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A Prediction Worthy of Note: The Arrival of An Etheric Cloud
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A New Cosmic Age
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Susan rennison

The New Cosmic Age is now Official!

The News of The Imbalance blog is an attempt to provide pertinent information concerning the new phenomena of space weather driving massive evolutionary change. In 2006, I self-published the book Tuning the Diamonds: Electromagnetism & Spiritual Evolution (2006, 2008, 2010, 2012 ), because I believed that Modern Mayan Elders were trying to point out that the citizens of planet Earth were entering a New World Age dominated by aether or space. The basic premise of my book was that the dramatic increase and impact of Space Weather was predicted.

Since 2006, the major significance of Space Weather has become more apparent. What's more, it has now been proven that major religious institutions, metaphysical and esoteric groups have been tracking the date 2012 as the end/start of a major astronomical cycle. Geoscientists worldwide are adamant that our planet is experiencing a “global energy leap” and the inevitable consequence will be more mega-disasters. World governments have been warned that there is a new need for disaster preparedness and there is now a new sense of urgency. This blog provides my unique perspective as a Truth Seeker, based on the integration of science, metaphysics and ancient knowledge.

The Joyfire Space Weather “Facts”
Introductory Slideshow

Slideshow: The Joyfire Space Weather “Facts” Introductory Slideshow

Click image above or here

For new website visitors, please watch this introductory slideshow that summarises the main issues associated with the new phenomenon of Space Weather and the inevitable implications of energy driven evolutionary change.

News of the Imbalance March – April 2013

ASX website hit by glitch
The Herald News, 30th April 2013
The website of the Australian Securities Exchange is down this morning due to a "technical glitch".

The site has been displaying only a limited menu with no up-to-date market data as of about 9.30 on Tuesday morning. A spokesman for the ASX said although the site was experiencing technical difficulties, "the dynamic information that goes out to market is going out as normal". [...]

ASX systems have suffered "glitches" in the past, with two high profile outages in 2011, one halting trade for four hours.

Obviously, this is NOT a major problem but it does not inspire confidence because the number of financial exchanges around the world experiencing "technical glitches" is creating a crisis of confidence with investors.

Strange 'chandeliering ice' phenomena unfolds at Medicine Lake [VIDEO]
Kare 11 News, 30th April 2013
PLYMOUTH, Minn. - Many of us thought we'd seen it all when it comes to the winter of 2012-2013. Think again.

On a day in which spring made its return to Minnesota with a vengeance, Nadalie Thomas caught Old Man Winter making his last stand with an ice-shattering spectacle known to some as "chandeliering."

Nadalie and her kids were down on the shores of Medicine Lake in Plymouth Saturday when they noticed large piles of ice that were splintering into fine shards similar to glass. As spectacular as the visual image was the ear-splitting sound that accompanied the icy scene. [....]

One viewer emailed Mr. Sebesta claiming that it is known as "chandeleiring ice." Another friend of Jerrid's claims that a similar occurrence happened on the shores of Lake Mille Lacs back in 1994, leaving piles of ice shards so large they had to be removed by front end loaders.

I think the ice has changed into a new state of matter (superglass?) and the splintering and noise is the phase transition... I was intrigued with what looks like purple colour and I assumed there was a blast of ultraviolet light hitting this ice and causing the transition.... Personally, I think this is a major sign.... I have felt for a long time that there are problems with the atmosphere over the United States and this to me is not a good sign... My Delft TU evening presentation touched on the ice needle manifestation that relates to the charge on ice but the rapidity shown here is something else...

NASA Mission to Study What Disrupts Radio Waves
Space Daily, 29th April 2013
A NASA-funded sounding rocket mission will launch from an atoll in the Pacific in the next few weeks to help scientists better understand and predict the electrical storms in Earth's upper atmosphere These storms can interfere with satellite communication and global positioning signals.

The mission, called EVEX, for the Equatorial Vortex Experiment, will launch two rockets for a twelve-minute journey through the equatorial ionosphere above the South Pacific. The launch window for the mission from the Kwajalein Atoll in the Marshall Islands is from April 27 to May 10, 2013. [...]

This area of the ionosphere is known for calm days and tempestuous nights, times when the ionosphere becomes rippled like a funhouse mirror, disturbing radio signals, and introducing GPS errors of a half mile or more.

The two rockets will measure events in two separate regions of the ionosphere to see how they work together to drive the ionosphere from placid and smooth to violently disturbed. Such information could ultimately lead to the ability to accurately forecast this important aspect of space weather.

More space weather driven research, see more below.
  • IRIS Solar Satellite Arrives at Vandenberg AFB for Launch
    Space Daily, 19th April 2013
    Scientists will soon gain a better view into energy and plasma movement near the surface of the sun, thanks to delivery of the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS) spacecraft to Vandenberg Air Force Base, Calif. in preparation for launch.

    Part of NASA's Small Explorer (SMEX) Mission, which delivers space exploration missions costing less than $120 million, IRIS was designed and built at Lockheed Martin's Space Systems Company Advanced Technology Center (ATC) in Palo Alto, Calif. The program was developed with support from Lockheed Martin's Civil Space line of business as well as partners Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Montana State University, Stanford University and the University of Oslo. The launch of IRIS will not take place before May 28. [...]

    NASA's Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, Calif., is responsible for mission operations and the ground data system. The Norwegian Space Centre will capture the IRIS data with their antennas in Svalbard, inside the Arctic Circle in northern Norway. The science data will be managed by the Joint Science Operations Center of the Solar Dynamics Observatory, run by Stanford and Lockheed Martin. NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md., oversees the SMEX project.

    The goal of the IRIS program is to better understand how energy and plasma move from a lower layer of the sun's surface called the photosphere, through the chromosphere layer and to the outer corona layer.

The Temple of the Feathered Serpent
Robot Finds Mysterious Spheres in Ancient Temple
Discovery News, 29th April 2013
Hundreds of mysterious spheres lie beneath the Temple of the Feathered Serpent, an ancient six-level step pyramid just 30 miles from Mexico City.

The enigmatic spheres were found during an archaeological dig using a camera-equipped robot at one of the most important buildings in the pre-Hispanic city of Teotihuacan.

"They look like yellow spheres, but we do not know their meaning. It's an unprecedented discovery," said Jorge Zavala, an archaeologist at Mexico's National Anthropology and History Institute.

JEREMY GRANTHAM: We Are In A Race To Prevent The Collapse Of Civilization
Business InsiderNews, 29th April 2013
Jeremy Grantham, the well-known head of investment firm GMO, has become increasingly vocal about his concerns for the fate of the world.

"Our global economy, reckless in its use of all resources and natural systems, shows many of the indicators of potential failure that brought down so many civilizations before ours," writes Grantham in his new quarterly letter titled "The Race Of Our Lives."

In 10 pages, he compiles some key points we've heard him discuss at length in his recent media tour. He spends most of his message on what makes him optimistic. We summarize is letter here. [...]

"The bottom line is that if we put our minds to it we can overcome normal inertia and abnormally powerful vested interests that oppose necessary change," he writes.

Someone with a brain and who can think sounding the alarm... There is a big focus here on declining fertility rates, but he thinks this is positive but obviously, the issue is the rapid drop and if the rate of sperm count dropping increases, there won't be many humans about in a few hundred years...

Pentagon Paying China — Yes, China — To Carry Data
Wired News, 29th April 2013
The Pentagon is so starved for bandwidth that it’s paying a Chinese satellite firm to help it communicate and share data.

U.S. troops operating on the African continent are now using the recently-launched Apstar-7 satellite to keep in touch and share information. And the $10 million, one-year deal lease — publicly unveiled late last week during an ordinarily-sleepy Capitol Hill subcommittee hearing — has put American politicians and policy-makers in bit of a bind. Over the last several years, the U.S. government has publicly and loudly expressed its concern that too much sensitive American data passes through Chinese electronics — and that those electronics could be sieves for Beijing’s intelligence services. But the Pentagon says it has no other choice than to use the Chinese satellite. The need for bandwidth is that great, and no other satellite firm provides the continent-wide coverage that the military requires.

I think this just reflects the issue of satellite availability but some think this is rather poor form...

Wall St is full of "crooks" and hasn't reformed its "pathological" culture since the financial crash.
Top economist Jeffrey Sachs says Wall Street is full of 'crooks' and hasn't changed since the financial crash
The IMF adviser also blamed 'a docile president, a docile White House and a docile regulatory system'
The Independent, 29th April 2013
In a cutting attack on America's financial hub, one of the world's most respected economists has said Wall St is full of "crooks" and hasn't reformed its "pathological" culture since the financial crash. coming to a full blown mega crisis climax...

Professor Jeffrey Sachs told a high-powered audience at the Philadelphia Federal Reserve earlier this month that the lack of reform was down to “a docile president, a docile White House and a docile regulatory system that absolutely can’t find its voice.” coming to a full blown mega crisis climax...

Sachs, from Colombia University, has twice been named one of Time magazine’s 100 Most Influential People in the World, and is an adviser to the World Bank and IMF. [...]

“I meet a lot of these people on Wall Street on a regular basis right now,” he continued.

“I am going to put it very bluntly: I regard the moral environment as pathological. And I am talking about the human interactions . . . I’ve not seen anything like this, not felt it so palpably.”

"They have no responsibility to pay taxes; they have no responsibility to their clients; they have no responsibility to people, to counterparties in transactions,” he said. “They are tough, greedy, aggressive and feel absolutely out of control in a quite literal sense, and they have gamed the system to a remarkable extent.”

Looks like the refusal to reign in the psychopaths is coming to a full blown mega crisis climax... Is it now time to round up the criminals who are now very dangerous to society?

The Mind of a Con Man
New York Times, 28th April 2013
[...] Each case of research fraud that’s uncovered triggers a similar response from scientists. First disbelief, then anger, then a tendency to dismiss the perpetrator as one rotten egg in an otherwise-honest enterprise. But the scientific misconduct that has come to light in recent years suggests at the very least that the number of bad actors in science isn’t as insignificant as many would like to believe. And considered from a more cynical point of view, figures like Hwang and Hauser are not outliers so much as one end on a continuum of dishonest behaviors that extend from the cherry-picking of data to fit a chosen hypothesis — which many researchers admit is commonplace — to outright fabrication. Still, the nature and scale of Stapel’s fraud sets him apart from most other cheating academics. “The extent to which I did it, the longevity of it, makes it extreme,” he told me. “Because it is not one paper or 10 but many more.”

What I can't understand is that these kind of studies are supposed to be reproducible... Why should his research be automatically believed? Instead, Diederik Stapel's fantasy studies just made him famous.... This academic fail is truly pathetic... Whatever, if you have studied narcissism, this article implies Stapel hits the top of the scale and that makes him a psychopath. This means that it is not possible for him to feel any genuine remorse... Just read the article, I simply can't believe that this person is not completely warped... In my opinion it reveals just how much society loves lies and there are so very few willing to discern truth, most prefer to be entertained with fantastic lies or look the other way when the lies are undeniable.

NASA Probe Gets Close-Up Views of Large Hurricane on Saturn
NASA JPL News, 26th April 2013
PASADENA, Calif. - NASA's Cassini spacecraft has provided scientists the first close-up, visible-light views of a behemoth hurricane swirling around Saturn's north pole.

In high-resolution pictures and video, scientists see the hurricane's eye is about 1,250 miles (2,000 kilometers) wide, 20 times larger than the average hurricane eye on Earth. Thin, bright clouds at the outer edge of the hurricane are traveling 330 mph(150 meters per second). The hurricane swirls inside a large, mysterious, six-sided weather pattern known as the hexagon.

"We did a double take when we saw this vortex because it looks so much like a hurricane on Earth," said Andrew Ingersoll, a Cassini imaging team member at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena. "But there it is at Saturn, on a much larger scale, and it is somehow getting by on the small amounts of water vapor in Saturn's hydrogen atmosphere."

I can't understand the surprise... the electromagnetic force and how it interacts with matter appears to be the same all over the universe....

CO2 Warmism denounced and Insurance Industry conference warned of Mini Ice Age events., 26th April 2013
In his dynamic presentation - complete with globe and moveable Jet-Stream - to Sterling Insurance Industry "Claims Day" conference 17th April, Kings Hill, West Malling Kent, Piers Corbyn pointed-out the systematic failings and fraud of the CO2 warmist approach and argued the whole insurance industry needed to get to grips with Real Climate Change as now upon the world in the form of the developing Mini-Ice-Age.

Piers showed how the CO2-based Climate Change proposition was "delusional nonsense" which had failed in ALL its predictions and whose protagonists now "just make up explanations as they go along". He specifically attacked Sir John Beddington's recent 'warm is cold' cant on the BBC, pointing out:

1. There is no evidence in the real world for the CO2-driver proposition but that reality is the reverse and that world (sea) temperatures drive CO2 levels in the long run; and Sir John has been challenged (**VIDEOS below)  to come up with evidence of his absurd claims.

2. If CO2 really did drive the recent Sea Ice changes and cold Spring which was in fact predicted well in advance in detail by WeatherAction's Solar-Lunar based theory then it must be the case that mankind's trivial contribution to levels of the trace gas CO2 are driving solar events (which were also predicted by WeatherAction) - which is absurd beyond belief!

On the Association of British Insurers (ABI) continuing adoption of Global Warmist assertions Piers pointed out that the current CO2-Warmist  expectation of more and worsening summer floods and 'warm makes cold' snowy events came from the same people who predicted ongoing droughts, barbecue summers, 'runaway warming' and the end of snow in UK by 2010. "They just make it up", said Piers, "and only now say these things because that is what is happening to the weather while CO2 still rises. They are misleading the Insurance industry, the economy and country and the ABI must reject the CO2 delusionism and adopt scientific Solar-lunar based Real Climate Change predictions".

If you want the message in blunt language, astrophysicist Piers Corbyn is your man... There are some video links here too...

Cooling in the Arctic: what to expect?
The Voice of Russia, 22nd April 2013
Global warming which has been the subject of so many discussions in recent years, may give way to global cooling. According to scientists from the Pulkovo Observatory in St.Petersburg, solar activity is waning, so the average yearly temperature will begin to decline as well. Scientists from Britain and the US chime in saying that forecasts for global cooling are far from groundless. Some experts warn that a change in the climate may affect the ambitious projects for the exploration of the Arctic that have been launched by many countries.

Just recently, experts said that the Arctic ice cover was becoming thinner while journalists warned that the oncoming global warming would make it possible to grow oranges in the north of Siberia. Now, they say a cold spell will set in. Apparently, this will not occur overnight, Yuri Nagovitsyn of the Pulkovo Observatory, says. Read more:

Opinion at WUWT, Russian Scientists say period of global cooling ahead due to changes in the sun

Standing Watch against Space Weather
White House, 26th April 2013
Just as there is weather on Earth, there is weather in space. And though we cannot directly see or feel it when we step outside, it has the potential impact our daily lives. “Space weather” originates on the Sun, can release the energy-equivalent of 100 hurricanes in just minutes, and can produce wind gusts that exceed one million mph. Every 11 years, the Sun undergoes a period of heightened activity called the "solar maximum”—a period that is occurring right now—that can bring especially powerful solar eruptions and hurl energetic particles into space, sometimes toward the Earth. Though the likelihood that these solar storms will thrust particles in our planet’s general direction is very low—when they do, they can damage satellites, harm astronauts in space, make GPS information erratic or undependable, and in some cases even cause electricity blackouts on the Earth.

Even The White House are paying attention...

Former CIA Director: The Grid Is Vulnerable To Attack
Forbes News, 26th April 2013
The electric power grid in the United States is vulnerable to attacks that have already begun, former CIA Director R. James Woolsey said in Chicago Thursday night, and America needs distributed generation as backup—primarily in the form of natural-gas cogeneration and solar power.

On another energy-security front, Woolsey called on automakers to produce fuel-flex cars and for gas stations to offer motorists the choice of gasoline or methanol—a liquid fuel made from natural gas—to free American transportation from dependence on OPEC. [...]

The grid is under attack already, according to Woolsey, and regularly fending off hacking attempts. To illustrate the possible consequences of a successful attack, Woolsey plugged the NBC series “Revolution,” which explores “what happened to America when the power went out.”

“We have 18 critical infrastructures in the United States: water, food, electricity and so forth. All 17 of the others depend on electricity,” Woolsey said. “Everything depends on the electric grid.”

The penny is well and truly dropping concerning a solar megablast. I don't believe the excuse of a man-made EMP strike is the real problem. Are controllers now starting to panic that they have created a nightmare scenario? The issue is centralised power distribution, see archives for lots of previous articles, reports and comments.

Benedict XVI prays penultimate Angelus: “The time of testing is here, let us focus on God again”
Vatican Insider, 17th February 2013 Flashback!
During today’s Angelus prayer Benedict XVI spoke about Jesus’ temptations before a crowd of 50 thousand faithful, asking them to “Pray for me and the next Pope”

The time of testing is here. We must not use God for our own ends.” Resignation is a testimony of faith. “Don’t be afraid” “to fight the evil spirit,” what is important is that we do it alongside Christ the Victor,” the Pope said during today’s Angelus before a crowd of 50 thousand faithful, urging them to turn to “the Mother Mary.” “Let us trust in the intercession of the Virgin Mary in this time of testing, “ he added. “Through her we will feel the powerful presence of his divine Son, so we may ward off temptation with the Word of Christ and place God at the centre of our lives.” We must reject the false images of the Messiah as Jesus did when faced with the temptations “the Temptor presented him with,” the most serious of which is “using God for one’s own ends,” Benedict XVI said during the course of the Angelus prayer.

I feel compelled to re-state the words of the ex-Pope despite the fact I don't have much respect for the office or the hierarchy of the Roman Catholic Church.... However, the Catholic Church have some of the best state-of-the-art astronomical observatories in the world with massive archives of ancient documents telling them what to expect at times of major cosmic upheavals. Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI is now holed-up at Castel Gandolfol, the old Vatican Observatory that in Jan 2008 was being reported as being dismantled, but it seems instead, there was some major re-building work done for who knows what purpose... We know for a fact that they have been tracking comets and possibly other unsual cosmic objects that require state-of-the art infra-red telescopes. A conglomerate of NASA & Vatican astronomers at Mount Graham, Tucson, Arizona have deployed the “Large Binocular Telescope Near-infrared Utility with Camera and Integral Field Unit for Extragalactic Research,” nick-named (“L.U.C.I.F.E.R.”). The Vatican Observatory are using the VATT Telescope to watch C/2013 A1 (Siding Spring)... see this image C/2013 A1 (Siding Spring) and we can presume that a repeat of the biblical 'Passover' by Comet ISON and a possible pollution event is enough for them to make a warning that would only be heard by those with ears to hear... Those who visit this website on a regular basis count as being amongst the few. So, I will repeat, “The time of testing is here...”

Comet ISON Meteor Shower
NASA Science News, 19th April 2013
April 19, 2013: Anticipation is building as Comet ISON plunges into the inner solar system for a close encounter with the sun in November 2013. Blasted at point-blank range by solar radiation, the sungrazer will likely become one of the finest comets in many years.

When NASA's Swift spacecraft observed the comet in January 2013, it was still near the orbit of Jupiter, but already very active. More than 112,000 pounds of dust were spewing from the comet's nucleus every minute. It turns out, some of that dust might end up on Earth.

Veteran meteor researcher Paul Wiegert of the University of Western Ontario has been using a computer to model the trajectory of dust ejected by Comet ISON, and his findings suggest that an unusual meteor shower could be in the offing. "For several days around January 12, 2014, Earth will pass through a stream of fine-grained debris from Comet ISON," says Wiegert. "The resulting shower could have some interesting properties. [...] While the dust is “up there,” it could produce noctilucent clouds (NLCs).

OMG! NASA scientists are giving some credence to James McCanney's claim about what we could happen with the Comet ISON passover! It seems, that we now need some serious focus by astronomers to provide the spectrum analysis of what chemicals are in the comet tail to see whether we should expect a major pollution event... See below:
  • Comet C/2012 S1 (ISON): JamesMcCanneyScienceHour_October_04_2012 (MP3)
    James McCanney Science Hour, 4th October 2012 Flashback!

    This is classic James McCanney where we are given a basic introduction to what is happening with Comet C/2012 S1 (ISON) and what he expects to happen and why there may be some severe space weather events THIS YEAR. He expects to see major cometary interactions with the gas planets of Jupiter, and Mars and then more interactions with Mercury... Nothing is absolutely certain, but it is very likely the citizens of planet Earth are going to witness major celestial fireworks of biblical proportions in the heavens.

  • Comet C/2012 S1 (ISON): JamesMcCanneyScienceHour_November_08_2012.mp3
    James McCanney Science Hour, 8th November 2012 Flashback!

    Only the first 23 minutes of this show is dedicated to talking about Comet C/2012 S1 (ISON) but we get a detailed description of 'The Red Hand of Death'. McCanney does not mention the comet 'Wormwood' in the show on the 4th October & 8th November 2012, but over the years worth of shows that I have listened to in the past, he has talked about a comet known to the Catholic Church that has polluted the Earth's waters in our ancient past and made them 'bitter'. Here is some introductory information from a short article with some science (chemistry) that is not too difficult to understand, so it is strongly recommended that the whole article is read especially for those readers who doubt the seriousness of what can happen when large comets come near to Earth... Simply, the analogy of a biblical Passover is not fanciful.
    In the First Century AD, the Apostle John wrote an apocalyptic book called "Revelation" in which he described among many "end-time" events the collision of a star called Wormwood with Earth. Revelation states:

    Rev. 8:10-11: The third angel sounded his trumpet, and a great star, blazing like a torch, fell from the sky on a third of the rivers and on the springs of water-- the name of the star is Wormwood. A third of the waters turned bitter, and many people died from the waters that had become bitter.

    Wormwood is a botanical herb commonly known for its bitterness. See It was used as a pesticide, medicinal tonic and liqueur ingredient. The term "wormwood" was often used to describe "extreme bitterness".

    Let us consider the possibility of a "star" turning the waters bitter on Earth. The term "star" in classical terminology lacks the modern astronomical sense. It could have been referring to a comet, asteroid, "sun-like" star or planet. Since the possibility of a planet or sun colliding with earth is infinitesimal, we will eliminate this possibility.

    Scientific Scenario Of A Comet's Impact And The "Wormwood Star" Prophecy by Marshall Beeber, Messianic Literary Corner.
    Ignore the "heat shock" that is talk for infants. A comet nucleus does not need to be anywhere near Earth because comet tails can be thought of as electrical bare "wires" across space. What's more, NASA has measured these 'tails' to stretch for half a billion miles. So, it is the electrical interactions of these comet tails in our atmosphere that will cause chemical reactions in our atmosphere. For reasons that I will not disclose, I think a lot more people need to be aware that things may become very chaotic on this planet in the new future. You don't need to believe me but James McCanney has been preparing his audience for a very long time so that people will be able to better cope in any catacylsmic event. Despite the disinformation campaigns that target James McCanney, I have great respect. This is a man who actually cares about people.

  • JamesMcCanneyScienceHour_November_15_2012.mp3
    James McCanney Science Hour, 15th November 2012 Flashback!

    James McCanney continues talking about Comet C/2012 S1 (ISON) and more about 'The Red Hand of Death' and The Passover event detailed in The Bible (00.00 - 04:45 & 35.50 - 59.00) . Here, it is worth pointing out that some of the mythologising about 'the gods' make a lot more sense when we realise that astronomer-priests sought to preserve the stories of what happened when monster comets come into our solar system and cause havoc as they interact with the major planets of Saturn and Jupiter and then fling the end products on us on Earth... Due to the scientific merit, some mythologists are also now re-interpretating myths in terms of highly electrical plasma manifestations being seen in the heavens.

  • Will Comet ISON light up the night sky in late 2013?
    Space News, 20th February 2013
    [...] Just how brightly Comet ISON will shine this year is currently up for debate between planetary scientists and comet-watchers. However, the general consensus is that ISON will hopefully be the brightest comet anyone alive has ever seen. Current predictions suggest that it will skim the Sun, approaching it at a distance within 1.1 million miles at the end of November 2013. It is here that ISON could reach, or even exceed, the brightness of the full Moon meaning that it will be visible to the naked eye quite easily.

    [...] Observers all over the world will be able to see ISON with everyone in the Northern Hemisphere getting a great view in the run-up to Christmas and into January passing directly over the north pole. In January 2014, astronomers predict that the comet will approach to within 37.2 million miles of Earth.

Glitch unlocks Montgomery County jail doors
Washington Post, 27th April 2013
About 500 locks on cell doors simultaneously opened inside Montgomery County’s main jail early Saturday, prompting officials to declare a security emergency that included posting about 20 police cars on the perimeter of the facility near Clarksburg.

No inmates tried to escape and the locks were reset, said Arthur Wallenstein, director of the county’s Department of Correction and Rehabilitation. Wallenstein said the cell-door locks also disengaged Tuesday before being reset. “It’s definitely a problem,” he said. “We must find the source of it.”

County maintenance workers and outside contractors were in the jail Saturday working on the system to find a permanent fix for the doors, Wallenstein said. The doors are part of an electronic system guided by computer programs and corrections officers.

Now, that is what I call a glitch! Well, I think this story in itself should be enough to remove any doubt that electronics that require a stable geomagnetic environment are occasionally unreliable. I hope these same electronic locks are not used at banks etc but I bet they are....

CBOE works to contain fallout from glitch
Market Watch, 27th April 2013
CHICAGO (MarketWatch) — Senior executives of the Chicago Board Options Exchange were on Friday working to contain the fallout from a software glitch that delayed trading on Thursday and left U.S. markets without critical hedging tools.

Analysts estimate the episode could have cost parent CBOE Holdings Inc. (US:CBOE) some $700,000 in lost revenue, and its share of U.S. options trading dipped below its recent average as clients continued to assess the impact of what the company described as a “systems issue.” [...]

CBOE, the largest U.S. stock-options exchange in terms of trading, failed to open for trading Thursday because of an “an internal systems issue” that prevented its computers from validating some orders, and sending reports back to traders. Trading opened about 3 1/2 hours late, leaving investors frustrated and traders milling about CBOE’s Chicago pits.

Thursday’s breakdown left banks, asset managers and other investors unable to deal in heavily traded options on major stock indexes and CBOE’s own Volatility Index, or VIX. Those contracts are available solely on the CBOE.

Hmmm.... the high profile computer system fails just keep coming and the reason is OBVIOUS if you understand the problem we now have with space weather and cosmic rays. This failure seems to have caused another major upset for traders,my opinion is based on the amount of high profile media coverage.

Rolling Stone magazine: 'Conspiracy theorists of the world, we skeptics owe you an apology. You were right'
Everything Is Rigged: The Biggest Price-Fixing Scandal Ever
Rolling Stone Magazine, 25th April 2013
Conspiracy theorists of the world, believers in the hidden hands of the Rothschilds and the Masons and the Illuminati, we skeptics owe you an apology. You were right. The players may be a little different, but your basic premise is correct: The world is a rigged game. We found this out in recent months, when a series of related corruption stories spilled out of the financial sector, suggesting the world's largest banks may be fixing the prices of, well, just about everything.

Folk are waking up....

Brazilian MoD Discusses UFOs With Ufologists - 2
UFO Updatelist, 25th April 2013
Dear Listers.

For those who have the patience, here is a detailed article about the Ministry of Defense meeting in Brasilia, published at the Brazilian UFO Magazine website two days ago and just translated into English.

I am sorry if you feel it too long. Tried to make it shorter... A. J. -----

"Ministry of Defense and Ufologists establish unique communication channel in the world"

Historic meeting in Brazil on April 18 initiates mutual cooperation between military commands and civilian UFO investigators

Members of the Brazilian Committee of UFO Researchers (CBU) and members of the Brazilian Armed Forces met this Thursday afternoon in Bras=EDlia under the Ministry of Defense's intermediation to discuss access to military documents and reports of Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs). [...]

Over ten military from the three Armed Forces -- Army, Navy and Air Force -- were present at the meeting, but only the representative of the Air Force Command made a significant contribution, surprising the UFO researchers with his frankness and stating that it was quite true that some UFO documents still remain secret and are yet to be declassified. [...]

The bureaus goal would be to serve the Brazilian public and help to decipher one of the most impressive enigmas the mankind has ever faced: the visits from other species to our planet, a phenomenon that has given our country an outstanding place in the world because of the immense amount of UFO sightings and encounters with extraterrestrials that happen here, as well as their immense variety.

The fact that we are even getting immediate worldwide details of the meeting between Brazilian Ministry of Defense officials and ufologists it utterly amazing. Btw, if you like making money, the 'I told ya so' t-shirt is going to sell... Maybe, I should sell t-shirts and mugs that say 'Joyfire told ya so...' because it looks like the Brazilian disclosure of the shadow biosphere is going to be very interesting.... This link was picked up at ATS Brazilian Ministry of Defense - Official Meeting With UFO Researchers.

Meet Your Future Crazy Ex On Alex Jones’s Infowars Dating Website
ATS, 27th April 2013
This has got to be the biggest laugh I have had all week.... Follow the links...

The Earth's center is 1,000 degrees hotter than previously thought
Phys.Org News, 25th April 2013
Scientists think they have found some real global warming...

Delingpole on the global warming scam: "[it] was based on the largest confection of lies in junk science was mainly the fault of scientist-manque arts graduates too easily impressed by men in white lab coats"
Telegraph Delingpole, 23rd April 2013
Now that global warming is completely unravelling, I want to elaborate on a point I made a few blogposts back about the role of humanities graduates in this great debate.

On the face of it, their record isn't good. Some of the most influential promulgators of climate nonsense have been arts graduates – among them Bryony Worthington (the FoE activist turned peer responsible for the Climate Change Act), the BBC's Roger Harrabin and a fair few of the Guardian's 2,800-strong Environment Department. I think future historians – looking back on this period of mass hysteria in which so many people were persuaded by and so much expensive, damaging policy was based on the largest confection of lies in junk science history – could put together a reasonably persuasive thesis that it was mainly the fault of scientist-manque arts graduates too easily impressed by men in white lab coats.

I suppose the real issue is people who employ persuasion tactics rather than reason need to be considered as dangerous..

Brazilian Ministry of Defense establishes communications with UFO researchers
UFO Digest, 23rd April 2013
For the first time in history a Ministry of Defense of a country has officially invited UFO researchers to discuss the UFO Phenomena, how to handle its investigation and the information it may come from it. The meeting happened last April 18 at the Brazilian Ministry of Defense building, in Brasilia, the Federal Capital, and over 20 people took part of it.

On behalf of the minister of Defense, Ambassador Celso Amorim, his Secretary Ari Matos Cardoso and his associates received the Brazilian Committee of UFO Researchers (CBU) members to discuss the subject. Present at the meeting, that lasted some 75 minutes, were also present several representatives from the Brazilian Air Force, Navy and Army, all subordinated to the Brazilian Ministry of Defense, and who were asked to fully comply with the ufologists’ requests. [...]

I am very happy to announce this information to the entire World UFO Community, as it is the result of my colleagues and mine efforts at the Brazilian Committee of UFO Researchers (CBU) to make the UFO Phenomena a clear and public issue in Brazil. The Brazilian UFO disclosure is a direct result of our strategies in the last years, through the above mentioned campaign, and the Brazilian Ministry of Defense meeting is a recognition of it.

Despite my usual antagonistic stance towards the leaders of The Church of Ufology, I recognise there are many lay people who want to find out the truth concerning the possible existence of extraterrestrials and a shadow biosphere. So, for the genuine truth seeker, I am delighted about this news from Brazil. This news has to be seen with the perspective that it seems the penny has well and truly dropped with world controllers. The Novus Ordo Seclorum of the Great Seal of the United States that was crudely fashioned into the New World Order mantra is starting to be understood in the true original sense, see 2012: The American Founding Fathers Knew, January 2012. The gods and Heroes are now well and truly "mingling" with humans so it no longer possible to hide the existence of another lifeform on this planet. Thus, I believe UFO/ET disclosure is coming very soon.

Scientists discuss invisible alien life on Earth
Open Minds, 23rd April 2013
On Monday, April 22, HuffPost Live featured a segment about theoretical invisible life that could exist on Earth. This segment, titled “Earth’s Alien Life,” featured HuffPost Senior Science Editor David Freeman, University of Colorado, Boulder Professor of Philosophy Carol Cleland, Arizona State University theoretical physicist and astrobiologist Paul Davies, University of Massachusetts-Amherst Associate Professor of English David Toomey, and was hosted by HuffPost Live‘s Josh Zepps.

Hmmm... Historically, most ufologists have ignored the possibility of a shadow biosphere and those pointing out the obvious, see archives re Trevor James Constable, John Keel, Jacques Vallee, Ivan Sanderson and Dr. Harley Rutledge. The focus has been the search for extraterrestrials in space ships etc etc despite the overwhelming evidence that the ufo phenomena encompasses a broad range of activity and entities that interact with humans often in a paranormal way. The fact that ufologists are being forced to pay attention is because real scientists are pointing out some facts. In terms of the business model of maintaining mystery and with any successful culty enterprise, those that run the Church of Ufology seek to just keep people buying books and DVDs whilst attending conferences to create cash flow. There is very little interest in identifying the truth so the interference of real scientists is becoming an issue and no doubt Davos 2013 revelations have not necessarily been met with rejoicing either.

Something strange is happening in all our skies!, 25th April 2013
ELLIPTICAL MOON HALOS: The moon is waxing full, which means now is the time to be alert for icy moon halos. On April 22nd, Darryl Luscombe of Sointula, British Columbia, saw an unusual specimen. Instead of being circular, as usual, this halo was elliptical:

"I dont think I have ever seen an elliptical halo around the moon before," says Luscombe. "I looked up and just stared for about a minute. Then I raced inside to get my camera. I just managed to photograph it before it disappeared." Atmospheric optics expert Les Cowley comments on the apparition: "There have been quite a few ellipticals seen in the last few weeks both in Europe and the US. Something strange [is happening] in all our skies!"

ice halos are much smaller than the ordinary 22 degree halo encircling the sun or moon," Cowley continues. "In the 22 degree halo the ring is effectively made by light refracting through a 60 degree ice prism. The smaller elliptical halos need much narrower prisms and we think that six sided plate shaped crystals with very shallow pyramidal ends might do the work. The problem is that such crystals are unphysical and computer simulations using them do not predict the halo very well. An alternative is the wedge shaped sections of small snowflake-like crystals. Whatever their cause, they are rare and mysterious!"

Earth Sky has a nice article called where we are informed:
"...halos are a sign of high thin cirrus clouds drifting 20,000 feet or more above our heads. These clouds contain millions of tiny ice crystals. The halos you see are caused by both refraction, or splitting of light, and also by reflection, or glints of light from these ice crystals. The crystals have to be oriented and positioned just so with respect to your eye, in order for the halo to appear. [...] Bottom line: Halos around the sun or moon happen when high, thin cirrus clouds are drifting high above your head. Tiny ice crystals in Earth’s atmosphere cause the halos. They do this by refracting and reflecting the light."
What makes a halo around the sun or moon?,
EarthSky, 19th Jan 2013
William R. Corliss is famed for his rigorous documentation of anything out of the ordinary in the footsteps of Charles Fort, the original anomalist who was way way way ahead of the curve... Corliss tells us (just as I expected) elliptical haloes are nothing new, but there is no scientific explanation and that is why is forced to highlight that "something strange is going on in our atmosphere....". From my point of view, it seems we have evidence of meteoric dust with different properties passing Earth but it must be rare, BUT if these haloes persist, then answers must be provided by the scientific community.

    Another Elliptical Halo
    Science Frontiers ONLINE No. 88: Jul-Aug 1993

    June 6, 1992. Aboard the m.v. British Skill in the Indian Ocean.

    "Between 1300 and 1345 UTC, a complete halo phenomenon was observed round the moon, as shown in the sketch. The ring was complete although its appearance was elliptical. Its horizontal diameter was 40° with its vertical diameter being 53°.

    "The illuminated part of the moon was not in the centre of the halo, its altitude at the lower limb (phase, new waxing) being 38° 54'. The altitude of the upper part of the halo was 59° whereas the lower edge was at 6°." (Anderson, P.R.; "Elliptical Halo," Marine Observer, 63:65, 1993.)

    Comment. Once again we have another observation called "impossible" by geophysicists. Halos, they say, must be symmetrical about the sun or moon. Yet, photos and precise measurements, like those above, demonstrate the reality of the phenomenon.

Russian Space Cargo Ship Suffers Glitch After Launch
Yahoo News, 24th April 2013
An unmanned Russian cargo spacecraft launched toward the International Space Station this morning, but once in orbit, the capsule encountered a problem, officials said. The Progress 51 supply spacecraft failed to deploy an antenna used for navigation after lifting off from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan at 6:12 a.m. EDT (1012 GMT). Specifically, the antenna is used to "measure the orientation" of the ship, NASA officials said.

Another failed Russian launch see recent history in archives... Update: Lost In Space? Russian Spaceship Suffers Glitch

Bizarre whirlpool appears in Latvian river sucking everything in its path into watery vortex [VIDEO]
Daily Mail, 24th April 2013
* Seven-minute clip apparently captured after a river burst its
* It captures huge blocks of ice and mud heading towards whirlpool

A monstrous whirlpool has appeared in the Baltic state of Latvia swallowing everything dragged towards it. The bizarre phenomenon looks as if a plug has been pulled from the ground beneath as it sucks water down. A seven-minute clip of what looks like a vortex in action was apparently captured after a river burst its banks in the south-east of the country.

The Daily Mail is on a roll documenting the most weird Earth change events around the globe, the video is quite incredible. Well, I wonder if there was a bore hole created in the bedrock beneath the river caused by a blast from space and hence the plug-hole effect that was caught on video....

Nasa image reveals the magnetic 'bubble' that is protecting the Earth from solar particles as it speeds through space
Daily Mail, 23rd April 2013
Earth is seen as a tiny speck surrounded by an enormous magnetic 'bubble' surging through space in this image released by Nasa. Far from the usual view of a blue and green globe spinning peacefully in the solar system, the dramatic picture illustrates the speed and energy of the magnetosphere that surrounds Earth as it moves around the sun. Scientists studying data collected by Nasa's WIND spacecraft have used it to create a more detailed snapshot of the way solar particles streaming in from the sun bounce off the bubble. [...]

Lynn Wilson, deputy project scientist for Wind at Nasa's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, explained how 'cool squiggles' she stumbled upon in the data 'turned out to be a special kind of magnetic pulsations called short large amplitude magnetic structures, which we call SLAMS for short'.

Studying the region around these 'rogue waves' and how they propagate may help to establish what accelerates narrow jets of charged particles back out into space and away from Earth.

This is a simplified version of a NASA press release, see below. The mention of magnetic mirrors focusing intense beams back into space reminds me of the existence of stellar jets and the idea that intense magnetic fields can produce high currents (larger than a thousand amperes) and generate jets. I suppose this most often happens when the magnetopause is squashed during the arrival of a coronal mass ejection- Since we know for a fact that "killer electrons" are coming into our atmosphere from the Earth's radiation belts (night side only?), it is making me wonder if these jets are formed by a similar mechanism. According to ESA scientists, when Earth’s magnetic lines wobble, it creates something like a very large-scale, low frequency laser, which accelerates the electrons even more, up to ‘killer’ energies. So, I am wondering if the shape of the magnetic field is the final arbiter because that would be in the realm of Dave La Point's Primer Fields discovery.... I suppose the real issue is that satellites are getting regularly zapped by big electrical discharges from these jets knocking out the electronics... That is the reality of space weather and the new tough conditions around Earth.

Hubble Telescope Captures Image of Comet ISON
Universe Today, 23rd April 2013
Here’s our first good look at Comet (C/2012 S1) ISON. The Hubble Space Telescope captured this shot on April 10, when the comet was slightly closer than Jupiter’s orbit at a distance of 634 million kilometers (394 million miles) from Earth. Later this year, this comet could become a brilliant object in the sky, perhaps 10 times brighter than Venus.

Ignore all the talk of ice... see archives for the Electric Universe interpretation of comets and the undisputed facts that close-up space probes have only detected unactivated comets as being hot dry rocks.

National Archives of Australia: UFO FILES AVAILABLE
Above Top Secret, 23rd April 2013
With the permission of the National Archives of Australia (on behalf of the Commonwealth Government of Australia), I've uploaded searchable PDF files containing over 10,000 pages of Australian UFO documents to a directory at the link below. Some highlights from that collection are given in the post below.

Someone who has gone to a lot of trouble to provide an online library of searchable PDF files containing over 10,000 pages of Australian UFO archive documents that have been released into the public domain. Now we know that UFO disclosure is coming and maybe fairly soon, all these archive dumps are probably very much in the public interest.

Believe it or not, this is no beautiful sandy beach - it's a farmer's field! Crop of barley ruined by tons of sand blown across land as Britain finally warms up
Daily Mail, 22nd April 2013
* Scotland battered again by second round of sandstorms devastating crops
* Farmer Cameron MacIver in Moray says the sand is so high 'the only thing showing is top of fences'

Scotland was hit by a second bout of freak sandstorms today, causing an estimated £50,000 damage to crops.
Farmers in Elgin, Moray, had just spent a week clearing up after freak winds created 4ft high sand drifts on Tuesday when more gales swept in, whipping up further sandstorms and devastating crops. Barley farmer Cameron MacIver said: 'There's parts around my farm where the only thing showing above the sand is the top bit of the fence.'

Absolutely no mention of where this huge volume of sand came from..... Did it just drop out of the skies?

Physicist Proposes New Theory of Gravity—Gravity Does Not Exist
The Epoch TimesNews, 20th April 2013
Professor Eric Verlinde, 48, a respected string theorist and a professor of physics at the Institute of Theoretical Physics at the University of Amsterdam, proposed a new theory of gravity as reported by the New York Times on July 12, 2010. He argued in a recent paper, titled “On the Origin of Gravity and the Laws of Newton” that gravity is a consequence of the laws of thermodynamics. Reversing the logic of 300 years of science, his contention is that gravity is an illusion that has caused continued turmoil among physicists, or at least among those who profess to understand it. [...]

“We’ve known for a long time gravity doesn’t exist,” Dr. Verlinde said, “It’s time to yell it.”

Apparently, this is not a heretic... maybe, a few physicists are tired of defending an out of date theory but I am not sure about his proposal.....

Nationwide BS suffers IT glitch as customers take to social networks to complain they are locked out of online banking, 23rd April 2013
Nationwide Building Society has been hit by ‘technical difficulties’ meaning millions of customers cannot access online and mobile banking – while some reports suggest cash machines are not working either.

On Nationwide’s website this afternoon, a message reads: ‘We’re sorry to have to tell you that our online bank is unavailable. We are making every effort to restore service as quickly as possible. We apologise for any inconvenience this will cause you.’

A Nationwide spokesman said: 'We are currently experiencing an IT issue that is affecting services including our online bank. [...] The glitch has seen scores of customers complain on social networking website Twitter – including businesses who are unable to take payments. :

Twitter complaints here. Well, we had some some minor C-Class flares have been observed around Sunspot 1726 today and yesterday but the flurry of high profile computer glitches is quite impressive. See sidebar for the latest x-ray flux data over the last few days.
  • Chicago Board Options Exchange
    Market Watch, 25th April 2013
    CHICAGO (MarketWatch) — Trading resumed at the biggest U.S. options exchange by volume after being delayed by several hours Thursday because of system problems.

  • Jeddah port cargo services suspended following glitch
    Arab News, 24th April 2013
    Cargo services were disrupted at the Jeddah Islamic Port due to a technical fault in the electronic exchange system, informed sources said. The port authorities did not comment on the issue or on its impact on cargo activity of the port. Hani Al-Trabulsi, a cargo dealer at the port, said the system stopped working a few days back and the outgoing and transit cargo services were suspended with the exception of goods that had already been entered prior to the technical glitch.

    Another random cosmic ray hit with a significant impact

  • NZX back up after technical glitch - New Zealand
    NZ Herald News, 23rd April 2013
    The NZX is now back in operation after a technical glitch this morning kept investors in the dark with no market announcements being published on the stock exchange operator's website and Reuters and Bloomberg services not showing trading action.

    The stock exchange did not publish any new market announcements on its public website throughout the morning, due to technical issues though trading was open, an NZX spokeswoman said.

    It was unclear whether that was behind Reuters and Bloomberg terminals not showing any trading action, and if that extends to IRESS products. In a formal announcement at 11am, the NZX confirmed it was currently experiencing difficulty with its market data feed.

  • Apple's iCloud services again hit by global outage
    Apple Insider, 23rd April 2013
    The iCloud suite of services experienced an outage Tuesday morning, marking yet another period of downtime for Apple's cloud-based operations.

    The outage appeared to affect a number of iCloud-based services, including Mail, Find My iPhone, and Find My Friends. Users attempting to log in to were also met with a "Connection Error" message that explained that "iCloud encountered an error while trying to connect to the server."

    The issues appeared to be worldwide as of Tuesday morning, as readers from around the globe reached out to AppleInsider to detail their own issues. Despite the multitude of issues, Apple's iCloud System Status website claimed that all iCloud services were online and operational. No downtime was noted by the company.

    • Patent: Cosmic ray detectors for integrated circuit chips US 7309866 B2
      Patent Services, June 2004 Flashback!
      The normal background radiation environment on the surface of the earth has ionizing components that sometimes affects the reliability of semiconductor integrated circuit chips, such as memory chips used in computers. [...]

      Cosmic particles in the form of neutrons or protons can collide randomly with silicon nuclei in the chip and fragment some of them, producing alpha-particles and other secondary particles, including the recoiling nucleus. [...]

      Cosmic ray induced computer crashes have occurred and are expected to increase with frequency as devices (for example, transistors) decrease in size in chips. This problem is projected to become a major limiter of computer reliability in the next decade. Various approaches have been suggested to eliminate or reduce the number of soft errors due to cosmic ray interactions in chips.

      I believe the issue of cosmic rays becoming more and more of a problem is not just related to a decrease in chip size but more related to an increase in cosmic rays. As NASA have informed the world, cosmic rays are at an all time high and are expected to increase because the shielding our solar system and planet are both simultaneously weakening, see archives for more info.

    • Cosmic threat to tomorrow's computers, 5th February 2008 Flashback!
      "...cosmic rays of the sort pouring down to Earth from exploding galaxies, neutron stars and other energetic events. These are largely shielded by the atmosphere, but more than enough get through to sea level to cause problems. Engagingly, this also means that SER goes up with altitude - you'll get five times as many just 2,600 feet above sea level, and if you're living in Denver (5,280 feet ASL) expect ten times as many.

      Cosmic rays are now the biggest source of soft errors - and they're common enough that on average, a gigabyte of RAM will have one soft error every couple of weeks."

    • Intel plans to tackle cosmic ray threat
      BBC News, 8th April 2008 Flashback!
      Computer processor manufacturer Intel have revealed details of a patent for protecting future generations of computers from the growing threat of cosmic rays.

      The company has designed an on-chip cosmic ray detector to try to cope with the particles, which originate in space before sporadically entering the Earth's atmosphere and going through everything they encounter. Because the operation of computers is through charged particles, the unpredictable hits from the rays are problematic, potentially causing the system to crash.

      "What happens is if a cosmic ray causes a collision inside the silicon chip, that releases lots of charged particles," Intel's senior scientist Eric Hannah told BBC World Service's Digital Planet programme. "All our logic is based on charge, so it gets interference."

VIRAL: Watch three years of Sun in three minutes
WTVR News, 23rd April 2013
GREENBELT, Md. (NASA GODDARD) – In the three years since it first provided images of the sun in the spring of 2010, NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) has had virtually unbroken coverage of the sun’s rise toward solar maximum, the peak of solar activity in its regular 11-year cycle. This video shows those three years of the sun at a pace of two images per day.
SDO’s Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) captures a shot of the sun every 12 seconds in 10 different wavelengths. The images shown here are based on a wavelength of 171 Angstroms, which is in the extreme ultraviolet range and shows solar material at around 600,000 Kelvin. In this wavelength it is easy to see the sun’s 25-day rotation as well as how solar activity has increased over three years.
  • Three Years of SDO Images
    NASA SCience News, 22nd April 2013
    In the three years since it first provided images of the sun in the spring of 2010, NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory has had virtually unbroken coverage of the sun's rise toward solar maximum, the peak of solar activity in its regular 11-year cycle. This video shows those three years of the sun at a pace of two images per day.

Suspected Meteor Lights Up Sky Above Argentina
NTD TV News, 22nd April 2013
Thousands of residents of the Argentine city of Santiago del Estero in the early hours of Sunday morning caught a glimpse of a suspected meteor that lit up the sky above the city. The event took place at about 3:20 AM (local time). Argentine authorities believe the spectacular fireball was caused by a meteor entering the earth's atmosphere and disintegrating. Some witnesses reported to local newspapers that they felt a slight tremor soon after seeing the meteorite. [...]

According to local media reports, police in the area were inundated with phone calls from frightened residents, and from parents who were worried about their children still out in the city's bars and nightclubs.

NASA Searching for alternative lifeforms in our upper atmosphere?, 21st April 2013
SPACE WEATHER BALLOON: Yesterday in the Sierra Nevada mountains near Bishop, California, a group of high school students launched a "space weather balloon" into the stratosphere. Their goal is to monitor the effects of solar flares on Earth's atmosphere.

The silver capsule, built by Mihai Ciustea of Sammamish WA and launched by the Earth to Sky team of Bishop CA, is bristling with sensors to measure, e.g., ozone, pressure, humidity, acceleration and other variables of interest. The capsule travels to 125,000 feet--well inside Earth's ozone layer--and lingers there for approximately two hours before parachuting back to Earth with the data. The April 20th launch was a test flight to measure baseline levels when solar activity is relatively low.

The capsule also serves another purpose: It is a bacteria collector. A door at the bottom of the capsule can open, guiding air into a filter designed to capture microbes during the flight. Mihai Ciustea hopes to find ice-nucleating bacteria and other lifeforms living high above Earth's surface.

NASA are looking for the evidence of other lifeforms in our upper atmosphere? Well, we have seen quite a few reports of cosmic gunk splattering Earth but this might be the stuff that is charged and can remain aloft and surf the strong electric currents and magnetic fields.

Mother Of German Green Weeklies, Die Zeit, Shocks Readers…Now Casts Doubt On Global Warming!
NoTricksZone, 19th April 2013
After a foray in a cult, one of the first steps on the path back to reality is the process of deprogramming. Could it be that this step is now being self-administered by the German mainstream media? It appears so.

Now that the global mean temperature curve has drifted out of and below the IPCC’s projected range, panic is breaking out. The mother of German green weeklies, Die Zeit, appears to be taking measurements at the back of the house in preparation for the installation of a back door! Rahmstorf is back there with them, trying to talk them out of it.

The opening sentence here is quite a statement, something that others have pointed out is imperative for former global warming believers. Deprogramming implies what is commonly called 'brainwashing' (see How Brainwashing Works). It can be most simply defined as persuasion by propaganda or salesmanship. According to Rick Ross at the Cult Education website (, deprogramming encourages critical thinking, objective reasoning and logical analysis. There is no indoctrination into another belief system. Simply, the need to deprogram people who believed global warming propaganda is necessary because it is not possible to just walk away from false beliefs provided by the popular media and greenie zealots on a mission. In order to understand the mindset various articles have been written over the years that help to demonstrate that this is a serious issue, see my Best of the Blog archive Environmentalism as Religion .

Higher Sperm Counts Are a Breeze with a Kilt
Live Science, 19th April 2013
Low sperm count got you down? The problem might not be in your pants — the problem may be pants themselves.

Researchers believe wearing kilts — the skirtlike garments long associated with Scottish bagpipers — could enhance men's fertility while also providing psychological benefits.

The medical experts base their claim on existing studies that prove sperm counts improve when the scrotal area is cooler. A 2012 report suggests that wearing boxer shorts (as opposed to snug-fitting briefs) was associated with higher sperm counts.

Hmmmm.... It seems that the sperm count drop is starting to frighten a few who can actually engage brain and think that if the trend continues, in a few hundred years, there will no humans left able to reproduce. This is a summary of info that I have already picked up but no doubt there are other statistics available. As I stated in my latest interview, when we consider what is happening on this planet, the few people that I came across attempting to turn their energy fields into cosmic shields no longer sounds ridiculous, rather these people on some level where enlightened enough to be well ahead of the curve. Unfortunately, the scientific analysis was none existent and my research efforts were only seen as something to steal by some to get credit which was not theirs to take. As I have elucidated on this blog enough times, this is typical behaviour amongst those who are uneducated and/or suffering from Narcissistic Personality Disorder.

Texas A&M Researcher Helps Discover an "Almost Psychic" Photonless Communication
Texas A&M University, 18th April 2013
COLLEGE STATION -- In the bizarre world of quantum physics, objects can be in more than one place at a time and future events can change the past. New research involving a Texas A&M University professor makes that microscopic realm even a bit stranger.

Quantum physicist M. Suhail Zubairy, along with a post-doctoral fellow and Saudi researchers, have discovered a form of "almost psychic communication" in which information can be exchanged between two parties without any physical particles traveling between them. [...]

It's long been assumed in physics that for information to travel in empty space between two parties, Alice and Bob, physical particles have to travel between them. But by using a series of beam splitters, the researchers created a setup in which information can be exchanged between Alice and Bob without any photons -- tiny units of electromagnetic light -- actually passing through the communication channel, introducing what Zubairy calls a "new paradigm" in quantum communication.

Oh how interesting.... This reminds me of my favourite heretical idea of a background quantum field that maintains 'environmental' information that can be tapped into... Whatever, the experiment actually just encapsulates what we already know MUST already be going on, based on an assortment of quantum experiments conducted over decades, I call it silent communication...

Magnetic Brain Stimulation Removes Craving For Cigarettes
PopSci News, 17th April 2013
Scientists at Medical University of South Carolina temporarily blunted cigarette cravings among smokers by magnetically stimulating nerve cells in their brains. The procedure, called transcranial magnetic stimulation, is already approved by the FDA to treat depression, though its efficacy is controversial (it's also been prescribed to stop people from lying and treat adult ADHD.)

In the experiment, researchers randomly assigned 16 smokers to either a 15-minute session of high-frequency transcranial magnetic stimulation (in which coils placed over the forehead send magnetic pulses into the prefrontal cortex), or 15 minutes of sham treatment. The magnetic stimulation isn't painful and doesn't require sedation or anesthesia. The scientists told the volunteers not to smoke for two hours prior to the experiment.

As I written about in the past, a geomagnetically unstable environment also has the ability to naturally reset the human brain and cause a plethora of different conditions.

Blazar Markarian 421's flare-up is cosmic coincidence
BBC News, 16th April 2013
The skies are currently being flooded with the brightest display of gamma rays - the Universe's highest-energy light - ever seen by astronomers. The culprit is a staggering flare-up of Markarian 421, a "blazar" that hosts a supermassive black hole.

By sheer coincidence, a programme to study it had just begun, so dozens of the world's telescopes - from visible to radio to gamma-ray - were watching. And it came just in time for a meeting of many of the world's astrophysicists. [...]

Markarian 421 was already in the known catalogue of blazars, being somewhat variable and having had something of a brightening, or flare, in 1996. But the one that began late last week was unprecedented in the history of observations.

"I'm in shock and awe at how bright it is," said Julie McEnery, project scientist for the Fermi gamma-ray telescope. "This thing is blowing us away," she told BBC News.

More off the scale cosmic blasts. More: MAGIC and VERITAS detect an unprecedented flaring activity from Mrk 421 in very high energy gamma-rays. Thanks to S. Ferguson for the tip.

Sufferers of Strange Disease Seek Refuge in Town Where Cell Phones are Illegal
Yahoo News, 16th April 2013
A remote West Virginia town with no cell service, Wi-Fi hotspots, or TV has become a haven for people who say that wireless technology is making them sick.

Dozens of so-called “Wi-Fi refugees” suffering from a controversial malady called electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS) have moved to Green Bank, West Virginia, where cell phone and Wi-Fi signals are banned. An estimated five percent of Americans claim to have EHS, a condition not recognized by the scientific community.

Green Bank is located in the US National Radio Quiet Zone, a 13,000-square mile area where electromagnetic radiation on the radio spectrum—such as radio and TV broadcasts, Wi-Fi networks, and signals from cell phones, Bluetooth and other high-tech electronic devices—are outlawed, to prevent transmissions from interfering with a local radio telescope and a nearby military radio installation. [...]

Currently, Sweden is the only country that recognizes EHS as a legitimate impairing condition. In that country—where the government reports that about 3 percent of the population (some 250,000 people) are affected—those with EHS are entitled to the same legal rights and social services as those who are deaf or blind.

The government will even pay to have the homes of people with EHS electronically “sanitized” with metal shielding to block electromagnetic radiation, Popular Science Magazine reports.

Due to the Swedish taking EHS seriously, I found out from a report that some suffers can actually see electric and magnetic fields and they think this is part of their illness... Amongst some New Agers, that would be enough to enable you to pronouce yourself "enlightened".

Tom Horn: The Lost Symbol Found [59:42]
YouTube, 22nd August 2011
Comment: The following is for those who are worried about the claims being made by Tom Horn and Chris Putnam and would like another opinion. For others who don't know what the fuss is all about, the above link is an approx. one hour introduction to how Tom Horn first stumbled across some important 2012 connections that are very helpful in helping understand what is happening to our world. He wastes about 9 minutes at the beginning making his intro with some silly Christian jokes so start at about [9:30]. The following is is an interesting summary from a a serialised version of Apollyon Rising .pdf that can be found. My copy had no references and the proper book is on my reading list. Anyway, he writes:
When research began for Apollyon Rising 2012 and I became aware of the nearly five hundred-year-old Mayan prophecies connecting the “colonial count 1776” with the final thirteen katuns of their calendar ending in the year 2012 (and how academia viewed this as a mirror of the countdown to the “Christian Last Judgment”), I wondered if early American scholars—and specifically architects of Freemasonry involved in the design of Washington DC, the Great Seal of the United States, and other iconic artifacts important to the founding of this country—were aware of this Mesoamerican timeline. It seemed too much of a coincidence that the final thirteen katuns ending in 2012 would match the starting and ending date on the Great Seal by chance. My investigation into the matter resulted in numerous examples of the year 2012 related to America (and other places of the world), which I detail in my book. But due to the nature of this entry, I list here one final finding directly connected with Freemasons and the designers of the capital city in Washington DC that illustrate their knowledge of the ending date 2012.
Source: APOLLYON RISING 2012 By Tom Horn (.pdf)
The Final Mystery Of The Great Seal Revealed A Terrifying And Prophetic Cipher, Hidden From The World By The U.S. Government For Over 200 Years Is Here link
If you have been reading Tom Horn & Chris Putnam's books (Apollyon Rising 2012: The Lost Symbol Found and the Final Mystery of the Great Seal Revealed, Petrus Romanus - The Final Pope is Here” and Exo-Vaticana:Petrus Romanus, Project LUCIFER, and the Vatican's astonishing exo-theological plan for the arrival of an alien savior) and for one reason or the other are highly confused, I would like to point out for the record the confusion is because these 'scholars' REFUSE to enlighten people that the original religious beliefs for the elite were based on astronomy and the mythologising of World Ages and the celestial energies that impact all life on this planet. For anyone who has not read my essay, The Greatest Transition in the History of Mankind (June 2010), I would just like to point out that Apollo was originally a tree god from ancient times. I wrote the following:
“We know that trees have wonderful properties and that life on Earth would not viable if there were no trees on the planet, but the ritual and practices derived from tree worship is based on a Sacred World Tree that dominated the sky. It was seen all around the world and was so breath-taking that it was worshipped by primitive people. ‘The ancestors’, ‘living beings’ or ‘heroic beings,’ used this conduit or ‘cosmic string’ as a highway between heaven and Earth, therefore, they too were worshipped. Over time, these ‘Ancestors’ were deified and became tree gods and gradually the imagery changed to become totally anthropomorphic. So, in the age of Greek and Roman gods, the imagery of the pantheon reveals little laurels around their heads, which is all that is left of the original sacred tree.”
Source: The Greatest Transition in the History of Mankind (June 2010) by Susan Joy Rennison
As I explain in my essay, Apollo was derived from the beings who were considered tree gods in ancient times by primitive people that morphed over time from representing the big sacred tree (that appears at times when Earth is in a high energy state) to becoming anthropomorphized as an assortment of man-gods. With the need to tap into ancient primordial memories and archetypes, Jesus with the crown of thorns is purposely not too dissimilar to the depiction of Apollo and an image example is provided in my essay. So, all the ranting by Tom Horn and Chris Putnam about Apollo, Nimrod etc, being Satan and demonic is too simplistic and very ignorant... Obviously, the enlightenment only comes if you can recognize the layers upon layers of mythology mostly based on the consequences of World Ages and celestial outpourings of energy sometimes generating a Golden Age or sometimes causing cataclysm. Hence, this is where the terminology comes from for those looking forward to the return of Apollo.... I believe it symbolises Earth's high energy state NOT the ‘The ancestors’, ‘living beings’ or ‘heroic beings,’ and most certainly NOT Satan or demons.... Well sometimes, I truly wonder about Tom Horn, his brilliance mixed with ‘bonkers’ religious zeal is quite something to behold.... I suppose his blind spot concerning astrotheology must be huge.... Btw, for anyone who hates the fact that I am trying to teach those who are seeking truth. Well I would like to say in my defence that some of us have made the choice to spiritually evolve and helping others out of the darkness and confusion. The only way to do that is to sort out the copious amounts of ridiculous religious teachings specifically designed to entertain the simple masses and keep them stupid and in finding the kernel of truth that will empower and liberate. For newbies, read my Greatest Transition essay, I believe it provides a tremendous amount of light for true seekers... Finally, why is this important? Horn and Putnam are spreading some truth mixed with a very heavy dose of speculation and scaremongering. We are not all dumbed down... Somebody has to stand up and point out the real nonsense because when ET disclosure comes (it looks like that will be soon), there will be a major crisis for some and I think some unbias education will help some to recover more quickly, but who else is aware of what is happening and cares two hoots?

Superstorm Sandy Jolted Whole Of America
The energy generated was similar to earthquakes between magnitudes 2 and 3 and picked up by sensors right across the country.Sky News, 19th April 2013
Superstorm Sandy did not just rattle the East Coast, it also jiggled the ground across the country ever so slightly, US scientists have revealed.

Earthquake sensors located as far away as the Pacific Northwest detected the storm's energy as it surged towards the New York metropolitan region last year.

The network typically records the sudden release of energy in the Earth's crust, but it can pick up shaking triggered by ocean waves, mine cave-ins and tornadoes.

As Sandy lashed at New York City and New Jersey, the force of waves slamming into other waves shook the sea floor, which was recorded by the system of 500 sensors.

Climate realists were not particularly impressed over at Watts Up With That! See Superstorm Sandy’s seismic action – a whole lotta normal.

China’s burgeoning pollution
Daily Sun Dial News, 18th April 2013
Free association time. I say “China” and you say… “air pollution.” Not what you were thinking? Maybe it should be. [...]

Last December a frightening study was released that said that about 3.2 million premature deaths worldwide could be attributed to air pollution. Of those deaths, 40 percent of them occurred in China according to the Health Effects Institute. That’s about 1.2 million people, or roughly the population of San Diego.

The biggest threat comes from fine particulates in the air, mostly a product of coal burned to generate electricity and heat homes. The smaller the particles, the more dangerous they become, because they can lodge in the lungs and even make it into the bloodstream. Once the nasty little bits are in the body, they can contribute to cancer and breathing disorders.[...]

We’re all too happy to help poor China out with their little “I-wanna-breathe” problem…for a price. There is no doubt something has got to be done about the pollution situation in China. Even if you think they should deal with their own public health issues, their pollution is still harming the planet’s ozone layer. It’s in everyone’s best interest to keep that damage to a minimum.

Hmmm.... I hear you.... But, what have I been saying about China for a long time now? The National Darwin award may be coming sooner than we all think... See the latest shocking news below:
  • 238 Pigs And 89 Dogs “Suddenly Dead” UPDATE, 4/18, 1:34 am: The death toll is up to 410 pigs and 122 dogs. Via AP: In Chinese Village
    Beijing Cream, 18th April 2013
    This is alarming. According to, 238 dead pigs and 89 dead dogs were found in Dongtun village in Luoyang, Henan province yesterday. By all accounts, they died suddenly and at the same time.

    Initial tests have ruled out the H7N9 virus as a cause. Thank goodness for that and all, to know the zombie apocalypse has not yet arrived, but the question still remains: why are pigs and dogs dropping dead?

    Some are speculating that a nearby chemical plant’s gas emissions may have poisoned the animals. “Usually there’s a smell,” a villager said, “today it was especially bad, really big.”

Large sinkhole swallows three cars in Chicago
Extinction Protocol, 18th April 2013
One person was hospitalized after a sinkhole swallowed three cars in the South Deering neighborhood on the Southeast Side this morning. The person was taken to Northwestern Memorial Hospital in serious-to-critical condition, according to the Chicago Fire Department. Witnesses said the hole opened up around 5 a.m. at 9600 South Houston Avenue, quickly growing from about 20 feet to about 40 feet. First two cars slid in, then a third as the hole widened, witnesses said. A fourth vehicle was towed from the edge as it was about to fall inside, witnesses said.

This time aging pipeline infrastructure is being blamed but we must remember space weather greatly accelerates pipeline corrosion. The refusal to monitor and maintain pipelines to a high enough standard is now a problem in the United States as engineers have already pointed out. More: City: 98-year-old water main cause of sinkhole that swallowed 3 cars [VIDEO]

SGX Checks Derivatives Trading Glitch to Protect Cash Cow
Business Week News, 18th April 2013
Singapore Exchange Ltd. (SGX), operator of Southeast Asia’s biggest bourse, said it’s reviewing procedures after derivatives trading was delayed by a computer breakdown last week, sending investors to alternate venues.

The three-hour delay, caused by a faulty system-monitoring process, sent investors to Osaka to buy and sell Japanese index contracts on April 9. The disruption in the bourse’s fastest- growing business, happened as the company plans to roll out new products amid record derivatives trading.

The high roillers are starting to lose some serious money due to unreliable computers systems... I need to check if the Intel cosmic ray detector on a chip is too expensive for the average derivatives trading exchange...
  • American Airlines passengers still backed up after glitch
    NBC News, 17th April 2013
    Flight cancellations and delays continued to bedevil American Airlines customers on Wednesday -- a day after a major glitch crippled the carrier's reservation system, leading to the grounding of its fleet for several hours. "These computer system can get hung up waiting for data. If it never gets it, the system can get overloaded and leads to a shutdown," said Dr. Bill Curtis, chief scientist at CAST, a software analysis firm.

    This seems to happen quite frequently with airlines and I presume there must be huge banks of vulnerable servers in bad locations....

  • Metromover reopens after technical glitch
    Miami Herald, 18th April 2013
    Miami’s automated Metromover train failed to open for service during the rush Thursday morning because of a “technical issue.” But by midday Thursday transit officials had managed to restore service to all stations. [...]

    The service is periodically disrupted by computer glitches, which some experts blame on the complexity of the system.

In Russia, a Freak Urban Geyser Smashes Cars With Flying Asphalt
Atlantic Cities, 12th April 2013
Attention to the person who parked a red škoda outside: Please move your vehicle, it is being pummeled by asphalt chunks caused by a hot geyser erupting in our parking lot.

This unnatural disaster actually happened on Thursday in Smolensk, a city of about 327,000 souls a couple hundred miles west of Moscow. People were going about their business next to a collective-farm area when a fissure in the pavement began spitting steam. Seconds later the little perforation split open to unleash a mephitic torrent of boiling water that soared above the rooftops of nearby three-story buildings.

At first explosion, the urban geyser pushed a load of broken asphalt into the air. The stone rain came down battering cars, breaking the back windshields of at least two. A Ukranian news site reported that 15 vehicles were damaged, some by falling rocks and others by engine flooding. There were no reports that I can find of injuries.

Tannoy: "...please remove your car, it is being boiled in the car park!" LOL

‘Like a nuclear bomb’ – Deadly fertilizer plant blast devastates Texas town; at least 15 dead
Extinction Protocol, 18th April 2013
WACO, TX – As the sun rose Thursday over West, Texas, the scope of the small town’s devastation came into fuller view: a gruesome, bloody scene, homes flattened to rubble, and scores of firefighters battling a raging blaze. The massive, deadly blast at a fertilizer plant Wednesday night forced the evacuation of about half the town of about 2,800 people and left officials asking key questions: Was it a crime or an accident? How could it have happened? [...]

More than 160 people were injured when the explosion shook homes as far as 50 miles away. It measured as a 2.1-magnitude seismic event, according to the United States Geological Survey. [...]

“It was like a nuclear bomb went off,” he said of the blast. “Big old mushroom cloud. (It’s) massive — just like Iraq. Just like the Murrah (Federal) Building in Oklahoma City,” said D.L. Wilson of the Texas public safety department.

So the locals live with a fertilizer plant in their backyard that when it detonates, explodes like a nuclear bomb but the town only had three ambulances?

More than 12,000 birds crashed in Utah’s west desert Monday
The Salt Lake Tribune, 17th April 2013
The number of eared grebes rescued — and killed — after their Monday crash-landings at the U.S. Army’s Dugway Proving Ground was far higher than originally estimated.

Wildlife biologists and volunteers spent Monday and Tuesday gathering 12,800 water birds, carrying the 7,828 surviving birds by pickup trucks to ponds in the region.

The birds were migrating back to the Great Salt Lake for the summer, but apparently became disoriented by snow and fog and mistook wet roads and parking lots for water.

Cosmic Explosion Left Imprint in Fossil Record
Universe Today, 16th April 2013
Ancient iron-loving bacteria may have scooped up evidence of a nearby supernova explosion 2.2 million years ago, leaving an extraterrestrial iron signature in the fossil record, according to German researchers presenting their findings at a recent meeting of the American Physical Society.

In 2004, German scientists reported finding an isotope of iron in a core sample from the Pacific Ocean that does not form on Earth. The scientists calculated the decay rate of the radioactive isotope iron-60 and determined that the source was from a nearby supernova about 2 million years ago.

The blast, they say, was close enough to Earth to seriously damage the ozone layer and may have contributed to a marine extinction at the Pliocene-Pleistocene geologic boundary. [...] By using a chemical treatment that extracts iron-60 while leaving other iron, the scientists then ran the sample through a mass spectrometer to determine whether iron-60 was present. [...]

Although the scientists are not sure which star exploded to rain radioactive iron onto Earth, the scientists refer to a paper from 2002 that points to several supernovae generated in the Scorpius-Centaurus star association. The group of young stars, just 130 parsecs (about 424 light-years) from Earth, has produced 20 supernovae within the past 11 million years.

Another example of an extreme space weather event recorded in the fossil record.

EU Refuses to Resuscitate Its Dying Carbon Market
The American Interest, 16th April 2013
The European Parliament just voted down a measure that would have attempted to revive its carbon market, likely dooming it to a slow and undignified death. This was a last-ditch effort to drive the EU’s carbon price back to a level that would incentivize green reforms. And it failed. [...]

The EU has been the global laboratory testing the green agenda to see how it works. Today’s story means that the guinea pig died; the most important piece of green intervention in world history has become an expensive and embarrassing flop. It’s hard to exaggerate the importance of this for environmentalists everywhere; if the EU can’t make the green agenda work, it’s unlikely that anybody else will give it a try.

OK, climate realists are in climate heaven and rejoicing that another carbon trading platform has collapsed.... See more below:

You Can’t Tell the People?: Margaret Thatcher and UFO secrets
Dr David Clarke, 15th April 2013
The death of ‘Iron Lady’ Margaret Thatcher has deprived UFOlogists of an answer to an enduring question: what did she really know about Britain’s Roswell incident?

Thatcher, who died on 8 April aged 87, was 19 months into her first term as Prime Minister in 1980 when US airmen at the nuclear-armed twin airbase RAF Bentwaters-Woodbridge reported ‘unexplained lights’ (UFOs) hovering above Rendlesham Forest in Suffolk.

This is a strange contribution from Dr David Clarke but some might find it interesting.

UC Berkeley selected to build NASA’s next space weather satellite
UC Berkeley News, 16th April 2013
Image: This picture of Earth and the ionosphere, taken with a handheld camera by an astronaut on the International Space Station, shows a bright red wall of plasma near the equator. The ICON satellite will image this glowing plasma in order to connect Earth storms to ionospheric storms and better predict space weather. Though the glowing plasma looks like the aurora, it's much higher in altitude.

BERKELEY —NASA has awarded the University of California, Berkeley, up to $200 million to build a satellite to determine how Earth’s weather affects weather at the edge of space, in hopes of improving forecasts of extreme “space weather” that can disrupt global positioning satellites (GPS) and radio communications.

The satellite mission, called the Ionospheric Connection Explorer (ICON), will be designed, built and operated by scientists at UC Berkeley’s Space Sciences Laboratory. Scheduled for launch in 2017, ICON will orbit 550 kilometers (345 miles) above Earth in the ionosphere: the edge of space where the sun ionizes the air to create constantly shifting streams and sheets of charged particles. These charged particles can interfere with GPS signals and radio signals that travel through and bounce off the ionosphere.

ICON will collect data needed to establish the connection between storms that occur near Earth’s surface and space-weather storms, allowing scientists to better predict space weather. These results could help airliners, for example, which today cannot rely solely on GPS satellites to fly and land because signals from these satellites can be distorted by charged-particle storms in the ionosphere.

“Ten years ago, we had no idea that the ionosphere was affected and structured by storms in the lower atmosphere,” said the project’s principal investigator, Thomas Immel, a senior fellow at the Space Sciences Laboratory. “We proposed ICON in response to this new realization.”

Another big NASA grant for space weather research. OK, I was more intrigued with the image of fiery plasma (aetheric FIRE) above the equator.... but this is still quite an interesting press release...

Exploding giant star sent longest gamma-ray blast, astronomers say -
L.A. Times, 16th April 2013
The most powerful stellar explosion since the big bang has been linked to a newly discovered class of ultra-long gamma ray burst, astronomers said Tuesday at the 2013 Huntsville Gamma-Ray Burst Symposium in Nashville, Tenn.

"We really think we’ve found this new class of gamma-ray bursts and a natural explanation for creating them in a type of star collapse that we haven’t previously talked about," said Andrew Levan, an astronomer at the University of Warwick in Coventry, England, who led a study on the phenomena. [...]

Up until now, scientists have classified gamma-ray bursts as short (typically less than two seconds) and long (typically 20 to 50 seconds, with some lasting up to a few minutes). NASA’s Swift satellite, launched in 2004, swivels around when it detects some high-energy activity to catch these fleeting events before their light disappears.

But these strange ultra-long bursts that Swift has documented in the last few years can last hours -- 100 times longer than those stellar flashes in the pan, said Bruce Gendre of the French National Center for Scientific Research.

Swift picked up the first such burst, GRB 101225A, on Christmas Day 2010. It baffled astronomers who guessed that the strange, long-lasting signal was either coming from a comet or asteroid falling onto a neutron star, or a neutron star falling onto a larger companion star.

Oh dear.... we have had so many reports of record-breaking bursts of energy hitting our planet that I have concluded that this is a side effect of the change in the properties of spacetime... It's like the fog clearing and being able to see for miles and miles or being able to feel the warmth of the sun when the clouds clear... With these huge blasts from very distant stars, it is like we receiving energy that we could not detect before.... Maybe I am wrong, but that is what I think is going on...

Two-Headed Pig Born In Chinese Village
Sky News, 13th April 2013

Major earthquake strikes south-east Iran
More than 30 people were killed and dozens injured in Pakistan
BBC News, 17th April 2013
Iran has been struck by its most powerful earthquake for more than 50 years, with tremors felt across Pakistan, India and the Middle East. The epicentre of the 7.8-magnitude quake was near the south-eastern city of Khash, close to Pakistan.

The quake struck deep and in a remote region, apparently limiting casualties. Iranian state TV said 27 people had been injured, but rowed back on early reports of deaths. However, more than 30 people were killed in Pakistan. The Pakistani military has been mobilised to help with rescue efforts, officials said.

Iran's Massive Earthquake Explained

WATCH: The giant, rat-sized snails devouring South Florida
The giant African land snail can grow to 8 inches long, eat through plaster, and puncture your car tire The Week, 15th April 2013
South Florida is under attack, and the non-native species threatening to wreak havoc seems innocent enough: It's not the giant Burmese pythons that made a home in the Everglades in 2000, nor a ravenous, land-walking fish like the Asian carp that have been eating through waterways farther up north. No, this foreign invader is a snail.

But what a snail it is. The giant African land snail "can grow as big as a rat and gnaw through stucco and plaster," says Reuters' Barbara Liston. Since the monstrous mollusks were first noticed in the Miami-Dade County area in September 2011, researchers and vigilant homeowners have caught at least 117,000 of them, or about 1,000 a week. And "residents will soon likely begin encountering them more often, crunching them underfoot as the snails emerge from underground hibernation at the start of the state's rainy season in just seven weeks."

Former KGB agent reveals Soviet UFO studies
Russia Beyond, 12th April 2013
The Soviet Union took UFOs seriously. The KGB and the Soviet Defence Ministry had dedicated units collecting and analysing information about paranormal activity. Military experts even claimed to know how to "summon" UFOs and make contact with them.

[...] Seriously speaking, however, both in the Soviet Union and in modern Russia, the topic of UFOs and other paranormal phenomena was and still remains classified – and none of the officials will ever say anything about it publicly.

On the other hand, there are experts who no longer hold any senior posts and therefore have more room to maneuver. Some former, high-ranking Soviet military officials have recently decided to lift the veil of secrecy on the mystery of UFOs.

It happened at end of March, at the Zigel Readings conference named after Felix Zigel – a Soviet astronomer and mathematician who is largely credited with being the founder of ufology in Russia. This biannual event has been held in Moscow for more than 20 years and is devoted to the study of paranormal phenomena. [...]

The source for this story is a retired FSB major general and researcher with an Academy of Security, Defense and Law and Order Issues, Vasily Yeremenko. At the time, Yeremenko was in charge of the KGB division overseeing the air force and aircraft manufacturing. It was his division that was entrusted with the task of collecting all reports of UFO sightings.

By that time, as Yeremenko told RBTH, there had been an accumulation of reports on numerous paranormal incidents. Missile Troops units were even instructed on how to behave in the event that they spotted a UFO: the main thing was not to act in a way that could create an opportunity for a retaliatory aggression.

In the early 1980s, an experiment to "summon" a UFO was staged at a military range in Astrakhan Region. By then, experts had realized that UFOs were frequently sighted in areas of "heightened tension" – for instance, during weapons tests, or when there was a lot of military hardware gathered in one area.

"One could say that, during that experiment, we learned how to summon a UFO. To achieve that, there would be a sharp increase in the number of flights performed by combat aircraft and a lot of movement of hardware. Then UFOs appeared with a probability of nearly 100 percent," Yeremenko said. According to him, most of the objects looked like luminous spheres.

Over time, all the participants in the experiment became so used to these phenomena that they took them for granted. Some even tried to make contact with the objects. "It looked like this: a person on the ground would wave their arms, twice to the right and twice to the left. The ball in the sky would react to it by swinging twice to the right and then twice to the left. We had no idea how to explain that," said Yeremenko.

In the end, the military, together with the scientists who took part in the experiment, came to three main conclusions. First, these may be natural phenomena that modern science is not yet able to explain. Second, these may be U.S. or Japanese reconnaissance equipment. Finally, these may be extraterrestrial objects.

Well, what we have here is a repeat of what scientists and some brave members of the public have discovered. Some of these spheres that are part of the Shadow Biosphere, members of what I call The Earth Management Team, are quite happy to communicate with humans whilst "on business". That is because it is an intelligent lifeform, the same as the orbs making the fancy mathematical crop circles... We wave at them with laser pens and some wave back by blinking on and off... In this instance, the Russians decided to dance around and the UAPs/orbs danced too... Obviously, the warlike sub-human psychopaths destroying the fabric of spacetime with nuclear weapons are a problem and thus certain human activities are being carefully monitored. We know for fact that the uaps/orbs will disable nuclear test missiles if they are not happy. Whole books have been written based on the confessions of military personnel and pointing this out seems to be the special mission of Robert Hastings, see more below.
  • U.S. Air Force officials report more than 100 UFO sightings over 30 years
    680 News, 29th September 2010 Flashback!
    WASHINGTON D.C. - At a news conference held Wednesday, seven retired members of the U.S. Air Force spoke in great detail about over 100 UFO sightings spanning three decades, to the surprise of many in the audience.

    "UFO phenomenon is real. Not imaginary," said former launch officer Robert Hastings, as the group of retired Air Force members finally broke their silence after being told to keep silent for years about what they saw.

    "One hundred witnesses indicate that craft of vastly superior capabilities have been monitoring the U.S. nuclear arms program since the 1940's." [...] According to the Air Force, UFO's would interfere with missiles in the United States and Russia.
    However, Hastings said "I don't think humankind is in jeopardy from whoever they are and what their intentions are, except, we will have our minds expanded. There will be a paradigm shift."
    For more backround info see, UAP Index.

A Whiff of Dark Matter on the ISS
NASA Science News, 15th April 2013
[...] On April 3rd, researchers led by Nobel Laureate Samuel Ting of MIT announced that the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer, a particle detector operating onboard the International Space Station since 2011, has counted more than 400,000 positrons, the antimatter equivalent of electrons. There’s no danger of an explosion, but the discovery is sending shock waves through the scientific community. [...]

"These data show the existence of a new physical phenomenon," wrote Ting and colleagues in an article published in the Physical Review Letters. "It could be a sign of dark matter." [...]

But where do the positrons come from? The Universe is almost completely devoid of antimatter, so the positron fraction of cosmic ray electrons--as much as 10%--is a little surprising.[...]

One idea is dark matter. Astronomers know that the vast majority of the material Universe is actually made of dark matter rather than ordinary matter. They just don't know what dark matter is. It exerts gravity, but emits no light, which makes it devilishly difficult to study.

A leading theory holds that dark matter is made of a particle called the neutralino. Collisions between neutralinos should produce a large number of high-energy positrons, which the AMS should be able to detect with unprecedented sensitivity.

"The accuracy of our measurements is 1%, which is excellent, and we have statistics unmatched by any other spacecraft," says Ting. "So far the evidence supports the hypothesis of dark matter. But," he cautions," it does not rule out another possibility--pulsars."

According to a previous report in 2009, by the CERN Courier, there were already three experiments suggesting that there is an additional supply of electrons and positrons with higher than expected energies being detected around our planet, see Fermi measures the spectrum of cosmic-ray electrons and positrons. This is not like a gamma-ray burst or a magnetar blast that last for very short periods of time, this seems to be detection of something more permanent happening in the spacetime (aethers) around our planet and it is not going away. It seems that we might be able to join the dots and make the connection with the arrival of New Energy coming in from deep space and massive changes that have already been documented as happening in our solar system and around our planet in the last 20+ years. Simply, for those most interested in reality, this is a big deal.
  • Precision measurement of the positron fraction in primary cosmic rays in the energy interval 0.5-350 GeV with the AMS-02 detector on the International Space Station
    INFN, 8th April 2013
    Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (AMS-02) is a general purpose high energy particle detector which was successfully deployed on the International Space Station (ISS) on May 19, 2011 to conduct a unique long duration mission of fundamental physics research in space. The results of the AMS experiment on the primary positron fraction in the energy range from 0.5 to 350 GeV are presented. Events have been collected in the first 18 months of data taking, for a total statistics of ~6 million electrons and ~600,000 positrons. The data show that the positron fraction is steadily increasing from 10 to ~250 GeV. The positron fraction spectrum shows no structure and the positron to electron ratio shows no observable anisotropy.

    I think that the lack of anisotropy (the property of being anisotropic; having a different value when measured in different directions) implies this is a detection of dark matter and not the planet getting slammed from a pulsar as big astrophysical source of electrons and positrons.... But why the excitement, has something changed?

  • Viewpoint: Positrons Galore
    Physics News, 3rd April 2013
    [...] With so many experiments pointing to an excess of antimatter, we’re now in a position to ask the following: Where does it come from? This may take a while to resolve. There are many theoretical scenarios, all with enough uncertainties that they seem endlessly adaptable to every quirk, kink, or hint of structure in the positron spectrum. One can invoke energetic gamma rays that convert into electron-positron pairs in the vicinity of the magnetic poles of pulsars [7]. One can imagine that positrons are produced in the decay of radioisotopes within a cosmic accelerator, say a supernova remnant [8]. And, there is the exciting possibility that all of these experiments have seen the “smoking gun” signal of dark matter particles annihilating in the galactic halo [6].

    This is quite an easy read on the subject and highly informative. I suppose the big question is: why is the detection of high energy positrons causing excitement right now.... has something fundamental changed?

New Zealand's largest bank hit by technical glitch
Otago Daily Times, 16th April 2013
New Zealand's largest bank has been hit by a technical glitch today, holding up overnight payments and leaving customers unable to access internet banking. ANZ Bank said it was working to fix an outage affecting ANZ Internet Banking, ANZ goMoney for Android and iBank. "Our IT team are looking into this now and hope to have these services back up and running soon," it said in a Facebook announcement.

Many government websites down due to glitch in NIC server [INDIA]
Economic Times, 16th April 2013
NEW DELHI: Websites of various ministries and state-run departments are down since late morning today due to a technical glitch in the server of NIC, the agency which handles IT functions of the government. "There was a UPS (interruptible power supply) failure at 1130 hours (at NIC control room) and the sites will be restored within a few hours of the failure," Department of Information Technology Secretary J Satyanarayana said.

Minor Glitch Stops Unit 5 of Bulgaria's Nuclear Plant, 15th April 2013

Ball of fire lights up skies above Spain (VIDEO)
RT News, 15th April 2013
A brilliant ball of flame streaked across the sky above the Spanish capital Madrid, dazzling stargazers and astronomers alike. The celestial display was so bright it could be seen across the entire country.

The eye-popping moment was caught on camera by the Hita Observatory at the University of Huelva at around 11:45pm local time (2145 GMT). The object struck the atmosphere above the Villamuelas district in the province of Toledo, southwest of Madrid.

“The impact was so abrupt that the object immediately caught fire, creating a ball of flame around 100 kilometers above the Earth,” Jose Maria Madiedo of the University of Huelva told the Huffington Post.

After the Chelyabinsk meteor, it seems that the Russians are now paying a lot more attention to the appearance of fire in the sky.

NASA grants UCF $55 million for space-weather research
Central Florida Future News, 14th April 2013
UCF received its largest-ever research grant Friday to study the influence of space weather on Earth’s upper atmosphere.

The $55 million NASA grant will allow UCF to take a lead role in the development of a microwave-sized instrument called GOLD, or the Global-scale Observations of the Limb and Disk, according to a UCF Today press release.

The instrument is scheduled to be launched on a satellite that will orbit 22,300 miles above Earth. The mission’s launch site has yet to be announced, but the expected launch date will be sometime in 2017.

GOLD’s purpose will be to capture images of the boundary between Earth and space, which could lead to a better understanding of solar storms. This is significant because these storms interfere with television programming, GPS signals and cellphone reception, according to UCF Today.

Another big grant for Space Weather research. See also, Project Analyzing Impact Of Space Weather On Satellites Gets NASA Grants.

Mysteriously Shrinking Proton Continues to Puzzle Physicists
Live Science News, 13th April 2013
DENVER — The size of a proton, long thought to be well-understood, may remain a mystery for a while longer, according to physicists. Speaking today (April 13) at the April meeting of the American Physical Society, researchers said they need more data to understand why new measurements of proton size don't match old ones.

"The discrepancy is rather severe," said Randolf Pohl, a scientist at the Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics. The question, Pohl and his colleagues said, is whether the explanation is a boring one — someone messed up the measurements — or something that will generate new physics theories. [...]

Most exciting of all, the discrepancy could reveal some new physics not explained by the dominant physics theory, the Standard Model. Perhaps there is something unknown about how muons and electrons interact with other particles, said John Arrington, a physicist at Argonne National Laboratory in Illinois.

One possibility is that photons aren't the only particles that carry forces between particles — perhaps an unknown particle is in the mix, causing the proton-measurement discrepancies.

I think the most exciting notion is a new particle sneaking into the orbit of a proton... This would signify a major change in our understanding of reality, I am happy to wait and find out exactly if this is a real.

‘Shadow Biosphere’ theory gaining scientific support
The Raw Story, 13th April 2013
Never mind aliens in outer space. Some scientists believe we may be sharing the planet with ‘weird’ lifeforms that are so different from our own they’re invisible to us. [...]

The concept of a shadow biosphere was first outlined by Cleland and her Colorado colleague Shelley Copley in a paper in 2006 in the International Journal of Astrobiology, and is now supported by many other scientists, including astrobiologists Chris McKay, who is based at Nasa’s Ames Research Centre, California, and Paul Davies.

These researchers believe life may exist in more than one form on Earth: standard life – like ours – and “weird life”, as they term the conjectured inhabitants of the shadow biosphere. “All the micro-organisms we have detected on Earth to date have had a biology like our own: proteins made up of a maximum of 20 amino acids and a DNA genetic code made out of only four chemical bases: adenine, cytosine, guanine and thymine,” says Cleland. “Yet there are up to 100 amino acids in nature and at least a dozen bases. These could easily have combined in the remote past to create lifeforms with a very different biochemistry to our own. More to the point, some may still exist in corners of the planet.”

This is a long article... Well, I am glad to see that common sense is prevailing, especially as the ‘Shadow Biosphere’ usually called Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) by the military, scientists, pilots, air traffic controllers, radar operators or other aviation professionals, are also being seen frequently all over the planet by Joe Public. Btw, I apologise, it seems that I have not been keeping up to date with the latest offerings from NARCAP (National Aviation Reporting on Anomalous Phenomena) UAP reports, see SPHERES IN AIRBORNE UAP IMAGERY (2011) & A PRELIMINARY STUDY OF 600 CASES OF UNIDENTIFIED AERIAL PHENOMENA (UAP) REPORTED BY MILITARY AND CIVILIAN PILOTS (2012).

Arkansas oil spill is only a fraction of annual pipeline losses
L. A. Times, 12th April 2013
The images from Mayflower, Ark., after a March 29 oil spill were particularly repulsive: A river of black goo running through yards and down the street of a subdivision, and hundreds of workers arriving to clean up an industrial mess in a peaceful burg.

But the Exxon Mobil pipeline spill, initially estimated to have released at least 157,000 gallons of crude oil and driven more than 20 families from their homes, represents only a fraction of the regular oil losses from the huge network of pipelines stretching across the United States.

Between 2008 and 2012, U.S. pipelines spilled an average of more than 3.1 million gallons of hazardous liquids per year, according to data from the Pipeline & Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, the nation's pipeline regulator. Those spills -- most commonly caused by corrosion and equipment failure -- caused at least $1.5 billion in property damage altogether. [...] Exxon said Thursday the cause of the spill was still unknown...

The last time there were huge spills, a report stated, "two-and-a-half million miles of pipeline with only 100 inspectors". I presume this has not changed much, see Aging Gas Pipe at Risk of Explosion Nationwide. . I will repeat the basic fact that space weather causes increased pipeline corrosion, as it looks like the recent space weather blasts may have resulted in quite a few incidents.
Reference 1:
"Abstract. Geomagnetically induced currents (GIC) flowing in technological systems on the ground are a direct manifestation of space weather. Due to the proximity of very dynamic ionospheric current systems, GIC are of special interest at high latitudes, where they have been known to cause problems, for example, for normal operation of power transmission systems and buried pipelines."

April 2000 geomagnetic storm: ionospheric drivers of large geomagnetically induced currents
A. Pulkkinen1, A. Thomson2, E. Clarke2, and A. McKay3
Annales Geophysicae (2003) 21: 709–717 c European Geosciences Union 2003

Reference 2:
"Abstract. Geomagnetically induced currents (GIC) in technological systems, such as electric power transmission systems, oil and gas pipelines, telecommunication cables and railway equipment, are a manifestation of space weather at the earth's surface. In power systems, GIC cause saturation of transformers, which may lead to problems in the operation of the system, and even to a collapse of the whole system and to permanent damages of transformers. The best-known GIC effect occurred in March 1989 when the Québec province in Canada suffered from an electric black-out for about nine hours. The corrosion rate may be increased in pipelines when GIC flows from the pipe into the soil, and the associated voltages can disturb pipeline surveys and the cathodic protection. This paper summarizes GIC effects on power systems and pipelines."

Risto Pirjola, Ari Viljanen, Olaf Amm and Antti Pulkkinen
Finnish Meteorological Institute, Geophysical Research Division [1999]
See details of other recent US major spills below:

Chinese daily fooled by spoof that Win 8 glitch forced missile test delay
Paper reports as news a quote from a "source" that North Korea's Kim Jong-un was considering declaring war on Microsoft.
CNet News, 12th April 2013
Over the years, Windows users have shared plenty of war stories about their computers suddenly freezing up, forcing them to shut down and then reboot their machines at the worst possible times. But declaring war on Microsoft? Even in the wildest realms of hyperbole, that's cuckoo talk.

Hilarious... Some people are having a laugh at Microsoft's expense... BUT, in a way, it could demonstrate a shift in consciousness. When a volatile country like North Korea makes threatening noises, instead of people being frozen with fear, computer geeks just laugh it off by making a good joke (those in the know all agree Microsoft software is flaky and the add-on joke is that they should have used Linux...). Anyway, the joking seems to have worked for the moment...

Environmental change triggers rapid evolution
Phys.Org News, 9th April 2013
A University of Leeds-led study, published in the journal Ecology Letters, overturns the common assumption that evolution only occurs gradually over hundreds or thousands of years.

Instead, researchers found significant genetically transmitted changes in laboratory populations of soil mites in just 15 generations, leading to a doubling of the age at which the mites reached adulthood and large changes in population size. The results have important implications in areas such as disease and pest control, conservation and fisheries management because they demonstrate that evolution can be a game-changer even in the short-term.

Professor Tim Benton, of the University of Leeds' Faculty of Biological Sciences, said: "This demonstrates that short-term ecological change and evolution are completely intertwined and cannot reasonably be considered separate. We found that populations evolve rapidly in response to environmental change and population management. This can have major consequences such as reducing harvesting yields or saving a population heading for extinction."

Although previous research has implied a link between short-term changes in animal species' physical characteristics and evolution, the Leeds-led study is the first to prove a causal relationship between rapid genetic evolution and animal population dynamics in a controlled experimental setting. [...]

Professor Benton said: "The traditional idea would be that if you put animals in a new environment they stay basically the same but the way they grow changes because of variables like the amount of food. However, our study proves that the evolutionary effect— the change in the underlying biology in response to the environment—can happen at the same time as the ecological response. Ecology and evolution are intertwined," he said.

Over the decades, some scientists have been pointing out the geological and paleontological evidence for rapid evolutionary change being associated with periods of rapid climatic change, but now, due to many examples of evolutionary changes in real-time, more scientists and scientific philosophers are accepting that Darwin's theory has been falsified. This latest piece of research is just another nail in the coffin for Darwinist 'believers'...

Exo-Vaticana: Petrus Romanus, Project LUCIFER, and the Vatican's astonishing exo-theological plan for the arrival of an alien savior
Raiders News Update, April 2013
Comment: Well, I have finished reading my paperback copy of Exo-Vaticana, but I now feel a strong need to detox and purify myself from the intellectual mishandling of information found in parts of the book. The quotes from none religious people were fine, even the quotes from Catholic theologians were fine because they are just direct quotes but I had real problems with some of Horns & Putnams badly mangled extrapolations provided as 'insight'. Horn et al.'s most recent books that I have read imply to me that despite all the research and writing on the same subject for many years, the central issue comes down to the need to justify theology based on a Bible that was cobbled together from ancient sources and twisted to suit Roman Catholic controllers creating a man-made religion. The most irritating attribute is the patronising of others and the almost childish passing off anything outside of normal human awareness as 'alien' or demonic. So, I am not convinced this is a truly scholarly. For example, there is the almost unbelievable acknowledgement of astrotheology reaching into the distant ancient past in the form of a 'Gospel in the Stars'. Even agreeing with Christian scholars who recognised the importance of the passing of ecliptic constellations (zodiac) for marking time, but a refusal to acknowledge that the 'Christic' religion for the ignorant masses is regularly re-vamped based on major set points in the associated astronomical cycle. Thus, we have brilliant quotes from Catholic theologians that this is about to happen again, but no reference to a long historical list of previous saviours with similar christ-like attributes, which makes what Catholic theologians are now trying to achieve seem almost routine... Then there is the example of a reference to the UK Condign report but not one quote pointing out how the UK Ministry of Defence defines Unidentified Aerial Phenomena as being mostly 'lights'..... Instead what you have is examples of a whole range of paranormal phenomena, shadow life activity and suspected extraterrestrial 'mingling' with humans all designated under the umbrella terms of satanic or demonic. I personally think that unless you are a serious researcher who can determine where Tom Horn et al. are heavily speculating then I suggest you don't bother. For serious researchers, some of the collected quotes are very interesting and the free DVD is absolutely invaluable for reading source material and coming to your own conclusions. I think my final thought is that I will concede that Horn et al. are doing us a favour in pointing out that the saviour mythos is about to change because we have reached the end of an astrological age. Space Weather is the proof that a new cosmic dispensation has started, Horn et al. have provided the historical evidence that those in the know amongst the religious elite have been religiously tracking the date 2012 and the proposed changes will affect Catholics and Christians alike. However, it is my opinion that novices to relevant background sources are going to struggle sorting out the wheat from the chaff provided in this book.

All survive after jet lands in sea off Bali Indonesia
BBC News, 13th April 2013
A passenger jet has ended up in the sea off the Indonesian island of Bali after missing an airport runway but everyone aboard survived.

Fifteen people were taken to hospital after the crash, which involved an Indonesian Lion Air plane carrying 101 passengers and seven crew.

Photos posted on Twitter show a jet with a cracked fuselage sitting in water near rocks, with dinghies nearby.

Was this a satellite navigation fail? It sounds like there was not much room for failure... Well, I don't care whether authorities want to blame the pilots. In a chaotic Geomagnetic/EM environment with military spokesmen and others screaming about the problems with GPS and associated navigation systems (see archives), generating regular reports of billion dollar submarines and tankers crashing, we all have a right to wonder. I don't know if there are solutions to fixing the problem of inaccurate navigational data, but at the moment, space weather is roiling the ionosphere and the result is there will be more major incidents where locational precision is vital. Whatever, I would like to congratulate the pilots that nobody died when the plane hit the water.

CU-Boulder to receive $36 million from NASA for space weather mission
University of Colorado Boulder, 12th April 2013
The University of Colorado Boulder will receive roughly $36 million from NASA to build and operate a space instrument for a mission led by the University of Central Florida that will study Earth’s upper atmosphere to learn more about the disruptive effects of space weather.

The mission, known as the Global-scale Observations of the Limb and Disk, or GOLD, involves imaging Earth’s upper atmosphere from a geostationary orbit some 22,000 miles above the planet. The mission is expected to have a direct impact on the understanding of space weather like geomagnetic storms that alter the temperature and composition of Earth’s atmosphere, which can disrupt communication and navigation satellites, affecting everything from automobile GPS and cell phone coverage to television programming.

Our world has changed and the serious consequences of space weather is the proof.

TSB Bank glitch sees details sent to wrong customers [NZ]
TV NZ News, 12th April 2013

'Flaming tennis ball' slides across SA skies
ABC Net News, 11th April 2013
Stargazers say a meteor that floated across Adelaide skies overnight looked like a flaming tennis ball before it disappeared from view. The object appeared in the sky about 9:30pm, with people from around Birdwood, Norwood, Mannum and Balhannah reporting sightings to ABC Local Radio.

One listener, Barry from Murbko on the River Murray, said he was watching television when he saw the object through his window. "I saw this ball of flame, it would have been about the size of the moon just above the tree tops," he said. "It was a flaming ball and it went across the the tree tops at a very low altitude and it wasn't travelling that fast like a shooting star. "This just took my breath away. It was that incredible I just sat there for ten minutes and couldn't believe what I just saw.

From the description of size and slow movement, I think this is a magntospheric plasmoid rather than a meteor, otherwise this object would have made a noise on entry and left a huge crater on impact.... See archives for lots of similar reports.

Royal Bank of Scotland VP arrested in Moscow on $10mn fraud charge
RT News, 11th April 2013
RBS Vice President Vsevolod Glukhovtsev has been charged with fraud in a Moscow court after being arrested at his home the day before. The banker allegedly hoodwinked investors to finance fake construction projects in Montenegro.

"Glukhovtsev has been charged with fraud," The Russian Interior Ministry’s Department for the Central Federal District told Interfax.

The investigators claim as soon as money was transferred to accounts of Montenegrin companies controlled by Glukhovtsev he then took the money, and provided clients with fake reports saying they owned business or property abroad. Investors did not receive promised dividends and the assets they supposedly owned did not exist or were registered for a third party, according to the Interior Ministry.

Glukhovtsev allegedly provided his investors with fake business reports which led them to believe they owned business or property abroad. Investigators say they have evidence Glukhovtsev spent the investment dollars on real estate, luxury sports cars, art and jewelry.

Something to celebrate, a crooked banker being arrested...

Biggest solar flare of the year knocks out radio transmissions
NASA on alert for more after-effects of geomagnetic storm to satellites and spacecraft.
Cnet News, 11th April 2013
Early this morning [3:16 p.m. EDT on April 11, 2013] the sun erupted, sending billions of solar particles into space at over 600 miles per second, raising the prospect of solar radiation storms above the Earth, according to NASA.

A spokesman said the resulting emissions sparked a short-lived radio communications blackout on Earth. The radio disruption has since subsided. The appearance of the strongest solar storm of 2013 is part of an increasingly common sight as astronomers say this is connected to the sun's 11-year activity cycle. More intense solar eruptions are expected later in the year.

Hmmm... a radiation storm occurring too... see the CME movie at CME Movie 11th April 2013. I ignored this flare because it was not X-rated... it just goes to show how weak Earth's cosmic shielding has got. The timing is terrible too.... just as North Korea is threatening war and there is talk of a nuclear capability (of course, this might be all rhetoric and not true, but still the timing is not good for a radio blackout of presumably the daylight side of Earth...).
  • Spring Fling: Sun Emits a Mid-Level Flare
    NASA Science News, 11th April 2013
    UPDATE: The M6.5 flare on the morning of April 11, 2013, was also associated with an Earth-directed coronal mass ejection (CME), another solar phenomenon that can send billions of tons of solar particles into space and can reach Earth one to three days later. CMEs can affect electronic systems in satellites and on the ground. Experimental NASA research models show that the CME began at 3:36 a.m. EDT on April 11, leaving the sun at over 600 miles per second.

Is the UK heading for ANOTHER Arctic winter? Met Office calls emergency meeting to discuss if melting ice is causing Britain to freeze
Daily Mail, 11th April 2013
* Dr Julia Slingo at the Met Office calling a meeting of world climate experts
* She is concerned melting Arctic ice is causing Britain's climate to change
* Comes after lowest April temperature for nearly 100 years was recorded

Britain's winters are getting colder because of melting Artic ice changing global weather patterns, the Met Office has claimed. Forecasters are concerned that high levels of ice melt in the Arctic in recent years could be behind Britain’s increasingly bitter and longer winters.

The organisation’s leading climate change expert, Dr Julia Slingo, is to convene experts from around the world to establish whether this explains why Britain has been experiencing the coldest temperatures for almost 100 years.

Hmmm.... It seems there is some real climate science panic taking place and we know for a fact the UK Met Office does not have a clue, see FOIA obtained Met Office document shows them to be clueless about what affects our climate, and, in particular, what caused the unusual weather last year. But the climate crisis comes on the heels of a campaign by climate scientists characterised by fraud, vitriol and lies with even senior Met Office personnel making wild claims about global warming. Meanwhile, those who really understand how to predict the weather have already worked out how to take space weather into account, see archives for more background info Climate Science, Politics & Climategate. For those with businesses that are reliant on the weather. I can recommend Piers Corbyn, who at least gives me some faith that there are people who don't live on planet cloud cuckoo. As usual, Piers is undiplomatic and states: "I think the BBC, Met Office and the Science establishment of the UK know their CO2 warmism 'theory' is a pack of lies; either that or they have degenerated into a desperate religious sect for which belief rules over evidence. Now is the time to expose their delusions and call them to account." link

The find of a lifetime: Bizarre 'panda bat' discovered in South Sudan
Daily Mail, 10th April 2013
* Researchers say the bat is an entirely new genus
* Black and white fur make it look uncannily like a panda

Researchers have hailed a bat that looks uncannily like a panda bear as 'the find of a lifetime'. The bat, discovered in South Sudan, is so rare researchers believe it is an entirely new genus.

'My attention was immediately drawn to the bat's strikingly beautiful and distinct pattern of spots and stripes,' said Bucknell Associate Professor of Biology DeeAnn Reeder, who made the discovery. 'It was clearly a very extraordinary animal, one that I had never seen before - I knew the second I saw it that it was the find of a lifetime.'

The talk of a mass extinction is NOT the full story, because at times of rapid evolutionary change new species also appear from nowhere, but we can expect some flukes appearing too and that is a major issue facing us at this time... I imagine there are some evolutionary biologists who are well aware of what is happening and what could happen in the near future....
  • Colorful Tree-Climbing Tarantulas Found in Brazil
    Live Science, 30th October 2012
    A scientist has discovered nine new species of colorful tree-climbing tarantulas in central and eastern Brazil, including four belonging to a mysterious, old genus and others that are quite picky about which plants to choose as homes.

‘Divine Strength’: Two Teenage Girls Lift 3,000 Pound Tractor Off Their Trapped Father
The Blaze, 10th April 2013
We’ve all heard stories about someone lifting an impossibly heavy object to free a trapped loved one (or even a stranger) when time is short and no other help is present.

In Linn County, Oregon a man experienced his worst nightmare when he found himself in that exact scenario, trapped beneath his 3,000-pound 1949 tractor. Jeff Smith says was trying to pull a stump out of his garden when he lost control of the machine, horrified when it flipped on top of him and pinned his chest to the ground. He tried calling for help, but with each breath it got harder.

These feats of incredible strength are usually associated with strong emotions.

Thunderstorms contain ‘dark lightning,’ invisible pulses of powerful radiation
Washington Post, 8th April 2013
A lightning bolt is one of nature’s most over-the-top phenomena, rarely failing to elicit at least a ping of awe no matter how many times a person has witnessed one. With his iconic kite-and-key experiments in the mid-18th century, Benjamin Franklin showed that lightning is an electrical phenomenon, and since then the general view has been that lightning bolts are big honking sparks no different in kind from the little ones generated by walking in socks across a carpeted room.

But scientists recently discovered something mind-bending about lightning: Sometimes its flashes are invisible, just sudden pulses of unexpectedly powerful radiation. It’s what Joseph Dwyer, a lightning researcher at the Florida Institute of Technology, has termed dark lightning. [...]

The radiation in these invisible blasts can carry a million times as much energy as the radiation in visible lightning, but that energy dissipates quickly in all directions rather than remaining in a stiletto-like lightning bolt. [...]

How is it that some storms produce these unusually strong rays? Dwyer speculates that super-fast electrons — perhaps revved up after being struck by cosmic rays that hit Earth’s atmosphere from deep space — may be the key. The theory is that these energetic electrons collide with atoms inside thunderclouds to create X-rays and gamma rays. These collisions lead to chain reactions that could be the mysterious basis for dark lightning.

Researchers are now explaining just how serious the impact of big blasts of energy from space are... So, we are left wondering if this is the same as the mysterious "killer electrons" that scientists have informed us about (see below). At the moment, I am even wondering if there is a link with the microwave LASER/MASER energy that is making the perfectly round deep sinkholes.... What about TGFs? See archives for background info. So what happens if a human got hit with one of these dark bolts of lightning besides a big dose of radiation? Update: I have checked the archives and it seems this news is just the latest offering concerning TGFs that I first picked up as a major sign that atmospheric conditions were becoming electrically intense.
  • High-speed beams of charged particles accelerate towards Earth
    ESA News, 6 December 2007 Flashback!
    "ESA’s Cluster constellation has found that multiple, high-speed beams of electrically charged particles, or ions, are formed on the night-side of near-Earth space and get accelerated towards Earth. These observations are key to understanding how solar material manages to reach the Earth’s night-side, to forecast the behaviour of the magnetic environment around our planet, and in turn, to better protect ground and space-based technologies. Different theories were proposed in the 80’s and 90’s to explain the presence of these ion beams."

  • Shocking recipe for making killer electrons
    European Space Agency News, 11th March 2010 Flashback!
    "Killer electrons are highly energetic particles trapped in Earth's outer radiation belt, which extends from 12 000 km to 64 000 km above the planet’s surface. During solar storms their number grows at least ten times and they can be dislodged, posing a threat to satellites. As the name suggests, killer electrons are energetic enough to penetrate satellite shielding and cause microscopic lightning strikes. If these electrical discharges take place in vital components, the satellite can be damaged or even rendered inoperable. [...] Thanks to this analysis of Cluster data, if the killer electrons happen to be ejected towards Earth, we now know that they can strike the atmosphere within just 15 minutes."

  • Science highlight - Rise of the Killer Electrons
    ESA News, 16th July 2010 Flashback!
    "Two belts of trapped high-energy particles, held in place by Earth’s magnetic field, surround Earth: the Van Allen radiation belts. Killer electrons in the outermost belt move close to the speed of light and carry a lot of energy. These can penetrate satellite shielding and cause microscopic lightning strikes that damage and sometimes destroy vital components. [...] Intense solar activity can disrupt the Van Allen belts, and Cluster made another vital discovery when it was on hand to observe directly the effects of a particularly strong solar shock wave hitting the magnetosphere in 2004. It saw the creation of killer electrons through what turns out to be a two-step process. The electrons are initially accelerated by the shock wave compressing Earth’s magnetic field. Then Earth’s magnetic lines wobble, creating something like a very large-scale, low frequency laser, which accelerates the electrons even more, up to ‘killer’ energies. And Cluster showed that this transition, from normal to killer intensities, can happen in just 15 minutes."

  • Lancaster involved in £400,000 project to understand “killer electrons”
    Lancaster University News, January 2011 Flashback!
    "Scientists aim to find out more about so-called “killer electrons” in the Van Allen radiation belt around Earth, which can damage orbiting satellites and spacecraft. The Van Allen radiation belt periodically discharges energetic particles such as electrons and ions into the high atmosphere above Earth, especially at the polar regions. This can change the chemistry of the atmosphere, with possible implications for climate change. "
    The talk of Killer electrons causing climate change is news to me...

PSA: Weird Glitch Caused A Bunch Of Disney Games To Temporarily Appear Free On The Play Store, Prices Back To Normal Now
Android Police, 9th April 2013
Earlier this morning, something strange happened. A handful of paid Disney games – including Where's My Water?, Temple Run: Brave, and Wreck-it Ralph, among others – suddenly showed up as free in the Play Store. Naturally, stories started popping up in the Android world that a bunch of fairly popular games were suddenly available without charge for no apparent reason. Perhaps Disney decided that it was time to give some titles away – but that didn't make much sense, as the "lite" versions of most titles were still present alongside their formerly-paid counterparts. Turns out it was just a glitch, and the games are once again donning their original $0.99 price tags. Disney isn't entirely sure what happened.

Computers are getting randomly hit by cosmic rays and some are getting lucky... More: a selection of the latest computer system glitches.

Huge sink hole appears in the Alentejo
Heavy rains are the most probably cause of a 100-metre deep sink hole that appeared near Marvão in Upper Alentejo on Tuesday evening.
The Portugal News, 10th April 2013
The hole is about 15 metres across. Geologist Vitor Lamberto told Luda this kind of phenomenon “is typical” in limestone areas and there are “similar” situations in other places in Portugal, though not as big.

Lamberto said that in these areas there are underground rivers, but when the holes they flow through are too narrow for the quantity of water, some upstream caves fill up and start to dissolve the cave roofs and eventually the roofs cave in, leaving these enormous sink holes.

More pictures: Cratera com 100 metros de profundidade em Marvão [11 FOTOS]

Wikileaks: King Hassan Of Morocco Asked US About UFO Encounter
Ghost Theory, 9th April 2013
Request For Info, Unidentified Flying Objects

On September 25th, 1976, King Hassan II of Morocco sent the Commander of the Royal Gendarmerie to inquire about a strange craft he and others had witnessed over Morocco on the night of September 18th through the 19th of that year. King hassanHassan II described the unidentified craft as a “…silvery luminous circular shape and gave off intermittent trails of bright sparks and fragments, and made no noise.”

The Wikileaks cable continues with details on the sighting, stating that others had witnessed the strange craft earlier that day. A memo was sent to the US Secretary of State asking for help or information on the strange silvery craft over Morocco.

Comment: came up with, "We'd love to know if they replied with 'weather balloon'..." This weather balloon chart never fails to make me laugh...

Pulsating Orb of Light Captured Creeping Over Scotland [Video]
Who Forted?, 8th April 2013
On Saturday night around 11:00PM, Scottish UFO hunters with their eyes to the heavens noticed something a little weirder than your average hovering lights – they noticed a glowing orb with a pulse so bright it lit up the sky.

Yesterday morning SkywatcherScotland posted the video to their YouTube account, where they described seeing this “crazy object” as heading north by northwest in Midlothian, and quickly attached their nightvision monocle to the camera in order to capture the odd sight on video.

The short clip shows what appears to be a large glowing object moving quickly through the night sky, when suddenly the orb pulses so brightly that the resulting flash almost fills the screen. SWS kindly gives us a slow motion replay as well.

Either way this sighting is interesting. A pulsating satellite is a reminder not just of Irridium flares, but the opposite strange phenomena of satellites intermittently disappearing from view as they orbit Earth. I am now wondering if they are just different manifestations caused by the same issue of the changing properties of spacetime around our planet that the ESA have decided to investigate. But, if it's just another UFO/UAP/orb then again, it's just another symptom of the change in the properties of spacetime that seems to be associated with Earth becoming a high energy plasma environment. The result being entities belonging to a previously poorly detected shadow biosphere are appearing en masse and this means those who understan the nuance are witnessing the predicted Apocalypse as described by some original gnostic sources.

Professor Higgs speaks out against the name 'God particle'
Yahoo News, 9th April 2013
It may have been hailed as the Holy Grail of physics - but nicknaming the Higgs boson the “God Particle” has proved equally controversial. The latest outburst against the term was by Professor Peter Higgs himself – the British physicist who suggested the particle's existence.

Higgs's comments come as scientists close in on final proof of the particle's existence at the Large Hadron Collider - ending a 40-year, £8.6 billion quest. The 83-year-old, who came up with the theory while walking in the Cairngorms in 1964, said calling the Higgs boson “the God particle” was “misleading”.

I notice that we are given the opinion of Br. Guy Consolmagno, the Vatican astronomer and general mouthpiece on religious matters, the Guy does get around a bit doesn't he... Well, Guy is another Jesuit who delights in telling us about 'myth'. To elucidate this man's mindset, I am delighted to offer the following gem from one of his books.
“What’s worse, for every serious book of science in a bookstore, there’s a whole shelf of astrology and UFO nonsense also promising to give you the “secret knowledge” of the universe. In religion, we call this lust for secret knowledge “gnosticism.” Science has its gnostics, too. Indeed, the New Age is the place today where bad religion meets bad science.

But in the popular culture, the place where most of us learn about science or religion—especially traditions or fields different from our own experience—are in stories. All modern fiction makes assumptions about science and religion. A good mystery, for instance, can depend on the physical possibility of certain events (science) and the ethics of the characters involved (religion). Science fiction is very explicit in making these concepts central to its story.

Stories, myths, and tales have always made ideas a part of popular culture. Great religious figures teach us with parables. Fables and fairy tales are the way we teach our children about life. And even the ancient Greek myths, it has been argued, might have been deliberate devices for organizing and transmitting information about the natural world to nonscientific people.

Once an idea gets turned into a story, people pay attention long enough to listen. They feel comfortable evaluating it, by comparing the story against their own lives. And they remember it. The images from Dante are much more vivid than the arguments of Aquinas.

So what do our stories tell us about science and religion? One message all too present is that both are to be feared, each in its own way. In the movies, all preachers are power-hungry, money-driven hypocrites; all scientists are mad. They’re both caricatured by wild hair and a fanatical gleam in the eye.”

Brother Guy makes some valid points about New Agers and scientists, but in reality, this is most certainly a case of the pot calling the kettle black... What a joke, 'Pious Fraud' or the mentality 'the end justifies the means' is a main stay for Roman Catholicism, the same for many who claim to be New Agers, it is one of the hallmarks that distinguishes a cult member... Whatever, I hope that soon I can find a few people who are SICK OF THE MYTHS AND MYTHMAKING AND ARE EVOLVED ENOUGH TO WANT TO MOVE ON...

Man buys toy poodles, discovers they’re actually ferrets on steroids
Yahoo News, 8th April 2013
An Argentine man who thought he bought a pair of poodles at an outdoor market in Buenos Aires brought them home to the vet only to be told they were actually ferrets on steroids, reports the Daily Mail.

The man, a retiree from Catamarca, purchased the animals at La Salada, Argentina's largest bazaar.

The veterinarian informed him the ferrets "had been given steroids at birth to increase their size and then had some extra grooming to make their coats resemble a fluffy toy poodle," the paper says, translating a report from a local Argentine TV station. He paid $150 per poodle.

What amazes me is the mind of con-men who have the ability to dream up the most amazing schemes... I think these doled up ferrets will catch on as the poor man's poodle... I don't know why he is complaining, the man got a bargain.... LOL!

One of Azerbaijan’s largest mud volcanoes erupts
News.Az, 8th April 2013
Eruption was recorded on April 1. Akhtarma-Pashali mud volcano in Hajigabul region of Azerbaijan has erupted, head of the ANAS Institute of Geology's Mud Volcano Department Adil Aliyev told APA.

He said the eruption was recorded on April 1. The scientists of the Institute of Geology have carried out research in the area: “This is one of the largest volcanoes of Azerbaijan. Volcano is located 35 km from Shirvan city - in the south-eastern Shirvan. The volcano erupted for the first time in 1948, this is the 7th eruption.”

Flights to get bumpier as turbulence to double
Flying is to become a far less comfortable experience according to a study of how levels of turbulence are set to change over the next 40 years.
The Telegraph, 8th April 2013
Trans Atlantic flights will encounter up to twice as much turbulence while enroute, the research has shown.

Using atmospheric computer models, the scientists behind the work were able to simulate how changes in the climate will impact on the invisible patches of mixing air that cause turbulence.

Dr Paul Williams, a Royal Society research fellow at the University of Reading, said the results suggest air passengers will have less comfortable journeys in the future. It could also have far more serious implications than a few more spilt drinks and more time staring at the illuminated seat belt sign. [...]

Dr Williams said: "Thirty thousand feet above our heads, the jet stream is being accelerated, which is having a destabilising effect that is making air turbulence more likely to form. "There are 600 transatlantic crossings every day, so a lot of fights will be affected by this."

This is the reality of worsening space weather. There are already quite a few articles and comments that relate to the jet stream and turbulence in the archives, see Best of the Blog Space Weather & Electromagnetic Chaos.

Space weather: how it affects Earth
IOL News, 6th April 2013
Paris - Space weather is caused mainly by storms and eruptions in our volatile Sun sending potentially dangerous radiation towards Earth.

It also causes the spectacular “aurora” light displays that have awed so many in the polar regions - a beautiful show of radiation hitting Earth's magnetic field.

The Sun randomly and suddenly ejects bursts of its component plasma or magnetic matter in events called coronal mass ejections (CMEs), and is subject to equally arbitrary bursts of radiation called solar flares.

External electric flux influences Earth’s climate, 8th April 2013
According to a recent press release, ten years of data analysis has revealed that cloud height changes over time in response to an electric field generated by “global thunderstorms”. Although Earth’s electric field is brought into the discussion, and the electric charge on small water droplets is mentioned, researchers admit to mysterious forces at play.

It was in September of 2006 that a major premise of Electric Universe theory was confirmed: Earth weather is electrically connected to the ionosphere. Since electricity always flows in a circuit, if the ionosphere connects to Earth’s magnetosphere then it connects to the circuits of the Solar System, as well.

We are reminded here that atmospheric scientists have already admitted that Earth weather is electrically connected to the ionosphere. Since the ionosphere connects to Earth’s magnetosphere, Earth weather is influenced by being part of a large electrical circuit in the Solar System. So, it is not really correct to think of weather on Earth being just being a global phenomenon anymore when we know huge flows of electrical charge are coming in from space.

An English class for trolls, professional offence-takers and climate activists
Telegraph Delingpole Blog, 7th April 2013
Should Michael Mann be given the electric chair for having concocted arguably the most risibly inept, misleading, cherry-picking, worthless and mendacious graph – the Hockey Stick – in the history of junk science?

Should George Monbiot be hanged by the neck for his decade or so's hysterical promulgation of the great climate change scam and other idiocies too numerous to mention?

The climate war vitriol is reaching new heights or plumeting to new depths depending on your view of the matter. More comment here The battle of the pointless Nuremberg insults: Romm -vs- Delingpole

Behind the North Korean Crisis
Consortium News, 6th April 2013
U.S. propagandists and the mainstream media present foreign crises, like the current one with North Korea, as black-and-white morality plays with Official Washington behaving wisely and the adversaries as crazy. But the reality is always more complex, as Christine Hong told Dennis J. Bernstein.

In early March, the U.S. and South Korea launched an expanded set of war games on the Korean Peninsula, prompting concerns in some circles that the military exercises might touch off an escalation of tensions with North Korea.

Christine Hong, a professor at the University of California at Santa Cruz, worried that the U.S. “was lurching towards war” since “the military exercises that the U.S. and South Korea just launched are not defensive exercises” but rather appear to promote a “regime change” strategy. undefined

Those military pressures have, indeed, led to threats of escalation from North Korea’s young leader, Kim Jong Un, and have set the Korean security situation at “hair-trigger dangerous,” Professor Hong said in the following interview with Dennis J. Bernstein.

Of course, the media reports give the impression that North Korea has suddenly gone off the deep end for no reason, but this article explains their paranoia very well.

Meteorologist Joe Bastardi: The Whole CO2 “Argument Is Tiresome And Absurd…Warmists Living In A Fantasy World”, 7th April 2013
CO2 is too trivial of a factor

The major problem is the people driving this train refuse to humble themselves to the majesty of the atmosphere. The sheer weight of numbers against CO2 causing this is staggering. The oceans have 1000 times the heat capacity of the atmosphere, CO2 1/2500th of the gas blanket that makes our Earth livable, man – according to the US Dept of Energy – is only responsible for 1/20th of that, meaning 1/50,000th of the air is “man-made”. Actually it’s merely man-recycled, for there has been no introduction of new CO2 to the system that I know of. What we’ve put into the air has always been a part of the system, it’s just recycled. [...]

Quiet sun is a wild card – poses a threat

The explanation to all this is no different than you sitting in a sauna. Turn up the thermostat (natural ocean cycles) and it will heat until it reaches what the thermostat dictates. Arguing that turning on the light (the CO2 influence) is what heated the sauna is absurd. The wild card in this is the sun, which I am concerned is going to be a much bigger problem (believe me with the lunacy of the energy policies globally, a return to my temps is already a huge problem in itself, but the sun falling asleep would be worse).

I suppose many realise that the desperation by world controllers to remove excessive CO2 from the atmosphere has nothing to do with global warming (we know the link is spurious and unproven), but usually the belief is to do with a poor excuse for more power to control the masses... I think there are othe generally unknown reasons that are either very practical or very esoteric. I think the most esoteric is a desire to ward off an inevitable sign of a permanent atmospheric change, what I have been calling the atmospheric Earth status of 'Paradise' associated with a highly charged electrical environment. Since billions have been invested in flawed climate models and campaigning to persuade the public to go along with the fantasy climate science, it just makes me wonder why others have not thought about this more deeply...

Global Warming: Was It Just A Beautiful Dream After All?
Forbes News, 3rd April 2013
Like most of you, I yearn for shorter winters, more shirt-sleeve weather, less lashing from frigid winds. As a confirmed New Yorker, I’m not willing to do what millions have done: move to the sunbelt. I want warmer weather here in the Big City.

But I’ve grown old waiting for the promised global warming. I was 35 when predictions of a looming ice age were supplanted by warmmongering. Now I’m 68, and there’s still no sign of warmer weather. It’s enough to make one doubt the “settled science” of the government-funded doom-sayers.

Hilarious... Climate skeptics are wondering if we are seeing a full scale retreat in the mainstream media...Lots of headlines at Climate Depot. Marc Morano: ‘The great warmist retreat has officially begun. The mainstream media cannot maintain the official man-made global warming narrative any longer’ Well, I Told ya so... I am waiting for the day when it becomes undeniable that the real issue is space weather...

Climatologists are no Einsteins, says his successor
New Jersey News, 3rd April 2013
[...] “I just think they don’t understand the climate,” he said of climatologists. “Their computer models are full of fudge factors.”

A major fudge factor concerns the role of clouds. The greenhouse effect of carbon dioxide on its own is limited. To get to the apocalyptic projections trumpeted by Al Gore and company, the models have to include assumptions that CO-2 will cause clouds to form in a way that produces more warming.

“The models are extremely oversimplified,” he said. “They don’t represent the clouds in detail at all. They simply use a fudge factor to represent the clouds.”

Due to Space Weather and Earth being flooded with charged particles from space because of changes in the cosmic environment and Earth's weakening magnetosphere (cosmic magnetic shielding), it is inevitable that Earth's weather and climate is being affected. The problem is that space weather means all the previous assumptions that help us to predict weather and climate need to be re-examined and a new understanding of fundamentals is required. Yet, it seems a few astrophysicists are taking up the challenge, see archives. Meanwhile, those scientists still stuck in the old paradigm are being humiliated as climate reality strongly diverges from their theories and predictions.

Mind reading Sharjah Girl ‘exceedingly rare’ savant
Khaleej Times, 2nd April 2013
Godfather of savant research ‘never seen’ a case like Sharjah’s Nandana, reports Sajila Saseendran

A nine-year-old autistic girl in Sharjah, whose extraordinary ability to read her mother’s mind was revealed to the world last week, could be the next name added to a worldwide registry of people with savant talents, according to the world’s top expert in savant syndrome.

People with savant syndrome exhibit extraordinary abilities, but have serious mental disabilities including autistic disorder.

Br. Guy Consolmagno, the Vatican, Alien Extraterrestrial UFOs, and stuff...
Specolations, 4th April 2013
The title is designed to reach anyone who has heard about me from a web site or book purporting to express my views on these subjects.

About a year ago, an author (whom I will not name or link to) conducted an extensive interview with me by email. I thought he was a legitimate journalist. However, seeing the ways in which he has twisted, misquoted, and invented utter falsehoods from the things I said, I have come to suspect that he is either a knave or a fool.

There are no Vatican secrets about UFOs. Neither I nor anyone I know has any evidence that extraterrestrials exist. We do not believe that "Jesus is a hybrid" or any of the other bizarre claims that this author makes. He is either seriously deluded, or a deliberate con-man.

Let me phrase this as strongly as I can: I do not know of any credible evidence at all that there has ever been contact of any form between extraterrestrial aliens and Earth. Period. I cannot imagine a circumstance where such contact could be kept secret for very long. And I say this, not only as an active astronomer for 40 years, but also as someone who knows lots of people in the SETI community (who would love to have such evidence), and as someone who's been an officer in the American Astronomical Society and in the International Astronomical Union. If there was something like this going on, we'd all be talking about it. There isn't, and we aren't.

I had already written about reading Exo-Vaticana because I badly needed to vent (see below), but it looks like I am not the only one who is exasperated... It seems Br. Guy Consolmagno has got his copy and blown a gasket.... Actually, I am not sure who the bigger fool(s) is/are here... At the moment, Horn et al. made some big boasts about Br. Guy Consolmagno handing over vatican astrobiology documents but I cannot find anything on my Exo-Vaticana DVD "goodies", but I will keep looking... Whatever, this is a major storm in a teacup! Update! I have found the most interesting document Intelligent Life in the Universe? Catholic belief and the search for extraterrestrial life (2005) and can confirm the online quotes for the outrageous claim that contemporary societies may soon “look to The Aliens to be the Saviours of humankind” is absolutely true and not made up! See online quote EXO-VATICANA - Part 2 & download a 4 page extract Intelligent Life in the Universe? Catholic belief and the search for extraterrestrial life (2005) pg 3 - 6, however I can see why Consolmagno might decide to get upset but he is only one astronomer amongst others who have been pushing the alien theme so I can't understand why he has decided to squeal... Br. Guy Consolmagno's book BROTHER ASTRONOMER: ADVENTURES OF A VATICAN SCIENTIST (2000) is given away in the Exo-Vaticana DVD "goodies". Let's say, the chapter WOULD YOU BAPTIZE AN EXTRATERRESTRIAL? is also very incriminating but it is old news. I have extracted this chapter with the highlights provided by Tom Horn & Chris Putnam, here is the download Brother Astronomer: Adventures of a Vatican Astronomer by Guy Consolmagno pg 149 - 153 (pdf)
  • Would You Baptize an Extraterrestrial?
    New York Times, May 29, 1994
    [...] "Of course," he says in his Tip O'Neill brogue, "extraterrestrial intelligence is one of the first common religious beliefs that's held by Christians, Jews and Moslems." Father McCarthy leans forward.

    "Angels," he whispers. He pauses to let the marvel of his epiphany seep in. "But we've got to be careful that we don't prepackage our angels, with the wings of those of 16th-century artists such as Albrecht Durer and company. On the other hand we don't want to make them integral equations. They may be both!"

    Even in 1994, Jesuit astronomers were thinking that belief in extraterrestrial intelligence would unite the religions... I think the sleaze factor amongst the Catholic Church hieracrchy exposed by their own followers is making this more unlikely but maybe picking a Jesuit Pope Francis was a cynical plot to make some think this corrupt organisation with archaic beliefs were somehow more suitable after Francis undertakes some serious reform. Regardless, it seems some in the Vatican think they are a suitable choice to represent a Universal Church with their ability to act as an umbrella organisation to a wide spectrum of religious folk with spirituality that encompasses the sincere to the truly diabolical.... Just read the history relsting to Roman Catholicism if you have any doubt on this matter, but some Italian journalists have some good recent info on frolicking priests that is also worthy of some consideration... So, maybe it is true to say that Catholic Church does reflect the general spirituality that characterises the Cultic Milieu, but it's not a nice thought..... Whatever, the Catholic Church hopes to represent humans to "extraterrestrial intelligence" but whether they can pull this off is doubtful especially when some serious researchers who don't even profess following any religion believe that ETs are terrestrials with nefarious intent (demons). Basically, it seems some researchers are suggesting: why would sane people trust the demons in the Vatican who could be in league with ET space brothers who are really demons? This is not my opinion, I am just sumarising the research collected by Horn & Putnam in the light of what I know after studying Roman Catholicism on and off for over 30 years, an organisation that thinks nothing of commiting Pious Fraud. Please note the definition given at Wikipedia: Pious fraud (Latin: pia fraus) is used to describe fraud in religion or medicine. A pious fraud can be counterfeiting a miracle or falsely attributing a sacred text to a biblical figure due to the belief that "the end justifies the means", in this case the end of increasing faith by whatever means available. For those who have read my essay Spiritual Evolution in the Cultic Milieu (August 2011) and my blog archive Inside the Cultic Milieu, the ethics issue will be very familiar. P.S. Please note, Jesuit, Rev. Chris Corbally takes the opportunity to point out that the Garden of Eden story is a myth, infact he states, "That myth is very attractive."

Exo-Vaticana: Petrus Romanus, Project LUCIFER, and the Vatican's astonishing exo-theological plan for the arrival of an alien savior
Raiders News Update, April 2013
Comment: I am currently reading my copy of Exo-Vaticana and so far, now reading the book "in context", my thoughts are the book lurches from the sub-sublime to the ridiculous. This "scholarly" treatise is in the sane vein as previous works by Tom Horn et al. and I have named it part of the 'Tom Horn et al. Demons Under Your Bed Series'.... My main complaint is how anyone who knows anything about the Catholic Church and their well known propensity for forgery claim that a Bible that was formulated in 600 - 800 A.D was free from manipulation and is divinely inspired when it is clearly based on much older ancient texts from civilisations that were not 'Christian'. The following was prompted after a Red Ice Interview with Tom Horn in December 2011.
“Update 4: I am quite astounded that Tom Horn is agreeing with an author who knows there was a "Gospel in the stars", but that this gospel was "demonized and converted into astrology after the fall of man, originally recorded the Gospel of God." Horn writes: "If the primary assumption of this view is correct—that an original revelation was corrupted after the fall of man and subsequently degenerated into mythologies of the pagan gods—one should be able to find numerous examples of such corruption from as far back as the beginning of history and within various civilizations around the world." I have not finished reading yet, but there seems to be a big assumption here that is deliberately vague to cover a wide variety of scenarios. I think the main issue is glossing over the discovery of ancient texts with a preponderance of biblical sounding stories that imply the Bible was generated by plagiarising older sources and whitewashing astrological references in the bible by saying they were originally some kind of 'divine' revelation.... wow... I suppose it is too much to expect Horn to do some unbias research and come to the conclusion that at least some if not all the information was generated by an elite [ancient] astronomical priest class.”
The above was actually written at the beginning of January 2012 after reading the online (serialised?) version of Tom Horn's book Apollyon Rising but I will force myself to read the proper version at some point. Free with Exo-Vaticana is a DVD full of "goodies" and it provides a book called The Gospel in The Stars or Priemeval Astronomy (1910) and a short treatise with the name Gospel in The Stars by Julie VonVett with the final statement, "How wondrous is the age-old story that God has painted for us in the night sky." ???? Yet, as I have already recently pointed out, Jesus Christ was a name applied to a god who was given the same attributes as a previous long list of saviours, see the online book Symbolism in Relation to Religion 1915 pg 307 by James Ballan Hannay, List of Sons of God, Messiahs, Saviours Born of a Virgin to Save Mankind . This book The Gospel in The Stars or Priemeval Astronomy is now on my very very long reading list especially since the author says in the Preface that my friend Sir William Drummond (ca. 1770-1828) presents some pertinent facts.... (I love these old books written at a time when scholars were real scholars....). Personally, I would be amazed if Horn et al. would even dare to mention Drummond especially as Drummond scorns the mythos for the rabble and states that all is not lost and cleverly points the existence of ancient Zodiacs and the connection with the astrotheology embedded in the Bible. [...]


The Catholic Church has a HUGE reputation for fakery but Tom Horn still expects intelligent people to believe his logic that uses this same fabricated mythos created by those in charge of a man-made religion that was largely based on mistranslating ancient texts. It is my understanding that ancient texts were revered and great care was taken to preserve the integrity of ancient works until the Catholic Church came along and in their thirst for power just corrupted anything they thought could give them any kind of leverage. The same way the calendars were corrupted until they could not even work out what century we were living in.... If you want an example of the sick mentality here is a fantasic exposé Vatican, skulls and bones. So far, my analysis is that the best parts of Exo-Vaticana are chapters with a minimum amount of biblical references, theological arguments and therefore contrived reasoning. However, I was apalled that in Chapter 7, there was no analysis of why the Catholic Church would be hosting astrobiology conferences and discussing 'Shadow Life' or even provide a short summary of the criteria used by astrobiologists to denote life, the short discussion of abiogenetics or life from non-life is in my opinion not enough. Interestingly, we are given a pertinent quote from Paul Davies, a well known theoretical physicist, cosmologist and astrobiologist, and the director of the BEYOND Center for Fundamental Concepts in Science at Arizona State University, link. He is currently championing the theory that Earth may host a shadow biosphere of alternative life forms. Davis argues that there is a possibility that life might have started many times on Earth itself and whether this means alternative life-forms have survived and are still present in the environment, constituting a kind of shadow biosphere, a term coined by Carol Cleland and Shelley Copley of the University of Colorado at Boulder, see a copy of a 2007 Scientific American article by Paul Davis, Are Aliens Amongst us? & research paper Searching for a shadow biosphere on Earth as a test of the ‘cosmic imperative’. But I was gobsmacked by the attempt by Horn & Putnam to pass off the Apostle Paul's beliefs as an ex-Jewish Pharisee as being seriously worthy of consideration in today's world. We are given details of three heavens; 1st heaven is where the birds dwell, the 2nd heaven is a war-zone where Satan rules and the 3rd heaven is the dwelling place of God from which the "angelic spheres of God spread outward". Of course, there is no mention of what these angelic spheres are about but based on the rest of Tom Horn et al.'s writings, any spheres you might see are probably demons or satanic... Well, since the Vatican's attempt to change the mythos will probably receive a lot of attention, hopefully, there will be others who take up the challenge and provide some light for those who are going to be shocked by UFO/ET Disclosure and then be left bewildered as the Catholic Church seeks to take full advantage of the inevitable crisis and overwhelm their followers and anybody else who would be interested in their new ET gospel.

Dutch internet banking problems due to a cyber attack
Dutch News, 6th April 2013
Friday’s internet banking problems at a string of Dutch banks were caused by a cyber attack, the Dutch banking association NVB said.

Both the internet banking system iDEAL and ING bank were out of action for several hours because of the attack on Friday afternoon. It was not a hack and internet banking security was not compromised, Nos television quoted NVB as saying.

I was sent another 4 links concerning Dutch internet banking problems but I have concluded that any DDos attacks are a smokescreen as hackers and computer geeks would have advertised this through the popular media sites like Twitter and Facebook when the problems first started and not after the event. Here are the Dutch links, ttp://,,,

Why evacuate for an earthquake no-one can feel?
BBC News, 6th April 2013
It's four years since the deadly earthquake in L'Aquila, Italy, and six months since scientists were convicted of manslaughter for failing to communicate the danger. Today, evacuation orders are issued much more readily - too readily, some say. "Everyone knows, you can't predict an earthquake." [...]

Italy never used to worry quite so much about little tremors.

The change appears to be the direct result of last year's conviction of seven members of Italy's High Risk Commission - six of whom were scientists - for manslaughter. They were found guilty of failing to properly communicate the risk of a major earthquake in L'Aquila. The case has produced its own kind of aftershock.

So, it seems that in Italy, nobody wants to go to jail for failing to warn about an earthquake...

NASA Sounding Rocket Observes the Seeds of Noctilucent Clouds
Space Daily News, 5th April 2013
A constant stream of space debris flows toward Earth from the rest of the solar system. Large meteors can sometimes survive the intense friction and heat upon entering Earth's atmosphere, but by and large the meteors evaporate and reform into tiny particles that are left to whiz through the atmosphere. Such particles are so light and so ubiquitous that scientists refer to them as smoke. [...]

"The models that tiny meteorite dust lies at the heart of ice crystals in noctilucent clouds are likely right, because there are some 20,000 dust particles per cubic centimeter up there." [...]

In other ways, however, the observations didn't match the requirements for the existing model. Each particle was smaller than scientific theories say is needed to form ice crystals. CHAMPS found the particles ranged from 0.4 to 1.2 nanometers in radius. Particles of this size are not believed to have enough surface area for ice crystals to form around them, and so current models require particles with at least a 1.5 nanometer radius.

But CHAMPS data also showed that these particles were charged, which can increase the probability that ice will grow on them. The data also showed different amounts of charged particles at different heights and at different times during the day and night. This too must be incorporated into new models of noctilucent cloud formation.

It is interesting to know that ultraviolet light from the sun alters the electrical charge on the meteor dust/smoke, but this is more confirmation that noctilucent clouds are electrically charged and glowing in the sky. The article fails to explain why these clouds are now being seen over Europe in recent years. Presumably, it is the same reason as why intense geomagnetic storms are pushed south towards the equator and whatever provides the opposing force, has somehow got weaker.

Fireball explodes in the morning sky over Norway, 4th April 2013
[Google translation]: Paper Deliverer witnessed the fireball that flew over southern Norway very early Wednesday morning. - Very interesting, says Knut Jorgen Roed Odegaard about the pictures she took.

Tove Haveland is still exhilarated by the experience very early on Wednesday morning. While most of Norheimsund was asleep, the paperboy was out driving today's deliveries. Then she saw something in the morning sky.

- It was a little before half past five and I saw the moon in the top right corner of the eye. Then it happened: It was as if something exploded in the sky.

- Then it was just like a ball of fire fell from the sky, it fell straight down and slid slowly down. The color was the same as the moon, but it is not lit up in the same manner, says Haveland.

Just another decent sized meteor coming in from space, but this looks like it split in two and left parallel tracks. has a special interest in meteor reports, which are filed under Fire in The Sky

Another Fail For Dutch Banks: Big trouble with iDeal, 5th April 2013
iDeal suffers a major failure which makes it a good number of banks is not possible to internet banking. That said a spokeswoman Currence, the company behind iDeal. The cause of the failure is not known.

Google Translation+: According to Currence, customers of ING and SNS Bank cannot pay via PayPal. This has affected five or six other banks on the receiving side so in effect, nobody can pay via PayPal. It is not known when the problems will be solved. Two days after ING payments had been shut down due to a major fault, the app and the site for online banking the bank are once again inaccessible. On social media, hundreds of people are complaining about the new jam. They can not currently transfer money over the internet. Via Twitter, ING has admitted fault.

I have been sent another set of two Dutch links, this is the original Dutch version of this article, link 1. I don't know anything about Dutch banking but this will be of great interest to Dutch blog followers after I have been making claims for years about computer systems becoming more vulnerable in the worsening cosmic environment. Thanks to E. Pierau for the links. See below for an update:
  • Several banks affected by disturbances, 5th April 2013
    Google Translation+: On Friday, several Dutch banks suffered a major failure. There are still problems with ING, but by 15.00 the other banks which were affected by Ideal-interference, was solved by nce 15.00 solved.

    Clients of ING may still have problems logging in, as a spokesman said some clients might have difficulty with internet banking. [...]

    The problems at ING may occur both on the website and in the applications. What causes the disturbance, it is not yet known. A spokesman for the bank suggests however that the problems have nothing to do with the failure on Wednesday .

    Here is the original Dutch version Link 2.

Computer simulation shows the sun's "heartbeat" is magnetic
Phys.Org News, 5th April 2013
( —A research team made up of Paul Charbonneau, a physicist with the University of Montreal and Piotr Smolarkiewicz, a weather scientist with the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts in the U.K., has created a new kind of computer simulation of the sun's energy flow. In their Perspective article published in the journal Science, the two describe the solar engine deep within the sun as its "heartbeat" and suggest that it underlies virtually all solar activity.

To gain a better understanding of how the sun works, the two researchers created a simulation that models the sun's entire magnetic field activity—no small feat. They ran their simulation on University of Montreal supercomputers which are connected to a larger network across the city. In so doing, they observed that though the sun as a whole experiences an 11 year cycle of solar polar reversals (as noted here on Earth by the periodic nature of observable sun spot activity), zonal magnetic field bands undergo a polarity reversal on average every 40 years.

Archaeons shown to thrive on fireworks ingredient
Phys.Org News, 5th April 2013
( —A new study in the Netherlands has found a deep-sea microbe living in high-temperature hydro-thermal vents can thrive on chlorate and perchlorate anions. Perchlorate, an ingredient in rocket fuel and fireworks, is toxic to most organisms.

The researchers, led by Martin Liebensteiner of Wageningen University in the Netherlands, have shown for the first time that Archaeoglobus fulgidus, an archaeon living in deep sea vents can survive and grow by reducing chlorate (ClO3-) and perchlorate (ClO4-) anions using enzymes (including some that are molybdenum-based) for the metabolism. Chlorates and perchlorates are not commonly found in the environments in which the archaeon lives.

I was grabbed by the headline for reasons that will be obvious to some long-term blog followers.....

Europe launches warning centre for extreme solar weather events
Air Traffic Management, 4th April 2013
Europe has launched a Space Weather Coordination Centre, the first such centre to be opened under the European Space Agency’s (ESA) Space Situational Awareness programme.

Read More On The Solar Weather Threat

The new SSCC centre will serve as the central access point to a portfolio of European space weather expertise. Located at the ‘Space Pole’ in Brussels, the SSCC includes the first European space weather helpdesk and, through this, rapid access to expert support on solar weather, ionospheric weather, the geomagnetic environment and the orbital radiation environment.

The inauguration of Europe's first Space Weather Coordination Centre has been given a fair amount of fanfare... When I wrote and published my book in September 2006, I was basing my assessment on scientific articles and various scientific reports and military reports easily available on the internet and therefore in the public domain, for me it was impossible to miss the implications... I made my call about space weather and energy driven evolutionary change and got it right.... Space Weather means the ability of humans to exist on this planet has changed but few outside the scientific community have given this much thought. Major country-wide blackouts, the risk of long term damage to our technological infrastructure, electronics and computer systems becoming unreliable at times, are to be expected but they are not the only major issues. So, whilst world controllers continue to try and mitigate the situation and create their disaster-recovery plans, the real story is only just emerging. It is now becoming very apparent to many more people that the knowledge of astronomical cycles affecting life on this planet was known in ancient times by high civilisations on this planet that perished due to cataclysm. Survivors decided that preserving the knowledge of what happened was vital and religious texts have been a major repository of ancient knowledge. As astronomers fret over massive comets that could cause havoc in our solar system, it seems that we still await some further major cosmic events and the inevitable evolutionary change.

The rise of the bitcoin: Virtual gold or cyber-bubble?
Washington Post, 5th April 2013
LONDON — A currency surging in value at a breathtaking rate this week belongs to no nation and is issued by no central bank. It can be used to buy gold in California, a hamburger in Berlin or a house in Alberta. When desired, it can offer largely untraceable transactions.

The coin in question now has a global circulation worth more than $1.4 billion on paper. Yet almost no one, it seems, knows the true identity of its creator. In the United States, this mysterious money has become the darling of antigovernment libertarians and computer wizards prospecting in the virtual mines of cyberspace. In Europe, meanwhile, it has found its niche as the coinage of anarchic youth.

Is this the next major investment bubble?

The Truth is Out There – The Role of Conspiracy
Theories in Personal Transformation
Waking Times, 3rd April 2013
Ignorance…brought about anguish and terror. And the anguish grew solid like a fog and no one was able to see.” - The Gospel of Truth, 17:10, Nag Hammadi Texts

“Humanity is asleep, concerned only with what is useless, living in a wrong world….Do not prattle before the People of the Path, rather consume yourself. You have an inverted knowledge and religion if you are upside down in relation to Reality. Man is wrapping his net around himself. A lion (the man of the Way) bursts his cage asunder.” - The Sufi Master Sanai, teacher of Rumi, in The Walled Garden of Truth (1131 C.E.).

What role does conspiracy and cover-up play in the multifarious facets of life in the closing years of this twentieth century? Are powerful groups manipulating events as part of a long-range strategy to bring about a totally controlled global society? Does recognition of conspiracies lead to paranoia and delusion? Or does it actually explain events and thereby empower people?

I quite like the statement, "Modern civilisation is a conspiracy against Reality." I think that just about sums it up. Curiously, this article is really about our modern world except it doesn't mention the Cultic Milieu, religions or cults and it should do.... Considering the website calls itself 'Waking Times' this is a bit amiss and I presume the conspiracy against Reality does not go as far as the enlightenment business. Maybe, this is to be expected as I have grown very suspicious here as this website gives off a very bad whiff -- the synaesthesia strikes again.... Anyway, when it comes to religion, I am not sure the term conspiracy is exactly right. I think while people are oblivious to the true origin of religion then I think the true issue is ignorance. Whilst people are oblivious to the fact the Cultic Milieu in general supports wolves in sheep's clothing then I think the real issue is ignorance and naivety. Whilst people just believing in tradition and accepting what they are told without question then the issue is naivety. When you have been a victim over and over again by the most disgusting people claiming spirituality then the issue is being a fool, and so forth... Now, that we are at the start of a New World Age, and one of the major world religions has decided to change the mythos, it will be interesting to see the reaction... It may become really hard for some to be able to distinguish between conspiracy and reality...

Argentina: flooding from torrential rains kill 52
Miami Herald, 3rd April 2013
LA PLATA, Argentina -- At least 52 people drowned in their homes and cars, were electrocuted or died in other accidents as flooding from days of torrential rains swamped Argentina's low-lying capital and province of Buenos Aires. At least 46 died Wednesday in and around the city of La Plata, Gov. Daniel Scioli said. Six deaths were reported a day earlier in the nation's capital.

Is this another atmospheric river dump? Update: Death toll of 54 as torrential rain and flash floods hit La Plata and Buenos Aires & Buenos Aires flooding causes severe disruption - video

What is space weather?
Raw Story, 3rd April 2013

Water Prank May Land Radio Show Hosts in Jail
World Order News, 3rd April 2013
Two popular radio show hosts may find themselves locked up for telling their listeners the truth, that Dihydrogen Monoxide (water) is flowing from their household taps! Dihydrogen Monoxide is just the chemical name for H2O, that’s right, water! But unfortunately many Americans don’t know basic chemistry.

It seems trying to prank the ignoranti might not always be such a good idea...

Flint isn't the only place with mysterious explosions
M Live News, 1st April 2013
FLINT, MI -- The cause of the mystery booming noises Flint residents had complained about may be explained by the secret bomb range Flint police recently confirmed.

For months, years even, residents have reported random loud noises, like thunder or fireworks.Flint isn't the only place where people have reported noises like this. All over the country are reports of strange noises and loud booming sounds. Usually, nobody seems to know where they're coming from.

This article provides a summary links for 3 months worth of "Mysterious Boom" reports across the US. It starts off in Michigan where frightened residents called 911 to report the sound of gunshot-like explosions. The "secret bomb range" is most likely a convenient lie. See also: Mysterious Booms Shake Branch County Houses

Dutch bank ING's online customers find wrong balance in accounts
Reuters, 3rd April 2013
(Reuters) - Dutch bank ING was inundated with complaints from retail and business customers in the Netherlands on Wednesday because their online accounts showed incorrect balances.

ING said that it had a problem with processing payments on Tuesday night and that balances online appeared incorrect even though the actual balances in the accounts were not affected. It said the problem was not caused by computer hacking.

Angry customers complained by phone, on social media and in person at bank branches. ING said that it did not know how many customers had been affected.

Separately, rival Dutch lender Rabobank said that it also had problems with its online banking on Wednesday. Rabobank's problems, which were unrelated to those at ING, prevented customers from requesting loans online.

Thanks to E. Pierau, I was sent two Dutch links (link 1 & link 2) about two different Dutch banks suffering from major computer glitches. This Reuters articles mentions both but, apparently, the ING glitch was much more serious. The Dutch article (Google translation) Big trouble at ING internet banking states this is the fifth failure in ten days at ING. Since there have been so many similar failures in recent times, I can't be specific but I am suspicious that it might be space weather related. It is hard to be sure when banks usually refuse to be truthful about the cause of computer system failures, see archives for previous comments on this matter. More below:
  • ING internet banking in chaos after 'mysterious' withdrawals
    Dutch News, 3rd April 2013
    Financial services group ING is grappling with a major internet banking breakdown which has led to thousands of people being unable to use their direct debit cards.

    In some cases, people have ‘lost’ thousands of euros from their accounts because of the fault while others have thousands of euros too much, Nos television reported.

    Even account holders who are not allowed to overdraw have discovered their counts are deep in the red because of double bookings. Some people say long queues built up in supermarkets as people found they were unable to pay.

    The chaos is only just beginning...

Glitch hits on-line banking yet again [Ireland]
Herald News, 3rd April 2013
CUSTOMERS of two major Irish banks were unable to access their accounts online yesterday. People seeking to log on to their accounts at AIB and Permanent TSB were faced with notices from the banks warning them of technical problems. Customers were unable to make money transfers or to pay bills. [...] The glitch that hit Permanent TSB knocked out online banking and the banks' telephone services. "It lasted for an hour but the problems were resolved and all services are back as normal," said a spokesman.

'Glitch' and long waits frustrate Service Ontario customers, 3rd April 2013
ONTARIO — Thousands of Ontarians were left frustrated by computer problems at Service Ontario offices across the province yesterday, with many standing in line for hours only to walk away. Blaming a "complex" problem with the Service Ontario information technology system, transactions for driver's licences, vehicle registrations and health cards have "either slowed down or are not getting through," said Jenna Mannone, spokeswoman for Harinder Takhar, the minister of government services.

Canada can expect to get lots and lots of computer failures due its northern latitude and thus likelihood of computer hardware and software being corrupted by cosmic rays...

Computer glitch paralyzes Montreal metro system for an hour [Canada]
CTV News, 2nd April 2013
MONTREAL—For the second time in three weeks, Montreal’s entire metro system came to a halt on Tuesday afternoon due to a computer glitch. Service was interrupted on all four lines of the metro just after 6 p.m. The outage lasted about an hour.

These transport system failures for trains and metros are also quite common these days...

The New Fake Climate 'Hockey Stick' Explained & Debunked
We’re not screwed?
Financial Post, 1st April 2013
11,000-year study’s 20th-century claim is groundless On March 8, a paper appeared in the prestigious journal Science under the title A reconstruction of regional and global temperature for the past 11,300 years. Temperature reconstructions are nothing new, but papers claiming to be able to go back so far in time are rare, especially ones that promise global and regional coverage.

The new study, by Shaun Marcott, Jeremy Shakun, Peter Clark and Alan Mix, was based on an analysis of 73 long-term proxies, and offered a few interesting results: one familiar (and unremarkable), one odd but probably unimportant, and one new and stunning. The latter was an apparent discovery that 20th-century warming was a wild departure from anything seen in over 11,000 years. News of this finding flew around the world and the authors suddenly became the latest in a long line of celebrity climate scientists.

The trouble is, as they quietly admitted over the weekend, their new and stunning claim is groundless. The real story is only just emerging, and it isn’t pretty. [...]

The new, and startling, feature of the Marcott graph was at the very end: Their data showed a remarkable uptick that implied that, during the 20th century, our climate swung from nearly the coldest conditions over the past 11,500 years to nearly the warmest. Specifically, their analysis showed that in under 100 years we’ve had more warming than previously took thousands of years to occur, in the process undoing 5,000 years’ worth of cooling.

This uptick became the focus of considerable excitement, as well as scrutiny. One of the first questions was how it was derived.

I changed the headline to reflect what this article is about. This is an excellent summary but I had plenty of articles and climate commentators to choose from as this piece of peer reviewed climate science is being viewed as having cross the line into scientific misconduct, and has ignited a firestorm of criticism, see more below.

Climate Policies Increase Risk of Blackouts
WUWT, 1st April 2013
[...] What is certain, however, is that global warming policies are greatly increasing the chances of electricity blackouts, and here the effects can be predicted confidently – they will be sudden and severe. [...]

The real threat to humanity today is not the theoretical dangers from gradual man-made global warming. A far bigger real danger is the growing threat to reliable electricity supplies from deep-green climate policies.

The most reliable electricity supplies come from coal, gas, hydro, nuclear, geothermal or oil. Misguided politicians and uncompromising nature are conspiring to ensure that few of these will be available to generate Australia’s future electricity. [...]

Therefore, if we continue to allow green zealots to dictate our electricity generation, blackouts are inevitable. Britain and Germany already face this grim prospect.

I don't think this article is scaremongering because politicians in the UK have already told us that electricity supplies are going to become scarce... see all the article links provided here and archives.

Faint 'Red Arcs' Spotted Over Europe
Live Science, 2nd April 2013
Glowing red arcs invisible to the naked eye have now been detected high above most of Europe using advanced cameras pointed at the sky.

When streams of high-energy, charged particles come rushing from the sun to batter Earth, they cause what are called geomagnetic storms. These events are disruptions in the magnetosphere, the part of Earth's atmosphere dominated by the planet's magnetic field. The most dramatic effects of these storms are giant, bright auroras in Earth's polar regions, but the tempests result in other striking consequences as well, such as faintly glowing red arcs high up in the ionosphere. This is the electrically charged part of Earth's atmosphere, stretching from about 50 to 370 miles (85 to 600 kilometers) above the Earth. [...]

(Red arcs happen when oxygen atoms in the ionosphere emit light, after being excited by electrons heated at greater heights in Earth's magnetosphere.)

These red arcs were once rare, so this appearance over most of Europe suggests the impact of space weather is getting stronger and related to our weakening magnetosphere and cosmic shielding. In the paper Aurora of October 22/23, 1958, at Rapid City, South Dakota by F. E. Roach* and E. Marovich*, it states: "Stormer [11] records only two such arcs over southern Norway between 1911 and 1940. In a historical review, he lists nine between 1826 and. 1872 and concludes "that red arcs very rarely occur, and only during years of great solar activity." Thus, it seems that recent mediocre solar activity is now generating far greater affects.

Insight: Pope to review Vatican bureaucracy, scandal-ridden bank
Reuters, 2nd April 2013
(Reuters) - Pope Francis, who has said he wants the Catholic Church to be a model of austerity and honesty, could restructure or even close the Vatican's scandal-ridden bank as part of a broad review of its troubled bureaucracy, Vatican sources say. [...]

The first sign of change would be a new secretary of state. "It's not a question of if but when Bertone leaves," the senior prelate said. "It remains to be seen who the pope chooses as new secretary of state."


The basic failings of the Curia, as the Vatican's central administration is known, were aired, sometimes passionately, at closed-door meetings of cardinals before they retired into the conclave that elected Francis on March 13. "The Curia did not come out smelling like a rose from those meetings," the senior prelate said, adding that many cardinals had demanded explanations of the scandals and information on how the bank is run and whether it should exist at all. [...]

Anger at the Italian prelates who mostly run the Curia was one of the reasons that the cardinals chose the first non-European pope for 1,300 years at the conclave and quashed the chances of one of the frontrunners, Milan Archbishop Angelo Scola.

I seriously wonder whether we will see an attempt to kill Pope Francis... The evidence suggests there are simply too many in the Catholic hierarchy who are not interested in "austerity and honesty". The Church provides these narcissists with plenty of worldly power and prestige, and the facts suggest that those laundering mafioso money are not the sort to worry about being "honest" and the murder of John Paul I after only 33 days gives us a fairly recent precedent... I am now wondering about the prophecies of a bloody shoot-out and Rome being destroyed... Prophecies do not have to come to pass if people take heed...

U of S physicist tracks disruptive 'space weather'
The Star Phoenix, 1st April 2013
[...] According to McWilliams, some world governments have already started to include space weather in their disaster planning alongside things such as global pandemics and volcanic eruptions. The ability to predict how certain solar events would affect Earth's atmosphere could be very useful in such preparations. Scientists are still quite a long way from such predictions, however.

"We're still trying to understand the system as a whole," McWilliams said. "We're trying to almost make something like a weather prediction. Something happens on the sun, it comes out into space, it interacts with the Earth and ultimately something happens with the Earth's atmosphere. This is a huge chain of events happening one after another." The variety of scale at play in such studies is a big part of the challenge.

The arrival of a new stormy cosmic enivironment and Space Weather provides some real cosmic reality for the inhabitants of this planet but few even know it or the seriousness of the potential consequences...

Climate Maverick to Quit NASA
New York Times, 1st April 2013
James E. Hansen, the climate scientist who issued the clearest warning of the 20th century about the dangers of global warming, will retire from NASA this week, giving himself more freedom to pursue political and legal efforts to limit greenhouse gases.

His departure, after a 46-year career at the space agency’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies in Manhattan, will deprive federally sponsored climate research of its best-known public figure.

At the same time, retirement will allow Dr. Hansen to press his cause in court. He plans to take a more active role in lawsuits challenging the federal and state governments over their failure to limit emissions, for instance, as well as in fighting the development in Canada of a particularly dirty form of oil extracted from tar sands.

“As a government employee, you can’t testify against the government,” he said in an interview.

Oh my.... Anthony Watts was incredulous and wrote: "I checked first, thinking this was some April Fools joke, it appears legit". More at WUWT see, BREAKING: James Hansen to leave NASA to be full time activist

Government's climate watchdog launches astonishing attack on the Mail on Sunday... for revealing global warming science is wrong
Daily Mail, 30th March 2013
The official watchdog that advises the Government on greenhouse gas emissions targets has launched an astonishing attack on The Mail on Sunday – for accurately reporting that alarming predictions of global warming are wrong.

We disclosed that although highly influential computer models are still estimating huge rises in world temperatures, there has been no statistically significant increase for more than 16 years.

Obviously, waking up sheeple is a major crime... The idea is that regardless, the masses MUST be deceived about what is happening...

A woman woke up speaking a foreign language
What Sabine Child Shoe has experienced is sensational and shocking at the same time - after a stroke, she suddenly speaks Swiss German., 28th March 2013
Google Translation+ - In a good mood, Sabine child opens the door of her house in Shoe Upper Alba. With a friendly "Hello," she shakes hands. A "hello", which sounds different than usual. Not high German, no Rhön dialect is in the sound of her words. Sabine Child Shoe speaks Swiss German - without ever having been in the country, she has mastered this language perfectly. It is a disease that is documented only 60 times all over the world, she says. The Foreign Accent Syndrome, a rare neurological disease, Sabine child shoe scored on a mild stroke a few years ago. Since then, the now 57-year-old lives with it and still get goose bumps even there when she tells what she has experienced with this disease all. "That would fill a whole book," she says and laughs, even if it often did not feel like laughing in all the years.

I have had a German tell me to my face that they think Swiss-German is a joke dialect or version of 'High' German, here it is explained as a foreign language, so this story is quite interesting.... Well, whenever I remember to check, I keep finding these stories about people suffering as a consequence of Foreign Accent Syndrome. Nevertheless, I am quite sure somebody somewhere will publish some new statistics, but one website I found claimed there are about 100 cases worldwide. Whatever, I am hoping for better proof that the number of cases of Foreign Accent Syndrome worldwide will have gone up recently, because this syndrome appears to be related to how the brain on rare occasions reacts to electrical signals generated in an unstable geomagnetic environment.
  • Shelly talks in many tongues
    Gold Coast News, 18th March 2013
    SHELLY Buch died on the operating table and was brought back to life.

    But when she woke up, her New Zealand-Australian accent was gone -- replaced with an Irish brogue that switched to an American accent then German, Queen's English and back to a dirty Irish sound.

    Mrs Buch, of Mount Tamborine, is one of only a handful of people worldwide to suffer from the rare medical condition known as Foreign Accent Syndrome.

    I have documented more than a handful who have acquired this syndrome just in the last few years alone...

JREF's Pigasus Awards “Honors” Dubious Peddlers of “Woo” (VIDEO)
James Randi, March 2013
Hollywood, CA. —The James Randi Educational Foundation (JREF) promotes critical thinking through grants for outstanding teachers, scholarships to inspire skeptical students, educational resources for the classroom and general public, and annual conferences showcasing the best of skeptical thought—but every April Fools’ Day, JREF “honors” the five worst offenders who are intentionally or unintentionally peddling harmful paranormal and pseudoscientific nonsense.

Since 1997, the JREF’s annual Pigasus Awards have been bestowed on the most deserving charlatans, swindlers, psychics, pseudo-scientists, and faith healers—and on their credulous promoters, too. The awards are named for both the mythical flying horse Pegasus of Greek mythology, and the highly improbable flying pig of popular cliché.

These are this year’s “winners.”

I have always viewed James Randi with suspicion as it is public knowledge that he was once a magician. Over the years, I have presumed that his missionary calling is to debunk anything that requires people to think outside of the mainstream mental rut. Anyway, I think these awards are highly amusing and indicate who are some of the most sucessful pushers of “woo”. Since I can't stand fog-horn Alex Jones, who I think is just another paid pied piper, I am quite pleased he has got another well deserved award. As those who are educated in these matters already know, mouthpieces/gurus/cult leaders operate by proclaiming A, B, C that is often quite truthful, but it is very likely that there will be an issues with D-Z that appear once believers are “hooked”. Followers are expected to believe everything is all true despite any doubts they might have and that is where the cognitive dissonance sets in for many.

UFO Spotted Before Eiffel Tower Terrorist Scare (Video)
Was it a spaceship? Watch the video below and decide for yourself.
Jewish Press, March 31st, 2013
A UFO was seen buzzing the Eiffel Tower in Paris last Tuesday, just four days before the Parisian landmark was evacuated because of terror threats, reports

A video titled “Woman Records UFO Near Collision With Eiffel Tower Paris 26th March 2013? has emerged online showing a glowing orb flying directly at the Eiffel Tower, then rocketing upwards in the sky. The object was not a conventional aircraft, weather balloon or Chinese lantern, reports the website. It was traveling too quickly, and changed directions on a dime.

Was it a spaceship? Watch the video below and decide for yourself.

The orbs are appearing in very public places and seems to be symptomatic of the increased energy levels on this planet. My reasoning is that historically, UFOs/UAPs/orbs have been generally confined to local portals where more energy flowed into and out of this planet, (hotspots where sightings are very regular), but these days the number and location of sightings implies something fundamental has changed and I believe it relates to the general energy levels around the planet.

Prostitute who ‘died’ during romp came back to life in coffin
The Sun, 28th March 2013
A PROSTITUTE in Zimbabwe 'died' during a hotel romp with a client - only to come back to life as her body was being put in a coffin. The vice girl reportedly collapsed during a sex session last week at the Manor Hotel in Bulaweyo.

Convinced she was dead, her shocked client called the police - who sent paramedics to collect the body. But as they were loading the 'corpse' into a metal coffin, the hooker suddenly woke up screaming.

This story does not quite fit in with my speculation concerning these strange stories of 'dead' humans coming back to life... interestingly, we are told the body was cold as opposed to previous stories of the body remaining warm, see archives.

Anti ageing cream developed by NASA scientists uses rare diamond particles from outer space
Luxury Launches, 8th March 2013
For ladies beauty and presenting their most stylish face, no matter what their age, is of utmost importance. Nourished skin and fighting the signs of aging is one of the top concerns and groundbreaking label 111 Skin presents a product, Celestial Black Diamond Night Cream that tackles just that. The trio of Hyaluronic acid, N-cystine and Centella Asiatica in the cream, works on the three layers of the skin to replenish and rebuild the cells matrix. The genius move is the innovative use of rare diamond particles believed to have formed in space. These black diamond particles are microspheres that penetrate the deeper dermal layer of the skin to restore a youthful glow further reinforcing the saying that ‘diamonds are a girl’s best friend’.

See also: Anti-aging cream made with 'space diamonds' I have spent the last 8 years researching space weather and understanding the ancient mythology warning us what to expect.... After I wrote my book Tuning the Diamonds (2006), new information came to light and was passed on to me, concerning a book called The Pillar of Celestial Fire (1997) by Robert Cox, who wrote his book based on his interpretation of Vedic texts. Cox does not explain the arrival of celestial fire in terms of space weather, but I took this as verification that I had got some basic facts right, see Book Review: The Pillar of Celestial Fire – The Lost Science of the Ancient Seers Rediscovered. This night cream is $900 for a 50 ml bottle, but if you know what you are doing you can channel the celestial diamond energy version for free...
  • Cosmic Buckyball Particle 'Factory' Discovered
    Discovery News, 22nd February 2012
    For the first time, "buckyballs" have been discovered in the cosmos in a solid form.

    Until now, the only evidence in space for the bizarre little hollow balls of carbon atoms have been in interstellar gases, but with the help of NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope, astronomers have discovered buckyballs accumulating and stacking atop one another to form solid particles.

    Buckyballs are a nickname for buckminsterfullerines, a geodesic molecular ordering of 60 carbon atoms that resemble the domes designed by American architect and inventor Richard Buckminster Fuller.

‘What has gotten into Thomas Nagel?’: Leading atheist branded a ‘heretic’ for daring to question Darwinism
National Post, 13th March 2013
The philosopher Thomas Nagel is not taking phone calls. His secretary at New York University says there have been hundreds, all wanting to reach the modern “heretic,” as a current magazine cover labels him, but he is not taking the bait. Handout All he did was argue in a new book the evolutionary view of nature is “false,” and now grand forces have descended upon him. He does not want to talk about it.

The vicious reception handed Mind & Cosmos, which urges deep skepticism about evolution’s explanatory power, illustrates the perils of raising arguments against intellectual orthodoxy. One critique said if there were a philosophical Vatican, Prof. Nagel’s work should be on the index of banned books for the comfort it will give creationists. Another headline proclaimed Prof. Nagel is “not crazy.” [...]

Prof. Nagel’s thesis is provocative, no doubt. In just 128 pages, Mind & Cosmos argues the modern scientific story of the origin of life through evolution is “ripe for displacement” and it represents “a heroic triumph of ideological theory over common sense,” which will be seen as “laughable” in a couple of generations”.

Hmmm... From what I have read, Nagel has decided to look at the evidence and has decided that being a high priest and religious fanatic for the Church of Atheism & Scientific Dogma does not work for him. Darwinism is a failed and outdated theory as there are too many holes for it to be tenable and all Nagel is doing is pointing out some reality... For example the mainstream media keeps providing those who are interested with examples of rapid evolutionary change in decades rather than hundreds of thousands of years, somatic hypermutation or the ability of species to adapt quickly to environmental disturbances is a fact. BUT we are also told that Nagel admits, “For a long time I have found the materialist account of how we and our fellow organisms came to exist hard to believe, including the standard version of how the evolutionary process works,” he writes in the book, which is subtitled “Why the Materialist Neo-Darwinian Conception of Nature is Almost Certainly False.” The weight of evidence is crushing the fanatics and zealots and some of them like Nagel are admitting defeat. So he states: ‘I realize that such doubts will strike many people as outrageous, but that is because almost everyone in our secular culture has been browbeaten’. Well, I have been listening to Rupert Sheldrake who claims what some claim is supernatural like telepathy is completely natural. Then strangely, the thought occurred to me: do animals believe in God? I think the atheism is a smoke screen and that the real issue is scientists being used to suppress the flowering of consciousness amongst humans... Quite frankly, despite the disapproval of many in the scientific community, this has not stopped 4% of the population developing synaesthesia... It seems, that quite naturally, there is a flowering of consciousness and people developing new abilities, despite the opposition and challenges from religious fanatics whatever their hue.

Electrosensitivity: is technology killing us?
Is modern life making us ill? Yes, say those who suffer from electrosensitivity. Are they cranks, or should we all be throwing away our mobile phones?
The Guardian, 29th March 2013
Tim Hallam is just tall enough to seem gangly. His height makes the bedroom feel even smaller than it is. Muddy sunlight filters through the grey gauze hung over his window. His narrow bed appears to be covered with a glistening silver mosquito net. The door and the ceiling are lined with tinfoil. Tim tells me there is also a layer of foil beneath the wallpaper and under the wood-effect flooring.

He says, "The room is completely insulated; the edges are sealed with aluminium tape and connected with conducting tape so I could ground the whole room. It's a Faraday cage, effectively. Grounding helps with the low frequencies radiation, apparently. The high frequencies just bounce off the outside."

Tim is trying to escape atmospheric manmade radiation caused by Wi-Fi, phone signals, radio, even TV screens and fluorescent bulbs.

Scientist predicts Earth is heading for another Ice Age
AS Arctic Britain prepares to shiver for at least another month, a leading scientist today predicted the world was heading for another Ice Age. The Express, 28th March 2013
Incredibly, British Summer Time officially starts tomorrow but millions of brassed off Brits pining for warmth will have to endure freezing temperatures and biting winds until May. The misery will continue with daytime temperatures struggling to reach a bracing 5C (41F). The only ray of sunshine, forecasters said, is that it will stay dry.

As if the outlook wasn’t bleak enough already, meteorologists believe the shivering start to 2013 has been the coldest in more than 200 years. More worryingly, the combination of sub-zero temperatures and heavy snow experienced across much of the country recently could be the prelude to a new Ice Age that will begin next year and last for 200 years.

Russian scientist Dr Habibullo Abdussamatov, of the St Petersburg Pulkovo Astronomical Observatory, painted the Doomsday scenario saying the recent inclement weather simply proved we were heading towards a frozen planet. [...]

“The weather is exceptional, unusually cold and unusually prolonged - with little change next week.

Claims that we are headed for a mini-ice age are quite widely held by those who understand solar/climatic science and who are not being paid to promote global warming, see archives. Astrophysicist and weatherman Piers Corbyn is again triumphant after predicting this unseasonal freeze and as usual takes the opportunity to denounce global warmers with his unequivocal "CO2 warmists lie again...", see The Ides of March and ongoing Comment post..

Protecting the Power Grid From Solar Storms
New spacecraft will aid forecasts of space weather
Spectrum News, 28th March/APRIL 2013
It can happen: Every so often the sun emits an explosive burst of charged particles that makes its way to Earth and, under just the right conditions, wreaks havoc on power grids. A powerful geomagnetic storm in March 1989 blacked out the entire province of Quebec, leaving millions of customers in the dark and damaging transformers as far south as New Jersey. Lately the question being debated in space weather circles is: Are we prepared for a repeat, or a storm 10 times worse—like the 1859 solar superstorm? ?

Thanks to two new satellites, we might be better prepared than ever. The Deep Space Climate Observatory [pdf], which will measure the solar wind at the Sun-Earth L1 Lagrange point, some 1.5 million kilometers from Earth, is set for launch next year. L1 is a gravitational sweet spot ideal for observing the sun because it’s never shadowed by the moon or Earth. Also slated for 2014 is an experimental solar-sail mission dubbed Sunjammer, which will fly? more than a million kilometers closer to the sun than L1 and could become the basis for a space-weather early-warning system.?

Basically, this is an article meant for engineers who can handle some technicalities. There are two new space weather initiatives to help scientists make accurate space weather predictions or at least react quickly to help safeguard satellites and ultimately any geomagnetic storms that can disable national power grids. First, NASA have found an abandonned satellite, refurbished it and are now planning to launch it because space scientists are desperate for more data to help them predict space weather and as the military have a vested interest, they are willing to pay for this new operation. Second, there is a new solar sail to help deal with the lethal whirlwind of junk in space see also, NASA set to launch Sunjammer, the largest solar sail in histor.

Space Weather Swings Between Extreme Effects
Wired News, 28th March 2013
Roughly every 11 years, headlines announce the peak of a natural variation known as the solar cycle, pointing to a proliferation of sunspots, potentially dangerous solar flares and beautiful aurora.

This period of increased activity is known as solar maximum, the latest of which is predicted to arrive in August. But scientists who study the sun say that we should be paying just as much attention to the sun’s calmer periods.

“Space weather doesn’t go away during solar minimum, it just changes form and approaches a different extreme,” said astrophysicist Madhulika Guhathakurta, who lead’s NASA’s “Living With a Star” project and co-authored an opinion piece on this topic that appeared in Space Weather March 19.

The solar cycle, say scientists like Guhthakurta, is an oscillation between two extreme states, each with their own distinct conditions and hazards, rather than a simple change between periods of high and low activity.

Due to Earth's declining cosmic shield, we are being constantly impacted by space weather. It's not just satellites in near-earth orbit, all lifeforms on this planet are being affected one way or the other as we experience a cosmic flood of energy which will lead to evolutionary change. This is not my opinion, evolutionary biologists tell us that the trigger for rapid evolutionary change is "disturbed" environments, see archives for more background information.

Incredible North Atlantic storm spans Atlantic Ocean, coast to coast
Washington Post, 28th March 2013
I’m not sure I’ve ever seen a storm this big before.

The storm shown here stretches west to east from Newfoundland to Portugal. Its southern tail (cold front) extends into the Caribbean and the north side of its comma head touches southern Greenland.

Not only is it big, but it’s also super intense – comparable to many category 3 hurricanes. The storm’s central pressure, as analyzed by the Ocean Prediction Center, is 953 mb. Estimated peak wave heights are around 25-30 feet. [...]

Note to Washingtonians: this is the same storm that blanketed the region with 1-4 inches of snow Monday. It’s grown into a monster from humble beginnings. The storm’s giant circulation has drawn down the cold and windy conditions we’ve had since it passed.

OK, I think this qualifies as another monster storm system being powered by additional energy in the atmosphere.

Weird Cloud ‘Coils’ Captured by Earth-Observing Satellite
Universe Today, 28th March 2013
These are some of the strangest looking clouds I’ve seen from the fleet of Earth-observing satellites. These coil-like or bow-wave-shaped clouds were created by the clouds passing over the Prince Edward Islands, in the south Indian Ocean. It was taken by the Terra satellite with the MODIS instrument (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) on March 26, 2013.

Since this satellite imagery is not being treated as top secret and we know for a fact that a lot of satellite imagery and data is secret..., I presume there is a natural cause. So, maybe this is a source of the nuisance new type of space weather [ion plumes] that NASA is now trying to mitigate, possibly causing some kind of interference pattern with the ubiquitous dusty plasma in our atmosphere and creating these bow-wave clouds. See below and archives for more information. Update: Gravity wave (also called atmospheric internal waves) are caused either when a uniform layer of air blows over a large obstacle, like a mountain or island or when rapidly rising, deep convection perturbs a stable layer from below. I have also claimed in the past that gravity waves are being caused by space weather, but it is still the same issue of waves being generated in atmospheric layers either from the bottom or the top of the atmosphere. NASA are prepared to admit these clouds are a sign of trouble for aircraft due to the likelihood of turbulence, see NASA Research to Help Aircraft Avoid Ocean Storms, Turbulence.
  • Strange Space Weather over Africa
    NASA News, 13th November 2007 Flash Back!
    "Something strange is happening in the atmosphere above Africa.... The Africa Space Weather Workshop kicked off Nov. 12th with nearly 100 scientists and students in attendance. The strange phenomenon that brings all these people together is the ion plume – "a newly discovered form of space weather," says University of Colorado atmospheric scientist and Workshop co-organizer Tim Fuller-Rowell."

    Researchers liken the plumes to smoke billowing out of a factory smokestack—except instead of ordinary ash and dust, ion plumes are made of electrified gas floating so high above ground they come in contact with space itself. "The plumes appear during geomagnetic storms and they can interfere with satellite transmissions, airline navigation and radio communications," says Fuller-Rowell. Indeed, it is their effect on GPS signals that led to the discovery of plumes over North America just a few years ago.

  • The anomaly in the Earth's atmosphere - UFO or use of HAARP? Shooting from the ISS January 22, 2012
    YouTube, 22nd January 2012 Flash Back!
    Skeptics immediately say that this cirrus clouds, but it is not! Look at the correct location of the structure in the form of a cone or pyramid! At the very top of an object is clearly visible - the core! What do you think about this?

    I am a skeptic and I say dusty plasma or more technically light scattered by dust bands in plasma.

Swarms of Locusts Tormenting Middle East, Madagascar
Weather Underground, 28th March 2013
A modern-day plague of locusts have been swarming the Middle East in March, and now, they're even turning up elsewhere.

Millions of the crop-destroying insects were first reported in Egypt, but quickly crossed over into neighboring Israel, where images of the biblical plagues resurfaced. They showed up by the millions, just before Passover, forcing a rapid response to exterminate the critters that are notorious for reproducing and growing their swarms at an alarming pace.

Now, the locusts are on the move, as swarms have been spotted in the Hebron area of the West Bank, reports the Ma'an News Agency. Officials are scrambling to come up with enough pesticide to kill the population of locusts that have arrived, looking to feast on everything in sight, but it will be an extensive process to rid the land of millions of pests.

Quite a few people are talking about biblical plagues and presumably certain extreme environmental factors are required that allows an imbalance against the natural order and permits these crop-destroying insects to dominate.

Five floating dead black swans join China’s animal apocalypse
DANWEI News, 27th March 2013
At the north-eastern corner of Anhui University’s old campus in Hefei, capital of Anhui province, there’s a scenic pond that’s inhabited by a bevy of black swans. The swans have been there for more than a decade already, and were – as the front page of local newspaper Star News (????) laments today – an object of fondness for locals.

Yet early this morning, five of these black and beautiful swans were found floating lifeless on the surface of the pond. The latest instance of floating dead animals in China – first pigs, then ducks, and now black swans – these mere five black swans became an object of heated discussion on the Internet right after the announcement was made.

How did they die? Was it a natural disaster or another man-made one? As Star News tells us today, upon hearing of the news yesterday it immediately sent a journalist to the scene to find out exactly what happened. What he found was just one more filthy pond filled with oily water and garbage.

I am sure the irony is not lost amongst the intelligentsia... Not just one black swan but five... Maybe, it should be treated as a warning sign...

Michael Mann accuses prominent skeptic of threatening to shoot him, other warmists
Junk Science, 27th March 2013
Loon-atic Mann complains that an essay by 75-year old Ron Arnold of the Center for the Defense of Free Enterprise that was posted on a is a “thinly-veiled” threat.

The fighting between climate scientists has just got beyond ridiculous... Mann is probably worried about going to jail...

RBS fixes mobile app after glitch locks out customers
Royal Bank of Scotland, the state-owned lender, has fixed its latest technical glitch which left NatWest, RBS and Ulster Bank customers locked out of the bank's mobile app for hours on Friday.
Telegraph, 28th March 2013
"All our mobile banking applications are now running normally. We apologise again for the inconvenience caused to our customers," the bank said. The glitch prevented people from logging on using the mobile app, customers were still able to use all the bank's services online, at ATMs and branches.

The banking technical fails just keep coming, but RBS really does seem to have some issues...

Vietnam: Hailstones wreck havoc on northern provinces
Vietmaz, 28th March 2013
A hailstorm hit the northern mountainous provinces of Cao Bang, Ha Giang and Lao Cai on March 27, injuring dozens of people while damaging tens of thousands of houses.

Lao Cai was hardest hit with 33 people being injured and 5,700 houses damaged. More than 10,500 households in total and many schools and health clinics were affected. Fifteen of the injured were taken to hospital after being hit by massive hailstones that rained down for 15 minutes. The hailstorm hit Lao Cai at dawn on the day, where hailstones had an average diameter of 5-10cm.

Video captures China sinkhole tragedy, 28th March 2013
* Man walking on street swallowed by hole
* Horrifying moment caught on CCTV
* Why it happens: When sinkholes turn deadly
* Horse swallowed by sinkhole in Tasmania

A 25-year-old man in China has died after a sinkhole opened up and swallowed him.

Yang Jiabin was walking in Shenzhen near a construction site when he fell into an 8-metre wide, 16-metre deep sinkhole that killed him, after attempts to revive him failed.

Two closed-circuit videos captured his final moments, which then went viral in China on social media and through news websites like Sina.

Right at the beginning of this video, the hole appears and is perfectly round, there is no water, it is just some puffs of dust like the concrete and substruction has been vaporised in a ring and the centre has just fallen in... I am wondering whether this is the same hole and not a compilation because the rest of the video does not give the same impression (the report above says two different cameras). As I have stated, we are receiving MASER blasts or lasers blasts made up of microwaves that are forming in Earth's highly electrified atmosphere.... I am not sure if scientists are using the term "killer electrons" as a euphemism, but it is a fact, instant perfectly round deep holes are appearing all over the planet.

Collision Course? A Comet Heads for Mars
NASA Science News, 27th March 2013
"There is a small but non-negligible chance that Comet 2013 A1 will strike Mars next year in October of 2014," says Don Yeomans of NASA's Near-Earth Object Program at JPL. "Current solutions put the odds of impact at 1 in 2000."

The nucleus of the comet is probably 1 to 3 km in diameter, and it is coming in fast, around 56 km/s (125,000 mph). "It if does hit Mars, it would deliver as much energy as 35 million megatons of TNT," estimates Yeomans.

For comparison, the asteroid strike that ended the dinosaurs on Earth 65 million years ago was about three times as powerful, 100 million megatons. Another point of comparison is the meteor that exploded over Chelyabinsk, Russia, in February of 2013, damaging buildings and knocking people down. The Mars comet is packing 80 million times more energy than that relatively puny asteroid. [...]

Even a near miss is a potentially big event. The latest orbit solutions put the comet somewhere within 300,000 km of the red planet at closest approach. That means Mars could find itself inside the comet's gassy, dusty atmosphere or "coma." Visually, the comet would reach 0th magnitude, that is, a few times brighter than a 1st magnitude star, as seen from the Red Planet.

The MARS - Comet 2013 A1 encounter will be an historic event regards of whether there is a direct hit because it is expected that the electrical discharges electrical discharges between these two cosmic bodies are going to be phenomenal and they will be seen on Earth. We will be seeing the thunderbolts of the Gods in real-time.
  • Comet Ison C/2012 S1 WTF Nasa?
    YouTube, 27th March 2013
    In this video, I show the data, latest images and videos, explain why Comet C/2012 S1 ISON is special, ask Nasa a question and make a special request.

    Wicked but funny, profanity warning....

Pope Francis the Humble
Long-Awaited Healer of Wounds or Envoy of the Final Deception?
Johnny Cirucci's Patriot Press, 25th March 2013
The Catholic Church is an institution in turmoil. [...]

But what is truly interesting is that Bergoglio is the first Jesuit to sit as Pontiff. Since the formation of the Society of Jesus in 1534, the militant order has never achieved such high honor. Maintaining founder Ignatius of Loyola’s staunch dedication, Jesuits are still well known for their loyalty to the Catholic hierarchy. Loyola’s charter, The Spiritual Exercises, contained a series of requirements by adherents titled Rules for Thinking with the Church. Rule #13 states:
That we may be altogether of the same mind and in conformity with the Church herself, if she shall have defined anything to be black which to our eyes appears to be white, we ought in like manner to pronounce it to be black.

Updated: I think the Jesuit oath provided above is an indication that blind belief in the teachings and dictates of the Holy Catholic Church is a major requirement... For me, this is worrisome... I think the problem is the more Fundamentalist Christian establishment are generally ignoring the astrological implications of the Malachy’s “Prophecy of the Popes”. Whatever, based on the fact that the Vatican has been very very careful to preserve the date 2012 by making sure the average reign of a pope matches the solar cycle (but there is an issue with various antipopes and the Seri debarcle at the 1958 and 1963 conclaves is a prime example), when the astronomical-astrological age aspects are ignored, the hype about the end of the Catholic Church and the arrival of the antichrist all becomes highly subjective. Christians being excited because the cosmic conditions in our solar system have changed, Earth's magnetosphere is weak and the 'sound of trumpets' in the sky as clearly indicated in the bible amongst other signs that indicate the return of Christ only makes sense in terms of a change in the flux of cosmic energies... Jesus Christ is not swirling around this planet like Superman causing strange atmospheric phenomena... For those who are ready to move on, understanding Space Weather, the concept of energy driven evolutionary change and all the implications, is the only way forward. In terms of moving forward, blaming the weather on global warming and Co2 has failed abysmally, the glorious aim of making a killing from carbon trading has died a painfull death... Next, we have the battle for changing the religious myth... We have "A New World pope for a New World Age" but the implementation of "A New Myth For A New [World] Age" might prove to be a little bit more difficult. If you like, there is a great need for myth-busters on this planet right now.

Citizen Hearing on Disclosure – April 29 to May 3, 2013 – Washington, DC
Citizens Hearing, March 2013

Thirty homes threatened as swathe of coastline falls into sea after massive landslide on Washington island [PHOTOS]
Daily Mail, 27th March 2013
* One home destroyed and 33 other properties isolated or threatened
* Landslide broke across 500 yards on cliff side and 600 yards to the water
* Residents reported hearing a noise 'like thunder' at 4 a.m. Wednesday
* Officials do not know what caused the slide as there has not been rain

One house has been destroyed and 33 others are isolated or threatened after a 500-foot-wide landslide wiped out the ground along the coast of an island off Washington state.

Residents in Coupeville on Whidbey Island reported hearing a noise that sounded like rumbling thunder just after 4 a.m. on Wednesday as the land began to give way. As hundreds of feet of earth slid from the edge of the island's bluff, one house was knocked off its foundation and a road was destroyed, which left 16 homes isolated.

Updated: Hmmm..... I actually reported about the many sightings of mysterious orange lights last week at Whidbey and it seems this activity was about 9/10 days before this massive landslide, see Unexplained aircraft leave South Whidbey resident with questions. This scenario of orbs of light being seen before major seismic activity is reported over and over again, see a copy of a Fortean Times article where this is explained, Unidentified Atmospheric Phenomena: Seeing the light. I think electromagnetic precursor earthquake signals disturb the orbs/UAPs and forces them to leave before the main earthquake occurs. The best example I know of was a MASSIVE orb seen rising out of the Earth which was videod by American missionaries the night before the terrible 7.0 Haiti earthquake in January 2010, that caused huge amounts of damage, see the YouTube clip here.

What Caused Russian Asteroid To Disintegrate Before Impact?
Veterans Today, 25th March 2013
[...] In the age of photoshop and image manipulation we might dismiss this clip as a hoax except for one thing; the explosion sent meteor fragments in only one direction and away from the alleged craft as one would expect if the meteor had been zapped with an energy weapon. The alleged craft materialized from what appeared to be a “cloaked” state in order to blast the asteroid. Following the blast it appears the craft re-entered and remained in a cloaked state. But before disappearing, the craft emerged from behind the explosion and appeared to “wobble” slightly as if affected by the shock wave.

Folk simply can't get over the video footage that clearly shows "something" blew up the Chelyabinsk meteor... I have not watched the Thunderbolts video yet so I can't comment on that. Update: Nice summary of Chelyabinsk meteor videos and scientific information that makes some query how a 10,000 tonne rock could distintegrate in the Earth's atmosphere by heat alone. The Electrical Universe theory viewpoint is given by David Talbott who states that the meteor's explosion was due to a charged body disintegrating under electrical stresses but the strange footage of "something" entering the meteor and subsequent explosion is cited as unexplained. Regardless, slowly, slowly others are catching up with the views of plasma physicists and electrical engineers, the New Scientist June 2012 article, Mysterious electrical bursts warn of material collapse states, "Inexplicable flashes of electricity burst out of powdery materials seconds before they form cracks and fail." & "It is well known that failing materials, and earthquakes, release electrical signals." Obviously, this should also apply to rocks falling into Earth's highly electrified atmosphere.

World’s first two-headed bull shark discovered
Phenomenica, 28th March 2013
Scientists have discovered the world’s first two-headed bull shark in the Gulf of Mexico. The study led by Michigan State University confirmed the specimen, found on April 7, 2011, was a single shark with two heads, rather than conjoined twins.

Cuban cardinal says Pope Francis criticized church at conclave
Fox News, 26th March 2013
HAVANA – Havana's Roman Catholic cardinal says Pope Francis made a strong criticism of the church just hours before he was selected as the new pontiff.

Cardinal Jaime Ortega says then-Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio called for the Vatican to emerge from self-absorption and what he called "theological narcissism."

I would be interested to know his opinion on the dying New Age movement... Anyway, I wonder what will happen with the new ET Saviour myth being concocted by Catholic theologians because it is clear there is already a big head of steam in this direction... This is an important quote:
In the lead-up to the Vatican-sponsored conference on astrobiology, the official Church newspaper, L'Osservatore Romano, interviewed Father José Gabriel Funes, an astronomer and director of the Vatican Observatory who made it clear that accepting the reality of intelligent aliens does not contradict the Catholic faith and that, in fact, to believe otherwise is the real heresy, as it puts “limits on God’s creative freedom.” Attorney Daniel Sheehan, who served for ten years as general counsel to the United States Jesuit Headquarters in Washington, DC, said Funes’ explicit statement that disbelief in extraterrestrial intelligence “puts limits on God’s creative freedom” was code-talk for those in the know. [...]

What Sheehan here identified is the belief by most Catholic theologians that Christianity as we know it is based on a pre-Copernican cosmology. Once cosmology changes as a result of new discovery or disclosure of alien life, so, too, will theology, whether explicitly or implicitly. To believe otherwise is “cosmic hubris,” thought Andrew Burgess, who wrote:
“As long as someone is thinking in terms of a geocentric universe and an earth-deity, the story has a certain plausibility.… As soon as astronomy changes theories, however, the whole Christian story loses the only setting within which it would make sense. With the solar system no longer the center of anything, imagining that what happens here forms the center of a universal drama becomes simply silly.[xvi]”

Source: Exo-Vaticana: Petrus Romanus, Project LUCIFER, and the Vatican's astonishing exo-theological plan for the arrival of an alien savior (2013) by Tom Horn & Chris Putnam Serialised online - Part 19
There are lots of Catholic ET quotes from theologians available, but this is interesting because it refers to cosmology and astronomy which is basically going back to how religions started in the first place. It seems to me that the ancient tradition of a new astrological age requiring a new saviour myth was being adopted, but will this now be stopped?

Alan Turing's Universal Machine is named greatest British innovation of the 20th Century
Daily Mail, 26th March 2013
The 'universal machine' is the theoretical basis for all modern computers Alan Turing created the theory in a paper 'on computable numbers' in 1936 After WWII, Turing made the first designs for a stored-program computer

Mathematician Alan Turing's theoretical basis for all modern computers known as the 'universal machine' has been voted the greatest British innovation of the past century in a new poll. The famous computer scientist came up with the theory, on which all modern computing is based, in a paper 'on computable numbers' in 1936.

He described a device that would read symbols on a tape and proposed that the tape could be used to program the machine. However it was not until later that Turing’s ideas were realised as practical machines. The 'universal machine' came top of a poll to find the greatest British innovation of the past 100 years.

I stuck with the Daily Mail because there is a nice selection of images.

Soft yellow masses found in China after 'UFO' sighting
Above Top Secret, 26th March 2013
Yeterday, Huaxi Dushibao reported a meteorite-like sighting on the 22nd, arousing attention. Strange things kept happening. A villager at Yongjin, Da County, Sichuan says he saw something he had never seen before: four strange yellow objects arranged like the Chinese character ? in his frontyard.

Villager Peng Xianyong of Yongjin says he saw a light speed past the skies. The ground was illuminated for a split second. The thing was mostly green with a bit of red, and had a long tail.

The next day, he woke up to find four yellow objects in his frontyard. He tried poking them with a stick. They were as soft as steamed goose eggs, but did not spread out.

After receiving calls about a UFO sighting, local official Zhang Defu rushed to the scene. Zhang tried to remove the outermost layer, revealing brown stuff inside. The brown stuff turned yellow in a few seconds. He tried to turn some of the brown stuff out from the inside, producing the same results. Zhang says it smelt like the 'freshness' of plants.

I assume this is the google translation from Chinese, but the original source is provided. Well, it seems the Earth is being sprayed with an assortment of cosmic gunk falling off the back of asteroids and comets as they float past... Presumably, the result will be long term evolutionary change as new DNA is introduced into the Earth environment. There is a lively discussion on this event at ATS.

Apple iPhone users urged to upgrade software after glitch leads to bill shock, 28th March 2013
AUSTRALIAN phone carriers have warned iPhone users to update their smartphone software after paying out en masse for excessive data downloads reportedly caused by Apple software faults.

All three major phone carriers yesterday confirmed a wave of complaints and bill shock following the launch of the iPhone 5 in Australia, with another more recent fault draining data for some iPhone email users.

The original fault, which affected only some iOS 6 iPhone users, delivered unexpectedly heavy mobile data use as the phones incorrectly appeared to be using a wi-fi connection when they were not.

This is a much more detailed report Apple customers slugged by software bug. Apple iPhones are automatically switching from wi-fi to 3G and 4G networks and the phone companies are making a killing...

Food stamp glitch angers shoppers, grocers
Standard Speaker, 26th March 2013
Last Sunday was a bad day for grocery shopping. In some stores, angry customers barked at cashiers and abandoned shopping carts full of food while stock workers scrambled to return ice cream and frozen dinners to the freezers before they thawed, all on one of the busiest shopping days of the year.

"It was a total mess," said Tom Baseski, owner of Thomas' Market in Kingston. The food stamps program, which eligible members now use with a state-issued debit card, was supposed to be offline across Pennsylvania from 11 p.m. Saturday until noon on Sunday while the Department of Welfare

Another Electronic Benefit Transfer card (EBT) computer systems upgrade fail...

Officials investigate cause behind massive earth-split in Brazil
Extinction Protocol, 26th March 2013
BRAZIL – The cause of massive land collapse in Brazil is being investigated. The prosecutor Douglas Roberto Ribeiro de Magalhaes Chegury is investigating the cause of environmental disasters in the cities of Santo Domingo and Campos Belos, Goias in the Northeast. Since yesterday (14/3), surveys are being carried out by the technical-skills expert prosecutors in places, where geological disasters, were generated by the collapse of land. [...] According to Chegury, in early February, shortly after becoming aware of the environmental disaster in the Serra Geral, which divides the states of Goiás, Tocantins and Bahia; the civil investigation was initiated due to public outcry.

Nothing in the mainstream media...

Does Uptick in Mysterious “Booms” Foretell Mega-Quake?
Activist Post, 21st March 2013
Back in October, I wrote an article entitled “Numerous Reports of Mysterious Booms and Strange Lights Over South Carolina,” in which I described the sounds and vibrations heard and felt all across the Pee Dee region of South Carolina with some witnesses even describing strange lights in the sky at the time of the event.

These strange occurrences were eerily similar to those described by individuals all across the state of Michigan like Bob Powell of The Truth Is Viral, who was actually detained as a result of attempting to investigate the nature of these sounds and vibrations. Please see my article, “Investigation Continues Into Source of Strange Michigan Area ‘Explosions’ and Radiation Spikes” for a further description of what took place in Michigan. [...] What might be particularly concerning to those living on the Eastern seaboard is the fact that these exact kinds of sounds were heard either before, during, or after the two of the biggest geological events on the East Coast to have occurred in American history – The 1886 Charleston Earthquake and the 1811-1812 New Madrid Earthquake.

This is a long article. Well, I just keep seeing more and more websites reporting about these strange booms in the United States... The historical link between a major earthquakes following these booms and the appearance of a big comet at the time of a major geological event is also very interesting, see The New Madrid Earthquakes of 1811-12. More background information and opinion can be found in the archives.

Slumbering Sun Should Wake Up This Year, 22nd March 2013
The sun should roar back to life sometime in 2013, producing its second activity peak in the last two years, scientists say. Our star has been surprisingly quiet since unleashing a flurry of flares and other eruptions toward the end of 2011. But this lull is likely the trough between two peaks that together constitute "solar maximum" for the sun's current 11-year activity cycle, researchers say.

"If you look back in history, many of the previous solar cycles don't have one hump, one maximum, but in fact have two," solar physicist C. Alex Young, of NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md., said today (March 22) during a NASA webcast called "Solar MAX Storm Warning: Effects on the Solar System."

As I have already stated, the sun is confounding the solar experts BUT after Comet PanStarrs caused a huge CME blowout at a distance when it passed the ecliptic, the sungrazer Comet ISON is now more expected to ignite the Sun and this is causing solar scientists to worry about providing some warning about extreme solar activity and some bad space weather that might come our way.

Huge “Blazing Orb” Appears Over Russian City, Causes Alarm
Who Forted?, 25th March 2013
Residents of the Russian city of Chelyabinsk had a difficult time sleeping last Wednesday night, thanks to the huge glowing orb of light hovering in the sky.

According to the News Agency “??????” (Access), the “blazing orb” was first noticed over the city’s Kopeyskoye highway where it was photographed. The previous night of the 19th saw another strange luminous occurrence as locals in the northwest part of the city reported seeing a glowing fog descending from the sky.

Meteorologists theorized that the glowing fog could have been attributed to street lights reflecting off of ice crystals in in the air, but the giant ball of light still has everyone stumped. Could it be related to the meteors that hammered Russia last month or did the city of Chelyabinsk come face to face with visitors from space? If you’ve got any ideas, let us know.

OK, I have no idea why a huge orb would appear in the Russian city of Chelyabinsk... I am even prepared to dismiss this as a hoax to detract from the video of a UFO/UAP blowing up the Chelyabinsk meteor... However, maybe more people are paying attention to UFO reports... Anyway, this is a classic Russian video of a brilliant huge orb appearing and interupting a film crew... see, Glowing Object Appears Next To TV Crew In Russia 2013.
  • Unexplained aircraft leave South Whidbey resident with questions
    Whidbey News Times, 21st March 2013
    Unidentified flying objects over South Whidbey last weekend have left a Bush Point couple baffled and scared. A series of mysterious orange lights appeared in the sky over Dick and Carol Johnson’s home Saturday evening. While they are used to seeing all kinds of marine and air traffic from their picture windows overlooking Admiralty Inlet, the couple admits this has left them scratching their heads.

    This is funny: “The first thing I thought was Area 51 moved to Whidbey Island,” he said.

  • Glowing Orbs Filmed Hovering Over New Zealand’s West Coast [Video]
    Who Forted?, 23rd March 2013
    Night owls in the West Coast of New Zealand were treated to an assortment of strange light shows this week, as mysterious color changing objects danced and hovered in the night sky. At least one resident was thoughtful enough to grab a night vision video camera in order to capture the event on film.

    The glowing orbs were first noticed last Saturday night by Russell Adams, who promptly set about filming them. Just when he was beginning to think they were just a fluke, the strange orbs reappeared yesterday night for around ten minutes as well.

'Fire ball' UFO sighting reported outside Houston
Liberty County Sheriff's Department looks for source of objects
KSAT News, 25th March 2013
DAISETTA, Texas - The Liberty County Sheriff's Department is investigating a reported UFO sighting on Saturday night. Authorities said a dispatcher received a call from a concerned citizen at 8:27 p.m. The citizen reported seeing "red fire balls in the sky" traveling in a south-west direction from the area of Daisetta in East Liberty County.

Two deputies responded to the call at 8:31p.m. and said they observed four orange-colored lights traveling in the reported direction at an estimated altitude of 3000 feet. There were at least 10 to 12 other citizens on the scene that were observing the same sightings, deputies said.

This is a long report. These objects are described by scientists as being magnetic or magnetospheric plasmoids, huge fiery balls of plasma that are now being seen with increasing frequency all over the planet. In Part 5 of the Norwegian documentary 'The Portal: The Hessdalen Light Phenonomena' December 2009, [47:08], assistant professor Bjørn Gitle Hauge explains the Hessdalen phenomena (one of many) that looks like a burning ball of fire that does not expand in comparison to what you would expect from the normal combustion process and explains it as a a plasmoid trapped in a strong magnetic field. See archives for more information Best of the Blog - Orbs, UAP & UFO Traffic). Update: Of course, now that Americans have a new love for setting off Chinese Lanterns, it's the obvious answer, see Sheriff’s dept. investigates fireball UFOs near Houston ...

'Pond circles' form over frozen pond
Gannett News, 25th March 2013

March Cold Records Smashed Throughout Germany…Wind Chill Down To -33°C…”Event Of The Century”!
100-year event in March - Greenland icy air smashes cold records in the East
No Tricks Zone, 24th March 2013
Cold records were set during the night at many locations in the eastern part of Germany. “The windchill pushed felt-temperatures down to – 30°C.”

Readings of -13°C to – 16°C were recorded at a number of locations at elevations above 1000m. “For the last 10 days of March, this has not happened in decades. Such masses of cold air do not reach Germany even in the dead of winter in some years,” FOCUS writes.

Because some stations in Germany have been keeping weather records for as long as 300 years, e.g. Dresden, Braunschweig and Potsdam, “scientists consider it appropriate to call it an event of the century,” FOCUS reports.

Some climate scientists want you to believe that excessive snowfall and freezing temperatures are caused by global warming...

Severe Weather Strikes Southern China
Netizens remark on possible divine portent
Epoch Times, 24th March 2013
Five provinces in southern China were assaulted by extreme weather, including a “super-tornado,” and egg-sized hailstones, with the onslaught predicted to continue until Sunday.

Since March 18, the provinces of Hunan, Guangdong, Fujian, Guizhou, and Jiangxi, have been suffering various disastrous weather events, according to state-run China News. [...]

Drawing on the traditional Chinese cultural belief that there is a connection between natural disasters and the virtue of the ruler, netizens took the opportunity of the inclement weather to criticize the Communist Party, and argue that divine retribution is being dealt out.

If the weather only reflected the goodness of our leaders we would be living in a perpetual nightmare.... Actually, thinking about it...

Pope Francis to consider closing Vatican bank
Catholic News, 25th March 2013
Pope Francis is to consider abolishing the Vatican Bank - which has been beset by a scandal over allegations of money-laundering - in a drive for greater transparency at the heart of the Catholic Church, according to a report by The Times in The Australian.

Archbishop Claudio Maria Celli, who has been tipped as a possible secretary of state, or "Vatican prime minister", said Francis would weigh up appeals made by two cardinals on the eve of his election for the bank - formally known as the Institute for Works of Religion (IOR) - to be scrapped.

He said the Pope would be guided by a desire for "transparency . . . and faithfulness to international laws or rules in this field", including those on money-laundering.

Good idea... The mafioso can launder their filthy money somewhere else...
  • The secret report Benedict wrote for Francis
    Vatican Insider, 22nd March 2013
    Ratzinger has left his successor a 300-page report to look through. And the Vatileaks file appears a bit too biased in favour of Viganò's statements

  • Francis echoes Benedict XVI in his warning against “filth”
    Vatican Insider, 24th March 2013
    This reminds me of Mary Whitehouse... another great campaigner against “filth”... BUT who at the Holy See agreed to purchase a €23 million (£21 million) share of a Rome apartment block that houses Europe’s biggest gay sauna? There simply can't be that many personnel with that kind of authority to spend that kind of money...

Mysterious Burning Object Falls From the Sky, Wounding Two
Who Forted?, 23rd March 2013
Two Indian women were sent to the hospital yesterday after a mysterious flaming object came careening out of the sky and into their yard. Experts say it’s not a meteor. [...]

Thinking that the object might be a meteor, researchers from the Regional Forensic Science Laboratory were quickly dispatched to Patola village near Chamunda temple where the object impacted, only to rule out the possibility after testing the fragments.

“Our team visited the area and found some explosive material from the spot. However, the nature of the explosive could be ascertained only after proper analysis. The samples are being sent to State Forensic Science Laboratory at Junga in Shimla,” said Dr. N. Prakash Dubey, adding that “it definitely wasn’t a meteorite or a natural object.”

Space junk? There are similar reports in the archives. The image icon is from an old video that I think is a classic... Meteor Crash in the middle of the desert

Chinese Eugenics Factory Collects “Genius” DNA To Breed “Enhanced” People, 20th March 2013
According to a leading evolutionary biologist, the Chinese are engaging in a massive breeding operation with the aim of ultimately creating a breed of cognitively enhanced individuals. And what’s more, the China-based eugenics factory recently bought up a large genome research institute in the United States, giving the Chinese access to the DNA of Americans.

Hmm... but look at the state of China, the leaders there who may or may not be part of the intelligentsia, have created an environmental hell-hole. Who is making the decisions to keep polluting and destroying the environment when inevitably, it will come to the point where life for humans is impossible... At the moment, the rate of children being born with abnormalities is already "alarming"... What is the point of a genetic breeding program if those born with "genius" DNA become intelligentsia but are in exactly the same position as the current intelligentsia who obviously don't have enough power to make a difference and clean up the environment? It is now already at the point where people can hardly breath at times because the pollution is so bad... Due to the backward mentality, a big Darwin award is looming for the whole damn country if they don't act soon.

NASA's advice for near-term meteor strike: "Pray"
CBS News, 19th March 2013
At a House Committee hearing Tuesday, NASA administrator Charles Bolden Jr. was asked what America would do if a meteor similar to the one that hit in Russia on Feb. 15 was found to be on a path toward New York City, with impact three weeks away. His response? "Pray."

At the moment, we might be lucky to get even three weeks warning. The United States and the rest of the world simply do not have the ability to detect many "small" meteors like the one that exploded over Russia, which has been estimated at roughly 55 feet long. Donald Yeomans, Manager of NASA's Near-Earth Object Program Office and the author of "Near-Earth Objects: Finding Them Before They Find Us," told that there are a lot of these small meteors in orbit, and little early warning system in place to detect them. [...]

"In Russia, if that asteroid had held intact for a few more seconds, it would have hit the ground with the force of 20 Hiroshima bombs," he said on CBS This Morning Tuesday, arguing the investment was worth it. Yeomans also called for ground-based wide field optical telescopes that could scan vast regions of the sky each night.

At Tuesday's hearing -- before the House Committee on Science, Space and Technology -- Gen. William Shelton, commander of the U.S. Air Force Space Command, acknowledged that the United States had no idea the Russian meteor was coming.

Make sure you read the whole article.... We are being told the truth, "small" asteroids are very very difficult to detect. Well, I actually believe the advice from NASA's administrator Charles Bolden Jr. to "Pray" is right after what happened with the Chelyabinsk meteor. As I have clearly stated and many others may also believe, SOMETHING that I believe was organised by the Earth Management Team, blew up the Chelyabinsk meteor and hundreds of thousands of people (maybe a million if it had hit a city) were saved from being killed. People can be as skeptical as they damn well like, but the humans on this planet now have a major problem with the new cosmic conditions in our solar system and some acknowledgement that we are not alone might help. However, I will repeat that I have no idea what criteria is being used to save the lives of humans and I don't think some should think they have any guarantees... Btw, the metaphysical community still don't seem to have much to say... Just pathetic...

Does ET pray? Deep questions of faith and astrobiology
Catholic SF, 13th March 2013
Revelation applies to whoever we meet in space. Jesus became man once for all time at a specific time and place as a Jew in Bethlehem, and that includes any intelligent life that might exist in our galaxy or beyond. - Jesuit Father Jose Gabriel Funes

Is there life in our solar system? In our universe? Beyond?

“The question of whether we are alone in the universe – however you care to frame that – is one of the most profound questions science can ask, and, I think, will answer in our lifetimes,” University of Arizona astronomy professor Chris Impey told a Vatican Observatory seminar on astrobiology Feb. 23 in San Francisco. [...]

“If we do find intelligent life, even if we can’t really connect with it, that’s going to be extremely significant in a different way,” said Father Stoeger. “Another intelligent civilization in our galaxy indicates that there are two civilizations in a very small region in our galaxy. That statistically means a lot more.”

Then, Father Stoeger asked, would they be “capable of prayer? Then it would be just like evangelizing another culture.”

“Revelation applies to whoever we meet in space,” said Jesuit Father Jose Gabriel Funes, who Pope Benedict XVI appointed director of the Vatican Observatory in 2006. Jesus became man once for all time at a specific time and place as a Jew in Bethlehem, and that includes any intelligent life that might exist in our galaxy or beyond, he said.

“From our faith, we know we are children of God,” said Father Funes, who is an ex-officio member of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences. If we find spiritual beings in outer space, “These people would also be beings created by God,” Father Funes said, and they may “help us understand God better.”

24th March 2013: The ET Saviour is coming... I am currently reading the serialised version of Tom Horn's and Chris Putnam's Exo-Vaticana: Petrus Romanus, Project LUCIFER, and the Vatican's astonishing exo-theological plan for the arrival of an alien savior online and am waiting for my paperback copy. So far I am disappointed. A lot of what I have read is a re-hash of information already well understood, but must be placed in the book for those who have little or no background knowledge. Yet, besides the stuff that is supposed to suggest real scholarship, there are a few paragraphs that are just pure garbage as they represent huge amounts of conjecture and 'interpretation'. This happened in the book Petras Romanus too and some of it was just infantile in comparison to the analysis and opinion of real historians and scholars like Prof. Robert Temple discussing the exact same subject. Maybe, I should not have expected anything better, because the refusal to acknowledge the astrotheological nature of biblical and other antiquated astronomically based religious sources means it is impossible to convey the real messages that have been preserved. Even basics like what is an antichrist? An antipope is just the arrival of another pope who does not meet the normal criteria like Pope Francis... Because most Christians are oblivious to the astrotheology it is impossible for them to appreciate that this is all about the arrival of a new dispensation of cosmic energy and the arrival of a new 'Cosmic Christ' upsurping the previous dispensation and source of 'Christ' energies... From what I have read the only way to understand the relevant biblical scriptures is some basic understanding of evolutionary biology and genetics.... It is OBVIOUS to me that this is how it should be interpreted... Surely, there must be some real brains on the planet that have already worked this out? All we have now is warped manipulators working out how to frighten the dumbed down masses into the next paradigm of religious mental bondage. Basically, Tom Horn & Chris Putnam have managed to dig up some valuable raw data that they have used to make various claims about the intentions of Catholic theologians who are busy trying to perpetrate their man-made religion, but sadly, the real spiritual implications for 'initiates', truth seekers and people I am now calling Spiritual Progressives remains buried.

Pope meets Pope: Francis tells Benedict 'we're brothers'
Pope Francis has flown in for lunch with his predecessor, Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, in a cliff-top castle outside Rome - the first such encounter for nearly 720 years.
Telegraph, 22nd March 2013
The Argentine Pope flew in by helicopter from the Vatican to Castel Gandolfo, where his German predecessor is enjoying the first few weeks of his retirement following his shock decision to resign last month.

The Vatican said the two popes embraced on the helipad. Walking with a cane, Benedict looked frail compared to the robust 76-year-old Argentine. [...]

Not since the 13th century has a Pope had the chance to meet – much less have lunch with – his living predecessor. In 1294, Pope Celestine V became one of the very few Popes to resign, complaining that he had never wanted the role in the first place.

He had accepted the office with the greatest reluctance five months before – he had been living as a bearded hermit in the wilds of the Apennines when a group of cardinals insisted that he was the man for the job.

Historic times.... In terms of the rules of the Catholic Church, there is a Pope and an antipope , Francis is strictly an antipope because Ratzinger is still alive. I think there is a much deeper meaning to all this... Whatever, it looks there is a new controversy, which one is Batman? See below:
  • ‘Holy switcheroo!’: Vatican promises its Twitter account hasn’t been hacked after posting about Batman
    National Post, 21st March 2013
    VATICAN CITY — One of the Vatican’s main Twitter accounts and the website of its communications office were running stories about Batman, raising concerns it might have been hacked.

    A Vatican communications adviser Greg Burke, however, said the sites had not been hacked and that the story is a legitimate Catholic News Service story. “Admittedly some people might have been thrown off by the headline,” he said.

    So is 'Batman' the new nickname for Pope Francis? If so, we are going to have some fun and games.... Here is the Batman Twitter message:

Trend To Colder Winters Continues in UK
WUWT, 23rd March 2013
Figures released by the Met Office show the UK mean temperature for the 2012/13 winter finishing at 3.31C. This is below the long term 1981-2010 average of 3.83C. The winter ranked 43rd coldest since 1910, and continues the trend towards colder winters. In the last five years, only 2011/12 has been above the 1981-2010 average. The average over these five years has been 3.03C.

Interestingly, the average winter temperature for 1911-2013 stands at 3.52C, so by 20thC standards the last few years have been genuinely cold. The mild winters between 1998 and 2008 increasingly look to be the exception rather than the rule, as Figure 2 shows clearly. [...]

It seems it is not just the UK that has had a run of cold winters. NoTricksZone reports that Germany has had exactly the same run of 5 cold winters, and, as they point out, what applies to Germany usually applies to much of Central Europe.

Due to huge pressures to convince the public that global warming and climate change were caused by human activities, claims were made that “snow will be something of the past”… See quote below and article source Snowjobs are just a thing of the past…er, present, where we read amongst other similar quotes from climate alarmists:

The article, entitled “Snowless Winters Forecast for Wales as World Warms Up” quotes one of the global warming movement’s key figures, Sir John Houghton, former head of the IPCC and former head of the UK Met Office:

Former head of the Met Office Sir John Houghton, who is one of the UK’s leading authorities on climate change, said all the indicators suggest snowy winters will become increasingly rare

He said, “Snowlines are going up in altitude all over the world. The idea that we will get less snow is absolutely in line with what we expect from global warming.”

Wales Online: Snowless Winters Forecast for Wales as World Warms Up

BUT NOAA is now blaming the natural variation caused by the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO) and state, “The AMO has affected air temperatures and rainfall over much of the Northern Hemisphere, in particular, North America and Europe.” in the NOAA FAQ we read:
What is the AMO?

The AMO is an ongoing series of long-duration changes in the sea surface temperature of the North Atlantic Ocean, with cool and warm phases that may last for 20-40 years at a time and a difference of about 1°F between extremes. These changes are natural and have been occurring for at least the last 1,000 years.
According to comments at WUWT, the AMO peaked in about 2002 and we can expect increasing cold for the next 15 years.... So, all the shilling about global warming and children not knowing what snow is (like many children in Africa) was just a load of rubbish? These heavy snow falls and threat of gas rationing in the UK is just a huge dose of climate reality...

NASA: Flash in East Coast sky likely a meteor News, 22nd March 2013
NEW YORK (AP) — East Coast residents were buzzing on social media sites and elsewhere Friday night after a brief but bright flash of light streaked across the early-evening sky —in what experts say was almost certainly a meteor coming down. Bill Cooke of NASA's Meteoroid Environmental Office said the flash appears to be "a single meteor event." He said it "looks to be a fireball that moved roughly toward the southeast, going on visual reports." "Judging from the brightness, we're dealing with something as bright as the full moon," Cooke said. "The thing is probably a yard across. We basically have (had) a boulder enter the atmosphere over the northeast." He noted that the meteor was widely seen, with more than 350 reports on the website of the American Meteor Society alone.

This has been widely reported see, Meteor Over Manhattan: East Coast Fireball Sets Internet Abuzz. Every single day there are reports of meteors flashing across the sky. Yet, only two or three years ago, astronomers were insisting these were rare once in a life-time events. The reality is that the volume of rocks entering Earth's atmosphere has dramatically increased, we were told to expect dust but the new cosmic tide is also bringing objects macro amd microscopic... see archives Best of the Blog Space Weather: Asteroids, Fireballs, Meteorites, Ghost Rockets & Other Strange 'Heavenly Phenomena'.
  • Meteor captured on camera in US
    Nasa has said that the flash of light that streaked across the sky over the US East Coast and was captured on security cameras appeared to be a "single meteor event".
    Telegraph News, 22nd March 2013

Weather Service chief: We face 'new normal' of extremes
USA Today, 28th March 2013
Wild weather in recent years -- from Hurricane Sandy and deadly tornado outbreaks to extremes of drought and floods -- likely can be traced, in part, to climate change, the National Weather Service director says.

Of course climate realists don't agree, here is the response at Climate Depot, New Report: 'Extreme Weather Report 2012': 'Latest peer-reviewed studies, data & analyses undermine claims that current weather is 'unprecedented' or a 'new normal' & UK MPs are gloating that they voted against the 2008 Climate Change Bill and that the dissenters have now been proved right, see Even scientists are cooling on climate change. Atmospheric scientists have already told us that space weather is directly affecting the weather and Prof. Paul Song, who directs UMass Lowell’s Center for Atmospheric Research states, “Predicting space weather is the next frontier in weather forecasting”. Presumably this is related to the announcement of, Earth's magnetosphere acting "like a sieve", see Earth's Magnetosphere Behaves Like a Sieve. Whatever, at the moment the weather is quite wild and extreme in parts see more below:

Refrigerator Shaped UFO Causes Odd Car Troubles in Wisconsin
Who Forted, 21st March 2013
A Wisconsin resident reported witnessing a supposed UFO cruising the night sky above Highway 18 around 12pm on March 19th. The ship, which the witness described as a “glowing refrigerator-size object moving across the snow covered corn field” was spotted only 40 feet’s distance from the car before it disappeared over a large unpopulated wooded area. [...]

This is not the first strange UFO report to come out of Wisconsin. Other odd sightings include a UFO the shape of a soda can and a triangular object reported to have been “dropping orbs over Wolf River”.

This report is too interesting to ignore.... Another sighting of the galactic delivery service in operation is also useful to know...

Sellafield nuclear plant closes due to bad weather
AP News, 22nd March 2013
LONDON — The Sellafield nuclear plant closed as a precaution on Friday due to bad weather including snow and high winds, its operator said in a statement.

Staff were being sent home from the reprocessing and waste storage facility but there was no evidence of any safety issues, it said. "In response to the current and predicted adverse weather conditions on and round the Sellafield site, as a precaution, a site incident has been declared and the plants have been moved safely to a controlled, shut down state," it said.

This is just not very impressive at all...

Software glitch WIPES OUT listings of 10,000 eBay sellers
The Register, 22nd March 2013
eBay has confessed to The Register that a software bug destroyed the listings of 10,000 merchants in Britain, the US, Germany and Australia.

The online tat bazaar said it was restoring the listings, but it was unable to tell us if traders would be able to recover their sales histories - an important component for eBay sellers, who build trust with customers by showing how they had previously sold items on the site.

Due to the severity of space weather and the degradation of Earth's magnetosphere (external magnetic field and cosmic shielding), I predict that the computer glitches are going to just keep on coming. It will be interesting to watch how IT professionals cope and eventually the reaction of the masses when they finally wake up and realise just how precarious things have become for our societies heavily reliant on technology. Regardless, surely there must be some backups somewhere even if they are little out of date?

Debenhams price glitch accidentally gives 99% off
AOL Money News, 22nd March 2013
Bargain hunters, trawling the web in the small hours this morning, stumbled across a price glitch on the Debenhams website, which left them offering 99% off all Land's End clothing. This meant a coat worth £90 was priced at just 72p.

The site was overwhelmed with orders and crashed at 4.30am. It has since been closed for 'essential maintenance'. So will the orders be honoured? [...]

Nowadays most companies have small print on their websites to make it clear that a contact of sale is not complete just because you have made an order and a payment has gone through. Instead they tend to specify that an order is deemed to have been made when the goods are dispatched.

You really have to wonder about how major companies are allowing these "human errors" to be generated and then go undetected...

UEA CRU Lawyers Going After Tallbloke’s TalkShop
No Tricks Zone, 21st March 2013
Roger at Tallbloke’s Talkshop here has gotten a letter from CRU lawyers suggesting he not mess around with the recently released Climategate e-mails, which are accessible using a password. The CRU apparently is very concerned about personal data ending up in public, which is a legitimate, of course. Yet, we can’t help but think they are really much more concerned about something else, e.g. the exposure of science shenanigans and possible large-scale fraud taking place at the UEA.

Luckily Lord Christopher Monckton is watching out for the bloggers, and has kindly provided some legal advice, which I am taking the privilege of disseminating further. Naturally privacy laws vary from country to country, and so you should check them out.

Lord Christopher Monckton decides to intervene and scare the blundering nitwits at the UEA’s Climatic Research Unit, at the centre of the Climategate scandal... Pot calling the kettle black just about sums this up...

New paper corroborates Svensmark's theory of cosmoclimatology
Hockey Schtick, 21st March 2013
A paper published today in the Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics finds "strong evidence" of a link between thunderstorm and solar activity in Brazil from 1951-2009. According to the authors, thunderstorm "behavior with respect to the 11-year solar cycle suggest a global mechanism probably related to a solar magnetic shielding effect acting on galactic cosmic rays as an explanation for the relationship of thunderstorm and solar activity," which would corroborate Svensmark's theory of cosmoclimatology.

Pope Francis: 'washing of the feet' among inmates of 'Casal del Marmo' youth detention centre
Francis will visit the facility on the afternoon of Holy Thursday. As archbishop of Buenos Aires, he celebrated In Coena Domini in a prison, a hospital or hospice for poor and marginalised people.
Asian News, 21st March 2013
Vatican City (AsiaNews) - Pope Francis will celebrate the In Coena Domini, the Lord's Supper, at 'Casal del Marmo' youth detention centre in Rome, at 5.30 pm on 28 March.

In a press release, the Holy See Press Office said, "The Mass of the Lord's Supper, which commemorates the institution of the Eucharist, also features the rite of the washing of the feet. In his ministry as Archbishop of Buenos Aires, Cardinal Bergoglio used to celebrate the Mass in a prison, hospital or hospice for poor and marginalised people."

With the celebration at 'Casal del Marmo', Pope Francis continues the practice, which must characterised by a context of simplicity.

I am seriously worrying about Pope Francis.... Instead of hobnobbing with VIPs and celebrities or even doing Mass, he will be visting a youth prison and washing prisoners' feet!!! I expected a eucumenical stance because we are told by Vatican watchers that this will be an evil Pope who wants to be head of a Universal Church and yes the headlines sort of give this impression, see Pope urges religions, those with no church to ally for justice, well I did say sort of... But, it's the living what he is preaching that is bothering me... We are used to the outright hypocrisy that is exhibited by all shades of the spiritual rectum spectrum, but it's weird headlines like Pope Francis in no hurry to move into papal apartment. We are told that when pope Francis took a tour of the 10-room papal apartment a few days ago, he was said to have remarked, “Three hundred people could live here.” What!?! He is supposed to be the anti-Christ! Yet, in reality, this is a man who is used to riding the tube and helping poor people in the slums... Look, here is a picture on Twitter, link. Of course, the worldly media are wondering why he won't wear the stupid red shoes see, Pope Francis ditches red shoes and we are even told he likes wearing his shabby old black shoes. The reporters at the International Business Times were obviously scandalised and headlined their condemnation as New Pope 2013: Pope Francis Wears Old Black Shoes at Inaugural Mass, Not New Red Prada Loafers. Well, since we all know the Devil wears Prada, who could blame him... I hear he is a Jesuit with a degree in Chemistry, so he might not want people thinking he is the Devil... Yet, it seems some people are starting to get embarrassed that he is not living it up now that he has made the no.1 spot on the hit parade... The IBT article goes on to tell us that he is still wearing his old iron cross and is attitude towards bling is not good news for goldsmiths... So, of course, in keeping with his usual austerity he prefers a standard black car, rather than the papal limousine for travelling about to do the Pope meet and greet whilst being generally nice to people... see, Pope Francis Charms Crowd. Due to the informal style, his new security team are worried and one wise Vatican official stated, "There are a lot of nut cases out there," see, "Unpredictable" pope worries security team. Regardless, he does seem to like mixing with the rabble and being spontaneous so he has already called up a few neighbours and had a party for ex-patriate Argentinians in Rome where it was reported folk did strange things like having a knees up and singing, see Pope Francis invites Argentine community in Rome to special meeting... This is really serious... I am struggling to see the evil... I know that some have been digging up some old dirt to throw but quite frankly, I am wondering if times have changed... Well, it does seem that Catholics do feel more optimistic and whilst it is being acknowledged that he is irritating "the right-wing tassels and tiaras brigade", others clearly see what I believe will happen in that he has 30,000 Jesuit brothers to call on from around the world to help him sort out the diabolicus in the Vatican, see The Pope brings us new hope – now it's time to clean up the Vatican... The signs are very clear that as Pope Paul VI realised with his famous remark ‘the smoke of Satan which has entered the Sanctuary’, the stink at the Vatican now requires some major cleansing and the troops have now been ordered... We await the results. Update: More back to basics, Pope Francis changes 'throne' for a white chair

Aliens definitely exist, say legitimate scientists
MSN News, 20th March 2013
If you've ever looked up into the sky and wondered whether someone might be looking back, some scientists say you can stop wondering — because they're certain that alien lifeforms exist. This provocative position is explored on "Are We Alone?", a month-long series airing on the Science Channel. Theoretical physicist Michio Kaku says aliens are a sure thing: "How many stars are there out in the universe?" he asks, calculating the answer as "10 sextillion — that's one with 22 zeroes after it." More stars equal more planets equal more possibilities for extra-terrestrial life. "There definitely are aliens in outer space — they're out there."

This is just Michio Kaku talking common sense... Anyone who thinks we are alone knowing what is easily available to know today is simply just uneducated and dumbed down. See, How can anybody truly believe there's no life on any other planet?

Nankai Trough quake predicted to cause more damage than 2011 disaster
Japan Daily, 19th March 2013
A Japanese government panel is estimating that a 9.0 magnitude earthquake in the Nankai Trough region will do damage worth $2.2 billion, a figure that is much higher than the $177 million from the Great East Japan Earthquake of 2011. Scientists are predicting that the earthquake is due “in the not-too-distant future”, based on historical rough calculations.

These figures do not include the possible nuclear fallout from an earthquake of that magnitude. The panel also predicts the number of evacuees to reach 9.5 million a week after it hits and that 40 out of the country’s 47 prefectures will suffer damage to their infrastructure. 27.1 million will suffer power outages, while 34.4 million will be without water.

This is just another seismic risk assessment...

Only the REAL psychics can tell you how to avoid the fraudsters
Doubtful News, 19th March 2013

This is either ridiculous or brilliant. The President of Psychic Access, Inc. complains about how his legitimate psychics have to deal with ”the tragic aftermath of psychic scams, when the victim finally finds her way to us for skilled help and guidance,” Phony psychics damage the reputation of real ones. The readers at Psychic Access call them “fraudsters. ”

Psychic Access Warns Public to Avoid Psychic Scams.

In an effort to combat the prevalence of online psychic fraud and swindles, Psychic Access has now published a set of useful tips and guidelines on their website. The new information page offers a detailed anti-scam checklist informing consumers on how to spot a psychic scam. The set of red flags and danger signs was compiled from actual cases encountered by the experienced team at and is made available online in an attempt to inform and educate the general public and potential customers who are interested in locating legitimate psychic reading services.

I think this article should be called 'Psychics at War For Your Cash'...

Earth's interior cycles contributor to long-term sea-level and climate change, scientists conclude
Phys.Org, 18th March 2013
Ancient rises in sea levels and global warming are partially attributable to cyclical activity below the earth's surface, researchers from New York University and Ottawa's Carleton University have concluded in an analysis of geological studies. [...]

Rampino and Prokoph's analysis considers long-term fluctuations in global climate, diversity of marine organisms, and sea level changes, aiming to identify a unifying cause for these changes. While much scientific study has centered on phenomena above the earth's crust, less attention has historically been paid to changes deep inside our planet. [...]

More broadly, the researchers write, mantle plumes push up against the earth crust, shifting water to continents, thereby producing sea-level rise, and precipitating volcanic activity, which produces additional CO2, leading to a warmer climate.

"Mantle plumes appear to show regular cycles," Rampino explained. "So what's remarkable is there is a strong indication of a connection between changes on the earth's surface—such as volcanic activity and rising sea levels—and what's occurring deep inside the earth. This suggests a fascinating and powerful union between below-surface geological events and changes in our climate."

Among climate realists there is a tremendous amount of discussion on sea levels and the non existent global warming, but this research supports the claims of Robert Felix (Ice Age Now ) who has been pointing out that the increase in undersea volcanic activity is a major cause of climate change and specifically Ice Ages. What's more as I have stated, the established geoscience reveals that sesmic activity is directly linked to the Geomagnetic Index and geomagnetic activity... To cut a long story short, this scientific research is another nail in the coffin of global warming is caused by CO2, the dreamed of 'consensus' in climate science. Incidentally, the desperation to remove CO2 from the atmosphere is due to the Earth's atmosphere becoming highly electrified and at some point it will ignite with a permanent electrical discharge and the Earth will achieve the status of 'Paradise'... when that happens, I assure you, questions will be asked....

Student finds incubators have wildly varying magnetic fields
Phys.Org News, 18th March 2013
Lucas Portelli, a doctoral student in the University of Colorado Boulder's Department of Electrical, Computer and Energy Engineering, wanted to know how electromagnetic fields affect living things.

To find the answer, he went about building experiments. He tried to test the impact of the fields on E. coli, on cancer cells, on fruit flies and even on mice. But he quickly ran into a problem: The magnetic fields in the biological incubators he was using weren't consistent. In fact, they weren't even close. [...]

The findings—published this month in the journal Bioelectromagnetics—showed the problem was indeed extremely widespread and that the magnitude of magnetic fields could vary by orders of magnitude between incubators and even within the same incubator.

The results matter because they offer another possibility for explaining why cells sometimes behave differently when grown in identical incubators. Biologists have assumed that those differences, including rates of growth and death, are due to natural variation but it's possible that differing exposures to magnetic fields may play a role.

I wrote in the latest version of Tuning the Diamonds that Marsha Hancock Adams had the problem of unexplained variability in biological experiments 40 years ago and she came to hypothesize that it was due to strong electromagnetic signals that occur as precursor signals to earthquakes... Today the planet is in a tremendous flux, geomagnetic and electromagnetic instability (NASA's spacequakes) that is being caused by extreme space weather so I imagine the situation of inconsist geomagnetic environments fields in the biological incubators is now far worse. The issue is: why is it that 40 years later, this young lad decides the situation is too ridiculous and does something about it? It really makes you think that there are plenty of people out there who have no interest in quality research.... Btw, humans are a collection of (60 - 90) trillion cells and those cells need the protection of a strong intrinsic human energy field... something I have neglected to point out for a while...

Chicken lays very weird giant egg [VIDEO]
Over-egged chicken lays monster two-yolker.
Doubtfulnews News, 19th March 2013
A chicken in China is being hailed as a miracle after it laid a monster egg containing two yolks and another egg inside it. Locals were amazed to find the egg, which was three times the size of a normal egg, weighed in at over 200 grams.

The chicken had reportedly shunned the corn the rest of the hens were eating, so was being fed a different rice diet. It’s unknown whether this has caused the over-development of the eggs.

Someone decided to video the egg being cracked and captured the surprise... I have quite a few articles about bizarre chicken sex-swap stories and hens laying weird eggs..... So, even though China is the no. 1 spot for weirdness in the world, there is still something very strange going on worldwide with the fowl and these stories are becoming too common... Best of the Blog DNA 'Abnormalities' & Mutations.

South Korea on alert after hackers strike banks, broadcasters
NBC News, 20th March 2013
SEOUL -- South Korean police were investigating a hacking attack on an Internet provider that brought down the servers of three broadcasters and two major banks on Wednesday, and the army raised its alert level due to concerns of North Korean involvement. The network provided by LG UPlus Corp. showed a page that said it had been hacked by a group calling itself the "Whois Team," an unknown group. It featured three skulls and a warning that this was the beginning of "Our Movement."

I think the issue is vulnerability...

Cyprus bailout - live
Cypriot MPs have rejected European Union bail-out terms in parliament, with more than half of the country's legislators voting against a controversial bank levy, and 19 MPs choosing to abstain. *
Eurozone governments are "essentially blackmailing" Cyprus, said Anthanasios Orphanides, former governor of the Cypriot central bank, as he warned against the "slow death of the European project".

Telegraph, 19th March 2013

Fukushima plant's spent fuel pool cooling system partially restored
Kyodo News, 19th March 2013
Tokyo Electric Power Co. said Tuesday it has partially restored the cooling system for the spent fuel pools of the No. 1, 3 and 4 reactors at the crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, which has been suspended since Monday evening due to a suspected problem with a power switchboard.

The incident has not affected the injection of water into the Nos. 1, 2 and 3 reactors that suffered core meltdowns in the early days of the nuclear crisis at the plant triggered by the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami.

As for the spent fuel pool located atop the damaged No. 4 reactor building, one of the two lines forming the cooling system was restored at around 1:20 p.m. Tuesday. The other line is expected to resume operation at around 8 p.m., the utility said.

Another major panic in Japan... Background: Electricity problem at Fukushima Daiichi suspends cooling of spent fuel pools. Update: Japan's Fukushima Plant May Have Come Worryingly Close To Another Nuclear Meltdown Thanks To A Hungry Rat.

JPMorgan Chase glitch displays customers as zero
Were bank's systems hacked, customers ask
Computer World UK News, 19th March 2013
Customers of JPMorgan Chase reported seeing zero balances in their accounts both online and on mobile, and speculated that the bank's systems had been hacked into.

The bank however clarified late Monday that it was having a technology problem regarding customers' balance information that it was working to resolve.

"Almost had a heart attack... Haven't checked my balance in a little bit but it read zero. Gotta be an early April Fool joke or something," wrote one user on Twitter. Some others suggested that the bank's systems may have been hacked.

"It has nothing to do with the cyber threats - it's an internal issue. We are very sorry to our customers for the inconvenience," the bank said in a statement.

Hmmm... Another bank having a computer system meltdown... It just keeps on happening...
  • Verizon Wireless Software Glitch Has Customers Paying Twice The Price
    TriState News, 18th March 2013
    Some Verizon Wireless customers might notice a big difference in this month's phone bill paying nearly twice the price. The company says a software glitch is to blame in some Midwest states, but they ensure customer's will get every dime back after this mistake. A store manager explains what Verizon plans to do about it.

    After big solar flares and CMEs, there are always more reports of glitches but there is always a constant stream of reports that are due to the background flux of cosmic rays.

Second computer glitch shuts down NASA Mars rover
Reuters News, 18th March 2013
CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla., March 18 - The Mars rover Curiosity has had a second computer glitch, extending an unplanned work break for the NASA robot that discovered the first life-friendly chemistry beyond Earth, scientists said on Monday. Engineers had hoped to resume Curiosity science operations on Monday following a problem with the rover's main computer two weeks ago.

I think both recent Mars rover shut downs have been associated with large CME blasts which should be expected as Mars has virtually no intrinsic magnetic field and a thin atmosphere so there is little or no protection from the effects of severe space weather.

SingTel blames SMS outage on software glitch
ZD Net, 18th March 2013
Summary: Telco restores SMS services nearly half a day after disruption on Sunday evening, which it blames on an "isolated software glitch".

SingTel has fully restored its various SMS services following an outage which lasted nearly half a day. On Sunday evening, some of the Singapore telco's customers could not send nor receive SMS. Many of the took to the company's Facebook page to air their complaints.

“Some customers may have experienced intermittent difficulties in sending and receiving SMS from approximately 10.30pm Sunday. Our engineers worked through the night to restore sending and receiving capabilities for postpaid and prepaid customers by 6.10am Monday," a SingTel spokesperson told ZDNet.

The incident follows a more serious outage affecting M1 customers in January, where customer could not access services for voice and data. M1 blamed the disruption on a power fault triggered by one of its vendors during an upgrade of equipment. Services were fully restored only after 64 hours.

The last outage was 64 hours... that's impressive! See previous comments that explain how space weather is a major cause of disruption for mobile phone services.
    SmarTone glitch hits clients again
    The Standard, 19th March 2013
    Thousands of SmarTone Telecommunications customers were unable to make calls to fixed-line phones yesterday morning when a server suffered a technical glitch.

    However, the disruption was less severe than an incident in April last year which left subscribers without mobile phone or internet access for four hours.

    "I was frustrated that I could not use my cell phone to make calls to my fixed-line phone at home," one SmarTone subscriber said.

    I don't think it is a coincidence that mobile phone operators in Hong Kong and Singapore had trouble with their services about the same time after a major blast of space weather.

Watch Now: The Late George Carlin Mocks 'Saving our Planet'
Climate Depot, 18th March 2013
Carlin: 'Are these f*cking people kidding me? Save the planet, we don't even know how to take care of ourselves yet. We haven't learned how to care for one another, we're gonna save the f*cking planet? I'm getting tired of that sh*t...I'm tired of f*cking Earth Day, I'm tired of these self-righteous environmentalists, these white, bourgeois liberals who think the only thing wrong with this country is there aren't enough bicycle paths'

Carlin: 'The planet is fine. Compared to the people, the planet is doing great. Been here four and a half billion years. Did you ever think about the arithmetic? The planet has been here four and a half billion years. We've been here, what, a hundred thousand? Maybe two hundred thousand? And we've only been engaged in heavy industry for a little over two hundred years. Two hundred years versus four and a half billion. And we have the CONCEIT to think that somehow we're a threat? That somehow we're gonna put in jeopardy this beautiful little blue-green ball that's just a-floatin' around the sun?

The planet has been through a lot worse than us. Been through all kinds of things worse than us. Been through earthquakes, volcanoes, plate tectonics, continental drift, solar flares, sun spots, magnetic storms, the magnetic reversal of the poles...hundreds of thousands of years of bombardment by comets and asteroids and meteors, worlwide floods, tidal waves, worldwide fires, erosion, cosmic rays, recurring ice ages...And we think some plastic bags, and some aluminum cans are going to make a difference?'

Full Transcript available here:

Some days I have similar rants... This entry is probably related to the other recent epic GW alarmist going off the deep end see, Climate Activists: 'White America' condemned to Hell!? -- Warmist Bill McKibben laments 'White America' has failed: 'White America has fallen short' by voting for 'climate deniers' but it is hard to tell because the fighting between GW alarmists and skeptics has descended into the ridiculous and I can't be bothered to follow the nonsense. Whatever, I am 100% sure that if humanity does not raise it's consciousness and stop abusing the planet, the solution will be humanity will be largely wiped off... It will be game over for a high tech civilisation on this planet.

Everything you need to know about the Cyprus bailout, in one FAQ
Washington Post, 18th March 2013
This weekend, a group including the European Central Bank (ECB), the European Commission, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the government of Cyprus announced that the small island nation was on the brink of crisis, and needed to be bailed out.

But while most previous euro zone bailout have been financed by rich Northern European countries like Germany and the Netherlands, the Cypriot bailout is an entirely different story — one that happens to involve Russian gangsters. Here’s what you need to know. [...]

So who’s paying for this bailout?

A number of people, including, most controversially, the people who put money in Cypriot banks. Deposits of €100,000 or less would be subject to a 6.75 percent levy, and any deposits greater than that could be taxed at a rate of 9.9 percent. That raises €5.8 billion, or more than half of the bailout. It’s basically an across-the-board tax on bank deposits. That’s better for Cypriots than the alternative of just raising taxes a lot, because a large share of deposits in Cypriot banks are from foreigners, in particular Russians. But with a vote on the bailout proposal by Cyprus’s parliament delayed until Tuesday, Cypriots were rushing to the banks on Monday to pull out their cash.

According to German intelligence, at least €20 billion of Cyprus’ €70 billion in bank deposits come from Russia, much of it from the country’s “oligarchs” who got rich through quasi-legal means in the chaos that followed the Soviet Union’s collapse.

One advantage to the bailout scheme is that the bank deposit tax will hit these oligarchs as much as it will native Cypriots. The Russian deposits will take a hit of between €1 and 2 billion under the bank deposit levy, a substantial fraction of the bailout’s cost.

This article provides an excellent summary of the situation... In advertently, the ECB & IMF have made a grave mistake because they are also attempting to steal money from the Russian elite (ex-KGB officials & rich mafioso) to pay up for banking failures.... that's really nice... See Sinclair - Cyprus Disaster Is Much Bigger Than Being Reported.

Swallows may be evolving to dodge traffic
Nature News, 18th March 2013
Roadside-nesting cliff swallows have evolved shorter, more manoeuvrable wings, which may have helped them to make hasty retreats from oncoming vehicles, according to a study published in Current Biology1.

The study’s authors discovered the trend after noticing that the number of vehicle-killed birds had declined over the past three decades. They suggest that the two findings provide evidence of roadway-related adaptation. “I’m not saying that it’s all because of wing length,” says Charles Brown, a biologist at the University of Tulsa in Oklahoma and one of the authors of the study. But, he says, the shortening does support the idea that the birds are adapting to disturbed environments, as other organisms presumably are.

Evolutionary change in the timescale of decades rather than hundreds of thousands of years... It seems that Darwinists are being crushed by the weight of evidence that evolutionary change operates at very short time scales and driven by changes due to "disturbed" environments.

Dead pigs in China’s Shanghai river now exceed 13,000
Raw Story, 18th March 2013
"The number of dead pigs found in a river running through China’s commercial hub Shanghai has reached more than 13,000, state media said Monday, as mystery deepened over the hogs’ precise origin."

Woman facing charges after computer glitch over pays her $10K
WTAQ News, 17th March 2013
CONOMOWOC, WI (WTAQ) - An apparent computer glitch resulted in a worker at Stein Garden Center in the City of Oconomowoc getting 10 times the pay she was owed.

Forty-seven year old Lynda G. Johnson was paid at a rate of $88.25 an hour, instead of the $8.25 she was supposed to get. She was overpaid by $10,000. The company discovered the error about a month after Johnson quit last May.

Back in June 2012, compulsive gambler Ronald Page took out $1.5 million in 17 days at an ATM and frittered it all away before the bank noticed. Consequently, a judge only gave him 15 months because of the gambling addiction and the fact the judge thought it was the bank's fault for allowing it to happen. As computers become less reliable due to interference from cosmic rays corrupting data files, it will be interesting to see how these cases are resolved.

Comet Pan-STARSS Survives Solar Encounter, Emerges Brighter Than Ever
Red Orbit, 17th March 2013
A comet making its first visit to the inner solar system has survived a journey that brought it close to the sun, and has emerged as one of the brightest comets in years, NASA astronomers confirmed on Friday.

Comet Pan-STARRS, which according to the Daily Mail has been visible for several weeks in the Southern Hemisphere, could be viewed for the first time by stargazers in the northern parts of the world last week after dipping within the orbit of Mercury.

According to NASA, at its closest approach, Pan-STARRS was only 28 million miles away from the sun. Experts were unsure whether or not it would be able to survive such near proximity, with heat levels exceeding 10 times that felt here on Earth. The strong solar heat could have caused long-frozen gases in the comet’s nucleus to vaporize, causing the comet itself to break up or be completely destroyed.

Not only did Comet Pan-STARRS survive, but it has emerged as “a gorgeous comet – one of the brightest in years,” Matthew Knight, an astronomer with the Lowell Observatory in Flagstaff, Arizona, said in a statement. NASA reported on Friday the solar heating from its approach has caused the comet to glow brighter than a first magnitude star, making it easily visible using binoculars and small telescopes during the first hour or two after sunset. [...]

After processing images of the comet obtained by one of NASA's Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory (STEREO) probes, Battams said, "The fine-structure is breathtaking. We think this is caused by some fairly complex interaction between the solar wind and the comet's rotating nucleus. It's going to take computer models to figure this one out."

I Imagine that some solar watchers are breathing a sigh of relief that the big CME blast associated with the passing of Comet Pan-STARRS did not cause a major space weather induced geomagnetic event on Earth.
  • Comet Pan-STARSS Break-Up or Something Else?, 17th March 2013
    IS COMET PAN-STARRS FRAGMENTING? Veteran astrophotographer Peter Rosen has been monitoring Comet Pan-STARRS, and his latest images obtained on March 15th seem to show a fragment emerging from the nucleus. It is the speck just below and to the right of the comet's head:

    "It is visible also in two or three other image stacks," says Rosen. He notes how the stars in the image are trailed, but the apparent fragment is not. "It seems to follow the comet, not the stars. A plane passed through the field of view during the exposure, making a red streak through the comet's tail."

    "The colorful image is a frequency modulation that increases the contrast and clearly shows the fragment as a dark dot below the nucleus," he continues. "I hope this splitting can be confirmed or refuted soon by other observers."

  • JamesMcCanneyScienceHour_February_21_2013.mp3
    James McCanney talks about Comet PanStarrs [23:00 - 32:00]but as usual he talks about all sorts of other stuff plus details of the release of his latest e-book with all the sheenanigans.

Strong CME impact – G2 Geomagnetic Storm
The Watchers, 17th March 2013
Long duration M 1.2 solar flare erupted on March 15, 2013 and launched a Full-Halo Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) toward Earth. It hit Earth’s magnetic field at 06:01 UTC on March 17, 2013 and Geomagnetic K-index of 6 reached threshold on March 17, 2013 at 08:42 UTC – G2 Geomagnetic Storm. The impact was strong, lifting the solar wind speed from 300 km/s to greater than 600 km/s. High-latitude sky watchers should be alert for auroras.

Fireball seen gliding across the Carolina skies Saturday night
WCNC News, 17th March 2013
CLEVELAND COUNTY, N.C. – There are several reports from Saturday night of a meteor gliding across the Carolina skies. Eyewitnesses reported seeing a large bolide meteor that split into several pieces.

Apparently, there were sightings of a fireball over the UK but the news did not reach the mainstream media, see UK Meteor 14MAR2013.

UFO Sighting: Two Glowing Circular Objects Spotted in Norway Skies [VIDEO]
International Business Times, 17th March 2013
Two unidentified flying Objects (UFO) were spotted glowing in the skies of Hessdalen, Norway on Wednesday.

A video uploaded by a YouTube user who goes by the name "Streetcap1" showed two glowing objects lying stationery in the sky. The user has given a description about the UFO sighting and claimed that similar UFOs were spotted in the region between 1982 and 1984.

"This is rare...not one but two glowing UFOs. Most the time over this area there are only one seen at a time. This is exactly what the old light looked like 3 decades ago in the same location. These lights in the Hessdalen sky of Norway were caught on live web cam," said Streetcap1.

I am very surprised that this has made international news. At one stage, students were taken up to Hessdalen EVERY SUMMER to do scientific studies... After nearly 3 decades of research by real scientists associated with local universities - with the blessing of the local Norwegian authorities and government - UFOs/UAPs are scientific FACT in Hessdalen, Norway, see Wikipedia, Hessdalen light Phenomena, and visit the The Hessdalen Light Phenomena website. The documentary 'The Portal: The Hessdalen Light Phenonomena' December 2009, [47:08] provides a basic introduction & the 2005 paper, 10 YEARS OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH OF THE HESSDALEN PHENOMENA (.pdf) provides a good scientific summary. Check out the archives for further insights from the scientists involved in this now world famous UFO/UAP hotspot.
  • 'This was UFOs - I saw them': Mystery surrounds strange contrails that appeared over Grimsby [UK], 15th March 2013
    MYSTERY surrounds the origin of unusual contrail patterns spotted in the skies over Grimsby yesterday – after both the RAF and US Air Force say they were not caused by their planes.

    As reported at – where you can view pictures and video footage of the trails being made – the newsroom was flooded with calls about the unusual display.[...]

    ...calls to confirm this to both the US Airforce's base Lakenheath and RAF Coningsby from our news team were met with denials.

    This is not a unique report. It seems to me that a few 'playful' members of the Shadow Biosphere like to occasionally entertain themselves by making contrails.... At this moment, I can't think of any reason for this activity, but I would be impressed if we started getting some meaningful patterns and/or useful messages... More at ATS: 'This was UFOs - I saw them': Mystery surrounds strange contrails that appeared over Grimsby

  • Sequestering the poor, UFO phenomena, Wall St. extorts Washington
    RT News, 15th March 2013
    On this episode of Breaking the Set, Abby Martin [...] talks to BTS producer Manuel Rapalo about UFO phenomena by highlighting a few notable cases of UFO sightings in the US.

    I just thought it was interesting that RT News felt the need to provide a 7 minute segment on the issue of UFOs. Presumably the higher-ups have decided that the new focus and education concerning UFOs/UAPS might as well start now.... I was quite impressed that the RT News TV hosts conducted themselves quite well, but despite the lack of any real focus, they felt the nerve to call out the former governor Fife Symington, who at the time who took the opportunity to mock people for asking about what was happening in the skies during a major UFO flap. Very strange...

  • UFOs: the Truth is Out There | Think Tank
    YouTube, 15th March 2013

  • Extraterrestrial Life from an Islamic Perspective
    On Islam, 14th March 2013

Mysterious 'booms' still unexplained
The Daily News, 16th March 2013
ALABAMA — It was about midnight on a night last week when Randy Smith took his dog outside and for the third time this year, heard the mysterious booms.
“Three times in a row I heard it,” Smith said. “It sounds as loud as a sonic boom. Maybe louder. As soon as it goes off, the dog starts growling and gets startled.”
Smith and his father, Laverne Smith, live at 748 Lewiston Rd. (Route 77) and have been hearing the booms for nearly two years now. They cannot pinpoint the source of the noise.

These continuous reports from the United States are just like background noise... obviously something is going on... See archives for previous scientific opinion, comments and suggestions.

Swiss police arrest "healer" accused of infecting 16 with HIV
Reuters, 15th March 2013
(Reuters) - Swiss police have arrested a self-styled healer after he stopped attending a trial where he stands accused of infecting 16 people with HIV using acupuncture needles.

Swiss police said on Friday that they stormed the home of the 54-year-old man, who had barricaded himself inside, was armed with a knife and had issued repeated threats. An unidentified woman with him was also arrested.

The man had been free on bail since August. His trial began on March 6, but he stopped turning up in court on Thursday. The case came to the attention of the Swiss authorities after an HIV-positive patient told a Berne hospital he had traced his infection back to acupuncture treatments carried out by the accused. The man has denied the charges.

Due to my own experiences with malignant narcissists & predators in the cultic milieu claiming to be spiritual, I have realised that this kind of story should be expected. At least, if you are a Christian, you are taught that wolves in sheeps clothing exist, but in the New Age milieu, the mentality is every man for himself and few care enough to teach people how to avoid becoming a victim. Instead the psychopath's dream teaching called "The Law of Attraction is cited and empathy is often VERY LOW. Where exactly is the spirituality you ask? That's the whole point, it does not exist... for some their faux spirituality is just a mask and a means to an end. By the way, have you watched the documentary Egomania? YouTube link here. It explains how cult leaders have at least 7 out of 9 traits that identify psychopaths. Again, my favourite self-aware psychopath Sam Vaknin is featured in all his glory. See also: Pa. pastor gets life sentence for killing 2nd wife

Formation of Strange Objects [Water Orbs] in the Monongahela River
Stan Gordon UFO Anomalies Zone, 12th March 2013
It was late afternoon on February 10, 2013, as two men stood in a parking area not far from Millsboro in Washington County just along the bank of the Monongahela River. It was still light outside and the weather was mild and dry at the time. As the men continued their conversation, one of them pointed to the river and said “look at that.”

It took a moment for the other man to look toward the water and focus on what his friend was seeing. About 30-40 feet away, a disturbance was noticed in the water. According to the witness that I interviewed, what was seen is hard to describe. here were 4-6 objects observed traveling north in the river. Each one was estimated to be about the size of a softball in size, and while it was difficult to make out a shape, they seemed roughly round. The objects appeared transparent and possibly of a grayish-silver color.

The objects moved together in a random group, yet they appeared to keep an equal distance between themselves. The witness said the speed would be similar to a duck landing on water. They were spread approximately 4-5 feet apart from each other, with an overall spread of 10-15 feet. Behind each object was a trail in the water that appeared to be about six feet in length. The trail itself seemed to be narrow and 6-8 inches in width. This gave the impression that whatever the objects were, they seemed to be propelled. The objects seemed to be all moving at the same speed.

We have another possible sighting of members from the Shadow Biosphere... The image icon is from an Unidentified Submerged Object (USO) video recorded in September 2011, on the West coast in Sweden, see Possible USO sighting on Sweden coast . I will take this opportunity for those new to my research to explain that fiery orbs appearing out of a river is GUARANTEED TO OCCUR at certain times and locations. Members of The Earth Management Team have been appearing for HUNDREDS OF YEARS in Thailand and eventually locals decided this was a business opportunity not to be missed. On the banks of the Mekong River, in Thailand, EVERY YEAR a HUGE festival is organised that attracts 400,000 tourists. People converge to watch the activity of what are known locally as the Naga Fireballs. From my archives: "The bung fai paya nak, or Naga fireballs in English, spring up every October from the Mekong River in Thailand. Even Time magazine has covered the event, reporting that:
"...each year, anything from 200 to 800 of the fiery orbs are sighted along a 100-kilometer stretch of the river". The October full moon is the most likely time for the orbs to appear, and as a result up to 400,000 people visit the river to catch their appearance."
Bang Fai Phaya Naga , In A Midst Website
This is quite an amazing event and from videos on YouTube it seems to be quite a major festival of light, see [0:54] Naga fireballs & [2:18] Naga Fireballs, Nong Khai, Thailand, 14 Oct 2008 Despite the official explanations, authorities fails to explain why this phenomenon should appear only at a certain time of the year and vary with the lunar cycle.

Pope says wants "poor Church and Church for the poor"
Reuters, 16th March 2013
(Reuters) - Pope Francis, giving his clearest indication yet that he wants a more austere Catholic Church, said on Saturday that it should be poor and remember that its mission is to serve the poor.

The pope made his comments in an audience with journalists, explaining why he chose to take the name Francis, after St. Francis of Assisi, a symbol of peace, austerity and poverty.

He called Francis "The man who gives us this spirit of peace, the poor man," and added "How I would like a poor Church, and for the poor".

I am starting to wonder if he will last 33 days... Over at Michael Brown writes:
Francis, it appears, is attacking matters at a spiritual level. He is already telling the Church that it should not wrap itself in grandeur, that it is supposed to be carrying the Cross, not sitting at lush dinners, not riding with chauffeurs, not living in palaces, not mugging for TV (he rarely gave interviews as Cardinal), not running a diocese like a cold business, not favoring the wealthy contributor over the devout poor woman, not parading like nobility, not dismissing Adoration, not ignoring Mary (see: his visit to Maria Maggiore), but acting like the Apostles: getting out there on the street and radiating the power they have in Christ (healing, serving, exorcising). Here we recall also Saint Francis Xavier, an evangelist.
If Catholics especially the hierarchy went back to the conventional ideas of being Christ-like, I would actually have some respect... BUT, I don't think the Dark Lords who appear to be running the show are interested in any real change and certainly not any real spirituality.... For those who don't understand the issues, studying the history of the Catholic Church and all the recent revelations of impropriety especially concerning the money laundering at the Vatican bank will leave you in no doubt that the Church personifies the biblical notion of wheat being mixed with tares... If a good guy rises to the top (of course, this is all relative...) they don't tend to last long, BUT I also wonder about the Jesuit connection... We have NEVER had a Jesuit Pope and Jesuits are the intellectual elite and SAS of the Catholic Church.... This means even the evil Dark Lords that haunt the Catholic Chuch are in uncharted waters... I even wonder, if Bergoglio being elected pontiff was a deliberate course of action because the Church is in so much trouble and moderates believed this was the best way of allowing the Jesuits to take over and rectify matters... Thus, I do not believe the Catholic hierarchy are all the same shade of evil even though at times, the coverup of the abuse of children and nuns is completely apalling and it makes me wonder... So, we will have to see what happens next....
  • Traditionalists and Pope Francis: Can We Take a Deep Breath and Please Calm Down?
    Canterbury Tales, 14th March 2013
    Pope Francis hadn't been elected for more than two hours and the vitriol began to spew forth in the comment boxes of this blog and others. Many from the traditionalist crowd reacted against Pope Francis with words that were downright offensive. If one of my sons spoke like that about a priest (or any older man, for that matter), my boy would have a sore backside and a long stay in a dark room.

    I could not believe this... Narcissists airing their opinions...

Rare brain condition leaves woman seeing everything upside down
The Express, 14th March 2013
A RARE brain condition that has left a woman seeing everything upside down has baffled doctors. Bojana Danilovic, 28, views everything the wrong way up because of a problem in the way her brain processes images.

The council worker has to read papers from the bottom up, uses an upside down computer screen and needs to work with topsy turvy forms in her job. Speaking to local news outlets, she said: "It may look incredible to other people but to me it's completely normal. "I was born that way. It's just the way I see the world."

CME, Comet and Planet Earth
NASA APOD, 15th March 2013
Explanation: After appearing in a popular photo opportunity with a young crescent Moon near sunset, naked-eye Comet PanSTARRS continues to rise in northern hemisphere skies. But this remarkable interplanetary perspective from March 13, finds the comet posing with our fair planet itself - as seen from the STEREO Behind spacecraft. Following in Earth's orbit, the spacecraft is nearly opposite the Sun and looks back toward the comet and Earth, with the Sun just off the left side of the frame. At the left an enormous coronal mass ejection (CME) is erupting from a solar active region. Of course, CME, comet, and planet Earth are all at different distances from the spacecraft. (The comet is closest.) The processed digital image is the difference between two consecutive frames from the spacecraft's SECCHI Heliospheric Imager, causing the strong shadowing effect for objects that move between frames. Objects that are too bright create the sharp vertical lines. The processing reveals complicated feather-like structures in Comet PanSTARRS's extensive dust tail

This image is almost unbelievable... look at the 'feathers' on the comet tail... I think we have some evidence that a huge solar eruption was prompted by the close encounter of Comet Panstarrs.... Which does not bode well for the arrival of Comet ISON which is a much bigger comet and the likelihood of a massive solar eruption that could be similarly directed at Earth. Quote: "Recent findings about comets call for a new perspective on these bodies. The more we have learned about comets, the more the discoveries support an electrical interpretation. Highly energetic and focused jets explode from comets’ nuclei. ", The Electric Comet This is a short article that serves as a tutorial by Wallace Thornhill and David Talbott, on the electrical nature of comets. See the archives for more links and online books on this same subject, Best of the Blog - Space & Cosmology.

Long duration M1.2 solar flare, Full-Halo Earth directed CME
The Watchers, 15th March 2013
Region 1692 erupted with long duration M-class solar flare peaking at 06:50 UTC as M1.2 solar flare on March 15, 2013. The event started at 05:52 and ended at 07:30 UTC. A Full-Halo Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) was observed and it looks to be Earth directed. A 10cm Radio Burst was associated with the event indicating significant radio noise in association with a solar flare. This noise is generally short-lived but can cause interference for sensitive receivers including radar, GPS, and satellite communications. Region 1692 was still classified with Alpha magnetic configuration at 0:30 UTC today.

Data and Info.

Atmospheric electricity affects cloud height
Space Daily, 12th March 2013
For decades, scientists have argued over whether there is a link between cosmic rays and cloud cover, which in turn could affect climate. Now two atmospheric physicists in the UK have discovered that global atmospheric electricity - which itself is altered by cosmic rays, space weather and El Nino - affects the base height of certain types of clouds.

"Electric currents flow continuously throughout much of the atmosphere because of the global atmospheric electric circuit, and these currents sometimes pass through clouds," explains Giles Harrison, who along with Maarten Ambaum did this latest study at the University of Reading. [...]

Global atmospheric electricity exhibits a daily cycle, hitting a minimum at around 03:00 GMT and peaking at roughly 19:00 GMT - when activity is high in thunderstorm hotspots such as Africa and North America. This cycle was discovered in the early 20th century on board a ship operated by the Carnegie Institution of Washington. This variation is known as the Carnegie curve, or as Harrison puts it more poetically, "the fundamental electrical heartbeat of the planet". [...]

"The implications are that factors affecting currents flowing in the atmosphere - such as thunderstorms, cosmic rays and Pacific Ocean temperatures - may have distant effects on droplet properties in cloud bases," says Harrison. "Particularly interesting is the possibility that space weather changes could affect weather in the lower atmosphere."

I believe there is a paradigm shift taking place as scientists are being forced to recognise the influence of Earth being flooded by highly charged particles from space at a time when Earth's magnetic field has become less reliable. Due to space weather, atmospheric scientists can no longer ignore the electrical interactions between Earth and outer space and finally old outdated ideas concerning weather and climate are being shoved aside. Finally, the reality of the electromagnetic force ruling the heavens is being acknowledged.

Cousin stands in for Queen at Pope Francis ‘crowning’
London Evening Standard, 15th March 2013
The Queen’s little-known cousin the Duke of Gloucester is to represent her at Pope Francis’s inauguration after Prince Charles decided not to cut short his nine-day tour of the Middle East. Buckingham Palace today said that the Duke, who is 21st in line to the throne, and the Duchess of Gloucester would attend the inaugural mass of Francis in St Peter’s Square next Tuesday.

It looks like a decision has been made to send a representative who won't be missed just in case there is a terrorist attack in Rome...

13 black death skeletons found in plague pit under Farringdon - and there could be 50,000 more
London Evening Standard, 15th March 2013
Archaeologists have found 13 skeletons beneath the City - and believe they could be some of 50,000 black death victims buried in an emergency cemetery in the 14th century. The adult skeletons, laid out in two neat rows, were uncovered during excavation work for the £14.8 billion Crossrail project. They were found under Charterhouse Square in Farringdon 8ft (2.4m) below the road that surrounds the gardens in the centre of the square.

Key Fobs Mysteriously Being Disabled In Suburban Parking Lot
CBS Local Chicago News, 12th March 2013
Something strange is happening in a Tinley Park strip mall lot. CBS 2's Dana Kozlov reports the mystery has left investigators puzzled, and dozens of people without a working car. [...]

A strange force is leaving some shoppers stranded; their car key fobs powerless to unlock and even start their vehicles. “It actually happened to my mom over the weekend and it didn’t work for her either,” said Ken Hopman. Asked if he thought was weird, Hopman said, “Yeah.”

Joe Karchesky thinks so, too. Last weekend, his wife’s key fob went kaput outside the Kohl’s. She was locked out. “I went out there with the other key fob thinking that they key fob was dead, the battery was dead, and so we got the other one and I brought it out there and there was nothing,” said Karchesky. Until it was towed away. Just outside the parking lot – problem solved.

Long termers will know that I have picked up these kind of stories about failing electronics in the past and they seem to be related to local energy 'hot spots', but now we are watching to see if these electronic glitches become widespread.

Angel in sky photos: South Florida sees a message from above
WPTV News, 14th March 2013
WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. - A message from above? That’s what several South Florida residents thought after looking toward the sky on the day a new pope was named.

Most saw an angel in the clouds and grabbed their cameras to document the vision. For some, it was a clear sign from heaven, maybe a message from God himself, showing his pleasure at the election of the first Latin American as the 267th successor of St. Peter.

Thom George wondered “if Pope Francis ordered that.” “The Pope asked to pray for Him. .. God answered,” was Cat Sunn’s reaction.

Wow..... Most people seem quite convinced and I will say, I am quite impressed...

We Live in a Cosmic Shooting Gallery
Universe Today, 13th March 2013
In this new video from Big Think, astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson says he’s almost embarrassed for our species that it takes a warning shot across our bow before legislators take seriously the advice they’ve been receiving from astronomers about getting serious about asteroid detection and deflection; that it’s a matter of when not if Earth will get smacked by an asteroid. “But it took an actual meteor over Russia exploding with 25 times the power of the atom bomb in Hiroshima to convince people that maybe we should start doing something about it.”

I provided the following quote in my Planetary Challenges report that I wrote for the White House....
In 2005, Lembit Opik, the former Liberal British Democrat Member of Parliament for Montgomeryshire, who is considered to be one of the leading voices in the UK on asteroids, gave an interview that outlined his honest opinion of why citizens of planet Earth should be concerned about an asteroid strike from space and his belief that, “we’re living in a bowling alley.”48
Planetary Challenges & Spiritual Evolution: Summary For Citizens of Planet Earth (June 2011)
Over the period of about 25 years, a tiny period of astronomical time, the cosmic environment has changed in this solar system dramatically and the consequences should be of interest to those who want to help humanity survive on this planet.

Climategate 3.0 has occurred – the password has been released
WUWT News, 13th March 2013
Subject: FOIA 2013: the password

It’s time to tie up loose ends and dispel some of the speculation surrounding the Climategate affair. [...]

Releasing the encrypted archive was a mere practicality. I didn’t want to keep the emails lying around. I prepared CG1 & 2 alone. Even skimming through all 220.000 emails would have taken several more months of work in an increasingly unfavorable environment.

Dumping them all into the public domain would be the last resort. Majority of the emails are irrelevant, some of them probably sensitive and socially damaging. To get the remaining scientifically (or otherwise) relevant emails out, I ask you to pass this on to any motivated and responsible individuals who could volunteer some time to sift through the material for eventual release.

Climate 'Truthers' are in climate heaven again.... Thanks Mr. FOIA for caring for about 'The Truth'... I will repeat the following: "Open it all up, and fiat justitia ruat caelum!" Acording to Wikipedia: Fiat justitia ruat caelum is a Latin legal phrase, meaning "Let justice be done though the heavens fall." The maxim signifies the belief that justice must be realized regardless of consequences.

Astrobiologists Find Ancient Fossils in Fireball Fragments
Algae-like structures inside a Sri Lankan meteorite are clear evidence of panspermia, the idea that life exists throughout the universe, say astrobiologists.
Technology Review, 11th March 2013
On 29 December 2012, a fireball lit up the early evening skies over the Sri Lankan province of Polonnaruwa. Hot, sparkling fragments of the fireball rained down across the countryside and witnesses reported the strong odour of tar or asphalt.

Over the next few days, the local police gathered numerous examples of these stones and sent them to the Sri Lankan Medical Research Institute of the Ministry of Health in Colombo. After noticing curious features inside these stones, officials forwarded the samples to a team of astrobiologists at Cardiff University in the UK for further analysis.

The results of these tests, which the Cardiff team reveal today, are extraordinary. They say the stones contain fossilised biological structures fused into the rock matrix and that their tests clearly rule out the possibility of terrestrial contamination.

I am not sure if this is just announcing the existence of a new research paper associated with this meteorite... I picked up the original story in mid January from a Sri Lankan website and in the last few days, there has been the usual debunking efforts, for example, at Phys.Org where we are told:
Another possibility is that the fireball originally came from Earth. A long ago asteroid impact could have ejected rocks and water with biological material into space. Some of this ejected material could have reappeared in the atmosphere last December.

Incredibly, all of the fossils found in the samples were of freshwater species that live on Earth. Their origin in space would imply that they had the same evolutionary history as their terrestrial cousins—remarkable considering their vastly different environments.
Astrobiologists claim meteorite carried space algae. Phys.Org, 12th March 2013
This really is not science this is just grabbing at straws, to stop some thinking about life existing in the hostile environment of space. In realiy, it is a fact that the radiation in space makes bacteria more resilient in order for it to survive, (see old articles about virulent bacteria eating the space stations) the mechanism and principle of somatic hypermutation and evolving to conform to the environment appears to be universal.

Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio elected pontiff, takes name Pope Francis – live
• 'There is great brotherhood in the world,' new pope says
• Shock decision from papal conclave
• First Jesuit pope, first pope from South America

Guardian, 14th March 2013
(After a few seconds of silent prayer, he then delivered his blessing). • Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio, of Argentina, has been elected as the Catholic Church's new Pope, Francis.
• The 76-year-old from Buenos Aires is the first non-European pope in the modern era.
• His election has been welcomed by millions of Catholics worldwide, particularly in South America.
• World and religious leaders congratulated the new pope.
• Bergoglio is also the first Jesuit to be pontiff.
• He is the first pope to take the name Francis.
He then concluded:

Tomorrow I want to go to pray to the Madonna so that she protects all of Rome. Good night and have a good rest.

I was interested in Pope Francis praying for protection... I am sure he knows about the prophecies... A lot of people are trying to reconcile Pope Francis with the Prophecy of the Popes... There is a lot of rubbish but I was impressed with the following

BERG (German)..........Mountain
GOGLIO (Italian).......Pride

Pride of the mountain / Pride of the rock & The main Jesuit church is in Rome...
From Tom Horn's website:

RNN NOTE: That Bergoglio--the final Pope on St. Malachy's list and the one prophesied to reign over the church as it enters the Great Tribulation period--named himself after Saint Francis of Assisi is intriguing given that shortly before his death Assisi prophesied that at the time of the tribulation a man would "be raised to the Pontificate, who, by his cunning, will endeavor to draw many into error and death… Some preachers will keep silence about the truth, and others will trample it under foot and deny it…for in those days Jesus Christ will send them not a true Pastor, but a destroyer” [Works of the Seraphic Father St. Francis of Assisi (1182–1226), Washbourne, 1882 AD, 248]. 

Furthermore, in naming himself after Assisi, Bergoglio branded himself after an Italian (Roman) priest whose original name was Francesco di Pietro (Peter) di Bernardone -- literally, Peter the Roman.

Why Picking Bergoglio Was A Great Tactic For The Catholic Church
Business Insider, 13th March 2013
The selection of Jorge Mario Bergoglio of Argentina has surprised a lot of people — few observers had even listed him as a favorite. But he is a tactical choice from the papal conclave, may help to meld the Catholic church's past with its present.

Bergoglio, or Pope Francis, as he will now be known, is the first pope from the "New World". He breaks a tradition of European popes.

That's a big deal. According to recent research from Pew, 40 percent of the world's Catholics live in Latin America, and 72 percent of Latin America consider themselves Catholic. They're very much the real present of the church, and possibly its future too.

Bergoglio, or Pope Francis, as he will now be known, is the first pope from the "New World"...... I think this is quite a clever choice... "A New World pope for a New World Age"... BUT he is a Jesuit (Roman Catholic elite taskforce) and as some have already pointed out, he will be strongly aligned with the Jesuit Leader who is commonly known as the Black Pope.... It is like electing someone trained by the CIA to become President... I hope he kicks some backsides... As most blog readers will know, I don't have many kind words for the Roman Catholic Church hierarchy, but in today's world, many of the Catholic priests, bishops and cardinals' act like they have utter contempt for the religion that they are supposed to be promoting... i.e. they can't even keep up a good pretense.... In terms of promoting the business of religion, there is simply just too many glaring inconsistencies... Maybe, some of the more intelligent cardinals realise that by allowing the most sociopathic to run riot, they are jeopardising the role of the whole Church. It would be like the Mafia bosses being forced to deal with members who have become a liability..... Whatever, we will have to see what happens next.
  • Sorry, Jorge Mario Bergoglio is not the first non-European pope
    Washington Post, 13th March 2013

  • Holy smoke! Is this the final pope before Jesus?
    World Net Daily, 12th March 2013
    Along with Bertone, Turkson and Scola, the other candidates on Horn’s list are Francis Arinze of Nigeria; Gianfranco Ravasi of Italy, the president of the pontifical council for culture; Leonardo Sandri of Argentina, the prefect of the congregation for the oriental churches; Ennio Antonelli of Italy, retired president of the pontifical council for the family; Jean-Louis Tauran of France, president of the pontifical council for interreligious dialogue; Christoph Schönborn of Vienna; and Marc Ouellet of Quebec, president of the pontifical commission for Latin America.

    Jorge Mario Bergoglio was NOT on Tom Horn's top 10 list...

  • No white smoke - but a seagull! Bird steals papal conclave show in absence of new Pope
    Smoke watching became bird watching in St. Peter's Square after a gull spent several minutes perched atop the chimney that belches out smoke from the Sistine Chapel
    The Mirror, 13th March 2013

Report: Cardinal Sodano used term 'world order' in crucial homily
The Moynihan Letters, 13th March 2013

[...] Below is a link to a website where I read a curious comment from a reader. The reader says that the official text of the homily of Cardinal Sodano today is incorrect, in that it omits two words that Sodano actually spoke when he gave the homily. What were those two words? The commenter says they were: “world order” (“ordine mondiale“).

Here is the comment in Italian:

Strano, il testo ufficiale dell` omelia del card. Sodano non corrisponde a ciò che ha detto in Basilica, e che ho ascoltato, le parole ‘ordine mondiale,’ che del resto mi avevano colpita e lasciata estereffatta, sono sparite.” ["Strange, the official text of the homily of Cardinal Sodano does not correspond to what he said in the Basilica, and what I myself heard, the words 'world order,' which moreover struck me and left me terrified, have disappeared."]


Then, as I continued to read the Italian press, I came across an Italian journalist who also heard the same thing, and then published it this way:

Gli ultimi Pontefici sono stati artefici di tante iniziative benefiche anche verso i popoli e la comunità internazionale, promovendo senza sosta la giustizia e la pace e l’ordine mondiale – ha proseguito Sodano – preghiamo perché il futuro Papa possa continuare quest’incessante opera a livello mondiale“.

In other words, writing his article, this journalist had quoted Sodano’s speech with those two words included — even though those words are not in the official text distributed by the Vatican. He did this, evidently, because he heard the words. Here is a link to that report:

Curious, I wondered: Did Sodano use those words, or not?

Just a little question, really. What had he actually said?

So, I started looking at videos of the homily.

And I found that, yes, it was true. Sodano did use those words. Here is the video of the homily:

Busted! This is just further confirmation that the true power behind the throne in the Vatican fully understands their true 'religion' and the intent of a new world order at the start of a New World Age. For those who are unfamiliar with the recent scholarly revelations that theologians have been tracking the date 2012 over many hundreds of years, please see 2012: The American Founding Fathers Knew and then use the search on this website or go visit Tom Horn's website and Chris Putnam's website for online serialised books and blog updates and YouTube videos for a selection of presentations on their recent research that was summarised in the books Apollyon Rising 2012: The Lost Symbol Found and the Final Mystery of the Great Seal Revealed, Petrus Romanus - The Final Pope is Here” and Exo-Vaticana:Petrus Romanus, Project LUCIFER, and the Vatican's astonishing exo-theological plan for the arrival of an alien savior (out 19th March 2013, but serialised online).
  • Cardinals showing 'feistiness'
    LA Times, 12th March 2013
    Not weighed down by the force of grief and mourning, the 115 cardinals gathered here to pick Benedict's replacement have shown an unusual feistiness, an inquisitiveness that was not seen the last time around and that has drawn out proceedings and scrambled candidacies for the successor. Surely there is much to discuss, from scandals involving sexual abuse to allegations of money laundering by the Vatican bank.

    Cardinals delivered more than 150 speeches in 10 pre-conclave meetings, known as congregations. When the final session concluded Monday, there were still several prelates who had signed up to speak but were cut off because time had run out, Vatican spokesman Father Federico Lombardi said.

    That glimpse inside the congregations offered further evidence that the cardinals have been thrown for a loop by Benedict's stunning resignation. They also apparently feel more free to speak their mind: The solemnity that the 2005 funeral and attendant Masses infused in the atmosphere is absent in 2013.

    Hmmm... So it does seem the Cardinals from around the world who don't know the details of the real dirt, are highly suspicious about what is really going on...

  • Papal conclave: anti-mafia police raid offices in diocese of frontrunner
    Guardian, 12th March 2013
    So Angelo Scola, the archbishop of Milan – and reportedly the 'hot' favourite to be the next pope – is being linked to racketeering and raids are taking place in his absence whilst the world's media watches on and mutters about the amount of sleaze...

  • Vatican department shares Rome palazzo with gay sauna
    BBC News, 12th March 2013
    [...] Also on offer are "bear parties", which are advertised on its website with a video of a man stripping down before donning clerical attire.

    Bruno, "a hairy, overweight pastor of souls, is free to the music of his clergyman, remaining in a thong, because he wants to expose body and soul", the website says.

    The Vatican has declined to comment on the proximity of the sauna to the headquarters of the Congregation for the Evangelisation of Peoples - which is responsible for missionary activities - but Cardinal Dias has previously said that gays and lesbians can be cured of their "unnatural tendencies" through the "sacrament of penance".

    This implies some serious clerical sleaze....

‘Exploding’ meteorite seen in South African Sky
IOL SciTech News, 13th March 2013
Cape Town - Residents across Cape Town claimed to have sighted a meteorite on Tuesday after what appears to have been a fireball “exploded” in the sky.

It is said to have been sighted just after noon. Nicola Loaring, an outreach astronomer at the South African Astronomical Observatory, said they had received about four or five reports.

The green and blue light with a white tail that was reported to them appeared to be that of “a fireball, which is a bright meteor”.

There is now constant reports of fireball explosions, but I think it is very difficult to assess the extent and the rate of increase as fireball data is not shared with the public, see archives for more information.
  • Dozens of people in 7 states report seeing fireball in sky Saturday, some from northern Ohio, 11th March 2013
    CLEVELAND - More than two dozen people from seven states – including Ohio -- reported seeing a fireball in the sky over the weekend. The American Meteor Society posted Monday on its website that 25 people submitted reports about the sighting Saturday, which apparently happened at about 7 p.m. Nearly half of the reports were from Ohio.

  • Fireball with 'electric blue tail' streaks over Oman, 7 March 2013, 11th March 2013
    07 March 2013 - Susie Barka, Muscat, Oman @ 19.15:
    5 seconds duration. North-South. It was a large elongated fireball, burning white hot, with an electric blue tail followed by a green band and then an orange band. It was as bright as the sun and very large.

    The multi-coloured tail makes me think this is space junk coming down and burning up in our atmosphere...

  • Large crater in ice stumps astronomer
    CBC News, 12th March 2013
    An amateur astronomer says a large hole in the ice on Dawe's Lake near Badger in central Newfoundland must have been caused by an object that fell from the sky. "We've looked all around," said Jim Gillard, who runs the Twillingate Astronomical Observatory. "There don't appear to be anything else that could've caused this, except something that fell out of the sky." The hole, which measures about 55 metres by 60 metres, was first discovered on Friday morning by a cabin owner in the area.

Sinkhole opens up in Washington and jaded humor emerges
Reuters News, 12th March 2013
(Reuters) - Washington is used to being the brunt of jokes, particularly those centered around the action, or lack of it, on Capitol Hill. But on Tuesday, the focus moved to the Adams Morgan neighborhood, where some saw a symbol of Washington - a gaping sinkhole in the middle of a bustling sidewalk.

Unlike the fatal sinkhole that swallowed a man as he slept in his Seffner, Florida, home on February 28, or the one a golfer fell into on an Illinois fairway earlier this month, the Washington sinkhole is more on the order of a large pothole. Surrounded by yellow tape, it is about a yard (meter) square, as deep as 10 feetand sits a few miles from the White House, another frequent source of late-night television humor.

The hole is small, see DC Officials: Sinkhole May Be Affecting Water Pipe On Verge Of Collapsing [PHOTOS]

Shape-Shifting Jesus Described in Ancient Egyptian Text
Live Science News, 12th March 2013
A newly deciphered Egyptian text, dating back almost 1,200 years, tells part of the crucifixion story of Jesus with apocryphal plot twists, some of which have never been seen before.

Written in the Coptic language, the ancient text tells of Pontius Pilate, the judge who authorized Jesus' crucifixion, having dinner with Jesus before his crucifixion and offering to sacrifice his own son in the place of Jesus. It also explains why Judas used a kiss, specifically, to betray Jesus — because Jesus had the ability to change shape, according to the text — and it puts the day of the arrest of Jesus on Tuesday evening rather than Thursday evening, something that contravenes the Easter timeline.

I just think this is just another example of the factory output of stories about Jesus before decisions were made about the 'proper' narrative. I imagine that this version was rejected and ended up on a scrap heap somewhere to be discovered 1,200 years later and used to confuse the ignoranti... However, the 'shape-shifting' is really a reference to the ability to make yourself invisible, something that witches and magicians are supposed to be able to do and as some have already pointed out, there is an 'accepted' version of this in the New Testament, Luke 24:13-33, where disciples fail to recognise Jesus on the road to Emmaus. See more discussion at ATS, Shape-Shifting Jesus Described in Ancient Egyptian Text

Black smoke signals no pope elected at first conclave vote [Photos]
Reuters News, 12th March 2013
Thick black smoke billowed into the night sky from the Sistine Chapel's chimney on Tuesday, signaling an inconclusive first vote in the conclave to elect a new pope at a time of strife and scandal for the Roman Catholic Church.

Thousands of faithful huddled in St. Peter's Square to watch the smoke pour out of the narrow flue in the rain-laden gloom following a day rich in ritual and pageantry.

After praying for divine guidance, the red-hatted cardinals took a solemn vow, in Latin, never to divulge any details of their deliberations. They then secluded themselves behind the chapel's heavy wooden doors.

And so it begins....
  • As cardinals gather to elect Pope, Catholic officials break into a sweat over news that priests share €23m building with huge gay sauna
    The Independent, 11th March 2013
    A day ahead of the papal conclave, faces at the scandal-struck Vatican were even redder than usual after it emerged that the Holy See had purchased a €23 million (£21 million) share of a Rome apartment block that houses Europe’s biggest gay sauna.

    The senior Vatican figure sweating the most due to the unlikely proximity of the gay Europa Multiclub is probably Cardinal Ivan Dias, the head of the Congregation for Evangelisation of Peoples, who is due to participate in tomorrow’s election at the Sistine Chapel.

    This 76-year-old “prince of the church” enjoys a 12-room apartment on the first-floor of the imposing palazzo, at 2 Via Carducci, just yards from the ground floor entrance to the steamy flesh pot. There are 18 other Vatican apartments in the block, many of which house priests.

    The Holy See is still reeling from allegations that the previous pontiff, Benedict XVI, had quit in reaction to the presence of a gay cabal in the curia.

    And with disgraced Scottish cardinal Keith O’Brien lending new weight to charges of hypocrisy against the Church’s stance on homosexuality, La Repubblica newspaper noted that the presence of “Italy’s best known gay sauna in the premises is an embarrassment”.

    As they say, you could not make this up... More comment at ATS: As cardinals gather to elect Pope, Catholic officials break into a sweat over news that €23m inves Just in case you have not seen this clip, Raw Video: Shirtless Acrobats Dance for Pope - YouTube, it certainly changed my thinking about what kind of activities go on at the Vatican.

  • Dark financial clouds hang over Vatican
    CBS News, 11th March 2013
    [...] The Vatican is more than the world's largest religious institution -- it's a business. It is also a business in trouble. Behind great ecclesiastical pageants, like former Pope Benedict's farewell, there are back-room financial scandals at Vatican Inc.

    In an old stone tower, in Vatican City, is the Vatican Bank. The church's various departments, its priests and employees keep accounts here; secret accounts, hidden from the prying eyes international regulators. An Italian court investigating the bank found documents showing some accounts had been used for money-laundering and other illegal -- and for the church, highly embarrassing -- activities.

    Vatican watchers, like Marco Politi, have studied the court documents that verified the bank's transactions have not always been kosher.

    "There was money of the mafia who was recycled through the channels of the Vatican Bank, and also bribe money to political parties in Italy went through the Vatican Bank," Politi said.

    It is impossible to ignore the fact that the Vatican is a corrupt organisation... But in today's world, money and status is generally all that matters.

  • Cardinals Scola, Scherer and Ouellet are frontrunners
    Cath News, 11th March 2013
    Vatican watchers say there is no clear favourite in the conclave that gets underway in Rome tonight but three names have emerged as frontrunners - Odilo Scherer, the charismatic archbishop of Sao Paulo; Italian conservative Angelo Scola, head of the powerful Milan archdiocese; and Marc Ouellet, a Canadian who holds a senior Vatican position, reports AFP in The Australian.

  • Papal conclave begins in the Vatican - watch live
    Watch live coverage throughout the day as the cardinals attend a mass in St Peter's before entering the Sistine Chapel for the secretive papal conclave.
    Telegraph, 12th March 2013

Residents Urged To Prep For ‘Two Weeks On Your Own’ On Quake Anny
CBS Los Angeles News, 11th March 2013
[...] “A lot of people don’t realize that we are earthquake prone in California, but we also could get a tsunami,” Los Angeles County Fire Asst. Chief David Stone said. “We just haven’t had one in a long time.”

Residents were urged to prepare for a number of disaster scenarios, including how to cope for being at least “two weeks on your own”.

“The message for a lot of us needs to be, ‘Be ready for anything’,” said Battalion Chief Larry Collins. “The message used to be 72 hours, but we’ve seen in disasters like [Hurricane] Katrina, even [Hurricane] Sandy recently, that, really, if it’s wiped out your infrastructure, and your electricity grid and your communications, it will be very likely be more than three days before you start getting food, water and other supplies coming in from outside.”

The suggestion is that people in certain areas need to take disaster preparedness very seriously and the message was timely, after a widespead shake, see Magnitude 4.7 earthquake is Monday morning's shake-up call. There are different versions of a new coastline for the United States floating around on various websites, this is from the US Navy and I don't know whether it is genuine, but it is supposed to be similar to the Edgar Cayce versions that have been floating around for a long time.... US Navy: Future US Coastline

Nearly 3,000 dead pigs found in Shanghai river
Shanghai authorities have appealed for calm after China’s latest environmental and health scandal flowed into the city in the form of a putrid tide of rotting pigs.
The Telegraph, 11th March 2013
More than 2,800 decomposing pigs have reportedly been pulled from the upper reaches of Shanghai’s Huangpu river – a source of drinking water for some of the mega-city’s 23 million inhabitants.

How so many pigs got there and why they died remains a mystery, although local media reports have suggested the animals may have been dumped in the river by an unscrupulous farmer from the neighbouring province of Zhejiang. On Monday, authorities announced they had detected traces of porcine circovirus, a disease that affects pigs but which is not believed to infect humans, in the river.

However, authorities insisted there was no risk drinking water supplies would be contaminated and said tests of the Huangpu's waters had found no trace of foot and mouth disease, blue-ear pig disease or swine fever. [...]

"We have to act quickly to remove them all for fear of causing water pollution," Xu Rong, the environmental chief in Shanghai's Songjiang district told the state-run Global Times newspaper. "So far, water quality has not been affected but we have to remove the pigs as quickly as possible and can't let their bodies rot in the water." [...]

The incident – dubbed "Hogwash" by one Shanghai-based micro-blogger – is the latest reminder of the toxic state of many Chinese rivers.

More: Thousands of dead pigs found floating in Shanghai river [Photos]. Common sense tells you that things are going to get very bad in China... There so many awful stories of Chinese corruption and desperation, that seems to devalue life it really makes you wonder whether there has to be some kind of cosmic intervention to deal with the environmental desecration. The Chinese government makes this worse by just wanting to cover up the extent of the problems.... The mentality is too sociopathic. Update: China pulls nearly 6,000 dead pigs from Shanghai river
  • Pigfestation Threatens to Spoil Party for China's New Leader
    Business Week, 12th March 2013
    Never mind the dead pigs, drink the water. That seems to be the message from the Shanghai government on Tuesday, after thousands of hog and piglet carcasses floated into town in the Huangpu River, a source of the city’s drinking water. The swine started floating to town late last week and their volume increased over the weekend. Now the Shanghai government says it has removed most of the carcasses from the river and says water from a section of the river is once again clean and safe to drink.

Amplified Greenhouse Effect Shifts North's Growing Seasons
NASA Science News, 11th March 2013
March 10, 2013: Vegetation growth at Earth's northern latitudes increasingly resembles lusher latitudes to the south, according to a NASA-funded study based on a 30-year record of ground-based and satellite data sets.

In a paper published Sunday, March 10, in the journal Nature Climate Change, an international team of university and NASA scientists examined the relationship between changes in surface temperature and vegetation growth from 45 degrees north latitude to the Arctic Ocean. Results show temperature and vegetation growth at northern latitudes now resemble those found 4 degrees to 6 degrees of latitude farther south as recently as 1982.

"Higher northern latitudes are getting warmer, Arctic sea ice and the duration of snow cover are diminishing, the growing season is getting longer and plants are growing more," said Ranga Myneni of Boston University's Department of Earth and Environment. "In the north's Arctic and boreal areas, the characteristics of the seasons are changing, leading to great disruptions for plants and related ecosystems."

I am trying to work out where the bad news is.... Other related press releases use tortuous language to convince the less knowledgeable that the planet going green is really bad...
  • Claim: amplified greenhouse effect in the far north making it greener
    Amplified greenhouse effect shaping North into South
    WUWT, 11th March 2013
    "...they talk a lot about ”The Greening North.” as if this were a bad thing. If they poll some of the people who live in those areas, they might find the change is welcome."

    There is the usual denigration of the science here but this comment echoes my opinion:
    fhhaynie says: March 11, 2013 at 7:28 am
    They can’t seem to recognize a good thing.

Giant mosquito invasion scares Florida
RT News, 11th March 2013
You might want to think twice about your beach vacation this year: giant mosquitoes are expected to invade Florida this summer. The insects are 20 times larger than most other mosquitoes and their bites feel like stab wounds.

They attack fish, wild animals and pets. Their larvae are so ferocious they can eat small fish and tadpoles. With bodies the size of a quarter, the giant insects can bite through clothing and are known to attack at all times of the day.

“It feels like you’re being stabbed,” one Florida resident told Fox Orlando, describing the bites of the gallinipper mosquitoes. And these massive mosquitoes are predicted to plague Florida this summer.

20x bigger? The plagues are getting very biblical...

Space weather research to look at energy distribution
Phys.Org News, 11th March 2013
A University of Texas at Arlington physicist has been awarded more than $400,000 in NASA funding to develop a 3D look at how electrodynamic energy from solar winds enters and moves throughout the Earth's upper atmosphere.

Yue Deng, an assistant physics professor, aims to help scientists and engineers protect satellites, power distribution systems and other vital infrastructure from the potentially harmful effects of these inevitable bursts of energy.

Understanding interaction between the Earth's magnetic field, or magnetosphere, and its upper atmosphere – known as the thermosphere/ionosphere – is especially important this year and in 2014, Deng said. That's when the Sun is predicted to reach a time of heightened activity or its "solar max." [...]

Energy entering the thermosphere/ionosphere after a solar storm can wreak havoc on scientists' ability to track the satellites that orbit the Earth in that region, anywhere from about 100 to 500 kilometers above the ground.

Energy bursts from solar flares, coronal mass ejections and similar phenomenon can also disrupt energy distribution systems on Earth, communication technology and affect airline activity.

Four Asteroids Buzz Earth in Single Week, 10th March 2013
In the last seven days, an asteroid 131 feet (40 meters) across and three smaller space rocks have zoomed safely by Earth, the latest demonstration that we live in a solar system that some scientists have dubbed a "cosmic shooting gallery."

All four asteroid flybys occurred between March 4 and today (March 10). The asteroids were also all discovered this month, some just days ago. [...]

The asteroid flybys came a few weeks after a 55-foot (17 m) meteor exploded over Russia on Feb. 15 with the force of about 500 kilotons, injuring more than 1,200 people in the city of Chelyabinsk and causing extensive damage to city buildings. Later on Feb. 15, the larger asteroid 2012 DA14 passed within 17,200 miles (27,680 km) or Earth —closer than many communications satellites.

The asteroid 2012 DA14 flyby, which was closely tracked by NASA and astronomers, prompted planetary scientists Bruce Betts of the Planetary Society to remind the public that Earth is in a "cosmic shooting gallery" where asteroids are concerned.

"This should be a wakeup call to governments," Cox said. "We know that the solar system is a busy place. We're not sitting here on our pale blue dot, on our own in nice safety."

The asteroid traffic is up and has become a significant space weather issue but after the Chelyabinsk meteor blast, most astronomers are being very vocal that we have now got a major problem. Yet, is is now very clear that if the Russian people had not had some cosmic 'help' to obliterate this meteor before it landed, we would have experienced a major major disaster.... I am sure there are some Russians that are very grateful...
  • Andrew Cooper: Were the recent asteroid flyby and Chelyabinsk meteor strike events linked?
    Tallbloke's Talkshop, 5th March 2013
    An interesting comment has been placed on the 2012DA14 flyby thread by talkshop regular ‘Scute’ (Andrew Cooper) which investigates the possibility that the Russian Meteor was indeed related to the asteroid. This was dismissed at the time but Scute’s investigation of the orbital dynamics seems to raise doubt about this:

    I think the idea of the Russian meteor being related to 2012DA14 should be resurrected. I say resurrected because the idea was so roundly slapped down by NASA within hours of the impact and never discussed again. Most of the information below was gleaned from NASA’s own JPL Horizons ephemeris for 2012DA14.

    Let me begin by addressing a few myths that seemed to sew it up regarding the lack of any link between the two

    This looks like a thorough technical debunking of the panicked claims by NASA stronomers about the Chelyabinsk meteor not being related to the 2012DA14 asteroid flyby.

  • 'Marsageddon' comet scenario adds to concerns about space threats
    NBC News, 8th March 2013

News Update: Head of Russia's Antarctic Genetics Lab Denies "Unclassified Microbial Life Discovered in Lake Vostok"
Daily Galaxy, 9th March 2013

NYSE prepares disaster backup plan, to operate without human traders
Reuters, 9th March 2013
(Reuters) - The New York Stock Exchange is readying plans to be able to operate without human traders in case another disaster, such as Superstorm Sandy, forces the shutdown of its historic trading floor in downtown Manhattan, The Wall Street Journal reported.

NYSE Euronext (NYX.N) is preparing to submit details of the plan to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, according to the report, which cited people involved in the preparations. If activated, the plan would represent the first time the 221-year-old exchange would rely entirely on computer systems, without the oversight of floor-based traders, the paper said. [...]

Superstorm Sandy forced the first weather-related multi-day shutdown of the U.S. stock market in more than 120 years when it struck the East Coast in October.

Superstorm Sandy caused a major embarrassment...

Rare ‘Zodiacal Light’ will be visible in night sky soon
The Extinction Protocol, 8th March 2013
[...] Most stargazers are unaware that they can actually see this interplanetary dust, when conditions are right. In some ways this disk of interplanetary dust is similar in appearance to the Milky Way. The glow of the Milky Way is the result of the combined light of millions of stars too faint to be resolved by the unaided eye. The interplanetary dust disk, called the Zodiacal Light, is the result of millions of dust particles too faint to be resolved. Unlike the Milky Way, which can be resolved with a telescope, the particles that make up the Zodiacal Light are too small to be resolved by any optical instrument. There are only a few windows of opportunity during the year to see the Zodiacal Light, and one of these is coming up over the next couple of weeks.

This was originally from link. I think the real issue is the high levels of cosmic dust flooding our solar system, (not just from passing asteroids and comets). This assertion is based on all the press releases from space agencies in the last decade or so and the news that this dust is the cause of ever increasing reports of glowing electrified noctilucent clouds.

In middle of night, dog wakes wife to save stricken husband News, 8th March 2013

Canadian government no longer investigating UFOs
980 UFO sightings reported in Canada in 2011
CBC News, 7th March 2013
Tracking unidentified flying objects now seems to hold little interest for the Canadian government, according to documents obtained under the Access to Information Act.

Various federal agencies, including Transport Canada, the RCMP and the Department of National Defence, used to track and investigate UFO sightings to some degree, but documents obtained by CBC News suggest those days are over. It's now up to civilian volunteers to report what's going on up in the sky.

It looks like the Canadians are following the British in no longer wanting to officially investigate UFOs.

Alien invasion in the Mideast? 'Authentic' UFO sighting in Yemen
Albawaba News, 7th March 2013
A Yemeni photographer has captured what he believes to be an unidentified flying object (UFO) over a mountainous area in northern Yemen. Aseel Badiyan’s picture shows a white triangular, object soaring through the clouds, reported UAE based Emirates 24/7 on Thursday.

The photo has been corroborated by the deputy chairman of the Saudi astronomy association, Sharaf al-Sifyati, who says :”when this Yemeni photographer contacted me and showed me that picture, I felt that he was telling the truth...I checked the picture and found that is authentic and does not involve any tricks or tampering….as for that object, I believe it is strange and unfamiliar but I am not sure it is a space object because these phenomena remain a possibility rather than a reality…I think this incident has to be fully investigated,” according to Saudi Arabic language daily Ajel. [...]

“There is no doubt that we are not alone in this spacious universe,” al-Sifyati added.

UAPs are not fussy about whose airspace they are violating...

UFO sightings on the rise in South Africa
The Telegraph, 6th March February 2013
Gert Jordaan, founder of UFO Research of SA, said that between February 21 and February 27 many people reported seeing bright orange lights and flames in the sky. He said that while some sightings could be attributed to meteor showers, others could have a more interesting explanation.

"Though meteors do glow orange, some of the sightings reported radical change in direction and speed. Some objects even remained stationary for five minutes or so. There might be some UFO phenomena occurring in areas around Cape Town," he told the Times newspaper. [...]

"When they see a light they think the end of the world is coming," she was quoted as saying. The report follows the launching of a rescue operation on Sunday February 24 in Port Alfred, in the Eastern Cape, after a "credible witness" reported seeing an aeroplane crash-landing into the sea close to the mouth of the Bihra River.

I really don't have time to keep blogging about UFO/UAP reports but what can I do when even the mainstream refuse to ignore these reports? See archives about the numerous report of burning orbs arriving, stopping and being seen to deliberately enter into the Earth is often directly related to emergency services complaining about the irresponsible use of 'rescue flares'. Moreover, the South Africans don't often pretend these are Chinese lanterns because they are not that popular.

Chris Bledsoe on Veritas Vox Populi | Segment 1 of 2
Veritas Radio, 1st March 2013
There have been many UFO cases addressed on various television documentaries throughout the years. Many of these are forgettable, many are biased, and then there are a few that present the facts as they are.

One of the latter was presented by the MUFON organization in October, 2008. The special was carried by the Discovery Channel. Titled "UFOs over Earth," the hour long show addressed an extremely compelling case of UFO sightings, an alien encounter, and possible alien abduction. On January 8, 2007, this baffling case began in Fayetteville, North Carolina, on the banks of the Cape Fear River.

Download MP3 here. I would like to thank D. Weiss for contacting me and making an effort to point out something that I needed to know. My reaction is that I am stunned after downloading and listening to Christopher Bledsoe's story. I get many people sending me YouTube videos and links, but this is very very different. This interview by Mel Fabregas, is the first UFO 'contactee' that I have come across that echoes my beliefs that have been formulated based on my search for truth over many years. There are many points about this is story that makes me think the story needs to be shared, but from my perspective, I was very impressed that there was an emphasis in Part II on what I have called 'The Earth Management Team'. Yes, this story is hair-raising in parts, but we do get down to some nitty gritty about why interdimensional beings are so worried about the future of mankind. As regulars will know, I have already bluntly given my opinion. I think we don't have to worry about the Shadow Biosphere or other 'visitors'. What Chris Bledsoe is frightened to tell people, but at least he gives some hints, is that from his 'briefings', he has learnt that Universal Consciousness will maintain order on this planet for the benefit of ALL lifeforms and humans will be largely wiped off if we continue to make things too difficult for all the other lifeforms on this planet. Ultimately, the Creator has dominion over his creation, but humans are too stupid and arrogant to realise what is coming because we refuse to spiritually evolve. I will compile some relevant quotes, but I recommend paying the subscription and listening to Part II. Update:

Excerpts from Part II

Mel Fabregas: But I am curious, what came out of your session with Dr McConall?
33:35 Chris Bledsoe: I believe that they're here, they've been here forever. They tendered this Earth like a Terrarium or garden. They manage and monitor everythimg. They manage birth and life in the seas in the rivers in the lakes. Imagine, you and I buying a property, a mall, an airport, or anything, a home and if you don't maintain it, it's going away, it won't be there very long, it will just fall in on itself, it would cease to exist. Well, this Earth when the Creator made it, he made it so miraculous, it has worlds within worlds, within worlds. Microscopic to us and bigger than us, in other dimensions. Well all these beings are like maintenance men. Imagine on the mall there is one fixing leaks in the roof or the one in the parking lot, cleaning the parking lot, or the security guards or different ones doing different things. Imagine the Creator was no different when he made this place when it was created. These beings were here to take care of it and that is what they do and what they have been doing forever. [Hesitates with a few words] I would say for the most part they are emotionless although there are ones that I have seen that they took me to in this abduction that... were people like you and I [....] The meat of the story is that there is a Creator that created this world and that is what I got out of it. If I can say to the smallest point, the smallest thing, if I had one thing to say about it all, it would be that we can try to take the Creator out of this world the best we can and it appears that that is what is happening in society, people are losing their faith or their religions but I am telling you that there is a power out there mightier than we are and I have seen it. It is way more powerful. We are not brothers, we are not friends, we're creations, we're lesser beings. Does this make sense Mel? I mean I wish I knew the answers Mel, but I know there is something mightier, much mightier than we.

Mel Fabregas: To one side I can see some people saying yes they are our progenitors we are basically their creation but to others may take this as we are simply a laboratory where they are experimenting and just testing to see how this test tube we call Earth is developing. Which of the two do you stick with?

Chris Bledsoe: I stick with there is a mightier than we, a Creator that created it all and he has a grand purpose for it all...
44:00 Mel Fabregas: What message in addition to them being the creators of the human race did they impart with to share with people in addition to what you just said.

Chris Bledsoe: I don't know that! I don't know who they are.

Mel Fabregas: What kind of message did they inpart upon you to share with people in addition to what you just said?

Chris Bledsoe: [mumble] The biggest message I see is that we have to quit abusing this planet, this Earth, this land. Everythings alive, the trees, the water, everything is created by the Almighty, God, and we should respect it, we should respect everything on this planet and quit destroying it...
Chris Bledsoe: It's all about the planet and when mankind's suffering becomes too great then I think thats when the disclosure will come...
Chris Bledsoe: We're abusing the planet and all the life that exists. There is other life that we are not unaware of. Like these nuclear explosions, these things reverbarate through other dimensions and that was one of the things I was told was the reason they came in the 50s. [mumble] I am talking from the Guardians that is why they came to stop all that... and they came. [END EXCERPTS]
I would like to emphasise that Chris Bledsoe claims that he is has been having contact with members of Earth's Management Team and other Cosmic Guardians who are just doing their jobs under instructions from a higher power, we are NOT discussing the issue of extraterrestrials offering to do business on this planet to rescue us... Due to other sources refering to 'The Guardians' arriving, I would say that some senior cosmic management have arrived to assess this planet and they are shocked by just how bad things are and the likelihood of drastic action Universal Consciousness will take against humans to rectify the situation. There is absolutely nothing they can do but warn even if it means abducting humans and putting them through an education process... that is obvious to me. Aliens or what not, ALL have to acknowledge a much higher authority who will not negotiate with stupid and arrogant humans despite what those in the Vatican, and other so-called spiritual 'leaders' decide to lie about. The evidence of previous wipeouts of high civilisations on this planet should help some actually think, but unfortunately, we are dealing with too many corrupted human minds.

Russian Satellite Hit by Debris from Chinese Anti-Satellite Test, 8th March 2013
A small Russian spacecraft in orbit appears to have been struck by Chinese space junk from a 2007 anti-satellite test, likely damaging the Russian craft, possibly severely, has learned.

The space collision appears to have occurred on Jan. 22, when a chunk of China's Fengyun 1C satellite, which was intentionally destroyed by that country in a 2007 anti-satellite demonstration, struck the Russian spacecraft, according to an analysis by the Center for Space Standards & Innovation (CSSI) in Colorado Springs, Colorado. [...]

It is not immediately clear whether the satellite is merely wounded or completely incapacitated.

The space collision is the second substantial in-space accident between an active spacecraft and a defunct satellite or piece of space debris. In February 2009, a U.S. communications satellite was destroyed when it was hit by a defunct Russian military satellite, creating a vast debris cloud in orbit.

See archives about the seriousness of the proliferation of space junk and how space weather exacerbates the whole situation. Update: Legal Action Against China Unlikely in Space Junk Crash with Russian Satellite

BUPA glitch sees credit cards charged multiple times
Health fund's SNAFU not so good for members' financial health
The Register, 7th March 2013
Health insurer Bupa has charged some of its members three or more times their fortnightly premium, after a software glitch saw multiple payments debited to credit card accounts.

Reg readers have confirmed that BUPA's Australian operations charged their credit cards three or more times in February, in some cases resulting in them exceeding their credit card limits.

Bupa issued a canned statement to The Reg in which it says “We experienced a minor system-based error in early February that resulted in a very small proportion of members having an additional deduction – and in very rare instances several deductions – charged to either their American Express or Diners Club credit card.” “We contacted members impacted and refunded any money that was over-charged as quickly as possible.”

Since we have another glitch where a major company refuses to explain the nature of the error, my usual stance is to assume that a cosmic ray caused a bit-flip. I think software was corrupted because there was not a full blown meltdown that would occur for a hardware failure. See archives, for many similar stories.

Asteroid to fly past Earth this weekend
CNN News, 8th March 2013
An asteroid the size of a city block will pass by Earth this weekend, but have no fear: There's no danger of it hitting our planet.

The 80-meter wide asteroid makes its closest approach to Earth on Saturday afternoon in the United States. It will be about 975,000 kilometers (604,500 miles) away, said Don Yeomans, a planetary scientist at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in California. That's about 2 1/2 times the distance from the Earth to the moon. "It's a pretty good size, but it's not getting that close, at least by recent standards," Yeomans said.

Another late asteroid... This asteroid has been named 2013 E.T. which is funny... So, we have another late observation (the second in less than a week) but 2.5 LD is far enough away for us to not worry about a surrounding entourage of smaller rocks that could drop into our atmosphere.
  • Russian Asteroid Explosion and Past Impactors Paint a Potentially Grim Future for Earth
    Universe Today, 7th March 2013
    The recent meteor explosion over Chelyabinsk brought to the forefront a topic that has worried astronomers for years, namely that an impactor from space could cause widespread human fatalities. Indeed, the thousand+ injured recently in Russia was a wake-up call. Should humanity be worried about impactors? “Hell yes!” replied astronomer Neil deGrasse Tyson to CNN’s F. Zakharia

    Now, don't forget, NASA's Neil de Grasse Tyson was once named People magazine's "Sexiest Astrophysicist Alive" so you should pay attention to whatever he has to say... Seriously, this article was written by Canadian astronomer Dan Majaess and we are provided with details of the serious debate amongst astronomers concerning the threat of asteroids and comets. Of some real interest is what astronomers believe is the cause of comets and asteroids appearing in the inner solar system. The article implies that some astronomers believe that new comets appearing can be predicted at regular intervals and under certain conditions....

Vatileaks fear creeps into the Conclave
A sophisticated anti-bug and cell phone signal system has been installed in the Sistine Chapel: “Confidentiality is crucial”
Vatican Insider, 8th March 2013
There is zero trust for these so-called "men of God".... Conclave to begin Tuesday March 12th

Lion 'opened cage' to kill woman
BBC News, 8th March 2013
A California coroner says a lion that killed a volunteer at a big cat park used its paw to lift a partially closed door and escape from a feeding cage.

Fresno County Coroner David Hadden said investigators believe the lion then attacked and killed Dianna Hanson as she cleaned a larger enclosure. The lion broke the 24-year-old intern's neck and she died almost instantly.

This is the headline provided by a BBC link which seems to be quite provocative but in line with other stories such as cows learning how to by-pass gate locks and escape.... Biologist Rupert Sheldrake hypothesises that morphogenetic fields belonging to each individual species exists and is used to retain and pass around information sharing, habits and knowledge, rather like a species specific info-sharing internet (a fully accesible Facebook & Twitter for each creature held in the environment). For actual experimental 'evidence' see last weeks rat mental chat (Rat-Twitter) headlines. There have been many reports of 'teaching' e.g. dolphins released into the wild teaching others how to tail-walk but it is also believed that certain knowledge can be picked up by those in distant locations and this is the basis of the 100th Monkey principle that scientists have tried to debunk. Whatever, it is becoming very noticeable that certain animals, birds and fish are acting more intelligently and surprising humans. Therefore, the evidence suggests to me that in a time of rapid evolutionary change, those morphogenetic fields are being quickly updated by the environment too and more knowledge sharing is also passing between different species...

West Malling train baby and mother 'doing really well'
BBC News, 8th March 2013
The grandmother of a baby born on a rush-hour train has said the mother and infant are "doing really well".

Mari-anne Stanley was with Sonia Banks, 22, and her son Allan when Miss Banks went into labour on the 18:18 London Victoria to Maidstone East service on Thursday. The baby girl was delivered at West Malling and has been named Phoebe. Mr Stanley, 21, said he was "on cloud nine" and that mother and baby are due to be released from hospital later.

There was even a mid-wife on the train too... At least the baby's arrival did not keep people waiting too long... Update: The baby now arriving was born on the 6.18 from Victoria: First pictures of girl who arrived early on packed rush-hour train [PHOTOS]

Antarctic Lake Vostok yields 'new bacterial life'
BBC News, 7th March 2013
Russian scientists have claimed the discovery of a new type of bacterial life in water from a buried Antarctic lake. The researchers have been studying samples brought up from Vostok - the largest subglacial lake in Antarctica.

Last year, the team drilled through almost 4km (2.34 miles) of ice to reach the lake and retrieve samples. Vostok is thought to have been cut off from the surface for millions of years. This has raised the possibility that such isolated bodies of water might host microbial life forms new to science.

More evidence of 'alien' life right here on planet Earth... but some want to believe there is no other life amongst the vastness of space... As I have already remarked on this blog, our scientists are telling us that they think there are 300,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 or 300 sextillion stars like our Sun in the Universe. So, how is it possible that life has only ever developed on Earth? How is it possible that we are alone? Simply it is completely illogical and since the influence of religion and the religionistas has greatly waned, the less dumb-struck have been proposing more realistic scenarios. Yet, due to cosmic changes and the appearance of more cosmic flotsam and jetsam or 'alien' life in recent years, there is a new urgency by world controllers to change tack and agree that we are most certainly not alone. Hence, amongst the acknowledgement, there is new agreement with those who suggested life was seeded by comets (Panspermia theory), see New evidence that comets could have seeded life on Earth. This is especially important as the reports of cosmic 'gunk' falling off the back of comets and being found on Earth also increase... see archives Best of the Blog The Search For Extraterrestrial Life.
  • Starry starry starry night: Star count may triple
    Yahoo News, 1st December 2010
    A new study suggests there are a mind-blowing 300 sextillion of them, or three times as many as scientists previously calculated. That is a 3 followed by 23 zeros. Or 3 trillion times 100 billion.

  • Strange alien slime discovered living beneath the Nullarbor Plain
    Phys.Org, 6th March 2013
    ( —Deep in water-filled underground caves beneath Australia's Nullarbor Plain, cave divers have discovered unusual 'curtains' of biological material – known as Nullarbor cave slimes. [...] The research team says this analysis shows that the organisms make up the Weebubbie cave slime community make their living in a very unusual way – by oxidizing ammonia in the salty cave water – and are completely independent of sunlight and ecosystems on the surface.

    "It just goes to show that life in the dark recesses of the planet comes in many strange forms, many of which are still unknown," says Professor Paulsen.

    These scientists talk like they can't understand the concept of universal diversity or in Star Trek speak: Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations.

Iran’s Ahmadinejad Predicts Hugo Chavez Will Return as Messiah to Save Mankind
Hispanically Speaking News, 6th March 2013
As Venezuela mourns the passing of its beloved (depending on who you ask) or feared (depending on who you ask) President (or dictator, depending on who you ask) his pal Iran’s Mahmoud Ahmadinejad made a prediction: Chavez will be back.

Ahmadinejad, a person that has never let something like logic or truth get in the way, predicts that Chavez will return to “redeem mankind” much like Jesus did and the Muslim prophet, Hidden Imam.

OK... when I introduced the motto, 'A New Myth For A New World Age' this is not exactly what I had in mind...

RBS and Natwest apologise after SECOND computer meltdown means customers are unable to withdraw cash
Customers took to micro-blogging site Twitter to voice their anger over technical problems
The Independent, 7th March 2013
The RBS banking group has been forced to apologise for the second time in just nine months after technical problems left customers unable to access accounts or withdraw money.

Customers began reporting problems with online banking, phone banking, cash withdrawals and debit card payments at around 2200 GMT on Wednesday evening.

Customers took to micro-blogging site Twitter to voice their anger over technical problems. RBS said all services had been returned to normal by 0100 GMT today but some customers still could not access their accounts.

As I have explained on this blog ad infinitum, computer glitches are getting more frequent.... Instead of complaints, people need to understand the issues associated with space weather and then develop new strategies for how to cope with the quickly changing geomagnetic conditions on this planet. What are people waiting for? Complete catastrophe? See archives June 2012 concerning the major trauma caused by this bank group's complete meltdown of banking services, Best of the Blog - Space Weather, Electronics & Electromagnetic Chaos .
  • RBS To Compensate Customers Hit By IT Glitch
    Sky News, 7th March 2013
    RBS has blamed a "hardware fault" for a glitch that meant customers were unable to use their accounts online or withdraw cash for several hours. The technical problems, which started on Wednesday evening, came less than a year after RBS, Natwest and Ulster Bank customers were hit by a major computer issue.

    A cosmic ray causing a bit-flip?

RBS FX Platform Suffers Technical Glitch
Fox News Business, 7th March 2013
Royal Bank of Scotland Group Plc's (RBS) foreign exchange trading platform suffered a technical glitch during Asian trading hours Thursday, a spokeswoman for the bank said. An institutional client of the bank said the issue affected some of its price feeds for up to eight hours.

BIG CME BLAST ON THE SUN, 7th March 2013
FARSIDE EXPLOSION: An active region on the farside of the sun exploded during the early hours of March 5th, hurling a bright CME into space. Cameras onboard the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) recorded the expanding cloud:

NASA's STEREO-Behind spacecraft is stationed over the farside of the sun, directly above the blast site. An extreme UV telescope onboard the spacecraft recorded a movie of the explosion. The responsible active region will rotate onto the Earthside of the sun in less than a week, which means geoeffective solar activity is in the offing.

Wow.... Watch the Movie...
  • Full-halo Coronal Mass Ejection on farside of the Sun
    The Watchers, 5th March 2013
    Region 1678 erupted with massive, full-halo, Coronal Mass Ejection around 04:00 UTC on March 5, 2013. The CME will have no effect on Earth as Region 1678 is on farside of the Sun. This old and active region is about to rotate onto the eastern limb by this weekend. Couple of hours later, at 07:54 UTC, an impulsive M1.2 solar flare erupted from Beta classified Active Region 1686. A Type II Radio Emission was associated indicating a CME was generated.

  • M1.2 Solar Flare & Huge Halo CME - March 5, 2013
    YouTube, 5th March

Crazy days in Rome with papal and political void
AP News, 7th March 2013
[...]Since Italians recently voted in national elections, it's no surprise to see the walls of Rome still plastered with campaign posters.

But - Mamma Mia - a poster urging votes for a cardinal in the upcoming papal conclave?

That's precisely the sight that Romans are seeing near several Rome basilicas - with the campaign-style image of Africa's strongest papal contender looking up to the heavens against a slogan reading: "AT THE CONCLAVE VOTE PETER KODWO APPIAH TURKSON."

U.S. bishops: “We aren't ready to start the Conclave”
Vatican Insider, 6th March 2013
The Archbishop of Chicago, George, admits U.S.S cardinals know very little about the Vatileaks case The Archbishop of Chicago, Francis George shakes his head, smiles and says: “It's not the rules that are the problem: even if all cardinal electors had arrived in Rome, I would not want to start the Conclave now, for one very simple reason: We are not ready yet.” [...]

This is partly because George has not received all the information he wishes to know about the Vatileaks case: “We require all necessary information in order to make the right choice. What is it that went wrong, causing the trust in the Holy See's government to be broken? This is a concern we have not received a formal report on yet.”

Something strange is going on.... I am having strange thoughts of a mass brawl breaking out... So.... we know that everybody in the Vatican was bugged and what the Pope found out was enough to force him to resign.... Now, it looks like 'Vatileaks' is causing others to put their foot down and find out what the hell is going on... Dan Brown could not have written a better plot...
  • O'Malley 'confident' cardinals will get Vatileaks briefing Boston archbishop thinks information will be shared pre-conclave
    Boston archbishop thinks information will be shared pre-conclave
    ANSA News, 5th March 2013
    ANSA) - Rome, March 5 - Cardinal Sean O'Malley of Boston said in Rome Tuesday he expected that important information on the Vatican leaks dossier would be shared with cardinals before electing a new pope. "I assume that important information will be shared that will help us make our decisions," said the Boston archbishop speaking at the Pontifical North American College outside the Vatican.

    The latest news is that Cardinals are being told to stop talking to the press.

Comet to Make Close Flyby of Red Planet in October 2014
NASA Science News, 5th March 2013
Comet 2013 A1 (Siding Spring) will make a very close approach to Mars in October 2014.

The latest trajectory of comet 2013 A1 (Siding Spring) generated by the Near-Earth Object Program Office at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif., indicates the comet will pass within 186,000 miles (300,000 kilometers) of Mars and there is a strong possibility that it might pass much closer. The NEO Program Office's current estimate based on observations through March 1, 2013, has it passing about 31,000 miles (50,000 kilometers) from the Red Planet's surface. That distance is about two-and-a-half times that of the orbit of outermost moon, Deimos.

Scientists generated the trajectory for comet Siding Spring based on the data obtained by observations since October 2012.

I am sure this comet was spotted a lot longer than just two months ago... The Red Dragon was expected due to the preservation of ancient knowledge passed down over millenia to make sure our modern astronomer-priests knew that it would return, please see archives for previous reports and comments.

Why Are Giant Sinkholes Appearing All Over America? Is Something Happening To The Earth’s Crust?
The Intel Hub, 4th March 2013
Where are all of these giant sinkholes coming from? Of course there have always been sinkholes, but over the past few years it seems like both the severity and the number of giant sinkholes has been increasing dramatically.

So exactly why are so many giant sinkholes appearing all over America all of a sudden? Is something happening to the earth’s crust, or is there some other explanation?

The “experts” are blaming this epidemic of sinkholes on things like loose soil, acidic groundwater, new construction, leaky water pipes, coal mines, fracking, long periods of drought followed by rain, and depletion of underground aquifers, but do they really understand what is going on?

This articles is just pointing out the escalating occurrences of sinkholes in the United States and worldwide especially China, but provides no answers. On this blog, I have explained the cause of laser cut looking boreholes and my explanation is based on metaphysical messages and hard science, see archives. Geoscientists at The American Geophysical Union recently re-issued a report about the cause of sinkholes prompted by the 1st March 2013, tragedy in Tampa, Florida, see link below. Geoscientists generally believe this is an issue of overpopulation and rapidly fluctuating underground water levels. Sinkholes will form due to the natural variations of groundwater and multiple wet and dry cycles, which gradually dissolve water porous carbonate rocks like limestone, where the underground rock becomes riddled with caverns and thus resembles swiss-cheese. When the weight at the surface is too much for the underlying, cavity-filled bedrock, it collapses and forms a sinkhole.

A 500 Foot Noahs Ark Being Built in Hialeah
NBC Miamis, 4th March 2013
A group in Hialeah is going Biblical.

The Hidden Ark group began building a 500-foot wooden Noah’s Ark on the outskirts of Hialeah that will be both a zoo and a way to raise awareness about the current environmental changes.

“It’s a religious thing because it’s Noah and God teaches us to protect animals,” said Carolina Peralta who is part of the group, “You’re using Noah’s Ark to make a statement about helping animals and conserving our planet.”

If there is total destruction, it will be by fire not flood....

Iran battles plague of 'genetically mutated' giant rats
SINA News, 1st March 2013
Tehran, the capital of Iran, is battling an invasion of "genetically mutated" giant rats. Iran has sent in sniper teams to clear Tehran's streets from the massive rodents weighting up to five kilos plaguing 26 district of the Iranian capital, the city's environmental agency said.

"They seem to have had a genetic mutation, probably as a result of radiations and the chemical used on them," Ismail Kahram, Teheran city council environment adviser and university professor Ismail Kahram told

"They are now bigger and look different. These are changes that normally take millions of years of evolution. They have jumped from 60 grams to five kilos, and cats are now smaller than them."

The "mutated rats" have been running rampant in the capital, as cats are scared off by their giant size and traditional poison appear to have no effect on them.

This is another example of rapid evolutionary change. Darwinists are facing a tremendous amount of opposition as the evidence mounts that they have badly got this wrong, this is an interesting quote:
Richard C. Strohman, professor emeritus of molecular and cell biology at Berkeley, and an evolutionist, wrote in the March 1997 edition of Nature Biotechnology: "There is a striking lack of correspondence between genetic and evolutionary change. Neo-Darwinian theory predicts a steady, slow continuous, accumulation of mutations (microevolution) that produces a progressive change in morphology leading to new species, genera, and so on (macroevolution). But macroevolution now appears to be full of discontinuities (punctuated evolution), so we have a mismatch of some importance. That is, the fossil record shows mostly stasis, or lack of change, in a species for many millions of years; there is no evidence there for gradual change even though, in theory, there must be a gradual accumulation of mutations at the micro level." "We currently have no adequate explanation for stasis or for punctuated equilibrium in evolution, or for higher order regulation in cells." "We seem to lack any scientific basis with which to explain, for example, evolution." "Not necessarily so. It does suggest, however, that our evolutionary theory is incomplete." "The theory is in trouble because it insists on locating the driving force solely in random mutations." "It is becoming clear that sequence information in DNA, by itself, contains insufficient information for determining how gene products (proteins) interact to produce a mechanism of any kind.
"Understanding of complex function may in fact be impossible without recourse to influences outside of the genome." --Richard C. Strohman. March 1997. The coming Kuhnian revolution in biology. Nature Biotechnology, Vol. 15, pp. 194-200
Source: Debunking Evolution: problems between the theory and reality; the false science of evolution
This whole paper is interesting. Energy driven evolutionary change requires an overall intelligence (Universal Consciousness) supplying new templates or morphogenetic fields and monitoring progress. It seems that many evolutionary biologists can now no longer ignore the facts despite their mandate to mislead the general public.

Spiritual healer and clairvoyant psychic sexually abused eight women but claimed he was releasing 'emotional blockages'
Daily Mail, 5th March 2013
Just a reminder that the Cultic Milieu in general attracts predators both male and female....

Heavens above: the sex bomb, Opus Dei and why Benedict is now the prisoner of the Vatican
End The Lie, 5th March 2013
[...] Benedict XVI did not retire because he was old, infirm, or just exhausted. He was the victim of a brilliantly organised, long-playing coup d’état, a putsch conducted within the cloisters of the Holy City by papal strong men associated with the highly secretive and powerful ‘church within a church’ known and feared as Opus Dei – the Work of God.

There are a lot of reports repeating 'the filth' that is endemic in the Catholic Church...
  • Italian priest burns photo of Benedict during Mass
    Reuters, 4th March February 2013
    VATICAN CITY (Reuters)- - An Italian priest set fire to a photo of Pope Benedict during Sunday Mass in protest against his abdication, telling a shocked congregation that the former pontiff had abandoned his flock.

    "It was wonderful," the Rev. Andrea Maggi from Santo Stefano Protomartire church in the small northern village of Castel Vittorio, told La Repubblica daily, defending his act.

    He compared Benedict, who resigned as pope on Thursday, to Captain Francesco Schettino, who is accused of abandoning the Costa Concordia cruise ship that capsized off the Italian coast before all passengers were rescued.

    Now, that is what I call dissent... could start a trend...

  • USA TODAY Editoral Board says Cardinals Tied to Abuse Cover Up Should Not Take Part in Selection of New Pope
    Black Christian News, 4th March 2013

  • Catholic Church still plagued by cardinal sin
    Washington Post, 5th March 2013
    [...] Sodano, Bertone, and Levada are three of the most influential people involved in the selection of the next pope. Their role in the ongoing enabling and concealment of rape and child sex crimes throughout the world is so central that they were named in a Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) complaint to the International Criminal Court (ICC). On behalf of SNAP, CCR has urged the ICC to investigate high-level Vatican officials – including Pope Benedict himself – for crimes against humanity. With more than 22,000 pages of supporting materials and evidence of the crimes committed by Catholic clergy and their cover-up, the ICC complaint is an unprecedented effort to call to account individuals leading the systematic effort to sweep sex abuse under the rug. CCR is also pressing the case for church accountability in a report filed today with the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child, which will scrutinize the Church’s record on children’s rights later this year.

    Sodano, Bertone, and Levada are hardly just three bad apples in the church barrel. The group of church leaders who will be selecting the next pope reads like a who’s who of accessories and accomplices in the Catholic Church sex abuse scandal.

    Who the hell thinks these perverts are fit to be called spiritual leaders? Only the truly wicked and &%ç)ç%&*" stupid...

  • Vatican still waiting for 5 cardinals for conclave; Sistine Chapel closes to prepare
    Washington Post, 5th March 2013
    The Vatican insisted nothing was amiss and that the five cardinals would be present in the coming days. But their absence prompted questions about what could possibly be more important than participating in these days of discernment and discussion to decide who will succeed Benedict XVI, who retired last week.
    Maybe these cardinals have read some disturbing prophecies...

Imposter dressed as cardinal sneaks into Vatican ahead of conclave to elect pope and gets as far as synod square before being led away
Daily Mail, 5th March 2013
* Child abuse protester dressed in cardinal's robes mingles with priests and shakes hands outside meeting room
* Guards noticed several dress malfunctions and removed him from Vatican
* Today 103 cardinals arrived in Vatican to choose the date to select next pope
* Conclave decision is delayed until all 115 cardinals are present

An imposter dressed as a cardinal sneaked into the Vatican today to try to take part in the talks to elect the next pope - and was only rumbled when security guards noticed his robes were too short.

The child abuse protester, calling himself 'Basilius', shook hands with his 'fellow cardinals' and made it as far as the square outside the Paul VI audience hall before he was caught and taken away.

The security breach came as 103 real cardinals arrived in Rome to start the meeting that will choose when the pope is elected. The decision will be delayed because 12 cardinals have still not arrived.

I think 'imposters' and protestors are the reason the Vatican wants to start the conclave early because there are big plans to occupy the Vatican and other churches to make a big point about the routine sex abuse of children... The prophecies say not all the kings will be in Rome before the judgement (see the quote below), so I imagine some are holding their breadth...
  • Taking the Law into Our own Hands: A Fine and Necessary Tradition in the Face of Tyranny, 22nd January 2013
    [...] A new judicial mechanism is needed: one that does not reduce the law to the expedient tool of the powerful, but which enshrines justice for the helpless by becoming a weapon in the hands of victims everywhere. And reaching back into our tradition of the Hundreds Courts and citizen-driven common law, we have such a means at hand. In that knowledge and spirit, we have set up an International Common Law Court of Justice that will inspire many other such courts in communities around the world. Already, we have posted online the evidence and arguments of our Prosecutor's Office, which is seeking the indictment of the officers of church and state responsible for the legal genocide of aboriginal children across Canada.

  • Pope Benedict resigned to avoid arrest, seizure of church wealth by Easter, 13th February 2013
    Brussels: The historically unprecedented resignation of Joseph Ratzinger as Pope this week was compelled by an upcoming action by a European government to issue an arrest warrant against Ratzinger and a public lien against Vatican property and assets by Easter.
    Actually, there are some items held in the secret Vatican collection that I think should be shown to the world... It would be interesting to see who would support the Catholic Church after such disclosure...

Vatican accused of cover up over Cardinal Keith O'Brien's 'sexual conduct'
The Telegraph, 4th March 2013
An association of victims of sex abuse by clergy said there were many cardinals who had covered up sexual abuse by priests. "It might sound extreme but we suspect most of the cardinals to be complicit in covering up predator priests. Crises have erupted in country after country and the pattern is always the same," David Clohessy of Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests or SNAP, said. "Their presence in Rome rubs salt into the wounds of betrayed Catholics and suffering victims. It sends precisely the wrong message – that you can engage in wrongdoing but you won't face any consequences. They should voluntarily go home."

Barbara Blaine, the president of the organisation, said: "What other phrase could describe what is happening other than cover-up? There is a cloud hanging over the whole conclave."

Updated: There must be huge libraries concerning the scandals of the Vatican church... Based on information from insiders, some believe that things went seriously wrong in 1963 and the implications are that the Vatican has been in the 'End Times' since Pope Paul VI's reign, see The List of Pope's With Reference to The Malachy Prophecy. In fact, Pope Paul VI realised that something was very wrong and referred to ‘the smoke of Satan which has entered the Sanctuary’. It seems that the power behind the throne is where the real diabolical action lies and that the Catholic Church hierarchy has been infested with demons for five decades, but quite frankly looking at the history of the Church, is this just business as usual? Whatever, based on what we now know, 2012 is the official End of an Astrological Age. Unfortunately, it really does seem like some are almost complicit by promoting the wrong agenda, all this talk of 'this is coming next' without suggesting there could be anything else.... Whatever, some must be very worried as asteroids appear as if from nowhere and reports of meteors are now daily... This is a Petrus Romanus - The Final Pope is Here” quote:
The prophecy in the Zohar, given by Jews hundreds of years separate from the divination of “the last pope,” is amazing when compared with the Catholic prediction. The final pope, “Peter the Roman,” whose reign ends in the destruction of Rome, will assume authority during a time of great tribulation, and then “the city of seven hills will be destroyed, and the terrible and fearsome Judge will judge his people.” But Dr. Church pointed out how in the Jewish Zohar, this vision of the destruction of Rome is repeated, though one prophecy connects it to the coming of the False Prophet, and the other, the Antichrist:
This ancient rabbinical dissertation claims that Rome will be destroyed in the Jewish calendar year 5773, which, in our calendar begins with the new moon of September 2012 and concludes a year later:

“In the year seventy-three [2012/2013] the kings of the world will assemble in the great city of Rome, and the Holy One will shower on them fire and hail and meteoric stones until they are all destroyed, with the exception of those who will not yet have arrived there.”

Is he hinting at the destruction of Mystery Babylon? He notes that not all kings will be destroyed. Of those remaining, he says: “These will commence anew to make other wars. From that time the Messiah will begin to declare himself, and round him there will be gathered many nations and many hosts from the uttermost ends of the earth.”[i]
Thus the false messiah (antichrist) is predicted in a seven-hundred-year-old Jewish prophecy to appear in 2012. Similarly, the nine-hundred-year-old Prophecy of the Popes looks to be unfolding in parallel fashion to provide Petrus Romanus in 2012. To these, we could add numerous other strange attractors from throughout history that also assigned apocalyptic importance to the year 2012, including:

Source: Petrus Romanus, the Antichrist, and the Years 2012 & 2016
It really does make you wonder about accusations that certain unqualified 'scholars' were promoted amongst the dumbed down New Age mileu because it was known they had got this quite wrong...
  • Vatican admits secretly bugging its own clergy
    The Vatican admitted on Thursday that it had secretly bugged clergy within the Holy See as part of the investigation into the Vatileaks scandal, which resulted in the Pope's butler being imprisoned for stealing confidential pontifical documents.
    The Telegraph, 28th February 2013

Newly Found Asteroid to Pass Within Moon’s Orbit on March 4, 2013
Universe Today, 4th March 2013
A newly found asteroid will pass just inside the orbit of the Moon, with its closest approach on March 4, 2013 at 07:35 UTC. Named 2013 EC, the asteroid is about the size of the space rock that exploded over Russia two and a half weeks ago, somewhere between 10-17 meters wide. The asteroid that sparked the Russian meteor is estimated to have been about 17 meters wide when it entered Earth’s atmosphere. 2013 EC was discovered by the Mt. Lemmon Observatory in Arizona on March 2. There is no chance this asteroid will hit Earth.

It was only spotted within days of passing Earth but at least it is still not that close.... However, it will make some nervous...

Bright green fireball expodes over Poland, resulting in shockwave and 'mighty roar', 4th March 2013
Last Saturday night (2/3 March), a bright object flying toward the earth was seen in various parts of the country. "It was seen from the city of Poznan to Grudziadz. It lit up the sky for a few seconds from east to west, and then an impact was heard", wrote a reader of "The passage of an NEO [Near Earth Object] is not uncommon", explains Jerzy Rafalski, an astronomer from Torun in an interview with Radio RMF FM.

I can't keep up with all the reports, but here are some links to others who are monitoring.

Exo-Vaticana: Examining Rome’s Great Harlot Status
Logos Apologia, 3rd March 2013
An associate of Popes John Paul II and Benedict XVI who is considered one of the most important Catholic theologians of the twentieth century, Hans Urs von Balthasar, wrote a provocative essay, “Casta Meretrix,” (“Chaste Harlot”) that not only identified the Roman Catholic Church as the Great Harlot, but embraced it:
The figure of the prostitute [forma meretricis] is so appropriate for the Church…that it…defines the Church of the New Covenant in her most splendid mystery of salvation. The fact that the Synagogue left the Holy Land to go and be among the pagans was an infidelity of Jerusalem, the fact that “she opened her legs in every road in the world.”

But this same movement, which brings her to all the peoples, is the mission of the Church. She must unite and merge herself with every people, and this new apostolic form of union cannot be avoided.

While the embrace of whoredom is astonishing, the convicting words of prophecy, “Come out of her, my people, That ye be not partakers of her sins, And that ye receive not of her plagues” (Revelation 18:4), seem to forecast such apostasy. In sharp relief, Paul’s letter to the Ephesians implies that Christ’s “Bride” is the body of believers who comprise the universal Christian Church (?????s?a “called-out ones”). The one’s called out in order, “That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish” (Ephesians 5:27). The stage is set for the judgment of the harlot as predicted in Revelation and the prophecy of Saint Malachy. In Exo-Vaticana we suggest a scenario for why the world will be enticed to unite under this Great Harlot spearheaded by Rome.

I have just finished reading Petrus Romanus - The Final Pope is Here by Tom Horn & Chris Putnam and I think there is a slight problem. Making a big song and dance about the Prophecy of the Popes forced out into the open that hundreds of years ago, theologians both Catholics and non Catholics (including Jewish priests) were aware that 2012 had been calculated to be the END OF AN AGE, see Petrus Romanus, the Antichrist, and the Years 2012 & 2016 & Petrus Romanus – Historicism Back to the Future Part 3. Interestingly, there is also a curious lack of discussion about the return of Christ but lots and lots of talk about the end of the Catholic Church, the destruction of Rome, anti-christs and demons. Sigh! I think these 'scholars' have missed the point. Roman Catholicism is a hybrid religion partly based on an ancient religion that was devised by ancient astronomer-priests. The Prophecy of the Popes was presumably used to make sure the reign of the popes had an average pontificate to match a 11-year solar cycle and point to a particular year. What has been preserved is for their benefit and certainly not for the good of mankind... Horn & Putnam agree with the French Jesuit Rene Thibaut that Saint Malachy was probably not the true author and The Prophecy of the Popes was from an ancient Irish source, but does this really mean Celtic/Druid sources? For anyone who knows anything about this subject, an ancient Celtic/Druid source makes a lot more sense... The whole 2012 Mayan Apocalypse whoopla pales into insignificance in comparison to what this really all means, especially as we have a BIG RED COMET loose in our solar system and we can be assured that initiates would have prepared adequately for any ensuing cosmic conflagration.

Rush to Mars: Comet impact could make Red Planet inhabitable
RT News, 28th February 2013
A comet near Mars may strike it in a powerful impact, potentially making the planet much warmer. The Red Planet is luring many entrepreneurs, including billionaire Dennis Tito, who aims to beat other nations by sending a man and a woman to Mars.

The make-or-break window for this possible game-changer is October 2014. At that time, an Oort cloud comet called C/2013 A1, first discovered last month, will approach Mars, missing it by about 35,000 km, which is quite close.

However the comet’s trajectory is still uncertain, which leaves a small chance it could impact the planet, said Russian astronomer Leonid Elenin, who worked on calculating the course of the celestial body. The comet will be travelling at a speed of 56 kilometers per second relative to Mars when it passes; if they do collide, the resulting explosion would be equal to a 20,000-gigaton bomb blast – powerful enough to leave a 50-kilometer crater on the planetary surface

  • C/2013 A1 (Siding Spring)
    Take a look... the Vatican Observatory are using the VATT Telescope to watch C/2013 A1 (Siding Spring)... So.... Is this the real Red Dragon/Destroyer Comet? Well, if it hits Mars, there will certainly will be a lot of destruction and some of that destruction is certain to visit this planet too... As far as I am concerned, things are getting clearer and clearer....

UK to invest in world’s biggest telescope, 3rd March 2013
Britain will play a leading role in building and operating the world’s biggest eye on the sky, the European Extremely Large Telescope in Chile, following a government decision to invest £88m in the €1.1bn project.

With its 39m mirror, the monster E-ELT may provide the first direct images of planets orbiting distant stars and indicate whether any of them host life, through the presence in their atmosphere of oxygen and organic chemicals associated with biological processes. Until now, all planets beyond our solar system have been detected using indirect methods.

See archives for more info on why astronomers are quickly building large new telescopes and watching the southern hemisphere and especially the galactic centre.

Florida man vanishes after being sucked into sinkhole under his bedroom
A massive rescue shifted to a recovery effort Friday after a giant hole swallows up the bed where a 36-year-old man slept.
Miami Herald, 3rd March 2013
Florida sinkholes have devoured cars, driveways and houses, driven up insurance rates and caused lakes to drain like a cracked bathtub. But no one can remember anything this bizarre and horrifying.

A Tampa-area man is presumed dead after a 20-foot-deep sinkhole opened under his bedroom while he slept, swallowing him and everything in the room. Officials have declared the area “seriously unstable” and predict that the sinkhole will continue to grow. It appeared late Thursday night under a one-story, four-bedroom home in Seffner.

This event has garnered a lot of attention...

Solar Cycle Update: Twin Peaks?
NASA Science News, 1st March 2013
March 1, 2013: Something unexpected is happening on the sun. 2013 is supposed to be the year of Solar Max, the peak of the 11-year sunspot cycle. Yet 2013 has arrived and solar activity is relatively low. Sunspot numbers are well below their values in 2011, and strong solar flares have been infrequent for many months. [...]

Given the tepid state of solar activity in Feb. 2013, a maximum in May now seems unlikely.

"We may be seeing what happens when you predict a single amplitude and the Sun responds with a double peak," comments Pesnell.

Incidentally, Pesnell notes a similarity between Solar Cycle 24, underway now, and Solar Cycle 14, which had a double-peak during the first decade of the 20th century. If the two cycles are in fact twins, “it would mean one peak in late 2013 and another in 2015.”

No one knows for sure what the sun will do next. It seems likely, though, that the end of 2013 could be a lot livelier than the beginning.

Oh dear.... the saga of the pitiful solar cycle 24 drags on and the guessing game continues... BUT Comet ISON is coming and some believe it is very likely to excite the Sun, hence the speculation and rumour-mongering about twin peaks...
  • How long to the 24/25 solar minimum?
    WUWT, 5th March 2013
    Altrock noted that Solar Cycle 24 was 40% slower than the average of the previous two cycles. That means that it is going to be 40% longer and that is borne out by the diagram. [...] On this line of evidence, Solar Cycle 24 will be 17 years long and the longest solar cycle for 300 years.

A Red Comet Pan-Starrs, 3rd March 2013
BRIGHT COMET PAN-STARRS: Comet Pan-STARRS (C/2011 L4) is now inside the orbit of Mercury, brightening as it plunges toward the sun. Observers in the southern hemisphere report say they can see Pan-STARRS with the unaided eye in the evening sunset sky. Carl Gruber photographed the comet on March 2nd over the city lights of Melbourne, Australia:

"Despite bad light and smog pollution, the comet's nucleus was clearly visible to the naked eye as well as a small part of the tail," says Gruber. Light curves show the comet is approaching 2nd magnitude, about as bright as the stars of the Big Dipper.

Several important dates are approaching. On March 5th, Comet Pan-STARRS makes its closest approach to Earth (1.09 AU), followed on March 10th by its closest approach to the sun (0.3 AU). As Comet Pan-STARRS passes the sun, solar glare will make it difficult to see even as the nucleus vaporizes and brightens. By March 12th and 13th, the comet will reappear in the sunset skies of the northern hemisphere not far from the crescent Moon; think photo-op! Check the realtime comet gallery for the latest images.

So..... Comet Panstarrs has a pink/orange tail, click image icon for the gallery image. So, have we got more than 1 red comet on the loose in our solar system? Maybe the psychic was right about the appearance of a Red Comet in March but the info was jumbled up? Red icicles in Russia has got me wondering too, see below....

Icicles in Arkhangelsk became red
GIS METEO News, 3rd March 2013
Google Translation: Just three meteorological stations Arkhangelsk region provided information about the discovery of icicles red, which appeared on the roofs of houses in the melting snow.

Experts have taken samples of snow and icicles. Studies in the laboratory have shown that the red icicles are enriched in hydrocarbons and ammonia. Also, found the remains of vegetable fiber, and mineral particles such as soot, ITAR-TASS reported with reference to the statement by the Press Secretary Sevgidrometa Elena Novikova. The exact nature of the phenomenon that has not yet been established. Research will continue.

Three years ago, have already met in Arkhangelsk red icicles. Then the reason for the unusual phenomenon was named the rust on metal roofs. And in 2008 in the five areas of the Arkhangelsk region was yellow snow. Colored sediments brought from the Mediterranean cyclone, picked up pieces of vegetation, dust and sand.


What Happened With the SpaceX Dragon Orbital Glitch?
Popular Mechanics, 1st March 2013
UPDATE: SpaceX's Dragon capsule won't be linking up with the International Space Station on Saturday morning after all. But the company's leaders say the spacecraft is under control and its mission to the ISS should eventually go on.

SpaceX CEO Elon Musk and President Gwynne Shotwell joined NASA's William Gerstenmaier and ISS program manager Michael Suffredini for a press conference this afternoon to address the problems the Dragon capsule experienced after reaching orbit this morning, when its Draco thrusters failed to activate. The Dragon itself is in orbit, holding steady until its operators ensure they are in complete control of it and are ready to attempt the link-up to the ISS. "We put the vehicle where we wanted it to go," Shotwell says. "It's in orbit and is stable" Two of the four pods of thrusters are currently working normally, Musk says. The other two are looking good but not online yet.

"We're definitely not going to rush it. It was a little frightening there," Musk says. "There's no leakage, debris of fluid leakage we know of. All systems seem to be intact and functioning at this point. We're hoping it stays that way."

Disaster? It's not all systems go these days, it's all systems go if you are lucky, see archives concerning the failures of recent space missions. However, the focus now is paying attention to see whether predictions that new electronics will become unreliable becomes a reality in our very near future. Update: Finally... SpaceX cargo capsule reaches International Space Station

SpaceX Dragon Capsule Suffers Glitch After Launch to Space Station, 1st March 2013
CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. — A privately built unmanned spacecraft launched for NASA by the commercial spaceflight company SpaceX blasted into orbit Friday (March 1), but has experienced some sort of malfunction after separating from its rocket, the company says. The robotic Dragon space capsule launched into orbit atop SpaceX's Falcon 9 rocket in what appeared to be a smooth liftoff from a pad at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida at 10:10 a.m. ET (1510 GMT). But once in orbit, SpaceX officials reported a problem just after spacecraft separation, when the Dragon capsule was expected to deploy its solar arrays.

Hmmm... Update: Dragon Spacecraft Glitch Was 'Frightening,' SpaceX Chief Elon Musk Says
  • > The Coming Red Comet
    Focus Sessions, 11th November 2012
    Q. wanted to ask you more about this coming red comet in March, 2013. I'm hearing other psychics report this. Please go into more detail about it and describe the electricity/static you also felt would be a problem. Can you focus on the Sun and give an idea as to whether the solar maximum -- the 11 year cycle -- will be weak, or if it will be strong? Thank you so much. Of all the topics, I feel this is the most pertinent and important, if some kind of extra-solar body truly is on approach, we need all the information we can get and we need to be prepared.

    A: 7:35 PM - One of the first feelings that I get is the outside will start to taste really strange, almost metallic in your mouth. And things will start to smell like an Ionic Breeze (ionized air), and I stay consistent with that feeling every time I focus on it. I also feel like when this comet approaches, once it is close you will feel a weird static in the air. And it feels like pins and needles and at times you will even see your hair stand up like you do when rubbing a balloon against your skin. I also see myself also getting shocked all the time, on door knobs and cars and light switches when you go to turn them on and off.

    I think this psychic reading is useful and should serve as an early warning if electronic glitches start to become very noticeable....

  • Psychic Talks About A Red Comet And Electromagnetic Chaos Across The Planet, 28th January 2013
    Q. On a different psychic site I read that technology will be knocked off the grid for awhile and we should prepare by stocking up on food and water. Do you see this happening? If so, When?

    A-I still see March of this year, this is when we are going to notice technology not being reliable.  I do not see it as being completely wiped off, I just see it as being inconsistent.  Like you might use your phone and it work fine, and then an hour later it cannot find a signal...and I see that with cars..anything electrical. [...]  I do see things being more reliable at night vs. during the day though.  People try to handle their business at night.  I even see a couple businesses like banks and I don't know, business that are normally closed during night will start to offer night shift business because they can rely more on their electronics at that time.  Consequently, people that have day jobs might find themselves working night shift jobs.   That is kind of all I see.

    Q-What will the media's explanation of this be?

    A-At first they are going to not even talk about it, but when it becomes undeniable they are going to say that we are in a weird phase of the sun and some kind of intensity that is given off from the sun is causing it, and that will be their rational for the inconsistency in daylight and why things work better at night.

    A-It is a partial truth, because the sun goes through phases and it has not affected us like this before, but the reason that it is doing this now is because as this RED COMET comes near us and starts messing with our gravitational pull, it does something to the magnetic like field that is around earth and creates weak spots in it which allows the suns intensity to enter into our atmosphere.  That is a more full picture of what is actually happening.

    Q-Will any electronics be physically damaged, or just disabled.

    A-I feel like it is more of a disabled thing vs a destruction.  It is like they cannot communicate to each other.

  • Hi.. was the meteorite that struck Russia associated with the Red Comet?, 17th February 2013
    7:38 PM - I do see it being related to the Red Comet...It looks like on the back side of the comet a piece broke off, but it is more in the tail end part of it, but it is on the back side for sure. And as I look at Earth, the magnetic field around it looks like it is very it zaps in and out like a..almost like a short circuit looks, and it sounds like white noise on the TV. And my impression is that this comet is causing this glitching in and out of certain spots in our magnetic field, which even allowed meteorite to breach into our Atmosphere. And even though this was random event, I think we might see more, but the ones I am seeing are about the size of softballs and basketballs, so I think the one that hit Russia might be the biggest one that we see. At least that is the biggest one I can see in my mind.

    Q-There seems to be a lot more asteroids and meteors lately. Is there a reason: an active portion of the galaxy, or something causing this additional debris to head our way?

    A-It looks like as this comet is traveling through space any random object in space are being attracted to it like a magnet, therefor is there is just a lot more debris connected to this comet. It almost looks like the speed of it gets a little faster with the collection of all the various objects, like it gives it more power and more force. [...]

    Q-Do you still see this Red Comet being visible to the naked eye in the next couple months? let me think for a will almost look like a Red Full Moon when we see it, and I feel like it is going to be around the full moon in March (when looking from Eastern US)

New satellite to warn of severe weather by watching lightning
NOAA and NASA’s next generation weather satellite may provide earlier warnings
WUWT, 1st March 2013
A new satellite that will detect the lightning inside storm clouds may lead to valuable improvements in tornado detection. The GOES-R satellite is currently being built with new technology that may help provide earlier warnings for severe weather. The national average is a 14-minute lead time to warn residents of a tornado, but NASA and NOAA scientists are looking to improve severe weather detection to save lives and property. They are developing the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite-R Series, or GOES-R, to observe thunderstorm development with much greater spatial and temporal detail than ever before. Severe weather knows no specific season and the new technology aboard GOES-R is expected to help provide earlier detection for warnings, whatever the time of year. [...]

“Based on the GOES-R research, there is a potential for greater accuracy and additional tornado warning lead time,” Goodman said. One significant advancement could help detect developing tornadoes at night to provide the public more time to get to safety.

Studies show that a sudden increase in total lightning flash rate is correlated to impending tornadoes and severe storms. The GOES-R Geostationary Lightning Mapper (GLM) will have a new capability to take continuous day and night measurements of the frequent intra-cloud lightning activity that accompanies many severe storms. This will help forecasters identify intensifying storms before they start producing severe weather on the ground, enabling the issuance of more timely and accurate severe weather warnings. [...]

In addition to providing crucial information as part of NOAA’s fleet of operational weather satellites, GOES-R will also monitor space weather, such as solar flares and geomagnetic storms that stem from the sun’s activity and can affect spacecraft and human spaceflight.

I have been pointing out in my writings, NASA have been studying the electric origin origin of our weather for quite some time, so it is interesting that the GOES-R satellite seems to be automating the process of the detection of space weather and weather phenomena at the same time. On a more amateur level, tornado chasers pick up electric signals that tell them a tornado is close by and so do TV sets...

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Joyfire Science & Metaphysics Integration
Copyright © 2003 – 2025. All rights reserved.

Susan Joy Rennison quotes:

“Space Weather is now a fact of life.”

“We are all astronauts now!”

Tuning The Diamonds,
September 2006

“We must spiritually evolve as part of the new terms & conditions for living on Earth.”

Joyfire Tour – Evolutionary Change, December 2006

“Space Weather will force many changes in how we do business on this planet.”

News of the Imbalance,
April 2007

NASA Press Release:

“Earth and space are about to come into contact in a way that's new to human history.”

“We're on the threshold of a new era in which space weather can be as influential in our daily lives as ordinary terrestrial weather.”

As the Sun Awakens, NASA Keeps a Wary Eye on Space Weather
NASA News, 4th June 2010

White House Executive Order:

“Space weather has the potential to simultaneously affect and disrupt health and safety across entire continents. Successfully preparing for space weather events is an all-of-nation endeavor that requires partnerships across governments, emergency managers, academia, the media, the insurance industry, non-profits, and the private sector.”

Executive Order –– Coordinating Efforts to Prepare the Nation for Space Weather Events
The White House, 13th October 2016

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