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Susan rennison

The New Cosmic Age is now Official!

According to Richard Fisher, head of NASA’s Heliophysics Division:
"Earth and space are about to come into contact in a way that's new to human history."

"I believe we’re on the threshold of a new era in which space weather can be as influential in our daily lives as ordinary terrestrial weather."

"We take this very seriously indeed."

Source: As the Sun Awakens, NASA Keeps a Wary Eye on Space Weather
NASA News, 4th June 2010

News of the Imbalance
November – December 2010

Eight Botched Environmental Forecasts
Fox News, 30th December 2010
A new year is around the corner, and some climate scientists and environmental activists say that means we're one step closer to a climate Armageddon. But are we really?

Predicting the weather -- especially a decade or more in advance -- is unbelievably challenging. What's the track record of those most worried about global warming? Decades ago, what did prominent scientists think the environment would be like in 2010? has compiled eight of the most egregiously mistaken predictions, and asked the predictors to reflect on what really happened.

1. Within a few years "children just aren't going to know what snow is." Snowfall will be "a very rare and exciting event." Dr. David Viner, senior research scientist at the climatic research unit (CRU) of the University of East Anglia, interviewed by the UK Independent, March 20, 2000.

2. "[By] 1995, the greenhouse effect would be desolating the heartlands of North America and Eurasia with horrific drought, causing crop failures and food riots…[By 1996] The Platte River of Nebraska would be dry, while a continent-wide black blizzard of prairie topsoil will stop traffic on interstates, strip paint from houses and shut down computers." Michael Oppenheimer, published in "Dead Heat," St. Martin's Press, 1990.

3. "Arctic specialist Bernt Balchen says a general warming trend over the North Pole is melting the polar ice cap and may produce an ice-free Arctic Ocean by the year 2000." Christian Science Monitor, June 8, 1972.

4. "Using computer models, researchers concluded that global warming would raise average annual temperatures nationwide two degrees by 2010." Associated Press, May 15, 1989.

5. "By 1985, air pollution will have reduced the amount of sunlight reaching earth by one half." Life magazine, January 1970.

6. "If present trends continue, the world will be ... eleven degrees colder by the year 2000. This is about twice what it would take to put us in an ice age." Kenneth E.F. Watt, in "Earth Day," 1970.

7. "By the year 2000 the United Kingdom will be simply a small group of impoverished islands, inhabited by some 70 million hungry people ... If I were a gambler, I would take even money that England will not exist in the year 2000." Ehrlich, Speech at British Institute For Biology, September 1971.

8. "In ten years all important animal life in the sea will be extinct. Large areas of coastline will have to be evacuated because of the stench of dead fish." Ehrlich, speech during Earth Day, 1970

Amazing... This is a reminder that the climate and environment have been targeted by sinister forces telling us blatant lies for many decades.

Wave kills two in Atlantic
Fierce wind and waves are being blamed for the death of two seafarers who sailed through a mid-Atlantic storm on Thursday.
Trade Winds, 30th December 2010
The 47-year-old captain and 33-year-old chief mechanic of Arcadia Shipmanagement’s 159,052-dwt Aegean Angel (built 2004) were killed and another crewman was seriously injured when a wave struck the vessel and slammed the trio against the ship's main deck, according to media reports.

An unidentified spokesman for the Greek tanker owner told the Bloomberg news wire that the men were checking for storm damage caused by winds that were the sea-condition equivalent of eight on the Beaufort Scale.

Now that there is a lot of discussion about possible orbital changes to the Moon and/or Earth in relation to the Sun, the many mysterious 'freak' wave events appear to be a logical consequence of a larger scenario.

Freezing Brits steamed over new green boilers
American Thinker, 30th December 2010
Five years ago the global warming crowd and their comrades in the Labour Party mandated the use of new green technology boilers in Great Britain. Government and environmental experts said that the ‘condensing boilers’ would not only greatly reduce the consumer’s carbon footprint, but would also lower their heating bills. Saving money and saving the planet, what could be better?

The UK Daily Mail reports that during the recent record cold spell in Great Britain, tens of thousands of people were without heat due to a serious flaw in the new boiler’s design. British Gas is understood to have had 60,000 call-outs in Yorkshire alone. And the cost to call out a plumber? It can be between £ 200 to £ 300 on a bank holiday. And don’t forget about VAT.[...]

In 2005 Labour deputy PM John Prescott made the condensing boiler mandate a key part of his plan to meet the CO2 reduction targets called for in the Kyoto Protocol. Three years later in an effort to sell the green technology boondoggle to the people, the government initiated a program which paid homeowners £ 400 towards the purchase and installation of the new boilers.

Sales people quickly jumped on the new market and produced glowing savings estimates for their customers. Boiler manufacturers and installers enjoyed a boom as they removed perfectly good boilers and replaced then with the new eco-friendly units. Everything was going smoothly until frustrated consumers discovered that their new boilers didn’t work in really cold weather.

To make matters worse, the new boilers typically last only 3-6 years and the costs of parts to repair the units are outrageously high.

The bogus Green commercialism is not really funny when it comes to boilers breaking down when people are experiencing arctic conditions...

Eight Botched Environmental Forecasts
Fox News, 30th December 2010
A new year is around the corner, and some climate scientists and environmental activists say that means we're one step closer to a climate Armageddon. But are we really?

Predicting the weather -- especially a decade or more in advance -- is unbelievably challenging. What's the track record of those most worried about global warming? Decades ago, what did prominent scientists think the environment would be like in 2010? has compiled eight of the most egregiously mistaken predictions, and asked the predictors to reflect on what really happened.

1. Within a few years "children just aren't going to know what snow is." Snowfall will be "a very rare and exciting event." Dr. David Viner, senior research scientist at the climatic research unit (CRU) of the University of East Anglia, interviewed by the UK Independent, March 20, 2000.

2. "[By] 1995, the greenhouse effect would be desolating the heartlands of North America and Eurasia with horrific drought, causing crop failures and food riots…[By 1996] The Platte River of Nebraska would be dry, while a continent-wide black blizzard of prairie topsoil will stop traffic on interstates, strip paint from houses and shut down computers." Michael Oppenheimer, published in "Dead Heat," St. Martin's Press, 1990.

3. "Arctic specialist Bernt Balchen says a general warming trend over the North Pole is melting the polar ice cap and may produce an ice-free Arctic Ocean by the year 2000." Christian Science Monitor, June 8, 1972.

4. "Using computer models, researchers concluded that global warming would raise average annual temperatures nationwide two degrees by 2010." Associated Press, May 15, 1989.

5. "By 1985, air pollution will have reduced the amount of sunlight reaching earth by one half." Life magazine, January 1970.

6. "If present trends continue, the world will be ... eleven degrees colder by the year 2000. This is about twice what it would take to put us in an ice age." Kenneth E.F. Watt, in "Earth Day," 1970.

7. "By the year 2000 the United Kingdom will be simply a small group of impoverished islands, inhabited by some 70 million hungry people ... If I were a gambler, I would take even money that England will not exist in the year 2000." Ehrlich, Speech at British Institute For Biology, September 1971.

8. "In ten years all important animal life in the sea will be extinct. Large areas of coastline will have to be evacuated because of the stench of dead fish." Ehrlich, speech during Earth Day, 1970

Amazing... This is a reminder that the climate and environment have been targeted by sinister forces telling us blatant lies for many decades.

Wave kills two in Atlantic
Fierce wind and waves are being blamed for the death of two seafarers who sailed through a mid-Atlantic storm on Thursday.
Trade Winds, 30th December 2010
The 47-year-old captain and 33-year-old chief mechanic of Arcadia Shipmanagement’s 159,052-dwt Aegean Angel (built 2004) were killed and another crewman was seriously injured when a wave struck the vessel and slammed the trio against the ship's main deck, according to media reports.

An unidentified spokesman for the Greek tanker owner told the Bloomberg news wire that the men were checking for storm damage caused by winds that were the sea-condition equivalent of eight on the Beaufort Scale.

Now that there is a lot of discussion about possible orbital changes to the Moon and/or Earth in relation to the Sun the many mysterious 'freak' wave events appear to be more of a logical consequence.

Freezing Brits steamed over new green boilers
American Thinker, 30th December 2010
Five years ago the global warming crowd and their comrades in the Labour Party mandated the use of new green technology boilers in Great Britain. Government and environmental experts said that the ‘condensing boilers’ would not only greatly reduce the consumer’s carbon footprint, but would also lower their heating bills. Saving money and saving the planet, what could be better?

The UK Daily Mail reports that during the recent record cold spell in Great Britain, tens of thousands of people were without heat due to a serious flaw in the new boiler’s design. British Gas is understood to have had 60,000 call-outs in Yorkshire alone. And the cost to call out a plumber? It can be between £ 200 to £ 300 on a bank holiday. And don’t forget about VAT.[...]

In 2005 Labour deputy PM John Prescott made the condensing boiler mandate a key part of his plan to meet the CO2 reduction targets called for in the Kyoto Protocol. Three years later in an effort to sell the green technology boondoggle to the people, the government initiated a program which paid homeowners £ 400 towards the purchase and installation of the new boilers.

Sales people quickly jumped on the new market and produced glowing savings estimates for their customers. Boiler manufacturers and installers enjoyed a boom as they removed perfectly good boilers and replaced then with the new eco-friendly units. Everything was going smoothly until frustrated consumers discovered that their new boilers didn’t work in really cold weather.

To make matters worse, the new boilers typically last only 3-6 years and the costs of parts to repair the units are outrageously high.

The bogus Green commercialism is not really funny when it comes to boilers breaking down when people are experiencing arctic conditions...

How do We Search for Quantum-Based ETs? (A 2010 Most Popular)
Daily Galaxy, 30th December 2010
On a recent Discovery program on the Universe, Stephen Hawking voiced concern about the dangers, he believes, are posed by aliens who may arrive some day on Earth: "To my mathematical brain, the numbers alone make thinking about aliens perfectly rational. The real challenge is to work out what aliens might actually be like..."

Life as we know it is based on chemistry but what, asks Randy D. Allen of the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Oklahoma State University, if life elsewhere is based, not on chemistry but on quantum mechanics?

An alien life form that can manipulate subatomic particles like our cells manipulate chemical compounds. Humans have existed as a species for less than a million years and we are, as far as we know, the only species on Earth that has even the vaguest notion of physics. We only discovered the atom and learned to unleash its power, Allen observes, within the last century: [...]

It is conceivable that, in the billions of years since the Big Bang, other organisms evolved at some time and some place that have already mastered quantum mechanics. [...] We can project that with no need to compete for resources, quantum beings would most likely be peaceful and only want the best for the Universe and its inhabitants. They could be aware of our existence, Allen says, but don’t care about us, much as we ignore most of the “lower” organisms that surround us. Alternatively, perhaps they have noted our biological, social and technological evolution and realize that we humans may well join their ranks someday and become quantum beings ourselves.

I excited to discover there are academics that are thinking along these lines. This does seem far more rational than other rather more speculative ideas that ignore the fact that the quantum realm is the fundamental property of the Universe. On a more topical note, if this is a government agent trying to deliver a new message to the general public, then I approve!

CGI's Dragon: An Acquired CIA Study of the Internet...
The Rumour Mill News, 30th December 2010
Full title is: An Acquired CIA Study Of The Internet, Made For The White House. (partially redacted)

[...] 12. The Internet, while impossible to control, is also an excellent recruiting ground for sympathetic or easily-convinced “bloggers” who will quickly disseminate official dissemination for pay or public acclaim. It is invaluable to distract the public from questioning various governmental actions, both domestic and foreign.

For this reason, our organization, and others, have “disinformation” centers that prepare information of a sensational nature which is then released to paid sources who, in turn, disseminate it onto the Internet. The purpose of this is to create a cloaking movement that will point the curious into innocuous areas.

As a case in point, it was imperative to prevent the public sector from looking too deeply into the origins of the 9/11 attacks. To prevent exposure of the actions of members of the top levels of government in this attack, many stories were released, over a long period, to the public through wholly-controlled sites. Claims of devious plots, mystery methodologies, and often laughable conclusions have proven to be extraordinarily effective in constructive diversion. The collapse of the WTC buildings have been attributed to Thermite bombs, clouds of plasmoid gas and other nonsense but a very gullible American public has easily swallowed all of the fictions

I expect this will go viral.... Personally, I am only interested in the internet's ability to disseminate truth. For the record, it is usually obvious who the paid shills are and who is actually knowledgeable about the subject matter. However, I prefer to do the hard work of reading research papers and seeking out world experts, because there are scientists doing good work. In the process of doing this thankless task, I tend to take a closer look if I think interesting and controversial research is being prevented from reaching a wide audience.

Europe to ban hundreds of herbal remedies
Safety concerns sparked drive to outlaw products
The Independent, 30th December 2010
Hundreds of herbal medicinal products will be banned from sale in Britain next year under what campaigners say is a "discriminatory and disproportionate" European law.

With four months to go before the EU-wide ban is implemented, thousands of patients face the loss of herbal remedies that have been used in the UK for decades.

From 1 May 2011, traditional herbal medicinal products must be licensed or prescribed by a registered herbal practitioner to comply with an EU directive passed in 2004. The directive was introduced in response to rising concern over adverse effects caused by herbal medicines.

I think the ban is more related to the fact that most older drugs are no longer working and many new drugs can't beat the Placebo Effect, which has doubled in the last 30 years. So maybe, the authorities are trying hard to prevent the collapse of the pharmaceutical companies. However, to be fair, there are people with no ethics who will sell harmful 'health' products, as long as there is a profit.

Brace yourselves for a 'mini ice age': This winter set to be coldest in 300 YEARS
Daily Mail, 30th December 2010
If you thought last week was as cold as you could bear it, brace yourself. Forecasters say the worst is yet to come, and this winter could be the harshest since the Thames froze over more than three centuries ago.

Temperatures for December are the coldest on record, with the average reading close to minus 1c – almost six degrees below normal.

And with forecasters warning that this winter’s ‘mini ice age’ might last until mid-March, this winter could be the worst since 1683-84 when a fair was held on the Thames.

I am wondering if the severe winter will focus some minds. Maverick weather forecasters got this right by focusing on the dynamics of the Sun, sunspots and the orbital relationships between Earth and Moon. Most people are narcissistic and think that the world revolves around humans. That is not true! The Earth and our solar system are part of a much bigger system and changes are occuring on a much larger scale, so major changes are already taking place on Earth. However, it is clear that preparations are taking place, the issue is for whose benefit? Here is the version at the UK Telegraph, minus all the nice pictures, Britain could be heading for coldest winter in 300 years

'Zombie' Satellite Comes Back to Life, 29th December 2010
A "zombie satellite" that spent months sending out signals while it was adrift in orbit has sprung back to life, resetting itself after its unexplained breakdown in space earlier this year.

"The most critical phases of Galaxy 15's recovery have been successfully completed," officials at Intelsat, the communications provider that owns the satellite, said of the newly responsive satellite. [...]

On Dec. 23, the battery on Galaxy 15 — which relied on solar panels pointed at the sun to generate power — became completely drained, Intelsat officials said. Once that happened, the satellite reset itself as designed and began accepting commands from Intelsat's control center. "We have placed Galaxy 15 in safe mode, and at this time, we are pleased to report it no longer poses any threat of satellite interference to either neighboring satellites or customer services," Intelsat officials announced. [...]

A satellite's resurrection? With Galaxy 15 now accepting commands from Earth, there is a possibility that the satellite could become fully functional again. "After we complete the initial diagnostic tests on Galaxy 15 and the drift of the satellite stopped, we expect to relocate the satellite to an Intelsat orbital location where we will assess the viability of the payload, and conduct extensive in-orbit testing to determine the functionality of every aspect of the spacecraft," Intelsat officials said.

What a recovery! A new space weather legend...

UFOs were `all natural' [NZ]
Marlborough Express, 29th December 2010
"The world famous ‘Kaikoura Lights’ UFO sightings of December 1978: In late December 1978, a spectacular series of sightings occurred over South Island skies. These sightings initially began on December 21 when the crew of a Safe Air Ltd cargo plane observed strange lighted objects around their Argosy aircraft. The lights, ranging in size to that of a house, tracked them for several minutes before disappearing, and reappearing elsewhere. They appeared on Wellington ATC radar, on the aircraft radar, and were sighted by hundreds of people."

Besides the interesting headline which suggests more 'conditioning', the picture here reminds me of the front cover of Trevor James Constable's book, Sky Creatures: Living UFOs (1976). See Best of the Blog archives for further details, Orbs, UAP Traffic & UFO Disclosure. For more info, the news video in the article below is explained by the original people involved in this most famous sighting:

Video: UFOs Buzz New Zealand After X-Files Release
AOL News, 29th December 2010
No wonder there is a refusal to deny the events surrounding the ‘Kaikoura Lights’...

Christian Leaders Say Green Movement is False Religion
The Christian Post, 28th December 2010
Conservative policy experts and religious leaders have collaborated to condemn the radical environmentalism movement in a 12-part video series. The series, called “Resisting the Green Dragon,” features criticisms of the green movement which religious leaders contend is a false religion that puts nature above people.

"Environmentalists have a long history of believing and promoting exaggerations and myths," says Richard Land of the Southern Baptist Convention's Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission in the video. One such myth speakers cite in the video is the notion that humans are causing global warming. According to The Cornwall Alliance founder Dr. E. Calvin Beisner, environmentalists are using this belief to advocate increased population control as a means of saving the earth. [...]

“Taking care of the earth sounds like a good idea because it is a good idea. What most Christians don’t understand is that environmentalism is a whole worldview that offers its own doctrines of God, of creation, of humanity, of sin and of redemption,” he contends.

The series, therefore, is an effort to expose the true motivations of the environmental movement. “I think the fear mongering is simply a way of obtaining power. Whoever controls the environmental regulations controls the economy, controls the population,” Tonkowich expresses.

I think this is simply a case of catching up with the Joneses... see Best of the Blog - Environmentalism as Religion

2006: 'Intelligent' orb floats within 10 feet of witnesses
UFO Examiner, 28th December 2010
It was an early summer morning, about 0345. Three of my friends and I were out on a second floor balcony, talking and smoking cigarettes. There is a large tree to your right when you're standing on this balcony looking out onto the street. The neighborhood is in a condo complex near the water in Foster City, Ca.

Anyway, we were chatting away, when out of the corner of my eye I saw this orb appear from behind the tree. It arced out from behind this tree from my right to left. I was the first to notice it as it silently hovered no more than ten feet away from us at eye level. It was about 8-10 inches in diameter.

The only way I can describe it is that it looked like a ball of plasma, the insides of it seemed to be moving. It was changing colors also, vivid reds and blues, pinks and orange; it was absolutely beautiful, like "living light". It didn't seen to emit light. It's hard to describe. It's like the light was internal, contained.

After a few seconds my three friends noticed it too. The conversation fell silent and all four of us just stood there dumbfounded, staring at it. I remember it seemed difficult to focus on, it's as if my eyes couldn't get a sharp look at what exactly it was. It hovered there for about 20 seconds, then it seemed to notice that we had noticed it (we all got really quiet and were staring at it at this point). The plasma ball silently floated away to our right and disappeared behind the tree where it had appeared from. [...]

Years later, i can't shake the feeling that there was some kind of intelligence behind it. It's hard to explain. The way it moved was very precise and deliberate. At the time, it felt like it was watching us. I think about it every day and hope to find out what it really is we saw that night.

This is a nice report that is similar to my own experience. Interestingly, the witness describes it as a ball of plasma and "living light", but my experience was that it was more like a pulsating neon light that shot out rays like a star, as it floated along. What I will say is that if you see one of these beautiful balls of light up close, you will never forget it.


Video: UFO's or Weather related objects? - Auburn Wa. [US]
Komo News, 1st January 2010
On 01/01/2011 New Years night at approximately 12:35 am, I step out on my front porch of my west hill Auburn residence in the Camelot neighborhood. Looking to the east I noticed two glowing objects. They appeared to resemble glowing orange/reddish embers. One was bigger than the other. My initial thought is that they were flares or fireworks from New Years celebrations,then realized they were not.They were traveling from east to west then a northerly "flow". If I had to guess an altitude it was approximately 15,000 ft and speed was more of a constant lumbering,if that makes sense, less than that of an airplane. From the unaided eye they looked unspherical almost rock/asteriod like objects with no contrails.
Interesting close-up video

Are Humans Evolving to Be Dumber?
Atlantic Wire, 28th December 2010
According to a new report in Discover Magazine, the human brain, which has expanded for most of our biological history, has begun to shrink. Kathleen McAuliffe writes that, according to new research, "Over the past 20,000 years, the average volume of the human male brain has decreased from 1,500 cubic centimeters to 1,350 cc, losing a chunk the size of a tennis ball. The female brain has shrunk by about the same proportion." And that shrinking appears to still be happening on an evolutionary scale.

So why haven't you heard about this yet? Discover Magazine's McAuliffe thinks it may have something to do with the fact that scientists--at least the few who have stumbled onto this trend--don't really have an explanation yet. "As I soon discover, only a tight-knit circle of paleontologists seem to be in on the secret, and even they seem a bit muddled about the matter. Their theories as to why the human brain is shrinking are all over the map," she writes.

Hmmm... brain volume does not equate to evolutionary status, but I have discovered that there is evidence that the brain has evolved and devolved in humans. Scientists will not talk about devolution because it is completely at odds with Darwin's theory of evolution, which everyone is supposed to believe religiously. Here, we have someone reducing brain evolution down to one factor -- brain size -- and there is obviously more to the story than that. I have found a copy of The Incredible Shrinking Brain by Kathleen McAuliffe, author of the Discovery article, which I presume is similar. In this version, we learn about the Idiocracy theory, which I found quite amusing, but actually this goes against other studies that clearly reveal that humans are becoming more intelligent overall, which might surprise a few.

Study: Conservatives have larger ‘fear center’ in brain
Raw Story, 28th December 2010
Political opinions are considered choices, and in Western democracies the right to choose one's opinions -- freedom of conscience -- is considered sacrosanct. But recent studies suggest that our brains and genes may be a major determining factor in the views we hold.

A study at University College London in the UK has found that conservatives' brains have larger amygdalas than the brains of liberals. Amygdalas are responsible for fear and other "primitive" emotions. At the same time, conservatives' brains were also found to have a smaller anterior cingulate -- the part of the brain responsible for courage and optimism.

If the study is confirmed, it could give us the first medical explanation for why conservatives tend to be more receptive to threats of terrorism, for example, than liberals. And it may help to explain why conservatives like to plan based on the worst-case scenario, while liberals tend towards rosier outlooks.

"It is very significant because it does suggest there is something about political attitudes that are either encoded in our brain structure through our experience or that our brain structure in some way determines or results in our political attitudes," Geraint Rees, the neurologist who carried out the study, told the media. [...]

But evidence is beginning to accumulate that figuring out a person's political proclivities may soon be as simple as a brain scan -- or a DNA test.

This is just more proof for theories associated with human development, especially the work of Professor Clare Graves and his theory of Levels of Human Existence, that is now more often referred to as Spiral Dynamics. (Please note: there are now many offshoots that don't necessarily reflect the intent of the original quality research.) Spiritual evolution requires the brain to be physically upgraded and re-wired. This is known to spiritual aspirants who sought a Kundalini awakening or used other methods to literally electrify and re-wire the brain. However, this concept has been misused and the extremely barbaric practice of electro-shock treatment of misfits can be cited.

Argentina: It's Official - AAF Will Research UFOs
Inexplicata, 28th December 2010
Information about the upcoming formation of a group of analysts within the Argentinean Air Force emerged recently, and was well received by the country’s experts. “This is the news that all researchers of the UFO phenomenon expected, and it fills us with satisfaction to hear that this will come about,” said expert Silvia Perez Simondini of the Vision OVNI group, who is working to bring about in Argentina a goal that is common to other countries in the Latin American region, which have already declassified their files.

“To this end, we created CEFORA (Commission for the Study of UFOS in the Argentinean Republic) to bring about the declassification that has already been achieved in many countries.The news about this commission gives us hope that it is a beginning, and that Argentina may also achieve it. It must be done with a critical attitude, and this is the most reasonable to our understanding. This way, we shall have the certainty of a serious and responsible scientific investigation,” Simondini maintains. [...]

The researcher explained that “this announcement by the Argentinean Air Force has something special about it, and that it will be supported on men of science with a critical sense, something that true researchers have always promoted and demanded: a task developed with specialists in different fields of science and above all, far from mysticism, speculation and superstition.”

“In this field,” Avellaneda concluded, “the task rests on a triad: the Air Force as the custodian of our skies, science as the only method of seriously explaining the facts, and specialized researchers with a necessary outreach to the community. Above them, the decision by the powers of the State to place our country – once and for all – in the place it deserves for serious, responsible research, and above all, an interrelationship between officialdom and the citizenry.”

More confirmation of this announcement from another source, but I am surprised that it has taken 5 days for the acknowledgement from this well respected ufology website. I will state that I don't think that the scientific perspective is paramount, but since current metaphysical teaching has proven to be so inadequate, to the point where most people interested in spirituality have no idea that UFOs belong to a spiritual dimension, I think the Argentineans are right to adhere to scientific protocols.

White Hot Magnetosphere but no Predictions of Solar Activity
NICT, 28th December 2010
# Prepared jointly by the U.S. Dept. of Commerce, NOAA,
# Space Weather Prediction Center and the U.S. Air Force.

Joint USAF/NOAA Report of Solar and Geophysical Activity
SDF Number 361 Issued at 2200Z on 27 Dec 2010

IA. Analysis of Solar Active Regions and Activity from 26/2100Z to 27/2100Z: Solar activity was very low. New Region 1138 (N13W12) was numbered during the period as a Dao bi-polar group and produced several B-class events. Regions 1136 (S22W84) and 1137 (N18E00) were spotless.

IB. Solar Activity Forecast: Solar activity is expected to be very low for the next three days (28 - 30 December) with a slight chance of C-class activity from the Region 1138.

IIA. Geophysical Activity Summary 26/2100Z to 27/2100Z: The geomagnetic field was quiet.

IIB. Geophysical Activity Forecast: The geomagnetic field is expected to be quiet for the next three days (28 - 30 December). III. Event Probabilities 28 Dec-30 Dec

Forecast - Report of Solar and Geophysical Activity Issued: 2010 Dec 27 2200 UTC

28.12.10 17:55 UTC. The Earth's magnetic field is currently getting a severe beating but it is clear this is not related to solar activity and we are getting some big blasts from deep space. There are no records of a gamma ray burst on the GRB Real-time Sky Map, there is nothing recorded at the Swift GRB blog either, but NOAA's live Kp index indicates storm-level geomagnetic activity around earth that is depicted as a giant spike. As we see above, the Space Weather forecast was quiet and there has been no solar flare that would have generated a blast of high speed particles and solar radiation. Nevertheless, our cosmic shield is white hot and looking like it has been severely punished.

More Info:

GEO-STORM WATCH: A geomagnetic storm is brewing. The sun's magnetic field near Earth tipped south during the early hours of Dec. 28th, opening a crack in Earth's magnetosphere. Solar wind pouring in could spark bright Northern Lights around the Arctic Circle. High-latitude sky watchers should be alert for auroras.

Comment: Yes, the magnetic field turned south but that does not explain where the energy is coming from to spark the sudden geomagnetic storm.

Update! GEOMAGNETIC STORM: High-latitude sky watchers should be alert for auroras. During the early hours of Dec. 28th, the sun's magnetic field near Earth tipped south, opening a crack in Earth's magnetosphere. Solar wind poured and sparked a G1-class (Kp=5) geomagnetic storm. Observers are reporting ground currents and intensifying Northern Lights in Scandinavia.

Comment: This is important, I have never seen a warning about ground currents (GICS) before on the website. That is a potential problem for national power grids in the far Northern hemisphere, countries like Finland, Norway, Sweden, Canada etc. Hmmm.... Earth's shields were down and then there was a cosmic blast... this is no joke...

29th December Update! SUBSIDING STORM: The geomagnetic storm of Dec. 28th is subsiding. The G1-class disturbance began when the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) tipped south, opening a crack in Earth's magnetosphere and allowing solar wind to enter. Cameras onboard US Dept. of Defense meteorological satellites recorded bright bands of aurora borealis circling the polar regions north of Scandinavia:

Paul McCrone processed the data at the US Navy's Fleet Numerical Meteorology and Oceanography Center in Monterey, CA. "These images use both nighttime visual and infrared data from the DMSP satellites F17 and F18," he says. DMSP satellites are outfitted with low-light cameras capable of recording clouds, lightning, city lights and auroras after nightfall. Note in the image, above, how the brightest bands of aurora borealis rival the urban lights of some northern European cities. "It was a dramatic display," observes McCrone.

more images: from Chad Blakley of Abisko National Park, Sweden; from Fredrik Broms of Kvaløya, Norway; from Severin Sadjina of Vigra, Møre og Romsdal, Norway; from Bjarki Mikkelsen of Porjus, Sweden; from Helge Mortensen of Kvaløya, Norway; from Timo Newton-Syms of Ruka, Finland; from Rob Stammes of Laukvik Lofoten Norway,

Is the ET Council 2015 ecology cleanup a prelude to 2025 ‘Paradise on Earth’?
Seattle Exopolitics Examiner, 27th December 2010
Scientist Dr. Carl Johann Calleman of the University of Washington stated in an Exopolitics Radio interview with Alfred Lambremont Webre that after October 28, 2011, “the universal alternating energy wave movements end, and Earth is set on a gradual setting of a potential to reach advanced utopian planet status – a virtual ‘Garden of Eden’.”

According to Dr. Calleman, these waves of enlightened unity consciousness emanate from the singularity or dimensional portal at the core of our Universe, and are distributed throughout our galaxy through the galactic singularity – the interdimensional portal of the galactic center black hole the Mayans called Hunab Ku. [...]

After October 28, 2011, as Dr. Calleman stated in a prior interview with me, “the universal alternating energy wave movements end, and Earth is set on a gradual setting of a potential to reach advanced utopian planet status – a virtual ‘Garden of Eden’.”

That milestone marks the beginning of final preparations for entry of Earth into a long-prophesized Golden Age of Utopia, or ‘2012-13 positive timeline,’ as I wrote in our recent series on the 2012-13 ‘positive’ and ‘catastrophic’ timelines

Hmmm... I wonder if Calleman got this new idea of 'Paradise on Earth' from reading my original essay, The Greatest Transition in the History of Mankind - The Return of Paradise. The website is now massive, hence I would be amazed if he has not seen this essay, or maybe, it was pointed out to him by various people enthralled by the positive message. Next, it will be interesting to see how those who have been on the Earth cataclysm bandwagon respond. Overall, I don't like the energy on this article at all, so I would suggest there is a problem with the genuineness of the source of the so-called 'channelled' material.

More comment:

I would like to point out and emphasise the fact that the author of this piece in the discussion of dualist thinking, simply fails to explain the significance of what is really going on with those who seem to ferment fear of catastrophe. Dualism is basically the mentality of: is it black or white, right or wrong, good or bad? Please note the popular New Age speak, "If we make the commitment to do so we can co-create unity consciousness." What does that mean? Well, I can tell you what I think. Here we have a list of 'bad things' that includes sun flares that some think is being used to push the 'dualist' fear agenda. I would like to suggest that this author has missed the opportunity to explain that those who are evolving, will realise that if possible massive events are looming that will cause problems for how we conduct our lives, there is also an opportunity to facilitate change. To sum up: those who are not of a dualist mindset realise, there is no good or bad just something different and possible evolutionary change. Unfortunately, in the world, there are many voices encouraging people to be brain dead, helpless and trusting, instead of working to facilitate change for the better. The best example I think of is the problem with national power grids. It seems that a few German scientists and Americans have realised that there is a major problem with severe Space Weather that can be avoided by taking some new measures. In the case of the Americans, we have one alert person who has been on a personal crusade to wake up people to the fact that their civilisation could be blown back into the Stone Age if enough power grids are demolished. One electrical engineer John Kappenman, has campaigned to stop 350 million people's lives being negatively impacted as their technological society is at risk. It seems that he has been successful in alerting the US military, who realise no electricity for vast swathes of the population would be a severe hinderance to their aspirations of world domination. Now, it has been worked out that there is a simple solution which is relatively peanuts in comparison to the problem of a busted transformer that costs 10 million dollars to replace, where trouble would occur if there is a sudden heavy demand, as production timetables means they are on a limited availability. However, persuading people to see that a cosmic conflagration is a possibility, has been an uphill battle, especially after people in senior positions have been conditioned by education to ignore Earth's intimate connection with the cosmos, despite the ample evidence. Now, the US indigenous folk have zero faith in the ignorant, morally corrupt American system and have been telling folk to get out of the cities. When you look at the facts, one could conclude that they have good reason to come to this conclusion. The indigenous reasoning is not based on a dualistic mindset, rather on a cool appraisal, based on what they know of what happens at 'The End Times'. So, Space Weather is here, folk are now wanting to jump on the Paradise on Earth philosophy, without a clear understanding that we need to create a new Paradise on Earth, a new high level bandwidth connection with the Universe does not automatically mean life would be a paradise, especially if we don't organise properly. Personally, I don't think we will see much ‘enlightened universal consciousness’ with no electricity or any other widely available power to allow us to make adequate adjustments to living in Earth's new cosmic environment. For those who don't understand the issues, please spend time reading more about Space Weather and learn about the struggle to maintain the technological systems that underpin our modern world.

Tromsø: - Almost as if the sun is back
Nyhetene, 27th December 2010
"Tromsø have not seen the sun since 27 November. And so been dark in the north for several weeks yet, the sun showed itself for locals today. In Tromsø, we celebrate the sun day on the 21 January, but today it's almost like the sun is back already. It's wonderful, an experience, "said TV2 reporter in Tromsø Egil Pettersen."

It looks like the Norwegians have noticed a big difference and the appearance of the Sun has arrived 3 weeks early at Tromsø. If you follow the links here, you will see the Norwegians have noted other discrepancies recently for the appearance of the Sun that are completely different to that predicted by astronomical calculations. So far, there has been very little interest in massive evolutionary change on this planet, but more and more people are concerned that they no longer understand what is going on with our Moon. This is at the same time that others are making some incredible claims that the Earth and Moon have shifted in their orbits, just as Keepers of Ancient Knowledge have predicted would be a consequence of the arrival of evolutionary energies. The changes on this planet are so massive that it's impossible for people to remain completely unaware. At this moment, we need more verification, but it looks like the orbital changes that were predicted as part of the massive evolutionary change caused by the arrival of Space Weather and evolutionary energies are well underway.

Light shines in High Arctic darkness
CBC news, 27th December 2010
People in the High Arctic say their 24-hour darkness isn't as dark as it used to be, and a weather researcher says it's because of the warming climate.

"We still have a daylight and there's still blue, green, red down there — there's sun sign still," said Zipporah Ootooq Aronsen, who lives in Resolute Bay, Nunavut. "It's not usually like that."

People in Resolute Bay now sometimes see a distant island that in the past was only visible during daylight hours.

"It never happened like that before," Aronsen said. "Now we can see it once in a while, when it's a clear day."

There are now many voices claiming that something has changed and that the earth has tilted on her axis, probably associated with the tilt nutation. Most notably, the Inuit Indians are absoluely adamant that the relative positions of sun, moon and stars have changed in the sky with respect to their location. Hence, it is interesting that these Inuit beliefs are now creeping more often into the mainstream media and there is greater discussion in the blogosphere. Please see previous articles about the change in the Earth's tilt, Inuit beliefs and the Inuit film documentary info, at Best of the Blog Earth Changes Please note, that the Inuit state clearly that we are experiencing climate change but they believe this is caused by the Sun. Here are some older CBC News stories below.

Northward-bound bugs studied
CBC news, July 6th December 2010
"Canadian researchers have scattered across the North this summer to study insects not normally found in the region, like wasps and hornets, and figure out how those bugs got to the Arctic in the first place. Biologist Donna Giberson of the University of Prince Edward Island has set up teams of graduate students in various northern communities to collect insects."

Inuit seek answers to Arctic sun quirks
CBC news, 7th March 2007
"For the past several years, residents in the High Arctic have observed that the winter dark season is ending earlier than usual, with the sun coming up at a different place than what people are used to seeing. "The people [are] talking about earlier sunrise, more light in the dark season, instead of being more total darkness than before," Grise Fiord resident Larry Audlaluk said Thursday, adding that he has heard similar observations from people in other Far North communities. "There are notices of more daylight earlier, and the dark season is not the real dark season that we used to know."

2010: A Big Year for UFOs
AOL News, 27th December 2010
Like a bad penny that keeps showing up, UFOs have been around on a regular basis from antiquity through modern day. And as 2010 unfolded, the UFO mythology was alive and well.

Famed British astrophysicist Stephen Hawking, the pope's astronomer, a high-ranking Italian politician and even the late Winston Churchill (according to recently unearthed documents) helped keep UFOs in the news. And sightings of unexplained flying objects came in from all over the world.

Let's take a look back at some of the more interesting, strange and funny stories involving UFOs and the possibilities of contact with ETs that appeared on our pages. [...] Yes, it was an amazing year of UFO tales, and we hope whoever's piloting these sophisticated machines -- assuming they are machines -- fully appreciates all the press we've given them.

I think the write-up is not very good but at least the mainstream media is admitting that it has been quite a year. What is most interesting is that I am now starting to think that ufologists are not too pleased with what is being reported. Look, even this AOL article suggests these may not be machines... There are too many objects that are being reported as orbs or with critter-like characteristics, for example, the widely reported October Manhattan, New York sightings, where witnesses described a jelly-fish UFO with "tentacles of light". Really, this is just too close to the revelation of a Shadow Biosphere appearing en masse. Well, as I have stated many times already, it's all going to get much worse, we are seeing planet Earth turn into a cosmic aquarium. The Ancestors are back!

The UFO Disclosure Countdown Clock website is run by Rick Phillips, who actually thinks quite deeply about what is going on. He has identified the fact that the UFO phenomena is actually morphing, a snippet is providing here:
Hello, welcome to the first annual UDCC review of the Best Videos, Stories, Events and Trends associated with the UFO Phenomena in 2010 - it has been quite a year. And, unlike last year in 2009, when the Exopolitics folks put on their ultimate attempt at `forcing disclosure' - even predicting exact dates over and over ---- 2010 was strikingly different --- the Exo-politic voices have largely receded in importance and relevance; despite them thinking elsewise. That said, whether intentional or not - the phenomena seems to be moving towards disclosure.

As, indeed, in 2010 there was a seeming increase in BIG UFO stories - what UDCC is calling `Flash Stories' about UFOs - is rapidly increasing on the TV media; and with slightly less snickering. That said, either thru cohering or their own bumbling 8 year old mentality - the MSM remains seemingly clueless to the involvement of a fairly significant internet and alternative community that is following what seem to be evolutions in the whole UFO phenomena and implications.

Are the operators of these sky phenomena making themselves known in a more seeable fashion? Are different phenomena being lumped in with `Craft UFOs'? Is society any closer to getting a `beyond refute video' of anomalous phenomena?

Who knows, but here is UDCC'S top 10 of 2010

Best Videos, Stories, Events and Trends Of The UFO Phenomena In 2010
UFO Disclosure Countdown Clock, 27th December 2010
This needs to be repeated: "...evolutions in the whole UFO phenomena..." it's always good to find someone who is awake.

The green hijack of the Met Office is crippling Britain
The Met Office's commitment to warmist orthodoxy means it drastically underestimates the chances of a big freeze, says Christopher Booker
The Telegraph, 26th December 2010
By far the biggest story of recent days, of course, has been the astonishing chaos inflicted, to a greater or lesser extent, on all of our lives by the fact that we are not only enjoying what is predicted to be the coldest December since records began in 1659, but also the harshest of three freezing winters in a row. [...]

What seems completely to have passed Mr Quarmby by, however, is the fact that in these past three years the Met Office’s forecasting record has become a national joke. Ever since it predicted a summer warmer and drier than average in 2007 – followed by some of the worst floods in living memory – its forecasts have been so unerringly wrong that even the chief adviser to our Transport Secretary might have noticed.

The Met Office’s forecasts of warmer-than-average summers and winters have been so consistently at 180 degrees to the truth that, earlier this year, it conceded that it was dropping seasonal forecasting. Hence, last week, the Met Office issued a categorical denial to the Global Warming Policy Foundation that it had made any forecast for this winter. [...]

The real question, however, is why has the Met Office become so astonishingly bad at doing the job for which it is paid nearly £200 million a year – in a way which has become so stupendously damaging to our country?

The answer is that in the past 20 years, as can be seen from its website, the Met Office has been hijacked from its proper role to become wholly subservient to its obsession with global warming. (At one time it even changed its name to the Met Office “for Weather and Climate Change”.)

The climate is mainly driven by the cosmic environment and that is changing dramatically, but the general public are not supposed to know that. Instead, 'we the public' are supposed to be convinced that Big Government and private interests should take control, by fleecing the public of cash to 'solve' the problem. It's that simple. Meanwhile, since state funded meteorologists are not very good at predicting the weather, because they don't actually understand how weather is generated, thus they have made themselves and bureaucrats fairly open to ridicule.

Fox News: Piers Corbyn gets the last laugh
YouTube, 27th December 2010

UFO’s Caught on Film (Video) Over Jerusalem: Crazy ‘Caterpillar’ UFO
Jerusalem UFO filmed same day Israeli Air Force shot down unidentified object over nuclear facility
DBKP, 24th December 2010
On December 16th CNN reported Israeli military jets shot down a ‘UFO’, an unidentified object over the Dimona Nuclear Facility near the Red Sea. Based on the length of CNN’s report, 17 seconds, most of us did miss the report. In case you missed it, someone posted the CNN report on Youtube.

On December 16th CNN reported Israeli military jets shot down a ‘UFO’, an unidentified object over the Dimona Nuclear Facility near the Red Sea. Based on the length of CNN’s report, 17 seconds, most of us did miss the report. In case you missed it, someone posted the CNN report on Youtube.

On December 17 we posted CNN’s report, a link to the report by the BBC, the UFO may have been an ‘unmanned balloon’, a report from Hareertz, the object ‘probably a balloon’, and, a report from Israel’s Defense Force, IDF. The report from the IDF, no mention of a balloon. The IDF’s report: A ‘suspicious’ object ‘hovering’ near the southern Red Sea near the Dimona nuclear facility had been shot down by an Israeli Air Force Fighter jet on December 16th.

On Dec. 21, a video was posted on Youtube. A video of an unidentified object which was purportedly shot at the Jerusalem Walling Wall. The UFO footage filmed on the same date the Israeli Air Force shot down the UFO near the Dimona nuclear plant. A second individual re-posted the original video on Dec. 23, slowing down the speed of the film. In the Second video, the discovery there were three ‘UFO’s captured in the original video. One of the UFO’s, a ‘crazy’ UFO unlike any UFO video footage we’ve seen, a UFO we’ve dubbed the ‘crazy caterpillar’.

I was wondering what was going on with the Israelis shooting down a 'party balloon' over a nuclear facility, but I immediately suspected they had attempted to shoot down a UAP. Quite frankly, the numerous ufo sightings with a reference to creatures should make a few think. Here are a few more sightings over the last week or so.

UFO video: Ring-shaped object was seen and filmed in Nova Scotia, Canada 26-Dec-2010
Latest UFO Sightings, 27th December 2010
"Latest UFO sightings - This UFO video of unknown ring-shaped object was recorded in Nova Scotia, Canada on Sunday, 26th December 2010."

Mystery lights 'similar' to 1978 [NZ], 28th December 2010
"I just thought it was a bright orange light in the sky and then it started moving towards us," Mr White said. "After it flew past, there were half a dozen adults there, we all considered it could have been a UFO. Nobody had seen anything like that before." [...] The lights were flying soundlessly in formation towards the South Island. "I have never seen anything like this in my life. It was definitely not a plane, not a meteor and not stars."

That’s Not A UFO That Landed In Japan
Paranormal Utopia, December 28th 2010
This is an example of an extremely rigid mindset that has no interest in considering that the this is anything other than balloons. The question I have is: why would anyone want to set off helium/LED balloons off that would land in the remote Japanese forest during daylight? What's more, did the Japanese airforce or army in a remote location provide this video? Some of those balloons look very weird to me too and must be compared to orbs clumped together to make magnetospheric plasmoids that are seen entering and leaving our atmosphere. Btw, I think this is old footage, that's been around for a while or else it's very similar to other older videos.

Origin of life studies cancel each other
Pravda, 24th December 2010
In 2009, Brown University biology professor Ken Miller wrote in the journal New Scientist that "the most profound unsolved problem in biology is the origin of life itself." Actually, it is not a problem in "biology," but a problem for evolution's anti-supernatural bias. And the problem is not only still unsolved from an evolutionary standpoint, it shows all the signs of being unsolvable by strictly natural means.

Two new studies purport to have made some progress in resolving this dilemma. Ironically, however, they cancel each other out. [...]

Neither heat nor cold can help chemicals come to life. Naturalistic origin of life research is more hopeless at finding an answer than it has ever been, especially since the "prebiotic soup" scenario was abandoned. It appears that the fancy phrase "precellular Darwinian evolution" used by the Nature authors is just "spontaneous generation" in new clothes.

The data from origin of life research all point to one clear conclusion: Nature is not enough to produce the conditions, machines, information, or chemicals for a living cell. The solution must therefore be found outside of nature. This scientific inference is also well-supported by Scripture, which says, "For by [God] were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth."

It's interesting to get an update on the struggle that scientists are having explaining the origin of life. I simply can't agree with the final paragraph either. Maybe the we should consider whether humans know all the Laws of the Universe? This is another longer article pointing out the same issue.

Is the Origin of Life in Hot Water?
Discovery Institute, 8th December 2010
The following is worth noting: "Dembski and Wells state the overall problem best in their work, Design of Life (2008):
Whenever origin-of-life researchers accept plausibility rather than evidence as their standard for scientific truth, they in effect give up the search for what really happened or for what with reasonable probability could have happened. Plausibility, as Stewart and many origin-of-life researchers understand the term, implies no effort to estimate probability. Instead, they settle for what they can imagine was possible or could have happened. In this way, they substitute opinion and prejudice for experiments and data." (241)

How to tame the monsters in your mind
Experts call them ANTS - Automatic Negative Thoughts and unless you learn how to stop them, they'll ruin your life
Daily Mail, 26th December 2010
Ever dipped into the ­biscuit tin then decided you’ve ruined your diet so you may as well eat the lot? Or thought that because you didn’t get a promotion this year, you’re destined for failure in your career?

You’re not alone. Even the most optimistic person is not immune to negative thoughts, but for some, the destructive chatter of self-doubt can be relentless.

Psychologists now believe that just as feeling embarrassed can cause a physical ­reaction (blushing) so self-destructive thoughts can lead to ill-health, weight-gain, poor skin and misery.

Psychiatrist Dr Daniel Amen has spent a lifetime studying how thoughts influence our appearance, energy and diet success.

Its the ANTS in other people's mind that is of the greatest concern to me, as I don't have the energy to go looking for ANT-lightened folk.

Why is the north magnetic pole racing toward Siberia?
Scientific American, 24th December 2010
[..] The north magnetic pole (NMP), also known as the dip pole, is the point on Earth where the planet's magnetic field points straight down into the ground. Scottish explorer James Clark Ross first located the NMP in 1831 on the Boothia Peninsula in what is now northern Canada, and with the planting of a flag claimed it for Great Britain.

But the NMP drifts from year to year as geophysical processes within Earth change. For more than 150 years after Ross's measurement its movement was gradual, generally less than 15 kilometers per year. But then, in the 1990s, it picked up speed in a big way, bolting north–northwest into the Arctic Ocean at more than 55 kilometers per year. If it keeps going it could pass the geographic north pole in a decade or so and carry on toward Siberia. But why?

There is too much about this article that glosses over what might actually be happening. The first obvious assumption is what is happening with these helical currents, especially when NASA are monitoring charged particles flowing in through the polar cusps, therefore, the driver of the Earth's magnetic field could be external rather than internal. The clue is the link with Space Weather, as we are told that the increase in the rate of polar wander has been increasing since the mid 1990s, but this is at the same time that NASA scientists and others have explained that the polar cusps have dramatically widened, especially in relation to Space Weather activity. Some of the consequences of Earth's connection with the Sun are explained here, Is the Earth an Electromagnetic Coil/Transformer?. Note the discussion about the Earth's salty ocean carrying electric currents. Interestingly, there was a recent update on the ESA SWARM project that will be also measuring the magnetic field associated with these ocean currents. This is explained in this Science Daily article: Are Changes In Earth's Main Magnetic Field Induced By Oceans' Circulation? Therefore, it seems that scientific opinion is shifting, as dramatic geophysical changes force scientists to reevaluate long held beliefs.

Space Junk Rivals Weapons as a Major Threat, 23rd December 2010
What began as a minor trash problem in space has now developed into a full-blown threat. A recent space security report put the problem of debris on equal footing with weapons as a threat to the future use of space.

Hundreds of thousands of pieces of space junk — including broken satellites, discarded rocket stages and lost spacewalker tools — now crowd the corridors of Earth orbit.

These objects could do serious damage to working spacecraft if they were to hit them, and might even pose a risk to people and property on the ground if they fall back to Earth and are large enough to survive re-entering the atmosphere.

The new Space Security 2010 report released by the Space Security Index, an international research consortium, represented space debris as a primary issue. Similar recognition of the orbital trash threat also emerged in the U.S. national space policy unveiled by President Obama in June 2010. [...] "When the United States tested an anti-satellite (ASAT) weapon in 1985 by destroying its Solwind satellite, and China tested its ASAT in 2007, neither broke any 'rules,'" Johnson-Freese said in an e-mail. "But each created a substantial amount of space debris potentially dangerous to other spacecraft." Both countries have since changed their policies, and said future tests will be characterized as "missile defense," aimed only at destroying targets that won't leave lingering debris, Johnson-Freese pointed out. "In terms of space debris, it is simply not in U.S. interests to pursue paths that encourage actions that result in debris creation."

I have continued to highlight the space junk problem because with the onset of severe Space Weather, it was obvious that all that uncontrolled junk floating around Earth would become lethal, like debris swirling around in a tornado. Now it looks like reality has finally set in as the fear mounts of a rapid escalation of space junk damaging more and more satellites, risking the whole satellite communication infrastructure.

Breaking News: Argentine Air Force announces committee to study UFO phenomenon
Seattle Exopolitics Examiner, 23rd December 2010
The Air Force of Argentina on Dec. 23, 2010 formally announced the formation of a committee to study the UFO phenomenon.

The Argentinean Air Force’s action to form a UFO investigation unit was confirmed by Sylvia Perez Simondini of the CEFORA (Argentinean Republic Committee for UFO Phenomena Studies), "an organization formed by various UFOlogy groups in Argentina. The main purpose is the declassification of all related UFO phenomena in Argentina. It was formed by serious Argentinean UFOlogists in Victoria, Entre Rios during a conference.”

In a public statement, Ms. Perez Simondini says,

"The Argentinean Air Force has just announced the formation of a commission to investigate the UFO phenomenon.

"The Director of Institutional Relations of the Argentinean Air Force confirmed on Telefe Newscast that it has recorded two UFO sightings it cannot account for by normal explanations. The Argentinean Air Force further stated that the mission of the Air Force is to guard the security of Argentinean air space.

"This is a message that all UFO researchers hoped for, filling us with satisfaction to hear that this will occur.

"In our last congress, especially in the Uruguay, which was conducted fairly by the Uruguayan Air Force, at that time, I received greetings from Commodore Robert Muller, Head of the Unit II Air Brigade Paraná, from Colonel Ariel Rios Sanchez, Head of Ricardo Bermúdez CRIDOVNI of CEFAA, the sister republic of Chile, from Ademar Gevaerd Director of the Brazilian UFO Magazine, who is the coordinator of the declassification of UFO phenomenon in Brazil, in order to urge the Air Force of Argentina toward a common goal of UFO disclosure.

"CEFORA, (Argentinean Republic Committee for UFO Phenomena Studies) was created for this goal, to put Argentina on a par with many countries where UFO files have been declassified. This news gives us some hope to believe disclosure is starting, and Argentina also can get UFO declassification. It is most reasonablebe that we assume a critical attitude on our part, so we will have the security of a good and responsible scientific research.

"We see that the struggle of many researchers over the years can have the reward of seeing a dream fulfilled, and we hope that when this [Air Force] Committee is formed, it will know how to accept and discuss the work of researchers that has been made with a lot of effort, through the will and vocation of those who have been following the phenomenon for so long.”

There must be something in the air... what about UFOs? LOL! But seriously, we are being told here that the Argentinean Air Force does not want to be be seen as being behind the times, so what about all the other reluctant world and government agencies out there? It really makes you wonder....

New Zealand military releases UFO files
Sky News, 23rd December 2010
The New Zealand military has released hundreds of previously classified reports detailing claims of unidentified flying object (UFO) sightings and alien encounters.

The reports, dating from 1954 to 2009, were released on Wednesday under freedom of information laws after the New Zealand Defence Force removed names and other identifying material.

In about 2000 pages of documents, members of the public, military personnel and commercial pilots outline close encounters, mostly involving moving lights in the sky. [...]

One of the most comprehensive files concerns two sightings of strange lights off the South Island town of Kaikoura in 1978, one of which was captured by a television crew aboard a plane in the area.

The incident made international headlines at the time, but a contemporary Air Force report found it could be explained by natural phenomena such as lights from boats being reflected off clouds or an unusual view of the planet Venus.

The original documents on which the reports released on Wednesday were based will remain sealed in the national archive, some until 2080.

Watch the Sky News report and the vintage 1978 video, released as of a peach coloured orb, that the 'experts' tell us was probably Venus, 1978 video of a UFO that newly released files from the NZ authorities conclude was either Venus or light waves. Now, do any of these 'experts' feel any shame for not being able to tell the difference between a planet and an object hovering in the sky! Well, The Big Secret is well and truly out. Earth has a Shadow Biosphere and this plasma entity is another form of life, and only those who have done no research would have the stupidity to suggest that there is no evidence, when scientific papers on Light Phenomena are easily available on the internet and therefore are in the public domain.


News Video: New Zealand Government Released Its UFO X-Files
UFO Blogger, December 2010
New Zealand Government UFO file link

Space Weather, 23rd December 2010
Normally, the full Moon is bad news for Northern Lights; lunar glare overwhelms the delicate aurora borealis. The full Moon of Dec. 21st, however, was different. It slipped into the shadow of Earth for a lunar eclipse, reducing the glare and revealing hidden auroras:

"Auroras were dancing in the northern sky throughout the eclipse," says photographer Yuichi Takasaka of Yellowknife in the Northwest Territories of Canada. In the snapshot, above, the Moon is circled, apparently not much brighter than surrounding stars. A video prepared by Takasaka shows how dramatically the sky darkened while the Moon was inside Earth's shadow. "What a night!"

The video showing the aurora when the sky darkened is quite impressive, see Total Lunar Eclipse & Aurora (C203-2204-2873) .

California shopper captures orbs in photo
UFO Examiner, 23rd December 2010
[...] A friend and I went out to do some Christmas shopping at The Grove in Hollywood. (The grove is an outdoor shopping mall) It had been raining non stop for the past three days and was raining heavily today in particular.

Just after a few minutes before we arrive at The Grove the rain had stopped. I noticed that a lot of people were pointing at the sky and taking pictures. In the wake of the storm was a brilliant double rainbow, so I decided to take some photos myself.

As i was about to take the picture I noticed through the screen on my cell, 4 orb like objects in front of the rainbow that were not there seconds prior. I stared at through the screen in awe. I have never seen a UFO/s in my life but always wanted to so badly. And here I was experiencing it. They were gliding effortlessly in tandem in the sky right in front of this beautiful rainbow. It was perfect.

As I took the picture my phone died. I look up from my phone, they were gone. Not sure if the photo came out or not. When I arrived home I immediately connected my phone to my computer. And there they were, the four objects I saw. The picture doesn't to them justice but none the less, I captured them. 3 orbs or lights above and 1 below.

One object in particular that I find interesting is the one in the middle. It almost looks like a creature attached to it. If anyone else saw this event, please post.

I thought this was wonderfully festive, happy holidays!

Daytime UFO video recorded in North Hollywood, California 24-Dec-2010
Latest UFO Sightings, 25th December 2010
More activity in the Hollywood area?

The Abiding Faith Of Warm-ongers, 22nd December 2010
Climate: Nothing makes fools of more people than trying to predict the weather. Whether in Los Angeles or London, recent predictions have gone crazily awry. Global warming? How about mini ice age?

The sight of confused and angry travelers stuck in airports across Europe because of an arctic freeze that has settled across the continent isn't funny. Sadly, they've been told for more than a decade now that such a thing was an impossibility — that global warming was inevitable, and couldn't be reversed.

This article is simple, short and too the point. Anyway, I actually think this is sad. We needed to have prepared for massive climate change so that our civilisation could more easily adapt, instead of which we have the psychopaths trying to take ultimate control and make a fast buck. There are many articles pointing out the fact that we are being led by the nose by fools.

Background Info:

A True Inquiry Into Climate & Weather (1/2): A Hot Potato
It's Rainmaking Time!, October 25, 2009

Here is an interview by Kim Greenhouse at It's Rainmaking Time! of Bob Felix, author of Not by Fire, But By Ice and Magnetic Reversals & Evolutionary Leaps. Bob has spent considerable time researching climate, extinctions, magnetic reversals, and ice ages. His books present staggering evidence of global cooling that suggests an ice age could begin at any moment. Bob is joined by resepcted meteorologist Joe D’Aleo and Canadian climatologist Dr. Tim Ball.

A True Inquiry Into Climate & Weather (2/2): The Plot Thickens
It's Rainmaking Time!, November 14, 2009

In Part 2 we have an interview with astrophysicist Dr. Willie Soon (Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics) and climatologist Dr. David Legates (University of Delaware). Dr Willie Soone is awesome, a scientist with a heart and a spiritual pulse, who actually understands what a real scientist is and refuses to compromise. He is passionate, but in this interview it takes a while for him to warm up, but believe me, when he drops the cool scientific exterior, this interview reveals just the kind of §*#%§ that quality people are having to face. One would normally expect bad treatment from those who are mentally deficient, but not from scientists who are supposed to be able to apply reason and logic. The interview warm ups after Soone starts talking about polar bear politics and then we get the discussion of scientists on the money gravy train and sold on the CO2 religion. Yes, we have seen this sentiment in articles, but rarely has this been explained with such passion!

Magnetic Reversals & Climate
It's Rainmaking Time!, October 13, 2010

Also, I would also like to point out another interview with Robert Felix that is directly relates to my essay The Greatest Transition. He associates magnetic reversals and excursions with the precession of the equinox and provides details of the geological evidence. Even though he is not a trained scientist, he has earned the respect of scientists for pointing out that the evidence suggests we are at a point of massive transition and are most likely now heading for a mini ice-age. In this interview, we get a description of severe Space Weather that is associated with evolutionary change. This links up with all the current scientific interest in the conflagration associated with nanodiamonds encased in carbon spherules, found in part of a sedimentary layer (the carbon rich "black mat") known as the Younger Dryas Boundary, that was caused by a major cosmic event that scientists think occured about 12,900 years ago.

Strange phenomenon decorate Oslo Heaven, 22nd December 2010
Google Translate: Very early Wednesday morning showed some colorful light pillars in the sky over downtown Oslo. Per Christian Thoresen discovered them and took pictures out the window from the apartment in Arup Gate. It looks like the northern lights. It only lasted for ten minutes so the pillars were gone. They stood quite still, he says to NRK. It may be possible to see this in the next few days, "says John Smit. No, the aurora is not. There are some nice "pillars," says værentusiast and television meteorologist John Smit to He also spotted the great phenomenon when he went to work this morning, at the bottom of Differences by Alnabru.

These are not the best quality pictures, but maybe more will appear. Here is the conventional explanation, for Light Pillars but I just don't believe this is the full answer. Here, we are being told that ice crystals that are normally extremely high up in the atmosphere that have found their way down to virtually ground level and light reflections are causing an optical illusion. Well, this is an explanation that I have missed! Since there is some anecdotal evidence that light pillars have been seen as a precedent to auroras. I would suggest that maybe some kind of atmospheric event has brought these ice crystals (frozen cosmic dust) down to the ground level. As I have stated before, maybe this is not just any old icy cosmic dust, as we known hundreds of billions of extraterrestrial dust particles fall though our skies, from sources within our own solar system. Maybe, we are seeing the same ice crystals and therefore frozen cosmic dust that create the enigmatic noctilucent clouds. Since these pillars of light are rare, and supposedly need the right atmospheric conditions, I would suggest that the only thing that does make this phenomena appear, is the quality of the energy that has brought these ice crystals down to ground level and explains why some of these light pillars have completely stumped atmospheric experts. See archives for 'mystery pillars' and 'luminous beams'.

Earth's exposure to radiation stresses biodiversity, study says
May be tied to solar system's bobbing path around the Milky Way
MSNBC, 22nd December 2010
A puzzlingly regular waxing and waning of Earth's biodiversity may ultimately trace back to our solar system's bobbing path around the Milky Way, a new study suggests.

Every 60 million years or so, two things happen, roughly in synch: The solar system peeks its head to the north of the average plane of our galaxy's disk, and the richness of life on Earth dips noticeably.

Researchers had hypothesized that the former process drives the latter, via an increased exposure to high-energy subatomic particles called cosmic rays coming from intergalactic space. That radiation might be helping to kill off large swaths of the creatures on Earth, scientists say.

The new study lends credence to that idea, putting some hard numbers on possible radiation exposures for the first time. When the solar system pops its head out, radiation doses at the Earth's surface shoot up, perhaps by a factor of 24, researchers found.

This article can be linked to the false idea that has mislead many into believing that Earth will be passing through the Galactic Plane in 2012. Well, the numbers vary, but here it states we are 10 million years away from this eventuality. However, even if this was true, I don't see any of these 2012ers explaining that the result would be DNA mutations and rapid evolutionary change. However, we do have the new phenomena of Space Weather, something that has been acelerating for over 20 years and has become a serious threat to our technological societies. I have not seen any statistics for the overall increase in background radiation, but we do know that cosmic rays are at a Space Age high. See: Health Risks from Exposure to Low Levels of Ionizing Radiation: BEIR VII Phase 2 (2006) Board on Radiation Effects Research (BRER) link The explanation is that in the course of moving around the galactic centre, our solar system has arrived at new region of space and the transition has severely affected the Sun's behaviour, at the same time that Earth is losing her planetary and solar system shielding. Research papers and articles are easily available for those prepared to look, but obviously, the 2012 cosmic fairy tale being perpetuated in some quarters, is a long way from the truth. Please note the details of the original press release:

Looking to heavens, KU researchers solve puzzling extinctions on Earth
Kansas University, May 18, 2007

Placebos work, even when patients are in the know, study finds
In what researchers call a novel 'mind-body' therapy, most patients in a study suffering from irritable bowel syndrome reported relief after receiving pills they were told contained no real medicine.
Los Angeles Times, 22nd December 2010
A simple sugar pill may help treat a disease — even if patients know they're getting fake medicine. The finding, reported online Wednesday in the journal PloS One, may point the way to wider — and more ethical — applications of the well-known "placebo effect."

"The conventional wisdom is you need to make a patient think they're taking a drug; you have to use deception and lies," said lead author Ted Kaptchuk, an associate professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School. And, Kaptchuk added, it seems many doctors do this: In one report, as many as half of rheumatologists and internists surveyed said they had intentionally given patients ineffective medication in the hopes it would have a positive result.

Kaptchuk, however, wondered whether the deception was needed. When he first tried to persuade fellow researchers to explore a sort of "honest" placebo, "they said it was nuts," he said. After all, didn't the whole effect hinge on people believing they were getting real treatment? Patients were easier to enlist. "People said, 'Wow, that's weird,' and we said, 'Yeah, we think it might work.' "

The researchers enrolled 80 people suffering from irritable bowel syndrome, explaining the experiment while framing it positively — they called it a novel "mind-body" therapy. Half the patients were given a bottle with the word "placebo" printed on it. The pills it held, they were told, were like sugar pills. The patients were told they didn't even need to believe in the placebo effect, but had to take the pills twice daily.

The other half were given no treatment at all. At the end of the three-week trial, 59% of the patients taking the placebo said their symptoms had been adequately relieved, far outstripping the 35% in the non-treatment group.

Is it any wonder that the major pharmaceutical companies are in a panic! We need to see more and more studies that chart the rise of the Placebo Effect, which I believe is in direct correlation to the impact of morphogenetic fields being upgraded due by the arrival of Space Weather and New Energies on the planet.

Government to Control the 'Net – Good Luck With That!
Daily Bell, 21st December 2010
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) will mark the winter solstice by taking an unprecedented step to expand government's reach into the Internet by attempting to regulate its inner workings. In doing so, the agency will circumvent Congress and disregard a recent court ruling. How did the FCC get here? [...] Worried about technological censorship? Technologically, the Internet has never been a free-market product. The “highway” was initially built by the US government and much of the traffic is still controlled by a few powerful government-supervised routers. But it is what has happened “off” the highways, in the byways that is so important.

There is a plethora of on-ramps and other connections that have flourished. These are the enterprises of the market itself and these are the facilities that Internet regulation will likely not be able to damage, or certainly not beyond repair. More will be built, often by adolescents. And the threat posed by the ‘Net to the power elite's march towards one-world governance and the complete destruction of individual freedoms will continue to be felt.

It's hard to find articles that explain why the internet is not really that easy to control. Here we are told that teens are building lots of workarounds and quite frankly, I don't think TPTB have the ability to beat these ultra smart kids.

Defence lifts lid on Kiwi X-files [NZ], 22nd December 2010
Thousands of secret files on New Zealand's UFO reports are set to be made public, nearly 32 years to the day after our most famous sighting.

The files include every witness account of unidentified flying objects reported to authorities since the early 1950s, including the 1978 Kaikoura mystery.

They had been held by Archives New Zealand, which was to make them available in February after requests from the public, but the Defence Force stepped in, saying it needed to remove personal identification to comply with the Privacy Act. The Defence Force promised to release the files by the end of this year and is due to make them public this week.

More than 2000 pages of files will be issued in 12 volumes. Squadron Leader Kavae Tamariki said the Defence Force would not comment on the files' content.

This was initially reported in January 2010 and it looks like the New Zealand Defence Force have kept their promise to deliver before the end of the year. It's not just 'the veil' lifting, it's the veil of secrecy too!


Files shine light on UFO sightings
NZ Herald, 22nd December 2010
"New Zealand's most famous UFO sighting was a moving cluster of bright lights five times the size of a large fishing vessel that dazzled and spooked the occupants of a small plane during a routine newspaper drop. [...] The camera man shot footage on the "anomalous bright objects". [...] "It is not the intent of this paper to offer an explanation for the unusual bright source. However one may note that the brightness, the size (20m or more), and the duration (it was seen for over 12 minutes) place rather severe requirement on a conventional phenomenon such as, for example, glowing plasma or 'ball lightning'. " However, a report from the RNZ Air Force found that the lights could be explained by "natural but unusual phenomena"."

All the world's miltary know the truth and that this 'unusual natural phenomena' belongs to a Shadow Biosphere, a form of 'weird' life, some with out-of-this-world characteristics. For the facts, read what the UK Ministry of Defence have got to say, which can be found in a previously top secret report, now in the public domain. See Unidentified Aerial Phenomena in the UK Defence Region [2000] link. For more background info, see Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Index .

More Background Info

India may be the first country to explain to the world about extra-terrestrial and UFO contacts – the secret debate is on
India Daily, January 06, 2005 --- flashback ---
New Delhi is in the middle of a big secret internal debate. On one side the largest democracy of the world is eager to explain to its citizens and to the world about the ongoing contacts with the UFOs and extra-terrestrials. On the other hand there are invisible untold international protocols that prohibit doing anything that may cause worldwide fear and panic. [...]

"Military officials and politicians have confessed the fact that India has been contacted. India has been told the rules of the Universe.

The current debate is on whether to keep it secret like other countries are doing or in tradition of a total transparent society come out and tell the truth. India is so open and democratic; it is very difficult to keep a secret for long."

This is old news but quite frankly, we can summise that Indian government politicians did have some some really juicy information that they could disclose to the whole world. Maybe, this information was used as a gambling chip in the form of, wouldn't it be interesting if we did share what we know? The author of this article states: "When all these factors are added together and analyzed, it seems like India is being told by the world to abide by the hidden protocols and in exchange be recognized as a major emerging superpower." Well, the only problem with all this backroom dealing is the Shadow Biosphere being mistaken for aliens, has nothing to do with any humanoid ETs that may or may not be in contact with world governments. The 'bright lights' are a completely separate phenomena and have no interest in abiding by any code of secrecy, as most of them are "critters", as it is clear from numerous sightings. So more and more governments disclosing their UFO files is admitting that UFOs exist, but not the full truth of what is really going on. Quite frankly, world authorities probably do not want to admit there are complexities that they do not fully understand in our 'spiritual' universe.

French village which will 'survive 2012 Armageddon' plagued by visitors
The Telegraph, 21st December 2010
The mayor of a picturesque French village has threatened to call in the army to seal it off from a tide of New Age fanatics and UFO watchers, who are convinced it is the only place on Earth to be spared Armageddon in 2012.

Bugarach, population 189, is a peaceful farming village in the Aude region, southwestern France and sits at the foot of the Pic de Bugarach, the highest mountain in the Corbières wine-growing area.

But in the past few months, the quiet village has been inundated by groups of esoteric outsiders who believe the peak is an "alien garage".

According to them, extraterrestrials are quietly waiting in a massive cavity beneath the rock for the world to end, at which point they will leave, taking, it is hoped, a lucky few humans with them.

Most believe Armageddon will take place on December 21, 2012, the end date of the ancient Maya calendar, at which point they predict human civilisation will come to an end. Another favourite date mentioned is 12, December, 2012. They see Bugarach as one of perhaps several "sacred mountains" sheltered from the cataclysm.

Hmmm... the army protecting a sacred mountain against New Agers would be interesting to watch...

Police: Man kills bride, best man, self at wedding
Yahoo News, 20th December 2010
RIO DE JANEIRO – A bridegroom fatally shot his new wife, his best man and then himself after announcing to horrified guests that he had a "surprise" for them, authorities said Monday.

Witnesses reported that 29-year-old Rogerio Damascena, a sales manager in Camaragibe, outside the northeastern Brazilian city of Recife, did not give any previous indication that anything was wrong at his wedding reception, police investigator Joao Brito said.

Brito would not speculate on a possible motive, saying family members were in shock and he had not interviewed them yet. Brito did say the killings are believed to be premeditated because of the groom's announcement and because he had hidden a gun in his father's pickup truck.

Sociopath or psychopath? Apparently, experts argue about degrees of Antisocial personality disorder but others don't believe there is any difference. Whatever, according to the experts there are a lot more of these people than you can imagine.


The following article provides a different definiton, "Generally, those who believe it's caused by environmental factors use the term sociopath, and believers of the biological theory use the term psychopath." This is the first article that I have come across that explains many therapists refuse to work with psychopaths because the therapist can get damaged in the process.
"Lying, deceiving, and manipulation are natural talents for psychopaths," agreed Dr. Robert Hare, in his book, Without Conscience. "When caught in a lie or challenged with the truth, they are seldom perplexed or embarrassed--they simply change their stories or attempt to rework the facts so that they appear to be consistent with the lie."

Psychopaths are always able to justify their actions, no matter how brutal. They have, "an ability to rationalize their behavior so that it appears warranted, reasonable, and justified," says Dr. Cleckley. Dr. Hare added, "Psychopaths show a stunning lack of concern for the devastating effects their actions have on others. Often they are completely forthright about the matter, calmly stating that they have no sense of guilt, [and] are not sorry for the pain and destruction they have caused," which, says Dr. Hare, "is associated with a remarkable ability to rationalize their behavior."

Psychopathy is usually untreatable. Most therapists won't work with them because they often end up damaged in the process. Dr. Hare explained, "Such counseling would be wasted on psychopaths."Some of them will even reflect the wishes of the therapist and pretend to be getting better. [...] "Psychopaths are essentially aliens that look human. Probably one of the best skills to learn is how to detect and avoid a psychopath." [...] Dr. Hare refers to them as "intraspecies predators."

The Hidden Evil: The Psychopathic Influence
This is a good article but it is clearly explains using the opinion of world experts, psychopaths are NOT human. Believe me, after my own experiences, I am learning and avoiding. The traits of a psychopath are not taught in school and unfortunately, it seems that for my first significant encounter, I did detect some odd behaviour, but I did not have a frame of reference to understand the significance, now I do!

Mexican pipeline blast kills at least 27, 20th December 2010
At least 27 people were killed when a pipeline of Mexico’s state oil monopoly, Pemex, exploded in San Martín Texmelucan 60 miles south of Mexico City early on Sunday, authorities said.

Pemex said the explosion was probably caused when thieves “milked” the pipeline. A black market in petrol, diesel and jet fuel in Mexico is estimated to be worth hundreds of millions of dollars a year. Pemex has also said that the country’s drug cartels have found a lucrative sideline by smuggling oil and other petroleum products into the US.

I have been waiting for more information on this story, but I was disturbed to read that the problem of 'thieves' is not quite what most would believe. So we read:
Suarez Coppel said there are some criminal groups that extract hydrocarbons using sophisticated technology that prevents officials from noticing the theft. The theft is usually carried out by people who work at the agency who have inside knowledge of the ducts.

Some 5,000 people were affected by the explosion, and Pemex has offered institutional support for them. This year alone, Pemex has detected at least 380 hidden valves, including 100 in this duct and 60 in the pipeline that goes from San Martin Texmelucan to Venta de Carpio, in the state of Mexico.

Pemex says cause of pipeline explosion remains unclear
Xinhua, 21st November 2010
So, these 'thieves' risk massive explosions, killing themselves and others. It's hard to know what to say to the insanity. The RT News video is horrific, see Massive pipeline blast turns streets into flaming rivers in Mexico.

Jet stream causing abnormal weather pattern
The Weather Network, 18th December 2010
An unusual bout of weather is sweeping over parts of northern Canada and Europe all thanks to the jet stream. The jet stream is helping to generate record breaking temperatures across parts of Canada's north and bringing cold conditions to countries in Europe.

“A huge ridge in the jet is bringing warm weather to places like Nunavut,” explains Patrick Cool a meteorologist from The Weather Network. On Friday, Coral Harbour Airport recorded a record high of 3.3°C. The last time the mercury came close to this was in 1963 when the thermometer climbed to 1.7°C.

Places like Kugaaruk Airport, Resolute Airport, Rowley Island and Shepherd Bay Island also climbed to new record highs.

Newfoundland and Labrador are also feeling the effects of the ridge. Rocky Harbour was the hot spot across the country on Friday when the daytime high soared to 10.1°C. Badger (8.5°C) and Carwright (6°C) were among several communities that shattered temperature records.

Please note: this was predicted by independent Weather forecasters, as explained below, but the severity appears to be affecting many parts of the planet.

The man who repeatedly beats the Met Office at its own game
Piers Corbyn not only predicted the current weather, but he believes things are going to get much worse, says Boris Johnson.
The Telegraph, 19th December 2010
Do you remember? They said it would be mild and damp, and between one degree and one and a half degrees warmer than average. Well, I am now 46 and that means I have seen more winters than most people on this planet, and I can tell you that this one is a corker.

Never mind the record low attained in Northern Ireland this weekend. I can't remember a time when so much snow has lain so thickly on the ground, and we haven't even reached Christmas. And this is the third tough winter in a row. Is it really true that no one saw this coming?

Actually, they did. Allow me to introduce readers to Piers Corbyn, meteorologist and brother of my old chum, bearded leftie MP Jeremy. Piers Corbyn works in an undistinguished office in Borough High Street. He has no telescope or supercomputer. Armed only with a laptop, huge quantities of publicly available data and a first-class degree in astrophysics, he gets it right again and again.

Back in November, when the Met Office was still doing its "mild winter" schtick, Corbyn said it would be the coldest for 100 years. Indeed, it was back in May that he first predicted a snowy December, and he put his own money on a white Christmas about a month before the Met Office made any such forecast. He said that the Met Office would be wrong about last year's mythical "barbecue summer", and he was vindicated. He was closer to the truth about last winter, too.

He seems to get it right about 85 per cent of the time and serious business people – notably in farming – are starting to invest in his forecasts. In the eyes of many punters, he puts the taxpayer-funded Met Office to shame. How on earth does he do it? He studies the Sun. [...]

I have not a clue whether his methods are sound or not. But when so many of his forecasts seem to come true, and when he seems to be so consistently ahead of the Met Office, I feel I want to know more. Piers Corbyn believes that the last three winters could be the harbinger of a mini ice age that could be upon us by 2035, and that it could start to be colder than at any time in the last 200 years. He goes on to speculate that a genuine ice age might then settle in, since an ice age is now cyclically overdue.

As blog regulars will know, I am an admirer of the maverick Piers Corbyn, with his excentric marketing tool of beating the bookies for years with his weather forecasts to the point where they refused to take his money. Now he is being lauded all over the world for his predictions and I think that is great! This is what Piers has stated:
"Standard meteorology will consistently underestimate the lengths of cold periods and will grossly underestimate the severity of blizzard and snow deluges at times.”
Piers Corbyn, source: link
It's good to be in the company of people like Piers, who can think differently and get results, as I must be a heretic too, as I realised quite some time ago that global warming was a cover for the deadly serious impact of Space Weather. In September 2006, I self-published my book Tuning the Diamonds: Electromagnetism & Spiritual Evolution, and on 3rd November 2006, a copy was given to Neil Armstrong, who was giving a seminar in Oslo, Norway to business leaders. My informant tells me he was talking about the Sun and Space Weather, which I think puts me in a very exclusive group of teachers. You can get hundreds of reports on the internet about Space Weather but it's a lot more work finding information on the impact on humans, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. I am not talking about the weather, but I explain why every man, woman and child on the planet is getting fried by more cosmic radiation, the evolutionary impetus and the solution that I found when I entered the lion's den of the metaphysical community. Yes, a few people were using their intuition, but no reasonable explanation could be offered for all the talk of DNA changes and energy field shielding, until I discovered Space Weather and wrote my own independent analysis of the situation. As far as I know, I was the first person in the world that new enough to link Space Weather with indigenous predictions of a New Age dominated by ether or space and I proved it by writing my book and in November 2007, for it to be placed in the UK National Archives. Luckily, someone thought the dramatic changes to our world brought about by Space Weather and the impact on humans was of some interest to future mankind.


Here, Piers let rip, he seems a bit annoyed...
Piers Corbyn On Britains Coldest Winter in 100 Years
Tory Aardvark, 16th December 2010

Too much seasonal spirit: Abu Dhabi hotel 'regrets' £7m Christmas tree
Emirates Palace hotel has second thoughts over decision to 'overload' tree with diamonds, rubies and other gems
The Guardian, 19th December 2010
An Abu Dhabi luxury hotel that boasted an $11m (£7m) Christmas tree decorated with gold and gems has admitted it may have taken the holiday spirit a bit too far.

A statement from the Emirates Palace hotel said it regretted "attempts to overload" the Christmas tree tradition by adorning it with premium bling including gold, rubies, diamonds and other precious stones from a hotel jeweller.

The tree was unveiled last week with full fanfare in a hotel that features its own gold bar vending machine and a one-week $1m package that includes private jet jaunts around the Middle East.

But the hotel management apparently had second thoughts after questions arose about whether the opulent tree was innocent good cheer or unfortunate bad taste.

The impression I am starting to get is that the super rich are worrying that too many people are wising up to the tricks used to create the disparity and so they no longer feel so smug and safe with such ostentatious displays of wealth.

Missing Black Holes Cause Trouble for String Theory
Wired ews, 17th December 2010
The results continue to pour out of the Large Hadron Collider’s first production run. This week, the folks behind the CMS, or compact muon solenoid, detector have announced the submission of a paper to Physics Letters that describes a test of some forms of string theory. If this form of the theory were right, the LHC should have been able to produce small black holes that would instantly decay (and not, as some had feared, devour the Earth). But a look at the data obtained by CMS shows that a signature of the black holes’ decay is notably absent. [...]

Contrary to some reports, this result doesn’t mean the death of string theory, only the particular flavor that predicted black holes at these energies. Eliminating some models is a critical process of narrowing down what’s possible, but most theoretical constructs have a range of possible models, and string theory is no different. In fact, it’s entirely possible that the ADD model was generated simply because physicists were looking for something they could possibly test in the LHC.

Oh dear! Actually, it seems that some scientists are left with egg on their faces promoting a 'flavour' of string theory that now looks like it has been killed by the lack of observational data. Some of these CERN experiments were supposed to create mini-black holes that some believed was an extremely risky venture and caused ordinary members of the public to be so frightened that the project was threatened with court action and CERN scientists were sent death threats.

It is worth taking the opportunity to point out that some critics have been vociferous in their stance against these hypothetical black holes. One such person is the notorious mathematician Stephen J. Crothers and his website provides details of his personal crusade The Black Hole, the Big Bang, and Modern Physics. It must also be noted that some astronomers from highly respected institutions have left the herd a long time ago and quietly state that Black Holes in space are impossible and have come up with a completely different plasma universe interpretation. So we read:
And the researchers say this raises doubts as to whether other so-called black holes are really that, either. [...]

Instead, the researchers are picturing a body with a definite size, and a surprising property: it gradually crams itself into a smaller space forever, but never achieves a black hole’s infinitely small size. [...] Schild’s group studied a quasar designated Q0957+561, about 9 billion light-years away in the direction of the constellation Ursa Major. A light-year is the distance light travels in a year.

The quasar holds a central compact object weighing the equivalent of 3 to 4 billion Suns. Most scientists would call it a black hole, but Schild said his findings suggest otherwise: surprisingly, it’s magnetic, unlike a black hole. [...] The problem vanishes, Schild and colleagues argue, with the new type of compact object that they propose, called a Magnetospheric Eternally Collapsing Object, or MECO.

This body, a variant of an object whose existence was first proposed by the Indian physicist Abhas Mitra in the late 1990s, is one that not unlike a black hole, continually shrinks into an ever-smaller space. But it never becomes a black hole. Instead, its shrinkage slows down until it becomes imperceptible, but goes on steadily—so slowly, it could go on for many times the lifetime of the universe. Unlike a black hole, a MECO also has definite size. Moreover, objects sucked in can theoretically go back out, albeit with extreme difficulty.

A MECO, essentially a dense ball of plasma, continually generates magnetic fields through surface currents, explaining the magnetism, Schild said. His team’s research appeared in the July issue of The Astronomical Journal.

It won’t be easy for the MECO theory to gain wide acceptance among scientists, astronomers say, given that black holes have been the accepted scenario since Einstein. But Mitra and a few other theorists claim black holes don’t exist at all—only Eternally Collapsing Objects.

No black holes after all? Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics & World Science, August 11th 2006
What most people do not realise is that due to the way that science works, it could be completely obvious to many that a theory has been falsified, based on experimental observations, but due to the power of those in charge of the various scientific organisations, nothing can be done until those people make a decision to change the paradigm or these people die and the new leaders change the paradigm. Too many people prefer safety in numbers and refuse to jeopardise their career, which means they are not that interested in the truth, as having an easier life is paramount. More:

Eternally Collapsing Object
Dr Abhas Mitra
Bhabha Atomic Reserch Centre, Mumbai, India
Sci Topics, 30 May 2010
An ``Eternally Collapsing Object'' (ECO) is a hot ball of ultracompact self-gravitating plasma. It is so compact that even photons and neutrinos tend to move in closed circular orbits within it and find it extremely difficult to escape out of its gravitational clutch. The preceding compactification process renders it so hot that the associated radiation pressure (almost) counters the pull of self-gravity to help it remain in a quasi-static state. In a very strict sense, however, the object is always radiating and contracting at an infinitesimal rate and is striving to asymptotically attain the true Black Hole (BH) state. This is the reason behind the epithet ``eternally collapsing''.

Meet the Indian who took on Stephen Hawking, 3rd August 2004

Thailand-Dancing Lights UFO-Multicolored Worm--December 2010
YouTube, 15th December 2010
My Youtube user name is 'ShieldPacal'. I am the original poster of this video, but not the source of it! That credit goes to a colleague of mine who prefers to remain unidentified. I have a third colleague, a UFO researcher for forty years, who has written the following legitimate UFO report regarding this incident:

Dancing multi-colored UFO videotaped for 5 minutes by married couple in Salaya, Thailand .

This UFO was videoed by my colleague at work, and witnessed by his wife and him. The witnesses are both in their 30s and college educated professionals. The sighting occurred on Monday night, December 13, 2010 at around 10 p.m. Bangkok time. Location: Salaya, Nakhon Pathom , Thailand from their 6th floor apartment.

He was smoking a cigarette on their 6th floor balcony when he first noticed a bright light in the sky, which turned into a bright line. He first thought it was a star, then a satellite, and then an airplane, because it was multicolored and was more than just a point source. However, it hung in one place in the sky, so he called to his wife to come out and bring his video camera, because he wanted to use the telephoto zoom on the camera to enhance the image and try to explain the mystery of what they were witnessing. He mounted the camera on a tripod and used the camera's telephoto lens to zoom in on it to get a higher magnification. That was when they both noticed it was dancing very rapidly in snake-like or worm-like movements, but in the same place in the sky. They were looking toward the southern sky. They actually saw 3 of these dancing lights but filmed only one of them. The light you first see in the video is a light on the side of their apartment building, which provides some reference to the angle of elevation. He estimated it was perhaps 10,000 feet above the aircraft passing underneath on approach to Bangkok (BKK) Suvarnabhumi Airport , so the altitude might have been around 15,000 feet. The choppiness you see in the video is definitely part of the phenomenon, because the speed of the video is normal, not sped up or slowed down. This can be verified by the audio comments they both made, which are quite interesting to listen to. To the naked eye the UFO appeared like a bright light or line in the sky; only under telephoto magnification, with the camera mounted firmly on a tripod, were the strange worm-like maneuverings observable on the camcorder's digital display.

Hurrah, we have a video where someone has used a tripod! Actually, I have never seen a UAP manifestation like this before, but it is being compared to the Hessdalen Light Phenomena and the famous Stevensville Lights. We even have a UFO researcher Donald A. Johnson, PhD. with 40 years experience, providing a good write-up. This is quite amazing!


This is a timely reminder that Earth already has creatures that can shapeshift, this video clip is quite amazing.
  • Documentary: The Indonesian Mimic Octopus [2:59]
    Dive Matrix, March 2010
    Images & Video clip

  • Documentary: The Mimic Octopus [2:59]
    YouTube, 1st November 2008
    "The Indonesian Mimic Octopus, Thaumoctopus mimicus. This fascinating creature was discovered in 1998 off the coast of Sulawesi in Indonesia, the mimic octopus is the first known species to take on the characteristics of multiple species. This octopus is able to copy the physical likeness and movement of more than fifteen different species, including sea snakes, lionfish, flatfish, brittle stars, giant crabs, sea shells, stingrays, jellyfish, sea anemones, and mantis shrimp. This animal is so intelligent that it is able to discern which dangerous sea creature to impersonate that will present the greatest threat to its current possible predator. For example, scientists observed that when the octopus was attacked by territorial damselfishes, it mimicked the banded sea snake, a known predator of damselfishes."

Hot Plasma Explosions Inflate Saturn's Magnetic Field
NASA JPL News, 14th December 2010
A new analysis based on data from NASA's Cassini spacecraft finds a causal link between mysterious, periodic signals from Saturn's magnetic field and explosions of hot ionized gas, known as plasma, around the planet.

Scientists have found that enormous clouds of plasma periodically bloom around Saturn and move around the planet like an unbalanced load of laundry on spin cycle. The movement of this hot plasma produces a repeating signature "thump" in measurements of Saturn's rotating magnetic environment and helps to illustrate why scientists have had such a difficult time measuring the length of a day on Saturn.

"This is a breakthrough that may point us to the origin of the mysteriously changing periodicities that cloud the true rotation period of Saturn," said Pontus Brandt, the lead author on the paper and a Cassini team scientist based at the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory in Laurel, Md. "The big question now is why these explosions occur periodically." [...]

A new animation showing the linked behavior is available at and . The visualization shows how invisible hot plasma in Saturn's magnetosphere – the magnetic bubble around the planet -- explodes and distorts magnetic field lines in response to the pressure. Saturn's magnetosphere is not a perfect bubble because it is blown back by the force of the solar wind, which contains charged particles streaming off the sun.

The force of the solar wind stretches the magnetic field of the side of Saturn facing away from the sun into a so-called magnetotail. The collapse of the magnetotail appears to kick off a process that causes the hot plasma bursts, which in turn inflate the magnetic field in the inner magnetosphere.

Scientists are still investigating what causes Saturn's magnetotail to collapse, but there are strong indications that cold, dense plasma originally from Saturn's moon Enceladus rotates with Saturn. Centrifugal forces stretch the magnetic field until part of the tail snaps back.

The snapping back heats plasma around Saturn and the heated plasma becomes trapped in the magnetic field. It rotates around the planet in islands at the speed of about 100 kilometers per second (200,000 mph). In the same way that high and low pressure systems on Earth cause winds, the high pressures of space cause electrical currents. Currents cause magnetic field distortions. [...]

"We all know that changing rotation periods have been observed at pulsars, millions of light years from our solar system, and now we find that a similar phenomenon is observed right here at Saturn," said Tom Krimigis, principal investigator of the magnetospheric imaging instrument, also based at the Applied Physics Laboratory and the Academy of Athens, Greece. "With instruments right at the spot where it's happening, we can tell that plasma flows and complex current systems can mask the real rotation period of the central body. That's how observations in our solar system help us understand what is seen in distant astrophysical objects."

Well, it's coming up to Christmas at a time when NASA thinks that not so many are paying attention, so we tend to get some of the more interesting reports associated with the massive planetary changes in our solar system. The comparison between pulsars and Saturn, as a giant gas planet or unlit star, is quite breathtaking. The NASA Cassini Mission news version has a very good animation, which gives the impression of the plasma swinging around Saturn, as pulsating like a heart. Earth has a ring current too, yet scientists don't even know why it exists, but maybe, this is the answer.

Video: Hot Plasma Explosions Inflate Saturn's Magnetic Field
NASA Cassini Mission news , 14th December 2010
"The data show how plasma injections, electrical currents and Saturn's magnetic field -- phenomena that are invisible to the human eye -- are partners in an intricate choreography. Periodic plasma explosions form islands of pressure that rotate around Saturn. The islands of pressure "inflate" the magnetic field."

Fright as calf born with five legs [NZ]
The Daily Post, 14th December 2010
Jonathan King got the fright of his life when he helped deliver a calf with five legs.

The Reporoa dairy farm manager said he thought it was a bit odd to find the calf with an extra leg attached to its neck when he and farm worker Ben Shaw helped a struggling cow give birth recently.

"At first I thought I was dreaming as I gave it an extra tug," he said. "I thought 'that's not right'. It was a bit odd ... It's like an extra shoulder on its neck with a hoof on it."

However, the animal isn't at all perturbed by the extra limb draped across her neck - she's doing everything every other growing calf is doing.

The DNA mutations continue....

Marfa Lights / Pterosaur Connection Theory
Phantoms & Monsters, 13th December 2010
In December 6th, Jonathan David Whitcomb issued the following press release:

For generations, the mystery lights of Marfa, Texas, have entertained residents with their strange dancing. On some warmer nights, a ball of light seems to split into two, which will separate and fly away from each other before turning around and flying back together. They have recently been linked to flying lights in the southwest Pacific, lights that natives of Papua New Guinea testify are from large flying creatures.

In southwest Texas, local residents have speculated about dancing devils or ghosts. Scientists have preferred something along the lines of ball lightning or earthlights, but all their scientific explanations have tripped over the resemblances to line dancing. If atmospheric energies or tectonic stresses cause the displays, why do two lights horizontally separate for a long distance before coming back together?

Now a cryptozoologist from California has explained the dancing lights of Marfa. Tales of spooks may hold a spark of truth, for recent research implies intelligence directs the lights: Bioluminescent flying predators may be hunting at night and catching a few unlucky Big Brown Bats: Eptesicus fuscus. [...]

Most intriguing of all, the living pterosaurs may not be exclusive to Papua New Guinea. Similar creatures have been sighted and reported on and off for centuries throughout Central Africa.

The natives in the Congo, Zambia, Angola, Kenya and Zaire call the creatures ‘Kongomato.’ They assert the reddish African version has large, leathery wings, sharp claws, a split tail, and prominent teeth. While humans smugly believe they are the masters of this planet, the original rulers may still command some of the darker corners of this shrinking world.

Here we have a compilation of information about the Marfa lights in the US and the connection with strange sightings of what cryptozoologists think are living Pterosaurs. These are believed to be bioluminescent flying predators that can be found in Papua New Guinea, that locals call "Kor" and other Umboi islanders call Ropen, but there is a belief that there are other similar creatures with varying characteristics in other locations. The idea that strange lights could be bioluminescent creatures is also proposed for the Australian Min Min lights. After collecting 500 reports of of the Australian version of these mysterious lights, the author Fred F. Silcock Fred proposed the theory that these lights were the occasionally bioluminescent barn owl Tyto Alba. There is no doubt that the lights MAY be associated with winged living creatures, as seen by a few witnesses up close, but the evidence suggests that this answer can only be considered for a very small section of a very large shadow biosphere.

Shellshocked: Chicken Lays Monster Egg
AOL News, 9th December 2010 (late entry, will re-file later)
(Dec. 9) -- Poached or over easy? A woman and her husband were left with their brains scrambled after discovering a huge 4-inch-long egg laid by one of their chickens.

Patricia Mae of Seven Sisters, South Wales, in the U.K., thought her husband, James, was pulling her leg when he told her about the large egg last month, reports the website This Is South Wales.

"I just couldn't believe what I was seeing," a shellshocked Patricia said. "We've been keeping chickens for years, but we've never seen an egg this size before.

The question is WHY are we seeing hens laying monster eggs and even the totally bizarre story of a cock turning into a hen overnight and laying eggs. If that happened with humans, women having oversized babies and a few real men giving birth, that would frighten a lot of people right?

Erling Strand - The Hessdalen Light Phenomena [67:47]
Red Ice Radio, 12th December 2010
For generations mysterious lights have been observed in the remote valley of Hessdalen in Norway. Different types of lights and crafts have been witnessed at various altitudes and at different speeds. The phenomena has been reported to be as large as a house to as small as a soccerball. Lights have been seen hovering for hours and sometimes performing breakneck maneuvers at incredible speeds.

Both Norwegian and international researchers have been involved in trying to reveal the true nature of this mystery. There are many theories, from unknown natural energy phenomena to extra-terrestrial visitors. We have Erling Strand with us from the Department of Information Technology at østfold University College in Norway to talk about his long time investigation and studying of the phenomena.

I am thrilled that Professor Erling Strand has been interviewed by Henrik Palmgren at Red Ice Radio and I believe I am responsible for advertising the Hessdalen Phenomena, during my own recent Red Ice interview. So, I am delighted and relieved that at long last, more people are going to hear the truth about the plasma phenomena, the balls of light and the rest of the other Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAPs) as Red Ice Radio has upto 50,000 listeners. Due to the massive evolutionary changes on the planet, this is important information and I now expect this news to travel fast. I am really quite overjoyed!

In Part I, I thought that it was quite funny that Professor Erling explained that they take student groups up to Hessdalen to show them some excitement. Well, these days, these same balls of light and fire are whizzing over the heads of people in busy metropolitan areas all around the world and nobody can be bothered to even try and explain them, even as earthlights, which apparently, is now only considered to be "an old theory". Obviously, the balls of fire are a little harder to try and pretend they are just harmless lights and professor Erling Strand does not shy away from the truth. In Part II (subscribers only), he tells the story of a man who saw his house from a distance and thought it was on fire, only to find on arrival that the fire was not 'real' fire but a massive fiery orb had enveloped the whole house. Anyway, towards the end of Part I, Henrik mentions the different theories about the lights and quickly slips in after the discussion of piezoelectricity that it can't be plasma because plasma dissipates quickly, [it is unclear whether this is meant in connection with the ball lightning phenomenon]. Unfortunately this is not corrected by Erling Strand, because that is in direct contradiction to the details provided in the Hessdalen Documentary. In Part 5 of the 'The Portal: The Hessdalen Light Phenonomena' December 2009, [47:08], assistant professor Bjørn Gitle Hauge (I think) explains the Hessdalen phenomena (one of many) that looks like a burning ball of fire that does not expand in comparison to what you would expect from the normal combustion process. So he goes on to mention a plasmoid, a plasma trapped in a strong magnetic field and states energy is contained for a "long, long time". Please review Part 5 of this documentary for clarification. Also, from the paper, An Alternative Method For The Scientific Search For Extraterrestrial Intelligent Life: "The Local SETI" (2005) written by Massimo Teodorani, we find a simple chart (Table 1) of average characteristics, that reveals that 85% of the Hessdalen phenomena (150 sightings, detected in the 2000, 2001 & 2002 expeditions) are defined as having the characterisitics of a plasma the other 15% were undefined. [Please note: the Sun is a ball of plasma, I have not noticed it dissipating away quickly either!] So, why am I insistent that this is understood properly? Well, if you see a strange ball of fire shooting over your head one night, I want you to know that scientists have been studying this for years and it is a real PLASMA phenomena. In Part II, Henrik Palmgren asks if the Hessdalen phenomena could be considered to be another form of life. Professor Erling Strand suggests that if we don't consider life to be just physical, but we have a wider definition, then this is possible. Let's say, I was thrilled to hear this reponse from a scientist, who did not reject this view with the usual panic stricken knee-jerk reaction. Professor Erling Strand has acquired my utmost respect.

Additional Note

This is a prime example of a ball or mass of fire in the sky. The description provided is: "Amazing object floating in the sky and looks like fire. Occurred in Macaé, Rio de Janeiro - Brazil. December 16, 2010."

OVNI Fire Floating in the Sky - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 16-Dec-2010
Latest UFO Sightings, 17th December 2010

Ice and Snow Nightmare is back
The Sun, 17th December 2010
TRAVEL chaos returned to the UK today as the latest Big Freeze rolled in icing up roads and railways.

A 17-year-old boy was killed when his car careered off the road as motorists were warned they face "possibly the worst driving conditions imaginable". The Met Office has issued severe weather warnings for nearly the whole of the country.

Since I have lived in Norway and Switzerland for over 11 years, I am used to living in a countries that take snow seriously, and where people have snow ploughs, snow tyres and chains, but even so, being well prepared, things can still go wrong. I have always admired the hardiness of Norwegian people and if a Norwegian tells you conditions are rough, believe them. Apparently there were a hundred new cold records in November 2010. Anyway, the British people are not use to serious snow, and were not even warned there was a possibility of another bad winter but apparently, it is now the coldest December ever in Britain. I realise there has been a government backed agenda for reasons I have previously explained, but come on, TPTB have got this seriously wrong! Yet, climate scientists are still desperate to save face and tell us that this is just a blip and the planet is still warming, at the same time that in October, private weather forecasters stated that the same factors that provided a bad winter last year were still in play and as we now see, they have been proven right. Apparently, temperatures are even down in Australia and it's even snowing in the alps at the height of their summer. Climate Depot has a good roundup of the climate skeptic weather related news. Well, it's not all bad, even though the Swedish rail authorities admitted they were unprepared, which I am sure many will consider as a national disgrace, others have been taking advantage and the following video of Crazy Fighter Jet Sledging by the Swedish Air Force, has created quite an impression. Well, despite all the snow, the ice has taken first prize for novelty and there is incredible video of frozen waves in Newfoundland and a lighthouse transformed into a fairy castle after being encased in sparkling ice photos & video.

Neurotheology: This Is Your Brain On Religion
NPR, 14th December 2010 (late entry, will re-file later)
For thousands of years, religion has posed some unanswerable questions: Who are we? What's the meaning of life? What does it mean to be religious?

In an effort to address those questions, Dr. Andrew Newberg has scanned the brains of praying nuns, chanting Sikhs and meditating Buddhists. He studies the relationship between the brain and religious experience, a field called neurotheology. [...]

It looks like during meditation, more of the brain connects up better, except the Reptilian part. How interesting! This is advertising a book and maybe there is a religious agenda too. Well, continuing my stance on bait. You can think of meditation being taught by various groups or gurus, to be like cheese or even chocolate on a mousetrap. There is nothing wrong with cheese or chocolate, but on a mousetrap, that's another issue...


Well, I have learnt something new. It seems that the science of the evolution of the brain has moved on and that ideas that have been well established and popularised by many respected scientists can be completely ignored. According to Virginia Campbell, MD who runs the website, Brain Science Podcast, in her October 2008 broadcast BSP-47: Brain Evolution, we learn:
Paraphrased: Newer techniques have proven that the old model that saw veterbrate brain evolution as the result of the successive addition of novel parts such as the Triune brain model have been proven false. Instead we know that all veterbrate brains are built according to a common plan that varies only in the details. [52:00]

Student who conned his way into Harvard says sorry
Adam Wheeler lied his way into top-flight university, but his appetite for deception eventually saw him exposed
The Guardian, 17th December 2010
As the Harvard Crimson newspaper identified, he created a resume that boasted the authorship of two books and co-authorship of four others, the delivery of lectures in Armenian studies and unblemished grades – all of it hogwash. He also won the $4,000 Hoopes Prize, $2,000 Sargent Prize and an $8,000 Rockefeller research grant, all through plagiarism. "The history of these offences indicates not only compulsivity, but a lack of moral compass," Judge Diane Kottmyer said.

The main issue here is the need to have credibility in the eyes of others who have no ability to guage intellectual capabilities. However, Harvard being duped is another matter, the university administration are all supposed to be too intelligent to dupe right? The real issue is: how bad does it have to be for someone to be labelled a compulsive liar and you can state they "lack of moral compass"? What about people who are not major offenders, but there is a discernable disturbing pattern of behaviour, what about these types of people? Well, if you are not bothered that's fine, but for me it's a question of trust. If you can't trust them, then why have them in your life where they can wreck havoc, it's as simple as that.

Woman who cannot feel fear may help in treating PTSD
BBC News, 17th December 2010
A woman who cannot feel afraid because of a missing structure in her brain could help scientists discover treatments for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Research published in Current Biology showed the woman felt no fear in a variety of scary situations. These included exposure to snakes and spiders, horror films and a "haunted house".

The woman feels other emotions but said as an adult, she had never felt afraid. She is the first known case of someone who is unable to process fear. [...]

However, it has never been observed in a human before.

Is this a sign of a new human? Is this a new evolutionary trait? Heh, that is going to be a massive problem for world controllers who only know how to control by fear. Wow! Sorry, this is really worth speculating about! If this really is a new human trait, then the future for the whole of humanity is going to be very different, but we have to wait for many more mutants to appear!

Swarm satellite mission to try to sense ocean magnetism
BBC News, 17th December 2010
European scientists are going to try to measure the movement of the oceans by tracing their magnetism alone. The effort will be achieved using three super-sensitive spacecraft called Swarm, which should launch in 2012. The magnetic signal of the tides sweeping around the globe has been seen before, but the new mission would aim to observe far more detail. [...]

Swarm's goal is to investigate all the components, but pulling out the small part produced by ocean movement will probably be its greatest challenge, concedes Dr Mark Drinkwater from Esa's Earth observation division.

Oh well, I have been waiting patiently or news about SWARM, as I wrote about this project in my book. SWARM's main mission is to measure what is happening to Earth's magnetic field and the anomalies, by "x-raying" the hidden interior of our planet. However, please don't believe all the rubbish about the Earth's magnetic field going to zero and everbody's memories being wiped, these ideas are being spread by fearmongers. There will NEVER be zero on Earth because the Earth's magnetic field has various sources (ie magnetosphere) and parts of the field from Earth's core have already reversed and are getting stronger. Anyway, this project looks like it is behind schedule, but the scope has increased. Btw, we find out here that the CHAMP satellite is no more, hmm... Here is some another article about the measurement of Earth's magnetic field.

First measurement of magnetic field in Earth's core, 16th December 2010

“Aerial Gyroscope” Encounters in Tunisia and Japan, 17th December 2010
  • “I’m looking out the taxi window and I see this big collection of circulating, rotating, multi-colored lights ... out over the water. It was shocking!”

    - Former Tunisian Peace Corps volunteer [1988]

  • “The colored lights are changing so fast and in such a rhythmic pattern, I don’t know how to describe! It’s nothing like I’ve ever seen before!”

    - Former American wrestler in Japan [1998]
December 17, 2010 Tunisia and Japan - In late August 1988, between 9 and 10 PM, on a sandy road between Sousse and Hergla, Tunisia, then 24-year-old John Thomas was riding in a taxi with his wife headed north to Hergla. The couple were Peace Corps volunteers. That day they had been in Sousse for language training because that was where they were assigned for the next two years to teach. Soon they would be packing up their Hergla apartment for the move.

John Thomas is now 46-years-old, lives in South Burlington, Vermont, and is a data base administrator for a non-profit foundation. His wife died later in Tunisia, but both encountered together in August 1988, the most beautiful, baffling, multi-colored aerial object of spinning lights either had ever seen. John had listened to my November 23, 2010, Coast to Coast AM radio interview and read my report about the highly strange “aerial gyroscope” that Ann Hall, her husband and neighbors saw in the Isles of Capri, Florida, on May 26, 2010. [ See 112410 Earthfiles.]

As most ufologists are aware, strange light phenonmena have been around for hundreds of years, but people were encouraged to not talk about their experiences and the ability to record and/or distribute this knowledge, was limited. So, it was only those those with a strong oral tradition or the educated few, who were able to record sightings, either as art or literature. Anyway, it's fascinating to see more and more reports of these ornate and geometrically shaped lights, as they appear all over the world, putting on a show for folk who don't realise that we are not alone in the universe. Despite all the talk in UFO circles, the concept of a completely different evolutionary branch of life from a plasma universe that is billions of years old, has not been carefully considered. Yet, it is impossible to think that scientists have overlooked the possibility of a completely different lifeform. Maybe, "officially," but there are a few clues that some astronomers have been aware of other realities. As usual, copy quick if you want to re-read this report again at a later date. If you want to read about the views of an heretical ufologist, I can recommend the work of respected scientist Dr. Jacques Vallée. Here is a recent article based around an interview about his latest book, "Wonders in the Sky: Unexplained Aerial Objects from Antiquity to Modern Times, where Vallee and co-autor Aubeck list 500 claims of sightings, in chronological order, between the years 1460 BC and 1879.

"Wonders in the Sky": Why we've always been obsessed with UFOs
Unexplained sightings date back thousands of years and span the globe. What does that say about us?, 5th December 2010

The Puzzling Role Of Biophotons In The Brain
Various work suggests that neurons emit and even conduct photons. Could it be that biophotons help to synchronise the brain?
Technology Review, 17th December 2010
In recent years, a growing body of evidence shows that photons play an important role in the basic functioning of cells. Most of this evidence comes from turning the lights off and counting the number of photons that cells produce. It turns out, much to many people's surprise, that many cells, perhaps even most, emit light as they work.

In fact, it looks very much as if many cells use light to communicate. There's certainly evidence that bacteria, plants and even kidney cells communicate in this way. Various groups have even shown that rats brains are literally alight thanks to the photons produced by neurons as they work.

And that raises an interesting question: what role does light play in the work of neurons? The fact that neurons emit light does not mean that they can receive it or process it.

But interesting evidence is beginning to emerge that light may well play an important role in neuronal function. For example, earlier this year, one group showed that spinal neurons in rats can actually conduct light. [...] The presence of light sensitive molecules makes it hard to imagine how they might not be not influenced by biophotons.

As usual, scientists are still trying to understand the very basics of how our brains work and are discarding previously basic ideas for something far more sophisticated like microtubules acting like optical fibres. I like the reference to Roger Penrose who suggested that "consciousness is essentially a phenomenon of quantum mechanics and that microtubules were the medium in which quantum mechanics takes place." I am now wondering do we have another scientist who is light years ahead of his peers and others are just in the process of catching up with real observational proof?

Topologist Predicts New Form of Matter
Technology Review, 16th December 2010
Back in 1970, a young physicist working in the Soviet Union made a counterintutive prediction. Vitaly Efimov, now at the University of Washington in the US, showed that quantum objects that cannot form into pairs could nevertheless form into triplets.

In 2006, a group in Austria found the first example of such a so-called Efimov state in a cold gas of cesium atoms. That's puzzling. Surely the bonds that hold triplets together are the same as those that bind pairs. Actually, no! It turns out that there is a subtle but important difference that makes these bonds completely different.

Today, Nils Baas at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology makes another startling prediction. He says that the strange, unworldly bonds that allow cesium atoms to stick together in triplets should allow much more complex objects to form too. In fact, he says we're on the verge of discovering a brand new form of matter governed by an entirely new branch of physics. [...]

But here's the thing: the bonds that emerge from the topology of quantum mechanics are entirely unworldly. While ordinary matter, the stuff you rap your knuckles on, is clearly confined to three dimensions, the mathematics of quantum mechanics exists in entirely different set of dimensions. And it's in this space that the Borromean rings form.

The result is a kind of parallel physics, in which the laws governing behaviour in this parallel universe exert an inescapable, ghostly grip on our own universe.

This looks promising, the possible discovery of more rules of the universe, that operate at the quantum 'higher dimensional' levels.

Life's Building Blocks Found on Surprising Meteorite, 16th December 2010
Scientists have discovered amino acids, the building blocks of life in a meteorite where none were expected.

The finding adds evidence to the idea that some of life's key ingredients could have formed in space, and then been delivered to Earth long ago by meteorite impacts. The meteorite in question was born in a violent crash, and eventually crashed into northern Sudan. [...]

Amino acids are the molecules used to build the proteins that are essential to life.

"Finding them in this type of meteorite suggests that there is more than one way to make amino acids in space, which increases the chance for finding life elsewhere in the universe," Glavin said in a statement.

The proteins created from amino acids are used in everything from structures like hair to enzymes, the catalysts that speed up or regulate chemical reactions. Just as the 26 letters of the alphabet are arranged in limitless combinations to make words, life uses 20 different amino acids in a huge variety of arrangements to build millions of different proteins.

Well, the current scientific deadlock on this matter seems to be easing. Instead of the complete refusal to countenance the idea of the ingredients for life coming from outer space, encapsulated by the theory of Panspermia and it's various versions, all of a sudden, scientists are all smiles. So, after the previous negativity in previous decades, we have to ask, why the sudden change now? It's not about new evidence, because scientists have been seeing these amino acids and even fossils in meteorites, but the scientific hierarchy refused to accept the evidence. (See Panspermia articles on the 1969 Murchison meteorite that fell in Victoria, Australia.) Well, it is my opinion that a paradigm shift is underway for very good reason, see previous comments. Yet, we have to consider that the origins of life are still not well understood, and we read.
"The question of how life originated is still a matter of much speculation. The leap from an assembly of amino acids to proteins to prokaryotes is huge and not yet understood."
W. M. Napier, Ph.D., and N. C. Wickramasinghe, Ph.D.,
Mechanisms for Panspermia, Journal of Cosmology, 2010, Vol 7, 1671-1691. Cosmology, January 30, 2010 link
As scientists are pointing out, we have been tricked into thinking that Darwinism applies to the process of all evolution on Earth, but scientists now think this can only be considered AFTER the so-called tree of life got started. In the very beginning of the very earliest life, we find a completely different world, the realm of The Universal Ancestors.

Inhofe: WikiLeaks climate revelations show Obama’s ‘desperation’
Free Republic, 16th December 2010
Copy: The revelation that the Obama administration used a covert CIA program to dig up dirt on countries opposed to the Copenhagen climate treaty shows a White House desperate to enforce its orthodoxy on global warming, Oklahoma Republican Sen. James Inhofe told The Daily Caller.

Earlier this month, The Guardian newspaper reported that State Department administration officials, acting at the request of the CIA, sent a secret cable on July 31, 2009, asking U.S. diplomats to gather intelligence on other countries’ preparations for the then-pending Copenhagen climate conference. The request also asked diplomats to be on the lookout for indications that countries were not fostering environmental cooperation and for evidence of countries circumventing U.N.-sponsored environmental treaties.

The cables do not make clear whether CIA Director Leon Panetta was directly involved in the request. Panetta has a long, documented history of environmental activism, particularly on climate change, going back several decades… original source:

This is some information that we are not suppose to know (the original version disappeared very very quickly), but quite frankly nobody is talking about why all the desperation. Ding dong! The cosmic environment of Earth is changing very quickly, we have a major problem of accelerating Space Weather [and some evidence that Earth's tilt (nutation) is unexpectedly changing], our technological societes are risk, from the very basics like electricity supply, to useless military systems that rely on GPS, but can be compromised by hardware and software errors under the influence of cosmic rays. The Greens can waive their fists all they like, this is a fundamental shift in the cosmic environment of Earth that was predicted and has arrived on time. Hence the panic by those who do not understand the Universe cannot be compromised, bribery and corruption does not work with universal forces...

Fox News chief enforced climate change scepticism – leaked email
Email obtained by Media Matters reveals reporters were under orders to cast doubt on any mention of climate chang
The Guardian, 15th December 2010
Journalists at Fox News were under orders to cast doubt on any on-air mention of climate change, a leaked email obtained by a media monitoring group revealed today.

According to the email, obtained by Media Matters, Fox News's Washington bureau chief, Bill Sammon, imposed an order to make time for climate sceptics within 15 minutes of the airing of a story about a scientific report showing that 2000-2009 was on track to be the hottest decade on record.

Media Matters said the bureau chief's response to the report exhibited a pattern of bias by Fox News in its coverage of climate change.

This report can't be ignored. Well, as I have said before, the wheels have fallen off the "Global Warming" bandwagon but the Pied Pipers are still playing and the enticed simple folk are still following along, (sorry about the mixed metaphors). Hence, some sections of the media are now in an awkward position because there may be new orders to start changing the climate around the climate chatter, if you know what I mean and this leaked email looks like evidence. This must be very confusing for people who rely on the media for information, and cannot see why the previous certainty of manmade global warming, is no longer in vogue.

Sunny days for CLOUD experiment
Nature Blog, 15th December 2010
An experiment designed to investigate the link between solar activity and the climate has its first results in the bag.

At the American Geophysical Union meeting in San Francisco today, Joachim Curtius presented data from the first runs of the CLOUD ('cosmics leaving outdoor droplets') experiment at CERN - the European particle physics lab outside of Geneva. [...]

CLOUD uses a particle beam from CERN as a stand-in for cosmic rays, and fires them through an ultra-clean steel chamber filled with select atmospheric gases, to see if and how particles that could nucleate clouds are formed. Project head Jasper Kirkby proposed the experiment back in 1998. But it had a hard time getting off the ground - perhaps in part because Kirkby received some bad press for emphasizing the importance of cosmic rays to climate change (see this story from the National Post). CLOUD finally got going in 2006, and they started work with the full kit in November 2009 (here's a CERN video update about that).

The results haven't yet been published, so Curtius declined to discuss the details. But the important thing is that the project is working - they have seen sulphuric acid and water combine to make particles when blasted by the CERN beam, for example, in a way that matches predictions of the most recent models.

Nice to get an update on this very important experiment at CERN inspired by the research of Henrik Svensmark & Eigil Friis-Christensen of the Technical University of Denmark in Copenhagen. Svensmark et al, are REAL scientists and actually do REAL experiments rather than "thought experiments" or "computer modelling". All we can hope for is some scientific integrity at CERN to verify this research that would completely revolutionise our understanding and prove that Earth's climate is driven by changing factors in the cosmic environment. So as the cosmic environment changes, Earth's environment is forced to change too. It's that simple and it's been this way for billions of years. Understanding reality and our connection with the Universe, matters. More:

Documentary: The Cloud Mystery, Part I
YouTube Video

The arrival of cosmic rays on Earth is increased or decreased by the general wider cosmic environment (what's going on outside our solar system) and the behaviour of the Sun. If the Sun is more active then it's magnetic field is stronger and able to deflect more cosmic rays. Cosmic rays make clouds, therefore less cosmic rays means less clouds and less heat reflected back from low level clouds into space and more warming of the globe. At the moment, our planet is experiencing cosmic rays at a Space Age high and expected to get much higher, whilst the Sun's magnetic field is sluggish but this is seen as temporary. At the same time, there are 'anomalous' cosmic rays hitting the planet from sources that scientists are trying to identify, but this appears to sometimes have a major impact on temperatures in the stratosphere. The relationship between the sun's activity and magnetic field, cosmic rays and cloud formation is important but still not completely understood, so it cannot be ignored in the discussion of what is causing climate change and as the evidence suggests, is probably the primary cause of climate change.

Atomic weights of 10 elements to be altered
The adjustments planned for the Periodic Table of the Elements will more accurately reflect the nature of 10 types of atoms, including carbon, nitrogen and oxygen.
Los Angeles Times, 14th December 2010
Call it Extreme Makeover: Chemistry Edition.

That imposing, yellowing chart gracing the walls of every science classroom is about to get an update. The adjustments planned for the Periodic Table of the Elements will more accurately reflect the true nature of 10 kinds of atoms — carbon, nitrogen and oxygen among them — that play a key role in such real-world issues as detecting counterfeit food, tracing pollutants in rivers and nailing baseball players sneaking steroids.

The Commission on Isotopic Abundances and Atomic Weights at the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry has decided the time has come to ensure that the figures listed on the official Table of Standard Atomic Weights properly indicate the variability that exists in nature.

I am not a chemist and I am still trying to understand if there is any real significance with the other intriguing news that radiation decay rates are changing, caused by unknown energy from the Sun. This was previously highlighted, but the article below is much more stark.

Terrifying scientific discovery: Strange emissions by sun are suddenly mutating matter…
Project Awareness, 5th October 2010
[...] "Now evidence has surfaced that something potentially more dangerous is happening deep within the hidden core of our life-giving star: never-before-seen particles—or some mysterious force—is being shot out from the sun and it’s hitting Earth. Whatever it is, the evidence suggests it’s affecting all matter."
Some might be alarnmed by the tone, but I found the article to be straightforward and to the point.

Iceland may ban MasterCard, Visa over WikiLeaks censorship
Raw News, 13th December 2010
Credit card companies that prevented card-holders from donating money to the secrets outlet WikiLeaks could have their operating licenses taken away in Iceland, according to members of the Icelandic Parliamentary General Committee.

Representatives from Mastercard and Visa were called before the committee Sunday to discuss their refusal to process donations to the website, reports Reykjavik Grapevine.

"People wanted to know on what legal grounds the ban was taken, but no one could answer it," Robert Marshall, the chairman of the committee, said. "They said this decision was taken by foreign sources."

Wow... The little country of Iceland is really bucking the system... Please remember, Iceland has strong links to Wikileaks, and one of the main reasons is the debarcle over the collapse of its major banks. So we read:
"Iceland suffered a shock when its major banks collapsed during the global financial meltdown. A document posted on Wikileaks showed how shareholders had plundered Kaupthing bank before the bank collapsed. Icelandic television received a court order only minutes before reporting on the leak in the evening news. Instead of not reporting on the matter, the news presenters defiantly said they were not allowed to report everything, so they simply showed the Wikileaks website on television. Icelanders were free to find out about the scandal for themselves. On May 6, the former Kaupthing CEO Heidar Már Sigurdsson was arrested."
Iceland says yes to Wikileaks law
Tech Eye, 16 Jun 2010
The Icelandic people had a friend in Wikileaks, at a time of crisis when they needed it most.

The Light That Emerged from The Ground In Argentina
UFO Digest, 15th December 2010
Four people suffered a strange experience on the evening of 17 November and discussed it live on the PUENTE 2001 program on Radio Ciudad, Antena 10, from 23:00 to 00:00 hours, and over the Internet on

1st case: Witness Juan Ignacio, accompanied by a friend, both of them raised in the countryside and with a good knowledge of its ways, were getting ready to have dinner on 17 November on the shoulder of Provincial Route 14, some fifteen kilometers east of the El Durazno wilderness. Geographically, the area features tall vegetation with some valleys suitable for agriculture. There are no communities nearby, except for the wilderness, which features a Vialidad Provincial (provincial traffic control) post, a police station and some isolated houses. The time was 23:00 hours and both men readied themselves to eat on the hood of the car when they realized that a caldén (a traditional tree of the Pampean wilderness) was completely illuminated...but the light emerged “from below” as though coming out of the earth. [...]

2nd case: Shortly after the phone conversation, there was a second eyewitness account from someone identifying himself as “Eduardo”, a hunter, who was hunting some 10-15 km west of the El Durazno wilderness with a colleague. He reported a phenomenon similar to the one made known by Jose Ignacio and at 23:30 hrs, that is to say, with a half-hour difference. He cautiously approached the source of light emerging from the ground and claimed that it measured some 20 meters in diameter, although lacking regular borders. He didn’t dare venture into the illuminated area and acknowledged that the phenomenon “is frightenable” (sic) according to his own definition.

Scary stuff. Well, folks are going to have to get use to this, as it becomes very apparent that our reality has morphed for ever and we are able to more easily see these light beings. What's more, you do not have to pay someone money to teach you how to see these things, it's getting easier and easier because the veil is lifting (dimensional shift), but in certain parts of the world, they have always been seen by locals. Guess what? In January 2009, I was walking home from the shops with a bag of groceries and I saw a small ball of light gliding across the fields, it hit the local road and floated along, hugging close to the houses and then it sailed right past me on it's merry way. It was bright amber orange and pulsating but it was absolutely beautiful to look at, and resembled a miniature star. I was most certainly NOT in a meditative state and I am glad that it happened. However, I will admit I do not know how I would feel if I saw a light that was 20 meters across... or the size of a house as many people have reported around the world.

'Please Don't': Gunman Fires At School Board
Police Say Suspect Wounded By Security Guard, Before Killing Self
Just News, 15th December 2010
PANAMA CITY, Fla. -- A 56-year-old ex-convict calmly held a school board at gunpoint and complained about taxes and his wife being fired before shooting from short range while the superintendent begged "please don't." No bullets hit the superintendent before a security guard shot the gunman, who killed himself.

The school board members dove behind their desks as Clay A. Duke fired and then fell to the floor, apparently hit by the guard. Duke had earlier told everyone in the room to leave except the men on the board.

"God was standing in front of me and I will go to my grave believing that," Bay District Schools Superintendent Bill Husfelt said later. [...]

As for the V inside a circle that Duke painted, it's the same symbol used in the graphic novel series and movie "V for Vendetta," though police didn't talk about his motive.

On a Facebook page under Duke's name, the only dated entries are from Dec. 7 and 8, a week before the shooting. The page shows a cryptic message in the "About Me" section.

"My testament: Some people (the government sponsored media) will say I was evil, a monster (V) ... no ... I was just born poor in a country where the Wealthy manipulate, use, abuse, and economically enslave 95 percent of the population. Rich Republicans, Rich Democrats ... same-same ... rich ... they take turns fleecing us ... our few dollars ... pyramiding the wealth for themselves."

The Facebook page's profile picture shows the same red V symbol that was spray-painted on the wall during the school board meeting. The page also shows photos from the film "V for Vendetta." The Facebook profile also uses a quote billionaire Warren Buffett told the New York Times in 2006: "There's class warfare, all right, but it's my class, the rich class that's making war and we're winning."

This story has a lot of elements that make it worthy of some consideration, but the claim that the board member received divine protection is quite interesting. The V for Vendetta stuff is very disturbing. The V sign and V for vendetta mask, representing the revolutionary character V, are now appearing at protests and riots and is linked to the now notorious Anonymous and 4chan hackers. I have been told to watch the film, but I have only watched a few YouTube clips in the last week, but quite frankly, it's easy to see why this meme is being used.


Caught on film: the moment a Florida man shot at school board members Video [2:36]
Clay Duke apparently shot himself after confronting members of the Bay District school board after his wife lost her job
The Guardian, 15th December 2010
This video is quite unbelievable... very scary, but some people are skeptical and don't believe this video and think it's too theatrical, I am wondering why there is a camera filming...

Video: Greens hijack Christmas
Herald Sun Bolt blog, 15th December 2010
Green fanatics hijack Christmas to wish various tortures on climate heretics. And they’re all so cheery about it…
"What shall we do with a climate skeptic
What shall we do with a climate skeptic
What shall we do with a climate skeptic, if they wont shut up?"
Comment: I am shocked! This is a choir singing in church Oxford Town Hall! See more info and comment about the Oxford UK, Sea Green singers at WUWT, Hump Day Hilarity: songs for round up day. This video clip over at Jo Nova is also hilarious Global Warming — it’s just another joke

Manu Ginobili's UFO explained: Red Bull skydivers
CBS Sports News, 14th December 2010
San Antonio Spurs guard Manu Ginobili claimed to see a UFO in Los Angeles, and Red Bull skydivers are now taking the credit. Posted by Ben Golliver.

We noted last week that San Antonio Spurs guard Manu Ginobili claimed to have seen an unidentified flying object in Los Angeles and that, while the UFO was caught on video, no one knew what it was at the time.

On Monday, skydivers sponsored by the energy drink Red Bull, known as the "Red Bull Air Force," claimed responsibility for the UFO sightings. Writing on, skydiver Jon DeVore explained, "I was watching the news and I see them reporting on 2 UFO sighting in Santa Monica. The sightings were on Dec 1 & 8. As soon as I saw the videos on the news I busted up laughing. It was us jumping with our night flares.

Here we go again... There are no close-up shots of the original sighting, so they might be able to get away with this claim too. Whatever, it's taken quite a long time for this sky diving team to come forward, especially as they were supposed to be visible from Los Angeles. Manu Ginobili says whatever was in the sky, was in the direction toward Santa Barbara, so there should have been quite a lot of publicity to have been gained. So, the claim is that the Red bull Skydivers were jumping over Santa Monica (same general direction but much closer to LA) during the day with their night flares, but when Manu took to Facebook to ask his fanbase, not one of his 340,000 fans suggested the skydivers and it took 4/5 days for this explanation to come to light. Yeah, right! Will anyone try to debunk this explanation? We will have to see. This video is of a Red Bull day jump with flares and it is not very impressive, see Red Bull Sky Divers We live in the era of the chemtrail, so who would be impressed with a few swirls of a magnesium flare in the skies during daylight?


Manu Ginobili's UFO turns out to be skydivers with powerful flares, 15th December 2010
Note the headline suggests the flares were 'powerful', yeah right!

Global Eruption Rocks the Sun
NASA Science News, 13th December 2010
"Dec. 13, 2010: On August 1, 2010, an entire hemisphere of the sun erupted. Filaments of magnetism snapped and exploded, shock waves raced across the stellar surface, billion-ton clouds of hot gas billowed into space. Astronomers knew they had witnessed something big.

It was so big, it may have shattered old ideas about solar activity."

So we have a new type of eruption on the Sun, yes that is noteworthy. Here is the YouTube version for the August 1st global eruption [0:12] Global Eruption Rocks the Sun Apparently, it created a massive CME that did manage to hit Earth too. So, is this back to the drawing board for Space Weather forecasting? Meanwhile, modern societies are reliant on decent Space Weather predictions to prevent avoidable breakdowns of various radio and satellite communications and national power grids etc. For more info:

NASA Images Capture Solar Eruptions Streaking Away at 2.2 Million MPH
Daily Galaxy, 6th August 2010

Argentina: Unprecedented UFO Wave in Victoria
Inexplicata, 13th December 2010
For over a month, the department of Victoria has experienced an unprecedented wave of sightings involving unidentified flying objects and lights.

According to reports, lights of various sizes are reported practically every night, following different directions and having varying intensities, and others that vanish suddenly. As if this wasn’t enough, there is now an eyewitness account from an inspector with the city’s office of natural resources, who saw a strange creature on the evening of Wednesday the 8th in the municipal campgrounds while conducting a routine tour of the area.

Silvia Pérez Simondini, a specialist in the investigation of prodigies and unconventional events, and the director of the Victoria UFO Museum, said that “the number of things appearing in the sky is impressive. We have never had as many sightings as in 2010, especially concentrated in this last month.” She said that it is very hard to keep statistics on the amount of sightings of such phenomena, as they are a permanent feature in Victoria.

She did say that “we are experiencing an intense wave of sightings, and its occuring not only in Victoria, but elsewhere in the world, such as Mexico and Brazil, for instance.”

There are a lot of sightings of lights and quite frankly, it's hard work watching all the terribly bad footage of people trying to capture their experience or reading the same types of experiences over and over again from all over the world. At the same time, I wonder when this is all going to come to a head and we finally push into the next stable level of Earth reality.

Julian Assange: Readers' Choice for TIME's Person of the Year 2010
TIME, 13th December 2010
The man behind WikiLeaks has won the most votes in this year's Person of the Year poll.

Readers voted a total of 1,249,425 times, and the favorite was clear. Julian Assange raked in 382,020 votes, giving him an easy first place. He was 148,383 votes over the silver medalist, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Prime Minister of Turkey.

This would be well deserved, even just for his nerve. Good News! According to the Live Guardian news blog he's out on bail from his trumped up ridiculous, stupid and lame, Swedish "Sex by Surprise" offence. Update Swedes object to bail, Assange banged up for another 48 hours. Due to the cult of celebrity, I am sure he will have lots to think about whilst he remains in jail, see WikiLeaks: Julian Assange crowned 'Rock Star of the Year' by Italian Rolling Stone .

Update 2

No TIME Man of the Year Award, it has gone to the Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg who is being remembered in the blogosphere for calling his early Facebook Users 'dumb f*#&s'. The Guardian have detailed the allegations against Assange and quite frankly, I don't have much sympathy for men who get caught in 'honeytraps' or the women trappers and this example is totally pathetic. The conspiracy websites are turning very negative against Assange, but as far as I am aware, the facts don't stack up. The rabid response from the U.S. authorities could mean that if Assange was helped along like a pawn in a much bigger chess game, it may be that he has overstepped his mark. Oh well, as they say, payback is a bitch.

10 days in Sweden: the full allegations against Julian Assange
Unseen police documents provide the first complete account of the allegations against the WikiLeaks founder
The Guardian, 17th December 2010

Triple Eruption on the Sun:, 13th December 2010
Copy: Solar activity surged on Sunday, Dec. 12th, when the sun erupted three times in quick succession, hurling a trio of bright coronal mass ejections (CMEs) into space. Coronagraphs onboard the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory recorded the action:

A preliminary analysis suggests that none of the CMEs will be geoeffective. The expanding clouds should miss our planet.

Are these CMEs related? According to images from NASA's twin STEREO spacecraft and the Solar Dynamics Observatory, the clouds emerged from three distinct blast sites separated by great distances. In each case, a magnetic filament erupted--one near the sun's southeastern limb (CME#1), one near the north pole (CME#2), and one on the far side of the sun (CME#3). Because all three eruptions occurred within a matter of hours, the coronagraph images suggest a single 3-lobed cloud; in fact, they are distinct CMEs.

Some people have got excited by this triple eruption on the Sun, but to get this into some kind of perspective, we have to examine what has happened when the sun was truly active. During the 2003 Halloween storms, there were 140 solar flares, where each flare is equivalent to over a billion times the energy of the Hiroshima bomb in the form of high energy particles, X-rays and gamma rays. There were also 73 Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs), were billions of tons of plasma per eruption are flung into Space and some of this flooded Earth. Apparently, the Mars Odyssey radiation monitor was burnt out by the Halloween storms, as NASA had completely miscalculated just how much radiation it was possible to receive at Mars as well as other major satellite casualties. Please note: what is not being discussed is what exactly has happened to all this energy that Earth has been receiving in recent years. It seems that nobody even wants to even think about The Law of Conservation of Energy. Anyway, here is a collection of SOHO satellite animations that I have called Spectacular Eruptions from the Sun, to show the Sun can belt out much bigger CMEs and solar activity is still rather low in comparison. [22.02.2011 This entry has been updated as research papers have indicated that the information in the online media confused CME and solar flare activity.]

Public spot significant solar storm heading for Earth
UK Space Agency, 13th December 2010
"For the first time scientists have used data analysed by the public to make a real-time prediction of a solar storm that should hit Earth today (Monday 13 December), thanks to the Solar Stormwatch web project (link opens in a new window)."
I have never even heard of this project, that is asking the public to get involved...

Colorado Voices: The balance of power
Denver Post, 11th December 2010
This past year, Power Balance bracelets have swept the country. The company was started by brothers Josh and Troy Rodarmel in 2006. They claim that these bracelets, through virtue of a special frequency burned into a hologram on the bracelet, give the wearer improved balance, strength and flexibility when worn.

Scientists refuse these claims, saying that the improvements are due in large part because of the placebo effect, and that repetition and familiarity is what really helps the wearer. Well, whether or not these bracelets were borrowed from Wonder Woman herself and are magical, or just increase the user's confidence, people are wearing them.

Supporters of the Power Balance bracelets range from NBA champion Lamar Odom to my little brother. Nobody can really explain why they wear them religiously, other than the response, "It just works." And that is OK. That is real power of the bracelets for wearers: They just work, no explanation needed.

That, actually, is the real power of superstition.

I think this is quite hilarious... is this a time of rejoicing for snake oil salesmen? LOL! Anyway, I hve just found out that experts at Havard have declared that over the last 30 years The Placebo Effect is now twice as powerful and they have called the increase "Placebo Drift". See, PharmaGossip: Placebo drift - why are placebos getting stronger? This is why so many drugs old and new are now useless and why pharmauceutical companies have joined forces to work out what the hell is going on. Academics are saying that people are now more conditioned to believe that they will get better when they take any pill, but then how does that explain the few who react badly -- the Nocebo Effect. Hence the head scratching, by those who are only interest in maintaining huge profit margins. Here it seems we have proof that the metaphysical sources who claimed that there will be more global interconnectedness are correct, but to explain this requires a detailed explanation of the interaction between human consciousness with global consciousness. However, the scientific evidence and analysis is already in the public domain, if you know how to interpret the information. Meanwhile, those who can convince people that there is something that they can do for themselves which will help them, are onto a winner!

Pharma Crisis: The Placebo Effect [Video]
CNBC News, 31st August 2010
"Many new drugs [half] are failing in late-stage trials because they can't beat out sugar pills. Dr. Erika Schwartz, medical director at Cinergy Health, and Steve Silberman, of Wired magazine, discuss the issue."
Note the language of the scientist who thinks that people self-healing due to a sugar pill is a problem!

Placebo effect should be embraced as real medicine
Natural News, 16th October 2010

Placebo Effect: How Doctors Take Advantage [Video]
Red Orbit, 10th December 2010

Did PM Netanyahu get a Lethal Dose of DU?
Veterans Today, 11th December 2010
(San Francisco) – Early December 2, 2010 deadly fires were set in Israel’s remaining forest. Before it was all said and done at least 42 people were dead – burned to death in the fire, three prisons, a hospital and a university evacuated.

Israel was caught quite unprepared and asked more than 20 countries to send help – quick! What started out as a forest fire quickly escalated to a major international incident.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on a visit to the scene by helicopter Israel had suffered a “disaster on a scale we have never seen before.” [...]

All the forest fire did was recontaminate every man, woman, child and fetus in Israel – again! The uranium poison dust from the American Uranium Wars, the Lebanon and Gaza War, the 1973 Yom Kippur War, Chernobyl, the Mayak fires, and all other nuclear activities, all re-suspended by the Mt Carmel fire.

I don't know why I was attracted to this article, but as I read, my jaw just dropped, as I could not believe what I was reading. Talk about blowback... If this is correct, then it means that the problem in the Middle East will soon be resolved (in decades) as humans will not be able to reproduce and there will be quick die-off caused by radiation poisoning, as it appears there is no escape for anyone. The video link is very informative. Well, my interest is the impact of Space Weather and the increase in cosmic rays, as x-rays and gamma rays greatly accelerate the harm caused by those already contaminated by uranium, so here we read:
"It is called the “photo-electric enhancement of background radiation.” The tiny radioactive particles that went through your skin and that you breathed into your body magnify Gamma and X-Ray Radiation by 583,365 times. This photo-electric enhancement effect has even been patented and used for radiotherapy.
The number for the magnification is not a typo.

U.S. Military in Talks to Share Fireball Data from Secret Satellites, 10th December 2010
For decades, the U.S. Department of Defense has operated classified spacecraft loaded with high-tech gear to carry out a range of reconnaissance duties. But the satellites have also spotted the high-altitude explosions of natural fireballs that routinely dive into the Earth's atmosphere, and talks are under way to offer scientists access to that data.

In the past, the data on the fireballs, caused by small asteroids called bolides, was shared with the near-Earth object (NEO) science community, information deemed ideal for understanding the size of small NEOs and the hazard they pose.

From space scientists, they stress that such data sharing is also important for validating airburst simulations, characterizing the physical properties of small NEOs — such as their strength — and assisting in the recovery of meteorites.

So what exactly are the US military trying to hide? Well, I will give a few suggestions: Maybe the Earth is now being pelted by far more frequent sparks of consciousness that look like comets. Huge magnetar blasts in space are disturbing real physical "debris" in space and hence the increasing number of asteroids and meteor showers. Maybe, there are more satellites falling out of the sky due to Space Weather after being hit by debris. As one scientist remarked:
"People tend to think that space is a quiet place with relatively little activity. Over the years, we have come to realize that this is not true."
Miguel Larsen, campaign scientist from Clemson University, S.C
Interestingly even meteor showers that arrive promptly every year are still considered mysterious, which does make you wonder about what we really know about the conditions in near Earth space. See Mysterious Geminid Meteor Shower -- Best Sky Show of the Year

Anonymous cyberwarriors stun experts
Financial Times, 10th December 2010
Internet subcultures rarely make front page news. But when the mysterious forces of Anonymous took it upon themselves to attack opponents of WikiLeaks, the whistle-blowing website, their success took everyone – not least victims such as Visa, MasterCard and PayPal – by surprise.

This year has seen military and security experts often warn about the prospects of “cyberwarfare”. Few expected the most prominent assaults against large companies to come from a scattered group of anarchists and idealists with no identifiable leader, membership or nationality.

The loose internet grouping that calls itself Anonymous has been notorious in web circles for years, particularly for its apparently random attacks on the music industry, Kiss singer Gene Simmons, YouTube and the Scientologists. [...]

“The internet is something sacred – don’t screw with it, leave it alone,” he said. “If [authorities] are willing to gun down WikiLeaks in broad daylight, they will come down on you as well. If you join us, you have a voice . . . Nobody is going to stop Anonymous unless you pull the plug on the internet.”

Actually, I have never contemplated the sacredness of the internet, but apparently, others have... More: This is getting really creepy, now we have a new group called Gnosis, dishing out their version of cyber wisdom: See

Hackers Disrupt Sites Run by Gawker Media
New York Times, 12th December 2010

A Creepy Monster of the Forest: The Albino, Vampiric Redwood Tree
Discovery News, 9th December 2010
Organisms with albino mutations are pretty weird in general, but albino plants are extra weird.

Ultra-rare albino redwood trees completely lack the green pigment chlorophyll, which they need to live (by photosynthesizing nutrients from light). These plants are literally vampires. They are pale (everwhite instead of evergreen), and they survive by sucking the life from other trees.

These vampires remain attached to the roots of their healthy, normal, parent trees (coastal redwoods can reproduce asexually by sprouting new shoots from roots or stumps), and survive by sucking energy from them. They can keep this up for a century. Historian Sandy Lyndon explained the phenomenon to KQED: [...]

Only about 25 of these trees are known to exist around the world, eight of which are at Henry Cowell State Park in California, where rangers and researchers from Stanford University and UC Santa Cruz are studying them, as KQED explains:
Their needles are limp and waxy. They’re the exact color of a glow-in-the-dark star you might find in a kid’s bedroom. And while no one really knows for sure, albino redwood trees may be extremely rare…. And yet, eight of them live here. This park has the largest known concentration of albino redwoods anywhere, and that makes it the epicenter for a scientific mystery.

Well, I Know all about spiritual vampires... but I have never heard of vampire trees, incredible...

Plasma Beings ITs with Drunvalo Melchizedek (Part 2/2)
YouTube, December 2010
Comment: This an interview of Drunvalo Melchizedek who is a well known fixture in the metaphysical community, who seems to have been recently hit by a brick and is now talking about plasma beings, I wonder why? I am even wondering if someone has pointed out to him that we are witnessing The Greatest Transition in the History of Mankind , as DM even talks about them being The Ancestors, but of course there is no references to the beliefs of indigenous cultures and the work of anthropologists who have recorded this knowledge. Anyway, we have an epic tale that mixes fact with fiction but still manages to be full of contradictions. In conspiracy circles that is called disinformation, but in the study of cult tactics, this kind of technique can be used to overwhelm the mind, whilst various suggestions can be made. In terms of selling ideas, making the stories incredulous creates a filter, the so-called "sucker-test" that means only a few will respond, but those people will be a lot easier to control. So, the highlight of this interview is not what DM says, it is what actually happens. Very near the beginning of Part II, whilst talking about ETs and naming various races, DM actually appears to start shapeshifting and this is immediately pointed out in the YouTube comments. Now you could say it was just a technical glitch, but the timing is interesting, as it is then followed with some strange flashes of light. Not surprisingly, a few viewers are freaked out. Now, I have always been very circumspect in this area of popular conspiracy theory, but really, there are some excellent video compilations of people starting to shapeshift when they are being filmed, but DM only did this when talking about his ET friends. Shocking stuff! Talk about blowing your cover! Let's just say that the New Energies on the planet are really allowing us to see the entities all around us... Finally, I would suggest that people like DM are partly the reason why so many New Agers have no idea what the hell is really going on. As he admits, his audience like the storytelling, so that means they are not really interested in the facts and don't use any discernment. Surely, this video is going to become a New Age 'cult' classic, but all for the wrong reasons.

NBA Star In Possible UFO Encounter -- Caught on Tape
TMZ, 10th December 2010
Manu eyeballed the UFO when he was in town to play the Clippers on December 1 -- and he has since launched a serious investigation into the matter ... which involved a lot of Googling.

Manu posted his findings on his Facebook page yesterday, saying the best answer he could come up with was "a kind of spacecraft which is called X-37B and was supposed to land in the area between December 3 and 6. According to various media, it landed on Dec 3."

Manu points out that he spotted the craft on December 1 ... not December 3 ... so THE MYSTERY REMAINS.

TMZ is a US based celebrity gossip website, not UFO Digest! Anyway, it does not matter who you are these days, our reality is morphing and there is just no way that people will not notice! Hurry up NASA et al. with your efforts to recondition the American people and the world, you are racing against the clock! Even though the video is not very clear, it still reminds me of the same type of phenomena (UAPs) recorded by the Japanese weather office at Volcano Sakurajima, see below:

Live camera at 04 - 2010-12-10 Sakurazima at 08 Volcano Sakurajima
YouTube, 9th December 2010

Comment: This is a nice example of why I believe that our reality is morphing and becoming like a Cosmic Aquarium. Like many previous examples, the following time lapse video shows entities that look like tadpoles swimming in the air. There are also orbs in formation that appear and disappear too. I simply cannot explain the strange flashes in these videos, and possibly could be some kind of electrical atmospheric phenomenon. I have used the Google translation tool and the description provided for this link reads: "Weather radar was recorded live camera images and weather bureau office Sakurajima road Kyushu Regional Development Bureau Ministry of Land Oosumi river. In one frame per second recording 30fps real time has become so 30 times faster. Recording time in my time (JST) is. The exact time of the eruption on the scale please see the announcement and the Meteorological Agency. If you pause the video and black out line connection status."


Video: NBA star uses Facebook to discuss UFO sighting
CNET News, 11th December 2010
This is a much much better video of these entities darting about in the sky, but there is some profanity at the begining, so if you don't like swearing, then don't bother.

Spacecraft Saw ULF Radio Emissions over Haiti before January Quake
Technology Review, 9th December 2010
A French satellite observed a dramatic increase in ultra low frequency radio waves over Haiti in the month before the M7.0 earthquake earlier this year. Back in 2004, the French space agency CNES launched a small satellite called DEMETER into polar orbit some 700 km above the Earth's surface. DEMETER's is an unusual mission. Its job is to monitor low frequency radio waves generated by earthquakes.

Today, a group of geoscientists release the data associated with the M 7.0 earthquake that struck Haiti in January. They say that DEMETER saw a clear increase in ultralow frequency radio waves being emitted from the Earth's the crust in that region in the build up to the quake.

The anecdotal evidence of electromagnetic effects associated with earthquakes is legion. Various accounts link earthquakes with mysterious light and heating effects. Then there is the widespread evidence that certain animals can sense impending quakea, possibly because of a sensitivity to low frequency electric fields.

But good data is hard to come by. Geoscientists have been measuring the currents that flow through Earth beneath our feet for over 100 years. These so-called telluric currents are thought to be generated by friction and piezoelectric effects within rock. And the flow of electrons they cause has been linked to various atmospheric phenomena such as thunderstorms.

I have taken a keen interest in this kind of research after I wondered WHY metaphysical sources were warning that the human energy field is affected by earthquake emissions and how the human energy field could be shielded. At the time, I had NO IDEA that there were earthquake precursor ultra low frequency emissions, but there are many scientists around the world pursuing this approach in order to be able to predict earthquakes.

Irony alert: The unusually chilly global-warming summit
Cancun is hosting the U.N. conference on man-made climate change — amid record cold temperatures
The week, 9th December 2010
The irony: As negotiators from nearly 200 countries met in Cancun to strategize ways to keep the planet from getting hotter, the temperature in the seaside Mexican city plunged to a 100-year record low of 54° F. Climate-change skeptics are gleefully calling Cancun's weather the latest example of the "Gore Effect" — a plunge in temperature they say occurs wherever former Vice President Al Gore, now a Nobel Prize-winning environmental activist, makes a speech about the climate. Although Gore is not scheduled to speak in Cancun, "it could be that the Gore Effect has announced his secret arrival," jokes former NASA scientist Roy W. Spencer.

Anthony Watts & friends have also been reveling in the irony too, with the details of the numerous new record lows. Watts is a former television meteorologist who spent 25 years on television and radio, now the proprietor of the 2008 Weblog Best Science Blog award-winning site Watts Up With That?. (Hence you can trust the stats because he attracts thousands of scientists who will correct him if he is wrong). He operates a weather technology and content business while also continuing daily forecasting on radio, he says, ”just for fun.” Info link. But seriously, many people are starting to wonder if Gaia is really going out of her way for us dumb humans to get the message that the planet is not warming.

“Gore Effect” on Steroids: Six straight days of record low temperatures during COP16 in Cancun Mexico – more coming
Watts Up With That, 10th December 2010


Imagine eating if you want to lose weight, say scientists
Just imagining eating calorific food such as chocolate can reduce your appetite and help you lose weight, claim psychologists
The Guardian, 9th December 2010
Ever wished you could cut down on the amount you eat without going hungry? It turns out all you need is a good imagination. Scientists have found that going through the mental motions of eating, say, a chocolate bar, will help.

The result, from a study of more than 300 volunteers, seems to fly in the face of intuition that imagining a delicious meal will make your mouth water even more.

Carey Morewedge, an assistant professor of social and decision sciences at Carnegie Mellon University in Pennsylvania, and the lead author of the research, which is published in Science, said: "We think our results may be used to craft behavioural interventions that allow people to eat less of the unhealthy foods they crave and also to choose healthier foods.

"We hope it can also be used to give us [help] on cravings for other substances including cigarettes and alcohol."

He said: "Trying to suppress one's thoughts of desired foods in order to curb cravings for those foods is a fundamentally flawed strategy.

"Our studies found that people who repeatedly imagined the consumption of a morsel of food — such as an M&M or cube of cheese — subsequently consumed less of that food than people who imagined consuming the food a few times or performed a different task."

Here we are told about the power of our thoughts... Quite frankly, I have become extremely cynical of this kind of talk in the New Age world, because for most, it has turned into magical thinking. I remember being completely shocked when I was with someone in a cafe. This person was liberally adding maple syrup to a pancake and telling me she believed that she would not get fat. Well, I saw this person about a year later and they had bloated. I know all about having a sedentary lifestyle and being overweight, but I could not seriously consider this scientific research as a suitable remedy.

Pro-WikiLeaks cyber army gains strength; thousands join DDoS attacks
Volunteers download attack tool, organizers recruit hacker botnets, say researchers Computerworld, 9th December 2010
The retaliatory attacks by pro-WikiLeaks activists are growing in strength as hackers add botnets and thousands of people download an open-source attack tool, security researchers said today.

In recent days, distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks have been launched against several sites, including those belonging to Amazon, MasterCard, PayPal and the Swiss payment transaction firm PostFinance, after each terminated WikiLeaks accounts or pulled the plug on services.

Well, I am wondering whether this is really just the next step up from internet forums where the truly ignorant and spiteful can revel in their nastiness and where groups are allowed to play out a cyber version of Lord of the Flies. With this kind of mentality, that seems very prevalent, it's really difficult to see what is happening in any other way. Maybe, I am annoyed by all the references to global and living consciousness, because it's all just too pseudo for me. As The Black Eyed Peas group sang, Where is the Love?


Wikileaks: Anonymous stops dropping DDoS bombs, starts dropping science
Boing Boing, 9th December 2010
"In my opinion, this action would have far more positive impact. Anonymous often repeats the Orwell quote, "In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act." Looks like they decided to take those words to heart."
New thinking... this looks like a call to spam the internet with the truth...

We also read at the Guardian WikiLeaks US embassy cables: live updates:
9.32am: Anonymous seems to be changing tactics. Operation: Payback could be morphing into Operation:Leakspin. The idea is to highlight the best and and least exposed cables. [...]

The hacktivists of Anonymous may be accused of many things – such as immaturity or being run by a herd instinct. But theirs is the cyber equivalent of non-violent action or civil disobedience. link
Well, I am glad to see that someone else has also picked up on the "Lord of the Flies" energy behind Anonymous.

The Internet and "Global Consciousness"
The Guardian, 9th December 2010
11.06am: Anonymous is not a "group of hackers" but an "online living consciousness" the group said in statement straight out of pseuds corner:

The atoms it is comprised of have never been the exact same in number, consistency or form. In this regard, Anonymous is similar to a river."

Operation: Payback is the codename for the joint effort of Anonymous to fight those who see to misuse the Internet. Operation: Payback is now directed towards those who employ unfair means to fight WikiLeaks.

Morally corrupt organisations such as Visa and MasterCard among others are facing attacks not to their critical infrastructure but to their corporate websites.

OK, it looks like too many have swallowed the corrupted ideas of Teilhard de Chardin and others, where it is now commonly believed that the internet represents "global consciousness". It does not! Despite the articles that have been written and can be easily found on the internet, I have gone back to the original sources and the internet is NOT the fully developed Noosphere.

Here are other examples that I have found:
"The Constitution of the United States is said to be a living document, because it can be edited, amended; changed at the will of the people to suit the peoples' needs. In that same vein, Anonymous is a living idea. Anonymous is an idea that can be edited, updated, remanded, changed on a whim. We are living consciousness.
A Letter from Anonymous & Anon Manifesto image copy
Here is the "Global consciousness" slant from Anonymous:
"In these modern times access to the internet is fast becoming a basic human right. Just like any other basic human right, we believe that it is wrong to infringe upon it. To threaten to cut people off from the global consciousness as you have is criminal and abhorrent. To move to censor content on the internet based on your own prejudice is at best laughably impossible, at worst, morally reprehensible. "
Video: Operation Payback - Anonymous Message About ACTA Laws, Internet Censorship and Copyright, 8th December 2010
Teilhard de Chardin was a French Jesuit priest and a highly rated academic geologist/paleontologist. His cosmic ideas so alarmed the Catholic hierarchy that he was banned from teaching and he was not allowed to publish his books until after his death. It seems to me that de Chardin was not just a brilliant academic, he seemed to have a mystical orientation and from what I have read, at times seems to be describing what he could see. Here is a quote from an article about him and his ideas of the Noosphere.
In 1925, Teilhard wrote in an essay entitled Hominization: "And this amounts to imagining, in one way or another, above the animal biosphere a ^human sphere, a sphere of reflection, of conscious invention, of conscious souls (the noosphere, if you will)" (1966, p. 63) It was a neologism employing the Greek word noos for "mind." [...]

Crucial to the process of human evolution, i.e. to progress is, in Teilhard's view, scientific research. In the past such investigations were isolated, sometimes no more than the hobbies of individuals. "Today we find the reverse: research students are numbered in the hundreds of thousands-soon to be millions-and they are no longer distributed superficially and at random over the globe, but are functionally linked together in a vast organic system that will remain in the future indispensable to the life of the community." (p. 106) One can't but think of today's "Internet," yet this was written forty-six years ago. [...]

There we continue Teilhard's treatment of noogenesis: "We are faced with a harmonized collectivity of consciousnesses to a sort of superconciousness. The earth not only becoming covered by myriads of grains of thought, but becoming enclosed in a single thinking envelope, a single unanimous reflection." (1961, pp. 251-2) Yet such a unanimity of consciousness implies a condition that humans generally reject, depersonalization. Indeed, the conclusion seems inevitable: "So that at the world's Omega, as at its Alpha, lies the Impersonal." (p. 258) At this point, "Omega," the last letter in the Greek alphabet, simply refers to the final stage of evolution. At the end the noosphere become an "all" that absorbs all.

In refining his description of "Omega" Teilhard seems to agree. "Because it contains and engenders consciousness, space-time is necessarily of a convergent nature [and] must somewhere in the future become involuted to a point which we might call Omega, which fuses and consumes them integrally in itself." (p. 259) Here "Omega" takes on its deeper meaning. Noogenesis, as it evolves, ^inevitably reaches a single focus.
Teilhard de Chardin and the Noosphere
CMC Magazine, March 1997
There are others with similar ideas of the Noosphere as a living "global" consciousness around our planet, but the internet is only a reflection of this energy and certainly cannot represent the pinnacle of planetary evolution.

Titanic victim of newly found steel-eating bacteria
CTV News, 7th December 2010
An iceberg may have sent it to the ocean floor, but a team of researchers are warning a newly discovered bacteria may be erasing evidence of the wreckage of the Titanic. According to Dalhousie University adjunct civil engineering professor Henrietta Mann, what now remains of the Titanic could be gone in 20 years or less.

The reason, she says, is a new bacterial species that has been discovered munching on the wreck. Dubbed halomonas titanicae, the rust-eating bacteria was discovered in rusticles -- dark orange rust formations that resemble icicles -- that are covering the ship's submerged hull. Mann, who made the discovery in conjunction with University of Sevilla researcher Bhavleen Kaur, says the discovery poses as many questions as it answers.

"We don't know yet whether this species arrived aboard the RMS Titanic before or after it sank," Mann said in a statement. "We also don't know if these bacteria cause similar damage to offshore oil and gas pipelines.

Some folks this is a by-product of the synthetic oil eating bacteria added into Corexit that was introduced into the Gulf to clean up the oil spill. The timing is too much of a coincidence, but due to the short-sightedness of introducing a synthetic bacteria that can eat anything and everything, the conspiracy folk can hardly believe it too... Here are some more reports and info:

PBSNewsHour: Bacteria Gobbling Natural Gas in the Gulf
YouTube, 16th September 2010
"While attention in the Gulf has mostly focused on oil, the explosion and spill also released tremendous amounts of natural gas. David Valentine, a microbial geochemistry professor at UC Santa Barbara, and his research team, have been studying the behavior and distribution of these natural gases, their impacts on the ocean ecosystem and the bacteria that consumes them. He is the lead author in a study being published today by Science . He spoke to us while on the NOAA research vessel, (NOAA Ship Pisces)."

Amazing Live Cam Footage - Monster Fish and Nano-Fish in the Gulf of Mexico
YouTube, 6th December 2010
"6/12/2010 - Gulf of Mexico, Florida. Huge Fish Swallows and Swims Side by Side with Geo Fish. Other fish species look infected, disorientated and sick with white substance coming out of their mouths." Extra: This monster fish first appears in it's entirety at about 3:00.

Has Environmentalism Lost Its Spiritual Core?
Time, 6th December 2010
Environmentalism began as a religion. Certainly that's how paleo-greens like John Muir, founder of the Sierra Club, would have seen it.

Muir was awakened to nature when he first explored Yosemite in the 1860s, and he felt it in a religious way — he called what would become one of the nation's first national parks "the grandest of all special temples of Nature."

Muir's biographer, Donald Worster, has written that Muir saw his mission as "saving the American soul from total surrender to materialism." David Brower, a spiritual successor to Muir who would found Friends of the Earth, would say of his staunchest green allies that they had "the religion." Environmentalism — rooted in nature and the outdoors — was an antidote to secular, technological modern life. [...] Wangari Maathai, for one, would like to change that. The Kenyan activist won a Nobel Peace Prize in 2004 — making her the first environmentalist to earn the award — for her work with the Green Belt Movement, a nonprofit that focuses on planting trees, conserving the environment and fighting for women's rights.

Now Maathai has a new book called Replenishing the Earth: Spiritual Values for Healing Ourselves and the World, and she's preaching a green gospel. To Maathai, environmental work needs to be linked to spiritual values — and spiritual values should drive us to care about the environmentalism, contributing to what's called in Judaism tikkun olam, the healing of the world. "We've become detached from nature," Maathai told me recently during a trip to New York City. "And as you move away from nature, you become lost."

It's nice to see that Time magazine can point Wangari Maathai, as someone who is a genuine environmentalist with spiritual values. This woman has gained my respect by her sheer brilliance and humility. Despite my highlighting of "green religion" this woman seems to have got the spiritual essence of environmentalism right.

SPECIAL REPORT: More Than 1000 International Scientists Dissent Over Man-Made Global Warming Claims - Challenge UN IPCC & Gore
Climaate Depot, 8th December 2010
Link to Complete 321-Page PDF Special Report INTRODUCTION: More than 1000 dissenting scientists (updates previous 700 scientist report) from around the globe have now challenged man-made global warming claims made by the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and former Vice President Al Gore.

This new 2010 320-page Climate Depot Special Report -- updated from 2007's groundbreaking U.S. Senate Report of over 400 scientists who voiced skepticism about the so-called global warming “consensus” -- features the skeptical voices of over 1000 international scientists, including many current and former UN IPCC scientists, who have now turned against the UN IPCC. [...]

"I view Climategate as science fraud, pure and simple," said noted Princeton Physicist Dr. Robert Austin shortly after the scandal broke. Climategate prompted UN IPCC scientists to turn on each other. UN IPCC scientist Eduardo Zorita publicly declared that his Climategate colleagues Michael Mann and Phil Jones "should be barred from the IPCC process...They are not credible anymore."

Lots of harsh words and a good read, if you like scientists condemning climate scientists and their clap-trap science. However, there's nothing like a broken jet stream, delivering frost, snow and ice to remind millions of people that we are experiencing "global warming".

"Tadpole" UFO's photographed over Mt. Olomana and Kaneohe Marine Corps Airstaiton Hawaii
UFO digest, 8th December 2010
Last Sunday my family and I went to our favorite beach on the windward side of the island of Oahu. I will not reveal this beach because (no offense) I don’t want to be the one to turn it into a tourist spot. Anyway on the way I let my wife drive. We were coming down the Pali highway, and I started to photograph from my Jeep using a high shutter speed I aimed my lens at Mt. Olomana. It is a sacred mountain on this island and the Hawaiians considered it sacred. There are ancient Hawaiian structures made of stone all over that mountain.

This is a repeat of a previous comment. This account reminds me of the story of Kenneth Arnold who started off the whole UFO frenzy [in the US] when he tried to described a formation of objects he was seeing. Newspaper men came up with the phrase 'flying saucers' but that was NOT the shape he was trying to describe. In fact, Arnold originally saw crescent or fan shaped objects and one object that was tadpole shaped. The behaviour of the objects he saw appeared to be more biological than mechanistic, so his opinion must be considered as valuable due to his unique experiences, unclouded by other accounts and his indepth study of this phenomenon. Here is a quote from Trevor James Constable's book, Sky Creatures: Living UFOs published by Simon & Schuster in 1976,
Significant among those who came to accept that UFOs were critters was the man who touched off the whole powder keg — Kenneth Armold. As coiner of the phrase flying saucers he has won immortality, but by the early 1960s, he was nowwhere near as puzzled as he was on 24 June 1947, when he saw a "formation" of these saucers neart Mount Rainier. In November 1962 his views on UFOs sounded as though the had lifted bodily out of my 1958 book They live in the Sky. Writing in Ray Palmer's Flying Saucers Magazine, Mr. Arnold said:

After some 14 years of extensive research, it is my conclusion that the so-called unidentified flying objects that have been seen in our atmosphere are not space ships from another planet at all, but are groups and masses of living organisms that are as much a part of our atmosphere and space as the life we find in the oceans. The only difference in the space and atmospheric organisms is that they have the natural ability to change their densities at will.
Flying Saucers Magazine, November 1962, Palmer Publications. Amherst, Wisconsin 54406
We are seeing a whole range of entities and some of them look and behave like sea creatures and our atmosphere is the ocean. Others appear to be bioluminescent, some are amoured and look like machines as they appear very metallic. Humans have a limited level of perception, but some more than others and these creatures or plasma entities have energy levels that they can control and this explains why they can often be picked up in the unfrared, ultraviolet or by radar, even when not visible to the human eye. Nature allows massive diversity and complexity, whether humans wish to accept this or not.

Titanic victim of newly found steel-eating bacteria
CTV News, 7th December 2010
An iceberg may have sent it to the ocean floor, but a team of researchers are warning a newly discovered bacteria may be erasing evidence of the wreckage of the Titanic. According to Dalhousie University adjunct civil engineering professor Henrietta Mann, what now remains of the Titanic could be gone in 20 years or less.

The reason, she says, is a new bacterial species that has been discovered munching on the wreck. Dubbed halomonas titanicae, the rust-eating bacteria was discovered in rusticles -- dark orange rust formations that resemble icicles -- that are covering the ship's submerged hull. Mann, who made the discovery in conjunction with University of Sevilla researcher Bhavleen Kaur, says the discovery poses as many questions as it answers.

"We don't know yet whether this species arrived aboard the RMS Titanic before or after it sank," Mann said in a statement. "We also don't know if these bacteria cause similar damage to offshore oil and gas pipelines.

Some folks this is a by-product of the synthetic oil eating bacteria added into Corexit that was introduced into the Gulf to clean up the oil spill. The timing is too much of a coincidence, but due to the short-sightedness of introducing a synthetic bacteria that can eat anything and everything, the conspiracy folk can hardly believe it too... Here are some more reports and info:

PBSNewsHour: Bacteria Gobbling Natural Gas in the Gulf
YouTube, 16th September 2010
"While attention in the Gulf has mostly focused on oil, the explosion and spill also released tremendous amounts of natural gas. David Valentine, a microbial geochemistry professor at UC Santa Barbara, and his research team, have been studying the behavior and distribution of these natural gases, their impacts on the ocean ecosystem and the bacteria that consumes them. He is the lead author in a study being published today by Science . He spoke to us while on the NOAA research vessel, (NOAA Ship Pisces)."

Amazing Live Cam Footage - Monster Fish and Nano-Fish in the Gulf of Mexico
YouTube, 6th December 2010
"6/12/2010 - Gulf of Mexico, Florida. Huge Fish Swallows and Swims Side by Side with Geo Fish. Other fish species look infected, disorientated and sick with white substance coming out of their mouths." Extra: This monster fish first appears in it's entirety at about 3:00.

Yellow glowing "geese", Baillieston, Glasgow, Scotland [UK]
UK UFO Sightings, 7th December 2010
Location of Sighting: Baillieston, Glasgow Date of Sighting: 7/12/2010
Time: Midnight twenty, approx
Witness Name: R Adam

Witness Statement: First off, I am not a great believer in UFOs, but did anyone see what APPEARED to be a group of yellowish winged things ( between ten and fifteen in number I think? ) pass over Baillieston from the east to the west at around 0020 hrs 7/12/10? I was letting the dog out in the back garden when I saw these things flying in loose formation, almost like geese. I am not aware of any goose that glows yellow and could cover the distance at the speed, which I could not estimate. They were gone from sight in less than thirty seconds. As I say, not a believer, but, here I go finding this site?? Anyone see them?

I could not find an image of yellow glowing geese.... OK, this is a rainbow round up of 'bright light' reports, that I find most interesting.

Unknown Clusters Of Blue Green Lights Making Strange Maneuvers Over Calgary Alberta
Vike Factor, 6th December 2010
"When they got into a close proximity to each other, one above and one below, we realized that a good deal of the sky seemed iridescent with smaller individual bluish-green lights. These smaller individual lights were moving around each other in random patterns, then grouping together with the two clusters that had now stopped in the sky."

Fiery orange spherical object hovering silently then splits into 3 - Whitstable UK]
UK UFO Sightings, 1st December 2010
"Witness Statement: I was walking along the shoreline between Swalecliffe and Whitstable and noticed near to the Seaview Holiday Park and Swalecliffe Sands, a very bright, fiery orange spherical object hovering silently over that area. I was approximately half a mile from that location, at Tankerton. The orange fireball object seemed to be hovering at an altitude of around 200 FT above the ground. It moved across Swalecliffe Sands and out into the Thames Estuary, moving towards the Kentish Flats Offshore Wind Farm. As it did so, it seemed to change its form and shape from a fiery, orange coloured sphere to three separate brightly illuminated shapes."

Mexico: Tubular Pink UFO?
Inexplicata, 4th December 2010
"Contributing editor Prof. Ana Luisa Cid has sent us a photo taken by Christopher Rodriguez, showing an elongated, luminous structure over Mexican skies in October 2009."
Nice video at YouTube: Video at: link

New York witness within 600 feet of hovering White Light UFO
UFO Examiner, 23rd November 2010
"I stopped the car parralel with the ufo. Now its maybe 600 feet from me. If I were to hold my hand out at arms length it was just a little bigger than my hand. While im doing this im listening. No nosie except for the approaching chopper."
What is interesting is the increasing number of reports where the entity simply does not care that a human is close by...

A mass of blue orbs - Reading, Berkshire UK
UK UFO Sightings, 2nd December 2010
"...above a near by town was a outline of a orb made up by blue lights , well there was no outline , imageing a ball then put lights all over it then get rid of the ball and thats what it looked like , it was huge..."

Disco ball with changing rainbow colours - Scot Hay, Newcastle under Lyme [UK]
UK UFO Sightings, 3rd December 2010
"I looked through some binocculars and it and was like a disco ball which kept changing colour. (seemed like all the colours of the rainbow)."

3 separate helicopters crashes in western Palm Beach County; 1 pilot seriously injured - Florida [US]
Aircraft were flying over vegetable farms to circulate air, keep frost away from crops Sun Sentinel, 8th December 2010
Three helicopters crashed in western Palm Beach County early Wednesday as they tried to keep frost from damaging crops, authorities said.

One of the pilots was flown to a nearby hospital in serious condition, according to Palm Beach County Fire Rescue.

The first crash happened around 2:10 a.m. on the southeastern edge of Lake Okeechobee. The Robinson R-44, registered in Miami-Dade County, crashed into a field for unknown reasons, according to the Federal Aviation Administration. The aircraft was severely damaged and the pilot had minor injuries.

Well, of all the countries in the world, I am sure most will agree that historically, the United States have put the most effort into destroying their own atmospheric shielding. See the article section: Pigs in Space - A Short History of U.S. Military Madness. NASA and the European Space Agency have made it clear that the EM environment is now completely chaotic and I have documented the relevant reports of strange new atmospheric phenomena that include plumes of plasma that are affecting GPS signals. Therefore, when scientists write hundreds of scientific and business reports, explaining how Space Weather, geomagnetic storms and cosmic rays could could effect electronics and even could cause planes to fall out of the sky, then only the truly stupid will shout loudly that China is causing all the well publicised examples of electronic failures, real or imagined. Go and check, it's quite amazing to go around the blogosphere and find those with no facts, braying like donkeys.

CYBERWAR: Now Hackers Have Taken Down As Revenge For Julian Assange
Business Insider, 8th December 2010
It looks like the group that successfully took down the website of Julian Assange's Swiss Bank have claimed another victim. is down, and @Anon_operation just tweeted that it's due to a DDOS attack. Of course, Mastercard is one of the payment services that cut off the ability to donate to Wikileaks. Update: We're not exactly sure what this means, but this is a Reuters flash: Mastercard says working to suspend acceptance of mastercards on WikiLeaks until situation resolved.

Actually, I don't have much interest in the "resistance" movement, but I will admit I am amazed by what is going on now. Taking down financial websites is a very effective way to send a message to BIG BUSINESS.

4chan rushes to WikiLeaks' defense, forces Swiss banking site offline
Ars Technica, 7th December 2010
"The forces of Anonymous have taken aim at several companies who are refusing to do business with WikiLeaks. 4chan's hordes have launched distributed denial-of-service attacks against PayPal, Swiss bank PostFinance, and other sites that have hindered the whistleblowing site's operations."

Australia says U.S, not WikiLeaks founder, responsible for leaks
MSNBC News, 8th December 2010
The Australian goverment have virtually changed their attitude over night. So what exactly do they now know?

Iceland exits recession
Decision to force bondholders to pay for banking system's collapse appears to pay off as economy grows 1.2% in third quarter
The Guardian, 7th December 2010
Iceland's decision two years ago to force bondholders to pay for the banking system's collapse appeared to pay off after official figures showed the country exited recession in the third quarter.

The Icelandic economy, which contracted for seven consecutive quarters until the summer, grew by 1.2% in the three months to the end of September. Iceland famously agreed in a referendum to reject a scheme to repay most of its debts that were once worth 11 times its total national income.

In contrast to Ireland, Iceland's taxpayers refused to foot the bill for the debts accumulated by the banking sector. Bondholders were told to accept dramatic reductions in the value of repayments on bank debt after the sector borrowed beyond its means to fund ambitious investments abroad [...]

Last year Iceland's president Olafur R Grímsson said: "The difference is that in Iceland we allowed the banks to fail. These were private banks and we didn't pump money into them in order to keep them going; the state did not shoulder the responsibility of the failed private banks."

Private bankers paying off their own debts, rather than taxpayers being fleeced, well, that's novel!

Nasa dismisses criticism of 'arsenic bacteria' research
The space agency has refused to respond to sharp criticism of research published last week that appeared to show bacteria could incorporate arsenic into their DNA
The Guardian, 7th December 2010
Tuesday 7 December, 7.28pm: Nasa TV is showing a follow-up press conference addressing concerns about the research.

5.38pm: Yesterday, Carl Zimmer at Slate contacted a dozen scientists with expertise in this field. He blogs his findings today.
"Almost unanimously, they think the NASA scientists have failed to make their case. 'It would be really cool if such a bug existed,' said San Diego State University's Forest Rohwer, a microbiologist who looks for new species of bacteria and viruses in coral reefs. But, he added, 'none of the arguments are very convincing on their own.' That was about as positive as the critics could get. 'This paper should not have been published,' said Shelley Copley of the University of Colorado."
There were relatively straightforward ways they could have avoided contamination of their samples, said Zimmer's contacts:
"When the Nasa scientists took the DNA out of the bacteria, for example, they ought to have taken extra steps to wash away any other kinds of molecules. Without these precautions, arsenic could have simply glommed to the DNA, like gum on a shoe. 'It is pretty trivial to do a much better job,' said Rohwer."
[...] He neatly sums up Nasa's media-baiting press release and the subsequent disappointment of science writers and journalists:
"We thought we were getting cupcakes. Some of us wanted cupcakes. Who doesn't want cupcakes? Now everybody's got humble pie in front of them, quite a bit to eat yet, and no dessert on the menu."
Comment: Hmmm... "media-baiting press release..." This seems to be a blog of the infighting between scientists about this research. Quite frankly, as I made quite clear, NASA bosses have used this research to send out the message that there may be other lifeforms that exist around us, and they don't seem to be too worried about how bad the science is. 'Needs must' as they say. Anyway, our reality is rapidly morphing and soon, it's going to be like living in a cosmic aquarium. Whatever you may think, NASA and world controllers have no choice but to try and condition the populace for some sort of disclosure. For the moment, I think the announcement of plasma entities that come from a Shadow Bisophere is good enough, but we will see what happens. Please note: we are getting snippets of info in the mainstream media that this 'conditioning' is already happening in other countries, which I am faithfully blogging, when I find them.

"This Paper Should Not Have Been Published"
Scientists see fatal flaws in the NASA study of arsenic-based life.
Slate News, 7th December 2010
"While Redfield considers Wolfe-Simon's research "flim-flam," she think it's fine for the NASA scientists to hold off responding to their critics. She is working on a formal letter to Science detailing her objections. But Jonathan Eisen of UC-Davis doesn't let the scientists off so easily. "If they say they will not address the responses except in journals, that is absurd," he said. "They carried out science by press release and press conference. Whether they were right or not in their claims, they are now hypocritical if they say that the only response should be in the scientific literature."
"flim-flam" science!


Arsenic about face
NASA's arsenic debacle tells us a lot about what's wrong about the relationship between science, peer review and the media in the 21st century.
The Guardian (Blog), 8th December 2010
"I've been following NASA's arsenic-munching microbe story for several days now, biding my time while the storm played out."
This paper is now available for registeres users, see A Bacterium That Can Grow by Using Arsenic Instead of Phosphorus & also for download as a.pdf link

24 Countries That Have Smarter Children Than America
Business Insider, 7th December 2010
America's children rate embarrassingly low again on the latest round of scholastic tests from the OECD.

The Program for International Student Assessment, which is released every three years, tests 15-year-old students in reading, math and science.

Basically, America earned a "C." We tied the OECD average rating of 496. Teenagers in East Asia and Europe scored significantly higher.

There's one caveat to these scores. Some countries test a irregularly narrow sample of kids. Like China -- which we're not counting in our ranking because its sample of 5,100 Shanghai teenagers scored ridiculously high.

Here are the top 5, #1 Hong Kong, #2 Finland, #3 Singapore, #4 South Korea, #5 Japan, the only surprise is Finland. What is interesting to me is the poisonous combination of ignorance and arrogance that I have come across that seems to be prevalent in some people from nationalities that don't come very high on this list. Anyway, China is famed for it's abundance of super psychic children, so that might cause a problem with the testing procedures.

Going to church makes you happy: Religion affirms sense of belonging
Daily Mail, 7th December 2010
Religion makes you happy because of its social rather than spiritual aspects, scientists have revealed.

Being part of a church congregation surrounded by friends is more important to your happiness than prayer, the study concluded.

Forming friendships with like-minded people makes people more happier than the theology or spirituality of a choosen faith.

While past studies have revealed a positive connection between religiosity and life satisfaction, American researchers claim a sense of 'belonging' made people more 'extremely satisfied' with life's lot.

Are religious groups mainly happy, clappy clubs? This is the reason why I would now NEVER be involved in any religious group, because I value my independent mind and would never compromise my ability to think, just to fit in with people who are confined by their religious beliefs (this also applies to science). When I was younger, I played along because there are some benefits but I kept my mouth shut, these days that would be impossible. However, even worse, are the prominent members of the New Age movement that are advocating not thinking at all! These are the really cynical mind control experts. If you don't understand this, I would recommend you spend a few hundred hours reading the research and opinion of those who have studied this issue and you can start at the Rick Ross Cult Education Forum. My view these days is work out what is truth and used as bait and what are the blatant lies - stay in control of your own mind!!!

Has Environmentalism Lost Its Spiritual Core?
Time, 6th December 2010
Environmentalism began as a religion. Certainly that's how paleo-greens like John Muir, founder of the Sierra Club, would have seen it.

Muir was awakened to nature when he first explored Yosemite in the 1860s, and he felt it in a religious way — he called what would become one of the nation's first national parks "the grandest of all special temples of Nature."

Muir's biographer, Donald Worster, has written that Muir saw his mission as "saving the American soul from total surrender to materialism." David Brower, a spiritual successor to Muir who would found Friends of the Earth, would say of his staunchest green allies that they had "the religion." Environmentalism — rooted in nature and the outdoors — was an antidote to secular, technological modern life. [...] Wangari Maathai, for one, would like to change that. The Kenyan activist won a Nobel Peace Prize in 2004 — making her the first environmentalist to earn the award — for her work with the Green Belt Movement, a nonprofit that focuses on planting trees, conserving the environment and fighting for women's rights.

Now Maathai has a new book called Replenishing the Earth: Spiritual Values for Healing Ourselves and the World, and she's preaching a green gospel. To Maathai, environmental work needs to be linked to spiritual values — and spiritual values should drive us to care about the environmentalism, contributing to what's called in Judaism tikkun olam, the healing of the world. "We've become detached from nature," Maathai told me recently during a trip to New York City. "And as you move away from nature, you become lost."

It's nice to see that Time magazine can point Wangari Maathai, as someone who is a genuine environmentalist with spiritual values. This woman has gained my respect by her sheer brilliance and humility. Despite my highlighting of "green religion" this woman seems to have got the spiritual essence of environmentalism right.

“Zombie” satellite shuts down critical NOAA NWS systems overnight
Watts Up With That, 6th December 2010
I’m a bit of a zombie myself as I write this, as I was up until 4:30AM PST dealing with this problem which turned out to affect National Weather Service offices nationwide in addition to my business, which uses the same satellite data feed.

Which brings us to last Friday, while I was out of the office, my staff was dealing with intermittent signal problems with our satellite data feed. The NWS Wallops Island uplink boosted the signal strength on the transponder, and the problem was solved…or so they thought. [...]

Later this morning, the real reason became clear with this message:


Effective: 12/4/10 – The Noaaport satellite transmission is subject to interferrence from this date forward thru 12/18/10. The below notice is the NWS’ official notice to-date regarding this interferrence.

Complete loss of Novra receiver satellite lock is being experienced due to the interference from the Galaxy15 satellite.

The NWS is now simulcasting the noaaport broadcast on an alternate frequency of 1138.5Mhz. Use your S75 receiver console software to enter in the alternate frequency if your receiver is not staying locked on the original frequency of 1193.5 More info here
Yep, the “rogue” Galaxy 15 satellite was spewing C-band microwaves as it drifts in space, interfering with critical downlinks used by NOAA and the U. S. Air Force. It almost sounds like an idea for a rouge nation to use to interfere with satellite communications.

This "Zombie" satellite is supposed to have a satellite sitter 24/7, so somebody must have fallen asleep on the job. However, it is interesting to find out that this out of control satellite is still out there and has actually now caused some real havoc.

Payback: Bank That Froze Julian Assange's Bank Account Has Now Been Taken Down By Hackers
Business Insider, 6th December 2010
It's war!

Earlier today we noted how the Swiss bank Switzerland Post Finance (a bank associated with the Swiss post office) had frozen Julian Assange's bank account for his defense fund.

Well, payback.

As NYT reports, their site has now been taken offline, and a group calling itself Operation Payback on Twitter claims credit for the DDOS.

Is this the start of an internet war? WIWI - World Internet War I - Wow! Spotty 15 year old geeks versus the dumbed down real world, it could be interesting... I'm with the geeks! LOL!! Seriously, the discussion had alread started in the blogosphere that power brokers have to rely on the services of good ex-hackers, so I really don't think they should be overly confident.

Genetic Dark Matter
Science News, December 2010
[...] Yet there is uncertainty in biology. Genes that run in families explain only some of the wide variety of physical appearances among people and their susceptibility to diseases. Much uncertainty in what causes these differences remains. [...]

Researchers know that the cause of the unexplained genetic variation, dubbed “missing heritability,” must be out there somewhere. Like dark matter, says Olivier Harismendy, a genomicist at the University of California, San Diego, “we know it’s there, but we just can’t grasp it.”

Researchers know that the cause of the unexplained genetic variation, dubbed “missing heritability,” must be out there somewhere. Like dark matter, says Olivier Harismendy, a genomicist at the University of California, San Diego, “we know it’s there, but we just can’t grasp it.”

These geneticists are desperately trying to cling onto their dogma of "heritability," despite the fact that the evidence shows that epigenetic factors often overide inherited genes. We know it is impossible to produce an exact clone due to epigenetic environmental signals that modify the dna blueprint and even 'identical twins' are never really identical and they will grow more different with age. Looking at this from a mathematical perspective is quite interesting and from metaphysical viewpoint, that "uncertainty" factor can be steered by human consciousness. Well, the whole planet is now being deluged by cosmic energies that we don't fully understand and human dna is being modified, whether people realise it or not. This is the proverbially sorting out of the wheat from the chaff and the result will be a new "mutant" human, as our evolutionary biologists are already predicting. The whole point of why I am bothering to point this out, is that as the terms and conditions for living on this planet change, not everyone will have the correctly modified dna hardware to take humanity forward to the next stage of human development. That is being determined by Cosmic Intelligence and there is NOTHING that can be done to modify this Universal Directive, we just have to learn how to cooperate.

Orange diamonds reported in the sky [NZ]
Wanganui Chronicle, 6th December 2010
Mysterious orange lights in the sky south of Wanganui just after midnight on Saturday have more than 20 Wanganui East residents convinced they have seen a fleet of UFOs.

They even called the police, and an officer checked their reports of orange lights shaped like diamonds flying across the sky. The officer, who was unavailable for comment, saw the last of the lights before they disappeared heavenward.

Adam Johnson, of Mawae St, was celebrating his birthday with a barbecue and a large group of friends. He'd just been out to his garage and as he had been walking back he saw the lights, he said. "They were amazing. They looked like diamond kites flying everywhere."

Interesting, no mention of Chinese lanterns. Yes, the dimensional shift is accelerating, a whole spectrum of plasma entities are appearing, but the typical reaction is a blank. Meanwhile, the truth is very apparent to anyone with intelligence that has studied the UFO/UAP reports for long enough. Guess what? Some French ufologists know the truth or else the highly credible Aeronautical & Astronomical Association of France (3AF) would not have publicised the fact that they had recently acquired the services of an exobiologist. This highly interesting piece of information can be found in the Progress Report of the Sigma/3AF Commission. For the original French version and more details, see New French aerospace report endorses reality of UFOs. Here is the definition of exobiology:
The branch of biology that deals with the search for extraterrestrial life and the effects of extraterrestrial surroundings on living organisms. Also called astrobiology.
Really, you don't have to be Einstein to work this out.

WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange 'will release poison pill of damaging secrets if killed or arrested'
Daily Mail, 6th December 2010
The founder of WikiLeaks has warned that his supporters are primed to publish a 'deluge' of leaked government documents should his activities be curtailed by any country.

Julian Assange has distributed to fellow hackers an encrypted 'poison pill' of damaging secrets, thought to include details on BP and Guantanamo Bay. He believes the file is his 'insurance' in case he is killed, arrested or the whistleblowing website is removed permanently from the internet.

Julian Assange always reminds me of one of the baddies from a James Bond movie, like the blond haired Elliot Carver, media tycoon and villain from Tomorrow Never Dies. A similar character is the Harry Potter, platinum-blond baddie Draco. Maybe, I am picking up some of his energy because apparently, Assange in his younger days was a brilliant hacker and so the speculation is rife that he has personally encrypted the now notorious "insurance file". No wonder he has been able to fire the public imagination! See,

Spies rejoice: WikiLeaks' Julian Assange is (finally!) a real-life James Bond villain
Culture map, 4th December 2010

Russian satellites crash after failed launch
Reuters, 6th December 2010
(Reuters) - Three Russian satellites crashed into the Pacific Ocean on Sunday after a failed launch, in a setback to a Kremlin project designed as a rival to the widely used U.S. GPS navigation technology.

Russian news agencies said the satellites veered off course and crashed near Hawaii after blasting off from Russia's Baikonur space centre in Kazakhstan. The Khrunichev Space Center said the satellites had failed to enter the right orbit after the launch went wrong 10 minutes after take-off.

In a separate statement, space agency Roscosmos said that, "according to the results of our telemetric analysis, it has been determined that the group of satellites went off orbit." Both agencies said specialists were trying to work out what went wrong. [...]

Gurko also said that the Russian satellite navigation market, estimated at only $1 billion in 2010, would grow to about $10 billion in 2014 and that GLONASS would also market its technology in India, the Middle East and ex-Soviet countries.

Well, it costs between 250 - 500 million dollars to put a satellite into orbit, so it's just bravado to shrug off this failure as no big deal. I imagine that the failed launch was due to gravitational anomalies and/or geomagnetic factors, but as always, the real details are never really explained.


Top space officials fired for Glonass launch failure
RT News, 29th December 2010
[...] The botched launch of the Glonass satellites on December 5 resulted in the rocket failing to reach orbit, falling into the Pacific Ocean. According to investigation, the failure was caused by an error in mission instructions, which resulted in too much fuel being loaded.

The incident turned into a major scandal, as it was meant to complete the Glonass satellite constellation and make the navigation system global. Earlier, a number of Russian officials, including the president, had announced that the Russian alternative to GPS would be fully operational in 2010.

An audit of the Glonass program by the Russian budget spending monitor, the Accounts Chamber, is now underway. Some sources hinted that investigators found cases funds mismanagement. For instance, the three lost satellites turned out to have only been partially insured, and some sources said the insurance covered only as little as five per cent of their cost.

Lawrence Solomon: The $7-billion carbon scam
Financial Post, 5th December 2010
Scam artists from around the world, capitalizing on lax regulations at the Danish emissions trading registry, have made off with an estimated $7-billion over the last two years, according to Europol. Denmark’s Office of the Auditor General is now investigating the fraud, which occurred after the Danish registry dropped requirements that carbon traders be documented. While allowing a free-for-all served the carbon market on the short term, by appearing to inflate the interest in carbon as a commodity, it ultimately backfired when much of the trading proved to be phony. Aided by lax rules, the Danish emissions registry became the world’s largest, with 1256 registered permit traders, most of them fake.

OK, it was obvious that carbon trading was the latest stock market scam, but even I astonished by this revelation. The translation of the Norwegian article does not explain where the money came from to be given away to scammers and how that was allowed.

Chile: An Pyrokinetic Outbreak in Melipilla
Inexplicata, 5th December 2010
Source: Actas De Grimorio (Chile) Date: December 3, 2010
Chile: Strange Fires in Melipilla

[Inexplicata readers will recall news items from the very early ‘00s regarding bizarre fires in Chile, mostly associated with haunted houses. These pyrokinetic incidents are ongoing, as we can see from this recent story. – SC]

MELIPILLA – Residents of a house in the locality of Chiñigue are completely dumbfounded by the strange events associated with pyrokinesis, that is to say, when objects inexplicably burn without any apparent cause. [...]

One of the most recent incidents, recorded only a few days ago, took place when a group of municipal officials visited the site to deliver materials. While speaking to the house’s occupants, a room became filled with smoke, arising from the sudden combustion of a wallet lying on a dresser, which was also damaged by the blaze.

The officials could not believe their eyes, as they could not explain how the wallet caught fire. It contained documents, cash and personal items that could not trigger a fire.

This reminds me of the work of Baron Karl von Reichenbach, the great German industrialist turned scientific sleuth in the 18th century. He used his considerable intellect, incredible wealth, position and resources to investigate the existence of energies that the scientific community still prefers to ignore today. Now that our planet is being flooded by cosmic energies that we barely understand (dark matter and dark energy), it might explain why this kind of strange manifestation seems to be on the rise. Please note the similarity with the unexplained fires reported in Sicily, Italy. In October 2007, it was reported that the supersitious people of Sicily were blaming evil spirits and demons and the local government officials were blaming aliens. The problem was solved by people replacing and grounding electrical wiring, but investigators could not understand why this should make a difference! Absolutely incredible, but true! See archives Best of the Blog The Electric Universe

AGW Defender Flowchart
Watts Up With That, 4th December 2010
Submitted by bsfootprint in WUWT Tips and Notes

I’ve been following the online global warming climate change climate disruption debate of late, and I thought it might be helpful to diagram common pro-AGW responses to skeptics.

So: here’s a flowchart I created. It summarizes what I often see while reading pro-AGW/ACC and skeptic blogs, and the often amusing “comment debates” contained therein.

Yes, there are a lot more serious climate related articles, but I still find this flowchart of more interest because of the principle of how people can be maligned to lower their credibility in the eyes of those who don't know the facts and can only rely on popular media promulgated pseudoscientific opinion.

Giant Stealth Planet May Explain Rain of Comets from Solar System's Edge
Yahoo News, 4th December 2010
Our sun may have a companion that disturbs comets from the edge of the solar system — a giant planet with up to four times the mass of Jupiter, researchers suggest.

A NASA space telescope launched last year may soon detect such a stealth companion to our sun, if it actually exists, in the distant icy realm of the comet-birthing Oort cloud, which surrounds our solar system with billions of icy objects.

The potential jumbo Jupiter would likely be a world so frigid it is difficult to spot, researchers said. It could be found up to 30,000 astronomical units from the sun. One AU is the distance between the Earth and the sun, about 93 million miles (150 million km).

Most systems with stars like our sun — so-called class G stars — possess companions. Only one-third are single-star systems like our solar system.

Let's say that all the conspiracy theorists who have been talking about the return of Niburu or Planet X may be partly right. Unless NASA scientists and other astronomers, that are no doubt under secrecy oaths, start telling us truthfully what they know, then it is very difficult for outsiders to to comprehend exactly what is going on. See previous comments. This mixing up of mythology with astronomy is also interesting to observe, because this is the true origin of mythology, storytelling as a way to preserve ancient astronomical knowledge. Click icon for larger image.

"Limits of Organic Life": NASA to Search for 'Weird' Non-Carbon-Based Life
Daily Galaxy, 3rd December 2010
Yesterday's announcement by NASA of the discovery of the possibility of arsenic-based life in Mono Lake fits hand-in-glove with NASA's strategy to expand the search for life beyond Earth to extreme non-carbon-based life. [...]

The discovery over the past decade of extreme life forms thriving on Earth at the super-heated walls of Ocean volcanic vents and in the interior regions of the planet's crust, led to a seminal 2009 report, The Limits of Organic Life in Planetary Systems, by the National Research Council (NRC). The NASA sponsored report recommended that the search for beyond Earth’s solar system should be widened throughout the universe to include the possibility of “weird” life.

"Nothing," the report concludes, "would be more tragic in the American exploration of space than to encounter alien life and fail to recognize it.”

Earth did not accumulate oxygen during the first roughly 3 billion years, or form an ozone layer until about 1.5 billion years ago. There is considerable emphasis on looking for contemporary Earth atmospheres that have oxygen and an ozone layer, but, the report hits home, we should also be using models with different anaerobic microbial non-carbon ecosystems, atmospheres that might parallel the different stages in the evolution of Earth's atmospheres over 4 billion years, and conditions that could indicate the presence of a tectonically active planet.

If you have been reading my blog and have understood what is happening to our world, then NASA's announcement and clarifications that they are now actively looking for weird life should be completely understandable. Now, there can be no doubt that NASA knows that we are experiencing a dimensional shift and they are taking major responsibility in the education process of the general public. It's also very interesting that they are emphasising the conditions for early life on this planet, that is a BIG clue.

Researchers find mathematical patterns to forecast earthquakes
Eureka Alert, 2nd December 2010
Researchers from the Universidad Pablo de Olavide (UPO) and the Universidad de Sevilla (US) have found patterns of behaviour that occur before an earthquake on the Iberian peninsula. The team used clustering techniques to forecast medium-large seismic movements when certain circumstances coincide.

"Using mathematical techniques, we have found patterns when medium-large earthquakes happen, that is, earthquakes greater than 4.4 on the Richter scale," Francisco Martínez álvarez, co-author of the study and a senior lecturer at the UPO revealed to SINC.

The research, which will be published this month by the journal Expert Systems with Applications, is based on the data compiled by the Instituto Geográfico Nacional on 4,017 earthquakes between 3 and 7 on the Richter scale that occurred on the Iberian Peninsula and in the surrounding waters between 1978 and 2007. The scientists applied clustering techniques to the data, which allowed them to find similarities between them and discover patterns that will help to forecast earthquakes.

Our planet is organised by rules mostly only known to Mother Nature. At best, our scientists can only make attempts at trying to decode those rules, to make life on this planet safer. Meanwhile, some animals and natives that live very close to nature, can access the same information for free.

NASA finding challenges 'life as we know it'
Seattle Times, 2nd December 2010
[...] But the discovery opens the door to that possibility, and to the related existence of a theorized "shadow biosphere" on Earth — life evolved from a different common ancestor than all we've known.

"These bugs haven't just replaced one useful element with another; they have the arsenic in the basic building blocks of their makeup," she said. "We don't know if the arsenic replaced phosphorus or if it was there from the very beginning — in which case it would strongly suggest the existence of a shadow biosphere." [...]

Theoretical physicist and cosmologist Paul Davies, director of the Beyond Center at Arizona State University and a prolific writer, is a co-author on paper. He had been thinking about the idea for a decade, and had written a paper in 2005. So had University of Colorado, Boulder philosopher and astrobiologist Carol Cleland. Both asked why nobody was looking for life with different origins on Earth, and Cleland coined the phrase "shadow biosphere"

At a Beyond Center conference four years ago, Wolfe-Simon, then in her late-20s, proposed a way to search for a possible "shadow biosphere" , and it involved Mono Lake and its arsenic.

"We were kicking vague ideas around, but she had a very specific proposal and then went out and executed it," Davies said. "It defies logic to think she found the only example of this kind of unusual life. Quite clearly, this is the tip of a huge iceberg."

"Shadow biosphere"

Chemist Steven Benner of the Foundation for Applied Molecular Evolution in Florida has been involved in "shadow biosphere" research for several years, and will speak at the NASA unveiling of Wolfe-Simon's work.

I am thrilled to see the the US media are now referring to a "Shadow Biosphere". I have been using this exact same term since January 2010 when I found out that Professor Paul Davies stated in his widely publicised lecture that was broadcast live over the internet, that there was a search for a "shadow biosphere" on Earth, but he failed to provide any details. In my review of this lecture for this blog, I lamented the fact that UAPs were not even being considered and this prompted me to contact an extremely prominent member of the Royal Society, to point out that this phenomena was a cause for concern in the UK and could not be ignored. Now it looks like many governments, ex senior military personnel, scientists and the media have started to send out a clear message. See the archives, Best of the blog Search For Extraterrestrial life

More Background Info

Could the Mono Lake arsenic prove there is a shadow biosphere?
Do alien life forms exist in a Californian lake? Could there be a shadow biosphere? One scientist is trying to find out
The Times, 4th March December 2010
[...] But she hopes that her research may help scientists to reconsider what alien or “weird” life might look like: “It may prove that there are other possibilities that are beyond our imagination. It opens the door for us to think about biology in ways we have never thought. We are going to look for life on other planets and we only know to look for that which we know. This may help us to develop tools to look for something we have never seen.”
Just to reinforce the point that this idea is being promoted by the most respected mainstream media both sides of the Atlantic.

NASA-Funded Research Discovers Life Built With Toxic Chemical
NASA News, 2nd December 2010
NASA-funded astrobiology research has changed the fundamental knowledge about what comprises all known life on Earth.

Researchers conducting tests in the harsh environment of Mono Lake in California have discovered the first known microorganism on Earth able to thrive and reproduce using the toxic chemical arsenic. The microorganism substitutes arsenic for phosphorus in its cell components.

"The definition of life has just expanded," said Ed Weiler, NASA's associate administrator for the Science Mission Directorate at the agency's Headquarters in Washington. "As we pursue our efforts to seek signs of life in the solar system, we have to think more broadly, more diversely and consider life as we do not know it."

[...] "We know that some microbes can breathe arsenic, but what we've found is a microbe doing something new -- building parts of itself out of arsenic," said Felisa Wolfe-Simon, a NASA Astrobiology Research Fellow in residence at the U.S. Geological Survey in Menlo Park, Calif., and the research team's lead scientist. "If something here on Earth can do something so unexpected, what else can life do that we haven't seen yet?"

[...] "The idea of alternative biochemistries for life is common in science fiction," said Carl Pilcher, director of the NASA Astrobiology Institute at the agency's Ames Research Center in Moffett Field, Calif. "Until now a life form using arsenic as a building block was only theoretical, but now we know such life exists in Mono Lake."

At the moment, it seems that this news leaked into the media at least 1-3 hours before the press conference. Anyway, NASA astrobiologists have in effect admitted that they have been DEAD WRONG about what they think are the basic requirements for life. Therefore, we have to take into account all the previous announcements in the last few months encouraging people to think about the existence of life elsewhere in the Universe and now we are being told that there is something existing right here on Earth that we traditionally think of as 'alien'. So, as quickly as possible, scientists and the media are changing the public perception of what can be called 'alien life' and that is because there is a tremendous need. Personally, I have been pointing out the existence of "plasma entities" since September 2006, when my book was published, but my research in the last few years have lead me to the conclusion that we are now seeing the promised Apocalypse, "dimensional shift" or "lifting of the veil" and there is nothing anyone can do but to accept the situation. Now, scientists can use the excuse that there is a new way at looking at the definition for 'life' to exist and so maybe we should expect more announcements about strange 'alien' life on Earth in the near future.

Epic Discovery: NASA Finds New Non-DNA Based Life Form
Daily Galaxy, 2nd December 2010
Hours before their special news conference today, the cat is out of the bag: NASA has discovered a completely new life form that doesn't share the biological building blocks of anything currently living on Earth in the ancient 800,000 year-old poisinous, arsenic waters of Mono Lake in California. This changes everything in the astrobiology of the Milky Way and beyond: The universe suddenly becomes alive with potential life forms in the trillions of possible planets in galaxies known and unknown.

At their conference today, NASA scientist Felisa Wolfe Simon will announce that they have found a bacteria whose DNA is completely alien to what we know today. Instead of using phosphorus, the bacteria uses arsenic. All life on Earth is made of six components: carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, phosphorus and sulfur. Every being, from the smallest amoeba to the largest whale, share the same life stream. Human DNA building blocks are universal on Earth.

This alien bacteria appears to be completely different. Discovered in Mono Lake, this bacteria is made of arsenic, something that was thought to be completely impossible.

Subsisting on Arsenic, a Microbe May Redefine Life
New York Times, 2nd December 2010

It's not an arsenic-based life form
Science Blogs, 2nd December 2010
"Oh, great. I get to be the wet blanket."
The explanation is that NASA WANTS the speculation for various reasons like self-publicity but also so that the media can insert new ideas into mass consciousness, like the nice example of the UK Telegraph as listed below, that mentioned the possible existence of a Shadow Biosphere.

Update 4th December

The Weekend Debate: NASA's Mono Lake Discovery -What are Its Implications?
Daily Galaxy, 3rd December 2010
"This story is not about Mono Lake or arsenic, said Felisa Wolfe-Simon, a NASA astrobiology fellow at the United States Geological Survey pictured above, but about “cracking open the door and finding that what we think are fixed constants of life are not.”
The above sentence summarises exactly what I have been saying!

Julian Assange answers your questions
The founder of WikiLeaks, Julian Assange, is answering readers' questions about the release of more than 250,000 US diplomatic cables. We will post his responses as we receive them
The Guardian, 3rd December 2010

Julian Assange:
Many weirdos email us about UFOs or how they discovered that they were the anti-christ whilst talking with their ex-wife at a garden party over a pot-plant. However, as yet they have not satisfied two of our publishing rules.
1) that the documents not be self-authored;
2) that they be original.

However, it is worth noting that in yet-to-be-published parts of the cablegate archive there are indeed references to UFOs.

Obviously the praying worked! My cup runneth over! Hopefully, we will get some info soon...

Assange: WikiLeaks will publish secret UFO reports
Poor Richards blog, 6th December 2010
The end of this RT report re: UFOs and US bankers is quite hilarious...

Unicorn Cow Discovered in China
Gear Log, 2nd December 2010
Looks like unicorn meat may be more than just a meme-tastic joke. A farmer in China's Hebei province is the proud owner of a unicorn cow. That's a bit of a misnomer, actually--the cow really has three horns, but the one smack dab in the center of her head is much larger than the two normal ones on either side. It measures a full eight inches.

The owner first noticed the horn when the cow was born two years ago--though back then it was just a small bump on her forehead. There is apparently some debate over whether the three-horned cow is a "true unicorn," though not for the reasons you'd expect (i.e. it has three horns).

It has been quiet for a while, but here is another 'odd' Chinese animal DNA mutation.

U.S. warned people to avoid mystery missile zone
Officials refuse to explain launch warning where contrail filmed
World Net Daily, 1st December 2010
The Department of Defense is slamming the door on questions about the mysterious contrail filmed Nov. 8 by a KCBS television crew near Los Angeles after questions were raised about a warning from the National Geo-Spatial Intelligence Agency that there could be missiles fired in that area at that time.

The official government position has been that the contrail, which appears to have been made by a single source, was from a jet passing by. And the refusal to provide answers to specific questions suggests a cover-up of potential secret missile testing in the area – contrary to official jet contrail explanation. [...]

They even went so far as to suggest that the missile may have been shot from a submerged Chinese nuclear submarine, coinciding with an increasing level of confrontation between the United States and China and designed to send a message to Washington:

But it was in late October that the NGA issued the maritime warning for the Eastern North Pacific off California about "intermittent missile firing operations." While the notice gave time frames and days of the week as well as areas for missile firings, there was no specified time limit as to when they would end.

"Intermittent missile firing operations 00001Z to 2359Z daily Monday thru Sunday in the Naval Air Warfare Center Sea Range," the warning said. "The majority of missile firings take place 1400Z to 2359Z and 0001Z to 0200Z daily Monday thru Friday." The contrail sighting by the KCBS television crew occurred during these time periods.

Well, I am very confident that I am right about this "mystery missile" saga. The US military have been placed in a very difficult position, because these "ghost rockets" can fire at any time but this location is excruciatingly close to a major city. Yes, I know there is a large military base 50 miles off the coast but experts are adamant that the notion of test firing huge missiles so close to a hugely populated city is ridiculous. So, now the story is slowly changing from initially being a commerical air liner to missile tests, where a vague warning had been issued, but it seems the warning did not get to helicopter pilots, providing a service to traffic reporters. American citizens have a right to be concerned.

'Life as we don't know it' discovery could prove existence of aliens
NASA has sent the internet into a frenzy after it announced an "astrobiology finding" that could suggest alien life exists – even on earth.
The Telegraph, 1st December 2010
The discovery could prove the theory of "shadow" creatures which exist in tandem with our own and in hostile environments previously thought uninhabitable.

The "life as we don't know it" could even survive on hostile planets and develop into intelligent creatures such as humans if and when conditions improve.

In a press conference scheduled for tomorrow evening, researchers will unveil the discovery of a microbe that can live in an environment previously thought too poisonous for any life-form to survive. [...]

Dr Lewis Dartnell, an astrobiologist at the Centre for Planetary Sciences in London, said: "If these organisms use arsenic in their metabolism, it demonstrates that there are other forms of life to those we knew of.

"They're aliens, but aliens that share the same home as us."

The space agency will announce the full extent of the findings at a press conference titled “astrobiology finding which will impact the search for evidence of extraterrestrial life”.

They believe the creature proves the existence of a second form of life that exists in tandem and before and after intelligent life blooms on planets across the universe.

We are not alone! Is this time to celebrate the existence of our cosmic ancestors? Hopefully, tomorrow, NASA is going to make a BIG announcement about an example of a creature that exists as part of a "shadow biosphere", exactly what I have been claiming is now swarming our skies in the form of magnetic plasmoids, balls of light, Light Phenomena, Unidentified Aerial Phenomena etc. Some of these entities are reported as UFOs, but look similar to carbon based creatures, others do not look like anything we can recognise. It does not matter, it's the principle that matters and hopefully this will help move humanity forward from the current morass of ignorance. Big News: We are not alone!

Commentary: alien life could exist under our noses
The discovery of a bacteria that can exist in extreme environments adds weight to a new theory championed by the British cosmologist Professor Paul Davies.
The Telegraph, 1st December 2010
If it is possible to find life on other Earth-like planets, then "weird" or "shadow" life might already exist on Earth, Professor Davies added.

"Life as we know it appears to have had a single common ancestor, yet, could life on Earth have started many times?

"Might it exist on Earth today in extreme environments and remain undetected because our techniques are customised to the biochemistry of known life?"

The concept of a shadow biosphere, according to Professor Davies, "is still just a theory". "If someone discovers shadow life or weird life it will be the biggest sensation in biology since Darwin," he added.

Starry starry starry night: Star count may triple
Yahoo News, 1st December 2010
A new study suggests there are a mind-blowing 300 sextillion of them, or three times as many as scientists previously calculated. That is a 3 followed by 23 zeros. Or 3 trillion times 100 billion.

[...] When scientists previously estimated the total number of stars, they assumed that all galaxies had the same ratio of dwarf stars as the Milky Way, which is spiral-shaped. Much of our understanding of the universe is based on observations made inside our own galaxy and then extrapolated to other galaxies.

But about one-third of the galaxies in the universe are elliptical, not spiral, and van Dokkum found they aren't really made up the same way as ours.

Using the Keck telescope in Hawaii, van Dokkum and a colleague gazed into eight distant, elliptical galaxies and looked at their hard-to-differentiate light signatures. The scientists calculated that elliptical galaxies have more red dwarf stars than predicted. A lot more.

"We're seeing 10 or 20 times more stars than we expected," van Dokkum said.

Yes, our scientists are telling us that they think there are 300,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 or 300 sextillion stars in the Universe. So, how is it possible that life has only ever developed on Earth? How is it possible that we are alone? This is a link to a previous report:

Universe may have billions more stars
Astronomers have underestimated the number of galaxies in parts of the Universe by as much as 90 per cent, according to a study, suggesting billions of stars are yet to be recorded.
The Telegraph, 25th March 2010

Almost half of all Britons believe in aliens
The Telegraph, 30th November 2010
Nearly half of Britons believe in aliens, research has found.

A poll of 2,000 adults concluded that 44 per cent were convinced of the existence of extra-terrestrial life. Men were more likely to believe with 46 per cent answering the survey saying humans are not alone.

The survey was commissioned by the Royal Society, the country's most prestigious scientific body.

This is interesting... especially after everything that I have been trying to point out in the last few years! Why are the RS even doing the survey? Well, if you have not noticed, there is a slight problem with the planet being overrun by another life form! We have magnetic plasmoids or balls of light, Light Phenomena or Unidentified Aerial Phenomena swarming the skies in the UK, that ordinary folk call UFOs! I can't agree with the dear professor Simon Conway Morris who doesn't seem to have much of an imagination, when you consider that scientists agree there are over 100 billion - trilion galaxies in the universe, but he is trying to tell us that universal intelligence is highly constrained by the same lack of imagination and can't utilise the properties of plasma, even though it makes up 99.999% of the visible universe and has highly diverse traits, based on composition and the application of electric and magnetic fields. Morris thinks that by telling us that he is conservative, means he is worth listening too, but like so many, he can't even see another life form that is right under our noses, just as Lord Martin Rees, the Queen's astronomer has pointed out 'may' exist, and that's because he knows the truth. See previous comments for more details.

Part 2: Naples, Florida Fire Chief Watched Lights of Unknown Origin, 30th November 2010
November 30, 2010 Isles of Capri, Florida south of Naples - On October 31, 2010, the Marco Eagle that serves the Florida community of Marco Island south of Naples, ran a story entitled “Starry Nights Unexplained Sights” by Tom Williams, author of the adventure novel "Lost and Found."

Tom had interviewed Morgan Beall, the Florida State Section Director of the Mutual Unidentified Flying Object network known as MUFON. Since January 2010, MUFON and local police and fire authorities have received calls from many Naples, Isles of Capri and Marco Island residents about highly strange aerial lights that spin, form geometric patterns that keep changing and even one very large object of unknown origin that has been compared to a gyroscope because it has both horizontal and vertical bands of lights that spin around a central, bright, glowing center.

As I stated before: if these entities were such a threat, where are the US military because they could have some target practice! Anyway, this is a nice long report and interview. This story originally disappeared very quickly from the local Marco Florida online media, but I managed to copy the full image, but it seems we have another fabulous handrawn image version here, but see the archives for June 2010. Of course this is "mysterious" because the ufology business model requires there to be a stream of perplexed people looking for enlightenment... If you want to keep this story, download the complete html file fast because this story will be archived and then it will only be available to subscribers. Here is the link for Part 1:

Part 1: Mysterious, Glowing, Aerial “Gyroscopes” Over Florida's Isles of Capri, 24th November 2010

Part 3: Naples, Florida Police Officer Watched Large, Oval Light Through Telescope, 1st December 2010

Bad Space Weather & more coming our way!, 30th November 2010

LONG-DELAY RADIO ECHOES: During the geomagnetic storm of Nov. 27th, a brief but intense G2-class event, amateur radio operator Peter Brogl of Fürth, Germany, experienced a strange phenomenon. Forty-six seconds after he transmitted his call sign at 7 MHz, he received an echo of his own transmission. "At first, I thought someone was playing tricks on me," says Brogl, "but I changed frequency, re-keyed my call sign (DK6NP), and got another echo." This went on for more than an hour, enough time for Brogl to make several recordings. First reported in 1927 by Norwegian civil engineer Jørgen Hals, long-delay radio echoes are rare and poorly understood. Unusual propagation conditions linked to solar storms is one of many possible explanations. Radio operators, if you experienced any similar phenomena on Nov. 27th between 1800 UT and 19:30 UT, please report your observations to Peter Brogl for correlation.

SUNSPOT CANOPY: Two days ago, sunspot 1130 didn't exist. Now the fast-growing sunspot group is the largest visible feature on the sun's disk with twin cores both larger than Earth. The amazing thing, however, is the invisible part. Using extreme ultraviolet filters outside the range of human vision, NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory took this picture of the sunspot's magnetic canopy on Nov. 30th:

In the image, curvaceous lines of magnetism are illuminated by hot solar plasma trapped inside the canopy. If the magnetic field becomes unstable and explodes, as sunspot magnetic fields often do, a cloud of plasma could come flying toward Earth. This active region merits watching for the next few days until the sun's rotation turns it away from our planet. Stay tuned.

RETURN OF JUPITER'S MISSING STRIPE: The revival of Jupiter's South Equatorial Belt (SEB), missing for nearly a year, is now well underway. The roiling, turbulent disturbance that heralds the brown stripe's full return stretches almost halfway around the giant planet. "Here is a projection map showing the revival on Nov. 29th," says amateur astronomer Wayne Jaeschke of West Chester, Pennsylvania. Note the region bracketed by arrows:

"I made the map by combining two pictures of Jupiter I took using my 14-inch Celestron telescope," says Jaeschke. "The disturbance has grown dramatically since it first appeared in late October." Indeed, it is now so large that even novice observers are starting to notice it in the eyepieces of backyard telescopes.

The spreading disturbance is not the SEB itself. Instead, it is thought to be a progressive clearing of high clouds that will eventually reveal the brown stripe hiding below. When the SEB finally returns, Jupiter will have two brown stripes again and the planet's appearance will return to normal. Meanwhile, amateur astronomers are encouraged to monitor the revival. Point your optics south after sunset: sky map.

With Spaceweather, even if the experts tell us that flares and CMEs are not particularly strong, it does not always equate to the final impact on Earth's technological systems, because scientists are still trying to understand how it all works. What's more the impact on humans is only mentioned by a few metaphysical sources and my advice is to be circumspect. I have been ignoring the Jupiter stripes story, but the APOD picture is striking, see link Dark Belt Reappearing on Jupiter . More:

A magnetic filament in the sun's northeastern quadrant erupted during the late hours of Nov. 30th. Click on the image to play a movie recorded by NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory--and pay attention to the bright splash below the movie arrow: The blast produced a B-class solar flare and hurled a bright coronal mass ejection (CME) into space. Preliminary coronagraph images from NASA's twin STEREO spacecraft suggest that the cloud might be heading toward Earth. Further analysis is required, however, to confirm that the CME is coming our way. Stay tuned for updates.
Well, we have to hope all our power grids will be OK, as it's a bit cold for NO electricity, as a power outage would effect gas supply too!

Is Wi-Fi frying our brains? Fears that cloud of 'electrosmog' could be harming humans
Daily Mail, 30th November 2010
As winter arrives with a vengeance, the last of this year’s glorious autumn leaves are falling in our parks and woodlands. But this week came worrying evidence that Mother Nature is not the only force denuding our trees of their foliage.

Research in the Netherlands suggested that outbreaks of bleeding bark and dying leaves which have blighted the country’s urban trees may be caused by radiation from the Wi-Fi ­networks now so integral to life in offices, schools and homes.

As a qualified electronics engineer, I am not surprised by such findings. I have long been concerned about the harmful effects of the ­electro-magnetic radiation emitted not only by Wi-Fi devices but many other common modern gadgets, including mobile and cordless phones, wireless games consoles and microwave ovens.

Much though I love trees, and worrying though I find this research, what really unnerves me is the effect these electro-magnetic fields (or EMFs) are having on humans, surrounding us as they do with a constant cloud of ‘electrosmog’.

We are giving the opinion here of an electronics enginneer, who explains exactly how we are foolishly cooking ourselves with Wi-fi EM radiation.

Dolly the Sheep 'reborn' as four new clones created
Daily Mail, 30th November 2010
Four clones of Dolly the Sheep have been made by the scientist behind the original genetic research, it has been reported.

The quads, nicknamed “The Dollies”, are said to be exact genetic copies of their predecessor, who was put down seven years ago. Dolly was plagued by health problems and suffered from premature arthritis. She was put down in 2003 after contracting lung disease.

“Dolly is alive and well. Genetically these are Dolly,” Professor Keith Campbell, who keeps the Dollies as pets on land at Nottingham University, told the Daily Mail.

I would like to point out that even though the genetic material used to create these sheep might be the same, it is IMPOSSIBLE for the "cloned" sheep to be identical because Epigenetic environmental signals modify the DNA blueprint. Yes, but this is not quite as abhorrent as believing the case for astrology and your DNA receiving a magnetic timestamp the day you are born, but quite frankly, I believe this is the same principle of Epigenetics by another name. Anyway, to obtain funding, geneticists claimed that pet owners could cloned their pets, but scientists were then shocked to find that in experiments with cats, actually getting cloning to work was fraught with difficulty, but when it did work, the cat offspring were NOTHING like their progenitors! The case of the cat CC or Carbon Copy is the best example that I am aware of when scientists have actually admitted the truth.

Tempest in a teapot: International team of scientists describes swirling natural phenomena
Watts Up With That, 30th November 2010
Via press release: (Santa Barbara, Calif.) –– Scientists can use cylinders as small as teapots to study the mechanisms involved in powerful hurricanes and other swirling natural phenomena.

The earth’s atmosphere and its molten outer core have one thing in common: Both contain powerful, swirling vortices. While in the atmosphere these vortices include cyclones and hurricanes, in the outer core they are essential for the formation of the earth’s magnetic field. These phenomena in earth’s interior and its atmosphere are both governed by the same natural mechanisms, according to experimental physicists at UC Santa Barbara working with a computation team in the Netherlands.

Using laboratory cylinders from 4 to 40 inches high, the team studied these underlying physical processes. The results are published in the journal Physical Review Letters.

The comments posted here are mostly pure ridicule of this scientific research and I am not sure if this could be considered as a suitable guage for skepticism about science in general. However, saying that, the following classic comment providing a cynical denouement of the way that science works is worth noting.
CodeTech says: November 30, 2010 at 10:29 am

At the risk of sounding too cynical, here’s how this works:

1. Determine that vortices are inadequately understood (a good thing)
2. Launch a research program to understand vortices (a good thing)
3. Finance program by pointing out that vortices are involved in hurricanes, tornadoes and other weather phenomena that are expected to get worse with AGW (a not-so-good thing)
4. Repeat grade-school level experiments which THIS poster performed in grade 6 (blue and red food coloring to show the swirls), claim they’re unexpected and nobody ever noticed before
5. Create a simplified model, sell model to ILM for use in CG used in movies and TV ads, recoup all research program costs
6. Integrate vortex models into Model E, watch in awe as the planet is obliterated by vortices within another few ppm of CO2
7. Exclaim that this is all worse than we thought, and if CO2 emissions don’t stop IMMEDIATELY the entire planet down to the 2 million degree molten core will be torn asunder by vortices. Create HighDef video demonstrating the destruction
8. Sell HighDef video as opening sequence in new climate porn blockbuster Hollywood movie. Earn enough for another home in the tropics. Beachside.
9. Have Vortex Theory and simplified model forcefully inserted into school textbooks, along with a few disclaimers about how most students will never reach adulthood because the Vortices will destroy the planet before then.
10. Determine that all Vortices, globally, are man-made, and before humans walked the Earth there was never a Vortex, ever. Nobody EVER found dinosaur trailer parks torn apart by a tornado, right?
11. When asked by a 7 year old, “aren’t those little winglets on the tips of airplanes because of Vortices?”, rant uncontrollably for hours about how NOBODY ever studied Vortices before you, and that’s all a plot by the Vortex Deniers, funded by Big Calm.
12. Go on anti-depressants after your private emails between you and the NASA guys who first studied Vortexes in the 50s are publicly released. IN spite of the fact that only 4 people downloaded them.
13. End up on late night TV discussing how your enemies in highly funded fossil fuel denier cabals managed to completely destroy you.
14. Found dead in fleabag hotel room in some town nobody ever heard of, a victim of the grand Vortex conspiracy.

There are some points that are hard to deny related to how certain scientific concepts are enforced.

Report warns Obama about 'new' Dark Ages
'Airplanes would fall from sky, cars would stop, networks fail'
World Net Daily, 28th November 2010
Two national-security experts have issued a report through the Heritage Foundation that warns Obama administration officials to start working now to prevent – and mitigate the damage from – an electromagnetic pulse attack on the United States because of the potential for "unimaginable devastation."

"Not even a global humanitarian effort would be enough to keep hundreds of millions of Americans from death by starvation, exposure, or lack of medicine. Nor would the catastrophe stop at U.S. borders. Most of Canada would be devastated, too, as its infrastructure is integrated with the U.S. power grid.

Despite the way that this article is written, which seems to play on American paranoia and the fact it assumes people only understand the world in terms of a threat and being attacked, the only EMP blast that could achieve a 'new' Dark Age is a serious blast of Space Weather. Therefore, the report admits that this would come from a massive Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) outburst from the Sun. Well, Lloyd's Space Weather, Its impact on Earth & Implications for business report is less dramatic but still suggests that here is a serious threat, that we have to do something about to mitigate. So we read from Part 2: Impact On Business, Section B) Power:
Because globalisation means that businesses and societies are more and more interconnected, space weather damage in one sector could lead to cascade failures in other areas:

• Power - numerous systems are directly reliant on electricity, such as lighting, heating and cooking. Alternatives, such as gas, would also be affected as these require electricity to run and control their distribution systems.

• Fuel - pumping stations would shut down as these require electricity to pump the petrol up from the underground tanks. As well as affecting domestic car use, it would have a drastic effect on the delivery of food and other essential services across the country. The loss of electricity would also shut down bulk distribution of fuel pipelines, as these also require electric pumps.

• Food - electrical refrigeration is critical in ensuring product safety in food storage and distribution. • Water - electricity is essential to the regular supply of clean water.

• Sanitation - many sewage systems require electricity to pump sewage away from businesses and residential homes. A loss of electricity would obviously lead to potential health problems as sewage and waste water built up.

• Communications - most forms of communication rely on power. Mobile phones would eventually need connecting to a charger and email communications could only be sent via a computerised device powered by electricity.

• Medical/health - many medicines need to be kept in refrigerated locations that require electricity. Although many hospitals have back-up generators, these would not last indefi nitely. Emergency response vehicles would be unable to reach destinations due to the lack of fuel and the lack of communication would make it impossible to contact anyone in the fi rst place.

• Finance - the fi nancial sector would be unable to conduct electronic trades, having become heavily dependent on electronic IT hardware. The retail sector is also heavily dependent on electronic transactions with a customer’s bank: with credit and debit cards providing direct transfer of money at point-of-sale (whether online or in a shop), and cash points providing electronic access to cash. These retail services would be likely to shut down53 during power failures, forcing customers to fall back on the use of cash or cheques. Many people have these in only limited supply, preferring to rely on modern electronic payment methods.54

• Transport - fuel based vehicles such as buses, cars and aeroplanes would soon be unable to operate after a sustained power failure. However, modern electronic trains would also grind to a halt, along with underground train networks, overground trams and even office elevators.

The longer the power supply is cut off, the more society will struggle to cope, with dense urban populations the worst hit. Sustained loss of power could mean that society reverts to 19th century practices. Severe space weather events that could cause such a major impact may be rare, but they are nonetheless a risk and cannot be completely discounted. The critical nature of the electricity infrastructure has led to the Grid Reliability and Infrastructure Defense Act (GRID) in the US, which has now passed the House of Representatives and is awaiting discussion in the Senate. The Act requires any owner of the bulk power system in the US (the wholesale power network) to take measures to protect the systems against specifi ed vulnerabilities, including geomagnetic storms. It also requires owners or operators of large transformers to ensure they restore reliable operation in the event of a disabling or destroying event, such as a space weather event.55
Source: Space Weather, Its impact on Earth & Implications for business
Read the Lloyd's report, it is extremely up to date, easy to read and understand, it seems that strong efforts are now being made to make sure the World does fully understand what is at stake. More worry:

Solar flares could cause British black-outs, MPs are warned
Solar flares could cause power cuts affecting Britain's electricity grid and communication networks, MPs were warned yesterday. The Telegraph, 2nd December 2010

Panicky pilot caused passenger jet plunge
Sydney Morning Herald, 30th November 2010
A co-pilot sent an international passenger jet into a terrifying nosedive when he adjusted his seat and accidentally pushed the control column forward, an official report revealed yesterday.

The clumsy officer then panicked and was unable to let the captain, who had gone on a toilet break, back into the cockpit as the plane plunged 7000 feet (2000 metres).

The captain only saved the Boeing 737 aircraft after using an emergency code to get through the cockpit door and take the controls back from the co-pilot, the report by India's Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) said. Advertisement: Story continues below

The 25-year-old Indian co-pilot told the inquiry he had "got in a panic situation couldn't control the aircraft, neither open the cockpit door and answer the cabin call."

To say this sounds like a cock and bull story is to put it mildly, I don't believe the 'official' version at all... Well, I am currently reading Lloyd's Space Weather, Its impact on Earth & Implications for business report and it's nice to see that the hazard warning lights are starting to flash and the bells are starting to ring loud and clear. Here is an extract from the section on Aviation:
Modern business processes and systems are increasingly controlled by software systems based on digital chips. Space radiation is a major cause of error in such devices.19, 20 Neutrons produced by energetic particles from space regularly pass through them and may flip the state of digital elements. These SEEs [Single event effects] can corrupt data and software held in chips and thereby affect the operation of systems controlled by the chip. There is a continuous low level risk of SEEs from cosmic rays and a greatly enhanced risk during severe space radiation storms.

This risk is particularly serious for aircraft systems as the intensity of radiation from space at aircraft cruising altitudes is much higher than that on the ground. A recent example is that the effects of space radiation on avionics are being considered as a possible cause of a serious inflight problem on an Australian aircraft in October 2008.21 Nonetheless, SEEs do occur at the Earth’s surface, and chip vendors will stress the need to protect critical applications of their chips; for example, by use of hardened chips.22
Space Weather, Its impact on Earth & Implications for business
Lloyd's, November 2010
This report sounds like Laurel and Hardy a comedy sketch, do they really expect people to believe this? Well, I have reported that cosmic rays were the likely cause of the Qantas flight QF72 incident in October 2008, see archives Best of the Blog Space Weather & Electronics & Electromagnetic Chaos.

Cathay Pacific 747 jumbo makes emergency landing
Sydney Morning Herald, 30th November 2010
"A Cathay Pacific 747 jumbo has made an emergency landing in Kazakhstan after pilots detected a cabin-pressurization system fault."
The crew have no choice but to make an emergency landing because they rely on electronics to tell them about the health of the plane, but if electronic systems are being corrupted by cosmic rays on a regular basis, it's going make air travel much more problemeatic.

Acupuncture changes brain's perception and processing of pain
Eureka Alert, 30th November 2010
CHICAGO – Using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), researchers have captured pictures of the brain while patients experienced a pain stimulus with and without acupuncture to determine acupuncture's effect on how the brain processes pain. Results of the study, which the researchers say suggest the effectiveness of acupuncture, were presented today at the annual meeting of the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA).

"Until now, the role of acupuncture in the perception and processing of pain has been controversial," said lead researcher Nina Theysohn, M.D., from the Department of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology and Neuroradiology at University Hospital in Essen, Germany. "Functional MRI gives us the opportunity to directly observe areas of the brain that are activated during pain perception and see the variances that occur with acupuncture."

fMRI measures the tiny metabolic changes that take place in an active part of the brain, while a patient performs a task or is exposed to a specific external stimulus.

When scientists say "controversial" what they really mean is that they don't want to believe what has been discovered. According to Dr. Robert Becker, who is famed for his research into bioelectromagnetism, he was approached by a US military colonel in the 1960s, who told him straight that they knew that acupuncture worked, but they wanted to know how! As I wrote in my book, it's quite common for a few scientists to be 20, 30, 40, 50 years ahead of their peers, the problem we have is knowing enough of the scientific observations and argument to know who we can trust, regardless of their status in the scientific community.

Head teacher forced to apologise for error-laden report
The Telegraph, 30th November 2010
A head teacher has been forced to apologise after a school report was sent to a parent containing 14 spelling and grammatical errors.

The form tutor sent the ''shocking'' email to the parents of a pupil in her class at Gleed Girls' Technology College, in Spalding, Lincs. Some of the mistakes seem to be typing errors made in haste, such as "requriements" and "everning".

But others, such as "boardering" and "occaisions" indicate a need for the teacher to be sent back to primary school.

Terrible... I am sure people have noticed that my blog often has spelling and grammatical errors, but my html editor does not have a spellchecker, and I don't see many errors as the brain often sees what it wants to see, not what is actually written. In fact, when I was trying to edit my book alone, I seriously thought I had dsylexia. Yes, I have had complaints because there were about 4 errors per chapter after many weeks of trying to erradicate the mistakes. I suppose the grammer was not brilliant too, but I did take a dim view of people moaning especially when I was trying to make people aware that our world is dramatically changing, and I was also under some serious psychic stress that I could have done without. At least I can say that after four years, my insight has been proven to be correct, regardless of the typos.

NASA Sets News Conference on Astrobiology Discovery
NASA News, 29th November 2010
WASHINGTON -- NASA will hold a news conference at 2 p.m. EST on Thursday, Dec. 2, to discuss an astrobiology finding that will impact the search for evidence of extraterrestrial life. Astrobiology is the study of the origin, evolution, distribution and future of life in the universe.

The news conference will be held at the NASA Headquarters auditorium at 300 E St. SW, in Washington. It will be broadcast live on NASA Television and streamed on the agency's website at

Another big fanfare announcement from NASA, but will it amount to anything useful to know?


Has NASA found life near Saturn?
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, 30th November 2010

Titan: Nasa scientists discover evidence 'that alien life exists on Saturn's moon'
The _Telegraph, 5th June 2010 flashback!
Evidence that life exists on Titan, one of Saturn’s biggest moons, appears to have been uncovered by Nasa scientists.

Researchers at the space agency believe they have discovered vital clues that appeared to indicate that primitive aliens could be living on the moon.

Data from Nasa's Cassini probe has analysed the complex chemistry on the surface of Titan, which experts say is the only moon around the planet to have a dense atmosphere. They suggest that life forms may have been breathing in the planet’s atmosphere and also feeding on its surface’s fuel.

It looks like journalists have worked out what the big fanfare NASA annoucement will be, by checking out the recent research of the scientists who are taking part. Well, I actually think this is good timing,because the implications for the existence of another form of life that is not carbon based is absolutely enormous! It will mean that instead of Earth being the only place in the Universe that has generated life, the possibility of other lifeforms occuring throughout the 100 billion - trillion galaxies of our universe are much much greater!

Scientists trick cells into switching identities
CT, 29th November 2010
NEW YORK (AP) -- Suppose you could repair tissue damaged by a heart attack by magically turning other cells into heart muscle, so the organ could pump effectively again.

Scientists aren't quite ready to do that. But they are reporting early success at transforming one kind of specialized cell directly into another kind, a feat of biological alchemy that doctors may one day perform inside a patient's body.

"I think everyone believes this is really the future of so-called stem-cell biology," says John Gearhart of the University of Pennsylvania, one of many researchers pursuing this approach.

The concept is two steps beyond the familiar story of embryonic stem cells, versatile entities that can be coaxed to become cells of all types, like brain and blood. Scientists are learning to guide those transformations, which someday may provide transplant tissue for treating diseases like Parkinson's or diabetes.

It's still experimental. But at its root, it's really just harnessing and speeding up what happens in nature: a versatile but immature cell matures into a more specialized one.

This kind of research goes back to the 1960s and maybe even earlier than that. However it's not a trick, rather it's about using electromagnetism and scalar fields to reprogram cells. This is something innate to certain universal forces, so when this happens spontaneously, we call it "a miracle".

The parking ticket that praises rather than fines
The Guardian, 28th November 2010
One man is waging a war against bullish bureacracy by issuing spoof tickets that praise motorist's parking skills

Ever scuttled to your car with an awful sense of anxiety only to find a yellow ticket already tucked under your windscreen wiper? For many Londoners, this is a familiar experience. But last week one female driver got a surprise. The woman, who phoned into a local radio show, explained she had paid and displayed correctly, but still found a parking ticket on her car. Angry, she tore it out of its plastic envelope only to find it was informing her she "had parked beautifully and returned within her allotted time", with the additional advice that she "should now smile".

The note was a positive parking ticket, part of a campaign from the Fine Parking Company, also known as 25-year-old Will Sandy. "I got a few tickets myself and was furious, so I thought I'd do something that would cause some chuckles for others," explains the landscape architect. "I discovered that Westminster invented the parking ticket so I thought I'd start there."

So far, people have been thrilled with his notices. [...]

Like the "parking fairies" who go around topping up meters when they're just about to run out, Sandy wants to restore faith in human nature.

Wow! That's a nice way to raise consciousness!

The UK Met Office “Winter Forecast” – fail or faux?
WUWT, 28th November 2010
Have a look at these two juxtaposed news clips from the UK Daily Mail, one from October 28th, 2010, the other from November 28th, 2010.

Headline 1:
Winter to be mild predicts Met Office
Daily Express, 28th October 2010

IT’S a prediction that means this may be time to dig out the snow chains and thermal underwear.

The Met Office, using data generated by a £33million supercomputer, claims Britain can stop worrying about a big freeze this year because we could be in for a milder winter than in past years.

But this is the same equipment used to produce recent official seasonal forecasts – before those bulletins were axed in March after a string of much-criticised blunders. [...]

But other experts maintain we are in for another big freeze. Positive Weather Solutions senior forecaster Jonathan Powell said: “It baffles me how the Met Office can predict a milder-than-average winter when all the indicators show this winter will have parallels to the last one.

“They are standing alone here, as ourselves and other independent forecasters are all predicting a colder-than-average winter.
Headline 2:
'Stay indoors!' Police warn Britons to stay off the roads as temperatures fall to MINUS 10C and 15 inches of snow falls
Daily Mail, 28th November 2010

* It's the worst widespread snow for 17 years
* Police urging people to stay indoors as the freezing conditions set to continue for weeks
* Two people injured in four-vehicle pile-up on M1 near Sheffield
* Man dies attempting to save dog in ice-cold river

Freezing weather will grip Britain for weeks to come, forecasters warned tonight - with rain, sleet and snow expected across the country.

Some of the worst widespread early snow for 17 years has seen much of the country disrupted and police in affected areas are urging people to stay indoors.

Severe weather warnings have been in place, with Scotland and North East England experiencing the worst of the weather, and snowfalls of up to 40cm in some areas.

It seems that these Met Office weather scientists have not realised that the wheels have fallen off the Global Warming bandwagon and are still trying to ignore the data and encouraging folk to think that our weather is just getting warmer and warmer. This is not really acceptable when meterological informaton is needed to help the government and companies run a country. However it might explain why private weather forecasters are acquiring more business customers. Latest Update:

Mayhem Monday: Commuter chaos as temperatures are expected to hit -20C after coldest November for 25 years
Daily Mail, 29th November 2010

I have lived in Norway and Switzerland for over 11 years so I am used to countries that take snow seriously, this is not the case in the UK for historical reasons, so it's incredible to think that folk are trying to drive on snow without winter tyres. I have driven on packed ice on top of a Norwegian mountain range when caught in a snow storm and traffic jam (2 hours). The police partially closed the road and only allowed cars in single file, where you could barely see the lights of the car in front (yes, it was terrible), just with winter tyres, not tyres with studs and I managed, but I would think twice about driving in the UK without winter tyres, especially when I know so many people do not have full control over their car when driving on snow.

Iceland elects ordinary folk to draft constitution
Yahoo News, 26th November 2010
REYKJAVIK, Iceland – Iceland's getting a new constitution — and it's really going to be the voice of the people.

The sparsely-populated volcanic island is holding an unusual election Saturday to select ordinary citizens to cobble together a new charter, an exercise in direct democracy born out of the outrage and soul-searching that followed the nation's economic meltdown.

Hundreds of people are vying for the chance to be among up to 31 people who will form the Constitutional Assembly slated to convene early next year — a source of huge pride for Icelanders who have seen their egos take a beating in recent years.

"This is the first time in the history of the world that a nation's constitution is reviewed in such a way, by direct democratic process," says Berghildur Erla Bergthorsdottir, spokeswoman for the committee entrusted with organizing the Constitutional Assembly.

I don't want to be polite. The Icelandic people were shafted by powerful and vested interests. The decision was to let the banks fail, the head bankers that did not flee the country were put in prison and they have decided to reform their society and that is some real evolutionary advancement... Yes, it's been a painful process, but the people have a vision of a better day.

WikiLeaks says latest leak covers 'every major issue'
MSN News, 28th November 2010
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange said on Sunday the imminent release of classified US documents by the whistle-blower website will cover "every major issue" in the world today.

The material that we are about to release covers essentially every major issue in every country in the world," he told reporters in Jordan by video link when asked if the new leaks again focused on US wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Assange told the conference of investigative journalists that he was speaking to them by video link because "Jordan's not the best place to be with the CIA on your tail." It was unclear from where he was speaking.

WikiLeaks was reportedly hours away on Sunday from releasing hundreds of thousands of confidential US diplomatic cables, with several governments fearing damaging revelations.

Assange put the number of documents to be released at more than a quarter of a million. [...]

Assange said Washington had "contacted the governments of almost every nation on earth to brief them about what some of these embarrassing revelations will do.

Seriously, "every major issue" in the world today? Like, Space Weather ==> Evolutionary Change ==> Dimensional Shift ==> UFOs ==> Apearance of Shadow Biosphere? Well, I suppose we could pray!!!!

How does business deal with psychos at the top?
London Evening Standard, 26th November 2010
One of the more challenging thoughts to be aired recently is the theory that there are more psychopaths in UK company boardrooms than there are in Britain's mental hospitals.

That might be a tough one to prove, but I have it on the best authority that you are at least three times more likely to meet a psychopath in the higher echelons of business than you are in the population at large.

In any company of 1000 employees there should be about 10 — and the most fruitful place to go looking for them is in the executive suite.

These insights come courtesy of Holly Andrews of the Worcester Business School and a lecture that she delivered earlier this month at a conference which was organised by The Institute of Risk Management.

The wider point Ms Andrews was making was that a company can have all the risk management systems in the world, but it also has to know how to deal with people — and particularly people whose interests may not always align with the organisation. [...]

Ms Andrews points out that the external watchdogs on a company such as the auditors, investment bankers and analysts are equally susceptible to psychopath penetration — more so possibly because in those organisations anyone with a bit of charm tends to stand out, and charm and manipulation are the tools psychopaths use to get noticed, taken under the wing of a sponsor and promoted.

When they eventually get to the boardroom apparently the tell-tale signs are their poor people management, weak planning, unethical behaviour, lack of loyalty and a refusal to learn from mistakes.

Oh dear!

It's quite interesting just how many articles are pointing out that our overlords are often psychopaths. Here is a link to a documentary clip revealing that psychopaths do not process information emotionally like normal people.

Psychopaths Documentary - MRI Brain differences explained by Dr. Bob Hare
Youtube, August 2007
Well, what more proof do people want that psychopaths heavily rely on the most primitive reptilian part of the brain?

U.S. warns Britain over new WikiLeaks revelations that will 'expose corruption between allies'
Daily Mail, 27th November 2010

  • 3 million documents set to go online
  • Bombshell leak thought to include U.S. assessments of Gordon Brown
  • Secret talks on return of Lockerbie bomber to Libya may also be leaked
  • Allegations 'include U.S. backing of Kurdish terrorists'
  • U.S. diplomats face being kicked out of countries in backlash
  • Corrupt politicians expected to be named and shamed

David Cameron was warned last night by America that damaging secrets of the ‘special relationship’ are about to be laid bare.

The U.S. ambassador to London made an unprecedented personal visit to Downing Street to warn that whistleblower website WikiLeaks is about to publish secret assessments of what Washington really thinks of Britain.

The website is on the verge of revealing almost 3million documents, including thousands of sensitive diplomatic cables sent to Washington from the American embassy in London.

Well this is going to be interesting. I admire Julian Assange and Wikileaks, if world leaders were not corrupt, there would not be a need to disclose anything. Wikileaks is shining the light onto some very dark practices, which is good for the future of mankind, as our world cannot remain run in the same old nasty way.


I would just like to explain WHY I think the mainstream media are cooperating with Wikileaks. If you pay attention to the conspiracy folk, they will insist that that MSM are poodles and just exist to serve world controllers. That might be partly true, but when respected and well loved MSM reporters start getting killed by careless US soldiers and the stench of a world power becomes unbearable, then common decency kicks in. After all, the MSM is made up of real humans with emotions and therefore it looks like the gloves have come off. We have hit the abuse ceiling, a few individuals have decided to right a few wrongs and world controllers are no longer able to rely on the MSM. All rather interesting... Meanwhile, some real 'universal' powers are kicking in...

Living in the Fifth Dimension - There are NO Anomalies
YouTube, November 2010

Superilluminater: The place is in SkÅne in Sweden between Helsingborg and Landskrona and the camera is pointing at the east direction. Sorry I couldnt keep the camera steady but the objekt was far away and I was a little afraid to. But I was happy? that i recently bought a camera with 70x optical zooming so I could come close to the object.

Superilluminater :Hello, xaraphin, We saw first 3 light orbs mowing sideways from my direction after a short time 3 new light orbs coming, but the last one stoped I run in to my house fetch my videocamera with 70x optical zoom I meantion this because the object was far away so I had too zoom a lot. And it was not a satelite.

This video is extraordinary and simply can't be ignored, the behaviour can be described as a creature-like and I prefer to consider this as as a cosmic bug where evolution over billions of years has generated something that is almost beyond human comprehension. I realise that most people can understand a machine, but very few can comprehend a thoughtform that has evolved under completely different evolutionary track, building a body from the basic building blocks of the universe - plasma - that makes up 99.999% of the visible universe. It strikes me that most simply don't have the mental hardware or education to comprehend that we are not the only lifeform in the universe, but this does not mean that cosmic cycles are going to stop dead in their tracks because humans have failed to comprehend a greater reality. We are not significant enough for that. Well, here is a quote that is resonating strongly with me at the moment, as I struggle to comprehend how so many have been blindfolded for so long.
There is a rather sprightly category of information about the Moon called anomalies - the common definitions of this term referring to an irregularity or a deviation from the common rule.

However, a more precise definition refers to something that prevailing wisdom is quite certain cannot exist or is impossible - but which is found to be existing anyway and is therefore not impossible.

In this sense, an anomaly is something that is discovered to exist and which thus tends to disestablish the comfort zones of prevailing wisdom.

It is quite difficult to integrate the discovery of anomalies into the knowledge systems that have vigorously established their impossibility.

This is especially embarrassing prospect with regard to the sciences which have somewhat vested interest on being correct so as to justify the funds pumped into them.

So, as might be anticipated, the scientific solution to anomalies is to cover them up on the one hand, and on the other to prevent their implications from dribbling down into broader interest and appreciation.
Ingo Swann, Penetration - The Question of Extraterrestrial and Human Telepathy (1998) Online version here
At the end of the day, the truth is available for anyone who is interested but not so many really want to resonant with truth, because that is an attribute of being on a spiritual and evolutionary path. Here are some more strange 'anomalies'.

Winged sphere hovers - Turkey -19.11.2010
YouTube, November 2010

CCTV: My little critters - Bewdley, Worcestershire [UK]
UK UFO sightings, 27th November 2010
Well, the dimensional shift means a complete Shadow Biosphere is appearing en masse and here someone has managed to catch a few critters on CCTV. The main object looks like a bright blob made up of smaller orbs, then there are some strange little light sticks towards the end of the footage, that move quickly and are quite funny to watch and finally there is a strange squiggle thing that looks like writing, something that I have never seen before. This type of footage is not unique and there have been people capturing all sorts using night vision cameras and this can be easily found on the internet. What is interesting here, is that this has been placed on a UFO website and this will probably further upset those who refuse to acknowledge that we are seeing appearance of a completely different lifeform that does not fit the paradigm of all unexplained sightings must be attributed to humanoid ETs in spacecraft. The explanations here of insects is interesting because I don't know of any insects that can generate a faint spotlight, but I am not knowledgeable about strange biological life, so there maybe creatures (mostly likely that live in the sea) that humans are aware of that can do the same thing.

NAB computer glitch shuts out thousands of customers
ABC News, 26th November 2010
MARK COLVIN: A computer glitch at the National Australia Bank has locked thousands of customers out of their bank accounts and it may not be fixed until next week.

NAB is unsure how many of its 11.5 million customers have been affected by the problem. Pay checks have gone unprocessed and transactions frozen for two days.

The bank is under the pump to fix the problem but at close of business today, it was still unresolved.

There is not enough details here to be certain what has happened but I am very reluctant to believe that this was simple error and we have to follow the trend of other major computer system failures in recent years that we can deduce are induced by software or hardware failures related to Space Weather.

NAB pay bungle hits thousands
Herald Sun, 27th November 2010

Reasons For Mysterious Computer Crashes, 20th May 2007


Apparently, 11.5 million people who use National Australia Bank (NAB), Australia's biggest bank, have not been paid, can't pay their bills and can't withdraw cash, over 1 corrupt file in an incident that has beed described as "a freak computer glitch". Personally, the more glitches the better, because a few more might stop and wonder what is happening. Once the available evidence is examined, it should become obvious and the inevitable conclusion will be that our current technolgical systems are deteriorating due to the onslaught of Space Weather. There is no choice, we are going to have to do business differently on planet Earth.

Computer meltdown leaves Aussies without cash
AFP News, 27th November 2010

Jet, space junk, or UFO? [US]
My Fox News, 26th November 2010
LAKELAND - Several Polk County viewers called FOX 13 yesterday evening to report something in the sky. The callers believed the object may have been a meteor or other object entering Earth's atmosphere.

Photos sent by one viewer showed the bright object with some sort of vapor or smoke trail behind it. They were taken at around 5:45 p.m. It's not clear if the object was a passenger jet with its exhaust trail illuminated by the setting sun, or if it was a meteor or piece of space junk being burned up as it entered the atmosphere.

FOX 13 has been unable to reach any experts who could confirm either theory.

Well, another example of the strange "heavenly phenomenon", the term dubbed by American astronomers who are very reluctant to admit there are things in the sky they really don't understand. It does seem like the traffic is increasing too, but I'm waiting for one one these strange arrivals to be in a nosedive over a major city, as it will be interesting to see what the reaction would be and if anyone tries to claim that it's a airplane. To find more examples and YouTube links, see: Fireballs, meteorites & strange 'heavenly phenomena'

Bunny-crushing videos stir Chinese online anger
Yahoo News, 25th November 2010
A group of "crush fetishists" has caused an online storm in China after uploading graphic videos showing attractive young Chinese women crushing small rabbits.

In the widely circulated videos, several smiling women are seen in turn cuddling and playing with small bunnies just before crushing them as other giggling girls look on.

In one scene, a young woman places a bunny on a table before covering it with a plate of glass and sitting on it for about a minute. She then lifts the glass up to reveal the lifeless bunny, blood oozing from its snout. Another of the girls dispatches one of the animals by crushing it under her high heels.

As most people are already aware, the madness is increasing... we are at the End of an Age and it's always darkest before the dawn. I have decided to quote something positive as an antidote:
"At the time of global Illumination, a sudden rapid infusion of subtle matter occurs throughout the planet. At that time, those who have prepared themselves for the this Illumination by gradually evolving their subtle bodies to the point where they can handle this sudden influx of subtle energy, will experience only increased cosmic awareness and surges of spiritual power and bliss.

On the other hand, those who have depleted their subtle energies and weakened the channels of spiritual power within their systems by focusing their energies on the pursuit of gross physical enjoyments will experience a radical overload of spiritual power. Their subtle bodies will go through such rapid and dramatic evolution that their gross bodies will not have time to adapt. The higher levels of spiritual power coursing through their weakened channels will cause various short-circuits to occur, and as a result, such individuals no longer will be able to hold on to their gross bodies. In effect, they will be consumed by celestial fire.

Those who persist in their desire to cling to darkness up until the time of transition, and take no steps to prepare themselves as abodes of light, will have a much lower spiritual resonance than the incoming subtle energy, and will not be able to sustain the rapid transformations to which they will be subject. As a result, their physical existence on our planet may end. Even before the actual day of Illumination, as the spiritual Light begins to increase more and more rapidly, those souls that cling to a lower spiritual resonance may lose their physical bodies through disease, calamity, or violence..."
[Excerpt from the chapter "Cooking With Celestial Fire"]

"Now that we stand at the the threshold of a new Day, we are about to make a large quantum jump in our collective evolution. The magnitude of this evolutionary jump is completely unprecedented. The sheer number of human beings walking the Earth at this time is unprecedented, and at no previous time in human history have such sophisticated material technologies been available to the masses. these are all important elements in the amazing drama that is about to unfold, as we step into the Light of a new Day of human civilization on Earth.

The entire human race is on the verge of a collective evolutionary transformation that will utterly and irrevocably alter every aspect of our existence in ways that we can only begin to imagine. It is time to begin preparing for those changes, both individually and collectively, if we are to survive them and behold the Light of a new Day."
Robert Cox, The Pillar of Celestial Fire – The Lost Science of the Ancient Seers Rediscovered (1997) See book review for further quotes
Well, if you are following what NASA scientists have to say, and depending on your intepretation of science and metaphysics, then the mechanism for the Day of Illumination could be the mysterious IBEX "ribbon" that is now right on our our solar system doorstep... Personally, I think we can take some guidance from the enigmatic Fulcanelli who suggested that when "the snakes and the crosses coincide" we had just hit another celestial timekeeping signpost. See my essay The Greatest Transition for further details.

Three teenagers survive 50 days adrift in Pacific
BBC News, 25th November 2010
Filo Filo, Samu Perez and Edward Nasau The teenagers survived mainly on coconuts and rainwater

Three teenage boys have been found alive after being lost in their boat in the Pacific Ocean for 50 days. The boys, from the Tokelau Islands, a New Zealand-administered territory in the South Pacific, had been given up for dead after an unsuccessful search.

A tuna fishing boat picked them up near Fiji and is taking them to hospital for treatment for severe sunburn. The boys survived on coconuts, water they trapped on a tarpaulin and a seabird they managed to catch. 'Strong mental spirit'

The boys - Samu Perez and Filo Filo, both 15, and Edward Nasau, 14 - had gone missing from Atafu atoll in a small aluminium boat after an annual sporting event on 5 October. They were presumed to have died after unsuccessful searches by the New Zealand air force.

50 days? That's incredible...

Cosmic rays linked to rapid mid-latitude cloud changes
Watts Up with That, 25th November 2010
I’ve reported several times at WUWT on the galactic cosmic ray theory proposed by Henrik Svensmark which suggests that changes in the sun’s magnetic field modulate the density of Galactic Cosmic Rays (GCRs) which in turn seed cloud formation on Earth, which changes the albedo/reflectivity to affect Earth’s energy balance and hence global climate. A new paper published today in Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics suggests that the relationship has been established.

If we want to understand the major global changes on Earth, the scientific evidence suggests we need to look to the heavens for the answer.

On Suzuki: “celebrity and integrity seem to be mutually exclusive”
WUWT News, 25th November 2010
To The Editor:

On Saturday, Nov. 20 I went to see David Suzuki speak in Moncton at the Green Home Builder’s Show. I was hoping to ask him during the question period that normally follows these types of talks for advice on how to help me promote environmentalism to my group of largely apathetic students at Hampton High School, where I am the librarian. [...]

He looked up and said, “book?” I said I didn’t have one but I wanted to ask him a question. He said, “I don’t have time for that,” and waved me away like a king dismissing a commoner.

There was absolutely no one else around the table except the security guards. Then he shouted out, “Books! Books!” and continued waving me out of the way. There was no sign indicating no questions were allowed. Only minutes before he had been espousing the value of slowing down and making time for each other and he didn’t even have the decency to say, “I’m sorry, I’m tired . . . or I’m not allowed to answer questions . . .”

Instead here I was, an educator and great promoter of his books, looking for help with the generation he claimed was most important, but because I was not spending money (other than the $45 I spent to hear him lecture), I was waved off.

I can't agree with the sentiment expressed in this headline, as I think people's energy fields should be examined on case by case basis. Anyway, it's very interesting which stories touches a nerve and so get posted around the internet. This story resonates with me, I can relate to expecting common decency from someone because you have believed their marketing hype on other more important matters, only to be left disappointed when you discover they are complete fakes. The comments here are interesting, especially the ones about human nature.

Why happiness is actually a psychological disorder
Mad Science, 24th November 2010
Happiness is supposed to be a good thing, particularly when we're talking about the science of the mind. But at least one psychologist took a long, hard look at happiness and realized the grim truth: happiness is a psychiatric disorder. We're guessing this is going to remain a minority view - indeed, there's an entire subfield of psychology that's essentially dedicated to increasing human happiness - but one must admit there's a certain logic to the argument. Here's why happiness, or, as it should more properly be called, "major affective disorder, pleasant type", is a psychiatric disorder:
"Happiness is statistically abnormal, consists of a discrete cluster of symptoms, is associated with a range of cognitive abnormalities, and probably reflects the abnormal functioning of the central nervous system. One possible objection to this proposal remains–that happiness is not negatively valued. However, this objection is dismissed as scientifically irrelevant."

This is not a joke, as the paper was published in the Journal of Medical Ethics in 1992, and currently has been cited 38 times. We can only hope that the miserable person that came up with this idea has been attacked by some happiness and therefore given the opportunity to change their mind.

Probe into alien life forms picks up steam
USA Today, 24th November 2010
Bryan Fains still thinks the blue object he saw skittering across the sky above Centreville, Va., on Nov. 3 might have been a UFO.

Although the object that Fains captured on cellphone video was later identified as a remote-controlled glider plane outfitted with LED lights, he's just not sure. "It seems impossible that we're the only ones in this universe," says Fains, 29, a warehouse worker. "Whatever it was, I've never seen anything like it before."

Recent sightings have revived a debate that has stirred skepticism and research for generations. Were lights over El Paso in October skydivers with flares or extraterrestrial aircraft? Were objects over New York City this fall balloons or alien visitors? Was the California mystery plume really a jet contrail?

I ignored this report because the information was nothing particularly new but then it dawned on me that again, the US media is informing the American public about the existence of life forms. The public are being mentally re-conditioned because the truth can no longer be hidden. By the way, anyone can reject the systemic programming of mass or 'mob' consciousness and set their own personal antennae of consciousness to receive the truth. It's simply a matter of choice. More....

BREAKING: Astronaut Edgar Mitchell to Explore Billy Meier UFO Case?
PR Web, 29th November 2010
Sixth astronaut on the moon, well known for his interest in UFOs and consciousness, claimed government covering up extraterrestrial UFO information; already acknowledged Meier's scientific information is better form of proof than UFO photos; fascinated by proof of extraterrestrial's accurate scientific information about 5,100 year-old Iceman

Discussions are under way for a first of its kind public forum featuring Dr. Edgar Mitchell, the sixth man to walk on the moon, and Michael Horn, the U.S. media representative for Swiss UFO contactee, Billy Meier.

According to Horn, "Dr. Mitchell sent me an email acknowledging that Meier's voluminous amount of published, scientifically accurate information was even better proof than the physical evidence, such as UFO photos, films, etc. Of course there were also prominent scientists who focused only on Meier's physical evidence and found it to be authentic. However, anyone who can think logically, scientifically and objectively, as Dr. Mitchell certainly does, can easily see how the best 'proof' may be right under our noses, in the documentation. Considering the huge, possibly historical implications, I think it's important to explore this matter in a broad and open public forum.

I am NOT a UFO buff, but I aim to point out that we are experiencing evolutionary change and how we can properly guage the dimensional shift that is now taking place. I don't know much about Billy Meier but apparently, in ufology circles, he is legendary.

Earthquake twists railway tracks
Orange Quirky News, 23rd November 2010
Photographers insist this image of a two mile stretch of track, near Christchurch, has not been digitally manipulated.

American Geophysical Union blogger, Dave Petley explained the damage to the line, which links Canterbury with the west coast of the South Island, following the 7.1 magnitude quake. He said: "The compression on the very strong railway line was accommodated when a weak point was found, leading to a comparatively rapid deformation to form the main buckle on the left. "This then concentrated stress on both sides of the buckle, allowing the other bends to form."

I just liked the picture...

Revealed: A million marriages are 'invalid' because of Church of England blunder
Daily Mail, 25th November 2010
Two million husbands and wives are not lawfully married because of a Church of England blunder, it was revealed yesterday.

Their church weddings are legally invalid because the vicars who married them used the wrong form of words, CofE lawyers admitted.

The error affects more than a million weddings celebrated over the past 30 years in churches across England.

This is what I would call some serious incompetence... I wonder if this wll impact people's personal beliefs about marriage...

Students occupy Pisa tower, Colosseum
News 24, 25th November 2010
Rome - Italian students have occupied the Leaning Tower of Pisa and Rome's Colosseum to protest education cuts and university reforms being considered by parliament.

Italian news agency ANSA says about 2 000 students marched on Thursday in the northern university town of Pisa, forming a human chain around its famous tower to prevent tourists from entering. Several students climbed inside the landmark as tourists snapped photos of the protest.

In Rome, students brandished banners reading "No profits off our future" as they marched around the Colosseum.

Now I think this is going too far, I have visted the leaning tower of Pisa and it really does lean a long way over... Can you imagine what would happen if it collapsed! Yes, I know that folk are rioting all over the place, but I don't normally comment.

Planetary magnetic fields: The hunt for better models, 25th November 2010
Some three thousand kilometers below the surface of the Earth and with temperatures reaching those at the surface of the sun, the core of our home planet is no more within our physical reach today than it was back when Jules Verne undertook his fictional journey to the center of the Earth. Yet the mysteries still hidden there -- such as how the liquid core regenerates Earth's magnetic life force -- are of far greater interest to scientists today than to any science fiction writers past or present. With the help of increasingly sophisticated computer simulations, Earth scientists have created numerical models over the last decades which, in many respects, are remarkably successful at reproducing key aspects of the magnetic field.

[...] This field, however, and the resulting magnetosphere that protects our home from the solar wind, are the result of a happy set of circumstances that allowed the core to first generate and then continually regenerate the geomagnetic field of the Earth.

Geoscientists have been investigating the earth's magnetic field, for more than 300 years, and as I wrote in my book, Einstein referred to it as one of the greatest unsolved mysteries of science. There is a lot that could be said but no doubt the blasts from deep space and the fact that the Earth's magnetic field in space (magnetosphere) sometimes disappears is worrying some about how that might impact the timing of a magnetic field reversal or the magnetic field that originates from the Earth's core.

Living in the Fifth Dimension: Rainbow Orbs
UK UFO Sightings, 23rd November 2010

Location of Sighting: Dorking, Surrey
Date of Sighting: 11th November 2010
Time: 15 45 to 15-55 Witness Name: D Harding

Witness Statement: Did not see these three orbs ? One bright and two dull in a triangle ,when I took this photo,time about 15 45 15-55 11/11/10 so I wondered if you could enlighten me please I took other pictures about the same time it was taken from my back door over looking Cotmandene and Boxhill. I live in Dorking Surrey.

From the comments we read:
Albert Anders November 24th, 2010 at 1:24 pm
Hello D Harding

The information contained within the EXIF data of this image states that it was shot at a shutter speed of 1/550s. This is an extremely fast shutter speed capable of freezing most moving objects in space, particularly those taken at a distance.

Now looking at your image at full resolution; it is quite clear that the white circular object which you refer to as an orb is moving upwards. Evidence of its movement is captured in the form of what is referred to as motion blur, which is the blurry bit you see on it underside.

With these two bits of information in hand, we are able to assess and make a judgement on what the object may or may not be.

The fact the object exhibits motion blur tells us that it is traveling at a very high speed upwards into the sky, given the shutter speed used to capture it in motion. Way too fast for the human eye to register, that would explain why you did not see it at the time.
Well, we seem to have moved a long way from the New Age fantasy of Father Sun having a union with Mother sky on the 21st December 2012. Fortunately, we can refer to the those who have held ancient knowledge over thousands of years who realised that our reality was about to morph and it would look like that we were being inundated with cosmic visitors. At the same time, the science has moved on and we can start to understand how Earth could host a shadow biosphere of multi-dimensional entities that appear en masse, as Earth is flooded with cosmic radiation and becomes a high energy plasma environment. This is what the Hopi Indians say:
The time is getting very near for the dimensions to open up. Very soon we will experience a merging of worlds as we enter the fifth world. When this happens things will get very confusing. These are some of the ways in which the Mother will warn us, so we will know the time is clear. Then we must stay away from the cities.
Dr. Robert Ghost Wolf, Last Cry: Native American Prophecies & Other Tales of the End Times (1993-2004)
The Keepers of Ancient Knowledge are consistent on what is going to happen, even if they are not consistent on the cause of evolutionary change.

Glowing trees to replace street lamps
MSNBC News, 24th November 2010
Biologically based LEDs could be used to make trees illuminate sidewalks

The golden glow of street lights could soon be replaced by the green fluorescence of tree leaves. Scientists from the Academia Sinica and the National Cheng Kung University in Taipei and Tainan have implanted glowing, sea urchin shaped gold nanoparticles, known as bio light emitting diodes, or bio LEDs, inside the leaves of a plant.

The new nanoparticles could replace the electricity powered street light with biologically powered light that removes CO2 from the atmosphere 24 hours a days.

"In the future, bio-LED could be used to make roadside trees luminescent at night," said Yen-Hsun Su in an interview with Chemistry World. "This will save energy and absorb CO2 as the bio-LED luminescence will cause the chloroplast to conduct photosynthesis."

It sounds wonderful but many inventions have unforeseen downside and therefore require careful investigation and analysis before full implementation.

New Zealand mine explosion: all miners believed dead after huge second blast
The Telgraph, 24th November 2010
A massive second explosion at the Pike River mine in New Zealand has extinguished all hope of bringing the 29 missing miners back to the surface alive.

The "enormous" blast, which took place at 2.37pm, was more violent than the first and was believed to have been caused by a large build up of methane within the mine over the past five days. Peter Whittall, the mine chief, told a hastily convened press conference that it was "extremely unlikely" that anyone underground could have endured the force of the explosion.

Visibly upset, Mr Whittall said: "While we were hopeful that we could get some men out of the mine, it was realistic that many of them would never have come out alive.

Sad news, but we have to acknowledge the fact there is an increasing number of inner Earth blasts, associated with Earth Changes that are also causing more violent earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. Earth is not a closed system and Space Weather can only be the source of this increased energy that is effecting the core of our planet, as we are told by space scientists. With the prominent reporting of these coal mine blasts trapping and killing so many miners, it's too hard to ignore the implications. Here is what NASA has to say:
"...the surprising conclusion of a NASA-funded study by the National Academy of Sciences entitled Severe Space Weather Events—Understanding Societal and Economic Impacts. In the 132-page report, experts detailed what might happen to our modern, high-tech society in the event of a "super solar flare" followed by an extreme geomagnetic storm. They found that almost nothing is immune from space weather
Severe Space Weather--Social and Economic Impacts
NASA Science News, 21st January 2010
If you don't believe this media release, there is always the 145 page version that you can download for free and read up the details for yourself, (free registration required) here.

Well, I have been reading up on Hopi "End Times" prophecies and I was not surprised to see information that is directly relevant to what is now happening. According to Dr. Robert Ghost Wolf,
"We must be concerned about these underground complexes that the government has built. They are building them so when the Earth Changes start, they can move the elite, underground to "safety." Well, it won't work. But they have created other problems. There will be many underground explosions in the days to come of the new century.

Some caused from gasses and chemicals that are in these tunnels below the surface world, some of which run for miles and are essentially cities below the surface. They cannot hide from the changes. Unless they change their consciousness and take responsibility for participating in the game, or by turning the other way, this change will affect every molecular structure upon the Earth, to the very core of the planet."
Last Cry: Native American Prophecies & Other Tales of the End Times (1993-2004)
There are other commentators that have also come to the conclusion that underground cities will become death traps and there is a lot of writing about this subject by those who are most intent on surviving any catastrophic Earth changes. Personally, I feel it is pertinent to point out the need for higher consciousness that will directly effect the human energy field and act like a shield to only permit DNA mutations that are in line with the Universal directives for the advancement of humanity. Due to my own research, I understand this from a more technical perspective and my beliefs are backed up with hard scientific facts. Well, our scientists have already worked this out. In periods of rapid evolutionary change, mutants appear and become dominant, yet, the truly spiritual people have always had the key for advancement and that is by living from the heart because that will provide a frequency signature that Universal energies will use to deliver the correct information. I realise that the discussion of love is considered flaky by most, but those high frequencies are what disinguishes those who are on the evolutionary path, from those who are not.

Why the rich are no good at empathy ... they don't need to be
Daily Mail, 23rd November 2010
People who are rich have trouble recognising the emotions of others, a new study claims.

The university research has found that those who are poorer are better at gauging how someone feels because they need to rely on other people more often.

Scientists speculated that the rich performed worse in tests because they can solve their problems without relying on others. In other words, because of their wealth they are not as dependent on the people around them.

Whereas people who cannot afford to buy support services - such as childcare - have to rely on neighbours or relatives to watch their children while they attend work or run errands.

There are many people who are only interested in a human interaction if they think they can benefit in some way. However, reading others is a skill that can be highly developed, especially in those who have the necessary neural wiring to process the relevant bioelectromagnetic data that we are all constantly emitting. There is no mention of 'mirror neurons' here, as this research is of course, highly relevant.

Video: DOD tries to uncover secret of flying snakes
Washington Post, 22nd November 2010
An unusual breed of Asian snakes can glide long distances in the air, and the Department of Defense is funding research at Virginia Tech to find out why.

As video of the reptiles show, they undulate from side to side, in almost an air-slithering, to create an aerodynamic system. It allows them to travel from the top of the biggest trees in the region (almost 200 feet high) to a spot about 780 feet away from the tree's trunk.

"Basically . . .they become one long wing," said John Socha, the Virginia Tech researcher who has traveled extensively in Asia to study the snakes and to film them.

The real question is: why are the Department of Defense funding research on flying snakes? Well, it must be accepted that scientists prefer to categorise and shy away from research that doesn't fit the norm. This reminds me of the opening chapter of The Book of the Damned (1919) by Charles Fort. He stated that because of the way that scientists like to classify data, it means they will ignore anything that is inbetween. He used the example of red and yellow but anything that is orange is a problem. If you are prepared to study the many many examples of scientific heretics, this becomes very obvious and explains why we don't fully understand our world and our universe. As Fort writes:
A PROCESSION of the damned.

By the damned, I mean the excluded.

We shall have a procession of data that Science has excluded.
Source: link
Carl Jung also realised that this was a major problem too and he wrote:
"I cannot refrain from remarking, however, that the whole collective psychological problem that has been opened up by the Saucer epidemic stands in compensatory antithesis to our scientific picture of the world. In the United States this picture has if possible an even greater dominance than with us [Europeans]. It consists, as you know, very largely of statistical or "average" truths. These exclude all rare borderline cases, which scientists fight shy of anyway because they cannot understand them. The consequence is a view of the world consisting entirely of normal cases. Like the "normal" man, they are essentially fictions, and particularly in psychology fictions can lead to disastrous errors. Since it can be said with little exaggeration that reality consists mainly of exceptions to the rule, which the intellect then reduces to the norm, instead of a brightly colored picture of the real world [this kind of science] gives us a bleak, shallow rationalism that offers stones instead of bread to the emotional and spiritual hungers of the world. The logical result is an insatiable hunger for anything extraordinary."
Carl Jung, Letter to Weltwoche (Zurich), Jhg. 22, no 1078, 9 July 1954
The Military have always taken an interest in the scientific oddities and they don't see to follow the same rules as the rest of scientific community. The only conclusion we can come to is that the US military is much more interested in understanding reality, regardless of whether the conclusions are scientifically palatable. It's much more of an engineering mindset, which is, 'how does it work!'

Jet Stream Gone Haywire! "Significant" Snow Falls for Europe Predicted by Mid-Week
SOTT News, 22nd November 2010
Daily Mail: Britain is set to shiver in temperatures as low as minus ten this week with 'significant' snow falls hitting the country, the Met Office warn.

The last time the mercury plummeted this low was in March - at the summit of a Scottish mountain.

The north and the east of the country are in line for heavy snow, although forecasters say this could spread across Britain as we head to the weekend.

For the start of the week temperatures will be average, with daytime highs of seven or eight Celsius.

But as December nears this will fall, with a north easterly wind battering the coast and bringing showers with it.

Rural parts of the country could see overnight temperatures as low a -10C, said Met Office forecast Alex Fox.

The credit is going to SOTT for pointing out that the Jet stream looks like it has broken, again.... Have we had another major blast from deep space?

Dorito-Shaped UFOs Spotted Over Britain
AOL News, 22nd November 2010
(Nov. 22) -- Flying saucers are one thing, but flying snack chips? England appears to be the latest hot spot for UFOs shaped like triangles or, if you will, Doritos.

Several sightings of a chip-shaped object have occurred over the U.K. in the past few years, the Daily Mail reports. The latest report emerged last week when a quality inspector, Munesh Mistry, witnessed a triangular object -- dubbed locally as the "Dudley Dorito" from the British town of Dudley -- in the sky near his Tipton, West Midlands, home.

Mistry said he and a friend saw "an amazing fast-moving and silent craft in the shape of a triangle made up of what appeared to be three lights fly across the sky at a mind-boggling speed." This sighting took place two weeks after a huge, chip-shaped UFO was reported in the skies over Boldmere.

I have ignored this report but now it's hit the mainstream US media. If there are any reporters reading this blog, please consider why the UK Ministry of Defence has made the following statement:
"The Ministry of Defense has no other interest or role regarding UFO matters and does not consider questions regarding the existence or otherwise of extraterrestrial life forms", the ministry said in a 2008 statement.
With a little bit of research, it is really not that difficult to work out the truth. This fact might help; it is on public record that one senior Ministry of Defence official (deceased) declared that UFOs are a religious matter.... think, think, think, if that's possible.... Here is another nice video of a group of three orbs, held together by a magnetic field flying in formation.

Video: 3 Orbs in Triangular formation - Failsworth, Manchester [UK]
UK UFO sightings, 21st November 2010
The video is short [0:34] but clear with a brief commentary.

How the universe evolved from a liquid plasma/superfluid
The Telegraph, 20th November 2010
The universe was a super-hot liquid in the moments immediately after its birth, according to the first results from an experiment to recreate the conditions of Big Bang.

Scientists working at the world's largest particle smasher – the Large Hadron Collider at CERN near Geneva, in Switzerland – have found that an exotic soup more than 10 trillion degrees Celsius in temperature was created immediately after the birth of the universe.

This sticky, gloopy substance, known as a quark-gluon plasma, behaved like a hot liquid SUPERFLUID, according to their results.

This provided the perfect environment for the first particles and atoms to form, which later led to the stars and galaxies that surround us today.

The findings have surprised physicists as they contradict the accepted view of what happened in the immediate aftermath of the creation of the universe – that the Big Bang threw out a superheated gas that clumped together to form matter.

"In the very first instances of the universe, it was actually behaving like a very dense liquid SUPERFLUID," explained Dr David Evans, a particle physicist at the University of Birmingham who is the UK's lead investigator in the experiment.

"These results are telling us about the evolution of the early universe, which inevitably will have had implications for how the universe looks today.

I suppose the reason for using the incorrect term of LIQUID instead of superfluid is that 99.999% of people don't know that the visible universe is 99.999% plasma and don't know this generates various different states of matter besides solid, liquids and gases. This is old news and maybe this is the scientific community doing the same type of experiment time and time again. So, why is this result a surprise? Well, up until recently, scientists didn't even realise that space was filled with sub-atomic particles that we collectively called plasma and so cosmological/Big Bang theory did not fully take this into account. So now they have the ability to recreate the hypothetical conditions, for the mythical Big Bang, they are surprised at what the physics reveals. Whatever, this has massive inmplications for how we understand how the universe works. Hannes Alfvén, an electrical power engineer and plasma physicist, stated at the end of his 1970, Nobel Prize speech, "In the beginning was the plasma."

Wi-Fi Makes Trees Sick, Study Says.
PC World, 24th November 2010
Radiation from Wi-Fi networks is harmful to trees, causing significant variations in growth, as well as bleeding and fissures in the bark, according to a recent study in the Netherlands.Radiation from Wi-Fi networks is harmful to trees, causing significant variations in growth, as well as bleeding and fissures in the bark, according to a recent study in the Netherlands.

All deciduous trees in the Western world are affected, according to the study by Wageningen University. The city of Alphen aan den Rijn ordered the study five years ago after officials found unexplained abnormalities on trees that couldn't be ascribed to a virus or bacterial infection.

Additional testing found the disease to occur throughout the Western world. In the Netherlands, about 70 percent of all trees in urban areas show the same symptoms, compared with only 10 percent five years ago. Trees in densely forested areas are hardly affected.

According Dr Harold Saxon Burr, a member of Yale faculty for 43 years who conducted pioneering research into the electromagnetic fields that surround all forms of life that he found control and organise all biological activity. Here are some quote from his book Blueprint for Immortality: The Electric patterns of Life (1972) :
"So far as our present information goes, there is unequivocal evidence that wherever there is life, there are electrical properties." pg 47

"...the electrical properties of a living system are directly to be correlated with the genetic constitution of a living system, on the one hand and on the other hand are modified by changes in the physical or chemical." pg 75

"Nature keeps an infinite variety of electro-dynamic jelly-moulds on her shelves with which she shapes the countless different forms of life that exist on this planet. L-fields have been detected and measured not only in men and women but also in animals, trees, plants, seeds, eggs and even in one of the lowest forms of life, slime-mouds."

Of these L-fields, those of trees can tell us something that others cannot because trees do not move about, live for a long time to a great age and can be hitched up to recording instruments for long periods of time.

... long records show that the L-fields of trees vary not only with sunlight and darkness but also with cycles of the moon and with magnetic storms and sunspots." pg 13
More quotes can be found here The Electrical Patterns of Life; The Work of Dr. Harold S. Burr

It seems the trees can cope with natural variations in electromagnetic fields, but not man-made which means it is most likely that wi-fi radiation is not good for humans either.

From Here & Back Again: The World is Ending in 2012 … or is it?
County Courier, 21st November 2010
There have been many predictions of the end of the world; they have all been wrong. But they do provide both humor and pathos and the opportunity to reflect on human nature. These include prophesies/predictions of the end of the world, Armageddon, the rapture, the coming of a messiah, the second coming of a messiah and other such world-ending events. [...]

Many such prophecies/predictions are based on religion, but astrologers, scientists and quacks have also been involved, and they have come from all around the world. A brief, incomplete look is revealing.

Well, if people understood the true root of religion is astronomy and that the only way to understand the concept of End Times is the end of a cosmic cycle, then the messages encouraging people to watch out for various signs in the heavens would make a lot more sense. If people realised that the initiated know that ancient religious text was designed to be anthropomorphic to appeal to lesser minds and that people who run cults, esoteric/metaphysical groups and religions are often brilliant at controlling people for their own benefit, then a lot of confusion would be avoided. As the writer points out here, Mayan Elders have gone out of their way to correct the completely false ideas about 2012, but this is ignored because whipping folk up into a frenzy is better for business. Interestingly, we have major evolutionary change happening all around us, as predicted by genuine Keepers of Ancient Knowledge, but the levels of ignorance amongst the public are truly astounding. This article provides some history, but no enlightenment as to why the collective memory of the world ending still reverberates with so many people.

Why I Couldn't Pilot An Airplane After A TSA Pat-Down
Jalopnik, 18th November 2010
I am a USAirways pilot with hip replacements. I am unable to successfully pass through a metal detector. For approximately five years I have been questioned, wanded and patted down every morning each day I report for work. I've asked for help with a solution, I've been through all the company and union channels to no avail.

Approximately one year ago, I encountered something new called a groin check. This is where they run the back of their hands down your fly from top to bottom one inch to either side. I said I would allow this if they don't touch my stuff. The screener accused me of being a "homophobe" and said he can't guarantee he wont touch me in this area. I said then I can't go through the check. I called the airline for direction and they agreed to assist me in finding a solution if I would JUST take the flight out. I allowed him his groin check and was so humiliated and enraged that I was pretty much useless in the cockpit, I was self-absorbed.

In the last week or so, the stories about the TSA new pat down procedures have been quite unbelievable and pilots in revolt is no surprise, but the question is: what is this really about? Forget about terrorism because intelligent folk know that it's mostly made-up nonsense for the simple, so that world controllers can reduce civil liberties and keep the populace under tighter authoritarian control.

Whatever, Space Weather and the dimensional shift is the biggest thing happening on the planet by a long way. Whether the populace realise it or not, we have a 'zoo' of plasma entities flying around in the skies and sometimes they are very visible. It is a well known observation that these "critters" love to fly up close to airplanes and I think the most amazing example is from China, March 2009 when an arrow shaped object flew alongside a plane that was seen by a delegation of journalists, travelling with government officials and a plane load of passengers, see archives. This was reported by the The Xinhua News Agency, the official government press agency of the Peoples Republic of China, but despite the incredible story and accompanying photos of this strange object, the mainstream media had other less interesting stories to cover. Yes, we have NASA et al. warning us about many different issues relating to Space Weather as I have faithfully blogged, but I think the dimensional shift means that there is now a real threat of the populace waking up as our reality morphs around us and this is even more likely if people fly about in the new cosmic aquarium that we used to call our lower atmosphere.

Even if I am wrong, please remember that pilots are under tremendous emotional and mental stress due to working in a worsening harsh geomagnetic environmental, as I have pointed out many times already. For more info, see the Hannity Fox News video report at Fed Up Flying by the pilot Michael Roberts whom is suing Homeland Security,

Video: So, did I cross a line on FOX/Hannity?
Fed Up Flying, 18th November 2010

Human Gene Mutation Creates Resistance to A Rare, Violent Epidemic
Daily Galaxy, 18th November 2010
"It's absolutely fascinating to see Darwinian principles at work here. This community of people has developed their own biologically unique response to a truly terrible epidemic. The fact that this genetic evolution has happened in a matter of decades is remarkable."

Professor John Collinge, Director of the Medical Research Council (MRC) Prion Unit

A community in Papua New Guinea that suffered a major epidemic of a fatal brain disease called kuru has developed strong genetic resistance to the disease, according to new research by Medical Research Council scientists.

It makes you wonder when some claim that humans are suppose to be vegetarian but when we eat each other, human genes get to work and mutate to stop us dying from this bad habit! Anyway, like the many examples of creatures on Earth evolving in a matter of decades as changes to their natural habitats occur quickly, we have an example of humans also evolving in a matter of decades and it is in stark contrast to now outdated Darwinian dogma that states evolution is a slow and progressive, taking hundreds of thousands of years. Personally, as I have previously written, the evidence point to new cosmic influences driving sudden evolutionary change on Earth.

Video: Inuit Knowledge and Climate Change [54:07]
ISUMA TV, November 2010
Inuit Knowledge and Climate Change had its world premiere October 23, 2010, at the imagineNATIVE Film + Media Arts Festival in Toronto. The complete film also streamed online simultaneously watched by more than 1500 viewers around the world. Following the film, a Q&A with filmmakers Zacharias Kunuk and Dr. Ian Mauro included live call-in by Skype from viewers from Pond Inlet, New York, Sydney, Australia and other locations.

Nunavut-based director Zacharias Kunuk (Atanarjuat The Fast Runner) and researcher and filmmaker Dr. Ian Mauro (Seeds of Change) have teamed up with Inuit communities to document their knowledge and experience regarding climate change. This new documentary, the world’s first Inuktitut language film on the topic, takes the viewer “on the land” with elders and hunters to explore the social and ecological impacts of a warming Arctic. This unforgettable film helps us to appreciate Inuit culture and expertise regarding environmental change and indigenous ways of adapting to it.

Brilliant! It looks like the whole documentary can be watched online!


Well this is a very enjoyable documentary. The Inuit people are generally very diplomatic, but totally sure of their understanding that we are experiencing climate change and global warming, but they say this is caused by the Sun and the fact they believe the Earth is tilting on her axis. After describing how critical understanding the environment is to the Inuit culture, they then talk about being overrun with starving polar bears and don't have a single nice thing to say about wildlife biologists, watch the documentary to find out why.

Dangerous rogue waves in Pacific are growing
Dallas News, 17th November 2010
WASHINGTON – It's one of the most treacherous stretches of water in the world, where 1 million cubic feet of water a second collides with 20- or 30-foot ocean swells over a four-mile stretch of shifting sand. A few pilots brave often-treacherous conditions to guide ships across the Columbia River Bar.

The pilots who work the "Graveyard of the Pacific" have a deep respect for the relentless forces they face as they ride out to tankers, bulk carriers, car carriers, and cargo and passenger ships standing offshore. They commute in 72-foot self-righting boats that can roll 360 degrees as winter gales and sometimes hurricane-force storms blast out of the North Pacific.

The pilots also confirm what marine scientists have observed: that ocean waves are becoming bigger and more powerful.

We still await some expect opinion on what is causing these rogue waves but this is most likely a sign of Earth/Moon/Sun orbital changes.

African Pelicans migrate in wrong direction and end up in Siberia.
All Voices, 17th November 2010
A small flock of African pink pelicans apparently bamboozled by the warm weather in Siberia flew north from Kazakhstan instead of south as any properly functioning pelican GPS system should have told them. Vladimir Pyagin from the village of Suslovo said:"I left home early in the morning and what a sight!" "When I got closer, I immediately realized they were pelicans. ... Everybody in the village started trying to catch them to save the exhausted birds from the dogs""

Residents captured four of the exotic pelicans. They were moved to a zoo in the regional capital Barnaul. The other three birds in the flock were able to fly off.

Members of the Bird Conservation Union said the pelicans were flying back to their native Africa from Kazakhstan but obviously lost their way. The head of the Union said: "This is a unique case. Some reports suggest pelicans last flew here over 100 years ago,"

However the area is breaking records for abnormally warm November weather, with temperatures in Altai hovering around 5 degrees Celsius. In other parts of the country, there have been reports of bears and hedgehogs delaying hibernation. Still 5 degrees C is not exactly tropical!

Birds use the Earth's geomagnetic field for navigation but this field is not stable in geomagnetic storms. The deviation of the compass from true north is an angle called 'declination' and it varies by geographical location and time, so experts tell us that at very high latitudes, the compass can even point south! So it is most likely that these birds set off from Kazakhstan during a geomagnetic storm when their internal compass was pointing them in the wrong direction and the result is that they have now been captured by a zoo. Poor things!

Veteran's Today, 17th November 2010
"A submarine comes approaches America’s heavily guarded coast, through a network of defenses costing billions, and launches an ICBM capable of carrying up to 10 hydrogen bombs, launches the missile 2 minutes from Los Angeles, and we are utterly unaware? This is the same military we trust our children’s lives to? [...]

This, however, this last insult, is just too much. The America people expected a decent lie. It is now nearly 10 days later and the military believes they can simply put their pointy little heads in the sand and the rest of us can go to hell? Not hardly!" [...]


There is only one reason that the United States didn’t announce the usual “weather balloon” or “box cutters” cover stories. It means that the nation responsible, assuming it is China, warned us that they would go public and that the American military had to live with the humiliation as a punishment.

What we have here is an attempt to understand the bizarreness of a missile launch that literally punched a massive hole through the United States homeland security. This article is mainly speculation but it points out the historical relationship between China and America, which seems to undermine the idea that the missile was a little warning from China. The real news is the thinkers wondering why the US military would prefer to deal with this rather public humiliation than tell the truth. Anyway, we have expert after expert complaining about the "dirty" vapour trail, but it seems this is a true characteristic that we can use to differentiate between "ghost rockets" and real missiles. Check out the historical documentation, this plasma phenomenon was a real headache for the military in WWII, but now, with so many people with the ability to record and distribute what they have seen, it's much harder for the truth to be suppressed and the result is a completely different PR nightmare for world controllers to deal with.


Experts: Mystery contrail was from Chinese missile
'Muted response' was decision 'made by the president himself'
World Net Daily, 19th November 2010
[...] Two governmental military experts with extensive experience working with missiles and computer security systems have examined the television video and conclude the mysterious contrail originating some 30 miles off the coast near Los Angeles did not come from a jet – but rather, they say the exhaust and the billowing plume emanated from a single source nozzle of a missile, probably made in China.

"The question that still must be answered is why NORAD's muted response was simply that North America was not threatened, and later our government approved the lame excuse that the picture recorded was simply an aircraft leaving a contrail," said retired U.S. Air Force Brig. Gen. Jim Cash.

A former U.S. Air Force fighter pilot and commander of an F-15 squadron and an F-16 wing, Cash was assigned to NORAD as an assistant director of operations at the Cheyenne Mountain complex near Colorado Springs, Colo., and is fully knowledgeable of NORAD procedures.

"There is absolutely no doubt that what was captured on video off the coast of California was a missile launch, was clearly observed by NORAD, assessed by a four-star general in minutes, and passed to the president immediately," he said.

Well, it looks like many people are refusing to ignore the massive implications of this "mystery missile" incident and are still trying to claim that US Defence has failed and the statements made by the Pentagon amount to a cover up. Well, in my opinion, the US military and government would prefer to be humiliated that admit the truth because then that would be a even bigger humiliation. As I will keep stating, it is well understood by those who have studied the UFO phenomena, there is nothing the military can do about these objects and due to numerous incursions over many decades, the military all around the world have come to accept that "Unidentified Aerial Phenomena" are NO THREAT. Watch the video here because the maker claims that a 4 star general would have made a decision in minutes about this object and you can't tell me that US generals can't recognise a real missile! What's more, nobody wants to talk about where exactly did this missile land? Anyway, I fully expect there to be more embarrassing events that will hopefully wake up an extremely docile public and at some point in the future, the US government will decide enough is enough and then we will have some major revelations! Meanwhile, my understanding that we are experiencing a planetary refresh of aetheric energies and a two-way traffic of plasma entities, remains in tact!!!!!

AURORA WATCH:, 17th November 2010
A solar wind stream is buffeting Earth's magnetic field, sparking geomagnetic activity around the Arctic Circle. "I was driving through the countryside near Tromsø, Norway, on Nov. 14th when bright auroras burst through the clouds," reports Ole Christian Salomonsen. He quickly pulled over to take this picture:

"The lights were amazing--green, white, purple, moving fast and strong," says Salomonsen. "I call the shot 'Colorful Clouds.'"

The colour purple caught my eye... Apparently it is a signature of a very intense aurora. The purple is a mixture of blue and red emissions from nitrogen molecules. This was issued from the Space Weather Prediction Center and the U.S. Air Force.
Joint USAF/NOAA Report of Solar and Geophysical Activity SDF Number 318 Issued at 2200Z on 14 Nov 2010 IA. Analysis of Solar Active Regions and Activity from 13/2100Z to 14/2100Z: Solar activity was low. Region 1123 (S22W37) produced a C1/Sf flare at 14/0001Z. Region 1124 (N14W17) has grown in spot count as well as area while producing several B-class x-ray events. IB. Solar Activity Forecast: Solar activity is expected to be low with C-class flares likely for the next three days (15-17 November). IIA. Geophysical Activity Summary 13/2100Z to 14/2100Z: The geomagnetic field was mostly quiet with isolated periods of unsettled conditions at mid and high latitudes. The greater than 2 MeV electron flux at geosynchronous orbit reached high levels during the period. source: here
Again, the above Space Weather report is not particularly informative so I downloaded the NICT movie for the 14th November and of course Earth's magnetosphere was taking a severe beating from a high speed solar wind around midnight was about 650km/s but there looked to be a few specific blasts and maybe this was from radiation storms associated with the solar flares.

200 students admit cheating after professor's online rant
The Telegraph, 17th November 2010
More than 200 students at the University of Central Florida have come forward to admit to cheating after their professor gave a lecture on ethics that has become a YouTube hit.

Professor Richard Quinn was so disgusted by evidence that many of his students had cheated in their midterm exam that he gave them a lecture that he hoped would teach them a life-long lesson.

In the lecture, Prof Quinn told the class he had enough evidence from statistical analysis and other investigatory techniques to identify most cheats, but instead of handing the list over to the university authorities for discipling, he proposed a deal. [...] Prof Quinn has described the reaction and support he has received from the University, community and from around the world as "overwhelming", but added he was "looking forward to moving past this incident and focusing on the rest of the semester.”

Busted! I love Professor Quinn's supercool "forensic analysis of the data", but I think that a course in ethics should be mandatory for EVERYONE going through higher education.

Ryanair crew lock toilets, turn out lights and leave plane as re-routed passengers stage four-hour sit-in
Daily Mail, 17th November 2010
More than 100 furious passengers staged a mutiny aboard a Ryanair flight last night by refusing to get off a plane that was re-routed to Belgium. The jet carrying mainly French travellers from Fez in Morocco was supposed to have landed at Beauvais airport near Paris on Tuesday night but was delayed by weather. But because it took off three hours late, by the time it reached Beauvais, the airport had closed.

Ryanair are a dirt cheap airline but people expect to get miracles for their money too! These passengers were unreasonable, but maybe someone should have reminded them that the Polish Prime Minister and a plane full of politicians recently died in a plane crash, when the pilot tried to land in fog.

Extreme Species Living Without Oxygen Point to Possible ET Lifeforms
Daily Galaxy, 16th November 2010
A recently identified species, a loriciferan of the genus Spinoloricus, discovered early this summer by Roberto Danovaro at the Polytechnic University of Marche in Ancona, Italy inhabiting an anoxic, or oxygen-free environment, loaded with toxic levels of sulfides.

Electron microscopy revealed the three new species of loriciferans, resembling jellyfish sprouting from a conical shell, that lack mitochondria, the energy-making organelles or components in our cells that allow us to generate energy from oxygen among other functions. Instead, they possess large numbers of organelles resembling hydrogenosomes — anaerobic forms of mitochondria — that were previously seen in single-celled organisms inhabiting zero-oxygen environments.

Scientists are getting closer and closer to understanding how another lifeform can exist in hostile environments, without oxygen, but can look very similar to the familiar jelly-fish that lives in the sea. This is important to understand in order to explain the many recent sightings in the sky of jelly-fish UFOs with "tentacles of light", see archives. Yet, this is at the same time that atmospheric scientists are concerned about a "zoo" of electrical entities in Earth's upper atmosphere, which presumably is an alternative expression for the discovery of the highly electrical Transient Luminous Events that look extremely life-like and can take on forms that we can recognise like squid and jelly-fish, but they only last thousandths of a second. However the appearance of long lasting light phenomena means that somehow, nature has created a lifeform that has characteristics that seem to merge between what we believe is 'living' and what we believe is pure electrical energy. Therefore, we must conclude that Mother Nature is far more creative than we can imagine.

Rates of Scientific Fraud Retractions
Nature Blogs, 17th November 2010
Ivan Oransky on his Retraction Watch blog pointed to a paper by R. Grant Steen looking at numbers of retraction and whether they were due to fraud or error. Ivan pointed to a news item on The Great Beyond by Richard Van Noorden looking at one slightly surprising claim in the paper:"American scientists are significantly more prone to engage in data fabrication or falsification than scientists from other countries". Van Noorden looked at the data in a bit more detail and wasn't convinced, but didn't fully run the numbers. So I thought I would. [...]

We can see that the US has a slightly higher estimated rate of retraction due to fraud, which corresponds to about 30% more fraud per paper than average. But China and India have higher rates of retraction due to fraud than the US (and p-value fans will be happy to know that they are both statistically significance, with lots of stars to make you happy). China has about 3 times as many fraud retractions per paper as average, and India 5 times as many.

What does this mean for fraud and dishonesty? It may not mean that Indian scientists are more dishonest: it may be that they are no more or less honest than anyone else, just they they are caught more often and made to retract. I'll let others debate that: I have weak opinions, but no more data to back these up.

But Richard Van Noorden was right in his conclusions: the US doesn't produce the papers most likely to be retracted because of fraud. More generally, one should normalise by the right thing - and also be careful about what you're actually measuring: it may not be what you want to measure (here it's not the rate of fraud but the rate of retraction because of fraud).

It looks like there has been a small firestorm caused by the Steen paper article article and a blogger has gone to work to seek the truth. Well, maybe we have the Magician Effect here, because instead of seeing US scientists as being the worse scientific fraudsters, this should have been balanced with the notion that maybe peer review in other countries could more vigilant in catching bad scientific papers before they are published.

US scientists significantly more likely to publish fake research, 16th November 2010
US scientists are significantly more likely to publish fake research than scientists from elsewhere, finds a trawl of officially withdrawn (retracted) studies, published online in the Journal of Medical Ethics.

Fraudsters are also more likely to be "repeat offenders," the study shows. The study author searched the PubMed database for every scientific research paper that had been withdrawn—and therefore officially expunged from the public record—between 2000 and 2010.

A total of 788 papers had been retracted during this period. Around three quarters of these papers had been withdrawn because of a serious error (545); the rest of the retractions were attributed to fraud (data fabrication or falsification).

The highest number of retracted papers were written by US first authors (260), accounting for a third of the total. One in three of these was attributed to fraud.

The UK, India, Japan, and China each had more than 40 papers withdrawn during the decade. Asian nations, including South Korea, accounted for 30% of retractions. Of these, one in four was attributed to fraud. The fakes were more likely to appear in leading publications with a high "impact factor." This is a measure of how often research is cited in other peer reviewed journals.

Well, something is obviously happening... we have a new Journal of Medical Ethics.... This article has to be read in context by knowing about the research work of Dr. John Ioannidis, who has spent his career challenging his peers by exposing their bad science, see the article:

Lies, Damned Lies, and Medical Science
The Atlantic, 1st November 2010


Steen, R. (2010). Retractions in the scientific literature: do authors deliberately commit research fraud? Journal of Medical Ethics DOI: 10.1136/jme.2010.038125

Dr. Pim van Lommel Transformed by Near-Death Experience Research
Skeptico, 16th November 2010
Cardiologist and NDE Researcher Dr. Pim van Lommel discuses how his research with near-death experiencers has changed his beliefs about life and consciousness.

Join Skeptiko host Alex Tsakiris for an interview with cardiologist and author of Consciousness Beyond Life: The Science of the Near-Death Experience, Dr. Pim van Lommel. During the interview Dr. van Lommel explains how he began his research, and how what he learned from his patients led him to a personal transformation,

“I started to ask my patients who survived cardiac arrest if they could remember something of the period of unconsciousness. To my big surprise, out of 50 patients asked, 12 of them told me about their NDEs. This was the start of my scientific curiosity, how could people have an enhanced consciousness when they are unconscious, when the heart doesn’t work, and there is no breathing, and their brain has stopped functioning?” Van Lommel continues, “When you have spoken to patients who have had a near-death experience, their emotions, their reluctance to share their experience with you… it’s so honest. You just believe them because they’re so honest. You get convinced that there is more than what we can see, what we can measure.” [...]

Today’s guest is a world-class cardiologist and one of the leading medical experts on near-death experiences. His book titled, Consciousness Beyond Life: The Science of Near-Death Experience, covers his more than 25 years researching NDEs in the Netherlands and around the world.

It's very interesting to find out how well accepted this research is in The Netherlands. amongst the medical community.

"Mirrors in Your Brain": Does an Epic Discovery Do for Psychology What DNA Did for Biology?
Daily Galaxy, 15th November 2010
A recent paradigm-shattering discovery in neuroscience shows how our minds share actions, emotions, and experience -what we commonly call "the monkey see, monkey do" experience. When we see someone laugh, cry, show disgust, or experience pain, in some sense, we share that emotion.

When we see someone in distress, we share that distress. When we see a great actor, musician or sportsperson perform at the peak of their abilities, it can feel like we are experiencing just something of what they are experiencing.

Only recently, however, with the discover of mirror neurons, has it become clear just how this powerful sharing of experience is realized within the human brain.

As a reminder, psychopaths do not "mirror"... and that is the reason they are not able to consider the feelings of their victims...

GPS addict? It may be eroding your brain
MSNBC News, 15th November 2010
When it comes to spatial memory, it could be a case of 'use it or lose it,' say researchers

Jean Snyder says she isn't afraid of spiders, snakes or even dentists. But she is scared of one little thing: a GPS breakdown.

Snyder's 2005 Honda Odyssey is equipped with GPS, and for the last five years, Snyder hasn't looked at a map, noticed landmarks or even tried new routes to get from point A to point B. Instead, she relies on the disembodied voice of "Jackie," her GPS, to guide her.

"When it comes to finding my way, I've become a GPS zombie," says Snyder, a 47-year-old office manager in Highland Heights, Ohio. "I'm sure I'm not doing my brain any favors."

Snyder might be on to something. Three studies by McGill University researchers presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience on Sunday show that the way we navigate the world today may indeed affect just how well our brains function as we age — particularly the hippocampus, which is linked to memory.

It's quite amazing that some will confess they are happy to switch off and allow their brain to atrophy. The real problem I suppose is those who don't even realise that they are actually becoming partly brain dead, something that it is easy to spot in some...

Homeopathy works - but it is talking, not tinctures that helps patients
The Telegraph, 15th November 2010
Homeopathy can reduce the symptoms of disease, but it is the consultations not the remedies which are responsible, a new study has found.

Sufferers of rheumatoid arthritis who visited a homeopathic doctor experienced significant reductions in pain, inflammation and other key markers of the disease, the research shows.

Yet it made no difference whether the solution they received was a genuine homeopathic tincture prescribed to treat rheumatism, or a placebo.

The research, published today in the journal Rheumatology compared different groups of patients, who were already being given conventional medication for the disease. [...]

While the study suggested the remedies itself had no benefit, conventional medics should learn from the way homeopaths treated their patients, said Prof Lewith, a reader in the University’s Complementary Medicine Research Unit

“When you place the patient at the heart of the consultation you get a powerful effect. I think there are a lot of lesssons here for conventional medics about the need for patient-centred care, instead of treating people as walking diseases.”

Dr Sarah Brien, the study’s lead author, said that while previous research had suggested homeopathy could help patients with rheumatoid arthritis, the study provided the first scientific evidence to show such benefits were “specifically due to its unique consultation process”.

There is all sorts of problems now, because it is a scientific fact that the placebo effect is getting stronger... This also means that a healer's ability to bond and empathise with patients and therefore transfer healing energies is getting stronger. This article should be of interest to all genuine healers.

Britain to introduce happiness index: report
Yahoo News, 15th November 2010
LONDON (AFP) – Britain will introduce a "happiness index" to gauge its population's psychological and environmental wellbeing, a government source told the Guardian newspaper Monday.

Prime Minister David Cameron will ask the Office of National Statistics to prepare methods which will measure the "general wellbeing" despite reservations about the timing.

"The aim is to produce a fresh set of data ... to be published at a frequency to be decided that assesses the psychological and physical wellbeing of people around the UK," the source told the paper.

"That's objective measurements of, for instance, how much recycling gets done around the UK, alongside more subjective measures of psychology and attitudes."

Cameron is expected to put the index at the heart of future policy-making, but is in danger of receiving unwelcome results following the government's recent announcement of deep cuts to the public sector.

Still thinking about this one, but I have commented before about how this was being introduced in France. Well, Britain is very famous for the widespread mentality of keeping up with the Joneses even if that means putting yourself into massive debt. Now, with the country in severe economic decline, it is clear that many need to realise that conspicuous consumption, in theory, does not make you happy. No doubt, there will be many further articles about the government's motivation.

Feeling The Future: Is Precognition Possible?
Wired News, 15th November 2010
Most science papers don’t begin with a description of psi, those “anomalous processes of information or energy transfer” that have no material explanation. (Popular examples of psi include telepathy, clairvoyance and psychokinesis.) It’s even less common for a serious science paper, published in an elite journal, to show that psi is a real phenomenon. But that’s exactly what Daryl Bem of Cornell University has demonstrated in his new paper, “Feeling the Future: Experimental Evidence for Anomalous Retroactive Influences on Cognition and Affect,” which was just published in The Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.

Most science papers don’t begin with a description of psi, those “anomalous processes of information or energy transfer” that have no material explanation. (Popular examples of psi include telepathy, clairvoyance and psychokinesis.) It’s even less common for a serious science paper, published in an elite journal, to show that psi is a real phenomenon. But that’s exactly what Daryl Bem of Cornell University has demonstrated in his new paper, “Feeling the Future: Experimental Evidence for Anomalous Retroactive Influences on Cognition and Affect,” which was just published in The Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.

The fact that this research has been quite widely reported is a sign of the times after the 'dark' decades of scientists having to be ultra discreet about this kind of research and hiding behind the use of semantics to make sure they get adequate funding. Anyway, some of the research highlighted here is particularly interesting because it reveals that when emotions are involved, people have greater psi power. This is because our emotions are outside of time and space and humans often get a "bleed-through" into our "now" from what we think of as our past and our future. This was first discovered by the scientists in the old, Soviet Union who also noted that our psi ability is effected by natural magnetic fields. If scientists don't take these factors into consideration, then results will be more inconsistent as many scientists have found. The comments are quite interesting and generally intelligent here.

Is this proof that spooky auras are real?
New Scientist, 14th November 2010
Glowing visions of light that emanate from a person's body, often seen by those claiming to be psychic, really do exist, for some people at least. That's the tantalising conclusion of a study on a new form of emotion-colour synaesthesia which projects itself as coloured auras.

Other forms of synaesthesia include numbers and letters that evoke colours, touch that evokes emotions and colours with their own fragrances. Now, Vilayanur Ramachandran and colleagues at the University of California, San Diego, have identified a new type of synaesthesia in a man whose emotions give rise to colours, which can take the form of auras surrounding other people. [...]

"Some people who claim to be psychic may be telling the truth when they say they can see auras, perhaps they are on this spectrum of synaesthesia," says Elizabeth Seckel, who also worked on the project. They could be empathising with another person's emotions and projecting this onto the person as a coloured aura, adds Miller.

These scientists are only just updating the knowledge database and scientific proof for the existence of the aura that is already at least fifty years old!!!!! We can also assume that before this time, the Russians had already made a significant contribution, as they were early leaders in the field of bioelectromagnetism. and aura research. Anyway, I wrote about the research of US based Dr Valerie Hunt, who proved that a good sensitive could see the aura, because they consistently matched colour with the aura's frequency signature, which was achieved using NASA astronaut technology (telemetry) that had been adapted to detect biolectric energy.

Earth Wisdom Keeper Little Grandmother - Speaks in Zurich [25:45]
Vimeo, 14th November 2010
Kiesha Crowther Little Grandmother, one of the 12 young Shaman wisdom keepers to establish the "Tribe of many colors" recently was on a European Tour spreading her message on how to start living from the heart. She also speaks about our ancestors, the pole shift, where the extraterrestrials are hiding and what we can do to change our world and heal Mother Earth. This is a 25 minutes summary of her workshop in Zurich, Switzerland of early November 2010. Two shorter videos on 2012 and various subjects will be published soon.

Well, I am not 100% sold on Little Grandmother and I have some quibbles about a few facts that she gives out, but generally, she gives a good synopsis of the current situation with a surprising mention near the end of the clip about near term government disclosure about our star brothers and sisters. Well, I am most impressed that she seems to have some idea of the order of Earth changing events. She is very clear that the Earth has already started to tilt and she claims that after the Earth has completed this tilt, we will experience a major event that will lead into a New Ice Age. This screws up the disasterous pole shift theory from people who warn us that 90% of the world is going to die but then tell folk to not worry, but just to keep paying their bills. Sigh.... Anyway, she talks about living from the heart and quite frankly I think this is of major importance. We need those high love frequencies to strengthened the human energy field. Pretending to be nice is not good enough, the Universe is not stupid and the energy signature of love is what is going to save people when a big blast of energy hits the planet. This is something that has struck me as always being true and I have been suspicious of people that don't even believe that the heart chakra has to be wide open to receive certain energies. Quite frankly, we will know soon enough who is right, by who is left standing... Youtube version: part 1 & part 2

Coronal Mass Ejections: Scientists Unlock the Secrets of Exploding Plasma Clouds on the Sun
Science Daily News, 14th November 2010
The Sun sporadically expels trillions of tons of million-degree hydrogen gas in explosions called coronal mass ejections (CMEs). Such clouds are enormous in size (spanning millions of miles) and are made up of magnetized plasma gases, so hot that hydrogen atoms are ionized. CMEs are rapidly accelerated by magnetic forces to speeds of hundreds of kilometers per second to upwards of 2,000 kilometers per second in several tens of minutes.

Now, using the data from STEREO, scientists at the Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) in Washington, D.C., have demonstrated for the first time that the observed motion of erupting plasma clouds driven by magnetic forces can be correctly explained by a theoretical model.

The theory, controversial when it was first proposed in 1989 by Dr. James Chen of NRL, is based on the concept that an erupting plasma cloud is a giant "magnetic flux rope," a rope of "twisted" magnetic field lines shaped like a partial donut. Chen and Valbona Kunkel, a doctoral student at George Mason University, have applied this model to the new STEREO data of CMEs and shown that the theoretical solutions agree with the measured trajectories of the ejected clouds within the entire field of view from the Sun to Earth. [...]

Interestingly, the basic forces acting on solar flux ropes are the same as those in laboratory plasma structures such as tokamaks developed to produce controlled fusion energy. The mechanism described by the theory is also potentially applicable to eruptions on other stars.

Oh well, it's only taken 21 years for technical observations to prove the theory... Anyway, we have a remarkable admission here. It looks like these researchers may have based their theory on laboratory plasma observations which has scaled up to match CME behaviour. Despite the fact that traditional astronomers refuse to consider that we live in a Plasma Universe that is dominated by the electromagnetic force, this theory has passed a major test and should provide alternative thinkers with even more confidence, as we aim to understand how the universe works. I also noted the interesting video associated with the much older article linked to the above, about scientists being able to predict plumes over the United States. In ancient metaphysical language, the plumes have been traditionally referred to as "serpents". See,

Sun Darkens Electronics
Space Physicists and Atmospheric Scientists Can Now Predict Disruptions Caused by the Sun's Coronal Mass Ejections
Science Daily, 1st March 2006

Gore’s Movie in the UK – behind the scenes battle
Watts Up With That, 13th November 2010
This story begins with Ofcom, the public authority that enforces broadcasting legislation in the UK, telling me that Al Gore’s film, An Inconvenient Truth (AIT) is not a ‘factual documentary’, and ends with them deciding that climate change - the subject of the film - is not a matter relating to current public policy. You may well wonder how this could have happened, and it will take some time to explain.

Read the rest at Harmless Sky:

How the broadcasting regulator sidestepped An Inconvenient Truth

There is what looks like a typo in this article that was picked up by someone in the WUWT comments, nano pope says: November 13, 2010 at 8:18 am
(“blogoshere”, well some need the wool sheared from their eyes, but I don’t think that’s what you intended.
I believe that a new phrase has been coined, but I don't think it's an accident as it can be found in the original article. Whatever, this new phrase provides a serious depth of meaning, but it also provides some amusement!

Climategate, a year of comedy.
The Air Vent, 12th November 2010
When the solar wind is perturbed from a recent flare or other event on the sun, we might get very strong aurora. After the solar wind has transferred a lot of energy into the magnetosphere, a sudden release of this built-up tension can cause an explosive auroral display. These large events are called substorms. [...]

Climategate taught different people different lessons though. Instead of journals opening up and allowing the reasonable moderate AGW science to be published, they tightened their unofficial policies forcing the non-anointed to go through endless reviews before rejection. Countless hours are spent by those who would publish moderate work in the face of extremist AGW claims. But it is funny!! Apparently climate science believes humans can control not only the planetary temperature but the laws of physics as well! [...]

The truth is out where even the rock dumb extremist AGWer’s can figure it out now though, Mann’s Nature trick to hide the decline pretty well cleared it all up. This post should serve as a warning/reminder to you all in the media and in the less informed public, we ‘skeptics’ of AGW extremism are well enough versed in climate science to know fully that there is a lot more than you saw from Climategate and ‘hide the decline’ going on behind the scenes, and it is even worse than you think.

Many are celebrating the first anniversary of Climategate and the headline is apt, as we are provided with a sardonic summary of the skepticism surrounding climate science. The Air Vent is famous for being the website that first took notice of the efforts by an anonymous person to notify the world about the existence of the original Climategate emails.

The Burning Bush They’ll Buy, but Not ESP or Alien Abduction
New York Times, 12th November 2010
Practically anything goes at the American Academy of Religion’s annual conference, where scholars of dozens of religions convene annually to debate, relate and on occasion mate. Conversation ranges from the Talmud to tantra, from Platonism to Satanism. This year, from Oct. 30 to Nov. 1 in Atlanta, nearly 5,000 people attended panels including “Seeking New Meanings of God and Dao” and “Madness, Smallpox, and Death in Tibet.”

What was almost impossible to find, at this orgy of intellectual curiosities, was discussion of the paranormal: ESP, premonitions, psychic powers, alien abduction and the like. This is a conference concerned with all sorts of supernatural and metaphysical claims. In panels, over coffee and during cocktail-hour quarrels, they talk of Moses at the burning bush, the virgin birth, Muhammad’s journey on a winged horse. So why nothing about, say, mental telepathy?

This is no surprise to me. It seems that explaining to people that humans are on an evolutionary path and that we are meant to evolve many different latent human abilities, is not on the agenda for many religious organisations. Meanwhile, it seems that our scientists and psychologists have been studying human development for decades and have managed to verify that humans have a host of senses that only work when receptors in the body are properly wired-up to the brain to permit human comprehension. Basically, we all have the same abilities but some have got various areas in the brain switched on and actually working. It seems that a few religious groups have worked out what you need to do to get the dead parts of the brain active or kick started, but other religious groups actively seek to keep people afraid of developing their innate abilities. I suppose the real question must be: why are most religious organisations so staid and happy to encourage people to remain unenlightened and undeveloped?

Qantas 'scarebus' QF32 was a flying wreck, 12th November 2010
  • Damage shows how close flight was to disaster
  • Engine shrapnel tore through wing, fuel tanks
  • Jet looked liked battle-scarred World War II bomber

A QANTAS superjumbo was a flying wreck after an engine exploded shooting chunks of metal through fuel tanks and flight control systems.

Last week's mid-air emergency off Singapore also badly damaged a wing, which may have to be replaced. A full list of the damage to the Airbus A380 has been revealed after it was nursed back to Singapore on three engines.

When it touched down the fuel systems were failing, the forward spar supporting the left wing had been holed and one of the jet's two hydraulic systems was knocked out and totally drained of fluid. [...] Investigators found that an oil fire may have caused the engine to explode.

So, things were much more serious than first impressions... The list of what went wrong here is impressive... I wonder what caused the oil fire...

Proposal rejected, man tries to run over woman
ABC 7 Local, 12th November 2010
PICO RIVERA, Calif. (KABC) -- He planned to get engaged. Instead, he got arrested. A marriage proposal turned violent when a woman turned her boyfriend down. A Whittier man had it all planned out.

He painted the words, "Will you marry me?" on his car, hoping, of course, his girlfriend would say yes. But when she didn't, deputies say he tried to run her down with the very car he used to propose. It all happened on the 9300 block of Slauson Avenue in Pico Rivera.

Witnesses say the suspect was driving so fast, he hit a curb and vaulted into a parking lot. The suspect is behind bars and his girlfriend is in a women's shelter with a protective order. He wanted a commitment from his longtime girlfriend. But his marriage proposal exposed a dark side of his passion. Witnesses saw him pursuing the woman who was supposedly the love of his life.

This is something that I have noted in my own life. When some people want something from you they 'love bomb'. When that fails, (they say jump and you don't jump) they get really nasty very quickly or become creepy. Interestingly, these people are so retarded, they behave like they can't understand why you don't want anything to do with them.

Why Is Russia Building 5000 More Nuclear Bomb Shelters In Moscow By The End Of 2012?
End of the American Dream, 11th November 2010
Russia certainly seems to be in a hurry to prepare for something.  RT is reporting that 5,000 new nuclear bomb shelters will be constructed in the city of Moscow by the end of 2012.

Russian authorities believe that these new shelters are urgently needed because the current nuclear bomb shelters will only hold approximately half the population and are quite outdated.

In addition, there are apparently very few nuclear bomb shelters for those living outside the city center at this point. Officials want virtually the entire population of Moscow to be able to reach a bomb shelter within a matter of minutes. But in this era when the "Cold War" is supposed to be over, why are 5000 nuclear bomb shelters such an urgent necessity?

It seems that the Russians are also planning for major catastrophe. Read my essay The Greatest Transition, the Russians realise we are facing a cosmic armageddon and it might be a bit rough for a while.

Royal make-up artist Teresa Fairminer 'ran down TV executive in busy street'
Daily Mail, 11th November 2010
A beauty expert who did the Duchess of Cornwall’s make-up on her wedding day ran down a TV executive after a blazing row, a court heard yesterday.

Teresa Fairminer was ‘absolutely possessed’ as she drove her Mini Cooper at Dominic Moran, carrying him on the bonnet into a busy street, a jury was told.

The 59-year-old – whose clients include Catherine Zeta-Jones, Cherie Blair, and Helena Bonham Carter – had stormed round to Mr Moran’s London office after he emailed her to say he was ‘very disappointed’ she pulled out of a consultation for his niece’s wedding. [...] The TV executive tried to prevent Fairminer leaving the office car park until the police arrived, but instead she drove at him. ‘I realised I was in a bad position,’ he told the court. ‘She just went for me and I realised, “Oh my God she’s not going to stop”.

‘I was carried on the bonnet into the bus lane and thought I was going to go under one. She could have killed me.’

We are seeing more stories of the British upperclass type going completely crazy. This story is incredible when we consider the famed British uppercrust stereotype of being reserved, or emotionally cold and detached. What happened? I would love to see a report written by a professional, it could make interesting reading, but I have written many many times about people flipping out as they fail to control their emotions which are amplified in unstable geomagnetic conditions. The terms and conditions for living on planet Earth have changed, being famous and rich does not make any difference in this new high energy and unstable electromagnetic environment.

California Missile Case Closed as Jet Contrail? Not Exactly
DBKP, 12th November 2010
‘Most likely’ a jet contrail?

According to the media and the Dept. of Defense the case is closed on last Monday’s California ‘missile’ event, the culprit ‘most likely’ an aircraft. In reality, if you closely read the media reports, the Pentagon email sent out to the press used the word ‘likely’ three times and the phrase ‘most likely’. ‘Most likely’ not exactly a definitive ‘It wasn’t a missile’ [...]

In the Scientific American article Out to Launch?: “Mystery Missile” off California Coast Was Probably Just an Airliner, Pentagon Says, the info that not all the ‘experts’ agree the missile was an aircraft:

But Theodore Postol, a professor of science, technology and international security at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, is not yet convinced. The Pentagon, he wrote in an e-mail, has provided no detailed information to support the aircraft claim. “One of their jobs is to provide air surveillance for the country, and they should be able to provide a convincing analysis supported by data for their conclusion,” said Postol, who furnished photographs of the mystery contrail along with remarkably similar pictures of solid-propellant missile launches. “I do not know what to think at this point,” he said, “but one thing is for sure, the Pentagon has not provided a plausible explanation of the observed event.”

There are some interesting technical details here that shed more light on why so many missile experts are refusing to believe the Pentagon's official explanation for the "mystery missile" enigma.

I have a confession to make. Since I have been aware of Cliff High's Webbot reports, I have been as skeptical as hell. Then one day, I came across other sceptics comparing Webbot graphics with Mckenna's Timewave Zero graphics and I was truly enlightened. If the Webbot is really based on Timewave Theory, then all the junk about internet chatter can be completely ignored and I prefer to believe the CH has got a remote viewer serving him up with some interesting snippets of info. So, I have done some more investigation into the Timewave Zero theory and of course have come up with some different ideas about novelty and interconnectedness. A fundamental question that I have yet to find a suitable answer to is: 'connectedness' with what? However, I now have my own ideas. The 21st December 2012 "zero point" is a joke because Mckenna claimed that people would not understand infinite connectedness so he decided to call it zero and I think that is where there is a major flaw in people's understanding of what is taking place, please note that there is fiddle with this end date but other researchers have already exposed this. Anyway, I am still checking things out and I appreciate the teaching of people who have spent many years studying Timewave Zero Theory because it's the study of the flux of universal energy and that is of great interest to me. CH has identified a major tipping point in November and in terms of energetic changes, I think the date is approximately right. We have huge plumes of aetheric energies blasting off from planet Earth into outer space, with one incident only 37 miles away from a major US city. This "mystery missile" was so awesome that it managed to panic some people into thinking that the country is at war, so this has got to be considered a major change or a significant increase in novelty in McKenna's Timewave Zero speak. With some reservations, I am now certainly much more interested in watching the predicted energetic ups and downs...

The New York Times and the mystery missile
WSWS News, 16th November 2010
This is an interesting read, but again, the writers have NO idea of the existence of ghost rockets. This is the only reason why the military and other authorities would rather make themselves look incompetent (pretend to be stupid), than explain the truth, because that would amount to UFO disclosure.

Cameraman who filmed “mystery missile” describes spectacular sight
L.A. Times, 9th November 2010
Copy: 3:06 pm The KCBS helicopter cameraman who captured the footage of the "mystery missile" launch offered more details about the dramatic video he shot Monday evening. Pentagon officials said they continue to look into what they have called an "unexplained contrail." Each branch of the military has denied involvement. Cameraman Gil Leyvas shot video of a luminous point hurtling through the sky followed by a long vapor trail. He said he was aboard the television station's helicopter shooting footage of the sunset over the ocean about 5:15 p.m when he noticed the spiral-shaped vapor trail and zoomed in to get a better look.

The onboard camera showed a plume twisting up from the horizon and narrowing as it climbed into the sky near Catalina Island, about 35 miles west of Los Angeles, he said.

"Whatever it was, it was spinning up into the sky kind of like a spiral," and was easy to distinguish from condensation trails from jets, he said. "It was quite a sight to see. It was spectacular."

I thought it was worth pointing out that not even stunt planes can spiral UPWARDS and generate an effect that fools the military into believing they were witnessing a BIG MISSILE. Please also note the following:
The photographer who captured video of the mysterious object in the sky over Southern California on Monday evening describes what he saw through the lens of his camera.

“It kind of grew and got spirally in nature and as I zoomed into the point of it, you could see, whatever is was, spinning like a bullet or football,” said Gil Leyvas, photographer for KCBS.
Source: Mystery in the Sky Still Unsolved, CBS47 TV, 10th November 2010
I would also like to point out to those new to this website and my research, Russian scientists revealed back in 1997, that Earth was experiencing an EXODUS of plasma objects. Evidence has been provided of these objects streaking into the skies and then rolling themselves up into a ball of light before leaving this planet. This is support for a small part of the metaphysical community that has been claiming that Earth is experiencing "a changing of the guard", hence some metaphysicians have had this covered for literally TWO DECADES! Obviously, I realise there are many people who still have no clue that we are experiencing a massive planetary refresh of aetheric energies. This is despite the evidence provided by the NASA, the European Space Agency and the rest of the space scientific community over the last decade or so, but most people are not educated enough to understand the implications, spiritual or otherwise.

Update: Here is the official Pentagon response!

Pentagon: 'mystery missile' was probably airplane
AP, 10th November 2010
WASHINGTON (AP) — The Pentagon says that an airplane and not a missile launch was the likely cause of a large vapor trail in the skies off Southern California's coast. A CBS affiliate on Monday videotaped the vapor trail that many viewers thought resembled the cloudy track of a missile in flight. But military officials said they did not know of any rockets being launched in the area. Defense Department spokesman Col. Dave Lapan says that officials are satisfied the phenomenon was an airplane vapor trail distorted by camera angle, winds and other environmental factors. He says military experts studied the video and talked to all the government agencies that might have been involved in a missile launch and none reported having launched one.

Comment: It's official: the Pentagon took nearly 48 hours to tell the world that what they initially believed was a missile was really a plane condensation trail, even though ballistic experts and some military officials, mostly off the record are still saying it was a missile and very few like me, are saying it was a "ghost rocket", but this is the only explanation for the strange response, confusion and effort to cover-up. Well, this is a planetary refresh that still seems to be accelerating in intensity, so we can expect more of the same. Advice: keep your eyes peeled!

Interesting Info Update 11th November

Jet contrails from some angles look like missile trails
Contrail Science, 9th November 2010
This is interesting, but not convincing. There are far too many "experts" who are convinced that this was a missile. The question is: why did the FAA, NORAD, the US military and Pentagon tell the media they had no idea what the hell was going on? It should have taken at max 1 hour to check and tell the media it was a condensation trail from a plane, instead of which it took them nearly 48 hours! That is ridiculous!! Read the skeptical comments!

Mystery vapor trail on California coast
ABC 7 News, 10th November 2010

Slideshow posted in Los Angeles News

This is the large vapour trail that the Pentagon took 48 hours to confirm was from a plane and therefore was not caused by a missile. Click the link or image for a gallery of 5 photos. One newscaster stated:
"I don't think I want to fly on one of those kinds of planes!"

Military Gives Conflicting Statements Regarding Mystery Missile
The Blaze, 9th November 2010
[...] "This morning, the North American Aerospace Defense Command released a statement saying that at no point were Americans in danger.

“We are aware of the unexplained contrail reported off the coast of Southern California yesterday evening,” NORAD and the U.S. Northern Command, which operates the U.S. and Canadian missile warning system, said. “At this time, we are unable to provide specific details but we are working to determine the exact nature of this event.”

It continued: “We can confirm that there is no indication of any threat to our nation and we will provide more information as it becomes available.”

However that statement has come under fire from Pentagon spokesman. Col. Dave Lapan, who said he is not able to concur with an official from NORAD who told Fox News earlier that there was “no threat to the homeland.”

Lapan said the military doesn’t know exactly what the so-called mystery missile was, so it can‘t say it’s harmless.

I think it's safe to say that if this was a real missile, than the billions of dollars spent in the defence of North America has been a complete waste of resources. Some self-professed experts are claiming that despite the fact that this object looked like an ICBM (Inter-Continental Ballistic Missile) it was far too slow and big, so officialdom are severely hampered in their ability to tell believable lies. Anyway, the Pentagon seem to be taking their time in making an official statement... They probably need to brainstorm in order to come up with a story that is water tight. Personally, I would suggest telling people the truth would be easier.

Apparently, two missiles launched! So, I was right, see below!!!!!!!
More details to come...

Update 10th November
This is complicated. I was referring to the probability of a missile launch that drew the attention of the military who then witnessed another launch that was caught on camera. However, news is circulating the blogosphere and now some mainstream media of a similar "missile" launch near Phoenix, Arizona around the 5th November (with nice pics here but the discussion is confused) and there are reports of another missile one day later in the same region of Catalina that is only getting a slight mention in the MSM. So, the controversy is ongoing and the credibility of the military and Pentagon has taken a severe blow.

Pentagon can't explain apparent mystery rocket off California coast
CNN News, 9th November 2010
4:14 p.m. EST The Federal Aviation Administration, the Coast Guard, Navy, Air Force, and California Reps. Dana Rohrabacher and Jane Harman -- whose coastal districts are closest to the offshore contrails -- were at a loss to explain the images.

"The FAA ran radar replays of a large area west of Los Angeles based on media reports of the possible missile launch at approximately 5 p.m. (PT) on Monday. The radar replays did not reveal any fast moving, unidentified targets in that area," said FAA spokesman Ian Gregor. "The FAA did not receive reports ... of unusual sightings from pilots who were flying in the area on Monday afternoon."

Comment: At the risk of sounding sarcastic, I suggest the Americans ask the Canadian Ministry of Defence because they figured out their own little incident back in January 2010, fairly quickly. However, the response to concerned citizens by the Canadian Minister of Defence was to laugh in their faces, which I thought was quite disgusting behaviour.

US government clueless about mystery missile launch
RT America, 10th November 2010
Comment: Of course the Russians want to make hay while the Sun shines, but similar events have been occuring in Russia but they have not received the same level of media attention. Whatever, as things now stand, the two way traffic of plasma flow in the form of what looks like "rockets", "missiles" and "fireballs" appears to be still increasing.

Update 2

I think there is a major problem within the military because nobody is willing to say they were responsible for setting off a rogue missile. For a start, some will know about 'ghost rockets' but worse than this, the last time something did go wrong and a B52 bomber flew over American air space with nuclear weapons, senior military were sacked. What's more, we have to assume that the military have already completed a missile stock check since it is over 24 hours since this event took place... At the moment, all the suggestions that this was an ordinary plane with a strange contrail is making senior military and pentagon officials look completely and utterly stupid and I refuse to post these MSM stories circulating in the media. They are meant for gullible sheeple and I refuse to cooperate in diseminating such crap.

Pentagon: 'mystery missile' was probably airplane
AP, 10th November 2010
WASHINGTON (AP) — The Pentagon says that an airplane and not a missile launch was the likely cause of a large vapor trail in the skies off Southern California's coast. A CBS affiliate on Monday videotaped the vapor trail that many viewers thought resembled the cloudy track of a missile in flight. But military officials said they did not know of any rockets being launched in the area. Defense Department spokesman Col. Dave Lapan says that officials are satisfied the phenomenon was an airplane vapor trail distorted by camera angle, winds and other environmental factors. He says military experts studied the video and talked to all the government agencies that might have been involved in a missile launch and none reported having launched one.

Comment: It's official: the Pentagon took nearly 48 hours to tell the world that what they initially believed was a missile was really a plane condensation trail, even though ballistic experts and some military officials, mostly off the record are still saying it was a missile and very few like me, are saying it was a "ghost rocket", but this is the only explanation for the strange response, confusion and effort to cover-up. Well, this is a planetary refresh that still seems to be accelerating in intensity, so we can expect more of the same. Advice: keep your eyes peeled!

Interesting Info Update 11th November

Jet contrails from some angles look like missile trails
Contrail Science, 9th November 2010
This is interesting, but not convincing. There are far too many "experts" who are convinced that this was a missile. The question is: why did the FAA, NORAD, the US military and Pentagon tell the media they had no idea what the hell was going on? It should have taken at max 1 hour to check and tell the media it was a condensation trail from a plane, instead of which it took them nearly 48 hours! That is ridiculous!! Read the skeptical comments!

Video: Mystery Missile Launch Seen off Calif. Coast
CBS News, 9th November 2010
(CBS) A mysterious missile launch off the southern California coast was caught by CBS affiliate KCBS's cameras Monday night, and officials are staying tight-lipped over the nature of the projectile.

CBS station KFMB put in calls to the Navy and Air Force Monday night about the striking launch off the coast of Los Angeles, which was easily visible from the coast, but the military has said nothing about the launch.

KFMB showed video of the apparent missile to former U.S. Ambassador to NATO Robert Ellsworth, who is also a former Deputy Secretary of Defense, to get his thoughts. Scroll down for KFMB video showing the launch.

"It's spectacular… It takes people's breath away," said Ellsworth, calling the projectile, "a big missile".

OK, at the moment this is a "mysterious missile" and if the US Military does not claim it, I will state this must have been one big GHOST ROCKET!!! Check the archives Fireballs, meteorites & strange 'heavenly phenomena' for stories in January 2010, about the Canadian ghost rocket (which is a known plasma phenomena), that was laughed off by the Canadian Minister of Defence. For comparison, video [0:32] ICBM being launched from a submarine More:

MSNBC Video: Mysterious Missile Launches over Southern California
YouTube, 9th November 2010 (Copy of the above MSNBC video)

Video: Mystery missile caught on video near L.A.
MSNBC News, 9th November 2010
"This is bizzarre!" Pentagon official
Even the Pentagon are baffled, this is looking more and more like a ghost rocket, watch the MSNBC report, the military CANNOT claim this missile because it's too close to the densely populated city of Los Angeles... yet, no doubt, the world will be left baffled again....

As the original story revealed what looked like a military helicopter that was perilously close to the supposed missile, I think that maybe there was some activity and the military went out to check and another ghost rocket launched off. The US military, as well as anybody that has done some research on UFOs in World War II, will know that there are times when this plasma phenomena seems to be more frequent and batches of launches appear in the same region at about the same time. Anyway, the blogosphere is buzzing... people are quite concerned that Fox News are trying to claim this was an "accidental" launch.... as that is a seriously stupid suggestion...

Well, the US military don't seem to be too worried, which is now a repeating and familiar pattern, but it will be interesting to see how this can be explained away. The Pentagon has said it will make a statement...

UFOs and Nukes Lecture at Oxford University
Press Dispensary, 10th November 2010
November 10, 2010 - Press Dispensary - UFOs and Nukes Lecture at Oxford University

What: A lecture by Robert Hastings titled “UFOs: The Secret Story”

Where: Oxford University - Jacqueline Du Pre Auditorium at St Hilda's College

When: Wednesday, November 24, 2010 7:30 P.M. Ticketed Admission Only

Contact: Robert Hastings 505-263-3815 (New Mexico, USA)


Media: Admission free with ID. No seating available—standing room only.

“UFOs: The Secret Story” is a 60-minute lecture concerning the U.S. government’s covert response to UFO activity at nuclear weapons sites and is based on hundreds of U.S. Air Force, FBI and CIA documents declassified via the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), as well as the testimony of 120 former or retired U.S. military personnel interviewed by Hastings.

The documents confirm that UFOs do indeed exist and further reveal that these mysterious aerial objects are of the greatest concern to the U.S. Air Force and various American intelligence agencies. Consequently, the files completely contradict frequent public denials about the UFO reality issued over the years by official spokesmen in Washington.

I am sure there will be a lot of interest, as the UK is now inundated with UFOs...

Miami-area: Many large birds reported “floating in Biscayne Bay covered in oil” — “Biologists mind-boggled” (VIDEO)
Florida Oil, 10th November 2010
A passing boater contacted the Florida Fish and Wildlife Center after spotting the lethargic vultures floating in Biscayne Bay covered in oil.

Rescuers took the birds to the Bird of Prey Center at the Miami Science Museum for treatment. “We’re gonna give them fluids; warm them up. These birds are probably all hypothermic, so a lot of supportive care and none of them appear to have any fractures, said employee Meranda Dickey of the Miami Science Museum.

There is a real mystery here about these birds being found in the water covered in oil when they can't even swim properly. I am thinking maybe they tried to migrate but were overcome by the chemicals in the air or there was some geomagnetic storm and they ended up in the water. Since all the islands in the gulf are covered in oil too, maybe they struggled to find somewhere safe to land for a rest, so ended up in the water. Whatever happened, this whole Gulf crisis is just completely sickening... literally. See Turkey Vulture Migration Project... & this story from November 2008, where these Buzzards were having problems, see Turkey Vultures Fall from the Sky: Many Perish in Florida Bay For the latest, see below:

Wildlife officials rescue Turkey Vultures
WSVN Ch 7 News, 10th November 2010
Original news item

*Update* Miami wildlife officer: “Birds sporadically dispersed, floating southward, about a mile slick of them” — CBS reports 10 dead (VIDEOS & PHOTO)
Florida Oil, 10th November 2010

Video: Did You See The Fire In The NYC Sky? [New York, US]
CBS New York, 10th November 2010
Chopper 2 Films Red-Hot Streak Moving Behind Emp. State Bldg

NEW YORK (CBS 2) — Did you see it? Chopper 2 HD sure did. It was a bizarre, glowing red-hot streak in the sky — right at sunset Wednesday — moving briskly behind the Manhattan skyline.

CBS 2 reached out to a top astronomer who looked at the video. He said it looks beautiful, but that is was like nothing more than what’s known as a “contrail” — condensation from a commercial or military jet.

Watch Out! Magnetospheric Plasmoid About! This is the greatest transition in the history of mankind and I have just found out that knowledge of what would happen at the End of An Age or (End Times), was also carefully preserved in ancient Egyptian text. It was clear enough for a very famous and respected academic to risk his reputation and write a book about UFOs. His reasoning was that he was worried because the Egyptians were warning about what would happen and he believed that humanity were not prepared. In theory, ufologists should know who this is, but for everybody else, finding out the name of this very famous person and the relevant details, should be considered as a homework assignment. Well folks, the End of the Age is here, the UFOs are here but I do not know if I am qualified to state whether humanity are ready for this MASSIVE REVELATION, but people do seem to be coping. I love the comment here by Aiden at 7:42 am.
What kind of speed is that “contrail” or “condensation trail” doing please ?

Has Concorde been given a new certificate to fly ?
LOL!! YouTube video copy [0:30] here. Also, Streak flying over New York - Brightness enhanced . Yet, there has been more strangeness reported in the sky over New York recently:

GWETV: Proof of 2 HUGE Pyramid UFO'S in Manhattan NYC 11-2-10 Part 1
YouTube, 6th November 2010
"(1 of 2) On November 2nd, 2010 GWETV news correspondent captured on video the activity of 2 huge so-called UFO's as they hovered over east and west Manhattan in the middle of the night. Passerby's did not see these quiet and extremely large space craft which seemed to communicate their interest and display incredible power through lighting systems and maneuverability all while going undetected by the general public."
This was sent to me by a friend, I have no idea of the credibility of the source, but it was quite a show... Link Part 2

Queens gets its own 'missile' attack [New York, US]
New York Post, 11th November 2010
"First California. Now they're shooting at Queens! Two days after a mysterious vapor trail appeared at sundown off the Los Angeles coast -- triggering fears of an enemy missile attack -- a stunning replay occurred in the sky over Far Rockaway. A passer-by snapped a photo of a billowing streak yesterday afternoon at around 5 p.m. Like Monday's scare on the West Coast, it looked like the exhaust from a just-launched missile. What caused the contrail visible from the Rockaways also is not known."
Another ghost rocket?!?

I have just had an hilarious thought. If reported sightings found on the New York webcams can be independently verified, it seems that SETV scientists won't have to bother creating an open air laboratory in the middle of nowhere, they can just set up in a New York penthouse! LOL!! See the remarkable compilation video by YouTube User Samara Schaff below:

Manhattan-New York -- ufo's October - November 2010
YouTube User Samara Schaff, 3rd November 2010 This is quite impressive!

Festival of Lights over Manhattan, New York Increasing - November 1st 2010
YouTube User Samara Schaff, 2nd November 2010

US teen burglar busted on MySpace, 10th November 2010
A US teenager has been caught when he logged on to his MySpace account after breaking into a house and forgot to log off.

Local media say that when police were called to the Florida home after the robbery they discovered the computer was logged into a MySpace account in the name of Robert Rupp. Police arrested Rupp soon afterwards and he had screwdrivers in his pockets. He later admitted to the break-in, saying he did it because it was cold outside.

Interestingly, this is happening quite frequently. People break-in, make themselves at home and 'forget' to cover their tracks...

NASA's Fermi Telescope Finds Giant Structure in our Galaxy
NASA Science News, 9th November 2010
WASHINGTON -- NASA's Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope has unveiled a previously unseen structure centered in the Milky Way. The feature spans 50,000 light-years and may be the remnant of an eruption from a supersized black hole at the center of our galaxy.

"What we see are two gamma-ray-emitting bubbles that extend 25,000 light-years north and south of the galactic center," said Doug Finkbeiner, an astronomer at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics in Cambridge, Mass., who first recognized the feature. "We don't fully understand their nature or origin."

The structure spans more than half of the visible sky, from the constellation Virgo to the constellation Grus, and it may be millions of years old. A paper about the findings has been accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal.

This is not new news see New Scientist, 3rd June 2010 Giant glowing bubbles found around Milky Way. The hour glass structure is very common feature seen in many difference perspectives in the universe. For example, The Butterfly Nebula, The Boomerang Nebula, The Ant Nebula, The Hourglass nebula, MyCn18, the Cat's Eye Nebula and many more. NASA seem to be attention seeking at the moment. See:

NASA Announces Televised Chandra News Conference
NASA News, 10th November 2010
"WASHINGTON -- NASA will hold a news conference at 12:30 p.m. EST on Monday, Nov. 15, to discuss the Chandra X-ray Observatory's discovery of an exceptional object in our cosmic neighborhood. The news conference will originate from NASA Headquarters' television studio, 300 E St. SW in Washington and carried live on NASA TV."
This should get the blogosphere humming...

Classic Sighting: Runcorn Orb/UAP lights [UK]
UK UFO Sightings, 9th November 2010
Location of Sighting: Runcorn, Cheshire Date of Sighting: 08/11/2010 Time: 12.35pm
Witness Name: Victoria & Christine Conroy

Witness Statement: These lights were MASSIVE and intensely bright, the weird thing is, the one on the right that looks brighter, we couldnt actually see with our eyes, only through the Camera?? They are only flickering as it was extrememly windy and there are trees swaying constantly in front, They lights stayed there for well over 30 mins and kept moving and intense speed back and forth up and down but never actually moving away, you can notice some extra flickering spontaneous lights around the screen when watched closely. Was a very strange experience and i will never forget it. They were DEFFO NOT chinese Lanterns!!!

I could not resist posting this sighting over Runcorn in the UK which is considered to be a very ordinary and boring place in the north. Well, this mother and daughter provide us with a nice and fairly interesting commentary (with ok camera work) of orbs seen over the town, some of which could not be seen with the eye, but were caught on camera. The crowd on the UK UFO sightings website are fairly impressed too and hence the copious comments and independent analysis. The following video is quite awesome too:

UFO activity over the Black Sea in South Ukraine 10-28-10
SOTT, 8th November 2010
"Footage of mass UFO activity in the sky Black Sea in South Ukraine. This video was recorded on 28th October 2010."

Mystery Solved: Why the PR hacks exploded their credibility
JoNova, 9th November 2010
The world was baffled. What were they thinking? This colossal PR disaster was 20 years in the making, and it took a special set of conditions to achieve a true marketing black hole.

Never before in the history of public relations has so much star-power, money and kudos been used to score such a monstrous global own-goal. The campaign to dehumanize skeptics laid the groundwork and somehow, fittingly, the eco-terrorists own name-calling has come back to bite them.

[...] To avert leaping into this disaster with two feet and a jet propulsion unit, all they had to do was run one focus-group, say, on three people at a bus stop. Total cost: 2 minutes and 50 cents. So just how could the 10:10 team corner the market in PR-poison in just a four minute mini movie?

Why did they think ruthlessly killing children was funny? –

because in their heads, they weren’t killing children,

…they were killing deniers.

(And what’s a 10 year old denier? Dead meat.)

Excellent analysis! But I am amazed as Jo Nova refers to brain snaps, which is how cult researchers explain whats happens to the most zealous cult members, as they reach a certain critical stage in their programming. Incredibly, this is EXACTLY what many people have been writing, concerning the most ardent AGW believers and why there are real concerns about the need to deprogram children.

What the Green Movement Got Wrong: Greens come to see the error of their ways
The Telegraph, 8th November 2010
For many years, Channel 4 would not have dared devote an hour to the errors of environmentalism, writes Charles Moore.

Perhaps the most interesting thing about this programme is that it was made at all. It shows how the Green monolith has cracked. For many years, Channel 4 would not have dared devote an hour to the errors of environmentalism; or, if it had done so, it would have wrapped it in the cordon sanitaire always put round anything considered Right-wing, stating that this was a "provocative" and "personal" view.

This was no such programme. Instead, it was a platform for every sinner that repenteth. Former hippy Greens, directors of Greenpeace, the chairmen of the Copenhagen Climate Council and the like, queued up to admit error. Their reasons for doing so were interesting.

But, as one put it, environmentalists over the past 40 years have "failed to achieve Job One, which was to protect the planet".

The documentary is called : What the Green Movement Got Wrong. it first aired on 4th November and it seems to be available to view online within the UK. Part 2 is on the 12th November. My reasons for pointing this out, is my belief that humanity are literally on the cusp of a massive shift in human consciousness. As Dr Clare Graves suggested, we are facing an evolutionary bomb and a huge bulk of mankind are going to propelled from a "green" Earth orientated way of thinking (presumably with the other tier 1 levels), into a more cosmic (tier 2) viewpoint. This is happening now.

The International Space Weather Initiative
NASA Science News, 8th November 2010

Nov. 8, 2010: Prompted by a recent increase in solar activity, more than a hundred researchers and government officials are converging on Helwan, Egypt, to discuss a matter of global importance: storms from the sun. The “First Workshop of the International Space Weather Initiative (ISWI)” meets Nov. 6th through 10th and is convened by the United Nations, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), and the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA).

"Strong solar storms can knock out power, disable satellites, and scramble GPS," says meeting organizer and ISWI executive director Joe Davila of NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center. "This meeting will help us prepare for the next big event." [...]

Although space weather is usually associated with Earth's polar regions--think, "Northern Lights"--the equator can be just as interesting. For example, there is a phenomenon in Earth's upper atmosphere called the "equatorial anomaly." It is, essentially, a fountain of ionization that circles the globe once a day, always keeping its spout toward the sun. During solar storms, the equatorial anomaly can intensify and shape-shift, bending GPS signals in unexpected ways and making normal radio communications impossible.

"International cooperation is essential for keeping track of the equatorial anomaly," he adds. “No single country can do it alone.”

The usual name for the equatorial anomaly is the Equatorial Electrojet EEJ and I identified it in my book as the predicted Mayan Serpent Rope. My reasoning was that Mayan Elders were also insisting there was now a greater need for balance and I explained the science of how humans were being directly affected by the EEJ in my book. Well, NASA (who appear to have been the main driving force in recent years), are struggling with how to mitigate the effects of the new Space Weather conditions on this planet. Meanwhile, the vast majority of Earth's citizens do not realise that major evolutionary change is underway. The Mayan Elders warned us about the arrival of the aether, but it seems this was overlooked by 2012ers, despite the fact that Space Weather has been getting more intense for about 20 years and the implications for modern technological societies is serious.

Genes as Mirrors of Life Experiences
New York Times, 8th November 2010
For decades, researchers have ransacked the genetic pedigrees of people with mental illness, looking for common variations that combine to cause devastating conditions like schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. The search has stalled badly; while these disorders may involve genetic disruptions, no underlying patterns have surfaced — no single gene or genes that account for more than a tiny fraction of cases.

So scientists are turning their focus to an emerging field: epigenetics, the study of how people’s experience and environment affect the function of their genes.

Scientists are getting closer and closer to metaphysical beliefs. Epigenetics is about environmental signals and experiences modifying your dna and than means any electromagnetic signal in the environment, including your emotions. So, after 5 decades of geneticists insisting that an individual's fate is determined by their dna inheritance from their parents, this has now been falsified by the study of Epigenetics and that means many people have been believing in a falsehood for most of their lives.

'Doomsday Vault' Gets New, Large Shipment of Rice
Live Science, 8th November 2010
In hopes of bolstering our defenses in the event of a major food crisis, researchers sent tens of thousands of seeds from different types of rice last week to a "doomsday vault" in the archipelago Svalbard.

Contained in black boxes, the 42,627 samples of rice seeds traveled to the mountains of the Norwegian archipelago, about 746 miles (1,200 kilometers) from the North Pole. The Svalbard Global Seed Vault is buried deep inside the icy mountains, where it protects all of the world's important crop seeds in case of a man-made or natural disaster.

The rice collection was sent from the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), whose first deposit to the doomsday vault included 70,180 rice-seed samples sent in 2008. If ideal temperature and storage conditions remain inside the vault, seeds can be stored for hundreds of years, scientists say.

As NASA prepares to make a big statement about something "exceptional" in our local cosmic environment, we get details of this ungoing disaster planning project, but of course, it's all a coincidence...

R.I.P.: Al Gore’s Chicago Climate Exchange Has Died
National Review, 7th November 2010
Global warming-inspired cap and trade has been one of the most stridently debated public policy controversies of the past 15 years. But it is dying a quiet death. In a little reported move, the Chicago Climate Exchange (CCX) announced on Oct. 21 that it will be ending carbon trading – the only purpose for which it was founded – this year.

Although the trading in carbon emissions credits was voluntary, the CCX was intended to be the hub of the mandatory carbon trading established by a cap-and-trade law, like the Waxman-Markey scheme passed by the House in June 2009.

At its founding in November 2000, it was estimated that the size of CCX’s carbon trading market could reach $500 billion. That estimate ballooned over the years to $10 trillion.

Al Capone tried to use Prohibition to muscle in on a piece of all the action in Chicago. The CCX’s backers wanted to use a new prohibition on carbon emissions to muscle in on a piece of, quite literally, all the action in the world.

Money markets are a tried and tested method of robbing the poor to feed the greed of the rich, but in this case, the ususal practice of hyping up stock and getting out quick at the top seems to have failed. After Climategate and Copenhagen, it's not difficult to see that something fundamental is happening, there is a new vibe that world controllers do not understand how to manipulate.

Italy: More building collapses at Pompeii possible
Yahoo News, 7th November 2010
ROME – More buildings inside the ancient Roman city of Pompeii could collapse, Italy's culture minister said Sunday, a day after a 2,000-year-old house once used by gladiators disintegrated into rubble.

The collapse Saturday at one of Italy's main tourist attractions was a source of embarrassment for the government and the country. President Giorgio Napolitano said it was a "disgrace for Italy" and demanded an explanation.

Culture Minister Sandro Bondi, who went to Pompeii to survey the damage on Sunday, warned that other buildings could also fall, according to Italian news agencies.

Given the number of buildings that need restoration, further damage is virtually "inevitable," said Daniela Leone, a spokeswoman for Pompeii's archaeological superintendence.

Well at this time; I am not sure we can completely blame Italian officials, since we have ample evidence of an increase in strange sinkholes, that I think can be related to the increase in hole punch clouds and holes punched on ice. I have been suspecting for a while that weakened artificial structures are vulnerable to blasts of energy from Earth's core or even indirectly from deep space because NASA and the ESA have been telling us that they are detecting strange plumes of ions from Earth and Killer Electrons that are being caused by Space Weather. At the moment, this is my pure speculation, but since we are now experiencing high energies that are blasting Earth from deep space on a regular basis (whilst Earth's magnetosphere is sometimes non existent). The energy is being captured by Earth and being utilised and hence generating a plethora of Earth Changes some of which are quite mysterious. We must also remember that according to scientific theory, most of this energy is also invisible to scientific detection. So, if you want, you can think of it as invisible lightning and it might explain why some of the sinkholes look like they have been carved out with a laser, expecially when conventional explanations have to be rejected because observational criteria do not match up with theory. Don't miss the photo gallery Ancient Pompeii Building Collapse

Chilean miner's latest amazing feat ... the New York marathon
The Guardian, 7th November 2010
Edison Pena was greeted by cheers and a media whirlwind during first trip abroad to take part in 26-mile event

Ever since Edison Pena, one of the 33 miners who had been trapped underground in Chile for 69 days, arrived in New York on Thursday on his first trip abroad to run the New York Marathon – which he ran today – this Crocodile Dundee with a pickaxe has been on the kind of high-profile media tour that would make Paris Hilton envious. [...]

After it transpired that Pena had also maintained his daily runs in the mine, Mary Wittenberg, CEO of New York Road Runners, the organisation behind the marathon, invited Pena to New York to watch the marathon. Already showing the diva quality of a future star, Pena retorted that simply wasn't good enough: he wanted to run in it.

Now, I find that astounding.... Inspirational!

Busted! 12 Photos of the Global Warming Bunko Scam, Which You'll Never, Ever See in Legacy Media
Doug Ross Journal, 7th November 2010
David Evans points us to truly shocking collection of photographs he's assembled (PDF) depicting the fraudulent nature of the warming fraud perpetrated by many in the Western science establishment. These photos highlight the locations of official climate thermometers, which -- if they're not missing altogether -- are intentionally placed near air conditioners or getting blasts from jet engines. You won't believe your eyes.

A nice reminder of the ridiculous placement of temperature sensors to create the myth of rising global surface temperatures. More of the original series can be found at Best of the Blog - 'How Not To Measure Temperature'

Is the Western Climate Establishment Corrupt?
Science and Public Policy Institute, 6th November 2010
How many excuses does it take? The Western Climate Establishment has allowed egregious mistakes, major errors, and obvious biases to accumulate — each factor on its own might be hard to pin down, but the pattern is undeniable.

The Western Climate Establishment is Cheating
  • Official thermometers are overwhelmingly in warm localities such as near air conditioner exhaust vents, buildings,concrete, tarmac, or asphalt.
  • Officials hide the modern Argo data, which shows the world’s oceans are cooling.
  • They ignore hundreds of thousands of weather balloon results that show the climate models overestimate future warming by at least 300%.
  • Climate scientists frequently point to the last 130 years of global warming, but don’t mention the full story: the planet started warming before 1700, over a century before humans started pumping out meaningful amounts of CO2.
  • Leading authors publish a crucial graph with a deceptive colour scheme that imitates the results they wish they’d got. Why did a leading peer-reviewed climate journal publish such a naked and childish attempt at cheating?
  • Their adjustments blatantly transform the original raw data from thermometers into rising trends. And they selectively ignore thousands of other thermometers where there is less warming.
  • The Russian, Chinese and Indian climate establishments, which are financially independent of the western climate establishment, are all skeptical. As are many scientists from other branches of science, as well as many retired climate scientists (who no longer have anything to lose by speaking their minds).
Only a Fool Would Ignore the Message in the Pattern

Dr David Evans confessed in May 2007, I Was On the Global Warming Gravy Train and he explains:
There is now no observational evidence that global warming is caused by carbon emissions. You would think that in over 20 years of intense investigation we would have found something. For example, greenhouse warming due to carbon emissions should warm the upper atmosphere faster than the lower atmosphere — but until 2006 the data showed the opposite, and thus that the greenhouse effect was not occurring! In 2006 better data allowed that the effect might be occurring, except in the tropics.

The only current "evidence" for blaming carbon emissions are scientific models (and the fact that there are few contradictory observations). Historically, science has not progressed by calculations and models, but by repeatable observations.
This essay is 40 pages long, but there is not much text but lots of photos, charts, graphs and references.

Here’s the link for the pdf download: For the Full Report in PDF Form, please click here. Once again, even though many scientists realise that the premise of carbon emissions causing global warming is a scam, there does not seem to be much acknowledgement that the real problem is related to Space Weather causing possible orbital changes and even Earth changing it's tilt (nutation). This is a problem with scientists, because they are NOT allowed to integrate many different disciplines and see The Big Picture, that's why I am doing what I am doing.

The Empire Strikes Back
Watts Up With That, 6th November 2010
Another letter from Hal Lewis to the American Physical Society

Dr. Harold Lewis sent this today via email with a request to make it public here. I’m happy to oblige. Read the letter to understand the movie poster.- Anthony

Date: Saturday, November 06, 2010 2:32 PM
To: Curt_Callen
Cc: Kate Kirby
Subject: followup

Dear Curt:

When on October 6 I sent you my letter of resignation from APS , I of course expected the Empire to strike back in one way or another. It pleased me however, when I read your response, to find a very minimum of ad hominem attacks, confined mostly to apparently irresistible eruptions of “Lewis is a liar.” (“His statements are all false” is the equivalent.) So I thank you for that courtesy.

There is a wise observation (not due to Archimedes) that if any organization is left alone, the lightweights will rise to the top.

" ...if any organization is left alone, the lightweights will rise to the top." This statement is bothering me because I don't think it is completely true. If Hal Lewis means 'intellectual' lightweights then this statement can be compared to what is already known about how people think and that it is accepted that often, the greatest thinkers do not care about status and power. To be honest, I don't hink Hal Lewis should have bothered with this second letter, but it's still interesting to note the oblique reference to Star Wars. We can wonder whether Hal thinks that in the coming battles, he can advise the renegades against the system in the same capacity as a wise Yoda mentoring young Jedi Knights. Well, it does not matter too much, a band of global warming "deniers" and "heretics" have already wrecked the plans of world powers and that is pretty impressive.

Magazine lifts from blog, sparks online outrage
CNews, 5th November 2010
[...] "But honestly Monica, the web is considered 'public domain' and you should be happy we just didn't 'lift' your whole article and put someone else's name on it!

It happens a lot, clearly more than you are aware of, especially on college campuses, and the workplace. If you took offence and are unhappy, I am sorry, but you as a professional should know that the article we used written by you was in very bad need of editing, and is much better now than was originally. Now it will work well for your portfolio.

For that reason, I have a bit of a difficult time with your requests for monetary gain, albeit for such a fine (and very wealthy!) Institution. We put some time into rewrites, you should compensate me! I never charge young writers for advice or rewriting poorly written pieces, and have many who write for me... ALWAYS for free!"

Just feisty, the whole article is a hoot.... The mentality here is the ends justifies the means, I can steal from you and it's OK, because my needs are so much greater than yours. Well, as an author, this is the main reason why chose not to tout my manuscript around, because I simply did not trust publishers not to tip off their favourite authors. Sorry to say this, but my experiences since even before my book was published, have only justified my actions. Now, I can say, my book Tuning the Diamonds was published in September 2006, and it was placed in the UK National archives in November 2007 and I did not need anyone's approval. I was understood the true meaning of Space Weather and I did not need to plagiarise anyone else's work. Four years after my book was published, the mainstream media are warning that even at normal flying altitude, air passengers are being fried by cosmic radiation. The mainstream media are not offering any solutions, but I can explain the science and metaphysics of how people can strengthen their personal energy field to act as a plasma shield. Because, according to NASA scientists, cosmic radiation levels on Earth could get a whole lot higher. The Hopi Indians call this The Fifth Age, The World of Illumination, and it's nearly here.

DNA sequence may be lost in translation
Nature News, 5th November 2010
WASHINGTON DC – A mysterious phenomenon called 'RNA editing' could be unexpectedly widespread, according to a genome-wide examination of the effect in humans.

The study, which has yet to be published, was presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Society of Human Genetics in Washington DC this week. The findings suggest that as many as 97% of gene transcripts are being altered once RNA molecules have been assembled into a template from the DNA code. However, some researchers warn that the results, although intriguing, might simply be the result of sequencing errors.

According to the textbook model of how genes are expressed, DNA is first transcribed to RNA, and the triplets of RNA bases formed in this process are then translated into specific amino acids in order to build proteins. But sometimes, RNA seems to edit the message, using specific mechanisms to alter or switch certain bases.

The phenomenon has been observed in a range of organisms and seems to increase the diversity of transcripts produced from a particular gene.

This looks like another piece of genetic dogma that is startng to unravel. Why would nature perform basically the same function twice unless there was a valid reason?

Video: World laps up lottery story
The Chronicle Herald, 5th November 2010
Couple set off media frenzy by giving away most of $11-million win

LOWER TRURO — Allen and Violet Large can’t quite understand all the fuss over their decision to give away the lion’s share of their whopping $11.2-million lottery win. The elderly Nova Scotia couple say they managed to get by in their 147-year-old house with their prized 1987 Dodge Diplomat for many decades before striking it rich in a Lotto 6-49 draw last July.

But after it was revealed late Wednesday that they had handed out all of the winnings — minus about two per cent tucked away for themselves "for a rainy day"— media outlets were calling non-stop before they took the phone off the hook.

"We’re overwhelmed with everything," Violet said in the couple’s cosy living room in Lower Truro. "We didn’t do this to get recognition. We did this because we wanted to. . . . We’re just country hicks."

I was going to comment about the original story and then I saw that this act of altruism has set off a media frenzy. Since most people are in survival mode and/or fixated on acquiring money, it's impossible for most to understand others who don't place the same level of importance on money and status. If you are interested in the evolution of consciousness, I recommend the book Spiral Dynamics and the research of Dr. Clare W. Graves who made some important breakthroughs in the Levels of Human Existence. This will certainly help thoughtful people understand their thinking in comparison to others. Here's the original story:

What would you do with $11,255,272?
Couple lavishes entire lotto jackpot on charities, family
The Chronicle Herald, 4th November 2010
"LOWER TRURO — They won $11.2 million from a lottery ticket in July. And now every penny is gone. But Allen and Violet Large didn’t spend any of it on themselves. And that’s just the way they like it. "What you’ve never had, you never miss," said Violet, 78.

UFO Blue UAP spotted in Centreville? [Virginia, United States]
The Washington Post, 5th November 2010
Some people in Centreville are talking about a bright blue light spotted moving in the sky just above Lee Highway, Wednesday night. But no one seems to have an explanation for this unidentified flying object, Fox 5 reports.

“All of a sudden, it would stop and go back like this,” Bryan Fains told Fox 5, using his finger to point out the direction of the blue light in the sky. “At one point, it stopped and went up and up.”

Fains quickly grabbed his phone, turned on the camera and recorded the erratic blue light in the night sky. It flew around for about 10 minutes.

To see Fains' video and read more about the "UFO" in Centreville, go to Fox 5.

Comment: I love these bright blue orbs, (I just like the colour), but it also makes it very difficult for skeptics to call these Venus, Chinese lanterns, Spanish balloons, Weather balloons, flares, flares on a chute, airplanes, swamp gas and the most ridiculous Golden Knights skydivers etc. For the 2012ers out there, this is the promised dimensional shift, so the Elders nailed this! Some US states are now on UFO Alert Level 3! There you go!

Maybe UFO in Centreville Was a ‘Temperature Inversion’?
Washington City Paper, 5th November 2010
Comment: This is a brilliant example of a diversionary headline grabber but it's interesting to see journalists digging deep into their archives in an attempt to debunk current sightings. Personally, I would be amazed if any scientist or meteorologist of sound mind would suggest that a bright blue neon light moving around in the sky was a temperature inversion. The media hacks are getting desperate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh, what fun!

National UFO Alert Rating: California, Georgia, Ohio move to ALERT 3 status
UFO Examiner, 5th November 2010

Video: Astonishing! Same orbs seen all over the world two weeks ago, halt space mission today!
The Big Wobble, 5th November 2010
"White orbs appeared around Discovery 09:00 EST November 5,2010 Mission was scrubbed minutes later."
Amazing: Orbs appear around the Space Shuttle! OK, I been looking for this to be debunked but the efforts I have seen so far have been feeble and were immediately shot down in flames by others who are also genuinely amazed, but you can judge for yourself, 7 orbs materialise and de-materialise.

Airline frequent fliers 'radiation poisoning risks' from space 'solar flare' storm activity
The Telegraph, 5th November 2010
Airline frequent fliers are at greater risk of developing long term radiation poisoning from “solar space storms” or flare activity from the Sun, a new study warns.

Researchers found passengers faced the “hazard” of space radiation, which created unhealthy levels of exposure while flying at “typical cruise altitudes” of 40,000 feet. Experts warned passengers could be subjected to increasing risk to cancer due to such radiation levels. [...]

Scientists found aircrew were “the major occupation group” most exposed to the Sun’s radiation with passengers also at risk from the phenomenon. Because the sun’s radiation levels had been reasonably low for the past century, its strengthening power in the coming few years would create new health problems.

“Space radiation is a hazard not only to the operation of modern aircraft but also to the health of aircrew and passengers,” said the study, titled Space weather and its impact on Earth – implications for business.

“Radiation from space can reach the Earth’s atmosphere and create extra radiation exposure for people travelling on aircraft at typical cruise altitudes (40,000 feet).

This is interesting, the general public are being warned! Now, it seems that the jetsetters are going to have to rethink about how badly they need to travel because of the increase risks to their health. Some might even seriously start thinking about their own personal plasma shield!

M4GW's [Minnesotans for global warming] Newest Song - I'm a Denier
Minnesotans for global warming, 5th November 2010
It's a parody of "I'm a Believer" written by Neil Diamond and performed by the Monkees. This version was written by Elmer Beauregard and Brian D. Smith and performed by Elmer and the M4GW players.

This song is in honor of all the new Republican Freshman entering Congress and the Senate most of whom are Deniers and proud of it.

I think this is song may be our "Tour de Farce"

Quite amusing litte ditty, further wit at Watts Up With That, Friday Funny – Congressional Frosh

Twitter Bot Proves AGWers’ Mindless Attitude, Explains Their Vast Numbers Among The Educated Classes
OmniClimate, 4th November 2010

And somebody is naive enough to find the whole situation “hilarious”.

In truth, if a software developer can write an automated responding machine for Twitter ready to spit out standard AGW Truths, logic indicates that people that repeat those same Truths are just as mindless and devoid of critical thinking as any computer program. As I commented at Technology Review:

Just like on Skeptical Science, it’s a matter of switching off all forms of independent thought, and from the comfort of residing in the mainstream, of repeating the usual mantras with a certitude that goes far beyond the scientific. Replace cerebral activity with quantity of citations, and you’ll be onboard to. Obligated to do so, just like the average chatbot.

ps Had myself a couple of encounters with @AI_AGW. What I remember noticing, was the absolute lack of interest in moving the discussion beyond the usual statements. Just like the average AGWer…are we sure it WAS a chatbot? 8-)

UPDATE: as if on cue, Phil Plait joins in, blissfully unaware that the age of the chatbots will pretty much force science writers to ask if you would like fries with that.

Comment: I found this article hilarious but at the same time, my mind immediately linked this to the book Snapping: America's Epidemic of Sudden Personality Change [1978, 1979, 1995, 2005] by Flo Conway and Jim Siegelman. These award winning cult researchers, explain the gradual process of how humans become mindless, emotionless automatons, but it seems that conditioning people to switch off their brains and not think for themselves is now a major problem in many sections of society and something I am now accutely aware of when conversing with New Agers. Yes, the lights are on, but there is nobody home, see Comatose: Understanding the condition of 'conditioned' followers

NASA GISS being sued over FOIA failures
Watts Up With That, 4th November 2010
Last night the Competitive Enterprise Institute, through its outside counsel Gibson Dunn, filed its brief arguing against NASA’s rather scattershot and contradictory effort to dismiss our lawsuit requesting certain documents under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)(press release available here).

Our suit, CEI vs. NASA (U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia), followed on the heels of ClimateGate, and a December 2009 Notice of Intent to Sue if NASA did not turn over certain records withheld since CEI sought them in August 2007 and January 2008 requests. That Notice was eleven months ago and, despite NASA offering some documents and admitting — temporarily — that certain others relating to the advocacy site used by NASA scientists, were “agency records”, NASA then ceased its brief steps to comply with the transparency statute FOIA.

Comment: ” It’s deja CRU all over again. – Anthony” LOL!! There is a listing here of questionable behaviour by NASA employees it's also interesting to know that NASA is heavily reliant on other (corrupted) sources for temperature data and were only applying their own data "modelling" techniques, in order to send out important sounding press releases.

CNN Video: What caused engine to fail on one of world's largest planes?
CNN News, 4th November 2010
(CNN) -- Some of the world's largest airlines are conducting safety checks after debris fell from the engine of a Qantas Airbus A380 as it flew over Indonesia.

Australia's national airline has now grounded its Airbus A380 fleet indefinitely. How serious is the incident -- and what does it mean for the aviation industry?

What do we know about the Qantas engine incident?

One of the four engines on the Qantas A380, which was carrying 440 passengers and 26 crew Thursday, shut down shortly after it left Singapore's Changi Airport.

The most obvious sign of damage to the plane is that part of one engine cowling, or covering, had been blown away. Debris was later found on the Indonesian island of Batan.

Why is this being taken so seriously?

This type of incident is known as an "uncontained engine failure," explains Richard Quest, CNN's aviation correspondent. "Probably something happened at the front of the engine, it ingested into the engine, out the other side and that's where the explosion or non-containment happened."

Quest highlighted damage to the wing above the engine, including puncture marks.

"Whatever event took place in engine number two, the debris from that event exploded outwards, removing part of the cowling and, it seems, going upwards through the wing."

Quest said the debris hit the wing by the forward slats, several meters away from critical areas such as the fuel tanks and fuel lines.

"Any form of debris that leaves an engine and has upward momentum sufficiently that it can go through the wing in that sort of mode has to be taken very seriously indeed," Quest said. "That is why, in this case, Qantas has decided to ground the fleet."

Quest highlighted other signs of damage on the engine casing, including the presence of soot marks where the fan and combustion chambers meet the exhaust.

"That suggests there was clearly some sort of an event, some sort of fire," he explained.

Hmmm... Now, it looks like the engine sucked something in and caused an explosion...

Photos: Pictured moments after 'explosion' forced emergency landing, the Qantas superjumbo with a foot-long hole torn in its wing
Daily Mail, 4th November 2010
Decent photos of the plane damage and debris

Airlines Stop Jakarta Flights After Volcano Blast
Topix, 6th November 2010
Copy: "International airlines canceled flights into Indonesia's capital Saturday after a volcano hundreds of miles to the west unleashed its most powerful eruption in a century, incinerating villagers as they fled a searing gas cloud."

Disc failure almost brought superjumbo down
The Australian, 6th November 2010
"ENGINEERS say an intermediate pressure turbine disc in the No 2 engine of QF32 failed, triggering the explosion that ripped through the engine casing of the A380.

Mount Merapi Building Up To Another Krakatoa?
News Time, 6th November 2010
"Indonesia's Mount Merapi, located on the border between Central Java and Yogyakarta continues to rumble Saturday, a day after the volcano's eruptions killed dozens of people bringing the death toll to 122 with more than 200 injured since recent activity began. Merapi is Indonesia's most active volcano erupting regularly since 1548. Suitable named - Merapi is loosely translated as 'Mountain of Fire' - smoke can be seen emerging from the mountaintop at least 300 days a year."

  • Civil Aviation Forums
    General aviation forums covering commercial and civil aviation, discussing events happening in the airline and aviation industries.

Qantas grounds A380 fleet after mid-air emergency
The Telegraph, 4th November 2010
Qantas has grounded its entire fleet of A380 Airbuses after an aircraft carrying more than 400 people was forced to make an emergency landing when part of one of its engines disintegrated over Indonesia.

The flight, which originated in London and was destined for Sydney, was abandoned 15 minutes after take-off from Singapore when passengers heard a loud bang and saw smoke and sparks coming out of one engine. The pilot then informed the cabin that the engine had been shut down and the aircraft was heading back to Changi Airport. The A380, carrying 433 passengers and 26 crew, circled for an hour dumping fuel before it landed safely at Changi at 11.45am local time.

Once on the tarmac, it appeared that casing from the aircraft's number two engine was missing and parts of the aircraft's underside were blackened. [...] "This is probably the most serious incident involving the A380 since it began flying in commercial service," said aviation expert Tom Ballantyne, chief correspondent of Orient Aviation magazine.

There was initial confusion after early reports said that the A380 Airbus had crashed in a western Indonesian town. Witnesses said that they had heard a loud explosion as a Qantas aircraft flew overhead and pieces of fuselage were found on the ground.

Extraordinary! This is the latest major incident for Qantas and officials must be absolutely distraught. Obviously we need to wait for an official response but often that takes months and an announcement can often get lost amongst all the other media news. Anyway, for what it's worth I will state that NASA and the European Space Agency have already informed the world of the presence of invisible beams of electrons that can cause electromagnetic interference and air turbulence. These are the Killer Electrons associated with geomagnetic storms and then there are plumes of plasma being released from the ground that float off into space. Indonesia has 21 volcanoes rumbling away and it is most likely that there is some kind of interaction of energy between the volcanoes and space. The Electric Universe theorists have already well documented their belief of volcanoes as being part of Earth's global electrical circuit. We already know that there are satellites monitoring invisible bursts of ULF & ELF (Ultra Low Frequency/Extremely Low Frequency) magnetic field signals weeks prior to earthquakes. It is my belief that the plane flew through some kind of invisble plume of plasma and literally started to disintegrate, but please don't expect any authorities to spell this out for you, because it's bad for business. Please note the following:
"Researchers liken the plumes to smoke billowing out of a factory smokestack—except instead of ordinary ash and dust, ion plumes are made of electrified gas floating so high above ground they come in contact with space itself. "The plumes appear during geomagnetic storms and they can interfere with satellite transmissions, airline navigation and radio communications," says Fuller-Rowell. Indeed, it is their effect on GPS signals that led to the discovery of plumes over North America just a few years ago." Strange Space Weather over Africa,
NASA News, 13th November 2007.

Killer electrons are highly energetic particles trapped in Earth's outer radiation belt, which extends from 12 000 km to 64 000 km above the planet’s surface. During solar storms their number grows at least ten times and they can be dislodged, posing a threat to satellites. As the name suggests, killer electrons are energetic enough to penetrate satellite shielding and cause microscopic lightning strikes. If these electrical discharges take place in vital components, the satellite can be damaged or even rendered inoperable. [...]

Thanks to this analysis of Cluster data, if the killer electrons happen to be ejected towards Earth, we now know that they can strike the atmosphere within just 15 minutes. Shocking recipe for making killer electrons,
European Space Agency News, 11th March 2010
  • Space-based predictions have been correct for 44 of 47 registered quakes
  • It has the ability to survey huge territories for seismically hazardous areas
  • Harbingers of powerful quakes appear around five days before the main shock
"The Russian method is based on the study of geomagnetic field variations, which induce currents in the Earth. Therefore, surface field measurements can detect the hypothetical regional changes that precede earthquakes. At the same time, intensive electric fields in places where earthquakes are brewing induce specific currents in the ionosphere.

First reported: Anomalous ionospheric phenomena were first reported in the 1960s, but they were disregarded along with astrologic predictions and UFO sightings.

The breakthrough came when the Soviet Union launched its Intercosmos-19 satellite in 1979. It detected an unusual low-frequency noise in a large area centred near the epicentre of an earthquake that occurred a few hours later. This finding was registered as a Soviet discovery and was later confirmed by other spacecraft. Earthquake prediction from space is more accurate
The Hindu Times, 25th May 2008
So, if you read the literature, invisible blasts of plasma are now a major problem and cannot be dismissed as UFOs because they are interfering with GPS amd now it seems most apparent they are interfering with planes too! So far, there has not been much interest in these invisible blasts of plasma interfering with humans!! I will also state that I downloaded the NICT magnetosphere simulation on 3rd November 2010 at 22:22:22 UT, because it was obvious that we had just had another major blast from deep space and the image was fairly impressive. Apparently, this was in fact the second of the day, so maybe this Qantas plane being wrecked is just another 'coincidence'.


Chile: Controversial Book Declassifies the UFO Phenomenon in Chile
UFO Digest, 4th November 2010
Rodrigo Bravo, an Army officer and military pilot, has written a controversial book with paleontologist Juan Castillo: Ufología Aeronáutica delves into the deepest details of eleven cases reported in the country, with information gleaned from the recently created Comité de Estudios de Fenómenos Aéreos Anómalos (CEFAA) of the Office of Civil Aeronautics. It even transcribes revealing recordings of conversations between pilots and the control tower. Information that this text from Mago Editores makes accessible to the public at large for the first time ever. The book launching for Ufología Aeronáutica will take place on Thursday, November 04, 2010 at 20:00 hours at the Santiago Book Fair.

This book takes no prisoners. While proposing a footnoted, scientific and aeronautic study on UFOs and FANI (Fenomenos aereos no identificados, or UAPs in English), it fires a broadside against those who have monopolized the study and dissemination of these cases: ufologists.

It faults them associating the phenomenon “indiscriminately with the possibility of extraterrestrial life” and from “detouring” attention from serious research to “laughable” hypotheses that lead to the “explosive growth of new ideologies, movements, cults and others who take anomalous aerial phenomena even further away from its real context for reasons of financial gain.”

The author and military man himself gives a strong and clear response: “For decades, the scientific community has been suspicious of this subject and has avoided mentioning it, given that those involved in its research do not necessarily have the knowledge to interpret the existing information. Ufologists are to blame for this,” accuses Bravo.

This is further continuation of the trend of ex-military personnel documenting their experience of UFOs/UAPs. However, here the author takes a hard swipe at ufologists for good reason. Basically, most ufologists heavily promote the stupid idea that any unexplained strange sighting in the sky must be an alien craft with humanoid ETs as occupants, despite the ample evidence that most unexplained sightings are in fact bright lights that represent entities that are part of a Shadow Biosphere, which are associated with extremely poorly understood interdimensional plasma phenomena.

Comet Hartley 2 Flyby, 4th November 2010
COMET FLYBY: Yesterday, Nov. 4th, NASA's Deep Impact (EPOXI) probe flew past Comet Hartley 2 only 435 miles from the comet's active nucleus. Soon after the encounter, the spacecraft turned its high-gain antenna toward Earth and began transmitting close-up images to Earth. The view was spectacular:

At a press conference on Thursday afternoon, mission scientists discussed their first impressions. The comet has a dumbbell shape, they noted, with rough ends and a smooth middle. The rough terrain seems to be the "land of jets," with geysers spewing from many specific topographic features. The middle, on the other hand, is relatively smooth and quiet. It is covered with some kind of fine dusty material that seems to have collected in a broad topograhical low point.

Researchers expressed their continued amazement at Comet Hartley 2's hyperactivity. The comet is absolutely bristling with gaseous jets even on the comet's nightside where volatile ices are shielded from solar heating. They also noted distinct lines of jets tracing the comet's day-night terminator, a phenomenon never seen before.

Comment: I have not been paying attention to all the reports of this comet, but I am most certainly interested in NASA having a close-up shot. They must be pleased to have a decent spacecraft still in working order to carry out another major project. Yet again, there are some immediately observations like the peanut shape and the 'gaseous jets' that totally defy standard comet theory. I am looking forward to the Electric Universe slant on this which is always much more comprehensible. More:

NASA Spaceship Captures Images of a Bizarre Comet
AOL News, 4th November 2010
"NASA comet expert Donald Yeomans said in footage broadcast live from the control room, marveling at the "oddly shaped" comet. "Scientists often think of celestial bodies as roundish. This obviously is not roundish. ... Mother Nature has yet again pulled the rug out."

Deep Impact 2 - EU theorist Explains What we Already Know, 27 October 2010
"The Deep Impact mission to comet Tempel 1 was perhaps the most successful space mission for confirming Electric Universe predictions and confounding the consensus view of comets as inert, primordial icy bodies. If the scientific method were truly applied, the puzzles from Deep Impact 1 should have been cause for a review, not just of the current paradigm but also of every choice that led up to it."

Hartley 2 Flyby, 5th November 2010
"However, what has the latest face-to-face with a comet brought to the table? Has there been confirmation of the "dirty snowball" theory? Or, as EPOXI mission principal investigator Michael A'Hearn summarized, is this another in a series of surprising experiences?"

UFO tape released after 30-year mystery but fails to explain phenomena
The Telegraph, 3rd November 2010
Tape recordings of US military personnel investigating a suspected UFO landing have been released 30 years later. In the dead of the night just after Christmas 1980, the airmen from USAF Bentwaters air base went to investigate an event in Rendlesham Forest near Woodbridge, Suffolk. The tapes are a vivid account of what they found.

The servicemen were led by Col Charles Halt, second in command at the base. It is clear that they thought they were witnessing some type of phenomena, with descriptions of "strange" lights in sky and odd damage to pine trees 15ft to 18ft off the ground. One of the Americans is heard to say: "I hear very strange sounds of farmers - barnyard animals. They're very, very active, making a lot of noise. "Straight ahead. There it is again. Straight ahead. What is it? A strange small red light.

This tape is a must listen! I believe this tape has been available for a long time but the difference is that the UK government are officially acknowledging it's existence and adding to the drip drip of news as part of a softly softly approach to explaining the widespread appearance of the "radar angels". We get 4 minutes of this tape here, but I am intrigued that The Telegraph have used an image of a swarm of orbs flying over the UK, which is now a regular event. Very interesting...

Question: What kind of UFO looks like a blinking eye?
Answer: That's a stupid question because it's NOT unidentified, it's another lifeform that humans don't understand very well, that's all!

The Rendlesham Forest UFO Incident - Charles Halt full audio tape (pt. 1)
This version is difficult to listen to Part 1 [10:00]

The Rendlesham Forest UFO Incident - Charles Halt full audio tape (pt. 2)
& Part 2 [8:25] discussion of the winking eye at about 5:50

The Rendlesham Forest UFO Halt Tape Bentwaters Woodbridge
This version is edited [6:00] but better sound and it's got the exciting bits....

Project Blue Beam Exposed!
The Secret Sun, 3rd November 2010
Anyone who spends anytime looking into the UFO phenomena has probably seen the words "Project Blue Beam" - often misspelled - show up when any aerial anomalies are being discussed online.

"Blue Beam" has become such a catch-all that it's now applied to any sighting, no matter how trivial. It's also been stretched to explain phenomena that have nothing to do with UFOs at all. You often see it conflated with HAARP, a very real program that's also been stretched to explain anything that might otherwise require actual thought to deal with. [...]

Not long before Serge Monast stunned the conspiracy circuit with his "Project Blue Beam," a book was released on Star Trek creator Gene Roddenberry. It recounted information that hardcore Trekkers were well familiar with; Roddenberry's proposed Star Trek feature film script from the mid-70s:
"In May 1975, Gene Roddenberry accepted an offer from Paramount to develop Star Trek into a feature film, and moved back into his old office on the Paramount lot. His proposed story told of a flying saucer, hovering above Earth, that was programmed to send down people who looked like prophets, including Jesus Christ.

Gene Roddenberry: The Myth and the Man Behind Star Trek by Joel Engel, p.165, Hyperion, 1994
Shortly thereafter, Monast writes of a very similar situation- a satellite that will project images of holy figures:
With computer animation and sounds appearing to emanate from the very depths of space, astonished ardent followers of the various creeds will witness their own returned messiahs in convincing lifelike reality.

Then the projections of Jesus, Mohammed, Buddha, Krishna, etc., will merge into one after correct explanations of the mysteries and revelations will have been disclosed.

We have a good example of a modern mantra that can be repeated by those that don't know very much and can be used without much thought. This article is long and informative exposé of how the Blue Beam myth originated.


Since I saw this article in the news and the incorrect statement that this is a hologram. It's worth pointing out that this is not a true hologram because the image is being projected onto a special glass screen and when you look at the long shots within the second video, this becomes obvious, but the quality is still quite amazing. Apparently, the technology is called Peppers Ghost and the technique, which is over 140 years old, can only produce a 3D hologram EFFECT. See:

Video: Japanese 3D singing hologram Hatsune Miku becomes nation's strangest pop star
Daily Mail, 12th November 2010

Mystery 'falling star' was Soyus rocket body plunging to Earth
Perth Now, 3rd November 2010
THE mysterious "falling star'' sighted over Perth early Saturday morning has been identified as a Soyuz rocket body which was scheduled to re-enter the Earth's atmosphere. PerthNow reader Robin Scott captured these images of what appeared to be a "falling star'' early Saturday morning when he was in the Morley area looking east or south-east.

Bickley Observatory government Astronomer Ralph Martin initially said he was unsure what the strange lights in the sky were, but said it appeared to be some kind of man-made object "re-entry''. [...]

"I saw what looked like a falling star.The star fell from the top of the sky then suddenly stopped in motion near the bottom of the sky.''

In the last three or four weeks, we have had persistent reports of fireballs, some of the most strange have only been reported in the blogosphere and mostly ignored in the mainstream media, presumably because they look suspiciously like the embarrassing 'heavenly phenomena' plasma type. However, there was a little surprise when NASA announced they would investigate some of these fireballs that they thought could be related to Comet Hartley, even though some astronomers immediately dismissed the possibility. Here we have the old excuse that this sighting was the re-entry of a Russian rocket, but the eye witness said it suddenly stopped in the air, which of course is quite odd and more akin to the behaviour of a magnetospheric plasmoid, arriving into our skies. I have not seen a Russian rebuttal, but maybe they cannot be bothered to put the record straight, again, as astronomers seem to like blaming the Russians when they need to explain away strange celestial events. Anyway, here are some of the most interesting reports over the last few weeks:

UFO Meteorite Turn Into V-Shape Craft And Then Vanished Over Moscow, Russia
UFO Blogger, 25th October 2010
This looks like anothe fiery ghost rocket to me...

Unknown bright object over Victoriaville, QC, Canada 23-Oct-2010
The Truth Behind the Scenes, 29th October 2010

Fireball / Meteor over Santa Fe New Mexico
AOL I-report, 31st October 2010
"iReport — This is video Captured with a low light "MeteorCam" of a fireball that occured in New Mexico over Santa Fe. This is over 400 miles northwest of my home in Hawley, Tx."

Fireball seen over New Zealand
Weather Watch, 3rd November 2010
copy: " is receiving reports of a large light streaking and exploding across the sky in the early hours of the morning. The fireball was witnessed at 1:45am. A visitor to described the object as "very fast" and was seen moving in a low trajectory west to east. "As it passed to the east of us there was a huge ball of flame then object continued on as it appeared to us earlier when about 7-8 seconds later another huge ball of flame before it disappeared" says the visitor, posting an eyewitness report on our Meteors Eyewitness Reports page The guest continues to say "Another smaller object could be seen following a short distance behind" asking if it was possible satellite debris re-entering our atmosphere."
Hmmm... fireballs travelling in pairs...

Great balls of fire over Canada: NASA investigates
CTV News, 4th November 2010
Copy: "MONTREAL — Great balls of fire have been reported swooping over Eastern Canada and several U.S. states. Even NASA's on the case. There are different theories about what was behind the sighting of those fireballs. A NASA spacecraft got a closer look at one of the possible sources today. The spacecraft flew past Hartley 2 -- taking closeup pictures after the comet made one of its closest passes by Earth this week. But one expert is skeptical of reports that any fireballs came from Hartley -- which is roughly 1.2 kilometres wide and spews deadly cyanide gas. Scientist Peter Brown says his meteor group at the University of Western Ontario tracked one of two fireballs while the other was tracked by NASA's Meteoroid Environment Office."

Give it to me NOW! Why being angry can make you want something more
Daily Mail, 3rd November 2010
Linking an object with anger actually makes people want it even more, scientists have discovered. Being angry activates an area on the left side of the brain that is associated with many positive emotions, according to the study.

And just like positive emotions, it can motivate people to try harder to achieve something, according to research published in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science.

Maybe, becoming angry helps to reconfigure the human energy field enough to release emotional energy that can be used to push us forward. That's the conclusion I have come to from my own experiences.

NASA's Fermi Finds Giant, Previously Unseen Structure In Our Galaxy
NASA News, 2nd November 2010
WASHINGTON -- NASA will hold a media teleconference at 2:30 p.m. EST on Tuesday, Nov. 9, to discuss a new discovery by the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope. Gamma rays are the highest-energy form of light. The soon-to-be published findings include the discovery of enormous but previously unrecognized "gamma-ray bubbles" centered in the Milky Way.

I did see this announcement yesterday, but I was sent a prompt by a website regular and so I took this as a hint that it should go into the blog. People are are quite excited, so we will have to see what NASA have to say...

Breakthrough: Scientists harness the power of electricity in the brain
Maxhines Like Us, 2nd November 2010
Researchers at the school and colleagues from the Swartz Center for Computational Neuroscience at the University of California, San Diego have developed technology that for the first time allows doctors and scientists to noninvasively isolate and measure electrical brain activity in moving people.

This technology is a key component of the kind of brain-computer interfaces that would allow a robotic exoskeleton controlled by a patient's thoughts to move that patient's limb, said Daniel Ferris, associate professor in the School of Kinesiology and author of a trio of papers detailing the research.

"Of course that is not going to happen soon but a step toward being able to do that is the ability to record brain waves while somebody is moving around," said Joe Gwin, first author on the papers and a graduate research fellow in the School of Kinesiology and the Department of Mechanical Engineering.

I need to do some more reading but, I' m not confident. It's really apparent to me that there will be many problems due to Space Weather, Earth's flaky magnetic field that at times provides NO shielding from the cosmos and geomagnetic storms generating fluctuating electric currents in the atmosphere and in the ground which means that humanity has many different major issues of environmental Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) to deal with. The following is a well reported accident:

Austrian with high-tech robot arm dies after crash, 22nd October 2010
"Christian Kandlbauer lost both arms in an electrical accident in 2005 but was able to live a largely normal life thanks to a mind-controlled robotic prosthetic left arm and a normal prosthesis in place of his right arm. The 22-year-old died Thursday, Oct. 21, 2010 said Andreas Waltensdorfer, a senior physician at a hospital in the southern city of Graz, where Kandlbauer had been in intensive care since Tuesday, the day of the crash. [...] Kandlbauer was the first person outside the United States to wear the innovative, robotic limb that recognized signals from his brain and moved accordingly, said Otto Bock of HealthCare Products GmbH that produced the prothesis."

Glowing Jellyfish Cells Can Detect Cancers
Yahoo News, 2nd Novemberr 2010
Scientists put fluorescent proteins from a common jellyfish into human cancer cells then use a special camera to find them.

A team from the Yorkshire Cancer Research Laboratory at York University has developed the procedure and its leader, Professor Norman Maitland, believes it will revolutionise the way some cancers are diagnosed.

"Cancers deep within the body are difficult to spot at an early stage, and early diagnosis is critical for the successful treatment of any form of cancer," he said.

There is a nice video of these glowing jelly fish and it's a reminder of what is now being seen in the skies on a regular basis. I have been updating my book and it has struck me that scientists now talk about a 'wavicle' – a particle and a wave. Dr. John Archibald Wheeler, 90, professor emeritus of physics at Princeton and the University of Texas describes this wavicle as a ‘great smokey dragon’, because in the quantum state, we can never be certain of where of a particle like an electron exists. The first time I saw a visual of this wavicle, I went into a state of shock and awe, it was amazing to me just how far the science has moved on... What's more, this is a good example of how basic energetic structures are duplicated in the universe up to many orders of magnitude. So, back to the practicalities. Despite the resistance to acknowledging the facts, the evidence points to Earth's atmosphere hosting a cosmic aquarium with some BIG wavicles floating around.

VIDEO: Is this a UFO in East Croydon? [London, UK]
This is Local London News, 2nd November 2010
On Halloween night, ghouls and witches weren't the only thing haunting Croydon's skies. East Croydon residents Malcolm and Kim were in their garden, taking pictures of their prize pumpkins, when they looked into the sky and saw several UFOs.

The slow, ethereal lights, drifted across the sky and formed into a line before the lead light shot off. [...] "While we were outside we saw very strange aircraft lighting in a diamond shape. "There were four lights to start. They started to form a straight line and then we noticed a fifth light.

I thought I would point out this report and video for different reasons. First we have a good video of some bright orbs in the sky that are in a diamond formation but then change their configuration into an approx. straight line. Chinese lanterns cannot do that, unless they are remote controlled and at this moment in time, I do not believe this type of highly advanced Chinese lantern is available for purchase anywhere in the world, but I could be wrong. Secondly, I was very impressed with these nice English people who when confronted by the appearance of another lifeform in their backyard, they do not feel the need to cuss and swear (despite the fact they think that any strange bright light in the sky MUST be an alien spacecraft, due to their lack of education related to plasma phenomena), but instead, politely discuss their surprise, or at least they edited the footage before they gave it to the mainstream media....

New Comment:
A few days ago, I made the above comments because I was wanted to point out that so far, many people are coping brilliantly well with the dimensional shift. However, the following report and video is at the other end of the reaction spectrum. Not to give away too much detail, we have an American style 'Mad Max' UFO chase. If you don't want to listen to profanities, cussing, swearing and over excitedness, then DO NOT watch this video!

Garden Grove UFO Chased By Police Convoy
UFO Digest, 3rd November 2010
When you watch the video, maybe you will agree that the headline is misleading and the police convoy was completely unrelated, but it might be more appropirate to link this with the known UAP "critter" mentality of playing tag with planes, trains, cars and boats!

New Giant Butterfly Sighting
Cryptomundo, 1st November 2010
Has there been another strange sighting as before, but in Arizona instead of California?

There apparently has been another “Giant Butterfly” sighting, similar to the previous reported one here.

[...] What the Arizona sighting describes is a ‘BLACK CIRCLE WITHIN A YELLOWISH CIRCLE. THE YELLOW BEING THIN AND THE BLACK THE CENTER…on the underside of the wings. Not many flying creatures have this marking under their wings with the exception of the OWL BUTTERFLY. If one views photos of the wings of the OWL BUTTERFLY, it will see that these same markings when seen from below, look like eyes and that is how the OWL BUTTERFLY is able to ward off larger birds.

It has the appearance of an owl staring down at them. But my sighting in California and the Arizona sighting were of an enormous butterfly…or an object that looked and flew like one…but the markings of the OWL BUTTERFLY are hard to shake…could this actually be a gigantic owl butterfly?. Whether this creature is indeed an enormous tride and true butterfly..owl butterfly species or some kind of butterfly creature from another realm of reality or some lost cave in Australia, its presence could mean quite the contrary to an unsettling future.

Hope?..a blessing of some kind?..a metamorphasis for the earth as a butterfly symbolizes as we enter a new age?..this sort of symbolism doesn’t seem to dwell well with the usual crop of doom and gloomers though but it is just as genuine an offer as earthquakes and disasters. Hopefully even more credible sightings will come in on the giant butterfly with some genuine video or photographs.

The cryptologists are soon going to become very busy... Maybe there should be no surprise that people think that these type of strange sightings are a harbinger of doom, as these beliefs run very deep...

Video: Landslide devastates Manaus port
Cargo Systems, 1st November 2010
Dramatic video footage has emerged showing the moment a landslide ripped through the Amazonian port of Chibatão, Manaus, Brazil.

The security camera footage shows the torrential flows of mud that swept through the riverside container terminal in the late morning of Sunday 17 October as maintenance work was being carried out.

Two port workers – 31-year-old Pedro Paulo, and 63-year-old Sílvio Barbosa Silva – were confirmed as missing. However, Carlos Gonzaga, president of Sindicargas, the local stevedores union, said he believed at least 10 people could had been swept to their deaths.

A 300-metre crack occurred along the length of the privately owned river terminal as large areas of the terminal patio gave way and crumbled into the river during the disaster, with containers, chassis and port equipment also swept away.

MSM Blackout? There seems to be a blackout in the mainstream media about this event which took place about three weeks ago! Yet, the video is quite stunning! This following news report video [1:50], is of the clean-up operation, the quality is quite good, but it does not give a clear scale of the disaster: Busca por corpos continua no Porto Chibatão

Indonesia volcano shoots new blast; 21 more rumble
Yahoo News, 1st November 2010
Bandung. Twenty-one volcanoes across Indonesia could erupt at any time, leading to natural disasters, officials have warned. [...]

The government has raised alert levels of 21 other volcanos to the second- and third- highest levels in the last two months because they have shown an increase in activity, said Syamsul Rizal, a state volcanologist, said Monday. Many of those are already rumbling and belching out heavy black ash.

Indonesia has several volcanos smoldering at any given time, but another government volcanologist, Gede Swantika, said that normally only five to 10 would be at the third-highest alert level — which indicates an increase in seismic activity and visible changes in the crater. It is rare for any to be at second-highest — which signifies an eruption is possible within two weeks. He said monitors noticed more volcanos were exhibiting seismic activity starting Sept. 2.

Geophysicist Pall Einarsson of the University of Iceland said that such an increase could be an indication that some of the volcanos — if any are very close — could be affecting one another. He said this idea is a new one for volcanologists, but they are increasingly seeing evidence of interplay between neighboring mountains.

Geologists have been saying that these 21 volcanoes were ready to erupt a month ago and now they are all rumbling, that is completely amazing. Yes, we are seeing some major eruptions but 21 in one region? Th idea of plate restructuring would have major implications and we would have to wonder about what else could happen...

21 Volcanoes Across Country Ready to Erupt
Jakarta Globe, 1st October 2010
"Anak Krakatau is the remnant of Krakatau, whose violent eruption in August 1883 killed an estimated 40,000 people and was heard up to 5,000 kilometers away. The eruption caused tsunamis as far away as South Africa, and resulted in global temperatures dropping by more than 1 degree Celsius."

Lies, Damned Lies, and Medical Science
The Atlantic, 1st November 2010
Much of what medical researchers conclude in their studies is misleading, exaggerated, or flat-out wrong. So why are doctors—to a striking extent—still drawing upon misinformation in their everyday practice? Dr. John Ioannidis has spent his career challenging his peers by exposing their bad science. [...]

That question has been central to Ioannidis’s career. He’s what’s known as a meta-researcher, and he’s become one of the world’s foremost experts on the credibility of medical research. He and his team have shown, again and again, and in many different ways, that much of what biomedical researchers conclude in published studies—conclusions that doctors keep in mind when they prescribe antibiotics or blood-pressure medication, or when they advise us to consume more fiber or less meat, or when they recommend surgery for heart disease or back pain—is misleading, exaggerated, and often flat-out wrong. He charges that as much as 90 percent of the published medical information that doctors rely on is flawed.

His work has been widely accepted by the medical community; it has been published in the field’s top journals, where it is heavily cited; and he is a big draw at conferences. Given this exposure, and the fact that his work broadly targets everyone else’s work in medicine, as well as everything that physicians do and all the health advice we get, Ioannidis may be one of the most influential scientists alive. Yet for all his influence, he worries that the field of medical research is so pervasively flawed, and so riddled with conflicts of interest, that it might be chronically resistant to change—or even to publicly admitting that there’s a problem.

New Comment:
After reading all of this article, I would say this is the most serious condemnation of the currently pervasive junk science that I have come across in many years. Totally sobering! What's more, despite the condemnation by Dr John Ioannidis, who has seriously challenged the medical and scientific establishment, he has now become a hero! Completely and utter amazing!

Old Comment:
As the surge of new energies reaches new heights, there is also an associated shift in human consciousness. Hence, more people are starting to think differently as a sign of human development and evolution, most importantly, integrity becomes more of a major issue... Simply, many people have much less tolerance for lies and deceit. Hence, this type of article is appearing in many different areas of science and voices are becoming more strident. The following short video [7:19] is by the author of the book Confessions of an Rx Drug Pusher. I have n, but the same message has been going out for decades from many different health experts.

Gwen Olsen, the enlightened ex-pharma rep
Beyond Meds, March 2008

Huge gaping crater in residential area
Spiegel Online, 1st November 2010
Google Translation: It is an area the size of a swimming pool: Schmalkalden in Thuringia in the middle of a residential area has a huge hole in the ground opened in. A car crashed into the crater, the residents of the adjacent houses were brought in safety.

Schmalkalden / Suhl - a nearly 40 by 15 meters large crater has formed in the middle of a residential area in Thuringia, Schmalkalden. According to police the earth sank suddenly during the night approximately 3:00 clock. A local resident had heard noises and alerted the police.

According to initial estimates from the police, the crater is 20 to 25 meters deep. At least one car crashed into the hole. No one was injured, according to initial information. 23 people from five surrounding buildings had to leave their homes. Further evacuations are to follow, according to the police spokesman.

More sinkholes appearing, and no explanations as to why... A series of images & more...

Video: Huge holes opened up in German town, 1st November 2010
translated from Norewegian

Corriere della Sera - Photo of the Day
Corriere della Sera, 01 Novembre 2010

Massive crater swallows car in Germany, 2nd November 2010


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Susan Joy Rennison quotes:

“Space Weather is now a fact of life.”

“We are all astronauts now!”

Tuning The Diamonds,
September 2006

“We must spiritually evolve as part of the new terms & conditions for living on Earth.”

Joyfire Tour – Evolutionary Change, December 2006

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News of the Imbalance,
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NASA Press Release:

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“We're on the threshold of a new era in which space weather can be as influential in our daily lives as ordinary terrestrial weather.”

As the Sun Awakens, NASA Keeps a Wary Eye on Space Weather
NASA News, 4th June 2010

White House Executive Order:

“Space weather has the potential to simultaneously affect and disrupt health and safety across entire continents. Successfully preparing for space weather events is an all-of-nation endeavor that requires partnerships across governments, emergency managers, academia, the media, the insurance industry, non-profits, and the private sector.”

Executive Order –– Coordinating Efforts to Prepare the Nation for Space Weather Events
The White House, 13th October 2016

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