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Front Page | The Schumann Resonance & Earth’s Energetic Upgrade | 21st June 2023

On the 19th June 2023, a daily image of the Earth’s Schumann resonance started to circle social media. The normal standing waves in the Earth’s atmosphere had been transformed to what looked like DNA strands! Something amazing had happened, see below:

Here is one excited SR watcher revealing his analysis of the situation:

Click image for Twitter video link


The following is what I wrote about the Schumann Resonance in my book Tuning The Diamonds: Electromagnetism & Spiritual Evolution (2006). The copied excerpt is from the extended 2013 E-book edition.

Well, we have the numbers 66 + 6 ===> 666. Re-checking the numbers, there was a Schumann Resonance blackout event that started on the 17th June on the 17th hour too before the new variation was seen, the whole event lasted 71 hours.

Now the 17 represents ‘Q’ as the 17th letter of the alphabet, which implies that we have been given some comms by the White Hat Alliance. Very interesting.... I would suggest that maybe the Schumann resonance data has been falsified for a long time and that we have been allowed to see what is truly happening to the Schumann Resonance. Dark ===> Light.

So far, I have seen a lot of excitement which reminds me of the hysteria associated with the winter solstice, december 21st 2012. Nothing happened on that day and nor did I expect it to.... However, a lot of people were disappointed because prominent mayan researchers misunderstood what the Mayan Elders were trying to convey.

The first edition of my book was published in 2006 and NOBODY has disproven my theory that many different metaphysical sources warned us that the New Age would be driven by a deluge of cosmic energy. In fact, I am still very proud of the fact that my book was placed in the UK National Archives. At least somebody thought my book was worth preserving. I wrote about what was being observed by NASA and I tried to integrate science and metaphysics to substantiate my beliefs.

I think the observation that the power is high indicates that the ionosphere is now ringing with strong high frequencies. At this stage I would say that this is due to a coupling with the Earth’s grid. I wrote that I thought the Earth’s grid and ‘ley lines’ reflected the Earth’s true vibration. Still waiting for someone to prove me wrong.

Well those interested in spiritual matters have been predicting energetic changes on planet Earth, an upgrade. In 2004, I first became interested in space weather (Earth being flooded with cosmic energy) when I found this rare solar event image from 1998.

Since 2007, this website has been pointing out the phenomena of Space Weather and documented the most important news between 2007 - 2014. You can download and read the following for free:

Tuning the Diamonds: Electromagnetism & Spiritual Evolution (The E-book)

Contents, 2013 Preface & Introduction (13 pages) download here.

Chapter 1, The Electromagnetic Universe (39 pages)download here.

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It has become apparent to many including myself, that institutions like NASA were created to mislead the masses and our education system perpetuates satanic lies concerning many subjects, but particularly science and history. Based on what I now know, some concepts related to my understanding of the science of space weather need revision. Hence, I would like to hightlight the following:

  • World controllers are under a universal law to tell us the truth. Hence the existence of The United Nations and their agencies with Flat Earth logos.

  • Many sceptics of conventional scientific beliefs, realise that we live on a flat stationary plane with a solid firmament above. For the dissenters, here is the link for 15 research papers and technical memos that describe how aircrafts, helicopters, or unguided missiles lift off, fly above, and land upon the Earth. In each case, the aeronautical engineers assume the Earth to be flat and non rotating.

    15 Aeronautic Research Papers & Technical Memos
    That Assume A Flat and Nonrotating Earth!
    See short video clips link 1 & link 2

  • We live on a flat stationary plane with a solid firmament above. A planet can be defined as just a small part of a plane.

  • The sun is not 93 million miles away, the moon is not 250+ thousand miles away. Our sun is local and only lights and heats what we know as Earth. We are surrounded by an ice wall and beyond that, ordinary people are not allowed to go.

  • Scientists have stated that there may be another moon in orbit around our planet. Obviously, that may or may not be strictly correct. There might be other dark hidden moons above our plane and under the firmament, but no man has been to the moon we see in the night sky.

  • Our moon appears to be a plasma phenomenon. There are other reasons, but an astronomer using a decent telescope is able to see numerous stars through the ‘dark’ unlit area of the moon. This means the moon is not solid rock.

  • The corrupted version of the Bible that has been handed down to the collective, tell us that the firmament was used to divide the waters above from the water below. So does that mean that what we call space is actually water?

  • NASA has NEVER sent anyone to space. However, there might have been secret ‘space’ programs that have sent people to other parts of the plane...

  • Some believe that humans cannot go in or out of the firmament. Others believe that humans are using stargates to travel to other planets. At this stage, the evidence suggests that the stars and planets that we see in the night sky are just trapped energy in the firmament. So where are humans going if they can leave?

Whatever, some of what I believed and wrote about still stands. Many metaphysical sources predicted an evolution of consciousness to be driven by energy changes on our planet. There are physical manifestations like the acceleration of the drift of the north magnetic pole. Many scientists and metaphysicians believe this is caused by energy external to our system. Regardless, look at the crazy political situation on the planet now!!!! There are protests all over the world!! We are witnessing the promised Great Awakening, but there are attempts to counteract and we are seeing a massive fight for control by government puppets working for evil world controllers!!!

As the old version of this website was mainly dedicated to Space Weather and related subjects, there is a list of topics with concepts derived from "official sources" that I now consider to be misleading and downright lies. At this stage, we have to wait for the revision of text books and the education system in general, but it is coming... Meanwhile, there is some ‘NASA Lies’ and ‘Flat Earth’ info on this website as part of my ‘Deliverance From Evil’ series here and my Enlightenment Corner webpages, that act as pointers for Truth Seekers. | 18th November 2021

Solar storms could spark $2 trillion ‘global Katrina’
The Star, 22nd February 2011

“With hurricanes and tornadoes, there isn’t a necessity to explain it to people,” he said. “Space weather is so esoteric. Beyond the ability to see the auroras, it’s invisible to us.”

Joyfire Special Comment:
Yes, space weather is so esoteric that so-called esoterics don’t understand it either. I have basically given up with all but the most reliable sources of metaphysical teaching, but this has been after sifting through various sources in my search for truth that has been ongoing for the last 30 years. I dedicated my life to teaching about space weather because it was obvious to me that all talk of transformation of this world by members of the metaphysical community was not just speculation, but could be quite easily achieved by the massive deliveries of cosmic energy that had been alarming space scientists. Personally, I don’t think space weather is so esoteric, but I have an honours degree in physics and geophysics and I am prepared to integrate science, metaphysics and ancient knowledge, work that not so many people are prepared to do. More importantly, I take the current transformation of our world seriously.

Susan Joy Rennison, 8th August 2012


Mayan Wisdom: The Astronomical Cycles of Time

“One of the huge calendars of the Maya is approximately 26,000 of your solar years. And that calendar is the calendar to indicate when the Earth Mother is going to make the big changes.” Hunbatz Men, Mayan Elder

As we attempt to understand the possible impact of Earth changes, there is a need to consult the “wisdom keepers” who have kept the memory of previous Earth changes alive. Also, known as the “Keepers of Time”, Mayan Elders keep very precise calendars which describe and interpret the energies associated with the evolution of consciousness. History is seen as an evolutionary process that spirals, where similar events are favored at certain points in the cycle, yet, there is never an exact repeat, as each cycle is never identical. This process is nurtured by increasing levels of consciousness fostered by cosmic energies. The Maya believe that there is one source of all energy which is divine consciousness, manifesting itself as an infinite number of possible creations, existing in all dimensions. Each creation has its own frequency and all matter is essentially interconnected. Hence, reality is based on energy, frequencies, and harmonic resonance. Time and space are not separate entities, space-time rather like Einstein’s space-time, is a single quantity. The Maya refer to this as “najt” - space-time with frequency - which defines a spiral where history mostly repeats itself in a period of time. Understanding changing cosmic energies and how these influence human consciousness enable Mayan timekeepers to make precise predictions about the future.

Tuning the Diamonds: Electromagnetism & Spiritual Evolution (2006, 2008, 2010, 2012)

Joyfire Special Comment:
So, why did the world fail to comprehend the clear message from the Mayan “Keepers of Time”, that they were keeping track of cosmic energies because we were due for a major change? The consequences of ferocious space weather that heralds the return of the “Age of Aether”, combined with Earth losing some of it’s cosmic shielding, is now what the whole world has to face if we are to survive and thrive on this planet. Energy driven evolutionary change is simply not that difficult to comprehend, once some basic scientific principles are understood, but why was space weather ignored by those supposedly having some interest in the spiritual needs of humanity? The only conclusion I can come up with after making my discovery in 2004 about space weather and doing some integration of science and metaphysics, is that very few understand the make-up of our reality and the notion that nothing remains static forever.

Susan Joy Rennison, 17th August 2012

I am currently re-reading parts of the book The Phenomenon of Man (1959) by Pierre Teilhard de Chardin (1881-1955) who was a French Jesuit priest, geologist and palaeontologist, but some believe he was primarily a Christian mystic. This book is difficult to read because of the type of prose but Teilhard’s writings and books were banned by the Catholic Church and he was exiled in China for over 20 years because of his views on human spiritual evolution being driven by cosmic energy. I don’t believe his complete views are adequately expressed in the internet articles that I have come across, so if you are interested, you need to read this book to properly understand his views and context, especially when he refers to "Christic Energy" and the "Cosmic Christ". It’s a good 70 - 80 years later from when he was formulating his beliefs, but now we know he got the process of cosmic energy driving evolutionary change essentially correct. But of course, he is not the only Christian mystic who was aware of big changes being delivered by cosmic energies....

Susan Joy Rennison, 7th June 2012

The name of Teilhard de Chardin is known to millions
and some people rank him as the greatest thinker-prophet
of the 20th Century. - Henry R. Luce, Life

Teilhard’s contribution is highly significant, but more people should have been wondering why the response by the Catholic Church hierarchy was to ban Teilhard’s books and writings and exile him to China for about 20 years.... His misdemeanour was not just about his views on evolution, his great sin was to tell people that spiritual evolution is imposed on this planet as a universal directive on a regular basis over thousands of years. It seems universal consciousness is interested in keeping the standards high... It does not matter whether you want to believe the arrival of space weather has anything to do with spirituality, but the geological record shows that when our planet is being swamped by cosmic energies, the result is either evolution or devolution [some species flourish and others go extinct and scientists have no clue about the reasons why] for all life on this planet.

Susan Joy Rennison, 10th June 2012

Missing: Where is the Intelligentsia?

Wilhelm Reich discussed geomagnetic storms with Albert Einstein, so we have letters that inform us that in the 1940s, Reich understood geomagnetic storms to be deliveries of orgone or aetheric energy. Question: Where are the intellects today that realise that worsening space weather means our planet is getting slammed by massive bombardments of aetheric energy (this energy is not all ‘dark’, and we can detect this energy in some parts of the EM spectrum) as Earth’s magnetosphere breaks down at the same time the properties of spacetime have obviously changed in recent years? I would be interested to hear from intellectuals and proven academics who are actually thinking about what on Earth is happening. I would love to hear from the intelligentsia...

Susan Joy Rennison, 17th March 2012

Consciousness Is Being Delivered To The Planet

I am wondering when the intellectuals that have waxed lyrical about consciousness, get to the point where they understand the whole planet is being hammered with consciousness due to space weather. This is a Kryon quote:

...when the one kind of biological human evolved to a place that some call Adam and Eve, there was a specific kind of DNA alteration that took place — a consciousness was delivered to the planet. In this, the creationists were right! There was something that happened all at once. Yet, the evolutionists were right, also, for the biology was prepared over a very long period of time. so you did indeed have an almost instantaneous delivery of consciousness, a beginning DNA posturing, and it came to you from the stars. this flies in the face does it not of natural selection? There is evolution and yet there’s also appropriate spiritual cosmic delivery. It even continues to this day, although you do not see it in the same light as you saw creation.
Carroll L, The New Beginning: 2002 and Beyond, (Kryon Book 9), The Kryon Writings, Inc. 2002 pg 221

How many people really understand what consciousness is? Where it actually comes from and what it does? Now we have the new science of Epigenetics and plenty of evidence that DNA changes are driven virtually instantly by energetic changes in the cosmic environment also suggested by the new theory of “Punctuated Equilibrium”, a theory by Niles Eldredge and Stephen Jay Gould, proposed in 1972. So, instead of slow continuous evolution proposed by Charles Darwin, the study of fossil organisms found evidence of geological layers with long intervals in which nothing changed (“equilibrium”), “punctuated” by short, revolutionary transitions, in which species became extinct and were replaced by new forms. The evidence is all there, 8% of DNA is made up of viruses and those viruses are being constantly manufactured in the heavens... That is why scientists think they can ‘predict’ epidemics when we have certain celestial alignments and why there is panic when massive comets pass us by because world controllers don’t know if we will be sprayed by something that will have an impact on humans... Whatever, the evidence is that Earth is dropping her magnetic shields on a regular basis now and solar and cosmic energy is being allowed in for extended periods of time. Hence, there is likely to be dramatic evolutionary change but the programming is organized by Cosmic Intelligence and held in the environment so humans are unable to manipulate it much to the chagrin of some...

So, to make sure humans get their DNA updated(and all forms of life on this planet), the Earth’s magnetic field is being dropped on a regular basis and the solar wind and cosmic energies are busting through. On the 22nd March, there was yet another report of ground currents in Lofoten, Norway. We are getting massive planet wide electrical shocks that are generating what NASA are now called spacequakes where the whole planet rings with magnetic energy... The ringing also causes electrical currents to flow in the air and in the ground. Some humans will be susceptible and they will be affected by geomagnetically induced electromagnetic ‘jolts’ to the brain. The holographic brain can be ‘reset’ as newspaper reports are now indicating...

Susan Joy Rennison, 23rd March 2012

Another Solar Wind Shockwave? 22nd March 2012, 22nd March 2012

"What happens. Rather suddenly,as a surprise very strong magnetic and induced ground current variations on my instruments. I don’t know the reason but there is fantastic northern light."

Seriously.... What is going on? Reference 23rd March 2012

Cosmic Shields

I resigned as an EMF Balancing Technique Teacher on the 2nd March 2007 and then I resigned as practioner in August of the same year because I could no longer tolerate being involved with people who I thought demonstrated a serious lack of integrity. I was particularly disturbed that the founder Peggy Dubro was offended that I refused to bow down to her omnipresence and hand over my thousands of hours of research for free. Apparently, if someone thinks they are a guru (but are actually desperate to keep up the facade) not allowing them to steal your research is unacceptable....

This woman has no qualifications accept for childminding but she still felt she had a right to my time and energy. Apparently, she based her decision to obtain my research by whatever means possible based on my astrology chart, a foolishness that I will regret allowing to happen for the rest of my life... In May 2005 she was bragging about turning over a million dollars a year but when asked why she did not help me publish and distribute my book, she says they could not afford it. [To my knowledge, there was not even one email sent out to the network because they did not want people to know that I was the author of the research they wanted to steal.] Well, knowing what I know now thank God I followed by intuition... The book would never have been placed in the UK National Archives for future generations and Neil Armstrong would not have got his Tom Cruise Mission Impossible copy.... Don’t ask me why this happened but it happened, it was completely out of my hands... Whatever, I have proven that I have the ability to comprehend and interpret the scientific disciplines of cosmology, astronomy, plasma physics, atmospheric physics, geophysics, geomagnetism, and bioelectromagnetism with metaphysical teaching, during this time of evolutionary change. Who else saw the arrival of Space Weather and then matched it up with the real beliefs of the real Keepers of Ancient Knowledge and other sources of esoteric knowledge? I would be interested to know...

Yes, the rip-off mentality, is uppermost in the mind of people who want to use other people’s skills and abilities to their benefit like the person who sold a workbook online in their name and then came running, expecting me to hurry up and write it because they had customers waiting.... unflippin’ believeable... Don’t ask me why they thought I was under their influence because I was most certainly not! I can only presume that greed and stupidity took over... If you have never experienced this, then you don’t have to believe me, you can find others who have been lied to, and then ripped off, this mentality is everywhere in the Cultic Milieu. If you don’t understand the guru culture and the cult ‘virus of the mind’ that warps so many people then read my essay Spriritual Evolution in the Cultic Milieu, then start checking the references. There is plenty of evidence that people get corrupted by power and spiritual power is no different.

After being advised to remove all mention of the EMF BT from my book by Peggy Dubro’s previous co-author David Lapierre (who is also incidentally a geophysicist and there are not so many of us about), the only reason I have not done this is because I think some of the basic information is useful. What’s more, I personally met psychologists and psychotherapists who got great results. I can now simply explain WHY I think the basics work, but there are elements of the training and the technique that I think should be discarded and somethings require some serious independent scrutiny by metaphysicians to understand for what exactly is going on, but I know what I think.

I have now spent 10 years trying to understand the human energy field. So due to my own research I have found evidence that New Agers that aim to attract universal energies to build up their energy field is more than feasible... Since I have even seen the energy with my own high sense perception, I know this is not rubbish, but guess what? As I have written before, a rarified plasma, a million times less dense than air can bend or refract a beam of intense, high-energy electrons that would normally bore through through several millimeters of steel. Bingo!

I knew I could recognise the truth but my problem is the sheer extreme high levels of ignorance out there. Too many people do not understand basic science and metaphysics, hence it almost seems like a waste of time trying to educate, throwing the proverbial pearls before the proverbial swine. I wrote my book but the lack of support is hard... I presume folks are waiting for calamity before they can be panicked into doing anything... The data from the ACE satellite has still not come back online, so the inhabitants of space ship Earth are now flying partially blind to impending serious space weather. I have no idea if the systems that use the ACE data to protect the national power grids in some countries are now useless. The situation is incredible.. (Update: Good news! NICT images and data are back today after an extended break...) .. Meanwhile, more frogs are starting to fry in the intense geomagnetic and chaotic electromagnetic conditions on this planet. Sometimes, I wish I could turn off the care button... and I still wonder why I can’t find any damn quality in my life...

Susan Joy Rennison, 21st March 2012


I would like to clarify a few things. Even though I had my differences with Peggy Dubro, the reason why she was respected by other sensitives was because some could see energy and parts of the human energy field and even the Templates of Light, the diamonds that Dubro claimed existed. I don’t even claim to be that gifted but I could see energies from the word go too because when working with such strong energies natural abilities are enhanced.

So those who think they can convince people that they have a system that works will not get very far. Everything that Peggy Dubro did was being watched by people who were also gifted and if they did not approve they walked, which of course happened.... The real issue is her interpretation of what she was doing. I certainly did not believe she had any idea about what was going on with the diamonds and I have written about what I think is going on, but I still think her early work is good enough to make a difference. Morons who think they can pretend to do what she was doing will NEVER be able to create a network in over 50 countries, as I say, she attracted sensitive people who could see with their high sense perception and they all talked behind her back and discussed what they could see happening. She might have thought she was running a little cult, but most of her ‘flock’ were actually not sheep-like enough and were generally not prepared to follow blindly, hence all the complaints that heard in 2004 and 2005. Peggy Dubro started off with a hardcore of hardcore New Agers who were gifted but still independent. I am just sad that she could not keep her ego in check. The woman was simply too stupid to see that it is not all about her...

Susan Joy Rennison, 23rd March 2012

On Sale!

E-book On Sale!

This book is for the serious people and explains why a few in the metaphysical community have been teaching and working to build energy fields that can act as cosmic shields for the last twenty years. I am quite confident that these people had no idea what was coming, but it’s the reason why I refuse to turn my back completely on the metaphysical community and I will support those who have got this right no matter what.

When I got involved with New Agers there was only talk about poor geomagnetic conditions there was nothing about space weather and not really a lot of theory about what they were attempting to do. Now that I have spent 7 years researching space weather and have become a world authority, this book corrects the paucity of information and explains why those who are looking to obtain government recognition ask me for help.

Now I need help and I am hoping that someone on the planet steps up and supports because the geomagnetic conditions on the planet are now getting serious and I have already made a great personal effort. There has to be someone who cares and can make a difference.

2012: The American Founding Fathers Knew
A response to Tom Horn’s Red Ice Interview & book Apollyon Rising 2012
3rd January 2012

The Spaniard Hernando Cortez, conqueror of Mexico, enters the Aztec temple in 1519. He is welcomed by Emperor Montezuma II, who thought Cortez was a god. The calendar stone and idols are based on sketches that Brumidi made in Mexico City. (1520).

Background Information

The frieze in the Rotunda of the United States Capitol contains a painted panorama depicting significant events in American history. The sequence of 19 scenes begins over the west door and moves clockwise around the Rotunda. No. 3 is Cortez and Montezuma at Mexican Temple, see above and click the image to go to the source webpage.

Constantino Brumidi (1805–1880) is best known for the murals he painted in the United States Capitol over a 25-year period. Brumidi began painting the frieze depicting major events in American history in 1878 but died in 1880 with the work less than half finished. Filippo Costaggini carried out Brumidi’s remaining designs between 1881 and 1889; the entire frieze was only completed in 1953. link

Born in Rome, Italy on July 26, 1805, Brumidi was an Italian/Greek painter who made his name restoring sixteenth century Vatican frescos and his artwork in several Roman palaces. Following the French occupation of Rome in 1849, Brumidi immigrated to the United States and became a citizen. He worked for the Jesuits in New York who were viewed as the ‘hidden power and authority’ of the Roman Catholic Church. In 1854, the Jesuits abruptly financed a trip for Brumidi to visit Mexico. While there, he painted a representation of the Holy Trinity in the Mexican City Cathedral. However, he was also engaged in the curious task of making copious notes of the ancient Aztec Calendar Stone (AKA - the ‘Stone of the Sun’).

Upon his return from Mexico, Brumidi met with Quartermaster Gen. Montgomery C. Meigs, Supervisor of Construction to whom he submitted his collection of notes and drawings. Commissioned to be the ‘government painter’ he began adorning the hallways and Rotunda of the Capitol with frescos sacred to Freemasonry which included the ‘Apotheosis of George Washington’ and the famous ‘Frieze of American History’. Brumidi died in 1880 but not before he attached his historic work called ‘Cortez and Montezuma at Mexican Temple’ featuring the Aztec Calendar Stone and other important Masonic symbolism. During the pinnacle of Aztec civilization when the Aztec ruled Mexico, the Stone rested atop the Tenochtitlan Temple in the midst of the most powerful and largest city in Meso-America. Today, the ‘Stone of the Sun’ is on display in the National Museum of Anthropology in Mexico City’s Chapultepec Park. Source: Secret of the The Great Seal by Carol A. Reimer

Joyfire Comment:
My book Tuning the Diamonds was not about 2012 even though I introduced the concept of space weather and related this to the Mayan belief that we were entering a new era dominated by ether (modern spelling aether) or space. Yet, I still referred to the famous American Aztec Sun Stone because I wanted to point out the Sun was depicted with its tongue sticking out which I think is warning of massive solar storms at the end/start of new calendar cycles, see a clear central photo (replica?) here. Tom Horn, author of Apollyon Rising 2012 believes the American Founding Fathers are pagans but he does not seem to the understand the modus operandi of Freemasonry. I see that most of these world leaders are following a very old way of exacting control and doing business but there does seem to be an emphasis on an astronomical based religion or belief system where understanding the existence of long astronomical cycles is very important. Hence, I can’t agree with the subjective nature of much that I have read in Horn’s book so far.

Quite frankly, I quite respect the fact that the Freemasons have their astronomically based religion and they have stuck to their beliefs no matter how odd and so it seems that the Founding Fathers tried to warn in their usual covert way. I think it matters because we know the modern Maya knew the importance of a major new cycle and the link to the arrival of energy from space and we have to presume this knowledge was also known by a few, back in 1854 when Brumidi was sent to Mexico. Since we are now a modern technological society, we are now vulnerable to a celestial downpour of charged particles, so I think any prior knowledge that this was coming is significant. Thus, I think it is worth pointing out that the Founding Fathers of the United States believed strongly that important information about 2012 should be passed down in such a way that it could be recognised with those who have eyes to see.

The fact that Tom Horn has found the inspiration for the Great Seal is important even though I don’t agree with all the demon calling that has accompanied this discovery. The prophetic source for the Novus Ordo Seclorum of the Great Seal of the United States is Virgil, an ancient Roman poet and the Cumaean Sibyl, who I believe must have had access to important writings, but I don’t agree with her business practices based on what I have read so far. Regardless, the source material is very interesting as it actually says:
“ Now the last age by Cumae’s Sibyl sung Has come and gone, and the majestic roll Of circling centuries begins anew: Justice returns, returns old Saturn’s reign, With a new breed of men sent down from heaven. Only do thou, at the boy’s birth in whom The iron shall cease, the golden race arise, Befriend him, chaste Lucina; ‘tis thine own Apollo reigns. …

“ He shall receive the life of gods, and see Heroes with gods commingling, and himself Be seen of them, and with his father’s worth Reign o’er a world…

“ Assume thy greatness, for the time draws nigh, Dear child of gods, great progeny of Jove [Jupiter/Zeus]! See how it totters—the world’s orbed might, Earth, and wide ocean, and the vault profound, All, see, enraptured of the coming time!”

Source: Apollyon Rising 2012 by Tom Horne. Here are some more translations Source of NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM

I presume that Tom Horn does not know that some scholars believe that there was Paradise on Earth when the planet Saturn was much closer to Earth than it is now.... nothing to do with Satan... The vision was spelt out that humanity would evolve and become a new breed of golden people who will receive the same divine energy as the gods. These ‘gods’ are arriving en masse because they want this high quality stuff, dare I say ‘dust’ too... They seem to follow this ‘Christ’ or crystalline energy around as the ancient sources have explained. However, they are light beings that can create a cloak of light so they can cope with any associated EM chaos and excessive amounts of radiation, but humans have more trouble and that is why a few off planet caring sources tried to warn us stupid humans what to expect, but few seem to appreciate their efforts... It seems that these turning points are chaotic in lots of different ways, but you cannot create change without chaos, Nobel Prize winner Ilya Prigogine has made that quite clear. Whether the Founding Fathers were trying to keep their folk in power is besides the point, I am now wondering how many world controllers really understood the message that had been left for them.

Susan Joy Rennison, 3rd January 2012


After some more thinking, I have changed the headline because we simply don’t know 100% that the Founding Fathers expected the start of a major new world age to also mean the planet would be invaded by another lifeform aka The Return of the Gods. Due to the levels of scientific and military interest, we can be 100% sure that world controllers are aware of the orbs and UAPs. But, whether they knew that the start of a new world age would also see a dramatic increase in the presence of this lifeform is debateable, despite the possession of ancient knowledge that very few are priviledged to even be aware of. Basically, since space weather appears to have come as a shock, it is a wonder whether they did not appreciate what also accompanies a high energy plasma environment on this planet. [Please note: where did Carl Jung get his information from that made him want to warn about UFOs appearing at the end of an age? He was so concerned he risked his reputation and wrote the book Flying Saucers : A Modern Myth of Things Seen in the Skies (1959). Quote].

Susan Joy Rennison, 5th January 2012

Principle 5: VMEMEs spiral up and down through levels of complexity

The emergence along the Spiral is from lesser to greater complexity; from the mode of living necessary at one stratum of problems to the mode of living essential for the complications of the next layer of Life Conditions. Survival favors those who ‘fit in’ to those conditions, whatever that takes, not necessarily those who are ‘the fittest,’ either physically, mentally, or emotionally.

This is not to say that everyone or every group within a social system rides the identical crest of emergence. In fact, many will persist in maladaptive behaviors, ill-conceived, incongruous, and destined to destroy societies chances at survival. Robert B. Edgerton, Professor of Anthropology and Psychology at UCLA, makes that point crystal clear in his book, Sick Societies: Challenging the Myth of Primitive Harmony. He notes:

‘Adaptation, then, may sometimes take place rapidly in response to environmental demands but it need not and often does not, lead to predictable changes in economic practices and is even less likely to do so in social organization or culture. Once again, it must be reiterated that beliefs and practices that developed in response to earlier, and presumably different, environmental pressures tend to persist, and the result is may come to be far less than efficient utilization of an environment’ (pp. 194-5).

Just because someone wields power gives absolutely no assurance the thinking is up to the complexity of issues ahead. Often, the reverse is true and the comic strip character Pogo was right: ‘We have met the enemy and they are us.’ The number of significant variables in the Life Conditions is not infrequently beyond the capabilities of the leadership’s existing VMEME stack. Revolutions often fail to meet their leaders promises because in the act of revolt the critical minds and resources necessary to meet expectations of ‘the people’ are desroyed. Until new VMEMEs are introduced or activated, things can only stagnate and more likely, deteriorate. Source: Spiral Dynamics: Mastering Values, Leadership, and Change (Blackwell, 1996 by Don E. Beck and Chris C. Cowan.

Joyfire Comment:

There is a need for new VMEMEs but when I do my research, I can only find the same old same old... supposed new wine that you can only find in old wineskins... But what’s worse is the dearth of intellectuals who even understand the issues. It’s hopeless... My Summary: The quality is too damn low.... 16th January 2012

Solar Prayer

Our Solar which art in heaven,
Solar Maximum be thy name.
Thy solar wind come, thy will be done,
but don’t let the ACE satellite break down.
Give us this day our daily sunspots,
but shield us from X-rated solar flares,
full halo coronal mass ejections
and highly dangerous proton storms.
And lead us not into a Maunder Minimum,
but deliver us from a category 5
geomagnetic storm and transformer burnout.
For thine is the solar system, the IBEX and the ribbon,
Solar radiance for ever and ever.

Copyright © Susan Joy Rennison............

"This issue of space weather has got to be taken seriously"

"This issue of space weather has got to be taken seriously," said John Beddington, the UK government’s chief scientific adviser, speaking at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) in Washington DC. "We’ve had a relatively quiet [period] in space weather and we can expect that quiet period to end. Over the same time, over that period, the potential vulnerability of our systems has increased dramatically. Whether it’s the smart grid in our electricity systems or the ubiquitous use of GPS in just about everything these days."

Solar storms could create $2tn ‘global Katrina’, warns chief scientist
GPS systems and electricity networks are increasingly vulnerable to damage by turbulent solar weather, scientists say
The Guardian, 21 February 2011

This Should Never Be Allowed To Happen

“The Big Picture... one of the reasons why people talking about space weather bang on about power grids so much... a guy from the US department of Homeland Security meeting that I was at, states electricity is THE fundamental infrastructure, look at all the things that it does, refrigeration is almost one of the most important things, that ensures our safety of our food and medicine, without refrigeration, we would have big problems today, it ensures that we have clean water, we need pumps to supply clean water, and to get rid of the sewage, if your sewage systems fail, you can have horrendous consequences [...] all sorts of other things depend on electricity, we can cope with short outages for a few hours even a day, but a long outage going on for months – people say it could take months to recover – that’s actually a very polite way to put it, it would actually be disastrous, it would essentially throw us back into the nineteenth century technologically and essentially we can’t sustain the current population on that basis, this is essentially something that should never be allowed to happen.” – Professor Mike Hapgood

The 102nd Kelvin Lecture 2011 - Space Weather: Nature’s Electromagnetic Hazard IET.TV, 9th March 2011

I think we all need to start praying. I was especially inspired after finding out that Space Weather forecasters are terrified of the ACE satellite breaking down and so we should all be, as there is no backup and it’s Earth’s last opportunity for accurate forecasting (15 - 45 mins warning) of the arrival of some serious Space Weather. This is my contribution.

Susan Joy Rennison, 28th June 2011

Joyfire comment

This webpage has been created to provide some clarification about claims that strange lights in the sky over El Paso, Texas on the 15th October can be attributed to army sky divers that were either practicing or giving a display. Due to the fact there are too many discrepancies surrounding this event, video footage and comments have been selected to explain why some would have real doubts about the official story. The following comments are from people are are genuinely baffled by the fact that the Golden Knights eventually claimed responsibility for the El Paso night jump on the 15th October 2010, even though the story changed from it being a practice jump to an actual social event for a private group.

Personally, I have never been in any doubt whatsoever, because there are many examples of magnetospheric plasmoids entering Earth’s atmosphere, and their existence is a scientific fact. As you are watching the 2nd video here, please note that 3 lights hover in a triangular formation and then move into a straight line, before one of the lights disappears and it seems like it literally just reappears in another position to reform another triangle. A video of a genuine Golden Knights Night Jump is added for comparison. On viewing all three videos, it’s extremely difficult to see how sky divers with magnesium flares could possible claim that they can achieve this kind of effect. However, more expert opinion make some very valid points, as you will see below.

Mysterious Lights Over East El Paso,
News Channel 9 - 16th October 2010

YouTube link

Original Video - UFO’s Over El Paso Texas 15th October 2010

YouTube link

Golden Knights night-time jump

YouTube link

reply posted on 20-10-2010 @ 11:13 PM by SunshineLaws

reply to post by tsurfer2000h

If it does not make sense, then there is a lie in the mix.

What is questionable:

- Why is there footage available from a "practice" sky dive, but not from the actual shows on the 16th and 17th?

- Why was their night practice not announced and promoted among all stations for the local news in El Paso that evening? Wouldn’t such a spectacular Local event be promoted, announced, and otherwise noted in the local news stations? Why would The Golden Knights/Black Knights miss a promo op like this? Wouldn’t they want to sell more tickets to this "Air Sho?’’ (their spelling, not mine)

- Why do all the YouTube Videos of the team, show them landing on the ground with the flares still blazing? That was not what was shown on any of the clips from the 15th. The lights just went out in the same point in the sky.

- Why aren’t the citizens of El Paso complaining about pyrotechnic maneuvers being allowed over their homes, at night and without their knowledge? Couldn’t one of their Magnesium Flare Boots fall off, land on their roof and burn their house down? Don’t know about you, but I would sure be pitching a dang fit.

The whole thing smells of something fishy to me. Where is the report that the news cameraman changed his footage to black & white? I must have missed that one. Does anyone have a source?

Source ATS: Golden Knights respond (to me) regarding El Paso Lights, page 12 link

reply posted on 18-10-2010 @ 09:46 PM by FoxBenBen

Just my two pennies.....i live next to the largest military base in Canada and i have my whole life...both my parents are military and so is my brother i also have countless friends in afganistan and elsewear...i actually lived on the base housing units for thriteen years of my life...i have seen every airplane you can think of and my father was also a helicopter engineer for both the military and civilian companies....i have seen parachuters both in the day and at night with flares attached the their shuts( probably feet) . I cannot say that these lights were etvs but i can honestly say that they are not flares looks like that...these balls of light did not act like parachutes if they did when they were pulled the loghts would have to rise a huge amount before these lgiht would have to fall than father in law has done countless jumps and can confirm this... the fact that these lights stopped than hovered is quiet exact and parashuters can not do taht ..yes they can make fromations but it is not that pretty...i have had vip passes to massive air shows ( biggest in canda ). and have seen shuter demonstarations..they also practice alot during the spring and summer months of the year where they make formations( parachute on top of parachute) ..all i can say is that these lights do not act like typical parashuters..and if they are what the hell did they have lit when they were falling through the sky and how did they stop on the spot like that and hover?..just putting in my change....

Source ATS: Golden Knights respond (to me) regarding El Paso Lights, page 5 link

reply posted on 20-10-2010 @ 05:43 PM by anuncarvedblock

I made this account to make a post on the main Lights over El Paso thread, but to my dismay found that it had been closed as it had been "identified" as the Golden Knights. I accepted this answer as probable, but decided to do some further looking in to the matter, and found that there are several troubling discrepancies between these videos and a Golden Knight nightjump with magnesium flares that leave me unconvinced.

The first discrepancy is that of freefall time. A Golden Knight exhibition jump is generally done from an altitude of just under 4000 meters (around 3800m to be more precise), with the jumpers opening the chute at around 600 meters, with anything less being considered increasingly dangerous. They do this for the superior air time and the ability to perform more stunts and tricks with the amount of freefall time available (just under one minute of freefall). If, in the first news video, you suppose that what we are seeing is the Golden Knights or skydivers of any kind, freefall from the beginning of the streaking magnesium to the alleged opening of the chutes would be about ten seconds of freefall, which would only be about 560m of fall for a skydiver. Could the Golden Knights be jumping from 1200m? Its possible, but unlikely. We know that the conditions for the jump were good that night, and we can know from both US Army sources and youtube videos of other Golden Knights night-time jumps that freefall is AT LEAST 20 seconds, and a jump height below 2500 meters is probably out of the question. Why? Because ten seconds of streaking magnesium is not very impressive, and the stunts they perform need time, in addition to the fact that it is much safer to jump further up.

The second discrepancy is the behavior of the magnesium flares. While at the beginning of descent, the object shows tails similar to magnesium flares, the similarities cease once the objects hover ("open chutes"). A magnesium flare would still be a fountain of sparks, and IS, as is clearly visible in other night-jump videos, but any such a fountain is absent in ANY of the videos of the lights over El Paso. They have one, single, uniform glow that is not consistent with magnesium. You could say that it was just the angle that the cameraman was at, that made is simply APPEAR to be one, uniform glow, but that does NOT explain how EVERY video presents a uniform appearance. It is very, very unlikely that every cameraman was simply at the viewing angle necessary to view the magnesium flares as a single orb. Not only that, but the magnesium flare would without a doubt light up the canopy of the parachute, and anyone who has seen a similar thing in person would be able to tell you that a similarly lit canopy is visible for miles, and the visibility and size of the "flare-trails" relative to the cameramen should indicate that they would almost certainly be able to see a lit canopy from that distance, and have it show up on video. You can see the visibility of the canopies for yourself on the many youtube videos of night-jumps.

The third discrepancy is that EVERY night diver MUST have a flashing light on him. Obviously, it won’t be visible when the much brighter magnesium flares are going, but after the flares go out YOU MUST be able to see a flashing light indicating that there is an airborne object there. These lights are an FAA regulation, and the Golden Knights, nor any other reputable skydivers, would break such an obvious and important regulation. Therefore, if the lights were indeed skydivers, then the lights could NOT have simply disappeared without being replaced by flashing aircraft lights. You can clearly see the presence of these lights in other videos of the Golden Knights or any other night-jumper also. In addition, if you argue that the freefall time can be explained by them lighting their magnesium late (which is wrong, because they ignite it as they leave the plane) then they would have blinking lights visible before ignition. If the "fourth diver" had a faulty magnesium flare that only lit up after he had opened his chute, then his flashing light would have been visible prior to the flare starting up, thus making it unlikely that the fourth orb was a fourth skydiver who did not appear due to a faulty flare.

This website’s motto is "DENY IGNORANCE!" I wish that some people would really consider the facts before deciding prematurely that a certain explanation fits "perfectly" and that, therefore, the anomaly has been identified. I will make no claims here about the nature of the lights over El Paso, nor their origin. My aim is to simply point out several holes in the theory that they were night-time skydivers. Yes, the Golden Knights are the most convincing explanation yet, but it is still not entirely convincing, and the lights over El Paso certainly shouldn’t be treated as "identified" or "solved."

Source ATS: Golden Knights respond (to me) regarding El Paso Lights, page 11 link


Video: Jetman performs new aerial stunt
The Telegraph, 5th November 2010

Comment: Could this new jet pack be used to explain more strange UFO sighting in the future? This is a new jet-pack demonstration, there is no "hover" and we don’t see the smoke role up into a dense ball engulfing the stunt man after a vertical drop...

The New Cosmic Age is now Official!

Well, 2008 has provided some major scientific verification of the basic premise of my book ‘Tuning the Diamonds: Electromagnetism & Spiritual Evolution’ i.e. Mayan Elders have been proven correct in their prediction that we are entering ‘A New Age’ dominated by space or the aether, encapsulated by the new phenomena of Space Weather. See Steep Uphill Climb to 2012: Messages from the Mayan Milieu. Yet, the September announcement by NASA, that our planet is now being flooded by galactic cosmic rays as part of a long term trend that started in the mid 1990s, was even more startling, as scientists speculate that the shielding around our solar system might ‘evaporate’. Whilst mentioning the impact on technological systems, there seem to be an unwillingness to acknowledge the impact of cosmic rays causing an increase in DNA mutations and therefore generating evolutionary change. Whatever, we are facing the following; the shield around our solar system provided by the solar wind continues to drop, the Earth’s magnetic field also continues to drop with recent evidence that we can expect massive breaches that will permit stronger geomagnetic storms in the future, the ionosphere has also contracted, permitting more radiation to reach the ground, so there can be no denial that all life on Earth will be greatly influenced by new cosmic conditions.

Yet at the same time, scientists have now proven that a magnetic field made up of superconducting particles can provide adequate shielding for spacecraft in the highly radiactive environment of space. However, very few are aware that thousands of people on Earth have already started to use this method to build up their own natural shield to keep step with the inevitable evolutionary change, now taking place on Earth. Therefore, even though certain members of the metaphysical community have been aware of the phenomena of ‘New Energy’ and the need to work at the level of DNA, no clear explanations have been offered as to how this related to ‘The Big Picture’. Thus, Tuning the Diamonds: Electromagnetism & Spiritual Evolution, first published in 2006, is a major attempt at integrating science and metaphysics. The clarity provided was acknowledged when the book was placed in the UK National Archives in November 2007.

In this time of evolutionary change, the planet is being electrified by highly charged and intelligent universal energy or plasma. Hence, we are experiencing a massive planetary refresh that is generating a host of new atmospheric and geophysical phenomena. Meanwhile, the citizens of Earth are becoming aware of intense activity by plasma entities, magnetospheric plasmoids, vacuum domains, balls of light or orbs that are busy entering and leaving our atmosphere. Whilst most commentators remain ignorant, major UK Ministry of Defence disclosure is in the public domain but poorly understood by the general public. However the UK mainstream media have noted that UFO sightings are at "bizarre" levels and there have been [a few] reports across the world of panic. Unfortunately, this will be nothing to what’s coming and I now realise why a particular respected metaphysical source refers to our "comatose" state, as changes take place around us.

Whatever, the vast spectrum of multi-dimensional plasma "entities" and extra-terrestrial onlookers and visitors will be revealed as the aetheric background of our reality continues to morph and the dimensions merge. Soon it will be absolutely impossible to deny that humanity shares this planet with other sentient beings busy going about their business distributing universal information to support life on Earth. It remains to be seen when the implications of massive evolutionary change actually starts to sink in to a wider audience. So, whilst people worry about mundane issues, the planet is buzzing with cosmic activity and those that are aware are witnessing the greatest transition in the history of mankind.

Expect the unexpected!

Best wishes for 2009 and beyond,

Susan Joy Rennison, 18th December 2008

Source: here

By the ancient Greek definition of Apocalypse, the enlightened view that we have reached the end of an age and our increasing awareness that there is a non–carbon based lifeform that exists alongside us, it seems that the Apocalypse has already arrived!

This is the moment of truth!

Susan Joy Rennison, 2nd October 2009

The Veil is Lifting Now!

"The "source" has made repeated attempts to explain all of this in terms that we might understand. On January 8, 1968, "Mr. Orlon" of the Ashtar Intergalactic Command, passed this message along to a contactee: "The saucers which you speak of as such are in reality the space bodies of certain aggregates of consciousness. They exist duodimensionally; that is, they penetrate both the third and fourth dimensions simultaneously or can, if they wish, confine themselves to either one of these. Their purpose has been, and still is, for the time being, to interlace these two realms of consciousness which are seemingly separate. However, the time quickly comes when the veil is torn aside and what is One is perceived as One. It is at this moment that the saucers seen by the few will be seen by the many. It will appear that they have suddenly arrived in your skies in great number. In reality this is untrue. For in reality they are where they have always been, but man sees with new eyes." [Bold added for emphasis]

Source: WHY UFOS
Operation Trojan Horse
JOHN A. KEEL, 1970

So, the message has been going out for many many decades yet, the metaphysical community as a whole made NO link to UFOs as interdimensional entities, despite the fact that some UFO researchers and the military worked this out a long time ago. Unbelievable... If you want more quotes about what would happen when the veil lifts, I suggest you do your own research.

Susan Joy Rennison, 8th August 2010

"You’d better pray to the Lord when you see those flying saucers

It may be the coming of the judgement day…"

Charles Green & Cy Cohen,
When You See Those Flying Saucers, Oct 1947

If you have read my essay The Greatest Transition in the History of Mankind - The Return of Paradise and understood that various groups have held esoteric knowledge about dramatic evolutionary changes associated with new cosmic cycles, then you will fully appreciate this quote.

Susan Joy Rennison, 14th October 2010

Front Page | Our World Has Changed, But How Many Understand Why?

11th July 2011

The world changed when the UK & US governments made a joint announcement that the decision had been made to take down National Electricity Grids to prevent them being damaged in the event of a powerful geomagnetic storm. The UK Independent newspaper wrote:

“Officials in Britain and the United States are preparing to make controlled power cuts to their national electricity supplies in response to a warning of a possible powerful solar storm hitting the Earth.

In an interview with The Independent, Thomas Bogdan, director of the US Space Weather Prediction Centre, said that controlled power “outages” will protect the National Electricity Grids against damage which could take months or even years to repair should a large solar storm collide with the Earth without any precautions being taken.”

‘Controlled’ power cuts likely as Sun storm threatens national grid The Independent, 13th June 2011

Remarkably, this is the exact scenario imagined in the Discovery Channel documentary-drama, Perfect Disaster: Solar Storm (2006), first broadcast 5 months before my book self-published in September 2006, entitled: Tuning the Diamonds: Electromagnetism & Spiritual Evolution. This book received very little attention, but in November 2007, it was good enough to be placed in the UK National Archives. Today, the basic premise of this book has been proven to be correct i.e. Space Weather is the manifestation of Mayan prophecy and we have entered a new era dominated by the ether (modern spelling aether) or space, (see the official NASA acknowledgement below). What’s more, the space environment of our solar system has been transformed and our planet is now undergoing transformation due to the dramatic increase in energies being delivered by Space Weather. However, world authorities have been taken by surprise and our modern technological world and infrastructure was not originally designed to cope with a deluge of celestial energy. Despite certain specific predictions by modern Mayan Elders and a few seers in the traditional and metaphysical communities, it seems that the arrival of Space Weather, which has been causing concern in the space community since ‘The Great Magnetic Storm’ in March 1989, was not properly understood and was completely ignored. In fact, it seems that nobody made the connection with modern Mayan beliefs before I wrote my book. Whatever, our world and reality has changed and I am pleased that I realised the consequences back in 2004, but my journey of explaining the significance to others has been a difficult task. The aim of my book and my websites is to explain the spiritual significance as well as providing guidance for understanding the changes to our reality. Finally, NASA have provided the world with the ultimate proof that the energy hitting our planet is borderline physical/aetheric, something that I was also thrilled to discover.

The revised version of my March 2009, report Planetary Challenges & Spiritual Evolution – Citizen Summary is now available. It was originally written for the Obama Administration, when I found out they were making enquiries amongst metaphysical leaders in the United States. Since there has been a clear and dramatic increase in the deluge of energies on this planet, to the point that various government and civilian agencies are now issuing major reports informing the world of the consequences, I have decided that the metaphysical community should do the same.

Since I have been researching this subject intensively since 2005, I feel that I am in the best position to make a credible assessment as my research is backed up by my qualifications, the early warning provided in my book Tuning the Diamonds – Electromagnetism & Spiritual Evolution (2006), an extensive online archive of articles with comments and other relevant information on my websites.

4th June 2010

In June 2010, a NASA press release entitled: As the Sun Awakens, NASA Keeps a Wary Eye on Space Weather opened with the unequivocal statement: “Earth and space are about to come into contact in a way that’s new to human history.” Richard Fisher, head of NASA’s Heliophysics Division stated:

“I believe we’re on the threshold of a new era in which space weather can be as influential in our daily lives as ordinary terrestrial weather.”

“We take this very seriously indeed.”
Source: As the Sun Awakens, NASA Keeps a Wary Eye on Space Weather

Front Page | Extreme Space Weather

22nd December 2009

In March 2009, it became known that the Obama Administration had asked prominent members of the metaphysical community to communicate about “what is transpiring on the planet, and how we can change the course of the unprecedented events that are challenging this planet.” See Obama Administration Requests Info on Planetary Challenges. We can only conclude from this that world leaders have become concerned about the effects of major planetary events that prominent members of the metaphysical community were expected to understand. Well, regulars to this website will be well briefed about evolutionary changes being driven by solar, cosmic, galactic and intergalactic energy arriving from deep space and driving evolutionary changes on this planet. If you are new to this website, or have not visited the Joyfire Publishing website then the Joyfire section Extreme Space Weather, provides the exact detail of the acceleration of extreme Space Weather events driving evolutionary change on Earth.

18th July 2009

Well, 2008 has provided some major scientific verification of the basic premise of my book ‘Tuning the Diamonds: Electromagnetism & Spiritual Evolution’ i.e. Mayan Elders have been proven correct in their prediction that we are entering ‘A New Age’ dominated by space or the aether, encapsulated by the new phenomena of Space Weather. See Steep Uphill Climb to 2012: Messages from the Mayan Milieu. In September 2008, NASA announced that the inhabitants of Earth will be exposed to significantly more cosmic and galactic radiation, as part of a long term trend that started in the mid 1990s. The new phenomena of Space Weather, is the bombardment of Earth by solar, cosmic and galactic energy now causing concern to government agencies, satellite communication manufacturers and the power supply industry. Yet, the September 2008 announcement by NASA, that our planet is now being flooded by galactic cosmic rays as part of a long term trend that started in the mid 1990s, was even more startingly, as scientists speculate that the shielding around our solar system might ‘evaporate’.

On January 5th 2009, a press release about a NASA funded study stated that severe space weather will have “an impact” on humans, after years of only stressing the impact on technological systems. As galactic cosmic radiation floods our planet, this will most certainly cause an increase in DNA mutations and therefore generate evolutionary change. Certainly, environmental signals are now being affected by fluctuating geomagnetic signals, which humans use to maintain balance.

Whatever, as the shield around our solar system provided by the solar wind continues to drop, as the Earth’s magnetic field also continues to drop, with the December 2008 announcements of recent evidence that current magnetic configurations are generating massive breaches that will permit stronger geomagnetic storms in the future and the ionosphere has also contracted permitting more radiation to reach the ground, there can be no denial that all life on Earth will be greatly influenced by new cosmic conditions. My book, Tuning the Diamonds: Electromagnetism & Spiritual Evolution explains the myriad of effects, including the spiritual and evolutionary implications of this high energy bombardment. The Human Genome Project that cost 2.7 billion dollars over 13 years revealed that our DNA is actually ‘tuned’ by the environment and our consciousness. Therefore, I hope the many recent announcements from the Space community will propel many in the alternative and mainstream world to consider how well placed they are to co-operate with this evolutionary impetus. For further details see Best of the Blog Space Weather

Susan Joy Rennison,
B.Sc. Hons. (Physics with Geophysics)

First Entry: 10th October 2011
Last Entry: 21st June 2023

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Joyfire Science & Metaphysics Integration
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Susan Joy Rennison quotes:

“Space Weather is now a fact of life.”

“We are all astronauts now!”

Tuning The Diamonds,
September 2006

“We must spiritually evolve as part of the new terms & conditions for living on Earth.”

Joyfire Tour – Evolutionary Change, December 2006

“Space Weather will force many changes in how we do business on this planet.”

News of the Imbalance,
April 2007

NASA Press Release:

“Earth and space are about to come into contact in a way that's new to human history.”

“We're on the threshold of a new era in which space weather can be as influential in our daily lives as ordinary terrestrial weather.”

As the Sun Awakens, NASA Keeps a Wary Eye on Space Weather
NASA News, 4th June 2010

White House Executive Order:

“Space weather has the potential to simultaneously affect and disrupt health and safety across entire continents. Successfully preparing for space weather events is an all-of-nation endeavor that requires partnerships across governments, emergency managers, academia, the media, the insurance industry, non-profits, and the private sector.”

Executive Order –– Coordinating Efforts to Prepare the Nation for Space Weather Events
The White House, 13th October 2016

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