope Benedict XVI's bolt-from-the-blue resignation.

    The lightning touched the dome of St. Peter's Basilica, one of the holiest Catholic churches, after the Pope's shock admission he lacks strength to do the job.

    The Vatican stressed that no specific medical condition prompted Benedict's decision to quit - the first pontiff to do so in 600 years.

    I am sure this will be taken seriously as another sign of doom for the Catholic Church. Well, I think it is worth adding a reminder for those who are unfamiliar with my work and who don't realise the significance of the sheenanigans in the Catholic Church. Briefly, various prophecies over centuries have all declared the Catholic Church will be finished at the End of the Age or when the Holy Spirit arrives to "judge" humanity, but the Church has already been warned they are going to get their own select destruction. For those who are new to my research and beliefs I will repeat a general principle that I think explains the fear about human destruction. From my new FAQ page:
    The influx of cosmic energy seems to have a function of re-balancing human consciousness and behaviour. This can be compared to the discoveries made by ecologists and biologists where during periods of evolutionary change, any negative and malignant force that has sprung up and poses a threat to a harmonious ecosystem, becomes subject to elimination. Simply, at times of great environmental stress, the agents of stress are eliminated to restore balance. This is well explained by biologist Bruce Lipton during an interview with Laura Lee in 2004, where Lipton explains new scientific evidence provided in the journal Nature, suggests that Darwin was wrong and it is not survival of the fittest, it is what the community of organisms contribute to a well functioning ecosystem environment that matters. Lipton states that, “evolution is selected by complementarity to the environment, organisms that push the environment to extremes are ultimately eliminated from the environment”. So, what humanity fails to comprehend is that this seems to apply on a planet-wide scale. Today it is recognised that humans are having a negative impact on this planet, but traditionally, the threat of judgement by a deity for human indiscretions in general, was used by religious leaders to help apply control over other humans, it was not necessarily about encouraging higher levels of consciousness. FAQ: What is the “Planetary Refresh” and what does it have to do with Space Weather?
    We will not even bother going into the indiscretions of the Catholic Church but the abuse of their position over the centuries has been well documented. The Vatican know that they are top on the list for a removal because they have been told over and over again over by various prophets. So, this takes me to my Planetary Challenges report and someone at the White House who writes speeches, annoying the Vatican by pointing out the fact that their time is nearly up... There was nothing subtle about pointing out the beliefs of a Gioacchino da Fiore, or Joachim of Fiore (1135 – 1202). This is the relevant quote:
    Finally on a more philosophical note, it is not unreasonable to suppose that the Obama Administration have already made the connection between “planetary challenges” and the arrival of a New World Age. In this regard, it is has been widely reported that in March 2009, Father Raniero Cantalamessa, (preacher to the Pontifical Household), put out a curious statement highlighting the displeasure of the Vatican, that President Obama had positively referenced a heretic three times during his presidential electioneering campaign. President Obama is accused of claiming to be inspired by Gioacchino da Fiore, or Joachim of Fiore (1135 – 1202), an Italian mystic, theologian, and philosopher of history, who Obama referred to as a “master of contemporary civilisation” and “inspiring a better world”. F12 The intrigue is that Gioacchino is remembered for his scholarly treatises that were unified by their apocalyptic tenor. F13 Interestingly, from his study of the Bible, specifically the book of Revelations and ancient esoteric knowledge, Gioacchino believed that there would come an apocalyptic crisis and a “New Age of the Holy Spirit” where the church would not be required and mankind would reach a higher level of spiritual understanding. It is the belief of the author and outlined in this Citizen Summary, that we are fast approaching a ‘New World Age’ dominated by Space Weather as denoted by the scientific community or ‘The Holy Spirit’ in Christian terms. What’s more, it is impossible to believe that this is not understood by the Vatican Church who possesses the biggest esoteric and historical archives in the world.

    Source: Planetary Challenges & Spiritual Evolution: Summary For Citizens of Planet Earth, (June 2011)
    This is why I have little respect for those in the New Age community teaching that a transformation of this world is going to come about by promoting being ignorant and narcissistic.... Crap like "The Law of Attraction" etc etc. Quite frankly, running little cults is not the same as encouraging the spiritual evolution of humanity because that is all Universal Consciousness is interested in seeing at the End Times when energy is provided for a bit of cosmic housekeeping.... Whatever, the secret passed down over millenia by various religious/metaphysical/estoeric/indigenous groups is that at certain points in major astronomical cycles, the whole of humanity is under evolutionary selection but it has nothing to do with Darwinism and the survival of the fittest. Personally, I think there will be a severe depopulation of this planet, Paradise is coming but only for a few human descendents that can meet the tough new spiritual criteria.
    • Lightning strikes St Peter's Basilica as Pope resigns
      YouTube, 11th February 2013

    • Did medieval predecessor inspire Pope's retirement?
      Reuters, 11th February 2013
      "Benedict will go to Castelgandolfo, then live in a convent inside the Vatican walls."

      Updated: According to Reuters, Pope Benedict XVI is going to Castel Gandolfol, the old Vatican Observatory that in Jan 2008 was being reported as being dismantled. However, I have checked the website and it looks like it is still operational... Now, I don't know if we were being told the complete truth but Castel Gandolfo is also suppose to be a summer palace/residence for the Pope, but they do say timing is everything... Seriously, as we have some big comets on the way and a huge chunk of rock that presumably with have an entourage of rocks ready to drop... Asteroid 2012 DA14 is coming so close on February 15th, that it threatens to take out communication satellites, at the same time the Pope is leaving Rome that some believe will be destroyed by a meteorite, (see my archives with the Tom Horn Red Ice interview where he repeats this belief by many religious scholars who are avidly watching the machinations at the Vatican). The Malachy prophecy states that the last Pope will 'occupy' the position and so this implies that the last pope is only in a temporary position.... The person in occupation is now Tarcisio Pietro Evasio Bertone who was born in Romano Canavese, so we have to ask: is this the prophesised Peter the Roman? The intrigue... This opens up a whole can of worms after the revelations about the Pope being 'assassinated'. This was reported in the mainstream news, see the detail provided by the UK Telegraph, in Feb 2012, The Pope will die within a year: Vatican 'assassination fears' revealed: The Pope will die within the next 12 months, a senior Vatican figure has reportedly claimed amid fears of an assassination plot. . In fact, in December 2011, a report was written for the Pope Benedict a month after Cardinal Romeo, the archbishop of Palermo in Sicily, during a visit to China predicted his death within 12 months. Cardinal Romeo remarks were expressed with such certainty and resolution that the people he was speaking to were shocked and alarmed and thought an attack on the Pope's life was being planned. The whole story is now breathtaking, but the article also tells us that Pope Benedict could not stand Tarcisio Bertone, his Secretary of State and the Vatican's second most senior figure and that there was a bitter power struggle going on within the Holy See. The conspiracy theorists are likely to have a field day especially now a psychic is predicting the arrival of a 'Red Comet'.... the Red Dragon of the book of Revelations? This is all now getting surreal... Update: Tom Horn thinks something is coming in that can only be seen in the infra-red and that it is being watched by a conglomerate of NASA & Vatican astronomers at Mount Graham, Tucson, Arizona with the “Large Binocular Telescope Near-infrared Utility with Camera and Integral Field Unit for Extragalactic Research,”(“L.U.C.I.F.E.R.”) Bingo!

    Pope Benedict XVI's resignation may lead to first black pope, Cardinal Peter Turkson
    The Roman Catholic Cardinal from Ghana and current president of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace is a source of pride in his home country. Says Archbishop Gabriel Charles Palmer-Buckle, metropolitan archbishop of Accra, the current capital of Ghana, 'For Ghanaians he was our first cardinal, and to be made cardinal in his 50s was a big feather in our cap.'
    NY Daily News, 11th February 2013
    With Pope Benedict XVI's bombshell announcement Monday that he plans to step down, all eyes are on his potential successors, including one that may become the first black pope: Cardinal Peter Turkson.

    The Roman Catholic Cardinal from Ghana, the current president of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, is among the leading candidates to assume the title of pontiff as it is rumored the Vatican may look outside Europe for its next leader.[...]

    Bookmaker Paddy Power has odds of Turkson becoming the pope at 3-1 — a prediction that is not entirely out of the blue for the cardinal, who acknowledged the possibility of a black pope in a press conference in 2009.

    "Why not?" Turkson said, arguing that when you agree to become a priest, you must be open to the idea of becoming a Pope. "All of that is part of the package."

    Turkson added that the time was especially ripe given the election of President Barack Obama. "And now it is Obama of the United States," he said. "And if by divine providence — because the church belongs to God — if God would wish to see a black man also as Pope, thanks be to God."

    Personally, I don't care what colour the skin is, or what they profess... I will watch, but you will not see me celebrating any new Pope... even if it is the last.
    • Cardinal Peter Turkson Causes Uproar With 'Muslim Scare' Video At Vatican
      Huffington Post, 16th October 2012
      (Reuters) - A Roman Catholic cardinal has caused an uproar at the Vatican by screening a spurious YouTube video that makes alarmist predictions about the growth of Islam in Europe.

      The seven-minute clip, called "Muslim Demographics," was the talk of an international gathering of bishops on Monday, two days after Cardinal Peter Turkson screened it during a free discussion period.

      Turkson, a Ghanaian who is based in the Vatican and is president of its Council for Justice and Peace, sparked consternation among his fellow bishops over the clip.

      So, maybe some conspiracy theorists are right that the next Pope will be a warmonger...
    Pope Benedict XVI resigns due to age and declining health
    Pontiff, 85, who has arthritis, says he will step down on 28 February after nearly eight years as head of Catholic church
    The Guardian, 11th February 2013
    Pope Benedict XVI surprised the world and left the Catholic church stunned when he said on Monday that he would resign – the first pope to do so since the middle ages. The move, announced without warning, will take place on 28 February and leave the papacy vacant until a successor is chosen.

    A Vatican spokesman said Benedict's aides were "incredulous" when he told them he would step down because he was too weak to fulfil his duties. He summoned a meeting of cardinals to tell them of "a decision of great importance for the life of the church".

    One of those called to hear the announcement, the Mexican prelate Monsignor Oscar Sanchez, said none of the cardinals had expected it. "The pope took a sheet of paper and read from it. He just said that he was resigning and that he would be finishing on February 28," he said.

    Major News! Popes don't resign, they usually prefer to die reigning as Pope... Apparently, the last time there was a resignation, it occurred in the Middle Ages, Pope Gregory XII in 1415. I wonder, I wonder... Due to some prophecies, the Vatican are terrified they are going to get a hit in Rome by an asteroid. It seems they don't fancy their chances in a time of evolutionary change when Universal Consciousness has the opportunity to deal with a malingering negative and malignant force amongst humanity... I look forward to the opinion of religious scholar Tom Horn, who I consider to be a first class Vatican watcher. Amongst others, Horn believes there will be just one more Pope before the end of the Catholic Church in its current form... I think we should expect some incredible news and events in the near future....
    • Papal Prophecies - The End of Religion
      Saint Malachy (1094 - November 2, 1148) was known as great prophet. While in Rome in 1139 he received a vision showing him all the Popes from his day to the end of time. According to these prophecies, only two Popes remaining after John Paul II.

      St. Malachy was reported to have possessed the powers of levitation, healing, and clairvoyance. While on his way to the Vatican to assume the post of papal legate for Ireland, he fell into trance and saw a line of papal reigns stretching from the successor to Innocent II and extending through centuries to the last of the line, identified as Peter of Rome. Malachy assigned short descriptions in Latin to each pope when he committed his vision to paper. These mottoes usually refer to a family name, birthplace, coat-of-arms, or office held before election to the papacy. Some of the phrases are multiple prophecies, written with ingenious word play.

      Through the centuries, his prophecies have turned out to be amazingly accurate, even prophesying the date of his death. In all, 112 popes and their characteristics are listed from 1143 to the alleged end of the world, or perhaps religion as we know it, when truth is inlay revealed about human creation and destiny. [...]

      The 112th prophesy states: "In the final persecution of the Holy Roman Church there will reign Petrus Romanus, who will feed his flock amid many tribulations; after which the seven-hilled city will be destroyed and the dreadful Judge will judge the people. The End."

      Quite frankly if we get a Pope Peter and a black Pope Peter, there are a lot of people – not just conspiracy theorists – who will go into meltdown...

    • Pope Benedict’s peace gesture nearly RUINED when seagull attacks doves released before adoring crowds (PHOTOS)
      Pope Benedict XVI released two doves from the window of the Vatican to honor Holocaust victims on Sunday. The moment was nearly ruined when a seagull flew in and began menacing one of the doves.
      NY Daily News, 28th January 2013

      This was obviously a sign.... LOL... The Pope does not look so old and frail in these photos either.....

    • Pope Benedict XVI announces his resignation at end of month
      Vatican Radio, 11th February 2013

    • Bookmakers offer odds on papal contenders, including African cardinals and Bono
      Washington Post, 11th February 2013

      LONDON — Bookmakers have been quick to offer odds on candidates to replace Pope Benedict XVI, with cardinals from Ghana, Nigeria and Canada among the early favorites. Ghana’s Cardinal Peter Turkson, Canada’s Cardinal Marc Ouellet and Cardinal Francis Arinze of Nigeria lead in betting with Britain’s major bookmakers.

      William Hill made Turkson — one of the highest-ranking African cardinals at the Vatican — its 3/1 favorite Monday, followed by Ouellet at 7/2 and Arinze at 4/1. Ladbrokes also had Turkson as favorite, followed by Arinze and Ouellet. Ireland’s Paddy Power also offered short odds on the three, as well as long odds on unlikely candidates — including U2 singer Bono at 1,000/1. It also offered 1,000/1 odds on Father Dougal Maguire, the simpleminded fictional priest from 1990s U.K. sitcom “Father Ted.”

      I suppose Father Jack is out of the question? Father Dougal Maguire it is, as Father Ted is already dead..... So funny...

    Japanese Flying Squid's Abilities Confirmed, Speed Measured By Scientists
    The Huffington Post, 9th February 2013
    There have been numerous sightings of a certain type of Japanese squid "flying" above the ocean's surface, and now scientists have offered an explanation. How does the Japanese flying squid catch air? It releases a high-pressured water jet for propulsion, and then spreads its fins like wings to glide above the water, according to a new study from marine biologists at Hokkaido University.

    What's more, the squid can speed through the air at over 11 meters per second. That's faster than Usain Bolt, who averaged only 10.3 meters per second in the 2012 London Olympics. "There were always witnesses and rumors that said squid were seen flying, but no one had clarified how they actually do it," biologist Jun Yamamoto of Hokkaido University told AFP. "We have proved that it really is true."

    This is a reminder that life is far more diverse and weird than humans would prefer to acknowledge. In this regard, we have the mimic octopus that can instaneously shapeshift into 15 different sea creatures, but few are willing to think about the implications of whether this ability is repeated elsewhere amongst other lifeforms.

    Lights whizzing by Jamnagar refinery leave UFO rumours in their wake [India]
    Business Standard News, 9th February 2013
    Is it an extra-terrestrial ship, a spy drone of Pakistan, a space vehicle, or one of those Chinese hot air balloons launched by locals? Rumours are swirling after reports came of an unidentified flying object (UFO) hovering over the world’s largest oil refinery at Jamnagar in Gujarat, owned by Mukesh Ambani-led Reliance Industries Ltd (RIL). The authorities are groping in the dark over the spottings. [...]

    According to the local police, an object in the shape of a red bowl was found circling the RIL unit at around 8pm on January 24. Though it was neglected as a one-of-its-kind incident, the object resurfaced after three days in the morning. Though some officials confirmed the development, RIL did not comment on the incident. [...]

    “Investigations are on. We are coordinating with all security agencies including Navy, Air Force and Coast Guard,” said Sara Rizvi, Jamnagar superintendent of police. According to reports, in a letter to petroleum minister M Veerappa Moily, RIL executive director P M S Prasad asked for a detailed investigation into the incident.

    However, talking about the object sightings, Jamnagar collector Nalin Upadhyay said: “It is very difficult to ascertain what the object is because no flying object was detected in the radars of Navy, Air Force or Coast Guard. It was seen only over the refinery and by few residents near the refinery. However, investigations are on.”

    If this was a drone, then the Indians would have shot it down straight away. We know they have the technology, but they are having problems with objects that cannot be identified by conventional means. It is already public knowledge that India is having problems with tennis ball-sized orbs causing trouble on the border with China.... Personally, I find the reaction of countries with a low tolerance for people messing about and expressing themselves whilst hoaxing UFO sightings quite interesting... Can you imagine people hoaxing UFO reports over the world’s largest oil refinery?
    • UFO sightings inside Indian territory bordering China raises security concerns
      India Today, 19th November 2012

    • Argentina: Carhué UFO is the "Photo of the Year"
      Inexplicata, 5th February 2013
      Since the 1960s and 1970s we have over 5000 cases in our database (1947-present) involving UFO activity in the entire region of linked lagoons, and due to its proximity to the “Ventania Corridor” – one of the most active locations in the country, spreading from Pigue and Cural Malal to Bahia Blanca – UFO sightings are common currency in the region. So it was that in 2010, four women experienced a UFO encounter that exposed their car to the typical “electromagnetic effect” (EM) as they traveled from Carhué to La Pampa. In October 2011, a flurry of reports involving “strange luminous objects” flying over Lake Epecuén became a source of intrigue among local residents and the subject of an investigation by our organization, the Fundación Argentina de Ovnilogía (FAO).

      Inexplicata: "The Institute of Hispanic Ufology was established in October of 1998 with the appearance of the first issue of Inexplicata. The organization currently has representatives and contributing editors in over a dozen Spanish-speaking countries." Inexplicata also reports investigations into the most weird sightings too.

    Facebook glitch temporarily breaks the web
    Techspot, 8th February 2013
    Yesterday, an untold number of Internet surfers experienced a glitch which abruptly redirected them from the sanctuary of their favorite websites to a Facebook error page. Websites essentially taken down by this snafu included Hulu, Lifehacker, Washington Post, ESPN, CNN, NBC, Kickstarter and plenty of others -- basically any site who dares to integrate Facebook Connect. [...]

    According to Cnet, Facebook Connect was broken between roughly 4:15 pm and 4:40 pm PST. Cnet also notes that around the time this problem began, Alex Wilhelm from The Next Web tweeted, "Reading article. Dragged from two diff sites to Facebook, which displays what appears to be a permissions error. Wa?"

    A Facebook spokesperson issued a statement which acknowledged the issue, stating that the social networking company quickly resolved the issue and Facebook Connect is once again nominal.

    Presumably, Facebook will do absolutely everything within its power to prevent another issue of this magnitude; however, the bug does present an opportunity for website owners to step back, big-picture style, and re-evaluate the growing trend of social network integration.

    I suppose we are reminded about the madness of the crowds and what happens when people and resources are all too localised...

    Osmanabad panics after hearing mysterious sound [India]
    Zee News, 4th February 2013
    Aurangabad: A mysterious sound from the skies reported in many tehsils of Osmanabad district baffled people as nobody in the administration could comment about its cause.

    Tuljapur's tehsildar AR Patil confirmed that a blast-like sound was heard in the sky, but said that its cause is yet to be ascertained. The sound, followed by an echo, set off a panic, as people came out of their houses. The "sound" has not registered on seismographs as that of an earthquake, meteorology department sources said, quoting seismologists in the region.

    So far, there have not been many reports of sky sounds. I was expecting more reports to start in mid January but most of the reports of strange booms have come from the United States and I suspect that this is because this region represents a weak spot on the globe for more energy transmissions from the cosmos. There is also a problem that loud booms and sky noises might be due to meteors, but it is difficult to assess what is happening as there is restricted access to official databases.

    UK must prepare for potentially serious solar superstorms
    Air Traffic Management News, 7th February 2013
    The UK should plan now to mitigate the effects of a rare but potentially serious solar superstorm, according to a report published today by the Royal Academy of Engineering. It said that although the UK is better prepared than many countries, there are areas where we need to improve our resilience.

    The Academy’s report, Extreme space weather: impacts on engineered systems and infrastructure, was drawn up with the help of experts from many different disciplines. It is the UK’s first in-depth assessment of the potential impacts of solar superstorms.

    Explosive eruptions of energy from the Sun that cause minor solar storms on Earth are relatively common events. Superstorms, by contrast, occur very rarely – perhaps once every century or two. Most superstorms miss the Earth, travelling harmlessly into space. Of those that do travel towards the Earth, only half interact with our environment and cause damage. The last true solar superstorm – known as the ‘Carrington event’ was in 1859.

    However, a solar superstorm is inevitable at some point and will degrade the performance of the electricity grid, satellites, GPS systems, aviation and possibly mobile communications. [...]

    The Academy’s report, Extreme space weather: impacts on engineered systems and infrastructure, is available at

    The Royal Academy of Engineering Space Weather report is 70 pages and very similar in style to the Lloyds of London Space Weather Report (November 2010), but obviously more technical. There is a fair amount of discussion about how much radiation people are being exposed to on high altitude flights, even during normal non geomagnetic storming days... it reminds me of my movie idea where the rich and famous jetsetters turn into horrible mutants...
    • A solar 'superstorm' is coming and we'll only get 30-minute warning
      They cause devastation, occur every 150 years – and the last one was in 1859
      The Independent, 6th February 2013
      A solar "superstorm" could knock out Earth's communications satellites, cause dangerous power surges in the national grid and disrupt crucial navigation aids and aircraft avionics, a major report has found. It is inevitable that an extreme solar storm – caused by the Sun ejecting billions of tonnes of highly-energetic matter travelling at a million miles an hour – will hit the Earth at some time in the near future, but it is impossible to predict more than about 30 minutes before it actually happens, a team of engineers has warned.

      Solar superstorms are estimated to occur once every 100 or 200 years, with the last one hitting the Earth in 1859. Although none has occurred in the space age, we are far more vulnerable now than a century ago because of the ubiquity of modern electronics, they said.

      "The general consensus is that a solar superstorm is inevitable, a matter not of 'if' but 'when?'," says a report into extreme space weather by a group of experts at the Royal Academy of Engineering in London.

      I presume the 30 minutes is after fast radiation has hit the ACE satellite and if the satellite is operational then we may get a warning... Please see the archives (March 2012) for the opinion of scientists at the American Geophysical Union, who realise our early warning system is unreliable and needs to be replaced. Best of the Blog Space Weather News & Reports.

    UK needs defending against space weather 'superstorm'
    Phys.Org News, 8th February 2013—Researchers here at Bath are part of a national study that is highlighting the security risk posed to the UK by extreme space weather events.

    The report, titled Extreme space weather: impacts on engineered systems and infrastructure' has been published by the Royal Academy of Engineering and states that the UK should plan to mitigate the effects of a rare but potentially serious solar superstorm.

    Professor Cathryn Mitchell from the Department of Electronic & Electrical Engineering was one of those involved in the construction of the report. She said: "Solar storms have an impact on engineered systems, and at Bath we are particular interested in the impact they have on the Global Positioning System, or GPS. [...]

    Professor Mitchell said: "At Bath we have already developed an internationally leading software package that mitigates against GPS navigation errors caused by space weather, called MIDAS.

    "The software uses an advanced algorithm for imaging parts of the Earth's atmosphere, and from this we are able to produce highly accurate three dimensional images. From these we can assess the impact of space weather on the atmosphere and allow for these in GPS navigation readings – increasing their accuracy."

    MIDAS is now licensed for research use in ten countries including the USA and China, and the research team at the University of Bath is continuing to develop and improve the accuracy.

    This report tells us about the MIDAS research system developed in the UK that helps mitigate against GPS navigation errors caused by space weather. Interestingly, it does not get a mention in the latest Extreme Space Weather RAE report.

    The dangers of solar storms: That which gives power can also take it away
    Earth Magazine, February 2013
    Were a massive solar storm to strike Earth, the impacts could rival or exceed the worst natural disasters humans have ever faced. [...]

    Terrorism and natural disasters might be at the forefront of the minds of policymakers and the U.S. population, but a significant threat lurks over our heads: the sun. A massive solar storm, of the size last seen a century and a half ago, could easily leave hundreds of millions of people in the dark for days, weeks or even months. [...]

    “Hurricane Sandy provides a demonstration of what could go wrong,” says Kappenman, who worked in the power industry for 20 years, then for Metatech Corporation, a scientific and engineering consulting firm, and is now an independent consultant. After a hurricane, people in affected regions depend on assistance from neighboring, unaffected regions. In the case of a severe geomagnetic storm, there may not be a neighboring unaffected region, Kappenman says. “We are talking about something that could sweep across the entire continent, not a few counties near landfall,” he says. [...]

    The chances of another Carrington Event are not high, Andres says. “In any one year, maybe 2 or 3 percent,” he says. The impact, however, could be frightening. It’s possible, Andres says, that all of North America could lose the ability to transmit electricity. Or at the very least, it’s possible that such a storm would leave “in excess of 100 million people cut off from electrical power for perhaps weeks, months, extending into years,” Kappenman says. “We are not prepared for dealing with that, and … we really don’t want to find these things out firsthand,” he adds. [...]

    Finally, at the international level, the vulnerability of infrastructure to space weather is not being ignored either. U.S. President Barack Obama and U.K. Prime Minister David Cameron have cultivated what’s being billed as a “space weather partnership” through meetings between the two leaders in May 2011 and March 2012. In June 2012, NOAA and the U.K. Government Office for Science jointly announced an agreement to strengthen collaboration between the two nations’ science communities in an effort to further protect their infrastructure against damage from space weather.

    This article provides details of the severity of a major space weather event very simply... I have NEVER seen an article where anyone dared to claim that "...all of North America could lose the ability to transmit electricity"... But this is an official website belonging to the American Geophysical Union....

    Britain faces risk of power cuts due to solar storms
    Britain could face the risk of power cuts due to solar storms as the Sun enters an 11-year peak in activity, a new report claims.
    The Telegraph, 6th February 2013
    Lloyds of London warned that bursts of charged particles given off by the Sun could disrupt GPS networks and interfere with rail signals and aeroplane autopilot systems.

    Solar storms occur often but are more frequent when the sun is at the most active phase of its cycle, meaning the greatest risk of a major storm is within the coming years.

    Tom Bolt, of Lloyd's, said: "Space storms are not science fiction — they can affect everything from hospitals to banking. "As businesses and societies are more interconnected, space weather damage in one sector could lead to failures in others."

    I have checked, Lloyds of London have not issued a new space weather report. As I have already stated, the sun is still underactive so all the hype is to make sure people are still prepared in the event of a superflare and/or massive coronal mass ejection (CME). Most likely, the real concern is the arrival of a few big comets arriving in 2013 that could generate some serious space weather. This has happened in the past, but the issue now is Earth's magnetosphere (external magnetic shielding) is very weak and the space weather generated could be severe see archives for many previous reports on the impact of space weather.

    Penn State Offering Space Weather Course
    We are News, 5th February 2013
    STATE COLLEGE, CENTRE COUNTY - Some of the sun's emissions can have a harmful effect on electronics, and more governments are taking note.

    "Various groups within the U.N., such as the World Meteorological Organization, International Civil Air Organization, and the Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, all global committees, are now all bringing in space weather because of their concerns or impacts on technology," said Bill Murtagh of the Space Weather Prediction Center.

    Beginning this term Penn State is offering a class for meteorology and electrical engineering students to learn how emissions can affect the atmosphere and technology. "We've had courses along these lines for 50 years," said Dr. Tim Kane, an electrical engineering professor at Penn State teaching the new space weather class. "But this space weather class from a meteorology or what I would call an operational or forecasting point of view was a great opportunity."

    After Murtagh spoke at Penn State in February 2012, PSU meteorology junior Andrea Karelitz began lobbying for a space weather class. "Penn State's one of the top meteorology undergraduate programs in the country, and the fact that from the meteorologist's perspective, there wasn't much of a space weather involvement course or anything," said Karelitz, now a senior. "I think it was really necessary for meteorology students at Penn State to have the knowledge of space weather." [...]

    Students in the class are learning how a geomagnetic storm would not only affect GPS satellites, but communications and air travel over the North Pole. "Airlines need to communicate with the ground during space weather storms," said Murtagh. "Sometimes that's impossible so they need to take various actions to ensure safety of passengers and crew."

    "Electromagnetics is how we communicate with each other," said electrical engineering senior Michael Ryder. "Essentially when a large space weather event happens, that's exactly what's going to be caused by it, the electromagnetic interference. And that can blow out grids communication-wise." [...]

    "Coming out of Penn State with a meteorology degree, you have a great knowledge of the atmosphere, what the dynamics processes that happen in the atmosphere, and as you go in the workforce, you're kind of the scientist at your news station or at your company." said Karelitz.

    I like it... the young students lobbied their University to provide a course and common sense prevailed... Then we have the irony of the class being taught by an electrical engineering professor that is available to meteorology and electrical engineering students. Well this is certainly some good news. Well done!

    “UFO’s are REAL!” could be the focus of Disney’s upcoming Tomorrowland?'
    Behind The Thrills, 8th February 2013
    [...] Jim’s just put two and two together and come up with a theory on one of my most watched films currently in production-Brad Bird’s “Tomorrowland” at Disney.

    This latest article by Jim Hill goes into detail about his theory of what Disney’s Tomorrowland could be all about. He uses every blessed thing in that box marked 1952, and his time spent with Disney legends of the past to piece the puzzle together. Go and read the article…seriously…read it. But I will sum up here.

    Essentially because of Disney’s great success in working with the government, and the success of a little Disneyland series called “Man in Space” on television, the U.S. Government came to Disney and asked him to produce a television show that would reveal a very real truth…and that production came very close to happening. What was that truth? Get ready for this. “UFO’s ARE REAL”

    That was going to be the name of the series, and in it the government would use Disney to tell us about these UFO’s. Okay, take a minute to digest all of that. The military, and government of these United States knows that UFO’s are real, and are going to get Walt Disney-arguably the greatest animator and storyteller of all times, not to mention the greatest theme park maker, to tell the people about these UFO’s. Forget the conspiracy theory and alien thing for a second…put it out of your mind…and think of that story. That’s an AMAZING STORY!!!! [...]

    Then there’s this bit of information from Tomorrowland writer/producer Damon Lindelof:

    [Brad and I] won’t tell you what [our movie is] about (yet), but we will tell you what it’s NOT about. And that would be ALIENS.#Tomorrowland

    Okay, so that could be just to throw the super sleuths like Jim off..Lindelof has a habit of doing that. But what if he’s telling the absolute truth and Tomorrowland isn’t about Aliens. What if UFO’s have nothing to do with Extra Terrestrials at all? What if there’s something more to it, and the Man in Space series wasn’t too far off?

    I rather liked the comments here so that is why I have linked to this article rather than the orginal piece, Is Brad Bird's "Tomorrowland" movie about that "UFOs are real" TV show which Walt Disney Productions almost made back in the 1950s?. There are some interesting quotes here, like the quote from Colonel Miranda about the concern that society might come "unglued" if people knew the truth and the military could not provide a reasonable explanation. Well, we have been told point blank by world leaders at Davos 2013 that there will be a campaign to educate the public to prepare people for "...a paradigm shift concerning humankind’s position in the universe." Then within 2 weeks after the last sip of champagne at Davos, there are new rumours widely circulating on the blogosphere about a disney movie about UFOS but it will NOT involve aliens! For years, I have been thinking that you cannot hide the fact that the planet is becoming a cosmic aquarium and the announcement that a shadow biosphere exists on this planet was mandatory. Please note: there is absolutely no mention in either of these articles of the special report for world leaders given out at Davos 2013. Presumably word will spread.... Whatever, despite the reality of a universe supposedly being 15 billion years old and 99.999% plasma, the evolution of a plasma based lifeform is ignored by most ignorant about what could exist in the universe (astrobiology). In summary, there seems to be little comprehension of the heaps of evidence about the existence of plasma entities that is available in the public domain.... I have been thinking for years that many ufologists were ripe for being stitched up by world controllers and it looks like it will be coming soon. As I have stated before, astronauts mainly talk about alien life not alien craft... I imagine it's hard to miss the cosmic jetsam and flotsam that anyone interested in NASA space missions would have seen over and over again... The analogy is so nearly perfect. The modern astronomer-priests (NASA et al.) providing fairy tales for the masses using the great storyteller Disney in the effort to re-educate or re-condition the generally ignorant rabble... Can I hear Sir William Drummond laughing in the aethers? This is going to get very interesting....

    • UFO Disclosure: Why Hollywood Matters, 12th September 2012
      "Unidentified Flying Objects, although factual, are also inevitably the stuff of great science-fiction, and so it is unsurprising that they have always sold well at the box-office. But the new millennium has seen a white-hot explosion in the popularity of the UFO sub-genre with the theatrical release of at least 40 alien visitation-themed titles since the year 2000, including such box-office hits as Signs (2002), War of the Worlds (2005), the Transformers franchise (2007-2011), Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, Monsters vs. Aliens (2009), The Fourth Kind (2009), Battle: Los Angeles (2011), Cowboys and Aliens (2011), Super 8 (2011) and Prometheus (2012), to name but a few. With recent and forthcoming UFO/alien themed TV series added o the mix – including Taken (2002) V (2009-), The Event, Falling Skies, and Area 51 – audiences now stand little chance against what amounts to a full-scale alien invasion of our popular culture. So what, you might shrug. Why should we care about UFO movies? After all, they’re just entertainment, are they not?"

    Thousands in the dark after powerful storm drops 2 feet of snow on Northeast
    Fox News, 9th February 2013
    A behemoth storm packing hurricane-force winds and blizzard conditions swept through the Northeast on Saturday, dumping more than 2 feet of snow on New England and knocking out power to 650,000 customers in the region.

    More than 28 inches of snow had fallen on central Connecticut by early Saturday, and areas of southeastern Massachusetts, Rhode Island and New Hampshire notched 2 feet or more of snow -- with more falling. Airlines scratched more than 5,300 flights through Saturday, and New York City's three major airports and Boston's Logan Airport closed.

    Hurricane force winds and the extremely rare thundersnow that I think must be considered as a signature of extreme geomagnetic conditions... Now 4 dead...
    • Thunder, Lightning and... Snow
      Scientists study winter storms involving thundersnow to pinpoint where heavy snowfalls may occur
      Scientific American, 27th December 2010
      [...] Thunder and lightning during a snowstorm is different from a run-of-the-mill snowstorm; it is extremely rare—fewer than 1 percent of observed snowstorms unleash thundersnow, according to a 1971 NSW study. But recorded observations of the phenomenon date back to 250 B.C., say ancient Chinese records translated in 1980 by atmospheric scientist Pao-Kuan Wang, now of the University of Wisconsin–Madison.

      Today, researchers are interested in thundersnow for its predictive value. According to Patrick Market, an associate professor of atmospheric science at the University of Missouri, a 30-year study of snowfall found that when lightning is observed during a snowstorm, there is an 86 percent chance that at least 15 centimeters of snow will fall within 113 kilometers of the flash.

    • Nemo Delivers Thundersnow! [VIDEO], 8th February 2013

    Deers of joy: Seemingly dead fawn pulled from icy waters 'licked' back to life by family of deer
    New York Post, 8th February 2013
    It’s like the Enchanted Forest out there. Suffolk County cops pulled a seemingly-dead fawn out of icy waters in Fire Island today — and a family of deer came up to it and licked it back to health!

    Think Nemo’s Bad? In Brazil It’s Raining Spiders
    Gawker, 8th February 2013
    What's that? You're worried about a little snow falling on your head? How adorable. Meanwhile, in Brazil, it's raining spiders. Footage posted online yesterday shows thousands of spiders "falling from the sky" in the southern Brazilian town of Santo Antônio da Platina.

    Fortean... Just Fortean...

    NEW (Feb 8) Current Weather Commentary & forecast update statement -- Blizzards blast Britain, Europe & USA - Sun-Stratosphere-Weather associated events confirm WeatherAction, 8th February 2013
    Feb 8th
    Sun – Stratosphere – Weather – Earthquake associated events confirm WeatherAction end Jan early Feb forecasts

    * Earth-Facing Coronal Holes, Sudden warming of the Polar Lower stratosphere; 9 major earthquakes all confirm WeatherAction solar-geophysical forecasts
    * Blizzards UK, USA and Europe confirm WeatherAction weather forecasts
    * Timing of WeatherAction Top Extreme R5+ (weather) and QV5+ (quake+ Volcano) warning periods confirmed Detailed news / links below (some from previous blog posting)

    And still the deluded Global warmists prattle on ‘It’s CO2!’
    (1 Feb) PERFECT! Earth facing Coronal Holes (EFCH) pair (via SpaceWeather site ) confirming WeatherAction RTQ* forecast "Earth facing Coronal holes &/or Active regions likely near central longitude solar disc 31 Jan – 1Feb" (*RTQ = Red Weather, Thunder/Tornadoe and Quake (trial) risk, aka/in (Rest of) World Extreme Events forecast).

    * NINE!! M6.0+ (two M6.5+) quakes in QV5+ (30Jan to 2Feb) Quake trial warning period (associated with R5+ 30Jan to 3Feb)

    Piers says "This SLA8C R5+ period and associated QV5+ are giving amazing results: The - all associated - and predicted: EFCH, Sudden Lower polar Stratosphere Warming, wild waves in the jet stream, major Arctic blasts (developing) in B+I/Europe and USA, serous difficulties in standard forecasting techniques and (a swarm of) major Earthquakes around the world have ALL been confirmed. This is tremendous vindication of the power of our Solar Lunar Action Technique".

    He added: "The idea that changes in atmospheric CO2 levels from 0.03% to 0.031% have any effect on any of these associated events - predicted by Solar-based techniques - is delusional nonsense beyond belief."

    The weather is just wild, but it seems Piers Corbyn is managing to forecast extreme weather and earthquakes too!
    • Snowiest winter in 100 years paralyzes Moscow traffic for 3,500 km (PHOTOS)
      RT News, 6th February 2013

    • Winter Storm Nemo Could Cripple Northeast
      Weather Underground, 7th February 2013
      Winter Storm Nemo, heading for New England, has the potential to be one for the record books. The nation's snow-hardiest people should proceed with caution, forecasters say.
      As much as 2 feet of snow could fall on a region that has seen mostly bare ground this winter, the National Weather Service said. That's exciting for resort operators who haven't had much snow this year.

      "This has the potential to crack the top 10 snowstorms all-time in Boston, dating to 1892, according to the National Weather Service," said Jonathan Erdman, meteorologist with The Weather Channel.

    • Historic Nor'easter poised to slam Boston and the Northeast U.S.
      Weather Underground, 7th February 2013

    • Ice Age Now
      Latest headlines at Ice Age Now --- there have been lots of reports of excessive snow in recent weeks.

    What Caused the Solomon Islands Earthquake & Tsunami?
    Our Amazing Planet, 6th February 2013
    The deadly earthquake and tsunami that hit the Solomon Islands today struck along a subduction zone, the same geologic setting responsible for the world's most powerful earthquakes.

    In a subduction zone, two of Earth's tectonic plates meet and one slides beneath the other into the mantle, the deeper layer beneath the crust. The Solomon Islands sits above the collision between the Australia and Pacific plates. In the region of today's magnitude-8.0 earthquake, the Australia plates dives beneath the Pacific plate toward the east-northeast at a geologically speedy 3.7 inches (94 millimeters) per year, according to the Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology (IRIS).

    The earthquake hit at a depth of 17.8 miles (28.7 kilometers) and was the second largest earthquake in the Solomon Islands region in almost 40 years, IRIS said in a statement. Several aftershocks followed, the largest measuring magnitude 6.6, according to the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS).
    • Planet in Crisis
      The Extinction Protocol, 8th February 2013
      Planet in crisis: “We are entering an era of increased planetary instability, brought on by a significant rise in the geothermal gradient, and subsequent magmatic fluid expansion within the planet’s interior. It will be a time, in which, we will see catastrophic and exponential increases in the number of natural disasters- most notably: earthquakes, storms, and volcanic eruptions.

      Yet, it is not the number of earthquakes that will strike the planet in the future that should most concern us. It will be the cluster eruption of mega-quakes, and their resonate aftermath, which will signal the planet has entered an intensified cataclysmic period of transition…these quakes will signal the secondary stage of Earth’s thermal acceleration, and should come to be viewed as signs of increasing disorder. Some of the quakes will strike as singular events; others will erupt in clusters, and some will strike some of the world’s most dangerous faults…this time will be marked by increased tectonic plate agitation, and an increase in the outbreak of the most powerful and destructive type of earthquakes, known as mega-thrust earthquakes.” –The Extinction Protocol, pp. 166,167,172 (2009)

      There has been a lot of emphasis on earthquakes this week and this quote from the book titled, The Extinction Protocol is worthy of some consideration.

    Earthquakes Hit Gas-Rich Groningen Province in Netherlands
    Bloomberg, 8th February 2013
    The Dutch province of Groningen, which sits on the Slochteren natural gas deposit, was hit by two earthquakes as pressure grows on Royal Dutch Shell Plc and Exxon Mobil Corp. to cut output amid forecasts for heavier temblors.

    Two quakes measuring 3.2 and 2.7 on the Richter scale struck the area just before midnight and in the early morning today, the Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute, or KNMI, said in a statement on its website. The village of Zandeweer, 200 kilometers (124 miles) northeast of Amsterdam, was at the epicenter, according to the KNMI.

    The Nederlandse Aardolie Maatschappij BV, or NAM, the Dutch gas-production venture of Shell and Exxon that operates the Slochteren field, said today in a statement that it will compensate all damage resulting from the quakes. The company has set aside 100 million euros ($134 million) for claims. []

    The strength of earthquakes triggered by gas production in the region may rise to 5 on the Richter scale, according to a study released last month by the State Supervision of Mining at the Ministry of Economic Affairs. An Aug. 16 quake last year, measuring 3.4, damaged the property of about 2,500 people. The biggest earthquake ever in the Netherlands hit the southern province of Limburg in 1992, reaching 5.8 on the scale.

    Thanks to E. Pierau for the tip and a link.

    A Possible Naked-eye Comet in March
    NASA Science News, 6th February 2013
    Feb. 6, 2013: Far beyond the orbits of Neptune and Pluto, where the sun is a pinprick of light not much brighter than other stars, a vast swarm of icy bodies circles the solar system. Astronomers call it the "Oort Cloud," and it is the source of some of history's finest comets. One of them could be heading our way now.

    Comet Pan-STARRS was discovered by the Panoramic Survey Telescope & Rapid Response System atop the Haleakala volcano in Hawaii. Astronomers use the massive 1.8 meter telescope to scan the heavens for Earth-approaching objects, both asteroids and comets, that might pose a danger to our planet. In June 2011 a comet appeared, and it was named "Pan-STARRS" after the acronym for the telescope.

    In early March, the comet will pass about 100 million miles from Earth as it briefly dips inside the orbit of Mercury. Most experts expect it to become a naked-eye object about as bright as the stars of the Big Dipper.

    "But" says Karl Battams of the Naval Research Lab, "prepare to be surprised. A new comet from the Oort Cloud is always an unknown quantity equally capable of spectacular displays or dismal failures." [...]

    Because this is Comet Pan-STARRS first visit, it has never been tested by the fierce heat and gravitational pull of the sun. "Almost anything could happen," says Battams. On one hand, the comet could fall apart--a fizzling disappointment. On the other hand, fresh veins of frozen material could open up to spew garish jets of gas and dust into the night sky.

    "Because of its small distance from the sun, Pan-STARRS should be very active, producing a lot of dust and therefore a nice dust tail," predicts Matthew Knight of the Lowell Observatory.

    The point here is that this is a unknown comet coming very close to the Sun but it is not a sungrazer like Comet ISON that some are thinking might ignite the sun in November 2013... Btw, comets are electric... warmed ice cannot explain why comets can give off x-rays....
    • Comet Lemmon will be seen in March 2013, 7th February 2013
      GREEN COMET LEMMON: 2013 could be the Year of the Comet. Comet Pan-STARRS is set to become a naked eye object in March, followed by possibly-Great Comet ISON in November. Now we must add to that list green Comet Lemmon (C/2012 F6). "Comet Lemmon is putting on a great show for us down in the southern hemisphere," reports John Drummond, who sends this picture from Gisborne, New Zealand: [...]

      Discovered on March 23rd 2012 by the Mount Lemmon survey in Arizona, Comet Lemmon is on an elliptical orbit with a period of almost 11,000 years. This is its first visit to the inner solar system in a very long time. The comet is brightening as it approaches the sun; light curves suggest that it will reach 2nd or 3rd magnitude, similar to the stars in the Big Dipper, in late March when it approaches the sun at about the same distance as Venus (0.7 AU). Northern hemisphere observers will get their first good look at the comet in early April; until then it is a target exclusively for astronomers in the southern hemisphere.

    • Excerpts From The Electric Universe: Part 1 - Electric Comets, 16th January 2010
      The following is the first of a series of excerpts from The Electric Universe, copyright © 2002, 2007 Wallace Thornhill and David Talbott and published by Mikamar Publishing. Reproduced with the kind permission of the authors and publisher.

    UFO Sightings: Eight Bird-Like Objects Spotted Flying in Synchronised Manner [PHOTO + VIDEOS]
    International Business Times, 7th February 2013
    Eight unidentified flying objects were spotted in the skies of Mexico during the last week of January.

    A video uploaded on YouTube showed eight unidentified objects flying in a synchronised manner which could be mistaken for birds. But a closer look revealed that the wing-like structures attached to each object do not flap and the rest of the body seem to emit fluorescent light.

    The objects change the course of flight together making it appear as if they were controlled by intelligence.

    The description is similar to other reports I have come across.... I think these are plasma entities that belong to Eath's shadow biosphere that display a critter mentality and so travel together like a flock of geese, hence the typical V-shape when flying in formation. In the 1970s, the military historian and ufologist Trevor James Constable after 20 years of taking photographs using an infra-red camera claimed that Earth had a shadow biosphere, (see archives for quotes and info). There is a tremendous amount of information that implies that there are small groups on this planet that have always known that there is a shadow biosphere on this planet, see archives. Charles Fort tried to explain back in the 1920s that our definitions of what is possible is far too restrictive, life appears to be incredibly diverse and he recorded many instances of when astronomers realised there were unknown objects in the sky. As Earth is becoming a high energy plasma environment, there is a massive influx from space of these plasma entities that are interested in the high quality energy now hitting this planet and this is why warnings were left for world controllers, concerning The Return of the Gods, see 2012: The American Founding Fathers Knew.
    • NASA Admitting Existence of Orbs
      YouTube, 4th February 2013
      Thanks to D. Sim who sent me this link. She writes: "From a Fox News report and interview with Wayne Hall, Space Shuttle Program Manager who admit that NASA has often observed unidentified objects near the space shuttle and states “over the years we have chased many many many of these things maybe not with the visibility that this one has gotten, and rarely been able to pinpoint exactly where they came from and always finding out that it didn’t pose us any hazard". A further email states it was broadcast July 18-19, 2011. I even think I might have referenced this same link before, but I don't have time to check.

    Alien from Sirius sentenced to 11 years in a colony
    Pravda, 7th February 2013
    The Novosibirsk regional court sentenced the founder of religious sect Ashram Shambala, Konstantin Rudnev, to 11 years in a colony. Konstantin Rudnev, who calls himself an alien from Sirius, was accused of creating a religious association that infringed on the rights and personalities of local citizens. The sect practiced rape, sexual assault and illegal sale of drugs.

    The headline made me laugh...

    Earthquake Storms and the Electric Sun, 6th February 2013
    Some four thousand years ago, the civilizations of the world were obliterated by a catastrophic series of events.

    Earthquakes are natures deadliest killers! A storm of earthquakes totally buried and destroyed cities throughout the Middle East less than 5000 years ago. Men, women and children were decimated, with famine and plague curiously attending this collapse of civilization.

    Doubt this? Then listen to English archaeologist Katherine Kenyon, excavator of both Jericho and Jerusalem: “The final end of the early Bronze Age civilization came with catastrophic completeness. Jericho was probably completely destroyed. Every town in Palestine that has so far been investigated shows the same break. All traces of the early Bronze Age civilization disappeared.”

    French archaeologist, Claude Schaeffer, looked at numerous excavation sites and realized this was a worldwide event. That means Australia too! The Geology of Melbourne’s Port Phillip bay indicates numerous tectonic upheavals unmatched in recent history. [...]

    Some of the latest researches are showing that the Sun not only controls our weather but is responsible for earthquakes. Weather, according to Henrik Svensmark, runs parallel to the Sun’s coronal mass ejections (CMEs) but earthquakes in most cases, correspond to sunspot minimums.

    Sunspots are those little black spots on the Sun (each spot as big as the Earth) out of which solar flares and CMEs leap towards Earth. During high solar activity, the electric Birkeland currents connecting the Sun and Earth charge up, exciting Earth’s buried Telluric current circuitry. When, as in around every eleven years, the number of Sun spots drop off to nearly zero the Earth reacts. Then the stored electric energy discharges. Tremendous forces are released from the Earth’s circuitry. Result? Earthquakes attended by violent lightning storms and winds!

    Wow... I have never seen this EU analysis and perspective before... It does seem that the wipeouts of civilizations come quite frequently...

    In Their Own Words: Climate Alarmists Debunk Their "Science"
    Forbes, 5th February 2013
    [...] How Climate Alarmism Advances International Political Agendas:

    The term “climate” is typically associated with annual world-wide average temperature records measured over at least three decades. Yet global warming observed less than two decades after many scientists had predicted a global cooling crisis prompted the United Nations to organize an Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), and to convene a continuing series of international conferences purportedly aimed at preventing an impending catastrophe. Virtually from the beginning, they had already attributed the “crisis” to human fossil-fuel carbon emissions.

    A remark from Maurice Strong, who organized the first U.N. Earth Climate Summit (1992) in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil revealed the real goal: “We may get to the point where the only way of saving the world will be for industrialized civilization to collapse.”

    Former U.S. Senator Timothy Wirth (D-CO), then representing the Clinton-Gore administration as U.S undersecretary of state for global issues, addressing the same Rio Climate Summit audience, agreed: “We have got to ride the global warming issue. Even if the theory of global warming is wrong, we will be doing the right thing in terms of economic policy and environmental policy.” (Wirth now heads the U.N. Foundation which lobbies for hundreds of billions of U.S. taxpayer dollars to help underdeveloped countries fight climate change.)

    Also speaking at the Rio conference, Deputy Assistant of State Richard Benedick, who then headed the policy divisions of the U.S. State Department said: “A global warming treaty [Kyoto] must be implemented even if there is no scientific evidence to back the [enhanced] greenhouse effect.”

    In 1988, former Canadian Minister of the Environment, told editors and reporters of the Calgary Herald: “No matter if the science of global warming is all phony…climate change [provides] the greatest opportunity to bring about justice and equality in the world.”

    We are given proof on top of proof that there has been a desperation by world controllers to blame Earth's chaotic weather and environment on global warming caused by humans, rather than an influx of charged energy from deep space. I don't think this is just about re-distribution of the world's weath because all the policies seem to be about making the masses much poorer. Whatever, the truth is now widely available for those actually interested in reality.

    Tsunami Causes Deaths and Damages Homes on Solomon Islands
    New York Times, 5th February 2013
    AUCKLAND, New Zealand — A powerful 8.0 magnitude earthquake caused a tsunami that sent strong waves crashing into several South Pacific islands on Wednesday, with officials in the Solomon Islands saying that at least four people died.

    The earthquake prompted tsunami warnings and watches from several island chains to Australia and later New Zealand, but many were later canceled. [...]

    The earthquake was not only powerful but also shallow, which gave it significant potential to cause damage, said Barry Hirshorn, a geophysicist with the National Weather Service in Hawaii. Moreover, it was a thrust earthquake, he said, meaning that the sea floor moved up or down, not sideways, contributing to the potential for a dangerous tsunami.

    Three Wind Turbines Knocked Out By Wind! [Scotland]
    Subrosa, 6th February 2013

    Asteroid 'Cruise Ship' to Miss Earth Feb. 15
    Discovery News, 5th February 2013
    Next week, a 45 meter-wide space rock will zoom safely by. But as far as cosmic distances go, it will be a close shave.

    Asteroid 2012 DA14 will make close approach on Feb. 15, flying closer than geosynchronous orbit (27,700 kilometers or 17,200 miles or 1/13th the Earth-moon distance). So unless you’re a communications satellite, you have nothing to fear. But even if you were a communications satellite, it’s unlikely you’d get swatted by the asteroid juggernaut as space is really, really big.

    “NASA’s Near-Earth Object Program Office can accurately predict the asteroid’s path with the observations obtained, and it is therefore known that there is no chance that the asteroid might be on a collision course with Earth,” asteroid hunters at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif., announced on Feb. 1. 2012 DA14 was discovered in February 2012 by the La Sagra Sky Survey in Spain, so its orbital trajectory is very well known.

    Potential for 'Superquakes' Underestimated, Recent Earthquakes Show
    OurAmazingPlanet News, 4th February 2013
    Faults are like batteries

    When two tectonic plates collide, they build up strain where a fault sticks, or locks, together. Earthquakes release this strain, which is a form of energy.

    For decades, scientists assumed faults acted like rubber bands, steadily building up strain and then releasing it all at once, Goldfinger said. The longer the time since the last earthquake, the larger the next earthquake would be, the model predicted. [...]

    The problem was researchers failed to recognize that faults can store energy like a battery, Goldfinger said. And just like batteries, they can discharge energy in small amounts, or all at once, he explained. [...]

    The battery model of earthquake energy storage and discharge makes it difficult for scientists to forecast future earthquakes, as there's no explanation yet for why faults would behave this way, Goldfinger said. Plus, it's hard to say how much energy a fault's battery stores. "We haven't yet figured out how to effectively put a voltmeter on a fault and say how charged it is," Goldfinger said.

    More seismologists talking like electrical engineers... I think this is real progress. The problem is that these scientists are still envisaging Earth as a closed system whereas the Russians (and others since more evidence has been substantiated) have long understood that earthquakes can be triggered by external planetary alignments and Earth crossing the Interplanetary Magnetic Field (IMF) neutral sheet which is believed by scientists to be the triggering mechanism for the most devastating earthquakes. I think we have to see this as a marathon. It is possible to interview the front runners who are literally miles in the lead, but often the mainstream media likes to interview those in the pack that are busy trying to jostle their fellow runners out of the way... Fortunately, we have the internet and those who can think can now easily obtain the opinion of the front runners with theories that actually make sense in a universe that is fundamentally electromagnetic.
      Miles Mathis, February 2013
      The universe is filled with electromagnetic waves, and collections of matter like the Solar System are especially rich with them. The Sun recycles the charge field coming from the galactic core, and the Earth recycles the charge from the Sun. All are engines of the charge field, differing only in size and scope. The Earth pulls in charge at the poles and re-emits it everywhere else. So charge is moving up through the Earth all the time. It only requires variation in density to create variations in charge, which then create charge waves. It is these charge waves that drive all other motions in the Earth's crust, its waters, and its atmosphere.

      But back to the earthquake lights. Given the lights, the most logical theory would be that the seismic waves create the lights directly. That is, the seismic waves do not stop at the level of the earth, they continue up into the atmosphere. [...] The earthquake light is then just the seismic wave showing itself in the atmosphere.

      Miles Mathis is once again beating the drum and complaining about physicists with not enough interest in reality... To cut a long story short, he ends up by reminding us about animal behaviour as being a better early warning for earthquakes (days) rather than brand new systems that can only provide a few seconds of warning... So, it seems that saving human lives is low priority in comparison to preserving crappy theoretical physics that will all be meaningless once the superquakes start to hit the planet... We are being warned about the potentials... I believe the superquakes are coming and so do world controllers... See archives.

    • Study: plate tectonics modulates volcanic activity, which in turn modulates climate forcings
      WUWT, 8th February 2013
      From Rice University comes this study that tries to equate an analog circuit component onto a climate forcing component. It is an interesting approach. The idea that plate tectonics serves to modulate episodic volcanic activity also makes sense.

      Earthquakes and volcanic activity are strongly linked. Simply, excessive seismic activity releases lots of CO2 and due to the high energy state that provided the energy in the first place (the exact scientific processes have already been worked out), we can expect a charged atmosphere to light up too with big electrical discharges...

    Bank of India shares tumble due to technical glitch at NSE
    IBN Live, 5th February 2013
    Mumbai: Shares in Bank of India make a sharp fall before quickly recovering in what some traders describe as a "freak" trade. Trading at Rs 336.65, down 1.2 per cent, Bank of India shares suddenly fell to Rs 314, down 7.8 per cent on the day, at around 12:20 pm IST. The shares, however, recover to Rs 337.35.

    On February 1, shares of Tata Motors and Ultratech Cement fell as much as 10 per cent due to a technology glitch at Religare Capital that caused "unintended transactions", the brokerage said.

    Another stock market glitch...

    Health Buzz: TV Overload Linked to Lower Sperm Counts
    US News, 5th February 2013
    Exercise and TV Watching May Affect Sperm Count
    Here's some news that may cause men to drop the remote controls and hit the gym: Excessive TV watching and a sedentary lifestyle has been linked to lower sperm counts, according to a study published Monday in the British Journal of Sports Medicine. Researchers in the Harvard School of Public Health analyzed 189 healthy men between the ages of 18 and 22, and noted the number of hours per week they exercised, as well number of hours per week they watched TV, videos, or DVDs, over the past three months. The results? The men who were the most physically active, and spent 15 hours or more exercising each week, had the highest sperm counts. In fact, this group's sperm count was 73 percent higher than that of the group who exercised the least, BBC Health reports.

    Americans really ARE selfish: Study finds individuals are only motivated by self-serving acts
    Daily Mail, 4th February 2013
    * Study says appeals to Americans' individuality more likely to motivate
    * White U.S. students made less effort when told to use teamwork
    * However Asian Americans were moved by appeals to interdependence

    We're all in this together - but not if you're an American. A new study by psychologists at Stanford University has found that Americans aren't driven by a sense of community.

    And calls to Americans to act interdependently, rather than independently, could even make things worse. So if you're trying to get people to do something like recycling, it's better to stress that it's good for them individually rather than pointing out the wider benefits.

    So, it's not win, win, win for Americans, i.e. I win, You win and We All Win... Down the human development scale it's only, I win and You Lose... The fundamental point of these times of evolutionary change is that humanity is 'judged' as a collective... Universal Consciousness checks out the morphic fields of human consciousness, so all this me, me and ç%&*+" me mentality does not wash... It is the reason that many previously high civilisations on this planet have perished before us... So, I suppose, it should be no surprise that sperm counts are dropping quickly across the world... Israel has seen a 40% drop in just 5 years... The only conclusion I can come up with is the influx of cosmic energy is not generally being used for evolution but devolution and an eventual irradication amongst many humans.

    Carrboro resident spots fiery UFO
    Daily Tar Heel, 3rd February 2013
    Derrick Dula was sitting on the porch of his apartment in Carrboro the night of Jan. 26 when he saw something floating in the sky. A few moments later, he decided that the floating object was, in fact, a UFO.

    “At first my family just thought the object was a fireball, but when we stopped and pointed at it, the UFO literally froze in midair,” Dula said. [...]

    “The objects formed a triangle, then they all just vanished at the same time.” Dula said his sister-in-law, wife, kids, and neighbors also witnessed the UFO. Dula’s wife, Stacy Dula, said the experience lasted for 10 to 15 minutes.

    I have not been bothering with many of these reports lately, but magnetopheric plasmoids are still hanging around... Sorry, I could not resist the pun... Please see the archives for links and info related to scientific research into the existence of plasma entities conducted at Hessdalen in Norway. Best of the Blog Orbs, UAP & UFO Traffic & Orbs, UAPs & UFO Disclosure..

    Top Swedish Climate Scientist Lennart Bengtsson Says Warming So Small, Not Noticeable Without Meteorologists!, 3rd February 2013
    A major Swedish online daily has an article about what one of Sweden’s leading climate scientists, Lennart Bengtsson, has to say about the global warming hysteria.

    Blogsite Dave’s Musings here has excerpts in English. Here are a few:

    We Are Creating Great Anxiety Without It Being Justified…there are no indications that the warming is so severe that we need to panic.

    ‘The warming we have had the last a 100 years is so small that if we didn’t have had meteorologists and climatologists to measure it we wouldn’t have noticed it at all.’

    The Earth appears to have cooling properties that exceeds the previous thought ones, and that computer models are inadequate to try to foretell a chaotic object like the climate, where actual observations is the only way to go.”

    More and more we are seeing the alarmists being increasingly marginalized. As the data pours in, their science is looking more and more preposterous.

    • Report shows UN admitting solar activity may play significant role in global warming
      Fox News, 1st February 2013
      The Earth has been getting warmer -- but how much of that heat is due to greenhouse gas emissions and how much is due to natural causes?

      A leaked report by a United Nations’ group dedicated to climate studies says that heat from the sun may play a larger role than previously thought.

      “[Results] do suggest the possibility of a much larger impact of solar variations on the stratosphere than previously thought, and some studies have suggested that this may lead to significant regional impacts on climate,” reads a draft copy of a major, upcoming report from the U.N.’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

      The man who leaked the report, StopGreenSuicide blogger Alec Rawls, told that the U.N.’s statements on solar activity were his main motivation for leaking the document.

      We are waiting for the general acknowledgement that solar activity and Earth's geomagnetic index are connnected and help determine our weather and climate... We will get there, but climate realists will savour this admission as another victory in a war of many battles.

    Remote learning course on alien life proves popular
    The Scotsman, 2nd February 2013
    FOR stargazing students, it’s a course which is proving to be out of this world. Classes in “astrobiology and the search for extra-terrestrial life” are among six modules which have seen more than 300,000 new enrolments at Edinburgh University – each taking in lessons from the comfort of their own home.

    The institution’s free remote learning courses have proved an international hit, with the number of people signing up rising by 50 per cent in just two months. Professor Charles Cockell said the response to his lectures in the hunt for aliens had left him overwhelmed.

    He said: “I think people are interested in the history of life on Earth and whether there could be life elsewhere, but I was surprised by the response.

    With the latest news from Davos 2013, the promotion of this astrobiology course does now look like part of the educational campaign envisaged by world leaders.
    “Through basic education and awareness campaigns, the general public can achieve a higher science and space literacy and cognitive resilience that would prepare them and prevent undesired social consequences of such a profound discovery [Extraterrestrial Life] and paradigm shift concerning humankind’s position in the universe.”
    Global Risks 2013, X Factors, Davos 2013

    China smog hits Japan
    The suffocating smog that blanketed swathes of China is now hitting parts of Japan.
    The Telegraph, 4th February 2013

    Seismologist warns of megathrust earthquake threat for New Zealand
    Hawkes Bay Today News, 4th February 2013
    Less than 100km off the coast of Hawke's Bay is a deep-water trench that could be the site of a potential megathrust earthquake similar to the 2011 Japan earthquake, says seismologist Kevin Furlong. Despite the Hikurangi Trench's potential, he said very little was known about the underwater valley, where the Pacific plate was dragged underneath the Australian plate.

    This appears to the identification of yet another region at risk of major geophysical upheaval. Courtesy: Extinction Protocol

    Space Weather: Solar probe untangles riddle of flux ropes
    SEN News, 2nd February 2013
    A NASA space telescope has finally confirmed to solar scientists the processes that produce massive explosions on the Sun. A flare on 18 July, 2012, allowed the Solar Dynamics Observatory to watch the development of a sequence of events that led to a classic eruption termed a Coronal Mass Ejection (CME).

    The pattern observed supported a theory that the scientists had long thought to be responsible - the formation of something termed a flux rope as magnetic field lines in the Sun's corona began to twist about, generating a coil of the hottest material on the Sun, a charged gas called plasma. [...]

    Angelos Vourlidas, a solar scientist at the Naval Research Laboratory in Washington, D.C. said: "Seeing this structure was amazing. It looks exactly like the cartoon sketches theorists have been drawing of flux ropes since the 1970s. It was a series of figure eights lined up to look like a giant slinky on the Sun."

    You would think reading this press release that scientists have not been observing the behaviour of plasma in the laboratory for about 130 years. Plasma scales up over millions of orders of magnitude and features that are 100 million times bigger than prominences found on the sun can be found at the galactic centre... This press release should say: the sun is a ball of plasma and the plasma on the surface behaves like plasma... Nothing unusual to report...

    Earth reeling from nine major earthquakes, striking in 5 days
    The Extinction Protocol, 2nd February 2013
    [...] Perhaps, it may not be readily apparent to most that our planet appears to now be inching towards the spectrum of some major cataclysmic event. This approaching black swan occurrence is characterized by the gradual escalation of geological activity of a violent seismic and volcanic nature. 44 volcanic eruptive events have already been recorded for the month of January; where there was only 77 chronicled for the entire year of 2012. The on-going volcanic activity in Kamchatka also provides compelling testament that massive changes are now taking place within the planet’s interior. No less than 4 volcanoes on the Far Eastern peninsula of Kamchatka are erupting simultaneous, though all the volcanoes lie in relative close proximity to each other (with a 110 km radius). [...]

    Nearly all of the planet’s current 15 tectonic plates, and in some cases, sub-plates and volcanic arcs are heavily stressed by the recent violent mobility of tectonic plates shaken by earthquakes. I’ve never quite seen a pattern this fraught with potential hazards or as heavily laden with seismic tension. The planet is now experiencing a major geological crisis, and it’s showing some indication of worsening.

    This is the reality of Earth's shift into a high energy state, as the influx of energy from space will be used for reconstruction. Humans need to watch out!

    Not So Rare? Ice Crystal Halos, 1st February 2013
    RARE ICE HALOS: On January 28th at the Vitosha mountain in Sofia, Bulgaria, skiers stopped in their tracks when a magnificent network of luminous arcs and halos formed around the midday sun. Janeta Ganchevska pulled a mobile phone out of her jacket and snapped this photo of the apparition:

    "Small, fine crystals were raining from the sky," says Ganchevska. "Sunlight shining through the crystals produced these very bright halos."

    Atmospheric optics expert Les Cowley comments on the display: "Rare halo arcs come in clusters. They are a sign of large numbers of near perfect hexagonal ice crystals drifting in the air. In this case, the crystals were nearby and called 'diamond dust.'"

    I think these are the crystals from the dusty plasma arriving from deep space and into our solar system that scientists have been researching for over a decade. See previous comments about rare atmospheric phenomena now becoming commonplace and the ESA warnings that Earth would be smothered in cosmic dust by 2012... It might also explain the severe smog in China and Japan because these cosmic particles are combining with the already high levels of pollutants.

    Dramatic increase in methane in the Arctic in January 2013
    Arctic News, 1st February 2013
    Above image shows dramatic increases of methane levels above the Arctic Ocean in the course of January 2013 in a large area north of Norway.

    Methane is supposed to cause global warming too but the problem is global tempeartures have not responded for nearly 17 years and remain flat... However I am impressed with the alarmism in the comments.
    Sam CaranaFebruary 3, 2013 at 11:29 PM

    As said in above post, the big danger is that this methane will contribute to a huge rise of temperatures in the Arctic that will destabilize huge amounts of methane currently held in the seabed, in a vicious cycle that will escalate into runaway warming and result in wildfires, crop losses, destruction and extinction around the globe at unprecedented scale. A comprehensive and effective climate plan is needed now to avoid catastrophe.
    As we all know now, nothing can be proved... it's all conjecture as our climate is far more complex and interrelated than climate scientists are capable of understanding without a radical departure from dogma...

    Cooperators can coexist with cheaters, as long as there is room to grow
    Eureka Alert, 1st February 2013
    Philadelphia, Pa. – Microbes exhibit bewildering diversity even in relatively tight living quarters. But when a population is a mix of cooperators, microbes that share resources, and cheaters, those that selfishly take yet give nothing back, the natural outcome is perpetual war.

    A new model by a team of researchers from Princeton University in New Jersey and Ben-Gurion University in Israel reveals that even with never-ending battles, the exploiter and the exploited can survive, but only if they have room to expand and grow. The researchers present their findings at the 57th Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society (BPS), held Feb. 2-6, 2013, in Philadelphia, Pa.

    "In a fixed population, cells that share can't live together with cells that only take," said David Bruce Borenstein, a researcher at Princeton. "But if the population repeatedly expands and contracts then such 'cooperators' and 'cheaters' can coexist."

    This scenario does sound very familiar...

    It’s (Almost) Alive! Scientists Create a Near-Living Crystal
    Wired News, 1st February 2013
    Three billion years after inanimate chemistry first became animate life, a newly synthesized laboratory compound is behaving in uncannily lifelike ways.

    The particles aren’t truly alive — but they’re not far off, either. Exposed to light and fed by chemicals, they form crystals that move, break apart and form again. “There is a blurry frontier between active and alive,” said biophysicist Jérémie Palacci of New York University. “That is exactly the kind of question that such works raise.” [...]

    Their experiments are rooted in the researchers’ interest in self-organizing collective behaviors, which are easier to study in controlled particle form than in schooling fish or flocking birds. Each particle is made from a microscopic cube of hematite, a compound consisting of iron and oxygen, sheathed in a spherical polymer coat. One corner is left exposed.

    Under certain wavelengths of blue light, hematite conducts electricity. When the particles are placed in a hydrogen peroxide bath under blue light, chemical reactions catalyze around the exposed tips. Chaikin notes that life is difficult to define, but can be said to possess metabolism, mobility, and the ability to self-replicate. His crystals have the first two, but not the last.

    I suppose we are back to the philosophical question of what defines life... Plasmas are are described as 'life-like', so what does that say about the cosmos or heavens that is 99.999% plasma? I see consciousness and life as being the same thing and it is graded by the quality of the energy/information supply. This might be the lowest form of life being provided by an input of light and electricity but it is still life. For those who have read my book and my promotion of the Theory of Multi-dimensional Realiy by Vogt and Sultan, the life-like behaviour might be a direct result of the hematite's being magnetic and thus able to carry the most life enhancing information. The image icon is a little reminder of the 10 years of the dusty plasma crystal experiments on the ISS.

    Green 'fireball' flashes across the night sky in Lincolnshire [UK]
    This Is Lincolnshire, 1st February 2013
    Astronomer Paul Money, who lives in Horncastle, caught a glimpse of the spectacle out the corner of his eye as it disappeared to the north. "It is difficult to say whether this was a chunk of man-made space debris or a piece of asteroid," he said.

    "Images and eyewitness reports will be collated by the British Astronomical Association and some months down the line they may get an idea of what it actually was."

    Astronomer Philip Norton, of Thirsk Drive, North Hykeham, said: "From the description on the web it sounds like a lump of rock about the size of a football hit the atmosphere. This is not uncommon. It just never seems to happen over the UK when the sky is clear.

    The fireball reports are now nearly daily but in the archives not so long ago, fireballs were so supposed to be rare sightings... Again, was this space junk coming down? This is important because it is a major sign of worsening space weather and bad conditions in near Earth space for the world's satellite communication systems. More: Suspected meteor spotted near Birmingham Airport [UK] & ‘Fireball In Sky’ Meteor Shoots Overhead [Wales]

    Black Country crop circles prove phenomenon is no hoax, claims Australian expert
    Birmingham Mail, 27th January 2013
    Crop circles are not the work of hoaxers and aerial photos of the Black Country can prove it, says Australian boffin. [...] Greg began his quest after reading an article in an 1800 edition of science journal Nature. It suggested that crop circles had, in fact, been around since the 1700s. [...] “Firstly, I believe that the claims of various ‘artists’ to have created them all is patently false,” he says.

    “That is itself probably one of the biggest hoaxes ever perpetrated on the scientific community, and I think that my 1945 Google Earth work does this. “Secondly, there is a significant body of evidence that indicates high frequency electromagnetic energy is involved in the creation of crop circles.

    Regulars will notice that I did not bother with many crop circle reports in 2012. This is only being added to the archives because it informs us that researchers refuse to ignore the fact that crop circles are an incredible phenomenon that require human attention. I was unaware that the UK Ministry of Defence up until 1990, blamed all crop circles on the two imfamous pensioners Doug and Dave. I struggle to think that the MOD thought people were so simple.... but there again, many people are that simple... I really cannot allocate much time to investigate crop circles but I have been very impressed with videos that capture our aetheric friends (plasma orbs) making complex crop circles in a matter of minutes... It explains a lot.
    • Could Plasma Vortices Explain Some Crop Circles?
      Gralien Report, 1st February 2013
      Recently, Australian researcher Greg Jefferys has received media attention for his discovery of images depicting “Crop circles” from the 1940s via Google Earth overlays. But one controversial aspect of his research that gets less attention is his idea that a correlation could exist between ionized plasma vortices (otherwise known as ball lightning) and these apparent circle phenomena.

    Morphogenetic Fields, Telepathy and Science Set Free
    Earth Files, 31st January 2013
    “The morphogenetic field is a bit like a magnetic field that organizes iron filings in particular patterns - so there is a group field and every animal group has that.”

    - Rupert Sheldrake, Ph.D., Biochemist and Author
    January 31, 2013 London, England - Rupert Sheldrake was born in Nottinghamshire, England, seventy years ago with a destiny to challenge established scientific paradigms. By 1974, he had received his Ph.D. in biochemistry from the University of Cambridge and spent the next ten years to 1985 working as a plant physiologist in India for the International Crops Research Institute for Semi-Arid Tropics. That’s when he wrote his first groundbreaking, but controversial book, A New Science of Life, published in 1981. See More Information below.

    In a revolutionary step from traditional biology, he wrote: “It became clear to me that biochemistry would not solve the problem of why things have the basic shape they do.” His hypothesis has been that organisms develop their shapes through a memory system in Nature given by what he calls “morphic resonance.” He compares morphic resonance in analogy to the way “a magnetic field organizes iron filings in particular patterns.” The morphic field emerges from repetition, the memory of habit, in which shapes take form. His hypothesis was denounced by the journal Nature and mainstream biologists, but praised by some as fresh air thinking in dogmatic science.

    For example, he points out that the Human Genome Project (HGP) expected that DNA sequencing would lead to understanding the fundamental nature of life at the molecular level. But, he says, “It’s a disappointment. Since around 2009, something called the ‘missing heritability problem’ has become important in biology." [...]

    Dr. Sheldrake adds, “The HGP has sequenced now the genomes of 30,000 different people and looked at the characteristics of these people. For example – take height. It turns out that about 50 genes are responsible for height. So, they try to make a computer model based on height genes to predict any individual’s height. But they can only predict height to a 5% accuracy! And I think the reason it doesn’t work is that much of the inheritance that you and I have and that plants and animals have is coming through what I call morphic resonance – this influence from the past, a kind of collective memory.”

    You can download this interview as an MP3. I think there is trouble brewing because the upgrade speed of morphic fields is accelerating due to being in a time of rapid evolutionary change. The long time denial of these fields does not hamper reality and leading scientists are now becoming alarmed at what they call "contagiousness" as a "social phenomenon" or rather more metaphysically minded, evidence for "Communal Consciousness". Sheldrake will be proven right, I have no doubt about that, but the question is what is spreading amongst humans? People should be worried about declining sperm counts for a start.

    Nine people killed as freak hailstorm rains massive boulders down on Indian villages
    Daily Mail, 31st January 2013
    * The hail storm covered the entire villages under the snow like blanket
    * Destroyed crops, houses and live stock in seven villages
    * The hailstones started falling from the sky on Tuesday night

    Hailstones the size of boulders have rained down on villages in southern India. At least nine people were killed when the violent weather hit several villages in the state of Andhra Pradesh. The hailstorm which lasted for almost 20 minutes, destroyed crops, houses and live stock, causing devastating financial implications for residents. [...]

    Dr K. Sitarama, director, Meteorological Centre Hyderabad, said: 'The hailstorm was caused by an intense thunderstorm. 'Such occurances are highly localised and restricted to a small area.' The storm in the south was extremely rare as the deadliest hailstorms, and perhaps the largest hailstones, in the world occur on the Deccan Plateau of northern India and in Bangladesh.

    I have made parallels with the movie The Day After Tomorrow for years, but this is still shocking... I have written over and over again about the forces that are required to allow hailstones to be suspended in the atmosphere can only be attained by strong vertical electric fields and electromagnetic currents that will allow hail to grow to the size of tennis balls and bricks, but now a report of boulder-sized hail... Lets face it, the message of the ancients was lost and humanity has simply got some major problems in store just surviving on this planet.

    Mysterious, purple spheres found in the desert
    KGUN 9 TV News, 30th January 2013

    TUCSON (KGUN-9) - It was a normal Sunday in Vail for Geradine Vargas. Normal, until she and her husband stumbled upon something kind of weird. "We were taking photos around the area and we just...I mean, how could you miss this?" Geradine said. "It was just like glittering in the sun."

    Thousands of tiny, purple-hued spheres piled in the middle of no where. "It's just one of those things that you've never seen before." They were watery, some where translucent, and the pile was completely isolated. Gerardine was amazed, and she wanted answers.

    Theres are lots of suggestions but maybe someone will get the stuff tested in a lab, but it is of interest as there have been reports of other cosmic 'gunk' falling in recent years.

    Black Country crop circles prove phenomenon is no hoax, claims Australian expert
    Birmingham Mail, 27th January 2013
    Crop circles are not the work of hoaxers and aerial photos of the Black Country can prove it, says Australian boffin. [...] Greg began his quest after reading an article in an 1800 edition of science journal Nature. It suggested that crop circles had, in fact, been around since the 1700s. [...] “Firstly, I believe that the claims of various ‘artists’ to have created them all is patently false,” he says.

    “That is itself probably one of the biggest hoaxes ever perpetrated on the scientific community, and I think that my 1945 Google Earth work does this. “Secondly, there is a significant body of evidence that indicates high frequency electromagnetic energy is involved in the creation of crop circles.

    Regulars will notice that I did not bother with many crop circle reports in 2012. This is only being added to the archives because it informs us that researchers refuse to ignore the fact that crop circles are an incredible phenomenon that require human attention. I was unaware that the UK Ministry of Defence up until 1990, blamed all crop circles on the two imfamous pensioners Doug and Dave. I struggle to think that the MOD thought people were so simple.... but there again, many people are that simple... I really cannot allocate much time to investigate crop circles but I have been very impressed with videos that capture our aetheric friends (plasma orbs) making complex crop circles in a matter of minutes... It explains a lot.
    • Could Plasma Vortices Explain Some Crop Circles?
      Gralien Report, 1st February 2013
      Recently, Australian researcher Greg Jefferys has received media attention for his discovery of images depicting “Crop circles” from the 1940s via Google Earth overlays. But one controversial aspect of his research that gets less attention is his idea that a correlation could exist between ionized plasma vortices (otherwise known as ball lightning) and these apparent circle phenomena.

    Climate Science: Lying as a political motivator within the IPCC
    WUWT, 28th January 2013

    UPDATE 2: Annan also speaks about lying as a political motivator within the IPCC, I’ve repeated this extraordinary paragraph in full. Bold mine.

    Note for the avoidance of any doubt I am not quoting directly from the unquotable IPCC draft, but only repeating my own comment on it. However, those who have read the second draft of Chapter 12 will realise why I previously said I thought the report was improved :-) Of course there is no guarantee as to what will remain in the final report, which for all the talk of extensive reviews, is not even seen by the proletariat, let alone opened to their comments, prior to its final publication. The paper I refer to as a “small private opinion poll” is of course the Zickfeld et al PNAS paper. The list of pollees in the Zickfeld paper are largely the self-same people responsible for the largely bogus analyses that I’ve criticised over recent years, and which even if they were valid then, are certainly outdated now. Interestingly, one of them stated quite openly in a meeting I attended a few years ago that he deliberately lied in these sort of elicitation exercises (i.e. exaggerating the probability of high sensitivity) in order to help motivate political action. Of course, there may be others who lie in the other direction, which is why it seems bizarre that the IPCC appeared to rely so heavily on this paper to justify their choice, rather than relying on published quantitative analyses of observational data. Since the IPCC can no longer defend their old analyses in any meaningful manner, it seems they have to resort to an unsupported “this is what we think, because we asked our pals”. It’s essentially the Lindzen strategy in reverse: having firmly wedded themselves to their politically convenient long tail of high values, their response to new evidence is little more than sticking their fingers in their ears and singing “la la la I can’t hear you”.

    Oh dear oh dear oh dear…

    I changed the headline to make it clear that climate scientists in the inner circles are admitting their colleagues have been lying about the true cause of global warming/climate change. This will soon become a circular firing squad because as we are told here, the The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and people responsible for the largely bogus analyses are "in a bit of a pickle". We might have to wait years before there is a general admission that climate change is being caused by the shift in the cosmic climate inducing a chain reaction that involves geomagnetic factors. However, the science is available for anyone who wants to understand the process of cosmoclimatology and energy driven evolutionary change that have been repeated many times on this planet.

    Rocket carrying US satellite crashes into Pacific seconds after launch
    RT News, 28th January 2013
    A Ukrainian-made Zenith-3SL rocket carrying a US-made Intelsat-27 satellite has crashed into the ocean seconds after being launched from a platform in the Pacific Ocean. Ground control lost contact with the rocket.

    Sea Launch, the international company overseeing the launch, wrote in an official statement on their website that, "approximately 40 seconds after liftoff of the launch of the Intelsat 27 spacecraft, all telemetry was lost indicating a loss of mission."

    The spacecraft, built by Boeing Satellite Systems, was launched on a Zenit-3SL launch vehicle on the ocean-based Odyssey launch platform at the Earth’s equator. Preliminary reports suggested the rocket’s engines stopped automatically because its trajectory was incorrect. ­The first stage of the rocket was supposed to detach two-and-a-half minutes into the flight, but did not. A search operation is underway for the downed rocket.

    The success rate of Russian rocket launches is nose-diving too.... I don't think this is just about bad management. For more info: Best of the Blog: Space Junk, Satellite Failure & The Escalating Problem.

    EdgeScience Magazine - issue 13
    Society for Scientific Exploration, January 2013
    Edge Science is a new magazine from the Society for Scientific Exploration. Why Edge Science? Because scientific knowledge is still full of unknowns. What remains to be discovered—what we don't know—very likely dwarfs what we do know. And what we think we know may not be entirely correct or fully understood. Anomalies, which researchers tend to sweep under the rug, should be actively pursued as clues to potential breakthroughs and new directions in science.

    No. 13 is free but SSE would like new members and people to donate. Download here. From The latest issue of this science magazine features "Anomalies I Have Known" by Paul Devereux, "E = mc2: How Einstein Swept Retrocausality Under the Rug" by Antonella Vannini and Ulisse Di Corpo, "Why Venture Way Out of the Box" by John Petersen, "Metaphysical Einstein: The Genesis of Genius" by Lara Fine, and more, as they say. And the cover art of Einstein is by none other than Roy Thinnes, perhaps best known as the star of the late-1960s TV series "The Invaders." Pick up your free pdf copy at and contribute if you can, or purchase at printed copy at MagCloud.

    Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt [Speidi] spent fortune ahead of Mayan apocalypse prophecy
    San Francisco Chronicle Blog, 29th January 2013
    Reality TV stars Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt frittered away their $10 million fortune because they believed the world would end in 2012.

    In 2010, Pratt revealed the couple was broke and on the verge of bankruptcy, and they even gave up their luxury home and moved in with his father to save money.

    He has now admitted they deliberately spent all their cash before December 21, 2012 —the day the world was set to end, according to a prophesy based on the Mayan calendar.

    I had to stop myself laughing after seeing these two in action on Celebrity Big Brother. I actually like them for their simplicity or maybe for being simpletons... I predict they will get a new fortune but hopefully be a bit wiser...

    Neanderthal cloning chatter highlights scientific illiteracy
    News Daily, 24th January 2013
    BOSTON, Jan. 24, 2013 (Reuters) — After spending the weekend reading blog posts claiming that he was seeking an "extremely adventurous female human" to bear a cloned Neanderthal baby - which was news to him - Harvard geneticist George Church said it may be time for society to give some thought to scientific literacy. undefined

    Church became the subject of dozens of posts and tabloid newspaper articles calling him a "mad scientist" after giving an interview to the German magazine Der Spiegel.

    In the interview, Church discussed the technical challenges scientists would face if they tried to clone a Neanderthal, though neither he nor the Der Spiegel article, which was presented as a question and answer exchange, said he intended to do so.

    "Harvard professor seeks mother for cloned cave baby," read one headline, on the website of London's Daily Mail. But Church explained on Wednesday that he was simply theorizing. [...]

    "We really should get the public of the entire world to be able to detect the difference between a fact and a complete fantasy that has been created by the Internet," he said.

    Hmmm... the UK Daily Mail caught misleading people again... Scientific illiteracy is the reason for the New Age 2012 Winter Solstice disaster when people ignored the reality of Space Weather and the proposed Mayan Age of Aether by real modern Mayan Elders because they didn't understand any space physics and instead wrote drivel like 'Father Sun' having a union with the 'Cosmic Mother' and a whole selection of ridiculous and impossible astronomical scenarios, the Sun becoming a red giant is probably the worse... I think the conclusion I have come to is that many prefer fantasy and they are not interested in reality. Engaging brain is not considered spiritual and going around in a haze of cluelessness and repeating garbage as long as it sounds good enough to impress others that are even more illiterate is good enough... HAARP conspiracy theorist talk for many is basically at the level of the boogie man did it... I suppose there is big money to be made providing fodder for the masses and whilst people are so gullible, the cynics will continue to churn it out...

    Extreme Space Weather Triggered Medieval Famines, Say Astrophysicists
    Famines plagued Iceland and food prices spiked in medieval England following extreme space weather events, according to a new study of historical data
    Technology Review, 31st January 2013
    The Earth’s local interplanetary environment is a maelstrom of solar winds, giant clouds of hot plasma ejected from the Sun and violent magnetic fields. To a large extent, we are protected from this so-called space weather by our atmosphere and the Earth’s magnetic field.

    But every once in a while, these interplanetary storms are so ferocious that even our planetary defences fail. In 1989, for example, a powerful geomagnetic storm knocked out the Hydro-Quebec power grid leaving six million people without electricity.

    Today, Lev Pustil’nik and Gregory Yom Din at Tel Aviv University in Israel say the effects of space weather could be much more significant than originally thought. These guys make the case that under certain special conditions, space weather can influence terrestrial weather so severely that it can have a dramatic effects on agriculture, causing crop failures, death and starvation.

    We really are seeing scientists facing up to some cosmic reality these days...

    Study rebuts hypothesis that comet attacks ended 9,000-year-old Clovis culture, 28th January 2013
    (—Rebutting a speculative hypothesis that comet explosions changed Earth's climate sufficiently to end the Clovis culture in North America about 13,000 years ago, Sandia lead author Mark Boslough and researchers from 14 academic institutions assert that other explanations must be found for the apparent disappearance.

    "There's no plausible mechanism to get airbursts over an entire continent," said Boslough, a physicist. "For this and other reasons, we conclude that the impact hypothesis is, unfortunately, bogus."

    In a December 2012 American Geophysical Union monograph, first available in January, the researchers point out that no appropriately sized impact craters from that time period have been discovered, nor have any unambiguously "shocked" materials been found.

    In addition, proposed fragmentation and explosion mechanisms "do not conserve energy or momentum," a basic law of physics that must be satisfied for impact-caused climate change to have validity, the authors write.

    Scientists have been arguing this out in the media and I had given up bothering with reports for a while. Airbursts over a whole continent require some planetary sized "magnetic reconnection" events, these scientists need to consult with space scientists or preferably plasma cosmologists... I would also recommend the book Magnetic Reversals and Evolutionary Leaps by Robert Felix. He points out that fireballs in the sky will create nanodiamonds and giant fireballs will be triggered by a geomagnetic reversal, see Candle flames contain millions of nanodiamonds for further explanations.
    • Article 4 : “No” to Magnetic Reconnection and “Yes” to Electrified Plasma, 24th December 2011
      Electrical engineers and plasma cosmologists have been known to say that magnetic reconnection is one of the stupidest theoretical ideas that researchers ever derived from the mistaken belief that there are no significant electric currents in space. Yes, the mathematics can be made to fit – though with increasing difficulty as observations proceed – with the energy needs involved, but it should be remembered that processes of physics are not explained by such equations. However, in the case of “magnetic reconnection” there is a much deeper difficulty than that. I refer to the inconvenient truth that the lines of force of a magnetic field do not physically exist at all! They are only a mental aid for us to conceptualise the shape and intensity of a magnetic field.

    Jellyfish Plasmoid: Taken by Kari Luhtasaari on January 26, 2013 @ Machu Picchu, Peru, 26th January 2013
    This picture taken at Machu Picchu in Peru on January 26th, 2013 by Kari Luhtasaari. It clearly depicts a “Jellyfish” plasma discharge at the top right of the mountain. The exact mountain head is unknown but the location is in line with Machu Picchu, Salkantay, and Huayna Picchu, Peru.

    This is what the Davos X Factor ET fuss is all about, evidence of a shadow biosphere on this planet is becoming very apparent. Ufologists in The Church of Ufology can talk all they like about 'space brothers', but that ain't no space brother... The photograph taken in Peru is most certainly a plasma entity or "critter" that has the ability to fly in and out of Earth's atmosphere from space and very similar examples have even been seen in remote places and over major cities in recent years, see archives Best of the Blog - Orbs, UAP & UFO Traffic. Thanks to D. Powell for sending me a link.

    Wikipedia climate fiddler William Connolley is in the news again
    Watts Up With That!, 30th January 2013

    Apparently Mr. Connolley has edited 5428 Wikipedia articles, most about climate. Die Kalte Sonne:

    Unbelievable but true: The Wikipedia umpire on Climate Change was a member of the UK Green Party and openly sympathized with the views of the controversial IPCC. So it was not a referee, but the 12th Man of the IPCC team.

    I’m not sure how accurate the translation is, but it suggests he was somehow part of the IPCC “short list” team. See it here at Die Kalte Sonne via this Google Translate link:

    For those who are new to this website, you may be aware that there has been an extensive dirty tricks campaign to convince the general public that humanity is to blame for global warming. The idea was to generate a mandate for major new initiatives that require large tax increases and new regulations etc etc. This generated climate wars between scientists and campaigners over the fraudulent climate science and dirty politics, some of which has been highlighted on this blog, see Best of the Blog - Climate Science, Climate Politics, Climate Realists & Climategate. Due to the strong opposition from some scientists and apathy by the general public, world leaders can claim only a general failure for various money making schemes disguised as taking action to control the world's climate. What's more, since the climate models have all been proven to be useless, policy makers are facing somewhat of a dilemma. The website Watts Up With That! run by meteorologist Anthony Watts, is the leading science blog on the internet and is frequented by a lot of scientists. Despite my skeptical stance, I must state I don't fully agree with climate realists, they were right about CO2 not being the source of any now non existent global warming, but because the new phenomenon of space weather is a 'game-changer', I think we will see climate change and extreme weather as I continue to explain on this blog.

    Super volcano awakening in Italy?
    The Voice of Russia, 30th January 2013
    It looks like we may be in for an earth-shattering explosion. A dormant super volcano appears to be stirring under the Phlegraen Fields of Naples in Italy. Rising soil temperatures and surface deformation in the area have alarmed seismologists. In the distant past, volcanic super eruptions caused global climate change responsible for mass extinctions of plant and animal species.

    This would be disasterous... scientists need to get moving for plans to cap volcanoes if that is still possible.

    Fuji eruption could force 567,000 people to evacuate
    Japan Times, 30th January 2013
    SHIZUOKA – An eruption of Mount Fuji could force some 567,000 people to evacuate their homes, according to a new estimate.

    The projection is part of an evacuation plan crafted by the Shizuoka Prefectural Government that also says more than 130,000 people, comprising some 50,000 households, would have to relocate if lava were to reach residential districts in the city of Fuji, which lies just south of the 3,776-meter mountain.

    Depending on the number and locations of vents, evacuation from wider areas could be needed. The plan is based on a hazard map prepared by the central government based on Fuji’s last eruption, in 1707.

    Another sign of the times....

    Australia floods: Sunshine and Gold Coast covered in 'sea foam'
    Tourists, residents and emergency services were left bemused by the huge swathes of foam which were whipped up by high winds and then thrown onto land in eastern Australia
    UK Yahoo News, 28th January 2013
    This was the bizarre scene on Australia's Sunshine Coast over the weekend, where extreme weather has blanketed coastal towns with several feet of 'sea foam'.

    Tourists, residents and emergency services were left bemused by the huge swathes of foam which were whipped up by high winds and then thrown onto land in eastern Australia.

    Videos have emerged of cars attempting to navigate through the thick 'snow-like' sea foam in Alexandra Headland and nearby Mooloolaba. The sea foam forms when powerful storms force water into the air before it is washed onto the beachfront. [...] Onlookers said the foam reached three metres high at its peak, with emergency services urging residents and tourists to cancel all non-essential travel.

    Hmmm... I think we have to be realistic and realise that an extremely electrified atmosphere and strong geomagnetic environment are creating regular 'freak' atmospheric events. Obviously, waterspouts are caused by charged atmospheric vortexes that suck up water, but it seems these previously rare sea foam events are being caused by a similar electromagnetic force but on a bigger scale... According to Zooplanktologist John Dunn, he compares the frothing process to whisking egg whites... That is a lot of revolutions per second... When scientists model these forces and recreate them in the laboratory, a strong electric field and a beam of energy is required that is often seen to result in the transfer electrical charge to the surrounding atmosphere... The evidence suggest that this is exactly what is happening on our planet, but the process is becoming very intense... A process that I have called the planetary refresh. As I have documented on this blog, these vortexes of energy have been seen by satellites to be 90 miles wide and under water... see, Satellite captures enormous 90-mile-wide storm that's UNDERWATER

    Climate change blamed for Australia's extreme weather
    New Scientist, 29th January 2013
    The east coast of Australia has been drenched by floods and torrential rains, even as recent bush fires affecting much of the country continued to burn. Four people are known to have died as Australians get a further taste of extreme weather that is predicted to become more common as the planet warms.

    The deluge came as a storm that started as tropical cyclone Oswald just north of Australia was dragged south over most of the east coast by a low-pressure system extending all the way to New South Wales, says Richard Wardle of the Bureau of Meteorology in Queensland. As it hit land, Oswald lost its cyclone status but remained a "vigorous" storm, Wardle says. [...]

    "The frequency of more intense events is going to increase. Droughts, heatwaves and – in northern Australia – rainfall events and tropical cyclones are going to be more intense," says Jon Nott of James Cook University in Townsville, Australia, who researches extreme weather events. [...]

    Nott points out that Australia might be experiencing a "double whammy" of climate change and natural variability, driving wetter conditions. One natural pattern, the Interdecadal Pacific Oscillation, affects circulation in the Pacific, and reverses every 20 or 30 years. It flipped about five years ago for the first time since 1977, bringing warmer waters to Australia's east coast. "During those phases, Queensland sees more flooding, more rainfall, and more landfalling tropical cyclones," Nott says. Climate change will only compound the effects of such patterns, he says.

    I just can't cover all the extreme weather headlines but I would like to do some analysis on the new fight between climate realists and other scientists frightened about run away climate change and extreme weather. I think that due to the new cosmic conditions and poor cosmic shielding we can expect EXTREME WEATHER, the reason being is that more energy is being fed into the atmosphere in an ad hoc manner but linked with other known factors, it seems the results can be generally predicted. In this regard, the fact that maverick astrophysicist Piers Corbyn has been forced to change his methods to more successfully predict the weather and take into account space weather is a good sign and it might be the reason that more mainstream academics are now also taking up the challenge. Simply, world controllers cannot be satisfied with the poor results obtained using traditional meteorological methodology that only predicts by looking at previous data and the resultant weather but not understanding exactly what processes actually causes our weather... So as much as I respect climate realists, I believe that we cannot just look at the future by citing the past, because there are new factors in play.
    • Expert predicts ‘Monsoon Britain’
      WUWT, 27th January 2013
      A study, by Professor Stuart Lane of Durham University back in 2008, appears to have been remarkably percipient. Written just after the extremely wet summer of 2007, the study suggests that, far from summers in the UK becoming drier as most climate models predict, they are likely to become wetter.

    China's air pollution again at danger levels
    Beijing residents advised to stay indoors as much as possible with severe pollution at levels 'beyond index' Guardian, 29th January 2013
    Dangerously high pollution levels have shrouded Beijing in smog for the second time in about two weeks, forcing airlines to cancel flights because of poor visibility and prompting the city government to warn residents to stay indoors.

    The outlines of buildings in the Chinese capital receded into a white mist as pedestrians donned face masks to guard against the thick, caustic air. The US embassy reported a level of PM2.5, one of the worst pollutants, at 526 micrograms per cubic metre, or "beyond index", and more than 20 times higher than World Health Organisation safety levels over a 24-hour period.

    Look at the graphic provided What exactly is in Beijing's polluted air?, it suggests the whole population of China is being affected!

    Sinkhole swallows whole building complex in China
    A sinkhole swallows an entire building complex in China's southern Guangdong province.
    The Telegraph, 29th January 2013
    The group of buildings was totally swallowed by the hole which appeared near the construction site of a new underground train station in Guangzhou, one of China's biggest cities.

    It's China.... I think a report from a geologist is needed before any comment on this...

    Georgia man guns down immigrant after GPS sends him to wrong driveway
    Raw Story, 29th January 2013
    A 69-year-old war veteran and former missionary was arrested over the weekend on the suspicion of killing a 22-year-old Cuban immigrant who mistakenly arrived in his driveway because of faulty GPS directions.

    Gwinnett County jail records obtained by The Atlanta Journal Constitution indicated that Phillip Walker Sailors was charged on Sunday with the murder of Rodrigo Abad Diaz.

    Friends who were in the car with Diaz told WSB-TV that they were trying to pick up a friend on the way to ice skating on Saturday but their GPS directed them to the wrong address. The friends said that they waited in the driveway for a few minutes before Sailors emerged from the house and fired a gun into the air.

    What can you say when mentanlly ill people in a gun culture have the ability to shoot first before bothering to ask questions...

    Billionaire Bigelow: Las Vegas UFO Aficionado Bets $500 Million on Space Hotel
    Business Week, 28th January 2013
    Robert Bigelow got rich off budget hotel suites that start at $189 a week. Now they are funding his dream of building inflatable space habitats with rates topping $400,000 a day.

    For the Las Vegas businessman, his desire to build low orbital dwellings is the ultimate gamble. He has bet $500 million of his own money on his closely held venture, Bigelow Aerospace LLC -- five times what billionaire Elon Musk invested in his own space company. [..]

    Bigelow has nursed a lifelong obsession with unidentified flying objects after his mother regaled him with the tale of his grandparents seeing a glowing flying object while driving through the desert in 1947.

    He has amassed a library of about 3,500 books about UFOs, cosmology and related subjects. He gave financial backing to the National Institute for Discovery Science, which hunted UFOs and studied paranormal activities before disbanding in 2004. He has personally recorded interviews with almost 250 people who claim to have had a sighting or encounter with a UFO, and said he believes alien wreckage was discovered in Roswell, New Mexico, in the 1940s.

    UFO Believer: “I’m in the camp that has zero doubt” that UFOs exist and have visited the Earth, Bigelow said in a phone interview.

    OK, I have some respect for billionaire Robert Bigelow or Mr Big... This character has done his UFO homework and does not care two hoots what the ignorant and uninformed think or believe as he takes the presence of a shadow biosphere on this planet seriously. It is still interesting that the December 2009 press release by the US FAA informed pilots and air traffic controllers that if they came across a UFO, they could contact Bigelow's organisation - Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies (BAASS) by phone or or e-mail. Anyway, I can't understand why people think these space hotels are a good idea as space weather is only just ramping up but the BEAM module is basically bullet proof and will stop astronauts worrying about space debris, see earlier reports. It also seems that Bigelow is not worried either about any ET threat and neither should anyone else. If anything, I think watching the cosmic jetsam and flotsam in near earth orbit would be a highly sought after experience... This is an interesting statement, Mr Big states: “This isn’t about benefiting one human... This is about opening up space for all of humanity.” Is that a streak of Tier II aspirations and wider perspective on creating an advancement for humanity? There are not so many about who are around with this level of thinking, often its just talk. Bigelow is getting on with it and proving himself. I wish I knew people with the same mentality...

    Garlic Proven 100 Times More Effective Than Antibiotics, Working In A Fraction of The Time
    Waking Times, 28th January 2013
    A significant finding from Washington State University shows that garlic is 100 times more effective than two popular antibiotics at fighting disease causing bacteria commonly responsible for foodborne illness.

    Their work was published recently in the Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy a follow-up to the author’s previous research in Applied and Environmental Microbiology which conclusively demonstrated that garlic concentrate was effective in inhibiting the growth of C. jejuni bacteria.

    Garlic is probably nature’s most potent food. It is one of the reasons people who eat the Mediterranean diet live such long healthy lives. Garlic is also a powerful performer in the research lab.

    Hmmm.... So, those who refused to play along with the pharmaceutical industry and tried as much as they could to self-medicate with herbs and medicinal foods were not cranks after all, especially now that we are facing a disaster scenario due to antibiotic resistance, see Antibiotic Apocalypse Looming, Warns Health Chief Sally Davies. This could have been avoided if more doctors had prescribed antibiotics more sparingly and people had not kept running to the doctor to obtain a sledgehammer to crack a nut... I suppose the Russians refer to garlic as Russian penicillin because it was cheap, easily available and provided the same function...

    TT Exelis awarded satellite technology contract to forecast space weather
    Fort Mill Times, 29th January 2013
    The Exelis Coherent Beacon System is a space-based sensor system that investigates and forecasts natural disturbances in the Earth’s atmosphere. The sensor system transmits multiple signals through the ionosphere (the upper part of the atmosphere) to a ground-based receiver.

    “The new sensor system gives our customers advance knowledge about changes in space weather,” said ITT Exelis Director of Antenna and Space Programs Mark Fournier. “This system will allow the U.S. military to predict the effects of ionospheric activity on signals from communication and navigation satellites, which are critical to the safety and performance of our warfighters.”

    If the military don't find ways to counteract the impact of space weather, all the high tech defense systems will become useless...
    • Secret [UK] Files and a Satellite Plummets
      Mysterious Universe, 28th January 2013
      Indeed, I was given access to an eight-page document that detailed how the Government, the military and the emergency services would respond if a satellite crashed on Britain. Classified at Restricted level, and later upgraded to a higher level of security, the document, titled Satellite Accidents with Radiation Hazards, was prepared in 1979 by the British Government’s Home Office and was circulated to every Chief Officer of Police, every Chief Fire Officer and every County Council in England and Wales. “Similar circulars are being issued by the Scottish Office and the Northern Ireland Office,” said the author of the paper.

      According to the file, one of the hardest predictions to make was when and where a stricken space vehicle, possibly spiralling wildly out of control and at hundreds, or even thousands, of miles-per-hour would impact. On this issue, the author of the document stated:

      “Although it is likely that knowledge of changes in the orbital pattern which might lead to premature return to Earth would be available many hours or even days before re-entry occurred, it would not be such that a reasonably accurate prediction of the final orbit over the Earth could be made until 12 to 24 hours before impact. Even then forecasts of the precise point of re-entry along this track might still be in error by thousands of kilometers. It is possible accurate warning would not be available till a few minutes before impact and it is possible there might be no warning.” [...]

      Now that there is so many dead satellites falling and even known falls are being undereported, this is a useful read...

    MASSIVE COLD BLASTS ON WAY for Britain+Ireland, Europe and USA as Polar Strato-Warming develops on WeatherAction cue., 29th January 2013
    MASSIVE COLD BLASTS ON WAY for Britain+Ireland, Europe and USA as Polar Strato-Warming develops on WeatherAction cue.

    The SECOND Major Polar Sudden Stratospheric Warming (SSW) in January (Jan/Feb) 2013 is now rapidly developing on WeatherAction cue to the day. Stratospheric temps (at above 70mb pressure level) are now at just above record levels for this date. Standard weather models now look like WeatherAction long range forecasts for the very cold Northerly blasts consequent on the SSW in Europe (inc Brit+Ire) and USA - in the parts predicted by WeatherAction
    SSW graph link
    USA V cold blast link
    UK MetO link
    Eu GFS (Wow!) link

    Piers says "This spells pretty well simultaneos blizzards both sides of the Atlantic where and when we said to within a day from 30days (USA) and 45days (Br+Ire) ahead. It is a ground-breaking result. Doubtless various organisations will say they saw it coming when in reality they don't know which year these MAJOR SSWs will happen let alone which day."

    28 Jan 10.15utc Piers Interview on BBC1 TV Sunday Politics Show - Warmists have no answer Standard Met bending reluctantly to WeatherAction cold blasts by weekend.

    Piers has been updating daily. I believe the frequency of these SSWs is unusual and the upshot is that mainstream meteorologists are struggling.

    Experts: Mysterious fireball in sky likely falling satellite [US]
    WSLS10 News, 28th January 2013
    ROANOKE, Va. -- An object that looked like a giant fireball made a brief appearance in the sky at around 9:30pm Sunday -- and while no one can say with 100 percent certainty what it was, experts tell us they have a pretty good idea.

    Aerospace Corporation -- a federally funded research and development center based in California that works with the Air Force and NASA -- says the timing and witness descriptions are consistent with a satellite that fell back into Earth's atmosphere.

    That satellite, called Cosmos 1484, was launched by the Soviet Union back in 1983. Sightings were reported from Canada all the way down to Georgia. Aerospace says that's a much greater distance than you typically see with these events, which is why they're continuing to investigate.

    The new reality, lots of junk falling from the skies due to worsening space weather conditions. have collected some reports about this incident see, Fire in The Sky

    Davos 2013: world leaders to discuss aliens, super-humans, and immortals
    The Voice of Russia, 25th January 2013
    This year, apart from the traditional economic concerns, the program of the World Economic Forum in Davos is scheduled to address a number of highly controversial issues which have been kept classified for decades. Called the 'X factors', these issues include the potential risks of medically induced enhancement of cognitive abilities, prolongation of human life, and discovery of extraterrestrial life. After reading the Executive Summary of the WEF 2013 one is left with an impression that he has just read the scenario for the next 'X Files' episode. Runaway climate change, rogue deployment of geoengeneering, and digital wildfires are just a few issues that the readers of the Executive Summary can find not only unconventional but also futuristic. Nonetheless, all of these themes are due to be discussed under the rubric of the 'X Factors'.

    I am sure someone has mixed up X-files with X-Factor, which I think that is quite hilarious, but I am not sure Simon Cowell will be pleased... Anyway, surely the penny has well and truly dropped about the implications of the dramatic environmental shift on this planet! It seems my basic synopsis of the situation has not gone unheeded! Who else has linked space weather with a dramatic environmental shift on this planet that has so many profound implications! It seems world controllers realise that ignoring the presence of another lifeform on this planet (Shadow Biosphere) that most call UFOs and UFOs is no longer feasible.... I don't talk about humanoid ETs, that is someone elses department and the orbs/UAPs/UFOs are more important because they generally don't care about complying with human directives... The other issues are really much lower down on the ranking of seriousness but the concern amongst those in the know explains why even the Vatican have been having yearly conferences to work out how to break the news to their faithful and business leaders have been encouraged to be prepared for a major new business opportunity, see archives... Thankfully, it seems some common sense is prevailing... Halleujah! Btw, it is my less than humble opinion that the metaphysical community have failed miserably. So-called US 'leaders' couldn't even point the Obama Administration in the right direction, see Planetary Challenges & Spiritual Evolution: Summary For Citizens of Planet Earth (June, 2011). Since stupidity has reigned supreme resulting in the embarrassing 2012 winter solstice predictions and PR failure, it is no surprise that the general levels of cluelessness about what is happening on this planet are still high and the 'could not care a less' about reality mentality still generally prevails...

    X Factors: Discovery of Alien Life

    [...] Over the long term, the psychological and philosophical implications of the discovery could be profound. If life forms (even fossilized life forms) are found in our solar system, for example, the origin of life is “easy” – that any place in the universe life can emerge, it will emerge. It will suggest that life is as natural and as ubiquitous a part of the universe as the stars and galaxies. The discovery of even simple life would fuel speculation about the existence of other intelligent beings and challenge many assumptions that underpin human philosophy and religion.

    Through basic education and awareness campaigns, the general public can achieve a higher science and space literacy and cognitive resilience that would prepare them and prevent undesired social consequences of such a profound discovery and paradigm shift concerning humankind’s position in the universe.
    Global Risks: Davos 2013 - X Factors
    World Economic Forum: Reports 2013
    Oh yes, the issue of other lifeforms is the key to the most important little chats that will be taking place at the World Economic Forum in Davos, 2013. For once, I will enjoy being right! Please note: The Executive Summary emphasis on Disaster Resilience is also very interesting... Update: Space literacy? Are they refering to Space Weather?
    • Vatican prepares for extraterrestrial disclosure
      Exopolitics Examiner, 12th November 2009
      The Vatican sponsored astrobiology conference was a landmark event. It showed that the Vatican was willing to officially sanction public discussions on the existence of extraterrestrial life. More significantly, it showed that the Vatican was willing to initiate a comprehensive dialogue on the theological implications of the discovery of intelligent extraterrestrial life. The Vatican’s astrobiology conference is yet one more sign that major global institutions are preparing for some kind of formal disclosure concerning UFOs and/or extraterrestrial life. This is a direct outcome of a series of landmark meetings at the UN beginning in February 2008 that led to the adoption of a new openness policy.

    • Wealth gap, debt top risks ahead of Davos
      Reuters, 8th January 2013
      Bringing together business leaders, politicians and central bankers, Davos has come to symbolize the modern globalised world dominated by successful multinational corporations.

      Chief executives arriving on their private jets may still ooze confidence but "Davos man" - and most delegates are male - has plenty to worry about these days. [...]

      Outside the interlinked areas of the environment and the economy, the WEF identified other dangers, including increasing resistance of bacteria to antibiotics and the danger of "digital wildfires" created by the rapid spread of misinformation online.

      More outlandish risks, dubbed "X-Factors," include the rogue deployment of geo-engineering to counter climate change, for example by injecting particles into the stratosphere, or the discovery of alien life, which would challenge many assumptions underpinning religion.

      Even Reuters reported the X Factors but it nearly slipped under the radar....

    • Catholic archbishop of Ireland, Diarmuid Martin to talk about X Factors
      Irish Independent, 26th January 2013
      [...] The archbishop (who has attended more Davos meetings than any other Irishman since his days in the Vatican) will talk on 'X factors; preparing for the unknown'.

      I took the liberty of changing the headline.... But of course, the Vatican would send a representative to Davos 2013 to talk about X Factors and we can only presume archbishop of Ireland, Diarmuid Martin is specifically there to talk about the ET X Factor.... Please remember, it was only last month we found out that the US media were directly reporting UFOs to the Vatican... Even I was amazed that it was reported in such a matter of fact manner... Anyway, Vatican astronomers make a clear distinction between ETs and Shadow Life. Ufologists want the disclosure of ETs and that generally means two-legged humanoids that are similar to humans. Shadow Life is what I have referred to as the Shadow Biosphere on this planet but I presume a plasma based lifeform would be ubiquitous in the universe and would be the primordial and original form of life in the universe. As author Phillip Pullman brilliantly describes it in the trilogy, His Dark Materials see, Book Review: His Dark Materials , these are the first beings that condensed out of the aether... The Vatican have always known about the existence of 'The gods' and historical and religious literature are teeming with references. I have already provided some astonishing references on this blog and latecomers will need to do some work. The problem is that the two tier system of knowledge has historically preserved certain knowledge for the elite and initiated. Today we have the ignorant and arrogant masses (the rabble) who are most certainly oblivious to why the Vatican are preparing for extraterrestrial disclosure. Check out my archives, I have provided some important answers over and over again.

    World leaders prepare for discovery of extraterrestrial life in 10 years
    Exopolitics Institute News, 23rd January 2013
    In Davos Switzerland, a prominent ski resort, the world’s business elite are meeting to discuss what to expect over the next 10 years. This year, the annual World Economic Forum meeting runs from January 23 to 27 and business leaders are joined by prominent politicians and central bankers. For 2013, an 80-page analysis of 50 risks for the next 10 years was distributed to attendees. The Global Risks 2013 report is lengthy list of prognostications of what world leaders need to plan for to avoid “systemic shocks and catastrophic events”. Among the list are five X factors that according to the report, “no country alone can prevent.” One of the X factors is the discovery of extraterrestrial life.

    The report goes on to explain ways in which world leaders can “share insights and ideas that improve national and organizational resilience to global risks.”

    Among the list of global risks are five X factors developed in collaboration with Nature, a leading science journal. The Global Risks 2013 report recommended readers “to consider a set of five X factors and reflect on what countries or companies should be doing to anticipate them.” The last of the five X factors is the “Discovery of Alien Life”. [...]

    Is social disintegration what the Davos Global Risks 2013 report has in mind if extraterrestrial life is discovered? The simple answer is no, if leaders develop the necessary “national and organizational resilience” to such a discovery, and implement “basic education and awareness campaigns”. The Global Risks 2013 report shows how far humanity has come over the last 50 years since the Brookings Report was written. World Economic Forum organizers are far more optimistic and believe that humanity can be sufficiently prepared for a “paradigm shift concerning humankind’s position in the universe.” World leaders currently meeting at the Davos World Economic Forum are themselves being prepared for the possible discovery of extraterrestrial life within the next 10 years.

    Updated: I don't want to be snide, but please note there are no ufologists or “evolutionary leaders” (only some of the people in these groups can be considered as useful idiots) invited to Davos, just the world’s business elite joined by prominent politicians, central bankers and a few scientists and at least one Vatican representative (see the Scientific American blog article below for more info). Well, it seems that the people with temporal power are in a little difficulty and the reason is that the cosmic shift on this planet is so acute that they are being forced to consider humanity MUST be prepared for a “paradigm shift concerning humankind’s position in the universe.” I wonder how many blog readers can actually grasp the seriousness? The situation is unbelievable, but where is the wider interest in this “paradigm shift concerning humankind’s position in the universe.” Which scientists, ufologists and “evolutionary leaders” are going to provide the education? I can tell you this now, those with any credibility are going to be few because they should have been doing this now, not promoting “global warming” and a 2012 Mayan Apocalypse... Just think about it... Meanwhile, at least I can say that I understood the implications of space weather and energy driven evolutionary change on this planet over 8 years ago and wrote a book that was placed in the UK National Archives in November 2007. I have been running a “basic education and awareness campaign” for years on this website and I did not need anyone one to tell me what to do because I knew it was necessary. I would also like to add a reminder that it took me 7 years before I would ask anyone for any money. This situation is absolutely incredible.... Btw, here is a reminder of what the top boss Charles Bolden at NASA had to say not so long ago, and he was talking in terms of the next few years for the start of some major revelations.
    • NASA Administrator Believes in Alien Life
      WLTX, 7th February 2011 Flash Back!
      Columbia, SC (WLTX) - It's a question man has been asking for centuries: are we alone and could there really be life out there somewhere. For some the answer is easy. They believe NASA knows that alien life exist and that we're being visited on a regular basis.

      Clifford Clift is one such believer. "Maybe the powers that be are setting us up for disclosure, making it more subtle so it won't be a big jolt to us," he says. [...]

      After talking with Charles Bolden, he seems it's not a matter of if we find out, it's a matter of when. Bolden said, "I have no doubt about things that will be discovered in the next year or so that will help us rewrite text books."

      Well, Bolden certainly knows how to let the cat out of the bag.... if this report is true, then we can forget about a new discovery, the evidence has been in plain sight for many decades, infact since the invention of radar... Well, if Bolden is prepared to make this statement, it makes you wonder why there is such effort by some to desperately fight the notion that humans are not alone. Please note: the astronaut talk is about alien LIFE NOT alien CRAFT. So, I might be on my own here, but I believe any announcement will be about a Shadow Biosphere, which is the sensible thing for NASA to do, as the dimensional shift is clearly still accelerating.
    I think this news is so important I have created a newsletter .pdf file that can be downloaded here, see Joyfire Newsletter – January 2013: Space Weather & X Factors, please pass on, this is of great importance.

    Davos: X Marks the Unknown
    Scientific American Blog, 28th January 2013
    Map of discussion themes about X Factors. Credit: Mariette DiChristina

    Earlier this month, the World Economic Forum published its annual report on global risks, “Global Risks 2013: Eighth Edition.” At the 2013 WEF meeting at Davos, a session focused on emerging threats, called “X Factors: Preparing for the Unknown.” My colleague Philip Campbell, the editor in chief of Nature, and his colleague editors, identified these new risks, which are named in a chapter in the report. (Scientific American is part of the Nature Publishing Group.)

    For Reference: Panel on emerging risks, "X-Factors: Preparing for the Unknown." Left to right, Phillip Campbell, editor of Nature; Archbishop Diarmuid Martin, Archbishop of Ireland; Tan Chorh-Chuan, president, National University of Singapore; Tim Palmer, co-director, Programme on Modelling and Predicting Climate, Oxford University; and Edward Boyden, associate professor, Media Lab and McGovern Institute, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Credit: Mariette DiChristina

    I am wondering whether there will be much or any reaction from the "evolutionary leaders" when the world's real leaders say we need to prepare the general public for a paradigm shift.... This is really a shock and awe moment as our world leaders have basically accepted the reality of the transformation of our world and the veil lifting... The technical term used was X factors being "game-changers"... Believe me, I am thrilled that some have used some common sense by making the decision to introduce new campaigns to educate the public. I believe the emphasis is on more education, i.e. science and "space reality" rather than mind games... Of course, my opinion concerning the ET X Factor is that there is too many orbs/uaps/ufos floating about, they will not go away and like it or lump it, our world leaders are accepting a new reality and taking some responsibility.... So, it occurred to me that maybe my Rage Against The New Age Machine meme/campaign was misplaced and I have been raging against a corpse? Seriously, I am interested to know if there will be any signs of life.... Hmmm... thinking about it, maybe this is the Zombie Apocalypse that has been hyped in the mainstream media... Maybe, it was really about members of the Cultic/New Age milieu being zombified by the lack of anything of any significance occurring on the 21st December 2012, and the Socially Transmitted Delusion has somehow turned venomous turning them into zombies... So please, send me links from any evolutionary leader that has anything of merit concerning "space reality" I presume that means space weather and energy driven evolutionary change/climate change/etc etc basically most of the stuff that is found in my writings and on this blog. The only proviso is I don't want to see a rehash of my research or I might get very cross again...

    41: Growing unrest seen at many of the world’s volcanoes
    Extinction Protocol, 26th January 2013
    The Extinction Protocol says:
    January 26, 2013 at 8:27 pm: The list has always been the number of volcanoes erupting in a given year. Consequently, a record number of volcanoes are erupting, staying active, and will continue to do so. We are really facing something ‘unprecedented.’ The only way to monitor the progression of change is to chronicle exactly how many volcanic systems are dissipating thermal energy. I’m always adding volcanoes to the list, even though I don’t always create a corresponding post.

    The observations and comments by the owner of this website are worthy of some serious consideration... I have been worrying about too many volcanoes erupting for a while now as the number of reports of escalate. Please see the archives for sensible solutions being proposed by scientists on how to stop our atmosphere being filled with volcanic aerosols that will affect the Earth's climate and cause food production problems. For reference, see Rising earthquakes: precursor of volcanic winters/ice age that we may AVERT - Other necessary preparations page 86, PROCEEDINGS: Natural Cataclysms and Global Problems of the Modern Civilization, WORLD FORUM – INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS September 19-21, 2011 – Istanbul, Turkey Source: (43.7 MB .pdf) Link.

      2012 In Review – Volcanoes
      The Watchers, 1st January 2013
      As far as the volcanic activity goes 2012 had lots of interesting moments and Pacific Ring of Fire was focus of almost all of it. 2011 finished with our eyes on the Cleveland volcano, Alaska. Cleveland sent ash 4.5 km in the sky during a single explosion event on Thursday, December 29, 2011.

      On January 1, 2012 ongoing volcanic activity was reported at El Hierro (Canary Islands), Fuego (Guatemala), Karymsky, Kizimen and Shiveluch (Kamchatka, Russia), Kilauea (Hawaii), Popocatépetl (México), Puyehue-Cordón Caulle (Chile), Sakura-jima (Kyushu, Japan).

      6 Indonesian volcanoes were on high alert at the time – Ijen, Gamalana, Papandayan, Karangetang, Lokon and Krakatau. Ijen turquoise crater lake has changed color to white. What followed was 12 months of close observations of many volcanoes all around the world. Below is a summary of volcanic events sorted in chronological order for each month of 2012 along with article links for further reading.

    • Increased volcanic activity worldwide in late January 2013
      The Watchers, 23rd January 2013

    • The Latest Volcano Discovery News

    Storm Clouds Crawling With Bacteria
    AccuWeather News, 24th January 2013

    The storm clouds in Earth's atmosphere are filled with microbial life, according to a new study. The research, published today (Jan. 23) in the journal PLoS One, revealed that hailstones drawn from storm clouds harbor several species of bacteria that tend to reside on plants, as well as thousands of organic compounds normally found in soil. Some of the bacterial species can seed the tiny ice crystals that lead to rain, suggesting they play a role in causing rain.

    "Those storm clouds are quite violent phenomena," said study co-author Tina Santl Temkiv, an environmental chemist at Aarhus University in Denmark. "They are sucking huge amounts of air from under the clouds, and that's how the bacteria probably got into the cloud."

    What would George Orwell have made of the world in 2013?
    The Guardian, 24th January 2013
    "People who run counter to the current popular wisdom, who point out the uncomfortably obvious, are likely to be strenuously baa-ed at by herds of angry sheep." If Orwell were around now, he would have been baa-ed at, perhaps, though by whom is less certain."

    After my study into what was happening in the New Age and Cultic Milieu in general, I realised that George Orwell's vision had been implemented lock, stock and barrel... Mindless followers are mandatory in vast swathes of the Cultic Milieu don't you know? Read my long essay, Spiritual Evolution in the Cultic Milieu where it becomes very apparent that the majority of the so-called leaders being promoted are at best malignant narcissists and at worse psychopaths. It is the only explanation that fits the bill. The solution is some serious masse deprogramming and/or a major crisis that provides a suitable catalyst for human development.

    Europe 'has failed to learn from environmental disasters'
    Report says thousands of lives could have been saved and damage to ecosystems avoided if early warnings heeded
    The Guardian, 23rd January 2013
    Europe has failed to learn the lessons from many environmental and health disasters like Chernobyl, leaded petrol and DDT insecticides, and is now ignoring warnings about bee deaths, GM food and nanotechnology, according to an 800-page report by the European Environment Agency.

    Thousands of lives could have been saved and extensive damage to ecosystems avoided if the "precautionary principle" had been applied on the basis of early warnings, say the authors of the 2013 Late Lessons from Early warnings report published on Wednesday.

    They accuse industry of working to corrupt or undermine regulation by spinning and manipulating research and applying pressure on governments for financial benefit. "[It has] deliberately recruited reputable scientists, media experts and politicians to call on if their products were linked to possible hazards. Manufacturing doubt, disregarding scientific evidence of risks and claiming over-regulation appear to be a deliberate strategy for some industry groups and think tanks to undermine precautionary decision-making."

    Surely, there are some intelligent people out there that realise that many of our world leaders and controllers are psychopaths? These people are not real humans and in their efforts for power and self-aggrandisement will do anything to achieve their aims, even if that means the near destruction of Earth and humanity. This is very easy to work out by studying the traits of malignant narcissists and psychopaths and then looking at the mess on this planet, this article only lays out the basic modus operandi of how they operate. After Fukushima, a few Japanese people were so stunned by the cold heartless mentality of their leaders that they accused them of not being human.... This week, a Japanese leader commented that old people needed to hurry up and die.... The definition of intraspecies predators by psychologists is accurate, but looking at history, what more evidence do people need that there are powerful groups working against the interests of the rest of humanity? If people what to cooperate then that is fine, but unless there is a major awakening and soon , it looks like universal consciousness is going to permit the near destruction of the human race because there are simply too many factors already in play.....

    Research ties lightning to onset of headache, migraines
    Escience News, 24th January 2013
    University of Cincinnati (UC) researchers have found that lightning may affect the onset of headache and migraines. These results, published in the Jan. 24, 2013 online edition of the journal Cephalalgia, are the first tying lightning to headache and could help chronic sufferers more efficiently anticipate headache and migraine arrival and begin preventive treatment immediately. [...]

    "Many studies show conflicting findings on how weather, including elements like barometric pressure and humidity, affect the onset of headaches," Geoffrey Martin says. "However, this study very clearly shows a correlation between lightning, associated meteorological factors and headaches."

    This is just old news... The Schumann Resonances are created by lightning. In my book, Tuning the Diamonds, I wrote the following:
    "Our brains detect and use very low frequency signals from the Schumann Resonance, as a globally available, synchronization system that continuously stabilizes the brain. For reference, a cell phone next to the head, produces a signal around a billion times stronger than the Schumann Resonance, yet, without the Schumann Resonance signal, humans would quickly become disorientated. A brain EEG clearly shows that it shares the same frequency range with the Schumann Resonance spectrum, hence, the agreement amongst researchers that there must be some interaction with our consciousness, see figure 7.7 [30]. [...]

    In addition to the Schumann Resonances, there are additional atmospheric signals. VLF-atmospherics or VLF-sferics occur when lightning generates a variety of signals in the very low (radio) frequency (VLF) range (1-100 kHz). Sferics are electromagnetic impulses that propagate at nearly the speed of light through the atmosphere. Most of these signals become dispersed with distances beyond 1000km, except a signal at about 10 kHz. They are characterized by very low amplitudes and short duration with an electric and magnetic field strength that does not exceed values of a few volts per meter and some microTesla, respectively. It does seem that these signals have not received the same level of attention as the Schumann Resonances, but they have biological effects too. Correlation studies show that weather sensitive individuals are prone to a whole host of induced symptoms. Briefly, patients report an increase in pain intensity from brain injuries, damaged tissue (operation wounds, scars), or internal illnesses (asthma, angina pectoris, migraine) and rheumatism. Spectral maxima at 6, 8, 10, 12, and 28 kHz are associated with the occurrence of epileptic seizures, sudden deafness, and myocardial infarctions (heart attacks) [32]. [...]

    Furthermore, weather variability and the consequences of solar activity have to be taken into account. Hence, on August 16, 1989, a four-fold change in signal values could easily have been misinterpreted to signify seismic activity, but was instead found to have been caused by an X20 solar flare, the largest X-ray output ever recorded from a flare at that time." Chapter 7, Mind & Body Electromagnetic Balance, Tuning the Diamonds: Electromagnetism & Spiritual Evolution (2006, 2008, 2010, 2012)
    There is lots more in my book that outlines why people are going to struggle as the geomagnetic conditions on this planet worsen. The only solution I believe is a strong human energy field but the science and metaphysics have been reduced to joke status by too many fools claiming to be spiritual.

    Lowly dung beetles look to Milky Way for navigation
    Science Recorder, 24th January 2013
    It’s not GPS, but it seems to work just as well. According to a new study published by Lund University of Sweden, the lowly dung beetle uses the Milky Way for navigating, a first for the insect world.

    While humans and birds have been known to use the night sky as a map for centuries, it was previously unclear whether insects relied on the Milky Way in a similar fashion. The study — led by scientists from Lund University in Sweden, the University of Pretoria, and the University of the Witwatersrand in South Africa — say they long suspected the beetles relied on the Milky Way when navigating between different regions, although researchers had never studied the correlation. The team’s suspicions were reportedly peaked by the fact the dung beetles roll balls of collected animal dung in straight lines, often directly correlated to astronomical patterns in the night sky.

    “This led us to suspect that the beetles exploit the starry sky for orientation—a feat that had, to our knowledge, never before been demonstrated in an insect,” Lund University researcher Marie Dacke said in a statement Thursday. [...]

    Of course the latest study begs the questions why dung beetles rely on the Milky Way and not the stars, like most animals. According to a paper published in Current Biology, most of the stars in the night sky are probably too dim for insects to be able to see.

    These researchers must be in the running for an IgNobel prize.... Whatever, this revelation might explain why certain dung beetles, the species Scarabaeus sacer (often referred to as the sacred scarab), were revered among the ancient Egyptians. Wikipedia has a good synopsis Scarab in ancient Egypt. World expert opinions are important here but I still think that because the Egyptians worshipped the heavens and were great astronomers, the image of the scarab, was used as symbolism to denote their own humble status in the comparison to the universe and their passion for what they believed was the final arbiter of reality.

    17 Jan +ongoing: BORIS BOOSTS PIERS, Telegraph 21Jan - & other LATEST UPDATE NEWS + COMMENT on The Great cold blasts & blizzards of Jan 2013 - WHAT TO DO? and WHAT WILL HAPPEN NEXT?, 24th January 2013
    24 Jan (05.00utc) It looks increasingly like standard models are heading for another blunder this weekend Examination of successions of forecast maps for Sat 26th and Sun 27th from MetOffice, GFS and ECMWF models show them back-peddling on their much heralded major warm-up.

    "We warned they were overstating this event", said Piers Corbyn of WeatherAction, "There is just not enough solar-wind input coming to make the change they expect and our lunar and geomagnetic factors are against. A look at confirms the very low levels of activity we predicted for now from over 5 weeks ahead. Something will happen, indeed our forecast said so, but not much - and qualitively weaker, compared to their projections. This is yet another blunder in a series of major errors this winter in forecasting from only a f

    "Of course standard meteorology has no comprehension of what we are talking about and as long as it remains wedded to the delusional nonsense of CO2 warmism and 'weather drives weather' tenets of computer forecasting they will never learn. Admission that solar activity is the decisive driver of weather especially extreme events and of climate change - a fact which our success demonstrates - spells the end of the CO2 warmist religion and the electricity price hikes, taxes and green handout gravy train that it brings.

    "It also means that however many millions or billions, are spent on extra computer power for the juggernaut of standard warmist meteorology thay will never improve but only get wrong answers quicker and mislead the public more often. Politicians must now get to grips with reality, cast aside the CO2 warmist sect of BBC-MetO and the so called 'Climate-Science' empire in academia and instead support accountable evidence-based science and policies"

    There is a lot of climate politics here, but I have great respect for Piers Corbyn. He says the SSW was caused by solar and lunar influences and this "catastrophic forecast scenario was first issued in detail in mid-December by WeatherAction long range forecasters." He is not always 100% right, but I am impressed that he predicted this historic event early... What we have to ask is: what exactly is Corbyn's new breakthrough prediction system that he has been forced to produce? We know for a fact that Piers Corbyn is running a business and he will not completely reveal his methodology but in his recent writings he does point out the role of notable openings in the magnetosphere that allow through solar particles, coronal holes, solar flares and proton bursts. Thus I can only speculate that he has managed to work out a new correction for the huge surges in energy that are hitting this planet.
    • 10 Jan+ONGOING (Nb Feb45d is loaded) WeatherAction snow chaos public warning: Express p1 & FULL RELEASE --- Sudden Stratospheric Warmings world wide effect & BBC-MO opportunism, 10th January 2013
      Sudden stratospheric warmings forecast breakthrough

      "There will be fluctuations in the severity of this weather but our confidence in this general forecast is increased by our new breakthrough in predicting major sudden warmings of the polar stratosphere, which in a contradictory way drive blasts of very cold air south.

      "Although there is something of a 'stratospheric warming' developing now 10 Jan", said Piers, "we expect more intense 'sudden stratospheric warmings' and related cold blasts around quite well defined dates to come. We are 85% sure of this general picture and further details of the weather and stratosphere forecasts can be found via our website ".

      WeatherAction expect snow amounts to be as bad or worse than the record-breaking December 2010 - which they also predicted.

      "Dr Richard Wild, snow-expert at Weathernet advises that previous significant snow blasts in the last 10 years before Dec 2010 in England and Wales were: begining Jan 2010, 8-9 Feb 2007, Feb 1996 and Jan 1993", said Piers. "These extreme events are entirely driven by solar activity and lunar factors and nothing to do with changes in CO2 which have no effect whatsoever on weather or climate", he added.

    Darkness Cannot Drive Out Darkness
    Thunderbolts.Info, 24th January 2013
    Dark matter is in the news.

    “Plasma phenomena are scalable. Their electrical and physical properties remain the same, independent of the size of the plasma.”
    — Donald Scott, author of The Electric Sky

    Plasma in space usually appears as a cloud of partially charged gas and dust. When clouds are in motion they become ionized. Clouds in relative motion induce electric currents within them. The currents generate magnetic fields that confine the plasma into coherent filaments known as Birkeland currents. The charged particles in the currents spiral along the resulting magnetic fields, appearing as electrical vortices. The forces between these spinning Birkeland currents pull them close together and wind them around each other into “plasma ropes”.

    Birkeland currents squeeze galactic plasma into thin filaments that remain collimated over great distances. Light-years-long jets and so-called “radio lobes” can extend for many times a galaxy’s diameter, for example. A circuit is induced within any one galaxy that causes diffuse electric charge to flow from the galactic poles toward the galaxy’s equatorial plane and spiral into its nucleus.

    For some strange reason this article headline prompts me to wax lyrical about those who prefer some genuine education rather than engaging in mind games. I have had a few opportunities in the last 8 years to cooperate with uneducated/lying/cheating/manipulate frauds and I simply can't do it... What I can't understand is: how anyone can think progress is achieved by cooperating with the ignorant and dumbed down? In this regard, I have had numerous people who are oblivious to what research entails sending me YouTube links as if that is the same as actually reading hundreds of articles, books and research papers by real scholars... I seriously wonder if some even know what obtaining a proper honours degree from a real university actually represents. /rant over

    Antibiotic Apocalypse Looming, Warns Health Chief Sally Davies
    International Business Times, 24th January 2013
    Dame Sally Davies has described the rising risk of antibiotic resistance as a bigger threat than global warming and has warned that the population could be facing an "apocalyptic scenario".

    The chief medical officer for the Department of Health was speaking to MPs at a science and technology committee meeting. She told them: "It is clear that we might never see global warming. The apocalyptic scenario is that, if I need a new hip in 20 years, I'll die from a routine infection because we've run out of antibiotics." [...]

    Some experts say we are moving back to the pre-antibiotic era. No. This will be a post-antibiotic era. "In terms of new replacement antibiotics, the pipeline is virtually dry, especially for gram-negative bacteria. The cupboard is nearly bare.

    "A post-antibiotic era means, in effect, an end to modern medicine as we know it. Things as common as strep throat or a child's scratched knee could once again kill."

    National Darwin Awards looming? I notice that Dame Sally Davies is informed enough to be a climate sceptic and is far more certain that the antibiotic apocalypse is more likely whereas a climate apocalypse is not...

    Betelgeuse Is About to Hit the Wall
    Bad Astronomy, 22nd January 2013
    [...] Herschel detects infrared light, far outside what the human eye can detect. In those wavelengths, vast shells of dust surrounding Betelgeuse become visible. All stars emit a wind of subatomic particles—we call the Sun’s the solar wind. Red supergiants do as well, but their outer atmospheres are far cooler than our Sun’s, so the chemistry is different. More complex molecules can form, including what we call dust. This dust is warmed by the star and glows in the far infrared, where Herschel can spot it.

    You can see the dust forms thin shells around the star. That indicates the wind isn’t constant. Most likely Betelgeuse expels dust in periodic episodes, rapid spasms of wind that blow out more dust than usual. Think of it as the star coughing—it’s dusty there, after all.

    You might expect the dust to form a sphere centered on Betelgeuse, but you can see the star is well off-center to the left. That’s because Betelgeuse is a star in motion! It’s moving through space at about 30 kilometers per second (18 miles per second, or about 65,000 miles per hour). Space isn’t really a vacuum, it’s only mostly a vacuum: There is material between the stars, a thin soup of dust and gas. The dust slows as it expands into this interstellar matter, but Betelgeuse just rams right through it, eventually becoming noticeably off-center.

    It is very interesting that most humans only want to believe what they can see with eyes but our model technological world has created eyes that can see far far more. Here, mention of gas is incorrect and to be able to explain these cosmic features properly requires a knowledge of plasma and plasma cosmology. Since most astronomers are not taught plasma physics or plasma cosmology, their explanations often tend to be lacking in scientific credibility from an independents point of view, but progress is being made. Simply, due to the obvious electrical activity in the heavens and astronomers measuring current flows in the cosmos of millions of amperes, more and more astronomers are being forced to reconsider their fundamental beliefs that historically have more closely resembled a religion than proper science. My e-book The Electrotechnics of the Heavens is my introduction to this subject.

    Hen lays egg within an egg
    The Telegraph, 22nd January 2013
    Rosie the hen surprised her owner by laying a huge egg weighing almost half a pound, but what he found inside the shell was even more amazing.
    I have been wondering for quite some time that something strange is going on with the fowl.... see previous bizarro reports

    FAA explains Amherst UFO... sort of
    Boston Herald, 22nd January 2013
    AMHERS — Federal aviation officials have explained the mysterious flying object seen in the Amherst area earlier his month — sort of. A Federal Aviation Administration spokesman says a military aircraft was flying over Amherst on Jan. 8 at about the time residents reported seeing the UFO flying silently overhead. The spokesman tells The Daily Hampshire Gazette the giant C5 cargo plane was doing practice approaches to Westover Air Reserve Base

    Comment From
    "This is a ridiculously short article, more of a blurb actually, but it tells us all we need to know. Bottom line, there is more to this story than what we're being told. The official explanation from the powers that be is that the gigantic and completely silent UFO reported by several people over Amherst was actually a large C5 cargo plane. There are a few issues with that explanation, the first being that there was no aircraft reported at that time. Then there's the fact that the C5 aircraft are extremely loud. Take a listen as this C5 cargo plane flies over Gillette stadium. Not only are these huge planes noisy, they are so loud that if you aren't familiar with them, you stop what you're doing and go outside to take a look. There's no way that whatever people saw in Amherst was a C5. It may have been a UFO, it might have been a flock of birds, a rocket, a mass hallucination, a hologram but the one thing we're certain it was not is a C5 cargo plane. Ironically, trying to dismiss the sighting by way of a silly explanation like this does nothing more than focus more attention on the case, so thank you, FAA!"

    What I cannot understand is even when the masses are told the truth (see UFO/UAP Disclosure archives), the ignoranti (ignorant hoardes) are so uneducated about what life really represents that the concept of alternative lifeforms simply cannot be comprehended. This means the response by the majority to what UFOs/UAPs really represent is to take refuge in the strongholds of the ignoranti where they can enjoy the security of being with other dummies. Thus, we have the scenario of some more enlightened astrobiologists and scientists having very very different views from the masses about what can exist out in the universe and on this planet as part of a shadow biosphere. The gulf is so very wide, that even Vatican astronomers are willing to admit that Shadow Life exists....
    • What the Hell Is This Unidentified Flying Object?
      Gizmodo News, 21st January 2013
      Gizmodo reader Gavin Heffernan just finished this really beautiful day and night time lapse of Death Valley's dunes. "Though we almost froze, we got some amazing stars, geminid meteors, star trails, planets, and even a UFO," he says:

      The "UFO" appears at (1:30-1:35) and makes three broad circular sweeps over the desert. Though in timelapse it appears to be moving fast, consider the 5 seconds = about 50 minutes, so it's creeping. Closer picture below. It can also be seen cutting through the circular star trails in the shot used above!

      See archives and info below.

    • Towards a natural plasma explanation of certain UFO phenomena
      Hossein Turner's The Media Discerner, 12th September 2012
      "In this article, I will attempt to offer an explanation for at least some of the unexplained UFO observations in our skies. The often aetheric and dynamic and variable morphologies of the observed phenomena do challenge the notion that they are neccessarily manmade or extra-terrestial vehicles. The behaviour of electrodynamic ionized particles (plasma) in certain double-layer regions of our lower atmosphere deserves serious consideration as a possible driver of these sightings." [...]

    Man grows new nose in his arm
    A British businessman who lost his nose to skin cancer is having a new one grown in his arm using stem cells, in a pioneering procedure.
    The Telegraph, 23rd January 2013
    I used to be concerned that the geomagnetic chaos on the planet would mean these types of DNA mutations becoming common place, see archives for some really nasty examples. But after my efforts. it is now apparent that the science and metaphysics is too complex and people prefer their ignorance, so I now just think I will become a 'I told you so....'.

    Jupiter's radio laser beams hit Earth, 23rd January 2013
    AWASH IN JUPITER RADIO BURSTS: The planet Jupiter is a powerful source of shortwave radio bursts. They come from natural radio lasers in the giant planet's polar magnetosphere that sometimes sweep past Earth as Jupiter rotates. On Jan. 21st, as Jupiter and the Moon were converging high in the midnight sky, a series of Jupiter's radio laser beams hit Earth. Amateur astronomer Thomas Ashcraft recorded the static-y sounds coming from the loudspeaker of his shortwave radio telescope in New Mexico:

    "Sometimes when people are outside Jupiter-gazing they might also be awash in Jovian radio beam sweeps and not know it," says Ashcraft. "On Sunday, a Jovian radio storm produced a few minutes of strong radio waves. As I was outside my observatory looking up at Jupiter I was also hearing the waves on my radio telescope speakers and realized that my own body was, in that moment, being bathed in electromagnetic beams from Jupiter. What a nice feeling!"

    I wonder what the impact is on humans being bathed in EM beams from Jupiter? To be honest, I would have thought this would be known to astrologers if astrology is truly derived from understanding the impact of cosmic/celestial forces on human behaviour. Well, scientists inform us that microwave/laser beams are being created in space and in the atmospheres of planets and stars. I strongly suspect that the production of these beams in Earth's highly electrified magnetosphere and atmosphere is the cause of the strange laser-cut looking boreholes that are now suddenly appearing on Earth, see archives for some good examples.

    Top psychiatrist: Meds behind school massacres
    WND News, 22nd January 2013
    NEW YORK – If lawmakers and authorities are truly concerned about stopping gun violence in schools, they need to take a close look at the prescription of psychotropic drugs for children and young people, says a leading psychiatrist. In an exclusive in-person interview in New York City with WND, London-based Dr. David Healy criticized pharmaceutical companies that have made billions of dollars marketing Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors, known as SSRIs.

    Psychotropic drugs “prescribed for school children cause violent behavior,” Healy stated. The drugs are widely used in the U.S. as antidepressants by doctors working in the mental health field and increasingly by primary care doctors, he noted. Healey insisted the problem today is that doctors working with schools to control the behavior of children are inclined to prescribe SSRI drugs without serious consideration of adverse consequences. [...]

    Healey cautioned that there is a very high correlation between mass shootings and use of the drugs. “When roughly nine out of every 10 cases in these school shootings and mass shootings involve these drugs being prescribed, then at least a significant proportion of these cases were either caused by the drugs or the drugs made a significant contribution to the problem,” he said. [...]

    “You can draw a line between the number of child psychiatrists in the United States and the number of school shootings, and you will find that both have gone up in the same direction at the same time,” he said.

    Presumably, the child psychiatrists in the United States who were part of the conspiracy to prescribe drugs to children who did not need them, are now waking up to the horror of what they have created in American society...

    Chinese workers take managers hostage over toilet breaks
    CBC News, 22nd January 2013
    Hundreds of Chinese factory workers angry about strictly timed bathroom breaks and fines for starting work late held their Japanese and Chinese managers hostage for a day and a half before police broke up the strike.

    About 1,000 workers at Shanghai Shinmei Electric Company held the 10 Japanese nationals and eight Chinese managers inside the factory in Shanghai starting Friday morning until 11.50 p.m. Saturday, said a statement from the parent company, Shinmei Electric Co., released Monday.

    It said the managers were released uninjured after 300 police officers were called to the factory.

    Normal people in their desperation are fighting back against the psychopaths.....

    Stratospheric Phenomenon Is Bringing Frigid Cold to U.S |
    Climate Central, 21st January 2013
    An unusual event playing out high in the atmosphere above the Arctic Circle is setting the stage for what could be weeks upon weeks of frigid cold across wide swaths of the U.S., having already helped to bring cold and snowy weather to parts of Europe. [...]

    This phenomenon, known as a “sudden stratospheric warming event” started on Jan. 6, but is something that is just beginning to have an effect on weather patterns across North America and Europe.

    While the physics behind sudden stratospheric warming events are complicated, their implications are not: such events are often harbingers of colder weather in North America and Eurasia. The ongoing event favors colder and possibly stormier weather for as long as four to eight weeks after the event, meaning that after a mild start to the winter, the rest of this month and February could bring the coldest weather of the winter season to parts of the U.S., along with a heightened chance of snow. [...]

    Sudden stratospheric warming events take place in about half of all Northern Hemisphere winters, and they have been occurring with increasing frequency during the past decade, possibly related to the loss of Arctic sea ice due to global warming. Arctic sea ice declined to its smallest extent on record in September 2012. [...]

    “For reasons I don’t think we fully understand, the changes in the circulation that happen in the stratosphere [can] descend down all the way to the Earth’s surface,” said Judah Cohen, director of seasonal forecasting at Atmospheric and Environmental Research (AER) in Massachusetts.

    The Sudden Stratospheric Warming event caused a dramatic rise in temperatures over the North Pole of about 35 degrees centigrade. This is dramatic but bigger swings have been recorded in recent years, see archives. Well, Earth is not isolated in space and the planet is being continuously hammered by magnetic cosmic energies at the same time that Earth's magnetic field is in a very poor state (if it exists at all on the daylight side...). For those new to this website, please see my tutorial, Extreme Space Weather. Magnetars are the most extreme magnetic stars in the universe and produce severe blasts of magnetic energy from deep space that scientists jokingly refer to as "solar flares on steroids". It is not really funny when Earth's defenses are down and we have entered a region of space that is now at the receiving end of these extreme cosmic blasts that disrupt Earth's jet streams and cause extreme weather.
    • Sudden Stratospheric Warming Event Intensifying
      Severe Weather Centre, 5th January 2013
      A major stratospheric warming event is taking place across northeast asia and expanding northeastwards towards the north pole. [...]

      The effects of the SSW event are causing an expansion in the stratosphere which suppresses and cools the troposphere. This event also weakens the polar jet stream which allows the cold air bottled up across the arctic to move southwards into mid latitudes.

      Currently a positive arctic oscillation(strong polar jet stream) is in place but that should change soon as the stratosphere continues to warm and weaken the vortex. Their are three reasons why I believe that the stratospheric warming event will continue to intensify throughout the next week which will cause the sensible weather across north america to become very cold for the end of january and into february.

      So was this SSW caused by a massive magnetar blast from deep space? I have tried to pin-point an event, but there is a lot going on in the cosmos.... See, The Astronomer's Telegram

    • Weather - Sudden stratospheric warming responsible for UK's icy blast
      BBC News, 12th January 2013

    • How satellites help predict a Sudden Stratospheric Warming (SSW)
      Eumetsat News, 17th January 2013
      [...] The Met Office, and many other NMSs around the globe, receive data from a variety of polar orbiting satellites including EUMETSAT’s Metop, NOAA POES, Suomi NPP and other satellites from US, Europe, China, Japan and India. Using these observations and the past forecast data, they create the first step of an accurate forecast — the current state of the atmosphere. To make a numerical weather forecast, Met Office supercomputers start with these initial conditions and then work out billions of calculations per second to see how the atmosphere will behave over the next few days.

      Hmmm.... I can only presume that some of the satellites are detecting the cosmic blasts directly that are causing this historic SSW....

    • Historic Sudden Stratospheric Warming Continues
      The Weather Centre, 20th January 2013
      The historic sudden stratospheric warming continues to raise eyebrows of forecasters everywhere, as the observed temperatures at the 70 millibar level are setting new records for stratospheric temperatures.

      This sudden stratospheric warming (SSW) was predicted a while in advance by The Weather Centre, but the magnitude of this warming was severely underestimated. Records have been shattered across the board, especially at the 70 millibar level, as shown above. The red line of observed temperatures has passed above the thin gray line, which is the record stratospheric temperature for that day. It is safe to say this winter will go down as a historic one, as far as the stratosphere goes.

      So we have a very much historic SSW happening. As I have explained, there is a 2-4 week lag between the warming event and cold weather reaching the surface. If we saw a record-breaking warming like this, one can only imagine the potential there is for severe cold to hit the United States. The reason I say potential is because the cold's path will be determined by the atmospheric pattern at the time, something that will take another several days to determine.

      As long as meteorologists are ignorant about Space Weather and the associated huge delivery of magnetic energy, the electrical heating of Earth's polar cap and the relationship with the jet streams and what jet streams really represent, then they will continue to be baffled... Obviously, as we have been recently told, real scientists are being forced to study space weather in order to be able to predict Earth's weather.... Presumably, more aware humans, will want to understand that humans are also being strongly affected too...
      Most of the energy transfer to the Earth from the solar wind is accomplished electrically, and nearly the entire voltage associated with this process appears in the polar cap region which extends typically less than 20° in latitude from the magnetic pole. The total voltage across the polar cap can be as large as 100,000 volts, rivaling that of thunderstorm electrification of the planet in magnitude. This polar cap electric field is the major source of largescale horizontal voltage differences in the atmosphere. Moreover, the dynamic polar region accounts for a large fraction of the variability inherent in our upper atmosphere, variability due to chaotic changes in the solar wind magnetic field that produces large-scale restructuring of the cavity enclosing the Earth’s magnetic field. This restructuring visibly manifests itself most clearly in the production of ionized plasmas and the associated distribution of aurora high over the north and south polar regions. In turn, the Earth’s lower atmosphere (that part responsible for weather phenomena) undergoes variations in composition and dynamics influenced by these coupling effects through a complex and as yet not fully understood feedback system. Source: Earth’s Magnetic Field and Climate Variability Original Source:

    • A Jet Stream Runs Through It
      Keith C. Heidorn, PhD, THE WEATHER DOCTOR, November 1, 2005

    The Swiss turn on the super-rich
    Reuters, 21st January 2013

    Obama declares war on reality
    Telegraph Delingpole Blog, 21st January 2013
    When George W Bush declared war on an abstract noun – "Terror" – he was widely and inevitably mocked by the left for his foolishness. Not to be outdone, Barack Obama has used his second inaugural address to declare war on an even more nebulous threat to the security of the world: reality, itself.

    Now, we are getting to the truth... The climate wars are about who is interested in reality and who is not... Our currently reality is changing quickly and world controllers (Majesterium) are too frightened of losing any control they thought they had. The vast majority of ignorant sheeple are too unaware and lack much interest in reality and there are some specific groups (you know who I mean) that thrive on fantasy so it is a waste of time even bothering there... Well, the reality is universal forces are in control. So far, all we have had is politicians and pundits advocating stupid money making schemes that have made life for many on this planet worse as outlined in this short article .... As far as I am concerned, the solution being implemented by universal consciousness is just downright sensible, a quick reduction in human population on this planet will solve many different issues.
    • Deniers mentioned in inaugural address!
      Junk Science, 21st January 2013
      “… We will respond to the threat of climate change, knowing that the failure to do so would betray our children and future generations. Some may still deny the overwhelming judgment of science, but none can avoid the devastating impact of raging fires, and crippling drought, and more powerful storms. The path towards sustainable energy sources will be long and sometimes difficult. But America cannot resist this transition; we must lead it. We cannot cede to other nations the technology that will power new jobs and new industries – we must claim its promise. That is how we will maintain our economic vitality and our national treasure – our forests and waterways; our croplands and snowcapped peaks. That is how we will preserve our planet, commanded to our care by God. That’s what will lend meaning to the creed our fathers once declared…”
      Please note: Obama does not embarrass himself by mentioning global warming which was the original focus point for scientists who did not agree that humans had anything much to do with warming the planet, see more below.

    • Classless Obama Insults Global Warming Skeptics in Inaugural Address
      Amy Ridenour Conservative Blog, 21st January 2013
      This is a decent rebuttal...

    • Spiegel’s stunning 8 part series – Climate Catastrophe: A Superstorm for Global Warming Research
      WUWT, 23rd January 2013
      "If you have not read this yet, now is the time. Given what president Obama recently said about skeptics in his inauguration address, I thought this 2010 article would be worth revisiting."

    Gamma-ray burst 'hit Earth in 8th Century'
    BBC News, 21st January 2013
    A gamma ray burst, the most powerful explosion known in the Universe, may have hit the Earth in the 8th Century. In 2012 researchers found evidence that our planet had been struck by a blast of radiation during the Middle Ages, but there was debate over what kind of cosmic event could have caused this.

    Now a study suggests it was the result of two black holes or neutron stars merging in our galaxy. This collision would have hurled out vast amounts of energy. The research is published in the journal Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.

    This cosmic event might explain certain issues with the Gregorian calendar and European history that historians and scholars are perplexed about....

    'Quadruple helix' DNA seen in human cells
    BBC News, 20th January 2013
    Cambridge University scientists say they have seen four-stranded DNA at work in human cells for the first time.

    The famous "molecule of life", which carries our genetic code, is more familiar to us as a double helix. But researchers tell the journal Nature Chemistry that the "quadruple helix" is also present in our cells, and in ways that might possibly relate to cancer. [...]

    Balasubramanian's group has been pursuing a four-stranded version of the molecule that scientists have produced in the test tube now for a number of years. It is called the G-quadruplex. The "G" refers to guanine, one of the four chemical groups, or "bases", that hold DNA together and which encode our genetic information (the others being adenine, cytosine, and thymine).

    The G-quadruplex seems to form in DNA where guanine exists in substantial quantities. And although ciliates, relatively simple microscopic organisms, have displayed evidence for the incidence of such DNA, the new research is said to be the first to firmly pinpoint the quadruple helix in human cells.

    Updated: Have scientists discovered DNA that allows for rapid evolutionary change? Certainly, we have to wonder why 'Quadruple helix' DNA have never been seen before in human cells. According to the New Scientist version Quadruple DNA helix discovered in human cells , DR Shankar Balasubramanian of the University of Cambridge, UK states "...the G-quadruplexes are triggered into action by chaotic genomic mutations and reorganisations typical of cancerous or precancerous cells." There can be no evolution without chaos that is a basic scientific fact and the risk of cancer was something I mentioned in my book concerning those who regularly work with evolutionary energies... I think the fact that square or diamond DNA appears as part of a transition is very interesting to me. In my 2012 .pdf e-book, I tried to explain the influence of magnetic fields in creating diamond shaped energy gaps in DNA, diamond crystal entanglement and the more mundane aspect of the diamond shape being the perfect receiver and transmitter... I wonder whether this spontaneous diamond DNA is required to permit a perfect download of 'environmental' information... cancer is the result of an imperfect download of environmental DNA instructions... Anyway, Dr Julian Huppert, Research Councils UK Academic Fellow in Computational Biology, Fellow, Clare College states: "We are currently looking at other functional roles that can be performed by G-quadruplexes, at the DNA or RNA level, as well as using data from evolutionary and human variation studies to understand the importance of these motifs." I think we can safely assume this is an evolutionary development by design and maybe it is normal for more 'Quadruple helix' DNA to appear at times of rapid evolutionary change (strong new environmental signals), but the flip-side is if it goes wrong, cancer is the result.... We still need more evolutionary geneticists to comment, but I presume there will be lots more articles about this in the future. Whatever, I would be very interested to hear from a biologist/geneticist qualified to comment.... Of course, I expect a fair few scientists to be now in shock because the double helix is taught as dogma, but it is wonderful to know that humans are not the final arbiter of reality....
    • Scientists discover how epigenetic information could be inherited
      Research reveals the mechanism of epigenetic reprogramming
      Eureka Alert, 24th January 2013
      Epigenetics is a system that turns our genes on and off. The process works by chemical tags, known as epigenetic marks, attaching to DNA and telling a cell to either use or ignore a particular gene.

      The most common epigenetic mark is a methyl group. When these groups fasten to DNA through a process called methylation they block the attachment of proteins which normally turn the genes on. As a result, the gene is turned off.

      Scientists have witnessed epigenetic inheritance, the observation that offspring may inherit altered traits due to their parents' past experiences. For example, historical incidences of famine have resulted in health effects on the children and grandchildren of individuals who had restricted diets, possibly because of inheritance of altered epigenetic marks caused by a restricted diet. [...]

      Dr Jamie Hackett from the University of Cambridge, who led the research, said: "Our research demonstrates how genes could retain some memory of their past experiences, revealing that one of the big barriers to the theory of epigenetic inheritance - that epigenetic information is erased between generations - should be reassessed."

      "It seems that while the precursors to sperm and eggs are very effective in erasing most methylation marks, they are fallible and at a low frequency may allow some epigenetic information to be transmitted to subsequent generations. The inheritance of differential epigenetic information could potentially contribute to altered traits or disease susceptibility in offspring and future descendants."

      What the hell does "at a low frequency" mean? I'm not interested in the metaphysics, I want to understand the science!

    The Solar Wind Delivers, 20th January 2013
    CME IMPACT + MICROBIAL LIGHTS: A coronal mass ejection hit Earth's magnetic field on Jan. 19th at approximately 17:15 UT. The weak impact did not trigger a full-fledged geomagnetic storm, but it did illuminate the Arctic Circle with auroras. Frank Olsen photographed the display from a beach in Sortland, Norway; scroll past his picture to learn about the glittering lights in the sand:

    The lights in the sand are bioluminescent dinoflagellates, a type of naturally glowing microbe. "To my surprise, I found these guys floating around on the beach tonight," says Olsen. "They looked great together with the auroras in the sky."

    There is an interesting link between the auroras and the dinoflagellates. Both use oxygen to create their glow. In the case of the marine organism, a chemical pigment (luciferin) reacts with oxygen to create light. Meanwhile up in the sky, charged particles from the solar wind rain down on the atmosphere, colliding with oxygen molecules to create the telltale green hue of auroras.

    When I read this article, I had the strange idea that the bioluminescent dinoflagellates were being delivered by the solar wind.... I have commented before and have provided the standard scientific explanations and my opinion that the increase in red tide/bioluminescent waters was down to an electromagnetic interactions between the Earth's atmosphere and marine organisms... Today, the idea that charged particles in the solar wind are somehow part of the chemical reaction creating bioluminsecent waters struck me.... My second thought was the possibility of organisms floating at the top of the Earth's atmosphere are the catalyst as they being brought down to the Earth's surface (the geophysical aspects have been mentioned elsewhere). I think I have a right to speculate because scientists do not fully understand the process of bioluminescence and it is becoming increasingly obvious that something new and strange is going on.... So, is the increasing transformation of Earth's waters, the signal for the arrival of a new Earth?

    Wild weather: Extreme is the new normal
    New Scientist, 18th January 2013
    The wild weather that greeted the new year is a taste of things to come

    ALL eyes have been on Australia in recent weeks as a blistering heatwave triggered huge wildfires. The result has been a slew of amazing stories, including a family escaping by jumping into the sea and meteorologists adding new colours to heat maps. But Australia's fires are just the most dramatic of a cluster of ongoing extreme weather events, including droughts in the US and Brazil and a lethal cold snap in Asia (see "Drought, fire, ice: world is gripped by extreme weather").

    Lumping extreme weather events under a single umbrella can be misleading. Al Gore got into trouble when his film An Inconvenient Truth stitched together footage of numerous hurricanes and presented them as "evidence" of climate change. But in this case it seems there really is a bigger picture. Scientists have warned for years that extreme weather would become more common, and now it is. What's more, although single events can rarely be confidently attributed to climate change, clusters probably can. [...]

    The spate of extreme weather, then, is a snapshot of the not-too-distant future. Soon, this will be the new normal. We call events like the Australian heatwave "extreme weather", but within the next few decades they will simply be "weather".

    Earth's magnetosphere is down (well, like a sieve), so it is going to be chaos for reasons that have explained on this blog over and over again... But of course, this does not have anything to do with the other piece of extremely interesting news from New Scientist, Earth may be crashing through dark matter walls, it's just a coincidence right? I still have work to do getting up to speed on HOW scientists are being forced to correct for aether fluctuations so we know that this is not just speculation, but see the recent ESA spacetime mission announcement...
    • Freak hail storm: Reports of tennis ball-sized hailstones [MALTA]
      Times of Malta, 17th January 2013
      Insurance companies were faced with a flood of claims yesterday following Tuesday’s freak hail storm that hit the north and east of Malta. [...] These came in the wake of reports of tennis ball-sized hailstones lashing certain localities around midday on Tuesday. [...] There were widespread reports of the hailstones denting solar panels even though a spokesman for Solar Solutions in Naxxar said they had received no calls about damage to products they had sold as of 11am yesterday.

    • Freak ‘thundersnow’ wreaks havoc on city
      The Star, 20th January 2013
      A freak weather system slammed into the GTA overnight. The rare “thundersnow” system brought heavy wind, rain, snow and the occasional flash of lightning. Gusts of 90 km/h toppled trees and traffic lights and a wind warning issued by Environment Canada remained in effect for much of southern Ontario Sunday morning.

    How the Universal Gravitational Constant Varies
    Science Set Free, 15th January 2013
    Are the constants really constant? The measured values continually change, as I show in my book Science Set Free (The Science Delusion in the UK). They are regularly adjusted by international committees of experts know as metrologists. Old values are replaced by new “best values”, based on the recent data from laboratories around the world. [...]

    In 1998, the US National Institute of Standards and Technology published values of G taken on different days, revealing a remarkable range. On one day the value was 6.73, a few months later it was 6.64, 1.3% lower. (The references for all the data cited in this blog are given in Science Set Free/The Science Delusion).

    In 2002, a team lead by Mikhail Gershteyn, of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, published the first systematic attempt to study changes in G at different times of day and night. G was measured around the clock for seven months, using two independent methods. They found a clear daily rhythm, with maximum values of G 23.93 hours apart, correlating with the length of the sidereal day, the period of the earth’s rotation in relation to the stars.

    Gershteyn’s team looked only for daily fluctuations, but G may well vary over longer time periods as well; there is already some evidence of an annual variation.

    The issue is the denial... I presume that scientists realise that there is evidence of a cosmic source that is more fundamental to the make-up of our reality that fluctuates and thus interacts with and affects every mass on this planet...

    Sandy Hook Mom Says Clairvoyant Son, 5, Refused To Go To School, Saving His Life
    Hollywood Life, 2nd January 2013
    Sandy Hook Elementary School mother Karen Dryer shares her emotional and uncanny story that saved her 5-year-old son’s life from that horrific Dec. 14 shootings. has all the EXCLUSIVE details on her extraordinary son.

    Karen Dryer‘s worst nightmare started to unravel when her young son Logan Dryer, 5, became so anxiety ridden when he went to kindergarten at Sandy Hook Elementary School that she decided to pull him out of school just two weeks before the deadly massacre.

    Like any parent, Karen could not understand why her usually happy, healthy son Logan all of a sudden started having panic attacks while in school. Little did she know, that like her own late mother, her son had the gift to foresee the future.

    I would have been amazed if absolutely no one had had a premonition of what was coming because there are enough us about who have moved up the evolutionary spiral and the detectable programmed 'scalar' energy must be terrible. Obviously, the fact that many in the mainstream don't believe the official stories about what happened is beside the point, something awful did happen. See, Be a Proud Conspiracy Theorist, You're in the Majority

    Alternatives. The New Age at St James Church Piccadilly London ,
    I first encountered the Alternatives organization in 1994 as I happened to know quite by chance the Son of one of its founders William Bloom, who at that time was a leading figure of the New Age movement in the UK. My friend would take me to their speaking venue at St James Church Piccadilly from time to time to hear the talks and also to meet some of the people involved. This was really my first introduction to the New Age at a time when I'm not sure I was even aware of the term 'New Age'.[...]

    The main director of Alternatives is representative of the crassly commercial side to the New Age. He ran a workshop called 'Freeing the Spirit of Money', wrote a book called 'The Prosperity Game' and runs a semi regular series of meetings called 'The Prosperity Connection'. Now, the goal of showing people how to make money and generate wealth is a worthy one. Of course some people might see an incompatibility between worldly pursuits versus spiritual ones but this is less relevant to present discussion. However what I discovered in the course of things, was that the director in question, who seemed to possess the keys to great wealth and prosperity, was himself low income and not actually possessed of much financial resources. This was confirmed in a conversation I had with the accountant who managed the Alternatives organization's financial affairs.

    It seems he started out his career as a New Age financial Guru, when he first came to Alternatives as a middle aged, unemployed man living with his Mother. From there he progressed to becoming a director of Alternatives earning a modest income and living on a council estate. Now, there is nothing wrong with being low income, of course not. However there is something a little ironic and inauthentic in a situation where a person who doesn't have very much money, is charging people good money in exchange for promising to show them how to get rich. Furthermore I learned that the said director had, at some point after coming to Alternatives, changed his surname from something perfectly respectable but ordinary sounding, into one with strong connotations of wealth, status and prestige. This highlights another aspect of the New Age which I'd frequently encounter. Sometimes the scene does very well on packaging, presentation and superficial appearances but is then completely lacking in authenticity or substance.

    After re-reading about Gregg Braden and his visit to the UK in March 2004, where he was laughed at by real scholars, I decided to check out Alternatives at St James Church that is supposed to be a haven of New Agism in the UK. Well, I found this very interesting article that explains just how the UK New Age movement has been infiltrated by unsavoury characters masquerading as spiritual folk. Since I was interviewed in December 2009 by what I have now found out is the main director at Alternatives, Steve Nobel, this article explains his obvious lack of real interest in my research and his strange almost weirdo demeanour.... At the time, James Ray had only just killed three of his followers, I was on a very steep learning curve about LGATS, cults and cult tactics, so I did not appreciate what I was dealing with... Whatever, my conclusion is that this is true pied piper land, you cannot expect anything better... If you want to understand more about the New Age nightmare, this article provides an insightful perspective...

    Space Weather: Storm preparations
    The Space Review, 7th January 2013
    There’s good news and bad news on the space weather front. The bad news, for those concerned about the impact severe space weather can have on the Earth, is that the Sun has been active of late, with a series of flares in recent days. These have been too weak to have any significant effect, but serve as a reminder that the Sun is approaching “solar max,” the peak of its 11-year activity cycle, with a greater chance of more, and more severe, solar storms in the months to come.

    The consequences of solar storms are becoming more significant as society becomes increasingly dependent on technologies, from satellites to the electrical grid, that can be disrupted by a major storm.

    The good news, though, is that this upcoming solar max appears to be relatively weak. An updated solar cycle prediction released last week by NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center concludes that solar activity, as measured by sunspots, will peak this fall, but at the lowest level in over a century. While severe solar storms can still take place regardless of the amount of activity, the prediction indicates that the Sun will be less active in this upcoming peak than previous ones. [...]

    Despite the concerns about the availability of space weather observations from aging satellites, some think the bigger issue is the lack of planning on how to respond to a space weather event. “We have a reasonable warning capability in space,” said Tom Mahony, a senior manager at Ball Aerospace, at a forum about space weather last month held by the Marshall Institute and the TechAmerica Space Enterprise Council. “What we’re missing here is, what’s our response protocol? What does our leadership expect us to do?”

    Mahony argued for the need for a more consolidated mechanism within the US federal government to manage the various agencies involved in, or who otherwise have a stake, in space weather and the disruptions and damage they can cause. “No one is engaged in pulling together a national response,” he said. “We have to establish a clearly defined authority to oversee a comprehensive national solution, not just a warning system. We need a commitment to that solution. We need clear and well-defined national response protocols.”

    As usual the emphasis on solar max is wrong... The sun can belch out an enormous solar flare and coronal mass ejection at any time during the solar cycle and the seriousness of the impact is worse now. This is due to the poor state of Earth's cosmic magnetic shield (magnetosphere) and the increased permeability or conductivity of space in recent decades which allows more charged sub-atomic particles to 'zap' Earth according to the report titled Planetophysical State of The Earth and Life. [There are also more recent research papers highlighting the new factor of "Space Climate Change" but discussion of the properties of spacetime is limited as far as I am aware.] I am pleased to discover the DSCOVR satellite being launched in 2014 by NASA, NOAA, and the US Air Force that will be used to monitor solar conditions. The reason there is not much interest at a political level is because world controllers are looking for suitable tools to maintain control over the masses but space weather is a very large monkey wrench where there is a large possibility of no control at all but fewer people in theory should be easier to control....

    Industry should consider consequences of severe space weather event: Aon
    Canadian Underwriter, 14th January 2013
    The insurance and reinsurance industries should begin to consider the potential consequences of a severe space weather event, says global reinsurance company Aon Benfield.

    Solar and geomagnetic activity in particular will peak in the next year, the company says as part of its release of a new report from this month, called Geomagnetic Storms. [.pdf 2.1 MB]

    “Although the probability of an event occurring is low, solar activity roughly follows an 11-year cycle with the peak in solar activity expected to occur in early 2013,” the company notes.

    Aon calls geomagnetic storms and extreme solar weather a “realistic threat” that can have severe consequences on electrical power distribution (leading to widespread blackouts), telecommunications (including blocking of global communications) and global satellite navigation (which could have consequences for GPS systems, particularly in aviation).

    “Insurance and reinsurance industry awareness of geomagnetic storms has grown in recent times, but accurate assessment of risk still remains in its infancy for all but a few niche sectors,” Stephen Mildenhall, CEO of Aon Benfield Analytics says.

    It really does look like the penny has finally dropped... There is another report here to add to my large collection of space weather reports obtained over the last 8 years.

    The perfect solar storm? Sun eruptions to peak in 2013
    Fox News, 14th January 2013
    Sunny, with a mild chance of catastrophe?

    A massive solar storm, like the one that knocked out radio communications all over the U.S. in 1958, is coming, and this time the devastation could total as much as $2 trillion, experts told Call it the perfect solar storm.

    Wireless networks that power Blackberrys and iPhones here on earth, as well as GPS satellites that help pilots navigate planes in the skies, could be blacked out. And electric grids that power neighborhoods and whole cities could temporarily go down, said Professor Jose Lopez, a physicist at Seton Hall University.

    “The concern of a strong solar flare in the direction of Earth is legit. The possibility that such a Sun burst could hit Earth could cause extensive damage as it would charge-up our electrical equipment and destroy them,” Lopez told [...]

    Already, as of January 2013, the magnetic belts of the Sun have begun to turn very fast, indicating that a new storm is brewing. Data from NASA’s THEMIS satellite reveals that a 4,000-mile thick layer of solar particles has accumulated and continues to gather within the outermost part of the magnetosphere, a protective shield created by Earth’s magnetic field.

    The Earth’s magnetosphere is supposed to block these solar particles, but this current build-up is expected to be at least 30-50 percent more powerful than the storms of the 1850s and 1950s, scientists say.

    I think the real panic is Earth's cosmic shield (magnetosphere) is in a bad way and we are given some facts that I have not seen elsewhere. No wonder there is concern.... For those who are skeptical, it is worth going through the Daily Space Weather News archive and reading my comments over the last few years and viewing the NICT videos that were placed on YouTube... It seems we have got to the stage that if we had either two weeks of 100+ CMEs and say 60 solar flares OR just one big mega blast, then we could be in trouble. This is most likely if the real problem is that NASA expects the sun to be activated by an approaching comet.... Remember, NASA stands for Never A Straight Answer and the truth is not always obvious especially for those unfamiliar with the science.... The reality is that some large comets do cause huge solar blasts... the timing is perfect as we have at least one big comet arriving soon... this possibility has already been aired see more below...
    • Approaching comet may outshine the moon
      Reuters News, 14th December 2012
      (Reuters) - A comet blazing toward Earth could outshine the full moon when it passes by at the end of next year - if it survives its close encounter with the sun. The recently discovered object, known as comet ISON, is due to fly within 1.2 million miles (1.9 million km) from the center of the sun on November 28, 2013 said astronomer Donald Yeomans, head of NASA's Near Earth Object Program at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif. As the comet approaches, heat from the sun will vaporize ices in its body, creating what could be a spectacular tail that is visible in Earth's night sky without telescopes or even binoculars from about October 2013 through January 2014. [...]

      Comet ISON's path is very similar to a comet that passed by Earth in 1680, one which was so bright its tail reportedly could be seen in daylight. The projected orbit of comet ISON is so similar to the 1680 comet that some scientists are wondering if they are fragments from a common parent body. "Comet ISON…could be the brightest comet seen in many generations - brighter even than the full moon," wrote British astronomer David Whitehouse in The Independent.

      Since there is a comparison with Comet Hale-Bopp, I think we are being given a subtle warning...

    • 2013 set to be Earth’s brightest ever for comets
      Euro News, 14th January 2013
      Star-gazers will be treated to the brightest comet ever seen from Earth this year. Comet ISON, discovered by astronomers in September 2012, is forecast to appear in the Northern hemisphere sky on November 28 2013. By day it will be visible with the naked eye, while by night it’s expected to outshine a full moon. [...] Although they will miss out on ISON, people in the Southern hemisphere will be able to enjoy Comet Pan-STARRS, which will be visible from January and reach its brightest in March. Pan-STARRS takes its name from the Hawaii-based telescope that discovered it in 2011.

    • Comet ISON, the Sungrazer, Is Coming: Will It Cause a Solar Flare and Electronics Meltdown?
      UFO Digest, 4th January 2013
      David Eichler, lead author of a forthcoming Astrophysical Journal Letters paper, is theorizing that a sun-grazing comet roughly the size of Hale-Bopp (with a nucleus some 30 kms in diameter), could trigger cosmic ray-generating shockwaves large enough to initiate a complete global electromagnetic meltdown. Eichler is an astrophysicist at Israel’s Ben-Gurion University.

      Eichlet feels that satellites could be put in protection mode but would otherwise be destroyed as Sungrazer ISON passes. Earth’s electronics, from micro-circuitry on cell phones to large power stations, could become non-functional.

      If such a comet were the size of Hale-Bopp, Eichler says, the resulting solar flare would by far be the largest ever experienced. A comet gets compressed and then explodes in the solar atmosphere which, in turn, creates shockwaves and a gigantic solar flare. There is evidence that a sun-grazing comet may have triggered a large solar flare and cosmic ray-generating shockwaves as recently as 775 A.D., as indicated by tree ring analysis.

      ISON is smaller than Hale-Bopp and the 775 A.D. comet, which is our only hope it seems.

      If a large comet caused a meltdown, the actual particle acceleration would happen within the sun’s magnetic field, explains Eichler, but the comet would initiate the shockwaves. Traveling at a 1000 kms per second, the shockwaves would reach earth in about a day and a half. And the effects would likely be much worse than the 1859 Carrington Event, a solar super-storm that caused havoc on telegraph lines. In that event, the Aurora Borealis was visible as far south as Texas.

      Eichler says it is possible that a very large comet could graze the sun once every several thousand years. “If a Hale-Bopp-sized comet grazed the solar corona, which Hale-Bopp did not,” said Eichler, “then you’d get a much bigger solar flare than the Carrington Event. Hale-Bopp might become sun-grazing in the distant future.”

      Comet ISON is indeed a sun-grazer but not as large as Hale-Bopp. Are we safe? [...]

      After completing his research, Eichler says he is most surprised by the fact that we’re still here to tell the tale. “I didn’t realize the solar system was such a dangerous place,” said Eichler. “Just the fact that we’ve gone as long as we have without worse things happening may be why we’re here.”

      It seems that others have already worked out what the real apprehension is about... Even the BBC are building a new bunker....

    • COMET ISON APPROACHES - It Might Activate The Sun, 13th January 2013
      COMET ISON APPROACHES: Later this year, Comet ISON could put on an unforgettable display as it plunges toward the sun for a fiery encounter likely to turn the "dirty snowball" into a naked-eye object in broad daylight. At the moment, however, it doesn't look like much. John Chumack sends this picture, taken Jan. 8th, from his private observatory in Yellow Springs, Ohio:

      "Comet ISON (C/2012 S1) is currently in the constellation Gemini, moving between the heads of the twins Castor and Pollux," says Chumack. "It is still pretty faint, near 16th magnitude, but don't be fooled by that. This could become one of the best comets in many years."

      Comet ISON is a sungrazer. On Nov. 28, 2013, it will fly through the sun's outer atmosphere only 1.2 million km from the stellar surface below. If the comet survives the encounter, it could emerge glowing as brightly as the Moon, visible near the sun in the blue daylight sky. The comet's dusty tail stretching into the night would create a worldwide sensation.

      Comet ISON looks so puny now because it is so far away, currently near the orbit of Jupiter. As it falls toward the sun in the months ahead it will warm up and reveal more about its true character. By the summer of 2013, researchers should know whether optimistic predictions about Comet ISON are justified. Possibilities range from "Comet of the Century" to disintegrated dud. Stay tuned!

    James Tyberonn ~ 2013 – The Aquarian Shift & Anthropocene Radiation (Part 2 of 2)
    Shift Frequency, 19th January 2013 ******DO NOT MISS THIS!*******
    As has been presented to you in this Gathering, many of your scientist and researchers are making new discoveries, discoveries which would not have been apparent or occurred prior to 1987. You have just reviewed a series of presentations that offer much valuable information for you to contemplate.

    The work of Greg Braden initially presented the concepts of Solar Radiation and was followed by further research documented by Susan Rennison and others. The work of Dr Luc Montagnier indeed added the element of coherency and theta waves to the equation. So in the Aquarian Radiation much will shift, much will change. Some of these shifts will occur in your lifetime, some will takes centuries , others millennia. But change will occur. We offer you a hint, and that is that 2038 offers a major leap forward…and what you do now is creating it ! [...]

    Higher dimensional life forms are becoming visible. These are new to the earth only in terms of being more ‘tangible’. .. but they have been referenced in some of your religious texts. Ancient scribes have written in several of your sacred ideologies that life occurred in 3 formats: As clay ( Earth biology) , fire (devic electrical) and light (angelic) .

    Certain of the orbs, lightning sprites, elves and photonic ‘jellyfish’ phenomena that began quickening in the past years are in fact conscious life forms of other dimensions and construct. Some of these have communicated to you in various means, including crop-circles. Many study groups are beginning to explore these occurrences, but not as life forms. NASA has recorded record numbers of CME’s over the past 2+ decades, these have been noted by geophysist Susan Rennison and Dr Greg Braden as referenced in the presentations in this Gathering. The CME’s the cause.

    So, Tyber-dumb-idiot has decided on a damage limitation exercise and archangel Metatron says I deserve some credit! This would be hilarious if it was not for the fact this fake angel channeler has still plagiarised my research.... How stupid is James Tyberonn, Tyberfart, Tyberfool, Tybertwit? Well, as stupid as lots of other uneducated New Agers I have come across who do not have the ability to realise they are out of their depth.... Btw, what the hell has Gregg Braden done? To my knowledge he has no Ph.D, he is not a Dr. and has never worked in academia, he has the same level of qualifications as me but my work is far more relevant... The quality of his research has been going down the toliet in recent years too, laughable in fact... Let's say, I will be even more more angry if I discover that Gregg Braden has decided to plagiarise my research too... In fact, I promise that all hell will break out.... To regular blog followers, please burn a New Age book in your possession and regain some self respect.... I have no particular recommendations, but there is plenty of crap to choose from....
    • What Happened to Gregg Braden? — A critique of his latest work: The God Code
      Energy Grid, March 2004
      I HAVE JUST GOT BACK from a lecture at Alternatives in London given on the 29/3/04 by Gregg Braden, which covers the material of his new book, The God Code. I had been looking forward to this lecture for many months: I am a HUGE fan of Braden's work, and it is very rare to see him in this part of the world. So it was with absolute delight that I went to hear him speak… and ended up almost walking out.

      This was the biggest load of pseudoscience I have heard for a long time, and it was delivered in a thoroughly patronizing manner (his target audience when preparing this material can only be imbecilic). I cannot understand this because none of this comes through in his previous work — although I have never heard him lecture before, I have read his previous books, some of which were fantastic and are recommended on this site. I have also listened to one radio interview, which was great.

      Braden prides himself on being a scientist, and in his other material he presents the right balance between scientific fact and "spiritual" interpretation of those facts. But his latest work, The God Code, seems to be fantasy masquerading as science, and actually ends up discrediting his previous works.

      It really does make you wonder whether he does not really care anymore, as there are enough undiscerning people who will keep buying his books as long as a big publisher is prepared to keep publishing whatever rubbish he can cobble together.

    • A Rough Guide to New Age Teachers: Gregg Braden
      Energy Grid, 21st October 2005
      Recently, however, it has been pointed out to me that Braden was never a scientist: he was actually a software engineer who had worked in the scientific arena. This does not make him an "earth science expert" as he claims, or indeed a "scientist" at all. In fact, judging by his use of pseudo-science and bad science to justify his position (we are NOT talking about leading-edge or bona fide alternative scientific theory or research here) he shows himself to be scientifically illiterate (or deliberately misleading the public which I will discount). Discovering that Braden was no scientist was a relief to me because it meant that I could accept his sincerity, which I do. After all, if he was a bona fide scientist then one could only conclude that he was deliberately misleading people for whatever reason because the mistakes and contrivances are so appalling.

    • Gregg Braden Debunked
      2012 Deception, January 3, 2010
      Contents: Gregg Braden Debunked (1 of 15) INTRO, Gregg Braden Debunked (2 of 15) The Schumann Resonances, Gregg Braden Debunked (3 of 15) Pole Shift, Gregg Braden Debunked (4 of 15) The Earth Stops Rotating, Gregg Braden Debunked (5 of 15) The Photon Belt, Gregg Braden Debunked (6 of 15) The Sun’s Magnetic Field, Gregg Braden Debunked (7 of 15) Quantum Physics , Entaglement, Bell’s inequality EPR Paradox, Gregg Braden Debunked (8 of 15) Fraudulent Footnotes, Gregg Braden Debunked (9 of 15) The Great Red Spot, Gregg Braden Debunked (10 of 15) The Maharishi Effect, Gregg Braden Debunked (11 of 15) The God Code, Gregg Braden Debunked (12 of 15) Messages from Water, Gregg Braden Debunked (13 of 15) The Global Consciousness Project, Gregg Braden Debunked (14 of 15) The Council of Nicaea, regg Braden Debunked (15 of 15) Jesus and Conclusion

      I finally decided Braden was not what he claimed to be when I watched a YouTube video of one of his presentations when he had the nerve to claim Jupiter's Red Spot that represents a permanent storm or hurricane had reversed spin direction as a direct consequence of solar system changes... That lie is completely unforgivable and in another class of liedom from his Schumann Resonance claims that were also shot down in flames by many on the internet ... Thus, because he has made too many false claims over such a long period of time, I can't discount the possibility that he has repeatedly tried to mislead the public... This is the principle reason why I don't want to be associated and take exception to Tyber con-man fraud (or as one of my regulars emailed me and called him, Tyber-Saurus-non REX) dragging my name through the New Age Hall of Fame, or is that Hall of Shame...

    2013 - The Aquarian Shift & Anthropocene Radiation Pt. 1
    Spirit Library, 3rd January 2013
    Two years after the 1987 Harmonic Convergence, a massive magnetic storm bombarded the Earth with billions of tons of charged plasma.

    Your scientists and geophysicists have noted the effect. They recorded over 200 solar flares in 36 Coronal Mass ejections over a 2 week period. Eleven of these were X-Class. The Earths Aura, the magnetosphere was flattened to half its normal size, appearing something like a plasmic jellyfish.

    The great magnetic storm created havoc. NASA lost track of space objects they were tracking, sophisticated computer systems crashed, oil platforms stopped drilling, global positioning systems failed, compasses failed, electrical grids shorted out leaving millions of people in Canada and North America without power. The MIR space station was abandoned.

    This influx continued. The largest flare ever recorded to date took place in 2001, followed by 150 storms in 2003. More X-Class flares have taken place in the past 2 decades than at any other time in recorded history.

    Unusual light phenomena began to occur. Rare red auroras were noted, auroras became visible during daylight, interesting phenomena of lightning called jellyfish, sprites and elves were reported more often than ever before.

    To the people who have been following my work since I published my book in September 2006, parts of this 'message' should sound very familiar.... Well, I received an email on the 7th January from a T. Wright, informing me of the existence of an article by James Tyberonn. On perusal, this is infact a 'channeling' as it is headlined as "a message from Archangel Metatron channeled by Tyberonn." It seems that this New Ager has read my book because there are sections of this channeling that are virtually direct quotes. James Tyberonn has re-hashed information from this blog and taken near direct quotes from the first chapter of Tuning the Diamonds which is free online, but there are bits of information from the latest 2012 e-book version too. This guy is a plagiarist and a fake but in his process of creative writing, some of the info is factually wrong [according to the BBC news, the Mir Space Station was scheduled to be abandoned in August 1999 NOT 1989, but we can't expect a 'channeler' to check the facts can we?] Some of the info is debateable because solar scientists do not agree on some of the fine detail and that is why the use of references is important. My research is original and groundbreaking. The original version of my book had five hundred references (over 750 individual sources of information) and the latest version of my book is stuffed with 1190+ references/individual sources of information. My belief was that if people wanted to argue they had to approach world experts and argue with them and not me. The likes of Tyberonn don't need to actually do proper research they just prefer to steal and tell people some 'angel' gave them a factual download... Well, I actually did some serious work and integrated information in my 'evolved' brain. My book was good enough for a copy to be given to astronaut Neil Armstrong on 3rd November 2006 and 5 copies placed in the UK National Archives in November 2007 to be preserved as National Heritage. See see my webpage Milestones. In reality, James Tyberonn is not the first lying fraudulent New Ager that I has tried to steal my research and pass it off as original insights. Sadly, I have had encounters with other fake mystics in the past too... James Tyberonn if you reading this now, why don't you just own up to being a &%ç*"/&% fraud? Please acquire some integrity or is that too much to ask because you are simply too much of a manipulative narcissist? A typical 'warped' New Ager with the belief that the end justifies the means.... Contact me and I will tell you what I think with expletives...
    • Selling American Indian Spirituality is Big Business!
      Manataka™ American Indian Council, 2009
      My contact T. Wright sent me this link and it seems James "Tyberonn" Tipton, of Texas has been well and truly busted! There are other familiar names of New Age felons mentioned here too...
    Update: I have updated my Joyfire Fraud Watch Advisory here and created a permanent copy of Tyberfart's fake angel channelling here.

    Scientists Shed Light On the 'Dark Matter' of DNA
    Science Daily, 17th January 2013
    Far from being useless, the non-coding part of DNA contains so-called regulatory regions or enhancers that determine when and where each gene is expressed. This regulation ensures that each gene is only active in appropriate cell-types and tissues, e.g. hemoglobin in red blood cell precursors, digestive enzymes in the stomach, or ion channels in neurons. If gene regulation fails, cells express the wrong genes and acquire inappropriate functions such as the ability to divide and proliferate, leading to diseases such as cancer.

    The article introduces confusion straight away by telling us that the 98% of DNA that scientists previously called "junk" DNA (now called gene regulatory regions) is really the controlling mechanism for the 2% of DNA that scientists could previously understand.... The Dark matter analogy is NOT appropriate and if we want to join in with the stupidity, we could call it clueless DNA... Anyway, as I have explained on this blog, anybody interested in spiritual evolution should be aware that there is a shift in the properties of spacetime. As some NASA scientists are prepared to admit, the arrival of a new stream of dark matter has changed the properties of spacetime or the old fashion aether and according to metaphysical sources there are new interactions with the human energy/morphogenetic fields. Dark matter interacting with the physical body is not really the issue but yes, even the elusive dark matter will sometimes intefere directly with the physical body see more below.... The real issue is the new science of Epigenetics — the study of how genes are turned on and off — now one of the most important areas of science, that reveals our genes are actually influenced or even controlled by our environment. Celestial epigenetics, as our scientists explain, may be the reason for rapid evolutionary change and some scientific research has already been highlighted on this blog.
    • Dark Matter Collides With Human Tissue An Average of Once a Minute, Study Finds
      Popular Science, 10th April 2012 Flashback!
      A dark matter particle smacks into an average person’s body about once a minute, and careens off oxygen and hydrogen nuclei in your cells, according to theoretical physicists. Dark matter is streaming through you as you read this, most of it unimpeded.

      Dark matter is arguably the greatest mystery in modern physics. Observations from multiple sources across a few decades now shows that most of the universe is made of matter we can’t see — hence the name — but no one has been able to find it. One strong candidate for this dark material is called a WIMP, for weakly interacting massive particle, and there are a variety of observatories in Europe and the U.S. that are looking for these things. Some have found promising hints, but others have seen a whole lot of nothing.

      Still, cosmologists generally agree there’s a halo of dark matter particles out there, and our solar system and our planet are flying through it. In a new paper, Katherine Freese at the University of Michigan and Christopher Savage at Stockholm University in Sweden thought about what this means for our bodies.

      Only once a minute?...the research paper abstract actually says:
      We investigate the interactions of Weakly Interacting Massive Particles (WIMPs) with nuclei in the human body. We are motivated by the fact that WIMPs are excellent candidates for the dark matter in the Universe. Our estimates use a 70 kg human and a variety of WIMP masses and cross-sections. The contributions from individual elements in the body are presented and it is found that the dominant contribution is from scattering off of oxygen (hydrogen) nuclei for the spin-independent (spin-dependent) interactions. For the case of 60 GeV WIMPs, we find that, of the billions of WIMPs passing through a human body per second, roughly ~10 WIMPs hit one of the nuclei in the human body in an average year, if the scattering is at the maximum consistent with current bounds on WIMP interactions.

      Dark Matter collisions with the Human Body by Katherine Freese and Christopher Savage arXiv:1204.1339v1 [astro-ph.CO]
      The headline gives the impression that only the physical body matters but of course that is just old obsolete thinking.... There are problems with the definition of 'dark' because most people don't realise that these particles are real. Just because scientists can't measure sub-atomic particles does not mean they are not physical.... The real issue for those interested in the metaphysics is how this energy interacts with the human energy field and especialy the morphogenetic fields that controls the physical body. The statement that "there’s a halo of dark matter particles out there, and our solar system and our planet are flying through it" is interesting and presumably there is a link with the band of ultra high energy photons that have been discovered... Whatever, it is a fact that various scientists believe that this planet and everything on it is now experiencing of a new flow of dark matter.... Apparently, this is something that happens on a regular basis. As far as I am concerned this is just more confirmation that it is possible to integrate science and metaphysics.

    • Erratic Environment May Be Key to Human Evolution
      Live Science, 25th December 2012

    Bigelow’s Bulletproof BEAM – NASA’s Bet Against Space Debris
    Gguardian Express, 17th January 2013
    North Las Vegas, NV. — It was only a matter of time before Bigelow Aerospace won its NASA contract. [...]

    Garver and Bigelow had met just ten months earlier to sketch out the idea. That ink is now put to the $17.8 million contract represents relatively swift action on NASA’s part, indicating increasing cooperation between the space agency and private space companies like SpaceX and Bigelow. The module will remain attached to ISS for two years. It is not, like other modules, slated to house particular experiments, though with Genesis I and II Bigelow has experience providing microgravity science laboratory space.

    Ultimately the crew will decide what to do with the extra space, but they’ll find it at once comfortable and, because it doesn’t vibrate like the aluminum-shelled exterior of the rest of the ISS, it will be the quietest part of the Station. Whatever else it houses, BEAM seems destined to be the preferred makeout spot on ISS; maybe the first true makeout spot in space, though one is always suspicious about Mir.

    NASA’s swiftness was no doubt driven by another sort of urgency. The problem of space debris isn’t an abstract scenario for the ISS. Twice in recent years, in April 2011 and January 2012, the Station has had to maneuver out of the path of fragments closing on it at incredible speeds. There are some 9000 fragments of debris, ranging from entire discarded probes to small fragments, left over from thousands of launches since the beginning of the Space Age. The potential danger posed by these MMODs (Micro Meteroid Orbital Debris) is quite fluid, and can be made much worse by a single accident. Such was the case on February 10, 2009, when the 10 February that year, the Russian satellite Kosmos 2251 crashed into the American communication satellite Iridium 33's solar panel. Kosmos 2251 completely disintegrated; Iridium 33's panel shattered like a mirror.

    Factually, the reporting of the number of pieces of debris is wrong because even a fleck of paint travelling at 17,000 mph (27359 kph)can cause serious damage. In June 2011, reported that orbiting satellites are threatened by over 700 000 pieces of debris, see Scanning the Skies for Debris Hazards, so 9000 pieces of debris is probable only those objects over 4cm. As I have explained before, in a severe solar storm, satellites often drop out of orbit and in the ensuing chaos it is inevitable that some live satellites will be hit by debris. Extreme space weather is the real reason why new innitatives have been given priority to stop the risk of the whole of the world's satellite communication infrastructure being turned into a blizzard of junk. For more info: Best of the Blog: Space Junk, Satellite Failure & The Escalating Problem

    MICHAELS: Global warming apocalypse canceled
    21st century has seen no rise in temperature, after all
    Washington Times, 17th January 2013
    My greener friends are increasingly troubled by the lack of a rise in recent global surface temperatures. Using monthly data measured as the departure from long-term averages, there’s been no significant warming trend since the fall of 1996. In other words, we are now in our 17th year of flat temperatures.

    Since 1900, the world has seen one other period of similar temperature stagnation (actually a slight cooling) that lasted for 30 years and ended around 1976. The current one is happening with much more putative warming “pressure,” because the atmosphere’s carbon-dioxide content is much higher than it was in mid-century.

    From the Industrial Revolution to 1950, atmospheric carbon-dioxide concentrations rose by about 15 percent. Today, the increase is up to 41 percent, making long periods without warming either 1) increasingly unlikely, or 2) the natural result of simply overestimating how “sensitive” surface temperature is to carbon dioxide. My money is on the latter.

    I just liked the headline, the article itself is quite boring....
    • James Hansen (NASA) Admits Global Temperature Standstill Is Real
      GWPF, 17th January 2013
      "Mean Global Temperature Has Been Flat For The Last Decade"

      The GWPF has been right all along. In a new report Hansen, Sato and Ruedy (2013) acknowledge the existence of a standstill in global temperature lasting a decade. This is a welcome contribution to the study of global temperature. When others reached the same conclusion they have been ridiculed; so this admission should provide some pause for reflection by those who have attacked the very idea of a recent temperature standstill, often without understanding the data, focusing on who was making the argument and their alleged non-scientific motives. The bottom line is that the recent global temperature standstill is a real event. David Whitehouse, The Global Warming Policy Foundation, 17 January 2013

      The five-year mean global temperature has been flat for the last decade, which we interpret as a combination of natural variability and a slow down in the growth rate of net climate forcing. --James Hansen et al., 15 January 2013

      I still can't work out if Hansen already knows that Earth's weather is driven by the cosmic climate (cosmoclimatology) or whether he gas been acting deluded for years based on his own misunderstanding of basic science.... Whatever, his admission is akin to seeing pink pigs flying...

    • Veteran German Meteorologist Calls Climate Science “A Fairy Tale That’s Rich In Fantasy…Spook Watching”
      No Tricks Zone, 17th January 2013
      Now, that is some real honesty right there....

    If WiFi and cell phone radiation are safe, why has Belgium's telecomm boss banned them from his offices?
    Natural News, 16th January 2013
    (NaturalNews) 99 percent of the population continue to use WiFi and other wireless devices without a second thought, but a growing number of people are becoming increasingly concerned with the health issues surrounding the use of these technologies. Didier Bellens happens to be one of these people. What makes Mr. Bellens different is that he also runs Belgacom, the largest telecommunications company in Belgium. His concern is such that not only has he chosen to do without WiFi on the 27th floor of Belgacom where his office is situated, he also chooses to do without a cell phone; only taking calls on the office's land line.

    Does Mr. Bellem know something we don't?

    You would think as the president of Belgacom, Bellens might choose to be a little less vocal about his concerns surrounding the use of WiFi and cell phones; however, he has no qualms about educating others about these issues, especially those of the younger generation. As Bellens explains, "during the day, it is better to use a headset because the GSM, it heats." He goes on to say. "The waves are dangerous. At night, it is better to shut it off."

    Good question....

    Nigeria: The 2012 Prophesies (III)
    All Africa, 15th January 2013
    [...] At the global level, the number and frequency of earthquakes is being downplayed by a faulty analysis. World authorities measure the frequency

    of earthquakes using the 100-year average, thus hiding the fact that large-scale quakes, with over 50 times the negative impact of earlier quakes, are spiralling everywhere. Once information is distorted by analysis and interpretation, truth is obscured. The the earth recorded double the average of one great earthquake in '94, triple the average in '95 and quadruple the average in 2000. This is a big statistical departure, as does the jump from 120 strong on average to 161, 185 and 153 in the 1990s. Those are leaps of 30-50%, which are statistically significant.

    They cannot be dismissed as fluke one-year deviations. [...]

    ...but can we see any signs in the sky? The concept of 'sky' here does not refer to the cloud we see when we look up. It was the 'sky' that told the three wise men from distant lands when the Messiah was born in Israel. The signs were not hidden, but many of those who saw it did not know what it meant. Thus the sky 'speaks' only to those who understand its language and who are attentive to its 'speech'. It tells them about the cosmic 'weather', crop harvests and failures, as well as the future of the earth and of its inhabitants. So, can we see any signs 'in the sky', and would we know what signs to look for and how to interpret them?

    Science has shown that we have been living badly and mismanaging the ecosystem called earth. This easily overloads the earth's magnetosphere with certain radiations from the sun and sets the stage for magnetic storms whenever there are solar flares. At its worst this can disrupt life on earth, by changing the earth's magnetic field and overwhelming high-voltage transformers with vast electrical currents that easily short-circuit energy grids. It has happened before. Today it could induce ground currents that would knock out transformers in some parts of the world within 90 seconds. This is in addition to other damages expected to cost the United States alone (if struck) "$1 trillion to $2 trillion in the first year, with full recovery projected to take four to 10 years.

    This article for All Africa is actually quite technical and provides a useful short synopsis concerning the signs of the times.... Please note the failing magnetosphere is not caused by pollution to my knowledge or a badly managed ecosystem. Geoscientists simply don't know why the Earth's magnetic field is dropping in intensity and changing polarity in parts or why the magnetosphere (Earth's external magnetic field) is now full of holes but I suspect the cause is space weather related for a variety of reasons that are way beyond a simple explanation on this blog.... This article has such a strong Joyfire tone that I am wondering if this is a journalist who frequents this blog... If so, I am happy that he/she has got the message and is passing it on....

    One dead, 900 hurt in heavy Japan snowfall
    Terra Daily, 15th January 2013
    Heavy snow that blanketed eastern Japan over the holiday weekend left one man dead and 900 others injured, as Tokyo commuters Tuesday took to the slippery streets.

    A low-pressure system, dubbed a "bomb cyclone" by local press, dumped eight centimetres (three inches) of snow in nine hours, the heaviest snowfall in the region since January 2006, the Japan Meteorological Agency said. [...]

    We have confirmed snow has fallen in tiny chunks. But there has been a limited amount of snow that has fallen on the tower."

    Oh yes, some serious global warming... I am very curious about the fall of "tiny chunks of snow".... is this some new atmospheric phenomenon and are the chunks radioactive? As usual, there are huge number of snow reports, see the link below for more reports.
      The Express News, 9th January 2013
      THE great global warming debate was blown wide open again yesterday when the Met Office predicted cooler than expected temperatures for the next five years.

      The Met Office, one of the top cheerleaders for the man-made climate change camp, said global temperatures are likely to be lower than it forecast in December 2011. It blamed this on the “natural variability of the climate system”, notably changes in ocean surface temperatures. [...]

      Climate sceptics hailed this as proof that global warming has stopped. David ­Whitehouse, of Lord Lawson’s Global Warming Policy Foundation, said: “If the latest Met Office prediction is correct, it will prove to be a lesson in humility.

      “It will show that the previous predictions given so confidently as advice to the UK Government and so unquestioningly accepted by the media were wrong and that the so-called sceptics who were derided for questioning them were on the right track.”

      Some informed comments here...

    • Ice Age Now
      Latest headlines at Ice Age Now --- there have been lots of reports of excessive snow in recent weeks.

    M1's switch glitch frustrates customers [Singapore]
    Today Online, 16th January 2013
    SINGAPORE - An outage to one of M1's mobile network switches led to a loss of 3G mobile services for nearly all of yesterday, leading thousands to express their anger on M1's Facebook page while the telco scrambled to restore services. M1 - which was still working to resolve the issue at press time - first posted a statement about mobile services being affected on its Facebook page at about 6am yesterday.

    A power incident at its network centre during a transmission equipment upgrade at 3am had set off the gas suppression and water sprinkler systems, "which, in turn, caused an outage to one of our mobile network switches", M1 said. This led to a loss of 3G coverage for some customers in the south-western parts of Singapore, namely West Coast, Jurong and Tuas.

    Although M1 said 2G services were not affected, some customers told TODAY that they did not have 2G coverage either and others were unable to make or receive voice calls and text messages. Some customers in northern parts of Singapore like Ang Mo Kio and Woodlands reported loss of services as well. M1 was unable to estimate the number of users affected as coverage had not been fully restored. By press time, thousands of M1 customers had expressed their dissatisfaction on its Facebook page, with one post generating over 2,100 comments.

    As I keep saying, people need to get use to this. Poor mobile phone services will be the new norm for a variety of space weather related reasons, see previous comments.
    • Phone Location Glitch Makes Las Vegas Man Really, Really Popular
      New York Magazine, 15th January 2013
      Wayne Dobson, a 59-year-old retiree from Las Vegas, has had a lot of new visitors recently, owing to a glitch in cell-phone-locating technology — like Apple's "Find My iPhone" feature — that has wrongly directed people looking for their lost phones to his front door. The glitch, which seems to be limited to Sprint customers, has made a living hell of Dobson's quiet existence. Now angry phone users accost him at all hours of the night, demanding that he return their stolen property.

    • Computer glitch causes huge flight delays at Pearson
      The Star, 10th January 2013
      A computer glitch caused significant flight delays at Toronto’s Pearson International Airport Thursday evening. Nav Canada, the country’s air navigation services provider, was fixing a flight planning system failure, which created a huge backlog of delays for incoming and departing flights, said spokesperson Ron Singer.

    • Birth certificate computer glitch puts wrong name for father on document Computer glitch at Pa. Department of Health puts wrong name on birth documents.
      The Morning Call, 15th January 2013
      — Who's your daddy?

      For about 500 new Pennsylvania families, that's more than a mere schoolyard taunt. It's a real-life headache, courtesy of a computer glitch that caused birth certificates to be printed with a key piece of information utterly incorrect — the name of the new dad.

      The erroneous birth records were sent out this month by the Division of Vital Records at the state Department of Health, which was switching to a new computer system, agency spokeswoman Holli Senior said Tuesday.

      The issue is not computer glitches, it's the dramatic escalation of these glitches and computer systems becoming more and more unreliable due to increased levels of cosmic rays (Earth's poor cosmic shielding problem) corrupting hardware and software.

    Woman drives 900 miles out of her way after GPS error
    Yahoo News, 15th January 2013
    Put too much faith in technology and you may wind up in Croatia. A 67-year-old woman from Belgium learned that the hard way after she followed (faulty) directions from her GPS device.

    The woman only wanted to go about 90 miles from her hometown of Hainault Erquelinnes, Belgium, to pick up a friend at the Brussels train station. Her GPS device sent her about 900 miles to the south before (during the second day of driving) she realized that something was amiss. It's unclear if she entered the address incorrectly or if the GPS was faulty.

    There were 7,740 comments when I picked up this story... Like others I presume, I think this women zoned out and gave full control to her GPS device navigator... So, is this some evidence of a new form of mental illness brought on by the hypnotic voice of a GPS device? I seriously don't think this has much to do with GPS devices or its services.

    Cosmic Serpents In The Sky, 15th January 2013
    AURORAS BY SATELLITE: A solar wind stream hit Earth's magnetic field on Jan. 13th, igniting bright auroras around the Arctic Circle. A US Department of Defense meteorological satellite photographed the luminous tendrils winding past Iceland

    Mark Conner of the Air Force Weather Agency prepared the image using data from a low-light camera onboard the DMSP-18 satellite. It shows not only the auroras, but also the city lights of northern Europe and the glow of gas flares from oil rigs in the North Sea. The auroras were every bit as bright as the manmade lights below. The view from the ground proves the comparison.

    The "luminous tendrils" are the 'serpents' referred to in ancient mythology and ancient texts, alongside a host of other plasma related manifestations in our atmosphere that describe the movement of electric currents in a weak plasma. This is an extract from my book, Tuning the Diamonds: Electromagnetism & Spiritual Evolution, from the new Chapter 4 of the most recent 2012 version, we read:

    Mythology and Plasma Phenomena

    There is abundant mythology that refers to dragons and serpents, see figure 4.16 [42]. The principal god of the Aztec was Quetzalcoatl, which was most often described as 'the feathered serpent'. Similarly, the Maya called the plumed dragon Cuculcan or Cucumatz, the Zuñi Kolowissi and the Hopi Palulukoñ. In Venezuela, the Makiritare people report the snake Huiio crowned herself with the scattered feathers of the ancestral birds. Quetzalcoatl and his counterparts were typically envisioned as glowing entities manifesting themselves in lightning or other streaks of light displayed in the sky. In the mythology of the Brulé Sioux, Uncegila was a "huge snakelike monster" along whose back ran "a crest that sparkled like dancing flames". Interestingly, there have been instances of space shuttle launches that have produced trails that look like a feather. This is a standard feature of strong filamentation that occurs when plasma experiences intense electrical activity [43]. Thus in more ancient time, it is likely the same affect could have been generated by comets traveling across the sky.

    Maybe, some of these myths preserve the knowledge of historical, often cataclysmic events. For example, there is the mythology of the Greek serpent-dragon Typhon, whose attack nearly destroyed the world before he was vanquished by Zeus. Typhon is described as a flaming, bearded, feathered, or long-haired serpent, often embellished with multiple heads and mouths, whose writhing form appears in the sky as chaos and darkness overtake the world. The Greek sculpture of Typhon depicted in figure 4.17, shows three heads and the entwined serpent tails represent the braided nature of Birkeland currents. [44]
    Tuning the Diamonds: Electromagnetism & Spiritual Evolution (2006, 2008, 2010, 2012)

    India gets its first space weather reading centre in Kolkata
    Economic Times, 14th January 2013
    KOLKATA: A centre of excellence specialising in reading space weather conditions to help air traffic on polar routes would come up here by the middle of this year, the first of its kind in the country.

    "It will be a centre of excellence in space sciences. The centre's main thrust will be on areas of space weather especially weather in the solar system and gravitational physics," its coordinator, scientist Dibyendu Nandi told PTI here.

    Besides air traffic on polar routes, the centre would help in the functioning of GPS networks and mobile satellites placed in space. [...]

    "If we have prior information about a storm originating in the solar system or space, or any other changes in space weather, we will inform the civil aviation department about it so that they inform different airlines about the hazards of flying in polar or high altitudes," Nandi said.

    "We will also inform the telecommunication department about changes in space weather so that they can safeguard their satellites in space. If you are aware of a storm in space then you can at least take safeguards which will in turn increase the longevity of satellites," he said. [...]

    According to Nandi, one of the suspected reasons behind the Chandrayan Mission falling short of its expected lifespan by one year was technical problems which arose from radiation from storms originating in space.

    "It is suspected that very high radiation in space due to changes in space weather damaged Chandrayan and was one of the main reasons behind the mission ending in 2009," he said.

    I would like to see a formal report that reveals that higher than expected levels of radiation caused the Chandrayan Mission to be curtailed. This is interesting because this lunar mission carried various payloads (scientific instrumentation, sensors, detectors, etc.) from other space agencies including NASA, ESA, and the Bulgarian Aerospace Agency, but it seems non of them anticipated the very high levels of radiation in space. Presumably, this really means the plasmasphere of the moon was highly electrified and instruments were zapped... Well, have you looked up at the moon recently? It is exceedingly bright, even NASA is prepared to admit the moon is electric.

    Space Weather Quarterly Vol 9 No. 3
    American Geophysical Union, 2nd January 2013
    Space Weather Quarterly is a free, subscription-based print publication devoted to the impacts of space weather on technical systems, including telecommunications, electric power, radiation effects on space electronics, and satellite navigation. Space Weather Quarterly is a digest published by the American Geophysical Union that supports the journal, Space Weather: The International Journal of Research and Applications, which addresses the applications of space research findings and results to practical problems that face numerous government and industry entities that design and operate technical systems that are known to be influenced and affected by processes in the solar-terrestrial environment. Space Weather also publishes models of various solar system processes, as well as more integrated models, that are addressed to predictions and forecasts of solar and geomagnetic disturbances that impact technical systems

    There are now 9 Space Weather Quarterly publications available free online. I have managed to download some back issues without being a member of the American Geophysical Union and/or subscribing online. This latest 32 page publication was published online on 2nd January 2012 and it's available to download easily here for free at this moment, Space Weather Quarterly, Volume 9, Issue 3, 2012, .pdf 11.1 MB .

    Lanka Web, 13th January 2013
    A meteorite that Landed recently, close to the ancient city of Polonnaruwa in Sri Lanka has been described as the most important scientific discovery in the last 500 years as it carried “compelling evidence of life” from outer space.

    The scientists who discovered the contents of the meteorite said, “we report here the first compelling evidence for life existing outside the earth.’

    Following extensive lab work in the United Kingdom and Sri Lanka four scientists in a paper said , “We report the discovery for the first time of fossilized diatoms in a carbonaceous meteorite that fell on 29 December 2012”. Diatoms are a variety of algae. They very firmly said contamination, a hazard scientists face when examining things fallen from the sky on the ground is excluded in the meteorite they have named Polonnaruwa.

    The four scientists, Chandra Wickramasinghe, J. Wallis, D.H.Wallis, and Anil Samaranayaka said, there are also structures in the meteorite similar to the red rain cells that fell within days in the area. [...]

    The team in a paper to be published in the Journal of Cosmology added, “The new data on fossil diatom provide strong evidence to support the theory of Cometary Panspermia” -a theory that says life came to our planet earth and other worlds hitchhiking on comets from far corners of the universe.

    I have enormous respect for Chandra Wickramasinghe, a true fighter for the truth. I agree with this final statement, “The universe, not humans must have the final say to declare what the world is really like.”

    JIMMY SAVILE beat and raped a 12-year-old girl during a secret satanic ritual in a hospital. The perverted star wore a hooded robe and mask as he abused the terrifi ed victim in a candle-lit basement.

    He also chanted “Hail Satan” in Latin as other paedophile devil worshippers joined in and assaulted the girl at Stoke Mandeville Hospital in Buckinghamshire. The attack, which happened in 1975, shines a sinister new light on the former DJ’s 54-year reign of terror.

    The Express is as mainstream as you get.... After the revelations of Savile having access to dead people with strong accusations from peers within the BBC, it seems that nothing is being held back.... It is interesting that the Express decided to remind us that Savile was awarded a Knighthood for his services to charity, but it is now widely acknowledged that this was only a cover for his predatory activities. Basically, it seems the tide has well and truly turned against the darkness...

    Earth Weather & Plasma Storms, 9th January 2013
    It is commonly believed that weather is driven on Earth primarily by the Sun’s thermal influence on the atmosphere. As we rotate beneath our primary, gases and dust absorb solar radiation at varying rates and in varying degrees. When any particular region heats up, the air expands and loses density, creating a relative low pressure area. Cooler air, being denser, will naturally flow into the bottom of the warm, low pressure region, causing an upwardly rotating convection cell to form.

    Most weather systems on Earth are thought to be based on that simple kinetic explanation: winds blow when the cooler, denser air flows into the warmer, buoyant air. [...]

    As mentioned in previous Pictures of the Day, Earth is a small charged body moving in a large cell of plasma, so physical phenomena on or near the planet must take the electrical nature of plasma into account.[...]

    The Electric Universe hypothesis agrees with conventional theory that wind is movement of air molecules, but that there are other explanations. What are those other agents of movement?

    If conventional theory explains wind solely as the result of convection and gas kinetics, Electric Universe proponents insist that electric discharges must also be considered. Electromagnetic forces in plasma move and accelerate charged particles, so collisions between charged and neutral particles drag the neutral air molecules along with them. Close observation of laboratory arc discharges reveals that an electric “wind” surrounds and often precedes an electric arc.

    The plasma discharge sweeps up the surrounding air along with the charge carriers, or ions. The wind appears as inflows and updrafts as well as outflows and downdrafts. It can lift dust particles and erode surfaces. By analogy, we must then question the accepted explanation of thunderstorms as being caused solely by convection of hot air and the climatological movement of winds by the Sun’s heat alone.

    Tornadoes continue to be a mystery to consensus science, as well as Electric Universe advocates, although it seems that they are more like rotating electric discharges than anything else. The electric charges in a tornado are whirling at many meters per second, so they probably form an electromagnetic field called a “charge sheath vortex.”

    I took the liberty of changing the headline and highlighting and re-arranging the text of this blog entry which discusses the forces that scientists think drive the world's weather systems. Meteorologists are not trained to understand meteorological phenomena in terms of plasma physics. However due to Space Weather, some scientists amongst various academic institutions and space agencies worldwide are changing gear. "Empty" space is now known to be part of a visible universe that is 99.999% plasma. This means that it is impossible to accept that gravity rules the universe when the electromagnetic force between two electrons is 39 orders of magnitude stronger than the ultra weak force of gravity. Space Weather scientists have little or no interest in a gravity dominated universe, when there are major concerns about million ampere currents 'zapping' billion dollars satellites, knocking out radio communications around the globe, and destroying national power grids and their transformers on Earth. Basically, the electromagnetic force and plasma physics can no longer be ignored and that is why there is a paradigm shift taking place right now. Today, as scientists warn about extreme weather, we have to realise the real cause is highly unstable geomagnetic conditions on this planet. Despite the paucity of the science, what we already know of plasma physics provides the most realistic explanation for the erratic swings of the jet streams that strongly influence and determine the most extreme weather. See Earth’s Magnetic Field and Climate Variability, Link.

    World population may actually start declining, not exploding
    Slate News, 9th January 2013
    [...] A somewhat more arcane milestone, meanwhile, generated no media coverage at all: It took humankind 13 years to add its 7 billionth. That’s longer than the 12 years it took to add the 6 billionth—the first time in human history that interval had grown. (The 2 billionth, 3 billionth, 4 billionth, and 5 billionth took 123, 33, 14, and 13 years, respectively.) In other words, the rate of global population growth has slowed. And it’s expected to keep slowing. Indeed, according to experts’ best estimates, the total population of Earth will stop growing within the lifespan of people alive today.

    Moreover, the poor, highly fertile countries that once churned out immigrants by the boatload are now experiencing birthrate declines of their own. From 1960 to 2009, Mexico’s fertility rate tumbled from 7.3 live births per woman to 2.4, India’s dropped from six to 2.5, and Brazil’s fell from 6.15 to 1.9. Even in sub-Saharan Africa, where the average birthrate remains a relatively blistering 4.66, fertility is projected to fall below replacement level by the 2070s. This change in developing countries will affect not only the U.S. population, of course, but eventually the world’s.

    Why is this happening? Scientists who study population dynamics point to a phenomenon called “demographic transition.” And then it will fall. [...] But population decline is a very familiar concept in the rest of the developed world, where fertility has long since fallen far below the 2.1 live births per woman required to maintain population equilibrium. In Germany, the birthrate has sunk to just 1.36, worse even than its low-fertility neighbors Spain (1.48) and Italy (1.4). The way things are going, Western Europe as a whole will most likely shrink from 460 million to just 350 million by the end of the century. That’s not so bad compared with Russia and China, each of whose populations could fall by half. As you may not be surprised to learn, the Germans have coined a polysyllabic word for this quandary: Schrumpf-Gesellschaft, or “shrinking society.” [...]

    And in the long term—on the order of centuries—we could be looking at the literal extinction of humanity.

    That might sound like an outrageous claim, but it comes down to simple math. According to a 2008 IIASA report, if the world stabilizes at a total fertility rate of 1.5—where Europe is today—then by 2200 the global population will fall to half of what it is today. By 2300, it’ll barely scratch 1 billion. (The authors of the report tell me that in the years since the initial publication, some details have changed—Europe’s population is falling faster than was previously anticipated, while Africa’s birthrate is declining more slowly—but the overall outlook is the same.) Extend the trend line, and within a few dozen generations you’re talking about a global population small enough to fit in a nursing home.

    There is a lot to read here but the cause of declining male fertility is not discussed. As the article points out, based on the curent trends and maths, the near extinction of humanity in just a few hundred years is very possible. The positive news is that Earth will be given the opportunity to flourish and those humans who remain, might experience a completely different high energy world aka Paradise. You have to then consider whether this is indeed the plan set in motion by Universal Intelligence for a new world... Personally, I think this is the best option for a new World Age populated by those humans who can harmonise with a high energy planet.

    Study Will Explore How Solar Storms Affect Earth’s Atmosphere
    UMass Lowell, 4th January 2013
    We all rely on local weather forecasts to plan our travels and outdoor activities, or even to decide whether to water the lawn.

    But researchers like Prof. Paul Song in the Department of Physics & Applied Physics are also interested in “space weather,” the constantly changing environmental conditions in interplanetary space, especially between the sun’s atmosphere and earth’s outer atmosphere. While meteorologists deal with clouds, air pressure, wind, precipitation and the jet stream, space-weather scientists concentrate on changes in the ambient plasma (ionized gas), solar wind, magnetic fields, radiation and other matter in space.

    “Predicting space weather is the next frontier in weather forecasting,” says Song, who directs UMass Lowell’s Center for Atmospheric Research (CAR).

    More news of space weather research but we are told clearly that space weather is affecting Earth's atmosphere and weather... I believe there is enough information in the public domain to justify the belief that space weather is the true reason for the panic amongst scientists about extreme weather... Press releases from NASA and the European Space Agency amongst other scientific bodies and groups in recent years informs us clearly that Earth is rapidly losing its cosmic defenses. The scientific research carried out already, especially by NASA, informs us that there is a distribution of electric currents linking the magnetosphere with the ionosphere. The Honorary Chairman of the World Forum International Congress “GEOCATACLYSM-2011” states in his paper the following:
    “An important role in climate change is attributed to global changes in the parameters of the geomagnetic field and magnetosphere; this refers in particular to the more than 500% increase in the North Magnetic Pole’s drift rate and reduction of the geomagnetic field intensity. Today, the impact of magnetospheric processes on Earth’s climate is considered a proven scientific fact.”
    PROCEEDINGS: Natural Cataclysms and Global Problems of the Modern Civilization, WORLD FORUM – INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS September 19-21, 2011 – Istanbul, Turkey Source: (43.7 MB .pdf) Link.
    A few Russian scientists took it upon themselves to warn the world many years ago. The Russian report titled, Planetophysical State of The Earth and Life (1997, 1998 in English) report also discusses climate change and simply states:
    The temperature regime of any given phase of climatic reorganization is characterized by contrasts, and instabilities. The widely quoted, and believed, "Greenhouse Effect" scenario for total climatic changes is by far the weakest explanation, or link, in accounting for this reorganization.

    There were reports of a global temperature maximum in 1994, and the almost uninterrupted existence of an "El-Nino" like hydrological effect. Satellite air surface layer temperature tracking [49,50] allowed the detection of a 0.22 degrees C global temperature variation (within a typical specific time period of about 30 days) that correlated with recorded middle frequency magnetic oscillations. The Earth's temperature regime is becoming more, and more, dependent on external influences. [...]

    There is a growing probability that we are moving into a rapid temperature instability period similar to the one that took place 10,000 years ago. This not so ancient major instability was revealed by the analysis of ice drilling core samples in Greenland [51]. [...]

    Such high-speed transformations of the global climatic mechanism parameters, and its effects on Earth's physical and biospheric qualities has not yet been rigorously studied by the reigning scientific community. But, researchers are now insisting more, and more, that the Earth's temperature increases are dependent upon, and directly linked to, space-terrestrial interactions [52,53]; be it Earth-Sun, Earth-Solar System, and/or Earth-Interstellar.
    Source: Planetophysical State of The Earth and Life, By DR. ALEXEY N. DMITRIEV, Published in Russian, IICA Transactions, Volume 4, 1997, 1998 in English.

    Air pollution in Beijing goes off the index
    Yahoo News, 13th January 2013
    BEIJING (AP) — People refused to venture outdoors and buildings disappeared into Beijing's murky skyline on Sunday as the air quality in China's notoriously polluted capital went off the index.

    The Beijing Municipal Environmental Monitoring Center said on its website that the density of PM2.5 particulates had surpassed 700 micrograms per cubic meter in many parts of the city. The World Health Organization considers a safe daily level to be 25 micrograms per cubic meter. [...]

    In the 24-hour period up to 10 a.m. Sunday, it said 18 of the hourly readings were "beyond index." The highest number was 755, which corresponded to a PM2.5 density of 886 micrograms per cubic meter. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's air quality index goes up to only 500, and the agency advises that anything greater than 300 would trigger a health warning of "emergency conditions," with the entire population likely affected.

    So.... Will China be awarded a national Darwin Award in the near future due to the extreme levels of pollution that combine with new atmospheric conditions that are lethal for humans?

    Unbelievable photos of how bad Beijing’s air has gotten
    Washington Post, 15th January 2013
    Chinese children are being forced to stay inside and there’s been a spike in hospital visits as Beijing has clouded over with some of the worst smog in history. And now, we have an aerial representation of Beijing’s respiratory problems, courtesy of NASA. Here’s what the air above China looked like on Jan. 3:

    Mystery of the Mary Celeste: Seafaring Superstitions & St Elmo’s Fire
    Mysterious Universe, 10th January 2013

    Sailors’ Tales of the Supernatural

    Adelaide’s The Register, on 2 February 1920, published Sailors’ Tales of the Supernatural. In this article, Clive Holland, described as a much-traveled author, recounted a story he had been told years earlier by an “old God-fearing Scottish sea captain” on a possible encounter with St Elmo’s fire while sailing the Atlantic.

    I think it is very important that people are educated about the existence of mysterious light and energy phenomena that has been known in the past. This knowledge has been largely retained as folklore, see my listing, Mysterious Light Phenomena Known By Modern, Ancient and Traditional People. I think it is becoming obvious that there are going to be a lot more manifestations in the future as Space Weather intensifies and increasing bursts of energy from the Earth occur during the process that I have called 'The Planetary Refresh'.

    New island size of 25 football pitches appears off German coast after sandbanks emerge from the North Sea
    Daily Mail, 9th January 2013
    AN ISLAND the size of 25 football pitches has appeared seemingly out of nowhere off the coast of Germany. The landmass, which is composed of sandbanks, gradually emerged from the violent waters of the North Sea over the past few years.

    It lies 24 kilometres off the coast of Schleswig-Holstein in Germany's far north in a stretch of coastline known as the Wattenmeer, a marine national park. Nature lovers and yachstmen noticed the appearance of Bird Island - named after the seabirds who rest, nest or feed on the sand dunes that are up to almost five metres high. [...]

    Winds blew seeds from across Europe, and 49 species of plants have been detected on it. Detlef Hansen, head of the national park, said: "This is, for us conservationists, anything but ordinary." Tidal actions unrelated to global warming or other earthly phenomena have created the island.

    Hmmm.... This is just bizarre.... How can an island just appear from "the violent waters of the North Sea" as a ready-made bird-island in just a few years?

    Effects of climate change will be felt more deeply in decades ahead, draft report says
    Washington Post, 11th January 2013
    Of course this has nothing to do with CO2 and a lot more to do with "space-terrestrial interactions [52,53]; be it Earth-Sun, Earth-Solar System, and/or Earth-Interstellar."

    Extreme Heat, Cold, Snow Plaguing the Globe, 11th January 2013

    Stunning images of Australian dust storm
    Digital Journal, 11th January 2013

    Extremes: Coldest temperatures in nearly 50 years leave 80 dead in Bangladesh, while Australia bakes in record highs
    Extinction Protocol, 11th January 2013
    BANGLADESH - A cold snap which saw temperatures drop on Thursday to their lowest point in Bangladesh’s post-independence history has killed around 80 people, officials said. The weather office said the lowest temperature was recorded at 3°C in the northern town of Syedpur and the Red Crescent said hospitals were packed with patients suffering respiratory illness. Shah Alam, deputy head of the weather office, said the last time the temperature had dropped below 3°C was in February 1968 when Bangladesh was still part of Pakistan. “The temperature is the lowest in Bangladesh’s history” he said. The Red Crescent Society said impoverished rural areas had been worst hit as many people could not afford warm clothing or heating. News 24

    Australia suffers in record heat: The heat wave across Australia has spiked to unfathomable levels as the ominously-labeled “dome of heat” blankets the continent, sparking wildfires that have caused more than $60 million in damage and claimed more than 120 homes. The average temperature stretched above 39° Celsius (102° F) for six consecutive days, and local temperatures were so high that the Australian Bureau of Meteorology was inclined to add a new hue to their heat map — a deep purple shade — which indicates a temperature above 50° C (122° F). Time

    There is a lot of extreme weather headlines... but of course, the debate is still raging about the cause....
    • 11 dead as Mideast battered by hail, snow, rain
      Space Daily, 9th January 2013
      "Abnormal storms which for four days have blasted the Middle East with rain, snow and hail have left at least 11 people dead and brought misery to Syrian refugees huddled in camps. Officials reported that two women were found dead in the West Bank on Wednesday after their car was swept away in floods, while a 30-year-old man froze to death in Taalabaya, in Lebanon's Bekaa province, after he fell asleep drunk in his car."

    • Dust cloud caps wild weather
      The Herald, 8th January 2013

    Vodafone glitch hits overseas BlackBerry users
    The Globe and Mail, 11th January 2013

    Single Super Quake Could Affect Both Northern, Southern California: Study Earthquake_sign
    Cal EMA will consider amending response plans in light of the new findings, discovered while studying devastating quakes in Asia.
    NBC Los Angeles, 11th January 2013
    For the first time, scientists and emergency planners are examining whether a super quake could affect both Northern and Southern California, rendering the entire state helpless in the aftermath of the "Big One."

    Seismologists have warned Southern California that a major quake on the lower San Andreas Fault, the so-called Big One is inevitable. But that the population centers of both Southern and Northern California could be affected simultaneously by one quake on the San Andreas Fault has only recently been recognized as a possibility. [...]

    Whether the model developed by Lapusta and Noda could apply there would depend on local geological variables not yet completely understood, Hutton said.

    Responsible for statewide emergency planning and disaster preparedness, California's Emergency Management Agency (Cal EMA) is reviewing the new study, according to spokesman Greg Renick. The agency already has in place a plan for responding to a catastrophic quake in Southern California, and another plan for the San Francisco Bay Area.

    Cal EMA anticipates that a catastrophic quake affecting a major population center, much less two, will require response assistance from outside California, and has established procedures in place.

    Again, seismologists issuing another report concerning the risk of a possible major natural disaster and how it would occur... At the moment, despite the new emphasis on disaster resilience and disaster preparedness, the threat of a huge earthquake in California is based more on historical precedent... as it is stated here... "the so-called Big One is inevitable...."

    They’re back: Unexplained ‘booming noises’ reported from South Carolina to California
    Extinction Protocol, 9th January 2013
    The loud explosion that jolted North Hollywood on Tuesday night remained a mystery the next morning, authorities said. An officer at the Los Angeles Police Department’s North Hollywood station said police searched the area for a half an hour Tuesday night but had no luck in determining what caused the sound. [...]

    Massachusetts mystery: Salem and Marblehead police officers searched the area of Ocean Avenue early Saturday morning for evidence of what could have caused the large boom that prompted residents across the area to call 911. According to Sunday morning’s Salem police log, At 1:34 a.m., police received multiple calls regarding a “loud bang” on Ocean Avenue. They were unable to locate the source. [...]

    South Carolina mystery: Residents of Red Bank in Lexington County appear to have gotten a loud awakening Thursday morning as multiple reports indicate a loud booming noise in the area. WIS News 10 viewers poured onto our Facebook page this morning to report the sound. “What was the horrific boom in the Redbank area,” asked Lisa Russell Fields. “People are saying it sounded like a plane crash or explosion. I also heard the ‘big boom’ this morning. [...]

    Salt Lake City mystery: Hundreds of people from Weber County to Utah County, and some as far north as Rock Springs, Wyoming reported that they felt shaking or heard loud booms Tuesday night around 9 p.m. The FOX 13 Newsroom received several calls from concerned citizens about the phenomena shortly after 9 p.m., but the cause remains a mystery.

    We have not had a a great deal of real insight or comment from the scientific community when you consider the seriousness of the sky falling... only joking... see previous comments...

    Ancient Maya Predicted 1991 Solar Eclipse
    Live Science, 8th January 2013
    LONG BEACH, Calif. — The Maya, best known these days for the doomsday they never foretold, may have accurately predicted astronomical phenomena centuries ahead of time, scientists find.

    A new book, "Astronomy in the Maya Codices" (American Philosophical Society, 2011), which was awarded the Osterbrock Book Prize for historical astronomy here at the American Astronomical Society conference Monday (Jan. 7), details a series of impressive observations made by Mayan astronomers pre-16th century.

    In fact, the Brickers found the astronomical calendar dated to the 11th or 12th century accurately predicted a solar eclipse to within a day in 1991, centuries after the Mayan civilization had ended. The 1991 eclipse occurred on July 11.

    More academic acknowledgement of the importance of astronomy to the ancient Mayan civilisation... What is very interesting is that we are told that the Maya were interested in predicting cosmic influences that affect humans... This means that modern Mayan elders are only maintaining an ancient tradition even though their heritage and thus knowledge have been greatly decimated.

    Solar Variability and Terrestrial Climate
    NASA Science News, 8th January 2013
    In the galactic scheme of things, the Sun is a remarkably constant star. While some stars exhibit dramatic pulsations, wildly yo-yoing in size and brightness, and sometimes even exploding, the luminosity of our own sun varies a measly 0.1% over the course of the 11-year solar cycle.

    There is, however, a dawning realization among researchers that even these apparently tiny variations can have a significant effect on terrestrial climate. A new report issued by the National Research Council (NRC), "The Effects of Solar Variability on Earth's Climate," lays out some of the surprisingly complex ways that solar activity can make itself felt on our planet.

    Understanding the sun-climate connection requires a breadth of expertise in fields such as plasma physics, solar activity, atmospheric chemistry and fluid dynamics, energetic particle physics, and even terrestrial history. No single researcher has the full range of knowledge required to solve the problem. To make progress, the NRC had to assemble dozens of experts from many fields at a single workshop. The report summarizes their combined efforts to frame the problem in a truly multi-disciplinary context.

    One of the participants, Greg Kopp of the Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics at the University of Colorado, pointed out that while the variations in luminosity over the 11-year solar cycle amount to only a tenth of a percent of the sun's total output, such a small fraction is still important. "Even typical short term variations of 0.1% in incident irradiance exceed all other energy sources (such as natural radioactivity in Earth's core) combined," he says.

    Well, NASA scientists are realising that the CO2 hoax cannot be sustained and we are getting some major new admissions of reality.... reality bites... In summary, Space Weather is generating a full blown planetary emergency, out-dated ideas from the dark ages are no longer appropriate... see more technical comments at WUWT and lots of previous comments on this blog.

    NASA on the sun: ‘…tiny variations can have a significant effect on terrestrial climate.”
    Watts Up With That?, 8th January 2013

    Scientists Seek Foolproof Signal to Predict Earthquakes
    Could magnetic waves be the trustworthy tool that saves lives?
    National Geographic News, 4th January 2013
    January 6, 2013 – CALIFORNIA – Twenty-three hundred years ago, hordes of mice, snakes, and insects fled the Greek city of Helike on the Gulf of Corinth (map). “After these creatures departed, an earthquake occurred in the night,” wrote the ancient Roman writer Claudius Aelianus. “The city subsided; an immense wave flooded and Helike disappeared.” Since then, generations of scientists and folklorists have used a dizzying array of methods to attempt to predict earthquakes. Animal behavior, changes in the weather and seismograms have all fallen short.

    One theory is that when an earthquake looms, the rock “goes through a strange change,” producing intense electrical currents, says Tom Bleier, a satellite engineer with QuakeFinder, a project funded by his parent company, Stellar Solutions, of Cambridge, Massachusetts. “These currents are huge,” Bleier said at the AGU meeting. “They’re on the order of 100,000 amperes for a magnitude 6 earthquake and a million amperes for a magnitude 7. It’s almost like lightning, underground.” To measure those currents, Bleier’s team has spent millions of dollars putting out magnetometers along fault lines in California, Peru, Taiwan, and Greece. The instruments are sensitive enough to detect magnetic pulses from electrical discharges up to 10 miles (16 kilometers) away.

    More research that reveals the electromagnetic trigger for major seismic events, i.e. earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. This article is an excellent synopsis and update to previous articles with some interesting revelations... It seems that as the seriousness of space weather induced atmospheric and geophysical phenomena becomes apparent, scientists are embracing electromagnetic theories that not so long ago were considered heretical... Please note: I have found seismologists who back in the 1970s knew that electromagnetic precursor signals before major eaerthquakes could be detected but like a lot of science it takes decades before these theories are accepted by the mainstream scientific world. Whatever, a planetary emergency is a good enough reason to force a paradigm shift amongst scientists.

    Amazon Spider That Builds Its Own Spider Decoys Discovered
    Wired Science News, 18th December 2012
    A spider that builds elaborate, fake spiders and hangs them in its web has been discovered in the Peruvian Amazon.

    Believed to be a new species in the genus Cyclosa, the arachnid crafts the larger spider from leaves, debris and dead insects. Though Cyclosa includes other sculpting arachnids, this is the first one observed to build a replica with multiple, spidery legs.

    Scientists suspect the fake spiders serve as decoys, part of a defense mechanism meant to confuse or distract predators. It seems like a really well evolved and very specialized behavior,” said Phil Torres, who described the find in a blog entry written for Rainforest Expeditions. Torres, a biologist and science educator, divides his time between Southern California and Peru, where he’s involved in research and education projects.

    Even some of the spiders are showing signs of quickly evolving levels of intelligence....

    Desolation Row: The Selling of the New Age
    Ishtar's Gate, 3rd January 2013

    How the New Age movement leading to an Age of Aquarius was deliberately sold to the Sixties generation by eugenicists and social engineers with links to the Trilateral Commission, the Bilderbergers and the Council of Foreign Relations.

    Man needs his own stories and his own dreams to create his own reality. Instead, we have given away this right to others who want to weave our stories for us ~ stories that suit their own agendas. Even New Age gurus have stolen this right from us, as they pack out auditoriums and sell millions of books based merely on the one or two astral journeys they once took, years ago, with no spiritual training whatsoever, and from which, in their demiurge-like arrogance, they’ve brought back messages for the world, like Moses coming down from the mountain.

    Thousands are fooled into believing that by hanging on to every word of these New Age gurus they will achieve enlightenment or ascension. Instead, these false prophets fill us with fear about global catastrophes and deadlines for ET invasions that pass uneventfully and unremarked, as by then, we are already on to the next deadline, the next Great Overhanging Fear that, like the two pillars of the Children of Israel, permeates our conscious mind during the day through “the news”, while our nights are full of terrors after being programmed with rape and violence via our flickering screens.

    Not one of these New Age gurus is standing up and saying “I have no message for you other than to show the means to get your own messages, through which you will be able to live your own dreams.” That’s because, in my opinion, the whole New Age movement has been hijacked (if not originally invented) by those dream-stealing eugenicists who want to create a new world order through the ruins of the old one, which global conflagration they are also trying to cause. [...]

    The biggest delusion of the New Agers is that they so often think that their lifestyles and beliefs are an act of rebellion, and a sign that they are an independent thinker when, in fact, it is the very opposite. By buying into these bogus belief systems, their minds and their judgement is being destroyed so that they cannot hear the ankle manacle chains clanking as they’re led into a stinking prison cell on Desolation Row.

    It is interesting how many people are realising they have been mis-sold.... The author Ishtar states they are not a New Age guru but then call themselves a shamanic practitioner..... In a later post, she writes: "I was a member of this MKULTRA experiment writ large. I had a fully paid-up ticket on the Magic Bus. And I've been recently trying to deprogram myself, to sort out which is their stuff, and which is my stuff." Hmmm..... Well, the impression I got was someone with some major disappointment... however, I was pleased to see that Ishtar realises that she needs to de-program herself... read my essay Spiritual Evolution in the Cultic Milieu (August 2011), there is going to be no real spiritual evolution for a lot of New Agers until the de-programming is done...

    Internet shifts rape stigma to perpetrators
    Thev Boston Globe, 8th January 2013
    LAST WEEKEND, more than 1,000 people gathered in Steubenville, Ohio, a small town with a history of high school football glory, to support the victim of an alleged rape. These kinds of rallies happen from time to time, largely on college campuses. What made this one striking was the fact that many protesters were wearing Guy Fawkes masks.

    Those masks are a trademark of Anonymous, the shadowy collective of hackers that has taken on Steubenville as a vigilante cause. In terms of criminal justice, this is far from ideal. But for our culture at large, it represents an unlikely glimmer of hope. Anonymous, whose members often wear Guy Fawkes masks, has taken on the Steubenville, Ohio rape controversy.

    The Steubenville story began with old power dynamics, the ones that stem from a mix of athletic glory, power, and sex. At a series of parties last August, according to news reports, a 16-year-old girl, unconscious due to alcohol or drugs, was allegedly gang-raped by at least two members of the beloved Steubenville High School football team. The girl learned about the attacks the next day, the press reported, after various boys posted photos and mocking tweets — which they later deleted — on social media.

    Good! Btw... anonymous is not an organisation, how can it be? It is exactly as the defnition defines..... anonymous. Any Tom, Dick and Harry can wear a mask... that's the point... and in the modern world the mask of anonomity is worn by the previously silent minority... I call this evolution when members of society distinguish themselves from the depraved....

    'She's as guilty as her rapists': Fury as Indian guru blames tragic student Jyoti, 23, for the vicious gang attack which killed her
    Daily Mail, 7th January 2013
    * Asaram Bapu says gang rape victim is responsible for her own fate
    * Spiritual leader's remarks criticised by politicians and mocked by web users
    * Comes as judge orders trial of rape suspects to be held in private
    * 150 people tried to cram into court room built for just 30
    * Jyoti Singh Pandey died on December 29 - 13 days after horrific attack

    A self-described 'spiritual guru' has sparked outrage in India after saying that the 23-year-old rape victim who died after being assaulted by six men was partly responsible for her own attack. Asaram Bapu said that Jyoti Singh Pandey, whose fate has drawn the sympathy of the world and been treated as a national tragedy within India, was 'as guilty as her rapists'. He added that she should have been more friendly to her attackers if she wanted to preserve her own life.

    Politicians and web users have reacted with fury to the 71-year-old guru's comments. Asaram Bapu's controversial intervention in the case comes on the day that five of Jyoti's six alleged attackers appeared in court to face charges of murder, rape and abduction. A judge ordered that the courtroom should be closed to the public after more than 150 people tried to cram in to a room designed for around 30 during the suspects' initial hearing. 'Only five to six people are not the culprits,' Asaram Bapu said. 'The victim is as guilty as her rapists. 'She should have called the culprits brothers and begged before them to stop.'

    This is another prime example of the issues I present concerning vast swathes of the cultic milieu encouraging spirituality that is full blown psychopathic. Please note the disgust here.... It is once again 'blame the victim' with teaching that suggests she "attracted" her own demise... Being attacked by a pack of wild dogs or rapists has nothing to do with being unfortunate enough to come up against the unevolved dregs of society. Conversely, these teachings imply that predatorial rapists, malignant narcissists and psychopaths are entitled to do whatever they want.... Of course, this kind of teaching is perfect for fake gurus who are busy destroying the mental defenses of their 'victim' followers...

    Data From 14 Year Global Consciousness Study Released
    Who Forted?, 6th January 2013
    The original title of this post was going to “Highly Significant Data of 14 Year Global Consciousness Study Shows Evidence of Synchronicity”, but that was kind of a mouthful. Besides, I actually wanted people to read this, because the results of this study can’t really be understated: there is “highly significant” evidence that we may all be psychically linked.

    Researchers for the Global Consciousness Study just released their data collected from August 1998 to this, the first month of 2013, and their findings, while nowhere near complete, show hugely significant evidence that we all may be far more connected than we think.

    I changed the title because the word psychic is outdated and in this instance misleading. A morphogenetic field for human consciousness that humans are constantly modifying is not the same as being psychic... I think the trend being picked up here is significant but the link with individual events is pure guesswork and not relevant, see previous comments.

    Giant leap: Kolkata to get its own space centre [INDIA]
    Times of India, 7th January 2013
    KOLKATA: The city is all set to score another scientific first in the middle of this year.

    The central government is funding the Kolkata-based Indian Institute of Science, Education and Research (IISER) for setting up a Centre of Excellence in Space Sciences. IISER received a letter dated December 21, 2012, from the deputy secretary in the HRD ministry saying that it has been selected for the funding.

    Speaking to TOI on Sunday, Dibyendu Nandi, who will be the coordinator of the space centre, said it will be first unit of its kind in West Bengal. "The cost of funding is about Rs 4 crore and is spread over a five-year period,'' he said. The centre is expected to become opera-tional in the summer of 2013, he added. [...]

    Nandi, who is involved with India's maiden solar mission 'Aditya', said initially the centre will focus on space weather and supporting national astrophysics missions like 'Aditya' — provisionally slated for lift-off in 2016 — and the Laser Inter Ferro Metry Gravitational Observatory network in collaboration with a number of Indian scientific institutions and the US.

    Explaining the importance of space weather, Nandi said it impacts our day-to-day lives like the operation of cellphones, GPS networks, electric grids and air traffic on polar routes. "It can also affect satellite operations and astronaut safety. Space weather will play an important role in our forthcoming mission to Mars to be lau-nched in October-November this year,'' he said.

    Another country setting up new space weather tracking facilities.

    Space weather
    Oxford University Press Blog, 7th January 2013
    We are all used to blaming things (rightly or wrongly) on the weather, but now it seems that this tendency has been extended to space weather. Space weather, for those who are uncertain, describes the effects that flares and other events on the Sun produce on Earth.

    Consult many of the sites on the World Wide Web that are devoted to events on a particular day in history, and you will be told that on 16 August 1989, a geomagnetic storm caused the Toronto Stock Exchange to crash. The trouble is that this is an urban myth. The Toronto Stock Exchange did crash that day, but because of hardware and software failures, not because of a geomagnetic storm.

    The Oxford University's Storm Dunlop (what a name for meteorologist...) is a Fellow of both the Royal Astronomical Society and the Royal Meteorological Society, so we have someone with some pedigree providing a basic tutorial on space weather.

    Al Gore’s Payday From Oil-Rich Qatar ‘Reeking With Irony’
    Bloomberg News, 4th January 2013
    Al Gore, who shared the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize for his fight against global warming, may gross about $70 million from the sale of his Current TV network to Al Jazeera, the cable channel funded in part by oil-rich Qatar.

    Al Jazeera will pay about $500 million for Current TV, including the stake held by Gore, 64, according to two people with knowledge of the deal. The network is one of dozens of investments made by the former vice president since he lost the 2000 presidential race by a slim margin.

    “It’s reeking with irony,” said Jeff Sonnenfeld, senior associate dean at the Yale School of Management, who studies corporate governance. “It seems to be at least a paradox in terms of his positions on sustainability and geopolitics.” [...]

    “Many Americans are tired of borrowing huge amounts of money from China to buy huge amounts of oil from the Persian Gulf to make huge amounts of pollution that destroys the planet’s climate,” Gore said in September 2006 at the New York University School of Law. “Increasingly, Americans believe that we have to change every part of that pattern.”

    Al Gore the zealous climate czar and hypocrite.... The Climate realists are laughing hysterically but I don't have time to be amused.... See more headlines at Climate Depot .

    Global warming, the tool of the West
    Pravda News, 4th January 2013
    For years, the Elites of the West have cranked up the myth of Man Made Global Warming as a means first and foremost to control the lives and behaviors of their populations. Knowing full well that their produce in China and sell in the West model and its consiquent spiral downward in wages and thus standards of living, was unsustainable, the elites moved to use this new "science" to guilt trip and scare monger their populations into smaller and more conservatives forms of living. In other words, they coasted them into the poverty that the greed and treason of those said same elites was already creating in their native lands.

    What better way to staunch protests at worsening economic and life conditions than to make it feel like an honourable job/duty of the people to save "Gia". At the same time, they used this "science" as a new pagan religion to further push out the Christianity they hate and despise and most of all, fear? Gia worship, the earth "mother", has been pushed in popular culture oozing out of the West for a better part of the past 1.5 decades. This is a religion replete with an army of priests, called Government Grant Scientists.

    This article is hysterically funny... gems like the 'the magmamen and their SUVs', but the English spelling is atrocious.... Pravda, a thorn in the American side.... but I love the Russians because they can be brutally honest and upfront... I've been saying this for quite some time, if you want to know what is going on, watch what the military are up to and pay attention to what the Russians are saying... all within reason of course....

    Incredible “Double Helix DNA Cloud” Appears In the Moscow Sky
    Who Forted?, 4th January 2013
    Watchful Moscow residents with their eyes to the sky were given an interesting view on Christmas Eve, as a huge “celestial spiral” closely resembling a strand of DNA appeared over the city.

    In a batch of photos posted to the photo sharing session of Russian website, one of the strangest cloud formations ever is detailed in a handful of images snapped around a 20 mile stretch of the city. As you can imagine, this has stirred up some interesting conversation as to what could be the cause of such an event. As of now, sky-savvy internet sleuths believe the strange clouds were caused by contrails, or thin artificial cloud formations caused by the water exhaust emitted from aircraft. You’ve more than likely seen them in the sky on a regular basis, but rarely in such a striking form.

    I have been claiming since I wrote my book Tuning the Diamonds: Electromagnetism & Spiritual Evolution published in September 2006, which was placed in the UK National Archives in November 2007, that Earth has become a high energy plasma environment. Electric Universe theorists have been stating for even longer that, Earth is not an isolated body in space. Instead, Earth is a charged body moving through an active plasma environment, surrounded by an external “leaky” magnetic field (magnetosphere) that is criss-crossed by a web of electric currents. Due to plasma behaving with the same characteristics at vastly different scales, everywhere we look in an Electromagnetic Universe, we see the helical spiral, which is a common signature of the flow of charged particles in a strong magnetic field. Here are some previous quotes:

    "If you keep twisting a straight elastic string, at some moment it starts kinking in a wild way. Something similar occurs when one increases the electrical current flowing in a magnetized plasma doughnut: it takes on a wild helical shape, which spoils its performance. This phenomenon concerns scientists exploring fusion power, who use powerful magnetic fields to confine plasma during their experiments. [...] Moreover, the helical state appears to be the preferred one at high current and is spontaneously chosen, or self-organized, by the plasma."
    Upping the power triggers an ordered helical plasma,, 2nd November 2009

    "For plasmas immersed in strong magnetic fields, electric currents tend to flow along the magnetic field lines, which act like wires guiding the current. The field-aligned current creates its own magnetic field, and, when added to the original magnetic field, results in a twisted or helical magnetic field."
    Twisting With Plasma On A Magnetic Field, Space Daily, December 13, 1999
    Now, after all the high energy plasma manifestations being reported in our skies in recent years, combined with press releases from NASA and the European Space Agency (ESA) explaining about the sudden changes to the cosmic environment of Earth due to Space Weather, new even more obvious manifestations should be expected and become commonplace... Well, the issue is humanity does not have a recent memory of high energy electrical discharges in our skies but we now that our ancestors did... Thus, a flow of charged particles twisting in a powerful magnetic field that is strong enough to be revealed by cloud formation or a plane contrail.... please excuse the pun, this is shocking.... Please note my other claim that we are going to see a new major stairway to heaven on a permanent basis, a huge permanent electrical discharge that will mark the planetary status of Paradise... it is coming... it is coming soon...

    Belgian Environmental Study Corroborates Existence and Effects of Weather Modification
    Activist Post, 2nd January 2013
    Even as the mainstream media and a television-obsessed American public refuse to admit the existence of chemtrails and government-sponsored weather modification programs, the evidence continues to mount with ever-increasing speed that not only do these programs exist, but they are also effective and widespread. In addition to the recent study published in Environmental Research Letters entitled, “Cost Analysis of Stratospheric Albedo Modification Delivery Systems,” where the costs of delivering tonnes of aerosols into the stratosphere were examined in terms of a variety of different means, a 2010 study undertaken on behalf of the Belfort Group, a Belgian “environmental watchdog” organization, also corroborates much of the information compiled by citizens and activists the world over regarding the existence of chemtrails and stratospheric weather modification programs. The study, entitled, “Contrail Science, Its Impact On Climate and Weather Manipulation Programs Conducted By The United States And Its Allies,” seeks to highlight “the specific problems associated with contrails emitted by aircraft, the manipulation for defense purposes of some of these trails by the United States government and the subsequent effect on quality of life.”

    This article seems to provide a summary of this 71 page report. This is discussed over at ATS, Excellent Report on Geo-Engineering and Chemtrails .

    Spiritual people are more likely to be mentally ill (but at least they think life has more meaning)
    Daily Mail, 2nd January 2013
    * Researchers at University College London say spiritual believers are more likely to suffer problems such as eating conditions or an anxiety disorder

    Being spiritual may give life deeper meaning, but it can also make you more susceptible to mental illness, new research suggests. A study found that people professing to be spiritual, but not conventionally religious, were more likely to suffer from a host of mental challenges.

    They suffered problems including abnormal eating conditions, drug abuse, anxiety disorder, phobias and neurosis. They were also more likely than others to be taking medication for mental health problems. Professor Michael King, from University College London, and his fellow researchers wrote in the British Journal of Psychiatry: 'Our main finding is that people who had a spiritual understanding of life had worse mental health than those with an understanding that was neither religious nor spiritual.'

    Well, for those who want to understand why so many that profess spirituality appear to be mentally ill, I suggest there is a great need to study cults, cult tactics, gurus and what is going on generally in the cultic milieu with the thirst for quickie enlightenment and the abundant use of heavy handed techniques to break people down mentally... I wrote about this in my long essay Spiritual Evolution in the Cultic Milieu (August 2011), an extract is provided below:

    Enlightenment For Sale: Technologies of Experience

    Historically, we can trace the development and widespread dispersion of mind-altering “Technologies of Experience,” that caused a “consciousness explosion” as huge numbers of people were exposed to radical therapeutic techniques. Briefly, we know that from about the 1970s onwards, experience techniques developed in the 1950s, found their way into the public arena. Social scientists had discovered that various methods can be used to push people into emotional highs, peak experiences, or supposed dramatic personal breakthroughs, whether via extreme acts of sensory deprivation or more subtle sensory manipulation. These methods could be used through words, gestures, images and intimate group dynamics and combined with Eastern practices (Zen, yoga and many forms of meditation) and psychedelics. Furthermore, the mass marketing of these techniques combined with aggressive sales techniques only served to legitimise the “quick-fix” search for enlightenment. Therefore, as these experience techniques became popular in the quickie search for enlightenment, there was real concern by some researchers that there was no real oversight, due to the largely subjective and intangible nature of the supposed benefits. Social scientists Flo Conway and Jim Siegelman in their groundbreaking book, Snapping: America’s Epidemic of Sudden Personality Change [1978, 1979, 1995, 2005], revealed that the ecstatic/illumination experience so often treasured by spiritual seekers may only be energy releases associated with the mind dealing with high stress, and when that sense of release occurs, people become wide-open to reprogramming.2 Hence, in response to a certain technique or therapy, there could be ‘enlightenment’ or conversely, a mental breakdown. Basically a form of spiritual roulette where when things go wrong, the normal response is to blame the victim. Conway and Siegelman write:
    With the spread of the technology of experience into religion, therapy and wider everyday domains, millions no doubt had achieved impressive personal breakthroughs and spiritual awakenings, yet we saw little recognition of the perils inherent in the new technology and the intense experiences it evoked. These new practices that had proved beneficial in many contexts were not supernatural powers or pinpoint engineered tools but living information and communication processes that reached bedrock levels of the mind and body. When used manipulatively or covertly, they could be turned into paralysing instruments of human control. When practised recklessly or to excess, they spawned debilitating mental, emotional and physical effects.
    In a consumer society, it seems that the only real criteria for consideration, was how well these techniques brought in more recruits to cult enterprises and how well they could be used by salesmen to sell or be sold in workshops, seminars and trainings. In the hands of exploiters, it was quickly realised that experience techniques were tools that could be used against people to serve their own agenda. Simply, if you can change how people think and feel, whilst weakening their resistance to suggestion and command, then you can create new followers. This means that an unscrupulous guru can use ‘honed’ experience techniques, to recruit new followers who will give them all their money and/or work for next to nothing, as long as he can keep them under his spell. A salesman using psychological tricks, hypnosis, suggestion, persuasion and influence techniques, can create willing buyers who will keep buying whatever you have to offer, if they can keep buyers convinced that they will benefit somehow. The manipulative and covert use of these techniques is defined as ‘cult tactics’.
    “In SALES, they find your PAIN, and then magnify your PAIN, and then sell you services that promise to take away the pain. If those “services” increase their pain while promising to reduce it, you have a Customer For Life.” (Think about it, if their techniques worked, and you felt great, then they lose a customer. They are punished by success, and rewarded by failure.) The Anticult 3
    Various psychiatrists, psychologists, sociologists and other academics and researchers have identified various levels of conditioning created by these technologies of experience. Flo Conway and Jim Siegelman, use the term Snapping to indicate a sudden drastic alteration of personality.2 (Literally, synaptic connections in the brain snapping off and new ones forming within seconds to create sudden change in the brain.) This altered state is the distinct aim of those seeking to gain complete control over new followers, but this is mostly disguised as being a real spiritual breakthrough.
    Source: Spiritual Evolution in the Cultic Milieu (August 2011)
    These days the perspective I have gained has helped me enormously understand just how serious the people issues are in the cultic milieu... Anyway, before I wrote up my Joyfire Philosophy webpage , I would get the more than occasional email from people who I thought were mentally ill... It was even more disturbing because it appeared that just because I am interested in metaphysics the non too intelligent assumed I was on the same wavelength... Presumably, there was very little in the way of criteria being used for a prognosis... This is just some clarification about philosophy:
    A definition of philosophy:

    Philosophers spend their days contemplating the world. While not strictly a science in itself, philosophers are concerned with uncovering the deepest truths about reality. The pursuit underpins knowledge and logical thought-- this makes up an essential component of the scientific method.

    There are four major strands of philosophy: 'epistemology' is concerned with the growth of knowledge -- what it is, and how it is acquired and processed; 'ethics' is about resolving moral dilemmas -- scientific research dealing with the creation of life, such as synthetic biology is increasingly being guided by ethical considerations; 'logic' determines our processes of reasoning and deduction; while finally 'metaphysics' examines questions of reality that lie outside the realm of what is testable by science -- for example, is there a God? The word 'philosophy' comes from the Greek language and means 'love of wisdom'.

    Source: Paul Parsons, Science 1001, Quercus Science
    For those who still don't get it, the cultic milieu is an environment that resembles shark infested waters and the mental health of seekers is of no consequence to those looking for a cult following...

    Swiss bank Wegelin to close after US tax evasion fine
    BBC News, 4th January 2013
    Switzerland's oldest bank is to close permanently after pleading guilty in a New York court to helping Americans evade their taxes. Wegelin, which was established in 1741, has also agreed to pay $57.8m (£36m; 44m euros) in fines to US authorities.

    It said that once this was completed, it "will cease to operate as a bank". The bank had admitted to allowing more than 100 American citizens to hide $1.2bn from the Internal Revenue Service for almost 10 years.

    But HSBC who were caught laundering trillions in mafia money were too big to take down.... Oh well, at least the little country of Iceland maintained their integrity and managed to lock up some banksters this week, see Executives at collapsed Iceland bank jailed for fraud.
    • Financial regulation? What a joke, 3rd January 2013
      After a blizzard of revelations of financial wrongdoing last year, what do the following have in common - Barclays forced to pay $360 million over its manipulation of Libor, HSBC fined $1.7bn for money-laundering and flouting sanctions, Standard Chartered made to pay $667m over breached sanction laws, BP penalised $4.5bn for criminal damage and regulatory failings over the oil rig explosion in the Gulf of Mexico, GlaxoSmithKline fined $3bn for selling anti-depressants for unapproved uses on children, RBS awaiting a big fine over Libor fixing, Rolls-Royce under investigation for allegations of bribery, to name but some?

      They are all British companies that have committed very serious offences, but they were not prosecuted by British regulators at all, only by US ones. The pretence that Britain has a working regulatory system, when actually it is toothless, inefficient and incompetent, is a national scandal.

    Computer glitch prompted $1 billion emergency loan to Memphis bank in 2010
    Commercial Appeal, 3rd January 2013
    A government computer glitch led the Federal Reserve to make a $1.02 billion emergency loan to Memphis-based First Tennessee Bank two years ago. The loan was repaid within two days and was all but forgotten until the Federal Reserve on Dec. 28 revealed First Tennessee owner First Horizon National Corp. was the single largest borrower in late 2010 from its emergency fund.

    This could be true or it could just be another funny financial transaction....

    LSE’s Regulatory News Service Resumes Operation Following Glitch
    Bloomberg News, 3rd January 2013
    London Stock Exchange Group Plc’s Regulatory News Service resumed operation after a technical issue that disrupted dissemination of company information to investors and traders.

    Mark Wisken, an RNS executive at LSE, described it “connectivity issue.” RNS didn’t publish any release between 5 a.m. and 8:36 a.m. in London yesterday, the first trading day of 2013, according to data compiled by Bloomberg.

    The service carries almost 175,000 statements each year via data vendors such as Thomson Reuters Corp. and Bloomberg LP, the parent of Bloomberg News. LSE says it features more than 70 percent of price-sensitive U.K. announcements. Companies and public-relations agencies pay to publish releases.

    The disruption yesterday came as LSE was considering charging banks and brokers for the service. Data providers already pay to redistribute it.

    Hmmm... these major financial computer systems are getting more and more unreliable as some have started to notice....

    Climate Craziness of the Week: The Weather Channel on crack
    Watts Up With That?, 3rd January 2013

    The descriptions:

    - A bad day on Earth is nothing compared to a day on Venus! Winds create a massive cyclone with two eyes and rain that turns life forms into a pillar of carbon! Find out more on Deadliest Space Weather, only on The Weather Channel, Thursdays at 9pm!

    - Imagine acid rain that can eat through solid steel! This isn’t the plot of a Hollywood disaster movie, it’s weather happening now in our solar system! See more extreme weather on Deadliest Space Weather, Thursdays at 9 on The Weather Channel!

    Do they even hire science or meteorology majors at TWC anymore?

    I’m just stunned. This has to be the stupidest thing I’ve ever seen.

    Anthony Watts is not impressed hence the headline and his comments.... Neither is John Coleman who writes on this blog:
    John Coleman says:
    January 3, 2013 at 4:19 pm

    “As founder of The Weather Channel I am deeply saddened by what has become of my life’s work. I poured everything I had at the prime of my life into creating a basic channel that was focused on a mission to provide accurate and complete weather information for their location and the rest of our nation within a few minutes to everyone who tuned in. As televsion whiz kids have replaced adults and dedicated meteorologists the channel has been reduced to a hodge podge of silliness. Nothing against the many fine people who work there. But, a curse upon their leaders.”
    Now, since I want to promote the seriousness of space weather without the usual sensationalism, I thought I would highlight the comments of those amongst this crowd who are a bit more knowledgeable re: Space Weather than the rest. Thus we read:
    Mark Luedtke says:

    I wouldn’t casually dismiss the link between space weather and weather on earth. Red sprites suggest an electrical connection between space weather and thunder storms. Link 1 & Link 2

    Dave says: January 3, 2013 at 5:22 pm

    Space weather is a serious matter. There are people who continuously watch the sun for events like coronal mass ejections so they will know when high energy particles might reach the earth. This is very important because satellite operators as well as some terrestrial equipment operators (i.e., communications and electrical grid operators) must know what’s coming so they can mitigate potential problems before they occur. The US Air Force has five observatories located around the world so they can continuously monitor the sun/space weather in order to protect DOD assets in space. Link
    Finally, ajstrata says: "So look at this way, at least the alarmists are now getting all alarmed over something probably more real than CO2/H20 forcing run amok." Yes, exactly....

    More than 100 die of exposure in cold snap [Delhi, India]
    The National, 3rd January 2013
    LUCKNOW // More than 100 people have died of exposure as northern India deals with unusually low temperatures. At least 114 people have died from the cold in the state of Uttar Pradesh, a police spokesman, Surendra Srivastava, said yesterday. At least 23 of those died in the past 24 hours.

    Mr Srivastava said many of the dead were poor people whose bodies were found on sidewalks or in parks. The weather department said temperatures in the state were between 4 and 10°C below normal. New Delhi suffered its coldest day in 44 years amid the cold snap across northern India, meteorologists said. The maximum temperature on Wednesday reached just 9.8°C, the lowest since the winter of 1969 - when records first began - with a low of 4.8°C.

    There are many report of heavy snowfalls and plumeting temperatures across the globe. are reporting extraordinary lows in Mexixo, who reported: "You know that global warming is hitting hard, when New Mexico wakes up to -33C temperatures."Global Warming Strikes New Mexico! I checked the Wundermap graphics and found a spot at -34C.

    2012 the Year of Meteorite Falls!
    Lunar, 3rd January 2013
    The year 2012 saw a new record set for most meteorite falls in a single year in the 21st century. I started keeping detailed records of every new meteorite fall that is recovered or reported by reliable sources. Some of these have not been officially approved by the Meteoritical Society yet, but that is not unusual.

    In 2012, eleven (11) new meteorite falls fit the above criteria to be included on my list. Prior to 2012, the most falls in a single 21st century year (since 2000), was ten falls in 2008.

    On average, since the year 2000, we have averaged about 5 recovered meteorite falls per year that are either officially accepted by the Meteoritical Society or verified by reliable sources (such as the 2008 Zunhua meteorite fall, which has not been officially approved yet, but is a meteorite nonetheless).

    Earth is now in the middle of an interstellar debris field and we have been told by scientists that 9,000 rocks are passing Earth at any one moment. This explains the dramatic increase in meteors entering our atmosphere causing huge booms and explosions. There is also the new urgency to deploy new telescopes to detect bigger rocks that are virtually invisible to anything but infrared telescopes and radar.... For those who missed the news, collecting meteorites (rocks that have landed) is now illegal in the United States and that is probably because meteorites are now worth three times more than gold...
    • Update: ‘Green fireball in the western sky’ during meteor shower
      West Seattle Blog, 3rd January 2013
      Again.. we have another predicted meteor shower with largish rocks also entering Earth's atmosphere but of course the description of "A huge green ball followed by a long orange/yellow streak" might also be space junk burning up in our atmosphere on entry... There are lots of comment..

    Glitch hits Telecom cellphones (NZ), 2nd January 2013
    Thousands of Telecom mobile phone customers in the South Island are having problems with cellphone reception. Telecom says it is aware of the problem but a spokesman said he was unsure when the fault would be fixed.

    The widespread problem manifests itself in strange ways, with callers sounding as if they are under water or as if an alien life form is attempting to make contact. Spokesman Richard Irvine said the fault had been traced to a failing element in the network serving a large portion of the South Island.

    He was unsure what specific component was faulty, but said it was a piece of infrastructure such as a server. The problem had developed over the past week and was probably exacerbated by increased network traffic as people called and texted family and friends over the New Year holiday. "We want to apologise to people for the problems that they're having," Irvine said.

    This would just be another report of another mobile phone network failing under the new cosmic conditions but this report provides us with the novelty of "callers sounding as if they are under water or as if an alien life form is attempting to make contact." That sounds like fun....

    Orange orbs cause UFO buzz [S. Africa]
    IOL News, 2nd January 2012
    Pretoria - Reports of orange unidentified flying objects (UFOs) seen over parts of Centurion on Monday night have been flooding into the Pretoria News. While celebrating the start of the new year and looking to the night sky, some city residents did not see fireworks but a display of another kind.

    Centurion resident Louise Schoeman said she saw the first orange orbs at about 8pm, followed by dozens more through the course of the evening. "The lights appeared in formations of two or three at a time. They glowed orange but did not twinkle or flash," she said. "They appeared to be moving quite quickly, from the north, east and west, and would travel for a few minutes and then disappear. They were not conventional aircraft, they moved in a linear fashion and were definitely not fireworks.

    In previous reports of fiery orbs seen in South Africa, Chinese lanterns were dismissed as an option to explain sightings because they were not being imported, but now Chinese lanterns are being suggested... Well, I have seen two orbs travelling like bullets being fired across the sky and there is no way these could be described as balloons being blown by the wind.... but, I suppose I understood what it was I was looking at... Whatever, it is fair to say there is huge gulf between established scientific knowledge and public ignorance, so we should expect ordinary people to keep reporting sky phenomena that they don't understand.
    • Light formation over San Francisco captured on video
      Open Minds, 28th December 2012
      Video was recorded in the early morning of Sunday, December 9 showing a series of glowing lights over San Francisco, California. Witness Enrique Barrios recorded the series of seven lights with his cellphone camera. He described to CBS 5 that these “fireballs in the sky” looked like “flying candles” at first, but then started making formations. Another witness who photographed the UFOs described that each of the individual lights “kind of looked like a fiery, floaty thing”

      When watching videos of strange lights travelling in a group, often a few of these objects will break formation or even the whole group will create new formations suggesting they are not just paper Chinese lanterns blowing in the wind.

    • SIX More 2012 UFO Pictures, 31st December 2012
      More glowing worms in the skies and the existence of plasma phenomena or even another lifeform is just too hard for most ufologists to consider...

    • UFO? Strange lights in Cardwell, Australia
      Townsville Bulletin, 3rd January 2013

      Of course, during a time of a major planetary shift, reports of huge bright plasma orbs floating about in the skies have not gone away... Again, they are dismissed by the ignorant media as Chinese lanterns and scientists who have spent 40 years or more studying the existence of magnetospheric plasmoids and other related plasma phenomena are ignored so the general public stay uneducated....

    Big Bang under the microscope News, 2nd January 2012—(—Scientists have replaced the telescope with the microscope: Using the similarities between the structure of a crystal and the state of the cosmos in the early universe, they have explored a yet unconfirmed phenomenon, the formation of cosmic strings. These so-called "topological defects" are believed to have formed as the universe expanded shortly after the Big Bang.

    Studying the formation and early development of the universe is difficult as neither can be recreated in the laboratory. Instead, cosmologists and astrophysicists depend on gigantic telescopes orbiting in space. With these they observe the cosmic microwave radiation, which is a kind of echo of the Big Bang and can reveal important information about early universe processes. But recently materials scientists have entered the field of cosmology and gained new insights using more simple earth-based supercomputers and microscopes. [...]

    Spaldin and Fiebig, together with their research groups, have tackled a fundamental question of cosmology using a small crystal of a material called yttrium manganite. The crystal first attracted the researchers' attention because of its so-called multiferroic behavior, in which the electric charges and magnetic dipoles arrange themselves spontaneously. The scientists discovered that, very surprisingly, the spontaneous arrangement of the electric charges follows the same rules that describe the universe during its early expansion – in fact at the time when the universe split into matter and the forces keeping it together.

    In my efforts to integrate information, it seems we are back to some basics, with these scientists studying electric charges and magnetic dipoles arranging themselves spontaneously whilst following the same rules that describe the universe during its early expansion... My interest here is the link with dispersion patterns and I am wondering if there is a link with so-called lightcodes or phosphenes, as patterns of charge distribution might explain their origin.

    Monster Outflows Pouring Out Of Milky Way’s Center
    Red Orbit, 2nd January 2013
    Astronomers using CSIRO’s 210-feet Parkes radio telescope in eastern Australia have found monstrous outflows of charged particles coming from the center of our galaxy. The researchers said that the outflows contain an extraordinary amount of energy, reaching about a million times the energy of an exploding star.

    Although the outflows are shooting out at over 600 miles per second, they pose no danger to Earth or the solar system. “They are not coming in our direction, but go up and down from the galactic plane,” said CSIRO’s Dr. Ettore Carretti. “We are 30,000 light-years away from the galactic center, in the plane. They are no danger to us.” The outflows extend 50,000 light-years from top to bottom out of the galactic plane, which equals half the diameter of the Milky Way.

    There seems to be a lot going on in our galaxy's galactic centre... Last year, we had reports of a huge cosmic bullet, a plasma cloud with the volume of three Earths that was nearing Sagittarius A*, the galactic centre and is expected to ignite it in X-rays and radio waves (at least) in mid June 2013, (see archives for mid December 2011). Astronomers all over the world will be monitoring this unusual event and now this...

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    Susan Joy Rennison quotes:

    “Space Weather is now a fact of life.”

    “We are all astronauts now!”

    Tuning The Diamonds,
    September 2006

    “We must spiritually evolve as part of the new terms & conditions for living on Earth.”

    Joyfire Tour – Evolutionary Change, December 2006

    “Space Weather will force many changes in how we do business on this planet.”

    News of the Imbalance,
    April 2007

    NASA Press Release:

    “Earth and space are about to come into contact in a way that's new to human history.”

    “We're on the threshold of a new era in which space weather can be as influential in our daily lives as ordinary terrestrial weather.”

    As the Sun Awakens, NASA Keeps a Wary Eye on Space Weather
    NASA News, 4th June 2010

    White House Executive Order:

    “Space weather has the potential to simultaneously affect and disrupt health and safety across entire continents. Successfully preparing for space weather events is an all-of-nation endeavor that requires partnerships across governments, emergency managers, academia, the media, the insurance industry, non-profits, and the private sector.”

    Executive Order –– Coordinating Efforts to Prepare the Nation for Space Weather Events
    The White House, 13th October 2016

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